#i even bonded with a person i had just met that day to a point where i was much less shy than usual and made silly jokes and all that-
hpalways · 2 days
Pining Over You
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru x GN!Reader
Warnings: None!
Gojo Satoru
In all his days of living, he had never met someone like you. In his 28 years on this planet, he experienced a lot, but somehow, none of them compared to the person whose name melted at the tip of his tongue -- yours, [Surname] [Name]. And he wasn't sure what to do about it.
He was Gojo Satoru. The strongest jujutsu sorcerer, and he always knew that. So why was he getting caught up by a nobody like you?
Well, you weren't exactly a nobody. You were a fellow sorcerer, a grade 1 sorcerer actually. You were quite capable in this society, withholding enough support during missions and ensuring everyone's safety.
Somehow, even though you weren't the strongest sorcerer, like him, everyone always grew more confident and comfortable when you arrived to the scene of the battle.
He wondered how you did that.
He actually hated you at first, annoyed by how bossy and sure you were at your job. But somewhere in the lines of hate, he found himself thinking about you, his interest never once waning. He found himself thinking about your smile, your optimism, and your quiet strength. He would worry when you would not show up for a while after a certain risky mission, and feel his bones itch to go try and save you. Then, he would feel stupid as shit when you do end up showing, safe from harm and carefree as day.
Thus, the cycle repeated.
"What? Are you here to try to tell me to do my job again?" you asked him, standing there in the dark alley to exorcise curses. Your words didn't attack him necessarily -- actually, you seemed to be quite amused, your lips curved into a lopsided smile.
That was the thing. His disdain for you in the beginning was not met. You always greeted him kindly, not at all offended by his petty behavior. Maybe it was because you kept it up professional, drawing this invisible line to stop him. After all, you were the bigger person.
"Now why would I do that? I would never do that to you," he said, scoffing.
"Okay buddy." Your brows raised.
His body moved on its accord. His fingers hovered in the air for a moment, before reaching your [h/c] hair.
"What is it?" you asked, eyes growing wide.
He didn't realize how close he suddenly got to you, your breath intermingling, one and the same. "There was something in your hair."
Your lips were close -- the very same lips he envisioned kissing. Just one lean in and the gap would be closed. His heartbeat pounded in his chest, so loud he could swear you would hear.
No, no, no. He could not let these feelings be known.
He was the strongest sorcerer -- you were a nobody... his nobody.
That was a recipe spelled for disaster.
He pulled away, only wishing to be pulled in by your warmth again. He wished... oh how he wished. What was the point of being the strongest if he couldn't give into his desires? What was the point of it all if he couldn't be embraced by you? There were too many expectations... too many rules... that he never used to mind, but now, all was changed.
"Thank you," you told him, grinning as bright as the sun.
His ears felt hot, so he turned his head away. He wished you didn't grin brightly as such. It was undeserved.
Geto Suguru
The woes of his technique were having to sink to the ocean floor, buried in the mass of curses he was forced to ingest. It was a dark and lonely atmosphere, lack of life and companionship.
And that was when he let it loose, exhausted of the bonds that kept his down as a jujutsu sorcerer.
Because why... must he serve to these monkeys? All they added to this world was the endless mounds of curses. It was disgusting.
But you...
How did you sneak up on him like this? He could not, would not, dare not give into the temptations that you had caused him. What kind of torment were you dealing him with?
You were not a jujutsu sorcerer. You were a mere human, a catalyst for curses. He should hate you. And he would hate you.
The few times he tried to kill you, for the sake of his lifelong dream, he could not. What made you different than any other? So what was stopping him from doing the deed? It was despicable, making him sick of himself, from how weak he was.
"Suguru..." you said, smiling softly, your voice a gentle melody to his ears. Your fingers wove into his long, dark strands, twisting them into one another, into a braid. "Did you have a good day today?"
He nodded slowly, thinking back to the process he made with Yuta. It was getting closer and closer, though not quite there yet. And he was fine with that. He was a patient man. "It's been fine." He glanced your way, imagining the curve of his fingers wrapping around your neck to squeeze the life out of you. Then it flipped like a switch, and suddenly he found himself imagining himself kissing you and cradling you into his arms.
Fuck. Hurling his head away, he clenched his hands so tight his knuckles grew white.
That one fateful day. Where you arrived at his front steps, pleading, begging for a place to stay. You were near homeless, going through it with the loss of your job and home. He should have killed you then and there. But the look in your eyes... they reminded of his... this longing and desperation to escape your doom.
And still, no curse brought upon you, because for some reason, you didn't let the past catch up to you, thankful for each and every day.
You were even thankful to him.
He wished he never took you in, thinking it would make no difference, considering he was going to use you and then kill you.
Because that had left him a dilemma.
The dilemma of wanting you.
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starchild--27 · 1 year
lol you know what, yesterday i went out with more than two people, as a group of friends/friend-ish people, for the first time in 3 years? 3 ½ years? that actually sounds so fucked up, but that's what my loner-tendencies did to me. and maybe the pandemic.
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daydreaming-nerd · 24 days
The Prophecy (Lucien Vanserra x Rhys! Sister)/(Azriel x Rhys! Sister)?
Part 2,
Part 3 (Lucien's Version)
Part 3 ( Azriel's Version)
AN: I’ve had this idea for a while but after hearing “The Prophecy” on The Tortured Poets Department I was finally feeling inspired to write it. You guys have no idea how much that album is about to influence my writing. Also I have no idea how this is gonna end lol.
Summary: The only thing worse than having Azriel not know about the bond is watching him and Elain carry on like she doesn’t have a mate as well. Lucien and you have been long time friends but things change after one fateful starfall celebration. It’s not wrong if both of your mates don’t want you right? 
Warnings: smut, unrequited love, situationship, fluff, Lucien is literally and angel I love him sm, did not edit (I am tired)
Word count: 3734
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“Please, I've been on my knees. Change the prophecy. Don't want money just someone who wants my company…”
I had known the youngest Vanserra for a while now. I can recall the first time I met him on a lovely day  in the spring court when I was visiting with my brother. The man was more than charming, his words nearly had me buckling at the knees. It was around the same time that I had found out that my brother's close friend Azriel was my mate.
I remember the bond snapping like it was yesterday. We were celebrating solstice in the Hewn City and my feet were nearly black and blue from the amount of drunk men stepping on them while dancing. I was about to ask my brother to take me home when Azriel stepped in and quite literally swept me off my feet. He let me stand on his toes and waltz around the room with him all night to ensure that he himself wouldn’t hurt my feet. At some point in the night the bond snapped and I had never been so happy. 
Azriel and I had been friends for over 100 years and I had secretly harbored feelings for him for at least 75 of them. To have my brother's best friend as my mate felt like fate. I didn’t tell him that night, something I have regretted for the last 400 years. 
Not long after that he rescued Mor and any sparks I thought he felt with me that night were long gone. From that day on all he did was pine for her. I couldn’t blame him, Mor was astonishingly beautiful. For a long time after he saved her I resented her, I felt like she had taken my mate from me. It wasn’t until I realized that she wanted nothing to do with the shadowsinger that my hatred for my cousin dissipated. It wasn’t her fault that Azriel was so smitten with her. It was my fault for not telling him, but now it had been so long since the bond snapped that it seemed weird to bring it up.  
So I sat dutifully by his side whenever  he needed someone to rant to about Mor. It practically ripped out my heart to  hear him talk about how in love with her he was. I was the only person he would open up to like that.  He would spend hours asking me for advice on how to woo her, and I grinned and bore it because, at the end of the day, I got to spend time with him.
I had been playing the girl best friend for hundreds of years. The moment I started to feel like he might be losing feelings for Mor in walked Elain. The beautiful sister of my brother's mate. What's worse? She seemed interested in Azriel as well. 
Elain was easy to hate. Not just for her flirtations with Azriel but for the way she treated Lucien, her mate. Lucien had so much love for the Archeron, and she waved him off without another thought. I might be able to understand her reluctance to accept the bond if Lucien was a brute of a male, but he wasn’t. He was soft, kind and easy on the eyes.
I found him tossing rocks into the Sidra one day, no doubt pining over how Elain had barley even acknowledged the flowers he picked for her. That’s when I told him about Azriel and I’s bond. From that moment on we spent a great deal of time together, ranting about our unaccepted mating bonds. Even though we spent most of the time bitching, there was happiness. More than I had felt in a while. 
Then starfall came…and everything changed. 
“You look far too stunning not to be walking in with a date,” Lucien drawled to me from the outside of the townhouse. 
I had spent all day getting ready for the annual party tonight. My dress was chosen specifically to catch Azriel’s attention, not that I felt like I would succeed. 
“Well finding a date is harder than you think, especially at this hour,” I laugh as I walk through the gate he opened for me. 
“Then indulge me,” he said. I turned to find him offering me an arm. 
“You want to be my date?” I laugh light heartedly, admittedly smitten by the autumn court male. 
“It’s a little last minute but I would be honored to walk into that room with you on my arm,” he said fondly. 
I smiled and shook my head at the male before looping my  arm in his and allowing him to lead me up the steps to the front door. 
“You know, you clean up pretty well Lu,” I cock an eyebrow bumping into him. 
“Thanks, your brother sets a pretty high standard as far as attire for this thing. Who knew he was such a fashionista?” Lucien grins before walking in the door arm and arm with me. I don’t even bother stifling the laugh I let out. 
The room nearly fell silent at our entrance. Sure Lucien and I were close and everyone knew, but they had never seen us like this. Even Az and Elain stopped their oh so intriguing conversation to ogle. I swore I saw anger flit across Elain’s eyes, like she was dead set on owning both Az and Lucien. 
Lucien and I spent the evening as wallflowers, doing our best to stay away from all the happy couples. We had even gotten to the point where we grabbed a bottle of wine off the table and brought it over to our couch, both of us tired of constantly getting up and down for refills. 
It wasn’t until Az and Elain not so subtly got up and walked onto the balcony that we decided we had tortured ourselves enough. We promptly grabbed the bottle of wine and waltzed out of the townhouse not even bothering to say goodbye. I supposed it was that exact bottle that did us in. 
I placed my hand on my apartment door, swaying slightly from the alcohol rushing to my head. Lucein’s hand found my hip, steadying me. While I assured him I would be fine to walk home alone, he insisted he came with me. 
“Thanks,” I laughed unlocking the door. 
“You’re welcome,” he chuckles, wobbling himself. 
“I had a really good time with you tonight,” I say, placing a hand on his chest to steady myself.
“I had a good time too,” he smiled. 
It wasn’t until that moment that I realized how close we were. Lucien looked down at me, the moonlight illuminating his face perfectly. The sudden tension between us was broken when he crashed his lips on mine. 
One thing led to another and the next thing I knew I was lying bare beneath him as he fucked me like his life depended on it. I didn’t realize how badly I needed to get laid until he was buried inside me. Needless to say I understood why people said the Autumn Court males have fire in their blood. 
That was a year ago and since then Lucien and I had decided to continue seeing each other in secret, both of us needing a way to release built up tension so to say. He often stayed the night and we would spend long hours talking about everything from the books we were reading to politics. The sex was amazing, for both of us, but it was the intimacy that came after that I think we both craved the most. An intimacy I would be seeking out shortly given the current topic of conversation between Azriel and I. 
“Gods the other day she was weaning a light blue dress in the garden and I nearly fell to my knees before her,” Azriel ranted to me. 
He had been going on and on about whether or not he wanted to finally make a move on Elain or not. And as his best friend I had to hear about every word of it.
“I saw it, it was a very pretty dress,” I acknowledge, turning the page of the book I was reading. 
“I swear she blushed when I complimented it too, I think I’m making progress with her,” he went on to say. 
“Maybe you should just put yourself out of your misery and talk to her Az,” I suggested for probably the tenth time. 
“You know I can’t just barrel in there. She’s scared and I’m not going to freak her out even more. She will come to me when she’s ready. If she’s ready. Gods that’s assuming she even likes me,” he rambled. 
I roll my eyes and shut my book so loudly it pulls the shadow singers attention. I give him a pointed look that has him startling back just a bit. 
“I know that she likes you Az,” I deadpan. 
“How can you be sure though?” he asks, throwing his head back on the arm of the couch. 
“Because she would be an idiot not to,” I say with a hint of sadness. 
Azriel looked to be at a loss for words, and I realized my words were much bolder than I had wanted them to be. 
Clearing my throat I set my book down on the side table, knowing it will be waiting for me when I come back to my brother’s tomorrow. I stand and subtly adjust my dress.  
“I have to go, but seriously Az, just tell her,” I say walking over to press a kiss to his forehead. 
As I got to walk away I feel him grab my hand, placing a kiss to my open palm, “Thank you for listening y/n, really.” he says earnestly . 
“Don’t worry  about it Az, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say with a fake smile before setting off towards my modest home. 
When Feyre moved into the townhouse I took it as my queue to move out, knowing my brother and his new mate would want privacy. Of course Rhysand offered me mansions and villas but I was content with a townhouse of my own in the middle of town. Big enough to have my own home library, and small enough to not feel so lonely. 
I make my way down the cobblestone streets, the faelights casting a warm glow on the ground before me. It was late, and many couples were turning in for the night. I could see some cuddled up on their sofa’s through their windows, others were having a nightcap together outside Rita’s. I saw a couple rocking their newborn baby to sleep on the second floor of their home, and for some reason, that was the one that hurt the most to me.
I sighed as I walked up a few steps to my townhouse door. I unlocked the door and was greeted to the smell of jasmine and vanilla and the sound of a cracking fire. I walk up my steps to find Lucien sitting shirtless on my large bed, his hair in a bun at the nape of his neck. The male was the image of relaxation. 
I had given him a key months ago. With the males many jobs, emissary to the night court, ally to Jurian and Vassa,  and liaison to Tamlin, he needed a place to truly call home. For the past 9 months that had been here, with me. I never once objected to his subtle moving in, it was nice to come home to someone waiting for me, sometimes even a homemade meal. For him it was nice to have a  place where he didn’t always have to put on a front. It was a win for both of us. 
“When did you get in?” I ask kicking off my shoes. 
“Just a couple hours ago. How was Azriel duty?” he asked, setting his book down as I began to strip off my cloak and dress leaving me only in my lingerie. It wasn’t uncommon for us to be so casual with one another. 
“Exhausting, did you know that Elain wore a pretty blue dress the other day?” I mocked tossing my clothes into a dirty clothes bin, I noticed his missing shirt was there too.
“Unfortunately yes I did,” he chuckled. “You know what always makes me feel better though?” he smirks. 
“I crawl up the bed towards him, “What?” I smile knowing what the answer will be. 
“You,” he smirks, grabbing my hips and pinning me to the mattress beneath him, his lips pressing to mine. 
“How funny I was about to say the same thing,” I laugh, feeling his lips tickle my neck as he makes his way further down my body. 
His mouth trails the inside of my thighs before sliding my panties down my legs, each brush of his fingers from my hips to my ankles feeling like heaven. The male had been gone for a week, and I was desperate for release. He licks a long stripe up my center, flicking his tongue over the bundle of nerves at the top. My back arches off the bed and his hands find my waist to pin me down. I feel his tongue begin to lap at my clit as his fingers slide into me, no doubt finding the pool of wetness waiting there. 
This is what me and Lu had always been good at, reading each other. When he had a stressful day  I always made sure to make him feel good, and when I came back to the house upset he never hesitated to get on his knees for me. There was this unsaid rule that we would always take care of eachother. 
Lucien’s tongue continues lapping my clit as his fingers curl to hit that spot inside of me that had me gasping for air. As I started to feel myself getting closer and closer he removed his mouth from me, drawing his fingers out slowly. One thing about hooking up for a year? You learn to read each other's bodies, and lord did the seventh son of Autumn know how to read mine. 
“Lu!” I cry out frustrated. 
“Shhh my darling,” he coos crawling up my body. “I simply want to cum with you tonight.” he smirked, seething himself inside of me. 
“Oh gods!” I cry feeling him fill me thoroughly. 
He pulls out and thrusts back in causing me to whimper once more. Mor was right about one thing, the autumn court males have fire in their blood and they fuck like it too. 
“I missed you, missed this,” Lucien groans, his face contorted in pleasure as he builds a steady pace. 
“I missed you too Lu,” I say through ragged breaths as he fucks into me like his life depends on it. Apparently the time apart made him needy as well. 
I could hardly speak as he thrust deeper into me, his hands on my waist holding me steady so tha he could hit me as deep as possible. When I felt myself start to clench around him he doubled over, burying his head in my neck as his hips continued to snap into me.
My hands found his back clinging to the flesh there for an anchor, my walls fluttering around him one last time before I fell apart.The sudden sensation had Lucien biting my neck as he came with a low groan. 
We spent a few moments catching our breaths, he pushed up on his arms and moved a stray hair from my face, assessing to see if he had hurt me, just like he always did.  When he found no traces of pain in my face he rolled over, taking me with him so that I was lying on his chest. 
This was always the part I think we both craved the most. The sex was great, amazing even. But I longed for a pair of arms to fall asleep in, and he longed for someone to hold. Meaningless pillowtalk just for fun.
“I mean it, I did miss you,” I sigh circling my arms around his waist. 
“I missed you too, I hate sleeping in the spring court, it’s so cold and dark there now.” Lucien said, staring at the ceiling. 
“How is Tamlin?” I ask, already knowing the answer.
“Terrible,” he muttered. “I had to talk him into letting me stay.”  He continues playing with the ends of my hair. 
“You’re a good friend for checking in on him though,” I say matter of factly. 
“I still wish I could do more,” he sighs, pulling the covers up on the two of us.
“I understand,” I mutter keeping my head on his chest, staring at the fire that roars next to us. 
A long beat of comfortable silence passes, normally I would fall asleep like this. I would sometimes wake to him being gone, sometimes he would wake to me being gone. Only on weekends would both be able to wake up and go to breakfast together. This was one of those weekends, but instead of falling asleep, Lucien spoke up. 
“Can I ask you something?” he asked, not taking his gaze from the ceiling. 
“Sure,” I reply, waiting for a nonchalant inquiry. It wasn’t the first time he and I had played 20 questions to get to know each other more, though I thought that after a year of it we knew just about everything there was to know about the other. 
“Would you agree that Azriel and Elain are never going to give us a chance?” he asked. 
My heart twinges hearing his name, “Well Az doesn’t know, but even if he did I don’t think he would care. I’m not damsel in distress enough for him.” I snort recalling the unconscious type he has.
“I feel the same about Elain, and there’s something I’ve been thinking about, especially this past week,” he continues still facing the ceiling. 
I prop my head up on his chest wanting to read his face and his eyes flit to me, “Cryptic Vanserra, but go on,” I laugh trying to break the tension. 
“I’ve always been fond of you y/n ever since you visited the spring court all those years ago. Now that I’ve gotten to know you, that admiration has only grown, not to mention you’re a very beautiful female y/n,” he laughs at his own words, a tint of pink dusting his cheek and I can’t help but blush as well. “From the amount of time we’ve been spending together it seems you like me enough, and well…I don’t want to be alone anymore,” he says seemingly avoiding his main point. 
I sit up more, intrigued by his words, “What do you mean Lu?” I inquire. 
“I was wondering if you would like to be Mrs. Lucien Vanserra?” he finally says and my heart nearly stops at the shocking words. “I know I’m not Azriel, but consider me an alternative. I think we could make eachother genuinely happy, maybe help each other enjoy whatever we have left of this miserable life?” he asks, his voice laced with uncertainty. 
I let his words sink in as I stare at the bit of wall behind him. As I consider all that he’s said I realize that he’s right, we do get along. I had spent years trying to find a male to fill the hole Azriel put in my  life, but it always felt wrong. It was as if I was taking someone else’s mate, even when the males didn’t have mates.  It didn’t feel wrong being with Lucien because I knew that his mate also didn’t want anything to do with him. 
I was tired of not always having someone to come home to. Not having someone to go to events with. Not having someone to spend holidays with. Not having someone to call my own. I was tired of being alone, especially since I had been alone for about 400 years, but no longer. 
I smile down at Lucien’s nervous face, “I would be honored to be your wife,” I say. 
“You would?” he beams. 
“I would,” I repeated back to him. “You’re right, we do get along, and I’m tired of being alone too.” 
He presses his lips to mine, both of us smiling into the kiss. We would never fill the sadness of a rejected mating bond, but we would be there for one another. I lay my  head down on his chest again, feeling the sleep come into my eyes. 
“How should we do it?” he asked, tracing shapes on my bare back.
“Hmm,” I thought for a moment. A big wedding seemed odd considering we weren’t mates or anything close to it. Eloping seemed more proper. “I think we should keep it small.”
“Do we tell them?” He ponders the most awkward question.
“We can tell them, but we don’t need to invite them. It can be a modified elopement, they will all know but we can just invite my brother and Feyre, that way we both have family there.” I answer snuggling into his warmth more. 
“By the Cauldron I have to tell your brother I’ve been sleeping with you for over a year,” Lucien said anxiously, running a hand down his face. 
I can’t help but laugh at his stress, “He might be a little mad, but I’m sure Feyre will be so excited about it that he won’t care.” I giggle. 
I feel his body relax under my cheek, no doubt realizing that whatever the High Lady says will be law. He slides a red and gold ring off his pinky finger and slips it onto my left hand. 
“Here, it’s a family ring,” he explains looking at the gaudy ring on  my hand. While it fits on my finger well the jewel on it takes up my whole hand and looks unnatural. “I know I’m not part of the Autumn Court anymore but it’s all I have.” he continues.
“It’s perfect,” I laugh, inspecting the ill-fitting thing, “it’s an outcast just like us.”
Lucien's soft chuckle escapes him as he plants a gentle kiss atop my head. Tomorrow promises its usual dose of chaos, but that's a concern for another day. Tonight, here in bed with my fiancé, though this isn't the life I envisioned, I find myself flooded with a happiness I haven't felt in ages.
Part 2,
Part 3 (Lucien's Version)
Part 3 ( Azriel's Version)
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always @crystalferret202
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AITA for not having time to read my mutual's writing?
Met a mutual on here, bonded through fanfic, have been tight with them for a few years with pretty much no bumps in the relationship, just overall had a really good time hanging around them when I could. We both write a lot and share our writing, and occasionally we talk about that writing/workshop it in passing.
In the past few years I've gone through a ton of life changes. Most notably I went from a multi-person household to a single-person one, and I've been living alone in a prohibitively costly city for a while now working 40 hour weeks and barely scraping by. As soon as the transition started I spent the last of my free income on a shitty little laptop so I could still write, putting down words on my bus/train commutes in the morning and quite literally writing on my breaks at work because I feel insane when I can't create. I bring this up to really stress that I don't have the time for the hobby, I force myself to make the time and even then it never feels like enough.
The only thing I can really stand to do with my 3 hours of free time at night is hang out with my moots online. I'm an extrovert so being around people recharges me. If I don't have designated social time I get super depressed and can pretty much feel my soul withering away. I also feel like I should probably mention that I kinda have a slew of mental issues, personality disorders and PTSD and AuDHD and the works. Point being, shit is rough my dude, but I am a person who likes to work hard and face challenges head on and even though we strugglin, we doing it with a positive outlook.
But! I am an incredibly solution-oriented person and I have found what I personally believe to be a good balance. No one should have to live like this, but I do, and I have found a way to be happy. My writing and my social time is all load-bearing. It is not something I just choose to do on a whim, it's all planned and scheduled and I adhere to those routines very strictly because, I cannot stress this enough, I will go fucking bonkers if I don't.
I'm mutuals with a lot of writers obv, and I sadly don't have time to read their work anymore, unless I get some extra time on my days off or something gets cancelled or like, I end up taking a vacation. I carry a great amount of guilt for this, though, even though I logically know it's reasonable. I try to support them where I can, cheer them on when I see them writing and tell them how cool their ideas sound, hype them up even when I can't actually read & review.
One of the things I do is sometimes I leave a kudos on fic I haven't read. I'm not trying to be ingenuine, and if they asked me I'd tell them like 'Oh I didn't read it yet, just wanted to show support!' but to me it's kinda like ripping a paper tab off a poster so that other's feel inclined to do the same. Plus my pals get a little email and a hit of serotonin.
Except one of my acquaintances, the one I mentioned at the start here, saw that I left kudos on a couple pieces another mutual of mine wrote this year. They more or less blew up my DMs with a ton of accusatory (like, literally presented like a 'GOTCHA!') stuff about how I was selective in who's fic I read, more or less implying that I secretly held some sort of grudge or negative feeling toward them and was making the conscious decision not to read or interact with their writing because of. Something, I don't actually know what they were trying to say. They also told me they vented to their friends about this MULTIPLE times, but they never once approached me to let me know they were feeling paranoid or neglected, they literally just took the most bad faith reading of it possible and then presented that to me like it was something I intentionally did, while the whole time I was unaware.
I tried to explain to them the kudos thing, that I didn't do it to every story, just ones I caught/noticed in my busy schedule. And I laid all this out and asked, multiple times, what free time am I supposed to read with? They didn't answer, and doubled down, kept trying to show me 'proof' that I was shorting them and no one else. Once they started to realize how wrong they were they backed down, but they didn't really apologize, or admit they were wrong, and they tried to end our relationship and left every single server we were in together. Because of some other unrelated stuff going on in my life, I didn't really consider them to be a close friend, but they were someone I really held dear and would've walked through hell for if they'd asked.
I still feel like there is something I'm missing here, and that's why I wanted to ask if I'm TA. I'm a pretty good communicator but one of the things I told myself when talking down my disordered thoughts (guilt about this prior) was "no one in their right mind would use reading fanfic as a metric for friendship." Now that I've had that exact thing happen, I'm starting to think maybe those thoughts weren't so disordered. Maybe this IS a big deal, and I should think about it more, but I don't even know what the solution to that would be. I just. Don't have time to read something lovingly crafted and appreciate it for what it is. All the hours in my week are used up, I'd have to lose sleep for this and with my mental health the way it is that is not an option.
Feel free to be a brutal, my skin is thick. Thanks!
What are these acronyms?
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danibeanie · 2 months
astro observations 😙
-y’all this mercury retrograde is no joke.. I’ve already had 2 past flings come back. one thru social media another one at work… don’t even get me started with the solar eclipse😭
following ⬆️ I had mercury (communication) conjunct my chiron (past wounds) in my 11th house(friends) in my lunar return chart.
-the most important people in my life have scorpio risings. people don’t talk about how strong the bond is between sister sign ascendents.❤️‍🔥
for my fellow venus risings or if u just have a strong venus in general. Getting dolled up is SO IMPORTANT. look good feel good right?
-following up having no conflict with people and just good boundaries is good because trust me it’ll show on your face when u don’t.
-women that have cancer placements tend to be more curvy. my coworker the other day was like “your hips are so pretty”(cancer mars). I believe it’s the moon influence, sadly I didn’t get blessed in the chest area.. (cancer saturn)😭
-most mutable placements I know have an addiction to something (even me). I mostly see it in pisces and virgo placements. def the neptune influence
-I can tell when someone has a stellium it’s just a “in your face energy”. depending on the sign of course
-my fav synastry so far is 8th house as of RIGHT NOW. when it’s good it’s good and when it’s bad it’s bad but when it’s good the bond is unbreakable.
we know that earth rising (cap,virgo,taurus) are known to have rbf and I never realized mine until my grandma pointed it out..
ex- im not a morning person WHATSOEVER and I try to not show it on my face but the rbf is there and I don’t even notice it which sucks.. like I CANT CHANGE EVEN IF I TRYYYY😓😓
not even kidding.. y’all having saturn in 3rd house in my solar return sucks. I took a gap semester which wasn’t planned at all. I also have this natally and I always was behind when it comes to my peers , but ik I’ll get rewarded at the end 🙂
if someone’s main planets fall into your 3rd house chances are you met thru high school or middle school.
ex- the guy I used to date my senior year my venus fell into his 3rd house which conjuncted his north node. my really good friend during my high school year had her venus and moon in my 3rd house too!
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gatorbites-imagines · 5 months
I've been getting very into DC again, from all the comics I had in my attic.
So i would like to request a "meeting the batfam" like think.
Being Bruce's new boyfriend and meeting the kids and how would they react.
Have a nice day! (You're the only think keeping me from commiting a crime/jk)
Bruce Wayne x male reader
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Ive been on a kick lately of making half-god characters, so reader is the son of a god, hehe ^^
You were the son of Ares, a half god, and the son of a god most feared, and that the Justice league had fought many times.
So, by relation, many people didn’t trust you when they learned about your parentage. Had you been any crueler of a person, that might have driven you down a path where you followed in your fathers’ footsteps, but you weren’t.
You ended up inheriting many of his powers, even gaining his clairvoyance and precognition in dreams. Said dreams had been your first sign that you were more than just your average person, as you foresaw many of the larger disasters around the world.
There ends up being a sense of duty in your heart as your dreams keep warning you about an invasion of earth, becoming more and more detailed every night. It reaches a point where you think you are going mad.
As a last-ditch effort, you end up in Gotham, where you spend days trying to find any of the bats, just trying to find somebody to believe you. In the end, you stumble across Bruce, who probably thinks you are on something because of the less than put together state you are in.
That is until you spill everything you have been dreaming about, and how its all happened, and how this dream keeps haunting you every night.
Bruce of course listens to everything you have to say, and takes you as seriously as anything else he would. He keeps your warning in mind and gets prepared, and when your precognition comes to pass, he is ready.
From then in, Bruce passes by your place every now and then, as you end up moving to Gotham as Batman is the only hero you feel takes you seriously.
Hes the one to help you figure out your true parentage, and gets you in contact with some people who can help you deal with your new developing powers. You two end up bonding a lot, and over time, fall in love.
You both make each other feel like a full person and like you are understood. The relationship is kept quiet on Bruces end, not because he doesn’t trust his family or anything, but because he just wants to keep it to himself for a bit.
It does get a bit hard to hide the hand shaped bruises on his hips or torso when your godly strength slips out, but Bruce has lived with worse aches and bruises in his life, so its not something people notice.
You never went out of your way to become a hero, even with your godly powers. You are happy living your life and being together with Bruce, much of your stress gone since you know Bruce will believe you when it comes to your dreams.
When the day finally comes where you go to meet his family, you can’t help but feel a little nervous. Sure, you’ve met them in passing as their vigilante alter egos, when they’ve followed Bruce during his meetings with you, but this will be as Bruces lover.
Bruce is endeared by how hard you want to make a good impression, how you fuss with your hair and your clothes to be most presentable. When you ask him if you need to bring a gift or something, he just laughs a little and kisses your forehead, telling you to stop worrying as he’s sure they’ll love you.
The family all know Bruce is bringing his lover that night for family dinner, but they all don’t know who it is, even Alfred is in the dark.
They are all a bit on edge, as Bruce doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to partners. And since he didn’t tell them a name, they assume its not the people he’s normally been with, like Selina or Talia.
Imagine their surprise when Bruce arrives with you on his arm, from your civilian clothes to your sheepish smile, to you looking downright nervous to meet them as you clearly want to make a good first impression.
It might take a bit for any of them to recognize you, as only a few of them might have met you in passing, but you probably end up telling them during dinner when they ask how you and Bruce met.
I can’t see them being against you more than they would any other partner, especially when you go out of your way to use your dreams and abilities to help as many people as possible.
Cass is most likely the one to warm up to you first, as she can easily read that you are a good person who loves Bruce very much, and Cass’s approval makes the others become less tense and more open to the idea of you.
Alfred is also happy that Bruce has found someone who isn’t a criminal or assassin for once, even though they all know you could punch a guy to smithereens if you wanted too, thanks to your godly strength.
But your personality makes it clear that’s not something you want to do, so that gives you extra points in their books. They most likely use their knowledge from Diana and her parentage when it comes to you, incase you end up doing something a little too godly without realizing.
They’ve all been around many different kinds of people and beings, so I don’t think anything you do put them off. They’ll all just need time to warm up to you, and see with their own eyes that you truly do love Bruce, and that Bruce loves you back just as much.
It would take a while, as they were all trained by Bruce and are all suspicious of anybody and take forever to trust. It starts to make you think they’ll never like you, even when Bruce tells you they will, they just need time.
You know you’ve gained their trust when they start showing up in your apartment, be it after patrol, during the day, or any other time, they’re likely to just appear. This also means you end up learning a lot more first aid than you thought you’d ever need.
The last to trust you is Damian, but you can tell you scored a win when he demands you learn self-defense, as your form is horrible, and he drags you down to the cave to walk you through the basics.
Bruce feels like his heart could burst with love when he sees his family accepting you, and he couldn’t be any happier. The batfam is pretty damn happy too, as Bruce starts taking care of himself because of you.
Can’t have a date if he hasn’t slept in days, or if he’s covered in bruises or has broken bones. You probably end up spending a lot of time at the manor too, since Bruce can’t just go into town to spend time in your apartment during the day, or else the paparazzi would find out about the relationship almost immediately.
So, all in all, his kids would like you quite a lot after they got enough time to learn what kinda person you were, and what your morals were. They might even start seeing you as a safe person to go too when they need someone to talk too or just need some company.
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eimids · 7 months
Can I request a Alexia putellas x wife reader, like the reader is a billionaire but the team mistakenly thought that the reader is using Alexia for money or fame because of how the reader dress just like simple clothes and the team tell the reader to leave ale alone... Thank you.....
I changed it to girlfriend just cause it fit better with the story line.
But yeah that's the summery
Warnings: panic attack but not really anything else
You had inherited your parents company after their passing. It had something to do with politics so you weren’t really that interested. And you were only 14 at the time. So when you turned 18 you sold the company to the highest bidder.
That’s how you ended up with a shit ton of money. You had so much of it that it was overwhelming to you. You didn’t really tell anyone about your money situation, not even Alexia. When you started dating, it was the year 2022. Alexia had just ruptured her ACL and was at a bar drinking her sorrows away. Not the most romantic place to meet but for you it was perfect. After a year of dating you had finally told Alexia about your money situation. She understood what it felt like to have so much money, so she helped you with managing it. You donated some of it to different charities. Some of them you put on your savings and some of it you kept on your bank account.
You didn’t dress in designer clothing and didn’t appear to others as a rich person although you had millions. You didn’t want anyone to view you differently because of your money. Alexia loved that about you. She loved how you were down to earth type of person and didn't care about money and what others might think of you. You also hated using money. Although you knew that you had enough many to not work anymore at all, you still felt the need to buy the cheapest things available.
You didn’t really meet Alexia’s friends properly due to her ACL injury. You had met some of them quickly after matches but didn’t get to actually know any of them. They always seemed nice and they made Alexia happy so that was the most important thing.
But the thing about her teammates was that they thought that you were some kind of a gold digger. They heard how Alexia talked about buying you expensive gifts and posting you to her Instagram. They knew that Alexia had money and popularity. You could easily gain a status for yourself. They also knew that Ale could be quite naive sometimes and they wanted to protect her.
They started asking some subtle questions about you. Things like where did you work and did you know who Ale was before meeting her. The answers to those questions didn't ease their doubts. You, a coffee shop worker and a huge football fan, didn't have that big of a salary and you of course knew who Alexia was. In fact, that's why you went to talk to her that day in the bar.
"She's using her for money" Jenni Hermoso was the first to say those words out loud. She didn't like you, you were too good to be true for Alexia. Something had to be wrong with you. Was it jealousy or did she actually care about Alexia's feelings getting hurt? We'll never know.
"You can't know that. Maybe she's in love with Alexia, at least Alexia is in love with her. I mean you all have seen how she looks at her and the way she talks about her. She's head over heels for that girl" Mapi tried to reason. She didn't want to think ill of you, but Jenni was good at convincing the others.
"Well yeah that's the point. Ale is in love with her, and she's probably just in for the money. Alexia just talked how she is going to buy y/n this necklace that costs way too much. I mean I even heard y/n once ask Alexia to bye her some earrings. Clearly she just wants attention and money" Jenni tried to convince the others.
The girls kept talking about the situation for a while before Alexia showed up.
"Oh hi, I'm sorry I'm late. Y/n and I went to this fancy restaurant and time just went by" She explained why she was late to the team bonding night. "Oh look at her in this photo, she looks so cute" She showed the photo to the others.
You were sitting there with a gold necklace hanging from your neck. You were wearing a Gucci dress, which you didn't even really want but Alexia bought it to you still. Her teammates didn't know that and were just thought you made Alexia buy it for you.
"Oh that's a nice dress, bet it costs a lot" Jenni stated.
"Well yeah it was quite expensive but I love to pamper my girl. She's just always stressing about money so I want to show her that she doesn't have to" Alexia explained. When she said you were stressing about money, she meant the fact that you felt bad for having so much of it and it made you anxious. What her friends thought she meant was that you were poor.
"Oh could you drive me home? i would call y/n but her phone broke and she hasn't gotten a new yet. I'm probably going to have to buy her a new so I can reach her" Alexia joked.
"Oh yeah jump in" Jenni answered. She shared looks with the other girls to see if they had heard what Alexia said. Now Patri and Marta were convinced.
"Could I come quickly inside to have some water?" Jenni asked. And Alexia said it was fine of course.
They walked to your home which you share with Alexia. It was an apartment in a good neighborhood. You had split the costs of it but obviously Jenni didn't know that.
"Hi baby I'm home and Jenni is me, I'm just gonna head to the shower" Ale yelled to you and left the hallway to the bathroom. You came from the bedroom to greet your girlfriend and her friend.
"Hi Jenni" You smiled to the brunette. She just hummed.
"So what's your deal with Alexia, you just using her for money or what?" Jenni went straight to the point now that she had the perfect chance to ask you.
"What, no, i love her I would never use her for her money" You were quick to reply. You were shocked that she would even suggest that.
"Well you clearly don't have any money as you can't even pay for a new phone or the dresses you wear" Jenni stated. She was getting frustrated.
"No it's not that, she want's to buy those thing, I've never asked for any of them" You answered dumbstruck.
"Yeah Alexia might be naive enough to think that but I'm not. Break up with her before we'll tell her what you really want from her." Jenni just said and left.
The rest of that night you were quiet and Ale was confused of what happened. She didn't push it thought, maybe you just had a long day.
The next day you drove Alexia to prac. You were nervous to get close to the training grounds but didn't want to be weird so that Alexia wouldn't notice.
"Bye love, have a good prac" You said to her as she hopped out of the car.
You stayed for a bit to change the music and just like that there was a girl knocking on the window of your car. You lowered the window so you could talk.
"Umm is everything okay?" You asked the woman who you had identified as Marta.
"I'm guessing you didn't have a talk with Ale like Jenni suggested?" She just said casually.
"No, I'm not using her for her money" You tried to reason.
"Yeah, I guess we just have to tell her the truth" Marta said and left.
You were afraid. What if Ale would believe them There was no reasonable reason why she would but you still got scared. How did you come off as a gold digger? Why did her friends hate you so much that they came up with that?
You made your way back to home where you bursted to tears. You had always hated the idea of people seeing you differently because of money. And when you tried your hardest to avoid that, it was exactly what happened. They thought that all you wanted from your girlfriend was money. You were scared that Alexia would believe them and then she would just break up. All the worst scenarios came to your mind and soon enough you were in a full panic attack.
"Ale we need to talk" Jenni said to Ale immediately after training.
"Um okay? Is everything ok?" Alexia answered.
"Well no, we all have noticed that y/n is most likely using you just for money and you're just too naive to see that" Jenni started. Alexia grew mad immediately.
"Why would you think that? Of course she's not after the money" Alexia replied angrily.
Jenni tried to explain to Alexia why they thought that you didn't actually love Ale. They explained that it was weird that you didn't mention the conversation you had with Jenni the other night.
"You talked to her about this?! You accused her of being a gold digger? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Alexia panicked. She knew that money was a sensitive topic for you.
Alexia tried to call you but you didn't answer so she just ordered herself a taxi.
"Y/n is the sweetest human being and you are here accusing her of something she didn't do!" Alexia yelled.
"You just can't see it Ale, she's using you" Marta tried.
"Fuck you, and just for your information, she has more money than I do" Alexia yelled and left the room.
She impatiently waited for the taxi. The drive home was a suffering experience. Now she realized why you had been so quiet the night before. She hated her teammates for making you think that you would be just a gold digger.
"Baby I'm here" She yelled when she got home. She was nervous when you didn't come and greet her.
She walked to the bedroom where she found you draped in your comfort blanket. So clearly trying to calm yourself down.
"Oh y/n I'm so sorry" Alexia said as she hurried to your side. She knew you loved physical touch so she made sure to give that to you to help you calm down.
"They shouldn't have said any of that, they are all wrong. I know that you love me and you know that I love you. That's all that matters. They don't know anything about you and they were being assholes with even thinking those thing about you" Alexia said. She was being sincere, you could hear it in her voice.
That helped you calm down. You loved Alexia and she loved you.
I lowkey hate how this turned out. The anon ask was amazing but I feel like I couln't write it properly.
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strwberri-milk · 7 months
May I request for Fontaine men + Childe with reader who can dance acrobatics? Reader has probably performed in front of crowds before and is famous for it.
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Neuvillette loves watching you perform. That's how he met you in the first place - he was invited to a special event and there he met one of the most gifted people he's ever seen. He was so enthralled by your talents that he had to come and talk to you personally. He found you after and waited to approach you calmly, not wanting to accidentally scare you off after a long day.
After the two of you got closer and developed your relationship he makes it a point to come watch your performances as often as he can. He wishes he can support you more but with how busy he is he can't be there for every one of your performances.
Because of how busy he is you never mind giving him a private performance. If you weren't too busy during the day and not too tired by the time he comes home then you'll give him a shortened version of the performance. He's always a captive audience of one and is always very appreciative of the efforts you go through to let him feel more present in your performances.
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Wriothesley didn't know you performed until you invited him to a show one day. Once he was there he found himself just as enraptured as all of the others watching you were. He makes an offhand comment about how you should have told him sooner so he could have watched you earlier.
After that he decides to come watch your shows more often. He makes it to a good amount of them so you know you can look out for him in the audience and most of the time he'll be there.
Sometimes he'll ask you to come down to the prison for a brief performance. You don't mind doing him a favour and having the Duke watch over you protectively makes you even more inclined to perform better. You want to impress him after all, and what better way to impress him than to dance your heart out at the place he spends practically all of his time.
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Lyney met you when he was performing as well. The two of you were featured together and after the show you both happened to run into each other after trying to congratulate each other on a job well done. It ends in awkward yet friendly laughter and a promise to find each other after your next show together.
You two bond over time and he's always trying to finish up his sets quickly to get over to your shows and vice versa. If you guys aren't performing together then you're trying to catch each other's shows from wherever you are. You also both like to provide constructive criticism when asked for it, wanting to support each other to become better performers with each time you're on stage.
The two of you also partake in preshow rituals together, even if only one of you is performing. It's a fun way to combine both your careers and your desire to spend time with each other. It's fun for you both to make fun of the other's superstitions playfully or do the rituals together to make sure you're ready to perform and there's nothing in the world he'd trade this for.
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Childe happened to stumble across one of your shows when he was travelling. He was one of the last people to leave the stage and you decided to approach him yourself. The way he sat made it clear that he was of nobility at least and the way he never took his eyes off you made you even more curious to see what he wanted.
He asks you when your next show is, and then the next, and so forth. He decides that he'll make it to every show that he can make, your eyes always looking for his in the crowd. You know he'll be there more often than not, smiling softly to yourself whenever your gaze meets his.
You slowly grow closer over time, Childe coming up to you after your shows to present you a new gift of flowers or some jewellery he felt would suit you. He tells you that he hasn't got that much time left and is supposed to be going soon. You're not sure what to make of it but he presses a kiss to your fingers and promises to come back to see you again, one he fulfils with the offer of another he speaks against your lips.
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pxob · 1 year
angel eyes
Genya Shinazugawa x Fem!Reader
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Word count: 5524
Category: Enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, angst and fluff.
Warnings: Manga spoilers (if you squint), mentions of death, blood and injury and swearing.
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Kanae-sama and Shinobu-sama had taken you in as a child after a demon attack had brutally slaughtered your parents. From that day on, you harboured a deep resentment towards the foul creatures that had caused so much pain and suffering, not just to you but to countless others as well.
Despite the trauma you had endured, your gratitude towards the Kocho family never wavered. They had taken you in, provided you with a loving home, and helped you heal from the devastating loss of your parents. 
While Kanao was timid and obedient, you were more like a replica of Kanae-sama's personality - kind, loving, and easy-going, except when it came to your deep-seated resentment towards demons. 
Your bond with Kanae-sama was as tight as any sibling relationship could be. Shinobu-sama recognised your deep connection with her biological sister and would even let her strict personality slip around you. From dawn until dusk, you trained with Kanae-sama and shared meals with her every evening. You were inseparable, to the point where Shinobu-sama had to physically intervene to separate the two of you. 
Until she died at the hands of Upper Moon 2. The news spread like wildfire, and you threw yourself into training with tireless resolve, determined to become the Tsuguko that Kanae-sama had hoped for. 
Kanao and Shinobu-sama were worried about you day and night, and despite Kanao's silent presence, she never left your side. She was aware of the hole in your heart that may never be filled again after Kanae-sama's death. 
A part of you, gone. 
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“You’re not going to like this,” Aoi said as a way of greeting. She was standing at the sliding door of yours and Shinobu-sama’s research room. 
“Aoi-chan,” you looked up at her from your microscope. “What are you unhappy about now?” You teased. 
“Oh, it’s not me who's going to be unhappy,” Aoi said, giving you a knowing smile. You raised an eyebrow in curiosity as you heard a pair of unfamiliar footsteps approaching. 
Aoi stepped aside and introduced you to the boy. "This is Shinobu-sama's Tsuguko," she said, "She'll be giving you frequent check-ups, so please treat her with respect." Her words dripped with venom as she added, "And if you don't, I'll poison your medication." 
The boy stood in the same spot where Aoi had been moments before, his impressive height looming over her. He donned the uniform of a demon slayer, and his muscular physique strained against the tight sleeves. As you observed him closely, you couldn't help but count the numerous scars that littered his body. 
You also couldn't help but notice the unruly, unevenly cut hair on his head that resembled a rooster's comb. 
“You’re fucken kiddin’ me,” were his first words. 
You smiled in realisation, remembering clearly where you first met this boy.
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Upon reaching the mountain top, you both were met with the discord of yelling and bodies shifting aggressively on the cobblestone path. 
“This is for starin’ at me, ya yellow-headed freak,” the boy shouted as he grabbed the other young boy by his yellow kimono. 
The examinees were scattered, murmuring, yet none intervened. 
“I WASN’T STARING AT YOU!” He shrieked. 
Everyone held their breath, waiting to see what would happen next. 
“Ya were, dickwad,” the boy replied, his fist raised menacingly. 
Without hesitation, you swiftly made your way towards the boy, grabbing his wrist tightly. 
“It’s rude to assault strangers,” you said calmly, a smile plastered onto your face. 
"The fuck," he said aggressively as he tried to retract his wrist from your grasp, you tightened your grip even more. 
The yellow-haired boy fled the moment he saw an opening, tears streaming down his cheeks as he trembled uncontrollably. 
“Let go, bitch,” he spat out, face turning red. 
Kanao took a step toward him, a silent threat emanating from her. 
“It’s okay, Kanao,” you said kindly, “Some people are unfortunate to not have been taught basic manners.” 
The bystanders began to chuckle lightly. 
"One day, I hope he learns to be kind," you said, twisting his wrist firmly. "Otherwise, his attitude will be the death of him." You then took hold of his elbow, manoeuvring it into a lock and guided him towards the ground. 
A resonating thump followed as he hollered below you. 
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“Your attitude has not changed since then it seems,” you stood, slowly walking towards him. 
He had grown an incredible amount in the short time since you last saw him, a clear indication of Himejima's rigorous training regimen and, most likely, his constant consumption of demon flesh. 
"Thank you for bringing him here, Aoi-chan," you said, the boy was staring back at you with a bewildered expression. "You may go now," you added, dismissing Aoi with a nod of your head. 
“Please come in,” you said, turning and leading the way towards the working desk, where there were two chairs on opposite sides of the table. “Please take a seat,” you gestured towards one of the chairs, noticing that the boy was still standing by the door. 
"I'm not coming in," he declares, looking down the hallway, averting his gaze. 
"Why is that? I won't bite," you joke with a friendly smile. But the boy remains rooted to the spot. 
“What’s your name?” you asked politely. 
“None of your business,” he snapped back. 
“Okay, none of your business,” he scoffed at that. “I’m going to be putting my valuable time and efforts into you-” 
“That was your choice,” he cut you off rudely.
“Himejina-san informed me all about your case,” You walked towards the cabinet, situated on the far side of the room, where you stored all sorts of medicinal concoctions. Your gaze scanned the shelves, searching for the specific one you needed, after a few moments of searching, you finally found the right vial and walked back towards him. 
As you approached him, you noticed he was watching you every step of the way. You held out the vial and said, "I've created this specifically for your special case. It's designed to help mitigate any extraneous effects that may arise." 
The boy's eyes narrowed sceptically as he glanced back and forth between you and the vial. He hesitated before finally speaking up, "What if you poisoned this shit?" 
"Don't worry," you said. "It's completely safe.” 
He took the vial and inspected it closely. "Should you ever feel overwhelmed with the powers of the demons you consume, this should help ease it," you explained. "I recommend that you drink a tablespoon every half day and come back to me every week to check in on your progress." 
You took a step back from him and flashed a teasing smile. "And maybe then, you'll finally feel comfortable enough to share your name with me!" 
His face contorted into an irked expression, and he turned to walk away upon hearing your comment. As he strode down the hallway, you noticed him tuck the vial into his pocket and observed his ears turning red. 
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A few days later, a group of three new demon slayers arrived at the Butterfly Mansion and were granted the privilege of staying there. You recognised each one of them from the mountain top of the final selection. Among them was the yellow-haired boy named Zenitsu, who seemed to recognise you even more. He took a considerable liking to you, constantly fawning whenever he catches sight of you. 
But what surprised everyone was the presence of a demon among them. It was unprecedented to have a demon among the ranks of the demon slayers; however, despite this, you have taken a liking in investigating the demon named Nezuko. 
Kanae-sama had a goal of eventually living in peace with demons. If Kanae-sama were here, she would have loved Nezuko, a sweet young girl who can easily be seen as a younger sister figure to almost anyone. 
“Zenitsu-san, your drool is creating a puddle on the ground,” you said as you were training. 
He sighed dreamily, “You’re so radiant, etherial, powerful-” 
You promptly resumed your training as Zenitsu's words started to sound like white noise. 
As he continued to ogle over you, another presence approached the training grounds. He stopped immediately upon seeing you training, his eyes scanning over your movements with interest. 
He watched as you effortlessly destroyed every single bamboo target with just a few swings of your Nichirin blade. Your movements were so swift and precise, as if you were dancing through the air. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy and spite as he watched you move with such ease and grace. 
He wondered how many hours of practice and dedication it must have taken to reach such a level of skill. 
He could tell that you had been a Tsuguko for quite some time, likely honing your skills through rigorous training and practice. If you continued at this pace, he couldn't help but wonder if you might become a Hashira in a matter of months. And what was even more impressive was that you would be the second youngest among the Hashira, which made your potential all the more remarkable. 
The thought of someone else reaching such a high level of skill and potential while he remained stagnant infuriated him. It stung even more because he had always wanted to impress his brother, the only person he ever truly wanted to please. But seeing your abilities, he couldn't help but feel like he would never be good enough in his brother's eyes. 
You turned around, a smirk spreading across your face as beads of sweat rolled down your serene complexion. "Oh, didn’t see you there," you said with a chuckle. "I'm glad you came back."
Zenitsu's eyes snapped to where you were now looking and he yelped, "SCARY MAN!" 
The boy turned to face Zenitsu and said, "Piss off, creep.” 
His words made Zenitsu run to where his other two companions were within the mansion. 
You headed towards the engawa, where a carafe of water was waiting for you. As you walked away, he couldn't help but survey the damage you had done to all of your targets. It was clear that you had accomplished it all without using any specific techniques, leaving him in awe. "How did you do that?" he blurted out. 
As you finished gulping the water, swiping the rouge droplets from your chin you asked, “Do what?” 
He pointed towards the targets, now reduced to mere fragments joining with the dirt on the ground. 
You let out a small laugh, "How did I do it without using any breathing technique?" You walked towards his side, "You're quite observant. How about you tell me your name and I'll teach you a thing or two?" You teased. 
"Genya Shinazugawa," he replied straight to the point. 
You grinned and said, "I meditate for an hour every morning and night." 
He looked at you with disbelief and asked, "Ya kidding, right?" He visibly deflated and continued, "Ya tellin’ me you sit on your ass and breathe for two hours a day? That's fucken ridiculous," his tone laced with disdain. 
"You'll understand one day," you replied, a hint of amusement in your voice, and then pivoted on your heel. "Let's start your check-up, Genya-san." 
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“Take off your shirt,” you instructed. 
Genya stuttered in surprise, “What?” 
As you reached for the stethoscope from the table drawer, you said, "I need to listen to your lungs and heart for any defects.” 
Respecting Genya's privacy, you continued facing the opposite direction as he removed his upper layers. You could hear the rustling of clothes and then the sound of them falling to the floor. Once you sensed that he had finished, you turned around to face him. 
You couldn't help but marvel at his physique. At his age, he was unbelievably ripped with muscles and scars that seemed to accentuate his sculpted form, as if he was crafted from the finest quality marble. You rubbed your eyes, pretending as if something had gotten into them and then looked at him, only to find that he was already staring back at you. 
“Please have a seat,” you gestured towards the chair beside the table. 
He complied, appearing to be more cooperative than before. You pulled a stool in front of him and noticed him tense up, every muscle in his body taut. 
You clenched your jaw, put on the earpieces, and carefully placed the stethoscope on his left pectoral, listening to the booming beat of his heart.
 "Why is your heart beating so quickly, Genya-san?" You prodded, looking up at him through your lashes. 
"Drank tea," he replied too quickly. 
As you removed the stethoscope from his pectoral and stood up, you noticed that he was staring out the window. 
"Are you nervous, Genya-san?" you asked, trying to provoke a response. 
He snapped his eyes toward you. "Fuck no," he said, his voice tense. 
You towered over him as he remained seated in the chair, observing the way his jaw clenched and unclenched and his hands balled up in fists. Maintaining eye contact, you slowly walked around to his back and brought the stethoscope above his scapula. 
“Genya-san,” you said softly. 
"What?" he said sharply. 
"Your lungs aren't expanding and contracting properly," you pointed out, a clear indication that he was holding his breath. "I'm going to need you to take some deep breaths for me."
Reluctantly, he complied and you listened carefully to his breathing. His lungs seemed to be contracting more than they should for someone at rest. 
You took a step back and removed the stethoscope, gaping at the size of his back. Quickly, you shook your head, trying to clear the improper thoughts that had crept into your mind. 
He hastily gathered the clothes lying on the floor and put them on. “Has the medicine been helpful to you in any way?” you asked. 
He responded with a grunt. 
“I need you to respond verbally, Genya-san,” you insisted. 
“Yes,” he snapped. 
"Very well," you said, making your way to the table and focusing on the array of ingredients on your shelves, trying to regain your composure. 
"You're healthy. I'll just need you to avoid drinking tea before our next check-up," you concluded. 
You heard the sound of the door sliding opening. "Please close the door on your way out," you said delicately, not turning around to face him. He did exactly that, saying nothing but walking out of the room. You swore under your breath. 
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As he sped down the hallway, his mind raced and his heart pounded with a sense of urgency. 
He knew he couldn't deal with you anymore. The thought of being trapped within four walls with you made his stomach leap, a clear indication of disgust.
Your soft spoken voice, loving eyes and kind touches had a way of making him feel at ease. He couldn't help but notice how you treated everyone with kindness, even those who mistreated you. It was intoxicating and he couldn't comprehend how someone could be so selfless. 
Your angel eyes saw good in many evil, it was something that both repulsed and charmed him at the same time. He couldn't understand how you could be so forgiving and compassionate, yet he found himself drawn to it like a moth to a flame. 
As he rushed out of the mansion, he bumped into a red-headed boy, barely registering his presence. The boy yelled something after him, but all Genya could think of was getting away from you. He needed to breathe, to clear his head, because the more he allowed himself to be drawn towards you, the more his carefully constructed plan to reach his brother began to crumble. 
He knew he couldn't afford to let himself catch feelings for you. It would only make things more complicated and could jeopardise everything he had worked so hard for. But the more he thought about you, the more he found himself unable to resist your angelic nature. 
Genya's frustration boiled over as he ran his hands through his hair, yanking on his locks in anger. "FUCK!" he shouted, lashing out and kicking a nearby rock, sending it careening into the trees. 
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Today was the day of another weekly checkup. 
You were prepared, steeling yourself to remain professional and composed despite the tension that lingered between you. 
As you waited for Genya's arrival, you reviewed your notes and made sure everything was in order. Despite trying to remain composed, you couldn't help but feel a tinge of anxiety in the pit of your stomach. 
It was a little late, later than he had previously arrived. You tried to push the feeling aside, reminding yourself that anything could have delayed him and it was better to wait patiently. 
The sun had already set and the night stars were becoming prominent outside your window. 
"Where is he?" you muttered to yourself, glancing at the clock on the wall. 
You couldn't help but wonder if he was deliberately avoiding the appointment, perhaps because of his stubborn nature or his reluctance to be confined in the medical room. 
So be it, Genya. 
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Despite trying to distract yourself with training, your thoughts kept wandering back to Genya. It had been several days since you last saw him, and you couldn't help but wonder where he was and what he was doing. 
But you pushed those thoughts aside and focused on your role as a mentor to Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu. You spent long hours helping them hone their skills and improve their techniques. Tanjiro, in particular, showed remarkable progress and you couldn't help but feel proud of him. 
"Tanjiro-san, you're improving at an astonishing rate!" You praised him. 
"It's all thanks to everyone here, including you," he replied with a grin. 
One of the things that made you happiest was being able to help others. You had a big heart and always went out of your way to offer assistance, even when it wasn't necessary. Seeing others improve and achieve their goals gave you a sense of fulfilment that was hard to describe. 
"You too Inosuke-san, well done!" You gave his arm a genuine squeeze, acknowledging his effort. 
Inosuke mumbled something behind his mask, but you could sense the delight in his tone. 
Zenitsu, on the other hand, couldn't help but interject. 
"But what about me,” he whined. "Am I improving too?" 
"Well, Zenitsu-san, you're definitely...trying," you said diplomatically. 
Zenitsu pouted, clearly hoping for more praise, but you knew he had a lot of work to do before he could truly become a skilled demon slayer. 
Despite his flaws, however, you couldn't help but feel a soft spot for him. You looked around the training grounds and realised you needed to get back to your research. 
"I'll leave you all to your training," with a wave goodbye, you turned and walked away while they bowed in response. 
As you strode, you heard the sound of yelling and pleading coming from inside the mansion.
Your curiosity piqued, you quickened your pace and soon noticed droplets of blood on the hardwood floor. Your hand instinctively reached for the hilt of your sword. 
Running, you followed the trails of blood and desperate cries, your heart racing with fear and anticipation. Finally, you skidded to a stop, frozen at the sight before you. 
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Genya had always been aware of the risks that came with being a demon slayer. But this particular demon had been stronger than he had anticipated and had managed to inflict injuries that were more severe than he was used to.
Genya relied on consuming the flesh of other demons to heal his own wounds, but this time he had not been successful in consuming a single thing from the demon. This lack of regeneration made the wounds even more excruciating and difficult to deal with. 
Despite the pain, his first thought was to find you, the medical expert who could treat his injuries. He knew that he needed your help to heal and get back on his feet. With that in mind, he had managed to make his way to the mansion, gritting his teeth through the pain as he focused on reaching you. 
Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi trembled in fear as Genya strode through the gates of the Butterfly Mansion, paying no heed to his open wounds. 
He was stubborn to reach you. He trusted only you to treat him or even touch him. 
Blood dripped from his wounds, leaving a trail on the floorboards of the mansion as he made his way towards your office. He ignored the cries of the three girls, driven solely by the hunger to reach you. 
“You’re dripping blood on the floor, please stop!” Naho begged. 
“Let us help you, Genya-sama, it will only get worse!” Kiyo added. 
“Shut up,” he snarled. He didn't mean to sound so hostile, but he needed to reach you without distractions. 
The sound of the girls’ screams echoed in Genya’s ears as he shoved his way towards your office, ignoring the pain that shot through his body with every step. 
His hand left bloody smears on the door as he pushed it open, desperate to find you. But when he stumbled into the room, he found it empty. 
His vision was blurry, and he was seeing spots, the pain almost unbearable. He staggered backwards, using the wall to steady himself as he tried to call out for you. 
Suddenly, he heard the skid of someone stopping behind the three girls who were still screaming in terror. He turned his head, his eyes fixing on you as you stood there with your hand on the hilt of your sword. 
You were frozen in place, clearly shocked by the bloody and battered figure of him. 
“Genya Shinazugawa!” You gasped in shock, your hand instinctively flying to cover your mouth. 
You gently moved Sumi out of the way to reach him. As you got closer, you saw the bloody handprints on the door and the exhaustion on Genya's face. Your heart sank at the sight of his injuries. 
“Please prepare the first aid materials in the infirmary,” you commanded the three girls, they ran quickly. 
"Genya, what happened?" You asked, your voice trembling with concern as you took a closer look at him. 
“Demon,” he said softly. “In a lotta pain,” he added. 
You nodded, your mind already racing with what needed to be done. "Let’s get you cleaned up,” you said. 
You gently took Genya's hand and led him towards the infirmary, careful not to aggravate his wounds. Despite the excruciating pain he must have been experiencing, he stiffened at the sudden contact. You noticed this and quickly dropped your hand, apologising, "Sorry, I should have asked." 
Genya grabbed your hand and held it tightly. "No," he said, "I liked it." 
Your eyes widened at his bold statement, and a blush crept onto your face. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you led him into the infirmary.
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After a few hours of tending to Genya's wounds, he finally succumbed to exhaustion and fell into a deep slumber. 
You sat by his bedside, watching over him as he slept. As you gazed at him, you noticed how peaceful he looked, with his breathing slow and steady. 
With your heightened senses, you slowly turned to catch a glimpse of a white-haired man standing silently by the door. 
He lifted his index finger to his lips, signalling for you to stay quiet. 
You nodded in understanding, still surprised by his unexpected arrival. 
He sat himself softly on Genya's bed and pressed a kiss onto his forehead. Your eyes widened as you pieced together the resemblance between the two of them. 
Sanemi Shinazugawa left a kiss on his brother's forehead. 
After Sanemi finished looking at his brother, satisfied with the amount of care given to him, he walked towards you and whispered in your ear, “Thank you.” He then walked out of the room. 
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The next morning, you decided to bring breakfast to Genya, wanting to compensate for his sore body with a meal served in bed. As you entered the room, you found him sitting up and staring out of the window, watching the lush trees dance in the fresh air. 
"Good morning," you greeted him with a beautiful smile, holding a tray of food in your hands. 
"Mornin’," he grumbled, his voice still heavy with sleep. 
You couldn't help but feel a little flustered at the sound of his voice. 
"I brought you some food," you said, making your way to him. "May I sit?" you gestured towards the bed. 
"Feel free," he replied softly. 
You sat down next to him and placed the food on his lap, pouring a glass of water from his side table. Genya was about to grab a spoonful of food for himself, but you gave him a warning glance. 
"What?" he looked confused. 
You took the spoon from his fingers and guided it to his mouth, feeding him yourself. 
His face turned bright red as he promptly covered it with his large hand, grabbing your wrist. "I can feed myself," he whispered. 
"I know," you replied with a teasing smile. "But I can't help enjoy seeing you blush.” 
He stared at you intently, as if searching for something in your eyes. 
“You need to eat, Genya-san,” you reminded him. 
He opened his mouth and you brought the spoonful of food towards him. He gratefully accepted it and sighed in satisfaction after swallowing it. Then, you brought the glass of water to his cracked lips. 
Water escaped from his mouth and dribbled down his chin. You quickly wiped it away with your thumb, but as soon as your skin made contact with his, you felt a jolt run through you. You looked up at him and noticed that his eyes had clouded over and his ears were red. 
"I'M SO JEALOUS!" Zenitsu exclaimed loudly. 
"Shut up!" Inosuke swatted Zenitsu’s head. 
Genya turned his attention to the door, where Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Tanjiro were peeking in. 
"Get. The. Fuck. Out!" Genya bellowed, his patience clearly wearing thin.
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"Nezuko-chan," you said while sitting on the engawa, gently smoothing out her hair. She was lying on your lap as the two of you basked in the moonlight. 
She let out an enthusiastic hum, and her small hands reached up to grasp yours, nuzzling her cheek against your palm. 
The gesture made your heart swell with warmth, and you couldn't help but think that this is how Kanae-sama must have felt when you were younger. 
You chuckled softly as you noticed Genya’s attempting to spy on the two of you from the hallways of the mansion. "Ganya-san thinks I can't see him spying on us," you said with amusement. 
He made his presence even more obvious by speaking up, "Ya know you got a demon on your lap, right?" he said. 
"I am most aware," you smiled at him. 
The moonlight highlighted your features even more, making you look ethereal. 
"Why do you smile," he asked, his curiosity piqued. "When you feel so angry all the time?" 
His sudden analysis caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but feel a little surprised. 
Nezuko gazed up at you, her eyes full of curiosity and admiration. You couldn't help but think of Kanae-sama and how she used to play with your hair in the same way you were now with Nezuko. 
Genya's words had stirred up memories of Kanae-sama and the pain of her loss came flooding back. Your throat started to tighten, and tears welled up in your eyes. "Fuck," Genya was taken aback by your sudden change in attitude.
Nezuko's sudden embrace took you by surprise. You cried hard on her shoulder, the memories of Kanae-sama and the pain of losing her flooded back to you. Your tears wet her kimono, but she didn't seem to mind. It was as if she understood your pain, despite being a demon. 
Genya watched with a mixture of confusion and concern. He had never seen this side of you before, and it made him realise how little he knew about you. He always saw you as the kind-hearted person with a beautiful smile on your face, always ready to help anyone in need. 
It was difficult for him to see you in so much pain, and he didn't know how to comfort you. 
He hesitantly placed a hand on your head, and you made a muffled sound of surprise from the sudden touch. You turned around and looked at him through your wet lashes, tears still running down your cheeks. 
“I got you,” he said, looking you in the eyes and giving you soft smile. 
He sat down next to you, allowing his shoulder to touch yours. You felt a flutter in your chest at the contact and didn't dare move, afraid the moment might end. 
You looked down to check on Nezuko, she had fallen asleep in your embrace.
Genya's took your hand in his, it was so warm in yours as he ran his thumb along your knuckles. 
You leaned your head on his shoulder, enjoying the feeling of being close to him as you both gazed up at the night sky. 
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” You asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
Genya shifted slightly, looking down at you. "Yeah," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "So beautiful."
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Two months had passed since Genya started his frequent check-ups, and your relationship had blossomed into something beautiful. You found comfort and joy in each other's company, and Genya seemed to have found a sense of purpose being around you. 
On this particular day, the two of you were sitting on the engawa, overlooking the stunning garden of the butterfly mansion. The fragrant scent of flowers wafted through the air, and the gentle rustling of leaves added to the serene atmosphere. 
You had previously mentioned to Genya that you would meditate for two hours a day, and he had expressed interest in joining you. 
Sitting in silence, Genya found it increasingly difficult to stay still. His legs were losing feeling, his nose was itching, and he was just so close yet so far from you. It was pissing him off that he couldn't hold your hand, kiss your forehead, or have you play with his hair. 
As he tried to resist the urge to sneeze, Genya's nose continued to twitch uncontrollably. He was growing increasingly uncomfortable sitting in silence next to you, struggling to maintain stillness during meditation. He wanted nothing more than to hold your hand, feel the warmth of your touch, or have you play with his hair. But he knew that any movement on his part would break the stillness of the moment. 
Despite his discomfort, he refused to touch his nose. He had noticed that you had an amazing sense of spatial awareness, and he didn't want to risk breaking the peaceful atmosphere with even the slightest movement. So, he tried to hold on as long as possible, hoping the sneeze would subside on its own. 
It did not, it only got worst. 
He slowly opened one eye, feeling a bit apprehensive about disturbing your meditation, but then he couldn't resist the urge to steal a glance at you. However, he quickly regretted it when he realised that you were already staring back at him, a small smile on your face. 
"Have you been starin’ at me all this fucken time?" he snarled. 
"Yep," you chirped. 
"You little-" Genya was about to say something but you jumped up, giggling, and ran towards the garden. 
As you both tumbled to the grass, laughter filled the air. You could feel the soft blades of grass tickling your skin as Genya playfully pinned you down, his weight making it impossible for you to move. You looked up at him, his chest heaving from the chase, his eyes burning with mischief. 
You playfully pouted, pretending to be upset that Genya had caught you, but your smile gave you away. 
Genya couldn't help but notice the pout on your lips, and his eyes flickered back and forth between your eyes and mouth. He hesitated for a moment, unsure whether he should make a move, but before he could do anything, you took the initiative. 
You pulled him towards you and pressed your lips against his. 
He was frozen at first, hands grabbing chunks of grass in an attempt to restrict himself, but he couldn't resist your allure. You whispered his name, which undid him, and he responded by deepening the kiss. 
As the kiss broke, both of you were left breathless. Genya looked into your eyes, his gaze intense and filled with emotion. Without a word, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you, while he pulled you onto his lap. 
For a few moments, both of you remained entranced in each other's presence, the world around you fading away as your hearts beat as one. 
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kenzlovesyou · 9 days
hi bby!! can you do something for kate where like kate just adores reader but reader is a acedemic weapon and like is oblivious and kate is so down bad??? kind of like so high school by taylor?? brownie points if reader is
short cause kate is super tall!!!
ahh i love this idea so much ur so cute also this isn’t the best i’m sorry if you don’t like it!!
Not Like You - Kate Martin x Reader
Kate adored you. It was as simple as that. She admired every little thing you did. Whether it was watching you study for an exam, mesmerized by the way your hair cascaded down your shoulders, or studying your features as you reapplied your lip gloss in the mirror, she loved to look at you.
Even when the two of you had just met, Kate was in deep. She’d met you at the university’s library. She had come in to look for a book to use as a source for a paper she was writing and she was starstruck when she turned the corner and saw you sitting there at a table with your nose in a book. She had been feeling confident, after the hawkeye’s win a few days prior. Kate sat next to you and struck up a conversation about the book you were reading. You were more than happy to talk to her.
Ever since that day, you and Kate were super close. She followed you around like a lost puppy. The two of you fit together perfectly like pieces of a puzzle. To you, Kate was the best friend you wished you’d had by your side all throughout high school. She always made you smile and laugh and was always there for you through everything. You started to wish a guy made you feel the way Kate made you feel.
But to Kate, you were so much more than that. To her you were an angel sent to her from up above. The more time passed, the more you and Kate became attached at the hip. You often streamed Kate’s games and even decided to watch a couple in person when you could pull yourself away from your studies. Kate, not knowing you’d be there, was shocked and surprised. She hid behind Caitlin so she could steal looks at you. You made her nervous. She noticed how her cheeks grew pink over the twinkling lights and she realized something: you weren’t just her friend. You made her feel like a teenager again, the giddiness and nervousness she felt around you.
A couple months later, Kate invited you over to her apartment to hangout with her and some of her teammates. You’d accepted, surprisingly, and the team welcomed you with open arms. Kate saw the way you quickly bonded with her teammates and her heart swelled. She was happy with her two worlds colliding, the team and you. You leaned into Kate’s shoulder as she sat down next to you on her spacious couch. The two of you had gotten more and more physically affectionate.
“Guys,” Jada started to say from her spot on the couch, “we should totally play kiss, marry, kill!” Everyone laughed at her idea, but eventually agreed to it as they were all pretty bored. “Caitlin. Kiss, marry, kill.. Jake from State Farm, Steph Curry, and Connor.” You all giggled at Jada’s choices for Caitlin and listened to her answer. “Honestly out of all of those I’d probably have to kill Connor, kiss Steph Curry, and marry Jake.” Everyone exploded into laughter. You excused yourself and went to the bathroom, with Gabbie following you because she had to go as well. When you were gone, Caitlin decided to take the lead in the girls’ matchmaker plan.
“Okay, Kate your turn. Kiss, marry, kill…Y/n.” Kate looked at her confused. “What? Bro, you literally just said Y/n.” Jada and Caitlin rolled their eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I mean, with the way you look at her it’ll probably be all three.” Kate’s jaw dropped and she let out an audible gasp.
“Is it really that obvious?” Caitlin and Jada both deadpanned, “Yes.”
Meanwhile, you finished your bathroom turn and heard a soft knock on the door. “You can come in, I’m just washing my hands!” You called out to whoever was outside the door. Gabbie turned the knob and walked inside the cozy but still spacious bathroom space.
“Hey, girl! How’s is going?” You smiled at Gabbie. She seemed like such a sweet person and you warmed up to her pretty quickly. The two of you talked for a couple minutes, making small talk and conversation. Then, it was Gabbie’s turn to execute her part of the plan. “So, how are things with Kate?” You looked at her, extremely confused.
“What do you mean? She’s my best friend, we’re great, just like always. Why? Wait, did she say something? Does she think we’re not-“
“Nononono! Not like that at all! I just meant. Well. How do I even say this..” Gabbie paused and you looked at her expectantly. “Y/n, do you notice the way Kate looks at you?” You were beyond confused. Did Kate look at you differently? Was it something you’d done? What made her think of you differently? When had it started? Among all the questions in your head, one was louder than the others. How exactly did Kate look at you?
Gabbie pulled you out of your thoughts by putting a hand on your shoulder. “Y/n, come on girl! She looks at you like you hung the moon.”
Suddenly something in you clicked. You thought back to all of the times Kate had you over to hangout, just the two of you. How she coaxed you into watching scary movies and let you hold onto her when it got too scary. How she’s taken you on more dates than any guy ever has. How she’s always been your person to lean on as long as you’ve known her, and she’s been yours. You thought about her hair, and how she’d always begged you to braid it for her games so she’d have good luck. You thought about her eyes, and how they gleamed and sparkled everytime she looked at you. You thought, ‘Shit. I’m gay. AND I’m in love with my best friend.’ But that part was thought out loud and Gabbie let out a smile.
“Glad you figured it out. I’m here if you need anything or wanna-“ Gabbie couldn’t even finish before you rushed out of the bathroom and back into the living room. You sat down on the couch next to Kate and grabbed her close to you, putting you lips to her ear. “Can we talk?” Kate nodded immediately and excused the both of you and you lead her to the bathroom and you Gabbie had just been in, Gabbie shooting you a thumbs up as she walked past you in the hall.
You closed the door behind you and hoisted yourself onto the bathroom counter, sitting and letting your legs dangle off. You turned your back to her and stared at yourself in the mirror, silently trying to hype yourself up after such a new discovery. Kate looked at you expecting you to say something. “Did you bring me in here so we could both admire you in the mirror? Because if that’s the case then-“
“Kate, I’m gay. I like girls, no, well yes, but a girl. I like a girl and I’m really scared because I’ve never felt this way about a girl before. Or a guy, really. No one. They’re just not like you, Kate. Nobody’s like you. I’ve just figured this out literally five minutes ago but it all makes sense now and just-“ Kate cuts you off by pulling you into her chest. She doesn’t kiss you. Not because she doesn’t want to, of course she does, but she knows how new and scary this must feel to you and she doesn’t want to overwhelm you anymore. She wipes the tears that were forming in your eyes and beginning to drop away in a swift motion, “It’s okay, Y/n. Nothing we don’t want to change has to change.” You look up at her and all you can do was smile. Even in this, she’s your rock.
“Okay,” you say smiling, “you got that you were the girl I like though, right?” Kate rolled her eyes and pulled you into another hug.
“I think I got that before you even did.”
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the-fluff-piece · 6 months
"Invisible: chose your own romance
- Law or Sanji?
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This is a "choose your own adventure" type continuation of "invisible", if you haven't read that, start here. You can chose at the end if you want to be with Sanji or Law, click on the link to get to the corresponding story
Being friends with Sanji went better than expected. He was still the most handsome and awesome man you knew and it would take a while until your feelings would adjust, but it was good as it was. You helped him often in the galley where you talked and joked.
But he didn't stop swooning over Nami and Robin. When he served them, you were still invisible to him. From one moment to the next, they became his entire focus. His shouted praise and confessions of love still hurt, everyday.
But there was something new to occupy your mind: when Law realised that he had fucked up and spilled secrets that weren't his, he apologised sincerely. He also spotted your stamp collection while standing in your door.
"Wow is that an alabasta crowning special edition?" His whole being changed in a second. His usually squinted eyes opened, his mouth formed a little smile and he disrespected your personal space to squeeze past you and inspect your collection.
With care, he looked through the pages and showed he was also a stamp nerd. It was an unexpected bond that formed and he was still a little frightening, but you promised to look at his coin collection as well.
The two pirate ships anchored side by side for the day and everyone met for a big BBQ on the sunny.
You helped Sanji with the grill, handing him things and goving out food for everyone. Helping him out with his duties on the ship had become your favorite pastime. The moments spent together in the galley where moments of privacy, just the two of you.
When you could at least pretend that in other circumstances, he might have chosen you instead of literally any other girl.
You loaded your arms with plates and brought it to your crew and guests all around the ship. As you approached Law with some grilled fish, he patted the seat next to himself.
"Y/n-ya, I got something for you" He looked excited, showing you a rare smile.
Sanji was pretty happy. He resolved the issue with Y/n like a man and gained a friend in the process. It was still new to him to have a lady friend that was just his friend, but he liked it. She helped him in the kitchen and kept him company, he could vent about Zoro or even swoon over Nami. The book she had made just for him had a special place in his kitchen and his heart. He felt seen, appreciated on another level than Luffy or Nami appreciated him.
And right now, he grilled tasty food for all his friends. Life was great. He couldn't help but to whistle a tune.
"Wow what's going on there?" Nami pointed behind Sanji.
He turned his head and saw Y/n, sitting on a picnic blanked with that tra-guy. They were awfully close, looking at some kind of thick book together.
Sanji stared as Law produced a magnifying glass and both tried to look through it at the same time, bumping their heads together and laughing.
"Sanji, you OK?" Nami asked.
"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked through, as he now realised, gritted teeth.
"You just kind of bit your cigarette off" She looked at the crumbling stump on the floor.
"Must have been in my pocket for too long" He mumbled and pried his gaze from the scene behind him to resume his grill duty.
Throughts raced through his head: why were they so friendly all of a sudden? What were they looking at? How long as this been going on? Why didn't she tell him? They shared everything.
He tried to breathe deeply. She had a right to hang with whomever she wanted. Sanji respected the heart pirates captain for his strength and skill. He was a good guy. This was OK.
He snuck another glance - fuck, are they holding hands?
He turned a bit to fast, throwing a piece of meat in the air with his momentum. Luffy sailed past and caught it with his mouth ("tasty!")
They inspected a small coin on Law's hand, she traced it with her hand - it looked like they were caressing each other - like lovers.
"Sanji, you're turning red" Nami commented.
"It's just really warm at the grill" He groaned as he felt his body tense with anger.
It was a great evening, finally you have found a fellow collector who valued a piece's beauty as well as its history.
He was willing to trade an especially ornate coin from a flower island for one of your incredibly detailed Sora stamps.
"This was enjoyable, let's do it again someday!" He eyed the stamp with pure joy in his eyes. You could almost see the boy he must have been once.
"Do you like machines?" He suddenly asked.
"Well, I think they're interesting, but I'm not a machinist" You didn't know where he was going with it.
"You want to see the inner workings of the polar tang?"
He lead you away from the party to the strange submarine he called his home. With a quick "shambles" he transported both of you inside.
He didn't warn you or prepare you in any way - it was like losing your sense of direction and being spun around, condensed into one second. Landing and not knowing where the floor was made you sway and fall directly onto Law's outstretched arm.
He gently pushed you backwards until you were upright again.
"Warn me next time, please!" You huffed.
"Apologies, I should have known" He chuckled. You were pretty sure he did know and he did tease you.
It was pretty dark, there were sparse, little lamps illuminating the hallway. Tiny lights and dials seemed to make up the walls of the ship.
Angry puffs of smoke surrounded Sanji as he smoked like a nervous chimney. His thoughts were glued to one subject alone:
What was she doing with that guy? Were they secretly dating? Did they fall in love just now? Did he touch her?
Almost swallowing his cigarette from his gasp, he decided it was his duty to protect her from that guy's tattooed hands. She was so innocent and sweet, the thought of any man groping her made Sanji's legs itchy. If he so much as looks at her in a lusty way, Sanji would kick that gut all the way back to the north blue.
He stomped around the ship in a foul mood.
"Have you seen y/n?" He asked around, "or law?"
"They went back to the tang I think" one of Law's crew indicated the weird submarine.
"Alone?" Sanji grabbed him by the collar.
"I mean, just the two of them!" He said.
Letting him fall from his hands, sanji sprinted as fast as he could toward the ship. If that bastard did something to her he would sink it.
He ripped the door open and ran down the first corridor he could see, crying our her name.
With relief, he heard her answer "I'm here!" And Sanji ran towards the sound. Bending a corner, he saw the most horrifying thing.
Y/n was practically trapped by Law, shoved against some kind of rattling machine. He looked malicious. She looked so small and helpless against him.
"Hey you dirty bastard, let her go!" Sanji challenged the surgeon of death.
The polar tangs inner workings actually were quite interesting. The engine and life support were to complicated to understand, but you got the basic principle of the ship. You absolutely had to tell franky about this when you got back.
Law was way taller than you and easily leaned above your head to explain some of the dials and meters to you.
It was kind of exciting. It was hard to deny that he was good looking, in a bad-boy kind of way. But underneath the stoic surface was a nerd for collecting, machinery and medicine. He was so different from Sanji in almost every aspect, but just as appealing.
Keep it together, you can't have your heart broken by another stupid crush. He's out of your league, you told yourself. He's just happy to meet another coin enthusiast, that's all.
In the wrong moment, you looked up at him, and he smiled just right. He looked gorgeous. Dreaded infatuation was driven through your heart like a spear and you blushed, thankful for the cover of darkness.
The rest of his explanation went by in a blur, you both hung on his lips and didn't get a word he was saying.
"Y/n!" Someone screamed. Footsteps could be heard throughout the ship.
"I'm here" you answered, hopefully loud enough.
Not even a second later, Sanji slid around a corner and immediately began shittalking Law.
"Get your dirty hands off her, you bastard!" He screamed, fist raised.
"I'm not even touching her" Law stated calmly.
"He showed me how the submarine works." You told Sanji, demonstrably taking a step back from Law.
Sanji was there in a heartbeat, grabbing you around the waist and dragging you behind him.
"Guess you're leaving. But think about my offer, will you?" Law waved at you and stepped back into the hallway.
With a yank, you landed in Sanji's arms and you were back at the sunny before you realised he had carried you all the way.
When he finally set you down in the safety of the galley, he sighed and began to inspect you.
"Did he touch you? Did he hurt you?" His voice sounded distressed.
"Did he....force you to do anything?"He grabbed your chin and looked into your eyes.
"No, we just looked at the engine and the electronics" you mumbled out from between his long fingers.
"He's our ally, calm down" you grabbed his hand to reassure him.
"Tss" He threw his blonde hair around like the diva he was. Anger has reddened his face and squeezed his mouth into an adorable pout.
"Just don't be alone with that guy anymore" he said.
You just rolled your eyes, knowing better than to correct him while he was really on edge.
"What offer was he talking about?" Sanji began chewing the end of his cigarette.
"To join his crew" you stated as sanji flinched.
"Cannot wait to see that guy's face when you turn him down" he grinned maliciously.
"Who said I would?" You looked at his surprised face as the cigarette almost dropped from his gaping mouth.
"Uhm what? You're..You're not seriously considering that. The guy is a weirdo" He gestured wildly, "unpredictable!"
"Don't talk about him like that! He's been a great ally to us. So he's a little introverted, he still has a kind heart" you stated, demonstrably calm.
"He cuts people open! He's...he treat you well!" Sanji's voice morphed into a shriek.
"He's a surgeon, his crew is so nice. Why are you like this?" You got louder as well. It was your decision, not his.
"Promise me you won't go!" He shouted.
"Who do you think you are?" You retaliated, "you can't give me orders! Maybe I want to join his crew? What's it to you? A few weeks ago you didn't even talk to me - now you're aching like...like..." You were so angry, words eluded you.
"Like a man protecting a woman?" Sanji's voice was flat, without emotion.
"...like an overbearing father" you corrected him. The nerve -acting like you suddenly registered as a girl to him.
His face became cold and unreadable, scary.
This had no use anymore.
"Good night Sanji" you didn't wait for his answer and left him in the galley.
After your little argument with Sanji, you packed your bags with the motivation of anger and hurt. But you mostly threw your belongings in without plan or order. A half packed bag, total chaos.
The next morning - the heart pirates would leave and you had to decide if you wanted to go with them. You already talked to Luffy about this - he only told you to follow your heart.
You stood on deck, you bag over your shoulder. When Law saw this he smiled and nodded, Bepo was nervously fumbling and blushing behind him.
You turned back to your old crew to say goodbye, you were sure they would understand. Frankly cried, Luffy looked serious and wished you all the best. Sanji was nowhere to be seen.
As you approached the heart pirates, who were already shouting Greetings, you saw Law nod behind you.
Sanji stood there with a small package in his hands, wrapped in cloth. His cheeks were fiery red as he tried to keep his composure.
"I made you a last bento" His voice was hoarse, breaking, "everything you like. All your favorites. Just promise that you'll eat proper over there." He handed you the box and as his fingers brushed against yours, he couldn't keep it together anymore.
You didn't move, your were both holding the box as he wept and whispered his goodbyes:
"I am sorry I didn't see you. I'm sorry I was so stupid. I wish I could turn back time and make everything right. I didn't know what love meant until I lost you. I... I am so sorry." He whispered so softly that only you could hear it.
What's going to happen? Will you stay or go?
--> chose Law and go to the heart pirates
--> chose Sanji and stay
Taglist @sophsgloom @nim-rose @iloveartofcartoons-blog @caffeinated-chicken-nuggets @mugiwarasoul19 @yeeeeezly @atanukileaf @rosemaplefairy90 @carpinchootaku @corvinalitbitina
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imasoftieforbarb · 6 months
Hi! This had been on my mind for some time and im wondering if u can write it? Clay with a fiancee that unlike like most trolls is an introvert? And doesn't go out much. She looks tired, like messy hair and sleepy eyes.
It's because she has 4 older brothers of whom the oldest has a sickness which makes him bedridden, so she takes care of him. The other brothers have gone their seperate ways- only visiting once every 5 months or so. And could you also do brozones reaction to this? Take your time and thank you!
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Clay x Introvert Fiancé Reader
He knew your family situation was sorta like his
He just didn’t know the extent of it
The way you guys met was through Viva
She introduced him to you cause you were pretty low key and he was too tired for upbeat-ness
When he asked you to be his fiancé you sat him down (after you said yes with the biggest smile ever) and explained the full story behind your family
The reason you leave Putt Putt Village every month? To look after your older brother who’s seriously ill
Your other brothers? You have no idea where they are
He comforts you through it all- he gets special permission from Viva to leave with you to look after your brother together
No way in hell is he gonna let you go through that alone
On your journey to where your oldest brother lives, he explains his family situation
And you both talk about it- a heart to heart
You definitely both start crying
I like to hc Clay as someone who likes to read to his S/O
So he reads to you to help you calm down and sleep
He meets your older brother who is absolutely ecstatic to meet ‘the famous Clay who’s got my little sister swooning’
You glare at him playfully from behind Clay
Clay enjoys spending time with your brother, who tells him that he’s happy you’ve got someone to lean on now
Clay sees how hard you work to make sure your brother has everything and is comfortable
Clay also meets the nanny (who apparently has a crush on your brother)
When you leave, your brother demands that he gets to come to the wedding and tells Clay to take extra good care of you
When he meets his brothers again, he introduces you but makes sure they don’t encroach on your personal space
Explains that you’re an introvert
They all go “aaaaaaaah gotcha” then start bombardons you with questions from a safe distance
They didn’t get the hint
You don’t go with them- Clay insists you stay in the village, he doesn’t want you in danger
You have a heartfelt hug and kiss before you run off to delay viva from finding out
“You gotta promise me you’ll be safe”
He presses a final kiss to your lips before softly resting his forehead on yours
“I promise”
It takes everything in Bruce to not cry
You do join in the journey with viva- you wanna make sure he’s alright
You end up being the one to free him from the shoulder pads and you have a quick hug through the diamond before they leave to trip Velvet
You stay with Viva and Poppy whilst the brothers cry for Floyd
Clay introduces you to Floyd as soon as possible
You end up getting along pretty well-
Then one day, when Brozone, Poppy and King Peppy are visiting Putt Putt Village to pick up Viva but also see the full extent of it
Your three other brothers show up
By this point your wedding is approaching and you’re stressing out a little bit
But you’ve also told Clay, and the others about your relationship with your other brothers
And even Poppy can see that the bond can’t be fixed
So when they show up?
They’re met with an angry Clay refusing to let them see you knowing how much it hurts when they turn up just to leave
Disappointed Bruce and Floyd who just look on with deadpan expressions, shaking their heads
JD runs to get you- letting you know that you have a choice and you don’t have to see them
You end up seeing them, holding Clays hand for comfort as you do the bare minimum of introducing them to everyone
Asking your brothers what they want now, only rolling your eyes when they tell you they need various things from you
You kick them out of the village, telling them the only way they can come to your wedding is if your older brother lets them come
They all pale cause there’s no way that’s happening
Clay holds you whilst you have a little cry
100/10 husband material
Let me know if I should do a PT2 the wedding!
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prettyboykatsuki · 8 months
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✾ tags ; afab + gn!reader, aged-up characters, virginity loss/first times, established relationship, mutual virginity loss, nipple play, fingering, oral (f!recieving), creampies (reader is using a contraceptive), reader is mentioned to be an orphan / run away , 18+
✾ wc ; 6.1k (went to edit and went 700 words over the wc. pain)
✾ a/n ; i'm losing my mind btw. razor my only triple crowned character my most greatly beloved my angel my sweet. also i added the aged up tag mostly bc its the genshin fandom but. if u dont like that dont read. ez peazy.
also trust and believe the voice im picturing in this is his jpn dub. this is important
✾ synopsis ; you resolve yourself after many long years of abstinence, you're going to ask razor about sex the minute he comes home.
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Razor is human. 
On a technical level, this information isn’t news to you. He looks human. His physical makeup is human. He needs to eat and sleep like humans do. Focusing on the technicals alone, Razor is very, very human.
It doesn’t change that he was raised by wolves, though. And you don’t want it too. You think it’d be a shame if he started to assimilate too much into human society just because he felt like he had too. You know how he feels about it. And that Boreas is the closest he’s ever had to a father figure, thus making his claim about Razor's humanity a rather devastating blow. He feels inhuman all while knowing he is. You think once upon a time, he really did wish to be a wolf. 
You’ve known Razor since you were a teenager. You’d ended up in Wolvendom after your exploration of Teyvat led you to its outskirts. You’d bonded over your similarities. Two orphans with no real place where they fit in completely and complete odd-ball personalities - Razor was an easy friend for you to make. Even when you eventually decided to settle into Mondstat - you’d made a point to visit Razor regularly and spend time with him in the forest. 
You made an odd pair of course, but you didn’t mind. If no one else understood you in the world - you know Razor always would. He’d listen patiently about all of your adventures and sit quietly as you decided to pester him by braiding his hair or teaching him new words. Loyal, obedient, sweet.
You never formally had the boyfriend conversation in the time you’d spent together. One day, however, Razor took you to meet Boreas out of the blue as well as the leader of his pack. You figured maybe it was something he did with his close friends. It only occurred to you that maybe this was a more serious meeting when Razor promptly gestured towards you and introduced you as his mate. 
Razor, predictably, was very confused about your minor freak out. You tried not to let it show during your little chit-chat, but afterwards you’d shaken him by the shoulders and interrogated him about his word choice. This of course didn’t register in his mind at all. According to Razor, you’d been his mate since long ago. He’d been courting you since the moment you met in the way wolves are known too. You’re an adventurer, well-versed in certain animal behaviors for the sake of survival, including wolves. 
And looking back on your interactions he was right,  Razor had been courting you from the start. The news made you flush, and you went back into Razors camp and thoroughly educated him on human courting rituals.
(“Why matter?” Razor asks, head laid in your lap while he looks up at you from inside the tent “Not important.” 
“Why would it not be important?” 
He turns towards you, head facing your stomach as one arm lazily wraps around your waist. He yawns sleepily, seemingly not worried about a thing. 
“You are mate. Mate last until death.” He explains, casually - like he’d always believed he’d spend every minute of his life with you. Like that was the only natural outcome for you both and that he’d never consider anything else. You want to explain, it’s different for humans. Humans don’t usually mate that way, you should say. But the words die out in your mouth as he clings closer to you “Sorry for..not asking.. properly. What are we…as humans?” 
You look down at where he lays, thumb brushing over his cheek. 
“Lovers or life partners. They’re closest to the word mate, in definition.” 
“Lovers easier,” He grumbles, eyebrows tightening at the complex words in your sentence “You want to be lovers with Razor?” 
You laugh. Light and bubbly and warm as you lean forward and try to mask the tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. 
“Yes. We’re lovers from now on. And mates. And lupical, right?” 
Razor sighs contentedly into your midriff.
“And lupical.”)
According to Razor, you had been mates from the minute you met. According to your human timeline, you have been dating since you were both around 17. It’s been a long time since then and nothing in your relationship has changed.
You’re an adult now and you work with the city of Mondstat studying wildlife populations. You live in the city in a cottage, and Razor lives with you - though he spends most of his day outside. He does the domestic labor while you whittle away at papers and projects. Because of your job, you still spend a fair bit of time together in the wild. He has plenty of insight about the wildlife in Wolvendom and is keen enough on changes to give significant contribution to your study. His work as your partner is unofficial, but everyone acknowledges that you come together in a set. Where you go, Razor follows.
You’re happy with your life. With your relationship to your wolf-boy boyfriend, with the career you’ve carved out of scratch and the life you’ve built. You left your orphanage young and spent a long time on the run. You’re incredibly thankful for all of what you have and you could never think of what more to ask for. 
This is especially true for you and Razor. You’ve never had any real major obstacles in your relationship. Part of this comes from the wolven habit of mating for life. Concepts like pride are foreign to Razor. He says sorry even when he doesn’t completely understand and he has no concept of betraying your loyalty. Most things you can teach, he learns very quickly. But there are also some things no one ever teaches you to navigate. Some boundaries you can’t be sure you’re allowed to cross. 
You’re a blossoming, healthy person in their twenties and so is Razor. He’s scarred and athletic in the outdoorsy way and he’s a little more rugged now that you’ve both grown. He’s hit a growth spurt and he’s taller than you and every time you see his arm flex carrying in an entire boar to butcher in your yard - you start getting so hot under the collar you feel like you’re going to explode. 
The problem is: you want to have sex and you want to have it badly. You want it so bad it’s starting to make you feel like you’re a deviant. Like you’re some kind of harlot masquerading as an archon-fearing civilian.
But it’s so hard to bring up and you don’t know how you’re ever going too. 
You’re very good at asking for what you want usually. It comes with the territory. And thanks to your boyfriend's cluelessness about human social convention, asking for things isn’t embarrassing. Concepts like shame are learned through a lifetime of socialization that he lacks and while you could sit and try to teach him - you don’t think he would care either way. He listens if you tell him he shouldn’t do something, but that’s because you’re his mate and his lupical. 
What other people think is none of his concern. He cares about his Lupical. So if Lisa or Bennet or Klee tell him something, he might take it into consideration. But they, like you, love the parts of Razor that make him how he is and his complete innocence in some ways is part of that. 
You know you could very well ask Razor for sex. You’ve spent a lot of time together and you’ve learned many things about him. It’s not like there’s nothing there at all. Like his every other trait, Razor normally relies on instinct to guide him. You’ve learned through kisses and dry-humping that he can get hard at least. You’ll probably never know the details of his arousal, and the only you’ll ever find out is by having sex with him. 
You don’t know what else he knows. What Lisa has told him of the birds and the bees. 
You have tried to ask Lisa inadvertently, but she enjoys making fun of you too much to give you any straightforward answers. And in her own maternal way, she thinks it’d be better for your relationship if you go ahead and ask yourself. 
She’s right about that, but it’s also not very easy. You know Razor would never judge you. He doesn’t even have the capacity to do so. But while Razor knows nothing of shame, you certainly do. 
It’s your problem to get over. You know that. You rationalize that your fantasies are healthy and normal for someone your age. But there is something terribly humiliating about trying to express the extent of your desire apart from just having it. Is it fair to teach Razor about desire? Does he know of it already and the both of you just suffer in silence? 
Razor is a man. A grown man, and tougher than most men you know. He’s seen more than almost anyone else as part of living in the woods. You know he’s not some innocent fairy. But you can’t get over the feeling like you’re corrupting his sweet preciousness somehow. 
(This has its own charm, but that’s not relevant. Or maybe it is. Maybe there’s guilt for that too but it’s not something you can unpack) 
You’re reaching your upper limit on patience. Your hand can only do the job so long (though the import of sex toys from Fontaine do help) nothing can truly replace what you want. And what you want is Razor.
So, you’ve made your choice. When Razor comes home from…what he’s doing today - you’re going to ask him to have sex.
You’ve finished all of your work, did as many chores as you can, and now you’re waiting in your bedroom trying to read a book.
You haven’t even read past the first page, actually. But you’re trying. It’s hard to do anything meaningful when your brain keeps pivoting back to what's going to happen when your boyfriend returns home. 
You’re nervous and fidgeting, rubbing your socked feet together and running over the laundry list of talking points you’ve concocted trying to make this happen. You shaved but not bare because you know he definitely wouldn’t like it, but you’re clean. You aren’t sure if he’s going to like that either and he’s expressed that he likes when you smell natural. But it soothed your anxiety to shower so he’ll have to leave with it. 
You have no idea how this could go. You don’t even know how to prepare for the worst, because you don’t know what the worst is. But you reassure yourself with the fact Razor loves you and leave it at that.
You hear the door open and take a deep breath. 
There’s heavy footsteps that get louder and louder. Razor cracks the door open politely, peeking his head into your shared room. He makes a face, the softest little smile you’ve ever seen - before letting himself in and shutting the door behind him. He’s quick to undress himself - jacket and scarf abandoned along with his boots. Leaving him in green pants and a bandage around his chest and arsm. 
“Hi,” He says simply, coming down over to where you’re laid. He chooses to sit on the floor, folding his arms on the bed as he looks at you patiently “Missed you,” 
“Hey there,” Your heart is pounding just looking at him. He’s unreasonably handsome. Had he grown up in normal conditions, you think he would’ve been a very popular loner type. “How was your family?” 
“Good,” He says shortly, eyes warm and light “New pup. First time seeing since I was little. Very small and cute.” 
“I’m glad. Bet it’s nice not to be the youngest anymore.” 
“Come next time,” He says genuinely “They miss you.” 
Your heart is so full you think it might burst. It temporarily soothes your anxiety.
“Of course I will.” 
Razors eyes examine you for a minute. Your heart is still racing. Of course he notices it. He knows much more about you than you’ll ever know about yourself. His brow creases in concern. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You look at him apologetically, immediately warmed by how worried he is. You give him a small smile. 
“I’m okay. Just a little nervous. Wanted to ask you about something.” 
“Okay. I listen. No need to..be nervous.” 
Right. He’s right about that. You sit up and Razor remains where he is. He’s seated comfortably on the floor, on his knees - between your thighs. He’s a sight for sore eyes, terribly rugged and scarred with nothing but honesty settled in his gaze. Carmine and beautiful. You fold your hands in your lap and before you can worry too much, Razor grabs one in his hand. 
He kisses your knuckles so gently, leaning his face into your palm. 
“It’s okay.” 
You figure it’s best to be straight to the point. 
“Uhm. Razor. Do you…know what sex is?” 
“Well, it’s—wait what? Did you just say yes?” 
He nods again. “Miss Lisa taught me.” 
That witch. You take a deep breath. It’s now or never.
“And uhm, what did she tell you about it?” You ask tentatively. 
“Like mating but for humans. Best to do with mate. Good to be careful or else pups will come too soon.” 
You stare at him, jaw slack. 
“Right. And what else?” 
He racks his brain right in front of you. 
“Uhm. Can be for…feel good. Should go slow. Lots of things different from wolf.” 
“...Do you know how it happens? The specifics?” 
Razor goes a soft pink. Razor blushes. 
You have no idea what to feel. Not the faintest clue in the world. This is the first time in your entire relationship either of you have been in an awkward situation. You’re partially relieved it’s not completely foreign, partially feeling hot between the legs because you’re not corrupting anything. You make a face of uncertainty. 
“Oh. Uhm. Do you—have you ever.. I mean—have you ever wanted to have sex with me then? I-is that something you’d…want to do?” 
Razor almost looks perplexed by this question. He nods, then follows up. 
“Yes. A lot.” 
You nearly choke on your spit. 
“A lot?” 
“Yes. But.. Miss Lisa said to wait. Until mate asks.” 
You’re going to have a serious discussion with that damned woman later. You take a shaky breath, looking at him carefully. This is going to break you in a way you don’t know if you’ll recover from. But you’re fine, you’ve made it this far. And you don’t want to back down when you haven’t gotten to the finish line. The final blow. 
You’re not completely sure where you go from here honestly. Your brain was fully expecting to go on a long rant about sexual intercourse. Now that that’s out of the window, you’re at a loss. You decide, internally, that going straight forward is the best thing you could do for now. 
“Then… would you want to have sex with me?” 
His eyes widen then he pauses, looking worried. 
“Well…yes. But, worried. Not sure…how.” 
“Well, uhm. Normally it starts with kissing and t-touching and things like that. You can just do what feels right. Uhm.. and I’ll tell you… what I like. A-and what feels good.” You offer, trying not to show just how nervous you are even suggesting “But uhm… I also… think about it. A lot. With you.” 
His eyes light up, and you can practically see the change in him. You’ve never let yourself get close enough to look but when you see him now that you know, it’s obvious. He’s looked at you like this before. 
Like he wants you. 
“Razor,” You say, bracing yourself for impact “Come up here.” 
He’s quick to his feet. You lay back down and Razor lays himself ontop of you, hovering gently. He smells like forest, the rich warm scent of dirt and sunlight mixed with sweat that you’ve grown fond of. Looking down at you, he presses his forehead against yours with his eyes fluttered closed. 
“Mate,” His breath is warm like he’s been chewing mint leaves and sweet flowers. He does it sometimes before coming home “Love you,” 
“I love you too, Razor. You don’t,” You swallow thickly, suddenly aware of your proximity “Don’t hold back okay? You won’t break me.” 
“Want to..” He thinks slowly, brain clearly struggling to come up with the right word “Cherish. Want to cherish mate. Cherish you.” 
You give him a breathy laugh as he leans in close to you. 
“Did Miss Lisa teach you that?”
“Yes,” He replies, pressing his cheek to yours and rubbing himself against you innocently “Cherish you a lot.” 
“I cherish you a lot too,” You offer and he smiles. You feel your heart thump as you look up at him less innocently “Let’s kiss first, okay” 
He doesn’t reply. This much is familiar. Though this was something you had to teach him at first, you would go as far as saying Razor kisses better than you. He’s better than you in these ways most of the time. He knows how to read your body language down to the most irrelevant details, attuned to your physicality in a way that could only be inhuman. The first time he noticed a change in your cycle after starting some herbal contraceptives, you were turned on as much as you were afraid. 
His mouth is hot and overwhelming, plush as he kisses you passionately. He’s quick to open your mouth up with his tongue. Razor likes to taste. It’s natural for him to slip his tongue past your lips and lick at yours. You think if anyone else did it you’d be turned off. But with him hovering you over you, desperate as he pulls and nips at your lower lip - it’s stimulating.  It makes you wet before you can think about it too hard. Your hands curl themselves around his neck, tangling at the thick roots of his gray hair. 
He moans when you tug, and your eyes nearly pop out of your sockets. You do it again, a little harder and the same broken sound leaves his lips in the middle of kiss. You swallow the noise before pulling away, looking at his face. His face is perfectly rosy, lips swollen from where you’ve been kissing them.
“Did you,” You look at him erratically, eyes going over every part of his face “Did that feel good?” 
He nods, dumbfounded. 
“Felt good but,” He shakes his head in disbelief “Don’t know why.” 
You giggle, delighted with the outcome. 
“No it’s good, that’s normal.” You say trying not to babble “It’s like your body’s weak point.”
“Not weak.”
“It’s not a bad thing. I have some too. Like my neck.”
You can see the gears turning in his head.  He tucks his chin against your shoulder and before you can speak to ask him about it, he’s pressing his lips against the skin of your neck. He doesn’t stop at a kiss, though. He proceeds to lick the small patch of tender flesh, before sinking his teeth into it.
You moan. You moan sharp, almost like a gasp of pain. He opens his mouth to ask if you’re okay but when he sees you he stops. He blinks, then gives you a look you’ve never seen. 
His voice is almost chipped - richer and more hoarse as his fingers go over what can only be bite marks.
“Feels good?” He says, then adds more urgently “Where else?”
You’ve made him discover something. You’re sure of that. He looks awfully determined about it, too. 
You sigh shakily, grabbing his hands. Even though you’re trembling mercilessly, you want this. You want him. You let his hand squeeze around the swell of your tits - your nipples peeking through the thin fabric of your shirt. With your eyes locked on his, you brush your nipples.
“H-here,” You admit watching his eyes go dark. Animalistic. “Uhm. W-with your mouth, you c-can suck on them.” 
He’s quiet. 
“Like pup?” 
You laugh. 
“A little bit like that, I guess. But it’s different.” 
He makes a small, approving noise with his mouth, once again thinking hard about something before he continues down his path. He leaves open kisses all over your skin, hands reaching to undress you. You help him, peeling your shirt over your head and tossing it somewhere. His eyes are shut closed, in bliss as he licks and bites down your neck with no real grace. His tongue is wet and rough all over you. 
You can tell you’re being primed for something animal. Like being tenderized, worked apart in a way that makes you melt into something soft. Something that can be broken without teeth, that can be swallowed in one go. It’s not a romantic kiss as much as it’s a hungry graze, a gnawing lust. He’s not being so reserved anymore, and that means sinking his teeth as far into you as he can go, not enough to break the skin. Razor would never break you. But he might ruin you, might melt you down from your very center until he can tear you apart. 
You thought it’d hurt, and it does - but in a good way. There’s some sick sense of relief in how achy your whole body is. You’re burning up because Razor wants you like he’s starving. An emptiness claws at you, makes the back of your gums ache. Makes all the hairs on the back of your neck stand nearly straight as you sink deeper in. You want to be full of him and you want him to get so full off of you. 
Razor doesn’t stop his tirade even when he gets down to your chest. Instead his mouth closes around your tit, hard incisors sinking into the supple skin but only slightly gentler than before. His canines feel sharper than yours. They must be. 
“O-oh,” You can feel your voice shake as you hold onto the back of his head. He touches the other one with his free hand, squeezing and massaging the skin. He rubs your nipples experimentally in the same way you did a moment ago. “Razor, hngh,” 
A noise is pulled from the back of his throat, a growl - so hard and heavy that it reverberates into your skin. You can feel it spread through your whole body, your core tightening up. Your skin is prickly. A solar flare shooting through your spine. 
You don’t think you’ve ever been so aroused. You can hardly breathe around the weight of it sitting in your chest.
“Your scent..change.” Razor says through a breath, a thick layer of saliva where his mouth once was “Hot. So hot.” 
You nearly whimper. 
“ It’s because I’m wet…Aroused.” 
“It means I want to be touched. I want you to touch me down there.” 
A beat of silence. 
“Want me..to mate with you.” He sits up onto his knees, staring at you. Your legs are around his waist loosely. He presses a hand to your clothed sex. You jolt at the contact. “Want me to fill you, here?” 
He puts his hand on your hip, on your stomach - before tucking his fingers into the waistband of your shorts.
“Want to see. What’s wet, I want to see.” 
You lift your legs slightly, pulling your shorts off as you're bent at the knee. It’s embarrassing being bare naked in front of Razor, though you’ve seen him in the same state plenty. He’s quick to grab your knee and force your legs apart wide. He’s got that same focused stare, tongue poked out as he brushes the coarse hairs on your mound with his knuckle. You squirm under the feeling. 
“Pretty,” He says first, then follows with “It’s…very warm. Hot but doesn’t hurt” 
Razor explores with his hands. He runs his finger along your slit, before using his thumbs to spread you apart. He nudges your clit. At first you wonder if it's an accident, but when he does it again - rubs a pointed circle on the aching bundle of nerves you realize he’s being intentional. 
“Here, right?” Razor says slowly and gauges your reaction “Feels good for you…here. Helps.” 
You want to ask who taught him such a thing but you already know the answer. You nod helpless, feeling the way his thumb goes back and forth. He tries it in different ways, watches whatever way makes your breath hitch the most. 
“Here makes you… jump. Like bunny rabbit. Like prey”
The word prey almost takes you out. You can’t make your words out very eloquently anymore. “It’s uhm sensitive.” 
He knows the word. You’ve taught him it. He looks at your bare cunt all awestruck, gloved hand resting on your sex as he continues to toy with your clit. You squirm and shake, even trying to pull away. Razor manages to grab you, keeps you pinned with your legs spread, using his own body to keep you like that. 
“Razor,” You moan, grabbing at his wrist “Razor.” 
“Mm. It’s soft. So soft.” 
“I want to see yours.” 
It takes him a second to register your words, but he’s not ashamed in the slightest when he does. He takes off his gloves right before. You’ve felt it, briefly, the weight and heft of his cock through clothes but you’ve never actually seen it. You gasp as he pulls it out, tucking his pants down under his balls. He’s hairy - thick dark gray hairs nested at the base. His cock has a pretty curve up, tip ruddy and bright. It’s drooling, dribbling pre-cum and heavy. He wraps his free hand around the base and strokes it instinctively. It’s a good length, but it’s thick. Thicker than you could’ve ever conjured up in your own mind.
You reach for it between your bodies, your hands trembling as you touch it. Razor lets out another throaty growl. Your hand doesn’t fit around it completely. The back of your throat tightens up.
“You’re—it’s big. I can’t—not at once. I h-have to open myself up a little bit.” 
Razor tilts his head to one side and you shake yours in reply. 
“I need to uhm,” You gesture vaguely “Make it more..wet and stretch myself out. So you fit i-inside.” 
“Want to help. Teach me.” 
“...Teach you?” 
“Easier if I..learn now. When we do it again later. Teach me..how to touch you.” 
The words sound sweet coming out of his mouth, honeyed and loving. An obedient and eager pupil, Razor has always been that hasn’t he? And he always listens the best he can, tries his hardest. You suppose that this instance is no different. You suck in a breath and spread your legs a little more. 
Razor watches. He watches as you dip your fingers into your mouth and coat them with saliva. Watches as you snake a hand in between your legs and dip your middle finger down low into your cunt - with a trembling sigh at the sudden intrusion. He watches intimately as you pump them in and out, rhythmic and noisy. The sound of your own wet heat rings in your ears as you spread yourself in earnest. 
Half-way through, Razor puts a hand on your thigh. He pushes your own hand away, and waits for you to open your eyes. He stares at you, long and hard. 
“I want to eat you. Want to lick,” His hand cups your bare pussy “Here. Make you wet. Open you by myself. Want to eat.” 
You’re speechless. Profoundly turned on by the sentiment, so much so you can’t make out your own voice. 
“Uhm,” You close your hands into a fist, tucking your chin. “You can do whatever you like, Razor.” 
He assesses the statement and you watch him take it in. He ends up on his stomach, lying between your thighs. You’re fascinated by his assurance in himself. He takes the right position between your legs. You spread out to give him easier access and he gives you a silent look of thanks. His breath is warm as it fans your cunt. 
Before you get a chance to breathe, Razor sticks his tongue and licks. It’s animalistic with no real finesse at all. He makes up for it with enthusiasm and some conclusions he’s drawn with your assistance. He sucks on your clit nearly feverish, takes it into his mouth like he did your tits minutes prior. It’s drooly and sticky and nasty in a way that makes you ashamed. You’re more ashamed because you like it, you love it really. Spit is running down, dripping down to your ass. It’s a loud slurp - a shameless, nasty hunger in how he licks up your arousal with his mouth and drenches your pussy with spit. 
His groans reverberate into you. He likes what he’s doing. The sound and touch and taste - Razor overwhelms you with all of it. There’s a tangible intensity wrapping up around you, keeping you trapped in the wolf's den. 
You don’t teach him to use his fingers. He seems to have figured it out. The pad of his middle finger draws the spit pooling along your seam before pushing itself into your tight hole. You gasp at how invasive it is at first. Razors fingers are thick and scarred and you can feel the ridges of your raised skin from healed injured when he fucks you open with them. 
It feels good. Being wanted. Being consumed voraciously and openly without any care for shame. Razor is the embodiment of raw desire and all of it- every ounce of it is being used to devour you. The descendant of wolves, the son of the forest - laid between your thighs and eating like something delicious left at an abandoned altar. 
Even clumsy, you’re turned on beyond reason. Arousal leaves you shakily pawing at him to slow down. Your voice is reduced to nothing but small whines and mewls - pleas to slow down that fall on deaf ears. 
“Razor,” Your voice is clipped “Razor, please - it’s enough. Just.” 
When he snaps out of his haze, his chin is soaked with arousal and spit. He wipes it with the back of his hand, looking at you. 
“Tastes good. You taste nice.” He praises, heaving and out of breath. 
Your stomach flares up with new found lust, hands covering your face. 
“Archons, just. Come here.” 
Razor climbs up on top of you again. You cup his face and kiss him hard, tasting yourself on him. 
“You’re so unfair. But I can’t get angry because you’re not even doing it on purpose.”
You shake your head, kissing the corner of his mouth. Trembling with need. 
“It’s fine, it’s fine. I want you inside. Want you to fill me in here, so bad, Razor.” 
His eyes widen. Your desperation must reach him this time, because he nods. innocently. You’re thankful beyond words you’re on contraceptives. At this point, you think trying to use a condom would break you down.
“You just have to put it inside. But please go slowly, okay?” 
“Go slowly…won’t hurt you.” 
Razor sits up on his knees again, drawing your waist down towards him. Before he pushes into you, he lays his cock against your sex - pushing it between messy folds. His expression morphs, his jaw tensing as the head of his cock swells and throbs against your aching clit. It slides and slips so messily, pussy clinging to his hard length. You guide his cock towards your entrance while he leans forward over you. His palms are rough as they grab your hips, hands settling up under your knees. 
You can feel his cock as he rolls his hips slowly. Your nails dig into his back, indenting the skin as you cry out. It’s thick, intrusive as he pushes into your tight little hole. Even after opening you up, there’s an ache inside as the head stretches your pussy open. The raw drag of skin on skin as Razor pushes inside of you. You can feel him with every movement, your legs wrapped around his waist tight.
Razor has always had a limited vocabulary. He likes to speak in short sentences since it’s what he does best. His speech now is a lot more developed, but he still finds it troublesome. 
It stuns you when Razor's grip tightens and he swears under his breath - a single word, long and drawn out as his cock pushes into you deeply. 
“Feels good…feels so good. Want…move. Please.” 
“You can move, just let me hold onto you okay?” 
Razor tucks his head against your neck before he fucks you. In one smooth motion, he pulls himself out completely before shoving himself back in. It’s as gentle as he can go, but you can practically feel him shaking above you. How his whole being urged him to fuck you llike an animal. The desperation rolls off of him in waves, his own hands gripping tighter as he slowly finds a rhythm to fuck you in. Clumsy thrust that turns into careful calculated ones as you urge him to go deeper. 
“Deep,” Razor pants against your neck, his breath tickling your skin. His voice is a low growl as his hips snap up to meet the back of your thighs with each thrust. Your bed creaks each time he moves, the frame knocking against the wood “I’m deep inside you,” 
“Razor,” You sneak a hand between your bodies, clumsily toying with your clit - pleasure ruining your every thought “Harder. Give it to me harder.” 
As soon as the words leave your mouth, Razor gives up on trying to hold himself back. He fucks you with nearly reckless abandon, an impressive amount of strength and weight behind each thrust. His dick pushes in and out of you hard and fast in the most unromantic way. You can feel it all the way up to your throat. It makes the back of legs and and your lower half feel tingly. Your head is blank, nothing but spotted white in your vision. You blink them open to look at Razors face. 
He’s biting at his lower lip hard, focusing all of himself on his thrusts. He’s enduring it well. Your insides clench, a fluttery sensation starting to build up between your legs. You can feel it in your belly, the knot starting to untie. 
Razor is starting to feel it too him. 
“Inside so, ngh - hot.  S-something coming, going to—” 
“A little more. Gonna cum soon, Razor. Feels so good, you make me feel so good.” 
Your mindless praise makes him whimper. A soft noise that echoes through you. You repeat it over and over, in a high voice like you’d praise a puppy. Razor takes it in beautifully, trying so hard not to succumb to his own desires. He restrains despite how hard and how fast and how deep he’s fucking you. You know it’s not easy. 
“I’m gonna c-cum, Razor,” You say, at the very edge “Cum with me. It’s okay, you can let it out.” 
You cum hard. Harder than you think you ever have in your life, then you’ve ever been able to manage by yourself. The sensation hits all at once, like falling through the sky, you can feel the clouds pushed away by the weight of you coming down through. Your insides tighten and tense one last time before everything releases at once, and waves of the aftershock leave your pussy fluttering. You’re washed with pure euphoria, crying out Razor’s name as you cum. 
Razor is quick to follow you. Your own orgasm seems to drive him over the edge, and he cums deep inside. He muffles his cry by biting into your shoulder, groaning as hot seed spills into your cunt with a harsh stutter of hips. He fucks into your pussy, soft and messy before bottoming out and nearly collapsing on top of you. 
It takes you a long minute to catch your breath well enough to speak. 
You rub Razors back soothingly before you do. He lifts his head, eyes heavy as he looks at you. 
“Wow,” He says, eyes wide and blown out. You can’t help but break out into a fight of laughter “Love you…”
“I love you too, Razor.”
“Wanna do it again,” Razor says, looking at you seriously “Can I?” 
You feel a pulse of warmth through your whole body before nodding. 
“Uhm. Yes. Just give me a break first, okay?” 
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calicoheartz · 1 month
Can you write a Caitlin Clark where she always tapes her ring finger before the game and people find videos from way back in high school of her doing this tradition, after a Iowa game she gets interviewed about the tradition, and everyone pays attention even her teammates bc she never told them the reason behind the tradition which was bc she married her high school sweetheart and knew ever since they got together she was gonna marry her
The Promise of Always ; Caitlin Clark ﹒⟢
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summary : you and Caitlin being highschool sweethearts ♡
wc; 346
warnings : none , just fluff :)
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : im trying my best to finish up the rest of the reqs , there will be a lot more new content by the end of this weekend ❤️ enjoy ◡̈
Caitlin stood at the edge of the basketball court, her fingers deftly wrapping tape around her ring finger.
The star guard was always known for her pre-game routines. One such ritual, unnoticed by many, was the habit of taping her ring finger before every game. A tradition she had carried since her highschool years, with the reason behind it only being known to her, hidden beneath the layers of tape and unspoken memories.
But as Caitlin’s fame grew, so did the curiosity about this particular ritual. People began to notice the taped finger and wondered about its significance. However the point guard kept her reasons to herself, never sharing them even with her closest teammates.
After a particularly thrilling game against a fierce rival, where her skills once again shone brightly, a reporter finally mustered up the courage to ask her about the mysterious tradition.
Caitlin, surprised by the question, remained as composed as ever, paused for a moment to collect her thoughts. She then glanced at her teammates briefly, realizing she never truly explained the reason behind this tradition of hers.
Taking a deep breath, she slowly began to speak. Sharing the story of the time where she met and fell in love with her highschool sweetheart, claiming their bond had been strong from the start, and as they grew older they knew they had to make a promise to eachother. A promise of eternal love and commitment.
“We always knew we were meant to be together,” she explained, “So I started taping my ring as a reminder of the promise we made to eachother long ago. Especially since I cant wear my wedding ring while playing” she giggled.
As the interview spread across social media, videos from Cait’s highschool games resurfaced, showing her taping her finger, a simple but gesture that is so deeply personal yet so powerfully symbolic.
Not long after, pictures of your magical wedding day and quiet engagement were posted to the guards personal social media, no longer feeling the need to keep your whirlwind of a romance a secret.
her post 🥹❤️
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liked by : paigebueckers , katemartin03 , and 256,000 others
caitlinclark22 happy anniversary to the person who completes me. My other half. I love you more than words can describe , thank you for giving me the strength and courage to continue with my dreams. I’ve adored you since I was 16, and I will continue to adore you until the end. I love you y/n ! 💍
sorry this was so short!! i tried not to stray too far from the prompt so lmk if u want more details! tysm for reading 😊
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oo-delallymrcrow · 15 days
Makeup Trailer
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A/N: I have a cooper howard smut ideaa, could you write something where the reader is his makeup artist on a new movie hes working. Theres an Automatic connection they really click and have some sweet sexual tension and after working together for a while during the movie the tension keeps growing growing and they get steamy in the makeup trailer. Oh oh also could i request this to be in 2nd person if possible ty ty love ur writing ride a cowboy was sooooo good!!!
I hope this was what you wanted! Sorry it took me awhile, it's hard to focus sometimes and between work and life I tried so hard to make this good 😅
18+ no minors
As you headed toward the makeup trailer, a modest space but packed with all the essentials to turn actors into their on-screen personal. As she stepped inside, she was greeted by the familiar scent of makeup and hairspray. The trailer was quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos outside.
You arrived on the bustling movie set early, the morning sun barely cresting over the horizon. The set was already alive with activity, crew members scurrying around, cameras and lights being adjusted. This was a major production. Despite the pressure, you felt a surge of excitement. This was what you loved—transforming someone else, bringing a character to life.
You turned on the radio and let the soft melodies fill the air as you got to work, organizing and preparing to get ready. The door to the trailer opened and in walked Cooper Howard. He was an attractive and talented man; its what made you take the job as you always enjoyed watching his movies.
You smiled from behind the makeup chair, “good morning, Mr. Howard.”
"Morning, Y/N," he replied, flashing you a charming smile.
"Ready to become someone else?" You asked with amusement.
"Always," Cooper said, settling into the chair.
As you began your work, there was an immediate connection between you two, an almost electric chemistry. Talking about everything—movies, books, life experiences. The conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by moments of shared laughter.
The next few days turned into weeks and your bond only grew stronger. Yet with your bond there was a palpable tension. You were finding yourself thinking about Cooper more and more, distracted by his presence even when he wasn't around. You would sometimes pause, your fingers lingering just a bit longer on his skin, your gaze softening when your eyes met.
One particularly long day of shooting had left everyone exhausted. Cooper returned to the makeup trailer for some touch-ups, finding you waiting for him. The usual banter was absent, replaced by charged silence. You worked methodically, your hands gentle but deliberate.
During those moments it was so hard to not take action. Leaning in close to make sure no extra powder was on his face. You could smell the cinnamon gum he chewed on in-between takes. One time you were embarrassed when helping another makeup artist perfect her work. You leaned over to point out a few touch ups when you realized you had practically put your boobs in Cooper's face. You quickly stood up and walked around to help, realizing it was quite hot in the trailer. When you returned back to Cooper, you apologized for earlier.
"Not a problem, darlin," he replied in a low voice. You could see a glint of interest in his eyes but brushed it off as you thought it was unprofessional.
A day later when you were returning back to the trailer after lunch, an assistant was walking past with a cable. You didn't see it was unraveled before tripping on it. You weren't expecting an arm to snap out and pull you against a warm body. You looked up to see Cooper glaring at the assistant before running to you. His face softening as he brought a hand up to brush away a few stray hairs.
"You alright darlin'?"
You gulped before smiling, "yes Cooper. You saves me."
His grin got wide as he tipped his hat to you. "It's no problem, darlin'. I'd happily save you anytime."
You giggled before looking over and seeing people watching you two. You cleared your throat before stepping back. You brushed your hands down your dress before saying a quick 'thank you', turning to walk away.
"Hey," he called out before grabbing your wrist. "How does a cowboy go about getting a proper thank you?"
You turned and felt your face go red before quickly standing on tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek. As you pulled back you saw his mouth part and his eyes darken a bit before giving you another smile.
"Is that all?"
"I'll have to properly thank you another time Cooper," you purred before walking away. You quickly walked to your makeup trailer with your cheeks burning.
When you walked into the trailer you couldn't help the squeal that escaped as you fanned yourself. You couldn't believe you just did that. And promising to thank him another time, you knew this was going to be an interesting week.
You chewed at the bottom of your lip as you removed some makeup that smudged. You weren't use to the silence from Cooper as the radio kept playing a melody.
“Cooper, you’ve been quiet today,” you finally said, your voice barely above a whisper.
He looked at you, seeing the concern etched in your features.
“Just thinking,” he replied, his voice huskier than usual.
“About what?” you asked, meeting his gaze in the mirror.
“About you,” he admitted, the words slipping out before he could stop them.
Y/N's hand froze mid-motion, your eyes widening slightly.
He stood up abruptly, turning to face you. The space felt too small, the air thick with unspoken words.
“Y/N, I can’t stop thinking about you,” he confessed, stepping closer.
“I feel this connection, this pull. And it’s driving me crazy.”
Your breath hitched, and for a moment, you watched as his face slightly fell, fearing that he misread everything. But you stepped towards him, closing the distance. Bringing your hand up to touch his cheek, turning him to face you again.
“I feel it too,” you whispered.
That was all the encouragement he needed. He cupped your face in his hands, his thumb brushing lightly over your cheek.
“Y/N,” he breathed, and then his lips were on yours.
The kiss was soft at first, tentative, as if you were both testing the waters. But then it deepened, filled with all the unspoken emotions and tension that had been building between them. Your hands slid to his chest, clutching his shirt as if afraid he might disappear.
When you finally broke apart, you were both breathless. His eyes were bright, his cheeks flushed.
“Wow,” you said, a shy smile playing on your lips.
“Yeah,” Cooper agreed, his own smile mirroring yours, “wow.”
The world outside the trailer continued in its frenetic pace, but for that moment, it was just the two of you. The energy drew you closer to him with a fire lighting inside of you. Cooper must have seen it or felt the same way as he pulled you into a passionate kiss. You gladly opened your mouth to him as he deepened the kiss.
You were leaning against him and the lack of air must have made him dizzy because he suddenly stepped back into the counter that you placed your makeup on. It made everything jolt and roll off or roll over onto the floor; but it didn't both either of you as he tangled his hand into your hair. You moaned lowly as he tugged at your strands before you pulled away panting. His eyes were ablazed as you slowly knelt in front of him. You gave him a wide grin as you rub his budlge in his jeans. He groaned and dropped his head back as you fiddled with his belt buckle.
“Can I have a taste Coop?”
“Yes,” he rasped as you unbuckled his belt. You decided to tease the man as you slowly unbuttoned and slid the zipper down. You pulled his pants and boxers down as his cock sprang up. You ran a finger from the slit in the head down his cock, following along a vein, until the base. You gazed up at him through your lashes and saw he was already staring down at you. His chest was heaving in pants as he gritted his teeth.
You held eye contact as you gave a little lick to his head. Jumping a little as his fist connected with the top of the counter.
“Darlin’,” he growled between his teeth. “You keep that up and I'm gonna have to spank you for teasin’.”
You giggled as you wrapped a hand around his base and licked up the vein before taking him into your mouth. He groaned before placing one hand on the back of your head and stroked your hair in encouragement. You hummed as you took down as far as you could before pulling back to stroke his cock.
As you moved your hand up and down, you can tell it will be a bit of a stretch if you decide to fuck him. With that thought you could feel how wet you were getting with each stroke and each noise that leaves Cooper's mouth. You lick at his slit, tasting his cum before putting him back on your mouth.
“Fuck darlin’,” he stopped petting your hair to storke down your cheek, rubbing his thumb along your cheekbone. You heard a whine come from him as he barley thrusts into your mouth.
“Look up at me darling girl. I want to watch as you swallow my cum.”
Your eyes fluttered open to stare into his eyes. You could see his shoulders relaxed as you did and his mouth drops open with moan. You place your hands down on your lap and open your mouth wider as he takes over. His hands tangle in your hair and starts panting as he thrusts into your mouth.
You try so hard to keep your eyes open as one of your hands pulls up your skirt and shove your panties to the side to rub at your clit. His eyes moved down to see what she was doing and throws his head back before starting to ramble.
“Fuck Y/N, you're enjoying this? God you're so perfect for me. Sucking my cock like you were made for it. You're such a good girl. I'm gonna cum soon. You want it in your mouth?”
At his last question, his head snaps back down to catch your eyes as you whine and try to give a nod. He groans as thrusts into your mouth again to cum down your throat. You gag a bit at the last thrust before swallowing his cum down. As he pulls away you stick your tongue to show you swallowed it down as he grins.
“Good girl. Now get up here.”
He helps you stand on shaky legs, not use to being in that position for so long. He pulled you into a kiss as one hand squeezed your breast. You moaned as he pushed you down to sit on the makeup chair. You took in a shaky breath as he got on his knees. He grinned as you pushed your hips up to pull your panties off. He pulled them off and placed your legs on his shoulders before diving down to lick up your slit. You cried out with your head throwing back as he sucked your clit into his mouth.
Your body slid down as you reached up to grab the headrest and tangle your fingers into his hair. You give a tug and he moans against you. The vibrations made you moan out his name. He suddenly pulled away as you whined pitifully at the loss, before he pulled you into a kiss.
“I'm sorry darlin’ but I have to have you,” he kissed down your neck. He pulled you up before settling into the chair. He had you facing the mirror as he pulled you back into him. You leaned back into him as he grabbed your hips. You laid your head on his shoulder as he teased his cock against your opening. He used your slick to lube up his cock before pushing into you. You hid your face into his neck as you gasped and clawed at the chair arms. He felt too big and didnt think he was going to fit all the way. He moaned as you squeezed around him and shifted around to get comfortable.
“Here baby sit up.” His chest rumbled against your back as he spoke. He helped you sit up properly, your skirt bunched up around your waist. You looked up in front of you in the mirror and couldn't believe how wrecked you looked. Your face was flushed with wide eyes and lipstick smeared. Cooper sat up and you watched him as he took in the both of you.
“A perfect picture, don't you think?”
He smiled as you nodded along before wrapping an arm around your waist. You placed your hands on the chair arms again as lifted yourself up before dropping down. His eyes snapped shut and mouth open in a low moan as you repeated the motion. His other hand pushed your shirt up and bra down to expose your breasts. He pinched your nipple before letting go to rub his thumb against it.
You cried out and shifted your hips until it hit the spot that made you almost fall forward. He held onto you as he moved his legs wider and pushed up into you. You couldn't help the sob that fell out as you rolled your hips and just let him take over. The arm around your waist moved so his hand could come down and rub at your clit.
“Baby I want you to open your eyes.”
You didn't realize you had shut them until you saw how he positioned you to see his cock disappearing inside of you. You could see how easy he was moving from how wet you were. You could see how it was running down his thighs and squeezed around him again. He pinched at your clit and it made you start to shake.
“Cooper,” you whined out. Your legs were getting tense and toes curling. You could feel yourself start to titter into an orgasm as he pinched and pulled your nipple.
“Come on darlin'. You can come for me. I want to go home and be able to smell you on me.”
The way he was moving and the dirty talk helped push you over the edge. You sobbed as your whole body shook and scratched at the armchair. He pulled you back against him as he kissed your neck. He kept fucking up into you making your orgasm feel like it was lasting forever. As the orgasm ebbed away you registered that you were repeating Cooper's name, almost like a prayer on your lips. The man whispered your name into your neck before his hips stuttered. You let out a low hum before turning your head to bring him into a kiss.
“I want you to cum inside of me Cooper, please?” You purred against him and brought your hand up to tug at his hair.
He looked at you like you just hung the stars in the sky before he came with a low groan of your name. You pulled him into a kiss as his hips jerked and slammed into you for a final time. It was a while before either one of you moved, taking your time to relax and take in one another. You slowly stood to not make either of you uncomfortable as you felt everything start to leak out. You grabbed a few rags to clean up the mess between your legs, straightening out your skirt and fixing your bra and shirt back. He just pulled up his boxers and pants as he then pulled you to him. You sat back into his lap as he relaxed back into the chair, holding you close.
You closed your eyes as the exhaustion of the day caught up to you. You felt his hand brush through your hair before clearing his throat.
“How about we go back to my trailer to sleep. I think we both need it.”
You slowly nodded as your brain caught up to his words. “Yes I think we do. Then you can take me out to dinner sometime.”
He heard him chuckle before helping stand again, “yeah. How’s tomorrow night sound?”
You smiled as you yawned and followed him out to walk to his trailer, “sounds perfect.”
Taglist: @danveration
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knmaskitten · 24 days
Love me back ⊹ ♡
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Pairing: Kageyama Tobio/ afab!reader.
Summary: inspired by love me back by fromis_9. You moved to your new house thanks to college, and one day, as you were preparing to deliver a gift to your neighbour, you encountered said person, Kageyama Tobio. After that, you keep longing to bump into him and slowly get him to correspond to your feelings. But when that does not happen, you plan a scheme with your best friend as the ultimate test to see if Tobio likes you or not.
warnings/tags: afab!fem reader. No use of y/n. Neighbours to lovers. Kageyama really is bad at expressing love. Reader is head over heels. A little bit of physical descriptions but nothing specific like hair color, length, etc. You use Oikawa Tooru to make Kageyama jealous. Oikawa is your best friend.
notes: I wanted to write this since so long ago, Kageyama is one of my favorite boys. As always, this was not proof read so I apologize for any bad grammar. Not necessary but english is my second language so have that in mind while reading. As always my AO3 is here (I post there first).
wc: 2,500
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It was so utterly frustrating having to look at him all day long, knowing how your heart wanted to escape your ribcage every time you exchanged glances with his dark ocean eyes. You longed to see him every day, whether the sun was at its highest or lowest. You wanted to see him. For him to notice you and to exchange more than just “Hi” or “How are you?”. You’re sure you would have a stroke if he ever said something related to your outfits, which you carefully picked whenever you were going to “accidentally” bump into him.
Being neighbours with Kageyama was going to be the death of you. Your anxiety went through the roof when you thought about him, which was no bueno. Your cortisol levels were so high that your therapist advised you to finally blurt out a confession to him so you could be let out of this misery. But no, you were not that kind of girl anymore. All your life, you were the one who always had to confess to everybody, and you hated not being the one being confessed to. This had a huge impact on your self-esteem and made you doubt if you were loveable enough to be even considered a lover.
You were a nice lover, you thought. It isn’t like you haven’t dated anyone before this crush. Your first boyfriend, Marco, was a nice guy™ and you two had a very nice relationship. The thing is, your first relationship was just nice—not passionate, not vehement, not ardent, not fervent—nothing. Just nice. And it was rare to feel what you felt towards Kageyama; you were sure it wasn’t just infatuation; you could already feel what it really was and what it really meant. 
You were Kageyama’s right-side neighbour. You moved by yourself, next to where he lived, a few years ago because of college. You met him on your second day in your new home. He was returning from practise; he looked sweaty and tired. He had a jacket that said “Japan” on it, a volleyball ball on his right hand, and his sports bag on his shoulder. His hair was dark and messy, giving him a certain kind of freshness. You were casually walking towards his house, a friendly gift on your hands, hoping to form good bonds with your neighbours.
He observed you carefully and analyzed you, as if he were searching for something else behind your clear intentions. He did not smile at you, but he did stop walking to face you fully, silently questioning you. So you nervously replied:
“I’m…I’m your new neighbour!” You tried not to yell, but your words came out a lot louder than you intended to. This made you feel wobbly, with the tray in your hands threatening to fall to the ground. “I made some strawberry shortcake for you.” You pointed with your head towards the tray; it was a cute, soft pink platter with a ribbon design. It was trembling slightly thanks to your jitters.
“Thank you.” He bowed towards you, his hair moving with its movements. You paid attention to how his muscles flexed and then relaxed, creating wrinkles in his jacket and sports shorts. “I’m sorry, I don’t have anything for you.”
“That’s not necessary; this was just a small gesture. You dont have to give me anything, really.” You blurted your verbiage out without thinking. What was going on? You usually weren’t this awkward with people. You had confidence, which you slowly but surely cultivated through the years, and it was really hard for your ego to accept that a mere boy could have this impact on you.
He was a handsome boy with knowing eyes; his eyes were hungry to analyze the world around him, and the profound, dark blue ocean that his eyes were had you wanting to explore every nook and cranny in them. He was taller than you—almost 20 centimeters taller, giving him a certain kind of power over you. He had a toned and muscular figure, which coincided with the fact that he was a volleyball player, which you admired. You guessed he played in the Japanese volleyball league, making him a professional at what he did. And that was so interesting.
It just occurred to you that he perfectly could have rejected your dessert, given the fact that he needs to eat well and your shortcake was considered junk food. This fact struck your heart like lightning, making you feel butterflies in your stomach. He looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to pass him the tray. It seems you were in awe for too long because he gave you a frown.
“Right, sorry, here you go.” 
"Later.” He said while walking towards his house, leaving you perplexed.
That was the first time you two had any interaction. You took every opportunity you had to talk to him: sometimes you needed sugar, other times you needed a kitchen supply he had, and one time you needed help grabbing something from the top of your kitchen cabinets that you couldn’t reach. Other times you nonchalantly waited outside your home, seemingly sweeping your entrance, while you knew he would return from practise around this hour.
One particular time, he looked strangely dazed and out of tune, which you knew (by observing him so much) was weird. You had your broom on your hand, and the leaves in the cement were in a little pile right to your feet. You kept looking at him without a care in the world, scrutinizing him. This did not go unnoticed by him.
“Do I have something in my face?” He straightforwardly said, making eye contact with you. His back was ever so slightly arched and his hair was sticking to his forehead. His blue eyes were lit up with annoyance.
“Kageyama-kun, are you alright? You look out of it.” Worry seeped out of your words, a tender breeze brushing your hair.
“N—no! I mean, yes! I’m fine” He replied a little bit flustered, like he didn’t expect you to read him so well.
You left your broom on the side of your fence and you started walking towards him until you faced him. Face to face, he had to arch his back a little bit more to look at your eyes, which were full of a weird determination.
“Kageyama-kun I know I’m not your friend, but I can help you if you desire; I’m right next to you, and I swear I will do my best.” You stated that you were dead set on helping him out; even if he rejected your offer, you wanted to let him know you were worried about him. The sun shone on the right side of his face, highlighting his skin in a dance of light and shadows. This made time slow down around you, leaving just the two of you in this odd bubble you created.
“I…” He pouted, averting his gaze from yours as he frowned. “I just had a bad practise, that’s all.” He reluctantly said it in a mumble.
With all the will and courage you could possibly muster up, you walked even closer to him and gave him a big, tight hug, mumbling in a low and serene tone, “You’re still an amazing player.”
He trembled and then squished out of your hug, flustered. “I know!” he yelled, pointing to you with his index finger. ”I won’t lose!”
Kageyama was never socially good, and he was even less good with friends. So he did what he knew best: yell and challenge. You stood still, thinking you fucked up, your feelings bubbling in the pit of your stomach as anxiety started to gain a strong presence in you.
“S—sorry.” You muttered before walking rapidly towards your home, obviously not before taking your broom with you. You stopped on your heels, turned towards him and gave him a bow “Excuse me!” You yelled, leaving him there.
And after that, you both exchanged conversations that tacitly had something behind them. You sometimes thought Kageyama hated you and other times that he merely had to stand your presence, but once you thought he saw you as something else. You wanted him to look at you the way you looked at him, to long for your presence like you did his, to analyze your figure and eyes like you did his. To invite you on a damn date! If he didn’t hurry, you were going to finally accept the advances of a guy at your college.
In the battle of egos, you were not going to lose; you had a strong resolve, and that was: Kageyama had to confess to you. And it is not like you didn’t do anything to achieve this; you kept giving him gifts and kept advising him when he looked troubled. You secretly loved when he gave you attention, even if it was just crumbs. You had the opportunity to know a little bit more about him in every exchange you guys had, craving every chance you had of getting his attention. The feeling of his eyes on you, looking at only you with a certain kind of intent.
This went on for about six months—six long months of crumbs. And you were so not having it that you managed to get Kageyama’s phone number and his socials (you always waited for him to text or call you, but he never did, so you reluctantly had to be the one to initiate the conversation), but even then, you were not certain as to what he felt for you. Did he love you as well? Did he hate you? You were so nervous, uncertainty filling your body to the brim.
So, you decided to do a scheme with your best friend, Oikawa Tooru. This was evil in many ways, as you knew the rivalry Tobio had with your best friend. You met Tooru on a trip to your aunt’s house in Miyagi, and after a weirdly funny encounter, you two hit it off as best friends. You rarely met, but this was no excuse for how close you two grew together. It really was a coincidence that the “stupid setter from Karasuno” that Oikawa often talked about turned out to be Kageyama, which was stupidly funny.
You definitely were not the type to do these type of schemes, but you were desperate. You needed at least a glance that said I love you—a lovingly full of attention glance. And this fact also ashamed you; a guy had you craving attention; he had you in the palm of his hand, and he was so oblivious to it. This simply made you furious; you were not one to give into a guy this easily, and it made you angry that he didn’t show any signs.
So, you decided to carry out your plan. You called Oikawa and discussed with him:
“Tooru-chan, accept, please.” You pleaded.
“Using me! Huh! And to make Tobio-chan jealous! Him, of all people!” He said, frustrated and a little bit offended. “Why him, dear? Why him?”
“Please, Tooru, he means a lot to me.”
“But he is an idiot if you have to go to these lengths to get his attention.” He scolded you.
“But, Tooru, I love him!” You cried over the phone.
There was a brief silence on the other line; you could only hear the faint sound of static.
“You are lucky I’m in Japan right now.” He said, resigning to your plan.
“I love you, Tooru! You’re amazing!” 
Happily, you hung up the phone. The plan was as follows: he was going to pick you up for a “date” at the time Tobio arrived home from practise, and then you two were actually going to go out because Oikawa asked to at least have some real time with his best friend. So you texted him with the date and time he had to be at your front door. You insisted on him looking extra handsome that day and reacted with, “I’m always extra handsome! >:c” .
When the day came, you decided to pamper yourself. You wore makeup today; you wore a light pink eyeshadow that highlighted your eyes, applying a little bit of glitter at the center of your lid. You carefully placed your blush to make you look naturally flushed. You did your winged liner and used mascara. You successfully enhanced your natural beauty. You left your hair down, as it was what you were most comfortable with. You wanted to look cute, so you picked a white, flowy dress that made you shine. You paired it with black Mary Jane shoes and white socks, as well as a pearly necklace with a purple gem. 
At six thirty, your door bell rang and a text bubble appeared on the screen of your phone: “Open the door, dummy.” . And so you hurried up. You put your phone in your black purse and grabbed a black jacket to pair your dress with. You ran downstairs towards the door and opened it very happily.
“Tooru!” you exclaimed, excited. As you hugged your friend tightly, you peeked over his shoulder and saw Kageyama’s figure approaching. You whispered, "Ok, Tooru, let’s do it. Kageyama’s coming”
You knew you were going to get a reaction from him, but not this one. He stopped, looking between you and Oikawa; he got the clue instantly as he saw you both well dressed. You could swear you saw fire coming out of him.
“Oikawa.” He said it in a low tone, angrily.
“Tobio-chan!” He cheerfully replied.
“What are you doing with her? How do you know her?” He blurted out, arching his brow, walking closer to you.
“Going on a date. Not that its any of your business.” Oikawa gave him an annoyed smile.
“No, you’re not.” You swear you and Oikawa are still in your places, surprised by this. Your heart started to race. 
“You’re not fair!” You yelled at him, feeling overwhelmed. “You ignore me, then forbid me from going on a date?”
“I…its just…I." He started.
“You what?”
He then walked towards you fully, and taking you by the shoulders, he kissed you passionately. His hands were not moving, and you were so stunned that it took you a second to correspond with him. Oikawa stood still, a little awkward. He decided to slowly walk towards your door and leave you two to it. He was still going to have his time with you nonetheless.
“Oikawa is not the right guy for you. I am. I think I love you. I want you.”
You didn’t say anything, as those words were the one thing you wanted to hear the most, for the longest of times. And you had it now, and it felt amazingly odd; it was a new feeling that meant your love was reciprocated. 
“Oikawa is my best friend. I love you, idiot.”
And then you hugged him, and this time he hugged you back.
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Thank you for reading <3
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