#i came to class today and sat far away trying to avoid contact because i know i'm sick.
feluka · 3 months
why did i end up with such selfish classmates
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hanshikha-life · 11 months
My Trip to the Duck-ies
It was a lovely day in the month of July. The scorching heat filled the school grounds and the air
coolers ran tirelessly; the day went prolonging for which seemed like eternity. Well, I guess
Wednesdays are always too long! As a student I normally am very attentive in my class and try
to participate in the conversations actively. Most of the time I admire what my teacher teaches
me. I am a communicative person and hence admire anything to do with communication. To this
it becomes obvious that I enjoy my English classes. However boring something may be there is
always a positive in it. To Wednesdays my positives are the two English classes. They seem like
two leaves on a deep pond. Today’s English class was all the more fun because of the two
funny events that laid like two eyeballs of two very expressive eyes. It was around eight forty
five am in the morning and I was all ready for my classes to begin. I waited with my eyes
popped out to see which period it was. Normally, the first period is mostly Math or Business so I
did not really expect much of it. However, my fate had different plans for me. I had English
today, that too two periods of English. I was delighted to know this when I got carried away by
some silly conversation happening in class. In a while all the chaos was sorted and we got back
to our seats. The bell rang and class had begun flawlessly. The teacher came into class and
casually went about the literature. She shared some of her very own experiences which I often
listen very attentively to. As I enjoyed my time at class I sat down writing a story. I carefully
worked in perfect synchronization that I was lost in my very own world. Once I was done I
handed it over to my teacher requesting her to correct my mistakes if there were any. As she
went through my work I sat staring at the time table jotted neatly on the clean black board.
Realizing what I was doing, my teacher informed me that there was no Chemistry class today as
Sir was not keeping very well. Seconds after she delivered this message there was a faint
sense of joy around the class. Now comes the first interesting part!
Trip One
Suddenly, my teacher said, “ Oh! Chemistry class! Go and order grade 11 to read five chapters
of the book ‘The life of Pi (π)’ be very stern and loud”. “EEee! This sounds like an interesting job
I also want to come” shrieked my classmate. So, it was decided. It was me and my classmate
tagged along to the room of the ducks ‘Quack Quack’! We sprinted across the long broad
corridors and planned our parts as to who was going to deliver which part of the message. I
giggled all through the staircase and took a deep breath before I knocked on the door. I was a
little nervous and scared to go to the class. Not because my seniors were scary or something.
To be honest they are the sweetest and most inspiring people in our school. Although they are
really awesome, I still felt that way. I opened the door and said excuse me just in case there was
a teacher. When I looked into the class I was up for a surprise, I had to look around that big of a
classroom at an angle of three sixty degrees only to find all four of them sitting in a corner and
doing something I don’t even know. I just said, “Please complete five chapters of the book ‘The
life of Pi’”. I did not make any eye contact and ran back up to my class!
Once we were quite far from the class we looked at each other and started laughing. The
seniors' expression was soo blank we could barely work out which one of them said “okay” for
what we told them. We quickly wrapped up and jogged our way to class, avoiding any
embarrassment in the middle of the corridor.
After this the day continued to sag again:). I had breaked for snacks, soon after I enjoyed my
tasty delight! I sat through all sorts of tedious classes understanding advanced concepts and
interpreting logical information. I solved complex problems and played extensive games. I was
just enjoying myself thoroughly. I can still remember that we solved around one hundred
problems that day! Then I had my delicious lunch packed by my mother with fries for extra joy!
In no time it was the English period again. I was looking forward to what we were going to do
this time. I was ready for some more adventure. I grabbed my thin English book out of my huge,
heavy bag and flipped through the pages. I was going to do a vocabulary activity because of
which I was scrolling through my teacher’s ‘One Plus’(a brand name) phone. When all this was
happening my teacher was telling me about the Hiku(a 3 line poem) and Limerick(a 5 line poem)
the 11th grade ducks wrote. By the way, if you were wondering why I was referring to them as
ducks; their class name is ducks that is why! She was telling me how they made it a mummy
poem and a baby poem. Meanwhile, another classmate of mine asked my teacher, “ Ma’am,
when is the due date for this writing task?”. To this my teacher replied, “Tomorrow. If tomorrow
ever comes…Oh that’s a book! Hanshikha, that’s a book with one of the ducks, go bring it from
him!”. I looked funny as I tried to process the whole scene. “I’m tagging along”, said my
classmate. “And don’t forget to give a nasty look at the poem chart” exclaimed my teacher “Be
very firm”. “If tomorrow never comes?!” I clarified. “If tomorrow comes! If you say if tomorrow
never comes he’ll probably say “hey what, go back to class”” said my teacher smiling. At this I
burst out laughing as I went all the way to 11th grade another time!
Trip Two
Now, I was laughing uncontrollably for some reason I myself did not know. I took breaks in
between the steps asking my classmate to let me calm down. Before I knew it I was already in
front of their door. It was time for the session to repeat! I went inside to find out they were
attending Math class. It was now my classmate's turn. She said, “Do you guys have a book
called If Tomorrow Comes?”.She made it really stern, in fact she did a better job than me. Mostly
because she did not know them. My senior replied, “Oh yeah! I have it but it’s at home”. “You
don’t have it?” I asked, trying to be as stern as possible but still laughing. “Okay, bring it
tomorrow.” I said. Then my classmate gave a very, very nasty look at the poem chart and we ran
off without even thinking about looking at their faces. I barged into class and told Ma’am that the mission was complete!
The Next Day
The following day my teacher came to our class and told me, “Mission success!! I spoke to your
senior today. He mentioned referring to your classmate that she was soo intimidating, so
dominating, it seems he got scared. I said that the girls were following my command” I laughed!
I thought he’d understand by my sudden change of character that I was not being myself, but I
am still happy that he got scared!
This was my hilarious experience with my duck-y seniors!
Wonder why “Duck-y”? Because they are ducks and always very lucky!
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dolliedarlin · 2 years
:) I saw this post about shipping people with characters and I just wanna say I ship you with Tamaki for obvious reasons and not just because you love him!
I imagine you two “met” in a college courtyard, you wanted a new scenery for studying. You sat comfortably under the largest tree, with a book in hand, as you mindlessly listened to music blocking out the surrounding noise. Your attention was grabbed by a shadow that was cast over a page in your book. You look up and see Tamaki, although you don’t know him personally you’ve seen him in class and heard his name before. You noticed he never answered any of the professor's questions, he’d shut down and hide his face…you found it extremely adorable. Your eyes watched him swiftly walk across the courtyard to the exiting gate. He seemed to be in a hurry but why? Tami tried to steal a quick glance at you while speed walking but soon met his defeat, he ran right into a tree. Without hesitation you ran over discarding the book and your headphones. “oh my goodness are you okay ?” His face was a harsh shade of red, unknowingly you assumed it was because of the impact of the tree but it really was the impact of your presence. Tami was a mess, a stuttering one at that, he was trying to assure you he was okay. You didn’t believe him and after 7 trying minutes of convincing him, he allowed you to take him to your dorm where you had your first aid kit. Once you two reached your room you sat him down and assessed the affected areas. “You’re lucky you got out with just a couple of scrapes” you giggle lighting the mood, your laugh makes Tamaki’s heart flutter he sat silently avoiding eye contact and with his  signature red cheeks. Tamaki was so exhausted, his hero training was extra strenuous today and the whole running into a tree ordeal made his body sorer. Before you knew it, Tami was sound asleep when you came back with your first aid kit. After cleaning and bandaging him up he still lies motionless. ‘How cute’ you thought smiling at his peaceful face. After this incident you two didn’t stop running into each other, you started seeing Tami regularly, frequently bumping into each other around campus. You always waved and gave him a sweet smile to which he’d run away until one day you decided to break the ice. Ever since you and Tamaki have been happily dating ;)
You totally hold Tamaki's arm to make him feel safer and let him squeeze your hand when he's anxious. He still gets those same butterflies every time you hug him like it was the first time. He loves you so much, he’s just afraid to ruin it. ❤️ He definitely calls you sunshine :)))!
Okay I’m going to take a nap now x
Hope you like <3
i must have saved the world in a previous life or something to have such wonderful friends! eeep!
i know you've only written me scenarios for bakusquad so far but you've written tamaki so well, he's so precious! i love him! i can't thank you enough! im so so happy right now! i don't know what to do, i feel like running and jumping around but that'll make too much noise XD
thank you thank you thank you!!!!
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oh-katsuki · 3 years
Don’t Tell (Armin x Reader)
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Pairing: Armin x Reader
Content: professor!armin, smut, overstimulation, dub con, power dynamics, semi-public sex (classroom), oral (m receiving), sub!armin
TW: dub con, overstimulation, professor!armin, sub!armin
Word Count: 2.4k
A/n: subby armin? yeth. Archive Fic
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Your ocean science professor, Professor Arlert, always drove you crazy. There was just something about him that had you clenching your thighs. He was so proper, so quiet, and so unassuming, god you would do anything to take a bite out of him. You watched as his slender fingers traced across his keyboard, wrapping up his lecture with his standard dismissal, his blue eyes meeting your own as you sat to the left side of the lecture hall. Armin’s face flushed red as he darted his eyes back down to his computer upon meeting your gaze, and you fought back a smile at the way he seemed to try to disappear into his blue sweater.
The lecture hall cleared out, scores of students leaving the room to get to their next class or simply go back home, but you lingered behind, only starting to pack up your things when the room had become slightly empty. You took your time placing your things away, the air between you and Armin growing thicker as time passed. Making your way down the lecture hall steps, you approached the lectern, Armin attempting to avoid looking at you until you cleared your throat.
“Professor?” You spoke, looking up at him and stepping a little closer than you needed to be.
His face turned a soft pink as he turned his head down to look at you. “Yes, _____?” You could hear the slight shake in his voice as you smirked up at him, taking another step closer.
God, you could do this all day just to drink in the way he reacted to you. It was precious, and the thought of what he would look like under you had arousal building in your core.
“Do you think that if- “ Your sentence was interrupted, Armin jumping back from you as the next lecturer entered the room.
“Ah, Professor Arlert, my apologies! I thought your class would have cleared out by now.” They spoke, their attitude upbeat.
“Professor Hange, I was just about to leave. ____ just had a question for me.” He hesitated, his voice catching. “What was it that you needed?” You could see the remnants of a blush on his cheeks as he made eye contact with you. It was cute how he was trying to keep his composure, cute how he was pretending that your proximity to him didn’t have him hard in his pants.
“Ah, nothing. I’ll come back for your office hours.” You chuckled, waving your hand. “Make sure you save me a spot okay? I’ve got a lot to ask.” Your gaze lingered on him for a second before you turned to Professor Hange. “Nice to meet you.”
Armin knew he shouldn’t be looking at you like that. He knew that as a professor, he had to be professional, you were a student after all, just trying to get your education. Still, he found himself antsy at the idea of spending time alone with you, even if it simply was to go over course material. He’d even gone so far as to tell other students that his appointments were booked for the day, just in case you wanted to spend more time in this cramped meeting room.
However, his worst transgression in his mind was the way he’d groomed for you. The way he’d trimmed himself and showered before his office hours began because there was some part of him that hoped your real reason for coming was far more sinful. What he didn’t realize was just how correct he was.
“Professor?” You rapped gently three times on the ajar door to his office, pushing the door open slightly to peek in.
“____, come in.” His gaze found yours, motioning to the array of chairs in front of him.
You smiled sweetly at him, walking over to the chair beside him and taking a seat. His eyes widened at your choice, breath hitching as you scooched it closer to him. “How are you today?” you asked, leaning your cheek on your hand.
“I’m good, ___. And you?” He was being formal, his back straight as he pretended to occupy himself with organizing his papers, pretending he couldn’t see the way your eyes hungrily scanned over his figure.
“Better now.” You piped up, flashing your teeth at him and crossing one leg over the other.
That skirt you were wearing had him drooling at the way your thighs squished against each other and he was finding it difficult to keep his eyes off of you and the curves of your body. His gaze wasn’t lost on you of course, and you only became more aggressive in your advancements, however, each time Armin would pull himself back, attempting to gain some semblance of professionality.
The two of you continued like this for a while, a dance between two people who knew exactly what they wanted, one being too afraid to take it. The tipping point was when you put your hand on his thigh, ghosting it upwards and squeezing slightly.
“Professor, I still don’t understand.” You frowned at him, hand squeezing the meaty flesh of his thigh and eyes drifting down to where his cock now strained at his jeans. Your mouth fell open into a gentle o, meeting his eyes.
“I- I think it’s best if-” You cut him off, hand moving over his bulge as you moved your lips close to his, so they ghosted against him as you spoke.
“It’s okay.” You looked at him for a second, the way the blush rushed to his pretty cheeks, or the way his lips trembled against yours.
Fuck he was so innocent, such a goody goody. A proper and respected professor that you now had stuttering before your eyes. You wanted to ruin him. You loved the way his cock started to twitch under your hand as you kneeled between his legs, undoing the buckle on his belt while the pretty blonde stared at you, a prominent blush on his cheeks and his eyebrows furrowed in mock resistance. He was so hard by the time you’d gotten him in your hand, a bead of pre-cum gathering at the top. You wiped your thumb across it, Armin’s head falling back against the chair.
“We shouldn’t…” He spoke, his voice trailing off at the way your eyes looked as you gave the head of his cock a kitten lick.
“Think of it as a thank you.” You spoke, licking a broad stripe up the side of him. “You’re just such a good teacher.” Your other hand came to graze his balls. “So pretty too… such a pretty voice and such a pretty cock.”
The praise went right to his head and as if he couldn’t be more consumed by you, you took him in your mouth and the prettiest moan escaped his lips. You felt so warm around him, your cheeks hollowed out and your tongue pressing against the underside of his head. He tasted salty but clean, and you couldn’t get enough of the way the smooth skin of his cock felt against your tongue. His reactions were just too precious, the stutters that came from his mouth as he tried to will himself to stop you, and the way he fought the instinct to bring his hand to your hair.
“Huh, I could-” He groaned. “I could lose my- fuuuuck.” Armin’s mouth fell open when you sucked on the head of his cock, your tongue swirling around as your hands pumped what you weren’t taking. His moan went right to your pussy, arousal pooling in your panties.
“Our little secret.” You mumbled, taking him fully down your throat. You lifted your eyes to look at him, to take in his expression. His mouth was hung open, hands clutching either side of the chair beside him, and his face was bright pink as pretty whimpers fell from his lips. “You wanna fuck me?” Armin fell silent, his bottom lip trembling. He looked so different from how he normally did. Usually he was so put together, but right now he looked messy, his hair was messed up and the collar of his button down was open and out of place. This was the reaction you were looking for, the one that had you shifting on your knees to relieve the tension building in your core.
“You’ve got to say it if you want it.”
“Yes, please.” He spoke, flinching slightly as your tongue swiped over the tip of his cock. You stopped pumping him and he whimpered at the loss of contact.
“Please what?”
“Please let me fuck you.” He whined, eyebrows knit together.
You smirked, standing up and sitting on his lap, guiding his hand to your clothed cunt. You rubbed his delicate fingers over your clit. Armin could feel the wet spot, his whines becoming more pronounced as he realized that he’d been the one to get you so worked up.
“See what you did to me, professor.” You mumbled, your voice catching slightly as his fingers grazed your clit.
The words had his cock throbbing beneath you, his eyes shooting up to meet yours as he realized how desperate you were for him. Fucking you had been a fantasy for him, he’d stayed up late in his office, fucking his fist to the thought of how you’d look being stuffed full of him. He never thought he’d get to see you like this, grinding down onto his hand. Armin’s last semblance of professionalism was leaving him as he admired the way your hips ground against him, he wanted to give in, to let you fuck him, let you have him.
“Please.” You spoke breathily, your gaze meeting his. That was it, any chance Armin had at fighting back was now gone with one simple word from you and he pulled your panties to the side and pushed a finger into your heat.
Armin curled his finger a few times, hitting that spot inside of you and watching the way your eyebrows furrowed together at how he felt inside of you. He wasn’t working towards a goal, just experimenting with the way you whined and whimpered above him. Your eyes never left his as he pulled his finger from you and brought it to his lips, tasting you.
“I taste good?” You asked, raising an eyebrow as you reached down for him, rubbing the head of his cock through your slick.
Armin nodded fervently, moaning slightly as he made sure to get all of you off of his fingers. He couldn’t focus, his mind was hazy and completely clouded with thoughts of you. Fuck he wanted to be inside of you and the “let me” that slipped through his lips in his delirium had your legs starting to shake with anticipation.
You lowered yourself onto him, exhaling heavily as he filled you up, his cock stretching you open. Armin bottomed out with a whimper, his head rolling back against the chair in which he sat. Your legs straddled either side of him, and his hands came up to find your waist, running them over the dips in your hips. He’d wanted this for so long and whenever the thought crossed his mind that “holy fuck, they’re here and I’ve got my hands under their bunched up skirt and they’re looking at me that way”, his dick twitched with anticipation inside you.
With his hesitation gone, Armin started to roll his hips against yours as you rode him, bouncing up and down on him in a circular motion. You took his hands from your waist, bringing them to cup your tits and squeezing slightly. His cheeks flushed red, eyes widening as you brought his hands under your shirt to squeeze the supple flesh. You’d decided against wearing a bra, and that fact didn’t go unnoticed as Armin’s fingers pinched at your nipples, earning him a small moan.
He continued to roll his hips against yours, your lips moving to kiss his neck. Your professor’s whimpers and moans only served to bring you closer as your hips moved up and down over him with more fervor. He tilted his head to the side to give you easier access, his breath picking up.
“Fuck, feels good.” He whimpered into the hair by your ear.
“Yeah?” You breathed against him, rolling your hips. “Y’gonna cum, professor? For me?” You asked as he began to quickly unravel beneath you.
“Y-mhm.” Armin spoke, giving you no warning as he came into you, his hips snapping up abruptly into your g-spot as he rode out his orgasm.
His thrusts began to slow, but you took his jaw in your hand, bringing his attention to you. “I’m not finished yet.” You breathed, picking up your pace against him and rutting your hips forward so the head of his cock hit the spot in you that had your eyes rolling back.
You felt so full and each drag of his cock along your walls had you clenching around him. You brought your lips to his, licking into his mouth as he trembled beneath you, the overstimulation becoming too much. You leaned back, your back forming a pretty little arching as you began to rub your clit, meeting his gaze.
“Professor, do this for me.” You took his shaking hand, unsteady from the overstimulation. “I know you can.” Slowly, you began to use his hand to rub slow circles into your clit, a moan pushing past your lips.
Armin began to moan and whimper, his fingers shaking against your heat as you ground down against him. Your breath left you in shaky whimpers as your eyes found his. You could feel him twitch within you and you whined against his lips.
“Gonna cum again for me, sir?” You asked, earning another nod from Armin, pulling away to steal a peek at his face as he came again, a dry orgasm wracking through his body.
He fell forward, his free hand coming up to grab at anything as euphoria took over him.
“Fuu-uck.” He whined.
His little voice and flushed face as you fucked him through his orgasm threw you over the edge, your body shaking on top of his as your walls clenched around his sensitive cock.
The two of you sat there for a moment, bodies against each other as Armin gently grabbed at you in an attempt to ground himself. You stood up from his lap, adjusting your panties so they rested back over your cunt, stuffed full of his cum.
Your professor sat back in the chair, dumb founded, before tucking himself back into his pants, raking a hand through his hair.
“____? We- uhm I-” He stuttered as you packed your things up, watching the way you wiggled in your skirt, knowing that only minutes earlier you’d been cooing him through an orgasm.  
“Don’t worry professor, I won’t tell if you won’t.”
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badboyjuyeon · 3 years
mind reader
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Pairing: Chanhee x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: “One day in class you decide to scream something in your head to catch mind readers. As you do you see your crush flinch.” 
prompt credits to writing.prompt.s
Eyes glued to the clock, you counted down the seconds before class would start. 
It’s not that you particularly enjoyed English or any of the books you were discussing. Your teacher constantly droned on and on and, with practice, you had finally mastered the art of tuning his voice out. 
So it wasn’t exactly the class that you looked forward to, but a special person within that class.
And that person was Choi Chanhee, who had just entered with his bag slung lazily across his shoulder. Though his hair was ruffled and he was sweaty from gym class, he still looked as radiant as ever. He flashed his signature smile, the one that melted your heart, and waved at Changmin who had saved a seat for him.
Pretty people “herd” together, so it’s not a surprise that he often hung out with Younghoon, Sunwoo, and Changmin, the other popular boys that stole the hearts of every person in the school, including yours. You accepted that this crush would not go far because of his popularity, and you were perfectly content with just enjoying his presence. 
Before seeing him fifth-period four days of the week, you had only ever seen him in the hallways. You never had any real reason to talk to him, and given the chance, you’re not sure you would even try to hold a conversation with him. You know you would just become a stuttering mess and embarrass yourself. So instead of making any real efforts to do something about your crush, you just made sure to come to class a few minutes early so you could secure the seat that gave you the best view of him. 
Your English class was currently doing student-led discussions and your teacher claimed arranging the seats in a circle would help the students interact more with each other. You hated student discussions but had no complaints sitting in a circle, as it allowed you the perfect excuse to steal glances at Chanhee from any angle. 
Currently seated within the circle that seemed more like an oval, all of the students tried their hardest not to unintentionally make eye contact with the person sitting across from them. Your teacher introduced the topic the class would be discussing and you doodled at the corner of your page, letting your hand move on its own accord. Your doodles often reflected whatever you were thinking of, so your page was filled with drawings of the pink-haired boy you were currently infatuated with. 
The person sitting next to you spoke up, reminding you that you were still in class and needed to contribute to the discussion. 
You spoke once to satisfy the participation requirements and tried to ignore the feeling of everyone’s eyes on you. That feeling was 10 times worse knowing that Chanhee was one of the people that was looking straight at you. You avoided looking in his direction, knowing that you would completely freeze up at the mere thought of him. His eyes were finally off of you when you finished speaking, but that didn’t stop your heart from racing. It would take another five minutes before your heart would return to its normal pace. 
Having participated, you were now free to be alone with your thoughts. 
Running out of creativity to doodle, you decided that you would play a game with yourself to pass the time. This game never failed to amuse you during all of the boring classes you’ve taken. You scanned the room to see what some of your peers were doing. Younghoon was currently speaking, Chanhee was dozing off into space, the girl from your biology class was very clearly trying to flirt with Sunwoo, who was ignoring her. 
You decided that Sunwoo would be the first person you tested. This game consisted of you trying to find out if anyone in the room could read your mind. 
Sunwoo if you can hear me, write down something in your notebook. 
You took notice of Sunwoo’s immediate actions, which would prove if he could listen to your thoughts. 
He picked up his pen. 
Your eyes widened as you waited to see what he would do next. 
He started fiddling with the pen mid-air, and it never ended up touching the paper. 
Sunwoo was not in fact a mind reader. You moved on to your next test subject. 
You shifted your undivided attention towards Younghoon, who had just finished speaking. He was staring at his notebook, the corner of the page curling underneath his fingers. 
If you can hear my thoughts, look at me within the next three seconds. 
You counted down and waited to see if he would prove himself to be a mind reader. Younghoon raised his head and his eyes scanned the circle. 
You sat up in your chair as you waited to see if he had heard you. 
Unfortunately, his eyes did not land on you as he chose to focus on the classmate that was currently speaking.
You slumped back down into your chair. This game was not as fun as it used to be. Either no one was a mind reader or they were too good at pretending not to hear you. 
You screamed in your thoughts, looking around to see if anyone noticed. 
Chanhee, who was still staring into space, suddenly flinched. 
What the f-
And then Chanhee’s eyes met yours. 
You immediately shifted your gaze to focus on the notebook on your lap. He never looked at you if you weren’t speaking, the timing was all too suspicious. You made sure not to look up from your notebook for the rest of class or think about him, just in case.  
After the teacher dismissed the class, you hurriedly packed up your belongings and rushed out of class. But your shoelaces did not cooperate, and you knelt down to tie them. You heard a soft voice call your name from behind you. A voice that you knew all too well. 
Why was Chanhee trying to talk to you, today of all days? 
There was only one answer. Chanhee was actually a mind reader and he knew about your crush. He was coming to confront you. You quickly shoved your shoelaces in your shoe and ran out the school building, not looking back. 
Chanhee watched as you dashed out the school doors, the notebook that had fallen out of your backpack in his hands. He was sure he called your name loud enough but he reasoned that you probably hadn’t heard him with how hectic the hallway was. He placed your notebook in his locker and reminded himself to give it to you before the next class. 
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You slammed your locker shut, startling the student next to you. You lost your notebook for English class that you’ve reused since freshman year. Sighing, you headed into English class with a substitute notebook and the motive to pay attention, since you didn’t have any of your notes. You searched for the one person that could instantly lift your spirits. 
“Chanhee?” Your teacher called out during attendance, waiting for his response. 
You quickly glanced around the room to see where Chanhee was seated, but to your dismay, he was nowhere to be found. 
On the bright side, you could think about Chanhee all you wanted without worrying about whether he could hear your thoughts. You breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in your chair. 
Hearing the familiar voice, you looked up to see Chanhee standing in the doorway, out of breath, as he rushed towards his seat. You dared not to make eye contact with him again.
You wondered why he stopped to call your name after the last time you had class. There was a chance that he wasn’t actually calling your name and that you might have just imagined it. 
But you were quick to dismiss the theory that it was all in your imagination when Chanhee called out to you again after class. The hallway was rather empty and you couldn’t use the chaos as an excuse to avoid him. You nervously turned around to face him. This was technically the first time you spoke to him. 
“Hi, (y,n) right? Is this your notebook?” He held out a notebook that looked a little too similar to your missing English notebook. “I think you dropped it after class yesterday.” 
You took the notebook from him and sure enough, it was yours. Finding your lost notebook should have filled you with satisfaction, but that was the last thing you were feeling. The doodles of him scattered throughout the pages flashed in your mind. You immediately snapped the notebook shut. 
“Thank you so much.” You managed to say, hoping that he hadn’t flipped through the notebook. 
He gave you a small smile, unaware of your internal panic. “No problem.” 
Not knowing whether to continue the conversation or not, you also smiled, before turning to walk away. 
“Oh, and by the way, I know what you’re thinking...” 
What- there’s no way. How would he know what I was thinking? Oh my god. Is he an actual mind re-
You stopped in your tracks, grateful that you were turned around so he couldn’t see the sheer look of horror on your face. 
You faced him and prepared yourself for what he would say next. 
“...You’re probably wondering how I knew it was your notebook.” He looked down at your notebook, which you held protectively against your chest. 
Not expecting the words that came out of his mouth, you giggled. The question hadn’t actually crossed your mind, so it was good to know that he was NOT an actual mind reader. Your name was not on the cover, so it was a valid question to wonder. 
“I wasn’t wondering but, now that you mention it, how did you know?“
“I recognized your art style from the doodles on the cover. You’re really talented.” He continued to speak comfortably as if you had known each other for years. Your art teacher often hung up your drawings in the art classroom for everyone to see, but you were surprised that he had recognized your art style. 
“Thanks, that means a lot to me.” You finally found the courage to hold eye contact with him. You were confused as to why he kept continuing this conversation when it could have ended much earlier with little-to-no words involved. 
The corner of his lips lifted into a smirk and a mischievous spark glinted in his eyes. He cleared his throat, “I like my eggs scrambled in the morning...if you were still wondering.” 
Eggs scrambled in the morning?
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as you tried to remember why that expression sounded so familiar. Or why he claimed you would be wondering that. 
Chanhee bit back a smile, as he saw your expression change from confused to panicked in a matter of seconds. Your cheeks turned as pink as his hair. 
You were just joking when you claimed that Chanhee was a mind reader, but now you were starting to think that it wasn’t a joke anymore. How do you like your eggs in the morning? That sounds exactly like something you would think.
 “What...how did you...“ You struggled to form a coherent sentence. 
Instead of answering, he just shrugged and backed away, before heading to his next class. He left you standing in the middle of the hallway unsure of what to believe.  
Remembering the notebook that was still pressed against your chest, suddenly it clicked. He had seen the last page of your notebook. 
The last page was where you wrote absolute nonsense to relieve your boredom during class. You used to write notes back and forth with your best friend back in freshman year. She would talk about her crush on Changmin and you would talk about yours on Chanhee. 
That means he read all about your crush on him. Of all the ways you imagined him finding out, this was the last and most embarrassing way ever. There was no way to save yourself in this situation. 
chanhee is so gorgeous
changmin is SO FINE 
i wonder how chanhee likes his eggs in the morning 
i want changmin’s number so bad
You cursed your younger, boy-obsessed self for setting you up like this. You groaned, any chance you had with Chanhee was officially out the window. 
Rereading the page, you noticed that there was a new addition to your conversation with your friend. The unfamiliar handwriting did not match yours or your best friend’s, and the ink seemed to be fresh. 
idk about changmin’s but i can give you mine: XXX-XXX-XXXX
p.s. i want you to draw me like one of your french girls
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bibbykins · 3 years
Cookies and Fingertips (M)
Some Jimin loving! We love to see it! I hope you all enjoy this installation as I try to figure out how to properly flesh out characters in a drabble series. Am not sure how I’m doing there but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless. As always, tips are not required but greatly appreciated, just like your thoughts! Pls share your thoughts though, they brighten my day!
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Note: This is part of a drabble series The Household’s Bunny
Summary: You and Jimin met long before you moved in, and yet, you’re not sure if he even likes you. So what else is there to do but take every opportunity to talk to him until you figure it out? 
Jimin has had a debilitating crush on you long before you moved in and he is almost positive there is no way you’d feel the same. And yet, he doesn’t have the strength to properly avoid you.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: 18+, soft yandere-ish, obsessive thoughts, possessive thoughts, fingering, handjob, subspace, cum eating (sorta?), discussion of hospitalization, mentions of a stalker, mentions of passing out, the word “fat” is used, a moment of thigh riding, surprise kiss, insecurity
Jimin looked across the courtyard as his eyes remained fixated on your form. You were a simple second year in college and he was just a breath away from graduating. He first laid eyes on you a mere year ago and he can't remember what life was truly like before you smiled at him. You both had only ever exchanged pleasantries, so he opted to wait for the right time to make his move.
“That’s not true.” Your voice snapped Jimin from his staring contest with the PowerPoint slides, “That’s an antiquated idea, not a proven theory.” He looked to you, a couple rows down. You were plump and cute to say the least. He recognized you from a few of his courses. He had heard you were a double major in Art and… damn, what was the other?
The man you had rebutted had his face turning red, “It is proven, it was studied in 1973 with significant results yielded.” Jimin had no idea what you both were debating but he watched a sea of student nod in agreeance with you, some with the guy. What class was he even in? He looked at the PowerPoint slides, reading them for the first time today. Ah, he was in his psych of gender class. Maybe you were a psych major.
“In 1973, with no women in the participant pool, are you not seeing the issue in making a multi-gendered generalization whilst utilizing one genders perspective, a perspective that is also quite dated, mind you?” You cocked a brow and Jimin found himself a bit amused at the man who scoffed.
“You learn those words in high school two months ago?” He snapped back and Jimin grimaced along with most of the lecture hall. 
“What? You need me to define them?” You quipped, eliciting some laughter as the professor regrouped.
“Ah, educational discourse.” The professor joked lightly as Jimin’s eyes remained fixed on you as you noticed a few lingering gazes on you, shrinking in your seat.
He saw you in the lunch hall, sitting alone, not uncommon for anyone in college, except your eyes were a bit puffy. Before he could even question the urge, he acted. Within a few steps, he was at your table and you looked up in confusion, “Uh, hi?” You meekly spoke and Jimin realized he had no plan.
“U-Uh, you… uh… do you like the cookies?” He forced out and immediately wished he could disappear.
You looked down at the cookie on your plate, “Uh, yes? Is-Is this a fat joke or do you actually want to know?” You asked cautiously.
Jimin’s eyes widened, “No, I mean yes, I mean no, I would never make fun of your weight.” He squeezed his eyes and sighed, not able to see your growing smile at his mental turmoil, “I have psych of gender with you and people rarely talk in that class so I thought you were pretty cool.” He smiled and he noticed you relax.
You nodded, smiling slightly, “Ah, I see. Thank you.” You beamed and it was like he felt the warmth from you, “I don’t do super well with attention but I also have poor impulse control.” You chuckled and he finally understood why you had cried and his heart strings were tugged a bit, “And yes, the cookies are good.” You split one in half and offered it to him.
Life goes by a lot quicker when one waits for the perfect opportunity. This much he found out quickly when he found himself a year later, looking across the courtyard at you, this time as your TA. He tried dating to get the daunting idea of talking to you after that singular interaction in which he forgot to give you his name from his mind to no avail. No matter, surely this would be the year.
”Jiminie is so hot!” Jimin continued to pretend not to hear his ex, Yoora, whine in your ear as he observed the intro to modern dance class.
You looked to her thoughtfully as you stretched, “You mean the TA, that is not that far away?” Your voice was lowered, but he could still hear you. He found himself listening closer, wondering if you remembered the singular interaction you both had. Yoora nodded in the corner of his eye.
“Yep.” She affirmed, “We dated, it was magical, and he’s still hot.” She mused and Jimin grimaced a bit, feeling bad he dated a girl that seemed to be a decent friend of yours, “Do you know him?”
Jimin perked up a bit, “We talked once, seems nice, is obviously hot.” You shrugged, “I doubt he remembers me, though.” You leaned down to reach past your left foot as Yoora urged you on with her eyes, “I had gotten into a weird debate with this one dude in a class we had and he saw me after, and I had just cried because I hate arguing and stares.” You and Yoora laughed a bit, “Then, he just came up to me and asked if I liked the cookies I were eating, and I wasn’t sure if he was calling me fat at first.” Yoora gasped and Jimin felt pain just thinking about the awkwardness, “He wasn’t, and he got cutely flustered when I asked and then I gave him half of my cookie and that’s all.” You moved to your other leg, “And then he never talked to me again.” You laughed and Jimin wanted the floor to swallow him.
Another year goes by. The day before he was going to try and ask you out, you were hospitalized. He didn't know how to even approach the topic with you, but he did try to be there for you throughout that year. The professor he was TA for insisted Jimin also utilize his emails, so all throughout your brief stay in medical care, it was him who received your bubbly emails. The emails full of little emoticons and exclamation points that made him giddy and took him hours to conceptualize a response to. Although you didn't know it was him giving you extensions and safe regards, he still meant it. 
He was practicing when he got the email, 
“Attention students, 
We have received knowledge of an incident that has resulted in the hospitalization of a student that occurred within an apartment close to campus. Proper authorities have been notified and the student is recovering well. Please remain safe and vigilant.” 
His face twisted in confusion when he got a text from the professor he was TA for that you were the student in question.
Throughout the semester, Jimin watched you with careful eyes as you slowly acclimated back to yourself. He wondered how he could have been so blinded by your smile that he couldn't properly see your eye bags or the way you looked over your shoulder when you thought no one was looking at you, or how he couldn't see he wasn't the only one looking at you. 
When you returned, he watched your eyes relax and your guard go down again. He just wished he could've been there to help you get there. He trudged home one day and found you, and then his whole world was flipped by you again.
Since moving in, he found himself way more advanced with you than he ever imagined. You would plop next to him on the couch and give him a smile, "How was your day, Jiminie?" You beamed at him each time and he nearly choked on his spit each time.
He would mumble an answer and you would hum before watching TV with him, a show he deliberately put on each time he heard you come home. Eventually, you began watching competition shows together, theorizing who would win what. It was comfortable and close, and he found himself falling for you even harder.
"Do you wanna have lunch together?" Your voice pulled him from his thoughts in the practice room he had on his floor in the building. He had agreed to help with your final. The only time he could talk to you without it being a mental nightmare was when it was about dancing. The only time he could initiate contact was in this studio. 
The studio gave him a certain air of confidence that even you could see. He wasn't a different person, more so multi-faceted. There was the shy and bumbling part of Jimin just as much as there was the sharp-eyed and focused Jimin. Not to mention the way his fingers would dance on your form as he gave you pointers made you unreasonably aroused.
Even so, determined to challenge himself, he nodded, "Lead the way." His voice was smooth even after two straight hours of practice and you wondered how he could look so hot work out clothes.
You both decided to pick up food and eat it at the studio. You sat across from each other as you ate in polite conversation. It was after you both picked up the food and sat on the floor you spoke up again, "You know, Jiminie." You started, eyes shyly fixated on the floor, "I wanted to thank you for not telling the guys about my, uh, incident a year ago." You finally looked him in the eyes, a soft smile on your face, "Not that it's a huge secret, especially on campus, but I just prefer to tell people myself." You mused.
He blinked, surprised you would thank him for something like that, "O-Of course, I mean, a lot of rumors were going around anyways, so even if I did want to tell them, I doubt I have only the facts." He shrugged, "It's not anyone else's business regardless."
You stifled a little giggle, "Yeah, some of the stories got a bit crazy." You sighed a bit, "From a stalker attacking me to me passing out in the middle of the street." Jimin looked up at you. You didn’t meet his gaze, most likely reliving the aftermath of the whole campus finding out you were hospitalized and are a cam girl in the same week. Not that you were ever hiding you job, but you just wished you could tell people on your own terms.
"Yeah, some crazy things get told in the Arts department." He murmured, "I only knew most of the facts because your TA for Professor Lee's class."
It was your turn to look up, but instead of confusion he saw a polite smile, "I know, silly." You chuckled and when you saw his confused face you looked at him incredulously, "Come on, you're Park Jimin! Of course I'm gonna know the 'hottest dance major'" You fake gushed and he finally broke a laugh, making you giddy. 
"Of all things to know me by." He shook his head, smile still present.
You studied his face as his eyes scrunched and cheeks lifted, making you smile as well, "I've never made you smile before and your smile is so pretty." You mused, "I need to step up my comedy game."
"You've never seen me smile?" He looked surprised at this, considering he always smiled like an idiot when he stared longingly at you.
"I mean, sort of, but not to this degree." You shook your head, "I was starting to think you didn't like me for a while." 
His eyes widened at this and he panicked, "No, no! I do like you, a lot!" He exclaimed, much to your amusement and to his dismay. You watched him get red with a grin.
He stammered, staring at his fork before he heard your melodious laugh. He looked up and his face softened at the sight of your smile, "You're too cute, Jiminie." You reached forward and pinched his cheek, making his breath hitch. Your cooing tone made something click inside him. He didn't want to be just cute to you, he wanted to be more than any adjective, he wanted to be yours.
He reached up, hand going to wrap around your wrist loosely, "I was the hottest a second ago and now I'm just cute?" A glint of confidence shown in his eye as he made you gulp, "Is that all you think of me, y/n?" Your own name coming from his mouth sent a shiver down your spine and a beat to your core.
You were in a trance while being eyed by the man with a vastly different energy than he had just moments ago. You shook your head lightly, "I think you're beautiful." He cocked a brow and you scrambled for more words, "I had a huge crush on you from the moment I gave you half of my cookie." You breathed before even thinking, snapping you back to reality as you watched his eyes widen, "Ah, me and my mouth!" You admonished yourself, "I didn't mean to make you uncomf-" You frantically moved to take your hand back only for his grip to tighten, pulling you forward, placing your hand at the nape of his neck while his arm wrapped around your waist.
You gulped at the newfound closeness, bodies nearly pressing against each other as he eyed you sharply, "Do you mean it?" He breathed, "You had a crush on me?" You made a move to slink away, but you he gracefully laid himself down with you on top of him, his thigh mere centimeters from your core and he gave you a mischievous smile, "Don't leave me hanging." He teased.
"I-I mean… yes, but can-"
He cut you off with a sigh and a laugh. You braced yourself for him to laugh at you, and say how weird it would be had you confessed and how weird the idea of you two together would be.
It's a song and dance you've seen many times as a hopeless romantic chubby girl. Of course, now you know you were just too much woman for such little men, emotionally little at the very least, but you would be a liar if you didn't still feel the hurt of humiliation. The last thing you wanted was to look into Jimin's eyes and find the same pitying glint, but you were nothing if not a bit brave, at least sometimes.
You forced your eyes from his chest to his gaze and found… an emotion you've only every seen in the eyes of your housemates, an emotion you don't quite know yet, even if you felt it too. At your curiosity, Jimin beamed at you further, "I'd be really frustrated right now if you weren’t on top of me." He chuckled a bit and explained further before you could ask why, "I have had such a huge crush on you for years now." You balk at this, shaking you head.
"That's not a funny joke, Jiminie." You huffed, "If I were even a bit more gullible, I would seriously believe you and then my feelings would be hurt-" He pulled you flush against him as he captured your mouth in a soft and sweet kiss. He was slow, but focused, in the way his mouth moved against yours.
Inside, though, Jimin was freaking out. What if you didn't actually want to kiss him? Why didn't he ask beforehand? Should he pull away? But your mouth feels so good. Are you kissing him back or is he just that enthusiastic?
You laid his worries to rest when you used the hand at his nape to pull him closer, mouth opening to nibble on his bottom lip. He groaned lightly, pulling you closer as his tongue mingled with your own and he pressed his thigh into the thin material of your leggings. You gasped at this and it was like a fire lit within him as he sat up and shifted you for your legs to be on both sides of him as he pressed his mouth onto yours further.
His fingertips danced along your form in a much different context than you were used to, but fuck, did it feel nice. Where one arm was securely holding your waist, his hand reached beneath your shirt, getting accustomed to the soft skin as he waited for you to nod. You wanted him to touch you further. You didn't understand what all these hot men wanted with you, but right now, it didn't matter one bit. 
Jimin's eyes rolled back when he reached in your sports bra to run his fingers over your hardened nipples. You twitched against him as you gasped, fingers intertwining with his hair roughly, "Shit." He groaned at the sensation.
You both sloppily kissed as he explored your chest with his hands, moaning into each other's mouths at the euphoria of unresolved feelings coming to fruition and the sexual tension finally snapping as you gave him unrestricted access to feel you beneath his fingertips, "Wanted this for so long." He murmurs into your mouth, "So beautiful, fuck." The praises don't stop, and only further spur you wandering hand on as you feel his sculpted stomach.
"Wanna touch you." You whine as your fingers play with the waistband of his sweats and he nods, his own hand travelling down to cup your core, making you squeak, "Fuck, I'm so wet." You realized, half embarrassed and half aroused.
You could feel his amusement as he slipped his hand beneath your tights and panties to make skin to skin contact with your soaked core, and he didn't know how he made it this far, but he just wants to keep going as he feels you soak his hand, "Yeah, baby, you are, just for me." He moans when you follow his lead, hand wrapping around his hardened erection and giving a small squeeze, "Shit!" He gasps as you wiggled your hips against his hand, grinding yourself little by little. 
Your hand massaged the head, smearing the precum as you begin stroking him. You both continue moaning into each other's mouths as his hips jerked and you twitched against his hands, "So fucking wet, baby, so sexy." He growled and he slipped a finger inside of you, him groaning at your pulsating warmth wrapped around his finger, "Slid right in, angel." He praises and you let out a choked gasp and he presses his thumb against your clit.
He drank your moans into his mouth like they were an oasis in the desert, and he’s not sure how he’s lived this long without them. Without you by his side and in his arms. He held you close, refusing to even consider loosening his grip because your body against his was bliss in the highest form. You were his, even if just in this moment, and you would be nobody else’s. Nobody could make him feel the way you do, and he, along with the other men that resided in the building, were determined to hold the same monopoly over your emotions. He refused to entertain the idea of anyone beyond this building making you feel anything close to what he was now as he pushed a second finger in, relishing in the strangled moan you gave as you babbled about feeling full.
With the excitement of his dream girl dripping against his hand and your own hand working expertly on his dick, Jimin could feel himself getting close and you could tell from the breathy whines he gave you as he began thrusting his hips in time with his fingers inside you, "Cum for me, Jiminie." You purred before licking at his tongue and he came beautifully with his eyes screwed shut and mouth open as you swiveled your hips agains his, now two, fingers.
"Baby, so good." He whined as his high settled down. He shifted all focus to you and your impending orgasm as he watched you fuck yourself onto his hand, "Feeling good, darling?" He asked teasingly and you nodded dumbly, lips pressed together as you felt your high approach, "I can feel you clenching around my fingers, fuck, you gonna cum in my hand all pretty?" He cooed and you nodded as he met your thrusts, making you clutch onto him harder.
"Can I cum?" You whimpered and Jimin could almost feel himself get hard again at how willing you were to give him the reigns.
"Because you asked so sweetly, of course my love." He let the name slip before you both could even acknowledge it consciously. However, the closeness and the intimacy of it all sent you over the edge and you bit down on his shoulder in attempt to hide how loud you were. He held you close, not minding one bit at the mark you were surely leaving as he fucked you through your orgasm, "Felt good, angel?" He mused and you tucked your face into his neck as you nodded, holding him close as his finger stilled but kept you full until he felt you relax. 
You both giggled as you met eyes, licking the other person's cum off of your hands, "Thank you Jiminie." You hummed cheerily.
"Thank you, bunny." He chided before giving you a kiss, "We all really, really, like you, you know that right?" He asked and noticed your hesitation.
"Sure, but people can be sexually attracted to me and not want to… be with me." You spoke wistfully, "People can like me and not want to be with me." You let out a humorless laugh, "And few things make me feel as dumb as getting my hopes up for no reason." Although you had a tendency to do it time and time again.
"Don't be scared to assume we want you as much as you, hopefully, want us." He spoke quickly before he planted another kiss on you and the affection made you smile.
"You realize the irony of the statement coming from you, right?" You chuckled as he helped you stand on shaky legs before just carrying you, "I cum once for you and all of sudden you know everything and are all confident." You chided, unsure how to process his words yet, mind hazy from your orgasm.
"What can I say? You opened my third eye." He joked and you rolled your eyes before leaning your head on his shoulder, enjoying his embrace, the idea of your housemates loving you back seeming just slightly less like an outlandish fantasy, "Although, it will wear off and then we'll have to do it all over again." He sighed dramatically and you giggled.
"What a shame." You fake gasped, "I hate engaging in sexual relations with hot guys." You complained sarcastically.
"So you do think I'm hot!" Jimin cheered triumphantly.
You laughed against him and realized the only times you felt so free were with your beloved housemates. You wondered if they felt the same. You also found a more insecure part wondering for how long they would feel that way. How long would it be until a girl, or several, much prettier than you or less needy catches their attention. You wondered if you could take the pain of watching the sincerity drain from their eyes just as you've seen in your mom, your dad, your uncle, your first relationship to your last. You wondered what it was about you that made it so easy to be left behind.
Jimin's phone pinged, ripping you from your melancholic thoughts. He sighed, pulling it out and you fought the urge to see if it was another person vying for his romantic attention. He didn't belong to you, even if you wanted him to, "Ah, Namjoon wants to know if you want the demo for the new zombie game he's working on and Jin wants to know if you'd like your first pick of the new stickers he got, and Hoseok wants to try a new hairstyle on you and ah, they all sent me something to ask you…. Gosh, they all think I'm your secretary when we're together." He whined and you held onto him tighter with a light laugh as he went through everyone's inquiries for you.
You also found yourself how you went on this long without them and how you could even consider hesitating if they asked you to stay with them for much longer.
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Untouchable - F.W
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompt list
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Prompt 42: He sneaked his arms around your waist and kissed your neck, staring at the man across the room, hoping he would notice you were unavailable.
Requested/About: Another 7th year student has spiked an interest in Fred’s girlfriend and won’t give up on trying to prove himself to her, Fred notices and makes sure everyone knows she’s his.
Warnings: Swearing, mention of food and eating.
“You’d think you were being served for breakfast with the way he looks at you” George muttered, taking a bite out of his toast.
You sighed and looked down the table, the familiar 7th year kept staring at you, breaking out into a smile when you met his gaze, waving at you.
Turning back around you shook your head and took a sip of your juice, trying your best to ignore his eyes burning into the side of your face.
Placing the goblet back on the table you wiped the corner of your mouth with your sleeve “he’s been hitting on me each time he walks past, winking at me and that”
“who is he anyway?” George asked “bloody weirdo” he flicked through the paper trying to find funny jokes or word about his upcoming business. 
“Evan” you muttered “moved here a year or so ago”
George looked over to the lad and glared at him “I’ll spike his drink with some pastilles-”
“spike who with what, Georgie?” Fred butted in, waltzing towards the table. 
You quickly shot George a look, similar to the one he gave to Evan down the table, you shook your head at him. Sitting down, Fred placed his arm around you and pulled you close to him.
“Morning love” he said softly,  kissing your head.
You felt safer now that Fred arrived, you were hoping that deep down inside Evan would see Fred’s affection and be put off you - going after someone else who was available. 
“Professor Snape” George replied, faking a grin. 
Fred quickly stuffed his face, being late to breakfast he only had five or so minutes until first class. 
“What’s he done this time?” Fred asked, mouth full of cereal.
“Oh, nothing yet” you replied “we’ll see what exam results I get first.”
You and Fred walked out of the dungeons, each of you balling your test results in your fists, crumpling the paper into a ball, your free hands laced together. 
“He’s getting more than puking pastilles after this bloody result” Fred hissed “mum’s gonna go mental.”
You opened your mouth to say something until Evan and his group of friends walked past, you didn’t ignore him fast enough and accidentally caught his gaze, Evan waved at you and winked - pushing past in front of you.
“Love your hair, beautiful.” He called out.
You put your head down and stared at your shoes, continuing to walk to your next class, hoping Fred was too angry to notice. 
“What was that about?” Fred stopped in his tracks, pulling you back beside him “Y/N?”
“I don’t know” you replied, feeling your pulse elevate “I’ve never seen him before”
Fred looked behind him, Evan and his group of friends disappearing into halls, he placed his arm back around you and walked with you down the corridor. 
“has he been bothering you, love?” Fred asked, concern ringing in his voice.
You wanted to tell the truth, to have your boyfriend be your knight in shining armour - but at the same time, you wanted to handle things yourself, you didn’t want to be shielded or put more pressure on him. 
Staying silent for a moment, you chewed on your lip and lied “no, I don’t know him - he’s probably got me confused with someone else.”
Fred let out a laugh and rolled his eyes, the two of you now meeting up with George. 
“you? mixed up with someone else? impossible, you’re that gorgeous you stick out like Harry’s scar” Fred kissed your head again, turning to George “ready for Quidditch then?”
George nodded “will you be coming to watch, Y/N?” 
Evan walked past again, kitted out in his Quidditch gear and shooting daggers at your boyfriend. 
“what is his problem?” Fred muttered.
“He’s on your team?” you mouthed to George, his face dropping.
George shrugged “I didn’t know! He’s probably standing in for someone else...” he mouthed back.
Fred continued to stare at the back of Evan’s head, gripping his wand in his pocket. You pulled at his arm, hugging him before taking off to your last class.
No matter how much you tried, you couldn’t focus on anything that spewed out of Trelawney’s mouth, you say at the back of her class with your head in your hands - just wanting to disappear.
“It’s no good lying my dear” Trelawney mumbled, walking over to you “the truth is going to come out before you can stop it!”
You shook your head and bit down on your tongue, forcing an upcoming outburst back down your gullet. Bunching your hands into fists you stood up and stormed out, ignoring the whispers behind you.
Lunch came and went, you couldn’t eat, you stared at your plate feeling so anxious the smell of food made you feel nauseous - it didn’t help sitting at the table alone, your boyfriend and his brother playing through lunch and into their last class of the day.
You piled up your books and sat in the Gryffindor common room, flicking through each one, trying to memorise something to help the time fly by.
Like you, Fred couldn’t concentrate much either. Throughout the entire game George had to restrain his brother from lashing Evan, wether he was aiming for him on purpose or insulting him as he passed by.
“He’s up to something that one” Fred glared, wiping the mud off his shirt.
Evan and his friends walked off the pitch, laughing and talking amongst themselves while they went to get freshened up and dressed; Fred and George following not too far behind.
“He isn’t worth it, Freddie, Y/N says—“
Fred turned to face his brother “She knows him? So he’s been bothering her for a long time?”
George sighed and scrunched his eyes shut for a moment. Realising he let slip of something you were trying so hard to hide would cause so much trouble - but he couldn’t lie to his twin, even if he tried it would be obvious.
“Yeah, she told me this morning” George replied quietly “not sure how long for but he’s really into her.”
Fred started to storm towards Evan, his expression filled with fury. George grabbed the back of his brothers shirt and pulled him back, holding him to the side.
“Don’t start this, Freddie.” He warned him “I know you’re pissed but we’ve got two months left here, we cannot get expelled, especially because this involves Y/N - the outcome of her future is determined here.”
Fred gritted his teeth and nodded, he couldn’t utter a word - afraid he would lash out. He and his brother walked back inside, getting freshened up for the evening.
Hearing the door slam, you turned around to see Evan enter the now crowded common room, you turned back around and slumped in your chair, burying your head in your book so he couldn’t see you.
Behind him came another slam but this time your heart finally calmed down upon hearing the sound of your boyfriends voice, chatting with his brother, making their way over to you.
“Feeling like a bookworm today?” Your boyfriend called out, standing next to you.
You smiled slightly and closed your book, placing it back into your back that sat beside your feet on the floor.
“Just revising the odd bit or two” you replied, staying sat down, looking into your boyfriends gorgeous eyes.
Fred stared back into your eyes, staying quite for a moment, appearing to be in deep thought.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, taking hold of your hand.
You looked over at George, he mouthed an apology and walked away - most likely to avoid a brewing argument or a scold from you.
“I thought I could handle it, I didn’t want you to go causing any trouble-“
Fred sighed, encouraging you to stand up.
“You’re my girlfriend, Y/N, I want to protect you when you need it.”
You chewed on your lip and nodded, Evan in the background talking to his friends, flicking through the newspaper.
Fred looked over his shoulder and spotted him, an idea flashing in his head like a lightbulb. If he couldn’t approach Evan and sort him out with his fists or burn him out wit his words, he would have to show him you were untouchable in another way.
Fred pulled you into the middle of the common room, breaking you out of your hiding, out in the open for everyone to see. He sneaked his arms around your waist and kissed your neck, staring at the man across the room, hoping he would finally notice you were unavailable.
Your cheeks started to heat up and prickle, you felt excited yet shy, embarrassed slightly and quite naughty as Fred to showed his affections on this level in public. Evan was prodded in the shoulder, his eyes peering away from the newspaper to the sight in front of him.
As Evan made eye contact with your boyfriend, you could feel Fred’s smirk graze against the sweet spot on your neck before he planted another kiss, refusing to blink or even look away from the lad in front of him.
Evan swallowed hard, a look of jealousy and disappointment flushing into his features, he stuffed the newspaper into his friends chest and stormed out of the common room.
“I think he finally got the message, love” Fred whispered softly in your ear.
And he was right, you could finally eat at the table and walk down the halls in peace, Fred occasionally spearing out the odd glare or two at Evan when given the chance.
taglist: @amourtentiaa @reeophidian @inglourious-imagines @alwaysnforeverfangirl
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hawks-supremacy · 3 years
Rubik's Cube of Emotions
Summary: You, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi used to be great friends but then one day it stopped. You and Tsuki are forced to confront each other when your new friend Yachi convinces you to be the new co-managers of the Karasuno volleyball team. (angst, fluff)
warnings: eating disorder, swearing, bullying?
genre: angst to fluff
word count: 2.2k
a/n: day 1 of attempting to write everyday until my birthday. Fun fact: I don't even like Tsukishima that much but my cousin hates him so I wrote it out of spite? Idk I don't like him but I see the appeal.
You were sitting in the library after school trying to do some research when your friend Yachi approached the table you were at. “Hey Y/n I need a favor.” She said sliding into the chair next to you. You closed your books and sighed, “Who is it this time?” You asked, looking at her. She looked at you shocked and started sputtering, “Yachi ninety percent of the favors you need from me are because someone was mean to you and you can’t confront them yourself. I mean last week Rei took your favorite pen and refused to give it back so you had to come get me.”
“Fine, it’s not that anyone was mean but this super pretty girl came up to me and asked me if I wanted to be the new volleyball manager because she graduates next year.” You held your hand up effectively pausing Yachi’s rambling, “Let me pause you right there and let me guess. You panicked, both because a pretty girl was talking to you and because she was your upperclassman and said yes.”
Yachi nodded, “Yes but that’s not all of it.” She said sheepishly, you raised your eyebrows and motioned for her to continue. “I also asked if you could be like a co-manager and she said that that was okay. I know you probably don’t want to but I cannot do this alone. Please come with me, the first practice I’m supposed to attend starts soon.” You rolled your eyes and started packing all of your stuff before starting to walk out of the library. You turned and saw Yachi looking like a kicked puppy, “Yach are you coming or not, you are the one who dragged me into this you big ball of anxiety.” She smiled and grabbed her bag running to catch up to you.
You were near the gym when you saw Kiyoko Shimizu. You assumed she was the pretty 3rd year that Yachi was intimidated by and walked up to her, “Hey Kiyoko? I’m Y/n, the person Yachi volunteered to be the co-manager I guess?” Kiyoko turned after hearing her name and saw you walking up to her with Yachi hiding behind you, “Yes, follow me. I’ll introduce you to the team.” You both followed her into the gym, you walking beside her and Yachi cowering behind you, gripping the sleeve of your jacket.
As Kiyoko opened the doors three boys approached one spouting compliments at her the other asking who you and Yachi were. “Guys these are your potential new managers.” Yachi took a step out from behind you before yelling, “Uhm, my name is Yachi!” You waved at everyone who was gathering around briefly telling them your name. As people were greeting you, you glanced around the gym, stopping at two people, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. You looked at them for a few seconds before moving on to the third year wearing a bun.
He bent down slightly, asking Yachi if she was a first year. You tried no to laugh as she screamed and politely and panicky told him that she was a first year addressing him as if he was more than a third year and then freaking out when the two second years were staring at her. “Forgive her, she's not good with new people, she’s hardly good with people she knows. She’s still scared of me sometimes.” As you finished your sentence Yachi mumbled that she was scared of you because you’re scary.
The third year with the bun turned to Hinata telling him, “This is great now you have managers for next year.” Before Hinata could really say anything Kiyoko stepped in saying nothing was set in stone and that you too just wanted to meet the team. As Yachi said it was nice to meet the team everyone bowed and said “Hello” at the same time, effectively freaking Yachi out. As Kiyoko was telling them to back up and not crowd you both you didn’t notice as Yachi slipped outside, “Sorry for bothering you.” She said and closed the door. “Again sorry, she’ll get used to you I promise. I’ll let you get back to practice.” Everyone said goodbye and dispersed to go do their own thing until practice officially started. As you turned to leave you heard the annoying voice that seemed to follow you everywhere, “Are you really that obsessed with me that you would join the volleyball team somehow. If you really had that big of a crush on me you could just say so.” Turning you saw Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, the latter looking at you apologetically. You rolled your eyes, “Yes Tsuki I'm oh so obsessed with you that you consume every waking thought I have. Get over yourself.”
Walking out of the gym you saw Yachi crawling on the ground. You were about to ask her what she was doing when someone interrupted you, “You alright?” He asked. She turned around looking at him for a few seconds before yelling, “Please don’t kill me!” and sprinting away. “Kill you?” He asked mostly to himself. “Sorry about her.” You said to him, you seemed to be apologizing for her a lot today. He jumped, turning around to see you, “Jesus kid you scared the shit out of me don’t do that, nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“We’re the possible new managers for the team. She takes a while to warm up to new people. Also you shouldn’t be worried about a heart attack at your age. Lung failure seems more like it.” You pat him on the shoulder as you went to go find Yachi to sternly talk to her about Tsukishima and Yamaguchi being on the team. Yamaguchi you don’t mind as much, it’s Tsukishima that's the thorn in your ass. It’s not that you hated him, you just well, hated him. He sat behind you in your classes and constantly picked on you. Needed to always tell you that he scored higher on the test or his paper was better than yours. He was just annoying.
You found Yachi by her locker gathering the rest of her things, “Hey Yachi! I need to talk to you.” You said as you jogged up to her, “I don’t think I can do this man, Tsuki is on the team and he is not going to leave me alone if i do this with you.” She put on her jacket and picked up her bag and you two began to walk out of the school to go home, “Please, I can’t do this alone. You said you wanted to spend more time with me anyway. What happened between you two? Weren’t you really good friends with him and Yamaguchi before this year?”
You shrugged looking down at your feet, “He got a stick up his ass I don’t know what you want me to say.” You looked over and her and saw her giving you a disapproving look and you sighed, “Yeah we used to be great friends, best friends even. Then this summer he just started being cold to me. I honestly don’t know what happened and I don’t know if I want to know.” She nodded and was quiet for a few seconds before speaking up, “I get it, I do. But I really need you to do this with me. I might die if you don’t.” You sighed dramatically, throwing your head back, “Fine but you owe me. I may have only known you since the beginning of this year but even I know that you probably would’ve survived.”
It had been a while since you agreed to help Yachi with being the volleyball team manager and so far it had been hell. You ignored Tsukishima when you could but one of his perks and your downfalls of being childhood friends was he knew what buttons to press. Now here you were at some training camp in Tokyo and ignoring him could only do so much. It was the last day and so far you’ve had to deal with him treating you like you had to do everything he said, him loudly and obviously talking about you to Yams, and snide comments about the way you looked or something you did.
The last straw was when you sat down to eat and he made a comment about your weight. You and Yachi were sitting down to eat when Tsukishima walked over with Yamaguchi, “Gee Y/n do you really need all that food?” You didn’t say anything as you looked down at your plate. You didn’t think you got a lot, you got as much as Yachi. You weren’t necessarily insecure but your weight was always something your family commented on, eventually it made you cut back on eating, some days not eating at all in hopes of maybe trying to lose some weight to appease your family. Lately it hasn’t been so bad, Yachi has been helping with it, you were eating more regularly and getting back to normal. But now you feel like you’re back to square one. “Not gonna say anything? That’s a first.”
You set your plate down on the step you were sitting on and told Yachi that you really weren’t that hungry before walking away. As you walked into the gym you were all eating outside of you heard Yachi talking to Tsuki and Yams, nearly yelling. It’s honestly the first time you’ve heard her raise her voice for the first time that wasn’t out of nervousness or anxiety.
You were tossing a stray volleyball in the air when you heard the door open and close. “Yachi I told you I’m not hungry honestly.” You said focusing on the ball not looking at her. “I’m not Yachi and you should eat something.” You sighed as you heard the one voice you probably didn’t want to hear right now, “Do I need to stop eating or do I need to eat? Make up your mind Tsuki.” You caught the ball and turned to face him. He was holding your plate of food and scratching the back of his neck avoiding eye contact, “I uh, I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”
You scoffed, “Is The Tsukishima apologizing? I didn’t know you knew how. You’ve been an ass since this summer and now that you know you hit a soft spot you change? Not happening. Besides, it's not something I go around advertising.” You sat down on the bench and he followed suit setting the plate in between you both. You sat there for a few minutes not saying anything before he cleared his throat, “I really am sorry. You look fine. I’m sorry about being an ass to you this whole time, please eat.”
Narrowing your eyes you looked between him and the food, “If you’re so sorry then why? Huh? Why are you being an ass? I mean one minute we’re all friends and the next you’re rude and dismissive.” He sighed, rubbing his face muttering that it was stupid. “Tsuki it’s not stupid to me, I lost two of my closest friends seemingly overnight with no reason at all. I’ll eat if you tell me what the hell changed.”
He thought for a second leaning on his knees before speaking, “Yamaguchi and I were hanging out one night this summer and you came up in the conversation. After a while Yams made me realize that I maybe like you. I didn’t know how to deal with that so I pushed you away instead and I may have pushed it too far. I’m sorry for everything I just didn’t know how to tell you so I probably handled it in the worst way.”
You paused for a second thinking about what he said before laughing and picking up the plate to start eating. “You aren’t gonna say anything just laugh? See this is why I didn’t want to tell you.” He said standing up. You finished chewing your bite, “Sit down, god you’re so dramatic. I laughed because this all happened because you’re emotionally constipated. Yanno if you told me this once you figured out your rubik's cube of emotions we probably could’ve been dating this whole time.” You didn’t say anything else and finished eating what was on your plate as he sat down with his mouth open gaping at you. “Wait so you like me too?”
You covered your mouth as you tried not to laugh at him, “For someone who constantly pointed out how they were smarter than me for the majority of this school year, you’re pretty fuckin dumb aren’t you.” He pushed you over and told you to shut up. “Oh come on Tsuki, is that anyway to talk to your girlfriend?” You watched as his ears began to turn red and he repeated the word girlfriend in a questioning form. “Unless of course you don’t want me too, then this was all for nothing and we can walk out of the gym like none of this happened.”
“Fine I guess, you’re uh, my girlfriend.” He said, coughing and looking away. You raised your eyebrows and laughed, “God Tsuki don’t sound like I held you at gunpoint. You’re such a tsundere. I guess I’ll deal with it though.” You said as you sighed deeply. He looked offended and pushed you off the bench as you both laughed at each other taking turns making stupid insults about the other person.
Outside the gym Yams and Yachi were all but pressing their ears against the door listening to your conversation, “They definitely confessed.”
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adorerdraco · 4 years
Healing Heart ✧ Draco x Reader Mini-Series PART 4
Summary: PART 4 ! of Draco accidentally falling in love with reader during his sixth year (HBP) and now having to deal with the reality of his Death Eater status. 
Warnings: lots of ANGST (but also tiniest bit of fluff), lots of tears, lots of emotional pain on everyone
Words: 7.5K
A/N: FINALLLYYYY i had no idea what to do with this but something finally came to me !!!! and also an ending ;( so there will only be maybe one or two parts after this one since it is a miniii series BUT FOR NOW I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS AND IGNORE ANY PLOT HOLES FROM THE ACTUAL HP UNIVERSE I TRIED MY V BEST AHHH <33333 do not own gif.
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There was an unsettling sense of impending doom that washed over the Hogwarts castle in heavy rain and dark thunderous clouds. The familiar orange and bright sunlight and purple-pink sunsets were gone, the sun only making meek appearances through the thick rainy covers of the sky before disappearing into the nightfall. No one knew what was coming or what to expect. Schooling continued like normal and everyone had entrusted that whatever was the situation outside the bewitched stone walls of Hogwarts; there was no way it could get past the protection charms put in place by the all-powerful Headmaster and his fellow teachers. 
The only two people in the school who couldn’t share that same comfort with their peers were also the only ones in the school who had an inkling of what was going to happen next. The second Draco realized he had successfully mended the vanishing cabinet he had a squirming sense of regret and guilt begin to eat away at him. You felt the same burn of shame in you when you mulled over the fact that it was you who had encouraged him to keep at it even when he continuously wanted to quit. 
So now here you were, in the chilled room of requirement after finding out the cabinet worked only minutes ago, the two of you sitting in silence together on an old pile of junk while you held a shivering Draco with his face buried in your neck. There was a feeling of droplets of quiet tears falling onto your skin while you pet the top of his silver-stricken hair in reassurance and tried to hold your own tears back. The breakthrough that was supposed to be the biggest accomplishment of the young Death Eater ended up feeling like his biggest failure and it devastated him more than he could have ever fathomed.
When he had finally gathered himself together, he stood up and totteringly fixed the wrinkles on his black suit before offering you a trembling hand. You took it and allowed him to walk you out of the room and back into the empty corridors and towards the staircases. It was a silent trip down to the dungeons and you didn’t want to ask where he was taking you but you regretted not doing so when he stopped the two of you outside a certain greasy-haired Professor’s door. He brought his free hand up to the wood and let his knuckles hit against it faintly with one knock before you rushed to stop him as you yanked the two of you away from the door once you had realized how unwise this felt.
“What are you doing?!” you asked him in a hushed fearful tone.
“I have to tell Snape about the vanishing cabinet,” he responds dully.
“I don’t think he’d like me to be here when you tell him that-”
There was a sudden clicking sound, the door of the office swinging open as Snape emerged from the room with an angered expression when he saw the two of you standing there. When his dark eyes landed on you specifically, you shivered underneath his vexed gaze. It was clear, just how you had said, he did not want you there. 
“Inside, now, Draco.” He grits the demand through his teeth.
“Y/N is coming in too,” the Slytherin says quickly, earning another scowl from his Professor. He stepped aside from the door with a visible rage as you followed Draco inside to the dingy room lined with jars filled with weird unnameable objects.
Draco stopped in the middle of the room, reaching for your hand again and tightly gripping it in reassurance. You stared into his worried gray’s with fear, silently begging him to not let you go as Snape walked past the both of you.
“Do you have any idea how imprudent you are, Draco?” Snape sneered, staring down the boy beside you who kept a straight face. “Do you understand how reckless this is? How much does she know?”
“Everything, Professor,” Draco answers quietly. There was a fiery glint in Snape’s eyes as he looked towards you now, his lips curling upwards in a snarl.
“Foolish girl with an equally foolish boy,” he scowls. “You have nothing to do with any of this. You have done nothing but write yourself a death sentence all for the sake of what... love?”
“With all due respect, Professor,” you start timidly, “I knew what the consequences would be if I stayed with Draco and I will gladly accept whatever fate is in store for me for my decision. I also promise you my silence with everything I know.”
Draco squeezed your hand and glanced towards you with a sadness you were easily able to see.
“How touching,” Snape says lowly. “So you’re prepared to die at the hands of the Dark Lord? Or perhaps at the hands of his precious aunt who might get to you first?”
“Yes, I am” you stood tall when you answered, hoping to appear courageous for not only a very doubtful Snape but more for Draco who you felt cringe every time your possible death was mentioned.
He said nothing, but his mind was swarming with thoughts and plans on how he could save you from every dangerous person and outcome that tormented his surroundings. There was one constant threat after another and although he’s contemplated on it several times, there was no solution he could come up with where the two of you stayed together and you would survive. He mentally kicks himself, wishing he pushed aside his own selfish needs and never promised you he wouldn’t leave you again and he wishes now more than ever that he could. It wasn’t because he didn’t love you - it was the opposite of that. He loved you almost too much and as dreadful situations were approaching, he wished he could leave you out of the death and destruction that would soon ensue on everyone, especially you, all because of him. All because he needed you by his side for him to even feel any sense of life in him that kept him going. 
“Very well, then, I cannot stop you from these naive decisions,” Snape sighs deeply in defeat and faces the troubled blond, “and what of the vanishing cabinet?”
You felt Draco stiffen, a trembling exhale falling from his lips before responding with, “it’s done.”
“Excellent, expect their arrival soon,” he rounds his desk, stopping right above his chair, “you may leave.”
You hurriedly turned to go, tugging on Draco’s hand as you did so and the both of you drudged out of the office with a heavy sensation settling over the both of you. There was nothing either of you could do now. There was no more stalling with the cabinet, no more keeping quiet, no more hopeful possibilities that things could turn out differently.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
It was nearly physically painful to attend all your classes today. It was fake smiles and conversations that left you feeling pathetically phony -feeling like you were lying to everyone that they were going to be okay when they weren’t. You even made plans with housemates to have a little gathering in the common room later in the week to celebrate someone’s birthday and plans with friends to go study in the library with them. 
It even hurt to see your Professors, always kind and helpful, not knowing that sometime in the near future, they’ll be either fighting for their life or the lives of students at Hogwarts. 
Draco had it even worse. Not one peep from him throughout any of his classes. He was deathly quiet, walking around looking like a kicked puppy and avoided any conversation or interaction with anyone, not even eye contact. He just felt so guilty that he was going to be the reason why death would inevitably wreak havoc on so many souls. He knows eventually the dark wizard he’s resentfully following would have found a way inside the castle walls somehow - you had reminded him that countless times, but it still left him wondering what would have happened if he couldn’t fully mend the cabinet or refused to. 
Halfway through the day, he saw you in Slughorn’s class. The two of you worked diligently together through the whole lesson and when the bell rang, he gave you a small kiss goodbye before walking over to his other class. Your worried eyes followed his retreating figure, leaving you a chilling feeling as he disappeared down the hall.
During his next class, he sat in the far end of a classroom, slumped in his chair with his chin on his palm as he thought of you. He wishes he could be stronger for you, braver and less cowardly. He wished he was unafraid of consequences and could simply grab you and his mother, and eventually even his father, and just apparate to somewhere far away and hidden where the Dark Lord and his followers couldn’t get to him or those he loved. But he knew that no matter how much he wished it or try to convince himself he could; he couldn’t do it and he knows his family wouldn’t let him either. 
When classed had finally ended for the day and the corridors were packed with rushing bodies of people meeting up with their friends as they laughed and talked with a weightless glee, Draco found himself pushing past everyone like a mindless zombie as his feet mindlessly carried him throughout the school with no specific destination. There was no moment of peace in his head, just a raging battlefield of endless awful possibilities. 
You had been scurrying through the halls, hoping to find the mop of platinum blond amongst the busy crowd of people. The scene felt like a maze, twisting and turning through people and corners until you felt like you were on the edge of madness.
There was a small tap on your shoulder before a large hand had snaked down your arm and into your hand with its familiar cold grasp. You sighed in relief, your head turning softly to face your noticeably stressed boyfriend who had put on a very feeble smile for you.
“Can we go somewhere else,” he asked faintly, leaning down towards your ear as he spoke, “I can’t be here anymore.”
You nodded eagerly, moving the two of you towards the nearest exit of the castle, finally releasing a breath of fresh air when you felt your shoes sink into the soft earth below you. There was a humid and muddy smell in the air, the soil, and plants still wet from the on and off rain that had been occurring for the past few days.
Far from the school and on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, there stood a tall and sturdy tree. It was the new tree you had picked for the two of after the first fall out between you and Draco. Its trunk was thick and wide, allowing both of you to hide from anyone who passed by or saw it in the distance. The tresses of leaves nearly showered onto the ground from its long branches that twisted and turned in ways that appeared like it was trying to hug itself. It almost looked like a huge, untrimmed dome, encircling you inside its core while it protected you from unwanted attention. It was perfect.
When you finally reached it, you pushed back some of the leaves so you could walk into the dimly lit and vast space it naturally created and plopped yourself against the trunk with a deep exhale. Draco sat down with you, adjusting himself so that he could lay his head on your lap, humming comfortably when your fingers began their usual work through the soft strands of his hair.
You sat there in silence as the both of you thought, and thought, and thought. It was hard to believe that only this morning you were standing in the room of requirement with him, shocked and distressed that he had finally fixed the vanishing cabinet. Now Snape and the rest of the Death Eaters were aware of the new opening into Hogwarts, preparing to set ablaze the school with pain and some sort of destruction.
You looked down at the boy in your lap, a permanent wrinkle in between his eyebrows as he lied staring straight ahead, a lost look in his gray eyes that you hadn’t seen in so long.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked softly. One of your hands had trailed from his hair and rested gently on his forehead, your pinky gently trying to smooth out the crease between his eyes.
“I should have never fixed the cabinet,” he sighs and sits up to face you. You noticed the glassy look and reddened lash lines, the storming tears ready to come out at any moment.
"Draco, anything that happens next is not your fault,” you tried to reassure but it only made him feel worse.
“No, it’s not only that,” he lets out a shaky breath, letting the first tear fall that he couldn’t hold back. “I have to dedicate myself to my second task now.”
You froze as you remembered the biggest responsibility he had, demanded to him by the Dark Lord himself - the obligation of killing Dumbledore. A mere 16-year-old boy, who was in the middle of a collapsed world and broken judgments, was burdened with the worst trial of them all.
Draco shuddered at the thought, moving to sit beside you against the tree as he sat with his knees pulled to his chest and the waterfall of tears now falling freely down his face.
“I can’t kill him, I don’t want to kill him,” he lamented, “I can’t do it. He’ll kill me first before I can even try.”
You placed a hand on his arm, rubbing soothing circles into it as you let him cry and thought of what you could say. The vanishing cabinet was one thing, but this, this was a life. This was someone who is known to be the most powerful wizard of all time, the only one alive right now who the enemy truly feared. This was someone who everyone needed alive at this time. If Draco went through with this, he would never be able to recover. You know he doesn’t want to do it, at all, and having everyone else in his life nag at him in encouragement is the opposite of what he needs. You truly couldn’t give him any advice on what he can do or why he should.
“I don’t think he would,” you started quietly, trying to find the words to piece together what you wanted to say, “kill you, I mean. I think you’re so used to You-Know-Who, that, you forget Dumbledore isn't evil and is merciful. And maybe, if you stall long enough, someone else can do it? Maybe Bellatrix.”
Draco let out a bitter chuckle, shaking his head at the suggestion, “my dear aunt Bellatrix more than anyone, wants me to do it.”
“I wish there was something I could do to help,” you frowned, letting the back of your head fall against the tree as you stared up at the swinging greenery above you.
“You can help by keeping yourself alive,” he sniffles, his cold hand enveloping itself in yours as he spoke. “If there was one good thing that came out of all of this, it’s you. I think you not being here on this Earth, would feel far, far worse than taking Dumbledore’s life.”
He brought your hand up to his lips, pressing a warm kiss onto the skin before he held it against his chest.
“I wish I could put you in a bubble and send you up above the clouds so you could watch the sky all day and be happy, and most of all safe from everything evil,” he muses, a slight smile on your lips as you listened to his wish. His fingers began twirling around the band on your wrist, the same band he had gifted you the night before when everything seemed to be okay, in a sense.
“Evil will always be here, Dark Wizards present or not,” you remind him gingerly, “just as there will always be good. It’s a balance, one can’t be here without the other.”
“I suppose you’re right,” he sighs. “But I still wish it was possible to send you away in a bubble.”
“If that was possible, you know you would come with me, right?” You turn your head, smiling at him when he met your eyes. You brought up your held hand, wiping away the stray tears that had lingered on his paled cheeks as he kept a firm grasp on your wrist.
“I would love to go with you,” he said tenderly, heart-swelling at how easy you made him feel calm and present. It was wonderous, he felt, how someone had managed to make him feel this way. He never would have thought he’d have someone who genuinely loved him and he loved back, in his love life. Especially not at this time, in this year, where he was facing his worst tribulations and turmoils. 
You leaned your head on his shoulder, both of you now staring up into the darkening grayed sky that peeked through the mess of leaves above. 
“It’s getting dark, we should probably go soon,” you mumble tiredly, noticing how the moon was already starting to make an appearance behind the heavy gray clouds. "And it looks like it's about to rain."
As soon as the words left your mouth, there was a loud cracking of thunder, the tree’s branches surrounding you suddenly shaking at the sound. You shot up to your feet, Draco following closely as the two of you heard a whining sound coming directly from the trunk of the tree. Its leaves began to move wildly in the wind that approached, more booming of thundering filling the air as a storm above began to brew. The branches began to swing carefully and more inwards as if it was alive and closing itself up from any danger that was coming from around or above it. The leaves were falling over one another, covering up any spaces in the tree that the constricting branches couldn’t cover.
“Draco,” you say timidly, reaching for his hand in fear, “is it just me, or is the tree moving?”
The space underneath the tree had shrunken significantly, it was now a small circle going around the trunk that was big enough to walk around but not enough to run through like you once could. Whatever light the outside was able to offer was now gone, the cracking and compressing branches and leaf clumps blocked out everything from the outside, including the rain that you could very loudly hear pattering against the fronds above you.
“I think its closed us in,” Draco mutters, moving you behind his back as he pulled his wand from his pocket and whispered a quick, ‘lumos,’ so that the two of you could see. He held you behind him protectively as he stepped towards the walls of the tree, pushing against the leaves and branches that were now tightly contracted together that allowed no room for escape. “We’re stuck in here - unless you want to blast a hole through it.”
“No!” you exclaim immediately. You moved away from him and walked towards the trunk of the tree, placing a gentle hand on the dry wood that still seemed to be faintly buzzing from its movement. “We’re not going to hurt it.”
“Y/N, we’re stuck in here, no one knows where we are-” he tries to reason more but you shush him quickly.
“And that’s such a bad thing?” you scoff, moving to press your ear against the wood as you tried to examine it more. You heard the same whining from earlier but much weaker now, its bellows fading now as it felt protected from the storm.
“What are you doing?” 
There was confusion written all over the blond’s face as he watched you inspect the tree, curious and concerned with your attentiveness.
“Dray, come here,” you rushed out, motioning towards you so he would hurry over. He let you grab his free hand when he reached you since his wand hand was still casting the only light around you. You placed it against the trunk of the tree with yours, a sudden vibration shooting up his arm at the contact with the wood. “The tree is a sentient. It’s alive and very aware.”
“What, so like the Whomping Willow?”
“Exactly like that, but not aggressive at all,” you nod, beaming up at him. “I think it knows we’re here too.”
For a moment, there was finally a fleeting feeling of glee as both of your worries from the outside left you, allowing reverence and excitement to fill you and spread to Draco.
“You speak tree now?” He snickers, smirking at you when you rolled your eyes.
You leaned your head against the tree, closing your eyes as you quietly thanked it for its protection from the thunder and the rain and its beauty. Draco’s gaze stayed on you, watching you with wonder and fullness in his heart. He began to question himself how someone like you was real, who was so caring with everything you touched, from nature to people. You radiated bravery, loyalty, strong intelligence, and ambition wherever you went and in every situation, you were in. 
How did I get so lucky, he kept thinking.
From the corner of his eye, he noticed a bright glittering blue light, and then a purple one, then a pink, and a white. He fully looked up and inhaled faintly when he saw what they all were. 
Small translucent and thin stringy flowers of all colors that he could think of began to illuminate themselves from the many branches of the tree before floating off, dancing and twirling in the air as they descended towards the two of you. He noticed they looked nearly identical to spider lily’s - all thanks to Professor Sprout when he was forced to learn several different flowers in her class. 
He nudged you gently, pointing up to the air when you opened your eyes and you stepped away from the trunk to look around in awe. There must have been at least a hundred of them spinning and flying, their petals bouncing up and down as they carried themselves around the open area.
You reached up your palm, catching one in your hand as it landed daintily and glowed a bright rose color, its petals still lifting up and down like if it was keeping itself afloat. You turned to bring it carefully towards Draco, almost jumping up and down in excitement that it was on you. He turned off the light of his wand with an easy, ‘nox,’ putting it away now that the area was now fully lit up in beautifully twinkling lights. He smiled down at you, placing both his hands under your one as he helped you hold it up since you were nearly exploding from happiness.
“I’ve never seen anything like this,” you whispered in wonder. “I didn’t even know trees could do this! Our tree!”
“I think this is only because of you, darling,” he whispers back. “You have a way of bringing dull things to life.”
Your gaze flickered up, smiling warmly at him before pushing up gently on the flower, encouraging it to fly away so you could move. You got closer to the Slytherin, his arms encircling around your waist once you were flush against him. One of the green flowers had landed on the top of his hair, settling itself carefully on him. 
“I’ve got one on me, haven’t I?” He chuckles and you nod, a bright smile on your face as you looked between him and the flower.
“It likes you,” you beam. “But, not as much as I do.”
He laughs a real laugh of delight and amusement, squeezing you delicately tighter against him. 
You stood on your tip-toes to reach his tall figure, craning your face up and pressing your lips against his in a loving match. You parted your lips and allowed his warmth to wash all over you in comfort, all thoughts being numbed at the feeling. As your lips continued to move against his, you began to feel a tickling all over your hair and whatever skin was exposed to the air. You pulled away from him curiously, gasping softly when you saw that all the flowers had flown down towards the two of you landing and sitting on you both as if they were attracted like magnets.
Draco moved one of his clasped hands from your waist up to your cheek, grinning to himself as you leaned your head into his touch. 
“I’m glad this tree has us trapped in here,” he mutters. “I wouldn't want to be anywhere else with the one I love.”
“I love you more, Draco.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
The two of you awoke to the sound of cracking wood and swooshing leaves, a cold breeze following quickly as it encompassed you. You gradually opened your eyes, seeing that the tree was expanding and moving back to its original state and appearing back to normal. Carefully sitting up, you realized the flowers were gone, there was no sight of them anywhere. If it wasn’t for Draco being there with you, you would’ve thought you imagined the whole thing.
Speaking of the said boy, he groaned beneath you, balled fists going up to his closed eyes as he began to rub his sleep away. The early morning light had streamed through weakly through the clouds and through the leaves onto you. 
“I wonder if anyone looked for us,” you yawned carelessly, standing up and flattening down the wrinkles on your clothes. You outstretched your hands and back, deeply exhaling at the feeling of relief from the ground below you.
“Probably,” Draco answered sleepily, standing himself up and wiping himself off of all dirt and grime. “We should go back now before it locks s in again.”
You skipped over to the trunk of the tree, placing your hand on it once again and whispering to it a tender, “thank you.”
You could’ve sworn it whined something back, but you brushed it off at your drowsiness and continued towards the castle with Draco.
The two of you walked quietly hand in hand to your common room, stopping outside of it with a sigh as you read a clock on a far-away wall.
7:42 AM
“How long have we been out?” You question fearfully.
“No idea,” he yawns. “Must have been a very long time though.”
Draco freezes in his spot, feeling his body crawl with what felt like tiny spiders when he saw who was standing at the end of one of the nearby corridors, a scowl on his face when they made eye contact.
“Go inside and get yourself cleaned up and ready for the day, love,” he rushed out, placing a quick kiss on your forehead and parted lips as he nudged you towards the entrance. “I’ll see you later, yeah?”
You tiredly nodded, giving the required password to the common room before sneakily stepping inside and tip-toeing towards your room.
When the doors finally closed and you were gone, Draco turned down the corridor and started towards a furious Snape down the way. The raven-haired man stayed glued where he stood, patiently waiting for the young Death Eater to approach him so he could swiftly unleash hell on him.
“I have been searching for you all night,” Snape snapped lowly. “Where did the two of you run off to?”
“We got stuck somewhere, but I’m here now,” Draco answers, staring into the accusatory eyes in front of him. 
“You better hope you kissed her your final goodbye,” he snarls. “They’re coming tonight, and you must carry out your last duty - tonight.”
“Tonight?” Draco echoes emptily, feeling like whatever happiness he had left in his body from last night was slowly trickling down his body and out into the floor like a sad, melted popsicle.
“Yes, and after tonight you will no longer be a student here,” Snape reminds with a hushed tone. “Miss Y/L/N cannot follow you. I hope you understand that. it would be incredibly dangerous for you and her.”
“No,” Draco begins to shake his head in refusal, his heart dropping to his stomach as the realities began to set in. “I don’t want to leave her, I don’t know how.”
“I think it’s time you start figuring out how,” his Professor suggests inconsiderately. “Room of requirement at nightfall, you’re opening up the cabinet for them so they’re able to transport. Come alone and prepared to leave the school.”
Before Draco could try to argue, Snape brushed past him and disappeared down the corridor and past a corner, leaving behind a pain-stricken boy who was stupidly in love with someone he couldn’t find in him to let go.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
Something was off and unsettling, you noticed. You weren’t sure where it came from, but you felt it eat away at you even though nothing had happened to you. You came home feeling wonderful from an impromptu dreamy night with Draco, completely love-struck and ditzy and halfway through your shower was when it was all washed away and replaced with dread.
You wondered if this is somehow how Draco was feeling before deciding against your gut.
I’m not a mind reader, you thought repeatedly.
It was odd how you saw him nowhere around the school, even more, odd when you hadn’t seen him in your shared Potions class that left you partnering up with your friend who didn’t mind the on and off switching. She asked you eagerly about your disappearance, expecting juicy details but was immediately bored when you gave her a watered-down story of what had happened.
“Oh, we were just watching the stars and accidentally fell asleep outside,” you lied, trying to force excitement in your voice to make the story more believable.
“That’s it?” she deadpanned. “You guys are so boring. Also, what if something attacked you guys? The Forbidden Forest is right there.”
You rolled your eyes, secretly wishing the two of you really were a simple boring couple and not facing the most life-threatening and scariest adversities. 
“I’m sure one of us would’ve woken up if we heard something,” you shrug and she sighs, shaking her head.
There was still no sign of him after this class. And there was still no sign of him after the rest of the schooling day had ended.
You sat with your friends in the bumbling busy courtyard, listening to them quietly as they chatted happily. You were worried out of your mind, the pit in your stomach growing wider when you saw Draco’s familiar group of Slytherins gathered together in the distance, not a single platinum head in sight.
As the day continued into the evening and people were making their trip over to the Great Hall, you made up a quick excuse to your friends and broke off from them to scourge the school in its emptiness. It was quickly getting dark, you finally decided to follow your instincts and let yourself bound down the stoned staircase towards the even darker lit dungeons. It was empty and cold, a dooming atmosphere for no apparent reason.
As you were about to turn around, you heard the door to the Slytherin common room open and relief flooded you when you saw Draco emerge from the exit with a new black suit on, perfectly styled and gelled hair, and a somber expression on his face. He looked paler than usual, almost gray, the way he looked when you had found him that day in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom with a curse ravaging his body.
“Draco!” You called out to him excitedly, running towards him and wrapping your arms around him tightly when you reached him. He felt rigid underneath your touch, a distant look in his eyes as he looked down at you quickly. “Where have you been all day?”
“I’ve had to take care of some stuff,” he murmurs in response.
“Are you okay?” You ask carefully as you observed him. He was cold, emotionally, and physically. He resembled his house’s ghost, the Bloody Baron, cold and angry with hidden despair - just without all the blood. 
“I’m fine.”
You stepped away from him at his answer, peering up at him in confusion at his sudden aloofness. 
“I need to tell you something,” he ends up breathing out after a moment of awkward tension. His hand wraps around your forearm instead of his usual spot in your hand, nearly dragging you towards an empty classroom that was a few feet away from where you both stood.
He closed the door warily behind him once the two of you were inside, the dingy lamps in the room automatically lighting up when they sensed a presence so you wouldn’t be left in the dark.
“So, what do you need to tell me?” You begin to wring your hands in distress, not feeling hopeful under his miserable gaze.
“We need to end this, here, right now,” he spits out quickly, a troubled expression taking over his features as soon as the words left his lips.
There was a thick silence that fell over the room, a heavy tension that grew with every passing second was bursting at the seams of the walls. You couldn’t think straight, your heart feeling like it had fallen into your back and your stomach bubbling dangerously with bile you desperately wanted to release.
“What do you mean,” you ask stupidly. The tiniest piece of you was desperately hoping that he had meant something completely different than your relationship.
“You and me,” he pointed between the two of you brokenly. “I have to kill Dumbledore tonight, and then I have to leave.”
“I’ll go with you,” you promptly offer, nodding in agreement with yourself.
“You can’t,” he asserts sadly, walking up to you and placing both hands on either side of your biceps, gripping you tightly in place as if you were toppling over. “Y/N, this is the one time you can’t help me. If you come with me tonight, someone will hurt you.”
You stared up at him in dread, relentless tears streaming down your face as he stared back at you with the same look. He was breaking apart, his insides shriveling up in agony while he spoke and continued to hurt you.
“But when will I see you again?” you cry out hoarsely, letting your head fall against his chest as he moves to hug you tightly.
“I don’t know,” he whispers out. 
“Draco, please let me come with you,” you begin to plead into the jacket of his suit. “I’ll hide, transfigure me into a goblet, anything! Just please don’t leave again. You promised!”
“I can’t,” he shakes his head. You felt his hot tears land onto the top of your hair, adding more fuel to your anguish. “You have to stay here, in this room, until I’m gone.”
“Are you that dense?” you cry wildly, pushing yourself away from him as you gave him a look of pure anger. “You expect to let me wait here like a sitting duck while I could be out there helping you somehow.”
Draco watched you with remorse, his hand reaching into his suit pocket before drawing his wand out on you with a vigorous trembling hand. You gasped, quick to reach for your own with the same shakiness before it was thrown out of your grasp the second you pointed it at him.
“Expelliarmus,” he said quickly, voice matching his hand. He looked at you painfully again before sputtering out, “locomotor mortis.”
Your legs locked together from beneath you, sending you tumbling backward into an empty desk beside you. You caught yourself on the edges of the desk, staring agape at a shuddering Draco a few feet away.
“I’m sorry,” he cried hard, “I’m so sorry, but I have to keep you safe.”
“Draco, I swear,” you wailed out in despair, “if you leave me here, I will never forgive you.”
Draco halted, contemplating his next move for only a minute. His heart thudding fast against his chest, yearning to give into you as he weighed out his options. He swallowed thickly and turned on his heel towards the door. When his hand landed on the brass handle, he turned back one more time to look at you and felt his world completely and irreversibly shatter.
You were in hysterics, legs stuck together and your hands barely being able to hold yourself up on the desk. You had a despondency about you now, weeping strongly in heartbreak that was caused by him.
He speedily opened the door and threw himself out, shutting it tightly once again and placing his wand against the handle.
“Colloportus,” the lock chimed with a magnifying and powerful click.
He let his head quietly fall against the door, tormenting himself further when he heard your continued cries and now yelling out a pained, “you promised!”
Nothing was holding him together now as he ripped himself away from the door and began his walk to the room of requirement. There was no more hope, no more tranquility, no more comfort. He couldn’t run back to you at the end of the night and let you heal him with soft reassurances and tender kisses. He couldn’t feel your hug anymore or the way you’d lull him to sleep after a rough day with your hands in his hair. It was all gone, all of it. Including you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
You don’t know how long you cried or when you had fallen to the floor and accidentally fallen asleep in your hopelessness.
When you finally woke up, the room was especially dark now, the lights having been dimmed to nothing as the room had thought you were gone. All you could feel was grief and dejection, everything you knew and loved had been torn away from you; because it was.
When you subsequently felt some of your energy return, you rolled yourself around the floor, extending your arm to grab onto something sturdy so you could hoist yourself up and begin looking for your wand. Luckily, the lights lit up again when they sensed your figure begin to hop around the room, allowing you to search much more easily.
You hopped down each row of scattered desks, searching high and low for where your wand might have been thrown when you were disarmed. You mentally cursed Draco again for the thousandth time that night, the throbbing in your body growing stronger while you thought of how he had left.
You found yourself regretting the bluff you threw at him, feeling stupid now that he was gone with the idea that you might hate him. You regretted letting your rage and sadness get to you, yelling at him things you didn’t mean all because you were angry he was trying to do to protect you.
Stuck in your head and mindlessly hopping towards the front of the room where Draco had hit you with both spells, you didn’t see your wand under your shoe until it had rolled out from underneath you, sending you falling into a set of desks that were lined up behind you. 
The impact of the fall barely phased you, weakly shifting yourself upright and bending over and outstretching a hand towards your wand. When you finally felt it between your fingers, you dragged it towards you and into your grasp before hurriedly pointing it towards your legs and muttering the counter-curse to unbind yourself. Once you felt the feeling back in your legs, you jumped up and ran towards the door only to slam against it, unknowing to you that Draco had also spelled the door before he left.
“Arse,” you mutter, touching your wand against the lock and speaking out a clear, “alohomora.”
When you stepped out into the gloomy freezing corridor of the dungeons, you knew something was wrong. It was clear in the air that something awful had just happened, every feeling of sadness seeping deep into the stone of the castle.
You flew up the stairs, running as fast as you could towards the Quad where everyone was gathered like zombies. Your legs continued carrying you out, looking up at the sky to see a huge Dark Mark painted in the grayed clouds above. Your gut was screaming at you the reason why, but you didn’t want to believe it until you had seen the evidence of your thoughts lying on the ground not far from you.
It was Dumbledore, motionless, and gone.
Harry was sitting above him, Ginny hugging him tightly as he cried quietly. You felt your tears prick your eyes, feeling guilty that you had known all along what was going to happen, guilty that you couldn’t do anything to stop it, guilty that there was no one to challenge against the evil that doomed the wizarding world, guilty that you couldn’t help Draco against it.
You kept telling yourself he couldn’t have done it, he couldn’t have, but it was clear as day - the scene in front of you. You swallowed the lump in your throat, allowing yourself to cry with your school in grief, crying even more while the second loss you experienced tonight had begun to work itself back into your tears.
And when everyone had cleared out, and it was just Harry and a few others, including some Professors, you begrudgingly made yourself walk up to the group. It was hard, seeing Harry and his friends stare at you with a look you couldn’t quite place. A look between pity and something unidentifiable.
“I’m sorry,” you let out hoarsely to Harry as you finally neared them. “I know this must be hard for you.”
“Yeah, thanks,” he answered awkwardly. “I saw it happen, you know.”
“Oh,” you frown, rubbing your sweaty palms against your jeans as you waited for him to curse you out, to yell at you for Draco’s wrongdoings and murderous feat. But he didn’t. He only stared at you sadly.
“If you wanted to know,” he began, shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie as he spoke, “Malfoy didn’t do it, he couldn’t.”
There was a solace that ran deep within you at the revelation. A shaky exhale quietly falling from your lips while you tried to hide your relief. You silently thanked the stars for sparing Draco, knowing now that there was still hope he could be saved.
“So then who did it?” You ask timidly.
“Snape,” he shook his head glumly, “it was Snape.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
There was a loud snapping sound ringing throughout the Malfoy Manor as Draco apparated inside the living room with his mother, clutching tightly onto her as he stumbled over his feet, feeling sick to his stomach and distraught at everything he had to live through that night. 
He fell to his knees, backing himself up against a wall as he began clutching at his chest, gasping desperately for air as his panic attack had started to tear away at him. He was breathing erratically, tears falling from his eyes in rivers as he tried to remove the suit jacket that felt too tight against him.
Narcissa Malfoy looked down at her son, fear and sorrow suddenly undertaking her as she bent down to sit in front of him. She was momentarily glad she felt the need to meet the others near the outskirts of the school’s failing barrier, instantly grabbing Draco from the group when everyone was planning on staying longer for further destruction. One broken look on his face was all she needed to whirl the two of them out of there and back into their large empty house.
“Breathe, Draco,” she said softly, placing a warm hand on his wet cheek as he continued to sob. “Breathe.”
“I left her,” he choked out through his tears, “mother, I left her!”
“Who?” Narcissa asked, puzzled. “Who did you leave?”
But he didn’t answer her. He only cried harder and it didn’t stop even though his mother was holding him reassuringly in her embrace. She swiftly realized that there was more than he was letting on, and she knew that these weren’t only tears from what had happened with his failed task, she knew his tears mostly came from an ache deep within his heart, from an anguishing love.
“I left her there!” He cried loudly in her arms, clutching onto her tightly as he continued to struggle for his breath and sanity. She felt her own heart begin to break, wishing so deeply she could remove all hurt that stabbed at him.
“Draco, my love,” she tried again gently, “who did you leave?”
“Y/N,” he croaked out, “I left Y/N.”
@viirgobbyy​ @bluesunflowersz​ @dreamyvcid​ @goddessofgames @natt-nih​ @cheesecakes-randomshitz​ @supersouthy​ @rebellionsarebuiltonhopee​ @peter-parka​ @thefandomplace​ @angelofslytherin​ @blueleonor​ @karentheugly​
(I’m sorry if I forgot anyone, I <3 all of you and everyone who read this)
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wrathandgreed · 3 years
His Worst Sin
Simeon - Angst - 1.5K
TW: mild swearing, hints of abusive parents if you squint.
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Was it so wrong to want more?
Of course, being an angel, Simeon knew the answer was yes. Yes, it was wrong to want more, because Father provided everything you needed. If you didn’t have it, you didn’t need it, and it’s very absence was important to your life or your growth. Wanting more meant you didn’t value what you already had.
But every time you sat next to him in class, every time you came over to bake with Luke, to learn spells with Solomon, every time you stayed for dinner or simply sat with him and read a book while he wrote, Simeon couldn’t help wanting more. Stay, he wanted to say so many times. Just stay.
But every time, he watched your demon come and pick you up from Purgatory Hall. A greeting with a kiss, your fingers laced together, a quick laugh at something he said as he walked you away from the angel and back to the House of Lamentation.
Simeon knew he wasn’t a very good angel. He had problems with his anger, problems he stuffed down with smiles and let slip with pointed statements. After the fact, he was always ashamed of himself, ashamed of his loss of control, ashamed of his temper, ashamed and afraid of what Father would think, afraid of where his anger would lead him in the end.
Lately, his anger, his worst sin, had begun to shift a little, and he felt himself on edge almost constantly. The fight to keep control, not to let go with irritated statements or annoyed observations, began to consume him. Meditation and prayer did little, and he was deeply confused by the worsening of his own weakness. Eventually he realized the only time he felt peaceful anymore was with you. But the moment you left, the minute your lover’s arm circled around your shoulder or waist, the anger would hit him so hard it sometimes left him breathless.
It was only after a period of introspection that he realized he’d succumbed to another sin: jealousy.
Heaven help him, he tried to control it. More prayer, more meditation, journaling, turning his feelings into fiction, he even started avoiding you in an attempt to bring his angelic nature back in line. Only when your confused texts and voicemails became hurt and bewildered did he give in.
Two sins to control now? Two? Wasn’t wrath enough, Father?
Love, this type of love, was forbidden to him.
I won’t fall. I won’t. Murmured to himself, over and over. Repeated like a mantra. Like a prayer.
His life in the Celestial Realm always felt like skating on thin ice (Father help me if I ever use such a cliché in my own writing!). He knew the other angels thought he was, well, strange. His anger, no matter how well hidden, was only part of the equation. His humor was never understood. He spoke about things best forgotten, voiced opinions better left silenced. He knew his creativity, his writing, was considered unusual and borderline wrong by the others.
His only saving grace, in their eyes, was the patience and care he showed the young angels.
He was pretty sure his shaky status was one reason he had been sent down to the Devildom on this exchange program. Not as an ambassador, but as a lesson. Look, Simeon, look at what could happen to you if you get any worse.
What they didn’t know was how good it felt to be understood, down here among the devils. To be praised for his cooking, to be helped with technology. To not only give, but to be able to take as well. The brothers didn’t exactly trust him (and the bangle incident hadn’t exactly helped with trust. He’d been so enraged at being used to essentially torture them - even if it had been an accident - that he’d had to hole up in Purgatory Hall for a few days to make sure he was fit to be around people) but neither did they shun him.
And you . . . You laughed with him, you read his latest writings with praise and gentle critique, you sat in silence with him, profound and welcome silence, until that comfortable silence felt more like home than home. You used your good heart to help counsel Luke, curtail the worst traits of the demons, and, somehow, heal all those around you.
You did so much already, cared for him so much already. Perhaps it wasn’t the way he wanted you to love him, but you loved him. So why did he want more?
And why did this bring out all of his worst traits? Why did he want to be petty - and worse, manipulative? He got chocolate all over his gloves the last time you baked together just so he had an excuse to remove them, an excuse to brush the skin of his bare hand against yours as you shared the beignets. Hours of his writing time disappeared as he dreamed about - and occasionally wrote about - ways to drive a wedge between you and your demon lover.
You were happy. Why couldn’t he be happy for you?
Why did he hate himself so much just for loving you?
Why was this love forbidden to him?
Perhaps he’d be better off just waiting. You were a truly good person; the odds of you ascending after death were far better than average. Perhaps he could approach you then, when you were alone . . .
What is wrong with you, Simeon? Get a hold of yourself.
You’d missed a step outside of RAD today and before you could do more than recognize that you were falling, he’d caught you. Hugging you to his chest until you regained your balance, he’d been unable to breath. Partly out of fear for you, but partly at how you pressed your hands to the skin of his arms, wrapped your hands around his biceps to steady yourself. And then, steady on your feet again, you’d looked up at him with bright eyes and laughed at your own clumsiness until he’d laughed with you.
And as he woke that night, sharply, from a dream full of forbidden ecstasy, he realized he’d slipped into lust as well.
Sliding out of bed, he padded, barefoot, to the communal bathroom. Locked the door. And instead of doing what a human or demon might do, he gripped the edges of the sink with both hands and stared, hard, angry, into the reflection of his own eyes.
He began, at last, to understand Belphegor. He couldn’t feel hatred towards humanity, he loved them too much, but he could (and did, if he was honest) feel anger and jealousy. They were given everything. Everything. Not just the ability to love, but the autonomy to love freely.
It was the last realization that almost broke him. Even if you came to him with words of love on your lips, he wouldn’t be able to accept them.
I won’t fall. I won’t. I won’t, I won’t, I won’tIwon’tIWON’T!
He broke eye contact with himself, lowering his head, gripping the sink so tightly his hands hurt, until he feared he might snap the porcelain. He wanted the pain to ground him, to focus his mind. How futile.
Could he? Could he accept you if you came to him?
He was so afraid that he couldn’t.
He was so afraid that he could.
He was so afraid of falling, and so, so afraid of Father . . .
His eyes snapped back up to meet his own gaze. Was he? Was he afraid of Father?
A long moment, a searching gaze, trying to read the answer in his own countenance.
Was he afraid of Father?
He was so afraid the answer was yes.
Why am I always so damned afraid??
A loud noise and his reflection shattered to pieces in front of him. Slowly, slowly, he looked down at his bleeding hand. He hadn’t meant to . . .
Whirling away from the remains of the mirror, Simeon walked over the shards on the floor, ignoring how they bit into his bare feet. Sitting on the edge of the tub, he slumped over, his head in his hands.
This was his worst sin, wasn’t it? Not wrath . . .but cowardice.
Why hadn’t he made a move on you before any of the demons? Cowardice.
Why hadn’t he stood up with Lucifer and the others during the war? He’d believed in them, believed in Lilith, believed in love. Why hadn’t he stood with his brothers? Pure cowardice.
He hadn’t even had the courage to stand and face them in battle, to face his former brothers with honor.
And where was he now? Where had his cowardice brought him?
Alone, afraid, riddled with sin.
His own face, fractured, made of shards on the floor.
He felt himself too much of a coward to grasp what was available right in front of him. Was it wrong of him to want more anyway?
Would he have to fall to have the courage to grab for what he wanted?
And…..would it be so bad, in the end, if he did?
He was so afraid of the answer.
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winwinnns · 3 years
an act f a (kinda)
this was supposed to be enemies to lovers but i got carried away with yn in denial lol
a loud laugh ripped through the quiet mumble of the library. startled, you turned to see where the sound came from. you narrowed your eyes. na jaemin and his friends were sitting at a table behind you. you hated him with a burning passion. he was so loud all the time. one time you were paired with him for a project, and he didn’t do any of the work. he bothered you while you worked, and he still got credit.
you lock eyes. you stare him down, not wanting to be the one to break away. he says something to his friends and stands, maintaining eye contact. he walks to your table. you twist back around as he stops right next to you.
he laughs at your harsh tone.
“no need to be rude princess,”
god you hated it when he called you that. you loved the pet name, but didn’t exactly like when it fell from his lips.
“you were the one looking at me after all”
he leans in closer to you.
“see anything you liked?”
you wanted to fight the part of you that melted at his voice. you’d never admit it, but you liked when he teased you. it made you squirmy, and he seemed to notice. you shifted in your seat.
“yeah right. i just looked in the direction of the noise.”
he leans in even closer. you wanted to pull away, you really did, you swore it. but you stayed in place, noses almost touching.
“mhm. right.”
you push him away.
“fuck off jaemin”
he laughs and distances from you.
“when are you gonna stop playing hard to get?”
playing hard to get? what was he talking about. you hated him. well, kind of. you didn’t hate how he laughed, you didn’t hate his voice at all, you kind of liked his face. no. you hate him, you decided.
he smirked at you before walking back to his table. it stirred something deep down inside you, and you hated that.
the next time you saw him, you were the class you had with him. he didn’t usually show up, but today he did. he sat right next to you. he smelled good, that pissed you off. you professor droned on. you were zoning out, focusing on the doodle you were drawing on your notebook.
“y/n” jaemin whispered
you ignored him.
he poked your arm. you rolled your eyes and looked at him.
he smiles mischievously.
you punched him in the arm. not too hard, but not soft either.
“shut up and pay attention.”
“you’re one to talk.” he smirked.
“at least i know what’s going on.”
he sighs and rubs his arm.
“well that’s cause you’re smart, not because you’re paying attention.”
you dropped your pencil and tried to assess what just happened. he complimented you. your face flushed and you hid it, making sure he wouldn’t see you. you hated this. why did a compliment, that wasn’t even heartfelt, make you an embarrassed mess? you knew why. the answer lived in the back of your mind. you shook your head.
“thanks i guess.”
he smiled again, but turned forward towards the professor.
after that, you saw him another time. you were at a small party with your new friend, sowon. she was nice to have invited you, despite not knowing you very well. you were having a good time talking with new people.
suddenly, loud laughter entered the room. it sounded awfully familiar. you looked up and your stomach dropped. it was jaemin.
suddenly you regretted coming. sowon said she was inviting a few people. what you didn’t know was friends jaemin and his group.
“you’re friends with them?” you ask her.
you didn’t know much about her. but you didn’t think she’d be friends with the rowdiest group of guys on campus.
“yeah, me and haechan go way back!”
she smiles at you. you smiled back, but inside you were pissed. you didn’t want to see him. not in class, not out of class.
that wasn’t true, you were actually kind of excited to see him, but you’d never confront those feelings, you pushed them down like everything else you felt regarding jaemin.
you looked for him, just to make sure you weren’t near him, you convinced yourself.
you found his eyes and he smirked, then winked at you. you cursed the butterflies in your stomach. you tear your eyes away and go to the bathroom. you face felt hot.
you splashed your face with cold water. you looked at yourself in the mirror. you hate him. you’ve needed to remind yourself more often recently. his words stick in your mind for the whole day. his teasing tone bouncing around your brain.
when you opened he door to leave. he was leaning on the wall in across from it. his brought his eyes up from the floor to look at you.
“what are you doing” you ask him.
he smiles.
“waiting for you.”
you contorted your face.
“ew. why?”
he pouted.
“because i wanna talk to you princess.”
you melted just a little bit before regaining your composure. you wanted him to leave. you didn’t want to talk to him.
“what makes you think i want to talk to you?”
he smirks.
“because when i winked at you you got all embarrassed.”
he got up from the wall and stood close to you. you titled your head up to look at him. your body was screaming at him to touch it. you chose to ignore that.
“i know you like me y/n, stop fighting it”
your eyes widened. what? you don’t like him. you hate him. right? no. you hate him you were sure.
“yeah okay jaemin.”
you push him away walk out of the hallway. he follows you to the living room. you stop in your tracks. sowon was friends with everyone you hated apparently, because your ex was standing right next to her.
jaemin leans his head over your shoulder.
“why’d you stop?”
they were flirting. you scoffed. that’s how you found him at every party you went to while you were dating. he was always with another girl. you hated jaemin but man, he really takes the hate cake. (ALPH INTERRUPTION: HATE CAKE WHAT? IM KEEPING IT FUCK IT) suddenly, an idea formed in your head. you’d have to ask jaemin to do something.... interesting.
“yes princess.”
“pretend to be my boyfriend.”
you could feel his smirk. before he could say anything snarky you turned to face him.
“don’t get your hopes up. i need to get back at someone.”
he sighed and leaned into your neck, breath fanning over the skin. the closeness of his lips to your body lit your skin on fire.
“don’t worry princess, we’ll show them.”
“who are we avoiding?”
“the guy next to sowon. don’t stare too long.”
he chuckled.
“i know that.”
he pulled away from your neck to look at him. he cupped your cheek with his hand. you panicked, widening your eyes. he giggled.
“relax princess. i’m just playing my role.”
he kisses the corner of your mouth.
“it has to be convincing right?”
you were stunned. you couldn’t move at all. na jaemin just fucking kissed you. on your face. and you liked it???!!! you felt like you were losing your mind.
he brought you back into the hallway. he pushed your hips into the wall. your heart sped up.
“do you just want to leave? we can go somewhere.”
you thought about all the times you’ve pushed down your feelings for jaemin. all the times he made your stomach flutter. how his voice made you melt. how attracted you actually were to him. why did you start hating him anyways?
“yeah. let’s go.”
did you ever actually hate him? or was it just a front. you didn’t know. you couldn’t make any other decisions right now with his hands on your hips.
he pulled away from you and took your hand. you look down at your interlocked fingers.
“what? we’re gonna walk right past him.”
you look up at jaemin, a contagious smile on his face. you couldn’t help but crack a small smile. you led him to the door, trying not to look at your ex on the way out.
you don’t know if he saw you, you don’t really care. jaemin was holding your hand. you hated how safe it made you feel.
na jaemin, your self sworn enemy, was walking you to his car. you would’ve never seen yourself in this situation.
“where do you wanna go baby?”
the butterflies in your stomach went ballistic. you tried to keep your breaths even.
“baby? jaemin you don’t have to pretend anymore.”
he smiled. eyes glued to the road.
“let me enjoy it. i’ve gotten to see so many things today.”
“like what?”
“like how much you really like me.”
fuck he noticed. how? you were just coming to terms with it in your mind how did he pick up on it. you hid your face in your hands.
“i don’t like you. i actually hate your guts.”
“mhm... right.”
he put his hand on your thigh, rubbing softly.
“is this okay?”
you tensed up. his hand felt so warm. you liked it. you liked him. you gulped.
his hand was on the middle of your thigh. you thought about it going higher and higher until- no. you cut yourself off. no definitely not.
he glanced at you, furrowing his eyebrows.
“you’re tense.”
he started to pull his hand away but you grabbed his wrist and but it back on your thigh. jaemin giggled.
“okay princess.”
you pulled through the drive through of the fast food restaurant, jaemins hand glued to your thigh. when you got your food, he looked for a place to park.
you were halfway done with you sandwich before he speaks.
“why do you pretend to hate me princess?”
you nearly choke on your food.
he takes a sip of his drink.
“you know, how you pretend i don’t effect you and how you ‘don’t like me’. why?”
“hm. i don’t really know. i don’t even know how it started.”
he smirks.
“so you don’t hate me”
you rolled your eyes, a sudden feeling of boldness washing over you.
“no. i actually have a crush on you.”
your entire body flushed as soon as the words came out of your mouth. you couldn’t believe yourself. you for sure thought you hated him, how could you have a crush on him.
“i know baby.”
your head spun. he knows?? baby?? you took a big bite of your food to distract yourself.
he chuckles. he brings his thumb up to the corner of your mouth. your eyes widened.
“so messy.” he teases.
you thought about other times he’d call you messy, all of them being far too inappropriate to you.
“shut up jaemin.”
he chuckles.
“don’t tell me what to do princess.” his voice was light, but his eyes weren’t. he looked at you challengingly. he wanted you to take the bait. to play with him.
“don’t call me princess then.”
you didn’t actually want him to stop. you’ve grown to like how it sounds coming from his mouth.
“what if i do?”
“then i’ll-“
you didn’t know what to say next, mind blanking
“you’ll what? kiss me?”
“yeah. i fucking will.”
you saw the mischievous glimmer in his eyes. he liked this. he liked fake fighting with you. it excited him.
“do it then.”
you flushed and looked away. you couldn’t kiss him. no way you’d kiss na jaemin.
“aw is princess scared?” he taunted.
that was it. you leaned over the arm of the seat and kissed him. it only lasted a couple seconds. when you pulled away he just stared at you.
he grabs your jaw and pulls you in for a harder kiss. this one full of passion. you liked him. you accepted it. you were tired of pretending you didn’t. what was the point of that anyways? you weren’t fooling anybody.
you sighed and pulled away.
“what’s wrong princess?”
you rolled your eyes and sat back down in your seat.
“don’t kiss me like that i’ll get addicted.”
he laughed loudly. you didn’t hate it this time. he shifted in his seat so his torso was facing you.
“wanna come over?”
he wiggles his eyebrows. you laughed. he looked cute.
“hmmm what’s in it for me.”
“more kisses? plus you can wear my clothes.”
you sighed. “i guess i’ll come over.”
you looked at each other before busting out in laughter.
“of course i’ll come over jaemin.”
“hey.” he pouted.
“call me something else.”
“like what.” you teased.
“i don’t know, baby, honey, you could always call me daddy.”
you bursted in another fit of laughter.
“you? daddy?”
you catch your breath. looking at him again. he was pouting again.
“yeah” he frowned dramatically.
“okay sure ‘daddy’”
he slapped your thigh. you yelped.
“don’t make fun of me princess.”
you drove for 15 minutes before arriving at his house. you took off your shoes and we went to his bedroom to get clothes for you.
“bathrooms there, hurry up.”
you rolled your eyes playfully. when you came out you smelled like him. you loved it. you all but skipped to his couch, sitting next to him. he pulls you into his lap. you shared a sweet kiss that made you feel so warm inside.
“jaemin. what are we?”
he thought for a moment.
“anything you want us to be princess.”
you smiled at him before laying your head down on his shoulder.
you never hated na jaemin, you decided.
it was all an act.
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Last Semester – Part Five
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 1,888
Warning: Smut, Age Gap
The Age Gap Issue
It has been ten days since you started dating Cillian and things were great, at least mostly.
Over the past ten days, you spent every single night at Cillian’s apartment, enjoying his company. Neither of you even thought about tuning it down, maintaining distance from each other or taking things slow. It was simply too perfect and there was so much you had to talk about. Then there was the sex. The most incredible sex. You couldn’t get enough of each other.
At university, Cillian managed to keep things professional during the group sessions and largely avoided one on one contact with you during classes. Of course, you had questions for him but, unlike the other students, you simply asked them when you were alone with him, often over a glass of wine or over dinner. The arrangement worked well and, thus far, you haven’t arisen any suspicions.
The deadline was near and secrets didn’t have to be secrets anymore for very long. Cillian’s involvement in your unit was going to come to an end in two weeks and the final assessments for the semester were taking place in as little as four weeks. After that, you could be together without having to hide it.
But there was still one thing that you haven’t quite managed to juggle just yet and this was the difference in age between you and Cillian.
While it didn’t bother you at all, you occasionally noticed that Cillian struggled with it, questioning the feelings he was developing for you.
There was one conversation in particular triggering Cillian’s doubts and that was when you brought up your younger step brothers who were 14 and 12, the same age as Cillian’s sons.
Cillian was rather reserved when it came to conversations about his sons Hendrix and Charlie but, the more he got to know you, the more he told you about them.
You loved that he did share these details with you but, at the same time, it made him realise how you were at totally different stages of your lives and that this might pose problems for the future.
As such, whilst Cillian and his ex-wife Laura had a good relationship with each other after having divorced five years ago, bringing a much younger woman into a step family dynamic at some point was possibly a bad idea.
The other issue that he thought might possibly arise is that you would likely want children yourself at some point. But he didn’t. He didn’t want to start all over again.
In addition to these warranted concerns, there were little things as well that made Cillian feel self-conscious about the difference in age and you couldn’t help but tease him about them.
The Grey Hair
For example, the night before Cillian was due to fly to Dublin to see his sons, he became rather self-conscious about his hair turning grey. It had been turning grey for quite some years but, when you met several weeks ago, he had just finished filming his TV show Peaky Blinders. This meant that his hair was short and coloured dark.
Over the period of six weeks, it grew out slowly, featuring some grey streaks which, this time around, he noticed much more than he ever did.
In addition, Cillian was featuring a few grey hairs on his chest as well and it was that evening, when you arrived at his apartment that you caught him coming out of the shower, his intimate parts covered by a white towel and his chest hair…Gone!
‘Whoa’ you said as you walked inside, noticing immediately that he had shaved his chest.
‘What?’ Cillian went on to ask before giving you a kiss.
‘Why did you do this?’ you pouted, running your hands over his bare chest. ‘I loved running my hands through it’ you said somewhat disappointed as you really enjoyed playing with the small amount of hair on his chest when you cuddled up against him.
‘Well…some have turned grey’ Cillian said somewhat reluctantly and you couldn’t help but laugh.
‘As is expected at your age’ you giggled teasingly before realising what this was all about.
‘Yeah, that really makes me feel better’ Cillian laughed and you pressed your lips onto his for a passionate kiss.
‘I have no idea why you are so self-conscious about a few grey hairs Cilly’ you went on to say, slightly amused.
‘Because you are twenty years younger than me’ Cillian responded and you sighed.
‘Here we go again’ you chuckled before pushing him backwards to sit on the lounge while you stood in front of him.
‘Listen, there are a lot of women younger than me who are very attracted to you’ you said and Cillian recalled the Instagram posts you had showed him a few days ago, which made him shake his head.
‘Also, I really like your grey hair. It’s fucking sexy. You are fucking sexy’ you then went on to say.
‘I am just saying that you could be with someone your own age Y/N’ Cillian responded.
‘And why would I want that?’ you asked. ‘We connect perfectly and you are literally the first person I have ever met with whom I am never running out of conversation. You are intelligent, funny, kind and very handsome. In addition, the sex is fucking amazing. I don’t want anyone else and I want you to let this damn hair grow back’ you demanded all while you seductively unwrapped your dress and revealed your black lace lingerie.
‘Jesus Y/N’ Cillian barely managed to say as you stood there in front of him.
‘I bought it today. For you’ you winked before walking over towards him, kissing him passionately and then unwrapping the towel around him like you were opening a present.
As he sat there in front of you, completely naked, you pulled a pillow from the lounge and put it onto the floor before kneeling down on it, right there in between his legs.
Your mouth opened and you leaned forward just enough to catch the head of his cock between your lips.
‘Fuck, yes’ Cillian swore and you sighed, your eyes fluttered at the feeling of him, fighting to open your mouth wider to take more of him in. He was hot, and you tasted the sweet savory drop of precum that leaked onto your tongue.
Watching Cillian like this was enchanting. You sucked harder, feeling him pulse against your lips and tongue. His eyes widened and he moaned. Oh, you would do almost anything to hear him make that sound. It was an incredible turn on for you. Your tongue swirled around him, flicking the crown and massaging under the head.
‘Oh god Y/N’ Cillian murmured, and he reached for you. You felt his fingers clench in your hair so little prickles of pain burned your scalp. You met his eyes as he pulled your face into his crotch, and his cock hit the back of your throat. Your eyes watered but you kept your eyes on his expression, and watched him fall apart above you.
‘Shit’ Cillian eventually jerked away, wrenching himself out of your mouth. A long trail of spit connected you, and eventually broke, slapping against your chest. You caught your breath.
‘I want you so fucking much’ he growled, his voice strained. He caught you under your arms and helped you to your feet before picking you up and carrying you to his bed.
‘Cillian, please I need you inside of me’ you whimpered and Cillian shoved you against the bed, your back facing him, and you shivered as you felt his hands squeezing at your ass and hips. He stood directly behind you, and you could feel the hair on his legs tickling the backs of your thighs.
‘You almost made me lose it there’ Cillian said as he unclasped your bra, letting it fall to the ground before quickly pulling down your lace panties.
‘I could tell you enjoyed it’ you grinned as Cillian moved one of your legs with his hands, bending your knees one at a time so you were crouched on the bed. He paused behind you, and you closed your eyes, listening to his ragged breathing, trying to stay calm.
Cillian’s finger traced your slit gently, and you gasped and let out a shaky moan as he dipped into your wetness.
‘So wet for me already’ Cillian smirked and you simply nodded. You couldn't talk. You could barely breathe.
Within seconds, you felt the head of his cock press against you, and then he grabbed your hips, and shoved it inside.
You cried out as he invaded your body. A hot flash of something went through you, and your arms buckled under you as you fell face first into the mattress.
You could hear Cillian behind you, grunting and swearing, holding your hips tightly, his nails biting into your skin. He pulled you back against him roughly, and another hot flash of pleasure shot through your body. You felt like you were going to explode any minute.
‘Y/N’ he growled, and shifted behind you, and then you felt his arm snake around your waist and up to your face. He pulled you up and held your chin firmly with his hand. You could feel his chest pressed against your back, like he was holding you tight against him in a hug as he continued to thrust into you.
‘Oh god Cillian yes’ you moaned as he was dropping his head and caught your neck with his teeth. He bit you gently, and then sucked hard at the bite, thrusting deeper and deeper into you in a way that you still couldn't understand.
‘Open your eyes’ he growled into your ear and your eyes flew open. Across from you was the mirror of the nightstand. Your eyes widened and you gasped as you took in the sight of Cillian buried inside your body, holding you close.
‘Cillian’ you moaned again as your whole body caught fire, and burned, and burned. You saw fireworks behind your eyes and your brain went all staticy.
It could have lasted an hour, or been just a moment in time, but the next thing you knew was that your legs began to shake violently and your walls began to clench around Cillian’s hard cock.
‘Oh god yes fuck’ you moaned as your orgasm washed over you and your juices squirted onto the wooden floor.
At the same time, Cillian reached his high as well, thrusting into you with several loud groans as he filled you with rope after rope of his warm cum.
‘Jesus that was amazing’ Cillian huffed just before he pulled out of you gently and you both collapsed on the bed together.
‘So, tell me again Cilly, why would I want to be with a younger guy?’ you giggled.
  Tag List (Cillian):
@lilymurphy03 @deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall @elenavampire21 @hanster1998 @mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-my-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang @0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney @missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo​ @vhscillian​ @ysmmsy​ @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  ​
Cannot Tag (please check your settings):
@l0tsofpennies @trolleydolly @avonlady1985 @chrisevanshoeee @daydreamingnymph @fookingshelby
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eternally-writing · 3 years
chain reaction 02 | jjk
Tumblr media
genre: fluff and angst 
rating: PG 
pairing: Jungkook x reader
theme: college!au , enemies to lovers, series 
word count: 4.6k
warnings: light swearing
synopsis: A semester with your mortal enemy, Jeon Jungkook, as your lab partner was bound to be an experience to remember. 
banner by me!
read part 1 here! 
 If you want to be tagged in future parts, send me an ask! 
When you had imagined what Jeon Jungkook’s apartment would look like, you had definitely thought it would look something like an evil lair (except messy, because Jungkook definitely struck you as the messy type). 
However, upon stepping into his surprisingly well-finished apartment, you found the exact opposite case. Before this, you had planned to make a ton of jokes based on whatever you would find in Jungkook’s apartment. And the truth was, you still could. 
Jeon Jungkook was an absolute neat freak. You watched the way he subtly shuddered as a fleck of dirt from your shoes travelled off of his doormat and you took note of how his kitchen counter was so clean you could probably eat directly off of it (which was especially rare from someone in college). If he had a roommate, there was no trace of him right now, as the apartment pretty much looked like a showhome.
“I didn’t know you were such a clean freak, Jeon,” you said with a smirk.
For the first time, you saw Jeon Jungkook look the slightest bit timid. 
“I like to keep things tidy, I guess,” he said while rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand. 
He gestured for you to enter his quaint but somehow spacious living room as he sped to the kitchen to grab you a glass of water (he may not like you, but he’d be damned by his mother if she found out he let a guest into his place without giving them a beverage).
You had a very clear game plan when it came to entering Jeon Jungkook’s apartment: Enter. Talk about the project (and nothing else). Grab the chemistry notes from the class you missed on Monday. Leave. 
It definitely seemed like an easy peasy 4 step plan  -  except that all seemed to flow out the window once you saw the photo Jungkook kept on his coffee table. From what you could decipher, it looked like a high school aged Jungkook in a music studio, right in front of the mic, with some of his friends around him. You had never seen Jungkook smile as big as he was in that picture, and it even managed to pull at your heartstrings.
Before you could open your mouth to ask about it, Jungkook had already come over to you and slammed the picture to be face down on the table, leaving smiley high school Jungkook out of sight. 
“An invitation into my apartment isn’t an invitation into my private life, Y/N. Don’t get it twisted.” he said coldly, dropping the glass of water hashly onto a coaster by the picture frame. 
To be fair, you kind of deserved that (and looking into Jungkook’s personal life definitely wasn’t part of your 4 step plan to seeing him today), but he didn’t have to be that mean.  As a peace offering you moved as far away from the photo frame as you could.
“Let’s just get this over with, Jeon. I have a pilates class in an hour on the other side of campus.”
Now Jungkook couldn't pass up that opportunity to make a joke. 
“Pilates, mmm.”  He let out an overexaggerated moan to make his point. 
“ Think you can slip my number to the hot girls there Y/N,” said Jungkook with a smirk. 
“In your dreams Jeon. You’re lucky if any girls will still want your number if you fail organic chemistry, which is what you’re going to do if we don’t work on this project.”
“I think you’re forgetting Y/N.” he said as he bent down, bringing his lips to your ear - “if I go down I’m taking you with me sunshine”. 
Ignoring how his close proximity to you was making your heart race (it was probably due to anger, right??), you jumped away from him and pulled out your macbook.
“Our group contract is due tomorrow so let’s just finish that up and then I’ll be out of your hair okay?” you said with an air of desperation and potentially sexual frustration.
For the most part, you and Jungkook worked in silence besides the occasional sound of you typing or clearing your throat. Looking at the live google doc in front of you and the progress you both were making, you were starting to think that working with Jungkook might not be the worst thing in the world. 
Topic - Green Chemistry 
1. Answer all communication from your partner (emails, messages) within 24 hours
2. Complete all portions of assignments at least 1 day before it is due. 
3. Any changes to your availability should be communicated to your partner. 
4. Y/N will handle the background literature and introduction of the presentation. 
5. Jungkook will look for future applications of Green Chemistry and direct applications of course material in the field of Green Chemistry. 
6. Don’t fall in love with your partner. 
As soon as you saw Jungkook type the last point on the document, you glared at him beside you on the couch. 
“Seriously Jeon? I forgot you have the mindset of a 13 year old boy,” you muttered as he looked at you cockily. 
You took a deep breath as your internal monologue started to run: 
Okay, Y/N. you’re not here to let Jeon Jungkook mess with you. 3 strikes and you’re out of here - there’s no reason to need to keep up with his bullshit (especially since at least the first part of your project was over).
Jungkook had then had to add more rules to your group contract. 
7. Y/N will give out Jungkook’s number to any hot girl at her pilates class. 
You groaned and hastily deleted off the document. 
That was strike 1 for Jungkook. 3 strikes and he’s out. 
Jungkook was still relentless in his attacks. 
“Seriously though Y/N, do you really not think I’m attractive at all? You really don’t want a piece of this?,” he said as he wiggled his eyebrows and gestured to his body all too suggestively. 
“Cut it out Jeon, I’m not dealing with your shit today,” you hissed, your eyes shooting metaphorical lasers into Jungkook. 
Strike 2: He’s getting close. 
“C’mon Y/N, what’s the chance that you’ll ever be able to bag someone as hot as me. I mean, look at me and look at you!”
Strike 3: you were DONE  with Jeon Jungkook today.
Not even stopping to put on your shoes fully, you took one last glance back at him before you walked out the door. 
“Fuck you, Jeon Jungkook.”
The glass of water he got you sat untouched on his coffee table, drops of water spilling onto the photo frame beside it due to his apartment shaking from you slamming his door.
Mirroring the new droplets on his coffee table, you found tears starting to drop across your face as well. 
Even though you loved your chemistry lecture, you’re not sure why chemistry labs had such a bad vibe to you. The most obvious explanation for this would be having Jeon Jungkook as a lab partner (especially after your last meeting, the situation speaks for itself). But what could be is probably at least part of the reason is because of what happened in your first year 8AM chem lab. After getting through a grueling 3 hour titration (that you messed up and got no results for in the end), you walked back to your dorm to find your (now ex) boyfriend Jimin in bed with your roommate, Soomi. 
Needless to stay you left that day with one less friend, no boyfriend (and you had also gotten 16/30 on that lab… yikes), so chemistry labs did leave a little bit of a bad taste in your mouth. 
It had been months since that incident, but even after getting a new lease and cutting any ties you remotely had to Jimin, you still carried the insecurity that Jimin instilled in you by cheating on you with someone who you thought of as a sister. 
You had yet to run into Jimin against post-breakup, and had managed to successfully avoid him, until now.
You knew that voice all too well. Turning around, you were met with the sight of your ex, Jimin. As if that wasn’t bad enough, as you looked him over you noticed your old roommate, Soomi, hanging off of his arm. You had no clue that they were still together (you had lost all contact with anyone remotely related to Jimin), and somehow seeing them together hurt you even more. 
Jimin looked even prettier than you had last remembered him; his prince-like hair shone in the afternoon sun, his charming smile seemed even brighter. Knowing Jimin was still with Soomi made you feel that he didn’t even feel a pang of regret for cheating on you, like he didn’t need to take some time by himself to reflect (like you definitely did) or stop to grieve your relationship. From your point of view, it seemed like you never even mattered to Jimin. 
You suddenly felt self conscious of everything under the judgmental gazes of Jimin and Soomi. Those baby hairs that you didn’t bother to pin down with a bobby pin this morning now felt like they were sticking straight out of your head and the pimple that was poking through your concealer on your forehead suddenly felt like a volcano. In your mind, compared to Soomi, you looked like a hot mess.
Your brain was on autopilot for all the small-talk you made with the two of them, and you didn’t snap out of your trance until you heard these words from Jimin. 
“I only wish the best for you Y/N”
You internally scoffed at this statement. Who the fuck was Park Jimin to say that he “wishes the best for you”. You took months to get over him and the hurtful words he said to you. Every mean comment and snarky comparisons he made to you felt like it was tattooed onto your skin and stuck with you forever. But now he was standing in front of you like nothing was wrong?
In a different world, you probably would’ve slapped Jimin across the face. But instead you rose above like your mom taught you to. 
“You as well Jimin.” you said courtly with a nod, trying to stop the tears that were pricking at your eyes from escaping your tear ducts. 
After receiving a small nod from Jimin as a response, you turned around as if you had somewhere to be (in reality, you didn’t have class for another 2 hours).
Getting as far away from Jimin was all you could think about at the moment, and you moved as far as your legs could take you in whatever direction you thought would take you out of your college’s quad, even as the tears falling from your eyes blurred your vision.
You didn’t know how to feel. You had imagined what seeing Jimin for the first time after the break up would look like; maybe he would grovel at his knees and beg to have you back (it’s not that you wanted to date him again or that you had feelings for him, but it would feel nice to feel wanted), maybe you would just throw a drink in his face and walk away like a bad bitch, maybe you could’ve flashed a new boyfriend in front of his face. 
All of a sudden your phone started to ring.  Your first fear (and somewhat hope) was that it would be Jimin calling you, but little did you know that it was something so much worse.
Incoming Call: Jeon Boy 
“as if this day couldn’t get any worse,” you thought to yourself as you pressed decline. You had yet to talk to Jungkook since that day at his apartment (you didn’t even call to congratulate him on his 
Incoming Call: Jeon Boy 
You groaned and hit the decline but at the speed of lightning again.
Incoming Call: Jeon Boy
Seriously, could this guy not take a hint? You were tempted to turn your phone off all together, but settled for hitting the decline button again.
Incoming Call: Jeon Boy
You realized that for whatever reason, Jungkook was not giving up, so you either had to answer him or listen to your ringtone of “Love Killa” by Monday X play every 10 seconds. Praying that your voice wouldn’t betray you, you took a deep (albeit shaky) breath and tried your best to wipe your tears before clicking “answer”.
“Look Jeon, I’m - uh - sorry but I really can’t do this right now okay? I’ll call you later.” you choked out, your voice obviously wavering as you tried to be as professional as possible. 
Before you could press the “end call button” you heard Jungkook’s concerned voice through the speakers.
“Y/N, wait, you don’t sound too good. Are you okay?”
Ah yes, “are you okay” - probably the most loaded question a person could ever ask. 
You probably could’ve kept it together if he had asked any other question, but his “are you ok” truly pulled at your heartstrings.
You felt your chest tightening but you tried your best to help the feeling subside. You had yet to show weakness about how Jimin had affected you to anyone, and you sure as hell weren’t going to start with Jeon Jungkook. Clutching at your chest and taking a few deep breaths in an effort to calm your racing heart, you continued on. 
“Is that genuine concern I’m hearing from you Jeon? Be careful, you���re losing your bad boy persona,” you said as you tried to make a joke to distract him. 
“Y/N, no. I’m serious. are. you. okay.”
You couldn’t handle it anymore. Sobs broke free from your chest and you heaved into the phone, your whimpers and whines striking Jungkook on the other side of the phone. 
“I, I can’t- I just-“
The words barely broke through your sobs. Your chest was tightening and you could barely hear Jungkook through the ringing in your ears. 
“Y/N where are you, I’m coming’” said Jungkook. You could hear the jingling of his car keys and the rustling of him putting on shoes. 
As if mother nature felt your pain, the rain started pouring down on you at the same time.
You barely got out any more words to Jungkook,  but he didn’t hang up on you. He just kept whispering comforting phrases, trying to calm you down from afar as you could hear his car engine roaring in the background (in another world, you definitely would’ve yelled at him for using his phone while driving). You barely even registered that Jungkook was there at all. Every memory of you and Jimin seemed to reopen like a fresh wound, and you couldn’t feel anything except the pain. All you could do was sit on a random curb by the edge of campus, your wails probably reaching the sorority houses nearby. 
You felt broken. The sound of the thunder overhead mixed with your cries as the rain pelted you, soaking your thin sweatshirt. You don’t know how much time passed there. In your head, it felt like time was frozen, while for Jungkook it felt like he was wasting hours zooming through campus (he truly was zooming - a month later he found out that he had accumulated 3 speeding tickets trying to find you, but he would never tell you that).
“Oh, sunshine,” he murmured, voice laced with pity and concern as he pulled over his car on the curb in front of you. 
You and Jungkook hadn’t even said a word to each other since the feud at his apartment, and you had absolutely zero clue how he even managed to figure out where you were through your jumbled phone call. But all you knew is that right now you needed him. You needed someone to give you a bit of comfort, and Jungkook was somehow here to do that for you. Despite everything between you twom you couldn’t hide the feeling of relief that ran through your body as you looked up and saw Jungkook in front of you.
Coming to your side, Jungkook crouched beside you. 
“Jungkook”, you wept as he pulled you into his chest. It was probably one of the first times you had actually addressed him by his first name, which came as a surprise to him. 
Holding you closer, Jungkook couldn’t help but feel protective over you. He couldn’t help but hurt with you as he saw your fragile figure shaking in his arms. 
“You’re gonna be okay now Y/N, okay? I’m here. I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere.”  
And in that moment, on a dirty curbside off campus, you weren’t Jeon boy and little miss sunshine,  mortal enemies and chemistry lab partners. Instead, you were just Jeon Jungkook and Y/N., and nothing else seemed to matter at the moment.
To your surprise (and the surprise of anyone else who knows you), you and Jungkook had not been stepping on each other’s toes as much. What had started out as extreme, extreme dislike had turned into a mild dislike (maybe even a very slight enjoyment of his presence, although you weren't about to admit that anytime soon). And of course, you both refuse to acknowledge the “Jimin incident” that had occurred a week ago and you both refuse to believe that it may have had something to do with you and Jungkook not hating each other. Your emails stopped being signed off with “do your part Jeon, or else” and instead now usually started with “Hey Jeon!” and “Thanks, Y/N”
That brought you here, in your apartment on a Friday night, eating old pizza in an old sweatshirt, no bra, and some comfy shorts that had definitely been through the wash one too many times. Researching for your chemistry project, you chuckled at how much of a londer you would look to an outsider. Sending off the articles you found on Green Chemistry to Jungkook, you closed out the email with some casual pleasantries and then turned to continue rewatching episodes of your favourite kdrama. You definitely weren’t expecting a response from Jungkook until Monday. You were sure that someone like him was at a frat party (was he even in a frat? You had no idea). Either way, Jungkook probably was lounging around in some party house with like 6 girls on his arms, while you were doing quite the opposite. 
Surprisingly, Jungkook was actually doing quite a similar thing to you. Instead of watching kdramas, he was watching Iron Man (for what was probably the 50th time), and was huddled under a makeship blanket fort like a child and scrolling through reddit. Don’t be mistaken though, Jeon Jungkook was definitely a partier, but he also knew when he needed to give his head (and liver) a break.
He saw his phone chime with a gmail notification. He took a brief scroll through the articles you had sent over to him (those were definitely work for another day since there was no way he could digest academic jargon without at least 3 cups of coffee in him), but he was pleasantly surprised with what you had come up with. 
At the same time, the Facebook tab he had open on his Macbook also lit up. 
It’s Y/N L/N’s birthday today! Leave a message on her wall to celebrate!
Jungkook’s jaw dropped. 
It was your birthday and you were sending him chemistry research papers?? Jungkook chuckled because he could already think of 1000 bad jokes to make fun of you, but he also felt some other feeling that he couldn’t quite place.  
Jungkook’s mother had always taught him that it was important to celebrate birthdays, and that is was bad luck that it was  He wasn’t sure if it was just a farce that his mother had come up with to make sure that he still attended those family-wide facetime birthday celebrations once he went to college, but either way, he still believed it to some extent. 
He had no clue why he was doing this, or how he even got here, but somehow Jungkook found himself in sweatpants and a hoodie in front of your apartment door at 10pm on a Friday night, cake in tow in one hand, his other hand out ready to knock on your door. 
On the other side of the door, you were equally astonished. It almost felt like you were seeing a hallucination, as if your email to Jungkook had somehow summoned him to your door. You couldn’t help but rub your eyes in disbelief, just to make sure he was actually there. 
Bashful Jungkook seemed to make an appearance again as he tapped his feet in anxiety. And before he could stop himself, words were already tumbling from his mouth”
“Happy birthday?” he said as a question , posing it as if he didn’t know whether facebook was just playing a prank on him (which he honestly didn’t know). “Can I come in?”
You didn’t even really know how to process this situation, but all you could mutter was a “uh, thank you?” in a similar inquirable tone and gesture for him to step into your apartment. If Jeon Jungkook showed up at your door at 10pm on a Friday night, he probably deserved to be heard out.
“You can make yourself comfortable on the couch. Sorry, I wasn’t expecting company otherwise I would have cleaned up a bit.”  You were sure that Jungkook’s neat freak brain was probably frying itself into overdrive based on the empty now-empty pizza box sitting on your coffee table and stray utensils and crumbs on your kitchen counter. You felt a little embarrassed that he had to see this.
Mirroring Jungkook’s hospitality last time you were at his place, you brought him a glass of water and hoped that this evening would go a LOT better than the last time you and Jungkook were alone together in an apartment. 
Jungkook’s cake was still held in his hands. It was a little cake from the 24/7 cafe on campus; he could only find one that said “happy” with little sunflowers and smiles, so hopefully the “birthday” part of it was implied. 
“I, um, I brought cake - for you. I mean your birthday.”
You sat down across from him. 
“Oh you didn’t have to Jungkook, uh that’s really nice but you didn’t have to do that,” you said as you leaned further away from the cake, as if it was an item that scared you. “I’m not big on birthdays anyways, just usually me chilling in my apartment!” 
However, Jungkook was not planning on taking no as an answer. He tried his best to plead with you, but was still getting nowhere. 
“you… you have to do it for my mom!” he said as he thrust the cake even closer to your face. 
You tilted your head in confusion at his statement. 
“I mean uh-, my mom says that it’s bad luck if you don’t blow out candles on cake on your birthday and that if you don’t do it then you won’t live to your next birthday. And um- i know we’re not friends Y/N but I’d rather see you alive next year”.
 Jungkook tried to look as nonchalant and cool as possible, and when he realized his statement was a little too thoughtful he followed it up with a “i mean you could do whatever you want i don’t care it doesn’t matter to me”. 
You were beginning to like this side of Jungkook, the one that was more thoughtful than he was a selfish, inconsiderate dude.
Taking the cake softly from his hands, you muttered a soft “thank you”. At this point Jungkook didn’t know whether you took it from his hands to throw it on the ground or actually use it for its intended purpose. As you leaned over to grab the lighter by your candles on your coffee table, Jungkook let out a breath of relief. 
Throwing open the cake box, you lit the candle in the cake and stared patiently in front of it. 
“Well Jungkook, I believe if I am going to be blowing out candles there should be singing too, no?” You joked with a silly smile on your face. 
Knowing he had no way out of this (and to be honest, he secretly wanted to anyways), he began to sing. 
You had never heard a more beautiful rendition of happy birthday in your life. Jungkook turned the most mundane song, one that you didn’t have many happy memories with, into a tune that made your heart start to swell with joy. You wished the song was longer, because as he stopped to sing you wanted nothing more than for him to keep going. 
“Make a wish, Y/N” , he whispered. 
You didn’t know what to wish for. There were a lot of things that needed to be fixed in the world, and lots of things that you needed too (like a new toothbrush, or the experience of true love). It seemed fitting that since you were only blowing out these candles because of Jungkook, you should at least dedicate the wish to him. So all you wished for was for you and Jungkook to get along just like you were in this moment. 
You looked up at Jungkook from the cake, and from there all you could say was a sincere “thank you”.
The moment was all too sincere, and you and Jungkook could feel the atmosphere shift to one that was all too intimate and friendly for your relationship. As moving away from a hot flame, you both picked up your phones and mumbled excuses to move away from the situation. 
Jungkook was the first to break the ice again. 
“I don’t know how good this cake is going to be, the expiry date was at least a week and a half ago”
“Well Jeon Jungkook, if you brought an expired cake into my apartment, it feels like a right of passage that you have to try this cake with me.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from picking up a piece of cake on a fork and shoving it into his mouth. Immediately, his face scrounged up in disgust, and you could pretty much see him gag. 
“That cream is… very creamy to stay the least,” he said as he thickly swallowed it down, grimacing the whole time. 
His expression made you chuckle. There was something about the way his naturally fluffy hair seemed to move as he swayed like a piece of seaweed on your couch (a mannerism that you had picked up on quite quickly), that made you feel warm inside.
“Considering me sacrificing myself to this cake as a birthday present to you, Y/N” 
The laugh that bubbled out of your chest almost made that gross cake worth it to Jungkook. And some words of sincerity slipped out before you could hold them in. 
“Best birthday present ever, Jungkook, thank you.
Taglist: @apollukee , @mrcleanheichou , @monvieesdaebak 
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- Emily
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hawkwhore · 3 years
Rebound - Hawk X Female!Reader
taking place some time after his breakup with moon, (probably end of S3 era after his redemption) he starts to develop feelings for y/n, but he isn’t sure if he’s ready for another relationship after what happened with moon. this results in constant disguised flirting to avoid commitment, leaving y/n confused on if he likes her, or is just joking around.
p.s. thank you guys so much for 100 followers!! :) i decided that im gonna make a hawk imagine as a thank you since i’ve been thinking about doing it for awhile. im so scared to post this bye.
Tumblr media
words; 2,444
includes; light swearing, angst, fluff
It had gotten to a point, that it was almost bothersome. Bothersome, the way he would talk to you, and pretend like it was nothing.
“Hey gorgeous,” he greeted you as you sat down at Hawk’s lunch table. Your friends smirked and you rolled your eyes, trying to repress a smile. He did this all too often, making comments that shouldn’t be made unless it meant something more.
“Hi.” You sat down awkwardly, never knowing how to respond to his uncomfortable remarks. Not that you exactly minded them, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a bit of a thing for Hawk. But what you didn’t like, however, was not being able to tell if his comments were serious, or just another way to amuse himself over your reactions.
“So, we were just talking about the next All Valley. You’re coming to watch, right?” Hawk asked you as he bit into his food. You were never really into actually taking these karate classes, but you were a supportive friend to the group and always came to watch them fight. “Yeah, of course.”
“I still think you should join the dojo and fight with us, Y/N.” Miguel said hopefully and you smiled at him, preparing to reject the idea again. “Yeah, plus, you’d look pretty hot in the uniform, right guys?” Hawk joked, looking to the table for agreement. You let out a sigh of disappointment at the comment, laughing it off as the rest of the group agreed.
“Yeah, not happening.” You said while grinning, shutting the idea down for the millionth time. Hawk frowned. “You’re lame.” He stuck out a finger from behind the sandwich he was holding to point a finger at you. “Oh well. Looks like you guys will have to find another way to spend more time with me.” You joked, and gave a shrug of your shoulders to your friends.
You had thought, this would have been a good opening for Hawk to say something like ‘You’re right, do you wanna go out with me this weekend?’ but of course, he didn’t say that. He didn’t say anything, really. The conversation just went on.
It made no sense to you why he acted the way he did, but never made a move. It was truly infuriating at times. Eventually the bell rang, and you all parted for the second half of your classes. You wouldn’t see Hawk again until your last period, which was both upsetting and a relief for you at the same time. He’s just so unpredictable.
There had even been times you’d called him out on his behavior, like when you all went out to Golf N’ Stuff and he practically acted like you two were a couple the whole night. He was complimenting you, putting his arm around you, and it prompted you to quite literally say, ‘If you actually like me that much why haven’t you asked me out?’ In a taunting tone towards him, wanting to see what he’d do.
For the first time in a long time, he’d seemed intimidated. He retracted his arm from you even, and after a moment’s silence regained his usual composure to spout a “You wish,” and laugh it off. It hurt your feelings a little, honestly. Was he just using you for the comfort without the obligation? Could it have easily been anyone else besides you? You were determined to find out, but you’ve just been stuck playing the long game.
It was later that day when you reached your final class that more unsurprising events from Hawk occurred. You had been sitting in the general center area of the classroom when Hawk walked in, and he shot a wink your way as he took his usual seat behind you.
“Hey,” he greeted. You turned around to face him, noticing once again how cute he looked in his red hoodie that you wish was yours, and replied nonchalantly. “Hey, how was bio?” You asked him. The teacher wasn’t here yet, so you were thankfully able to converse without being yelled at.
“It was wild,” he started, and his eyes lit up while his mouth curled into a devious smile. “We actually dissected some shit today. Just completely ripped the frog’s guts apart.” He spoke, feeling accomplished. “Totally badass.”
You mimicked the way a person would vomit, exclaiming how disgusting that story was. “And that is exactly why I am not taking biology.” You said while giggling.
He rolled his eyes playfully, but watched you intently as you laughed. He didn’t say anything at first, just smiled softly. “I love your laugh, it’s so cute.” There it is. Except this time it seemed a little more sincere than a harmless flirtation. Too bad that you know that’s all it really is, though.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him in a confused look at his compliment like you always do, and turned back to the front of the class when you realized the teacher had just arrived.
It can’t be that he’s scared to ask you out in some sort of fear of rejection, because you’ve made it pretty clear how you feel many times before. When it first started, you tried to reciprocate the things he did and said. But every time you tried, he brushed you off and made you feel like he didn’t want that. So, what, he could flirt with you, but you couldn’t flirt with him? How is that fair?
You considered these thoughts throughout class, and it was starting to frustrate you. Seriously, how is that fair?
You had become so focused on these thoughts, in fact, that you didn’t notice when the teacher had called on you. “Y/N,” Hawk shook your arm from behind you trying to get your attention back onto the class, and you whipped your head up. “Yeah, sorry.”
When class was over and you headed out of the room, Hawk was close to follow behind and pull you to the side before you got too far. “Hey are we still on for tonight?” He asked confidently, referring to your plan to watch the new WandaVision episode together at his house after school. You would’ve been nervous about this, but luckily Demetri was coming, so it shouldn’t be too awful.
“Yeah, duh,” you said while walking towards the exit with him. When you reached his car, you looked around. “Where’s Demetri?” You questioned, as Hawk started getting in the drivers’ seat. “He didn’t tell you he wasn’t coming?” He said boredly. Suddenly you felt tense, but you masked that with a look of annoyance. Figures.
“Ugh, what? No? He’s annoying. Why not?” You complained as you got in the car, no longer waiting for Demetri to show up. “Family dinner, I think?” He responded, while you buckled in your seatbelt and checked your makeup in the little mirror.
“Okay, well, his loss I guess.” You tried to hide your anxiousness about the fact you two were now going to be alone together at his house, with continued annoyance about Demetri’s cancellation.
“Yeah definitely, what loser would pass up an entire hour of sitting next to you?” He commented smugly, trying to lighten the mood. “Half-hour.” You corrected, turning your head away and ignoring the flirtatious intention of the comment.
You shook off the unexpected change of plan and suggested some music, to which Hawk agreed. You both terribly sang along to a few songs while chatting about WandaVision theories until you got to his house, and went inside.
“So what was that in class today?” As you two were walking upstairs to his room, he asked you this almost through a bit of laughter. “What do you mean?” You looked for clarification, hoping he didn’t mean what you thought he did. “You never lose focus in class.” He confirmed.
“Yeah I don’t know! Just zoned out I guess.” You tried to explain without giving him the details on the thoughts that caused your zoning out, thankful for not having to be in direct eye contact with him as you answered while walking inside his room.
Unfortunately, this answer was not good enough for Hawk. “Bullshit! What were you thinking about?” He encouraged lightheartedly, assuming this topic of conversation wouldn’t be anything deep. How wrong he was.
You sat down on his bed and he did the same, and you tried to think of what to say next. At your silence he continued, “You were probably thinking about how hot I am, huh?” You lightly smacked his arm and let out a breath of defeat.
“I don’t wanna kill the vibe by talking about this. I just wanna see Evan Peters in the next episode.” You tried changing the topic by making a joke, but he didn’t budge.
“Dude, what is it? Seriously you can talk to me.” He looked at you sincerely and moved a little closer, detecting this might be more serious than he thought. As annoyed as you were that he wouldn’t give this up, your heart melted a bit at this action.
Then, that heart started beating incredibly fast when you realized what you were now going to have to admit to him. It’s fine, you told yourself, you’ve been wanting to get this off your chest for ages, so just do it.
“Do you like me?” You blurted out.
That is not how you intended to start this conversation at all.
The smirk that was always planted on Hawk’s face immediately fell, and he suddenly looked nervous. “What?” He asked, trying to avoid answering.
Lucky for him, you had more to say.
“All you do, every time I see you, is make flirtatious comments towards me, and it’s weird. It wouldn’t be weird if you actually meant them, but you had plenty of chances to act on it and you haven’t, so at this point I’m wondering if you’re just using me as some sort of fun rebound to mess with and you don’t even like me at all, especially since whenever I tried to flirt back you brushed it off and acted like I was an idiot for doing that, so if you don’t actually like me I’d appreciate if you stopped doing what you’re doing because it’s confusing and I don’t know how to act around you anymore.”
You hesitated for a moment after your very passionate speech, and finished with, “That.. is what I was thinking about during class.”
You looked up at him anxiously and saw an expression of hurt and guilt on his face, and he gulped harshly at the realization that it was his turn to talk.
“You’re not a rebound.” He spoke softly, avoiding eye contact, almost reverting back to his Eli persona. You felt a glimpse of hope at this, but waited for him to continue, fidgeting with the ends of your shirt’s sleeves in impatience.
“And I’m sorry I made you feel like that was even a possibility.” He said louder, slowly regaining his confidence in his words. “I’ve been nervous, after Moon, about getting into another relationship.” He admitted to you, finally looking into your eyes.
Now that he wasn’t as nervous anymore to explain himself, suddenly you were. Where was this going?
“I didn’t want to commit to anything, I was..” He took a breath, as if ashamed to say it, “Scared.” He looked down, avoiding your gaze again, but continued. “I just didn’t want to screw up the same way I did before, and grow a relationship like that just for it to end so soon.”
“So you thought you’d just flirt with whoever was around to compensate your need for love?” You interrupted harshly. You felt a little bad, but you were still angry, and insecure.. and it still sounded like a rebound.
But all your thoughts of self-doubt went out the window when he took your hands in his. “No!” Hawk said, almost shouting in disbelief at you. “I like you a lot, Y/N. I just didn’t know what to do about it. I didn’t want to make things serious and get hurt again, or even worse I do something stupid and hurt you. But I guess my attempt at ‘liking you from a distance’—“ He put emphasis on those words, as though making fun of his own phrasing. “—ended up being stupid and hurt you anyways. And I’m really sorry for that.”
Hawk poured his heart out to you, and you were in shock. You don’t think you’d ever seen him so vulnerable before. You couldn’t think of anything else to say, so you did something you thought you’d never do.
You kissed him.
His short look of confusion as you leaned in quickly faded when he realized, and he happily accepted the kiss. He moved his hand to hold your face, his other one on your waist, and you lightly rested your hands on his chest. A sense of relief washed over you, finally understanding what was going through his head all this time. Before the kiss could deepen, you parted from him to say something.
“I understand,” You moved your arms up a little, wrapping them around his neck while talking, and he held your waist loosely. “But I hope you know that we don’t have to be like you and Moon. You’ve changed so much since then. And I believe in us. I want to be with you.”
You stared into his eyes intensely, hoping he would say exactly what you’ve been wanting him to say to you for months.
His puppy dog expression broke into a huge smile, and he nodded. “Yeah, I want to be with you too.” He leaned in again, much more confidently this time, and kissed you deeply.
He kept his hold on your waist tight, and your lips continued to move together as your hands grasped onto the back of his neck. He leaned forwards slightly and moved his hand to hold your jaw, but accidentally broke the kiss from a smile he couldn’t manage to suppress.
You giggled at this, giving him another quick peck on the lips before turning yourself towards the TV. “So, WandaVision?” You reminded him, laughing to yourself a bit at how things escalated.
“Oh, right,” Hawk hesitated, looking at you for another second. “Fine.” He gave up the idea of kissing you more, and searched for the remote.
“I guess we should be glad Demetri didn’t come after all.” Hawk smiled slyly as he picked up the remote, and cuddled up next to you on the bed.
You laughed, and curled up close to him as he turned on the show. “Yeah, definitely.”
ok hi i hope this wasn’t terrible i’ve basically never written a fanfic before but if y’all liked it you can send me requests??
also random thought i got uncomfy just writing them kissing even though i read intensely nsfw fanfics on the daily so idk why that happened but anyways. LMFAOOO
bye thank u for 100 followers excuse me while i hibernate because this post is embarrassing
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nyxxon · 3 years
himiko toga X fem u.a reader plot: reader saves himiko toga and kiss her and then run away so himiko toga like wtf and sneak in to class 1a dorm room to confront her (change is needed)
» The gender never really comes up into play so this can be considered neutral. I changed it up only slightly, but not too heavily.
Why Save Me? (Toga Himiko)
Toga's eyes were wide and slightly tremoring as she laid unharmed in your arms bridal style, obviously confused by your actions as well as the whole scenario that had led up to this current position—her mind clouded and hazy.
     But it was all slowly coming back to her . . .
     She had been fighting you on top of the building that you had been on top of with your superior that was obviously for your internship. It didn't take her very long to do quick work of them before having had turned towards you who she had saved for last—the true target.
     With that, you and she had soon gone head-to-head with each other.
     But after a few minutes of fighting, she had made a miscalculation in her attack and soon slipping and, before she knew it, had been falling off the edge of the building. But in such a state of shock, she hadn't bothered to try and save herself as her body continued to fall.
     Her eyes had instinctively closed as she had awaited the hard and brutal impact she was to face since it was too late for her to even bother trying to save herself from the inevitable fate. But the impact never had come for her, or not the impact that was to be expected anyway. Instead, she had landed into what had felt like arms—your arms to be more exact.
     So here you bother currently were, being held by you as you both just awkwardly stared at each other with you being just as shocked as she was by the current situation though you soon broke away from your confused trance.
     "Uh, here." You soon steadied Toga on the ground though it took her a moment since she was still in a bit of a trance.
     She stared at you for a moment, her eyes still wide, "You . . . you saved me." However, you were unable to hear what she had just said because her voice was so low.
      "Uhm . . ." You began to shift in your spot while looking anywhere but her, "I-I . . . have to go."
     With those words, you quickly turned around a raced back towards the building you originally had been on top of to check on your superior and to call the situation in—leaving the girl behind you.
     Toga, still frozen in her spot, just stared at your back as you got further and further before soon disappearing inside the building; however, she, too, quickly left the scene as not to get caught—disappearing in an alleyway not to be seen for a very long time . . .
In bed, you hugged one of your pillows tightly to your chest as you replayed the events of today, the window open from when you had entered to allow a cool breeze to enter the room.
     When you had gotten back to the U.A. dorms, everyone had instantly surrounded you instantly—having heard about the little incident that had happened to you while on patrol with your internship hiree.
     You had assured them that you were alright—as well as your superior who just was a bit knocked up—while telling them about what all had gone down though making sure not to tell them one certain fact before telling them that you just needed some rest to process the events that had occurred. Thankfully they were all quite understanding of your needs and allowed you to head into your room in which you now resided for a few hours at this point.
     With that said, you still couldn't believe you had done that—that you had saved Toga.
     Of all people . . .
     After all, she was a villain part of the renowned "League of Villians." Plus, she was even trying to kill you! Which wasn't really all that surprising.
     You placed the pillow over your face, "Ugh . . ."
     You let it stay there as you just laid in your bed like that for a long while, unmoving as your mind was running with so many thoughts. However, you were soon snapped away from your thoughts as you heard a shuffling sound in your room. Removing the pillow from your face, your eyes instantly landed on a familiar figure.
    More specifically: Toga.
     Your eyes widened and gasped rather loudly as you fumbled to sit up. But you weren't able to remove yourself from the bed as Toga instantly dashed towards you and pinned you back down, one of her hands resting on the headboard of the bed.
     "W-What are–"
     "Shut up." She pulled a knife out and placed it at your cheek.
     A bead of sweat appeared on your cheek and swallowed but complied to her words lest you wanted a knife lodged in you somewhere though you were unsure if your corporation would even make a difference in the end. Your body began to shake underneath her as you studied her face.
     Her lips were in a tight line, her brows knitted, as she looked down at you and into your eyes—it almost looked as if she was annoyed about something. But that was the last thing on your mind.
     How had she gotten in?!
     U.A. was supposed to have tight security. That was why they had made the dorms after all—to protect you from incidents just like this!
     Then again, you knew Toga's quirk to be that of transformation. So there was also the likelihood she had used that to her advantage . . . but there was also the part of IDs. If you didn't have one, you couldn't enter no matter from what direction you came in because U.A. would auto shut down . . .
     With that said, you wanted to scream. But you had a feeling that if you did she wouldn't hesitate to cut you or slice your neck open. You could only hope that someone would barge into your room though that seemed highly unlikely given that you had told them earlier.
     "You dropped this." She suddenly spoke up once more and pulled out your student ID before letting it fall beside you on the bed.
     Well, that explained it.
     "My ID . . ." You turned your head slightly, being careful to avoid the knife, as you looked at the card with your U.A. picture on it.
     She continued to stare down at you before soon speaking, "Why did you do it?"
     Your eyes widened as you looked back at her, "W-What..?"
     "Why . . . why did you save me..?" Her hair shaded over her eyes as she lowered the knife a bit though it was still quite close to your face.
     That was a good question . . .
     Why did you save her?
     If you were being honest, you didn't know why you had saved her from the fall.
     No . . .
     You did know why you had saved her.
     After all, you were a hero—well . . . a hero in training that was. As a hero, it was your job to save people no matter what. And even though it was Toga, she still, at that moment anyway, deserved to be saved.
     Yeah, that was why.
     "B-Because . . ." You swallowed as you began to repeat your thoughts, "I'm a hero. And . . . and that's what we do."
     Toga's eyes widened ever so slightly before a sadistic smirk soon made its way across her face, "A hero you say? Is that what you are, (Last Name)-chan~"
     You swallowed again, "Y-Yeah."
     She frowned at your words before her eyes widened in an almost demented way. She allowed her arms to go limp to her sides—the knife leaving your face—as her body began to shake a bit. It started with the light sounds of her giggling, her soon leaning her head back as it slowly got louder and louder. But it was still low enough to not be heard outside of your dorm room.
     This was the perfect time to knock her off you. But you just blinked up at her—feeling her body shake above you—as confusion clouded your mind by her weird reaction to your words.
     "Why . . . why are you laughing..?"
     She stopped upon hearing your voice before looking back down at you with the off-setting look she had. Though her eyes soon reverted back to normal while her mouth closed as it turned into her regular smirk though there was still something a bit off by it.
     Slowly, she began to lean into you—her face getting closer and closer to your own—until she stopped only a few inches from your own, you able to feel her breath on your lips.
     You swallowed and tried to lean your face back though that was impossible given you were as far as you could go against your pillow, "W-What are you doing..?"
     She hummed and pressed the side of the knife against your cheek, the metal cool to the touch, as she studied your face for a moment before closing her eyes and closing the distance between your lips and hers.
     Your eyes widened at the contact. But the kiss only lasted for a few seconds until she had instantly pulled away from you, her eyes half-lidded as she stared down at you before she removed the knife from your cheek and placed it in her pocket then got off of on top of you—landing on the ground beside your bed.
     You remained frozen in your spot, eyes still wide from the action—from the kiss—while she slowly made her way to the window she had come from before stopping and looking back at you.
     "You're cute, (Last Name)-chan . . . ~" Toga started as she tried you as she slipped only half her body through it then
     This snapped you away from your current state as you quickly sat up and looked in her direction but didn't speak nor move anymore as she soon looked past the window, a smirk and light blush plastered on her face.
     "But I should take my leave now . . . until we meet again.~" With those words, she soon slipped past the window, a loud thud sounding soon after.
     You quickly jolted out of bed as you ran to your window, peeking your head out as you tried to search for the girl; however, it was like she had disappeared out of thin air as you couldn't find her anywhere in the dark moonlit dorm grounds.
     You stayed like that for a few minutes until you pulled your head back inside and shut the window before turning around and sliding down the wall, leaning your head back against the wall as you let out a sigh.
     You couldn't understand what had just happened.
     One minute she was in your room holding a knife against your cheek. Then on the next, she had kissed you before abruptly leaving you to your own.
     That was right . . .
     Slowly you raised your hand to your face, running your hands lightly against your lips as you recalled the short action before swallowing, your cheeks beginning to warm at the recollection:
     She had kissed you . . .
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babykatsu · 4 years
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First Kiss.
pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
word count: 3k
rating: mature 🌧
warnings: kissing, suggestive content
genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst
Synopsis: you and bakugou had never quite got along. Not because there was any bad blood, he just chose to very obviously avoid you and treat you like every other extra in the class. However, while out on a walk during the evening, you stumbled onto bakugou all alone and seemingly upset. That's when this rocky relationship became a bit more stable.
The night sky started to paint the atmosphere, the cool breeze swaying your hair and tickling your exposed skin. As you slowly settled into your new dorm at u.a, you found yourself feeling more tense than usual. Maybe it was all the stress of the move or just plain old homesickness, but either way, the feeling ran deep within you. That’s exactly why tonight you decided to take a walk, not too far from the dorms, but just enough to finally take a refreshing break.
You eyed and analysed the scenery, the dazzling stars sprinkled the navy sky above that dripped its evening hue onto the shrinking sunset. Softly, the wind spun in and out of the trees and bushes, their leaves rustling and crunching followed by the occasional whistling of the wind. It was a calming scene to watch.
As your eyes explored the view around you, they landed on something a bit more unsettling. A blonde male, better known as katsuki bakugou, sat on a bench in the distance.
This evening, similarly to you, he had felt overwhelmed. Though he hated to admit it, he started to feel out of touch with himself, someone had been on his mind. It felt like a constant itch that never went away, no matter how much he scratched at it, the thought failed to leave him alone. This very thought he blamed for his sudden “downfall”. Admittedly, to everyone else, this failure he considered himself was completely unseen. It was all in his head.
You carefully scanned the boy from afar, reluctant on whether or not you should approach him. After all, he wasn’t the nicest of people, or at least that’s how he presented himself. Him blowing up in your face was the last thing you wanted. A heavy sigh escaped through your parted lips as you weighed the pros and cons of this current situation. Should you approach him?
The initial conflicted question was soon provided with an easy answer.
You watched his body tense up further and further, his hands clenched into tight fists as his eyes stayed fixed on one point, clearly zoned out. Something was bothering him. Regardless of his awful demeanor, you couldn’t help but lend him a listening ear. After all, it was in your nature to be so blindly giving sometimes.
You took slow and hesitant steps towards him, his bothersome state becoming clearer. The steps you took were gentle, soon gaining more of a steady pace. Though your stomach was turning, adrenaline coursing through your sluggish body as your heart thumped in your ears. It was no surprise that approaching him would shake up all these nerves inside you, his reaction would be unpredictable. You were definitely scared and nervous about the outcome, however, your caring nature got the better of you.
Soon, you were right next to him, taking a careful seat on the bench, not too close but no too far. His unusual unfocused state the only reason you were able to get so close. As your body finally made contact with the bench, his head took a harsh and sudden snap. His vermillion eyes glared right back at you, his posture only getting tenser.
“um...hi” you started shyly.
He was clearly taken aback if it weren’t for his current state, you doubt he’d tolerate you being near him. His face grew flushed in embarrassment, his eyebrows furrowing angrily at his sudden “weak” response.
You didn’t know exactly what was on his mind, why he was flustered or why he was so tense. Only if you knew that it was in fact you who was bothering his thoughts tonight.
Bakugou had never had an intense liking to someone, someone he didn’t even know, someone who was just an extra in his little world. It frustrated and confused him beyond compare. Tonight, he couldn’t shake the thought of you, and to be honest, it began to frighten him a bit. After all, he was new to these sorts of emotions. No matter how much he distanced himself or was rude to you, this weird feeling never left him. And it just had to be today, the day this thought bothered him most that you showed up.
“fuck off” he cursed, glancing away and sinking into the bench.
His words were harsh, but his voice came out calm, motivating you to try and figure him out.
“Hey, listen. I was taking a walk, had a lot on my mind and I’m guessing you do too”
You tried sparking up a conversation once more, a warm smile on your face. You kept your eyes on him, watching his response but he remained silent. The chilling air caused a shiver to run through you, more nervous now to see what would happen next. You tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, nuzzling your hands into your oversized sleeves.
“just go back to the dorms, dumbass” he mutters taking a quick pause before his heavy eyes fall back onto you.
“you’re clearly cold”
He was right, you weren’t just cold, you were practically freezing. Yet, you didn’t want to go back, not right now. You’d never had a proper conversation with Bakugou, a once in a lifetime opportunity. Not to mention, you’d often prioritized someone else well-being over your own.
“and something’s clearly bothering you” you gave him a reassuring smile, hoping to warm him to the idea of opening up.
He didn’t seem to budge, instead of crossing his arms over his chest and giving you a smug look.
“nothings fucking bothering me. just go home”
his cold attitude should have hurt you, but his blatant lies only confirmed your suspicions. Something was definitely bothering him. Deep in thought, you bit your lower lip, looking down at your hands that hid cozily in your sleeves. Another breath escaped your lips as you dared to speak again.
“I want to stay with you for now” you hesitated to speak out at first, wondering if such a response was too forward. Maybe it was the adrenaline that invaded your thoughts right now, or maybe it just felt natural to say, regardless those words had left your mouth.
Bakugou felt his body tense up again as his stomach felt an unfamiliar buzz. Completely lost for words, so he just hummed in response.
You both stayed in comfortable silence for a while. You watched as he sat almost paralyzed, his hands returning to their shaken state. Watching him like this was worrying, to say the least, maybe even terrifying. He was one of the strongest students in the class, never showing a weak side to him, until now of course. You didn’t know what to do or what to say.
Gently, you untucked your hand from your sleeve, the cold air harsh on your skin as it lost its previous heat. Though you were nervous to make another move, you didn’t want to see him like this anymore. You reached out slowly until your cold hand rested on top of his larger, more heated one. In fact, his hands were dangerously hot and sweaty. Now you were really worried about what had worked him up this much.
His hand twitched as he felt your touch, shocked by the sudden affection he’d never experienced before. Yet he allowed this foreign territory to be further explored, making no effort to push you off or yell. His heart began thumping faster in his chest, his stomach turned as adrenaline rushed to fill his body. He was no longer bothered by his previous thoughts, previous worries of you clouding his mind for days, the unshakable feeling he got around you. Maybe it was the adrenaline, but those thoughts were soon buried deep inside him, long forgotten. All his mind could think about at that moment was your touch. How soft your hand felt as your fingertips carefully massaged his hand, the way your minor movements brought him to a calmer state. But most importantly, how cold your hand felt.
“your hand is cold” he spoke bluntly, no emotion in his voice, contradictory to his adrenaline being at an all-time high.
“it doesn’t matter”
Your voice was gentle, like your touch it was somehow soothing him. It didn’t make this weird adrenaline rush calm down, it was probably just making it heighten. However, his anger, irritability, and lack of patience faded as you quite simply just sat there, softly speaking. It was odd that another person had so much control over him, not only invading his daily thoughts but now in possession of his very emotions. That’s how he viewed the situation at least. But even when this thought hit him, he couldn’t be mad at you.
“it does matter, dumbass” he spoke slightly harsher this time, worry laced in his voice.
You were taken aback by his tone, not prepared for his empathy. But he just kept surprising you more after that, giving you no time to respond. He interlaced his fingers with yours, his hand engulfing your significantly smaller one. His hand felt warm, very warm. His touch was rough, but it held way more emotion than you could uncover at that moment. As you stared down at your hand hidden within his, you felt your face burn red.
Never did you imagine that you’d be in this position, sat next to Katsuki Bakugou, blushing at his selfless gestures. On top of that, you never imagined he’d be like this.
He grabbed something from his side, the side that wasn’t visible to you.
“wear it, you’ll be less cold”
Rather than handing you the jacket to put on yourself, he used his free hand to rest it over your shoulders. A soft smile lingered on his lips, his eyes starring deeply into yours as he waited for your reaction.
Your heart rate sped up as your blush grew deeper, his action making you feel something weird towards him.
“Thanks, bakugou” you managed to say through your flustered state.
You felt the bench move slightly, as bakugou shifted closer towards you, his leg now in contact with yours. You were side by side, joint at the hands as your shoulders, thighs, knees, all of that were pressed together.
“I have something to ask”
Through the midst of all of this, his voice sounded calm as though unfazed by anything going on. But as you watched his seemingly emotionless face, you saw his hidden nervousness, his face starring straight ahead as a soft pink glow coated his cheeks. Was he blushing?
Before you could think, you lay your head onto his shoulder, your other hand coming to rest on top of your intertwined hands. You hummed in response, eagerly waiting for his question.
“what does it mean when you can’t stop thinking about someone. like you try so hard but they won’t leave your mind”
his question was a bit out of place, but it soon started to make a bit more sense as you allowed it to sink in.
“in what way? like they’re annoying you or are you interested”
You question back, trying to gather more information on his situation, realizing this is what must have been bothering him.
Weirdly enough, someone had been bothering your thoughts as well. Maybe that’s exactly why you felt so flustered at his simple touches. For months, you found yourself attracted to Bakugou, his little glances towards you sending an electric feeling to course through you. Better than anyone, you understood how he felt in this moment, and the frustration of not being able to get someone out of your head, especially when liking them seemed so far fetched.
“I never really thought of it but I guess interested or whatever” he let out a low sigh.
The reply to his statement was simple, he liked someone. Deep down, you wished it was you, after all, you’d been feeling this way for bakugou for a while. However, he had no real reason to like you, he pushed you away, ignored you, and rarely made an effort to talk. Today was a situation slightly out of the blue, his actions out of character but enjoyable.
“then you like someone” you chirped.
You sounded happy for him, well you tried your best to. But the selfishness within you was still present. you hoped he was talking about you.
You heard a low laugh escape his lips, his hand squeezing yours a bit, but not in a painful way. Tranquility surrounded you both once more as both of you didn’t speak.
“well, i guess i like you dumbass”
You felt that same buzz bounce around in your stomach as his simple response clouded your brain. You were not expecting him to say that. Not at all. You finally turned to face him, his ruby eyes less furious as they had a sleepy look to them. His face was calm, not tensed up in a frown or in an annoyed glare as it usually was. Not to mention, his ash blonde hair was spiked up but slightly messy. He looked... cute. You felt your face get all warm, your chest all fuzzy and your hands began to slightly sweat. The nervous feeling you rarely got was present. His eyes stared right back at yours, his lack of emotion in the face and unreadable expression only made this feeling you were experiencing more intense.
“it’s not mutual?” he questioned, almost sounding disappointed as you remained silent.
You took in a deep breath, nervous to respond but you didn’t want to ruin the moment.
“no, no... it’s mutual”
The stuttering in your voice was evident, he knew exactly how nervous he made you and it filled him with pride to know that.
Silence invaded your surroundings. Your bodies turned towards each other, your eyes still locked. you analysed his features, hoping to understand what he was thinking or feeling, but it was impossible.
The distant sound of passing cars was now audible as no one spoke, the rustling of leaves as the wind hummed.
"you sure" he finally spoke up.
"I'm sure"
You both stayed silent once more, not moving an inch as you awaited his next move.
"I just don't want to fuck this up" he admitted.
This moment was nothing like you have ever experienced with him before. He was being confusing, acting out of character, and the feelings that flooded your body only made this whole situation a lot more perplexing.
"you won't, i promise" you gave him your signature smile, hoping to keep him from breaking character even further.
You watched him carefully as he edged closer to you, making your heart race. His face was only inches away from yours now.
"Don't make me fucking regret this then” he scoffed, his minty breath tickling your face.
You didn't know what he was doing, but the anticipation was killing you.
You felt his warm hand trail up your stomach, making a stop at your waist, gripping it softly. His eyes darted around your face, almost as if he panicked to see your reaction.
Nervousness and excitement pumped through your body, heat rushing to your face at his soft touch. You gave him another reassuring smile, confused as to whether you wanted him to do anything more or if you wanted him to get his hands off you.
His eyes slowly, met yours again fully concentrated. Your chest felt slightly tight, the nervousness only growing greater and greater, making your heart pound at your chest. You really prayed he couldn't hear how loud your heart was beating.
Once again, his hands wandered, lightly grazing across your cold skin, leaving goosebumps with wherever his warmth evaporated after his touch left. He finally placed this hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb in circles. His eyes flickered between your two eyes and mouth, almost as though he was drawing a triangle on your face. that's when it really hit you, he was going in for a kiss.
He finally leaned his face closer, his lips slightly parted. It felt like time was moving in slow motion, still yet to process the exact event that was currently unfolding. But all the analytical thinking soon vanished when his soft lips finally locked with yours. You batted your eyelids shut. The tenderness of his touch finally calming you, the confusion and fear steaming out of your body. His lips slowly started to move as you adjusted into the kiss. Your both inexperienced lips moved oddly in sync, locked into each others like jigsaw pieces.
You picked your free hand up, pressing it against Bakugous abdomen. he twitched under your cold delicate touch, but as you dipped your hand under his charcoal coloured top, you felt him relax. you traced your fingers up his abs, admiring his physique.
He brought your face even closer to his, as the hand that had been resting on your cheek slid up to the back of your head, tugging softly at your roots. His nose bumped yours a bit as his silky platinum hair tickled your face.
The kiss was soft, soft for a guy like him. you never expected his touches to be so gentle, or his kisses to hold so much emotion. It felt like with every time your lips collided more and more emotions fogged your minds.
you pulled your hand from under his shirt, bringing it up to his collar, tugging the cotton material towards yourself. His chest was flush against yours, his heart evidently beating fast across you. The sudden contact of your two bodies sent an overload of excitement shooting through you.
Without warming, his gentle hand untangled from your hair, instead grabbing your hand that was tugging at his tank top. Eager to gain dominance, he grasped your wrist, snatching it from his body. Though his current movements were rapid, they still remained careful not to hurt you. Quickly, he rested your hand on his thigh. His grasp loosened, gently caressing your palm with his warm fingertips before interlacing his fingers with yours. His other that hand that was once locked with yours, now snaking around your waist.
He sunk his teeth into your bottom lip, not too roughly, but noticeably harsher than his other actions. Your lower lip was given a slight tug, and in this short moment, you both caught your breaths. You opened your eyes slightly to meet his as they bolted around your face. Without a second thought, he leaned back in, smoothly dipping his tongue into your mouth. It felt warm and soft as it pressed against yours. He explored every inch of your mouth, his tongue brushing and swirling your own. The warmth filled your mouth as he claimed your mouth.He continued to deepen the kiss, it becoming more sloppy and careless.
He pulled away suddenly, a trail of saliva connecting you both. A smirk was plastered on his face, as both of your faces beamed red.
“did I fuck it up” he questioned, as his chest was rising and falling in an attempt to catch his breath.
you gave his hand a soft squeeze, leaning in to give him one more peck on his lips.
“not at all”
The softness of your low whisper to him, caused a child-like smile to form on his face. He brought you closer to him, his hands leaving their previous positions to wrap around you in a tight hug. His head reset over your shoulder as he hugged you.
“well, does that make you mine?” his breath tickled your neck as he spoke.
You only had one answer to his question, not hesitating to give it.
“I’ve always been yours”
and with that, this once foreign feeling, foreign acquaintance, foreign touch became something a lot more familiar and secure for the two of you.
[a/n]: I hope you enjoyed my first written piece of work on here since I’ve never shared my writing🥺 ngl this was little bad but I still put in a lot of effort into it so I couldn’t let it go to waste :) don’t be shyyy to give me feedback on my work!!
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