#fancy new toothbrush
thatautisticadhdfeel · 3 months
Excellent news btw!
So I have sensory issues when it comes to dental hygiene, BUT I got a new toothbrush that’s like a whole mouthpiece so it does all your teeth at once and takes less time, it also doesn’t have the brushy scrubby sound that I absolutely hate.
I just had a dentist appointment the other day and 1) I didn’t have any cavities this time! 2) dentist says my dental hygiene is great! So I guess the toothbrush (combined with mouthwash) is working!
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jemjams02 · 2 months
Could you write Solomon and Diavolo dating headcannons, both nsfw and sfw?
Also, have a good day!
-anon 🪼
I got u anon <3
Dia is a very cliché lover, I'm talking pulling out all the stops from the worst romance movies
The first time you stayed the night at the palace with him as his lover, the room was filled with as many rose petals as he could find, candles too! He had several things prepared for your stay as well! There was a gift basket in the bathroom with shower/bathroom items with your name on them, as well as your favorite products. There was even a brand-new toothbrush on the vanity next to his! Needless to say, he's over the moon about you.
PAMPERS you!!!
he uses his status to get you anything you ask for! You could ask him for the heart of King Tut, and he'd figure out how to get it for you
you're certainly one of the only people in the entire Devildom that will even consider asking the Demon Prince for a piggyback ride, and he will do it no questions asked! He loves using his demonic strength to carry you, even if you really only ask when you're tired
he's very proud to be your partner, he would shout it from the balcony every morning if he could
doesn't let anyone speak ill of you, he has eyes and ears everywhere, and if someone dares use your name negatively, they will often disappear. You usually don't even know you're being talked about.
Unfortunately, his status also gets in the way of many things, he's often very busy with royal demon matters, but once your relationship has become public knowledge, he doesn't mind having you at his side during meetings! He'll also gladly have you seated nicely on his lap while he does his daily paperwork, reveling in your company
Dia's a very lonely demon, so he's quite clingy, asking to spend any and all free time he may have with you! Although, he also asks you to keep him company when he doesn't have free time, which he'll understand if you're not up to it that day
Diavolo, surprisingly, has very little experience. Often times, no one dares to flirt with him, and when they do he has to consider their motives. That being said, he is also absolutely shameless about asking for advice from the brothers (probably Asmodeus)
Your first time with him was straight out of a romance novel, he pulled out all the stops from mood lighting to incense; he even made a playlist after searching "best songs to have sex to"
He's a large demon, so he takes his time with you, starting with kisses. Lots of kisses; and the moment you find yourself unable to stifle a giggle, he sinks his teeth into your skin.
Possessive, and will mark you up like no tomorrow, be prepared to walk around with very visible hickeys
Likes lingerie, and has bought a couple of lovely sets, mostly consisting of a deep red color. However he finds himself unable to resist those teeny sleep shorts and tank top you have in your pajama roster; especially if you have nothing on underneath
Has you cum on his fingers several times before even attempting to fuck you. Enough that you're often exhausted by the time he deems you prepared enough
The first time he sank into you, his demon form came out, it felt so good. He also just likes fucking in his demon form, and can certainly tell you do as well.
Sex with Dia lasts hours, usually just short of you passing out, so aftercare is a huge part of the evening! He carries you to the bath, and everything smells like lavender. He's very gentle as he cleans you off with a warm washcloth, and you're often lulled to sleep by the warmth and comfort
He likes to annoy you, but in the cute boyfriend way. Like randomly dabbing you up
Casual dates galore! He needs to go grocery shopping? Why don't you come with him! Wanna go to the bookstore? Oh? You're craving Akudonald's? He'll go! He's not one for anything super fancy, although he will take you somewhere nice every once in a while
Very attentive and giving, but like you think he's not paying attention, and he actually is. That book series from the human world you'd been keeping up with? He hands you the newest volume one day! That bracelet you considered at a sop the other day? It's on your wrist the next week. You're struggling with a class? Oh look, a detailed study guide for the whole year.
Not one to really initiate PDA past handholding, but isn't opposed to it! If you wanna make out at this café right now, feel fucking free baby
Bad texter. He often gets so engrossed in his work/experiments that his phone goes ignored for hours
Consistently tries to cook for you (you never let him in the kitchen)
He's not very clingy, and can go at least a day without seeing you, but he likes your company, and wants to make sure you know you're loved! When he's off doing something far away, he'll call you every morning when he wakes up, and every night before he sleeps. If somehow you're unable to answer due to time zones, he'll leave heartfelt voicemails for you to wake up to
Definitely uses your proximity to Lucifer to try and make a pact with him. It's worth a try, but ultimately gets him nowhere.
Being a human in a land of demons can make a man feel...insecure to say the least, but what he lacks in demonic traits, he makes up for with magic. It's hard to go a night with him without a little sorcery; perhaps he whispers an incantation that will heighten your sensitivity before he assaults your senses with him. His voice, his hands, his scent; they all envelop you until the only thing running through your head is his name
His stamina isn't like a demon's but it's better than the average human's so he's often tired when you are, and is more than happy to just fall asleep and clean up later, unless you insist upon washing up right away (he may protest a little, but he always relents)
A little more blunt about what he wants than some others. Outright asking to fuck during makeouts is a frequent occurrence.
Enjoys cockwarming, it's relaxing. Plus, he gets to tease you to no end, which he also very much enjoys
Speaking of teasing, it's endless. He particularly likes edging you, feigning pity when you start begging to cum before giving you what you want; over and over again.
Needs a breather after he cums, his heart is pumping in his ears, just give him a second and he'll be fine :)
Wants to fuck your throat
Into choking, both getting choked and choking you
Doesn't mind letting you take the lead
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muzansfangs · 2 days
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He always takes.
Starring: Satoru Gojo x f!reader;
Format: one-shot;
Warnings: nsfw, angst, death, grieving, major spoiler if you are not a manga reader, vaginal sex, virgin reader, Satoru and the reader are 18 as they start engaging into sexual activities together, unprotected sex, use of pills as birth control method, pregnancy;
Plot: Since you two first met, Satoru has always taken everything from you: objects, kisses, feelings. Now that he is gone, you find a mystery box in the attic. Crying your eyes out, you begin to realize he never really took anything from you and, actually, he has left a gift to cherish for the rest of your life.
He has always taken things from you, yet why does it feel so unfair now?
He always took things from you. It all had started the day you first met. Upon entering that class, you were already doomed from the start. Sitting down, back facing him, you were aloof from wanting to make friends on your first day at the Institute. Yet, you soon started to feel a digit tapping onto your shoulder, then on your side. Striking light-blue eyes pinning you on the spot when you turned your head above your shoulder to look at the person demanding your attention left you doumbfounded. White hair, smug smile, fancy sunglasses sliding down his nose, that weird guy had apparently poked your side insistently just to ask you for a pen.
“Thanks for the pen, sweetheart” he had beamed, his fingers brushing against yours purposefully, the moment you handed him the spare one you always brought with you.
Little did you know he was not going to give it back to you. The moment he sprinted out of the class, chasing down his dark-haired friend, your pen was gone with him. Alas, this was just the beginning.
Two weeks later and you had become something close to friends. Satoru, his name was Satoru Gojo. It was a rainy Saturday night, when he had banged on your door ungraciously. You were in your pajamas, toothbrush shoved in your mouth, when you opened the door for him. While you would have loved to be sucked into a supermassive black hole right one your spot, Satoru bursted out laughing at your face, not to offend you, not to mock you, purely because you were so cute according to him. Or that was what he had told you before asking you for an umbrella.
“Ah, thank you, dear. I’ll return it to you tomorrow. Dinner together?” he had casually asked you out, winking at you whilst jogging down the dark corridor and leaving before you could even utter a response to him. He had left you no choice in the matter and this is how you found yourself sitting on his bed sharing a pizza with him.
Satoru was a wild spirit. Boisterous, cheeky, shrewd he had you wrapped around his finger. While he did not give you back your beloved umbrella that night, he had somehow taken another thing from you: your number.
Texts, texts at any hour of the day or the night. Never in your life you had ever been glued to your device. Satoru texted you during missions, when you were hanging out with Shoko, when he wanted you to sneak in his dorm because he claimed he needed something to hold on to fall asleep. At your refusal, he called you. Rapsy voice piercing your ear through the speaker, he begged you to let him spend the night in your dorm. Your heart skipped a beat, but you agreed, unfortunately.
Living a life of danger, fighting curses, not knowing how many days left on this Earth you had should have been enough for you to detach yourself from the human emotions. Still, you opened the door of your dorm that night and you let him in, along with a new feeling in your heart. Affection, love. And, damn him, Satoru left in the early morning with your chapstick, claiming he liked its cherry fragrance.
The truth was he liked it because you smeared it on your lips, those luscious lips he so desperately wanted and that he made his, eventually.
It was a sultry summer night, when he stole something important from you. Feet in the sand, under the moonlight, hands cupping your cheeks, Satoru kissed you for the first time, taking pride in knowing he was your first. His tongue danced with yours, teaching you how to move your lips in sync, how to let the partner take the lead, how it was okay to feel butterflies in your stomach and yearning for more.
He had your heart in his hand.
You loved him and, blinded by that detrimental feeling, you forgot you were two sorcerers. Superficial wounds did not scare you and they did not for a long time. Not when he did not miss a chance to introduce you to new activities. Knuckles deep into you, he swallowed your soft moans as he fingered you in front of a lame tv show you thought you were going to watch. His fingers worked magic on you, distracting you from the brutality of a life a sorcerer. A life too short not to live at its fullest.
Not when he began to leave open-mouthed kisses down the column of your throat, hands skimming down your back as he let you rotate your hips over his crotch.
“Just a ‘yes’, baby. If you want me to have you, say ‘yes’ to me” he had whispered in your ear.
And why did you not refuse? Why did you let him take another thing away from you? With a pained, strained moan, you had given the last part of you to him. You were his, undeniably, forever. With each thrust of his hips into yours, Satoru whispered praises and sweet nothings in your ear. The tears brimming in your eyes back then were permeated of pleasure and happiness, your smile broadening as he led you to the Moon and back.
When you graduated, you moved in his flat. Life changed, it became chaotic, some trauma from the past haunted you both, but there was nothing you two could not do together. Not when he was deep into you, finally tossing the condoms into the bin because he wanted to feel you raw.
“I need you. I want to feel you, Satoru” you had murmured, straddling his waist as he gladly helped you to sink down onto him. After all, the pill worked, right? It always worked. And you wished it had worked that fatal day as well, years later. But it did not and you now were crying your eyes out between Shoko’s arms.
Satoru Gojo was dead. Once again, he had left with something yours: your whole damn life.
You were shattered, but you could not give up now that a life was growing in your womb. Rummaging through his belongings, knelt onto the dusty floor, a few weeks later, you found a box with your name written on top of it. Shaky hands lifting the lid, tears began to spill as your eyes recognized everything he had supposedly burrowed from you and never returned: the pen, the umbrella, the chapstick, a CD, a scarf… But not your heart.
Satoru Gojo had taken it away from you, never learning to give back whatever he took.
What he had left you, though, was hope in the shape of an angelic baby with doe, striking blue eyes and white hair, nestled in your arms nine months after he died. After all, life went on, with or without Satoru. It had to.
Hi there! I am fucking sobbing, so let’s cry together okay? I did not want to hurt anyone, but… But I went back to be the angsty bitch I have always been. Likes, re-blogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
x o x o
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bahrtofane · 3 months
flics and feelings
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your job becomes exponentially harder when jude comes into the picture. Literally.
jude x wc!photographer
Word count : 3.2K+
Watch it : suggestive language, skinny dipping, light angst but happy ending !!
Hope you enjoy <3 !!
You're a sports photographer who's just been added to the list of the england national team. Not just for friendlies no no, you're going to the world cup.
You've done a few things here and there for them during friendlies and public appearances and the hard work has seemed to pay off ! 
You can't stop smiling and bouncing around from pure joy after you open the email informing you. This is the chance, the opportunity, the place and time to really make a name for yourself and put your foot out there in the market and world.
You truly believe that this is your calling. It does help that the team isn't bad eye candy either. You'd be blind to argue with that. But nonetheless you must stay professional !
Your professionalism goes down the drain thanks to one very hands, flirty, and mouthy Jude Bellingham. 
It's his fault really. 
It started as nothing more but curiosity to look at the raw pictures you took of him at training. That soon escalated to teasing words, and hands straying away from your camera and to your own. 
He had kissed you for the first time after the first game, under the cover of the locker room long after most people had gone. Gently taking your face in his hands and giving your lips a kiss so tender you wonder if it was even real sometimes.
You're playing a risky game now, you know. But his smile is worth every moment. And besides, your boss has been complimenting your shots lately. Calling them a “raw glimpse into the truth of bellingham.” Whatever that means.
To be honest you don't really know where this new found relationship even stands, fleeting or otherwise you don't have the guts to challenge it in fear of losing him too soon. 
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep
You groan, stretching meekly to find the source of whatever is ruining your sleep, and in the process elbow Jude in the stomach. 
“Ah, sorry baby.” You rasp, trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes. 
He stifles a groan, looking up at you meekly. “ ‘S okay, just ‘m alarm,'' Flopping back into his face dramatically. 
You sigh, lying back down. That means you also have to get up and ready soon. The suns not even out yet but you have to be ? Unbelievable, truly. 
You spend the little time you have scrolling through social media and answering emails while Jude sleeps soundly next to you as cozy as ever. 
When his second alarm goes off, you give him gentle kisses to the tips of his cheeks and nose to help him wake up. But all you get is him dragging you back down into the covers with him. 
'Little more..” He babbles hanging into you and any covers he can reach. 
You flick his arm gently, “We have to get going, especially you, don't want Saka beating you out there again?”
He gets up at this and narrows his eyes at you, “I think you've taken a fancy to him more than me now.”
You chuckle, “Uh huh, sure. It's his bed I'm in right now right ?’
He opens his mouth to argue but settles for getting out of bed and sulking to the bathroom. 
You take this as a sign to get ready yourself. Getting dressed and making a metal note for the equipment you'll need to grab from your own room. 
Jude walks out of the bathroom toothbrush hanging from his mouth and motions for your turn, giving your hip a little squeeze as you walk by. 
He's all dressed, save for the toothbrush, by the time you walk out. Ducking back into the bathroom when you're done. You take a moment to appreciate him, so pretty. 
“You look good.” You smile.
“Thank you love,” He leans in to give you a quick peck, “ i'll see you later yeah?”
You nod watching him leave. 
You come back to find him nowhere to be seen, but you have more than enough pictures to make the whole photo team happy for a year. You spend the rest of the night editing them and sending them off to your list of clientele. Mainly online papers and twitter if you're being honest, but hey it gets the job done and keeps you fed.  
You wonder just how far England will go, just how long you can pretend to have Jude in these fleeting moments you share thousands of miles away from home. 
The door opens as you're knee deep in emails to reveal one very bouncy Jude. 
“What's got you in such a good mood ?”
“You.” He grins.
“Is that so?”
“Mhm , you looked really good today.”
“Oh please, all I was doing was crouching on the side lines and sweating.”
“And yet you looked so hot doing it.” he pokes your side.
You roll your eyes and him, swatting his hand away and turning your focus back to emails on emails on emails. He plops himself down next to you, kicking his shoes off and wiggling dramatically. 
“I wanna show you something when you're done.” He blurts. 
That's all the motivation you need to speed through all your work for tonight.
He takes your hand in his, against your harsh whispers that someone might see, he doesn't care one bit. Only dragging you along more dramatically.
He takes you down hallways and loops of the hotel you haven't been able to get to yet, up a short spiral staircase to a single elevator that doubt will fit the both of you. But he makes it work. Pressing you up to his chest and wrapping an arm around your waist.
He's so warm, radiating more heat than a damn fireplace, but it feels nice against the brisk hotel ac. He tilts his head while staring at your lips, and you've come to know exactly what he wants. You give it to him. How could you not. 
You bring your faces together, a hand on the back of his neck, to pull him impossibly close to you. He always lets you set the pace, plush lips hesitating before opening enough to meet your tongue. 
Too bad the elevator ding interrupts, he's blushing now, you can see and feel the heat radiating from his face as he hastily pulls away. 
But he still finds the courage to pull you out of the tiny elevator gingerly, leading you to what you think is the hotel rooftop. It's gorgeous, honestly. Small patio like area with white couches and chairs facing an electric dome fireplace.  A small swimming pool in the far corner overlooking the city, and a blanket layed out in the artificial grass. Pillows, snacks and all. 
You’re silent for a moment trying to figure this out, figure him out. 
He takes your hand in his, gently leading you to the blanket before you can over think any longer. Letting you sit down and looking at you with too much fondness than you can handle. 
“I don't…” You begin.
He only smiles at you, “I wanted to spend time with you. Proper time that's not in my hotel room or behind the locker room.”
You can only stare at him in disbelief. You can't remember the last time anyone let alone a man, and one you were romantically interested in, doing something so sweet for you. 
Your voice fails you, as well as basic thinking it seems as you launch yourself at him. Smothering not only Jude but the chips in between you. He only lets out giggles when his back hits the ground, letting you do as you please while rubbing your back.
“Thank you so much, really. It means a lot.” You finally choke out.
He gets up immediately, taking you by the shoulders and staring right at you. “Don't do that. Don't cry. Please.”
Your bottom lip only wobbles harder as you try to hold back the tears, but they come all too soon as you sniffle. “ ‘M not sad. Really happy. You make me happy.” You mumble, head now smushed on his shoulder.
“Hey it's okay, take your time love, we've got all night.” 
And all night you do have. By the time your tears have dried Jude makes you try every single snack and little treat he hauled up here. 
You notice a pile of towels sitting at the edge of one of the pool chairs and raise an eyebrow, “What are those for?”
“In case, you wanna swim.” He shrugs face full of chewy gummies. Sugar free fat free everything free it seems. Nutritions orders. 
“Can we ?” You turn to him expectedly.
“Why not.” He smiles.
You don't take a second longer, taking off your shoes and other accessories. Tip toeing at the edge of the pool before his voice stops you.
“You're gonna swim in those ?”
“Im mean yeah. I didn't bring a change.”
He only shrugs, wiggling out of his own clothes faster than you can stop him. “What are you doing?’ You hiss 
“Uh swimming ?”
“Naked ??”
“Not like it's anything you haven't seen before.” He bumps your shoulder with his, giggling. 
“You're unbelievable. What if someone sees?”
He shrugs, getting in the pool. “Oh they won't, I got that covered with hotel staff already. No ones gonna bother us up here.”
He turns to you after the water is up to his navel, motioning with a hand for you to join. 
Really the problem isn't the situation at hand, skinny dipping seems like great fun really, the problem lies with the man who you're in this predicament with. He's all but invaded your heart and mind at this point. He's just, so, everything you've ever wanted and more. Sweet smiles and even sweeter words, teasing but still kind, always making room for you in his life. During the goddamn world cup of all things. Hard working to his core.
The way he looks at you while you tell him the most mundane things about your day makes your head spin, the care he takes into looking out for you is unmatched by anyone. You are so gone for him
He gives you a concerned look, “You don't have to really it's no pressure we can-”
Fuck it.
You toss your clothes to the side faster than you can change your mind about it and slide your way into the freezing water
“It’s fucking freezing what the hell.“
He only strides closer to you, gently lacing your hands together and pulling you further in, where the water now comes to your collar bones.
“I got you” He murmurs.
You shiver and shake at the water, ”M still cold.”
But he only presses himself impossible close to under the water
“Well, let me warm you up then” He barely whispers while your chests are flush together, his hands on either side of your face. 
Gently bringing your lips together once more.
Once the two of you have had more than enough fun trying to drown each other he swaddles you up in big fluffy towels and lays down next to you on the blanket, star gazing. 
“See, that one's Orion.” He breathes out into the night air.
You hum, burying your face where a bit of his shoulder peaks from his towel. It's warm okay. When you yawn for the third time in a row does he bring up heading back down. 
“You've had a long day, come on.” He nudges your arm. 
You give in, groaning, getting up reluctantly and putting your clothes back on. He tidies up while you tussle with your shoes for a second before joining you at the foot of the elevator. The ride down is a comfortable silence and you swing your joined hands while you walk back to your room.
The moment you step into the room do you collapse into the bed, completely drained. He still makes you get up for a quick shower to rinse the chlorine off. Letting you get into bed first while he does the same after.
You're halfway to dreamland when you feel the bed dip and his familiar warmth envelop you. A gentle kiss on the forehead is the last thing you remember before crashing soundly.
Jude won't admit it but he's definitely started favoring your side more often during games. Whenever there's a celebration he always looks over to you. You try not to make it too obvious and just hunker down, shove your camera in your face and think of something odd to keep you from smiling. 
Your go to recently has been imagining Klopp with fingers for hair. Bizarre. 
It all ends too soon when England gets knocked out by France. 
You can see the disappointment and anger in him. 
“I really thought we had a chance.” He mumbles into your neck later that night.
“Hey it's okay, what's done is done. No use stressing out on the past when there's so much future in front of you.” You try to comfort him.
He sniffles and shrugs. Not wanting to say more. You're set to leave in a day. Then what ?
He begs you to stay, “Just one more night, please.”
Just one more then, one more and you go back to the redundant life you lived before all of this. Before you even felt him utter bliss on your skin. You wonder what his type really is, what are the people he chooses to truly make his. What kind of lovers would move mountains for and shout sappy poetry from the rooftops just to see them smile.
You suppose you should be happy to even have this kind of encounter. Count your blessings, cant have your cake and eat it, blah blah blah. You want him. Now and forever more. 
You don't say any of this, instead choosing to hold his hand gently while he curls up next to you. 
The day the team is set to leave you dont see much of him really. You're too busy counting and recounting all your supplies and making sure you have all the right paperwork for the very heavy and very expensive equipment you're about to embark with.
You have about a week before you're off to Italy for some fancy car races on the coast. You're going to mope and sulk in that time you can feel it. 
You're making your last trip to give the luggage guy your set when you run into Jude. 
“Oh hi, you're leaving already ?”
“Ah no just taking my equipment to the lobby. It always flies before I do.” You try to smile.
He nods, a little solemnly.
“Am I gonna see you at mine later ?’
“Yeah, maybe.”
And with that you take off. You honestly don't expect to ever see him again if not for work. At least this can be a cute story you can tell to friends back home.
Not a cool story at all because you have just realized that you've forgotten your really nice and expensive headphones in his room. Good lord. They were a gift from you to you on your birthday last year when you had a lot of videos to edit and needed to be able to listen to any variation in sound. 
You can not buy those again. 1, the money. 2, you're attached. 
But good god is it going to be awkward just waltzing in there. Maybe you can just ask room service. No to creepy. Text him ? twice as awkward.
Oh fuck, guess going back up to his room it is.
You feel like some stalker creeping around the halls, even though you've been here plenty of times. Now it feels entirely different. Like youre no longer welcome here. But damn do you need your headphones back.
With a deep breath you knock on the door as friendly as a knock can get, and it opens almost immediately. 
“Hi! I'm glad you came.” He beams.
You don't have the heart to tell him it's only for your headphones, you walk in away. Taking a seat at the edge of the bed. You notice everythings been tidied up and organized, there's only his suit cases left standing in the corner. 
He joins you not long after, playing with his fingers idly. Waiting for you to say something, anything. 
“Is something wrong?” He tries.
“No, no, nothing. Just came to say bye and look for my headphones is all.” You mumble. 
He frowns,“There's something up.”
“Yes there is. Why else are you acting like you don't know me and you've never been in this room.”
“Because that's what it feels like Jude. We had our little fun and now it's over we go our separate ways.” You have finally reached your tipping point.
He only looks back at you hurt,“Is that what you think this is?”
“Is it not?”
“God no, why would I rent out the roof of this hotel just to stargaze and goof around in the pool with you. Did that mean nothing?”
“It meant everything to me. I told you as much.”
“Then why are you acting like this now?”
“I'm scared. I'm scared when I leave this room and we leave the country. That'll be it. That i’ll never get to have this again.” You whisper.
“Love,” He takes your hand in yours, “I truly want something with you. More than a fling more than a work romance more than whatever you've been thinking of it as. I’ll book a flight to meet you when you land right now if you want. Just say the word.”
“Of course. I'm serious. You said it yourself no use stressing over the past when there's so much future. And I want you to be my future. If you'll have me.” He gives you a small smile. 
“Of course i'll have you Jude. You're so incredible I can't even put it into words. I want a future that has an us, I want you to be mine as much as I'll be yours.”
This time it's he who rushes to tackle you into the bed, bombarding your face in kisses while you squeak and give soft punches to his arms in a futile attempt to get him off. 
He finally does and rushes to fish his laptop out of his suitcase, immediately going to his flight information and adding a connecting flight faster than you've seen most people function. 
In the time it takes for him to find his passport you find your headphones, neatly tucked away in the bedside drawer. That makes a lot of sense.
You lean on his shoulder watching the last bit of information go in before he clicks confirm, looking up to smile at you. 
“I'll see you when I land in your city then ?” 
“Yes you will pretty boy.” You murmur, with one final kiss goodbye. Or more a see you soon kiss.
You walk out of the room not only with your fancy headphones but a lovely man to call your own.
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Nest Swap 3 (baby Tim wakes up in Red Robin's life)
This was without a doubt the best day that Tim Drake had ever had. It was probably the best day any Drake ever had, actually. He was never going back to elementary school. He would use a laser on anyone who tried to take him there. There was probably one here, actually. He set off looking for one.
He found a notebook and a clicky pen with six different colors that he used to take a note about everything he found, to get his thoughts in order. After he had inventoried all the coolest stuff in the secret hideout, he went back upstairs. He was yawning too much to do a lot tonight and anyway, he had to be up in the morning to help Miss Fox. He had important responsibilities to uphold, just like Mom.
Going to bed presented a little bit of a challenge. He dug through the drawers to borrow pajamas, nose wrinkled up at how terrible these clothes were. Most of them were boring. They were way too big, of course. It troubled him.
He dug under the sink and found some super concerning things. He looked in a plastic box in the bathroom closet and eventually found a package of spare toothbrushes. Tim felt a little gross about borrowing toothpaste from a stranger's tube, but he didn't see a way around it. He brushed his teeth, washed his face with something he found in the main bathroom, and took a fast shower.
Tim stood in the main bedroom for a while, pursing his lips. It was where he found all his cool stuff, but it was probably personal space. “I think it would be presumptuous to sleep here,” he decided. He gathered up the electronics and their cords and hauled it all into the next bedroom.
He crawled into bed and tucked himself in. He was out in a matter of minutes, even though the hallway light was still on.
He woke up when he woke up, because he totally forgot that he didn't have an alarm set here. Oops. Tim had a sinking feeling in his stomach as he crawled across the bed to check the time.
It was 9:34 already!?! He was late for Miss Fox! Tim scrambled to open up the email- and breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank gosh,” he said. He put the phone in his pants pocket and shuffled to the kitchen.
The weight of the phone pulled the pants down to his knees.
“Ugh!” Tim shouted, because he could. He took the phone out and hiked the pants back up with one hand. He kept complaining, because it was fun. “Terrible pants,” he scolded them. “Falling down, in this economy?” His voice went up way too high when he quoted his dad's favorite complaint while reading the news. Tim cheerfully waved his hands around and channeled his Mom next. “As per my last email!” He ended it with a foot stomp.
Wow, that one was fun. He felt powerful. He decided he was going to use that one today. Tim put the phone and tablet on the table and made sure the volume was up. Then he tried to find breakfast. He knew alllll about breakfast, and so did the guy who lived here.
Usually Ms. Mac made it if his parents were gone, or Dad made it if they were home. But Tim knew the formula. For breakfast, you pick a piece of fruit, a carb, and two drinks. If you're fancy, you have a hot serving of protein.
And Tim? Tim was fancy.
He picked a banana out of the fruit bowl and cut it up with a big chopping knife he found sitting in a wooden block, like kitchen Excalibur. He forgot to take the peel off first, so that was annoying.
For drinks, he found a carton of milk that actually smelled pretty bad. “Boo,” Tim said sadly. He poured it down the sink and then got out a can of Zesti. It was grape, so it was probably the best substitute for fruit juice available.
You also need a hot drink for breakfast, so he made a whole pot of coffee and bounced on his heels while it dripped, feeling very adult. He looked at the coffee packaging for a while, lost in thought with his tongue sticking out slightly between his lips. It had a great picture of an atrocious cat thing on it, and said it was AUTHENTIC FANALOKA COFFEE. He liked the cat. It looked like it was designed by an evil scientist who had never seen a cat.
Tim didn't know what Fanaloka meant in this context, though he surmised it was the cat’s name. He moved on with his day.
It was harder to find a carb. There was cereal, but that was yucky without the milk. He found two bagels, but there wasn't any cream cheese! What was wrong with this guy?
He eventually gave up and toasted a bagel. Morosely, he got out butter. Maybe that would be good enough.
The piece de la resistance was bacon. He found a package of it in the freezer. It was all frozen. It was way too hard for him to take off two strips.
His first thought was to cut it up with Excalibur and then fry up just a little. But the fry pan was super duper heavy. So he just microwaved the whole thing for 5 minutes.
It smelled great!
The bagel in the toaster was actually really cold then. He heated it one more time and then frowned at it when it came out too brown. “You get what you get and you don't throw a fit,” he grimly quoted Ms. Mac, and climbed up the tall stool to sit at the counter. He buttered the bagel. Like, he buttered it a lot. Maybe that would help.
It was still kinda hard to eat. He peeled open the bacon and fished some out with his fork. It was all wiggly. Tim tried it. “That's good,” he said, pleased. He had another strip of bacon. Oh! The coffee!
He hopped down from the stool and ran over to find a mug. He filled it with coffee and tasted his creation. Hm. He had another sip.
“It tastes bad,” Tim said contemplatively.
Did that mean he used too many beans or too few beans?
The only way to find out was experimentation. He dumped out all the coffee, threw away the wet beans, and made it again with like, twice as many beans. He went and ate his banana and about half of the bagel while the coffee percolated itself. Then he tried the coffee again. He took a slow sip. His nose wrinkled. “Maybe this coffee is just disgusting?”
Mom always gave it to him with sugar and milk, like how she had it. Obviously the loser who lived here had let his milk expire (Mom would never) so Tim gave it up as a bad job.
His first email arrived with a ding during breakfast. Tim opened it with a slightly greasy finger and read it while he gnawed at the bagel.
Hmm. Miss Fox was concerned about something going on in R&D and she wanted him to replicate an experiment by the notes the scientist was using. She didn't want to bias him by telling him her suspicion, so that was all the information she was giving him.
Tim used one hand to laboriously type back an okey-dokey message, in business language.
When he finished eating he dumped everything in the sink. That was probably good enough. He grabbed the phone and the tablet. Then he went to bother the fish, so that he could use the laboratory downstairs.
The phone buzzed while he was going down the stairs. He felt it against his chest where it was stuck between his body and the tablet. Hmm. It buzzed again. “Just a minute,” Tim said crossly. It kept going off! Wow, that was so annoying.
As soon as he got downstairs he put down the tablet and scowled at the phone. He was getting like a billion messages from someone named Dick. “I am WORKING!,” Tim said to himself as he typed up and sent the same message.
Dick sent like 42 crying faces. Tim groaned and scrolled up to see the last couple of messages, just in case they were important.
“These messages don't look important,” Tim said, raising his eyebrows at babble about how Dick missed him and he hadn't checked in last night and “the family” was afraid that he had fallen in a hole or been eaten by a lion. Apparently someone called Dami had drawn up what they thought that might look like, in case they needed to show the police. Dick had included it as an attachment.
Tim clicked on it, curious even though he knew he really shouldn't open attachments from weird people. These were definitely weird people.
It was a really good picture. He told Dick as much and then blocked the number. He needed to get stuff done today.
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gabseyoo · 11 months
content: female reader, established relationship, mirror kink, handjob, spit as lube, petnames, slight dirty talk. word count: 1,5k.
summary: after seeing your boyfriend get out of the shower, you’re not sure if you’re going to make it to the reservation on time.
note: hi, i posted this a while ago but it flopped, so im trying again :p
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“Babe.” You called your boyfriend while knocking on the bathroom door twice before opening it without even waiting for his answer, come on, you’ve been living together for so long that unless the door was locked, you could just walk in whenever you wanted. “Did I happen to leave my hoop earrings in here? I can’t find them.”
As soon as you had one foot inside the bathroom, you found Satoru wrapping a towel dangerously low around his hips as he stepped out of the shower. It wasn’t something you hadn’t seen before, but it would be a big lie to say that the sight didn’t still make you drool. 
Today was date night and that was why you both were getting ready to go out to dinner at a fancy place. You were already wearing a nice dress, your hair was done and your makeup was on point with your favorite red lipstick. Satoru... well, besides the fact that he had just gotten home from work half an hour ago, he wasn’t the fastest person in the world to get ready. 
“The golden ones?” He asked as he dried his hair with a smaller towel, “I saw them by the sink.”
You licked your lips before closing the door behind you and walking to the sink, evidently there were your earrings, so you didn’t take long to put them on while watching in the mirror how Satoru behind you finished drying his head and with one hand he brushed back the white locks. Fuck. You almost let out a sigh. 
“Excited about tonight, baby?” He spoke a few seconds later, walking to your side and abruptly bringing you out of your thoughts. You weren’t surprised when you felt his hand squeeze your butt, on the contrary, the simple touch made you smile.
“Sure, the restaurant is new isn’t it?” You answered as you adjusted your dress. Thanks to the proximity, you could smell the masculine scent of his body wash that never failed to delight your nostrils. 
“It was a real pain in the ass to get a reservation, it better be worth it. If it isn’t, I’ll kill Suguru for recommending it to us.” Satoru said, putting moisturizer on his face. If he didn’t look so attractive right now and your body wasn’t reacting to it, you’d already be rushing him to get dressed up fast to make it to the said reservation on time. 
“Don’t worry, I looked up reviews on the internet, it seems to be fine.” You said, moving one of your hands to his lower back to caress his skin while you looked at him with greedy eyes. “You look good.” You added before giving him a kiss on the shoulder, leaving a red mark thanks to your lipstick. 
“I’m just in a towel, baby.” He giggled, stretching out his arm to grab his toothbrush and put toothpaste on it. 
“I know, that’s why.” Honestly, you couldn’t contain your desire to touch him anymore, so you brought your hand to caress his abs, dangerously close to the edge of the towel, smiling victoriously when you heard him let out a gasp while brushing his teeth. 
“Yeah?” Satoru mumbled still with the toothbrush in his mouth before spitting and cleaning his mouth. “Someone’s a little clingy today.” 
You knew your boyfriend like the back of your hand, you knew he already understood what your intentions were and was just playing dumb. 
“You don’t like it?” You asked with a faux-innocent tone as you moved your feet until you were behind him, his muscular back in all its glory in front of you. Without waiting any longer, you inhaled the masculine scent of his body before slowly running your tongue over his skin and then lightly sucking on it. 
Gojo was quick to react to that, his breathing became heavier and shivers ran through his body; you knew how sensitive he was on his back and you were using that fact to your advantage. 
“I do but—” He couldn’t finish his sentence because a moan escaped his lips when your fingers went up from his abs to his pecs to caress his nipples. “The reservation.”
“You want me to stop?” Just to tease him, you were about to withdraw your hands, but Satoru held them in place by placing his hands over them. 
“We have time.” He whispered and a mischievous smile appeared on your face. 
Happily, you lowered your hand to the bulge that had formed under the towel that still covered him. 
Attacking his back again with your lips, you moved your hand down to his crotch to gently caress his bulge, which began to get harder under your palm as you heard Satoru let out little grunts and felt him push his hips forward in an attempt to feel more contact. 
You had to see that, you had to see his facial expressions, but it was obvious that his large figure in front of you wasn’t going to let you do that, so you gave up spreading wet kisses on his back (now covered with lipstick stains) to poke your head out and make eye contact with him in the mirror. 
A moan almost left your own lips at that sight. 
Satoru, with his hands against the sink making some veins stand out, wet white hair falling in his handsome face, his lips slightly parted and his electric blue eyes looking at you with nothing but desire. 
“Fuck, you little minx.” He tried to turn around, but you quickly put your other hand against his hip to stop him. Gojo was obviously much stronger than you, you knew your grip wasn’t strong enough to stop him, but he still gave in to your actions, letting you do with him as you pleased. 
“Let me make you feel good.” 
The only thing that covered his lower half was now on the ground being kicked aside by Gojo while you admired his naked figure in front of you. It didn’t take you long to wrap your hand around his cock and make slow circles on his leaking tip, eliciting a sweet groan from him.
“Spit on it.” You asked since the pre-cum was unfortunately not enough to move your hand easily.
“I just showered.” He joked, but he still gathered saliva in his mouth and took your wrist to spit it into your hand, which after a few seconds returned to caress his shaft, being now easier to slide your palm up and down. “Fuck, just like that.”
Satoru closed his eyes, enjoying you giving him one of those stellar handjobs he loved so much. Which you didn’t like, so you quickly spoke up, “Eyes in the mirror, or I’ll stop.”
It was rare when you got bossy during intimacy, but when you did, you certainly drove Satoru crazy because he immediately let out a grunt and you felt his dick twitch. 
“Look at you, babe.” You cooed when Gojo opened his eyes and immediately made eye contact with you. “Look how pretty you look right now.” You added in a whisper. 
“Fuck. You’re really something else.” His grip on the sink intensified, looking at you with a smirk. “Faster, baby.”
Obligingly, you increased the speed of your movements to bring him closer to the edge. “Like that?”
“Yeah, god, I love you so much.” His voice came out raspy as he swept back his hair with one hand. “I’m gonna cum.” 
The fact that he kept staring at the scene in the mirror, his gaze traveling from your eyes to your hand jerking him off, wanting to get a glimpse of it all, how he’d slightly open his mouth to let out a sigh and then close it again in a moan, all that made you clench your thighs in arousal. 
The scene looked so hot, he looked so hot, all you wanted was to make him cum. 
“Cumming that fast?” You asked teasingly, bringing your hand up to circle his tip with your thumb, spreading more of the precum that was leaking out, before sliding back down his length. 
“Yes.” He wasn’t even ashamed of it, which motivated you to put a little more pressure on his cock, just the way he likes it. 
“Cum for me, baby.” 
That was all it took to make him explode, a high moan with your name was the last thing his lips left before he came, spilling his cum all over the sink. He’d surely make you clean up all this mess, later. 
Satoru quickly turned around and reached for your lips, kissing you passionately while you kept stimulating his shaft to make sure he cum completely, his action caused drops of his semen to fall on your dress, but to say you cared about that would be a lie. 
“Shit.” Gojo murmured against your lips, his hands going to fondle your tits aggressively. 
You playfully pulled him away from you by placing your hands on his chest, “Satoru, didn’t you want to get to the reservation on time?” You teased, even though you knew that by now that was almost impossible. 
A gasp left your lips when your world was turned upside down, literally, since Satoru lifted you up to carry you over his shoulder. His response came after he slapped your ass hard as he made his way to the bedroom.
“Fuck the reservation.”
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sakurapika · 4 months
How TWST characters would react to getting money for New Year
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Author's note: I originally wrote this around January 1st and intended to post it at that time. However, I never had the chance to finish, as I was too busy actually celebrating New Year's Day with my family. Luckily, the Lunar New Year has rolled around, so I have another chance to post this!
🧧🎊Some fun facts about this tradition: 🎍🎉
New Year's Day, or お正月 ("oshogatsu") is the biggest holiday of the year in Japan. Since most Japanese children aren't given their own allowances, getting an envelope of money from your relatives is a big deal. This tradition is called お年玉 ("otoshidama"). At this time of year, there also tends to be a lot of sales, hence the New Year Sale event in the game. Of course, if your parents are like mine, your money goes towards your education instead of toys, lol.
I grew up in an area with a large Chinese population, so sometimes I would also get red envelopes on Lunar New Year from family friends. However, the typical money envelopes in Japan, which are called "pochibukuro" are usually white. They tend to feature patterns with images such as daruma dolls, ribbons, origami, popular childrens' characters, or the yearly Zodiac animal.
Pochibukuro are usually given by adults to children to symbolize good luck and to thank them for their hard work over the past year. However, we're going to imagine a scenario in which you give the TWST boys money for fun.
If you also have special traditions on January 1st or Lunar New Year, whether in Japan, China, Vietnam, or another country, please let me know what they are! Also, if you'd like to buy some pochibukuro of your own, you can find them at shops such as Daiso or Kinokuniya.
Riddle Rosehearts: He would be surprised by the idea of receiving such a gift, and would thank you profusely. He would likely save the money for something in the future like medical school expenses or textbooks, but he would keep the envelope as a bookmark to remember your kindness.
*I like to headcanon that Riddle is of Japanese descent on one side of his family. At some point, maybe one of his relatives gave him something for New Year's, but his mother stored it away for "safekeeping." At NRC, when he meets you, he has a chance to hold onto his own money. Maybe he'd even indulge just a little, and buy himself a strawberry tart or two.
Ace Trappola: He'll shamelessly spend it all that day, but at least he'd buy something high-quality and useful, like some shoes or a new basketball.
Deuce Spade: Like in Chapter 6, Deuce would likely say something about how he'd like to give the money to his mother. "But this is for you," you would say. "Spend it on something you like." In that case, he'd buy a snack at the mall or a new shirt. He'd also buy you something small in exchange.
Trey Clover: It's hard to imagine what Trey would spend his money on...maybe a new hat, a fancy kitchen set, or a motorized toothbrush. He'd probably ask about where to get money envelopes so that he could get some for his younger siblings.
Cater Diamond: He would probably hug you if you gave him such a gift. I imagine that he has been looking forward to all the sales on New Year's Day and has been looking forward to buying trendy new clothes and accessories. Maybe he'd even bring you along.
Leona Kingscholar: Why are you giving money to a prince?! Leona has no need for this little herbivore tradition, but he'd at least thank you. He'd also misplace the envelope before he could spend it, but he probably wouldn't be bothered.
Ruggie Bucchi: Luckily, Ruggie would find Leona's missing otoshidama. Finder's keepers? There's about a million things Ruggie would like to buy, but he'd probably end up using the money for household things like laundry detergent and toilet paper. Leona would most likely keep his, in addition to the envelope that you give him.
Jack Howl: Jack may be surprised to get such a gift and have a hard time accepting it from you until he understands that it is tradition. Like Ace, he would make sure to spend it on something practical, such as workout clothes, but he'd also buy a few cacti--and maybe give you one as well.
Azul Ashengrotto: A tradition...involving free money? Say no more. Like Jack, Azul would say he has a hard time accepting such a gift, but it is a clear façade. Deep down, he'd be delighted that you thought of him. He'd likely save the money for the Mostro Lounge's expenses, or he would treat himself to a new book or fancy skincare. He'd also try to take Floyd's and hold onto it before he spends it recklessly. Maybe he'd feel as if he'd owe you something as well, which is a feeling he hates.
Jade Leech: Jade would act like Azul, except he is better at hiding his delight. He might even scare you a little while asking whether he owes you money in return! As for what he spends it on...who knows? (My guess is a tea set, a fancy knife set for threatening people the Mostro Lounge, or some new hiking gear).
Floyd Leech: Giving Floyd money is like freeing every animal from the zoo and unleashing them at the mall. He'd most likely ransack the shoe stores first, but he'd also wreak havoc at the arcades and toy stores.
Kalim Al-Asim: Again, why are you giving the richest people at NRC money?! Kalim would be intrigued and would want to adopt this tradition, giving his money to everyone, young and old. He’d probably be like Trey and try to get some envelopes for his siblings, too. Honestly, though, you’re better off giving the money to Jamil, because like Leona, Kalim is definitely going to misplace that envelope.
Jamil Viper: Hmmm, this one is difficult. He’d probably take it with hesitation, asking whether you’re trying to bribe him or if there’s something you’re asking from him. Once he realizes that you’re being sincere and that the money is actually for him, he’d likely save it in a secret bank account. I imagine that he has some money saved for if ever he has a chance to leave the Asim family, even if just temporarily. After all, money is power, and anything he can get would make a difference. Don’t worry Jamil—the world awaits you!
Vil Schoenheit: Vil is a smart man—he has likely heard of these traditions before after working with actors from different countries and watching movies. Although he may be a bit baffled at being on the recieving end of an otoshidama, he’d instantly reciprocate by giving you traditional deserts, like a box of mochi wrapped in tasteful wrapping paper.
Rook Hunt: You wouldn’t even have a chance to speak, let alone actually show him what you have. The (one-sided) conversation would go something like this: “Trickster, arrête! What is that in your pocket, hmm? An envelope with my name on it? Judging by the weight, you’ve given me about one thousand madol* for New Year. C’est bon, merci! Alas, I know not what to do with it. I would purchase something beautiful to look at all year, but true beauty is something you behold, free in nature. I know! The true beauty is your thoughtfulness! Merci beaucoup!”
*I assumed that madol/thaumarks are equivalent to Japanese yen, so that’s about 1,000円, or roughly $10 USD. That's really not a lot of money, but hey, you're just a college student, and you have 22 classmates. I think the conversion rate depends on the translation, though, as the ENG version of the event implies that the currency is closer to USD/GBP/Euro instead.
Epel Felmier: Epel is the type of kid who has been raised around older folks, and not a lot of kids his own age. I like to imagine that he would visit his neighbor's farms and help them with chores, and they'd give him pocket money in exchange. If you gave him a money envelope, he would be reminded of his hometown and probably send some of the money to his grandmother (he's a good kid). Otherwise, I think the boy would benefit from getting some new athletic wear.
Idia and Ortho Shroud: Like Vil, Idia has probably heard of this tradition from watching anime/donghua or reading about it somewhere, but he'd still be caught off-guard by receiving one, feeling every emotion from flustered to excited. While Idia would go on a full-speed rant about how he wants to spend his money on this and that, Ortho would thank you politely. The two brothers are very close, so I'd imagine that they'd combine their money to buy something that they would use together, like a two-player game, manga from a series that they both like, or merchandise of characters from their favorite gacha game.
Malleus Draconia: Before giving him a money envelope, you greet Malleus with a "Happy Year of the Dragon!" Malleus proceeds to lecture you about the difference between dragons and longs (or 龍/"ryuu" in Japanese) again, but in a lighthearted way. Like Riddle, he is not used to receiving gifts. However, he is a very sentimental person, and would probably keep the pochibukuro in a special place, just to admire the shiny golden long on the envelope every once in a while. He wouldn't even realize that there's money inside until Lilia tells him about it.
*Yet another side note: I am once again begging the TWST developers to make a special Year of the Dragon card for Malleus (the next time they'll have this opportunity is in twelve years!!!). I know he'll eventually get a New Year's Sale card, and already had Qing Dynasty-style clothing for the Halloween event, but I really, really want to see him wearing hanfu.
Sebek Zigvolt: Sebek was secretly waiting for this day because he also knows that it is the Year of the Dragon, and is leaping at the chance to celebrate his liege again. In fact, I'm sure he has already gone all-out in decking the Diasomnia dorm in dragon/long/ryuu-themed decorations. He would still be genuinely excited to receive money envelopes, and tell you about how Lilia used to give them to him and Silver as children. He would then remark that although you're a human, you clearly know your stuff, and thus have the honor of being invited to the party he is throwing.
Silver (Vanrouge): Of course, Silver was dragged into planning the party with Sebek, but he's enjoying it as well. He'd accept your money envelope graciously and tell you about how it reminds him of his father doing the same thing when he and Sebek were children, as well as other stories he heard about his father's travels in The East. I like to imagine that you'd talk for a while with him while standing in the kitchen, preparing kagami mochi and soba, and desperately trying to keep Lilia out of the kitchen.
Lilia Vanrouge: Lilia has always been on the giving end and never on the receiving end of the money envelopes--after all, he is...quite elderly, and people usually give money envelopes to those younger than them. But who knows? I gave my grandmother a money envelope once, and it was fun. Knowing Lilia, he'd probably tease you, saying, "Yes, indeed, I am a very youthful boy!" Of course, Grandpa Lilia won't let you leave empty-handed. He'll give you your very own overfilled pochibukuro too, and won't let you go until you've had some of his special, homemade, traditional New Year's cooking! (Good luck.)
Do you have more ideas about how the cast of TWST would celebrate oshogatsu or the Lunar New Year? Please let me know!
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To everyone reading this, happy New Year, and happy Year of the Dragon!
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m00nlight-ramblings · 6 months
AU Halsin College Boyfriend Headcanon
Requested: yes
Actually obsessed with this AU. Halsin as a college student makes me laugh you know he would be the biggest party animal ever.
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This man is playing sports. I see like, football? But could really do any of them. He is a himbo and loves being on a team...his teammates are some of his best friends.
He leaves things in your dorm room, like it's an apartment...clothes, toothbrush, his favorite stuffed bear he loves to sleep with, snacks...
And in turn, he loves having your things at his place. He keeps all of your favorite snacks stocked, and it seems like every time you visit, he has a new little gift for you...slippers, new pjs, etc.
MOVIE NIGHTS. He loooooves watching movies with you, all snuggled in bed after dinner.
If he sees you walking across the quad, he will immediately b-line for you and walk you to your next class, even if it makes him late (its okay, his professors love him).
Be prepared to never carry your books or backpack ever again.
When it's a nice day on campus, he can be found on the lawn with a big group of people, hanging out on blankets and soaking up the sun.
Speaking of "big groups of people"...Halsin is someone who loves to meet all types of people, and is friends with everyone. He doesn't fit in with any clique, and he always invites everyone he knows to sit with him if he sees them in the cafeteria.
You two are known on campus as the College Sweethearts...everyone knows you'll be together forever and live happily ever after.
He somehow has managed to know where you sit every class, and every once and a while, you'll find a little candy/treat/card on your desk when you get into class. Just because.
He is definitely an environment science major.
Halsin throws the biggest and best (definitely most notorious) parties with his friends. I'm talking red solo cups on the lawn, possibly a broken window or two...absolutely wild.
And everyone is invited, of course.
He is not afraid to show PDA to you...stolen kisses in the hallway, holding your hand while you walk...he is proud to call you his partner.
You absolutely have to keep him on track with homework for every class, unless the class involves nature or animals. He has his definite interests, and if it doesn't fall into that category, he thinks there are much better things he could be doing.
Definitely loves weekend naps with you. If he's not at practice or class, he's snuggling with you under the blankets until the sun goes down.
Then, it's date night, which he always plans. Fancy dinners, long drives, the mall, going to museums...he loves doing everything with you.
His favorite drink at a party is a vodka Redbull. It just makes sense.
He makes sure you (and all his friends) have enough water while at house parties. He will NOT let you have a second drink on an empty stomach or without having at least 8 oz of water in between.
He decorates your dorm door for every holiday, to make sure you stay in the holiday spirit, no matter what holiday it is. (And also, just to cheer you up if you're feeling down or stressed with homework).
THE LOUDEST AT GAMES!!! If he's in the stands, he is SCREAMING in support.
You get a "ice cream?" text at least once a week from him at around midnight. Before you can even respond you hear a honk from your window and see him standing outside his car, ready to drive you to Dairy Queen.
Halsin LOVES making you playlists of songs that remind him of you, or ones that he thinks you'd like.
Always reps the college merch - sweatpants, sweatshirts, he loves it. He's proud he's in school!
He definitely chases the ducks at the school pond when he sees them.
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ghostbeam · 5 months
all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter | dabi/touya todoroki
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You go to the store for the ingredients you need to cook for him tonight. You pick up the small cake you ordered from the bakery down the street. You wrap the vintage leather jacket you found for him at a thrift store despite his insistence upon no gifts. Everything is going according to plan, for the most part.
That is until you hear his name from the mouth of the news anchor on your television as she describes the events of a villain attack somewhere in the city. From where you stand at the stove, you freeze, listening to the report. You’re too afraid to turn and look at the screen, knowing that if you see him, you’ll break.
notes: hiiiiii so this is a repost from last year because I unfortunately did not have time to finish dabi’s birthday fic and then I remembered I deleted this one from tumblr bc I suddenly hated it ajshsjhdjd but anyways I edited it a bit but it’s also on ao3 (unedited but I’ll do that later) soooo yeah happy birthday to my greatest love or whatever (gross)
warnings: minors dni, no smut but implied sex, f!reader, blood and injury, angst, hurt/comfort, dabi picks reader up
words: 2.7k
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Dabi returns home to you on a Thursday afternoon. He carries a beat-up overnight bag not filled with much since most of his wardrobe now lives in your closet, his toothbrush sits next to your sink, and his stash of fancy chocolates lies inside one of the drawers in your kitchen.
He drops the bag at his feet as he steps through the door, the key you made for him hanging around his pointer finger as he slams it shut with one foot, opening his arms for you to greet him with a hug.
His arms wrap around you tightly, walking you backward as he buries his face in your neck. He’s been gone for a little longer than a week, off on a mission for the league in a few cities over, a mission that you are completely unaware of. As far as you know, Dabi was visiting his family.
“Missed you.” You murmur against his neck. Dabi lets out a deep breath, preparing to pull away to look at your face. He cups your cheeks in his hands and grins.
“Really?” He questions. You reach your hands up to rest over his wrists.
“Mhm,” you nod, “did you miss me?”
“What do you think?” He rolls his eyes, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. When he pulls away, he drops one hand to your waist and pinches your cheek with the other. You swat his hand away, glaring at him, but it only makes him smile.
“I think maybe you did.” You shrug in his arms, “You know, judging from all of the random pictures of cats you saw on the street, and the constant messages asking what I was doing, and all the times you asked for pictures—”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” He shushes you again with another kiss to your lips, deeper and hungrier than before. You’re breathless when he pulls away.
“You totally missed me.” You tease, pulling away from him and walking past him to the door. He sends a slap to your ass that makes you jump as you walk by, shoving him away so that you can pick up the bag he abandoned when he arrived.
“Doesn’t look like there’s much in here.” You comment, judging by the weight.
Dabi hadn’t packed much for the mission, just enough to get by in the shitty hideout that Shigaraki had set up for him. But you aren’t meant to know about that, so Dabi lies.
“I dropped some stuff at my place.” He shrugs as you look inside. You pull out a cheap box of black hair dye, looking up at him.
“Your roots are showing?” You question, and he nods.
“You cover them up the best.”
“Oh, yeah? How can you know that? Are there other people dying your roots for you?” You cross your arms over your chest. Dabi wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you in.
“Maybe.” He smirks. You let your jaw fall open, pushing on his chest. But Dabi keeps a tight grip on you.
“Then they can dye it!” You resist, but Dabi pushes your arms down at your sides, trapping you there. He shakes his head, placing kisses across your face as you try to stifle the giggles that threaten to bubble from your throat.
“C’mon,” He rasps, resting his forehead against yours, “you know there’s only you. I don’t think I could find anyone else to put up with me.”
“I’m not putting up with anything.” You say, softly. Dabi pulls away to look at you. “‘Course, I’ll help you with your roots.”
The process is easy enough, one you’ve gone through many many times with him, something Dabi considers important to him. It’s that mix of being taken care of and trusting someone enough to allow it. Dabi couldn’t remember what that felt like—until you.
In the beginning, Dabi resisted you. He hated that wanting feeling and tried to ignore the burning in his chest when he looked at you. You came along and threw his priorities all out of whack, and Dabi was furious with himself for even considering you.
But at some point, the want became need, and there was no longer any doubt about keeping you in his life. Even if it meant hiding things from you. He never planned on not telling you about his villainous activities. He thought about getting it out of the way for a long time. He would tell you and maybe you would scream or cry or call the heroes. Or you’d tell him you hated him, and that had always seemed much worse than being locked up. So want was need, and Dabi was not Dabi he was just yours, and you were something he couldn’t stand to lose.
“Are you sure you’re not secretly way older than you look?” You question him, washing his hair over your tub after letting the dye sit in his white roots. Black swirls around your drain as he chuckles.
“I’m pretty sure.” He says, before pausing to look up at you “Unless…do you maybe have a thing for older guys?”
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes, shoving his head back under the running water.
“I mean, I am getting up there. I’ll be twenty-five soon. Does that turn you on?” He teases.
“You are the worst. Wash your own hair.” You groan. You watch him run his fingers through his hair to get the rest of the dye out, thinking about his words again. “How soon?”
“Huh?” He asks, turning off the water and taking the towel that hung over the tub. You watch him scrub his hair with his brows furrowed.
“How soon will you be twenty-five?” A smile stretches across his face, and he wraps the damp towel around his neck to free his hands. He reaches for you, pulling you towards his chest.
“God, you totally can’t wait ‘till I'm old and gray, can you?” You roll your eyes at him, pushing at him lightly.
“I’m asking about your birthday.” You stare at him. Dabi looks away from you for a moment, letting out a sigh.
“Yeah, cause you’re counting the days.” He smirks. You hook your hands around the towel around his neck and pull him down to your level.
“Dabi.” You warn, touching your forehead to his.
“You know, you really can’t get this close to me and expect me not to kiss you.” He speaks, bumping his nose against yours. Your eyes flicker to his lips, and you slowly begin to lean in. Dabi leans forward, pressing his lips to yours, but you don’t let him linger for long. He follows after you, eyes still closed, satisfied with moving to your jaw once you’ve pulled away.
“When is your birthday?” You ask him, a little breathless. He places a soft bite at the side of your neck that makes you shudder before speaking.
“It’s Wednesday.” He speaks against your neck. You freeze, moving your hands up to his head to pull him from your neck.
“This Wednesday? As in a few days from now?” You ask, your hands still in his wet hair.
“I don’t want to make a big deal of it.” He tells you. Dabi doesn’t remember the last time he celebrated a birthday. He most likely would have missed it if you hadn’t brought it up.
For Dabi, birthdays are a reminder of time working against him, of the clock ticking on all of his plans, everything he’s working towards. He’s also reminded of how those plans seem so small now, compared to waking up with you in his arms every morning.
“We don’t have to make a big deal of it.” You tell him. You move your hands from his head down to rest on his chest. “Can I just…make you dinner or something? Or I can order from that one place you like?”
“Just dinner?” He questions.
“Well…” You trail off. Dabi squeezes your hips, making you yelp and you jolt in his arms. He smiles at the reaction, “Dinner and one gift?”
“No gifts.” He shakes his head, bringing his hand to the back of your head. You look up at him.
“What if it’s the greatest gift ever?” You ask. He smiles softly and shakes his head, leaning down to kiss you.
You let him deepen the kiss, though you know it’s a way to distract you, pressing you into the bathroom counter as he traces your lips with his tongue. Your hands tangle in his newly dyed hair, arching into him as he moves his lips against yours. He lifts you onto the counter, pulling away from your lips to place kisses against your neck.
“C’mon,” You try, your breath catching in your throat, “just one.”
He bites down on your shoulder hard, earning a soft moan from your throat. He kisses over the mark, leaving more kisses down your chest, “No gifts.”
He runs his hands up your thighs as he lowers himself to the ground. He draws circles on the inside of your thighs, looking up at you. “Yeah?”
“No gifts.” You say, running a hand through his hair. He grins at you, kissing your thighs. “Just come at six okay?”
“I’ll be here.” He promises, biting your skin and making you shiver. “Now shut up. I missed you.”
Wednesday arrives quickly. You send a happy birthday text to Dabi paired with a scandalous photo of the blue underwear you’re wearing underneath one of his shirts, and he answers immediately. You remind him of what time he’s supposed to come by before leaving your phone behind on your bed to get ready for the day.
You go to the store for the ingredients you need to cook for him tonight. You pick up the small cake you ordered from the bakery down the street. You wrap the vintage leather jacket you found for him at a thrift store despite his insistence upon no gifts. Everything is going according to plan, for the most part.
That is until you hear his name from the mouth of the news anchor on your television as she describes the events of a villain attack somewhere in the city. From where you stand at the stove, you freeze, listening to the report. You’re too afraid to turn and look at the screen, knowing that if you see him, you’ll break.
The League of Villains, the anchor calls them, a name you find vaguely familiar. You don’t pay much attention to the news at all, but you can recall hearing of the group in passing. You don’t expect to hear your boyfriend's name in relation to them. You, at the very least, have half a mind to turn the stove off before you sink to the floor, bringing your knees to your chest. A villain. Dabi is a villain. For some reason, it doesn’t scare you as much as it should. More than anything, you’re upset about being lied to.
You know that the smart thing to do is call someone, the police, a hero, get someplace safe. You don’t want to do any of that though. You want to stare at the cabinets in front of you, and you want Dabi to come home.
You can’t think of anything but him, not the damage he’s done or the people he’s done it to, just him and the promise of his presence at your door at six o’clock. You can figure out the rest later.
He isn’t there at six, though, or seven or eight or any hour after that. You sit on the floor with the buzzing of voices on your television for hours before you pick yourself up. You pack up dinner numbly, placing things into tupperware that you put in the fridge without thinking. You turn the TV off, and you don’t change out of the dress you wore tonight specifically for him, and you don’t wash your face either. You just pull back the covers to your bed and clutch Dabi’s pillow tight. You don’t fall asleep.
Dabi comes home at around two a.m. He stumbles through your front door and leaves his key in the lock, slumping against the counter. He hears you come out of the bedroom, stopping at the end of the hallway and staring at him. He looks up at you for a moment but averts his gaze in shame. He’s a mess, staples missing and bleeding from his seams. His skin is raw and irritated against his clothes, and he’s sure some of his ribs are bruised.
And you, you look gorgeous, in that dress that Dabi’s always liked on you, your mascara lightly smeared underneath your eyes. Have you been crying? He can’t tell. He hopes you weren’t, not for him.
You walk toward him slowly, a little cautious, caught in between yelling at him or holding him. You can yell later, you think. Right now, you just want to stop the bleeding from his face and ice whatever injury he’s clutching at his side.
Approaching him, you bring your hands to rest at the side of his neck, urging him to look at you. He won’t. You sigh and push yourself closer to him. He doesn't move away. He nuzzles his cheek against yours, blood smearing across your skin, and you bring a hand down to his.
Silently, you pull away, tugging lightly on his hand for him to follow you. He stumbles for a moment before catching himself, walking behind you into the bathroom. He sits on the edge of the tub and thinks about when you dyed his hair for him, how long ago that feels now, how you might never do it again after tonight.
He watches you pull a first aid kit out from beneath your sink, rummaging through the supplies and setting them on the counter. You wash your hands and dampen a cloth, before leaning down to gently clean up the blood on his face. You do it all in silence, gently pulling away any staples that are near falling out, careful not to hurt him more than he already is. You remove his jacket from his shoulders and pull his shirt over his head, examining the rest of the seams in his skin. The ghost of a bruise is forming on his ribs, and you stand up to find something to ice it. Touya grabs your wrist before you can leave, his grip limp, tired. You could pull away easily if you wanted.
“Why are you doing this?” He rasps. You pause, turning around to look at him.
“You’re hurt.” You tell him.
“I’m late.” He says. “And I’m–”
“I don’t care.” You don’t care about what you saw on TV, or how late he was. You don’t even really care about the lying anymore, not when he’s bleeding on your bathtub.
Dabi stands with a groan, and you reach toward him to steady him. He takes the cloth from you and rests a hand on the back of your neck. He gently wipes your cheek in the place where his blood is smeared. You close your eyes, feeling the tension in your shoulders leave your body.
“Things are never going to be how they are now ever again, you know.” He speaks, setting the towel down on the counter. He caresses your cheek with his thumb. “You’ll know everything because I’m not going to hide it from you anymore, all of the gory details, everything I’ve done, everything I’m going to do.”
“Dabi.” You try to speak, but he doesn't let you. His other hand comes up to cup your cheek, keeping you focused on him.
“I’m not a good man, and I don’t deserve you. And if I was better, I would let you walk out of here. But I’m not. I’ve always been weak, and I’m not losing you.” He’s desperate, so afraid that you’ll walk away, leave him, tell him he’s too much. “So you have to tell me now if you don’t want this.”
“I want it.” You speak, almost frantically. “Maybe something is wrong with me, but the only thing that mattered to me tonight was that you’d come home.”
“I am home.” He speaks, pulling you tight against his chest. He winces at the pressure on his ribs, but when you try to pull away, he only squeezes tighter. “I’m home.”
You wrap your arms around him, “Sorry your birthday sucked so bad.”
“We’ll try again next year.”
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sashaisready · 6 months
Chapter Twenty-Three - Hell if I know
Bucky Barnes Mob AU x Femme Reader
You're hard at work in Pepper's Bakery when notorious mob boss James 'Bucky' Barnes darkens your doorway one typical afternoon, and life is never the same again.
Warning: PTSD/trauma response, Steve being cute
18+ - see Masterlist for full list of warnings
Chapter 24
Series Masterlist
Thank-you to everyone who has read, liked, reblogged and commented on this series! It means so much and I love hearing your thoughts!! Just two parts left now - to be posted tomorrow (13th Dec).
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You had finally peeled yourself out of bed so Bucky could debrief his men after the events of last night. He’d shown you the ensuite bathroom and laid out some spare clothes so you didn’t need to put last night’s back on (you’d asked him to throw them out). He told you firmly to come downstairs and have some breakfast when you were ready. Not that you were particularly hungry, but after you’d protested he had shot you a warning look and you’d buckled – not wanting to put a dampener on the mood after your morning together.
It was easily the best shower of your life. Bucky’s guest bathroom was impressive, a huge walk in waterfall shower amongst brand new fittings and slate grey tiles. There were array of fancy toiletries on the shelf, each stylish bottle probably the same price as your monthly electric bill.
The water pressure was intense, you closed your eyes and allowed the hot water to wash everything away. You took your time washing your hair, taking care to scrub every inch of yourself and wipe away every trace of HYDRA and that night. Every speck of dust, blood, sweat.
You lost track of time as you enjoyed the feeling of the warm water on your skin. After washing your hair you took a moment to lean against the tiles, which proved to be a mistake.
You weren’t sure if it was the feel of the hard surface on your back but suddenly you were transported back to the attic in the warehouse, folding yourself into the corner and holding tight against the wall as you hid and waited in the dark. Your breaths became short and laboured as the room started to spin. The steam from the shower, once comforting and soothing, suddenly seemed stifling and threatening. Fear coursed through you as you were struck by the idea that there was someone in the bathroom with you, hiding within the steam, waiting for you, even though you knew the door was locked from the inside.
You were bent over double as you finally began to push through it. Eventually you managed to regulate your breathing and calm down, switching the water off and wrapping yourself in a fluffy towel as you cautiously moved to the door. Nobody there, of course, nobody in the bedroom either. You exhaled, taking a second to adjust. You had a feeling that wasn’t going to be a one off.
The bathroom was also generously stocked with toiletries - everything a guest might need including new toothbrushes and hair products. After making use of the deodorant and toothpaste you pulled on the clothes Bucky had left for you, navy blue sweat pants, a t-shirt and a large hoody - a pair of boxers too. Everything was too big for you but they were comfy, and they smelled like him too.
You gingerly left the room with your wet hair and borrowed clothing. No Scott guarding outside any more, the house seemed quiet. You crept down the stairs, once again in awe of Bucky’s home. You couldn’t believe anyone in New York had this much space, your shoebox apartment could fit in this floor alone several times over. Everything was modern and looked brand new, pristine white walls and immaculate floors. He must have a cleaning team working round the clock.
You didn’t see anyone as you went down the stairs, crossed the hall and made your way into the intimidatingly enormous kitchen. Nobody there either, just every food gadget you could ever imagine and a table big enough to host a small army. But you supposed that made sense, there seemed to be dozens of people here at any one time. You fantasised about baking there, using the state of the art food mixer and spreading everything out across the many surfaces - a world away from your tiny kitchen at home, where you huddled everything onto your meagre counter with your well-trodden mixer running on nothing but sheer force of will at this point.
You fought your way through the seemingly hundreds of cabinets to finally retrieve a cup and then moved on to trying to figure out the coffee machine. Unfortunately you seemed to need an engineering degree to work it, so hadn’t got very far when you heard someone come into the kitchen behind you.
“She’s awake! How are you today, cupcake?” A cheerful voice called out.
You whipped around to find Steve walking towards you, grinning. He was wearing a slick grey suit, looking every inch the part of second in command.
“Cupcake…? Oh, ‘cos I’m a baker…yeah I get it. Clever” you giggled, rolling your eyes.
“I’m not just a pretty face”. He shot you a wink as he moved to the coffee machine and started pressing buttons .
“She’s got a bit of a knack to her, just need to show her who’s boss and-“
The machine whirred to life and he turned to give you a satisfied smile.
“Thank you, Steve” you beamed back at him. “Where’s Bucky?”
“A little caught up - he’ll be back later. Sorry to say you’re stuck with me for now. So, what we having?”
He takes off his jacket and rolls up his shirt sleeves. You blink at him for a moment before you realise he’s offering to make you breakfast.
“Steve…you don’t have to babysit me. I can make my own eggs” you chuckle.
“Eggs it is…”. He retrieves a carton from the fridge. “So how we doing this? Fried? Boiled? Scrambled? I can even poach if that’s what you’re into…”
“It’s fine…I can do it” you lightly scold him.
“Mmm sorry but I’m under strict orders here. So drink your coffee and tell me what how you like them before I pick for you” he says sternly.
“Fine. Scrambled, please. On toast” you sigh in defeat.
You feel uncomfortable being doted on like this. You’re very independent and used to taking care of yourself. This isn't you.
“Perfect. Let’s go” Steve replied, pulling out a pan and moving to the stove while he grabbed a loaf of sourdough.
“So is this how it all goes down every time?” You tease. “You distract the girls with breakfast the morning after, while Bucky makes a quick exit?”
Steve turns to you and grins. “This is the first time, actually”.
“It is! Would you believe me if I told you most girls don’t even make it to breakfast?” He tells you wickedly.
“Wow, charming” you scoff.
“Well, Bucky knows you’ve had a rough night and asked me to take care of you” he admits earnestly. “You certainly keep him on his toes, cupcake”.
You blush at that, averting your eyes as you clutch your cup. You sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes as Steve hums and cooks. The toast pops up, Steve plates up your meal and brings it over as you take a seat at the kitchen island.
“Thank you, Steve. This is very sweet of you”.
“Don’t thank me yet” he shoots back, waving a spatula warningly as he puts the pan in the sink. “I’m a bit rusty in the kitchen. This isn’t one of my usual duties…”
You laugh and take a bite, humming with happiness as you chew.
“Good, huh?”
“I mean it’s possibly because I haven’t eaten in like…seventeen hours? But yeah it’s really good, thank you”. You smile at him.
And you are grateful. As much as you don’t like people fussing over you, you can’t deny it’s nice to be cared for - particularly after the last twenty four hours. And you’re touched that Bucky is looking after you even when he’s not there.
“Oh almost forgot….” Steve leans over to where he put his jacket and reaches into the pocket. “We salvaged this for you. Case is a bit cracked but the screen seems okay”.
He throws you over your phone and you catch it, thanking him. You unlock the screen and see a few messages. One from Wanda asking how your date went, another from Peter saying he enjoyed hanging out and you should do it again sometime (platonically of course). You reply to Peter with some non-committal enthusiasm and tell Wanda you’ll call her later as you have lots to tell her. It feels strange that their world is just carrying on as usual around you, while yours had changed forever in a matter of hours. Pepper also let you know she’d offered the Assistant job to the top candidate and was waiting to hear back.
You see the texts HYDRA sent on your behalf and the reply from Bucky and hastily delete them before you can fully react to them, wishing you could remove your memories just as easily.
“So you and Buck…” Steve questioned warily.
“Me and Buck what…?” you ask as if you don’t know what he’s implying.
“What’s your deal? Are you actually together now?”
You shrug animatedly as you eat your breakfast. “You probably know more than I do…”
And that’s the truth. You have no idea what is going on with you two as you hadn’t discussed it. Yes, he gallantly came to your rescue (although he was somewhat morally obligated as he was the reason you needed saving…) and yes you’d slept together again…but nothing had been explicitly said between you. From your perspective…you felt like something had shifted between you now. You knew in your heart wanted to be with Bucky. Really wanted to be with him. Despite his flaws, despite everything that had happened. You were still cautious but nonetheless drawn to him like a moth to a flame, unable to stay away. It was hard to imagine your life without him now.
Steve laughs and shoots you a ‘Hell if I know…’ look.
“Steve…” you ask cautiously as your fork plays with the last of your toast. “What did you mean when you said I keep Bucky on his toes?”
He chuckles. “C’mon cupcake, you know exactly what I meant”.
The two of you stare at one another for a moment and you feel yourself flush as you finish your final bites. Steve picks up your empty plate and takes it to the dishwasher.
“All I’m saying is he’s got it bad” Steve continues as he cleans up. “There’s a reason I’m standing here cooking for you”.
You nod, finishing your coffee as his words sink in.
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Learn to Share
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol consumption, smut, dirty talk, some dom/sub dynamics, nothing too crazy this time lol. Covers the "only one bed" square for xmas bingo and the "forced proximity" for @resanoona 3k bingo! Also covers a prompt requested by anon.
It was honestly a miracle that the BAU had managed to not only wrap their last case, but get home, finalize paperwork and have nothing else come up before Christmas Eve. Everyone was beyond thankful for that since it was the night of the annual Christmas at Rossi’s party, nothing too fancy, or too huge, usually just the team and any respective partners that wanted to come maybe a few extra agents or assistants that helped them out majorly through the year. The evening was full of laughter, amazing food, fancy wines, expensive bourbons and an all around sense of family and quality relaxation time.
Once dinner was finished, dishes were left for the morning and the party would end up spreading its way through the house. There were often cigars being smoked out back, Dave wandering through the rooms showing off any new fancy things he’d collected over the year or telling stories of his wild days. As the night wore on and the candles began to burn low the crowd would begin to dwindle, people slipping off into the night after a quiet goodbye and Merry Christmas, knowing they had family to see early the next morning. Eventually it was only Dave, Spencer, Tara, you and Emily left in the living room, fresh glasses of wine poured, alcohol flowing through your veins, keeping you warm and relaxed, helping everyone let go a little bit more than normal. Dave always extended the offer from dinner to everyone able to stay overnight, considering just how much alcohol he had provided it was the smart choice. Spencer was tipsily rambling on about one theory or another, pulling laughter from the girls as Rossi drained his glass, letting out a small groan as he stood from the couch.
“It’s late. You kids know where the guest rooms are.”
There was a chorus of goodnights as he reminded everyone they were more than welcome to stay as long as they wanted and breakfast would be available in the morning before he disappeared down the hall. Spencer’s theory finally wrapped up a bit later and Tara finished her drink, moving to put her wine glass in the sink.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Emily protested with a laugh and Tara chuckled.
“There’s four of us and only three rooms, I just bunked with Reid all week, it’s not happening again tonight. Besides, you two had private suites, learn to share.” She teased.
Emily let out a mock offended scoff as Spencer tried to object and you laughed rolling your eyes at Tara as she flashed the group a smile and a wave along with good night. It didn’t take much longer before you were yawning, doing your best not to lean into Emily’s shoulder as you finished your drink.
“Guys…” you started, “never thought I’d be this person, but I think it’s bedtime for me.” You sat up stretching your body out with a soft groan, “see you in the morning.” You shot Emily a lingering look as you moved from the couch, your glass finding home on the kitchen island before you wandered down the hall.
You would forever and always be thankful for Rossi and his level of hospitality extending beyond anyone you’d ever experienced. There were unopened toothbrush packages and makeup wipes in the en suite you were able to help yourself to, along with some cozy clothes stashed in the guest room’s closet. You simply tugged down a comfy cotton t-shirt, pulling it over your bare body before plugging in your phone and letting out a happy sigh as you shifted under the covers.
You weren’t surprised at the small murmur of voices in the hallway before the light flicked off, the sound of the other guest room door clicking shut and the door to your guest room opened, Emily slipping through it with a grin on her face, the soft lamplight washing her in a golden glow.
“You coming for a sleepover?” You greeted with a grin and she laughed quietly.
“You heard Tara.” Her hands moved to her shirt, sliding down the buttons she undid them, “apparently it’s our turn to share.”
“If only they knew just how much sharing we had done this week.” You purred, sitting up as you shifted onto your knees and Emily chuckled.
“Are you gonna be quiet this time?” She raised a brow, beginning to crawl up the bed, “because I’ll only touch you if you’re quiet…. I don’t want you to risk waking anyone up again.”
“I’ll be good.” Your breath caught in your throat, “I promise…”
“Good.” One of her hands wrapped around the back of your head, pulling her to you, her lips brushing against yours when she spoke, “such a shame there’s only one bed.”
“It is a king… could build a wall of pillows?” You offered with a grin and Emily chuckled, her breath warm on your skin.
“I was thinking we could take advantage of it….”
“Hmm… I do like the sound of that better.” You barely had moment to let out a huff of a laugh before Emily’s lips were on you. Your hands fell to her bare waist, wrapping around her and pulling her body tight to you while her hand wove into your hair.
The kiss built up, starting slow, a familiar dance between all too familiar lips until Emily’s tongue slid across the seam of your lips, her teeth nipping into your lower lip and you groaned. She took the opportunity to sink her tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch of you she could while her free hand started to toy with the hem of the shirt you had on. Your hands drifted upward, swiftly un doing her bra and she tossed it to the floor before her hands tickled up your bare thighs, tugging at the hem of your shirt. The kiss broke long enough for her to pull the garment over your head and it joined the growing pile on the floor.
“So fucking gorgeous.” She cooed, nudging you backwards towards the pillows, “lie back for me baby.”
You did as she asked, getting comfortable on the bed as she stepped off it to rid herself of the rest of her clothing, smirking at the way your eyes lingered on her body as if you were trying to memorize every inch. A hand on the mattress she settled over you, lips meeting yours again, this kiss deeper than the last while her hand snuck between your legs. The tips of her fingers began to play with your pussy, trailing through them feather light, teasing you, leaving you whining for more.
“Quiet…” she warned, “can’t have us getting caught…”
“Sorry M’am.” You murmured in return as Emily kissed across your jaw, her lips trailing down your neck, teeth scratching at your skin ever so lightly until she bit deeply into your pulse point and your hand flew to your mouth to muffle the gasp escaping your lips.
“That’s my good girl.” Her lips curved into a grin against your skin as they trailed across your body, her tongue swiping across your collarbone before her lips wrapped around a nipple, sucking it into her mouth while her tongue flicked across it. Her finger tips continuing to tease you, the heel of her hand randomly pressing against your clit as your hips rocked upwards in need of more.
She sunk lower on your body, lips leaving little kisses and love bites on your hips and thighs until she was settled between your legs. Her hand ran up your cunt, smearing wetness across it while her fingers widened, spreading you open for her and you let out a breathy sigh. It was only a moment later her mouth was on you, kissing at your folds, tongue slipping as deep into as you could and you bit back a moan, your fingers clenching into the bedspread. Emily continued to eagerly lap at your pussy, groaning into it, the vibrations pulling quiet whimpers from you as she buried herself between your legs. You were doing your absolute best to keep quiet, knowing just how easy it would be to be overheard by any of the others. But when Emily’s hand snuck up to join her mouth, her lips shifted up wrapping around your clit and she sucked, hard and you weren’t expecting it.
“Oh fuck!” The moan left your lips before you even realized and even faster Emily’s hand and mouth left your cunt, instead, her teeth quickly and sharply bit into your thigh, “oww!” You hissed in a whisper and she raised an unimpressed brow in your direction when she looked up at you. “That hurt!”
“And you had one rule sweetheart.” She husked back, “shame I can’t spank you, that certainly would call attention to what we were up to. Guess you’ll have to get that punishment tomorrow night. Now…another outburst like that and I’m shoving your panties in that dirty little mouth of yours, understood?”
“Yes ma’am…” your breath caught in your throat, hitching when her mouth returned to your pussy, slowly licking through you before gently wrapping around your clit once more. You tugged your lip into your teeth, holding back any noises aside from quiet whimpers as Emily’s fingers sunk into your pussy. She let out a quiet groan at the feeling of you tightly wrapping around her, how wet you already were, juices slicking her fingers within seconds. She twisted and curled them within you until she found that sensitive spot and your hips jolted up off the bed, a soft gasp leaving your lips and she smirked against your body.
“Right there?” She murmured, pressing on the spot again and you nodded, eyes tightly scrunching shut, “you like it when I touch you here?”
“Oh god Em!” It was barely above a whisper, a shuddering breath following it as she continued to brush against the spot, chuckling softly before her mouth returned to your swollen nub.
Her lips wrapped around it, sucking it into her mouth while her tongue flicked patterns against it, harder and faster until you were trembling under her. Her fingers worked in tandem, feeling the way your cunt began to flutter around her, your clit pulsing in her mouth in the same rhythm. Fire was burning through you, your body shivering with each touch of Emily’s fingers or mouth, each pass of either bringing you more and more pleasure. You let out a muffled cry when the fire broke the surface, biting down so hard on your lip you swore you’d broken the skin. Emily’s lips slipped from your clit when you orgasm hit, watching the way your juices lightly dribbled out of you, leaking down her wrist as your body shook on the bed.
“That’s my good girl… so pretty…” She praised before her fingers slipped out of you and she delicately licked around your pussy, cleaning up the smeared juices before she crawled back over you, straddling your hips and she extended her slicked fingers to you. You eagerly accepted them into your mouth, lips wrapping around them as you sucked them clean. “Taste so good sweetheart, thought I should share.”
“Thank you.” You breathed out and she chuckled at the way you dropped back against the pillows.
“Oh I’m not done. I know you can handle another one.” She sat up on her knees, shifting lower on your body as she swatted at your hip, “roll over.��
You did as she asked and she grasped at your hips, pulling you up on your knees while your head remained buried the pillows. Her knee nudged at your leg, shoving yours further apart so she was able to settle between them, a hand running up your back, pressing you into the pillows and you let out a quiet groan. Her free hand trailed up the inside of your leg, fingers brushing through your still dripping pussy before her thumb sunk in as deep as it could and moaned softly into the pillows. Your hips began to rock back onto her hand, fucking yourself on her digits as you moved and she leant over you, pressing a kiss to the small of your back.
“That’s my good girl.” Her fingers pinched your clit before they swapped places with her thumb, sinking deep into your cunt. With each thrust of her hand her hips rocked forward, body meeting yours as your hips thrusted back, eager for more, for her fingers to find that spot within you again. “Just like that… you keep fucking yourself on my fingers alright sweetheart?”
“Need more…” you whined softly and she huffed a laugh out, fingers curling within you as she picked up the pace, her body rocking into yours with more force, fingers moving faster and going as deep as they could into your wetness.
“I guess you’ve been good enough for a bit of a reward.” She purred, her free hand moving from your hip to the bag you hadn’t even noticed her bring into the room.
Your head dropped onto your arms, chest beginning to heave as your cunt fluttered around her fingers, your body burned, ached to be stuffed with her cock, but you knew that wasn’t going to be able to happen tonight. Though, you couldn’t really complain about that, Emily was just as good with her hands and mouth and judging by the punishment comment earlier, you would get everything you desired in the very near future. Her hand crooked within you, finding your g-spot once again and the pillows muffled your cry as your fingers tightened into the bedspread. You barely heard the click of the small vibrator being turned on but you certainly felt it as Emily pressed it onto your clit.
“Fuck…” you muttered, your hips jolting back towards her as it began to rub at your body.
“Give me another one, I know you’ve got it in you.” She practically growled, her fingers flicking faster within you as she turned the vibe up a notch and you gasped. She could see the sheen of sweat glimmering on your skin as pleasure rocked through you, your thighs had began to shake, your hips faltering as you continued to try to fuck yourself on her hand.
She picked up the pace of her hand, making sure she was giving you everything she could, pressing the vibrator harder against your throbbing clit before she turned it up to the highest speed. It was quiet, but the room was full of dirty noises, your squelching pussy, juices leaking down your thighs and onto Emily’s wrist, the quiet cries and whimpers muffled into the pillows as you tried to not moan, the whir of the vibrator.
“You’re almost there, I can feel it baby, let go for me.” She cooed, fingers brushing right over the sensitive spot, pressing harder and lingering for a second longer than the last thrust and you couldn’t help it, your orgasm tore through you like a wildfire.
“Oh fuck Emily!” The cry was louder than you’d intended and you winced the best you could as your body dropped to the mattress, shaking and trembling with pleasure. Emily clicked the vibrator off, her fingers slowing down, gently fucking you through your orgasm, watching the way your body twitched as she did so before she finally pulled them from you, sucking them clean. “Sorry.” You whimpered, little shivers and soft cries leaving you as pleasure surged through your nerves.
Emily’s hand softly ran up and down your back, nails scratching into your hair ever so softly as you continued to come down from your peak, a whimper escaping your lips whenever her nails traced over a sensitive spot of your body. A quiet knock on the door made both of you jump, Emily beginning to scramble to get the both of you under the covers as Spencer’s soft voice floated through the air.
“Is someone crying?” He asked and you stifled a laugh as Emily struggled to come up with an answer quickly.
“I—uh, accidentally elbowed her in the face, we’re fine.”
“You sure?” He asked quietly and you let out a quiet shriek at the sound of the doorknob turning.
“Yup!” You called back quickly, “totally fine, just hit the cheek. Serves me right for being a blanket hog.”
“…okay…” He replied and the two of you held your breath until his footsteps faded down the hallway. You heard his bedroom door click shut and a fit of quiet giggles took over you as Emily scowled down at you, swatting at your ass.
“I told you to be quiet.”
“Well then I guess I’m getting extra spankings for Christmas.” Your eyes sparkled with excitement as you looked up at her and she playfully rolled her eyes.
“Damn right you fucking are.”
@svulife-rl @ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @yesterdaysgone @hbkpop @cabotfan42 @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @andreasvu @softgamerking @httpjupiterbby @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry @leelizzzle @mysticfalls01 @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @7thavenger @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @loverllyhurtswithoutyou @disneyfan624 @bluetodie @borg-queer
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shuacore · 2 years
[ 12:58 ] apple pie
he makes you feel all the things you often joke about missing in college. he makes you stay up late up on the phone, twirling your hair around your finger like a chick in a typical teen romance movie, so much so you sometimes wish you still had a landline. he makes you giggle in a way that only comes out around him and smile so hard your cheeks hurt. 
before seungcheol you didn’t know what it was like to be foolishly in love. to be consumed by the kind of love that you see in the movies, filled with photo booth film strips and surprise coffee dates and grand romantic gestures. he calls you baby, and sweetheart, and even angel in the right moments. 
he makes it impossible not to miss him.
how do you make a home?
truth be told, you had been resistant to moving in with seungcheol. you liked the idea of having your independence and you liked having your own space.
but somehow, over time, you found traces of yourself appearing in his home.
a green toothbrush next to his red one. your favorite blanket of his draped over the sofa because you always fell asleep during movies. your favorite brand of microwave popcorn in the pantry and a spot for your socks in his drawer. 
you remember asking him, “hey, is it okay if i keep some of my stuff in your dresser? it’s not that much, i promise. you don’t have to, if you don’t want…”
and he had just smiled, watching you with those big gorgeous eyes of his. 
“i would eat hot coals for you,” he had replied, and the response caught you so off guard that you let out the ugliest snort of laughter. 
they were just some socks, but seungcheol was always dramatic like that. it didn’t matter that you didn’t live with him. he was your true home, anyway.
i’ve been running round trying to find a place where i can breathe.
your favorite dates were the ones where you’d walk around fancy neighborhoods, pointing out your favorite houses. 
“ooh, cheol, look at that one!” you say, pointing to an A-frame with dark shutters. “oh, it’s so beautiful.”
“we could fill it with that style you like so much—farmhouse?” he adds on, grinning as you gasp enthusiastically. "with a big kitchen and lots of windowboxes."
“and—and we could have a pool in the backyard!” 
“we could get a big dog. like one of those burmese mountain dogs.” 
“mingyu could live next door.”
cheol snorts, shaking his head. “sure, and wonwoo and seokmin and jeonghan and vernon.”
“would you want kids?” you ask, looping your arm through his as you lean your head on his shoulder. the two of you pause to stand outside the house, admiring its romantic frame and cozy exterior. 
“with you?” cheol murmurs, and you’re surprised to hear a crack in his voice. concerned, you look up, only to see him gazing at you with heart-wrenching affection. you giggle as he leans in to press a gentle kiss to your temple.
“so many.” 
i found you under an april sky.
you met seungcheol in new york, in your second year of grad school. you had been studying at the cherry fountain in central park, working on one of your final papers, when a man in a smart wool coat had come up to you. 
he had brown windswept hair, round wire-framed glasses, and a grin that could melt the coldest heart. he looked frazzled, asking if you had seen his friend around (“he’s tall and kind of stupid—oh, i’m gonna fucking kill him—dark hair, Korean?”).
you shook your head no...do you know how big central park is? 
somehow, you ran into him again, just as you were leaving for the evening. the sun has started to set and the lights in the high-rise buildings have started to come on. you bundle yourself in your scarf when he notices you. 
he’s holding a rose, probably one from a street vendor, and he hands it to you sheepishly, like he can’t believe he actually found you again.
later, when you put the flower in a vase, you notice he wrote his phone number on the tag. 
i found mingyu. i hope i can find you again, too. 
seungcheol x
home is wherever you are tonight.
tonight you’re alone, writing something in your diary when your phone dings! the little heart next to his name makes you swoon.
cheol <3: hey, can i tell u something? 
despite knowing it’s probably not a big deal, your mind races through all the worst-possible scenarios it could be. what if his mom died? what if he’s moving back to korea and he doesn’t want you to come with him? what if he's sick? what if he's breaking up with you—
you: yeah ofc
three little dots pop up on the screen, hardly seconds after your response. you watch them with a strange mixture of excitement and despair, despite how much you reassure yourself it’s nothing bad. seungcheol would never tell you something serious over text message.
you hear the ding! again, and you can't fight the silly grin that inches across your face.
cheol <3: i just cant wait to marry u xx
ot13 | masterlist
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𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴
Lovesick Wally x GN Reader
Butcher Wally x GN Reader
Yandere Wally x GN Reader
Warning: Angst??
Based on a story written by GonIsSoSilly on Wattpad.
Their story revolves around Y/n who is stuck with the AU Wally's living in their home. I really liked the authors portray of the trio mentioned in the title.
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Oh fuck. Not them again-
Y/n tried to manoeuvre out of sight, speed walking to their kitchen to avoid Lovesick and Yandere who descended from the stairs in the hallway, loudly bickering about who of the two deserved them more.
Those two where nothing but trouble. One was leaving a mess wherever he walked, black sludge dripping from his eyes, it occasionally moved on it own as if looking for a new host. The other one was holding a knife wielding it carelessly, not afraid to use it.
They where clearly looking for their one and only darling. 
But like... no thanks.
Y/n stood in front of their kitchen counter, they reached up towards the top shelf to reach for something. They had to stand on their tippy toes, as their fingers brushed searchingly against the plastic and ceramic cups.
Clearly someone had rearranged their stuff, probably Rainbow seeing as everything was put up so high, they couldn't even see what they where trying to grab. 
Speaking of him, his #1 dad mug was near the sink, containing a toothbrush and toothpaste. Did that man have to leave that there? There was a bathroom for a reason.
With one final movement they took a random mug, they placed it down pouring apple juice in it instead of coffee or tea which it was supposed to be used for.
"Ain't no way-" They said out loud as they looked at the mug, seeing it was merch of Actor, his face plastered onto the side. "I don't recall buying this... he probably added it himself."
What was up with these puppets, doing whatever they pleased in their home.
Too distracted with their own thoughts Y/n wasn't paying attention to their surroundings. It was too late as Butcher leaned on their shoulder.
And the dude was heavy erhm- well build is what they meant.
"Hello lamb~ Fancy seeing you here, want me to prepare you something nice and savory."
"I guess. I haven't eaten yet today."
They shrugged, trying not to whince from the pressure he was putting on their shoulder. He chuckled in his raspy voice before finally releasing them, starting to cut up a chuck of meat.
"Want me to prepare it spicy or sweet?"
"I don't care, anything works. Though..  if you could add some vegetables that would be appreciated."
Y/n couldn't help but smile a bit as Butchers expression turned sour at the mention of their request. He was not a fan of any plant like foods. 
"Meat is all you need." He said, stating it as a fact.
"As nicely as that rhymes, I know what I want and need to stay healthy." 
He begrudgingly gave in, starting to cook up the meal for his favorite lamb.
"Where are my precious?" Y/n questioned as they where looking around for Grayscale and Original. 
Those two where simply the sweetest and they where eager to cuddle with them. 
"Looking for us, darling~" Yandere said flirtatiously.
"Cause we certainly where looking for you." Lovesick crooned.
With a sigh they turned around to face the troublesome duo.
"Actually I was searching for-"
"No need, most everyone else is out today as Actor forced them to act as models for his new shoot." Yandere interrupted. "But I refused of course, seeing as I couldn't abandon you."
"Me neither! I just can't stay away from you." Lovesick joined in as his eyes where glazed over.
That would explain why it felt so empty for once in their house. 
The human made a mental note to get a look at the pictures or videos that would be taken of the modeling puppets.
"So now you can give all your attention to me."
"No me!" 
Lovesick and Yandere started bickering again, which quickly turned violent. As Y/n tried to sneak away they simultaneously grabbed a hold of one of their arms, holding it in a death grip.
"You aren't leaving." They hissed, for once in sync.
Feeling a certain level of danger and uncomfortable they tried breaking free.
"Let go of me."
"No." They simply say back, their hold ever so slighty growing tighter if that was possible.
"Butcher! Help me out!"
No sooner he appeared from the kitchen, approaching menacingly with his cleaver. And they almost regretted calling him in due to the feral look in his eyes but he was the only other one present in the house currently. 
"Don't bother lamb. And don't bruise their tender delectable skin." 
"Stay out of this you freak!" 
"We aren't hurting them... we are simply showing our loveeee~"
Y/n used the distraction to yank their body backwards, realizing this was a bit to much for them handle. Running back to their bedroom to lock themselves in.
But their running triggered something more primal in the three unstable individuals.
The desire to chase.
no no no no NO NO NO NO AAAHHH
Y/n trashed around as they where dragged down the stairs by multiple hands. The fall and rough treatment making it feel like they just broke a rib.
They now laid down on the floor, coughing and breathing heavily. As three menaces looked down upon them with wide grins.
Yandere noticed them struggle to put together their thoughts. He then decided to speak once again, picking them up from the floor, his hands staying firmly on their waist for support.
"Come on now, surely you can speak... Say want we want to hear... you know what we crave."
"I won't deny giving you three attention again."
Yandere smirked, this time he was proud and a slight bit satisfied. He was delighted to have heard them finally admit this.
"Good, let me hear the other words, that you are sticking by our and most importantly MY side."
"I won't run anymore..." They said vaguely hoping it would suffice as they glared back at him.
Yandere continued to hold them tightly, enjoying the feeling he got by just knowing that they were in his grasp.
"Say it with certainty." He commented, his tone sounded a bit cocky but also demanding.
He moved one of his hands from their waist to their face, tilting their head back, forcing their eyes to look up, directly at him. His fingers gripped their chin gently but firmly.
But before more could be said the moment was interrupted.
Lovesick waltzed over, pressing himself into Y/n, his arms clinging onto them like they where a lifeline. Yandere suppressed a growl of annoyance as he had to fight the urge to stab him.
"Yes you are all ours now. Mmh~" The disease ridden patient said as his thoughts where clouded by lovesick delirium.
"I'll get 99% of their time, you and that other freak can share the remaining 1%." The obsessive killer hissed in distain.
As they started bickering Butcher closed in looming over them all with a threatening expression.
"Ours indeed. And it'll stay that way, no matter what." The morbid butcher laughed menacingly as he pulled everyone over into a off-putting group hug.
These three would be the death of you.
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skepsiss · 1 month
I didn't know there was an ask limit 😂 that's hilarious.
What's one hc your passionate about for Eddie and one for Steve?
Passionate Eddie headcanon!!
This one was bestowed to me by @corvus-perplexus, but I adore it. The HC is that when Eddie moved to Hawkins as a preteen/teen he had Mr. Clarke as a teacher. Mr. Clarke was the person who introduced him to D&D and Eddie had (and still has) the biggest crush on him. Just that... "this person was nice to me" kind of crush that so many young teens get on their teachers. I think it is CRAZY cute. Headcanon for Steve!! I think Steve's mother goes through these "fads" where she tries new "hobbies" to occupy her time. One of them is when she got REALLY into making "gift baskets" or "house guest baskets." Just these VERY 80s baskets with fancy soaps, and toothbrushes, with bath bombs and weird little things like that, but they're worth like $80. She made so many of them, and there are so many just under the bathroom sinks in Steve's parent's house.
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narcosmx · 1 year
Hey, I'm so happy you're back I missed reading your works.I was wondering if you'll still do the requests that you mentioned there because they were all great ideas : https://www.tumblr.com/narcosmx/669340063334842368/request-list-here-is-a-list-of-the-request-that
being enedina's best friend and falling for benjamin arellano-felix would include:
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a/n: okay so this made mee think about the enedina's bff falling for benjamin thing and i got going, so yes i'll be going back to some of these hehe
okayokay hear me out rich boss babes together
so like amado is the kind of older brother where like... you call me and ofc i'll come solve your problems for you but can you like....maybe handle what you can on your own
kinda just gives her a wad of cash, la bendicion and be like go live your life kid at least one of us should enjoy the money i'm making lol
"vaya con dios mijita" also get the vibes that he def taught you how to fly too
so i imagine you being a little bit more rough and tumble than enedina
but like you bring out the boss bitch in her, reminds her she is capable of breaking away from this idea of "being a woman" was
being bffs with dina gives me like, you practically live at her place vibes you know
like you have a toothbrush, and clothes and your favorite soaps in the goddamn shower
you go home only to like swap out the roation of outfits you have or getting a new pair of shoes or something
otherwise you were essentially living at the arellano-felix house, shit even their mom jokes about her liking you more than your own kids
and the girls fucking love having you around, and lowkey probably ramon too because you're never one to shoot down his crazy ass ideas
pancha is like "don't you like, ever get tired of being here" and you're like "don't you ever get tired of being the ugliest member of this family?"
and benjamin oh benjamin at first he tries to pay you no mind, but you're not one he can easily ignore
so he resigns himself to nodding at you and huffing with laughter when he sees how comfortably you lounge around his fucking house because no matter what you do like he cannot get mad at you
you do something and he smiles and someone else does that same exact thing he'd rip them several new assholes.
okay listen i don't know why i get the vibes that like you're an expert at breaking into anything that isn't welded shut
you know, like you grew up around criminals you were bound to pick something up
not that you had to break into dina's place, you had a key but sometimes it's just fun to freak the other's out
i just imagine, like benjamin coming home a day after having like fortified security and he just looks into the backyard and you're chilling poolside
he walks out and it like "w-we changed the locks yesterday after a security issue... how the fuck did you? dina is out making your key right now??"
you nearly giggling as you take a sip of your drink "you make me laugh, benji"
him opening his mouth to say something and him being like yeah nope nevermind and turning on his heel and walking inside
hehe having to turn on his heels so fast because he can't help but smile at you and your antics
dina walking out and being like "hey bebe, i left your key in your bag" but side eyeing her brother because she knows she knows something is up
because no one makes her wet blanket of a brother smile like that
you and dina going to fancy dinners together can you imagine, going to the hottest spots in all of baja
you two getting all dolled up in her room together, they can hear you laughing from down the street lol
unabashedly singing at the top of your lungs lol
but i also have this one moment of scene stuck in my head
you and dina are in a rush getting ready to go somewhere and like dina is showering and you're like
well i'm def not showering in any of the other boys fucking rooms because NOPE
and i dunno but benjamin gives you vibes that his bathroom would be clean and so you...go for it
you couldnt have shame if they paid you so you're just out here causally breaking into fucking tijuana's biggest drug dealer's room
going in to take a shower, showering you know and then as you come out with like a robe wrapped around yourself and drying yout hair, benjamin is entering the room
and there's just this moment where benjamin is looking at you like with like a what the fuck but like amused face
and you're like "look, where else did you want me to go? i'm def not fucking showering in ramon's shower"
and benjamin is like "hm i don't know maybe???? the freaking guest bathroom"
and you laughing him off the face of the planet
and okay imagine he has like documents laying around his room because he wakes up in the middle of the night and worries about bus iness stuff because that's him
anyways you saw it and you idk just have this knack for business or math and you just walk up past him brushing against him and kiss his cheek and are like "thanks for sharing the bathroom with me, and if you raise the tax 1.5 percent over 6 months you'll cover that cost" you note motioning your head towards the document and walking away AHHH
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ijustmissyouraccenths · 2 months
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CW: Alcohol use, cursing.
Word count: 3,389
As Olive lay in her empty bedroom, the feeling of loneliness weighed heavy on her. She stared up at the plain, off-white ceiling that seemed to mock her with its emptiness. Thoughts swirled in her head, each one a dagger stabbing at her heart as she contemplated what could have saved her drowning relationship. It had been so long since she had felt truly content. Her ex-boyfriend Harry was not like any other guy she had known. His rise to fame had taken him far from her and their once happy life together. Tour after tour, hotels, buses, interviews, and recording sessions occupied most of his days and nights. Yet he always made time for Olive, even if it meant sacrificing his precious alone time.
Olive didn't mind taking a backseat or being second in line for Harry's attention. After all, she too cherished solitude. But she also loved seeing Harry do what he was born to do - make music. The passion and joy that lit up his face when he played was something she couldn't help but be drawn to. Even now, as their relationship lay shattered and broken, she couldn't deny the magic of watching him create art with his guitar and voice.
Unlike her past relationships, everything with Harry seemed to be going effortlessly well. Their conversations flowed seamlessly, filled with future plans and dreams of marriage, a luxurious apartment on the upper east side, and even talks of what their future daughters would look like. They were both content and had built their home around each other during their three years together.
Olive had given up everything to be with Harry and to keep their home safe. She left her full-time job as a manager at a fancy furniture store to work part-time as a barista on weekends. It wasn't necessary for her to work, but she wanted to contribute in any way she could. Her dedication to their relationship knew no bounds.
Despite their happiness, Olive knew that they had to keep a low profile. The world didn't know about them, and safety was always a top priority. She deleted all of her social media accounts and rarely went out in public with Harry, except for special occasions or parties. In many ways, Olive lived in the shadows, but she didn't mind as long as she had Harry by her side.
The shock of his phone call still reverberated through her body, even four months later. She couldn't believe he ended their relationship with a single phone call on a Saturday night. There were no final kisses, no tearful goodbyes, and not even the courtesy of doing it in person.
And then there was his cold, calculated message: "The bills at the apartment are paid for the next year, so take your time finding a new place. I'm sorry." The words rang in her ears like a broken record, a constant reminder of how easily he had let go of their love.
Now here she lay, in her usual spot on the worn-out couch in the crappy apartment she had found after the break up. The ceiling above her crackled with every movement, adding to the already suffocating atmosphere. But she didn't mind, because it was just another distraction from her thoughts. Thoughts of Harry and how much she missed him.
Despite the fact that he had covered the rent for their old place for the next year, she couldn't bring herself to go back there. Every single thing inside reminded her of him - his toothbrush in the bathroom, his jacket hanging by the door, and all the memories they had shared in every corner of the apartment.
She had given everything for him - her time, her love, her trust - and yet it wasn't enough to keep him by her side. Now she was left with nothing but an empty heart and a hollow home. And as if fate wanted to rub salt into her wounds, her noisy neighbors chose this exact moment to have another one of their infamous domestic disputes.
But amidst all this chaos and heartache, she couldn't help but wonder: where did it all go wrong? Was it something she did or said? Or was their love simply not strong enough to withstand the challenges thrown their way? These questions tormented her every day, as she tried to piece together the shattered remains of their once beautiful relationship.
Olive had been feeling trapped in her own sadness for months, barely leaving her house besides for work. But tonight, she felt a glimmer of excitement as she got ready to go out. It was her best friend's birthday and their small group had managed to snag reservations at the most exclusive sushi bar in Manhattan.
As Olive prepared herself for the night ahead, she couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the days when she used to go out and have fun without a care in the world. With a deep breath, she pushed aside her negative thoughts and focused on getting dressed. She opted for a sophisticated dress that hugged her figure in all the right places, accentuating her curves. She paired it with sleek platform heels that added a touch of glamour to her outfit.
After pulling her hair back into two elegant buns with wispies framing her face, Olive took one last look in the mirror before heading out. Her makeup was soft and natural, enhancing her features without being too overbearing. With a surge of confidence, she smiled at herself and knew that she was ready to take on the night.
With the simple tap of her finger, Olive summoned a sleek and shiny Uber to whisk her away to the restaurant. She settled into the backseat, surrounded by the muted hum of passing cars and the soft padding of the leather seats beneath her. Her driver was friendly and chatty, asking about her job and if she had tried the famous sushi bar before. Despite not being in the mood for conversation, Olive graciously answered each question with a smile. As they weaved through traffic, the city lights blurred together like a kaleidoscope, marking the passing time until they arrived at the restaurant in what felt like mere minutes.
With a sense of anticipation, Olive arrived at the upscale restaurant where her group of friends was already waiting for her. They were laughing and teasing each other, but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as their jokes about her tardiness hit close to home. She had a bad habit of agreeing to meet up with them and then not showing up, leaving them waiting and disappointed. But tonight was different - she really wanted to go out and have some fun, she needed this break from her busy life.
As they approached the door, the girls gave their reservation name to the fancy dressed waiter who greeted them with a warm smile. He led them through the bustling restaurant to their secluded table in the back, away from prying eyes.
Olive settled into her seat and ordered a Sake, savoring the crisp taste and soothing effect it had on her nerves. The atmosphere was elegant yet lively, filled with the hum of conversation and clinking of glasses. The girls decided to share several sushi rolls for their meal and eagerly placed their orders with the attentive waiter. As they chatted and caught up, Olive couldn't help but feel grateful for this night out with her friends.
As the night wore on, Olive could feel herself slipping further and further away as she continued to drink her sakes. The alcohol burned a trail down her throat, igniting a sense of boldness and freedom within her. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment towards Harry, although she wasn't sure exactly why.
In a moment of drunken clarity, Olive realized that she needed to call him. She needed to tell him that she was doing just fine without him, and in fact he had done her a favor by breaking up with her. Her fingers fumbled with her phone as she dialed his number, the anticipation building with each ring.
Just as she was about to hang up, he answered. "Olive?" His voice was low and tired, betraying the fact that he must have been woken up by her call from some other part of the world.
"Yeah. Hi, Harry. I just wanted..." Before she could finish her thought, her phone was ripped from her hand and the call abruptly ended.
Confused and slightly annoyed, Olive turned to see her friend standing there with a disapproving look on their face. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" they whispered angrily into her ear.
"Telling him off," Olive slurred back defiantly.
"Okay, well, now you can't because I just blocked his number," her friend replied calmly before proceeding to delete his contact information from Olive's phone.
A fire raged inside Olive at being denied the opportunity to confront Harry. But deep down, she knew her friend was right. Her actions were rash and messy, fueled by too much alcohol. And now any chance of closure or confrontation with Harry was gone in the blink of an eye.
Or so she thought. Not more than twenty minutes later, the girls moved their party outside to the patio, eager for some fresh air and a change of scenery. The warm glow of string lights illuminated the area, casting shadows on their faces as they continued to indulge in their drinks. Olive had already downed four Sake shots, feeling the familiar buzz start to take hold. Her friends didn't seem to mind, knowing that a night like this was exactly what she needed to let loose and find herself.
As the group of girls chatted outside, their voices growing louder and more rowdy with each passing minute, the surrounding area suddenly fell quiet. Gasps and murmurs were heard, causing Olive to turn around in confusion. Her eyes widened at the sight of someone she never expected to see again - Harry.
Her heart raced as his intense gaze locked onto hers. Without a word, he strode over to her with purpose, grabbing her arm firmly. "You, me, outside. Now." His tone was laced with anger and resentment, his words cutting through her like a knife. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Olive could do nothing but obey.
As she stood from her chair, Olive's eyes scanned the faces of her friends who watched on with ghostly pale expressions. They knew about her tumultuous past with Harry and the pain it had caused her. But now, as she watched them walk away together, it felt like déjà vu. It seemed history was repeating itself once again.
“I-I uh, how did you know I was here?” Her voice trembled as she spoke, her heart pounding in her chest. She suddenly felt completely sober, the effects of the alcohol dissipating in an instant. She was sure any moment now she would pass out, but not from drinking.
“Your contact was still sharing your location. I tried to call back but you blocked me.” Harry's words were harsh and they sent a shiver down Olive's spine. She couldn't find the right words to say, her mind racing with memories of their past together. She watched as his lips continued to move and remembered what it felt like to kiss him for the last first time - bittersweet and heartbreaking all at once.
Their first date had been a picturesque picnic. She had handcrafted fresh sandwiches, cutting them into perfect triangles and arranging them neatly on a plaid blanket. The fruit was meticulously cut into cute little cubes, adding pops of color to their spread. Everything was carefully wrapped and placed in a wicker basket, like something out of a romantic movie.
As they settled into their cozy spot in the park between their two apartments, the sun shone down warmly and a gentle breeze rustled through the trees. The scene felt like it was straight out of a fairy tale.
Mid-bite into a juicy strawberry, Harry leaned in and left a lingering kiss on her cheek. She couldn't resist taking another bite, savoring the sweet taste as he leaned forward and pressed his soft yet slightly chapped lips against hers. As they pulled away, he remarked that she tasted like the fruit she was eating. In that moment, she knew she was falling in love with him.
A heavy silence fell between them, and for a brief moment Harry stopped talking. The weight of their shared memories threatened to pull her under, but she pulled herself back, determined to stay strong. In reality, all she wanted to do was run away and cry, and maybe hide under her bed forever. She had tried to block him out, to push him away, but it never quite worked.
“I didn’t block you,” she whispered timidly, her voice barely above a whisper. “I got drunk and called you to say I moved on. Ally took the phone away when she saw what I was doing.”
Harry's expression remained neutral, his gaze fixed on her face as she spoke.
“Olive, why did you call?” he finally questioned.
She looked up and met his eyes, searching for an answer in the depths of his gaze.
“Harry, why did you break up with me?” Her words hung in the air like a veil of sadness and regret.
As Olive waited for Harry's response, the tension between them was palpable. She could see the conflict swirling behind his eyes, a mixture of emotions she couldn't quite decipher. The park seemed to grow quieter around them, as if the world was holding its breath in anticipation of what would come next.
Harry let out a sigh, running a hand through his tousled hair. "I broke up with you because... because I thought it was for the best," he finally admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of regret.
Olive felt a surge of anger rise within her at his words. "The best for who, Harry? Certainly not for me," she retorted, her voice trembling with suppressed emotion.
He winced slightly at her words, the weight of her pain evident in his expression. "I know I hurt you, Olive. I never meant for things to end this way," he said softly, reaching out as if to touch her but then pulling back just in time.
She looked away, blinking back tears that threatened to spill over. "You have a funny way of showing it," she muttered bitterly.
Harry's gaze softened, full of remorse and longing. "I messed up, Olive. I made a mistake letting you go. I thought I was doing what was right, but all I did was break both of our hearts. I was scared. It had never been this serious with anyone before, so I ran. Ran to protect you, ran because I though that was what I had to do. It wasn’t what I wanted to do though."
Unable to hold back any longer, Olive turned to face him fully, tears streaming down her cheeks. "And now what, Harry? Do you expect me to just forgive and forget? Ive spent the last four months staring at my ceiling wondering what I did wrong. How I could’ve changed things. Why you stopped loving me." she choked out, her voice cracking with emotion.
His eyes met hers with unwavering sincerity. "No, Olive. I don't expect forgiveness. But I hope for a chance to make things right. I think about you constantly and wanted to reach out for a while. I was guilty though. I didn’t want to see you upset so I just stayed away. I miss you though. I miss us. I miss the house we wanted to buy or the little jokes or making you a cuppa tea," he declared earnestly.
As their eyes locked in a silent exchange of raw emotion, Olive felt a glimmer of hope flicker within her heart. Maybe there was still a chance for them to find their way back to each other amidst the tangled mess of their past.
A soft breeze rustled through the trees, stirring the fallen leaves as Olive grappled with Harry's heartfelt confession. She wiped away her tears with a trembling hand and took a deep breath before speaking again.
"Harry, it's not that simple," Olive began, her voice wavering with uncertainty. "I can't just forget all the pain and confusion you caused me. It's not fair to ask me to put myself through that again."
Harry's expression shifted, a mix of understanding and desperation crossing his features. "I know I messed up, Olive. I'm not asking for forgiveness right away. I just want the chance to show you that I've changed, that I'm willing to work through this with you."
Olive gazed at him, searching his eyes for any hint of deceit or insincerity. "How can I trust you again, Harry? How can I be sure that history won't repeat itself?" she questioned, her voice tinged with skepticism.
Harry took a step closer, reaching out a hand tentatively towards Olive's shoulder. "I understand your doubts, Olive. But I promise you, this time will be different. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust and make things right between us," he vowed earnestly.
Olive hesitated, torn between the lingering pain of their past and the flicker of hope Harry's words ignited within her. "I need time," she finally whispered, her gaze dropping to the ground as she processed the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her.
Harry nodded solemnly, his hand retreating as he gave her the space she needed to come to terms with everything. "I'll wait for you, Olive. As long as it takes," he assured her softly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of longing and determination.
Harry reached out a hand towards her, a silent plea in his eyes. "I know it won't be easy, Olive. But if there's one thing worth fighting for in this world, it's us. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust and make things right between us."
A sense of vulnerability washed over Olive as she gazed into his eyes, seeing a glimmer of hope reflected back at her. Taking a small step forward to close the gap between them, she whispered softly, "Okay, Harry. Let's take this one step at a time and see where it leads us."
As the words left her lips, a tiny smile formed on Olive's face. Slowly, trembling with emotion and uncertainty, she reached out and took his hand. They stood there, locked in a moment that felt like a lifetime as their fingers intertwined. The world around them faded away, replaced by the warmth of his touch and the memories they shared. They stood there for what seemed like hours, lost in their own thoughts and feelings until finally, Harry broke the silence. "Oliva," he whispered, calling her by her full name for the first time in months. "You know I love you."
Her eyes met his again, softening as she took in the sincerity of his words. She knew he meant it this time, she could feel it in the way he looked at her and held her hand. A shiver ran down her spine at the sound of his voice - it always had that familiar effect on her - but this time, it was different. There was something new in his tone; something promising and earnest that gave her hope. She smiled softly up at him before leaning in slowly to press her lips gently against his own; their first kiss since that fateful night they decided to part ways. It was slow and tentative at first, but soon enough they were lost in each other once more. Their hands tangled up in each other's hair, their bodies pressing closer still as they forgot about everything else around them except for each other. The taste of cherry blossom saké lingered on their tongues as if to remind them both where they were.
A small part of Olive couldn't believe it – how quickly things had changed from anger and hurt to this moment – but another part recognized that there is no point holding on to pain.
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