#Some extras that are spoilers and one that didn't make it this round
purpleiris97 · 21 days
Do you think that the Bat-family has different batarangs to keep track of who caught which villian.
I like the idea that in the early days with batman and (dick) robin they would take down a criminal and batman would leave a batarang like moniker. Batman gets the recongition, but robin is an after thought no one would know it was him if he took down the baddie this time.
Dick wanted to make sure that GCPD knew that it was him that took down the criminal not Batman, and because Bruce has a soft spot for his kids he agrees. Robins birdrangs are born.
Fast Forward years later the whole Bat-fam have their own batarangs and like a mass event brakes out. The Bat kids have a growing bet on who can catch the most baddies, their batarangs are the markers.
Spoiler: 25 plus the Mastermind Boys, read 'em and weep! That has got to be worth extra points.
Nightwing: It doesn't, 30!
Red Robin: 30? Step up your game birdboy I got 45. Sorry Steph it was a game of numbers.
Batgirl (Cass): Tie.
Spoiler: No fair, he should be worth the full total and then some.
Robin *pouting*: Don't pout Brown it's unbecoming.
Red Robin: Oh yeah, little gremlin, and what's your final total?
Robin: 43... you will not best me next time, Drake.
Red Hood: 47! I caught 2 extra who weren't part of the prison break.
Robin: That is cheating Todd and you know it!
Red Hood: Hey! They were looting a store and they were going to with the others anyway.
Batgirl: Then 55. 10 extra found robbing bank on 3rd.
Oracle *chiming in on the comms*: If it matters, I locked up 12 at the Zoo in the lion enclosure.
Spoiler: With the Lions?
Robin: Does it matter?
Red Robin, Spoiler, Nightwing: I think it matters.
Signal *appears in middle of the Bat-kids*: 71!
Red Hood *Screams*: Duke! Stop using your powers in the cave like that man you were 2 seconds from being pumped full of lead.
Signal: Sorry, Jay - too excited. Anyway 71 Did I win?
*Collective groan of the other Bat-kids*
Nightwing: Where did you find 71 convicts?
Batman: He didn't. He replaced some of my batarangs with his.
Signal: *gasp* Batman you believe that I, your most recent and rule following protege would -would cheat, at a game that was according to you- and I quote "This is not a game. I will not partake in this. Round up every last convict you find game or not". Your 83 other Batarangs don't count in this game and all 503 convicts new and old are in holding and are being transported back to prison.
Red Robin: Wait that math's not right.
Bluebird: Nope, 'cause the other 91 convicts were taken out by moi.
Signal: Damn it. I was banking on Batwoman.
Robin: A multi shot taser gun should be considered cheating.
Bluebird: Sorry Damien, Duke, I reign supreme. All hail the Queen.
Batman *sighs*
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Hello 👋 hru?? I saw that your oev requests are open so I came running here.
I don't know if you write yandere or not but if not you can make it possesive like Kim dokja and cute reader but like she is super intelligent but super shy too like when they are in some problem and need a plan she already had plan in her mind but is too awkward to say unless Kim dokja and other incourage her to say it. They are like thinking and discussing for past 3hrs what and how to do and when they asked her she is like telling them her plans all the possible outcomes and how much time it will approximately take to finish to complete the plan and everyone is like🤐
yandere/possessive kim dokja x reader
Contains Spoilers!
You were academically smart, you got into one of the SKY Universities, and you were successful in your field of expertise. However, street smart was a different thing. Perhaps drowning in work and academics is not the best choice growing up. This caused you to struggle, a lot, in socializing. When your company partnered with Kim Dokja's company (his job, not the nebula) you met him. The two of you were both introverts, but were quite different. He was charming in his own way, same went with you. Opposites attract. It did take a while for you guys to actually confess, but when you did, the two of you were inseparable.
He wasn't always a possessive guy. But when the apocalypse hit, he decided on one thing. Protecting you.
In the first scenario, you tried your best to stay calm. Perhaps being under peer pressure for your whole life paid off. And when you thought of a solution, Kim Dokja was surprised. I mean, he knew you were smart of course, but everyone else was panicking. how were you not?
So...maybe he was wishing you were scared, so he could hold you in his arms and make sure you were safe. He was super happy when you did in the 3rd scenario.
When he first died, you cried a lot. You were attached to him. There was no one else you could truly trust. However when he came back to life, you cried even harder. That was when he realized, he could manipulate you. "Would he come back this time?" "I can't lose him!" "Please don't leave me!" He basically drugged you.
The first time he was dead for three days and didn't come back to life almost instantly, that was your breaking point. You withdrew from everyone, staying beside where his dead body laid. And when he saw this as 'Demon King of Salvation,' he tried convincing you to stick with the group but he failed. Living didn't matter anymore.
Then he came back to life. But when he saw you, you were different. You didn't love him the way you used to. Perhaps this round of death came too much of a shock to you? Either way, Kim Dokja didn't like it. You...you were supposed to love him! Why...
He started to cling to you even more, driving everyone away from you. Then it was driving away constellations. Until it was only the two of you. He loves you so so much. Please don't betray him.
extra headcannons!!
after he lost his king of no killing, he started murdering people like crazy
ofc he did it secretly
most definitely added something like "If any constellations try to flirt with [name] they will be banned from the channel." in his stream contract with bihyung
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alexthefly · 4 days
Spilling Tea
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This was supposed to be an entry for this week's @flashfictionfridayofficial, but life got in the way and I went really over time (😅), so it's just a silly little something now, bringing a well-loved TOS character to the TAG universe. Enjoy!
Fandom: Thunderbirds/Thunderbirds are Go
Content: mention of Pen & Ink (canon events only)
Spoiler warning for TAG episode 1:10, Tunnels of Time
Or read it on AO3
Lillian and her trusty scouring pad had just reached a particularly stubborn bit of baked-on sauce at the back of the oven when she heard the kitchen door go, followed by a great clattering of boot and chair.
“Cor Lil, do us a cuppa would ya? H’I’m gasping, I am!”
Of course, she thought. There's only one person in the world who could make that much noise just entering a room. 
Master thief my backside…
“You’ve got legs, haven’t ya? Get it yourself,” she called, not looking up. “Can't you see I’m busy?”
“Aww, but I’ve ‘ad an ‘ard day. H’I’m dead on my feet!”
“You’ll be dead under my feet if you keep carrying on,” she grumbled. “Though on second thought,” - she extricated her head from the oven and took off her marigolds - “I'd better do it for you. Who knows what you might set fire to if I left you to it.”
She clambered slowly to her half-asleep feet and finally looked over to see Nosy Parker seated at the kitchen table, covered in dust, trying and failing to stifle a chuckle.
“Looks to me like you’ve been burning a few things yourself, girl. Get a look at your face!”
She limped over to the hob and checked her reflection in the shining silver kettle there, only to see a grime-smeared ragamuffin staring back at her.
“You could be an extra in H'Oliver!” Parker chortled, clearly delighted with his joke.
She just barely resisted the urge to fling the kettle at him - she had only just polished it, after all - and instead wiped her face with a nearby tea towel before flinging that at him instead. He spluttered some sort of outrage at the assault, but she noted that he never actually stopped smirking at her.
“Whatcha so ‘appy about anyway?” she asked, filling the kettle and setting the hob on. “I thought you was bone-tired.”
Parker yawned and stretched, kicking his boots off under the table, which earned him a royal scowl.
“I am. Been traipsing round a bleedin’ temple all day, ‘aven’t I? I’ve been shut in, shot at, gassed, nearly buried h’alive…”
“Well that's bad luck. Still, perhaps they’ll get you next time.”
He glowered at her, but carried on.
“Frankly I’m just glad we made it out in one piece. No thanks to Gordon Tracy of course - ‘e was no ‘elp at all. All that equipment ‘e brought, and what good did it do us? ‘Er Ladyship said the same thing. Well, not in so many words…”
“Is she alright?” Lillian asked, leaning casually on the countertop. Her Ladyship was a tough lady indeed, but for all his catastrophising it sounded like they'd had quite a time of it.
“Oh yes, right as rain,” replied Parker. “Save perhaps for a smooshed nose, courtesy of that great fishy lummox.’
“Gordon did that?”
Lillian quickly scrolled through her various kitchen utensils in her head, considering how they might best be inflicted on a young Tracy’s sensitive bits. A jaded old bird she may be, but she didn't mess about when it came to Lady Penelope’s wellbeing.
That was one thing she and Parker had in common.
Perhaps sensing impending bloodshed, Parker held up his hands in an attempt to placate his companion.
“He never meant any ‘arm, Lil. It was my fault really, setting off that booby trap like that - he was jus’ trying to save ‘er from a fatal stabbin’. And ‘Er Ladyship gave ‘im a right ol’ earful over it, so I reckon the poor lad’s suffered enough.”
The kettle whistle blew and Lillian straightened to go and make the tea, still quietly plotting.
“The truth is,” he continued, “I think ‘e might be a bit sweet on her."
She was so surprised she almost dropped the kettle on her foot.
"Really? Gordon?"
He nodded. "Like a puppy, ‘e is, following ‘er around, trying to h’impress ‘er, like; he’s like a little blond labrador.”
“A dogfish,” she suggested, grabbing a packet of biscuits from the overhead cupboard.
“Ha! H’exactly!” he chuckled. “Wet nose and wet behind the ears, that one!”
Carefully, she balanced the full cups on a tray and took it over to the table.
“But ‘e’s not that young though, is he? Twenty-four?”
“About that,” replied Parker, shovelling a hobnob in his mouth. “Seems younger though, somehow. Too young for ‘er, anyway.”
“You would say that though, wouldn’t ya? Nobody's ever gonna be good enough for her s’far as you’re concerned.”
He grinned sheepishly and reached for another biscuit.
Lillian stared into her teacup, thinking.
“You don’t think she might like ‘im too, then?”
Parker’s biscuit fell in his cup.
“You wot?”
“Well I was just thinkin’,” she said, handing him a teaspoon to fish his biscuit out, “all this talk about how annoying he is and ‘ow he’s always getting into scrapes ‘n’ all that…” She took a sip. “It just seems that if she didn't like ‘im, she might not care quite so much what ‘e does.”
“Don't talk soft, woman!” exclaimed Parker, forgetting all about his slowly-disintegrating hobnob. “She’s fond of all those Tracy boys, Gordon included. It's part of her nature to worry after ‘em. Nothing more than that, I'm sure.”
“Hmmm. If you say so…”
They sat in silence for a minute, pondering.
“Though…” Parker started. “...Nah.”
She picked up another teaspoon. “I’m going to stick this somewhere painful if you don't come out with it.”
"You wouldn't dare," he scoffed.
A gulp.
“A moment?” She leaned forwards.
“Alright, alright, keep your ‘air on! It's only that I was just thinkin’, back there, there was a… a moment.”
“Between the two of ‘em, when we were up on that stairway, starin’ death in the face…”
He paused, waiting for sympathy.
She brandished her spoon at him. “And?”
He rolled his eyes.
“Well, we all thought that might be it - ‘The H’End’, as it were…”
“An’ he was saying something about us not having much time, and it being now or never…”
“And the way they was looking at each other, it was like…”
She was right on the edge of her seat, tea and spoon both entirely forgotten.
He shrugged. “Well anyway, then next thing I knew, we was grappling into the air and out the roof to safety.”
She blinked.
“...What? That's it?!”
She picked up the tea towel off the table and threw it at him again.
“You almost ‘ad me then, you bleedin’ tease! Gettin’ me all invested like that…”
“What? That's what ‘appened!”
She was fuming. “I thought you’d at least say he kissed her hand or something. ‘A look’, he says!”
He flushed. “It was more than that-”
“Load of nonsense. You’ve been watching too many of those serials on telly!”
She got to her feet and stormed over to the oven.
“I can't be sittin’ here listenin’ to this rubbish all day. Got things to do,” she grumbled, pulling her rubber gloves back on.
He folded his arms, glowering. “Well that's just fine then! Last time I tell you anything.”
And so they retreated to their respective corners to sulk; her scrubbing the oven, him harrumphing in his chair, stormclouds hovering between.
A minute passed. Then two.
“...You can finish up your tea before ‘elping me with the dinner, if you like?”
“...Yeah, alright then.”
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toffee-rambles · 2 months
SDV Green Rain Dialogue Compilation
I haven't seen anything like this yet, despite how intriguing this event is, so I pulled all the related dialogue lines from the game files! There's three types of dialogue: one for the first year, one for the day after, and one for the following years.
This is quite long and major spoilers, so it's under the cut. All villagers, listed alphabetically, as well as a vague note on where they spend the day (which is lacking in some parts because I didn't get to see everyone on my run, feel free to confirm/correct any locations)
Abigail [Home?] "GreenRain": "I want to go exploring, but I can tell my Mom is kind of worried. I don't want to add to her stress.", "GreenRainFinished": "And just like that, everything's back to normal. It's like magic!$h", "GreenRain_2": "Have you seen all the crazy trees around town? Everything looks so different… I feel like we're in a fairy world.",
Alex [Home] "GreenRain": "What's going on out there? Any action?#$e#I gotta stay here with my grandparents…$s", "GreenRain_2": "I tried to go for a run this morning, but the plants have gone crazy! I couldn't get very far…",
Caroline [Home?] "GreenRain": "I've never seen green rain before… It must not be too dangerous if you made it here!", "GreenRain_2": "Ah, the special rain is back! This year, I'm going to make the most of it!#$e#This calls for a cup of green tea!$h",
Clint [Saloon] "GreenRain": "It's situations like this where a person's true character is put to the test.#$e#I'll keep Em… I mean, I'll keep everyone safe from the toxic rain!", "GreenRainFinished": "Well that was a dud. And here I thought it was finally my chance to be a hero. Oh well… Back to the grindstone.", "GreenRain_2": "I feel bad admitting it, but sometimes I wish there was a real disaster, not just some dumb green rain.#$b#Something to shake everything up, you know?#$b#Not that I want people to get hurt…#$b#I just want to feel alive… To feel like I have a purpose…",
Demetrius [Outside, in a hazmat suit] "GreenRain": "Don't mind me, @. I'm just collecting some samples. This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!$7#$e#Erm… If you see my wife, can you tell her I'm okay?$7", "GreenRain_2": "The rain appears to be harmless, so I'm taking less precaution this year.",
Dwarf "GreenRain": "I can't see the color green very well.#$b#I guess it's part of living underground for so long.",
Elliot [Saloon] "GreenRain": "Let's not get in a tizzy, now… Gus! I propose a round of drinks to settle the nerves!%noturn", "GreenRain_2": "Ah, yet another unique day in the valley. Stimulating, to say the least!",
Emily [Saloon] "GreenRain": "There must be a meaning behind this… Nature is trying to tell us something.$3#$e#What, though? I can't tell… It's hard to read. I feel a strong presence, though…$3", "GreenRain_2": "Can you feel it? The forest is singing! The trees are dancing with joy!",
Evelyn [Home] "GreenRain": "George, dear… Is this the end? It's been a good life, but I'd like to see Alex find his way before departing…$s%noturn", "GreenRainFinished": "Oh, my dear… I'm so glad everything ended up okay. And my flowers look healthier than ever!", "GreenRain_2": "The flowers seem to love this rain…",
George [Home] "GreenRain": "There, there, honey… Don't you worry.%noturn#$b#Even if it is poisonous, I breathed in more noxious gas in one minute back in the ol' coal mines… And I'm still kickin'!", "GreenRain_2": "Looks like the young folks will have to do some extra weeding after this one…Heheh…$h",
Gus [Saloon] "GreenRain": "I saw the weather report last night. It really gave me a scare!$s#$e#Are there monsters out there? What's happening?", "GreenRainFinished": "I'm glad that's over. Running the saloon is enough to worry about, I don't need exotic weather in my life!", "GreenRain_2": "sniff… These rains have a particular smell. Have you noticed? Almost like freshly minced herbs…",
Haley [Saloon] "GreenRain": "I don't think I've ever set foot in this place. It's actually kind of cozy!$h#$e#Oh, I'm not worried about the rain. I'm sure it'll pass.", "GreenRain_2": "Wake me up when there's a pink rain… Or better yet, a pink cake rain!",
Harvey [Saloon] "GreenRain": "I brought some medical supplies, just in case. Be careful out there!", "GreenRain_2": "The first time this happened, we were all worried that the rain might be dangerous.#$b#But what if it's actually healthy for the body? Who knows… The plants seem to respond well to it, at least.",
Jas [Marnie's Ranch] "GreenRain": "I'm scared…$s", "GreenRain_2": "I hope the rain doesn't turn my dress green…$s",
Jodi [Home] "GreenRain": "Are you alright? We've never seen anything like this before…$s#$e#I wish my husband was here. He'd know exactly what to do.$s", "GreenRain_2": "Vincent got up early to go play in the rain. I just hope they're right about it being completely harmless!",
Kent "GreenRain_2": "Heh… The rain is a blessing. A reminder that there will always be forces greater than anything conceived of by man.#$e#That's actually a comfort, @.",
Krobus "GreenRain": "The flow of water has been unusually strong today… what's going on up there?",
Leah [Home] "GreenRain": "Where did all these plants come from? It's a surprise, but I'm not complaining…", "GreenRainFinished": "I guess everyone in town was scared of that strange rain? I had no idea… I just thought it was incredible!$h", "GreenRain_2": "Imagine if this rain lasted all summer… The plants would take over the entire valley!",
Leo, only after moving to the town "GreenRain": "I like this weather… it's so humid. It reminds me of the forest back home.",
Lewis [Saloon] "GreenRain": "I just got off the phone with the Governor… Apparently this rain is supposed to be completely harmless. Just an unusual phenomenon of nature.#$b#Still, some of the townsfolk are panicking, which is never good…", "GreenRainFinished": "Well, that was quite the excitement for our little town! I'm just relieved that everyone is okay.$h#$e#If this ever happens again, I think we'll all be a little more relaxed. It's not the end of the world!", "GreenRain_2": "I guess we can expect these unusual rains every year. I think everyone is a little calmer knowing that it's just part of nature.",
Linus [Mountains] "GreenRain": "All these strange trees will be gone tomorrow… it's one of the mysteries of nature.", "GreenRainFinished": "How did the moss harvest go? Hehe… My bed is a lot softer now.", "GreenRain_2": "I've already gathered enough moss for the entire year. How about you?",
Marnie [Ranch] "GreenRain": "You're not worried about this rain? That does put me at ease a little…#$e#I just hope the cows tucked themselves in…$s", "GreenRainFinished": "Well, looks like we all got scared for nothing… The rain was totally harmless!", "GreenRain_2": "The animals seems to enjoy this rain… I think it's putting extra nutrients into the grass.",
Maru [Home, basement] "GreenRain": "I want to go collect samples with my dad, but my Mom is insisting we stay here…", "GreenRain_2": "This is a rare opportunity to study a unique phenomenon… every moment counts!",
Pam [Saloon] "GreenRain": "It's a sign from the Almighty… We're doomed…%noturn$s", "GreenRainFinished": "Well, I guess the end-times haven't come just yet, kid…#$e#Ah well, back to the ol' nine to five…", "GreenRain_2": "I think these rains are a show of force… a warning.#$b#You could say it's from nature, from Yoba, whatever you like… but that's what I think.#$e#What I mean is, we can't get too cocky. Or else, instead of a green rain, maybe we'll have a blood-red rain… See what I mean?",
Penny [Saloon] "GreenRain": "Are you alright? We're all wondering what's going on…$3", "GreenRain_2": "This strange weather is a good opportunity to get the kids interested in nature!$h",
Pierre [Store] "GreenRain": "Gahh, no customers! Any more of this 'green' rain, and my ledger will be in the 'red'!$s", "GreenRainFinished": "Well, I'm glad things are back to normal. Seems like it was all overblown… just like everything.", "GreenRain_2": "Glad to see you, @. What's a little toxic rain when you have seeds to buy?$h#$e#I'm just kidding. The rain seems to be completely harmless.",
Robin [Home, basement] "GreenRainFinished": "I hope Demetrius is happy with the 'samples' he collected. Seems like his little science project is more important to him than his own wife. Hmmph.$6", "GreenRain_2": "There's all kinds of good wood out there today. Better get chopping, huh?",
Sam [Home] "GreenRain": "Whaa! Is it acid? Will it burn through the roof and sizzle us alive?$8#$b#I gotta keep my little brother safe!$7", "GreenRainFinished": "Seems like there's no damage to anything… That was a strange one. How are you holding up?", "GreenRain_2": "You notice how warm this rain is? It feels alive…",
Sandy [Store] "GreenRain": "I heard there's a rare weather event in the valley.#$e#I wish it rained here sometimes…$s",
Sebastian [Home, basement] "GreenRain": "My mom's freaking out, but I'm actually kind of enjoying this. I bet the frogs are going wild out there!$h#$e#I'm gonna stay here to try and keep her calm, though.", "GreenRain_2": "I was hoping this weather would come back. It makes me appreciate the summer a little more.",
Shane [Marnie's Ranch] "GreenRain": "I don't have to go into work today, so I'm not complaining…", "GreenRain_2": "Oh, there's some kind of weird weather today? I didn't notice.",
Vincent [Home] "GreenRain": "Mom! I wanna go outside and play!%noturn", "GreenRain_2": "%Vincent is covered in moss.",
Willy [Saloon] "GreenRain": "Aye… I hope these weird rains don't bother the fish… It could ruin me life!", "GreenRainFinished": "Well, the fish seem as healthy as ever. In fact, I swear they've been biting with extra vigor!", "GreenRain_2": "If the fish like these rains, then I like 'em, too.",
Wizard [Home] "GreenRain": "Though the unusual rains may be alarming, there is nothing to fear on this day.#$e#In fact, it is a day of great joy for many living things.", "GreenRain_2": "Nature is a powerful force, not to be trifled with.#$e#Excuse me, but there are special matters I can only attend to on this day.",
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anneapocalypse · 6 months
So. About Minfilia.
This one really got to me.
I don't think I've cried over a character death in this game like this since Haurchefant--both of whom, incidentally, I knew going in were going to die at some point, because I'd encountered spoilers well before I ever imagined I would play this game. (Having Ariane fall for both of them in turn was not the plan, it just happened along the way and felt right for her character, and the extra tragedy it ended up adding was a side effect but one that's become lode-bearing for her story in a lot of ways.)
So I'll say to start that given what the writers had to work with going into Shadowbringers, I think Minfilia's story ends about as well as it could have. The variant flow of time in the First, and specifically the fact that a century has passed there since she arrived, is vital to Shadowbringers' story. Minfilia was never meant to be an immortal being, nor did she want to be. And while there's probably an interesting AU in her becoming mortal again and returning home (and I could see myself writing something like that), that's a very involved concept that wouldn't have worked well with the story Shadowbringers was telling. So, her fate was sealed when she departed for the First. Furthermore the way she goes out is really thematically in line with the Scions as a whole, from Louisoix to Moenbryda to Papalymo: one person giving their life to contain an existential threat--not even to destroy it completely, but to slow the tide so that others can carry on the fight. And Minfilia even takes it a step further, managing to stick around in some form long enough for the other Scions to make it to the First. The Warrior of Light even gets to see her one last time, so her promise to return to them when her work was done--it wasn't an empty one. We get to say goodbye.
I'm okay with this. It's a decent end to her story, given where we started from this expansion.
That doesn't make me especially okay with how we got here, though.
I am still a sprout here, having just started playing last year and being mid-Shadowbringers for the first time now. I was not around when ARR was new, and cannot speak to the fan reception of Minfilia at the time. I have heard through my grapevine, however, that she was not well-liked. Whether because she was a non-combat character, a quest-giver in an annoying location, a woman who told people to do stuff while wearing a mildly revealing outfit (and I do mean mildly)... Idk what the dealbreaker was. That's just what I've heard. Having heard that, though, it makes the choice to write her out at the end of ARR feel... motivated, in a way that maybe it otherwise wouldn't.
There is nothing meaningfully wrong with Minfilia's character in ARR that couldn't be said about any of the core Scions.
Wahhh I don't want to return to the Waking Sands for the 80th time? Fair, but that's a game design issue getting taken out on a character who happens to be connected to it. Call it the Preston Garvey Problem. Her outfit is silly? It's hardly meaningfully sillier than other NPC outfit designs, or Final Fantasy fashion generally. Go tell it to the catgirls in the 2b tights by the aetheryte. She doesn't even fight? Honestly kind of refreshing to me to see non-combat characters play a major role in the story, because fighting isn't the only thing that drives stories! (Hey, didn't Tataru have a whole subplot about that?)
She's underdeveloped? Name me a character who gets great character development in ARR. (There is a correct answer to this question. It's Cid Garlond. 😛) But the Scions? A handful of them feel like very well-rounded characters now because they've had whole expansions that explored them as people and deepened their relationship to the setting and story in meaningful ways--Lyse, Alphinaud, Alisaie, Urianger, Y'shtola, Thancred. But none of them are well-rounded in ARR. ARR is not about character development. It's basically a very long tutorial level that gets you acquainted with the world, its major conflicts, and the major players in those conflicts. The character-driven storytelling really starts with Heavensward. If we truncated all the Scions' stories at the end of ARR, I don't think the others are any deeper than Minfilia.
I liked Minfilia right off because she was kind and caring, and she had an obvious talent for bringing people together, probably in a similar way to Louisoix himself. Hence her becoming the Antecedent and continuing to do diplomatic work across three nations. Did she make mistakes? Yeah, absolutely. Lest anyone is tempted to single her out in the Crystal Braves disaster, though, I will point to what I said in my post about how the Scions failed Alphinaud: every adult in the room should have seen the red flags about that, and not one of them did, including Urianger who is extremely protective of the twins, and Thancred who is extremely protective of Minfilia. And yes, she was in charge, and she does bear a greater share of the responsibility. But whatever you think of that plot point, whether it's leaning a little too heavily on Rule of Stupid or whether believable for a group of idealistic apocalypse survivors with martyr complexes, it's written as something that all the Scions failed to foresee. And for the others, especially for Alphinaud, that mistake and subsequent disaster is used as an opportunity for character growth. Alphinaud has to confront his own arrogance, which drives his character growth as he continues to play a major role in every expansion. Yda/Lyse and Papalymo get themselves involved with the Ala Mhigan resistance, providing the setup for Stormblood and a tremendous amount of character development for Lyse. Y'shtola in desperation turns to darker and more dangerous forms of magic, setting us up for her transformation into a black mage in Shadowbringers where will continue to see her turn to dangerous magics at desperate times. Thancred's wilderness survival journey precedes us getting to see a darker and lonelier side of him. And so forth.
Minfilia throws herself on Hydaelyn's mercy, and gets tempered. I mean, carried unto her bosom, granting her a strength long sought. Because of course we're meant to take it as a given that she was weak before. She was the leader of an international organization who did diplomatic work across three nations, but she couldn't throw fireballs or hit people good with a stick, so. She loses her very will for a while there, until Hydaelyn mercifully decides she's strong enough to give it back to her.
And now, no one talks about the work she did as the Antecedent, or with the Path of the Twelve before that. It's all about her noble sacrifice, how she gave up her whole life to save the First. And she was noble, and generous, and a hero. But she was a person before that, and she could have been more. She could have been a character with a real arc, who got to struggle and learn from her mistakes and grow with us, as the others have.
Minfilia didn't get that. She got to be a sacrificial vessel for the salvation of others, over and over again until there was none of her left. And we never have to reckon with her feeling scared or uncertain or angry about this, because she is always the willing sacrifice, always noble and generous and a hero. Shadowbringers spends far more time on Thancred's feelings about Minfilia than on Minfilia's feelings about her own fate. And I do like Thancred, so please don't read this as me hating on him; I even liked getting more of their history onscreen, at first. But at a certain point I just wanted to shake him and say, You are not the only one who loved her! And your feelings about her are not the only thing that matters here!
I love characters who are deeply and deliberately kind, especially when they have a history that gives them plenty of reasons to be otherwise. I love characters with a passion and drive to make their world better, even when that comes at great cost. It's why I love Julie Farkas, and Vanessa Kimball. But I also like to see how they reckon with the cost, how they struggle with the burden of that kindness. I love it when Kimball loses her temper, when she isn't patient and virtuous all the time. We do finally get some of that with Ryne. But not for the original Minfilia. She goes gently into that good night with gentle words and a gentle smile. And yes, after a hundred years, she has earned a rest.
But having loved her gentle soul from the beginning, I am mourning what she could have been, if she had ever been allowed to be anything else.
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solomonssock · 1 year
You Will Go Nowhere Else
I never planned for this to be so long, but I love Asmodeus sm...expect nothing less from me.
Pairing: gn!reader x Asmodeus; Leviathan makes an active appearance, but isn't the focus of this fic (romantic feelings are heavily implied, but a relationship has not been established...yet)
TW: Cyberbullying, Slutshaming, Cursing, Alcohol use (Asmodeus is an emotional drinker), Suggestive (Its Asmodeus), unspecific yet hinted spoiler for those who haven’t reached level 20, Asmodeus (and all demons) can be possessive, and I’m trying to figure out demon mannerisms I’d like to establish so bear with me on this awkward journey
Word Count: ~4,700
So-called "weak" human subduing the Devildom's demon lords? It's more likely thank you think! WATCH OUT... YOU COULD BE NEXT!
Scoffing to yourself, you click off the Dreaddit thread to scroll through whatever else you could find under the "d/human" tag. You expected to make up some of the content, given that you and Solomon were quite literally the only two human exchange students in all nine circles. Yet, it wasn't any less unnerving that most of the top posts seemed to circulate around your "mysterious relationship" with the brothers.
At some level, you understood their fascination and hesitation with you. Your lone quest to free Belphegor during your first year was essentially the equivalent of what would happen if a lone demon managed to ensnare some of the Earth's top leaders under their command. You just wished they didn't have to be so mean about it.
This budding Dreaddit addiction of yours had started the evening prior, courtesy of Leviathan.
"ROFL, what an idiot!"
You two spent a good chunk of the night lounging on his extra-large beanbag chair, surfing Dreaddit posts under "d/R.A.D. memes" on his premium account. Leviathan had excitedly showed you his avatar's exclusive Ruri-chan t-shirt, emphasizing that 9.99 grimm a month was a necessary sacrifice for otakus everywhere, or at least those truly passionate about their fandoms. As his loyal Henry, you'd been privy to sensitive information regarding his identity as both creator and moderator of both the "d/TSLMerch" and "d/RuriChanUpd8s" forums.
"Levi," you chastise, “leave Mammon alone. This is already embarrassing enough."
A user by the name xXLuciferz_LegionzXx had uploaded footage of the second eldest being chased through the school halls by Cerberus.
"I-it's his own fault!" Levi defended. "He shouldn't have tried running off with the Council's debit card."
And try he did.
You watched as the video replayed from the beginning. The shaky scene followed Mammon as he rounded the corner in front of Potions Lab 3 with Cerberus hot on his tail. Looking backwards as he sprinted through the crowd of students, he failed to notice Lucifer already blocking the doors at end of the hall.
You cringed as the familiar "MAAAAAMOOONN" blew through the speakers.
Realizing his fuck up, Mammon skidded to a near-stop to pivot into the hall just before Lucifer. But it was too late. Cerberus, determined to catch the focus of his master's ire, latched onto his pantleg, and quickly pulled him back.
Except, only Mammon's pants went with him.
The video ended with the poor demon being pantsed as Lucifer menacingly appeared before the videographer.
After viewing it for the fifth time, you made a silent promise to treat Mammon to some lunch and TLC time this upcoming weekend.
"Levi. Please?" You sighed and pouted your lip a bit for good measure.
"F-fine, if it's that important to you." Flustered, he clicked off the video and flagged it for inappropriate content before he selected the home page.
"Thank you," you leaned your head on his shoulder, "I appreciate it."
A small squeak left Leviathan as he ducked his head further into his hoodie and kept scrolling.
"Oh? Levi, what's that one say?"
On the screen was a picture of you and Satan sitting together in the library. The time stamp confirmed it must have been taken this past Tuesday when Satan helped you review basic Enochian phrases. He'd recommended taking the language for your free elective this semester and offered to serve as your tutor.
Your brows furrowed as you looked at the post's heading.
"...who do they think they are?" You murmured. "What do they mean by that?"
You hadn't gotten any further as Leviathan quickly shut his laptop.
"Hey, I forgot I bought a new co-op farming-dungeon crawler game I thought you would like. Let's check it out!"
Without warning, he had popped up from the beanbag and headed straight towards his console to set up the controllers.
You gasp sharply as you finally reach the exact post Leviathan had hidden from you last night. Visibly uncomfortable with discussing how you ended up on the top page of Dreaddit, you didn't push him for more details. His diversion occupied you for some time as you kicked slime monster ass and planted dewdrop berries, but the curiosity lingered in the back of your mind throughout the school day.
After dinner and watching an episode of "One Day I Woke Up Reborn as An Oven: One Piping Hot Pie of Existentialism Coming Up!" with Leviathan, you'd returned to your room and set up a basic Dreaddit account. He wasn't kidding, the ads were no joke. Every two to three posts you clicked on led to an ad-break or brand deal, sometimes featuring even Asmodeus or Mammon as a model.
"Ok yea, maybe I'll look into getting premium."
You chuckle to yourself as an ad for DevilGlam Lip Balm in the shade RedRose pops up for the third time and wonder if Asmodeus got to take samples home from the shoot. Because if so-
"I'm definitely gonna ask to borrow it." It was pretty cute.
Exiting out of the ad, you save the picture of you and Satan. Despite the fact that it definitely wasn't meant to be seen by you, the intimacy layered within the shot warmed your heart. Focused on the heading, you had missed the adoring smile curled on his lips as you fumbled through past and present conjugation.
However, you don't miss that this was posted under the "d/Sa10Stans" tag. A peek at the authors username, SatansS0ulmate, is warning enough that you are entering dangerous territory. But the temptation is too great.
You scroll through the comments.
HellsKitchenette: There the human goes again, running through the boys each week like a common whore. I've caught them just begging for attention, it’s pathetic.
RADRum: UGH, I have them in seductive speechcraft, and they're just so annoying!! If you can manage a pact with nearly all of the fucking student council, you can figure classwork out for yourself, slut.
You click on the thread you see forming with over 300 replies and at least 150 upvotes.
DearDeerLights: Wait, what do you mean nearly all the student council?!?!?!
HellsKitchenette: Oh, you poor thing. You didn't know? They've managed to trap our boys, all seven of them.
GroundGossamberry: ACK! You guys scared me, I thought they had gotten to Barbatos or something! But seriously, how pathetic can they be... like having to be coddled in public? Not me, I'd rather drop dead &lt;3
Solomonssock: I see I'm outnumbered, but isn't this a good thing? The whole point of the program is that the human is supposed to study with us. And the lords are their host-family. I don't see anyone in the comments giving Solomon such harsh treatment.
RADRum: At least Solomon carries his weight around. Like come on, after a fucking year of being here if you can't go out by yourself then don't come out at all is all I'm saying.
GroundGossamberry: Yeah...I wouldn't fuck with Solomon; I've seen him in potions. He's brewing liquid death.
HellsKitchenette: Solomon's strength and wit makes him increasingly more bearable, and I admit, dashing. This one...well, there's simply nothing special about them. Anyone who witnessed Lord Leviathan's TSL Quiz last year can attest to the fact that they were all coerced into these contracts. Honestly, the human should be ashamed.
You stop there, your throat constricting in response to your rising panic.
"...oh fuck." Hearing the wobble in your own voice, you swallow thickly and sit up from your bed. Exiting out of Dreaddit, you hurriedly delete the app and set your DDD face down on your bed, tripping over your fallen sheets as you scurry out of your room. You need water, or anything really, to stop you before you start spiraling.
You make the short trip to the kitchen and pour yourself a glass with shaky hands.
It doesn't take a genius to infer that you wouldn't be the most popular person in all the Devildom, but the pure vitriol of the subdreaddit had been a higher dose than you anticipated. Truthfully, the focus on you was the least of your worries.
You shotgun the glass, the cool liquid gliding down your throat and easing the tension that had started to build.
You admit you and the brothers still hadn't fully sorted through the emotional muck that releasing Belphegor had unleashed. You felt assured that your pact with Lucifer was mutual, but Leviathan, Mammon, and the others took precedence in your mind. Did they really feel that way?
The pit in your stomach, persistent and pernicious, prevents you from returning to your room to wallow in your worries. Instead, you pass through the now empty dining hall and open the door to the music room.
The grandiosity of the room isn't lost on you. The gold detailing, polished to perfection, reflects your shaken image. You take up so little of the room, and yet you are suffocated by it.
Shuffling over to the piano, you drag your hands softly over the keys, each muffled note bouncing around the room in short bursts. For a minute or two, you loom over the instrument, dragging out each note, trying to sort a melody from the emotional medley consuming you.
For the outcomes that had transpired the year prior, you were certain you had no regrets. The hatchets had long been buried - at least that's what you led yourself to believe, wrapped up in the arms, and roped into the plans, of your lords once more. The sacrifices and secrets of the past were all to mend a family in danger of falling apart. And yet...
You crash your fist onto the keys, rolling your knuckles into a harsh trill.
The nagging guilt you had thought to have laid to rest creeps up again, coiling tightly around your heart. Its weight drags you forward until your forehead presses against the dark wood. It cools your skin, flushed from the few tears you'd allowed to fall.
You had been reckless. Dived into matters that long existed before you ever did, took the mantle of master of the seven lords, and yes, deceived them to do so. The many times they have attempted to wrong you in the past is not lost on you. But, in the end they are demons, and you are no devil.
You strain to lift your head from the wood and turn to face the mirror beside you. You scoff at your own pitiful appearance. Surely, Dreaddit would have a field day if they could pick you apart now, crying over the grief of your own guilt. Without your lords, you know, you are weak. What good is unbridled power without belief in oneself? You stand proud in a world you were not born to wander because of their faith in you, your dear seven pillars. The thought that you have wronged them wounds you deeply. If they ever came to ha-
Abruptly, you slap your cheeks against your cheeks and stand up from the piano bench. It would be unfair, in the face of your regrets to be so bold as to assume their feelings. Regardless of the past, they have taken you in with open arms, adopting you as part of their family. You are here now, with room and board because of their desire for your return and continued stay.
After a deep breath, you pad over to the large windows stretched across the back of the room. You take in the foliage that surrounds the manor, and chuckle to yourself when your gaze happens upon Cerberus taking Belphegor for a walk. You are so happy, that he is here and whole, that their family is here and whole. You are so happy, yet feel so terribly guilty that you sob deeply into your hands.
You startle as the door to the music room is thrust open.
"Darling, are you in h-", Asmodeus stands in the doorway. Even with his hair in slight disarray, he is gorgeous. The panic in his voice, in his eyes, tapers off as he takes you in. In its stead, bleeds in worry.
"Oh, dear." Softly, he shuts the door behind himself.
Desperately, you wipe at your eyes. It's no use, the puffiness and ragged breath would quickly reveal your miserable state to any being. But you try, and try, and try.
He emerges before you, but still, you hide your face in your hands. Asmodeus's own hands reach for your arms first, but only his fingertips graze you as they test how you respond to his touch. You freeze, but don't step back. The thought of rejecting his touch, even when you feel so unworthy, is agonizing.
"I had wondered where you'd wandered off to." His hands move downward, fingers coming to dance across the expanse of your waist.
Knowing you cannot hide forever; you sniffle and rub at your eyes one last time. You're not ready to meet his eyes, so you don't. You occupy yourself with his hair, hands coming up to push back the soft strands that had fallen out of their usual place. You two stand like that for a moment: the moon casting an ethereal glow on his champagne hair as your fingers coil into its thickness to ground yourself.
The moment cannot last forever.
Fingertips press against your jaw, gently guiding you to face him. You want to run and hide, not bare to him this weakness. Not in the music room, and especially not on a Friday night. Or was it Saturday morning by now? You haven't a clue how much time has passed. Yet, you stay, drowning in pools of light orange that plead for your attention.
"I called, several times might I add, but you didn't answer!" With the dramatic flourish you've come to adore, he sighs and blows away the fringe that has fallen into his face from your ministrations. You try to bow your head, avoid his disappointed gaze, but he holds you firmly in place. His face inches closer, you two nose to nose as he whispers against your lips, "I was soooo worried."
The faint whiff of demonus on his breath lets you know Asmodeus had gone drinking after dinner tonight.
"I went to your room as soon as I got home, but you weren't there." You reach up and press your hand against the one he leaves curled around your jaw.
"Mo," Your heart clenches as tears begin prickling at his eyes. An uneasy and desperate expression you haven't seen since that time overcomes him.
"You left your door open", his cheek presses into your other palm as it moves to cup his cheek, "your sheets were on the floor and your DDD was just there on the bed. Levi said he hadn't seen you since after dinner-" His own sniffle interrupts him, and although you feel you haven't the right, you unfurl his hand from your jaw to press a grinning kiss into his palm.
Your Asmodeus, such an emotional drunk.
"I'm ok."  you whisper against his skin. The pout he forms cues you in on the fact that he heavily doubts that statement. His free hand trails up from your waist to trace the tear stains covering your cheeks. You can feel yourself tremble and will yourself to remain strong for the both of you right now.
You are not the only one laid bare tonight.
"Please, don't leave us,” his head lolls forward to rest on your shoulder with ease. You sigh, threading your fingers through his hair in soothing motions.
"MC," he whines into the junction of your neck and shoulder, "I can't lose you again."
"Mo," you gather him into your arms as much as you can, hushing him tenderly as another whine escapes him, "Asmodeus, I'm here."
His arms wrap tight around your waist, pulling you flush against him as he mumbles, "MC, promise...no. Pinky promise me you won't go! That you'll stay here forever with me." He rocks against you, swaying you both side-to-side.
"A-are you sure-," he attempts to pull back from you, a noise of protest escaping him at your lack of immediate reassurance, but he quiets as your hold on him tightens, "are you really sure that's fine? Could you bear me forever, despite everything?"
You realize as his hands smooth themselves up and down your sides, that you were already shaking.
You know these worries have no place here. This should be a conversation when emotion has not fully overcome the both of you. But nothing is perfect, and nothing is planned when it comes to him or any of his brothers.
 "...bear you? You think you're a burden upon me?" Asmodeus's wounded tone affects you more than you care to admit. It strips you of the willpower to stop him as he pulls back from you a second time.
You try to stutter out a response, but you can't deny it. Asmodeus cocks a hip, expecting a response, but you look away from him. How selfish you are, you think, to have once again made the matter about you. That train of thought doesn't last for long, however. You quickly whip your head back up to face him as an unmistakable oppressive force creeps over the music room and caresses your spine. All at once, discord strikes as random notes are ripped from each instrument. 
Asmodeus is smiling, but dread washes over you as his glamour begins to shimmer and shift.
"Come on, don't ignore me! Who put such a silly thought in your pretty little head?"
His true form pulsates beneath, ready to burst in response to his building annoyance. Glimpses of his wings, wound tight as they flicker back and forth reveals his worry. This display isn't to intimidate you and now would be a good time to say something to appease the demon. But it's embarrassing to admit to the fifth born that complete and utter strangers, demons whose opinions shouldn't matter when you have his attention, have turned your thoughts to the worst.
"Hmm, should I go have a chat with Levi?"
"N-no! It has nothing to do with him."
"No?" Asmodeus's form seems to settle as you finally respond. Only brief flickers occur as he moves past you, sitting on one of the chairs placed in front of the window.
"Then, why is my precious little human in tears?" 
You take in a deep breath. He will not let this go, and you are too tired to form a believable excuse.
"I'm just overthinking, Mo. Really, I'm going to be ok."
"Ah," Asmodeus's eyes crinkle softly as he catches the weakness in your statement, "but you aren't ok now." He motions for you to join him on his lap, but instead you take the seat beside him, leaving the table as a barrier between you two.
He hums to himself, and before you can register it, he sits himself on your lap and threads his fingers through your hair. Replicating, you realize after a long stretch of silence, the pattern you had used on him just minutes before.
"Don't hide your lovely face from me," he whispers against your ear, fingers curling around your jaw again, encouraging you to face him. When your eyes meet, his soften.
"What is it?"
"I.." You begin, but he stops you, clicking his tongue as your gaze starts to trail away from him.
"Mm-mm," when your eyes are firmly focused on him and him alone, he lets out a light purr that rumbles against your shoulder, "there we go, eyes on me."
"Mo, are you really ok with things as they are?"
"Well," he grins at you, shimmying in your lap, "this view is fine for now. But later I'd rather admire you from my bed."
You scoff at his attempt to lighten the mood when he knows you are being serious, but feel your cheeks flush, nonetheless.
"You know that's not what I meant."
"Then what do you mean, darling?" You gulp as his pupils begin to constrict into sharp slits.
"You aren't implying that I'm unsatisfied with you or our current standing, right?" To any untrained ear, his playful lilt suggests a question. However, Asmodeus's tightening grip on you solidifies it as an accusation.
"No, no," he lets out a sickeningly sweet coo, "certainly you understand that your place is beside, over, or under me."
As you sit stunned by the possessiveness that floods his tone, he presses a kiss on the corner of your mouth.
"And you will go nowhere else."
"I-I-" Of all the brothers, Asmodeus had teased you the most with being something more than whatever this situationship was. But how does anyone respond to such a forward declaration - from the Avatar of Lust, no less?
"Oh, sweetheart," Asmodeus adjusts his grip to delicately cup your face with two hands, cooing at you as you tremble more under his touch, "my favorite human is never a burden. Hmm, if you keep having such ugly thoughts, I can't be held responsible for what I'll have to do to distract you. I'll fill your head aaalll with me and me alone, ok?"
"Asmodeus, I'm serious."
His eyes flash, and your heart flutters as a low growl reverberates from deep within his chest, "As am I."
Deciding to change tactics, you wind your arms around his waist.
"I'm not going anywhere, Mo. I don't want to be anywhere else." You rub his back gently in an attempt to reassure him and assuage his fears. You wait until his pupils dilate some before you continue.
"I'm happy here with you, with all of you. I just want to make sure you're happy too."
"Aww, of course I'm happy!" Asmodeus wraps his arms across your shoulders and rests his head atop yours, "I have our sweet MC all to myself tonight."
You sigh heavily, feeling the way he shivers slightly at the drag of your palm over his spine. He's backing you into a corner.
"I feel like you deserve better than me." His breath hitches, but he says nothing.
"I was...thinking of the past. I thought I had no regrets coming here, studying here, becoming Solomon's apprentice, making pacts with you all..."  You halt, feeling Asmodeus's nails dig into the fabric covering your shoulder.
"Yet, you regret them. Your pacts with us?" He hisses.
"Never!" You're shocked with the strength of your denial. With the way he jolts, you guess the finality in your tone surprises Asmodeus too. His head lifts from yours, gaze locking onto your own.
"I don't regret our pact, just the way it came to be." You expect disappointment, anger, even annoyance. But all there is, is Asmodeus's amused expression in response to the confession you'd fretted over the past who-knows-how-long.
"How so?" His knowing little smirk irks you just a tad.
"What do you mean, "how so?"!? I deceived you, all of you, to free Belphegor."
Asmodeus's shoulders begin to shake with laughter. Flabbergasted, you try to find words, but all evade you.
"Deceived the deceivers! Our little human, so powerful and persuasive." Asmodeus mocks, swooning in your lap.
As he finally quiets down, he swipes a manicured thumb over your bottom lip.
“Mm, was I not clear enough then? No one, not even Solomon, has ever made me feel as powerful as you do." His thumb presses down, parting your lips.
"I can't speak for my adorable brothers, but you wanted a pact, and I desired your power. We both got what we wanted and," a hand returns to pet your hair, "maybe even more than we bargained for?"
You snort in disbelief. Your demons, always keeping you on your toes.
"Yeah, something like that."
Asmodeus giggles, pressing a kiss onto your cheek this time.
"No need to get so worked up. Should I go to Lucifer to arrange a family meeting? If you're that concerned, we can take turns," his fingers glide down from your hair to cup the back of your neck as he whispers, "reciting the vows of our arrangement."
"T-that's not necessary, Mo! I get it!"  You squirm in his hold and pout. Always such a tease!
"You're SO cute when you're all pouty. But I've suffered enough tonight by your hand, don't you think?" He hauls himself off your lap and takes a moment to stretch in a manner that is all too slow and all too intentional.
You melt at the mirth swimming in his eyes and wonder why you were ever worried to begin with. Forever, was it? Forever has a nice ring to it.
"Oh, forgive me, dearest. However, can I make it up to you?" Theatrics, your shared love language.
"Well," he begins, giddy when you get up to follow him out of the music room, "a nice long bath together should be enough to soothe my aching heart."
"Not too long," you chide, "your breath reeks of demonus. You need to rest."
"Reeks?!" He squeals and you laugh.
"Aww, I get it. You're worried about me! Oh, I always knew we'd be a perfect match." Asmodeus links his arm with your own and tugs you towards the stairs. You resign yourself to your fate, you don't want to sleep alone tonight anyway.
"Mo." You tsk.
"Fine, fine. We both need our beauty sleep, but I'm keeping you to myself aaalll day tomorrow." You take the time to make sure he doesn't stumble over any of the steps.
"And what will we do then?" The scent of roses floods your senses as you both enter his room. It seizes you whole, fills your lungs, and leaves you entranced. It smells like Asmodeus's signature perfume.
It smells like home.
Asmodeus reaches into his dresser and pulls out a matching set of pajamas. "I believe movies and massages are in order." To your surprise, he also pulls out a matching set in your size.
 "Romantic comedies?"  You can't stop the grin that splits across your lips.
Some time ago, as Mammon and Leviathan argued over whether to watch action movies or a live action rendition of TSL, Asmodeus had curled himself into your arms. Hidden beneath the covers of your bed and in between a stolen kiss or two, he'd confided that drama had once been his favorite genre. But in your absence, romantic comedies had occupied his time. The loveable leads reminded him of you both and the endless joy your unique and unexpected relationship brought him.
"You know me so well~" Asmodeus purrs.
"That does sound nice." You walk over, taking the pajamas from him to set them side-by-side onto his bed.
"Of course it does," Asmodeus tugs your arm and you move to join him in his bathroom, "I always know what you like!"
You move his hands away as he tries to undress you. He pouts but acquiesces, turning away from you to undress himself and slip into the bath.
When you finish undressing, you turn to find him with his head tilted back on the tile and at peace. You admire him for a moment, thankful that such a stunning creature had opened his fragile heart to you.
He doesn't move until you sit beside him, bubbly water sloshing side-to-side.
"So, you'll stay?" His head finds purchase on your shoulder, fingers tangled with yours beneath the water. You lay your head atop his own, pressing a kiss to his locks.
"For as long as you'll have me."
"So," he kisses your shoulder in return, "forever?"
"Forever is fine."
A soft trill escapes him. "I'll be sure to take good care of you."
You sink deeper into the bubbles with a hum.
 "I love you." He murmurs into your skin. 
The warmth sinks into your bones and pulls you deeper into relaxation. You could fall asleep here.
"Hey!" You yelp at the little nip he gives your shoulder. “Tell me you love me too."
You laugh, picking up his head to push your foreheads together. The adoration in his eyes makes your belly all warm and fuzzy. You feel safe here. This is where you want to belong.
"Love you too, Mo."
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celticbotanart · 7 months
You guys really liked the "Ecclectic Halloween" post I did a while ago, so I want to go for another round!!
For those who didn't see the previous post - music is my biggest hyperfixation, and I love making thematic playlists and play with them by adding little rules and such. My "Ecclectic Halloween" playlist currently has over 150 tracks, and all of them are there according to the following little rules I've stablished:
The song MUST include anything supernatural, spooky, bizarre, "murder/serial killer", classic creature and so on - if it's instrumental, which is the case of many tracks in this list, it has to have all of these but in VibesTM
The song can be of ANY genre; is it metal? Prog? Disco? Electronic? Soundtrack? COOL, ALL ARE WELCOME!
I'm still including less widely known / "cliche Halloween songs", and this time I decided to feature songs that are soundtracks (from movies, games, animes, books even!); most of them are instrumental, or feature a heavy use of choir, and/or vocals that are prevalent but doesn't really mean anything (bear with me, you'll see what I mean, lol)
LET'S GET STARTED, part deux!!
1- Only Murders In The Building - Creatures of the Night
Starting off with this banger from the latest season of "Only Murders in the Building"! The original context is that Oliver Putnam, one of the main characters who's a theater producer/director, decides to put on a musical play as one of the main subplots of this season; the show actually presented a couple of full, real songs, and they are all REALLY Broadway-like, campy, and epic (fucking Meryl Streep sings two of them???? It's REALLY good!). The musical's plot is that this woman was murdered in a mysterious lighthouse, and a private Investigator and a Constable comes in to investigate it. The main suspects are the Nanny and... the baby triplets of the deceased woman??? Lol This song is SUPER fun, weird and extra, with that little touch of mystery - it's the "opening act" of the show, and it's the Investigator arriving at the lighthouse, singing with the whole ensemble cast, it's SO cool! I'm including here the actual scene where they perform it, so you can see it! (Spoilers for the last episode of s3, I guess?)
In this eerie old lighthousе thrashed by the tide Live triplets whose mother suspiciously died And suspects uncanny, a constable, a nanny Do they all have secrets to hide?
2- Genshin Impact - Die Mittsommernacht-Fantasie
This one is VERY "mischievous trick or treat" vibes! Very, very fun and colorful, with that little touch of mystery, too! This was definitely one of the best battle themes in Genshin Impact, and it was featured exclusively in a time-limited event last year?? Such a tragedy this good of a song was used only then!
The domain this song appears is themed after the character Amy "Fischl", who roleplays all the time as "Fischl, the Prinzessin der Verteilung"; the domain itself was a huge castle, with big fairytale vibes going on. Fischl is a very dramatic, mischievous character, and this theme really reflects that, in the most fun way! The song has INTENSE baroque influences with the harpsichord as main instrument, and even features a classic/ spanish guitar!
3- Cuphead, The Delicious Last Course - The Finishing Touch
To those unfamiliar, Cuphead is a game that mimics the entire aesthetics, artstyle and music from 1920's cartoons. It's honestly one of the best ideas I've seen, and this one is a song from the DLC released a while ago. It's very spooky, and of course in that 20s cartoon sort of way.
I personally love the super eerie atmosphere, the flute, piano and the strings combo creating all the tension!
4- Young Sherlock Holmes - The Ceremony / Waxing of Elizabeth ("Rametep Theme")
These are technically two songs, but some good soul mashed them together into one cohesive piece, because they both really, REALLY slap hard with the dramatic chorus and Carmina Burana-esque energy! This was featured in the movie "Young Sherlock Holmes", in a scene where a crazy-ass cult is having their gathering, and preparing to mummify this girl.
I have to say the soundtrack is actually better than the scene itself, lol. It has a really impressive crescendo and use of orchestral metals, I have goosebumps every time I listen to it, hnnng <3
5- Ori and the Will of the Wisps - Mora, the Spider
Easily one of the most intense boss fights I've ever played - and the theme really reflects that fear and tension. Mora is a giant spider hidden in the deep, buried shadows of the forest that you, as Ori (a light/forest spirit) has to defeat. It really is a "dark vs light" sort of fight, and the this theme really goes fucking hard. It also has strong horror music elements used in movies of the genre - like the violin pizzicato at the beginning, and its use throughout the piece, giving that "classic horror" feeling to it.
Note how when the choir kicks in around the minute 2:15 - they are chanting "MO-RA! MO-RA!" in such a terrifying way! And then, around 4:50, it really shows how Ori's determination and hope prevails, when their leitmotif starts playing!
6- Yuki Kajiura - Ship of Fools
If you follow me for a while, you know already that Yuki is literally one of my all-time favorite composers ever, so OF COURSE I had to include her here!! She is an OST composer for animes and games, and this was the first song of her I've ever heard - it plays on the very first scene of the "Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles" anime. Yuki is well-known for her dreamy, haunting style and this piece is a huge example of it!
She mixes in electronic, rock/metal, classic and folk genres, and layered vocals (mostly done by singers hired for her projects). This one is also an example of her using the "kajiurago", or "kajiura language" - it doesn't mean anything, it's just vocalizing that sounds like words. They are one of her trademarks, and one of her elements that really gives the etheral, haunting atmosphere in her works!
This song really goes hard into the "mysterious, dangerous witch" territory, and I fucking love it! <3
7- Yuki Kajiura - The Main Theme of Petit Cossette
Another one from my favorite girl - this one is soundtrack to a very obscure anime called "Le Portrait de Petit Cossette" - it's essentially the story of a girl's ghost (Cossette) trapped in an artifact (I think it's a goblet?? It's been over 15 years since I saw it, lol), and this guy who falls in love with her. It's a very weird, dark and atmospheric animation.
This one track here really translates that energy, and I honestly HIGHLY recommend the rest of this OST - it's VERY VERY GOOD, and mostly all tracks have that dark, eerie, gothic vibe too.
Here we can see once more the use of "kajiurago", and another trait of Yuki's work that I fucking love - the intricate solos!! In this case, a violin solo, which is also very prevalent in most of her work.
8- Mary Fahl - Exiles (The Wolves of Midwinter)
Another Anne Rice-inspired! "Exiles" was composed by Mary Fahl as an actual official song for the audiobook version of "The Wolves of Midwinter". I don't know about the book's plot because I haven't read it, but this song is SO atmospheric, and it's very werewolf-y. I personally LOVE Mary's deep voice, and how I can almost see the wolves running in the wintery forest.
When the hunger comes and I lose control Hold me in the darkness, bless my tarnished soul I will run beside you, we'll leave the past behind We'll hide inside the ages beneath the sands of time
9- Karliene - Become the Beast
Technically, the only one of the playlist that isn't a soundtrack - not offcially, anyway, hehe. This is a song that Karliene wrote inspired by Hannibal, the tv show; I haven't seen Hannibal, but I'm OBSESSED about this one, because yeah, it can be about Hannibal, but I like how she's a bit vague about it, so it can also be about werewolves, or any other dark supernatural creature, like vampires.
Her voice is incredible, and I love how "minimalistic" this song is, featuring pretty much only a violin, piano and cello as insstruments. The pizzicato sound comes in again to give that unsettling, classic horror vibe, at the same time her layered vocals + the piano and cello really softens the whole thing, which in my opinion, makes the song so eerie and menacing - even more with the lyrics!
So look in the mirror and tell me, who do you see? Is it still you? Or is it me? Become the beast, we don't have to hide Do I terrify you or do you feel alive? Do you feel the hunger? Does it howl inside? Does it terrify you? Or do you feel alive?
10- Wolfwalkers - Howls the Wolf (Moll's Song - Wolf Run Free)
And closing the "werewolf trilogy" here at the end of the playlist with another favorite of mine - and ending with wholesome vibes! This is a song that plays in the credits of the animated movie "Wolfwalkers" - IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THAT MOVIE YET, AND YOU LOVE ANIMATION, YOU MUST. LIKE FOR REAL. ITS SO GOOD. And the entire soundtrack, written by Kíla and Bruno Coulais, fucking slaps - it's mostly all traditional folk Irish music and instruments, and so full of life!
Wolfwalkers here are people who turn into wolves when they fall asleep - their sleeping body remains behind, as their soul takes a tangible form of a wolf. It's pretty rad!!
And this song, it's Moll, the wolfwalker mother, probably singing this "lullaby" to her daughter, the wolfwalker Mébh (and one of the main protagonists, the red haired little girl in the art above!).
Maria Doyle Kennedy is the one voicing Moll and singing this song, she has such a pretty, soothing voice! I love this song so much, and with the context of the movie, it makes me teary-eyed almost every time I listen to it kjdfhkjdf, ahhhh <3
The wolf will leap from child asleep The wolf will run 'til rising sun The wolf will guide you in your dreams Run free! Wolf, wolf, howls the wolf Wolf, wolf, run free!
Hope you also like this second part!! And it's really cool to see your suggestions in the tags, too <3
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junko222 · 2 years
TYBW Anime Ep. 3 vs the manga - SPOILERS
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Bleach Twitter has been talking a lot about the pacing of the anime as opposed to the manga and the things that are being skipped.
Even though no one has asked for it, I want to lay out my own opinions on the matter in a forum that isn't limited to however many characters.
If you haven't read the manga, you might want to ignore this post. I intend to talk about spoilers for the end.
So one of the things that happens in both the anime and the manga in this section/episode is that Kubo-sensei lays out his THEME for this entire arc.
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As the very groovy Aizen look-alike explains, the answer to the question "Are we on the side of justice?" is very clearly: "No." This will likely end in subjugation--one side will dominate the other, by brute force, not because it's just or right
Later on the same page/in the same scene, prayer bead wearing Aizen look-alike explains that wars only happen because both sides are right (and by implication also both wrong.)
Thus, what bothers me about the missing scenes, namely the lieutenant's meeting, is that one of the things that's revealed there is that Shinigami killed civilians to maintain the "Balance."
In the anime, Mayuri explains it to Yamamoto, but we don't see the evidence laid out in the same way--and that takes some power away. This is kind of a moment that could be read with a certain amount of horror because these civilians were not only unarmed, but also BAREFOOT. These were the poorest of the poor and an armed garrison of trained Shinigami literally rounded them up and slaughtered them on the orders of a 12th Division captain who has the authority to do so without the express permission of the Captain-Commander.
This is a moment.
A big one.
It's a moment where we see the cracks in the foundation of the Soul Society as "good guys." (Arguments can be made that they showed these cracks earlier, but this is the first time Kubo-sensei is being this blatant with his dystopia. He sets out the lieutenant's meeting and then literally allows a character to say, "hey, if we did genocide before, are we the good guys??" and have the answer be explicitly, "mmm, no, not really, but neither are the Quincy.")
So, I was excited when we seem to start to get more Ishida (younger and elder) on screen in the anime. I was very hopeful that we might see some of the Quincy side of the story, which was very much missing from the manga. Like, as the manga readers know, Ishida (younger) appears to join this side and one presumes there is a compelling reason for that, though we only know vagaries about what happened 200 years ago when the Quincy failed to meet the Shinigami demands and the Shinigami wiped them out almost to a man.
This is not being hit very hard in the anime.
More time was spent in the anime watching Juha Bach/Yhwach being a creep to his underlings which just makes the Quincy seem as insane as their master/king. Likewise, we got almost every blow by blow of Ichigo's fight with Nazi-haircut Quincy, which again, only serves to make the Quincy seem insane rather than justified in their anguish... which really they should be. (See Mayuri and Ishida fight in the rescue arc, where Mayuri explicitly states that he's not interested in this so-called last Quincy because he's already had his fill of torturing them and extracting information about them due to this last war.)
I'm glad they gave Ishida more screen time, but most of it was useless. Like, honestly, a flashback to the Mayuri fight would have been more powerful, IMHO, and requires no extra writing/drawing. Ishida's hunting for information about the Quincy's past and then us, the viewers, only getting the voice over of the exact same information that groovy Aizen-look-alike gives didn't feel worth the animation hours. Perhaps, you're thinking, but, Junko, they can't just make stuff up! Yeah, they can. Kubo-sensei is consulting, That means they're paying to put his name on the screen, as having approved of this whole thing. They could have asked him to write three sentences for Ishida to have read that fit whatever his vision is for the Quincy side of the story.
And again, I wouldn't harp on this, but this is literally the episode that SETS UP THE ENDING. Like it or not, Kubo-sensei told us he was going to end on a downbeat, with the Quincy subjugated and destroyed and no sense of justice. It's right here. IN THIS EPISODE. We should see the horror on the faces of the Shinigami who are suddenly made aware that they are complicit in not only genocide of the their hated enemy the Quincies, but also of the people they ostensibly protect in the Rukongai.
THAT would underscore the idea that there is no justice in war. Both sides has war crimes to answer for. We've seen Juha being crazy, we need to see the dark underbelly of the Soul Society.
And let me be clear. Kubo did not do this perfectly in the manga. Anyone who knows me knows that I had a LOT of problems with how this arc played out in the end. I had been hoping, however, that the anime could have been an opportunity to condense some of the endless fight scenes and give this story the backbone that Kubo laid down, but never built up.
Also, am sad we never got grumpy (or thinking face??) Renji at Sasakibe's funeral.
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Also, they skipped on the usual Kubo signature post-death scene where we learn about Sasakibe, his fierce loyalty to Yamamoto, and how he used bankai for the first time in battle only to die.
So, if you love Bleach for these kinds of character moments, the anime seems to be skipping them in favor of the protracted battle scenes, which... I mean, I love fighting anime? I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be happy with an entire 52 episode run of Ichigo just yelling "bankai" and "Getsuga Tensho" over and over!! So, I mean, I don't HATE the anime by any stretch. I'm just a fan fic writer who loves Kubo-sensei for his liminal spaces, his in-between moments.
And so far the anime is light on those.
I'm still deeply pleased to see it happening at all, however.
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underratedmhapoll · 7 months
Alright, so what now? (FAQ kinda sorta)
As, I've said before, the character poll brackets, as I've been posting them, are no longer going to be made for this blog. The process is long and requires such constant upkeep that it's been a big portion of my free time for the last few months and I want to start putting that time elsewhere. I think this is a good end point anyway.
What does no more brackets mean? Firstly, we aren't accepting new character suggestions for a sixth bracket. The inbox will still be wide open but any asks wondering when we'll add Backdraft to the polls will be quietly deleted. I know there are characters we missed but I simply do not have the energy for a sixth bracket. Second, the polls that we do post now will not be tracked. If a character wins a poll, good for them, but they're not moving on to any extra rounds.
Is the blog dead now? No, I do still want to post My Hero Academia related things to this blog but posts will be much more sparse from here on out.
What will you post now that the brackets are done? Remember our one off bonus polls? Yeah, we're going to keep doing those! One off popularity polls of who the best character is under a set theme like 'Best Calvary Battle Team' or 'Best OVA'. Just fun, week long, MHA centered, polls that aren't limited to only two characters or only minor characters like the brackets were. We could even do more silly polls like the AFO vs Miku one.
Can I give you a bonus poll idea? Absolutely! You can send suggestions to my ask box or Tumblr DMs, just a theme is fine but if you have specific characters in mind be sure to tell me. I'll probably keep options for these polls in the 5-8 range but we can go as far as tumblr lets us.
Can I steal the bracket format? Since I'm no longer planning to make underrated character brackets, you are more than free to swipe the idea for characters I missed or for different fandoms. Go for it! I'll even shout you out if you tag me on any up and coming brackets to help get you some traction.
So, about manga spoilers... I've kept this blog relatively spoiler free (trust me for some characters that was NOT easy) but as we go into random silly fun polls I might be a bit more lenient on spoilers, especially when season 7 eventually starts airing. If I post anything that includes spoiler images, characters not introduced in the anime yet or if just the fact that these characters are grouped together is a spoiler, I will tag the post with #mha spoilers and #mha manga spoilers. Please keep that in mind if you don't already have those blocked.
Hey, you didn't address this thing I'm curious about. I have the brain capacity of an overripe banana so if you have any questions feel free to ask me. Anon asks are currently open. I'll edit and reblog this post if something important comes up that I didn't already say.
For now though, I'm going to take a damn nap. Expect new bonus polls soon!
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1065 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back from the break to jump into another chapter of the Vegapunk arc
Red is out in more theaters (I still haven't watched it though which is painstaking), and it's a round number chapter after a break which means something is going down.
Let's see what Oda has for us this week
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Cover page is a Red colorspread of the Straw Hats, Red Hair's 'Top Officers', Koby, Oven and Katakuri, with Uta in the middle
Zoro and Brook note their reason of staying to start with, since it's a Government island they are keeping their guard up and staying back to help bail the others out
Caribou is still on-ship, but he doesn't want to be dropped off on a Government island, even though they agreed to drop him off to the next island
Zoro isn't having his bargaining though, he thanks Caribou for helping Luffy (in a soft manner) and says bye
The Lab group marvel at the use of escalators
Seems that Vegapunk is powering everything by fire (fire being a key element of the story) but natural resources to burn are limited
Lilith is looking into options though, she would love to create her own Sun, not sure if literal or metaphorical
Lilith walks through an entire wall too, is it a hologram?
As Lilith talks to Edison, the Straw Hats also try to grasp this door, which returns to being solid when they go through it
Edison is now chatting with the group via comms
Nami back into burglar mind, it has been a while since she stole anything
Usopp gets a future kick for calling Nami 'either a child or an old hag'
Oh...Seraphim Jinbe
Since they've never seen a Seraphim they try to understand what's going on; actual Jinbe? Long lost son? Coincidence?
Franky though knows it's a Pacifista
The irony that Zoro - the only one of the group who has fought a Lunarian - isn't here to fight the Seraphim
Realising they've been lured into a trap ('tis a Government island after all) the group enter battle stations
Oh...Jinbe has Senor Pink's powers!?
Is it just replication or is Senor Pink dead? Because the Mihawk and Boa Seraphim didn't have fruit powers
Seems Seraphim Jinbe has the Star eyes
With Nami in its clutches, Sanji hits a Diable Jambe Vega Shoes and all
Giant Naked Kaiju Robin also comes out for some more Fishman Karate attacks
Seraphim Jinbe can use Fishman Karate too, so Usopp uses Skull Bombgrass to attack but again it keeps using the Swim Swim powers to escape
Now with Usopp in its clutches, Franky aims for a Radical Beam
Seems the Jinbe Seraphim is called 'S-Shark'
Of course Edison and Lilith are watching the battle unfold, had a feeling it was more of a test run for both the Straw Hats and the Seraphim
Naturally, Edison's design is unexpected, tiny little creature
Edison laments that the Seraphim hasn't been tested for lasers, it also causes Lilith to go a little more feral about the cost
Edison though runs off to have more ideas, leaving Pythagoras - also very robot looking - to collect the battle data
Still kinda hoping Edison's a fraud just because of historic reasons but he gets catto assistants so that's already unfair
We also see York, who is being the Punks' feeder it seems, hive mind and hive stomach I guess
Pythagoras notes how the lineage factor of the Seraphim adapts during the fight, but does that mean that S-Shark recognizes his crew? Or is there like a DNA cutoff point and this was before Jinbe met Luffy?
Also Pythagoras is tiny, he's just got an extra remote body
How can you use the bathroom you're a cue ball with arms??
York again seems to be the bodily needs one, thinned down to regular size and taking a nap
Shaka arrives to call off the Seraphim, and make sure his fellow Punks have had their fill (Lilith remains annoyed that there was not enough bloodshed)
I FUCKING CALLED IT! The Vega Shoes do have restrictive capabilities, since the Lab group are magnetically locked to the floor
I said it here just in case you missed it, since it only got one heart and no reblogs ;_;
Usopp's had it to here with all the people saying they're Vegapunk
"Do you think this island looks like the future?" ...Oh.
Even though Franky's fanning out, Shaka reveals that this is an island of the past
As Luffy's group discovers (Luffy carrying a pipe as his walking stick) with an overgrown mecha, the technology of Egghead isn't new
This is technology from an Ancient Kingdom 900 years ago: Void Century period
Of course Luffy sees something gigantic and wants to play with it XD
Welp, couple of Theory Confirmed moments here
JoyBoyTheories entertained the idea that Vegapunk was being targeted for death because he, like the ancient kingdom, was growing too advanced and the WG prefer to keep the best tech only for themselves, and it seems he was onto something there.
Also I'm still buzzed that my Dom Shoes theory was right like the immediate chapter after XD
We got to see the rest of the Punks too. Honestly, I feel weird about the fact that Oda made all the male Punks look like robots while the female Punks all look like humans (or at least humanoid in Atlas' case). It's not a bad design but it is unusual, at first I thought it was something like the earlier ones look more like robots but Lilith is 02 so that went quickly out of the window. We'll see how it goes though, Shaka does pose an imposing figure and York seems to be the black sheep somewhat - it seems like they use her to bypass other bodily needs and keep working, which would mean if CP0 kill her it'd probably be immediately noticed by the others. I dunno I think I'm still a little thrown that Edison and Pythagoras look like Eggman minions.
Caribou being let off the ship is probably unwise, he is a thief after all, plus it is the last slither of Carrot hope I have because it still pisses me off if we're leaving her ending like that.
Seraphim Jinbe using Senor Pink's Devil Fruit opens a new can of worms about who the World Government have at their disposal, is it really just Warlords? And are they replicating, homaging or using Devil Fruits? The fact that they sent a Jinbe Seraphim means there was definitely a play to not only see how the crew reacted to fighting a child version of their crewmate but to see if any lineage factor impulses have come to play.
The Laputa energy is not lost on me either, my favourite Ghibli movie is getting a lot of similarities in this arc, mainly revolving around the super advanced ancient civilization and near-indestructible mechas, plus we literally have a pirate gang and the government getting involved too, all we need is Franky to do a flex-off with someone.
Simply put Oda's left a lot on the board to sink our teeth into, but still never enough answers to them
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monitorchakas · 1 year
343 Guilty Spark Mega Fan Girl DUMP
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Hi welcome to my trash takes that started sometime before 2007 and has continued well into the future
Fyi: I will talk spoilers without warning for both forerunner saga and rion forge trilogy
Part 1- Bungie Era
Yes I loved 343 Guilty Spark before he got any of his big character development. I'm a huge fan of scifi robots I was also obsessing over portal and hal 9000 around this time. I defend hal 9000 too lmao read the books to find out why
He's round hes cute hes really just following protocol ok leave him alone.
I VIVIDLY remember my highschool friend being like BUT WHY DO YOU LIKE HIM??? and me responding :
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I've always been in love with the "mystery of the forerunners" especially in Halo 1 where we are just walking around this ancient beautiful place with 0 knowledge of it. Guilty Spark has always been the one connection we have to forerunners and that makes him awesome.
even before 343 industries made those (absolutely perfect amazing) terminals we knew that Guilty Spark had been alone for 101,217 years on a ring, he witnessed everyone who was susceptible to the flood die as planned.
Halo 3 Era we learn all he knows is his halo ring because his makers limited his knowledge to only about his ring thru
(which is clever mention at the end of primordium. I know bungie didn't intend it, I don't care still think it's neat) (halo 3 the ark cutscene)
He's always been interesting to me, he never meant to be evil, he's just programmed to be the way he is. He literally doesn't know any better
"Protocol dictated my response"
"Now I have only one function to help you reclaimer as I always should have done"
"The installation was my responsibility"
"I take no pleasure in doing what must be done"
P.S. I've watched the halo 1-3 cutscenes so many times that I can recite some of them word for word. Lmao
I legit made a cardboard foam version of Guilty Spark during this era (and tim dadabo saw pictures of it online!!!) Also wore a Guilty Spark dog tag to school for many days. It was confused a few times with Wheatley and sometimes I just let people think it was Wheatley lmao.
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Also NO JOKE First time I played the library (I was in middle school mind you) had a dream about walking around in the library (empty of flood) and finding a broken little guilty spark. Weird takeaway but Im convinced the universe was foreshadowing my blorbo obsession lmao
Around this time I made a Master Chief costume out of cardboard and got my helmet signed by Steve Downes. I was around 15yrs old, this was literally the greatest thing to happen to little me
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Part 2- Forerunner Saga
I really didn't expect my beloved blorbo bleebus the one skrunkly mofo that everyone else seemed to hate to get content past Halo 3's Saddest Anime Ending. Yet here we are!
Prelude: the halo 3 terminals. I definitely printed the transcript out and read them in class instead of actually paying attention in school lol I remember being obsessed with Mendicant Bias. Funny that he'd later be involved in killing Chakas...
Jan 4, 2011, 2 days before my bday, 1 day after my best friend's bday, Halo Cryptum was released. During the time before this day I was major hyped about this book. I was caught up with all previous halo books, I wanted the mysterious forerunner lore, and best of all here is the chance to get some lore of my favorite Guilty Spark.
I remember preordering this book without paying the extra amount to get it signed. I remember being very confused as to why I'd pay to have a book signed before I had read it. I'll regret this for the rest of my life.....
I absolutely adored Cryptum. I love adventure books and the beginning half is just so amazing and special!!! I remember being slightly disappointed that Guilty Spark never showed up (lol to my knowledge at the time) but the book was SO GREAT that I didn't even care. Also Chakas name was so funny at the time I had recently seen "shaka when the walls fell" - Star Trek TNG
I started stalking when the next book in the forerunner trilogy would release because I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO CHAKAS RISER AND BORNSTELLAR MY POOR BABIES also hopefully Guilty Spark will show up?? Haha!! I remember someone asked 343i in some panel if Guilty Spark had any lore in the forerunner trilogy and they responded something along the lines "we have something big planned for him but we can't elaborate"
Needless to say my hype was astronomical
I watched this video about 101,217 times:
Also hey!! Primordium is releasing Jan 3, 2012 on my best friend's bday!!!
A Great Time For Guilty Spark fan like me
I watched the first few terminals in early Dec then went on vacation and had to finish the rest later which unbeknownst to me worked nicely because this meant Id be reading Primordium and watching the halo cea terminals side by side which made me suspicious of the chakas/guilty spark connection because
Guilty Spark in the library and the maw terminal speaks VERY FONDLY of the Librarian, and Chakas also just speaks very FONDLY of her thru most of the book. Plus Chakas is revealed to be a monitor at the beginning of the book so I definitely was thinking THATS SUS!!!!
Going back to Dec I remember reading the preview first chapter of primordium on vacation at the top floor of my grandma's house by stealing neighbors internet and I don't know why I remember this so vividly I must have really enjoyed this moment
When Primordium released I spent the entire book going "Is Guilty Spark Chakas? No it can't be thats stupid" because reasons explained above and also every time a monitor would show up id think "uhh Guilty Spark???" Thought the same of Genemender lol.
Also forgot to mention: I was at first very upset that they had killed my boy Chakas like what the heck they mean saying he's a monitor How Dare They??? LOWKEY STILL UPSET
I remember being like WOW CHAKAS IS around the same age as me!!!! Which just makes his death ever more tragic.
I've said it before I'll say it again, even before the Guilty Spark reveal, I genuinely enjoyed Primordium. I like adventure books and I like character development. Walking around aimlessly on a halo ring by characters Im already in love with from the previous book is great. Also Gamelpar.... he's so absolutely great.
Remember when people started using Salty as a term? Well I found that silly and slightly annoying so I started telling anyone who would use that word "WELL THE GODS PISS SALT THATS WHY SOME ANIMALS LIVE BETTER IN SALTWATER" Nobody around me understood and my explanations only caused more confusion and I still think thats hilarious.
Anyway book ending. I immediately recognized
Because this is legit my favorite Halo 3 Guilty Spark cutscene. He looks so absolutely adorable here. Look at him!! He does a twirl!! Cuteee!!!! AAAA!!
I definitely was very happy that my earlier suspicions were correct, but very sad that my boy's human life had ended. Such conflict, much sad.
Anyway I made this 343 Guilty Spark plush this year (2012) lol
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So lets talk about primordium releasing in 2012 and renegades releasing in 2019. Do you know how long 7 years is to a nerd like me? Yes Silentium Continued part of the story, but holy shit getting spark back in the current halo timeline then waiting 7 years to continue
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I begin to understand how guilty spark felt after the halo rings were fired just waiting alone for 100,000 years just like me waiting alone for 7 years gosh this is so corny lmao
Silentium was great my favorite part was when Monitor Chakas rescued Bornstellar and said the whole "chakas could have murdered you back on erde tyrene and he didn't" because you know BEST FRIENDS SO PRECIOUS
I have lots of fond memories of listening to the forerunner trilogy audio books during long car trips. One time we were on our way to take a ferry to an island and I jokingly went "I hope they are playing the right songs" to which my brother rolled his eyes (I was referencing the merse lol). I associate a lot of my adventures with halo audiobooks and its awesome.
I remember Halo 4 came out and I thought for sure we'd see Spark when we saw the Librarian
Lol Nope. Not mad, Halo 4 is a masterpiece and I will forever miss that era of halo especially now that we have the train wrecks that are 5 and 6.
When Halo 5 came out, I didn't buy the game. I watched the cutscenes on youtube, was horrified and didn't interact with halo for about a year or so. I fell behind on the halo books. I'm still behind.
I still occasionally stalked Guilty Spark's Halopedia for that possible Primordium sequel but this was much less often than before. I was very upset at what they did to our Cinnamon roll Cortana.
Part 3- Rion Forge Trilogy
So May 11 2019... I check Guilty Spark's halopedia page because hey I haven't done this in years what the heck
and I see the Armiger...
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So after waiting 7 years. I finally got my book.... But Im almost 3 months late...
Needless to say I went that same day to Barnes and noble and bought the book. Started reading it and didn't get very far. I still had not read Smoke and Shadows so lol didn't make much sense. I couldn't find a local bookstore that had it so I got the digital copy. I hate digital copies.
I genuinely LOVED Smoke and Shadows I was very upset when they killed Cayde and its cool that Rion is Halo Wars Forge's daughter. Also FINALLY SOME EVIL SPACE CIA LORE. I hadn't enjoyed that since back when hunt the truth came out
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On to Renegades: I was so genuinely excited for this book after 7 years, we got the sequel, And what a great sequel it was.
I love how organic and down to earth these books are. It's own style not something epic and out there like Greg Bear. It's the perfect place in time for Spark to regain touch with his own humanity.
I love the relationships of all the characters! I love watching them all forced interact with Spark whether they wanted to or not (Niko sure wanted to lol)
Gonna list some highlights from the book in no particular order:
When they went to Myer's Moon and Spark sat on top of a rock waiting for the right moment to shoot a fish out of the water. You don't understand. I grew up near the ocean, sitting on top of rocks waiting for an opportunity to catch a fish (which I later released)... this is absolutely great and so oddly close to me...
When Spark compared himself to Niko, where he said something along the lines of "the life and friendships stolen from me (chakas) since he was Niko's age when he became Spark. Also him wondering if his mom and sisters ever looked for him, if they thought he died in a knife fight. My brother is now near Chakas age. So that hits differently now...
When they got their stuff back from ONI and Spark snatched up Rion from falling and him later snatching up the siblings and lecturing them to be more careful!!
Spark going back to Erde Tyrene.... holy shit. I remember him asking to go back in Silentium...
Spark telling the librarian that "the greater good is merely an excuse for the strong to make decisions for the weak"
Them doing the ritual at the end and Spark letting go of his friends....pain...
This book was definitely very special to me. I'm really glad they put so much thought and love into this redemption arc. (Even though he didn't need redemption in my eyes lol)
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I remember how EXCITED I WAS for Point of Light
I remember just doing the weirdest most EXCITED scream when I saw it announced. And I mentioned it before will repeat I legit was freaking out internally when buying this. I was legit stupid levels of excited. I remember vividly how I felt when buying this...
I loved the connections we got in point of light to forerunner trilogy. I said this before but for the sake of this post: To prepare for this book I had reread a month or so before the forerunner trilogy and the two Rion Forge books and that was so absolutely rewarding especially since..... poor Spark got sent back to Zeta halo by the librarian. What a great mom!! /s
Gonna list some highlights from the book in no particular order:
Spark's redesign for this book is not only lore accurate but he looks GREAT much better than renegades
Spark and Little Bit interacting. I wish we got more....
The as was before place or w/e where Spark liked to pretend he was still Chakas on earth
Going back to installation 07 was great (horrible for Spark) but great to read, the silent cartographer.... omg... why wasn't it in infinite...
There were a few moments where Spark was doing "cool ai stuff" like when he destroyed all of ONIs bugs and trackers
Spark's (brief) interactions with Veridity (lowkey mad we didn't see her in infinite
When Spark was explaining how Chakas (innocently) thought he could trick the primordial/mendicant bias and escape
The ending.... where Spark says goodbye to Rion as Chakas and does a smirk..
Fun Fact! At the beginning of this book Spark talks about how his mom says to not dip you toes in still water since there's crocodiles and I read this a few days before I had plans to go kayaking in a swamp with gators and I was already pretty spooked about it and this didn't help lol.
Anyway I could continue but I think this enough random incoherent babbling from me. If I forgot to add anything Ill reblog or something
Thanks for coming to my SparkTalk
Ill leave you with my custom figure of Spark ❤
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Never forget that he's baby lol
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boosmidnighthour · 5 months
Total Drama 2023 [Season 1] Rewrite: Notes
I've been thinking about this for a while; it's the reason I made this account. For the most part, I'm just adding time to give the characters more time to bond. The season goes by too quickly, in my opinion.
If you're interested in what I want to change with this rewrite, continue below.
(Major and minor spoilers for TDI 2023, seasons 1 and 2.)
I want to try and make this season feel a little closer to Total Drama Island. The last few seasons have been thirteen episodes, and just feel so short a lot of the time, and it doesn't feel like the bond between some characters is strong enough for what the writer's go for sometimes.
To Add
Extra episodes; I tried rounding up to twenty (20) episodes total from thirteen (13).
☆ An extra episode at the beginning to give the characters time to meet and allude to the future relationships. The challenge will be the next episode. ☆ An extra episode for the finale. I know that it might seem pointless, but I want the characters to reunite in the first part of the finale, the finalists to talk more about what they plan to do with the million, the losers to choose who to back up during the challenge, etc. Then the last episode will mostly focus on the challenge, and then more on how the characters react to who loses. ☆ An episode to split up Wayne and Raj's eliminations. Otherwise, it'll be used as a non-elimination episode. ☆ At least three (3) non-elimination episodes. Adds drama, and it gives the characters more time to learn about one another. (The main reason for the rewrite is just the fucking lack of bonding, and random cuts that bother me.)
I want to see more hints to RipAxel. I need it. Even if it's just an added moment or two.
Because of the added episodes, I'll have to make some new challenges up. I'm the worst at that, so I'll probably ask for help with that.
To Change
Give Raj more time to come out to Wayne. Why did he wait to tell him in the first place? Why did he wait until they were in a life or death situation? These questions should be more explored.
Chef's attitude kinda flip flops at the last second this season. He's got his Total Dramarama personality for most of the season, and then during the finale he goes back to torturing the contestants. I kinda want to return him to his original state, where he was a massive dickhead to the contestants all of the time.
Even though I hate Chase, I think he should've been more involved with most of the challenges. Emma, too. They both were on a YouTube channel that did ridiculously dangerous stunts all of the time. Plus, Chase is very clearly just his YouTube personality all of the time. He should be more obnoxious about it.
I want to try and do confessionals the way they did it in the first season of Total Drama, where they did the confessionals when they actually had the time instead of while they were talking. For example; the episode where Cody was mauled by the bear and he was in a full body cast and wheel chair during all of his confessionals. You didn't know why that was the case until closer to the end of the episode.
☆ If this proves to be annoying, I just won't do it.
The theme for the challenges is just... all over the place, so a lot of the challenges don't feel like they fit. I'm gonna try and make challenges closer to around the same theme, that way they don't feel out of place. This means some challenges will be changed or replaced, and a couple of challenges will be placed later on in the timeline just because I think they should be used more for later contestants to give them a greater challenge.
☆ Also, I don't believe for a second that Chris would leave the writing to "angry monkeys"; he enjoys torturing the contestants way too much on his own. Why would he give his favorite thing away to rabid animals?
The constant repeating of what's going on annoys me. “Oh, no- they’re dropping too early!” “Oh, no- we’re dropping too early!” We got it the first time. Have one or the other say it, not both.
The selfie episode will stay, but I'm changing the animals to those that would actually be seen in that area of Canada. I don't think Chris would use his precious budget to rent out a zoo of animals, especially when knowing he's get sued for losing those animals.
Some episodes will have their names changed. They just don't really have anything to do with the episode itself besides the pun.
To Remove
I'll be removing the cassowaries and the raptors. I understand that they were used for pivotal things in the plot, but you could easily replace those with the animals already confirmed to be on the island. Like a bear, or the Sasquatchanakwa.
The fart episode will be removed. Ripper can keep his lifetime wish, but I don't think they should've had a whole episode for farting. It's just so uncomfortable to watch, and the writer's practically force you to watch it just because they put so many crucial moments in that episode, such as Julia's change in personality, another tiny Rajbow moment (that I will be expanding), and Damien gaining his confidence.
Poll Decisions
Chef will be like his old self, just softer. Kinda like how he was with DJ in Action.
There will be a mix of creative censorship and actual cursing.
There will be occasional cameos from the first generation of Total Drama.
If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or suggestions, please don't be afraid to voice them.
This post will most likely change the longer I focus on this and remember something I had forgotten.
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risu5waffles · 1 year
CW: self-harm, injury (post stitches photo, no gore)
So, we talked a bit on stream last night, and i don't know how much sense anything made beyond the concrete details. It's hard to put into words really, where my head is. Even when things are happening, like, i know they're real, and the result of decisions i am making, have made, but they don't feel really real? i've thought a lot and a long time about cutting myself, and i never really thought it was a particularly good idea. i didn't see it in any way constructive or helpful. i wasn't even really sure it was filling a bad need. And yet, i'd find myself, now and then, digging in wiv a box cutter, like, "ope, i guess this is what we're doing now, then." And even then, even now, my brainmeats are like, "what's this chickenshit now? How come you can't even lean into this ? We've known gals what look like they've been rolling round in bobwire." It's true. i've known more than a few gals who've gone and really fucked themselves up, and thinking of them, and looking at my arms, and even now i think to myself, "oh, we could go way harder than this."
So, yesterday i did. Not that that was the intent. To the extent there was an intent. i'd been putting it off wiv tasks since the night before, 'cause that works sometimes. "Can't do this now, we've got laundry to do, don't want blood on clean clothes. Well, now we're home, but how about a run of Isaac first. Oh, well, now we're too tired to get up to dickens. Oh, it's morning, but let's record a few archive episodes first. Well, those'll have to get edited now." Sometimes it's just loading one more thing and one more thing, keeping yourself busy long enough that the feeling passes. And usually you're lucky. And then sometimes there's a gap.
i didn't even really feel it. That's bothered me in a lot of different ways since this started. Like, it ought to hurt. That i've so divorced myself from myself it didn't feel much worse than a scratch. i knew i'd really fucked up this time when the wound spread open and i could see i'd cut down into the fat. It bled surprisingly little. And even then looking at it, and knowing this was a really bad scene, there was a part of me that was like, "this ? This ain't nothing. run it under a tap a bit, slap on a bandage, and get on wiv your day." Even now i half-think that, even though i know it's pure-d bullshite. Was worrying about infection that got me to go the ER. It'd be one thing to hurt myself and wind up wiv an ugly scar. It'd be quite another to get sepsis and die. i'm not well, but i'm not suicidal. Well, not actively suicidal. i've been thinking of suicide on the daily since i was a kid. But i still don't particularly want to die? It's a hard distinction to explain, and generally i just don't try to, and live wiv the results.
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(i have some other, worse pictures, so i have something to throw at the brainmeats and say "yes, actually, this was bad." those pictures will not be shared. ever)
Can we talk for a moment about affordable healthcare? Now it's pure bullshite they tagged me an extra 7700yen for not having a referral (to the ER?! Like, what?!), but that means the cleaning and six stitches i got ran me 2000yen. The looking at i had this morning (they wanted to be sure my arm wasn't going to fall off. Spoilers: it is not going to fall off)? 220yen. i don't even want to think what that would've cost in the US. Would probably have to cut my arm off to pay for it. Now, i'm of the mind healthcare shouldn't cost anything at all, and the Japanese system is far from perfect, but... like... i was able to afford it.
The last time i did this, which did not require stitches, couple of weeks back? It was in one of those gaps where i couldn't do anything but wait for the episode i was working on to render, so i could start up the next. So, i look up from it, from my arm, looking for something to clean away the blood and see how bad it was this time, and there's the episode bumper up on the telly. "For fierce trans joy" all in big letters. And i felt such a sense of shame. Just deep, weary shame, like i was caught in a betrayal of community. A betrayal of concept. "Is this, am i, what 'fierce trans joy' looks like?" i felt such disgust and self-loathing. And still it did not stop yesterday from happening.
So where am i? Where are we? i have responsibilities to my community, if to nothing and no one else. i do take what i do, as little as it may be, seriously. That's why i decided to talk about it last night, and why i'm setting things down here, now. i'd rather have folx know, and be able to decide how or if they want to be wiv me, than not know and be hurt and surprised later? If i can't do right by the people who've done right by me, what kind of shitheel am i?
i'd like to say yesterday (or worse) won't happen again, but i didn't think yesterday was going to happen until it was happening. i can say, at this exact moment, i don't want to cut myself, but i'm not entirely sure that's a meaningful statement? All things considered? i'm trying to set up a trip to see my folx this summer that is really also a trip to see if i can finagle my way onto HRT somehow. i don't think progressing wiv the meatside of my transition is going to magically cure how deeply fucked my processing has gotten, but i know the past four years (four years already? Fuck me sideways) not making any real progress at all has not helped in the slightest. Figuring my shite out on the eve of a global pandemic was, as the kids say, a spot of poor timing. Besides, to the little extent i actually feel want, i want this. That has meaning all on its own.
So, yeah. That's the that. Things internally suck. i had a pretty bad scare. My brainmeats are still trying to downplay everything. But, like, i don't want to die. And today was a nice day. i put on my best dress, and went out to Kichijoji, and bought some stickers. i'm making curry, because even if i don't ever feel particularly hungry, i know i have to eat, and my curry is pretty good. Tomorrow's another day off (was s'pposed to work today, but, like, hospital), and hopefully it'll be nice, and i'll get a few things done and go down to Harajuku and look at all the pretty clothes that not even cis girls fit in (seriously, the first time i went, i thought the shops were stocking for actual children).
Love all y'all. You take care now, stay safe, and have a wonderful day.
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(i didn't bring the parking sign, it just hasn't been in any pictures recently)
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(old hands, can you pick out the new stickers? if you can tell me, you get a cookie. also my undying love. but you'd have gotten that anyway)
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nanaminokanojo · 2 years
[8:00 AM] Kuroo X You
CHARACTERS: Kuroo Tetsurou X You WORD COUNT: 700+ GENRE: fluff | married life | timeskip/aged-up characters CONTENT WARNING: some suggestive language SPOILERS: n/a
collection masterlist
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A smile etched itself across your mouth when you heard Kuroo moan, the sound muffled by your lips which were latched onto his in covetousness, your arms keeping him in place by the neck while his were undecided on whether to keep you at bay or to pull you closer to him as they rested on your hips.
You were supposed to be helping him get ready for work. It was "bring your kid to work" day, and you were strapping the carrier around your husband and helping him straighten out his navy blue blazer. You didn't know what got to you, but seeing Kuroo dressed for work while making cooing noises at his 15-month old replica was just so endearing that you found yourself pulling him down to you and kissing the hell out of him.
He just made you so damn happy all the time even before you got married and even more so every single day when you would look at your infant son and see your whole world in those amber eyes which he got from his daddy. It was like having a piece of him with you all the time even when he would go away on long business trips, and it was your way of thanking one Kuroo Tetsurou for existing in your life, creating another with you.
Kuroo and you weren't perfect and you've had your ups and downs, but you knew he always went the extra mile for you, always being the one to compensate for every gap in your relationship and you guessed that made him just perfect for you. He's beyond just being a good husband, and you knew in your heart of hearts that he'll just be as perfect as a father.
"We're gonna be late," he pulled away very quickly to say, but at odds to his words, he was immediately back to melding his lips with yours, making you want to laugh.
It was your turn to keep him in check when you felt his large hands feeling their way up under your shirt. "Sweetheart, you are gonna be late if you do that."
Kuroo flashed you that infamous smirk of his. "Maybe I should call in sick."
"No. You're bringing our Tatsuo to work and I get to be a single lady today."
Kuroo chuckled, holding you closer as he rested his forehead against yours. "Don't enjoy it too much, being this single lady you speak of. We'll be home before you know it."
You scoffed. "You know I won't. I already miss holding Tatsu. Return my child to me in the same state, or I will murder you, Daddy."
Kuroo laughed, repeatedly kissing your forehead. "Our child. But of course. What do you think if me?"
"My instructions, Tetsu."
"Yes, my love."
Just then, you felt a smaller hand touch your cheek, making you look at your son who looked so adorable in his grey cat onesie, round cheeks, pudgy hands and all. You bent your knees slightly, brushing your nose against the small person you brought to life with the man before you. Your kid giggled but then smiled at you as if telling you that everything will be okay.
"Mommy misses you already. Be a good boy and take care of your dad, okay?" You weren’t expecting a response, but then your little angel started babbling. “Smack him on the head if he as much looks at another woman the wrong way.”
Kuroo made a face, appalled. “How could you think that way about me? I only have eyes for you, baby.”
You snickered. “I know. I was just kidding.” You said that but winked as you softly touched Tatsuo's nose, playfully narrowing your eyes at him when he somehow seemed to smirk like his father.
"What about me? Are you gonna miss me today?" Kuroo asked.
One last time, you straightened his clothes and reached up to peck him on the lips. "I love you. And I always, always miss you. Come back to me in one piece, both of you, and no, Bokuto can't give Tatsu any more sweets."
"Copy that. We love you, too. Have fun at the spa, and please don't be calling every hour." Kuroo squeezed your hand. “We’re gonna be fine.”
"Okay. That's a promise."
"We're off, my love."
You squeezed his hand back before letting go. "Dinner's at seven, boys."
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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yotome · 1 year
Cynic seeks route to experience actual emotions
(minor not very important spoilers for Sariel)
My first route was Clavis. He's actually the reason I started Ikepri, and I liked him much more than I thought I would - I tore through that storyline twice like nobody's business! In other words, he set a pretty dang high standard.
Next, there was Chevalier. Gotta understand Chevalier to understand Clavis, right? I got through both runs in decent time, though occasionally Chev's MC over-otomed me, and I would have to take a recovery break to handle my alarmingly berserk blood pressure.
I read one of Leon's routes after that, and he seemed like a cool dude. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do both, though, so I tried Yves. He is baby.
I next landed on Sariel's route. It had just been released, after all, plus he's purple and wears glasses for extra cool points. It didn't seem to be going much of anywhere for me at the start, but hey, you never know! It could ramp up!
Then I got to the first hint of romance, and ...
Oh. She fell off something (stairs? ladder? the floor?) because otome, but held onto her books also because otome because she treasures them greatly. He's kinda touched by the strength of her passions overcoming the instinctive fear of a fall, or something (i.e. she didn't catch herself). She thinks he's hot and possibly morally questionable. Yes, honey, he is both. He wouldn't wear a pant leg made of belts if he was just some normal guy.
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I tried to go "aww" but found the impulse utterly missing. I wasn't even irritated, weirdly enough. Hello? Heart? You still in there?
... No response.
At that point, I stopped reading his route. I didn't change to another suitor, as I kept telling myself that I'd resume in a little bit. Of course, life happened, and there were days where I forgot to log in ... which is when the app started doing THIS:
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The first time it happened: I guess that's kinda cute.
The secondish time: You already told me that.
The ??? time: Dammit Sariel, get over the punishment gag already. What are you, a minister or a one-trick pony??
The most recent time: YOU THINK YOU CAN PUNISH ME, DO YOU? FOOL. YOU HARDLY KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD. I'LL MAKE YOU TALK TO CLAVIS FOR 24 HOURS STRAI... hold up, am I getting dramatic at an app notification??
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So I'm thinking that's a sign I probably should change routes now. :D (And block the notifications.) I just don't have a particular route I really want to start at the moment, so I must ponder. I am leaning towards avoiding Nokto, mostly because I Strongly. Dislike. Suitors. Getting all up in my MC's space, and I just have A Bad Feeling About This (TM) when it comes to him.
That still leaves:
Jin "I like the tiddies so much I got my own set" Grandet, either route
Leon, who is definitely a Good Guy but his armor looks too loose somehow, round 2
The actual Muffin Man, Yves*, round 2
Licht, who I understand has some Srs Probbems, either route
Luke "Eh" Randolph, who seems eh in turn?, either route
Or heck, I could just ride the roller coaster of bad decisions made with the best of intentions again. You do you in every route and event, Clavis, and I appreciate that. You do you.
*it is only thanks to this game that I know "Yves" is pronounced "eve." Not all "Yeh-ves" weird like I'd been saying it FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE. Thanks, otome! The more you know.
** I did not know anyone named Yves, so I never heard the name said out loud and just ... well, I'm gonna pronounce all the letters I see written unless someone tells me otherwise. That's how my brain rolls.
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ifthatslove · 8 months
KDP interviews in SOD 9/25/23
SOD can't get enough of KDP -- no cover picture this week like last week, but she does get a blurb on the cover advertising her interview on her return to GH.
She has two interviews in the mag. First, non-spoiler-y stuff. T&B stuff in red for people who are extra excited about those details.
Article 1: "Kassie DePaiva on GH Comeback"
Quick Recap: Frank Valentini (current GH EP, former OLTL EP) called her and asked her if she'd be interested in returning for two days. She says she got the call on the way back from visiting both her parents in Kentucky and Robin Strasser (Dorian) in Ohio; she says she always visits RS when she goes to see her parents.
KDP agreed to return without even knowing her story. She says she did at first assume she'd be working with RH and then realized that wouldn't work because RH isn't playing Todd anymore.
She was thrilled to learn that she'd work with Michael E. Knight (Martin) and Jane Elliot (Tracy). She says JE is one of her favorite people and actresses and tells an emotional story about how she met JE shortly after learning that J.Q. was deaf, and JE grabbed her and told her that J.Q. had chosen KDP to be his mom. KDP calls it a life-changing moment and she's been friends with JE since. She also talks about loving MEK and working with him on that What-If segment that was directed by FV years ago.
She ran into RH on the set, and I'm going to quote this part because it's very sweet and paraphrasing wouldn't really do it justice:
"He didn't even know I was coming," she reports. "I was finishing up my scenes with Jane, and Roger came in to dry-block his scenes, all sweaty because he'd been working out, and he looked at me like, 'What?!' And he grabbed his heart, and I grabbed my heart."
Additional stuff about T&B would count as spoilers, so it and all the other spoiler stuff is below the cut or whatever the kids say these days.
Okay, I'm just going to go ahead and quote this part too because, well, again, I can't really do it justice paraphrasing:
When Blair hits Port Charles, she is revealed to be Martin's ex-wife, which suggests that her marriage to Todd on the 2013 online OLTL reboot didn't last. "The Todd issue is not addressed," DePaiva shares. "I hope our little ONE LIFE TO LIVE fan base isn't upset by that. But I think, knowing Todd and Blair, something happened -- she probably thinks he's dead and he's not or something. I don't think Blair would ever give up on him."
Lots of things change. But KDP knowing exactly what T&B fans want to hear is not one of those things.
Other stuff from this article relevant to our interests: KDP had a blast at GH, loves what they did with Blair, that she's "sharp and successful regardless of who she is married to or who she is divorced from!" (KDP's words). She hopes she'll be asked back.
Article 2: "GH Preview: Blair Returns!"
I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this one because most of it has to do with the scenes that aired today, and KDP basically just summarizes it for us.
But we do get this about the scenes that will air on Monday: KDP says that Blair and Martin do some fun bantering because she's basically toying with him and threatening to tell Lucy that Martin stole the idea for The Deceptor from Blair. She seems to like the scenes and says she and MEK have good chemistry.
The magazine has some pics of KDP's time on set, including the shot of her and RH that has been making the rounds online. If you get a chance to get the issue, I'd get it to support the magazine, support KDP, etc.
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