#SIP protocol
phonesuite · 3 days
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This blog article is a comprehensive guide, We’ll delve into the multifaceted advantages of VoIP and how it can revolutionize your business operations. Hotels that embrace modern communication methods, including guest messaging, gain a competitive advantage. Learn More...
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phonesuitedirect · 1 month
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In this blog post, we look at some emerging trends in 4G/5G/6G technology and explore how embracing them can help you develop your business into the hotel of tomorrow. Read More...
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wholesalevoice · 4 months
What Features Are Offered by Leading SIP Trunk Providers?
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When it comes to business communication, having a reliable and efficient system in place is crucial. That's where SIP trunk providers come in. They offer a range of features that can enhance your communication infrastructure and take it to the next level. From VoIP integration and call routing to PSTN connectivity, leading SIP trunk providers have it all.
Imagine seamlessly integrating your VoIP system with your existing infrastructure. With SIP trunking, this becomes a reality. Leading providers offer robust VoIP integration capabilities, allowing you to streamline your communication channels and improve overall business efficiency. Whether you need unified communications or advanced call features, SIP trunk providers have the tools to make it happen.
PSTN connectivity plays a vital role in ensuring reliable communication between SIP trunks and traditional phone systems. With leading SIP trunk providers, you can count on robust PSTN connectivity that enables crystal-clear voice quality and uninterrupted communication. Their SIP gateways act as a bridge between the digital and analog worlds, ensuring seamless connectivity and eliminating any potential disruptions.
Efficient call routing is another feature offered by leading SIP trunk providers. They leverage advanced technologies to optimize call routing, saving you costs and improving the overall call experience. Intelligent call routing directs calls to the most appropriate endpoints, ensuring that they reach the right destination quickly and efficiently.
But it doesn't stop there. Leading SIP trunk providers also offer wholesale voice solutions for enterprise needs. Whether you require scalable and flexible communication options or comprehensive disaster recovery solutions, these providers have you covered. They understand the unique requirements of businesses and provide tailored solutions to meet those needs.
When selecting a SIP trunk provider, factors such as quality of service, security features, and service level agreements should also be considered. Leading providers prioritize these aspects, ensuring that you receive a reliable, secure, and high-quality communication experience.
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In this article, we will delve deeper into the features offered by leading SIP trunk providers, explore real-world case studies, and provide you with a comprehensive guide on selecting the right provider for your business. Stay tuned to discover how partnering with a leading SIP trunk provider can revolutionize your business communication.
Understanding SIP Trunking Services
SIP trunking services, offered by reputable SIP Trunk Providers, have become a vital component of modern communication systems. Using the session initiation protocol (SIP), businesses can connect their private branch exchange (PBX) systems to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) through an internet connection.
With SIP trunking, traditional phone lines are replaced with virtual connections, allowing businesses to make and receive calls over the internet. This eliminates the need for separate physical phone lines and enables cost-effective and efficient communication.
One of the key benefits of SIP trunking is its flexibility. Unlike traditional phone systems, which have a fixed number of lines, SIP trunks can be easily scaled up or down to accommodate the changing needs of businesses. This scalability allows for better resource allocation and cost savings.
SIP trunking also offers improved call quality and reliability. By leveraging the internet for voice transmission, businesses can enjoy high-definition audio and clearer conversations. Moreover, SIP trunk providers often include robust redundancy and disaster recovery solutions, ensuring uninterrupted communication even during unforeseen events.
Another advantage of SIP trunking is its ability to enable PSTN connectivity. Businesses can connect their SIP trunks to traditional phone systems, allowing them to make and receive calls using existing hardware. This integration helps organizations leverage their existing infrastructure while enjoying the benefits of SIP trunking.
Overall, by adopting SIP trunking services from reputable providers, businesses can streamline their communication systems, reduce costs, and enhance their overall productivity. The next section will explore the integration of VoIP systems with SIP trunking, highlighting the benefits of this unified approach.
VoIP Integration for Enhanced Communication
SIP trunk providers play a crucial role in enabling seamless integration with VoIP systems, enhancing communication capabilities for businesses. By embracing VoIP integration, companies can leverage the power of unified communications to streamline their operations and improve overall efficiency.
Unified communications refers to the integration of various communication tools and platforms into a centralized system. This allows employees to access a wide range of communication channels, such as voice calls, video conferencing, instant messaging, and email, all from a single interface. With VoIP integration facilitated by SIP trunk providers, companies can achieve a higher level of collaboration and productivity.
Through the integration of VoIP systems, businesses can experience several benefits. Firstly, VoIP enables cost-effective communication by utilizing the internet for voice calls rather than traditional phone lines. This eliminates the need for separate phone systems, resulting in significant cost savings for businesses.
Additionally, VoIP integration allows for greater flexibility and scalability. SIP trunk providers offer businesses the ability to add or remove VoIP channels as needed, accommodating fluctuations in communication requirements. This scalability ensures that businesses can easily adapt to changing needs without incurring unnecessary costs.
Benefits of VoIP Integration:
Cost-effective communication through the use of internet telephony
Improved collaboration and productivity with unified communications
Flexibility and scalability to meet changing communication needs
Enhanced mobility and remote accessibility
Seamless integration with existing communication systems
In summary, VoIP integration facilitated by SIP trunk providers empowers businesses with efficient and unified communication solutions. By leveraging the benefits of VoIP systems, companies can optimize their communication workflows, enhance collaboration, and achieve a competitive edge in today's digital landscape.
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Robust PSTN Connectivity for Reliable Communication
When it comes to business communication, reliability is key. That's why having robust PSTN connectivity is crucial for businesses seeking uninterrupted and dependable phone system connectivity. SIP trunk providers play a vital role in ensuring this robust connectivity through the use of SIP gateways.
SIP gateways act as the bridge between SIP trunks and traditional phone systems, allowing for seamless communication between the two. They enable businesses to connect their IP-based phone systems to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), ensuring that calls can be made and received without any disruptions.
With SIP gateways, businesses can leverage their existing phone systems while taking advantage of the cost savings and additional features provided by SIP trunking services. Whether it's making local or international calls, SIP gateways ensure that the communication is reliable and of high quality.
By partnering with a leading SIP trunk provider that offers robust PSTN connectivity, businesses can enjoy the benefits of a dependable and efficient phone system. They can confidently communicate with clients, customers, and partners, knowing that their calls will go through smoothly and without any hiccups.
Benefits of robust PSTN connectivity provided by SIP trunk providers:
Reliable and uninterrupted communication
Seamless integration between SIP trunks and traditional phone systems
Cost savings by leveraging existing phone systems
High-quality voice calls, both local and international
With robust PSTN connectivity provided by SIP trunk providers, businesses can achieve reliable and consistent communication, allowing them to focus on their core operations and serve their customers effectively.
Efficient Call Routing for Cost Savings
When it comes to business communication, efficient call routing plays a crucial role in ensuring seamless connectivity and optimizing costs. Leading SIP trunk providers offer robust call routing capabilities that enable businesses to streamline their communication processes and drive cost savings.
Call routing involves the intelligent distribution of incoming calls to the most appropriate destination within an organization. With SIP trunking, businesses can leverage advanced call routing features to enhance their overall communication efficiency. These features include:
Automatic call forwarding: Incoming calls can be automatically redirected to different extensions or departments based on pre-defined rules. This ensures that calls are efficiently routed to the most suitable individuals or teams, minimizing the need for manual intervention.
Time-based routing: Businesses can set up call routing rules based on specific time frames. For example, calls received outside of office hours can be redirected to voicemail or a designated on-call team, ensuring that no important calls go unanswered.
Geographical routing: SIP trunk providers also offer geographical call routing functionality. Calls can be directed to different locations or branches based on the caller's geographical location. This ensures that customers are connected to the most relevant and geographically suitable agents or representatives.
By implementing efficient call routing strategies, businesses can achieve significant cost savings. With intelligent call routing, organizations can reduce unnecessary call transfers and minimize the time spent on handling each call. This optimized call flow helps enhance productivity and customer satisfaction while reducing operational costs.
Moreover, leading SIP trunk providers offer flexible pricing models for their call routing services, allowing businesses to pay for the specific call routing features they require. This ensures cost-efficient communication solutions tailored to their unique needs and enables them to avoid unnecessary expenses.
With the right call routing capabilities provided by leading SIP trunk providers, businesses can maximize their communication efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.
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Wholesale Voice Solutions for Enterprise Needs
SIP trunk providers offer wholesale voice solutions tailored to meet the specific communication needs of enterprises. These solutions enable businesses to streamline their voice services while enjoying cost savings and improved efficiency. Let's explore how wholesale voice, wholesale VoIP, and wholesale voice termination can benefit your enterprise.
Benefits of Wholesale Voice Solutions
Cost Savings: Wholesale voice solutions allow enterprises to purchase voice services in bulk at discounted rates, resulting in significant cost savings compared to traditional voice services.
Scalability: These solutions are highly scalable, allowing businesses to easily add or remove channels based on their changing communication needs.
Reliable Performance: Leading SIP trunk providers ensure high-quality voice termination services, providing crystal-clear voice communication for seamless business operations.
Flexibility: Wholesale voice solutions offer businesses the flexibility to choose the most suitable voice termination options, such as local, international, or toll-free numbers.
Centralized Management: Enterprises can manage their voice services centrally, reducing administrative complexities and enhancing overall control of their communication systems.
Wholesale VoIP and Voice Termination
Wholesale VoIP allows businesses to transmit voice calls over the internet. By partnering with a reputable SIP trunk provider, enterprises can benefit from wholesale VoIP services that offer extensive coverage, competitive pricing, and exceptional call quality. Wholesale voice termination refers to the process of routing voice calls to their intended destinations across various networks. SIP trunk providers ensure seamless voice termination, ensuring that businesses can connect with their customers and partners without any disruptions.
Scalability and Flexibility of SIP Trunking
When it comes to business communication, adaptability is key. That's why SIP trunking services from leading providers offer unmatched scalability and flexibility, allowing businesses to easily adjust their communication infrastructure as their needs evolve.
With SIP trunking, businesses can add or remove SIP channels effortlessly, enabling them to optimize their resources and costs. Whether you need to accommodate a sudden increase in call volume or scale down during slower periods, SIP trunking allows for seamless adjustments without disrupting your operations.
By partnering with reliable SIP trunk providers, businesses gain access to the internet telephony solutions they need to connect with customers, clients, and partners across the globe. Leveraging the power of SIP channels, organizations can establish high-quality voice calls and exchange data efficiently, regardless of geographical boundaries.
What's more, SIP trunking services enable businesses to integrate modern communication technologies seamlessly. By leveraging internet telephony, companies can enjoy the benefits of unified communications, combining voice, messaging, and other collaboration tools into a single, cohesive platform.
By harnessing the scalability and flexibility offered by SIP trunking, businesses can future-proof their communication systems, ensuring they can adapt to evolving customer demands and industry trends. Whether it's expanding to new markets, supporting remote workforces, or implementing advanced communication features, SIP trunking provides the foundation for growth and innovation.
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In the next section, we will explore the robust redundancy and disaster recovery solutions offered by leading SIP trunk providers, ensuring uninterrupted communication even during unforeseen events.
Redundancy and Disaster Recovery Solutions
Leading SIP Trunk Providers understand the critical need for uninterrupted communication in today's business landscape. That is why they offer robust redundancy and disaster recovery solutions to ensure seamless operations even during unforeseen events.
Disasters such as natural calamities or system failures can significantly disrupt communication channels, leading to loss of productivity and potential revenue. However, businesses can mitigate these risks by partnering with SIP Trunk Providers that prioritize disaster recovery solutions.
Redundancy for Reliable Communication
SIP Trunk Providers leverage redundant infrastructure to maintain service availability and minimize downtime. By deploying multiple data centers located in geographically diverse regions, these providers ensure that even if one location goes offline, communication remains uninterrupted. This redundancy eliminates single points of failure, resulting in highly reliable and resilient SIP trunking services.
Furthermore, leading providers employ advanced failover mechanisms to seamlessly switch traffic to an alternate data center in case of any disruption. This automated process helps maintain continuity and enables businesses to overcome challenges without any significant impact on their communication systems.
Disaster Recovery Solutions for Business Continuity
In addition to redundancy, SIP Trunk Providers offer comprehensive disaster recovery solutions to safeguard businesses during emergencies. These solutions include backup strategies, data replication, and failover procedures to ensure that critical communication services are quickly restored in the event of a disaster.
By implementing disaster recovery plans and backup systems, SIP Trunk Providers can swiftly recover data, reroute calls, and restore services, minimizing any potential loss of communication and allowing businesses to resume operations promptly.
Benefits of Redundancy and Disaster Recovery Solutions
Ensures uninterrupted communication, enhancing business continuity
Minimizes potential revenue loss during downtime
Provides peace of mind knowing that communication channels are protected
Facilitates quick restoration of services, reducing downtime impact
Improves overall reliability and resilience of communication systems
By partnering with a SIP Trunk Provider that prioritizes redundancy and disaster recovery solutions, businesses can effectively safeguard their communication infrastructure, enabling them to stay connected even in the face of adversity.
Quality of Service and Service Level Agreements
When it comes to SIP trunking services, the quality of service (QoS) offered by SIP trunk providers is paramount. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, ensuring reliable and high-quality communication is essential for seamless operations.
Quality of service refers to the performance and reliability of the voice and data transmission over SIP trunks. It encompasses factors such as call clarity, minimal latency, and consistent bandwidth allocation. Achieving a high level of quality requires the expertise and infrastructure provided by reputable SIP trunk providers.
SIP trunk providers understand the significance of QoS and strive to deliver exceptional performance. They maintain robust networks and employ advanced technologies to ensure crystal-clear voice calls and smooth data transmissions. By prioritizing QoS, businesses can avoid issues like dropped calls, poor audio quality, and data loss.
In addition to QoS, service level agreements (SLAs) play a crucial role in guaranteeing reliable communication. SLAs are contracts between businesses and SIP trunk providers that outline the expected level of service. They define metrics such as uptime percentage, call completion rates, and response times for support inquiries.
With SLAs in place, businesses can have peace of mind knowing that their communication system is backed by guarantees. In the event of any service disruptions, providers are bound to resolve issues promptly, minimizing downtime and ensuring uninterrupted operations.
SIP Trunk Providers: Ensuring High-Quality Communication
Advanced network infrastructure: Leading SIP trunk providers invest in state-of-the-art network infrastructure to deliver superior quality of service. They prioritize traffic to minimize latency, jitter, and packet loss.
Bandwidth management: Providers allocate and manage bandwidth effectively to ensure consistent performance even during peak usage periods. This allows businesses to maintain optimal communication quality without bottlenecks.
Quality monitoring and optimization: SIP trunk providers continuously monitor and optimize their services to identify and address potential quality issues. They employ proactive measures to maintain the highest standards of communication quality.
Redundancy and failover systems: To ensure reliable communication, providers have redundant systems in place. In the event of any network or hardware failures, failover systems seamlessly switch to backup routes, minimizing service disruptions.
By partnering with a reputable SIP trunk provider, businesses can leverage their expertise and infrastructure to achieve exceptional quality of service. This translates into clearer calls, smoother data transfers, and enhanced overall communication experiences.
Next, we'll explore the security and encryption features offered by leading SIP trunk providers to ensure the privacy and protection of your communication. But first, let's take a moment to visualize the importance of quality of service in SIP trunking services.
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Security and Encryption Features
When it comes to business communication, security is paramount. Leading SIP Trunk Providers understand this and offer robust security measures and encryption features to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your communications.
One of the key security features offered by SIP Trunk Providers is Transport Layer Security (TLS). TLS encrypts the communication between your organization and the service provider, preventing unauthorized access and eavesdropping. It provides end-to-end encryption, keeping your data secure from the moment it leaves your network until it reaches its destination.
In addition to TLS, providers often employ Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) for securing voice and video calls. SRTP encrypts the media streams, making sure that your conversations cannot be intercepted or tampered with. This adds an extra layer of protection to your sensitive business communications.
SIP Trunk Providers also implement firewalls and intrusion detection systems to safeguard against unauthorized access attempts. These security measures monitor and block suspicious activity, protecting your network from potential threats.
Furthermore, some providers offer multi-factor authentication (MFA) to enhance security. With MFA, users are required to provide additional verification, such as a unique code sent to their mobile device, before accessing the SIP trunking service. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access even if login credentials are compromised.
By leveraging the security features provided by leading SIP Trunk Providers, businesses can have peace of mind knowing that their communications are protected from external threats. Choosing a provider that prioritizes security ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your critical business communications.
SIP Trunk Provider Comparison: Factors to Consider
When choosing the right SIP trunk provider for your business phone solutions, it's essential to carefully evaluate and compare different options. To ensure that you make an informed decision, consider the following key factors:
Reliability: Look for SIP trunk providers that have a proven track record of reliable service and uptime. Check customer reviews and testimonials to get an idea of their performance.
Call Quality: High-quality voice calls are crucial for effective business communication. Consider providers that offer advanced technologies and prioritize call quality.
Scalability: Your business communication needs may change and grow over time. Choose a provider that allows easy scalability, enabling you to add or remove trunks as per your requirements.
Cost: Compare pricing plans offered by different providers, considering both setup costs and ongoing charges. Look for transparent pricing models without hidden fees.
Compatibility: Ensure that the SIP trunk provider is compatible with your existing phone system and equipment. This compatibility will simplify integration and minimize potential disruption.
Customer Support: Evaluate the level of customer support offered by each provider. You'll want a provider that provides timely and reliable support to address any issues that may arise.
Security: Business communication requires robust security measures to protect sensitive information. Look for providers that offer encrypted communication and have strong security protocols in place.
By carefully considering these factors, you can select a SIP trunk provider that best meets the unique needs of your business, ensuring seamless and efficient communication.
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How to Select the Right SIP Trunk Provider
When it comes to implementing SIP trunking for your business, selecting the right SIP trunk provider is crucial for achieving seamless communication. With numerous providers available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the one that best fits your business needs. To help you make an informed decision, follow this step-by-step guide:
Evaluate your business requirements: Before selecting a SIP trunk provider, assess your communication needs. Consider factors such as the number of concurrent calls, anticipated call volume, and desired features like call routing and voicemail-to-email.
Research reputable providers: Look for SIP trunk providers with a proven track record and positive customer reviews. Research their industry experience, customer support services, and the range of features they offer.
Compare pricing: Obtain quotes from different providers and compare their pricing structures. Consider any additional fees, such as setup fees or charges for exceeding usage limits.
Evaluate call quality: Quality of service (QoS) is crucial for ensuring clear and reliable communication. Inquire about the provider's network infrastructure, redundancy measures, and service level agreements (SLAs) that guarantee call quality.
Inquire about network coverage: Ensure that the provider's network coverage aligns with your business requirements. If your business operates in multiple locations, confirm that the provider can offer reliable service in all those areas.
Consider scalability: Assess the provider's scalability offerings to accommodate your business growth. Check if they can easily add or remove SIP channels as your communication needs evolve.
By following these steps, you can confidently select the right SIP trunk provider for your business. Remember to prioritize factors such as reliable service, competitive pricing, and excellent customer support. With the right provider, you can enhance your business communication and streamline your operations.
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Benefits of Partnering with a Leading SIP Trunk Provider
Partnering with a leading SIP Trunk Provider can offer numerous advantages and play a pivotal role in enhancing your business communication. These providers bring a wealth of value-added services, reliability, and expertise to ensure seamless connectivity and efficient operations.
One of the primary benefits of partnering with a leading SIP trunk provider is the access to advanced technology and infrastructure. These providers invest heavily in state-of-the-art equipment, software, and network infrastructure, enabling businesses to leverage the latest communication solutions. This ensures that your organization stays ahead of the curve in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.
A leading SIP trunk provider also offers unmatched reliability. By utilizing redundant networks, advanced failover systems, and disaster recovery solutions, they ensure uninterrupted communication even during unforeseen events or network disruptions. This ensures seamless connectivity and minimizes downtime, allowing your business to operate smoothly.
Furthermore, collaborating with a reputable SIP trunk provider grants access to a range of value-added services. These include features such as auto-attendants, call recording, call forwarding, and virtual phone numbers. These services enhance the functionality and efficiency of your business phone system, improving customer experience and overall productivity.
In addition to the technical aspects, partnering with a leading SIP trunk provider offers the advantage of expertise and support. These providers have a team of experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of SIP trunking and can provide valuable guidance and support. Whether it's setting up the system, troubleshooting issues, or optimizing performance, their expertise ensures that you get the most out of your SIP trunking investment.
Moreover, working with a trusted SIP trunk provider strengthens your business's security and compliance. These providers implement robust security measures, including encryption protocols and firewalls, to safeguard your communication channels and protect sensitive data. This peace of mind allows you to concentrate on your core business without worrying about potential security breaches.
By partnering with a leading SIP trunk provider, businesses also benefit from cost savings. As compared to traditional phone systems, SIP trunking offers significant cost advantages, including lower long-distance and international call rates, reduced maintenance costs, and simplified infrastructure. These savings can directly impact your bottom line and contribute to overall business growth.
In conclusion, partnering with a leading SIP trunk provider offers a plethora of benefits, such as advanced technology, enhanced reliability, value-added services, expert support, improved security, and cost savings. By leveraging the expertise and services provided by these providers, businesses can streamline their communication processes, enhance productivity, and stay competitive in the ever-evolving business landscape.
Choosing a leading SIP trunk provider is crucial for businesses seeking enhanced communication capabilities. Throughout this article, we have explored the key features offered by these providers and how they can benefit your organization. By understanding SIP trunking services and their integration with VoIP systems, businesses can achieve seamless communication across different channels.
Robust PSTN connectivity ensures reliable communication between SIP trunks and traditional phone systems, while efficient call routing capabilities can lead to cost savings and improved efficiency. Furthermore, wholesale voice solutions offered by leading SIP trunk providers cater to the enterprise needs of businesses, enhancing their communication infrastructure.
Scalability and flexibility are inherent in SIP trunking services, allowing businesses to adapt to changing communication requirements easily. With built-in redundancy and disaster recovery solutions, interruptions to communication are minimized, ensuring business continuity. Additionally, these providers prioritize quality of service through service level agreements, guaranteeing reliable and high-quality communication.
Security features and encryption protocols offered by leading SIP trunk providers ensure the confidentiality and integrity of business communications. By carefully considering the factors mentioned in this article and conducting a thorough assessment, businesses can select the right SIP trunk provider that aligns with their specific needs and goals. Partnering with a leading SIP trunk provider brings a host of benefits, including value-added services and expertise that optimize business communication.
In conclusion, choosing a leading SIP trunk provider lays a strong foundation for reliable, secure, and efficient business communication. By embracing high-quality SIP trunking services, businesses can streamline their communication systems and gain a competitive edge in today's digital landscape.
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cool-person-yey · 7 days
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aughh I kinda gave up in the middle of the hair but ill post it anyway
it's based off of that one post by @cult-of-the-eye 👍
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undeadhousewife · 2 months
I have a coffee mug that I used to use at work that said "I'm on my break" in bold text, with the flip side saying "always" in small text and I can't help but imagine that as something Alice Dyer would absolutely use
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magn-animously · 3 months
The email was sent by Jon, but not Jonathan Sims the Archivist who the official transcripts write as John much to the annoyance of the fandom, but by Jon, a totally different character whose name will be officially spelt Jon much to the annoyance of the fandom and who just happens to have that name because Jonathan Sims the author has a very limited set of names in his disposal and can't resist naming at least one of the characters after himself.
(The reason it was John in ep 7 transcripts is because Sam misremembered the spelling. It will be changed in later episodes.)
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eliasmybeloathed · 2 years
Coffin table (remake)
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To honour the only character with braincells in this podcast I'm remaking my very first 3D model and custom content object from almost a year ago!
All lods, remade (my) mesh
1 swatch, adjusted slots
Find by typing "[sn]" or "coffin" in the search bar
DOWNLOAD (sfs, free)
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dnnikhil · 6 months
Global session initiation protocol (SIP) trunking services market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the market is growing with the CAGR of 12.5% in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029 and expected to reach USD 26,994.04 million by 2029. Increase in the requirement of quick-decision making process in biotechnology is e expected to drive the growth of the market significantly.
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incorrectbatfam · 13 hours
I hate canon Bruce Wayne hitting his kids so how does he discipline them WITHOUT abuse?
(where's that post about how anything can be a punishment if you frame it as one)
Dick: *breaks the chandelier while swinging from it*
Bruce: *hands him a broom*
Dick: Yeah that's fair.
Bruce: Also you have to use the Batman plate at dinner.
Dick: Please no, I hate that plate.
Bruce: You should've thought about that before.
Tim: *logs into the Batcomputer without permission*
Bruce: And what do you think you're doing?
Tim: I know I've been benched but I just need to—
Bruce: Sit.
Tim: *sits down*
Bruce: *puts on The Bee Movie*
Bruce: If you insist on being down here while injured, then you're gonna watch this in its entirety.
Cass: *blinks*
Bruce: And you think that's an excuse?
Cass: *blinks*
Bruce: We're going for a drive and I'm picking the music.
Cass: *blinks*
Bruce: Maybe you'll take this as a lesson.
Jason: *causes a crime scene*
Jason: Go ahead, punish me. I'll still be right.
Bruce: *takes out a marker*
Bruce: *draws a mustache on Jason's helmet*
Bruce: It'll wash off in three weeks.
Jason: WHAT?!
Bruce: Actions have consequences.
Steph: *breaks protocol*
Bruce: Go change your cape in the car.
Steph: That's not fair!
Bruce: That's the rule.
Steph: *grumbles and puts on a cape that's a slightly different shade of purple from the rest of her suit*
Duke: *sneaks in after curfew*
Bruce: *flicks the light on*
Bruce: Do you know what time it is?
Duke: I can explain—
Bruce: Yogurt. Now.
Duke: But I don't want yogurt.
Bruce: I don't care. Go eat a cup of yogurt and think about what you did.
Damian: *drops his fork at dinner*
Damian: Fuck.
Bruce: *pulls out a straw*
Damian: You wouldn't.
Bruce: *takes a sip of Damian's drink*
Damian: I hate this family.
Dick, eating off the Bat-plate: You and me both.
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fox-guardian · 3 months
I’m sorry but . Your butch Celia is fucking everything to me I think . She’s so <3 the everything .
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[ID: Digital drawings of Celia Ripley from The Magnus Protocol on a gray background. She is a slim, muscular Korean woman with pale skin, short black hair, dark brown eyes, dimples, body hair, and eyebags. In all drawings, she is wearing black rectangular glasses, and snakebite piercings, industrials, and x-shaped stud earrings, all gold. The top two drawings are of her in casual wear, with a light green t-shirt with the short sleeves cuffed, purple cuffed jeans, light green socks, dark green Doc Marten boots with gold laces, and a green belt with gold hardware. The upper left drawing is of her from the shoulders up, holding a purple mug with both hands and taking a sip while looking up, and to the right is a full-body of her sitting holding the mug with one hand and leaning slightly on the other, smiling at the viewer. There is a note that says "casual mode" pointing to both of them. The last drawing on the bottom left is much smaller and is of her wearing a light green button down, dark green trousers, light green socks, dress shoes, a belt, wrist cuffs, and shoulder holsters, all purple, and a black necktie. She is kneeling and aiming a golden pistol with a serious expression, and she has a second gold pistol in her other holster. This drawing is labelled as "spy!Celia theory/au" and "(I'm gay let me have this)" end ID]
never apologize she is everything to me also <3
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phonesuite · 7 days
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Online communication plays a crucial role in the hospitality industry, offering numerous benefits. In this post, we’ll explore how to utilize online communication strategies to maximize success in today’s evolving hospitality industry. Learn More...
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phonesuitedirect · 1 year
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In this blog post, we will compare and contrast SIP trunking and PRI lines so you can make an informed decision about which is best for you. Read More....
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nightingalescall · 2 months
Prelude to Pandemonium
Kingdom of Ebreau:
prologue|part 1|part 2(you are here)
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"I can't breathe, Zephyr..."
You panted as you posed for the ending, your legs trembling beneath you from the exhaustion and the lack of oxygen. You've been repeating this sequence for the past several days but it just doesn't get easier, not with your access to air hindered.
Zephyr sighed, his eyes closed. "I'm sorry, Lady (y/n) but this is standard protocol." You went back to standing normally as you lifted up your veil, revealing your sweat-filled face.
"How... How did you do this without fainting?" You expressed your confusion and astonishment at Zephyr as you tried to catch your breath. Zephyr walked closer, his hand holding a towel before using it to wipe your sweat away. "I struggled just as much as you did, Lady (y/n). In fact, you're doing much better than I did in the past." He smiled reassuringly.
"You're not saying that just to comfort me, are you?" You questioned skeptically as you took the glass of water he handed you before taking a sip. "It's the truth." Zephyr reassured, patting your head.
You nodded and handed him back the glass, believing him. "It's just...So hard to breathe with this on and dance at the same time." You complained under your breath. Zephyr reached towards your hair and took off the veil. He fiddled with the fabric in his hands, appearing to be thinking.
"...I'll get someone to make some last minutes modifications." He finally said after some silence. "Is there enough time? The ceremony is tomorrow night." You knitted your eyebrows together, unsure about his suggestion.
Tomorrow night, you will meet with the Royal family of Ebreau for the first time. From what Zephyr told you, you will be given a ceremony similar to the ones they hold for the initiation of newly appointed saints to celebrate your arrival in Ebreau. At the same time, it will serve as your debut to the public eyes. During the ceremony, the Royal family will give you their blessings as a welcoming to the kingdom. Then, they will impart to you their hopes for further collaborations. In response, instead of words, you will perform the Dance of Resonare Auream to answer their call.
According to Zephyr, the Dance of Resonare Auream replicates the movements of high priests from ancient times when they performed rituals to initiate a connection with Calerus in order to seek answers from him. Their movements during these rituals were modified and implemented into this dance. The Dance of Resonare Auream is only performed by saints during their ceremonies as a way to pledge allegiance to the Royal family and symbolises a saint's role as a bridge between the divine and the mortal world.
Being the saint of the temple of Sonnet, it comes without saying that Zephyr also performed this dance at his initiation years ago. Although there are some differences between the male and female counterparts, it's still mostly the same so Zephyr became your temporary mentor and guided you though the dancesteps. The dance wasn't hard in terms of its steps, simple but still elegant and graceful. The difficulty came from the odd tempo of the dance music. It would pick up and slow down suddenly at times, not to mention there are pauses in the music which needed you to count the tempo so you wouldn't come in late or early.
The added on challenge of having to do all that with a veil on was not fun, to say the least. All you've been doing the past week or so was trying to perfect these steps and making sure you were on beat while also ensuring you don't faint during the dance. The ceremony tomorrow night was opened to all citizens to attend. Thousands of eyes will be on you then and you don't intend on making a fool of yourself. What would the people think of their Messiah if you did?
The pressure was on. You needed to do well.
You sighed internally.
If only the veil wasn't part of the standard ceremonial uniform... It'll be one less thing to worry about without it.
Zephyr held up the veil between both of you, drawing your attention back to him and temporarily obscuring your view of his face "For you, Lady (y/n)," he started, a playful tone in his voice.
"Nothing is impossible." He lowered the veil, revealing his wide smile. You felt yourself tense up at his expression and you questioned your own body's reaction. You don't understand why but you suddenly feel uneasy and on edge. Something felt off about Zephyr. His tone was warm and his body language seemed relaxed but his smile looked...Sinister.
However, as quickly as that foreboding smile appeared, it disappeared just as fast from Zephyr's face. "Don't worry. I'll handle it." A warm smile graced his lips once more as he wiped a few stray beads of sweat from your cheek. "You should go back and rest now, Lady (y/n). It'll a tiring day for you tomorrow. Come." He took your hand and led you out of the practice hall, your veil grasped firmly in his other. You followed his lead and came to the entrance door to the hall.
Just as Zephyr's hand touched the wooden door handle, a knock came from behind it and the door opened inwards, nearly hitting Zephyr in the face. "Saint Zephyr." A dainty nun stepped into the hall as she called out, her voice soft and low. Her gaze flickered to you. "A-and the Messiah." She stuttered before bowing hastily to you.
"Yes, Sister Darlene?" Zephyr nodded at her greeting. You've met Sister Darlene a few times before when she needed Zephyr's opinion on some church related matters. From your memory, she was a shy and timid young nun, prone to stuttering and fumbling over her words. Though, you heard she has a knack for singing. Maybe you could befriend her. It'd be nice to have someone other than Zephyr to talk to. (Not that he wasn't good company or anything but some diversity is always good...right?)
"I-it's about tomorrow's transportation" Darlene fidgeted in place. Zephyr nodded, prodding her to continue as he fondled with your veil in his hand.. "S-shall we use the opened air carriage or the closed one?" Darlene asked, stealing a few short glances at you. Zephyr, however, seemed to be a bit preoccupied as he kept his gaze down while feeling out the veil. He roughly measured it using his hands as he replied nonchalantly. "The closed one."
Darlene nodded. "Then, s-shall I also inform the Ordo Concordiae? S-so they can post g-guards along our route?" You perked up at that mention. That's a name you haven't heard in a while. The Ordo Concordiae or the Order of Harmony was the name of the guards you worked for before becoming saint. it's been a while since you heard from them. Would they be present for tomorrow's ceremony too? Do...do they remember you?
Zephyr held up the veil before putting it on you once more. He adjusted it and you guessed he was taking some mental notes about the length of the veil in order to make modifications from the way he tilted your head side to side as he observed. "No need. The Royal guards will be on duty along the route tomorrow." He replied, not looking at Darlene.
You complied with Zephyr, letting him move your head around freely with the veil over your face. Through your obstructed view, you saw Darlene straightened her back before replying. "I see. I will go do the necessary arrangement then. Excuse me then, Saint Zephyr, Messiah." Darlene said as she bowed her head. You felt surprised. That was the first time you've heard Darlene speak so confidently and clearly.
Was she that eager to leave?
You held back a chuckle at the thought. Maybe you should find the time to get to know her.
"Of course, Sister Darlene." With that, she left the two of you alone. Zephyr was quiet as he looked at you. Despite the veil, he still seemed to be looking at you directly in the eyes.
After some silence, he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. Well, the part of the veil that covered your forehead. "Alright, let's get you back to your room now, Lady (y/n)." He pulled back and held your hand, leading you out of the hall and down the corridors of the temple.
You walked beside him as you reached up to take off the veil he forgot to remove from you. The moment your hand touched the fabric, Zephyr's hand shot up and grabbed yours, forcing it to a stop. You tilted you head in confusion.
Zephyr stopped in his steps and turned towards you, now holding both your hands in his. "In the case that I don't manage to get the necessary modifications done in time, you will still need to use this one at the ceremony, Lady (y/n)." He said as he readjusted the veil, making sure it was securely placed on your head. "Thus, i suggest you to always keep it on before your dance comes to pass. Let your body adjust to it so it won't strain you as much." He advised.
"Oh...I see." You didn't want to wear this annoying headpiece wherever you went but he made a good point. Reluctantly, you agreed. "Alright." You sighed, feeling defeated. "Good." Zephyr patted your head before continuing to lead the way.
You arrived in front of your room shortly after and Zephyr bid you farewell as you entered. The setting sun could be seen outside the window in your room. Its glow painting your room in a soft orange hue. You sighed as you walked over to your bed before limply flopping onto it. You buried your face in the sheets, smelling the light flora scent of the soap they used for cleaning emanating from it.
You did nothing as you laid on your stomach on the bed, basking in the silence. Your mind raced, thinking about tomorrow night. Two years ago, when you first arrived in Ebreau, you'd never thought you'd ever have the need to meet with the Royal family but now, not only was your presence going to be tomorrow night's highlight, you were going to perform for them too!
You groaned loudly into the sheets. The stress was getting to you. "Being Messiah is so difficult..." You mumbled, rubbing your face against the sheets as you coped with your anxiety.
However, the rough fabric of the veil prevented you from doing that too. You felt the sandy texture rubbed uncomfortably against your cheeks and nose. You huffed angrily as you reached up and yanked the veil off you. Throwing the golden headpiece onto the floor, you stuffed your face back into the sheets, actually feeling the softness of it this time.
The whole ordeal of shouldering the future of Ebreau as Messiah paired with the events of tomorrow night already gave you a big headache. You didn't need the extra challenge of wearing something so incredibly inconvenient!
Who came up with the idea of dancing with a veil on?!
"Stupid protocol making me dance like a monkey in a veil..." You clicked your tongue and complained. "How am I going to do this..." You sighed into the bed.
Your whole experience made you realised just how hard it was to be in a high position like this. How did Zephyr survive so many years being saint? It's only been a month since you became Messiah and you felt like you were going to break apart already.
You flipped over on the bed, facing the ceiling. "Calm down." You whispered to yourself, lightly slapping yourself on both cheeks to make yourself snap out of it. Complaining and stressing over it like this wasn't going to solve your problems. You just had to take it one step at a time.
Even if these steps were big strides.
You closed your eyes, letting yourself rest.
It'll be fine. You'll do fine.
You reassured yourself.
Zephyr's done it before so it's definitely possible. It has to be.
You thought, convincing yourself that dancing with the veil on won't kill you.
I just have to control my breathing and-“Believe only what thou sees, lamb.”
You sprang up from the bed, frantically looking around your room for the source of the voice. You quickly recomposed yourself once you realised that it was Calerus that just spoke to you.
You furrowed your eyebrows at his words.
What do you mean?
You thought in your mind.
“What goes unseen is but an illusion.”
Calerus' voice rumbled in your head once more. Even with his elaboration, it was still too vague for you to understand. You asked for more but you were met with silence. It seemed Calerus was done talking to you.
Believe in what I see? Is that what he means?
You tried to make sense of the god's words and why he said them but nothing clicked. In the midst of your pondering, a knock came from your bedroom door.
"I've brought your dinner, Lady (y/n)." Zephyr's familiar voice came from outside.
You pushed yourself onto your feet and went to the door, halting your wondering of the deity's warning.
That could wait for now.
It was dinner time.
"Pardon?!" You let out as your eyes went wide. You had just woken up and were having a peaceful breakfast when Zephyr just broke the most ground shaking news to you. "We will be leaving for the Royal palace after you finished breakfast and get dressed." Zephyr repeated and you almost choked on your food.
"I thought we were going this afternoon! Isn't the ceremony tonight? Why are leaving now?!" You asked, feeling absolutely distraughted. You thought you still had the entire morning to prepare and calm yourself! That was why you got up so early in the first place!
"The ceremony is tonight, yes," Zephyr scooted his chair closer to you, patting your back as an effort to calm you down. "but you need to be meet with queen and prince so we need to go early before they get busy with welcoming guests." He explained.
"Won't I be meeting them tonight? Why do I need to go see them now?" You asked, perplexed by this turn of events and desperate to find a way to delay this meeting as much as possible. Zephyr looked down at the table, thinking of how to phrase his next sentence to you. "Tonight's ceremony is more of a show to the public than it is an official meeting, Lady (y/n)." You cocked your head to the side. "I don't understand..."
"Take it as the name suggests. A ceremony. All ceremonies are rehearsed beforehand so everyone involved knows what to do when the time comes." Zephyr explained as he ran a hand though your hair. "The real meeting between you and the Royal family is done in private with only you and them present." You felt like you were going to throw up from the stress.
Your plate was still relatively full but you've already lost your appetite after this reveal. You even requested for something nice and fancy to eat this morning to help with the nerves.
Guess it's all going to waste now.
"I..I'm full now." You mumbled and pushed the plate away. You got up from your seat but Zephyr grabbed onto your arm before you could take a step further. "But you've barely eaten anything, Lady (y/n)." He frowned.
"I don't feel like eating anymore." You admitted as you looked down, feeling guilty from wasting perfectly good food. Zephyr sighed as he stood up before taking you into a tight hug.
"You'll do great, Lady (y/n). Believe me." Zephyr whispered into your ear as he squeezed. Your eyes went wide in surprise at his words before slowly softening. You wrapped your arms around him, returning the hug as you buried your face into his chest. The familiar scene of Zephyr's robe wafted into your nose. It smelt of petrichor, calming and refreshing.
"Thank you..." You mumbled, feeling better.
A pair of lips pressed the top of your head as you felt Zephyr leaned down. You sighed softly.
No matter how tough it gets, you know you'll always have Zephyr.
The sound of cheering was deafening outside of the carriage. Looking out the carriage window, you saw lines upon lines of people standing beside the road, jumping and waving with big smiles on their faces. You waved back, trying your best to ensure no one is ignores or left out (though it was impossible with the amount of people present).
Horses pulled your carriage along the cobblestone road, their neighs occasionally penetrating the cheers and yells of the crowd, reaching your ears within your ride. Nuns and monks led the procession towards the Royal palace, walking in front while holding various chimes and bells that you've never seen before. The ringing of these instruments accompanied the way as if they were some sort of beat to follow.
Zephyr sat across from you, gazing out the window too with a soft smile on his lips. He stayed silent, letting you take in the adoration the people of Ebreau wanted to show you. His hair was tied up in a ponytail (he did that a lot ever since your accidental compliment on it) and his bangs fluttered gently from the breeze blowing into the carriage.
"Miss Messiah!"
In the midst of the dissonant voices, a certain call, low but clear shot through the air and caught your attention. The familiar pitch urged your curiosity to look for the source. And so you looked. Near the back of the crowd, a man, taller than the rest, stood out as he yelled again with a hand beside his mouth.
"Thank you!"
It was faint but you could make out his words. His structure seemed familiar. Squinting your eyes, you honed in on his face.
It was Mr. Citris!
Grinning, Mr. Citris looked beside him with a finger pointed at you. A person stood at his side, though their smaller frame causes them to be blocked by the people in front, besides from the top of their blond head, you could not see any other features. From your faraway position, you saw Mr. Citris spoke to the person beside him before bending down and picking them up.
A young girl came into view as Mr. Citris held her by her waist and lifted her up in front of him. A bashful flush spread across the young girl's face, seemingly embarrassed by her father's antics. The two exchanged a few more words before the girl eventually turned towards you. She waved with a smile.
The realisation finally dawned on you and you almost slapped yourself for being so slow.
That girl is Mr. Citris' daughter!
The girl's complexion was light but not sickly. Her smile was small yet bright. She looked...Well. Mr. Citris must have use the gold coins to buy the medicine. Even then, the medicine doesn't cure her, only slows down and eases the pain which means...She went out of her way to come see you despite her condition.
A warmth spread through your chest. The thought that you successfully helped someone, even just a little bit, was just the affirmation you needed.
Maybe you weren't hopeless.
You waved back, hoping they would see your reaction and how happy you were that things worked out. You smiled, grinned even.
Ah, wait.
They can't see you smile.
They can't see your face at all.
The veil swayed gently in front of your face following the shaking of the carriage.
The joy you felt a moment ago dissipated as quickly as it arrived. You deflated like a balloon but you waved back nonetheless (albeit somewhat dispiritedly).
Your carriage eventually passed the pair and they disappeared into the crowd. Your vision was once again filled with never-before-seen faces of strangers and your ears flooded with their unfamiliar yells.
Everything had been new to you when you were promoted to Messiah. New lifestyle, new responsibilities, new outlook, the list goes on. For this procession, you had hoped to find some familiarity, some remnant of the past to remind you that you weren't always Messiah, that not long ago you were among these crowds of people.
But looking at the sea of people, you didn't even see any guards in black uniform, guards of the Ordo Concordiae, your colleagues. They were perhaps the closest people you could call family in this place (as messed up as it is considering they basically forced you to work for them) yet you could only see white.
White of the uniforms of the Royal guards.
They stood along the road, ensuring no one cause trouble for the procession towards the palace, holding back any who dared to get too close. You continued to greet the onlookers albeit less enthusiastically.
"...Lady (y/n)."
Your head snapped towards Zephyr after he broke his silence. "Let us talk." You cocked your head to the side, confused by his sudden request. He drew the blinds to the window, isolating the both of you from the outside. “What is it?” You suddenly felt uneasy. Darkness shrouded the carriage but a few rays of light came through the gaps, illuminating Zephyr's face. His face was expressionless and lacking of warmth, unbefitting of his usual demeanour.
“…” He remained quiet and it agitated you further. Zephyr moved from his seat across from you to beside you, facing some difficulty standing up straight due to the low ceiling of the carriage. He shuffled to your side of the carriage and sat down. Your eyes followed him as he turned to you.
“…” He was still silent, his gaze dropping down towards the ground.
Cold sweat was beginning to form on your forehead. Seeing Zephyr so quiet and emotionless was concerning if not alarming. “Zephyr?” You called out, leaning in closer until you came into his peripheral, hoping that would finally catch his attention and prompt him to say what was on his mind.
He finally looked back up before reaching over to you. He grasped onto the hem of your veil and lifted it, revealing your golden eyes to him. “You’re worrying me, Zephyr. What is it?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows. You grabbed onto Zephyr’s hands that were still holding your veil. “Why are you taking it off?” Zephyr simply shook his head and let go but not before making sure it wouldn’t fall back down and cover your face.
“I just…want to see your face, Lady (y/n). Just for a bit.” Zephyr explained, a small smile finally gracing his lips. You frowned, not convinced it was as simple as that. He took a breath before finally speaking. “Lady (y/n), no matter what happens when you meet with the queen and prince later,” He held your hands in his. “Please remember you’re already doing your best."
You blinked. “…What?”
Zephyr pulled you close and embraced you, pressing your head against his chest. He stroked your hair gently. You could hear his heartbeat through his chest, slow and steady. It'd even be calming if it weren't for the current situation. “You don’t have to fix every problem this kingdom has.” You looked up from his chest, eyes swirling with confusion. You pushed yourself off him. Zephyr doesn’t stop you but his arms remain in a loose hug around you.
“What does that mean?” Zephyr sighed and closed his eyes. “…The politics of Ebreau is more complicated than you think, Lady (y/n).” He reopened his eyes and his purple irises stared back into your golden ones. Unlike his, your heart was pounding inside of you, threatening to burst from the stress but you pushed on, knowing this was important. You had to know more. “Tell me then. Shouldn’t I know how this country functions if I am to guide its people?” You pestered for him to elaborate. You unconsciously gripped onto his robe, tensed about what he’ll say. Just how many more challenges were you going to face?
Zephyr’s hands went up to your face and cupped your cheeks. He leaned down, shortening the gap between both your faces. “The relationship between the royal family and the temple…isn’t as great as it seems.” Zephyr confessed. The cheering outside continued on even after your retreat into the carriage but right now, you wished it would stop so you could have some silence to process this information. You tried your best to respond. “What…what happened?”
Zephyr let go of your face before peeking out the blinds. You looked out the small opening between the blinds and windows over his shoulder. The people continued to celebrate the procession outside, their voices not appearing to die down any time soon. He readjusted the blinds and blocked out the people once more. He took a deep breath.
“Things started to get messy 3 years ago. After the war with the Casvians began." Zephyr recalled. "As with all wars, the kingdom has suffered many losses from this ordeal, including but not limited to economic downfalls and disharmony among its people." You nodded. That makes sense...But how did that cause the deterioration of the relationship between the temple and the Royal family?
"Much of Ebreau's money and resources have been sent to the front line in the northeast to aid in the battle with Casviren. The Royal family only has so much money to spare now and they cannot effort to spend it on unnecessary groups or organisations." He fidgeted in his place. It was clear this was a sensitive and top secret topic. You could see glints of worry reflected in his eyes as he spoke. Zephyr was afraid of this information being leaked to the public.
"The temple maintains the people's belief in our Lord, Calerus, ensuring their undying loyalty to him. A common religion fosters unity and reduces dispute among the people as everyone shares the same principle and belief." Zephyr elaborated. You processed his words, keeping your head bowed in thought before asking. "So, basically, the temple is responsible for keeping the peace among the citizens?"
"Yes, that's a good way to put it." A smile graced Zephyr's lips, easing the tension in the air. "But many tragedies have occurred. Much blood has been spilled and even more tears have been shed. The war has raged on for too long and too fiercely. It has made a grave impact on the people, not just economically but also spiritually." He sighed. "They are starting to lose faith. Some even believe Calerus has abandoned Ebreau." Zephyr played with your hair. It appeared unfitting of the situation at first but looking at how he was rubbing and pinching the tip of it instead of twirling it like how he usually does, you guessed he was doing it out of anxiety and not playfulness.
Your mind spun as you tried to piece together the information. You never knew the beliefs of Ebreauans were waning. Have you just not been out and about enough? Surely not. You ran errands everyday for the past 2 years. You were always outside and mixing with the folks. Then that means either you're an unobservant idiot or you've never seen Ebreau when it was still prosperous.
The war started 3 years ago and you only got dropped here 2 years ago. 1 year may not be enough to put a dent, economy wise in a kingdom as wealthy as Ebreau but you don't doubt it's enough to instill fear and cause hysteria among the people.
Perhaps you've never seen the true glory of Ebreau.
Perhaps you've jumbled the chaos with the mundane.
Perhaps this madness has become your normal.
"The temple is losing influence, is that what you're saying?" You muttered and, to your dismay despite expecting it, Zephyr nodded. "Our Lord, Calerus," he sighed, "is no longer a tie that binds the nation together." He looked away before closing his eyes. "We no longer have the means to maintain the peace like we used to." It hurt him to admit this.
"..." You were deep in thought and thankfully, Zephyr was more than willing to give you space to process everything.
People are scared and confused. The war with the Casvians has gone on for 3 years already and currently, it still shows no signs of stopping. The commonfolks are grasping at anyone and anything for guidance in this desperate time. They look towards those in charge, in this case, the Royal family and the temple for assurance and direction, for a spark of hope that they will get through this. But when that fails...
It's not going to end well for the higher ups.
Zephyr took a deep breath and continued. "The palace considers us inept and are an extra weight that burdens them when they already have so much on their hands." The carriage rattled as it went over, what you assume to be, a rock. "Communication between the temple and palace has decreased to when absolutely necessary over the years and collaborations happen only to uphold the act that Ebreau is co-ruled by the temple and royal family." He explained further.
"I..." Zephyr paused midsentence and your breath hitched, awaiting what terrible news he will relay on you next. "I expect them to cut ties with us soon." You suppressed the urge to jump out the carriage this instant and run back to the temple-no, back to the small, little house you rented before you became Messiah. Before everything went haywire.
You buried your face into your hands. This was all too much. It went from bad to worse to horrible. It's been a constant downward spiral these back few days.
Don't cry, (y/n). Don't cry.
A pair of arms wrapped around you and pulled you towards their chest. Zephyr hugged you as he caressed you. His hand going up and down your back as he comforted. "I'm sorry to burden you with so much, Lady (y/n)." You felt him gripping onto your clothes. "I don't expect you to fix these problems. They've been festering for too long." He kissed your head.
"Maybe this country is already beyond salvation."
Your hands felt weak and fell from your face as he murmured into your ear. This kingdom... Ebreau... Your home...
How do you save it?
The palace was just in view as the horses trotted closer, leading the carriage from the cobblestone road of the central town to the tiled pathway within the castle compound. Royal guards dressed in their white uniforms continued to stand guard beside the pathway just as they did when you were still on the streets of the central town. However, now with the revelation that people from the palace have a sour (to put it nicely) relationship with the temple, the blank stares of these men felt a lot more menacing and frightening than they previously were.
You met eyes with a certain guard on duty beside the pathway and it could be paranoia speaking but you swore there was ill intent behind those eyes. A chill ran down your spine as you quickly adverted your eyes to elsewhere.
Zephyr was still seated next to you, not moving despite already finished telling you the situation with the Royal family. You didn't mind though, you needed the emotional support for what was about to come.
The palace was mostly white in colour, its roof golden and its doors wooden but painted with silver, so were the window frames. As you inched closer, you could make out figures standing in front of the main entrance.
You gulped.
The carriage came to a stop. Zephyr stepped out first before holding his hand out for you to take. You slowly reached over, scooting towards the open door before stepping down the steps of the carriage, your hand in his.
Your heart was racing and you mentally counted to yourself before lifting your head to meet the gazes of the people before you.
“Messiah, we are so delighted that you’re here.” A silky and smooth voice poured from the mouth of the woman in front of you. The woman had light brown hair, done up into a side bun which hung low and near to her face. She wore a light blue gown, embellished with white pearls and clear crystals around the waist and also the skirt of the gown. She smiled, a few wrinkles appearing around the corners of her ruby eyes. “I am Marika Sinnyala.” She introduced herself, leaving out her title.
Marika held up her hand and gestured to the person standing beside her. A younger man, tall and slim. He wore a uniform similar to the royal guards except his was silver, not white and there were some black embroidery around the collar. He had the same red eyes and a face resembling hers albeit it was more masculine. It wasn’t hard to tell who he was and what his relationship with Marika is.
“This is my dear son, Xion Sinnyala.”
The prince strode over, his white hair bouncing gently on his head. A mark of royalty as some would say. As was gold the colour of the divine, white was the colour of royalty. The Sinnyala family had ruled Ebreau for centuries alongside the temple. A striking characteristic of the Sinnyalas were their white as snow hair. It’s speculated that that’s why white symbolises royalty. It wouldn’t be far fetched that as time went on, Ebreauans associated that colour with power and luxury. Most past rulers of the kingdom had that colour of hair after all.
Even the late king.
Xion stopped right in front of you. He reached for your hand, grabbing onto it as he leaned down. His touch was feathery light, you could barely feel it.
It was almost as if he was avoiding touching you.
You resisted the urge to pull your hand back as he pressed a soft kiss on the back of your hand. His other hand rested behind his back. To outsiders, it may have appeared as a friendly gesture. A greeting from a prince to a maiden. Gentlemanly and almost fairytale like. You admit. Something like this, normally would get your heart racing and cheeks flushing.
But Xion, he was staring right at you as he did so.
The mother and son pair may share the same coloured eyes but Queen Marika’s were soft and friendly as she greeted you. Prince Xion, on the other hand, his eyes were piercing and fierce, his gaze felt like a glare. His actions seemed gentle and welcoming but the look in his eyes said otherwise.
You suddenly felt grateful for the veil you were wearing as your lips trembled.
His soft lips finally left your skin but he did not stand back up. Still in a bowed position, his voice, low and crisp, sounded.
“I’ve been waiting for you, Messiah.”
Another voice echoed from within the deep chambers of your mind at the same time, almost overlapping with the prince’s.
“Beware the Heretics.”
Ahhhh done! Finally! This chapter was so hard to write since it was less action and more lore heavy. But finally it’s done! I was supposed to get this up yesterday but my body straight up went “hey wouldn’t it be funny to make her sick?” So yeah. That kinda slowed me down a bit. Sorry and thank you for waiting! I hope you enjoyed ^^
Ps: I decided to change the colour for Messiah from blue to orange since it suited better so I’ll go back and change the ones in previous chapters afterwards. Oh and again, any errors you find, let me know so I can correct them!
@ursinaw @ceeesxy-blog @deepinballs @vash-yuu @fairy-lenaa @fleurescentlight @surprisemodafakas @cerisearan @avyannasstuff @justabratsworld @m0chilattae @sirenetheblogger @rosesunderthegarden @party-9 @waywardstardustcollector @crnnbrry-blog @iamapotatoe @altumsomnum @liesatemyocean @tired-of-life-86 @takottai @alexatiu
please tell me if I missed anyone!
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gildedkrone · 9 months
I’m your little scarlet, starlet, singin’ in the garden
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Relationships: John Price x Male Reader Synopsis: John finds a million ways to say I love you A/N: Daddy issue readers beware Master List
The day utterly sucks. Wake up, get dressed and get breakfast. Sleep eluded you all night long with eyelids shutting the early morning, only to be wide awake again with the morning alarm and sunlight filtering through the curtains. Grumbling from the other sergeants you shared a room with are part and parcel of mornings and the sounds of shuffling when they got up and ready.
The communal toilets were packed to the brim. You nose upturns at the smell of piss and deodorant from the entrance. The smell is enough to send your stomach roiling in disgust and at barely past eight in the morning; it is too fucking early for this shit. Throwing in the literal towel, you decide to come back later to try your luck at a less congested toilet. The 141 enjoyed their private toilets and rec rooms, and while you worked with Price and his men, you are—technically speaking—not a part of the 141.
Sergeant by rank, combat medic by trade. Assigned under base command and on loan to Price, you did the work of the devil and enjoyed the luxuries of nothing. Your commanding officer, a prick of a Major, fought tooth and nail to keep you under his command when Price requested for your transfer.
Begrudging was Price when he lost the fight.  
Sleeping in a noisy and constantly busy bunk was hell and you rub the last wisps of sleep from your dull, pallid eyes. The roar of the cafeteria, normally a dull drone, is a sharp knife serrating on overwhelmed senses. A grimace pulls on your face when you see an unknown soldier take the last available seat at the table with the men you worked with prior. The tray clatters onto another table with a migraine forming in your head.
“That’s all, come back in three days if the wound doesn’t start healing.” The injured soldier on the bench grits his teeth just as you tighten the bandage around his arm.
He stares at you expectantly. You probe him to just ask his question. He says something about a medical record. Right. A medical slip excusing him from anything physically laborious. Usual protocol for injured soldiers. Ten minutes later with the printout secured, you dismiss the injured soldier and take a sip of water.
The headache is pulsating, evil festering from the deepest recesses of the mind in a barb to the front. Your hands grip the table for support and rummage through drawers for anything to quell the pain. Someone coughs and you look up to find Price at the door. He is a ray of hope spilling into the space as his smile is fond and endearing. Behind him, Ghost and Soap are there too, peeking into the room from the door.
“Hope you aren’t too busy, sweetheart,” Price drawls in that thick, charming accent of his. You tell him it’s never too much for him and he enters the room.
He smells wonderful and you pick up hints of lilac and jasmine. He smells wonderful and suspiciously similar to the bodywash you gifted him over a month ago. You tease him about finally upgrading his hygiene and earn yourself a few snickers from his men. Price shoots them his signature unimpressed look that morphs into a grin.
“It’s wonderful, sweets. Really appreciate the gift, love.”
His smile is resplendent, much like his disposition this morning. It fades slightly when he gestures for Ghost to move forward. You slip into medic mode when he lifts up his shirt to expose the red gash running up his chest.
It’s angry and painful and by the looks of it, quite recent too. A fresh pair of gloves are on and Ghost sits obediently on the gurney. You gently prod at the surrounding flesh while assessing the pain he is in. Ghost gives you single word answers and you grab clean gauzes and bandages. Price is an anxious man, hovering beside you while you gently cleaned the wound. Soap holds the lieutenant’s hand and aside from the occasional jerks and hisses, Ghost remains a good patient and you gently bandage his wound.
“Don’t overdo on the training and make sure to keep the area clean and free of pressure for the next three days, minimum.” Your words emphasise minimum, knowing Ghost’s tendency to disregard his own injuries and medical advice. More than what is good for him.
“He’s going to behave. Ah’m gonnae make sure he doesn’t do anything dumb, promise.” Soap perks up and Ghost shoots him a look of withering ire, prompting a laugh from the sergeant and a huff from the captain.
With nothing else, you discharge Ghost and Soap follows the LT out of the room. Price shows no intention to move as he takes a seat on the couch in the room. You tie the used gloves and throw them into the bin and wash your hands.
“How’s my lad doing today?”
You roll your eyes and tell him that it has been a difficult morning. Between the pounding headache and grievances you had with the way things are run by the surly Major. Price smiles empathetically and he pats his thighs. It’s another hour to lunch and the medical wing is quiet at the time being. No harm in sitting with Price and on his warm lap. He chuffs when you scooch to lean your flank on his abdomen. Large hands encircle your chest and they pull you in for a warm hug; the owner of which is extremely happy to give you kisses on the nose then the lips.
His beard is rough and tingly and you let him know. His amused chuckles are tinged with adoration across the tranquil blanket enveloping the room. No complaints when you’re spilling into my mouth, his scandalous retort earns him a chaste kiss on his cheek and a pout on your lips. The mirth in his eyes are a molten gold and you see yourself in the waterfall of Price’s joy in being this close to his lover. His hand trails your flank and fingertips traces up your face to your temple.
Before you can ask him, rough fingers capable of unadulterated violence on the battlefield display a grace dancing across temples in a soothing manner. You moan on instinct at the slowly receding headache under the gently pull and push of Price’s ministrations.
“John, ah, where did you—”
“Learn to do this? You aren’t the only one with medical experience here, sweetheart.” His voice is helping to ward off the discomfort and he brings your face close for another deep kiss.
You are putty under his ministrations and he takes the opportunity to rest one hand on your hip while the other soothes and calms.
“Our poor medic, worked to the bone by his cruel commanding officer.” You laugh as Price admonishes you to listen. “Won’t happen if you are under my command.”
Your chuckles are interrupted by the occasional gasps when Price’s fingers untangle the knots in your mental faculties.
“Well, Captain, what about me is so important to fight with the Major?” Price grumbles something about an unappreciative asshole and you giggle.
“Hardworking. The most faithful combat medic in the company and,” the glint in his eyes is teasing, “the most handsome.”
Smooth talker, but he doesn’t take any heat.
“Tough and disciplined, I’ve never seen anyone so steadfast in their duty to save lives and protect their teammates.” His whispers are gruff and in puffs of warm air against your ear.
“Not afraid to speak up against idiots, like the bumbling fool assigned as his commanding officer.” Price reminds you of the time you yelled at the Major for even suggesting abandoning the 141 on a mission gone wrong. You tell him it is nothing and his sweet lips are firm and plush against yours.
“An asset, through and through.”
“All mine.”
“Stop embellishing, John. I’m not that impressive. Just your usual, everyday medic.” You jokingly sigh and look into contented eyes shining with the pride of the Captain. The same pride that made Price, well, Price. He heart is telling him to rectify it—the way your perceived yourself.
“I only tell the truth and I will keep speaking it. You can’t stop me, love.” Kisses attack you and your squeak of surprise is drowned out in a tilt of the head. “So beautiful and so fucking hot on the field.”
“I’m sure there are much more capable medics than me serving the country, old man.” A finger is on your lips to shush your words.
“None of that now, love. We are talking about you, not some wanker. If it takes this old man every minute of his life reassuring you, then I will.” Then he starts and it’s an avalanche, clearing the negative thoughts and doubt from the roof of your heart.
“I’m so honoured to know someone like you, love.”
“You are the best thing that I have ever chanced upon.”
“I am so proud to be your Captain and more so, your partner.”
He grasps your head gently and cradles your head against his chest.
“This heart beats for you, love. Can you hear how it yearns for you?” It echoes with the rush of rivers, the gentle crashing of waves on shores of his heart you trod with steps of affection and care.
You nod and Price gives you one of his realest smiles. The kind he reserved for only a selected few, including you. You feel something swell in your at the dopey look on his face.
“I’m proud of you, sweetheart. Proud of your accomplishments, the effort you put into your work and this relationship.”
“I’m so damn proud to be together with someone like you, darling. Never change, love.”
“You make this old fart so very happy and there’s nothing I won’t do for you. Nothing is too much or too far.”
“Love you so much. So, so much. My good boy.”
My love.
Tears are obscuring the vision of him in a glow that gives him an ethereal look. Your angel, descended from the heavens. He wipes away the tears and rests his forehead on yours. It brings him close, so close and he strokes your cheeks gently. You run a finger through his beard and cup his cheek in a sweet embrace. Time is lost upon the two of you and nothing else matters.
Nothing but the beating of two hearts in sync in a rhythm you labelled as John.
“The boys trust you. And I do, too. There isn’t anyone else out in the world I trust as much as you and …”
“I want you to know that I’ll always be thinking of you.”
“John, you can’t—”
“Always in here.” His hand envelopes yours and brings it to his chest.
“You have me, until the end of time and for as long as you want.”
“Eternity isn’t long enough then.”
The kiss is akin to light pouring from urns of gold and showering the two men in a lustre the shine of the sun and the intensity of fire. He whispers something along the lines of never enough. The nasty headache fades into a dull ache then into nothing. Being with Price is worth the awful mornings with idiot sergeants and the annoying Major assigned to be your boss. Anything, everything is worth being able to spend time with this man called yours.
“I love you, dearest.”
“I love you too. My bear.”
His eyes twinkle at the term of endearment. A bear? He clarifies. Exactly, and he has a beard to match. He gives your hand a squeeze and you push up for another kiss.
Not just a bear.
Your bear.
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varpusvaras · 5 months
Fox and the Guard first learn about sugar once they start to do rounds in the Senate. They have these nifty little caf machines in the halls there, with these little cubes you're supposed to mix in to your liking. Thorn steals few of them once and puts one in Fox's morning caf. Sugar becomes the most trafficked substance in the Guard.
Some time later, after one really, really long day, that had included dredging in the lower levels, running up and down more stairs that was humanely possible, and being hosed down in cold water multiple times (why was all the water always cold on Coruscant?), Commander Fox goes to report to Senator Organa. He's one of the nice Senators (the nice Senator, if you ask Fox), and the man gives him one look and makes Fox sit down, and hands him a cup of something warm.
"I'm not really a chef", Senator Organa says, "and my office doesn't really have cooking equipment, so this is all I have at hand, but you really look like you need some warm food inside you, Commander."
It's against at least seven different protocols and regulations to accept anything from the Senators, let alone food, but Fox is tired and cold and the last time he has had something warm to eat that wasn't caf was...honestly he's not sure anymore.
The liquid in the cup looks to be some sort of soup, and Fox takes a sip from it. He stops and stares at it.
Senator Organa tilts his head.
"Is everything alright, Commander?" He asks.
"Yes, Sir", Fox answers quickly. "I just wasn't expecting the taste."
Senator Organa looks a bit puzzled, even if he is doing his best to to hide it.
"Well, it is rather easy to make, if you like it", he says then. "The ingredients are really basic, so I could bring some down to the Guard. It's just some roots and salt-"
"Salt?" Fox interrupts before his own thoughts have even finished. "Like, from the ocean?"
Senator Organa looks both really puzzled, and kind of like he wants to laugh. What Fox wants to do, is to die immediately.
"Well, some places do get their salt from the ocean", Senator Organa says, and then pauses. "...am I correct in my assumption that salt isn't widely in use on Kamino? Senator Burtoni complains every time her food has even touched it."
"It appears so", Fox says, trying not to sound like his next step is jumping out from the office's window.
"I see", Senator Organa nods. He then looks at the cup in Fox's hands and smiles. "Do you want some more, Commander?"
Fox also looks at the cup in his hands. It's empty. Fox doesn't remember finishing it.
Senator Organa already has more soup out, and Fox feels like it would be more impolite to say no.
"Yes, Sir", he says.
He finishes three more cups before he has to go, and Senator Organa looks vaguely like he has been robbed of a great joy in life as he cannot continue feeding Fox more soup. Fox also vaguely feels like he's been robbed.
(The rest of the Guard also seems to feel like that, judging from the looks on their faces when salt appears in their base's mess one morning, and their food starts to...have a taste.)
("Do you think it's too soon, if I introduce spices to them?" Bail asks the hologram of his wife on his desk.
"Start slow", Breha answers. "And no chilis without warnings.")
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poursomesunaonme · 10 months
taste you still !
pairing: miguel o'hara x fem!reader
summary: you've been the o'hara's babysitter for quite some time; miguel thinks it's time for a raise!
wc: 4k
a/n: i have nothing to say for myself - i wrote this in two hours off two glasses of wine LMAO
cw: minors dni (pls have ur age in ur bio)!, age gap (reader is in college), drinking (clear for consent tho), pet names (sweetheart, bunny, conejita, little girl), doggy, oral (fem and male receiving), handjob, 69, biting, edging, scratching, size kink, overstim, nipple play, squirting, modified missionary, finger sucking, unprotected sex, creampie, aftercare!
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the tv flickers idly across the room as you fiddle with the hem of your skirt.  gabriella had been asleep for a few hours.  glancing at your phone, you find it’s just past midnight.  it’s a warm, friday summer night.  a soft drizzle begins to come down outside.
classes just finished for the summer.  if it had been any other friday, you’d be out at bars tearing it up with your friends.  however, the single dad you nanny for called you in last minute.  you didn’t mind.
the moist rainy air from the outside defeats the advances of the air conditioner, and it’s beginning to get hot in the living room where you sit.  you’re thankful for wearing light clothes, as it helps with the heat beginning to settle. the warmth and the sound of the rain to help your body settle, and you begin to doze off.
you jump as the lock clicks, signaling the return of your employer.  you clear your throat and check your phone before putting it down, acting like you were watching whatever animal documentary was on the tv.  
2:26am had blinked across your screen.  the father enters the house with a quiet sigh, locking the door behind him.
“hi, mr. o’hara,” you say lightly as he hangs his coat and shakes his umbrella before putting it in a plastic bag to dry off.
“hey, sweetheart,” he says, trying to keep the noise down to keep from waking his daughter as he kicks off his shoes, too tired to care if they land strewn across the floor.
“how was your night?” 
“i need a drink.” he chuckles, his footsteps receding into the kitchen to assuage his desire.  “do you want one?”
he had never offered you a drink before.  of course, you’re of age - it was just uncommon, given your position in his family.  
“i, uh…” you stumble over your words.  “sure.  please.  it’s been a long day.”
“i hope gabriella didn’t give you much trouble.”  the crackling sound of ice breaking under an expensive scotch drifts from the kitchen.
“no, she was great.  she just… she missed you.”
the words unspoken scream that you did as well, but you ignore them.  it was delusional to think of him that way, but you couldn’t help yourself for that split second.  it was rare to spend more than ten minutes with him when you helped him out with nannying - there was no reason for you to feel such an emotion.
“yeah… i missed her too.”
some underlying meaning laces his choice of words.  the sound of his footsteps alert you to his presence before he reaches over the couch from behind you to offer you the glass.  you jump slightly, but accept it.  he sits heavily next to you, the couch creaking under his sudden weight.  you both take a heavy sip of the drink.  it slightly burns your throat, but you manage to choke it down anyway.
you’re aware of his identity, as it was necessary to be privy to such matters when taking care of his daughter.  you had detailed protocols to follow in case of such emergencies and the like, but that didn’t mean that you would ask about his mission.  you assumed the subject was off limits, and that strategy kept you in good graces with the man.  instead, he asks you about how the end of your school was, if there was any issue in securing an apartment for the next semester, mundane things and the like.
you answer all of his questions politely.  as much as you want to inquire about his missions, you refrain from doing so. he finishes his drink in no time, asking if you’d like another.  you eye your drink then finish the whole thing, handing the empty glass back to him.
you swear he mutters “good girl” under his breath.  it makes your stomach churn in a way you could have never imagined.
when he sits next to you with the drinks refreshed, it’s much closer.  you feel the heat radiating off his body.  the alcohol begins to course through your veins, and you can’t control the way your body easily gravitates toward him.  you struggle against the muffling feeling, struggle to keep control of your body that so badly wants to be pressed against his.
“oh, did i make a mistake?” he murmurs when he notices your proximity.  “want me to order you an uber?”
“no, no, mr. o’hara.” you shake off his offer.  “i’m okay.  thank you though.”
he pauses, swishing the alcohol in the glass before downing it swiftly.  “in that case, i’m gonna go shower.  you can leave if you’d like, or you can strip down naked and wait for me in bed.”
so i can finally fucking ravage you is the ending that he wishes to add, but he doesn’t want to scare you.
you’re taking a sip as he speaks, nearly spitting your drink out at his proposition.  however, you keep your composure and say nothing as he finishes his drink in one swift gulp and gets up from the couch, leaving a shivering feeling through your skin.
the second he leaves earshot, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. 
you’re fucked.
it’s like he knows the way you look at him in those minute moments when he leaves and returns from work. it’s like he knows that you continuously brag to your friends about how handsome he was.  it’s like he knows that you’ve said countless times that you’d jump him if you were ever given the chance.
but that was all just a silly little crush.  you never imagined that he would actually give you the opportunity.
he’d made you an offer you’d be downright stupid to refuse.
which is how you end up splayed in his bed, the cool air of the bedroom chilling your skin.  it was the obvious choice.  your chest rises and falls with anticipation.  the hopes of the man following through with his lewd offer brings on an ever-quickening heart rate.  you adjust your position again and again, hoping that each following pose will please him more than the last and help assuage the nervous feeling gnawing in your gut.
just as you chose the simple option to lay back against the pillows with your legs folded delicately together to one side, the shower turns off.  miguel doesn’t even bother drying off before he emerges from the bathroom in a dramatic billow of steam, wet gray-streaked hair tumbling into his face.  small droplets of water roll off his naked body and splatter against the floor.  the musky scent of his body wash hits your nose.  it makes you dizzy.  combined with the sight of him and the heavy alcohol rushing through your bloodstream, you’re completely susceptible to whatever plans he has in store.  you lose your breath at the sight of his tan, toned body approaching you.
“get on your hands and knees.”  the way he commands you is almost a detached sigh.  you don’t hesitate to obey, however.  without thinking, you get up from the position to poise yourself at the end of the bed in the way he ordered.  your heart speeds up, pounding against your ribcage.  this position already?  skipping to the main event?  you aren’t complaining, just surprised.
that feeling of surprise continues when you hear his knees heavily drop to the floor and his hands cup the globes of your ass and spread them apart.  the cold air hits that warm center and you gasp.  you gasp because the feeling is surprising and his lips press between your folds and you gasp because he groans so deeply at the first taste of you.
you’re fucked.
he takes no time to begin diving into every inch of your cunt.  you clutch at the bedsheets, wincing at the cold droplets from his hair running down the back of your thighs.
“mr… mr. miguel.”  you squeak, unable to muster up the brainpower to say anything else.  he works like it’s necessary for him to keep breathing, like he can’t wait to do anything else, like he’s starving, and you’re the first meal he’s come across in days.  
“is this okay?”  he finally pulls back, drawing a gasp from your lips at the cold air hitting that warm place again.  “just can’t… fuck… hold myself back.”
you make the mistake of craning your neck to meet his eyes at his panting candor.  his face just barely hovers above your ass, hands still spreading you apart.  you gulp at the sight of the shimmer of your essence on his lips.  he pants heavily, broad shoulders heaving with the force of his breath.  his eyes are gleaming, his pupils blown out with lust.  he looks fucking crazy, hair tumbling into his face.
you can feel your face heat up at the sight of him, feel your expression fall as you acknowledge again and again and again: you’re fucked.
a nod is all you can manage to urge him to continue.  you turn around and focus on the shiny silk pillows to ground yourself, bracing for the impact.
he merely grunts and dives back between your legs, splattering the last few drops remaining from his dewy skin onto you.  it takes everything in you not to collapse when he begins working with an increased fervor.  apparently, your words gave him great encouragement, as he intensified the movements, even daring to remove his lips from your folds to plant heavy, open-mouthed kisses on the backs of your thighs - and even daring to nip at the sensitive skin. 
before you know it, you sink down into the comforter, fingers whitening in a death grip on the sheets for support.  miguel doesn’t seem to notice - he’s too lost in the feeling of the increasing warmth on his tongue, of the blood rushing to where your body deems it to be.
just as you’re about to finish, he pulls back.  it draws a whimper from you, but before you can utter a word of complaint, he straightens up and begins to rub his length between the sticky wetness that welcomes him.  you whimper at the feeling, pushing your hips back against him as an invitation inside.  he wastes no time in accepting, pushing into you once he’s amply coated. 
your eyes bulge out of your head and you cry out a stilted moan as he doesn’t stop - not until he’s fully sheathed in you.  you sink down fully into the mattress, only supported by his hands when they grasp your waist to hold your lower body upright.  the beginnings of claws begin to poke into the meat of your hips.  overwhelming feelings circulate through every part of your body.  your mind begins to fog over.  you can’t differentiate the feeling from the alcohol or the pleasure; they work in tandem.
he doesn’t waist time to begin thrusting into you, more surely than he’s done anything in his life.  the rhythm is slow, but deep, and it drives you over the edge in no time.  since he left you hanging from the ministrations of his mouth, the movements of his length deep within you shove you over the precipice of pleasure.
“miguel… please, don’t stop.”  you whimper.  your eyes roll into the back of your head and you feel a great weight press into your back.  his lips appear on the shell of your ear.
“don’t hold back for me, bunny,” is the whisper.  “let go.”
you do as you're told, whimpers muffled against the mattress as you give into the pleasure, squeezing and convulsing around his length.  he licks behind your ear before nibbling on the lobe, drawing an extended moan that takes your breath away.  you can’t muster up any words - no praise, no thanks.  just incoherent sounds that express the feelings that you can’t articulate with the onslaught of pressure.
"mi conejita..."
miguel continues to rut into you like a wild animal.  his body presses flush against your back as his hips move, only going deeper and deeper as he jerks them back and forth.  there’s no relief, no breaks you get from his demanding size, from his desire to puncture you deeper and deeper until he finds his own sense of relief.
just as you finish, you think there will be a moment in the trembling of your legs that miguel will spare you.  however, you’re wrong.  the feeling of you constricting around him ignites a new passion in him, one that results in his lips meeting your neck, your shoulders, your back - one that draws his teeth into your skin.
a gasp escapes at the feeling of him nibbling on that sensitive skin, of the feeling of his hips continuing to mercilessly ram into yours.  you don’t want him to stop.  your hands clutch as the sheets, begging for some stability from the bed, but it doesn’t come.
instead, miguel’s hands wrap around your chest to pull you up as he straightens up.  his grip tigthens as you settle pressed against his sweating, heavily chest.  when you’re secured, his hands begin to move.  first and foremost, they grab your chin to face him and without hesitation, his lips crash against yours.  his fingers squeeze your jaw to pry it open and his tongue shoves down your throat.  you whimper against him.  he eats the sound whole.
his hands don’t stop once they leave your chin, trusting that your lips won’t leave his.  they reach down to pinch and pull your nipples, wander down to rub slow circles into your poor overstimulated clit.  the sound of his hips slapping against your raw skin is overwhelming, you can’t help but lean back into his chest for support, his tongue still craving the inside of your mouth.  he grunts in surprise when you start to suck his tongue desperately.  the sound simmers in his chest as he chuckles.
“you’re gonna be the death of me, little girl.”
you find yourself smiling, find yourself squeezing him as he moves inside, threatening to tear your insides apart.
“fuck,” he moans into your mouth.  “christ, you’re tight.”
you moan and whine into his mouth, and he devours those sounds as well.  the vibrations only spur him forward, only egg him on to continue ramming his hips into your body.  his fingers rub unceasingly against your increasingly sensitive clit.
“i’m gonna-” you manage to slur around his overpowering tongue and teeth.  “i’m gonna cum again.”
he groans, lowly and long.  it’s a lewd sound, one that sends all the heat from your body straight down between your legs.  it’s an encouragement, one that sends you over the edge within a split second.  you moan, legs shaking as you begin to collapse onto the bed again.  you can’t help the weakness, can’t help the fact that your legs turn to jelly as he rams into you with want and need that you can’t even begin to fathom.
you squeal as a fresh spurt of juices flow from your cunt, flow around his length, and down your inner thighs.
he swears again at the sensation of liquid beginning to run down his length, trickling down his own legs.  “shit… shit… i-i need that.  i need you to do that again.”
he pants and pulls out.  you gasp at the empty feeling, but he doesn’t give you much time to process it fully before he lays down on the bed and snatches your waist, pulling you over to align your hips with his face.  before you can utter a word of objection or acceptance, he yanks you into his face, burying himself in the warm grave of your cunt.
you throw your head back and moan weakly, tired and overstimulated from the last orgasms, but he doesn’t stop.  his ministrations are unyielding, even when you plant your hands against his hips to steady yourself.  his hard length stands in front of you, just barely out of reach of your mouth.  you can’t help yourself from drooling at the sight, of precum spilling from the tip and mixing with your juices that still dribble down the veins.
you try to move forward, but he pulls your hips back stubbornly, shoving his tongue into you.  you whimper, opting you reach your hand out to wrap around and pump his length until you can get your mouth on the impressive sight.  he slows as he realizes what you want to do.  he knows how much bigger he is than you.  he slides up the pillows to sit up, closing the distance between you and your prize until your lips suckle on the tip, drawing a hiss from him.  as if an attempt to silence the sound, his teeth sink into your asscheck.
“fuck,” you groan as the teethmarks in your skin join the bitemarks he left on your neck, back, and shoulders, still fresh and throbbing.  you attempt to shake off the feeling and start to bob your mouth up and down on his length, drooling over the musky taste of his precum when your tongue trails down the base, every vein drawn like a map under your tongue.
he doesn’t let you indulge yourself for long before he jerks your hips back against his face once more, drawing your mouth from his length with a soft pop.  you moan in indignation, attempting to lunge back to continue your work.  however, miguel’s grip on your hips, the nails beginning to dig in the muscles, successfully stops you.
instead, you pump down his shaft, hoping that you’re pleasing him as much as he’s pleasing you.  another wave of pleasure rolls over you, and you can’t help but whine at the vibration of miguel’s moans as he gulps down the juices that flow heartily from your center.  his dick twitches in your palm.
“please…” you whimper.  “please fuck me… please…”
“no” is the simple answer.  “you’re cumming on my face, mi conejita.” 
your cheeks heat at his unashamed lewdness, at how he so easily expresses his desire for you.  how long had he been feeling his way?  how long had he wanted to ravish you like this?  he seems so resigned to his desires that he just can’t help himself anymore.
he gets his wish soon enough, pulling you so far onto him that his nose dips into your entrance, triggering an explosion of pleasure within you.  he groans as your legs begin to shake around his face, as you give up on pumping his shaft because you can’t focus on anything else but not losing your mind at how good he makes you feel. 
miguel doesn’t give you a reprieve in his agenda, slapping your ass twice to signal a position change before you can even catch your breath.
“get up,” he growls, and you obey.  he pushes you down on the bed in his place - the pillows are still warm from where he sat, still damp from the juices running freely down his face and jawline to soak the sheets.  without hesitation, he grips your calves and throws them over his shoulders.  you’re completely powerless underneath him when he pushes into you fully, not waiting a split second to begin ramming into you, even deeper than before.
it’s nearly unbearable, especially when he grabs your wrists, crosses them with a single hand, and holds them over your head before his lips crash onto yours.  your moans pour into his mouth, and he takes them without a second thought, returning them with equal fervor.  each pound of his hips forces water droplets from his damp hair onto your shaking body.  the way he presses down into you, the way the weight of him presses your thighs against your chest, the stretch aching, the opening angle of your hips for him to ram deeper into your warmth… it’s too much.
tears bead at the corners of your eyes when you open them to find him watching your face, even as he’s shoving his tongue down your throat.  you feel the corners of his mouth turn up into a smile at the sight of you so weak with want, with desire.  he looks fucking feral.
he pulls back, watching your reaction as he turns his head to press sloppy kisses to your calves, nipping at the skin.  welting bumps appear under his mouth, like he’s decorating you in just the fashion he likes.  when he’s finished, his lips crash onto yours again.  he doesn’t stop, doesn’t show mercy, not even when you’re babbling for him to continue, to push you over the edge once more.
“i gotta…” he pants, finally drawing back from your lips to examine your whole body shaking against the rough motion of his hips bulldozing into you.  a single line of spit still joins your lips.  “i gotta taste you still… fuck.”
he thinks for a moment before his fingers dive between your folds, gathering an ample amount of essence before he raises them to your mouth, spreading the liquid across your lips.  you can barely function at the lewd sight, even when he presses his fingers into your mouth, leading your tongue to swish around them and lap up every last drop.  his face contorts when your lips close around his digits, sucking his digits dry.
his mouth crashes against yours, exploring every bud in your mouth with renewed fervor at the flavor of your cunt all throughout your mouth.  you realize he had let go of your hands and you use the freedom to latch your nails into his back, clawing it to ribbons.  he thrusts into you with refreshing vigor, spurred by the satisfaction of your taste, at your nails sinking into his skin, and the warm, pulsing feeling of your cunt around his length at the same time.  he doesn’t last long, doesn’t make it much more time before he moans and whimpers into your mouth, warm cum spilling into you.  he removes his mouth from your kiss bitten lips and opts to bite into your neck, so hard you’re afraid you’ll bleed - but it’s enough to send you tumbling over the edge with him.  but it doesn’t matter, not when he’s groaning against you, fucking the last bit of himself into you, slowing his hips more and more.
when he’s finally finished, you squeeze your arms around him, removing your nails from his skin, welcoming him an embrace for him to collapse into.  he accepts the invitation graciously, his full weight pressing upon you as your legs fall from their position on either side of his hips.
he sighs into your neck, into the satisfying feeling of his cum beginning to ooze from your warmth, down your ass, spilling onto the bed.  there’s a few moments of wordlessness, the only sound echoing the room is breathless panting.
“well, consider this payment for watching gabi tonight?”
you laugh at his offhanded comment that breaks the silence and press a kiss onto his heaving shoulders.
“no, i’m still expecting the same rate.”
“in this economy?  times are changing, sweetheart.”  he raises his head to meet your eyes as you laugh.  “i hear this is the new salary.  don’t tell me you’re that opposed.”
“i’m not… of course not.”  you laugh nervously.  he chuckles at the sight of you getting so flustered.  he swiftly rises, pulling out of you so fast that you barely have time to process it before he gets warm rags and towels from the bathroom.
he comes back and kisses your forehead gently, wiping the residue of the wild night from your body.  it’s a tender gesture, one that you didn’t expect from the rugged creature.  however, it’s not unwelcome.
“well, if you’d like to stick with me, i’m sure there will be some benefits in the future, if you’re willing to stay on.”  he pauses and grins.  “and it’ll be nice to have you here in bed in case i get called out in the middle of the night. you always sound so pissed at me when i call to wake you up.”  
he dries off your wet skin with a towel before letting all of the material fall to the ground, forgotten.  his body curls around you, the overwhelming size and warmth of him surrounding you.
you smirk, letting out a giggle at the continuation of the joke, heat pooling in your cheeks from the easy closeness he pursues with you.  “of course, mr. o’hara.  i don’t think anyone else could match such a wonderful deal.”
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@dilftaroooo come n get it !
© all work belongs to poursomesunaonme. do not copy and repost. likes, comments & reblogs are always appreciated !
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