#Alfred gets cameos
illiana-mystery · 2 years
Here it is...the moment you've all been waiting for in this Animated Alfredo marathon...put your hands together for...The Incredible, Marvelous Multibear!!!
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milfweirdal · 1 year
like yeah he would do numbers on here but i am so glad al doesn't use tumblr and im so glad that im on here instead of twitter. can you imagine thirstposting on twt knowing that he namesearches? that would strike such fear into my heart. my parasocial relationship with him is none of his business and i prefer it that way /lh
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vinelark · 4 months
in return for the fic recs i got last month, here are a few fics i read recently that i want to absolutely yell about from the rooftops:
Iron, Fire, Mirror-Glass by PurpleSoot: an early batman days AU where, while slowly healing from a spine-shattering injury, bruce finds an old book about the fae. in a fit of desperation he attempts a Summoning to try to heal his spine. enter: robin.
this story is fantastic—the kind of longfic with a plot so good and satisfying that finishing it leaves you on a reading high for at least a week. one of the best early days bruce fics i’ve ever read, with honorable mentions to excellent alfred and clark and jim and selina characterizations—but robin (dick) really takes the cake here. the balance of chilling, otherworldly, not-quite-human vs. playful, earnest, Still Just a Child…chef’s kiss. the way robin’s character arc drags bruce kicking and screaming through his own emotional growth is so well-paced and well-wrought that i already want to reread just so i can experience it again. this is one of those god-tier longfics that i can’t believe i got to read for free on the internet.
mid-reading testimonial:
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The Lone Ranger Never Had to Deal with Bruce Wayne by @theskeptileptic: a tim-joins-the-family-early fic in which tim decides to do everyone (his parents) a solid by faking his own death and running away to canada, except his weirdo neighbor bruce wayne keeps butting in and messing up his plans.
this is one of the rare stories where tim doesn’t know batman’s identity yet, and even rarer stories where that somehow makes the whole thing even more compelling. this fic has two of my favorite things: small, lonely, moderately unhinged tim drake pov, and really good pangs—pangs that are expertly teased out through flashbacks that add context to the present action at exactly the right moments. also, a very fun cameo near the end. i had a blast reading this one, physically clutched my chest more than once, and am already looking forward to rereading.
mid-reading testimonial (feat. @cairoscene):
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equivalent exchange by scribblemetimbers (wip): an au set during tim’s robin days in which tim discovers 1) crossroads demons are a thing and 2) people can make deals with them. deals that include bringing people back from the dead, so long as you’re willing to pay the price with your own life.
this fic is so…🤌‼️ it feels like everything i want in a fic so far, down to two incredibly specific concepts i love (bruce, in his grief, saying something harsh to robin!tim with disastrous consequences later + tim making a big secret sacrifice gambit) which are both done so so well, within a larger plot that is also done so so well. the way this fic cuts in and out of scenes at the exact right moments for max tension feels like a masterclass in causing me to tear my hair out (in the best way), and instead of assorted pangs reading it is just one big Pang. it currently leaves off on an agonizing cliffhanger but, again, in the best way. highly recommend. (thank you again @owlbats for the rec!)
exchange between me and my friend after i sent the link, which about sums it up:
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and to cut this angst with some humor:
IRIS Log #1548 by @deadchannelradio: a night on patrol as recorded by the bats’ audio logs, centering around red hood getting flung into a ditch and everyone, eventually, getting home safe.
one of the top ten funniest things i’ve ever read—spiritually up there with send to all (and if you’ve seen my fic rec tag you’ll know what a compliment that is). this makes use of the audio log format SO well. the dialogue shines, the jokes land with excellent timing, and it moves at such a clip that it’s pretty much impossible to stop reading once you’ve started. every character shines in this, and i’ve randomly choked on laughter remembering the phrase ‘good god he got thrown like a corn hole beanbag’ like twenty times in the past few weeks.
mid-reading testimonial:
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sisaloofafump · 7 months
Obsessed with the idea of Clark, after months of months of intense, depressing cases, getting his investigative friends back together to have one fun, simple mystery... on a murder mystery cruise. Too simple, unfortunately, as most of them solve it immediately and spend the rest of the trip desperately pretending they hadn't already figured it out.
Bruce and Lois are in lockstep at the back of the pack pretending to be clueless but under their breaths are maliciously trying to out spoil the next big reveal for each other. Bruce has a keen eye for the props and details, while Lois knows how a story is written, resulting in a wicked but equal back and forth.
Clark has his eyes locked straight ahead trying desperately not to listen to the actors practicing their lines in the next room over... and ends up blocking out most of the actual plot. Regardless of whether a clue he picks up is intentionally placed or not, he tries his best to forget it immediately and just "enjoy the experience".
The crew had hope for Jimmy. He's a nice young man—very engaged. Little too engaged. Never comes close to solving the case but came out with a very comprehensive knowledge of the first (and only the first) character's backstory. He goes missing after the first few hours and spends the next two days lost in the bellows of the ship investigating the life of the boat's first owner and the many adventures it has been on since. None of it useful to the scripted mystery, but it's significantly more interesting.
In the end, the only ones who properly solve the case are the two old ladies who coincidentally got tickets for the same weekend. Most of their progress could be attributed to Dick's help, however, as he split his time between aiding them and trying to get Alfred a cameo role in the plot.
Lois writes a shoddy review of cruise a week later. The plot is significantly more complex than actually staged—reliant more on how she and Bruce thought the story went (or was going to go), and less on any true memories. The accompanying photos of an old privateer's maps and the musty lost rooms of the ship's hull only aid in the confusion. Clark cannot provide clarification when asked and the review is eventually scraped.
All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable, if utterly unproductive, vacation.
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byghostface · 3 months
Daminika asking game
Questions for Daminika/Flamian Shippers! a Thread ♥️🫀 by @ damiandefenderr on Twitter(X)
1. What’s your favorite panel/moment of them?
Need them to hold hands again please…
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-[Robin(2021)#7/#11]-Artist: Gleb Melnikov-
Also this one panel of reunion hugs from the newest issue🫶♥️
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-[Batman and Robin(2023)#6]-Artist: Nikola Čižmešija-
2. What was your initial reaction to them getting together?
Tears of joy + stayed up late drawing out of excitement, cuz I've been rooting for them since the Robin(2021) # 7 issue.
3. What song/lyric reminds you of daminika?
♪-We could be together, you could stay forever
We could waste time baby, nothing else matters
Oh, when I look into your eyes
I wanna bury you by my side-♪
-BURY YOU by Ari Abdul
4. How do you think their first date would go?
They catch up with each other 's life while having a meal and doodling on Damian's sketchbook at his favorite Arab restaurant.
5. What’s your headcanon for Nika regarding Damian?
She likes to listen to Damian talking about his original story and ideas, and his plans to present them with different forms of media( art, acting, music ).
Nika thinks Damian's an interesting and straightforward person and likes his pride in himself in the first introduction he has on Lazarus Island. Think he's an honorable and fairly challenging fighter. Plus the mystery ghost(Alfred) that keeps appearing around him intrigues her. After stealing back his manga from XXL and giving it a good read, she wanted to know more and more about him.
6. What’s your headcanon for Damian regarding Nika?
He likes to text Nika from time to time, and when he doesn't know what to say he sends pictures of his pets to her, Nika sends back pictures of her own pets(cat, insects, reptiles) and the activity she is doing or the sunset view that is outside of her room window.
Damian is angry with Nika at first but realizes that he can only blame himself for being impatient to learn the Death Tournament's rules, thus letting her get the upper hand. Damian thinks Nika is a quick wit, bold and resilient person. He admired her fighting skills from afar and was secretly pleased that she kept seeking him to talk and be friendly with him, and still kept a respectful personal space for him.
7. If you could publish a daminika mini, what would it be about?
daminika sketchbook tour (about their daily life inspirations, choice of art styles, their views on people who are around them), and they have doodles/comments cameo on each other's pages occasionally.
8. What do you think Bruce & Taila's reaction would be to Damian & Nika being official?
Bruce is wary about Nika but can’t say much to Damian because of his own dating/lovers history, later on, realizes what Damian has seen in her.
Talia tells Damian a few times how she is unimpressed by Nika, but Damian doesn’t hear a word from her after he introduces Nika to her in person.
9. What’s a trope that you think fits daminika?
Sent to kill each other (secret mission) but fell in love unintentionally when they met and learned more about one another.
10. How do you think their relationship would be like?
It’s both their first ever relationships, so they are cautious and consider each other’s feelings a lot. Damian is serious about it and mentally initiated. Nika is much more relaxed and physically initiated.
1.2 (dates and activities).3 (taking care of each other, sleep habits, gifts) .pet names.art styles.asking game
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gffa · 3 months
I read the first volume of Nightwing 2011 and it violently flung me back in time to when the Nu52 stuff was first coming out and how mad I was about all of it, that I'm not wrong that I was bored by all this new stuff--I read that entire volume and only the Alfred cameo had me even consider making a post about it, despite that it was prime content, Dick inheriting the Circus! William Cobb mention! Court of Owls! Kyle Higgins writing it! and yet I had nothing to say about any of it--but the bigger lesson I took away was: I remember that mindset of constantly being mad at comics and it's exhausting just thinking about it. "Nobody hates comics like comics fans" was funny to me back in the day, but now I'm too tired to want to go down that road again, I've done my time in the salt mines, I'm parking my butt out in the sunshine now. There's a lot of things I'd love to see done better about current day comics, but there's a lot that's genuinely just fun, I enjoyed Gotham War, I enjoyed the hell out of Beast World, it was so silly and fun, I'm enjoying Tom Taylor's Nightwing series, I'm enjoying viewing Babs as Batgirl through my own lens of what invisible disabilities are like to go through and how much you have to claw back even when it's not "obvious" that you're not fully able-bodied, all things that sure could be better, but I have personally chosen to stay in the sun and find the joy. Reading Nightwing 2011 I was catapulted back into that mindset of Being Mad At Comics and it was just the opposite of fun, I don't want to spend my time being mad about the costume color's change from blue to red, I want to read a comic and find a moment of joy and come yell at the internet about it. So, like. If you see me be doggedly positive and think my taste is shit, fair enough, but also just know that I have decided I am letting go of my anger at the funnybooks as much as I can because, at the end of the day, they're comic books and I have a choice: Be mad or have fun. I'm choosing fun because I, on a personal level, need that. (And also I think there's a lot to have fun with!) (This post also brought to you by Star Wars. Oh my goooood there's so much I could complain about in Star Wars, some of it is So Bad, but like. Where is that going to get me, on a grand scale? Nowhere fun! This is my hobby, I'm skimming over the bad and finding the stuff that I think is cute or funny, because I nearly left the SW fandom a bunch of times because constant negativity was absolutely killing any energy I had to be here.)
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laiqualaurelote · 5 months
I have just finished Cahokia Jazz by Francis Spufford and it has rewired my brain. I can't remember the last time I consumed such a perfect piece of hard-boiled detective fiction that nevertheless does completely original things with the genre; it is to noir what The English (2022) is to Westerns. It's set in an alternate Jazz Age America where, due to a historical divergence in the strain of smallpox that first reached North America, Indigenous peoples continue to hold power in Cahokia in the Roaring Twenties. (There is a cameo here from the cultural anthropologist Alfred Kroeber, who among many other things happens to be the father of Ursula K. Le Guin; it took me a while to figure out that Spufford dedicated Cahokia Jazz to her. This is the level of nerdery you can expect from what is otherwise a very fine piece of pulp fiction).
Anyway tl;dr I hope this gets made into a film someday so they can cast Chaske Spencer as the lead. I think what the world needs is Chaske Spencer as a hard-boiled detective, the man who must go down these mean streets but who is not himself mean, and who is also secretly a talented jazz pianist. I feel this would be such a gift.
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cyb-by-lang · 3 months
One of the interesting parts of working on Excorcising (and Exercising) Demons is something referred to as the Bat-Embargo.
So, during the first two seasons of Justice League, characters from Batman's supporting cast could show up. Which meant mostly the Joker, because when you want to use the supporting cast, one might as well go big to also double up on plot relevance, which villains usually are. Batgirl, Robin, and Nightwing didn't appear except as alternate universe cameos. Though they were occasionally mentioned during crossover episodes with like, Static Shock and so on.
(Batman Beyond's run was before Justice League. Which is how you know Bruce is doomed to end up old and alone in his decaying house so Terry can meet him one day.)
After that point, WB executives were trying to launch a new show focused on a Batman earlier in his career, called The Batman. I have fond enough memories of it that Tim's Robin costume in A Ninja's Guide to Gotham is basically the same as what tiny!Dick wears in that show. (I thought the bifurcated cape was cute.) This show is also known for the acrobatic close-combat specialist Joker, which was certainly unique.
But because they were worried that the audience would get Bat-fatigue, this show and the then-new Teen Titans animated series removed most of Batman's supporting cast (including Alfred) from anywhere near the Justice League Unlimited run. It did, however, let some other characters' Rogues have some useful screentime, and that's fun too.
In hindsight, no, the Bat-Embargo wasn't necessary. Bats just kinda end up everywhere and no one worries about it too much nowadays.
But it does make for some weird continuity quirks that are unique to the DCAU.
And Kei doesn't have to respect some of them, because she just kinda-sorta broke the timeline a little.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Got any Carrie Kelly headcanons? She is such an underrated Robin
For those of you who are new here, Carrie Kelley is technically the third Robin after Jason. She's had a couple of cameos across different universes (like as Damian's acting teacher), but the majority of her appearances are confined to Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns where she is a 13-year-old girl who takes up the Robin mantle herself after an aging Bruce returns to the vigilante scene. Her canon sucks, but since I'm out here butchering the batfam anyway, I might as well revamp her characterization.
In regards to her place in the batfam, I think 13-14 is a good age for her because it helps fill in the gap between Tim/Duke and Damian, plus it adds balance because the rest of the girls skew older and it gives her more room for growth. Also 13 is prime Chaotic Weird Girl age and Carrie would absolutely be one
And I know she was briefly Batgirl in canon but can we also revamp that? There's a Batgirl void that she can totally fill but canon is like unseasoned boiled brussels sprouts. In my mind she's Batgirl but with a better costume, different mindset, and keeps her fun and distinct firecracker slingshot
Every time she goes shopping with Alfred, she comes back with another candlestick. She's up to ten now and they're all sitting in her room, fire hazards waiting to happen
She volunteers to help with the kindergarten and she's really good with kids... when she's not acting like one herself. She comes home after the first day with finger paint all over her face
A carjacker tries to break into the Batmobile and she just walks up to them like "Excuse me that's not yours"
She always keeps the dictionary up on her phone in the unlikely event she needs to prove to someone that contranyms are thing
She knows exactly what certain words mean, but pretends she doesn't and uses them wrong in the family groupchat because she knows Bruce will ask, which forces the other batkids to not only explain what a malewife is, but also correct Carrie by demonstrating how to use it correctly
She remembers every Taylor Swift song by heart and she's not ashamed
"Any pool is a public pool if you have the initiative," she says before selling wristbands for Bruce's pool
She gets the pets their own phones so she and Damian can text them throughout the day
She asks Bruce before taking any money, but the way she frames it is weird. For example, she'll ask him for a hundred bucks to buy some video games because that's the market price only to get them for $20 at a garage sale and spend the rest at on a really expensive burger
She's one of the privileged few to come across a person buying 300 watermelons in real life
Her invitations to hang out are like "Wanna come over? We can watch a movie or clean the Batcave, whatever works"
Damian is the "don't eat meat" type of environmentalist, but Carrie is the "I'll spam you with sad turtle pictures so you'll recycle plastic" type of environmentalist
She stocks up on Teen Spirit deodorant so she can say she smells like Teen Spirit
Her makeup skills are... not good. Jason mistook her for a Joker sidekick
She also snuck into Jason's phone and hid one of his Robin pics in his profile
She clips her nails during Bruce's briefings
Carrie and Duke go to the bookstore and see who can find the most Written By A Male Author book
She drinks water with a dash of olive oil
At galas she wears suit tops with skirts and light-up Sketchers
Carrie also doesn't care too much about gender or pronouns. She has a "she/they" pin on her backpack, but that's only 'cause she found it on a bathroom floor and liked the color
Her favorite nap spot is Bruce's favorite chair. It's a huge plush armchair and she's small enough to pass off as a cushion, so Bruce always has to double-check before sitting down
Carrie can read cues in other relationships, but not her own. After Kon offers to refill Tim's drink she's like "ooh he likes you" but when a kid at school gives her flowers on Valentine's day she's like "I think they were just being friendly"
She's the only Robin not to have dentists ask about broken or missing teeth
At a sleepover, she and a few other kids catfished someone on Hinge using a terrible teacher's picture
Her drawing skills are pretty good (not Damian level though) and one time when Dick was sad she drew him as the Dreamworks crescent moon kid
She's friends with the old lady that shops at Trader Joe's the same time she does every week
She puts all her phone calls on speaker. ALL. OF. THEM
She goes to Canada on a short mission and promises to bring back souvenirs. She brings bagged milk
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thinkingnot · 3 months
if i got a nickle for every batfam fic i read with significant duck cameos id have 2 nickles
these both are danny phantom crossover adoption aus, comedy, mystery, and beautifully written by great authors.
100k+ 25/? chapters
danny is smol in this aged down, angsty but also so much fluff youd die and the batfam are absolute menaces to each others, bruce wayne and alfred have significant appearances more so than the fic after this. less of danny pov in this like we see through the eyes of other characters viewing him, this makes thickens the mysterious plot! danny is very quickly adopted!
200k+ 13/22
super funny, comedic, awesome, love it lots more danny pov and every characters get povs. big big mystery and cracking it, danny is a teenager in this so a lot more snark and mans funny as hell, fluff and angst is ever so present! theyre working to adopting him (much to danny’s own reluctance)
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bruciemilf · 1 year
The thought has been hunting me for a while. imagine Bruce/fem!Bruce gets de-aged for some reason or another while batkids are the same age. So not to let weird rumors start and keep the cover, young Bruce/fem!Bruce updates the Brucie persona by becoming a popstar.
For some reason, I have been obsessed with fem!Bruce releasing Ariana’s songs. Into you MV gives me major young ghostmaker and bruce vibes, and just imagine God is a woman by fem!Bruce or playboy vibes and innuendoes of side by side.
Batkids and JL are shocked and bewildered, while Alfred fully supports her shenanigans by sewing the costumes and making her wigs!! He is a theater man after all, who is extremely happy to be making sparkly dresses and blonde wigs instead of those annoying bat costumes.
Considering how big she could become, I think it could make for some funny scenes like green lanterns returning to Earth and hearing about spooky being a popstar. Or Talía and other love interests buying out merch and going/escaping from Arkham to concerts. Just Damian being shocked and malfunctioning because of his regal mother dressed out in teenage t-shirts and screaming songs inspired by their relationship at the top of her lungs… the best could be Thank U next featuring batkids with funny cameos throughout the MV.
,,, I love how your brain works and I fear it I'm equal measure
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321spongebolt · 3 months
"The Lego Movie What if...?" - What if Emmet and Wyldstyle appeared in "The Lego Batman Movie"?
"The Lego Batman Movie" was the second film in the franchise. Surprisingly, neither Batman nor his peers even mentioned Emmet or Wyldstyle, not once. But what if they did? And what if they were involved in the events of that movie?
The start of the movie is roughly the same, just with Batman adding "The only friends I ever had were Emmett, Lucy, Vitruvius, Benny, Metalbeard, and Unikitty. No one else. You mean nothing to me!" while telling Joker off. During the talk with Alfred about working alone, Alfred could mention the Master Builder, Emmet, although, he gets the name wrong by saying "Eric".
On the night Bruce Wayne has to attend the Winter Gala, Alfred invites Wyldstyle to Wayne Manor (given that in the last movie, she was Batman's girlfriend before Batman allowed her to be with Emmett. So it's possible Batman and Wyldstyle still have their contact information.), who in turn would invite Emmett (I don't know if the others should attend too). Emmett and Wyldstyle are allowed to attend the gala as Bruce's plus-ones, courtesy of Alfred, who's trying to show Bruce that he can't keep flying solo.
At the gala, Emmet would meet Dick Grayson after Dick finishes talking to the distracted Bruce Wayne, who approved of his adoption. Later, when the Joker and all of Batman's arch nemeses crash the party, they turn themselves in as part of Joker's plan. If you want, Wyldstyle could even try fighting some of them, given her personality carried over from the first film. Back at Wayne Manor, after Emmet and Wyldstyle spend the night, Emmet and Dick could have a moment where they would bond in the manor.
When Batman sees the news report about Superman using the Phantom Zone projector on Brainiac, Batman allows Dick to come with him to steal it, with Emmet and Wyldstyle as extras. As part of Batman's heist, he, Emmet, and Lucy must enter the Fortress of Solitude to distract the rest of the Justice League. As a few callbacks, Superman and Green Lantern would apologize to Emmet for doubting him and thank him for freeing them from Lord Business' think tank. Meanwhile, Lucy could get acquainted with Wonder Woman and some of the other female DC Superheroes like Zatanna and Hawkgirl (just to name a few examples).
After Robin successfully steals the Phantom Zone Projector, the four infiltrate Gotham Prison, and Batman uses the Phantom Zone Projector on Joker. Barbara Gordon arrests them until Joker and the Phantom Zone prisoners wreak havoc on Gotham City, making Barbara take back her arrest as long as Batman works with others. Wyldstyle, could possibly get angry at Batman for putting her in prison. And if you wanted a throwaway gag, Emmet could play "Everything is Awesome" with a harmonica.
Alfred joins the four while wearing the Adam West Batman suit. They fight the Gremlins and other Phantom Zone prisoners, only for Batman to have this Bat-Crawler send his friends away. After a trip to the Phantom Zone by Joker, Batman apologizes to his friends, and Batman decides that Emmet and Wyldstyle should have Bat suits of their own (You can decide in the comments what Emmet and Wyldstyle's bat suits would look like. You can also upload an image in the comments section if you're an artist.).
Batman's other villains who Joker neglected also join our heroes in the battle to save Bricksburg and Gotham City. Batman is rejected from the Phantom Zone and the ending shows Batman bonding more and more with Barbara and Dick. During the ending montage, we could see Emmet and Wyldstyle make at least one more appearance where they would attend Dick's sleepover party he arranged all by himself (Unikitty, Benny, and Metalbeard can also appear as optional cameos). And Dick and Emmet can bond once more.
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toulousewayne · 8 months
Batman & Superman: World’s Finest
This is a concept for a DC World’s Finest movie to take place in my DCU. This film will be apart of phase five.
Synopsis: Lex Luthor decides if he’s gonna run for President he must get rid of Superman once and for all.
Bruce Wayne/Batman…….Oliver Jackson-Cohen
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Clark Kent/Superman……..Pierson Fodé
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Lex Luthor……..Michael Fassbender
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Metallo………………..Karl Urban
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Deadshot………….Jense Ackles
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Parasite……………Wilson Bethel
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Lois Lane………….Ashley Greene
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Wonder Woman/Diana Prince…Christian Serratos
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Alfred Pennyworth……….Pierce Brosnan
Commissioner Gordon…….Stanley Tucci
Amanda Waller……….Angela Bassett
Robin/Damian Wayne…….Mystic Inscho
Rick Flagg………Richard Madden
The film opens with two parallel scenes of Batman & Robin gearing up to respond to the batsignal, as well as Superman leaving a conference at work after hearing alarms at S.T.A.R. Labs.
Superman arrives and it’s a militia of armored men who have Scientists and inters. Superman makes quick work of the main room and frees the hostages, and then progresses through the rest of the facility.
Batman & Robin arrive to a apartment in Burnley with the Commissioner where three government agents were gunned down.
Superman arrived and tells a smaller group of men to stop. They open fire on him and the leader shoots at some test tubes, and containers releasing gases and specimens. One of the goons calls out to the leader,”Rudy” who flees during the gas leaks.
Superman clears the room but Rudy got away.
Batman and Robin return later to the cave. Robin informs him he’s going to train before bed and Bruce begins examining the crime scene from earlier. Alfred arrived with dinner and the two talk and think about how the murder managed to kill three government agents without being spotted as well as without leaving a lot of clues.
The next day Clark returns to work and is greeted by a irritated Lois Lane who tells him that Perry was so pissed off he left the meeting that he spent the rest of the time nagging her about her assignments. Clark jokes with her and promises her dinner. They arrive to their floor.
Meanwhile, Rudy is in his cramps apartment in Metropolis and he has a nasty cough and doesn’t feel and good. He looks through his duffle and finds a open canister with purple goon still inside. He further looks at it and it’s from LexCorp research and development department.
Bruce enters his office at Wayne Enterprises and is met with Amanda Waller. They have a chat and she slips him a file, and tells him that this could help Batman. He warns her to stay out of Gotham and she tells him she’s only here to help and leaves with Rick Flagg.
Bruce calls Alfred and on his watch and the two browser the file on a assassin named Deadshot.
Leaving the office Clark and Lois notice a large crowd gather and see a man perched on a nearby building threading to jump. Clark blends into the sea of people to a nearby alley where he begins to change.
Bruce gets into his car and begins to drive away from Wayne Tower.
Meanwhile, Superman shoots up to the guy and begins to talk to him only to find the guy isn’t really is a dummy. A gunshot rings and Superman is shot in the chest and crashing down to the streets.
Bruce is still talking to Alfred on the phone when a breaking news flashs across his screen. He races away. He tells Alfred to have his suit and the Batwing ready.
Superman is surrounded by police and Lois pushes her way to him and tells him to stay conscious.
Bruce rushes downstairs into the cave where Alfred had a live feed playing from Metropolis news channel. He presses a button on the computer and Martian Manhunter appears on screen. He tells him he’ll need his help.
Lois is still trying to keep Superman awake as EMTs gather around him but his flash is trying to heal around the bullet,one of the Swat team walks to him and kneels and transforms into Martian Manhunter. He tells him help is on the way to stay alert.
Meanwhile, Deadshot from three rooftops away loads his rifle with one last Kryptonite bullet. He sims it at Superman’s lifeless body and before he can fire it a Batarang disarms him. Batman looms over him on a a/c unit. And descends towards him and the two fight.
Martian Manhunter turns his head to the side of the fight and tells Lois to have the EMTs prep him for the bullet extraction. She rushs to get them as J’onn presses on his earpiece and calls for the device.
Batman and Deadshot fight across the rooftops and Batman uses a disruptor to jam his wrist guns. And knocks him out.
J’onn received a black briefcase from a red and yellow blur and opens it to a kryptonite scalpel.
Having Deadshot cuffed Batman glides down to the scene and pulls a small vial from his belt. He tells Superman to hold on and pours the iodine on him, he takes the scalpel and J’onn morphs his fingers and pulls out the bullet allowing the wound to close. The crowd cheers and Lois helps Superman sit up.
Later that night Superman and the police chief integrate Deadshot. Seeing as their not getting anything from Batman glares at the door and enters, a moment later he returns and tells them it was private hit, they supplied the gun and rounds and all he had to do is kill him.
Lex Luthor exits his limo and enters his company. Lex is having a phone call with Mercy about Superman still being alive. She tells him not to worry as she just left Iron Heights and their backup plan is go. Upon entering his office Luthor find Rudy who’s looks worse and is spastic.
He demands Lex give him an antidote or he’ll expose what his research is really about. Calmly Lex tells he figured this would happen and lures the man to his desk where he pulls out a vial, He tells if wants it it’s his. Rudy takes it and ask him what’s the catch. Smugly Luthor tells him there isn’t one just take the vial and all will be fixed.
Still unsure and without much choice Rudy tells him he’ll leave,and Lex tells him if he has any questions to call,and Rudy leaves with a smug Lex watching.
Batman and Superman arrive at warehouse in downtown Metropolis, it’s where Deadshot had set up shop. Superman questions why someone wants to kill him, more than normal and Batman hacks into Lawton’s computer to decrypt the secure messages.
Luthor has cameras planted inside and tells Mercy to active plan B.
Batman has the data sent to the Batcomputer where Alfred tells him he’ll have it decoded in just a few moments, a large object crashes through the wall knock Batman back and Superman turns to see Metallo free from prison with upgrades making him more robot. He and Superman fight out of the warehouse and Batman gets to his feet.
Rudy doubled over in pain drinks the vial from Lex and for a brief moment he feels fine before he screams in pain and violently trashes his apartment before follow over and purple light eliminates the apartment from outside.
It’s a fight through the streets and rooftops of Metropolis and Superman is still weak from his wound from Deadshot.
Metallo nearly stabs Superman with a Kryptonite blade but Batman uses his Arsenal of gadgets to distract him and lure him away from Superman. Metallo attempts to grab Batman but missed everytime.
He manages to throw the Bat into a water tower and Batman is injured. Before Metallo can strike Superman quickly throws a car at him knocking him into a nearby building. He grabs Batman and flies but his knocked back by Metallo blast of Kryptonite.
Batman assists Superman to a kneeling position and Metallo stocks toward the but his restrainted by the Lasso of Truth. Wonder Woman is flying above the men. Batman helps Superman stand and Alfred chimes in to tell him the source of the payment as well as the message ping back to an off shores account. That belongs to Lex Luthor. Wonder Woman commands Metallo to tell her the truth of who sent him and tells them Luthor wanted him to finish the job.
Superman gets up and tells them it ends tonight and knock Metallo out. Wonder Woman descends to the rooftop and tells them she saw the news and wanted to make sure they were okay. Batman tells her timing needs work and she tells him they’re both welcome. Superman is angry and flies toward LexCorp.Wonder Woman grabs and tells them they have to back him up.
Lex is drinking scotch on his balcony when Superman with red eyed lowers in front of him and demands to know why. Lex sips his drink and tells him his plans for Presidency but that can’t happen with the Boy Scout around. And on cue a large form jumps onto the balcony and before them is Parasite. Luthor tells him if he really wants to stop the pain he’ll kill Superman.
Parasite attacks Superman and the two crash down to the streets. Wonder Woman lands Batman on the ground and rushes towards LexCorp he tells Diana to buy him time.
Lex unstable and enrage watches the fight from the balcony and marches inside and calls for Mercy.
Batman arrives at the entrance of LexCorp and guards with military equipment are deployed to secure the lobby and Batman enters through the door with smoke and quickly disarms all the guards and takes them out. He calls to Alfred to scan the building and Alfred tells him Lex is fleeing down southwest staircase and Batman rushes after him.
Superman is struggle to handle Parasite in his current state, Wonder Woman reminds that weather or not he’s at full strength he’s more than capable to stop Parasite who is enraged with powers and vows to kill them both in order to avenge what he’s become, and they two fight him again.
Lex calls for Mercy but his line isn’t working and finds one of his car’s and attempts to flee, the Batmobile begins to chase after him. The two are engaged in a high speed pursuit in the city while the other members of the Trinity battle Parasite.
Batman is able to hack into lack’s database is slowly draining his files and experiments. He tells Lex that he has the evidence he needs and their no where he can run to where Batman won’t find him, and slide swipe Lex’s car cashing him to crash. Lex crawls out and is confronted by the Dark Knight.
Superman is sent through a Department Store and Wonder Woman uses her bracelets and it dents Parasite flying. Superman shoots throw the air and begins to beat up Parasite, who throws several punches back. Batman arrived and holds a device he tells Wonder Woman to help Superman restrain Parasite to Batman can inject the antidote. On cue Parasite crashes into a nearby car. Wonder Woman flies towards Superman tells him they need to by Batman time.
Together the work together to get Parasite in a clear open space and using the Lasso of Truth their able to restrain him and Batman injects the antidote. Parasite slowly returns to his human form and falls unconscious. Superman thanks them both but ask for Luthor. Batman presses a button on his belt and the Batmoblie opens to reveal an unconscious Lex Luthor. Superman stocks toward the car and Lex wakes up to Superman’s looming figure. He tells him he isn’t scared and Superman grabs him, tells him prison isn’t like anything he’s seen before.
In the finale scene we skip to a month later and Lex Luthor is being sent to Ryker’s Penitentiary and is awaiting trial and sentencing for his crimes against Metropolis and his unethical actions. Lois tells him if he keeps grinning like that his face will free like that. And Clark says he’s just glad Justice will be served and Luthor can’t by his way out of this one.
She tells him that she’ll see him at home later as she and Jimmy have an assignment down by the park and Perry wants the scoop.
Superman flies up through the clouds and lands on a rooftop in Gotham and asks him is he always this gloomy. Batman emerges from the shadows and looks at the city. He asks him did the drive help and Superman smiles. Batman tells him people like Luthor will always exist. And Superman places a hand on his shoulder and tells that it’s a good that they have Batman to scare them off. And Batman grins slyly at the comment. Superman lifts off and tells him they’ll have to work together and Batman tells to not press his luck and Superman flies off. Batman sees the Batsignal and grapples towards it.
Post Credit:
- Floyd Lawton is working out in his cell when the buzzer sounds and heavy footsteps are heard. He asks his being let out for good behavior and standing before him is Rick Flag who drops a duffel bag in front of him. He tells him to gear up the Boss wants to hire him for a job. And he leaves his cell, on the bag is a large red X.
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ao3feed-superbat · 6 months
from the inside of the wound
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/LUQEJTh by shipyrds The first thought Clark has as he blinks up at the indifferent gray concrete of the ceiling above him is that there must be kryptonite somewhere in the room. His head is splitting, a sharp stabbing pain behind his eyes; his ribs ache, and there’s a dull throb in his left knee. -- Clark and Bruce are cursed to feel each other's pain. Some revelations ensue. Words: 8639, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: DCU (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Kara Zor-El, brief cameos by, Tim Drake, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Diana (Wonder Woman), Zatanna Zatara Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Magical Bond, Curses, Chronic Pain, Injury, Getting Together read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/LUQEJTh
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twistedtummies2 · 4 months
Year of the Bat - Number 7
Welcome to Year of the Bat! In honor of Kevin Conroy, Arleen Sorkin, and Richard Moll, I’ve been counting down my Top 31 Favorite Episodes of “Batman: The Animated Series” throughout this January.
  TODAY’S EPISODE QUOTE: “How could you? I worked with you, trusted you, and you never told me?!” Number 7 is…Over the Edge.
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Many consider this episode to be one of the best of the TNBA era of the Animated Series. I am, very obviously, highly inclined to agree. “Over the Edge” might well be the single darkest episode of the entire show, and that’s saying a lot. (The only possible competition it may have in my mind is “Growing Pains,” another TNBA outing I covered much earlier in the countdown.) It’s not dark because it involves scary imagery, or gruesome and physically twisted concepts, but because it puts the characters at the absolute peak of tension, with things getting more and more bleak as the story goes on, and it never really lets up. The episode literally opens with a shootout inside the Batcave. No joke. Commissoner Gordon and the rest of the GCPD are racing through the Batcave’s tunnels, gunning for the Dark Knight and his allies, and it’s made clear that Gordon knows who Bruce Wayne is. Alfred gets arrested, giving Batman, Robin, and Nightwing a chance to escape. While in hiding, Batman recounts how things have gone down for the audience’s benefit: it’s revealed that, during a battle with the Scarecrow, Batgirl was knocked off a building, and landed right on top of Commissioner Gordon’s car. She dies as a result of the fall shortly thereafter, at which point Gordon learns the truth of how the heroine was Barbara, his daughter. Now in the present…blaming Batman for Barbara’s demise, Gordon and Harvey Bullock effectively wage war against the Bat-Family. The Commissioner is more outraged than ever when he learns Bruce Wayne is the Caped Crusader. Even the public seems incensed, and some of the villains get a quick cameo as they try to gain support and form a lawsuit against the Dark Knight. Nightwing is eventually captured, and Tim Drake is forced to give up the mantle of Robin and go into hiding. Finally, Gordon makes the most drastic of moves, as he teams-up with Bane, of all villains, to destroy Batman once and for all.
So…first of all, JESUS H. CHRIST, THAT’S A LOT TO TAKE IN. Every few SECONDS, it seems, throughout this episode, another point of suspense and dread rises up. The story just does not let up, as the situation spirals further and further out of control. With Gordon on the brink of madness and Batman on the brink of self-destruction at every turn, this is easily one of the most harrowing tales of the entire series. Neither is vilified here, and the voice artists for these two characters are what really sell the emotional impact: this is by far Bob Hastings’ most startling turn as Gordon, as you see him pushed to his breaking point and transformed into an antagonist. Conroy is equally powerful as Batman, as you can sense the pain in his own vocals and the way the fear and sorrow build for him as the story goes on. Bane’s presence as the main villain (though not the main antagonist) is also a welcome addition. We didn’t get much of him in the show, but this is by far his most memorable outing. I do feel I HAVE to spoil the ending to this episode, though, so…for those who have not seen it, SPOILER ALERT: as you might have guessed, Batgirl isn’t really dead. In fact, it’s revealed that none of the events actually happened. Batgirl and the others DID face the Scarecrow…but the villain didn’t knock her off a building. Instead, he gassed her with a special form of his Fear Toxin, which put Batgirl into a deep sleep, where her absolute worst nightmare was illustrated in vivid, lurid detail. Thankfully, Bruce and the team are able to bring her back to health.
The episode doesn’t just stop there, though. Even more than all the horrors the story puts before our eyes, I think my favorite part is the very ending. Disturbed by her dreams while under Scarecrow’s influence, Batgirl goes to talk to her father, planning to confess her identity to him. Gordon, however, stops her, and tells Barbara that she doesn’t need his approval: he trusts her to make her own decisions, he won’t blame anyone else for them, and he will always love her. Not only is the ending heartwarming, but I love how the dialogue subtly hints that Gordon may know the truth of Barbara’s secret identity already, while still leaving that teasingly ambiguous. Either way, I love how – after all the suspense and dread the story slams into us over and over again – it ends with such a wholesome, warm, yet poignant conclusion. It’s also yet another reason I credit this as Hastings’ best performance for the Commissioner: the fatherly warmth of this scene is just as impactful as the bitter vengeance and spite from before. While the twist of “it was all a dream” can seem a bit…iffy for some people, I think we all knew this couldn’t actually be real, or that there had to be some catch to it, so to speak, so I don’t really mind much. It doesn’t take away from what makes the story great: for both its darkness, and its hidden speck of interesting light, it is an absolute marvel, and one the Animated Series’ most rightfully lauded gems. Honestly, I’m kind of disappointed in myself for not placing it higher…but hopefully the stories still to come will not disappoint.
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Tomorrow we move on with Number 6! Hint: “It would move me to tears, if I had tears to shed.”
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batb1tch · 1 year
I fucking missed his birthday but here’s a belated list of Bruce Wayne headcanons no one asked for 🫡
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He’s a walking thesaurus
Begrudgingly takes the time to do general maintenance on the kids vehicles but they know it’s how he shows fatherly love
Genuinely disgruntled/confused by social media culture & language
— “Duke, what does -squints at iPhone screen- thotiana mean?”
“……im not qualified for this”
History buff. Loves the history channel & discovery channel. gets hurt on patrol & just vegges for 8+ hrs. when the painkillers kick in he starts scrutinizing & correcting the narrators. Loudly criticizes naked & afraid. Whole fam finds him unbearable (jay is the same way tho)
Enjoys rlly spicy food. Like shit that should be inedible. Prob from years of inhaling toxic gases & fumes. as embarrassing as it may be he doesn’t have much of a palette anymore. Only way to find out if something’s poisonous is the consistency/density & how it sits on his tongue.
— “clark, dare me to eat this pepper?”
“we’re literally on a different planet that thing could kill you bruce”
“I’ll take my chances”
—turns purple or something—
Total geek on vacations or nature walks, points out every creature it’s Greek name, genus, the whole shebang. Loves fossils and seashells can tell you time period of rocks & what type they are. Same with trees.
100% would blow shit up in the bat cave for “scientific research purposes”
— “it’s for the greater good Alfred”
“even the bottle rockets sir?”
“Especially the bottle rockets”
Really fucking hates the cold. Broken bones & scars ache like a bitch in rainy/snowy cold weather.
Hates taking medicine/cough syrup like a giant baby. Alfred has resorted to hiding pills & sedatives in all kinds of creative ways. Stephanie is surprisingly good at baking them into her “special” cupcakes.
wears those horrible Hawaiian shirts and slacks every time the fam goes on vacation. Looks like a walking pattern violation.
as opposite of a morning person as you could get. drinks his coffee black & cant function until he’s finished at least a cup. The longer he sleeps the longer it takes him to recover when he gets up. Pours orange juice into his cereal & that kind of shit. Most of the kids know better & leave him alone to his morning paper but Steph knows it’s the best time to get what she wants so she’ll hassle him relentlessly at the breakfast table. Morning stubble always makes a cameo
Fucking terrible at most video games. The WORST at 1st person shooters. Does enjoy racing & building games (& Skyrim for some reason)
Really good at crossword puzzles & fills them out in the newspaper when he gets the chance.
Truly is the turtleneck king (you lose a lot of heat in the neck)
Has horrible handwriting for someone who grew up with a top tier education. Drives his secretary nuts.
Has like 5 cellphones, very plug of him. nobody understands how he manages to keep track of everything. the one he uses as bruce to contact the kids is an 02 NOKIA that’s probably been to the moon and back (literally)
Very affectionate towards Alfred the cat it’s definitely that ‘dad who vehemently denies the pet/doesn’t want it & then becomes inseparable with it’ type of relationship. He may or may not sneak him friskies much to Damian’s chagrin.
—*tsk* “he’ll become obese father its irresponsible of you”
“ill feed this cat until he has to roll through my house thanks”
Has one of those fancy watches with like 1000 functions thanks to tim. It’s bulky and black looks like some sort of military electronic.
His kids call him inspector gadget.
Wears blankets around his shoulders like the cape/cowl when he’s sick.
Most certainly keeps track of and studies the colony in the cave. The kids have a theory that he has trackers and mics attached to the bats for snooping purposes. (He doesn’t but he’s not telling them that)
Has a collection of crazy socks, ties, and cuff links (mostly from tim & steph) that he wears to work when he’s feeling worn out. They are all hideous and Alfred tells him so but just a glance at some putrid yellow cotton & he already feels better.
Enjoys going to classic car shows with the kids and Alfred. everyone has an opinion if he’s made a new purchase, he pouts if the consensus is bad
Singe-handedly funded the 24/7 food truck services/entrepreneur program for the entirety of Gotham after getting his ass kicked by killer croc one night & by the grace of god & the pity of a concerned man running a taco truck was given the best meal he’s ever tasted in his life. Jay was very on board when he heard about it & actually the entire team is pretty grateful to be able to grab something delicious on the go all hours of the night
Likes to swim and going to the beach in general. One of his favorite things to do with Clark is deep sea fishing — dad shorts baseball cap and socks with sandals kind of fishing.
Contrary to his stony persona, the mans a crier. Cries when he’s sad, cries when he’s happy, cries when he yawns, cries when he laughs, cries when he’s sick, etc. etc. Sometimes tears come out when he’s upside down, he’s just got very active tear ducts 😪
Definitely has a photo of every kid in his wallet, most of them are blurry and cropped weird cause he cut them out himself but all of them are of the kids smiling or laughing. He looks at them all the time to the point that they’re worn down and faded different colors.
Has severe manic & depressive episodes. PTSD as well.
He’s ambidextrous but primarily left handed
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