#(initially this was just about L and B and then aggressively trying to have a good time and relax and go along with the cruise while
sisaloofafump · 7 months
Obsessed with the idea of Clark, after months of months of intense, depressing cases, getting his investigative friends back together to have one fun, simple mystery... on a murder mystery cruise. Too simple, unfortunately, as most of them solve it immediately and spend the rest of the trip desperately pretending they hadn't already figured it out.
Bruce and Lois are in lockstep at the back of the pack pretending to be clueless but under their breaths are maliciously trying to out spoil the next big reveal for each other. Bruce has a keen eye for the props and details, while Lois knows how a story is written, resulting in a wicked but equal back and forth.
Clark has his eyes locked straight ahead trying desperately not to listen to the actors practicing their lines in the next room over... and ends up blocking out most of the actual plot. Regardless of whether a clue he picks up is intentionally placed or not, he tries his best to forget it immediately and just "enjoy the experience".
The crew had hope for Jimmy. He's a nice young man—very engaged. Little too engaged. Never comes close to solving the case but came out with a very comprehensive knowledge of the first (and only the first) character's backstory. He goes missing after the first few hours and spends the next two days lost in the bellows of the ship investigating the life of the boat's first owner and the many adventures it has been on since. None of it useful to the scripted mystery, but it's significantly more interesting.
In the end, the only ones who properly solve the case are the two old ladies who coincidentally got tickets for the same weekend. Most of their progress could be attributed to Dick's help, however, as he split his time between aiding them and trying to get Alfred a cameo role in the plot.
Lois writes a shoddy review of cruise a week later. The plot is significantly more complex than actually staged—reliant more on how she and Bruce thought the story went (or was going to go), and less on any true memories. The accompanying photos of an old privateer's maps and the musty lost rooms of the ship's hull only aid in the confusion. Clark cannot provide clarification when asked and the review is eventually scraped.
All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable, if utterly unproductive, vacation.
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doumadono · 9 months
(Since I am a bitch 😈😈😈)
I have a request!
NSFW alphabet with our "beloved" Enji Todoroki!!!!!! 😏🔥
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A - aftercare If you're just a casual fling or someone he met randomly at a bar, the chances of him sticking around are quite slim. However, if he's genuinely invested in the relationship, there will come a point where he reveals his caring side. Seeing you upset because of his initial emotional distance triggers a sense of guilt within him, and he eventually relents, saying, "Alright, let's cuddle."
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B - body part He loves your ass, tempted to give it a playful pat or some appreciative glances, all while trying to not make the impression that he's a pervert
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C - cum Enji usually pulls out and cums on your ass, or just jacks off to it but sometimes he'll grab your throat and push you on your knees to cum on your face. "Yeah, babe, take it, take it! See how fucking beautiful you look with my cum all over your face?"
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D - dirty secret Endeavor's hidden desire is for you to pleasure yourself with toys while he watches, jacking off
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E - experience He has a wealth of experience, and I mean a substantial amount of it. This guy truly knows what he's doing
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F - favorite position His favourite position is doggy style, he feels so powerful and in control while you're on all fours, whimpering pathetically for him. He loves taking you from behind and pulling on your hair, making you scream his name. "You like it when I fuck you into submission like this? I bet you do, slut."
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G - goofy He's extremely serious and doesn't welcome humor in the bedroom
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H - hair Enji doesn't bother to shave but he's naturally well-tamed with body hair
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I - intimacy The most intimate act for him is to press your foreheads together as he thrusts inside you at merciless pace
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J - jack off In rare occasions, he might indulge in self-pleasure, but this only occurs when you haven't been together for a few weeks or so
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K - kinks Breeding kink - he's definitely into feral/animalistic sex since he's so aggressive
Power play - that goes without saying
Master/slave play - Todoroki finds it very arousing when you're serving him sexually and he can order you around. "Suck my cock like a good little servant and you'll get to cum."
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L - location Bed or shower - Endeavor strongly dislikes dealing with messes in locations where it's not convenient to clean up the filth easily
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M - motivation Intentionally arousing him, only to appear disinterested afterward. He'll absolutely destroy you and abuse all of your holes afterward, but it's worth it. "You fucking tease, I should just pound you until your fucking cunt is sore."
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N - no Anything that places him in a submissive position is something he's not particularly fond of - Endeavor's an aggressive top, and even trying to bottom would hurt his ego
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O - oral He definitely prefers to receive it - he gives only if he feels like it
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P - pace Fast and rough. That's it!
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Q - quickie He’s down for quickies. Enji prefers proper sex, but he won’t say no to a nice quickie
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R - risks He won’t take risks, ever. He wouldn't even consider anything that could potentially harm either of you. His past experiences have made him exceedingly cautious when it comes to taking risks of any kind
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S - stamina He can go for a few rounds at the most, meaning you're having the most earth shattering orgasms of your life coming you way
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T - toys He thinks you don’t need a vibrator when you have him, and he’s goddamn right!
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U - unfair He likes to tease way too much, and he will do it at the worst possible moments. Sometimes you’ll be having dinner with some of the other heroes, and he’ll start to finger you under the table, just like that 🤷
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V - volume Endeavor can get pretty loud, he doesn’t care about noise complaints. He does a lot of growling, groaning and dirty talk
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W - wildcard He will come up with the most pathetic reasons to bend you over his knee and punish you
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X - x-ray He's very thick, very long and very veiny. 8-9 inches when fully hard
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Y - yearning His sex drive is undeniably high. He prefers to engage in sexual activity at least every other day. Occasionally, he can't contain himself and pins you against the nearest surface, having his way with you
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Z - zzz It takes him a little while to fall asleep, so normally you’ll be the first to be asleep
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sagittariusmars2 · 1 year
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(Left to right) sex with ur next partner
Pile 1
I see that there will be a lot of anal play and and oral, I see your partner won’t be able to handle how sexual you are. I see ur partner will cum faster than you, someone here may be into BDSM because it’ll be aggressive/rough. I see ur partner will feel like you put magic on them, I see someone will like being degraded or being submissive. Your partner is going to tell their friends how good the sex was and how they want to see you again. Signs- Virgo, Aquarius, Scorpio, initials- S, K, F, G, I
Pile 2
I see you just having a good time with your partner no strings attached, they will be happy to have sex with you because they’ve been masturbating to ur pictures or to the thought of you. I see that they will want you to touch them or they will want to watch you touch yourself, I see you would make them cum quick. You may go out on a date with them before doing anything but I see you doing foreplay with them in public or in a car, I see you doing light anal play and using toys with them. I see that you or ur person would enjoy being choked or blindfolded, I see the feminine would wear lingerie or their best underwear and bra. Signs- Virgo/cancer, initials- B, U, A, G, S
Pile 3
I see your partner is going to be obsessed with you and they will submit to you, I see they will like slow sex with you or any position where they can see your face. They would try new things with you that u never tried or use toys, I see the feminine will have a hard time enjoying themselves and someone may be embarrassed about their underwear or feel like they weren’t prepared. Signs- Sagittarius, Taurus, Aquarius. Initials- V, H, X, Y
Pile 4
I see you or ur partner would be in another connection already or talking to multiple people, I see they may try to take secret pictures or videos of you having sex with them for later. I see this person is obsessed/possessive over you because they can’t bare the thought of you being with anyone else and they will get jealous even if you aren’t together. They will think about you so much that it will keep them up at night, I see they will like the way you smell or they might smell ur underwear. They will feel a spiritual connection with you especially when you have sex, they’ll like any position where they can see ur face. Sign- Gemini, libra, Virgo, Scorpio. Initials- W, C, L, T
Personal readings always available, please watch my pick a card reading on YouTube
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stillfrownyclownlol · 5 months
Fucking...ship alphabet crap because I'm gonna go insane- (Ashlyn x Aiden)
Aiden Clark
A = Affection
Aiden is really affectionate with Ash, he has a hard time keeping in how he feels about her so he's constantly complimenting her, touching her, kissing her if she will let him, etc etc. He's just soooo in love with her he can't keep it in- 🫠
B = Best Friend
Ngl Aiden was like the closest thing Ash had to a best friend before they started dating 🤡 he's not that different besides the fact that he can keep his emotions a little more in check (like friend boundaries). Very protective, encouraging, and does his best to listen ^_^
C = Cuddles
Bless him he is touch starved and cuddling is like a feast to him. He LOVES cuddling. Definitely clingy and likes rubbing her arms or back. Man ascends whenever Ash glomps him.
D = Domestic
Aiden likes the idea of settling down, he would like to live with Ash at some point, especially cuz he grew up in an empty house. It's kinda unfortunate since he sucks really hard at domestic tasks 💀 he's never had to cook or clean a day in his life and he's not very inclined to learn lmao. He's super messy and pretty much banned from the kitchen 😭
E = Ending
Um he would literally rather die 🫠 he will fight tooth and nail to be with her and if he HAD to break up with her it would be like, under pressure that somebody was going to kill her or smth 😭 and then he'd kill the person who threatened her and go get his girl back.
F = Fiancé
He doesn't really care about getting married as long as Ash stays with him :P He likes how his ring looks on her finger tho.
G = Gentle
He's not very good at that haha. He's very...um, intense with all his feelings oop- He's not very good at being soft (verbally/emotionally) in the moment, it's something he needs to give thought too. He can be pretty tender physically tho, likes to kiss her forehead :)
H = Hugs
Loves loves loves hugging, especially if Ash initiated. Totally into squeeze hugging and lifting her off her feet. He kinda hovers around her in public and puts his arm around her so he's constantly "loose hugging" her.
I = I love you
He said it pretty quickly. He doesn't see why he should hide how he feels :p. He probably said it when she was just doing smth, like with no buildup or anything. It was just a very sudden feeling on his part and he vocalised it right away
J = Jealousy
Pretty consistently 🤡 he has attachment issues can you blame him? 😭 (you can). Very not cool with other people (that he doesn't know) talking, touching, hanging out with Ash and he will be hate-watching them the entire time. With Ash he gets a lot clingier and starts complimenting her even more, but if Ash gets weirded out/annoyed by it he tends to react pretty poorly and can get upset with her.
K = Kisses
His kisses vary, but they can be kinda aggressive/intense? lmao. He is just having BIG FEELINGS and he needs to express himself- if hes stressed he'll just. Grab her face and mash their mouths together (jumpscares Ash fr) He really does not care where he kisses Ash like everything is good for him, but when Ash kisses him first on the mouth that's soooo... he goes to heaven fr.
L = Little Ones
Pretty good with children actually! He has some experience with Lily and he vibes pretty well with kid energy, especially if they're hyperactive like him lol. Great with games and stuff. Babies like him a lot for some reason, they always start laughing when he holds them.
M = Morning
He gets up at like 4am all the time to do crap because he's an insomniac. Usually goes to exercise or play a video game/puzzle. Ash is not a morning person, but sometimes she can convince him to crawl back into bed and snuggle 😌
N = Night
He does go to bed really late 💀 He has an EXTREMELY hard time falling asleep so he just stays up till he passes out. Ash and him have been trying stuff to help him sleep better so they drink tea and talk to each other without looking at their phones.
O = Open
Absolutely not open with his history lol. he pretty much blocks out most of his past and he won't talk about it unless Ash insists or he feels like he needs to tell her to clarify his feelings. Doesnt say more than he needs to.
P = Patience
He has none for everything 🤡 he hates waiting, he hates putting in a lot of effort into something, he hates spending a long time on anything- (except his friends). He kinda has some hidden anger issues, he looks really easy going but like fr. He has problems.
Q = Quizzes
UM it's kinda creepy how much he remembers about Ash 😭 He has an entire space in his brain dedicated to her. He knows how she likes her coffee, her daily schedule, the exact time of her birth...he likes knowing about her sue him.
R = Remember
It's hard to pick his favourite memory cuz he's such a fan of her, even during the time she kinda hated him :> One of his top moments would probably be when she first said "I love you" back to him though.
S = Security
He's soooooo overprotective, the first time he saw her get seriously injured it was his fault and he never let that go. He knows Ash can handle herself but he still wants to keep her safe if he can!!! If somebody hurts her they are never seeing the light of day again ^_^ He always swoons a little when Ash tries to protect him too.
T = Try
His relationships are like one of the only things he actually puts effort in so. He spends a lot of time thinking on gifts, what they can do on dates, etc etc if it involves Ash. Helps her around the house if she lets him.
U = Ugly
He has sooooo many bad habits. He's super addict prone and his BPD means he will do a lot of self-sestructive stuff. Smoker (he hates it), drinker (he hates it even more), joyrider extraordinaire (just kill him now) :/ Working on it at his therapy sessions but he relapses sometimes.
V = Vanity
...I mean, he's concerned about how he looks, but not in a "looking good" way. He dyes his hair consistently because he wants to look like that, same with his contacts. Otherwise he's not like doing beauty routines for his skin or anything lol.
W = Whole
Yes he has an unhealthy attachment to Ash so he would feel incomplete without her 🫠
X = Xtra
Ash isn't his first 'relationship' but she is the first one where he actually felt something. He was pretty easy going so if somebody asked him to be their partner he almost always said yes, but he never seriously cared about any of them...🫠 Ghosted people a lot when he moved oop
Y = Yuck
He knows he has a lot of issues so like he's not gonna judge somebody a lot if they have their own vices. He would probably dislike if Ash started acting like himself lmao (you hate somebody because they reflect the worst parts of yourself) 🫠 For smth she actually does, he doesn't really like how cold she can be sometimes, but he knows she can't help it so he doesn't comment on it.
Sleeps with like 4 different blankets and he doesn't really like wearing pyjamas, he'd sleep in his boxers if he could. The blankets are like, good texture stim on his skin :D
Ashlyn Banner
A = Affection
Not good with it let's be real. Still figuring out her boundaries and what she's comfortable with. She generally just let's Aiden set the pace and if she doesn't like it she'll say something, but it's rare for her to initiate, when she does its usually something lowkey like holding his hand (prefers physical over verbal).
B = Best Friend
Ash hasn't had friends. Ever. Until suddenly she got five that she got bonded to for life 🤡 As a bestie she is generally very loyal and protective, even if she isn't very good with emotional stuff, she tries to show her support in whatever way she can.
C = Cuddles
Not really something she thinks about a lot? She doesn't mind cuddling with Aiden but he is very touchy so she gets overstimulated quickly. She prefers just lying on top of him without him grabbing her.
D = Domestic
She always imagined living by herself so the idea is a little intimidating ngl, but she's ready to give it a shot when the time comes :> Good at household chores, her parents are ex-military so she's well disciplined with making the bed, cleaning her area of the house, and she's a decent cook. Trying to teach Aiden how to do his own chores to since nobody ever taught him.
E = Ending
She would end things if she felt like Aiden wasn't getting better, she can't keep letting his bad behavior slide her entire life. Could see them getting a divorce if they had a kid together and he was still acting like that (we hope not). Definitely the type of exes to still see each other though, he's nothing if not persistent, and she can't quite seem to quit him ^_^"
F = Fiancée
She didn't even think she'd ever get married lol. She doesn't really care about labeling their relationship like that but she did ask him for tax reasons. And he was happy too, so that's a plus :>
G = Gentle
She's said it herself, she's not good at that. She's generally pretty brash with Aiden and she has a hard time being vulnerable. She's also not a very physically gentle person either, she usually initiates contact if she's stressed/upset so it's kinda intense. She's working on it!
H = Hugs
Pretty rare, she doesn't mind if Aiden hugs her, but Jesus, sometimes it feels like he's going to break her ribs 💀 Not that her hugs are much better tho 🫠 Tends to bury her face in his shoulder and grab his hair.
I = I love you
It's soooooo hard for her omg. She can't explain why she just feels really weird/dumb saying it 😭 she usually only says it during the heat of the moment. To compromise with Aiden, she usually writes it down on a sticky note and gives it to him. Writing is easier.
J = Jealousy
Sometimes the autism rejection sensitivity flares up haha 🫠 she's waaaaaay less jealous than Aiden but sometimes she wonders if she's just a passing fancy to him because he's so intense and quick about it (before reminding herself hes loyal to a fault). If other people talk about it (like if Aiden has been spending a lot of time with somebody) she's more likely to get jealous since she will kinda internalize their thoughts (like very "what...? Do you think I *should* be jealous?")
K = Kisses
Supremely awkward. Doesn't understand what she's supposed to do with her mouth aldhlwhd. She likes kissing his cheek because its a very simple gesture and he gets very happy. Will combust if Aiden kisses her forehead ❤️
L = Little Ones
Not the besttttt...she generally finds children to be too emotional and she doesn't understand what they're feeling. Babies are scary to her, they're so...delicate...
She doesn't hate them or anything but she's not volunteering to babysit.
M = Morning
She is CRANKY when she gets up and you can't talk to her before her cup of coffee or she's going to bite your head off. When she gets to sleep in she's waaaaay more affectionate in bed, grabs onto Aiden so he won't leave :p
N = Night
Night owl, which is useful since Aiden has trouble sleeping. She'll keep him company until he can fall asleep, but usually she falls asleep on his shoulder or smth and Aiden has to take her to bed ^_^
O = Open
Not at all. Doesn't like revealing more about herself than necessary :> She only tells Aiden things if he asks her about it. They're both very closed off which is great combo 💀
P = Patience
She's more patient than Aiden, but that isn't saying much. She gets irritated very easily but she's a lot better at managing her emotions so she doesn't lose her temper very easily, even if she's constantly annoyed.
Q = Quizzes
She's not forgetful or anything about Aiden but it's also not something she thinks about a lot. Like if somebody asked her smth about him she'll just answer it without thinking and be surprised with herself lol.
R = Remember
She just likes spending time with him, they don't have to do anything grand or amazing for it to stay in her memory, her favourite moments are the little things. Aiden genuinely laughing/smiling, the look on his face right before he figures out a puzzle, the calluses on his fingertips when she holds his hand...she's actually very sappy :>
S = Security
She is overprotective because. She watched him die. And she's just like that. But she constantly feels like she's failing him since Aiden gets hurt so frequently. Protective in a more subtle way, like if she thinks he's going to spiral she locks his meds away and won't leave him alone for anything. She gets stressed out when he tries to protect her because he can go overboard :p
T = Try
She tries so hard you guys. All of this is VERY new and scary for her, so. Baby steps. Tries to do her part in the relationship; she likes the act of planning dates even if choosing what to do stresses her out, tries to surprise him because she knows he loves that a lot (she's not very good at it).
U = Ugly
Bad habits: Sometimes everything is a lot so she will just. Not communicate with him for a long time which freaks him out. (Like he doesn't do this too 🫠) Hard time talking about her feelings and sometimes relies on the gang to solve their misunderstanding. Sometimes doesn't know where to draw the line and can be too harsh on him.
V = Vanity
Only her hair. She's very careful with it. Otherwise she doesn't care at all.
W = Whole
She's kinda bonded to him for life cuz of all the trauma so yeah she wouldn't feel "whole" without Aiden, but she would handle it a lot better than he would.
X = Xtra
Talks to Taylor about her relationship problems; Tay thinks she just has bad taste 🤡
Y = Yuck
Really hates all of Aiden's bad habits (the self destructive stuff, his own apathy towards himself, how obsessive he is with her)
When she becomes comfortable sleeping with somebody on the same bed, she'll let her hair loose, otherwise she's gonna keep the braids.
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sixknight · 9 months
Naberius Kalego Fluff Alphabet
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A = Activities (What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
Kalego is fine just hanging out quietly in the same room with his S/O. His perfect idea of a date is just reading together on the couch and drinking tea. He also likes it if they take an interest in helping him take care of his plants.
B = Beauty (What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?)
He likes their eyes. Eyes are expressive and help him read people better. He also admires their wit. He likes a partner with a sharp mind that can keep up with him.
C = Comfort (How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
It's subtle. He's not really known as the comforting sort but he will talk calmly to them about how it will come to pass. If it's a bad panic attack he makes them some calming tea and gives them something soft like a pillow to squeeze while he sits with them. He may also bring up stuff about his students and work, trying to take their mind away from what's bothering them.
D = Dreams (How do they picture their future with their s/o?)
He's not a big dreamer, having them with him is more than enough, but he does like the idea of retiring from his teaching job and running a plant nursery with them.
E = Equal (Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
Dominant. He will hear out what his s/o wants to do of course, and he'll compromise for them and only them, but he's usually the one taking the lead in the activities and plans.
F = Fight (Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?)
He's very passive aggressive after a fight and it will take him a while to cool down. He will recognize if a fight was his fault and try to make it up to his S/O with a gift (usually their favorite drink/food). If the fight was S/O's fault however he practically makes them beg him for forgiveness. He's a petty bitch <3
G = Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
He's very aware of the things his S/O does for him and he's grateful for their help and mindfulness. He doesn't say it, of course, but he tries to show it through gestures.
H = Honesty (Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
He has secrets of course, some big some small. Also he absolutely never wants them to see him in his familiar form.
I = Inspiration (Did their s/o change them or the other way around?)
He's probably more likely to change his S/O if only a bit. Although Balam would argue that point, saying he's gotten a bit softer (no one but Balam notices this).
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
He doesn't get jealous often but when he does he doesn't admit it and he hides it very well. Once alone with the person trying to chat his S/O up however... well, they usually just try to avoid even making eye contact with S/O afterwards. He'll also get a little more touchy with his S/O when they're alone.
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser?)
He's... average. He's not a big kisser to be honest. He's fine with receiving them (in private only, do NOT try to kiss him in front of school staff or his students) but he rarely initiates them. His lips are usually pretty dry (please gift him chapstick) and his own kisses are usually very short pecks on the forehead, top of the head, back of the hand, or lips.
L = Love Confession (How would they confess to their s/o?)
IT TAKES THIS BITCH FOREVER!!!!!! Literally has to have Balam push him into confessing. It's... awkward... but rather casual. He simply asks if they wanna join him for tea or coffee... together... as a date perhaps... because he likes them. Balam is giving him two thumbs up from the bushes.
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
He's thought about it. It would be nice to settle down with his S/O. He wouldn't do anything elaborate or flashy, he'd probably propose in the middle of some mundane task. Just a simple, "Do you want get to married?" while grading papers or something. Marriage to Kalego wouldn't be that different from dating him. He's a "sticks to a routine" kind of guy so not much would change.
N = Nicknames (What do they call their s/o?)
He's not big on nicknames but when alone he may call them darling or dear.
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
Literally no one but Balam (and maybe Opera) knows he has a crush. He looks their way a lot but with his glare everyone assumes S/O is in danger cause they think he wants to kill them. He's not great at expressing positive feelings most of the time but he does try to keep his tone a little more neutral so he doesn't scare them off. But when he interacts with them he's noticably a little calmer and patient.
P = PDA (Are they upfront about their relationship? Are they rather shy when others are watching?)
He will admit to being in a relationship with his S/O but he prohibits them from PDA at the school. If they decide to mess with him and kiss him in front of his coworkers or students he will give them the cold shoulder for the rest of the day.
Q = Quirk (Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.)
His ability to focus no matter what comes in handy around the house. Chores get done pretty quickly.
R = Romance (How romantic are they? Cliché or rather creative?)
His idea of romance is rather unique. He's not going to show off or smother them with attention and affection. He'll be more open with them than other people and he'll tend to do more for them than others. He's not one to expect flowers from at random but he will set up surprise dates at their favorite places every now and then.
S = Support (Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?)
He believes they can do anything they put their mind to and he's more than willing to help (so long as it's something that wouldn't jeopardize his reputation or position) if they need it.
T = Thrill (Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?)
He prefers routine. As stated before he will make a surprise date every now and then but it's usually more for his S/O than him. He's more content to just curl up on the couch and read or watch a movie with them.
U = Understanding (How good do they know their partner?)
He can usually read them rather well. He notices all their small quirks and habits. Yes he has a little book dedicated to notes about them.
V = Value (How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
He values the relationship as much as he values his reputation amongst his colleagues, so it's quite important to him!
W = Wild Card (A random Fluff Headcanon.)
He's both touch starved and touch adverse so when he decides to let someone close enough to touch him it's a very vulnerable moment. He likes to lay on his S/O's chest or lap and have his head stroked until he falls asleep.
X = XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
With someone special to him he can be a cuddler. He dislikes being touched by most but with someone he loves he'll want to lay on and against them every chance he gets in private.
Y = Youth (The morning is the youth of the day, so what’s it like waking up by their side? how do they feel waking up with their s.o?)
He wakes up early. Very early. He will wake his S/O before going to work because he doesn't want them wasting all day sleeping but he usually waits until an hour or so before he has to leave for work. Although... since S/O is around now he secretly stays in bed a tiny bit longer to hold them before he gets up to make breakfast and arrange paperwork for the day.
Z = Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
He will literally kill to protect them. Like straight up slay a beast into oblivion if it's threatening them. When it comes to other sapient demons he'll threaten them and try to get some other higher ups involved, but if ot doesn't work then he has no problem raising a magical hand towards the demon. He is even willing to spare a demon if his S/O pleads for him to stop.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
hueningkai sfw alphabet
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genre: fluff
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none
song rec: astroboy by suggi
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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a - affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection)
all in small doses
he loves gift-giving and will get you cute little gifts whenever he feels like it (which tends to be a lot of the time) he likes spending money anyway, so now he has good reason to spend it by spending it on you!
other than that he can be quite awkward at first. expressing himself verbally doesn't come naturally to him but he does like a good old cuddle
b - best friend (what would they be like as a best friend?)
he has really random energy and that will totally rub off on you
once kai is comfortable with someone he can be loud af so be warned
it's just so fun being with him. he either wants to go and do something or he wants to just laze around and do nothing all day with you
c - cuddles (would they like to cuddle? how do they cuddle?)
bro is so cuddly and i can't stress that enough
at the start of the relationship, he was hella shy so he would very rarely initiate physical affection. but once he is close to you he just wants to cuddle you all the time
he's a fluffy boi
i mean his whole bed is filled with plushies so you just know he's a massive cuddler. just scoop him up in your arms and he's putty in your hands
loves to rest his head on your chest while you run your fingers through his hair i'm so soft rn don't touch me
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
oh yeah he wants to settle down
he feels once he feels mature in himself he would love to settle down with his partner. he's big on loyalty and commitment, after all
he likes to bake but his cooking skills might need a bit more work. as for cleaning, he's usually relatively clean but might just leave random things scattered around the house and forget they are there lol
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
it's so hard to visualise hueningkai breaking up with someone honestly
from two reasons specifically:
1. he loves commitment and doesn't think he should break up with someone over silly things or small arguments like other couples do
2. he usually dates people he can see himself marrying. he's not playing around, yk?
what i'm trying to say is breaking up with someone is a serious decision he doesn't take lightly
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quickly would they want to get married?)
obviously he would loveee to get married
but he will probably consider marriage way later on in his life. after all, he is quite young still and he wants to have time to grow himself before he makes that kind of commitment
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
very gentle
sometimes he can be playful, sure. but even when he is playful, he is never aggressive. he keeps the play fighting to the minimum because sometimes he is unaware of his own strength and he doesn't want to accidentally hurt you 😭
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
highkey wants to hug you all the time
like please hug him istg 🥺
he's so soft and when he is feeling down sometimes all he wants to do is curl up in your arms and hug you forever
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
it's not something he plans, that's for sure
he says it in sort of the spur of the moment, and all without giving it a second thought
he barely realises he loves you until he says it. then the pin will drop and he will suddenly realise what he has said
would probably be more shocked than you are, lol
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
i can see him getting jealous, but he doesn't strike me as the type to voice his jealousy
he will watch on helplessly from the sidelines rather than talk to you about it, which is bad because he's keeping all of his pent-up emotions inside instead of talking to you about how he feels
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
very quick pecks, especially on the cheek
honestly, in my humble opinion, he seems more like a hugger than a kisser
hugging comes more naturally to him and sometimes he can feel awkward when kissing you for the first time
but that's not to say he doesn't like it, obviously. he will usually want to kiss you when you guys are cuddling or something. but he gets super shy about it like
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
he's kinda awkward around children
just doesn't have much experience with them and therefore he has no idea how to engage with them or what to do with them
and is also super worried that they are going to hurt themselves or each other like this guy's nerves are shredded
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
he's a soft boi in the morning, as he is always
will go about his morning dragging himself lazily around the house, probably half asleep
he can barely think straight so if you ask him a normal question he's like "huh?"
it's hella adorable, as you can imagine
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
he literally wants to stay up all night watching something or playing video games
because of this, he claims he's a night owl
but in reality, as much as he wants to waste his night hours staring at a big, bright screen instead of sleeping, his brain doesn't allow him to do so
expect him to be passed out on the sofa by about 11 pm, tops!
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
kai is the type to overshare things awkwardly like on the first and second date
which, as embarrassing it is for him, is actually rather endearing
he's such a cutie-pie like-
but on perhaps more personal topics, he will be much less careless. he is not used to being vulnerable and showing his emotions, and it will take him a long time to feel like he actually can
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
hueningkai is basically never mad unless your name is MNET so there's no need to worry there
he is very considerate and mostly mild-tempered
the only scenario i can visualise him getting angry is if you absolutely annihilate him at a video game
man gets so frustrated with him hfbhdbjhfb
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
things fall out of his head a lot
but it's not surprising; he's got a lot on his mind. he does a physically and mentally demanding job and barely gets enough time to rest. so you can cut him some slack for sure
but he always remembers important occasions like anniversaries and birthdays, obviously
r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
moments where he turns to you for help or comfort
kai is very unlikely to express his emotions very regularly, preferring to keep them to himself
only sometimes, he can't bare the burden of his emotions by himself
and so the first time he turns to you for help or advice or just to have someone to talk to you, he realised how important you were to him
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
he's not really the protective type at first
and he doesn't expect you to be
he's just not outwardly protective like some of the others are. he will always make sure you're ok and overall he is basically more subtle
but after experiencing you protecting him in different aspects of his life, he realises that that's what he wants to make you feel like: warm and safe
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
he loves getting little gifts and nick-nacks for you uwu
gift-giving is a very common occurrence when you're dating hueningkai. he doesn't know how to express himself verbally most of the time so he's just like '... here, take my love in the form of gifts' and showers you with so many presents for no reason
a very generous soul <3
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
hueningkai doesn't really have many stand-out bad habits
sometimes he finds it hard to discern whether s situation is serious or when it is a time to laugh and have fun, which can lead to many awkward situations. he's learned the hard way lol me too
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
he likes looking good
and his confidence in his own looks fluctuates
like one day he will think he looks hot as hell and then the next day he will be crying and saying he's ugly
so give him a slap for me when he says that please and thank you 🥰
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
there are not a lot of people he has deep connections with
so you, being the person he has expressed his thoughts and feelings to the most and the main person he trusts, are always in the front of his mind
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
he loves clothes shopping with you??
it's a new thing he found out about himself recently; he likes it when you pick out some clothes for him that you think he would suit, and then he will do the same for you <33
he thinks it's a cute little couple thing that you both do now. so you make a day of it together, which he always looks forward to!
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
he hates people who take advantage of others
it's easy to see other people's weaknesses. but exploiting and taking advantage of those weaknesses? that's a whole other story
kai also hates being betrayed in any way. it stifles his trust in others even more to the point where he doesn't know who to trust
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
like i said before, he will likely fall asleep on the couch after an attempt to stay up all night playing video games
but other than that, his main habit it that he likes cuddling up to something when he sleeps
hence the avalanche of plushies on his bed
only now, he has you to cuddle <3333333
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SFW Alphabet: Cyrus
CW: Depression, mentions of death and violence
Idk why this ended up so angsty, sorry everybody. Cyrus has a lot of… unresolved issues.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Cyrus is the werewolf who wants alone time with you the most. He really likes just sitting with you in silence, out in nature or in his room, just peacefully doing your own things. Cyrus is also content to just sit and listen to you talk about anything and everything, though~💕
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Hmmm, a friendship could spark if you crossed paths on a hiking trail, or if you were lab partners in class and you pulled your weight in the assignment. Cyrus is pretty quiet and shy, even as good friends, but you’ll be able to get a good sense of his likes and dislikes anyway. He’s also not the best at verbal comforting and such, but he’ll bring you gifts to try and comfort you when you’re feeling down, and maybe even offer a hug.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cyrus is the shyest of the group when it comes to nonsexual, prolonged physical contact. You’ll have to start small and slow, with hand holding and sitting side-by-side, then working your way up to more tender and intimate cuddles. After that point, he’ll be comfortable to sleep next to you, and sometimes even cuddle you while sleeping 🥹💕
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Cyrus can’t cook to save his soul, but he at least makes a mean smoothie! Cyrus is pretty good at cleaning when he has the energy for it, but to be honest he often ends up with the classic “depression nest.” (Mood 💀). 
He does like the idea of settling down with you and becoming more comfortable with casual domesticity with you. He likes to daydream about growing old with you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Cyrus… Cyrus would feel kind of resigned about it. Like it was bound to happen, like you were always going to leave him, like he didn’t deserve you anyway and it was stupid of him to think he did. He’s not the kind of person to say that out loud to guilt you into staying (he does consider it though…). He would actually let you leave. Cyrus would guiltily continue to stalk you from afar, but unlike many of my other yanderes, he probably wouldn’t make another move to win you back directly (although sabotaging new friends and partners IS on the table) and would just stew in his jealousy of anybody else in your life, emotionally self-flagellating, forever.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Cyrus would love to get married to you in a few years’ time, but it feels like a dream that’s out of reach, so he tries not to dream about it at all. There’s no way you’d actually say yes, after all… 💔
When you do get married, he’ll tear up seeing you at the altar, and saying your vows to one another 🥹💕
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Cyrus is gentle 90% of the time, his touches generally shaky and hesitant. He’s also very careful emotionally, perhaps too careful even, never wanting to make you sad or uncomfortable. The other 10% of the time physically is if he gets, well, horny. Then he can be more desperate and aggressive (but still within reason– he won’t do anything you don’t want him to).
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Cyrus has a love-hate thing with hugs. He won’t initiate them, for fear of overstepping bounds or being socially inappropriate. If you give him a quick hug that’s fine. If you give him a long hug in public, he starts to feel claustrophobic and nervous. If you give him a long hug in private and allow him to feel vulnerable, he’ll cling to you and maybe even cry? Therapeutic.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’s one of the werewolves that takes the longest to say it. When he does, it’s shaky, unsure, hesitant– not really expecting you to respond well to his confession. It takes a long time for him to truly believe it when you say you love him too… ❤️‍🩹
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Cyrus gets really jealous, but he’s the type to isolate himself and sulk about it, while beating himself up for not being good enough to “deserve” your attention. He will move behind the scenes to sabotage whoever is coming between the two of you, and might even resort to premeditated murder over it– preferring poisons over bloodier methods.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Cyrus likes kissing your chest, over your heart. His kisses are generally very soft and chaste, careful. Cyrus likes it when you kiss him anywhere, but especially his neck.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Cyrus is alright with kids. He’s very gentle and patient with them; rambunctious kids might stress him out, though, and he won’t be sure how to interact with them. Also, the younger the kids are, the more lost he is about how to talk to and interact with them. If you hand him a baby he will be so nervous. “Am I holding it right? Is- oh, oh no, why is it crying?” He didn’t grow up with siblings.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Cyrus takes a long time to wake up fully, going in and out of sleep as dawn breaks and morning comes, without an alarm. Usually, though, he likes to set an alarm to wake up before dawn and go out to watch the sunrise. It’s a very peaceful, calm time of the day, without many other people around. If you like that, he’ll bring you with him, as long as you can be still and peaceful with him just for that period of time. It’s fine if you’re rambunctious the rest of the day though <3
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
At night, Cyrus is the kind of person who ends up staring at the ceiling and overthinking. If you’re there with him, he’ll want to talk with you instead. It’s like a sleepover, where everybody’s stayed up too late and the tone gets serious all of a sudden, and then you’re talking about religion and philosophy and your greatest fears and– oh, the other person just started snoring. Oops 😅😂
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Cyrus is not open about himself. He’s got a lot of self-esteem issues and assumes that everyone else will dislike him as much as he dislikes himself. As he becomes more comfortable with you, this will slowly change, and you’ll get to see more and more of his genuine self.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Cyrus didn’t always have a hair-trigger temper, but since being turned it’s like all of his feelings are magnified and very hard to keep under control. He’s definitely lost his temper and hurt or tried to hurt people in the meantime, but the guilt really keeps him up at night. If he ever seriously injured someone in a rage, he would have a panic attack and throw up right then and there as soon as the rage wore off. If he lets his anger simmer slowly, though, he can be much more intentionally ruthless than you might expect.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Cyrus remembers everything about you, and although he won’t forget anything, he also has a secret notebook dedicated to you juuuust in case. It contains information about you, poetry he writes while thinking of you, and detailed drawings of you. He WILL disintegrate on the spot if you ever find it.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time he gets to spend time alone with you, without any of the other werewolves butting in or feeling the need to “supervise” the two of you– AKA, to make sure that you two aren’t gonna make a break for it.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Cyrus is 0-100 and will go into blackout rages if he thinks you’re in danger. He’ll come to, threat eviscerated, and then throw up and cry, but he won’t regret what he’s done. As long as you’re safe, anything is worth it. It kills him inside if you see that, though, and are scared of him afterwards. He would never, EVER, hurt you, sunshine, please stop crying– stop running– please-!
He doesn’t really want you to have to protect him physically, but if you protect him emotionally and maybe guide him in social situations, that really warms his heart. And his face hehe~💕
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Cyrus puts in a lot of effort into all of these, but also tries to obscure the effort he puts in for fear of coming off as overbearing and making you uncomfortable.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Hmmmm, probably isolating himself in response to almost everything? Hard to call it a “bad habit,” when it’s probably a trauma response of some kind, though;;; sorry;;;
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
So-so; he likes keeping his hair neat and tidy, and making sure his clothes are neat too, but he’s not super interested in fashion or anything like that. Even his embroidery habit stems more from practicality first (mending), and stress reliever second (doing interesting designs). He does have a good time going thrifting though :)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Cyrus would feel aching, gnawing emptiness forever, without you by his side. It’s like he’s cold and hollow, unable to really interact with the world around him anymore. He’ll talk to people and can answer questions, but it’s like his gaze is permanently elsewhere.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Cyrus was an environmental sciences major in college before getting bitten by Hunter in an accident. He still loves hiking and just being in nature. He also has a talent for sketching plants, and a hobby for hand-stitching designs in his clothes. His favorite color is green 🌱💚🌲
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
This might sound weird, but Cyrus will actually get really uncomfortable if you’re too nice and friendly to him right out the gate. It’s not a dealbreaker, but he’ll just take even more time to warm up to you (ironically, as I’m sure your intention in being kind was not to keep him at arm’s length). This is part of the initial slip-up between Mateo and Cyrus; Mateo has a crush on Cyrus and wants to get closer to him, but came off just a little too saccharine-sweet out of the gate and set off Cyrus’ avoidant tendencies. He’s trying to bridge that gap but it takes time and patience to get Cyrus used to being treated so kindly.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Cyrus sleeps in green and black plaid pajama pants and a t-shirt with a ton of heavy blankets and quilts. He also tends to prefer sleeping alone, with the exception of you. And maybe, eventually, Mateo will manage to worm his way into his heart and bed as well 🥹❤️
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ladyvillainous · 2 years
Daryl Dixon Alphabet SFW
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Very much based on the you being the character i invented for my long fic who was a childhood friend of Daryl’s that he reconnected with when the world ended.
A = Affection  (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
In public it’s nothing more than staying by your side, maybe the odd lingering look or shoulder brush but that’s it
In private he can’t help but want to be touching you constantly but he holds back not  wanting to crowd you.
B = Best  friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship  start?)
Very protective willing to take a beating to protect you. Aggressive when anyone upsets you, it makes others avoid you but you like it, you don’t need anyone else but him. You became friends when he stood up for you, you became best friends when you pushed him out the way and squared up to that person yourself, displaying the same level of anger and aggression he does.
C = Cuddles  (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He doesn’t cuddle or snuggle in general but in bed is different, cuddles are necessary to help him sleep. He will always cuddle after sex.  
D = Domestic  (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
The man is a pig, he doesn’t take care of his appearance or his home but he learns to picks up after himself because he knows you like things less like a pigsty. He can cook but it’s only edible enough to survive, he much prefers it when you push him out of the way and salvage whatever he’s making though he does try.
E = Ending  (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He doesn’t enter into a relationship lightly so he would never be the one to end it., though if he thought you might want it to end he’ll act out and push you away to hasten the end and make it easier for you both.
F = Fiance(e)  (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get  married?)
Would never want someone to tie themselves to him like that, thinking he’s not worthy. That doesn’t mean he’s not committed once you’re his and he’s yours he’s totally committed. Will refer to you as his woman and visibly mark you as his, very territorial about you.  
G = Gentle  (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He might speak and act rough but he’s always gentle with you and others he cares about. Sometimes it’s difficult to see as he doesn’t express his emotions easily but if you’re paying attention it’s clear.
H = Hugs (Do  they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He always wants his hands on you even if it’s a just hand on your hip but he doesn’t initiate cuddles still waiting for you to leave him, he doesn’t want to push you away quicker. Will never be the first to break contact after you initiate. His hugs are protective like him, all encompassing, safe in his strong arms.
I = I love  you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He doesn’t not for a long time and then only occasionally. He see it as a vulnerability so doesn’t like to say it as he fears not hearing it back. He shows you he loves you everyday in his own way but only grunts when you say it to him, you know he loves you though.
He’s more likely  to say “I can’t lose you” if he’s going to say anything
J = Jealousy  (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
If a man touches you without your permission he will beat that man to death to stop it happening again. But if he thinks you’re seeking the attention he won’t react having been waiting for you to leave him anyway, he will simply withdraw. Do not attempt to make him jealous it won’t work he’ll just walk away, and if he finds out you did it deliberately he’ll be pissed.
K = Kisses  (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they  like to be kissed?)
One of the ways he expresses his love for you is gentle kisses on your temple or hair as he passes you in the kitchen or sat on the sofa. When in the mood his kisses are passionate and all consuming as if he thinks this could be the last time he’ll get to do it.
When one of you is hurt or missing when you reunite they’re rough and desperate
L = Little  ones (How are they around children?)
Neither of you want kids not even before the world ended but watching him with Judith as a baby does make your ovaries skip a beat. He would protect a child as ferociously as he would you. While he doesn’t seek out children they gravitate to him despite his gruff demeanour.
M = Morning  (How are mornings spent with them?)
Usually you’re both up early and out into the woods or on shift not seeing each other again until later in the day. On the odd occasion you both have a lie in you don’t waste it sleeping
N = Night  (How are nights spent with them?)
Wrapped in each other’s arms, it’s the only way you can sleep at all now and it keeps the nightmares at bay.
O = Open  (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say  everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He would reveal things slowly or not at all, except with you because you grew up together you know so much about him already, you may ot know how he spent the last 20 years but that doesn’t matter,  when you came back together it’s like no time has passed at  all and you fall back into familiar patterns and routines as if you’d finally found your missing pieces.
P = Patience  (How easily angered are they?)
He has no patience at all with people, very quickly wanting to escape or shout, only with children does he display endless patience. When out in the woods he’ll spend hours, days stalking his prey.  
Q = Quizzes  (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail  you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers everything, sees/hears and understands more than people realise or give him credit for. Ever the hunter he’s always observing, assimilating information and will be more likely to remember someones birthday, favourite food or lost loved ones name than most. It’s one of the many things that betrays he cares when he claims he doesn’t.
R = Remember  (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
The day you shouted down Merle when you were 12 he’s never seen someone reduce his brother to speechlessness before or since. It was when he knew he loved you
S = Security  (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to  be protected?)
He is extremely overprotective to the point where he won’t allow you to protect him at all in case you get hurt in the process. He doesn’t know how he got so lucky to have you but he will protect you with his last breath whether you like it or not. Thankfully you find his over zealous protective streak endearing but that doesn’t mean you aren’t going to break his rules from time to time you can look after yourself and that’s one of the many things he loves about you even as it frustrates him.
T = Try (How  much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Anniversaries and Birthdays are not something either of you celebrate it seems frivolous in this day and age. But he’ll go out of his way on a run to find a toy for Judith’s birthday or to grab something thoughtful for you. Everything he does is about keeping his loved ones safe, fed and alive he therefore acts with the utmost care and attention
U = Ugly  (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He is always filthy, if its not engine oil from his bike it’s blood from his latest kill. Thankfully he himself doesn’t smell too bad most of the time so you don’t mind but you draw the line at the smell of blood and force him to wash absoutely refusing to allow him into your shared bed despite his protests.
He smokes but then so do you do you don’t get at him about it, the chances of either of you living long enough to die of cancer is unlikely these days anyway.
He’s an aggressive drunk and hates that about himself so he rarely drinks, he reminds himself of his father when he drinks.
V = Vanity  (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not bothered in the slightest what he looks like as evidenced by the fact that he’s almost always filthy. Looks after his clothes only just enough to ensure he doesn’t have to go naked. The only item he cares about is his winged vest but even then sometimes you have to peel it from his hide to wash ita disgusted look on your face as you do so
W = Whole  (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes now that he has you he can’t bear to be parted from you for long periods of time but he covers for this as he doesn’t want to appear clingy. He is extra affectionate in his own way though so you can always tell
X = Xtra (A  random headcanon for them.)
Couldn’t think of anything 
Y = Yuck  (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Whiny, clingy female behaviour, the worlds tough and now you all need to be. Not something he needs to worry about with you, you’re as tough if not tougher than him
Z = Zzz (What  is are some sleep habits of theirs?)
Has never slept well, light sleeper and nightmares due to his childhood never left him. With you he finally feels safe enough to really sleep but when you’re not there he struggles again. The others can all tell when you’ve been on night duty as he’s even grumpier than usual.
When he’s sleep deprived he’s more likely to show affection his barriers down.
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truckreincarnation · 7 months
bergamot and (vee)tiver | Trial 3.2 | Re: Esmée, Bian, Harriet, Avery
Before the accusation bombs dropped, Vee had two things to clarify with the questions and queries asked before. "I didn't hear anythin' f-from the Post Office." They respond to Esmée's question. "I think the individual r-rooms are somewhat soundproof, and there was a r-room between us, but I can only c-confirm that I was undisturbed around and a-after 10.15 as Meili left."
And to the tail end of Bian's initial accusation, before things went so far off the end, they hold up their trusty battle parasol. "Definitely h-have Vendetta on me... Not that I'd use them on a-anyone here outside of a spar." She clarifies weakly.
Harriet's initial confession to being the third person in the secret room doesn't shock him as much as he thought it would; from a theoretical standpoint, it makes sense out of all the people it could've been, so when she clarifies she isn't the killer but an unfortunate witness who froze up on the spot, it also makes a ton of sense to him. The others offer their thoughts and reassurances towards Harriet, with Germain stepping in to ask that they not be hasty with the accusation, so they had expected another deep analysis of the evidence at hand...
Then came armageddon. Amidst the flurry of direct attacks against and defenses for Harriet's innocence, they wilted under the pressure and contact fear aimed in their general direction. "...Is it me or is she bein' u-unnaturally aggressive, even for a direct accusation?" They mumble quietly to themselves, lost among the cacophony of voices as they retreat further inwards into their chair. Only when the dust has settled do they find the spine to sit up straight, reflecting on the accusation that Theophania brought up and trying to make sense of what could be true at this point.
"If Harriet had intended to k-kill Frank with a broken lance, why w-would she leave the sharp half b-behind in the storage room? That would be severely counterintuitive and r-risky, especially knowin' that attackin' Frank w-would be on a timer's edge given his bond status with S-Shinjuku, not to mention the fact you would have to k-know that you were goin' to attack Frank at all... And if s-she had instead returned the rest of the l-lance to the room after breakin' it durin' the attack, w-why return to the fountain room or secret room at all a-after that? The route d-down to the hidden room isn't exactly c-conspicuous or immediate... And it would take you time to h-head downstairs even after the first two fell."
They press their knuckles against their head. "Granted, per what Shinjuku has said, b-both Bian and Harriet are aware of his particular bond with F-Frank, so neither should have a reason to risk a-attackin' him either... If we're runnin' on the motive b-bein' the catalyst for this murder, then B-Bian would be more suspicious since Harriet's w-was already revealed earlier today. But l-last I checked, unless I'm missin' context I d-don't have, Bian cares about Frank. Harriet cares a-about Meili too. Neither of these seem any more p-plausible than the last. And between me, L-Luz, and Theophania..."
Vee can only offer a helpless shrug. "Well, I don't want to imply anythin' a-about people's behaviour or their reasons for dislikin' s-someone enough to attempt murder. So I'll just... s-stick to the facts I can offer." Vee turns to Avery. "It's n-not likely a sprained ankle at least, the b-bruise seemed uniform in pressure across and lacked the s-swollenness I would associate with a sprainin' or rollin' an ankle. I w-would also like to offer more about the s-state of Meili's injuries when put into context of the f-fall. The stairway down to the secret room has about t-ten feet in elevation, so presumin' Meili and Frank fell t-the full distance from the fountain, as evidenced by the bloodstains o-on the stairs, based on the severity of Meili's own wounds, their death would have been anywhere between instantaneous to f-five minutes. They maintained consciousness l-long enough to heal Frank though, clearly, so let's say... A-Average of three minutes?" 
They do the math. "That would p-put the time of impact around 10.20, give or take a f-few minutes. That's a tight window, b-but it would be more than e-enough for someone to return to the storage room to dispose of t-the lance if we believe that's the case, or even if it wasn't, for someone to either r-rush down into the hidden room or to the Smithy. Bian and Shin b-both testified to seein' each other around 10.23 when Meili p-passed away, but after they were already struck." They correct Nao, before pausing. "Though... that does m-mean the only other person who could vouch for w-where Bian was at 10.14 and before is also o-one of the people most interested in keepin' her alive."
Unlike their peers, they can't throw out a direct accusation, but it sure was food for thought.
"I'll still stand b-by Harriet though," That is the one thing they're sure of. "Regardless of whatever the t-truth must be, it's hard to fathom how or why she would risk so m-much for so little payoff and the death or a friend. T-Two friends, knowin' that if she got away with it, t-the eventuality that it will be one of us w-who dies regardless. We need to continue findin' w-ways to narrow things down f-further. If you wish to search m-me, please go ahead. Just be aware t-that I am paler as a result of the D-Dark Revival spell I used drainin' vitality. Don't think I'm i-injured otherwise..."
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dragonsandwolvesohmy · 9 months
Worried about Puppers
So I'm looking for advice. Long post ahead.
I'd like to start by saying I have an older toy poodle mix, have had her since she was a puppy, and had an older German Shepard Mutt for about a year when he was already graying in the muzzle, firmly a senior doggo. He wasn't actually my dog, but my family, with our poodle mix, and family friend with their Shepard mix, lived together for a time. Both dogs got along great, despite Shepard mix being a senior dog, and the poodle mix being around four at the time.
I'm looking for advice regarding dogs I occasionally pet sit for my family; they're my cousin's dogs, B and L, and as a homebody (read, Hermit) I'm usually available for pet sitting when needed. I love B, he's been my cousin's dog for a couple years now, he was fully grown when my cousin got him, but he's not a senior dog yet. B's a Collie mix, very intelligent, very loving. He pretty much wants to play fetch whenever you let him, wants snuggles and petting, and is terrified of storms. (Not even thunderstorms, just hard rain, thunder, and lightning bring out a whole different fear.)
L is about a year old, gotten when she was a puppy. She's a lab/beagle mix, very energetic, and very rambunctious. She's enamored with B's long fur. I've pet-sitted pretty regularly since she entered the picture, just because she's so young, my cousin doesn't like her alone for long.
I've done weekends, long weekends, and even a full week when they went on vacation once.
I'm currently doing just an overnight while my cousin and aunt are out of town. I'm noticing some worrying signs, however.
Previously, L has been very intent to play with B even when B wasn't interested. Usually when dogs play, I think, they change between a lot of different types of play; wrestling, chasing, mouthing, jumping, etc. Which can be a little alarming if it's rough or loud, but I know most signs of dogs fighting, and aggression; the low head, ears back, low growls, sometimes a show of teeth, etc. I'm not worried about L and B fighting.
I'm worried because B has bald spots in his fur. He didn't previously the times I was watching the dogs, and L doesn't have any hairless spots at all. It's not an illness, as he shows no signs of sickness, nor did my cousin tell me about it, and it's not something that can spread, like flees, or pressure spots, as they're all along both back legs, his hind and part of his back and tail base.
I think the issue might be L. She doesn't leave B alone. whenever he lays down, L will immediately jump up and try to play with him. She's very mouthy, so I think she might be part of the cause of his back legs having bald spots. Her jumping and mouthing might've caused the higher bald spots, too.
When L tries to engage in play, she doesn't always respect his boundaries when he moves away to get his own space, giving a little growl. B will sometimes lay down and they mouth at one another, play-biting kind of thing, and when she lays down, sometimes he'll go over to sniff and lick her, but I don't see him often being the one to initiate play between them.
I worry B might be losing his fur from the stress of L in the house. I don't know if he's ever been in a multi-dog household, but I worry it might not be for him...
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mencnfire · 1 year
z w u l b m for volgin?
🍎 。:*• ─ SEXY ABC. › ( a list of questions, from A to Z, to help develop some headcanons about our muses. most questions are nsfɯ, so please make sure you’re not a minor and read at your own risk ! )
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Z ─ Zones. What are their most erogenous zones ?  Does their partner know all of them ?  Do they make sure to stimulate each other in said zones ?
despite volgin's scars being horrific and like ( everywhere ) - he loves them being gently caressed / touched by his lovers. he has scars all over his body & the best ones to touch are the ones along his back, up his thighs and on his chest. do this & one will absolutely feel the mild vibration of electricity coursing atop his skin.
he also very much into his ass being played with ( because ofc he is ).
W ─ Walk of shame. Has one of them  ( or both )ever done a walk of shame  ( trying to leave the place the other shared with roommates/family members unnoticed but being caught ) ?  How was it ?  What were the reactions ?
i think that initially during his and ivan's early relationship, there was some embarrassment / secretiveness shared by the two of them. i like to think that despite volgin's aggressiveness / smarminess; they genuinely shared a romantic bond initially and thus volgin wasn't as open and abrasive as he would be usually about a relationship. i think that there were many walks around the base where the two of them would pretend that they weren't just shacking up someplace ( though everybody would know anyway because the electricity would play up in the base when they did ! )
U ─ Unusual. What’s the most unusual place they’ve had sex at/in ?  Was it a good experience ?  Would they repeat it ?Is there an unusual place they’d like to try ?
hmm, i see volgin as a very sexual person but i don't think he's the type to just fuck anywhere - i don't think he has much shame / concept of where would be good and where wouldn't be good for sex. i imagine he's had sex in a lot of places that aren't bedrooms. probably a lot of interrogation rooms, office rooms, military bases, outdoors. that sort of thing. but i don't think he'd have sex anywhere super unusual - he's generally very open minded and if horny enough, would bang anywhere. ( he's just not in a position to have sex in unusual places ! )
L ─ Lingerie. Do they enjoy wearing it and/or seeing their partner in lingerie ?What kind of lingerie do they find the sexiest ? Any other clothing they love seeing their partner in  ( like grey sweater pants, wearing nothing but an apron, really short shorts, etc… ) ?Do they often wear what the other likes, just to please them?
he loves a partner wearing it - especially so when it's catered to him. for example, ivan's little panties with the lightning bolt on them? you bet that volgin bought him / had those bad boys made for him. he absolutely loves a partner who caters to what he likes. if a lover comes to him dressed in lingerie, he feels spoilt - he loves the attention / effort that they've made. it's his favourite thing.
in terms of his favourite clothing - he likes seeing a partner in collars / harnesses / small panties / figure-hugging apparel etc.
for himself? he doesn't really do dressing up and probably wouldn't for a partner. he enjoys either being totally naked or in his suit ( purely due to being afraid without that )
B ─ Breeding. Is this one of their kinks ? Do they often have unprotected sex ? Have they ever had any pregnancy scares ?
yes; i could absolutely see this being a thing that volgin would partake in. he'd like the thrill of fear / anticipation / ( simply barebacking ) his partner. i think that it's something he'd tease his partner over and very much wind them up about. of course it would be all consensual, but he would do shit like threaten not to pull out and such. the man's a monster owo
M ─ Masturbation. Do they engage in it ?  Together or alone ?  Do they enjoy watching their partner masturbating ?  Do they use any toys, or just their hands ?
yes but i could see volgin being more the type to get someone to fuck rather than masturbate. if he's horny, he'd sooner bring his lover into it than do anything himself. when it comes to mutual masturbation, he's not patient enough to partake in it - the man can't contain himself once he's horny.
were he to masturbate, i think he would use toys - probably for anal stimulation more than anything. the man is pretty kinky.
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ssplague · 3 years
Alpha Bakugou & his “late bloomer” Omega Girlfriend 🌬🥀
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Part Four:
“Plucked Petals”
Rated M
⚠️ SMUT, A/B/O themes (heat, knotting, ruts etc.), primal play, sub&dom themes, manipulation, animalistic sex (in a human body 😅), slight mention of toxic relationships.
***Keep in mind that the sex here is supposed to be primal; The dialogue is both limited and minimal because of the state of mind you are in (within the story). You’re in heat and desperate for some of that Alpha D (seeing as it’s the only thing that will give you relief) so naturally no intellectually stimulating conversation will be taking place here.
Honorable mentions: @gummiwormsandonedirection @nekee-lilac02 @veenasanada @satoooooruu @jazzylove @bakugoismisunderstood @sizzlingdonutturtlemuffin @miss-lilith
I let myself get behind on thanking each of you individually 😩 So please forgive me! I still GREATLY APPRECIATE each of your comments, they mean the fucking world to me. Seriously, you have no idea how each of you have made my day/evening at some point since uploading this story.
Part 5
The two adult women seated in the much too tiny chairs would have normally been something to laugh at. However, neither woman was in a laughing mood at the moment; One looked irked and the other rather unnerved, but at the same time her eyes shone with sympathy towards the young woman trying not to cower under the harsh glare of one Mitsuki Bakugou.
“What exactly did you need to talk to us about?” Mrs.Y/L/N asked kindly.
“What did that brat ruin this time? Can we get this over with please?” The blonde woman huffs, scowling even more than before.
“Ah right, I’m sorry! Well first of all I want to say; That both of your children are bright and incredibly talented, I enjoy working with them-“
The teacher is interrupted by a laugh from Mitsuki, “You don’t have to lie dear, I know what a little tyrant my son can be, enjoying working with ________ I believe, but not Katsuki”.
The teacher is lightly blushing as she resumes speaking, “I suppose that kind of ties in with what I want to discuss with both of you….the relationship between your children…”.
The mood of the room changed immediately, the tension in the air suddenly becomes palpable as both mothers sit up straighter, waiting for the younger woman to continue speaking. They’d had this exact conversation with each teacher that _______ & Katsuki had since grade 3, even though it’s been three years…this conversation never seems to get easier to have.
“Initially it surprised me how close the two of them seem to be, since Katsuki is umm…selective? When it comes to who he deems “worthy” of interacting with him” she pauses, swallowing nervously as she glances at Mitsuki. When the normally aggressive woman simply motions for her to continue the teacher is instantly relieved; “I’m aware of the fact that they’ve had an issue with scenting each other for the last few years….and even though a lot of people see it as something inappropriate or obscene, I believe it’s necessary at this point…let me better explain what I mean”.
“It’s unfortunate that when it comes to children like Katsuki, their biology makes it harder or difficult for them to properly fit into society. He’s strong, aggressive, and driven naturally; All that paired with his quirk, and his secondary sex as an alpha…Make it harder to rein himself in, so to speak. More often than not, the nature of these types of people is to seek out someone that’s able to do two distinct things; One is being able to put up with their abrasive personality, and two is the ability to even out their instabilities” all three ladies seemed to miss the pitter patter of a small set of feet coming down the hallway.
That afternoon _________ had been watching Katsuki play soccer, patiently waiting for this last game to end so the pair could start their walk home from school. Taking her eyes off the snarling blonde boy (risking the possibility of missing him shoot another amazing goal), she was surprised to catch sight of not just her own mother but his as well. The two women seemed to be in a hurry as they quickly entered the building and disappeared from sight. Turning her head and noticing that Katsuki was racing up the opposite way, ________ hopped off the bench and took off In pursuit of their mother’s.
The normally busy hallway was completely empty as __________ made her way towards where she’d briefly heard Mitsuki’s voice echoing. She was extremely curious to find out why both women had come here without informing either of their children. Once she got closer she began tip toeing; Her teachers voice was slowly becoming more audible now that she crept towards the partially open classroom door.
“-While she may be able to soothe and put a stop to his aggression, she will also be a direct cause of a lot of it…”
Was the teacher talking about her and Katsuki?
“A lot of these reported cases have ended in tragedy; usually a crime of passion, sometimes a complete misunderstanding. That’s not to say that a majority of these relationships don’t work out properly! It’s just something that will have to be monitored, you know?”
Tragedy? C-crime of passion? What did that mean??!
She felt sick and scared suddenly, making it a point to silently back away from the ajar door.
________ covered her ears all the way, she feared hearing anything more that her teacher had to say.
There is no way she could have been talking about us! We’re both going to be heroes! Heroes don’t commit crimes!
Heading out the double doors, you were too busy repeatedly reassuring yourself to stop the colison that occurred.
“Oh! im sorry! Please exc-Katsuki?”
“I was looking all over for you! The games over now, of course my team won! 37 to 14 HAH!”
He’s smirking while he yanks you up and onto your feet.
“No surprise” you say with a sigh, suddenly becoming interested with the shoes on your feet.
“While she’s able to soothe and put a stop to his aggression, she will also be a direct cause for a lot of it”
So you weren’t good to be around Katsuki?
The thought of distancing yourself from him made your chest hurt.
“Princess….what’s wrong?”
Somehow he always knows when something is bothering you…
“You don’t have to worry Suki, it’s noth-“
“Ah well look who it is! I’m surprised you two weren’t on your way home already!”
Katsuki immediately stiffened at the sound of Mitsuki’s voice. Turning around, you feigned surprise at the sight of both your mother’s exiting the school.
“What’re you two doing here?” You asked.
Your mother smiles and cheerfully says; “Oh nothing important, no need to worry! How would you kids like some ice cream?”.
Your omega immediately forces away the intrusive memory and grounds you back in reality. Katsuki is putting off such an intense and dangerous aura; Still being slightly rational at the moment, you can’t help but want to crawl away from him. Apparently he sensed your impending attempt at escape, and presses his hips into your ass.
“Awww no running away now Omega, not when you’ve finally got me so worked up and rearing to play” he teases while nuzzling his face against your neck “You don’t need to be afraid”. Katsuki’s always wandering hands are nothing new to you, his current ministrations are much more different than anything he’s subjected you to before today. Each place he touches leaves a trail of fire in its wake, and your not at all embarrassed when your tounge lolls out of your mouth as you begin to pant.
“Suki it’s s’hot….m’too hot” you whine, squirming in attempts to convey your discomfort.
“Too hot huh? How bout I cool you off then” he lifts his weight off you, shuffling backwards on the mattress. Using one hand to separate your legs, and the other to force you into a deeper arch. You startle when the tip of his touches just above your tail bone; Then slowly tracing up over the length of your spine, up the back of your neck and pausing to suck a bruise into each side. Once that’s done he settles back between your legs, pulling your bottoms down and lifting each leg out, he then flings them away. Pulling you backwards and into his lap, you look up at him curiously as he runs his hand down your tummy.
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this day y’know? I want us to throughly enjoy ourselves so ya need to be patient princess, that okay?” he makes a show of trailing each further down your pelvis, further succeeding in making you shake. “Y-yes s’okay” you stutter as the tale tale feeling of another heat wave makes your temperature start to rise. “Mmmm your about to slip aren’t you? Don’t fight it, just embrace it…we’ll go under together, it’ll be so much better that way”.
You didn’t understand.
“W-what do you m-“
“_________, you trust me right?”
“Of course! I-“
“Then let go”
His tone encouraging as his fingers caress your lower lips, slipping in between the wet folds. Your breath hitches, feeling your body beginning to tremble again. The heat coming off your skin is getting to be overwhelming, surely you’ll burst into flame any minute!
“C’mon baby, you’re so close! Just give into it, give in to me” he’s rubbing circles into your clit, while another continuously circles the outside of your hole “I’ll take care of you I promise omega”. You give him a shaky nod as your eyes close, focusing on the pleasurable sensations spreading through each of your limbs.
“Wait! You c-“ the sudden shout resounds around the walls of your skull, but another voice drowns out its attempted warning,
“We’ve waited long enough”. Your internal Omega pushes your conscience off to the side, taking her place at the forefront of your mind; “No more wasting time, from this point on all we need, all we want is Alpha”.
When you next open your eyes all you see is Katsuki; His scent is the only thing you can smell, the warmth where his skin touches yours is all you want to feel. A soft whine grabs his attention, words are no longer necessary: The two of you currently reside in a plane of existence that is ruled by feelings and instincts. At the end of the day, when you would lay back, relax, and let your mind wander, you often imagined what your first time would be like: Inside your head you’d envision some “anonymous” blonde haired man gently lowering your nude body down onto a bed and then lovingly kissing his way down the length of it. Showering you with compliments until your face burned with embarrassment as he prepared to enter the most intimate part of you.
This however….is NOTHING like that.
Tongue and teeth clash in a series of sloppy kisses, your hair is yanked back so the entirety of your throat is bared. Katsuki laves his tounge up and down each side, pausing to make sure a deep purple bruise marks your scent gland, like that of an X on a treasure map. His fingers get yanked out of you entirely too fast, you can feel the sudden emptiness in the depths of your soul. A pathetic whimper leaves you as your hips eagerly chase after his retreating hand. Only to be followed up with a loud Yelp, as a sharp slap is delivered to your pussy, it’s with a trembling lip you do your best to rasp; “Alpha…want your….cock…please!”.
Is that really too much to ask?
His cock is hard and aching as precum smears across your cheeks while he ruts against your ass. The black of his pupils has nearly swallowed the red of his irises, you’ve never seen him like this before. Moving out from behind you, he rolls you onto your back, and forces your legs apart to move himself between them. Peeking out beneath your heavy eyelids, you eagerly watch him coat his cock with your slick. Once its deemed good enough, he leans over you and that deep guttural voice in your ear makes you gasp.
“Wanted you from the first time I ever laid eyes on you omega…and now you’ll finally be all mine at last! No one can separate us anymore, and no one will ever take you from me…They’d have to pry you from my dead fuckin’ hands”
Tears fill your eyes at the thought of something so terrible, “No alpha, never say that!”.
The head of his cock bullies it’s way between your folds, and with no warning the tip is pressing into your tight hole. Slick accumulating at your entrance begins to dribble down his balls and cover your ass. The impressive size of his length is making it difficult for your body to accommodate such a large amount of mass into this tiny confined space. Your crying now as your nails rake down his back, he absolutely adores seeing you like this. “You can take it omega” he growls pressing a kiss to each eyelid as you continue to squirm and gasp. It’s a slow process, but eventually you are able to accept each of his inches. You’re joined together now, hip to hip as he enjoys the way his cock feels being snuggled up in the fit of your tight cunt.
Katsuki loves you so much, and that’s the only thing keeping him from brutally withdrawing and thrusting his hips. Your eyes open and you nod signaling him to start moving, he obliges. Slow and shallow at first, then you begin pushing back against him. The room fills with steam from the heat of your interaction; The only sounds you hear are of skin striking skin, panting, keening, growling, snarling.
Proper speech has long since eluded both you and him after an hour into your animalistic style romp. You were so far gone by the time things began winding their way towards the home stretch.
“P-please Al..pha…n-no…m-mo-more…c-cant..jus c-cant” you cry out in exhaustion.
“Yes you can! Just one more for me omega…”
“Noooo I can’t!”
A breathless drawn out moan follows your declaration as his fingers rub figure eights into your puffy abused clit. Katsuki’s thrusts become sloppy and swift as he puts you into a mating press. His cock now able to plunge into your previously unexplored depths with reckless abandon. This is it, the final thing, the MOST IMPORTANT piece of all this; To deliver the bite that will forever bind you to him. He’s seconds away from absolute bliss, it’s difficult to sound properly authoritative being as close as he is, so when he delivers the alpha command you don’t even notice.
“Cum for me Omega…cum again”.
The pleasure is white hot and blinding as it spreads from you to him. You feel the pulsing from the place his teeth had sunk in, but pain doesn’t accompany it. You no longer know where you start and he begins; His knot locks you and him together as your teeth sink into his skin. Both of you stare at each other, it’s unbelievable that you’d finally been able to accomplish this. The last thing you remember before falling asleep was telling your alpha how much you loved him.
The next few days passed in a similar fashion.
You were asleep when your classmates returned, but it wouldn’t have mattered because even if you hadn’t been, Katsuki wouldn’t let you near any of them. You sleep blissfully unaware of the weight that now accompanies your rash decision.
Your “new life” is about to begin!
Wether you like it or not….
A/N: Originally, I had planned on concluding this here BUT with all the feedback I’ve received, I’m definitely going to be able to squeeze in a few more chapters before concluding this series. Expect some drama, & a much more detailed smut scene at the conclusion.
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yanderedanganronpa · 3 years
*clears throat* can i pretty please request the yandere alphabet for pg shuichi??? 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Pregame Shuichi Yandere Alphabet
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TYSM!! I feel like I couldn’t express his character that well with these questions but I love writing pg shuichi. Ugh I want more Kagehara requests after I clear my inbox.
A- Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
One of the most intense. His affections can get pretty unapologetically vigorous and passionate, It’s so hard to control himself around you, so he finds himself going way too far a lot of the time, and he just doesn’t even care. His feelings are just so overwhelming when he sees you. He loves holding you tightly in his arms, he enjoying running his fingers through your hair just always touching you, exploring every inch of you up close.
B- Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He loves the blood, taking a lot of enjoyment along with being extra sadistic is his killing if it’s for you especially, he would bathe in it practically. The fact that he’s doing it all for you makes it ten times better.
C- Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He can be mean sometimes but it’s mostly just selfishness and sadism. He might have some fun taunting you though, seeing your funny and adorable reactions.
D-Death, Do they feel any sorrow for their victims at all?
Not at all, in fact when he thinks back on the unfortunate people who had to be sacrificed punished ,so he could have you, it’s makes him excited, it makes everything feel so worth it when he thinks back to it all.
E- Earnest, Are they intense?
So intense it’s scary, how could he possibly be calm? He has you all to himself to play with forever. He’s ecstatic and basically maybe literally drooling just to hold you.
F- Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Well, he can’t say he likes it exactly, but he doesn’t hate it as much as other yanderes. There’s some prey/predator element in it that he LOVES. But not too much though. It’s best not to get on his nerves, he wants your love too, yknow~
G- Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It’s not so much as a game to him, he’ll indulge himself at first, enjoying watching you run and scream, but he’ll get tired of it after a while. Calm down already, let him enjoy you~
H- Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
If he loses his grip just a little too much, he’s the type to hurt you out of love so he might just hurt you more than he had planned. If it ever got to that point, he’s going out with you.
I- Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
At the very core of Kagehara, he is a true romantic. If I didn’t say he wants a loving relationship filled with affection, talks of devotion and mutual obsession, I’d be lying.
J- Jet: How fast would it happen for them to go yandere?
As soon as he saw you he was instantly infatuated, there’s something about you that’s so enamoring to him. He wouldn’t realize he’s obsessed with you for a tops of a few days. Then it’s game on!
K- Kill- Would they hurt anyone to get to you?
Duh! No hesitation, no second thoughts.
L-Lonely, How much loneliness would they feel if you two were apart?
It would severely discomfort him, he would feel incomplete without you by his side. Almost like lacking oxygen, he just needs to see you or hear you, smell you, even. Just anything.
M- Might: How aggressive would they be towards you?
Affectionately aggressive if that makes sense. He just wants to feel you and hold you. Everything you you you, he just can’t get enough, so he might get a little rough.
N- Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He is a big fan of carving initials or full names so if he had to hurt you he would take this opportunity to make sure your remember who you belong to.
Q- Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
NO! This man is devoted to the very end and will find you. Whether that be in the outside world or the afterlife. You can’t escape.
R- Rain: Would they keep you trapped inside forever?
Probably so, he really thrives on the fact that you’re so priceless, and he has you all to himself. Everyone wants you back home but you are all his, and he doesn’t want that to change.
S- Stalker: Would they stalk you? How intense would it go?
He would barely try to hide it to be honest but even so, it would get intense. He’s the type to view your snap story two seconds after posting (and screenshoting) The type to have hidden cameras in your room just to watch you 24/7, just like in-game Shuichi. Even if he installed the cameras he prefers watching in real life, whether that’s through the window or inside your room.
T- Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He loves to see each one of your different expressions but like I said, he’d get tired of the crying when he wants to love you. Isolation? Don’t even think about it, you’re staying next to him at all times.
U- Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He is obsessed with everything, and I mean everything. From your toes to every strand of hair on your head he’s infatuated. Anything you touch too, anything that remind him of you, he absolutely adores, and it’s all going in your shrine :)
Along with that he probably has the biggest shrine you’ve ever seen, he just can’t let anything go to waste, no matter how small. Twelve pairs of underwear? A fucking toenail clipping? All neatly organized as his most valued possessions.
W -Wild Card, a random yandere headcannon.
When he’s stalking you up until he kidnaps you, he really gets off on the fact that you were so ignorant to the whole situation. He knew what was going to happen but you didn’t, you were absolutely clueless.
X- Xenophobia: How much would they get angry from their jealousy?
He gets mad at first glance, but he can calm himself by telling himself that it’s not a problem because he can always take care of any “issues” later.
Y- Yander: How many crimes would they commit?
He doesn’t care at all about following the law, especially when it comes to having you to himself, there’s nothing he wouldn’t do, illegal or legal.
Z- Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Leaning on no, he’s definitely a more obsessive type, so he likes you the way you are, that’s who he fell for in the first place, he wouldn’t want to change you, he wouldn’t want to but like I said it’s hard to control himself around you sometimes.
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sagittariusmars2 · 1 year
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(Top to bottom ) 18+ how they feel about u
Pile 1
I see that they love your feminine energy, they like how much of a fair lover you are. They feel like you guys can have more than just a sexual connection, they see themselves having something long term with you. They want to stop holding back and speed things up but they feel insecure, they can’t find the strength to take initiative. They really like the way you taste/smell and they love ur backside, they like backshots with you especially if u have back dimples. They love oral with you and they like how tight the feminine is or how big the masculine is, they like how maternal u are especially if you have kids already. They want you to dominate them and be aggressive, they wanna try anal/anal play with you and they love ur breast/nipples. They’re manifesting you guys see each other/be together and they like listening to songs that remind them of you. Signs- Sagittarius/Aquarius, initials- B, L, U, F, V, R, Y
Pile 2
I see that they feel like you’re their wish fulfillment and they don’t want you to leave them, they feel like you guys can have something long term and they want to communicate with you. I see that they want to see you and spend time with you, they want to charm you and flirt. They feel like they may not be emotionally mature but they can still make you happy, they don’t like when you guys aren’t on good terms. They want to spend time with you to drink or smoke, they want you to stop being defensive and let them in. They want you to let your guard down when you guys are hanging out so they can sweet talk you and put the moves on u, they really like your butt/backside and they want to see u bent over or crawling to them. They want you to submit completely to them and do whatever they want u too, they want you to play with them and give them oral. They miss ur mouth/tongue and they want to kiss you, they want to be rough with u and let out all their pent up frustration. They want to have passionate sex with you and have rounds or spend the night, I see that they may have a big dick or they miss yours. They like how wet you are especially if you’re a squirter, they desire you so bad that they would drink ur bath water. They want to try new things with you and they want to do anal/anal play, they want to see how far they can go with you sexually. They like your legs especially if they’re long and ur feet. Signs- Gemini/Sagittarius, initials- G, X, Q, U, Z, A, R
Pile 3
I see that they want to be more honest/straightforward with you because they see u as their counterpart that makes them very happy/emotionally fulfilled, they feel like you guys both may have other options and they’re heartbroken by the situation. They’re not ready to let you go even if things ended, they regret how things went and feel like they lost you. They can’t expect that they should move on because they thought you guys would be together for a long time or things just ended unexpectedly, they miss ur big dick/wet pussy and they can’t find anyone that’s like you. They may be trying to replace you or fill up on things to fill this hole u left them with, they want you to come back even if you’re mad at them. They want you to touch all over their body, they miss ur hands and they miss u playing with them or caressing them. They want you to dominate them and take out ur anger on them, they want oral from you or to 69. They want to ride them and they want to have sex raw, they want to create a emotional tie with u through sex. I see that they want to show u what they’re made of and get you hooked to them the way they are to you, they feel like you drive them crazy. They really like your butt especially if it’s big and round, they like your breast too especially if they’re big or if u have small nipples. They want to have slow sec with you then build up the pace, they want to make you cum multiple times. Signs- Pisces, Taurus, Sagittarius, leo, initials- K, R, X, S
Pile 4
They’re attracted to your strong feminine energy, they like your boundaries even though it makes them worry. They’re having a hard time moving on and they regret how things ended, they don’t like fighting with you and they want to work on things together. They want a new beginning with you and they’re trying to stay patient, they like how stable and confident you are. They are very dependent on ur energy and they want to make you dependent too, they know the connection is toxic and that they’re usually the problem. They want to watch you or sneak up on you, they miss the way you smell and taste. They want to see u masturbate in front of them or they want you to send nudes, they really wanna see your butt/genitals. They want you naked so they can admire ur body, they want to have raw sex with you and go rounds. They want to taste you or have sex with you in the shower, they want to feel all over your body and dominate you. They like how submissive you are but they also like ur dominant side, I see you or this person could be a switch. They want to try new things in the bedroom that includes toys/vibrators or BDSM, they really wanna have nasty sex with you. They want to be aggressive with you to show you that they have control over u/the situation, they want to start off slow and make love to you then speed things up. Signs- cancer, Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn. Initials- S, G, H, M, T, I, A
Personal readings always available, please watch my 18+ pick a card reading on YouTube
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SFW Alphabet | Ryohei Arisu
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character: Ryohei Alice
Genre: fluff
Author’s Note: I’m trying to write a lot of AiB x reader content because there’s not a lot of it on tumblr and I’m sure you guys want more. The only thing is I want it to be well-written and not rushed so it’s actually enjoyable to read, so I’m so sorry if some take longer than expected! 😓 Please request something if you want to! 
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*This based in the real world, not in the Borderland
A - Affection
(How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Alice would be rather shy with physical affection I feel
If he’s new into a relationship, he would probably ask before making any sort of physical contact with you
He respects boundaries like a true gentleman
As the relationship progresses, he would become more confident in his actions, showing his love for you more often
He wouldn’t be overly affectionate or unaffectionate, just somewhere in the middle
I think he would enjoy just quality time with you more than constantly feeling the need to touch you
B - Best Friend
(What would they be like as a best friend?)
Alice as a best friend would be so much fun
He seems like such a laid back and chill person, being open-minded and nonjudgmental
You and him would probably play video-games together all the time, being incredibly competitive and bantering the whole time
You and him would go out late at night just to go get food together and play games at a local arcade
There wouldn’t be a day when you’re not together, sticking by each others sides through thick and thin
You would probably have friendly arguments every time you are together, teasing and mocking each other in a harmless matter
As a group of four, Alice, Chota, Karube and you would be like peas in a pod
C - Cuddles
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Alice would adore cuddles, but would be so shy to ask for them
You would have to be the one to initiate a cuddling session, probably by sitting on his lap, taking him by surprise
He would probably rest his head on your shoulder while you were on a long train or bus ride together, eventually falling asleep next to you
If you and him were cuddling on the couch, Alice wouldn’t let you leave
“Alice. I need to pee, let me go.” “But I just got comfy!”
He’d act offended when you eventually escape the cage that is his limbs
His favourite cuddling position would be him lying on his back while you’re spread out on top of him, head resting on his chest
He likes this position because he can kiss the top of your hair and stay warm underneath your body
D - Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
It would take a few years of dating for Alice and you to move in together
He loves the fantasy of a teen love situation where you two would sneak out together and go on late night dates
He would be afraid that when you move in together eventually, you would lose that thrill between you too
But after giving in and buying an apartment with you, he wouldn’t regret it at all
In a living situation, Alice would try to help you around the house as much as possible
You would have different chores assigned to each of you, making it fair
I feel like he wouldn’t be able to cook, like at all
Better he sticks to cleaning and laundry whilst you handle cooking meals for both of you
E - Ending
(If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If you were to break it off with him, it would honestly break him
But of course, he would hate to show that it gets to him, his sadness would come out in anger
He would overthink for weeks, wondering where he went wrong
Would probably get drunk at some bars a few nights and drunk text you, saying how much he misses you
If he was to break it off with you, he would feel incredibly guilty
Even if he had wanted to do it for a while, he would feel so bad after seeing tears running down your face
He would probably cry too and would have to fight the urge to scoop you into his arms and hold you as you cry
F - Fiancé(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Wouldn’t want to rush into things, preferring to take things slow
He likes to live in the moment without worrying about the past or future
I think having someone who would want to get married quickly would scare him off
Don’t get me wrong, he would be completely committed to you, it would just take time for him to get to that point
Never has the biggest urge to get married, honestly doesn’t see it as incredibly important
He would want to get married later in his life, as long as it’s with the right person
G - Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is such a gentlemen, no one can convince me otherwise
He would be so gentle with you, treating you like a piece of art
Wouldn’t even grab your arm or try to cheekily jump-scare you, in fear that he would accidentally hurt you
If you guys were having a heated moment, he would hesitate before placing his hands on you
You would have to tell him that it’s okay and place his hands on you yourself
Emotionally, he would try his absolute best to understand you
Although he would be a bit awkward when it comes to deep emotions, he would be so cautious in his words and actions when you’re in a emotionally vulnerable situation
So considerate and gentle, never wanting to make you uncomfortable in any way
H - Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He would honestly give the best hugs
I think he would prefer hugs over kisses, because he loves the close feeling of having you snuggled up against him
He would always do the running hug every time he met up with you, always having the same level of excitement from seeing your face
He would also love walking down the street with your arms around each other
The small simple gesture makes him so comforted and warm inside
I - I Love You
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
Would be so shy to say it
He would probably say it when he thinks your asleep, whispering it into your ear while brushing your hair out of your face
When you open your eyes and respond, he looks like he’s seen a ghost
“What did you say Alice?” “Uh... nothing. It doesn’t matter.”
He would roll his body to face the other way, trying to fall asleep
You would lean over his shoulder and say you love him too while he’s just about to fall unconscious
He would snap awake, looking up at you in surprise with his wide eyes
You’d spend the night tucked so close to each other then, giving each other sweet kisses and shy compliments
J - Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I actually can see him getting jealous very easily
Like even if you hung out with one of your male best friends, Alice would ask everything about the guy
It would come from a good place though, he would be scared of you finding someone better than him
When he gets jealous, he would become really quiet and passive aggressive
Would never admit that he’s jealous, no matter how hard you try to get him to confess
But it would be pretty easy to tell, even your friends would notice
If you were out together with Karube and Chota, Alice would feel a bit upset if you spent most of the time talking to one of them instead of him
When this happens, he’ll wrap an arm around your waist and press you to his side, just to remind you he’s there as well
K- Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He would have random clingy moments where he would beg you for endless kisses
He would purse his lips and close his eyes playfully waiting for you kiss him
It would always make him blush, no matter how long you’ve been together
His favourite place to kiss you would be your nose
He loves the way your face scrunches up when he does it, always making him fall just a little bit more in love
His favourite place to be kissed would simply be his lips
He loves the intimacy of it and would love it when you surprise him with a sudden kiss to his lips
L - Little Ones
(How are they around children?)
Would actually really like kids
I feel like he would like babies more than toddlers though
He would find them so adorable, but the thought of babysitting or having a kid of his own makes him nervous
He would like them, but wouldn’t be able to look after them well
If you two had to babysit for a family member, I think he’d really enjoy watching you interacting with the kid
If in the future you two had children of your own, he would want to wait quite a while, probably until after marriage if you planned to get married
M - Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
You both would always wake up late, no matter the day
Would probably be from playing video-games together all night or just staying awake for hours and talking / cuddling
If he woke up before you, he would tuck you under the covers again if they fell during the night and leave the room, wanting to leave you sleeping peacefully
But some mornings if he wants you to wake up with him, he would lay his entire body across you and whine for you to wake up
“Y/N... babyyy-” “What?” “Wake up, I’m bored.” “No.” “pLeAsE!”
He would be impossible to wake up though
You could throw stuff at him, yell in his ears, jump on top of him, but he would not open his eyes
It’s like as if someone knocked him out
You would have to resort to dragging him off the bed by his legs
N - Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
You would always go to sleep late, there was never a night where you would go to sleep before 12:00am
Even if you fell asleep, Alice would wake you up again because he would want to spend more time with you
You would talk and play video-games together until you either passed out on the bed on top of each other
If you fell asleep on the couch, Alice and you would be complaining the whole day tomorrow about your back pains
Sometimes, but very rarely, you would have deep conversations, then afterwards fall asleep with your limbs wrapped around each other tightly
O - Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
It would take time for him to open up
I feel like with Alice you’d have to earn his trust, he doesn’t just give it out for free
He would rarely talk about his feelings on a deep level
Even after years of being together, he’d still be a bit reserved
It wouldn’t be personal, I just think Alice would prefer to keep his strong emotions inside
Although, if something really got to him, he would probably break his walls a bit
He would hold things inside until they got too hard to handle
He’d have a big cry with you comforting him, then be fine again
It would mean the world to him if you sat and listened to him for hours and valued his emotions
P - Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
Honestly, quite easily
Depends really what it’s about
Fights between you too wouldn’t happen often, but he would get in bad moods a few times a week
He gets quite frustrated with minor things though, like if his phone or computer wasn’t working properly
He’d get over it really quick though
If he was to become mad at you, he would tell you straight up why he’s upset
He would despise it if you walked away and didn’t face the issue
When he’s really upset, he may say things that he doesn’t really mean in the heat of the moment
But he would always apologize after he’s calmed down, giving hugs and kisses for the rest of the day endlessly
Q - Quizzes
(How much would they remember about their partner?)
I feel like he’d actually be kind of bad at this
He would keep a few common things memorized, like your favourite movie or place
But sometimes he would forget minor things
He would feel awful about it though
It’s not that he doesn’t care enough, he just has a bad memory
After a while, he would begin to keep notes in his phone about things you like so he has ideas for birthday presents and anniversary gifts
Always has the best intentions, he’s just a little slow
R - Remember
(What is their favourite moment in their relationship?)
His most favourite moment would be a date you guys went on together during the first few months of dating
He had come over to your house and invited you to go for a walk with him around town
After buying late night takeaway snacks at a restaurant, he brought you to a quiet building and climbed the stairs all the way to the top
You two sat there for hours, eating your food and laughing until you couldn’t breath while looking out over the city’s fluorescent lights
He loved this night with you especially, because he thinks you looked gorgeous with the city lights dancing across your skin
I think this was the night he realized that he was in love with you, watching you smile and laugh with hearts in his eyes
S - Security
(How protective are they of their partner? How would they protect their partner? How would they like to be protected?)
Would try to hide it, but he would secretly be so cautious about your safety
He’s knows that he’s not the strongest or fittest person, but he still tries his best to make you feel safe
When you’re out in public at night, he always has his arm around your shoulder or your waist, just to make sure you stay close to him
If someone you didn’t know approached you and was acting a little too friendly, Alice would glare at them over your shoulder and distract you
If someone was to say something rude or offensive towards you, oh no
Alice would go OFF
He would swear and yell at them before you even get the chance to defend yourself
There would be times where you would have to physically drag him away because you were afraid he would throw a punch
T - Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Would try his best for special events
He’d be very bad at keeping secrets or surprises, you would most of the time find out what he has planned
But you wouldn’t tell him that you know so you don’t upset him when he gets really excited about surprising you
He would do the usual on your anniversary, flowers and chocolates with a cute date planned
He would love buying you cute little gadgets and books that he’s read that he think you would like
He would prefer simple, movie dates most of the time, but maybe once every two months you would go out for a cliché romantic dinner
U - Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Definitely his gaming
Sometimes he would play it for hours on end, not giving you much attention
I mean most the time you would join him or watch him play, but after a while it would get a little old
The only way to distract him enough to get him off the game is to sit on his lap facing him and kiss his neck
He would freeze up and drop the game immediately
“Okay fine! I’ll give you attention!”
V - Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
Wouldn’t be his priority
Obviously because of his overgrown hair, he doesn’t care hugely for his looks
I mean if you guys were going out together, he would put in his best effort to look decent for you
But if it’s just a day at home, he wouldn’t give less of a toss what he looks like
He doesn’t get insecure about himself often, he knows you love him no matter what he looks like
W - Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without their partner?)
He would value his partner over most things in his life
I mean, I do see him as a independent personality, so if he dated someone who was super clingy, I think he would find them irritating
He loves you so much, but he does need his time alone
He doesn’t think you constantly need to be all over someone and always be beside them to love them with your whole heart
So, he would love you more than anything, but he wouldn’t feel the need to depend on you for everything
X - Xtra
(A random headcanon for them)
He would love if you were best friends with Karube and Chota
Seeing his most favourite people in the world all get along would make him so happy
I think it would bring him a sense of security if you’re close to them as well, because he can trust them to take care of you if you need it when he’s not there
They would tease you and Alice all the time just to mess with you
Chota would love to have intelligent conversations with you like the lil’ nerd he is
And Karube would love to drink and banter with you
They would honestly be such a fun group of friends to hang out with
You would never be bored with them
Y - Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I mentioned before briefly, but he would hate a really clingy and possessive partner
He is independent and an introvert, so he would like his time alone with no one else every now and then
Having a partner that constantly has to be touching him or talking to him would be so annoying
He finds it really obnoxious, so he would prefer someone with a personality that is logical, reasonable and holds good morals
Z - Zzz
(What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He definitely snores
Not incredibly loud, but little snorts would leave him every now and then during the night
Sometimes if he does it for a while, you would nudge him with your leg to wake him up
Of course, he denies it, not believing that he snores
It’s not until you record his snores on your phone would he realize it
“There’s no way. That’s so embarrassing oh my god.”
SFW Alphabet Template
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fandom-puff · 3 years
Sandor Clegane Fluff Alphabet
Requested by: @shyloudpanda
Gif creds to owner
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Literally anything and everything. The slightest thing, he thinks is beautiful.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Although the thought of fatherhood frightens him (he just doesn’t think he’d make a good dad) the idea of you pregnant with his baby, cradling a newborn, teaching a little toddler to walk... it makes his heart swell
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He loves spooning you. He envelopes your body perfectly, cuddling close to you with his arms around your middle. Good luck trying to wriggle away in the middle of the night if you get too hot, need the bathroom etc because he is not letting go
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Sandor doesn’t do ‘dates’. Even when you were courting, he didn’t do dates (I don’t think they really exist in Westeros lolz) but sometimes you’ll sit with some wine, just talking. And it’s peaceful and calm and 🥺🥺
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
Little one 🥺🥺
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
When you told Ser Trant to ‘fuck off before I shove your own sword up your arse’. Sandor had to bite back his laughter as you Trant turned an ugly shade of puce
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Very, very gentle. He’s so afraid of hurting you that more often than not, he treats you like a glass ornament
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
You very rarely do it in public; he’d much rather you p it your arm into the crook of his elbow
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He thought you were just another ditzy maid at first, but boyyy was he wrong (see F)
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Sandor Clegane is a very jealous man. He WILL throw hands and draw swords if someone is making you uncomfortable, and he is not afraid to get caught in an alcove with you
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
It was you who initiated the first kiss; he was insisting that you didn’t want a monster like him, but you rolled your eyes and just pressed your lips to his.
He normally takes your lead with kisses, going by how gentle or how passionate you want it
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Him- after the first kiss. He was so overwhelmed with emotion that it just blurted out
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Your wedding day. The way you looked up at him, swamped in the cloak of his house, your hair braided back from your face had his heart racing
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
No. You don’t want it, he doesn’t see the point in ‘useless shit that you don’t really want’. You make do with what you have, and that’s good enough for you both
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
White. It’s the colour of your simple linen night clothes, and you look like some sort of angel in the dead of night with your hair all haloed on the pillow, face relaxed...
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Love, darling, woman, wife
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
What is considered non-modern in Westeros??
He likes old stone and wood carvings. Even though he lives a relatively simple life, he does find beauty in the intricate carvings you adorn your home with
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Ride. There’s nothing like a horse ride through the wind and rain, into the forest. It’s soothing to just listen to the rain, but be protected by the canopy of leaves. Bonus points if you’re with him
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
He represses it deep down. It takes a lot to make Sandor break, and sometimes he just needs a good cry into your chest
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
He’s a man of few words, so it’s usually up to you to hold the conversation. He doesn’t mind, and occasionally inputs a remark that has you grinning
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Being with you; just laying in bed, staring at the ceiling...
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
You. You’re the only thing in his life that’s pure and good.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
It’s a quiet affair; if you’re still in kings landing, it’ll be in the sept of Baelor; if you’re northern, it’ll be under a weirwood of the old gods
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
You don’t have a song. He does like watching you dancing to lively fiddle music, occasionally he’ll join you in a tavern or inn
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Always. He wants you as his wife and no one else.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
He adores his mean-tempered horse, Stranger. Despite Stranger’s aggression, he has gained trust for you, and is as gentle to you as he is to his master
I feel like Sandor would like a few big dogs, especially if you live in a little cottage in the middle of nowhere
Tags: @sociallyawkward-princess
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