#this project is in danger we really need a lot of help
radaverse · 10 months
⭐ A Sonic Movie/Steven Universe Fan Webseries! ⭐
We're currently going through development hell, so we need as much help as we can get!
Production team applications are open! (Writer, Artist, Musician and VA!)
Learn more about the project and apply here ⬇️
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saritawolff · 4 months
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Phew. This one took, uh… a bit longer than expected due to other projects both irl and art-wise, but it’s finally here. The long-awaited domestic animal infographic! Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough space to cover every single domestic animal (I’m so sorry, reindeer and koi, my beloveds) but I tried to include as many of the “major ones” as possible.
I made this chart in response to a lot of the misunderstandings I hear concerning domestic animals, so I hope it’s helpful!
Further information I didn’t have any room to add or expand on:
🐈 “Breed” and “species” are not synonyms! Breeds are specific to domesticated animals. A Bengal Tiger is a species of tiger. A Siamese is a breed of domestic cat.
🐀 Different colors are also not what makes a breed. A breed is determined by having genetics that are unique to that breed. So a “bluenose pitbull” is not a different breed from a “rednose pitbull”, but an American Pitbull Terrier is a different breed from an American Bully! Animals that have been domesticated for longer tend to have more seperate breeds as these differing genetics have had time to develop.
🐕 It takes hundreds of generations for an animal to become domesticated. While the “domesticated fox experiment” had interesting results, there were not enough generations involved for the foxes to become truly domesticated and their differences from wild foxes were more due to epigenetics (heritable traits that do not change the DNA sequence but rather activate or deactivate parts of it; owed to the specific circumstances of its parents’ behavior and environment.)
🐎 Wild animals that are raised in human care are not domesticated, but they can be considered “tamed.” This means that they still have all their wild instincts, but are less inclined to attack or be frightened of humans. A wild animal that lives in the wild but near human settlements and is less afraid of humans is considered “habituated.” Tamed and habituated animals are not any less dangerous than wild animals, and should still be treated with the same respect. Foxes, otters, raccoons, servals, caracals, bush babies, opossums, owls, monkeys, alligators, and other wild animals can be tamed or habituated, but they have not undergone hundreds of generations of domestication, so they are not domesticated animals.
🐄 Also, as seen above, these animals have all been domesticated for a reason, be it food, transport, pest control, or otherwise, at a time when less practical options existed. There is no benefit to domesticating other species in the modern day, so if you’ve got a hankering for keeping a wild animal as a pet, instead try to find the domestic equivalent of that wild animal! There are several dog breeds that look and behave like wolves or foxes, pigeons and chickens can make great pet birds and have hundreds of colorful fancy breeds, rats can be just as intelligent and social as a small monkey (and less expensive and dangerous to boot,) and ferrets are pretty darn close to minks and otters! There’s no need to keep a wolf in a house when our ancestors have already spent 20,000+ years to make them house-compatible.
🐖 This was stated in the infographic, but I feel like I must again reiterate that domestic animals do not belong in the wild, and often become invasive when feral. Their genetics have been specifically altered in such a way that they depend on humans for optimal health. We are their habitat. This is why you only really see feral pigeons in cities, and feral cats around settlements. They are specifically adapted to live with humans, so they stay even when unwanted. However, this does not mean they should live in a way that doesn’t put their health and comfort as a top priority! If we are their world, it is our duty to make it as good as possible. Please research any pet you get before bringing them home!
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leebrontide · 1 year
Best Practices for Communicating about the Climate Crisis
Communication Tips 
Keep it local. Focusing on bringing local solutions. You can lean into community pride to help motivate community action. And while climate change may have global impacts, emphasizing local climate impacts and benefits of local policies will resonate with more people, and feel more approachable/doable.
Stay focused on solutions. While the consequences of climate change are dire, focusing too much on how bad things could get tends to make people feel overwhelmed, hopeless and cynical – which doesn’t help them get or stay involved. Try not to give more than 1 or 2 examples of local consequences of environmental issues, then dive into how this work provides solutions.
Include your audience. Instead of using “I” or “you”, talk about what “we” need to do to turn things around. This includes using “we” when you’re talking about the government, when appropriate - after all, the government is meant to be for and of our communities.
Lean into moral values. Most people agree that we have a moral responsibility to protect our environment’s health, stability and safety for future generations, so don’t be afraid to talk about that or other values that resonate with you about this work.
Focus on tangible gains. Things like “the economy” are important, but they don’t feel as immediate as combating rising costs, protecting their and their neighbors' health, and saving money. Paint them a picture of the prosperous, stable, livable city we can create.
Project a can-do attitude. A lot of people are feeling let down by leadership at all levels, and feeling hopeless and helpless about making change. So, it’s important that you show that you and others are out here willing to really do the work - and there’s room for them to join in. Also, be sure to talk about successes.
Don’t waste time on opponents. We can't get everybody on our side. However, there are enough people that are excited about the prospect of living in a safe, sustainable community, where everyone has clean air to breathe/water to drink and a family-sustaining job that we don't need to convert opponents.
Encourage investment. Rather than framing the changes we want in terms of the drudgery of having to adapt to a bad situation, try to build excitement in the possibilities we can invest in - together. Everyone likes to feel they’re getting in on an exciting, cutting edge investment. Relatedly, be wary of statements that make people feel like they’re going to lose, rather than gain, options. Remind people that our current systems are not only unhealthy, dirty, and dangerous - they’re also ineffective.
Create immediate avenues for action. Once you’ve built up some excitement about what we can do, give people an immediate step they can take to help. Give that positive energy somewhere to go and show them how good it can feel to get involved.
Focus on what you want people to do, not what you want them to stop doing. This helps people envision change, and makes them less nervous.
Communicate respect. Keep away from stereotypes and harmful words. And when you talk about other people, be careful not to put words in their mouths.
Remember, you're not just combating ignorance, you're combating hopelessness, helplessness, and burnout!
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honeyspawn · 3 months
Real talk, I think Frank Pricely is a genuinely really interesting character.
So when we meet him in Black Friday, he is basically a cartoon capitalist supervillain. He's obsessing over money, he is condescending to Lex, and we get the impression that he's Mr. Krabs level of money-grubbing shitty boss. He gets a whole song where he revels in how much money he's going to make, and shows ambivalence to how dangerous black friday shopping can be. Then Feast or Famine happens, and something... changes. There's a visible shift on stage when he and the audience realize that he is no longer in control that's genuinely really eerie. Put a pin in that, cuz I'm gonna come back to it.
When when we're introduced to him in "Daddy", we get a much more complete image of who he is as a character. It's not that he's not a greedy and condescending person, because he definitely is, but that's not the foundation of his character. When we see Toy Zone outside of Black Friday, we see that it's a struggling small business, and a genuine passion project for Frank. It's not that Toy Zone is a means for financial success, but financial success is a means to keep Toy Zone operational.
Then there's his relationship with Lex. He's definitely snarky and condescending, but he also actually cares about her, and sees himself as a parental figure to her. He gives her advice that he feels is in her best interest, and shows her a lot of the "tough love" that he thinks Sheila should be showing Sherman. Lex is even one of the people he says sorry too when he's about to die, because he worries that he failed her. While I do think Lex has some level of respect for him, I never really get the vibe that she sees him this way; she seems to think of him as more of a hard ass, and she would absolutely leave Toy Zone the minute a better opportunity comes up. Her job at Toy Zone for her is more about her need to take care of her family. And this is significant, because Frank is a very lonely person. After his dog Buddy dies, he has no family left. He reminisces on his parents, who didn't support his passions. He thinks of himself as a father figure to Lex, because he has nobody else left in his life. I'm not necessarily saying that he's a good parental figure to Lex, he can be pretty selfish, and even denied her for a raise once he could afford it, knowing she damn well needs the money. It's clear though, that he's trying to look out for her more than her actual mother (low bar as it may be), and on some level, he does think he's helping her. Because she's all he has. Her and Toy Zone, and he's about to lose that too.
This is why Sheila is so appealing to him. She represents not only financial stability, but a chance to not be alone. He doesn't love her, and I think he knows it, but he could learn to love her. He could have love and money, and if that doesn't work out, at least he'd have money. That's what he thinks anyway. But again, he's not the one with the power.
When we first see him in Black Friday, we initially think Frank represents the corporations, but he doesn't. He's a small business owner, and can only support his passion by participating in capitalism. He is a retailer, not a CEO. And that's what puts him in so much danger in Black Friday. Capitalism treats him as disposable. And that's how he dies. Frank was just as much under Wiggly's influence as anyone else. He lived a lonely life, and the business he's prioritized over forming any lasting bonds with other people is about to go down the toilet. Then this little green doll comes along that's supposed to fix everything. He doesn't want to keep the Wiggly dolls, but he still thinks they're going to fix the holes. And once he's served his purpose, Wiggly disposes of him. And that's what Sheila tries to do, too. The only reason he survives in Daddy is that Sherman decides he still has value. It's honestly really haunting how these stories mirror each other.
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novelbear · 1 year
enemies to friends to lovers prompts
being forced to work together for a project/mission and absolutely dreading it
separating themselves as much as possible if allowed (ex: booking different rooms, camping out in different places, stalling when they do have personal time)
“you really aren’t making this any easier.” “as if you are?”
“you put this here on purpose!” “okay, for once, i wasn’t trying to put you in any danger.”
annoying any other surrounding friends/teammates with their consistent arguing
"you left me! don't you realize i could have died?!" "that was the plan!"
 finding out they both have another “enemy” in common, so they work together to either bother/get back at them (and maybe they realize they had lots of fun) 
 “you didn’t have to help me…” “yeah, well, unfortunately, i did. now come on, we don’t have time for this.” 
 “did i just hear a ‘thank you’??” “do not get used to hearing that.” 
 one making a snarky insult that was just so good, the other had to laugh
 “what is that? poison?” “it’s literally just lunch that i figured i should kindly share, but if you’re not hungry then…” “no, wait, i am! thanks, i guess..” 
 both being unable to sleep one night, bored out of their minds, and somehow spending hours talking to each other 
 one is injured and is hesitant of the other taking care of them
 ^ they then are shocked by how gentle they’re being treated 
 going from spending no time, to most of their time together 
 “i know i was just there, but i think i forgot my keys.” “if you needed an excuse to see me again, you could have just asked..”
 old (insulting) nicknames still being thrown around, but now it’s kind of endearing 
 “we swear we saw you leave their place last night.” “that must’ve been someone else.” 
 “that cute little face you’re pulling didn’t scare me before and it definitely won’t now. put it away.” 
 hiding their relationship from other friends because they know the reaction they’ll get 
 “no way, you still have this?” 
 sometimes their differences still clash, yet they learn to work through them 
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qtubbo · 4 months
Almost everyone assuming the way to “fix” Tubbo not being happy being make him and Fred start dating again, because it’s the simplest solution but just isn’t the solution. Tubbo is not jealous of Fit and Pac’s relationship in comparison to him in Fred, any jealous is of himself being third pick, rather than anything to do with them actually dating. From his and Bagi’s talks with Fred, it becomes pretty obvious that Tubbo is avoiding getting back together with Fred. He knows Fred likes him still, both how she’s acting and from the “boy with the pretty eyes” letter. Bagi’s talk with Fred, made her convinced that they just need to get together since it’s obvious they both still like each other, but it also asserts that Fred is making the active choice to step away for safety reasons.
From Tubbo and Pac’s chat, we can really gather some of his lingering trauma from his relationship with Fred. Fred was in constant danger from the Feds because he was with Tubbo, and Fred liking Tubbo is what got him tortured and almost killed by Quackity. Tubbo projects this unfortunate relationship on to Pac’s with Fit, he puts Pac as himself and Fit as Fred (just due to opening up to Pac instead of Fit nothing more), he explains in rambles about how they’ll be used against each other. That their relationship puts a target on each other’s back, if someone wanted to get at Fit they could use Pac. Pac being so open towards Tubbo, allowing him to get his thoughts out without proclaiming paranoia, helped Tubbo be a lot more honest. Explaining his general anxiety towards being in a romantic relationship, because he’ll be the catalyst to their down fall. Even making it obvious to someone else if it came down to it he’d kill Fred for an egg, by speaking of ultimatums in which it was Pac/Fit or Ramon/Richas.
He makes it pretty obvious he’s put his life on hold for Sunny, by projecting those same choices Tubbo made for Sunny on to Pac. Tubbo isn’t going any of this out of some jealousy to have Fit and Pac’s relationship but rather from fear. To him the choice is simple, even though it’s guilt-ridden, what’s better Pac or Fit dying as a pawn in someone else's game or a break up where they remain friends afterwards. This is a much more deep seated issue than some magical true love kiss can fix, even though both Fred and Tubbo still love each other. Fear is overriding want, and just getting him and Fred back together will make him reject Fred, or be in an intense state of stress.
When it comes down to his relationship with Morning Crew as a whole, he feels like the third wheel and has always felt that way. It’s Fit and Pac and then it’s Tubbo. Tubbo mimics a lot of Pac’s issues about usefulness and feeling like last place within their respective family’s. He’s been open about feeling like Morning Crew will become just a duo, that most of the love is directed towards Fit and Pac rather than himself. Tubbo has never shown any real bitterness from this, but he has showed a deep loneliness, Morning Crew is his safety net, he hasn’t accepted Bagi in yet, and his relationship with Phil has strained since purgatory. So in practicality if he lost Morning Crew, he looses an essential part of being alive, and he needs that for Sunny.
Tubbo is overwhelmingly terrified that Fit and Pac getting together is the beginning of the end, even though Fit and Pac have shown even after dating that he’s always on the back of their minds, that they’ll always care. He convinced himself that they’ll start spending more and more time together, without him, that he won’t even be a sidelong glance. There’s also a fear of death, a forced separation that them being together means their always each other’s weak point, “empathy is weakness”. To show care to another, is to show someone can hurt you with them, that’s something Tubbo has lived with since Fred. He won’t call Morning Crew his family, even though they are because then they’ll be in danger because of him.
It’s this pestering paranoia that’s driving Tubbo, not jealousy, he can not be “fix” as most islanders say by just giving him Fred to love. His loneliness is a choice built on fear, sometimes when Tubbo says he doesn’t want to love again, he means it. They love each other but now is not the time, maybe in the future where he isn’t so isolated.
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Summary: Steve has just about everything he could ever want in life. He's got you, a baby on the way, and a successful Family. No one would dare interfere with that. Right?
A/N: Reader is female, pregnant. No other descriptors used.
Warnings: Death threats, Implied violence, Pregnancy. Please let me know if I missed any!
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Steve was feeling on top of the world. He had you, the most beautiful, amazing wife in the world and soon enough you’d both have a son. He was definitely in higher spirits than usual for hosting a political fundraiser. 
He spotted you coming back from the bathroom. One of the sacrifices he had to make was that he couldn’t actually be at your side as often because of the frequent bathroom breaks you needed to make. One of the things neither of you thought about when planning for the pregnancy. But it was a worthy sacrifice. He quickly took his leave of his current discussion and went straight for you. 
Every day of your relationship Steve had made sure to tell you how beautiful you are to him. As you see him walking towards you, his face projecting nothing but love, you’re grateful. Pregnancy was already taking its toll on your body and you were regularly feeling less than attractive. But the fact that Steve’s loving expression never changed towards you really helped.
His protectiveness had also amped up considerably but that was understandable given his actual work. Ever since you started showing he also became a lot more possessive. Someone shakes your hand and Steve has to fight the urge to punch them for touching you. It’s taken some time but he’s learned to save it all for when the two of you get home and he can fuck your brains out. Possessive sex with Steve was so much fun you almost went out of your way to make sure to greet the men who insisted on kissing your hand. Steve had caught on, though, and would run interference as much as he could, giving you a look that promised some kind of funishment.
As soon as you were within reach he wrapped his arm around your waist and brought you in for a kiss.
“Missed you,” he sighed.
“I was gone for two minutes,” you laugh quietly.
“And I love you too,” you grin before kissing him. 
Now that your back at his side Steve can focus. There’s more planned idle chatter about upcoming bills and tax reforms. Boring as usual, but necessary for your community. You take pride in knowing how much Steve and his Family put into helping people. 
Steve notices some of his security team moving quickly and he instinctively brings you in closer. He trusts Bucky to handle whatever it is, but he’s ready to move you out of harm’s way at a moment’s notice. 
The talking continues for a few more minutes when Bucky approaches, giving Steve the silent signal that it was urgent. Excusing the two of you from the discussion, Steve walks with you to Bucky. 
“We’re getting you out of here,” Bucky says before turning and walking towards the exit in the back. Steve gently pushes you to follow and you do so. You focus on keeping pace with Bucky and don’t notice how alert Steve is. Even after your usual security guards take their places around you, he keeps looking around for danger.
It isn’t until you’re in the car and see Bucky take the driver’s seat that you realize how serious the situation is. 
As the car gets to moving Bucky starts talking, “we found a hitman in the upper levels of the place. Had a small smoke bomb and a sniper.”
“How’d he get that past security?” Steve’s voice is tight with anger.
“He camped out,” Bucky explained. “Some time between our initial sweep yesterday and the party starting he set himself up. He got found by a couple of our guys doing a patrol. He wasn’t able to clock how much time between patrols,” Bucky’s voice tinged with pride on that last part. He’d been a proponent of patrolling at irregular intervals to throw off would-be threats. 
“So why are we heading out,” you ask. “You secured the threat, right?”
Bucky sighs, looking at Steve in the rear-view mirror. “Yeah, but then we found the contract. It’s an open contract, with an incredibly high price tag.”
Steve sighed, “any idea who wants me dead this time?”
“It wasn’t for you,” Bucky tells him. “It was for her.” Steve’s blood runs cold as you gasp at the news. “That’s why we’re getting her out of sight. Knew you’d want to come along so I brought both of you.” Bucky looks at you in the rear-view mirror. “We’re going to find whoever put out the contract but it’s gonna take time. During that time you’re in significant danger. I’m gonna advise you stay inside, away from windows. Open windows, at least.”
You’re barely registering what he’s saying. The hit was for you. The thought makes you weak and nauseated. Staying inside definitely sounds like a good idea. You feel Steve’s arm pull you even closer to him. He’s silent, a signal as to how furious he is. 
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Once you're inside the safety of Steve’s home you relax a little. This is familiar. This is secure. You rub your belly, trying to calm yourself. Normally Steve would go to his office with Bucky to discuss business but since it involves you, they sit you down in Steve’s comfiest office chair before talking.
“What intel do we have,” Steve asks, pacing the room.
“Garbage Men are getting with GBH to see if he can get them more info,” Bucky replies. “Until then, all we know is the hit is out for Mrs. Steve Rogers and the reward is almost 7 figures.”
“We’re most likely dealing with someone who wants to hit me where it hurts,” Steve reasons. “Who’ve I pissed off that’s got this kind of money?”
“Too many to really help us,” Bucky retorts. “I’ve got some of my men asking their contacts with the other families, confirming who would and who wouldn’t kill a pregnant woman just to hurt you.”
His comments have you crying. If the stress of knowing you were in danger wasn’t enough, the pregnancy hormones made everything worse. Steve is immediately at your side, holding you while Bucky brings over a box of tissues. They hold off their conversation until you’ve calmed down and caught your breath. 
“I’m so sorry, Hummingbird,” Steve gently tells you. 
“It’s not your fault,” you assure. “It’s whoever put out that contract.”
Bucky’s phone beeps with a notification and he checks it. “Well, GBH was able to provide the name that issued the contract but I don’t think it’ll help us.”
“Fake name,” Steve growls.
“Yup,” Bucky confirms. “Dragonfly.”
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Tags are based on the Hummingbird Series. Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed!
@alicedopey; @aryhyuuga; @cynic-spirit; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @jamneuromain; @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory; @ktficworld; @leryg0; @rayofdawnworld; @rebekahdawkins; @texmexdarling
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sitp-recs · 1 month
Hey do you have any Drarry fic recs which basically have Draco completely changing in 8th year/after the war, like he's dyed his hair and has tattoos and just has become more friendly and changed and Harry basically loses his mind? Kinda tired of the grovelling Draco or animosity fics atp.. Thanks :)
Hi anon! Omg yes, love me confused Harry losing his mind over a changed, hotter and confident Draco. This trope always delivers even when Draco doesn’t go through major physical changes (I love it when he gets extra though 🤌🏼). I have a few recs but they’re all post-Hogwarts, I hope they still work for you!
Enjoy the Silence by @shealwaysreads (M, 3.4k)
Draco stops speaking, gets some tattoos, and discovers that Harry’s happy to be quiet with him.
Under Your Skin by p1013 (E, 4k)
He initials another section and flips the page. Being a junior Auror is a lot more grunt work than he expected, and the paperwork isn't even the worst of it. He's also managed to catch intake duty. It's getting close to 2 AM, there hasn't been a single arrest brought in tonight, and he's still got another six hours before his shift is over. Rubbing a hand over his face, he prays for something, anything, to make the interminable evening better.
The Study of Change by p1013 (M, 4.3k)
Harry's going to hell. He's going to hell immediately. Even with all of the good he's done in his life, he's never going to overcome the impure thoughts racing through his head at the sight of Draco Malfoy looking like an academic wet dream in a room full of barely legal adults.
Starstruck by phrynne (E, 4.5k)
Yeah, Malfoy has pink hair. Or sort of. Half of his hair is shaved short and dyed an aggressive pink. The other half is still white-blond, a strand falling over his right eye, only the left side of his face visible at all times. He turns it slightly and spots me beyond the moving bodies. He doesn’t stop dancing, a smile plays on his lips. This time I don’t look away like I used to when all this began.
Sex on Legs in Six-Inch Heels by @tessacrowley (E, 9.6k)
Draco Malfoy is a brilliant freelance cursebreaker and the only one who can help the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with a very dangerous case, but more importantly, he's wearing six-inch heels, and Harry cannot handle it, he really just can't.
Dream by the Fire by GallifreyisBurning (M, 11k)
When Draco Malfoy resurfaces in England after eight years abroad—tattooed, pierced, and wanting to take over a corner of Harry's coffee shop to work on a writing project—Harry can't help but be intrigued. Where has he been? What is he working on? Why here? And why does he have to look so stupidly hot with all those tattoos?
Cold Like Fire by QueenofThyme (M, 12k)
Head Auror Harry Potter had no problem with mandatory consent training for his team. He’d actually been looking forward to it, that is, until he discovered who the teacher was. Now, he had no idea how he was going to get through the training without throwing a hex at Draco Malfoy. Or a punch.
In the Shape of Things to Come by @academicdisasterfic (E, 15k)
Existential angst and chronic boredom are plaguing Harry Potter in his cushy post-war life. However, a chance encounter with a tattooed, pierced, disgruntled Draco Malfoy in the middle of Muggle Camden seems to spark something in Harry again—and he never could stay away from Malfoy.
We Might Be Too Old for a Bildungsroman by @wellhalesbells (T, 21k)
Harry finds something he’s been looking for since the war’s end. Admittedly, the packaging’s a bit odder than he expected.
Ink (My Skin With Your Name) by Kandakicksass (M, 22k)
Several years after the war, an ostracized Draco Malfoy covers himself in tattoos, becomes best friends with a muggle, and debates abandoning magical society entirely to work in a tattoo shop. All in all, he's having a hell of a time trying to figure out who he is and what he wants to do with his life. The last thing he needs is to run into Harry Potter, who seems intent on becoming his friend, even if he has to get a lot of ink to do it.
All Bets Are Off by dualwieldteacup (M, 31k)
Harry Potter's latest security assignment brings him to Las Vegas for the International Wizarding Casino World Series. At a magic underwater hotel, he is tasked with guarding the legendary and mysterious gambler known as Snake Eyes. The stakes are high when both Galleons and emotions are involved. Not to mention peacock pool floats, secret pizza, and most importantly of all, second chances.
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suppose-i-was-worm · 10 months
I Put A Spell On You
Fake Dating (Part 1)
**I know, it's not the one that I started writing and was really funny, I'm having a lot of trouble with that one. Enjoy this one instead!**
“I need your help.”
Damian frowned, stashing away the knife he’d hidden beneath his pillow. Danny was crouched on the sill of the window he’d come in through, looking at him with wide blue eyes.
“Tt. What do you need? It is well past midnight.”
“I need you to fake date me.”
Danny flinched, and Damian realized how sharp his question had been.
“My apologies. Please explain to me what is going on so that I can best assist you.”
Coming fully into the room, Danny started to explain.
“So, you know my parents and holidays, right? They- they’ve started hounding me about bringing home a significant other since Jazz got married.”
Damian nodded- he was familiar with Danny’s parents’ personality, even having never met them.
“Anyways, for Thanksgiving, they’re threatening to invite Paulina over and make me sit next to her. Paulina, Dames! I wouldn’t survive. So I told them I had a boyfriend who lived here in Gotham, and now they’re insisting on coming here to visit. If they find out I lied, I’ll be dead! My grades are too good for an early death.”
“So you came to me.”
“You’re the only person I know well enough to pull this off, Damian.”
Damian pinched the bridge of his nose, a habit picked up from his father.
“And you did not think to tell them about-“
Cutting him off, Danny grabbed Damian’s face and looked directly into his eyes, a serious look on his face.
“Damian, I assure you it would be a fate worse than death if they found out how we met.”
Damian pulled himself away from Danny, glad for the dim light of his bedroom hiding the blush heating up his cheeks. The other man had never been that close to his face, and Damian would probably say that Danny’s eyes were more dangerous for him than the entire League of Assassins.
“Please, Dames? It’s Paulina we’re talking about.”
Closing his eyes, Damian thought things through. Fake dating Danny would be- a blessing and a curse at the same time. A blessing, as it would require him to be close to the other man for extended periods. A curse, because he knew it would end as soon as Danny’s parents left Gotham. For Damian, who had been struck by Danny’s beauty from the first moment he’d seen the other, the brief benefits might just outweigh the pain of them ending. At least he’d have the memory of being close to Danny.
When he opened his eyes, Danny was holding his hands in a mock praying position, looking up at Damian through his lashes.
“Tt. Fine.”
Danny lit up, literally, and then darted forward, planting a kiss on Damian’s cheek.
“You’re the best! They’re coming in to town tomorrow- drop by mine when you can!”
The other man slid back out of the window and flew off before Damian recovered from the kiss enough to protest the short notice.
The next day found Damian waiting outside Danny’s apartment, flowers in hand. He had done some investigation as to what he ought to bring with him to meet a significant other’s parents, so he was also armed with a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates.
The door opened soon enough after his knock, revealing an older woman he had never seen before. He could see where Danny got his frame, though, as well as his delicate features.
“You must be Damian! Come in! Danny’s elbow deep in the microwave with Jack. I’m Maddie- we’ve heard so much about you!”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
He stepped inside the apartment, handing Maddie the wine and chocolates after she closed the door.
“Oh, you’re a charmer, aren’t you? Danny!”
Danny poked his head out of the kitchen, and Damian almost swooned at the look Danny gave him.
“Hey Dames! Glad you could make it!”
He emerged, wiping what looked like grease off his hands, and took the flowers that Damian handed him.
“For you, Beloved.”
More importantly, he also took the short kiss Damian gave him over the bouquet.
When Damian pulled away, he was delighted to see that Danny was flushed.
“Uh- thank you! They’re beautiful.”
“Oh, you two are so cute! How long have you been dating?”
“Three years.”
“Not long.”
Danny and Damian spoke at the same time, and then Damian smiled smoothly, determined to fix his mistake.
“Perhaps I feel like our time together until now has been too short. Every time I see you, you are as beautiful as the day we met.”
He was rewarded with Danny flushing an even brighter red.
Maddie turned to her son, hands on her hips.
“You’ve been dating this polite young man for so long and hadn’t told us?”
Danny shuffled his feet, looking bashful.
“I didn’t want to scare him away. I really like him, mom.”
A large man came out of the kitchen, laughing a booming laugh.
“We can tell, Danno. It’s not like you haven’t been talking about him for the last few years.”
Damian looked over at Danny, doing his best not to let his expression show. Danny had been talking about him to his parents? For years?
Danny laughed nervously and then herded everyone into the dining room.
If he were being honest, Damian had pulled out all of his acting skills to charm the Drs. Fenton throughout the evening. He did not need acting skills for his interactions with Danny. He kept close to the other, wrapping an arm around his shoulder when he could and dropping light kisses into the shorter man’s hair when the opportunity presented itself.
It was heaven.
Danny walked him out to his car after dinner, and didn’t let go of Damian’s hand the entire way.
“Thank you for tonight, Dames.”
Damian smiled down at the love of his life.
“Of course, Beloved. Anything for my husband.”
With a scoff, Danny let go of Damian’s hand and stepped back.
“Sure, Damian. Drive safe.”
Danny Fenton knew when he was screwed. His parents had been in Gotham for a week, and Damian was still dropping by to see him on a semi regular basis. He’d even been touchy, and Danny knew that of all people, Damian Wayne wasn’t ever physically affectionate.
It partly gave him hope, and partly made him think this gambit was hopeless. He was aware of Damian’s extra-curriculars, after all, and knew the entire family were good actors.
And yet-
Damian’s parting kiss to him had been long and clinging the evening before his parents left, and he seemed reluctant to leave Danny standing in his own doorway. His hand lingered on Danny’s wrist, and his eyes were the last to tear away.
So, yeah. Danny was fifty percent sure that Damian might possibly reciprocate his feelings, but he didn’t have the courage to ask outright.
He hadn’t had the courage to ask much of Damian since they met, even though he’d been half in love with the other man the moment they laid eyes on each other.
It had been a routine summoning- He’d tasted the blood in his mouth, and while it did not necessarily taste like the blood of an innocent (he always went to bat for the victim in those cases), it piqued his curiosity enough to check things out.
He rose from the summoning circle, crown of fire wreathing his head as he showed off his less human appearance.
The cultists fell away from him, scrambling to bow and prostrate themselves in front of him.
“Oh great Ghost King! Please accept this sacrifice in order to take your rightful place as the lord of all worlds!”
Danny looked down to see a handsome young man in a well fitted suit glaring up at him, blood drying from a wound on his head.
When their eyes met, something changed. The summoning circle flared from Danny’s own ice blue to a sharp neon green, and something lit up under the chair the ‘sacrifice’ was tied to.
With noises of surprise, the cultists started to rise to investigate, but Danny snapped his fingers and caught them all in ice.
Landing, Danny inspected both the runes in the summoning circle and the one beneath the sacrifice, and then floated out of the circle to find the book the cultists had been using to summon him.
When he found it, he had the urge to finish these idiots off himself. They had somehow botched the ritual so much that they had turned it into something of a wedding, and now he was ghost married to a human civilian.
Turning back to said human civilian, he found the other on his feet on the opposite side of the room, holding an improvised weapon.
“Oh cool, you got free. Good news, you’re not going to die.”
The civilian stiffened even more, arching an eyebrow.
“Tt. What is the bad news?”
Danny shrugged.
“Oh, not much. We’re just kinda… Married now? I’ll find a way to dissolve it, or something, and you’re not obligated to have anything to do with me, but… Yeah. Supernaturally married. Is a thing. That we are.”
Civilian’s shoulders slumped, and he stalked out of the warehouse (why was it always warehouses?). Danny followed behind.
“Oh, hey, we’re in Gotham!”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Close to my apartment.”
The man turned to him incredulously.
“The ghost king has an apartment in Gotham?”
Danny let his transformation wash over him.
“Well, Danny Fenton does, and I’m him most of the time.”
“Damian Wayne. A pleasure.”
Damian held out his hand, and Danny shook it carefully.
“Totally! I’m gonna- go. I guess. And look into the ghost married thing.”
“No rush. It might be advantageous to be married to an interdimensional king.”
With a laugh, Danny lifted into the air.
“Sure. I’m cool with being friends, if you want. Maybe we can work together.”
“I can do friends.”
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NSFW Tomioka headcanons
Ah yes, I finally gave into temptation... lord forgive me 😅 either way I hope you guys enjoy these headcanons, ya nasties LMAO
Giyuu is, as we all know, reserved and definitely very quiet
However, when you get him alone, a more tender side comes out in him... Unless he's had a hard day or is severely backed up
So you notice this and you ask him what's wrong he just. Pins you to a wall and looks down at you not menacingly but definitely with a look that says "Tonight you're mine and I'll make sure everyone knows it."
Oh yeah, Giyuu has this thing where he likes to make you scream his name to the point where it's almost embarrassing.
He's definitely a switch. I can see him being dominant when he's pent up and just needs to let it out somehow, but when you guys are just having casual sex or even making love he'll definitely be more on the submissive side. Be it giving into your bidding or just wanting to be taken care of
But obviously if you requested the opposite when having casual sex or making love he's more than happy to do so.
He loves giving oral, just the sight of you squirming and writhing from pleasure as he licks your clit is just top teir to him
But when you're giving him head it's almost as if he just completely melts at your touch, and you can't help but bask in the power it gives you
His favorite position is anything that requires him to stare down at you. Be it missionary, laying on your side, or even during morning sex when you're laying down with him, facing him of course.
He feels like it just adds a lot more intimacy whenever he gets to stare at your face making little moans and mewls of ecstasy.
Usually, he prefers morning sex, especially on rainy mornings when you guys can't train. Besides, it's scientifically proven that an hour of sex equals out to about thirty calories that get burned. So good for you guys!
However another time when he prefers having sex is about a day after he gets home from a mission. He takes the day he gets home to relax with you, then he'll take the next day to get whatever aggression he needs to let out get out of his system.
He doesn't like rough sex, simply because he doesn't want to hurt you in any way.
The only time you guys have rough sex is when you're begging for it. I mean like pleading, begging, mascara running kind of begging. He thinks it's really hot lol
He wouldn't try any kind of potentially dangerous kinks (such as knife play) BUT, I have a sneaking suspicion he's really into those wax candles that are specifically made for BDSM/kinks. He'd obviously be super careful of course, and would ask you about ten times over if you're really sure you want to try.
Overall: Giyuu is really respectful when it comes to sex and frankly he's also super wholesome with it too half the time. But the other half is reserved for special ocassions or when you've been especially naughty
I feel.
But n e wayyyyssssss feel free to leave requests for this kind of content, I need to get familiar with it before I post a project I've been working on. I hope you guys enjoyed the first of the NSFW headcanons. Let me know who you want to see next!
***As a reminder, Minors please do NOT interact with this post***
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seyaryminamoto · 2 months
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Fic-to-Art #38: Ozai carries Azula to the physicians' wing
This has been done for A WHILE now, but I didn't post it because the past days have been chaotic and not just on a personal level. For one thing, I really wasn't eager to drop this when people were losing their shit massively over the liveaction and its recontextualization of Azula and Ozai's dynamics, I didn't look forward to releasing this just to be told that whatever I've done in my story is somehow wrong, sooooooooo... that held me back, for a few days.
Then? The AI-Tumblr deal started to be talked about and I may or may not have freaked out about that too. Sooo... this is the first glazed and nightshaded piece of my creation, as consequence. The original, clean and proper version is available in my Patreon. Is this me being a dick to Tumblr-only people? Unfortunately, it very much isn't, I'm not trying to say that if you want the best iterations of my art, you should pay me for it... this is squarely, entirely, at staff/the CEO's feet. Obviously, there's the insecure side of me that goes "what makes you think they'd steal YOUR art when there are so many better artists out there!" but ultimately? AI is about taking everything en masse. It isn't a matter of developing a criteria about who makes the better art... it's just taking EVERYTHING and trying to repurpose it in whatever twisted way it needs to. Therefore? I think my choice is more of a matter of caution than anything else. Once AI bullshit dies out (and I really hope it does), we may just return to the same level of quality across all my accounts. For now, it is what it is.
ANYWAY! Point is this artwork is very much what my Patrons happened to vote for this month, a very shocking scene where Ozai reacted in the least foreseen way to Azula being attacked. Azula's confusion/terror comes from a place of not knowing what to do and being powerless to stop her father even if she doesn't feel comfortable with his help... but for once, Ozai isn't making a dreadful choice that will only devastate his daughter. He's actually worried about her health... and feeling genuine guilt over what landed her in the situation where she was in danger in the first place. Yes. I like me my complex Ozai who finally learned actions have consequences. He bores me to death otherwise :') if anyone STILL doesn't know that this whole situation is Gladiator-specific, then I shall clarify fully: this is artwork based on my fic. It's about a story that has been developing these characters for ALMOST ELEVEN YEARS now. It has nothing to do with whatever's going on in canon or in the liveaction, the scene in question was written almost two years ago and the artwork proposed and voted for several days before the liveaction aired. Ergo: there is no connection between this and that. Nor am I saying through this piece that Ozai is a good father. He is not. He can still be an interesting character to work with on a narrative level anyway :')
Alright. With that out of the way, hope you guys like this piece! The big one I haven't posted is ALSO finished, also glazed and nightshaded, but I think I might just end up posting it on the 26th if I don't have time to do anything big for our eleventh anniversary... yep, I'm so busy I don't even have a huge project in mind this time. Also? I have a lot to write and I'm finally happily writing it, and I would like to continue doing that...
Anyway! If you would like to be part of the creative process behind this piece, as well as see it in its proper, OG, less color-bleeding clunky version? A $1 Patreon pledge gives you the chance to join in suggesting prompts, voting for them and reading Gladiator snippets 6 days before a new chapter is released!
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fluentmoviequoter · 9 months
hi hi hi i love your work!! this is definitely self indulgent, but i had an idea for dalton lambert! what if the reader was around instead of chris when dalton got possessed, and got pretty beat up (you choose how bad it gets) and the reader feels awful about it afterwards, feeling like they could’ve done something to help dalton even though there was nothing they could do, and dalton is just so upset that the reader got hurt and it ends all fluffy and comforting? basically just hurt/comfort (my favorite) :’)
Thank you!! This is one of my favorite requests ever!! Hurt/comfort is my favorite too, so I really enjoyed writing this one and hope it's what you wanted! :)
Warnings: angst, detailed physical harm, hurt/comfort, fluff at the end, LOTS of spoilers for Insidious: The Red Door. 3.2k+ words
A/N: I used the second frat house scene and the possession scene for this fic. I decided to put reader in Chris's place in both scenes to give some background to their relationship. Reader says some of Chris's line in the first third or so, but then the story changes. And it's a breakup song, but the title was inspired by "Same Team" by Josh Kerr.
On Your Team
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“Dalton, you’re not crazy,” you say as you walk into his dorm room.
“Thanks?” Dalton looks up from what he is working on as you set your laptop on his desk. “Didn’t know you and Chris had joint custody of the key now.”
“We don’t. She said I could keep it because I ‘have a better reason to need to get into your room.’ Whatever that means.”
You take the drawing pad from Dalton and set it aside before pulling the other chair beside him.
“I found this video and I think it could help you.”
You press play, but as the guys in the video begin talking about their mentor, Dalton pauses it and starts another video. Elise Rainier talks about astral projecting and the Further while you and Dalton give the video your undivided attention. Dalton comments once that he feels exactly what she’s describing. As the video ends, Dalton continues to stare at the screen.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” you ask.
“The kid from the frat house?” Dalton begins.
“The pukey kid?”
“Yeah. He said something to me. He said, ‘Close the door.’ What if he didn’t mean a real door? What if he was talking about that door?” Dalton points to the painting of the red door.
“So, you want to go back and ask him?” you ask, your shock obvious.
“I need to know.”
“Dalton, I don’t know that going back into that dark realm is the best idea. You heard what the woman in the video said, the further you go the more dangerous it gets.”
“There’s something… important about this painting. I have to find out.”
You nod before saying, “Okay. But it’s not like Nick is just gonna let you waltz into his room and chat with the ghost in his toilet.”
Dalton laughs, and smiles as he states, “He’ll never know I’m there.”
You walk to the frat house, asking Dalton to share his plan several times. Every time he tells you that he has it under control.
As you walk through the back door and to the stairs, someone asks, “Can I help you?”
Dalton freezes, so you put on a fake accent and smile as you explain, “I have left my brassiere in Nicholas’s room and was wondering if he is perchance home?”
You feel Dalton look at you but keep your eyes on the girl as she tells you Nick is upstairs studying with Paige. You thank her, then drag Dalton up the stairs.
“I need a room with darkness,” Dalton states as you reach the second floor.
“Okay.” You begin testing doorknobs, avoiding Nick’s room. “Then what?” As you try another doorknob, the door opens, and you look back at Dalton. “Bingo.”
You turn off all the lights as Dalton moves a blanket to the floor and sits down. He nods at you, and you begin counting down from ten. Watching in awe as the door opens, you stand and look down the hall, whispering a wish of good luck to Dalton before you lock it behind you. You sit in the chair closest to Dalton’s body and pull your phone from your pocket to pass the time.
Down the hall, Dalton stands in Nick’s bathroom as everything grows darker. He isn’t sure how to find the guy from before, especially with Nick in his way.
While you look at your phone, the lights suddenly go out. You stand up and flip the light switch several times, though nothing happens. You look over at Dalton’s body and quietly call his name. Moving your hand to the doorknob, you try and fail to open the door. Something seems to move behind you, so you peek over your shoulder to check on Dalton.
“Dalton, wake up,” you demand as you continue pulling on the door.
Dalton hears your voice and says your name into the darkness before opening the bathroom door and moving down the hall.
“Close the door!” Someone yells before a hand bursts through the wall and grabs Dalton, pulling him into the wall.
Meanwhile, you step back from the door and begin to turn around before you are pushed against the wall, suddenly unable to breathe as you claw at your throat. Your vision grows fuzzy as you slump against the wall.
Dalton pushes away from the wall and runs toward the room where you are waiting with his body. As he steps through the open door, Nick enters before him, pointing a flashlight at your unconscious body. Dalton sees the demon leaning over you, removing its hand from your neck.
Nick drops to his knees and begins performing CPR on you, yelling for you to wake up as Dalton returns to his body. He gasps and wakes up just before you regain consciousness and sit up, gasping for air. You lock eyes with Dalton and wonder what he’s dealing with in the other realm.
Exiting the student health center, you don’t see Dalton waiting beside the door.
He calls your name as he walks behind you, placing a hand on your arm as he begins apologizing.
“I didn’t mean… I-I just wanted to see if you’re okay,” he stutters, removing his hand as he notices the faint bruise spanning your neck.
“I’m okay.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know anyone could get hurt in the real world.”
“Well, they can. I know that I should tell you to stop, but I know that you need answers. I need a little space right now, but don’t do anything without me. Next time, you might not wake up, and we can’t take that chance.”
“I’ll call you. I’m sorry.”
You nod and send him a small smile before walking away and returning to your dorm. Dalton watches you, then pulls his phone out to call Foster and get some answers about what happened while he was in his ‘coma.’
You’re sitting on your bed, watching a movie in a failed attempt to distract yourself. You get a text and pause it as you read Dalton’s words, ‘It wasn’t a coma I’m going to find the answer.’ As you finish reading, the lights go out.
“Dalton,” you gasp. Immediately, you begin unplugging all your lights and loading them into your arms as you prepare to check on Dalton.
Just as Dalton’s eyes open, a knock sounds on the door before it is opened.
“Just checking on you,” you explain as you close the door. “Are you alright? Because I thought when the lights went out that you were messing with that dark realm stuff again without telling me. Plus, I know you don’t care for the dark, so I thought I could illuminate your room, much like how I illuminate your life.”
“I’m not afraid of the dark anymore,” Dalton says behind you, sounding different than usual.
“Okay. Well, I brought all these down here, so I’m putting them up.”
You continue detangling the lights, plugging in one set at a time to determine which cord goes where. When the lights come on, you don’t see Dalton’s darkened eyes watching you.
“Dalton, have you considered that maybe you shouldn’t go digging around in your past?” You ask, oblivious to his intense stare. “Some things are just better left buried, you know? And sometimes you just have to move on.”
As you speak, Dalton stands and walks away from the bed where you are sitting. You look away from the lights to get his opinion but don’t see him anywhere.
“Dalton?” you ask, standing from the bed and looking around the suddenly empty room.
Scanning the room for the second time, you hear shaky breaths from the corner and slowly turn in that direction. Dalton is standing in the corner, his head hung low.
“Dalton. You okay?” you ask, moving toward him.
Dalton turns, revealing yellow eyes and darkened facial features. You turn and run toward the door but only take a few steps before your body collides with the wall. Landing on Dalton’s bed with a bounce, you ignore the pain radiating down your back as you look up at him. His arm is still outstretched from where he swung it at you. He lowers his arm and walks toward the bed, towering over you as his breathing grows raspier.
“Dalton. What?” you ask quietly.
Blood begins running from his mouth and down his chin as he pulls the drawstring from his sweatpants and wraps it around his hand.
“Dalton? Dalton, tell me you’re in there,” you beg. “Dalton, I know you’re in there. You’re stronger than anything in that dark realm.” He takes another step, and you add, “Do not touch me again.”
Whatever is controlling Dalton causes his body to laugh as his hands continue preparing the drawstring.
In the Further, Josh breaks the chain on Dalton’s ankle, removing control from the demon.
Dalton’s body freezes, and you watch as he collapses onto the floor. You stay where you are for a moment, then peek over the edge of the bed to make sure it isn’t a trick. Dalton’s face is no longer covered in blood, and it looks like he is himself again. Pushing yourself off the bed, you swallow a groan of pain as your back stretches with the movement. You feel your head pound with each movement but ignore it as you focus on Dalton. Grabbing a pillow from his bed, you gently raise his head from the floor and slide it under. Pushing Dalton's legs so that he is lying in the middle of the room, you move to one side of him and reach under the bed to plug some lights in. As the cord stretches, the lights on the other side of the room go out. You crawl around Dalton and lay on your stomach, then slide under the bed so you can see the cords. When the lights come on, you see a demonic face looking back at you from the shadows.
You yell, pushing out from under the bed quickly. A clawed hand follows you from under the bed, scraping across your wrist as you back away. You flip so that you’re sitting on the floor, then lift Dalton’s shoulders and head into your lap as you press your back into his desk, attempting to protect yourself from any sneak attacks from behind.
More creatures begin crawling out of the shadows under the beds and in the corners, so you pull Dalton closer to you, his head on your shoulder as you wrap your arms around his waist. You use your legs to fend off the creatures, kicking as they reach out toward Dalton. Several hands wrap around your legs, digging into your skin as they pull themselves closer. Yelling and kicking, you hope this is enough to keep Dalton safe until he wakes up. A hand suddenly grabs your upper leg by your hip and pulls harshly. Struggling to stay upright, you turn and direct your knee toward the onslaught of hands vying for your left side. Whispering his name, you feel Dalton jerk slightly in your arms and silently pray that he is alive and on his way back to you.
As you glance down to check on Dalton, he inhales deeply and wakes up, sending the creatures away. He rolls out of your arms and hits his light switch, ridding the room of shadows. Without saying anything, he grabs the painting of the red door and a tube of black paint and begins covering it. It takes less than a minute before the door is no longer visible, and Dalton lets himself fall back into the floor.
His phone rings, but his gaze sweeps to you, and he forgets about the call. He moves to his knees and slides over beside you, gently nudging your chin toward him.
“You’re a really sound sleeper,” you murmur.
Dalton shakes his head as his phone begins ringing again. He answers it, says he’ll call back, and hangs up.
“I’m so sorry,” you say, your voice weak as guilt and pain consume you all at once. “I said I’d be here to help, but I wasn’t. And I should have done more to help you, not leave you to deal with this alone. Dalton, I’m sorry.”
Dalton shakes his head as he looks over your body. “No, I’m sorry. You got hurt, twice now, because of me and my obsession with that stupid door. I hurt you, there is nothing you could have done.”
“Dalton don’t do that. I could’ve done more.” Tears run down your face as you shift away from the desk, trying to put space between you and Dalton. “If I had gotten here just a few minutes earlier, or not left you in the first place, you wouldn’t have been alone when the lights went out and none of this would have happened.”
“Look at me,” Dalton demands quietly. When you look up at him through teary lashes, he extends his hand toward you. “Please stop apologizing. I’ll stop too. Right now, you need help.”
You nod, taking Dalton’s extended hand.
“Where are you hurt? Besides the bruise from earlier and your wrist?” Dalton asks.
You look down at your wrist and see the claw marks from when you went under the bed. Shaking your head to clear it, you answer, “My back and my legs. I think that’s it, though.”
“Okay. Think you can stand up?”
“Not without help.”
Dalton helps you stand up, his jaw clenching each time you make a pained sound. Once you’re standing, he holds your elbows to support you and gestures toward his bed with his chin. He walks with you and helps you sit down before kneeling in front of you.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper again.
Dalton looks up and you see the shine of tears running down his face. “I did this to you, and you’re apologizing to me?”
“You didn’t do it, Dalton. And it only happened because I failed in the one thing I told you I could do for you.”
Dalton’s hand raises to your cheek, careful not to brush any bruises or cause you more pain. “If I didn’t do it, and you didn’t know what was going to happen, then neither of us have a reason to apologize, right?”
You shake your head and begin to argue, but Dalton maintains eye contact as he brushes a tear away. You nod, still wishing that you could have done more for him.
“Do you want to go to the hospital?” Dalton asks.
“And tell them what?” you ask with a wet laugh.
“Good point,” Dalton agrees, smiling faintly.
He holds out his hand and points to your wrist, gently cradling your arm as you extend it to him.
“You’re lucky my mom packed for me, that’s the only reason I have a first aid kit,” Dalton says as he pulls it out of his desk drawer and opens it on the bed beside you.
“Are you hurt?” you ask, suddenly remembering you never asked.
“No, I’m fine. Physically.”
“And the door?”
“It’s closed. For good. This might sting.”
You brace yourself following Dalton’s warning. Squeezing a handful of his comforter in your other hand, you watch as he uses an alcohol wipe to clean the scratches on your wrist. He whispers apologies as he works, then discards the wipe and removes a bandage from the first aid kit. After letting you change into a pair of his shorts so he can see the damage to your legs, Dalton works in silence as he cleans and bandages the scratches and bruises spanning your legs. As he reaches the top of your left leg, you stop him.
“I don’t know how bad that one is,” you warn.
Dalton nods, and you pull your hand back, watching as he pushes the shorts up to see.
“It’s going to bruise,” Dalton informs. “Feel broken?”
You shake your head, and Dalton nods, cracking an ice pack several times before placing it on your leg. He directs your hand to it, and you hold it as Dalton stands.
“You said your back hurts? What happened?”
“Nothing,” you answer too quickly. “I just fell.”
Dalton’s face falls as he lowers himself back to your level. “What did I do?”
“You didn’t do anything. Something else threw me against the wall.”
Dalton takes a shaky breath before asking, “How bad is it?”
“Feels like a deep bruise,” you answer honestly, “not going to be able to do anything comfortably for a few days, but probably nothing serious.”
Dalton tugs the hem of your shirt as he asks, “Can I check?”
You nod, and Dalton helps you stand, pushing the back of your shirt up and leaning down to look at your skin. He runs a gentle finger down your spine, causing you to suppress a shiver. Dalton pulls your shirt back down, moving in front of you.
“I’m not going to apologize again,” Dalton promises. “But I need to ask if you want me out of your life. I understand if you never want to see me again.”
You cut him off, interjecting, “No. I don’t want to see anyone but you, Dalton. I meant what I said earlier, I’m on your team, win, lose, or tie. Sure, today might have felt like a loss, but you closed the door and came back to me. That’s all that matters.”
“Most people would have told me to get lost after what happened earlier.”
“Maybe they just don’t understand you. Besides, you could tell me to get out and find someone better equipped to help you, keep you grounded.”
Dalton pushes a piece of hair out of your face as he smiles and says, “But you’re who I wanted to come back to.”
You smile and take a step closer to Dalton.
“I want to kiss you,” Dalton states, laying his hands on your hips, avoiding your bruises.
“I want you to kiss me,” you reply.
Dalton does most of the work, mindful of your injuries as he moves so you don’t have to. He keeps the kiss short and sweet, a promise of more to come. As Dalton pulls back, his phone begins ringing again. Rolling his eyes, he answers it and talks to his mom and dad as he plays with your fingers. You tug his hand as he begins talking about you, but he waves you off as he agrees to something before hanging up.
“What was that?” you ask.
“They want to meet you when you feel better.”
“You move fast.”
“Don’t want another guy to get possessed and sweep you off your feet,” Dalton teases.
“Literally,” you add. You see Dalton's smile fall and quickly lean over to kiss him. “That was a joke, if you apologize again we’ll both be injured.”
Dalton puts his hands up in a faux surrender before kissing your temple. “Good to know you’re not going anywhere.”
“I meant it, I’m on your team.”
Dalton smiles before kissing you again, mumbling that today was a win in his book. You couldn't agree more.
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rooftopbeliver · 9 months
‘dangerously yours’ .ೃ࿐ ❝masquerade❞
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┊ ➶ 。˚   ° cillian murphy x f! reader
. . .
AFTER A FEW WEEKS, everything on set was done. these weeks were very exhausting because all she was doing for a few days was searching with her assistant for the most vintage and breathtaking hotel that could exist. the first episode they were about to make was also the first episode in the original broadcast that was called ‘masquerade’. the whole action takes place in a hotel, so they needed to find the perfect one. it was a hard decision to make because all the places were booked or too expensive to rent. but after visiting a lot of old hotels, she found the most luminous one.
it was a hotel on the outskirts of a small city, which was very atmospheric because it felt like she was really in an old city. she knew that it wasn’t the last time she would have to search for a location like this because every episode would have a different plot, etc., but she liked it. she wanted everything to be like it was in her teenage head. you could tell that she was enjoying putting all that effort into that project by seeing a big smile on her face all the time. she knew that maybe people would hate this series, but she didn’t care; she was doing it mostly for herself.
the ‘masquerade’ episode was a story about the beautiful but tragic love between rudolph & catherine. it was beautifully written, full of amazing quotes, and even more amazing characters. but in broadcast, they showed a shorter version of a tale, so it was quite difficult to do this on the movie set. she wanted to do it in an old-fashioned style; she was inspired by theater performances, and she loved this overplayed expression.
. . .
these days she also spent talking with the cast to get to know them better. she wanted everyone to feel comfortable with each other because they were going to spend time together for a year or longer. y/n got to like all of her teammates, but she liked cillian the most. maybe it was cliché, but she was his fan for eight years, and now she had him in her production, so it was obvious that he got her attention the most. she was mesmerized by his charisma and charm. he was a good listener who preferred listening to her talk about her story or this project than talking about himself. he was very fascinated by her investment and her knowledge about everything that they needed for their roles. he had been an actor for a long time, but it was the first time he met a young soul who was that professional and helpful in this career. she was doing everything by herself, with a little help from her assistant. cillian was ambitious, but he would never be able to do this many things at once, and she doesn’t look tired at all.
now he was sitting on the couch in the hotel hallway, rereading the script just in case. he saw y/n coming toward him with a smile on her face; she was in catherine’s white dress, looking just like women in 20s. if you ask cillian, he thought that she was perfect for this role.
“you like this place?” she sat next to him and admired how good he looked in this kind of suit.
“yes, it is gorgeous; you can feel like you are stepping back in time when you are here.” he smiled at her. he was being honest with her, he found not only this hotel but also the city beautiful; he has always been a fan of small towns.
“i’m happy you like it; i’m in love with this hotel; it’s just as i imagined it while listening to this.”
“and you look just as i imagined catherine, classy and beautiful,” cillian said confidently. she blushed and said a polite ‘thank you’.
“you are perfect-looking too, mister.” she felt good doing a bit of flirting with him because she excused herself by saying that it was only preparation for the roles.
“see you on set, darling,” cillian said, standing up from the couch and making his way to his wardrobe. maybe he will like this production even more than he thinks.
. . .
“okay, so we are ready for the first scene, in the catherine’s room. are we ready?" the director said, looking at y/n and cillian. they just nodded and smiled at each other. she smoothed her dress and sat down in the chair as cillian made his way behind the mahogany doors. it was a middle scene from broadcast, but it isn’t new that on set nothing is done chronologically.
“and action!"
cillian knocked on the door and she walked, her hips overplaying moves, just as she imagined the women in the past. she opened and smiled at him, resting her head on the door.
“madam, you have made a mistake. my name is not lougi. i’ve not seen you or these jewels before,” he said, changing his accent to something more american, at this moment, y/n knew she made the right decision by putting him into this role.
“i know. won’t you come in, count estefan?” she smiled sweetly. she also sounds a little differently than when she speaks normally.
"you- you know who i am?” he said, walking into ‘her apartment’ as she closed the door.
“well of course! you were the most handsome man in dining room and i was very lonely, so i thought tonight i will have an adventure. i will make an acquaintance of the distinguished count estefan.” y/n felt like she could say those words to cillian not only in those circumstances, but in reality as well.
“how do you know my name?” he asked, surprised, raising his eyebrows.
“it was not difficult to find out” she smiled, pushing back a wisp of her hair from her face.
“how did you know i wouldn’t run off with your jewels?”
“i took that chance. besides they’re insured. are you angry?”
cillian chuckled, his laugh was prettier in real life, y/n though. “no, i’m not angry. if some kind fate wishes to send a beautiful lady to dine with me, i can only be grateful. you will do me the honor, won’t you, madam?” he said it so convincingly that people could think that he wasn’t acting.
“i shall be delighted” she said blushing.
“and cut!” the director said with a big smile, and clapped loudly. “everything is done in one take; you two are the best; if this is what it would looks like, i would be the happiest director on earth,” he laughed as an all-staff.
“it’s getting late, but it’s perfect; we can do a shooting star scene, and we are done for today,” y/n’s assistant said, as cillian nodded, agreeing with that plan.
. . .
“so. . . how do you like it so far?” y/n asked cillian, while going to the location next to the hotel, where they were going to record a next scene.
“i love it; actually, you are a great actress, so it makes it easier. really, i have never done a whole scene in one take,” he said, being surprised at how good an actress y/n is. he has never seen her in any movies, so he was skeptical about her being the main character at first, but he was more than happy to work with her.
“thank you; i’m flattered to hear this from an actor like you. my great-grandmother would be proud that someone as great as you played in her comfort show” she didn’t know why, but talking with cillian was smooth and very entertaining. he was almost twice her age, but she didn’t care about things like this, and she hoped that he didn’t either.
“well. . . i’m sure, she is happy that you play her roles, it really suits you.”
. . .
“the sky is perfect for this; we’re lucky,” adam — the director — said happily, turning the camera on again. “cillian and y/n. you two sit down right here,” he said, pointing out the vintage bench as they sat next to each other. “great. and now, cillian you put your arm around y/n shoulder; it’s a romantic scene after all.” when y/n felt cillian’s touch on her skin, she tried not to tens her muscles; she didn’t even know why she reacted like this, but she ignored it.
“and action!”
“look catherine! a shooting star! did you wish?” he asked, pointed up to the sky.
“oh. . . i didn’t have time”
“and there is something you’d wish for?” he asked curiously, looking at her.
“yes. . .”
“what did you wish?”
“i was wishing that- we were two other people. two people who need not say goodbye. . .” she said with sadness in her voice.
“perhaps it can be that way” he looked at her, squeezing her arm.
“cut!” adam ended the recording. “thank you guys so much; you were incredible. i never had people who could do scenes that fast. tomorrow is a day off, so see you in two days!” everyone started to make their way to wardrobes, but when y/n stood up from the bench, she felt cillian touch her hand. she looked at him with a smile as he asked:
“would you like to go for lunch with me tomorrow?”
“i would love to see you at two, rudolph” she chuckled. she couldn’t hide how excited she was at this moment.
. . .
taglist: @xxsp3llb0undxx
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- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ thank you for attention!! ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
note: it is a loong chapter but i liked it! and i hope you guys will like it too! share with your opinion, on comments or even my dm’s. it’s so important to me.
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imahinatjon · 4 months
Before we start this, I do not have ADHD or at least we don't think I have.
Therefore I cannot say I fully understand ADHD, but I will try. (Like, I understand, but not to the fullest extent)
Also did these in the form of headcannons if that's good? Bulletpointed.
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• So, Jouno... appreciates you.
• He doesn't always understand, but even he gets that enthusiasm is needed in life sometimes - even if it's not technically enthusiasm.
• He won't notice if you start zoning out. He can't see you.
• But he does realise when you stopped making noise.
• Your voice is distracting and almost constant. You say almost anything and everything with little to no filter.
• But he likes your voice a hell of a lot more than the voices of... certain people.
• Jouno can't keep up.
• That's just it. He can't keep up.
• He can learn to understand what your saying, where you're coming from, your personality and behaviours, but that doesn't mean he has the energy to keep up.
• Still, your entertaining to him, he likes you, a lot. So he keeps his ear out for you.
• You rarely stay in one place for too long, buttt your also clumsy. Make a lot of simple, not super dangerous but occasionally concerning mistakes.
• Jouno, with ALL his love for you, thinks you need to be wrapped up in bubble wrap.
• It's for your own safety!
• ...he may or may not try it.
• But, in all seriousness. He does love every bit of you he has come to know. And coming to the rescue every now and then makes him feel like you really need him. (Not that he has issues with this, just saying that I think he'd like it if his s/o relied on him)
• He just wishes there weren't so many unfinished passion projects lying around.
• But he'll get over it because he loves you ♡
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• Tecchou probably understands somewhat.
• You two have an almost perfect relationship.
• When he's not working Tecchou is practically attached to your hip.
• Which means you fall victim to his "cooking" often.
• And your always willing to try whatever he comes up with. Mostly that's because you haven't been paying much attention to what he's been putting in, your only indication that something is up is the fact that everything is the same colour.
• But you trust he won't poison you, so you take a spoonfull.
• You tell him it was nice, when really it wasn't, and remind yourself not to accept food from him again.
• You soon forget about it when the next meal comes around.
• "Sometimes I forget that your cooking is a biohazard..."
• Sometimes the two of you sit together doing nothing.
• It's nice. You were just sat on the chair, comfortable, away somewhere within your own head.
• He spotted you, and thought that you looked cute being so deep in thought that you had no real awareness of your surroundings.
• So, with the 'protection' excuse tucked away up his sleeve, he sat beside you and waited.
• Only to then find himself lost in thought with you.
• He can't help it! Being in such a calm, relaxing atmosphere with you - the ultimate comfort to him, he can't help but loose himself in the moment with you.
• What brings him back is when you start moving. A slight shake of the leg. Constant tap tap tapping, your knee bouncing up and down.
• You clearly got bored of wherever you were a bit ago, and had decided to stay with him, even though he could see you wanted to go and do something else.
• That's adorable - You trying so hard.
• Makes him want to try harder too.
• Oh! Perhaps you could cook with him!
• It will end in disaster. That's just a given. Doesn't matter if your a good cook or a bad cook there will be conflict.
• Nothing serious, and it causes no real issue, just a lot of mess that some poor soul is going to have to clean up later.
• He's so insistent on his way of "cooking" that he won't listen to you.
• And your so stubborn in 'trying something new' (aka following an actual recepie) that you both end up childishly fighting over the bowl.
• It's not serious, and neither of you are actually shouting, but a few bowls and ingredients fall over, and you do run around a lot.
• At least Jouno knows not to go in there - lest he face whatever mess the two of you plan on proudly presenting to him. He doesn't want it.
• So... your relationship isn't perfect, but it's almost there.
• You try and understand eachother, and you stick together.
Is this okay? 🤔
I did research into ADHD before writing this - and tried to recall what one of my relatives behaves like - as he has adhd.
But like I said, I don't have it.
Also Think I finally figured out how to spell these twos names.
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
Sure we can rag on Bolin for not realising he joined the Earth Kingdom equivalent of the Nazi party and call him an idiot for it (deserved) but honestly I can't really fault him for it?
Like the ostrich effect is a thing and we are watching it in full effect here. We've seen that Bolin is a character that deals very poorly with conflict. Like it's super obvious he'd avoid standing up to Kuvira as much as he could.
One of Bolin's biggest hurdles as a character is that he is looking for a purpose, the rest of team Avatar having 'found themselves'. So it's not out of character for him to join Kuvira.
I feel like he's also compensating for the loss of Korra, who was in recovery at the time by following Kuvira.
It's very obvious that Korra had a huge impact on Bolin's life, as she did with all of Team Avatar. But Bolin had definetly attached himself very strongly to her. He's been following Mako around his entire life, been a follower for most of his life. And then his first real friendship outside of family follows a similar pattern.
Korra is like the perfect character for Bolin to project his weird codependency thing onto. She's an effortless leader, very forceful, decisive and straightforward. Someone who he can easily listen to and carve out a path he can follow. And following the Avatar around allows him to do something worthwile and good. To actually help. With the added benefit that it gets him people's approval, something he so clearly desperately needs and craves.
Then Korra becomes so injured that she has to be placed in physical therapy for an indeterminate ampunt of time.
So Bolin projects that need and codependency on someone else. Kuvira. In his argument with Mako he states it clear as day: 'I mean, Kuvira is basically just like Korra. She might seem hard to deal with, but just because she's so passionate and believes in what she's doing.'
He gets to continue doing good and making people like him while under very clear orders he can follow.
I mean, this boy is traumatised. Clearly, Mako took the brunt of the horrors of their childhood, but it would be incredibly stupid to say that Bolin isn't fucked up as well. Clearly in a different way but fucked up nonetheless. I think this codependency thing is something both brothers benefitted from as kids but that's a conversation for another day.
And the events of the first three books are also traumatic?
Like he's just been part of a civil war/end of the world so excuse him for hoping to catch a break. I will once again refer you to the ostrich effect. Another war breaking out is probably like worst case scenario in his mind.
I feel like for him, if he opens his eyes to what Kuvira is doing is accepting that there is once again a 'big conflict' in his life. And that his loved ones are once again in danger. And worse, that he's contributed to it.
I can also see it all being a case of 'well ive waded neck deep into this swamp, now i gotta see this through'. Like he's sunk so much time and energy into this cause, it can't be all wrong, right?
Sure, ego is probably a big part of his behaviour. Everyone is telling him that Kuvira is bad and that automatically puts up the defences. Bit I can see how these warnings feel like a direct personal attack at Bolin himself. He was also incredibly isolated from most of his friends when serving Kuvira. Other than Zhu Li and Varrick, who aren't exactly peers.
So he's lonely on a train most of his time and when he does reuinte with his loved ones they start criticising his life choices . I can see him getting defensive and automatically resistant to critisism.
And Kuvira is also shown to be very good at emotuonal manipulation and threats and stuff. And Bolin, a chronic people pleaser whith a lot of trauma is, like, the perfect victim for those shenanigans. Bolin is canonically bad at reading situations that are detrimental to him (look at the entirety of his relationship with Eska)
You know, sure, he's an idiot for staying with her as long as he did. But it's not as black and white as a lot of people make it out to be?
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 4 months
Eddie Munson's Defense Squad the complete one shot
A/N: Halfway through writing this, I realized that I was accidentally basing Poppy on a girl I went to school whom I admired. I realize now that I had a crush on her. Different name, same personality. Also, there is a Carol in here. Her name is Carol Watson, and she's completely different from Carol Perkins.
Poppy Blake smacked her gum obnoxiously as she listened to her parents rant about Eddie Munson, the three of them sitting around the dinner table as they did so. This was complete and utter bullshit.
"You guys have a lot of nerve for talking shit about Eddie when you have no clue what kind of man he is," Poppy said. "And it's hypocritical coming from a mixed race couple who have to deal with the stares and the comments in this assbackward conservative town who can't seem to tell what year it is."
Her mother's green eyes widened. The green eyes and the freckles Poppy got from her mother. Everything else, including the hair and the dark complexion she got from her daddy. Thanks to her mom, her skin was much lighter than his. Maybe she was a bit of a narcissist, but she loved the way she looked, how she was a perfect mixture of both her parents. She especially loved how her hair had its own personality, and she was grateful that she didn't have her mother's bright orange coloring. Not that she had anything against redheads. It's such an odd shade that whenever Poppy asks if she dyes it, Clara Blake just laughs. She never answers.
"He's a drug dealer," Clara said.
"And so is Daddy," Poppy said.
"Pharmaceutical salesman," Tony said.
"They sound like the same thing to me," she replied.
"Well, Poppy, one's illegal, and one is not," Clara said.
"Weed doesn't kill people, Mom! It's just bullshit propaganda. I mean, not unless it's laced with something, but Eddie would never do that. Some of those drugs that Dad sells should be illegal," Poppy said. "I mean, alcohol is more dangerous."
"You seem to know an awful lot about his weed," Tony said, suddenly amused.
"Dad, I regret to inform you that your precious little girl smokes," she said, and Clara gasped. "Do not act like this is brand new information. You and I both know that bag of oregano that you found was not, in fact, a bag of oregano. Now, tell me why someone would kill his own customers when he could keep them alive and earn a profit?"
"That's true," Clara frowned.
"Mom, I know how scared you are, but I know he would never kill Chrissy, Patrick, or Fred. I know, just like I know that you would never," Poppy said. "Mom, you know I'm a good judge of character."
"We both know that, baby," Tony sighed. "I suppose we both did sound ridiculous."
"Thank you," Poppy said, blinking back tears. "And you know, Hellfire, despite its name, isn't a cult. They're just playing a game like the boys play basketball."
"Well, even we know that. I suppose it's the fear of the unknown that's got us so scared," Clara said.
"I totally get that," Poppy said.
"By the way, why are you so sure?" Clara asked.
"I don't know. It was the look in his eye when he talked about his mom, and it was just like pure love in there when he talked about her. I mean, he can definitely be an asshole but in the way that cousin Mark is and we all still love him. He respects cheerleaders too much to kill them, even the ones that really hate him," Poppy said.
The sound of the front door opening loudly startled the three of them. Kayla Fielding, her best friend in the whole world, ran into the living room. Her blond hair was in disarray, and her bright blue eyes were blown wide with alarm.
"Kayla, we were just about to have dinner. You're welcome to fix yourself a plate and join us," Tony said.
"I, uh, actually needed some last-minute help on a project. I read the directions wrong, and it's due tomorrow," Kayla said. "I was hoping that Poppy would help me."
"Do you mind, Mom?" Poppy asked. "I had a late lunch, so I'm not very hungry."
"Go on," Clara said, her eyes twinkling at them in amusement. "Keep the door open, though."
"Um, okay," Poppy said, looking at her mother in confusion.
They quickly moved up the stairs and into Poppy's room.
"Uh, I think your mom knows, Poppy," Kayla said.
"My mom doesn't know shit," she said, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, what's this about? Clearly, there's no project."
"I just heard that Jason has started a town wide man hunt for Eddie and the rest of Hellfire. I heard that they were heading towards that creepy looking house on Morehead Street," Kayla scowled. "This is so fucked up! Eddie doesn't deserve this, and neither do these kids. I've always hated Jason, but I never thought that he would take it this far."
"We need to do something," Poppy said. "Stop them. We need to gather the others and get some weapons."
"Do you really think we can do this?" Kayla asked.
"My parents always taught me to do what's right, to stand up for people when they needed it. Although, I think they were talking about when a kid gets bullied or something," she replied. "It fits in this situation, too."
Poppy wasn't proud of it, but she ended up breaking into her dad's gun locker to grab a shotgun that her dad taught her to use. He always wanted to make sure she was prepared. Not that he actually needed to teach her. She figured it out pretty quick. Poppy tried to hand Kayla the Smith & Wesson, but she quickly shook her head.
"I don't do guns, remember?" Kayla asked.
"Right, well, I'll just grab it for the other girls," Poppy said. "There's a baseball bat in my room. You can use that."
She zipped up the shotgun and the other gun into a bag as well as some ammo to go with it. They stood up at the same time, reminding Poppy just how much taller she was than Kayla and how much Kayla liked that.
"This is sort of thrilling," Kayla admitted, licking her lips.
"We don't have time for that, Kay," Poppy smiled.
They quickly snuck back into Poppy's room and stuffed the bat into the bag. Poppy opened her window as quietly as she could.
"Okay," Poppy whispered. "You're going to go down the trellis first, then I'll lower the guns down to you, okay?"
"Okay, see you on the other side," Kayla said as she straddled the window sill.
She grabbed Poppy's face and pulled her in for a deep kiss. Poppy sighed and leaned into it, kissing her harshly. They both broke the kiss, breathing heavily, their lips swollen. The giddiness never really goes away whenever Kayla kisses her. It always feels like the first time. Poppy smiled as she watched Kayla maneuver down the side of her house. Using her bedsheets, she lowered the bag down to Kayla. She climbed down the trellis herself and followed Kayla into her car, placing the bag in the backseat. When she sat back in her seat, Kayla was grinning at her.
"I guess I'm your partner in crime," Kayla said, grinning. "Get it? Because I'm also your romantic partner, and we're also committing a crime by hunting down a bunch of asshole jocks."
"I fucking love you. Never stop being a dork," Poppy laughed and kissed her. "Step on it, baby."
Kayla tied her hair up with a scrunchie, turned on the radio, and sped off toward the houses of the other cheerleaders. Most of the cheerleaders would be with her on this one, seeing as Poppy was the one to spread the story about Eddie's mother. She had been the one to go to him for drugs when the others were too chicken to do it. He had been nice and funny, a perfect gentleman. Looking into his eyes, Poppy could see how sweet he was. Unlike Jason, whose eyes screamed psychopath and she wouldn't be surprised if Jason had been the one to kill Chrissy. . . and couldn't stop at just one. Patrick was one of the nice ones, the one the girls got along with most as well as the new guy, Lucas Sinclair. Steve Harrington was much the same, but she hadn't talked to him in a while. They didn't hate all jocks but enough of them got underneath their skin. There were other cheerleaders who didn't see it their way. They absolutely loved Jason and hated Eddie. They couldn't see beyond their own attraction. And if Poppy had any interest in men, then she certainly would have gone for Eddie rather than Jason.
Hungry Like the Wolf was still playing in Poppy's head when they pulled up to the creepy looking house. It sent a shiver down her spine as she looked at it. Poppy quickly handed over the bat to Kayla and the other gun over to Taylor, who didn't bring a weapon. A gust of wind suddenly appeared, and Taylor's short brown hair hit her piercing hazel eyes. There was anger there. Taylor took the gun from her and thanked her as she loaded it. Everyone else had their own weapons: bats, crowbars, and someone even had a broom handle.
"Let's kick their ass - "
A scream interrupted Poppy, and they all ran in that direction. Andy was on top of what looked like an eleven year old girl, and he was getting ready to pummel her. Oh, fuck that.
"ANDY!" Poppy yelled and raised her shotgun.
"You've got three seconds to get the fuck off of her before I put a round in you," Taylor snarled as she raised the gun.
If anyone had more reason to do it, it would be Taylor, considering he once put his hands on her without her consent. Taylor didn't even bother counting when Andy raised his fist. She pulled the trigger, and the round went through Andy's shoulder. He fell to the ground with a yell. Taylor ran over to him and pressed the heal of her boot into his shoulder. He screamed.
"I'm sorry. Should I have asked first before stepping on you?" Taylor asked.
"YOU BITCH!" Andy screamed.
"Says the guy screaming like one!" Taylor exclaimed.
"You shot me!" He sobbed.
"Yeah. I did do that," Taylor grinned victoriously.
Poppy went over and helped pull the girl away.
"Are you okay?" She asked, and the girl nodded. "What's your name, sweetheart?"
"Erica Sinclair," she said.
"Are you Lucas's sister?" Poppy asked.
"Yeah, he's inside. I think I saw Jason go in there," Erica said, looking worried.
"We'll handle it. You stay here with Carol. We like to call her Mother Hen. You'll find out why," Poppy smirked. "I'm Poppy, by the way, and that's Kayla."
Poppy and Kayla left just as Carol Watson started to fuss over Erica. They went into the stairs and went all the way up to the attic where Jason was pointing a gun at Lucas. Some girl was sitting on the floor in a trance. Lucas was pleading with Jason.
"You're lying! Chrissy would never have gone to him if she was in trouble! She would have come to me!" Jason exclaimed.
"Well, that's not just fucking true," Poppy said causing Jason to whirl around and point the gun at her. "She came to me, Jason, and then I sent her right to Eddie. All I knew was that she was stressed. She was under pressure from something. It was either her mother or you. I thought that maybe Eddie could help her."
"You sent her to Eddie? You're the reason she's dead?" Jason glared.
"No, Jason. I don't know what happened, but Eddie's not a killer. He's a good man. Better than you are," Poppy said.
"Eddie is a killer, and I'm trying to protect this town from him!" Jason yelled.
"No! We're trying to protect this town!" Lucas yelled out.
Jason whirled around and pointed the gun back on Lucas. Poppy gripped her shotgun and took a step further. Kayla did the same, gripping her bat. Lucas was scared, and all it would take was Jason pulling the trigger once. Something in Lucas's face changed.
"You know, I wanted to be like you. . . popular, but all I see now is a full blown psychopath," Lucas said.
He bent down at the right time as Jason took the shot and dove into Jason's stomach. The gun was knocked out of Jason's hand, and pretty soon, they were both throwing punches. Poppy cursed. She couldn't shoot Jason now without risking shooting Lucas.
"The Walkman!" Lucas exclaimed.
Kayla was quick. She rolled and grabbed the Walkman before Jason could stomp on it.
"What are we supposed to do with this?" Kayla asked.
"Max! Put it on Max! Running up that Hill!" Lucas yelled.
It was difficult for Kayla when Max started lifting in the air. Holy shit! Poppy reacted quickly and put the headphones on her. They stared at Max and didn't notice that Jason grabbed the gun again until he was pointing it at Lucas. Poppy pointed her shotgun at him.
"Jason! Don't do this!" Poppy exclaimed.
"You're supposed to be on my side, Poppy!" Jason exclaimed. "Instead, you're siding with these. . . Satanists."
"There are no sides! There's only living and dying. Which one are you going to choose?" Poppy asked.
Jason paused for a moment, and it almost looked like he was lowering it. His face hardened, however, and he turned the gun on her. He had chosen.
"You're Tigers!" Jason said furiously.
"Oh, honey, no. We're fucking wolves," Poppy said as she thought about the rest of her 'pack' outside. "Who protect their own."
She pulled the trigger. Jason screamed as the gun fell to the ground. He clutched his bloody hand, crying. Max fell to the ground. Lucas rushed to her side and pulled her into his arms.
"I'm okay. I'm okay," Max said, and he helped her up. "Jesus, what the fuck happened?"
"Uh. Poppy Blake shot him," Lucas said, and Max looked at Poppy in surprise.
"Most of the cheerleaders hate Jason, Andy, and Connor, but we love Eddie," Kayla said. "There are a few who refuse to look past their looks. Gah!"
Poppy shared a look with Kayla and her eyes twinkled back at her.
"Well, it's a good thing that we don't like men, baby," Poppy said teasingly.
"Hey, if I were into men, it'd be Eddie or Chief Hopper," Kayla said, and Lucas looked at her when she mentioned Hopper. "Oh, I like tall people. Preferably tall women."
"Lesbian warrior cheerleaders?" Max asked in amusement.
"Yes! I want that on a shirt," Kayla said.
They left the room, and the house with Jason still bleeding out on the floor of the attic. When they walked out of the house, they found a few more jocks had arrived late to the party. Several of them had her cheerleaders on the ground, including Taylor and Carol. Erica was nowhere to be found. Poppy made sure it was clear before shooting her shotgun off to the side. The jocks stopped and dropped them. Every single one of them were bleeding but not too terribly.
"Hey! Your leader is upstairs bleeding to death. I suggest you get him some help and get the fuck out of here before I give you matching wounds!" Poppy exclaimed.
The jocks ran upstairs and came out carrying Jason. Poppy and the cheerleaders all glared at them with weapons drawn until they drove away.
"Are all of them cheerleaders?" Max asked.
"Yeah," Poppy replied.
"Holy shit," Max said. "Does Eddie know he has his own defense squad?"
"He will now," Kayla said.
"Where's Erica?" Poppy asked.
"Shoved her into my car when those assholes showed up," Carol replied.
Erica hopped out of the car, carrying a first aid kit.
"Found a first aid kit, and it looks like some of you are you going to need it," Erica said and looked at her brother. "Are you okay?"
Carol took the box from Erica and started patching everyone up. Just as Poppy was about to open her mouth to ask Lucas what the hell was all that about, an RV drove past honking loudly.
"Shit! Eddie's in that RV. We have to follow!" Lucas exclaimed.
"Alright, wolves!" Poppy whistled. "You heard him! Move out!"
They all climbed into their respective vehicles, with Lucas and Erica crawling into the back of Kayla's car. They followed the RV to the hospital where the door burst open. Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley came out carrying a bleeding Eddie in their arms. A crying boy with curly hair was following them.
"Oh, shit," Lucas muttered.
The group followed them into the hospital, where they delivered Eddie to the doctors. They immediately wheeled him away onto a gurney. Nancy, Robin, and Steve stared down the hallway in shock. Lucas approached the curly hair boy who was now crying.
"Dustin, what the hell happened?" Lucas asked.
"Lucas! Max!" Dustin exclaimed before pulling them both in a hug. "The bats. . .they got to Eddie! . . . Who are they?"
"Dustin, Steve, Nancy, Robin. . .meet Eddie Munson's defense squad," Max said.
"What?" Steve asked and then he squinted. "Poppy?"
"Hey, Steve. You look like shit," she said. "Now, who's going to tell me what the fuck is going on in this town?"
Two days later. . .
It was hell getting questioned by the police but in the end, what they said helped Eddie. There was too much evidence against Jason Carver to keep looking at Eddie, especially when Chrissy's diary resurfaced that revealed the bruises that Jason left behind when he dragged her around like a trophy. Chrissy wrote down how he and the other jocks had it in for Hellfire, how she tried to stop them. She even told Principal Higgins, but he didn't believe her, and when she saw the bennies in his desk, he blackmailed Chrissy. Jason Carver was arrested as were the boys who were involved in the manhunt. Principal Higgins was also arrested. It looked like they were going to need a new principal as well as a new basketball team.
"Maybe we can fill it with more nerds," Poppy nudged Lucas. "Change it from the Tigers. We can be the Hawkins Dragons or some shit."
"No, honey, we're the fucking wolves," Lucas said and Poppy laughed.
They were surrounding Eddie's hospital bed as they waited for them to wake up. They were only just now allowed back in. Of course, they allowed Wayne to spend time with Eddie, but now they were guarding his bedside along with the party. To Poppy's dismay, they hadn't been allowed their weapons. Even though all had been dealt with, Poppy still felt unsettled. She knew the court of public opinion would be the hardest to sway. She was worried that they would go after him.
"So. . .you did all of this for Eddie?" Steve asked.
"I know what you're thinking, but I'm not into dicks," Poppy said.
"Eddie's not a dick!" Steve said defensively, his cheeks turning red. "He's a great guy!"
Poppy and Kayla shared an amused look before giggling. Kayla nodded at Poppy, who nodded back.
"Steve, we're lesbians," Kayla said. "I'm her girlfriend."
"Oh, shit, sorry," Steve said, his whole face heating up.
Robin shoved her knuckle to her mouth, laughing. Meanwhile, Poppy gave Steve a knowing look.
"Me too," Robin said. "Lesbian."
"Nice," Kayla said. "Tall lesbians are the best."
"So are short ones," Poppy said.
"I'm not short, I'm just vertically challenged," Kayla said. "Gravity hates me because I'm so cute. It just keeps pulling me down."
"Idiot," Poppy said affectionately, kissing her.
"Your idiot," Kayla said.
"Well, I guess since we're all being honest," Steve said. "Bicycle. Goddamn it, I mean bisexual!"
"I don't know. Bicycle works, too. If you're into that, there's definitely riding involved," Poppy said with a smirk.
"Children present!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Hm, on the way here, you were saying that you didn't need a babysitter anymore. So which is it? Child or grown-up?" Steve asked, and Dustin closed his mouth. "Yeah, that's what I thought."
Suddenly, Erica popped her head in.
"Jock out on bail incoming!" Erica shrieked.
The squad immediately jumped into action and formed a wall around Eddie's bed. Meanwhile, Steve and Robin stood in front of Lucas, Max, and Dustin at the door. Erica looked out the door while Robin kept a hand on her back.
"Coast is clear!" Erica exclaimed, closing the door.
"Am I dead or alive? What is this?" Eddie's called out, and everyone jumped. "Why are there cheerleaders surrounding my bed? Oh God, Jason sent you to finish me off."
"First of all, if we wanted you dead, you'd be dead before you woke up," Poppy said. "And second of all, Jason is rotting in jail for his crimes and Vecna's. No bail for that asshole."
"They're your defense squad, man. They heard that Jason and the others were going to come after us at the Creel House, so the cheerleaders came and kicked their ass for you. The cheerleaders like you, man," Lucas said.
"Seriously?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, Poppy shot Jason, and Taylor shot Andy," Lucas replied.
"You did this for free drugs, didn't you?" Eddie joked.
"Ass, I did it because I like you. Platonically," Poppy said. "You're a great guy. Bit of an asshole but a great guy."
"Why?" Eddie asked.
"The speech about your mom told me all I needed to know about you," Poppy said. "Plus, after your little meeting in the woods, Chrissy wouldn't shut up about you."
"She wouldn't?" He asked.
"Look, she's been unhappy for a while, and we've done everything we could do to help her, but when she came out of those woods, she was the happiest that I had ever seen her. You did that for her. You made her happy in her most darkest and cursed moment of her life," Poppy said, tears in her eyes. "She was our friend, and you did that for her."
Eddie was crying now, his bottom lip trembling as his eyelashes grew wet.
"She made me happy too," Eddie said. "I played for her down there, I wanted. . . I wanted her to hear me play, and a little part of me hoped that it would somehow bring her back. Stupid, huh?"
"Not at all," Poppy said.
She took his hand and ran her fingers through his hair as he cried. She would do whatever it took to protect this man and judging by the looks on the others' faces, they would too.
"Thank you," Eddie whispered.
For the first time in his life, instead of fighting against him, people were now fighting for him.
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