#they also didn't reblog the twitter link
alvariearmy · 2 years
Anyways, an Amber supporter found my blog and is reblogging everything and spewing the exact hate my first post was talking about. Ironic that it seems that's the only post they didn't reblog.
Hypocrite much? I point out how Amber supporters consistently resort to buzzwords like "biphobic" and call us "abuse-supporters" and "misogynistic", and that is the one post not reblogged.
Of course, they also publicly state they are a "man hating" and TERF blog, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
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charcubed · 2 years
I keep seeing posts that are like "interpretations of bi!Dean and gay!Dean are equally valid!" and I used to be like, sure, straight!Dean is definitely wrong but beyond that, see him how you want, who cares.
But now (esp after the Last Call script) I just don't understand the gay!Dean truthers? I follow quite a few on sm, and when I initially followed them I was like "they accept Dean is queer, that's good enough for me." But now they're really starting to get to me and it's not really worth arguing about to them, but I wanted to rant to you about it, cuz you get it.
The script literally included "gorgeous women" in the bar. Dean has canonically been sexually AND romantically attracted to women. He's based off THEE bisexual Neal Cassady.
Like I'm not really trying to defend m/w relationships (lol) but why do even queer ppl insist on erasing his identity when it's so clear? Why do they have to take that away?
Gay!Dean in AUs is one thing, but in the actual, textual canon of the show, Dean is bi. And no, gay!Dean and bi!Dean are NOT equally valid interpretations. And I don't think I'm an asshole for saying that 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Sorry it took a few days to get to this. Work and life have kept me busy and tired!
Unironically and non-sarcastically, Anon, I'm glad you've seen the light and seem to understand this topic more now. You are, of course, entirely correct. And you're not an asshole for saying it either.
I'm going to take this opportunity to answer your (potentially rhetorical) questions, and also bounce off of you and lay some stuff out about this topic in general at length for the first time–despite the fact that it may turn me into public enemy #1 again. I am already hated for non-combatively voicing these facts on Twitter (this thread tends to be considered one of the "ground zeroes" of the nonexistent "debate" lol), but I have avoided being dog-piled on Tumblr so far, so... fingers crossed I can miraculously keep it that way!
My hope is that anyone who is predisposed to taking this topic very personally just moves on instead of attacking me (or subposting me?) for any of what I'm about to say. I'm also not forcing anyone to read this, before anyone's like "that's way too many words" or "it's not that serious lol."
I do think this topic is important. I've made the decision to publicly spell out why. And if anyone doesn't want to read it, that's their prerogative.
To your questions, Anon:
I think a lot of this comes down to a fandom-wide problem (all fandoms recently, not just SPN) of not understanding the difference between headcanon and canon, the dimensions as to why that distinction does have its uses and its necessity, and the value in both. I'll get into this later.
But in this fandom specifically, based on observation and lengthy conversations I've had with a dozen long-time fans who are my friends... I personally think it's maybe a new dimension of viewpoint that's branched out from a holdover of "all interpretations are valid" being the party line people have clung to a very long time. (That’s also true in other fandoms, but I think it’s especially true here.) It's a form of solace people don't want to deviate from. No one wants to be seen as or feel like the ~jerk~ who's ~invalidating another person's view of canon~ in response to someone else's knee-jerk reaction of hurt. This is a fandom with early-2000s cultural baggage and context, where people dealt with feeling like the "crazy fangirls" who shipped Destiel and dared to call out queer subtext. Misha's "You're not crazy" tweet exists for a reason. I do feel like a lot of well-meaning people–aside from misunderstanding or being ignorant to the analytical roots of this topic and why they absolutely matter–just know what it feels like to have their thoughts on queer content in a show feel "invalidated," and they don't want to be perceived as doing that to other people. And/or: they’ve felt invalidated before (in this fandom or others!), and so they’re hypersensitive to anything they perceive as doing that to them again, especially if they tied personal identity into the projections they’re making onto the media they enjoy.
I understand that people don’t want to seem ~mean~ or make waves. I also don't want to seem mean or be mean, which is why I try to be as clear as possible whenever I talk about this and I never go after people directly (or interact/reference any of the many subtweets from people who openly talk shit about me. haha). But the facts shouldn't be seen as "mean"; they are simply facts. And yes, they absolutely matter.
Because the thing is... none of the above has any bearing on the nuances of the topic at hand, the indisputable fact that Dean is bisexual in canon and that claiming otherwise is erasure, and the truth that none of this should be seen as a threat to people's headcanons. 
These are all things that people should understand, and I will not apologize for knowing that and saying it. Misunderstanding this–making the false claim that “all interpretations of Dean’s sexually are equally valid as long as you see him as queer”–is an act of bisexual erasure in this context, and it often (unintentionally!) plays into biphobic talking points. And yeah, in my opinion, that’s something people should care about because it’s worthy of both personal and fandom examination. It is, in fact, why “representation” matters at all.
Let’s not kid ourselves: the bulk of this fandom-wide discourse is about Bi Dean vs Gay Dean. So, y’know, that’s the bulk of how I’m going to address it to just get it all out there.
Right out the gate, let me clarify this: I am not saying–now or ever–that those who are self-proclaimed “Gay Dean truthers” or argue that “Dean being gay in canon is a valid interpretation” are deliberately coming from a place of malice and the intent to contribute to bisexual erasure. By all means, I’m sure most aren’t! Nonetheless, intent does not equal impact. I’ve even seen people say “I’m a Gay Dean truther and I’m bisexual, so how could I possibly be contributing to bi erasure by arguing for Gay Dean?”  But in this situation–as in any other–no one is immune from unwittingly perpetuating harm, even including bi people. And it’s important to understand why that is.
“Interpretations” are not opinions, not all are equal, and they do require some level of skill. This is not a personal attack, or a moral judgement on anyone, or somehow a threat to people’s enjoyment of a favorite character. It is just fact.
Gay Dean is not a valid possibility in canon. There is no lens that justifies an argument of it with canonical basis. I have to break down why, in order to sufficiently express why claiming otherwise is a harmful position to take, so bear with me.
(No, this is not an invitation for a Gay Dean truther to treat this like a “debate” with me or waste time writing out a counterargument. Please just exit the tab if you’re somehow here battling that urge.)
For someone to say that Dean is gay in canon, here is an incomplete list of what has to be erased, ignored, or explained away:
• His sexual attraction to, romantic love for, and relationship with Cassie.
• His sexual attraction to, romantic love for, and relationship with Lisa (whether or not one thinks she was ever the ~ultimate love of his life~, attraction and love were present.)
• His stash of and enjoyment of porn that includes women, which is referenced many times.
• The moments where he was seduced by a female-presenting monster.
• Each and every time he made a reference to or joke about his attraction to women.
• Any fling he ever had with a woman on screen, and the enjoyment he had in the process.
The man is canonically sexually and romantically attracted to women, and he has acted upon that and even enjoys that about himself in wildly diverse contexts. It is a blatant part of the text of the show. (The fact that we are at the point where this is somehow a main point of contention rather than his attraction to men does make me feel a tiny bit insane, to be honest.)
Now, in my experience (which I don’t claim is comprehensive!), the people who argue for Gay Dean tend to explain ALL of this away under some form of universal umbrella of Dean being “performative,” a variation on compulsive heterosexuality they ascribe to him. The claim or explanation tends to be that Dean was performing a mostly-faked attraction to women based on his father’s expectations and outward pressures he received in the culture of his life. Moments are often cherry-picked out of context to support this “reading.” 
Who is Dean supposedly performing FOR, even in the moments where he acts on his attraction to women when he is alone? How does this explain his significant relationships with women like Cassie and/or the legitimate visible enjoyments he received from those interactions, as well as his flings with women throughout the show? How does this explain things like the Last Call script, where Dean is very clearly written as attracted to “gorgeous women,” a factoid that is not only very clear on screen but also (of course) written in literal black and white?
(There are no sufficient answers to these rhetorical questions. Once again: please do not waste time trying to give me any.)
And what evidence are Gay Dean people using for comphet or performative Dean? The “evidence” is often a misread of canon, pointing towards the consistent theme and false goal presented in the text of the show of characters’ efforts to strive for an “apple pie life,” aka a heteronormative ideal family. Gay Dean people misrepresent what this theme and through-line in the show is actually about, which is the totality of learning to accept your life rather than striving for something ill-fitting, that what you need and want need not be mutually exclusive (family life including fulfilling romance + hunting life can coexist), family is what you make of it and how you define it, and there are no true limitations on what all of this “should” be. While these themes are inherently queer, they are not about narrow performances of masculinity, femininity, or sexual identity, but about making space for ALL forms of all of the above–AND about identifying what it is that one wants and thinks they can’t have.
Namely, for Dean, that’s a version of settling down in a life that fulfills him in every direction, with an open and honest mutual relationship with the person he is in love with. This latter point would be true whether Cas was a man or a woman (though the fact that he is a man of course adds further dimension of interest to the story). Dean doesn’t think he can have a romantic relationship / family that lasts, and by later seasons that yearning is a key part of his character. The times it didn’t work out for him weren’t because those other people were women, but rather because the “lesson” he internalized from traumatic instances of loss is that hunters don’t get to do ~the love thing~ or get the settled down life. This is stated in the text of the show multiple times, and that’s also why Dean seeing examples of hunters who made any kind of balanced life work (especially masculine queer hunters like Jesse and Cesar) is pointed and purposeful. To say it’s about comphet instead (with no sufficient canon evidence that supports that) disregards a key point that’s central to Supernatural’s story, and in my opinion it disregards it to its detriment.
For Dean’s journey in particular, it is about freedom from limitations of structure, and knowing that he contains multitudes. The things he got from John–loving classic rock and loving his car, for example–are no less core joyful parts of Dean simply because they originated from his father. Dean can love classic rock and still occasionally love a Taylor Swift song, for example. He can love cowboy movies and manly movies, and also enjoy chick-flicks. It’s the idea of learning that there are no limitations, not that masculine interests are not inherently something he loves for himself or that aren’t important parts of his identity. It’s an expansion to openly include more, not a switch or a narrowing. The same applies to his sexual attraction and his queer identity. He can be attracted to cowboys and bikers, and also be attracted to gorgeous women. Him being attracted to / loving women does not mean he cannot and does not feel attraction and love for men; likewise, him being in love with a man does not mean he wasn’t and isn’t attracted to women. 
(“Last Call,” as an episode, exists in part to drive the totality of these points home, and emphasize that Dean’s attraction to men is something he’s known about himself for most of his life and acted on previously. So is most of the queercoding and queer subtext applied to Dean–which is specifically coding him as bisexual. His attraction to men is sometimes established or made clear because it echoes his attraction to women, etc. etc. Dean’s canonical attraction to men is a whole other post.)
So here we come to why saying otherwise and trying to shoehorn a comphet narrative onto Dean in canon is harmful:
Aside from the fact that to claim Dean’s joyful attraction to women is performative is to cut out chunks of the story and is thus not supported by canon, and it relies on making assumptions about and projecting onto the text… unintentionally or not, the implication is that bisexuality is not queer enough, or that being gay is somehow “queerer” and thus more compelling and a preferred concept, and that attraction to different genders is a heterosexual / straight trait requiring removal. No one is queering a text in a more revolutionary way or unlocking a ~secret good Supernatural~ by making a bisexual man into a gay man. That’s simply not how this works.
“Preferring” an argument for Gay Dean in canon requires explaining away or misreading all of those moments Dean has with women, essentially replacing them with trauma or suffering or discomfort that–in my observations–also sometimes rely on stereotypes of gay men. It also involves potentially preferring to twist them into behaviors Dean must have universally put himself through not out of genuine joyful desire but at minimum because he felt like he “should” or at maximum in an attempt to “fix” his “gayness,” even when no one was watching. And it points to the pressures Dean experienced about living a life that fit him fully–pressures that exist not just in his world, but also in our patriarchal world and society–and it implies that queer people can’t authentically experience attraction or love to someone of a different gender, because maybe they’re actually just “performing” the heteronormative ideal. As in: a “visually queer” relationship is the end goal, right? For Dean, that’s an m/m relationship... so surely m/f matters less, or maybe it can’t be a genuine and significant part of a queer person’s life.
Once again: I do not think any of this is intentional on the part of Gay Dean truthers, nor do I think it’s done with malice. Nonetheless, these harmful biphobic viewpoints permeate these conversations and misconceptions when people say these arguments are valid.
There is no canonical basis for explaining away all of Dean’s moments with women, and the story does not provide or point to any kind of cohesive narrative reason to do so. YES, people absolutely experience comphet in real life, and those experiences are valid and exist. YES, real gay men can and do sleep with or have nuanced romantic relationships with women before realizing they’re gay later in life. No, that does not mean that’s how analysis of a fictional character in a fictional story always works, especially in regards to a story built over time like Supernatural’s unique approach and the way it was molded to place queerness and specifically bisexuality at the core of Dean’s story.
Ascribing comphet to Dean in canon–or making any other insufficient justification for explaining away his attraction to women–is personal projection. And yes, it is bisexual erasure.
This is not a position fueled by personal hurt for me, as I would say the same here whether or not I was personally bisexual. It is an acknowledgement that these conversations don’t exist in a vacuum, and that’s something everyone should care to understand. I know what comphet storylines look like in fiction, and I know they are worth defining as such, and in other fandoms I even defend that very loudly. This is not the case here, and to say it is requires mental acrobatics that are objectively unsupported by canon... and invariably insisting otherwise perpetuates one of these harmful biphobic viewpoints whether or not one realizes it.
To say Gay Dean is a legitimate read of canon–which it is not–supports people who are erasing his varied sexual and romantic attraction to a different gender simply because they’ve decided they want to ignore that. “I like the idea of Dean being gay” does not mean that he is gay in canon, and writing meta to that end is a problem. It’s not an invalidation of someone on a personal level or some weird variation of homophobia to say that, and I do think people should maybe examine why they seemingly like the idea of him being gay more than him being bi, or why they staunchly defend it (or any other “different queer reading”) as a possibility. 
I understand there may be the urge to be like “is it that serious” or “this is just a CW show,” but to that I would say… then why are we all here?
Clearly, most people do still care about queer representation on some level and understand that queer subtext is present and acknowledge that Dean isn’t straight... hence the origin of this new prevalent concept of “as long as you say Dean’s queer then it’s fine.”
But in any piece of media, the text is the text is the text. The text can also be compelling, and fascinating, and contain value whether or not it’s an exact reflection of you personally as a fan and as a person. Sometimes there is arguably even greater value in being able to find reasons to relate to the humanity of a character or in a story even though elements differ from who you are personally. It is an exercise in empathy, and it is a pillar of why humans tells stories to each other to expand our viewpoints, and it sometimes results in examining the sources of that empathy. It’s why “representation matters”: not just so we can see ourselves, but so we can see others, and find reason to empathize despite differences. There’s unquantifiable power in that, and it’s also why the diversity of queer experiences and identities should be championed and acknowledged both in fiction and in reality, not turned into a monolith. Our solidarity amongst our individual queer differences and identities is our truest version of strength and authenticity. We are not all exactly the same, and that’s a good thing. When care is taken to specifically convey that in fiction, it is worth not only acknowledgement but also defense.
So: do we or do we not care about why representation is important, and why these sorts of conversations should exist at all? About censorship of queer storylines, and diversity in the queer community, and solidarity in differences? About bisexual men, a vastly underrepresented group in fiction, and the specific censorship that affected Dean’s bi story accordingly? And about how these viewpoints people can place onto fiction through fandom-wide conversation–like implying Dean is ~queerer~ if you say he’s gay, or that you’re somehow sticking it to the CW and “straight culture” if you suggest he’s gay–can influence biphobia that translates into ways people see bi people in real life?
In other situations even in this fandom, people understand the value of diverse queer experiences. No one would dare to say that “you can argue Charlie is bisexual in canon because as long as you say she’s queer it’s fine.” Charlie is a lesbian. It’s very, very clear, and she shows and states that she is only attracted to women. Dean’s attraction to women in canon is equally clear, and is part of his bisexuality. Why is erasing that defendable?
Look: it is people’s God-given right to write whatever fic they want about “what if” variations of Dean’s sexuality through a different lens. It is not their God-given right to make things up about canon and call it analysis.
It is a universal truth that fandom is always going to take canon and mold it into other versions that they love, for their own personal reasons and in ways that have value to them. That’s why transformative works like fic exist, and it’s why fandom is awesome, and I’m glad people use aspects of their favorite stories to tell other inspired stories that are of personal significance to them. But the word transformative is used for a reason: it’s an alteration of canon. It’s not a bad thing or a personal attack on people to say that.
There is a difference between understanding canon and writing actual meta / analysis of the show, and writing AUs for ones own enjoyment and fulfillment. (This is true on AO3 or on Tumblr/Twitter. I often see posts that are positioned as “meta,” but again, are just cherry-picked weirdness.) These differences are important, as is understanding how headcanons and fic affect surrounding conversations and fandom perceptions. And this fandom seems to have a very big problem with understanding the difference between these things, while taking it extremely personally in a negative way when people try to explain why the difference matters.
Confusing analysis and transformative fandom does a disservice to both, and denying the value in the former is not only a form of anti-intellectualism but also removes some of the beauty in the latter. If we can’t distinguish and differentiate between canon and headcanon, we can’t discuss the value in understanding the canon, nor adequately discuss the artistic value and power in creating derivative variations from it in personal ways. Both are different, both are equal, both are vital, and insisting the distinction is needless hampers conversation across every space. And nowhere is that more true than when one is discussing queer representation and queer censorship, like in the case of Supernatural. Again, why are we here? Why do we care? You cannot argue for and discuss the problems of censorship sufficiently if you don’t understand what was censored–and in Dean’s case, that was his love for Cas and his bisexuality.
I leave you with this (probably unneeded) analogy:
Imagine Dean’s a zebra.
(Sorry, EDS community; not that kind of zebra.)
People are trying to say “Dean is a black and white hoofed mammal <3″ and well, that’s accurate, but that doesn’t mean him being a zebra isn’t its own unique thing. A whole bunch of people are looking at him though and saying “well I prefer to say that Dean’s a black and white horse,” because they like that viewpoint better. Close enough, right? A black and white horse is basically a zebra, right? And then there’s the people who are like “I think Dean’s a cow!” and it’s like, okay, no idea where you came from, but whatever.
The point is that those are all entirely different fucking things. They’re different animals. Someone wanting Dean to be a black and white horse doesn’t make him less of a zebra. Pretending otherwise is absolute nonsense.
This debate/discussion/discourse is equally nonsensical. That is the logic (or illogic) that applies here.
Just because Dean is “queer” doesn’t mean any queer categorization underneath that umbrella suddenly equally applies.
Dean is bisexual. And he is “queer” because he’s bisexual.
Those are the facts. 
And for the love of God, please... I really don’t think I’m an asshole for saying it.
So, to whoever made it this far: please do me the courtesy of not hating me for it or trying to bait me into a fight. 
I’m tired. Thanks.
EDIT: Couple of good additions!
•  @doctorprofessorsong added some good details about how some of these harmful biphobic concepts translate to real life, and real things that bi people struggle with.
• A lesbian anonymously sent in her perspective as someone who enjoys gay Dean headcanons/fic and agrees with this post, and agrees that the fact that Dean is bi in canon is important.
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savebylou · 10 days
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sreegs · 8 months
I reblogged it earlier but I'm glad the Something Awful Forums 9/11 thread was archived because it's an incredibly important slice of internet history. For the record I think 9/11 was thousands of personal tragedies for the direct victims of the attacks but one big national farce that led to America's ongoing slide into fascism, and the nationalism and remembrance around it is a joke especially in the wake of the same amount of deaths every fucking day in the US during the height of coronavirus.
Nevertheless I think it's important that if you do not remember because you were too young or just didn't exist on Sept 11, 2001 to read the Something Awful 9/11 forums to get an idea of what the internet was like at the moment when America changed to 24 hour news cycles and renewed hyper-nationalism not seen since WWII.
This all happened before Twitter, Facebook, before Discord. Before smart phones. Before most people had cell phones. When a lot of people still had dial-up internet, even. Some people in the thread were relying on radio because internet and TV weren't keeping up.
It was a live event of internet denizens reacting to the biggest national event (and among the biggest international events) of the past 25 years. It was also a slice of what the internet was like at the turn of the millennium. Not only that, but people accurately calling out who was responsible, and what would result before the attacks even finished.
Keep in mind that the links that follow contain images of the event, lots of Islamophobia, people calling for the Middle East to be nuked, people blaming Palestine, casual racist and homophobic language (this was Something Awful after all), etc etc. They preserved the first 17 pages which spanned about 24 hours during the events. It's the origin of the "WATCH BUSH START A FUCKING WAR" screenshot.
Links under the fold. I've also annotated the pages with notes regarding the timeline and any posts of interest. Note the thread was preserved in Pacific Time even though the page says times are Eastern. That's incorrect. Post timestamps are 3 hours behind Eastern Time, which is the time zone where the attacks occurred:
Page 1 - Note the first post was edited to include images of the second attack. The thread started after the first plane hit. Second plane hitting the WTC happens here too.
Page 2 - Poster accurately calling out Bin Laden was responsible at 9:14 AM EST
Page 4
Page 5 - First official acknowledgement it was a terrorist attack.
Page 6 - Pentagon hit
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9 - Commercial flights grounded by FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
Page 10 - First mention of towers collapsing at end of page
Page 11 - More reactions to collapse of first tower. People thinking it was a bomb or yet another plane. Rumors about a fourth plane just missing the White House (these are false and predate the actual 4th plane crash by minutes)
Page 12
Page 13 - By this point there's just rampant speculation about more bombs at the WTC, the US Capitol building being hit, etc (all false). Remember this is all just people reacting to TV news and radio and the rumor mill via phone, AIM, IRC, and maybe text messages.
Page 14 - By this point internet news sites are overwhelmed
Page 15 - Second tower collapses. First acknowledgement of the fourth plane that crashed in PA.
Page 16 - There's an abrupt time jump in the threads, I think it was the result of admins pruning the activity or the SA forums going down. This page starts on 9/12 even though it is page 16. American flag signatures and ribbons start appearing.
Page 17
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whyislenaluthorsohot · 10 months
I didn't know about KOSA until today so I'm trying to help spread the word too
KOSA stands for Kids Online Safety Act and by wording of the bill would give state attorney generals the power to sue and ban websites that have content that is "harmful and explicit" which is stated in the bill. Sites that would be attacked would be Twitter, A03, Tumblr, Tiktok, and many more and the people that made this bill and are pushing for it have clearly come out to say that they will be using this to ban trans and LGBTQ+ content. They are pushing it as protecting kids online and helping to prevent eating disorders but in reality, it is to censor people and continue the attack on trans and queer people and children. The sponsors of this bill are publically homophobic and transphobic and these same people and offices are also co-sponsoring the Restrict Act.
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If any site has any type of content that contains queer themes, state attorney generals will have the power to take them down.
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Over 100 LGBTQ+ and human organizations expressed concern over this bill that was originally brought up last year and they have repeatedly said that their concerns have not been addressed. They are being actively ignored by the offices that are writing this bill.
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This person on Tiktok explains it all very well
And this is her link tree for petitions and to explain
This is a very important topic and is not getting enough attention. This bill threatens LGBTQ+ and trans children and Republican offices are ignoring organizations that say it's a bad bill. We are on a very slippery slope regarding LGBTQ+ issues
If you can, please reblog. We need to spread the word about this bill
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triviallytrue · 1 year
Were there Russian Chaos Agents on tumblr in 2016?
First things first:
Things I got wrong in earlier posts on this:
@ms-disinformation didn't identify these accounts ahead of time, this blog started posting in 2019 and is focused on accounts that are likely to be bot-run
Relatedly, the accounts accused of being Russian state actors were accused of being trolls, not bots - they were almost undoubtedly human-run
Tumblr didn't announce the mass ban of these accounts until several months after they did it - they banned the accounts in fall of 2017 and announced them in March 2018.
What actually happened?
The Internet Research Agency is a Russian company accused of creating fake social media accounts to attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election in favor of Donald Trump. On March 23, 2018, tumblr posted a list of accounts they claimed were linked to the IRA that they had terminated the previous fall. On November 16, 2018, they posted a second list of accounts given to them by law enforcement of other IRA-related accounts (unrelated to any election interference) that were also terminated.
How did tumblr identify these accounts?
tumblr has been extremely vague about the methodology used to find these accounts, but we do have another source: the Buzzfeed News journalist who wrote about the termination of these accounts back on February 6, 2018 (over a month before tumblr's post) identified them by cross-referencing tumblr accounts with twitter's list of IRA-affiliated accounts, finding similar or identical usernames and profile pictures.
Unfortunately, this only kicks the can further down the road - how did twitter identify these accounts? These sites don't want to reveal their methods, but this study offers some insights into the behavior of these accounts and possible tools used to identify them.
Why should we believe tumblr's narrative?
There are a lot of reasons I'm convinced that tumblr is being honest with us about this, the simplest of which is that they don't have a good reason to lie about this. tumblr nukes accounts all the time without disclosing its reasons - if they wanted to get rid of an arbitrary list of accounts they dislike, they could do that and none of us would know. They deleted these accounts months before posting any explanation at all, and the only backlash they received was in articles like the Buzzfeed News article above slamming them for not talking about the Russian troll problem, instead of accusing them of terminating activists.
It's also not like this is some tactic that tumblr has employed frequently - the list of IRA-affiliated accounts has been untouched since 2018. This was a once-off, not part of any organized strategy to suppress certain types of posters.
Moreover, tumblr users with similar post content were left untouched, including many that reblogged heavily from the IRA accounts - the Buzzfeed News article identifies one such blog (alwaysbewoke) who posted more or less the same type of antiracist, pro-Sanders activism (albeit without the eventual support for Trump) who wasn't deactivated.
It's also worth noting that the IRA is a real company and not a US boogeyman (even if some subsection of liberals use the phrase "Russian bot" as such) - recently, the leader of the Wagner group came forward and confirmed that he founded it and still finances and runs it, and he's relatively direct about the fact that it was used to interfere in US elections:
“Gentlemen, we interfered, we interfere and we will interfere,” Prigozhin said in November, one day before the US midterm elections.
Finally, and most convincingly in my opinion, no one behind any of the over a hundred accounts on the tumblr IRA list or the thousands on the twitter one have come forward in the past six years to claim that they were wrongfully associated with the IRA and banned as a result.
Isn't that fascinating? Can you imagine what a story it would be, if social media sites were not only terminating activists but lying about why they were doing it? Do you think that not a single one of these hundreds of alleged activists thought of calling a sympathetic journalist, showing them their US driver's license, and asking them to a run a story? What about messaging their old mutuals, or making a new account, or finding a federated platform that won't delete them on sight? I can't find a shred of evidence that any of this ever happened, and that's pretty telling.
The funny part is, there's no real evidence that these accounts ever achieved anything, and indeed, reasons to doubt that they did. They operated in preexisting echo chambers and circulated mostly true stories with a specific slant to them, with the occasional dash of outright lies. Certainly, it's hard to argue that they were less reliable or more biased than your average Fox News article. But arguing that they weren't Russian propaganda seems pretty difficult.
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emypony · 6 months
Since it was a bit overdue
Hi hello honkaiblr, this post is to let you know to NOT reblog any posts from @catasblog2005 as they are known to repost art from Twitter without credit or permission from the artist themselves. There have been multiple attempts from people in the Tumblr community to kindly ask them to credit at least (with links posted) as well as sending a direct Tumblr DM letting them know what they are doing isn't right.
Since they don't seem to be getting the message and continue posting without any care for stealing art I believe it's best that we don't interact at all with them. (This also means DO NOT GO AND HARASS THEM OR SEND HATEFUL DMS.)
They are also stealing art from artists in other fandoms like Star Rail, Inuyasha, Bleach, Wolf's Rain, Wednesday, Bungou Stray dogs and a few others (I didn't bother putting them all down, you get the gist)
Just block them and try to be on the lookout from who you reblog art with.
Thank you.
Proof below the read more:
Observe the dates on the following post
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And the OG from zaraku
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Proof 1 of asking kindly about the pic and even offering the link of the OG artwork
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Proof 2 of asking and offering the direct link as well as the dates on the following:
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And the OG piece
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Anyway. Yeah 💀 bro come on
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twstjam · 6 months
Hey Twsties, wanna do a charity drive?
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I want to but I've never done anything like this before ever, so I'm going to need some help first before we get started so I'm looking for co-mods to help me organise and plan things!!
Um, but what will this be FOR?
It's gonna be for the people of Palestine!! They've been suffering under relentless bombing from Israel and I didn't want to just sit by and do nothing. This event will only be on a small scale though as it will only be fandom-wide, but every bit of help counts!!!
I don't want to be a mod, but I want to help!
You'll have plenty of opportunities later when we open up applications for artists and writers to contribute charity art and fics and by, of course, donating! You can also help by reblogging this post and spreading it around for people who might be interested in helping!!
Wait, what's going on in Palestine exactly?
Here are some links that you can refer to if you're uninformed! Educate yourself and spread the word! Just doing that helps a ton!
A collection of resources about Palestine
Infographic explaining the settler colonialism and ethnic cleansing going on in Palestine.
Oh look, here's another!
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! I DID have a more wordy version of this post, but the longer it got the more insecure I got so I'll just edit this one if important questions come up.
There's also a version of this on twitter!!
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matan4il · 6 months
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One correction: It's not GAP (what can you do with automatic translation), it's PIJ, which stands for Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a terrorist organization in Gaza, much smaller than Hamas, but also considered much more extremist.
Three points to take into account:
Even if you believe there's no humane sentiment among Israelis, Israel striking a hospital would be such a PR nightmare, that it really doesn't have any interest to do it.
The number of people killed being reported is unlike anything you've heard from any Israeli airstrike, and there's a reason for it. Hamas knows that hospitals are "protected," that Israel wouldn't strike there, so where do you think Hamas hides its headquarters and its ammunition storage? So once a PIJ rocket launched at Israel, ended up accidentally falling inside the Gaza strip, there's a good chance it hit the munition stored by Hamas in the hospital, causing a much bigger explosion than a few rockets can create on their own, and accounting for the number of dead.
In the past, when Israel did make a mistake and accidentally hit a large number of civilians, it did take responsibility for it. It took Israel quite a while (two hours) to respond to the claims that it was an Israeli strike precisely because IT TAKES TIME to make sure that there hadn't been any accidental strikes at the hospital. It doesn't take time to lie and throw the blame at someone else.
I prefer focusing on what is happening inside Israel, because those are voices that are barely shared online, but I know that Hamas didn't wait to actually find out what happened before blaming Israel, and that hatred for Israel is already being spread on and offline, so... I'm putting this out there.
Update: Here's a vid from Al Jazeera, they were filming Gaza, so they inadvertently filmed the PIJ rocket launched from Gaza, failing mid air, and then falling back down in Gaza, causing the explosion.
Update 2: Thanks to a reblog, I can add a link to even more images showing it was a failed launching within Gaza, with several different sources coming to the same conclusion.
Also, to the nonnie who asked me for a third, neutral party as a source... Al Jazeera is not neutral, it's firmly anti-Israel. They have a live stream of Gaza with clear timestamps. This is even better than a neutral source, because this is a channel with motivation to lie and vilify Israel, yet their footage ended up showing the opposite.
Update 3: There is now a picture from where the hospital took a hit. It seems that it was the parking lot.
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If you click on the pic, it will take you to the Twitter thread, where people are doubting that this was the scene of 500 people dying. I don't know if it was or wasn't, but all casualty numbers coming out of Gaza? They're released by their Health Ministry, which is a part of Gaza's government. And that government is, all of it, Hamas. The same organization that massacred over 1,400 civilians in Israel.
The source is a Hamas-affiliated "news" account on Twitter.
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There's now a video from inside the hospital's chapel, showing it mostly intact (other than the glass windows).
There's also a recording of two Hamas terrorists talking about the strike, where they themselves confirm that it was a rocket misfired by the PIJ. I can't embed another vid in this post, but I linked to the recording with English subtitles.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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stars-and-bards · 4 months
We might go homeless and we need help. PLEASE boost, reblog and share. I only have until the end of January.
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(A lot of the following is copy-pasted from my twitter since I'm very tired) We got an eviction notice on our apartment building that we all have to move out by the end of this January. The owner had sold off the building and they didn't reach out to us about it, any ways of contacting them is pointless as they're not reading anything I sent. This is already fucking terrible because we already have barely anything to feed ourselves to begin with, + the fact we have to go back to college and school and stuff. So not only do we have to worry about how to move out but also how to feed ourselves.
My mother is also struggling terribly, she's still very sick and any salary she's getting is being deducted to pay off previous debts. And I'm very worried about how this stress will affect her health this month. So I'm asking for your help. Any help. Donations or placing a comm to support us would mean the world to us right now.
Full transparency about commission work - please understand it will take a while to complete because we have college to attend to. as well as the fact that the constant worry of hunger and homelessness eating at my mind, terribly affecting our mental health. I am aware of my current backlogs and I am doing my best to complete them, despite this situation and all.Thank you for reading through this post, for reading through this and any support that is given. I am just so fucking tired of it all.
https://starsandbards.carrd.co/ - carrd with commission info/pricing
We will also have adoptables put up soon, placing a commission or donating helps a lot right now. Thank you. Kofi link to donate or commission us. You can also contact us by @StarsAndBards on Twitter or Discord to talk about commissions or donations. We also have paypal and stripe as payment options.
Following are examples of our commission work:
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Please reblog if you are unable to support us financially or place a commission, I need any kind of help possible. Please.
Thank you for reading through this post. - StarsAndBards
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smlgbtqweek · 1 month
SM LGBTQ+ Week 2024!
The third annual Sailor Moon LGBTQ+ Week takes place the week of June 16-22, 2024 (during Pride Month).
You may post your works on Tumblr, AO3, Deviantart, or anywhere you choose so as long as you link them in your Tumblr posts if they are off-site. All ratings are allowed, so long as NSFW work is properly tagged. You can add your AO3 works on our designated category for the event here: smlgbtqweek2024. We also have a Twitter for the event you can tag and we will retweet your works there too!
Submissions should have an LGBTQ+ character, ship or topic at their core along with the daily theme. It doesn't have to focus on or even include a ship, given this week also celebrates asexuality and trans identities! M/F pairings are allowed as long as one of the characters is LGBTQ+ and the work references their queerness. Bi/Pan people in m/f relationships are still queer and valid. This also applies to trans people in m/f relationships. Basically, as long as you're writing/ drawing/creating something featuring LGBTQ+ character(s), you're golden.
Don’t forget to tag us at @smlgbtqweek and use the hashtag #smlgbtqweek24 so we can reblog your work! **If you post something and don't see it reblogged, it's probably because we overlooked it or Tumblr didn't show it to us. Contact us and we will fix that right away!**
The prompt list is as follows:
Sunday, June 16, Day 1- Home/Travel
Monday, June 17, Day 2- Wine/Candy
Tuesday, June 18, Day 3- Heart/Edge
Wednesday, June 19, Day 4- Twist/Tangle
Thursday, June 20, Day 5- Fashion/Pattern
Friday, June 21, Day 6- Mountain/Tree
Saturday, June 22, Day 7- Free
Here's a handy graphic version, too!
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We know the prompt list is exciting, but please wait to post your entries until the actual day assigned in the prompt!
Have fun!
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nanjokei · 11 months
further guidance for newcomers coming from reddit
hi arriving redditors. here are some things i don't see most posts mention. this is for people who conquered the baby steps of joining the site. i think they're pretty important! also me clarifying on some stuff i've seen people word very vaguely consistently in their guides
under the cut because it's a chunky set of bullet points! with a few that also discuss how to keep yourself in a safe and fun browsing environment for yourself and others (mostly quality of life)
if you have any questions either send me an ask (anonymously is ok too) or reply to the post
you can enable a custom theme that shows on the web in your blog settings, if you so wish (blog settings > visibility) and then (custom theme toggle to on) this is the classic tumblr experience, but it's ok to want to hide your blog from the public. however you won't be able to link stuff on your blog to people without tumblr accounts
you can find custom tumblr themes by searching resource blogs like theme hunter or just in the tags in general (like "tumblr theme" or just "theme" and see where the other tags you may find to refine your search takes you)
tumblr is currently trying to enact changes to appeal to "new users" that make the website less friendly to its current inhabitants, such as fucking with quality of life and muscle memory and even stuff integral to the culture of the site. if you see people complaining, i highly advise against going "this sounds kind of nothingburger" and assisting in sending tickets to support the drive against such changes
there is a 250 post per day limit. you probably won't hit it though.. maybe? but people used to make post limit blogs (seperate email) for that. but that is for heavy usage users.
you can make as many sideblogs as you want. you are free to divulge whether or not it's you. of course use common sense to gauge whether or not it matters. but side blogs can be anything: maybe you want to categorize things, maybe you wanna make one into a huge fan page/blog for a specific hobby/celeb/show/game/etc, maybe a quieter space, maybe posts you feel don't belong on your blog, maybe even a blog where you reblog resources to exclusively. the possibilities are endless! (maybe not for porn, it's a little harder to skirt by these days even with muh community labels)
a lot of posts are incredibly vague about whether or not you can leave comments on reblogs. i think it truly depends. for example, if it's praise for artwork, i feel like it is truly best left in the tags. the artist can see it still! it shows up in their notifs when you reblog. in comparison, when it comes to funny text posts and pictures, you can comment as you like, but consider TPO (time place occasion). it helps to check the notes (comments only filter) to see if the quip or comment you wanna make has already been made or if OP made further comments later. again, it's a call to use your judgement and everyone has a different tolerance for this kind of thing
i see many people or perhaps most came from LGBTQ+ centric subreddits so i am surprised i'm not seeing this mentioned often: there are unfortunately a lot of terfs here. please stay safe. install shinigami eyes and engage in blocking sprees whenever possible.
in account settings, not blog settings, there is a section called "content you see". it has filtered tags and filtered post content. the difference is filtered tags is specifically for tags, for example, if you want to hide a certain show you don't like, you can have the site apply a peek-a-boo filter on it (this content contains #TAG, as in click to view). you ask, what if the person on my dash doesn't tag it as that? that's fine! it also takes into account the original poster's tags. the OP didn't tag it? then filtered post content might help. MIGHT. it's pretty helpful and unlike twitter's mute list, as far as my experience, it is not broken. for example, if you write [SHOW NAME THAT YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE] in plain letters (with aliases as seperate entries just to be safe) it will filter any post that has the words in the body of the post. pretty useful! use this to curate your dash further or even filter out triggers.
speaking of tags. a lot of people are also vague about this. i'll say it clearly. you can add whatever tags you want to a reblog. there's no limit (aside from character lim per tag)! there's no social faux pas, unless you're being backhanded at someone's creative work, like reblogging just to dunk on it or going "i like the art but not the character" etc. when it comes to your own posts, try to avoid tagging irrelevant tags (for example, if you're making a lot of posts that are tangentially about cardcaptor sakura, think about if it belongs in the tag or not. think of it as whether or not it deserves an OC flair on reddit). again, people's tolerance differs, but especially on older media and slow tags people do not appreciate random tangential text posts (for example "i wanna watch ccs!" and nothing else)
in terms of culture, tumblr has a weird balance between "you can ask for context" and "lurk for 10,000 moar years". i would not know myself. i've been here for 12+ years *shrug* you'll have to gauge it for yourself. most things you can google "[tumblr user] callout" and figure out from there LOL (yes that's usually what happens). i DO encourage trying to garner it from context, especially for terms.
due to the looser moderation(?) on here, LGBTQ+ and other minorities use their own discretion reclaim slurs freely. join in, or put the slurs in your filters. it's fine not to join in as that's your personal comfort, but this is a heads up that the culture is like this since i'm not sure how the moderation is in places like r/196 are. (sorry i used reddit for entirely different things ><)
DO NOT TAG D0NATION POSTS WITH #D0NATION OR ANY OTHER VARIATION. this is SO important. it's best not to tag donation posts AT ALL. tumblr internally flags them and suppresses the post. just reblog silently (d0nate if you can) and move on (censoring just in case lol)
search is useless for finding specific posts. give up before you even try. your best bets are google, asking for help on the dashboard, or just hoping it shows up on your dashboard one day (it probs will, maybe not immediately when you need it though)
i called old tags "slow" but not dead earlier: tags Do Not Die (though some just kind of randomly get wiped or lose posts, idk, it is some post-2018 indexing weirdness) so you can find fanart and posts from 2012 and it's ok to reblog! the essence of tumblr is the continued circulation of people's creations
please do not repost screenshots of tumblr posts unless they are no longer accessible (reblogs locked for example) 😭 i am seeing this happen already. this is the one thing from reddit you're gonna have to let go of. twitter and other place screenshots are OK (probably, some people don't like them). but don't let your page look like one of those r/(etc) post aggregate bots on twitter is what i'm saying. once you explore a tag enough times you'll know what is usually appropriate to post (usually derivative meme templates are OK, but don't overdo it (tho this just falls under "dont spam") (also this is MY personal preference, so if the climate of the tag houses a lot of memes, go ahead!)
in general reposting content that isn't your's is kinda eh. especially reposting people's art without explicit permission. there are art reposters who in the modern day usually ask for permission, of course there are internet spelunkers who repost content from old web and dead sites. there's a lot of nuance, but i highly discourage reposting things you didn't make yourself unless it's stuff like official art and whatnot. photography and other stuff from other people, use your judgement. and as an aside i know "stolen memes" are r/196 and other meme subreddit cultures but it's not exactly appreciated here and i feel like if the reposting gets out of hand tumblr users might get real tired of it. the humor isn't really the same here in that sense, i suggest posting them in a sideblog that archives such things so they aren't lost and/or keeping them in your community tags. ofc no one can stop you!! but the whole highly derivative fried meme thing is very reddit. the culture could not be more different even if we are similar in many ways. i mean this in the nicest way possible >_< if you're not sure, DON'T REPOST.
this is just advice from me, but when liveblogging a show, it's nice to tag it with a unique tag, such as #[your name/nick] plays [game]. i find it's ok to tag series name to some posts that are more substantial, people are happy to see others enjoy what they love, but using a unique tag also helps people track YOUR liveblog since they may save the tag to look at :)
put your age or whether or not you're an adult somewhere where people can see, (and your pronouns too or lackthereof). whether or not if it's on your bio, or an about page, or a carrd. please. it's a matter of curation and safety. some people don't wanna follow minors by accident and vice versa, just as a means to curate their space
people write alt text and image descriptions in the post bodies pretty often. yes it's built into tumblr, but either some people forget or the feature... refuses to work that time. yes it's BROKEN. if you feel like you can contribute alt text for an image in an adequate fashion, go ahead!
try not to reblog people's personal posts. asking people never hurts!
you can restrict non-followers from replying to your posts, or turn off replies all together. as far as i know it's not possible for seperate posts unfortunately, just a blog-wide toggle. when replying to someone specifically, be sure to @ them so they can see it!
for a long time, only the first 5 tags you used in an original post mattered. a lot of people still repeat this, but in my experience this seems to have... changed?? i can't say for sure, but my posts appear in tags beyond the first five. just to be sure, tag the most relevant things first! (or not, if you have your own strategy LOL)
you're free to not tag trigger warnings (it's nice to do it for others tho especially if they ask) but please tag flashing images as such. #epilepsy warning, #flashing, #flashing image, #flashing, etc.
REPORT BOT BLOGS. it blocks them for you anyway. just blocking doesn't do anything for anyone
you can add other people to a sideblog to make it a group blog. this is how blogs with mods work, or even collectives, it has a lot of uses in general so have fun with it! be wary it requires getting someone's email so be safe about that and try to do it with people you trust.
this is advice from me since i noticed after publishing this post that a lot of reddit users don't tag things. you don't have to btw!! but my advice that brightens up the website: if you reblog cool art, writing, music or photography (taken by OP) and you like it a lot, i highly recommend leaving compliments in the tags. we live in an age where creative creation is increasingly unappreciated and people are quiet silent— creators get no feedback therefore no encouragememt to keep creating. this is more like a personal plea, but like to reblog ratios have become DIRE. people are apathetic and scared to interact with people's creations even though on here they are actively ecouraged to. if you like art or fic etc i even more highly recommend you reblog it. likes don't do anything! reblogs = more eyes on it. let's support each other's creative endeavors 🩷
don't fall for the trap of trying to make tumblr into reddit, or trying to recreate the feeling of a subreddit. it's not gonna work. try to adapt. it's easier said than done but lol. rome wasn't built in a day. operate your blog like your own space rather than trying to recreate a hub. the tolerance for trying to change tumblr culture is super low and a lot of people who are much meaner than me will probably try to bully the idea into the ground. and people DO get mean. (like playground namecalling, but people have no reservations about it, so it's stuff that would probably get you banned on reddit)
if your post gets traction and the note notifications annoy you, deleting the original post will make the notifs stop coming. a lot of people reblog the post to keep it on their blog then delete the original to effectively "mute" the notifications permanently.
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bamsara · 1 year
So your watermark says to “not reblog”, and I’m new and in love with you and very afraid to offend and I’ve noticed a lot of artists have different desires for types of attention so like,,,to confirm, for you, you only want comments and likes right?
Nope, I think you might have gotten words mixed up. My watermark says not to repost, not 'not to reblog'
Rebloggin artist work is greatly appreciated and wonderful if you do. Reposting artwork is a no-go.
Reblogging = using the reblog feature to put that post/artwork on your blog while the post links back to og artists. If you're from twitter, its bascially the same as retweeting something, it remains the op's post but you share it, which artists love!
Reposting = taking the artwork/image and posting it as your own post, which essentially removes any link back to the og artist's page. This is a no-go.
Edit: Also, the 'Do Not Repost' watermark helps prevent art theft, and cases where people would repost artwork that isn't theres to profit off of it (think of tiktok pages that just repost artist's comics without consent and make money off of it, even if they give credit it's still not consent unless they specificlaly asked to do so. Some people, in my own expereince, also tend to lie and say that they had permission when they didn't. The watermark helps prevent this)
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arowrath · 3 months
how to install dashboard unfucker (for desktop)
hi i use desktop and i use the dashboard unfucker extension by dragongirlsnout and you should too because it's awesome. i don't know much about computers so it was intimidating to set up but ended up being really easy.
but first:
what is dashboard unfucker?
dashboard unfucker is an extention that makes being on tumblr bearable again.
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(ID: 2 screenshots of tumblr with urls/posts etc censored. the first is with the new layout, with labels on the left, the ad-free button, "check out these blogs," "explore all of tumblr," the radar, and no easy way to access your own blog. the second is with the extension enabled, the left hand side of the screen is empty, posts are wider, navigation icons are back at the top right, and the only thing on the right-hand side of the dash is the dashbaord unfucker and limit checker and tag replacer from xkit. end ID)
i got it for layout changes like these- the first is cramped and ugly and i feel like i'm on twitter. the second is warm and comfy and i can make my posts wider (i dont like all the empty space). (limit checker, tag replacer, and post color were done on xkit and palettes respectively, not unfucker, btw)
with the dashboard unfucker you can:
hide the following/blog subs/for you etc tabs
get rid of the changes/staff picks/etc carousel
hide recommended blogs and tags
add profile pics back to posts
hide the radar
hide the explore page
hide tumblr shop
hide user badges
highlight bots in ur activity feed
show who follows u in the activity feed
make posts wider/slimmer and move the dash posts position to the left/right
revert messages design (and make the messages box bigger)
revert activity feed to the old design
display vote counts on polls
show poll results without clicking (no more skewing polls or "see results"!!)
disable tumblr domains
add polls to reblogs
disable "post without tags?"
show ns.fw posts
and other things that i probably missed copying this from the settings!!
so how do you do it? it seems scary but it's easy actually. take my hand
(note: i did this on firefox and tested it on chrome, i'm not familiar with other browsers, also use firefox if at all possible fuck chrome)
how to install dashboard unfucker
step 1: install either tampermonkey, tampermonkey beta, greasemonkey, or violentmonkey (if you don't already have it)
note: im using tampermonkey as an example because it's what i use
step 2a: go to firefox extensions/chrome web store/your browser's equivalent
step 2b: look up "tampermonkey" and click "add to firefox/chrome/whatever" and confirm
step 2c: you're done! yayyy
step 2: click this link. look under "installation" where it says "Click on unfucker.user.js to install or update". and click that
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(ID: a screenshot of the tampermonkey install page, showing dashboard unfucker v5.7.8 installation information, the source code, and the install/cancel button. end ID)
(it should open in a new tab and look like this)
step 3: click install! (when i did this it didn't look like much happened and i got scared. dont get scared take my hand)
step 4: go to www.tumblr.com and to the right of the dash it'll have the dashboard unfucker label to the right!
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(ID: the default dash again, but with the dashboard unfucker title at the top right of the right-hand side of the dash. end ID)
step 5: click the little gear icon and all the options will pop up! u can fuck around with em to ur heart's content. i recommend exporting after ur done and saving it somewhere in case u have to uninstall/reinstall to troubleshoot or smth
you're done! now u can see the results of polls without clicking them and other such things
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(ID: a poll i have not voted on. it has 17 votes and 23h 56m remaining. the title is "poll :)" and the answers are "answer 1" "answer 2" and "see results". there are no percentage labels, but the amount each answer has is indicated by light blue bars in each result, as they would be if i had voted. end ID) note: i'm not sure how/if this aspect of the extension is indicated for screenreaders
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damnfandomproblems · 1 month
While the fandom problem below didn't say fiction out loud I still will talk about fiction, because this is a fandom blog (I know this is obvious, but still I wanted to write this so the one I respond to won't be able to confuse it with anything)
So to that person who reblogged Fandom Problem #4679 with pedophilia as some kind of gotcha:
You know the problem with your thought process is that a lot of like-minded people have used this to justify bullying, harrassment and doxxing. OVER FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. Can you find it icky? Of course! Do you have to like it? No! But you should know that these are fictional characters and harrassing people over things that aren't real is just fucking useless and disgusting.
In a fandom I am in, a lot of artists got harrassed on twitter, and one of them was because they made fanart of a ship that contains a 16 old guy and a 20 years old guy who fucking hate each other in canon. The artist got so many disgusting messages, that they tried to commit suicide. Luckily they could save their life, but the person, who initiated the hate mob didn't even feel much guilt, they just tried to blame it on the mob. And I really don't like the ship but still find this behaviour fucking yikes 💀 (If I see similar ships I just click away and ignore it)
AO3 volunteers also got CSEM in their emails because... fuck fictional content? It's fucking disturbing that the ones opposing against fictional dubious content are the ones searching and sending actual CSEM.
Also because of these stupid alligations now the terms "pedo" "racist" "transphobe" and their siblings got watered down so much that if I see someone being called a pedo, I firstly think that someone gets these accusations because of fiction. With this "pedo" accusations you make it makes even more possible for actual predators to hide. Because no one will take these seriously. Besides reporting fanart of actual fictional characters (like lolis) takes away time and resouces from child protection services like this ask had stated a little ago for #4646: https://www.tumblr.com/damnfandomproblems/743910540778291200/for-one-of-the-comments-doubting-that-this-happens?source=share
And yes, I know about Canada's loli = child porn bullshit before someone would point is out that as a counterpoint. Goverments can make bullshit laws, my country's goverment also tends to do stupid shit.
Response to previous problem and ask. Link to the ask mention in this response:
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
hey! hope this isn't weird but i wanted to know why you think artemis wasn't up to standards even in the original pjo series. you reblogged from me and so i had front row to your tags on the post about zeus jaja i've not seen people talk a lot about her and it got me interested as i'm a classics student!
- @zoebelladona 🌙
HELLO OH BOY okay so I have half a rant already about Artemis in terms of Rick and general aphobic tropes in the series. see: that open letter on twitter. i still need to transfer that to tumblr. fun fact: Rick replied to that post but deleted his reply at some point. probably because two replies after he replied to my post and word-of-god confirmed Reyna to be ace-coded he left social media for a bit.
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Fun times! Anyways.
The thing I dislike about Artemis as she's depicted in the series, besides her constantly appearing as a teenager and the aphobic tropes with that [see: open letter linked above] - which on some level is slightly more excusable than other examples given she's a goddess of young women, but given how he writes Athena, Hestia, and the Hunt instead leaves a bad taste in my mouth - and other similar aphobic tropes with her, is her whole weird anti-men thing (which is also, in itself, also an aphobic trope in this particular circumstance). I understand TTC was written in 2007 so that flavor of radical feminism that Artemis and the Hunt is clearly supposed to be was only just coming into major public awareness and the flaws in the ideology (and the inherent bigotry, particularly transphobia and racism that often comes with it) weren't as well recognized at the time. But in hindsight it leaves a really bad taste in my mouth for obvious reasons and is one of the things from the first series that severely aged poorly in my opinion, and I greatly dislike that in every subsequent retcon of the Hunt for other reasons Rick more or less retains that aspect.
Secondly... it doesn't make sense from a mythological standpoint? Because there are multiple examples of men being Hunters in Artemis' retinue. Even ignoring Orion, no matter how you go about shaking that stick (which for the record I really dislike how Rick retconned him in the series/wrote him in HoO), Hippolytus is a very notable example. Literally his big whole original shtick was he joined the Hunt because he didn't like romance and Aphrodite got so pissed about him not needing her (romance) that she killed him. And even when Aphrodite was trying to ruin his life he held on to his virtues and vow to Artemis (refusing advances even when his life was on the line). He is otherwise totally chill and devoted to Artemis. Some versions of his myth has Artemis have him resurrected after he dies (by Asclepius, which is why Asclepius is punished for reviving the dead). This also obviously doesn't address the major glaring logical flaw in Artemis hating all men which is... Apollo. Especially within the series he seems to be an exception for no reason, despite Artemis also very overtly having a "brothers are not an exception to the no-men rule." And from a modern queer standpoint, it obviously begs the question of stuff like gender identity within the Hunt and if you bring back the radfem stuff it gets real bad vibes real fast. Which also sucks when you particularly look at historical/mythological descriptions of Apollo and Artemis and how they very poignantly encompass defying gender roles and expectations particularly within their cultural contexts.
And every time Rick tries to retcon the Hunt, he somehow manages to make it kind of worse, particularly with the oath. I have a whole personal thing for how I think to best rectify all that nonsense in a way that isn't horrible and is related to some of Artemis' aspects in a more sensible way (buried somewhere in this monster of a post. Honestly i'd just recommend ctrl + f search "Hunters" on that post and it should be somewhere near the first ping there). In there I also go into some of my other thoughts for the general meh way the Hunt is written in the series, mostly being aphobic tropes and random death fodder.
So yeah. Basically, tl;dr: I am personally not a huge fan of how Artemis in the series is halfway to being a terf and chock-full of aphobic tropes. And I need Rick to stop retconning things into the ground.
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