#ron weasley mentioned
ronsharry · 2 months
lavmione headcanons
— their first kiss was impulsive
— harry was the first person lavender told she had a crush on hermione. ron was the first person hermione told
— lavender LOVES to braid hermione’s hair
— hermione fell first, lavender fell harder
— after the dom hermione had nightmares and lavender heard and helped her
— physical touch and acts of service is their love language
— lavender has little freckles on her nose and it’s one of hermiones favourite things about her
— lavender is one of the only people that can actually get hermione to put her book down
— lavender makes little heart bookmarks for her
— like ron, lavender isn’t scared to call out hermione about something. like her hatred for divination, if she needs a break, etc..
— they both get jealous very easily
— they officially got together in hbp after the whole ron fiasco and then broke up in dh bc of the war and etc. they got together two years after the war when hermione couldn’t stop thinking about her and showed up at her doorstep and then lived happily ever after<33
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bish-plz-haha · 1 year
A drarry drabble because I'm obsessed with Safe by All Time Low and I wrote this as a form of expression for myself.
Harry knocked on the door, not expecting an answer as it was about three in the morning. His heart beat rapidly in his chest. His breaths hitched in his throat as there was a click and the door swung open. The man's face went from annoyance to recognition to confusion.
"Potter?" Malfoy asked. There was no malice in his voice, no bite to his words. Just general confusion. "What are you doing here? Its three in the morning." He said.
Harry gave him a sheepish smile. "I know. But," he took a breath. "Come for a drive?" Draco's brow furrowed even further - if that was possible - as uncertainty flooded his steel blue eyes. "I couldnt sleep and was driving. I was passing by. I know it's stupid and its early in the morning, but I thought maybe you'd like to come with me." Harry told him.
Malfoy studied him, eyes narrowed for a moment, as he ran the thought over in his mind. Finally, he nodded before closing the door. Harry stood confused outside for a few minutes before the door reopened and the blond emerged wearing, surprisingly, a t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and some trainers. Harry gave him a gentle smile as they walked down to his car. Harry slid into the drivers seat as Draco claimed the passengers side.
The engine roared to life as Harry took off into the mostly empty streets of London. It wasnt so busy this time of night. The radio played softly, each note and word claiming the comfortable silence between them. Draco was tapping his finger against his leg to the beat of the soft music as Harry hummed along. Harry turned onto an exit, taking them away from the glorious city lights and into the country.
Draco just watched out the window, and Harry the road ahead. Neither really said anything. The high summer moon bright overhead, lighting the way. The fields of glowing wheat and corn alongside the roads as they got further and further from the overbearing city.
A song Harry sort of recognised played on the radio and Harry softly sang along. "So put the car in drive and dont stop running 'til you're long gone," he sang. Draco gave him a quick glance, a small smile curving his lips upwards, then went back to the window. Harry had known most of the song but not all of it, humming along to those unknown parts.
"Is that what you're doing?" Draco asked after a while.
An incredulous silence filled the space between them. The radio had even gone quiet like it couldnt quite comprehend what Draco had just asked. Harry, himself, really couldnt. He gave a pregnant pause, willing himself to process what the blond had just asked. "What do you mean?" He finally asked.
"Well, that song is about running away, going somewhere where no one knows your name. Away from a life that you dont want." Draco explained. "And it seems to me that you're running, even if you do go back." He shrugged like he just said the most casual thing in the world. "I wouldnt blame you, though." Draco added after, the silence almost consuming them.
Harry couldnt hear anything but his beating heart in his ears. He took a deep breath, and pulled over to the side of the road. They were in a small town about two hours outside of London now, and a small park sat to their left. Harry dropped his hands from the wheel and gear shift, quickly getting out of the car.
"Did-did I say something?" Draco questioned as he followed Harry out of the car and over to the swing set. Harry had always been fond of swings and even as a young adult in his mid twenties, that love has continued.
"I, er, I needed some air." Harry awkwardly played with his hands as Draco sat next to him on the other swing.
Draco chuckled but let silence blanket the air around them once again. He didnt speak for some time until Harry's breathing had calmed. "We had the windows down, there was plenty of air." He joked. Harry gave him a muddled look, something that reflected somewhere between happiness and disbelief. Draco just shook his head. "I wouldn't, ya know... Blame you, I mean. I've had thoughts of running away from it all myself. I'm not sure what's tethering me to this life, but I just cant seem to go." Draco let that settle between them before he added, "I've had my bags packed and everything." He exhaled a sigh as he looked up at the night sky, eyes tracing the constellations. Harry followed his gaze and looked up as well, a feeling of calm washing over him. He hadn't felt calm like this in a while. Not since he knew it was over. It was all over.
"This is calming." Harry muttered. Draco hummed. "Out here, in the middle of nowhere, I feel free. I feel safe, as crazy as that sounds." Harry muttered, looking forward at what was in front of them. The countryside village was small and remote. Tucked between corn fields and forests. Harry took in a deep breath and let the fresh country air fill his lungs.
"Why dont you move out here?" Draco asked.
Harry gave it some thought. He had no excuse not to, really. The only thing he had holding him back was...
"I guess I feel better during the day when I'm surrounded by people. At night is the worst. I wake up from nightmares constantly," He told him. Why was he telling him this? They were friends now, yes, but he never talked about the dreams, the nightmares. Not with Ron, not with Hermione, not with the healers he was sent to see weekly. So why Draco Malfoy? Perhaps it was because he was there for the most grueling parts of the battle. Perhaps because, like Harry himself, Draco didnt have a choice in the matter. Perhaps because they seemed to be two sides of the same coin.
"I cant get away from it all. From the images burned into my mind; from the feeling of guilt because I dragged so many people into something that was my problem. And so many of them died for me: because of me. Every time I close my eyes, I'm back there. Back in that forest. Back in the war. Hogwarts was the only home I ever really knew, and my flat doesn't feel like home. And it just adds to this uneasy feeling in my gut that there's something bad coming and I cant stop it. That I cant protect the people I love. I cant sleep at night because it's all too much." Harry sobbed. Draco had just placed a gentle hand on his back, rubbing in small circles as Harry just let all his emotions go. "I couldn't save anyone." He cried out.
Harry didnt know when he started crying, but he felt the emotions overflowing inside his chest, clenching and pulling at his heart, dragging it down into the pit of his stomach. Dread. Maybe of going home. Or it was just because of who he was spilling his secrets to. He didnt really know. But Draco sat silently next to him, rubbing soothing circles on his back as he listened and comforted him. And maybe, this was just what he needed. Someone who understood to listen.
And he somehow knew Draco understood everything. Every word.
And that was the night that Harry realised that maybe home isnt a place exactly. But rather a person with whom you felt safe.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Things in the HP fandom that ✨just don’t make sense✨
Ship wars
Loving Draco but hating on Ron
Calling Snape abusive while glossing over the fact that the series takes place in an old-fashioned magic school 30 years ago.
Thinking it’s valid that just because you hate a character you can disregard their trauma
Wolfstar shippers who bash Tonks for no good reason (you can obviously not ship Remadora and ship Wolfstar, but why hate on her when she genuinely did nothing bad?)
Insisting that George should’ve died instead of Fred (that’s so disturbing??? wtf is wrong with y’all?)
Excusing literally everything the Marauders did by saying “they’re just kids” and not acknowledging that Snape was the same age
Hating on Cho, Fleur, Tonks, and Lavender (hm I wonder what they all have in common)
Hating Percy when he has an extremely realistic and understandable story and felt genuinely overlooked by his family (which he was).
Calling 9 year old Snape a creepy stalker
Acting like Hagrid was a perfect angel just because he was kind to Harry
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It makes me SO angry when people do the golden trio-marauders comparisons/parallels, but they put Harry as JAMES like ??? Harry is Sirius y’all, he literally says so himself when he’s thinking about how he’ll be as wild a godfather to Teddy Lupin as Sirius was to him. And I’m excluding Peter for obvious reasons, so the Remus-Hermione parallels should be strong bc they’re both a stickler for the rules but bend them the instant it’s convenient or helps their friend group, and they’re also the most “outcast” (prejudiced against as a werewolf/muggle-born) of each friend group. Ron is James bc he’s embarrassing when in love, loyal as hell, and would hurt anyone who hurt his people, as well as Ron being a mother hen and me subscribing to the belief that James was one too bc who ELSE was it gonna be of the marauders??? lmao
It’s also not a perfect comparison bc they all have aspects of each other in them, but I am begging everyone to stop falling into the habit that canon characters have of thinking that Harry is just a carbon copy of one or both of his parents. It’s said SO many times and it got old over a decade ago, thank you very much <3
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t1oui · 2 months
no voldemort au where jegulus raises harry and marpanlily raises luna. sirius, remus, peter, barty, and evan are the cool uncles while dorcas and marlene are the cool aunts. there's nobleflower who got together later in life and who are currently living in one of the black family's ancestral homes in france with neville and draco. (frank is around frequently and lucius isn't around at all.)
neville and draco being brothers. neville telling alice about draco's crush on blaise and draco chasing him around the school, landing them both in detention.
luna and harry being siblings. while neville and draco, their cousins, are fighting, they simply sit back and watch. they adore each other and, if they can help it, are almost never seen apart.
harry being a slytherin. he rooms with draco and blaise, is best friends with pansy, and still frequently visits hermione, ron, and neville up in gryffindor tower.
pansy and harry (and vincent and greg) have been losing their minds for years over draco and blaise's pining. the two of them finally get together when harry tells them to shag and spends the rest of the night in ron and neville's room. the next morning, it takes a glance at draco and blaise and him wiggling his eyebrows to get a detention from snape.
harry and luna firecalling lily from the hearth in ravenclaw tower at least two or three times a week. the two of them talking to her about homework, crushes, and their latest exploits in teasing draco.
their parents showing them how to become animagi, which leads to narcissa and alice wanting to learn how, too. mcgonagall giving her students a fond eyeroll when their words are slurred in class because, really, it is quite obvious when you're hiding a leaf underneath your tongue.
harry being best friends with the patil twins, some of the few people outside of his dad's family that he shares a culture with. him spending hours in the library studying with padma, even longer out on the quidditch pitch flying with parvati.
harry, who's been dating cedric since his fourth year (where he watched the tournament instead of competing), and padma, who isn't interested in romance, being the cause of at least 90% of hogwarts's couples: dean and seamus, draco and blaise, luna and ginny, neville and hannah, hermione and pansy, and - of course - parvati and lavender.
remus being the d.a.d.a. professor from harry's first year through to his seventh, and retiring soon after when harry decides he wants the position himself. neville becoming the herbology professor, pansy and blaise going to potions and charms, but draco deciding to become a healer. ("what the hell are we meant to talk about if we're all bloody teachers?" he asked them once, much to his friends' amusement.)
cedric becomes the transfiguration professor when dumbledore finally agrees to retire and promote mcgonagall, and cho spends three years playing for puddlemere united before becoming the school's newest, coolest flying instructor. hermione surprises no one by rising through the ranks to minister for magic, and pansy quickly finds herself the chief editor of the daily prophet. rita skeeter quickly finds herself without a job. ron becomes an auror, a job he excels at, and during a mission in bulgaria he finds himself running into viktor krum. harry and padma see an opportunity.
every summer without fail, harry finds himself curled up on regulus and james's couch with a book, legs tangled with luna's or draco's or nev's or sometimes cedric's. he spends hours flying above the burrow's fields with the weasleys, spends long summer days taking lessons from krum because even in regulus's increasing age, he's the best seeker harry's ever seen.
harry spends his evenings sitting on the porch of his late grandparents' farmhouse, braiding hermione's hair the way pandora and mary taught him when he was young. the adults are inside. pansy is curled into hermione, flipping through a copy of witch weekly while luna sits on harry's other side and flips through her own copy of the quibbler.
neville is showing hannah and blaise some sort of frog by the creek that lavender is swimming in with seamus, dean, and the patil twins. up high in the sky, ron, draco, and cedric are flying with viktor, ginny, and cho in a two-vs-two match that is most definitely in the latter team's favor.
here, harry thinks, is home.
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ballerinainthesand · 1 year
Okay but also they (hbo series) need to fix the Ron and Harry relationship as well. People ship Harry and Hermione because of the movies and how they sacrificed Ron’s character development for for Hermione’s. If Ron and Harry’s relationship were true to this books, people would be more content with Hinny and Romione.
Edit to say: and honestly redeeming their relationship just for the sake of doing so would be even better! Ron is the first person to show Harry unconditional love and care. They really are platonic soul mates. Harry is devastated when Ron isn’t around- let’s show that part of their relationship! It has depth! It has love!
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jomiddlemarch · 5 months
We are never ever getting back together
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“Listen, ‘Mione, I’m just going to say it. We don’t work, love,” Ron announced, sitting on the armchair he’d dragged over to face the sofa in what was generally referred to as Hermione’s reading room at Grimmauld Place, in that it was the old library which she’d spent roughly a week scouring, sorting, and reshelving the books that hadn’t tried to bite or burn her Muggle-born hands. She’d Transfigured some of the uglier pieces of furniture from other rooms and made an approximated mash-up of her favorite parts of the Hogwarts Library and the Bodleian. She’d reached a détente with the only portrait that remained, some wizard ancestor of Sirius’s who could at least tolerate a witch with an appreciation for old runes who hadn’t tried to chuck the moldy lot of Hagalaz into the fireplace and who arranged a reading pedestal with an open book to alleviate the boredom of the past two hundred years. She had a bedroom on the third floor, down the hall from the bath, but she was most often found tucked up in a corner of the reading room, so it hadn’t taken any genius on Ron’s part to beard her in her den, so to speak.
The rest of the house was empty, which was either a wise precaution or the stupidest decision he’d ever made in his life.
“What do you mean?” Hermione said, trying to keep her voice even. “I don’t understand—”
“Yes, you do,” he said, looking up at her. He’d picked the chair with the low, squashy seat, that hadn’t taken the Transfiguration especially well, so that she’d focused on the nap of the dark velvet and let the springs go hang. It made him a supplicant, now, which she supposed was a canny decision, one she might expect from someone who was a grandmaster at Wizard chess. “You know and you and I both know you’d never say a word if it was left to you. We’d be married seventy years with a dozen curly-haired ginger grandchildren, and you’d sacrifice everything rather than say it.”
“You don’t want me,” Hermione said. He’d taken Padma to the Yule Ball and he’d left her with Harry when they were hunting Horcruxes—why was she surprised? It still felt like a Bludger to the chest or what she imagined one would be, having had no interest in playing Quidditch for the duration of her Hogwarts education and then having been forbidden (ha!) by Madame Pomfrey after Dolohov’s near-fatal curse in the Department of Mysteries. She tried to focus on Ron’s blue eyes, the furrow in his broad forehead. 
“You don’t want me, love,” Ron said. “I don’t want you to start calling me Ronald in that carefully not-exasperated-yet-totally-exasperated tone, bossing me about like you’re Molly Weasley Junior. I don’t want to squabble and fight and then be those people who are contemptuous or bored with each other. You’ll never walk away, you’re too loyal, not just to me but to the idea of us, and you can’t bear that it was a mistake. Your ideas got us through the War, saved everyone’s bloody lives, but this one’s wrong.”
“A mistake,” Hermione repeated. 
“Well, not a mistake. It made sense to try but it was only meant to be a date or two for us, don’t you think?” Ron said, giving her a wry smile. He needed a shave and a haircut and he’d put on a stone of pure muscle once they’d won the final battle. He was a man looking up at her and she was bedraggled and thin, a streak of white in her chestnut curls like a virgin priestess’s filet. The sleeves of her jersey flopped over her wrists to her knuckles. “Don’t take it so hard, it’s not your fault.”
“Seems like it is,” she muttered. “If you’re breaking up with me.”
“You know better than that,” Ron said. “Think about it—if we hadn’t been dealing with the possible end of the Wizarding world as we know if and the annihilation of the entire Muggle-born and Muggle population—”
“It’s called genocide, Ron,” she put in. He rolled his eyes.
“Fine, if we hadn’t been dealing with all that and the genocide and you having to hide your parents, et cetera, if it had been normal, we would have gone out a few times. A Hogsmeade weekend, a dance, a walk around the lake. We would have snogged without having to break it off to face down a melagomaniac—”
“Megalomaniac,” she corrected.
“Bloody Riddle. Anyway, we could have tried it out and seen that all there was was a flicker of attraction but mostly friendship,” Ron said. “I like you, ‘Mione, and I think you like me. That’s enough. We don’t have to be this perfect love story and you know we won’t be.”
“You have to work at relationships,” Hermione said.
“Not this bloody hard, love,” Ron said. The kindness in his voice was too close to pity and it hurt. 
“There’s no need to be rude,” she snapped.
“I don’t mean you’re difficult and I’m a saint, far from it,” Ron laughed. “I mean, we’re alike in all the ways that make it hard and not alike in the ways we need. You don’t have to work this bloody hard, ‘Mione, to be happy with someone and I truly think that if you weren’t with me, you’d be able to find the person you want.”
“I suppose you have someone you want to be with instead of me,” she said.
“Nope,” he said. “I just want to a chance to figure it out. To play, to not have everything be so bloody serious. Everyone pairing off and repopulating the entire Wizarding world before we turn twenty-one, for sweet Circe’s sake.”
“Your mother won’t like that,” Hermione said.
“She can stuff it,” Ron declared. “Besides, Fleur’s up the duff again and this time it’s twins, so that’s her sorted for a bit. Bill has his work cut out arguing that Shell Cottage can hold all of them and they don’t need to move closer to the Burrow. Plus, I think Ginny’s going to sign with the Harpies and Mum is up in arms about the first Weasley witch not to sit her NEWTs in like a thousand years, which is bosh because there weren’t NEWTs a thousand years ago.”
Hermione smiled. He was right, she did like him an awful lot, when the other parts weren’t clamoring for her attention or generally getting in the way.
“I’m right about that last bit, aren’t I?” Ron said. “The NEWTs bit?”
“Yes, they’re more recent than a thousand years,” Hermione said. She squared her shoulders and pressed her lips together. She had to like it or lump it and it seemed like lump it was the easier option at the moment.
“I don’t want you thinking it’s because I don’t find you attractive,” Ron said. He laid one big hand on her denim covered knee where her robes had fallen apart and she felt how warm he was. “Thinking about shagging you and then getting to do it were quite honestly the only things getting me through the worst of it these past few years. It’s why I left, innit, when the Horcrux was messing with me, being jealous, thinking you were with Harry when I wanted you all for myself. But that’s not going to be enough for us, for you or for me—”
“I’m to believe you’re being sincere?” Hermione asked. Ron grinned, squeezed her knee and the bit of her thigh that was right above it.
“I got there on my own about not being enough for you. George caught me moping, gave me some older brother advice and general whatfor, telling me I was a twit for thinking getting to shag the brightest witch of our time would be enough for me, that I wasn’t as shallow as that and to buck up,” Ron admitted.
“I would have thought Bill,” Hermione said.
“Nah, I wouldn’t have taken him seriously,” Ron said. “He married a half-Veela, what does he know about being with a regular witch? For the record and before you get your knickers in a twist, I’d say the same about Hagrid, it’s not anti-creature bias.”
“Seems to me you shouldn’t be mentioning my knickers,” Hermione retorted.
“That’s my girl,” Ron replied. “Though, my entire point was that I am quite enticed by your knickers and what’s in them. It’s just not enough for a long-term relationship and you and I, we aren’t made for a fling.”
“If we were, I think we must have flung it by now anyway,” Hermione said.
“We do have the house to ourselves if you’re interested in a last hurrah, love,” Ron said, waggling his eyebrows and smiling. It was the look in his eyes, an appreciative lust, that told her he wasn’t joking.
“And what would you do if I called your bluff and took you up on the offer?” Hermione asked.
“This,” he said, both hands suddenly at her waist, lifting her off the couch and onto his lap. “I’d have my way with you and give you something to remember me by while that git Draco works through a whatchamacallit redemption arc and gets up the gumption to make a move—”
“Draco Malfoy?” Hermione exclaimed. She ended up wrapping her arms around Ron’s neck to keep her balance. His were steady at her hips.
“He fancies you, that’s obvious,” Ron said. “But it is a two-way street. Maybe you’d prefer our snakeslayer Neville? He’s got a whole striding the windswept moors thing these days that’s rather dashing, like that Heath Ledger bloke you told me about in the Muggle book, but without the creepy parts. Or Zabini? Never took the Mark and he’s nearly as clever as you and mad fit.”
“You mean Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights, who’s frankly not much like Neville in a good way. This is a very odd conversation to be having with my ex-boyfriend-and-undeclared-fiancé,” Hermione said. She left out how it was even odder than they appeared to be on the verge of shagging, as if that was something one could be on the verge of. 
“That’s why it’s best we’re about to be best friends,” Ron said, though the word friends was lost a little as he nuzzled the side of her neck. “I’ll have to cede all the filthy details to Ginny though. You can just give me the broad strokes, hm-mm, like that…”
It was all rather a blur after that, hands and lips and Ron muttering about how her skin felt like silk and a grand tussle over denims being pulled off and not Vanished, not this pair which he agreed made her arse look amazing, and she probably would have blushed to recall it afterward anyway, but Harry walking in, stopping dead in his tracks like he’d been hit with Petrificus Totalus, then choking out “You were breaking up—” before he fled the room made her almost wish she had not taken an iron-clad vow against ever using an Obliviate again. 
“He’ll get over it,” Ron said calmly enough after they’d finished, laughing madly like they were drunk on Firewhisky and not multiple orgasms. 
“And if he doesn’t?” Hermione said.
“You leave that to me, love. That’s what friends are for,” Ron said.
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irlmango · 8 months
ron and hermione's favourite meal to cook together is breakfast (brunch on the weekends). ron usually half asleep trying to make 2 cups of tea, while hermione is wide awake frying some eggs, tomatoes, sausage, and toast till everything is extra crispy. i actually cannot tell if they're bigger coffee drinkers or tea drinkers. coffee would give them both a caffeine boost, where ron needs it in the morning, hermione needs it at night. but with tea, they both have the tendency to drink it when they're nervous or upset. the process of tea making really calms their anxious souls
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fanfic-lover-girl · 9 months
Thinking about Hermione and Draco again. People like to defend/excuse Hermione's actions against Ron all the time. Saying her attitude is her being a ride-or-die girl.
Let's not only flip the genders but flip the character to be an antagonist. Would Romione/Hermione fans condone Draco attacking Pansy or Astoria with birds or constantly disrespecting them and showing complete disregard/apathy towards their feelings (re Scabbers fiasco)? People already make exaggerated claims about the extent of Draco's bullying towards Hermione but if he was a bad boyfriend/husband too? Every Draco anti post would throw around the point that Draco was abusive. But poor Hermione was distraught so it's perfectly okay for her to attack Ron :). Ron is the meanie for dating another girl you see!
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illuminationofstars · 2 years
harry potter x female reader
summary : you become injured during the battle of hogwarts and your boyfriend thinks you’ve died.
warning: injuries, idea of death, grief
A fiery blast erupted from your lower rib cage, traveling up your arms and body, red hot pain blinding your eyes. Your body was flung against the brick wall behind you, the impact rendering you unconscious and unresponsive. Sweat coated your skin in fine layers of pale sheen, your mind foggy and disorientated.
The wound in your side was breathtakingly painful, dark crimson blood seeping through the white shirt you were wearing. Screams and cries of agony engulfed your ringing ears, the explosions destroying the castle erupting in frenzied bursts of flames and smoke.
Muffled voices brought you out of consciousness, your eyes too tired to open, body too limp to move. Arms wrapped around your legs and shoulders, supporting your head that lay against the shoulder of a stranger. A searing pain caressed your stomach, sobs leaving your mouth in a plea of desperation.
You felt the ground rock beneath your feet, the persons footsteps increasing in speed. After what felt like hours, your body was gently placed onto a hard surface, your arms going limp between your sides.
The smell of antibiotics greeted your nose and tears left your eyes as your wound was addressed with a bandage and alcohol swabs. Your eyes began to drift closed, and you allowed your body to drift into a dreamless sleep away from the pain and carnage that lay outside of the hospital wing.
Harry was frantic.
The war had ended moments prior and although he would usually bask in the glory of attention, Harry was searching for his girlfriend. The ruins of tower turrets lay scattered across the castle grounds, blood seeping into the soil, staining the ground a ruby red. His hands were pushing past people, no respect for the celebrating witches and wizards as his eyes scanned the gathering crowds.
His hair lay matted to his forehead, circle glasses slipping down his nose in frustrated panic. Harry’s footsteps ceased into a quiet shuffle as he entered the hospital wing, breath hitching in his chest at the sight before him.
You lay peacefully on one of the hospital beds close to the entrance to the hospital wing, hair sprawled out across the pillow your head rested on. Your skin was pale and slick with sweat, eyes closed in contentment.
A thick bandage covered the lower half of your stomach, the white compress dirtied with blood and dust from the ceilings.
You weren’t moving.
Harry rushed forward, knees painfully hitting the concrete floor as he grabbed your hand, thumb gently stroking your knuckles in an attempt to wake you up. His eyes filled with unshed tears as he watched your chest stay still, no movement being detected.
Harry’s head fell forward, resting on your shoulder, hand clasped in yours as he wept silently.
Harry’s mind swam with images of you laughing and joking around, memories of you dancing across the common room, swimming in the lake, fighting with Ron over the last brownie. He remembers the sound of your voice, deeper in the mornings and higher after you drink some firewhiskey. He remembers how full his heart had felt when he kissed your lips, the feel of your skin beneath his own.
Harry’s tears became sobs, his grief overwhelming him in a tidal wave of sadness. This was the end for him. The war had ended but this was the price. Was this all worth it?
The sound of crying brought you around to consciousness, and you immediately recognized the noise as your boyfriends. You had spent many nights comforting him in his dormitory, rubbing his back soothingly beneath his invisibility cloak, when Harry had let loose and expressed his worries.
You tried to move, but couldn’t. The drugs you were given weighed down your body, restricting your movement. A dull ache in your lower rib cage reminded you about what had happened, the memories resurfacing to your brain in flurries of bright light.
Your eyes slowly opened with great difficulty and you were met with the bright light of the ceiling. Fans beside you whirred and groaned in exasperation but you’re attention was turned to the noise on your left. Although you couldn’t move you head, your eyes could see the outline of Harrys body, bent over the side of the bed, hand clasped in your own.
The feeling of guilt and sadness washed over you as you watched your boyfriend break down into hysterics.
With all your might, you forced your fingers to move, slowly. One by one, the muscles in your hands began to awaken, and you squeezed Harrys hand in reassurance.
His head shot up from where he was sat, tears staining his cheeks. He moved at lightning speed, hands cupping your face as he brought your lips to his own, sobbing into the kiss.
Shakily, you brought you hands up to cup his own, a grin blessing your face as Harry peppered your face with joyous kisses.
“I thought you had died,” he whispered, green eyes staring intently into your own.
Your hands pulled Harrys face closer to your own so your foreheads touched delicately, “You really think you could get rid of me that easily Potter?”
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oxydiane · 2 years
i’m gonna need somebody to make a complete rewrite of the harry potter books in which everything is the same except harry gets sorted into slytherin because the thought of chamber of secrets with this What If is making my brain do cartwheels. harry was already concerned about being slytherin’s heir as a gryffindor IMAGINE if he was a slytherin… also hermione would obviously be sorted into gryffindor since G comes before P but you know what doesn’t come before P? W. would ron still be sorted into gryffindor? the new boy he just met who offered him candy and stood up for him when they don’t even know each other that well, who coincidentally also happens to be the Boy-Who-Lived, just got sorted into a house who is renowned for having produced dark wizards Especially the dark wizard who had tried to kill harry… im not saying anything mmmm
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hchollym · 1 year
A Percy Weasley AU idea
Voldemort wins and people are hunted down and killed. In a desperate attempt to right the story, Percy, along with Luna (and maybe some others idk) do some rituals or something to be sent back in time to actually defeat Voldemort.
How do you think that would play out?
Would Percy be the only one to be sent back or will others be as well (ex. Luna)?
Would he stay in the body he was originally in or will he be sent into his childhood body (depending on when he gets sent back to)?
How would his relationships with others change? For example, his family?
Since his story has now changed due to knowledge of the future, would anyone else’s story change? (Ex. If he gets sent back to POA, or at least before Scabber’s is revealed at Peter, how would he deal with that?)
Wow, that's a lot to answer! 🙃 I'll try my best, but be warned that this is all purely speculation, and there's some definite bias here because of my headcanons.
I'm going to put this under the cut due to length.
If we're being "realistic" (as much as possible), then Luna isn't going to be a part of this, and Percy is going to stay in his adult body.
It's super fun to read fanfiction stories where Luna is involved & the characters wake up in the body of their younger selves, because it affects their interactions and relationships with other characters, so please feel free to keep writing this type of thing if it appeals to you. However, I don't think it would actually play out like that.
I love Luna - she's one of my favorite characters - but her personality in canon just doesn't fit into this storyline. Look at her conversation with Harry in Book 5:
“Have you . . .” he began. “I mean, who . . . has anyone you’ve known ever died?” “Yes,” said Luna simply, “my mother. She was a quite extraordinary witch, you know, but she did like to experiment and one of her spells went rather badly wrong one day. I was nine.” “I’m sorry,” Harry mumbled. “Yes, it was rather horrible,” said Luna conversationally. “I still feel very sad about it sometimes. But I’ve still got Dad. And anyway, it’s not as though I’ll never see Mum again, is it?” “Er — isn’t it?” said Harry uncertainly. She shook her head in disbelief. “Oh, come on. You heard them, just behind the veil, didn’t you?” “You mean . . .” “In that room with the archway. They were just lurking out of sight, that’s all. You heard them.”
She doesn't dwell on the past, and her absolute belief in seeing her loved ones again after death would prevent her from trying to mess with fate. For all they know, going back in time could make things worse (i.e. Voldemort could take over all of Europe, he could torture everyone into permanent madness instead of killing them, etc.), and Luna just doesn't have the reckless motivation to risk it.
Percy, on the other hand, would 100% be reckless enough if he loses his sibling(s) like he lost Fred in the books. If his siblings are all still alive, then Percy's not going back in time either, but if one or more of them dies (particularly around Percy so he feels guilty about it), then he wouldn't be thinking clearly. He would blame himself and be out for blood like we saw in Book 7:
Rounding the corner, Percy let out a bull-like roar: “ROOKWOOD!” and sprinted off in the direction of a tall man, who was pursuing a couple of students.
In this situation, he doesn't care that he could potentially make things worse; he's going anyway.
The most likely person to go with him is actually Ron. If Voldemort wins, chances are that Harry is dead, and Ron is left in a very similar state to Percy - guilt and grief are swallowing him whole, and he's willing to take some serious risks, like we also saw in Book 7:
...he saw that Hermione was trying to restrain Ron, to stop him running after Percy. “Listen to me—LISTEN RON !” “I wanna help— I wanna kill Death Eaters— ” His face was contorted, smeared with dust and smoke, and he was shaking with rage and grief.
Hermione would likely be wary of going back because she is rational enough to know it's a huge risk, but she goes with them anyway, because she's not abandoning Ron (especially if they may get Harry back).
Ron and Percy would have some serious baggage to work through (especially if Ron felt like Percy was trying to take Harry's place in their trio), and they would likely want to approach the situation in vastly different ways, so there would be plenty of conflict.
Since they probably stay in their same bodies, they avoid interacting with anyone else as much as possible, because they know how dangerous it would be for their younger selves if they were seen:
Professor McGonagall told me what awful things have happened when wizards have meddled with time…. Loads of them ended up killing their past or future selves by mistake!
Therefore, we wouldn't see too much interaction between them and other characters (besides each other). However, we might see some interaction between Percy & Dumbledore (because it might eventually be necessary to involve him), which would be interesting since Percy had legitimate reasons not to trust Dumbledore (even though he was telling the truth about Voldemort).
They likely decide to hunt down the Horcruxes themselves (since Ron & Hermione know where they are and how to destroy them). In order to do so, they sneak into Hogwarts and Ron enters the Chamber of Secrets (by mimicking Harry's Parseltongue) to get the Basilisk's fang to destroy the Horcruxes.
The fun part of the story would be that some of the Horcruxes are actually more difficult to get when they're in the past. For example, one is in Bellatrix's vault at Gringotts, but if she's still in Azkaban, then they can't use Polyjuice to look like her, which causes complications (and I headcanon that Percy would use the Imperius Curse at that point).
It really depends on what year they go back in time to though. I think Percy & Hermione would have thought very carefully about it and decided to go back to the summer after Book 3; they want to stop Voldemort from being completely ressurected, but they don't want to stop Wormtail from escaping, because they need him to find Voldemort's shell of a being so Harry can eventually kill it:
“I returned to my hiding place far away, and I will not pretend to you that I didn’t then fear that I might never regain my powers. . . . Yes, that was perhaps my darkest hour . . . I could not hope that I would be sent another wizard to possess . . . and I had given up hope, now, that any of my Death Eaters cared what had become of me. . . .”
I also imagine that Percy would want to save Cedric too, because I headcanon that they were friends. Therefore, the best course of action is to stop Barty Jr. from escaping and returning to Voldemort's side (because he sets everything in motion for Voldemort's return). This wouldn't be too difficult if they returned right at the beginning of the summer, because Percy would be able to easily access Mr. Crouch's house (where Barty Jr. is still under the Imperius Curse) by pretending to be his younger self (because Mr. Crouch was not paying attention enough to notice a few years difference in his age).
I honestly think Percy would murder Barty Jr. He may pretend that he wouldn't (for Hermione and Ron's sake), but Percy has a very personal motivation for this - not only did Barty kill Cedric, but he also almost destroyed Percy's career, and it's my headcanon that he hurt Percy. Plus, Percy knows that Barty is a flight risk, since he escaped from Azkaban, and he's not going to take any chances. He probably pretends it was self defense with Hermione and Ron, but he's too far gone to feel guilty by then. (I love darkish Percy, by the way; he's not a bad person, but once he loses someone he loves, I can see him spiraling out, because it's clear in canon that Percy feels things so deeply).
If Barty Jr. is dead, then Harry never enters the Triwizard Tournament, and this is where plenty of things change. For starters, one of the other competitors wins (likely Viktor, because Cedric wouldn't get any heads up about the dragons or the egg without Harry's involvement), so Cedric lives, and Harry never gives Fred and George money for their joke shop. This forces the twins to wait several more years to save enough, so they don't drop out of school and actually graduate. Umbridge doesn't get involved at Hogwarts, because there's no Dark Lord returning so the Ministry doesn't care what Dumbledore is doing; Sirius lives because Voldemort doesn't return enough for him to give Harry visions; Dumbledore lives because Draco never becomes a Death Eater; and none of the people/creatures in Book 7 die because all the Death Eaters in Azkaban don't escape/come back together.
Interestingly enough, there would be a ripple effect for some other characters as well. I highly doubt Remus would marry Tonks if Sirius was alive (he seemed perfectly content to stay at Grimmauld Place with him); Bill doesn't move back to England to work at Gringotts and help with the war, so he never dates and marries Fleur; and when Dumbledore eventually tells Harry that he has to die to permanently defeat Voldemort, Harry's not as likely to listen. He's probably living with Sirius, who would fight against the suicide thing, tooth and nail. Plus, if there's no war going on because Voldemort wasn't fully resurrected, then there's no battles or deaths, particularly ones that are close to Harry. Harry's also living in a relatively happy and stable home with Sirius and Remus, so his motivation for committing suicide (based off only Dumbledore's word) is not really there.
This actually doesn't change much though, except that Voldemort finds a way to return much later on (without any other Horcruxes), but everyone is better prepared because they're adults/possibly Aurors. Harry fights him, let's himself be killed, and then kills Voldemort. Done. A few other people might die in the crossfire, but it's impossible to guess who, especially if Dumbledore is still around.
Wow, that was a lot! 😱
But we're still not done! 🤣 Where are the older versions of Percy, Hermione, and Ron after all this?
They don't disappear when their mission is complete, but they can't go back to their old lives either (since their younger selves are still living the happier version). It's possible that Percy leaves his younger self a note, but that's about it.
I think Hermione and Ron just move to a different country to live a new life, and Percy does the same, but I can actually picture Percy choosing to live a Muggle life after everything that's happened (if he doesn't die trying to destroy the Horcruxes, because he was probably hoping for that).
Overall, I think the whole ordeal gives Ron & Hermione closure; they saved Harry (and Fred), but they lost them anyway in a different sense, because they can't be a part of their lives. They've spent so long dedicating their lives to Harry, but now they have to learn to live for themselves and let him go. It's bittersweet.
Percy's arc is a little darker/sadder. He has to face the fact that he's willing to go to extreme lengths to prevent his family's death, and he has to grapple with his own guilt, conscience, and mental health issues. He also has to learn to forgive himself and move on, which means letting go of his family once and for all.
I know everyone thinks that Percy has to reconnect with the Weasleys to be happy, but I don't really believe so. Especially if his younger self is still around, then Percy gets a free pass to break away from a family that was never truly going to be healthy for him (see this and this post). He learns that he can love them and still leave without resentment or anger. It's kind of like the lyrics to a Shinedown song: "Sometimes goodbye is a second chance."
He has to start over and figure out who he is now and what he wants out of life. Perhaps he ends up adopting children in the Muggle world. Regardless, he ultimately finds himself, and he finds peace.
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
do you ever love a character so much you simply wanna put your hand inside the screen, pull them out, and just give them a giant hug bc they really need it?
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rewritingcanon · 2 years
all the weasley kids used to be scared of thunderstorms when they were younger. its like a phase they all go through cyclically. when bill grows out of it, his siblings are all still very much effected by thunder, and he remembers when he was their age, doing nothing except hiding under his blankets, trying to fall asleep and failing, just completely shaking the whole night. so the guy is sympathetic to them, yeah? so every time its a huge thunderstorm and its supposed to be bedtime bill will get everyone to help with building a big blanket fort, with ginny, just out of her toddler years, hiding inside with a plethora of stuffed animals, ron literally glued to bill’s leg in fear, fred and george being extra loud and pillow fighting to distract themselves, percy pretending not to be scared but always the first to settle down with ginny, and charlie, not old enough yet to be fully nonchalant, but slowly getting there, always helping bill the most with setting the foundations of the place. and when they’re done, it would be around midnight, and they’d all settle down, kicking each other’s leg out of the way because at the end of the day its still seven kids wanting their own personal space, and going to sleep. though molly is usually strict with bedtimes, she wont say anything about it, knowing how apocalyptic thunderstorms can feel when you’re a baby, and secretly proud of bill for stepping up where she and arthur can’t, even if that means he still can’t sleep during thunderstorms anymore (not because he’s scared, but because ron is wrapped around his arm like a koala of fire, as the boy’s body heat is on another level, and he’s probably drooling. fred is also a confessional sleep talker, charlie always rips these loud bomb-like farts and ginny just doesn’t sleep for some reason, and is constantly bugging bill with horrible would-you-rather questions, so yeah, the things you’d do for family).
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t1oui · 7 months
Nuna headcanons for one of my (very underrated) otps
Neville wearing Luna's spectrespecs when she doesn't want to/doesn't feel like it
Neville goes searching for creatures with her (and sometimes Xeno tags along too)
They love working in the greenhouse together
No matter if they sit at Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's table, they always sit together for meals, especially breakfast as they're both up early
Neville always gives Luna his shoes when hers go missing and she loves it.
Luna being shorter than Neville leading to lots of little forehead/cheek/nose kisses
Them going to the Yule Ball together
(Neville asked her after the first time he gave her his shoes. He saw how excited she was and liked working with her when she asked him for his help in the greenhouse right after.)
Originally Harry was very defensive of his sister, but over time he saw that Neville cared about her just as much as he did
Late nights in the library or in the Gryffindor/Ravenclaw common rooms. Luna is reading the Quibbler and Nev is reading herbology books.
Luna complimenting Neville 24/7, telling him he's worth it
Lots of hand-holding. Lots of it.
Neville blushes really easily and Luna never even turns slightly pink.
Nev & Luna going on triple dates with Harry & Cedric and Ron & Hermione
Neither of them are straight, and they take pride in that
Luna being able to give Neville piggyback rides (and doing it)
(Neville was skeptical, but Harry was like no bro. Just trust her. She is much stronger than she looks lol.)
They have matching bracelets. They just do.
Furthermore, Luna makes Nev jewelry all the time. Sometimes it matches something she has, sometimes it doesn't. She makes bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc. Neville wears them with pride and after the first three times he yelled at people about it, nobody makes fun of him for it anymore.
They paint their nails together
They have sleepovers with Cho and Padma in the Ravenclaw dormitory where they give each other makeovers.
Neville is secretly obsessed with glitter and Luna knows this.
Neville's favorite colors are the colors of the bi flag, specifically pink. So basically what I'm saying is half of the gifts he gets from Luna are sparkly and bi flag colors.
(He gets her stuff in pan & ace flag colors. They go ALL OUT for pride.)
They like making pastries together (Neville is hopeless at it, but he's trying)
They have muggle movie nights where they pick muggle movies (usually bad ones) and make popcorn and watch them. They stay up till like 2 am doing this every other Friday.
(It doesn't even slow Luna down, but Neville has to sleep for a good 14 hours to recover. She doesn't mind.)
Luna tells Nev about nargles and wrackspurts and Nev tells Luna all about his plants and they could listen to each other for hours.
Luna got Neville a regular 'ol cactus for his 16th birthday. He named it Chelsey. It's their daughter now.
Neville's a dreadful dancer. Luna pretends not to notice because she doesn't care; she's having fun anyway.
They love Christmas and they decorate together every year. Sometimes they help Professor Sprout decorate the Great Hall.
Neville will pick Luna up and twirl her around when he's exited, and Luna loves it.
When Luna introduced Nev to Barty and Evan they absolutely terrified him. They have come to like him and now they act confused whenever he seems on edge around them b/c they find it hilarious.
Luna hates sparkles, but she wears a sparkly pink dress to their wedding, and Neville wears the lime green suit she told him she loved one time when they were 16 and 17.
They like walking around Hogsmeade together. (The first time Harry saw them arm-in-arm Cedric and Hermione practically had to pull him off the ceiling of the Three Broomsticks.)
Neville tells Hermione, the mom of the group (the only person who is more of a mom than Neville, honestly), all about Luna. This includes when he liked her before the Ball.
Nev & Luna high-five regularly. Luna taught Neville what it was and he's a bit obsessed.
They love cats. When Luna introduced Neville to Regulus, he was in his animagus/cat form because she thought he would be less scary this way.
They go stargazing together. Reg, Sirius, & Luna's uncle Evan taught her all the stars. She teaches Neville - he doesn't tell her he's already memorized every one.
Whenever it snows, Nev goes out with Luna on his shoulders and she goes back and forth between trying to photograph snowflakes and trying to eat them.
When they first started dating, Harry was unsure, but now he and Neville are good again. He tells Neville about Luna's interests & gives him gift ideas.
Study dates between Neville & Luna and Harry & Ced. (Ron and Hermione are never told b/c they argue about the appropriate amount of times Ron can ask Hermione for help the. entire. time.)
Basically, I love these two. This post is very long but I'm already brainstorming ideas for a part 2.
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goldenromione · 6 months
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