#or i was really craving it LMAOOOO
drhu0806 · 3 months
Remembrance of things past
“And once I had recognized the taste of the crumb of madeleine soaked in her decoction of lime-flowers which my aunt used to give me...immediately the old grey house upon the street, where her room was, rose up like the scenery of a theatre to attach itself to the little pavilion, opening on to the garden, which had been built out behind it for my parents...all from my cup of tea.” - Marcel Proust, À la recherche du temps perdu
“What the heck is all this?”
Luna is a storm in the kitchen when Seven returns to the apartment. The counters are littered with open packages of raw meat and fish, platters of sliced vegetables, a bucket of uncooked noodles set off to the side. There are jars holding sauces of various colors and fragrances she can’t even begin to name, and a pot of something is left to boil on the stove.
“Hi, Seven! Happy New Year!”
A head pops up from beneath the counters, and Luna greets her with a big smile. She pulls out something large from below: it’s a portable stove, attached to a small propane tank.
“Happy… New Year to you too? Is that what we’re celebrating?”
Luna nods happily, oblivious to the wariness in which Seven regards the large amount of uncooked ingredients as she brings the stove to the small dining table. Behind them, steam begins to billow up from the pot as its contents are finally brought to a boil.
“Yup! I wanted to have hot pot, so I got all this stuff just for the occasion. Help me get all this stuff onto the table, won’t you?”
Hot pot. Seven’s at least seen the term before, written on some packages she’s seen when Luna takes her grocery shopping at the local Asian market. She assumes the titular pot in question is the one that’s currently boiling; she ferries as much as she can over to the table as she keeps watch over Luna out of the corner of her eye. The latter sets the portable stove alight before gingerly transferring the boiling pot onto it. Through the glass lid, Seven can finally make out some of its contents: the pot is split into two sections, one half containing a pale yellow broth, while the other houses a scarier, oily red liquid.
“Lunes, at some point you’re gonna have to explain how this works to me.”
It takes several more minutes of setting the table and beckoning from Luna before Seven feels comfortable to sit. A bowl of mixed sauces topped with cilantro sits in front of each of them, with a fork and spoon—and a set of trainer chopsticks, a joke on Luna’s part, much to Seven’s chagrin—included with hers. With a dramatic flourish, Luna lifts the lid to the pot, and they’re both hit with a brief wave of heat as a plume of steam blossoms. A wonderfully rich aroma fills the small apartment, and the February winter chill instantly melts away.
“I guess it’s like, uh, fondue?” Luna explains. “Not that I’ve ever tried that myself… But watch, you just take what you want here, like this, when the broth is boiling...”
She pries away a slice of what appears to be finely cut lamb, swirling it around in the pale broth to cook for a few seconds before placing it in Seven’s bowl.
“Make sure to get it real good in that dipping sauce, and if you need a little extra spice,” she waves a hand over the angry red half of the pot, “then you use this side.”
The smell is truly divine, a hearty aroma rising from one half of the pot, cut with the peppery fumes from the other half. Its oily surface bubbles in a magma-like fashion, and Seven can’t help but regard it with a hint of fear.
“Is it normal to have a spicy side? It looks so…”
Luna laughs. “I’ve just never had this kind before! It’s always fun when there are two, don’t you think? I think they pair well together.”
She’s skeptical, but it’s hard to resist Luna’s enthusiasm as she begins throwing in ingredients to simmer, tending to the pot like a witch tends to her cauldron. Before long, the small apartment is filled with delicious aromas and raucous laughter. (and the occasional tears, as Seven discovers very quickly how truly hot one half of the pot is). The table quickly becomes a mess, splattered with water and sauce as the careful arrangement of raw ingredients scatter all over, yet neither of them pay any mind. Seven can’t remember the last time food as ever tasted this good, or the last time a meal in general has ever been this fun.
It shouldn’t surprise her, really. It’s always fun when it’s the two of them.
The night wears on, food is steadily finished, and eventually the time to clear the table comes. Seven has to lean back in her chair, feeling as though her stomach will burst.
“Ugh… Luna, how are you even moving? I’m so full.”
Her companion truly doesn’t look much better off than her, yet Luna continues to do her best to clear away as much of the table as she can. Muttering a promise to help her in a bit, Seven painstakingly moves to the old couch nearby, collapsing onto it with a groan.
Minutes pass by, and the sensation in her stomach doesn’t fade. Even with her eyes closed, she can still hear Luna shuffling about, her footsteps slow. She can’t stand the thought of hauling that large pot of broth anywhere in their current state, and Seven calls out, “Luna! We’ll get it tomorrow. Come sit before you throw up and we have to clean up more.”
There’s no response, but she feels the weight of someone plopping into the space next to her. The sudden jostle elicits another whine from Seven.
“Don’t… I’m gonna barf.”
“Not on me, you’re not.”
It’s instinctual and automatic, the way Luna crawls into Seven’s arms, the way the latter opens them for her. Their tangled forms are unceremoniously draped over the couch, smelling rather unpleasantly of meat. Yet in spite of her roiling stomach, how much she wishes to simply turn into a formless blob right there and then, somehow she feels content and peaceful in that moment. There’s nowhere else she’d rather be.
“So, is there a reason you wanted to turn us into overinflated beach balls for New Year’s or…?” she mumbles.
Luna doesn’t answer immediately, and Seven can almost hear her thinking.“We’d have it whenever we visited family. Not so much with my folks here though.” She shifts, lifting her head so she can look at her. “Hot pot is always better with family and friends, you know?”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it’s just me here,” Seven snorts in response.
Luna smiles peacefully, lowering her head to tuck it against her shoulder. “That’s all I need.”
Seven doesn’t say anything, because what more needed to be said? With Luna, she knows they could find fun and joy in nothing more than a brown paper sack. Seven and Luna, Luna and Seven. What more did they even need, when they already had it all?
“Hey, Sev?”
“I don’t think I’m gonna move from the couch until morning, just saying.”
She lets out a laugh, wrapping her arms tighter around her as she brings her closer. The discomfort in her stomach hasn’t abated, but she finds she doesn’t mind much, feeling nothing but warmth and content in this little space just for the two of them.
Luna, with a grunt, has contorted her body on the cool floor of her tiny kitchen as she rummages through the lower cupboards. Various mismatched pieces of dishware are extracted and sorted in a slow, painstaking effort to organize.
Without a light, she can’t see all the way into the dark interiors of the cupboards, and she extends her arm deep into one, searching for anything left in this particular spot. Her fingers brush against something cold and metallic, and Luna, confused, pulls it out.
Its weight and odd shape are explained when the object comes to light; it’s a small portable stove, covered lightly in dust from sitting forgotten in the back of a cabinet for who knows how long. She recognizes it as the one she used for a very specific type of meal, one she hasn’t had in about as long as the stove has gone unused. Memories involuntarily bubble up to the surface, ones she thought she buried.
A boiling pot of broth. Startled shrieks as hot liquid splashes. A diverse, colorful spread across the table, as close to a modern feast they may ever know. A pot split in half, mild to spicy, light to dark, two halves of a whole. Boisterous, joyous laughter, warm smiles.
After all this time, she’s always taken by surprise, again and again, of how it can sneak up on her. The silence within the apartment suddenly becomes too loud: no other footsteps to be heard, no other voice besides her own to listen for within this tiny space. No matter how hard she tries to look away from it, it dances in her periphery, the frayed edges of the Seven-shaped hole in her universe.
With a huff, Luna unceremoniously shoves the burner back into its dark corner. Abandoning her kitchen to a state of unorganized stacks of dishes and kitchenware, Luna grabs her keys and throws on a jacket. She storms out of the apartment, begging for escape from its claustrophobic stillness, for the release that may come with the air that could blow it all away.
Yet no matter how long she runs, she can’t shake off the faint scent of broth that clings to her wherever she goes.
A bell rings as the door opens, the members of Soft Violence laughing as they step into the restaurant. Avina halfheartedly tries to hush them as they signal to staff, who eventually lead them to an available table.
“Damn, look at what they’ve got over at that table,” Pope points out. “Maybe we should get that.”
“Pope, don’t just stare at someone else’s food!” Avina chastises.
Seven grins at their boisterousness, switching her attention to the menu. Compared to the others, it doesn’t take her long to pick out what she likes, and after a bit of waiting their table is laden with various dishes, family style. Pope and Kieran waste no time piling food onto their plates as they dig in.
“Damn, Seven, you were so right ordering this,” Kieran praises through a mouth full of food. “This is so good!”
“That’s great, man, but do you think you could tell me without spitting all over the rest of the food?” she laughs.
She spoons some mapo tofu onto her plate, a personal favorite of hers. The sauce isn’t quite the shade of red she likes, but she doesn’t fault it too much as she takes a bite. It’s got a strong flavor profile, expected of this particular dish, perfectly fine, and yet…
“It’s so good.”
Seven purses her lips, contemplative. “It’s not bad, but to be honest it’s not as good as when Luna ma—”
The name slips out before she can stop herself, and her throat immediately closes after. Everyone at the table freezes, in a moment that really only lasts for a second, yet it feels like it stretches for an eternity. Seven claws herself back to reality, forcing words out her lips.
“I mean, it’s fine, I guess. Yeah.” She conspicuously piles more tofu onto her plate, aggressively shoving more pieces in her mouth, even though she feels like throwing up. Even though all she wants is to spit it out, to tear away at the inside of her mouth, to rip out the memories that she now knows are painfully sewn into not just her soul, but her very flesh.
It just isn’t fair. She wants to run out and scream. To curse the one person in the world responsible, to scratch away at her own skin in hopes of exorcising the ghost that haunts her every step, every breath, and down to every last bite.
She never could have imagined sitting at a table of four could be lonelier than sitting at a table of two.
But she has to remind herself that it’s lunchtime, and they’re in a public restaurant. So Seven swallows her food and her pain, like she’s done so often before.
Avina, as always, is the first to recover. “Oh, is it really that good? I’ll try some.”
The tense moment passes as everyone else refocuses on the meal, leaving Seven woodenly chewing for the rest of the night, trying hard to ignore the way everything turns to ash on her tongue.
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kalims · 1 year
ㅤdorm leaders being savages
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summary. basically some backstabber mf tries to 'steal' him and... this is where the savage part starts
featuring. dorm leaders
content. bad friend, gender neutral reader, brutal rejection 😭
note. a full post after a while :')
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I mean it's not like he would notice anyways, again. I firmly believe human and fae courting traditions are vastly different and c'mon... he doesn't even know what the fuck flirting is do you really think he'd get their intentions. 💀
when they start to slide up an arm in places he's quite bothered about, (cause guy is so whipped that he won't let anyone but him touch you.) he isn't even happy that someone is near his proximity anymore, not scared and whatnot.
just he no likey.
AND HES NOT EVEN TRYING TO BE ROMANTIC HE JUST SHRUGS THEM OFF EVERYTIME. he's just a genuine innocent lil' dude who wants his lover to come and save him from this touchy, weird, human.
no child of man cause that's your name ‼️
while he may not get it, he's got a feeling, sixth sense of sorts and when he sees it he's backing tf up away. he's not gonna entertain the doubts.
also he still doesn't get it in the end lmaoooo, he's avoiding all their advances thinking it's a part of human... culture? that he wasn't made aware of.
if they start putting in the forbidden words in the same sentence as your name you know shits going down, suddenly he's not that confused, oblivious, cute guy that they saw but a much colder shell.
when his eyes darken, and it starts storming they'd had better run, he's been kind enough to stay even with their relentless annoying behavior but that is where he crosses the line fr.
don't even be surprised when they get hit by lightning and end up in the infirmary or something, malleus didn't even say anything to them cause he believes actions speaks louder than words... *sends touchy, weird human to the nurse.* see?
someone insults him: ?
someone insults you: 😠😡🤬👿🌩⚡
just goes: "your friend is very unpleasant, I'd appreciate it if you refrain from spending time with them."
something unsaid; spend all of that time with me duhhh
you know what I'm surprised someone actually likes him tbh 😭 except us because we're all built different and we love disgustang discord mod behavior.
you know what's even more surprising? the fact that idia is actually seen by your friend group. I swear he comes out of his room like once a day and that's just because he's craving something else that isn't in his food stock and he's just gonna rob whose mac n' cheese was in the microwave.
and that's literally in his DORM ONLY.
he's like a vampire and allergic to sunlight, he's more willing to come out in the middle of the night because that's when the least 'normies' are scattered around like flies.
(if that counts for anything at all??)
but hanging out is more fun and if you somehow managed to convince idia to come with you with your friends for some well needed, 'socializing' then you're in luck!
besides that you had to bet one of your items in that open world game you played together... all is good!
im like 99% sure idia is disgusted by any other touch from other people, besides you? cause if you touch him he's just embarrassed... but in terms of the disgusted faction, you've been there before.
he immediately spots their intentions cause he definitely plays otome games and this is one of them cliche scenarios to 'spice up' the plot by invoking jealousy in it.
only difference is its him, you and this... random.
if they weren't already offended by the absolute mortification and disgust on his face, somehow continuing to 'rizz' him up.. oh boy. it's gonna get worse.
he's got the worst fucking 3rd grade insults like... "back away from me you noob, are you supposed to be their friend?" he scoffs, surprising them cause they thought he was gonna be that red flag discord romance experience.
"sorry but im not really sorry. i don't associate myself with lower levels such as yourself, try to come back when you're higher but I doubt they'd accept a fiend back."
when you come back he's steering you away, pulling on the hem of your sleeves practically begging to come home with the promise of 'grinding that outrageous drop rate item you've asked his help with.'
something unsaid; doxxing them as soon as I get back
ok this one I get.
who wouldn't want vil... it's not like I've made the entirety of the fandom known about my obsession with him as my favorite character or anything, not at all... jokes aside he's a very prominent candidate, he's hot and rich. you get it?
forget about the other qualities because we all known those two can carry someone in life alone, life in luxury and fame? sign them up ASAP.
besides your boyfriend being one of the superstar actors, models, the dream jobs for a dream man even your friends had a hard time believing you. you should be offended that they even considered that you were clinically.. delusional.
plus you didn't even seem to know about vil before so how are you dating him?!
they found out the hard way and safe to say they're flabbergasted because what even?
of course out of everyone here, vil has the most experience in terms of being approached on a baseless appearance only, he's iffed by how fast people get infatuated when they're barely scratching the surface of him.
well, you somehow dug your way deep with a shovel so you're the only exception he will allow...
at this point he knows what to expect the moment one of your friends gave him a look he's all the well too accustomed to. it's easy to ignore the ones he sees in crowds cause there's always some type of fence blocking them from fully proclaiming their love or something.
problem here is that this person has no obstacles and he can tell they're waiting for an opportunity to strike like a snake. *texts the pomefiore gc to tell them about this SNAKE!*
honey this is a big NO for him, you need to consider your circle of friends if one of them immediately starts folding around like this and wastes what? a longer friendship with you? please, he's known his stylists more and they literally get replaced every single day.
he's giving them the biggest, sassiest side eye ever. putting a palm up before they even get to speak because frankly, he does not want to hear it.
they open their knarly mouth. "i—"
he raises a finger. "no."
a frown. "but i—"
he can do this forever.
when you come back he's still giving a bombastic, criminal offensive side eye, mentally thinking on how to ruin this person's life in media of course! his natural domain. just one word and the rest of his army will attack fr.
vil usually doesn't do this but seriously? that was another level of low.
also he's just by your side, you don't even have to say that he's your boyfriend because he's lowkey rubbing it in their face that he is in fact, taken.
"next time you try to see me again, might as well buy one of the tickets to my fan signings because you’re not seeing me again otherwise.. well, not like you can afford it anyways." *fabulous hair flip*
something unsaid; either way I'll kick you out if you try to get in
most safest person to flirt with, even if you're friends with their lover but also the most impossible to actually try and 'steal.'
the thing about kalim is that he's adorably stupid, not to degrade him in any shape or form but he's so oblivious about everything that you could consider it as one of his redeemable traits to be adorable.
he takes everything you say so seriously to the point where if you joke about wanting to water an entire continent he's just there with his carpet waiting for you cause he's gonna do exactly that.
"you're in luck cause I have a lot of water in me!" pops his non existent guns on his arms. (he is talking about his unique magic..)
it takes a remarkable mind to be like... that but you like him all the well about it, compliment his stupid-ness and he'll just grin, flush a little and laugh loudly as he compliments you back. not an ounce of anger in his tiny body.
red eyes but what a bright heart!
the type of guy that goes. "any friend of yours is a friend of mine!" so when he meets your friend group, casually just throws them a grand ball. they don't know whether to be flattered or.. concerned cause this is pretty weird.
not only was one of your friends awed over the mere value of many things inside the dorm he renovated, apparently his very huge bank full of gold was something to gasp over too.
and that's exactly what they did. (I mean get that bag sis but that bag is already owned by someone else and that's you... so that's not slay of you, random friend.)
here's when his nature proves to be quite relenting, even after many flirting, even using those cringe pickup lines from the internet, he just won't budge! it's getting irritating cause they're sure the people already heard the embarrassing words coming out of their mouth.
also that they were flirting with a non-legally married man. (to you ofc ofc.)
kalim either laughs at them because he thinks they were jokes, and just funny or laughs just because he's kalim.
he didn't really mind the casual touches at first, maybe it was friendly? he does it all the time after all but there was a stinking feeling that it felt weird and that alone was weird cause friendly pats were supposed to feel good.
not with you though cause those feel great!
accidentally shuts them down cause they're feeling like a third wheel when you come back after a bathroom break and it's like a total contrast to how he was treating them.
how do you seriously not notice kalim now unintentionally flirting with you?! are both of you airheads?!
he was literally all over you when you quipped up a "hi, I'm back."
and he was like; "welcome back :DDDD!!!!" if it wasn't already obvious they'd even add floating hearts emojis all over his head.
something unsaid; girl he didn't even notice anything was up...
kinda a 50/50?
I'm not sure if most people really dig the whole 'bad reputation' thing. he's friends with the most terrifying twins in the entire campus, notably scammed a lot of people, can give wishes with an extreme price.
oh yeah he runs monstro lounge too but that just means he won't have time to spend with a lover.
that's their own imagination but azul's actually very sweet and gets some overworked junior to do the work for him, usually jade since floyd just leaves if he's given the job. JUST so he can go fret over which tie to use for your unofficial date.
despite him annoyed and losing sleep 24/7 because of the tweels he still asks them which one to use, jade's opinion is most trustworthy since floyd picks the neon, vibrant ones. (don't question why he even owns it.)
I doubt he actually likes people though, anyone else than you? hard pass. he's a simp through and through but unlike idia who can't mask the mortification and disgust on his face even at the cost of his life, good thing that masks are one of the many things azul is good at.
he slips up sometimes cause he genuinely thinks it's embarrassing that they're doing whatever this is to him, (well more of an attempt?) and to you, who is also their friend and his lover.
slip up as in his eye twitches, he flinches away a little too fast when they touch him, and his smile wobbles.
I mean no one would notice if he uses his magic on one, singular person...
mentally makes a note to remember whoever this was cause they're not stepping foot in octavinelle ever again.
+ an object of fun for the tweels. #gotormentthatlife!!
he's just a polite guy, so he won't just straight up insult them but he does warn them. the only thing holding him back from cooking a whole table is the crowd that would definitely spread the news of him going batshit.
like; "could you please, stop this? I hope you're not as stupid as you make yourself out to be because if you think I'm an idiot to not know what you're doing.. "
meanwhile his mind; "ugh this bitch. [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]."
I mean he's not that intimidating ALONE but when he gets all threatening like that (🥰) he could pass for an assassin fr.
just gets the tweels to deal with them cause he does not have the patience to deal with this backstabbing ho and it's wasting his precious time that should have been spent talking with you.
ugh he did not spend like 30 whole minutes picking out his tie and gloves just for this.
azul when he sees you coming back: 😇
something unsaid; [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted].
oh boy, cover your eyes cause we're stepping onto another level of SAVAGE. you don't call lions that for NOTHING ‼️ beastman or just beast.
has the least filter out of everyone, as in he just doesn't give a single fuck, he's the chillest (agressive) guy on the twst planet so if the thought of wanting to insult some stranger that doesn't have a significance in his life at all pops up in his mind he ain't gonna change it lol.
gives the stinkiest eyes, even his tail and ears pause to synchronize with his thoughts cause if they had googly eyes they'd have a side eye too.
if he's laying down and they try pulling him upwards, tryna latch onto him? *just shoves them cutely.* problem solved.
leona's nice enough to let them off without losing something cause you really do mean something to him if he's holding back for your expense knowing that this is one of your 'friends.'
they don't even deserve to be called that!
like no one interrupts his peaceful nap times except for when he stands up to interrupt it himself just to drag you down with him.
wait so basically anyone but him???
he, really doesn't want to waste energy on this fool and to be honest they're really boring him since you went out to grab something you forgot. (but knowing this person for less than an hour in his life, they probably had something to do with that too.) so you aren't here to give him a reason to stay awake.
them rambling but in leona's eyes they're a blurry figure cause he's really sleepy.
then suddenly he's an iphone promax when he's looking at you 💀
if they already didn't take a hint from his earlier shove, the dirt isn't the only thing he's gonna shove someone into. there's a lake there for a reason other than keeping a home for the fishes y'know. never would know if they eat people too. /j
"would you shut up?"
yeah that's all he says but we all know how sharp it is to hear that from somebody so they immediately shut up. there's absolutely no need for any waste on energy of them, just one look from him and they're SILENT.
hopefully embarrassed too cause wtf was that??
unfortunately he can't fully enjoy his usually relaxing nap cause this random is corrupting the atmosphere even when they're silent, I swear they could shift and leona feels like one step closer to smacking 'it.'
ignored them every single time they tried to call out to him LOUDLY before but when you just silently step back on the field, he already peeks out an eye??? like no words needed.
what love does to a mf... sighs... another cold male lead we've lost to romance because of our mc <4
something unsaid; I was really questioning if keeping myself from strangling someone was worth it. took more effort than doing it literally
I'd have a crush on him too tbh.
unlike azul who already knew their intentions from the start, polite enough to kindly drop signs that he's not interested. riddle doesn't get it, he's just polite as well but also confused?
like he doesn't know they're tryna flirt, but he does think their actions are strange like c'mon. why are they trying to feel him up? he has no idea except the thought that he doesn't like it at all.
also it feels like he's betraying you so he just straight up pulls their arm away off of him firmly and shakes his head.
"stop this behavior."
he sighs.
surprisingly he's patient but also impatient???
consider this the first and last warning cause he WILL excuse himself if it ever goes on, riddle can wait for you browse through a whole store with him following you around and playfully commenting on your taste but can't wait for their attitude to get better.
he ain't gonna waste any more of his precious minutes on this period.
I don't know how to explain it, he's totally unaware of what they want, which is him ironically. but the reason he's rejecting their advances is because he's so devoted and a simp for you.
not a lot of people have the balls to converse or touch around him carelessly like that so freely so isn't it basic human courtesy to hold off all the physical affection till they're more acquainted?
well, not that riddle's not gonna let their current relationship advance any further from strangers at this point...
he's so loyal to you that it's cute jabskans.
riddle sticks to his principles, and he certainly has his own preferences for the personality of people. one of the traits he despises is when they don't understand his earlier warnings.
of course riddle isn't very forgiving, they're lucky they were even given a chance before cause even he, doesn't spare his dorm members a second chance when they break a rule he's been plenty lenient with.
so if you were given a chance, you better take it cause he's not giving you another.
like how since you did take your chance he's not gonna let you go now 😍.
isn't the type to be rude to people for matters he deems conflict being easily avoidable so he just makes up a believable excuse and walks away loool.
and they're like thinking; didn't he say he was tired and had to sleep since he stayed up planning the unbirthday party... why is he having a tea date with you???
suddenly he didn't look too tired at all compared to when he randomly slumped to look exhausted before??
something unsaid; 🥰🍵 what a successful unbirthday party *forgets about them immediately cause you're both having an unofficial date.*
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note. ok so something unsaids are basically that but don't misunderstand, it's something they didn't say.
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tofulikesmala · 7 months
s/o with a comfort pillow (or toy)
who?: Xiao, scaramouche, Neuvillette, gorou, freminet, razor
genre: fluff
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He would see you hugging it, man would get jealous. You hug it while you sleep, you hug it while you work, you jut bury your face in it once in a while. But he doesn’t understand, why are you so attached to it? Eventually, he starts to get jealous. Lying on the bed, you’re supposed to be hugging HIM not your comfort toy/ pillow >:( he would def feel tempted to rip it to shreds, but once he sees your crying face when you find it missing, he’ll sigh and give it back to you. When he asks why you were so attached to it, you explained that it has been with you since you were really young, that you have become so attached to you now you can’t let go. He looks away and huffs “foolish mortal”
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Well….this guy is another one who would get jealous…. and has a higher chance of actually ripping the comfort pillow/ toy than Xiao. He would enjoy teasing you about it, but as much as you hate the teasing, you still keep the pillow/toy with you. Once he hid it in secret and you panicked BIG TIME, once scaramouche had enough of your sobbing he’ll give it back, you made him promise not to do it again. (He will lmao)
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He would politely ask you to put it away and hug him instead LMAOOOO this time is not him teasing you, it’s you teasing him as he craves for your attention. He buries his head in your neck as he holds you, his face turning a shade of red. At least his nice, he’ll let you hug it during the day, he won’t take it from you either, but once you get into the bed with him, it’s him time >:(
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Man, he would be realllly pouty and clingy. He wouldn’t be one to take it or hide it from you, but he will be jealous
Gorou sits up a little, confirming you are asleep. He gently removes the pillow/ toy from your grasp. Suddenly, he felt you shift in your position. He stops as fear consumes him for a while. But once incoherent words come out of your mouth, he knows you’re still asleep. He gently placed the pillow/toy on his side of the bed, as he slowly pops into your arms, making you hug him instead. He shifted his tail so that you could feel the fluffiness. He sighs as he drifted off to sleep as well
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This boy is just the sweetest hejajajrbrhwhaj
anyways, after explaining what a comfort toy/pillow is, he'd def make a huggable version of pers and hug it together with you on bed >333 He's not one to get very jealous over a comfort toy/pillow, but he will. A little.
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My boy is gonna be like what's that💀. After explaining, he curious, he wants to know WHY you’re so attached to it, even if you've been with it a long time. So…. You reluctantly give it to him, but how could you ever refuse those puppy eyes of his? He holds it gently, before burying his face into it. He inhales the scent as he slowly said “remind me of s/o….”
Razor was left alone in the house, you had gone out to run some errands, leaving razor to do his own things. He missed you, he softly whined as he wanted a hug :(((. Just then, he saw your comfort toy/pillow. He lay down on bed and hugged it tight, it was as if he was hugging you. Your scent filled his nose as he buries his head into it. It somehow made him sleepy, he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.
“Razor I’m home!” You closed the door as you stepped into the house. However, there was no reply. It was strange….did the worst happen? Panic rose up in your heart as you entered the bedroom. But the sight only made your heart melt. You quickly changed your clothes as you lay down the bed, hugging him from behind. And so you too, drifted to sleep.
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ovaryacted · 3 months
If you need some crack to help lift the spirits.
Leon trying (and failing) to win over his s/o’s cat.
I’m talking like, Leon meets the fluffy beast for the first time. He tries to pet her and she glares at him. his s/o is like “This is princess. She’s very sweet :)”
His s/o can’t see it, but Leon can. That cat is a menace.
She knocks over a cup when she sees Leon and s/o kissing. S/o is like “aww someone wants attention.” But Leon K N O W S.
Whenever Leon and S/o are cuddling, the cat gets between them.
He sleeps over and wakes up to the cat sitting on his face to try and suffocate him.
When s/o is gone? It’s WWIII. Leon and the cat are in the same room and s/o isn’t there? WWE smack down on LEON. He gets beaten by the CAT.
Whenever s/o turns their back, Leon and the cat just GLARE at each other wherever they are.
He tries to pet her and she actually growls at him. Full on monster growl. He tries to win her over with treats and she hisses. He once got so fed up he hissed back. Only ended in mutually assured destruction between them.
They tolerate each other at best. But infront of s/o? They behave.
But! Bonding! Only during storms. The cat is afraid of thunder, and storms remind Leon of RC. So he’s awake in bed, and the cat just so happens to walk onto his lap and sit down. But as soon as the rain stops? It’s back to Tom and Jerry antics.
However. If the cat is sick or hurt, Leon is perceptive enough to know she needs to go to the vet. He’s studied the feline for so long he actually gets upset if she has to stay at the vet for an extended period of time.
But once she’s back? the Cone of shame can’t stop CLAWS.
But, it’s not all cats. Maybe there’s more animals. They all Love leon. He can read them and their behavior easily. He’s just been bested by this ONE DEMON CAT THAT HIS S/O NAMED PRINCESS
-angsty (not really anymore lmfao) anon
LMAOOOO OMG THIS IS FUNNY AND ALSO CUTE AND ENDEARING. I can see Leon being someone who is relatively good with animals and is often kind to them, but he just can't seem to get along with his partner's cat. I've seen so many videos of cats doing the same thing where they'll be so close with their guardians and the other person becomes their punching bag. Yeah, Leon would find himself in that predicament.
He can't be near his partner without the cat hovering nearby, probably jumping into their guardian's lap and craving attention, which really is just a tactic to get Leon away from them. That cat is just so petty that they'll stare and hiss at Leon when he kisses his significant other, almost as if daring him to fuck off.
God forbid Leon is in bed with his partner too, this cat will just come into bed and start slapping Leon in his sleep and it wakes him up so suddenly he feels a weight on his chest. He blinks in the dark, seeing orbs literally staring back at him as if this small pet was claiming their dominance over Leon.
He tries to mention it to his partner and says that he doesn't know why Princess hates him so much as he scratches the back of his neck. His lover just kind of laughs and shrugs, saying "She'll warm up to you, she's just not used to you yet. She's a sweetheart" and he thinks that it's reassuring enough so he drops it and moves on.
Except the moment of acceptance never comes, not in the way Leon wants anyway. He is literally fighting at home constantly, this cat, this so-called princess making an enemy out of him and trying so hard to get on his nerves. He'll get hit constantly, and his clothes are used as makeshift scratching toys, all torn up from the kitty's claws. Not to mention, Leon also gets scratched if he even tries to get too close to Princess, she'll literally jump his bones and pounce on him to get some hits in.
This is a man who kills bioweapons for crying out loud and here he is, getting his ass beat by a fucking cat. But he loves his partner, really does, and knows that they are good for each other so he decides to suffer in silence and let Princess tear him a new one. He tries to bribe them with treats and toys, giving them a peace offering so they'll back off but the cat just won't give him a break.
What he doesn't talk about are the rare moments when this demon cat silently accepts his existence. They hate the rain and hate thunderstorms, and one night Leon finds himself wide awake and walks out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, getting himself a cup of water. He can't sleep, knowing it will be a while before he can go back to bed. He watches the cat coming towards him, and he doesn't move, just pretends he doesn't see them in his peripheral.
The cat jumps onto the counter, tail curling as they watch Leon diligently, but there isn't malice in their eyes. He tilts his head towards the fluffy animal and starts to talk to them.
"You too huh?", he's asking this pet if they hate thunderstorms just like he did, and he gets a meow in response. He sips at his water again, nodding his head as he suddenly becomes the cat whisperer.
"Yeah, I hate the rain", Leon mumbles after, and they stay in the kitchen in comfortable silence after a while, enjoying the quality time shared with a new mutual understanding between them.
Maybe this cat ain't so bad. He'll think that to himself before getting his ass beat again the moment he wakes up.
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svltzmans · 3 months
could you do fiona taking reader with a strap for the first time? 🙏
meddle about - f.g.
fiona gallagher x fem! reader
warnings: smut (18+), strap on use, dirty talk, nipple play, mommy kink if you squint really hard, this is so smutty lmaoooo
a/n: i'm back with a bang (literally lol). this has been in my drafts for so long 😶 but i'm obsessed with this request. i'm also writing this and posting without proofreading but i might check it later lmao
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fiona kicks her shoes off, relieved to finally be in her apartment.
managing a diner is surprisingly difficult, and she had found that out the hard way.
despite the aches in her knees and ankles, she was quick to make her way home. she knew her girlfriend, y/n, had stayed over.
fiona makes herself blush, thinking about how thrilled she is to get home to y/n.
hearing the door close and fiona's shoes drop to the floor, y/n practically jumps out of bed, making her way to the foyer.
"hi baby," y/n coos, pulling fiona into a welcoming kiss.
fiona finds herself melting into y/n, her thoughts escalating despite the innocence of the contact.
"someone missed me, huh?" y/n teases, noticing fiona's change in reaction.
"just been thinking about you all day," fiona responds, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend.
y/n extends her hand to fiona, encouraging her to follow.
fiona does so without thought, allowing y/n to guide her to their bedroom.
y/n sits on the bed, beckoning fiona to sit on her lap.
fiona wraps her legs around y/n's waist, resting her arms on her shoulders.
y/n instinctively leans in to kiss fiona, her fingers in her hair.
the kiss escalates quickly, fiona letting her hands roam over her girlfriend's body.
hearing y/n's quiet whines and feeling her start rocking back and forth flips a switch in fiona.
"lay down, baby girl," fiona mutters, gently pushing on y/n's chest.
y/n does as she's told with no hesitance, letting her body sink into the mattress.
fiona hovers over her, finger rested below her chin. she leans in to kiss y/n again, the closeness to her girlfriend's body driving her crazy.
y/n can't help but frown when fiona pulls away, only for her face to change immediately when fiona starts kissing her chest.
fiona stares up at y/n, her piercing eyes locked into hers.
she starts licking cirlces around y/n's nipple, her fingers rubbing the other.
"fi..." y/n moans, throwing her head back at the sensation.
hearing her girlfriend moan only turns fiona on more, and she can't help sucking harder to elicit a louder reaction from y/n.
"fiona!" y/n almost screams in pleasure, her body instinctively jerking upward.
hearing these sounds from her girlfriend practically breaks fiona. she pulls away, looking into her eyes.
"wanna try something new with you," fiona coos, running her finger along y/n's chin.
"new how?" y/n responds, growing more excited.
"you'll see. close your eyes for a sec."
y/n feels the bed rise and fall as fiona stands, retrieving something from the drawer.
a few seconds later, fiona stands at the foot of the bed.
"you can open 'em now."
when y/n takes her hands off her eyes, she has to blink a few times to ensure she's not dreaming.
her girlfriend had put on a strap, tightly affixing it to her waist. the sight put y/n in a daze immediately, her eyes instinctively rolling to the back of her head.
to y/n's surprise, fiona sits at the edge of the bed next to her waist.
her hand quickly makes it's way to y/n's underwear, their lips touching once again.
"gonna get you ready for me, use my fingers first," fiona mutters between kisses, her fingers hovering over y/n's clit.
y/n nearly screams when fiona puts two fingers inside of her, slowly pumping them in and out.
"fuck, faster baby. do it faster," y/n chants out, craving more of the feeling.
fiona hovers over y/n once again, slowly sliding her fingers out.
"think you're ready baby? i'm gonna fuck that pretty pussy of yours," fiona teases, putting a coil in y/n's stomach.
"please, oh god," y/n instantly responds, her desperation growing by the second.
"spread your legs for me."
fiona taps y/n's clit with the strap, earning sharp whines from the girl below her.
"holy shit, you're so wet already y/n," fiona praises, still lazily rubbing against her.
"are you gonna fuck me or wha-"
before y/n can even finish her quip, fiona pushes herself into y/n, the tip of the strap inside her.
"oh," y/n sighs, adjusting to the new sensation. she had never felt so full, even though fiona was far from all the way in.
fiona pushes deeper, burying half of the strap into y/n's pussy.
y/n lets out a guttural moan, the sensation driving her crazy.
"don't know if i can take it all, fi," she moans, hands laced in fiona's hair. "it's so big."
"i know you can take it baby. wanna fuck you so deep."
fiona is shocked by how good wearing the strap was making her feel, the base of it colliding with her clit with every movement.
they both moan loudly when fiona pushes all the way in, their waists colliding.
fiona starts slow, y/n quickly adjusting to the feeling.
"faster, please," y/n begs, desperation growing in her stomach.
fiona picks up her pace, moaning at the feeling of the strap against her body.
they both moan loudly, sloppily kissing as fiona hovers over y/n.
"that's my girl," fiona praises, feeling herself already growing close.
y/n feels like she can't stop making noise, her body out of her control.
"don't stop mo- m' getting close," y/n manages to save her slip up, not knowing fiona's thoughts about being called names like that.
fiona doesn't seem to notice, her body overtaken by such intense feeling.
"fuck baby, gonna cum with you. feels so good to fuck you like this," fiona breathes out, throwing her head back.
"need you inside me more often," y/n smirks, more whines escaping her lips.
"oh my god, i- i'm right there. cum with me, please," she cries out, grabbing onto fiona's shoulders.
"god baby, i'm cumming," fiona sighs, her body shaking as she struggles to stay up.
soon enough, she can't, and collapses next to y/n, starting to giggle.
"that was one hell of a surprise," y/n smirks, kissing fiona gently.
"wait, what did you call me before?" fiona sees y/n turn beet red, smiling at the shyness of her girlfriend.
"um, that's a tomorrow conversation."
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eldritch-spouse · 9 months
Idk why but I really wanna imagine Patches acting as like, idk, a messenger for Krulu going to give messages to the different Icons (though realistically Krulu probably wouldn't even need to do that but LET ME EXPLAIN...)
And Admin forced Patches to wear his usual work uniform-- well, except for that INCREDIBLY short skirt that looks so tight it'd be reasonable to assume that it was fused to his skin...
Vorticia would be like "Wow I suddenly crave pumpkin soup", Zizz curiously wonders if Patches has soft thighs or not, Kalymir probably makes terrible fun of Patches about it, Cero and Livius would probably do the same (but in different degrees of course), Vesper wouldn't even try to resist, he'd fuck the poor guy right there and then, and Rinxx would try to take Patches' cum-drenched panties as a treasure at the end of it all, lmaoooo
[That's a cute thought!]
Generally speaking, Icons are figures Krulu wants to have close contact with at first, because the plan to one day have his progeny take over Perdition has been brewing for a long time. This is why these demonlords appear inside The Clergy's Eye from time to time, and the establishment's services are often extended to Hell for their pleasure/entertainment. This means that the most likely messenger is you and Krulu himself.
However, others can be sent, if need be. Santi, Nebul and Patches being among the first candidates on that hypothetical list.
Patches wouldn't say he's very Hell-smart. He's been to the Rings a couple of times, usually for very quick fetch quests, or to study something of particular notoriety. Other than that, he's more than a bit sweaty and nervous venturing from ring to ring, even if he knows he has Krulu's vague protection through all this. The fact that his pants have been removed and he sports on a skirt small enough that he can feel the breeze on his ass is not helping...
Cero will scoff. He expected the Lord-God to send the usual (pretty) human vessel, not this green whore that can barely stutter out a coherent sentence. He'll lift that skirt to expose Patches' helpless hard-on and verbally berate him hard enough to make the undead cum himself, making a mess of the Pride King's perfect floors and thus earning himself a nasty stomp on the balls.
Zizz knows this man is emaciated, he doesn't expect him to be very soft, but he will comment on how Patches is dirtying the front of his skirt. The friction looks uncomfortable, Zizz can provide something softer for the dullahan's "comfort"...
Vorticia is not above circling the pumpkin-headed man and letting her tail's ends flirt with his thighs and groin. Patches might indeed come out of it with half his head ripped off, if not all of it.
Rinx is tempted to keep him as a pet in general, but he knows better than to steal a God's messenger. He'll take something from his fellow green monster though, if only just an orgasm or even, yes, the God-Thing's pet's cumstained skirt.
Livius will be mocking in the sense that he'll copy Patches' stuttering and nervous verbal tendencies, maybe even his timid stance or the way he'll rub his thighs together to offer himself friction. Being around an exhibitionist pervert will make Livius act like one too, so things get weird fast.
Kalymir is going to be the death of Patches. He'll barely pay attention to the message past his thunderous laughter as he shoves the undead around and hurls acidic taunts his way. Patches will leave with several stab wounds, bruises and his own cum smeared on his face as a humiliation ritual.
Vesper is absolutely milking the fuck out of Patches as soon as he steps into his mansion. The man's already dripping with arousal, you expect the Icon of Lust to hesitate? Hah, get real... Patches can barely get anything past his lips with Vesper sucking him dry and preparing to slot him onto one of his massive cocks. He's happy one of the Lord-God's fucktoys came to visit!!
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ggukiepie · 1 year
girl in luv (boy in luv pt. 6)
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pairing: jungkook x reader
summary: jungkook finally tells you what you've been wanting to hear for so long...but you're still not happy
tags: bil!couple, college!au, bff!jk, two idiots in love, angst (what's new), fluff, happy ending !!!, kissing hihi
wc: 3.5k
a/n: lmaoooo hi im sorry this took so long. i didn't like what i originally wrote so i scrapped the whole thing and well here it is! i hope u guys like it. this is the last part for the series. tho i do plan to post some drabbles here and there (like their first time together maybe) but no promises anw thats its bye happy reading !!!! series masterlist / main masterlist
Your phone suddenly buzzes—someone was calling you. Though, instead of answering it, you stuff your phone between your couch cushions to block out the noise. You don’t dare look at your screen, sure you’ll get tempted to answer the call—whoever that was. You haven’t got much social interaction these days, always choosing to go straight home after each class, eating by yourself, declining invites to parties and hangouts. It’s not like anyone’s forcing you to be this way. You did this to yourself, really. You’d rather be alone than hangout with people. You didn’t have the energy to do so. You just wanted to be in your bubble a little bit longer.
Deep down, you know you’re craving to talk to someone. Anyone. But somehow you always end up alone. With your thoughts.
Self-sabotage, if you will.
The thoughts don’t help either. Your mind always drifts to Jungkook. Sometimes you think about him and his girlfriend. Most of the time, you think of your friendship. You missed what you had, even though you had to guard your heart every time, even if you got your hopes up at the simplest of actions. You missed being with Jungkook because for the time you were with him, he felt like he was…yours? There was no doubt that you were his. Had been from the start but didn’t realize it till later on. Your heart always craved for him, yearned for him when he wasn’t with you. Your heart felt lighter when you were together, be it doing the most mundane of things or sharing a special moment.
If you could just toughen up and tell him how you feel. But it was easier said than done. He already indirectly rejected you when he got together with some girl. But why would he reject you if he never knew how you felt? Maybe you were too busy protecting your heart, protecting the friendship you might lose if you would’ve confessed. You never thought he’d feel the same, even though you had moments that felt like he did.
You shake your head to rid your thoughts. You try to focus on writing the essay in front of you. Your Friday nights felt different now—stuck doing homework while your friends were partying.
You’re finally two pages deep when you hear frantic knocking on your door. You check the time on your laptop and see it’s a little past one in the morning. You suddenly rush to open your door, scared that you’d get a noise complaint all of a sudden.
You stand frozen, mouth agape at the scene in front of you.
“Huh?” you dumbly say.
It’s your three closest friends in your doorway. Jimin and Taehyung are somewhat conscious—at least they’re standing upright. But you notice the sway in their stance and you can smell the alcohol off of them. But it’s Jungkook between them that makes you freeze. He’s passed out, you’re sure of it, and the only reason why he’s sort of standing up is because Jimin and Tae have his arms around their shoulders.
“Why are you guys here?” you finally say.
It’s Taehyung who speaks up, smiling that smile he has when he wants something to go his way. When he has a plan that you might say no to (which you usually do). “Jungkook,” he points at Jungkook, as if you’d confuse him with anyone else, “is drunk.”
“I can see that,” you deadpan.
“And!” Tae rushes to say, like you’re about five seconds from shutting the door in their faces. “He kept asking for you. So we are simply complying with his request.”
“Because we are great friends,” Jimin pipes in. Taehyung nods in confirmation.
“Me?” you whisper, as if Taehyung were referring to anyone else. Your mind isn’t any better than his drunk one at this point.
“Yes!” Jimin whisper shouts. “Now let us in, he’s kinda getting heavy.”
Jungkook makes an incoherent sound from where his head is leaning on Tae’s shoulder, drool making a wet patch on the poor guy’s shirt. You take pity on your best friend and step aside to let in all of them, even though your heart’s racing because Jungkook is in your apartment.
Holy shit.
You watch them bring his unconscious body to your couch (they actually drop Jungkook and giggle all the way to your door, saying their goodbyes without looking back).
You huff at the sight in front of you. Jungkook’s cheeks are flushed red and he’s a little bit sweaty. Though, he looks so peaceful sleeping on your couch. Was he really looking for you?
You get a glass of water and two aspirins, placing it on the coffee table near him. The moment you near him, you kneel by his head and wipe the stray hairs on his forehead. You look at Jungkook, like really look at him. His eyebrows are scrunched together like something’s troubling him in his dreams. His lips are in a slight pout, lip ring glistening under your light (when did he get that, anyway?), little puffs of air coming out his mouth.
“Am I…” he mumbles. Your heart races. His eyes are still closed, but his mouth continues to move. “Am I at ____’s?”
Your heart seizes at the sound of your name. You gulp and nod slowly, then realize that he can’t hear you. “Yeah…” you trail off. “You’re in my living room.”
“Oh,” your best friend says as his eyebrows scrunch up some more. “Missed you.”
You sit back on the floor and hug your knees to yourself, preparing for whatever it is that he might say next. A drunk man’s words are his sober thoughts, right?
“Jimin and Tae said you were looking for me?”
“Mhmm,” he mumbles. “Wanted to… tell you somethin’”
You shake your head. Though your heart yearned to know, you also do know it’s not the right time. Not when he’s drunk. He might just regret his words now the next morning, which might even hurt worse than what he’s about to say. “Save it for tomorrow, Kook.” You push yourself off the floor but he stops you by holding your wrist, albeit weakly.
“Nuh uh…” he whispers. “Need to know…now. Broke up with Jiwoo.” He opens his eyes slightly and looks at you right away.
“Like,” he continues to say, “I did it for you.”
You feel your anger rising, your body heating everywhere. “I didn’t tell you to do anything,” you firmly say.
Jungkook moves to sit up and you take a step back. “No,” he shakes his head slowly. “Jus’ didn’t feel right.”
You feel tears welling up in your eyes and you finally walk to your bedroom, slamming the door and locking it shut. You block out the sounds of Jungkook weakly calling out your name. Your fists clench in anger, the words Jungkook just uttered replaying in your head over and over. He couldn’t just dump his problems, turn around the narrative and make it seem like you made him break up with Jiwoo. That you asked him to end things with her because it didn’t feel right. And he forced himself into your home, your personal space—and drunk at that! He knew all your weak spots and used it to his advantage.
You hope he’d be gone in the morning. You don’t think your heart can hurt any more.
You hear pans clinking which promptly wakes you up. You weren’t able to sleep that much, actually, knowing Jungkook was right outside your room. You guess he stayed in the morning. He’s either cooking in your kitchen, or someone’s trying to steal your pans.
Rubbing your eyes as you open your bedroom door, you spot Jungkook by the stove with his back turned to you. He seems to be making scrambled eggs—which is the only thing he can make confidently.
“Morning,” you say. You might as well clear the air as early as now. You watch his back tense for a millisecond before he turns off the stove and sets the pan on your dining table. He turns to face you and brings a hand up to brush his hair back, a nervous tick of his that you noticed a few years back.
“Good morning,” he mumbles.
“So,” you start.
It’s so awkward you might cry again. When did things get this out of place? You start to rethink your feelings. You haven’t even confessed yet it feels like you’ve lost your best friend already. What if you confessed? What would happen then? You felt your heart closing just thinking about it now. Was your friendship really that fragile? You and Jungkook hardly fought but even if you did, you always made up right away.
“___,” he says. You look up, eyes meeting his instantly. “About last night… I’m sorry I suddenly barged into your place. I guess I really forced Tae and Jimin to bring me here.”
You nod and lean on the wall behind you, preparing for a long talk with him.
“I just really missed you, I guess—”
“Do you remember what you said last night?” you ask harshly, cutting him off so quick his shoulders tense.
Jungkook swallows nervously and nods his head. “Yeah and… I don’t know if there’s a better to say it, really. But we did break up, ____. She just wasn’t it for me.”
“And you said you did it for me,” you say, pushing him to just get to the point.
“Yes, because I realized that my heart never belonged to her. It belonged to you. Still does,” he says in a rush.
You eye him sharply, staring at his features and expression to make sure he’s completely telling the truth. You want to believe him, you really do, but why would he say that then be with someone else.
“It doesn’t make sense,” you finally say. “Why did you get together with her, then?”
“I don’t know—”
“You don’t know,” you repeat, and Jungkook’s eyes widen in panic. “You think you can come running to me right after a break up? Like I’m some second option? You don’t love her enough so you run to me instead?”
Jungkook opens and closes his mouth, mind thinking quickly to say something. His hands start to tremble and he brings a hand up to push back his hair. “I didn’t mean that,” he says hoarsely. “I didn’t realize it soon… And—” he stutters to catch his breath. “I was just scared—”
You’re fuming at this point. How could he do this to you? To just play with your feelings like that? “Get out.”
“I mean it, Jungkook,” you shakily say. “You’ve hurt me enough. Just leave, please.”
He looks at you longingly, doe eyes watering before he nods and turns to the door in silence. You watch him put his shoes on before he leaves, not sparing you a glance. You don’t realize you’ve been tearing up as well, wiping the tears on your cheeks. Walking to the kitchen counter, you realize that Jungkook made chocolate chip pancakes. Your favorite.
It’s been a week since the incident with Jungkook and you haven’t talked to him since then. You also missed your weekly brunch with your friends, too afraid to face Jungkook. Thinking about it now, were you a little bit too harsh? Maybe. You thought you’d finally be happy upon hearing his confession but instead you pushed him away, shut him out. Because you’re scared. Terrified. Things were already going so well with Jungkook when you both were just best friends and you don’t think you can lose him forever should you actually get together and then break up.
Funny since it feels like you’ve lost him already.
It’s 8 am and you’re all alone in the student council office, trying to get some studying done as you were restless staying in your apartment. Staying there just reminds you of Jungkook, so you’ve been spending your mornings here before the other people arrive.
Suddenly, the door opens which is unusual. You usually have the place to yourself for at least another three hours. Curiously, you look up and find your best friend standing by the doorway, laptop and coffee in hand.
It’s silent for a moment, the both of you drinking each other in. Jungkook looks like he hasn’t gotten much sleep, eye bags dark and skin lackluster. You suppose you don’t look any better, knowing you barely got any sleep the past few days.
“Hi,” he finally says. You’re glad you have the long table separating the two of you. You don’t think your heart can handle being physically closer.
“Are you here for something?” you ask hesitantly.
“Can I…” He trails off, looking at the printer by the corner. You’d be laughing by now under normal circumstances. You nod instead, because it’s bizarre seeing Jungkook here asking if he can print something, which is something he liked to do back when your friendship was intact. The room is silent as you see him connect his laptop to the printer, both of you avoiding each other’s eyes. It’s too silent, actually, that it’s driving you a bit insane.
“How many pages?” you ask.
“Uhm… Fifty?” he says like he’s unsure.
“Fifty?” you repeat in a gasp. The printer is free, sure, but it’s ancient. Fifty pages will take too long and you don’t know if you can stand being in the room with him for half an hour or so.
Jungkook hands you the coffee he brought with him. “I bought you coffee as thanks.” He smiles ever so slightly and watches as you take a sip. Of course, it’s your usual order at the café down the street.
He looks at you expectantly but you’re too busy looking down at the coffee in your hands, too nervous to lock eyes with him. A few seconds later you hear him exhale and it’s just the sound of the printer in the room.
Your chest feels so tight all of a sudden like it’s ready to burst out of your ribcage any minute. It feels so heavy, so constricting that it’s starting to hurt physically. Is it really worth it harboring all this anger and pain? For conjuring up these theories in your head that will make you push him further away?
You shake your head to yourself and look up expecting to lock eyes with his, but his back is turned to you.
“Did you really mean what you said last week?” you blurt out.
Jungkook jumps in surprise and whips his body to face you, doe eyes wide. He looks surprised but he also looks relieved, and your heart breaks a little more seeing the relief cross his face the moment you talk to him.
He starts playing with the hem of his shirt absentmindedly. “I did,” he mumbles. “I mean every word I said, and I’m really sorry that everything had to turn out this way when I could’ve just been brave and confessed all those years ago.”
You nod your head at his words and process what he just said. Deep down you know you believe him, but it’s hard to keep that in mind when the hurt outweighs the truth. You look up at him with a sad smile on your face. “Why now, Kook? After all these years.”
He sighs and leans on the chair in front of him. You notice his shoulders deflate and his back hunch a little. He looks tired and you feel your own tiredness in your bones as well. “I was just scared. Us being friends was so comfortable and so good… I was just scared of things changing and me losing you.”
You bite your lip to stop yourself from crying. Looking to the side of the room to avoid his stare, you whisper, “And I know—” you choke on your words and clench your hands in frustration. “And I know I’m at fault as well—for assuming and pulling away once you got together with her. I had no right because we’re just…friends.”
It’s quiet save for the printer and his feet shuffling on the floor. You turn towards him to see Jungkook slowly walking to where you’re sat. Once he’s standing in front of you, he raises his hands towards your face but stops midway. Like he’s about to hold you but he’s hesitant.
You’re tilting your head to look up at him, eyes shiny with tears but lip turned upwards in a small smile. It’s ok, you mouth, because you don’t trust yourself to speak right now. You watch Jungkook hold your face in his hands, thumbs going behind your ears to rub at your skin slowly, fingers splayed on your cheeks to wipe your tears away.
He gathers your face in his hands, thumbs gently brushing the tears streaming down your cheeks. “I’m sorry, baby,” he whispers shakily. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m so, so sorry.”
You nod your head absentmindedly, heart squeezing at the affectionate way he talks to you.
“I really am sorry,” he repeats. “I… Yeah, we’re just friends but I’d like to believe that we both just know. That you felt my love the same I’ve been feeling yours ever since. Even though we’re just friends. But…I know better now.”
You look at him confusingly and he looks away from you and smiles, his cheeks turning a light shade of red. You watch in silence as he plays with his lip piercing distractedly. Finally, he turns to you still with that smile on his face. His thumb starts playing with your lower lip but he’s looking at you with so much adoration in his eyes.
You’ve seen this look on him before, every time you’re with him, and now do you only realize that it’s a look full of love, desire, yearning.
“It’s scary if we do become something more and I end up losing you,” he starts, “but I’d rather live a life of at least knowing what it feels like to love you and be loved by you, than doing nothing at all.”
Tears are streaming down your face but you’re smiling so wide and Jungkook’s doing the same as well, with his nose even scrunching up and his dimples showing.
“I think it’s normal to feel scared,” you finally reply. “But I’d also rather live a life of us loving together than loving from afar.”
It’s silent for a moment as you and Jungkook stare at each other. He’s wiping off your tears which makes him cry a little more, so you wipe his tears next. You’re both crying now but with happy smiles on your faces and it prompts you both to laugh.
“We were kinda stupid, huh?” Jungkook says in between giggles.
You nod and giggle back. “A bit silly, yeah.”
“Can I kiss you?” he suddenly asks. Your heart starts racing and your palms get clammy. You start feeling nervous but it’s the good kind, finally getting to do something you’ve been anticipating, been waiting for ever since you realized your heart belonged to your best friend.
“Please,” you whisper.
Jungkook wastes no times in leaning forward, his grip on your cheeks tightening just a bit, pulling you upwards to meet his lips. Your lips finally touch and it steals your breath away. Quite literally.
Jungkook’s lips are soft, slots perfectly right in between yours. He kisses how he holds you—gentle and careful. Your heart skips a beat when you feel his tongue, and you grant his wish by opening your lips just slightly.
There are no fireworks or sparks or anything grand like that. Your heart suddenly feels calm and at ease. Like this is what you’re meant to do. It feels like coming home for the first time where everything feels right. You feel a great weight lift off your shoulders and you know you’ve made the right decision by choosing love.
Jungkook pulls back but only slightly so he can catch his breath. He keeps his forehead pressed against yours and when he speaks, you feel his lips move.
“I love you,” he whispers, and the way he looks at you with his eyes, like it holds so much love and adoration and it’s all for you. “Wish I said it sooner but I don’t want to think about that. Don’t want to live and continue on with regrets. I’m so happy to have you like this,” he whispers shakily. “So lucky to be able to love you like this.”
You kiss him again which causes him to smile so wide that his dimples pop out. “I love you too.” You giggle again. Saying it is so freeing and it feels so normal too. Not some grand epiphany or realization. Like you’ve known ever since. Like your heart has felt this way throughout your years of friendship with Jungkook and only now are you able to verbalize it. You know you’re lucky, too, to be able to have him in this way. But you don’t want to give too much credit to luck. You believe yours and Jungkook’s love were destined ever since.
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kookieswan · 1 year
Handlebars - Stirred Passion
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Biker!Jungkook x Receptionist!Reader
Word Count: 600+
Genre: Biker AU, Gang AU, Enemies to Lovers, Fluff, Smut/18+ (mostly just suggestive but there is some spice lmao)
Warnings: Smut/18+ content - Vaginal sex, unprotected sex, Jungkook has a giant schlong. Yay for aftercare ♥️
Notes: Wow this is the first thing smut related I’ve written in a LONG time. If it’s bad I’m sorry LMAOOOO. Hope you enjoy lovelies, this takes place the night they get together ♥️🌸
Find the Handlebars Masterlist here! ⛓️
Moaning loudly, you revel in the feeling of Jungkook draping himself over your back as his thrusts slow. Your boyfriend groans lightly in your ear, the feeling of him pulsing inside you incredibly sweet. He settles against your body, panting in your ear, a smile definitely on his face as he chuckles breathily into your ear.
“You okay _____? Doing good baby?” You can’t do much more than nod and groan, the groan quickly turning to a whine as he pulls out of you slowly. His cock drags deliciously against your sensitive walls, his size still somehow surprising you when things are done and over with. His warmth disappears as he prompts you to roll over, and with a sigh, you do. Jungkook teeters out of bed and stands above you in all his glory, lazy smile on his face as he brings a finger down to poke your nose. You attempt to bite his finger, and he lets you, smiling as you nibble on it.
“Need anything? I’m gonna go grab us some water and a washcloth before we cuddle. Gotcha a little messy.” His eyes flicker toward your pussy with a smirk and you roll your eyes as you shake your head and let his finger go. You’ll never admit that the feeling of him cumming inside of you drives you insane, not to his face anyway. He’s smug enough, you don’t need to see anymore of that pretty smile. (You’re lying to yourself.)
He goes to step away, and even though you know it’s for a good reason, it doesn’t stop you from reaching out. He sighs affectionately as he cocks his head to the side, long unruly hair falling into his face, this time reaching out to caress your cheek. It’s an intimate gesture, one you instantly lean into because real intimacy with him is all you’ve really wanted.
“I know, I know. I’ll be right back babydoll. Promise, cross my heart.” He leans down to kiss your forehead and then he’s gone in a flash, practically sprinting out of the room. You blink up at the ceiling, dreamy smile crossing your face as you listen to him bang around in your kitchen. There’s a domesticity here that you didn’t know you craved, and you love it. Splaying out, you giggle to yourself and watch as the lights flicker behind the dark curtains of your window.
“Well ain’t this a pretty picture, hm? I’m sad it’ll have to go.” JK saunters in and plops down between your legs a few minutes later, diligently cleaning the cum off of you without question. He makes quick work of it, finishing up with a few kisses to your bruised thighs as you try not to nod off. Before long, he’s crawling back into bed with you, dragging you to lay against his warm body. It’s quiet for a while, and then-
“How’d I end up with such an amazin girl, huh? Why’re you with me, pretty thing?” It snaps you out of your sleepy haze, eyes wandering up to find his. He stares back at you, tongue pushing against his lip ring nervously. Trying to keep your voice steady, you respond in earnest.
“I l-… I care about you. A lot.” It’s true, you do. And you’re glad you do, because the biggest most beautiful smile you apparently didn’t need to see washes over his worried face, the creases between his brows disappearing. He’s a hardass most of the time, but when he’s like this… You couldn’t ask for more.
“… I care about you a lot too baby. Get some sleep now, yeah?”
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mixelation · 7 months
Me towards minakushi before your blog: eh they’re ok
Me towards minakushi after your blog: beautiful stunning perfect
Have your thoughts on kushina changed since you’ve starting writing her more?
sssssort of? kushina is a little bit weird for me as a character. i like her as a concept, because she's not the typical dead anime mom: you can really tell most of Naruto's personality (and also his FACE please stop writing him as a minato clone) came from her, which is a rare move in media in general. I like that she's allowed to be loud and brash and have her own cool backstory and abilities. unfortunately she's also not, like, the type of character i generally gravitate towards lmaoooo. so i've historically been like "i appreciate what she's doing, but also i don't want to read fic about her"
and i.... still don't really want fic about her. idk. i'm not super into the fanon version of her. but i don't really mind writing her? i can dig up enough interesting things in her personality to amuse myself.
i think i have started to think more about how she and minato play off each other. minato doesn't actually have much in the way of personality, whereas kushina has a TON of personality, and that's a rare dynamic for shounen parents. recently i've also been sort of craving very uncomplicated generic romance for some reason, and they're perfect for scratching that itch. i don't necessarily want to read or write a story focusing on them and their romance, but it's nice to have a supporting cast that.... isn't..... horrible to each other and other characters?? like i love horrible characters but sometimes. one needs a break
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soopest · 5 months
GOD DAMN DO I HAVE THOUGHTS GUYS. but i'll just cover things i think are relevant to the doodles i made afterwards. if you have any questions on my thoughts on things i wouldn't be impartial to asks or replies to the post :3 i just need to rant for a minute im so mentally ill please
knife is only there because my friend watched ii s2 and he LOVES knife and i was like. word. hes awesome so i drew knife for him
HOOO BOY OKAY nickel and balloon. it was a bumpy ride fellas. going immediately from s2 where nickel was kinda a POS to s3 where they suddenly became acquaintances was a little weird to me. (especially in that one episode where silver & candle interrogate nickel about baseball. no suitcase mention?? huh???) but it was cool to see their journey! the buddy-buddy thing seemed weird throughout earlier episodes because in s2 balloon and nickel kinda hated each other's guts so i'm glad that was covered in a later episode and that their friendship was actually solidified. BUT that doesn't leave nickel off the hook if he dont march his ass up to suitcase and say sorry the minute they go back to season 2 i'm gonna have a WORD with that boy
BOT!!! OH BABY BOT they are SO adorable and i loved the reveal that they were a robot! i was so mystified on how bow was magically alive at the beginning and seeing that it was just a product of tt and fan's grief was very heartbreaking... but seeing bot evolve into their own person was genuinely so so so beautiful and the representation for queer folks is done very gracefully and it's very wholesome. seriously im not even trans and i was tearing up like a little bitch y'all. fan and test tube are the parents ever it's so cute and they are the cutest fam ever
silver spoon and candle.... hrrrmmm you are certainly funny little guys.... i would like to put you in a jar and study you.... their sudden intense craving for winning was a little jarring but their dynamic is funny. i didn't like silver much at first but he def grew on me especially in the finals, and candle's friendship with yinyang was really cute too (still bawling he got out i really grew to love him.) AND dont think i didnt see ur blushing in ep 17 silver. im onto you
i already covered bot but i just needed to say their friendship with painty is the BEST THING and for some reason painty just stating they were nonbinary made me unnecessarily happy like YES KING (NONGENDERED) GO LIVE UR TRUTH WE LOVE YOU
cabby... oh you are an interesting little gal. i saw her design before ever watching iii and i was like wow! what a critter! but i'll be so honest at first i didn't like her because her information obsessed demeanor seemed very cold and calculating to me (and i'm so biased for fan and tt so when she got them out i was like. Girl.) but now that i understand her whole character arc, how she learned that its not always about the "facts" and how to lean on people, it was really heartwarming and shes rly grown on me. im a cabby appreciator
blueberry's whole fiasco was interesting. errrrrm u tried buddy that's all i gotta say. respect the hustle man
AND FLOORY IS THERE TOO i love him he's in the club of my favorite brits he's a silly guy
okay. if you read this far i'm so proud of you. also the whiteboard doodle was before i finished the series LMAOOOO um hope u enjoy that. thanks for reading my insane ramblings it might happen again i am not sorry
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lostfracturess · 1 month
hi nici i'm back
So I stumbled on, each day collapsing into the next.  Until the next semester started and I remembered I had an actual job.
lmaoooo wait he kinda relatable for that ngl
GASSPPP SHE'S IN THE CLASS HE'S TEACHIGN omg this is so crazy. w all their history. n it's just back to square one. teacher n student. also i cant believe it's been four weeks sighhh
"Have you ever thought about how I felt when I found you?" she snapped, her voice rising. "How terrified I was when you wouldn't respond? When you couldn't even recognize me? When I thought you'd die on me?" She took a shaky breath. "Fuck Satoru, I held your face in my hands while you were barely breathing!"
YES!! LIKE SRS I CAN ONLY IMAGINE HOW TERRIFYING THAT WAS. omg this argument scene i canttt i mean reader kinda spittin facts but also idk it's hard for him too :((
"And that," she leaned closer, almost brushing my lips, "is what makes you the most pathetic person I know."
GODD I'M LOVING THIS FUCKING ANGST RN IT'S SO GOOD. THE ANGER IS SO PALPABLE also i just love how consistently in character reader is
But I also wanted nothing more than to fuck that attitude out of her right then and there.
HELPSDKFJSHDKF i must love toxic bc this had me UHHHHHH HAD ME FEELIN LOTS
:(( omg reader saying she's been waiting for it to get easier n how he said it would (once again proposing the song loml by ts for s&c couple) also KSDJFHSDKL suguru always walking in on them damn. send HIM to therapy too LOL
man i am EXHAUSTED for satoru rn. every single day for him is like a living hell jesus. i mean it CANNOT feel good for him to live this way, obv he's an addict but i guess i always err on the side that it's not really addicts faults?? esp when you know what goes on biochemically when it comes to addictions, they are literally almost impossible to fight, and in a lot of cases, canonically for s&c gojo too, addicts didn't WANT to be come miserable n codependent on substances. a lot of times, it's just bad place/time or someone coercing or influencing them to begin. and then they're fucked for life. the fact he's managed to become a self sufficient professor and maintain surgerical prowess while fighting an addiction is incredible, but he neeeeeds to get clean. like, there's nothing more important rn than for him to just. literally put himself in rehab, in therapy, etc. idk. im word vomiting here but i just really hope he gets genuine professional help. ive always found it interesting how doctors are at times the most careless of their own health
DAMNNN he called her a bitch.
oh my godsshhh the hATE SEX. PLS.
"You're a fucking hypocrite, you know that?" I leaned closer, my mouth close to her ear. "You hate who I am, but you crave this, don't you? Giving up control, being at my mercy. Admit it."
sighhhh. yes.
I leaned down over her, my hand snaking into her hair. I grabbed it tightly, forcing her head up to meet mine. "I love you, first-year," I murmured against her ear. She trembled, but her defiance remained strong. "I hate you." I sighed — always so fierce, makes me wonder what it takes to fuck that stubborn attitude out of her.  "It's alright, I love you enough for both of us."
damn. this chapter was just pure angst. im ngl gojo's brain is an insane thing, and the way you WROTE THISSS NICI???? literal poetry. i cannot believe how you can make me feel sm emotions n im like exhauted rn. emotionally worn out. but in a good way lol idk if this makes sense, but in the sense that it hurts so good?? anyways yet another awesome chapter, thanks sm for your hard work :''')
hello in part two !!
GASSPPP SHE'S IN THE CLASS HE'S TEACHIGN omg this is so crazy. w all their history. n it's just back to square one. teacher n student. also i cant believe it's been four weeks sighhh
they really are back to the beginning, but still everything changed, i loved this idea that they have this kind of seeing each other for the first time again in class as like in the beginning of the story 🫠💔
HELPSDKFJSHDKF i must love toxic bc this had me UHHHHHH HAD ME FEELIN LOTS
lol you're not the only one haha
also KSDJFHSDKL suguru always walking in on them damn. send HIM to therapy too LOL
poor suguru – the man needs a break from walking in on this trainwreck of a relationship. and yeah, a good therapist wouldn't hurt him either 😂😂
& yes ur talk about addiction is spot on. it breaks my heart, too, because that ongoing internal struggle is a huge part of what makes gojo such a compelling character.
his addiction isn't just a simple choice, it's incredibly complex, especially when you factor in his history and the immense pressure he faces every day. and his self-hatred and guilt just fuel the cycle.
and yes gojo desperately needs help, but for him, there's that added layer of fear – the fear of vulnerability, the fear of failure, and the overwhelming belief that he doesn't deserve help. really tragic. shame the author for writing this pewww !!
DAMNNN he called her a bitch.
i found it hilarious ngl 😂😂
ahhh, thank you so so much for always reading, commenting, and sharing your thoughts so generously ellie. it truly means the world to me 😭😭❤️
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rowarn · 9 months
out of all of tf141? i think gaz needs more love from everyone. people forget him i feel and i'm like awww :(( i love him. getting fed by some folx that write long posts including almost every mw2 character (even graves when i'm like 🤢 really?) and others in the game, i see a lot of love for alejandro but not as much for rudy? i'm always craving more content for everyone tho. also this is not me specifically asking you for content about them LOL i'm just chattin
- 🔪💕
gaz is soooo pretty and i LOOOOOVEEEEE his voice but ppl leave him out of their stuff a lot i noticed. obviously i'm primarily a simon and könig writer so i guess i cant talk much about leaving anyone out when i basically neglect every other tf141 member that's not simon LMAOOOO BUT STILL
i actually prefer rudy over alejandro i feel like the odd man out sometimes 🧍🏻
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
now,,,usually i dont make x reader hcs,,, BUT FOR THIS???? IM MAKING AN EXCEPTION🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
•he heard about konpa and he thought he was gonna be so slick and try to impress u but whole time it looks like hes humping the air, he does NOT got those moves
•so that means teaching him konpa!!!which also means him flirting w u nonstop while u show him how to move both of yalls hips, he does get better at it though
•u talk shit about dallas to his face in kreyòl in fights but also just to the shepards and hes just sitting there like “:/“
•u bring over haitian rum and he cannot handle it, well he CAN but hes gonna have to force himself to keep going at some point to not look like a wuss
•when he found out about kremas he thought it was a lil weird at first and wouldnt try it, and turns put he WOULD like it but he likes his kremas runny and a lil strong (what a fucking weirdo ik)
•he literally learns kreyòl, its like his third language atp (he only knows sak pase and n’ap boule my fucking christ)
•u probably joke about voodoo a lil and how ur gonna turn him into a fox tail or somethin if he keeps pissing ur off LMAOOOO
•some haitian dances quite literally rely in the person being at least SOMEWHAT graceful, so maybe ur pretty graceful at least w some things u do and he finds that quite enticing
•when u guys get into arguements u slip into kreyòl and he has to asks tim wtf u said and it takes tim a while to understand what u said bc once again, dally is NOT fluent, but once he does understand he laughs to himself cause damn u had to be REALLY mad to say what u said
•everytime hes about to do something illegal u mumbke under ur breath “w’ap kon jorge”
•when he gets on ur nerves u say “ki tet papa'w” and it happens so often he picked it up and started saying it around the gang and the gang is like “????” minus pony cause yknow, he hangs w curly
•he loves griot actually, when he gets back from jail he just has a rlly big craving for that w pikliz
•when u call him cheri u essentially get him to do whatever u want him to do, he rlly likes ur accent lol
•WHEN U DANCE W HIM (or more realistically u dance around him) SOMETIMES U WHIP OUT UR FOULARD (for anyone who doesnt know its this silk piece of cloth thats used for clothes but also used in haitian dances) AND WRAP IT AROUND HIM TO PULL HIM CLOSER AND HE FALLS FOR IT EVERYTIME WOOOOO
•ur oarents call him a vagabon they HATE him
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not an ask really, but you should totally rewrite your old BEN drowned FF! I'd love to see how much you've changed as a writer while still getting the old nostalgia from the original!
Oh god the OG readers have found me-
But in all seriousness I have been playing with the idea of a rewrite, but the thing I’m struggling the most with rn is my new fanon interpretation of BEN is so insanely wildly different from what 12 year old me saw ‘em as. In all honesty I’m not sure the internet’s edgiest troll ghost that lives in your WiFi router would make for a fun romantic companion lmaoooo
12 year old me just saw BEN as the flirty murder gamer bf and current me sees ‘em as flirty murder gamer twisted fucking cycle path that loves being a malewhore manipulator. In a completely separate one off fic I did recently BEN’s only motives were enjoying the suffering of others so uh. Idk how well that’ll go for a romance route
There’s also the underlying issue that most people in fanon see BEN as a child (which is totally valid btw, if u have child/pre teen/teenager BEN headcanons you rock) and I’m not super comfy writing pairings with characters who are mostly seen as children, even though my BEN is meant to be this ageless entity inhabiting the digital realm.
Don’t get me wrong I still absolutely fucking love BEN as a character, but as it currently stands I can’t really find a way to put ‘em in a slash reader fanfic without going against most of my current HCs
I am however heavily playing with doing an EJ fic in a similar (obviously updated) style because he was also one of middle school me’s favorites.
Good fucking lird this response got so long so fast, but I hope this satisfies your craving for potential BEN update stuff from me! And in all honesty I probably will make a HC post about BEN specifically soon, so be on the lookout for whenever that decides to materialize >:3
(And psssst if anyone wants to see current literature stuff from me, check out my AO3! I’m StarLight37 on there)
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morning-sun-brah · 6 months
Okay so I've just GOTTA know... how the hell do you write the way you do?? I haven't been able to get sucked into any written work since high school, trauma brain and all. I used to live in books so it's been hell, but your writing got me back into reading, and makes it so I can get lost into that little world again, which I've craved but been able to have for like... so long. Writing is something I've always been into, but I let my fear of failure and need for perfection stop me. Just... do you have any advice for beginners?? It would mean the world to me, but I understand if it's an annoying ask! Thanks for reading no matter what!
Well I am just a mess reading this (in the best way possible).
First of all, thank you so much omfg. And of COURSE it isn't annoying! This is so flattering I'm about to cry my dude.
As far as tips on writing, I feel like I am not the person to ask because I'm just this little weirdo on the internet who likes turtles lol. But!! In an attempt to try and give real advice here is my response... and it got a little wordy so it's all under the break lmaoooo.
~Gin's rambling attempt to give writing advice~
Practice! Literally the only reason I can string coherent words together is because I've been doing this as a hobby for like two whole decades.
Also!! Read! Consuming other fics and books really helps. Sometimes you find a way of saying something that sticks with you. Sometimes you sit and think "I would have done it this way/said it this way." Sometimes you come out on the other end and go "Wow I am a hack that was amazing." Sometimes you finish something and go "Wow that was fucking terrible I'm amazing." Sometimes you read something and it fires off your brain, and you are left itching to write your own story. But however you feel, it's all GOOD FOR WRITING. It helps you grow! It literally helps you find your voice!
Other little things; When I write, I truly immerse myself. I am playing out in cinema format what is happening in the "scene." How is this person reacting? How do they look- down to facial expressions. How are they feeling? Is this something they would say? (would they fucking say that??? is something I think to myself every time I open a doc) And when I write it all down, I try my very best to convey that "scene" that played out in my head. I try to capture that character's voice, their mannerisms, their habits.
Does this even make sense? I sure hope so.
Also, flow. Make sure we're moving right along. Keep track of where hands, legs, and torsos are. If they were sitting when the scene started, and you need them standing to kiss or fight or do a thumb war, at some point you need to make sure you say they stood up. If a hand was on a cheek, it can't suddenly be on an ankle without telling the reader what happened.
I also just think adding little details helps with immersion. When we talk to people, we don't just stand around. We fidget. We pick our nails or scratch our arms or shuffle our feet. All those little details can add to that immersion (or I think so, I'm no expert). "He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck before saying..." - Wow, what an awkward little shit. "They scrunched their nose and gave a near-violent eye-roll" - Oh ok they are annoyed! "She shifted her feet and replied"- cool she's being a person, I shift my feet too, neato.
Anyway, nothing I wrote 20 years ago is as good as it is now. I'm highly convinced that I'll think the same thing in another 10 years, about anything I've published recently. But it is getting better, and it's because I keep at it. Having friends in the fandom and beta readers really helps. Make sure you find someone who you know will be positive but honest. And remember, YOU are always going to be your own worst critic.
God why did anyone ever let me have access to a computer. Why the FUCK is this so long? Does it even make sense? Jfc, I'm going to post it and eat a fucking cookie.
I believe in you anon. Also, I love you and thank you so much for making my whole week. I'm going to be so obnoxious about this shit, everyone expect to hear from my ass an annoying amount (kidding, but seriously I'm so fucking flattered thank you so much. This kind of shit makes me wonder what the fuck you're all reading because I swear I am just a silly gal with seasonal depression who needs a haircut).
((Also, anon, I wish you nothing but the best. Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself, and know that I am sending you like a million hugs))
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 months
If charm’s dad is protective of her and wanting her to stay away from the business to protect her, how will he react to bucky’s plan to have her involved in the business?
Also ngl the soufflé thing made me crave a soufflé so guess what I’m going to try to make tmr 👀
I also don’t trust Ethan but also if we are casting him as billy Russo/Ben barnes I may have to rethink that position, the same way I changed my mind when we cast Andrew Garfield for the other one lmaoooo. I still 10000% think he’s up to something and keeping secrets/involved in the business but how I feel about that and how I think charm should react entirely depends on who we fancast lmaooo
CMA hello my loveeeee🥰
Oh that's a wonderful question, thank you so so much! ❤️
Charm's father would react very, very badly 😈 Like, normally the spouses stay away from the business, and it's the same with Bucky's parents, that's why Charm's father doesn't even consider the possibility of Charm getting involved in the business if she marries Bucky 😂 He doesn't know that Bucky and Charm have different ideas about that 😂
I have been craving a souffle since I wrote it ugh I really want one! ❤️ I'm not sure if I can bake one though, it looks pretty difficult 😱
I totally get you 😂 Like, who we casted as Alex made me like Alex much much more, and I feel like it would be the same situation with Ethan for sure ❤️😂
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