#loki/darcy lewis
nyxlaufeyson · 5 months
Sticky Tape
Winter Masterlist - Loki Oneshot Masterlist - Main Masterlist
POV: Third
Ship: Loki x Darcy Lewis
Type: Fluff with a sprinkle of crack because c'mon, it's Darcy!
Warning: Lil bit of suggestive referencing but that's it
Wordcount: 729
Prompt: "Wrapping tape" (Or something along those lines)
Synopsis: Darcy wrestles with the tape.
A/N: Idk if you know this but I freaking love tasertricks. I just don't always write for them which is crazy so here.
Banner by @jiyaxedits
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Darcy cursed as she wrestled with the present. The wrapping paper was not cooperating, per usual. She had picked out a green gift wrap that had little reindeers on it. She thought that Loki would not appreciate it, but she sure would.
Wrapping presents was not an easy feat, but she was determined. She got out her heavy duty tape, and circled around the present like she was a wrestler. “Now listen here, buddy, if you don’t fricking work with me here, I will rip you to shreds! And I don’t care that you cost me $24.99.”
Darcy reconsidered her statement. “Well, okay, maybe I do care, and maybe I won’t rip you to shreds, but I’ll do something gosh darn it!”
She carefully approached the present and did her best to fold and tape the peculiar-shaped item. As she was in the middle of taping, a knock sounded at her bedroom door, making her lose her focus. 
Without even waiting to see who it was, she yelled, “No!” She heard someone scoff from the other side, and she knew who it was. “You can’t come in right now, I’m, uh… changing.”
She could practically hear his smirk. “Is that supposed to keep me out?” Now it was her turn to scoff. 
“Yes! And I’m not changing, so don’t come in you perv!” Loki sighed, but didn’t come in. Darcy was grateful for her small victories.
The present was only halfway concealed, so she brought it to her closet and hid it under some loose articles of clothing. She then opened her door, greeting Loki. He took in her out-of-breath form, and his eyes glanced at her bed.
His eyes widened, eyebrows raised. “Oh dear,” he said, “did you try to kidnap someone with scotch tape? You could have asked me for help. I know much better ways to-”
“No! I did not kidnap someone.” She huffed, and Loki walked further into her room so she could shut the door. She didn’t want to say that she had been wrapping presents for him, because then he would try to figure out what it was. She wanted it to be a total surprise come the holidays.
He arched his eyebrow. “No? What were you doing then?” Darcy weighed her possible responses.
She settled with distraction. “Hey! You know, I was looking for you earlier. I wanted to ask you for your opinion on this new dress I bought. Want to help me put it on? The zipper’s a little tricky.”
Loki was a lot of things, but he was no idiot. He quickly picked up on Darcy’s tactic of defense. “As much as I would love to see you in a state of undress, darling, I know that you are deflecting the question I asked.”
Darcy huffed. “Okay, fine, I was wrapping a present.” Loki’s eyes lit up. “And no, I will not give you a single hint as to what it is. I want this to be a surprise, so don’t you dare try and peek or anything.”
He held his hands up in defense. “Darling, how could you think that I would ever do such a thing! I am very patient.” 
“Uh, no you’re not. You practically throw a fit every time we have to wait in a line somewhere. Remember causing a scene at Panera?” Darcy asked.
Loki frowned. “I am a god, and a prince. I am above doing such trivial things like waiting in line amongst you mortals.” 
Darcy rolled her eyes. “Kay, whatever. Point is, I will tase your ass if you ever try to look and find out what it is.” Loki groaned, but did not object.
“Fine. I came to get you because Steve has assembled everyone to the living room for some reason.” Darcy nodded, getting up.
She turned to Loki, helping him up off the bed. “Did he say what for?”
Loki shrugged. “He did, but it went in one ear and out the other. I try not to pay too much attention to what he says. Most of it is unimportant.”
Darcy rolled her eyes, but made her way to the door and opened it. She could see his eyes searching her room for whatever she was wrapping. “Uh-uh, get out here.” She pulled him through the door and shut it, dragging him to whatever Steve had planned.
TAGS: (Comment or inbox me to be added/removed; along with what to be tagged for): @michief-dream @iceeericeee
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viviennes-tears · 5 months
We can do this the easy way or the hard way (Loki, Darcy & Mobius one shot)
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18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion.  ~
A/N: A thousand apologies for taking so long to get back on track with prompt requests from way back in October. I barely had time to spare and what time I did have, I was so tired from working constantly that my brain couldn't function long enough to string a few sentences together leading up and over Christmas. I hope this one will make up for it!
Also thank you anonymous for being so patient with me and I hope I achieved the Loki/Darcy dynamic up to your expectations 😉 x
(Prompt requests are still closed just finishing the last from October 2023)
Prompt requested by Anonymous on Tumblr: Just under the wire! I am part of a very select group that likes Loki X Darcy. Can you please write a story where Darcy messes up the timeline, and Loki has to interrogate her. She is sarcastic and obstinate, so Loki asks her to remove her jeans and panties (bonus point if he says panties ;) ), and he fingers her as he interrogates her. She doesn't make it easy for him. But she spills the beans. Please.
Summary: Darcy Lewis finds herself at the TVA, an organisation which up until now was unknown to her, yet everything turns from a simple arrest to full blown interrogation by the last person she'd expect to find in such a rule binding place as this. A trickster god whose methods are received with mixed emotions.
Warnings: Dom Loki, good cop/bad cop, vaginal fingering, rough sex and threats.
Loki struts confidently down the corridor of the now all so familiar TVA headquarters. Initially he found it strange to be working alongside the people who had brought him there in the first place after he had wandered off his own timeline. Although after the dose of harsh reality of what was awaiting for him on his timeline certainly played havoc with his thoughts and emotions, which required quite a bit of adjusting to everything. However that was some months ago now, or at the very least that's what Loki assumed, given the very important fact that time works differently within the TVA itself. Yet he has come a long way since that day he was brought in after he tried to take over New York with the Chitauri and tried to escape with the Tesseract. He might even say he felt a part of something now, a part of a team.
Loki soon approached Mobius who stood outside one of the interrogation rooms with his eyes looking down at a TVA file in his hands."So who do we have today?" Loki asks, as soon as he stood a small distance away from Mobius and he stuffed his hands into his TVA assigned trousers pockets.
Mobius closes the TVA file in his hands as he looks up to Loki before he speaks. "Today we have an Earth 616 Variant, a Miss Darcy Lewis." Mobius then hands the file over to Loki and he takes it right away, then he opens it up and begins to scan his eyes over the first page.
"Darcy Lewis, huh?" Loki says with an element of surprise and amusement as he flicks the page over.
"Yeah, crazy to think your brother's girlfriend's assistant steered so far off the timeline. I never expected her to do something like it...sure she's known for being only the assistant, but I mean give her credit where it's due." Mobius replied with a slight shake of his head.
"Hum." Loki replies thoughtfully before closing the file.
"I'll go in first...you know, ease her into what's going on." Mobius says, as he begins to walk over to the door to the interrogation room.
"Do you not trust me to go first?" Loki says, as Mobius puts his hand on the door handle. Loki feels a little offended by his choice of words and like a switch he came to conclusions quickly.
"No. Come on, you know me better than that by now. I only meant that given what she might remember about you and your past...so it might be for the best that I go in first." Mobius tries to reassure Loki with a calm voice with a hint of that playfulness they often have whenever they disagree with each other.
"Fine. You have five minutes before I come in." Loki huffs, not because he's admitting to defeat but rather he's actually trying to have some understanding. It's all still a work in progress for him.
Mobius wasted no more time before he entered the interrogation room with confidence. "Hello Miss Lewis, I am Agent Mobius." He announces as he made himself comfortable opposite Darcy, who was previously pulling at her light brown TVA prisoner jumpsuit on his way in, she seemed to be confused just like everyone else who came here. Although she also didn't seem completely uncomfortable in the oversized jumpsuit either.
"Well it seems like you already know me." Darcy commented, as she leaned across the table to shake his hand and having no need to introduce herself.
"It's my job, Miss Lewis." He replies with such gentleness, as their hands fall back to their sides.
"Darcy, please. Miss Lewis makes me sound like a single woman with no social life." As she explained herself Mobius' eyebrows furrowed together briefly, he knew she was single as it is in her file, but he was quick to shake his head and continue.
"Okay...well let's get started here then, Darcy. As I said my name is Mobius and I specialise in dangerous variants, but we have someone in training, shall we say? He will be here shortly and I am here to oversee him working. Before he joins us, do you have any questions?" His pleasantries seem unwavering and genuine too, which she has appreciation for.
"Why have I never heard of the TVA before? I mean I've met some aliens, an intelligent AI and a couple of gods within the past year. I would consider that quite crazy and yet this place takes the whole cake!" Darcy gestures around them as she speaks.
Mobius chuckles in amusement for a few seconds before speaking, "yeah I would agree it must feel like one crazy year for you." Next he grabs a can of Josta from the end of the table then holds it out to Darcy to take, she hesitates for a second, looking between the can of soda and at him. Eventually she accepts the can and cracks it open as he grabs a second can for himself. "The TVA was never in your orbit until now as you had always lived according to your timeline." He explains while opening his own can and then takes a sip.
Darcy stares at the now opened can in her hand before taking a sip herself then puts down the can next to her. "So the TVA is like some sort of time police force?" She asks mulls over his words with her gaze still down at her hand wrapped around the soda can.
However before Mobius could answer her the door behind him opens and as he looks over his shoulder Loki appears in the doorway. He gathered that Loki must have felt as though he had waited long enough, even though he would have preferred if he had spent longer time alone with Darcy first. The sudden disturbance caught Darcy's attention too, causing her to stand up abruptly as Loki strides into the room as the door closes behind him, her jaw hanging low whilst she points her finger at Loki in disbelief.
"Close your mouth dear, you're not a codfish." Loki says with a flat monotone voice, as he slowly comes to stand beside the table between Darcy and Mobuis, he proceeds to drop her file down onto the table before he stuffs his hands into his trouser pockets again.
"Woah, what the hell are you doing here!? I thought you were in some kind of dungeon or something!" Darcy says in a higher octave than normal, as she finds her voice once more, still believing her mind and eyes are playing tricks on her.
"Clearly I'm not." Loki replied with the same flat emotionless voice, appearing to have visible irritation etch on his features already.
"Loki." Mobius gently warns him to behave and in return Loki plasters on a fake smile in his direction to empathise he's not promising anything.
"Wait so he actually listens to you then?!" Darcy snuck back down in her chair while she looked between the pair, as if she can't believe that they seemed to have some sort of understanding, when she last saw Loki she would say he was far too deranged for such an exchange.
"I don't answer to anyone, love." Loki cuts Mobius off as he places his palms down flat on the table leaning closer towards Darcy with the intention of playing the bad cop. "I have always done what I want and will continue to do so, is that clear?"
"Ooo, I'm so scared." Darcy says sarcastically with an eye roll.
"And you and everyone else have honestly wondered why I loathed beings such as yourself." He scoffs right back.
"Can we just get back on track here, please?" Mobius says frustratedly, as he tugs on the back of Loki's jacket to try and get him to sit down, which Loki does when he's ready to. "Okay, so Darcy we would really appreciate your cooperation here." He adds once Loki is seated finally beside him.
Some time later Mobius is leaning forwards in his chair with slumped shoulders, resting his chin on the palm of his right hand, tired with the back and forth dispute between Loki and Darcy. The table they're sitting at is now littered with empty cans of Josta and empty takeout cups that once had tea inside. Pages and photos from out of Darcy's file are also scattered all over the table. Time seemingly has been feeling slow within the TVA.
"Look it's clear as day...it's you right there!" Loki argues whilst pointing at the now paused projection of a video file up on the wall to the right of him and left to Darcy.
"Nope, I don't see it!" Darcy says dismissively at the evidence for the thousandth time whilst she adjusts her glasses, causing Loki to run his hands down his face exasperatedly and sighs heavily.
Silence soon fills the room which momentarily made Mobius think he'd gone deaf and he started to frantically check his ears, luckily he detected the sound of his chair creaking slightly as he shifted on it, relief then washed over him when he realised that he hadn't lost his hearing. Albeit he decided this would be a good time as any to take a break.
"Right, you crazy kids behave yourselves, you especially Loki while I go to the bathroom and stretch my legs for a bit." Mobius says, the bones in his legs clicking as he stands up from his chair after being sat for far too long. Yet neither Loki or Darcy say a word as he leaves them alone.
Even after Mobius had walked out of the room Loki remained seated opposite Darcy, sitting there with his arms crossed while staring silently at her, making her feel so awkward she had to look elsewhere. At least until she couldn't stand it any longer.
"Quit looking at me like that!" Darcy snipped at him, making him get up suddenly and walk around the table and then he grabbed hold of her forearm to haul her up, his slim tall figure looming still above her even now she's stood up. "Get off!" She protests.
Loki placed his pointer finger of his free hand to her lips and hushed her. "For a little thing you certainly have a big mouth." His voice suddenly sounding deeper and his words sounding rough on the edges, his pointer finger slowly dragged her lower lip down as he removed it shortly afterwards, while his eyes are more piercing than they had been earlier.
"You're very judgy for a dude with a criminal record." Darcy says in her defense, while trying to ignore this electrifying atmosphere that seemingly appeared as if from nowhere. However as he doesn't have his magic in the TVA he couldn't actually silence her for longer and she's free to argue with him as much as she pleases. A thought which didn't settle too well with Loki, at first.
"And we can do this the easy way or the hard way..." Loki says only to be met with more stubbornness from her. "Take off your jumpsuit." He suddenly and unexpectedly says, making Darcy blink at him a few times and her eyebrows furrowed together, unsure if she heard correctly. "I said take it off." He repeats in a deep yet demanding way, as he lets up on his grip on her forearm.
"Why in the hell would I?" She says once she finds her voice again, albeit she wasn't going to do what he says so easily and willingly.
"You have no authority here, love, only I do. Seeing as it's just us now you have no choice, but to do as you're told, and we need that information about what happened to you on your timeline. We need to know why you took your little hiatus." His voice still deep and demanding, the bad cop really showing through now.
"So I have to take off my jumpsuit? That makes no sense." Her eyebrows furrowed together as she's lost on what he is initiating here.
"JUST TAKE IT OFF!" Loki yelled in a deep booming voice and Darcy actually flinched slightly from the sheer volume of his voice, not from being scared by him. She really isn't scared, after all she's heard Thor's stories about him. She'd get to talk to Thor mostly in the morning after his 'sleep overs' as he called it with Jane. His stories about Loki made him almost human in a way to her and since she's seen a lot, not a lot scares her anymore.
She then sighs heavily and it takes her several stubborn seconds longer than Loki would have liked before she began popping the press studs open on the jumpsuit. He watches her like a hawk even if she was doing what he had asked slowly. Although once the first few press studs popped open he saw her large bouncing breasts, as her black vest top beneath left very little to his imagination, the thin material allowed him to see that her bra under it was purple and flowery. However she hesitates as she finishes opening up her jumpsuit and looks up at Loki, as if in hope he was just messing with her, yet he just nods once for her to continue. She then proceeds to slowly remove her jumpsuit, taking her arms out first, next she slides it down all the way to her ankles. Then she steps out of it and ends up standing in her vest top bra and mismatched black knickers.
"Now what?" He hears her question, but takes his time looking up and down her shapely body first.
"Now? Now you have to take those panties off too and sit up here..." Loki says a moment later, as he swoops everything off the table then pats its now free surface for her to sit down on. Her appearance alone calmed his voice and demeanour somewhat.
"You're kidding right?" She laughs besides herself at how ridiculous it sounded.
"Oh I never joke about what happens between a man and a woman. I may have told lies and played a few tricks during my time, but never about this. No, this is something that deserves a different kind of treatment." His voice is deep yet silky now as he speaks, luring her into a more intimate setting, confusing her more. Unsureness of what game he is playing and her laughter dies too.
"You say you have authority here, but I think you're delusional to think I'm..."
"You've not had a boyfriend in over two years, yes?" He's quick to jump in before she can say anything more.
"Is that in my file too?" He smirks knowingly, the nerve of him and baffles her that her life is all written down in black and white, right down to every morsel detail.
"Let me take a guess...during such times with the added frustrations of being barely seen or heard no matter how hard you work at the end of the day you go home alone. At times it all becomes too much and you need some relief, relief that can come in different forms. One form in particular is one you could give to yourself, but preferred it be done by a man." He allows his words to be digested for a moment before speaking again, just this time in the form of a warning, "now take off your panties. I won't tell you again."
Oddly Darcy feels like what he said is not only true, because it really has been two years since she last had a boyfriend, but seemingly his words have an underline of mutual understanding of what it's like. It's like she can see it in his eyes, she can see that he knows what it's like to rarely be thanked or appreciated. A far different cry to Thor's stories and living through the aftermath of his attack on New York. Not long after noticing this, and having a dreading feeling that Loki might just take her knickers off himself, she goes ahead and takes them off too. A smirk curls up on his lips as he pats the bare surface of the table again for her to hop on top of. Without further quarreling Darcy hops up onto the table and looks away from him awkwardly again.
"You are not to look away from my eyes." He speaks in that deep silky demanding voice once more, as he hooks his fingers underneath her chin and makes her turn her attention backwards to himself. "Now then...let us begin." He adds as he roughly parts her legs.
"Hey, don't be so hasty!" She snipped once more.
Loki doesn't speak this time, but he gives her a look that leaves no more space for her to argue against him. The way he sees it it's her own doing as to why she's there and not living her life on her timeline, also the fact as he already graciously mentioned it's just the two of them now, therefore she has to do what she's told. Next thing Darcy realises that this is actually happening as she feels Loki's thumb brushing over her clit, at first just small brushes to get her juices to start flowing, until the brushes become firmer to increase lubrication. As soon as there's enough Loki then coats two of his fingers in her slick, spreading it around before roughing inserting both fingers into her, not considering her full preparation for the sudden intrusion. The precise way he begins fingering though is almost as if he's done this to her before, but he's never even gotten the opportunity to before now. Proving to her that he's that skilful he knows how to quickly play her like a well played instrument.
"Why did you do it, huh? What possessed you to take matters into your own hands? Why did you think it was a good idea to steal the Aether from the Collector's collection and conduct scientific tests?" He rapidly fires out questions, as the rhythm of his fingers sped up and intensifies, causing her to moan and tightly grasp onto his bicep and the scuff of his TVA jacket.
Given how long it has been for Darcy to feel a man's fingers knuckle deep inside her, her focus on his questions is hazy at best, the intense motion causes her toes to curl and her breath to quicken with each moan getting breathier by the second. However the longer he drills out questions and his fingers go in deeper to that sweet spot makes a shiver run down her spine and her moans only get exceedingly louder. Even her grasp on him tightens when the sounds of her sodden cunt becomes more apparent and his other hand squeezes her thigh that hard his fingers are bound to leave marks.
"Answer me, Darcy!" Loki's low timber voice eventually rumbles sharply in his chest whilst he pushes her towards the edge of orgasmic bliss. "Do not disobey me now, you hear me? Tell me what I need and you shall receive pleasure unlike before. Trust me I can do far more for you than this. I am a God after all." She has no doubts of his claims either at this rate.
"Alright...alright I'll tell you, but for the love of god let me cum!" Darcy pleads breathlessly, the tight knot within needing to explode.
"Ask nicely." He growls, as his fingers slow down their ministrations.
"Please-ah...Loki I need to cum so badly. Please?" She tries harder to appeal to his generous side, she hopes he will have at this moment in time.
Loki swiftly withdraws his fingers and hastily without any care about his fingers being soaked he undos his belt and trousers, then pulls them down along with his boxers, his fully erected cock springs free of their tight confinements before plundering into the depths of her mewling quim. His motivations unclear to her, but the sheer size of his godly cock she knew would ruin all other men for her. 
@jennyggggrrr @foxherder
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Loki Masterlist
Source: @viviennes-tears
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anonymousmink · 9 months
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A commission I did for the incredibly wonderful @justheretoread-ao3 of the forever fave Darcy Lewis (in her boyf’s hoodie of course! 💚)
Reblogs are loved but please don’t repost if you’re not the commissioner! Commissions now open!
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wheredafandomat · 11 months
Shrink | P4 - The heart wants what it wants
Avenger! Loki x Therapist! Reader
18+ | same warnings. Please don’t take this too seriously, it’s just a little fun 😁
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The following day, Loki was beyond excited for his date with Darcy considering that she was down to fun. He had a couple of small errands to run first including chasing up the forensic team who still hadn’t found any matches with the bullet. After speaking with Jane who was picking up Thor, she confirmed that Darcy would be meeting Loki at the compound and that she was excited. This excitement made Loki excited, barely able to contain his grin as he left the compound to pick up a bouquet of flowers for Darcy but not before asking if you wanted to go with him for the walk.
“Loki I-I don’t think that’d be appropriate.” You answered, almost frowning at him from your door.
“Of course not,” he tried to laugh, “my apologies.”
“No, don’t be sorry” you quickly spoke, not wanting him to feel guilty over the fact that his boyish charm and musky cologne were driving you insane and you were definitely not ovulating “the sooner I’m gone, the sooner we can return to our usual routine.” You smiled, knowing that things would return to normal once you weren’t practically living with him. This was just a temporary glitch, the chemicals in your body reacting positively to the man that saved your life.
“Yes.” He agreed, turning to leave.
“Loki wait” you called him back “enjoy your date.”
Loki replied with a curt nod and a small smile before continuing on his way to the florist where he picked up some flowers before heading back to the compound to wait for Darcy. Surprisingly, she was early.
“Loki.” She greeted sultrily, practically pushing him into his room.
“Hello Darcy” he replied, handing her the flowers “for you.”
“Thanks.” She answered, narrowing her gaze suspiciously at them for a moment before placing them on his dressing table and stepping towards him, a primal look in her eye as Loki stepped backwards, his demeanor nervous.
“There’s something I need you to know” he stopped, pausing her movements too “I’m down to fun as well.” He grinned, her brows knitting.
“Message received, I’m down to fun too. I like fun.” He spoke gleefully.
“Loki, what do you mean? What message about fun?” She queried.
“You told Jane who told Thor you were DTF.” Loki explained.
“Thanks Jane, making me look like a damn whore” she spoke to herself, rolling her eyes “down to fuck Loki, yeah, I was, but only because Thor told Jane who told me you were too.”
“Oh.” Loki gulped, he wasn’t expecting this to be so straightforward. He was nearing the end of the road to recovery.
“Well, are you?” She asked, her sultry voice returning. Eyes wide like a deer in headlights, Loki nodded before Darcy pounced, pushing him down onto the bed as she straddled him. She pressed her lips to his, claiming them in a messy kiss that Loki returned. Grabbing his hands, she placed them against her hips as they continued to kiss before she lifted her top off. Pushing him further down so that he was laying now, she stood up, pulling her skirt down causing Loki to swallow thickly as she walked towards the door, ensuring it was locked. He watched her as she walked, it felt wrong. She was sexy, he couldn’t deny that but there was something missing. He found himself realising that he didn’t feel the same now, watching her walk as he felt before, before when he watched—you?
Almost choking at the realisation, Loki sat up as Darcy approached him again.
“What’s the matter baby?” She spoke against his lips.
“I’m sorry but I don’t think I” he cleared his throat, searching for the words to say “I don’t want this with you.”
“What?” She gasped, covering her chest.
“I’m sorry Darcy” he apologised, grabbing her top and handing it to her “it’s not you it’s me, you’re perfect” he rambled causing Darcy to scoff, same old excuses “I just—I’m going through something right now.” He finished causing realisation to flood Darcy as she turned to Loki.
“Loki” she began, placing her hand against his cheek “it’s okay.” She smiled.
“I’m so glad you understand—” he began happily before he was cut off.
“Want me to set you up with some hot guy friends?” She offered.
“Would they be interested in fun?”
“Preferably poker or pranks.”
“GOODBYE LOKI!” Darcy yelled before storming out of Loki’s bedroom and bumping into you as you made your way to Natasha’s room after hearing she was back.
“Oh my god hunny, I heard what happened to you.” Natasha exclaimed, wrapping her arms around you as soon as you stepped into her room.
“Natasha” you spoke into the crook of her neck as she continued to squeeze you “there’s something strange happening to me.”
“What do you mean?” She asked worriedly, letting you go.
“Loki, he—he removed a spider from my office.” You answered anxiously.
“What do you mean?” Natasha snorted, confused before her eyes rounded, remembering the conversation you both previously had “OMG!”
“I knowww” you exasperated “I can’t stop thinking about him, I’m driving myself insane and I’m the one who told him he needs to get laid to try and relieve some of that tension he’s got and I’ve just seen a beautiful half naked woman leaving his room and I’m not sure howI feel. Half of me is proud, the professional side of me but the other side, the other fifty percent is burning Nat.” You sighed.
“When did this start?” She asked, sitting on her bed.
“I thought it was that day he saved me. He took out the spider and it instantly reminded me of our conversation and then he was on top of me and—”
“Spare me the details.” She interrupted.
“I think I’ve liked him for a while Nat” you exhaled hopelessly “which is awful because he’s my patient and I’m supposed to be helping him and—” you began to rant.
“Y/n, you can’t beat yourself up, the heart wants what it wants.” Natasha assured.
“Why does it have to want himmm?” You complained.
“Maybe it doesn’t want him, maybe it just wants a man and he’s the closest you’ve got to—”
“Do not therapize me, I’m the therapist.” You cut in playfully.
“Yeah, not a very good one.” She giggled.
“I’m telling you y/n, you can’t beat yourself up. You’re both two adults, maybe you should just tell him.” She suggested.
“WHAT?” You almost wheezed “casually tell my client that I want to sleep with him? Yeah Nat, not happening.”
“Then what are you going to do?” She sighed.
“I’m going to have to end this” you decided “but first, let me patch up that gash on your forehead.”
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Who even knows what’s going on at this point 😂 at least this mess is drawing to a close
@lokisgoodgirl @thenotoriouserg @chantsdemarins @donaweasley @xorpsbane @mcufan72 @loz-3 @evelyn-kingsley @sailorholly @lovingchoices14 @lokiedokiee @noideakitten @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @lokiprompts @lulubelle814 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @gigglingtiggerv2 @tmilover1993 @lyds247 @dustychinchilla74 @lokis-dark-queen @november-rayne @12-pm-510 @vickie5546 @newtomofgods @eyesbluelikethetitanic @lokiestorch
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thelibraryofsylphide · 2 months
Sourced from (x)
Lots of thanks to @therese-lokidottir for uploading/referencing the sourced Vimeo and thus letting me know this existed XD
Decided to reupload it as a youtube video since not many people know it is on vimeo, or even want to have a vimeo account.
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elleinmotion · 7 months
alright, but consider if you will the following: Loki, spending hundreds of years learning quantum physics and all the intricacies of science to get himself back to that one moment. and then, somewhere along the way, at the very end of his journey to learn everything, ending up at the same university as Darcy Lewis who is in her doctoral program.
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dearratroi · 7 months
Darcy got a doctorate in astrophysics
Variant Loki spent centuries learning physics to fix the Loom issue
Darcy and Loki flirting in technobabble..? 👀
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whynotlol9 · 6 months
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you know what? I really miss Thor 1 gang :’(
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mcuchallenge · 1 year
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Hello, everyone!
MCUchallenge here and we’re moving to the next stage of our tournament to determine the favourite Disney+ Marvel series of phase 4 - the semi-finals! 😃
Round 4 results can be found here, and our 1st semi-final “battle” is Loki vs. WandaVision!
To give your vote to the show you need to create something on it: a gifset/art/edit - the usual things we take as fills for our prompts, and bring it as a fill. Your creation can be about anything from the series of your choice - a scene, a character, a dynamic, a random set, shooting of the series, actors talking about the series - anything you want. Mention @mcuchallenge in your caption, tag your work #mcuchallengefilled, and that’s it, your favourite show is one point closer to the victory!
The first semi-final starts today and you have the chance to give your vote to Loki or WandaVision until 15th of June, 2023 - that’ll be the last day to bring your works for this round.
More details and a shoutout to the blogs who create for these shows under the cut, and meanwhile a traditional reminder to creators - we also track #mcuchallenge to see your other MCU creations, you’re welcome to tag us! We love seeing new works shared with us ❤
Some rules/info about the tournament:
1) Each round lasts for a month. They are elimination rounds, the winner gets to proceed to the next stage.
2) Each round only 1 edit from a blog will count as a vote*. You are welcome to bring however many edits you want, they will feature on the page with other fills, but only the first one you do for the show will bring it the point.
[Yes, this is the restriction per blog, not per person. If you’re a member of a source blog or have a side blog, you can bring sets from both and they will both give a point to the show.]
*one edit for each show. You can bring edits for both shows if you like both and it’ll give 1 point to both shows. The reason this is relevant is that we’ll count the alternative unofficial results at the end as well, in which the show’s place will be determined by the number of points it got in the tournament overall.
3) Examples for captions you can use:
@mcuchallenge tournament - 1st Semi-Final  Loki vs. WandaVision
Loki or WandaVision for @mcuchallenge
LOKI for @mcuchallenge
4) You’ll be able to keep up with the current score of the round in the desktop version of the blog in the “Current prompt” section.
5) Yes, if you are not a creator, you cannot vote for your favourite series, but you can support the creators that bring their works, so they’d wanna keep doing more on what you love 😉 That’s the point here - to motivate people to create. You can also reach out to the creators in your fandom. Know fanartist that likes to draw your favourite character? Let them know about the tournament, you might interest them in participating ;) Love a gifmaker? Maybe they take requests and would be happy to make a set for you 😋 We try, but there’s only so much we can do without your help ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ People’s support and enthusiasm means a lot.
And that brings us to the final part, most of you guys know the drill already 😜
Tagging some blogs who have been creating for these shows - you can consider this an invitation 😉, and of course all the reblogs to spread the word about the tournament are very much appreciated 😘 We try our best to support the creators of this fandom, hope you’ll support this idea as well 😊 Our fandom slowed down a bit lately, and we hope this will be something fun for everyone 💕 (It’s been real fun for us, we are very grateful to everyone who participated, it’s a pleasure to see you guys creating and we are excited to see more of it 😃 And to find out which show will come out on top here, of course 😁)
@dailyloki @marv-el-spot @scarletcomet @lokihiddleston @everlarrk @seth-lael @sylkithecat @wandamaximoffs @johnsimms @buckysbarnes @i-dagger-you @mistressvera @lesbianladysif @lokitvsource @wandanet @marvelladiesdaily @wednesdayadddms @wandasmaximofffs @tomshiddles @calkesits @juliahart @elena-gilbert @jesicajones @marvelgifs @katherineebishop @payidaresque @perfectopposite @womenofmcu @yeamarvel @daniel-bruehl @trashcora @dailymarvelstudios @sersi @marveldaily @andromedaa-tonks @dailymarvelgifs @margaretacarter @carricfisher @mcu @chaoticevils @mcufam @annacoleman @heroeddiemunson @obiwan @wanda-maximoffvs @chrrispine @userdjo @anthonybrxdgerton @luke-skywalker @kingofscoops @loveyazy @marveledits @mcupoc @sylokis @marvellegends @superdaily @thewintersoldier @lizieolsen @danversrambeau @cinemapix @tomhiddleston-loki @castielss @yellenabelova @nikolatexla @barbie-movie @clintfbarton @thatisentertainment @theavengers @makoto-shinkai @marveladdicts @chillonlamentis @targaryenlaena @tolyasword @televisiongifs @faylights @casian @kendallroycos @lokilau-feyson @vanessacarlysle @nooowestayandgetcaught @venuseda @sylvieons @runnyeggsnham @kevinfeiges @aviscranio @elizabetholsens @rafikecoyote @fancykraken @userdanewhitman @viv-annelore @marvellousgifs @olemisekunst @commander-codys @stars-bean @wurwurz @romanshiv @endiness @defendingwarrior @wedgeantill @oswinian
As always, special thanks to @elennemigo for her help ❤
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heavenlyangeliq · 1 year
Darcy: Loki doesn’t dress to impress, he dresses to depress.
Carol: He dresses so good he inadvertently causes people to hate him.
Natasha: I-
Loki: They’re not wrong.
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typhoidmeri · 7 months
Last night I dreamt that I was watching the first Thor movie, but instead of it being about Thor being sent to earth alone for being a naughty god Loki was sent with him. Neither of them had powers and because Loki uses his magic all the time he was having a worse time of it.
Thor and Loki’s: Mediocre Midgard Adventure if you will.
Where Thor gets mew-mew back and has his Sailor Moon moment, Loki’s powers trickle back depending on how much he does for others. Similar in the lessons learned in the TVA (watching the series is the entire reason why I dreamt about it).
Both boys ended up at the diner scrubbing dishes/taking over the grill while bickering, to make up for Thor’s broken dishes.
Loki took the Norse Mythology book from Darcy’s hands. His story in it was about Frigga on the battlefield finding him as a newborn. Complete with an illustration of Frigga in battle armour with blue baby loki, and another with baby pink Loki in toddler Thor’s arms.
Stuff it, Odin, not everything is about you and your shitty parenting.
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anonymousmink · 8 months
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Darcy unexpectedly gets tickets to a gala in Stuttgart during her sojourn in Europe and meets a very handsome stranger… a stranger with more to him than meets her (admittedly tipsy) eye.
Another commission for the fantastic @justheretoread-ao3! Reblogs are loved but please don’t repost if you’re not the commissioner 💜
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nyxlaufeyson · 6 months
Winter Wonderland Masterlist
Find my main masterlist here
This is a collection of oneshots/drabbles that revolve around a December prompt list I made for myself. A lot of them involve winter elements, but a select few will mention Christmas, and those will say in the beginning as I understand not everyone celebrates. They will mostly be Loki/reader, but who knows what else that might end up in here! Happy Holidays!
❤️= Fluff
🖤= Angst (not necessarily heavy... I can't write sad endings guys. If I do, I will warn you, I swear.)
Loki x Reader
Day 1 "Snowball Fight": Snowball Fight ❤️❄️
Day 2 "Fire": Fire is a Beautiful Thing ❤️❄️
Day 3 "Ice Skating": Quite Alright ❤️❄️
Day 7 "I Hate Christmas": I Hate Christmas ❤️🖤❄️
Loki x Amora
Day 4 "Stars": A Moment Away ❤️❄️
Loki x Darcy
Day 10 "Tape": Sticky Tape ❤️❄️
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book-dragon-13 · 5 months
Christmas Moodboards Pt 2
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marvelrarepairbingo · 2 months
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Hey gang! We've got another round-up of great fics to offer up below the cut. Marvel Rare Pair Bingo - possibly soon to be renamed, we'll get back to you on that one soon! - is still going strong with a great group of writers and artists, with mini-events and other goodies to share. We hope you're ready to dig into our catalogue of goodies because as usual, we're bringing you the best with some fun rare ships. Also, if you're interested, check out our FAQ and see if you'd like to sign-up for your own Round 3 bingo card. Check out our Discord family as well. We're fun, welcoming, chatty (usually - sometimes life holds us back), and hey, there are even games and mini-events that are exclusive to the Discord group. Don't miss out on the fun!
Title: In the land of gods and monsters Author: Wolfsheart (me) Card #: MRP-001 Square Filled: B2: That’ll never happen again Pairing: Bruce Banner/Thor, Hulk/Thor, Tony Stark/Loki Rating: Teen Warnings: Established Relationship, Established Loki/Tony Stark, Established Bruce Banner/Thor, Minor Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Jotunn | Frost Giant, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Implied/Referenced Sex, Humor, Sexual Humor Summary: When three rogue Frost Giants show up in Central Park, turn it into a mini and temporary Jotunheim, Thor and Tony do their part in the fight by encouraging their boyfriends…by ogling and thirsty commentary. Word Count: 1289 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55313029
Title: I Feel What You Feel When Everyone’s Gone Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: N4: Image prompt: Sam Wilson with the shield Pairing: Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson Rating: Teen Warnings: On the Run, Mild Blood, Developing Relationship Summary: Sam’s having a chill night on the first cold one of Autumn when Camp Lehigh fell onto pieces over Steve and Natasha —literally. Word Count: 3260 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50991697 Title: What Is A Girl Like You Doing In A Place Like This?, Chapter 1 Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: N2: Natasha Romanoff Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes & Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Rating: Teen Warnings: Spies & Secret Agents, Mission Fic, Reunions Summary: While on a surveillance mission, Natasha runs into an old ally from a competition agency. Fearing that he could interfere with her case, she decides to pay him a visit before it’s too late. Little does she know how that is going to turn her plans side down. Word Count: 3019 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47567218/chapters/119883439
Title: Of Ice Cream and Park Benches Author: 42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: I3: melted Ice cream Pairing: Matt Murdock/Franklin "Foggy" Nelson Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Panic attacks Summary: On a hot April afternoon, Matt and Foggy decide to take a break from studying and go for some ice cream in the nearby park. A bad day turns even worse when the park and the ice cream trigger flashbacks of something Matt would rather forget. Word Count: 2898 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51545782
Title: Out Kink The Kinkster Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: G2: Shower Together Pairing: Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes Rating: Explicit Warnings: ABO, Blowjobs Summary: At first, it started as a way to relieve stress and boredom from days spent in a safehouse, fueled by hormones. Then it became something the pair craved from one another, try as they might to deny it. One thing fell into another and they agreed to become friends with benefits, figuring nothing could go wrong. Except it’s them and something always goes wrong. Word Count: 3769 Link:https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/728024464849256448/out-kink-the-kinkster?source=share Title: Fic Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: I2: Dom/Sub Pairing: Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes Rating: Explicit Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega, Alpha/Omega, Omega Clint Summary: Bucky loves it when Clint avoids taking his medicine, it means he can play with his Omega all he wants. Word Count: 1769 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/731913759359205376/clints-medicine?source=share Title: Play Stupid Games, Win A New Way To Keep Warm Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: N2: Huddling Under The Covers Pairing: Steve/Thor Rating: Explicit Warnings: Pissplay, Watersports Summary: After Odin gets under his skin and Steve tries to swim across a frozen river to retrieve their fishing boat, Thor has to find a new way to keep his fiance warm Word Count: 2024 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732028017798463488/play-stupid-games-win-a-new-way-to-keep-warm?source=share Title: Stress Relief In A Flowery Gown Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: G3: Karma Sutra Pairing:  Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter Rating: Explicit Warnings: Trans Characters Summary: It felt like they were always dancing around one another, denying each other pleasure. What little conversation they have had, Peggy clings onto when her agent gets under her skin. She’d need it most of all when her agent got under her skin once again, denying her the chance to wear one of Rogers’ famous designs. She finally throws it all to the wind when he makes a comment, pulling Steve into her office to fuck these frustrations out and have an important conversation. Word Count: 3644 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732391483829846016/stress-relief-in-flowery-gown?source=share
Title: Don’t Go Searching For What Goes Bump In The Dark Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: G5: Forced To Hurt Partner Pairing: Clint/Bucky Rating: Mature Warnings: Hurt/Comfort Summary: They had worked for this peaceful life, after a lifetime of turmoil and pain. They deserved this peace that they’d carved out for themselves. Peace can only last for so long, as life liked to remind Clint that it surely was a bitch. His peaceful life with his mate, with the love of his life, his soulmate is crumbled into ruins when Bucky disappears one morning. Clint would do anything to get his mate back, even if that meant walking into the slimy tentacles of Hydra itself. Word Count: 2337 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732749869200130048/dont-go-searching-for-what-goes-bump-in-the-dark?source=share
Title: Here, At The End of All Things Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: O2: Nightmares Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Mature Warnings: Physical - Touch-starved, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Resurrection, Suicidal Thoughts, Grief/Mourning, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Trauma, Uncanny X-Men (2018) Wolverine and Cyclops, Alternative Universe - Slight Canon Divergence Summary: The other X-Men have vanished, and a newly-resurrected Scott has called out their enemies to face him at the remains of the School, determined to take as many of them with him as he can. He didn't expect Logan to show up and help. He didn't expect to survive. And he certainly didn't expect Logan to stay and look after him afterwards. Word Count: 3248 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50118301
Title: Resolution Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: I2: Soothing/Healing touch Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Logan is a Softie (X-Men), Sexual Content, telepathic trauma, Not Jean Grey Friendly Summary: After a bitter argument with his ex, Scott is rescued from his doubts by Logan. Word Count: 2474 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53440141
Title: Fifth Times the Charm Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: I1: "Opportunity Knocks" Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Gen Warnings: Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Scott is Scott, Logan is a Softie (X-Men) Summary: Scott Summers has been trying to ask Logan to the New Year party for a couple of weeks, but it keeps going wrong. When he finally gets the chance, can he overcome he fears to find out if Logan feels the same? Word Count: 2162 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53115751
Title: Long Nights Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: G4: Napping Together Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Mature Warnings: 5+1 Things, Missions, Only One Bed, Pool & Billiards, Grief/Mourning, Hurt Scott Summers, Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Protective Logan (X-Men), Grumpy Logan (X-Men), Making Out, Intimacy Summary: Five long nights that Logan found difficult... and one long night he didn't. Word Count: 3791 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53116726
Title: New Beginnings Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: I3: "I love you" Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Gen Warnings: Krakoa Era (X-Men), Developing Relationship, Intimacy, Making Out, Resurrection Summary: Mother Mold has been destroyed, and the whole of the new mutant nation of Krakoa has been celebrating. Everything has changed, everything is new, and maybe it’s the chance for new beginnings. Word Count: 1475 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53556145
Title: It’s a Party! (It’s a Party! - Chapter 1) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O5: Alternative Reality/Universe Pairing: Logan Howlett & Morgan Stark, Darcy Lewis/Sam Wilson, James “Bucky” Barnes & Darcy Lewis, James “Bucky” Barnes & Sam Wilson, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: blindfolds, mentioning of sabotage, teasing Summary: Logan brought the cake for Bucky’s birthday party and immediately got roped in the preparations by a young lady. Steve put a blindfold on Bucky, who complained. And Sam, he got accused of sabotage. Word Count: 862 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46204081/chapters/116320420 Title: Moonlight - Private Investigations - Chapter 1: Moonlight P.I.? Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O4: Noir Detective AU Pairing: Darcy Lewis & Natasha Romanoff, Frank Castle/Darcy Lewis, Frank Castle & Natasha Romanoff Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: suggestive themes, discussion of death, mentioning of violence, mentioning of brainwashing, mentioning of cheating Summary: To get her P.I. business running, Darcy did a favor for her neighbor. Natasha had a different idea to do so and introduced Frank Castle to her. Word Count: 2748 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47468947/chapters/119626003
Title: Hydra Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O3: Run in with a Hydra (not Hydra!) Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: doubt, mistakes, dark Summary: Our boys have a run-in with a hydra. Word Count: 0(Moodboard) Link: https://www.tumblr.com/muffinengineer86/733819216896180224/title-hydra?source=share
Title: Soaking Wet (Chapter 1) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: G2: Pick-up lines Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Loki Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: porn, unprotected sex, squirting, wet sex Summary: Loki’s eyebrows pinched together. He had trouble processing what he just heard. How could a woman be too wet during sex? Word Count: 948 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48809404/chapters/123127993 Title: Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets - Chapter 6: Operation “What shark, Tony?” Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: G1: Nightmare fuel Pairing: Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Frank Castle, James “Bucky” Barnes & Darcy Lewis, James “Bucky” Barnes & Jack Rollins, James “Bucky” Barnes & Cameron Klein Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: attacked by creature, fatigue, jump scare, pranks Summary: “Dr. Lewis, if I may interrupt. Sir is very uncooperative. I think now is the perfect time to initiate the plan “What shark?". Sir refuses to stop his current project. He hasn’t slept for fifty-three hours.” Jarvis’ voice sounded out of the club room’s speakers as Darcy and club members discussed the newest edition of the “Hot Stitches” magazine. “Yes!” Peter jumped up, all eyes on him. “Peter!” Darcy looked at the youngest club member with a raised eyebrow. Word Count: 1022 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45356182/chapters/125381350
Title: Steam Train (Holiday Hangover: Chapter 10) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N5: What the hell was that noise? Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, polyamory, triple agent Brock, train driving, crack taken serious, fantasy, dreaming, sexual references, kinks mentioned Summary: Darcy never thought she would enjoy steam trains. Okay, she didn’t enjoy the trains, but her men were having fun learning how to operate one. Brock and Steve loved trains, and she had (with Tony’s help) found a place that gave you the steam train engineer experience. Her nerds not only dragged her with them, no they dressed accordingly. She had to admit they looked good in the train driver uniforms, dirty thoughts good. Word Count: 1153 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44305264/chapters/124924105
Title: Margarita Monday on a Thursday Part 2 (Her Red Lips - Chapter 4) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N4: Survival Sex Pairing: Darcy Lewis & Yelena Belova, Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: drinking, talking about big breasts, talking about stealing, mention of men’s opinion about big breasts, curse words Summary: Darcy spilled the beans to Yelena. The Russian now tried to summarize everything and make sense of it. Darcy wasn’t forthcoming with the missing details, but that wasn’t what had Yelena upset. No, it was the pitiful content of Darcy’s pantry. Word Count: 1830 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47653312/chapters/123582538 Title: Crystal Ball and Truths (Simply Magic - The 24h Help Hotline) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: Free Space - Magic Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Loki Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, magic au, witch!Darcy, hotline operator Loki, crystal ball, language, slow burn Summary: “Ah, Darcy. How long has it been? Two hours? You must like my voice a lot.” Arrr. Gods. Was he reading her mind? That man was so entitled! She wished the Darth Vader Force choke move was real. “No, not really. As you should know by now, I’m an astrophysicist, and your manuals are shit. On top of it, I inherited a shop full of old magical objects with no manuals at all.” Word Count: 1141 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51385414/chapters/129850864
Title: Legendary Lost & Mythological Found Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N2: Creepy Housekeeper Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Daisy - Symbiont, Crete, Labyrinth, lost, talk about getting children, minotaur, a creature of legends, found, chocolate, cursing, verbal fighting Summary: Walking back the way he came, Daisy held his nose in the wind and sniffed. He found her trail, but it ended suddenly. The only thing he could make out was her glasses on the ground next to an old stone with a strange glyph, looking like a maze, carved into it. “Fuck.” “Ouch.” Darcy rubbed her butt, looking confused around the dark room. One minute she walked under the bright sun of Crete with Daisy, and the next, the ground beneath her feet opened and swallowed her up. Word Count: 1044 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49330948 Title: Operation “What shark, Brock?” (Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets: Chapter 9) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N1: Sphinx Riddles Pairing: Brock Rumlow & Jack Rolins, Frank Castle & Jeff the land shark, Peter Parker & Frank Castle, Darcy Lewis & Cameron Klein Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: canon divergence, Jeff - the land shark, pranks, Jeff on a motorcycle Summary: Out of reflex, Brock waved back. He stopped himself and kept staring at the corner the motorcycle had rounded. “Did you see that?” “What?” “Frank Castle drove past us with Peter Parker and a shark on that bike.” Brock gestured towards the street corner. Word Count: 902 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45356182/chapters/130289551
Title: The Cherry Incident (Her Red Lips - Chapter 2) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: B1: Scars Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Cameron Klein, Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: cuckolding, insults, cheating, unhealthy pinning, shirtless man, triple Agent Brock Rumlow, Brock is kind of an asshole, but not to women Summary: Brock spotted Darcy as she set up a picnic for her boyfriend. Jack only was sarcastic but Brock took it quite literally. And now he was shirtless interrupting Darcy's and Cameron's date. Word Count: 1632 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47653312/chapters/120530506
Title: Waiting for a Reply (Matchmaker Femdom Edition - The Dating App: Chapter 2) Author:  MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O2 - Taking Care of Someone Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Yelena Belova & Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers & Thor Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Avengers Tower AU, language, D/S dynamics, gentle femdom, submissive!Steve, domme!Darcy, dating app, it’s all Nat’s fault, kink negotiations, self-doubt, Yelena is a good friend, Thor is a good bro, alcohol, mentioning of other drug use Summary: Two days went by without a reply to her message. It was not only eating on Darcy but also Steve felt bad for not opening the app. Thor and Yelena helped their friends to overcome their self-doubt. Word Count: 942 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53898709/chapters/136884361
Title: Reassurance (Holiday Hangover: Chapter 14) Author:  MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: G2 - Hugs and Kisses Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow Rating: T Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, polyamory, twins, fertility god, blessing, royal traditions, pre-wedding jitters, anticipatory grief, Fandal is flirting with Brock’s mom Summary: Darcy leaned into his back as best as her baby bump would allow. “Planning our or your escape?” "Neither." Brock took her hands in his, squeezing them tenderly. "Why? Do you need rescuing?" “No.” She lay her head between his shoulder blades. “Just a little nervous. I know we discussed it, but ...” Word Count: 838 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44305264/chapters/138631783
Title: Coddling The Injured (Dating Trouble: The Flying Wand: Chapter 2) Author:  MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O2 - Taking Care of Someone Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, No Power AU, language, farmhand!Steve, farmhand! Bucky, handjob, Hitachi Wand, bleeding, sex dream, wound, Sam must never find out, sexy nurse uniform, Nurse!Steve, Nurse!Darcy, Patient!Bucky Summary: “You know I threw the wand!” Darcy asked from the doorway, smirking while playing with a lollipop. Steve’s breath hitched, and Bucky’s mouth fell open with a breathless “Wow!” Her boyfriends' reaction was priceless. Smirking, she popped the lollipop back into her mouth. Her boys did react to her new outfit exactly as she expected. Word Count: 710 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53701648/chapters/137013619
Title: The Flashback Blanket Author:  MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: B3: Loki Pairing: Loki/Tony Stark (I'm using this as my one popular-ship exception) Rating: Gen Warnings: N/A Summary: Loki was pressed against a wall, green flickering sickeningly around his hands, eyes tinged red. Thor threw himself towards him as Steve grabbed for the shield. “Wait, hang on! Back off!” Tony, armorless, darted in between them, hand held out warningly not to Loki but to Thor and Steve, gesturing them back. “Give him some room, for fuck’s sake - “ he said as he all but shoved them away from Loki. “Stand away, Anthony, he will harm you.” Word Count: 1936 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51245299
Title: Pier Fishing Author:  MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: N2: Prompt was "break up," but I replaced it with the adoptable "pier fishing" Pairing: Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Bruce Banner/Hulk Rating: Gen Warnings: Summary: Bruce & Hulk & Steven & Marc & Jake deal with a sea monster, and also possibly some feelings. Word Count: 2071 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54305425
Title: Pier Fishing Author: MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: N2, by way of an adoptable Pairing: Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Bruce Banner/Hulk Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: Bruce & Hulk & Steven & Marc & Jake deal with a sea monster, and also possibly some feelings. Word Count: 2,071 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54305425
Title: “Insider” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: N5: “Discovering someone’s secret identity”. Pairing: (Not) Brock Rumlow X Jemma Simmons (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Skrull, betrayal, heartbroken. Summary: Jemma discovers a horrible secret. Word Count: 538 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731245857969733632/insider
Title: “Urban building” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G1: “Scary urban legend” Pairing: Brock Rumlow & Jack Rollins (Friendship). Rating: Teen Warnings: Urban legends come true, enchanted building. Summary: Urban legends aren’t real, are they? Word Count: 530 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731336443201486848/urban-building
Title: “Now is real” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G2: Pretend couple becomes real Pairing: Clarice Fong X John Proudstar (Thunderblink) Rating: Teen Warnings: Love, fluff, undercover mission Summary: Clarice and John finally admit their feelings. Word Count: 502 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731517641592815616/now-is-real
Title: “Not an alliance” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G3: “Shapeshifters” Pairing: Raven Darkholme & Erik Lensherr (Work). Rating: Teen Warnings: Shapeshifters, argue. Summary: Can mutants have an alliance with shapeshifters? Word Count: 511 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731698834616516608/not-an-alliance
Title: “I can’t believe it” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G4: “Dealing with a betrayal” Pairing: Marcos Díaz X Lorna Dane (Eclaris) (Love) Rating: Teen Warnings: Betrayal Summary: Can Marcos forgive Lorna and protect their child? Word Count: 540 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731880026978631680/i-cant-believe-it
Title: Melted gift Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G5: “Melted ice cream”. Pairing: Anna Marie D’Ancanto X Robert Drake (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Melted ice cream. Summary: Bobby cook something special for Rogue Word Count: 100 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731972515557261312/melted-gift
Title: “Escaping” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O1: “Survival instinct” Pairing: Clarice Fong/Ferguson X John Proudstar (Thunderblink) (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Escaping, Sentinels, Purifiers. Summary: Clarice and John need to use their abilities to escape from danger. Word Count: 521 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732151821570818048/escaping
Title: “Not normal photos” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O2: “Spooky photographs” Pairing: Ana/Satana Helstrom & Chris Yen (Friendship) Rating: Teen Warnings: Scary encounter, horror, spooky photographs. Summary: Ana and Chris appraised some stuff in an old house. Word Count: 564 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732332935133495296/not-normal-photos
Title: “Not normal photos” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O2: Spooky photographs Pairing: Ana/Satana Helstrom & Chris Yen (Friendship) Rating: Teen Warnings: Scary encounter, horror, spooky photographs Summary: Ana and Chris appraised some stuff in an old house. Word Count: 564 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732332935133495296/not-normal-photos
Title: “Glitter” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O3: Sequins/Glitter Pairing: Nico Minoru X Karolina Dean (Deanoru) (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Glitter, fluff, femslash. Summary: Karolina loves glitter, Nico doesn’t. Word Count: 507 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732514225252139008/glitter
Title: “Undead” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O4: Necromancer Pairing: Nico Minoru & Alex Wilder (Friendhship). Rating: Teen Warnings: Necromancer, spirits, talking to the dead. Summary: A necromancer can’t be a problem for Nico, right? Word Count: 542 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732608594725470208/undead
Title: “Garden” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O5: Surprise Pairing: Karolina Dean X Julie Power (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Secret garden, secret gift, femslash. Summary: Julie wanna surprise Karolina. Word Count: 100 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732876877742637057/garden
Title: Cost Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: B1 “Short term gains at a long term cost.” Pairing: Steve Rogers & Clarice Fong (Friends). Rating: Teen Warnings/Tags: Mention of betrayal. Summary: Steve asked Clarice for help. Word Count: 556 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/745469836561350656/cost https://www.wattpad.com/1429251324-marvel-rare-pairing-round-3-cost https://archiveofourown.org/works/54406006
Title: Cross the Sky for your love Author:  SomeSortofItalianRoast Card #: MRP- 067 Square Filled: O5: Running out of Time Pairing: Tony Stark/Thor Rating: Teen Warnings: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, First Kiss, Injury Summary: Tony had spent years learning how to live as Tony Stark and as Iron Man. He'd never thought he'd be racing across the sky against time itself as he tried to save his Soulmate. Word Count: 2170 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51394282
Title: Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying - Chapter 1: Two Drink Limit (Limits Were Made To Be Tested) Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: B2: image of Tony & Rhodey Pairing: Tony & Rhodey, Carol & Maria, Rhodey/Carol, Tony/Maria Rating: Teen Warnings: first meeting, flirting Summary: Rhodey lays down the law, Tony scoffs at the very idea, Carol is considering hijinks, and Maria is up for the challenge. Word Count: 1752 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/732862242223210496/new-session-archive-of?source=share&ref=rebelmeg
Title: Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying - Chapter 2: Darts and Tequila and Pairing Up Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: N5: best friends forever Pairing: MIT Bros, Carol & Maria, Rhodey/Carol, Tony/Maria Rambeau Rating: Teen Major tags/warnings: flirting, drunken shenanigans, kissing Summary: Rhodey braces himself to make his move, Tony makes his, and last call comes as a surprise to everyone. Word Count: 2093 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/732941439022006272/new-session-archive-of?source=share&ref=rebelmeg
Title: Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying - Chapter 3: I'll See Your Hangover, and Raise You Another Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: N4: found family Pairing: Rhodey/Carol, Tony/Maria Rambeau, MIT Bros, Carol & Maria Rating: Teen Major tags/warnings: hangovers, slightly secret identities revealed, embarrassment, plans for a second date Summary: The boys are having just as miserable a morning as could be expected after their night out, but when they finally do show up at the demonstration, a couple of familiar faces are there to greet them. Word Count: 2068 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/733050469850710016/new-session-archive-of?source=share&ref=rebelmeg
Title: Heart Eyes Over Coffee Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: O2: Unexpected Love Pairing: Bucky/Sarah Rating: Gen Major Tags/Warnings: coffeeshop AU, work dad bucky and his teenage kids, flirting, fluff and humor Summary: Papa Bear Bucky (wow, does he hate that nickname) falls in love at first sight, while his work kids ogle and make helpful commentary. "Helpful" being extremely subjective... Word Count: 2324 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/733488970613374976/new-session-archive-of?source=share
Title: a bruise of a kiss Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: G3: Stuck together - literally Pairing: Loki/Stephen Strange Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Summary: Loki and Stephen become stuck together when a spell backfires. It has mixed results. Word Count: 2690 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51557656
Title: warm like a hug, sweet like a kiss Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: B5: Coffee Shop (+ O5 Bakery AU) Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/Stephen Strange Rating: Gen Major Tags/Warnings: N/A Summary: Down Mainstreet, Westview, NJ, Wanda Maximoff and Stephen Strange meet from across the road. Word Count: 4390 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51554248
Title: What Doesn’t Kill Us Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: Square I1 Mission ends bloody but successful and the adoptable prompt Bruises and cuts. Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes & Thunderbolts team, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/John Walker/Sam Wilson, Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop, James "Bucky" Barnes & Yelena Belova Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Season 1, Drama & Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, they're all messed up your honor, Team Dynamics, Mother Hen Bucky Barnes(love that that's a tag), 5+1 Things, Divorced John Walker Summary: It very much starts and ends with John which is kind of an issue because Sam gets so fucking smug about it. “You do know that you’re less their team leader and more their nanny, right?”
Or, five times Bucky looks after his team and one time he lets someone else take care of him. Word Count: 9091 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54242446?view_adult=true
Title: A Shadow Among Shadows Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: I4 Ghostly Chill Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes/John Walker, background John Walker/Olivia Walker, background James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson - Relationship, implied John Walker/Sam Wilson Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Season 1, Smut, Light Hurt/Comfort, Open Relationships, Knife Playdom/sub dynamics, light roleplay, Fighting As Foreplay, John: this better not awaken anything in me, also John: actually on second thought, No cheating Summary: He really wishes he was normal sometimes, normaler. At least Bucky’s in a similar wavelength of messed up, take some lose some and all that bullshit. Or, they have an arrangement. Word Count: 5093 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54254146
Title:  As if We had Plenty of Time Author: stormxpadme Card #: NSFW Bingo Card #2 - complete Square Filled: Caught in the rain | Your clothes are soaked. Take them off. | Fireplace | Sharing body heat | Friends to lovers Pairing: Scott/Logan/OC Rating: Explicit Warnings: none Summary: It's been almost three decades since jealousy issues in the X-Men's team almost led to tragedy. With the relationships between Jean and Logan and Scott and his wife unshakeable by now and everyone having grown and matured a lot, the two couples recently discovered a new and exciting solution for the occasional sexual tension still playing between all four of them. A night of comfort after a funeral in Germany finally offers a chance at least for three of them to embark on this journey of exploration together. Word Count: 11127 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55134730
Title: My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold, chapter 3 Author: stormxpadme Square Filled: MRP Spring Break Adoptables (prompt: 13 - Picnic) Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Explicit Warnings/Tags: none for this chapter Summary: Logan helps Scott recover from physically and mentally being brought back to life. Word Count: 5899 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51254512/chapters/138639148
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