#like if i get to be gorgeous and dolled up everyday then yes please
office-to-fantasy · 3 months
Hello so I really enjoyed when they tortured there s:o and she became like a doll but could you do. A shu x fem reader like where he realizes she broken like he torturing her then ( he likes to hear her crys and screaming obviously) so suddenly she stopped crying and screaming and he just kept wondering and doing until he realized he broke her
Do you understand what I mean
[I feel as though I’ve written something similar to this (here). However, I do believe I understand the difference! Instead of the after, you want the during, yes? Let’s see if I got it! I hope you all enjoy~!]
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Shu Sakamaki x Fem!Reader
(Diabolik Lovers Fanfic)
Everyday felt harder to get through… your throat was sore from the screaming and your heart felt like it’d been overworked in more ways than one…
You couldn’t scream any more now if you wanted, not after months of this… of all the pain he’d given you — the one person you never thought would hurt you, at least, not like this.
You couldn’t even remember the last time he’d given you that gentle and soft caress on your cheek… the one he’d give you when you were both lying around together. You missed the look in his eyes when he’d listen to you talk about something you were excited about. Nothing made you happier than to see those gorgeous blue eyes, it always made your heart melt into a million pieces… and now the sight of them sent a shudder of fear down your entire being.
It was terrifying to know that what would come next was pain.
You missed it when he’d softly brush your skin before biting down, and how he’d kiss you…
Nothing felt more wonderful than to kiss him tenderly, especially to wake him up… to hear his soft chuckle when he’d realized what you were doing.
You missed it, all of it. You missed him.
The man you once knew was gone… and it was a matter of time before you’d realize that…
The door slammed open with a force you recognized. Shu walked in, his earphones in his ears like usual as he walked to you, his eyes reminding you of ice now. He was cold and heartless as he gripped the hair at your crown and yanked it back, exposing your neck to him as he bent down.
His teeth sunk in, a painful sting shooting through your nerves. It wasn’t familiar, this feeling… only something recent, but his fangs use to make you feel the very opposite. His touch and his fangs used to be something you’d seek out, skipping classes and sneaking out of anything unrelated to him to go find him. You were attracted to him like a magnet, and yet… in the end, it wasn’t enough for him.
“Did you miss me?” His voice was something of a more gentle tone than his — now — usual one.
Something was wrong, because if he’d said the words even a day before, you wouldn’t have hesitated to respond, and yet, you didn’t answer.
He frowned now, displeased by your refusal. He bit down on your skin harsher than before, waiting for that same wince he’d gotten just yesterday from you, but nothing came.
Your eyes didn’t move from their spot on his shoulder, and it was strange… You could feel the pain he gave you, but you couldn’t feel it. It was almost as though your body could, but your mind couldn’t, and for a moment, things felt a bit peaceful.
Things were perfect now, right?
This could all work. Shu could do as he pleased and you could stay like this… like what felt like… a million miles away from him, from what he was doing to you…
In a way it made you pleased, but you couldn’t even feel that. You felt nothing.
And it didn’t bother you.
Shu stood up, winding his arm back as the back of his hand made contact with your cheek, and nothing left your mouth. Your throat could finally become better now, it could heal.
This was good, right?
Shu clenched his fists, taking a step closer, his eyes watching you with an intent he hadn’t for a long time.
You didn’t flinch.
You weren’t doing anything.
He could hear your heartbeat, so what was this?
He lifted your face up to meet his, and he saw what you’d been feeling; nothing. Your eyes looked right past him, like he wasn’t even there. The conclusion alone had his emotions spike to anger, and he grabbed your throat tightly, looking between your eyes for any response.
Shu’s grip faltered, like something had clicked in his brain.
“Hey,” he said more gently than usual, gulping as he waited for a response. “Answer me,” he said sternly, catching himself and softening his tone in the slightest.
Your heart was beating slowly, almost too slow for the rate it needed to work for the lack of blood in your system.
Shu let go of your throat and took off his earphones, kneeling in front of you, a panic in his voice now. “Hey! Why won’t you answer me?” his voice broke at the end, and the tears in his eyes began to flow.
It was a strange sight to see, Shu crying, and yet… it was almost like none of it was happening. You weren’t there.
You weren’t there…
Shu wiped his tears and held your face gently between his palms, a touch he’d kept from you for months. His thumbs caressed your cheekbones, and if he’d only given you this same touch a day ago… you may have melted at his fingertips.
Perhaps you’d have even looked at him as if he’d never done you any wrong. You would’ve reassured him with all your heart that you were his, that you wanted him just as much…
You would have forgiven him in a heartbeat.
His forehead pressed against yours, looking into your eyes and looking for the girl he’d lost slowly without even realizing. His breathing quickened and his arms slid around your waist.
You would’ve given anything to have been held like that again, and now that he had, you couldn’t feel a thing.
Shu hugged you tightly to his chest, gently and with the loving embrace he used to give you… it was everything you had ever wanted… everything you begged for so desperately at the beginning of all this.
You remembered your pleas, and your screams, and your confessions of undying love for him. You remembered it all, and it was only now he was realizing what he’d lost.
A love he would never have again…
Why did it have to take losing you for him to realize how simple your love was? Could he not tell from the way you looked at him adoringly? Or the way your eyes would look so in love simply from the thought of him?
Why couldn’t he love you right the first time?
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secretly-tumb1r · 3 months
I loveeeee the jj, enemies to lovers 🫦
omg yes absolutely (btw in this story JJ’s dad is called James bc we don’t stan L*ke)
JJ was a part of your life since you can remember. He was the son of your dad’s best friend. But that didn’t keep you from absolutely despising his guts.
He was the type of guy to rip off all you dolls heads and shave their hair off. The type of guy who would kick you with the muddiest ball he could find, ruining your perfect pink dress, the type of guy that you hated.
Whenever your Uncle James (your dad’s best friend) would come over with JJ, which was basically everyday, you hid in your room to avoid the mischievous blond.
You had overheard your dad and James talk about how James is moving out of OBX for a job, their tones heartbreaking. Sure you hated JJ, but you loved your Uncle James, he was like a second dad to you and it wasn’t his fault his son was the spawn of satan.
A part of you was devastated they were moving away, but a bigger part was happy that you will finally gain peace from JJ and his doll killing ways.
it was a Saturday morning, when your mother woke you up to go to the Maybanks’ house, as it was their last day in OBX.
“ma do i really have to go? I already said bye to them last night! Plus i hate JJ!”
“y/n don’t be so mean, get up and get dressed”
That was 3 years ago. You were 13 and JJ was 13 and 2 months. Even though he was Only 2 months older, he always would make fun of you for being younger.
“Y/n you do as i say because i’m older” he’s say with a proud look on his face.
Flash forward to 3 years when the maybank family have decided to move back to their home town. The outer banks, paradise on earth. As expected you were not excited at all, remembering how awful JJ was before he moved away. You also were not eager to lose your peace to JJ Maybank.
“y/n come downstairs!!” your mother called eagerly. She did not see JJ’s evil side like you did, and never understood how you could hate him so much. In her eyes, he could do nothing wrong. He was like a second child to her.
You groan and get up, slowly making your way down the stairs to attempt to make your peace last for even a few minutes.
Once you come down the final step, JJ, sitting on your couch, turns around to face you. You cant believe your eyes. He’s.. gorgeous.
woah you think to yourself he’s changed so much in the last 3 years
“y/n! c’mere i’ve missed you!” JJ stands up pulling you into a hug. You freeze. For the first time in your life, your opinion about JJ changes. He looks and feels different.
You allow yourself to melt into his touch as his hands rest on your waist, yours on his shoulders making the hug much more intimate than you intended, and less than he did.
You see, you never knew but JJ had a massive crush on you, and he was devastated to leave you, but now? now that he’s moved back? He was gonna make you his.
Please comment if you want a part 2!!
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urluvl · 2 years
•Monster From Hell•
• yandere jennie (blackpink)
• wlw
• tw? seductive jennie, kidnapping... sorta, drink spiking, (un)wanted touch, reader def has mommy issues, drinks and drugs, party, reader‘s friends are kinda sucky
• also low key inspired by the song michelle by sir chloe (<- link)
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The party was loud and booming. It smelt of pot and coke— not the sweat kind. Your head pounded, seemingly to the beat of the music. People danced provocatively around you. Some getting a little to close for comfort. It made you feel claustrophobic and stuffy, and that’s not mentioning the tight dress that hugged your figure in all the wrong places.
This was supposed to be a “high end club… for the rich people” as your friend had explained it to you a few days prior. Although it looked nice on the inside, the longer you stayed the more it felt like a college frat party. It’s really not that you hate going to things like this… it’s just that after awhile, four hours to be exact, a girl can get quite tired.
After a few moments of pestering at the flimsy straps of your black dress and buttons on the short jean jacket you wore in contrast, you decided it was best to get out of the heat of the crowd. You made you way slowly towards the bar area.
”Can i get you anything ma’am?” The bartender said in a hast once you took a set at one of the, surprisingly nice, stools. He was obviously quite busy.
“Uh, yes please, just a mamosa.” He nodded and turned off. You decided against getting anything likely to get you drunk considering your the designated driver. Your not sure you’ll have anyone to take home though; one friend went off with some basic looking guy and the other two went off to probably smoke crake or something like that. They left you alone a while ago.
The bar tender slid your drink over to you. You tried handing the money, but he shook his head. Someone had payed for you was what you guessed. And it was probably just some guy in his thirties wanting to fuck around with someone young and fresh. You rolled your eyes at the thought— you had standards. Taking a sip of the free beverage, you looked around for the guy, but most of the rush had filtered off. That only left you and maybe five other people at the large, now almost empty, bar. Your eyes met with a women across from you, probably just a few years older than you. She was stunning. She smirked at you before standing up. Could she have been the one to pay for your drink?
The way she swung her hips as she walked your way was dangerously intimidating. She walked around you with her hand lingering on your shoulders. She placed herself in the set beside you. “Is it good?” She flicked her finger to your drink.
You sat it down. “Yeah.” You didnt know why you felt to nervous. Maybe it was because it wasn’t everyday you saw someone that confident and gorgeous.
”I would hope, since i payed for it.”
”Oh? You payed for it? Thanks.” You laughed a bit, “Glad it wasn’t some weird ass guy.”
She smiled at you. “What’s your name, doll?”
”(Name), you?”You picked at your finger nails a bit.
”Beautiful name… it fits you.” She smiled with a slight head tilt, “Jennie.”
”Ah, thanks.”
“Where are your little friends? I thought i saw you walk in with some.”
You blushed. A normal person might find it strange that a unknown, gorgeous lady was watching you since you arrived hours ago, but you found it oddly flattering. “Yeah, a few are off smoking, and the other one is off with some dude.” You shook your head at their carelessness.
Jennie hummed in response. She then scrunched her nose in disagreement. “You’re far to pretty to be left alone, my love” You could just feel the heat rising to your already rosy cheeks. “Follow me.” It clearly wasn’t a question so you followed behind squeezing and turning through the crowd of dancing, drunk (although sometimes high) people.
You sighed in relief when you shuffled away from the chaos. You realized you were in the back rooms, and Jennie was leading you upstairs. “Jennie, these are the red rooms.”
“I know.” She said while she stepped up onto the next platform.
The red rooms are a place in the club where all the rich, powerful, or friends of the owner come— some times all three. It made you frightful to go up their knowing that some of those people would prey upon people like you. They could buy and sell you like property. Jennie saw your hesitance. “Hold my hand dove, i promise no one will bother you.” She intertwined your fingers and continued walking up the steps into the main room.
The main area of the red rooms had a small bar plus a few lounge chairs. A few people sat or chatted out here, but it seemed like most preferred the private rooms that trailed off from the main— apparently so did Jennie. You couldn’t complain, you were getting time alone with an obviously well off, not to mention gorgeous, individual. She led you to one of the private rooms almost on the far end. It had two chairs and a loveseat as well as a glass coffee table. It didn’t take you long to realize why people would much rather be up here then down there. It was far more quiet and secluded, and no one was dancing right on top of you. It surprised you that Jennie had even stayed down on the main floor long enough for you to met her… especially for you to catch her eye.
”You can sit down, dear.” An amused expression fell on her face. You hadn’t even noticed that you were just standing there in a daze. “If you keep standing ill start expecting you to dance.” Your eyes widened slightly— to Jennie’s amusement— and harsh blush was left on your face. You quickly sat yourself beside her.
”Sorry!” You yelped probably a little too loudly, it was a good thing these rooms were sound proof. “Sorry...” You repeated with your head down. Your fingers fiddled with one another.
Jennie placed a comforting hand on your semi- exposed thigh. “Take off your coat, theres no need to be so nervous, hun.” You agreed with a nod. You were feeling quite hot, most likely because of the maze of people you had to fit through to get here. You slid it off of your shoulders and onto the soft, lounge chair on the other side of you.
”Do you want anything to drink?“ She stood up. “Another mamosa?”
You thought for a moment. It wasn’t like two of them would get you to drunk to drive, maybe a small buzz at most. “Yes, please.” You smiled.
”Stay there, i’ll be right back.” She walked out, closing the door behind her. Jennie’s sent lingered in the air around you. She smelt like honey and cigarettes. It was comforting. You leaned back into the sofa cushion. It was much softer then the ones down stairs. You hadn’t even noticed how tired you were.
Jennie took an unusually long time, but she walked back in. She sat two blueish drinks in front of the both of you— they clearly weren’t mamosas and didn’t smell citrusy in the slightest. You cocked a brow at her. She smiled, “I thought you should try something new.” Jennie picked up one of the glasses and took a small sip. Her red painted lips stained the clear glass. With put thinking, you copied her movements and took a sip, not thinking about the chance of it being spiked or drugged. You knew not to take drinks from strangers, but Jennie was so enticing you simply couldn’t refuse the offer. It left a slight burning sensation going down although Jennie hadn’t seemed phased by it.
After a few more sips your head felt kind of heavy and foggy. You seemed to have blinked once or twice. It felt like a second had gone by, but when you opened them again you were placed on Jennie’s lap. She kissed you so tender and passionately it made butterflies fill in your stomach and cheeks tint rose. Your arms were placed around her neck while her‘s traced shapes on your back. You felt so tingly.
Your head started pounding harder then before and your body felt limp. You felt close to passing out, so you weakly pushed yourself away. For a short moment Jennie looked offended, but quickly switched back to her calm persona. “Jennie, i’m sorry, my head…“ You tired to form a complete sentence, but your words wouldn’t form right. Hell, you could barely think straight. You leaned your head on her shoulder lazily. You were out.
As you slowly woke up, your whole world was spinning. You could tell you were in car — a pretty expensive looked one at that. You groaned a bit. Jennie turned to look at you for a moment before turning her head back to the road.
”Go back to rest, my love.” You shook your head trying to un-blur you vision.
”I need to go back.” Your words were slurred, “What the hell happened?” Trying to think back made your head hurt worse than before.
”Shh, i’ll explain later, but your to sick to be on your own.” She explained. You guessed she was taking you to her house— which you should have protested at, but you were far to tired. You fell back into a deep sleep in seconds.
You woke up in bed, one far to comfortable to be your own— considering all of the collage loans you had still yet to pay off. As you tired to sit up, you felt a sharp pull on your left wrist. Twisting your head you could see the handcuff that held you to the bed frame. You get yourself begin to sweat as the memories of last night filled your head. “Shit.” You cursed out. How could you have been so careless.
You watched the door creak open, and Jennie’s head peek out as if not to wake you. She smiled gently when she saw you up. “Good morning, sweets! You slept so good.” You realized you weren’t in your tight dress, but rather a silky, teal nightgown— you guessed it was Jennie’s. Tears filled your tired eyes when the realization sat in, she had quite clearly drugged you. Then she brought you to her house and tied you up for god knows what reason.
”Oh no no, shh.” She walked over to you and leaned in. “You were just to precious to not keep you for myself.” She pinched your cheek. You pulled away.
She had put you in such a trance. You hated that she affected you that type of way. She could definitely use that to her advantage. The way she walked, talked, looked— it all made you weak at the knees. “You know just how to be cruel: when you shake your hips that way, paint your lips that way.“ Jennie only smiled at the remark.
”I guess that’s something i’m good at.” She carved her fingers along the side of your face and jaw. Everywhere she touched left you tingling and craving for more. You had to catch yourself before almost leaning into the admiring touch.
”You are a monster from hell.” She laughed lowly, and she stood up from the bedside. She knew she made your feel this way— she enjoyed it. It made her feel important, not that she wasn’t already. She just missed the gentle feeling of love, and you were her perfect fit.
She walked towards the door, “You’ll be very grateful for me soon, my love.” Jennie was in the midst of closing the door when she turning around, “I think you should get some more rest, you don’t seem quite ready to talk just yet.” The door shut, and you were left alone with your thoughts. You couldn’t help but wonder if your friends had even noticed you gone.
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
can I please request for prompts 2, 5, 10, 12 for hard&soft dom!heeseung and an innocent!fem!s/o from enhypen smut prompt list? prompt no. 5 to be said by the reader while the rest by heeseung
A/N: forgive me if there r any typos lol i hope u like it :)
Warnings: unprotected sex, oral (f recieving), degredation, slight corruption kink
Word count: 2.4 k
You cling onto your boyfriend’s arm as another jumpscare appears on the movie screen. He giggles at you. “Is it gone yet?” you whisper and he nods.
Today was your four month anniversary with Heeseung and you decided to treat him by taking him to a scary movie he’s been wanting to see.You’re not a huge fan of them but you figured it’d be a way for you to cuddle him without raising too much suspicion.
He kept a hand on your thigh throughout the movie, occasionally squeezing and rubbing it over your pants.
You try to ignore the film by keeping your eyes on him. His hands, his legs, his hands, his profile. Anything to distract yourself from the poor family being killed on the screen.
It isn’t long before the movie ends and you walk out to Heeseung’s car.
“The brother was such an idiot. Why didn’t he just call the police?” he says while starting the engine. (haha engene lol sorry)
“The police can’t stop ghosts.” you chuckle.
“Maybe NASA could’ve figured something out.” he grabs your thigh again, it’s kind of his thing. “I’m surprised you survived.”
“Yup, my love for you overcomes my hatred for horror movies.”
He smiles and leans over to give you a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Let’s go to my place.” he says and you frown.
“But all the boys-”
He cuts you off. “The maknaes aren’t there, they’re paintballing in Itaewon.”
You groan. “Fine.”
The boys’ dorm is never your first choice which is understandable without elaboration. But you try not to get annoyed and instead enjoy living in the moment.
He has the windows cracked open and the wind is whipping through his hair, making him look like a moviestar.
Sunghoon and Jake are in their own rooms when you get there so at least there’s some peace and quiet.
Heeseung plops onto his bed. “Come here sweetheart.” he says with his arms out to you.
You smile and snuggle up to him, resting your head on his chest.
He pets your hair and kisses your forehead. “You’re so pretty.”
“You’re prettier.” you say and he chuckles.
“Nuh uh.” he says and sits up. “Lemme see your pretty face.”
You sit up too as he holds your face delicately in his hands. “You’re so gorgeous I wanna kiss you everywhere.” he kisses your forehead, then your cheeks, and your nose, your eyelids, then your jaw, and down, down, down your neck. Your heart beat starts to speed up. You never tell him, but your neck is your weakness. He finally pulls away to give you a proper kiss on the lips.
“C’mere.” he says and pulls you onto his lap. You let out a small squeal.
He holds your waist tight as he kisses you again, this time slipping his tongue into your mouth. You moan a bit, enjoying the sensation.
You guys had made out before and even grinded a bit but it never went further than that. Not because you didn’t want it. Of course you wanted it. There have been nights where you spent hours imagining what it would be like. You already knew that he’d be sweet, but you kind of wanted more than that. You wanted him to take control and boss you around. Maybe today will be the day, you think to yourself.
You start to slowly rock your hips against his and he lets out a low groan. His fingers travel up your hoodie and he’s delighted to find out that you aren’t wearing a bra. He massages you and pinches your nipples a bit as you grind on his hard on. You’re already so stimulated, you could cum just like this.
Heeseung’s curious as to why you’re acting like this today. Usually by now it’d be over, but why would he complain about you being naughty, especially when it’s been such a big fantasy of his to corrupt you. His darling little girlfriend who checks in with her parents everyday and wouldn’t dare to skip school all sprawled out under him, whimpering and begging for release. God, he could think about it all day.
He flips you onto your back and pushes your hoodie up, exposing your torso. Your arms fly to cover yourself.
“Stop that princess,” he kisses your stomach. “Let me see you.”
You slowly pull your arms away and he goes right to kissing your chest. “So perfect.” he whispers, rolling his tongue over your nipples.
You’re already squirming underneath him, eager for him to touch you somewhere else. And as if he read your mind, his fingers start to play with the band of your pants.
He quickly unbuttons them and slides them off your legs.
“Can I touch you?” he asks and you nod eagerly.
“I’ve never done this before.” you admit.
“That’s okay,” he kisses your knee. “Just relax.”
He kisses your neck, licking it and nipping at it, leaving a blooming bruise. Your body tenses as he circles your clit.
“I didn't know you were this sensitive.” he smiles.
You feel your face heat up. It’s kind of embarrassing. He was barely touching you plus it was on top of your underwear.
“I’m just teasing baby.” he kisses your cheek and continues the circling motion.
Soft moans leave your mouth as he does so. He pulls away and notices a wet patch already forming on your underwear.
His fingers slip into the waistband. “Can I touch you here?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “Please?”
“You submit to me so well,” he nips at your neck. “I love it.”
His fingers find your slit and you whine.
“So fucking wet,” he whispers as he rubs your clit. “Did I get you that worked up princess?”
You nod pathetically, already drunk on his touch.
He circles around your hole for a bit before slowly pushing his middle finger into you. You hold on tight to his arm, getting used to the foreign feeling.
He pumps it in and out of you a couple of times. “You ready for another one?”
You nod and whine as his ring finger stretches you out.
“You’re doing so good.” he whispers and kisses your forehead.
Your moans get more and more needy as he curls his fingers in you hitting a spot that you’ve never felt before.
“Fuck,” you whisper.
“Feel good?” he asks and you nod. “I bet it does.”
He shifts down and settles his face between your legs.
“Wait what are you doing?” you ask him, shutting your knees. “I want to taste you,” he says. “Is that okay?”
You contemplate for a moment. The thought of it makes you a bit shy but then you imagined how good it would feel and that won over everything. “Yeah.” you nod and he smiles.
His fingers are still curling in you as he kisses your thighs, leaving small marks on the way down to where you need it the most.
After what feels like years, his tongue finally finds your clit. Your thighs shut from the sudden pleasure.
He chuckles. “Keep em open baby.” he uses his free hand to keep you spread.
He moans into you. “Tastes so fucking good.”
It’s so much to take in at once; his fingers in you, his tongue drawing circles on your clit, the vibrations you feel every time he groans. You feel overstimulated but in the best way possible.
Your fingers tug on his hair as your thighs begin to tremble.
“Don’t stop don’t stop,” you cry out.
His grip on you tightens and he moans into you, encouraging you to cum in his mouth.
A string of curse words leaves your lips as you reach your high, and it’s the hardest you’ve ever came in your life. It’s like you’re floating up in the clouds, and you never want to come back down.
Heeseung kisses you, giving you a taste. He holds you tight in his arms and tries to calm your shaky breathing.
“You did so good doll.” he kisses your cheek.
You hold onto him as your heart rate goes down to normal.
“Here let me go get you a towel.” he starts get off the bed but you grab his arm.
“Wait we’re done?” you ask and he looks at you. “Do you wanna keep going?” he asks and you nod.
“Yes,” you say and he chuckles.
He sits back down onto the bed. “I didn’t expect that.”
You climb on top of him and give him a passionate kiss, sliding your hands under his hoodie.
He pulls it over his head with ease.
You admire his lean body for a moment before kissing his neck and his collar bones. “Can you fuck me please?” you ask him.
He smirks. “Your wish is my command.” he flips you over onto your back and unbuttons his black jeans. Just watching him do it makes you wet.
He climbs over you, rubbing his tip on your clit. He sighs into your neck.
“You ready princess?” he asks and you nod vigorously.
He slowly pushes into you and you wince a bit from the stretch.
“Ow ow ow.” you say quietly and he stops.
“You okay? Does it hurt a lot?” he asks.
“It’s not bad.” you say through gritted teeth.
He kisses you, giving you time to adjust to his length. He pets your hair and tells you how gorgeous you look.
“Please start moving.” you ask him and he listens, slowly thrusting in and out of you.
“Fuck,” he moans. “So fucking tight.”
You whimper so loud as his tips brushes against your g-spot that you clamp your hand over your mouth, worried that Sunghoon and Jake would pick up on what was going on.
He pulls your hand away. “Be louder, I want them to hear you.”
“Do as I say sweetheart.” he cuts you off.
Of course you melt under him. How could you not. He’s so perfect. He’s the type of boy that only exists in books.
“What a good girl,” he kisses your shoulder. “Look how well you take it.”
You grab a pillow and cover your face with it, you can’t help but want to conceal your moans.
He throws it off and grabs your jaw hard. “What’d I say about that? Don’t you want them to know how much of a slut you are for me?”
“Yes,” you whisper.
“Speak up when I talk to you.” he says sternly. His words make you throb and he notices. “Do you like it when I’m mean?” he smirks at you.
“Yeah,” you admit, sheepishly.
“There you go again being all quiet, keep that up and I’ll edge you until you’re begging.” he threatens you with a good time.
“What if I want you to do that anyway.” you say flirtatiously.
He raises an eyebrow. “I can make that happen.”
His thumb finds your clit and the sensation of him rubbing you and his cock ramming in and out of your pussy sends you so close over the edge.
The look on your face is so angelic and hopeless, you’re better than anything he could imagine.
“You’re so fucking perfect.” he kisses you. “You look so pretty while being fucked.”
He snaps his hips into yours and your eyes roll back.
“Just like that.” you whine.
“How bad do you want it?” he asks you.
“So bad,” you say out of desperation. At this point you don’t care. Heeseung had taken over your mind, ego, and pride. “You feel so fucking good inside of me.”
He smiles. “How could such a sweet voice say such dirty words.” Then all of the sudden he pulls out. You nearly cry out from the unexpected emptiness.
“What the fuck,” you swear at him.
“You’re the one who asked for this.” he says, still slowly rubbing your clit.
You whimper. “I take it back. I need you.”
“No take backs sweetheart.” he tsks.
He kisses your chest and pinches at your nipples. You writhe under him, needing him in you.
After what feels like an eternity but is probably a minute or so, he slams back into you and right after being satisfied, he pulls out again.
“Heeseung please,” you whine. “Please I’ve been good haven’t I?”
“You have, but I like doing this to you.” he kisses you. “Who knew my innocent girl would be begging for my cock like this.”
You pull at his waist. “I need it.” you tell him in the sweetest voice you could get out.
He sighs. “I’ll never win.” he kisses you again before pushing into you.
“Fuck yes,” you moan in relief. “Faster please.”
Thank god he listens to you.
You cling onto his back, pushing your nails into his skin a bit. It only takes thirty seconds to get you on the edge and Heeseung can tell by the way your moans are getting high pitched.
“Cum on this cock sweetheart,” he says lowly. “Be a good girl for me.”
And just like that, your whimpering his name like it’s the only word you know; like it’s your mantra.
“That’s it baby,” he whispers. “Just like that.”
Your pussy pulsing around him sends him into euphoria and he groans into your neck.
You don’t even realize the tears on your cheeks until he pointed it out. He looks at you in shock and holds your face in his hands. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Fuck I’m so sorry pumpkin I-”
“No no it just felt really good,” you giggle. “I didn’t even know I started crying.”
“Oh thank god,” he sighs in relief and kisses your forehead. “You’re the best pussy I’ve ever had you know.”
You laugh. “Stop it, you sound like a man whore.”
“Just being honest.” he smiles and pulls you into his arms.
“Shit,” you curse to yourself.
“What is it?”
“Jake and Sunghoon definitely heard us.” you say, wide eyed.
“Yeah probably,” he says “they probably got off on it too.”
Your face twists in disgust and you shove him in the shoulder.
He cackles. “I mean wouldn’t you?”
You think to yourself. “Yeah I probably would.”
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mrs-march-ahs · 3 years
thinking about the evans and pet names they would call u💆🏼‍♀️
Pet Names the Evans Call You
Slight mentions of smut
Definitely done before, but I wanted to do it anyway! I’ve been planning to do a Kai Week? I’ve written some pieces and I hope to write 7 completed pieces before I do anything, but does that sound fun? Like a new Kai Fic everyday for a week? Feel free to send me suggestions, but please don’t expect them all to be done, having a tough time writing anything of quality recently.
Hence this-
Enjoy! :)
-Classics, Babe and Baby -He’d say Bae but ironically, until he’d start using it for real -He’d call you Sweetheart or Princess if he wanted you to call him Daddy
You’d call him- -Tate (he wouldn’t like that one) -Tatey (getting better) -Daddy (perfect) -Baby boy, he’d melt in your arms and would demand cuddles every time you called him that -If you sat and played with his hair he would want to be called every cute thing in the world, Sugar, Baby, Boo
-Sugar but more like suga’ -Honey -Honey bunch -Pumpkin -Miss Walka’ -Buttercup -Combine as many nicknames as possible if he wanted something from you -Honey bunch sugar plum muffin top
You’d call him- -Kitty -Kitten -Softie -Boo -Cutie -Handsome
Post-Death Kyle
­-The first letter of your name, like K (kay), T, (tee), D (dee) -Even if it doesn’t quite work like S (es) or dubbu for W -To get your attention he’d say ‘hey’ a lot, and eventually you didn’t like it so he started saying babe or bae if it’s easier for him to say You’d call him- -At first, only Kyle so he re-learns his name -Eventually Ky -Jokingly, Caveman and Frankie like Frankenstein -Bunny -Cuddles
-Darling -Mrs Darling -Missy -Miss your surname when you’re in trouble -Sugar -Bonnie -Doll -Cutie or Cutie pie -Muffin -Any sort of sweet pastry or sugary sweet that he’d claim you taste like -Sherbet, Honey, Cocoa, Sugar plum, Cherry, Sugar Cookie, etc - - “Lemme taste that lemon and cherry heaven”
You’d call him- -Handsome -Sexy (he’d blush every time) -Darling and Mr Darling -Jimbo -Big boy -If you called him sunshine the redness on his cheeks wouldn’t die down for three days so you saved that one for special occasions
James March­
­-Unpopular opinion, I know this is crazy but hear me out… “darling” -Dearest, My Love, Angel and Mouse -He’d focus more on the adjectives or the way he said things rather than the actual words - “My sweet innocent angel, who hurt you?” - “Why is my precious lady crying?” - “You look incredible today, my love” - “That is not a big ask! I would be delighted to do anything for my Queen”
You’d call him- -Sir (gets him hard) -Mr March (turns him on) -Daddy (dick goes whoosh) -James (when he’s in trouble) -Jimmy (only when there’s nobody around, or if you want a spanking later) -Call him baby or baby boy when you’re cuddling him -If you called HIM your sweet angel he would NOT be having it because he is a BIG and TOUGH MAN and he is not a TINY angel like you say he is -Would totally blush though -His absolutely favourite would be Beloved - - “Darling I asked you to put your clothes away in the wardrobe a week ago please would you just-” - “Okay shit, yes murder daddy” -… -… - “What did you just call me?”
-I joined the fandom when I was still on season 5 and I read fanfictions about Kai and y’all actually made me think that he says Little Lamb to his girlfriend in the show and I thought it was the cutest thing- -But we just made it up lol -Little Lamb, Angel, Gorgeous -No more no less, nicknames that signify purity or calm because that’s what you represented and meant to him -He’d mostly call you by your name so it was very special when he called you by other names -If you were naughty he’d call you a Spoilt Brat or his Slave -My Personal Cumdump, My Slut, My Bitch, my my my my all mine
You’d call him- -He would be okay with Kai, but certainly prefer Divine Ruler -He’d ask you to call him Senator to see how it sounded and it stuck -If you particularly wanted to make him happy you’d call him Future Mr President -In bed, Divine Ruler or Master -You’d mostly call him names that he approved of because if you called him something like Baby or Handsome he’d tell you to grow up - “Good morning sweetheart” - “Y/N, we’re not teenagers, don’t call me that” - “Yes, Divine Ruler” - “Now that…”
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
omg hi love!! if you ever open request please consider this 🤲🏻 but the single mom scenario you did with some more characters like ex: atsumu, bokuto, or iwazumi or anybody!! anyway ur amazing 🗣
hello love! I'm so sorry for the late response, I was kinda getting my life together, but yes! my requests are open! I'll write Bokuto's on the next part 'cause these scenarios are long
Featuring: Atsumu, Iwaizumi
the calm music and people chatter contradicted Atsumu's idea of a party, which was loud music, people dancing in the dance floor, dj's and a lot of drinking
but then again, it was Meian's party at his house, he has a wife and two daughters, which was why he was stuck at the couch of his captain's living room, watching the wives of his teammates interact and his teammates were either talking to each other or watching over their kids
even Sakusa was invested in his conversation with Ushijima with his son on his lap
he sat there staring at his phone, aching to leave, but can't 'cause it was his captain's birthday
"Hi excuse me?" Atsumu glanced up and oh boy was he in for a treat
manz really freezes on the spot, did he die of boredom? was he in heaven now? is this the angel taking him to the afterlife? 'cause damn he'd go without any hesitation
you waved your hand in front of his face wondering if he had a heat stroke or something
"sir, are you okay?" you waved again
he finally snapped out of his trance and looked away
"uh y-yes?" he asked, uncharacteristically embarrassed
"are you okay?" you asked worriedly
"yeah, yeah I'm fine, do you need anything?" he asks
you scratched the back of your neck and asked shyly
"can you hold her for a while? I-uhhh- I need to go to the bathroom" you were red as a tomato now, you had no choice everybody was busy at the party and he was the only one who appeared free
Atsumu didn't notice the chubby baby girl you were holding, she had a round face with rosy cheeks, she got your eyes, your lips, almost like a baby version of you with two pigtails on
he was in love for the second time today, but realization hit him fast, and he deflated
he cleared his throat and asked "ohh shouldn't her dad help you with her?" he asks politely while smiling at the baby
"oh, he's not really in the picture" you explained
Atsumu's eyes widen, it's for you to decide if it was because of how embarrassed he is for asking that question or because of happiness that holy shit- this absolutely gorgeous woman is single
"sure, I'll hold her" he smiled and took your baby from you
"what's your name by the way?" he asks, situating your baby on his lap
"oh I'm Y/n, and this is Hana, she's ten months old, you?" you asked back
"Atsumu, Miya Atsumu, and ya prolly want to go to the bathroom now"
you nod and went off to do you business
"hey there angel" he coos at the little girl who was staring up at him curiously
the girl giggles at him and smooshed her cheeks against his hard chest
dear lord save this man from eternal rest
"ya really got yer looks from yer momma huh?" he smirks and bounces her on his laps which garnered fits of laughter and giggles from Hana also making him laugh
"looks like she likes you" you say as you smiled and attempted to go to get Hana from him, but the baby just turned her back on you and clutched his shirt tight
"Baby, Atsumu might be tired, come to mommy please"
"nah, don't really mind, ya should relax for a bit and accompany me instead" he smirks at you
you nodded and you ended up spending the rest of the party with Atsumu and talked about random things
by the end of the day, he got your number before you headed home
he was driving his expensive sports car and called his brother
"the hell ya calling for? ya twerp"
"'Samu what does yer daughter and wife likes to do?"
it was the end of another work day for Iwaizumi, he was feeling pretty tired after running around scolding three particularly hyperactive players and attending countless of meetings
and a sight of a little girl being bullied was the cherry on top
he didn't interfere quickly since they were not getting physical with her and just closely listened in
"ew so you don't have a daddy?" the girl in the middle of the group rudely says
the little girl stared down to the ground fiddling with her fingers "n-no, but I-I have m-mama and s-she's the best in the w-whole wide w-world"
"still, you don't have a daddy, that's weird" the other girl said
"you don't have someone to give you a piggyback ride when you're tired what a loser" the girl on the left added
"your mama is probably a loser too since she can't find you a daddy"
Iwaizumi had enough and felt the need to step in
"you should leave her alone" he says in an intimidating voice, but it didn't seem to faze the three girls
"she has a daddy now and that's me now head home brats" he says and went over to the little girl and rested him hand on her shoulder, the girl looked up at him, eyes glossy
"don't lie mister, she clearly said she doesn't have a dad" the girl in the middle says feistily
"well she does now, you better head home before I report you to your school for bullying"
this statement seemed to scare the girls as they retreated grumbling
"you alright?" he asks the little girl with a gentle voice
she nodded
"what's your name?" he asks as he leads her to a bench
"Sara" the girl answers timidly
"where's your mom?" he asks
"she asks me to wait for her here, she's working" she answers and sat on the bench
Iwaizumi nods, inwardly applauding the mom for raising a polite and respectful daughter, despite being a single mother
"I'll wait with you then" he says and sat beside her
"mister?" Sara called out Iwaizumi as he answers with a hum
"what's your name?"
"Iwaizumi, Iwaizumi Hajime"
"would you like some candied fruits Mister Iwaizumi?"
he looks at the girl and she was holding a container full of candied strawberries and apples with toothpicks on them
Iwaizumi nods and took a piece
"mom makes them for me to eat while waiting for her, isn't she the best?" she smiled happily and ate a candied strawberry
it was evident in her eyes how much she adored her mother
"I'm sure she is" he smiled and finished off his candied fruit
"Mister Iwaizumi"
"can I call you dad?"
Iwaizumi was taken aback by her question but smiled
"sure you can"
"Sara!" the two whipped their heads to your direction and saw you carrying a paper bag, a cake box, and your purse, in your office attire
you had a motherly look in your eyes and Iwaizumi was absolutely captivated by you, despite your disheveled state, you were absolutely gorgeous in his eyes
"so much for not believing in love at first sight" Iwaizumi could hear Oikawa's teasing from the other side of the world
"I'm so sorry, I had to get you your birthday cake and gift"
"I told you she's the best didn't I?" Sara whispers to him
"yes, yes she is"
Sara ran over to you and introduced you to Iwaizumi and how he saved her from the bullies
You apologized profusely and he just waved it off saying it was not a big of a deal
"well, would you like to join us for Sara's birthday dinner, Iwaizumi?" you asked politely
"just call me Hajime, sure i'll join you, and you didn't tell me it was your birthday doll, I'll just get you a late birthday gift then" he pats Sara's head
Sara shakes her head "It's fine dad, I'm just happy I got to celebrate my birthday with a dad"
Iwaizumi could get use to this, it was never really in his plan to be a dad at this age, but looking at you smiling teary-eyed as you look at your daughter smiling brightly at him, he would give up everything to see that everyday
was it possible to care for someone this much when you just met them? I guess he got his answer 'cause that's exactly what he was feeling right now
after a night of eating and celebrating, Iwaizumi laid in his bed, fresh out of the shower as he calls someone
"Iwa-chan you're in love are you?"
"how did you-"
"you only call me when you have a problem, I have a problem, or you're in love, judging by your less aggressive voice, I can tell my bestfriend he's in love"
"yeah, yeah, whatever shittykawa"
"so, who's the lucky girl?"
"girls, there's two of them"
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kelieah · 3 years
going on dates with arvin russell
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request (summary): anon: I read one of your head cannons for Arvin the other day and loved it!! Could you do one with a drive-in movie theater where they get a little steamy or another one where they go dancing maybe the reader is shy about dancing and Arvin’s all sweet about it? I just love both date ideas and so much could happen! You don’t have to do either, I know it’s vague but I’m here for just about anything:)
anon: Hey Arvin x reader fluff just going on a date
word count: 1.7k
warnings: fluff fluff luff, lil bit of suggestive content
a/n: ugh the idea of going on a date w arvin fking russell during the 50s? yes pls,, and thank you sm doll! decided to do multiple dates bc yes. also yes i decided to make this a head canon bc im too lazy / busy to write out a whole ass fic, but this is still going to be a long ass head canon so ennnjooooyy i hope ehbejsf
main masterlist | arvin russell masterlist
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when you first met arvin you never thought of him as a romantic guy
but oh you were so wrong
so wrong
your first date with arvin was nothing what you’d expect to be
i mean
it’s not like you expected arvin to show up with two cans of beer and a carton of cigarettes 
but you didn’t expect him to go all out either
you remember your first date with that damn boy like it was yesterday
he showed up to your house with a bunch of flowers
you could tell he picked them out from the park or something
but it was the thought that counted and it warmed your heart
god what a sight he was
all doe-eyed
face still mean as hell though
and pretty too of course 
you liked to call him pretty boy and he called you stupid
his eyebrows were a bit furrowed and knitted together 
but the look in his eye and the small smile on his lips
enough to make any girl swoon
“hey,” he said briefly, pushing out the poor yet lovely flowers in his hands
some were fully bloomed, bright yet dull
some lopping over
some dead
even a little bit of dirt and roots hanging from the end
but you could tell he tried
he tied a bit of woven rope around it all to keep it together
before you could speak he interrupted 
“i– i know girls like flowers. but i couldn’t get you em fancy ones from the store cus. yanno. m’ sorry doll, but this is all i could get,” he held them out again and you gladly took them
“there’s no need to apologize, i love these arvin. thank you,” you smiled and leaned close towards him, kissing his cheek
his cheeks were instantly dusted with pink at your affectionate gesture
“y’ of course. my pleasure. well, uhm. if you’re ready, my car’s parked a bit down the road, cause you said your parents?” he trailed off, glancing behind you.
you nodded and giggled softly
“yea, they usually don’t like it when boys come over. but i don’t give a fuck,” you whispered the last part and sent him a wink
god he loved it when you cursed
he found it kinda hot he told you
he flushed and looked away, chuckling 
“well alright, do you want me to wait in my car?” he stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking back at you
“yep, i’ll be out ina jiffy,” you said, about to turn the other way and put the flowers in a vase
“wait,” he coughed while taking a step forward
“yeah, arvin?” you turned back towards him
“you look real pretty,” he complimented you
it was then your turn to blush
“why thank—” before you said anything he turned around and walked off to your car
you always found him such an interesting fella
you giggled to yourself and retreated back into your home
he first took you on a long drive
which honestly scared you a bit
“you sure you’re not taking me somewhere to kill me?” you muttered and looked around
nothing but trees and road was in sight 
“i think,” he replied blankly, one hand on the wheel while the other was on his thigh casually
you blushed at the sight
you weren’t sure why you found it attractive
but you sure did
“how reassuring,” you teased, catching a smirk beginning to curl at the end of his lips
he eventually found a spot and parked on to a hill, that looked over knockemstiff
the sun was setting and the town was dark
it looked absolutely beautiful
he got out of the car and soon opened your door, holding out his hand
you jokingly froze and looked at him suspiciously
“you sure y’ not gonna kill—”
before you could finish your sentence he pulled your arm towards him, holding you close
you let out a squeal and looked at him with a flushed expression
“no, i’d never. you hear me dumb one?” he cupped the side of your face
you blushed and nodded into his touch
“m’ only teasing. jeez.”
he chuckled and pulled you carefully toward the front of his car
“gimme a minute,” he walked off towards the back of his car
you smiled and leaned against his car, looking out at the stunning scenery in front of you
soon arvin came out with a picnic basket
he’d hear you before the both of you went on a date that you loved picnics
so of course, he had to take you on a picnic
it was so sweet
a basket full of sandwiches, pop, and some cheap snacks he managed to buy
with change, he scrounged all over his room, place, and car
the both of you shared your first kiss that night
“i’d genuinely never met a girl like you,” he murmured, looking down at you as lied across his lap
“well i sure as hell never met a boy like you,” you whispered and looked back up at him
you both leaned closer and closer towards each other’s faces
and then pure
your lips fit perfectly on his
his floppy hair that was surprisingly not hidden underneath a cap fell onto your face
he held your face so gently and you held onto his shirt like you were going to fall 
you both kissed the night away
he’d never put so much effort into dates before
most of his past dates were sexual, but he didn’t tell you that until later
the more dates you two had, the better they got
now this one date you took him on
you don’t know how you did it
but you managed to get the poor boy to go rollerskating with you
and lord
was it a great laugh for you
as soon as the two of you rolled out into the arena
arvin was wobbling all of the place
you had multiple fits of giggles and laugh
“how the hell!” he grunted and continuously slipped
eventually having to hold onto the railing
“honey, you just glide y’ feet,” you snickered and held his hand
“yeah no shit. it’s like m’ a goddamn baby again learning how to fucking walk,” he muttered frustratingly underneath his breath
“awe you poor poor baby,” you teased and squeezed his hand. “just watch me lover, look at me feet. move with me, ready?” 
he nodded and stared at you closely
you began to move your feet slowly, watching him as he watched you
“yes! see you’re getting there, slowly. yep. wow arvin, didn’t think ya had it in y—”
before you could even finish your praise
he let out a loud yelp while slipping, bringing you down in the process
you landed on his chest
he let out a grunt, holding you up before you could hurt yourself more
you both looked at each other in disbelief and burst out in laughter
it was moments like these where the both of you truly enjoyed each other’s presence
some dates were steamier than the other
the two of you were supposed to be watching the movie
while in his car and snacking
but of course y’all couldn’t keep your hands of each of other
his hand was already up your skirt 
caressing your skin
while your tongues pressed against each other
your hand tangled in his hair
you felt his finger brush against your lower area and you gasped in response
yeah you and arvin had made out before
but it’s never gotten farther than that
so lil touches like that surprised you
“oh m’ sorry baby doll. did you not like that?” he pulled his hand away immediately
he cupped your face with his other hand and looked at you with pure concern
you blushed and shook your head 
“no i liked it. i’m just scared, but you can continue. please?” you leaned into his touch
“okay, i got you,” he smirked slightly and pushed his hand back under your skirt
let’s just say
you saw fireworks for the first time that night
and not any typical fireworks
as the weeks went on
you and arvin were inseparable 
everyday was a date and the both of you couldn’t be happier
one day he really surprised you
he got you and him tickets to some dinner and dance
“ain’t no way, you, arvin russell got these,” you looked down at the tickets in your hand
“gee thanks darlin’, but yes. i did get these, for us,” he stuffed his hands in pockets and looked down at the ground sheepishly
you let out a loud squeal that scared the hell out of him
you jumped into his arms and crushed his bones while hugging him
he laughed softly and held you up, spinning you around
honestly, you thought the two of you would just go for the food
for some reason you didn’t think he’d like the dancing
but oh were you wrong
“c’ mon beautiful,” he begged and dragged your hand toward the dance floor
“i don’t know about dancing baby, you know me,” you whined and hesitantly followed
“oh yes i do know you y/n. and i know i got you tied around my finger. so you know damn well you’re going to dance with me right now,” he said lowly underneath his breath, leaning close toward your face
his hot breath fanning your skin and sending chills throughout your face
cocky motherfucker
you huffed and glared up at him, “yea i know, i know.”
“okay perfect, follow my lead gorgeous,” he placed his hands around your hips while he brought your arms to snake around his neck
“n-now what?” you said awkwardly, your body still a bit stiff
usually he’d hate to do this in such a crowd but since you were there with him
he felt like it was just you and him
all alone
that’s always how you made him felt 
like it was you and him against the world
“i got you. alright? just move with me, it’s just you and me. don’t focus on nobody but us,” he murmured softly and began to sway
you smiled timidly and swayed along with him
you kept your eyes on your shoes, afraid to step on him
“don’t worry about that, just look at me angel,” he reassured
you sighed and looked back up at him, “mk. since when did you dance?”
“mama taught me when i was a kid, she’d dance with me,” he confessed sheepishly
your eyes softened 
“i love you,” you nuzzled your nose against his
his heart hammered in his chest at those three goddamn words
“shit,” he mumbled as his cheeks burned red
“w- what?” you said a bit panicked, about to pull back
he pulled your body closer and embraced you while pressing his lips against yours
you complied and kissed him back, smiling against his lips
he moved back and placed his forehead against yours, “i love you a lot more, flower.”
and right then and there
you just knew you were the luckiest girl in the world
to be able to be with someone like him
to be able to go on dates like these with arvin russell
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Chapter - 9 : Lockdown Mode
Pairing: (dark) Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning(s):  MCU spoilers; Slowburn;  Stalking; Obsession; Non - con; Dubious content; Kidnapping; Sexual themes; Strictly 18+; Somnophilia; Manipulation; Any more required warnings will be added in the upcoming chapters.
Series Masterlist
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Two weeks went by since that night and each and every day have left Y/N in uncomfortable state. Steve was usually sweet and attentive to her, doting on her like a caring partner does, to the point it sometimes suffocated her. She felt strange, having someone do things for her when all these years, she has struggled all by herself. 
Her ankle, for the most part has healed, but not completely. The swelling has went down, but she did feel some pain shoot through it whenever she kept pressure on her leg. She was feeling a lot better for the most part. 
She was in the living room downstairs, going through the channels when Steve walked in, just coming home from his daily run.
“Good morning, doll. How are you feeling today?” he asked, standing behind the couch she was seated in, making her jump in her seat.
She quickly turned her head and blinked at him.
“I’m feeling pretty good, thank you” she replied him.
That’s what he does everyday. Ask her how she’s feeling whenever he got back home from his morning run. Her reply will be followed by a “I’ll go have a shower and get the breakfast ready” after which comes a kiss to her head. The last part making her go still in uneasiness. 
The both of them were sitting in the dining room, having breakfast when she brought the topic yet again. Every time she brought the topic of her going back to her place up, he’d dismissively say “You’re not healed yet, Y/N” and divert the topic from there.
“Umm... Steve?” she asked after swallowing a forkful of pancakes, looking at him, sitting adjacent to her.
“Yes doll?” he asked, looking at her.
She cleared her throat, hoping she could come across to him without being dismissed yet again.
“I’m feeling pretty good, today. I’m doing well since a couple of days” she told him.
Steve smiled, his gorgeous blue eyes shining.
“That’s pretty good doll” he nodded, taking another forkful of pancakes into his mouth and chewing on them.
“So umm...” she trailed off, looking at him.
He looked at her and tilted his head curiously, wondering what she wanted to say.
“So uh... I was wondering if I could return back to my place-” she was saying, but Steve cut her off, asking “Why?” with a frown on his face.
She frowned back, hearing him and said “Since I’m doing well now... I was hoping to go back to work as soon as possible.”
Steve stood up, having finished his breakfast.
“You’re not going anywhere doll” he said, actually meaning it and took his plate into the kitchen and placed it in the sink.
Her heart stopped hearing it. Surely, he wanted to say something more, she told herself.
“But-” Y/N started, but he cut her off, saying “No buts. You’re not going anywhere. End of the discussion” getting irked with the flow of the conversation.
“Steve, I’m grateful for everything you did and are doing for me. You took care of me, provided me everything that I could ever possibly need and I’m forever grateful for it, but I don’t wanna be an overstay. You have a life of your own and I don’t want to be an impose over you. I have already wasted too much of your time-” she was saying and he cut her off, yet again.
“No matter what you say, I’m not changing my mind, doll” he said with a scowl.
He stooped down so that he’s face-to-face with her and grabbed her arm, his grip firm, yet gentle.
“You’re not going anywhere. You’re not leaving this house and I fucking mean it” he told her, making her eyes go wide in fear.
He then let go off her arm and walked out of there. He marched towards the front door, grabbed his jacket. 
He stopped in front of the front door and said “F.R.I.D.A.Y., please implement lockdown mode as soon as I leave the house, until I’m back. Y/N should not leave the house and the front doors should only be opened by me. I want time-to-time updates on what she’s doing when I’m away, sent to me” wearing the jacket.
“Okay Captain Rogers. Lockdown mode initiated” F.R.I.D.A.Y. stated and a second later, added “Lockdown mode ready to be implemented.”
Y/N walked out of the dining room and stood in the hallway, staring at him in fear when he stepped out of the house. He turned around to shut the door but paused looking at her.
“I’ll be back later, doll” he told her and before she could utter even a syllable, he closed the door shut.
“Implement lockdown mode” Steve said.
Inside, Y/N heard the sound of windows and possibly the backdoor being shut too and then, she heard the female robotic voice again, saying “Lockdown mode implemented.”
A few minutes after Steve left, Y/N tried to open the windows to get some fresh air, that will hopefully ease her mind. But the windows didn’t even budge when she tried to push them open.
Whenever she did that, she heard a “You do not have access to it, right now” from the same female robotic voice that scared the daylights out of her, the first night she was there.
Sighing in displeasure, Y/N decided to just step out of the house for some time and walked towards the front door and tried turning the knob and that too didn’t budge, but instead, she heard “You do not have permission to access the door, Mrs. Rogers.”
Y/N immediately stilled hearing it and she was pretty sure that her heart stopped too. Surely, the AI didn’t say what she thought she heard. She must have misheard it. That should be it. Or she’s turning delusional and she’s not okay with that. 
After a gulp, Y/N asked “What did you... What did you just say, F.R.I.D.A.Y.?”
“That you do not have permission to access the door, Mrs. Rogers” the AI replied.
What the fuck? What the actual fuck?! Mrs. Rogers? Why am I being addressed as Mrs. Rogers?! Y/N’s mind raced.
“W-why?” she asked, her voice wavering.
“Captain Rogers wanted to implement lockdown mode until he’s back, Mrs. Rogers. Nothing inside could go out and nothing outside can come in without his permission” the AI replied. 
She immediately fell down to her knees and slowly sat down on the floor, crossing her legs and her face in her hands. 
How did the day go so bad in such less time?
By the Steve came back to the house, he was slightly pissed. F.R.I.D.A.Y. kept giving him time-to-time updates on what Y/N was doing and by the end, he was not pleased. 
After having that meltdown near the front door, Y/N tried to open the front door and the windows again. And when the windows didn’t budge even a bit, she threw a tantrum, wanting to get out of the place as soon as possible. She threw a vase at the window, hoping to break it, at least a small crack. The window looked spotless as always, but the floor was filled broken shards of the vase, water and roses and their petals.
She didn’t stop there. She even took a small wooden stool in the living room and tried to break the window again, but to no use. 
Steve saw the live feed of it on his phone and has been scowling since then. She even tried to talk to F.R.I.D.A.Y., trying to convince the AI by saying “Please let me out!” “I don’t wanna be here” and even went as far as saying “I’m being held here against my will.”
He scoffed when he saw her saying the last part. She was clutching the knob of the front door, knelt down in front of it and cried like a petulant toddler. He definitely need to have a long talk with her. 
When he made it to their home, he was quick to open the door and walked inside, calling her name. She didn’t respond though and that made him frown. He took a few more steps inside and called her name again.
Y/N was right beside the little drawer by the door, crouched down. Luckily for her, he didn’t close the door and as soon as he was a few steps inside, she jumped to her feet and ran out, barefoot. Steve, hearing the movement from behind him, looked back and saw her running out of the door.
He cursed and called her name, rushing behind her. She probably made a couple of steps away from the threshold before he collided against her back, wrapping his arms around her waist. She lost her footing and the force of him going against her knocked them down.
She wriggled under him, trying to get away with all her might, her fingers digging into the dirt and she kept chanting “Let me go. Let me go” in different intensities. With a sigh, he stood up and tried to make her stand, but she dug her fingers further into the ground.
“C’Mon doll” he told her but she shook her head, tears falling down her eyes.
Steve sighed in exasperation and grabbed her arm and pulled her up, making her yelp. He was quick to throw her over his shoulder like a rag doll and walked inside with her kicking and screaming for help.
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avatarofdespair · 4 years
Aggressively Sweet MC | Lucifer - Mammon - Leviathan
will i write the other brothers? maybe.
will i write ‘MC with an egg named Eggie | Undatebles?’ maybe.
did i check my spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc? no.
GN!MC | Cussing
Not gonna lie, you startled him when you busted into his office while screaming while holding a water bottle and some snacks.
What have you done this time?! Is what he was thinking.
Bats in the house?! Is the kitchen on fire?! A blob fish?! Oh hell, please don’t let it be another blob fish.
You slammed the water bottle and the snacks on his table.
It took a few seconds for him to realize what you just said.
Then he blushed a bit.
“Why.. Why do you have to scream it?!”
Yeah, he was redder than the color of his nail polish.
That scream was so loud, the other brothers thought it was an earthquake.
“GET OUT!!!”
His words didn’t match his flustered face.
“Oki doki. Bye bye! I love you~!”
Once you left, he was out of breath from screaming.
Out of every single being in all three realms, he just had to fall in love with you.
And he doesn’t regret it in the slightest.
Mammon had done some dumb shit again and got a extra harsh insults from his brothers today.
He ended up leaving to take a stroll. In the meantime, you went out into the Devildom streets and bought a large teddy bear.
When you got home, you waited in his room with a huge teddy bear.
When he got back, he was surprised by the large doll and didn’t notice you at first.
“What the fuck is that-?!”
You picked up the teddy bear.
You took a step back, getting ready to throw.
You chucked the teddy bear at Mammon who got squashed onto the floor.
He tried to play it off cool but your sweet words got the better of him.
He is a blushing mess now.
You proceeded to wrap Mammon up into a blanket like a burrito and carried him over to his bed.
wait how did you carry him-
You two cuddled for the rest of the day, whispering sweet nothings to each other.
“I’m so lucky to have you, Mammon.”
“You’re my #1.”
“I’ll love you until the day I die, baby.”
Mammon still occasionally wonders how he managed to find such a wonderful human—no—a wonderful lover.
“I... lost?”
You were watching Levi and Satan play Othello.
Just like every other time Levi challenges Satan to a game of Othello, he lost.
This was the 5th time this week.
It was the same thing everyday.
Levi comes into the living room challenging Satan. They play. Levi loses. He goes to his room and cries.
Rather than just comforting him with sweet words this time, you decided to bring him an alligator.
Hopefully it would make him happier.
How’d you get an alligator, you ask?
You stole it from the Devildom Zoo, again.
I’m surprised you haven’t been banned from that place yet considering how many times you stole animals.
You then busted into Levi’s room.
“It don’t bite.”
Lucifer walked in a few minutes later to an interesting scene.
You were hugging an alligator and staring up at Levi who was, somehow, clinging to the ceiling.
“L-Lucif— AHHH—“
Levi fell off the ceiling, narrowly missing you and the alligator.
The alligator then took a chomp on Levi’s jacket.
“Awe. She likes you!”
You ended up being reprimanded for stealing an alligator from the zoo.
The lecture lasted for a while. When you finally left, Levi was waiting in your room.
“Um... T-Thanks for the alligator.. I think.”
As he was crushed into the bed by your hug, he stayed stiff.
It’s not as if he was uncomfortable or anything.
He was just happy to have someone like you as his Player 2.
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wayward-mikaelson · 3 years
I Still Want You, I Still Need You-IV. The Snap
Word Count: 3816
About: A fight is brought to Wakanda leaving you and many others devastated.
Characters: Bucky, Steve, T’Challa, Shuri, Natasha, Bruce, Rhodey, Thor, Thanos, Vision, Wanda, Okoye, and Sam 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings/Trigger Warnings: Language, Sexual Content (Unprotected-wrap it before you tap it kids and Implied rough sex), Playful Teasing, Fighting, Injuries, Death, Heartbreak
A/N: These last few days I have been having internet trouble but I am back up and running. Also, this ripped my heart as I wrote this so have a tissue or tissue box at hand. I also tried to keep a few of the big IW events in this part.
*This contains content made for 18 and up crowd. Read at your own disrection
**Please do not copy and paste my work anywhere. Reblogs and sharing the link are okay.
***This work is also posted on Wattpad and Archive of our Own. Links can be found in the pinned post on my profile
****Go follow my other accounts. Links can be found in the pinned post on my profile
*****Currently NOT taking request
******Feedback is Welcomed!! 
Forever Tags: @hobby27 @donnaintx @myinconnelly1 @elansaidaris @magssteenkamp @440mxs-wife
Marvel Tags: Open
Story Tags: @cspr-2 @mysticalfestivalkoala @tanyaherondale @lilithknight1111 @lpzallana @snlsamantha @tomisagod @gloriouspersonbanditrascal @buckysgirl101
Bucky/Sebastian Tags: Open
Marvel Masterlist
I Still Need You, I Still Want You Masterlist
III. Fresh Air (NSFW)
Favorite Fics Masterlist
The walk wasn’t long and the weather was perfect. It gave your time to think about what you were going to say to Bucky. Steve had called with his monthly check in, it had surprised you due to the hour he called. He knew the time here in Wakanda and he always enjoyed talking to the both of you. So when he called, you had wondered why.
You entered the clearing and got a good view of yours and Bucky’s home. The view of the tree covered mountain always put a smile on your face. No matter what kind of mood you were in. Movement from the corner of your eye caught your attention.
Bucky was playing with two kids from the Border Tribe. You knew these kids pretty well, their parents were hard workers. These boys must have gotten it from their parents because, they would help Bucky with just about anything. Bucky loved it and it made you fall in love all over again with him whenever you saw him with kids.
You continued to walk towards the house with that smile on your face. The days where you saw Bucky messing around and just being himself, God it made you want to give him a child right away. Even you wanted a kid, but in you one year of marriage, it was still you and Bucky. Then again, with how busy the two of you were, you guys never had that conversation.
“Ah, there she is,” Bucky sat up from the ground. “My beautiful and most gorgeous wife.” He stood up and made his way towards you. Soon, you were wrapped in his arm with your lips pressed to his. “I got a lot done today with the twins help,” He mumbled into your lips. “All there’s left is dinner and dessert.” Bucky’s hand slid down from to cup your right ass cheek making you squeal.
“Well,” you pulled back to stare into his blue eyes. The longer he stared at you the darker they got. “Why don’t we send the boys home with some food and we get to work on the rest of the evening.” You motioned the boys to follow you into the house. Soon, they were off with a basket of fruit, bread, cookies and soup.
“Thank you Mister and Missus Barnes!” They called over their shoulders as they walked away. Your cheeks tingled as they called your by Bucky’s last name. You still never got over that people called you Missus Barnes.
You and Bucky had a short ceremony a week after he proposed. Tony would have had a cow if he found out the you weren’t going to have a huge and ravishing wedding. You didn’t care, all that mattered was you and Bucky. Given the circumstances, the ceremony had to be small. T’Challa officiated the wedding, making legal in every binding way. Shuri and Okoye were the witnesses. You had worn a small, simple Wakandan gown while Bucky wore a button up shirt and pants.
While you watched the boys disappear over the hills, Bucky snaked his arm around your waist and pressed his lips to your neck. You closed your eyes, “Steve called earlier,” you said cutting off whatever Bucky was doing.
“Really? Why so early?” He had the same tone of confusion and wonder you had. Bucky had always loved talking with his friend.
You turned in his arm and stared up at him. “He wants us to meet him in Berlin tomorrow evening. He says he may have found a way to clear everyone’s names.”
Bucky took a step back. You immediately knew where his thoughts were going. “He want’s to run it by all off us and we have to let him know in the morning.” You closed the space between the two of you. You reached up to grab the collar of his shirt, “I did tell him that we made Wakanda our home so if his plan works we will be still be living here.”
Bucky smiled. “Good,” he slowly started to back you into the wall. “We can call him tomorrow and tell him we’ll be there. How we skip right to dessert?” Bucky’s chest gently pinned you to the wall and he trailed a slow kiss from the base of your neck to your lips and down again. It sent a shiver down your spine.
“Do you want kids?” You blurted out.
Bucky pulled away, the lust disappearing from his eyes. “Yes, why? Are you…?”
You shook your head. “No. I just see how well you are with the kids that pass by through here. You’re so great with them and I just know that if we have a few of our own, you’ll make the perfect father.”
Bucky cupped your chin with his hand. “Are you wanting to try? Starting tonight?” There was small smile forming on his lips.
A smile plays on the corner of your lips as well.
Moments later, You laying on your back while Bucky hovers over you. You reach between your naked bodies and take hold of Bucky’s hardened cock. A small and almost silent moan slips from Bucky’s mouth. You give his cock two slow pumps before lining him up with your aching entrance.
Bucky slowly pushed into you, causing your eye to close and roll back. “Open those gorgeous eyes, Doll,” Bucky stated to thrust in and out of you at a decent pace. You opened your eyes and see Bucky staring down at you. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”
“You tell me everyday, love,” You lifted your hips up to meet Bucky half way. Each time the two of your met, a soft groan escaped your lips. “Do you know how lucky I am to have you?”
Bucky chuckled. “Only when we’re having sex.”
You playfully smack his chest. “I was being serious.”
“I know,” Bucky laughed and dipped down to press his lips to yours. While pushing himself further into you, causing you to moan into his mouth.
“You know what,” you pushed Bucky onto his back and straddled him. “Screw the slow and sensual crap. I’m going to make tonight feel like this is going to be the last time we ever do this.”
Bucky’s eyes darkened. “In that case, Doll, get on all fours.”
The next morning you and Bucky are doing some work, when Bucky purposefully bumped into you spilling some water from the bucket he was carrying. You turned to him to see him laughing as he continued to walk away. You shook your head as you thought up your move.
You walked over to where he stood next to the compost pile. As you walked by, you bumped his hips with yours, causing Bucky to lose his balance and fall into the compost. You covered your mouth to fight the laughter.
Bucky sat up in the pile and stared at you. You dropped your hand while the smile was still on your lips. “Next time you’ll think twice about splashing me with water.”
“Oh no you don’t,” Bucky lunged forward. You tried to move away but Bucky managed to his hand on you and pull you back into the compost with him. “Now, I think we’re even,” Bucky’s hand trailed down to your thigh and gave it a small, little squeeze.
“I love you,” you pressed your lips to his before standing up. “I have to go help Shuri and make that call to Steve.”
The moment you stood on your feet and turned around, you wished you hadn’t. There, entering the clearing and walking towards you and Bucky was T’Challa and some of his guards. It wasn’t the guards that followed the King of Wakanda that bothered you, it was the big, narrow case that accompanied them.
You knew that case all too well. If the case was being brought, you knew something was going to happen.
You looked back at your husband, all smiles and playful behavior no longer painted his face. The look of dread and sadness had taken it’s place. It was almost similar to the look he had before going back on ice. It ripped your heart out to see that look on his face.
“I’m sorry to break up such a fun moment,” T’Challa sounded like he was talking to someone of a higher power than him.
He gestured to the guards to bring the case up. You held your breath as they opened it. There sat the black and gold metal arm you helped Shuri design. You watched as Bucky slowly approached the case to get a better look at the arm. You could see that part of him is excited about the arm, for you had told him all about it and what it could do. The other part is that he knows that he will have to put it on. Both of you knew it.
Bucky Barnes may have been tired to fight, but he would fight to protect the world. And you, you were his entire world. The one thing keeping him going and not just flat out giving up. He would do just about anything, even if it meant dying, to make sure you lived to see another day.
“Where’s the fight?” he asked in a hollow voice.
T’Challa looked between the two of you. He hated this just as much as you did. “On it’s way.”
You stood looking through the window and watched as your husband got his arm on. It looked painful in your opinion, but Bucky’s face made no indication that it hurt him. He just stared at the ceiling until the procedure was finished.
There wasn’t much said about why you guys were needed. Just that Steve was on his way here and would fill you all in when he arrived. You knew it must have been urgent if Steve wouldn’t give the full story.
“Hey,” Bucky’s voice pulled your back from your thoughts. You turned around and immediately stared at the metal arm on your husband. Suddenly, you were having some very impure thoughts about it. Maybe you should have convinced Bucky to have the arm sooner. All you wanted was to feel those cool, metal fingers on your bare skin. Gripping every part of your body.
“Hi,” you breathed out. You had to shake your head to distract you from the dirty thoughts about that arm.
“How do I look?” Bucky held out both arms and did a small little spin.
You rose an eyebrow with a smile on your face, “Do you want the clean answer or dirty answer to that?” Bucky closed the space between the two of you. His metal hand gripped your hip and pulled your closer to him. He was on to your thoughts.
“That depends,” his voice was right against your ear. It sent instant shivers down your spine. Yep, he was one hundred on to you. “Do you want the clean answer or dirty answer to how you look? Cause this tight outfit you’re wearing is already doing something to me. Where has this been the whole time?” Bucky’s metal hand snaked to your ass and gave it a small squeeze before backing you to a wall.
“Packed away with that arm of yours,” You slowly wrap your arms around his waist.
Bucky nuzzled your neck, sending more shivers down your back. “How come? We could have had loads of fun with this.”
“The last time I wore this, I fell a good story out of a helicopter,” you answered.
Bucky pulled back and stared at you. “What?” his eyebrows furrowed. “How? What were you doing? How come I never heard about that?”
You dropped your arms, “Because it happened while you were still on ice and I was doing something on the side for T’Challa. Gathering information.”
“Were you hurt?”
You took a deep breath. “Yes and Shuri made some upgrades so if I were to fall a good distance, the suit would take most of the impact.” The look on your husbands face tugged at your heart. He looked hurt that he didn’t know about those few months where you went out and did small missions. “Look,” you took his face in your hands. “I wasn’t intentionally keeping it from you and I’m sorry I never said anything about it. Let’s talk more about this later.”
Bucky pushed your back against the wall. “Only if you wear this,” he said before pressing his lips firmly to yours. His tongue slipped passed your lips and explored your mouth.
“And only if you keep that arm for a while,” you smile against his lips.
The sound of an air craft was heard, making both you and Bucky pull apart and look out the window. A smile formed on your face when you recognized the air craft. Spinning on your heel you raced out to the front, with Bucky following after you.
You waited impatiently for the Quinjet to land. When the loading hatch opened you watched as not only Steve walk out, but more of your friends. They approached T’Challa and you saw only one of them bow. Idiot, you thought. Then you realized who that idiot was.
“Oh my god, Bruce!” You whispered. You hadn’t seen since Sokovia and a lot of your had long sense thought he had died.
Then you locked eyes with Steve. You and Bucky approached him and he gave the both of you the biggest hug ever. It was two years worth of hugs.
“How are you guys doing?” He asked as he pulled away from Bucky.
“We’re good,” Bucky looked at you and smiled.
“What’s going on?” You asked.
Steve looked around him and then placed his hands on his hips. “Bruce, wanna tell them?”
You looked at Bruce, who walked slowly towards you. There as look on his face that instantly made you worried for some reason. “Someone called Thanos, he’s after what’s called the Infinity Stones. Vision was almost killed for the Mind Stone. We’re seeing if it can be taken off and destroyed without killing him before Thanos get’s it.”
“What does he want with them?” Bucky asked.
“He wants to wipe out half of the worlds population,” Bruce looked towards Bucky. “Who are you?”
“Bucky,” Bucky answered. “Barnes. I’m also Y/Ns husband.”
Bruce looked back at you. “You got married? Does Tony know? Wait speaking of Tony.”
Your heart skipped a beat when Bruce said Tony’s name like it was some sort of taboo thing. Bucky noticed the change in your posture. He took a step towards you and placed his hand in yours. “What about Tony?” Your voice was hard.
You stood in the lab as you processed what was said about your brother. You didn’t want to believe it but then again it was Tony. He did just about anything. You were so lost in thought you didn’t know what was being said about Vision or the stone on his head. You walked to the window and looked out into the distance.
“You doing okay?” Natasha was standing beside you.
“As good as I can be,” You looked over to her. She had cute and died her hair blonde. You weren’t going to lie, you liked it a lot. “I just hope he’s okay.”
“We all do,” Natasha rubbed your arm. “Does Tony know you married the man that killed your father?” You shook your head. “You know he might not take it well, when or if he finds out.”
“Tony will just have to suck it up, Bucky’s fixed now and isn’t who he was when he worked with HYDRA.” You were aware of the ear piece in your ear linking you to the rest of the team. Bucky had one too. You knew he heard all that was said and you knew what was going on through his head.
Howard and Maria Stark were the biggest contribution to his nightmares.
“Hey guys,” Sam’s voice rang in your ears. “Um, somethings trying to get in.”
“They won’t be able to,” Okoye said.
“Are you sure about that?” You watch as something hit the barrier that surrounds Wakanda. Then another one and soon you’re able to see the barrier itself.
You turned to see everyone staring out the window. Poor Vision was laying on the table looking helpless. Wanda was hovering over him and staying close to him. You could read her body language well. Wanda loved him.
T’Challa and Steve exchanged a few words and it appeared they agreed on something. “How much time do you need, Shuri?”
“As much as you can give me,” Shuri didn’t looked up from her spot. She was too engrossed with what she saw.
“Y/N,’ Steve was approaching you. “It’s best if you stay up here and protect Vision with Wanda.”
“I agree, Doll,” Bucky’s voice was in your ear. “Whatever’s coming sounds nasty and I want you as far from it as possible.”
“And if the fight comes towards me?”
“Then kick their asses and show them some hell,” Natasha smiled.
Hell is what you gave when three creatures broke into the lab. You were quick on your feet but not too quick. One had thrown you off a landing right next to Vision. You got up and did the only thing you thought of.
“Get out of here Vision!” You helped Vision off the table until something crashed into the two of you sending the two of you through the window.
You slid the slanted roof trying to find something to grab onto. You called out for help only to not get a response back. The edge of the roof was quickly approaching and your hand missed the edge by centimeters. You were then falling three stories down to the ground. Even though your suit could take the impact, you weren’t so sure about your head. Then something grabbed you midair before setting your down. You looked up and saw Rhodey flying away back towards the fight. You made a mental note to try and thank him later.
“Guys, we got ourselves a Vision situation,” Sam said.
“Somebody get to Vision,” Steve yelled.
“Already on it,” You replied. You started to weave in and out of the threes looking for Vision. From a distance you heard a clap of thunder and soon saw a flash of lighting and you knew who just entered the fight.
Something crashed into you and sent you flying to a nearby three. Your head smacked against the trunk. You cried out and landed face first into the ground. Whatever threw you, picked you up by gripping a chunk of your hair. They were disgusting looking and part of you felt like that moment was it. You were a goner. Then they dropped you as they fell to their knees.
“You alright, Doll,” Bucky helped you up and looked you over.
“I think so,” you were breathing hard. “Not my finest hour.”
Suddenly there was gust of wind. Something was changing and it raised goosebumps on every part of your body. You looked around to see a cloud of blue burst and a purple looking thing walked out. One hand was covered in a gold glove with gems on it. Thanos, you thought.
“That’s him,” you heard Bruce say.
Then everyone was racing towards him. Anyone who got close to him was thrown back. Bruce was thrown into boulder. Natasha was pinned under earth that rose from the ground. Bucky was thrown into a three. You and Steve were the only ones who got close.
You slid in between Thanos’s legs and jumped onto his shoulders. You pulled the knife from your thigh holster. Before you could stab the knife into him, Thanos pulled on your leg and then gripped your neck with one of his giant hands. With each second it was tightening and you barely able to breath. You clawed at the giant hand but failed. The look on his face has a faint smile. He was taking pleasure in killing you.
“No!” Bucky’s voice was heard from someone.
The grip on your neck loosened some, giving you some breathing air. Thanos looked towards the sound and back at you. He looked you over and then flung you into a tree. You landed on the ground, the wind being knocked out of you.
You rolled over onto you knees to watch what happened next.
It all happened in slow motion. Wanda was holding off Thanos while destroying the stone on Visions head. You saw the heartbroken look on her face. She didn’t want to do it but she knew she needed to. Vision had closed his eyes and you knew that he made peace with what was happening.
Then Vision and the stone were gone.
But that isn’t what surprised you.
Thanos did something on that glove of his hand. All the while, he spoke quietly to Wanda. Green surrounded that area and suddenly, Vision was back. Wanda realized what was going to happen, so she jumped up and was thrown back by Thanos. Then Thanos had Vision by the neck and ripped the stone right off his head.
Vision was gone again.
Everything started to change when you saw and axe fly passed your head. Thor was then attacking Thanos and digging his axe deep into his opponents chest when Thor stopped. His head turned when he saw Thanos raise his hand up and snap the fingers that were in the gloved hand.
Everything, everywhere was silent and it sent chills down your spine. Something happened and you knew that something was bad and going to leave you heart broken.
“What did you do?” Thor yelled but Thanos disappeared leaving the group to stare at one of another.
You walked up to Steve who was a few feet from you and helped him up. He walked over to Wanda who was next to Visions body. The look on her face was pure brokenness.
Little did you know…
“Y/N? Steve?”
You turned and froze. Bucky had been making his way towards you when he started to turn to dust. You quickly ran over to him and right when you got within grabbing range he fell to the ground. Dust at your feet.
“No,” you whispered as your knees gave out beneath you. Your hand ran through what was left of your husband. You felt your entire world grow cold. You felt pressure on your chest as you covered your mouth to suppress the sob that took over your body. The of you were happy and talking about having kids and now, not even twenty four hours later, you were left alone looking at the literal ashes of your husband.
You let out a scream you didn’t know your body or vocal cords were capable of.
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 10
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
A/N: Thank you guys so much for the support and feedback! I'm so glad you're enjoying this fanfic <333 Feel free to like, reblog and comment. Would love to hear more of your thoughts! Love u guys <3
Just like last time he was here, Bucky grabbed some cereal box, poured the contents on a bowl followed by a tall glass of milk dumped over, making a mess on the kitchen island like a ten-year-old kid. You just finished changing into some new clothes when he finished pouring the milk in the bowl.
You followed into the kitchen, pouring yourself a hot cup of coffee from Peter's new coffee maker he got just two weeks ago and cleaned the mess that Bucky had left.
"How is it," you started just as he was about to walk out, "that you can flawlessly make a drink without making a huge mess but not with a cereal?"
He plopped down on the couch and placed his feet on the coffee table and turned on the television. He shrugged in response, eating a mouthful. "I was just trying to impress you. You're Peter's best friend. I want you to like me."
You just hummed and sat down on the love seat as soon as you finished, lifting your knee to your chest and letting the warm liquid slide at the back of your throat, letting the caffeine sit in me. You gave him no response as you didn't know what else to tell him. You just gazed at him, watching him like a hawk, as he continued to take a mouthful.
But you weren't staring at him like you did before. You were, somehow, trying to read his mind because the person sitting right now on your couch felt and looked so much different from the person who kept giving you lingering stares at the bar. One moment he was complimenting your photos, and the next your face. It felt like there were two of him and you didn't know which one attracted you more.
No one had ever looked at your photos the way he did. No one had ever talked about your photos the way he did. And no one had ever succeeded in getting a sudden yet fleeting internal reaction from you by calling you "doll."
"It's rude to stare, doll."
Except Bucky.
You apologized, and averted your gaze from him towards the television screen which showed the news channel. You took a huge sip of your coffee and ignored the searing pain of the hot liquid on the roof of your mouth. That's gonna leave a mark.
You hibernated inside your room for the next few hours, watching some sitcom on your laptop. You would hear Bucky yelling at the television screen from time to time or into his phone. Some names unfamiliar to you were mentioned. You hated the feeling of isolating yourself from the world but here you were, cocooning because you didn't know how else to be around Bucky after what happened that one night.
Plus, it felt like you were a child stuck with your babysitter.
He would knock on your door, check up on you, ask you if you needed some snacks, or if you wanted to do anything else besides locking yourself up in your room. The last time he called out for you, he was asking you to lunch, to the little Italian place across the building. Starving, you agreed to come with him only if he paid.
He just shook his head with a smile on his face. "I feel like you're taking advantage of me."
"I am." You said, locking the apartment door behind. "It's not like everyday I'm out with a rich guy."
"You gotta stop calling me that. I'm not rich rich."
"Compared to me, Buck," you said, "you are. Come on, let's go, I'm starving."
Just as you anticipated, Marco was beaming at you two once you entered his place, clearing a way for you, parting the customers like Moses did with the Red Sea. He pulled out two chairs for you and Bucky. Marco, as you assumed, was more than happy to see Bucky and more of his money. Bucky shook hands with Marco, thanking him.
Once you ordered, you turned towards Bucky who was busy looking at the photos of the gorgeous places in Italy on the walls. There was a bridge of silence between you as you continued to stare at him, still trying to read him. He may be an open book but it felt like his pages were complete blanks. Pages that were deep, far away from the cover, hidden and hoping to never see the light of day.
"Hey, Bucky?" you said, grabbing his attention. "What did you mean that night? When you told me I was something else? And please, don't give me one of those 'you're not like most girls' crap." You gave a snort of disgust.
He chuckled, biting the inner part of his lower lip before speaking. "I wasn't, anyway. You just intrigue me, that's all."
You subtly glance at him. "I intrigue you?"
"Yes, honestly you do. And you're fun to be with. It's not everyday someone agrees with me to scare off a one night stand the first day we meet." He laughed. "And I would like to get to know you better. And not just here."
You knitted your brows together in utter confusion. "Wait, what do you mean not just here?"
He shrugged, his eyes leaving yours and looked at somewhere else besides you. "Like outside."
"Like outside?" You repeated, the realization dawning on you. "Bucky, are you asking me out on a date?"
Bucky lifted his head and proceeded to look at the spotty ceiling, his lips curved downward. "If you want it to be."
You chuckled, shaking your head. "I don't think it's a good idea."
Then, he shot his head towards you, an agonizing frown marring his perfectly chiseled face. "Why not?"
You could think of many reasons why it would be a bad idea. First, you haven't been on a date for a very long time. Every person who had asked you out never had the luck of receiving a good answer from you. Second, Bucky was a complicated man.
And third, it would feel like betraying Peter.
"You're Peter's stepbrother." You sighed, defeated. "I can't do that to him."
"Right. Peter."
Marco came just about damn time to give you your newly-cooked food. Bucky ordered the same thing he got last time he was here: an Aglio Oglio pasta, paired with two large slices of pizza and garlic bread while you got a footlong Italian sub dripping with Marco's secret family sauce he never dared reveal. Marco said something in Italian before going back to the counter to tend to other customers.
Bucky smiled at you before you started digging in and began to speak. "How about this? Just two friends hanging out, not in the apartment, not here, not even at the bar, and getting to know one another. No funny business. Just like this. How does that sound?"
"As long as you promise not to give me those weird creepy stares you've been giving me since last night."
"Please, you also couldn't keep your eyes off me." He rolled his eyes. "Plus, I do have to admit you do look hot making drinks." He scrunched up his nose, taking a bite of his pizza without his eyes leaving yours.
A wave of confidence surged right through you, prompting you to ask this next question: "Did the whole cleavage thing push things?" You winked.
Bucky tilted his head to the side, just like he did this morning in the apartment, swallowing his food. "I'm not gonna lie, doll, that was also pretty hot."
"You should thank my friend Nat for that then."
He smirked. "I'll be sure to. So, uh, are you in?"
"What kind of question is that?"
"Well, I don't know how you kids these days ask things. Is it like that? I feel like it is."
You rolled your eyes, chucking a piece of garlic bread to his face. "I'm not a kid. By the way, how old are you?"
"I'm turning thirty-nine next month."
"Thirty-nine." You repeated. "Wow, if we were to go on a date, you'd be the oldest guy I've dated."
"Well, I'd be honored."
After your little lunch, Bucky went back to his office in his penthouse to deal with a few things with his associates while you, on the other hand, headed to the bar and started to fix all the stuff accordingly. A few hours later, Nick and Nat silently creeped up behind you, scaring the shit out of you and nearly making you drop the bottle of whiskey you were holding. You scolded both of them which they just, in turn, shrugged off.
You pulled Nat into one of the booths, making sure you were out of Nick's sight and wouldn't be able to hear you.
"Bucky kind of asked me out on a date." You whispered.
"Holy shit, I knew it. I knew he has the hots for you!" She said with a voice louder than you would've liked.
"Sshh, keep your voice down! I don't want Nick to hear this."
"Oh right, 'cause of the whole thing."
"Yes." You replied. "So anyway, I told Bucky it wouldn't be a good idea because it feels like I'm betraying Parker."
"He's just his stepbrother. Honey, you wouldn't be betraying anyone at all."
"But Parker's my best friend -- "
"Exactly." Nat's eyes bore into yours. "He's just your best friend, not your boyfriend so go date whoever you want to date. Just not Nick. He's kind of a loser."
"Isn't there some kind of code?"
"Like a bro code?"
"Yes, something like that."
"Did you and Peter have an agreement that you shouldn't date his stepbrother?"
You shook your head no.
"Then it's okay."
"Isn't dating your friend's siblings a part of some unspoken rule?"
She rolled her eyes at you, obviously fed up with all the excuses you have been trying to make. "As long as you're not hurting anyone then it's fine."
An exasperated sigh came out of your mouth. "Well, Bucky seemed to kind of agree to it, so what was supposed to be a date turned into just friends hanging out and getting to know each other. His words, not mine."
"Right, and once you get to know each other, you two can go on expensive dates and such."
"I don't know, it doesn't feel right."
"Now, now, don't be too sudden with that thought. Deep down you kind of want this to happen. If you didn't, you wouldn't be having second thoughts about this."
Oh, what you would give to prove Nat wrong but there was nothing else you could give because you knew she was right. You were fleetingly staring at Bucky as much as he did with you. And right from the get-go, there was spontaneity which opened up a whole new thrill in you. Something you never thought you'd ever feel.
The rest of the night felt excruciatingly slow.
There were some familiar faces in the crowd and some unfamiliar ones brought in by the regulars, having fun on Saturday night. While you were taking orders and making drinks left and right, your eyes kept roaming in the nameless faces inside the bar, hoping to see Bucky but your hopes were crushed when you found no sign of him. You were forced to take your mind off him for once as you were flooded with more orders, and complicated drinks that weren't on the menu. In the middle of your shift, there was even a small argument between a college student and a man in his thirties at the pool table. Eventually, the man, assaulting the poor boy, got kicked out of the house by Steve which was just a piece of cake with all the muscles he was packing.
Steve approached you with a stern look on his face. "If you see that guy again, don't let him in anymore alright? I don't want any fights in my bar."
"Got it." You said, taking note of the man's face from earlier. You warned the other bartenders beside you and the waitresses going around. You sighed, thinking to all the times you've told Steve to hire bouncers for the place but he just said:
"What do you need bouncers for when I'm here?"
And it was kind of hard to argue with that because it did make sense. The only problem was he was always cooped up in that small office of his. You never bothered to learn the secrets he was keeping in there. He couldn't always be doing work stuff. But after a few weeks of working with him, it was best to let those things slide as he was your boss.
Once your shift ended, you texted Bucky where he was but you never got a reply. You exchanged numbers right before he went back to the White Wolf.
You were greeted by an unlocked apartment once you got there but there was no sign of Bucky.
"Bucky?" You called out his name as you removed your jacket and placed it on the coat rack just beside the door. "Are you here?"
Silence answered you back. You went into your room and changed your shirt into something a bit more comfortable: an oversized sweater. A few seconds after you changed, you received a message from Bucky telling you to go to the rooftop.
You immediately went up, the chilly New York air touching your cheeks. You emerged from the ladder with a bewildered look crossing your face. The once grimy floor of the rooftop was perfectly cleaned up, leaving no dust and dirt behind. There were two large crates in the middle, big enough for two people to sit on. On top of the crate were a large box of pizza (you assumed it was from Marco's), and two bottles of ice cold beer.
"What on earth?" You gasped, finding Bucky emerging from behind a big box just casually standing against the brick walls.
"Hey, doll." He greeted you with a cheeky smile.
You stepped towards him, enveloping yourself in a hug in an attempt to warm yourself up against the cool air. "Did you clean our rooftop?"
"I may or may not have. Who knows? Anyway, I got us some pizza. I figured you were hungry from your late shift."
As a matter of fact, you really were. Drained from the endless orders and demands, you usually didn't have the time to sneak a bite of food or even a sip of water.
"I got the pizza from Marco's. He's a really nice man and was more than glad to see me when I stopped by."
"Of course he was." you laughed, sitting down on one of the crates. You opened the box, your mouth already drooling from the sight of Marco's mouth-watering pizza. "He likes the dough. Ha! Get it?"
He rolled his eyes at you but with a hint of a small smile in his lips as joined you on the crates. "So, are you gonna spend the night in the apartment?" You asked.
"What, got another girl back in the penthouse?" You teased, nudging his shoulder.
He gave you a throaty, sarcastic laugh. "This time, no."
"Too bad. I was ready to give a performance of a lifetime." You chuckled, glancing at him sideways and catching him with a big smile on his face.
You looked around you. The only source of light you had was the city lights towering above, and ahead of you. "You know," you started, "if you hung those little lights on the walls or just above us, this would seem like a date."
He pretended to wipe some sweat off his forehead. "Phew, dodged a bullet over there huh?"
You giggled, tipping the cap off the ice cold light beer and bringing the top of the bottle to your mouth. The liquid felt cold in your mouth but soon warmed up, nestling inside your stomach.
"This is nice." you commented then started to ramble on some more. "It'd be nicer to see New York during sunset though. Ever since I got the night shift in the bar, I rarely do. It's all the traffic and bright city lights."
You painted Bucky a picture of the last sunset you've watched. You had no recalling memory when it was but you remembered it as another cold day (but not as cold as tonight). The colorful sunset hues plastered in the high skies. Seeing it from the rooftop felt like they could easily be reached, as if they were wanting to be touched. And without a warning, the sun started to go down millisecond by millisecond.
"To others, what happens after a sunset is just another sign of the darkness to come. And then poof, city lights." you continued, then proceeded to gesture at the sky. "But for me, the feeling after a sunset is what I love the most. The sun wallowed in serenity in the pale break of light in between those dark clouds forming. Ugh, I just love that."
"I see what you mean." Bucky hummed, withdrawing his eyes to the sky to look at you. "It's like an afterglow."
"Yes, like an afterglow." You agreed, meeting his intense gaze. "If seeing something so beautiful makes you feel good then the after of it all must be... more pleasurable."
"A lot of people tend to miss that detail after sunset." He replied. "But not you. You're a photographer, y/n. The details in nature, in people are some things you can never miss."
You just hummed in response, taking a huge sip of your beer. " So, when did your love for photography start?" Bucky asked.
"It started when I was young." You replied. "I would play around with my parents' digital cameras, take photos of literally everything around me, especially when we were on vacation. It was just a hobby then. I never thought of it as a means of living until I was in college. God, I hated business school. Every second of it. I just did it to make my parents happy but I really wanted to be out there, embracing people, embracing everything in life. It's like -- "
"Capturing people's stories in a different light?" He continued for you, as if reading your mind.
"Exactly." You smiled, quite happy that he saw it the way you usually did.
"If it wasn't for the hotel business I also would've been an artist. Maybe an actor."
"So, why didn't you?"
"Because business is all I know." He sighed. "Tony Stark, the guy who adopted me, taught me everything there was to know. As he was building his empire, he pulled me towards it and now, I'm running one of his hotels. Y'know, I don't think of him as a father or anything. More like a friend, a wingman."
And just like that, Bucky peeled himself like an onion. Slowly. Layer by layer by layer. But then he stopped. He opened his mouth to say more but then he decided to stop. You waited but nothing else came out. As much as he wanted to know you, you too wanted to know him — and not just his wild adventures but the things that were deeper than that.
It felt nice to talk to Bucky this way. Actually, it wasn't just nice. It was very comfortable that it gave you a warm sensation on your chest.
Seeing that he wasn't as comfortable as he was before opening up, you steered to a different topic. "Have you ever felt that kind of feeling?" you asked.
"What feeling?"
"The afterglow feeling."
"No," he chuckled, "I don't think so. I'm stuck in a routine, y/n. Business, party, booze, girls. Nothing exciting, nothing out of the ordinary. Everything's the same, everything feels like nothing after."
You agreed with him. "I guess I'm also stuck in a rut." You harmonized with his laughter, seeing your life flash before your eyes. "Cheers to that."
With that, you drank the night away.
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
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Warning(s): female reader, mentions of anxiety, slow burn (I think), 17K word count, self-indulgence, Vivi’s Vil brain rot with no plot,  not proofread
Summary: There was this monster inside your head. It went by the name of Anxiety. To you, it was, and always be, more so of a parasite you couldn’t live with, but you also couldn’t live without. It looked after you in the strangest of times. For the most part, it was a hindrance, cluttering your mind with dark and bitter thoughts, assuming the worst in people you’ve never met before, jumping to conclusions, and crying over the smallest things. It made you extremely aware of yourself and others, for better or for worse. That was Anxiety, the monster in your head. The exact moment in time when it nestled instead into your mind is unknown to this day, festering in the back of your mind. Then there was Vil Schoenheit, your lover, your soulmate, and most importantly, your pillar of support who cheered you on in his own way. He taught you how to tame Anxiety. But alas, a monster will always be a monster.
A/N: It’s my birthdayyyyyy~ so I made a very, very, very self-indulgent fic for myself. While I did write it as a reader insert, it pertains to my mental health, particularly my anxiety, and there may be aspects of it that you may not understand. That is okay. I wanted some feels with Vil on my birthday because I have a case of Malleus syndrome;;;
A/N²: To clear things up, the reader in this fic is female. She is not Yuu (I usually write the reader as Yuu and yes, I’m aware they can be two separate entities). She likes to scrapbook, bake, and wear lolita clothing. She also attends NRC though her dorm is left pretty open-ended. However, it might not make sense if you’re in Pomefiore. This might not work if your birthday is in March either. I’m sorry asdfghjkl;
Disclaimer: Please note that this is not a fanfic that romanticizes mental illnesses. A significant other cannot solve everything. They shouldn’t solve everything. They aren’t meant to fix you; they’re there to bring out the best in you and be by your side when you need them to be. By no means, is it their job to help your completely overcome your mental illnesses. It’s a common trope in fanfiction and gives off mixed signals to me. This self-indulgent fanfic of mine is not meant to give anyone false hope. It is simply a love story that I always wanted to experience. Think of it as my own anxiety story. The only thing real about this is some events like the presentation meltdown though my partner eventually turned into my middle school bully so I just replaced him with Vil because Vil>>>>>>
[ Present Day, Vil’s Bedroom ]
You flinched. You looked up. Vil had flicked your forehead. His eyes were filled with worry, brows creased and his lips strung in a frown.
“Fairest, is something on your mind?” he asked.
“No. Not at all.”
“Hold still for a minute. This lip tint is watery,” he said in a stern tone, tilting your chin upwards
He lined your lips in red and handed you a small mirror.
“Beautiful, my love.”
You stared at your expression. Vil was right. You were beautiful, all dolled up in this getup. You were prettier than usual, that’s for sure. However, the look isn’t for you or your hollow eyes. He snapped his fingers.
“Fairest,” he paused, sitting down on his bed, patting the space next to him, “Come here.”
You obliged.
“Now, talk to me. Don’t deny it. Something is on your mind. You’ve been zoning out all day. If you need a break just say so.”
“No, no, it’s not that. I was just thinking…”
“Yes. About the past and whatnot. Trivial things! No matter,” you dismissed, leaning onto his shoulder.
Vil crossed his legs, “How could I help you if you give me such a vague answer?”
Had he truly forgotten your special day, the only day you were willing to break out of your shell and be showered in compliments and praise without feeling like an alien? While you didn’t have a cake to share and you were certain that he wouldn’t want to eat it either, you expected he would remember the date as your lover of seven months now. So far, he only asked you to drop by his room for makeup practice as he just landed a part-time job as a makeup artist. Not that you minded of course. He made you feel beautiful, one of the many reasons you loved him.
“I don’t think it’s something you can help me with. I was thinking about middle school and—”
“Don’t waste your time with those fools.”
“I told you it was trivial.”
You nuzzled against his shoulders.
“It’s been hard lately, you know? I’ve been overthinking again. About silly things. Group projects, you know? Presentations too. Ah, there was this one person who told me to shut up because of a misunderstanding and everyone laughed and I felt— But you mustn’t hurt them!”
You clutched his arm. His posture had stiffened. He gave you a blank expression though his eyes told the whole story.
“I felt a little out of place. Things were going fine until they showed up. It’s not their fault, don’t worry. I was excited to talk to them, but it ended up going downhill. I felt like I was overstepping my boundaries. It was embarrassing,” you continued.
“I know you don’t like it when I say this but it’s not as bad as you think it is. Know that you made progress compared to your pot– first year self,” Vil said, squeeze your hand, “If you want help with your presentations, then I’m here for you— as always.”
Straightforward as always. He never tolerated things he deems piffling, but you were glad he didn’t pity you, not one bit.
“I’m sorry for bothering—”
He placed the tip of his index finger on your nose.
“What do we say instead of apologizing for something we cannot control?”
“T-Thank you.”
“Go on now.”
“...for listening to me.”
“My pleasure, Fairest.”
His finger shifted as he cupped your cheek with one hand, leaning in to kiss your forehead. He must’ve forgotten your birthday, but you mustn’t going to ruin the mood. You watched his back as he gathered his makeup brushes. Vil was a busy man though that was something you were used to as his lover.
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[ Two Years Prior, Alchemy Classroom ]
“Are you just going to sit there while everyone picks their partners, little potato?”
You flinched at the sudden comment. Potato? You had a name. Did you do something to be labeled in such a way? Moreover, what was the Vil Schoenheit doing standing in front of your desk? You prayed for the conversation to be brief. Part of you also prayed for him to ask to be partners.
“What are you staring at? Answer.”
You shook your head. This was bad. You were staring at him for too long. While you were dying from embarrassment, you let your gaze linger for a little longer. He was gorgeous. You loved how his blonde hair transitioned into a pale lavender, complimenting his violet eyes, eye makeup, and fair complexion.
Vil snapped his fingers before your field of vision.
“I know you aren’t mute. Answer.”
“Probably…” you said.
“Hah? That won’t do, potato. I’ll be your partner then.”
“I said, ‘I’ll be your partner’. Now, move over.  We’re in direct sunlight here and it won’t do any good for our skin if we sit there everyday for so long even if we are indoors.”
You nodded, sliding one seat over. He sat down next to you, arms and legs crossed. He seems mad, concerned with something, something else. His body language didn't match his facial expressions though he wasn’t hard to read. 
“Why me?”
You bit your lip, cringing at your own inquiry.
“You seem responsible enough to be my partner for this project,” he said, propping his head on his elbow, turning to face the blackboard.
What did he mean by that? Sure, you were responsible, but were you worth noting of? You were decent, not the best but not the worse either. Failing a class meant coming the topic of conversation when a teacher asks you to stay after class for a brief checkup or tutoring sessions. Excelling in a class meant being called out on your exemplary work by teachers. Anxiety was not equipped for either circumstances therefore it tried to help you maintain your grades discreetly. But Vil noticed, indicating that you were overachieving. Perhaps you should purposefully miss a few questions on the next quiz. You got a perfect score last time. It wouldn’t hurt. However, you were partnered with Vil, someone who strived for perfection, someone who stood out against a crowd. The phrase goes “...like a sore thumb”, but Vil stood out like a well polished and manicured appendage. He was beautiful, so beautiful that one had to stop for a moment to admire his beauty.
That was Vil, your partner. You could feel heavy stares in your direction. They were directed at Vil, but you couldn’t help feeling nervous. You fiddled with the ends of your hair, fixating your eyes onto your textbook.
You flinched when Vil pushed your back lightly. You shot him a widened stare, opening your mouth to ask him why he touched you. He placed a finger on your lips.
“Bad posture isn’t good for you. Straighten up and pay attention.”
Heat rose to your face as you adjusted your posture. 
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[ Library ]
“Mind telling me what this is, potato?” Vil said, throwing a stack of papers onto the table.
Your shoulders tensed. You set your textbook down, avoiding eye contact.
“It’s our project.”
“No. It’s your project.”
“I wrote your name on it too so don’t worry about it. I don’t mind sharing the credit.”
“It’s not about the credit. It’s about the integrity. I dropped by Crewel’s office hours today with a question about this project and he told me that we had already turned it in. Fortunately for you, I’m good at improvising so we’re off the hook. I got our project back so we can work on it together.  Scoot over so we can get started. I’m assuming you also did the slideshow, but I–”
As usual, you complied to his demands, allowing him to sit next to you. He was a bit too close for comfort. Your peers could manage with this proximity so you probably could too if you took deep breaths every now and then. 
“We only have a day left, you know.”
“I know.”
“So why bother?”
Vil clicked his tongue, throwing his French braid over his shoulder as he slid the stool closer to the desk, “I bother because we’re a team.”
He paused, pondering, “I don’t like things being handed to me either.”
“That’s gold especially since this is coming from someone who’s always too busy to even reply to my texts,” you replied.
As soon as those words left your mouth, you bit your tongue. Was that too much? Should you have just listened to him? Kept quite? How will he react? Will he shame you on social media? Spread rumors? Tell Crewel?
“Listen here, potato. I work various part-time jobs and I run a club. I apologize for my poor time management, but I am here now. You, on the other hand, have only sent me one text pertaining to scheduling and this assignment during the three weeks we had to do it. We are both at fault, got that?”
“Yes,” you murmured, pulling out your laptop.
“Wonderful. You won’t have to rewrite everything. Just subtracting here and adding some words there for smoother transitions. It’ll sound better.”
You bit your lip. You were hoping that because you made the entire presentation, Vil would take up the speaking part out of guilt. Unfortunately for you, he was too self-righteous to give in. He can’t be persuaded either. His eyes were glued onto his own laptop, typing the evening away.
You’ll have to make due.
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[ Presentation Day, Alchemy Classroom ]
From the brief time you’ve interacted with him, you knew that Vil was meant to be in the spotlight. He shined brightly, you could feel his charisma even from the back from the classroom. His performance was worthy of a standing ovation. You could never compete with him, let alone get through a single presentation. You had made it through all of your slides, but every time Vil spoke, you felt out of place. Your hands were shaking and you were on the brink of tears. Your peers must think you were incompetent. Their intense stares were unbearable. Did they pity you? Or Vil?
“It’s your turn,” Vil whispered.
You refused. His hand twitched as he grabbed your shoulders. This exchange was awkward enough yet your silent plea for help didn’t reach him.
“Go, potato.”
He enunciated his words, “It’s. Your. Turn”
“I can’t.”
“Yes, you can.”
“You couldn’t possibly understand,” you cried.
Vil’s expression softened. He reached for you and you braced yourself yet it never came. He huffed and proceeded with the rest of the slides.
Ah… crying in the first semester as a first year in high school? Because of a presentation overwhelming you? Wonderful. You’ll never be able to live that down. Should you transfer to RSA then? No, that won’t do. They had mandatory choir classes or so you heard. Maybe an ordinary high school from your hometown then? But what if the headmaster disapproved?
You meekly walked up to Crewel, “I’m going to the infirmary.”
Your instructor only nodded with reluctance. Dissatisfaction was written across his face, but turning down a frantic student in tears for an unknown reason would be frowned upon. You heard him mutter something about the puppies this year being too sheltered. You gave Vil a second glance before heading out. He brushed you off and continued with the deliverable. 
You were hopeless.
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[ Infirmary ]
You pulled the covers closer to your face, hiding behind your hair. He was there. Why?
“(y/n),” he said.
You inched away from him. He finally called you by your name. Not by “potato”. Why were you a potato in the first place? Was it because you were beneath dirt? Were you that ugly to be beneath him?
“Are you just going to stay here forever? Curfew is soon. You should hurry and get to the mirror chamber.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same, potato.”
 You were beneath him. The tears won’t stop falling. You were trembling.
“What did I do this time?” he sighed.
His voice was firm. He must’ve been irritated by today’s stunt.
“Nothing. Nothing at all. Just leave me alone... please.”
The blanket shrouded your eyes. How pathetic. How could you let him of all people see you in such a miserable state? You’ve only seen his social media profile once or twice. Was he the type to post and gossip about others?
The mattress sank as Vil sat down. You hugged your sides.
“Fine then. Be a stubborn potato.”
“... You honestly did nothing wrong. I’m the problem. I can’t function as a human being. I can’t talk to people. I can’t- Well, I can but it’s...”
“What is there to be scared of? Follow that trick where you pretend everyone is potato.”
Is that where the potato shtick came from? How reassuring. His tone was unchanging in pitch. Was he trying to comfort or criticize you?
“It's more complicated than just being shy. It’s tiring. I don’t have a clear mind. I worry too much. I spend my days in fear. I don’t really know how to explain it.”
Vil pulled the covers off your small figure. You turned to him in a haze.
“I believe the term is ‘anxiety’, potato,” he said.
“Y-Yeah. Was it obvious? It probably was. Pretty silly now that I think about it, but anyways curfew–”
“Did you think I was stuck in some era where I don’t even acknowledge mental health? And would look down on you because you have anxiety? Please. Give me more credit than that. I’m not close-minded. You’re still a person and you have feelings. So you have anxiety. What of it? Certainly no less of a person.”
Oh how your heart fluttered.
“Get up. You can stay at the Pomefiore dorms tonight. I should get you cleaned up. I can’t stand the sight of those red and puffy eyes…. Cheer up a bit, will you?”
He held out his hand. Was this his way of apologizing? It wasn’t his fault you crumbled in the first place so why? What did he want? Did he want to help you out to boost his reputation?
“Why are you helping me?”
“You clearly need help don’t you?”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“Yes or no, potato.”
“I can’t burden you more than I have,” you shook your head.
“I talked it over with Crewel. You’re fine.”
“I suppose I’m not excused either.”
You shrugged off the blankets and took Vil’s hand.
“No, you are. He seemed to be under the impression that you were actually ill,” he said, tapping his finger against his cheek.
“Leave it for now. We can discuss this over tea. After we clean you up though.”
“Do you pity me?”
What if you sounded desperate? What if you sounded needy? Was that needy? Would he change his mind? 
You clamped a hand over your mouth. Vil squinted at you as if he was trying to inspect a stain on a fine textile. He proceeded to grab your cheeks, squeezing them. He exercised his authority.
“I. Do. Not. Remember that. I don’t stoop that low. Good grief.”
“Then... what’s the price?” you cried.
“Excuse me?”
“Your time is valuable, isn’t it? You’re clearly busy. Why are you wasting your precious time on me? Shouldn’t you be compensated for the time I’ve wasted?”
“Yes, my time is valuable, but we can talk about compensation another time.”
He let his hand go, leaving you to gasp in sheer terror. So forceful… he scared you. What did he want from you?
“You coming, (y/n)?”
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[ Pomefiore Dormitory, Vil’s Bedroom ]
“Hold still. After you cleanse your skin with this superfruit cleanser, you have to apply this fir extract to exfoliate. It’ll sting, and it’s even worse when you get it in your eye, so be careful. Try not to move too much, potato.”
Vil dabbed the cotton ball on your face meticulously. You felt like a celebrity with your own hair and makeup team.
“There. All done,” he beamed.
He spun the chair around so you faced the vanity mirror.
“Beautiful. One hundred points for you.”
You gripped the hem of his shirt. He shouldn’t say things like that and expect you not to combust. What’s more was that this attire was incredibly lewd. What if someone came in and got the wrong idea? What if they spread rumors? You were wearing nothing but his shirt after all. It was long enough to reach your knees, but it was his shirt regardless.
“What do you think, potato?”
“It’s nice, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“It’s not for me?”
“Well, I think it does,” he said.
You patted your cheeks. Soft. Oh dear, you were soft.
“Ah, ah. Don’t touch,” he scolded, prying your hands away.
Goodness you were hopeless.
“Eh? Stop crying. No! Don’t rub your eyes either. Let me get you some tissues.”
Annoyance was etched into his speech, but his actions betrayed his words. He never left your side; he wiped your tears with his own thumbs. You held his wrists tenderly. His touch was like a thousand butterfly kisses.
“I’m sorry. I just… Annoying… Nobody… I’m not.. You…”
He sighed, “Don’t apologize for your feelings. You’re not that annoying as you think. Instead, why don’t you try saying thank you?”
“Thank you?”
“Yes, something like ‘thank you for listening to me’. That shouldn’t be hard for you now, is it?”
“Thank you… for not being annoyed with me.”
Vil palmed his face, “Not that bad. We’ll work on it. Twenty points for you.”
You sniffled and broke out into a small fit of laughter. He smiled too, standing up straight. He towered over you. He was a giant. You watched his back as he approached his bed, fluffing up the pillows.  His heels clicked and clacked against the flooring. He was still in his school uniform. When was he going to sleep? Didn’t he say he wanted you to stay here? People would really get the wrong idea now. You tugged at his sleeves. Vil turned to you, waiting for you to speak.
“I’ll be going now.”
He grabbed your wrist, “Stay.”
You pulled away from him.
“No, not like that. I’m not going to do anything to you, potato. You really have to stop associating me with other potatoes. I meant stay for some tea. Of course, if you really feel uncomfortable then you’re free to go, but at least let me walk you back.”
“I’ll stay,” you said.
“Wonderful. Give me a moment to fix the bedding. The tea should be ready by then.”
When did he prepare the tea? When you were bathing? When you were changing into his pajamas?
“Vil, if I do stay the night, where will I be sleeping?“
“We have one spare room left over since one student never showed up to the ceremony so you can sleep there.”
You sighed, shoulders at ease.
“Did you honestly think I would let you sleep here? No, potato, I need my beauty rest.”
“No, not at all.”
“You are terrible at lying.”
“I’m not dirty minded I promise!”
“Did I say you were?” he smirked.
Vil had a frisky side to him… how unexpected. Nevertheless, you were relieved. You had insomnia already. If you had to sleep next to Vil… you would never see the dawn again.
“Potato, your tea.”
You jumped.
“Careful! It’s hot and these pajamas are made of silk. I dare you to stain them,” Vil scolded.
You nodded. He handed you a tea cup. 
“I was hoping to talk some things over with you, but it’s getting late. You can take this to the spare room down the hall and relax. Self-care time if you will. Here’s a bag for you to put your dirty clothes in. You can drop it off in the morning to the ghosts for laundry. When you get the chance to change, return the top to me. Capeesh?”
“Capeesh...” you mumbled, turning to the door, fumbling with the tea cup.
“(y/n),” he said.
“Don’t disturb my beauty sleep.”
“Got it.”
“You didn’t let me finish, potato. You can disturb me if you need help with anything else regarding your anxiety. I won’t do things on your behalf, but I’m there to hold your hand. Just not during my beauty sleep, okay?”
Vil was not lying when he said he wouldn’t treat you any less of a human. Even if there was a monster in your head, Vil treated you like he would anyone.  Perhaps he wasn’t so bad. But how could he say such things with a straight face? It sounded like something out of a fairy tale. 
No, no, (y/n). You mustn’t catch feelings for someone this quickly. If anything, you were in love with the idea of him, his kindness, how he helped you out and cared for you. But was it even kindness?
Even if these feelings weren’t spawned from the idea of loving him, Vil would never return them. He seemed to be the type to be into someone independent. Or at least someone who was not broken. 
Mainly the former, it would seem. He didn’t pack your clothes even though he was the one who demanded that you strip, plunging you into a rose petal and lavender sprig bath. Admittedly, it was relaxing. He said something about lavender having a calming effect earlier. You smelt nice too. 
Maybe for today, you could be comfortable in your own skin. Just this once. You smelt really nice.
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[ Four Weeks Later, Alchemy Classroom ]
“Alright, puppies. We have another lab project. The details are in the packet. You are to concoct a potion using the ingredients we learned about this unit. Any potion is fine, but Amortentia is forbidden– as usual. This project will be due in two weeks. You will present your findings to the class in small groups. You can choose your partners. You were good puppies for the last few weeks so I’ll let you choose this time. Do not disappoint me,” Crewel said, cracking his whip.
You watched as the class swarmed into a chaotic mass. Students laughed and embraced one another. You scanned the crowd, looking for someone as unfortunate as you, someone without a partner.
“(y/n). Would you like to be partners?”
Oh. Vil. After all this time, you were baffled by the fact that he continued to interact with you after your meltdown weeks ago. What’s more is that he even followed you back on Magicam. He engaged in conversations with you, asking to check answers with you despite passing tests with flying colors just as you did. You never minded per se. Vil always had something to say. He wasn’t talkative, but he was captivating and civil with a hint of sarcasm. He had a lot to critique. Moreover, you two were from different worlds. Whenever he shared stories about his life, from modeling to troublesome classmates, you felt like a child with a new toy. You were immersed, zoned out of your surroundings, your focus on that one, single thing. In turn, you shared your own anecdotes, anxiety struggles and small victories— to which he celebrated with you through small, almost satirized, cheers and affirmations. 
You were comfortable around him. Anxiety kept you from advancing your acquaintanceship to a friendship, but you were more than happy with sharing homework answers and making small talk. Vil most likely wanted to work with you because, as he said so before, you were reliable. Or was it responsible? Whatever the word was,  you were useful to him. You were noticed in the best way possible. A twisted way to put it, but that’s simply how you felt.
Vil was not what Anxiety said he was and that was more than good enough for you.
“Sure,” you said.
“Wonderful,” he smiled.
You slid over as he took a seat next to you. Away from the sun, just as he liked it. You remembered your first encounter well.
“We’re presenting in small groups this time so you don’t have to worry that much about it,” he paused before continuing, “We can practice. When are you available?”
“Any time, really, I don’t have any clubs.. Or part-time jobs.”
“How does this Friday sound then? I’ll ask my manager to clear my schedule for that day.”
“You don’t have to clear your schedule. I can manage even if you come back late… Just don’t come to me the day before the deadline?”
Were you being too bold with this request?
“Friday then,” Vil said, flipping through the packet, “What type of potion do you want to make?”
“You can choose. I’m not really sure.”
“No, you are sure. You keep staring at that one page. I know you’ve read everything the moment it was handed to you. You certainly weren’t zoning out either.”
If there was anything worth noting about Vil over the short time that you’ve known him, it was that he was observant. Profoundly observant. Perhaps even more than you.
Vil clicked his tongue: “Spit it out, potato. I won’t judge you. I don’t have much of a preference either. We can compromise if we don’t agree.”
“Amortentia,” you winced.
“Now, that we can’t do,” he waved, “Didn’t you hear the professor say?”
“I did, but the structure of this potion is so intricate. I want to try.”
“Aphrodisiacs are prohibited. We can’t do it.”
“I know. I can dream though.”
“Do you have a boy in mind, potato?”
“It’s not like that,” you huffed.
If only he knew. You were head over heels for him– or rather the idea of him, someone who accepted you wholly without ever wanting to tame the monster inside your head. You weren’t sure if you loved Vil for who he was or what he did for you as a classmate. Do mere classmates have afternoon tea in each other’s dorms? Did they engage in small talk frequently?
Vil chuckled, “Whatever helps you sleep at night, potato.”
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[ Friday, Library ]
“You’re late, (y/n),” Vil said, leaning against the door frame.
“I hope you weren’t planning on skipping out.”
“No, sir.”
“Sir? I’m not that old, you potato.”
You weren’t fond of the session already. While you enjoyed talking to Vil, his strict attitude was oftentimes a trigger for Anxiety. Vil made it rage, rattling against the cage that encasing your heart. It didn’t fancy that. Neither did you.
“Come sit,” he walked over to the desk.
His braid swayed back and forth. You followed him in suit, taking a seat. Vil reached for your shoulders and the small of your back. You yelped.
“Posture is the first step to confidence. If you shrink, you’ll portray your nervousness in the most obvious way possible. Feet flat on the ground and shoulders back.”
You felt exposed, flustered, but not to Vil’s touch. You felt vulnerable to a nonexistent crowd. 
Vil stood up and took a seat before you, staring at you intently.
“Now, deep breath. Scan the crowd and focus on a point behind them, away from their eyes, but still in their direction. Remember to look around occasionally so it’s not obvious that you’re staring at the back of the room. You don’t have to make direct eye contact.”
You nodded sheepishly and obeyed. It wasn’t difficult. You could stare into his eyes forever. You hoped it wouldn’t be too awkward if you kept your gaze fixed on his.
“Shall we begin?”
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[  Two Weeks Later, Alchemy Classroom ]
“Hold still, potato,” Vil hissed.
He held your jaw steadily as he applied a glossy red lip tint onto your lips. In a classroom. In public. How many people were staring at you two? What did they think? Did they think you were his plaything?
“I don’t see the point in dressing up.”
“Please. Lip tint and a few touch ups isn’t ‘dressing up’. Plus, you’ll feel more confident if you look confident. Own it, my friend.”
Friend? You were his friend? You could feel your cheeks getting rosy. At the same time, you felt a surge of adrenaline. Was it confidence? You were on cloud nine, feeling unstoppable. If he said so, then Vil would be your first friend at Night Raven College outside of your dorm. 
But… what if he didn’t mean it?
No, no. he meant it. There was no need for Vil to lie. For him, lying was pointless. It was a waste of time; he preferred to get straight to the point even if it might be harsh on someone’s feelings. You’d learn to accept that his words come from honest intentions.
Crewel blew his whistle, signaling start time. Students flocked to their not-so-small groups. Vil had volunteered for the both of you to go first despite your protests, saying that it would be best to go first so you would not overthink and compare your presentation to others. 
“I’m Vil Schoenheiit.”
He squeezed your thigh. The gesture was of chaste intentions, you were sure. Your leg was the only place he could touch in hindsight. Or so you assumed. Regardless, it set your insides on fire, but it made his presence known— as if to say “I’m here, don’t worry.”
Your breath hitched: “And I’m (y/n) (l/n).”
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[ One Day Later, Vil’s Bedroom ]
“Potato, what are you doing here? It’s the weekend.”
You hugged your sides. He was sweating. You’ve never seen Vil in anything but his school uniform, Pomefiore’s dorm uniform, and pajamas. There he was… standing right before you in a stormy gray tank top. While he was wearing pajama bottoms, the look was foreign to you. What should you say? You never knew he worked out.  Were those weights heavy? Is he training for a certain role?
“I have something for you: a small thank you gift for yesterday,” you said, brushing past your thoughts.
“Oh? You don’t have to thank me. I wanted a good grade too so don’t think too highly of me… Simply improving is enough.”
You shook your head, “I insist. I want to do something for you too. I would feel guilty if it were any other way.”
Vil rested his palm on your head. You looked up at him attentively. The height difference between the both of you was immense. Compared to Vil, you were a dwarf.
“What is it that you want to show me?” he sighed.
You jumped with excitement, handing him a small container. He took them.
“What’s this?”
“Open them.”
“Alright, alright. Such a demanding potato…”
You watched him gingerly pop off the lid to reveal your culinary creation. Your eyes wandered back to his violet orbs.
“Potato, what is this?”
Did he honestly not know or did he think you were jesting?
“They’re oatmeal raisin cookies. I made them myself. It’s all organic ingredients, I promise. There’s apples in it too. I know you watch your diet, but I think it would be okay if you ate just one. At least?”
You scratched the back of your neck while Vil stared at them in bewilderment.
“Just one.”
His furrowed eyebrows softened as he took a bite, “Not bad, potato.”
He placed it back in the container and closed the lid. Your heart sank. Was it just for show? Were they bad?
“Don’t take it personally. They are delicious. I don’t eat too many sweets though. I… also have a meeting with my producers after this. So perhaps later, my dear.”
“Oh alright.”
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[ Someday– Your Birthday, Alchemy Classroom ]
You weren’t sure what kind of strings were pulled or if this class had free seating, but Vil gradually sat closer and closer to you. Now, his seat was next to you. He said that it was because he could not stand the other potatoes near his old seat and that he’d much rather sit with a friend who helped him stay on task– which in turn made your heart melt.
Answers weren’t the only things you two shared now. You often brought snacks to share with him. You brought healthy ones like apple crisps and celery sticks for accommodate the diet of your classmate. He only consumed workout smoothies in the morning. He would drink one before he went for a run with no post-workout smoothies to make up for the calories he burnt. For someone who claims to life a healthy lifestyle, Vil was oftentimes too busy to keep up with it. He rose when the sun kissed the tips of the hills. Granted, he could have risen earlier so he could consume his post-workout meal, but his work trails later in the night. Sleep was important to him. Between balancing his beauty sleep and fitness regime, he frequently came to Alchemy with his hair still wet from a morning shower, his eyes caked with concelaer, and an empty stomach.
The first time you offered him something to munch on and regain the calories burnt, he declined. But as these days became more frequent, Vil caved.  
He slumped against his desk– a rare sight from the Pomefiore student.
“You should stop pushing yourself,” you said, taking out a container.
He shook his head.
“A break would be nice once in a while, Vil.”
He rolled his eyes, slipping off his gloves to take off the lid. God, he was so stubborn. He was going to burn out one day.
“I don’t mind sharing food with you, but you should pace yourself. Take a day off”
He shook his head again. Why though? Did his schedule not allow him to? Vil worked late sometimes, but was it worth it?
“Do you have anything aside from these cookies?”
You inhaled sharply, closing the lid and shoving it in your bag. They might have crumbled, but you didn’t want him to know. 
“Unfortunately, no sorry,” you sighed, clutching your bag’s handle.
“Fine then. I’ll just eat one then.”
“Why not? “
“It’s not healthy for you.”
Vil lunged for your bag. His stomach growled. You did your best to stifle a giggle. 
“You just said it was alright to take a break,” he said.
“You can’t have them.”
“How come?”
“They’re for me…” you whispered.
“Come again?”
“These are mine.”
He hummed, clearly not buying into your excuse. Perhaps excuse was not the right word because they were for you. They were self-indulgent treats that you made for yourself around this time of year. They were self-indulgent with a miserable origin. 
At this point, he was gripping your wrist. Since when was VIl this forceful? He never crossed any boundaries. He was never nosy. Was he concerned? Or did the madness of hunger consume him?
He was akin to a stray kitten. You were the one to offer him food in the first place. There were two cookies. One wouldn’t hurt.
“Fine. Just one. Please don’t eat the other though. I’d like to eat one on my birthday.”
“Birthday? Potat–”
You put your hand over his mouth on impulse. He was going to throw a fit with you for placing your “breeding ground for bacteria”  on his face, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
“Don’t tell anyone,” you pleaded, “But, yes, today is my birthday.”
Crewel’s footsteps echoed through the room, “Silence, puppies!”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Vil hissed under his breath.
“I’m not big on birthdays. The attention is too much– plus, rarely anyone celebrates with me.”
“You honestly remind me of that one miserable Diasomnia first year from the class next door.”
The conversation was left at that.
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[ A Few Hours Later, Courtyard ]
Where did he come from? How did he find you? Class had ended a few minutes ago. What’s more is that you only saw him every other day due to the Alchemy schedules. It was the only class you had with him. You never saw him outside of class, aside from rare encounters in the cafeteria. You ate in the library to avoid people so that was partly your fault too.
“Come with me.”
“I won’t take no for an answer. You are the birthday girl, after all.”
He struck his signature pose, one hand on his hip and the other pointed, barely touching his cheek. When did he develop this again?
Wait. What did he just say?
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[ Pomefiore Dormitory, Vil’s Bedroom ]
“Here. This is an anxiety journal. Think of it as a diary to write your thoughts down in case you don’t have anyone to talk to”
“Vil, I can't take this,” you said, pushing the notebook away.
“I insist.”
“You said you didn’t celebrate. And that others didn’t celebrate either, no?”
“If you don’t put yourself out there and let people know, then how are others going to celebrate? And then you go mope around and eat cookies all by yourself in the library with the ghosts?”
Was he watching you? You were sure that there was no one there when the ghosts sang you happy birthday.
“I never said I was moping. I don’t care if I’m all alone. I don’t mind at all. I’m perfectly okay with that. I don’t need to be acknowledged or receive any gifts of pity so please just leave it at that…. I appreciate the gesture though.”
He leered. You took a step back. Was he angry? Why? This doesn’t concernto him. Why was he getting angry?
“I care. So take it.”
You caved, taking the journal. It was similar to the Pomefiore dorm leader’s grimoire: leather bound, decorated in gold decals in floral patterns and peacock feathers. It was pretty. You were a fool. A sensitive and broken fool. You were crying over a notebook, a gift put together at the last minute with tender loving care by a classmate you barely knew. It had been a long time since you felt this happy, this acknowledged.
Vil grimaced, “Oh stop crying already. I told you that I was here for you.”
He embraced you. It was awkward, but wholesome. You never hugged him before. He was warm. Perhaps a little bony for it to be of any comfort, but that was most likely due to the position you two were him. His head pats were stiff. It was ill at ease, but endearing.
Vil was your friend. Though not the closest, you treasured his actions. You weren’t sure how he put up with you. Or why even, but all you were concerned in at this moment was that he cared. It would be lovely to not assume the worst in people for once.
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[ Present Day, Vil’s Bedroom ]
What would Vil surprise with you this year? He hasn’t mentioned anything yet.
The makeover was nice, but you weren’t big on makeovers. Did you get to keep this dress? It was embellished with lace and frills– fancy. It was white, pink and floral like the Heartslabyul croquet court. You felt pretty albeit out of your own skin. Vil hummed a soft song whilst cleaning his makeup brushes.
Would that be all?  It was your first birthday as a couple. Were you ungrateful if you asked if there was anything else? His schedule was tight. What would he say if you mentioned that today was your birthday? What would he say if you asked if he had forgotten? Would you sound narcissistic? 
Would he say the same thing he said to you when you were second years?
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[ One Year Ago, Someday– Your Birthday, Hallway ]
You were so excited to see him again. You couldn’t stop yourself from running up to him.
“I haven’t seen you in forever. How are you? Congratulations. It’s a bit late though. How’s being Pomefiore’s new dorm leader treating you?”
He brushed his hair off his shoulders. Ah... a new hairstyle. He was wearing the barette you made for his birthday. You missed the French braid, but you felt that he was more relaxed when he let his hair down (literally).
“Rook. Guide the baby potatoes back to our dorm. Give us a moment,” Vil said to the person he was walking with.
Rook, you assumed. He was bizarre with his exaggerated features and hat. You were certain that the accessory violated campus dress codes. Needless to say, he was beautiful in his own way– just like any Pomefiore student.
“Oui, Roi du Poison. I shall leave you with ta chérie~” he breathed, prancing away with the first years.
“Ta what now?”
“Don’t mind him,” Vil said, “I am doing well, thank you, (y/n).”
No “potato” this time? Not even once? You hadn’t seen him since your second year started, only keeping up with his life through Magicam and story replies. Sometimes, he messaged you to check up on you or ask to compare answers for Alchemy and Potions. You packed snacks for him though that routine eventually ceased as Vil began taking better care of himself, opting only to run when he had the time.
You missed those days, but his well being was more important than your own selfish feelings. You had grown fond of that nickname since he used it so often. It was a term of endearment. It saddened you that he called others potatoes as well.
“Happy birthday by the way,” Vil said.
“Oh! You remember?”
“There you go again. I don’t have the memory of a goldfish– of course I remember. Though I don’t have a gift for you this time around.”
Did you offend him? Did you sound needy? You weren’t asking for any presents. Did it come off that way?
“I don’t need anything so it’s fine.”
Or rather, you didn't expect anything.
“Good grief. It’s your birthday. Chin up. Have the attention on yourself for one day. It’s your day after all. Anyhow,I would love to chit chat more, but my schedule is tight. I cannot dilly dal–”
You reached for his hand, “W-Would you like to hang out at a café sometime then?”
You cut him off. Was that too abrupt? Rude? Uncalled for? You should have let him leave even if you did miss being around him, being friends with him.
“You don’t have to. I was just thinking that maybe we could spend some time together and catch up. We haven’t seen each other in person too much. I’m not comfortable with too much attention either so yours is more than enough.”
God, what were you saying? That was cringe-worthy. You prayed that he would decline your impulsive proposal.
“I don’t see why not. Very well then, (y/n). Text me the details so I can adjust my schedule accordingly.”
Wait. He agreed? Was he pitying you? No, no. Stop doubting him. Vil was your friend. He must’ve missed being around you too.
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[ One Month Later, Cafe Rosé ]
When he said he was busy, he meant it. A month had passed since your birthday and just now were you able to meet up.
You sat in the café idly. He watched you consume your third plate of strawberry shortcake. You glanced at him then at your growing pile of dishes. He squinted. Should you stop?
Did he read your mind?
“No, I’m not a mind reader.”
“But you did it again.”
“Your expressions are easy to read. Do yourself a favor and don’t feel bad if you  enjoy something and I don’t. Someone who makes you feel bad for getting excited about something– something harmless, something you enjoy, is the worst kind of person. Enjoy your cake, birthday girl. Don’t let me, or anyone for that matter, stop you.”
Vil sipped his hand-pressed superfruit smoothie vehemently.
That was oddly inspiring despite having relevance to your self-esteem and cake. Funnily enough, you did feel better about yourself.
“Excuse me? May I get three more slices of this cake? And another teapot, please?” you called out to a server impulsively.
What on earth were you doing? Was that rude? Did she find you demanding?
“Anything else?”
“That’ll be all for now.”
You turned from the waitress, bringing your attention back to Vil. You cocked your head to the side: “What?”
“Consume cake in moderation, you potato.”
There it was. You’ve been waiting all semester to be called a potato. Pomefiore first years have expressed a strong dislike for the nickname. You, on the other hand, treasured it. Time and memories were built into that nickname.
“It’s fine. I’m paying anyway so don’t worry.”
“You are not paying on your birthday.”
“It’s not my birthday though.”
“We’re here for a belated celebration.”
“So an unbirthday?”
“No, no. Don’t bring the Queen of Hearts’s rules and gimmicks into this,” Vil waved his hand.
He set his smoothie down, The ice shifted, echoing throughout the café.
“I want to pay. I wanted to go here in the first place.”
“Think of this as my belated birthday present for you, atonement for not getting you anything or talking as much we’d like.”
“Vil, I don’t require anything from you. You’re busy. You don’t have to talk to me everyday. I think I would combust if you did. My social battery would drain.”
“That’s reassuring.”
The waitress cleared her throat. Vil nodded, sliding his glass to the further end of the table. She placed the cake slices in a neat triangle before setting the teapot down in the center. Then she followed up with the teacups–one for you, one for Vil. He raised an eyebrow at you. Your server gave a polite bow and dismissed herself.
“Eat one slice. Then I’ll let you pay,” you beamed, sliding him the plate.
He glared at the confection, “Alright.”
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[ March, Pomefiore Dormitory Hallway ]
“Bonjour, bonjour! What brings you to our humble dorm?”
Rook was his name right?
“Hello, Rook. I was hoping–”
He scared the living daylight out of you. Where did he come from? Why was nobody else around? You spun your heel and scanned the hall. It was empty.
“Echanté, mademoiselle! Let me guess!”
You yelped, falling backwards. Where did he come from? He was behind you a moment ago. His eyes widened as he lunged for you, hooking his arm around your waist, catching you before you made contact with the ground.
“Careful, careful, little fawn,” he chuckled.
He set you straight then pointed at you. His gloved index finger barely touched the bridge of your nose. This man, Rook, was sending your nerves in a downward spiral. 
He smiled at you, resuming like nothing ever happened: “Let me guess– you’re looking for your darling Roi du Poison?”
“Darling… Roi du Poison? Who? Vil?”
“No, he’s not.. we’re not. We’re just friends. I’m looking for him though bec–”
“Are you here for compensation?”
Rook set Anxiety loose. With a few words, he sent shivers down your spine. Compensation. Would your friendship end the moment you fulfilled his request? It had always been in the back of your mind. The thought of Vil using you to make him feel better about himself shatters you into a million pieces. The thought of owing Vil something for helping you, for being your friend, was heart-wrenching. Was it pity after all this time? Was it so wrong to want to hang out at yet another café? You looked forward to those every month– ever since your unbirthday date. Was your relationship that superficial?
No, it wasn’t a date. You wanted it to be, but it was not a date. You never quite shook off those romantic feelings you felt when you saw a different side to him. Beneath the surface of the poised, strict and sometimes narcissistic prefect, Vil was extremely hard working, passionate, and observant. He was the greatest friend you could ever ask for. You can’t say that he was your best friend, but he was close. If he didn’t feel the same, then that was okay with you. You weren’t even sure if it was love. You’ve had this debate with Anxiety before. It kept telling you that you were in love with the idea of him fixing you. That was not love.
You shook your head. Vil genuinely was your friend. If those feelings were not returned, then you would still be friends.  He told you time and time again that you should never feel sorry for the way you feel. If so, then would it be alright to tell him one day? And feel terrible about it later?
“He’s here, isn’t he?” you asked.
“Rook, (y/n),” a voice from the end of the half coughed.
Pomefiore’s vice dorm leader crossed his arms and gave you a smug smile. Vil. He was decked out in a trench coat and a black turtleneck. Stylish as always, but his hoarse voice told a different story. You rushed to Vil’s side.
“Vil, are you alright?,” you tugged his sleeves, “Your eyes are so puffy. Have you been crying? You’re burning up too. You should rest. Go back to bed this instant. Our café rendezvous can wait.”
He staggered: “No. I want to go with you. I finally have the time.. to see you… I have to make it count...”
“No, Vil. You have a fever. You need to rest,” you said, sliding his arm over your shoulders, ready to haul him back to his quarters.
Rook hummed a bird’s song.
“Would you mind helping?”
The height difference between you and Vil was awkward. His legs are dragged across the floor in a languid manner. One could imagine how uncomfortable that was.
“Non non, little fawn! My hands are dirty. Roi du Poison wouldn’t allow me to taint his beauty with such bacteria. Désolé!”
“Can you at least get the door then?”
“Will do, milady,” he bowed before complying to your request.
He held the door for you as you dragged Vil to his bed. You gasped as Vil’s limbs tighten around your neck.
“Would you mind getting the sheets too? Pull them out so I can tuck him in?”
Rook hummed in response. You plopped Vil onto the mattress. Your companion’s eyes widened, hands thrown in the air.
“Mademoiselle! Careful! Roi du Poison is fragile like a flower’s first bloom.”
“He’ll be fine don’t worry. Now if you could–”
Where did he go? You blinked for one minute and the vice prefect was gone.  You shook your head in dismay, turning to Vil and tucked him in bed. He looked so peaceful. His eyes were so distraught and dull before. Did he overwork himself to the point of tears? His room was a mess– shreds of fabric and crumpled balls of paper were discarded on the floor. You could hear his breathing as you made way to his desk.
What’s this? A script? And a sewing machine? What was he making? His sketches were stunning. Was this a side project of his? Was he too busy with films to continue with it? But why were his eyes so puffy?
Whatever the case was, it wasn’t your place to pry. Your fingers trailed off over the sketchbook as you made your way to his bathroom. You didn’t know where he kept the medicine or what kind he used, but it was worth a try to look around.
You opened the cabinet and your face fell. At a glance, he didn’t have anything aside from comesetics. There were a few bottles of potions, but you couldn’t make out the labels. It was best not to guess and check. The least you could do was place a wet on his head to cool down the fever. You peered over the bathroom’s door frame.
He wouldn’t mind. He was breathing heavily. You’ll face the consequences later if it violated his beauty regime. Hurriedly, you grabbed a small towel off the shelf, rinsing it in cold water in the sink. You squeezed off the excess and rushed to Vil, cursing at intervals where the water dripped onto whatever expensive material the flooring was made of. Was it expensive? You couldn’t tell. You placed it on his head gingerly. 
Before you could stop yourself, you leaned down and kissed his cheek.
Holy… what did you just do? You were taking advantage of him when he was out cold. If he was awake what would he say? Why did you do that? Why did that make your heart flutter?
“F-Feel better, Vil. I’ll be going now. Tell me when you wake up,” you sighed, patting your cheeks down.
You were a fool for initiating such an intimate act while someone was sleeping. You were also talking to said someone as if they were listening. It was best to excuse yourself now. Though maybe a little note would be helpful for when he wakes up. Your sleeves dipped. Your eyes went to the source of motion: Vil.
“Fairest… can you stay?”
You were at a loss for words. Vil called you “Fairest”– as if your other nickname didn’t exist. His face was flushed from the heat and his eyes were red and teary. What to do? What to do? What to do?
Vil tugged at your sleeves and pulled you onto the bed. Your mind went blank. You were on top of him, preventing yourself from crushing him with your weight, hands pinned on each side of his head.
He pulled you onto him, then turned to the side, causing you to face each other. The blankets were ruffled, wrapping you two into a contorted position. The towel slipped off his face. You scrambled out of bed. Vil lunged for you, pulling you back in.
“I said stay,” he pouted.
“I know, I was just getting out of bed to get back in. Wait that doesn’t make sense?”
“It does,” he said, lifting the sheets so you could climb in,
You yelped as he pulled you into his chest, “Vil? What are you doing?”
“I wanted to see you today.”
“I’m here.”
“I wanted to go on another date with you.”
Date? Does he think it was a date too? Every single one? Great Seven, have mercy…
“You should rest. We can hang out here if you want.”
Your hold on his waist tightened. You inhaled the faint scent of his cologne. Perhaps to him, this was a fever dream. Stil, all love takes patience– if what you both felt was love, that is.
“Thank you for staying , (y/n).”
“...Do you want to talk about it? Usually you’re the one listening to me, but I’m here for you too. ”
Vil buried his head into your shoulders, “Nothing much. Just overworked. Stress came to me in the form of sickness, unfortunately. How inconvenient.”
He clicked his tongue while you giggled. Even if bedridden, Vil’s mind was as proactive as ever.
“Were you crying?”
“You don’t have to answer.”
How do you comfort someone? You’ve always been the one comforted, especially from Vil. Were you gaining more from the relationship than Vil did? You wanted him to cheer up though...
“No, no. It’s fine. It’s better to get it off my chest while you’re still here.”
What did he mean by that? You weren’t leaving. Why would you? How could you?
“Do you think I’m more than my appearance?”
He was shaking. Vil was shaking. What could have possibly happened from the last time you saw him? Was he alright?
“Why do you want my opinion? We both know you’re more than a pretty face.”
“Answer the question.”
“Alright, alright. I do think you have a pretty face. You’re gorgeous, very handsome… but you’re also hardworking, diligent, strong-willed, driven, intelligent, observant and more words that I can’t think of to describe how I feel about you. Oh and a great alchemist and friend I might add. Vil, you’re pretty. You’re beautiful. Inside and out.”
Your heart hurt. Calling him your friend didn’t sit right with you. He threw his head back in a fit of laughter.
“Did I ramble too much?”
“No, not at all. I feel much better so thank you.”
“I’m glad you’re feeling better then. Whatever happened, I hope you know that it doesn’t define you. If you feel like it does, then remember that I’m your biggest fan.”
Ah, too cheesy. You’ve gotten too comfortable around Vil to think about Anxiety or your verbal filter. When you were with him, words flowed as freely as time.
“I’ll… keep that in mind.”
He didn’t say anything much about it. Was that not weird for him? Did you offer the solace he was looking for? He merely pulled away from your embrace. You thanked the heavens that his eyes were closed. If he made eye contact with you while you two were still sharing the same bed, you might as well ascend to the afterlife.
“Why do you ask though?”
“Oh I just had a miserable case of self-doubt is all. My manager kept taking roles that type-casted me as beautiful as the main character. I know I’m worth more than my looks- I want to be more than my looks-  but so far the industry has told me otherwise… but thank you, (y/n).”
He stayed like that for a while, inhaling and exhaling softly. Was he sleeping? How much time had passed?
“Vil. I have a question for you. You don’t have to answer if you’re not up to it. I know you have a lot on your mind right...” you said, breaking the silence.
“Will I be able to see you again after I compensate for the time I’ve wasted?”
“You don’t waste time. You don’t have to compensate for anything. I’m glad you’re here with me. If anything, I wasted your time.”
“But you said that we could talk about compensation later. It’s been over a year, Vil,” you whimpered.
“What do you mean by compensation?” he asked firmly, opening his eyes.
You choked on your own words. This was a bad idea. It might even offend him. Would if offend him? You wanted to know.
“Our first presentation. My anxiety attack. The infirmary. You helped me. I asked why then you said there was a price and we could talk about it later. But that conversation never came up. Why is that? Why did you come to the infirmary that night? Why did you take me in? Why am I here? Why do you still talk to me?”
You couldn’t stop yourself from spewing all of the questions you had for these past months. You needed to know. You needed your heart to shatter.
He sighed, “Good grief, (y/n). You remember all of that still? It’s not as bad as you think.”
He was offended.
“Please don’t say that.”
He inhaled sharply. 
“My apologies, potato. I didn’t mean it like that. But to answer your question, I felt guilty especially since I was the one who forced you onto the podium and made you redo the presentation because I couldn’t manage my first major acting role and my academics at the same time. I am sorry that you had to suffer the consequences.”
Vil turned onto his back. He brought his forearm to cover his eyes. Was he embarrassed? Ashamed? Did it hurt his pride? 
“I didn’t think of it like that. I’m sorry that I ruined our project because I couldn’t manage to improvise.”
“You shouldn’t apologize for that.”
“You shouldn’t either. Your feelings are just as valid as mine. Even if you don’t have anxiety, you still can feel anxious and overwhelmed.”
“And the compensation?”
“You needn’t worry about that. My time is valuable indeed but you’re not a waste of my time at all. You’re worthwhile.”
“You shouldn’t say things like that,” you muttered.
“What would have been the compensation?”
Vil turned to face you, rustling the sheets, “Are you that curious, Fairest?”
“Hm, yes it suits you now more than ever. Close your eyes for a moment. This should be quick.”
You obliged, closing your eyes. Vil wouldn’t do something terrible to you would he? He gripped your shoulders and pushed you flat on your back. You felt him shift his leg so he could straddle you. You instinctively cursed yourself in a ball.
“You can relax. I’m not going to hurt you.”
You loosened your muscles, trying hard not to burst into a fit of nervous laughter. You were scared.
“How was your day?”
“Well, it was—mmmphhh!”
Vil had told you to keep your eyes closed, but how could you? Not when he was kissing you. You had waited for this moment. You fantasized about it, daydreaming, pining for him on the daily. You never saw it coming. Did he return your feelings? After all this time? You mewled as he bit your bottom lip. You were hot, feverish just like your beloved prefect. Was he alright? He was flushed, coughing as you pushed him away.
“My time has been compensated,” he smirked.
His expression quickly changed, “Hey! Why are you crying? Did I hurt you? That was too bold wasn’t it… Goodness (y/n)...”
You cupped his cheeks.
“Not at all. I’m just so happy that you feel the same.”
“Feel the same?”
You faltered. Was he toying with you? No, he wouldn’t…
“I-I like you a lot, you know. I don’t know of a time I didn’t. You’re so confident and I adore you for that. I love how you’re always there for me, how you always listen to me, and how you lean on me too. I love how you include me and see me no less than anyone else. I love you so much that my heart hurts,” you paused and moved your hands to clutch your chest, “But if it isn’t love then I suppose that’s fine too. I think I might be in love with the idea of you. It might be a little presumptuous here, spouting nonsense to you, but I don’t want to be just friends. Even if I am broken, I want to make you happy so please accept my feelings-!”
Cheesy. Too cheesy! You’re oversharing, (y/n). Stop. It. Death suddenly seemed like a viable option. You loved him so much that you must die. Yes, that was the only way.
Vil kissed you. This time, it was more of a peck.
“This whole time… you… I love you too, Fairest. I accept you and your feelings.  Thank you for being so patient with me,” he kissed the trail of tears running down your cheeks, “You already make me so happy. I love your innocence, your beauty—inside and out as you would say. I admire your strength to help others despite being in a world of your own. I love your selflessness and... your adorable reactions to situations that make you anxious. Please, tug at my sleeves some more.”
You pouted at the last bit. Vil was observant. You’ve come to learn that the hard way. The trait never withered.
He continued: “I will be in your care from now on.”
Ah. He was crying. Smiling too. What a sappy mess of emotions you two were, sobbing in each other’s arms over a mutual confession.
He flicked your forehead, “And don’t you dare call yourself broken. You are not below me and I am not above you. We’re in this together. I love you and you love me and you better love yourself too. You hear me, potato?”
“Yes, but–”
“Did I stutter?”
You pressed your forehead against his, “Will do, Vil.”
He lowered his weight onto you, nuzzling into your neck. You wrapped your arms around his neck and combed through his champagne gold locks. You were sniffling. You were relieved that he loved you the way you loved him. You were relieved that you didn’t fall in love with potential. He loved you for you and you loved him the same. What if you weren’t good enough for? No, no, he said he felt the same. Stop overthinking, (y/n). 
You were drained after all this worrying. Being plagued by thoughts assuming the worst about him and the worst case scenarios concerning your confession consumed your mind. There was not a single day where your head was clear.
You were exhausted. So, so, so tired. Tired of thinking. Tired of Anxiety. Sleep seemed nice right now especially with Vil laying on top of you. The monster inside your head had gone dormant. All there was the thought of Vil being by your side, loving you and Anxiety all the same.
Your consciousness faded.
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[ April, Someday– Vil’s Birthday, Pomefiore Dormitory Hallway ]
“Vil. Vil!!!”  you squealed, tackling your lover from behind.
He staggered on his toes, but recovered swiftly. He was tall. The stilettos made him taller. You were up to his shoulders, giggling, slipping under the long sleeves of the Pomefiore dorm uniform.
“Au revoir, Roi du Poison. Mademoiselle (y/n),” Rook chuckled and excused himself.
Vil gave Rook a look of disdain yet the vice prefect skipped along the halls, paying no mind to the daggers coming his way. Your beloved turned to you and smiled.
“Happy birthday~”
“You’re frisky today.”
“I’m excited.”
“I can see that. Thank you,” he pats your head.
“Are you busy?”
“I’m finishing up something. You’re welcome to wait in my room. Might I tell you that you look beautiful today? Red lipstick suits you.”
You followed him into his quarters, seating yourself on the bed, fiddling with the ends of your hair. He called you beautiful. You were giddy over something trivial. It was normal for one to call their significant other beautiful. In truth, he was the fairest, not you. You never minded. You loved watching him flourish in the spotlight.
You watched him undo his bun, letting his hair fall loose. The ends were curled, bouncing on his shoulders. He stepped into the bathroom to shed the dorm uniform off, opting for a black suit with faint floral patterns. Your eyes widened, coming to terms with the fact that he wore no dress shirt underneath the suit.
“You’re eighteen now, Vil,” you mused.
“What of it?”
“Oh nothing. I was just thinking.”
He hummed in response, “Is that so?”
“It feels like yesterday when we were both- what? Fifteen? Nevermind that. It’s silly. Would you like to see your gift now?”
“How does after the party sound?” he asked, lining his eyes with a thick eyeliner.
A thin smirk creeped up on his lips.
The look was similar to the standard ceremonial robes makeup. His silver chain-like earrings, leather choker and red heels threw off the professional look. Vil was striking. From what he told you, his producers had invited him to a party celebrating the release of a film he starred in. It was conveniently on his birthday. He spent the last few weeks convincing you to go with him. 
You gave in, but the thought of attending a social gathering with people you had never met before worried you. Vil reassured you that he would remain by your side at all times. You agreed on the spot, putting on a brave face for his sake. He promised to spend time with you afterwards. Just you and him. He even agreed to eat cake.
“I’m okay with that.”
“Thank you. I know you’re excited, but I want to save all the birthday related things for after.”
He set his makeup down and handed you a container of gel, climbing onto the bed while you got on your knees. You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You never let me do your hair.”
“Think of it as a reward for coming along with me.”
“I told you that you didn’t have to worry about that,” you said, letting go of your embrace and popping off the container’s lid.
“I’m thankful, but don’t push yourself for me.”
“I won’t, don’t worry. Besides, I want to. You’re going to be busy after today. I want to spend as much time as possible with you today.”
He smiled and helped you push his hair back. Dipping your fingers into the cool aquamarine substance, you combed through your lover’s hair, bringing his bangs back. When you finished, he turned around to kiss you. He caught you off guard, but you leaned into the kiss instantly. It wasn’t passionate nor was it chaste. It was somewhere in between as to not smear your lipstick. You reached for his hair to deepen it, but he grabbed your wrists. Right. You had forgotten. 
“Later,” he whispered.
Your cheeks were dusted with a rosy tint. Later? As quickly as he pulled away from you, Vil slid off the bed. He passed by his mirror, patting down his suit and hair. Then, he extended his hand to you, “Shall we go?”
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[ Land of Pyroxene, Venue’s Rose Gardens ]
Vil said it was a small social gathering. A small party. The amount of people was fair to his description, but the setting was overwhelming. It was sophisticated. There were fae servers and ice sculptures. You were surprised to learn that the soirée was held in his homeland. You were expecting a carriage yet he simply led you to the mirror chamber where the headmaster bid him farewell.
And here you are. You were in a rose garden differed from Heartslabyul’s greatly as the roses were as white as snow. They grew on pickets and hung over your heads like grape vines. It was scenic, ethereal, like something out of a fairytale. There was also a castle in the distance, adding to the regality of the venue. 
“Vil! Oh thank goodness you’re here. I almost thought you were going to leave me to fend against all of these actors wanting to know more about you,” a stout woman said, scrambling towards him, “Oh? Is this your– ohhhhh–”
“Adella, this is (y/n). Fairest, this is Adella, my manager.”
Vil paused, cueing you for an introduction. He glanced at you.
“Chin up, dear,” he wrapped an arm around your waist, “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
Breathe. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Adella was Vil’s manager. Like he said, she’s nothing to be afraid of.
“P-Pleasure to meet you,” you extended your hand out.
She took it with a death grip. Sheer willpower prevented you from wincing. 
“No, no, the pleasure is mine. Vil has told me so much about you. And my, he calls you ‘Fairest’ how adorable~”
“What has he told you?”
You heard his breath hitch. Vil’s arm slithered back to his side. Was that too much? You were curious, but what if that made him uncomfortable? You should apologize later. 
“Nothing much. I didn’t even know what you looked like even! His pet name for you suits you so well. Oh! I do know that he frequently asks about his schedule because he said that he wants to spend time with the s–”
“That’s enough now, Adella,” Vil said, crossing his arms and putting his weight on one foot.
Shoot. He was displeased. 
“Yes, yes, sorry. Shall we go greet your colleagues? You are free to mingle afterwards. I know that there was this one actor who was practically begging me to see you. You weren't here yet though so what could I do? Fufufu~”
“Are you coming, (y/n)?” Vil asked, turning his head to see you trailing behind.
You halted and pointed to the dessert table, “You can go on ahead.”
He nodded and followed his manager to the east side of the garden. You made your way to your own destination. While you wanted to go with Vil, meeting Adella set your nerves ablaze and drained all the social energy you had. Plus, you felt out of place when you stood next to Vil.
Compared to him, you could never pull off silver earrings. A pair of red heels simply looked better on him than they ever would on you. Then there was Adella who was also gorgeous with her messy bun and nude lipstick. She wasn’t a public figure yet you felt small around her presence. She exuded a lovable aura that drew people around her.  If you had to meet more people who were meant for the spotlight, celebrities no less, you could never manage through the night. If you avoided strangers, you should be fine. There were cake pops amongst other treats at the table. You were going to have a ball of a time.
You plucked the confection off its stand, examining it thoroughly. It was as luxurious as the party’s decor. The dessert resembled the poison apple the Beautiful Queen from the stories you were told as a child. Gold foil acted as the poison while a red coating of candy melts acted as the skin of the apple. You bit the top off. It was a vanilla sponge cake. Odd for an extravagant event like this as you assumed the flavors would be bolder. Maybe it was the kind expensive vanilla. Were they all the same flavor? You plucked another one from the stand, biting into it. Oh this one was red velvet with a cream cheese filling. Were there other flavors?
“My, my, you sure like the cake pops, don’t you?” a voice cooed.
You turned your head to meet the owner of that sweet voice. He had hair as black as ebony and skin as white as snow. His eyes were a warm chocolate brown. He wore a yellow jumpsuit with a red ribbon which was complemented by a black beret. He strained a smile at you.
“You needn’t look at me like a deer in headlights. It’s okay I like cake pops too,” he laughed.
“Who are you?”
“Eh? You don’t know who I am?”
You shook your head. He blinked twice. 
“I’m Neige LeBlanche, lead actor of the film. But, say, since you don’t know who I am, I’m assuming you’re someone’s plus one? You seem kind of young though...”
He took a cake pop from the stand, peeling off the gold foil.
“I’m Vil’s plus one.”
“Vil? I would have never guessed. I thought he said he wasn’t bringing someone. He didn’t seem like he wanted to either...” he mumbled something and paused, “As expected of my senior! Say, what are you to him?”
You pulled the ends of your hair, “I-I’m his girlfriend.”
“Is that so? He never mentioned having a girlfriend. I always thought he was going to end up–”
“We started dating a few weeks ago.”
“Oh my, that’s–”
“I have to go so if you’ll excuse me, Neige. It’s been nice meeting you. Congrats on the film,” you waved.
“No, no, the pleasure is mine, (y/n). I’m glad I got to meet Vil’s girlfriend. You were so sweet! I hope we can talk some more in the future! Oh I know–You should follow me on MagiCam! We can talk there,” he exclaimed, clasping his hands around yours.
He was so bubbly… You didn’t know how to handle him. Was this interaction not awkward to him at all? Your cheeks flushed as you excused yourself. You held your head down low and avoided eye contact with everyone you crossed paths with. Where you were headed to was a mystery, even to you. Anywhere was fine. Anywhere secluded. Anywhere without people, but close enough to trace your footsteps back to the rose gardens should anything arise.
Of course, that was the ideal scenario. In your situation, nothing was ideal per se. You were lost. You had trudged forward whilst looking at the ground, not getting a good look of your surroundings at all. It was hard to tell where you were. If you had known better, you would say that you were in a children’s book. The rose bushes towered high above your head and the castle was closer than it was before. In the center of it all was a gazebo adorned with intricate floral details. There was also a well to the side of the structure. You made your way to the gazebo and sat down on the bench, gazing upon the beauty of the raven sky. It glittered like a thousand fireflies.
You sighed, “The moon is beautiful tonight.”
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[ Some Ungodly Hour, Venue’s Rose Garden ]
“You’re awake now?”
Vil? What was he doing here? The moon was high in the sky. It was late. You were resting your head on his lap. You sat upright in an abrupt motion.
“I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“Ruining the party by running off and falling asleep, wasting your time when you could have been talking to someone more important–”
Vil put a finger to your lips: “I was getting exhausted of people commenting on my looks anyway. You did worry me by running off though. To think that I had to ask Neige of all people too.”
That last part about Neige. Did he not like his co-star? He ran his hand through his hair while you adjusted yourself into a more comfortable position. You opted to lean your head on his shoulder. Vil reciprocated by placing his head on top of yours, nuzzling it.
“The party is still ongoing so don’t worry,” he said, “Though you could have told me where you were.”
You exhaled. Thank goodness. It would have been embarrassing if it ended.
“Sorry about that.”
“Was it that exhausting for you? I told you not to push yourself for my sake. It makes neither of us happy.”
“At first, no, I wasn’t. I was a bit nervous around your manager but then Neige threw me off for a bit–”
“Neige? What did he say to you?”
“Nothing. He just asked what I was to you and I wasn’t prepared for that.”
“We’re leaving.”
“What? Why?”
Your stomach growled. You looked down at the ground. Suddenly the grass below your feet was the most interesting thing in the world. He took your hand firmly. His grip was different. He held you as if he was about to lose you.
“I had talked to everyone I needed to talk to. I’m done for the day and so are you. I would like to celebrate my birthday now with my dearly beloved if she would please.”
It wasn’t a request. It was a demand. There was no room for apologies.
You rose from the bench, grimacing at the soreness and took his hand, following him to the mirror.
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[ Midnight, Vil’s Bedroom ]
Was he mad? He said he wasn’t. But then why was he handling you so roughly? Vil pulled you into the bathroom. He turned the faucet on, drawing water into the bathtub. He grabbed a bottle of bubble bath product and rose petals. He emptied the contents and discarded the containers onto the cool tiles. They rattled and echoed. Vil turned to his cabinets, searching for something. Strands of his loosely gelled hair swayed back and forth as he sifted through his cosmetics. He muttered gibberish as he found makeup wipes. Pulling you towards him, he began to wipe the gunk off your face. His motions were rigid, frantic, like he was wiping at a stubborn speck on a mirror. He turned you around and undid your dress’s zipper. The process was akin to a kitten’s first yawn. Slow, drawling yet somehow winsome. The act was intimate. Vil manhandling you was a first. It spawned many mixed motions. The positives outweigh the negatives, but was he alright? His eyes were ready to cry. They were glossy to the rim. When the zipper reached the end of its path, he pushed you aside and tended to his own face with a new wipe.
“Strip and get into the tub,” he instructed.
Strip? That was off-putting, especially from him. He didn’t want to have birthday sex did he? Or would he leave when he was done with his makeup? It had to be the latter. You held your sides, preventing the dress from slipping down your shoulders. But what if he did? What if he wanted to let out his frustrations on you? Was that it? He said he was more worried than upset, but his actions betrayed his words. He was tense. He could burst at any moment. Vil, as he was now, was a time bomb, ticking away. You feared he might break.
Vil snapped his fingers before you. You flinched. As you regain focus into the real world, you come to the sight of your lover in the tub, hair wet and his body leaning against the edge. His clothes were hanging on the laundry hamper. You looked away, excusing yourself under your breath. A tug on the hem of your dress stopped you in your tracks. He had broken. His eyes were red and puffy though no tears trailed down his fair complexion. You knelt down beside the tub, tucking his hair behind his ear.
“Could you stay?”
“In the tub?”
“Only if you want to.”
Why is it that he could always see through you? Was your discomfort obvious? No, no, he was merely attentive. Then again, you were equally observant to everyone, especially towards Vil. Your darling was an open book, an easy read– the merit being that his words rarely matched his actions. He was a novel full of metaphors, eloquent tones and arbitrary words. Underneath the complications, he was as simple as the next composition. He was as insecure as any other person, if not more. To read Vil Schoenheit, you mustn't analyze his speech. Words fail in this case. You had to look for the little things: his weight shifting on one leg, his shoulders tensing, his eyebrows furrowing for a brief moment, his shortness of breath, his eyes.
In this very moment in time, Vil needed you. He said there was no obligation, but the small frown on his lips told you otherwise. He was aware of your own boundaries, but at times like these, when he needed you most, your instinct to reach for him, to hold him, triumphed over your murky thoughts. There was mutual trust between you and Vil, two profoundly regardful people. One was observant because he had a keen eye for details and all things beautiful. The other was observant because she was wary of the opinions of others.
Vil turned away from you as you let your dress and undergarments fall to the ground. His eyes were closed when you climbed into the tub.
“You never have to push yourself for my sake, Fairest,” Vil said as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled your back closer to his chest.
“I don’t mind if it’s for you. I will tell you when I can’t do something, I promise.”
“You better,” he sighed.
You turned around and cupped his cheeks, “What about you? Are you alright? You’ve been so stiff ever since we left.”
You scooped some soap suds onto his hair, lathering and combing though his silky locks while you waited for him to formulate the right words.
“Fairest, do you think I am more than my appearance?”
You stopped mid-caress and nodded. His looks were always a touchy subject. Vil had a severe case of type-casting, a situation where he was only casted for roles with “beautiful” as the main attribute of the character. At first, he was content with them, but as time went on, he felt defined by his appearance. His hard work was futile in an industry that valued beauty over effort. Comments such as “you only got to where you are now because of your face” was a stab in the heart for Vil. He often sought out you or Rook for comfort. It came to the point where Vil frequently declined callbacks.
He continued, “No matter how much I talked to others about my role in the film or attempted to make more connections to those in the industry, they would always comment on my ensemble first. Sometimes they comment on how I look and nothing more.”
“So you feel invalidated for your efforts?”
“Yes, I feel like none of the work I put into getting where I am now. I feel like all I had to do was look pretty and everything will be handed to me… just like Neige. I want to be as pretty as him. I want to be as popular as him. I want to be recognized for my skills and get casted for the best roles. Not superficial ones. I want… I want....”
You embraced him as he choked on his own words.
“This is hypocritical since it’s coming from me, but you should never compare yourself or your efforts or progress to anyone else. You are enough as you are, at your own pace.”
His arms engulfed you. He kissed you, intertwining his tongue with yours.
“I’m sorry,” Vil said, pulling away. 
“I’m sorry too.”
“What did I tell you about saying sorry for something that’s out of your control?”
“But you’re apologizing too,” you laughed.
He snorted.
“But I do feel guilty for leaving you alone though. Maybe I could have said something for your sake. I feel even worse since it was your birthday.”
“We’re both pathetic in that regard.”
You scooped water onto Vil’s head. He did the same for you. You looked him into the eyes before averting your gaze. They were as intense as ever.
“I accept your apology though. In turn, you should accept mine.”
“I can’t. Sorry, Vil. You told me that I should never apologize for how I feel. Neither should you.”
“But I don’t have anxi–”
“You don’t have to have anxiety or anything to have a bad mental health day. You don’t have to have anxiety or anything to feel insecure or worthless. Those feelings are valid for anyone”
“You do have a point there,” Vil said as he tousled his hair.
“I have something for you. It may not be your birthday anymore,” you glanced at the clock, “but we haven’t slept yet so in my mind the day isn’t over yet.”
“What kind of logic is that?”
“Does it still feel like a ninth of April to you?”
“Yes, but technically it’s not.”
“Think of it as a feeling then,” you said and climbed out of the tub.
Vil assisted you in the process and got towels for you both. He languidly dried your hair.  His touch was soft like a ghost’s embosom. You could barely feel his touch. Then, he waltzed over to his dresser and gave you one of his silk pajama tops. While he was getting dressed, you grabbed your gift for him, sitting on the edge of the mattress waiting for him.
Shortly after, he plopped down on the bed. The pillows bounced on impact. You held the gift bag over his chest. He looked up at you then at the bag. Sitting up, he opened it.
Your lover tore through the tissue paper, revealing a small box wrapped in brown wrapping paper, red ribbon and twine. His eyes sparkled like a child on Christmas Day.
He read the present tag aloud: “‘To my darling: Vil Schoenheit. Happy birthday.’”
He undid the bow, careful not to ruin the label. He found the edges of the wrapping paper and picked off the tape piece by piece and discarded it on the ground. It fell with grace. Vil lifted the lid of the box.
“A book?”
“Open it.”
Granted, you were more nervous than he was. Would he like it? Today was not his day. You hoped to make him feel better. If he didn’t like it in the slightest, you wouldn’t know how to feel. You wanted to see him smile. It was his birthday. He did not deserve to feel insecure because of soirée guests. He did not deserve to feel so small when he was your world. In fact, he deserved the world for all that he was. He worked too hard not to. His efforts deserved to be paid off. Perhaps not every day, but for his birthday, he should have. It was his day.
Vil obliged, turning to the title page.
“Eighteen things I love about you,” he read.
You leaned over his shoulder.
“Did you honestly write an essay about your love for me?”
“No,” you said, burying your head into the crook of his neck, “Just look.”
“I jest, Fairest.”
Vil licked his finger and turned the page.
“Ah. A scrapbook? Let’s see… ‘Number one: I love how—”
You put a hand over his mouth, “It’s embarrassing if you read it out loud.”
“I think it’s endearing. Besides, I live for your flushed face.”
You whined and he let out a laugh.
“I’ll spare you. I’ll only read the first one aloud.”
“That’s fair,” you mumbled.
“I hope it is. Anyhow… ‘Number one: I love how you carry yourself with utmost respect. I love how you know your worth. I love how angry you are when you are undermined– because you know you are worth more than what the current situation offers. Your confidence is contagious as it inspires me to acknowledge my own worth, to be bolder and seek opportunities that are on par to my own capabilities.’”
He paused.
“What?” you asked.
“I like how you included a photo of us as freshman potatoes,” he said, running his fingers over the image as if he was wiping away dust.
“You always were always like a star to me, ever since we first met. It was hard to start off this scrapbook without referencing that.”
You twirled the ends of your hair.
“I’m glad that you see me in such a way.”
His voice was so soft, inaudible even.
No response. He flipped the book to page two. Then to page three and so forth. He was still. His chest did not rise and fall each breath. He didn’t even blink. He stopped at the last page. It read: “I love you. You as a whole– the person you present to the crowd and the person you present to a select few. I love you for every flaw and insecurity. I love and accept you in the same way you love and accept me and more. I promise to love you forevermore– no shunning, no judging, just staying by your side and watching you grow into a person I fall in love with more and more every day.”
He pushed you down onto the bed and kissed you, dropping the book onto the ground.
A sense of déjà vu washed over you.
He was vulnerable. He knew, you knew. His lips were quivering and his eyes were glossy. But did he like it? You tried so hard not to say that you liked him because of his looks. That was a touchy subject for him. Did that last one come off as too cheesy? You were told you were quite sappy on top of having an ability with words but still…
“What are you doing writing a bunch of wedding vows, you sweet potato?” Vil muttered as he cuddled you.
“I didn’t mean for it to come off like that. We’re barely a month into this relationship so that’s out of the question. I’m pretty sure we’re still in our honeymoon phase too. But that’s how I feel right now. So… What if I wrote a bunch of wedding vows to you? What of it?”
You could feel heat rising to your cheeks. Hopefully, he didn’t find your sudden confession cringe-worthy.
“I never said it was bad... I feel the same.”
He let the last part of his sentence trail off into silence.
“Do you feel better now?”
Was that out of place? Did that kill the mood? What if you soured his mood?
“Much better, thank you. I appreciate it and… I love you too. I know I don’t say it a lot, but I think you know that already.”
“I do.”
He peppered your face with kisses. Some were on your lips, Others were on your cheeks and forehead and occasionally trailed down your jawline.
“I also have something else for you,” you spoke up, pushing him off of you so you could grab another bag that you left by the foot of his bed.
“You spoil me, Fairest.”
“It’s not much. Just a cake I made for you.”
“A whole cake?”
“A cupcake, I mean. I know you’re not one for sweets.”
“And you left it in my room with no refrigeration.”
You pointed to the ice pack. He nodded. You pulled out a cake box, propping it open on Vil’s hands and told him to hold still. You placed a candle in the center and lit with a little spark of fire magic.
“Make a wish~”
“What am I? Twelve?”
“You have to make a wish.”
“Fine,” he said as he blew out the taper, “I wish to be with you for as long as possible.”
“You can’t say your wish out loud. It won’t come true!”
“Do you have any intention of separating from me?”
“I don’t see why my wish won’t come true then,” Vil said as he cut the cupcake in half, handing you a piece.
“I guess you’re right about that.”
“Careful. If you get crumbs on my bed, you’re sleeping in the spare room.”
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[ Present Day, Pomefiore Hallway ]
One moment he was dolling you up, the next he was wrapping a blindfold around your eyes and led you down the hallway to god knows where. You were still walking straight so you only assumed that you were still in the Pomefiore dormitories. Unless you walked through a mirror. Or maybe you simply had a terrible sense of direction. Whatever the case was, it did not change the fact that you were trembling.
“Vil. Where are you taking me?”
He exhaled. You could hear his chest heave.
“Darling, are you scared?”
Like how you could read him like an open book, he knew you like the back of his hand. You nodded and you felt him undo the blindfold. He held the ribbon in his hand and yours in the other. You looked into his eyes for comfort. He was wearing a single French braid. It was nostalgic. It was like you were first years again. He wasn’t wearing a school uniform, but it was enough to stir up fond memories. Instead, Vil wore a casual ensemble with a kimono-esque silhouette. He wore a white dress shirt with a pair of shapeless, high-waisted black dress pants. A cardigan with an ornate pattern accentuated the look, He wasn’t wearing the barrette you made him for his sixteenth birthday either, but you felt nostalgic regardless.
“I still need you to close your eyes for me though,” he said, putting the hand with the ribbon over your eyes, “I know you’re scared, but please hold on for a little longer.”
You nodded and closed your eyes. You felt his hand leaving your face, but the other was holding yours tightly, guiding you to your destination.
“Fairest, are your eyes actually closed?” Vil asked, breaking the silence.
You had been walking for a few minutes now. Where was he taking you?
“Vil, do you know what today is?”
No response.
“Vil… You’re scaring me.”
“We’re almost there, don't worry.”
Would it hurt to trust him for a little bit? You trailed behind him aimlessly. Your steps lagged behind his.
“You ready?” he asked, cupping his lanky fingers over your eyes.
You nodded. Whatever could it be? Lacking sight made Anxiety rattle against your skull. Was Vil going to push you off a cliff? Send you to your doom? No, no, no. He wouldn’t. That was too extreme, (y/n). Calm down.
He lifted his fingers off of your eyes, whispering a faint “happy birthday” to you. You gasped. Pomefiore lounge decorated with streamers and balloons– color coordinated to match both the dorm’s interior as well as your favorite colors. Rose petals were sprinkled on the ground. You heard Vil step away from you. You jumped as you heard something pop and turned around to find the source. Before you could react, a swarm of confetti went your way followed by a loud “surprise!”
You blinked twice, pulling bits of paper out of your hair..  You stepped forward and spun your heel. Were you dreaming?
“Hey, are you crying? I forbid you from crying. Your mascara is going to smear. Stop touching your face,” Vil scolded, running to your side, whipping out a handkerchief to pat your tears dry.
He had no confetti on his person. He was pristine.
“Vil… it’s wonderful. Thank you. I’m so glad you didn’t forget.”
“How could I forget? You must give me more credit, Fairest. I may not have the time to be with you every day, but I’m not cruel as to forgot your birthday,” he huffed, pulling you into a hug.
He was right. He could have never forgotten. Was he mad that you doubted him? He didn’t seem irritated. It wasn’t like him to forget such an important date. You’ll give him credit for being a good actor; he fooled you well. He ignored you for almost two weeks. Whenever you brought up your birthday, he brushed over it and changed the subject. You were on edge the entire time. A weight was lifted off your chest.
“I know you’re not one for parties, but I figured I’d go all out for a small group of people you are comfortable with. You’re seventeen now. Rejoice, my dear.”
You pecked his lips, “This is fine. Thank you so much.”
“Cute~ Hashtag: Vil-Did-Not-Forget. Hashtag: (y/n)’s-Growth Record. Hashtag: (y/n)-And-Vil-Forever. Hashtag: Birthday. And posted! Happy birthday, (y/n)-chan~”
“Ah. Thank you, Cay-kun.”
“Did you have to do that?” your lover asked, hands on his hip.
“It’s fine, Vil.”
He nodded. You hoped he wouldn’t bicker too much with Leona as the upperclassman was lounging a bit too close to the throne for [Vil’s] comfort. You sighed as he went to the refreshments table.
“You’ve grown for much,” Cater said with crocodile tears, hugging you.
“I’m still the same height.”
“I didn’t mean that, silly.”
“What did you mean then?”
“Nothing, much. You just look happier. Anyways, here’s your present. Continue to blossom, m’kay?”
You took the gift: “Alright?”
“Cater. Mind your manners. You’re being rude. According to the–,” a voice called.
“I don’t think I am, right, (y/n)? Tell Riddle for me~” he pouted.
His eyes widened as the complexion of Heartslabyul’s prefect grew as red as his hair. 
“Hey now. Let’s not fight,” Trey, the vice prefect, hurried over to pat Riddle’s back.
You sighed, “There’s nothing to worry about, Riddle.”
You could have sworn you saw a vein deflate on his forehead as he mumbled something about the rules. He handed you a bouquet of roses.
“Happy birthday, (y/n).”
“Let’s take a Heartslabyul selfie to celebrate! Say cheese!”
No one said cheese. The flash flickered before your eyes as you held the flowers close to your nose. Riddle’s eyebrows were scrunched together. He was socially awkward in that aspect.
“Hashtag: Heartsla…”
Cater’s words faded. Since when have you been comfortable taking pictures with him. It was nice. You felt pretty today. Was it because Vil dolled you up to a T? You hugged the bouquet closer to your chest as you walked towards the refreshments table.
“Oi. Herbivore. Watch the tail,” an all too familiar voice groaned.
“Good afternoon to you too, Leona.”
“Here’s your present.”
He handed you a small box and he waved you goodbye. Was he not going to stay? You watched his back get smaller and smaller as he walked out of the Pomefiore Lounge. He wasn’t big on parties either. That was alright.
You continued the refreshments, stopping occasionally and accumulating presents here and there, engaging in idle chatter. Soon, your arms were full of trinkets and parcels. You panted as you set the gifts onto a spare table.
“You’re quite the attraction,” Vil said, sipping on a glass of apple cider.
“I don’t really think I’m–”
“Own it for a day, will you? You look absolutely divine.”
“Thank you, Vil.”
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, “My pleasure, Fairest.”
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
i’m so obsessed with ur writing!! could u do more yoongi x kitten cus i love them sm
Pairing: Yoongi x reader (nicknamed Kitten)
Wordcount: 2.5k words
Genre: fluff, smut
Rating: 18+
Hello there!
I'm really working on something with those two! Currently I'm finishing Jk and Candy's piece for Love Talk but after that we're starting again with the new prompt!
For now I can tell you that I have incredibly steamy plans for them even though I expected things to go a bit differently... Let's just say that the polls for the next prompt are still open and they keep surprising me everyday 👀
However, I was really happy to find your ask so I think I could give you a teensy tiny drabble 😉 It picks up from the little extra at the end of Chocolate for Dinner and it's just a drabble, of maybe 2.5k words. Obviously smutty. There is some swearing.
Here is my updated masterlist!
——————————————— "You okay like this, Kitten?" Yoongi asked, checking in on you. "Are you cold, love?"
"It's good, just put it in, Yoongi." You reassured him, pushing your ass back, towards him, trying to brush your crotch against something hard that could give you a bit of pressure.
He groaned and you whined in reply, desperate. "You sound so good, Kitten." with one hand he freed his cock, gripping it and swiping his thumb gently against the tip, his other hand reaching the back of your neck, pressing there. "I can't touch your tits like this, love, are you good with that? Wanna move?"
You whined, using your forearm to prop your upper body up and away from the table just by a few inches, leaving enough space so his arm could eventually  slither up from your waist to your chest. With your other hand you found his thigh, then his wrist and finally the fingers wrapped around his gorgeous, slippery length. You pulled him toward you. "Inside." You whimpered.
Yoongi lost it, pressing his tip to your slit and slowly sinking in. "Fuuuuuuuck, you're so soft and warm and tight. You're gonna kill me like this, Kitten."
Once you reckoned he didn't need his hand for himself anymore, you gripped it, lacing your fingers together and dragging it at your side, below you, at your breast. "Squeeze them, Yoongi."
He groaned. "Kitten, you're so nasty."
"Yeah, I know, just squeeze them." You replied.
He laughed, shocked by your reply. He snapped his hips forward, immediately picking a hard and fast pace. He bent down, indulging in your sensitive ears. "Like this?" He asked before slipping almost all the way out and then back inside aggressively as he pinched your nipple.
"Yoongi, yes!" You exclaimed, his harshness absolutely arousing.
"Not gonna last much." He said, setting his pace in earnest. "You know your safe word, uh?" He reminded you, pausing for a second, until you replied.
"Yes. Yellow to slow down, red to stop."
"Nice." His hips started moving with a tough, quick rhythm, making your tits bounce against the table, both the hand at your nape and at your chest gripping you hard as he used the leverage to push you onto him, as if you were little more than a fuck doll. "Come on, don't be shy, lemme hear you."
Your eyes rolled shut as you let your heavy breathing echo in the room. "I love you." You whispered shyly. "I want to live with your hands on my tits. I love your hands."
Yoongi bent down to listen to your broken rambling. "You do?" His tight grip moved to the supple flesh of your breast his thumb drawing circles on your nipple while his palm and fingers cupped the underside gently but effectively. He always knew how hard and how soft he needed to touch you. You had never had someone as dedicated and attentive as him. "Is this right, Kitten? Does it feel nice?"
"It feels so good." You replied, moaning out the "o". Your inner walls started quivering your hand slowly heading to your clit.
"Love. I'm–" His hand moved. Not the one at your breast, the one at your nape. It slipped forward, toward your throat. "Can I?"
You mewled in delight, nodding. "Please."
You couldn't see him, but Yoongi grinned, slowing down his thrusts as he carefully located your carotid arteries with his digits.
When he found them at the side of your throat, he pressed down gently first, the weight of your head helping him reduce your blood flow enough for you to get dizzy. This, mixed with your standing position, had a rush of adrenaline coursing through you, your whole body focused on what was happening at your pelvis.
He spoke with a grovelling voice. "Kitten, whose is it?"
"Yours." You replied meekly, your head spinning at the extra effort of talking.
"Nope, Kitten. Whose is this?" He said, pushing harder inside you... Oh.
"It's mine." You whispered, your voice sparking up with a whine as he rewarded you, hitting the perfect spot.
"That's right. I'm all yours, Kitten." He was close and you could tell. "I'm fucking yours."
You tightened around him. "Cumming." You whined, your shoulder giving up a little underneath you, making your chest fall on top of the table, trapping his hand, your forehead hitting the hard wood with a thud.
Yoongi took a few more thrusts, getting sloppier, losing his rhythm. "That's it." His fingers lost their grip at your neck, your enhanced blood flow making your head fuzzy. Deciding not to stop, you kept moving your fingers, the feeling too good to let go.
"Kitten, are you...? Fuck!" Yoongi came apart as your second climax began growing. His release made him hammer into you for two or three times, just enough to hit your sweet spot and send you into a mind-blowing high. The sense of fullness enhanced the contractions of your inner muscles that simply found their own pattern of pushing and pulling. "Kitten, love, you're the absolute best." He groaned, finally bending down to kiss your cheek.
The side of your face had completely adhered to the cold surface of the table and you were a little upset that as soon as you opened your eyes, you saw the dirty dishes and the leftovers from your meal.
You had almost forgotten you had both interrupted your dinner to fuck, turned on by someone else's moans, so needy that you couldn't even reach the bedroom.
"Are you with me, ____?" He asked. "Are you all good?"
You nodded. "I'm alive."
Yoongi smiled. "Just alive?"
"Consider it a miracle I haven't died of exceedingly good sex yet." You quipped.
He shook his head, nuzzling into your nape. "Maybe I haven't fucked you good enough yet." He kissed your temple as his fingers, once limp at your breast, grabbed your flesh again. "I think I should keep trying."
You laughed. "It would be one hell of a way to go."
The vibrations from your laugh caused a strange sensation on his sex, which made him curious. "Yup. Do you wanna finish your dinner?"
"Mhh." You reflected. "Maybe we could just let it be and get in bed."
He moaned in relief. "I love you."
"Love you too." You basked in bliss for a few more seconds. "Now roll off me, I have to put the food away and clean up the table."
"Just come to bed." He tried to convince you.
"Go, it'll take a minute." You reassured him.
"I wish we could teleport to bed." He murmured. Again that lovely sensation from your laugh. He knew he would fall for it. He knew he would spend the rest of your night trying to make you laugh with his cock inside you.
But that was for later. Standing up, he pulled out of you, not without you whining in protest, just a little. He snickered and covered himself quickly, donning his zipper and button but leaving his belt undone. Before helping you up, he fixed your panties back in place. "I'd love to see you dripping, but we need to fix the kitchen." He commented, using the arm at your chest to help you up. You felt his release ooze out of you, your brain kindly reminding you there was around a 90% probability that he would lick it clean later. Shaking your head at yourself, you smiled turning your head so he would kiss your lips.
He obeyed gently. "Let me help you with the dishes."
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
Sweater | The Mikaelson Boys
Hey Lovelies! Hope you're all doing well in this time of uncertainty, I know it can be tough. Never fear though, as always the Mikaelson boys are here to the rescue. I almost wrote another smut, like I had to put my laptop down and walk away, but alas I kept the tale on track. Kind of. None of my stories ever stay on track. Oh well, here you go loves, happy April 1st! Also, stay tuned for a master list that I will be posting sometime in the coming days!
Description: The Mikaelson household is a household that shares everything, something that Y/n finds out when she unassumingly picks up a sweater and puts in on without a care.
Pairing: The Mikaelson boys x Fem!Reader, definitely leaned this in Elijah's favour though
Warnings: None? Sharing? Is that a warning? They share Y/n there, I said it, you've been "warned"
Word count: 3798
Tags: FLUFF, very light smut, like not even just a heavy make-out scene,
(Photos do not belong to me but the mood bard does :) )
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Life at the Mikaelson compound is, by no means, an ordinary one. It’s a lot of loud conversations, a lot of even louder fights, and a delirious amount of laughter. The kind of laughter that immobilizes people. It’s a life of never being alone, even when you want to be. Someone’s always around; chewing loudly when you want to read, sitting on your bed while you pick your clothes in the morning, hell even hanging outside the bathroom while you shower. It’s a life of love, the kind that fully consumes you.
Above all, though, life at the Mikaelson compound is a life of sharing. Food, books, beds, you name it. This house coined the phrase “what’s mine is yours”, literally. After two centuries of life with the Mikaelson siblings nothing surprises you anymore. Clothes are the main culprit. You don’t bat an eye these days when Rebekah strolls out of your room in a newly purchased dress or pair of pumps. You simply couldn’t care less. That’s just how things are.
That’s why it doesn’t cross your mind when you pick up a hoodie that someone had lazily draped over the back of a dining room chair. You were freezing and it was there. It’s probably Kol’s. Holding it up, it’s massive. You shake your head. Definitely not Kol’s. There’s a chance it’s Bekah’s but it doesn’t strike you as something she would wear. It's a cream white color with a Cambridge logo. Someone must be feeling sentimental. You settle on it being Klaus, the temperamental artist, pulling the hoodie over your head without a second thought.
You continue on your way to the den, padding barefoot in a pair of lounge shorts and your newly aquired hoodie. It has a familiar scent, one that riles your senses in the most delicious way, but you still can’t place it. Pine and nutmeg. You would think that a surplus of two hundred years with the same people would make you better at this but it hasn’t.
It’s unusually quiet. Considering you didn’t wake up cuddled next to Bekah, you’re already a little off centred. You haven’t woken up alone in years. By now you should have encountered at least two of the brothers and maybe a sister. Kol is usually up early. It’s kind of suspicious. You hear the slightest hum of noise as you get closer to your destination. Nothing crazy, but it’s there.
Entering the den, your questions are answered. Almost everyone is piled in, draped across the couches, sprawled on the floor, curled in armchairs. That’s more like it. Only one person is missing. Elijah. He’s been gone for a few days now. Your heart hammers at the thought of him. His smile flashes through your mind. Your veins sing. Every nerve in your body feels like it’s calling out to him. You seriously need to get that in check.
“Something on your mind, love?” Kol’s voice breaks you from your thoughts.
Of course he heard your heartbeat pick up, he’s a millennium of trained vampire hearing, “I’m fine, don’t worry.”
You walk over to the couch he’s stretched over, tucking yourself under the book he’s holding and into his chest. Cuddles are a big part of the Mikaelson household, just as much as sharing. He smells heavenly too, but different from the sweater. Sweeter, not as earthy. It’s just as lovely. Your mind falls from Eli as Kol places a kiss to your forehead. His arms are cool and you try and keep your pulse in check this time. This whole family has had you enamoured from the moment you first met them.
He nuzzles his chin against your hair, “that’s what we do, hun.”
“I know,” you murmur, your heart slowing back to normal as you pull a comforter from the back of the couch onto your legs. You’re still chilly, he’s not helping much with that.
“Hey, no fair,” Rebekah whines from the floor, “I want cuddles.”
You giggle from Kol’s hold, “guess you should have waited for me this morning then, huh?”
She pouts from her own pile of blankets, giving you puppy eyes. Bekah has perfected that look for centuries. Her blonde hair is piled in a messy bun on the top of her head, a few strands trickling down around her face. She’s wearing one of your t-shirts, the blue one you got at the New York Zoo a few years back. She makes it look like a ballgown.
“Don’t pout, sister, it's not becoming,” Klaus calls from the armchair he’s sat in, his bare chest on display for your viewing pleasure, “besides, I do believe that it’s my turn.”
Klaus is no exception to the Mikaelson charm. He's mischievous and playful. Yes, he can be ruthless and, yes, he did have a reputation for boxing his family members when you first met him, but now he’s different. He cares recklessly, a page he must have taken from Rebekah’s playbook.
Not to mention he’s undeniably gorgeous and he makes your chest flutter every time his blue eyes sear into yours. You are in way too deep.
Kol grumbles, tightening his arms around you before whispering, “can’t I ever have you for five minutes before the wolves descend?”
Naturally, everyone hears his complaints.
“Vampires, Kol, vampires,” Klaus chimes in, a devilish smirk on his lips, “now hand over the girl, brother.”
“Y/n, babes, cuddles please,” Bekah intensifies her pouting and you giggle again.
They’re in an all out war for your attention, but what else is new. Your eyes dart between Bekah and her pile of blankets and Klaus’ outstretched arms. You hate to say it, but the choice is a pretty obvious one.
You rest your head against Kol’s chest, breathing his intoxicating scent one last time, “I promise I’m all yours next time.”
He gives you a tight squeeze in return, “whatever you say, love.”
You wobble slightly as you stand up, readjusting your sweater and pulling it down where it had ridden up. The chilly air nips at your exposed legs as you stumble over to Rebekah, whose arms are now open and waiting. There's a blanket around her shoulders ready to engulf you. You’re more than ready to jump into her little nest.
Klaus’ words stop you though, “that’s a nice sweater, doll, where'd you get it?”
Wait, what?
“It was in the dining room, I figured it was yours,” you more than figured; you had been certain.
His laugh sends tingles flying up your spine, “unfortunately no, love, but I’ll never turn down the opportunity to get you in my clothes.”
“Or out of them,” Kol chirps from the couch, his nose turned into his book without a care in the world about who heard him.
Your cheeks flush at his suggestive words. Not because you aren't used to them, though. Comments like these were quite usual in the Mikaelson household. It wasn’t a normal day if at least one of them didn’t make you want to squeeze your thighs together and jump one, or maybe all, of them. No, you blush because it's been two hundred years of not one of them having actually followed through on anything and it pushes you closer to doing it for them everyday. Especially lately.
His words made your legs tremble but you continued with the topic at hand, “Kol, is it yours?”
He pulls his head from his book, his eyes dark with something you can’t say you haven’t seen before, “I wish.”
The sigh that leaves your lips is not of your own volition. His brown eyes burn into yours, daring you to turn away. You do. Sorry Kol, now is not the time for a staring competition. You cross your legs desperately and put your hands on your hips, looking to Rebekah for relief.
“Sorry, sweetheart, but that’s not my sweater.”
You run a frustrated hand through your hair. You don’t know why this is bugging you so much. Your whole body feels like it's being pulled in every direction by every Mikaelson. Except Elijah, who’s not here. His name in your mind alone, though, is enough to add him to the rest. He doesn’t need to be here for you to feel his pull. Everyone of your senses is on fire right now. The earthy scent hits your nose again and you close your eyes, trying to soak up every last drop. It's driving you mad and you can swear it’s getting stronger, but it’s probably just your sanity wearing thin.
You can hear the flimsy distress in your voice, “then who, pray tell, does it belong to?”
“Me, love,” your head goes fuzzy at the sound of his voice.
You spin around on clumsy legs, practically falling into Elijah, “Eli!”
He catches you easily, pulling you against his hard chest. You don’t hesitate to throw your arms around him, standing on your toes to get closer to him. Even through his suit jacket you can feel how strong he is. You hadn’t heard him come in, too distracted by the other three Mikaelsons in the room. He smells exactly like the sweater, which makes sense now.
He laughs into your hair, squeezing his arms tighter around you, “I missed you too, baby.”
His words make you breathless. They’re so unlike Elijah. Well, not the ‘I miss you’ part. It would be unusual if he didn’t say that. But baby? That’s very much not a word he frequents often.
“Elijah,” his name is a whisper coming from your lips.
Your heart pounds furiously in your chest. Being so close to him makes you delirious. You struggle to keep from pressing your legs together. You know he can read it all over you, they all can, his lazy smirk giving it away. Your face flushes again for what feels like the millionth time today. His eyes darken, the same way Kol’s had, and drag all the way down and back up your body.
He takes your face in one of his hands keeping the other arm hooked around your back, drawing his words out slowly, “you look ravishing in my clothes, baby.”
“Eli, what-”
You’re cut off by a pair of warm lips colliding with your own. His arms wrap once more around you fully, pulling you closer to his hungry mouth. You kiss him back like you haven't been kissed in years, and you haven’t, lacing your fingers through his hair and feverishly pulling his lips harder against yours. It takes everything in you not to moan against his mouth in the middle of the den.
“Awe, no fair Elijah,” you pull back, shocked and breathless, at the sound of Kol’s whiny voice, “I wanted to be the first one.”
He glances over your shoulder, past your wide eyes, at his brother, “too bad, little brother. I gave you two hundred years. You had plenty of time.”
“Well, I’ll be damned if I’m not the second.”
In the blink of an eye you’re in Kol’s arms, being dipped theatrically as he places his own lips where Elijah’s had just been. He tastes different, like berries and honey, whereas Elijah’s lips were peppermint. You kiss him back just as strongly, twisting your fists in his tee and pulling him as close to you as possible. All your senses are consumed by Kol, just as they were Elijah.
When he pulls away, your head is swimming, “I’ve been waiting for that for an eternity, hun.”
His eyes are shining, a huge grin on his pink lips. You haven’t been kissed this much in as long as you can remember. You feel lightheaded, like you’re walking on a cloud. When you peer up at Elijah, he doesn’t look upset. He probably should. You feel guilty for reeling at the new kind of attention.
You feel a hand on your shoulder and you're pulled into a new pair of arms that scoops you into a firm chest.
“My turn, love.”
Klaus’ lips taste like chocolate. Kissing him is, again, different than both his brothers. Playful. He pulls your bottom lip between his teeth, tugging gently. You sigh into his mouth, your hands on his face. He spins you around, laughing against your lips. Your heart soars once more. All you can see is Klaus.
When he sets you down, you break away from the three of them, at a loss for both words and air. Your whole body is on fire. Somehow, you can taste all three of them on your lips at once. You can hear your heartbeat furious in your ears. Your eyes dart between them, like a deer in the headlights. Your hand finds your lips. Swollen. But what did you expect? Your legs start shaking again but less out of pleasure and more out of shame. The room feels like it’s shrinking. You wish it would just swallow you already.
You whip your head around to meet Rebekah’s eyes, who looks as shocked as you feel. She sends you a small smile, though, nodding her head. She doesn't seem disappointed, but, then again, you could go on a killing spree and she would still look at you with kind eyes. You grasp at your chest, trying to slow your pulse even slightly. You can’t breathe. Your eyes dart to the door and then back to her eyes. She nods again. Then you bolt.
The Mikaelson boys are fast, they're a thousand years old after all, but you’re determined, and that makes you faster. You just barely close your bedroom door before there's a knock.
“Y/n, it’s Elijah,” his accent flows like honey through the door right to your ears, sending traitorous warmth to your core, “please open the door baby.”
“Why, are you all going to kiss me again?” Your voice is shakey.
You can hear him try to stifle a laugh, “I can if you want me too.”
You huff, frustrated, “I am serious, Eli.”
“It’s just me, love. Let me in?”
That makes you feel the slightest bit better. At least you only have to face one right now. You debate just leaving him out there but he’d probably bust the door down. Elijah is a gentleman but when he wants to talk nothing can get in his way. You run a hand through your hair, trying to make yourself look more presentable, less wanton. You pull the sleeves of the sweater over your hands, trying to hide the shaking.
Opening the door, you come face to face with a half worried Elijah. There’s a small smile on his lips but also a tinge of hesitance in his eyes. You step aside, letting him in before shutting it once more. He grabs your hand leading you towards your bed where he sits on the edge, drawing you to stand between his legs. His hands move to settle on your hips, settling under the hoodie and tracing small circles with his fingers.
“What are you thinking about?”
Your laugh is humourless. What are you thinking about? He can’t be serious. Each of the Mikaelson boys just kissed you, one after the other, all in front of each other, and he wants to know what you're thinking about. The weather Elijah, you’re thinking about the weather. God, you feel so dirty, which you know wasn't their intention but you can’t help it. You feel something for each of them. Something you definitely shouldn't feel. Something you had pushed down for a very long time. It’s hot and throbbing and you don’t think you could bear it if you had to choose between them.
You can’t look him in the eyes, “what do you think I'm thinking about?”
You don’t realize that you’re crying until you open your mouth, your words choppy and broken. As soon as you do, though, it’s like the floodgates have opened. You start sobbing heart wrenching cries, hands over your face, blocking out the now very concerned man. At the thought of losing any of them your lungs constrict. For someone who’s pretty indestructible, you feel like you’re suffocating. You barely register the curse that flies from his mouth before he has you tucked into his arms, his hands sliding over your hair and rubbing your back. Really, doing anything he can to get you to calm down even a little bit.
“Baby, shhh,” he’s frantic, trying to calm you down, “it’s okay love. You’re ok. We’re ok.”
“Eli,” you hiccup into his chest, “what happened out there?”
He holds you tighter against him, “you happened, Y/n. From the moment you walked through our door that’s been it.”
You pull back slightly, finally looking into his eyes, “what are you talking about?”
“We want you. All of us. Kol, Klaus, myself. Hell, even Rebekah is enamoured by you,” he picks you up before sitting back down, still holding you, “Am I too forward in assuming you feel the same?”
Your cheeks flame, the familiar heat returning to your thighs, which are straddling Elijah’s lap, a position you weren’t aware of until now. You wish you were still clueless, though. You positively ache for him, let alone the rest of his brothers.
“I shouldn’t Elijah, it’s not normal,” your hands rest on his shoulders, bringing you to his eye level for once.
He laughs quietly, leaning in close to your face, his breath hot on your lips, “baby, we aren’t normal.”
“How are you okay with this? You should think I’m easy. A tramp,” you cast your eyes downward, landing on his red tie.
He grabs your chin with his hand, forcing you to look at him again, “I would never, could never, see you that way. Love, you’ve been with us for two centuries and haven’t touched us once. You are anything but easy. I have loved you for two hundred years. So have they. If sharing you means I finally get to have you then I am ok with that.”
Your lips are on him the instant the last syllable leaves his lips, your hands curled around his tie pulling his mouth to yours for the second time today. It’s not like you to make any sort of move but if ever there was a time it’s now. He groans into your mouth sending electricity dancing down your spine. You squeeze your thighs hard around him, reveling in the feeling of his hips bucking up to meet your own. His hands slide up underneath his sweater, grasping at your skin desperately. He pulls it up and over your head, tossing it on the floor without a care before attaching his lips to your neck.
“That's what made me cave, baby, seeing you in my clothes,” he mumbles into your skin, hands under your tank top, roaming up your sides.
“Mmph, Elijah,” you can’t stop the moans from flowing freely from your mouth, you don’t want to. You’ve waited for this moment for what feels like an eternity.
Your hands tug on his tie, practically ripping it off his neck before starting on his shirt, pulling it open without a care for the buttons popping off around you. He leans back on his elbows, looking up at you with dark eyes. His hair is a mess, falling into his face in a very un-Elijah fashion. His shirt is wide open, putting his toned stomach on display for you. His breathing is heavy, his chest rising and falling harshly with the air. He looks positively disheveled. Undone just for you. Sexy.
You slam your lips to his once more, pulling the shirt off his body before dropping it on the steadily growing pile of clothes. You wrap your arms around his bare shoulders, trying to get as close to him as you possibly can. Your fingers claw at the bulging muscles of his back, pulling a moan from him. The sound is music to your ears. You wish you could listen to it on a loop all day, every day.
His hands pull at your tank top, bringing it over your head and leaving you in nothing but a pink bralette and your shorts. His eyes devour every inch of bare skin, soaking up every curve and dip of your body on his. He looks exquisite. He looks hungry, his eyes pitch black and wanting. Elijah looks like a god.
His mouth attacks your collarbone, sucking harshly at the skin at the base of your throat. Your hands land in his hair, tugging at the soft strands. You never knew he had this side to him. This dominant, hungry side. It makes the ache between your thighs grow. Two hundred years of pent up energy threatens to spill over now and you don’t want to stop it.
So, of course, now is when someone decides to knock on the door, “Surrender the girl, Elijah, you already got the first kiss. Time to share, brother.”
Make that ‘someones’; Kol chuckles at his brother’s antics from behind the door. Klaus’ voice is playful but you can hear the serious note at the end. It makes your already lust-clouded mind even foggier. You know you have to go out there.
You pull Elijah in for one last kiss, sighing into his parted lips, “that’s my cue I think.”
He presses a kiss to your lips reluctantly, “I suppose it is.”
You stand, separating from him for the first time since he walked into your room. You dig his hoodie from the pile of clothes, reveling in the way his eyes, which had only recently gone back to their usual brown, turn black again when you pull it over your head. That will never get old. You toss him a knowing wink before reaching for the door. When your hand hits the knob he spins you back into his arms in a dizzying kiss. Your head twirls from all the times his lips have been on yours today.
With a slight growl, he pushes you out the door, “hurry back.”
You stumble into the hallway, giddy and full of life, right into Klaus’ waiting arms. He doesn’t waste any time throwing you over his shoulder, giving you the perfect view of his gloriously sculpted backside. You can't help the giggles that fall freely from your lips.
“Finally,” he starts jogging down the hall, towards his room, “now, about that sweater, Love.”
You look over his shoulder at Kol who shakes his head but smiles nonetheless. You barely make out the ‘me next’ he mouths at you before Klaus kicks the door closed and tosses you on his bed. The last thing you think before his mouth descends on yours is that you should have picked up that sweater one hundred years ago.
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joannie95 · 4 years
Before You Go
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader platonic Steve Rogers x Reader platonic 
Summary:  Sometimes all you need is for someone to ask “are you okay?”
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Talk of depression and mental health, talk of death, angst 
A/N:I actually wrote something its some sort of miracle. seriously though im sorry for not updating legacy, work has gotten very stressful lately and that has been my main focus. Ill try to write more but I cant make any promises and I hope this story makes up for it.
A/N; This story was inspired by before you go by Lewis Capaldi. This story means a lot to me because at one point in my life I have had thoughts similar to the ones i wrote about. Thank you to @mo320 for proofreading 
Bucky's pov
"I hate her"
"No you don't."
"Yes I do. Why did she have to leave, why couldn't she just tell me what was wrong instead she decided to leave me."
"Bucky are you listening to yourself right now? You're making this about you, you're not mad that she left you're mad that you didn't see what was going on with her."
Maybe Steve had a point. She always seemed so happy and I was so preoccupied with what was happening in my life that I didn't see that she was hurting.
Y/N's pov
You looked at your reflection in the mirror and tried to compose and make yourself presentable for the day. You can feel that you're dying inside, you feel like you'd be a burden on your friends if they knew how you felt so all the hurt and all the pain is being pushed down for you to deal with on your own. You are brought back to reality when you hear a knock at the door, you wipe away the tears you didn't notice had fallen.
You walk to your front door but before opening it you put on your most believable smile. As soon as the door is open your best friend Bucky walks in with a bag of takeout in his hand. 
He places the bag on your coffee table and slumps down on your couch. "She was supposed to be the one, we could have been so happy together but instead I find her kissing some random guy."
You walk over to the couch and sit next to him, he lays his head on your lap and you run your fingers through his hair and chuckle. "Quit being dramatic, you went on 3 dates and she told you it wasn't serious. And that "random" guy was her ex, they broke up a month ago and we all knew they were bound to get back together once they got their heads out of their ass."
He sits back up and places his head on your shoulder as you lightly stroke his arm. "Yeah i know, it's nice to dream though."
You sit up and look at him. "Come on no moping, let's eat, get drunk and watch movies all night. What do you say?"
He laughs at your eagerness. "Alright fine." He picks up the remote and finds a movie. "you're always so happy and make everything better, how do you do it?"
A lot of practice you think to yourself. You smile and hope he believes this false front you're putting up.
You spent your day off at home, you tried so hard not to let your thoughts get to you. But once again you failed, you're a failure you couldn't even manage to get out of bed. What's the point of trying anymore if you'll never be good enough. The ringing next to you brings you back to reality, you see Bucky's name on the screen and answer hoping the cheery tone in your voice is enough to make him think you're fine. "Hey Buck, what's up? 
"Nothing much really, long day at work and I just want to forget it. I was wondering if you wanted to go out to a bar tonight." 
You hesitated, not really feeling up for human interaction at the moment. "I don't know, I'm kinda tired. I've been cleaning all day."
"Please y/n, it's been a long day and I just want to hangout with my best friend and have a fun night."
You don't want to but if you say no then maybe he'll find other friends that do want to go out and have fun. Then you'll be alone but maybe you deserve to be alone, maybe...
"Y/N. So what do you say?'
You let out a breath. "Yeah why not."
"Awesome you're the best. I'll pick you up in an hour."
You force yourself out of bed and make yourself presentable enough so you don't embarrass Bucky. 
You and Bucky have been at the bar for nearly an hour. The night started out well, you let him lead the conversation and kept a smile on your face but you're noticing his attention is elsewhere. "Bucky, did you hear me?"
"What?" He turns back to you quickly. "Yeah you were saying?"
"I asked if you're alright, you seem distracted."
He looked towards the other side of the bar before bringing his attention back to you. "I'll be right back."
Before you had time to object he was gone. You saw him walking towards a tall blond with bright green eyes. Of course, she was gorgeous and you were well, just you. He was probably embarrassed to be seen with you. You pulled your shoulders in wishing you were invisible.
About 15 minutes later Bucky came walking back with a big smile on his face. "Hey doll I hope it's alright but i'm gonna head out." He looked back at the girl a few feet behind him. "Will you be alright getting home?"
You tried not to look disappointed, you understood he'd rather spend time with anyone but you. Like second nature you put a smile on your face to hide the truth. "Of course, have fun. I'll talk to you later." 
"Thanks your the best." He kissed your forehead before quickly leaving with his new date. 
You turned back around in your seat and willed yourself not to cry. You paid your tab and wiped the tear that was about to fall before rushing out of the bar. You were so lost in your thoughts you didn't hear someone calling you till you felt a hand on your shoulder and you jumped in fear. You turned around and saw your friend Steve.
"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I was calling you but you didn't hear me, are you okay? I saw Bucky leaving with someone before I had the chance to say hi."
"Yeah I'm fine, I was tired anyways just ready to head home."
"Okay." He noticed the look on your face. You were smiling but your eyes seemed so sad, it seemed familiar to him. "well let me at least walk you home, it's late and I'd feel better making sure you got home safe."
"You don't have to do that, I'm fine. You should go enjoy your Friday night." He's probably pitying you, you're nothing but a burden to him. 
"Please. I just want to make sure you're okay."
You nod and quietly continue walking home.
After some time Steve speaks up. "Recently, I have noticed some differences in you and wondered how you're doing."
You try and act calm. "I'm fine Steve, just a lot of work is all. Nothing you should worry about."
"That's the thing though I am worried. The way you've been acting is the same way my dad used to act. He tried to put up this tough front and act like he was fine but he wasn't. There were days when he just couldn't get out of bed, at the time I didn't understand what was wrong. He needed help but he didn't want to admit it."
You came to a stop in front of your apartment building. You wiped away the tears that were starting to form as Steve continued to speak. 
"You have the same look on your face as he did when you think you people aren't looking. I regret not asking him this, it's too late for him but not for you." Tears were forming in his eyes as he was reliving the memories of losing his dad. "I need you to tell me, are you okay and what can I do to help you?"
You started to shake your head, you didn't want to put your problems onto him. Steve had enough going on in his life, how dare you burden other people with your problems.
Almost as if he knew what you were thinking he pulled you into a tight hug. "I promise you are not a burden to me or any of your friends, we love you and we just want to help."
The dam broke and once you started crying you couldn't stop. "It hurts everyday Steve and it won't stop. I try my hardest to be strong but I can't do it anymore. I can't act like I'm okay when I'm dying inside. I hate myself and I hate that I'm causing you problems. I just, I feel worthless and I can't."
"You need help, it's the only way things will get better. You can't let this eat away at you till you can't take it anymore, we can't lose you. It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless."
Steve stays over that night, you talk and understand the best thing for you to do is move back home with your dad in Seattle and get the proper help you need. You call your dad and apologize for waking him up before explaining the situation, he's more than happy to welcome you back home. You and Steve spend the rest of the night making a plan. You'll take what's most necessary to Seattle and leave the rest in storage until you're ready, if you're ever ready to return to New York. 
You don't see or hear from Bucky again till a few days later. By then you're all packed up and ready to leave waiting for your cab to arrive. He pulls up to your building and sees you hugging Steve and suitcases by your side.
"Thank you for everything Steve, I didn't realize how much help I really needed if it weren't for you."
"Of course, I just want you to be okay. Don't be afraid to call me if you ever need to talk and I promise to visit." He turns around when he hears a car door close and sees Bucky walking towards the both of you. "I think i should get going now, call me when you land." With that said he walks towards his car and greets Bucky before driving off.
Bucky walks towards you confused about the situation. "Hey, what's going on? Are you going on a trip you didn't tell me about?"
"I'm going home to Seattle Bucky." Your grip tightens on your suitcase handle.
"To visit? How long are you going for?"
You let out a breath. "No, I'm not sure how long I'll be gone."
"Wait, what do you mean." He started to raise his voice at you. "Were  you just going to leave without telling me? How can you do this to me? We're supposed to be best friends."
"Yes we are supposed to be best friends so tell me why you never notice something was wrong. Bucky, if we were really best friends you would have noticed how depressed I am. I felt, I feel like I'm dying inside some days but you're so preoccupied with your love life you couldn't be bothered to notice. Look Bucky, I care about you and I want you to be happy but right now I need to focus on me and I can't do that here."
He started to cry once he knew the truth. "I'm sorry, i'm sorry I didn't notice but please don't leave me."
Your cab pulled up and it was time to leave, the driver took your bags and you asked him to give you a minute. You pulled Bucky to the side. "I'm sorry but I have to go now. I hope I can be well enough one-day to come back but for now I can't be here." You pull him into one last hug and kiss his forehead before letting go. 
Before you get into your cab with tears in his eyes he speaks up. "Before you go. Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting?"
"Honestly, all you had to do was ask are you okay?" And with that you left, hopefully one day soon you'd be able to return as a better person in a better place. 
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yandere-for-you · 4 years
HOLY SHIT!!, sorry but I’m happy to finally have this done!
This takes place pre canon atlest a year or so
I tried to make this as gender neutral as possible but the reader is called mom in this and there is mention of pregnancy and brainwashing with medicine
I own none of these ppl.
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It started with headaches.
It was unusually bright today in the sector, in the apartment, that your small family lived in and you were sitting on the couch, watch your four year old son, Lea, playing with his toys on the floor. When suddenly you were hit with this awful headache, it was more migraine then headache actually but still you felt terrible. You placed a hand over your eyes.
"Mama?" Opening one eye, you saw your kid looking up at you worried. You loved your son, even if the time you were pregnant with him was fuzzy; one minute you had shown Reno the test, the next you were in the hospital, nine months later, tired and high on pain killers, with your husband by your side who had your new born in his arms. Reno had told you it was a healthy little boy and let you name him. You decided on Lea, which for some reason, to you, it just fit in your hazy mind.
Picking him up, you sat him on your lap, he snuggled against you, "Just a headache, little firebug."
You knew you made a mistake in telling him when his eyes widened and he tried hopping up.
"Gotta tell dad!"
You stopped him, patted his head, "No, no, no, it's just a headache. No need to worry your dad about this."
You gently shook your head, laying down and pulling your son with you, "Let's just rest and it'll go away.", he wiggled around to get comfortable before finally settling down. You'd only closed your eyes for a second, just for a second.
Then before you knew it, you had woken up in your bed and the only soft light from the lamp your bed-side table illuminated the room enough to for you to see. Sitting up, you saw the sun had set and it was nighttime. As you got out of bed, you saw you were dressed in an over sized button up. Reno must have changed you out of your day clothes. It was nighttime so he must be home, but he wasn't in bed.
You walked out of bedroom and into the living room, where you say your husband was sitting on the couch, dressed in a plain black shirt and pj pants with another lamp on and the tv running with some seemly boring show, "Hey, Babydoll, you're up.", you made an agreeing noise as you sat on the couch then curled up against him and he placed an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer.
"How was work?"
He hummed, "Same old, same old.", you wouldn't really know, Reno never really told you in detail what he did for work, all he told you was that he worked in an office and sometimes had boring days.
"He's fine, says hi.", you felt bad not being able to see your husband's partner a lot, giving that he was also his best friend and Lea's godfather.
"Did you eat? Sorry I fell asleep before you got home."
Reno chuckled, kissing you on the forehead, "Yeah, me and Rude picked up something, fed Lea, he's asleep in his room. There's something for in the fridge for-", you didn't wait for him to finish has you jumped over the couch and over to the kitchen. You flipped him off when you heard him laugh at you as you pulled out the take out box.
After heating up a plate, you curled back up against him, having changed the channel to something more else, "Sooo, a little munchkin told me you were having headaches?", you nearly choked on your food then after drinking some water to get the food down, you looked at him in embarrassment for being caught keeping something from him. He ran a hand through the your hair, "Could have called and told me. Have you been taking your meds?"
You picked at your food, "I just didn't want to bother you, you're busy with work and yes, I have everyday, like I'm suppose too."
He hummed, "Should we go to the doctors'? They could take a look, make sure nothin' wrong with your meds.", you froze at what he said, you really, really, didn't want to go to the doctors'. You hated them and their hospital/offices, they felt cold and unfriendly, even if they tried to plastered on a friendly smile whenever one of the significant others of Reno's friends or you were around. You gave birth to your son in one of the rooms of the hospital and as soon as the drugs wore off, you wanted to leave, immediately, which caused them to drug you up even more, so you wouldn't hurt yourself or them.
"Please, Reno, it was just a headache and I'm fine now. I really don't wanna go back there.", you place the plate on the coffee table, not really feeling hungry anymore.
"Hey, hey, it was just a suggestion. I know how much you hate it there.", he picked up the plate as he got up from the couch. You watched as he placed the food back in the box and then back in the fridge. Your husband walked back over and kneeled down in front of you, "Let's go to bed, Babydoll."
"No doctor?"
He chuckled, "Nah, no doctor, just tell me if you have anymore problems. Now, come one, bed time.", you agreed and both of you quickly brushed your teeth and went to bed.
Then you were seeing and remembering weird things.
You were at home, cleaning up the apartment and watching Lea and his friend, Isa, who was dropped off by his mother, Li Mei, the wife of your husband's boss, Tseng. Li Mei was a beautiful woman from Wutei, with two different colored eyes, one a deep pretty brown and a beep blue, light blue hair that matched her son's and flawless skin. Honestly, sometime you were kinda jealous of her flawless looks, you only had a son and she had two kids, and yet, she looked like she wasn't stressed as hell with raising them. Xion was their other child, a daughter, with hair like her father but with her mother's soft face and blue eyes.
You froze, seeing something strange appeared in your reflection of the window you were cleaning. Leaning closer, you wondered if you had always had that strange bright green ring around the pupils of your eyes, "Mama!", you filched away from the window and looked down to see the boys standing to the side of you. Lea holding up your phone.
"Yes, you two?"
"Dad's calling! Also we're hungry, food please!"
Sighing through your nose, you smiled and grabbed your phone from him, "Okay, let me talk to your dad then I'll make something for lunch. Go on, go play.", you bend down and kissed him on the head and messed up Isa's hair, which made him pout and then follow a giggling Lea back to the living room to play. You answered the call and placed it to your ear, "Hello, sweetie. Why are you calling, you don't usually call when your at work unless somethings up."
"Aahhh, Caught me, Baby doll. But I just got the feeling I needed to-", you flinched away from the phone as a yelp came from it.
You place it back against your ear, "Um...What..what was that?"
"Some one hit their toe on their desk or something I think, don't worry about it, Gorgeous. So, how's you and the munchkin doing?"
Rolling your eyes, you answered him, "We're doing fine, Li Mei dropped off Isa because she had to take Xion to a check up.", you made your way to the kitchen and started pulling things out, looking for something to feed the kids, "And I'm just trying to find or make some lunch for the kids.",
"Great, anymore headaches?"
"No, I'm haven't had any in a week.", in truth you had been having them, one almost everyday for the week since they started but you really didn't want to worry your husband, you decided on making a sandwich, "How do you feel about curry tonight for dinner?"
"If it's the spicy kind you make, hell yeah!", you smiled at the enthusiasm he showed about your cooking, you weren't the best but he thought whatever you made was.
"Of course, but I need to to pick up some stuff from the store before you get home."
"Got it, send me a list, Baby doll.", as you were saying your I love yous and before you hung up, you thought you heard another scream, this time for help. Looking down at your black screen, and saw that the green ring, you thought saw a moment ago, was gone. You shrugged as you placed your phone on the counter then picked up the plates, filled with the kids' lunch.
The next time something happened was when you were getting up in the morning. Your son had jumped on you both as you slept, yelling about how it's the weekend and dad has the day off and, "Get up, get up, get uuuuup!!",
You groaned, rolling over to Reno with your eyes still closed you told him, "Your son's awake."
"Before 8 am, and coffee, he's your son.", then you smirked when you heard him grunt as Lea landed on him, "Alright, Alright, Munchkin, I'm up.", cracking open an eye, you giggled when you saw the claw marks you left on his back last night, good thing he put pants on afterward. You stopped when Reno side eyed you, and smirked. Squeaking, you hid under the blankets, listening to him chuckle as he picked up his son and walked out of the room, telling you he would get breakfast started.
You tossed the blanket off as soon as they were gone then sat up and stretched. Getting up, you walked over to the bathroom and turned on the lights only to nearly trip backwards at what you saw in the mirror. In the mirror was you but you looked strange in the reflection there were bruises and cuts on your body and your face had a bleeding cut on your cheek, you looked like you had gotten into a fight and a pretty bad one, "Baby Doll?", blinking, you saw your normal everyday self reflecting back at you and the only bruises you had were on your neck and peeking on from your shirt collar. You turned to see Reno looking at you with narrowed eyes, worriedly.
You rubbed your eyes, "Yeah, yeah before you ask I'm okay. Do you need to use the bathroom or anything?"
He hummed, "Naah, used the other one, was worried about ya. You take your pills?"
You huffed, "Not yet, was about too.", you waved him away, "Now shoo, you tomcat. I need to use the bathroom, myself.", He grinned then kissed you on the lips as he rubbed your back and left, telling you he'd had the coffee ready in a bit.
After using the bathroom, you held your pill bottle in your hands, staring at it. It was a plain orange bottle with a white lid, a normal bottle, all considering but it had no label. You didn't even pick up your own medicine, even ever you were running low, you would tell Reno or Rude and they would get them for you. Dropping one in your palm, you stared closely at the white and green capsule, wondering if you were ever going to stop taking these, probably never with the way your husband was. The last time you suggested maybe weening you off of them, Reno had gone still and quiet, narrowed his eyes at you then got really close to your face, so close you could see the very light freckles doting across his nose and cheeks. He smirked at you, but you knew in your gut it wasn't very kind, he told you that he could take you to the doctors and see what they said, then two weeks had pass and before you knew it, you had gotten pregnant with Lea and it was really never brought up again. Maybe...maybe, just this once you could stop taking them and make him see you were just fine without them. You watched as the little capsule made its way down the toilet, hoping this wouldn't come back to bite you in the ass.
It came to bite you in the ass and bite you hard at lest two or so weeks later. You were home alone, with Reno at work and Li Mei being so kinda to watch over Lea with you just wanting to get some stuff done and some alone time to yourself, you busied yourself with doing the normal chores around the house. You were sitting on the couch, folding laundry when out of no where a terrible pain ran through your head, it felt a lot worst then the first headache. You let out a cry of pain as you bent over, holding your head. Flashes of memories went through your head, some you hoped weren't real.
When it was finally over, you looked up and glanced around wide eyed at the apartment, "W..where am I? What happened? Wait...", you pinch the bridge of your nose, blinking away the rest of the pain then you remembered what happened and who you really were.
You were...are(?) a part of Avalanche, a rebel group that fought against ShinRa and its Turks...wait, Turks! Standing up, you looked around, again and saw a photo frame. You snatched it up and saw you holding a little red headed boy, no, that was your son, Lea and standing next to you both, with his arms loosely around you both, was...fucking Reno Sinclair, second in command of the Turks and a really, really, really, dangerous man. You remembered, now, how you had fought him a hand full of times and only barely gotten away with a only a few bruises and maybe a broken finger or two.
So, why were you here?
Glancing down at your hand, you nearly screamed when you saw a deep red and sliver wedding band on your ring finger. You looked closer at the photo then tossed it away from you when you saw a matching ring on Reno's hand. You felt nausea roll around in your stomach, were...were you married to a Turk? How were you married to a Turk?! How long had this been going on and why can't you-Gasping, you ran into the main bedroom bathroom, you ripped open the medicine cabinet, then grabbed the blank pill bottle. These...these things that he was making you take had...brainwashed you into marrying and having a kid with him. You looked at the date written on the bottle with marker and dropped it in shock when you saw it was five years.
Five years of brainwashing and being in a relationship with this man. Did your friends at Avalanche think you were dead?
Oh, God you had to get out of here!
You changed into a pair of torn looking jeans, comfortable and easy to move in, an over sized hoodie from the closet and a pair of boots that were a size to big, then you packed a small bag with what you needed, just enough to get to sector seven, check on everyone and then find a way out of Midgar, maybe go to Wutai, you had a friend there, or Icicle Area, or..or...anywhere but here. You pulled off the ring and placed it beside the picture frame, taking one more glance at it, you felt shame and guilt waste over you as you looked at your son, you felt bad for leaving him behind but being on the run with a four year wasn't safe for either of you. You know Li Mei, the poor woman was probably also brainwashed, will take care of him. You pulled the hoodie over your face then walk down the hallway, you left through the window, and down the fire escape, making sure no one saw you.
Li Mei had an awful feeling something was wrong when her friend, (Name), didn't come pick up Lea from her apartment on the time they said they would, then she got even more worried when an hour passed and still no (Name). They were never late picking up their son, really they were never late for anything. Making sure the kids were still playing and ignorant to her worry, she grabbed her phone and quickly dialed her friend's husband, "Li Mei, what's up? Like, I don't mind ya calling but if something's wrong you should really tel-"
She didn't let him finished as she blurted out, "(Name) hasn't come to pick up Lea at the time they said, it's been an hour, Reno, and I'm worried.", there was silence for a moment.
"Ya sure? Maybe they're just-"
"Reno, you and I both know (Name) hates being late for anything and if they were, they would call and tell us.", Li Mei bit at her knuckles, an awful habit she had picked up from childhood when nervous that her husband, Tseng, was trying to get her to stop.
"....Fuck..Fuck, I'll right, I'll tell Tseng what's going on, you make sure for the time to keep the kids from figuring out what's going on."
"Of course, please, find them, Reno.", they hung up and she glanced from her phone to the mini red head, hoping the boy didn't find out something happened to his other parent. But, Lea was a very smart and observant child and she he would find out what was going on soon.
Reno and Rude walked into the red head's apartment and immediately their senses were on edge, something was wrong, "Baby Doll?", bright blue eyes narrowed as they glanced around then down the hallway. He turned to his partner, "Check the kitchen, I'll get the living room.", Rude went to the kitchen and he walked into and around the living room. Reno saw the half done laundry on and around the couch, but nothing else seemed out of place, until he saw something sparkle beside the picture of his family. Picking it up, he nearly had a heart attack when he saw it was (Name)'s wedding band, "Fuck..Rude!", he ran into the kitchen, and showed Rude the ring.
"Shit..this is a problem."
"No shit!", he placed the ring in his pocket then ran down the hall to their room, "(Name)?!", he looked in the closet, in the bathroom, even under the bed. As he went to check his son's room, Rude walked into the bathroom and saw the pill bottle. Picking it up, he walked back out and met his partner in the hallway.
"Reno, have they been taking their medication?"
The red head run a hand through the his already messy hair, "uh, yeah, I've been making su-", his eyes widened when he remember what happened a few months ago, "FUCK! I should have taken them to the ShinRa doctors as soon as Lea told me they were having headaches.", headaches were the first sign that the medication was beginning to stop working, then seeing or remembering things, and last it was having the urge to stopping taking the pills altogether and then remembering everything.
Reno looked at his partner, "Call Tseng, tell him we have a Code: Runaway. I gotta go see Lea, make sure he's okay."
"Got it, partner.", Rude pulled out his phone and dialed up his boss as Reno went to Li Mei's place.
They wouldn't catch you for half a year.
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