#like at least use a loofah or something
barneysbigstompers · 3 months
“Washcloths are for poors” “…Just use your hands” tell me you’re fucking disgusting and get this conversation over with
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Privacy privilege
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Summary: Dean had started to invade your privacy more often after a hunt
Word count: 0.8k
A/n: I had some fun writing protective Dean in this one
The last hunt was too much of a close call for Dean. 
It’s been a simple vampire case, a in and out kind of deal. But, when you slipped up a little and were almost a vamps blood bag, he felt a need to protect you immediately afterwards. The thought of you ending up dead while on a hunt with him caused an itch in the back of his brain. Something he needed to get rid of or at least settle down. 
So, he began to follow you around.
It started out simple enough, sitting on the same booth as you at a restaurant, watching you through the rear view mirror on a long drive. And, recently making you share the same bed as he did. The feeling of your body safely tucked against his calmed him. 
But, then the more hunts you went the more worried he got. 
The feeling that something would happen to you if he wasn’t around caused him to panic and start to hang around you more than ever. 
What started as a simple watching you from the corner of his eye quickly turning into needing to be right next to you 24/7. He’d follow you around like a lost puppy, eyes darting around to find any potential danger. 
You’d spoken to Sam about Deans behavior, and he had agreed that it was new and different than what he normally is. But, according to Sam, Dean is naturally a protector at heart. Probably coming from being the oldest and having to take care of his little brother all the time. 
But, still, you appreciated Dean trying to protect you, but he had started to invade you privacy. 
Often not leaving you alone when you’d really need to be. Kinda like right now. You were taking a shower in the motels bathroom, the water cascading down your body when Deans humming kept on bringing you out of your peaceful state. 
You didn’t really know when he entered the bathroom, but when he did you know it was no use in trying to kick him out. He sat patiently on the toilet, the lid down so that he wouldn’t ache from sitting in the same spot for twenty minutes. 
A small magazine rested in his hands, the sound of the turning papers mixing with his humming caused you to finally stick your head past the shower curtain. 
“Dean.” You called, in the nicest voice you could muster. Slowly growing tired of his protective attitude. 
“Yes, princess?” He asked, the magazine he’d been reading tossed onto the counter as he focused solely in you.  
Pasting a quick smile on your face, you pulled the curtain closer to your naked body. “Could I have just a couple minutes to myself in here?”
Dean furrowed his brows. “Why?”
“Because, it’s kinda weird how I’m naked in here while your out there fully clothed and humming a rock song.” You stated, hoping that telling him you were slightly uncomfortable with the situation would be enough for him to leave the bathroom. 
“Would you like me to join you then, so you’d feel less weird about this?” He asked, standing from the toilet seat and making his way towards you, his flannel quickly coming off and into the piles of clothes you’d already made. 
“No! No, Dean.” You started to shout, more than likely grabbing both your neighbors and Sam’s attention whilst doing so. “Put the flannel back on and get out!”
“Why?” He asked confused. “I’d have my back turned the entire time, or if you want I could even help you shower-“
Dean stopped talking when a soft but wet object connected with his face. “Did- did you throw a loofah at me?”
“Yes, and I’ll throw something harder next time if you don’t get out of here!” Your face was hot, and not just from the boiling shower you were taking but because Dean freaking Winchester was trying to hope in the shower with you like it was a normal thing. 
He held up his hands, reluctantly making his way to the bathroom door. “Look I get that it’s weird, but it’ll help protect you.”
“Dean, I’m not going to die in the freaking shower.”
“Who knows, it’s a strange world, but I’ll be here if it happens and I’ll be able to-“ His eyes widened as you made an attempt to throw your soap bar at him, missing him by a hair and sending him running out of the bathroom. 
A breathy laugh came from one of the beds, facing the noise he saw his brother with newspaper articles and his computer laid out in front of him. “I told you she would not have appreciated you going in there.” Sam told his older brother, a smug smile playing in his lips as he watched Dean taking a seat at the small table. 
“Shut up.” He told him, now waiting for you to leave the bathroom so that he could be glued to your hip once more. “She’s gonna thank me one day.”
“Yeah, but definitely not any time soon.”
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slasherscream · 5 months
A/N: shout-out to @abominableghostface, who was my beta reader and co-conspirator as usual.
❥ we ride at dawn. try and survive ❥
Billy Loomis - The man with the plan. When he says morning he means we are going to be in the car and on the road by the time the sun rays begin to hit the earth. Granted, it's not a hectic morning by any means. He'll have made sure the two of you started packing days in advance. There’s no last minute rushing around. No wondering if you packed a toothbrush, or your favorite jacket. You double checked everything the night before, and then checked behind one another to make sure. But no matter how peaceful the waking, being dragged to your car at 4:30am will make you want to kill him. He passes you your favorite blanket that he threw in the dryer last minute, a cozy protection against the dewy chill of the night turning to morning. When he tells you to sleep until he finds somewhere decent to eat you hate him a little less.
Jordan Li - By nature Jordan is more of a night owl. Through pure necessity they’ve molded themself into something resembling a morning person. Sure, the way they don’t start smiling before 10am shows you it’s not at all a natural state of being, but they do it anyways. 
So used to starting the monotonous, average days bright and early they’re definitely not going to want to start a vacation late. They wake up to the sound of their alarm. They wake you up to soft kisses pressed into your skin. When you open your eyes, scowling at them anyways, they can’t help but laugh, “Yeah I know, I know, fuck off. But we gotta head out before traffic hits.” 
Knowing how you are in the mornings Jordan packed the car last night. When you roll over, intent on ignoring them they roll their eyes and shift, so that he can drag you from bed no matter how hard you try and make yourself dead weight. 
You’re still half asleep, leaned up against him beneath the spray of the shower, but wake up when he flicks water at your face.
“Fuck off.” You grumble. 
“Once we’re on the road I’ll fuck off for at least an hour. Then we’ll grab breakfast, yeah?” He pushes a loofah in your hand and grins once you take it. They shift again, nudging you out the way with her hip so you’re sharing the water instead of hogging it, “Wash my back so we can head out.” 
When they wake you up outside a diner two hours later instead of one you’re feeling much more agreeable, pulling them in for a kiss when they open your car door.
Sebastian Valmont - A chronic riser with the sun. It doesn’t matter what time he goes to sleep, he is going to wake up right as the sun rises. He has black out curtains and takes morning yoga classes. The bastard. His body simply enjoys being awake at six am. Thus, he sees absolutely no reason why leaving for your trip should come hours after that. He’s going to be the one driving anyways. The maids packed all your things, and the butler brought everything out to the car. All that’s left is to get you out of the house. Sebastian helps you put on your clothes, laughs at the way he has to push your arms into your shirt, and drag you to brush your teeth. When he tucks you into the passenger seat he knows you’ll be asleep again by the time he slides into the driver’s seat. He sneaks glances at you for the first few hours of the drive, quietly listening to music and the soft sound of your snoring, enjoying every second.
Stu Macher - Ball of energy that he is, Stu is awake bright and early, and does not need time to “wake up.” He unfortunately acts like this is a universal experience. The fact that he’s excited about the trip makes his typical lack of empathy towards night owls even more brutal than usual. You’re unceremoniously dragged from bed. He tickles you as you brush your teeth. If you seem a little extra groggy that morning he hops in the shower with you and turns it on cold to get your motor running. He acts completely baffled about why you’re still scowling by the time he’s back from his banishment of loading up the car while you try to dress yourself in peace. To make matters worse he wants to talk about anything and everything with you despite the fact that the sky is still that sleepy shade of blue that’s half night, half dawn. You stare at him hatefully from the corner of your eye, grunting answers at him until you pass a diner that’s open and you can get caffeine into your system. His excitement for the trip is cute once you’re awake.
Kevin Khatchadourian - Rises with the sun and is deeply irritated that you don’t. On a regular day he rarely let’s you sleep in. You’ll be lucky if he chooses to start his daily routine without you. On the mornings when he decides to practice archery, which is most, you’ll get an extra hour and a half. By the time he’s coming back inside he wants you both moving around one another, starting the rest of the routine. Brushing teeth, making food, the idle chatter of your voice. Considering he’s not fond of changing your routine, which is exactly what a vacation is, he doesn’t want to hear a single complaint about the hour he wakes you up to start the drive. He also doesn’t let you fall asleep when you get into the car, even though he’s the only one driving. You’re keeping him company no matter how tired you are.
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves - While he maintains a strict schedule of waking up early unless hungover he is by no means a morning person. He’ll wake you up as gently as he’s capable of if the shrillness of the alarm didn’t do the trick, rocking you by the shoulder until your eyes blink open. The two of you packed the car last night so there wouldn’t be anything to do or communicate with one another upon first waking up. Two non-morning people trying to talk to each other upon first waking up was a recipe for disaster. Especially if it was the pair of you. Quietly you go about your morning. Brushing your teeth side by side, bumping against each other every now and then instead of speaking. Ben grabs the green smoothies that he made for the two of you the night before, something to tide you over until you found a place he was willing to eat at (which was always an unnecessarily complicated task.) It’s thirty minutes of driving and radio playing softly before you’re caught in a bit of traffic and you’re awake enough to be sweet. You lean across the cupholder to kiss his cheek and he gives you a small smile,  “Morning, L/N.” The two of you are experts at sharing your mornings by now.
❥ we leave sometime before noon ❥
Jason Dean/JD - Will never wake you up before he thinks you’ve gotten all the rest you need. His favorite hobby is turning off your morning alarms if he thinks you set them unreasonably early in comparison to when you fell asleep. He’s certainly not going to break that pattern for the start of a vacation, when you should be resting. You’ll wake whenever you naturally wake up, JD still wrapped around you. You’ll shower, drink some coffee, do one last check of the luggage and then he’ll haul everything out to the car for you, no matter how much you both packed. He likes you to not lift a finger during your trips and it starts before you ever leave the house. It certainly puts you into a vacation mindset.
David Mccall - David himself is an early riser but likes to let you sleep in whenever he can. The start of a vacation is certainly one of those times. He spends the hours before you wake taking care of last minute things. He checks all the bags again, makes sure everything you could possibly need is packed, then loads up the car. He makes sure the house is clean so there’s no mess to come back to that you’ll stress yourself out over. Closer to the time he knows you’ll get up he starts making breakfast for you. He’s so focused on the task he jumps when your arms loop around his waist and you start to press grateful sleepy kisses to his back. You’ll be on the road in an hour or two, he’s in no rush. He wants you relaxed and enjoying yourself every step of the way.
Josh Washington - Due to his insomnia he is not falling asleep any earlier than one am most nights. To ask him to get up at dawn would be like killing a puppy. You both sleep in, wake up sometime just before noon. You like to be realistic about your expectations for yourselves, so there’s no rush. A late start was factored into the plans from the beginning. You packed everything into the car the night before, so all there’s left to do is hop in. You wake yourselves up with some music to start. Barely twenty minutes on the road you see a cute diner and stop for late breakfast. You smile at each other as the afternoon sun shines on both your faces, sleepily discussing what you’re most excited about doing when you arrive at your destination.
❥ secret third worse thing ❥
Nathan Prescott - Nathan likes your journeys to begin in the dead of night. Whether it’s heading to the airport or hopping in the car to start a long drive, a 9pm start time is the sweet spot for him. He doesn’t like waking up early to start trips in the morning. Nor does he like being stuck in the claustrophobic traffic of other human bodies or cars during the afternoon. You’ll be dead tired by the time you get wherever you’re going but having a good beginning to vacations is important. Especially for Nathan. When you start at night his anxiety tends to be lower for the whole trip. The things we do for love.
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the-book-gnome · 2 years
You Make Me Feel Safe
Word count: 1k
Pairings: Simon “Ghost” Riley x reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood, implied pain, fluff
Summary: After years of not seeing Simon, he suddenly shows up with no explanation on why he's injured
A/n: I'm sorry if there are spelling errors, I just got my nails don't and I forgot how hard it is to type on your phone.
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The hour was late when you heard a loud banging on your door. You were cautious as you walked to the door, not sure of who could be at your apartment at this hour. You were shocked when you looked through the peephole, Simon. You haven't seen him In years what could he possibly want? When you took a closer look at him, a gasp escaped your lips. He was bleeding, his face looked banged up and he was clutching his stomach. You swung the door open, his eyes immediately catching yours. “I need help.”
You sprung into action, rushing to him and helping him inside. It took longer than you anticipated but he was twice your size and only helping you a little, plus he weighed a ton. Simon fell on your couch the second his legs touched it. You rushed back to the door closing and locking it. You didn’t want to deal with any nosy neighbours.
By the time you got back to Simon, he had passed out, that only made you worry more. Given that you had plenty of medical experience you had no issues patching him up. You knew his line of work was dangerous but you didn’t expect it to be like this. It had been about an hour before you were done, your choice stained with his blood. You hadn’t given yourself much time to understand what was happening, pushing all of your worries and thoughts away to focus on saving him.
Three days. It had taken three days for Simon to wake up and three days for you completely terrified that he was going to die. You knew better than to take him to a hospital so there was no way of telling if he was going to get an infection or if you missed part of the bullet.
When Simon did wake up he was no help at all, he is talk tried to leave and it took you 30 minutes to convince him he was safer here than wherever the hell he was trying to go. Now he was sitting up, staring at the wall. You tried talking to him but he refused to say a word. No matter what you tried he kept his mouth shut, even when you threw a pillow at his head. You were currently drawing a bath for him, hoping that might help with the pain. All you had to offer him was Advil and Tylenol, you doubted that was doing much.
He didn’t put up much of a fight when you helped him stand up, he only quietly followed you as you led him into the bathroom. You looked away as Simon pulled down his boxers, giving him at least some privacy. Once he was submerged in the tub you grabbed your loofah, pouring soap on it you started washing his body. “Bubbles?” His rough voice met your ears, relief struck you after hearing him speak.
“I used bubble bath stuff, do you have something against bubbles?” You smiled as you leaned over the tub to look at him. He watched as you ran your loofah down his chest, washing away the blood and dirt. Once his body was clean you moved on to watching his hair, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek before pulling away to grab the shampoo. “I missed you,” you let out a disappointed sigh, “Not a single call or text, you didn’t even write a note when you left all those years ago.” You noticed Simon's fists clench in the sides of the tub where they rested. “I thought you might’ve died.” You bit your lip, blinking away the tears that threatened to spill down your cheeks.
“I didn’t,” That was all he said, you wanted to punch him in the face.
“Yeah no shit, jackass,” You rolled your eyes at him and poured a small amount of shampoo into your hand, his hair was already wet so you didn’t have to worry about that. As you started massaging his scalp he relaxed into you. His head rested against the edge of the tub.
“I’m sorry,” Simon murmured, his eyes closed as he enjoyed your hands on him. You let out a deep breath, that was better than nothing. You made sure to be careful not to get any soap in his eyes as you continued to clean his hair. It was a little longer than what you remembered, the ends curling slightly.
“Why did you come here, Simon?” You asked as you fused the soap out of his hair. It was very soft, and so was his skin, besides the many scars.
“I didn’t have anywhere else to go, you were close by,” He sounded like he was holding something back. You knew better than to pry, that would only make him shut down more. “I feel safe with you.”
That comment threw you off. Simon had never been one to admit something like that, it was confusing, to say the least. “I don’t know why, I’m not very good at protecting people, though I’ve never really tried.”
“You saved me, that’s technically protecting me,” there was a small smile on his lips, you had to double-check to make sure you weren’t seeing things. You scoffed at him as you helped him out of the tub. You handed him a towel and then brought him to your room. You handed him a pair of pants that were his size, and after he got dressed you helped him to bed.
Once he was laying down you brought over a chair and placed it next to the bed. You placed a hand on his cheek gently stroking it, “You make me feel safe too, Simon.” You kissed his forehead and watched him drift off into sleep.
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racoonkal · 1 year
messed up (d. kaminari x reader)
cw: CHEATING, 18+, edging, handjob, kinda exhibition-y?, and seriously cheating, like actual scum-of-the-earth cheating 
2.8k words 
nsfw // aged up characters // minors dni
The beach was messy. Very, very messy. And you were the monster that was coming back from it with tar on your shins and sand in almost every crevice
Kaminari pounded on the bathroom door in annoyance. You had been in there for 30 minutes and he was starting to get impatient.
“Hurry uuhhhhhp,” he whined. “You’ve been in there for five-ever.” Kaminari leaned his back on the door, making the lock shudder and door thump.
“I told you I was gonna take a while, Kam.” You responded halfheartedly, while massaging the shampoo into your scalp. The water hitting the floor felt quiet for a moment.
“I didn’t think you’d take this long.” He continued complaining through the bathroom door. “Oh, and just letting you know, Ser and Kyoka got SO bored waiting, they went to grab food from downstairs lobby.” Your fingers stoped moving. You thought you’d heard the room door open and close earlier.
“I mean if you’re that desperate to shower, we could always share.” You wondered if he could hear the excitement in your voice, but after a few seconds of silence on his end you wondered if he heard you at all. “Denki? Door’s unlocked, and Hanta and Jirou are downstairs, probably getting high or something if they’ve been gone for this long, and knowing them they-” but your long list of reasons was cut off by the shower curtain being pulled back by a hand you knew a little too well.
Kaminari exhaled deeply while he took in your figure. It wasn’t often he saw this, at least from you, he desperately wanted to remember every inch but you were quick to grab his wrist and edge his body in further. He fumbled forward but eventually found his balance in the shower. Now the experience became completely immersive. Your lips were pursed in a crooked grin before you handed Kaminari a soapy loofah and turned around. “I was wondering if you could scrub my back. There’s a spot I can never reach.” The words slipped off your tongue so easily and so carelessly. It’s like you had rehearsed this. Kaminari was certain his cheeks were glowing scarlet at this point. Your hand scooped your hair and brought it over your shoulder to give him full access to your spine and others. You swear you heard him gulp.
Sure, you two had been somewhat intimate, but this was intimate. The kind that you had never shared before, the kind you thought you weren’t supposed to share.
The loofah scrubbed at your skin with Kaminari’s fingers seasoning the feeling. This was only the second time you’d ever felt such a focused presence like this emit from him. (The first time was when you watched him try to tune his guitar by ear.) Your awareness kicked back in once you realized the motion of his hand had slowed to a stop and pulled away. 
Turning over your shoulder to give him a shit-eating smile he would deny that he loved, you certainly didn’t expect to be practically nose-to-nose with him and his water-freckled face. Your eyes shot open and he peered into you, now taking in the proximity of your bodies. You were both compromised, and that was all it took. His pupils blew up like fireworks at the sight of you this close and you could tell in his shifts in positions that he was itching for something. Maybe it was a touch or a sign–you weren’t completely sure–but you placed your hand over his. You guided his right hand to the spot just above your hip that you knew he was used to resting in. Your eyes never left his, and his hands eventually realized their true spot on your love handles, holding to your sides, saying “I’ve got you,” in the only way he could say at that moment. 
It wasn’t long before the rest of him melted into you. As quickly as you inhaled from the contact, Kaminari exhaled hotly into the junction between your neck shoulder before leaving a tender kiss on the protruding muscle cause by your turned head. You couldn’t help but giddily smile and bite your lip to yourself, hoping he couldn’t see your excitement. He continued leaving kisses along you neck and collarbone until you turned to face him, forcing Kaminari to pull back, but his hands still clung to your sides. You could tell he was drunk on you and couldn’t help but hold your grin. Kaminari chuckled and crouched over so his forehead tapped yours.
Your fingers traced his lips that dared to press into yours. “Today was perfect,” you let out.
“What is it, baby?” he asked, a smile pulling on his lips. Your giddiness was starting to infect him.
“Just thinking about how perfect today was for us, like specifically us.”
“For us?”
“Yup. For you and me,” you unnecessarily clarified. His hands ran up your sides while he eyed your body under his touch. You grabbed his face, though, and forced his eyes to you. “Us, okay?”
And in the most sincerest way possible, he smiled at you, content with the pronoun used to describe you two. The shower felt impossibly warmer as the steam was starting to come into play, fogging up any actions that followed. Of course you’d blame them on the steam and he’d blame it on those damn eyes that were impossible to say no to. You were both painfully in denial and dancing with devils. 
It wasn’t long before he had your back pressed into the damp tile walls, his lips ravaging yours. Your hands grasped on his blond locks like you would fall without his soft hair between your fingers. It’s not like he was any better though, his fingers pressing into your love handles, holding for dear life. You were both so scared the other would slip between your fingers if you didn’t hold on tight enough. You were both blind to see how dependent you were on each other. Being friends for so long does that to people.
The primal kissing eventually slowed down, allowing oxygen to reach your brain. Your slowly trailed one hand down from Kaminari’s hair, exploring his shoulder to his forearm before finding his half-erect dick. You fingers delicately glided up the underside of his shaft (this was your way of letting Kaminari know he was about to have the best handjob of his life), before you started pumping up and down, your thumb occasionally swiping over his tip. 
You knew exactly what Kaminari was feeling at the moment it happened. The way his shoulders would flinch whenever he repressed a god-awful, bottom-like moan to avoid your teasing. The way his lips became tender and sensual on yours as he tried to exhibit some form of self-control. The soft groans and pursing eyebrows you never missed from him. Kaminari came up for air. You knew he was close by the way he hid in face in the junction of your neck and shoulder and the sweet little chokes and moans he couldn’t keep bottled up anymore.
Your hand worked faster, up and down, bringing Kaminari to his high that was so close, so so close. He was ready to beg for it when he felt your hand abruptly pull away, but the reason for it became known.
“Babe? Are you still in there?” Sero volumed into the door.
It should have come to no surprise that your boyfriend had been gone for long enough to expect his arrival at any given moment, but in your dreamy state with Kaminari, it seemed that both of you had lost track of time. You both had become unaware of the the unnerving beep of a hotel key sensor that would have yanked anyone back to the ground zero of reality.
Kaminari’s eyes widened at his voice. That pit of guilt he always tried to ignore built in his stomach. You should’ve been more cautious. You should have recognized the lazy steps of Sero Hanta come in. 
“Babe?” He repeated. Kaminari pitifully tried to pull away, but you were quick to make your palm and grip the only thing he should care about again. 
“U-uh, ya. ‘M not done yet, though,” you responded over the water’s rhythm. Sero shrugged it off, mumbling something about how you’re weird for taking such long showers.
Your hand was starting to find it’s pace again, stroking Kaminari up and down and up and down. You bit your lip, trying to desperately forget the world outside.
“What are you...-fUck!” Kaminari gasped, trying to think rationally about the situation you were putting him in. 
“You really thought I was gonna let you off that easy?” You words would smirk if they could. “Just keep quiet. Everything’s gonna be fine,” you whisper into his ear. Despite the steaming water, he shivers from a multitude of things. Your voice, your touch, the absolutely horrifying fact that your boyfriend was waiting for you just outside this bathroom door and yet you were so adamant on helping Kaminari get off with your hand. You were practically a monster.
He absolutely loved it.
It was that extra squeeze you added just for him that sent him into a pleasure-filled spiral. His hips pitifully fucked into your grip a few times and his hands squeezed you with such a raw grasp, it took everything in you to not tease him about it. His whimpers and moans vibrated to your collarbone and eventually, his small thrusts came to a stop and it seemed that he remembered how to breath again. It was shaky, but breathing nonetheless. A soft and stuttered fuck instinctively rolled from his lips before he lazily lifted his head from your shoulder. Kaminari’s hair was now shaggy and damp, casting over his ore eyes. He looked down and noticed the cummy mess all over your hand and stomach. He could only smirk before meeting your confident eyes. 
“Y’know, I would offer to clean it all up for you, but uh, your boyfriend has us on a bit of a time crunch so you’ll just have to settle for the hand,” Kaminari snarked before grabbing your wrist and bringing your white-covered hand to his face. He tried his best to keep eye contact with you while lapping all his cum from your fingers and between. You were amazed at how he was somehow cocky as ever, though he was probably just annoyed that despite any common sense, you “forced” him to pathetically cum all over you. 
You had almost gotten lost watching him clean himself from your palms, but his soft and swollen lips finding yours again crashed a wave of reality into you again. Your melted into this one, tasting the lingering saltiness of his seed until the taste vanished and all that was left was him. Well, almost all that was left. You sighed when he pulled away, your head now averted in shame.
You needed and escape plan and fast.
It took a minute of contemplation, but eventually your were slipping out the bathroom, the water now turned off and steam seeping out door by your sides as is you were an angel, at least, that’s how Sero saw it when he noticed you finally coming out of your cave.
His head had perked up from his mindless scrolling to notice you. His view followed you all the way to your bag of clothes. You rummaged in it for a bit before turning around and meeting Sero’s gaze. You smirked at him. “What?” You knew exactly what you were doing.
“Nothing, you just...” Sero’s hue changed a bit while he tried to find words. Like a fox, you approached the prey that was you boyfriend.
“ ’I just...’ what?” You mocked him and you swear his cheeks turned every color of the rainbow just from the sound of your voice. Sero gulped as he resisted the urge to look you up and down like you were his last meal. You bit your lip before straddling yourself on top of him. This was too easy.
You licked your lips while your hands glided down from his stomach to the rim of his pants. So much tension and no semblance of a conversation. It was like you could read each others minds. Your fingers started tugging his pants down while he watched in anticipation. Neither of you had even noticed Kaminari slip out the bathroom and to the entrance door.
Then the heavy protective door fell shut. The click of the latch caused Sero to whip his head to the entrance of the room to see Kaminari fully clothed, accompanied by damp hair and a towel over his neck.
“S-shit,” Sero cussed. He shoved your hands away from his shaft and adjusted his pants. This was the moment you realized Kaminari's secret talent of acting. There was not a single care on his face until he saw the two of you. His hand’s gripped the towel that was around his shoulders while he shot the both of you a confused and then almost disgusted look upon realization. 
“Were you guys about to- on MY bed!?” His tone perfectly reflected that sort of morbid disgust one would feel when catching their best friends trying to fuck. You weren’t sure how he pulled it off.
Sero sat up and cleared his throat before you slid off him and went back to your bag, looking for clothes. 
“Were were you,” Sero managed to choke out, trying to relieve the awkward aroma he was imagining, though he did find it a bit unsettling how okay you seemed with Kaminari seeing you with nothing but a thing hotel towel to keep you decent.
“Got bored of waiting,” Kaminari shrugged before pulling his towel off his shoulders and setting it on a table. “I ended up just showering in Bakugo’s room since the dude takes showers like a bullet. I think he might actually qualify to be in the Guinness Book of World Records or something, it’s actually insane.” Sero just smiled at the useless knowledge Kaminari had bestowed on him, knowing how much he could ramble on about anything and nothing.
Like it was a character cue, that stupid, sullen, keycard click for the hotel door clicked and in came a new opponent.
As quickly as Jirou came in, you had retreated back into the bathroom where you changed into some clothes. You may have also sought sanctuary in there to avoid Jirou’s habit, since you knew the first thing she would do after entering the room was plant a soft kiss on Kaminari’s cheek. It was only logical that she show affection to her partner. They would have it no other way, of course. It was a habit between them that you knew too well, perhaps it was even a habit that had driven you to even consider dating Sero.
It was only about a minute before you came out of the bathroom this time, though Jirou’s perfect face was the first one you saw upon exiting, most likely because she was aching to finally shower and rid herself of the tides messy short-comings. You flashed her a friendly smile before saying “it’s all yours” and walking past her to get to Sero who was still laying on the bed. You tapped his lovelessly knee to grab his attention. 
“We’re going for dinner soon so you should probably shower in Bakugo and Kiri’s room,” you suggested. He could feel the shallowness in your suggestion, but obeyed regardless since he knew Ashido would have his head if he was late to her dinner reservation. Sero ruffled the top of your head before grabbing his change off clothes and dragging his feet to their friends’ room.
Finally, the click of that latch felt appealing. You exalted and flopped onto the mattress. The screaming of the distantly running shower drowned out your mind. “Okay,” Kaminari shoved your body over a bit. “Scoot over. You’re not the only shitty human being here.” He plopped down next to you, exhaustion consuming his entire being. You were curious how no one had noticed his flushed post-sex glow. “Hm?” He could tell something was on your mind when your staring didn’t falter.
You sighed and said the most painful thing you could’ve. It was now that your staring would falter, now taking interest in the ceiling.
“I think love you.”
Kaminari blew air. It was a lot to say and a lot to hear, but it only took him a moment to process.
“I... think I love you too,” he cringed a bit. You could tell. Not because there was anything wrong with loving you, but because he really shouldn’t love you.
You thought you were gonna vomit. You were both sick.
“This is so fucked.”
Bathing yourself was pointless. You were still dirty after showering. That tar was forever stuck to your legs. 
The beach was messy.
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. i - frustration
hybrid!san × human!reader
buy me coffee ?
everyone wants to belong, it's basic human need to connect with people around them. what happens when you're responsible for someone who belongs to two worlds but at the same time belongs to neither ? worst part is, what happens when it's your ex ?
As soon as San got home, he immediately chucked his shoes aside, not even caring if the leather's scuffed or if his soles scuff his floor. That's the housekeeper's business.
It wasn't unusual for him to get angry, especially after dinner with his parents. Well, anger is an overstatement. Maybe it was frustration? Discomfort? Whatever it was, he doesn't really know why some words that his parents used irked him so much so that he managed to bend a spoon with only his sheer distaste. His friends weren't much help either what with mocking his lack of sex life.
San poured himself a glass of scotch that he got after his dad signed a deal with a Canadian logistics company. He didn't know when he adopted the habit of drinking whiskey but he knew for sure he didn't do it because he wanted to. Drinking it makes him feel like he's 50, the fact that his dad even said that whiskey symbolizes wealth, success, status, all things every 50 year old man San knew has. The taste burn his throat but at least he could still feel something other than annoyance. The burn felt good.It had been so long since San felt things that he actually wanted to feel. Happiness, pain, anguish, disdain, distaste, doubt, and even pleasure.
Pleasure. How long has it been since he felt pleasure?
He could just imagine how his friends mocked him for "not getting his dick wet in a long while". It's not his fault that the heat suppressants killed his libido. But he was still able to have sex if he wants to. He was sure. He was... positive. Right?
San placed the glass on his nightstand as he pulled his tie off. Then his blazer, shirt, and suit pants came off, he left them to pool on his cold wooden floor. He stood there in the darkness of his room, buck naked, not knowing what to do first. It had been a while since the darkness became his friend, he found solace in the idea of nothingness and complete tranquil in silence. in it, no one can tell San what to do, what to take, ask him how he was feeling in the influence of drugs. But that never happened in the darkness, and he liked it.
His legs soon moved and he soon found himself under the shower head, letting the cold water hit him. Initially he wanted to take a hot shower but as soon as he high temperature enveloped him, he felt suffocated, his skin felt uncomfortable so he switched to cold water instead.
With closed eyes, he began lathering himself up with his hand and loofah. His neck craned, face facing the shower head on his bathroom wall, letting the water trickle down his face, freshening him up. Soon enough, he felt the temperature difference between the water and his hand and his brain started turning. He imagined it wasn't himself touching his own body, the hand that has now traveled down to his crotch wasn't his. Somehow he was able to concoct an image in his head of a woman touching him, the familiar touch indicated that he knew the person touching him well.
Soon enough, San found himself stroking his full rigid length. His head thrown forward, ducking as the hand that was initially holding onto his loofah had now abandoned the flimsy thing on the floor, swaying around to the current brough by the dripping water. With eyebrows furrowed and fist holding tighter onto his dick, he began chasing his climax with the help of the images conjured by his head. To help him add to his pleasure, his brain imagined a woman, San couldn't see her clearly as his brain was balancing between being clouded by lust and trying to urge his release. All he know was that he felt like he knew who she was, she felt so familiar, her skin glistened so beautifully and the way his brain imagined her being the one touching him, he was sure she had experience with him. As his hand picked up its speed. the image became more vivid in his head, he could even imagine the sounds she was making; moaning at how hard he was, how warm his cock was in his hand, how much she wanted him to cum in her hands, have his mess on her hands so she could clean it up for him. San let out a stuttered exhale, he was about to bust, he knew it. The girl in his head suddenly repositioned so she was kneeling in front of him, head looking straight at his dick while making the most pornographic whines, making it seem like she was hungry for his dick. That was it, San was so close, he could feel how his balls tensed up and his girth twitching in his hand, leaking more precum by the minute. It wouldn't take him much to cum now.
But the unexpected came instead.
When the girl in his head turned to look up at him, he was surprised that he saw your face instead. The face he hadn't seen personally in years. The image surprised him so much that he opened his eyes and he let go of his cock. San was frozen for a bit, not sure as to why he imagined you in the first place. It was a complete shock to him, he couldn't imagine why his brain would thought of you whilst masturbating.
Once he came back to his senses, San looked down and saw that he was losing boner fast. He was determined to reach his climax, cum, whatever you can call it, he wants it. But as he refocused in trying to bring back rigidness to his dick that's turning flacid, he couldn't help but kept thinking about you. His cock twitching as an indication at how he appreciate the thought of you. But San didn't want that, San didn't want to be thinking of you as he masturbate. So instead of trying to make himself cum, he was instead actively trying to not think about you whilst the movements on his cock never stopped.
"Fuck, come on," he groaned to himself as he tried hard to revive his erection. At this point it was no longer about him wanting to cum but trying to prove something to no one but himself and he hated it. With scrunched up expression and a grip that turned his knuckles white, San soon felt stupid. He felt childish for wanting to chase his climax so bad and it didn't take long for him to let go of his dick and slump on the cold bathroom wall with the water still raining down on him.
Emptiness echoed within him and his only companion was the leftover euphoria from his could-be climax, the mocking sensation of what he could achieve had he not thought of you. Why did he thought of you whilst trying to pleasure himself anyways? Why you?
Thoughts he didn't want floating around, clouding him, began flooding his head. It had been a while since he had thought of you, your whereabouts and even how you were doing as he stalked your social media. Usually, he did it from sheer curiosity but never because he longed for you. Romantically or sexually. Those thoughts remain in the past, where he intended to leave alone until maybe his deathbed.
With a chill that ran up his spine, San decided that it was stupid trying to make sense of things with his bare ass on the floor with the water running down on him like some heartbroken sad bitch in a chick-flick. Maybe he will never try to make sense of why his brain recalled you as he was gripping his dick because he felt that he wouldn't want to face the truth. Or you know, he didn't want to start thinking more and more about you.
So he turned off the water angrily, eyes glaring at the floor as his chest still heave but more steady than before. With a last disappointed sharp exhale of his breath, he left the shower to return to the cold darkness of his room.
Filled with frustration once again.
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greatestrival · 1 month
max/daniel. e-rated (sex between daniel/ofc). angst. hurt no comfort. short drabble, 495 words. yearning
Objectively, it’s good sex. Daniel doesn’t need to be a genius that what he just had was good sex. The girl was hot. She was into him (they usually all are). He was into her. He ate her out and she sucked his dick and he made her cum twice. But it was fucking horrible. 
Daniel knows what good sex feels like. He’s been having good sex for more than a decade already. Good sex isn’t supposed to make you feel like this. Good sex doesn’t leave you feeling empty and makes you remember your ex-sort-of-current teammate and the blue in his eyes, the beauty mark on his lip, the pale skin of his thighs—well. It’s not supposed to make him feel that way. 
When Daniel was pumping his cock in and out of the girl the only thing that he could think about was when he and Max were doing their workouts together and Max were making those noises that Daniel jacked off to for two months straight and felt like an absolute fucking freak over. He’s over thirty, he shouldn’t be ashamed of liking men anymore. The girl was so fucking wet and the noises that she made should have been illegal, but Daniel could only think about Max’s pink fucking lips and how much he would sweat whenever he got out of the car. How Daniel had to physically stop himself every time to not lick it up and sniff Max’s armpits like a dog that hasn’t been neutered. 
The girl left already, at least Daniel had the courtesy to at least call her a cab from the hotel telephone. There’s nothing to prove that Daniel even had sex other than the tied up used condom in the basket underneath the table. He’s still butt fucking naked, cock limp and useless on his stomach. There’s the faint smell of smoke and whiskey that's stuck to his shirt on the bed, the girl and him not even waiting to take all their clothes up before they started sucking on each other’s tongues like they’re some sort of fucking animals. 
Daniel groans. 
He stands up and walks to the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. He knows he’s hot fucking shit and that he’s still got it, receding hairline or not. There aren’t any marks anywhere on his body, nor did Daniel leave any on the girl’s. They both know how to be discreet. 
Daniel scratches the stubble on his chin, walks to the shower to turn it on until it’s hot enough that Daniel can imagine the girl’s sweat vaporising alongside the steam fogging up the shower walls. He thinks about Max and what he must be doing right now. Probably something stupid like streaming with his iRacing buddies. Making jokes that Daniel won’t get and laughing at things Daniel won’t ever understand. Living a life that Daniel could’ve been a part of. 
He grabs a loofah and starts to wash his body. 
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retronamic · 2 years
Arcane Women's (Special) Love Languages
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By "special" I mean outside the general love languages like physical touch or gift giving
Tw: Sevika testing your faith
Gender Neutral! Reader
Г Vi |
- Vi is in general just a loving partner. They love everything about you, and absolutely can't get enough of you. You tell her multiple times that she reminds you of a lil puppy dog- I mean you're not far off. Just like a puppy, she loves cuddles, attention and biting...yup....biting.
- Later down in your relationship, you notice Vi started nipping at you every now and then. Like just out of the blue. Doing dishes? Expect her to sneak a chomp of your shoulder. Lying down watching tv? Boom! She bit your tummy. One time she snuck into the bathroom while you were showering a bit your butt. Let's just say she got a face full of loofah that day.
- You don't know why she does it honestly. I mean at first it was kinda annoying buttttt you got use to it since, one, she never bites to hurt you and if she does, she releases an avalanche of kisses on you to make for it (it always does work). And two, you find it kinda fun ngl.
- It's especially fun when you catch Vi trying to sneak up on you, and it turns into a chase around the house. "AAAahha Viiiii- Bad Vi hahahaha. Someone helpppaahahhaa *gasp* Put me downnnahaha-" You put up a good fight soldier, but be real you never stood a chance.
- And sometimes out of the blue, you like to return the favor. On rare occasions, you bite her back. Like that one time you bit her back on the neck andddddd....things ended quite differently than you expected ;)
Г Sevika |
- If there's one thing Sevika lovesss is fucking with people. Like sure, alcohol, sex and cigarettes are cool butttt have you truly felt all the joys of life if you haven't purposefully messed with someone.
- Sevika likes to mess with you in numerous ways, she doesn't do it to piss you off, she knowssss not to cross that line. More or less, she does it to watch you get either confused or to poke the bear a bit but not wake it up, yk?
- Sometimes she would ask the dumbest questions, obviously she knows the answer to but she just can't get enough of the "Wtf did you just ask?" face you make when she does. "Hey baby, don't you think it's dumb that countries go broke. Like if you're a nation with your own currency...just make more and boom problem solved. Like what do you meannnn you're broke?" .... Just hearing her say that, you started to question whether should have flirted back the day you met, cause whoooo the fu-
- "Well I meannnn inflatation isss a thing Sev, and nooo it's not as simple as print more mone-" "Well...inflatation is dumb" That's it. You spent the next thirty minutes explaining to her the concept of inflalation and shit and it wasn't until she cracked and chuckled a bit, you realized she was fuckin with you the whole time.
- "Wowwww Sev, ugh you're so annoying, you know that? No no no kisses, you made me spend at least a god damn hour explaining this shi- *Mwah* Go awayyyy ahhahaha" It's so hard for you to stay mad at this woman.
Г Grayson |
- Grayson does have some of the general love languages has her dominant ones like physical touch ansd acts of service. But there is one odd thing she does for people she especially loves- nicknames.
- Yup, nicknames. You never pegged her as the type since in general she is a serious, by the book person, so you were kinda taken aback when she called up her "little dandelion" like ma'am what did you do to deserve thatttt (imagine her voice saying that....imma fold in two on the spot)
- She gives you different ones every now and then, she likes to spice it up every now and then. And she normally comes up with them according to your mood or what your wearing. "Little snap dragon" when your mad or annoyed, or "Rosebud" when your in something red, or "Dew drop" when you need some cheering up. (I'm pulling out all the cheesy ones)
- You sometimes give her some nicknames too, as a way to reciprocate the gesture...but yours need some work. Let's us say call her "Pookie Butt" is something she's never gonna let you live down.
Г Ambessa |
- Ambessa isn't an overly affectionate person, in terms of cuddling and being touchy. Though she loves being close to you and having you near, she's not one to snuggle up to you so easily. But overtime you both found a way for you two to be touchy without making Ambessa unconfortable... play fighting.
- Tell me, no TELL ME that this woman wouldn't pick you up and pretend like this is the WWE... I'll wait.
- Now when she does this, she is veryyyy mindful of the size and strength difference, she knows that she can easily break your spine if she isn't careful, you find that both terrifying and exciting.
- Most of the time, you intiate the play fights, normally ends with you fake begging for mercy as you're thrown over shoulder and she walks over to the bed to drop you on it to do her "finishing move". The weight crusher.
- This is where she just plops on you, which throws both of you into a giggling fit as you try to worm your way out while swearing revenge.
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Sevika prompt brought to you by my dumb ass friend @slendy-io4. And yes I think inflatation is dumb
And no I didn't proofread cuz I'm lazy asf. Enjoyyyy my lovelies!!!!!
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davinaswrittendiary · 7 months
Different forms of self care
Emotional and physical self care go hand in hand. When your body feels good your emotions tend to feel better. When your emotions are met your body is more than likely being taken care of and well rested. There are multiple ways to care for yourself but the overall it’s about making sure your needs are met.
If you aren’t sure what you need I recommend closing your eyes and just sitting in silence as you pay attention to your mind and body.
1. Make sure you’re sleeping enough. I recommend sleeping more than 6 hours if you can. I try to go to sleep by at least 9 at the latest. Personally I do better when I wake up early as I’m more productive and can do more with my day and take care of myself easier. I’ve been trying to go to sleep at 8pm and wake up at 6am so I get 10 hours of rest.
2. Make sure you’re eating right and well hydrated. Most of the time when we don’t feel well, whether it’s being dizzy, having a headache or some other problem it’s because we need food or water. Drink water whenever you feel thirsty and if you have problems with being aware of when you need water I recommend setting a timer to remind you to drink water. It’s also easier if you have a water bottle or glass of water near you at all times. Now you don’t HAVE to eat healthy. You can still eat junk food if you want but I mainly recommend paying attention to how you FEEL after eating something. If you feel gross or your body seems to reject the food then I wouldn’t eat that thing again. For example you might eat a lot of cookies but always have a stomachache after and it’s because it’s just not right for your body.
3. Exercise is so important. And it’s understandable if you don’t enjoy it but find some form of movement that you like! You could swim, dance, go on a walk or go to the gym if that’s what you enjoy! But make sure not to push your body too much. If you begin feeling really exhausted or thirsty make sure to tend to that.
4. Hygiene is also really important. Make sure you’re brushing your teeth. If you don’t do it in the morning you should prioritize brushing after eating dinner. If you don’t brush your teeth after dinner you’ll wake up with a gross feeling mouth because of bacteria. If you struggle with gross breath make sure you’re brushing your tongue! Try and get as much of that white stuff off! I don’t personally floss but it’s definitely important and I’m trying to get back into it lol. Mouthwash is great! And I’ve heard a lot of good stuff about oil pulling but I haven’t tried it yet!
Showers are also very important to your hygiene. Make sure you’re using the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type! And please do research on the shampoo you’re buying as a lot of cheap shampoo is actually really bad for your hair. Same goes for body wash, make sure you’re using the right stuff for your skin type and something that actually makes you feel clean. You should ALWAYS have an antibacterial soap or body wash, NOT scented. If you’re female you can use it to wash up downstairs but DON’T put it up there, your 😺 is naturally self cleaning but you can wash the skin around it. Then after using an antibacterial soap or body wash you could have a scented soap or body wash! You need to actually be clean before adding scent to your body. Make sure not to wash downstairs with anything scented! Also please make sure you’re washing your legs and feet. I know some people think it’s not necessary but it is. Don’t wash with just your hands as that isn’t deep enough. You could use a washcloth, loofah, an African sponge net or something else, just make sure to wash it regularly or replace it regularly.
For skincare I definitely recommend seeing a doctor if you can! If you can’t then make little notes about your skin and do research about your skin type. You honestly don’t need to go all out and I heavily recommend using natural stuff instead of products that are chemicals. Korean skincare products seem to do a really good job so you could look into those! There’s so many different skincare routines but all you really need is cleanser, toner, moisturizer and SUNSCREEN. Also make sure you’re washing your face for at least 60 seconds because you need to actually work it into the skin for it to work. Also rose water toner is so good!
5. Do things that you enjoy doing. It could be as simple as watching a movie, getting your favorite food or drink, listening to music or it could be more in depth where you set aside a time to pamper yourself with skincare and a bath, you could take yourself on a date to your favorite place, take a class on your favorite hobby or just indulge in it at home. Doing things that you enjoy is very rewarding to your mind.
6. Try to stay off your phone and social media as much as possible. I know that there is currently a genocide happening in Palestine and my heart goes out to all those who are hurt. But the saying that you can’t help others until you help yourself is VERY true. If you’re in a bad mental state you can’t help other people who are struggling as well as you could if you were in a good state. Make time to care for yourself since you’re the only person in your life that will always be there. You’ve had yourself for your whole life. Taking care of yourself is not selfish especially when the world around you may not be what you want it to be. Once you’re in a good state you can help. Anyways my point is that staying off your phone and social media is super important because there’s a lot of dark things online. There’s also a lot of addicting things such as scrolling on socials. The best way to take care of yourself is to separate from it.
I hope this post helps those who need it <3 My masterlist
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ravenzeppeli · 2 months
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Chapter 22 - Time to Move on |Formaggio x Reader|
Warning: strong language, dark themes discussed, suicide mention, threats, sexual conversations. MA.
"I want you to think of my home as your home," Formaggio said as he pushed you into his bathroom, turning the lights on. "See? I got two toothbrushes here. One for you, and one for me." You felt his hand on your back, warm fingers running up and down your back.
You looked at the purple toothbrush next to his green one, and then your eyes drifted towards the various other products on the kitchen counter. He bought you shampoo, a conditioner, body wash, lotion, perfume, and a loofah.
"I'll do you one better," he added in, hand wrapping around your waist, his other hand shooting into his pocket, pulling out a key and handing it to you. "Move some stuff in. Come and go without asking me. What I'm saying is, this place is now your home just as well as it is mine."
Your eyes slightly widened. You did not expect Formaggio to open up his home to you. Was this some sort of trap? You took the key from his hand, making sure to use your right over your left, keeping your left hand at your side. At least your cast will be off soon. "Thank you." You put the key in your back pocket.
"I already have some of your underwear here," he muttered, a grin appearing on his face as he squeezed your side.
"So you're the one who's been taking my underwear," you replied, assuming it was automatically Melone. You didn't mind, considering that new pairs were always left. You laughed a little, turning towards him. You allowed yourself to hug him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
His hands immediately snaked around your waist, pulling you tightly into his chest. "Goddamnit, I really missed you. If I promise never to break your fingers again, will you forgive me?" His hands moved around, running all up and down your back.
"I mean, yeah, fuck," you replied a little sarcastically. "You're not supposed to break my fingers. You're my boyfriend."
"Y/N, come sit with me, princess. I want to open up to you a little bit," he muttered, his arms staying securely wrapped around your waist as he walked over to his small loveseat that was in his room. He sat down, sitting you down closely next to him, his arms still managing to stay around your waist. "I'm gonna tell you something that I've never told anyone."
You turned towards him, your eyes landing on his gentle but serious expression. Formaggio was laid back. You've only ever seen him mad that one night. Other than that, he's not that bad of a guy. He wasn't strict like Prosciutto or aggressive like Illuso, despite what he did to you. Your plan to get them to break up with you.. that might be a bad plan anyway. It could backfire and get you hurt or killed.
"I'll just come out and tell you. When I was seven, I found my mom in her bathtub. Her wrists were slit and blood was everywhere." His face was serious as he told you this, his grip around you tightening. "She left me and my older sister all alone. A few years later, my sister cracked and did the same thing. I found her too. Same position, same bathtub."
You felt your entire body freeze up, your heart feeling tight. What Formaggio told you.. it was such a horrible thing for a child to have to witness. You weren't going to excuse what he did to you, but for the sake of keeping La Squadra drama free, you would just go ahead and forgive Formaggio as well as Illuso and Prosciutto. This situation was stressful and needed to just be forever forgotten. It's bringing up traumatic memories for Formaggio. You just.. had to move on.
Your right hand immediately found Formaggios knee. "I'm sorry I made you.. relive that experience." You gave his knee a gentle squeeze, noticing that he was staring at your cast.
"I shouldn't have broken your fingers, I know how badly that must have hurt. It won't happen again." He leaned towards you, placing a kiss on your forehead. "You okay? I know I shouldn't have left you in that closet either. That was all pretty fucked up. My bad, I mean it."
You doubted that he would ever actually say sorry, and you doubted anymore that he actually felt remorse for what he did. Still, you had to let this slide for your own sanity.
"We don't need to bring it up anymore," you spoke quickly, ready to just be done with it. "Let's just move on and never mention that day ever again."
"I'm sorry I paid random girls to suck my cock off," he said, your eyebrows instantly raising. How was he sorry about this but not breaking your fingers? "After I got with you, those girls stopped making me cum. I only did it seven times after I got with you, and I think Illusos got the same number. I used condoms every time. I'm sorry I technically cheated."
You shrugged. It was annoying that Formaggio and Illuso cheated, but you didn't much care, considering you didn't love them or very much like them. You just wanted Melone away from that place. "Do what you want. Just leave Melone out of it."
"I want to be loyal to you. You're my girl, my forever girl." He smirked at you, his eyes tracing your body up and down. "You're aware that this is forever, right? You're tied to us for life."
"I'm aware," you replied, face blushing slightly when he pulled up your right sleeve, revealing your shoulder. Your head turned, eyes staring down at the tattoo on your shoulders, reading 'La Squadra', a tattoo each member has. "It didn't hurt." It hurt like hell.
"I'm glad you're aware, so I'm going to be your actual boyfriend now. I'm in this shit, and don't worry, princess, I'm going to love you," he said, causing you to quickly turn away, taken aback by the sudden mention of love. "Yeah, you heard that right. I'm going to fall in love with you. Hell, it's already happening. And once I love you, I'll never stop." His voice sounded rather threatening, despite how sweet his words are. He pulled your sleeve back down, covering your tattoo back up.
"Oh." You did not like that. He was falling in love with you? Hell no. You would not allow yourself to fall in love with Formaggio, the finger breaker.
"I'm a good man, I just snapped that night. I'm not going to go around actively slapping you when we get into arguments, and I never even slapped you around once. It was just a snap." He pressed his forehead against the side of your head, hot breath tickling your ear. "If you forgive me, I'll let you do whatever you want. Like, I'm not strict. I don't have any rules. Just don't fucking self harm and discuss your issues with me personally with me only. I'll cover for you."
What he said got your attention, your head raising. "What do you mean by that?" Your other boyfriends were extremely strict and overprotective. It sometimes stressed you out. You also missed the freedom and friends that you used to have. Now you only have them and a life filled with rules. Yes, it was to keep you safe, but you didn't need to live a heavily guarded life. You wanted freedom.
"Prosciutto doesn't let you wear certain things, and Ghiaccio doesn't let you go out at night. Not to mention how insane Melone is about you. You're watched heavily, princess. We even know what you search online. Who you text." He kissed your ear, nipping at your earlobe. "I trust you. I know you won't cheat or do something crazy. I'll give you complete freedom. I'll even cover for you when you break one of the other men's rules and you wanna lie."
"Really?" You questioned, it sounding almost too good to be true. What was the catch here?
"I'll have your back even when you're wrong. Just hang out with me a little more. Give me more of your time," he muttered, his voice soft and sweet. "I want you to spend the night with me more. At least three to four times a month, I want you to myself. Spread that time out or don't, I just want you more. Especially since I'm loyal now."
It sounded like a good deal, a really good deal. You could give him more of your time and attention, and having Formaggio always back you up could come in handy in the future. "Okay. That sounds good."
"I'll break your face if you cheat on me, thought princess, so watch yourself. I don't want any man sticking their dick in you or seeing your body," he muttered, his threat sending chills down your spine. "That's all I care about. Don't fuck around on me, since I'm not fucking around on you. Other than that, do whatever you want when you're here."
You nodded, "Okay, Formaggio." You weren't going to make a comment back at his threat, knowing damn well you shouldn't be cheating regardless. Melone would.. you don't even wanna know what Melone would do. Speaking of Melone. "I swore on my life to Melone that my fingers were an accident. He can never find out the truth, under and circumstance. So always keep that in mind."
He sat back on the loveseat, his hand falling to rest on your thigh. "You're scared of Melone a little, aren't you?" He smirked a little, causing you to glare. "Aw, lighten up. We're all a little scared of Melone."
"Why?" You questioned, turning your body to face him. "He told me that he killed a lot of women. How bad were his crimes before he joined the mafia?"
He shook his head, patting your thigh. "Don't ask me mafia related questions about the other men."
"Can I ask questions about you?" You questioned, him immediately nodding his head. "Why did you join the mafia?" You were curious about the men, wanting to get know them better, considering you were building a life with them. Are you allowed to ask these things?
"My dad and uncles," he replied, shrugging his shoulders. "They dragged me in. I tried working straight, but I always found that shit boring. So, I started below and worked my way up."
You listened closely, his green eyes never leaving your face as he spoke to you. "Do you like killing people?"
"I have my fun at times, but I only care about the business aspect. I only kill if I'm being paid, too, or if I'm defending myself or the team." He suddenly squeezed your thigh. "What about you? Do you like to kill?"
You looked down, face slightly heating up at the question. Admitting that killing men sometimes brought you joy may be.. overstepping. You could admit these things to Melone, but maybe not Formaggio.
"I figured you did," he replied, causing you to instantly snap your head back towards him. "Aw, it's okay. I'm not going to judge you, I know you ain't ever gonna do shit to me. You aren't going to hurt any of us."
"I wouldn't, but how are you so confident?" You questioned, hoping that question didn't cross a line.
He smirked. "You love Melone, and I think you might love Pesci. You aren't going to do anything to hurt them. You care about us, and you're just as fucked up and twisted as us princess." He laughed, letting out a deep, slightly taunting laugh. "You're so cute, you know that?"
You rolled your eyes at him, not knowing how he could possibly know that you loved Pesci. Maybe Pesci was telling the other men. Well, you didn't mind. He could tell anyone he wanted. It was the truth, and you weren't going to deny it if asked.
"You're cute," you replied back, crossing your arms over your chest.
His hand slowly rose up your thigh, his smirk turning into a grin. "Why don't you lay back and relax? Let me show you how sorry I am. I really am itching you suck on your clit. It's been on my mind for a long ass time."
You blinked a few times, letting out a shocked laugh at the sudden change of direction. "Fuck, really?"
He grabbed your shoulders, gently pushing you down on the loveseat and climbing on top of you. "Princess, I love eating you out. It's my favorite sport. I tell everyone how good I am at eating your pussy."
You would never admit this to him, but he did do a great job at eating you out. He was better than even Melone, who was the only other one of your boyfriends who gave you head. The other men never offered, so you never asked. You already had Melone and Formaggio eating you really well. You didn't need to bother the others unless they offered.
"Quit telling your buddies about the sex we have," you told him, your arms wrapping around his waist as he began to kiss your neck. You felt yourself growing turned on. Fuck. "Okay, fine. Have your way with me, then. If you insist."
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
i was wondering if you had any advice on dealing with dysphoria? mines been getting worse lately, especially chest, and i feel shitty about things i never even used to. like specifically my face shape and like general way it looks, i literally never used to get any dysphoria about it and now its like happening kinda often. i have no idea why its happening and like no masc makeup or anything is really working. so yeah any advice you have would be awesome.
I'm going to be honest, it's perfectly normal to have these sorts of things happen, even if there's no "reason" or nothing seems to work. I want to preface with that because it's really important to realize that sometimes this happens, and it isn't your fault.
The things that might work for you may look different than what I or others do, too, and that is completely fine. Do whatever you find most beneficial. I'm not an expert and I the things I suggest have worked for me and a few others, but that by no means means that you have to do them.
Here are a few things I have done:
Covering mirrors, especially before showers
On the topic of showers, being sure to have a barrier (e.g. washcloth, loofah) between your hands and your body soap
Wearing clothes that are the least dysphoria-heavy or clothing that fits in ways that don't trigger more negative emotions (I found baggier clothing helps me both dysphoria-wise and in general)
Making sure all your emotions about this go somewhere, like a journal. Basically, have a place for you to process everything you feel. I've got old journals filled with entries that are just rambling about how I felt about being pre-transition. It didn't solve the issue, but it did give me an outlet where I could articulate exactly what I felt, so I wasn't as confused or lost by emotions I couldn't process through.
Finding healthy ways that invest in yourself, physically and mentally. I've found that when I am kept occupied with things that make me feel fulfilled, I am able to process through those negative feelings. It doesn't mean you run away from them, and you can certainly still feel dysphoric as hell after, and that is okay, but it means that you fill your life with a variety of experiences.
Surround yourself with a variety of different people and bodies. This one really helped me out personally, just because seeing other people who look just like me was really eye-opening and made me realize that I'm not uniquely less masc or whatever else
Don't discount how you feel. Give yourself as much space as you need to understand where you're coming from, and let yourself feel everything you are able. It's okay to feel a variety of emotions. They are neutral at worst.
This one is best done after you feel a bit better, but I've found learning about my dysphoria triggers really helped me understand how I was feeling and why I got in a bad spot. It's helpful to know exactly what can make symptoms worse or less manageable.
I hope I didn't overwhelm you with these points. Dysphoria fucking sucks sometimes, and I just want to offer you the knowledge that you aren't alone in your experiences. I hope something here may make you think about what works for you specifically. There isn't a universal answer to how dysphoria works in others, and I just want you to know that if you find something wildly different that helps, that is okay. I just hope you are safe and okay. My best regards go to you, I wish you peace. If anybody else wants to share some of their own tips, that would be lovely, too, because having multiple different ideas is a great thing.
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sunnywalnut · 2 months
Basic Hygiene Tips If No One Told You(aka. Hair Care 101):
Everything in this list is either derived from personal experience, trusted dermatologists on TikTok who's names allude me at the moment, or @Siiriparkss and @Theresavandamstylist's informational skits. I absolutely do recommend checking them out because they absolutely helped me a TON and are really funny creators who know MUCH more than I do!!
-lotion every time you take a shower/bath. It will help replenish the good oils that you just washed off as well as help prevent body acne/big break outs
-use a wash cloth. Your classic plastic Loofahs you find at the dollar store harbor bacteria like no other and are impossible to wash completely. If you still want something similar, go for an African net sponge/shower cloth!! They're the same thing, just easier to clean and manipulate.
-dry your hair with a t shirt instead of a towel. Towels are too coarse for some people's hair and can cause excessive frizz and/or breakage. But also I've noticed that my curl pattern actually suffers as well. T shirts are much more gentle.
-PLEASE FOR THE LIFE OF ME DO NOT SCRUB YOUR SCALP WITH YOUR NAILS. Yes I know it feels good. It feels great. But you're actually irritating all of your sensitive skin and then adding SOAP into the mix. Instead, use your fingertips. It's much more gentle and effective. If you feel like you're not getting a full clean doing that, feel free to use a comb to brush through and loosen the gunk on your scalp before hopping in the shower.
-people with curly hair: brush your hair wet. That is when it is the strongest and won't frizz out
-people with straight hair: brush your hair dry. That is when it is the strongest and won't break.
-for people with longer hair: please don't fold over your hair on itself and scrub. That can cause breakage and hair loss. Instead, just scrub your scalp and run your fingers through the rest to clean.
-conditioner goes on the ends of your hair, unless you have dry scalp. Then you can do conditioner from root to tip, massaging it down into your scalp. Or you can do hair oils after you get out. I prefer conditioner because it's heavier and doesn't drip all over but you do you. You can also get leave in conditioner that helps a lot.
-let your conditioner sit for AT LEAST 3 minutes in the shower!! This helps ensure that your hair soaks up all the oils that you just washed out of it.
-dry scalp is different than dandruff. Dry scalp is itchy and. Well. Dry. And has a bunch of white flakes that kinda go all over when you shake your head or comb your hair. Dandruff is stubborn trapped oils on your scalp that show up as kind of like yellowish scabs(gross, I know, but that's the only way I can think to describe it). Except when you scrape them off/pull them out with a comb they don't hurt and they probably weep some clear oil. It's completely fine!! I promise. However, the treatment for dandruff and dry scalp are very different. Dandruff treatment is removing oil by using special shampoos like Head and Shoulders and other brands. Dry scalp needs you to add oil (like stated above, you can do this by just doing conditioner from root to tip). If your scalp is itchier after using Head and Shoulders and other brands, you likely have dry scalp, not dandruff.
-some kinds of frizz can also be tamed with hair oil. My little sister used to struggle immensely with frizzy hair, despite not having curls. Sometimes all you need is the right serum/oil to smooth it out.
-waves and curls need to be scrunched in order to retain body and shape. You can use some sort of curl cream to also help with this. Just get a little bit(or a lotta bit, depending on your hair length), rub it between your hands and brush it through your hair with your fingers. Then scrunch and let air dry.
-only use a hair dryer until your hair is about 80-90% dry. Let it air dry the rest of the way. It saves your hair from unnecessary heat damage.
-brush your tongue and the insides of your cheeks. It's one of the main cause of bad breath and is actually really easy to fix.
-not exactly a hygiene thing, but eat before you take medicine unless specified. Especially pain medications. Tylenol, ibuprofen, and other prescribed medications can cause ulcers if in direct contact with your stomach lining, as well as losing efficacy over time because of this. Even if it's just a small snack like half a sandwich or a couple bites of a cheese stick. It'll help you still be able to take meds later on!
Everyone feel free to add your own!!
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dilfl0v3rss · 10 months
this is a continuation of my roommates not being shit😭:
they’re fucking nasty, there is hair everywhere in our bathroom (i brought shower shoes and my own shower caddy). they don’t wash with wash cloths (i had asked them last week where they put their wet wash cloths to know where a place we could all put them or somewhere & THEY LOOKED AT ME LIKE THEY DIDNT KNOW WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT). they leave me out of everything (they go literally everywhere together like damn can i at least get an invite??). & one of my roommates man damn near lives there 🙁
yes they’re 🖐🏻
i don’t want to seem rude but idk how to tell them they need to tighten up cause i’m not about to be nobody maid ☹️
they don’t use wash cloths? no rag? not even a loofah???? tf going on i thought everybody uses something to wash with not just HANDSSS????
nah you need to tell them to tighten tf up bc they need to realize it’s not just them there!!!!
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theswedishpajas · 1 year
We need more fics, in general, with a reader with some kind of Ichthyosis.
I need to be able to read a fic without being brought out of the immersion the moment someone takes a shower like it’s nothing.
Doesn’t need to be the super ultra ordeal that I go through bi-weekly of scrubbing myself red and then layering myself thickly with lotion and not doing anything for a good long while as to give it time to soak into my skin at least a little bit-
Just make reader use lotion more in general or mention using a loofah (or any other more thorough scrubbing tool)
Them walking around in an outfit they don’t care about getting stained from getting oiled up for a while before showering/bathing would be a nice addition but also like, more on the tedious side-
Idk I just…
Every time I read a self-insert fic and reader takes a quick shower before something and then immediately gets dressed and do whatever, it just… that’s not how it WORKS for me?
It would just be nice to see something I can relate to, you know?
You’d think there’d be more content like this out there considering, at least what I have, isn’t super uncommon (1/100 people have it last time I checked) but I guess not.
Maybe there are some that exist if you search the right tags for it or something but you’d think you’d be able to see some in the wild too 😔
Of course this goes out for people with other skin disorders too but each of them are treated very differently and I only have experience with Ichthyosis Vulgaris so that’s what I’m focusing on.
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nhidalgo9 · 1 year
June 15th Kyoto national Museum+ Kyoto Imperial Palace
Before I got started on this blog I just wanted to say a quick hello to all those reading the blog either on the trip or back at home. Hope you’re all doing well as you read this and hope you enjoy it. For this morning’s breakfast I ended up being the first one to wake up and shower between Raj and I so I headed to 7-11 to get breakfast, it's a damn shame they do not give us Japanese breakfast (like the artist) anymore the western breakfast that came to replace is much worse, at least in my opinion. Today is Sam’s or Joe Cool’s bday which means we will probably head to karaoke to celebrate him as one group. For the academic excursions today we headed to Kyoto’s national museum which I thought was better than Tokyo’s but I understand that saying that is a hot take. As you walk into the dimly lit, mysterious, and aesthetic room you are greeted with giant stone statues standing at almost 20 feet tall which represent various kings and entities in the religion like Enma. As we made our way through we were generally separated because everyone goes through the museum at a different pace, for that museum I could’ve been there the whole day I kept reading every little infographic that was there and I liked almost all of the exhibits that were there (except for textiles, textiles suck). When tasked to find an object that spoke to us I could not help but be drawn to these two twin scrolls that represented two different views of Kyoto. Since we were not allowed to take pictures inside the museum I instead wrote my thoughts down while at the museum and will now share them. The paintings were called Uzumaza in spring: evening light in the Katsura river. The left scroll includes a railway which goes to show the modernization of Kyoto all the way back to 1876. The dichotomy between this natural scene and the industrialization you know is going to happen in the years to come gives the painting an eerie and ominous aura to it. Almost like you are viewing something moments before an event that you know will change Kyoto and Japan forever. As they rapidly get swept into a movement that they have no control of, you can't help but feel remorse for the many aspects of traditional Japanese culture that gets lost due to their inability to keep up with the expansions. If you made it past that the rest of my day consisted of going shopping with Chelsea, Julie, Aulora, Casey, Sam, and Xander, as we walked from store to store there was not much that caught my eye, although they did convince me to buy and  start using a loofah because I guess you’re not showering right if you do not use one?? Chelsea wanted to go to the Sanrio store to buy a gift for someone. While she was shopping, others donned some Kawaii ear wear and took some pictures in the Sanrio store that will not be seeing the light of day and went home. 
Academic reflection 
Our academic reading today was all about painting the scene for our next read tonight on the “Tale of Genji”, so we could familiarize ourselves with the different aspects of ancient Japan that are prevalent in the story. One of these ideas was that living closer to the imperial palace signified your wealth and stature, the closer you were to the imperial palace the better. The reading also talked about how these palaces usually had a garden to them either with an artificial lake that had some sort of rock arrangement. We saw something similar to that today by seeing their “beach” like structure that had a little shoreline made with rocks to represent the sand. 
The furniture used in the houses and palaces were also very sparse, the traditional tatami mats that we are used to nowadays did not exist yet in that time instead there were straw mats that you would place down and pick up wherever you sat. We were able to see a little bit of this barren inside during our tour but the most that we got out of it was just how big the imperial palace itself was, there was lots of open space and a lot that was in the open air surrounded by the natural beauty of Kyoto.
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Saw your tags on a recent post… Now I’m painfully curious.
What are mimbles hygiene/grooming habits? Does he have a favorite soap scent? How about when out on an adventure? And, what inspired it all… Eyebrow tweezing?
And THEN… Favorite type of socks? fluffy ones? tall ones? Does he sleep with socks? How would he react to getting socks for starlight?
Haha :)
Apologies for my silly tagging, I was just trying to think of an example of something random and trivial and daft. But of course I shall be delighted to answer your questions. After all there is nothing wrong with being random, trivial or daft (I am frequently all of these things).
Mimble is fastidiously hygienic and hates getting dirty or sweaty, especially if there is very little possibility of a hot bath in the near future. Mimble likes hot baths, preferably with lots of bubbles and a loofah, and is not massively keen on roughing it during adventures involving camping out under the stars or fending for himself in the wilderness.
As with a lot of things, Mimble does tend to "put it on a bit" when it comes to getting grubby or frequenting unsanitary locales, and indulges in as much theatrical grumbling as he can get away with. In reality, when circumstances dictate, he will put such considerations aside, such as when journeying to Dravania with Alphinaud or treating the illnesses of street children in Ul'dah.
However, when left to his own devices, Mimble is very keen on grooming and personal care. He has various favourite soaps (people sometimes bring him some back from their travels). At the moment he is quite enjoying some Lemon and Perilla Soap that Tataru gave him - lemon always smells particularly clean in Mimble's view.
When out travelling, especially in places with uncertain lodging arrangements, Mimble always makes sure to keep a supply of soap and washing paraphernalia. At the very minimum he will have nail scissors, tweezers (for ensuring his eyebrows are shaped nicely), a hand mirror, spare soap, tooth powder, face razor, tissues and a cloth. On the occasions when he has had to perform his ablutions out in the wild, under a waterfall or in a stream, he will ensure his privacy by singing, or at least threatening to do so. Mimble's singing is unfortunately (or in this instance, fortunately) so absolutely terrible that it not only keeps away his companions, but also discourages bandits and scares away wild animals.
Mimble is tremendously fond of socks. Especially fluffy warm ones for wearing when tramping around Ishgard or the Azim Steppe. He does have lighter cotton ones for wearing with suits or his normal everyday attire (which is usually some variation of a suit, because Mimble is like that). He will happily wear fluffy lambs wool socks to bed when staying in Ishgard or other chillier locations, but will forgo them when sleeping in Thavnair or Kugane.
Mimble would be delighted to receive socks for a Starlight gift. Being a gentleman, he would be appreciative of whatever gift he was given, but socks are always useful. Probably best to check the size though - he did once accidentally purchase some thick winter knee socks, designed for the fuller figured Roegadyn customer, under the misapprehension that they were a pair of Lalafellin sleeping bags.
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Thank you for the ask @healersadjust
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