#how do you form real lasting connections when the connection itself makes you disappear
kagoutiss · 28 days
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as if it was never there at all.
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svndaysaweek · 1 year
e^(iπ)+1=0 — {Feat. Minnie}
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1.3k words
A/N: I've been studying math so hard that I came up with this... I don't know if all readers can understand this, so I recommend googling the inclined terms(which are mathematical ones). Also know that e^(iπ)+1=0 is the most beautiful formula in mathematics,,
p.s: Why is eˣ okay but e^(iπ)+1=0 not? Tumblr mysteries..
Tags: Math(?), Choking, Creampie, Loving Sex
Minnie is like the eˣ function to you. The way her consistency fills up your heart—eˣ differentiated is still eˣ—, her always positive character—its domain is always positive number—, her out-of-this-world beauty—e^(iπ)+1=0—, and–
The way her back forms an exponential arc in front of you.
On her knees Minnie is taking your pounding, with her entire body. Her back arcs upward to meet you face to face, as she turns her head back to you and into a blissful kiss.
You draw the sin x graph with your tongue inside her mouth. Up and down, up and down, corresponding to her tongue that draws a cos x graph, intertwined with yours completely—but following the exact same period of 2π.
You push her down to the mattress, and now you can see the hyperbolic curve of her waist. You grab on the narrow valley of it and continue pounding.
What you are doing to Minnie is distorting the perfectness of her body, although it's your way of worshiping it. The circular dark orbs in her elliptical eyes disappear into her head.
You choke her from behind. The amount of air getting in her lungs converges to zero, while the pleasure diverges to infinity.
Her fingers dig into the mattress as you pace up. You feel her walls pulse like sin x. Instant grips and loosenings of her pussy indicate that she is now close. You contribute the last drop of your patience for her orgasm—the maximum, when the derivative of her pleasure hits the X axis.
"I'm cummi–"
Minnie cums with a scream silenced by your grip around her neck. You for a moment regret restraining her voice, but no. You can just make her cum again, again, and again.
You flip her around to face you and resume the race. The race of which finish line you all are aware of obviously.
You kiss her again, this time drawing infinity with your tongue. It of course doesn't mean that it'll last forever, but you feel like it lasts as long as eternity itself. Rather, it would mean the neverending high you two are sharing right now.
Integral. Integrity. You and Minnie in bed together can't be counted as two. Undivided pleasure travels your connected, shared body. No boundaries are found between you and Minnie as you are pulled into a tight hug by her. You can feel how smooth her skin is, how soft her breasts are like it's your body—forget about the breasts, maybe.
Actually, it sounds quite right because it is your body—it's been so long since you lost count how many times you two told each other "You're mine,". Minnie moaning beneath you is yours. Yours to savor, yours to please, yours only to love.
Yes, yours only, and vice versa. You two are bijective functions. Each of your factors matches each of hers, without duplicity.
Again, you're hers only. Minnie is here, taking your cock to define you, to differentiate you, to integrate you. Minnie is moaning underneath your body, to be your proof, to be your solution, to be your answer.
"Are you close, babe?"
You were just about to say that you were, but you are so predictable a problem—Minnie knows the exact formulae to use when dealing with you.
"I am,"
Go ahead, she eyes you. You crook your neck to nibble on her ear and whisper,
"I fucking love you, Minnie,"
The moment you cum inside her, you are sent out of this world. The real world means nothing to you. Imaginary sensations feel more real than the real ones. Like you're feeling the i itself—the imaginary number.
1×1=1. You and Minnie just can't get separated. When it comes to you two, it's not the concept of addition or subtraction. You two love each other so it's 1×1=1. When you two are away from each other, you're still one, because 1÷1=1. Being 2 means you and Minnie are two 1s, which makes you two different individuals—right now, and of course always, you'd disprove that proudly.
You already came about half a minute ago, but you don't pull out. You see Minnie's heaving back and it's perfectly symmetrical—her erector muscles being the perfect axis for it.
It's an even function —f(x)=f(-x)— that you get visual, psychological satisfaction from. That way you could split her perfectly into two halves.
Your hands softly rub on her back. She still is in the middle of recovery, as you can feel her bumping heartbeats on your palm.
"Y-you feel so warm, baby,"
Minnie slightly lifts her limp head from the bed and murmurs with such a low tone. You then pull out and lie down next to her. Turning your body to her side you brush her hair behind her ears. She looks at you and gives you a satisfied, satisfying smile that could literally melt anything, everything.
Minnie's hand comes up to touch your face and–
It hits your still hard dick and she looks at it.
"Wanna go for another round?"
Minnie asks you, sitting up and getting on your thighs. It's a question with only one answer, it's another function that defines you two—a constant function, no matter what she says your answer is yes, undeniably.
Minnie grabs it, strokes it softly, and you feel your lust being recharged. Seems like she doesn't even look for your answer, anyway.
You're inside her. Right after insertion Minnie starts to ride you out fast. You can only gasp at the feeling of her already-fucked inside, which is what you do every fucking time. Minnie kneeling, each of her knees are next to your both sides as she waves her hip and waist on you.
"Ah, fuck… You can last longer, right?"
She again asks you a question, locking fingers with you. Just like before, your answer is undoubtedly yes. Minnie then brings your hands to her lower waist and leans down forward, completely relying her weight on you. She lets your head into her embrace and whispers into your ear.
"Warm me up again, baby."
Your hands go down to grab on her hips and you begin fucking her upward with pace. As soon as your thrusts start to fuck your previous cum deeper into her womanhood, she moans beautifully into your ear.
Her arms tighten around your head, but the only tightness you can recognize is that of what's around your cock. She nibbles on your ear. Hot breaths tickle your ear, and her teeth on it motivates you to go even faster, rougher, and harsher. That's what loving sex is to her, and of course, to you too.
Your right hand detaches from her ass and gets on the back of her head. Minnie then lifts her head slightly up to fall into a dirty kiss. This time, you review the whole session beforehand.
You are drawing sin x, cos x, and infinity randomly with your tongue. Her back begins to arc exponentially, so you strengthen your hand on her head to keep her body tangent to yours. Your fingers on her ass rubs on her another hole, to make her pleasure diverge to infinity.
And everything you're doing earns her uncontrolled scream of ecstasy, as if she's trying to make an auditory definition of orgasm.
She again closes in to lock lips with you, and soon she cums. On your still-moving cock she cums hard, and in your mouth she lets the orgasmic sound out. It travels through your body fast, reverberates in your skull, sending you over the edge in no time.
You push deep into her for the last time before violently cumming inside her again.
It's explosive, you would term it. Minnie's entire body reacts to every spurt you shoot inside her.
"Holy fuck…"
You let out a sigh of words.
"Baby, that was…"
On top of her lungs she says, only to pause for breathing.
That was awesome, yeah. You know that, because you feel just like her too.
You look into her eyes, and find the excellence itself, the perfect, absolute beauty—e^(iπ)+1=0 .
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pepperycar · 2 months
“A wish your heart makes” chapter 5: Brotherly bond
Mario wrapped his arms around Luigi as best he could and Luigi only shuddered, Mario’s touch in ghost form must just feel like a cold chill in the air, Luigi found it oddly comforting and tried to nuzzle against him, before phasing right through him, nearly hitting his head on the ground as he scrambled back up “what.. what do mean, LOVE?!” Mario shuddered, starting to weep. Grim walked over to Luigi, everyone else scrambling away “keep your claws off him!” Tony yelled “this won’t kill him.” Grim reassured “I’m just showing you all what I mean..” he tapped his sythe to Luigi’s chest and it started to glow brightly, next to it, a little to the left the red glow appeared, pulsating super fast. Mario’s chest did the same except his red glow also appeared on his body as well as his ghost and not pulsating. From Luigi’s chest appeared what looked to be a glowing golden string. The string connected itself to Mario’s chest. the brothers and the rest looked surprised, slightly shaken from the whole thing. “The glow represents your core..” Grim started “when you’re alive that basically means your soul, the red glow is for.. the heart, obviously and the string represents your bond..” Luigi looked up as if to ask him to confirm he heard that right. Mario looked down to see his half of the string was glowing a lot less than Luigi’s, Grim walked over and hovered his sythe over Mario’s half and looked up take make sure everyone else was watching “your souls were born together, so when one of you dies..” he tapped Mario’s part of the string and it went gray, losing its glow and caused his real body to twitch before going limp again, Grim continued “the string of your bound won’t break, but... the grief will force the other half to die too..” Mario looked down to see the gray from his half slowly spreading to Luigi’s, he then realised Luigi was hyperventilating and his glowing pulse was racing. Grim tapped his sythe to the ground and the glows and string disappeared, leaving everything back to normal, Mario sat down by Luigi who was holding his body’s cold hand while Peach was giving one last desperate attempt at CPR “Lu.. I..” Mario said with his voice breaking “of course..” Grim inturpted “since it’s so cruel of the universe to snuff out such a pure, deserving life so early and since self sacrifice is the purest death someone can have.. I may be a bit cheeky and uh... be willing to grant you a wish..” he winked at Mario. While Mario was trying to process what Grim had just said, Luigi lept up and ran to him, Mario following close behind “Mario! Wish your self back quick!” Luigi cried “I’m afraid it doesn’t work like that..” Grim sighed “it had to be a selfless wish.” “What like, solve world hunger?!” Mario asked with his eyes widening “Mario.” Grim scoffed “I’m Death not a wizard.. a small wish that I can grant..” Mario thought hard ‘a selfless wish small enough for the Grim reaper to do..’ “how about a mansion?” Madelyn Asked, everyone stared at her “worth a shot.” She shrugged “wish it for me!” Luigi shouted suddenly “wish for my wish to come true, which is to Bring you Baaack!” Luigi yelled hoarsely “Luigi it doesn’t work like that.” Said Grim “if the wish is helping the wisher than that’s not selfless..” “I have one.” Mario said suddenly “I-I wish..” “Mario no!” Luigi blubbered trying to hug his ghost “Luigi!” Mario shouted, a bit harsher than he intended “knowing your alive and safe from Bowser.. that’s all that matters.. I can die peacefully knowing that I didn’t fail you.” Mario went to brush his hair. “I’ve technically slowed time by quite a bit just so you could say goodbye.” Grim huffed “it feels like ages but in reality, you’ve only been dead for two minutes... Mario it’s time to go..” Mario tried to kiss Luigi’s forehead then nodded “okay..” he said wiping a tear from his eye “I have my wish..” -To be continued.
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ekacucumber · 8 months
Ninjagotober 2023
by @alastair-1205
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╔ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╝❀╚ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╗
❀ Prompt: Creation
❀ Main characters: Yumi(OC), Sensei Garmadon
❀ Timeline: Between seasons 4 and 5
❀ Summary: Yumi can't tell if Garmadon's departure was a dream. He's standing right in front of her, like he's never died... What's the meaning of all these visions?
❀ Word count: 524
╚ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤╔ ❀ ╗⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╝
Yumi flinches sharply after dozing off while sitting at the table. Drowsiness torments her and prevents her from doing anything, but she feels powerless. What she can do? Just wait until it ends by itself, as always.
But this time Yumi wakes up surrounded by pale pink mist.
"What?.. That have never happened before..." she gets a bit scared. "Ugh, what's going on?"
She sees how petals float from this mist, like out of nowhere. They fly around Yumi, lead here somewhere. She gets up from the table, completely confused. Petals form a vortex of cherry buds, they blind Yumi in the dance of pink and sparks.
Suddenly, the vision disappears in a moment.
"What have just happened?.." Yumi quietly asks in the air.
Her mind returns to the thoughts of her departed mentor. All this time nothing was happening, though Garmadon was trying to awaken the power of dreams... And now, when he's gone, it seems like the time has come. Yumi can't be happy about it anymore, she only feels annoyed. It's just not fair. However, Yumi swallows unpleasant thoughts and goes out of her room to check if Misako or Wu is here. She enters the kitchen...
"Ah, good morning, Yumi," Sensei Garmadon greets her with a cup of tea.
Girl freezes in the doorway.
"Master?.." she whispers in disbelief. "What are you doing here?.."
"Just having some tea," Garmadon responds calmly. "Do you want to share a cup?"
"B-but Sensei, you're dead!" Yumi finally cries out. "The second Serpentine War happened, and you sacrificed yourself to stop Chen and his army, and-! And-!"
"Hey, easy, easy..." Garmadon interrupts, noticing that Yumi is almost crying. "I'm here, I'm safe and sound... Have you seen all these events in your dream?"
Yumi doesn't answer immediately. She struggles to remember... But she can't tell if she was asleep. Everything felt so real.
"I'm not sure, Master... Sorry, I can't tell..."
"Hm..." Garmadon takes one last sip of tea and gets up from the table to get closer. "Then I guess it's a message from the Dream."
"You... Think so?"
"I can think of no other explanation for such strange visions," he shrugs. "Have anything else happened?"
"Well... I saw a weird translucent mist, petals, cherry blossoms... It was about a few minutes ago."
Yumi looks at her mentor's face with more attention and sympathy than she's ever shown before. He's here, he's alive... He holds her shoulder, looks at her with his best reassuring smile. He's here, and he believes in her success.
"It seems like you finally make a connection with your element," he says. "Do you remember when I told you how the Dream is related to Creation and Destruction? That's the case of the Dream using Creation to send you a message. That's a good sign!"
"But what about a dream?" Yumi asks with worrying voice. Garmadon changes in face.
"Well... It's strange for sure. I'm not really sure about its meaning or what have caused it... But we can look for some information in the archives, do you agree?"
"Oh, yes, sure!" Yumi smiles.
She missed Garmadon so much.
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jacomo-madici · 1 year
“Technofetishism, quite a fancy word; we all like to use it now.” Not quite like you think. Do you know about bodies conversating?
I don’t think I remember…I don’t think they remember either. I can’t recognize one from another, I can’t tell who they are from the self.
That was his kink, did he know what this was about? He could just ask, but it’s just as if he forgot. Or never knew; or maybe he knew. Even him didn’t quite grasp it anymore; how does an activity that is in itself asexual acquire such connotations? His memory wasn’t failing him, he knows – not. Damn. It’s getting really enjoyable.
I can’t recognize one from another. I can’t tell who they are from the self. They are the plenty and just as them, I am too.
Technofetishism is not quite what Marx meant by fetishism (in his account of fetishism of the commodity) or what Freud meant by fetishism (as a diagnostic of sexual perversion), but something which mixes both.
A real wild night. Wild nights? Was it still in the People’s Republic of China? With all the People? With a Few or with the Plenty? Best part is that I forgot. I forgot I forgot. It really got me off, I think so at least. The tought of it a posteriori does for sure; it brought me to the edge of my self. For a few months my memory lived through others. I was through the world in this form of data. If I was personal device, a person or a device , mattered not. I was everything, functioning through networks of complex relations between messages and people. Renewing continuously trough ideas or behaviors, of theoretical abstractions. Of rapid finance and volatile money, of commerce, of information, of the medias which produce a third reality, independent of the one we hold as real , revealing private worlds in which we are trapped beyond time. You know I’m famous Mom. Dad is proud. My dog too, only I don’t know if he knows. That is really the best part of being with this dog. Everyone is into something. I am, with All, the Plenty; We are collection. Flowers, fruits, pollen. Animals, predators, preys.
The joyous, peaceful facade of the deritualized [fetishes], stripped of any reference to a surrogate victim and its unifying powers, rests on the framework of a sacrificial crisis attended by reciprocal violence. The formation of choreographic patterns accentuates the ritual aspects of movements of the crowd, […] the pure formal qualities of movement -- the choreographed construction […] through shared symbols and practice. Heteroclite and ontological. Even the city seeks it, or use it in some respect, in order to finally acquire the power to disappear, like the poet in Capricci who looks for the best position to die in . That everything which was never there is as it was always there. The city’s face facing the city. The cityness is just like me. Technofetishist – fascinated by the unquestioned replication of established forms of gendered embodiment and sexual subjectivity ; fascinated on how data produced is independent from the property, operating a separation from their use in economy, with no connection with productivity. The synchronicity of space with the choreography that started never ending makes it all more intense. Cityness is collection, as me, as the plenty. It does not address memory without addressing the forgetting of memory . A Galleria Borghese, collecting urbanity and the people, their self as images; most lasting of all afterimages; Give me the world and let me forget the world. A storage, a collection, the global city as anti-generic is at the like of us both. Gathering, without order, data beyond networked ecosystems, a decentralized market where you have it all but can’t possibly grasp it. Forgetting never happened, yet you never knew while having it all. When I visited the Galleria Borghese, I really understood the family-constructed-and-nurtured intergenerational fetish for that place; proto-technofetishism if you will. Multimedia but all analogue, it all boils down to the city; which already outdid itself, but I know I can push the fantasies.
The image of the snake eating its own tale, evokes me a profound meaning – or was it its head that the snake was eating? I personally believe that we should all be free from arborescence, it standardizes and depersonalizes processes that used to be friendly and intimate , also forgetting the process of production in the process of circulation . Did Medusa ever face the risk of being eaten by herself? By her own snakes? Or did they always knew and never forgot their data structure? Were they an archaic form of data storage, awaiting the advance in the independence of data structure from data storage technology? Regenerations, reproductions, returns and medusas do not get us any further. Arborescent systems are hierarchical systems with center of significance and subjectification, central automata-like organized memories, only receiving subjective affection along preestablished paths. The arborescent form admits of topological explanation, and the integration is made through significance and subjectification. Again, the same unquestioned replication fascinating the technofetishist selves and cities.
The snake eating its tail. Again and again and again. OUROBOROS. A very common image of eternity . Maybe it was the perfect shape. A TORUS. A shape where the quantum of data transcends, from molecular to cosmical, where the center is surrounded by the edge, where the city lives beyond and within. A time of wear, statues worn away by kisses of the faithful. What is a city once you forgot you forgot? The picture can represent every reality whose form it has, but cannot represent its form of representation, only its objects from without – the form of reality , without being optimistic or pessimistic, this excess of globality degenerates the sphere into the torus. The paradox lies in the condition of you doing it and not knowing. Have you forgotten or have you never known; where the conscious begins, the choreography stops- for you. But then, what goes on? It is innate, instinctive. Schrodinger’s dance if he forgot his cat is in the box, dancing through and between the walls, singing you are never in, never out, no one can stop until there is nothing left. The unlimited character of economic development, when I was visiting Europe, struck me utmost. They formed the circle, I just need to puncture it into a TORUS, a wide face, broad eyes looking at the world, reflecting the plenty and the many it embodied. Stars for the European Union, consequent existence of a non zero sum game, entailing, of course, the summoning of the whole world on the market .
The fascination for Krakow bears the question of what, spatially, makes a city a city. Are the branches also the roots? Conversation is a contracted rumour, and rumour an expanded conversation, both of which reveal the autonomy of communication or circulation. But what is a city once you forgot you forgot? The picture can represent every reality whose form it has, but cannot represent its form of representation, only its objects from without – the form of reality. The Borghesian Narrative, repository of memory and forgetting, both optimistic and pessimistic. OUROBOROS. Puncturing the global – tentacles, entirely made from others, entangled by memories that are now proprietary. Once you forgot you forgot, how is the city lived. Through space or time, matters not, the market now goes far beyond – in synchronicity with the people. An economic model with retentive memory , of course our subjectivities are our own, but your HYPERDATA is communal, YOUR point of becoming is both informational and experimental. OUR point of becoming is both informational and experimental. A point as the site of information storage and becoming. HYPERDATA points towards the possibilities for a TORAL GLOBAL NETWORK, a BORGHESIAN NARRATIVE composed of all mathematical finiteness and physical infiniteness , a silicon Library of Alexandria of inconceivable magnitude. It points towards the possibility of pan-connectivity. Intellectual property as creations of the mind, not the ownership of oneself, but of one’s point of becoming. Through conscious practice, willful forgetting, the active super conscious faculty is the faculty of forgetting , head to Krakow, meet Jack, be minted in the HYPERDATA. If Krakow spatiality is through the people, where does the city stop now. Are you an ARTIFACT to the city? To the city world economy? Your point of becoming is now stored (in the city), but lives with you.
Life folds as you would, only you aren’t, if not the memory of yourself, only you forgot. What has been stolen, is the ability to guarantee sameness – the unquestioned replication of established forms and subjectivity. At the edge of the circle, you make the infinity of corners, choreographing the improvisation of the daily, for the plenty; Kraków shines to the rest of the world. Capitalizing on the forever need to remember, or not (being) forgetting, draws him to preserve the consciousness of the city, jack’s intuition calls him to develop a new digital market. You forgot you forgot makes a city a city. Emerging from the river, as if it was always never there, a constant ever flowing, a poiesis aggregator, a semantic cartography gravitating around a dispersed collective. Representing a huge world with endless interconnected chambers requires a lot of memory to store all that data . The memorandum here is both unrememberable and immemorial. Forgetting is no longer a contingent incapacity separating us from a memory which is itself contingent: it exists within essential memory as thought it was the Nth power of memory with regard to its own limit or to that which can only be recalled. The PalaceDataStorage: It was the same with sensibility: the contingently imperceptible, that which is too small or too far for the empirical exercise of our senses, stands opposed to an essentially imperceptible which is indistinguishable from that which can be sensed only from the point of view of a transcendental exercise. Qualitative spatial relationships a relative to the digital market system. Emerging from the river, the DATARTIFACT stands in the face of Krakow as in a Capricci depiction of the World.
Ever anew and ever there, ever here too. Come daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, even once in you life time. Façades talk their language, and now you understand them too. For the people and the tourist, now all part of Krakow. Krakow in Krakow and all around the world. Greek temples were grain storages, worshipping palaces, ruins of another day. The plenty were seeds. You read yourself, perform yourself. A palace, a library, a storage, a virtual network, a digital market. The digital flow materializes itself from the middle of the river to the banks of the Vistule, unfolding once again the tentacles towards the rest of the world.
Tentacular DATARTIFACTS diffused in the hearth of Krakow; it is the witness, mute, blind and deaf; of a palace, a court and storage, it only here since Jack Ma arrived, but for Krakow, it has now been here ever since. ARTIFACTS now faces of Jack Ma and Krakow, not [conforming] with the separation of material things and conscious appearances, it views them entangled in the figure . Architectural capriccio for the citiness and the toral-ness. Data, including personal data, is no more ordered and reordered, it is in looped with ever emerging interests and needs . Architecture and artifacts as the earliest most primitive hardware data-storing, solely in terms of indexed addresses in memory registers, requiring physical knowledge . Self sustainable in its capitalist endeavour, fueled by 2 billion dollars annualy, it existed without discrimination. A new architecture, reflecting Krakow and the world, but one belonging to all; architechtonics tearing down the urban tissue and artificial boundary of cityness. A new market for the people and the networked eco(nomic)system, transcending poiesis of the global. A place to store – a Borghesian kink; an embodied digital market – technofetishist. Many faces and many programs, moving within the network, and communicating without intermediary.
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kuroliondragon · 3 years
Through Time Always Together (Lilia Vanrouge x reader)
An old friend of Lilia's who has mastered the magic of time has come to visit the NRC campus as a guest. Once they meet you they immidiatly get very fond of you and offer to reveal a fact that will happen in your future. Who would have thought that you have a destined partner...
Warnings: fluff
"Lilia, I'm so happy to see you after so long!" The person in the hood chirped happily.
Lilia let out a small giggle, "But of course dear…it was been too long."
The person's eyes travelled around the NRC campus, admiring the building as well as the area itself, the halls and the main street swarmed with prestigious young wizards chatting about their next classes. "I never would have thought that one of the greatest warriors of the Valley of Thorns would have come to study magic in an college for young wizards", their eyes narrowed still skeptical about Lilia's new lifestyle.
"Really?" Lilia raised an eyebrow. "I mostly did it for Malleus, but I consider it a great experience nonetheless.”
The wizard's eyes finally wondered towards your form. "Ohh!", they exclaimed in awe, "And who do we have here?" They brought their hooded face close to yours, their eyes amusingly examining you with sparks of interest.
"Oh dear…" The wise fae put a hand in his mouth in surprice. "I almost forgot! This lovely human is the Perfect of Ramshackle dorm" He proudly introduced you.
"Really?" The stranger put a finger on their chin while their eyes narrowed amusingly.
"Hello", you nervously waved at him.
"Hello to you too", they returned you a graceful smile. The time-wizard tapped their finger in their chin; thinking. "You know…I was once too the Perfect of Ramshackle dorm. It was quite eventful…" They giggled happily.
"In any way, " Lilia cleared his throat— suddenly disrupting the two of you. "I need to take care of some dorm leader duties in place of Malleus for today. So, (Y/n) dear…" His crimson eyes flashed a warmful gaze at you.
"Yes?" You tilted your head at him.
"Spend some time together. You would be surprised by what you can learn from such a great wizard as them." He smiled at both of you as he made his way to the headmaster's office.
Lilia's hooded friend let out a deep sigh, "Honestly…I'm not that great, he just likes to ramble a lot.”
"Yep. Sometimes he doesn't even know how to stop." You placed a palm in your forehead as an exasperated sigh left your lips. But you quickly recovered as you turned to face the hooded stranger with eyes twickling with anticipation, "So, in what kind of magic do you specialize?"
The stranger was taken aback by your sudden question but soon gave you a satisfied smile. "Quite the bold one…", they whispered in delight, "Well, my magic bases on time."
"On time?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Exacly! My magic lets me interfere with the past, present and future." They gripped their staff while their eyes looked straight at yours— sending shivers down your spine, "I have seen and heard it all.”
“And while we are on the subject…" They brought their face close to yours once again. "Would you like to learn something about your future?", they gave you a toothy grin.
"Ehhh…sure?", you awkwardly shrugged your shoulders.
They smiled brightly at you as they slowly moved their staff left and right, making glimmers of green light appearing with each move. "I can only offer you one fact about your future…one that will not alter the events that will happen."
You nodded your head in understanding while biting your lower lip in anticipation.
The stranger clapped their hands together cheerfully, "Wonderful!” But the moment their eyes raised at you their expression suddenly changed into a serious one, "Listen carefully Perfect…", the hooded stranger leaned in your ear, "...Lilia Vanrouge is your destined partner."
You took a few steps back, eyes wide and cheeks blushing red. "WHATT??!!"
"It's true", the time-wizard gave you a reasuring smile. But it did nothing to actually reassure you. How could they say such as shocking fact while smiling?!
"W-What do you mean by 'destined partner'?!" You stuttered, trying to make sense of their words.
"He is your lover, boyfriend and later…" their eyes glimmered with excitement, "...husband!" they loudly exclaimed.
"HUSBAND?!" Your jaw fell down; having burned every brain cell there was after the last reveal— you froze in place.
"Well then" The stranger clapped their hands together. "It’s about time for me to return." They turned to face you with a soft smile, "Have a wonderful year, (Y/n)."
The time-wizard moved their staff in a slow circled motion as it began to beam a green shimmering light. Suddenly a twisted portal appeared in thin air near them. They stepped one foot in, but turned their head as they side glanced you. "Please, do take care of Grim for me." The stranger eye’s melancholically gazed at you and soon their hooded figure disappeared as they entered the portal.
You were still frozen from the shock when you heard Lilia's chirping voice. "Did they leave?" The fae asked with a hint of sadness hiden in his voice.
"Yeah…" You mouthed.
"Lilia…" You turned to face him. You were about to ask him if there was any chance you and his hooded friend had some sort of connection.
"Yes, dear." The fae happily gazed at you.
Seing his happy expession; how his crimson eyes twinkled with delight and how his lips happily smiled at you. You immidiatly closed your mouth, deciding it wasn't worth it— Lilia's happy expession was enough for you— but you promised to yourself that you were going to find out real identity of the hooded stranger in the near future. "Nothing." You gave him a sincere smile.
The fae grew concerned and placed a palm on your shoulder. "Beasty, did my friend told you anything that upsetted you?"
You shook your head in denial. "No, no. Only good things." You reassured him.
He smiled as he flew above you, giving you a kiss in the forehead, "Good."
Once he was standing on the ground you took his hand into yours. "Do you have time this evening?” You nervously averted your gaze.
The fae froze for only a moment, analyzing what you had just asked him. He have you an eager nod while happily exclaiming "Sure!" He stroked his imaginary beard as he thought of what the two of you could do for the evening, "We could watch a movie…Or, even better! I could tell you some of my old stories!"
You let out a small laugh, "You have that much of a time?"
He shifted his crimson eyes, gazing dreamily at you, "I have a whole lifetime, dear.”
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shadowofahope · 3 years
NOT Gonna Happen
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Warnings: Swearing? One bad word near the end.
Premise: Fight or Flight. Meet BTS or run away from BTS?
“Uh guys…. She’s rolling away.” Yoongi points to you and your attempt to escape the room. Hands grab your ankles to halt your getaway. “I hate all of you.” You groan up at Yeonjun, who still had hold of you. You give up, letting out a deep sight, wishing the ground would open from under you.
Authors notes: My honest to all the kpop gods, reaction to meeting these boys. YEET!
This is also a response to people constantly asking me, what would you do if you met BTS?
ALSO this is heavily un-edited. I'm really tired and I'm trying to write 3.5 stories at once! Wooooh, wish me luck!
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Today marks your 8th week working at BigHit, currently working with TxT on their new album and the chaos that always followed them. Walking down a hallway with one of the backup dancers you had become quick friends with, you felt at home in this monumental building. You are comfortable here, everyone making you feel at home.
“Pleasssssse” Sung-ho begs again. Hands on your shoulders, shaking you gently as he walks behind you. “You have to come.”
“I really don’t think that’s a good idea.” You whine back, swinging your staff badge back and forth on your neck. “You know I don’t want to meet them.
He tugs on your shoulders lightly forcing you to halt. Jumping in front of you, palms pressed together, eyes closed he starts begging.
“You promised you would come to one practice. Just this one. Please Please Please-”
Huffing in frustration, you screw up your nose. He silently waits for you to give in, as he knows you will eventually.
“Just this one.” You finally give in.
“Yaaay!” He cheers, jumping to your side.
In all the comotion you don’t notice the footsteps approaching you two from down a connecting hallway. Shrugging your friend off, you’re about to round the corner when you hear it. Instantly freezing.
“I think it’ll be safer to go over the choreo with the dancer one more time.”
“I agree, the timing still seems a little off. We should take a look at the schedules.”
Your friend smiles and turns to the voice that called him, turning his back to you.
“Hello, Taehyung. Jimin. Hoseok.” Sung-ho greets cheerfully.
“Do you have time to come with us to discuss the schedules for practice?” Jimin asks politely.
“Of course, I was just on my way to grab a snack with -” He starts to explain, turning to where you once stood. Hand hanging in the air, he’s dumbfounded.
“With-?” Hoseok questions.
“Apparently myself.” He turns back to the boys. How had you disappeared so quickly and to where?
He chuckled awkwardly at the idols, cursing you for putting him in this embarrassing situation.
They mirror back his awkward laugh, excusing themselves as they continue on down the hallway.
Your friend stands there for almost two full minutes, trying to figure out what in the hell just happened. He hears a rattle coming from the small storage room near him.
The door swings open.
“You did not just-“ He’s wheezing, trying to catch his breath.
“Don’t talk to me” You walk out of the storage room, in reality it’s more of a tiny linen closet. Upon hearing the idols voices, In sheer blind panic, you threw yourself into the closet and shut the door behind you.
Walking past your still wheezing friend, you push him playfully before continuing on towards the lounge. His loud cackles bouncing around you all the way there.
You are sitting in a waiting room with TXT. You’ve made yourself comfortable on one of the couches facing away from the door across the large room, angled towards the wall full over mirrors for makeup and hair. Scrolling through your phone, while Kai and Taehyun talk about something animatedly behind you. You can see them every once in a while, flailing their arms, mimicking wild gestures.
You three had chosen to stay back while the other three needed to ‘stretch’ their legs and find something to drink. So when the door opens you don’t look up, expecting it to be the missing members. Your body lurches forward at the reflection in the mirror, panic spreading.
“Hyung!” Kai exclaims excitedly, bounding over to the 2 members of BTS that have entered the room. “What are you doing here?”
“Hello, we were looking for Jungkook. Have you seen him?” Namjoon asks, looking around the room.
“No, he hasn’t been through here.” Taehyun chirps next to his bandmate.
“Ok, I’ll try calling him again. '' Jin responds, pulling out his phone from his back pocket.
“What are you guys doing here?” Namjoon questions the younger idols.
“Oh, we are working on a concept for one of the singles off our album. Our producer -” Kai motions to the couch that you were on. Now being completely empty. Your slouching form gone, the room appeared empty as well. “Who apparently is gone now, was here helping us.”
Jin and Namjoon shared a skeptical glance at each other. Kai rubs the back of his head as he looks at his beandmember, giving him a confused tilt to his head, to which he gets a shrug in response.
“That’s the newer producer right?” Jin questions.
“Uh yea, that’s her.” Taehyun confirms, still utterly confused by your houdini act.
“We’ve heard a lot of great things about her, from all over, but we still havent seen her.” Namjoon concluded by nodding his head, in thought.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll meet her soon. It’s bound to happen.” Kai reassures.
The duos bid each other goodbye, BTS leaving the room and TXT walking back towards the empty couch.
“How did she-where did she-?” Unable to fully ask his question, Taehyun looks around the room again.
Kai rounds the side of the couch, noticing a hood under the coffee table.
“Noona?” He tries to hide his laugh but fails miserably.
You lift your head from the floor, removing your hood, peering up from underneath the coffee table at the younger. You glare at him, crawling out as he falls back onto his butt laughing, Taehyun joining him on the floor. Both now convulsing with uncontrollable laughter.
Flopping angrily back onto the couch in your previous position, you ignore their incessant chattering and laughing. Recounting you hiding again and again. Even when the other members returned and they explained everything that happened while they were gone, you chose to angrily scroll on your phone until their pestering and teasing died down.
Pacing back and forth in a secluded lounge area, you waited with all of the members of txt. You were waiting to hear back from the execs about your concept ideas. The boys had worked extremely hard to come up with a fully thought out concept, you had backed their ideas the whole way as they presented them to the higher staff. Now you waited, anxiously.
Drumming your hands together while pacing you chewed on your bottom lip nervously. Each member stationed on the couch, lounger ottoman, facing you. Legs bouncing in anticipation, knuckles cracking you stopped in front of the large window, facing them, the outside world behind you.
“Look guys, regardless of what happens you did amazing.” You smile at them. “And I’m unbelievably proud of you. All of you.”
Breaking them out of their stoppers, they look up at your faces glowing, pride swelling in their chests.
“Soobin-ah?” A deep voice calls from somewhere unknown, and you freeze.
The members of TXT jump up from their seats, whirling around in time to see all the members of bts walking around the balcony area over to them.
“Taehyung-hyung,” Soobin greets politely. “How are you all doing today.?”
“Good, we just finished rehearsals.” Taehyung explains, once they were standing just on the other side of the couch to him. “Have you guys heard anything yet? We saw the concept art, we really liked it!”
“Nothing yet. We were actually just waiting. Noona was just trying to-” Soobin attempts to explain, motioning behind him to you. Seeing the skeptical looks on their faces, he turned his head to see nothing. You had completely vanished. With furniture and a structural wall surrounding you, there was no place you possibly could be hiding.
Confusion evident on his face as he looks over at Yeonjun. Eyes silently asking him where you had gone, the older only shook his head, eyes just as wide, he shrugged in response.
“Right, the elusive producer we keep hearing about but never seeing.” Yoongi responds comically. “Maybe she isn’t real? But a ghost!”
Spooking Jin and Hoseok alike, they give him an alarmed glare.
“No, we promise she’s real.” Soobin persuades, his voice coming out in almost a plea.
Trying to affirm your existence to their Hyungs, Gyu becomes overwhelmingly curious. He walks over to the spot you had been standing, a deep frown settled on his features.
He does a full 360, in an attempt to understand where you could have gone. Upon turning around he notices something. Stifling a laugh and breaking into a full blown smile, he subtly waves Kai over, when they make eye contact. Kai nonchalantly makes his way over to him, Gyu mumbles something to him and he looks in the direction that Gyu was nodding. Trying to hide his own laugh, the two youngest members stand snickering, waiting for the members of BTS to walk away before exposing you to the group.
Once the groups bid each other goodbye, they both break out into hysterical laughter.
“What guys?” Yeonjun jumps at the unexpected hollering. But neither boy can speak, too consumed by laughter they both point to the semi open window.
“She didn’t” Taehyun launches himself over the ottoman in front of him rushing to the window. Soobin and Yeonjun right behind him. The three of them look out to see your figure hopping down from the last branch of the tree outside.
With lightning speed and zero hesitation, you had climbed out of the already opened window on the second floor. Stepped from the ledge onto a tree that's long, thick branches were supporting itself against the building. Then walked to the center of the large tree and climbed your way down.
Mass hysteria broke out between the 5 members.
“That’s it. We have to make her meet them.” Soobin exclaims, wiping a tear that fell down his cheek.
“Guys, I think I have a plan.” Yeonjun smirks. So they all huddled around to listen.
Today was supposed to be your day off. But upon receiving a text from Soobin, saying they needed you there urgently for their concept proposal, you raced straight there. So there you were standing in the hall talking to an exec in a black oversized pullover hoodie and workout leggings. Today was about comfort over professionalism, well it was supposed to be.
But when you had finished your pleasant chat with the exec, he started apologizing profusely about something he couldn’t say. Trying to hide his chuckle, his eyes dart over your shoulder. Before you could press him about his comments, you were spun around and hoisted off of your feet. Draped over a shoulder like a sack of potatoes. In alarm you manage to struggle enough to see your kidnapper, Yeonjun.
“What are you dooooooiiiinnnng?” You whine, struggling more.
He says nothing, but turns down the hallway to the dance practice rooms.
“Put me down shrek.” You quote. Wiggling even harder to escape the ironclad grip on you.
“There’s no point Noona, just accept it.” A sweet cheerful voice, butts in, shoes coming into view as you tilt your head up to look.
“Really Kai, they have you in on this too?” You slump in defeat. “Fine, but don’t you dare fart.”
Your capture lets out a chuckle before entering the dance room. The other three members you can kind of see. Or at least their shoes. Your hood keeps flopping down and making it hard to tell.
“Guys seriously, why are you-” You begin as blood starts rushing to your head. Making you slightly dizzy.
“Hello Hyungs.” Yeonjun greets politely. Panic rising, you tilt your head to the side to look into the wall mirror, there you see all 7 members of BTS sitting on the floor, along with the other members of TXT standing around you. “This is Y/N-Noona, the real, not a ghost, producer.”
Realization hits you like a ton of bricks, as snickers and muffled laughs resonate behind you.
“Yeonjun…..” Your voice is a little shaky. “You did not just introduce me to BTS ass FIRST?!”
Everyone in the room breaks into rounds of full belly laughter as you are hoisted back over the shoulder, feet planted on the floor.
Turning shyly to the side, you make eye contact with each member of BTS. Your legs crumble beneath you, muttering ‘I could have lived my whole life without this’ angrily. You lay on the ground face down, hood over your head as more laughter ensues.
“You had to meet them at some point, even backwards!” Gyu exclaims between heaves of laughter, clutching his stomach .
Waving your hand blindly towards the members of TXT you bark “That’s it! We are no longer friends. Done, Forever, never again!”
Apologies begin to flow toward you but you ignore them. Eventually you ignore any comment that comes your way, still plastered to the floor, the 12 men begin to talk about other things. Completely unaware of you.
...Or so you thought….
“Uh guys…. She’s rolling away.” Yoongi points to you and your attempt to escape the room. Hands grab your ankles to halt your getaway.
“I hate all of you.” You groan up at Yeonjun, who still had hold of you. You give up, letting out a deep sight, wishing the ground would open from under you.
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Part 2 of my Azriel Fic.
Please see the first part of content warning and remember, minors please do not engage or interact as this is a 18+ post!
“Alpha- Male Bullshit”
Part 2
Azriel x Female Reader - part 2
Warnings- See part 1 for all warnings. All parts will be available on my Masterlist, Soon 💞☁️
Azriel was dumbfounded. What had happened?
Had you felt the mating bond? Did you reject it? His head was buzzing, he couldn’t get his thoughts in a straight line.
He made his way back up to his own room but found Lucien waiting outside the door, grinning.
“You know for someone who’s supposed to be her mate, you’re sure a lousy one. She doesn’t even KNOW it. She needs a real man in her life”
Azriel sneers. His blue Siphon’s glowing in warning under the low light.
“And I suppose that’s you?”
Lucien laughs.
“Well obviously”
At that, Azriel didn’t hold back. A loud crunch! echoes through the landing as his hand connects with Lucien’s jaw.
Bruises form as he tackles him to the floor, skin breaks and blood oozes down the delicate fae’s face.
Azriel continues to pummel Lucien, all sense of control lost, even his shadows had disappeared.
Azriel didn’t even feel Rhysand appear behind him with Cassian and Feyre.
Feyre gasps as it took both Cassian and Rhys to pull the shadowsinger from Lucien, who was now completely unrecognisable.
Azriel let out a low nasty growl. A warning.
“Let. Me. Go.”
Both of his brothers had him pinned up against a wall, as Feyre attended to the injured male on the floor.
“Get him out of here” Rhysand commanded his wife, the rare tone of authority evident.
Feyre wastes no time removing Lucien from the scene, taking him far enough so that the others could release their brother in arms.
I leave you two alone with my son for a night and THIS HAPPENS? What the hell Az?!”
Rhys exclaims.
“He treats her like she is his property! It’s wrong. He can’t go around thinking he can just help himself!”
Neither Rhys nor Cassian could find the right thing to say. They knew exactly how Azriel felt. The bond clicked in place for him, he was just out here on edge, waiting for a response...
When I awoke the next morning, I was surprised to see what I slept through. Lucien’s face was filled with shades of blue and purple, his only working eye was swollen and there was a majority of cuts slowly healing.
I stood still, taking in his appearance, trying to hide the shock.
“What the, erm, what the hell happened?”
My mouth was dry. What had I missed?
“Your mate, that’s what happened. Your precious Azriel” Lucien growls.
Lucien wasn’t happy. He had spent the night with Rhysand discussing the lady that now stood in front of them both. Rhysand needed to keep the spring court ties available but that didn’t stop him from telling Lucien that he needed to keep his toe in line. What he did was wrong, and Lucien knew that. He didn’t have a leg to stand on.
“10 on him lasting two thrusts” Rhys whispers to Cassian.
Cassian scoffs “50 that he comes the moment his dick is in her mouth”
But for me, the word Mate just spun around and around in my head.
I felt my throat close up as I spun around on my heel.
My body lunged forward, and I begin to sprint up the staircase.
I found myself outside the spy masters bedroom and I was knocking rapidly on the door.
It flung open and I lost my footing. I landed in a familiar pair of arms.
Tears well up in my eyes as I stare into his own. It was like peering into another’s soul.
“You’re, you’re my ... my mate” I whisper.
I felt a sudden nudge and was pressed against his body.
Those pesky shadows.
Azriel places his scarred hands against my soft rosey cheeks. I lean in but I’m hesitant.
I try to pull away but Azriel brushes his thumb over my lip. He has his own glossy tears falling.
“Please” he begs.
It didn’t take much convincing.
“Okay” I mouth, slowly wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders.
He kissed away the stray tears from my face before our lips joined, they were damp, and the kiss was gentle.
I run a small hand through his raven hair, he pulls back, and I rest my forehead against his, eyes closed tight.
I felt his breathing become steady, matching my own.
I didn’t have to speak for him to know.
“I accept you as my mate forever and always shadow-singer, just as you accept me”
He lifted me with very little effort and carried me to the king sized bed in the middle of his darkly lit room.
I felt him harden against me, causing me to groan, just as he drops me smack bang in the middle of the mattress.
I immediately wrap my legs around his waist bringing him back to me.
He leaves a trail of harsh kisses down my face and travels to my neck. He stopped in the middle and bites down gently, just piercing the skin slightly, as a trickle of blood slides down, he licks it and sucks on the wound causing me to gasp.
He laughs ever so softly as I reach to undo his belt and wrestle with his top. Azriel mirrors my actions, ripping away the satin nightgown, leaving me exposed.
I felt the sudden urge to cover up, but he stops me.
“Don’t” he whispers.
“Do you trust me?”
I couldn’t do anything but nod.
He pinned my hands above my head and let go. When I try and pull them back down, I am met with resistance.
I look at him for a moment slightly confused until I take notice of his missing shadows.
I look back up to my wrists and see that they are keeping me in place.
Azriel is smirking proudly and if I didn’t sound crazy, I’d say his shadows were laughing at me.
Azriel looks down, surveying every inch of me, like he was committing it to memory.
I was suffering from the lack of contact and released a small whimper to alert him of my needs.
His fingers dance down my body as I wait in anticipation.
The first lick of his tongue sent a chill down my spine. I moaned in approval as he continued to tease me while I remained unable to do anything.
Soon his fingers replaced his tongue and the first pump almost had my eyes rolling to the back of my head.
My body arched, completely at his mercy as my climax neared.
“Your mine” he snarled, just as I went over the edge.
“I’m yours” I whispered, half sobbing at the intense pleasure I was feeling.
I ride out my orgasm and his shadows release me, hiding within my lover, as if they didn’t want to spoil this moment.
My arms shoot up towards him and a wicked gleam enters my eye.
I stroke his right wing and watch as he shudders.
He gives me a look of warning dominance, but I just continue my actions.
His cock twitched.
I caress his body as delicate whimpers escape him. I wanted to play the long game, but it looked like Azriel couldn’t wait any longer.
He nudged my entrance and looked at me for reassurance.
I nodded and he slid in.
I could hardly breathe as he slowly filled me. It burned slightly but that soon disappeared as he begun to play with my breasts. Taking his time with each nipple as he moved carefully inside me. My eyes fluttered shut and once I had adjusted, I’m opened them to see him smiling down at me.
It was a vulnerable smile; one I doubt anyone else would ever see.
The pace quickened as I let out a series of moans, each louder then the last.
He thrusted deeper and faster each time and that’s when I felt it.
That familiar sense of euphoria I experienced that night in the kitchen, I knew it wasn’t just a climax. It had to be the bond. With each pound into me the sense of euphoria grew ever more intense and the bond became clearer and clearer.
My body lifted from the bed as release tore through me, Azriel following suit shortly after, a low rumbling roar that definitely echoed though the house, escaped him.
Our bodies were damp and limp by the time we had finished, I curled into him for the night.
I felt at peace lay upon his chest, holding his wounded hands in mine. He was reluctant for me to hold them at first, but I just kissed them softly, words weren’t needed but I said then anyways.
“Never be ashamed Azriel for I love every part of you, no matter how scarred, no matter how damaged. I love you”
That night Azriel slept, a true deep sleep, for the first time in long time.
I awoke the next morning with Azriel’s arms wrapped tightly around me as memories from yesterday evening came flooding in.
I smile and cuddle back into him, only to find him awake.
“Morning” I mumble.
His voice was husky, and his chest was bare. I tried to ignore the pooling wetness between my legs but to no avail.
I sat a top of him and slowly move down to his shaft. I lick slowly and watch him as he tries to show restraint.
I continue the slow and tortuous pace before a series of bangs on the door scare me enough to fall back into the bed.
I roll my eyes as Cassian’s voice travels through the wall.
“Good morning lovebirds! Let’s get up and out, we have training”
There was a pause and I could practically hear his smirk in the next sentence that left his mouth.
“Oh, and Y/N if he didn’t make you scream loud enough, I sure as hell could”
I didn’t even see Az leap from the bed and throw open the bedroom door.
A wild snarl ripped itself from Azriel as he whirled on Cassian.
Cassian laughs as Azriel’s fist clashed with his jaw, but before it could get any further, I grabbed a pillow and launched it at both of them. It caught their attention long enough for me to say, “Cut it out with the alpha male bullshit already”
Rhysand’s voice boomed from the bottom of stairs.
“Y/N is right, take it to the bloody training ring. Stop ruining the house”
It was two hours later that Azriel returned looking like he had just faced death itself and survived.
I look up from my seat in the bed where I had been reading my book and simply said.
“I don’t even want to see the state of Cassian”
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apocxlypticangel · 3 years
sated (bucky barnes)
Prompt: Bucky helps you wind down after a tough day
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, mentions of unsatisfactory masturbation, hint of degradation, mention of muscle relaxer.(just shameless smut definitely not based off of real life frustrations)
Authors note: First time writing something like this, kinda nervous. Please leave your thoughts and positive feedback/criticism. Thank you, lovelies!
18+ puh-lease! thank you! :)
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After about an hour of unsuccessful attempts to ease your stress, the clock now read 4:00am. Throwing your head back, you sighed. Fuck me. “Ha, that would be nice.” you snort, quickly throwing on a t-shirt and panties before leaving your room to find your way to the compound kitchen in the dark. You needed water and a muscle relaxer, anything to ease the tension in your neck and the pain in your head. It had been a stressful day... or week. Or month.
Once you reached the kitchen you flicked the light on, making quick and noisy work of getting your glass and filling it with water. You thought nothing of it, its 4am and the compound is like a damn castle. You looked over the counter into the living room, debating on whether or not to find something on TV to drown out your desperation, but quickly find a pair of sleepy blue eyes staring directly at you from the couch. Of course it was Bucky fucking Barnes. Suddenly you were very aware of your minuscule attire.
“Could you be any louder, doll? I wasn’t quite ready to go to sleep yet.” He grumbled out, raising one eyebrow at you and tracing your body with his eyes. Your surely disheveled hair, dry lips and eye bags probably weren’t helping your situation. “I could be louder actually. Maybe you should sleep in your room, Barnes?” You accidentally snapped and then sighed. “Sorry, ‘m sorry. That was rude of me.” His slightly annoyed expression quickly turned into a frown while he stared at your exhausted form. “What’s wrong, doll? Can I help with anything?” His eyes softened when you slumped down at his questions. Of course you could help. You could come fuck me. Before you realized you had even said it under your breathe Bucky’s eyes narrowed. You slapped your hand over your mouth, mentally cursing yourself for being so stupid.
“So that’s what’s wrong?” He hesitantly inquired. You were now pinching your nose between your pointer finger and thumb. “You know, maybe I’ve had a rough day and maybe all I wanted to do was fucking orgasm, but that’s not really any of your business..” You heard a faint chuckle, shuffling and then feet padding across the floor before they stopped in front of you, “It is when you ask me to fuck you, sweetheart” You could just hear the smugness dripping from his voice, but it dissipated as soon as the pet name came out.
Tiredly, you drug your eyes up to meet Bucky’s and sighed. After today, your brain was fried and you could have been defeated by Groot at this moment. “Do you want me to help you?” he offered quietly, eyes flitting away from yours for a millisecond. You stood there, looking at the boy- no, the man in front of you. It was only now you noticed he was shirtless with a pair of sweats hanging low on his hips. His abs carved perfectly along with the v-shape that disappeared into his pants. This man was built like a fucking Greek God.
“I-... I don’t-“ You stumbled over your words, cheeks flushing. “All you have to do is ask, doll. Tell me what you need from me.” His reply came soft with a warm smile creeping onto his face.
“I-um... yes, uh, please. I need it so bad” Your words came out jumbled as you tugged the hem of your t-shirt.
Bucky took your chin between his pointer finger and thumb, tilting your head to look him in the eyes. He let his lips graze yours for a few seconds before he connected his lips with yours softly. It wasn’t a needy kiss, he was feeling you out and you had nothing left to do but just take what his soft mouth gave you.
He walked you back and pressed you up against the kitchen counter, his hands made their way down your sides to your thighs and he caressed them. He slowly removed his lips from yours to kiss down your chin, around and down your jaw line to your neck where he nipped at the flesh just below your ear, his tongue quickly slipping out and licking over the place he surely left a mark.
You let out a sigh at the feel of his contrasting hands. His right is soft and warm while his left is firm and cold, the feel of his teeth and tongue on your neck adding to the sensitivity of your skin and the heat pooling between your thighs. “Bucky, bedroom please. We can’t do it out here.” He let out a small laugh against your neck and gripped your thighs to pull them up around his waist. Your breath hitched in your throat as you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck. He walked to the elevator to take it up to his floor.
When he reached his room he hurriedly opened the door, moving you into just one of his arms, making your core rub against his covered cock. You let out a quiet moan and circled your hips against him; trying to gain any friction you could. He let out a deep hum and laid you on your back on his bed. He caught your lips in a hungry kiss and grabbed a fist of your hair to pull your head back. He licked up the column of your neck before grabbing the bottom of your shirt and pulling it over and off your body, discarding it to the floor somewhere.
Your cheeks flushed when he pulled his head back to stare at your breasts for a split second before he dipped his head and licked one of your nipples. You let out a sharp breath when he took your sensitive bud into his mouth and brought his cold, metal hand up to toy with your other nipple. He followed his first sharp suck with a light bite to your nipple, causing you to arch your back and let out a soft moan. You tangled your fingers into his dark hair and pulled ever so lightly, forcing a grunt from his mouth.
He flashed his eyes up to your face, a devilish smile dancing on his lips before he began kissing down your torso, down your abdomen to reach just above the top of your panties. He licked from the band of your soaked panties to your bellybutton before placing a wet kiss to your clothed clit. You bucked your hips against his mouth involuntarily. He pulled down your panties and tossed them beside your now exposed form.
You whimpered at the vulnerability of your state. Completely naked and soaked for the super soldier. He tugged your legs apart to take in the sight of your dripping cunt and smiled. “Look at you. Absolutely fucking soaked for me, sweetheart.” He placed small kisses to your inner thighs but never quite made it to where you needed him the most. “Bucky, please. Please just do something, anything.” You pleaded as you locked eyes with him. You could barely see the blue around his dark pupils that were blown with lust.
He brought two fingers up and spread your lips to lick up your slit to your bundle of nerves, drawing a wanton moan from your open mouth. He winked at you and lapped at your wet cunt. He gripped your legs so you couldn’t close them whilst he slid his tongue into your tight hole, thrusting it in and out before coming up to suck your clit into his mouth.
“Fuck, Bucky. Don’t stop” You choked out, gripping his sheets so hard your knuckles turned white. You could feel the coil in your stomach wrapping itself tighter and tighter. You were almost there. “Almost-almost, Bucky, please!” At that he let go of one of your thighs and slipped a finger into your tight core. You let out a breathy moan and ground your hips into his finger, needing more. He caught on and slipped a second finger in, thrusting and curling them until he found your g-spot; hitting it the first time and you couldn’t help but moan rather loudly, which prompted Bucky to find your panties with his other hand and shove them into your mouth.
You bit down on the fabric inside of your mouth as the thrusted his finger one last time and gave your clit a not so soft bite, tearing your orgasm from you. He watched your face intently, how your eyes shut and brows furrowed. He felt you clamp down around his fingers and go stiff in his hold as he finger fucked you right through your perfect, much needed orgasm.
Once he was sure you had ridden your high completely, he removed his fingers and sucked them clean while moving back up your body. You tore your panties from your mouth and grabbed the back of his neck to bring him down for a sloppy kiss, moaning at the taste of yourself. He pulled away and looked at you through hooded eyes, “Think you can cum one more time, princess? Wanna cum on my fat cock, huh?” He cooed and you could only moan out in response, grabbing the top of his sweats and pulling them down, urging Bucky to take them completely off.
He was sat on his knees in front of you when you finally got a look at his cock. It was long and thick and your mouth suddenly went dry at the sight of him. You wanted it in you so bad that you grabbed his shoulders and drug him down onto your body, locking your legs around his waist. He chuckled, “Needy little thing aren’t you? So desperate to take my cock”
You didn’t even have time to think about answering him before he slid his red, leaking tip through your wet folds before pressing into your core inch by inch. You clenched around his length as he slid into you and moaned. He was only a little ways in but he filled you so perfectly. The stretch was perfect, the way it stung and split you open felt amazing.
He pushed himself the rest of the way in, burying himself to the hilt he left out a moan. “Fuck your little pussy takes me so well, sweetheart. So wet and tight just for me.”
You laced your fingers through his hair as he dragged himself out slowly, leaving just his head inside and then pushing himself back in at an agonizing speed. “Buck, please. No teasing. Need to be fucked, please.” You whined out and pressed the heels of your feet into his ass, urging him to move. He buried his face into your neck and complied, beginning to snap his hips up into yours at a vigorous pace.
Moans fell from your mouth as he fucked into you. Your eyes were screwed shut, trying to meet his thrusts with your hips but ultimately failing. He grabbed one of your ankles and slipped your leg up and over his shoulder, angling himself perfectly to hit your sweet spot.
You cried out, his name falling from your lips as you came closer and closer to the edge, the coil from only moments ago wound tighter than before. Bucky was grunting and panting, “Won’t you play with your pretty clit, baby? Gonna cum soon, but can’t until you do again.” You immediately obeyed, sliding your hand between the two of you and rubbing tight and fast circles onto your throbbing clit.
Bucky’s pace became frantic and impossibly harder as your pussy fluttered around him. He thrusted up into you and hit your g-spot roughly, snapping the coil in your belly.
“Shit, Bucky! Oh fuckfuckfuck yes!” He fucked you through your second orgasm, hips stuttering and grunts of your name falling from his lips. One last hard thrust and he was stilling deep inside you, spilling his seed. You moaned at the feeling, clenching and milking him for all he was worth.
Both of you stayed in that position, Bucky’s limp body on top of yours. He picked his head up and placed a kiss to your cheek before pulling out slowly and getting off the bed. You watched him walk into his connected bathroom and heard running water. He returned with a wash cloth and cleaned you up, throwing it back into his bathroom and collapsing beside you.
“Feeling better now that I fucked your brains out, Doll?” He turned his head and smiled at you.
“Didn’t know old men like you knew how to do that kinda stuff to a woman.” You quipped and turned on your side, laying your head on his chest and smoothing your palm against his toned abdomen.
He rolled his eyes playfully and wrapped his arms around you. “Go to sleep, before I put something else in that mouth besides your panties.”
You hummed thoughtfully, but decided you were too tired to argue. “Okay, thank you. Goodnight.”
“Anytime, dollface. Goodnight”
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
leave a message : s.r
on route to a crime scene to meet spencer, you leave him a voicemail message after he doesn’t answer your call. little does spencer know, that would be the last time he’d ever hear your voice. (2.3k)
it’s v angsty, and kinda sad. but there’s a fluffy(ish) ending. i took inspiration from s8ep19 for part of this, but I hope you enjoy! 
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“Hi, this is Doctor Spencer Reid. I’m sorry I can’t take your call at the moment but do leave a message and I will get back to you.” You smile at the formal answer machine Spencer has always had. In all the years you’ve known him, it’s never failed to lift your spirits, even if you can’t speak to the real him, a voice mail will do for now. 
Rossi glances over to you, noting the smile falling from your lips as the officer continues to drive through traffic. “Hey Spence, Rossi and I are on our way to the crime scene, Garcia said there’s something important you’ve found?” You glance up ahead at the red light, hearing Rossi tut as he checks his own phone. 
“Downtown for ya.” The driver inputs, easing the moment of uncomfortable silence. “I know a shortcut, hold on.” He quickly adds, and as the light turns green, he turns to the left instead of right. 
“Just let us know when we see you, I love you.” You hang up after that, leaning back against the seat. 
“Trouble in paradise?” Rossi quips, knowing you all too well to know you rarely say those three words in public, let alone to a voicemail message. 
Putting your phone back into your pocket, you shuffle in the seat, tugging on the seatbelt as you turn to face Rossi. “Not really, I, I don’t think so at least.” You explain, but you’re holding back. 
“Did you have a fight last night?” Rossi questions, having noticed like the others how you and Spencer had been distant when you turned up for work this morning, neither of you even looking at each other. 
“It wasn’t much of a fight, Rossi.” You try to joke as you swallow back the lump in your throat. “I’ve been offered a promotion, counter terrorism in New York.” You begin to explain, watching as Rossi quirks an eyebrow. 
“And what, you don’t want it?” Hearing someone else say it, you realise how ridiculous it sounds. 
Why wouldn’t you want this job? You’d be living in New York, working for a team that you’ve heard countless things about and would have more structure in life. 
“I don’t want to leave the team behind.” You mutter, blocking out the officer in the driver’s seat as he navigates his ‘shortcut.’ “It sounds stupid, but I know if I went for this job, I’d lose you all slowly but surely. Spencer included.” 
Rossi sighs internally, wondering how you kids end up with these thoughts sometimes. “Y/n, dear, you’d never lose us.” Rossi tells you with an encouraging smile as you nod along. “We’re family, through and through.” He adds seeing that familiar smile cross your face once more.
“Thanks, Rossi.” You tell him quietly. “I just-” 
Before you can finish, Rossi’s phone begins to ring. “Hey Hotch,” Rossi answers his phone, and you slum back into your seat as a thousand thoughts cloud your mind, leaving you oblivious to the car approaching you until Rossi’s body covers yours. 
“Y/n!” Rossi screams as you shut your eyes tightly, feeling the impact as your body lurches forward, slamming into the driver’s seat and everything goes dark. 
With his back against his front door, Spencer replays the same message once again. 
“Hey Spence, Rossi and I are on our way to the crime scene, Garcia said there’s something important you’ve found?”
He listens as you pause, the driver stating he’d find a shortcut, one that would ultimately end in disaster. 
“Just let us know when we see you, I love you.” Spencer can hear the regret lining your voice, knowing it’s centred around your brief argument about your future together, about your future career and whether to take it. 
You shouldn’t have gone to sleep on an argument, that was something Spencer wishes he could take back. 
If he could reverse the clock, he’d go back to that night and apologise. He’d tell you to stay, that you could move into his place and make it a home. Spencer would do anything to make you smile, he’d give up everything to hear your voice once more. 
But until then, a voicemail will have to do. 
Walking into the bullpen, heads turn as Spencer holds his satchel close to his chest. “Spence,” JJ breathes out, bringing Spencer into a tight hug that he doesn’t have the might to reciprocate, not yet. 
“Hi,” He barely whispers, and instead focuses on the small part of the case he can help on. For now, it’s enough of a distraction. 
Yet, as Spencer passes your absent desk, he tenses up. “Spencer, it’s okay.” Derek speaks up, resting his hand on Spencer’s shoulder. 
“It’s not.” Spencer mutters, shrugging Derek’s hand off as he retreats from the bullpen and hides in the elevator, waiting to disappear back into his own world where reality doesn’t have to exist, a reality where you’re still here. 
As the elevator doors close, the team exchange glances. “It’s too soon,” Hotch states as he picks up the fallen paperwork that was left on your desk. “but we have each other, and Spencer will open up when he’s ready.” 
JJ nods as her heart sinks at the sight of your bare desk alongside Spencer’s, knowing she’ll never see you sneaking looks to your boyfriend or the late nights of paperwork where your laugh lightened the moods of everyone. 
Weaving through the baskets left outside of his door, Spencer falls back down on the ground between various books he threw off the shelves days ago in a rage. 
Logically, Spencer knows there are five stages of grief. He knows he’s teetering on the edge of denial and leaning towards anger, but he doesn’t know how to be angry about it. All he feels is lost, and so, he takes his phone and lies on the ground. 
Staring up at his ceiling, Spencer holds onto his satchel tightly, imagining it was you in his arms as he replays your voicemail message, hearing your voice as tears fall down his cheeks. 
It hadn’t been long enough, but Spencer couldn’t take the silence of his apartment, the empty feeling in his heart. He needed a distraction, craved something to keep his mind occupied for hours on end to stop the regret sinking further into his subconscious. 
“Reid,” Rossi speaks up, and Spencer tenses for a second before turning around, seeing Rossi leaning on a crutch. “it’s good to see you, kid.” 
Spencer keeps a tight-lipped smile as he nods to his senior. “How is the pain in your leg?” Spencer asks, now seeing Rossi is applying more weight to his left leg and the stitches he had in his face have been removed. 
“Better,” Rossi nods. “how are you doing, Spencer?” 
Clearing his throat, Spencer lifts up a series of newspapers and places them on his desk for Rossi to see. “I’ve been looking into a series of murders across the country, and I think there’s a connection no one is picking up on.” Spencer delves into his work, blocking out any thoughts of you and your last moments with Rossi in that car. 
As Spencer continues his explanation, all Rossi can focus on is the red in Spencer’s eyes, how fidgety he is and the dark circles that have settled beneath his eyes. 
“Have you been sleeping, Spencer?” Rossi interrupts, and Spencer pauses as his mouth remains a gap, unsure what to say. 
“I, I can’t.” Spencer quietly admits, and Rossi simply nods before motioning for Spencer to follow him into his office. 
Once the door is closed, Rossi walks over to his desk and takes a seat opposite Spencer who scans over various awards and framed copies of Rossi’s books. Part of him wonders if he’d have his divorce papers on display, but that would be a question for another day.
“Is it about Y/n?” Rossi leans over his table, noticing how Spencer holds his breath at the mention of your name and quickly runs his hands over his trousers repeatedly. 
“I, whenever I close my eyes, all I can see is her in that hospital bed as her heart rate stopped.” Spencer mutters, that image forever being burned into his mind as he was forced out of the room no sooner than he arrived. “I never got to say goodbye.” He whispers as tears form in his eyes, but he sniffs to distract himself. 
Rossi looks down at the photo on his desk. It’s one that no one else sees beside himself- one of his family, of the whole team at his mansion during one of their pasta nights. He’ll never forget your laugh as Spencer squirmed at the squid you held up in his face whilst he recited facts about squid ink. 
“Y/n wouldn’t want you like this Spencer,” Rossi starts, knowing he’s walking on thin ice as Spencer focuses on him intently. “you need to take care of yourself, kid. I told you about my Uncle Sid and,”
“And the old car that he did up, yeah.” Spencer finishes, and Rossi can see a slither of humour lining Spencer’s expression. “I’m just not sure how to, Rossi.” Spencer admits with a heavy heart. 
“Why don’t you sleep in here? Take the couch for a few hours.” Rossi suggests, motioning to the long leather couch to Spencer’s right. “You’ll be undisturbed, and it’s away from your own place.” 
Spencer nods along, the temptation beginning to set in as he rises to his feet. “Thanks, Rossi.” 
Nearing his door, Rossi glances back to see Spencer hesitantly nearing the sofa before sitting down. “We’re all here for you, kid.” Rossi reminds Spencer. “We, we all miss her.” 
Tears brim Spencer’s eyes as Rossi closes the door, leaving Spencer to lie down on the sofa and within minutes of closing his eyes he passes out. 
The doors to the elevator open, yet it’s quiet. The usual bustle of the office is absent, and confusion etches itself into Spencer’s expression as he walks through the glass doors to see you sitting on his desk, two coffees beside you. 
“‘Bout time you turned up.” You giggle, and Spencer pauses as he focuses on you. “I was beginning to think you’d never allow yourself a break, Spence.” 
Walking closer toward you, Spencer pauses in front of you. “You’re here?” The words are barely audible as they pass his lips. 
“Technically, I am.” You shrug your shoulder before lifting one of the coffee cups, taking a long sip. “This is your dream, Spencer. But, this is also mine as I’ve been waiting to tell you something.” 
Spencer watches as you slide off of his desk and reach out, taking his hand in yours. “You’re here.” A watery laugh leaves his lips as you squeeze his hand tightly, not wanting to let go, not just yet.
“Spence, I, I’m so sorry.” You begin to explain, but Spencer shakes his head. “No, please, let me just, let me say this.” You move closer, resting your hand on his cheek as Spencer leans into your embrace, feeling you wipe away his tears with your thumb. 
“Okay,” Spencer mumbles as his eyes lock with yours, a sight he’ll never stop missing when he wakes up in the mornings. 
“I just want to say thank you for making me so happy. For making the past three years the happiest of my life, and I know, I know we didn’t have the ending we envisioned.” You trail off as you look around the bullpen, your second home where you first met the love of your life. 
Spencer could see you struggling for words, but didn’t want to interrupt. He needed to hear this in full, he needs something else to hear you say other than that voicemail message. 
“But I want you to be happy, Spence. You deserve to be happy and carry on with your life.” You explain, but Spencer shakes his head in protest. “Baby, please.” 
“I can’t,” Spencer states as you lift your other hand up, resting it on his other cheek. “I can’t without you, Y/n.” 
“You can, Spence.” You tell him with your whole heart, no matter how much it hurts you both. “I want you to be happy, and for you to fall in love, to carry on with the team, to carry on watching Doctor Who with Penelope and watch Henry grow up.” Tears freely fall down your cheeks now and Spencer wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you against his chest. 
“But you won’t be there,” He admits, resting his chin on the top of your head as he closes his eyes, not wanting to forget how you felt in his arms. 
“Oh Spencer,” You chuckle as you look up at him. “I’ll always be here, even if you can’t see me.” 
“I know that’s supposed to be sweet, Y/n. But it sounds slightly terrifying.” Spencer laughs and you join in, rolling your eyes. 
“Way to ruin a moment, Spence.” You chuckle, your smile lighting up your entire face as Spencer homes in on every detail. “I’ll be around if you ever need to talk, but you need to heal.” You sigh, knowing it won’t be easy, but it’s necessary. 
“I’ll always love you, Y/n.” Spencer tells you, watching as you begin to step away from him. 
“I know, Spence.” You smile as a bright light encapsulates you. “I love you, Doctor Reid, don’t be so hard on yourself, okay?” 
Opening his eyes, Spencer sits upright as his cheeks remain wet. 
Looking down, a fresh cup of coffee sits on the floor beside him and the door to Rossi’s office remains ajar. 
“I’ll never forget you, Y/n.” Spencer mutters as he lifts the cup of coffee to his lips, remembering how you introduced yourself with the same cup in hand three years ago. “Rest easy, baby.” He closes his eyes as he takes a long sip, knowing you’ll be there watching over him and your family, loving them all from afar. 
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dongofthewolf · 3 years
When You’re Lost in the Darkness, Look for the Light- Chapter 2
Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader
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Read chapter 1 here !
After your night with Abby you head down to the cafeteria again to grab some food, still convinced it was all a dream. It’s not until you recognize a familiar face from across the room that you realize it was real, and this time she’s not alone.
Warnings: mild violence, swearing, fluff, just a lot of gay panic tbh
The new chapter is finally here !! All the positive comments on the first one made me so happy so THANK YOU for those :))
BTW that gif of Abby... both eyes open no blink (O_O)
When you woke from your slumber you were almost positive that your encounter with Abby was merely a dream or a figment of your imagination. It was the first time since moving to the base that you hadn’t woken up in a cold sweat; nightmares filled with the echoes of clickers and that piercing sound of ammo clattering on the floor was not an uncommon occurrence. After spending those two dreadful days trapped in a bunker with nothing but a pocket knife and a small handgun, a good night's sleep was something you no longer expected. You shivered as you recalled that dark, cold, concrete room you had barricaded yourself in, awaiting your death with no food, water, or supplies of any kind. It wasn’t until you heard the crashing of pipe bombs in the above levels that you snapped out of your weakened state. The WLF had on a whim decided to clear the building you were hiding out in and saved you. Your rescue was a complete stroke of luck and you weren’t sure whether to be incredibly grateful or afraid for it.
Still groggy from your sleep, you hadn’t even realized the small piece of paper that had been slipped under your door. It was from a page in a notebook that had been ripped out, and on it was a small message in neat, military handwriting: “Had a lot of fun last night :) - A”.
“So it was real!” You thought. That absolute tank of a woman wasn’t just a product of a sleep deprived trip to the communal cafeteria; she was real and every fibre of your being hoped she had enjoyed last night as much as you did.
You neatly tucked the note into your copy of Pride and Prejudice before getting ready for the day (or more like afternoon since you had slept in). After brushing your teeth and washing your face, you slipped on your military issued combat boots and a light sweatshirt before leaving your dorm. 
It was still raining outside but luckily the WLF base wasn’t too chilly. Even when it snowed they always managed to maintain some modicum of heat, it seemed as though the wolves could always find ways around the pesky inconveniences of living in a post-apocalyptic world. You never really questioned it though and you knew better than to doubt Isaac’s methods. It’s not like you’ve actually met him or anything, but the stories that you had heard were enough to send a chill down your spine, and you knew that even if you did ask questions it’s not like anyone would answer them anyways.
Fortunately you hadn’t slept in past lunch because you were absolutely starving, so starving that even the shitty WLF base food was starting to smell like heaven. As you made your way into the cafeteria that was teeming with life, there was only one thing on your mind: devouring those damn burritos. Once you finally got some food you quickly sat down to demolish it, amazed at how so much happiness could be contained within the confines of a single bland tortilla and completely oblivious to the staring of a familiar pair of blue eyes from across the crowded room.
“Just talk to her already.” Manny said in a teasing tone.
Abby quickly snapped out of it “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”. 
Of course Abby knew what he was talking about; in your rush to completely annihilate those burritos you had failed to notice Abby sitting at a table a few feet away. Abby couldn’t explain it but her heart was racing, the same way it would if she were in combat with a hoard or some Scars. 
Manny rolled his eyes “Dude I’m not blind, you’ve been staring at her ever since she sat down. So who is she?”. He relished at the sight of Abby’s nervousness, he hadn’t seen her like this since back when she was still dating Owen.
“Huh? No hablo inglés.” Abby said sarcastically trying to get Manny off her back.
“Fine, I guess I’ll have to ask her myself.” Manny started to get up when Abby kicked his shins from under the table. Manny yelped in pain “Dude! What the hell?”.
“I will literally clock you in the face, sit your ass down right now.” Abby quickly glanced around the room to make sure no one noticed Manny writhing in pain. 
Manny chuckled then smiled that classic smug grin while he gripped his definitely-bruised shins “I knew it, someone’s got a crush.”.
“God you’re annoying, I should’ve let that clicker eat you last week.” Abby said in an annoyed tone as she fell back against her chair. Abby felt a tinge of remorse for kicking Manny like that, she knew that Manny probably wouldn’t have actually walked up to you; but she couldn’t have risked it. Abby looked up and noticed Manny’s expression had changed, afraid she overstepped with that last statement Abby was just about to apologize when Manny started.
“What the fuck Abby?! Why didn’t you tell me about this girl, you know I’m the best wing-man.” Manny was suddenly very intrigued, Abby had always been very secretive when it came to her love life so Manny jumped at the opportunity to become her certified dating coach. Plus, not only did Manny have his fair share of experience with women, he also just really wanted to see Abby less lonely. After Owen and Mel started dating along with Leah and Jordan, Abby was stuck constantly third-wheeling the entire group; Manny didn’t think she minded that much, but sometimes it hurt his heart to see her all alone.
“There’s nothing to talk about Manny, we’re just friends.” Abby replied reluctantly, not completely believing her own words. It’s not like you guys were dating, but it felt like a disservice to call what you guys had a “friendship”. The word itself didn’t accurately encapsulate enough meaning for her and despite the fact she was a voracious reader, Abby just couldn’t come up with a word for what you two had.
“If you’re friends, then just go up and talk to her.”  Manny knew Abby, and he knew that she always needed a push if he wanted to get anything out of her.
“I can’t… I just can’t. I’m not like you, okay?” Abby was conflicted, waves of doubt started to roll in the more she thought about it. She didn’t want to consider the possibility that maybe you didn’t want to talk to her; that maybe you were just being nice last night and didn’t actually like her, or maybe even that you saw her when you came in and decided to ignore her on purpose. 
Obviously Abby was freaking out for no reason, but those small anxious bits of uncertainty that crept in from the back of her mind made her shield of confidence feel tenuous and weak; something she despised.
Manny knew what Abby meant but being the smug little shit he is, he wanted to hear her say it out loud “What do you mean?”.
Abby sighed, “Don’t make me say it.”.
“No, no I really want to hear it.” Manny smiled that famous shit-eating grin, the one he used whenever Abby had to admit he was right.
Abby realized he wasn’t letting go of this “Ugh you know, you can… talk to people.”. Abby could tell by Manny’s face that he wasn’t satisfied with her answer, so not wanting to risk the possibility that he’ll stand up again Abby gave him a look of defeat “and I guess you’re charming or whatever.”.
“Ah! Música para mis oídos.” Manny smiled proudly, hearing Abby compliment him was almost as rare as seeing her without that signature braid. Just as Manny was getting ready to haul Abby’s ass to your table he looked over and realized that you had disappeared, it wasn’t until Abby kicked his shins again that he realized you were standing right there.
You were elbow deep in your third burrito before your dumbass realized that Abby was sitting a couple tables across from yours. “Shit!” You thought, how long had she been sitting there? Did she notice you? No, probably not… unless, what if she was so disgusted by you huffing down those burritos that she ignored you? Ugh! How could you not have noticed her?
You calmly set your burrito down, wiping your face and praying to God there wasn’t anything stuck in your teeth. You figured that Abby probably hadn’t noticed you so you decided to just bite the bullet and talk to her. As you stood up from your seat to make your way over to her table, you quietly whispered to yourself “Come on y/n, don’t be a pussy.”.
“Hey Abby.” She was sitting with a man who you assumed was the friend that she had transferred here with, she mentioned his name last night but you couldn’t place it. He suddenly jerked around to face you with a calm smile on his face, his rugged features and charming personality now making it clear as to why Abby complained about being kicked out of her own room so many nights. Even though you weren’t attracted to him, you understood what all the fuss was about.
“Hey Y/N, I didn’t even see you there.” As soon as the words came out Abby shot Manny a look, the kind of look that meant “don’t say a fucking word.”. However, of course Manny being… well Manny, he grinned and raised his hand to shake yours.
“I’m Manny.” His smile was warm and welcoming as he shook your hand “Please, sit down sit down. Tell me all about yourself.”.
You took a seat next to Abby, your knees just barely grazing each other due to the shortage of space at the table. Even though it was such a small form of contact, you couldn’t help but feel like there was an electric charge connecting you together. You wondered if she even noticed the gesture, if Abby could hear your heart daring to beat out of your chest; if she noticed that small gap between your hands on the table, or if she even noticed the small clandestine looks you were sending her the whole time.
Abby froze stiff as a board when you sat down next to her, and she did her best to maintain her composure when she felt your knee graze hers from beneath the table. This was the closest you two had been and now she could really see the details of your face and your actions; how you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear whenever you were nervous, or how you snorted when Manny thought “Little Women” was just about really tiny people. She noticed how bright your smile was, how it was the kind of smile that could instantly light up an entire room, and she was astonished because Abby finally understood the real meaning of that one Firefly quote about “looking for the light”. Abby realized that no matter what, she would follow you to the ends of the Earth. You were this bright and unexpected light that suddenly entered her life, you weakened her defences and made her feel like a ball of putty, and while one part of her detested that feeling, another part of her never wanted to part with it.
You explained to them how you had been rescued by the WLF and how you were a pretty skilled mechanic. You even told them about how although you loved your job, you desperately wanted to work in the library, because other than the fact that you wouldn’t be covered in grease at the end of every day, you’d also be surrounded by things you love. 
The two told you about the “Salt Lake Crew” and how they were essentially Isaac’s top soldiers. It was a fact that left you with about a hundred questions, but you figured it wasn’t the right time to bring up their boss so you tried your best to brush it off. The three of you sat at that table talking for what felt like forever before the cafeteria staff kicked you guys out because they had to clean up. 
As they both walked you to your room you were so incredibly excited. You had spent so many months at this boring outpost, spending most of your time reading or crying. Then Abby happened; she came into your life and suddenly you weren’t alone anymore. You were so insanely grateful for this newfound happiness that you just wanted to leap into those insanely strong arms. 
Just as the two were about to leave Abby grabbed your hand and leaned down to your height so she could quietly talk to you, “Hey Y/N, can I ask you something?”.
You were so dumbfounded by her hand holding yours that you nearly passed out, you tried to form words but all you could manage was a small nod.
Abby smiled as she stood up and looked to Manny “Hey, you can go ahead I’ll catch up. I just need to talk to Y/N for a quick sec.”. 
Manny immediately got the signal and grinned so wide Abby thought his face would freeze like that, Abby knew she was never going to hear the end of this, but she couldn’t really be bothered to care with your hand in hers.
Then Manny was gone, and it was just you and Abby. Her hand was still holding yours and you couldn’t help but notice all the details of them; how she had these small calluses on the palms of her hands, formed from years of wielding firearms and lifting weights. You realized how much damage she could do with them—how much damage she had done with them—but instead she stood there softly cradling your hand in hers, just lightly squeezing it before she looked at you with those same pools of blue you wanted desperately to drown in.
“Hey so I know we kind of just met last night, but I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with you and…” Abby paused to contemplate her words before starting again “and I was wondering if we could do this more often. I’m doing some work for Isaac tomorrow but I’ll be back later if you wanted to come by and watch a movie or something?”.
“Holy shit!” You thought “Did Abby just ask me out on a date?”. You couldn’t believe it, there was no way this absolutely fucking perfect girl just asked you on a date. You almost wanted to pinch yourself because nothing about this felt real, it wasn’t until you snapped back to reality that you realized you had been staring at Abby in absolute silence while she stood there waiting for an answer.
You quickly answered “Absolutely, I would love to come over and watch a movie.” Your heart was pounding dangerously fast against your ribcage and your face was completely flushed as you gave her a reassuring smile.
Abby sighed with relief and lightly squeezed your hand “Great! I’m in the room across from the gym, does eight o-clock work?”. Abby felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, at first when Y/N didn’t say anything, she was afraid she had misread the situation and crossed the line.
“I’ll see you then.” As you started heading back to your room, you suddenly remembered something “Hey Abby!” She looked back with curiosity as you shot her a small smirk “Thanks for the note.”. 
Abby smiled shyly “I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N.”
Read the next chapter here
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bronyinabottle · 3 years
It’s finally here. The beginning of Generation 5. Though before I get into the movie in some detail I’m going to reiterate one more time what G5 means for my content and a non-spoilery summary of the movie.
Again, I will say that the movie nor will the G5 series coming later have much of an effect at all on any of my blogs. The revelation in Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear that life itself is also magic means that a world that implied to have no magic for years would mean the extinction of all life (Perhaps resulting in the wasteland we saw in the Season 5 finale). There may be something I’ll probably do at some point on a certain different blog. But even then, that may likely be a one-time thing and probably come around the time the series is starting to air.
That said, just because I’m continuing with mainly G4 content doesn’t mean I disapprove of G5. In fact, my non-spoilers thoughts on the movie is I think it is a good start for this new generation. There are questions I have that I’m not sure will be answered (Though many of those questions are the same ones I had in my Trailer/Preliminary thoughts) quickly enough. But the movie is structured well enough, in fact it’s probably a better movie as a whole compared to any of the movies G4 had (The 2017 movie, Rainbow Roadtrip, and all 4 Equestria Girls movies). As the 2017 movie was fun, but it jumped around a lot, sometimes scenes transitioning too fast. And while Rainbow Roadtrip may have been this on purpose, the entirely slice-of-life story taking up a long length… made it something of a less interesting plot to follow. It feels like some of that special could of been cut to at least a two-parter length and keep the same beats they hit. And while i have a soft spot for the 3rd and 4th Equestria Girls movies, I’ll always say a full-length pony adventure feels better suited for what I want to see out of MLP then spin-off movies with high school movie cliches and weird pony/human world shenanigans.
So movie-wise I’m not a G4 purist. It’ll take some time to see how Gen 5 compares to Friendship is Magic when we get to the series. As I feel it’d take a lot for it to surpass G4 in my mind. But I’m going to try to be as fair as possible and judge on it’s own merits. The implied connection to G4 by referring to G4 being ancient Equestria is going to naturally get the staff and hasbro pressured by fans to tell us what happened in-between the generations. Because that’s the trap they put the writers in when they made it so they want to try to say it’s in the same universe. That’s the double-edged sword Hasbro chose to have, trying to appease the G4 fanbase and keep at least some of them around. But at the cost of questions both nitpicky (Such as character design being inconsistent) or actual honest questions that need to be known (Why did magic disappear, and what happened to the Alicorns) for some of us to truly see this as the same Equestria.
After the break, I’ll have more spoilery thoughts
Even for a brief moment, it was nice seeing the Mane 6 and 2D animation. The former because of course those are the ponies many of us that saw all of G4 loved. And the latter, because while the animation wasn’t bad in this movie. I’m one of those who’d prefer to have 2D animation in an animated film. As in most cases aside from Pixar, it’s just a strong preference of mine. If this had the animation of the 2017 MLP movie but otherwise everything else was generally the same here, I feel that would of have been great.
I wish they didn’t have to have Sunny’s dad die off-screen, as he seems like he could of been a compelling character. And not to mention if perhaps he has any connection the “ancient” days in any fashion. But *sigh* I get it, it’s an old trope where part of the character’s offscreen growth is not having their parent(/s) around.
On a side note there’s quite a few times during the beginning of the movie that somewhat foreshadow what happens to Sunny later. 3 times where she had a fake horn and wings on her. Once in the flashback, then 2 separate times when she’s doing her protest where she has her own costumed wings and horn. As well as the helmet and mechanical wings.
Also, there’s no way around it. Some of the discussions this movie are going to get quite political. (Namely one part of Sunny’s song that could be seen as having a double meaning of a jab at Trumpsts regarding “Building your wall”) From the very premise in the early times, we know that the inspiration for the story was last year’s Black Lives Matter protests. Which honestly, I do support the message they’re going for. Having an anti-racism message to tell kids from the very beginning and making a focus on it is important when in G4 it only got briefly touched upon in Bridle Gossip and the Heath’s Warming Eve play. Although it certainly rose up to some form of prominence with Season 8 and onward. Still, while you can argue if G4 executed the anti-racism message well. it does come with something of a problem that the series finale left Equestria in the least divided it’s ever been.
And personally, I feel it’s a terrible interpretation of time to say “Well, it’s a realistic take. Racism has existed for years in our world. Same should go for the ponies” and while yes, racism is still rampant in today’s world. That said, that ignores that if we went from The Last Problem to the start of G5. There’s a huge difference between our world and Equestria. There is no ancient civilization that we look at like “Yeah, those were the golden days of world peace” when normally the “Golden age” was reserved for the high classes of Ancient Greece or Rome. It was most decidedly not perfect, with slavery rampant and wars for the sake of expanding an empire. While if you look at The Last Problem’s Equestria, you not only have peace between the three main types of ponies. But you literally have non-pony citizens in Equestria. You can see a dragon handing off a flower to a pony which can imply cross-species romantic relations. With the Friendship school still going strong, and was the reason that the world was saved in The Ending of the End. While perhaps it may be too glowing to say that future is perfect for everyone even in-universe. It’s certainly a hell of a lot better outlook then comparing to how we view even the so called Golden age of ancient civilizations. The Last Problem’s Equestria implies it looks to ally with every country outside of Equestria, not conquer them.
So it should still be a valid question on just how this world collapses to the point it gets to where G5 is at the start. I at least assume that it’s not the fault at all of any of the Mane 6 nor Twilight. Or at least I hope it isn’t, as I’d rather the MLP fanbase not have to deal with a The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker situation. (Where after the joyful end of the original trilogy, things go wrong as Luke almost murders the son of one of his best friends and his sister despite trying to hard and succeeding at redeeming his father who at that point in the canon was a galaxy-wide known ruthless mass-murderer.) I assume we’re at a point where everyone of the Mane 6 sans maybe Twilight are presumed dead. And even in Twilight’s case, there’s a chance that G5 decides to say that G4 overestimated the whole Alicorn immortality thing. Though I wouldn’t put it past Hasbro to have some event where the Mane 5 of G5 meet the Mane 6 in some special event whether that’s a a Season finale or a sequel movie/special. Where either the Mane 6 return in a limbo situation similar to the Pillars at the end of Season 7 or Time travel gets involved. They may even string us along on answering just what in the heck happened until they involve a meet-up with the Mane 6 in that way. Though I hope they don’t, I’d really like the beginning of the series (Or I guess this supposed special coming up in Spring supposedly?) starts to answer some questions. G5 should get a chance to stand on it’s own, but I hope the writers are actually well aware there will be so many questions people have and address them in the show. A cynical part of me feels like they’re likely to string us along until at least the Season 1 finale.
Onto the characters for a bit. I think Izzy Moonbow was absolutely the most stand-out character in the whole movie. She was energetic, funny, and aside from “The pegasi are bad news” she along with Zipp and Sunny were the most averse to the way the world was. She was already the most popular due to the tennis ball memes. But now it feels like she legit stands on her own and most certainly deserves to be the most popular character of G5 thus far. Behind her in a bit of a surprise to me was Zipp, who I thought would be mainly a Rainbow Dash-expy. Though she really helps out Izzy and Sunny in Zephyr Heights. Despite having Twilight be my favorite pony from the very beginning of G4 all the way to the end, I didn’t feel as strongly about Sunny for some reason. So she’s in the middle of the pack, she could grow on me later. I just don’t know if I click with her as much as I did with Twilight. As for the last two, while I don’t hate either of them. Either one could be the lowest of the 5 for one reason or another. Pipp (Although I will say she's probably my favorite character design out of the 5) feels like she doesn’t do a whole lot in the movie and it takes until she’s forced to be an outlaw because the other choice was to get imprisoned like her mother was. So she may come off as quite pretentious, though it’s arguable Rarity was the same way early in G4. But she definitely grew later. Could be the same case for Pipp. And as for Hitch, he has shining moments in the film. But what might hurt him is the fact he was such a bad friend to Sunny up until the campfire scene. “I’m the last real friend you have. You really want to lose me too?” is not a healthy friendship. Hitch may have been Sunny’s friend the longest, but it definitely feels like Izzy connected immediately. I don’t know if this show will get into shipping any of the main characters between each other mid-show, but if they do. I hope it’s between Izzy and Sunny currently, cause Hitch and Sunny just gives bad vibes even with Hitch getting better later.
None of the songs I felt were particularly too special. Though I think the closest was Sprout’s “Danger, Danger” song that has similarities to Smells Like Teen Spirit in some parts of the song since I tend towards more rock/metal-esque music.
I touched upon it earlier, but there’s perhaps a stand-out reason for why the G5 movie outdid the 2017 MLP Movie. They have the typical “Our heroic group splits after a sad moment before coming together again for the climatic good end” in Sunny seeing that that the two crystals don’t instantly bring magic back, and when Twilight left the group after an argument that happened with Twilight trying to take a pearl. They perform the same purpose in the movie. But the crystals not working, crushing Sunny’s hope for a little while works better into the story. Where as Twilight’s part frustratingly brought the sea pony scene to an end too quickly and/or doesn’t feel right of Twilight to have done that. It felt forced in the 2017 movie, but works out in the G5 movie. Especially since a part of it is that it’s not the crystals themselves capable of bringing magic back. But it’s the journey going after the crystals that brings the ponies themselves their magic back.
Just a small note on dictator Sprout, he tries to cause a war. Though admittedly the film seems to treat him as a joke the entire time despite his seriously evil ambitions. With the only repercussions is he gets a wishy-washy answer on if he was a good sheriff from his mom. I don’t quite know how I feel about that yet, but I wonder what they’ll have in mind for Sprout given his actions. He and his mom are the only ones that feel like a true antagonist. Though they seem to be ok with things fast when the magic comes back.
But anyway on to the ending, we see that Sunny becomes an Alicorn. Which I guess with no other real Alicorns around, I guess it makes sense to alicornify her since she’s the real leader behind what united the leaders of each type of pony again. Though there is of course this weird thing where her horn and wings don’t seem like as much a part of her body compared to very obvious connected wings on Twilight when she got hers. Sunny keeps her horn and wings to the end of the movie, and has colored streaks in her hair. Though I do wonder if that;s truly permanent. If it is permanent, I suppose at least they got to have a headstart and have it established at the end of the introductory movie rather then have it shock people at the end of a shortened 3rd season. I still feel like Twilight had well earned her alicornhood considering that besides what she did in the series. She has a whole childhood and time as a teenager learning under Celestia. Which had to mean something, and I’m not sure Celestia just leaving her to live the rest of her days with her friends in ponyville was that. Sunny has no doubt been trying countless time to try to spread friendship throughout her life even after the tragedy of her father’s passing. So there’s no doubt she’s been through a lot, and may indeed be worthy of being an Alicorn at this point. Though in terms of screentime before Alicornhood it's definitely a lot less then Twilight had. And it is at least nice to see that it is possible for non-unicorns to become one. (The only case of that we sort of got was a children's book that may or may not be canon that implied Cadence was a pegasus before she ascended)
Though you have to wonder if the visual differences such as Sunny’s alicorn horn and wings, the cutie mark only on one side (Yes I know that’s how it was normally in the MLP generations before G4. But a distinct visual difference between shows is still noticeable even if the context of G4’s cutie marks on both sides of the flank was about it being easier on the puppets for Flash), and how animals can have wings or weird round shapes such as those bunnies when G4 has normal looking animals. There’s enough striking visual differences for any nitpicky G4 to say “This isn’t the same Equestria”. And if someone tries to say maybe some sort of evolution happened. That’s still trying to put a little too much real world logic on this fantasy world. And evolution tends to take millions of years to have such dramatic changes. Not 1000 years or so, there should still be normal looking animals at this point and time. And these small details are probably going to be the things most ignored but nonetheless can build a case that this isn’t the same Equestria. Even if they touch on the important questions like how magic disappeared and what happened to the Mane 6, there will be details they make different that will add to the case that this is it’s own universe if it doesn’t quite matchup with what was remembered about G4. There will be fans who will be that nitpicky to call G5 out of continuity for small details like that. That is again the trap they put themselves in when they decided to try to say it’s the same Equestria.
All-in-all though, I think that’s at least a good enough chunk about my thoughts on the movie to end off here. If there’s something I missed or something from the movie you’d like me to give a particular opinion about or elaborate on something feel free to ask me here. G5 is indeed off to a good start, just I will be along the many hoping some questions get answered sooner then later. And I’m not sure I’m confident in getting anywhere until a Season finale or a 2nd movie. And it’ll be a year before the series starts proper (Though again I guess there’s a 44 minute special coming in Spring to try to hold us over). But I could definitely see G5 finding it's own following, now there's just the inevitable clashes between some of the more vocal fans of each generation bickering at eachother. But hoping there will be enough that take the movie's lessons on divisiveness to heart and be able to enjoy both even if there may be preferences.
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ladyeliot · 3 years
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It’s been a long, long time 
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: You never knew what fate had in store for you, as if it was testing what it had offered you one day it took away from you the next. It was almost four years after Steve gave himself up to save the world, but you had never given up hope of being with him again.
Warnings: Angst. Disappearance. Fluff ending.
Word count: 2883
A/N: Captain America First Avenger / Avengers Endgame. Some of the dialogue is taken from the film. Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
Song: It’s been a long, long time - Harry James
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The rumours of his possible return were fading with time, but hopes were not falling.
Nearly four years had passed since the end of the Second World War, and the consequences were soon felt worldwide, especially by those who had survived that tragic period. You had been present from start to finish, being a potent participant in the covert operations linking the US and the UK. Although you had not been on the front line fighting as a soldier, you had been on the front line commanding the actions they would take. In 1939 you became a member of the British Royal Military, then a recommendation from a superior officer led to you joining the Special Operations Executive, a British spy agency, changing your destiny, causing MI5 to contact you, and then you were seconded to the Strategic Scientific Reserve, a top-secret Allied war agency during World War II, created by President Roosevelt. Too many things happened in a single year, too many things that would change the course of your history, but the most important was yet to happen.
In 1943 you were assigned to Colonel Chester Phillips' training base, known as Camp Lehigh, where you were assigned to supervise the candidate division of Project Renaissance, the project that changed everything. Project Renaissance was a highly secret project run by the United States Government. Its aim was to create super soldiers to be deployed during World War II against the Axis powers, thus having a great advantage in strategic warfare, however things didn't go as planned and they only had one success, a young man from Brooklyn named Steve Rogers.
You could never deny that you didn't notice him the first moment you saw him, he instantly caught your attention in two ways. The first of them was his physical shape, he stood out for his small stature compared to the other cadets, and his physical appearance looked sickly, although his medical record didn't say anything about it. On the other hand, the other aspect that impressed and inspired you was his courage and endurance to face each of the tests they had to pass, as well as his cunning, all of which won you over, as well as the generals of the project, as he was selected for the Renaissance project. The time you spent together at Camp Leigh made you realise the determination and humility he possessed, traits that the other members of the group, or any other man you had met before, possessed only to a slight degree.
The day the experiment was carried out, that is, the injection of the Super Soldier serum into Steve was another turning point in your life, the young man who went into that machine was not the same as the one who would come out of it, at least for everyone present, a human being went in and a super soldier came out, although for you he was still the same Steve Rogers with 30 centimetres more height and greater muscle mass. From then on he became the secret weapon that would overthrow Hitler, as the leader of the project, Dr. Erskine, was killed which meant that Steve was the only one of his kind.
You would have liked to have been able to say that your relationship was moving towards a more effective environment, but you were really living in a period of war, plus your character did not easily fit in with the word love, it never really did, or rather, you had never shown any interest in any man. You were rude, you had suffered enough harassment in your job, a job by and for men, to become insensitive in several cases. You were selective with your friends and also with the people you could trust, that's why every time you felt any affection for someone you stopped it, and that's what happened with Steve at the beginning.
Frankly, there were not too many moments to show your affection for each other, nor to enrich it, but every occasion that brought you together, there were certain feelings in the air that were never expressed in words. You encouraged him to be more than a lab rat or a fair hand for the soldiers at the front, you also helped him from your position with the missions, which after his triumph in rescuing the soldiers of the 107th infantry, were assigned to him. You complemented each other, you understood each other in many aspects that no one had ever understood, you had faith in him and he in you, that is why deep inside you were waiting for the day when the war would end to discover what it would be like to be able to dance with him without any worries around you, but it was not that simple.
As if the universe itself was mocking you, everything it had offered you was taken away in a breath. Even if you had never extrapolated it, your heart shrank every time he marched on a mission in enemy territory, you used to find yourself behind the controls of the base of operations that commanded his missions waiting for his voice or news from him to indicate what the situation was, but the last time what you saw was different. It was all a consequence of your attack on HYDRA HQ, you had worked out a strategy to take out their leader, the Red Skull, Steve was inside and you later came in with the assault guard and became part of the operation. Things had gone a little shaky during the operation, as the Red Skull managed to gain access to a ship and almost escaped from the place, but at that moment you appeared as if you were a breath of air together with Colonel Chester Phillips to offer him the last chance for Steve to finish him off and gain access to the inside of the ship that was about to escape, but not before sharing your first and last kiss. Every day you remember the last words you said to him in person "Go get him." before watching him jump into the plane and disappear into the snowy mountains.
After that, the ship became a direct path to death unbeknownst to you. A few hours later, from the command post, you managed to maintain a direct connection with the ship, specifically with Steve who was still inside it.
"Come in. This is Captain Rogers. Do you read me?" you all heard from the intercom.
"Steve, is that you? Are you alright?" your heart raced as it did every time he was away from you on a mission.
"Y/N! Schmidt's dead.
That brought a breath of relief that neither of you had experienced for a long time, you could see a little light at the end of the tunnel that was getting closer and closer to you, but what you heard next put the light out again.
"What about the plane?" you asked still worried about his situation.
"That's a little bit tougher to explain," Steve's words were choppy.
It really was complicated, the plane was loaded with explosive devices and was clearly headed for New York City, that meant there was only one possibility and you all knew what it was. You tried to talk him out of it, to find a new solution, but time was running out.
"Y/N, this is my choice," a lump formed in your throat at those words. "Y/N?"
"I'm here," you managed to say with watery eyes and a hand to your lips.
"I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance," you heard through the intercom, as a sharp gust of air rushed in between his words.
"Alright," you hid a soft sob. "A week, next Saturday, at the Stork Club."
"You got it," he said firmly, making it seem real that he was going to show up there on Saturday.
"Eight o'clock on the dot. Don't you dare be late. Understood?"
"You know, I still don't know how to dance," a wistful smile appeared on your face at his words.
"I'll show you how. Just be there," you said almost begging him.
"We'll have the band play somethin' slow," Steve picked up the pace of his words, "I'd hate to step on your...
That was the last time you heard his voice, the line connecting the intercom to Steve went static with a soft continuous noise, that's when the tears flowed freely down your cheeks.
"Steve? Steve? Steve?"
Of course, life puts us all to the test, we believe we need redemption for the acts committed in the past, that often makes us lose hope that better times will come. ��Almost four years have passed since those last events, since you shared your first and last kiss with your Captain America, since you heard his last words and since you felt that thing called love. Now your life had been turned upside down, you had dreamed for too long of meeting him, of seeing his face again and not only through those war films, but your life went on and you couldn't keep yourself stuck thinking about him, that's why you had decided to leave the Strategic Scientific Reserve and go into a new project with Howard Stark, called S.H.I.E.L.D.
It was unusual for the month of January to have that warm morning out, although it was actually quite comforting as it had brightened up your day, and even when you got home you opted to start cooking to the rhythm of whatever song was playing on the radio, which was unusual for you. The open windows allowed the sun's rays to stream into the living room, offering that homely touch that the little house in the middle of a residential neighbourhood lacked. Due to your countless projects and missions in the SSR you had not been able to enjoy home life as much as you would have liked, although it was really your decision, that house was too quiet and too big for you alone, although the radio offered you the company you sometimes needed.
As if it were a special event you had brought out the table linen and arranged the table in the parlour to eat there for the first time, normally you used the table in the kitchen, for you did not waste too much time on your meals, but this day was a new beginning, a new year, a good time to work out new habits. You opted to open a bottle of wine, which had been a gift from your dear friend Howard Stark, and poured yourself a glass while you waited for the chicken to make its acquaintance in the oven. The rhythmic melody of Nat King Cole along with your glass of wine lifted spirits that hadn't been this high for some time.
"Love is all that I can give to you," you intoned as you walked around the kitchen.
The midday seemed to be going smoothly, until a crashing noise from the front door brought you to a screeching halt. "Ogh, Mrs. Foster," you said to yourself before taking a sip from your glass of wine to fill your spirits. Mrs Foster was the neighbour from across the street who was always knocking on your door whenever she could, hoping to whisper about the other neighbours and glean as much information about you as possible, the funny thing was that she always barged in at the most inopportune times.
"I'm coming!" you exclaimed, taking off your apron and placing it on the counter. "I'm there!"
When you reached the front door you took five seconds to exhale the air inside you, position your dress correctly, take another breath, roll your eyes and expose a wide grin before you very quickly lowered the door handle. We've been talking before about all the turning points that changed your life and shaped your destiny, okay, that was one of them, maybe the most important one of all, the one that set the rest of your life on track.
"Hello Mrs. Fos-!"
Your voice disappeared, your vocal cords seemed to break at that moment, your wide, false smile also vanished as if it had never been on your face, your eyes seemed to have no eyelids and your lungs ran out of air, leaving you breathless. What you saw when you opened that door was your whole life, every moment appeared in front of you as if it were a frame. They say that happens when you are about to die, but it happened to you when the person you had loved had returned from the dead and was prostrate before you. You couldn't tell whether your reaction was the most humane or what someone else would have done in your place because you had never met anyone who had. Soldiers sometimes took long months to return home after the war ended, but it had taken Steve almost four years to do so.
Perhaps there had been hundreds or thousands of times you had imagined that moment, and now you didn't know what to do, your limbs were stiff, you were grateful for it or you would have collapsed in those moments. You kept holding the doorknob tightly, while he stood there on your porch staring at you, not knowing what to do. They were the longest minutes of your whole life, or maybe they were only a few seconds, you didn't know how time worked in those moments, but that didn't matter, your emotions recovered when you looked into his eyes, those blue eyes that you had dreamed of so many nights and they were watery, that was the sign that told you that this was not a dream, it was real life.
The air opened again and passed through your lungs in the form of a gasp, you shared the wateriness of his eyes in yours and in a moment you were wrapped in his arms. You could feel him again, or rather you could feel him around you for the first time. His arms were around your back bringing your body closer to his.
"You're... here." you murmured against his chest almost afraid that your words would make him disappear again.
"I'm home," he whispered against your forehead before kissing it and pulling away to look at your face.
It really was him, you noticed the odd changed feature, as if the years had passed him by more quickly, but there was no doubt that it was Steve. He placed his hands on your cheeks cradling your face, that sensation made you close your eyes as you placed your hands on his. Gingerly, you felt his breath collide against you and the longing for his lips that had haunted you for so many years came to an end.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours.
"No, you're home," you murmured, taking his hand and bringing his palm to your lips.
The open windows of the living room let out the melody of the radio, as if it were one of those Hollywood feature films with its own soundtrack. For a few long minutes you stood there on the porch of your house, oblivious to everything around you, oblivious to curious stares or if the chicken was burning in the oven, there was nothing more relevant than the two of you.
After a few minutes without taking your eyes off each other you took his hand and went inside your home, there were no unnecessary questions, no comments that could break the moment, your gazes were pleased to observe each other and as if your thoughts were connected and the person in charge of playing the songs on the radio knew it, one of Steve's favourite songs began to play. Harry James' voice came into the room, giving you the moment you had wanted for four years in your case, but for Steve it had been many more. 
“Never thought that you would be
Standing here so close to me
There's so much I feel that I should say
But words can wait until some other day”
His arm found position around your waist and your face found position on his chest. You listened to his heartbeat work to the rhythm of the melody, you could never have imagined ever feeling like this again, you would have made a pact with the devil on too many occasions to feel it. It was so unreal that you had to lift your face from his chest to look at his face again, to find out if it really was Steve in front of you, it was. 
“Kiss me once, then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It’s been a long, long time
Haven't felt like this, my dear
Since I can't remember when
It’s been a long, long time”
Life had offered you a new opportunity to enjoy it together, and you were never going to miss it.
“You'll never know how many dreams
I've dreamed about you
Or just how empty they all seemed without you
So kiss me once, then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It's been a long, long time”
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mimisempai · 3 years
Every time I look at you, I fall in love again
As he gazes at his sleeping lover, Loki remembers the moments where he fell in love with Mobius.OrFive times when Loki's heart pounded in a special way and once when it pounded in a familiar way.
Tumblr request : a 5+1 - it could be about moments in their relationship where Loki falls more in love w/ Mobius
2084 words - Rating G
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For once, Loki woke up this morning before Mobius.
Leaning on his hand, he took the opportunity to watch his beloved while he slept.
As he gazed at the sleeping features of his lover, he was once again taken aback by the strength of his feelings.
Loki had little or no experience with love, so he had nothing to compare to what he was experiencing with Mobius right now.
No one had made him feel the way the man made him feel.
It was as if Mobius had wrapped his roots around Loki's heart little by little but without imprisoning him.
Mobius' love had set him free.
In return, Loki's feelings had taken root in Mobius' constancy.
Sometimes Loki liked to think about how his feelings had developed, because it had all happened so quickly that he had never been able to enjoy those stolen first moments.
It would be hard for Loki to say exactly when he had begun to notice that his relationship with Mobius was different from any relationship he had had before, but what he was sure of was that no one had ever been able to see through him as quickly as Mobius.
"I don't like to talk."
"But you do like to lie, which you just did. Because we both know you love to talk. Talkie-talkie."
Honestly, at that moment, Loki thought fondly, if he hadn't been so angry at being found out, he would have laughed.
As a matter of fact, it had become a fond memory for them. Whenever Loki would go into one of his grandiloquent tirades, Mobius would simply make this little gesture with his hand and would mouth "Talkie Talkie"
" You don't know anything about me.
"Maybe I'd like to learn."
It was probably at that moment that Mobius had begun to touch something in Loki that no one had ever touched. The fact that anyone would even bother to genuinely learn about him was in itself new. Except for his mother and Thor, most people had always assumed the worst of him.
"Honestly, I'm actually a fan. Yeah. And I guess I'm wondering why does someone with so much range just wanna rule?
Mobius had been the first to make him question himself.
Of course, at the time, he was not at all receptive to what Mobius' words really meant.
It had taken him some time to admit the truth.
The moment he had admitted it, the naked truth, without any more artifice, he had been ready to receive the final blow, the ratification of his vileness, but no, nothing like that.
"Because it's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear."
"'A desperate play for control.' You do know yourself."
"A villain."
"That's not how I see it."
That's not how I see it.
At that moment, Loki's heart had pounded for the first time.
The man in front of him had seen all the lowliness that Loki was capable of and yet he did not see him as a villain.
From the first hours of their meeting, he had made it impossible for Loki not to love him and from then on, his feelings had grown exponentially.
As he walked down the path of his memories, Loki continued to gaze at Mobius as he slept. A small miracle in itself for Loki.
Knowing who Loki was, Mobius slept in his presence. The perfect image of absolute trust.
Loki sometimes still had trouble feeling worthy of such trust.
Seeing him sleeping like that, he thought of the day when he himself had first fallen asleep in this way with Mobius.
The day he fell a little more in love with Mobius.
It started with Mobius taking the blame for the failure of their first mission together, when it was all Loki's fault. They could have just pruned him, but no, Mobius had pleaded his case to Ravonna.
Then Loki had presented his theory to Mobius, admittedly with a rather shaky metaphor, even ruining one of his lover's favorite dishes.
"Well, here's a fun theory. You lure me out into the field, and then you stab me in the back. And that's a theory I don't wanna test."
"I'd never stab anyone in the back. That's such a boring form of betrayal."
"Loki, I've studied almost every moment of your entire life. You've literally stabbed people in the back, like, 50 times."
"Well, I'd never do it again, because it got old."
Mobius laughed and chose to follow Loki's theory, even though Loki had given him no reason to believe in him until now. Even though his theory was based on almost nothing, Mobius had chosen to believe Loki.
Then they returned from Pompeii and something happened that had never happened to Loki, he had fallen asleep. Loki, who was distrustful of everything and nothing, had simply fallen asleep in the presence of someone he hardly knew. As if his heart had understood before his mind that he had nothing to fear from Mobius.
When Mobius had woken him up, Loki's heart had pounded for the second time, and it wasn't fright that had caused it, but the realization that Loki was falling in love and falling deeply.
As he looked up from his contemplation of Mobius, Loki's gaze fell on the photo that lay on his nightstand. A memory of their first vacations, when Mobius had finally realized his dream. In the middle of the paradisiacal decor of an island in Midgard, Loki had taken this photo of Mobius piloting -at last- a jetski. So much joy on his face.
Another thing that made Loki fall in love a little more: the passion of his lover for some small insignificant things.
Josta, salad, jet-ski...
"You know, some things... Actually, most things in history are kinda dumb, and everything gets ruined eventually. But in the early 1990s, for a brief, shining moment, there was a beautiful union of form and function, which we call the jet ski, and a reasonable man cannot differ."
"You ever been on one?"
"No... No. I think a TVA agent showing up on a jet ski on the Sacred Timeline, that would create a branch for sure."
"Oh it'd be fun, though."
"Yeah, it'd be really fun."
"So, why read about them?"
"It just helps remind me of what we're fighting for."
The expression Mobius had had at that moment, when he had said something like that with such candor had made Loki fall even more.
And his heart had pounded for the third time.
While he had sensed that what would happen next would destroy what Mobius believed in, Loki had not been able to stop himself from wanting to protect him and his happiness, and to hope that one day he would be able to realize his dream.
With his eyes on the photo commemorating a very real memory, he felt a sense of satisfaction, because his lover had been able to realize this dream and Loki had been there to witness it.
"Loki... Don't go..."
Loki's eyes returned from the picture to his lover, whose features were now tense, probably from a nightmare.
"I'm here love, I'm not leaving. I'm staying with you."
Saying this, Loki gently strokes Mobius' cheek and his expression immediately relaxes. After a few seconds,he was sleeping peacefully again.
Loki didn't need to read Mobius' mind to know what he had dreamed.
He had known that he had taken a huge risk when he had decided to follow Sylvie and he had known that the reunion with Mobius would not be easy.
After all, he had betrayed him. But of all the acts of betrayal that Loki had been guilty of, this was the one that had cost him the most. Because of the feelings he was beginning to have for Mobius.
But what he hadn't imagined was that Mobius would almost turn into a jealous lover, even though at that point they didn't have that kind of relationship at all.
Loki had been incredibly surprised that it wasn't Loki's betrayal that had hurt Mobius the most, but the fact that he had made a connection with Sylvie.
"Come on. Look at your eyes. You like her."
"You like her. Does she like you?"
"Both of you were just swooning over each other."
"It's breaking my reality right now. What an incredible seismic narcissist. You fell for yourself."
"I'm supposed to believe your terrorist girlfriend"
"What, your female self that you have some demented crush on…"
Loki's heart had pounded for the fourth time when he realized what it could mean. He had fallen a little more at the thought of Mobius, at the thought that the man might be jealous, at the thought of what it might mean about Mobius' feelings for him.
Then there had been that moment of grace, the exact moment when Loki had known that he was definitely in love with Mobius.
For the first time, when everything was against him, someone had chosen to believe in him. That someone was Mobius.
Even though he was clearly angry with Loki, he still listened to him and chose to believe him.
Despite Loki's attempts at manipulation, betrayals, and mistakes, Mobius renewed his faith in him and spoke those words that were imprinted in Loki's head.
"You could be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good. I mean, just in case anyone ever told you different."
Loki's throat tightened as he was overwhelmed by the emotion of the memory.
Mobius had no idea how many wounds he had healed in Loki at that moment.
After what Loki had done, where Odin and Thor had not forgiven him, not only had Mobius forgiven him but even more amazingly, he had shown that he believed that Loki was capable of being good, of doing good.
At that moment, Loki's heart did not pound once, but thousands of times, at full speed.  Because of the joy and love that filled it.
The sudden disappearance of Mobius just afterwards had been all the more cruel. Because at that moment, they didn't know about the Void and Loki had thought Mobius was lost forever. He had been devastated.
He couldn't help but touch Mobius' face, gently so as not to wake him, then he whispered softly, "You too Mobius, do not ever leave me."
They had found each other again.
When he first saw Mobius after he thought he had lost him, it only confirmed Loki's feelings for Mobius.
The way his heart had pounded at the sight of the one he loved was impossible to ignore.
So when they had to part once again, Loki had not been able to resist the pull of his heart, and instead of grabbing Mobius' hand, he had taken the man in his arms.
Loki had held Mobius in his arms many times since that moment, but he would never forget the feeling of that first hug. The feeling that the universe was in place. That he was where he belonged, that he was home.  He had expressed without words all that he felt and Mobius had answered him in the same way. They had to part again, but this time the bond between them was undeniable and unbreakable.
They had to go through a lot to finally enjoy their love, without the sword of Damocles, without the threat of the end of the world, or of a multiversal war over their heads, but they had made it. They were here now.
With each passing day, Loki fell a little more in love.
The Midgardian saying, I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow, had become his.
Because every time he looked at Mobius and realized the love they shared, he felt like it was stronger.
Mobius moved in his sleep, making the sheet slide off his shoulder.
Loki could not resist and leaned over to kiss the bare shoulder. Mobius woke up and turned to face Loki with a sleepy smile on his lips.
"Hey there handsome," Mobius whispered to Loki, gently kissing Loki's cheek. Loki's heart fluttered in a familiar way now, at such gentleness and at the adoration he read in his lover's eyes.
"Hey love," whispered Loki.
Mobius kissed him, his lips pressing lazily against Loki's. Loki smiled and kissed him back, happy.
Together they enjoyed the delights of a perfect, quiet morning.
All other one-shots of this series here : X
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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obaewankenobis · 3 years
for forever — obi-wan kenobi
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pairing(s)  :  obi-wan kenobi x reader ( mostly focused on obi-wan’s character, not the relationship because i am a hoe for this man )
summary  :  after the fall of the jedi order, you can finally be together. alternatively, obi-wan needs therapy/deserves happiness.
word count  :  2.1k
warning(s)  :  character death, a bit of angst i guess but it’s mostly fluff.
notes   :  roughly edited so i apologize if things don’t make sense, i honestly came up with this on a whim and have No Idea what was going through my head when i wrote this. the povs also switch a lot but enjoy </3.
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       The sand bit at his fair skin, the grainy winds of Tatooine ruffled through his auburn locks, peppered with strands of grey, as Obi-Wan Kenobi stood, rigid and grief stricken. Kind wrinkles framed his eyes, eyes weighed down by exhaustion and desolation, the memory of a thousand wars flickering in the brilliant blue reflection. Without speaking, the woman looking at him from afar knew he had suffered a lifetime of hardship and grief, his aching heart not given a moment to mourn the loss of those closest to him. The mahogany cloak billowed around his body, covering the burnt, tattered tan robes he wore, as the wind picked up, signaling there would be little time before the twin suns set and it was much too dangerous to be outside. Snuggled between the lone man’s arms, swathed in soft cream blankets to shelter him from the cruel and unforgiving weather, was a baby. With sea blue eyes and the sparse tufts of pale blonde hair, the newborn was the mirror image of his father — that in itself was bittersweet.
       Fire. That was all Obi-Wan could remember, the smoldering lava confining him and his enemy — once his friend, his brother — inside a tight circle of flashing blue and blazing rage. Now, things were blissfully quiet, as if the universe was trying to give him peace of mind after what it had taken from him. With heavy shoulders and hollow eyes, Obi-Wan was a shell of who he used to be: a great warrior and an excellent negotiator, all gone. His last mission was here, on Tatooine, to deliver the baby to his aunt and uncle: Owen and Beru Lars. Then, he would spend the rest of his years wasting away in a sandy prison, languishing in his defeat.
       “Is it true?” The woman from afar, who had taken to staring at him from a distance, finally approached him, awaiting his answer with bated breath — Beru. Is it true? The words reverberated in his head, as the reality came crashing down upon him. The woman in front of him needed certainty, she needed answers, answers Obi-Wan could not give her.
       “Yes,” came the final reply. Who knew a single word could hold such heavy meaning? Yes. An entire government who’s history spanned hundreds of years prior collapsed within a single day? Yes, that had happened. His religion, who he had devoted his entire life to and poured his soul into, gone? Yes, decimated without a sliver of mercy. The baby’s father, the hero of the galaxy, the crown jewel of the Jedi Order, killed? Yes, murdered in cold blood.
       Beru finally brought her attention to the boy nestled within the robes of the man. “Is he . . . ” She seemed to only speak in half questions, as if finishing the sentence would make it a harsh reality, and leaving the query to hang heavy in the air would somehow leave her life in a fairytale.
       “Yes,” he replied again, nearly choking on his words as the boy let out a tiny coo, as if he sensed they were discussing him.
       “Oh.” There was a pause, a flicker of hesitation, before the woman decided to continue her pattern of half inquiries to form her own story. “May I?” With shaking arms, Beruu reached forward to take the boy from Obi-Wan’s grasp and welcome the baby into her own warm embrace. Part of him didn’t want to let the child go, for once he did he would have no real connection to his past life. Letting go of the boy meant letting go of everything, from his first steps in the Temple, to his meeting with his apprentice on Naboo, to the countless, sleepless nights in a war torn galaxy, it would all be gone. The woman’s tender smile and patient gaze was nearly patronizing, she was trying to sympathize with something she couldn’t possibly understand. No one could. A wave of fury washed over him, trapping him in a cage of his own emotions. Obi-Wan had never felt such an intensity roll over his body, preferring to keep his temperament a tranquil, emotionless pit. But this raw, uncontrollable fury was soon washed out with an even more overpowering bout of sorrow, shaking him with such force it made his knees wobble and threaten to give way. For over thirty years he was taught emotions were the enemy, by being detached and aloof he would survive, and look where that had gotten him.  
      Another soft cry from the baby jerked Obi-Wan back into the present moment, as his tiny arms reached for the woman, drawn to her sunny kindness and comforting aura; he realized a place to call home or a comforting shoulder to cry on was never something he could offer as the baby grew older. The woman made a small clicking sound with her tongue, looking up at Obi-Wan with an expectant gaze, and yet his grip on the baby remained the same. Although his mind seemed desperate to listen to logic, to reason, his body remained motionless, following the dull ache and painful longing in his heart. The battle between his mind and emotions lasted a fraction of a second, and at last, as it had time and time again, his mind won.
       Like he had done all his life, selflessly sacrificing himself for thee good of the galaxy, he let go.
     The woman took the baby in her arms, and began her journey back to her homestead, pausing just slightly to exchange one last parting smile and a word of comfort. “I think someone wants to see you, Master Kenobi.” With that, Beru began walking, a happy baby in her arms, to her husband, just as the sky merged from clear blue to salmon pink and hazy orange, the twin suns beginning to disappear over the horizon rapidly. As the light dimmed and dusk settled in, the man could make out the shadowy figures of Beru and Owen Lars, holding Luke Skywalker in unmoving content.
       Here to see me? Obi-Wan frowned, reflecting on the woman’s words. This was not his home, his very identity was supposed to remain a secret, who could possibly want to see him? Unless . . .
       No, that was impossible. He had mourned your death just as he had mourned every other Jedi’s death the moment their own clones turned against them, and he would not allow even a tiny sliver of hope to crawl its way back into his heart. Because in the end, he could only cling to the belief that things would get better, and false hope in such a desperate time would be his undoing.
       You wondered how long you could stand in the shadows before he noticed you, standing awkwardly by his dewback as he delivered Padmé and Anakin's son to his new family. Like Obi-Wan, you had suffered the loss of everything and everyone you knew, your entire life destroyed in the span of a second, and all you could do was stand there, watching everything burn. The Jedi robes you once wore with pride, robes that were once a symbol of humility and hope across the galaxy, now put a priceless bounty on the head of anyone who wore them.
       “Obi-Wan?” The name was dry in your throat, mouth parched and lips cracked due to the harsh Tatooine heat.
       Though he was always subtle, you could see his entire demeanor change, the way his shoulders became straighter, the way his hands, once balled up into fists of worry, were now relaxed and laying loosely at his side. In a moment, he had turned around and closed the distance between the two of you, caramel boots growing dull and scuffed as he stepped through the unforgiving desert surface beneath him. “You’re alive,” his voice came out in a hushed, cautious tone, disbelief still tainting the edges. “I thought — Yoda and I — the only ones left — ” his words grew more jumbled with each passing phrase that left his lips.
       “But I’m here. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere,” you cut him off, the calm gentleness of your tone making him stop in his tracks. Slowly, each movement pained and deliberate, you stepped closer, inching your way forward until he was right in front of you. Neither of you could look away; with the Jedi Order dead, there was no reason to hide in secrecy now.
       To realize he was not alone was comforting, but to know it was you he could seek company in was freeing. In that moment, with the distance so close between your bodies, Obi-Wan dared not breathe, his eyes fluttering shut as he let out the smallest of breaths — this was all he had ever wanted, and still, despite everything, it was something he believed he could never have.
       He wouldn’t allow himself to believe it. Not after he spent all those years repressing the desire that burned so deeply within him it began to rot within his heart, trapped with no release in sight. At one point, he had every reason to deny the yearning stirring within him, but now? Now there was no war, no Council, no code, no nothing to stop himself from unleashing decades of pent up turmoil within him.
       And stars, it was suffocating.
       He couldn’t do this.
       “You know you don’t have to push me away any more.” A suggestion more than a factual statement; voice thick and barely audible.
       Was this a dream, a fantasy meant to be chased after in his sleep? Or some sick, twisted premonition the Force was trying to convey to him? So many nights he had spent languishing in his loneliness, dazed in a delusion that remained but a figment of his imagination.
       “I know.”
       “The Jedi are no more. We . . . We don’t have to pretend we don’t have  — ” The words were bittersweet on his tongue; even with no one there to watch and scold him, he could not betray his way of life so easily. That everyone I have ever loved, I have watched die in my arms? And throughout all of that, I have never been tempted by the dark side, but if I lost you, I would be afraid of my own morality? Those were not easy thoughts to formulate into a coherent sentence — there were no words Obi-Wan could say that would even begin to describe how he felt.
       Instead, in a tender gesture of vulnerability, he reached out through the Force, and all at once it came crashing down on him.
       This feeling . . . it was all consuming, and he was drowning, struggling to keep his head above water and not surrender to its frosty depths. He was submerged in an endless stretch of icy ocean water so frigid and numbing, that he felt nothing and everything all at once. It was terrifying to think — and let you know — you held so much power over him, but in the same instance, he felt at peace, like a weight he had dragged around for decades was finally lifted off his shoulders. I love you, rang as bright as the city lights on Coruscant and as clear as a Nabooian waterfall. I love you.
       “I love you, too.” He heard your voice in a soft whisper, swelled up with emotion as you took in everything. Chills erupted down his spine; he couldn't quite tell if it was from the inky blanket being tugged across the sky as dusk descended into nightfall, or if it was the four word phrase that left your lips.
       “I cannot live without you,” Obi-Wan let out a shaky exhale, breath fanning across your face just slightly, your foreheads making contact in the lightest movements. You felt dizzy, in a dreamlike trance, for you had never been this close to him. You could see every horror he had survived in his glassy blue eyes, notice every perfect imperfection that blemished his skin and made him all the more real. In a moment, his face had become blurred as he closed the distance and finally, finally, his lips were on yours, and you connected in a long awaited, eternally sought after kiss. You could feel his hands, calloused but gentle, cupping your face, as your own fingers found their way to the nape of his neck, the kiss grew more fervent and needy, every rule you had ever lived by crumbling as you melted deeper into his touch.
       After a long moment, you broke away, breathless, your face still tantalizingly close to his.
       “I will never leave you, Obi-Wan,” your lips parted in a determined vow, a promise you would keep to your dying breath. The Jedi were dead, and yet you never felt more alive.
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maybedefinitely404 · 4 years
Day 22: Dukexiety
Day 22:  When you close your eyes, you can see what your soulmate sees.
Content warnings: Sleep deprivation/what could be considered insomnia, food mentions, energy drinks, parental abuse, drunk abuse, mentioned anxiety attack, physical altercation, dissociating, school security, maybe PTSD?
Word count: 3.5k 
For as long as Remus could remember, he’d hated sleeping. 
At some points it got so bad he couldn’t function. Falling asleep at the breakfast table before violently jolting awake, asking his mother or teacher to repeat things four or five times until it finally clicked that they were asking if he was okay, staring off into space for what felt like a couple minutes, only to learn that it was several hours later and he’d missed dinner. Roman had gotten used to his twin’s habit of losing sleep, and although it never ceased to worry him, it became more of a given thing that if Remus forgot to do his chores, it was (most of the time) an accident. He’d walk into their shared room and snap his fingers in his face a few times, ask if he wanted dinner until Remus finally understood, and then help him stumble downstairs. 
It was also a given in their family that if Remus ever did fall asleep, whether in his own bed, or on the couch, or outside in the backyard, never wake him up. He so rarely got any rest whatsoever that the seldom times he was able to conk out, it wasn’t uncommon for him to be down for over twenty hours. In those cases, their parents would silently close all the curtains and shut off the lights if he was indoors, or cover him with their deck umbrella and lay a blanket on him if he was outside, and make it law to not disturb him. He’d miss school, it was fine, just let him sleep.
And it was all because of his soulmate. 
Because it wasn’t so much the act of sleeping in itself that he hated. No, the times he actually got deeper than the REM phase, when he was actually out, it was amazing. Blissful and relaxing and made him so hyper aware when he finally woke up. Like the colors were no longer dim and words made sense the first time they were uttered. It was the actual act of falling asleep, when he had to close his eyes but was still fully conscious, that he hated. 
He didn’t have a proper idea who his soulmate actually was. Every time he closed his eyes and their vision fused, when he saw everything his soulmate saw from their perspective, they never seemed to be around a mirror. That would have made life a whole lot easier, if he only knew what it was. Then at least he’d have a chance to save them.
It started when he was little, when their soulbond was just forming. Back then, it was still shaky and glitchy, sometimes showing what his soulmate was seeing, and sometimes just showing the blackness of his eyelid. He saw grassy fields of a park that he couldn’t identify, a dimly lit bedroom with toys scattered on the floor, the night sky from a window that wasn’t his. But then it morphed; playgrounds becoming littered liquor bottles on the floor of an unkempt living room, dark lego-covered carpet evolving from something once played upon to something his soulmate was thrown harshly onto, the view of the stars suddenly filled with the face of a screaming man. The man. 
Remus had no idea who the man was, but he knew his face well. He knew every fury filled expression on his drunken face, the way his nose wrinkled in disgust, how his mouth twisted and contorted as he screamed. Their ears weren’t connected, so he couldn’t tell what the man was saying, but it was punctuated with flying fists and hands gripping collars, thrown beer bottles and pushes to the ground. It didn’t happen every time he closed his eyes, but it had happened enough for Remus to suddenly jerk awake the moment their vision was shared out of pure panic. It happened enough that if his mother reached up to adjust his hoodie strings, he’d flinch violently, or when Roman snuck up on him just a little too quietly, his hands would fly over his face to protect himself. He wouldn’t develop bruises, or take the undoubtedly cruel things the man said to heart, but he was still affected. If he tried to sleep, and the man appeared in his sight, he’d bury his face in his arms, eyes wide and staring at his pajama pants, knowing what was happening to his soulmate however far away they were and he was unable to do anything to help. At least he could open his eyes and be free of the horrors. It was only in the rare instances when he’d close his eyes and his soulmate was already asleep, revealing nothing but the black void behind his eyelids, that he could actually sleep. 
When Roman awoke that morning, he blinked his bleary eyes and turned to the other bed in the room, sighing when Remus’ bloodshot eyes met his from where he was curled against the wall, blanket wrapped around his shoulders. The bags under his eyes had worsened more than they had before. If he was counting right, this was the third night in a row that Remus hadn’t slept at all. The last time he’d slept had been days ago, and only been for a couple hours before he awoke with a sob.
“Are you okay?” 
In a move unlike Remus, he shook his head no. He rarely admitted that he wasn’t fine, but it was getting to that point of almost mania where his eyes glazed over every couple minutes, hands constantly shaking, unaware of anything around him.
“You probably shouldn’t go to school today.”
“It’s f’ne,” Remus mumbled, hitting his head into his arms, “T’st in Engl’sh. Gotta go.”
“It’s not like you to care about school.” Roman threw his blankets off, noticing the way Remus flinched at the sudden movement, and began to change out of his pajamas.
“S’nior year. Failing Engl’sh. Ac’demic probation.” 
“Ah,” Roman hummed, gingerly placing a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie in front of Remus. “Is English your first class?”
“How about I drive you back home after your test?”
Remus had zoned out, staring blankly at the clothes in front of him, so Roman took that as a yes. As much as he hated letting Remus go to school when he was like this, he knew that if he didn’t drive him, Remus would find a way to go by himself and probably accidentally walk into the highway or something. 
By the time Remus zoned back into the real world, Roman had left the room. Lethargically, he changed into the lazy outfit Roman had placed in front of him and pushed himself off the bed, debating if he had the energy to brush his teeth or not. Just as he was considering just pouring the toothpaste into his mouth and gurgling it, Roman walked into the bathroom with an open can of Monster. 
“I have a stash in the basement so Mom doesn’t find them. Keep it down low and don’t take them, or I’ll cut you off.”
Remus didn’t even realize he’d grabbed the energy drink until he had half finished chugging the can, almost sighing at the immediate burst of adrenaline. 
“Hell yeah.”
“Get ready and be downstairs in twenty minutes or I’m leaving without you.”
It was an empty threat, they both knew it, but Remus rolled his eyes anyways and set about to brushing his teeth, pulling out his phone to check the time. There was a barrage of missed messages and notifications that he hadn’t been able to care about after sleepless night number two, so he sent back explanations to the people who’d questioned his disappearance and gotten up to date on what he’d missed on social media. 
He stumbled downstairs as Roman was opening the front door, offering him a bagel silently. Their parents were both at work already, so they locked the door and got into Roman’s car. Remus wasn’t allowed to get his license, not when there was a solid chance that he’d fall asleep behind the wheel. 
“I’m driving you home after English, capiche?”
“I’d probably skip after the test either way.” His hands twitched against his bouncing legs, still unbearably exhausted but now with his heart beating at a rabbit’s pace. 
“You are not walking.”
“Yes, mom.”
Roman let out a tired sigh, leaving the drive quiet except for the soft sounds of the radio hosts. When they pulled into the school lot, minutes before the bell, Remus was getting out of the car before it had stopped all the way.
“Meet me in the main office after first period, dipshit!” Roman yelled as Remus disappeared into the building, flipping him off and letting the doors close behind him just as Roman shouted something else. Whatever. 
While caffeine was perhaps his most helpful crutch in this nightmare that was living, it had side effects. As soon as his test paper was down before him, his mind completely blanked of every word he’d ever heard in his entire life. Though, in all fairness, that also probably would have happened without the energy drink. He was so used to barely sleeping that it had become a norm to him, but it wasn’t a healthy way to live, so even if he’d learned how to function on twelve hours of sleep a week (on good weeks), his brain hadn’t quite caught on.
The instructions for the test wavered and throbbed before him as he blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to banish the blurriness from his sight. He could barely hold a pencil in his shaking hands, his thoughts somehow flying at the speed of light and equally as stuck and lethargic. Pretty much how he felt. 
His head flew up, his unruly bangs flopping into his eye. Since when did he need a haircut?
“I’ve been calling you for a few minutes now,” His teacher said quietly. Although they were trying to hide it, he could see his classmates glancing at him from the corners of their eyes, “Are you alright?”
As if perfectly on cue, he could feel his mind zoning out again, vision going blurry as his thoughts disappeared. Vaguely, he could feel a gentle hand on his arm slowly lifting him to his feet, a voice giving a foggy command to the class, and then he was led out of the room, the painfully bright hallway lights blinding him. It also brought him back to the present, ever so slightly, as he was taken down the hall to the main office. In the back of his mind, he was grateful for it, because this was where Roman would pick him up. Did this mean he was going home now? Was the test over?
“-last time he slept. He keeps zoning out. I think it would be best if he went home and retook the test another time.”
Hm? He blinked hard, until his eyeballs hurt, to try and get the gears in his brain to start working again. The teacher was talking to one of the secretaries, and they both kept looking to him in concern. 
“Can I call someone to come pick you up, Remus?” The secretary asked, already flipping through her contacts book.
“His brother also goes here, and can probably take him home. Would be easiest,” The teacher cut in before the question had even fully settled in Remus’ mind, and he internally cheered. At least that was settled. And by the sounds of it, he could do his test another time, which was a huge weight off his shoulders. He didn’t have, nor desire, Roman’s perfect grades, but he at least wanted to graduate.
“I’ll get him excused from class. Thanks for bringing him by.”
Remus blinked again and realized the teacher had left, leaving him wavering in the middle of the office in front of a very worried secretary. She was saying something, her mouth was moving, but the words didn’t compute. However when she gestured to a dimly lit backroom, he got the message and stumbled in, nearly collapsing on the small cot in relief. The door was closed nearly all the way, leaving just a crack of light shining through. 
As much as a nice break the darkness was, it just made his eyes want to close farther, and took twice as much effort to keep them open. Pulling at the skin in the corners of his eyes, he reluctantly sat up and focused his stares on the miscellaneous anatomy posters on the wall. 
That was when his gaze fell to the hunched form in the corner, staring at him with dark glistening eyes, and he nearly fell off the cot.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” He yelped. The figure flinched back, curling more into the chair they were perched on. 
“Sorry. She told you I was here when she brought you in. Didn’t you hear her?”
“In all honesty, no. I didn’t.” The two kept at their staring contest for longer than necessary, before Remus decided to break the silence, “So, what are you in for?”
For a good minute, he didn’t think he would get a response. The guy kept staring back at him, like he was trying to size him up, before he muttered, “Anxiety attack in class. Teacher forbade me from staying here.”
“And that’s a bad thing?”
“Yeah, well…” He finally broke the eye contact, staring down the nails he was picking at. “What about you?”
“Haven’t slept in three days, I think. Maybe four? I was all zone-y during a test so the teacher said I had to go home.”
“Damn teachers and their sudden respect for mental health.”
Remus snorted, resting his head against the wall. “Why’d you have a panic attack?”
“None of your business. Why haven’t you been sleeping?”
“Soulmate stuff,” Remus answered easily, not put off by the other’s suddenly annoyed tone. It wasn’t common to be unable to sleep due to a soulmate issue, whether it was trauma or another issue entirely, but it wasn’t unheard of either. 
“Yeah, it sucks. Still don’t wanna tell me why yo-?”
“I accept your rejection and will now take my leave to cry in the bathroom stall.”
The other boy actually snickered, a reaction Remus had been wishing for but hadn’t dreamed to expect. He waved a hand dismissively. “I hope you have a good cry.”
“Aw, thanks,” Remus cooed, leaning forward on his hands. “I haven’t seen you around. What’s your name?”
“Virgil. Only moved here recently.”
“How recent is recent?”
“Couple months.”
“Ah. I’m Remus. School disgrace, nice to meet you.”
“Oh boy, befriending the wrong crowd already.”
“I would be offended if you weren’t correct,” Remus grinned, hitting his baggy eyes a couple times with his fists.
“Virgil?” The nurse poked her head through the door, squinting in the low light, “Your dad’s here.”
Virgil stiffened immediately, casting Remus a look he didn’t quite understand before getting to his feet, pulling his bag onto his shoulder. She smiled at him and opened the door wider, gesturing for him to exit.
That’s when Remus saw him.
It took him a moment to understand that yes, his eyes were open, and yes, this was the man from his shared vision with his soulmate. 100% him, the same dark eyes and half grimace, except now wearing a pristine three piece suit that very much didn’t match his memories of him. He was signing a sheet, presumably to ensure that he’d picked Virgil up, and didn’t notice as his son stood frozen in the doorway, watching him with fear filled eyes.
Remus jumped to his feet, stepping next to Virgil.
“That’s your dad?”
Virgil let out a choked hum, one that was probably meant to be an affirmation, before gripping the strap of his backpack. “Why?”
“I’m your soulmate,” He said with absolutely zero tact, and the way Virgil’s face paled was enough indication that he’d understood. He gently laid a hand on the shorter’s shoulder, a silent indication to ‘stay here’, and marched towards the man at the desk. 
“Can I just say one thing?”
He looked up, surprised, and gave Remus a once over. His stomach twisted, being under the man’s gaze, the person who had made it impossible for him to sleep, now in front of him. Eye to eye, he appreciated, because in all the times he’d seen him second hand, he’d towered over him. Now they were the same height, and that brought a sick joy to him.
“I suppose?” The man asked, voice as calm and professional as his suit, looking to the secretary with an almost laugh.
“With all due respect,” Remus snarled, hand curling into a fist, “Fuck you.”
And then he hit him. Hard. All his pent up anger, years of watching his soulmate get beaten to a pulp, losing sleep until he was a zombie of himself, panic attacks of pure worry and fear, flew out in one punch, hitting him square in the nose and sending him stumbling back.
The secretary yelled something he didn’t hear over the blood pounding in his ears, and suddenly two arms were wrapped around his waist.
“Let me the fuck at him!” Remus screamed, fighting against the grip with everything he had. The man was on the ground, staring up at him with equal parts horror and pure rage, dabbing at his bleeding nose.
“Remus, breathe. Just calm down, you’re okay. Just breathe,” A shockingly calm voice whispered in his ear, and he immediately sagged against his brother, the restraining arms becoming supporting. 
“That’s him,” He said weakly, pulling away so he could turn to Roman, “That’s him.”
Roman furrowed his brow for a moment, looking between his twin and the man on the floor, before his eyes widened. He knew all of Remus’ stories, being the one a young Remus would come to when the visions got so bad he’d break down, listening to his rants about the abusive guardian of his soulmate. 
“Call the police,” He deadpanned, turning his glare to the secretary.
“I don’t think Remus-”
“Not for Remus, for him!” 
A gasping breath caught everyone’s attention and the focus shifted to the boy still standing on the doorway, his expression one of absolute terror, staring at his father. Remus broke completely away from his brother to cross to him just as the office door slammed open, two security guards-- the secretary had probably called them at the first punch-- taking in the scene before them. He could vaguely hear Roman explaining the situation, glad that he didn’t have to justify anything because he would most likely just end up throwing hands again. 
Virgil watched him approach, almost cowering in on himself, as Remus extended a hand. 
“Let’s get out of here. You’re not going back with him.”
It took the shorter boy a second, a nervous glance between his earnest eyes and the outstretched hand, before he took it in his own. Remus let a relieved smile take over, interlocking their fingers and leading him past the scene. As he passed a still talking Roman, he swiped the car keys from his pocket with no one any wiser.
“He’ll notice eventually,” He stage-whispered as they exited the large double doors, making their way through the parking lot. “I can’t drive, but we might as well sit in the car until Roman’s done.”
Virgil was quiet, allowing himself to be led through the rows of parked cars before Remus stopped, unlocking the doors and sliding into the backseat, pulling his soulmate in after him. There was a blanket tucked under the front seat and he yanked it out, unfolding it as well he could in the cramped space. 
The shorter boy was shaking violently, trying to hide his hands and now bleeding fingernails in his hoodie sleeves. Remus, for maybe the first time in his life, opened his arms for a hug, and was genuinely shocked by how fast Virgil lunged into his grip. He didn’t have many soft spots, but he could make one for his soulmate. 
“You’re not going back to him. Over my dead body. We’ll figure everything out later, but for now-” He shuffled backwards, leaning his head on the window so Virgil was basically laying on top of him, “I don’t know about you, but I have about a million hours of sleep to catch up on, so I’m going to catch a cat nap before Roman’s done.”
“It’s been a long day.”
“And it’s not even noon,” Remus snickered, maneuvering the blanket so it covered them both. 
He closed his eyes, and for a split second, all he saw was himself, from a lower angle. It was disorienting to say the least, but before he could comment, the world was engulfed in black as Virgil closed his eyes as well.
And for the first time in… who knows how long, Remus wasn’t afraid to sleep. 
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