#him trying to sound mature is what's really really getting me. like youre 11 please act 11 please oh god please
lesbianpegbar · 8 months
ohhhhhh nico di angelo you are so fucked up
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ilovesjamesbb · 2 months
Please Don't Leave Me (Pt 11.)
Bucky x Reader
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Warnings: Mature themes
We got on the quinjet and y/n was extremely quiet. Fury must have said something to her but I wasn’t going to press. She would tell me when she was ready. 
A few hours later. 
The mission went well. We all had a few cuts and bruises. Clint took a hit to the arm but Dr. Cho had already fixed him up. It was crazy what Dr. Cho’s skin regeneration could do. Y/n still never said anything. She went to her room which was odd, she always goes to mine. It was almost 2am when I knocked on her door. 
“Y/n? Can I come in?” I wasn't even waiting five seconds when she opened the door. 
“Hi.” I said and she smiled. She kissed me immediately. Her arms went to the back of my neck and the kiss was desperate. She pulled me so that she was sitting on the bed, our lips never leaving. She moved back, taking me with her. She started to pull off my jacket and I let her. She hooked her leg over my hip and I grabbed her thigh. Her kiss was getting deeper and deeper and I couldn't help but lose myself in her. Her hands went for my shirt and she ripped it off my head. What has gotten into her?
“Doll-” She closed the gap with a kiss. 
“You know-”
“-meant what-
“about the-”
Date.” I tried to get out between kisses. If she could crawl inside me now she would. She was so beautiful and all I knew was that I wanted her. But I wanted to take her out on a date more. Before I knew what was happening I was flipped on my back. 
“I want you” She breathed out. My eyes closed at the thought. God, I want you too. She pressed herself on my lap and I let out a groan. My hands made their way to her hips trying to control her movements. 
“Y/n we have to stop.” I said, still groaning from the friction.
“Please.” She whispered as she kissed my jaw. God, I would do anything for her when asked me so sweetly.
“Please,” She sounded more desperate.
“Our date, doll” I offered trying to get a look at her face and then I felt a wet splotch on my neck. 
“Please, James, please.” Her voice broke. I grabbed her face. She was crying now. Begging.
“Y/n what is wrong?” I was concerned.
“You said you would help me, take all the pain away.” She nodded.
“What are you saying?” I was confused. 
“Please. Take the pain away.” She said again trying to kiss me. I stopped her.
“Not like this.” I said, trying to push her up. I went to wipe a tear from her face but she beat me to it, angrily wiping the tears away and looking anywhere but at me. 
“What’s wrong?” I pressed but she moved to get off my lap. I kept her close to me.
“Where are you going? Talk to me.” I said softly. 
“Let me go!” She yanked her body free from me. I was so confused. Why was she being like this? What had Fury told her. She made her way out the door and I sat bewildered. 
“8. Our date. Pick you up outside your room?” I asked hopefully. She stopped dead in her tracks and nodded, not bothering to look back at me. I threw my hands over my eyes and let my back hit the bed.
Y/n went back to her room and grabbed on to the sink. She was shaking as she looked up to the mirror. Tears rolled down her face and she decided to just go to bed. She laid down but sleep never took her away. Images of Christian flashed through her mind. She layed like this for hours. 
A while later, a knock sounded at the door. 
 I looked at the time and it read 6:45. I closed my eyes. Great, I just wasted four hours. 
“Are you coming to dinner, Y/n?” Nat asked on the other side. Shit. 6:45pm!
“No, Nat, I have a date.” I grumbled. 
“Barnes really got you tied down huh?” She joked. I smiled at the thought. 
“What are you wearing? I could help you get ready.” I thought of pushing her away but I did need help and I also needed to stop being dramatic. I walked over to the door and opened it. 
“I could use all the help I could get.” I smiled. 
“Yikes, what lion's den did you walk into and how did you get out alive?” She laughed at my appearance. I rolled my eyes and allowed her in my room. 
For the next ten minutes Natasha went through my closet as I showered. Doing all the essentials so that when I was done she could do my makeup and hair. 
“How about this one?” She held up an electric red silk maxi dress. It was simple, strapless, and elegant.
“I like it. Do you think Bucky will like it?” I asked, doubt filling my mind.
“Babe, he’s gonna go feral.” She smirked. I rolled my eyes and let her get to work as she did my makeup and blow dried my hair. She pulled out my gold shimmery heels and matching clutch. She really thought this whole outfit through. I had to admit I looked great. I looked at the time and it said 7:58. I touched up my lipstick and sprayed for my perfume. 
“You look hot.” Nat said, leaning against the wall. I laughed. Not a second too soon, I heard a knock. I opened the door. I heard him stop breathing and I did the same. He wore an all black suit and gold cufflinks. We were matching. 
“Y/n, you look stunning.” He breathed.
“Not so bad yourself, Sergeant Barnes.” I smiled. He pulled out a bouquet of red roses from behind his back. My heart melted. He was perfect. 
“You ready?” He asked. I nodded and he took my hand. 
He took me to a fancy restaurant with dim yellow lighting. Candles burning in the middle of the table and the sound of a piano could be heard. It was beautiful.
“This is beautiful, I love it.” I said reaching my hand on the table to take his. 
“I love you. I’m so in love with you. I have wanted to take you on a date for almost two years now. I can’t believe it’s finally happening.” He mused. 
“If only you asked me sooner.” I joked. He smiled. We ordered a bottle of red and lots of food. The whole night was spent talking about everything and anything. We had lost so much time. I should have been with him the last 26 years. Every minute counted. 
Once the bill was paid, we made our way outside and we walked down the harbor. He gave me his suit jacket and we held hands, occasionally stopping to kiss. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a rustling on one of the streets. I froze.
“Y/n.” He called my name but I couldn't hear it. He found me. Christian, he found me. Buckys’ not safe. 
“Y/n” He said, this time grabbing my arms. I was pulled out of my thoughts and I met James blue and concerned eyes. 
“I’m sorry I thought I heard something.” I mumbled. 
“What is going on with you?” He asked. 
“You can tell me. I just want to help you. You’re clearly scared.” He said bringing his hand to my check and bending down to make eye contact with me.
“It’s Christian.” I breathed out. The words burning my tongue. 
“What? What about him? He can’t hurt you, he’s locked up almos-”
“No he’s not.” I said my voice was breaking.
“He escaped.” I said, grabbing his hands on the side of face.
“So that’s what Fury told you. Fuck.”
“Y/n I promise I am not gonna let anything happen to you.” He promised. I could tell he was scared for me. 
“I know. Let’s just go back, okay?” I said and he nodded. Grabbing my hand but I could tell he was being extra vigilant.
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autisticempathydaemon · 2 months
Greetings, I was referred to try these matchups by a friend of mine who had roped the rest of our house into their shenanigans so here I am: 1. Currently, it's Whose Honey Are You by Fats Waller, particularly:
"Please tell me, Have you really made your mind up Who it's gonna be? Don't you think, before we wind up, We're terrific, you and me!" it reminds me of an old club I met my spouse in and it's been coming back to my mind recently. 2. My enneagram type is Type Eight, the challenger. 3. Not truly, I enjoy documentaries but those kinds of videos ain't my cup of tea. I'm more inclined towards music. 4. I did not have an imaginary childhood friend, not that one I can remember anyways, it's been some time since I was a child. 5. Typically I don't sleep as much but I do like to do so after reading for a bit. 6. I would change it to Leopold. I don't have much of reason, I just like the name 7. I happen to like Aaron's "Your Tsundere Boss Boyfriend wants to talk" audio, it feels real in a sense and shows a lot of maturity in handling a relationship that I appreciate seeing. 8. I don't seem to get the appeal behind David Shaw, he just seems too much like a tough head and needs to get his ass beat 9. Despite their quality, I do like the Hallmark drama movies, not because I enjoy them but they're just fun to mock as I watch them. One that I know is "Til Death Do Us Part: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery" on account of how much a friend of mine watched it while I was around. 10. I do like Aaron, he's has a good head on his shoulders, I can see myself having a good talking with him over dinner. 11. I usually talk about history when I ramble, I've learned enough where I can speak on it and if I'm caught in a mood then I would be caught rambling for too long 12. I don't much indulge in that kinda food, I'm more inclined to a home-cooked meal. Something like Jambalaya would do well for me. 13. My favorite playlist would have to be one my spouse set up for me with my favorite Jazz musicians in there, I listen to it here and there. 14. I suppose the answer to this would be the same to number eight, which is hallmark movies. 15. Something else that I feel could help you to know about me is that...I like having people in my life, I don't act like it much but I do appreciate them all. I also play the Cello and I run my own shop for charms and occult items.
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Hmmm… actually, let’s be real. That “hmmm…” is not real, because it’s so obvious who your match would be. How could I pair you with anyone but Camelopardalis?
Like, you like to talk about history? Awesome, Cam was there for the history (because I will believe he’s old as hell until god tells me otherwise.) You like maturity, honesty, and transparency in your relationships? Cam’s literally a therapist; I would hope he’s got all those on lock. I think your personalities and your lifestyles would be instantly compatible, and you two would connect queerplatonically or romantically with ease.
Oh, and what an easy, lovely life it would be, Cam being a perfect fit in your household. He’d get along so well with your spouse, as he strikes me as an amicable person to get along with. He loves jazz and the sound of your cello; perhaps you two even play together. (I could see Camelopardalis having picked up the piano in all of his years.) He’s an avid reader with a huge collection, so he frequently shares with you, giving you good recommendations for things to read before bed. He loves to loiter around the shop and watch you work, maybe watching the till while you’re in the back or knitting behind the counter on slower days. (Really, the only point of disagreement I could think of is that he genuinely, unironically loves Hallmark movies.)
Like a song of love that clings to me/ How the thought of you does things to me/ Never before has someone been more/ Unforgettable/ In every way/ And forevermore/ That's how you'll stay
One, it’s a jazz love song classic- the jazz love song classic, if you will. It’s also sweet, singable, and a little somber, perfect for slow dancing in the shop while the rain keeps the customers and bad things away. Two. I couldn’t resist, given Cam’s job in memory modification; it was too punny.
Hmm, so James was a pretty compelling option for you. I like his vibes as a match, but he strikes me as more of a platonic, social companion than a romantic one. Vega is a runner-up, because imagining him in your occult shop is really funny and charming. Like, that’s a sitcom right there.
note: @mr-laveau come get yo juice
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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syncopein3d · 18 days
Left Alone 12: Drive
Tropes/content warnings: M for mature themes overall. Vampire whumpee/caretaker, male whumpee/caretaker, non-binary whumpee/caretaker, general morbidity.
In this episode: angst, injuries, dead bodies, discussion of death.
If you would like to be added to, or removed from, the tag list of this series, please let me know!
Part 11: Silencers 3
“Tolly?” Arden’s voice was creaky with suppressed panic. They didn’t appear immediately at the bottom of the stairs. “I heard – noises - ?”
“They had guns, and I’m afraid your kitchen is going to require more renovation than planned,” Tolly said.
“I’ve put the bodies into their van. You won’t see them.”
There was a longer pause. Even from the doorway, Tolly could hear Arden’s rapid heart.
“You sound different,” Arden said.
Tolly blinked. Did he? His voice didn’t sound changed to himself, and while he had regained his glamour, the Eye of Rule absolutely would prevent Arden from being affected by it. He would never appear as other than a reasonably attractive early-middle-aged man to Arden, just as with Nicholas. He would never sound like something other than an adult with a trained tenor.
“I might be a little different,” Tolly said. “Do you want me to come down? We really are short on time.”
Another pause. “No, I’ll come up.”
Tolly backed away from the basement door and a couple of steps down the hall to let Arden out. They turned the hallway light on as they shut the basement door, momentarily blinding Tolly. He heard their sharp intake of breath as he raised a hand to shade his eyes.
“How are you standing up? Oh, god, we have to get help. Hold still.” Hands grabbed urgently at his arm, at his other shoulder. Tolly swore silently as he realized he was frozen in place below the neck. Different wording would have left him unable to move even his lips and eyes.
“Arden, I’m fine,” he said. Even now, their hands feel warm. He could feel Arden’s breath brush his skin where his shirt had bullet holes in it. This close, their heartbeat was so beautiful. He could have listened for hours.
Enough, idiot. He’d been alone too long. Even feeding had not restored his faculties to normalcy, he realized with  renewed anger and shame. The urge to take Arden’s life was less obtrusive, a nagging torment instead of a roaring agony, but now there were other little insanities clamoring for attention.
“I heal very quickly,” he said. “If you would please allow me to move - ?”
“If I would – oh, fuck, I gave an order. Yes, move, I’m sorry.” But they didn’t let go immediately, pulling his shirt away from his body to look at both sides of a scorched hole. “How many times were you shot? Why is your hair long again? Why do you look alive now?”
“In order: I wasn’t counting,” Tolly said, lowering his arm. “Each time I heal, my undead flesh tries to recreate the moment of my change. And because I’ve fed.”
“Did these hurt?” Tolly looked down into big, dark eyes, at Arden’s eyeliner already running, and lied without hesitation.
“No. I don’t feel much pain outside the Thirst. Arden, we have to go. More will come within a couple of hours. I don’t know if I can protect you from what Daniel called an Exalted and I don’t think we should risk it.”
“I questioned one of them. Few can refuse to answer me without the ring you wear. Listen, he didn’t suffer. You have to let go and go pack, Arden. Don’t you have a vehicle?”
“Yeah, there’s the Soul,” Arden said, shaking themselves as they dropped their hands. Tolly could see them trying to think, wiping their eyes and consequently smearing their makeup even worse.
“Then go, quickly.”
Arden ran for the stairs. Tolly took the other one so that the blast of his rapid passage wouldn’t knock them over. Most of his things were already in the duffel, bullets had hit his wallet but missed his phone – the cards, damn it. He couldn’t wait around for them to arrive. Well, at least now he had his phone. He could Venmo or Paypal money to Arden and have them buy him Visa gift cards now that he knew both those possibilities existed.
He tossed the wallet in the bathroom trash, then his shirt after it. He hurriedly cut his hair to #2 clippers length again – dull and amateurish, but they were short on time – and packed his toiletries into the plastic smaller case to go into the duffel, too. Down the hall he could hear Arden swearing, violently tossing things around, slamming drawers. The new shirt was dark red. He settled his black and brown flannel and his jacket over it.
In less than twenty minutes, he was back downstairs with the black canvas bag on his shoulder and the rolled mummy bag on top of that. He could still hear frantic rummaging from above, so he went to the kitchen. He collected all of the protein shakes into a reusable shopping bag and swept the cupboards for anything else nutritive for Arden. There were a couple of boxes of compressed bars, one unopened. He put them into a second bag. Aside from a glass jar of instant coffee (bag) and a lidded travel mug (BITCH PRINCESS, it said in pink rhinestone letters on a black backdrop; also, bag), the cupboards were bare.
He resisted the urge to call up to Arden to hurry. It wouldn’t help. And in any case, it was only a long five minutes before Arden came down the stairs hauling a big rolling bag and carrying an old brown knapsack covered in pins and patches. A wad of blankets was held to the top of the rolling bag with what looked like a couple of dollar-store plastic belts, and a dented metallic blue water bottle hung clipped onto the backpack.
“You don’t have a coat?” Tolly asked.
“I’m not cold,” Arden said. They were shivering.
“We’ll get you one later. Give me your keys.”
“You’ve been in a room for twenty years. You are NOT driving my car,” Arden said. They had wiped off their makeup and, to their credit, Tolly thought, not taken time to reapply it. They looked paler and their under-eyes were darker and baggier.
“Then at least let me load it while you lock up,” Tolly said. He stacked their things in the back of the Kia Soul. It was an odd little thing, not quite an SUV and taller than a car, a muted blue-gray color covered in chips and scratches. He never would have considered buying one.
The car skidded around the gravel drive and out onto the dirt road about fifty minutes from the moment the last body fell. Tolly sat in the front passenger seat, knees slightly cramped. It wasn’t a tiny car, but it wasn’t made for a large man, either.
“Where did you put the bodies? Did you say in that van?” Arden asked. Their hands on the wheel still trembled. They wiped at one cheek pointlessly, scratched the bridge of their nose.
“Yes. The windows are blacked out. But you shouldn’t worry about them, ch – Arden. The Witches will find the bodies first, and they’ll be eager to conceal that anything happened there. We all keep our secrets.”
“Right,” Arden muttered. “You just. Fuck!” They scrubbed at their cheek again. “You just snuffed four people in under five minutes.” They glanced over at him and back at the juddering shape of light made by the car’s headlamps, as if only just fully realizing that. “I guess you did get shot.”
“I’ll be less careless, and stronger,” Tolly said. “Now that I’m restored.”
“Yeah. You’re – you look alive,” Arden said. “Not so pale and veiny. Were your teeth longer before?”
“I can retract them,” Tolly said. “You should take Highway 9 to I-405, and from there to 90 East. We know there’s this Exalted in Bremerton, and I know a place near Snoqualmie Pass.”
“You think it’s still there?” Arden said.
“Or I could get on a plane and you could drive east,” Arden said, turning off the dirt road onto a paved one. “Since you’re apparently sticking around for some reason.” They shot him another look.
“Ownership changes, but the lodge was there eighty years. It probably still is.” He spread his hands. "Nicholas found all of my cars and resting places within over 100 miles of Great Chinook and sold them. You might be able to fly, but there are logistical problems for an undead. If we go east, and keep going east, we at least can make ourselves more inconvenient to find.”
“Simple. If I leave you, you will die, and I will then be forced to serve your killer,” Tolly said. “Who will most likely see me more as Nicholas did than as you do.”
“I don’t know how to see you,” Arden said. “Fuck. Four people, like it was nothing…”
“You must learn to use your gifts,” Tolly said, ignoring this. “Nicholas only left you the Eye of Rule, and me. I don’t know how to teach you spellcraft, so the ring must hold some further clue. You can look at it more carefully when we’re far enough away.”
“Fine, I guess.”
They drove in silence for some time. Arden made the turnoff to 9 without difficulty, and the exit onto I-405; but their shaking grew worse as they navigated through the multi-lane mess that was the approach to the 90-E exit. They hit the rumble strip twice and jerked back onto the road each time.
“Pull off at North Bend,” Tolly said, when they were safely clear of the exit. Traffic wasn’t bad at midnight.
“So I can drive.”
“I can drive just fine,” Arden said.
“No, you can’t. You’re unwell.”
“I’m not fucking unwell, Tolly. I’m scared, all right?” Their voice was high and strained. “I don’t want to be a witch or warlock or whatever you call it. I don’t want to think about the fact that I’m in the car with someone who killed four people and doesn’t know if he wants to kill me – “
“Be careful!” Tolly grabbed at the wheel as the car started to wander toward the guard rail, forcing it back into the lane. They were on an overpass. He would have survived, but Arden wouldn’t. Arden gasped, grabbing at the steering wheel.
They drove in tense silence for another hour. Arden held to the wheel with white-knuckled hands, stiff, gnawing their lip until the rich scent of blood wafted to Tolly’s nostrils. He turned away, lowering the window slightly to get fresher air. It helped only a little. It felt like an eternity before he saw the familiar brown and green sign far ahead.
“Turn off at the next exit,” he said. “It’s there.”
Part 13: Cabin
@fleur-a-whump, @bitchaknso, @valravnthefrenchie, @thewhumpcaretaker
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bubble7o7 · 2 years
Mature Content
Over 18’s Only
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
You’re sitting cosy on the sofa after a busy day at work, happily winding down getting your k drama fix.
You hear keys rattle as the door to your apartment opens and your boyfriend sighs heavily as he drops his bag and heads over to you on the sofa.
Standing behind you he whispers “Hello Lover” he leans over you searching for your lips. You tip your head back and pucker up “Hello my Love” you say as he plants a sloppy kiss, his lips covering yours.
“Mmmm I’ve missed you, come love me please” you pat the sofa next to you. He climbs over it from behind instead of walking around. Clambering on top of you and straddling your lap.
You laugh “I think there’s been a mix up, shouldn’t this be the other way round!”
“Nope, I have you where I want you” he tucks your hands under his knees, putting his hands either side of your face he kisses you softly. You try to move your hands but he won’t let you, he just kisses you harder.
“Let me touch you please?”
“Nope” he continues to kiss you.
“Aww stop it…” you whine.
He leans back, slowly stops kissing you as you lean into him to chase his lips.
“What are you watching?”
“A very frustrating KDrama” you pout
“Why’s it frustrating?”
“Well on this one there’s been 13 episodes of pure sexual tension, then when they’re eventually left alone together” you try wriggling your hands free “all he does is kiss her on the fucking forehead” He laughs at your frustration.
“Will you stop teasing and just let me touch you?” You complain
“I’m sorry” he laughs leaning in he plants a kiss on your forehead then heads into the kitchen.
“Are you kidding me!” you flop back on the sofa watching him smile at you from the kitchen. You stick your face in the sofa and let out a frustrated moan.
After a little while he comes back from the kitchen with some food for you both and sits down next to you. “Why do you watch them if they frustrate you so much?”
“I guess I’m just a sucker for a happy ending… well that and some of the kisses are worth the wait” you smile.
“What do mean?”
“Well theres Kim Soo-hyun he looks like a really good kisser… he doesn’t just press his lips to the female lead, he makes it look so passionate, it gave me butterflies”
You turn to look at Yoongi his mouth is open and his noodle laden chopsticks are hovering in front of him.
“What? What’s wrong?” You smile
“Sounds like you’ve been paying a lot of attention to Kim Soo-hyun scenes huh?!”
“Well yeah not just him though Park Hyung-sik looks like he’s a really good kisser too!” You run your fingers against your lips as Yoongi drops his chop sticks in his bowl in disgust.
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You’re startled then laugh nervously at his facial expression.
“This is what you’ve been doing? Perving on these guys when I’m not here!?, I thought you said the plot was good?”
You laugh “the plot is really good for this one but to be fair if there wasn’t a plot I’d still watch it with him in it!”
He turns to face you, a streak of jealousy in his eyes.
“Ok put one of these kisses on then? Let me see what all the fuss is about!”
“I’m just messing with you, you know how much I love kissing and I hate it when there isn’t a good kiss scene especially when there’s been such a big build up to it”
“No… lm not having it. Put it on, I need to see my competition”
“I can assure you there is No competition, I only have to think about kissing you and I’m turned on. Your kisses are the only ones I want”
He folds his arms in a huff…
“Ok, here watch this clip. I’m sure you’ll appreciate it too the female lead is stunning.” You hand him your phone
“Don’t care” he huffs
You play one of your many favourite scenes from Its Ok To Not Be Ok Ep 11.
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You turn to watch Yoongi for his reaction. He’s watching it with the same concentration he has when reviewing one of his performances.
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A whole 2:50 minutes pass by, you smile as he locks eyes with you and within a split second he pounces on you.
He kisses you hard, pushing you down into the sofa as he lays on top of you, pressing himself against you. He has one hand running up your thigh as his kisses get more intense.
You’re so turned on, you don’t know where to touch him first but you want him, all of him. You kiss him hard one hands under his t shirt and the other in his long hair, you pull him closer into you.
He can’t get enough of you, he kisses you deeper, your tongues gently brushing against each other’s. He sucks hard on your bottom lip, you whisper “Yoongi”
Then you both come up for air…
“Shit I needed that” he whispers
“See!” You shout “see what I mean?” That’s what these K Dramas do to you!” You laugh.
“I think I need to start paying more attention to the programmes you’re watching”
He leans in, you move your lips towards him craving another of his kisses, he gently caresses your cheek then kisses your forehead.
“Wait, what the?! Oh my god!… you are the worst tease!” You let out another frustrated moan.
“Never kiss me on my forehead again… unless you’re going to fuck me straight after”
“Ok”… he laughs as he takes the dishes back into the kitchen. He then turns and heads back to you, leaning in again he takes a hold of your face in his hands and softly kisses your forehead…
You let out a sigh and just as you’re about to complain, he holds his hand out to you and says “Come on then” biting his lip as he leads you to the bedroom.
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 11 - The Depression pt 2. Episode 2.
------Congo's point of view-----
Congo: *I have to admit, as I spotted that bike, I feared the worst! I tried to keep up with Andy, I wanted to be able to reach him, grab his shoulder and prevent him from seeing whatever the result must have been of that long slide mark in the grass. It looked bad. Really bad. Even if the ground was soft and kinda swampy out here, there wasn't much of a chance to get out of a crash like that in a good shape. So it's safe to say I was already searching for my phone in my pockets, ready to dial 911. As I finally caught up with Andy, he was on his knees, bend over Evan, and it was clear to hear he was sobbing.* Andy? Is he okay?
Evan: Yes, he is okay *he chuckled softly* but he wont be much longer, if Andy keeps choking him! *He whimpered softly from pain as he tried to laugh*
Congo: *I grabbed Andy's shoulders and gently wrestled him off Evan* Sweetheart, you need to let him breathe a bit… please. I bend over Evan, and although there weren't much visible scratches except a scratch on his chin, I couldn't help but notice the pain in his eyes* Where are you hurt? Should I call an ambulance?
Evan: *He sighed from pain and closed his eyes* No no… it's my shoulder… it has somehow fallen out of it's socket, and I can't get it back in place… can you give me a hand? All you have to do is…
Congo: *I nodded agreeing* I know, it's not the first time I have done something like that. Can you sit up?
Evan: *Shook his head lightly* No… I'm afraid you have to pull me up. It was hard enough sms'ing with Andy. *He looked at Andy with a soft smile* I'm sorry I lied to you… I'm not okay… and I do have plenty of power on my phone, I just couldn't lift the phone far enough to handle a call, and I didn't want to worry you more than I knew you already were. I hate lying, specially to you… but…
Andy: *He nodded softly* I understand… it's okay.
Congo: Right. *I grabbed Evans right hand* Hold on tight, I'm gonna yank you up quickly, on 3. It's going to hurt!
Evan: *He nodded bravely and sank his teeth into his bottom lip*
Congo: 1…. 2… 3! *At the exact 3 I pulled as hard and fast as I could, making Evan sit up straight in a split second, quite surprisingly he didn't make a single sound. *Are you okay? *I looked at him a bit doubting*
Evan: *He sighed deeply* yeah, I'm okay. But please take care of my shoulder before I lose my nerves! *he forced a nervous laughter and grabbed onto one of Andy's hands, holding it tight*
Congo: *I nodded at him* On 3. 1…. 2… *This time I yanked his left arm before 3, and was not surprised when he yelped loudly*
Andy: God! Evan! Are you okay? *He looked at me with anxious eyes* Is he okay??
Evan: *Chuckled softly* I'm okay. Thank you, Congo. *He slowly and very gently moved his shoulder around a bit. It hurts like hell, but at least it's in the right place now.
Congo: *I Smiled softly* Good. Now… do I dare to ask what happened here?
Evan: *He sighed deeply* Would you believe me if I said a rabbit ran out in front of me, and I was stupid enough to dodge it, even if I know that's the last thing you should ever try?
Congo: *I chuckled softly* Yes, I do believe that. And I'm glad to hear you weren't drunk.
Evan: *He smiled softly and nodded* Yeah, no… I try to avoid drunk driving as much as possible.
Congo: *I nodded agreeing and got up slowly* How about your bike? Did it survive?
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sleepdeprivedactor · 7 months
Four Friends Chapter 1
Ringing. That's what Demi heard. A phone ringing. It was coming from her nightstand. She picked it up and looked at the caller ID. Meu sol. My sun. Sean. It was Sean who was calling her.
“Sean? Why are you calling me at…” she looked at her alarm clock. “11 o’clock at night? I have to get up at like, five for the debate team meeting.”
“Oh my god, I completely forgot. I am so, so sorry Demi. I just…needed to talk to someone. My parents are fighting.” Sean’s voice was shaky.
“Again? That’s like…the third time this week. What’s it about this time?”
“It’s just…Complicated. Can I come over? Please. I know it’s late, but I can’t be alone right now. They’re both yelling a lot and i…I'm scared. I’m really scared.”
“I…You know what, fuck the debate team. I can miss one day. You want me to wake up Ellis and call Lia? Our parents are still out of town on that business meeting.”
“No. I just wanna be with you right now. Don’t get me wrong, I love Ellis and Lia, but I just need to be with my girlfriend.” Sean pleaded.
“Okay. I’ll unlock the back door.” The call ended. Demi sighed, and left her bedroom. It was going to be another long night.
The back door clicked open. Sean entered the small house. his caramel brown hair was a mess. His cheeks were red, and there were bags under his eyes. He had obviously been crying.
“Amor, what took you so long? I’ve been waiting for at least 20 minutes.” Demi’s voice was littered with concern. He only lived two blocks away. It shouldn’t have taken him that long to get there.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“You’re a mess.”
“I am not a mess.”
“I can tell you’ve been crying. Don’t lie to me.” Tears were already forming in Sean’s eyes. He was shaking slightly. Demi opened her arms and he collapsed into her embrace. “Are you hurt?”
“What happened? Why are your parents fighting?” Demi cupped Sean’s cheeks with her hands. He instantly melted into her touch.
“The divorce. That’s all they ever talk about.  My dad’s trying to take the house and me. My mom’s freaking out.” His voice cracked.
“Let’s go up to my room, I don’t wanna accidentally wake up Jake or Ellis. Then you can tell me what happened. If you want, of course. I’m not gonna force you to say anything you don’t want to.” Demi interlocked her hand with Sean’s and squeezed it gently. He flashed her a forced smile, tears still streaming down his face. “You don’t have to fake a smile for me, amor.” Demi held her lover as he continued to cry. Sean wasn’t normally like this. He never cried, unless something was really bad. She knew the divorce was making Sean’s mental state plummet, but she never knew how bad it could get. He usually kept her away from his home life.
The pair eventually made their way to Demi’s room. Demi pulled up a chair, and Sean sat at the edge of her bed. “Okay. You wanna tell me what happened?” She asked.
“My dad came home late again and they just started…screaming.” Demi stretched out her hand, and rested it on Sean’s. She had known his parents weren’t in the happiest relationship, but she never thought it was that bad.
“Is that why you called me?” She asked him.
“I…I can’t take it anymore. I’ve been dealing with them for over four months. I just want it all to be over.”
“Hey hey hey. Don’t think like that. Things’ll get better.” She said, getting up and sitting next to him. She wrapped her arms around him, and pulled him into a tight hug. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, you didn’t do anything w-” She was stopped mid sentence by the sound of her door clicking open. On the other side of it was none other than her twin brother, Ellis.
“Oh. Am I interrupting something?” He asked. 
“Piss off. We’re trying to have an emotional moment right now.” Said Sean, flipping him off.
“Real mature, Sean.” Ellis said with a yawn. “Anyways, what the hell are you doing here? Parents still fighting?”
“Yeah. I called Demi when they started fighting, and now…well, I'm here.” Ellis stared at Sean for a minute, before turning to walk away.
“Ok. No funny business you two.” He said with a cackle, causing both Demi and Sean’s faces to turn red. Sean wrapped his arms around Demi.
“Thank you. Thank you so much.” He said, causing Demi to smile.
“Of course.”
Chapter 2
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clone-whore-99 · 2 years
Chapter 6: The 20 Questions Game
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The Bad Batch x f!Reader
Warnings: Kinda mature I guess. Idk if there's angst in this, but let's just add it to be sure. Some very sugestive actions and sexual tension. Crosshair being soft but also a teasing asshole, Hunter being nervous, reader being embarrassed and Wrecker being Wrecker LMK if I missed any
Authors note: I no longer control the story, it just goes where it wants to go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you like it, please do let me know by liking and commenting and maybe even reblogging, it would mean a lot to me 🥺👉👈
Chapter 1: Arriving at Kamino
Chapter 2: Work, Armor and... Clones?
Chapter 3: Let it out
Chapter 4: You shouldn't have done that
Chapter 5: Talk about it
Chapter 7: Crosshair
Chapter 8: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 9: The Fight
Chapter 10: A Nice Change of Air
Chapter 11: Sore Muscles
Chapter 12: Heavy Rain Weights the Mind
Chapter 13: Waste of Time
You couldn't sleep. Your mind was racing on the fight you had had with your dad earlier. About the things that was said in the heat of the moment. If your dad really meant that bringing you there was a mistake.
No. Your heart twisted painfully at just the thought and you had to fight back the whimper that threatened to escape your throat - you didn't want to wake up the boys.
Wrecker had been so kind as to let you borrow the top half from one of his body gloves to sleep in, after Tech had made the remark that sleeping in your daily wear might be uncomfortable.
Crosshair - being the snarky, teasing nerfherder that he was - had remarked that he wouldn't mind if you slept naked. Stars you wanted to hit him so badly.
And yet, here you were. Sleeping right next to him. Or, trying to sleep if your mind would just shut up for a second. You were facing the wall, while he was facing the room. The bunks were small and it was honestly a miracle that you had managed to create even the smallest amount of space between the two of you.
Wrecker was snoring loudly in the bunk next to yours. How his snoring hadn't given away their position out on the field was a wonder to you.
Tech was still tinkering. All the lights were off, so the small light by the side of his goggles was the only lightsource in the room. Hunter had already repeatedly told Tech to go to bed, but it appeared that he had given up on that by now.
The weight behind you shifted and you heard some rustling from beside the bunk. Shortly after, the weight shifted somewhat back.
"Tech, if you don't go to bed right now, I'll stun you and restrain you to your bunk." Crosshair threatened.
It must've worked, because quickly the light from Tech's goggles turned off and the soft clanking sound from the armor hitting the ground could be heard.
"See Sarge, that's how you get him to go to sleep." Crosshair bragged victoriously.
"I don't like threatening my men with being shot, if they don't listen to me," Hunter muttered in a rather annoyed tone.
"Oh, it wasn't a threat." The weight behind you shifted again and you could hear something being placed on the ground. Crosshair hadn't actually pulled a gun on Tech, had he?
"How about you both shut up so we can get some rest," Echo grumbled.
You quickly clapped your hands over your mouth in an attempt to muffle the laughter that suddenly errupted from you. It took you a minute before you could breathe properly again.
Once more the weight behind you shifted and you could now feel Crosshairs breath against the back of your head. Great.
You didn't want to turn to face Crosshair. You really didn't. But as everything but Wreckers snoring quiet down, your thoughts started running rampant once more.
Carefully, you turned to face him, scooting back along the way so you weren't all up in each other. Crosshair was looking at you with caring eyes, studying your facial expressions and movements. Not what you needed, when you were trying to keep it together.
Without making a sound, Crosshair just opened his arms and silently invited you. You nuzzled into him, your hands and forehead resting on his chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around you.
There was something calming about the way he surrounded your senses. The way his fingers carefully danced over your back, his hot breath landing softly on the top of your head, the way his heartbeat was shockingly slow and steady, the way he smelled... You couldn't quite put your finger on what the specific smell was, but it was harsh and steely, like something that ought to be feared. But instead of striking fear in you, it made you feel so safe and comfortable, that you couldn't help but to slowly drift off to sleep.
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You awoke with a jolt. It took you a minute to realize that you weren't in your own room any longer and the recollection of the previous night hit you like a punch to the face. You groaned tiredly, as you hid your face in your hands.
"You were having nightmares," Crosshairs voice could be heard just outside the bunk.
You peaked out and looked around the room. It was just the two of you in it and Crosshair was already in his full armor, leaning against the large table that filled a big portion of the room, cleaning his rifle and chewing on toothpicks.
"No I wasn't." That sounded more like a question than a statement.
Crosshair glanced sideways to you, before giving you one of his deep, dark chuckles that never failed to make you shiver. "Then it must've been the other kind of dream, that leaves you whimpering and moaning..."
Heat suddenly rose to your cheeks. "I don't dream," You stated, as you pushed yourself off the bed. You wandered to the middle of the room, looking around while doing so. "How long did I sleep? Where are the others?"
"Hunter, Tech and Echo went to your old mans' workshop," Crosshair said while his gaze shifted between the bed and his rifle. "Wrecker's either at the gym or getting food. Or both."
Carefully, Crosshair placed his rifle on the table, before heading towards his bunk to make the bed. A soft smile appeared on your lips, it was obvious that he took great pride in having things look properly - much unlike his brothers.
"Why are you still here?" You asked, making your way to the other side of the table to continue looking around there. "And where are my clothes?"
"I live here."
You stopped to give him your best are-you-serious look you could muster. "I meant, don't you have any plans for today? I mean, if not, why are you wearing your armor, then? Isn't it heavy?"
Crosshair straightened up again, looking at you over his shoulder while placing a hand on his hip. "Aren't you full of questions this morning?"
"Aren't you full of non-answers?" Smooth.
Crosshair got a glint in his eyes, that was up to no good. As he began to close the space between the two of you, you couldn't help but to take a couple of nervous steps backwards.
"Why don't we play a game?" He proposed, his voice low and mischievous.
"Depends on what game you got in mind?" You crossed your arms, trying to appear way more confident than you felt. And probably failed.
"20 questions. You know it?"
You let out a low chuckle. "Of course I know it. Teachers would always make us play it, so we could get to know each other in school."
Crosshair perked an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly to the side, waiting for your answer.
You stopped to think for a second, before agreeing to it. "Alright, but I get to start."
He nodded.
And just like that, every question, every thought you've ever had, completely left your brain. Your eyes darted around as you were desperately searching your brain for something - anything! to ask him.
"I'm waiting," He mocked.
"I'm thinking!" You shot back, your tone harsher than you wanted to. "Wh-why do they call you 'Clone Force 99'?"
"99 is the defective batch. However, our mutations due to this, makes us more fit for certain battles than the regs. That's why we haven't gotten recommissioned like the other defects."
That word again. Defective. Used to describe people. It left such a sour taste in your mouth. "Regs. You keep using that word. What does it mean?"
The toothpick between Crosshairs lips switched from one side to the other. "It's my turn to ask now." He reminded you, taking yet another step closer to you.
"Why are you always angry?"
That took you by surprise. You eyes searched his face, trying to look for any sign of him joking. There was none.
"I'm not... Always angry.. Only when people do stuff that makes me angry." You looked shamefully down at the ground. Was that really how people saw you? As someone who was always angry?
Crosshairs boots came into your point of view, causing you to take yet another small step back to keep some space between the two of you. "What does 'reg' mean?"
"Regular clone." He removed the toothpick from his lips. "What happened last night between you and Laquan?"
Your eyes went wide as you stumbled another step backwards. You looked up at him, horrified. "T-th-that's none of your business!" You shook your head. "I-I don't want to talk about it, okay? Forget about it!"
You were about to step away, when Crosshairs arm suddenly blocked you in between him and the wall. When did he get you backed up against a wall? "That's not how the game works, dollface. Should've set some ground rules before we started, if you didn't want to talk about it."
You glared up at his face, before letting out an annoyed sigh. "Why do you even care? You only keep me around so you can tease me..."
"You really believe that?" Crosshair asked, noticing how you were actively avoiding eyecontact with him.
"I mean, yea, why else would you -"
Before you could finish the sentence, Crosshair had grabbed your chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head upwards so you had no choice but to look him in the eyes.
"Y/N, look me in the eyes and tell me that's what you really believe." His voice was barely a whisper.
You opened your mouth in an attempt to speak, but your voice got stuck in your throat. There was something about the way he spoke your name for the first time, the way his eyes were piercing into your soul, the way he made your heart suddenly beat fast than the speed of light and made your legs feel like they were made of jelly.
He had a playful look in his eyes. "What's wrong? Sniper got your tongue?" His thumb lightly caressed your lower lip, dangerously close to entering your mouth.
Was it just your imagination, or was his face getting closer to yours?
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Crosshair had his forehead pressed against yours, keeping your gaze in a tight lock with his. His calloused thumb had pushed through your lips, and you had barely closed your mouth around it, when -
Hunter cleared his throat loud and crude, clearly not his first attempt at getting your attention. Once he noticed the slight shift in Crosshairs posture, he knew he had finally suceeded.
"Am I interrupting something here?" There was a bit of humor mixed in with the annoyance and authority of his tone.
Crosshairs eyes searched your face, while he was wiping off the string of spit connecting his thumb with your mouth on your lower lip. "No, not at all." He muttered, as he stepped away and licked the remainder of your spit off his thumb.
As if nothing had just occured, Crosshair grabbed his rifle and the cloth he was using to clean it with and went over to the other end of the room to continue his cleaning.
Hunters eyes fell on you. Your eyes were glazed over and your whole body was shaking from what had just transpired. Not to mention how badly he could smell the effect it had had on you.
"Y/N," Hunters firm voice finally snapped you out of your trance.
You looked at Hunter in complete shock, as if you hadn't realized he was there before now. Quickly, you rubbed your hands over your burning hot face, trying to wake yourself up properly. "Ye-yea?"
"Do you need me to come back later?"
"N-no, of course not." You moved to sit at the table, since your knees still felt weak from whatever just had happened. "Sorry, I am just a bit distracted, I guess."
"Yea, I can see that." Hunter said with a smirk, shifting his weight from one leg to the other.
You gave him an apologetic smile. "So... What's up?"
"The work on Echos armor might take longer than expected. Tech and Laquan are trying out some new mechanics," Hunter put a hand in the air while shrugging in a very don't-ask-me-about-it-I-know-nothing way.
You couldn't help the gleeful expression that appeared all over your face. "Does that mean you're gonna stay here longer?" you nearly yelled in excitement.
Hunter chuckled at your sudden change in mood. "Looks like it."
You jumped up in pure excitement and nearly ran towards Hunter to hug him at the good news.
However, Hunter stepped back with a hand held out for you to keep your distance. The smile on your face faded, as you stepped back a bit to be sure.
"S-sorry," You stuttered, struggling to grasp why he suddenly needed distance from you.
Hunter shook his head. "It's not you, it's just..." His voice drifted off as he was looking for a way to put it.
"He has heightened senses, dollface." Crosshair reminded you. As he noticed that you still hadn't fully grasped what it meant, his whole demeanor became a lot more smug.
"It means, he can smell what kinda effect I have on you."
Your eyes widened at the realization. Your eyes kept switching between the two men, hoping for some kind of sign that it wasn't true. Crosshair just laughed, while Hunter nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
"It's not so bad, it's just -" Hunter meekly tried to explain, but you weren't even listening at this point.
"Oh no..." You cried out, wanting nothing more than to just disappear as far away from the planet as possible. In a rather pathetic attempt at hiding your shame, you crouched down in a ball-like shape, hiding your face in the palm of your hands.
"Just shoot me, please!" You begged half jokingly.
"Y/N, mesh'la, it's really not so bad, I mean, you are an adult woman afterall and obviously you've got certain needs just like everybody else, plus being surrounded by men all the time can't really help with that situation, it's just that the pheromones that your body releases when you need to have these needs met obviously has a stronger effect on me because of my - oh look, Wrecker is here, I uhm, I gotta go."
Never in a billion years had you expected to hear Hunter - a man that always seemed so confident in everything he did - so nervous and fluttered and desperately attempting to comfort you with facts.
When you looked up again, Hunter was already out the door, leaving Wrecker to look like one big question mark.
Wrecker went from looking at the door to Crosshair, who was focused on his rifle, to you - still crouching on the ground. "W-w-what did I miss?"
"Just the most embarrassing moment of my life."
Wrecker went over to you and knelt by your side. "Don't worry, there'll probably be more of those to come," he patted your back, trying to comfort you in his own weird way.
You just let out another pathetic sob, before letting yourself slouch over to lean on Wrecker. "Thanks big guy."
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Dividers by: @djarrex
Taglist gang:
@zoeykallus @rain-on-kamino @thebadbatchscyare @thebahdbitch @salaminus @mybigfatspoonielife @tararosebloodthorn @chxpsi @coffeeandclaws @timothyshousefire
Please do not hesitate to ask, if you want to be added to the taglist of the series ❤
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
Milestones + events are always so much fun :DD But but but but- (unsurprisingly) I would like to request mmm #11 with Albedo + fluff!
11 - “I’ve dreamt about this.”
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characters; Albedo, gn reader
cw/tw; vague mention of children, slightly surreal in the beginning, but otherwise it’s just fluff
word count; 800+
notes; Ahh hi Basil !! I actually wasn’t expecting you to even see that I had reached 200, but I’m so happy you requested something !! I’m actually pretty nervous about this, your writing was definitely a huge part in inspiring me to create my own blog, so I really hope you like this heh,,, enjoy !! (also, ofc i had to put a tiny sprinkle of papa bedo in there, just a tiny oneee- your brain worms get to me, give me more papa bedo content pls pls) @dourpeep
event; 200 milestone
Please reblog if you liked this !!
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A disembodied voice calls him.
He turns his head, looking left to right, but he could never find the source, even with the amount of times he’s been in this situation.
It calls once more and he takes a hesitant step in the direction he believes it was coming from. The voice is one filled with warmth, comfort and… He couldn’t quite put his finger on the third emotion it elicited from him. It draws him in, like a moth to a flame. Something blooms in his chest the louder the voice gets, his footsteps quickening. Who are you? He thinks. They sound so familiar, but he’s certain he’s never heard them before. He goes through the list, like he always does. It’s not Klee, they sound far too mature. There’s no teasing lilt, so it’s not Kaeya either. Sucrose? No, not her, rarely does she refer to him by his name without a title. Just as he’s about to give up, turn away to another direction, he spots it.
A shadowy figure, facing away from him. They seem to be holding- no, cradling something. His name is clear in the air now, louder than it's ever been. He feels like he belongs here, with this voice, this stranger. The rational side of him is telling him this is dangerous, it could be a trap, but it doesn’t stop his curious fingers reaching out to them. But just as he was about to confront whoever had been calling for him, the vision fades.
He blinks. Once. Twice, for good measure, before sitting up slowly. The book that had been resting on his chest falls to the floor with a quiet thump, but he pays it no mind. It's been years since he’s had ‘the dream’. It used to happen every night, always the same. A voice would call out to him, and he would try to follow it. Sometimes he’d wander, and never find what he was looking for. Other times, he’d see shadows. One figure, sometimes a smaller one accompanying it. But he had never been able to catch a glimpse of anything but apparitions. Why now? The dreams only stopped when he-
“Albedo.” A gentle voice calls him.
He tilts his head up to look at none other than you, and something vaguely familiar begins to grow in his chest. The third feeling he could never summarise: love. You gently move some of the strands of hair away from his eyes, fingers moving to run through his golden locks. He leans into the touch, and lets your name slip past his lips. The sound makes your lips curl, and you lean forward to press them to his forehead. “Why don’t you come to bed, dear?” You suggest quietly, softly against his skin. His fingers reach out to you once again, as he had done so many times, and finally made contact. Slowly, after he circles your wrist with delicate fingers, he brings your hand up to his lips. His eyes flutter shut for a moment.
They stopped when he met you.
He was yet to meet the other, smaller figure, but that was another mystery for a later date. Soon, he hopes. As he rises from the couch, hand in hand with you, his hold tightens. Yes, he thinks.
This is what I’ve dreamed about.
Being by your side like this brought back the pleasant memory of that faint feeling of belonging. Now, he does not need to cling onto the memory. He feels it so strongly. The dream, the shadow, it could not hold a candle to how you made him feel when he was wrapped up in your arms like this. His own pull you in closer, his head resting against your chest.
“I love you.”
The small bud growing in his chest finally blossoms. His head raises, your lips touch. He places another sweet peck before he pulls away, then he breathes his reply.
“I love you, too.”
The dream doesn’t follow him again. Instead, another takes its place.
“Albedo!”, your voice calls.
“Papa!”, another one follows.
He prefers this dream instead.
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blouisparadise · 3 years
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We frequently get asked what our members favorite fics are, so for today’s rec list, we asked each member of BLP to choose FIVE favorite fics for this list - no repeats allowed. Please keep in mind that this is not a complete list of our favorites - there are so many amazing BL fics out there that we all have a lot more than this! Still, we hope you enjoy. Happy reading!
1) Take Off Your Business Suit | Explicit | 3082 words
“Yes, let me get another chair.” Louis said, leaning up off of the desk. He stood up but before he could leave the office to get another chair, Harry was grabbing his hand.
The words that came out of Harry’s mouth made Louis’ knees weak and heart beat quicken. “Just sit on my lap.” Harry said. Whatever he said afterwards didn’t make it into Louis’ ears as he was moving quickly over to Harry and placing himself on Harry’s lap.
Louis would take anything Harry wanted to give him; hand touching, lap sitting, all of it. Louis hadn't realized he was holding his breath until it came out in a quiet sigh. “Okay so th-this one will be slightly different right?” He asked as he pointed at the sheet of paper in front of him.
2) Quietly Our Hearts Beat | Explicit | 7539 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis and Harry in the universe of ‘A Quiet Place’.
3) A Love Reaction | Explicit | 9968 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis’s staring up at him, head tilted slightly back, and his blue eyes are glassy, locked with Harry’s in an unblinking and gentle gaze. He looks ready to do whatever Harry says, to please him whatever way.
4) To Love Without Reason | Explicit | 8854 words
“Come on in, soldier,” Louis pats Harry’s chest and walks away, leaving Harry to follow behind.
Harry stands in the living room, looking around at Louis’ dwelling. Family pictures placed high on a shelf, certificates of Louis’ practice, and other trinkets that make Harry entirely too nostalgic.
“I have to warn you,” Louis says as he puts the kettle on, the water droplets from his hair trickling down the golden skin of his back. “The door jams if you lock it so you'll have to leave it ajar.”
Harry acknowledges with a soft hum, too entranced by Louis’ glistening skin to form a coherent reply.
5) No Good Unless It’s Real | Explicit | 17021 words
Louis is a very busy farmer who’s just trying to make it to his next nap and Harry’s the new hot vet that’s determined to infiltrate every area of his life.
6) A Springtime’s Wilt, An Autumn’s Bloom | Explicit | 20593 words
Harry is Louis' personal chauffeur, and although he hides his feelings for his boss behind a wall of rigid professionalism, Louis still manages to squeeze through the cracks.
7) Ready To Fall | Explicit | 21220 words
“Ninety and rising,” Nick says triumphantly, as though making Harry’s heartbeat pick up by thrusting an obscenely attractive person in front of his face is any kind of success. “Louis Tomlinson has just walked into our control room and suddenly our dear Harry Styles has lost all ability to speak. Could this be some kind of strange coincidence?”
“I hate you,” Harry hisses, forcing his eyes back into Nick’s direction, uncaring that the mic must have picked it up. “I thought we agreed that you were going to play fair.”
“I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Nick denies, except he’s holding up a picture of Louis’ face now, sharp cheekbones prominent, soft lashes nearly sweeping against his cheeks as he looks down, and his fucking mouth –
“A hundred and two!” Nick crows, all but clapping his hands together in glee. “The highest it’s ever been!”
“To be fair, I did bend over the desk on purpose,” Louis’ voice comes crackling in the headphones. Harry practically breaks his neck whipping his head around at the sound of it, gaping at him through the glass panel. “You can’t really blame him for getting a little excited about that, can you?”
8) Written In The Stars (That’s You And Me) | Explicit | 22632 words
Louis pushes himself up on one elbow and stretches enough to just barely trace his fingertips over Harry’s jawline. Harry’s eyes drop to track his movements as he does it again. “D’you feel that?” he whispers.
To him, it feels like all of the universe’s magic lives just beneath his skin when he touches Harry with intent. It feels like something special. Louis watches Harry’s lips part and wants to touch that too. He almost does, but then Harry shakes his head. “Feel what?”
9) Middle Ground | Explicit | 23561 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry moves to a new town for work where he meets the enigma that is Louis Tomlinson.
10) England Has My Bones | Explicit | 24087 words
The next time Harry thinks about calling, it’s 4.14 in the morning on a Parisian hotel balcony.
11) Like A Siren In The Night | Explicit | 24868 words
“There is an infestation in my home,” Louis hisses, righting himself quickly and pushing his way past Harry, heading directly for the kitchen. He’s rather haphazardly dressed himself, a coat thrown on over a loose flannel shirt and black pants, slippers on his feet.
Harry resists the urge to sigh, closing the door and trailing behind him slowly. “What kind of infestation?”
For all he knows, Louis is going to claim that there’s a ghost infestation. Harry has no idea what the end game is here – all he knows is that Louis has found at least three complaints a week to bring up since he’s been living on Harry’s property, and he’s been living here for six months.
It’s way too many fucking complaints, is what Harry is saying. Especially when most of them are ridiculous to start with.
12) Hold Onto This Heaven (Of Yours) | Explicit | 25213 words
An ode to being too young, too sad, and too in love.
13) The Devil’s In The Details | Explicit | 25372 words
He squeals when Harry smacks his bum as he bends over to pick up his bag, swinging it over his shoulder. Harry smiles smugly at him, bottom lip caught between his teeth. “When are you going to start calling me professor?” He asks.
“When you actually are one,” Louis says with his hand on the doorknob. He cocks his head to the side in curiosity. “Isn’t that how words work? You did study English, right?”
Louis’ quick to slip out the door before Harry can smack him again, his laugh echoing through the hallways as he makes his way to his next class with flushed cheeks and a bright smile.
14) A Trail Of Honey Through It All | Explicit | 27086 words
The boy in front of him, well really, the man in front of him, was like something out of a confusing wet dream. Built, tall, tan and muscular, his skin glistened with sweat after a long day of working outdoors with his hands. He was wearing a cut up old American football shirt, the bottom hem was torn and the sleeves were cut off to the point where the t-shirt was really just a loose tank top. The shorts he had on had clearly been full length jeans at one point, and were now just crudely cut off above the knee. His white socks were pulled up too high on his calves, and the brown work boots he had on were old as fuck, the leather peeling along the edges of the soles. Curly brown hair stuck out from the edges of his backwards snapback, and there was a smudge of grease wiped along his brow bone. The smattering of hair along his jaw proved that he hadn’t shaved in a week or two, the hair growing in thicker across his upper lip and around his chin. His sinfully bowed mouth was pink and plump, and Louis was suddenly hyper-focused on the way that he chewed at the toothpick stuck between his lips. He looked like he needed a shower. Louis wanted to lick him.
15) You Fit In My Poems (Like A Perfect Rhyme) | Explicit | 27598 words
The one where Harry works in an old bookshop and Louis is the pretty stranger that ends up stranded there in the middle of a storm.
16) Where The Lights Are Beautiful | Mature | 31170 words | Sequel
The accidental bonding A/B/O fic.
17) Once Upon A Dream | Explicit | 33319 words | Sequel
Louis is psychic and gets caught in the middle of a murder investigation led by FBI Special Agent Harry Styles.
18) Stuck On You | Explicit | 33983 words
Louis’ life revolves around his stickers. Harry’s life revolves around his job. The universe has decided their worlds should revolve around each other.
19) Coeur De Pirate | Explicit | 34207 words
He tilts his chin up as the Captain strides across the deck, his footfalls falling loudly against the planks. The crew watches them from afar.
Stepping into his space, the Captain wraps an arm around Louis’ waist and pulls him in. He lowers his head to breathe his words against Louis’ cheeks. “I won,” he whispers, “I’ve come to claim my prize.”
20) What This World Is About | Explicit | 34472 words
An eighties American high school AU; there are first times, football games, and feelings.
Alternatively titled: the beginning.
21) Close To Nowhere | Explicit | 34589 words
Louis and Harry are psychics who kind of hate each other. They go to Tennessee to investigate a haunting.
22) Before We Knew | Explicit | 39830 words
Louis has been skeptical of soulmates for years so it seems like fate when he finally bumps into the owner of the obnoxiously large signature printed onto his skin since age sixteen: Harry Styles, a human rights attorney who is firmly against soulmates.
23) The Space Between | Explicit | 39917 words
Harry Styles is the alpha rockstar who can’t sleep and doesn’t know why.
Louis Tomlinson is the omega PhD student who helps him figure it out.
24) The Sweetest Incantation | Explicit | 40580 words
Harry is a witch who's still working on developing his powers and Louis is a werecat who falls into his life and turns it upside down.
25) Worth Dying For | Explicit | 44906 words
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Louis says, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. In the center of the table, a set of three glossy photos stares up at him, mocking him.
“A security detail is non-negotiable, Louis, you know this,” his mum reminds him, tapping the middle photo with two fingers.
Louis doesn’t look back down at the pictures, gesturing towards them wildly, over-dramatically. “This is not a security detail!” he protests. “This is a lanky college student. In what world do you hire someone like this kid to protect me?”
26) Tastes Like Summer, Smiles Like May | Explicit | 47519 words
A cold prince, an alpha with nothing left to lose and a kingdom with a secret.
27) Love’s Truest Language | Explicit | 48195 words
The first part was meant as a joke. He didn't really expect Harry to buy anything. It was just Louis’ way of softening the ‘get the fuck out’ blow.
“Where's your order forms, then?”
“I don't want your flowers.” Louis chided before directing all of his attention to the arrangement in front of him.
Harry laughed under his breath as he stood to his full height, “Who said anything about them being for you, love?”
28) Through The Wheatfields And The Coastlines | Explicit | 52855 words
The one where Louis needs inspiration, and a certain cowboy and his lamb are the perfect distraction.
29) Latibule | Mature | 54322 words
A Spirited Away AU of sorts where Louis just wants to heal and be left alone, only for all his plans to be destroyed by the hands of an infuriating British God.
30) Warming Up To You | Explicit | 56227 words
Prompt 111: Louis and Harry are strangers that somehow got stranded during a blizzard. They find themselves in an abandoned cabin and have to cuddle for warmth. Cuddling leads to much more.
31) Feeling Borrowed, Always Blue | Explicit | 68214 words
Louis has been dreaming of his wedding since he was young - he just never expected it to happen like this.
32) Curly Bun Man | Not Rated | 68597 words
I just paid for these Doritos but they're stuck in the vending machine and I know you've been waiting but I am not going to let you buy something until you help me. AU.
33) Waiting On You | Explicit | 76584 words | Sequel
“Vampires,” Louis says with disgust, glaring over at the vampire who is noisily slurping from the woman’s neck nearby.
Zayn gives the neat fang marks on Louis’ neck a meaningful look.
“Can’t live with them, can’t live without them,” Louis finishes, ignoring Zayn when he rolls his eyes.
Louis takes a long sip of his milkshake, presses his fingers against the marks on his neck, and definitely doesn’t think about the vampire who left them there.
34) Through Struggles, To The Stars | Explicit | 80582 words
Louis is a Starfleet captain trying to find his place in the universe. Harry is a prince just trying to do what's right.
35) I Want You So Much (But I Hate Your Guts) | Mature | 83648 words
AU in which Louis gets accepted to play for the Manchester University Alpha-Beta Football Team. The only problem: Louis is actually an Omega. He is determined to make it big in the football world, though, and he can't do that bound to an Omega team. With the help of a faked doctor's certificate and some pretty strong suppressants he is ready to fight for his dream.
That Harry Styles (Alpha, second year and youngest football captain of the A-B team in ages) doesn't seem to like him complicates matters, though.
36) Where You Lay | Explicit | 86038 words
When Louis's upcoming heat threatens his success at his new dream job, he asks the best (and only) person he can think of to help him through it: his best mates' best mate, Harry Styles.  Harry reluctantly accepts, and together the two navigate a strange friends with benefits relationship that quickly turns complicated.
37) And Down The Long And Silent Street | Mature | 86090 words
Wherein Louis and Harry are on the opposite ends of the social ladder, but their paths still cross on the filthy streets Louis calls his home. The odds are staked against them from the beginning, and even more when Louis' past finally catches up with him.
38) Swim In The Smoke | Explicit | 101778 words
“What about this, Captain?” Liam asks, nudging the boy kneeling between their feet with the toe of his boot. The boy hisses and swipes at him, slurring out something unintelligible around the makeshift gag Niall had to stuff in his mouth. He misses by a mile and tries again, just as ineffectively.
Harry looks down at him, at the way the sun streams over his face and shoulders, at the way the gag stretches his mouth, lips pink and chapped. He’s lithe and pretty, smudged all over with dirt. They had found him tied up below deck, mostly unconscious, next to a barrel full of gold. He’s clearly a prisoner, but there’s something familiar about him, something that niggles at Harry’s brain. Something he can’t quite put his finger on.
“Put him in my cabin,” Harry decides, turning back to deal with the rest of the loot. The boys screams out jumbled curse words at Harry’s back, muffled by the gag, and Harry can’t understand any of it.
39) The Galaxy’s Edge | Explicit | 113921 words
Things never quite go as they are planned during a simple rescue job.
40) Tainted Saints And Velvet Vices | Explicit | 126057 words | Sequel (WIP)
A self-fulfilling Hogwarts AU in which Louis is new to seventh year and Harry is the resident devil-may-care Slytherin set to make his entire experience a living misery. Due to less than favourable circumstances they're forced to forge an unwilling, tentative relationship for their own survival. Repressed emotions, decidedly unromantic ballroom dancing, Triwizard Tournament tasks, creative jinxes and twilight flying above the Forbidden Forest ensue.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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jxsatlas · 3 years
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍 ⇢ keith kogane, ch. 1
keith kogane x gn! reader – next
DISCLAIMER! this story does not originally belong to me, the author is @MaddieWolf37 on Wattpad. i have simply received permission to rewrite and continue her story. go and check out her profile for the original version!
SYNOPSIS! a story in which you are thrown into the middle of an intergalactic space war and have the undesirable weight of being a symbol of peace dropped on your shoulders. but maybe if you look past the constant danger and endless fighting, there's some good to being a paladin of voltron.
MATURE CONTENT! swearing, violence, gore, war, graphic descriptions, mentions of self-harm
"Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14," Lance announces, "Begin descent to Kerberos for a rescue mission."
He shoves the yoke forward and the aircraft takes a steep dive. You plant your feet to help fight against the inertia. You give him a sharp glare as the aircraft steadies out.
"Ugh, Lance, can you keep this thing straight?" Hunk whines from the back.
You look over your shoulder and recognise the nauseated expression on his face all too well. Last semester, there was a girl on your team that didn't do too well with excessive motion and often got sick.
Lance brushes him off. "Relax Hunk, I'm just getting a feel for the stick," he says with a lazy grin, which quickly turns mischievous. "It's not like I did this, or this!" Lance jerks the aircraft side to side, making Hunk feel worse.
"Knock it off, Lance," you warn from your chair next to him. You reach up above you and press a few buttons in hopes of stabilising the aircraft out after Lance's little joke.
"Yeah, listen to [y/n] unless you wanna wipe beef stroganoff out of all the little nooks and crannies of this thing," Hunk groans angrily.
"We've picked up a distress signal!" Pidge says from his seat in the back.
"Alright, time to quit our bickering and get serious," you say, doing your own little thing to accommodate for the lower altitude while Lance flies the aircraft.
"Pidge, track the coordinates," Lance says with a roll of his eyes at your comment.
Pidge does so, typing away on the computer. The aircraft gives a large rumble and Hunk groans again.
"Knock it off, Lance! Please!" he whines, his face all scrunched up in discomfort.
"Oh, that's on you buddy," Lance says sharply. "We got a hydraulic stabiliser out."
Hunk nods and goes to fix it, but when the aircraft shakes again he gags. "Oh no."
"Oh no, fix now, puke later," Lance growls.
So much bickering... you think to yourself with a sigh.
"I lost contact!" Pidge says. "The shaking is interfering with our sensors."
Lance looks over his shoulder at Hunk. "Come on, dude!"
"Sorry, it's not responding," Hunk says and unfastens his safety belt. He carefully gets up and makes his way over to the gearbox to see what's up.
"Coordinates are back," you say, seeing the blue dot on the dash.
"Nevermind Hunk," Lance says.
"No, he still needs to fix it," you say. "We can't properly fly this thing if a hydraulic stabiliser is out."
"Whatever," Lance rolls his eyes, "Preparing for approach on visual."
"I don't think that's advisable, given our current mechanical..." Pidge warns, trailing off when he hears Hunk gag again. "...and gastrointestinal issues..."
"Agreed!" Hunk says, not before quickly emptying his stomach into the gearbox with the unsavoury sounds of food chunks and liquid hitting the metal. You cringe, not liking the sound, and hope he's okay.
"Stop worrying," Lance says dismissively.
"No, they're right," you say firmly as you place your attention on Lance now. "We should wait before we do anything."
"Nah, this baby can take it! Can't ya champ?" Lance coos and pats the dash. The aircraft rumbles again and he retracts his hand with a sheepish look. "See? She was nodding!"
"That wasn't nodding Lance," you deadpan. "Now listen to us and wait."
"I'm the one flying this thing, aren't I?" Lance asks. "So I'm in charge, and that means what I say goes!"
"Excuse you, we're both flying this thing," you argue.
Ignoring you, Lance turns to Pidge. "Pidge, hail down on them and let them know their ride is here," he says.
Knowing that you're now doomed, you keep your mouth shut and wait for the inevitable failure of the simulation. You can already see it, the big, bold, red letters appearing on the dash.
And when Lance flies towards an overhang, tilting the plane as much as he can in a sad attempt to thread through the little hole rather than going over or around, you know this is where you fail.
Lance doesn't make it. The wing gets torn off, the alarms blare, and the aircraft pummels to the ground. The dash goes black and those red letters you were anticipating appear without hesitation.
Simulation Failed.
The first failure on your school record.
You toss your head back and sharply exhale, frustration building up in you. "Nice going," you grumble and look at Lance through the corner of your eye.
He catches your gaze and glares at you. "Oh, shut up," he growls.
The four of you sit in silence for a second, you and Lance glaring at each other, before an instructor opens the door and beckons you to come out.
Reluctantly, you all unfasten your safety belts and crawl out of the aircraft. You then mentally prepare yourselves for the lecture about how you are all failures to come.
You, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge line up before the Commander, avoiding his scowling gaze.
"Let's see if we can't use this complete failure as a lesson for the rest of you," Commander Iverson's voice booms angrily. He's not at all impressed with your behaviour. "Can anyone point out the mistakes these so-called cadets made during the simulator?"
"The engineer puked in the main gearbox!" a boy from the back of the group of students shouts out. Iverson nods and turns to Hunk.
"Yes. Everyone knows vomit is not an approved lubricant for engine systems," Iverson sharply criticises Hunk. He turns back to the students. "What else?"
"The comms-spec removed his safety harness," a girl points out.
"The pilot crashed!" another shouts.
Iverson nods, approving of all the answers given. "And worst of all, the whole jump they're arguing with each other," he growls and turns to the four of you once more.
You keep your gaze on the ground shamefully.
"The Galaxy Garrison exists to turn young cadets like you into the next generation of elite astro-explorers," Iverson lectures. His hands are on his hips as he looks down at you. "But these kinds of mental mistakes are exactly what caused the lives of the men on the Kerberos Mission."
In your peripherals, you notice Pidge clench his fists at his sides and scrunch his nose up in anger. You fully turn your head to him when he takes a bold step towards the Commander.
"That's not true, sir!" he barks.
Iverson looks at him and glares. "What was that, young man?" he growls.
Lance quickly slaps a hand over Pidge's mouth and pulls him back in line. "Sorry, sir! He must've hit his head when he fell!" he says, smiling sheepishly in a sad attempt to cover up his fear. His hand gets tighter over Pidge's mouth, almost as if he's asking the ginger what the hell is wrong with him.
With Lance speaking up, Iverson's attention is now pinpointed on him. He takes a few steps closer to Lance, his intimidating figure making your brother cower back a bit.
"I hope I don't need to remind you that the only reason you're here," he growls, his tone of voice menacing and powerful, "is because the best pilot in your class had a disciplinary issue and flunked out."
Lance drops his gaze down to the floor, a look of dejection taking over his face.
"Don't follow in his footsteps," Iverson warns. He stares Lance down a bit before abruptly turning to you. "And you!" he barks.
Your entire body freezes up and your eyes wearily follow him as he stops in front of you now. Your heart sinks down to your gut.
"I expected better of you."
You returned to your dorm at the end of the day with a cloud over your head.
You grumble about the day's events as you aggressively tug your shirt over your head. You really wish you could pinpoint the source of your frustration. Are you mad at my brother? Your team? Or yourself?
You toss your clothes on the floor and pull out some track shorts and a hoodie from your dresser. Getting dressed in your pajamas for the rest of the night, you try to sort out your emotions.
"Stop mumbling to yourself," your roommate says from her bed.
You turn to her. "Ah, sorry," you say. "I didn't realise I was talking out loud..."
"If you're that mad at your brother why don't you just punch him?" she asks. You blink, surprised she actually heard you.
"I'm not violent like you," you say with a sigh. "Besides, I don't even know if I'm mad at him specifically."
"Eh, I would punch him either way," your roommate shrugs. "It's a good way to alleviate your stress."
You roll your eyes. "I alleviate my stress by sleeping."
Your roommate laughs. "Ain't that the truth?" she jests. "How many times have you taken a nap between classes this week?"
You stare at her with a blank expression for a moment before picking your clothes up and off of the ground. "I'm not answering that," you say and toss them into the hamper.
You and your roommate pause when there's a knock on the door. You look at her and she looks at you.
She raises her hands up. "And I'm not answering that," she says.
You roll your eyes and grab one of the dirty articles of clothing you tossed into the hamper and throw at her without any remorse. She yelps in fear and disgust as you walk to the door with a smirk on your face.
"Don't throw your nasty underwear at me!" she barks and she pinches the panties between her thumb and index finger, tossing them as far away from her as possible.
You cackle and open the door. Your laughter cuts short when you're suddenly face to face with your brother. Hunk stands behind him.
"What are you doing in the girls' dorm?" you ask, but then take the opportunity you just created for yourself to tease your dear elder brother. You think of it as a bit of revenge for crashing the simulator. "Visiting someone?"
Lance rolls his eyes. "Heh, I wish," he sighs. "But no. We're thinking about hitting the town tonight! You know, for some team bonding?"
"Who is it?" your roommate calls to you.
"Lance and Hunk," you say over your shoulder at her.
"Punch him!" she shouts back.
"No!" you hiss and turn back to your brother.
"I don't like your roommate," Lance comments under his breath.
"Neither do I," you joke.
"I heard that!" your roommate barks.
"No you didn't!" you ready. But getting the feeling that she's going to keep interrupting, you push Lance out of your way and step into the hall with him and Hunk. You then close the door and give the boys your full attention.
"So, you're gonna come with us?" Lance asks.
"I don't know," you say with uncertainty in your tone. You cross your arms. "It's past curfew and I don't really think you have off-campus privileges..."
"That doesn't matter," Lance waves his hand dismissively. "Iverson wants us to bond as a team, so why don't we listen to him for once?"
"I'm not feeling that adventurous," you say.
"What? Why not? It'll be fun!" Lance cajoles.
"Lance, your idea of fun always ends up with you and me in the principal's office," Hunk reminds. "Don't drag your little sibling into it."
"Hunk has a point," you say. "I don't want to get in trouble again. I had my filling for today."
"Since when were you a goodie-two-shoes?" Lance asks in a somewhat offended tone.
"Since I got a scholarship here?" you quirk an eyebrow at him.
"Who are you and what have you done with my sibling?" Lance says as he gives you a look of utter betrayal, as if you were some alien.
You roll your eyes. "I'm not too keen on losing something like that because I went along with your dumb shenanigans," you sigh.
"Please, the max punishment for something like this is just a weekend detention with old man Brechin," Lance says and a mischievous grin spreads on his face. "That is, if you get caught."
You bite your lip, looking away in thought. Team bonding sounds very appealing after what happened today, but are you willing to risk your scholarship? You don't know if you can lose it because of a simple detention. The Galaxy Garrison is a government program, which means they are pretty strict.
"Do you really need to think about it?" Lance asks with raised eyebrows. "Don't tell me you're scared!"
His words irk you immensely.
You snap your gaze up to him. Is he serious? You aren't scared. Why would you be scared of sneaking out?
You silently walk back into your dorm and quickly throw a bra on, some socks, and your shoes.
"Where are you going?" your roommate asks as she watches you scramble about the room with a sense of purpose all of a sudden.
"Team bonding," you say, now tying the laces of your shoes.
"This late? Are you sure?" she asks.
"All common sense in me left the moment Lance basically called me a scaredy-cat," you say bluntly.
"Well, have fun," your roommate says.
You give her a small salute as you walk out of the dorm. "I'll be back by morning."
"Alright, see ya!"
You close the door and turn to Lance and Hunk expectantly. "Well?"
Lance gives you a cocky grin, proud of his persuasion skills. You suddenly consider your roommate's suggestion for a second.
"We need to go grab Pidge," Lance says. "It won't be team bonding if someone's missing. You gotta have everybody."
You shrug, doubting Pidge will join.
Lance takes the liberty of leading the way to the boys' dorm, you and Hunk following closely behind. You expertly dodge the officers patrolling the halls making sure students are in their dorms like ninjas on a stealth mission.
As Lance rounds a corner, he suddenly stops and back peddles quickly. He peeks around the corner and watches whatever is on the other side. Curious, you and Hunk sneak up close to Lance and peek as well.
Pidge steps out of his room, a backpack swung over his shoulders. He checks his surroundings before closing the door and running off.
You, Lance, and Hunk share a look. You all then telepathically agree to follow the small boy. Once again, Lance takes the lead.
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backtothefanfiction · 3 years
Summary: One good night out turns into a two month affair.
Warnings: Mature 18+ ONLY!! Drug use, relationship abuse, mental manipulation, drinking, cheating, angst, language, smut, praise, fingering, slightly rough sex, squirting, unprotected sex (you know the phrase kids...).
Word Count: 6335
A/N- This is a heavy chapter so I have done a longer authors note here. Please read before continuing if you haven’t already read it. Events in this chapter take place 11 months before Italy and a couple weeks after Will’s chapter.
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'Hey Will said you were back. Want to go grab a drink tonight?'
'Yea, sure. Who else is gonna be there?'
'No one else, unless you want to invite others. I kinda just wanted to spend some time with you and catch up.'
'Okay, sounds good to me.'
Frankie had run into Will as he was coming out of a bar earlier that afternoon. He was grateful that Will hadn't notice him coming out through the doors of the establishment, allowing him the chance to pretend like he was just in the neighbourhood; and the fact they had run into each other outside a bar was just coincidence. When Will had casually dropped into conversation that you were home and that he had seen you, that had triggered something in Frankie. Whether it was just his slightly drugged up and alcohol riddled mind or something else, Frankie couldn't tell, but he knew he couldn't get you out of his head.
Frankie had always had a thing for you, ever since Benny first brought you home with him after your last tour together and introduced you to everyone. You were gorgeous, deadly and had a wicked sense of humour, you were everything he wanted in a woman and that's why he had been absolutely terrified to make a move. As time went on and you found your place amongst the group, Frankie came to appreciate how lucky he was just to have you in his life and as a friend and as time moved on further still, it became clear to him that he'd completely missed his chance.
He had started dating Laura just over a year ago now. She was nice, pretty, sassy. She reminded him of a slightly watered down version of you and believing he had fully missed his chance with you and would never get the real you, he figured he could do a lot worse than settling for Laura.
Around month nine of the relationship Frankie started to recognise he wasn't happy. He soon found himself relapsing into old habits he'd fallen into after he'd first come home for good and the PTSD had settled in. It started off as sneaking a bump off someone in the bathroom of a bar one night when they had gone out for drinks with some of Laura's friends. Just a little something to get him through the rest of the evening. A couple of days later it had happened again. It was only when Frankie had dug out his old burner phone from a lock box in the garage and contacted his old dealer, did he realise he was no longer in control anymore, but he didn't care. That's how he had ended up drunk texting you at half past three on a Tuesday afternoon asking you to go out with him for the evening so he didn't have to be at home with 'her'.
“Hey.” you said getting up from the booth you had commandeered as you waited for him to arrive.
“Hey.” he grinned as he wrapped you up into his arms, his head burying into your hair. It was so soft and smelt amazing, like coming home. “You been waiting here long?” he asked as he reluctantly pulled away from you, both of you sitting yourselves back in the booth. Frankie had taken a moment longer than he should have to get out of his truck when he had first arrived, prioritising snorting another line of coke up his nose off his dashboard, instead of coming straight in to you. A slight panic fogged his brain as he feared he'd taken longer than he had and made you wait ages for him.
“Nah, I only got here like 5 minutes ago or something like that.” You confessed and Frankie relaxed a bit. “Do you want me to go get the first round?” you asked, pointing towards the bar.
“No, its alright, I'll get it.” Frankie said hopping up from the seat. “What do you want?”
“I'll just take a beer.” you replied. You really were a girl after his own heart.
Frankie came back with two bottles of beer a few minutes later, handing one over to you as he tried to manoeuvre himself back into the booth without using his hands. “So when did you get back?” he asked casually, a typical conversation starter.
“Nearly two weeks ago.” you said, taking a sip of your beer.
“Where did you go again?” Frankie asked, his memory of where you'd been the last 6 months hazy.
“Colombia.” you said.
“Ahh, te dio la oportunidad de trabajar en tu español.” Ahh, gave you an opportunity to work on your Spanish.
“Cállate, mi español es muy bueno. Después de todo, aprendí de los mejores.” Shut up, my Spanish is great. I did learn from the best after all, you said stroking his ego and making him blush slightly.
“So what were you doing down there?”
You looked down at your bottle, unable to meet his eyes. “A whole load of stuff that, probably wasn't very legal.” you said, giving him as vague an answer as you possibly could. You looked up, expecting him to have a judgemental look on his face, but instead you were met with one of sympathy. You'd all landed yourselves in some form of shit or another since leaving active service and Frankie was the last person who could pass judgement.
You sat there for almost an hour just talking, drinking your first beers slowly. “You want another one?” Frankie asked, motioning to the empty bottle in your hands that you were now peeling the label off of.
“Yeah, sure.” you said with a smile. You looked to your left to find the pool table had also just become free. “Do you want a game?” you said motioning to the table where the last occupants were throwing the cues on top of it.
“Yeah sure. I'll go get the beers, you go rack ‘em up.” he said, hopping out of the booth with a smile.
You made your way over to the pool table, reaching your hand into the pocket of your jeans, searching for loose change. You took the quarters out, slotting them into the machine. The balls dropped like thunder as they were released, rolling towards the end of the table so you could pull them out the hole in the side. You rolled the discarded pool cues to the side of the table as you reached for the triangle, placing it on the top near you. You bent down to pull out the balls, dropping them blindly inside the triangle above your head. When you had pulled out the last one you stood and was met with Frankie's still smiling face making his way back over to you.
He handed you the beer and you took a sip before placing it on the edge of the table so you could use both your hands to pick out the balls, moving them into their correct spots within the triangle, then sliding them all into place. “Who's going first?” you asked Frankie who had put the pool cues that had been on the table, back into the rack on the wall, choosing his own to play with in the process.
“Well that depends, you get any better at breaking.” you screwed up your mouth at the cheap shot he'd just taken. You were a decent pool player but you were awful at getting the game started.
“Fine Morales, looks like you're going first.”
“Thank you.” he said, jokingly tipping his head at you as he put himself in position at the end of the table.
There was a loud crack as Frankie hit the triangle, the balls bouncing off each other in different directions. You winced in disbelief as he managed to pot two balls with just one shot. He flashed his eyebrows at you, showing off. “You know I think that was one of each.” you taunted him, bringing him back to earth. “You can only chose one, what's it gonna be?”
“Just because I know how much you love playing stripes...” he said leaving the sentence open with a shrug before moving himself around the table to pot one of the solid coloured balls. For a moment, both of you watched eagerly expecting it to go in, but it leaned to the right at the last second and bounced back, away from the hole.
You took a quick sip of your beer before placing it back on the side. “Ready to see how it's done.” you teased, dancing around the table sizing up your first shot. You started out with an easy shot, potting it with not much trouble. Frankie gave you a small nod of acknowledgment before you began circling the table again, working out your next move. You saw it near the corner. You lined up your shot and... clunk, you sank another ball into the hole.
You stood back from the table grinning as you looked over to him, ready to taunt. “That's two.” you said, a faint giggle at the end of the sentence. You danced around the table again looking for the next one. You decided to try your luck but ultimately missed.
“Hey, you can’t get them all in one go.” he said, pushing himself off the wall where he had been leaning. He handed you his beer to hold as he took his go. He fumbled his shot and you were soon handing his drink back to him to take your next go.
It had ended up being a quick game. You had won, easily potting ball after ball, much to Frankie's amazement. “Okay, you had to have been cheating. I want a rematch.” Frankie said, playfully challenging you.
“I mean, I am more than happy to give you one... then beat your ass again and then again and again.” you laughed.
“Okay, okay, I get it. Just rack 'em up again. I gotta go to the restroom.” he said backing away towards the door to the toilets.
When Frankie came back from the toilet he carried himself differently. He seemed both a little bit shinier but also spacey. It was a look you had recognised in people around you many times and had even, on occasion, experienced yourself. You had experimented with drugs a few times over the years, sometimes to keep your cover when trying to get intelligence out of a contact, other times just because it was a night out and you wanted to let your hair down. You never made a habit of it though. You never would have pegged Frankie of making a habit of it either, but it was becoming clearer and clearer to you, as you thought back on his behaviour at the start of the night, that it was.
“Hey, you ready?” he said as he picked his pool cue back up, snapping you away from your internal monologue. 'He's a grown man, he knows what he's doing' you berated yourself, shrugging off his actions. “You wanna break this time?” he asked you, raising his eyebrows encouragingly.
You pulled a face of discomfort. “Uhh.”
“Come on, I'll help you. You'll never get better if you don't practice.”
“Fine.” you said rolling your eyes, your footsteps falling heavier, stomping, mocking a stroppy teenager. He laughed.
“Come here.” He said ushering you to the table and taking a stance behind you. “You're problem is you doubt yourself and then get shaky on your follow through.” He said as you leant forward and lined your cue up with the ball. He leaned over with you, one hand on your left arm, helping hold it steady, the other finding a home over your hand on the cue.
He helped guide it back and you relaxed into his touch as you let him manipulate the shot. It was a gentle, yet forceful, nudge of the cue that sent the white ball careening quickly towards the waiting triangle of balls at the other end of the table. You turned back to him, smiling in triumph at the clack of balls as they scattered across the table. That's when you realised how close the two of you were. You couldn't help but look directly into his eyes. His pupils were blown wide, somehow they were both bright and glassy at the same time.
You weren't sure why you were doing it, but you found your fingers reaching for the front pocket of his jeans, hooking just the tips of them in slightly, nudging the bag of blow. His eyes grew panicked as you began to pull the small baggy from his pocket, curling it into your fingers. You bit your lower lip, trying to search his eyes for how he was going to react, if he was going to react. He didn't move. A part of you thought about just getting rid of it, just tossing it out, but you were having a good time with Frankie, he was having a good time with you. You felt safe and it had been so long since you'd had a good night out you thought 'fuck it'.
Neither of you said anything as you began to creep away, bag still firmly scrunched into your fingers. Frankie tried to act casual, attempting to go back to focusing on the game as you snuck off to the toilet. He assumed you had gone to get rid of the coke, he never imagined you'd have some yourself.
You rushed into one of the stalls, quickly assessing how best to go about this. You decided that none of the surfaces were sanitary enough to do this properly. You sighed, half excited, half still berating yourself for stooping to this, as you took a seat on top of the toilet lid. You tucked your hair out of the way before opening up the baggy and tapping only a small amount of the white powder onto the back of your hand. You listened a second, making sure there was no one else in the bathroom with you. Silence. You quickly lifted the back of your hand to your nose, closing off one of the nasal passages and then sucking in all of the powder, with your intake of air, with the other.
You'd forgotten how awful it felt in that first moment, your nose burning. You coughed and continued sniffing as you attempted to clear the passage, waiting for the initial pain and discomfort to subside. It only took a moment for the rush of euphoria to set in. You resealed the bag, then wiped off any remaining remnants on your hands, before tucking the baggy back into your clutched fingers, hiding it, as you left the stall. You quickly checked yourself over in the mirror, self consciously wiping underneath your nose, then fixing any stray hairs.
As you went back out into the bar, the effects of the drug really started to settle in. Everything seemed shinier and brighter, happier. You made your way back over to Frankie who was stood leaning against his pool cue, awaiting your return.
He stared at you intensely, trying to work out what it was that you had done with the drugs. It was only when you came to a stop directly in front of him and he got a look at your eyes did he realised what you'd truly done. He found himself breaking out into a small smile of adoration, impressed by your courageousness, but it carried with it this underlining guilt in the pit of his stomach. That feeling of guilt though was quickly quashed altogether by another feeling as you pressed yourself close to him once again so you could discreetly put the little bag back in his pocket. You gave him a sly smile and that was it. That was the moment Frankie knew he was completely in love with you. You gave him a coy grin before reaching for your pool cue and continuing the game.
Watching the coloured balls dance across the table top when you hit them, felt so much more satisfying now. You didn't even care if you were losing as long as you got to keep watching the balls of colour roll back and forth across the table. You enjoyed your beer and your company, you and Frankie nudging each other and taking any chance possible to touch one another now you were both happy and relaxed. “Come on Morales.” you said as you placed your hands over his shoulders, giving them an over exaggerated massage like he was about to go into a fight. He tried to shrug you off so he could concentrate and sink his last ball. You stopped your movements but didn't take your hands away and both of you froze watching the ball intently as he took the shot. Clunk.
He stood up straight and whirled around, wrapping you in his arms, a big grin on his face. “You know I let you win right?” you teased him.
“Sure you did.” he said placing a kiss on top of your head before leaning back slightly so he could get a better look at your smile, his arm still firmly around your shoulder. He leaned back against the table, his legs spread apart slightly so you could rest between them. You were both smiling content in the embrace, neither one of you wanting to pull away.
Frankie moved his hands to rest against your hips as he began to wrestle with the idea that had just popped into his head. He looked longingly to your lips, wanting to kiss them. Your smile faded as you scanned his face, realising what he was thinking. It was probably only 3 or 4 seconds but it felt so much longer due to the pace at which your next thoughts flooded your head. 'Oh my gosh, are we gonna kiss? What about Laura? Maybe they broke up? Oh I really want to kiss him.' then his lips were on yours and it was like someone had just set off a bunch of fireworks in your brain. Your head felt like it was fizzing and tingling, you couldn't help but smile as you melted into the kiss.
Frankie felt your lips pull tight against his as your smile burst from your lips and it only encouraged his own. He pulled away only briefly so you could both acknowledge how happy you were right then in that moment, but you quickly closed the gap again, practically throwing yourself into him, desperate to feel that tingling feeling in your brain again. At your enthusiasm, Frankie wasted no time deepening the kiss, his hands snaking down to your ass and pulling you tighter to him. This was everything he ever wanted, what he'd dreamed about for years now and it was finally happening. It felt better than he could have ever imagined it to be. Your kisses were powerful and hungry and for a moment you both almost forgot where you were.
Frankie quickly broke the kiss. You were about to protest when he took hold of your hand and started leading you to the door.
Neither of you said anything as he lead you to his truck. He gave you one more quick passionate kiss before opening the passenger side door to you and encouraging you to get in. You happily hopped in before turning back to give him another kiss as he closed the door.
He drove you both back to your place, using his spare key to let you both into the apartment. You had given each of the boys a spare key to your place just in case of emergencies but this was the first time you'd ever seen Frankie use his and it made you happy. The image of it felt so natural to you, like you were both coming home together after a long day.
You didn't have time to revel in the domesticity of it though as Frankie pulled you inside, rapidly closing the door before latching his lips back onto yours. You felt him lift you up into his arms and he carried you to your bedroom.
Your feet dropped back to the floor as you both made it through the doorway, Frankie wasting no time to start undressing you and himself between hungry kisses, both of your tongues fighting to pull each other back together after every break.
When you were both completely naked Frankie wrapped his arms tightly around your middle, lifting you slightly, walking you both towards the bed which you collapsed onto together, Frankie coming to lay on top of you. You reached your hands up into his hair as he covered your naked body with his own. It was only in that moment that you fully realised he hadn't been wearing his trademark hat this evening. You made a mental note of the actions significance and happily kept smiling and giggling into his kisses.
A sudden feeling took over in the pit of your stomach as you watched Frankie's gaze darken, his lust for you taking over at your joyful sounds and the way your naked body moved underneath him. You felt his hands move to your hips and he suddenly flipped you over onto your stomach before guiding your hips up so you were resting on your knees, your ass and pussy on full display for him. “Oh god.” Frankie groaned at the sight. “Hold it there baby, there's something I wanna do.”
You felt him get off the bed and heard him shuffle around on the floor for something. It took you a moment for your brain to realise what he was doing. He was rooting back into his pocket for the cocaine. You thought about saying something but decided not to for fear it would ruin the moment and this would all stop. This was Frankie. You had wanted this for so long and you were willing to put up with anything just to have his love and attention all to yourself.
You felt his hand smooth over your ass, his fingers digging into the flesh, giving it a squeeze before he let go. You shifted your head slightly so you could look back and watch him as he opened the little baggy and began gently patting the powder out of it, leaving a line of it across your right cheek. The dark look in his eyes as he stared at the sight made your knees want to go weak. He could sense the slight tremble within you, “Hold still for me baby.” he said as he took hold of you again, his hands firmly placed either side of your ass, holding you still. You closed your eyes, thinking if you didn't see what was about to happen, maybe you could act like it never did.
It all happened so quickly you didn't even have time to really take it in. Frankie quickly leant down, taking the powder up his nose, his tongue coming out to lick up any remaining powder before he thrust his face between your folds. You let out a startled squeal of pleasure as you felt Frankie's tongue dive straight in, catching you completely off guard. His patchy facial hair tickled your skin and you jerked back further towards his face, Frankie moaning in pleasure at the feeling.
He quickly pulled his mouth away, thrusting two fingers inside you instead, stretching you out and making sure you were ready. His fingers took a moment to explore your heat and you moaned as this thick fingers stroked your inner walls. You let out a groan when he took his fingers out and you were about to lift your head to turn and whine pathetically about it when he suddenly thrust his cock inside you.
“Oh fuck.” you cried out as you attempted to adjust to his size. He leant over you, his arm wrapping around your upper chest, pulling you to your hands. His head nuzzled into your neck, trying to get you to turn your head so he could kiss you. As you began to turn it towards him, his hand that had been holding your chest moved up to grasp your jaw, forcing your lips to his. He felt you clench around him as you reacted to the power move and he gently rolled his hips into you, your back arching, trying to encourage him even deeper.
He began pounding into you rapidly as he straightened himself up again. His grip on your hips was firm, holding you steady, pulling you back into him with every thrust. The feeling was overwhelming and the lingering effects of the cocaine only heightened everything more. “Oh my god baby, you feel so fucking good.” he praised you as your moans of pleasure rang out through the room.
You felt him lean forward again and you turned your head, seeking out his lips once more. “I've wanted this for so fucking long.” he grunted out between kisses. He almost melted when you moaned back into his lips in response to his words. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling your back into his chest again, making his rapid thrusts even deeper. He was hitting a certain spot inside you and it was devastating, your eyes wanting to roll back into your head as you relaxed it against his shoulder.
A feeling began to rise inside you. It felt so overwhelming and rapid you weren't even sure what was happening until it had already happened. Frankie felt your walls pushing back against him and when he thrust back he was forced out of you completely, your release gushing all over his cock and the bed. “Jesus fucking Christ did you just-” he couldn't even say the word. He was so fucking happy and impressed, but he saw the look of surprise on your face. He quickly crashed his lips into yours as he tried to reassure you that what had happened was a good thing. No a great thing. “Fucking do it again for me baby.” he said as he lined himself back up with your entrance and thrusted himself inside you once more.
You couldn't help but cry out, your mouth falling open against his. You felt so sensitive between your legs it didn't take much time at all before Frankie had you squirting again. “That's it, that's my girl. You're so fucking beautiful when you do that baby.” he said as he turned you around to face him. He could tell your eyes were unfocussed, completely blissed out from each devastating orgasm he was pulling from you.
He placed his hands either side of your head, smoothing your hair out of your face as he kissed it. He sat himself back on the bed, trying to avoid the wet patch on the sheets, pulling you to sit on top of him. He held you close as he pulled you back down onto his erection and you relaxed your head against his shoulder as he continued to smooth your hair. He began rocking you gently on top of him, letting you have a small break, both of you enjoying the moment of being close.
When you felt your strength coming back to you, you lifted your head from his shoulder, fixing your lips to his again. He lifted you in his arms, laying you back on the bed. He lifted your legs back, allowing him to push himself deeper inside you as his thrust began to pick up again.
You placed your hands either side of his head, forcing your eyes to focus on one another. “Fuck, you're so fucking beautiful.” he said, his forehead pressing into yours. You're mouth hung open again, your breaths coming out fast inbetween his thrusts, your moans stuttering wordlessly from your lips. He could tell your eyes were starting to become unfocussed again as your next orgasm built inside you.
He placed his hands under your hips, lifting them slightly allowing his thrusts to reach deeper still. The feeling inside you was devastating and your hand reached to rub circles over your clit, encouraging your release to come even faster. Once again Frankie felt himself being forced out from inside you as you once again gushed all over him and the bed, only this time he had a much better view. He was getting so close to his own climax and this only spurred him on even more. He barely gave you a moment to recover before he was thrusting himself back deep inside you.
His thrust were rapid as he chased his own finish and your fingers clawed at his back as you tried to ground yourself. Frankie let out a deep growl as he buried his head into the crook of your neck. His thrusts became sporadic, stuttering as he lifted his head to capture your lips in his own as he finished inside you. He stilled inside you and you relaxed into his arms as you felt every pulse of his cock inside you. It was a feeling that made you feel proud.
You looked up into his eyes. They were ones of complete bliss and adoration. You wanted to tell him you loved him but the words caught in your mouth so you settled for kissing him once more. This time the kiss was tender and not just because you were both exhausted. It said everything you both didn't feel like you could say. A silent acknowledgment of love.
“Hey where are you going?” you asked him as he climbed from the bed an hour later and began pulling on his clothes.
“I gotta go.” he said as he shrugged on his t-shirt, unable to meet your eyes,
“Oh, okay.” you said, sitting up and curling your knees up to your chest. You watched him silently as your racing thoughts from the bar slowly started coming back to you. They were more prominent now in this post sex quiet. “Frankie.” your voice said tentatively. It was half broken as the reality of the situation set in and an ache began to form in your chest, along with a churning feeling in your stomach. He looked back at you, eyes sorrowful.
Frankie felt like he had just been punched in the gut. He could see the hurt behind your eyes and it killed him. He knew his love for you was so great and he hated that he was hurting you in this moment. He made his way across the room to you, his arms leaning on the bed either side of you as he leant down to kiss you. “I'm gonna make this right, I promise.” he said as you dipped your head away from him. He gave you a tender kiss on your fore head. “I'll text you in the morning.” he said before placing a hand under your chin, encouraging you to lift your head once more so he could give you a final kiss goodbye. You could only watch silently and helplessly from your bed as he turned and walked away. You practically flinched as you heard the front door close behind him, the sound echoing around your quiet apartment, the reality of your actions setting in. What the fuck had you done.
True to his word, Frankie had indeed messaged you the following morning. There was no mention of Laura just an 'I really want to see you. Can I come over later.' You had of course said yes and you had both had a repeat of the night before, just this time with pizza and TV. You had wanted him to stay, but you also understood why he couldn't. He promised you he would soon though.
You had both carried on that way, the days turning into weeks. Wild nights turning into wild afternoons, always with the promise that at some point Frankie would break up with Laura and you would be together properly soon.
One week turned into two months and with every passing day your feelings for Frankie were growing stronger and stronger. You didn't care if he hadn't left Laura yet. You didn't care about the drugs, mostly because you could see he was using less and less when he was around you. You could see he was getting better. He was happier and shinier and you knew when he was ready he would end things with her and move in with you.
It was a Saturday evening when he turned up on your doorstep drunk and high and unable to get his key into the lock to let himself in. When you finally opened the door to him there were tears in his eyes. “Frankie?” his name fell from your lips as a question as he stumbled through the door. He made a beeline for your kitchen, searching the cupboards for more alcohol to drink.
You rushed over to him as you saw him pull a half full bottle of whiskey from the cupboard. He didn't even bother to get himself a glass, just started sipping it straight from the bottle. “Frankie, what the fuck is going on?” you asked as you snatched the bottle from his grasp.
“She's pregnant.” he choked out. Your face dropped, complete shock taking over.
“What?” your voice was barely louder than a whisper.
“Laura, she's pregnant.” he said again. His gaze wouldn't lift from a spot on the floor. There was silence between you as you both let the information settle in.
“What are you going to do?” you asked him tentatively.
“I love you.”
“I love you.” he said again, finally looking up to meet your eyes.
“I don't want to be with her-”
“Frankie she's carrying your kid.”
“I don't want to be with her, I want to be with you.” he said again stepping towards you, his hands outstretched reaching for you. You remained frozen to the spot as his hands rested either side of your face. “I love you. I don't love her, I want to be with you.”
“How long have you know?” you asked him, your voice cold. He was silent. “How long have you known?” you asked him again, your voice rising, becoming desperate.
“About a week.” he finally admitted. You stepped backwards, away from his touch, tears beginning to fall down your cheeks. “Please baby, please-” he began to beg, trying to step forward and close the distance between you again but you kept stepping away, shaking your head in disbelief. “Please, you make me better. I'm better when I'm with you.” You turned away from him, leaving the room in an attempt to get away, panic rising up inside you.
“I'll tell her everything, I'll get help, I promise just please-”
“FRANKIE STOP!” you shouted, rounding on him. He finally fell silent, allowing you a moment to breathe, to think. “I can't do this anymore.” your voice said broken. “If you really loved me, if you were actually going to leave her you would have done it weeks ago when you said you would. If you didn't want to be with her, why were you still sleeping with her, why did you get her pregnant-”
“I don't even remember it.” his voice came back broken and his knees gave way, his back leaning against the open kitchen door. He was sobbing now.
“Frankie, you need help.” you said to him tenderly as you made your way towards him. You sat on the floor beside him, your head leaning on his shoulder. His head slumped against yours in defeat.
“How did I fuck this up so bad?” he asked you. You didn't answer. You didn't need to. “I wish I had a time machine, like that car in that movie, back to the future,,, or that hot tub in that stupid movie Benny made me watch.” he started, his voice calming. “I wish I could go back to when I first met you and tell you how I felt about you. I wish I had told you I loved you the moment I saw you. I wish I'd never let Will or Santiago have the chance to fuck you before I did. Maybe then you would be the one carrying my child right now and not her.”
You let his words hang in the air. You wished more than anything that things could be different right now but they weren't. Frankie had a drug addiction. He had cheated on his girlfriend with you. He had promised you he would leave her but he didn't. Instead he had gotten her pregnant. You had been willing to over look so much for Frankie but for your own sake you couldn't do it anymore. There was a child involved now and there was no way you were gonna hang around and make this situation more difficult for everyone. “I'm gonna go to Italy.” you told him. He looked at you lost.
You had gotten the call that morning. You had been wondering all day whether or not you should take the job but now you saw it as the only option you had. You both needed space. Frankie needed to be there for Laura, for his kid and you couldn't be here as a temptation for him. “My supervisor called this morning about a job in Italy. I think I'm gonna go. I think we both just need some space away from each other to clear our heads.”
“How long?”
“I don't know. Could be a couple of months, could be longer.”
“I love you.” he said again after a moments silence, hoping it would change your mind, hoping it would make you stay.
“Promise me you'll get help Frankie.” was all you said. You were on the next flight to Italy the following morning.
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Chapter 11
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
She watches Ethan from the couch as he pulls a tin of muffins out of the oven, arranging a few on a plate. She’s been thinking a lot about what Mulder said about not having a spark with his ex. She wonders if she and Ethan have a spark, or if they did at one point. When she thinks about her relationship with Ethan, what stands out to her is commitment, dedication, stability. And love, of course, she does love him.
When they first met through mutual friends, she wasn’t particularly interested. He was perfectly nice, and good looking enough, but struck her more as a potential friend than a boyfriend. He was steadfast, kept showing up, kept gently working to get to know her, and eventually she started to grow fond of him. They’ve joked that while his attraction to her was immediate, hers to him was more of a slow burn. This is what mature, adult relationships are like, right? Measured, practical, logical. When you’re young, wild, and free, you date whoever you have the most fun with, chasing the next exciting experience and the rush of a first kiss. But the person you marry should be someone who you know will be a dependable partner, a good parent, and a lifelong support. That has always been her belief.
Ethan returns to sit with her on the couch, setting the muffins on the coffee table to cool. He picks up her feet and puts them in his lap, casting her a brief smile before he goes to work pressing his thumbs into her arches as he watches TV.
Is that what she feels when she’s with Mulder? A spark? Is that why her stomach goes into knots when he looks at her? Why she feels the overwhelming urge to touch him? The sensation that there is an electrical current passing between them is not one she’s ever felt with Ethan, that’s for sure. There was no adrenaline in their first kiss, only contentment. Comfort, safety, security. These are good feelings, ones you can build a life on. Can you build a life on a spark?
“You still going to try on dresses tomorrow with Missy?” he asks, his eyes glued to the TV screen.
“Mhmm,” she answers over her book, which she hasn’t gotten through a page of in over thirty minutes.
“Are you gonna let me see what you pick?” he asks, glancing at her from the corner of his eye with a surreptitious smirk.
She sets the book on her stomach and gives him a chastising smile. “Of course not, Ethan. That’s against the rules.”
“Who made that rule, anyway? I’ve already seen you naked, I should be able to see you in a fancy dress before the big day,” he says with a pointed look.
She swats him with the book.
“The fact that you’ve already seen me naked is also against the rules, so I guess we’re 0 for 2. Don’t tell my mother that,” she lectures playfully.
“I’m sure she has her suspicions, given that we live together,” he says dryly.
“Leave the woman to her ignorant bliss,” she retorts, and they hold eye contact for a moment, exchanging affectionate smiles.
Not a spark, but maybe an ember. Burning steady, carrying them through the dark nights. Sparks die out quickly. She only hopes her spark with Mulder fades soon, because right now it’s burning so bright it’s distracting her from the ember sitting right at her feet.
She frowns at herself in the mirror.
“This one is really pretty, Sis, you don’t like it?” Missy asks, tugging at the train to straighten it out.
“I don’t know. Maybe. No.”
She looks forlornly at the rack of dresses she’s already tried on. Every length and cut, style of bodice and neckline. They all seemed wrong.
“I mean, I know you’re generally hard to please, Dana, but this is getting ridiculous,” Missy laments.
“I know, I’m sorry,” she replies, casting Missy an apologetic look.
“Which one do you think Ethan would like? Would that help you decide?” Missy offers helpfully.
Ethan. Right. She realizes that she’s been thinking about what Mulder would make of her in a white dress. She suspects he’d go for the mermaid fit.
“Can we just try again another day, maybe? I think I’m just not in the right headspace for this,” she pleads with her big sister.
“Sure, whatever you want. Let’s go get coffee or something,” Missy says as she ushers Dana back into the changing room.
They go to her favorite local spot, finding two open armchairs near the fireplace, which is off for the summer. Dana tucks her legs under her torso, sipping at an indulgent white chocolate mocha; she feels the need for small pleasures right now. Missy eyes her appraisingly, and she can feel the third degree that is about to commence.
“So what’s up with you?” she finally asks, her tone inquisitive but not abrasive.
“What do you mean?” Dana asks in reply, avoiding her eyes.
Missy’s head drops to the side in exasperation. “Are you really going to make me spell it out for you, Dana? I’m trying to be supportive of your decision to marry Ethan, but you’re making it really hard being so openly miserable all the time.”
Dana looks at her with surprise and indignation. “I am not miserable.”
“Coulda fooled me,” Missy says sarcastically.
Dana shakes her head. “I’m just...I don’t know, I have a lot on my mind.”
“Care to elaborate?” Missy asks with an expectant look.
She sighs and sets her shoulders. She needs to talk to someone about this, and Missy is literally her only option.
“Okay, but first I need you to promise me you’re not going to make a big deal about this, because it’s really not a big deal,” she prefaces with a stern look.
“You know me, I don’t do big deals,” Missy replies, working hard to hide her anticipation for whatever her little sister is about to reveal.
“Okay. So, I met this man at work,” she starts, and Missy’s eyes go as round as oranges. “Missy, don’t look at me like that.”
“I didn’t say anything,” Missy defends, “go on.” She’s leaning forward in her chair, creating less space between them.
“He’s an agent, he was just picking something up for a case he’s working on, but he asked me out, and we’ve kind of been...we’ve become friends,” she says hesitantly, glancing at Missy to gage her reaction. Missy is forcing a blank expression.
“So...you’re dating him?” she asks flatly.
“No! Oh god, no. I mean, he asked me out and I told him that I have a boyfriend, but now we’re just kind of friends, and….Jesus Christ.” She drops her forehead into her palm. Even describing what’s going on with Mulder is apparently impossible. “We are just friends, but...but I’m having a hard time reconciling how I feel about him.”
“How do you feel about him?” Missy asks.
Dana shakes her head. “I don’t know how to describe it, Missy. I love Ethan, I’m not having doubts about him, but this man...I feel so drawn to him. Being around him feels...almost electric.”
“Like you have a spark?” Missy asks, and Dana’s head snaps to look at her. She’s open, curious.
“Yeah...exactly like that,” she replies regretfully.
Missy nods in understanding, and it somehow makes Dana feel a little better, like she’s not totally crazy. “Tell me about him,” she requests, and Dana can’t help but smile.
“Um, he’s a criminal behavioral analyst, in the Behavioral Science Unit. Oxford educated. He’s funny, but in a dry, intellectual way. He has some pretty outlandish ideas, but he’s so passionate about what he believes in, it’s impossible not to take him seriously. He’s kind of intense, but really alluring.” She pauses, knowing she can’t go on much further without veering into gushing.
“Is he cute?” Missy asks, and Dana closes her eyes.
“SO good looking. Painfully so.” She opens them and Missy is smiling knowingly at her.
“Sounds like a real catch, Sis.”
“Yeah, but I’m engaged to someone who is also a great catch in his own right. I feel like I’m in a romcom.”
“So what are you gonna do?” Missy asks earnestly.
Dana looks at her with surprise. “What do you mean? I’m not going to do anything. It’s just distracting, but obviously nothing can or will come of it.”
Missy gives her a doubtful expression, but then raises her eyes to meet with someone over Dana’s shoulder, giving them a questioning look. Dana turns to see Mulder standing beside her, a cup in his hand and that damn boyish smile on his mouth.
“Hey, Scully, we meet again,” he says, glancing between her and Missy.
“Mulder, hi,” she stumbles, bringing her feet to the floor and squirming around as though he’d caught her in a compromised position. “Um, Mulder, this is my sister, Melissa. Missy, this is Fox Mulder.”
He steps forward and extends his hand to Missy, and she shakes it with a flirtatious smile. “Nice to meet you, Fox.”
“Oh, please call me Mulder,” he replies.
“Alright, Mulder, would you like to join us?” Missy asks, and Dana shoots her a look.
“Um, yeah, I can hang out for a minute,” he replies cautiously, pulling up a chair between the two of theirs.
“So, how do you and Dana know each other?” she asks, and Dana isn’t sure if she’s asking because she realizes who he is, or because she doesn’t.
“We work together, technically speaking. I’m a criminal behavioral analyst in the Behavioral Science Unit.” Missy gives Dana a look that tells her it was the latter. “What are you two up to today?” he asks, running his palm over a stubbled cheek. She can hear the scratch of the short hairs against his skin and it sets off a tingle at the back of her neck.
“We were just doing some wedding dress shopping,” Missy offers, watching his reaction closely.
“Ah,” he says, only moderately concealing his dissatisfaction, “sounds like a good time.” His tone is dry and not at all genuine. “So, Scully,” he says, directing his words to Dana, “Priscilla was wondering if you could stop by next weekend. She has something to show you.”
She smiles coyly. “Does she? Not a hairball, I hope?”
Mulder chuckles. “No, it’s a file, actually. Her personal favorite, she’d love to share it with you.”
“I think I might be free on Saturday,” she replies, “I just need to check, um…”
“Check with Ethan, right,” he finishes, his smile fading a bit.
“Right,” she confirms, her own smile quickly extinguishing.
Mulder stands. “I’ll email you, to confirm.” He turns to Missy, “It was nice to meet you, Melissa.”
Missy beams at him. “Likewise.”
Mulder turns to Scully and gives her a longing glance, then leaves. They watch him go, waiting until the door has closed behind him to speak.
Missy slaps Dana’s arm. “Oh. My. GOD, Sis!” she exclaims with wide eyes and an open mouth.
“What?” Dana returns.
“Spark? That is a goddamn bonfire. Even I could feel it,” she says with a look of wonder.
Dana gives her a pained expression then drops her head into her hands with a groan.
“Why does he call you Scully? And who the hell is Priscilla?” Missy adds.
Dana lifts her head, looking at her sister regretfully with a shrug.
“He said I don’t look like a Dana. Priscilla is his cat.”
Missy closes her eyes for a moment and gently shakes her head, her eyebrows furrowing like she’s trying to reconcile all this information in her brain.
“Whoa, so you’ve been to his place?” Missy asks incredulously.
Dana nods hesitantly.
“Sis, what are you doing? If you were to tell me that you’re going to break it off with Ethan and run away with that beautiful man I would honestly support you. But if you’re trying to keep things on the up and up here, a private rendezvous at his apartment seems like a really bad idea.” Missy is deeply confused, not used to being in the position to tell her sister what decisions are unwise. That is typically Dana’s role in their relationship.
Dana glares at her sister defensively. “We’re just friends, Missy. Men and women can be just friends.”
Missy shoots her a ‘do you think I was born yesterday?’ look.
“Sure they can, if they aren’t insanely attracted to each other. That man practically devoured you with his eyes, Dana. He wants to be more than your friend,” she says emphatically.
“Well, he’s not going to be. I’m with Ethan. And I’m an adult who can control myself enough to maintain boundaries with a platonic friend who happens to be an attractive man. I’m not a Neanderthal, Missy.” She’s using her professor voice, presenting the topic with supporting evidence. Only the facts, folks.
“Okay,” Missy says, acquiescing. “If you trust yourself then great, have fun with your friend. Does Ethan know you’re gallivanting around with a sexy behavioral analyst?”
The guilty look that overtakes Dana’s face is answer enough.
“Well,” Missy continues, “just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she brings levity back to the conversation with a little smirk.
“That leaves me with a lot of options, Missy,” Dana retorts, and Missy slaps her arm again.
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elsonambulo · 3 years
For the drabble challenge: #11 or #103 💙
!!! Thank you you're the best
11. “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
103. “Sharing is caring. Now give me your fries.”
I did both, and idk if these count as drabbles but fuck it they do now.
When Johnny Lawrence had cornered him one spring day at school, Daniel had expected to have to crane kick him again, or at least remind him that he wasn't allowed to beat on him anymore. What he hadn't expected was for Johnny to desperately say, "I'msorryhowcanImakeituptoyou?"
Daniel had understood exactly none of it and said, "Huh?"
And Johnny - Johnny had taken a deep breath, a blush stealing over his face, and he had said, "I'm sorry. For everything. I want to make it up to you. Please?"
(The please had been added when Daniel had just blinked at him.)
And well...Bobby Brown had apologized, and Daniel had begrudgingly forgiven him. He could do the same for Johnny.
"You can buy me lunch on the weekends," he had said, because his mom worked weekends and he didn't quite have all her recipes down yet. 
(Having a rich kid at his disposal - yes, very good for his future lunch prospects.)
He had held his breath, ready to run if Johnny decided that was too much and got all violent, but all Johnny had done was nod, told him he'd give him a ride home after school so he'd know where Daniel lived to pick him up for lunch on Saturday, and then walked away.
Daniel had stood there in shock for a little bit, unable to believe his luck. "Well you've really done it now, LaRusso," he had said to himself. "If he poisons you or something, you have no one to blame but yourself."
Then he had looked to where Johnny had become a tiny figure in the distance. 
"Actually - no. If I die, I'm going to haunt your ass," he had promised the air in front of him. So what if Johnny couldn't hear him? It was the promise that was important, because really, if Johnny tried to pull any shit on him, a haunting was the least of what he would deserve.
Five weeks later and Johnny was still buying him lunch on the weekends. Daniel had privately let him off the hook three weeks in, especially after Johnny took him to that fancy sushi place he wanted to try on a whim, but he couldn't quite bring himself to verbalize it just yet. But he would. Soon. Later. At some point.
(It was fun going out - hanging out, not "going out," haha...ha - with Johnny Lawrence, sue him.)
Today they were at his favorite little diner, a place that had the best milkshakes, no really Johnny, California doesn't know how to do pizza but these milkshakes make up for it.
Johnny, as always, had finished first, while Daniel was still slurping away at his milkshake and picking at his fries. Johnny always laughed at him for blabbing so much you forget to eat, LaRusso, but it wasn't his fault that he had so much to say, honest, and his mom had taught him not to talk with his mouth full, so…
(It wasn't like Johnny hated his "blabbing" anyway; if he did, he would have told him to shut up and eat, just like he had told him to stop putting random shit in his mouth because it was apparently "gross." Though he had blushed when he said it, so maybe…? Nah. No. Maybe…?)
So he was in the middle of telling a story about his nonna, when he noticed Johnny reaching over for a fry. He smacked his hand away.
"Hey!" Johnny shook his hand out in an exaggerated display of pain. Daniel rolled his eyes. "It's not like you're going to finish them!"
Daniel scoffed. "Yes I am! I'm just taking a while to get there."
"Yeah and by the time you get there, the fries will be cold and neither of us will want them anymore."
"Nuh uh!"
"Uh huh!"
Daniel shoved a handful of fries into his mouth and chewed forcefully. Johnny kicked him under the table. Daniel kicked him back.
"Oh real mature, LaRusso -" he ignored Daniel's incredulous sounds as he continued to chew "- didn't anyone tell you that sharing is caring? Now give me your fries."
He shot out a hand to make a final grab for them, but - ha! Too slow! Daniel cradled the little basket to his chest triumphantly as Johnny flopped back in his seat dramatically, a sulky pout on his face. Daniel swallowed his mouthful and gave him his brightest grin before picking up another fry and biting into it with relish. The corner of Johnny's mouth twitched. Daniel wanted to poke at it.
In the spirit of goodwill and also like, self preservation, he didn't. 
(Also in the spirit of goodwill, he offered exactly three fries to Johnny. In the spirit of fucking with him just the right amount, he flung them gently at his face and laughed when the dumbass actually tried to snatch them out of the air with his mouth.)
It was a good lunch.
(A few more weeks of this couldn't hurt, right?)
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krappykawa · 4 years
ಌ i mildly like you more than like (p.5)
— in which an incessant fan girl, a kiss, and a little bit of denial makes oikawa tooru realize he might mildly like you more than like
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description. you’ve been in love with oikawa tooru for longer than you can remember. having known him for the better part of nearly 11 years, you’ve come to accept that you’ll never be more than a best friend to him. but with the help of a few irritatingly persistent fangirls and a kiss that was only meant to drive them away, a tale of unrequited love might just prove to be something more.
warnings. language
word count. 4.6k
oikawa tooru x f!reader, childhood best friends to lovers, fluff, some angst
parts. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
author’s note. second to last part 😼😼 idk if you could call this angst but whatever it is will end next chap bc next chap will probably be teeth-rotting 😄
previously ...
“ You can feel Hanamaki stand straighter and you’re sure that he has the stupidest triumphant grin on his face. “No. Not until you stop crying over captain pretty face.”
“Y/N-chan’s crying over who now?”
You feel Makki freeze in the middle of his marching. Awkwardly, you turn to see Oikawa’s figure at the door from your position thrown over Hanamaki’s shoulder. You forgot that he was the only one that doesn’t knock.
Something in Oikawa’s expression is odd.
“Makki, fix this or I cut off your dick,” you whisper into his ear. He gulps.
“Oh, hey Shittykawa. We’re just helping Y/N with her captain pretty face problems,” Hanamaki says. You already don’t like the way that this is heading.  
“Who … exactly is .. captain pretty face?” Oikawa’s eyes are on you. The irony of the nickname is not lost on you. You can only hope that the words that come out of Hanamaki’s mouth next are not the words you’re dreading.
“Don’t worry. You’re not captain pretty face. Kaoru is!” The world does not seem to be on your side.
Oikawa’s smile drops and suddenly you have the urge to cut Makki’s dick off anyways, because he just made this a lot, lot worse. “
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“Ah, so I’ve been replaced by another captain pretty face? Y/N-chan I’m wounded!” Oikawa closes the door behind him as he laughs, but the sound is hollowed and not at all what a genuine laugh of his sounds like. You shoot a look to Iwaizumi, but find that he’s scrutinizing Oikawa in the same way that you were just moments ago. 
With a light punch to his back from you, Makki slowly sets you back down onto your feet. You lift a hand to tidy your hair. 
“Makki’s lying. He’s just being a pain in the ass,” you reply. In saying that, you’re well aware of the fact that you’re potentially diving into dangerous territory. It would be too easy for Oikawa to decide that he wants to know more and possibly ask you the questions that you’re so dreading, but there’s something wrong about having him believe that you actually like Kaoru that you find more dreadful than potentially having to tell him about your year-long love for him. 
Oikawa sets his bag down next to a bin full of his things that he’d left over the years before turning back to look at you. The expression he meets you with is almost off-putting. The corners of his mouth are flicked upwards in what might be disapproval, but his eyes reflect something else - something akin to regret. “Is he really? I mean you have been spending quite a bit of time with Kaoru-kun as of late, haven’t you?”
His voice sounds like it’s dripping with lies, though you can’t quite understand why that’s so because he technically wasn’t lying. You decide that maybe you've just gotten so used to the realness of Oikawa that you forget that his natural tongue is fluent in lying. The only people that have ever been able to see right through his tone are all standing in this room. 
Inevitably, you find your eyes flicking to Makki’s. Oikawa notices. You see the facade drop the mildest bit. 
“I don’t. You know that you would be the first to know if I did,” you say. It’s true. Growing up, he’s always been the first to know about your crushes, no matter how small. He’s known about all crushes, except for one. Him himself. 
Something changes in his expression then. It’s a miniscule change - the slight upward tip to his lips that makes the almost imperceptible indent of a dimple peak out - but you’re so attuned to him that you know that means that his smile is genuine. “I’ll hold you to that Y/N-chan. Don’t you go around replacing me.”
The air in the room seems to sigh in relief. You turn your eyes away from him when you feel yourself start to smile. You don’t want to give Makki, Mattsun, or Iwaizumi anything to make fun of you for later on. 
“Cut the dramatics in front of them. It’s like you’re asking to get made fun of,” you say instead. 
Oikawa just shrugs. “According to Iwa-chan, just having this face is already asking to get made fun of, so there’s really no big difference.”
Iwaizumi snorts from his position on the couch. “I said that your face when you look dumb is asking to get made fun of, but it’s good that you’re self aware.”
Oikawa sticks a tongue out at him.
“As mature as always captain,” Mattsun says. 
Oikawa flicks his gaze to Matsukawa before he says, “Hm, that reminds me. Y/N-chan please accompany me to the kitchen.” He’s already walking to the kitchen without waiting for a response. 
You exchange looks with Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki. Hanamaki has the decency to look apologetic. You make hand motions at him that elicits a chuckle from Matsukawa.
When you enter the kitchen, Oikawa has a cup of ice and a handkerchief sitting on the counter. He’s carefully dropping a few ice cubes into the middle of the handkerchief.
“What’s that for?”
He’s quiet as he finishes and wraps the handkerchief around the ice. “Close your eyes,” he says softly as he walks towards you and presses the cold ice against your eyes. “You were crying before I got here.”
You stay quiet. Of course he noticed. 
“What happened? Are you sure Makki was lying? You can tell me you know, if something happened with Kaoru.”
You let out a breath and allow the cold of the ice against your eyes ease you into a lie. “I wasn’t crying over Kaoru. They just found out that he walked me home today and decided to roll with it. I’m really just exhausted from classes.”
The hand that Oikawa was using to dab at your eyes suddenly stops. “Kaoru … walked you home? From the bakery?”
Slowly, you let your eyes flutter open, your puffing eyes already missing the cold of the ice against your eyelids. Oikawa’s eyes are trained on you, and you get that odd feeling that he’s searching you for answers. You’ve found that he’s been doing that a lot as of late - this whole reading instinct he uses for people he’s just met. You still aren’t used to him using it on you. 
You flick your eyes away from his and break the eye contact. Instead, you look at his hand and reach up to take the ice pack from him. He hands it to you gently and takes a step back. You watch him as he clears his throat and moves to disappear behind the fridge door. 
“Yeah, he did walk me home,” you pause, debating with yourself about telling him. “I think he came to ask me on a date, actually.”
You think you imagine Oikawa’s body stopping mid-movement. “Did you say yes?”
“No. He asked if I was free today. I told him that I already made plans with you four.”
“Oh,” Oikawa says as he pulls out a cup of mint chocolate chip. 
As he makes himself busy with finding a spoon, you lean against the counter and continue to press the ice against your eyes. Oikawa sneaks a glance at you. “If he asked again, and you didn’t have plans. Would you say yes?”
His voice is unnaturally quiet. You aren’t sure what to do with that knowledge. 
“Probably not. I broke up with him for a reason.”
A noise of agreement comes from Oikawa. “You said that you two didn’t click.”
“We don’t.”
A comfortable silence engulfs you two as Oikawa leans against the counter next to you. You try not to watch him as he takes a bite of ice cream and unintentionally smiles, his eyes looking serene for the first time in a while. Instead, you make yourself busy with alternating the ice pack between your eyes, though now you were mostly just doing it so that you had something to do other than get the urge to stare at him. 
After a moment, Oikawa speaks again. “I still don’t believe for one second that you were only crying because of school.”
You let the hand holding the ice pack finally fall to your side. “Well you better believe it then because it’s the truth.”
“Maybe. But I get the feeling that it’s a half truth.”
“Half truths aren’t all bad.”
“So I’m right.”
You make yourself busy with throwing the ice into the sink as you scramble your head for a decent lie. “Bad day at the bakery. I fucked up the honey buns.”
Oikawa hums. “So now it’s a two-thirds truth.”
The other third is that I’m in love with your dumbass and you’ll never know.
“That’s it. Promise.”
Oikawa switches tactics. “Y/N-channn. You’re lying to me.”
“Tooruuuu. I’m not lying to you,” you say as you roll your eyes. 
“Yes you are. You’re doing that thing.”
“What thing?”
“Tapping your right middle finger on your thigh.”
“I do that?” You look down and find that you were indeed tapping your finger against your thigh. You start to wonder how many other times he could detect your lies, but for the sake of your sanity, you decide not to dwell on it.
He reaches down and stops your tapping finger with his own hand. The moment lasts too long -- feels too personal. You pull your hand away and take a step back so that you’re leaning against the opposite counter. 
“Whatever. I’m telling the truth.”
“Sure you are.”
“I am!”
“Mhm. Lies, lies , lies,” Oikawa says playfully. “Sorry for not being here earlier. I got caught up in playing this new game Takeru bought. You should’ve called me over. I would’ve come in a heartbeat if I knew that you were having a hard time.”
You make a waving motion with your hand. “It’s fine really. I just got overwhelmed by stuff. No big deal.”
Oikawa frowns. The sight doesn’t look natural on his usually smiling face. “Stop putting yourself down like that. I don’t care how small you think your problem is. If it makes you cry, then it’s worth talking about.”
“Don’t get all team captain ‘Kawa on me. I appreciate it, I really do. But this time it really wasn’t a big deal.”
He scoffs in disbelief. “I walked in and your eyes looked redder than Mattsun’s ass after I accidentally hit him with a serve.”
“How the fuck would you know that?”
“Don’t question what goes on in the locker room.”
A laugh bubbles up from your lips and you have to tip your head back so that Oikawa doesn’t make fun of the way your face contorts as you laugh. When your laughter finally dies down, you look back to see that Oikawa’s staring at you again. He’s looking at you like you’re an opponent he can’t quite get a read on. 
“You alright?”
“Yeah. Everything’s fine,” he pauses. “Do you think I should invite Hishoko next time? You know … to be a .. good boyfriend.”
Suddenly it hits you again. It hits you that you can’t just live in this perfect little bubble where you and Oikawa are making jokes at each other in your kitchen forever. It hits you that this Oikawa - the Oikawa that’s so very real and rough around the edges but makes you laugh louder than anyone - isn’t yours. It hits you that while he might look at you one way, he might look at Hishoko in a completely different way that you have never been privy to. 
It rips you back to reality, and suddenly you’re aware of the voices in the living room and how Makki and Iwa seem to be fighting over whatever movie’s better. 
“Oh yeah. I don’t mind.” You smile up at him with the most convincing smile you can. Suddenly, the thought of spending one more minute in this kitchen with him and getting lost in this perfect little bubble makes you want to cry all over again. “We should head back. I think hell’s going down over there,” you say lightly. 
Before he can even get a word out, you’re already making a beeline for the living room. You try to slow your steps to a normal pace when you start towards where Iwaizumi is now sitting on the floor. You make sure to make him move over so that you can sit on the side where the couch ends so that Oikawa can’t sit next to you. 
“Fucking finally. Don’t ever leave me in a room with Makki and Iwaizumi ever again,” Matsukawa says. You laugh a little when you notice that he’s saying that while being sprawled across Makki’s lap. 
“It’s not my fault that Hanamaki can’t appreciate a cinematic masterpiece.”
“Hate to break it to you Iwa, but Godzilla vs. The Cosmic Monster isn’t anyone’s favorite movie.”
Oikawa’s voice joins in as you hear steps from the kitchen. “Makki, that movie’s a fucking masterpiece. Please shut your mouth.”
You try not to listen to the way Oikawa’s steady steps back into the living room come to a halt when he notices your choice of seat. 
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He looks up at the stars twinkling against the blackened blue of the contrasting night sky with a heavy sigh. Oikawa always felt a sense of stability and tranquility when looking up at the sky, as if it was a reminder that his life was just a minuscule dot in the cloth of the universe. That maybe, his worries were something so small that he needn’t have to worry about them. 
He remembers the way that the night sky was his company when his father had left so early on in his life, or when his sister had come home crying because she had a human growing inside of her and the man she was supposed to marry left her in the same fashion that their own father had, or when he thought that maybe his love for volleyball would have to be ripped from him after his injury in his first year. 
He hopes to look up at the dark indigo of the sky and feel that same tranquility. For just a moment. It does. 
But even now, as his chest rises softly, he can still feel the unease weighing on him. 
The night went by unnaturally fast for a night with you, Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa. After a few fights between the guys, all five of you finally sat down and got around to watching the movie (which, to Oikawa’s distaste, was some old film from the 60s that Matsukawa had picked because he was drawn to the odd looking cover). 
The movie came and went with more than a few complaints from him. It was the type of movie that he especially hated - the kind with a plot that made absolutely zero sense and had an ending that made Oikawa want to rewind the last two hours because he just couldn’t believe he spent 2 hours of his life trying to figure out what the hell was going on just for it to not have a satisfactory ending. 
He wouldn’t put the bad movie down as the reason for his irritable mood, but if anyone asked, it would be the answer that they’d get. 
Nobody else seemed to be particularly fond of the horrendous movie either (except for Matsukawa, who insisted that they just simply did not have to brain to appreciate the masterpiece. Makki just insisted that the movie was a pile of shit, which Oikawa found himself agreeing with). 
Soon after, the five of you found yourselves cramped into your tiny kitchen, which really should never happen again, if the glass that broke after getting knocked over was any indication. It only really happened because Matsukawa swore that he could create the best soup they’d ever put anywhere near their mouths, but that plan went up in flames. Literally.
The incident of Makki almost setting off the fire alarm seemed to sober everyone up, as if whatever energy had previous possessed the five of you had suddenly run out. Oikawa didn’t mind too much, considering the rest of the night was spent watching reruns of one of your favorite shows that he was particularly fond of. 
What he did mind however, was the way that you seemed to decide to avoid him for the entire night. He was sure that Iwa, Mattsun, and Makki must’ve noticed, but by some odd agreement, nobody dared speak a word about it.
He tried not to think about anything whenever he felt his eyes drift down to where you were huddled against Iwaizumi’s side, a position that had been his and yours for as long as he could remember. He tried not to think about it then because he was sure that if he did, he’d end up saying something he didn’t mean to say. 
He knew that he’d have to think about this in the silence of his own thoughts where there’s nothing but his own annoying emotions chiming in. 
So now he’s here, sitting on a bench in your backyard and staring up at the sky like it’ll give him the answer to whatever question he wanted answered. 
He hadn’t meant to bring up Hishoko, he really hadn’t. He just remembered the way his stomach fluttered once more at the sound of your laugh and the way it made him panic, because for the love of everything he wasn’t supposed to feel like that. 
Oikawa tears his gaze from the sky and turns to meet Iwaizumi’s head as he slips through the door. He must not have heard the door open. “Hey Iwa-chan. I couldn’t sleep.”
Iwaizumi lets out a low chuckle as he walks to where Oikawa’s seated in the middle of your rock garden. He takes a seat next to Oikawa on the bench. “Leave it to you to be the only one that stays up when everyone else crashed two hours ago.”
“Mhm. Why are you awake? Last I checked you were as passed out as the rest of them,” Oikawa says with his gaze still flickering over the stars. 
Iwaizumi shrugs. “Had to use the bathroom and then realized that you weren’t anywhere to be found.”
Oikawa seizes the moment to don his cheeky smile, turning his head from the stars and to Iwaizumi’s sleep-ridden face. “Awe you worried about me Iwa-chan?”
The reaction he gets from Iwaizumi is an eyeroll, but Oikawa doesn’t expect any less. “After you spent the night looking like you were one second away from an existential crisis? Yeah I did.”
Oikawa doesn’t respond to that. He wonders if you noticed too. 
“Spit it out.”
He ponders with himself for a moment, wondering if it’s a good idea to finally just talk about it with someone. He decides that if there’s anyone he’d talk about this with, he’s glad it’s with Iwaizumi. “It’s about Y/N and Hishoko.”
Iwa doesn’t miss a beat, as if he was expecting that. “Mm. What about them?”
“I think I made a mistake.”
“You make a lot of those, ‘Kawa.”
“No, I mean, I shouldn’t have accepted Hishoko’s confession when the only reason I did it was because I didn’t know how I was feeling. It’s not fair to her that the only reason I’m with her is because I’m too cowardly to decide how I felt after I ...” Oikawa trails off, unsure if you’d be okay with Iwaizumi knowing. 
It seems he doesn’t have to worry because Iwaizumi finishes his sentence for him. “Kissed Y/N?”
Oikawa’s head turns to Iwaizumi. “You know about that?”
“She told me, yeah.”
“Why … why would she tell you that?”
“You’re not fucking dense, Oikawa,” Iwaizumi says with a side glance at his best friend. “I think you know the answer to that.”
For a moment Oikawa considers the possibility that you did feel the same way (a fantasy he’s entertained more times than he’s willing to admit), but he knows that he has to get this out now, has to figure it out and solidify what he feels for you now, because he won’t be able to stand it if he has to keep tiptoeing around you because he’s a fool that can’t admit his own feelings to himself.  
The question that comes out of his mouth next isn’t exactly what he meant to ask, but now that it’s out in the open, Oikawa guesses that maybe that’s the question that’s been holding him back this whole time. “What if I mess up?”
“Mess up how?”
He sighs. “I don’t exactly have a great track record when it comes to relationships.” So far, out of the six relationships he’s had, only two of them will even look at him without disdain, and one of those is his current girlfriend. 
“No shit,” Iwaizumi snorts. 
Oikawa fakes a pout before crossing his arms. “You could’ve at least pretended to disagree.”
“When you’re out here moping because of it? No I won’t.”
A silence falls over the two of them. Oikawa can feel his own breathing synced up with Iwaizumi and finds that it clears his head a little bit. He gets the feeling that Iwaizumi isn’t going to talk again until he does. 
“Hishoko’s great, really she is,” Oikawa starts again. “But I just-“ He lets out a frustrated sigh, slumping further down against the bench. 
Iwaizumi hums. “Don’t like her like that? Because there’s someone else?”
Oikawa blinks, still slumped down like a limp noodle. “When you put it that way it sounds so uncomplicated.”
“Because it is.”
Oikawa ponders that. Maybe it is that simple, but for how confident he is about everything else in life, he’s never had a firm grip on romance or how to deal with it. He always seemed to do the exact opposite of what anyone with a good instinct would do. 
He’s read enough shoujo manga with you to know that love isn’t as easy as “kiss and live happily ever after”, especially if that love is with your best friend. A shoujo manga he especially remembered liking in first year was of a story of best friends that fell in love, but as fate had it, they fell in love with the right person at the wrong time. 
That manga really shouldn’t be something he compares his own love life to, but he can’t help but worry, especially given his past relationships. Oikawa doesn’t usually feel such anxiety about jumping into relationships (mainly because the relationships he did get into were never relationships he really took as seriously as he should), but now he feels that shadow of insecurity come lurking back like a piece of gum stuck to his shoe. It seems he can never escape his own fear of never being enough.
“But Y/N’s different,” he finally says after a hefty silence. “Most of my exes hate me now because of how badly I keep messing up. I don’t know what I’ll do if I mess up with her.”
Iwaizumi crosses his arms tighter. “Y/N’s been through tons of your bullshit. She won’t give up on you that easily, as long as you don’t colossally fuck up.”
Oikawa nods, but there’s already another question bugging him. “How can I be sure that I love her like that? I mean, I remember thinking that I loved Yua, but now that I look back, I wonder if that was only because she was the only relationship I had that kept me around for so long.”
He doesn’t even want to think about the possibility that he might mess up that badly - that he’ll take back his feelings for you within a few days like he’s been known for in past relationships. Oikawa thinks that that would most definitely count as a colossal fuck up. 
“I’m not trying to label your feelings or anything, but I think you’ve been in love with her for a long time now,” Iwaizumi says in the softest voice Oikawa’s ever heard it be in the years he’d known him.  “I just think you’re only starting to realize it because well, you said you kissed right?”
“We did.”
“Then yeah, that probably woke your brain up a little.”
“She’s not just a case of raging hormones,” Oikawa replies. 
“I know she’s not,” Iwaizumi says mildly. “I’m just saying that sometimes you don’t realize that you feel like that for someone until something happens that forces you to think about it. For you, it was probably that kiss.”
Oikawa knows that Iwaizumi is probably remembering his own experience with Hanamaki. The look of heartbreak on his best friend’s face when they found Matsukawa and Hanamaki with their lips locked against the side of the school building was not one he would easily forget. He wonders if Iwaizumi knew the extent of his feelings before that moment or if he went through something similar to what Oikawa’s going through.
The remembrance of Iwaizumi’s past feelings also makes Oikawa wonder if he’s felt like this toward you even before all this, just like he knew of Iwaizumi’s feelings for Hanamaki before Iwaizumi himself did. 
“I think I would’ve noticed if I felt things towards her before all this. Maybe not a lot, but I would’ve noticed to some extent.”
Iwaizumi snorts. “No you wouldn’t. You’ve got the mind of a genius when it comes to volleyball, but when it comes to any aspect of your life that isn’t volleyball, then your brain is like a pile of horseshit.”
“Iwa-chan, so mean!”
“I’m right and you know it.”
“No you aren’t,” Oikawa says, though he’s not so sure he believes himself. 
“You’ve centered your whole life on volleyball ‘Kawa. You’ve neglected shit about yourself because of volleyball. I’ve seen it, Y/N’s seen it. Volleyball is the center of your mind and everything kinda revolves around it like a solar system. But once you get used to something being a small little planet in that tiny brain of yours, you just accept it as a natural part of your thinking because the big old volleyball is still vying for your attention.”
“Please, Iwa-chan. It’s two in the morning. Please speak in a language I can understand.”
“You loved her when we were kids, right?” Iwaizumi pauses and Oikawa just nods. “Then your love and feelings for her were put into this nice bubble labeled ‘positive feelings’ and you never realized when you might’ve started looking at her differently because being in love with her is still a positive feeling.”
“And I’ve been so focused on volleyball and practice that I didn’t even notice?”
Iwaizumi raises a brow at Oikawa. “Are you trying to say that you haven’t neglected parts of your life before for volleyball?”
“Okay, good point.”
Iwaizumi’s explanation does make sense to him, now that Oikawa has something to latch his thought process on. He always liked having you around, and you had become one of the anchors that kept him from breaking over the years. He’s always known that being around you gave him ounces of joy, but he never really looked further into it because well .. Iwaizumi was right. 
It was in the way where he unknowingly looked for your figure in the stands when he won the Best Setter award back in junior high. He hadn’t really noticed because he thought he’d always done that.
It was in the way that he would sometimes head to your place after a particularly grueling practice just to make rice cakes for the both of you because he was so exhausted that the only thing he wanted to do is see your smile as you compliment his cooking. He hadn’t really noticed that he got giddy at that prospect because he felt as if he’d always felt like that.
It was in the way that he would sometimes lay his head on your shoulder and only focus on your breathing because it calmed him down in ways that nothing else can. He hadn’t really noticed that he was doing so because he’s always done that.
You had become a positive constant in his life and loving you one way or another became the default. He just hadn’t been paying close enough attention to when it was that the hugs, the support, the little glances, and the nights spent falling asleep on each other might have become something more than the childish blind love he held for you as children. And then that kiss came along and hit him like a volleyball to the face. 
With that, he finally lets himself admit it to himself, with no qualms or worries about how he might find a way to mess up. He lets himself admit that he might be a tiny bit in love with you.
It almost hits him like a truck then because huh, he’s in love with you. And yet, he doesn’t feel so different, he just feels lighter. 
“You finally figured it out then?”
Oikawa smiles to himself. “Yeah, I think I did.” 
A smile finds its way onto Iwaizumi’s lips. “Happy to see it, asshole. Just don’t keep her waiting on you for another three years.”
“I won’t. I don’t plan on wasting any more time now that I finally figured it out.”
“How do you plan on telling her then?”
“That I love her?”
“You love her?” A voice that’s not Iwaizumi’s nearly jolts him from his seat. He’d know that voice anywhere. 
He turns to find you standing not far from where he and Iwaizumi are seated and feels the color drain from his face. 
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next chapter is the final chapter :D if you wanna be added to the taglist for the last chap then just send an ask!
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buckybeardreams · 3 years
Chapters: 11/11
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Brock Rumlow, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Harley Keener
Additional Tags: Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Tony Stark, Service Top, Dominant Bottom, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Virgin Steve Rogers, Brock Rumlow is a Good Bro, Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Romantic Soulmates, First Meetings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sappy, Romantic Fluff, Awkwardness, Drinking to Cope, Self-Worth Issues, Insecure Tony Stark, Insecure Steve Rogers, Age Difference, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Bonding, Claiming Bites, Claiming, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mpreg, Non-Explicit Sex, Light Dom/sub, Mutual Masturbation, Coming Untouched, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Wordcount: 10.000-30.000, Knotting
Series: Part 1 of Second Chances
Steve is a soft Alpha and Tony is an in charge kind of Omega with no desire to find a mate. He doesn't want to find his soulmate and when he does meet Steve he's determined to stay away from him. 
That is until he realizes just how right they are for each other.
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11
Part 2 is now out and the first chapter can be read on tumblr or ao3.
Words: 1,406
"I can't believe we were both right." Tony shook his head. 
The baby was a boy with a light dusting of blond hair on his head and startling blue eyes that stared up at them all sparkling and full of wonder as he took in all of the new sights around him. 
"He's beautiful," Steve murmured. 
Tony hummed in agreement, pulling the baby closer to sniff his head and take in that baby scent that seems to cling to all young pups. They were still just staring at their baby in awe when he started to cry and Tony's nipples started to leak, wet spots forming on his shirt. 
"I think I'm gonna have to walk around shirtless for the next few years," Tony said with a sigh. 
Steve glanced at him in surprise as Tony passed the baby off to Steve and stripped off his shirt. 
"I have no complaints there, but you do realize he's only gonna stay a baby for like one maybe two years max." 
Tony gave him a look. 
"Don't question my parenting methods, Alpha. You're not the one who carried this thing in them for nine months and you didn't have to deal with him jumping on your bladder either. So I get to make all the decisions when it comes to how we're gonna raise him." 
"Yeah, but I'm gonna be the one staying home with him." 
"I know and I'm very grateful, but if you have any questions you can just call me." 
Steve nodded, because there was nothing else to say about it. If Tony said this was the way it was going to be, then this was the way it was going to be. 
"I'm gonna get hard if you keep bossing me around." 
"Good, we can get started on trying for the next one," Tony teased, taking the crying baby back and coaxing him to latch onto his nipple. 
Steve's eyes widened and he looked scared at the thought. 
"Another one? Already?" Steve squeaked. 
Tony just giggled. 
"I'm just kidding, Alpha. We'll wait until I stop breastfeeding this little guy and then we can try for another one. Until then, I'm going on the pill." 
Steve nodded. 
"Cool. That's, um, cool," Steve said awkwardly. "It's not like I'm against having another one. It's just- I'm still not sure what we're gonna do with this one." 
Tony smiled softly and kissed his cheek, still cradling Harley to his chest while he suckled at his nipple. 
"You're gonna be a great daddy, Steve," Tony promised.
Steve grinned at him and leaned down to kiss him. 
"And don't worry about not knowing what you're doing. I'm an Omega so I have the instincts for these kinds of things." 
"Yeah, but I'm not an Omega." 
"I know that, but you didn't know what you were doing when we first started fucking, but I taught you how to please me and I'll teach you how to do this too." 
Steve blushed bright red. 
"You said I did good!" Steve squeaked. 
"You did. You were eager to please and what you lacked in skill you made up for by being cute." 
"What I lacked?" Steve said, his ego clearly bruised. 
Tony rolled his eyes. 
"Yes, Steve. You were a virgin and the way we play goes against most all of your instincts, so it took some time for you to learn. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm a very experienced teacher and you learned quickly how to get me off, so no harm done." 
"Tony!" Steve squeaked. 
"What? Don't worry about it. You're much better now." 
Steve just scoffed and shook his head. 
"Yeah, whatever," Steve grumbled. "I'm gonna go start dinner." 
Tony sighed as he walked away, but his attention quickly turned to Harley. 
"As soon as you can hold your head up, I'm gonna let your daddy take you for a ride on the bike that you were named after," Tony cooed at him. 
The baby didn't respond of course, still happily suckling at Tony's flat chest, but he did look up at his mom like he was aware of what Tony was talking about. Tony smiled softly at him and brushed a finger over his cheek. 
"You're gonna be the most spoiled, loved, happiest baby in the world Harley. I promise," Tony murmured.
Steve was still pouting when they went to bed that night, Harley curled up in between them. Tony really didn't think he would be so hurt by the comment, since in many ways Steve didn't seem like an Alpha. Sure, he was protective and he had a knot, but for the most part he acted more like an Omega, at least when it was just the two of them. 
Tony wasn't stupid though. He knew he had upset him and he sighed when Steve kept peering at him through his lashes, a pout on his lips, looking away anytime Tony looked his way. 
"Steve," Tony groaned, scooping Harley up and gently laying him back down so he was now sleeping by the wall instead of in between them. 
They had pushed the bed up against the wall, because Tony had read that was the safest way to co-sleep. 
"Alpha. My pretty, pretty, Alpha. I love you so much, you know that right?" 
Steve didn't respond, he just bit his lip and fidgeted with the sheets. Tony groaned again and pushed him flat on his back, climbing on top of him. 
"Steve, look at me," Tony ordered, knowing that Steve wouldn't disobey him. 
He smirked when Steve's eyes snapped up to meet his instinctually. 
"There you go, pretty Alpha. Such a good boy you are, Alpha," Tony purred. "I'm sorry that I upset you, but you don't get to just pout about it. If there's something wrong you have to tell me. You don't get to keep things from me, Alpha, because you're mine. You understand?" 
Steve bit his lip, his eyes darting away from Tony's, but returning when Tony growled softly in that way that wasn't quite a growl but still managed to come off as a warning. 
"Yes, sir. I understand." 
"Good. You're so good for me, Alpha. I didn't mean to upset you and I shouldn't have teased you like that. It was mean. Can you forgive me?" 
Steve whimpered, pouting. 
"I'm still an Alpha, you know. I know that I'm not like other Alphas, but I still have pride, Tony." 
"Aw, I know you do and I like that you're not like other Alphas. I won't do it again, okay?" 
Steve chewed on his lip for a moment, considering something.
"Um, Tony?" 
"Do you think you could maybe do it again, but maybe while we're, you know, mating?" 
Tony raised his brow at him. 
"Really? You want me to humiliate you, Alpha?" 
Steve licked his lips nervously, nodding. His cheeks were bright red, but Tony could feel his dick hardening. 
"Maybe just a little?" 
Tony chuckled and kissed him. 
"Yeah, I could do that, but not now. Sam and Brock are watching Harley this Friday and I'll take you apart then, okay, baby?" 
Steve whined, his hips rocking up. 
"Please, sir." 
"Shh, not now," Tony murmured. "Don't wake the baby or I'll be punishing you on Friday." 
Steve whined again, but he wrapped his arms around Tony when he slipped off of him and pressed back until his ass was snug against the erection in Steve's sweats. Steve squirmed and Tony smirked, shifting slightly just to hear him whine again, the sound muffled as he ducked to hide his head in Tony's neck. 
"I love you, Alpha," Tony teased, his voice sugary sweet.
"I hate you," Steve mumbled into his neck and Tony wriggled his hips just to punish him. 
"Be good, Alpha, or I'll make you regret it." 
Steve sucked at his neck, his hips rutting forward at the threat. 
"I love you, Tony. My pretty Omega. I don't know how I got so lucky." 
"I don't know how you got so lucky either. I'm a catch," Tony teased. 
Steve rolled his eyes affectionately and kissed Tony's cheek. 
"You really are." 
Tony smiled softly, a light blush on his cheek. His eyes landed on their baby in his sleep sack, laying on top of their thin covers. He doesn't know how he got to be so lucky as to end up with a perfect mate and a perfect pup.
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