#glow up diary
nenelonomh · 2 months
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hello, loves
good morning! no tea today,, just a coffee by my side as i write today's intentions.
i stayed up until 10pm-ish last night and didn't shower before bed because i was reading. i felt super gross when i woke up though, and showered right away. i'm trying to be as authentic as i can on this blog (despite the fact it is anonymous) because it's mostly for tracking my own progress and learning. and so, publicly, i forgive myself for being too tired to take care of myself. i promise to do better.
at least the story i was reading was good.
on a lighter note, i got everything i needed to get done yesterday. i'm all up to date with my holiday homework! i go back to school on monday (i have mixed feelings about going back) but i know that i always learn something over school break (even if it is minuscule).
i'm not sure how frequently i will be posting due to my workload significantly increasing,, but if worst comes to worst i'll create a posting schedule and only post my big posts thrice a week.
i will keep you guys updated when it comes to it.
i hope you all have a wonderful day.
❤️ joanne
(images are from pinterest)
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kittylaroux · 1 year
My two goals for this week are:
Silence the chatter. The constant negotiation, the decision making, the anxious burbling of my brain. Putting routines in place and making them second nature means no longer agonizing over every little thing - so this week I’m meal prepping, I’m sticking to my schedule, and I’m not negotiating with myself.
Focus on feeling good. It is my job, my responsibility, and my privilege to feel as good as possible. I deserve it. Now, it’s time to tune in to what feels good to my highest self. It’s eating well, getting sleep, working out, focusing at work.
Here we go ⚡️
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deluluglowup · 11 months
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This is the workout I’ve been doing for the past 3 days. I’m also throwing in punching the air 500 times lol The way I rearranged the sets are for me to not get bored of the routine.
Let’s see how this goes. Also, Mondays are my rest days.
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latebloomerdiary · 7 months
Starting Over pt. 2
SoooooooooooooOooooo I got a job! Yay!
Also, the guy who interviewed me (and also hired me on the spot) is def going to be my husband. I know I know I know. But just trust me.
His hand brushed my knee (HEART EYE EMOJI)
And!!!! (plz don't say this is a reach let me be delusional)
He heavily convinced me to go for the manager position, over the position I was interviewing for. AND When I went to onboarding guess where my desk is. JUST GUESS
VERY VERY close to his.
Anyway, if nothing else I have a work crush and something else to think about other than my crippling depression.
The next step is to get a haircut and get a gym membership.
General goals in no particular order:
Get a job
Get in better shape
Be more social
Put effort into my physical appearance
Go back to school
Get better at photography
Stop getting high so much/be more intentional with it
Go to therapy/the doctor
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I haven’t posted on here in ages mainly because I started a new job a while ago and because I have been struggling mentally. I think I have a hormonal imbalance.
In the mean time, for the month of November I am setting myself a challenge.
I am going to:
Eat 1200-1500 calories a day
Stop drinking any calories (mainly I have coffee with oat milk rn so should be easy)
Do 10k steps a day
Get 8 hours of sleep
Limit sweets and fast food.
I will come back with updates 💕
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biscuitdolly · 2 months
hobbies to try out ♡
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hobbies are such a great way to spend your time rather than being on technology all the time. It's great to have a skill, as skills can help you make friends, and can also open up new job opportunities!! here are some ideas, some are easy and simple and others are a little more advanced, there's (hopefully) something for everyone !!
O1 , painting / sketching
O2 , ballet (or dance in general)
O3 , sewing
O4 , reading
O5 , journalling
O6 , gardening
O7 , baking
O8 , photography
O9 , creative writing / songwriting / poem writing
1O , yoga
11 , learning an instrument (electric/acoustic guitar, drums, piano, violin etc)
12 , bracelet/jewellery making
13 , thrifting
14 , skateboarding
15 , hiking / exploring
16 , calligraphy
17 , pottery
18 , knitting / crochet
19 , pilates
2O , learning a language
21 , origami
22 , archery
23 , bird watching , herping , and animal/bug study in general
24 , mycology , plant observation/documentation
25 , start a podcast or amateur radio
26 , roller skating
27 , gymnastics / acrobatics
28 , cardistry
29 , terrarium making
30 , calisthenics
hope this helps!!!
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malusokay · 2 months
⋆˚࿔ Weekly self-care checklist
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Self-care night. Candlelight bubble baths, hair mask, manicure, face mask, home-cooked meal, a good book or your comfort show, some journaling... allow yourself some rest <3
Organise and use your planner/calendar. This will help you reduce stress by helping you stay structured and focused.
Update your Spotify playlists. Nothing is more annoying than being on the go, trying to relax to your music, and constantly having to skip songs that don't resonate with you anymore!!
Sunday reset is a non-negotiable!! laundry, fresh sheets, cleaning your make-up brushes, decluttering, etc...
Catch up on some sleep. Take a nap or choose a night to go to sleep extra early. (I recently read this article on sleep dept... VERY interesting!! -> Click here)
Plan a weekly girl's day!! maybe a picnic, some shopping, a movie night, or perhaps just a coffee date? make some plans and catch up with your girls <3
Go on a long morning walk; maybe you'll be able to catch the sunrise too!!
Buy yourself some flowers. You deserve them. <3
As always, please feel free to share your own suggestions and tips in the comments!! ♡
love ya ・:*₊‧౨ৎ
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girlprincess · 2 months
Becoming a ☆Dream Girl☆
Who doesn’t want to be a dream girl? Put together, always smells nice, radiant, confident, cute, and content. Where does one even begin when trying to embody that dream girl energy?! Well, with a few practical changes to my life and routines, I’m starting to feel more confident in myself and in love with my appearance and my own energy. Here’s what I’m doing to become my own dream girl!
- Overnight Curls and Wave! I’m going to start wearing my hair in braids or curlers when I go to bed so I can wake up with beautiful, dreamy hair.
- Wake Up Earlier. I need to build in time to my schedule to be able to properly get ready in the morning! I usually roll out of bed, do my hair very fast, brush my teeth, put on clothes, and run out the door. If I want to start doing beauty routines and investing more time into myself, I need to wake up earlier! My ideal routine is:
• Wash face
• Brush teeth
• Sunscreen & makeup
• Hair
• Outfit & accessories
• Fragrance
• Breakfast!
- Simple Makeup. Sunscreen, blush, highlighter, mascara, and tinted lip balm or lip gloss would make me look radiant and angelic everyday!
- Work Out 30 Minutes 6 Days a Week! I have a family history of high blood pressure LOL so I think I should begin experimenting with exercise and learning how to move my body in ways that I enjoy while I’m still young :)
- Body Care / Skin Care! I’m going to buy salicylic acid body wash and a fragrance free moisturizer to prevent acne, hydrate my skin, and make my body glow.
- Pick a Signature Fragrance! I want to pick a signature scent for everyday, and possibly a scent for special events! I think I prefer picking a scent that matches each season, so I can have some variation throughout the year. Here’s the perfumes I own so far:
• Love’s Baby Soft (Summer)
• Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy (Fall)
• YSL Mon Paris (Winter)
• Marc Jacobs Honey (Spring)
• Sabrina Carpenter Sweet Tooth
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girlbossagenda · 3 months
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I used to be the ugly dunklin, till I change in 1 week and turned pretty much half of my life upside down, it happened right after my 16th catastrophic birthday, at the time I was already following Liz and her tips which helped me so much!! So here how to glow up in minimum 1 week
౨ৎsmell good౨ৎ
This is so important, I noticed how people react to good smelling people, they just say it out loud how much they like the fragrance, knowning that it's you, will just make you more approacable, it boosts your confidence and overl all more liked
౨ৎexercise + diet౨ৎ
This was huge for me, not only it imroves your moods but it also makes your prettier, you need to fist know what goals you want to archive physically, if you want a bigger butt, eggs and potatoes salad can be a good alternative, if you want to have a snatched waist try to do more cardio, at the time the only cardio I used to do was jump roping, which is amazing!!
This was the revolution, just dress how ou want each outfit can have at max 2 trendy elements, not more, and the rest it needs to rappresnt YOUR personality!! This is going to make you unique and recognizable!! Also I suggest to go shopping on friday lol, the beauty day!
This is how everything started, a munch of motivational viddeos, the wizard liz and confidence targetting posts, moodboards and much more, at the time I was getting treated really harshly from my classmates, it was probably one of thelowest point of my life, bit I pick myself up, cause I had a goal: Changing my narrative.
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There was not sense into staying bitter and hating not only myself but the world around, I wanted to prove to myself that I actually mettered, you don't glow up for other, but for yourself, never, ever welcome in your life people that before put you under the rug, have some respect for yourself and clear boundaries.
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Hi bonitas I hope you liked this short post, This is just part of my expereince, tell me if you want to know more + other tips!! maybe I'll make a longer version in the future, Have a great day xoxo gougeous
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landofmoa · 1 year
Do what’s best for your soul. Fuck anything else.
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nikispillstea · 4 months
{helpful self improvement & self help podcasts ☆}
The "That Girl" Guide - in this podcast , sisters Paige Morris and Ellie Johnson give advice , tips etc guiding girls how to become their own "that girl" while on their own journey , giving updates on their personal life as well.
The Wellness Cafe - hosted by Trinity Tondeleir , is going to be "your go to Hot Girl Walk podcast". There the host uploads episodes about lifestyle , girl talk , wellness and much more. Updates every Wednesday.
Hot Girl Energy Podcast - hot girl tips , girl talk , advice , healthy habits , lifestyle , girl chats , all of it , you can find on this podcast. Hosted by Kaylie Stewart and updated every Tuesday , each episode is there to , as Kaylie herself says "remind you that you have the energy to become the best version of yourself and to live the healthy & balanced lifestyle you have always strived for".
Self Obsessed - on this podcast , youtuber and host Tam Kaur teaches you "everything society didn't want you to learn". Everything on self love , self help , confidence , self growth. As Tam says , on this podcast you'll find everything that will simplify your journey "closing the gap between your current self and your desired self". I also recommend you check her youtube channel if you haven't as she has that kind of content there as well and I think it could be very helpful to many.
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kittylaroux · 8 months
Woke up this morning filled with pride and joy and love. Wishing you all the same.
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sk-lumen · 6 months
My latest glow up habits
🎀 Physical 🎀
fixing my sleep schedule, from a 2 am nightowl to going to sleep at 10-11 pm
limiting time on social media, from 2h daily to 1h per week, to avoid wasted time and doomscrolling
improving diet by mealprepping, having regular meals & avoiding unhealthy foods
weekly hair treatments with rosemary
🎀 Mental 🎀
reading a new book every few weeks
starting a new course for professional development
reading interesting articles daily to keep myself mentally stimulated (and avoid reaching for an instagram dopamine kick)
🎀 Emotional 🎀
shadow work + journaling
setting stronger boundaries when i'm feeling burnt out
removing habits, locations or people from my life that are toxic or draining
no longer mulling over the past, simply closing the door and moving on
🎀 Spirituality 🎀
gratitude journaling
subliminals right before sleep
creating a new visionboard for the upcoming year
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I hate ANY toxic/mean motivation so much. "You dont want to study because youre tired? Study tired." No? You a) wont learn anything (much probably) b)will give yourself a headache and you'll be dissapointed in yourself.
Especially: if you're sick, YOU DONT NEED TO LEARN. YOURE SICK, GET A TEA AND SLEEP. It can wait.
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digitalgirlguide · 4 months
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Life got so much better once I stopped caring so much what other people think of me. The only person I have to impress is myself, and everything else will fall into place.
I'm not worried on anybody else's success, I'm focused on mine.
I'm not focusing on what I lack, I'm focusing on gratitude for what I have and what's to come
I'm practicing discipline and staying on track with my glow up non-negotiables
what's in?
reading for 15 minutes a day
going to the gym & staying fit
comfort soups
being grateful for future you
what's out?
self deprecating jokes
not making smart goals
making excuses
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biscuitdolly · 2 months
cute birthday gift ideas ୨୧
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if someone's birthday is coming up and you're stumped on what to get them, here are some ideas!!
O1 , candles
O2 , nail polish or press on nails
O3 , stuffed animals
O4 , bracelets (or any kind of jewelry- doesn't have 2 be pricey!
O5 , face masks
O6 , perfume / body mists
O7 , lip gloss
O8 , crystals / gemstones
O9 , claw clips or scrunchies
1O , keychains
11 , candy / snacks , or you could bake them something!
12 , makeup
13 , stickers or other stationary (journals, pens, notepad etc)
14 , tote bags
15 , gift cards
16 , cute socks
17 , books , movies , records, or CDs !!
18 , makeup bag / pouch
19 , room decor (posters, figurines , etc)
2O , cute mugs
even a handwritten letter would be an amazing gift! and remember , don't feel pressured to get someone something!!
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