#weigh loss journey
deluluglowup · 11 months
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This is the workout I’ve been doing for the past 3 days. I’m also throwing in punching the air 500 times lol The way I rearranged the sets are for me to not get bored of the routine.
Let’s see how this goes. Also, Mondays are my rest days.
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spitefulfitness · 1 month
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Whoops accidentally took a few weeks hiatus but we are back at it!
I'm guessing I ran around 1-2 miles. I ran farther and faster too! I also walked around 8 miles.
I ended my walk around a cemetery, so I ended up extending my walk and praying a rosary for the dead and those in purgatory. It's honestly one of my favorite things to do if I have time and I'm grateful to live near such a nice cemetery.
I feel great and I'm glad the sun is setting later so I can exercise easier when I'm off work!
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fitforestfairy · 3 months
Weekly Weight (and Fitness)Update ✍🏼
And Reflecting on My Reasons
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It’s Weigh-in Friday and time for my Weekly Weight Update!
I maintained my weight this week. I had several days of over-indulgence and that’s totally fine, as long as it doesn’t become a constant variable while I’m trying to lose weight.
I did really well in my Pilates class, and I’m very pleased with that!
As for Yoga, I still find it more challenging than I’d like to admit, considering that this is the third year I take part in this challenge and it used to be relatively easy for me.
My reasons to lose weight and gain flexibility, strength and endurance:
Doing my Yoga poses and flows more comfortably and fluidly and being able to do more challenging poses again. Even though you can’t target weight loss, I know that an overall weight loss will result in a loss of visceral fat, and that’s one of the things that I need the most.
It may be different for other people, but I do feel more uncomfortable doing certain yoga poses with more abdominal fat as opposed to when my stomach was flatter and fitter. My current weight does impact my practice negatively.
I can’t wait to go for long summer walks in nature with my boyfriend (and sometimes the doggie and my bf’s mum!). I want to be able to enjoy nature and good company without being out of breath and miserable all the time.
Visceral fat is also metabolically active and it can have averse effects in one’s health.
The other reasons that I’m not afraid to admit to anymore, is that I simply feel way more comfortable and confident in my body when I’m fitter. I feel like I can do so much more fitness wise, I like how my clothes fit more and I think I deserve to be in a body that is healthy and in which I feel comfortable.
So wearing a nice dress for my birthday next summer and a lovely red form-fitting dress for next Christmas are certainly things that motivate me a great deal to keep moving in the right direction in my weight loss and fitness journey.
Final Weekly Thoughts
Overall, looking back at the past week and reflecting on my reasons definitely help me to keep on making the choices that I know get me closer to my goals every day. Even if I’m not “perfect” every day.
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2206354 · 3 months
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162 … slow goin but ok. I wasn’t able to do any of my HIIT workouts this week bc of some disgusting ingrown hair “injuries” and I can barely move lol but I went for long walks instead ?? Doesn’t get my heart rate up at all but maybe it’s good to get outside a little lol until this ~situation~ heals I think that will be my alternative plus I need to do arms more . I wish I was a bitch who could get arm lipo bc I have so much loose skin it’s nasty af. I’m extremely stressed at work and barely hanging on by a thread … this is exactly the time of year where I relapse … I want to be like 20 lbs smaller before I do .. but at this rate I’ll never get there lol .
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okayigetitifuckedup · 4 months
Did a monthly weigh-in. Lost another 20 lbs. That's 80 lbs since I started.
If it keeps going like this I'll hit my goal before July. Go clothes shopping for my birthday, Haha.
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saturngalore · 1 year
just found this sim youtuber fatshamed their own sim and gave a terrible apology about it
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1/16/23 wt 235
Mmk. I am regularly weighing 235-237.
Holy shit can I feel a difference in my body between this and 248-250.
I am continuing my workouts as normal, but added some from the Damn Collective. I am also trying to get outside (in the deep winter, I know!) to exercise more. Snowshoeing. Walking. Outside. Woo!
I did hire a weight loss coach. It has been such a long road and it was such a decent price I jumped on it.
It's the food. Food is the problem. Most food in the Standard American Diet is not healthy. It is engineered to be hyperpalatable... and then people like me struggle because we are always hungry or always craving certain things. It is because they engineered it that way.
I am hoping that I will be able to continue this weight loss journey without losing my effing mind!
He thinks he can get me to 176 in 6 months. That almost made me cry but I am game. Let's go! I haven't been under 226 in 20 years.
I am about to buy my first pairs of size 16 jeans today. For super cheap. I am going to have to go thru my closet and purge a bunch of stuff again. I am ready. I am doing the mental work.
Some of my leggings are fitting me way way loose. I am trying to keep wearing them as long as I can - especially the ones with pockets. When I replace them, all items will have pockets.
He thinks 176 is doable in 6 months!
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alimentabem · 11 months
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productview · 11 months
Benjaro Weight Loss: The Secret to Losing Weight Without Dieting or Exercise
Transform Your Body with Benjaro Weight Loss! Discover the Effective Strategies and Products for Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals Today! Are you seeking to shed those extra pounds and achieve your weight loss goals? Look no further! In this incorporating guide, we will look at or over the world of Benjaro weight loss and provide you with expensive insights, strategies, and tips to assist you on…
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One year can change your entire life.
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throwback to three years ago when my scale died and i had to change the battery. throwback to my mental breakdown trying to open the battery pack. throwback to me bashing the scale over my head out of frustration. throwback to that concussion I sustained
my scale is dead again and i don’t want to lose my mind changing the battery again. Maybe I’ll skip weighing myself today n fix it after work
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lossweighthealthy · 2 years
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Even when Rose  was active in competitive cheerleading, dancing, and track, she still felt "plus-size." Throughout her life, she attempted to lose weight but would quit three weeks after not seeing results. She tried everything ,she became vegan ,she started going gym every day ,followed the diet strictly but it doesn't work ,she lost all hopes and stopped going gym ,one of her friends told her about Lean Belly 3x , at first she doesn't believe on this ,but after seeing the results of her friend herself ,she thought to give it try ,she started using Lean Belly 3x ,after using just for one month she started seeing changes ,and after 5 month boom! ,she has got dream figure ,you can also try lean Belly 3x
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2206354 · 1 year
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????!! Lol omg I haven’t weighed in a month and I’ve been eating kind of a lot of baked goods and shit bc I’ve been cooking/baking a lot and I even binged once and I’m at 159 without even trying oh lord lol. I wanted to get alcohol yesterday and relapse for my bday but I didn’t and I probably won’t 🙃 I don’t know what to think bc I thought I was literally gonna gain ten pounds instead of lose. This makes me wanna lose ten more lol it’s so hard when I try I can’t lose but when I’m not paying attention it comes off 🧐 oh well .
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babu-2022 · 2 years
How To Get Rid Of Your Cravings… In 3 to 5 Weeks “
Addicts can reduce cravings in 3-5 weeks of recovery through medication, the help of their doctor, and a solid and disciplined daily regimen. If your cravings are low thanks to the medication that you've received from your doctor, the right and consistent exercise/fitness plan can help abolish all cravings, helping you to accept a new identity if you are consistent in the weeks to come.
The benefits of exercise, fitness, and bodybuilding for addicts in recovery Discovering ways through which fitness, exercise, and bodybuilding can benefit and play a significant function in addiction recovery and result in activities that help in producing maximum health advantages. Staying safe includes caring for your whole well-being, and exercise, fitness, and bodybuilding can help find the healthy balance of spirit, body, and mind. Addiction recovery includes significant healing in the mind, spirit, and body. Whereas a person should not rush to activities such as marathons, beginning a fitness routine can help keep them sober and promote inward and outward healing. No matter which exercise is chosen, there are tremendous benefits to training, fitness, and bodybuilding.
Recovering from addiction is not an easy process that requires commitment. Doing away with substances from your life causes stress on the mind, body, and spirit. The body must learn to operate in sobriety and might sometimes present painful withdrawal symptoms during detox. While the mind suggests that you cannot perform with the chosen drug and yet you have to ignore it, it sometimes causes frustration and the situation may be overwhelming, which is the main reason for relapse in many people. Having a healthy approach to relieving stress is a good and crucial idea in addiction recovery.
Bodybuilding, fitness, and exercise are healthy ways that can help in relieving stress during addiction recovery. When a person exercises, they experience the mood-lifting advantages of endorphins that immediately take control. Exercise causes relaxation and employs mind-body linkage to burn off the built-up frustrations during recovery and provide an alternative focus.
Although a person cannot find family or friends to help them recover from their addiction, they can start stretching out daily and eating healthier to help them recover. Setting goals that can help in restoring the confidence in a person is also essential in addiction recovery. No matter the type of addiction, the body, and the mind can be damaged by the addiction. Fitness, bodybuilding, and exercises improve flexibility, cardiovascular health and mobility. Working out helps reduce the withdrawal signs and reduces cravings, since the addictive substance induces the endorphins released during exercise.
If you want to lose 10-15 lbs in 2 weeks,
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atthequillsmercy · 2 years
Today's Workout: Yes, it's short...
Today’s Workout: Yes, it’s short…
I have one of those snazzy smart watches (not sponsored) and while I do enjoy it when it works, the battery life can be wonky. Some days it lasts from wake up to bed time. Others, it’s dead by lunch. Today was the latter. I thought I could squeeze in the full 30 minutes before it died but, not quite. I have no problem taking some extra steps around the day to make up for that or take up the…
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
For those mutuals who are weight loss focused, as you lose weight, do you see an uptick in your emotional instability?
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Feel free to chime in about your emotional life as you go thru this process.
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