#but i have strong feelings and my partner has heard this rant so many times so yall get it instead
charliethemanticore · 8 months
I've decided I don't want live action adaptions of things anymore. I want animated adaptions always and forever with professional voice actors* and teams who are being treated with the decency they deserve (fiscally and emotionally).
Personally I'd prefer 2D animation or with a canny combination of it and 3D. I don't think a live action has to be the ultimate end goal of a piece of media and also if I see one more "!!! This [animated thing] is FINALLY getting a live action adaption!" As if that somehow validates it's value. It was valuable before and honestly I don't think live action is good at adapting animated things because you can do a lot of stuff in animation that just isn't possible in real life (see: animals, architecture, magic, some aspects of human anatomy etc) so it gets added in later to the point where it's just a different animated adaption this time with strange stylistic limitations.
Like. Idk man. I'm gonna use critical role as an example because I've been thinking about it. Can you imagine how crunchy that would have looked if they'd done live action? It has the possibility to have been great but like. With the amount of stuff that would have had to have been done in special effects or post (don't get me wrong I have massive respect for both those skills) there's so many points where it could have fallen flat. Fantasy is a genre that sort of lends itself to animation by the variety of weirdness going on. The Legends of Vox Machina works because they knew the medium they should reach for. They're voice actors, they know the value of animation and they reached for it because a live action adaption isn't the be all end all of media success.
Edgerunners is another one that would have been worse off if CDPR had reached for live action vs anime. With the current state of Hollywood it all would have been green screened in. It would have been CGI props and prosthetics and scenery. And while, again, that's not a BAD thing (until you look at what that looks like from an employee experience which is generally considered to not be great) if you're going to have to animate 90% of shit ANYWAY you should probably just fucking start there yknow?
I don't have an issue with live action. I love live action movies. I just don't think it should be treated as the Pinnacle of media. Live action shouldn't be the goal for every story. Like. I liked netflixs witcher (more or less). But I think Nightmare of the Wolf was gorgeous and I would have loved a Witcher series like that. (I also would have liked execs who cared about the source material and for Tim Aslam to have stayed on beyond season 1)
If we lived in a world where movies took years and costume designers and set dressers and prop builders and post teams were given the time and resources they need to make something glorious, I might be a little more sympathetic towards people reaching for live action first. But we don't and I'm not. Percy Jackson would work better animated. Witcher would work better animated. Avatar: The Last Airbender already worked better as animation.
Animation is a valuable and worthwhile medium in its own right. Not
Final note: this isn't about "they changed this characters hair/skin/eye colour in the live action!" I literally don't care about that. If I must have a live action adaption I would MUCH rather an actor who is good at their job vs someone who fits the description. This is about reducing animation to "being for kids" and live action "being mature and grown up" like. Come on now.
*(not big name screen actors who will draw a crowd. Its a different skill set and it's important to remember that but that's a soap box for another time)
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nightswithkookmin · 11 months
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Disclaimer: this review is from a shipper's perspective and it's objective is to rebut a few misconceptions about 7.
When I first heard the song was gonna be titled seven, I rolled my eyes- like how many times are these boys going to pander to Army with the whole 0T7 agenda right? Here they with yet another song about how much they love eachother like come on! I love BTS, I do but- I mean yall had the tattoos and the cute meet ups, and heart wrenching sappy goodbyes- isn't that enough why yall gotta make yet another song about your bond and friendship WHYYYYYY yall don't have nothing else to talk about? I thought season two was yall on tour grown grown shit- how is this growth if you singing bout the same thing over and over- right? BOY WAS I WRONG ABOUT THAT!
It's a good thing I didn't come out here to rant about that cos that would have been the biggest embarrassment of my life and I would be eating my words right about now while penning several apology letters to Jungkook- anonymously.
Seven thus, to me, is surprisingly good. Not at all what I had thought the song would be about so when I tell yall I was screaming up and down in my living room surprised and amazed clapping and cheering on as if this was the best thing I ever heard- yall wouldn't even understand.
It is why the first thing I love about the song is the title and how creative it is in as much as it doubles as a play on the word and teases out his connection to Bangtan- say whatever you want but I think that was hella genius and creative and reflects Jungkook's personality for someone who has always been creative in this way from his use of color contrasts in his GCFs to tell a story right down to choosing ABCD as his IG handle.
The MV had Jungkook written all over it- playful, goofy fun yet delightfully hot- it's the memes for me.
It was nice to see him be himself in a music video- nothing felt forced and contrived to me nor seemed out of character and that's what gave the song the flair I think it has. Jungkook pulled this off smoothly.
His acting was spot on- I loved the female character in there (in spite of yall saying they didn't gat chemistry) that's just because she's my type so thank you for that Jungkook. Mean cold emotionally unavailable, physically intimidating- yea no, I'm in love with her not gonna lie🤧
And I don't know what it is but she reminds me of Park Jimin too. And I sorta kinda like Jimin soo🥴
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Is it the cheek bone?
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Or the neck and shoulders
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Either way, she invokes the same feelings I get when I look at Park Jimin- strong alpha female😌 may be it's because they both give off masc/fem androgyny energy and I like that shit- eat it up nom
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She played her role very well and helped sell the story.
Those saying they lacked chemistry yall never seen BTS around girls huh cos it doesn't get better than this😩😩😩😩😩
Don't know if yall were expecting them to be flirting and shit- at least this female lead played center I'm still trying to find the female lead in JMs MV😭🤣🤣
I'm actually surprised how good Jungkook's acting turned out in this MV. Whatever they were doing in the restaurant- I'm sold.
And I know alot of people aren't too enthused by the plot of the MV- a young man hopelessly in love with their partner to the point of clinginess and obsession- look, may be if I were looking at this concept from an outside in perspective I would find issues there with that narrative too but as some one who has been following these men almost through out their music career and have had the privilege of consuming content beyond the music they do- I kinda find it hilarious 😂
Hilarious because it's everything fans, and BTS accuse Kook of- it's giving me war flashbacks to the perila leaf conversation they had, to all the times he and Jimin have been caught sneaking into each other's hotel rooms because CLINGY, to Jimin complaining he comes into his room at 1am just to sit on the bed and do nothing, to all the theories about Kook being the clingy one in Jikook- hate to say I told ya😆
It's almost as if he's saying we'll folks yall are not wrong I kinda is clingy and I'm not ashamed🤣🤣🤣🤣
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He's a hopeless romantic and he hasn't made that a secret at all. To me, what this is is he's owning the narrative- that is if this was a conscious decision and artistic choice by him.
I had to look up the director of the MV and this is the first time in my life I've genuinely cared about the director behind any project for that matter cos how much of a coincidence is this to cast characters who complement each other so well and craft a narrative which is not a narrative at all!
Their website says they blend "youth and pop culture with high concept storytelling." Well they pulled that off. The plot is simple and easy to follow and reflects pop culture. I wouldn't say this is exactly ground breaking though, because it's been done over and over again- but I think Jungkook rejuvenated the concept by adding his own take and personality to it. It was done well and I must give him high praise for this.
If you are a fan of pop culture and pop music this is consumable as fuck. The song is really catchy. And that's just the thing, there is a market for this genre of music whether you like it or not and he doesn't have to cater to everyone's taste all at once. However to me, this is a step in the right direction for his career especially if he is to position himself as a global artist.
People may know BTS but not everyone knows Jeon Jungkook and this right here is him carving a niche out for himself. He is not trying to ride on the success of BTS. He is not trying to be the solo version of BTS. He is trying to be JEON JUNGKOOK.
His music is gonna play in every teens living room, every adults bedroom, in the club on the streets- he's reaching places even BTS struggled to reach and that's the power of his brand.
He's making waves and he's only just begun. And it's about damn time too!
I don't have much to say about Latto other than give that bae some grammy just for the titties😩 the explicit version of the song makes so much sense why she was so freakylicious up on a BTS song😭😭😭😭
First I was like gurl what? Slurp what??? Then I heard the fucking you right version- I said carry on. My mistake chilee. Jungkook ma n*ga you wild.
It's refreshing to see him step into his power and own his image and his brand and control the narratives- if not capitalize on them.
Overall I think this was a great pop song and Jungkook carried it so well. He's gonna go places. It's high from here and nothing less.
While on the subject, let me address some of the remarks people have been making about the song. To anyone complaining this is yet another pop song- with all due respect, he is not Beethoven he is not an Opera singer he is a freakn pop artist 😩
If yall are tired of pop music just say so and go but don't come for a pop artist doing what a pop artist is supposed to do- and don't let a lie slip out of your mouth it's a great pop song that bops. Seven freakn days a week.
No other kpop artist have come this close to breaking into a western market much less come this close to dominating it. And to some of us, this has always been the dream. I have spent so many sleepless nights meditating and praying for BTS particularly Jikook to gain a strong foothold in the western music market, beyond Korea and Asia and when finally they are making attempts and moves towards that goal yall want to tear him down- fuck yall opps HE IS FREE BITCH.
At this point I really don't care whether people like the song or not because we have moved past that stage where their in their progress in their career was contingent on people liking their shit. How are you gonna like a song if you've never even heard it? Now more than ever, what's important is reaching as many listeners as possible and to that end I think they are all on a right truck.
Jungkook is out to make a name for himself and solidify himself as one of the top pop artist in the world and I don't think his language or country should hold him back- asking him to stick to Korean songs is holding him back from his full potential. Faulting him for for branching out and reaching for the stars is equally holding him back and putting him in a box- well burn that box would you.
I really hope seven is the first of many English pop songs he will make because we want to see more of him, all of him and especially what he can contribute to the genre he dabbles in. His best is yet to come.
And for those complaining seven is nothing new- understand IT IS NEW FOR JUNGKOOK. It is new for many of us who are seeing him do this for the FIRST TIME AS A SOLO ARTIST.
His English keeps improving with each new song, his delivery gets better and better- yall just leave him alone please and thank you.
If this is the start we are off to a good start.
The MV to me gave him opportunity to showcase more of his goofy personality, to show people he really doesn't take himself too seriously and has a great sense of humor.
As a performer he nailed his role. Definitely understood the assignment. And it's a good thing they casted a strong female lead cos them damsels in distress be getting on my nerves.
Do we need more of this? Yes AND YESS AND HELL YES!!!!
Between Jimin's Angel and this, you guys have no idea how excited I am for their journey. I want to see more collabs, I want to see them take more risks and build their individual brands.
Jungkook should definitely consider acting. A cameo in a popular American series wouldn't hurt his career.
In fact, the entire maknae line should.
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chloe-spade · 4 months
Thorned Love Chapter 4: Tale as old as Time
Vil grumbled as Leona took another chess piece from Vil's side. They were back in the library and Vil found an old chess set that Leona owned as a kid, so for old good time sake, Leona challenged Vil to a game. Leona, as he boasted previously, has been winning, which made Vil determined to win at least one game.
"I never thought that you would be this good at chess," Vil muttered.
"As I said, I played for so long, Princess, and all that chess means I've become an expert at this sport. Especially when you are often alone with maids and servants while your parents tend to fawn over Falena almost all day everyday."
"All day?" Vil asked, "How unforunate."
"I'm used to it now. Rook was typically my partner for these events and he, through all of his annoying snick, has been someone I can call a friend, maybe."
Vil laughs, "Rook and I have been friends since we met at the village at a younger age. I didn't know his parents worked at the palace, and he never spoke of it to me. I just thought they were so busy."
"Understandable, Rook's parents were the Royal Hunters of the palace. That's why Rook's here ever so often," Leona yawned.
"Getting sleepy, kitten? You might lose if you fall asleep," Vil teased.
Leona looks at Vil, "What about you and your brother? You two seem close, but that's what I heard from Rook."
"Yeah, very…" Vil sighs, "I just miss him that's all. I know Epel is very strong and he can take care of himself, but as an older brother, I can't help but worry about him and my father. I have never been away from them for so long and then there's Alderic,"
"Some stupid prick who believes that just because he's attractive, he deserves so much, like marry me."
"Marry? Is he that bad of a prick?"
"Yes! He went up to my door and proclaimed that since I was beautiful, or more specifically the only beautiful person in my entire village, I am the only person he would marry. It's stupid and absurd and he's so self-centered that he thinks that I would fawn over him," Vil ranted, "not after what he said to my brother, I will never touch that man, and his disgusting face."
Leona's ears twitched as Vil ranted, his eyes slightly looking up at him. Vil noticed how Leona's tail was swaying back and forth as he huffed softly, but he chose not to acknowledge it.
"If it were me, I would've sent him to the dungeon."
"That would be heavenly," Vil grins, "seeing him trapped and sob that he doesn't deserve this," Vil mocked with a laugh.
"I can see that now. But now I'm curious, what did that bastard say to your brother."
Vil stayed silent before taking the king and the queen in his hands, staring at them. He puts the queen down as he begins to speak.
"I never told anyone else this after what happened. My father told me this when I was about 8 years old, after that incident."
"And why tell me? Your captor?"
"Because, unlike the people of the village, you actually listen to what I said or just take your time out of your day to hang out with me. You've become someone I can trust, along with the others here. I don't feel like a freak here."
"Again, you are talking to a beast, so if anyone's a freak, it'd be me."
Vil lets out a chuckle before starting the story.
Vil's mother, Lorelei, was well known for her beauty. Oliver always said that Vil got his features from his mother when he turned 18, which was not surprising from the portraits he saw of her as a child.
Many fawned over Lorelei, mostly for her beauty. She adores the attention, though she was never vain about it. She was married to Oliver and had Vil. This was the time when Oliver's inventions became more well-known and was commissioned to make new inventions for the country of France, which meant Oliver was traveling more often. Vil was only 2 years old when Oliver began his traveling, so he didn't remember much and due to his young mind, he never figured out how miserable Lorelei became after Oliver's many departures.
Lorelei never showed it but it was clear to the town that she was miserable.
It did not help matters that many people would start to believe that those "commissions" were ways to get away from his family and to be with another woman, due to claims that Oliver is a crummy inventor and that no one would ever commission that cooky man.
One day, a traveling merchant came over and began selling local apples from Germany. Lorelei and the merchant talked often, mainly about his region and reminiscing about old German cultures. It has unfortunately become a small-time affair, only for a week before the merchant left to travel once more, not returning.
After Oliver's return, Lorelei has fallen pregnant. Due to Oliver's return, the town had assumed that it was a child of Oliver's. That was until the child, now named Epel was born. The town talked about the new child and reminded them of the merchant who traveled there. But no one has spoken up about it due to some believing it to be cruel rumors about Lorelei.
Lorelei tried to laugh them off. But deep down, she was becoming guilty and resentful towards her new son. With all the rumors surrounding them and with Oliver being the type that figured out lies and deceptions, she knew she would get caught and lose the happy life she worked so hard for.
After a few months of this, Oliver took note of the rumors and asked Lorelei about them, mostly to keep his headspace clear after months of inventing and falling unconscious. She denies these allegations, which helps Oliver, but afterward, he notices her dodgy attitude towards him and Epel.
But Oliver couldn't continue his investigation without the fear of her leaving their children, angry at his snooping.
One day, as if the gods planned it, a note was sent while Lorelei was out with both Vil and Epel. Oliver received the letter and read it, shocked at what he had read.
It was a note from an unknown merchant, who wrote that he misses Lorelei and her soft lips and how he daydreams of her whenever he is not occupied with his work. He planned to visit her again once he had to best travel requirements.
Oliver was of course upset and confronted his wife, ashamed of her actions and how could she do that not to Oliver, but to Vil and the new baby.
Lorelei tried to deny it, even though she was slowly becoming panicky. Then she accused Oliver of meeting with the other women while he was on his travels, which Oliver stammered about. They started to argue afterward, leaving Vil to hide with Epel in his room, trying to protect him, it was one of the memories Vil still has of the event.
Night fell and Lorelei was sleeping on the couch after the argument, but the cries of Epel were waking her up every single time. It was driving her insane, but she tried to ignore it, hoping Oliver would've dealt with it, which he had done for the majority of the night, but he was so tired that he slept through the newest cry.
Lorelei was blank as she walked towards Epel's crib, her sleeping pillow gripped tightly in her hands as she raised the pillow up and towards Epel.
The saving grace was when Vil noticed and unknowingly stopped her. Which made Lorelei retreat for the night.
The next moment, Vil asked Oliver if it was normal for Lorelei to raise a pillow over Epel at night, which caught Oliver off guard, and he rushed into Epel's room to witness the same that Vil had described. Oliver took her away, demanding what she was doing. Lorelei's screams of how Epel ruined her happy life always repeated in Vil's head, and how she was trying to set things right, after Oliver's disgusting cheating, but everyone in the town knows it was her.
Lorelei's sobs and screams attract the attention of villagers and tell the works of a nearby asylum about a crazed woman who is about to murder her child. The asylum offered to take her away from Oliver. But Oliver refused until Lorelei spewed more hatred against him and Epel as if her words were now daggers as she stabbed Oliver's heart with her words.
The beautiful and thoughtful woman in town has become ugly and vile to everyone in the town.
"Since that night I never saw her again. I was allowed visitation but I humbly refused as the asylum scared even to this day. That's why, even now, I fear for Epel's safety. Who knows if that damned escape or not…I wish I knew."
Vil looked back and saw the most concerned look on Leona's face, which looking at it more, was more mortified than concerned. Leona's eyes were slit at the story and his tail was frozen solid.
The Lion was too baffled to speak, as his hand holding the chess piece did not move an inch. Leona has become a statue of bafflement, which Vil was debating on soothing or laughing at him. But Vil carefully took the chess piece and with a smirk on his face, said:
Epel was trying to keep a smile as days went by and has continued to tend to his father as he always did. But with new sets of bouquets by Epel's doorway with stupid and disgusting poems attached to them made him sick to his stomach. It was hard to keep it from strangers, his father, and even Jack, someone Epel actually trusts with his life if needed, which made Epel feel guilty.
It made Epel bake for the majority of his morning, trying to see if he could avoid Alderic or even Cederic walking up to his cottage. It was making him so anxious that he wasn't paying attention to the pie that was still in his hands.
"Careful," Jack spoke up, taking the pie from Epel, "if you stand there long enough, you might as well hallucinate."
Epel quickly looks back and gulps, "S-sorry, I just…having some thoughts."
"It's nothing," Epel answered, "I should rest up more."
"Epel," Jack took his hand, "I know something is wrong. What happened last week? Is it because of Vil being gone or because of Alderic? With you being distracted and jumpy, I would assume it's Alderic. What did he do?"
Epel gulped and looked up at Jack.
"I don't need to explain myself," Epel huffed, "It's not any of your business. And I do not need help…"
"Epel, I get it. You don't want to seem weak but you need to tell me what happened. Alderic may be a force to be reckon with but you can't deal with him alone." Jack reassured, "You have me remember?"
"I know I do! But with that asshole thinking that he can control me and that if I marry him, Father won't be stuck in a stupid asylum! And I can't object because I know it's something that Vil would do but I'm scared."
"Marry…Alderic?" Jack repeated.
"He threatened me! And I would rather marry someone else than that stupid, narcissistic ass!" Epel ranted, "If I was given a choice, I would-"
Epel looks at Jack and huffs.
"Let me recall what you just said to me," Jack started, "Alderic is forcing you to marry him so he wouldn't take Oliver to an asylum. Am I correct in that assumption?"
"Yes, that's true," Epel admitted, "and because Vil isn't around for Alderic to bother. And I hate that I know if this doesn't happen, not only I lose Vil, but Father as well. I hate being weak!"
Jack took Epel in a hug, trying to calm Epel down.
"You aren't weak, Epel," Jack acknowledged, "you are the strongest person I know. I wish he would just leave you alone, you and Vil."
"Thanks, Jack," Epel sighs.
Epel moves away from Jack, face blushing. He quickly took the pie and started to wrap and store it for later, trying to look out for Alderic once again. Jack sighs, as even he wouldn't calm Epel's nerves.
"Who would you marry if it wasn't Alderic?" Jack joked.
"That's private information," Epel smiles.
"I should've know," Jack laughs, "but I know it isn't Alderic."
"We both damn know I would never marry Alderic or even Cedric," Epel gagged, "Ew. I would..marry someone who has always been there for me. Though the thought of marriage is gross enough with the expectations. I wouldn't even imagining marrying someone."
"Then, what if I said that I want to marry you?"
Epel looked over at Jack and felt his face heat up. It didn't help the situation that he was pinned to his counter, and Jack looked so flustered with his question.
"Well, if you said that…would you be surprised if I would say yes?" Epel gulped.
Jack's ears perked and his tail wagged slightly as he carefully put his hand on Epel's cheek.
"What…would happen if I kissed you?"
"I would just say do it."
Jack hesitated, still nervous. Epel huffed and pulled Jack by his collar and kissed him, surprising Jack. But it felt like Epel was finally able to get his mind at ease, especially with Jack's arms around him, promising protection which was something Epel longed for. He didn't even acknowledge the noise outside of the cottage, just focusing on Jack.
"I…wow," Jack chuckles as he pulls away.
"You hesitated," Epel teased.
"Sorry about that.."
"We still need them together," Rook moped towards Trey, "They have tried everything and they've seen them getting along, but we need something more. More, like getting them in a secluded location with a romantic flare!"
"Romantic flare? Perhaps you have ideas?" Trey asked, "Rook, you have to remember, I am not the romantic type."
"You are married, Chaviler of Roses," Rook grins, "with a beautiful boy, no less."
"I did small stuff, sure, but Jade ultimately made the move. I have no idea what I did to create romantic feelings but it must be something, like a mutual connection, it just happens, Rook." Trey explained. "They have a mutual connection, Rook, the most likely step is to set up a date. A place where all the romantic stuff can happen slowly but surely. Something that maybe should be approved by Leona firsthand."
"Ah, of course. Roi de Lion can be such a hackle when it comes to family events. Balls…wait! A personal ball. No one else but him and Roi de Poison." Rook grins, "that's perfect! Let me go to Roi de Lion!"
"Rook! And he's gone. I swear once romance enters his head, he does not let go of it."
"What did you expect?" Floyd spoke up, startling Trey, "Seagull loves romantic endeavors. I mean, he did set you and Jade together after all, so I believe he can get that date going."
"I know," Trey sighs.
Floyd smirks and takes a pastry from Trey's plate and takes a bite, eating with victory.
"No, you will not give some to Johnnie, we both know that'll spoil his dinner, and I don't want that for my son." Trey spoke without speaking up from chopping the vegetables.
"You are no fun."
"A ball?" Leona spoke up, "That's too sudden and big. No way."
"Roi de Leon, I understand, but I know Roi de Poison and I know he'll enjoy such a romantic gesture and he often reads of those in books and I think we all know this will be perfect for him. He adored those as a child, and I remember speaking of those times quite fondly when he grabbed a book from the library."
"Look, I just don't want to seem forward," Leona stated, "If he found out why I am seeking his love, I don't think I would've forgiven myself, he'll think I'm using him to save myself, but…"
"I'm surprised," Falena spoke up, "but I see this as a big chance for you, Leona. These past few weeks, you and Vil have gotten along splendidly, and this can be the greatest gesture of love you can ever give someone."
Leona thought for a moment and sat down on the bed. Imagining a grand ball was already making Leona feel nervous, but considering it was only him and Vil..it made him even more nervous. He didn't even consider doing balls mainly because what was the point? Now, he has a point, but how will he go with it?
"I need time." Leona spoke up, "If I were to plan, what should I start? How should I start?"
"Oh, I have a few things up my sleeves," Rook chuckled.
"Oh boy."
Vil came back from his bath to see an envelope in his drawer by his bed. It was placed neatly and sealed with the royal seal of the land.
Strange, but it could be a way for Leona to communicate if Vil was busy with something, something that they had discussed previously. Vil took the envelope, carefully opened it, took the letter out of it, and began to read it.
Dear Vil,
I hereby declare that I will be hosting a small event and I request your presence. Be dressed in formal clothing as this is a formal occasion and be there at 7:15.
Vil smiles and puts the letter down. Never thought he'd be invited to a fancy ball, though it was odd and he was living within the castle that gave him the invite, but he thought it was sweet nonetheless.
Vil stood in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting his gloves and necklace. It was the night of the royal ball, and Vil was excited but nervous at the same time. He had never been to a ball before, and he wanted to make a good impression.
He wore a purple dress with golden accents with a white gloves, paired with a small golden bow at the back of his hair and golden shoes. His hair was braided, and he had a hint of perfume on his neck. He, of course, added makeup to his look, he felt empty without it.
He also had a set of golden jewelry, courtesy of Jade. Matching necklace and earrings helped finalize his appearance.
Vil took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror once more. He knew that his brother, Epel, would have teased him for spending so much time getting ready, but Vil wanted to look his best.
As he made his way to the ballroom, Vil couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious. He felt like he didn't belong. But he pushed those thoughts aside and reminded himself that he was there to have fun and enjoy the night.
As soon as Vil entered the ballroom, he was greeted by the sound of music. The room was decorated with beautiful flowers, and there was a grand staircase leading down to the ballroom dance floor.
Vil took a deep breath and made his way to the dance floor. He looked around, trying to find someone to dance with. His eyes met with Leona's, who was standing by the refreshment table.
Seeing Leona nice and clean made Vil want to laugh, but he didn't. He was just staring, at how handsome Leona is, with the blue suit with golden accents. He saw not a beast, but an actual prince, a prince he wanted to dance with.
"Would you like to dance?" Vil asked, trying to hide his nerves.
Leona smiled and took Vil's hand, leading him to the dance floor. As they swayed to the music, Vil felt his nerves melt away. He looked around the ballroom, taking in the sights and sounds of the night.
The music made things even better for them.
"We need something," Rook realizes, "To set a better mood."
"Like what exactly?" Trey questioned, "They looked happy enough. What else do we need?"
"A song," Rook hummed, "something that they can dance to, and what can describe their beautiful relationship."
"But you know that I hate singing," Trey spoke up, "especially with the romantic energy that's here."
Jade and Floyd came out from the kitchen, holding a new plate of food for dinner. Trey and Rook looked at each other and back at Jade and knew who to ask.
"Monsior Mastermind," Rook called over, "we need you to do a small favor for us."
"What for?" Jade asked.
"We need you to sing for this lovely event," Rook announced with a smile.
"Come on, Jade! Sing something for us," Floyd urged, nudging him playfully.
"I don't know," Jade sighs, "I'm not comfortable singing in front of people," Jade pointed out.
"Oh, come on, you have an amazing voice! I know you can do it," Trey grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
"And it'll be amazing for this beautiful for tonight," Rook added, "and your voice will do perfectly."
After a few moments of hesitation, Jade finally gave in and decided to sing a song.
Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends
Just a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast
"You are such a good dancer," Vil laughs, "have you ever dance before?"
"Not as often as I like," Leona whispered, "but I never danced with the intent of actually dance with a person. I mean the last time I danced was when I was young. How about you?"
Vil looks up and holds his hands. "Well, I never danced before."
"That explains your nervous movement," Leona joked.
"Hey," Vil pouted, "no one has ever asked me to dance with them, nor invited me to a royal ball. Remember, I was the black sheep of my town, despite being fawned over by that same exact town. I refused to wed to Alderic, which everyone wanted, and now I'm here. Dancing with you, even thiugh I never danced in my life."
"That's a dream come."
Vil felt his face blush as he thought about it.
"Yeah," Vil grinned, "It's most definitely a dream come true,"
The duo gazed at each other as they swayed on the dance floor, and the music boomed around them, making them feel alone in the ballroom.
Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
And ever just as sure
As the sun will rise
Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast
They continued dancing, lost in their thoughts and feelings. Leona felt like he was on top of the world, dancing with the person he loved.
As the song ended, they pulled away from each other, smiling shyly. They both knew that their relationship was just beginning, but they were excited about what the future held.
They took a bow.
"I heard the stars are beautiful this time of year," Leona spoke, holding his arm out for Vil.
"You don't mind showing me, dear kitten?"
Vil takes Leona's arm and they walk into the balcony, watching the stars above them. They walked over and sat down by the stone bench, watching the stars.
"It's so beautiful out here," Vil gasps, "makes me think of home."
Leona looks back and looks back at the stars again. "I can understand why. Makes me think of my old home as well."
"Why did you leave?"
"I…I felt invisible in my own family," Leona explained, "Sure, I'd have my fair share of achievements but they were almost nothing compared to Falena's. I mean, he got married and has a kid now, while I got transformed into a beast. Seems more funny if it wasn't also unfair."
"Not really," Vil sighs, "but hanging out with you these past months made me see that you are just someone who just needs someone…to sympathize with, to talk to. Have similar hobbies and conversations."
"Would that also applied to you?"
"You won't tell on me, would you?"
Leona laughs and looks away for a moment before sighing.
"I got a gift for you," Leona spoke up, "something for you."
Leona coughed before handing Vil a beautiful silver mirror, embroidered with roses and thorns. The glass felt like it was made of pure crystal, especially as it was reflecting both him and Leona. He didn't want to touch it but it was so beautiful that he had to, even for a small while.
"It's beautiful," Vil muttered, "I mean, it's extremely beautiful. How.."
"I found it along with the rose. Like the rose, it has magical properties, one that I only dabbled in. But it can show the person you wish to see, even from the confines of the castle."
"…uh," Vil stammered a little, before looking at the mirror and said, "Show me my father."
The mirror swirled in a green mist. The image of his father sleeping in a bed made Vil feel relief, seeing him safe in the cottage. However, he felt something was off, due to the noise of horses and people cheering in the mirror.
"…what is that?"
"A celebration of sorts?" Leona questioned, "though, it seems off."
"..Maybe it's Epel?"
As soon as Epel was mentioned, the mirror began to swirl and show a new sight. The sight of Epel in front of his house, with Alderic of all people, surprisingly all dressed up, with flowers and lights making up a scenery.
"What's…" Vil was speechless, worried for his younger brother.
"….I'm only doing this for my father," he heard Epel speak, "if you weren't threatening his life, I wouldn't even be here."
"Aw, don't be like that," Alderic grinned, "you are marrying me, after all, a natural treasure."
"Marry!?" Vil almost screamed.
"What did he do?" Leona asked, also annoyed.
"Something about my father…I knew Alderic would stoop this low! Forcing marriage…" Vil got up and looked at Leona, "I have to go. I have to save my brother, and I know this breaks our agreement but Epel's…"
"Then go," Leona spoke up, "You have a family to save, and it's better to be over there than to be trapped in this.."
"Don't." Vil hissed, "I am not leaving for long." Vil takes Leona's hand and looks up at him, " I promise that I will be back, with Father and Epel too. You have become someone I can consider a friend and maybe…" Vil gulped, "I'll be back, ok?"
Leona smiles and nods his head at Vil.
"Go, don't let me stop you."
Vil begins to walk away but he looks back with a look that says "I promise," before bolting out of the balcony and onto the staples and taking Appletart. He jumped onto her and looked back at the castle, within the silence, he could hear Leona once again.
No spell has been broken
No words have been spoken
No point anymore if he can't love me
No hope she would do so
No dream to pursue, so
I looked at myself, despise all the things I see
For I know that she
Cannot set me free
Let the world be done with me
Vil was saddened at Leona's hope fading as he began to ride away. He knew he had to go but he knew why he wanted to stay. His heart was telling him to, telling him to scream his love to Leona before he left, but his throat squeezed when he thought of trying.
But knowing his time at the castle made him happy.
There's been a change in me
A kind of moving on
Though what I used to be
I still depend upon
For now, I realize
That good can come from bad
That may not make me wise
But oh it makes me glad
And I, I never thought I'd leave behind
My childhood dreams
But I don't mind
For now, I love the world I see
No change of heart
A change in me
He thought of the days he and Leona either played chess, played in the snow for the kids or just comfortably read by the fireplace for hours on end or until they passed and cuddled against each other afterward.
He thought he couldn't love someone like Leona, but with just time, he didn't see a beast, no. A prince who needed compassion and love in his life.
Vil knew that now.
For in my dark despair
I slowly understood
My perfect world out there
Had disappeared for good
But in it's place I feel
A truer life begin
And it's so good and real
It must come from within
Vil knew he had a reason to come back, even just for a small moment, a moment he never wanted to end, a moment that made him feel what love was. Not just the meaning from the books he reads, but from the love he felt by just being with Leona, and the many things that they had done for the past months.
And I, I never thought I'd leave bеhind
My childhood dreams
But I don't mind
I'm where and who I want to be
No change of heart
A change in me
No change of heart
A change in me
Vil loves Leona, and he knows that Leona loves him back.
In that moment as he saw an opening to his town, Vil knew. Vil knew why he wanted to come back.
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thoughtfulposting about some art i made recently (readmore cus long)
this year i rly wanted to draw madoka for her birthday in a way that represents the frequency of self actualized libra, as a test for myself like how well can i put down the energy i sense visually, but also, to help myself understand my own motivations at this point in my life. i watched madoka magica for the first time in 2012 when i was 18 so its been w me for 10 years now. there’s a lot of ancient text posts scattered across my old tumblrs where im ranting about how i feel so useless and empty like madoka, i have nothing to offer except giving all of my self up to the people in my life. i see it in so many libra types, suns moons risings whatever, its like you want nothing more than to be a side character in your own life. the sun is in it’s detriment when it’s in libra because it makes your ego so weak, it often takes years to even gain the self awareness that you accidentally merge with everyone you care about to the extent that the thought of being You is terrifying. it wasnt even like anyone had to force me to be their sidekick. it just happened naturally, it was what i wanted, i was always known as someone’s best friend or partner, it’s what i was comfortable with but.. over time it wore me down, when i was alone i’d lose my mind, i grew so insecure that i had no means of self sufficiency. since the time i was 18 i slowly became more aware of the way i was sacrificing too much of myself in a way that was ultimately unproductive to everyone.. i had to cycle through the same lessons over n over again before it really REALLY sunk in. speaking of cycles, i am almost done with my saturn return, which is the first cycle of saturn that takes around 29.5 years. my saturn is in aquarius, almost exactly trine my libra sun and jupiter. saturn is also the ruling planet of my chart, being that i am capricorn rising. its a time of high pressure. everything i was doing that was  unsustainable has completely crumbled around me. i am forced to develop into my own person and for all the pain, it is giving me an unusual sense of gratitude.. so i knew that when i drew madoka i wanted to draw her by herself. and i wanted her to look strong.. i kept thinking of the world card, the way it’s representative of wholeness, fulfillment, completion of cycles. the way she’s looking back into the past w compassion as she steps forward into the future. i wasnt sure though, i was trying to come up w other ideas too. i had just started listening to bladee spiderr for the first time as i was looking up pictures of the world card. suddenly as understatement is playing it clicks w me the lyrics im hearing,,
(Gravity very up, won the World Cup) (What? What? What? What?) F the world, what? F the world, what? What? What? What? What? (Gravity very up, won the World Cup) (What? What? What? What?) (F the world, what? F the world, what?)
i just kept hearing him repeat “The World” and it felt so synchronized like it was the first time id ever heard that song, i am hearing these lyrics for the first time as im staring at the world card which i had just searched up right before it got to that part in the song. it felt like a message T-T and then this as the outro,
Never read the reason as a sign Keep this little secret in your mind Final destination is the sky Caterpillar dreamt that it could fly
yep OK i hear you loud & clear, im drawing madoka as the world! it was a cathartic thing to draw, more than most of my drawings. i cried a lot during the process, thinking about how far ive come, how much ive evolved from the scared fragile 18yr old madokaform i once was. its not like im doing amazing now but i know who i am and i am working hard to create my own purpose that will unfold just for me. this blog has helped me a lot to feel like i can explore my own world. ofc the nature of this blog is still somewhat reliant on input from others.. but i like that.. i think there’s good and distinguishable boundaries and like. this time last year i was posting to no one and it was basically like that for 6 months. and id do it again! because i post to post, whether people reciprocate or not, does not dictate my actions. it’s freeing.. it really is great though, the little tumblr community on here, it’s incredibly sweet and i love u all a lot. it’s really helping me get thru the crumbling period of my life. if you even read all this, thank you! i wanted to write this for catharsis. i want to be the hero of my story like aries bladee. yep thats my ramblings for today.
Your favourite songs getting old, the same story being told Over and over and over again Too many times in a row, the same lesson I know the same lesson I know I know, I know To holy lights we exposed We start shining in gold Golden, golden, golden
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untaemedqueen · 3 years
Third Wheeling
CEO!Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 29.
Warnings (Updating Still): Smut, Cheating, Unexpected Pregnancy, Unfaithful, Emotional Damage, Love
Warnings For This Chapter: Pre-Wedding Jitters, Dirty Talk, Daddy Kink, Fingering, Praise, Lactation Kink, Milk Drinking, Pregnancy Kink, Wife Kink, Glazed Donut!OC
A/N: Today’s chapter is late because I’ve been busy playing New Pokemon Snap... sry. Shout out to @xjoonchildx, @ladyartemesia and @ppersonna because I’d be lost without them.
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There are undoubtedly many events in life that make a person nervous -- your first day of high school and college, your first kiss, your first sexual experience, and for some even your first phone call you give to your doctor when you're no longer under your parents protection. But no one -- not a single person, told you how nervous your wedding day is.
Maybe it's the amount of people that are attending. Two hundred is no small number.
Or maybe it's the fact that with your belly sticking out so far you can barely see your feet makes you feel like you'll be judged.
Whatever it is, the feeling fucking sucks.
You've seen so many movies where the woman who is getting married is all laughs and smiles, giving cheers to anyone and everyone because it's her wedding day. But now, you can officially say it's bullshit.
The best part is, it isn't even today, it's tomorrow and you still are frightened to the bone at the thought.
"-And I mean, yeah. Fine. We chose the taupe napkins but who the fuck is Aubrey to say anything, y'know? Like she knows her colors… Evil witch. I swear I don't know how she passed kindergarten!"
Leena's rant drifts through your ears like a soft breeze. You haven't been paying attention for a while, if you're being honest.
"Y/N? Are you listening to me?!" Leena gawks, grabbing her glass of champagne from Taehyung's hand.
Again, you're caught up in your own mind. You play every scenario of how tomorrow will be and they all seem to be terrible ideas.
What if you trip walking down the aisle?
What if your heel snaps on the way up?
What if your water breaks in front of two hundred people?
What if-
A small square of balsamic bruschetta appears in front of your face and your eyes narrow at the piece of bread.
You feel your soon-to-be husband's fingers pushing back some stray hairs behind your ear. "Food for thought?" he quips happily.
He has not had a frown on his face in what seems like forever. You adore it, you really do. But how can he not be nervous? Your heart is practically thrumming out of your chest.
"Open," he whispers.
Reluctantly, you open your mouth for the appetizer. When he leans in, you look back down at your lap.
"I can see your heart racing through the artery in your neck," he murmurs against your ear.
His hand squeezes your knee under the table reassuringly as he pulls away.
Yoongi wants to pry, he wants to ask you what's got you so in your own head but there are a few too many people here for that.
"Noona, you're an amazing cook." Jeongguk whines, grabbing another piece of steak off the platter.
"You're actually disgusting." Jimin breathes, wrinkling his nose at the youngest's third steak.
"I need my meat, that's how I win in the ring. Gets me all big and strong." Guk beams, cutting into the large t-bone.
"That's what she said!" Hoseok and Taehyung chirp at the same time.
You watch as they high five each other with child-like smiles plastered onto their faces.
"Are you tired? Do you want to call it a night?" your fiance inquires softly, turning his whole body towards you so the rest of the room can't hear him.
You would never want to take away from the festivities. It's just that your stupid anxiety is overwhelming. Looking over at your handsome partner, your fingers intertwine with his. He's quick to kiss the back of your hand, searching your eyes for some sort of hint as to why you're so down.
"No. I'm fine. I'm sorry." you reply, giving him a small smile.
His eyes narrow at your smile and he takes a sharp breath through his teeth in confusion.
"Al...right, if you say so." he says unsurely, running your intertwined hands over your belly.
"Y/N!" Leena whines from across the table and this time you give her your full attention.
You need to try and push this anxiousness elsewhere even for a little while. You will not be a horrible host.
"Yes Beena," you inquire, leaning your chin on your hand.
"Did you hear me? Did you hear what Kim Aubrey said about my wedding planning skills?!" she screeches.
You can only snort as all eyes around the table land on you. "I don't know why you indulge her. Isn't she the one that shit her pants in chemistry when she was fifteen?"
Yoongi laughs loudly, throwing his head back and placing his hand on his chest.
"Actually yeah, she sat two rows behind me!" Namjoon chimes in with wide eyes. His nose wrinkles at the sudden memory and you don't blame him as he pushes his plate away in a sudden state of queasiness.
"So I don't suck at wedding planning?" your best friend pouts across the long table to you.
"Absolutely not." you insist, winking at her.
"This wedding is going to be the biggest event of the entire year. Maybe even the biggest event of the next ten years." Anna, Jimin's wife cheers.
Love that.
"Well, I think we just want people to have a good time. We aren't worried about what impact it will have." Yoongi says quickly, caressing his thumb over the back of your hand to calm you down.
He's not dumb. He's figured it out by now, but he'll still want to hear it from your lips later on.
"Yeah right. 'Min Yoongi and his artistically talented fiance WOW people with their show stopping matrimony' is gonna be on the cover of Dispatch in two days." Hoseok murmurs.
"Oh yeah? And you're gonna be the one giving them the hot scoop, then?" Namjoon jeers, pointing his index finger over the lip of his glass of brandy at the handsome man.
Hobi sneers in his direction and Yoongi can only respond with a chuckle.
"My fiance is pretty show stopping." the CEO surmises, leaning back in his chair.
"Please. I'm eating. Christ." Leena groans through a mouthful of pasta.
It is nice to have so many close friends around tonight though. You hope it can distract you long enough for the nervousness brewing and bubbling inside of you to subside.
When conversations begin to break up and become between smaller groups of people, you can feel his eyes on you like a heat source.
"Little dove?" Yoongi coos softly, rubbing your distended side.
You hum to him, turning to give him your full attention.
"Tomorrow is going to be beautiful and perfect." he promises, tilting your chin up with his index finger.
"No, I know. I'm just-"
"Worried." he finishes for you and he's not surprised to see your reluctant nod of agreement.
"I know. I'm nervous too." he admits, kissing your cheek.
"You've already gotten married before," you scoff, allowing his arm to curl around your shoulders.
"Actually I was black out drunk and can't remember a single thing because I was venomously angry with the dumb bitch that ruined my life before you." he replies with a wide smile.
"Oh. Good." you reply, rolling your eyes at his playfulness.
"So this is my first real wedding too. And even though I'm nervous, I'm excited. Because then when the wedding is over and we get to our honeymoon-"
"Uh uh." you gasp, smushing your finger to his lips.
He pouts against your finger, kissing it softly. "What?" he garbles against your digit.
"We have company." you whisper fiercely.
"Didn't stop you a few days ago when you sucked my cock beneath the desk upstairs while I was on a video meeting." he deadpans, pulling your hand away from his face.
"Yoongi!" you gasp, glancing over the table who hasn't heard a single thing.
You'd like to keep it that way.
"I can't wait to fuck your little pregnant cunt as you're Mrs. Min Yoongi." he beams, kissing your temple.
You can feel your cheeks flushing with embarrassment and you can only blame the man beside you for that one.
When you smack his chest out of shame, the noise echoes throughout the room, earning attention from all of the guests.
"Abuse is not nice, Y/N. Do you want to file a lawsuit, Yoongi?" Yoona quips, sticking her tongue out at you.
The CEO chuckles, squeezing your shoulder with glee. "No, she couldn't handle my lawyers." he bubbles.
"Oh yeah, you know you aren't supposed to sleep with each other tonight, right?" Leena inquires, moving her fork between the both of you.
The cackle Yoongi gives is loud and absurd, much like your best friend's comment. "I can't do anything to her she doesn't have proof of." he banters, pointing at your large belly.
Leena scoffs, pointing down at her plate. "Again. Eating. Gross." she enunciates, pouring herself another glass of expensive champagne.
Jimin's laugh rings throughout the dining room and Yoongi knows that he's the only person who could truly understand him in that moment.
"Why do people do that dumb tradition anyway?" Jeongguk asks, finally finishing his food.
"It actually comes from arranged marriages. When people didn't know who they were marrying." Yoona informs him.
"Fuck that luck shit. That's the saying, isn't it? 'It's bad luck to see the bride' or something like that." Hoseok breathes.
"I think I'm lucky," Yoongi, Namjoon and Jimin reply all at once.
Your best friend takes the opportunity to sneer at her boyfriend and you can't help but giggle at his hopeless expression. "You know I love you, baby." Taehyung coos, sliding his arm over her shoulders.
"Mhm." she drolls, rolling her eyes when both of you look at one another.
"What's for dessert?" Jeongguk asks pleasantly, tying his long black hair up into a ponytail.
"Are you serious? You're not full?" Namjoon gawks at the boxer.
"I was saving room for dessert!" he beams, looking over at you expectantly.
Jeongguk is sweet, sweeter than most younger men you've ever met. He feels something akin to a little brother to you at this point and it's wonderful to see that even if you're rich you can still have manners.
"I made just a simple cobbler, since the wedding cake tomorrow is going to be super heavy and rich." you announce.
Yoongi shoves his chair back, holding out his hand to help you up like the gentleman he is.
He watches you carefully sprinkle powdered sugar atop the dessert with warm eyes.
You don't know how difficult it's going to be walking up that aisle tomorrow, but you do know that your ankles are going to be on fire. They already are.
He picks up the ceramic dish for you, nodding to the chair for you to sit back down and your heart warms for what feels like the billionth time today.
He's such a special person.
"Yoongi is really cool these days, huh?" Jimin jeers, elbowing your fiance when he steps between him and Jeongguk to place the dessert onto the table.
"I've always been cool," he counters, nudging the younger man back
"Well…" Jeongguk and Taehyung droll at the same time.
"Whatever," the CEO breathes, rolling his eyes.
Your giggle seems to light up the room as well as Yoongi's heart. Slamming down in his chair beside you, he can't help the glee that courses through him.
He can't wait for tomorrow.
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Climbing into bed, you let the mattress mold to your body and it feels like heaven to be finally laying down, your body certainly thanks you for it.
Yoongi leans against the wall, watching as you sigh happily. "I can just come to bed y'know? I don't need to stay up and hang out." he offers, padding towards you.
"No, that wouldn't be fair. It's your bachelor party. You should be able to play poker and drink." you reply, cupping your stomach.
His eyes drift over you and you can see how soft his expression is in the dim lighting. "You got out of your bachelorette party," he adds, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"I have a reason. I'm pregnant." you deadpan, lifting your head to look at him.
"With my baby," he coos, stretching up the bed to lay down beside you.
"Don't get comfy." you warn him, running your fingers over his clothed chest.
"I'm not, I'll just stay until you fall asleep." he promises, kissing your forehead.
His hand drifts over your stomach and the tiny kick he feels makes his heart beat faster. "Hey, kid. How you doin' in there?" he whispers, running his thumb over the spot his son just hit.
You hum gently, letting your eyes flutter closed.
"I'm so tired but I'm so nervous." you announce in the quiet room.
Your fiance looks away from your belly to look over at you. "It's okay to be nervous, but don't let it supersede your happiness for tomorrow either."
You nod gently, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I just have so many scenarios going through my head."
"And none of them are nice, I'm sure." he replies, booping your nose with his index finger.
Scoffing in agreement, you bury your face into his sweet smelling neck.
"I can make you cum, it might make you sleepy," he offers.
"I can't return the favor though, I'm too tired. It'll be unfair," you whine.
When he clicks his teeth, you only hold him tighter to your body.
"I don't need you to 'return the favor' when you love someone as much as I love you, you'd do anything to see them comfortable." he replies, kissing the top of your head.
"They're waiting for you downstairs." you remind him.
"Let them wait. You come first," he breathes, running the tips of his fingers over your soft inner thighs.
You whine in disagreement but your body betrays you naturally. Your legs spread wider and your breath hitches, your lips softly suckle on the thin skin of his neck waiting patiently for what he will do next.
"Your skin is so soft," he whispers, tugging the seat of your panties to the side.
He pulls away from you just far enough to be able to see how well he pleases you and he's already aroused at the sight.
Your eyes are low with lust, bottom lip clamped between your teeth. Your nipples are stiff peaks, straining against the grey silk nightgown you adorn. He can see the grey fabric becoming darker with each passing second as you bead milk.
"God," he groans, parting your lower lips.
"Tomorrow when we fly to Japan, I'm gonna fuck you in every way you could possibly think of." he promises, running his middle finger through your arousal.
"H-How?" you inquire curiously, gasping when he taps the pad of his finger to your clit.
His lips part and his teeth clamp down on one of the cups of your nightgown before pulling down harshly.
You whimper at the chilly air that glides over your now exposed skin.
He lays soft, hot opened mouthed kisses to your nipple, watching your eyebrows furrow in pleasure.
"How am I going to fuck you?" he prods.
You nod fervently, capturing your index finger between your teeth.
"Well," he begins, drawing smooth, slow circles to your swelling clit, "I'll start on the red eye. I'll take you back to the bedroom and take off that pretty wedding dress you'll be wearing just for me."
"Daddy," you whimper, spreading your legs wider for more.
He hums in agreement, pulling off your underwear to free you completely before him.
"I'm gonna make sure the whole crew of my plane knows you're getting fucked by your husband. Gonna have you screaming my name while I fuck your tight little pussy with my thick cock." he avows, kissing over your shoulder.
His words send shivers up your spine and your toes curl with excitement.
"Fuck," you whimper, grinding your hips down onto his hand.
"Gonna hold your big belly in my hands while I fuck you from behind. Let your milk drip all over the sheets of the bed on the plane. You're gonna beg me to go harder, to fill your dirty pregnant cunt full of my cum. I'm gonna make you feel so good, you aren't even going to care that everyone can hear you calling me daddy."
Shoving two fingers inside of you, he skillfully taps the soft patch of nerves within you and your brain is already firing on all cylinders to cum for him. His thumb begins to press harder circles into your clit and when you cup your belly, his eyes roll back at the sight.
"Gonna get you to the secluded hotel and fuck you out on the balcony, in the bath tub, on the bed, anywhere I can get my hands on you. Because I need you wrapped around me. Always." he murmurs into your ear.
"Shit!" you cry out, letting your head loll back to the pillow.
"Good girl, little dove." he praises, unbuttoning his pants for relief.
The head of his cock peeks out from the lip of his briefs and you whimper at the pearl of precum that beads at the tip.
"You're so beautiful," he breathes, kissing from your collarbone to your pert nipple.
When he suckles softly, your hips lift at the erotocism. He moans at the taste of your milk and his hand ghosts over his hard cock.
"Daddy," you cry out, starting to shake from the overwhelming pleasure.
Sitting up on his knees, he shoves his pants down further. He parts your legs wider and he doesn't seem to care that all of his friends are waiting patiently for him downstairs.
His cock ruts between your folds and you're ever so close to cumming with every swipe the head of his cock brushes against your clit.
"So warm," he murmurs, purchasing his bottom lip between his teeth.
Your moans begin to get louder and he knows you're so close to releasing your pleasure.
"That's it baby, you're so close." Yoongi notices, running his hands over your stomach.
"O-Oh my God!" you cry out, grabbing his hands over your belly.
"I know, little dove. Feels good, huh?" he coos.
You're so obscenely wet, that even without him being inside you he's finding himself close to his own end.
It's just you in general, you overstimulate him in ways he can barely understand.
"Daddy, I'm gonna cum." you bleat, gripping his hands harder.
"Cum for me, little dove. I want to see your pretty face when you cum for me." he begs, rutting his hips harder against your core.
You do as told, cumming for him with white spotted eyes and loud sobs of pleasure.
"Good girl," he praises, pulling away from your weeping pussy.
He fists his cock in hand, dragging the swollen, leaking tip over your belly. "Such a pretty woman I have beneath me. Fuck," he curses, jerking his hand faster.
Even as tiredness begins to shroud you, you want him to orgasm too. "Daddy, cum all over my belly. Want to feel your warm cum."
He takes a sharp breath between his teeth, his eyes snapping to yours.
When you palm your breasts, his eyes immediately falter to them. You pinch your nipples purposefully, earning droplets of milk that stream slowly over your digits.
"Oh fuck!" he gasps loudly, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
"Want your cum so badly," you whimper, looking up at him with doe-like eyes.
"Yeah? You want me to cum all over your belly?" he prods, feeling his balls tightening.
You nod fervently, leaving your breasts to rub circles to your distended skin.
"Fuck!" he curses, squeezing his eyes shut as his orgasm courses through him. His cock throbs and stutters in his hand and you hum with satisfaction when you feel his warm cum land on your belly.
"God, you're too sexy for your own good." the father of your child jeers, sitting back on the heels of his feet.
You find yourself giving a tired giggle and your eyelids slowly begin to shield your eyes from view.
"Good girl." he whispers softly, hopping off the bed to clean your stomach.
When he comes back with a wet towel, he can see that you're already fast asleep. He's happy knowing that you'll be able to sleep even if it's only for a few hours.
He can understand your worries and your fears but he wants you to be able to enjoy your wedding too.
Kissing your forehead as he cleans your belly, he sighs softly. "My wife," he breathes, closing his eyes.
"I'll be back later, my love." he promises, tossing the rag back into the bathroom.
Yoongi covers your naked body with the comforter and his heart is thudding in the recesses of his chest with joy.
Just a few more hours and you'll be legally his.
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"Remind me why we're playing poker the night before your wedding instead of going out?" Taehyung asks, throwing chips into the center of the green felted table.
"Because there's no pregnant strippers around these parts," Jimin jeers, picking up his beer.
Yoongi sneers at the younger man beside him, elbowing him almost out of embarrassment.
"What? If I could go see a pregnant strip show, believe me, I would."
"We know." everyone replies, rolling their eyes.
"Last time you had a bachelor party, man, that shit was fun." the hotel CEO recalls.
"You had fun." Yoongi reminds him, ashing his cigar.
"Also, aren't you completely smitten with Leena anyway? You want her to have your baby." Namjoon prods, placing his cards down on the table.
Taehyung smirks at his comment, leaning back into his chair and slinging his arm over the lip. "Oh, I'm very happy. She's everything I could possibly want." he affirms, smiling to himself.
"Then why do you want to go to a strip club?" Hoseok adds, throwing chips onto the table.
"Because I like tits. Jesus Christ, just crucify me why don't you!" Tae replies appalled.
Yoongi snorts loudly, clamping his teeth down on his cigar.
He wonders if you're okay, if you've woken up in the past few hours due to his son being so active.
His fingers flex uncomfortably and he's still surprised how much his life has changed in such a small amount of time. He's gone from being a violent, sadistic, narcissistic asshole to being a needy, loving and adoring man. And that's all thanks to you.
You've completely changed the pattern of his DNA and he could never appreciate you as much as you deserve.
"You excited for tomorrow, hyung?" Guk's voice pulls him from his thoughts and he smirks at the younger man.
"Very excited but very nervous." he admits to his group of friends.
"I remember the night of his other wedding. He was so fucking drunk he could barely stand up on his own." Jimin recalls with a laugh.
"I had to hold him up with my shoulder from behind so he didn’t fall backwards." Namjoon adds with a sharp laugh.
Yoongi smirks to himself, looking down at his pocket which holds his wallet. "Well, I'm just glad we don't have to have a repeat of that horrible day again."
"You got lucky dude, not many people find their soulmate when they were an asshole like you were." Hoseok says, pointing at the Kisung CEO.
His sneer is terrifying but probably only to himself as the other men laugh at Hobi's words.
"Y/N completely made him do a 180." Joon concurs.
"I like Y/N noona a lot. She fits in well and she's always optimistic and sweet. We needed someone like her in our lives." Guk beams and your soon-to-be husband seems to glow in their praise.
He loves hearing his friends talk so highly of you. He loves knowing that you're loved for being yourself, especially because you don't know it very often.
He can remember when he first met you, in the back of Seokjin's club. You were sweet and kind but a smart ass and cheeky at the same time. You intrigued him on so many levels and he can remember how badly he wanted to destroy you. But he never would have expected to fall in love with you as earnestly as he has.
And he wouldn't change it for anything in the universe.
"Leena has been putting in so much work for this wedding, you would think it's hers." Taehyung laughs, pulling Yoongi out of his reverie.
"And when are you getting married to her then?" the Kisung CEO inquires, ashing his cigar.
The question seems to stupify the handsome hotel owner, he stutters and shifts awkwardly in his seat trying to reply to the sudden question.
"Jesus, you broke him!" Jimin laughs, clapping his best friend on the back.
Taehyung's cheeks burn bright red and his hand immediately cups the back of his neck out of embarrassment. "I mean I bought a ring. I just haven't thought of anything romantic to y'know… ask her."
Beer goes flying out of Jimin's mouth and the sneer Yoongi gives makes him want to die on the spot.
"Jimin. You're paying for the new felt, you fucking animal." Yoongi gripes, watching Namjoon and Hoseok heartily laugh at the younger man.
"That'll be great! Leena noona is really nice!" Jeongguk cheers, hugging Taehyung happily.
"Thanks…" Tae breathes embarrassed.
Yoongi winks at him and he isn't surprised in the slightest, he knows just how smitten the man is with your best friend.
The voice is gentle and tired.  In an instant he's burning out his cigar and waving the smoke away.
"Yeah, baby?" he calls to you, disregarding the others in the library.
"Just checking to see if you were all still here," you murmur, stepping into the library doorway.
You're beautiful in the dim glow of the library's lights and the smile that spreads over his face is heart shatteringly perfect.
"Still here." he beams, padding over to you.
"Okay." you bleat, rubbing your sleep hooded eyes.
"What're you doing up, my dove? You must be so tired." he inquires, pushing hair back behind your ear.
"I'm thirsty. Wanted water." you chirp, pressing your forehead into his chest.
"Okay. Get your water and I'll be up in a few minutes. Alright?" he promises, tipping your chin up with his index finger.
You hum in agreement, starting to yawn.
He chuckles at your sleepy state, kissing your forehead. He pats your backside for good measure before turning to his friends that are seated around the poker table.
"I think it's time to get some rest before the big day tomorrow."
The guys hum in agreement, tossing down their cards and standing up.
"Tomorrow's gonna be great, man. I'm really happy for you." Joon whispers, patting his shoulder as he heads out first.
Yoongi can only agree with a wide smile.
Tomorrow is the start to the rest of his life. And it's perfect, just like you.
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Next Chapter ----->
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Third Wheeling Taglist -  @wickizer, @imluckybitches, @slothykrueger, @claireelise19, @ggukkieland, @rspbrryy, @iv-bts, @bambuzlee, @chanelbts, @mxxngxdss, @bluewhale52, @milesjeon11, @diamonddia-mond, @vinylphwoar, @xnxy97, @hubbytaehyung, @140503at-dawn, @bts-7beauts, @jadeblackwoll, @sunshiine-hobii, @creatorspalace, @eclectically-esoteric, @nikkiordonez12, @kaitswrld, @skamlover200, @sevgilove98, @kooeuphoria, @jikooksgirl19, @hobbledehoy26, @singular-itae, @dchimminie, @lowlifeoeuvre, @sugaslittlekookies, @bloopbloopb, @pjmcth, @softysuho, @codeinbelle, @jaiuneamesolitaiire, @betysotelo18, @jeonmisha, @iwanttohitmyself, @ayyyocee, @neverthefirstchoice, @itsbangtanoclock, @little7bitchh, @veryuniquenamegoeshere, @deathkat657, @firstlovesuga-93, @namjoonia, @paperpurple, @muzikabijou, @liebeoppa, @veronawrites, @kleff03, @ruinsofangels, @brightwingr5, @leekanchol, @rkivemagic, @ithinkileftmycoatoutside, @melaninkpops, @y00ngisbabygirl, @ungodlyjoon, @prochnost513, @dunixxd, @athenakyle, @igotnotype, @chxmachxps, @tinymintyoongi, @vangameren-blog, @alpaca1612, @ohcarolinamin, @thegreatestsushi​, @eltrain80, @btsmylife21, @deeepvibes, @httpminyg, @deliciouslydisturbed365​, @rkchmestizangmaldita​, @jimin-chu, @pimpnameyannie​, @preciouschimine​, @daughterofthequeen, @monetsberet​, @vanillamyg, @aamxxrii​, @kooafraid​, @ladykadyrova​, @singjisu​, @yazanii​, @moonlitmyg​, @justzeera​, @absolutefantrash​, @whocaresarchives​, @loosewindmill, @vantesfx​, @bt21chim​, @flowerboyhobi​, @kozuume-kenma, @taepiper​
Sorry for those it didn’t tag!
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Suna + Miya Twins Overhear You Talking About Them
I just did the Inarizaki boys that I’m most comfortable with writing for. But I don’t mind doing more of them, if you guys want to see them!
Haikyū!! Masterlist
Pairings: Suna Rintarō x Gender Neutral! Reader, Miya Atsumu x Gender Neutral! Reader, Miya Osamu x Gender Neutral! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, you are a badass in Atsumu’s part, strong language
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Suna Rintarō:
Suna didn’t have afternoon practice, for once.
Kita had been drilling them pretty hard lately. And even the dedicated Captain needed a break, every once in a while.
So, he’d given the rest of the team off as well.
So, your boyfriend had decided to surprise you.
With how hard he’d been working recently, he honestly couldn’t wait to walk you home and take a nap with you.
It was something he’d been looking forward to, since the moment he’d found out that they wouldn’t be having practice today. 
Walking through the halls, he soon locates your classroom, smiling lazily as he spots your classroom, taking longer strides as he nears your classroom.
He steps aside to let your classmates pass him by, before then stepping in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe as his eyes scan the room for you.
Once he locates you speaking to your friends, he finally steps into the room and begins to walk over to you.
Holding a finger to his lips to silence your friends, he gets ready to hug you from behind.
Though, he stops short when he hears you say his name, suddenly tuning to your conversation with your friends.
Listening you brag about him
Listening to you brag about the date he took you on
Listening to you brag about the male who did your eyeliner in the morning and who you picked out jewelry for, in the morning
The biggest smile spread across Suna’s lips.
“- Yeah, so when we got there Rintarō made me put a blindfold on, which I was kind of suspicious of, of course, because I trust him and all, but that doesn’t change the fact that he is still very much friends with the Miya twins. He’d set up a picnic under the cherry blossom trees, for us.” You grin as you brag about the date your boyfriend had taken you on. “He says Osamu helped him with the food, but I think he was only saying that to be modest.”
   “He’s just so perfect. I love him so much,” you let out a breathy laugh, wearing a huge grin on your face. “And did you see his fucking eyeliner today? Boy is about to make me act up. Not to mention that whenever I stay the night, he pulls me into his lap so he can do my eyeliner like his. He’s so cute.”
   Rintarō couldn’t help but let out a quiet laugh, wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his head on your shoulder. “Hey, baby.” He cooes in your ear. And there was no hesitance in the way you sunk back into his arms, leaning in to kiss his cheek with a sheepish grin.
   “So, how much of that did you hear?” You ask quietly.
   Your friends, having seen and heard enough of the lovey-dovey moments you shared between you and your boyfriend, decide to finally take their leave. “Well, he walked in, about the time you were ranting about how you wanted him to teach you to skateboard,” one responds with a smirk.
   Though another finishes, “No clue when he finally started paying attention, though!” With a chorus of laughs, they wave as the small group begins to leave. 
   Turning in his arms so you can face him, you smile up at your boyfriend, to which he grins right back down at you. “So... You talk about me?” He raises an eyebrow.
   Though his voice had a teasing lilt to it, looking in his eyes, you didn’t see condescension or judgement. Just adoration. 
   “Yeah, all of the time, Rintarō.” You respond with a smile. “Why wouldn’t I want to brag about you, to anyone that would listen?” You bring your hands to his cheeks, grinning at the way he looks towards the floor, almost in embarrassment. 
   “I love you, Y/N.” Rintarō cooes to you, before leaning in and pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.
   “I love you too, Rintarō.” 
   “Please don’t stop,” he says, placing a chaste kiss to your forehead.
   You furrow your brows, “What, bragging about you?”
   He shrugs in response, “That... Being you. Loving me.”
   “Never.” You state firmly, making him grin as he incircles you with his arm, ready to take you home so he could curl up in bed with you.
Miya Atsumu:
So, he wasn’t supposed to overhear you.
Definitely not.
Usually after his games, it took them a while to load up the bus, for the trip back to their own gym.
Sometimes you helped them, sometimes you stayed to talk with friends.
Today, it was talking to friends... Or a friend, rather. 
This two day tournament was to continue tomorrow. The team that would be playing against the winners of the last match of the day had come to scope out the competition.
Boy were they surprised when they saw someone as attractive as you, sporting an Inarizaki jersey.
Wanting to not only antagonize whatever team member you were here to support, but also flirt with you, a few of the players waltz over to you and your friend.
Imagine Atsumu’s surprise when he comes to pick up his partner and another team is flirting with them.
His temper got the best of him and he took a few steps forward.
Though, he was stopped by Osamu and Suna, who had joined him in coming to get you. 
Suna pulled his phone out and started recording, Osamu telling him to listen with an amused grin on his face.
And as he finally tuned in to what was being said, he just grinning proudly.
“Hold on, hold on... Did he just say what I think he said?” You glance at your friend, who just shakes their head in amusement at your rhetorical question. You laugh and shake your head, “My boyfriend was the setter. And I dare you to keep running your mouth about him.” 
   You take a step forward, crossing your arms. “Well, go on tough guy. You were saying something about him, weren’t you? You’re talking about Japan’s best high school setter. Not to mention, he’s a pretty damn good server, as well. And on top of that, he’s been invited to the All-Japan Intensive Youth Training Camp. So, before you start running your mouth, best get your facts straight. You’ll lose tomorrow. And that’s that. Inarizaki is going to hand your ass to you.” 
   “Come on, F/N. We have a bus to catch.” You state, turning around to walk away. As you spot your boyfriend and his two closest friends standing there, watching you with prideful grins, your eyes widen a bit.
   How long had they been there? Was Suna recording you? Rolling your eyes, you walk over to the three boys, easily pulling your boyfriend’s arm over your shoulders, Atsumu making sure to flip the shit-talker off, before turning to walk away with you, your three friends following shortly behind.
   Atsumu smirks as he looks down at you. “Brag about me like that often, do ya’?”
   “All of the time,” your friend groans from their spot behind you, in between Suna and Osamu.
   You feel your ears growing warm as you shoot them a short glare, though Atsumu just grips your chin, stopping your walking to pull you into a kiss. Grumbling comes from the other three, so they just continue on to the bus, leaving you both in their wake.
   “You know... It means a lot... That ya’ brag about me..,” he tells you as he separates from you momentarily, gently stroking his thumb against your temple as he cradles your cheek in his palm.
   You smile and lean your face into his hand. “Good. I wasn’t planning on stopping, anytime soon.” You whisper, closing your eyes as you press a sweet kiss to his palm, adoring eyes watching you.
   Despite him acting the part of a hot-headed ass, quite often... No one could deny that you made him absolutely melt. The male couldn’t help his tenderness with you. “I love you, Y/N.”
   “I love you too, Atsumu.” You open your eyes to look at him, catching his soft gaze, just looking up into his eyes.
   Until Osamu broke the moment by screaming at you two to get on the bus, with the rest of the team.
Miya Osamu:
It wasn’t often that you hung out with Suna and Atsumu, without Osamu around.
Not that you didn’t enjoy their company, but you were around your boyfriend pretty often. 
With Atsumu prying about whether he’d made a better boyfriend than Osamu or not, he ended up provoking you into bragging about how great your boyfriend was.
But here’s the kicker.
This wasn’t the first time you had bragged about Osamu to his brother and best friend.
But every time you did, Suna couldn’t manage to get it on video
And Osamu didn’t believe his brother, when Atsumu teased him about having an S/O that was so proud and bragged about him, all of the time.
You always seemed so calm and nonchalant around him.
So of course he doubted Atsumu when he told his brother how you’d animatedly bragged about him.
So, Osamu waited (hidden) in the closet in the gym, while Suna and Atsumu sat with you on the bleachers ‘waiting’ for him.
Osamu has never grown so red, so quick
Because he was wrong. 
You did, in fact, brag about him, and he found it to be absolutely adorable and sweet of you. 
He swore, he had hearts in his eyes.
“No, Atsumu. Did you cook a six course meal for your significant other? Did you take them to a carnival the next night? Do you play with their hair and let them sleep with their head on your lap, risking getting in trouble for it, in class? Do you leave notes in their locker and bring them their favorite homemade foods where they’re sick?” You huff, narrowing your eyes at the blonde challengingly. If anyone could provoke you, it would be Suna and Atsumu. They were such fucking assholes and knew which buttons to prod at, every time.
   “Don’t open your mouth to speak. You know he’s the more romantic of you two.” You huff, crossing your hands over your chest. “Don’t you already argue with him enough about this? Who’s got the partner, right now, Atsumu? - That’s right, Osamu. It’s a losing argument.” 
   So what if you were a rather competitive person? It was one of the many reasons that Osamu had been so attracted to you, in the first place. You didn’t hate Atsumu and you meant it as nothing more than banter - and he knew that, by the look of the smirk on his face. You and Atsumu argued almost as often as he and his brother did. Only, it didn’t get as heated, between you both.
   You didn’t even hear your boyfriend coming next to the bleachers, not even realizing he’s there, until he’s wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you down from the bleachers and into his arms. “Oh yeah? Ya’ think so, doll?” He cooes in your ear, grinning at the way you glare at Atsumu.
   “You set me up. Just you two wait until I get my hands on you, alright?” You watch as Suna suddenly finds himself standing.
   “You know, I think that I hear my sister calling for me.” The brunet nods, before lazily saluting you both, taking his leave.
   Atsumu takes the hint with wide eyes. “I think I hear his sister calling me too... See y’all around, alright kiddos? Don’t have too much fun, ya’ hear?”
   You roll your eyes as they leave, before looking at Osamu, who’s still staring down at you with a cocked eyebrow and a lazy smirk. “Ya’ know, I didn’t believe ‘Tsumu when he said that you bragged about me... Kind of glad I didn’t, ‘cause then I got to hear ya’ do it first hand.”
   “You enjoy hearing about me brag about you that much?” You raise an eyebrow at him, curiously.
   With a sheepish shrug, Osamu nods. “Yeah... I’ve never had anyone... Y’know, brag about me like ya’ do. It means a lot to me, ta’ here ya’ brag about me like I’m something special.”
   “You are special, ‘Samu.” You tell him, placing a hand on his cheek. “Really special... And I love you, you know that?”
   He places his hand on top of yours, pressing his cheek into your warm palm. “I love ya’ too, Y/N... A whole lot.”
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cerberusdailynews · 3 years
[PEOPLE] Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi
By Cil M’riste, freelance storyteller xposted to Freelance News, Cerberus Daily News, The Watch, and 14 others The Ardat-Yakshi condition is one of our oldest myths. One that is largely presumed to be legend by a large portion of the galaxy’s population. The term “ardat-yakshi” appears in fantasy books, in extranet games, and even in extranet RP forums. But what is the condition, and what is the myth? Most people will never even meet those with the underpinning medical issue. But I happened to get a chance to sit down with someone with the condition, to get her thoughts on a few issues facing people like herself. I myself am not a doctor, nor any legal scholar. So any information provided by this interview can only be taken as a small view into a larger issue. They are the opinions and lived experiences of but one person living with the condition. The rest of the article will be presented in a Q/A format, with a set of final thoughts from myself. Cil (C): "Hi, Nara. It's nice to meet you! Thanks for doing this. How was the trip here?" Nara (N): "Um... nice to meet you too, Cil, my job is to pilot a freighter between here and Palaven, so I make this trip a lot. This time it was a little slower than usual. You'd think traffic jams wouldn't be a thing in three-dimensional space, but with the amount of starship traffic around the Citadel, that's not always true. But I assume you're not here to interview me about my trip. You're here to interview me because I'm an Ardat-Yakshi. Well... Ask away." C:"Oh, no. While that’s true, that it's not what we came here for, I'm not aiming to rush you. But if you'd like to get into it, certainly. Let's see…" N: "Yeah, I'd like to get the tough questions out of the way sooner, I've been stressed out about this interview for like the whole day, and once we get those out of the way it'll be a huge load off my back." C: “Well, for starters. All most of us know about Ar- about those with your condition is that they are... well, extremely controlled, to put it mildly. Most of that knowledge comes from vids and games and all manner of fictional sources, so I don't even know if that's actually part of their thing, but for the sake of asking... Have you ever had an encounter with a Justicar?" N: "I can neither confirm nor deny that, unfortunately. Damn it. Uhhhhh... some of it, but not all of it, will probably be declassified in like fifty years or something. If we're both still around then, I can answer that question. But I think this is the only question that would run into that problem, so feel free to ask anything else you want." C:"So if there's something to declassify that insinuates, at least in my view, at least a tip to the scales in the 'yes' direction. But we'll move on, for sure. Hopefully this one is a little more easily answered. Now, as I understand it, for obvious reasons you've spent your life outside of the Asari Republics entirely. What has life been like for you living away from the traditional asari space?" N: "That... is quite a broad question, you could get a whole interview out of that, if you wanted. But if you want a short answer... On Palaven, especially in the city I grew up in, there weren't very many asari. I spent my whole childhood trying to fit in with my turian neighbors, and I didn't really have other asari to interact with other than my parents. When I became an adult, I enlisted to join the Turian military, where I stayed for most of my life so far, then retired to the reserves several years ago. I ended up having to become a cabalist since I was a biotic, like almost all asari are. There was only one other asari in my cabal though, and we didn't really get along much. First deployment was to Irune, which was pretty peaceful. Also met my wife there, so it made up for having to wear an exosuit all the time. Second deployment was to Solregit, which was... not peaceful. There was a rebellion on the planet's northern hemisphere that wanted to secede from the Hierarchy, which I'm sure you've heard about before. And, of course, I helped defend Palaven during the Reaper War. If there's anything you'd like me to go into more detail about, ask away." C:"Wife? Can you explain how that happened? Were they aware of...everything?" [Nara showed me some pictures here] N:"We met through an online dating service, actually. I stated up-front in my profile that my condition made it impossible for me to meld with anyone, or... be intimate in a way that could risk me accidentally melding with them. But Jin wasn't really interested in either of those things, so we were both happy together in spite of that. I think I have some wedding photos in my omnitool I can show you. That's her. That's Jin. And that's me next to her, but it's hard to tell it's me because the suit obscures my face." C:"Awwww. Those are lovely pictures. Many of us in our maiden stage don't settle down so easily. Do you think living in a mostly turian area growing up influenced your desire to commit to someone that early? And if you don't mind another question to move us along... You seem relatively outspoken about your condition. Is there a reason you feel the need to take what most people would likely consider the risky position of putting yourself and your condition out there without secrecy?" N: "To answer your first question, I would say yes, absolutely. Most of my turian peers, those who did settle down, at least, tended to do so in their thirties. I was thirty-eight years old when I married Jin, which is a little above average for a turian but I found out later that it was like, crazy low for an asari. Your second question is kind of complicated because I have multiple reasons. Firstly, and most importantly, is that somebody needs to speak out. If any of the Ardat-Yakshi in the Republics tried to do an interview like this, they'd be killed or locked up by Justicars or by the government or an angry mob of other asari. I'm still worried sometimes that they'll try and do that to me anyway, even though I've never been to asari space, and if it's a justicar I don't stand any chance of winning a one-on-one fight with one. I have a responsibility to speak up for those who can't speak for themselves, while I still can. Secondly, I'm from the Hierarchy and Turian culture places a very very strong value on honesty. Directly lying about my condition would go against everything I stand for. Thirdly, if what I say informs people about Ardat-Yakshi, it lessens the risk of other Ardat-Yakshi accidentally or, though I'm sad to say it, intentionally injuring or killing innocent people. If even one life is saved, even if I get killed, speaking up will have been worth it. Lastly, though this isn't that important since it only affects my personal life, but I am really, really, annoyed by stereotypes about asari promiscuity and especially asari maiden promiscuity. Letting it be known that I can't sleep with anyone because it could kill them cuts down on unwanted propositioning by, like, ninety percent." C: "Thank you… Those answers definitely shed some light on why you're willing to be rather public about these things. It's a good goal, wanting less people to be hurt. The idea of informing others actually leads quite nicely into my next question. I'm fairly certain I know the answer to this one- But are there any big myths that are simply false, or incomplete information that you think people should know the truth about?" N: "Well, to start things off, basically everything in stuff like Galaxy of Fantasy is wrong. We don't have magic powers, we can't resurrect the dead, et cetera. Most of these should be fairly obviously false, so I'm not going to spend that much time on them because otherwise I'd have to spend all day ranting about stuff like that one human I met who claimed I was somehow a real-life vampire or something. I get so many vampire comparisons. It's annoying. Ardat-yakshi aren't vampires. There's like, no connection at all. Anyway, to get back on track, there's one very important myth I would like to dispel. The ardat-yakshi medical condition is actually a spectrum. The lethal variant of the condition, which I have, is very very rare, but there are other variants that aren't lethal, and are much more common. At the mildest and most common end you have people who just give their meld partners temporary headaches, though most people with this variant don't actually know that what they have is technically a variant of the ardat-yakshi disease, and the Republics don't persecute them like they do with people like me. However, they're still infertile, just like anyone else on the A-Y spectrum. Further along the spectrum, the condition gets bad enough that each meld basically gives the ardat-yakshi's meld partner a concussion, and then even further along the spectrum comes permanent brain damage from each meld, and some ardat-yakshi can even leave their partners comatose in extreme cases. Or dead." C:"Thank you for your answers. I can't imagine it's easy to talk about some of this, given the way the disorder is regarded. Now that we've discussed things that are false, what are some true things you wished other people knew about it?" N: "Well, melding is actually addictive for Ardat-Yakshi, just as the Republics and Justicars say it is. I'm not exactly sure how addictive it is, since at the time of my only meld, which was before I knew I was an Ardat-Yakshi of course, I was already trying to fight off an Aurora addiction. I'm not sure what withdrawal effects were from that and what were from the meld, but it's definitely possible to fight off the addiction. Secondly, Ardat-Yakshi serial killers, though I would like to emphasize that they are very, very rare and are in no way representative of the average A-Y sufferer, do actually exist. They normally don't get very far in the Republics proper, since an autopsy can reveal how the victims died and you can test suspects for the Ardat-Yakshi medical condition. But outside asari space, people don't know how to actually catch the serial killers because the Republics keep trying to suppress information about Ardat-Yakshi, and the serial killers can amass staggering body counts because of that. The Republics would seemingly let hundreds of innocent people die to... um... avoid making themselves look bad or something? I'm actually kind of confused as to why they don't just tell everyone the truth for once." C: "Hm. That makes sense. But what about asari colonies, or even nations with asari majority or pluralities? Surely the condition can occur in them as well? Even if the Republics are, as you say, loath to reveal the truth, surely someone out there has been doing research too? That's just a thought though, I don't actually expect you to know what groups or nations all across the Terminus might be doing." N:"As far as I know, the condition, well, the forms of the condition severe enough to be dangerous, anyway, is rare enough that research isn't prioritized, especially since A-Y is basically a pureblood exclusive disease and asari colonies outside the Republics tend to have fewer purebloods." C:"Well, I have two more questions planned, so we're really scooting along here. Thank you again for sitting down with me. Let's see... Are there any mistakes you've made in your efforts to spread awareness for this condition?" N:"Well, with the fact that so few Ardat-Yakshi are able to speak openly about their conditions, when I talk to people about this, I'm basically the only Ardat-Yakshi that most people ever know about. Since I'm their only reference point, I worry that people will take my flaws and apply them to everyone with the condition. I admit, I'm not the best figurehead. I'm a convicted criminal, albeit for something I don't want to discuss here. I'm a veteran of a, to put it mildly, controversial war on Solregit. And I don't get along with people sometimes, along with other various personality flaws. But there are Ardat-Yakshi who are better people than I am. They simply never got the chance to speak out, like I do. One more question, and then I have to get back to my ship." C:"Of course, I don't want to take up too much of your time. I only had one last one planned anyway." Well we've spoken about many aspects of the situation as-it-is. What, to you, would a more just policy look like in the Republics?" N: "To put it simply, equality under the law. No preemptive targeting of Ardat-Yakshi based on what we might do, with the monasteries as a strictly voluntary institution. Ardat-Yakshi who have knowingly hurt or murdered people should still be arrested, like any other criminal. Ardat-Yakshi who do not harm others should be treated the same as anyone else. All I ask is that you judge each of us by our own actions, not the actions of others." C:"A fine answer. One I think the vast majority of people can empathize with. I understand. You probably have a schedule to keep. But it's been a pleasure getting to know you some, Nara. I look forward to writing this up." With the interview concluded, I walked away with a few different feelings. I entered the conversation a little nervously. I had no more special knowledge of the AY condition than any other asari out there. Since I’m not a doctor I can’t speak to the accuracy of any of the medical specific claims my guest made. But I felt that her desire to make more information known was genuine. During the conversation there were certainly no feelings of threat or manipulation that I picked up on. And I sympathize greatly with the idea of wanting to be treated the same as everyone else. It was a very interesting conversation; and one that opens a window into a phenomena that is very rarely covered in anything but fiction. I hope you enjoyed the small look into the world of Ardat-Yakshi as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you.
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beauvibaby · 4 years
hospital - m.barzal
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requested [] yes [x] no
a/n: so no one requested this, but (prepare for a little rant) the idea came to me while I was thinking of my next dr appointment, as someone who struggles with PCOS, and never see it spoken about especially among young women, I figured I’d write this as a little something to just make myself feel like I made a small difference in normalizing it. This is based on my experience from when I had my first ruptured cyst when I was 16, it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life (and that’s from someone who’s dislocated their shoulder 2x), I could barely stand, and the ultrasound was undoubtedly excruciating, yet I was never really diagnosed until just a couple of months ago, and as frustrating as it is because there really is no treatment for PCOS, I feel better at least knowing that there’s a name for the issues I have, rather than just having them and no definition for it... sorry for the long note hah, I hope you enjoy the fic!
warnings: hospitals, reader pain, mentions of sex (idk if I should warn that but I did anyways)
You finally managed to trudge out of the bedroom, you’d been feeling a little crampy all morning, even though you were still well over a week away from your period, you brushed it off, thinking at the worst you caught a little stomach bug. But it couldn’t be ignored anymore, “Mat?” You squeaked out, barely able to look up long enough to see that he wasn’t there, Tito looked over. “He ran down to the corner store.” He spoke up, glancing over and doing a double take when your hands gripped your side. You hunched over in pain, nearly falling to your knees, “Y/N!” Tito shot up, rushing over to you, he knew you hadn’t felt good, which is why Mat made him stay here while he ran out to get you some stuff. “Call him please.” You whispered, leaning against the wall, blinking away the tears in your eyes, Tito moved you to the couch, apologizing repeatedly every time you winced or groaned. This wasn’t a type of pain you ever felt before, it was sharp, and nauseating. Just as you sat on the couch, finally letting the tears fall, you couldn’t be bothered to feel embarrassed, this was the worst pain you’ve felt of your life thus far, the front door opened and Mat walked in. He took in the sight of Tito kneeling beside you, phone in hand as he was about to call Mat. “Baby, hey, talk to me.” Mat rushed over, dropping the bag on the couch, he took Tito’s spot in front of you. He watched as you shook your head, crying to hard to speak coherently, “she needs to go to the hospital, she could hardly walk.” Tito explained shortly, “come on.” Mat didn’t hesitate to stand, sliding one arm under your shoulders to steady you. He walked slowly, alongside you, a million thoughts and worries going through his head but he didn’t express any of them, knowing you were thinking the same. “You gotta tell me where it hurts, princess.” He whispered as you hid in his chest in the elevator, you placed his hand on your lower left stomach, he rubbed slightly to see if it helped but yanked his hand away when you let out a strangled cry. “I’m sorry.” He rushed, sloppily tying your hair back, knowing you hated when it stuck to your face with tears.
Finally, you got to the emergency room and they took you back almost instantly, saying they needed to make sure it wasn’t appendicitis, which only made you more nervous, although they quickly ruled that out, thankfully, but the next concern was kidney stones. “We want to do a CT scan to check, they’ll be in to take you back shortly.” The doctor, who had zero bedside manner, disappeared the second he was done speaking, you had stopped crying, the pain not really subsiding but it was a mix of adjusting to it, and finally being stuck in one position long enough to not agitate it. “Hey, calm down.” You sighed rolling your head to the side, Mat’s knee was bouncing furiously, his chin resting in his hands. Kidney stones, if that’s what it was, you’d be fine, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t. “Sorry, sorry.” Mat whispered, sliding his chair closer, he leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, “you’ll be alright.” He assured you, hating the pain you were in. “I’d switch places with you if I could baby.” He added, and you chuckled softly at the thought, he raised a brow at you, “why is that so funny?” He retorted, taking advantage of your momentary smile. “Because, you’re so whiny when you get a cold, if you went through this you’d go insane.” You giggled, stopping when it made your side shoot in pain again. Mat’s smile died down as well, pouting softly when you sighed, closing your eyes, only to be interrupted again by the nurse coming in to take you for the scan. Mat spent the whole fifteen minutes you were gone, texting Tito freaking out about how much pain you were in, Tito having to continuously tell him you’d be fine, you were in a hospital after all, they could give you strong pain meds once they figured out what was wrong.
When you returned, Mat helped you sit back on the bed, wiping at the fresh layer of tears on your face. The nurse smiled at you when his back was turned, you got that look a lot, especially from the older ladies when they saw how Mat would tend to you. “The doctor will be in soon to go over the results.” She spoke walking out the door, “that tube is so small.” You mumbled after a short silence, Mat laughed softly, “I know.” He’s had his fair share of scans over the years for injuries, “at least you didn’t have to go head first.” He pointed out and you shivered at the thought, “no way, not ever gonna happen.” You mumbled, you weren’t really claustrophobic, but the thought of being stuck in that tube with your arms forced behind your head made you cringe. “Well hopefully you don’t need anything from the hospital for a long, long time.” He sighed, neither of you liked hospitals, not many people did, but growing up you’d seen your fair share of them and preferred to stay as far away from them as you could.
“Good news.” A new doctor walked in, a female doctor, instantly your eyes shot to her badge, OB/GYN sewn into her white coat, you went wide eyed, Mat was too worried about what she was going to say to notice. You had a million thoughts running through your head, even though you knew you weren’t pregnant, they had done a test before the CT scan, but still for a second you panicked. “It’s not kidney stones, but we did find a couple of cysts on your ovaries.” She explained, you let out a sigh of relief before your next concerns started kicking in, Mat shifted awkwardly in his seat, even though you’ve been together for years, he still got a little pink at such topics. She started explaining how they couldn’t really confirm if you had a larger one that ruptured, causing your pain, but she was pretty confident based on your symptoms, then she started asking some questions, to which you could tell Mat was tuning out. But then one in particular made his eyes shoot over to you when you took longer to answer, “any pain or discomfort during intercourse?” She looked up from her clipboard when you didn’t answer immediately, her eyes darted between you and Mat, your cheeks a little pink as you gave her a look, that silently answered her question. “Not pain, but discomfort definitely.” You admitted making Mat go wide eyed, he staid silent until the doctor left, telling you that she’d be back with discharge papers soon. “Y/N.” He started, you looked down to your hands in your lap, picking at your nail polish. “Why didn’t you tell me? Jesus, how long has this been going on? Did I hurt you?” He rushed his questions together, you felt even worse for not telling him how, but you didn’t think much of it, thinking it was just an odd phase your body was going through. He felt terrible, suddenly feeling like he was forcing you to have sex, even though it didn’t feel right. “I didn’t want to say anything, it’s not your fault, I just knew you’d be worried.” You whispered, it was a stupid excuse but it was true. “Of course I would be worried! Do you really think I’d be so selfish about my own needs? How long?” He stood, getting a little wigged out over the sudden revelation, you looked away, only making him more stressed. “Like a month and a half?” You whispered, he froze, mid pace. “A month and a half?!” He whisper shouted, being mindful of the fact you were in a hospital. “I’m sorry.” You sighed, looking at him with apologetic eyes, he shook his head softly, sitting back down in the chair when he heard the doctor coming back in. She went over a few quick instructions, the usual if it gets worse or you get a fever come back, but she told you to schedule a follow up with your gynecologist, which you assured her, and Mat that you would do. The doctor could sense the tension, she looked over to Mat. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, plenty of women go through this and don’t say anything to their partners.” Her words visibly eased his shoulders, although in his mind he was still reeling in the fact that you wouldn’t say anything, especially for that long, he’d thought of all the times you’d been intimate and felt worried that he had caused you any discomfort.
The short trip back to the apartment was silent, he had his hand glued to yours the whole time though, which told you he wasn’t mad, but you still felt guilty, it was stupid, childish to not say anything. His phone rang as you walked into the apartment, he dropped your hand, you glanced back. “Go ahead, I’m going to shower.” You whispered, smiling softly, you really did need a shower, especially after sitting in the hospital all afternoon, it made you feel dirty.
“Hello?” Mat answered the phone, softly shutting the door behind him, he heard the water turn on in the bathroom, “hey, I just wanted to see how you guys were.” Tito spoke, oblivious to the bomb he had just stepped on. Mat couldn’t help but scoff, “let’s just say she was having issues and didn’t tell me, and I was possibly making it worse.” He explained without divulging any too personal information. “I’m sure she didn’t tell you for good reasons.” Tito responded, as best as he could without knowing the whole situation, “you sound like her.” Mat grumbled, earning a chuckle from his friend. “She knows how worked up you get, and with the season starting back up soon she probably didn’t want to distract you.” He assured him, “I get that, but I’m her boyfriend, she’s supposed to tell me these things, if this had happened during the season I would’ve been more distracted.” Mat rambled, Tito being the voice of reason for him. “Dude, you just have to calm down, it’s over now, don’t be a jerk, I’m sure she’s beating herself up for it now. The last thing she needs is you making her feel worse.” And with that Mat came to his senses, muttering a quick goodbye before going to the bathroom to check on you. He knocked softly on the door, making his presence known before he tried turning the knob, he furrowed his brows together when he realized it was locked. He couldn’t think of a time in your relationship where it had ever been locked. “Y/N?” He called, knocking again, he heard you gasp softly, scrambling around in the bathroom. “Almost done.” You called out, rushing to wash the conditioner out of your hair as you begged the tears to stop.
You wrapped a towel around yourself and looked in the mirror, grimacing at the puffy face staring back at you, it was no use trying to hide it, the knob jiggled again. “Baby, are you okay?” He had concern lacing his voice, you nodded, more for yourself, clearly since he couldn’t see you. “Yeah.” You mumbled, unlocking the door, he opened it immediately, the steam from your shower flowing out of the room. “What’s wrong?” He mumbled cupping your face, eyes searching yours for any pain, “you’re mad at me.” You spoke sheepishly, he shook his head. “Baby, I’m not mad, I was just shocked you didn’t tell me.” Mat assured you, feeling guilty for letting you think he was actually mad. “I guess I understand why you didn’t tell me, but you should’ve, you could’ve gone to the doctor earlier and maybe this wouldn’t have happened, I just feel bad for causing you pain.” He explained, lips landing softly on your forehead. Your gripped him a little tighter at the action. “I know, it was stupid, I’m sorry.” You sighed, he nodded, giving you a quick kiss. “Still hurt?” He asked, following you around like a lost puppy, you nodded silently, brushing your hair out. “You didn’t hurt me, you know? If it had hurt I would’ve told you, it was just different?” You tried to explain, seeing the wheels turning in his head. He met your eyes in the mirror, “I don’t know how to explain it, you wouldn’t understand.” You added lightening the mood with a laugh. He smiled, “no I don’t think I would.” He agreed, relieved to at least see you joking around. “Just promise me you’ll tell me if anything like that happens again?” He came up behind you, “of course bub.” You winced lightly, sighing at the continuing pain, they told you it would be bad for a couple of days, so you weren’t surprised. Mat on the other hand grew more frustrated every time it hurt, wishing he could do something. “I just want to lay down, please.” You whispered when he kissed the top of your head. He nodded and walked you to the bed, even though you were fully capable, you allowed him to have his moment of feeling like he helped. Which he did, just by being there, he always helped. It’s safe to say he was very hesitant to touch you for a while after that.
Taglist: @mtkachuk​ @softstarkey​ @literarycharleton​ @thathockeygirl​
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onlyfreds · 3 years
Unravelling Love’s Mystery | F.W.
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Title: Unravelling Love’s Mystery
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: Fred and Y/N had bad blood between them ever since their first year at College. But when they are partnered up for a project, what could go wrong?
A/N: This is my first time writing an enemies to lovers so, I hope I was able to give it justice.
In my opinion, love is the greatest mystery of all, probably even the mystery that no one can come to solve. It will always be a mystery on how two people fall in love, how two people come to have this mutual understanding and affection.
Love brings many emotions to a person: heartbreak, anger, a sense of longing, but those people who have found their one true love, they feel joy, peace, a sense of satisfaction.
And love can come to the most unlikely pair, who would have thought that two childhood best friends end up together? Who would have thought that your soulmate happened to be your grumpy boss?
In my case, I ended up with the most unlikely contestant, my sworn enemy, Fred Weasley.
The Psychology of Love, that was our lecture topic for today. Don’t get me wrong, it is quite an interesting topic. But there was one person in the whole universe who could make the tables turn, and that was an arrogant, stubborn, and increasingly annoying classmate of mine named Fred Weasley.
“Okay class.” Professor McGonagall started the lecture as the latecomers settled into the remaining seats, “As you may have figured out from your essay that is – in fact - due today, our lecture is about the Psychology of Love.”
She looked at all of us with a stern but gentle look, “Now, which one of you can tell me who developed the triangular theory of love?”
My hand, along with Fred’s, promptly shot up in the air. McGonagall looked at us, a bit bored, if you ask me, as it was always the two of us.
“Mr. Weasley.” She called.
Fred stood up, throwing me a smug smile from across the hall.
“American Psychologist, Robert Sternberg is the one who developed the triangular theory of love.” He answered, sitting back down when he finished.
I rolled my eyes at him, crossing my arms over my chest, wanting so badly to smack him at the back of the head with my textbook to wipe that smug smirk of his face.
“Very good Mr. Weasley! Now, who can state all the three components of love that can be found in Robert Sternberg’s theory?” Our Professor asked.
Fred’s hand and mine both shot up to the air again, we exchanged a challenging look. It was another race, another competition to prove who’s better, who’s the best. Because only one can be at the top.
“Ms. L/N.” McGonagall called.
Fred wore a defeated look as I stood up from my seat, “The three components of love is: intimacy – which is defined as the closeness between people in personal relationships -, passion – which is a strong liking or desire -, and lastly, commitment – or being dedicated to the relationship, in my opinion, it is the most important component. Because intimacy and passion won’t prevail if there is no commitment in the relationship.”
She smiled, “That’s a perfect answer Y/N! Very well explained!” She praised.
I sat back down as McGonagall started to discuss, not being able to help the proud smile on my lips.
“Any more questions?” Professor McGonagall asks as she ends her presentation. Silence spreading through the lecture hall.
“Okay then, now before I dismiss you, I’ll briefly discuss your project. You are to make your own theory about love and you will do it in pairs. And I already decided your partners for you. I will read them aloud right now. There will be no complaining and no switching of partners.”
She then pulled up a file on her laptop and started reading out loud the names of the partners. That was until she read the last pair of names.
“Fred Weasley and Y/N L/N.”
“What?!” I whispered, turning to my best friend, Hermione, who was sitting next to me.
“Did I hear correctly? Out of every single person in this lecture hall, I’m partnered up with Fred?”
She nodded, “Yes, you heard correctly.”
I groaned, sinking back into my seat, “This is officially the worst project ever.”
Ginny chuckled, patting me comfortingly on the shoulder, “Well, as much as I feel sorry for you Y/N. It’s not like you have a choice.”
Even if Ginny is Fred’s younger sister, she was nothing like her brother. To be honest, I was friends with all the Weasleys, except Fred. It’s actually hard to believe that he came from the same family.
I glanced over to the side and saw that Fred wore the same look of horror on his face as he ranted to his buddies.
I stood up, shouldering my backpack as I marched down the steps towards McGonagall’s desk, vaguely aware that Fred was hot on my heels.
“Professor.” I said, “You can’t do this to us.”
She raised a brow at us, “Do what?”
“Partner Y/N and I up together for the project.” Fred answered.
“Why is that?” She asked, even though she already knew the answer.
I sighed, fiddling with the strap of my bag, “Professor, you know how Fred and I feel towards each other.” I said, glancing at Fred.
He ran a hand through his hair, “I hate to agree with her Professor, but she’s right.”
McGonagall pursed her lips, “Well, you two will just have to work with it. Like I said, no switching partners. And may I remind you Mr. Weasley and Ms. L/N, that this project contributes to 60% of your final grade. So, it’s either you give both of your best or you both fail.” She said, before walking out of the door, leaving both Fred and I alone in the now deserted lecture hall.
Fred groaned as he leaned against the desk, “What are we going to do now.”
I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest, “Well, it’s not like we can do anything about it. Unless you want to fail, of course.” I said, before walking out of the hall, in search of Hermione and Ginny.
“No matter what you do.” Hermione said, looking up from her project with Ron, “You can’t avoid it. So, go and get this whole thing over with. Unless you want to fail.”
It’s been a week since McGonagall gave the project, and Hermione was right.
I groaned, taking my stuff as I walked towards the door of our dorm, “Well, failing is never an option.” I said, as I headed towards the library, where Fred and I agreed to rendezvous.
“So, what should we do?” I asked, sitting down in the seat across him.
He shrugged, not bothering to look up from whatever he was writing, “Well, in case you weren’t listening, we are supposed to make a theory about love.”
I took out my textbook and my laptop, placing it in front of me, “Obviously I know that. What I’m asking is what is our theory?”
He shrugged again, “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean, you don’t know?” I asked.
He sighed, finally looking up from his work, “I thought you were smart.” He said sarcastically, “You can’t even understand something as simple as ‘I don’t know.’”
It took all of my willpower to bite back a retort, “Look Weasley, I am trying so hard to be nice to you. I don’t want to be here and neither do you. So, will you please stop being so arrogant and stubborn so we could get over with this?”
Fred scoffed, “Me? Being arrogant and stubborn? I’m sorry, but I’m trying my best to make this work because I don’t want to fail just because of a self-centered, ignorant little minx like you.”
“Me?” I said, “So, all of a sudden, it’s my fault? I don’t want to fail either Weasley. And I didn’t ask to be paired up with you. You think you’re so good and you’re so much better than anyone else! When in reality, there’s always someone better than you!” I spat as I abruptly stood up from my chair.
Fred followed suit, towering over me due to the difference in height, “Oh yeah? And who might that be? You?”
He scoffed, “Of course it’s you! It’s always you! You think you’re such a genius! You act so tough and strong but in reality, you’re a coward, you’re a failure. You think that you’re so perfect, that you’re so flawless. But let me tell you, you have flaws. Everyone has flaws.”
“So, you think you’re so perfect then.” I said, glaring up at him, feeling a rush of emotion crash down on me, all at the same time.
“At least I know that I could fail and I work hard to avoid that. You on the other hand, don’t. That’s the difference between the two of us.” He said, not backing down.
That was when it felt like the whole world was crashing down on my shoulders, that’s when I became overwhelmed, the stress, the emotions, the built-up anger caught up with me. The thick tension in the atmosphere around us started suffocating me.
I collapsed back into the chair I was sitting on earlier, burying my head in my hands, as I slowly broke down into tears.
I heard the chair next to me move as it scrapped against the metal floor.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” I heard Fred’s voice ask, as he gently rubbed my back. I couldn’t come to believe that he was concerned for my well-being.
“Why do you care?” I asked in between tears.
“Because, no matter how much I despise you, my mum always told me that the worst thing a man can do to a girl is make her cry.” He said softly.
I looked up at him, a few tears still dripping down my cheeks, “Are you really concerned? Or you’re just looking for another reason to torment me?”
He smiled at me for the first time as I saw genuine concern in his eyes, “I’m really concerned.” He said, pulling me gently into a hug as I rested my head on his chest.
“So, why are you really crying?” He asked.
I took a deep breath, “I mean, I know I’m not perfect. Nobody is, but my biggest fear has always been failing. I’m an only child and when my parents found out that I’m academically gifted, it made me their greatest treasure, it made me their pride and joy. I’ve always been insecure about that, whether if I’m already good enough or not. And hearing somebody voice out those insecurities, felt a million times worst. That’s the reason why I’m always trying to one up you. Because, if I fail, I would go from my parents’ pride and joy to being the disappointment of the family in a split second. And it’s just so stressful. And with our little argument, I just got so overwhelmed by my emotions that I had to let it all out.” I explained.
At the back of my mind, I was aware of Fred’s demeanor changing in a snap. From the person I despised whom I was screaming at minutes ago, to the person who was now bringing me comfort. He handled me so gently in my fragile state, as if I was made of glass, that it would have been hard to recognize him as my sworn enemy.
To anybody who would pass by, they would’ve been so confused at the sight. Me with my head on Fred’s chest, as he comfortingly rubbed my back while his other hand gently ran through my hair as he apologized over and over again.
I just wanted to stay in our small bubble. I wouldn’t admit it out loud but, I like this side of Fred better, the quiet, caring, gentle side of him.
“We’re not so different after all.” He said, breaking the silence that lingered between the two of us.
“What do you mean?” I asked, slightly confused.
Fred started to explain, “The pressure that’s being put down on us. Well, you’ve met Bill, Charlie and Percy, right? Bill’s prefect and head boy and he’s got amazing grades. Charlie has a very successful business. And Percy is basically the epitome of the perfect student. So, this puts a lot of pressure on me. That, in order to make Mum and Dad happy, then I have to be just like them. That’s why I’m always trying to compete with you. So, we’re not that different after all.” He finished with a reassuring smile.
I looked up at him, offering a small smile, “You’re right. Why don’t we call a truce for now? And when the project’s finish and being friends doesn’t work out for us, then we can go back to our old ways.” I said, offering my hand.
He took it and gave it a small shake, “Deal. And don’t you hate agreeing with me?”
I shook my head, “No. Because: one, I like this side of you better. And two, you do have a point.”
“Falling for me already L/N?” He teased.
I laughed, shaking my head, “In your dreams Weasley.”
We then started to work, sharing our ideas and concepts and working it out together.
We decided to call it a day when it was around 1 in the morning.
“So, we’ll rendezvous same place tomorrow?” I asked.
He nodded, “Sure.” Then he started fidgeting with the strap of his bag.
“Is there anything wrong?” I asked, seeing his nervousness.
He gave a shy smile, “Well, it’s just that your dorm is 6 blocks from here. And I just don’t want you to walk out there alone. So, if you want, you can stay at my dorm for the night, I’ll even sleep on the couch. But, if you’re not comfortable with that, then I could always walk you home.”
I chuckled, “Should I be suspicious if you have any hidden agenda on taking me back to your dorm?” I joked.
Fred laughed, raising his hand in mock surrender, “I have no such intentions. I’m only worrying about your safety. Like I said, I’ll sleep on the couch.”
I smiled, “Okay then. I’ll just send a quick text to Hermione so she wouldn’t worry about my whereabouts.”
I took out my phone, searching for Hermione in my contacts and sending a text to her.
>Hey ‘Mione. I’m not coming home tonight. I’ll be staying the night at Fred’s place.
I received her reply immediately.
>Woah, woah, I thought you despised him and his whole existence? What made you want to stay the night at his place?
<We called a truce, see how being friends works out for the both of us. Turns out we’re similar in a lot of ways.
>Yeah, and that includes staying the night at his dorm?
<Hermione, I’m ready to give him the benefit of the doubt. He deserves a chance. Besides, he swore that he has no hidden agenda and he’ll be sleeping on the couch.
I blushed as I read her reply, secretly hoping that Fred didn’t notice.
>Okay, I’m not saying that you’re making a reckless decision. But, at least the two of you are putting your differences aside. Who knows? You two might end up together.
<What? I’m just saying ;)
“So,” Fred said, standing by my side a bit awkwardly, “What did she say?”
I licked my lips, “She’s fine with it.”
He grinned, “Okay then, let’s get going then.”
When we arrived at his dorm, it was more organized than I expected it to be.
“Your roommate is George, right?” I asked, placing my bag on a nearby chair.
He nodded, “Yeah. But he’s at Angelina’s dorm, so we basically have the place to ourselves.”
He headed to his room, coming out with a sweater and a pair of shorts in his grasp, then handing them to me.
“The bathroom is down the hall to the left.” He said as I gave him a grateful smile.
After I had changed, Fred had already set up his makeshift bed on the couch.
I bit my lip as I pulled my hair back into a messy bun, I felt like this was too much. I know that Fred was trying to make a good impression on our new-found friendship, but I didn’t want to abuse his kindness.
“Fred, I appreciate that you’re trying to make a kind gesture, but I’ll take the couch.” I said, gently.
He shook his head, a small smile on his lips, “No, it’s fine. I insist.”
I placed my hand on top of his, “You’re already letting me stay here for the night. So, I’m not kicking you out of your own bed. Let me be the one who’s doing something for you other than glare and bicker.” I joked.
He laughed, “Okay, fine. But just because that I have a feeling that if we go on, we’ll never meet the end.”
After turning the lights off, we then took the break we both can agree we deserve.
I woke up at 5 am, surprisingly, the couch was extremely comfortable and I haven’t felt this rested ever since my first year of College.
I stretched for a bit, for the first time in my life, I felt lazy. Turning onto my side, giving myself five more minutes of peace and tranquility before I had to get up. I took a deep breath, inhaling the lingering scent of Fred from the sweater I was wearing, which just added to the calm atmosphere in my little bubble of relaxation.
Five minutes transitioned into an hour, that’s when I knew that I really had to get up.
I slowly walked to Fred’s room, opening the door a bit to take a peek inside.
The ginger was still fast asleep, his hair sticking up in all directions while his soft snores bounced of the walls of the room.
I leaned against the door frame, vaguely aware of the small smile that had seem to grow on my lips. I had to admit, he looked kind of cute.
I headed to the kitchen, deciding to cook some breakfast for the two of us.
“Smells good.” Fred said as he emerged from his room an hour later, just as I had finished cooking.
He sat at the table as I slid his plate of pancakes in front of him.
He raised a brow, “Should I be suspicious if you have any hidden agenda in making me pancakes?” He asked, quoting my words from the previous night.
I laughed, sitting down on the seat across him, “Not at all. Just think of it as a token of my appreciation.”
He then took a bite as I watched him closely in anticipation.
“It’s better than anything I’ve ever had before.” He said with a small grin.
I breathed out a breath that I hadn’t realized that I was holding in, “Thank goodness.” I said.
“You know,” Fred said a few moments later, “For someone who I’ve been on bad terms with ever since our first year of College, you’re an amazing cook.”
I chuckled, “It’s kind of funny isn’t it? We’re in our last year of College and we’ve done nothing but spend the last three years bickering and all that stuff.”
The door of Fred’s dorm suddenly flew open as George stepped in.
“Hey Freddie, I’m home! Woah.” He was suddenly taken aback at the sight of Fred and I sitting at the dining table.
“Do my eyes deceive me?” He said, “Because I am seeing the two of you in the same room and there’s no tension in the air.”
I smiled, “Yeah, we decided to call a truce to work on the project and we would see how being friends works out for the both of us.”
“You’ve got to try her pancakes mate.” Fred piped in, “There’re the best you’ve ever tasted.”
George took the fork that his brother offered him, “Merlin! I never knew you were a cook Y/N.”
I chuckled, “It’s just something I work on in my free time.”
“Looks like being friends would work out in more than one way for the both of you.” He said with a small wink.
After breakfast, Fred walked me back to my dorm, because we both knew how much of a worry-wart Hermione can get.
“So, I’ll be seeing you in the library later?” He asked.
“You bet.” I said, before entering my dorm.
Hermione and Ginny were waiting for me inside, to my surprise, they didn’t bombard me with questions.
“So, how was giving Fred the benefit of the doubt?” Hermione asked, taking a sip of her coffee.
I shrugged, plopping my bag down on the couch, “It was pretty good.”
Ginny placed her chin on her hand while her elbow rested on the table, “A little birdy told me that you cooked breakfast for Fred.”
I playfully rolled my eyes, “Let me guess, the birdy was named George. And yes, I did make breakfast for Fred and I. It was just a token of my appreciation.”
“Yeah, right.” Hermione muttered under her breath with a small smile.
“I heard that Hermione.” I said, causing the two of them to burst out into laughter.
We only had a week left to complete the project.
Fred and I were sitting in the library, laptops running, there was almost no more space on the table with the number of books that were opened on top of it.
As I was drafting out the key points in our theory, when Fred tapped me on the shoulder, handing me a cup of coffee.
“Thanks.” I said, taking the cup from him and taking a small sip, “How much is it?”
“It’s on me.” He said, “You already paid for the printing of the project, the least I could do was get you some coffee.”
We sat in silence for a few more minutes, the sound of the typing on the keyboard being the only noises that could be heard.
“So, what happens to us after this project?” Fred suddenly asked.
I stopped typing, looking up at him, “Well, it looks like being friends seem to be working out for us.”
Fred chuckled, running a hand through his hair, “Yeah, I actually kind of like it when you’re smiling and you’re not shooting me glares and stuff.”
“Ditto.” I said, “Ever since I’ve discovered your soft and sweet side, I don’t want that to change.”
“But is being friends enough for us? What if one of us wants more?” He asked.
I looked at him, slightly confused, “What do you me-“ but my sentence was suddenly cut short, when he crashed his lips to mine.
I placed my hand at the back of his neck, pulling me closer to him as he rested his hands on my waist.
He then lifted me up and set me down on a free space on the table, kissing me as if there was not tomorrow.
We pulled apart, foreheads pressed together, both of us blushing like mad.
“That’s what I mean.” He whispered, “Because I love you. More than a friend, more than my enemy. I want you and nobody else but you. So, will you be mine?”
I giggled, pulling him in for another kiss before answering, “I’d love nothing more than to be yours.”
“Unravelling Love’s Mystery.” Professor McGonagall read the title of our theory as Fred and I stood in front of her.
Class has already been dismissed, the three of us being the only ones left in the room.
“Your theory was very interesting.” She complimented, “Especially since you two found it fit to insert your own love story in it.”
Fred and I smiled, “Well Professor, we thought that it went with the central theme of the theory.”
McGonagall offered us a smile, “The two of you have the most outstanding project in the class. I have graded it with full marks.” She said.
I felt Fred interlock our hands together, “Thank you Professor.” We both said.
Then Fred placed an arm around my waist, placing a kiss on my temple, “As much as we would love to stay and chat Professor, we have to go so we don’t miss our date at the movies.”
Our professor laughed, “Go on ahead, don’t let me stop you. I have been working at this institution for years, but the two of you are the cutest couple I have ever seen.”
@lumosandnoxwriting​ ​ @wand3ringr0s3​ ​ @famdomhideout​ ​ @nova-darling @gaycatlord-stuff​ ​​  @pandaxnienke​ ​​ @escapingrealitybyreading​ (If you are crossed out, that means I can’t tag you)
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Ao3 prompt by strwbrystars : my first is to do another chapter focusing on jake protecting amy in a similar situation as the closet one in this chapter pre-relationship or established.
This turned surprisingly long...
(thanks to @dolston17​ for the mafioso names :D)
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They’ve made all the wrong decisions right from the start, Amy thinks later, as she’s trying not to hyperventilate, with Jake’s breathing next to her not much slower than her own. 
Well, maybe not the very first decision. When the radio crackled on in Jake’s car, asking for an EMT and back up for two beat cops a block down from them, there really was no other option but to turn and drive down to join them. But once they did find them, every decision made after that came straight from the ‘What Not To Do’ part of her training manuals.
Officer Rogers was sitting on the ground with his back to a wall, his partner Carols squatting in front of him, and he was obviously injured. Amy noticed the trail of blood leading back into the building behind them as they ran up towards the beat cops.
“Two guys. Possibly gang-related. They were fighting over a drug delivery or sale, we’re not sure, and we tried to separate them and question them when the taller guy pulled out a knife and went for Rogers.” Carols informs them straight away while putting pressure on the large wound in his partner’s thigh. “In the fight the other one, probably Italian background, short and stout, managed to unclip my gun - he must’ve known how to work a holster - god, this so - unprofessional, I’m sorry -”
“S’all good.” Jake interrupts him, and Amy wants to interject that no, it’s obviously not good if a criminal manages to take a gun away from a uniformed officer, but the short relief washing over the young, newly instated beat cop at hearing a detective calm him stops her. “Any more info?”
“They ran deeper into this building. We’ve patrolled it before - this is the only exit, so they must still be holeing up inside. They probably thought I was going to follow them, but I carried Rogers out instead so we could radio-”
“Yes, that was absolutely the right decision.” Amy joins in to support him, and it works maybe half as good as Jake’s casual reaction had before. She squats down too, to inspect the wound that Carols is pressing his jacket onto. “The EMTs are on their way, and this doesn’t look like too deep a cut for any lasting damage, even if it hurts like hell, I’d guess. Good, quick reactions, from both of you.”
“Thank you, detective.” is the first thing Rogers says, but Amy barely hears him when she looks up at Jake. He’s staring straight into the building doors, and she definitely, absolutely doesn’t like the look on his face.
“Jake-” She says with both a questioning and warning tone to her voice.
“This is Mancini territory.” He says out of the blue, and she can see his deducting brain working. “If it’s drug-related, and the other guy looked Italian, must be… Chiellini.”
“Chiellini, like Mafia boss Chiellini?!” Carols asks with shock in his voice, and Rogers hisses as he lets the pressure on his wound go for a second. Amy can’t fault him for that moment of surprise.
Roberto Chiellini, one of the two guys Jake’s undercover sting with the Ianuccis hadn’t been able to pin to any crimes, had quickly worked to establish himself as the new family leader of some Brooklyn areas, focussing on heavy drug trafficking for easy profits. They’d had more and more cases and minor arrests coming across their desks lately that mentioned his name in hushed tones, but had still been unable to actually go after him for any of it. Amy knows it’s been costing Jake sleep, but she still hates to see the conclusion he seems to be coming to right now.
“Jake, even if it is, that goon is way to low-level to have any useful info-”
“Stealing a government-issued gun, and assaulting a police officer? We’d have some leverage-”
“We’ll have absolutely nothing if he decides to use that gun-”
Right at that moment, the sound of a gunshot rips through the air, as if she’d predicted it, and silence falls around them for barely a second before Jake unholsters his own gun and starts moving.
“I’m going in there.”
“Jake you are not- Jake- JAKE!”
She ran after him, of course. He was her partner - she had to be his backup. Backup that could hopefully talk him out of this entirely once she caught up, but still backup. Most of all, though, he was her partner - running gun-first into what was clearly unnecessary danger. She’d be an absolute fool not to go after him.
Even if it did go against the manual.
(She realised a lot of things she was willing to do for Jake went against any manual she’d ever read, but maybe it was too early in their relationship to admit that, even to herself.)
But she has no time to talk some sense into him, or scold him, or really say anything when she rounds the corner of the hallway he’d stopped behind with his gun up, freezing in point for the scenery before her - the ‘tall man’ Carols had described splayed on the floor, with about 70% of his brain blown all over the concrete behind him, the ‘stout Italian’ standing over him with Carol’s gun still smoking from the shot.
Jake’s hands in her periphery, holding his own gun straight up at him. Jake’s hands, shaking.
“Drop the gun, Riva.” 
Gianluigi Riva, Amy’s brain supplies even in her frozen state. The other one of the two men that walked free after the Ianucci wedding. The one that very definitely could’ve been arrested for various things after, if he hadn’t been so perfectly elusive.
The one Jake had a picture of stuck to his computer screen at work ever since he came back from that undercover mission.
“Jakey the Jew.” she hears through her freeze in the most hateful, spite-dripping voice she’s ever heard. “Or should that be Detective Peralta, I guess?”
“Drop. The gun. Riva.” Jake repeats through gritted teeth.
“Wouldn’t you love that.”
She thinks she sees Jake’s finger actually move for the trigger, but that is before Riva’s attention turns towards her , and suddenly all bets are off. And Riva’s gun is on her.
“That your little bitch, Jakey? The one you whined about?”
“I’m not playing this game. Drop your gun.”
“What a shame if she got caught in the crossfires on your mission, huh?”
“One last warning-”
“Get fucked, pig.”
And then, one strong, big hand against her shoulder, pushing her backwards with force before another gunshot sound.
Another hand, pulling her up, pulling her forward, running, dodging, running, slamming into a wall as they round corners, more gunshots behind them, and shouting, curses, screaming, rage-
They dodge around several more corners as the noises trail further and further behind them, Jake running at a speed she didn’t think he was capable of and pulling her along. There’s a barely visible door she notices before him, and uses her full body weight to drag him towards, opening and slamming it closed behind them so quickly she can only hope that even if Riva had followed them close enough, he didn’t see it.
And then complete silence falls over them in the dark room they find themselves in, safe for their ragged, exhausted breathing. Amy can feel her pulse pumping in her ears, even as Jake nexts to her drops against the wall and slides down, not fully hitting the ground with a  quiet ‘Fuck’.  
“What the hell, Jake?!” Is the first thing she manages to whisper-shout through the heaving, and maybe she should pick her words more carefully right now.
“Yeah, I know, but-”
“Ianucci’s torture guy.”
And that certainly shuts up whatever angry rant has been bubbling up in Amy’s throat about following procedure and not running in eyes closed, head first like he always does.
She knows barely anything about Jake’s time undercover, safe for the ‘funny’ stories he’s been willing to share at Shaw’s. Even now, as his girlfriend, there seem to be walls around the subject - for obvious reasons, if she thinks about the many little scars and marks on his skin that her fingers keep trailing over. Some that make his breath hitch when she kisses them. Some that he pulls her hands away from almost on instinct.
“Fuck.” She simply echoes him, and he nods before pressing the back of his hand to his lips, trying to keep from being sick - whether from the unbelievable running they’ve just gone through that is still wrecking his body, or from memories that Riva dredged up, she’s not sure.
She turns to inspect the too dark room instead, trying to gather her bearings as best as she can before her brain can switch into panic mode completely. It’s not as small as other places she’s had to hide in, luckily, so her claustrophobia is yet to rear its ugly head, but it’s not exactly spacious either. She can’t make out much that could be of help, a few shelves that have seen better days, an empty barrel or two in the far corner. A lot of darkness. She can’t exactly retrace their steps through the building, but they must have ended up in a half-basement level, the only light coming from a small set of windows a few metres up the wall. 
“Okay.” She manages to level her voice to a normal whisper. “Carols and Rogers must have heard the shots. They definitely called in more back up. All we need to do is stay hidden and wait-”
“They don’t know it’s him. They won’t send much backup.”
“They know two detectives went into a building with an armed criminal and did not come out yet so yes, they will send heavy backup, Jake.”
His voice is still muffled through his hand near his mouth, strained but for something else.
“He was gonna shoot you.”
She doesn’t have much to say to that.
“Because of me.”
She has even less to say to that. Yes, is pretty much all she can think of. Yes, because you ran into a building without backup, without a vest on, without so much as a plan. Yes, because you didn’t think . But given the wavering of his voice, the way he’s still breathing like they’d only just stopped running, the way she could see his hands shake even in the darkness, she’s not going to say any of that, ever. There’s something else on her mind, anyway.
“He recognised me?” She asks as she sinks down to Jake’s level, squat-sitting against the wall. The one you whined about is stuck in her memory, but Jake only shakes his head before dropping it to stare at the ground.
“They- the guys- they kept pushing me to gossip and trash talk about the ‘pigs I left behind’.” He coughs as quietly as he can, and she tenses for a moment trying to listen to any sounds from outside of their room. “I tried with the others but- I just couldn’t say anything bad about you.”
Her hand finds its way into his hair, sweat-sticky on his forehead.
“They picked up on that and kept teasing me about it. Then they started finding hook-ups for me to ‘forget’. I think I got too drunk once and told them to fuck off, or something.”
She scratches over his scalp down to his ear, rubs a soothing circle into his cheek as best as she can.
“I know it was stupid and I put you in danger and we weren’t even- you were with Teddy and I-”
“Hey.” She drops her hand to his upper arm and squeezes for support, wants to say something calming before he spirals, but is met with a quiet hiss and - a wet patch on her hand, the feeling of ripped fabric and skin and blood.
“You were hit?!” She gasps before easing the pressure she was unwittingly putting on his wound.
“Grazed. It’s okay.”
“It’s not, it-it’s-” Her fingers are shaking as she pats around her suit to find something to wrap around his arm to stop the bleeding and comes up empty until she shrugs off her jacket. She won’t ever get the stain out of the light fabric, she thinks for a second as she bandages his arm as best as she can in the dark, but who cares?
Who the fuck cares when he got hit by a bullet that was aimed at her? When he pushed her out of harm's way instead of following protocol and shooting the attacker instead? He could’ve had Riva down and out for the count, he was in perfect position for it, and even gave him ample warning. But he might’ve had her on the ground as well if that’s the option he’d picked.
Something tells her that simply because of that, it was never even an option for him.
Their eyes meet, close enough in the dark to really see each other, and they’re swimming with emotions before Jake’s flinch shut as a distant “Jakeeey~" echoes through the halls they’ve just run through.
“We need to get out of here. We- you don’t know what he’s willing- if he finds us-” Jake is up, all of a sudden, the motion making her sway and almost topple over. He’s scanning the room just like she did earlier when she stands up next to him, and his eyes lock onto the barrels and windows.
“I can give you a leg up high enough to reach the window if we climb that barrel. You’ll fit through it, and get over to Rogers and Carols and see if the backup-”
“And you stay here?” She finally scolds him with a look. “With the man who wants you dead? The one you called ‘torture guy’?”
He’s quiet at that, but she can see on his face that the decision was clearly made in his mind.
“You got any better ideas?”
“Like I said, we wait until backup gets here.”
Almost as if to prove the faults in her argument, another “Jakey boy! Get out here and face me, bitch!” drifts in from outside - closer than it was before, and Jake throws her the most panicked ‘told you’ look she’s ever seen.
“We’re still two against one. He’s emptied half his magazine earlier. If we corner him right, we get the element of surprise in the room as well-” her mind continues to work as her eyes settle on the door- “hug the wall next to the door, and we can disarm him or get him down before he’s even barged in completely.”
Jake seems to want to protest, even as the logical part of his brain is clearly telling him she’s right and that this is the best way to go at it, so he ends up simply nodding before gripping his gun and leaning against the wall next to the door, Amy following him suit on the other side.
They’re staring at each other while the noises outside the room seem to creep ever closer. ‘Come out and plaaay~' almost makes her snort for its ridiculousness if it wasn’t so terrifying, thinking about the things Jake has probably seen this man ‘play’ with. 
She tries to calm her mind by focusing on him, instead. On his face in the hazy dark, the curls on his forehead she managed to jostle free earlier, the tense line of his neck, the glare of her beige suit jacket tied around his arm. The way he looks at her, even amidst the panic, amidst all the fear and worry stuck in the room with them.
He pushed her out of Riva’s aim. He dragged her close to him as he ran. He ignored his own injury, offering to lift her up to an escape he wouldn’t be able to make after her. It’s… it’s a lot. After barely two months of a relationship, it’s a lot to take in.
Except she knows - she knows deep down that he would’ve done all of this three months ago, too. Six months ago. Maybe years ago, even.
“We need to switch.” He whispers suddenly, pulling her out of her deep thoughts, and is already stepping over to her before she can ask. She feels his hand on her shoulder, nudging her back to where he’d been standing, and squeezing three times while doing so.
Sometimes she almost hates that squeeze. She knows what it means now, even though they haven’t said those three little words his squeezes represent yet, but in situations like these - it never forebodes anything good.
And she realises what it really means now, too, as she sees the hinges on the door on her side. The door that opens inwards. The door that will completely hide her behind it once it opens, and leave Jake alone in -
It opens before she can say anything, and then things happen way too quickly - there’s noise and shouting and she thinks she hears Jake’s “Down on the floor!” in between Riva’s angry screams and then there’s another gunshot. A single gunshot, and all she can see is the back of the door in front of her, frozen to the spot, unable to run around it and see if- see who-
“Fuck, Amy. Help me pin this fucker!” She hears the next moment and breathes out in relief. Her feet find themselves again as she runs over to where Jake is kneeling on Riva’s back, struggling to hold him down even with the gunshot wound in his thigh. He’s shouting obscenities, screaming and thrashing around, and Amy is so, so tempted to embed a bullet into his other thigh to get him quiet, but she joins Jake’s knees on his back instead, yanks his arms back in a way Jake couldn’t with his injury, and they click the handcuffs around him together at the very moment a team of heavily suited up officers rounds the corner.
  He’s sitting on an uncomfortable chair in a brightly lit, wide open room of the hospital, squeezing her hand that is holding onto him while his other arm is propped up on a table and getting stitched up.
The EMTs that were taking care of Rogers checked him, too, but the injury wasn’t bad enough to warrant a ride in their ambulance with him, so Amy took over the keys for his Mustang and drove him after briefing the backup team and handing over a still cussing Riva to be brought into Holding. She put in a whispered request to be the one questioning him - with Rosa as secondary - to Terry, who was part of the backup team, and only gave her a quick look and then a nod after Riva screamed something about how he ‘shoulda offed that snitch when he had a chance’, watching Jake several feet away from them twitch and turn towards the EMT handling his arm.
The young doctor stitching him up seems suitably impressed by both his badge and his injury, remarking something about ‘bravery’ and ‘sacrifice’ he would usually eat up with glee, but all he’s doing is smile at Amy while his fingers intertwine with hers, squeeze only once before his thumb rubs circles across her hand.
They’re left alone soon enough while the doctor gets his painkillers subscription, and Jake takes the chance to lift Amy’s hand up to his lips and kiss it.
“Jake…” she begins when their hands drop again, and she can tell he’s getting ready for a lecture. “You risked too much back there.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone in without backup, and made a lot of wrong decisions, and-”
“No.” She interrupts him, much to his surprise. “I mean, yes, obviously, and I’m glad you see that now, but that’s not what I meant.”
She sighs, deeply, and stares at their still interlocked hands.
“You risked too much for me.”
“Not possible.”
“Jake!” Her eyes dart up again, want to level him with an angry stare, but can’t help but soften when met with the absolute shine in his. “Jake, you got hit because you pushed me, you wanted to bail me out of the room to leave you with even less backup, and then you manoeuvred me into a dead corner to face a Mafioso on your own-”
“Because it would’ve kept you safe.”
“That’s not how police work is supposed to-”
“Am I not supposed to keep my partner safe?”
“Not when it puts you in danger instead!”
“Hm.” He hums and looks at the bandaged up stitches on his arm. “Gotta rework the manual for that, then. Because frankly I don’t give a shit about me when it means helping you.”
“But I do.” She almost whispers, but he still looks back at her immediately, balks at the shimmer of tears in her eyes. “I give a shit about you. You think I want to see you shot on the ground? You think I want to run away from a building when I know you’re stuck in there? You think I want to stand behind a door and only hear you get- get-” She bites back a sob and fixes him with a dedicated stare instead, a look on her face that makes his heart clench and dance at the same time. “We’re a team, Jake. In the field and off it. You can’t- you can’t play the hero and leave me behind.”
Her mind jumps back to an empty parking lot, the cold wind rushing over her flushed cheeks as she watches him walk away with his little box of things in his arms, not even waiting for her answer. Maybe not even hoping for one.
He sighs and nods back in the present, squeezes her hand again, twice.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbles, and she squeezes back once. 
She knows they’ll probably be talking about this again in the future. She knows it’ll come up repeatedly until he learns. But she also knows, with a certainty that should maybe scare her after their short time together, why it’ll happen again in the future - because he’ll still be by her side no matter the situation. Because she’ll still be the one thing on his mind, no matter how panicked he is. Because they’ll go through it all together, as a team. As partners.
And deep down, she knows with an equal certainty that if the roles were reversed - she would probably rework the manual herself in her mind, to keep him safe. Would do anything and everything she could, no matter how many protocols it went against, to help him, save him, protect him, make him feel safe and secure. 
Right now, she’s glad all it takes for that is a little lean into his direction to kiss him before the doctor comes back, and squeeze his hand three times before letting go and holding onto his face instead to deepen the kiss.
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gshinisalesbian · 3 years
Midnight Moon
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Kaeya x Reader (Part 1 of 3)
Living in Khaenri’ah was harsh and brutal. Those who could not fight would not survive, and even those who did survive would not do so for long. Children were so desperate for Mora and food that they would give their lives to train as spies before even hitting puberty.
Such was the same for you.
You had no parents, at least none that you knew of. It didn’t bother you at all. Most children in the land where the God’s turned away their eyes never knew such things as “family” or “home”. You weren’t special in that manner, and so you never felt like you were missing anything. Regardless, when you were 11, you decided you were tired of living on the streets. You knew the Gods would never help you, and that you were the only one who could help yourself.
So you, like many others, became a spy for Khaenri’ah. That was where you met him, Kaeya. His father had been a spy, so it seemed expected for him to become one too.
You didn’t associate with him much; you had no reason to. All you cared about was becoming stronger, so strong that the Gods would be forced to notice you. Your superiors eventually began to notice your growing power too, so it didn’t take long before you were considered the top of your class.
So really, it was no surprise when they started to prepare you and Kaeya, who’s “ranking” was just under yours, for a special mission.
“You’re still out training this late?” You heard a voice ask, stopping you current activity of slashing through wooden targets with your sword. You frowned, turning to see who had interrupted you.
Kaeya grinned at you, his hands placed on his hips. He had only recently hit puberty, his tan baby fat slowly growing into a strong face. His limbs were long and gangly, and his voice seemed uncertain of what octive it should be at.
Despite the oddness of his appearance, you had grown attached to him over the past year. Even though your superiors refused to tell you what your mission was, they made you train even harder than you had been for it. Their were many nights were you went to sleep with bruises littering your arms and dry tear stains on your cheeks.
But then, there was Kaeya.
After being told of your future assignment, the two of you had started to train together. You had started to look out for each other, making sure the other had enough to eat and went to sleep early enough. You even met his father, and even though you only felt coldness from him, you loved how excitedly Kaeya would talk about impressing him.
Smiling in recognition at the boy in front of you, you carefully placed the sword on the ground. “Yeah. I couldn’t sleep.” You moved closer to him, easily wrapping you arms around him.
He wrapped his arms around you waist, completing the hug and and smiling against your neck. Having hit puberty before him, you were just a brush taller than him, though you were sure that wasn’t going to last for long. You were going to enjoy it while it lasted.
“You could be doing something more interesting.” You heard his muffled tease reply.
You pulled away from him, glancing at him skeptically. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
He rolled his eyes in that playful manner he loved, grabbing your arm and dragging you away from the training area.
“Hey-! Kaeya, wait!”
“Hurry up!”
You rolled your eyes, walking faster as he pulled you to some unknown place.
“How did you find this place?” You gapped, eyes taking in the sight before you. It was high mountains surrounded by frozen valleys; there was a gentle nip in the air, a certain serenity that you could never feel in Khaenri’ah. “Where even is this place?”
“The border between Khaenri’ah and Snezhnaya.” Kaeya was sitting on the ground, his legs crossed and blue eyes watching only you. “Technically we aren’t supposed to be here, but what they don’t know won’t kill them,” he said with a small shrug.
You glared at him out of the corner of your eyes. “If this place wasn’t so beautiful, I would kill you.”
“Eh, go for it, my dearest partner.”
“Shut up.”
You watched the snow fall, trying to catch some in your hands. “It’s such a shame that these people follow the Cryo Archon’s rule. What has she ever done for them? The gods only know corruption and power.”
“I see your going into your rant about the Archons again,” Kaeya fondly replied with a playful laugh, though watched the snow himself curiously. “But you do have a point. Mondstadt would do anything for Barbatos, and he hasn’t been seen for years. Why do they worship a God who clearly doesn’t care for them?”
“Exactly!” You turned to him, a fire lit in your eyes. It was a strange thing to be passionate about, you knew. However, in Khaenri’ah, you had never known that divine love that people often described befitting an Archon. There was no Archon to watch over your home; it was every man for himself. You had been alone your whole life, until Kaeya came along.
You moved to sit down next to him, stretching out your legs in front of you. “And Rex Lapis only visits Liyue once a year. Even your father is better than that.” You scoffed, placing your head in the palm of your hand.
Kaeya frowned at that, but brushed aside the comment. “You know, people can say whatever that want about Khaenri’ah, but we get to choose our own lives and “fate” here. It’s not demanded of us by some Archon.”
You nodded in agreement, shooting him a small smile. “I’m glad. That I can choose my own fate.”
Kaeya let out a small laugh, an amused gleam in his eyes. “Yeah. Me too.”
A wave of silence washed over the two of you as you simply watched the snow fall down. Snezhnaya was truly beautiful, you thought, and you wondered what it would be like to live in a world where you could choose to go see it fully if you so desired. However, you were certain your surperiors would no hesitate to punish you if you even tried to do so.
“If you could go anywhere in Teyvat,” you heard Kaeya begin to ask, “where would you go?”
You considered the question, eyes turning to gaze up at the sky. You had never been anywhere outside Khaenri’ah, and even then, you had barely seen much of your own home. You had lived on the street for 11 years, but even then had stayed in the same area. Even now, you weren’t allowed to leave the training barracks or the watchful gazes of your superiors. This was the first time you had ever seen one of the “official” nations of Teyvat.
“Fontaine,” you answered eventually, thinking of the nation ruled by the Hydro Archon and the Goddess of Justice. “I’ve heard they have a lot of festivities there. It’s hard for common folk to ever see them, but I’ve heard that it’s still always so colorful and vibrate. It sounds so different from here.”
“I’ll take you there, some day,” you heard Kaeya promise, his voice steady and sure. “When we have enough Mora, we’ll go there together and see all the bright colors. The festivals too. We’ll be that rich.” Kaeya smiled, grabbing your hand near him as his blue eyes gazed into yours.
You smiled, a small laugh escaping your lips. “I’ll hold you to it.”
You and Kaeya were sent to Mondstadt, where you were supposed to secure intel for Khaenri’ah to use against them. Kaeya’s father had taken you there, anticipation building in your young body as the three of you made the long walk. You were finally seeing new horizons around you, and you felt so... free. You found it a bit ironic that you always looked down on Barbatos, the God of Freedom, and yet that was the only feeling that coursed through you as Mondstadt’s wind wove through your hair.
You glanced over at Kaeya, who seemed deep in thought. Over the past year, he had grown taller than you, his face and body slowly growing more defined, and his jaw sharper. His eyes had become more shadowed and masked, a result of the constant training he was put through.
You could say the same about yourself. You had learned how to bite your tongue and keep your thoughts buried inside you. You no longer talked so openly about your distastes for the Archons, and you no longer dared to sneak off again. The last time you had done so, when you and Kaeya snuck off to the border, your superiors had noticed you missing and had struck you until you could no longer stand. You were unable to see Kaeya for months, and the next time you saw him, you could no longer see the “him” you had known when you looked into his eyes. It all just seemed to be a facade, a well put together mask that he wore.
Still, you reconignzed the boy that you had grown close with still there, somewhere hidden behind the icy walls he had built, harsher than the snow falling that you had seen with him in Snezhnaya. You saw the boy that had promised to bring you to Fontaine one day, and you could not get rid of the fondness that settled over you.
Regardless, the two of you were to arrive at the Dawn Winery, where you would find a way to win the favor of Master Crepus and be taken in by him. His family was the most influential in all of Mondstadt, and you could certainly find out the nation’s darkest secrets through him.
Kaeya’s father kissed his forehead, shooting you a look out of the corner of his eye. “Be careful. Care for eachother.” That was all he said before you left you two, a pair of 13 year-olds with an impossible mission before them.
Terrified, you reached to your side and laced your fingers with Kaeya’s. You squeezed his hand tightly, trying to tame the pounding of your heart.
Whether to reassure you or himself, he squeezed back.
Here for Part 2!
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Love Made Me Crazy - 1.
CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Part 1 of the Love Made Me Crazy series
Run-through: It was all strategic; a plan meticulously constructed by you and your business partner; against James Buchanan Barnes. Not to take him down, no. But just to be one step ahead of him in the business world by uncovering his secrets; to learn his ways and hope to be better than him in every way possible. The façade you put up – of being close to him and earning his trust was supposed to be short-lived, most importantly; harmless. But then as always, things got a tad bit more complex when feelings intervened…
Themes throughout the series: ceo!bucky, angst, smut, fluff, manipulative reader, mob!bucky (it’ll make sense later I promise)
a/n: here we go… another mob story. Also, flashbacks are in italics. And if you are not okay with any of the themes, kindly, click away. 
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The science behind heartbreak was rather simple.
Dopamine and oxytocin are hormones which influence our behavior when we say that we’re in love. Then, when your heart gets broken; these hormone levels drop and are replaced with the stress hormone – cortisol, which then makes you feel all shitty and miserable apparently.
You had read about the above in some magazine article; and it was rather detailed but you didn’t pay much attention then. You wished you had. Although, the article did talk about all the pain and suffering one faces when their hearts get broken, and then went on to talk about how to properly deal with it.
But it never mentioned which hormones skyrockets or drops, or what you should do when you’re in a situation where – due to your own reckless acts – you’re forced to make a call and break someone’s heart just a week prior to what was supposed to be your wedding day.
Which is exactly the kind of situation you were in right now; sat in your private plane, phone in your hand, you had a decision to make.
You could either just disappear from his life, and never see him again, but live with the constant anxiety that one day you might have to confront him. Which will be both embarrassing and awkward.
Or, you could call him and come clean. Apologize and have a proper closure and just take any insult he throws at you. Because even you were aware that what you did was heartless…
 Around year and a half ago, Tony approached you with a game plan. Tony was your dad’s childhood best friend, also his business partner. You knew him since you were born. And when your dad passed away, the family business became your responsibility and you and Tony were one of the best duos when it came to business. You were at the top of the hierarchy here, but there was just one person above you – Barnes.
“Tony, you want me to what?” you asked, a little surprised at what he proposed.
He sighed and rolled his eyes, as though he predicted your reaction.
“Look honey, it’s simple. All I’m asking for is a month or two of your time and we can be ahead of Barnes. Better than him even.” He used his words right. He knew the moment he’d mention your number one competition, you’d agree immediately.
You gave it a thought. Your job, this company was everything to you. And you were ready to do anything to take it to the top and make your family, most importantly your dad, proud. Besides, how bad could it be? You had complete trust in Tony.
“What do I have to do?” you asked and you could see the excitement on Tony���s face.
He explained how he wanted you to ‘get familiar and close enough to Barnes’ and earn his trust and act as a spy and uncover all his secrets and business tactics; find out about where he invests and why. To know how Barnes functioned, and how is it that no one can ever surpass him. To discover how is it that he’s always at the top.
You listened to Tony and tried to read in between the lines.
“So you’re pimping me out to Barnes so that I mess with his head?” you put it in simpler words, raising an eyebrow at Tony and smirking.
Tony was quick to defend himself.
“No, no, no your dad would come back and kick my ass if you put it like that.” He said and you both shared a laugh over the thought of your dad. “I’m asking you to… befriend him. And help us outdo him. You know we’ve tried, but the only way you and I can succeed is by learning how he does what he does.”
You were silent, thinking.
“Things like these are common in our world. Besides, you won’t be causing any harm to anybody. When time comes, he’ll find out. It’ll be okay, trust me.” He spoke again, and waited for an answer from you.
You thought it over. What’s the worst that can happen? He’ll find out the truth and give you a death glare, then perhaps you’d say something sassy and walk out of his life dramatically after winning.
“Okay. I’ll do it.”
Walking into his life was easy. You met him at an extravagant party; the man himself, James Buchanan Barnes was the host. He was handsome; any woman’s perfect dream. Long hair, well maintained facial hair, tall and strong. And very, very powerful and proud.
The kind that when he walks by, everyone turned their heads to look at him. Not look, but admire rather. He was charming, and effortlessly flirty. He was what everyone aspired to be or to have.
Lucky for you, you were an expert at this game. And you approached him with confidence and a playfulness which he could not resist. With luck on your side, he was whipped rather quickly – which Tony teased you about and you rolled your eyes.
And it wasn’t long before you and Bucky – which was his preferred nickname – started spending much more time together. You intended to keep a distance, but somehow; you could not resist him.
Little playful dates turned into more frequent date nights, and sleeping over at his place became a daily thing.
You and Bucky became closer than you expected, and often while ranting about work and all the things he has to take care of – he spilled it all. Everything you and Tony wanted to know; his tactics, his secret allies, how he deals with competition, how he carelessly takes out those in his paths and more.
You kept feeding the information to Tony, who happily took them and applied them to your company and within the first few months, you guys were no longer below Barnes, but parallel – which meant that Tony’s plan was working.
“Okay kiddo, time to come home now.” Tony implied that there was no need for you to stick around Barnes any longer.
But you were quick to say, “Maybe I should stay for a while longer. You know, just to make sure we know everything there is to know. He’s James Barnes, you never know when he may come up with something new and unexpected. I should stay, just to be sure.”
Tony didn’t argue with you.
And just like that, what was supposed to last a month or two, was reaching its one year mark. But you blamed it all on ‘wanting to see if there’s anything more you can get out of him’ when in reality, you started becoming attached to Bucky. Even though you would never admit it.
How could you not? He was everything one could ever want. Attentive, loving, caring and nice. To a point where sometimes you felt guilty for messing with him like this.
You had many opportunities to walk out of his life, but you purposely turned blind eyed to them.
He had begun falling for you too. He had no close family so you were the only one he could call his own. Each day spent with you, each night spent loving you only had him falling harder and harder.
“Will you be mine?” he asked, one day while you were on a date. And you could’ve said no, and told him the truth, you could’ve walked away then. But you didn’t.
You were being foolish, you knew. Was it love? You didn’t know yet. If it was, then it sure as hell had the power to make someone act all crazy and agree to things which would inevitably come crumbling down in the future.
And just like that, he gave your relationship a label.
Tony was furious when he learnt that you were now James Buchanan Barnes’ official girlfriend.
“You give up this silly relationship façade, tell him the truth and you come home right now, kiddo! I’m about to get real mad if you don’t.”
Tony called you the minute he learnt the news. He had kept you hidden from the world – your dad’s wish, and he surely did not want you to get publicized like this, not in the arms of your number competition.
“I don’t love him, Tony. I’m just playing along to the game you started. I’ll be home, give me time. There’s something major happening here, and he won’t tell me what. The minute I know, I’ll be home I promise.”
You never quite figured out if what you said that day was true or not. Did you love him?
But the other half was a hundred percent true – something was happening. A huge deal maybe? Or perhaps he was expanding his company? Whichever it was, you intended to find out.
Tony ended the call on your face and you didn’t hear from him in a long while. And in the meantime, you figured out what it was. A major deal which entailed way more money than you could ever imagine. And Bucky boasted about how there was no way anyone else would be able to snatch and strike this deal the way he could.
But little did he know that someone could. You and Tony could.
You fed the necessary details to Tony and he did what he did best – snatched the deal right off Bucky’s hands and took your company to the top – where Bucky used to be once.
Bucky was shocked when this happened and he wasn’t himself for many days.
“Who’s this Stark, and his mysterious business partner?” he asked one day, skimming through articles on tabloids which only talked about you and Tony and how your company was skyrocketing – luckily, thanks to your dad and Tony, your name was not allowed anywhere so Bucky never suspected a thing.
“I’ve heard of them once or twice, why?”
He just shrugged and said it wasn’t important. You knew he was upset that now he was no longer at the very top.
“Hey, it’s okay. That deal doesn’t matter, you’re still one of the best out there.” You tried comforting him right after backstabbing him.
He looked at you, while you were sat comfortably on his lap, and smiled.
“You’re right. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I’ve got you, here, with me.” He gave you a kiss and hugged you close.
And those were the times when you felt the most guilty. This wasn’t a school playground where girls and boys play flirting games and call each other their girlfriend or boyfriend. This was real life, and you were leading a grown man on.
Then one day changed everything, and to you; it seemed like it was too late to walk away now.
Bucky got home from work and was rather grumpy and broody. So you did what you did best, pretended – or so you thought – to love him.
It started out with slow and gently touches and kissed which then turned into a more heated thing.
One moment you were on his lap, making out and the next you were lying on the couch with his face settled in between your legs.
Your back arched off the surface of the couch as his tongue slowly circled your throbbing clit and licked down, parting your wet folds with ease. Your arousal, mixed with his spit, drenched the lower half of his face. But he didn’t seem to mind it one bit. His sole purpose was to make you come undone all over his tongue. He liked watching you whine and whimper under him; with your thighs wrapped around his head.
His deep blue eyes watched you in awe and how you lost control under his touch; legs shaking as he teased your entrance with the tip of his tongue. His hands wrapped around your thighs, securing you in his grip as he pushed his face further into you; making you cry out loud.
You came violently all over Bucky’s tongue, body shuddering and shaking while you moaned his name out loud. It gave him an unfamiliar, but pleasant rush when he heard your strained voice moan out his name.
He kissed your inner thighs, licking you clean before kissing his way up your body and finding your lips again.
He kissed you with ardor; eager to just be inside you already and make you squirm and shake under him, but he also wanted to cherish each moment and worship your body. You felt his tongue stroke the top of your mouth, and his hands touched you wherever he could; your breasts, your waist – leaving trails of goose bumps wherever his fingers touched your skin.
While he did so, you felt something firm press against your thigh, and you smirked at the effect you had on him. Your hand reached in between the two of you to lower his underwear again because you need him just as much.
He pulled away for a bit and grabbed both your wrists and pinned them down on the couch above your head. He lifted his hips to align his erected cock to your entrance. You instinctively spread your legs apart to give him more room.
The darkening room made his eyes look darker than usual, and his face looked dangerously handsome. His voice was deep – which caused the butterflies in your stomach to go crazy.
With a slow, steady push, he inserted his length into you. You shuddered as you felt all of him, his beard tickled your skin as he kissed your lips repeatedly and told you how good you were.  You heard his ragged breaths as he removed himself out and pushed himself back into you again.
He sped up just a little, rocking his hips against yours and his hand reached up to wrap around your neck gently. He stared into your eyes, speeding up into you again. He leaned in to kiss your open mouth, shamelessly shoving his tongue past your parted lips and stroking the inside of your mouth.
You were overwhelmed by how good he felt deep inside you. His lips left your mouth and kissed down your face. You let out a moan as he found your sweet spot. You moaned again as he bit and licked the skin beneath your jaw, all while slamming into you relentlessly; stretching you out and pounding into you like his life depended on it.
His eyes looked even more piercing than usual. Your legs trembled as you wrapped them around his waist. The new position was much more pleasurable for the two of you; the tip of his cock touched your most sensitive spots and your back arched off the couch – your chest pressing against his partially unbuttoned shirt; his body heat radiating through the fabric.
You moaned out loud and his very gently tightened his grip around your throat.
“Fuck…” his voice cracked as he whimpered in your ear. He somehow sounded needy but in control at the same time, and it drove you crazy. You felt your walls clench around him, and tightening around his thick member; making him swear out loud.
“Cum for me, baby. Come on.” he panted against your cheek, kissing the side of your face and gripping your jaw with his hand. He didn’t slow down as you felt your orgasm wash over you, he kept pounding into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out his name as you came – hard.
He came right after you, and collapsed into your arms and pushed his face into your neck while he panted and caught his breath.
You mindlessly played with his long hair and asked, “I can tell something’s wrong, babe. What is it?” you surprised yourself with how concerned you actually sounded.
Were you being fake, or did you actually care?
“I’m scared.” He mumbled against your skin and you frowned and gently pulled his face away from your neck to you could see him.
“Of what?” you asked, and he gave you a faint smile.
“Scared that you might say no.” he replied, confusing you even more.
“No to what?” you asked, tucking a lock of his long hair behind his ear.
“To marrying me.”
You were shocked.
He spoke again. “Will you marry, baby? I want to share this life with you, please just marry me and complete me.”
And again, you agreed to something you knew would end up in a disaster.
It was like a cycle, each time you and Bucky would take your relationship one step further, Tony would call you – pissed off.
“I swear to God, if you do not tell him the truth and come home right now I will fly there and tell him the truth myself.”
Now you were scared. “No, I’ll do it. Please don’t be mad at me, you’re the closest thing I’ve got to dad, Tony.” You were on the verge of tears.
He sighed on the phone. “This is foolish, Y/N. I want you home by next week, you hear me?” he waited for an answer but you couldn’t talk. Your heart was beating too fast and realization hit you like a hurricane.
This was a mess. A mess you had hand crafted.
“I said, do you hear me, kiddo? Come home by next week or I swear to God, I-,”
You cut him off, eyes watering.
“No. I’ll be home. I promise, Tony.”
Tony ended the call that day, and you knew there was no way you could marry Bucky. But things were moving too fast. He had hired an entire team to plan the wedding by the time you woke up the next morning. He was eager.
“Aren’t we rushing things?” you asked, one day – still searching for the right time to walk out of his life without making things worse. Although, how could they get any worse than this?
“I just can’t wait to make you entirely mine.” he replied, giving you a kiss and added, “Besides, I can’t wait for you to be Mrs. Barnes.” He winked and left.
You didn’t know what to do so you called Tony and told him how you had to get out of here right at this moment.
“Well thank God, I thought you were calling to say you’re pregnant now, Jesus.” He sassed.
“Tony, sarcasm won’t help. I need to get out of here, now.” you were pacing around the room.
Tony sighed.
“Fine, I’m sending the plane. Pack up and get to the airport right now. You’ll be home by tonight kiddo don’t worry, I’ve got you.”
So you packed your bags, got ready and left. You were in a bit of a rush because while you were packing, Tony texted you saying the plane and the crew were already waiting for you, so you didn’t have time to think about anything.
And now here you were.
The only thinking you did was when you got on the plane.
Now that you were on your way back, it all settled in and if you could rewind time and not go to that party where you met Bucky for the first time – you wouldn’t. Or perhaps you were lying to yourself again.
Did you regret the time spent with Bucky? No, you didn’t. Be it in the bedroom or outside, he was phenomenal.
Do you regret using him? You did, but that was until you got on the plane and remembered why you did it. For your company. Your job, and your dad’s business.
It’s not like you were the first one in history to mess with someone for your own benefit. Even Bucky had fucked over so many people to get where he is. He had told you all about it so many times. He had told you all about the people he had ‘used’ to climb the success ladder.
Besides, Tony said that things like this are common in your world, correct?
 “Ma’am, we’re ready to take off.” One of the cabin crew member approached you with a smile and you knew they required your confirmation to take off.
But you needed time.
“I have to make a phone call, 5 minutes.” The girl left and probably went to inform the pilot. While you sighed and leaned your head back into your seat and swore out loud.
You know what, fuck it!
 You unlocked your phone and with a few more taps, you called Bucky. And it felt like there was a void forming in your stomach with each ring.
Bucky picked up after the first few rings.
“Hey baby,” he greeted you.
Your heart raced as the past year and a half flashed in front of your eyes.
“Baby?” he spoke again and that dragged you back to reality.
“Bucky, hey um, I need to talk to you. It’s urgent.” You said.
He chuckled. “Since when are we so formal with each other, baby? Go on, I’m all ears.” He joked and then you realized just how comfortable you had gotten with each other. And how close. Would you miss him? No, right?
You took a deep breath and began narrating the entire thing to him. Only when you were saying it all out loud did you realized how fucked up this was. And how wrong and heartless you were. You were embarrassed and guilty.
Bucky was silent when you were done talking.
“Buck?” you had to make sure he was still listening.
“So all this time, you were just messing with me?” he asked, sounding so broken that your own heart hurt.
“I did it for m-,”
He cut you off.
“I don’t care what you did it for! Baby, did- did you not love me? What- where are you right now?” he asked, and you could tell by his slight rambling that he was stressed out.
“I’m about to take off. I’m going home.” You answered.
He sighed.
“Don’t go. Look, if you want the money you can have it. You can have anything, everything. I won’t be mad, I promise. Look, I’ve wronged people too, okay? Look, just… just don’t go.” He sounded calm and collected but you caught the change in his voice.
“I don’t want anything from you. I just… I just needed to let you know the truth. I’m sorry, I have to go.” You couldn’t understand your own feelings. And with the guilt piled on top – you were a complete mess. “Good bye Bucky.”
You ended the call and immediately told your people that you were okay for take off.
 Many hours later, you were home and Tony was there waiting for you. You rushed into his arms and sighed, as though tired but now relieved that you wouldn’t have to put up the façade anymore.
“I made a mess.” You confessed. And he agreed.
“Yes you did.”
You had indeed made a mess. And in doing so, you had forced a man to become something he never was. And never thought he’d be.
That one phone call of yours created a monster in the span of a few minutes. And you didn’t know this yet, but he’d find his way to you again.
Not for revenge, no. But just to return the favor.
After all, love did make people crazy…
a/n: ready for another crazy ass ride? 
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retvenkos · 3 years
Hello again :) 💌 for Gwen Stacy (spiderverse), John Watson (Sherlock bbc), and Duckie Dale (pretty in pink)?
alright, my first instinct is a fake dating scenario for duckie dale because it has a lot of potential. i actually think it starts because someone is teasing you about not having a date, and you defend yourself, saying you actually are dating someone. and when they do ask you, you try to do the whole “it’s none of your business,” but that doesn’t work so you eventually just blurt out that it’s duckie. whoever you’re talking to is unimpressed. he’s had a crush on andie since inception. you say yeah, but a while ago you started dating to make andie jealous, and he fell in love with you, instead. it’s a complete lie, and some amazing foreshadowing for your relationship, and whoever you’re talking to is like “alright.” and you think that will be the end of it. but, the next day at school, you meet up with andie and duckie, and he gives you an exaggerated kiss on the cheek. you push him off with a confused look on your face,  and he feigns hurt. “but i thought we were dating, (n/n)!” and you’re groaning in realization, but duckie isn’t letting it go. “you know, i was surprised when i heard that the whole school knew about our fake dating scheme, seeing as i was just as unaware as them. next time you decide we’re dating, you should really call me so we can get our story straight, sweetheart.” and now that you are thoroughly regretting choosing duckie of all people, the person you were originally talking to walks by with a smug smile because they clearly know they’ve caught you in your lie. but you won’t back down, so you grab duckie’s hand in yours in pointedly place it on the table. andie laughs, and duckie is making yet another cheeky comment, but you’ve decided you will go down with this ship. ofc, this trope involves the two of you going on a lot of double dates with andie and blaine, trying your hardest to make it look like you actually are dating, and along the way, duckie catches feelings. now he’s in a conundrum, because this is all some game for you, but he actually likes you! what is he going to do now? andie finds out, and she tells duckie to tell you about his feelings. meanwhile, you are starting to think that this dating duckie thing isn’t bad. he’s always been there for you, hasn’t he? and who else would go along with such a crazy ploy? maybe you really do like duckie... as per the cliche, you end up confessing to each other (extra points if it’s at a school dance) and it’s vvv sweet.
now, because i only want the best for gwen stacy, we’re giving her a slow burn. just imagine, it’s after her peter has died, and she’s closed herself off from anyone and everyone, but you become partners in physics (so you can be rightfully impressed with how smart gwen is). at first, you don’t talk a lot, because it’s rather hard to talk to someone who doesn’t want to talk with you, but overtime you get her to open up the slightest bit, and you get the necessary confidence boost to continue to talk and make lame jokes, which never fails to make her laugh. and then you start seeing her in your other classes, and you sit next to her. she doesn’t seem to have too many friends, anymore, so there’s always room for you to slide in beside her in any classes you might have together. then, out of nowhere, she’s gone - she doesn’t show up to class for a few weeks, and you’re worried for her. what happened? when she comes back, her hair is shaved on one side, and she’s a lot more talkative and happy. you’re pleasantly surprised, and in physics a few weeks later, she invites you to come watch her play drums - she rejoined the band she was once a part of. and maybe it’s just the light playing tricks on you - but it looks like she’s blushing. you say of course, and it makes her whole world. because, dear reader, gwen had fallen for you. you were always so kind and gentle with her and it wa inevitable, really, that she would end up liking you. gwen’s type has always been the sweet and shy but surprising person - more gentle than they have any right to be, but also so very strong. no way in hell she’s going to tell you though - not yet, anyway. she’s still working through her fear of losing people. i definitely think that you find out she’s spider-woman before you get together. you think it’s insanely cool, but you also realize that she’s in danger all of the time, and she probably feels responsible for a lot of the losses she faces.... you comfort her, and i think that’s a turning point for your relationship. she just told you the most crazy, fantastical story she’s capable of, and your first instinct is to apologize for all she’s suffered. yep, she loves you. it’s not a week later that she tells you, and she’s a nervous, blushing mess. and you tell her that you’ve loved her for a long while, too. it’s a very tender moment, exactly what gwen deserves.
which only leaves enemies to lovers for john watson. now, this idea isn’t bad. it gives me a lot of johnlock vibes, and that’s one of my otps, so... i’m going to go out on a limb here and say your sherlock’s friend. i don’t know what you help him with on his cases, but he will sometimes consult you for some reason or another, and you’re “devil may care, illegal just means fun” vibe clashes with john immediately. and john rants about you for a good hour after the two of you meet, and sherlock is just like “they’re usually not that bad, they just like infuriating you.” and it’s the truth - messing with john watson becomes a favorite pastime of yours - especially when sherlock works with you, making up the most ridiculous stories and fake arguments to get john to self-destruct. but, as we all would guess, you grow to really like john watson. he’s an interesting character, that one - he has all the good traits that you like to think you no longer have. he’s kind and selfless and fairly sharp, even if sherlock insists otherwise. and he’s funny - at least, a lot better company than sherlock. and at some point, john saves you from something or another, and you’re touched, of course, and that night, you genuinely thank him, and it’s a really sweet moment. he concedes that he actually does like you - even if you are incredibly annoying and the bane of his existence - and you laugh, saying you really like him, too. “you’re pleasantly surprising, john watson.” and that’s the end of that, but it’s the start of a turning point for your relationship! now it’s more playful banter between the two of you that sherlock swears gives him a headache - even when you’re just thinking of the other. sherlock is also probably the person that clues both of you into the fact that you love each other, and both of you are very exasperated at sherlock, but well, there goes your confession! now that it’s all out, the two of you are a snarky couple that sherlock has to “endure,” despite caring for both of you very deeply. mrs. hudson takes some money from sherlock because she bet that the two of you were going to get together, and sherlock was dumb enough to not see it, earlier.
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mortedeveles · 4 years
Can I ask for a mha headcanon with bakugou, tenya & izuku with a crush/so who's short, chubby and is very quiet & cold when they first meet, but when they start getting to know them they're actually goofy, sarcastic and very caring/cuddly (they were just super anxious when they first met the boys) I hope this isn't too confusing or too much ^^" 👉👈
thanks for requesting sweet anon! your request is perfectly fine! i hope you like it <3 on another note, if you’ve sent me a request and I haven’t responded, please send it again or DM me! i think Tumblr has been eating asks lately.. ;vv. 
these are my first headcannons, I hope they’re not too bad :(  what do you think? are they too informal/formal? too short/long? feel free to let me know! i made bakuhoe’s kinda long, i hope you don’t mind! MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN, THEY WILL CLOSE ON THE 16TH! as always, please leave a like, reblog, comment and/or follow if you enjoyed! <33 
PAIRING: Bakugou K. x gn!reader, Tenya I. x gn!reader, Izuku M. x gn! reader
Themes: pining, humor. [HEADCANNONS]
TW: cursing? i don’t think anything else. 
When you enrolled in U.A High, you were extremely nervous. What if you weren't fit to be a Pro Hero? At the entrance exam, there were so many other students, you felt queasy at the sight of so much potential.
You went through so many insecure thoughts and fleeting moments of panic before school started. What if they didn't like you? How would you even make friends? Would they be easy going or cold and distant? When school finally started, you were in for a surprise.
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As we all know, Katsuki was a prideful asshole at the beginning of the school year. He barely paid attention to anyone and you weren't an exception- Kirishima and the Bakusquad were the only ones who'd managed to befriend him. And even then, they would always get on his nerves.
Don't get me wrong, he knew you existed. But he didn't really pay much attention to you until the mids of the first year. The first time he interacted with you was during a fighting assignment- the two of you had been paired together, you were to engage in combat and see how your quirks worked against each other and together.
Bakugou noticed that you had a strong quirk- you weren't any extra. With your quirk Liquify, you actually managed to make him sweat and feel tired- you had a good grasp on your quirk.  He didn't mind working with you, he had noticed that you tended to be quiet and distant and barely talked to him if it wasn't school-related- so he thought you were alright. Katsuki preferred a silent partner than a loud and noisy one like dunceface.
However, he was slightly thrown off guard when he spotted you with Todoroki, Tsuyu, and a few others of the class, laughing together and blabbering about nonsense. He had never seen you laugh or smile around him. Your face was shining with joy-  he could see so many emotions in your expression- a startling contrast to your usual stoic or grimacing face.
Bakugou didn't care, right? The two of you were just study partners, nothing more. He didn't care about how you acted around him.
He couldn't convince himself with his own words.
The more time the two of you worked together, the more you opened up. It was a pleasant change. Katsuki noticed how you would smile when you thought he wasn't looking or that you'd occasionally chatter with him during the fighting and reply sarcastically to his remarks.  
Seeing you smile and laugh around him felt nice- his heart always skipped a beat when your lips tugged upwards.
He told himself it was nothing. He didn't like you or anything...he just liked seeing you smile. That's what he kept telling himself day after day, refusing to acknowledge his feelings for you.
''Bakugou, do you choose truth or dare?''
It wasn't until Class 1A decided to have a sleepover with all the boys and girls (minus Mineta, they kicked him out of the building for the night) and played a popular game called Truth or Dare that he finally acknowledged his feelings for you.
It was Mina's turn, and Katsuki didn't like the evil glint in her eyes. He felt his heart crawl up to his throat when Mina smiled at him.
He swallowed, clenching his fists at his side. Ever since he was paired with you, Katsuki had noticed how Mina's gaze lingered on the two of you. What was she planning? Was Mina going to force him to do something- kiss you? He felt his ears burn at the thought. After an awkward moment of silence, Bakugou spoke up.
''Truth,'' he said gruffly. Hopefully, she wouldn't ask what he was thinking.
Mina squealed in delight. She clasped her hands together. ''Bakugou,'' she spoke slowly but firmly, her face contorting into a serious expression. ''Do you like Y/N?''
''Hah?!'' he immediately snapped. His ears and cheeks burned red and small sparks snapped from his palms. Bakugou could hear snickers and squeals from the rest of his classmates but refused to look at them. 
''What kind of question is that?!"
After a few moments, Bakugou grumbled a 'yes', but no one heard him, so Mina taunted him into speaking louder.
Mina giggled, shooting you a knowing glance. Bakugou wanted to look at you- what were you thinking?- but his fear of rejection willed him to keep his burning gaze on Mina.
''You heard me,'' the pink girl replied with a grin. ''Is Y/N your crush? Don't lie to me. You have to say the truth!''
Everyone was silent at his outburst. With a growl, he glanced at you. His face felt like it was on fire- and much to his surprise, you were as flustered as him- but you offered him a timid smile. He relaxed at your smile and felt his heart flutter. You liked him back.
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As class president, Iida felt the responsibility of reaching out with all of his classmates. He wasn't particularly close with everyone, but he made sure to be friendly and supportive.
You were a different case. Despite his attempts to converse with you, Iida had noticed that you were quite distant and cold. At first, he was startled but eventually brushed it off. Maybe it was just your behavior, similar to Todoroki's.
Even though you were quite closed off, Iida refused to surrender.
He had seen you briefly interact with other classmates such as Tokoyami and Ochaco, and you were far more comfortable with them, smiling and even laughing with them. This could've discouraged him but instead, it made him feel motivated to get you to be comfortable with him. 
After Iida had a sparring match with Todoroki, you approached him. 
‘‘Not bad,’‘ you said. Your face was stoic- but the fact that you were complimenting him made him smile. ‘‘Your sparring skills are improving.’‘ 
Iida bowed down so low he nearly touched the ground. ‘’Thank you, Y/N-chan!” he exclaimed.
 Eventually, the two of you became comfortable friends, but Iida was still the goody two shoes he's always been. Whenever you were acting improper or out of line, he was always there to keep you in check, scolding you with his loud and long speeches.
At first, his scoldings irked you but you eventually warmed up to them. One time, your uniform was too tight/short (it was the last pair you had clean!) and when you greeted Iida, his face reddened.
''Y/N-chan!'' he exclaimed, waving his hands in the air. ''Your uniform doesn't abide by the school uniform's guidelines! You are a very beautiful person but-,'' his face turned even redder and he swallowed nervously. ''Your presentation is improper!''
After his rant, he breathed heavily and was surprised when he heard you laughing softly. You rarely showed emotions around him- only a few small smiles and chuckles, but never a laugh.
''Oh, Iida-kun!'' you said with a teasing grin. ''It's my only clean uniform pair!'' you pouted and Iida swallowed nervously. ''I'll make sure to dress properly next time! Thanks for letting me know.'' you pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek and walked away with a mischievous grin, leaving him a blushing mess.
Iida grew fond of your jokes- they were silly, but always made him smile. Around you, Iida grew at ease. He had acknowledged that he had romantic feelings for you, but wasn’t quite sure how to tell you. It wasn’t a concerning matter for him, he was sure that one day, he would be able to confess to you... it was merely a matter of time. Meanwhile, he would simply have to push his romantic feelings aside, until he was ready to confess.
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Where do I begin?
Izuku is quite friendly and tries to befriend everyone- even if they're challenging or distant. He's proven to be successful- after all, he befriended the aloof Shoto Todoroki.
He began to interact with you through Todoroki- you had quickly befriended the bi-colored boy after joining U.A and when Izuku befriended Todoroki and began to sit together- you would tag along and sit with them. 
When he met you, he was in awe for several reasons. One, you had perfect control over your quirk Liquify- which amazed him to no end- he would constantly ask you questions and mutter under his breath, writing down notes in his notebook.
Your cold behavior didn't bother him- he believed that you simply weren't comfortable with him yet, and he was okay with that fact. You could open up whenever you were ready.
His theory turned out to be correct- after months of socializing, you began to warm up with him- and he began to see a different side of you.
You would occasionally make sarcastic remarks that made him laugh loudly. Izuku didn’t miss how your eyes would slightly crinkle and how beautiful you look when you smiled- but remained silent and kept his comments to himself. 
During the weekend, you had spent time with him and admitted that you felt anxious around him- he was Deku, a Pro Hero in training, he saved everyone and always smiled brightly. To a certain point, you felt intimidated by him.
After hearing your confession, Izuku assured you that you were great as well- he was a firm believer that your quirk and your traits were perfect to be a Pro Hero- there was no reason to feel intimidated.
The two of you grew even closer after that day. 
Sometimes, you would become cuddly or yearn for physical contact and you would grumble or ask Izuku if you could hug him or hold his arm. He would blush brightly and stammer for several minutes but eventually agree.
If being close to him made you happy, he was happy to oblige.
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juji-han · 3 years
Mr. Hong
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pairing | Joshua Hong x f!reader ft. mention of other Seventeen members
word count | 3.9k
genres | pride and prejudice au, fluff
summary | Knowing Mr. Hong was something you don’t think you could ever forget
warnings | crude language, but only a few times
"Mr. Hong!” 
“Mr. Hong!”
Having the misfortune of chasing after a twenty-four year old man was... well, unfortunate. He was stuck up, listening to only the voices he called his friends, and never waiting for anyone. Trying to control the man was the work of a mother and that’s what you were absolutely not. 
“Friend, the woman is calling, an ear in her direction wouldn’t hurt now would it?” Jeonghan called. You let out a small noise of agreement to his friend, your pride strong. Although you didn’t think you needed the help, you definitely did. 
“I cannot lend an ear friend, it’s simply impossible!” Joshua teased. He was moving around the common room, pacing with the intent of looking for something, without a care for you trying to grab his attention. 
“Please, Mr. Hong,” You pleaded, finally getting close enough to grab his shoulders and spin him around. “You’ve got to attend the ball with me, I’ve already told my mother we’re going!”
Upon hearing your full plead, his face morphs into an expression you cannot read. His eyes locked onto yours and his lips pursed with a new expression of wonder. 
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Honestly Ms. Y/N you’ve got to learn to speak up if you’re gonna be a resident around here.” He grins. He grabs your arms that were tightly gripped onto his body and connects hands. He lets out a giggle and looks around to his friends.
“Were you boys aware of the woman’s pleads? And I have the misfortune of calling you men partners.” 
Joshua walks away, his posture straight with years of practice in it. His two friends who’ve you only begun to unravel along with him follow behind, leaving an exhausted you behind in the common area wondering what the hell just happened. 
Exhaling air you didn’t even know you were holding, it dawned on you that Mr. Hong, a man who was eccentric and unfiltered in his words was going to meet your parents. 
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Arriving at the ball was nerve-racking to say the least. You’re hands were sweaty, rubbing on the ribbon around your dress multiple times. Even to your parents you looked concerned, brows furrowed and eyes skittering around the foyer in hopes to find the 5′10 man that always wore a smile.
“Ms. Y/N,” You turned around quickly, meeting eyes with Mr. Hong. “Mrs. Mr., fine evening if I do say so myself. Your daughter invited me and oh-” 
Joshua’s hand shot out, eyes flicking back and forth between your mother and father, having forgotten to introduce himself first.
“Joshua Hong. That is my name, if-if you were wondering. Although if you weren’t I’ll take the burden of intruding your thoughts with such a name. Unless you’d want the burden, which would be odd but-” 
“Please Mr. Hong, I am truly honored you have decided to accompany my daughter. I thought she would never have a male who would take her without being embarrassed of her rude and blunt behavior!” Your mother raved. She fanned her face as she went on, completing her speech of your ‘wild child’ nature. 
Your face blushed redder than a local soldier uniform. "Mother! Isn’t burdening Mr. Hong about my personality more of a distaste than just announcing your comfort?”
You turned to Joshua grabbing his arm, linking you two together and pulling him into the main ballroom. 
“Do you dance Mr. Hong? Or should I have invited your friend, Mr. Chwe his name was?” You asked. He looked down at you and gave a small laugh. 
“You were running around me, calling my name for five minutes in hopes I’d say yes. Now here you are asking for my friend, perhaps your mother was right, maybe you are unkept.” Joshua spoke as he whisked you around so you were in front of him. 
“So you admit you kept me waiting in anticipation for your answer?” You pressed. Shrugging his shoulders and giving a smirk, you concluded your answer. 
“Come on,” He grabbed your hand. You had wondered if you were finally going to dance, but instead he led you out of the ballroom, going toward the balcony. “I’ve got to share information with you that is of most importance, and I have the plague of impatience my dear.”
Excusing many people that you and Joshua had bumped into, you two finally made your way to the balcony, empty with no decorations, a complete opposite to the inside. To whose mansion it was unknown, but the swan lake in front of your eyes was beautiful. You’d have to thank them one day.
Lost in your thoughts, you almost didn’t notice the way Joshua grabbed your hand, turning your head to his direction.
“You look quite beautiful tonight.” He spoke in a low voice. Although the balcony was empty of others and the great wooden doors were closed behind you, he spoke in a low tone.
“Is that all you had to rush to tell me Mr. Hong? Your ‘plague of impatience’ seems to have worn off.” You teased. “If you want such a compliment back, I’ll give it in return. You do also look of quite importance tonight.”
He clicks his tongue and gives a chuckle. Still looking at you, he reaches for the ribbon on your dress. Looking at it with a longing you couldn’t understand, he lets it fall out of his hand, the fabric falling into place slowly. 
“Where are your guest Mr. Hong? A man like you seems too lonely to travel around alone, am I wrong?”
Joshua’s eyes widen for a split second before they squint, a smile reaching his dark eyes, “I accompanied you tonight did I not?”
“You did.”
“So I am not lonely tonight. I even sneaked out and escaped my two guests you seem so keen on mentioning today.” He revealed. Your face held shock for a moment before hitting him on the shoulder giving a laugh.
“Mr. Hong, if they find out you’ve actually agreed to come here with me tonight, they might think me of a vile woman! A vile woman who has kidnapped a man of your rank to come down to the less fortunate! For a public ball!” You cried. 
“Nonsense Ms. Y/N. They would share my honor of having going to a ball with a beautiful woman. Besides, that’s not the importance I had to share. There was more, but I’m afraid I’m shy and not so open to sharing my true feelings,” He spoke.
“Is it bad?” You asked. In the two months of knowing Mr. Hong, he hasn’t shared any information that has made you worried for him personally. He was always positive, making sure to spread hope. 
“No. Well, perhaps if this goes wrong, I’d then have to assume the position of it being bad, however-” He got cut off, the wooden doors behind you two opening with eagerness. 
“Mr. Hong! Honestly, you are a grown man, just notify us when you are leaving! Is it necessary to make us have a chase?” Jeonghan scolded, Vernon walking next to him, stepping onto the balcony.
You bowed to the two men, acknowledging them and giving a polite smile. Joshua’s friends eyes widened before bowing back and switching back over to their run-away.
“We have to go.” Mr. Chwe spoke shortly, his face wearing a happy look. He took Joshua by the arm and walked him towards the doors. Whispering in his ear, Joshua nodded before facing you.
“I apologize Ms. Y/N, but this really does require my utmost attention. Not that you don’t also, but-” He was cut off once again with a tug on his arm by Jeonghan.
“My apologies.” He muttered. The three men left quickly, leaving you confused.
He’d tell you what was concerning him, now and before right? Or would he sweep it under the rug in hopes you’d let the situation go, your mind pondered.
Gasping, your face heated up in anger, “that bastard! Mother is gonna think I’ve driven him off.”
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Two days ago, you got left by Mr. Hong and berated by your mother for running off a man of his handsomeness. Your mother who was so excited for you having bought a man that had potential to be your husband was still going on, complaining on how a woman of your beauty could chase a man off so quickly.
You sat at the table, eating slowly and ‘politely’ in hopes she didn’t point out another thing you did wrong.
“Dear, I’m sure she didn’t mean to. I saw the gentleman get pulled away by two other men.” Your father stuck up for you while reading the newspaper.
“Oh! Don’t you makes excuses for her,” she turned to you, sweat starting to run down her forehead after ranting and pacing. “You are trying to give me a heart attack! Truly Y/N if you want me to have one, I feel it coming on!”
You stood from your chair, walking towards her and seating her yourself.
“Mama, I’m not looking for a suitor anyway. I’m convinced I cannot give what a man needs right now for company and no man is able to do the same for me.” You spoke quickly, not giving her the chance to cut you off.
“Now if you’d excuse me, I’ll be under the tree. Call me if you’re having that heart attack, yeah?” You smiled, walking away and grabbing a book. You swore you heard your mother gasp and complain once again unto your poor father’s ears.
The weather was warm outside, but not warm enough to make you regret coming out. Sitting under the great big tree near the lake, you cracked open your book, tasking yourself with finishing another chapter.
“And your mother swears you are of wildness.” You heard a familiar voice talk. Jumping slightly, you closed your book and looked up, glad the tree covered the sun for you.
In front of you stood Mr. Hong, suit perfectly fitted and posture straight, smiling down at you.
“She only swears that so a man might think I can be tamed. Always for the man, never for the bride.” You frowned. Joshua sat himself next to you, a hand behind his back hiding something.
You pointed your head towards him, “What is that? Surely it must be the reason you left me to the wolf I call my mother those some nights ago.”
Joshua sighed, a tired smile on his face. He brought the envelope from behind his back and passed it to you. Looking at the wax stamp of his initials and family arms, you looked back up at him.
“What is this?” 
“Open it when I leave my dear. I’m much too shy to say it to your face. I had built up courage at the ball but I’m afraid its run out now.” He stood up, dusting his pants and gave a quick bow, walking away at a near running pace.
Raising an eyebrow and cracking a smile you examined the envelope. Breaking the seal, you found a letter. 
Ms. Y/N, it was took upon me that I must inform you that I am leaving soon. My close friend has gotten married! He stressed his importance for me to come, but I’m afraid it is in another town. You stood up, walking towards your house as you read on. As I’ve wrote before, I must go, as it is of importance. Before handing you this letter, I made a point to myself to tell you that this letter be read when I am gone. I have begun to realize, my feelings towards you are much more of a friend. And you are a capable woman, my, so very capable. So here it is, enough of my word rambling. Ms. Y/N. I love you. 
Sitting down on your bed, you read the last three words over and over again. You placed the letter down, sighing and drying your hands on your brown dress. Picking up the coffee stained paper back up again, you continued. 
I’m sorry this is so abrupt, but I am honored to be in love with a woman of your independence. And maybe the only reason I’m telling you this now is because I’ll be too far for you to catch me. Besides, you know me, I’m moving to fast for anyone to catch up, a quick fox you always said. So, by the time you read this, I’ll be on a carriage on the way to leave. I’m delighted to say you won’t catch me this time, just this once my dear. I am unsure of the length of my stay, but don’t forget me? It’d be unfortunate to forget a face like mine, will it not? 
Your friend and lovesick gentleman, Mr. Hong
Folding the letter and putting it under your pillow, you laid down. Staring at the dirty tinted white ceiling you shut your eyes, exhausted. You’d doubt you get any sleep tonight, not after the sudden confession as well as the settling emptiness for your now gone friend. 
“Damn you, Mr. Hong.”
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A month had passed. You helped your mother and father with their daily chores and even went into town. And who knew there were so many outgoing people in the town, waiting for someone like you to befriend. 
“I’m glad you finally agreed to come with me. Isn’t being in your house all the time... boring?” Mingyu pressed. After meeting Mingyu, you found your life was short of boring, like when your previous relation was still around. 
“Please Mr. Kim, you act as if I am void of all fun. A girl of my nature practically created it you know.” You teased, putting your sheer ribbon around your face and faking awe. Mingyu gave a chuckle while lightly hitting your shoulder. You giggled and rested your head on his shoulder, giving a sigh.
“Mr. Kim, how much longer is the ride? In which direction do we travel?” You asked. You felt his shoulders square before he lightly moved your head off his side. Reaching into his jacket in a pocket, he pulled out a invitation, passing it to you. 
“A friend of mine, who was recently married, invited us to meet his new wife.” 
“Us?” You flipped the letter, looking for anything else, but found only the beautiful penmanship with a gold border. 
“Me, my dear, and a guest of my choosing. Don’t you know how to read?” He scolded. 
Passing the letter back to Mingyu, you rolled your eyes. Feeling more attached to the scenery, you suddenly saw a great building. A mansion, great and big with size with green on all sides. 
“How much longer was that?” Mingyu grabbed your cheek and pinched it. You slapped his hand away, giving a sharp look before you felt the carriage stop.
Mr. Kim helping you out the carriage, you two walked to the front doors, giving a few hard knocks.
The anticipation was killing, and just when you brought your hand up to give another knock the doors opened quickly.
There stood a tall man, round glasses hanging a bit low but still well enough to see fine. He gave you a quick glance, eyes landing on the even taller man next to you, a smile breaking across his face. 
“Mr. Kim,” the man pulled him in for a tight hug, eyes closing in joy. “I thought you’d never get here! You must come in, my wife is ecstatic to meet you!”
Bowing to the man, whose name you still haven’t been told, he returns it. Mingyu, watching the interaction, clears his throat. 
“Ms. Y/N, meet my close friend, Mr. Jeon. Mr. Jeon, Ms. Y/N.” He introduced you two. You gave a polite smile and he once again returned the favor. Grabbing you and Mingyu’s arms he pulled you two the common area. 
“Love? the guest are here!” Mr. Jeon called. Entering the room, you were stunned. The room was wide, holding a white piano to your left, and a woman was playing. The windows were big, and the curtains were these wine red, still with the only movement coming from someone passing it. In the middle were two sofas, one of which holding three men. 
Locking eyes with the man in the middle, you two stared at each other. Giving a polite bow, you changed directions, meeting gaze with the woman playing the piano.
“Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim, It is a pleasure to meet you both.” She talked, her voice holding grace. 
Your face heated up, shaking your head at the misname. 
“Mrs. Kim?” You heard Mr. Hong ask.
“Ms. Y/N, is fine. I’m not yet courted properly.” You spoke out. Mrs. Jeon gave an understanding nod, still looking between you and Mingyu as if she was unconvinced. Holding her hand out to the couch, you and Mingyu sat down.
Holding your head down, and looking anywhere besides Joshua, you still felt his look on you. 
“Ms. Y/N, a word?” You heard him call. Looking up at him with a surprised look, you nodded after a moment of hesitation. 
Joshua linked your arm with his walking you out of the common area into the hallway. It seemed he knew the house very well, and walked you up the stairs. Reaching another room, he pushed you inside and closed the door behind him. Not yet turning around, you stared at his back, giving out a heavy sigh. 
You hit his back and heard him laugh. 
“What is so funny, Mr. Hong?” You continued to hit his back before he grabbed your hands in his big ones. “You left me! You told me you fancied me and then you left me, you crazy bastard!”
Joshua grabbed your pounding hands and gave a great laugh. You stared at him with an expression he could sum up to horror and started laughing even more. 
“Ms. Y/N, what are you even doing here?” He let go of your hands moving behind you. You turned around not letting him out of your sight and took in the room. 
It was a bedroom. A great mattress in the middle, with deep red coverings and white thin veils around the frame. 
“This was an invitation only was it not? Certainly you don’t think I followed you here?” You accused, a scoff leaving your lips. 
“You’re mistaken then. You have insulted me, I’m injured with your lack of careful accusation.” He holds his hand over his chest in feign hurt.
“Indeed Mr. Hong, perhaps I am not careful enough. But it doesn’t matter because you have still have explaining to do. Explain to me why you kiss and ran.” 
Joshua took a step towards you, eyes flickering between your eyes and mouth. He took your hand in his, bringing it up to his mouth, laying a kiss on your knuckles. 
Removing your hand from his grasp, your mouth agape, you gripped your dress. 
“I’m sorry.” He apologized. “Please forgive me, my dear. I’ve seem to forgotten you are not like me. A coward.”
Hiding your smile behind your hand, you let out a giggle, “You are a coward aren’t you?”
Giggling with you, he stepped even closer, you smile slowly leaving.
The door suddenly opened again leaving you two taking a quick step back from each other. Heads turning toward the door, you saw Mrs. Jeon peaking in.
“Am I impeding upon your conversation?” She asked, eyes covered by her hand. 
Separating yourself even further from Joshua, you walked towards her,��“No. Worry not Mrs. Jeon.” 
She took you by your elbow, walking out the room. Looking behind you for Joshua, he was close behind giving a reassuring nod. 
Pulling you closer, Mrs. Jeon whispered, “Are you interested, perhaps me and my husband can be of some assistance in getting you two alone.”
Blushing, you both muffled your laughs, making Joshua raise his eyebrow. 
Finally reaching the dining room, you guys got seated. Joshua across from, Mingyu next to you. Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Jeon sat at the head of the tables and Mr. Chwe and Yoon were nowhere to be found.
“Where are my other two guests?” Joshua inquired. 
Mrs. Jeon held a slight smile, but quickly removed it off her face before anyone noticed. 
“They said they weren’t feeling of good health.” Mr. Jeon answered. 
Nodding to himself, the table started to eat. The table was silent, everyone doing their own thing, occasional clattering of plates from the maids. 
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Sitting in the common room once again, the air was easy. Mrs. Jeon played the piano while you swirled your wine. As the piece she played ended, she yawned, standing up slowly.
“Shall we head off to bed?” She asked the room. Looking at Mingyu, you tilted your head in confusion. The rest of the party all nodded, minding you no business. 
“Ms. Y/N, you can have the room next to Mr. Hong’s.” Nodding and settling in, the night slowly became morning. 
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Reading a book under a tree, you barely heard the ducks on the lake, nor did you hear the footsteps of the man who confessed and ran a month ago. 
“What are you doing dear?” 
Closing your book, you looked up Joshua. Staring long, you shook your head, focusing once again. 
“Um- reading,” standing up quickly, you stood tall before him. “Shall we continue our conversation? From yesterday?”
Joshua bit his lip, before nodding, avoiding eye contact and pulling you to sit down again. 
You two didn’t speak for a few moments. Just staring out at the lake, you felt your hand intertwine with his. 
“I must really apologize once again. What I did, dumping these emotions on you, so suddenly and then running away was a poor choice of mine. Reckless, and a poor trait of mine has always been moving too fast. But-But if you’d take me as yours-” Joshua trailed on.
“Mr. Hong.”
“I can make you happy. I can give you a library of your own, hell I will build it of my own hands-”
“Mr. Hong.” You called louder. Joshua still rambled barely taking a breathe of air between each word.
You reached over for Joshua’s face, pressing your lips against him in hopes he stopped talking. A noise of surprise escaped his mouth, the words stopped flowing and kissing you back. He places his hands over yours pressing his face into yours harder. Pulling away, you opened your eyes and found Joshua mouth open, and eyes closed.  
“Mr. Hong, I accept your offer.” You smiled.  
His eyes shot open, and he wore a bright smile, grabbing you by the waist and spinning you around. Giggling you held on to him as he laughed with a child’s happiness.
“Come on, we must tell the others of our engagement.” Joshua tugged you towards the mansion, barely giving you time to react, too excited. 
Pulling you into the common room, he held you close, grinning brightly. 
“I have important information to share with you all. It is of my excitement to announce the engagement of me and Ms. Y/N.” Joshua announced. 
Staring with wide eyes, Mingyu and Mr. and Mrs. Jeon all stood up quickly, like if the news was the most unbelievable. The group of three suddenly stood up and congratulated you both, cheering.
Mrs. Jeon pulled you to the side, “How was the alone time? Getting his guest to leave was the hardest task.”
You gave her an incredulous look before giggling and covering your mouth. Calling for her maids, Mrs. Jeon handed you a glass of wine.
“A celebration!”
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Reading in front of the fireplace, legs pulled up to your chest, you felt Joshua place a kiss on your forehead. Glancing at him, you gave a small smile.
“Mr. Hong.” You acknowledged. He nudged your shoulder with a goofy smile.
“Mrs. Hong.” 
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A/N : I feel as if this was rushed towards the end, but tbh i got writers block at the worst time and said fuck it and pushed through lol. any feedback is appreciated pls and thank u!! oh im nervous ha
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u-iona · 3 years
After seeing the last episode on the YouTube channel GrandLineReview, I wanted to comment about a thing I hate about One Piece, but it was too long (as all my writtings tend to be), so I’m posting it here.
I apologise for all gramatical mistakes that will inevitabely appear.
I hate how female characters either don’t appear as much as males or are left as background characters while the males duke it out.
Marines: I can remember about three female characters from the top of my head (Tashigi, Tsuru and Hina) and even though there are more (Tsuru’s crew) there is nowhere near enough to counter the males. Additionally, we know of two former Fleet Admirals (Sengoku and Kong), one current (Sakazuki), and five Admirals (Akainu [former], Aokiji [former], Kizaru, Fujitora and Ryokugyu). Notice a trend? All males.
Cipher Pol: While writting about the Marines, I thought that maybe the reason for the lack of females was that the society at large expected women to not fight and simply take care of the house. With that being the case, it would make sense for Marines to promote the idea, since it would fit with the world at large. It would also make sense for the lack of female characters in CP1-8, since those are known to public (maybe even CP0, since they work mainly for the World Nobles and need to keep up the appearances). But it would not explain CP9, which is an allegedly assassination organisation unknown to the world. In that case a female would be more inconspicuous and thus better at assassination. So, either my idea is wrong and the Marines and CP0-8 have no real explanation for their lack of females or CP9 has no good explanation for only having Kalifa out of at least 8 known characters.
Pirates: Even if theory of misogyny mentioned above is true, pirates, who rebel against the World Government should have a better track record.
Shichibukai (including former, but not Blackbeard, since he’ll be a bit down with the Yonko): Admitedly, Shichibukai work for the World Government, but they’re more of independant contractors than actual employees. So, from all the know Shichibukai Mihawk, Kuma and Weevil get a pass, since they don’t have a crew. Boa Hancock gets one as well, since she does have an all female crew, but her whole crew (present, past and future, since Kija Pirates just seem to pass from generation to generation) is made of Kuja women only and doesn’t seem inclined to recruit out of her island. Which kind of makes sense, but is also discriminatory of every non-Kuja woman. Now to the rest. Crocodile had a bounty hunter organisation that employed both males and females, most notably current Straw Hat Nico Robin, who, once they got up high enough on the ladder worked in male-female duos. That sounds good, but (while I am not going to go back to manga/anime) I remember that, when explaining the structure of Baroque Works to Straw Hats, Vivi said that the number agents are the strongest men in the organisation, who then get a female partner with complementary skill set. Enough said. Next, Moria. But, there’s not much to say, since he basically had 3 living crew members and with that number it’s either man-man-woman or man-woman-woman, so it’s good enough that he didn’t have three men. Jinbei and honestly Fisher Tiger (who I still love and cry when I see him die) did a terrible job at gender equality, since there are no fishwomen or mermaids on the crew of Sun Pirates (there’s Praline, but she’s Aladins wife and joins during time-skip as a part of alliance with Big Mom, so I’m not really counting her). And we have no evidence that fishwomen or mermaids would be any worse at fighting than mermen or fishmen. Trafalgar Law does a bit better, but with one woman out of 20 crew members it’s still not much. Buggy (a guy I totally forgot was a part of this group, sorry Buggy fans) has a huge crew, but out of the well known ones, I’m pretty sure that only Alvida is female, but I cannot be certain that he doesn’t have more. And lastly, Doflamingo. Here I only count the Donquixote Family, since counting every minion would take too long. Out of his Elite Officers (the guys that stood for heart, club, diamond and spade) there were five (Roscinante and Vergo both standing for heart) and all male. Each of them could have subordinates which were: Giolla, Sugar, Violet, Lao G, Senor Pink, Dellinger, Machvise, Gladius, Buffalo, Baby 5. Then there was Monet, who was part of the family, but neither as an elite officer or an official subordinate of one. In total, out of 16 there are 5 females. Like with Moria, it is roughly one third, but better than some other and Doflamingo could have had more females. My main concern nere were the Elite Officers, but they were in general much harder to defeat than the other. Those that jump out would be Sugar (as being hard to defeat, but we need to take into consideration that she was being actively protected by Trebol), Vergo (being easier to defeat than other Elite Officers [in my oppinion], but that took Laws genuinly OP Devil Fruit] and Roscinante (since he didn’t seem to do much and his Devil Fruit was kind of useless, so he either had hidden skill we didn’t see or nepotism).
Yonko: Since this is much lower on the list, I actually thought through the order of writting (from most women inclusive to least) and am not winging it like the rest. Firstly, Big Mom (Charlotte Linlin). She is a female and her crew is greatly inclusive to both genders and all races (species?), though the higher ups (Sweet Commanders, Ministers) seem to be ONLY her children. That means that unless a blood relative of hers a character has little to no chance of mattering. But that could be due to both her and her children, in general, being stronger than at least humans, as well as most of her crew being made up of Homies (if I remember correctly). Out of her three (formerly four) Sweet Commanders one, Smoothie, is female and, while she is weaker than Katakuri (like most of her family), her bounty is higher than Crackers, so she presents a bigger threat according to the World Government. Taking her and Crackers Devil Fruits into consideration, it is likely that Smoothie is more powerful than Cracker (without Devil Fruit), since Cracker can use his whenever he feels like but Smoothie seems to need to get close up, making her fruit harder to use against many enemies at once and thus needing to rely on other abilities. Like Big Mom, Kaido does employ many females, but not as much where it counts. For me, the characters from the Beast Pirates that I remember are Kaido, the All Stars and the Tobiroppo and from those 9, 2 are female (only Ulti and Black Maria). Not to say that those two aren’t awsome, I love both, especially Ulti, but I don’t think that it’s enough. On top of that, the All Stars (which are basically the Beast Pirates version of the Sweet Comanders) are all male, so not even the one third. Then we get onto Blackbeard, from who’s crew we know only the 10 Titanic Captains, where only one (Catarina Devon) is female. That could certainly be better and I will not comment much further, since the 10 Captains themselves show that Blackbeard has a gigant crew, most of who we don’t know, but having a few more females there would be better, since any Blackbeard female shown from now on will most likely be weaker than any of the captains. Next is Whitebeard, whose crew I genuinely hate. I honestly think that Whitebeard is cool and I support the idea of blood not making a family, but any and all females on his crew are nurses. No fighters, let alone a female being one of the 16 Divison Commanders (I checked and Haruta is male. I also heard some people mention Whity Bay, but she’s an ally and a captain of her own crew, not a Whitebeard pirate). So, while there are females, it showes them as damsels in distres rather than foghters. Nothing more to say. Lastly, the worst offender, Shanks. No females. That’s it. There is not a single female character that would be a known member of the Red Haired pirates, not even as a nurse. Grantes, we still don’t know much about Shanks or the Red Haired pirates, but we’ve seen them at Marinefort and I think that if at least one female from the crew was an important fighter, she would be there. So, there could be some, but either not strong or not a fighter at all.
Straw Hats: Let’s be honest, we all love Straw Hats, but they’ve got problems. There are females, but it’s still only two out of then, neither of the two is part of the three strongest (until the time skip Nami was actually seen as one of the weaker members and before Alabasta she didn’t even fight) and even their fighting styles show a problem. This is something I wanted to also point out (before this rant became longer than some of my essays [and I didn’t even research here, just checked to make sure some of the things I wrote were actually true and to check the names]), but another thing I don’t like is how even when female characters are shown, they are not fighters, not GOOD fighters (or in general tend to be weaker than men) or are long distance fighters. Nami and Robin are a great mple of the last. Both of them attack from a distance, which makes sense with their weapon/Devil Fruit, but all the other Straw Hats (excluding Usopp) fight at close or mid distance. That makes the Straw Hats balances, but it doesn’t make sense that neither of them are close combat (at least statistically), especially since Nami DIDN’T FIGHT until Alabasta (and even there her combat with Miss Doublefinger was pretty close range) so her fighting style could have been thought of for a long time. And Robin DOES have some close ranged attacks (shown in Alabasta and Skypiea arcs) but just doesn’t use them (especially post time-skip). And that’s not even talking about Haki. Logicaly speaking, it would make all sense in the world for Robin to have at least Arnament, since it would give her already OP (if used correctly) Devil Fruit a way to more effectively attack other Devil Fruit users and even normal enemies (since Arnament also seems to make attacks stronger, not only allow Devil Fruit users to be hurt) and, unlike basicaly all the other Straw Hats, who didn’t learn Haki during the time-skip, Robin was surrounded by people who knew Haki and could have taught her.
Thank you, for reading my rant. I hope you enjoyed. Additionally, I suck at tagging, so please let me know, if you can think of any.
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