#and anyway i also was like oh what if i just read books with ace characters in it? that'd be fun
suddenrundown · 2 months
picked up a romance book with ace characters in it from the library, so im either about to have a fun time or this is going to be supremely annoying
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sureuncertainty · 1 year
love reading an amazing book with some of the most fantastic aro/ace rep i have ever read, and then going on goodreads to see the most willfully misinterpreted acephobic garbage in the reviews, like allos literally die when something’s not about them for .5 seconds huh
#win rambles#character in a book 'wow i don't like sex and it's annoying how it's everywhere'#someone presumably allo reading it 'WOW THIS CHARACTER IS SO SEX NEGATIVE AND JUDGY AND SHAMES PEOPLE FOR HAVING SEX'#the reviewer that was like 'wow i hate how this author tries to act like platonic relationships are BETTER than romantic ones'#when it's literally like hey what if romantic relationships weren't treated as vastly superior to every other kind of relationship#for two seconds and they see that as such an attack#like do you HEAR yourselves???#you literally sound like the 'these gay people shove it in our faces' for existing crowd#the ones that are like 'oh so you're saying that gay relationships are BETTER??? you're saying that cishets should die??? is that it???#and don't realize the hypocrisy... like that's what your'e doing#within our own community#allos cannot STAND things not being about them for two seconds#and they see aro/ace people existing as threatening them#(also no one is saying that being sex repulsed is the only way to be ace just bc the mainc haracter of the book was dear god)#but also consider.... being sex repulsed repulsed is....okay#like it's LITERALLY like looking at homophobes and reminding them that we're not saying THEY have to get gay married#just that it's good that gay marriage exists and that's fine#it's the SAME FUCKING THING like no one is telling you that you can't have sex or judging you for having se#but people deserve to be able to choose not to and not feel like they're broken or wrong for doing so#anyway sorry for the tag rant
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
Feel like I’m so basic but Jason Todd with a crush and him having zero social skills and just being super clumsy despite being highly competent when he’s in the field. Crush is like real sweet and kind maybe a service worker ✨
anon u are so true and real for this bc jason is definitely an unsocialized cat when he has a crush 💓
jason todd x gn!reader. shyish/anxious jason with a big fat crush. baker reader. annoying customer. the duality of jason todd. 1.6k words.
also i fully believe that silently leaving huge tips as a way to flirt is like. a wayne trait. 100% that family does that bc of bruce.
prompt lists are here! i reblog all fics to @sanguinelibrary
Business has been slow.
It's not like you expect your cafe to be packed to the rafters all day long, but you've had a grand total of four customers today. One of them only came in to ask where Starbucks was.
Frankly, you're not sure the cafe can afford to stay afloat for much longer. Gotham isn't known to preserve small businesses, and the conglomerates (cough, Wayne Enterprises) are taking over the world anyway.
So today is a reading day. You might even close early.
You're at a table in the back, so absorbed in Poirot's sleuthing that you don't hear the door open. It isn't until you turn the page and look up that you see your resident lurker waiting quietly at the display case. You flinch so hard that you spill iced tea on your jeans.
"Shit," you murmur, grabbing a wad of napkins and patting yourself dry.
Jason (as is written on his coffee cup) looks up from the pastries, teal eyes wide. You smile briefly at him. For such a big guy, his footsteps are astonishingly soft.
"Is everything okay?" he asks, voice rough like he doesn't speak much.
"Yeah, fine. You just startled me—I didn't hear you come in. Were you waiting long? Sorry about that."
"Oh. No, I wasn't. Sorry." He shifts weight between his feet. "You seemed pretty engrossed in your book. I didn't, uh, want to disturb you."
"Oh, hey, don't worry about that! It's literally my job to be here," you say, though you can't help but melt over how freaking sweet that is.
Jason visits you a minimum of twice a week. He's been coming for a couple of weeks. You know a whole three things about him: he's a university student, he pretty much only dresses in red or black, and he's unfairly cute.
At first, you were reasonably wary of him because it's Gotham, and he's so damn quiet. It's a little scary. You thought maybe he was an undercover spy casing the joint. Now you know he's just awkward.
"Slow day?" he asks.
"Slow year, more like. How are you? How was your exam?"
He blinks. "Exam?"
"Didn't you have an American lit exam last week?"
"Oh. Uh, yeah. Wow. Yes, I did. It was okay. Got an A."
"That's great! I knew you'd ace it."
His cheeks turn pink. Okay, you actually know four things about him: he blushes a lot.
You go to start the coffee machine. "Do you think you'll—"
"I-I have to go."
You watch, stunned, as he hurries out the door. That's when you notice the fifty dollar bill in your tip jar.
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You don't know if you should bring up yesterday. Jason's back; that probably means everything's fine, right? You're not sure if you said something wrong, though. You've gone over the interaction a hundred times since and you can't figure out why he's so skittish around you.
"Hi. Hibiscus tea, please," he says, stoic as always.
You prepare his order, yesterday's interaction still fresh in your head. You should say something, shouldn't you? Or...
"Sorry about yesterday," Jason blurts, so fast you almost miss it. "Running out, I mean. I was, uh—I forgot something."
Well. Looks like he's going to bring it up for you.
"Oh, you don't have to apologize! If I said something wrong..."
Jason shakes his head fervently. "No, God no. You're perfect."
Your eyebrows shoot up. He turns red this time.
"I mean—not perf—well, you're amazing, don't get me wrong! Except, like, what is perfect, y'know? My brother has gotten into the habit of calling everything perfection like some kind of sitcom character. Alfred will make pie, and Dick'll go, "Alfie, that was perfection." And I feel like it's such an exaggeration—"
Jason's mouth snaps closed. He rubs his forehead.
"Um, I actually have chronic foot-in-mouth disease. It gets really, stupidly bad. Sorry."
You're trying hard not to giggle. You want to smother him in frosting and take a bite.
"You're really sweet, you know that?" you say.
"I'm really not," he says with a sigh.
"Not true. Can you do me a favor?"
You go into the kitchen and return with your latest experiment: matcha cream puffs.
"Do you mind trying these for me? You're not allergic to anything, are you?"
Jason's shoulders hunch. "Are you sure you want my opinion?"
"Of course I'm sure," you say happily. "I trust you."
"You trust me," he repeats quietly.
Jason takes a puff and bites. He starts to nod.
"It's really good. You're really—all your creations are—yeah. It's good."
You squint. "No notes? Really?"
"They're perfection, as my brother would say."
Fuck, you like him so much.
"Have another one," you say, pushing the tray towards him.
"I shouldn't—"
"Wait! I'll pack you some!" you interrupt, flitting back to the kitchen to get a Tupperware.
Jason helplessly accepts the container of puffs you shove into his hands.
"Let me pay-" he tries to say, but you shake your head.
"Nope! I won't accept payment for these. Not from my favorite customer."
"Your favorite?"
"My favorite," you confirm, grinning.
"Oh." His ears turn pink as he walks to the door, cream puffs in hand. "Uh, right. Thanks. See you tomorrow."
"Jason? Don't you want your tea?"
"Shit. Yeah." He returns to the counter and takes his drink. This he insists on paying for, so you let him, because you do have rent to pay, after all.
"So nice to see you!" you add, because the stiffness in his gait is kind of throwing you off.
He just nods, slipping out the door as quietly as he came.
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Today, Jason's in a red workout tank. You have to make the conscious effort to not ogle his arms.
"Hey, Jason!" you say cheerily.
"Hi," he says softly.
"The usual?" you ask, and he looks up in surprise.
"You know my order?"
You gently roll your eyes. "Of course I know your order, silly. Favorite customer, remember?"
"Oh." He looks away, brow furrowed. Then he turns to you and his expression smooths over. "Yes, please. Thanks."
"Sure. Give me one second? I just have to finish decorating some sugar cookies."
"Take your time," Jason says, then goes to skulk by the window.
The door is suddenly swung harder than necessary, thumping the glass.
You look up from the cookies. A man in a suit is waving his phone impatiently.
"I ordered a dozen muffins. Where are they, huh?" he demands.
"Oh, right! Well, you called ten minutes ago, so they won't be ready till six, sir. Can I get you something while you wait?"
He scoffs and stomps to the counter. You almost back down, but you don't; that's exactly what these bullies want.
"This is exactly why no one eats at dinky cafes like yours. You can't even do this!" he fumes, shoving a finger in your face.
"Sir, like I said, the muffins are baking..."
"I know the city's health inspector personally," the man spits viciously. "One call, and I can—"
"Say one more word."
You blink as Jason is suddenly between you and the customer, stood at his full height. He's all muscle and broad shoulders, looming over the guy. You peek around him.
"What the fuck, man?" the angry customer squawks. "Move!"
"No, you move," Jason says, tone lethal. "Sit quietly at a table and wait for your muffins to bake. Then you can thank the nice baker for waiting on your sorry ass and you're not gonna come back. They have far more patience for entitled fucks than I do."
"Fuck you," the man spits.
Jason calmly closes the distance between them and whispers in his ear, hand like a vice around the jerk's shoulder. You watch as he turns pale, eyes growing wider.
"Sound good?" Jason asks pleasantly, all teeth. The man gapes at him.
Wow. Yeah. This is really doing something for you.
The oven dings. You go to retrieve the muffins, packing them as quickly as possible. You give him the box and the man nods.
"Thanks," he mumbles, then scurries out of the store.
Jason turns to you, and it's like looking at a completely different person.
"You okay?" he asks, posture stiff like he's still prepared for a fight.
You nod, a little dazed.
"Yeah. Wow. Jason, I... you didn't have to do that. I mean, thank you for doing it, but..."
"Hey, that guy was a jackass. And if you have trouble with him or anyone else, call me, okay?"
This side of him stuns you. If you didn't know better, you'd think he had this exchange regularly.
"Call you?" you ask, smiling. "How will I call you if I don't have your number?"
He freezes, eyes wide. "Oh. Uh. Um..."
You lean over, elbows on your counter. He watches you. You cup your hand around your mouth, pretending to divulge a secret.
"This is where you, the cute guy who frequents my struggling cafe, gives me your number."
"You think I'm cute?" he asks.
"Devastatingly so," you say, grinning.
He's quiet for a long moment. Your smile starts to dim.
"Did I read this wrong?" you ask. "If I came off too strong..."
"No!" he says a little too loud. Jason winces. "Sorry. No. I... you're... fuck, I'm not good at this. I don't even really drink tea or coffee, to be honest. I just come in to see you."
"You do?"
Jason sighs. "Yeah. Shit. That's creepy, isn't it?"
You laugh and he visibly softens.
"No, Jason," you say warmly. "It's sweet."
"So can I still ask you on a proper date? Not coffee."
You grin. "That would be perfection."
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weebsinstash · 2 months
Thinking bout how mean demi Alastor would be regarding the post cheating/meltdown/breakup sex… he’s still a sadist and now that he’s more comfortable with physical intimacy and like 20% more deranged that def gets reflected in his “catering to your needs”. Overstim, edging, anything that leaves you at his “mercy”
Reader, visibly sweating because YOU know that HE knows most of the dirty dirty nasty NASTY SHENANIGANS you've committed in the last month or two of Just Straight Up Sluttery: so Alastor, now that you've discovered this new part of yourself, surely you've, uh, developed some new tastes and healthy outlets for intimacy?
Alastor, who's just spent the last several weeks rounding up all your sexual partners and he does mean ALL of them to torture every last detail of what you did out of them, and has recently discovered how much he likes the feeling of a riding crop in his hands, along with a list of kinks where cheating/cuckoldry is definitely NOT one of them: oh yes :) healthy outlets :) so anyways my pet, about your punishment--
You're just like "ok Alastor um, since you're new to this and old fashioned you probably want to, cuddle, and, ease into it, and--" bitch he wants to tie you up. Bitch he has developed SUCH a craving for watching you tied up and helpless because, oh you're so sweet and vulnerable and need him to protect you ❤️ his sweet vulnerable little doe ❤️ aw, your struggling is so cute ❤️ do you want to be let go? Guess you better beg nice and pretty~
I dunno man... I was LITERALLY discussing a concept like this with an asexual buddy of mine actually, the amount of aces horny for Alastor is giving, truly, and we were MUTUALLY like, "listen... listen... asexuality is real and we respect that, ok... but it's also a spectrum... and I want this man going his entire life and afterlife not caring or having a taste for those things UNTIL he meets you and he has to deal with, discover, and come to understand all his new desires" and I keep thinking of multiple ways to swing that?
Just him having his equivalent of his first schoolboy crush and not knowing why he can't stop himself from laughing at your jokes? Why is he suddenly so... POSSESSIVE of your company? Why does he want to hurt the men who come around you even more than usual? He goes to Rosie for advice and she's just, DROPPING HER TEA CUP, "oh ALASTOR HONEY, you've got yourself a little crush!!" and all but squealing with delight as she wants ALL the details and, well, Rosie IS a trusted friend... and once he starts talking about you, he can't stop himself for some reason, he just enjoys sharing little details and stories and things about you amd, oh gosh Rosie you should hear this thing that happened the other day it was just the most charming little--
I want this man coming to take you back and he's kicking some door down and he finds you THROATING A GUY. I want it AWKWARD. I want him finding you doing something that immediately makes everyone involved go OH SHIT. I want some dude freaking out hollering "THE RADIO DEMON?!" because he and a buddy were spitroasting you on your hands and knees and you give a very recognizable "alastor????" around the dude's meat CLEARLY KNOWING THE GUY and your unlucky one night stand has his Oh Fuck moment as he makes perfect eye contact with the notorious cannibal who is currently witnessing this, uh, gentleman having his hand fisted in your hair as he--
Just the mental image of, it's the end of the night or even the morning and the fucking sun is coming up or, their time equivalent of sunrise since I don't think they have like days and nights, but, Alastor is just sitting there reading a book humming to himself, completely put together not a hair out of place, with candles going, a gentle song on the radio, and beside him you're just facedown completely naked in bed with welts all over your ass as his shadow gives you a nice aftercare massage. Dude just sips some coffee, humming and smirking as he regards you "now did we learn our lesson about... making impulsive unsafe decisions without consulting our partner?"
you, still face down as your legs still refuse to stop shaking: that if I want to get fucked really hard all I have to do is commit adultery?
Alastor, who has recently discovered all the Super Fun New Ways he can fuck 'discipline' you for riling him up and getting him jealous on purpose because now that he's finally acting like this it's all but making you a cat in heat 'being a brat', smiling with legitimate sadistic glee as he reaches for a pair of leather gloves: incorrect :)
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miyu-d · 7 months
Ace with the tailor reader part 2
A/N: @boomboom-tanjiro2019 it made me so happy when you requested a part 2. Here it is. I'm sorry it took me some time. Hope you'll enjoy this...
[ Part 1 ]
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Everyone was so happy about Ace's arrival and threw a party to celebrate. They were talking and laughing so loudly when you went there after finishing your work. It was more lively than other days. Chopper was showing his chopstick dance to Ace, and he was laughing at it. Then Sanji came out of nowhere and served you a drink.
"Neeehhh~ Y/N-chwan! I brought you your favorite..."
"Thank you, Sanji-kun." You smiled and took the drink.
When you gave your attention back to Ace, he was already looking at you, resting his chin on his hand. A spark ran through your body, and your legs felt a little numb when you saw the way he was looking at you. A small smile curled in the corner of his mouth. His eyes were talking, looking deep into your soul. That moment was so intimidating; you felt time had stopped, and only two of you were in the room. You looked back into Ace's eyes with the same passion, subconsciously. Only a few seconds passed, but it felt like forever.
You snapped out of it when you heard Chopper screaming and yelling. Both of you immediately broke the eye contact and looked at him. You got relaxed for a moment when you saw it was nothing serious, just Luffy playing with Chopper.
But you didn't have the guts to look back at Ace again. You walked towards a seat in the corner, hoping no one else saw what happened between you and Ace.
(Actually, only Robin saw it. She giggled a little to herself and went back to reading her book.)
At night, you went to the spot on the ship where you loved to sit and draw new designs while enjoying the sea breeze. You kept thinking about what kind of outfit you could make for Ace. Even though you had so many ideas when you first met him, now you can't imagine him wearing anything other than his significant outfit—no top, just a short with some accessories.
You leaned back more comfortably and looked out at the calm sea. After a few minutes passed, you let out a huge sigh and opened your sketch book. You felt the presence of someone, so you lifted your head up and looked. You saw Ace watching you, leaning over the railing.
"How long have you been there?"
"Not so long," Ace said, slowly walking towards you. "So... what are you doing there?"
"Nothing special. Just... trying to design some new clothes, I guess..."
"Can I see?"
He was really interested in it. So you showed him your designs and explained them to him. You had no one to talk to about this before. So you enjoyed telling him everything. You talked his ears off. Ace also enjoyed listening to your ramblings. He shared his thoughts about them too... You two became more comfortable with each other.
"I don't like this one."
"Whaaaaaaat?? That is one of my favorites."
"But it's too plain."
"That makes it more elegant."
"Add some sequins or something."
"Nope. Not gonna happen. This is perfect."
Ace gave you a pouty face. He sat down on the floor and started to mutter to himself.
"Oh, come on, Ace~" You also went and sat down next to him. "Fine, I will design a new dress the way you want. So leave that one alone. Okay?"
He stayed pouty.
"Okay?" You peaked to see his face. "Hmm?"
He kept hiding his face from you.
You signed and gave up on pestering him. You leaned on your back and looked up at the sky.
"Why do you care about it anyway? Do you want it for your girlfriend or something?"
"What? No!! I don't have anyone!!! It's just..." He blushed and looked away. "I thought it would... look good on you that way."
"Maybe... maybe that plain one, that one you called elegent, or something is also... look good on you."
He gave you a quick look, checked what you were wearing, and looked away again. "That one also looks good on you.."
Ace was so flustered. "Anything looks good on you." He was really a flustered mess.
You tried your best not to laugh. You wondered where that cool and firm Ace had gone. But you loved this side of him more.
You slowly put your head on his shoulder and whisper, "I think anything looks good on you too."
He slowly tilted his head and looked at you. You smiled at him. He blushed and looked away. You couldn't help but chuckle.
You had no idea how you got the confidence to act like this, taking the lea and all. But somehow, you could.
"Let's go" You pulled him by his hand and started walking.
"Where are we going?" Ace let you pull him and followed you.
"You are my new and first fashion model. I'm gonna make you the best outfit ever. (Y/N)'s designs, special edition, one and only, only for you, Ace collection, first outfit."
Both of you chuckled and walked to your sewing room, holding hands and swinging them back and forth.
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alzvxs · 5 months
“you are like the stars” ft. Portgas D. Ace
~🪷 a/n: C.ai have been inspiring me WAY to much recently😭. anyways dropping some fluff since not in the mood of hc’s today sorry yall :(!!
~🪷 my masterlist<3
~🪷 SUMMARY: F!reader teases Tired!Ace, by comparing him to the stars at night, while cuddling in your hammock.
y/n: orange text
ace: red text
w/c (word count): 1,208 (short😕)
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my pretty star♥️
IT was a though day for both of you. WhiteBeard purposely giving tasks to clean the ship, since the whole crew was at the bar all day.
FINALLY it was night. you were laying on your hammock, reading a book. Ace walks in all tired and grumpy from the tasks, which brings a chuckle out of you. Ace tried his best to hide his smile when he heard your sweet little laugh.
“Cmere lay down.”- you said patting your stomach. nothing eased Ace more, than sweet cuddles and you using your sweet voice to talk about everything. isnt he just a pup?
he immediately laid down, burying his head in your stomach, wrapping his strong hands around your chest.
you snickered at him as you ran your fingers in his hair. Ace smiles even more as you run your fingers through his hair. The feeling made him feel like a very content puppy, and you could see his eyes flutter with every stroke of your hand through his hair. His body relaxed as he enjoyed this feeling quite a lot, and you could see one of his hands wrapping around your chest tighter. He lets out a content sigh and leans more into your body, his body warming up slightly from the heat of your hand running through his hair.
“and you deny that you are like a puppy.”- you teased him. he wasnt the type to admit his clingy and follows you around so he can ‘protect’ his woman, but in reality, he just wants to spend time with you.
Ace just rolls his eyes and chuckles again as he responds in a teasing tone.
"I'm not like a puppy at all. Psh. I'm way bigger and more handsome than any puppy could ever be. And I definitely do not enjoy being treated like a cute and adorable little pet, nor do I also enjoy being spoiled by you."
“then get off of me if you dont like it.”- you sounded like a mom, too tired to argue with her teenage daughter. your other hand was turning to another page of your book.
"Hmm... no."- Ace answers you, but he doesn't move to do what you say. His playful and flirty tone makes it seem like he doesn't mind being on you at all, and you can tell he even enjoys playing this game with you. His body stays in its relaxed position as he doesn't see any reason why he would move to get off of you.
“aw, my pretty bipolar princess.”- you replayed to him, a cocky smirk already printing on your face, as you stroked the back of his neck.
Ace sighs softly and relaxes even more when you caress his neck. His body is completely relaxed at this point, and you can tell this is something he is enjoying because of the way his eyes are already starting to shutter a bit more as he gets more and more comfortable with you holding and caressing him.
“you know you are like the stars.”- you broke the silence, trying to be sweet for once. not that you arent already sweet like a lollipop to him, but still.
This sudden confession and compliment makes Ace chuckle and he rolls his eyes before giving you a smug grin.
"Me? Like the stars? You could come up with any cute analogy, and you go with that? You've got to be kidding me."- He chuckles again, but you can see even now he is still relaxed as you caress the back of his neck. He seems as if he isn't going to bother moving from this position, as his tone still remains playful and flirty.
“oh my gosh, im trying to be sweet for once! hear me outttt!!”- you pouted, already annoyed. your reaction just making him laugh more and more.
“okay okay, fine. hehe”- he continued chuckling, but after around a minute calmed down. “you can continue now, sweetheart”
you sighed, continuing your statement. “wanna know why?”
"Sure, I wouldn't mind hearing why you think that. But, don't expect a sweet response from me if you do tell me."
“you are just unbelievable.”
“okay, fine, fine! im stopping. sorry, beauty. continue, please? i wanna hear it, i actually got interested, hehe.”
“because in the day you hide your emotions, all serious and stuff..like the stars. but at night you are relaxed more expressive and more loving..you shine at night..like the stars.”
when he hears your confession (or a little poem idk), he is speechless for a moment when you give him this analogy. In a way, you kind of had the right idea about what his personality was really like. During the day, he was stoic and cold, but when the night came, he was more relaxed and in a way even cuter than he usually is. He eventually smiles softly and chuckles a little.
"I didn't know you were as perceptive as this. Well, let me tell you this. You aren't wrong about me being more relaxed and affectionate at night. But, you aren't allowed to tell anyone else this."
“oh yeah? what if i tell someone?”- you spoke a little bit louder, a cocky smirk appearing on your pretty face.
“im gonna wipe this smirk out of your face!”- he barked back teasingly, his cheeks getting redder and redder.
“by..”- he forgot his comeback, which made him only even more embarrassed.- “touché.”- he continued, his lips forming a pouty expression.
you pecked his cheek.- “you can never outsmart a woman, love.”
as much as he hated being defeated, he enjoyed seeing you all cocky and smirk-ish, cuz of your win. when you pecked his cheek, he closed his eyes and smiled goofy.
The night continued with both of you talking about the future, books, music, the ocean and etc. overall he is in cloud nine with you. after all every star needs their moon, innit? well you were his moon, and heck..he never was more happy. he wouldnt trade you for the world. he loved his moon way to much..his little precious moon..the best moon..the only moon for him was you..and no one else.
i hope yall enjoyed♥️ (follow for more :3)
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aquaburst3 · 8 months
Okay, since I haven't seen many posts up yet about this, not that I blame anyone since others are probably at school and work rn, I want make a post summarizing what happened so far in the latest event on the JP server.
All of this info came from LuluBelle over on my Discord server, so all the credit for gathering this up goes to them.
Also, I don't know how to speak or read Japanese nor do I have the JP version of the app, making me unable to verify this. Take this all with a huge mountain of salt.
Like I said in my other post, I'm calling him Honest Fellow, since that sounds less awkward and I think it'll be localized to that anyway.
JP Event Spoilers Below
The arc starts with Honest Fellow and Giddel selling the themepark to some faceless NPCs. After some convincing, they enter the park. Honest Fellow evil laughs.
We cut to a basketball game between RSA and NRC. NRC lose yet again. NRC fight amongst themselves, and the teachers break it up.
After the game, Floyd, Ace, Yuu and Grim, wallowing in their frustration at NRC's loss to RSA, decided to go Craneport to get some snacks. There they find Jade and Jack on the way.Jack was there to get some new threads while Jade was there by sheer coincidence.
Kalim and Ortho arrive. They were in a bookstore, because Kalim was searching for books concerning magic potions, since he's struggling with those and Sam's shop was closed. (I have no idea why Jamil wasn't there either, because him leaving Kalim unattended seems kinda ooc.)
Honest Fellow along with his brother swoop in, making their sales pitch. Grim wonders about what Playful Land is exactly. Ace explains that it's a mysterious amusement park that nobody knows where it is. Honest Fellow says that's correct.
Honest Fellow gives the group tickets to the park. When Kalim says they'll go the next weekend, Honest Fellow chimes in, saying, "Oh, no, no! You can only use it until tomorrow!" They both fuck off into the night.
When the group gets back, they tell Riddle and Jamil about the tickets. They're both like, "Hell no!" Riddle shoots it down because skipping classes is unforgivable. (Ace was originally gonna invite Deuce, but he tattled on him to Riddle, since he found the whole thing suspicious. Honestly, good on him.) Jamil finds it suspicious and puts his foot down, telling Kalim that he forbids him from ever going.
Jack tells Leona, who is all like, "Nah, this is kinda fishy." Jack decides that he has to go because he promised Honest Fellow he would, and he doesn't want to break it.
Floyd tells Azul. He says, "Nope, I'm not coming. It's sus, and I don't wanna owe anybody anything!" They tweels laugh, saying that they want to check it out BECAUSE it's shady.
Ortho tells his brother. He shoots it down, since he doesn't like crowds. Ortho then confides in Vil thanks to them being in the same club.
Early the morning, before the sun rises, the group gathers to sneak to the harbour in town. Kalim managed to get the rest of the Light Music Club to come along, because they saw just how sad Kalim seemed and decided to tag along to comfort him. Vil was convinced to come along by Ortho. One, he wants to see what's the big deal about this park. Two, he's also suspicious, and, as a dorm leader, he wants to oversee all of his juniors and make sure they're all okay. Trey followed after Ace because Deuce asked him for his help and had the feeling that Ace would be stubborn enough to rebel and sneak out even though Riddle said no. Leona followed after Jack because he felt like he had to be the responsible one for once and was genuinely concerned about Jack's well being.
Honest Fellow arrives. He is just so dramatic. Half of them go, "Fucking really? Why did any of our juniors trust this guy? He's as sus as a FNAF animatronic!" (Not in those words, obliviously, but along that same idea.)
Honest Fellow shows them around the park. Which looks like this...
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The park is more like those travelling summer fairs where it goes from town to town instead of staying in one place like Universal Studios, Knotts Berry Farm or any of the Disney Parks. The boys can kick back and indulge in their darkest desires.
The third years still feel that this whole thing is kinda sus. Since Grim and some of the others head straight to the entry gate, they reluctantly go along with it to watch over their juniors. Grim face plants into the gate, because he didn't show a ticket. Ace shows his ticket. Ace, Grim and Yuu's clothes get magically altered to resemble the ones on the card. The same thing happened to everyone else.
After everyone's gotten inside the amusement park, we have a foreboding speech from Honest Fellow and Giddel about how the young generation are easily skeptical, but can still be fooled by the promises of a fun play park. Honest Fellow mentions how he and Giddel should accommodate their visitors… for it will be the "last'' fun memory that they'd have. Cue End of Part 1.
Some other minor side things...
It's confirmed. Honest Fellow and Giddel are brothers.
Honest Fellow is a mage, but is less magically inclined compared to the NRC boys. Giddel is a non-mage.
Lulu, aka the same person from my Discord server, suspects the themepark itself might be a magic tool of some kind. Considering how it operated in the movie and novel along with fan theories about them, I'm inclined to believe them.
We also finally got a description of what Yuu is actually wearing during this event. (Honestly, it's about fucking time. Because one gripe I always had with these events is that we never get even a small description of what Yuu is wearing, which makes it harder to imagine what's going on in my head.) Basically, they are wearing the same style jacket as Leona, but with the same colours as Lilia's costume. Do with that information as you will Malleus/Yuu shippers.
Honest Fellow has a Honest John pendant on his hat.
More of a personal gripe, but I'm not sure what to make of Honest Fellow as a character yet. Right now, he seems like the mastermind behind this whole operation, but that doesn't make sense. In the movie, Honest John wasn't on board with the Pleasure Island shit, and only went along with it thanks to the Coachman threatening him and Gideon's lives. Wouldn't it be far more fitting for him to be a lacky of another villain and being forced to go along with it out of fear of having the same thing happen to him and his brother? And if that was the case, that would also better align him thematically with Ortho, who's brother is the same way towards him. But I'm reserving my judgements on his character until the event is over.
Playful Land gives me major Joy Joy Land vibes.
I find the idea of Leona, Trey and Vil going there, because they are worried about their juniors adorable. They are really tapping into their big brother instincts, even if I doubt Vil and Leona would ever admit it out loud.
Though, one plot hole with this whole thing is why didn't Jamil, Trey and Deuce rip up the tickets if they were that concerned about the others going to the park? Granted, the tickets could be enchanted so that they're impossible to destroy, but I never heard if that's the case yet. Idk, it's a nitpick, but it's still something that annoys me a bit as a writer myself.
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aki-shun · 4 months
Concubine Of The Red King [M!Reader x Riddle Rosehearts]
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This may be the last request I write under my old system. New rules and lists will be arranged in the pinned post.
First This post was created by request.
Requester: @delightfulcupquakequeen
TW: Omegaverse, mpreg, there's a lot of time skips
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You had tiring and busy days as Riddle's husband and the other king(?) of the country. Fortunately, Riddle kept you away from matters like politics and heavy management so that you wouldn't have too much trouble, and included you in the palace and some internal affairs that even you could handle.
These duties also include palace soldiers and servants. And these two cute idiots you follow. Ace and Deuce were among the new employees who came to the palace as guards under Cater, one of The Left Wing Guards.
And those two idiots might have made Riddle a little angry. By eating some tart. Oh, the expressions on those two's faces when they appeared in front of Riddle looked so innocent and stupid that you asked your husband to forgive those two.
You go behind the chair where Riddle is sitting and hug him from behind. In return, he kisses your hands and arms around his neck.
Is there something wrong, Riddle? [N] Those two fools drank coffee at afternoon tea time. It's tea time! [R] Ohh, honey, but those two were on night duty last night and had to stay on day duty today too. I'm sure it's to relieve their insomnia. [N]
They could also drink tea, why that dark bitter stuff..! [R] Maybe that's why coffee is said to be good for insomnia. gigles [N]
Hah, you always find something to defend these two. [R]
You've heard of the heat of Omegas or the heat of Alphas, right? For some reason, the nights were very noisy at that time :)
Now let's look at what we have: an out-of-control Riddle, a Trey trying to calm his King down, Cater finding himself in this situation when he comes to pick up his two idiot soldiers, two idiots who are excited to be so-called 'uncles'. Good luck.
No matter how much you like it when your strawberry man is fussing over you, this is only the 4th day of this poor pathetic panic and you're not sure if you can handle it for the whole pregnancy.
Riddle, can you give me back my papers? I can't do my job. [N]
You need to stop doing your work and lie down. If there is one thing you have to do, it is to rest..! [R]
What are you reading? [N] … Political science. Anyway, forget the book. Did you like the tart? Trey's mother made it for you. [R] Of course, his mother's hand is delicious as always. Here, have a slice. [N] No, it's yours and your baby's. [R] Riddle is just a slice. I don't think I could finish a whole tart. [N] No way, that's your- [R] Riddle, my dear, or do you want to upset me? [N] WHA- Just a slice. All the rest is yours. [R] Eat.it.all. [N]
Honey, it's only 3 weeks old. And just a few papers and documents. [N]
But these will tire you..! [R] My dear, nothing like this will happen. [N]
But this book does not say that. Excessive stress can cause premature birth or worse, leave a diseased mark on the baby. [R] Didn't I forbid you those books? [N]
But- [R] Riddle, those books are almost 500 years old. Of course, some of them may be real, but there is a doctor in the palace. If something happens, we call him. [N]
You should be stress free. [R] Your stress is what makes me stressed. [N]
… I'm not stressed.. [R] Yes you are, oh Big Seven. If anyone were to see us, they'd think you're pregnant. Now give me this book- [N]
After 5 months
Riddle prevents you from talking to most people (Ace&Deuce). No, he's not a yandere. He's just trying to stop you from talking to people he thinks will stress you out. As your belly grew so much, his panic also grew. He came up with a name for the baby according to the rules of the Queen of Hearts. Don't think that you can now do the things that you were able to do by forcing him out of your hands at the beginning of your pregnancy. It is strictly prohibited. You need to eat healthy and properly and get healthy air in as peaceful an environment as possible. Also, do not look at fire or anything similar for a long period of time. He read that such things change the baby's physical characteristics. Yes, Riddle is still reading those old books.
You don't know if it's a good thing to use Riddle's fears to get some control, but at least some things are under control.
Riddle's ear is on your belly. He gently caresses your belly with his hands. Hearing and feeling his child's first kicks makes him feel something.
I think he gets a little excited in front of his father.
Just like the baby's kicks, you could hear the excited heartbeat of your husband, who had a face as red as his hair. Riddle relaxes as time passes and the doctor confirms that you and your baby are healthy. Of course, we should not forget Trey's share in this. Cater does this by keeping Ace and Deuce away from Riddle as much as possible. Still, Riddle grew a little tolerant of the pair.
I didn't know that the king could make such a face when he was embarrassed~. [T] Trey..! What are you doing here..! [R] I'm here for King [name]. I brought the things he asked for from the chef. [T] Hmm? What did you want from the chef, dear? [R]
Riddle tried and failed to impose a kitchen ban. Of course, he withdrew this decision after you threw all the books in his library at his head. He loves you, but please, when you crave those things, please crave them in places where he can't see you. He can beg for it.
Are you seriously going to eat that thing? [R] (Name who eats lemon peels with 3 types of chocolate on top plus curry and chili peppers as decoration) Why would I ask the cook for something I won't eat?? [N] .. Doesn't look very healthy [R] Riddle, My Dear, nothing is too healthy. Besides, it's not me, it's the baby who wants this :( [N]
When that thing is born, it will learn from me personally what it needs to eat. [R] You're being rude >:( [N] I am not. [R] … [N] Ughmm I mean- [R] Do you think bell peppers stuffed with peanut butter and cheese and topped with plum marmalade are delicious? [N] …….. I- [R] TREYY I WAN- I MEAN BABY WANTS SOMETHING [N] You won't eat that thing >:( I don't want to lose my precious ones that are and will be. [R]
Of course, there are many difficult parts of pregnancy and some things are difficult for some people that they still can't get over… That's why we're skipping those parts because that's how this AU works :) (while looking at these topics on the internet, just in my mind it was like 'Why do you still want children despite this?!' So thank your mothers or omega fathers for having the courage to give birth to you, or not, I don't know)
*3.27 a.m.
Riddle..riddle.. [N] Wakes up Hah, did something happen?! [R] No, you didn't just say goodnight to me before going to sleep :) [N] Oh I'm sorry, good night my strawberry garden. Yawn [R] My water just broke :) [N] So good night…….WHAT?! [R]
The entire palace was awakened by the sound of Riddle running and screaming. You may have suffered from physical and partly mental problems of pregnancy, but this man suffered not only the mental problems of pregnancy, but also mental problems that were not in the pregnancy mental. These loads are too big for his body 😔
Just the facts, labor was painful. Don't expect anything, but if you keep pulling your husband's hair to ease your pain, your baby will have a bald father when he is born. Instead there's Ace and Deuce, pull theirs, Riddle thought, but then he knew he had to take on that role as a wife here so he didn't mind hanging on and going bald.
This is a girl, your majesty. [Nurse]
Hey, a light from the sky hits Riddle's head, what is this? Ooohh this is a 'Daughter Dad Personality Overload'. This is valid for all fathers. If your father is not one of them, the internet was probably cut off during the installation. Sorry :(
Ohm OHm anyway
This is my daughter.. I have a daughter. [R] Our daughter, we have a daughter. [N] Yes, yes it is. [R] … He looks like a red pepper, just like his father. [A] Ace! You're just insulting his majesty, just say she's little as his father! [D] Who let these two idiots in, they woke up the baby! [R] I think they woke up to your shouting.. [C] Did you say something Cater??! [R] I didn't even open my mouth.. Whatever he said, Trey said. [C] …. Really..? [T] It really looks like red pepper. [N] Dear, you to? :( [R]
And they left. And she came .. 🙄
I see that I am the last one to be informed about the birth of my grandchild. [R.M.]
Mother-in-law.. Good luck.
Riddle give me my grandchild. [R.M.] Uhm okay mom. [R] Your Majesty, do not forget what I used to be. [R.M.] Well..your majesty. [R] Hmm, what's its name? [R.M.] Rose, your majesty. [R] Hah, it's like a villager's name. Her name will be Garnet 6. Elizabeth Riddle Risel Brizar Gisel 5. Mary. [R.M.]
Your majesty, I think your grandson urinated on you. Most likely it means a NO to the name you gave it :) [N]
drip drip drip
As they say, the daughter attracts the father. The baby may apparently be riddle 2.0. But you shot that thing for 9 months. Of course she will look like you.
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If you don't like this article, that's not my problem, okay? I was traumatized by the pregnancy video I watched. I need therapy.
And I hate her(the short kings mom)
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shibainu2006 · 1 year
Hey, Shiba!! Been a while, buuuut I’m back to bother you with a request! How about Leona, Ace, and Ruggie with an S/O who copes with their shit mental health via energy drinks, coffee and escapism?
They’re always reading and listening to music and daydreaming almost 24/7. They drink water, like, once every 2 weeks (if they feel like self-care) and they rarely ever actually eat or sleep because they feel like they actually have control for once in their life. They also have periods where they drop everyone and it’s near impossible to get ahold of them unless you into their room.
Author's note: If you don't fucking take care of yourself, I'm gonna burn this entire planet into a crisp with you on it. GO DRINK SOME GODDAMN WATER!
Leona Kingscholar
Herbivore... why..?
He doesn't understand why it's so hard for you to take care of yourself, but he has no qualms with either forcing you, doing it himself, or making Ruggie do it.
He let you have coffee in the morning, but after that, you're done.
You're forced to drink water for the rest of the day.
No, you cannot have an energy drink. You abused that privilege.
When you read, he likes to recommend books to you, and he'll even try to find books with uplifting messages to try and make you feel better.
He's not too good with emotions, but he does try his hardest to make sure you're alright.
He'll even cuddle you while you listen to music, and allow you to relax and daydream.
You've been forced to eat and sleep, by the way.
No late nights.
No skipping meals...
You take care of yourself properly, even if he has to make you.
He'll have Ruggie bring in a nice meal for you.
And definitely bring melatonin or sleepy time tea to make sure you get proper rest.
He'll steal you from your class for a nap, too, if he finds that you didn't sleep the night before.
The second you cut the world off, he'll give you time, but eventually he WILL come see you.
Leona knows how hard it is to actually get a hold of you, so he'll just go to you himself.
You only get a solid day to yourself before he shows up to make sure you're healthy.
Leona cares very deeply for you, so don't ever go thinking you can just stop caring for yourself.
Ace Trappola
Dude, you cannot be serious!
Ace is so done.
The second he found out, he was right at your door with a hot meal and water.
Ace will literally hold you down to make you sleep. He will not allow you to go without for even a second!
He even goes as far as to do your school work for you so you can rest.
He'll let you have your music and books.
He'll take you out to the library to read there, too, so you can't cut the world off.
Ace don't play those games.
He'll pester you about your caffeine intake, and if that doesn't work, then he'll just hide it all from you.
No more coffee
No more redbull
Only water and tea.
He'll search up actual good coping skills and give you a horribly written list of things that are far better than what you're doing.
He even offers you a listening ear.
He'll listen to your rant for as long as needed if it'll help you out.
He just wants to make sure you're okay
Ruggie Bucchi
Oh hell no.
The minute he hears about this, you're fucked.
You come back to a nice dinner with WATER as a drink.
A nice bath was waiting for you, too.
There's smooth jazz playing to relax you as well.
The second you ask for coffee or anything caffeinated, he'll shoot you the dirtiest look known to man and tell you no.
He'll have your favorite books set out for you and even bought some scented candles for you.
Bro abandoned Leona to make sure you'd take care of yourself.
That's how bad this is.
The second you even TRY to cut everyone off, he won't let you.
He'll take you to a nice secluded area, and you'll both take a walk there.
Ruggie wants what's best for you, and disassociating is not it.
Ruggie always has a book on hand for you, and he makes sure it's one that's to your taste, so you'll enjoy it.
You can daydream for a certain amount of time before it's time to come back to reality.
Overall, Ruggie is just caring to you.
He becomes a mother hen when you get like that.
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lauralot89 · 1 year
I'm late on this because the book was published in 2020, but I only heard about it in the last month when I was reading an article about asexuality in fiction but in case anyone is out of the loop like me let me tell you about this glory
Loveless is a YA novel by Alice Oseman, author of Heartstopper and Solitaire. It tells the story of Georgia Warr, freshman at Durham University, and her realization that while she's in love with the idea of romance, the actuality of a romantic/sexual relationship repulses her.
Alice Oseman herself is aroace, which makes perfect sense because throughout the novel I kept asking myself, "How does she know? How does she know?! How did she get these thoughts out of my head?"
for my fellow ace and/or aro people, let me quote some of the lines that just got me straight in the soul:
"I had a theory that a lot of people's "celebrity crushes" were just faked to fit in."
"I was disgusted by the thought of him near me. Wanting things from me. That wasn't normal, was it?"
"Oh, God, this thing is actually real, it's not just in fanfics and movies. And I'm supposed to be doing it too."
"Did I even know what romantic feelings felt like?"
"He was clearly the sort of person who I should like romantically. Who I could like romantically. He looked like a boyfriend. I loved his personality. I'd loved his personality for years. So I could fall in love with him. With a little bit of effort. Definitely."
"I thought I'd understood what all these romantic things would feel like--butterflies and the spark and just knowing when you liked someone. I'd read about these feelings hundreds of times in books and fanfic. I'd watched way more romcoms than was probably normal for an eighteen-year-old. But now I was starting to wonder whether these things were just made up."
"Straight people don't think shit like that."
"Just because I'd never liked anyone didn't mean I never would. Did it?"
"I thought all the movies were exaggerating, but you're all really out there just craving genitals and embarrassment. This has to be some kind of huge joke."
"How could I feel so sad about giving up these things that I did not actually want?"
"I felt like I was grieving. I was grieving this fake life, a fantasy future that I was never going to live."
"How was it fair that everyone got to feel that except me?"
"I never had any crushes when I was a child. Not any real ones, anyway. Sometimes I confused friendships for them, or just thinking a guy was really cool."
"For a long time, I was just dating and having sex because that's what people did. And I wanted to feel like those people."
"You've been so confused about stuff. You really thought we could be together, because you do love me. Not in a romantic way, but just as strongly."
"Oh. This is an asexual thing. I forgot other people are obsessed with having sex."
seriously the entire time I spent with this book I just kept asking "was this written for me specifically?" because that's exactly how it felt.
It is a gorgeous book that explores that bizarre feeling of not knowing the word for what you are, not even knowing that you are something out of the ordinary because we don't define ourselves by what we lack and we just expect that one day, it'll happen and we'll be like everyone else. That struggle of trying to differentiate between loving someone and being in love with them, and trying to make the former into the latter and hurting everything in the process.
It is so good. 10/10, no complaints
also there's an asshole in the university's queer pride group who doesn't think aces belong and everyone hates him so that's fantastic, aphobes fuck off
in conclusion I highly recommend it
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foxglovepng · 17 days
Random Headcannons 3 🌼🥀
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Requested: naw
Characters: Scarabia + Pomefiore
A/N: I'm getting back into the writing mood yay I'll probably take requests in the future because I am slowly getting over writer's block. I looked up a word in Arabic and if the word is incorrectly translated incorrectly feel free to correct me.
If you liked reblogs and likes are appreciative <3
Knock knock who's there? Autism br br br where the hoes at? not here
I love my Autistic headcanon for Kalim. I also saw a headcanon he has ADHD too. (I forgot the word for ADHD and Autism combined help)
When he's unmedicated Jamil is that one meme of Shinji his stress levels are high. He's practically lived with Kalim so he knows he can get hyper although he pushes through it being used to it.
I headcanon Kalim has sensory issues that mainly have to do with touch. (Mine are sound and taste :skull:)
Since he likes parties and is extremely sociable I feel like sometimes he can get overwhelmed he chills in his sensory swing. I also feel like since he plays the drums he does have backup headphones on hand in case it's too loud.
Jamil tends to calm him down with essential oils (Don't ask me what kind he likes I only know Rosemary, and Cherry blossom)
Jamil drop the hair routine or I'll break your ankles Sangwoo style so you can't dance anymore. I will even report your music-listening account so you are no longer allowed to play hip hop DROP THE ROUTINE RN JAMIL
This is my no 2 pookie bear I love him sm ANYWAYS
I feel like in his alone time Jamil has his own hobbies he hides from Kalim and will go above and beyond just to have them to himself. One of those I feel like is reading romance books (Not the feral ones booktok gooners read) romance is one of the genres he reads I feel like he also reads fantasy. (He has read Pride and Prejudice)
He'd probably also go to art conventions on his spare time. He has a sketchbook and draws on occasion (I think he draws similar to Hyunjin's style)
Him and Kalim speak Arabic and English although I feel like when Jamil wants to cuss someone out or insult someone he will bring the Arabic out.
*Ace messes up a play*
Ace: so um great play
Jamil: اهبل (Google says this means stupid/idiot)
Ace: HUH?
*Throws my genderqueer headcannon at you Eminem style*
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Gender queer Icon Vil.
If I am correct he is referred to as Queen by Rook?? so I believe Vil doesn't really care for pronouns and just simply exists. So Vil would use any pronouns interchangeably.
Also random headcannon but Vil's father is like..famous right? So I feel like he gets insulted and called a Nepo baby.
Peep Epel and Vil get into a fight and Epel calls him a Nepo baby. Oh all hell is breaking loose.
(I also headcannon he'd make an appearance in Eurovision)
I need Frenchie to become a slur so I can shout FRENCHIE at Rook 24/7
This man either has a really good memory or a diary in which he keeps info of students. (Their height, weight, UM, etc) its freaky ngl. AND NOT A GOOD FREAKY WAY.
I saw some art of him and Floyd in the bathroom and he was peeking over the urinal. BRO KEEP YA EYES ON YA JUNK.
I can imagine certain NRC students have a group chat dedicated to slandering Rook.
He probably knows about it :Skull:
Guys this my son <3
I am a firm believer he is an Amish hater.
"I hate the way you talk the way you walk" ahh beat.
From a farmer's perspective I don't think he's 100% vegan, but if you bribe him with bbq he will start foaming at the mouth.
Bro probably listens to Dixon Dallas good looking-
He's also a Dolly Parton and Carrie Underwood fan.
I feel like with people he's close with especially the first years he lets his country accent loose and it will get even looser if someone (or Yuu) has a country accent as well. The rest of the first years will be like "They are speaking in tongues"
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st7arlight · 8 months
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meet the sims-blackwood family!! this is set post-200 in a new world where the fears are weaker and more hidden in the shadows, but quickly building strength as more avatars and artifacts are born. meet blaire and not-adam, two students in jon’s homeroom and english class!
worldbuilding and brainstorm notes under the cut :D
the student ocs i created here are
-a transfem student who straight up doesnt have a name. you can call her anything but her deadname. its a fun game the class plays. it started as a gag but jon went “yeah okay ive seen weirder and kids deserve a chance to explore” so he comes up with a different name every day during roll call. shes v chaotic and inspired (personality wise, not funky name lore) by an irl friend of mine
-the student she has a crush on and is best friends with, an AP art student who uses they/she pronouns
they both eat lunch in Jon’s classroom, where they eventually notice that he never really eats much? just. reads a book in his free time, maybe has cereal bars occasionally
they form really close bonds with jon and he sponsors their lgbt club,,,, the second student realizes she’s agender when hes explaining the ace spectrum,,,,,, they come across The Horrors that were released when jmart moved on to Somewhere Else and he saves them,,,,,,,,, after they start to understand that “something spooky is here bc of mr sims but he was a victim in it” they sneakily start categorizing what they call “The Horrors” into 9 groups and get into shenanigans. they save jon at some point
their romance follows the plot of jmart’s but jon notices student B treating student A like he did martin at the start of the year and intervenes
so theyre healthier
(maybe jmart adopt student b, as they’re in a rlly unsafe home environment and thats why they started lashing out at their buddy)
at the beginning of the year student A knows shes trans but isnt sure what name to use. her buddy suggests not-adam (as she isnt suuuper uncomfy with her deadname, just that its too masc for her) so they call her that for a good bit and it comes up occasionally until they learn about the fears and the joke kinda. sours.
jon called her anything but that. not-adam thought it was because he didnt want to deadname her (and she insisted she was cool with it and thought it was funny) but she said that he can use a name that isnt adam, just not to stick to one bc she didnt want to feel boxed in
so the joke of her being anything but adam began
student b breaks down only a couple days in when she realized something was deeply, truly wrong, earing lunch (seemingly) alone with jon in his classroom. she says something with “not-adam” and “nobody remembers her but me” and jon’s trauma plus eye powers helps break his illusion, even though he doesnt remember her still
he adopts her bc she still legally doesnt exist and her family doesnt remember her , and its not like jmart already have fake identities anyways. they break the curse but everyone but B and Jon are completely wiped of her memory, just can finally see her now. its a mush of stranger, spiral, and lonely bc the horrors work different here
…she eventually settles on a name because she desperately needs to be reminded that they know her, they remember her, and that they remember all of her. (jon doesnt remember *everything* still, but most. every now and then she or B references something and they pause when they realize it was another memory lost to The Horrors)
oh also jon wears combat boots bc of daisy now. unrelated but important
im realizing my plan of them adopting B is a little funky with them adopting not-adam. however, unconventional found family prevails in tma. B just stays at their house most of the time bc she is neglected a lot at home so it usually isnt noticed when she disappears. theyre both 16 so fighting for custody when they can move out so soon is deemed too much stress on the teens. not-adam’s family actually are v loving and great, they just. dont remember NA. they dont remember how to love her, that they ever did
(thats why B needed to remember her. also, the effect intended of the horror was to torture NA until she died unnoticed and she will either be remembered by everyone when her body is found or will rot unseen until shes gone. or become an avatar, if she chose to embrace it. B was an intended victim of the leitner, the fear of nobody believing you and losing someone you love feed the Horrors)
(jon and his funky eye powers are likely the only reason NA didnt die)
in the end A picks the name astrid, but jon still calls her any name he can think of that starts with A when calling her down for food n stuff
anyways jmart unofficially adopting queer teens bc found family is so themcore but i *know* the fates would never allow them to do anything conventionally or fully legal
(all of this copy-pasted from me infodumping in a tma chat in the past couple hours)
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lokisgoodgirl · 4 months
hi babe <33
let me tell you a very funny (slightly embarrassing) story that happened last week!!
so i was helping the english department at my school clean out their big and very outdated literature study books bc im best friends with all of them duh
anyway . im casually oohing and aahing at every book i see and stealing whatever poetry book i can find that they dont want anymore
until i come across this small pocketsized book! its teal and the spine is cracked and from afar the big S on the cover and the teal colour makes it look like fucking. Shrek. so naturally i was like ???? A SHREK PLAY???
and so i picked it up bc a gal got curious!! and i look closer and it turns out to be Henry IV part 1! and bc i cant keep my big mouth shut i yelled "OH M GOD ISNT THIS THE TOM HIDDLESTON PLAY???" and the entire office went. Quiet.
And they all turned to look at me. mind you these are women who ARE in Tom's age range so they pretty much grew up with his work!!! and ofc they KNOW him its tom hiddleston. and one of them was like " the??? the tom hiddleston play??" and trying to save my dignity (not that im embarrassed but also kind of) i was like yeah ? didnt tom hiddleston play in this?? to try and keep myself casual like no what im not an obsessed fan hello im So Normal about him!! i could feel my face burst into fucking flames bc how do i explain to these women that im obsessed with his work while they look at me like they know I read fanfiction (like THEY DONT. THEY DO. I KNOW THEY DO. BC THEY ALWAYS MENTION IT.)
and so then. the entire fucking department spent the day picking up whatever stupid Shakespeare book they can find and saying really loudly IS THIS A TOM HIDDLESTON PLAY?? and i guess they ALL assume now the ONLY WAY I KNOW ANY ENGLISH LITERATURE is through Tom Hiddleston.
absolutely embarrassing. but i got to keep the book so WHATEVER.
but oh my god i think a part of my pride died that day. it was REALLY FUNNY but oh my god. no i DO know english literature i JUST HAPPEN TO KNOW THAT TOM HIDDLESTON PLAYED IN A FEW OF THEM!!! leave me ALONE.
i cannot believe i had to out myself like that. no actually i dont care but its the fact that these women KNOW the sort of stuff going on out there i am 90% sure some of them HAVE WRITTEN FANFICTION BEFORE and i had to sit there and act like i didnt just finish reading the most filthy panty melting smut of some tom hiddleston character. like hello. oh my god. it was funny but also horrifying.
anyway so now the whole department knows me by association to The Tom Hiddleston Play and a) oh my fucking god but b) cant help but giggle a little if they MUST know i AM Crazy abt him and his work idc WHAT they say (they act like they dont have friday movie nights where they watch whatever play he's got.)
anyway. the end.
This is the stuff life is made of 😆❤️ I was laughing and cringing along with you omg. So funny🤣
It sounds like they were very sweet and jokey about the whole thing. And yes, fanfiction will be no biggie to them I'd bet😂
It reminded me of when I was casually explaining to my parents why exactly my football-allergic ass was going to Soccer Aid last year with @lokischambermaid - and I fumbled and said "oh, well there's an ac-torr that she and I are fans of and so you know we're just err-"
My Mum, who I have never mentioned TH too before in my puff: "Is that Tom Hiddleston?" 🤨
Me: 😵😵"...yes"
And that was all that was said about it 🤣but she knew. She has eyes. Awkward moments are so funny in hindsight. Thank you for sharing this with me🤣
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our-aroace-experience · 7 months
ok so here's my ace/arospec story
i learned about being ace
oh i don't know
12 years old maybe
i searched it up after reading about it online
"aroace definition"
it went something like
"being both aromantic and asexual"
i searched up
at first i thought it was a bit strange
i hadn't learned yet
to distinguish
between romantic attraction and sexual attraction
because i didn't know
people actually wanted sex
people actually saw someone and went
"i want to fuck them"
i had a crush on a childhood friend of mine
at the time
(a guy. i am a girl.)
i'd always assumed i was cishet
grew up in a conservative christian household
slightly offtopic but honestly my parents were great
not stereotypical conservative christians
both allies
they had friends who were trans and gay
i'd checked out queer media from the library
and they were fine with it
back to the story
so since i had a crush on the opposite gender
i assumed ofc
i was cishet
well ofc i wasn't into sex, i was just a kid
but at age 13
almost 14
i was alone
in a hotel room, no parents, on instagram
that's the only time i could get that
late night phone time
when i didn't have parents around
i found @i.put.the.ace.in.disgrace on instagram
scrolled through every fucking post
on their account
and on the #asexual tag
i related to those posts
a lot
a suspicious amount for someone supposedly allo
even though i was just a kid
yeah maybe i'd grow into it
maybe i'd feel attraction one day
but not now
and who the hell was going to tell me
what i could or couldn't identify as
so i tried out the ace label
spent hours and hours
wondering if it was right
if i was really ace
if i wasn't too young
but going back to being allo felt wrong
so i decided to keep the label
the first person i came out to
was an online friend
they were so amazing and supportive of it
i love them so much for that
they said i'd been on their gaydar for a while
(a message i still think about
when wondering if i'm really ace)
felt sick the next day
i'd always been an ally
supported my queer friends
arospec aspec trans homosexual i supported them all
but it made me sick
to think about me
being queer
it was sort of rough
but i got through it
came out to my friend and her mom
they were cool about it
i knew i'd be safe
they weren't ecstatic or super happy
but they accepted me
that's what they said i remember it
i was a hot mess that day too
stuttered over all my words when trying to come out
and they still accepted me
i love them
i decided to hint at my identity to my mom
talked about not liking sex
i checked out a few ace books
from the library
my mom took me aside
i don't remember her exact words
it went something like
"it's natural to be curious
but you can't be ace at 14
you're not trying to be
are you?"
i managed to convince her i was allo
had to be more careful then
i'd only had one crush.
one crush who i'd liked as a friend first.
you see where this is going, don't you?
i didn't
i'd heard that aces had not very many crushes
so i assumed i was just Really Really Asexual
and i couldn't be aro hahahaha
i'd been in love before!
aros cannot be in love!
oh by golly i was wrong
i started questioning
(only one crush?
my friends are all over their crushes
and i've only had one??
maybe i'm not as allo as i thought)
i debated over gray-aro and demi-aro
picked demi
it described my experience more accurately
came out to aforementioned friend
then aforementioned online friend
they were chill about it
(fucking love them)
then i 3d printed a black ring
and a white ring
and aro
and this is maybe the best part of the whole experience
i had friends who were stereotypical conservative christian
they complimented my aro and ace rings
and so did my mom
and that made me really happy for some reason
shit that was a long ask im sorry
thank you for sharing! i hope your mum comes around to you being aroace one day
also side note: this reads like a poem it’s so well written!
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i love you asexuality in the VC post! i feel like i don't see people talk about the ace aspect of those books often, even though that was something that really spoke to me so much when i first read them (tbh it also makes me a little burned out to see some adaptations focus so much on the sex too because part of me is like. but i /liked/ the asexuality of it all! that wasn't a bug it was a feature!!)
I can’t always tell why we don’t talk about it more often; sometimes it feels like it’s so obvious that it goes unsaid, and other times I think ace folks in fandom are just so shy to bring it up because historically people have been such rancid cunts about it? I’m not sure.
But again and again, every time I make asexual VC posts, I get so many people commenting, tagging, DM’ing, inboxing to thank me or tell me they feel seen, and that’s what we need more of! 
It’s hard because like, I understand why visual adaptations feel the need to show it visibly, especially because I think it’s easy to forget that asexuality is already so heavily misunderstood/underdiscussed IN the queer community itself, and when we see this bullshit on TUMBLR of all places it tells me that even inside the queer echo chamber we are struggling for visibility. So I don’t expect mainstream audiences and ~ regular people ~ to understand it at all. I also fully respect the politics behind SHOWING SEX and being loud about it. I think that’s very much needed in the current political climate.
There’s a discussion to be had about non-sexual intimacy and split attraction models though; for example, we could also visually communicate with kissing and casual intimacy, touching, cuddling, etc, and the nature of TV and using sex to sell means that it’s not enough. And when you see an adaptation on a network that can’t use graphic sex anyway, it winds up being a lot of telling and not showing, so by that point I wonder why they can’t just be more casually intimate. 
It goes back to the misunderstanding in the books, too, like, the non-sexual romance and intimacy, even the vampire-sensual intimacy isn’t subtext. Not fucking doesn’t make the queerness subtext. It just means they’re not fucking, and I think when fans insist otherwise we’re getting into “all queer people are obsessed with sex” rhetoric that’s extremely problematic, and if you’re keeping score it’s the current talking point of the right to try to erase our existence in public. But the way this gets weaponized within fandom (on both sides) is just so fucking tired lmao. 
The whole conversation can be a huge bummer and I have interacted with tons of ace folks in this fandom over the years and everyone felt the same way about the canon asexuality and appreciated it and felt seen, etc. Especially older fans who didn’t know what asexuality was and likely felt alienated or were made to feel broken. So I just would love if people could discuss it without punching down at ace people and taking away like, the one fucking thing we had lol, and it would also be great if defensive ace folks didn’t overcorrect and try to center sexlessness as a moralizing tool, because it isn’t. I think when we start weaponizing and trying to arm ourselves by turning orientation into ethics we’re losing the plot. I think sometimes allos punch back and get defensive because they think we’re saying they’re gross for wanting to see sex or whatever and that’s not really the point. 
Personally, I read the books young enough that I always felt very supported by them, like I experienced the same confusion and worry about being broken but also the books were such a source of comfort because I was like, oh I just appreciate people the way vampires do.
Anyway it also provides so much rich extra context and framing for some of the characters and their intentions and can inform so much more meta. Like, examining themes of rape (vampire/biting rape vs literal rape) there’s so much to unpack about intention and desire when vampires see humans as food, when pleasure is about thirst and feeding and survival and nourishment and not only about sexual gratification. It just adds a whole other layer to discuss and I think that enhances the stories a lot. And like I said earlier, I understand that reducing it to “asexuality” as a human construct might seem as reductive as reducing it strictly to sex, but I hope one day people can build their cases against it without being so dismissive of ace people because it’s really recognizable and prominent in the text.
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not-poignant · 5 months
Hi, Pia.....Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks if you want to answer...
Hi anon!
So... they change and tbh I'm going to forget a ton of characters I love and then scream in my head later like 'oh no but THAT character and THAT character and THAT character' but I'll do my best!
Kiriyama Rei from March Comes in Like a Lion - Probably my favourite character possibly of all time. Introverted, kind of ace-coded right up until the end of the manga when it changes (and since the anime never ended he stays ace-coded throughout that lmao), very human, extremely depressed, and I just think he's a very good depiction of like...what it's like to live with extremely repressive depression and post-trauma while not necessarily knowing you have those things.
Dazai Osamu from Bungou Stray Dogs - He's a brilliant intellect genius with too much ability to know so much about the world that he kind of ends up suicidal all the time due to his upbringing / some of the things he's done and also what he's experienced. I just enjoy him. (Notable runner up here is Nakahara Chuuya but dslkajf)
Felix Harrowgate from the Doctrine of Labyrinths trilogy - Angsty, PTSD, waspish, 'I'm going to hurt you because I was hurt and then hate myself and do very self-destructive things about it but keep that part a secret so I just look like a constant dickhead,' brilliant, very good at magic. Love this dude. Would walk hundreds of miles for this dude, like the song. Would definitely write a long-ass fanfic about him.
Daeshik from Love So Pure - I love this guy SO much. He's a side-story / secondary pairing in the manhwa but I LOVE him because he's so against type. He's dorky but not in a very cute way, he's overbearing, he's SO neurodivergent coded it's painful and sometimes hilarious, he's determined and ambitious, he's not 'hot' in any typical kind of twink way, and I know he's split the fandom between 'god he's so annoying' and 'Daeshik is the BEST.' The whole webtoon is fucking amazing anyway, but Daeshik has my whole heart in his journey from 'dorky annoying overbearing friend' to 'oh I just realised I'm gay and now everything is Pride Pride Pride and I'm definitely crying next to a dildo I bought that was too big for me.'
Presenting Daeshik:
Tumblr media
You'll never guess what he's sitting on sdlkjfas (he fails abjectly and then cries about it in a way that's kind of hilarious honestly).
Dana Scully from The X-Files - I didn't know it at the time, but this was very much my bisexual awakening. I mean I'm pretty heavily ace now, but I'm mostly not into cishet dudes, and I had pictures of Scully up on my wall like how did I not fucking know. Anyway, scientist, smart, 'so done with your shit' and just wry and witty and *clenches fist* so short and tiny and powerful. I love her. (And Gillian Anderson).
Loki from the MCU - Not necessarily every iteration, but I do love how Tom Hiddleston plays him, and I appreciate the queerer representation. Adore this guy. Look at him, what an absolute dickhead of a god. 10/10 would read him in hurt/comfort fics and PWPs again.
Hyunsoo Seo and Youngchan Baek from Perfect Buddy / XXX Buddy - Possibly my favourite manhwa of all time and I really hope that stays true because it's not finished yet. Idk how to describe these characters because they're both very complex as you get to know them better, but basically 'angry wet cat man with past trauma that he hides exceptionally well vs. Gwyn-dimensioned blond puppy dog who is just pretending to be a puppy dog because he knows exactly how threatening he is and is willing to be to protect the people he loves.'
Murderbot in the Murderbot novella series - I think all of us - or most of us - find Murderbot incredibly relatable and that's refreshing as fuck in any novel series tbh. (ART as runner-up though, love that fucker).
Sebastian Michaelis from Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler - Honestly there were a lot of kind of 'extremely powerful but kind of shitty fuckboys' I wanted to put in this category including Gojou Satoru from JJK, Reigen from MP100, and even Louis from Beastars, but Sebastian's gonna win out because I still don't know if he's going to eat Ciel at the end of that series and I very much love not knowing because he's such a devious fuckhead. Love that not-actually-a-man.
Yuurakutei Yakumo (Kikuhiku) from Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - I just... *flails* Almost no one has seen this anime series and it kind of kills me because firstly the books were written by someone practiced in writing BL and even though this isn't BL you can still tell the vibes are there. Secondly, one of the most ace-coded characters ever. Gender-fuckery abounds, which is fun. Thirdly just, honestly, more folks should watch this?
There were a lot of characters I know I missed but I'm pretty satisfied with this list.
I've just given myself a bunch of stuff to rewatch and reread because of this anon! :D
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