#and I am just so happy to see a character who is like me when I was a kid
twilight-nephilim · 2 days
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Do I wanna know ? || Blue Lock
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Blue lock headcanons ! : Red flags + Arguments
Characters : Rin Itoshi, Sae Itoshi, Michael Kaiser & Alexis Ness (Separately)
Description: Their red flags in a relationship and how your arguments would look like
Word Count: 957
Warning/s: Arguments, All of them are assholes here, Mild swearing, Degradation, Emotional manipulation, Slight Abuse, Toxic Relationships, Kaiser, Most of this might be OOC
Note: This was originally supposed to be crack hcs but I thought it would be fun to make it serious 😭I am not romantacizing any of these red flags and if these things are happening in your irl relatioship please seek help
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Rin Itoshi
After his brother left he started to act coldly to everyone else- including you.
As he would dedicate his entire life to football, it meant sometimes ignoring your needs,
Whether intentionally or unintentionally he would brush you off, leaving you to deal with things alone
Rin would be insensitive towards your feelings- saying things that would hurt you unknowingly
“You know… You didn’t need to say that…” You looked down at the ground as Rin just stared at you coldly, as if you were nothing. “Say what? That you aren’t important enough for me to care about? I talk to you almost everyday, isn’t that enough?” He said, his voice laced with venom. It hurt you, to say the least. Was it the way he said it so indifferently? Or was it the way he looked at you as if you were a nobody, someone who he just saw as a stepping stone to his goal. “Rin ! Can’t you just understand that you can’t just say that to me and expect me not to feel hurt from it?! Why do you treat me as just a ‘someone’ to you!? I’m your fucking girlfriend for god’s sake— can’t you understand that I need you to at least talk to me and act like you love me?!…”
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Sae Itoshi
Similar to rin, he would act cold to you, but unlike rin he does it intentionally
Sae could ghost you for days and respond with a simple “k”
He doesn’t really realize that what he’s doing is a bad thing, and he refuses to accept his faults
Doesn’t trust you AT ALL but he himself lies or keeps things from you intentionally
“Sae… We need to talk” You looked at your boyfriend as he was laying on your bed, he turns to look at you with a bothered look. “What is it this time Y/n…” Sae groaned as he got his phone to do something. “Sae- listen, I know it’s kind of selfish for me to ask but… can you try to make time for me… You never really talk to me that much anymore…” You mumbled, but it was loud enough for Sae to hear you. “Am I not good enough for you?” He asked rhetorically with an annoyed look on his face. “No- That’s not what I meant-“ You shrieked as Sae suddenly stood up and walked up to you and grabs your wrist. “Then stop being selfish. I’m here aren’t I? I took a trip away from Spain to see you, can’t you just be thankful that I’m spending my time with someone as worthless as you?”
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Michael Kaiser
Michael is a really complex character to say the least,
He can manipulate you into doing things that would benefit him under the guise of “making him happy”
Forces you to be more dependent on him so you feel more obligated to do what he wants
Sae 2.0 but worse
Puts himself above you, seeing you as just a emotional support when he’s upset
Expects you to be there for him whenever he’s angry or distressed, but doesn’t do the same for you because he thinks he’s more important than you.
Has MAJOR attachment issues and even if things got extremely toxic you couldn’t leave. He either guilts you into staying or you just come back to him.
You walked up to Kaiser after one of his matches, “Michael… I don’t know if it’s the right time, but can we talk?” Kaiser looked at your serious face with his usual playful look. “What is it, mein liebling? I don’t have all day” He said with a playful yet degrading tone. “I… I wanna break up, this isn’t working out. I just feel exhausted—“ You were cut off as Kaiser grabbed your wrist, his nails digging into your skin. “If you think you can leave me just like that, then you're fucking stupid” He pushed you down on the ground as he moved his hand to grab your hair, “I'm the only who would ever love your pathetic ass; you're worthless without me, so don't even try to leave me. Understood?”
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Alexis Ness
Ness gets jealous easily. Seeing how he acts around kaiser, it’s not too far fetched to think he would act the same around his partner.
He doesn’t let you go out alone because he’s afraid that you would leave him for someone else.
Overprotective in a bad way
He gets picky over what you wear because it will attract attention and someone might ‘steal’ you from him
Will get into fights with you over kaiser
Guilt tripper pt. 2
“No. You will not go out tonight.” Ness said as he stared at you from the hallway, “Why not? I'm just gonna go out with my friend, and it's a mall ‘Lexis, It's not like I'm gonna leave you…” You explained but he ignored you and walked to the door, effectively stopping you from leaving. “Y/n… Why can’t you just listen to me!? You’re always picking someone over me, do you even love me anymore!?” Ness started crying, in shock you instinctively hugged him, as an attempt to comfort. “No wait— That’s not what I meant ‘Lexis, of course I love you. Please… don’t cry over me… I won’t leave anymore, I’ll stay.” You said as you tried to comfort Ness, you failed to notice the smirk he held.
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hyp3rf1xat10ns · 2 days
My Thoughts That No One Asked For!
Malleus is obviously very strong. We can only assume Malleus is stronger. It was easier to defeat the other Housewardens because to some extent, everyone fighting that Housewarden in on their level. Malleus is one of the top five mages in Twisted Wonderland. Fighting against him is practically impossible unless you call in another top mage. Oh wait! They're asleep like everyone else. So hear me out...What if instead of ending with an epic fight where the Prefect stands off against Malleus....The Prefect breaks the "spell" with a hug. Not a kiss, that's too Otome. A hug. One to let him know it's ok for him to be upset. It's ok for him to mourn what he is loosing and what he doesn't have. Malleus just sobs...into your arms. And giving into the sadness and accepting the reality of the situation is what snaps him out of his overblot state. Just imagine it like this.
"I am always left alone! At the end of the day I am destined to be alone! Everyone will leave me behind! I'll have no one! That is why...I need to keep you all here....happy in your dreams.....just the way you want your life to be."
Malleus' laughter echoed throughout the halls of Diasomnia. The people who were currently awake had a sense of fear embedded in them. He was too powerful to fight. It seemed impossible to take him down. Was this the end? The one overblot you couldn't defeat?... But then...you realized something....you were afraid of him...for the first time since you met him...you were scared....but why?...Yes he's overblotted and caused everyone to sleep for a thousand years and yet....you still can't help but see him as that weird horned boy who showed up at Ramshackle one cold autumn night...the man you dubbed Hornton because he wouldn't tell you his name...the man who gave you the courage to fight against Azul when he practically had Ramshackle in your clutches...the one who sent you the holiday card, the one you took nightly walks with, the one who helped to fix the stage, the one who was worried when you disappeared. There were so many things that Malleus was. You think back to when you told him you might have found a way back home. He looked so hurt you...He looked
You had no idea what triggered it. With every ounce of strength left in your body. You approached Malleus, shakily. Staggering with each step. Exhausted and sore from fighting. Silver, Sebek and Idia stared at you like you were insane. Had the prefect ha one too many overblots???
"Prefect! Wait!-"
"Th-This is l-like something o-out of some kind of m-manga o-o-or an anime...wh-why are they having a main ch-ch-character moment?"
You finally stopped when you were face to face with Malleus. You looked like a mess and he looked fine.
"Oya? Approaching me head on, Child of Man? Or have you come to accept your fate and give into slumber for-"
Before he can finish, you hug him. It's gentle and soft and just meant to be comforting and kind.
"It's ok Hornton..."
You whisper as you hug him. You brace yourself for him to shove you off with a blast of magic that would kill you...but it never happens...instead the young prince curls into you arms and begins sobbing into your arms...as the blot disappears and everyone awakes. Like some form of fairytale.
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torgawl · 2 days
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all this time i had headcanoned that neuvi kept an eye on younger wrio with the intention to take care of him and you're telling me it's true? sobbing.
i can't stop thinking about how it probably hurt neuvi so much to issue that sentence to someone so young and so hurt. even furina left the trial and was unable to keep her act. how gut-wrenching it must have been, especially with wrio admitting his crime and accepting punishment so easily. that ammount of resignation in, basically, a kid... it can only come from a place of so much pain. the chance to rewrite his own story and making the fortress his home truly meant so much to wrio. but i also think for someone like neuvillette, who is characterised for his immense love and compassion towards others, it must have been cause for great turmoil to know what was to come, and that the sentence he was issuing was just an extension of that kid's already hard life. the ammount of guilt in his heart versus the impartiality required of him as a tool of justice; in a way, a reiteration of the question that has haunted him throughout his long journey as fontaine's iudex: "is this what justice means to you? answer me, neuvillette!".
no wonder wrio is so fond of the melusines, too. we already knew from his own character story that they were the ones helping him when he spent time in the streets, but to know he wouldn't have made it without that help... of course he cherishes them so much, of course he holds sigewinne in such good esteem - who was likely the closest to a familiar embrace during those harsh days. i find it rather wholesome that wrio doesn't know it was neuvi's doing, too. neuvi was almost his guardian angel, and i'm sure the melusines were also happy to finally be able to do something for a human in need.
i had always wondered if neuvillete's help with giving wriothesley his duke title came from a place of wanting to fix what felt wrong so long ago during that trial because it felt deliberate, like the good deed of someone who intentionally kept an eye for the other and was proud of their journey. having sigewinne confirm neuvi's concern and curiosity with wrio's experience in the fortress is very dear to me. it reminds me of how genuinely happy neuvillette was when he noticed wrio's vision the day he gave wriothesley his title, like a silent aknowledgement of how far wrio had come and the good man he had become. you cannot tell me neuvi wasn't filled with pride seeing that former small hurt kid become someone so genuinely good-hearted, doing something as great as reforming meropide. maybe even relief, seeing things had turned out well for him despite his disturbing past and neuvi's own hand in his fate, in such a heartbreaking way.
their relationship has always been so intriguing to me because there's so many layers of complex feelings throughout their timeline. i find that most people ignore neuvi's struggles with his own 'humanity' and the constant theme of heart versus judgement, and how it likely played a role in his interest in wrio as well as their later nurtured friendship. but i also find wrio's reluctance in accepting neuvi's concern for him quite telling. he's reserved and we don't really get any insight besides what he tells sigewinne and his almost dismissive response, but i am so sure he feels grateful for neuvillette's unconditional support. neuvillette almost filled the empty place wrio's family left behind. not in a literal way, but how he kept an eye out for wrio is akin to how he keeps an eye out for the melusines. and can we talk about how neuvi was likely the first 'human' (in his own perception at the time) or older adult to be consistent in his life? i cannot imagine the weight such 'simple' things like consistency and unconditional love - and i mean this in an all-encompassing way - have for someone with the family-related trauma wriothesley has. wriothesley says it himself, his childhood has left permanent wounds in him, one of which is not being able to trust others. but to be able to find such reliability in someone else, that may also be healing to his inner child. they're very dear to me!!
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foxglovepng · 2 days
Pride Headcannons + ships🌼🥀
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Characters: Riddle, Cater, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Kalim, Vil, Epel, Idia, Malleus, Lilia. + Ship mentions Trey, Floyd, Azul Literally everyone.
CW: Mentions of internalized homophobia, ship mentions, probably incorrect dragon biology. Book 7 spoilers Lilia!!!!!! (Please don't come for my Idia and Cater ship name its a JOKE) I went a little unhinged with some of the ship names
A/N: Happy pride month since you gay and shit. When I was writing this I legit forgot Savanaclaw existed and accidentally left them out (OOPSIE). By the end of pride month, I am going to figure out if I am a lesbian or not.
(Just a disclaimer these headcanons don't change who I will write them for I just have these specific headcanons)
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
Riddle (Closeted Gay man)
Riddle has internalized homophobia. For gender, he's questioning/experimenting, but because of his mother he very much has internalized homophobia.
Cater (Bi preference Men + Non Binary)
So if you look at Cater's guitar straps in his club card it's BASICALLY the Non-binary flag (He/They)
Like?? It's basically it maybe just missing a color but like?? You can't tell me I'm wrong.
He also gives off Bisexual with a preference for men. Like just looking at him he would date women however men are usually his preference.
Ace (Trans FTM + BI preference woman )
We all know about my FTM Ace headcannons and I will die on that hill for them, BUT Bi preference woman headcannon Ace.
Also because of Adeuceyuu, I will include that he's Polyamorous.
Deuce (Pansexual)
He's comfortable in his gender however he is Pan.
I know people are like "But but he gets nervous around women" fun fact I don't give a shit he's PAN
Also adding because of Adeuceyuu he's poly
Ruggie (Bisexual)
He gives off Bi vibes idk why.
Like you can totally catch him checking out guys and girls you can't tell me otherwise??
Jack (Pansexual)
Another Pansexual. I can see him not caring about gender he would date anyone.
(Insert Epel and Jack ship)
I think he prefers rather or not they are a good person and would workout with him.
Jade (Unlabeled)
I feel like Jade experiments with Gender stuff and pronouns. I also feel like when it comes to sexuality he doesn't really care and chooses not to label himself. Who cares if his s/o is a male Why does that matter?
Jamil (Agender + Unlabeled)
He gives off agender vibes tbh like no straight man has hair that gorgeously long NO STRAIGHT MAN HAS A GORGEOUS SILK PRESS SMH (drop the hair routine or Kalim gets it)
When to comes to his sexuality I feel like he's unlabeled as he also probably doesn't care like Jade. He also isn't actively seeking out a relationship because of his position as a retainer.
Kalim (Pansexual + experimenting)
He'd date anyone for sure doesn't matter the gender.
Are they trans? sure are they a woman? sure are they am eldritch horror? sure why not.
I feel like he also experiments with his gender and plays around with pronouns. Like maybe one day he wants to dress in drag and he next he just wants to vibe.
Vil (Genderqueer + Pan)
Vil is literally referred to with both masc and fem pronouns so it's giving very much genderqueer.
They would date literally anyone all that matters is their beauty n shit.
Epel (Bisexual)
He's bi because I said so
I could see him dating a girl, but I could also see him dating a guy..
Idia (Aro/Ace)
I could see this man being Aroace. Like he really does not go out and if you have seen his Phantom Bride card you'd see it too.
Malleus (Genderfluid + Pan)
According to my sources if I am correct Dragons are genderfluid (Source: Cafae latte)
Malleus is a dragon (DRAGON DEEZ NUTS-) so that makes them Genderfluid in my book.
And I also feel like they would be Pan because they would definitely date anyone and since being genderfluid I feel like gender wouldn't matter as He can make it work.
Lilia (Agender + Bi + Poly)
So because Peepaw is 700 years old I feel like he just messes around with gender and would use any pronouns.
For the Bi and poly headcannons
According to my sources in book 7 he tried to wife up Malleus's mom and Levan (Idk who Levan is he's just there)
Bi Lilia cannon fr
My favorite ships
AdeuceYuu (Ace + Deuce + Yuu)
Dumb and Dumber (Or Adhd + Autism) (Ace + Deuce)
Aceyuu (Ace + Yuu)
Deuceyuu (Deuce + Yuu)
Beauty + Fuckass Shining Armor (Vil + Rook)
Twink and a redhead (Idia + Cater)
Magicam freak + SFW Donut Daddy (Cater + Trey)
Octopus + Chef that would cook Octopus (Azul + Jamil)
Applejuice (Epel + Deuce)
Gym Rat + Small enough Gym Rat crush with his bicep (Jack + Epel)
Ships I can get behind but aren't my favorite
You aren't enemies you are just gay (Malleus + Leona)
You're honor they're gay (Azul + Riddle)
Terrorizer + Terrorizer's favorite person (Floyd + Riddle)
Beauty + Beast (Vil + Leona)
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lover-of-mine · 1 day
Personally, I like Tommy as a character, and I’m okay with BT for the time being, though I don’t really ship it. The biggest feature Tommy brought to the table this season was to make Buck realize he’s bi. But you could have replaced him with any random guy and I would have been just as happy about it.
My biggest issue is the toxicity from the BT stans. As in, I don’t appreciate being called a homophobe for thinking that the daddy-kink comment was out of place at the dinner date.
Look, we’re all part of the same fandom and if it makes you happy, go smash your Barbie doll’s faces together. Have fun with it. I support you 100%.
But the fact of the matter is that up until now, most of the things relating to Tommy come from head canons and Lou’s cameos. There isn’t much in the source material to go by. Mostly because he didn’t get a lot of screentime, and the writing of the scenes he’s been in, has been questionable. It’s not a very realistic show so why couldn’t they dress Tommy up for the bachelor party? It would have meant the world to Buck. (Oh, but guess who suggested matching outfits because he cares a whole lot about him?)
Yet, people are out here celebrating these two like it’s the most romantic thing since sliced bread. It’s jarring to see, how many people - especially former Buddie stans - jumped ships at the first opportunity they got. I don’t know if it’s a thing of instant gratification of having Buck in a queer relationship canonically or something else, but I don’t like it. The whole thing makes me worry, the show runners will change course to cater to the BT supporters and push for BT endgame. That would be the least satisfying ending to both Buck’s and Eddie’s story.
I will be honest with you, I think most of my dislike of Tommy comes from the way I am being called names because of him all season, it kinda kills a character's chances when the following of them gets so aggressive, he aggravates me more because of the way fandom treats him than because of anything he did this season because he was barely there this season beyond showing Buck he's bi, like you said. The fandom created this version of him and his relationship with Buck that's not backed by canon, because his scenes lack depth and the writers are not helping him at all and the way people flipped is actually disconcerting. Especially with how willing they are to attack everyone who doesn't agree they are the best thing to ever grace their television. But honestly, considering the way that buddie was still very much present and very much displaying the partnership and love they always had, I still think Tommy is a stepping stone that they are dragging out because it gave them better publicity that they were expecting. Buddie was the only thing that was handled carefully in both Buck and Eddie's storylines the whole season, they know the potential they have there, so I will keep the hope that they'll let this story unfold in a satisfying way. And yeah, it would be extremely unsatisfying to see Buck end up with Tommy with the way Buck was constructed and I like to believe they were way too careful with the construction of Buck in the love interest archetype to fumble the pass in the 2 yard line (I know that's not a saying but my brain is in football mode for some reason bear with me) and not give Buck the conclusion of that when they have been building Eddie in the way to fight that archetype by giving Buck someone who just loves him. And because no one they introduce for Eddie is gonna feel as satisfying as Buck with the way they kept playing up the way Buck is Eddie's life partner. And Buck is quite literally the only thing the show is allowing Eddie to keep. It would be unsatisfying to watch them end up with other people and that was very clearly exemplified by the season 6 finale and the way their ending were very 😬😬 yk? I have faith we will get there.
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fiftysevenacademics · 5 hours
I thought the transition between the part where Wei Wuxian, freshly minted necromancer, is torturing Wen Chao and then suddenly the next chapter, post-resurrection Wei Wuxian is dreaming in Lan Wangji's bed at Cloud Recesses while recovering from Jin Ling's stab wound seemed abrupt until this:
"...Don't...don't be mad..."
Lan Wangji was slightly taken aback. In a gentle voice he replied, "I am not."
"...Oh," Wei Wuxian murmured. He seemed to be reassured by hearing that and loosened his grip.
Lan Wangji sat down by Wei Wuxian's side. When Wei Wuxian had stilled once more, he made to get up but was stopped by Wei Wuxian grabbing hold of him once again.
Wei Wuxian clung to his arm and pleaded urgently,"I'll return with you. Hurry up and take me back home with you."
And that totally devastated me.
Because what had just happened in the previous chapter was Wei Wuxian yelling:
"Lan Wangji! Must you come at me like this right now? You want me to go to Cloud Recesses and be confined by the Lan Clan as punishment? Who do you think you are? What do you think the Lan Clan is?! Do you really think I won't fight back?"
The thing that completely guts me about this story is the regret. The characters, most especially Wei Wuxian, embark on courses of action and make choices that seem right at the time. But though we're in control of our own actions and choices, we have no control over their consequences, and only for the very lucky few do things go exactly according to plan.
A well-lived life will inevitably be filled with regrets for most of us and as we climb higher and higher on the pile of choices we've made over time, we can look down on and see so many other routes we could have taken.
How can one be happy under the weight of accumulated regret?
Wei Wuxian has more to regret than most, and in his fever dream, he's probably back in that old moment, begging Lan Wangji's forgiveness and grabbing the lifeline he's throwing out. Perhaps if he had returned to Cloud Recesses, told Lan Wangji the truth about his golden core, and given up his demonic cultivation, things wouldn't have turned out the way they did.
That moment had been a turning point in his life, but he hadn't realized it at the time.
Now, it looks like Lan Wangji is saving him anyway, like his fate is always somehow in his hands, but Wei Wuxian is just beginning to understand this, after so many people have died, his family has rejected him, and he's died and returned in someone else's body. The dream shows that he recognizes he's being given a second chance and this time, he doesn't want to screw it up. But he will always have to live with the regret, and learn how to achieve some measure of happiness around it.
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novabl · 1 day
I honestly feel so bad for doumeki and how people disregard him, alot of people forget that D is also human, he feels pain, he gets angry, he feels joy and he also bleeds like a person but people just think his some kinda robot that isn't meant to feel any kind of emotion.
A perfect example of this is people's reaction to doumeki and how he is treating yashiro at this moment ( I love my boy yashiro and I understand why he did what he did) but that doesn't excuse his actions towards doumeki and doumeki has every right to be pissed with him, but people still feel that he doesn't have the right to be mad because he was the one following yashiro like a lost puppy and that he deserves what he got.
No one deserves to be treated like that, that was just so damn painful to watch and the fact that doumeki doesn't even hold that against him shows just how pure he is, he only ever gets upset when yashiro sleeps around partially because he gets jealous but mostly because he doesn't like the fact that yashiro sees himself as nothing but a sex doll, even now he's sleeping with him partially because of jealousy but mostly because he's protecting him....he loves yashiro so much that he's willing to sacrifice his own happiness just to always be with him to protect him, doumeki isn't as complex as people think he's a pretty simply guy he never does anything without a reason and his only reason for still because in the Yakuza world is because yashiro is in it, I just hope they sort themselves out and finally admit their love for each other because yashiro is at a breaking point and the next time they meet he may snap and not in a good way.
What do you think about this? Am I reading too much into this?
First, I want to reiterate that people can have whatever opinion they like. It is important to have diverse opinions in fandom to get all different kinds of perspective. That being said I do wish there were more Doumeki defenders out there but it is what it is. I have noticed an uptick in people who want to defend Doumeki based on the asks and comments I get and hopefully one day they’ll make posts themselves. I don’t see myself as a Doumeki expert or anything like that. i just try to see things from his pov in an empathetic light but I am sure I get things wrong since it is all a guessing game. I also do criticize Doumeki myself a bit. I don’t think it is his right to decide who Yashiro has sex with and I wish there was less dub con in the sexual emconuters he initiated but I also think at times I criticized him based on my real life morals instead of through a saezuru lens. But I also criticize Yashiro as well because no character is above criticism to me. What Yashiro did in volume 6 was wrong and he knows it was wrong. He purposely acted in that way so Doumeki would leave him so he was well aware that he was being an asshole to Doumeki even if he has an excuse for it. But I disagree that Doumeki follows him around like a puppy just to be by his side. In volume 6, he follows Yashiro around to keep him from committing suicide!!!! I feel like that is glossed over a lot for some reason and Doumeki is just reduced to only caring about being with Yashiro even to the detriment of Yashiro. I also am not a big fan of the take that he deserves whatever since he sticks around because as I have said before, the same can be said about Yashiro. Yashiro isn’t Doumeki’s hostage and like I mentioned is getting quite a bit of space from him and is still choosing Doumeki. I actually think Doumeki is a very complex character (as complex as Yashiro) and he does seem to harbor resentment towards Yashiro at times. But so what? Why do his negative emotions get demonized so much? Why is he not allowed to have his emotions cloud his judgement at times and get forgiven for it (of course based on what he does) just like Yashiro or really all of us in real life? At the end of the day, I hope to see more Doumeki centric posts but until then I am just going to enjoy the fandom. It is only a manga at the end of the day.
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botanybulbasaur · 2 days
love through fiction
stuff below cut because its just stuff im writing while i cry
a quote i keep remembering over adnd over and over again is tahta stupid "the love was there and it changed everything. if you even care" quote because. i dont like change. i like having positive impacts on people but i dont like when i change or when they change. it feels like im losing something, an aspect i cant gain back, a feature that people mightve counted on me for. even worse sometimes, it can feel like im losing people.
so its easier to just ignore change. act like the love and the hate is the only thing that changes, not time. act like we, humans, control how long we have and how the world changes what we love.
but we don't, and we never will. the world will keep spinning and the people will keep changing against their will, against the beat of their hearts. but the fiction i keep reading
it keeps sayingt hat the love doesn't need to change anything. the love being there in the first place is a miracle, a gift, proof that we mean something and that our actions give us something. thte change was there and it made love if you even care.
'slay the princess' does a good job at taking just what i fear and placing it before me. how terrifying it is to be the one who changes, and how terrifying it is to see people change before you. but despite that everybody tried to work together. the love was there. the love was there and it told you to try and change something
then there's the love that transcends change. dragon maid be damned because kobayashi (human character) tells. uak. tells this teenage dragon character "i am. im lying to you. im trying to charm a chaos dragon with sweet lies" after the teenager tells her that she's just a human and she'll die and she's inferior and she's lying to her dragon girlfriend. i think its been a while my memory is shitty. and the girl didnt leave her side later on when she was in bed for a while. she knew that kobayashi was ignoring their differences, keeping it stacked away that theyd die at different times and i cant stop crying. the love was there and it told you that you dont have to change anything. the love was there and it told you that to be happy you have to ignore the change sometimes
amd TOHRU (kobayashi's gf) dont get me fucking started. her short monologue in the train ride back home about how kobayashi will die soon but shes just trying to enjoy what she has now. her conversation with her dad knowing she'd get hurt when kobayashi dies, following her near breakdown just thinking of kobayashi dying. the love was there and it told you to hold on and slow down, that the change is later, you don't have to be scared yet. it's okay, the love says, because it was there.
last but certainly not least dunmeshi. i know i usually bring up marcille here because i resonate with her but i want to bring up senshi and his backstory. like youre telling me he too feels guilty about his family (i know theyre not related to him shut the fuck up theyre family thats what family is) sacrificing for him but it gave him the inspiration and the courage to be who it was. the love was there and it changed me from the inside if you even care. the love was there and it changed me for the better. the love was there and it saved me
yeah im just crying now. the love was there. the love was there and it meant cooking and exploring and selling your desires to the nearest demon and it meant befriending people you'd outlive by a couple hundred years if you even care. the love was there and it made more love despite the change if you even care. the love was there the love was there im jfn,. :( THE LOVE WAS TEHRE. THE LOVE WAS THERE
the love was there and it made kobayashi risk her life for tohru. the love was there and it made laios, marcille and chilchuck risk their lives to kill the red dragon and get fain back. the love was there and it made toshiro wander deep without food to try and find someone who exhibited warmth. the love was there and it made laios and toshiro really become friends because the love was in us all all along wasn't it. the love wasn't because of change the change was love. what made us what changed us was love. what we all have that leads us forward, even in fiction. god i need a minute.
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ryuichirou · 2 days
Some replieeeees, also hey it’s Summer (just noticed that)
Anonymous asked:
SURPRISE, ANON! Motorboat them to your heart’s content.
I am very happy that you liked Rook tits; it was probably very naïve of me to think that his nipple won’t be the main star of the drawing lol
Anonymous asked:
Planning on revisiting aus?
We might, but there isn’t any planning involved here; we just randomly remember about them from time to time and sometimes want to add to them lol
 I’ve sketched a comic for the mafia AU not so long ago, but we only posted it on ko-fi for now…
Anonymous asked:
More Lilia content when?
Hopefully soon! We have some new stuff with him, so it’s a matter of time... If everything goes well, you should see a lot of more stuff relatively soon. For now he’s also on ko-fi, being unable to post regularly has fucked up our posting flow really badly.
Anonymous asked:
I'm not exactly caught up on the Savanaclaw Rook stuff,
But that doesn't mean I don't have some pretty fun thoughts.
Like one I had while looking at that art you recently posted.
And I'm just imagining Savanaclaw Rook and Pomefiore Rook are in the same room, for whatever reason, who knows, and Vil walks in-
And Pomefiore Rook looks at Savanaclaw Rook-
And he just sees the hearts in Savanclaw Rook's eyes while looking at Vil.
And he knows that Savanaclaw Rook's already as hooked on Vil as he is.
Cause Rook just having an "on sight" moment when first meeting Vil is something I absolutely love.
Awwww, this is so cute. At first I thought you were going to make a ménage à trios joke…
He absolutely had an “on sight” moment when he first saw him at NRC; and while I think it’s fair to assume that this isn’t Rook’s actual first time seeing him (being such a theatre nerd and all),  seeing him irl probably felt different somehow.
Looking at S!Rook’s reaction is probably pretty nostalgic for P!Rook.
No but really they really should hug Vil together and show him all kinds of love-
Anonymous asked:
Thinking nonstop about the characters being called daddy and master post,, it makes me imagine a scenario where Silver's sleeping around campus (probably because his father told him to so he could live a little) and someone asks him to call them daddy... He would be so confused like "???? I am not your son 🤨" save my boy LOL
Silver calling Lilia daddy or papa in bed would just end up being so cute 😭 Lilia stopping what he's doing and totally breaking his image as a cool and strict dom to be like "Eh?? Ehh??? You haven't called me that in years 🥺"
(this is about this post)
I am very happy you enjoyed that one, Anon!
Oh poor Silver lol Or should I say poor people who will never be the father that Silver loves dearly… even though this isn’t what they wanted from him at all. And these poor fools would think that the issue is that the word is too familial, and this is why Silver doesn’t consider it sexy. If only they knew…
Imagining Lilia dropping his dom thing to gush over his precious son being very cute and suddenly calling him daddy/papa is very funny though, he wouldn’t expect that at all. Despite being all kinds of cursed, for some reason  this is the one moment that Lilia would consider pretty wholesome… which only makes it even more cursed lol
Although to be honest it’s surprisingly difficult to imagine Silver calling Lilia anything other than “oyaji-dono”. Imagine Silver’s first word being not “papa” but “oyaji-dono” instead…
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brunette-bitch77 · 3 days
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ᯓ★ If U couldn't tell from my bio, I'm primarily a writer for transfem readers. yes, we exist on here, and we deserve some attention!! (if they don't, then I'm writing this blog for me I guess)
ᡣ𐭩 readers of other gender identities are welcomed, just expect to see a lott of trans woman reader content. if I take requests in the future, then you can submit one. we all deserve some attention at the end of the day
𐙚 forgive me if my blog looks like shit at first, I decided to do this on a whim (•᷄- •᷅ ;) this about me post will probably be edited!
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𝐅𝐀𝐐 / Blog Info
╰┈➤ Blog info...
Who do you write for? As mentioned above, I write for transfem readers primarily. If my posts ever open up for requests, I will include other gender identities, but due to my current schedule & attention span issues, I won't be taking any. Additionally, a lot of the reader's personality is derived from my own, which includes habits and speaking mannerisms so some of my readers might not align with your own personality type.
Who do you write about? Characters that I'm obsessing over/am into at the moment. My two main characters will be Toji Fushiguro and Gojo Satoru with some Nanami Kento, Tengen Uzui, Yami Sukehiro and Kojiro Nanjo sprinkled into the mix. Basically anyone with biceps that can crush my head!! I’m also a Kunigami Rensuke fangirl on the side, but my obsession’s died down due to the lack of Blue Lock content I’ve been consuming.
What is the point of this blog? To write my own fanfiction and also hone my writing skills. I've scoured Tumblr, Wattpad and AO3, and have yet to find the fics that I feel represent me. Readers are almost always cis females, gender neutral, or trans men (and even those are hard to come by). I wanted to get my own ideas out there while also hopefully satisfying other trans women who like the stuff that I like and face the same problems that I have.
Types of fics: fluff, NSFW, angst, you name it, I'll probably write it eventually. I'll also include songfics since I'm a huge music lover. Please be aware that angst stories will exclusively include happy endings for the reader (I'm tired of the baby mama, side-hoe content... we need to stand up at some point or another).
Topics covered: anything to do with the transfem experience, as well as general relationship stuff that isn't exclusive to genders with my own twist added to them. I will not cover topics that I do not feel I have knowledge on or personal experience of such as periods, pregnancies, or certain mental disorders. I flat out will not write sexual assault, dub-con, stepcest, incest, or anything gross like scat, vomit, or any other kind of bodily fluids. I will write certain forms of age gaps, but I won't write blatantly depraved power dynamics such as teacher/student. The most you’ll see is 25 yo. reader with a 35-38 yo. character.
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╰┈➤ Personal info...
General about me's: I'm currently an 18 yr old, rising architectural engineering student (fall of 2024) | pisces sun, gemini moon, aries rising | ENTJ 8w7 | mother of 3 cats | uruguayan & mexican (some of my fics might feature some spanish!)
Music favs: Beyoncé (duh), Mariah Carey, Madonna, Shakira, and Ariana grande. You'll find a lot of my fics are based on songs 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
Favorite Media: B'day (the album), Sex and the City, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charlie's Angels, Kill Bill (I adore Lucy Liu)
Fandoms/favorite anime: Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Black Lagoon, Love is War, Madoka Magica, Higurashi: When They Cry, Free! Iwatobi Swim Club; I primarily watch anime that feature a badass female character, violence, or really hot guys.
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╰┈➤ Rules...
No bigotry (duhh....)
No minors - literally go do your hw please 😭
No Beyoncé hate is allowed on my page!!! Don't get shot.
Don't bring your politics around me
Don't request stuff in my DMs until I decide to open requests or they'll end up in the void of Tumblr. I come and go as I please, meaning I might forget about this blog for weeks at a time and then come back and post 30 different things, so if I did requests then they'd probably never see the light of day (which hurts—I personally would know!!)
Don't go starting shit with other people on my page. DMS exist! And definitely don't start shit with ME or you'll earn yourself a block.
Have fun - this is literally a fanfiction page, this is meant to be fun and indulgent
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© ʙʀᴜɴᴇᴛᴛᴇ-ʙɪᴛᴄʜ77 on tumblr - get your own shit bitches | ca. 4/26/2024
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royalarchivist · 3 months
[A sad violin song plays over an image of a sad hamster]
Pac: This doesn't have anything to do with me – I wear a blue sweatshirt, you're crazy, this mouse doesn't even have a sweatshirt, this hamster! [Reading chat] Am I a depressed hamster?
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[ Transcript continued ↓ ]*
Pac: Actually– that's fine! I embrace that idea – of course I'm going to be depressed, are you crazy? [He hits his desk, then starts counting off people on his fingers] Fit is gone, Richarlyson is gone, Ramon is gone, Bagi and Empanada who were always there when we were there are also gone, I haven't seen them! It's just me and Tubbo, and sometimes Philza shows up.
Pac: I lost Chume Labs, I lost the Favela, I lost Murder Mystery, I lost Ilha Chume Labs, it's crazy! Look at how much I've lost, and I've gained nothing! Of course I'm going to be depressed, are you crazy?! How am I supposed to be happy?!
Pac: [Reading chat] "You have us Pac," that's true, thank you. No, that's true, sorry.
* NOTE: Please note that this is an incomplete transcript, as I was primarily relying on Aypierre's translation mod at the time and if I am not confident of the translation, I do not include it. As always, please feel free to add on translations or message me corrections.
#Pactw#QSMP#Pac#March 18 2024#As much as I love keeping people updated about Pac / the other Portuguese-speaking creators#I think I might not make as many transcribed posts for their clips anymore#I just don't think I'm qualified enough to be transcribing things for a language I don't know#like yeah we have the Qlobal Translator and Aypierre's translators to rely on#And I'm always upfront when I'm not 100% sure about a translation#but I've been thinking about it a lot and it kinda makes me feel a bit icky. Idk.#I might be overthinking this but I just I don't want to spread around translations I'm not super confident about#esp. since I know a lot of people cite my clips in analysis posts or link them to other people as resources#and 90% of the time I'm like ''Hell yeah I love seeing people getting a lot of use out of the archive''#but sometimes I get a bit anxious like ''Did I do a good enough job translating this''#''Am I ruining someone's entire perception of a conversation or character because I left one word out or mistranslated something?''#And like I said that's normally not a HUGE concern since if I'm not certain about a translation I just won't post a clip. but you know#idk it might just be the anxiety talking but I really really don't want to spread bad info#Happy to hear other folks' perspective#I'm really grateful for people like Bell and Pix and others who translate clips and I always try to reblog those#but we don't have a ton of people posting clips & translating things on Tumblr since we're so English-centric#which is part of the reason WHY I like sharing clips of the non-English-speaking CCs#but at the same time I want to do an accurate job representing what they're saying#Maybe I'll just start posting things and give a TLDR context of what they're talking about but not a transcript#that way native-speakers can hop in and add translations if that's something they're comfortable doing#and if not then well. at least I'm not sharing something that isn't super accurate#idk I'm just thinking out loud a bit in the tags#But I'm open to hearing other people's thoughts on the matter#Anyways giant rant aside. q!Pac is NOT doing ok rn
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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More MDZS and Hollow Knight! The cool bugs I found in my backyard have started to unionize.
Part 1 - Part 3
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b4kuch1n · 5 months
Your swsh art always makes me want to replay the game because i love it and its my favorite pokemon game and every time i play another pokemon game i think of it how i miss certain elements from swsh. Then i boot up the game and im once again caught in the 1 hour 40 minutes hand held intro and im like ah- now i remember why i have been playing other pokemon games instead of this one. Happy (late?) birthday!
you don't want to listen to hop? you don't want to hear him teach you about type matchups? you don't wanna let him cheer u on...? 🥺 waa....?
#ask#bakuspeech#I am joking to be clear lmao#thank u happy bday to me !!#tbh I got real used to pokemon overexpositioning since sumo lol. it's kind of a boon for me#cause I'm not a Gamer™ and my brain takes stuff on Very slowly#so the tutorial stuff and the cutscenes give me time to catch up. also it's still fun to see these guys run around#I am in fact here for these guys lol. weird thing to say about the game built on and with an essential focus on the pokemon I know#I just like humans! I just like watching hop running circles around my player character all excited#and leon being a dick to his hometown people when they're expecting 'leon' back and they get the champion instead#and you get to see sonia used to dealing with it but the frustration never fully fades and how close she is to hop and that picture's bleak#listen this is my bread&butter lol. leon really doesn't show up That much himself around the game he's a shadow casted over the story#it's always interesting to me! does Not mean it's not sluggish to other people who want to play the game lmao#but I like it. also the tutorial at least the first time around was necessary to me bc the difficulty scales way up later on lol#it's a very good first pokemon game I maintain this. sumo never managed to teach me the same way swsh did#I still care drampa tho thank u drampa for being real I love u#lmao it feels like saying I'm not a Gamer™ violates some tenets of having adhd somehow. but its just the case here#the main genres I play are 'itch games tangential to the haunted ps1 people' and 'popcap-style casual games'#my sport's figuring out shapes n movin my stylus sadly. well not sadly why would that be sad
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Mel for the unhinged character bingo!
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#ask me#so Mel is in the unenviable position of being a very strong character whose rights I support and whose wrongs I also fully support#BUT the way she's treated broadly in the fandom is so pervasive and so consistent and so frustrating to me that#I am in full -must protect my blorbo- mode with her at all times#-Mel's story is over so the only thing left for her to do is die-#-if Mel dies then J can get together with V and they will appreciate her for her sacrifice bc she died a hero who rejected Ambessa-#enough! enough I say!#what about proving to ambessa that she can take the throne for herself? what about the angst of defying her mother and her home country#and opposing those in Piltover who DO want war and want to raze the undercity#what about the magic that she's heavily foreshadowed to have and how it's different from hextech#and how it directly opposes but also parallels what is happening to Viktor#what about her -friends- abroad and the plot Mel was cooking through all of season 1 that has not been revealed yet#there's so much potential for her to have to confront the fact that J was slowly becoming a monster through season 1#and that she can't ignore the undercity forever#also what if whoever Ambessa says killed her brother comes after Mel too!#it is very frustrating to see Mel get dismissed as dead or evil or irredeemable or whatever when she is consistently#the most interesting person in the room in every single scene she's in and the character who shows the most conviction and change#so yeah i will take a bullet for her she is my blorbo I will despise any character who hurts her#and I would cradle her in my arms if she gave me a chance - which she would never! - but a girl can dream#however I also enjoy leaning into the idea that Mel is perceived as being a devil from the outside - Mel leans into it too when it serves#but it's in direct opposition to her ironclad values and the personality that she keeps hidden a layer down#I genuinely think that Mel will have a happy ending - or at least as happy an ending that an Arcane character can get lol#like I fully believe she will take the throne (Piltover) in the end but I can only guess at this point what that will cost her#I love putting Mel in situations but mainly to play with both how creative she can get and also how fucking far she will go to win#which is ANOTHER thing we know is probably true about Mel but has not been put on display yet#also Mel has already done a great job at separating what she wants for herself as a person from just being Ambessa's daughter#but Mel still deserves to get plenty of great therapy for that situation because OH GOD THAT CHILDHOOD FLASHBACK#also Kino is dead? maybe dead?? at least Mel fully believes he's dead so she needs therapy and hugs for that too#I am super normal about her can you tell
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hecksupremechips · 3 months
Minor thing that really irks me is when people treat the femc route in p3 portable as like the lesser story or like it’s a fanfic where nothing that happens in it is the “true” canon like. Bitch. The femc and everything that happens in her version of the story is just as canon as the male protagonist and everything that happens in his story. And there’s literally been so many fucking versions of p3 at this point like the base game, fes, portable, the movies, stage plays, reload, as well as spinoffs and manga and they all do things differently. I don’t see anyone acting like the base game is more canon than, say, reload so why do they do this with portable? Why can’t the (infinitely superior) version with the female protagonist just be respected for five fucking minutes goddamn
#persona#persona 3#kotone shiomi#its the misogyny yay#but god i am so tired of her game being treated as not actually canon like it literally is#theres multiple canons dipshit there is no true version of this game#and also people saying she doesnt fit the theme or some shit like. she literally does??? and honestly she does it better#like you can really feel the love she brings to the group and how she gives everything life and helps everyone#but also just how it all comes with pain she smiles and befriends everyone but shes always been so deeply alone and she doesnt want anyone#to feel the pain shes felt and so she carries all those burdens on her own and when everyone goes to reach out for her#its too late far too late shed sacrifice herself over and over for these people and theyll never once see her cry#she also you know. actually has good social links and gets to know everyone not just people she wants fuck#so you get to see just infinitely better versions of every character with her she really does bring out the best in them#and another thing in particular with the disrespect of her story is the way shinji living is treated again just like#some kinda fanfic au by someone who didnt wanna cope with their blorbo dying like ughh#shinji surviving is just as canon as him dying there is an entire canon where he gets a happy ending and it is once again#much better than versions where he dies like ive. exhausted myself with explaining it but its just better#so yeah basically out of spite i like acting like kotones story is actually the one true canon#and when people mention stuff that isnt in her story im like ‘huh? what? that didnt happen’#cuz whos gonna stop me
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biinbitch · 1 year
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I’m pretty sure that’s just Gracie Dzienny reading the script for s02e09. #JusticeforTatum
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