#I am thankful for the opportunities I had planning this event
nymph-at-versailles · 3 months
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My Experience as a Prom Planner: "Last night was like the ending of Carrie, if instead of pigs blood, Carrie just got to be prom queen." - What will she do with all the doubt she still carries after the party end?
July 2024
I had my prom yesterday, what made it special is that I was in charge of planning the event myself. A quick side-note: ever since my break up last year I’ve convinced myself that I hate people and don’t need them. Yet despite this initial angst, I find that I try with all my might to make the people around me happy and I still give so much love to those I adore. Showing this mentality was utterly false and naïve.
Prom was a conflicting event for me, there was no glitz and glam, pre-prom or post-prom for me, this was my last chance to prove myself to a tiny world of mostly privileged teenagers I've known since i was 7. For me the success of this event was life or death (spiritually), the happiness of proms participants was a quantitative measure of my own worth. How...terrifyingly insignificant the stakes were.
Prom came and I could finally reap the benefits of my hard labour.
...The most absurd night occurred:
People who’ve bullied me over the course of my school career gave me hugs, telling me how beautiful I was. Boys who broke my heart looked at me as if Aphrodite blessed me. People who were too pretty for me told me how much they appreciate me. A perfect end to a coming of age film.
Yet the credits haven’t rolled and I’m still going.
Still breathing.
I didn’t think I’d make it to 18, I thought this was the end of the frontier. My teenage Magnum Opus <3. Yet I wake up and slowly come to the realisation that life continues another day. I don’t know if I’m happy about that yet, like Sisyphus I have to start again.
My reflection 7 Months later
Reflecting upon that experience almost 7 months since my Prom in July I see a very broken girl. She feared her life purpose was fulfilled before she'd even properly lived. I am proud of what that broken girl achieved, but I look down upon her mindset. A self-fulfilling prophecy of "woe is me" and a heavy reliance of the "I'm not like other girls" mindset. I had forcibly isolated myself emotionally with my peers, but true admiration and love for some of them shone through that persona and I couldn't help but to care for all these people I had grown up with. I derived enjoyment from planning the prom, from the praise, but it took everything I had. It took reinvention in order to complete a task I saw as monumental, but look back and see as menial.
I was told that at university no one will care about who you were or what you did, just who you are now presently. That is painfully true. As much as I would love to gloat to my new peers that I have proved my worthiness before getting a degree, it is unbecoming and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. In the mindset of Robert Greene, I have mastered the art of planning a prom, great...time to move onto the next task.
I have been forced to adopt the task of Sisyphus, I will continue to push this boulder up the mountain to prove my worth, to master something that has more meaning to the world around me. I do not know how that will manifest, but I look optimistically to the top of this unforgiving mountain. all the obstacles I will face, all the times I will want to give up, but the chance of success is too sweet not to reach.
I stretch my whole body, crack my neck, I do a few jumps to make myself limber and I look towards the sky where the mountain lies. I prepare to push the boulder once more, I smile, as I have been given another opportunity to prove myself.
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buckysbabygorl · 18 days
A Favour (Part 4)
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Part 3
Summary: When secrets are revealed during girl’s night, Y/N takes action.
“Wow, talk about impulsive.”
Wanda wiggled further into her floor poof, noting to herself that she was definitely gifted Y/N new ones for Christmas.
“I know,” she filled up their glasses again. “I guess I dodged a bullet there. Still doesn’t make me feel any better.”
Tucking the wine bottle on the nightstand before flopping to the floor, Y/N sighed.
The abandoned date was a week behind her, but she still couldn’t shake her frustration.
“He’s always hitting on me. And now Jane wants to give things another go and I’m discarded like a consolation prize.”
Wanda awed, “Oh love, don’t think of yourself that way.”
Her hand reached for Y/N’s arm, her thumb running over it softly.
“Men have a way about them, I’ll never understand it but it’s like—they constantly chase after the one that got away. It’s to no fault of your own, he’s just stupid.”
Y/N sipped her wine, smiling at Wanda.
“Thanks babe. Honestly, at the end of the day they have history. They’re well suited for each other. Hell they probably have better chemistry than Thor and I would have—”
“Oh I’m sure that’s not a factor. That man could have chemistry with anyone.”
Y/N wracked with laughter, Wanda was pretty reserved about her attractions. It was shocking when they came out.
“For sure. Big and bulky, thousands of years of experience…”
Wanda hummed, “Experience. Now that’s the kind of man you need Y/N. Someone who knows his way around a woman.”
Wanda flipped abruptly, sliding drunkenly to lay across from Y/N.
“Wanna know a secret?”
Y/N looked at Wanda’s glass, seeing it was almost empty.
Note to self, we’re slowing down after this one
“Of course,” Y/N mock-whispered.
Wanda giggled, “The best fucks are the older guys.”
Y/N gasped and smacked Wanda’s arm as she howled.
“Wanda! You’re naughty.”
“I am, I am. But it’s true. Younger men are selfish, rushing to the main event… the older ones take their time.”
She sat up, consumed by her reminiscence.
“They hold you, they tease you, they cherish you. Two words for you Y/N: body worship. It is the best thing since sliced bread. And I’m making sandwiches.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“I know!” Wanda said, “But it doesn’t mean I’m wrong.”
She threw back the rest of her glass and huffed.
“God, now I’m horny.”
Y/N scoffed, “You’re telling me. With all my potential suitors lined up, I’ve been on edge.”
Evident, considering her blatant proposition to Barnes.
She grew red at the thought, how could she do that? Just throw herself at him?
At least things weren’t awkward between them, he was even going to go as far to give her advice about Thor…
Now looking back on it, it did seem rather odd coming from him. She propositions him for sex, and then comes to give her bedrooms tips? Perhaps he had just been trying to compensate for that day before.
Whatever, she thought, she should just put it out of her head.
“Bucky!” Wanda exclaimed.
Y/N jolted, had she read her mind?
Wanda shook her finger at her, “that’s the one you should go for. Christ, have you seen his arms?”
Y/N raised her brows and hummed, “Oh yes, yes I have. Beef cake to a T.”
“And that stubble, lord forgive me.”
Y/N pictured how it would feel scraping her neck, the inside of her thighs…
“But that ship has sailed. It didn’t even dock Wanda.”
Wanda halted as she reached for the wine bottle.
“Well,” she bobbed her head as she thought, “I kinda already asked him.”
Wanda gasped.
“And he said no.”
Wanda then slammed her hand down. “Bad friend! How could you not tell me?”
Wanda grabbed her hand and shook it, “We could have made a game plan. He could’ve been putty in your hands!”
“I tried!” Y/N defended, “I thought it would be a good idea but it didn’t—I don’t know, pan out.”
Wanda groaned, “Where is Nat? She’ll talk some sense in to you.”
How could it have not panned out, Wanda thought. She knew of the affections he harbored for Y/N, him passing up his opportunity was beyond comprehension.
As if on cue, Nat barged through Y/N’s door. Stumbling with her bottle of tequila and go bag in hand, not even undressed from her late night mission.
“Okay!” She yelled, “I ran off the jet so I wouldn’t miss anything. I’ll do shots to catch up while you spill.”
She directed this to Y/N, who remained utterly confused.
“Spill what?”
Nat rolled her eyes as she unscrewed her bottle.
“Don’t be coy, it’s been a whole week since I talked with Barnes so I’m not even gonna pretend that I’m not in the loop.”
She mouthed the bottle and winced as the first shot went down. Wanda reached out with a grabby hand, and Nat complied.
“How was he? Tell us everything.” She demanded.
Wanda and Y/N shared a look of confusion, had Nat finally gone delusional after too many hits to the head?
“Nat, I’m serious. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Her face was read over by the super-spy, and she watched as Nat’s face contorted into annoyance. Her hand darted to grab the bottle back from Wanda.
“Wait. You’re telling me he didn’t make a move?”
Y/N sat up slowly, “No…”
As she drew it out, Nat knew then that Barnes has chickened out.
“Oh that goddamn idiot.”
“Nat what are you talking about?”
She huffed. She knew Bucky would do this. She didn’t know why, but he always found some excuse as to why he shouldn’t follow through. Bucky had to be pushed, and what better way than to tell Y/N herself.
“He charged to your room last week after training, determined to fuck the shit out of you.”
Wanda’s cough sent white wine all over the floor, Nat patted her back as Y/N took this in.
“You’re joking.” Y/N stated.
“No! He told me you asked him to, I told him he was an idiot, and then he went to your room. At least I assume he did—”
“—he did!” Y/N said.
The two women looked at her in shock.
“And he did nothing?” Wanda asked.
Y/N fumbled over her words, “Well—he came in. Yeah, he came in. Then he saw me upset and then we just hung out but he—we, we just—he was gonna fuck me?”
“He wanted to! Like bull in China shop charging out of the room, wanted to fuck you.”
“I can’t believe this.” Y/N decided to take the rest of the wine bottle for herself, slopping it down in the chaos of this news.
“The fuck do I do now?”
Nat gently placed a hand on her knee, face sweet and genuine.
“You mount him, sweetie.”
Wanda nodded eagerly, filling her wine glass with tequila.
“Body worship.” She enunciated.
Nat side eyed her, “What?”
Wanda waved her hand at her, “I’ll explain later.”
As Y/N sat silent, the two stared at her. Eyes dead ahead, Y/N still couldn’t wrap her brain around the idea.
“So?” Nat asked, “Are you going?”
Y/N was shocked, “What, like now?”
Nat threw her head back as she swiped the tequila back from Wanda.
Wow, she thought, they’re both idiots I guess.
“Yes NOW. We just got back from the same mission, he’s in his room as we speak.”
“That doesn’t mean I should go now! I should talk to him, I—I don’t get why he’d change his mind after I asked him—”
“No.” Nat demanded. She stood up, grabbing Y/N and rising with her.
“You two talk way too much. Every time you two come out on the opposite page you started. Or—opposite end of the book. Whatever, you’re not on the same page!”
Nat dragged her to the door, and whipped it open.
“You want to fuck Barnes. He wants to fuck you. When you two start talking that suddenly goes out the window. No more chit-chat. You, are going to get laid tonight. And it’s gonna be by 6 feet, 250 pounds of fine-aged muscle. And you are not coming back here until you do!”
She tossed Y/N out the door, leaving her in stunned silence in the hallway.
Bucky stripped himself of his gear, his shoulders and neck aching from the grip of his harness.
God, it felt good to get that off. It felt good to be home.
What he desperately wanted was a rub down, a deep tissue massage courtesy of Stark Therapeutics. But it was far too late for that, he’d have to go tomorrow.
His mind began to wander in his exhaustion, forming a picture of delicate hands working his muscles.
Eventually, the image of Y/N’s wandering hands came into his fantasy. Pulling, yearning for his sensitive skin…
His palms ran up his face into his hair. Now he needed a cold shower.
He should’ve just done it.
He must have been a masochist, torturing and teasing himself with his own chances, graphic and vulgar images just taunting him.
You could have had this, she could have been yours.
He was mad at himself. Now, with their pathetic back-and-forth he would never have a chance like that again.
And then when she finally got back in the game she’d meet someone that rocked her world, then they’d get married and have beautiful mini Y/N babies because of all the rocking sex they’d have.
Alright, now he was being dramatic.
He needed to cool off, breathe, sleep it off and then reset.
He could do without one night of mental torture.
The ice cold water was uninviting, but much needed.
Though it was waking up his exhausted body, his mind was slowly letting go of Y/N.
Y/N, Y/N, Y/N….
He was trying his best, he really was. Especially after last week.
He made the choice to be supportive and passive about her sex life, things were feeling normal between them.
A knock came on his door. Turning off the water, he called out.
He waited a moment, but when receiving no answer, he went back to his shower.
He jumped out of his skin when the bathroom door whipped open.
Ponytail swinging, eyes hard, she darted to the shower.
“Y/N? What the hell!”
He didn’t attempt to cover himself, too shocked to move.
What the actual hell.
She pulled back the glass door, pausing as she took him in.
Every inch of him was just… goddamn insane.
Perfect arms, perfect abs, perfect v.
Looking down, she sighed.
“God, that’s gonna hurt.”
Bucky’s eyes went wide.
“Excuse me?”
She met his eyes. She looked wild; her pupils blown, panting, the water beginning to dampen her thin clothes.
Part of her hesitated, this was bold. This was a lot coming from her. The last few weeks were filled with waiting and waiting for the right proposal. She had tech geniuses, army vets, marine corps, doctors from all over the building shooting their shot, and none of them caught her attention.
But he however, was the only one she had sought after.
Thor had been tempting, but looking at Barnes in his soaked glory, she knew that the God could never compare. This was a man.
Bucky’s back hit the tiled wall, Y/N’s body being soaked by the shower stream.
His hands stay at his sides, unable to move.
This had to be a dream.
“I want you.”
Bucky’s mouth went dry at her declaration, lip dropping in slight awe.
“Do you want me?” She asked.
Their chests heaved in unison, the frozen water suddenly felt like a thousand degrees.
He stared at her. Her hands on his shoulders, that dangerous look in her eye…
“God yes.” He uttered.
It was so fast.
Her body pressed into him, soft lips covering his.
Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and his hands flew to her waist.
He turned them, hoisting her up against the wall. Her legs locked around his back as he ground his cock into her clothed pussy.
He pulled her bottom lip between his teeth, his hands nearly ripping her waistband.
He pulled back, resting his head against her forehead as he breathed out.
His body was on fire.
“Tell me you’re sure.”
She went to kiss him again and he ducked his chin.
“Y/N, tell me you’re sure.”
She rested her head back against the cold, wet tile. She felt the heat pooling in her body, her hands hot as they gripped into his shoulders.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I need you to fuck me Bucky.”
That was all he needed.
Shower abandoned, he rushed to the bed with her.
He raked his hands along her body, he needed to feel every inch of her. He needed her to feel how desperately he wanted this.
Goosebumps littered her flesh, his metal hand doing nothing to satiate.
She wrestled to get herself unclothed, eager for his skin against hers.
He pushed her hands away.
“Let me,” he urged, “Let me touch you.”
She complied, lifting her arms above her head as he undressed her. Strong hands delicate but sure, confidently removing every piece that was in his way.
She was perfect.
He took in all her beauty; collarbones exposed, breast perked under his touch, the soft and supple feel of her skin, those hips, those legs, that perfect pussy…
He began his descent, kissing every inch as he urged to her to lay back.
Her eyes never left him, watching as her ravished her torso with his lips.
Body worship echoed in her mind.
His hands wander upwards, grazing her sensitive thighs.
“Bucky, please.”
She loved it, she did. It felt so good to be cherished like this, his fingers kneading into every spot he could grab. But she wanted him, she needed to feel him.
“Baby,” he whispered, stubble scraping her inner thighs, “I gotta take my time with you.”
She moaned as he gently bit the inside of her thigh, lifting her legs over his shoulders.
He groaned at the sound, reminding himself to slow down.
God, he wanted to fuck her. He wanted to leave her breathless, whining, desperate to cum beneath him.
But he couldn’t now. Next time.
He met her eyes as his tongue licked her folds.
Her head rolled back as he drew another moan from her.
He listened to her body, the sounds she made as her delved further in to her pussy.
Show me what you like baby, give it all to me.
His lips circled around her clit, tongue working hard and fast.
He’d be damned if he didn’t make her cum before he was inside her.
He planned to ruin her for anyone else, he wanted her pleasure so overwhelming that she’d never forget why she waited. She needed to know what real sex felt like.
“Fuck, Bucky.”
Her thighs clenched around his head, losing herself. She tried to loosen them as he continued his assault, but his hands locked them into place.
Squeeze me love, don’t hesitate. I want it all.
She cried out as he worked harshly with his tongue, she knew she was about to come.
“Don’t stop, Bucky please don’t stop.”
Her back arched against the mattress, and he held her down with his flesh arm. He wanted his face in it when she came, tasting all she had to give.
He hummed against her, passionately continuing as she rode out her climax. He felt it drip down his face, chin slick with her wetness.
He was tempted to go again, really make her writhe from his tongue, have her screaming his name so loud that the rest of the compound would be pounding on his door.
He wanted to give her more; and more.
But he’d wait. Not now.
Now he needed to be inside her, have her tight and wet pussy grip him as he rutted into her.
He had to know how good she felt.
He wiped his chin before climbing on the bed, hovering over her.
She was speechless, eyes glassy as slipped himself between her legs.
“I’m gonna fuck you nice, and slow. You're gonna tell me what you need baby."
In awe, she lifted her hips to his. She didn't care if it hurt, the pleasure would come. She knew he'd make sure of that.
He grazed her entrance with his head, gently teasing.
"Tell me you want me."
She whimpered, mind reflecting on Wanda's statement earlier.
They hold you, they tease you, they cherish you…
He was relishing in her pleasure as much as she was.
“I want you Bucky, please. I want you to fuck me.”
She bucked her hips up to his, and he pressed her further into the mattress.
He hushed her, “Easy baby, I’m not going anywhere.”
His head ducked beneath her ear, softly sucking at the skin.
Her nails dug into his shoulders, his body warm against hers.
She nodded into his shoulder.
Grabbing her chin, he placed a soft kiss on her lips.
Staring into her eyes, he watched her face as he eased himself in.
God, he was huge.
Slowly, he let his cock fill her up. His hips stuttered at her tightness, she was so warm… so wet…
He kissed her neck as she sighed, hands sliding under her hips to hold her against him.
Her arms wrapped around his back, legs locking behind his so she could take all of him.
She wanted him to move, she needed him to move.
“Please Bucky, I’m ready.”
He nodded into her shoulder, steeling himself to not cum right then and there.
She felt so good, he’d wanted this for so long. And now she was begging him for more, perfect body wrapped around him.
His wildest dreams never could have imagined this.
His thrusts were gentle, purposeful.
He wanted her to take every inch, he wanted her a mess beneath him.
He gave it to her nice, and slow. Just as he promised.
She moaned softly as his rutting picked up pace, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips.
He groaned, “You’re taking me so well. You’re doing so good baby.”
Her breath hitched at his words, and Bucky’s sly smile grew against her skin.
Her heartbeat pulsed into his cheek, and he nipped at the skin of her neck.
“Yeah? You like that baby? Tell me.”
“Yes,” she breathed out, “You feel so good.”
He moaned into her neck, strokes rolling wave after wave of pleasure to her core.
“That’s my girl. That’s my good girl.”
She was soaking his cock, becoming tighter and tighter.
“You fuck me so good Bucky, fuck I—”
She couldn’t hold back her cry, his cock hitting the perfect spot inside of her.
He was worried he’d hurt her, but as her place contorted in pleasure he continued his pounding.
He hesitated in speaking, feeling selfish. Then couldn’t stop himself as she cried out his name.
“Whose pussy is this?”
She said it without thinking, brain foggy and filled with thoughts of only him.
He could let the sound of that replay for eternity.
“That’s a good girl. Fuck you feel so good.”
He lifted her legs over his shoulders, pushing himself deeper inside her.
He slowed himself as she whined, trying to remember that he couldn’t ruin her yet.
It needed to be slow, this had to be all about her…
No matter how desperately he wanted her cumming from overstimulation, fingertips gripping the bedsheets, crying out his name and only his.
It was the only thing she knew to say, her mind devoting her words to only him.
He was getting close, but he couldn’t let himself finish.
Fucking her slow, he slipped his hand over her clit. Making gentle and soft circles, drawing her last orgasm out of her.
He bit into her calf as she came, urging himself not to cum as she did. She coated his thighs, and he moved faster.
His thumb on her clit moved with the pace of his thrusts.
“C’mon baby, give me another one. Cum for me Y/N.”
She felt lightheaded as another orgasm came, washing over her body as she cried out his name again.
“That’s my girl. Fuck Y/N, you’re perfect.”
He groaned as he finished, collapsing on top of her.
Sweaty and hot, they laid against one another. Legs tangled, his hands still pressing her into him.
Their breathing slowed, he reached over to gently kiss her forehead.
“You okay?” He whispered.
She hummed, nodding into his chest.
He chuckled, “Tired?”
She nodded again, smiling into his skin.
He slowly kissed along the side of her face, shifting to cradle her in his arms.
He was coming down from his high, the room became clearer. He drifted his hand along her spine, in silent awe that everything had changed in an instant.
“You really came barging in here.”
She laughed, laying her head on his chest.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Jesus, don’t be. It was an answer to my prayers.”
She laughed again, sitting up and pulling at her ponytail.
She let in drape over her shoulders, softly staring at him with a small smile.
“Could’ve been sooner. Nat said you chickened out last week.”
He groaned, “Of course she told you. I’m sorry, okay? I just got scared.”
“You got scared? It was my first time.”
“I know, but… I wanted it to be your choice. You asked me to earlier and I didn’t think you wanted what I did. I needed you to enjoy it.”
She hummed, laying against him again. Her hands placed in the soft tuft of hair on his chest.
“Did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Enjoy it.”
She cuddled into his side, “Of course I did. I know I made the right choice, Buck.”
He nodded, his worries silenced.
“And I know I’m gonna enjoy it next time.”
His brows shot up, “Next time?”
“Oh yeah,” she lifted herself to face him, “next time.”
She kissed his lips, “And the next.”
Another kiss, “And the next.”
They laughed together as she continued. Thank god she had waited all this time.
Bucky drifted to sleep with the thought of each “next”, excited for every single one.
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vellicore · 4 months
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Twisted Pairing: Step Dad!Lloyd Hansen x Step Daughter!Reader
Word Count: 600+
Warnings: stepcest, voyeurism, female masturbation, nudity, implied future anal, minor daddy kink, dubcon/noncon if you squint, reader is early twenties, age gap.
Request: Lloyd Hansen, Step Dad, “What’s the matter? You’re acting like you’ve never seen a naked man before.”, and anal. Requested by: anonymous
A/N: I'm sorry I've been so slow with writing these. January has proven to be much more difficult than I had anticipated. I promise the stories are coming, and I am looking forward to doing your requests. This isn't my best work, but I still had fun writing it. It has not been beta read, so any mistakes are my own. As always my work is intended for adult audiences so 18+ only! Minors DNI. Pay attention to all tags and warnings. You are responsible for your own media consumption.
Writing Event Masterlist (still in the works)
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From the first time Lloyd saw you he knew he needed to have you. That’s the thing about Lloyd Hansen, he always gets what he wants. He’d only married your mother because of the connections she provided. With her he’d be able to spread his business out throughout the country. What he hadn’t expected was the delicious present she had been hiding. 
Tonight your mother was out with friends from college. Lloyd knew this was the perfect opportunity to get what he’d been craving. You. He could picture you up in your bedroom reading one of your countless books. It was cute how you always seemed to find ways to avoid him. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, he knew you felt something too. There was a magnetic pull between the two of you, and tonight would be the night he finally gets what he’s needed.
Lloyd makes his way up the stairs and stops outside your bedroom door. He’d expected to hear nothing, but instead he could hear what sounded like quiet whimpers. His eyes flutter shut as he leans in closer hoping to be able to hear you better. “Oh… Oh fuck, Lloyd.” There was no denying what he heard that time. You were in there touching what belonged to him. Without giving it a second thought, Lloyd quickly began to undress himself. This hadn’t been how he planned to do this, but when the opportunity presents itself how could he say no?
Once undressed, Lloyd opens your door. It takes you a moment to realize he’s standing there, and boy was he thankful for that. For that meant he was able to get a full spread eagle view of your soaked cunt. He watched as your finger meticulously rubbed your clit. The little moans that left your mouth were like music to his ears. It was when he let out a small grunt of approval that your eyes finally opened. 
The look of embarrassment washed over your face. But that look quickly turned into confusion and horror when you spotted that he was naked. Your eyes traveled down to his hard cock which was now between his large hand. Lloyd’s smirk grew when he saw that your eyes appeared to be glued on him. “What’s the matter? You’re acting like you’ve never seen a naked man before.” His eyes never once leave yours as he slowly strides across your bedroom. “Oh come on, sunshine. We both know what you were just doing — who you were thinking about. Come on, be a good girl, show me.” 
The more he talked, the more your body seemed to tremble from nerves. “I - I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lloyd.” He rolls his eyes at your attempt to play dumb. He wasn’t going to allow you to continue your charade of being so called innocent. “You really want to play that game? Fine, show me. Prove to me that you’re not soaked right now. Because you and I both know that your little pussy is dripping for me. Dripping for your step-daddy.” His words cause a small to leave your lips.
Maybe just this once you can give into your desires. Maybe just this once you can be bad. 
Lloyd could hear a semblance of a plea when he watched you lay back on your bed. Your legs spread wide, inviting him to come give you both what you need. But Lloyd lets out a small tut and shakes his head. “Sorry, sunshine. That pussy isn’t what I’m interested in right now. I’d rather fuck your untouched hole. Turn around now.”
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euphoniumpets · 1 year
Climbing over the wall | Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Summary: You haven't met your bethroted yet and from what you've been knowing by your overthinking, you didn't waste a second to come up with an escape plan that didn't go that well.
Requested? Yes by @lexilulove: Love your writing and excited requests are open!! I saw this on insta the other day and now I want nothing more than a Nikolai based around this idea. With Nikolai’s love interest constantly sneaking away during events and parties. Dealer’s choice if it’s an established relationship of it Nikolai charms the shy girl and the relationship grows.
A/N: ngl, took this inspiration from queen charlotte at the attempt of climbing the wall while george is behind her like ??? and that got me thinking about y/n and nik.
Warnings: painfully longing eyes behind Nik and the reader.
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The king was late.
And you were growing nervous and thought of every possible way to escape the room.
You didn't enjoyed parties, in fact, you hated them. You didn't like to be the center of attention and it was even worse when you haven't met your bethroted yet.
You was a child from a duke and your father wanted you to marry since he worried of you that you would end up alone knowing that you were too shy to even make social intercation. You had been like that ever since you was a child and when your mother had passed away. Always so quiet and enjoyed your own company.
So, when the rumor had spoken that the king of Ravka was looking for a wife to marry, let alone to rule a whole country, your father had suggested you to him.
You had been hesitant but you wanted to please your father and said yes to the arranged marrige. You haven't met the king personally, but from what you've been told by the maidens and by Genya, Zoya, and Alina, that he's kind and handsome.
You've heard some stories and the rumors about the youngest prince that he was a bastard, but you didn't care that he was one. All you cared that if he was going to treat you right as a husband.
Genya and Zoya had invited everyone to the ball to celebrate your marriage and of course, Nikolai himself was late. Zoya had already gone off to scold Nikolai for being late while Genya was somewhere in the room with Alina, leaving you all alone full with nerves.
You scanned the room and saw an opportunity to escape the ball while nobody was noticing that you were gone. You placed your glass of champange down as everybody continued to chat with each other and the music played loud enough that nobody saw you slipping away.
You walked through the gardens but stopped when you saw a wall in front of you. You huffed with annoyance as you knew that you had to climb the wall over.
But you knew that it would be a struggle because of your dress that Zoya had picked for you and she would kill you for destroying the dress. ''Ah, what the hell,'' You muttered to yourself as you embraced that Zoya will kill you for ruining the dress.
You grabbed one of the branches from the tree on the wall and tried to climb up. Upon hearing, you heard footsteps from behind. ''Milady, do you need help of an assistance of some kind?'' You heard a male voice coming from behind you.
''I am, uh, quite fine, thank you,'' You spoke and didn't look behind and tried to figure out a way to climb up higher. ''You can go back inside and wait with all the other gwakes, '' You dismissed and didn't think much of it since you thought it was one of the maidens that had found you.
''I will, but first, I'm curious, what are you doing?''
''Nothing,'' You spoke and huffed.
''You're doing something,'' The man replied with a deadpanned look.
''I am not,'' You spoke. ''You are,''
''I am not,'' You argued and let out a sigh and looked at the tree in front of you. ''If you must know, I'm trying to ascertian the best way to climb over the garden wall,'' You responded and gestured toward the tree.
''Climb? Whatever for?''
''Because I think he may be a beast,'' You replied and placed your hands over your hips. ''A beast?''
''Or a troll,'' You responded. ''A troll?'' The man replied with an offended expression.
''Who are we discussing?'' The man asked. ''Oh, that is impertinent, none of your buisness,'' You replied and glanced back at him before looking around.
''The king,'' You answered after a short silence. ''From what I've heard: that he's handsome, kind, but some people won't even speak of him,'' You informed.
''And that makes you think that the king is a troll or a beast?'' The man asked. ''Well, I haven't seen him yet,'' You answered. ''And I'm overthinking things,'' You spoke.
''Ah, understood,'' He replied. ''You know, if I grab there,'' You said and pointed toward the garden wall. ''Perhaps you could assist me by lifting up,'' You told him and began to climb again.
''Uh, one question, you do not like beast or trolls? What he looks like matters?'' He asked you.
''I do not care what he looks like, what I do not like is not knowing, now, here, just take a hold here with a lift, I believe that I can make it over the garden wall,'' You said and went back to the garden wall and gestured him to help you.
''You want me to lift you over the wall so you may can escape?''
''That is what I said, yes,'' You replied and rolled your eyes. ''People will notice you are missing will they not?''
''Oh, please, they won't,'' You assured him and waved him off. ''Now, if you please, I just need a little help, come, make haste,''
''I have no absolutely no intention of helping you,'' He responded, making you pause before turning to him. ''I am in lady in distress, you refuse to help a lady in distress?'' You asked him with an offended expression.
''I refuse when that lady in distress is trying to go over the wall so that she does not want to marry me,'' He replied making you look at him with wide eyes and shock. Nikolai only found it amusing when he saw the reaction in your face.
''Hello, Y/n,'' He greeted you with a smile. ''I'm Nikolai,'' He introduced himself and you looked at him. ''Please accept my apology, if I had known that you were you...''
''You would have what?'' Nikolai interrupted you. ''Not told me that you were trying to escape?'' He asked with an amusing expression.
''Well, yes, I mean, I do apologize, moi tsar,'' You spoke quietly and looked down at the ground.
''Just call me Nik,'' Nikolai responded and looked at you with a kind smile. ''The king situation, it towers over us, accident of birth on my part, but I thought maybe perhaps, as my wife, you could ignore it, and I could be just Nik to you,'' He spoke.
''That was of course, before I found out that you do not want to be married to me,''
''I did not say that,'' You looked at him with an offended expression.
''Oh you did,'' He responded. ''I did not,'' You argued. ''You did!''
''It is not,'' You argued and paused. ''I do not know you,'' You replied and sighed. ''I do not know you either, except that you are terrible at climbing a wall,'' Nikolai teased and you saw the smile in the corner of his lips.
''You try climbing a wall in all of this,'' You gestured towards your dress that now was ruined for the ball and huffed at him.
''I was told that you were late,'' You replied and looked at him. ''Yes, my apologies for that, king duties you know,'' Nikolai informed and you nodded slightly.
''There you are!'' You heard Zoya's voice exclaim from behind as the two of you turned around. ''What have you done to your dress!'' You heard Zoya exclaim angirly. ''Zoya, calm down,'' You replied.
''She was trying to climb over the wall,'' Nikolai responded and you looked at him with a glare.
''Over the wall?'' Zoya questioned with a confused look. ''That's is not important, now we have to change you into a new dress,'' Zoya grunted with annoyance and dragged you from Nikolai.
''You will pay for this,'' You mouthed over to him as he looked back at you with a smile as Zoya dragged you away.
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sydneyadmu · 5 months
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REBELCAPTAIN SECRET SANTA | gift for @bartowskis ✧˖°.
Jyn Erso spent most of her career as a freelance journalist until she was recently offered a great opportunity to work at the Yavin Times, one of the most prestigious newspapers in the country. While she hadn't planned on working with a big team, she was struggling with her publications and the job was too good to pass up.
Cassian Andor is one of the most important investigative journalists at Yavin Times and was not very pleased to work with Jyn: he read many of her previous publications and admired her works but had a feeling that she was going to be trouble.
At the beginning, Jyn and Cassian had a difficult relationship and attempted to avoid each other as much as possible. However, a few months later, Jyn is investigating Empire Inc., an energy company, and discovers some evidence that could bring them down. The problem? She needs access to certain information that only someone with Cassian's expertise can provide her with.
Working closely, spending time together outside work, and also seeing each other in casual situations made them both realize they had more in common than they thought. Will they finally acknowledge the tension between them and get more than some ‘professional’ amicable relationship?
happy holidays dear tina! ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
I am very happy to meeting you this year, you’re such a lovely presence in this fandom and the sweetest person! I hope you like my little visual creation based on your prompts (it’s the first time I make a gifset AU like this) and that it made justice to what you envisioned for them <3
and thank you @therebelcaptainnetwork for organizing this wonderful event every year!
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mrsevans90 · 2 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 18
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: FLUFFY LOVE!!! MAJOR SMUT, Sex outdoors, public sex, fingering, squirting, P in V intercourse, innuendos, language, romantic love making.
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading!
Part 17
As usual, I wake up well before any alarm I’ve set has the opportunity to start ringing but today I lay in bed. I’m keyed up, feeling similar to how I did in the army before a big mission. I hate that her side of the bed is empty, but Emma’s mother insisted that we sleep separately the night before our wedding. All of the women were at the hotel together, so I couldn’t even sneak in as she was sharing a room with her best friend.
Our wedding. It’s finally here.
Emma didn’t want to wait too long, and between Nana and Diana, the wedding planning became a full event that those two spent every waking hour on. Emma had input and veto rights, but with her busy job she couldn’t devote a ton of time to small details so she let my grandmother and her mother do the heavy lifting.
“All that matters at the end of the day is that I become Mrs. Austin Syverson. Everything else is just details. I’ll definitely have to reign them in at some point though.” Emma told me the next day in bed in Jamaica after we got engaged. We were discussing what she wanted and she said she was happy to have Nana and Diana help plan. She just wanted something classic and outdoors. She of course wanted to choose her dress and she wanted the dogs to be involved somehow. We laid there that night in bed talking about our future and Emma’s smile was just radiant. I lie in bed knowing I won’t get back to sleep before my mind jumps to my second favorite memory of the Jamaica trip, the first being her accepting my proposal.
The morning after our engagement, I wake up and see Emma still naked and wrapped in the luxurious sheets. Her hair a mess and her lips slightly parted as she sleeps soundly. Her left hand draped delicately over her sheet covered breast catches the light peeking behind the curtains and illuminates the diamonds on her ring. I smile to myself before tossing on some boxers and making myself a cup of coffee from the coffee maker that they provided in the suite. I quietly kiss Emma’s ring, then her forehead before making my way to the balcony to drink my coffee. I sit outside for a while enjoying the view and replaying Emma’s reaction to my proposal in my head when I hear the French doors to the balcony crack open. I turn to see Emma wrapped in nothing but the white bed sheet, her hair still curled from last night but now slightly mussed from sleep as she squints into the brightness of the sun. She gives me the sexiest, sleepy smile and walks further on the balcony closing the doors behind her. Instead of sitting on one of the many chairs available, Emma makes her way directly to my lap and climbs up.
“Morning, Sugar. Sleep good?”
“Mmm.. very good. How about you?”
“I always sleep best with your naked body wrapped up against me, Darlin’.”
She leans in and presses a gentle kiss against my lips. 
“We’re getting married, Sy.”
“We sure are, Sugar. You excited?”
“The most excited. I can’t wait to be your wife.” She smiles and I feel the blood rush to my cock.
“Mm! I like the sound of that. My little wife.” I smirk at her and waggle my eyebrows.
“There’s something wrong though.”
“What’s that, Darlin?” 
“We haven’t completed our mission.” She whispers sultrily and drops the sheet from under her arms to expose her perfect breasts which immediately causes me to groan and reach for them.
“Well, we can’t have that now, can we? As mission leader and your captain, we need to rectify this problem immediately.” I grunt and thrust my erection against her still covered core before grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her in for a passionate kiss. 
“Now, you gotta stay quiet unless you want us to get caught, ya understand?” I grunt in her ear and she nods.
“Yes, Captain. I understand.” She breathes and I rip the sheet as tactically as I can from her, exposing her naked body to the outdoors. I lift her gently to remove my boxers and kick them off of my ankles before setting her back down in my lap and grinding against her. Emma’s nipples are hard and she grabs my jaw and kisses me heatedly as she grinds herself against me. My hands reach down and grab each ass cheek harshly as I slide my cock through her folds, collecting her arousal which is readily available.
“You’re fucking soaked, Sugar. You like the thought of being caught out here naked?” 
“Ah! Yes.” She all but moans when my tip bumps against her clit. 
“Naughty girl. Anyone could look up and see your perfect body riding against mine right now.”
“Mmmmhmm.” She mewls as her juices actually drip down onto my lap. I like this new kink I’ve discovered about my bride.
With one hand grasping her tit, I take the other and shove a finger inside her core, quickly followed by a second causing her to moan louder than I had expected. 
“Quiet now, Darlin’. I don’t need everyone watching my girl’s perfect body fall apart.” I smirk as I swat her ass and watch her back arch as she starts fucking herself on my fingers. Fuck, she’s so wet and warm. The sun behind her illuminates her tanned skin as she rides my fingers and I’m hard as a rock.
“Aus…I’m” is all she’s able to say before she’s squirting her climax down on to me. Her eyes are clamped shut with her hands gripping my shoulders as she arches her back and moans so sexily while I continue pumping my fingers into her to help her ride it out. I bite my lip and even have to force myself to keep my eyes open as this view is something I want to replay over and over in my mind, while also trying to keep from blowing my load without ever being touched. I pride myself on my stamina, but this ethereal woman makes me feel like a teen going through puberty. Precum is leaking steadily out of my erection and I’m taking deep breaths to keep myself from coming just from the sight in front of me. Fuck porn, this image is spank bank material for the rest of my life. Emma’s eyes reopen and she leans forward planting a dirty, wet kiss on me before lifting up, positioning herself, and sliding down on my cock. We groan together because she is so wet that even though she’s extremely tight I slide in easily. Emma doesn’t even take time to adjust before she lifts up and starts riding me. I plant my hands on her hips to help her and start sucking her nipples in my mouth as she tugs at the short strands of hair that have grown out on my head. 
“After that show, I’m not going to last as long, sweetness.” I tell her and she leans down to kiss me again.
“You’re so fucking hot, Austin. I can’t wait for you to fill me with your babies and make me a mama.” She says with the most seductive smirk as she flips her hair to the side and I growl at her dirty talk. Fuck, she’s giving me a breeding kink that I never used to have.
“Fucking hell, babygirl. You want me to fill you up again?” I grunt and she nods. Without a word, I lift her off of me and bend her towards the balcony railing. Thank God we are on the 4th floor and it’s still early so lots of people are still at breakfast and not out yet. 
“Hands on the railing.” I grunt in her ear and she pushes her perfect ass out. I spread her cheeks and grope her before spearing her back on my cock and fucking her, hard. I reach under her and grab onto her breasts that are bouncing from my arduous thrusting and pick up my speed. The thrill of being caught is exhilarating and I swear, Emma’s arousal is dripping down her thighs.
“My sweet, naughty girl.” I growl as I grab onto her shoulder and wrap her hair around my wrist to continue pounding into her. Emma’s sweet breathless mewls show me that she’s close but trying to remain quiet for me. I reach down and thumb her clit and feel her pussy flutter around me helplessly.
“Cum on my cock, Sugar. Let me feel you.” I grunt and moments later she shatters apart, gripping the railing to keep herself from collapsing as I also find my release and spurt my hot cum inside her walls. I grunt probably too loudly but, in my euphoria, I don’t care anymore as I fantasize about getting her pregnant right now. We rest for a moment before I pick up the discarded sheet, wrapping Emma up and pulling her back down into my lap. I do a quick glance and don’t see anyone gawking and staring so I think our tryst was successfully completed.
The alarm suddenly lets out a shrill ring, startling me from my pornographic flashback and once again I am alone in our bed, but now with an erection that I want nothing more to take care of but I force myself to wait until tonight. I shut the offending alarm off before wiping my hand down my face, stretching and heading toward the bathroom to brush my teeth. I decide to send Emma a picture of myself smiling with the dogs and a text.
Sy: <attachment>
Happy wedding day, Sugar. I sure can’t wait to see you today. I love you.
Emma quickly returns the text with a picture of her in silk button up pajamas and messy hair and I wish I could touch her.
Future Mrs. Syverson: <attachment>
Happy Wedding Day, Baby!! I can’t wait to see you and become your wife. I love you so so much! Check in your dress shoes for a present from me! ❤️
I head back upstairs to my closet and take my shoes from the shoe rack to see a small gift box tucked into my left shoe. I open it to reveal a really nice Bulova watch with a note. 
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I find myself smiling at her words as I slide my new watch on my wrist. I have to admit, it looks really good. I quickly send her a text back.
Sy: Sugar, you got me the nicest gift I could have gotten. Thank you, Darlin’, I love it. Nana should be there with your gift shortly. Hope you like it. I love you.
I knew Nana would be on her way within the hour and had promised to deliver the earrings that my mom had left to me before she passed away. They were pretty little diamond drop earrings that had a pearl at the base. She wore them on her wedding day as a gift from Nana and PawPaw and she said even though her marriage didn’t work, they represented the love of her family. I sent them along with a note for Emma.
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After a cup of coffee, Walter shows up and we head over to a diner for a late breakfast. He’s my only groomsmen, as Emma only wanted one bridesmaid, choosing her best friend Cassie from Alabama who I’d met several times when they video called each other. She was an extremely nice girl, redheaded and somewhat shy compared to Emma but I was happy that she came down yesterday and they got to spend the day together doing girly things in preparation for the wedding today. 
“So, how you feelin’ today man? Nervous?”
“Nah, I’m excited. I would have taken her to the courthouse months ago but I wanted her to have the wedding she’s always dreamed of.” 
“I’m glad you found her. She’s a really great girl and God knows how she puts up with your stubborn ass.” Walt jokes but I have to agree. 
“She’s one of a kind, that’s for sure.” 
“I thought you’d have the wedding at Nana and PawPaw’s ranch.”
“That was initially the idea but her mother and Nana convinced her there wasn’t enough room. Emma found the big field near first Baptist down there on main, and loved the idea of getting married in front of that massive oak tree so that was what it changed too.”
“Anything we need to do to help set up?”
“Nah, I already tried that. Nana hired the ranch hands to help out for the day. She said, and I quote, ‘Your only job is to arrive clean, in your suit, and on time. I don’t need you messing up our vision.’”
Walt laughed so loud he startled other customers as I shook my head at my Nana’s antics.
“Well, want to head back to the house and watch a game with a beer before we need to get ready? 
We head out to my truck and head back to my house.
“Emma tells me I’ll like her friend, Cassie a lot.” Walter says subtly.
Oh Emma, trying to set up her best friend and Walt because she wants everyone happy and in love. Matchmaking even on her wedding day.
“I’m sure you will.” I smirk at Walt who tries to act uninterested.
“All I know is that she’s a pretty redhead, who seems a bit shy. She is a graphic designer but I can’t remember where she works. Her and Em have been friends since preteens.”
“Good to know.” Walt nods continuing with his indifferent bluff.
About two hours later, I got a call from Nana saying that Emma loved the earrings and couldn’t stop crying while reading my letter. She already had the earrings on and was excited to wear them with her wedding gown. I felt proud that she appreciated the gift and it made me feel like mama was here with us in spirit. I’m confident that she and Emma would get on like peas in a pod.
My brother, Mark and his family came from Tennessee and would be staying at Nana and PawPaw’s house. I was happy when they came to visit and I got to meet the newest addition to our family, my 3-month-old nephew, Liam. Lucy their daughter would be our flower girl today and was an absolute ball of energy chasing Mills throughout the house. It was really enjoyable getting to catch up with them since we hadn’t been around each other in a while.
Several hours pass and I’m in my dress uniform headed over to the Baptist church with Walt. The girls were getting ready there, thanks to Nana’s membership, so that they could remain unseen before the ceremony. Everything looked incredible, and I had to hand it to the ladies that Emma would love it. Rows and rows of white chairs lined perfectly facing a flowered archway in front of the massive oak tree that had twinkling lights hanging from it. I had to take a deep breath as I saw Emma had framed my favorite portrait of my mom, and had the frame sitting in the front seat of rows of chairs. Effectively ensuring that I knew my mother’s presence was there with me. Seeing the set up made me more excited than ever to see my girl walking down the aisle towards me.
Finally, it was time. I stood at the end of the makeshift aisle with the officiant and Walter as many family and friends that I knew, and several from Emma’s hometown that I didn’t know sat in the chairs facing me. Walt had Aika on the leash with him as Cassie had Mills on the leash with her. Emma had been adamant about training him to behave for him to be at the ceremony. We all chuckled as Lucy threw flowers on the ground, and dumped the remaining flowers from her basket directly in front of the officiant before scuttling over to sit with Mark. The music switched to a romantic piano tune as the officiant called for the audience to rise and I watched as Emma emerged on her father’s arm. She was absolutely stunning in a tight-fitting white gown that hugged her figure perfectly. Her hair in delicate curls with white roses tucked in it, while holding a large bouquet of matching flowers. My favorite shy smile was across her face as she walked closer towards me down the aisle. I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I slightly shake my head as I can’t believe this beautiful, perfect woman was going to be mine forever.
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All rights and credits go to the owner of these photos
As we joined hands and repeated our vows after the officiant, I never took my eyes off of Emma. She is easily the most radiant and incredible person, I’ve ever known. After exchanging our rings, the officiant pronounced us husband and wife. As the crowd clapped and cheered, I wrapped my arms around Emma and dipped her backwards in a passionate but appropriate kiss. Emma smiled ecstatically at me as I stood her back up before grabbing her bouquet. We gave a quick hug to her parents and my grandparents before heading down the aisle as husband and wife. As we walked back down the aisle together, our loved ones cheered for us as the photographer snapped hundreds of photos. I was more than grateful for a moment to ourselves inside the church as I scooped Emma up bridal style and carried her to a room together for a moment alone. 
“Holy shit, Sugar.” I said as I stared at her body in this gown.
“Baby! We’re in a church! No cursing!” She scolded me playfully.
“Well, you’re sinful in that dress, Darlin’. Let me have a good look at you.” I motion for her to spin for me and she does so. I grunt at her before pulling her back into my arms and letting my hands roam her perfect form.
“I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life, baby girl.” I tell her honestly and smile when her cheeks tint with blush.
“We need to go take pictures.” She says against my mouth as I pull her in for a kiss.
“Mm.. They can wait a minute. I just need a minute with my wife.” I tell her as I press another kiss to her lips.
“Anything you want, husband.” She smirks.
“You’re going to regret saying that, Sugar.” I tell her while arching my brow, not caring that we are in a church as I imply what I’m after.
“Save it for tonight, big boy. We have a wedding to get back too. I’ll make it worth your while tonight, baby.” She promises and I grunt before I adjust myself in my pants. Don’t need that showing up in all of the pictures. I pull her in for another kiss before there is a knock at the door from the photographer ready to do her job. I pout but Emma just smirks and grabs my hand before pulling me out of the room where Walt and Cassie are already waiting on us with knowing smirks.
After what feels like an hour worth of pictures of us and with our families, we head to the field which has been completely converted into a wedding reception. There is a DJ set up and tables with people already eating food. I’m starved so when Nana calls us to a table with food, Emma and I dig in. 
Throughout the night, I’m surprised to see several acquaintances from the army in attendance. Turns out, Nana put Walt’s detective skills to work on tracking down any remaining army buddies and sure enough, they showed. I was proud to show Emma off to them and she loved getting to meet people from my past who couldn’t believe I settled down. Before I knew it, they were telling jokes about some of the nonsense that we all did out in the desert when we were bored between missions and Emma was absolutely captivated with each story. Before the night ended, I was dancing, yes, dancing with Emma before we left for our hotel. This woman could convince me to do just about anything with those doe eyes. I smirk at Walt who has been dancing with Cassie for several songs. Emma, as usual, was right and they seem to be hitting things off. Nana and PawPaw had just left and took the dogs with them as we were going to leave for our honeymoon tomorrow. I look at Emma who has her head resting against my chest and smile.
“Have you had a good time, Sugar?”
“Mmm, the best wedding ever. I’m so excited to be your wife. What about you?”
“It’s been perfect darlin’. I can’t believe so many of my army buddies showed.”
“I can. It’s obvious how much they all admire and respect you, baby. We should make a point to reach out more.” I just grunt in response. Everyone is so spread out now, it would be difficult to see them often. Emma cuts my train of thought with her next sentence.
“I have a little surprise for you.” Emma says while biting her lip.
“What’s that, Sugar?” Emma stretches up on her tip toes to reach the bottom of my ear.
“I stopped taking my birth control a week ago.” She whispers before looking up at me with those beautiful crystal blue eyes and a smirk that runs straight to my manhood.
“Oh yeah? Ready for me to make you a mama?” I ask her quietly.
“Yes, honey. Let’s try for a baby.” She smiles and before I can even think I’m smashing my lips to hers.
“Can we go to the honeymoon suite yet?” I ask when she pulls away from the heated kiss to take a breath, reminding me that we have an audience.
“After the bouquet and garter toss, we can leave. Shall we?”
“Fuck yes!” I murmur before she tells Diana that we are ready to go. Diana gathers all of the single women together and Emma tosses her bouquet into the crowd that is easily caught by Cassie and I smirk at Walt who just smacks my shoulder with a grunt.
Emma sits in a chair and I get down on my good knee and slide myself under her dress to go after her garter. Fuck, she’s wearing the sexiest white bridal lingerie and it makes me even more eager to get her out of here. I pull the garter off with my teeth to the cheers of the crowd before purposefully flinging it directly into Walt’s head with a chuckle. I’ve always had perfect aim and he rewards me with his signature scowl. 
Thankfully, not too much later Emma and I are headed through the crowd of people showering us with flower petals as we get in the vintage car we rented to take us to the hotel. Emma wanted us to enjoy ourselves without having to worry about driving so I was happy to get to kiss on her the entire ride to the hotel.
Emma squealed as I scooped her up bridal style and carried her through the lobby to the elevators and up to our suite for the night. We’d be leaving tomorrow afternoon to catch our flight for our honeymoon but I was determined to make every minute of this night count. I could finally make love to my wife, and so that’s what we did… All. Night. Long.
Part 19
Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood, @sofiebstar, @wetzilly
A/N: Thank you for being patient with me while it took me a bit longer to get this chapter out! This isn't the last chapter of the series, but I feel like this story is starting to come to an end which gives me withdrawals lol. I hope you all enjoyed their wedding!
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scarletttries · 1 year
Forever Mine (Kendall Roy Succession Request)
Pairing: Kendall Roy (Succession) x F! Reader
Rating: Explicit (Breeding Kink/ Jealous Kendall)
Word Count: 2.1k
Request: "Hiii Scarlett!!! I LOVE to read your kendall roy writings💜 can you write something about kendall trying to get you pregnant( bc I LOVED breeding kink) ?? Or having rough sex bc getting jealous of one of his friends' attention to u??"
Author's note: Thank you so much for this excellent request, I kind of combined the two ideas into the below fic for you 🥰💕
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Forever Mine
"How can a company that makes more money than really exists in the world still need more investors?" You sighed into your fizzing glass of champagne as you continued to circulate through the crowd, Gerri stifling a laugh at your side.
"How'd you think the rich stay rich? They never use their own money for anything." She feigned a smile as a group of men shuffled past, their metaphorical wallets straining against the fabric of their designer suits as they moved. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go make them all feel important, so I can keep my job." You could see her eyes roll as she plastered on a fake smile and left you stood by the bar, hoping that Kendall would get bored soon enough and call it a night for the both of you. You never minded being his plus one to events like this, the chance to see him in his charming element not one you'd pass up, Ken stealing glances your way all night with a smile on his face that he only wore for you. But after a few hours the conversations always wore a little thin, and you usually found one of the old guard hovering beside you to make sure you weren't doing anything that might get people commenting.
"Are you waiting for a drink?" An strangely familiar voice snapped you back to reality, spinning on your heels to find a tall, well-built man in his fifties smiling at you like a lion spying a gazelle.
"No, I'm all set thank you, just pausing here for a moment." You replied with a courteous smile, taking a small step backwards as if you were blocking the bar that spanned the length of the decadent hall.
"Would you mind if I 'pause' with you for a moment?" It was then that you placed his suave voice in your mind, the man an up-and-coming congressman that couldn't stop appearing on ATN news shows, repeating whatever lines Logan's team had written from him that day. As he leaned over the bar to ask for a whiskey you took the opportunity to glance around for an exit plan, but with groups of investors all deep in conversation on every side of you, you swallowed the acid in your throat and resigned yourself to an uncomfortable conversation with the awful man in front of you.
"Of course, it's a pleasure to meet you congressman." Kendall would've been able to tell your polite tone was entirely fake, but the man in front of you smirked proudly at the title, pleased you knew who he was and hoping to score more than financial backing from you this evening.
"The pleasure's all mine." He stretched out the hand that wasn't holding an ornate crystal glass, taking what should have been a courteous handshake way too far as he leant forward to bring his lips to the top of your hand, still curled in a stomach curdling smirk as they pressed against your skin. "Now tell me, exactly how much would I have to invest in Waystar for you to leave this shindig with me tonight?"
"You might have better luck if you don't hit on the date of the richest man in here." Before you could spit out your own retort, you heard the dark drawl of Kendall appearing beside you, face twisted in stoney discontent as the political pawn tried to save face a little.
"Fair enough, I know when I'm beat." He raised his hands in fake surrender as he backed away, but not before throwing a final uncomfortable wink your way, "You know who I am, if you change your mind." You could feel Kendall's hand fall to your lower back in response, trying to keep you in the palm of his hand, as if this disgusting character could actually pull you away from him. Hoping to lighten the tension between the two men before Kendall pulled some strings and ended this man's career, you let out an uneasy laugh,
"Well you've got my vote." You cringed at the hollow chuckle from Kendall beside you as your politician smiled again and stepped off into the crowd, looking for easier prey, leaving you to try and reassure the embodiment of jealousy beside you.
"Kendall, you know-"
"You ready to get out of here?" He cut you off before you could start, the unsettling smile on his face difficult to read as he threaded his fingers through yours and scouted out the nearest lift to take you out of the events hall and up to the hotel suites the Roy family had booked out for the night.
"Yeah, of course, let's go love." You said the final word extra softly, watching the corners of his mouth twitch slightly, unable to contain his warmth at the affectionate pet name, your love the truest thing he'd known in his complex life.
You felt his hand squeeze yours as he led you through the crowd until finally the two of you were alone, the chirpy elevator music cutting through an otherwise tense silence.
"You know I was trying to be polite Ken." You offered reassuringly, Kendall keeping his gaze fixed to the floor numbers illuminating on the touch screen beside you.
"I know honey, it's not your fault men can't fucking stay away from you." His tone was almost vindicative as the doors finally opened on your floor, a sprawling penthouse for just the two of you, another exquisite home away from home for the night.
The moment the doors behind you slid shut, Kendall was on top of you, his teeth clashing against yours with the sheer force of his passion. The crash of his lips took your breath away as his hands found your hips, gripping them tight enough that the silky fabric of your dress bunched in handfuls as he guided your back to the chaise longue that stood at the opening of the suite, the bedroom far too great a distance to travel.
As your lower back met the antique fabric, Kendall's hands skimmed up your the length of your spine, sending shivers through your body as his lips moved hungrily to your neck, a devouring the soft flesh there enough to leave a trail of deep purple lovebites,
"Why is it so fucking hard for everyone to see that you're mine?" Kendall panted into your neck as he pulled the straps of your dress down your shoulders, handling you with rough, frantic movements, his chest heaving against yours as he worked to free you from the satin that came between you.
"I'm all yours Kendall." You breathed out as your dress hit the floor, relishing in the guttural growl the words drew from the still fully-dressed man, drinking in the sight of you as he cupped your cheek in his hand and drew you in for another hungry kiss.
"I know love, I just think we need to make that more obvious." His tongue danced against yours as his eye fluttered shut, shrugging off his jacket as you pushed it from his shoulders. His lips trailed over your chin and down your throat as he sunk to his knees. He sucked and nipped at your exposed skin, his hands running along your sides as his head sank between your breasts before settling at your stomach, peppering the soft curves with kisses as his fingers tugged your panties down your thighs, helping you step out of them so nothing obstructed his perfect view of your body.
"How are we gonna do that?" You questioned absentmindedly as you let the sensation flooding from his sinking kisses run through your veins, his lips inching closer and closer to your tingling centre. You didn't miss the devilish glint in his eye as he paused and looked up at you, face hovering so close to your entrance you could feel his hot breath against your sensitive skin.
"I can think of two ways." He nuzzled his nose softly against your clit and watched the way your body reacted so desperately to his touch, your hips twitching forward and your chest rising as you gasped at the contact. His tongue darted forward to add to the sensation, lapping at the bundle of nerves while one hand snaked up your inner thigh. The moan you let out as he hummed against you only made him happier as his fingers toyed with your slit, now wet with your slick from the way he'd manhandled you. "It's so easy for me to tell you're all mine when you get this wet for me." His fingers dipped inside your entrance as he spoke, you knees all but buckling at the relief in your throbbing core at the contact, the arm of the sofa behind you the only thing keeping you upright.
"All for you Kendall." His name came out entirely in moan as he plunged two of his fingers into you with a frantic rhythm, wanting to get you more than ready to feel the rest of him deep inside you.
"Maybe I should let everyone know just how much you like my fingers inside you by putting a fucking enormous diamond on yours." He watched, enamoured by the way you eyes shot open at his words before clenching shut as his lips found your clit again, bringing you so close to the edge of your pleasure that all you could do was smile and hum in agreement at his words. As he started to feel the familiar tremble of your thighs he pulled his hand away, groaning at the needy whimper that left your lips as he did.
"Ken?" Your eyes were as pleading as your words as you watched him unbuckle his belt, rubbing your thighs together to try and ease some of the frustration that was pulsing in your centre.
"I think the second way is much more fun though." His eyes were dark with desire as he kicked off his dress pants, letting you see his hard length leaking excitedly as he grabbed your hips and helped you fall backwards onto the long loveseat behind you, quickly following suit, kneeling in between your thighs to keep your legs spread for him. He ran his tip through your dripping folds, watching you whine and flinch at the sensation, trying to drive him into action,
"What's the second way to let people know I'm all yours?" Kendall watched your chest rise and fall as you panted out the words, so sensitive from being brought to the edge that his teasing had you writhing around underneath him. Grinning like a devil he finally lined himself up with your entrance, waiting until he spoke to buck his hips harshly into you.
"To get you pregnant. Fuck!" He cried out as slammed his hips against yours, hitting the spot deep inside you that had you arching your back and crying out in agreement. "You'd like that wouldn't you. For everyone to know how well you take my dick. How full I get you."
"Yes daddy," You moaned, overwhelmed by his relentless pace as he fucked hard and fast into you, his hands running over your stomach until they reach your bouncing chest. His hands cupped your breasts, fingertips teasing your nipples as he stared down at you, completely dominating your body.
"Everyone would be able to see these get bigger, and I bet they'd get so sensitive I could have you in tears just playing with your nipples. We can practice you having my lips on them all day until you've soaked through every set of fucking lingerie I've ever bought you." He could see the wide desperation in your eyes as your pleasure climbed again, every pinch and thrust setting every cell in your body alight.
"I'm so close, please." You cried out, volume almost a scream as you begged for your release, Kendall's own thrusts losing rhythm as he fought to make this moment last forever.
"You want me to cum in you? You want me to fill you up and make you lie here until your carrying my seed? Until it's clear to everyone that you're mine forever?" His questions were all but drowned out by the chanting yeses that spill from your lips as your walls clenched around him and your body started to shake with your release.
"Yes Ken, I'm yours forever." You managed to breathe out as the waves of pleasure washed over you, amplified by the incredibly feeling of him spilling inside you, the warmth deep in your abdomen somehow more intense than usual knowing that Kendall's breeding kink had been fully awakened, and he wouldn't satisfied until he'd filled you with as much of him as you could take.
Leaning forward his elbows settled either side of your head, lips meeting yours for a sweet kiss as he repeated the words, "Mine. Forever."
"All yours love." You echoed softly, the devotion in his eye clear as his lips returned to yours again and again, drinking in the sweet taste of your affections.
"You know we're not leaving this room until you're so full of my cum, it's dripping out of you, right?"
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shares-a-vest · 6 months
@steddiemas Day 1: Deck the Halls (Festive Friday)
Something short and silly to start off with. I'm so excited for this event. Thank you sooo much to @steddieasitgoes for creating it 💖💖💖 I love writing Christmas stuff for ST and I have a few things planned for the Steddiemas calendar.
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“Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-laaaaaa.”
Steve would cringe if he wasn’t carrying most of the weight of the Munson’s new Christmas tree in through the front door and trying to avoid scratching himself on either the branches or the metal frame of the fly screen.
Eddie is behind him, muttering the same tune over and over, just high enough for Steve to hear, but not loud enough to call attention to himself.
He’s been like this all day – too cheery and chipper as they decorate the trailer while Wayne is at work. Busying himself with not much more than his chiming, his tone all wobbly and hollow like a kid carolling.
It’s far too early in December as far as Steve is concerned. Hell, he doubts he will even decorate his own house this year.
What’s the point if he will be home alone?
And, as Eddie lets go of what part of the tree he was barely holding in the first place, Steve begins to regret offering his help entirely as he goes careening onto the couch.
“Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.”
“Eddie!” Steve splutters, rolling on his side and palming around on the edge of the couch for support.
He looks up to find Eddie smiling and twirling the end of his maroon scarf.
“Could you have actually helped?” he snaps.
“You said you ‘got it’!” Eddie makes half-hearted air quotes and lowers his tone in what Steve can only assume is supposed to be a mockery of his own voice.
“Asshole!” he grumbles.
Eddie pokes his tongue out at him before offering a dimple-filled grin.
Steve glares, “Can you at least bring in the box of decorations?”
Eddie turns on his heel and skips back out the front door.
“Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.”
Steve runs a hand through his hair and groans. Maybe he could just run out the front door, elbow Eddie out of the way of the car and speed off into the distance.
“Why am I here?” he mutters to himself.
He takes the opportunity to catch his breath and looks the tree over. Thankfully, it isn’t damaged - save for the odd fallen pine shoot.
Eddie soon hops back up the stairs, winter boots shaking the metal landing as he cradles the box of decorations they had gathered between Melvads, Goodwill and the dollar store.
“I love Christmas!” he beams as he sets the box on the coffee table to begin rummaging, “Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.”
Eddie hands over a bauble. It’s red and green, the stripes broken up with gold glitter. One that Steve had picked from Melvads’ Christmas aisle.
Their fingers brush as Steve takes the bauble and he looks up to find Eddie grinning from ear to ear.
That’s why he’s here, he thinks, smiling back.
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rustingcat · 8 months
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Kara loved weddings.
It was a great opportunity to celebrate love, with food and dancing and touching speeches. She especially loved weddings that included people she loved. Being surrounded by their friends, celebrating the reunion of two people she loved so much and clearly love each other more than anything was a touching event.
They included both earth traditions along side Nalturian and Coluhan traditions to make a truly unique and special ceremony.
The machine was not yet ready, but Kara promised them it would be by the time they both decide to bring a child. If they chose to of course. But they would be working on Brainy biological problems, so he would be completely free from the future and free from any family responsibilities.
She made sure to reassure them both, yet she had her doubts on her chances. It was eating her from the inside. She felt like she was lying, but she tried her best to ignore those feelings to allow herself to fully enjoy the weddings.
A lot of food, some dancing and making silly faces with Esme later, Kara found herself sitting in a corner, observing the party from the side. Kryptonian ceremonies, not that they were not special in any way, were not about love, they were about finding your perfect partner. She could never remember a time her parents showed any romantic interest in each other. Then again, she was thirteen when she left, yet she could clearly see the way her aunts and uncles were acting towards each other. Romanticism and sex were not really important to a species that procreated asexualy, so most often than not your partner for life would be someone you would get along with and would bring out the best in you, like a best friend that in rare cases developed to something more. 
She wondered if she would've been matched with Lena. She hoped she would have. On Krypton their ceremony would be a big affair, considering they both come from big houses. Kara would create the perfect bracelet for Lena, sturdy and strong like her determination and will, shiny and intricate like her beauty and grace, and colours… she'd have to check if the Luthors had any colour associated with them. A representative from all of Krypton's important houses would be there. Rao's light would shine brightly on them as they recite the Holy prayers, then after thanking a lot of people they would go to their new house and plan their future together.
On earth of course it would've been a whole different ordeal. Kara wondered if they'd combine traditions like Nia and Brainy, they probably would, wouldn't they? Combine human and Kryptonian traditions along with Lena's Catholic side and the Danvers Jewish traditions. A plethora of cultures to celebrate their happy union with only the people they really love surrounding them. Kara would make sure they'd had all their favourite foods regardless of tradition. It would've been the best party, that's for sure. Maybe it's not a bad idea, they do get along great and bring out the best in each other like all the Kryptonians ideals. But humans have other ideals. They sure do love each other, but their relationship is not romantic. Would it mean that Kara would stand in Lena's way to find true love?
"Hey you." She heard Lena's voice approaching. "Are you okay? Lena asked, taking a seat opposite to her on the table.
"No, yeah. I mean I'm okay." She smiled back at her best friend. Unsure why she found the task so challenging all of a sudden. "Just thinking." She quickly added. "I promise I don't have a habit of sulking at weddings."
"Want to share what's on your mind?" Lena asked gently.
Kara thought for a moment, unsure what to say. "Are you happy?" She asked eventually.
"Yes. Are you happy?"
She chuckled. "I am. Kara, are you really sitting here in the corner pondering the state of my happiness?" Lena arched an eyebrow.
"Yes? I mean, you're my friend Lena, and I want you to be happy, you know that right?"
Lena chuckled again and studied her with a confused look for a moment before getting up. "Well, if you want to keep my happiness at full power, I can't have my best friend sulking in the corner." She reached out a hand towards Kara. "Come on, they were just about to bring out the desserts." 
Kara smiled and reached out for Lena's hand.
It may have been a selfish thought, but Kara wished she could just marry Lena.
Read everything on AO3
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usedpidemo · 21 days
Update - 3rd year anniversary! (and some future plans, a reflection, etc.)
Hi everyone! π here.
By the time this post is up, it'll be the 13th of May. Three years since I began my writing journey and this Tumblr blog. Three years. Time flies by so fast. I was close to graduating senior high after it was delayed because pandemic, had my graduation in an empty room basically, now I'm hitting my third year of college. Crazy stuff.
With that said, here are the stats + timetable of the blog so far:
First work: Sandwich (Wendy) (published 05/13/21, 4:03 a.m)
Highest note count: Tell your friends (Yujin x Wonyoung) (published 01/14/23, 1274 notes)
Number of works published: 91 fics (1 fic every 12.03 days)
500 followers: June 18, 2021 (36 days)
1000 followers: October 12, 2021 (152 days)
2000 followers: June 18, 2022 (401 days)
3000 followers: November 12, 2022 (548 days)
4000 followers: May 22, 2023 (740 days)
5000 followers: December 18, 2023 (950 days)
Current follower count: 5615 (1 new follower every 5.12 days)
It's been a hectic final month of college, so I apologize for the lack of activity in recent times :< But summer is coming up very soon, so hopefully I'll have all the time in the world to write more till then! I will say, a new fic is on the near horizon, so please be on the lookout!
I would like to take the opportunity to thank every single of you, whether reader, lurker, or a fellow writer for your support! Especially during these lull times, your unwavering support has kept me afloat and has been a motivation in continuing to write. Love you guys as always. Here's to another fruitful year <3
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From this point, this part will be an overall reflection and life summary of the previous year, my thoughts on some personal matters, and some ideas I've been contemplating. If you don't wanna read this, you can stop here.
I miss 2023 quite a bit, not gonna lie. I know nostalgia can quickly grow warm and fuzzy, seeing the past through rose tinted lens, but I'll admit that 2024 hasn't been off to the start I envisioned it to be. That year was mostly peak for me, and I could even argue it's my favorite year to live out based on all my experiences. Traveling to new places, finally attending live events, interacting with my K-pop biases, and so on—it really felt like the best was yet to come with how 2023 flowed and transitioned into the new year.
Five months in, and I am struggling. Horribly. Most plans, dreams, and ideas have gone up in smoke, and it's just one devastating gut punch after another. I have a shitty professor in one major that basically made me check out of that class, and I don't know my family will react when I tell them I have to repeat said class because that professor was a dick. My family's been infighting on a daily basis, and I'm mostly collateral damage to them. Not one week can go by without some serious confrontation between them. There was a brief health scare with my mother, but that seems to be a nothing matter; thank God she'll be okay.
All this just makes life so deflating, in all honesty. I get that no life is without struggle, but I genuinely don't know when we'll be in the clear. Not anytime soon, I reckon. In these tough times, there's very little comfort except the past, when everything was pretty all right for the most part. It's been demotivating to write when mom comes forward with another grievance with my sister. It's hard to write when you have a professor who likes to power trip their students into submission. It's hard when you don't know how to admit to your mother that he failed his one class because of said power tripping professor.
But that doesn't mean I will let it eat me alive. I know we've been through some utter lows in the past. And we always get back up. If no one has us, then God does.
Summer break is fast approaching and I want to fix things. Even in my own little way. I know none of what I'm saying has anything to do with writing degenerate stories about hot K-pop idols, but real life circumstances have definitely affected me more than I can brush off. I should be calm, unfazed, undeterred.
After all, some stories are meant to be finished. They just take a more unconventional route. Ask Cody.
With all that being said, I will finish these commissions over the next two months. I'm really sorry to everyone who requested and paid for their stories months and months ago; I genuinely feel bad for not getting these out on time, but I am very mindful of quality control, and I have no one to blame but myself for being a slacker and lazy worker. Despite my feelings, I should remain professional—that's what being a worker means.
A lifestyle overhaul is definitely in my list of things to improve over the summer too. Figuring out how to get writing done, finding ways to alleviate my PokeRogue addiction (GOTY), whilst having a healthy work/life balance and not losing my sanity over it. Or worse, burning out.
And I want to take this opportunity to thank all my friends—peach, caps, majorblinks, chunk, frisky, raf, c.o, levi, sins, iz, ken, v1n, ddeun, notions, kevin, eros, brandon, kaede, svn, frisky, cray, rpg, prael—for putting up with my shit for another year. This life is tough, but you guys make it tolerable. Thank you for letting me air out my grievances even when it wasn't the best time to. I pray that when everything passes, I'm able to repay you all in some shape or form generously.
And to you, dear reader, for making it this far, thank you. Whether you've been with me since day one, or day 1094, as a commenter, reposter, liking, or just passing by/lurking, thank you for giving me a chance. Without you, all of this would have been for nothing. I don't know where I would be now if I didn't take that chance, that leap of faith back in 2021, and it's because of you I am able to keep doing this for the love of the game.
With grace,
Peter / π
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Okay this is going to be super off topic but I had a random thought for the Mr. Pax au
So you know how June had a crush on Optimus? Imagine if June meets Mr. Pax and has a crush on him. Jack would be mortified and it would definitely make parent/teacher conferences a little bit awkward
Boy oh boy I bet it is awkward.
Previous post here.
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Elita may have been new to Earth, but even she could see the way the human woman stared longingly at her Conjunx. Of course, the one called June was completely unaware of the fact that Mr. Pax the history teacher was in fact Optimus Prime, but for Elita, that made the whole affair more humorous. Optimus had politely refused to acknowledge the occasional comments about Jack's teacher and Elita knew it was not her place to interfere unless things became serious.
She and Optimus spoke about the issue and opted to let it be until it became necessary to dash June's affection. But of course, that time came sooner than expected when the time came for parent teacher conferences not too long after her arrival on Earth.
"Jack is aware of your identity. What do you plan to do?" Elita stood at her Conjunx's side as he worked at the console. He turned away from his work and met her gaze. He smiled faintly and his optics cycled wide like they used to before he became Prime.
"A gentle message will suffice." Optimus's field wrapped around her comfortingly, with the barest hint of mirth. Elita recognized the concoction of emotion and laughed outright as he all but read Optimus's mind.
Orion Pax had not been a comedic character, but he was particularly good at the higher caste surprises that always left a mech gaping. Political intrigue was not something he generally enjoyed, but he was a fantastic player and knew how to put on a show.
"Do you intend to reveal yourself as well?" Grasping Optimus's servo, Elita watched a coy grin play on his features. How long had it been since she'd seen her beloved have any sort of fun?
"Perhaps. It would certainly save us all a few uncomfortable situations." Optimus grinned like he was a young mech again. Elita couldn't help but laugh once more and lean against him. This was going to be amusing.
Elita waited patiently outside of Optimus's office and listened as he discussed Jack's performance in class. She watched the events playing out on a handheld device the humans called a 'phone' with a slight grin. June Darby was professional throughout most of it, but as the meeting progressed and Jack seemed to shrink in on himself with every passing moment, June finally made her move as she packed up.
"Thank you for your time Mr. Pax. If you don't mind me asking, could I possibly have your number?" Elita had to bite back a laugh as she watched her Conjunx pause in putting Jack's files away. The poor boy in question seemed ready to explode as he caught sight of the glint in Optimus's eyes.
"I am afraid I can't do that." Optimus placed his papers down and Elita took the opportunity to step into the office, the 'phone' put away and out of the view.
"All done love?" Elita was quick to wrap her arms around her Conjunx's shoulders as he sat at his desk, smug as ever. Not that anyone except Elita would notice the possessive nature that remained hidden behind his Primely visage.
June looked like she'd been slapped in the face. Elita couldn't say she blamed the woman. June was familiar with Elita's holoform. In fact, it had been June who helped her design it. The fact that Elita was here and being so openly affectionate with 'Mr. Pax' had to be startling through implication alone.
"As you can see, I am quite taken with my darling wife as you humans say." Jack seemed to have given up on life as June processed the information. There was a brief moment where June seemed to have broken something in her processor before it finally clicked and she gripped the desk in shock.
Yeah, waiting around had been worth it.
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yanderederee · 5 months
「探偵 場地!」
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April29th, 2004
a/n: I felt inspired to rewrite this in a fun drabble idea♡ I was sad the opportunity was only given a five page spread, so I took matters into tutor!reader’s hands:)
shoutout to @tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang for kindly helping me locating the bonus chapter link, so I may refresh myself on all the specifics regarding the deduction quiz (spoiler; the only clue pointed out is the ‘murder tool’/pill bottle.)
before! › here! › after!
*i am not a medical professional; all drug/medications/ailments are either made up or should not be looked into as truth!
To say the least , you were ecstatic when Ryusei recruited you for this role.
Based on how Chifuyu and he had explained it to you, Baji was actually excited to try solving a detective case of his own.
They had even already dragged the ever so willing Mitarai into this plan as well.
You and Mitarai were friends. The both of you were very good in academics, and keeping patience with the overzealous boys in front of you.
The two of you huddled together that same day, whispering to eachother different plans and hints to lay around as clues.
“So, who is the killer?” You asked the genuine poindexter.
You could tell he was flustered by your closeness. You didn’t mind though, nerds were cute.
Mitarai looked over your compiled notes in critical fashion. Collaborating back and forth on the matter, you truly felt like the case would be a hit.
After about a half hour of planning, giggling, and whispering to one another, you could feel a heavy presence looked over your back. Automatically breaking out into a smile, you threw your hands across the desk to hide all evidence.
“What’re you doing?” Baji asked, flat. It was a simple question, yet the dark glint of jealousy glared obvious.
You could tell Baji was addressing how close you had been getting to Mitarai, but you thought jealous boys were cuter; better to play coy.
“Creating an awesome case,” you admitted, pulling all the papers that littered your desk into one big pile, to which you organized out of his view. “I’m actually really excited to come up with this!”
Mitarai made an attempt in hopping into the conversation. “Y/n is quite good at this! She had written a sequence of events in only a matter of seconds. Though, I admit her knowledge in…. ‘forensics’ is a little unnerving.” he murmured.
You shrugged with pride, putting the papers into a manila folder, and into your bag.
“I’ll have the materials for the operation by tomorrow. I’m gonna go consult with the victim of this case~”
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You bend down, checking for any sign of life. Your blood ran cold. “Detective, he…. He’s dead.” You announce to the room. Baji bends down, patting your arm so to dismiss you from the corpse. “This bottle looks suspicious…” he murmured seriously.
Chifuyu grinned wide at you and Mitarashi, giving a subtle thumbs up. You chose to remain in character, following the scripted dialogue you wrote and handed out yesterday (that everyone barely mesmerized in time).
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Normally, Baji would love to solve this kind of thing on his own. But you knew better than anyone, that without direction, Baji would soon become irritable and fume with frustration. He just needed to notice the clues, without telling him he found a clue. Make it seem like he figured it out himself.
“Here is Sora Ijuuin’s file,” you handed Baji a small packet of paper, containing a profile shot of Chuu, some blurbs of false medical history, and reposts given by neighbors on the events leading up to the victim’s demise. “Please look over it carefully..”
“Thank you assistant.” He acknowledged shortly. Looking over the file, it took him a few minutes, but eventually he stood in haste.
Ijuuin Sora, date of birth: 03/07/1980, blood type: B, marital status: married.
- Statement given by Neighbor [1]: “That voice of his [Sora Ijuuin] sure does carry! Just three days ago, I could hear him fighting with someone clear down the street!”
- Statement given by Neighbor [3]: “Well , there has been a suspicious looking fellow visiting that house for the past month. He visits perhaps once a week. White hair, and dark skin. Suspicious!”
“Seems Chu had a few visitors before he bit it.” Baji said suspiciously. “Satou Ryusei, what business did you have with the victim three days ago?”
Baji thought he looked so cool, keeping his glare focused on the taller boy in the room.
Excellent. First step, make Baji suspect and snuff out all clues from innocent yet suspicious figures in the room.
Ryusei played it cool, a poker face striping him of all laughing matters. “Sora and I were colleagues. We had been collaborating on a project for about a month now. I came by to discuss these matters three days ago.”
“Sound reason. You say you were simply discussing, but neighbor complains state they heard loud arguing. You two must have had a disagreement.”
Baji’s cool demeanor slowly began showing more confidence as he made his case.
“We’re both particularly passionate fellows,” Ryusei suppressed a giggle. He may have thought your script was a little over the top. “We disagreed often. But our altercations were never very loud. We always came to sound conclusions.”
“And was that conclusion murder?” Baji asked accusatively.
“I would never!”
Baji hummed. Blaming Ryusei seemed too easy. And if he learned anything from his detective shows, never go with your first guess. So, eyeing the file again he read;
- Statement given by Neighbor [3]: “…his [Sora Ijuuin] wife and I only spoke on occasion. She told me they had been dating since high school. They had gotten together thanks to a mutual friend. […] Arguments with his wife have been consistent over the years, but for the last 6 months, they have been non-stop! They become progressively louder as days pass.”
- Statement given by Acquaintance [1]: “Sora? Yeah, he and some four eyes were friends back in high school. Though, he always seemed to have a thing for his girlfriend at the time. Guess they’re still friends, saw them hanging out recently. I heard four eyes became a doctor. Good for him.”
- Statement given by Neighbor [2]: “I’ve heard rumors about resident of that house becoming recently ill! A friend of his, I presume, has been visiting often to oversee his health. I hope he’s well?”
Based on this statement repost, Baji soon began concluding that it was perhaps Chu’s “wife” may be the murderer. However, reading further, he realized this to be impossible.
- […] After a particularly heated argument, {assumedly being the disagreement of Three Days ago}, eye witness repost conclude Wife had gone to stay with her mother three days ago.
Chifuyu caught your waiting gaze, and understood the subtle nod in his direction. Playing into the role, Chifuyu settled closer to the crime scene, eying the pill bottle.
“Cause of death, overdose? But with what? … Medication? Was Mr Sora ill?”
“My colleague often complained about suffering from unexplained migraines and severe nose bleeds. I recall him mentioning these symptoms began about three months ago.”
“He met quite frequently with his at home physician to determine a diagnosis.”
“Were the physician and victim on good terms?”
“Yes. In fact, neighbor reposts state they originally thought him an old familiar friend of the victim, with how often and friendly their visits.”
“Ah! Ijuuin and I have been friends for some years now, even before he requested I oversee his declining health.” Mitarai spoke up confidently.
A shock to everyone in the room, everyone stood silent. Baji’s judgemental gaze looked over the self proclaimed physician up and down, thinking of anyway to blame him.
Dense as he was, he nodded. “A nobel friend always sticks by his friend’s side. My condolences, doctor.” Baji turned, thinking to other matters at hand.
No!! Everyone internally yelled.
Mitarashi was practically trying to be blamed, at this point!! But Baji wasn’t taking the bait.
No matter, you sighed silently, planning your second hint.
“Looks like the only evidence useful to us is this pill bottle.” Baji interjected.
You handed Baji a plastic glove, insisting he wear it before touching any evidence. After doing so, he observed the bottle.
It was medicine, plain and simple. Without even so much as a label on the bottle, it was impossible to identify further than that.
“Detective,” Chifuyu whispered to Baji, just as you described he should do in the script. “I recognize the look of this pill. Its purpose is to increase blood flow, mostly aimed for anemic patients. It doesn’t match the name of the medicine typed on the pill bottle.”
Unfortunately, Baji had no idea what the fuck ‘an anemia’ even was.
“Doctor, if you could please elaborate, what diagnosis came of your time spent together?” You asked Mitarashi. He nodded in response.
“Ijuuin described having severe nosebleeds, following his migraines. I concluded he suffered textbook side effects of overexertion.”
A medication meant to increase blood flow for a patient with frequent nose bleeds? Baji finally started putting the clues together.
“Were you the one to prescribe this medicine, doctor?” Baji asked Mitarai.
Mitarashi purposely showed signs of nervousness. “Y-yes! That medicine is one that regulates migraines. I-it even says it on the bottle!”
Baji smirked, dropping the bottle into a plastic, held open by Chifuyu. “We’ll see what the forensic’s team has to say about that.”
Mitarai became anxious at the mention, but chose to keep quiet. Baji hadn’t earned a confession out of him yet.
Baji really had to think now. He had evidence, but no motive. What motive would a physician have to kill his own patient? One he seemed fond of, even.
The room grew quiet, and frustration was eating up Baji’s neck. How could he get the guy to confess?
And unfortunately for Mitarashi, when Detective Baji began to feel frustrated, he had a hard time putting a cap on his emotions. In fact, he physically couldn’t.
So of course, he resorted to intimidation.
“Speakin’ of forensics, back there, I noticed there’s a pill that’s been crushed up. Almost like it was stepped on. Saaay, doc, how bout I see the underside of those shoes, huh?” Baji grinned ear to ear, eyes creasing in one-sided victory.
Mitarai gasped, red faced and shaking. It was hard to tell if it was because he was in character, or genuinely scared of Baji’s terrifying aura.
“P-please sir! Spare me!” He yelled, backing up against the door quickly, showing the underside of only one of his shoes. “There’s nothing! See! Nothing!”
Baji shook his head, and in one quick motion, bent Mitarai’s standing knee. Unable to balance himself in time, the four-eyes fell to the floor with a scream. “Well what’da ya know? What’s this blue powder here? Think we’re gonna need to send this over too, Detective Matsuno.” He chuckled.
Surely this was enough to earn his confession.
“F-fine! I swapped the medication! I’ve been giving him medicine to make him sicker and sicker f-for the last five months… but-but! … I had to!” Mitarai crocked, crocodile tears falling down his face.
Damn, Mitarai sure knew how to act!! Who would have guessed…
“Well, spit it out.” Baji hurried.
Mitarai took a few deep breaths, increasing the reveals dramatic timing. “He made Hanako cry… I’ve… loved Hanako ever since I met her, you see!” Mitarashi looked away bashfully.
“Who’s Hanako? From the Toilet?”
“That’s the name of the victims’s wife. It’s on file.”
“You’ve been friends with Mr Sora since high school?” You asked the clarifying question, which finally clicked in Baji’s mind.
“Yes! She always had eyes for the obnoxious types though… so, I waited… And just as I suspected, he began to mistreat her, all over petty misunderstandings and other stupid, meaningless things! They were fighting so often, Hanako finally reached out to me to ask for advise….
“I told her to give it time. I just needed a little time… make him sick, until he died of natural causes! Than she’d finally be free! So you see, it was out of love! And it worked!” Mitarai laughed, still hysterically crying. “He’s gone now, Hanako. She can be happy now, right detective?”
Baji’s face was cold at Mitarashi’s performance.
“That’s why?” He asked. “All over a girl? Seriously?” He clicked his tongue.
You frowned at his disgust.
“What a lame reason. Whatever, we got what we came here for. Matsuno, cuff this freak.”
And just as quickly, Baji’s victory became evident with such a wide grin. “Haha! I’m a genius! Bet ya didn’t think I’d notice that stepped on pill over there did ya?” He said in your face.
You laughed in unison, and rose your hand up to give him a big high five. “I’ll admit, I was wondering how long it would take you to notice, but I had faith in you, Detective!~”
The lot of you all cheered for Baji, making his ego soar all the more. But just as you thought to stop, that adorable toothy grin of his made you swoon all over again.
While he and Chu were laughing together, Ryusei took notice of your adoring stare, and melancholy smile. “You like him, don’t you?” He asked so very quietly. As much as you could act embarrassed and deny him, you knew it would be in vain. Ryusei knew. Your smile became more flatlined.
“I do… it’s one-sided, I know… but I’m happy where I am, for now.”
Ryusei watched as you tore your gaze away, distracting yourself with cleaning up the rest of the murder scene. Out of earshot, Ryusei chuckled. “One sided, huh… Can’t say I’m so sure of that.”
Finally, after it was all said and done, the lot of you found yourselves shoved close into a booth at a local family diner. It was cheap and close by, but deserving enough for Detective Baji’s victory on his latest case.
“Still! That cheesy alibi was so over the top. Seriously, which one of you even came up with that crap?” Baji mulled over his drink, glaring at how closely sat you and Mitarai were sitting. You rolled your eyes. “Yeah yeah, just let it go already.”
“Mitarashi! Your acting was so good back there though, I almost thought you were really crying!” Chifuyu praised the four eyes beside him. “Thank you! I wasn’t sure if I could pull it off at first.”
Still dressed in the costumes stolenborrowed from the Drama Club, you all looked quite dashing and out of place in this family diner. But not a one of you seemed to care. Everyone was in high spirits.
Baji would occasionally bring up how ‘killing someone for a girl you like is so lame.’ And sure, he was right. It just made you all the more embarrassed that you were the one to come up with the dramatic idea. But that was the idea! Detective shows were dramas!
As everyone threw in their last praises and thoughts on the case, the natural urge to pee made itself known to you. Quickly excusing yourself, you shimmied yourself out from the booth. It hadn’t even been a few minutes before you were relieved and headed back for the table.
On your way to do so, some high school delinquent who clearly wasn’t paying attention to how much of the narrow walkway he was taking up, ended up smacking right dab into your shoulder. It wasn’t enough to make you fall backwards, but enough to lose your balance. What an asshole!
Yet, when you glared up for your rightfully owed apology, the high schooler kept walking. Baffled, you pursed your lips into a thin line. It probably wouldn’t do you any good to go after him. But that was way too rude!
Unbeknownst to you, the whole scene became a spectacle for your delinquent friend group. And they were Not having it. Most of all, Baji Keisuke. He practically hopped over the table to get out from the booth quicker— rather than waiting for whoever was on the outside to make way.
“Oi, asshole.” Baji seethed through his teeth. It was quiet, enough to not draw attention from everyone in the restaurant, at least. “Apologize, or we’re takin’ this outside.” He’d since grabbed the collar of the offending jerk.
The high schooler chuckled, not taking Baji all that seriously. “Yeah right, get lost pipsqueak.” He went to push Baji, who was a solid few inches shorter than him. Unfortunately, Baji took this personally.
Baji laughed at the audacity of this jerk, grabbing his arm hard, and twisting it behind his back. He wasn’t trying to cause a scene, but there he was, causing a scene.
You aught to stop him, but nothing you’d say would do you any good. “Stay here, this won’t take more than five minutes.” Baji had told you.
It didn’t take long for Baji to walk the punk outside of the family diner, around the front and into a less populated street.
Ryusei gave a shrug, and offered you a seat. “Leave him be, that’s just how he is.”
Chifuyu was tempted to follow his squad leader, but decided against it after seeing how anxious the whole situation was making you. “Maybe we should leave…” you mumbled. “No way, we just ordered while you were gone!” Ryusei patted your shoulder. Mitarashi was also a little unsettled, but tried not to show it.
“If anything, you should be glad Keisuke’s actually showing this much restraint. Normally. He’d have pummeled the poor guy in front of everyone and got us kicked out.” Ryusei sighed, as though that same scenario had just happened recently.
Just as Baji promised, he was back at the table in less than 5 minutes. “‘I miss anything?” He asked, a proud wide toothy smirk painting his features.
That proud look really suited him. Stop, why were you thinking about how cute he was at a time like this? Did you seriously find delinquency that attractive? Your heart felt like it’d beat out of your chest.
“Still think it’s one-sided?~” Ryusei whispered in your ear with a shit eating grin.
Your face went beat red.
“Hey, what’d I say about personal space asshole?” Baji cursed at his friend before pushing him hard.
“Sorry sorry~”
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opultea · 1 year
Timaeus Isn’t the Only One
Windbloom with Genshin men ft. Cyno, Albedo
Drabbles - GN Reader (No Pronouns) - Fluff (slightest angst in Albedo’s but ends with fluff) - Romantic - SFW
Part 2 for Cyno
It seems that Timaeus isn’t the only one who's gained a love interest this Windbloom festival…
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Cyno had several agendas for his trip to Mondstadt. Of course his principal reason was Collei’s protection and accompaniment, though another not so secret motivation added to his decision. How could this reason be anything other than Genius Invokation TCG?
Not only did he have the opportunity to commission a custom card back from the famous Calx, but Cyno would also be able to spend his precious vacation hours playing against folks in Mondstadt’s heart of TCG; the Cat’s Tail.
As soon as Collei had gone off with her local friends to catch up and see the sights, Cyno set off to the Cat’s Tail, his deck in hand, hoping to find some worthy challengers in the renowned tavern. Upon entering, Cyno took no time to tarry, immediately challenging the first person he saw with a deck to a duel. The Mondstadtian man in question was naturally a little shocked to be issued such a sudden challenge, but accepted none the less.
It took all of three minutes for Cyno to beat him. After accumulating three more consecutive wins in the next ten minutes or so, Cyno’s table had gathered quite the crowd. The tavern was ablaze with excitement, many players afraid and in awe of the evident master before them.
It was around this time that you entered the Cat’s Tail, planning to catch up with Margret and maybe stretch your card game muscles with a few rounds of Genius Invokation. What you didn’t expect was a crowd of people surrounding one table, holding their breaths and intently watching a game as if it was a chess tournament.
“Hey Prince, Shuyun, what’s going on? Was there a special event today that I wasn’t aware of?”
Prince meowed in response, Shuyun translating,
“Not exactly, but it seems we have a new house champion. And an outlander, at that.”
“A house champion? Is he really that good?”
“He’s beaten some of our best players in mere minutes. I’d say he has earned such a title.”
You’re gaze swept over the crowd again, hoping to see the illustrious card player between the audience members. The crowd cheered, jumping around and indicating that another game had been won by the champion. As the audience parted slightly for the small celebration, you caught a glimpse of the winner, a man dressed in Sumerian clothing, with a stern face that presently held a small prideful smile.
You turned back to Prince when he nudged your arm with his soft head, watching as he pointed his paw and nudged his head toward the man.
“You know what? Maybe I will Prince,” you took a moment to pat his head, being mindful not to topple his tiny hat, before making your way to the crowded table.
“Would anyone else like a game?” The champion asked the crowd, face still flat, though his eyes shone with a subtle sense of fun.
“I’d love to,” you said, sitting down opposite.
“Excellent, let’s begin.”
The game was long and gruelling, with both sides losing two characters and using almost all their cards before the final round. The audience was impatiently watching, eyeing off each player's determined expression and holding their breaths as you played a final card, allowing you to destroy your opponent's last character with your own on only two health points.
The crowd cheered loudly surprised and excited to see someone beat the incredible stranger.
"You play with great precision and thought in your actions, I willingly accept my defeat."
"Thank you, but it was super close, I would believe that if I my deck had been shuffled a little differently I wouldn't have won,"
"Do not underestimate your own skill. But we can test your theory in another game. I am Cyno, the adventurer."
You introduce yourself accordingly and shake hands to initiate another game. The two of you go back and forth in several more rounds of TCG, each losing and winning in equal ratios. You continue on for so long that the crowd eventually dissipates, you and Cyno the only ones left in the tavern.
Cyno used a final elemental skill, destroying your last character card and ending what was likely the hundredth round. You sighed in satisfaction, it had been a long time since you'd had this much fun playing cards with anyone before. Cyno seemed to share your sentiment, sitting still at the table and not bothering to pack away his deck.
"I would suggest playing another game, but I think the staff want us to leave so they can close," You laugh, slowly packing your dice into a little bag.
"Yes, it seems we are inconveniencing the staff. Although I will be back tomorrow. I hope you will come as well,"
"For sure, I've had so much fun playing against you Cyno. You're really amazing at this game, although I think I might be able to one-up you next time," You tease.
"Well, we will T-see-G." Cyno's usual stoicism did not shift with the uttering of the pun, though it did cause your own head to jerk in a chuckle.
"Pfft. I didn't take you as the kind to make jokes Cyno, but it seems to be a CARDinal part of your personality." You laugh, holding up a random card from your deck.
Cyno felt his subtle smile widen and his heart grow in kind. You laughed at his joke. You even returned it.
"Come have dinner with me."
Your head shot up at the sudden request, mind racing and mouth agape. Did... did this guy just ask you out?! Surely he was just making a request to spend time together platonically, right? You hardly knew each other after all, even though you had great chemistry and shared a lot of interests. Not to mention he was attractive, and his hair looked so silky. Okay now you were just complimenting him.
You know what? Whether Cyno was asking you on a date or just as a friend, you wouldn't mind.
"Sure, that sounds great," You smile.
Tighnari and Collei were beyond surprised when Cyno told them he went on a date the next day.
You walked through the main square of Mondstadt, admiring the festive decor and lively atmosphere of the Windbloom season. Strolling past the fountain, you spotted Sucrose and Albedo conversing at the alchemy station. A smile lit up across your features, it has been a while since you’d spoken to the alchemists, especially with how busy the seemed to be recently. Your hopefully secret crush on Albedo also meant that you were always looking for a chance to talk, especially during the festival of love. Deciding to take the opportunity, you walked over to say hello.
“Sucrose, Albedo!” You called, turning the two toward you. “How are you?”
“Y/n, we’ve been well. I hope you can say the same?” Albedo smiled politely.
“Yes, I’ve been well enough. I feel like I’ve barely seen you guys though, have you been busy?”
“Yes, my position as Windbloom ambassador this year has certainly kept me very busy, not to mention this strange prophecy we’ve come across.” Sucrose explained, sounding a little out of breath, but satisfied with her work. “How has your Windbloom been? Is there anything I can do to help make it better?”
“My Windbloom has been just fine, thank you Sucrose. A little too regular, if anything. I hope that with all your work you’re still finding time to enjoy yourself. I would believe that as Windbloom ambassador, it’s most important that you are enjoying yourself. Otherwise, how can you bring joy to others?”
“An excellent postulate, I too believe that Sucrose’s own happiness will affect her ability to help others with theirs. After all, a gloomy person would not do much to sooth your own worries.” Albedo reasons.
“Th-thank you, both of you,” Blushing at both of your concern, Sucrose adjusts her glasses bashfully. “When you said your Windbloom has been ‘regular’, what do you think would make it more impactful? Perhaps there is something I can help you with after all?”
“It’s nothing you’d be able to change Sucrose, but thank you,” you sigh, glancing wistfully across the square at the smiling, bustling citizens. “I suppose a festival of love and friendship just makes the lonely feel a little more alone. But it’s nothing big. I’ve got my own work and things I need to do, as I know you both have, so I’ll leave you to it. It was nice to see you both!”
“Yes, and you as well,” Albedo responded, although both he and Sucrose had a crinkle of worry in their brow.
“Um, we’ll see you later Y/n, I promise!”
You bid the duo goodbye, smiling and slightly regretting saying anything about yourself. You didn’t mean to turn the conversation so somber, hopefully Sucrose and Albedo still kept their lively attitudes despite your sudden sob story.
Although you did truely feel the effect of the events surrounding you everywhere you went. Although the festive air was fun, the novelty ran out quickly for you when you didn’t have anyone to celebrate with. Your friends were busy with their romantic pursuits, and only chatted with you shortly to update you on their success. Of course you were happy for them, but it stung a little to know you didn’t have the same.
Seeing Albedo today hadn’t helped your hurt. Despite the friendly conversation, speaking to him so casually only served as a reminder of what you knew deep down would never be. Albedo was a serious and studious, he would never have time for something so trivial as romance.
You sighed as you entered your home, deciding not to keep throwing the hapless pity party and get some work done instead. You would just have to get over it, you huffed. It’s not like anything was changing anytime soon.
You sat down across the couch, slouching after completing your work, staring into space and trying not to let the sensation of loneliness creep back now that you weren’t up and about. A knock at the door brought you from your stupor, pushing the doubting thoughts back for a moment as you curiously approached the door. You certainly weren’t expecting any guests, but what you saw when you opened to door couldn’t have been expected.
Albedo stood outside your home with a gentle smile and a full bouquet of winding, snow-white flowers the likes of which you had never seen. Your mouth gaped open as you blinked, your chest light as you tried to hold back your imagination. Surely this couldn’t be what your heart desperately hoped it would be?
“Albedo, what are you doing here?”
“Why, I simply wanted to visit you. As well as take the opportunity to present you with my Windbloom. I hope you will accept it,”
Albedo carefully handed the vine-like flowers over to you, your arms cradling them as you admired the otherworldly blooms.
“Did- did you create these?” You asked, wonderment filling your voice and reflecting in your eyes.
“Yes, I believed it was only reasonable to present you with something unique. Something to reflect how I feel... for you.” Albedo's calm features never faltered, his eyes only dropping for a second in what you could only guess was a rare shyness.
“What- I mean why-,” you tried to breathe, not quite sure how to ask the question burning in your mind. You settled with a whisper, “Why are you giving these to me?”
“Is that not obvious? I apologise if I have not been as upfront as I would have preferred, but I did not want to cause you any grief in the case you didn’t reciprocate my feelings.” Albedo explained, voice softer than ever. “I find myself infatuated with you, Y/n. You occupy more of my thoughts than any other, and I feel myself drawn to you at all times. It was only earlier today when you commented on your lonesomeness that I realised it was worth my taking a chance to make both of us happier for it. So if you’ll allow me, would you accompany me to dinner tonight?”
You smiled wide, bashfully taking Albedo’s hand in your own as you stepped closer to him.
“I would love nothing more. Thank you, Albedo. You’ve no idea how much this means, how much I like you,”
“If it is anything like how I feel for you, I’d imagine you are quite spellbound at the moment,” the alchemist chuckled, taking your cheek in his palm and caressing the skin.
It was only that morning that you found yourself tired of the Windbloom festival. Yet now, you wished it would never end.
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Helloo, I hope you're doing well, if you could I was wondering if you could please do a yandere L Lawliet x reader story, it can be any plot you'd like. THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY🦆
A/N: I have yet to write anything for death note 'til now so here's my poor attempt at trying to write L 😅
Synopsis: You are interrogated by a certain stalker-y detective through a twisted turn of events.
TW: Yandere themes, stalking, death (non-canonical character), abuse of power
Word Count: 1200
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“After he clutched his chest he just…fell.” 
“....I see.” 
L sat with a notepad and pen in his hand, watching you intently from the other side of the coffee table. You picked up your drink with shaking hands, avoiding the detective’s prying eyes. His dark circles showed his lack of sleep, causing you to mistakenly believe his level of dedication to the case you were discussing. 
“During Mr. Fujioka’s incident, did your spouse happen to be… present with you?” L inquired. 
You sniffled into a crumpled tissue, breath hitching as you tried to answer another one of his prying questions. 
“Uh, no… I’m not dating anyone so.. I was alone.” Your professor’s lifeless body flashed again in your mind, the memory seeming almost hazy and faint now. It happened so fast; one moment you came into his office, asking for last week’s assignments, and the next he was giving his last breath on top his desk above your midterm papers. 
You had feared becoming a suspect, especially with all this “Kira” buzz going around-- but thankfully the man across from you didn’t seem suspicious of you. Inquisitive, but not suspicious. 
“What were your plans after visiting Mr. Fujioka?”
You cleared your throat, dabbing at your eyes once more before sitting up straighter.
“Well, I was just going to head home, maybe stop at the grocery store first… though I doubt I’ll have any time to do that.” you voiced. 
 Trying to wipe the redness from your eyes away, you clenched your shirt to stop from shaking. You assumed the detective must’ve dealt with emotional people all the time-- especially from the recent rise in deaths, but you still felt bad for crying so much. 
Though, you couldn’t be more wrong. L Lawliet did not often deal with witnesses up and close in such a casual manner, especially meaningless ones who were the sole observers to a random professor’s death. If it weren’t for the possible connection of your professor’s heart attack to Kira, L would’ve never gotten this golden opportunity. It seemed luck really had struck him, even though he wasn’t one to particularly believe in “fate.” 
With his knees pulled up to his chest and the empty notepad in his lap, L watched you stare at the coffee table lifelessly. You could hardly give any attention to the males’ strange sitting position or odd attire that did not reflect your average japanese detective, which normally would’ve struck you as strange. 
“Am I… in trouble?” You asked, pulling L out of his thoughts on how oddly fascinating you were when crying. “I mean, am I going to be put in jail until this is all figured out?” 
Your naivety almost made L give a pout of sympathy. How could someone be so wide-eyed and unaware? He kept a straight face despite the confiction your question caused. 
“No, don’t worry. We already have a line of suspects waiting to be interrogated, and you aren’t one of them.” He replied robotically. 
With his fingernail to his mouth, the detective tilted his head as you gave a smile of relief, pushing back more thoughts of your twitching professor and his red face. 
“But one more thing,” Getting up from the opposing couch, L moved to sit beside you. “This incident is very important; you may be a vital piece to our discovery of Kira, as a witness to one of his attacks.” 
L placed his hand near your limp one, pinky nearly touching yours. He looked to make eye contact with you, curious to see those glassy eyes that he had been staring at from behind a monitor for months. 
“I believe a followup might be necessary… There’s a few more questions I’d like to ask you regarding your relation to Mr. Fujioka.” 
You nodded your head, listening intently as the detective dared to push his hand closer to yours. He could feel the heat from your body next to him, your hand so close yet inches too far. He continued to speak though his mind wouldn’t move away from the fact that you were within touching reach, when days ago he could only caress you from behind a computer screen and paper pictures. 
“Perhaps tomorrow? Unfortunately my schedule is quite rigid, though I think I can fit you in during… lets say, eight? I’d be happy to make it worth your while.”
You moved your hand away to grab another tissue, balling it into your fist onto your lap. L bit his lip at seeing you move away, clenching his teeth though not moving. 
“A-alright.” You forced an answer, not daring to reject his proposal out of fear of being seen as noncompliant. You couldn’t afford to get mixed up with the police right now, and this was your best bet on getting this whole situation dealt with. Besides, its not like you could say no to a detective.
“I’ll have someone contact you tomorrow on where to meet. Please be sure to only bring yourself, and wear something… mildly formal.”
You batted your eyes a few times, surprised at the rules regarding another questioning. But you didn’t dare to bring up your confusion, only nodding and holding tightly to your tissues. 
L on the other hand, couldn’t believe your complete willingness. You didn’t raise any questions, going along with his proposition and even smiling at him. If he knew meeting you would be this easy, he would’ve acted far sooner! Though all areas of reasoning pointed to you behaving oppositely, he didn’t mind this twist of events. He already had thoughts on where he’d take you first tomorow. Of course, it’d all be under the guise of the investigation, but he knew if you stayed this trusting the entire time he’d have no problem taking you out to dinner and a nice romantic stroll. 
You allowed him to walk you out of the comfortable faux interrogation room-- which truthfully was one of the police buildings’ lounge rooms that were far more comforting than the cold steel of the REAL interrogation room. Once L caught wind that you were going to be questioned, he couldn’t sit still, taking over all decisions regarding your interrogation. 
Gripping tightly onto your used tissues, you listened to L speak eloquently on the case and your future questioning “date.” The words hardly entered your head though, your mind too focused on how you were going to enter class tomorrow. How you were going to finish your studies without a teacher. And how your professor’s family would react on the news you knew far beforehand.
L looked at you with sunken eyes, giving a twisted, creepy smile. He lifted the corners of his mouth like you did, his hunched over frame causing a shadow to cast over his face, bangs nearly covering his eyes as he grinned. 
The look was…. Odd, to say the least. And yet-- you smiled back, trying to cover up the fact that you had not heard a word he said within the past several minutes. Handing you your bag, the detective hesitantly put a hand to your back as you continued to walk out. You didn't flinch or move away like he had fretted. Instead, you almost leaned into the touch, feeling a small amount of comfort after such a stressful evening. 
If you stayed this trusting, keeping you to himself might be far easier than L thought.
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demon-guardian · 1 year
I live for adult comfort - child/teen reader! Can you do Opera, Balam and Kalego with a student reader who wants to be like them? Do the same job. So, they ask them to help them realize this dream. Because Opera/Kalego/ Balam is their model in life? Ur work is amazing
This is a cute scenario! Thank you for enjoying my work. For the story you are in the misfit class. Also takes around the harvest festival.
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After seeing Opera fight at Walter Park, you were inspired by them and wanted to follow in their footsteps
When you go up to Opera and ask if can they teach you how to be like them
Opera is caught off guard for a second but then looks at you to see if you are serious
Opera, "Y/n you being a security demon means a lot of work right. You need to have a dependence on your serve. You need that "trust". Are you willing to do that?"
Y/N: "Yes I am willing!"
Seeing you so willing to learn and have that "trust" in another demon, Opera understands
After that day you start working with Opera at the Sullivan household
Even in a similar suit as Opera wears
Iruma was excited to see you there and try to interact with you like he would at school but Opera stopped him
Opera: "Sorry Master Iruma they are in training right now. So please treat them like you would me."
Iruma: "Oh alright. Good luck Y/N!"
The first week was a bit difficult, to say the least. You were surprised by how Opera does
But you never gave up and your hard work begin to show during the harvest festival
Opera taught you even during that time as well
You team up with Gaap and Agares and end up helping them by temporarily serving them
You help them fight and protect the base
At the end of the festival, you were able to go up a rank
You were proud of what you were able to become with Opera teaching you
(Who would have thought Opera would become your teacher again in your second year as well)
While you knew Kalego was not the nicest teacher out their
You can appreciate how much he dedicated to his job
Seeing how well detail he is in his notes when you go up to him to ask a question he answers
Even turning the Walter Park Event into a teaching experience (No matter how bad it was)
You won't outright go and ask him to teach you on to become a teacher, because you don't think he will be too thrilled about that
So you go to him and ask him other questions about school and classes
But he catches on quickly to your plan and sees how you want to be a teacher
He takes pride that you see him as a good role model and when you come around he will start giving more tips and advice on the subject you ask
While both of you never admit to the true intentions of your interaction everyone else can see how you become Kalego's favorite student
Unlike the other two, you started to look up to Balam before the Walter Park event
It was during the crazy studying for your exams when you went to the class on the imaginary creatures due to you having trouble in the subject
That was when you met Balam who was substituting for the class
You were nervous to meet him of all the stories you had heard about him
But once you stepped into the class and heard him teach, his excitement for the subject made you want to stay
You try to go talk to him more after that class but you can never find the right time to do so
But when you got to Walter Park you saw this as an opportunity to learn more about him
Seeing him fight and how he use his demon knowledge to win a fight made you really love the subject and want to learn more about it
After the fight, you went up to him and ask him to teach you more about the subject
While you don't know if you want to be a teacher like him, what you do know is that you want to be a biologist like Balam
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alice-angel12x · 1 year
Death is always around the Corner
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Idia + Death!Reader+ Ö̵̗̭͙̠͍̙̬̦̬̺͙̻̻̰̮́͌̈́͑̅̉̉͆̄̓̉̒͝͝ͅř̵̡̨̡̞̦̩̰͖͚͕͙́̑̎̆̏̐͂̀́͒̿͆̆̆̀̿̐̀͂͊̀͑́̅̈́̚t̴̛̛͖͚͑̽͑̓͋̒̈̈́̀̔́̌͒̆͘͝͠ẖ̵͚̦̫̫̻͔̤͚̺̬̗̥͇̾̈͐̎̿̊̋̄̉͑̅͑̊̊̍́̿̚ͅơ̵̛̹̯̤̟̔̍̋͗͗̾͆̒̏̋̉͐͛̿͆̇̈͆̈́̈́̔͝͠
Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Iida, Malleus
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Let's set the scene:
So it was finally that time again, I will not let you get in the way of my work Shroud. The shroud company, through blessing or curse from Hades. Made it very difficult to find the Isle of woe to be by mortals, or Death itself. Memories from times of old began to resurface.
" Look at this cute little pie. We would like to thank you all for the gifts on behalf of our son," Zeus smiled. " Oh, so precious. How absolutely heart-warming. I haven’t felt this choked up since I got some moussaka stuck in my throat," Hades said, trying to make a joke. "Don’t look so glum, chum. Come and join the celebrations!" Zeus invited. " I’d love to, but unfortunately, I can’t leave my post thanks to the work you graciously “bestowed” upon me. Love to stay, but sadly can’t!" Hades said as he backed away. "Come now, you’ll work yourself to death!NGet it? To death! I could kill myself laughing!" Zeus laughed as the rest of the party joined him. " Ugh, if only…!" Hades scoffed to himself.
As Hades returned to the underworld, his two minions Pain and Panic came running with news.
"BOSS! BOSS!" Panic cried out.
"What! What is it!? I am Not in the mood," Hades scowled.
"T-T-The Boss! The Big Boss is back!" the two screamed.
"After all this time, this could be a great opportunity," Hades smirked.
The God quickly made his way to a simply room that belonged to the one and only, Death. The room was simple, it had one throne that was placed by the window. That over looked the river of Souls.
"Hey, Death! The Big Boss, Head honcho, Top dog! How've yeah been?" Hades greeted his long time boss and friend. "How was the travel, travel good brought souvenir?"
"Hmm, oh. Hello Hades," Death greeted, snapped out of their thoughts. "You needed something?"
"So I have plans for Mayhem, your favorite," Hades smirked as he went on to explain his plans.
But he noticed that something was different about his underworld friend. The bloodthirst chaos loving friend was not present, instead this sad and mellow person sat before him.
"Um Who are you and you know what happened to Death?" Hades asked.
"Just a new perspective I guess. As for your plan. If that's what you really want I won't stop you, though I'm afraid I will not join you," Death said calmly.
"Okay, no seriously what happened to you. What happened to the King/Queen of terror and dread?" Hades asked.
"I guess like you I'm also tired of ruling the dead and this place," Death sighed as they looked back at the underworld.
Death would be confided Hades. The only other high being that would associate with them. Even if they were never Hade's first choice.
But Death told Hades about the many changes to come. Like how they plan to eventually get rid of the underworld. Their symbol and trophy to rub into Life's face of their power over said, god.
Hades did not like this much. But he was confident he would take over Olympus before that would happen. But of course, things didn't go that way.
So as not to lose anything else, using the last of his power to hide the remaining piece of the underworld and a few mortal followers. Becoming the Isle of woe.
Y/n knew that this next series of events might be the only chance to find this isle of Woe. At least for a long time.
So in the middle of the night, Y/n woke Jamil and asked for his assistance.
Y/n informed Jamil what was about to go down in the morning. So they gave Jamil an enchanted necklace to hide him in plain sight. While they took on his form and be captured in his stead.
Jamil agreed to this since he doesn't like the thought of being dragged off to possibly be never seen again.
" What are those!? They’re all flying in the sky with their– Wait, are those hoverboards!?"Kalim gasped.
"What in the world…!? Unless there are events, the school is supposed to be protected with a magical ward to keep intruders away," Vil said in a slightly nervous tone.
"No, the Barrior is breaking," 'Jamil' said.
"They’re heading this way. One, two… Incoming! Take cover, everyone!" Rook said to everyone.
"Jamil" quickly raised a shield to protect everyone from the debris and robots falling from a ceiling.
"Are you alright, Y/n?" Deuce asked as he helped "y/n" stand up.
"This is the Hepta Unit. We have visuals on Subjects D and E. Beginning Detainment Maneuvers," The bots said.
" I do not know who you are, but it is absolutely impolite to be barging in through windows! I will acknowledge this as an emergency! On my authority as the Pomefiore Prefect, you are all given permission to use magic against these intruders!" Vil said.
"Wait! Vil, I need you to think carefully," 'Jamil' said quickly. " We are outnumbered, and most of the students here are rookie wizards. You Rook, and maybe myself can last a while, but the first years."
Vil scowled as he realized Jamil's assessment was right, and they would risk a lot if they fight.
"Then what do you recommend we do?" Vil glared but gasped as he watched Jamil raise his arms and surrendered.
" What!?" Everyone gasped.
" They are only after us. If we don't resist no one will get hurt," Jamil said simply, Vil sighed in frustration as he slowly raised his hands.
As the fiery robotic men loaded the overblot boys into the airship, "Jamil" gave one final look back to the school. Only to see the VDC group running in the distance, trying to reach them in time.
"Jamil" smiled warmly as the airship door began to close. My heart warmed that mortals were trying to save them-... No, save Jamil.
But It was a long Flight, and the most "Jamil" could do was let Riddle rest on their lap. When the boy woke up, he was a bit startled. But "Jamil" Was quick to comfort the boy.
But Azul quickly pointed out that "Jamil" was acting strange. So Y/n decided to let them in on the plan a bit.
So "Jamil " explained how the Isle of Woe is the only place in the world that is hidden from the eyes of Death. It is also the place where many blot monsters are stored.
The boys asked why death would care so much about Blot monsters. With "Jamil" would explain that when a person overblots, for a time they will be joined by a blot phantom.
But eventually, the phantom will consume the victim and store the person's soul deep within it. Leaving the soul in perpetual torment, till the Phantom is destroyed.
"And you know this how?" Leona glared.
"Cause they told me. So in my plans to get into better standing and redemption. I am willingly being their eyes, and beckon for them to track down," Jamil smirked.
"So that's why you didn't want to fight, Y/n wanted this to happen," Vil sighed in annoyance.
"They also wanted no one to get hurt," Jamil snapped back.
"So how long must we wait for Y/n to rescue us?" Azul asked nervesly.
"Only Time will decide," Jamil said.
"Umm don't you mean 'Only time can tell' ?" Riddle asked.
"No," Jamil said simply.
"So these robots are from the Isle of Woe?" Vil asked.
"They’re S.T.Y.X’s special security unit, Charon. It’s their job to capture magicians who have Overblotted so they could be transported to the Island of Woe," Leona explained, then smirked. " But the fact that not even Y/n can find this place must be a blow to their ego. Score one for mortals."
"I think you mean score one for Hades," Jamil said as he went on to explain the story of Hades, Death, and the Underworld.
Apparently, the story was so Gripping and engaging, the 4-hour flight was over in a flash. They have arrived on the Isle of Woe, with Idia there to greet them. But as soon as Jamil stepped off the airship a wave of cries and howls filled their ears, the sounds that went unheard by everyone else.
"̶w̷҉̧h͘͟y͜͝͏ h͘a͏̵v͢e̸ ̡̀͝y̡o͏u̵͠ ̛̀f̷̨͢o͜r̴̕͜s̷̢a̧͝͏k̷͠en͏̷ ͟u̧̨s̕͡,̡ ͡d͢ea̢͠͡th͟
"̴̕P̸͞l̸͝e̷͡a͝s̵͘ȩ̷,̷͢ ͟w̸̡h̸͡ȩ͏r̵e̛ ̵͝a̶̡re̷͟͞ ̸̡y̸͜o̴u̷͝ ́͞D̵̛͠e͏̀a̴t̢́̀h̷͟?̴͘͠!̡͟"͢
"̡̀͘S͘om̛̀e̸͘o͘n̶̨͜e ͘͟Pl̵e̸̶a̧ś̷̶e ̕͟͜S͢҉a͞v̸e͞ ͏̷M̷͢͝é͢͝!̢͢!̨̕"҉
The voices cried out, it was so overwhelming Y/n almost dropped their disguise. But they composed themselves and held back their tears.
As Idia put the boys through many tests, he noticed something strange about Jamil's vitals. That he didn't have any vitals or basic signs of life. Before Idia could pull Jamil aside for questioning, he was locked in the meeting room with the rest of the NRC boys.
Idia began to question Jamil, but he didn't really answer any of the questions. Till ortho pointed out that Jamil had no body heat. So seeing no need to hide, they dropped the illusion.
Revealing Death.
Idia began to panic as he quickly stood, but before calling for hade's level to shut down. His calling device suddenly shut down from low power, and the same with some of Ortho's functions.
Y/n sat down confidently as Idia trembled in his boots, and the others sat in awe and confusion. Vil was just frustrated that he was tricked so easily.
"Y-you can't be here! The Isle of Woe is supposed to be hidden from you?!" Idia panicked.
"You can only hide from death for so long," Y/n said simply as they rested their elbows on the table.
"W-why are you here?" Idia asked slowly.
"I'm here to collect all the souls in Tartarus," Y/n said simply.
"This isn't the underworld, there are no souls to collect," Idia glared.
"That is untrue. Phantoms hold the souls of their victims and those it slaughters. I am here to collect them," Y/n said.
"but that would mean you will destroy the phantoms. But we need them to study and find a way to stop blot," Idia reasoned.
"Those 10,000 and more souls have been suffering for thousands of years. I think it's time to give them an out," Y/n replied as they stood up.
"Demands here, demands there… This isn’t a zoo, damn it. Did you forget what I said earlier? Don’t make me repeat myself again… I!!! AM!!! THE!!! BOSS!!!" Idia shouted as stood in front of Y/n, blocking their path.
"HAHAHAHAHA!!" Y/n laughed, so much so that they had to lean against the table to support themselves. "You almost remind me of Hades. But no Your not my boss, and are you okay with keeping Ortho the first in Tartarus, to suffer till the end of time? You made a machine of him, so why not let the real one go?"
Idia froze as Y/n bore into his soul when suddenly the power went out as the room went dark.
Things just did not get better, as Y/n learned that Rook and Epel had tracked them down. And the blot phantoms had felt the presence of their doom. So in one last desperate attempt, they manipulated the bot Ortho. To Get Idia down to them.
With this, the isle of woe went into Chaos. The NRC boys went to go collect the thunder staff, but thanks to Y/n there were little to no phantoms standing in their way.
Y/n, in a blink of an eye, was making quick work of the phantom. Ortho was not happy about the lack of challenge to the NRC boys.
But eventually, The boy manages to push the final phantom back to Tartarus. The phantom using Ortho's voice cried out to Idia.
Idia jumped to follow his "brother" to Tartarus, but Y/n in one clean motion slayed the phantom.
As Idia's memories and regrets flashed in his mind, he slowly opened his eyes to find himself in the void. As he sat up, he heard a familiar voice in the distance, he turned to See Ortho. He was sitting on death's lap as the two were talking when Ortho noticed Idia. Death helped ortho to his feet as Ortho ran to Idia and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you for looking out for me. You’ve made me so happy. But, you can’t be here yet, Big Brother," Ortho said.
"Ortho… Why? I want to go with you. We made a promise, didn’t we? And You," Idia turned to Death. " Why did you save me, I just wanted to follow Ortho."
"Because Ortho and I believe it's not your time yet," Y/n answered.
"You still have comics to read, concerts to watch, and new games to play, don’t you…? You love this world too much to give up on it completely," Ortho added.
"What!? Who said I loved this rotten world!? All that nonsense can just disappear!" Idia said as he began to tremble.
"Not everything has to make sense. You shouldn’t have to give up on anything ever again. You have your future ahead of you, Big Brother.  You see, I want you to fulfill the dreams we talked about that day," Ortho smiled.
"Our Dream?" Idia asked.
"I’m sure it will take a long time. You might feel like giving up along the way, but… I know… I’m sure you can go anywhere, Brother. It may be long and tiring, but you’ll get there someday. It’s okay. I’ll be right there with you always. Please, don’t give up," Ortho said as he gave one last squeeze of a hug. He slowly let go of Idia and turned to Death. "Okay, I'm ready to go now."
"Wait, Ortho! Death Please Don't Take Him?!" Idia begged as he watched Ortho grab Y/n's hand.
"Actually I have something special for you, and I want Idia to be there. But he needs to wake up first," Y/n explained.
"Really, I can't wait. Hurry and wake up big brother," Ortho said.
When Idia came to, standing over him was Y/n and some old man. Who was actually Vil? Idia shyly apologized to everyone and said he would probably never return to school.
But Grim and everyone else was not going to let him off easy, telling him to fix ramshackle at least. But the group was spooked to see the ghost of ortho next to Y/n.
"Well before you do anything else I will need you to come with me Idia," Y/n said as ortho grabbed their hand.
"H-huh W-why?" Idia asked.
"To accompany ortho and me when we go to see someone important. And I think Vil will need to come too," Y/n sighed.
"Why am I needed?" old man vil asked.
"To help with your situation," Y/n said. "And the rest of you are free to go back to the school, we will catch up."
"W-wait where are you going?" Epel asked.
"And where is this important person?" Riddle asked.
"In the void between dimensions and the worlds," Y/n answered simply.
"Who could you possibly be taking them to?" Azul asked.
"Life," Y/n smiled
To be continued...
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