#I hope this does not come across as self-gratifying or ungrateful
nymph-at-versailles · 3 months
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My Experience as a Prom Planner: "Last night was like the ending of Carrie, if instead of pigs blood, Carrie just got to be prom queen." - What will she do with all the doubt she still carries after the party end?
July 2024
I had my prom yesterday, what made it special is that I was in charge of planning the event myself. A quick side-note: ever since my break up last year I’ve convinced myself that I hate people and don’t need them. Yet despite this initial angst, I find that I try with all my might to make the people around me happy and I still give so much love to those I adore. Showing this mentality was utterly false and naïve.
Prom was a conflicting event for me, there was no glitz and glam, pre-prom or post-prom for me, this was my last chance to prove myself to a tiny world of mostly privileged teenagers I've known since i was 7. For me the success of this event was life or death (spiritually), the happiness of proms participants was a quantitative measure of my own worth. How...terrifyingly insignificant the stakes were.
Prom came and I could finally reap the benefits of my hard labour.
...The most absurd night occurred:
People who’ve bullied me over the course of my school career gave me hugs, telling me how beautiful I was. Boys who broke my heart looked at me as if Aphrodite blessed me. People who were too pretty for me told me how much they appreciate me. A perfect end to a coming of age film.
Yet the credits haven’t rolled and I’m still going.
Still breathing.
I didn’t think I’d make it to 18, I thought this was the end of the frontier. My teenage Magnum Opus <3. Yet I wake up and slowly come to the realisation that life continues another day. I don’t know if I’m happy about that yet, like Sisyphus I have to start again.
My reflection 7 Months later
Reflecting upon that experience almost 7 months since my Prom in July I see a very broken girl. She feared her life purpose was fulfilled before she'd even properly lived. I am proud of what that broken girl achieved, but I look down upon her mindset. A self-fulfilling prophecy of "woe is me" and a heavy reliance of the "I'm not like other girls" mindset. I had forcibly isolated myself emotionally with my peers, but true admiration and love for some of them shone through that persona and I couldn't help but to care for all these people I had grown up with. I derived enjoyment from planning the prom, from the praise, but it took everything I had. It took reinvention in order to complete a task I saw as monumental, but look back and see as menial.
I was told that at university no one will care about who you were or what you did, just who you are now presently. That is painfully true. As much as I would love to gloat to my new peers that I have proved my worthiness before getting a degree, it is unbecoming and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. In the mindset of Robert Greene, I have mastered the art of planning a prom, great...time to move onto the next task.
I have been forced to adopt the task of Sisyphus, I will continue to push this boulder up the mountain to prove my worth, to master something that has more meaning to the world around me. I do not know how that will manifest, but I look optimistically to the top of this unforgiving mountain. all the obstacles I will face, all the times I will want to give up, but the chance of success is too sweet not to reach.
I stretch my whole body, crack my neck, I do a few jumps to make myself limber and I look towards the sky where the mountain lies. I prepare to push the boulder once more, I smile, as I have been given another opportunity to prove myself.
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