#when abusers start to lose their control of the abused they try to smear the abused name
princesssarisa · 3 months
In Heidi Ann Heiner's Cinderella Tales From Around The World, I've now read the variants from Germany, Belgium, and France.
*Of course the most famous German Cinderella story is Aschenputtel by the Brothers Grimm. If you don't know it from reading it, you probably know it from Into the Woods, and if you don't know it from there, you've probably heard of it in pop culture. Too many people mistakenly think it's the "original" version of Cinderella. But there are other German Cinderella stories too – all similar to the Grimms' version, but with differences here and there.
*In nearly every German version, and in both of the two Belgian versions the book features, the heroine gets her elegant gowns and shoes from a tree. It throws them down to her, or opens up to reveal them, after she either recites a rhyme underneath it or knocks on it.
**Some variants, like the Grimms', have the archetypal "father goes on a journey and asks for gift requests" plot line, and the heroine gets a hazel twig, which she plants on her mother's grave and which grows into a tree. But in other versions, the tree is seemingly a random one, which either a dove, a dwarf, or a mysterious old man or woman advises her to ask for finery.
**That said, there's one exception: a German version called Aschengrittel, where the heroine meets a dwarf who, like the fairies in some Italian versions, gives her a magic wand to grant her wishes.
*As in the Egyptian, Greek, and Italian versions, it varies whether the German versions have the heroine abused by a stepmother and stepsister(s) or by her own mother and sister(s), whether her father is alive or not, and whether the special event she attends is a royal ball/festival or a church service. In both of the two Belgian versions, the heroine's abusers are her own mother and sister(s).
*While in the Mediterranean versions, the heroine's future husband is always either a prince or (more rarely) a king, in the German versions he's occasionally a knight or a rich merchant instead.
*Other typical German and Belgian details are (a) the (step)mother forcing the heroine to sort lentils, seeds, or grain, usually by picking them out of the ashes, which is usually resolved by birds doing the job for her, (b) the prince (or king, or merchant) having the palace or church steps smeared with pitch so that the heroine loses her shoe, and (c) the notorious detail of the (step)sisters cutting off parts of their feet to make the shoe fit, which is revealed when either birds or a dog call out that there's blood in the shoe.
**One Greek version has the prince catch the heroine's shoe by having the church steps smeared with honey, but the Mediterranean Cinderellas usually lose their shoes either by accident or by choice, while in Germany and Belgium it's usually the prince's doing.
**The foot-cutting episode is clearly typical of German and Belgian versions, but the Grimms' other notorious detail, where the stepsisters' eyes are pecked out by doves at the end, isn't typical. The Grimms themselves added that grisly detail to give the story a more "moral" ending with the stepsisters appropriately punished.
*The Grimms' footnotes for their version are included in this book. They mention several other German variants, including two that continue after the heroine's marriage and have the stepmother and stepsister try to murder her, and one where the stepmother starts out as the heroine's childhood nurse and murders the girl's mother by pushing her out a window, then claims she committed suicide.
*The German, Belgian, and French Cinderellas aren't quite so cunning and unfazed as the Greek and Italian Cinderellas. Now we see more heroines who cry over their hardships, and/or who beg to be allowed to go to the ball/festival or church, and whose magical help is more given to them and less in their own control. One notable French exception to this pattern, though, is Madame d'Aulnoy's cunning and self-reliant Finette Cendron.
*France doesn't seem to have the same pattern of culturally-distinct oral versions of this tale that other countries do. Instead, the French examples in this book are nearly all literary versions, and each one is almost completely different from the others.
**Of course the most wildly famous and important French Cinderella is Charles Perrault's Cendrillon. This is the Cinderella we all know best, with the fairy godmother, the pumpkin coach, the magic only lasting until midnight, and the glass slipper.
**Published in the same year as Perrault's version was Madame d'Aulnoy's Finette Cendron. This is an interesting, much longer variation that starts out as a Hop o'My Thumb/Hansel and Gretel story, where three sisters are abandoned in the woods and nearly eaten by an ogre, only for the clever youngest, Finette, to outwit him, but then turns into a Cinderella story when the older sisters abuse Finette after they make the dead ogre's castle their home, but Finette follows them to a ball in finery she finds in a chest.
**Another French literary variant is The Black Cat, which starts out as a Cinderella tale, but then has the heroine be stranded on an island and give birth to a black cat son (long story), then turns into a Puss in Boots tale as the cat helps his mother. Yet another is The Blue Bull, where the heroine runs away from her stepmother with her only friend, a magical bull, only for the bull to be killed protecting her from lions, and which then becomes a Donkeyskin/All Kinds of Fur-type of story, where she becomes a servant at the prince's palace and gets her ballroom finery from the bull's grave.
*Perrault and d'Aulnoy's versions are the only two Cinderellas so far where the heroine has a fairy godmother. Yes, in some others there are fairies or mysterious old women who help her, but the concept of a fairy godmother seems to have French literary origins.
*These same two versions, Perrault's and d'Aulnoys are also where we first see strong emphasis on the heroine's virtue and kindness, even to her cruel (step)family. While some oral versions do have her forgive them in the end, these literary versions not only have her do that, but have her constantly be gracious and kind to them (Perrault) or save their lives even at great personal sacrifice (d'Aulnoy).
*Now that I've read Finette Cendron, I can see its slight influence on Massanet's opera Cendrillon. In Finette Cendron, instead of Perrault's choice to have the slipper taken from house to house, all the ladies are invited to the palace to try it on, and Finette's fairy godmother sends her a horse to ride there – just like Cinderella's fairy godmother transports her to the slipper-fitting at the palace in the opera. Finette Cendron's Prince Cherí also falls deathly ill with love for the mystery girl, but is cured when he finds her. (A recurring theme in many different variants, which I forgot to mention when I covered the Mediterranean versions.) In the opera, this has its parallel when Prince Charming faints in despair over the seeming failure of the slipper-fitting, and before that when Cinderella herself becomes gravely ill because she thinks she'll never see her prince again.
@adarkrainbow, @ariel-seagull-wings, @themousefromfantasyland
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
So I recently started watching Criminal Minds and ofcourse I’m head over heels for miss Prentiss so I was wondering if I could request a Emily Prentiss x f!reader where Emily is dom and is brat taming reader because reader enjoys being a brat sometimes? <3
Thank you and hope you have a wonderful day <3
Little brat 18+
*Authors note~ don't we all need an Emily to train us? A daddy fully capable of handling our bratty behaviour?*
Trigger warnings~  daddy kink! Brat r dom em thigh riding strap over stim? Toys restraints degrading? Praise
Prompt~see ask*^^^^
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Truthfully, you didn't know why you began to brat against Emily, after all you knew very will you'd be swiftly put into your place but you still did it anyway. The BAU were stranded in Vegas for another night due to the jet being loaned to another unit for the day. And of course the team decided to go out and celebrate the success of another Unsub off the streets. But you had well and truly wound Emily up.
It started with simple touches or whispered words to rile her up but you knew you fucked up when Emily tapped two fingers to the side of her thigh. Strike two had been given and you knew it wouldn't take much else to earn some of her attention. You were sat on Emily's lap just bantering back and forth with JJ while you innocently shifted your hips every now and then to the point you were now smearing your damp panties all over her bare thigh. That was the final straw for Emily, with a hushed whisper she informed you that you'd be retiring for the night, it wasn't a strike but it was a sure sign the raven haired women was losing her composure and control.
You both stumbled your way to the hotel room as lips pressed against one another fighting for control. Yours won surprisingly which stunned the older woman enough for you to shove her into the dresser chair. A little whine of surprise was all Emily offered before she became distracted by you removing your tight little dress. That left you in your maroon lace set that complimented your body perfectly. "Sit back daddy" you murmured, your bratty nature wiling her to defy the demand. Emily bit her lip before playing into your game.
"Put your hands on the arm chair" you demanded slightly giddy that she was doing as you told her to, a power you'd never felt before. Emily slowly placed her arms on the sides of the chair, watching as you raked your eyes over her body. "Now open your legs" you purred. Emily did as she was told while complaining, "you Angel are not the-" you cut her off with the next command, "not too much."
Only when you had her spread her legs to to a point where you were happy that her clothed cunt was on display did you allow yourself to admire your handy work. "Like this angel?" Emily teased watching your bratty brain try to work out her angle, "are you satisfied sweetheart?" You couldn't help but reply losing all control of your dominant side, "yes, I like that very much" you purred watching as your lover got up from her seat and began to dig through the bags to find what she wanted. As soon as you caught sight of the rope you knew one thing. You were fucked.
"Now pet, I don't appreciate this faux dominance you seem to think you can display. You aren't in control here, just a pathetic little bratty baby for daddy aren't you?" She murmured approaching you which caused you to step backwards until you fell back against the bed, providing her with the perfect opportunity to bind your limbs. "Such a precious doll, all tied up for daddy" she teased, loving that you were now nothing but a bratty sub for her to use.
You knew Emily didn't take well to your bratty nature, always wanting to train you into the perfect little submissive for her. The challenge of that provides a thrill like no other. That is how you ended up bound to the bed on full display as she circled you, as naked as the day she was born, like a hunter hunting it's prey. The vibrator tied into the perfect position, your clit being abused by vibrations time after time until you were hanging on the edge of bliss, only for Emily to use her remote and shut the toy off.
"Pet, you are such a mess for me. Where's this attitude gone hmm? All the nerve you had to tease daddy all day, it's all gone now hmm?" She teased watching you squirm whimpering against Emily's panties that had been lovingly shoved into your pretty mouth. "No? Still gonna fight daddy? Shame! I was going to let you cum darling" she murmured before coming to straddle your thigh, "you cum and I swear to god angel you won't be able to sit for a week" she all but growled before dragging her drenched cunt up and down the length of your thigh as the vibrations started back up.
You practically howled around her makeshift gag as your climax was ripped away from you once more, the sight of your lover rutting against your tensed thigh driving you absolutely insane with your need. "Poor pet" she panted out, "oh fuck gonna cum" she mewled as her hips moved in less precise movements. By the time Emily had rode out her high you had droll dripping from your mouth, tears streaming down your face as you let out muffled whimpers.
Emily took some pitty on you and removed the panties, you immediately blurred out a string of whimpered apologises, "mmm sorry daddy, mm so sorry I'm daddy's, daddy's girl. Please daddy m sorry use me daddy." Your whines of need truly showing Emily how sorry you were. "Mph daddy daddy" you whimpered as she removed the vibe, "shhh darling, daddy's gonna take really good care of her sweet girl, my good girl hmm?"
You dripping folds had never felt so sensitive so when you felt Emily slip her girthy strap on into your cunt you had to bite back a scream. "Oh fuck daddy" you whined as she began to bottom you out with each thrust. "Daddy please please wan cum for you" you mewled knowing you couldn't be edged another time without what felt like dying. "Cum angel" was all Emily offered as she brought her hand down to your sensitive bud.
You came with a loud cry a Emily fucked you through the pleasure. You swore you saw stars before it went black. Emily couldn't help the smirk that found her lips as she saw you'd been fucked so well that you'd passed out. She made sure to clean up your sensitive body before cradling you in her arms allowing your body to come back to life in its own time.
"Hi Angel" Emily teased causing a scarlet red blush to adorn your cheeks. "I'm sorry daddy I don't know what happened" you yawned and subconsciously snuggled closer to your lovers warmth. "It's okay sweetheart you did so good for daddy. Do you need anything or would you like to sleep? After all your my sleepy girl hmm?" You carefully weighed up the options before opting for some sleep in her arms.
Word count~ 1237
Tag list~ @lilfartbox1 @just-your-casual-nerd @pebbleswritessometimes
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Last year, after Disney had the temerity to issue a statement opposing one of his prized legislative initiatives, Ron DeSantis punished the company by removing its self-governing status. (DeSantis justified the maneuver as a removal of unjustified privileges, but he had not previously opposed Disney’s status and made little attempt to disguise its nakedly retaliatory nature).
On Monday, he took matters much further. DeSantis appointed a board to oversee Disney. The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District is stacked with DeSantis cronies, including Bridget Ziegler, a proponent of his education policies; Ron Peri, who heads the Christian ministry the Gathering USA; and Michael Sasso, president of the Federalist Society’s Orlando chapter.
While the board handles infrastructure and maintenance, DeSantis boasted that it could use its leverage to force Disney to stop “trying to inject woke ideology” on children.
“When you lose your way, you’ve got to have people that are going to tell you the truth,” DeSantis proclaimed. “So we hope they can get back on. But I think all of these board members very much would like to see the type of entertainment that all families can appreciate.”
It is worth pausing a moment to grasp the full breadth of what is going on here. First, DeSantis established the principle that he can and will use the power of the state to punish private firms that exercise their First Amendment right to criticize his positions. Now he is promising to continue exerting state power to pressure the firm to produce content that comports with his own ideological agenda.
Whether he is successful remains to be seen. But a few things ought to be clear. First, DeSantis’s treatment of Disney is not a one-off but a centerpiece of his legacy in Florida. He has repeatedly invoked the episode in his speeches, and his allies have held it up as evidence of his strength and dominance. The Murdoch media empire, which is functionally an arm of the DeSantis campaign, highlighted the Disney conquest in a New York Post front page and a Fox & Friends segment and DeSantis touted his move in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.
Second, DeSantis’s authoritarian methods have met with vanishingly little resistance within his party. The only detectable Republican pushback has come from New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, who warned, “Look, Ron’s a very good Governor. But I’m just trying to remind folks what we are at our core. And if we’re trying to beat the Democrats at being big-government authoritarians, remember what’s going to happen. Eventually, they’ll have power … and then they’ll start penalizing conservative businesses and conservative nonprofits and conservative ideas.” (Of course, this warning holds only if Republicans believe they will have to relinquish power. If DeSantis can truly follow the example of Viktor Orbán, losing power becomes only a theoretical risk.)
And third, DeSantis has been very explicit about his belief that he sees his methods in Florida as a blueprint for a national agenda. So there is every reason to believe that, if elected president, DeSantis would use government power to force both public and private institutions to toe his line. Speaking out against him, or even producing content he disapproves of, would become a financially risky proposition.
Part of what makes DeSantis so dangerous is that Donald Trump created a very defined idea of authoritarianism in the minds of his critics. His refusal to accept the 2020 presidential-election results was indeed a dangerous attack on democratic legitimacy — but this especially notorious episode has overshadowed his other efforts to abuse state power. Trump wielded federal regulations to punish the owners of the Washington Post and CNN for coverage he disapproved of and used diplomatic leverage to extort Ukraine into smearing his political rival. Republicans either supported or ignored these abuses of power.
To whatever extent they have principled objections to authoritarianism, those objections are limited almost entirely to fomenting a violent mob to overturn an election. And while inciting an insurrection is extremely dangerous, it hardly exhausts the scope of illiberal tools available to a sufficiently ruthless executive.
Damon Linker recently criticized liberals for unfairly calling DeSantis as bad as Trump. Linker’s prediction that a second Trump administration would be more dangerous than a first DeSantis administration might be correct. But it’s hard for me to understand how he can state this so confidently when he acknowledges DeSantis’s illiberal intentions and lack of democratic scruples. Comparing the relative evils of two authoritarian-minded leaders seems to be mainly an exercise in guesswork.
A year ago, I wrote a long profile of DeSantis, in which his deep-rooted distrust of liberal democracy was a major theme. Last fall, I attended the National Conservatism Conference, where the attendees laid out rather plainly their ambition to turn DeSantis into a model for a ruthless, illiberal party that would use the organs of the state to crush its enemies. Since those pieces appeared, DeSantis’s actions have made me more, not less, concerned.
Whether DeSantis would actually do more damage to American democracy in office than Trump could remains hard to say. Perhaps, perhaps not. But we should recognize that he is not putting himself forward as a critic of Trump’s authoritarianism. He is promising, on the contrary, to exceed it.
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violaobanion · 1 year
Hello, Succession Anon again with my last message til I can watch more in the who-knows-when future! Ah, the family cycle of abuse pit. A trope I shall never tire of watching!
LMAO yeah, not everyone has had a chance to be terrible yet, so currently I have some characters I only feel sorry for. I imagine that will change very easily (except for the dog I saw for like 5 seconds in this ep; BEST PUPPER, 100/10, NO DRAMA FOR THEM).
Anyway, here is my liveblog! May you enjoy my ridiculous amount of rambling, and also a light scattering of screaming. And a silly amount of em-dashes to separate scenes.
Kendall: [lights a cig, has one puff, then stomps it out to drama walk into a building] Arresting him for littering and for being wasteful. Jail for 50 years!
(After everything else I watched in the first ep, though, this is so far down on the 'people saying/doing bad stuff' things that it'd be a footnote on Santa's naughty list.)
Kendall: Does anyone want to talk to their dad?
My headcanon here is that Logan sneezed and instantly went 'Hmm, sounds like I need to call one of the little shits'.
Logan: [says he's excited full of an emotion that expresses he'd rather watch paint dry]
I'm beginning to see why these kids have daddy issues.
RIP Greg in the mascot dogsuit. It must not have been pretty or smelled good in there.
Also, I completely spaced out from what Greg was saying the moment I saw a dog. PUPPY!
Roman: 'Hey hey, motherfuckers!' Refuses to elaborate ANYTHING except mockery. Leaves.
I don't know whether to like him or not, but I would steal his last french fry.
I have no idea how to comment on Logan not only knowing about his 'surprise' party but also trying to have a say in it.
Like, relatable on the part of not wanting people in my face because anxiety. But it isn't abt anxiety for Logan, it's abt control, right? Sir, a surprise party is meant to have surprises!
WHAT THE FUCK IS A PREEKEND?! Why can't they say Friday; Shiv, I'm with you on this.
Kendall casually saying he'd give a bj without knowing his dad is in the room OH GOSH THAT POOR MAN it'd be like my fam finding my smut list. I'd jump out the window instantly.
Tom/Connor: casually tells a kid that he's got water pumping rights and people are gonna kill each other for said water some day
I can't believe 'hey motherfuckers' Roman was the sane man there, but THANK FUCK HE SHUT TOM/CONNOR UP. Well, tried to.
(Edit for Clarification: Roman called Connor 'Tom' for some reason, so I got confused and just put Tom/Connor here. RIP Connor.)
Shiv: What's that; Date R*pe by Calvin Klein? Roman: You wish. Shiv: …'You wish'???
RIP Greg, gets slammed into a door the moment he meets Logan.
Currently feeling the most sorry for Greg here; if he gets pushed out of a window at any point, I'm not even gonna be surprised.
'Yeah, that's Greg, bad shit happens to him a lot. You get used to it.'
Logan: Where's Tom? Shiv: He's right here. Logan: Oh, well, nevermind.
Logan, you can't just murder a man like that.
Kendall's ex(?): I'm just hoping [her date] doesn't leave coke smeared all over the kids' iPads.
Oh, that was a dig at Kendall. Uh, I'm sad for everyone now, wow.
Logan: In the event of my demise (hi s4), I'm adding Marcia and leaving her my seat.
Shiv: Uh, I'm gonna need my lawyers to look at this. Logan: Sure. By 4:00, ok? Logan: Also, I discussed this with Kendall, but I'm staying in power as CEO. Kendall: Wh-what? Logan: Let's eat!
I see where Roman got his 'go in, throw shit at the wall, then leave' tendencies from.
'Fuck this shit I'm out' started playing in my head as Connor left too.
The longer Logan is on screen, the more I start… losing emotions. He just called rehab 'the nuthouse', and is generally insulting his son.
Logan: Is that why you're paying a billion dollars for a gay little website? Kendall: It's a portfolio of online brands and digital video content.
So Logan is Succession's Elon Musk, and Kendall is his son buying Instagram.
Now Logan's egging Kendall into punching him/mocking him for nearly crying, and poor Kendall is having a breakdown in the bathroom. Good lord, I want to hug him.
The past few moments they've mentioned a game, drove off in SUVs, and now there are helicopters. I have no idea what is going on.
OH, IT'S A BASEBALL FIELD. Now I know what's going on. There are so many shots of Tom holding a box, and I think that's the gift he's been trying to give to Logan. I feel sorry for the dude, and I get the feeling that's gonna sum up the show: me feeling sorry for characters.
Yep, it was a gift. Logan doesn't care. Continuing to feel sorry for Tom.
Tom: You need any help, any advice, just don't fucking bother, ok? Just kidding! [later] I'm a terrible, terrible prick. Just kidding!
Greg: [confused and clearly has no idea wtf is going on]
Don't worry, bro, me too.
Tom: Would you kiss me?
Ooh, did Kendall just go straight to the media about his family? 👀👀
Roman: Can you hit a ball? Kid: Yeah… Roman: Great, I will give you $1mil if you hit a home run.
WELL, THAT'S NOT GONNA PUT PRESSURE ON THE KID! But dang that is a lot of money, good on you, Roman.
Roman: [tears up the check right in the kids face, then gives him the torn pieces]
Roman, every time I say something nice about you, you fuck it up. I'm getting a spray bottle full of water, just for you.
EVEN LOGAN WAS NICE TO THE KID! You know you fucked up when Logan was (temporarily) nicer than you.
Kendall: I'm gonna stuff your mouth with so much money you're gonna shit gold figurines.
So Midas kink?
Kendall: [goes into graphic detail abt gold cages and silver d*ldos]
…I don't even know what to say about Logan making the kid and his family sign an NDA. Like, at least maybe the kid is getting money after all, but W O W.
I should probably get multiple water spray bottles.
Logan: Do we have a deal? His kids: No Logan: [instantly collapses from insubordination]
Everyone else: [chaos, drama, and depression] Frank: [resting on a chair after getting fired]
Be free, Frank. Get away from this! …OH, THE KID AND HIS FAMILY GOT TOM'S GIFT FOR LOGAN! Like, kinda happy for the kid/family 'cause they could sell that or whatever, but rip Tom. Logan loves hurting his family more than your Brand watch.
That's everything from my liveblog of ep 1! Sorry for only one ep liveblog, but hopefully it was an amusing read. This is gossipy hen/Succession Anon, signing off! salutes
Hi my dear anon!
Haha I love to see your liveblogging, this was a very amusing read indeed. You're observations are pretty spot on and hilarious, and it made almost nostalgic thinking about the time when I watched the shitshow (affectionately) for the first time 😌
A few comments:
Tom and/or Greg: There's a fine line between feeling sorry for and being annoyed by these two fellas. I think you're gonna cross it many times (and hopefully soon). Still love them both btw. But god. UGH!
*sigh* What would this show be without daddy issues, amarite or amarite? 😏
I would steal Roman's last french fry too 🤣
Fun fact: Roman's "you wish" at Shiv's perfume comment was unscripted, and so Shiv's reaction is actually Sarah's reaction. For a split second she falls out of character and looks at the crew. But when you don't know, it just looks like Shiv fucking baffled. I love that for her and I love Kieran's improv. It's not the last time he does that (but sadly not all his attempts make it. One of them was even too good???)
"SIR,WHAT THE ACTUAL F" is one the most accurate descriptions of Connor I've ever heard. That man is so out of touch. Send help.
Logan is the male equivalent of a Karen 🙂🔪
Frank is love, Frank is life. That man? *chef's kiss* right there
I remember last time I rewatched this (right before s4) thinking "LOGAN COULD'VE DIED IN THE FIRST EPISODE??" and then thinking what dream scenario that would have been. But oh well!
0 notes
coochiequeens · 3 years
UK — . As Stonewall – a behemoth UK transgender charity – falls, believers in gender identity ideology have resorted to compiling names of disbelievers from the latest of several prominent institutions that have or are considering defecting from Stonewall Diversity Champions, ramping up inflammatory accusations that those who understand there are two sexes and humans cannot change sex are indistinguishable from “Nazis” and “white supremacists.” Stonewall formed in 1989 to fight a ban on “promotion of homosexuality” by local authorities, and rose to become the largest LGBTQ+ charity in Europe. In October 2018, some of the earliest founders and supporters of Stonewall announced in an open letter that Stonewall had “lost its way.” Since starting transgender advocacy in 2015, Stonewall has been undermining women’s rights, and practicing homophobia by transitioning “butch” girls and “feminine” boys who may grow up to be same-sex attracted, the open letter said. From the unrest, the LGB Alliance, a rival charity, was birthed. Stonewall and Mermaids – its younger sibling charity, which focuses on “transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children, young people and their families” – bitterly lashed back, together launching a 1 June appeal against the Charity Commission’s decision to grant the LGB Alliance charity status.
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Stonewall’s Diversity Champions scheme, which the charity trumpets as “the leading employers’ programme for ensuring all LGBT staff are accepted without exception in the workplace,” vets the policies of “over 850 organisations” that pay thousands each for guidance. Calculations made last year by The Telegraph found that the scheme costs taxpayers at least £600,000 annually. The scheme has counted amongst its members the Ministry of Justice, city councils, police departments and institutions of higher learning.
Flood of Withdrawals from Stonewall’s Scheme
In 2019, high-profile public sector employers began a quiet and rapid exodus from Stonewall. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government made its exit in 2019. The House of Commons declined to renew membership for 2020. Acas, the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, a Crown non-departmental public body, withdrew last June, citing “costs reasons.” The Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) ended its membership in December. Writing for Policy Exchange, a think tank, former senior Old Bailey judge Charles Wide said in early May that transgender activist groups have been given too much say over proposed changes to England and Wales’s hate crime law. “It is indicative that the controversial campaigning organisation Stonewall seems to have been treated more like a consultant than consultee,” he said; for example, the Law Commission uses definitions provided by Stonewall, rather than from legislation. “Views which contest what are presented as orthodoxies were neither sought nor expressed.” Essex University commissioned a report (pdf), the final version of which was published on 17 May, which found that Stonewall had given the university incorrect and potentially illegal advice on transgender issues.
A 2019 Essex University policy influenced by Stonewall’s guidance had stated:
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The independent report called the policy “misleading,” finding that “‘gender identity or trans status’ are not protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010; rather, the protected characteristic is gender reassignment.”
Barrister Akua Reindorf, who authored the report, said the “policy is founded on an erroneous understanding of the law.” The report came as part of a review after the University’s policy was used to justify barring two academics from speaking on campus.
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The University was in breach of its statutory duty to take reasonably practicable steps to ensure that freedom of speech within the law is secured for visiting speakers (s.43 of the Education Act (No. 2) 1986 s.43(1)), its own Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom policy, its regulatory obligations, its duties under charity law and potentially the Public Sector Equality Duty, the report found. Additionally, the circulation of the “violent flyer” was a “wholly unacceptable” act that should have been the subject of a timely disciplinary investigation.” The report recommended open apologies to Prof Phoenix and Prof Freedman, and an opportunity for Prof Phoenix to give a seminar at the Centre for Criminology. The barrister also advised the university to reconsider its association with Stonewall. The University decided to follow all recommendations, save the advice to reconsider ties with the embattled charity.
In the wake of the report, the flood of employers exiting Stonewall’s scheme continued. This March, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) informed Stonewall it would be pulling out of the scheme, as it “did not constitute the best value for money.” The EHRC affirmed that it remains “committed to creating an inclusive workplace that will attract people from all backgrounds, where all of our colleagues will thrive and where all LGBT employees are accepted without exception.”
Faced with legal challenge over policy influenced by Stonewall, the Crown Prosecution Service announced it is “reviewing our Stonewall membership and will shortly make a decision on whether to continue this.” It was revealed on 2 June that Moon Beever, a leading law firm based in London and Essex, ended its membership. “After some disquiet about recent actions of Stonewall we have decided to exit the Stonewall Diversity Programme,” Frances Coulson, Senior Partner with the firm, told RollOnFriday, a website for Brits in the legal profession. “This in no way detracts from our commitment to diversity and equality, but in common with the Equality and Human Rights Commission and Government Departments we no longer feel that we can support Stonewall.” RollOnFriday said that at least one other law firm, out of the 77 that had signed up, left the scheme. On June 5, it came to light that Channel 4, named “one of the most inclusive employers” by Stonewall last January, had quit Stonewall’s scheme.
Around the same time, the Ministry of Justice announced plans to exit the scheme. A source told The Telegraph: “It’s a shame, as this was once an organisation that did incredibly important work, but it has totally lost its way and the ministers just don’t think it’s justifiable to give Stonewall taxpayers’ money. The department will be just as welcoming to LGBT people as before, but we really shouldn’t be paying thousands of pounds for controversial advice about pronouns and gender-neutral spaces.” The MoJ ranked fifth on Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index for 2020, higher than any government department. The £3,500 per year in funds the MOJ paid to Stonewall will now be “reallocated” to such causes as disability and autism training. Stonewall advises employers to use preferred pronouns, allow those who self-identify as women to use female toilets and changing rooms, and to remove all sex-based language – including replacing the term ‘mother’ with ‘parent who has given birth’ – in order to rank on the Workplace Equality Index.
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In the face of the start of her charity’s steady collapse, Nancy Kelley, CEO of Stonewall, doubled down at May’s end, stating, “I’m comfortable with our direction as an organisation.” She likened ‘gender-critical’ views to anti-Semitism. (‘Gender-critical’ is the understanding that sex is biological and gender as a social construct; and an accompanying skepticism of ‘gender identity’ orthodoxy, which says everyone has a gender identity that may differ from but is more important than their sex.) Freedom of speech, is “not without limit,” the Stonewall CEO said. “With all beliefs including controversial beliefs there is a right to express those beliefs publicly and where they’re harmful or damaging – whether it’s anti-Semitic beliefs, gender critical beliefs, beliefs about disability – we have legal systems that are put in place for people who are harmed by that.”
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As if on cue, sibling charity Mermaids tweeted on 5 June: “What happens to trans rights today will have ramifications for anyone who lives outside gender norms-we must be attuned to how these ideas play into far Right agendas.” The tweet is a quote from a linked article, which is titled “Feminism, biological fundamentalism and the attack on trans rights,” and has as its featured image a cartoon of Adolf Hitler with the hashtag #StopFeminazis. The article argues that the “backlash against trans rights in the UK, led by ‘gender critical’ feminists who contend that sex is immutable and cannot be changed,” is playing “into the hands of far-right street forces and extreme-right electoral parties,” because a far Right that “demonises anyone who disrupts the heteronormative vision of the family” uses “the same biological arguments that a ‘man is a man, a woman is a woman’, to debase the rights of trans, intersex and non-binary people.” In contrast, FiLiA charity, which runs the largest annual grassroots feminist conference in Europe, has called the gender identity movement a “targeted global campaign” to erode “women’s sex-based rights.”
Stonewall and Mermaids appear to be following a trend by transgender extremists to portray those who acknowledge the existence of biological sex as akin to white supremacists.
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Brynn Tannehill, a former Navy pilot and writer, compared sex-specific facilities to Nazism on 22 April, tweeting: “If ‘separate but equal’ being floated as a ‘solution’ to the ‘trans question’ doesn’t make you nervous, I’ll also point out that Germany took it’s cues from the American Jim Crow South.” The trans activist, who is male, began self-identifying as a woman in 2010, two years after leaving the military.
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Mridul Wadhwa, a male who secured a woman-only position as manager at Forth Valley Rape Crisis Centre by posing as a woman, told trans advocacy e-zine Pink News that his organization tried to engage with women who are concerned with males who identify as women accessing single sex spaces. “After a point, we had to stop, because … to me, the way they speak about it … is very white supremacist, exclusionary.”
Professor Alice Sullivan of the University College London, who, with the help of Stonewall’s CEO, was no-platformed for arguing that sex should be measured accurately in the 2021 Census, tweeted: “This hateful tactic of smearing women who argue that sex matters as fascists, Holocaust-deniers and anti-Semites has consequences. It is intended to monster these women in order to justify taking any means to silence them.”
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Trans activists’ terror grew as lecturers at Cardiff University came together to sign an open letter encouraging Stonewall to review its relationship with Stonewall. Slamming signers as ‘TERF lecturers’,  trans-identifying individuals can be seen on social media gathering lists of names and associated social media accounts.
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hollandsmushroom · 3 years
I’ve been thinking about JJ and those rings he wears and im like first.. pls wrap your hand around my throat with his rings you know. Then you know some good old fingering with his rings on. you know hit me with a degrading kink but also praise me let’s go. Edge me, bc ya know.. Then tell me when and when not to cum and basically im a whore for jj and id let him top me
Ruin Me || JJ Maybank
Warnings: Smut(fingering), edging, cum play??
word count: 605
JJ was a man who loved to lose control during the day, but at home with you that was all he had, control over you as his hand wrapped around your throat. His joint burnt fingertips pressing into the your arteries lessening the blood flow to your brain and making you feel like you were floating. You loved having his hand on your throat, the cool metal of his rings pressing into your heated skin.
“Fuck, J” you whined as you ground your hips up towards his, needy for friction and his fingers, wanting to be touched and abused, to be at his mercy. Your words made JJ sit back on his knees, eyes narrowed at you as he pressed his palm into your lower belly, pinning your hips to the bed.
“You’re such a needy slut” his hair flopped down over his eyes as he watched you, his hand pushing down below the hem of your pants and pressing into your clothed core, cupping the entirety of your heat. His touch made you push into him, pressing your cunt against his palm as he began to rub against you, whole hand stimulating all of you, the heel of his palm pressing into your cunt as he vigorously shook against you. “So needy, always made so horny when my hand is around your neck” he hissed, moving back over top of you and returning his freehand to your neck, kissing your pulse softly before he bit into your earlobe, hand still on your pussy.
“Fuuuuuuck” you let out, your stomach churning with pleasure as he brought you to the edge but stopped suddenly, leaving you teetering on the edge as the taste of orgasm started to drain from your body. “What the FUCK JJ” you exclaimed, moving to lunge towards him but he didn’t let you, pinning you back down like he had again as he pushed his hand underneath your panties, fingertips dancing over your soaked folds before settling 2 fingers over your clit, the nub caught between the two fingers, pinched lightly as he moved in circles.
“You take edges so well, baby, only a whore like you could do it that well, the best, my best whore”
“Oh shit...oh fuck, J I am your only whore, yours, yours yours” you panted, your body setting aflame as his fingers started to move incredibly faster.
“Yes baby, my only precious slut, so precious and pretty dripping on my fingers, so fucking pretty and wet, I can fucking smell you” he hissed and it was all too much, his ringers were pressing deeper into the lips of your cunt and you were gone, your entired body tensing and your back arching off of the bed, your neck pressing harder into his hand, your head a dizzying lack of blood flow that made fireworks burst in front of your eyes, JJ’s fingers carrying you through your peak until the world seemed to settle around you once again.
“Holy fuck” you groaned, collapsing fully into the mattress as you felt like everything had been drained from you through your orgasm.
“Holy fuck is right, I came in my pants” JJ infromed you casually making you look over at him with wide eyes. “Don’t wanna talk about it” he grumbled falling on the bed next to you and playfully pressing his hips to yours.
“J DONT SMEAR YOUR CUM ON ME” you try to push him away but he just holds on tighter.
“That's not what you usually say to me” he chuckled, stopping the movement of his hips and pressing a cheeky kiss to your cheek.
576 notes · View notes
sidespart · 3 years
The Fall of King Romulus Part 9
Summary: Twin Princes Remus and Romulus are cursed at birth with Honesty and Obedience. When Romulus, who cannot disobey any order, is told to kill his brother the next time he lays eyes on him, he changes his name to Roman and runs away. Roman joins up with a misfit group of adventures and plans to never return to his homeland. But the fae have other plans for him… Warnings (for whole fic not necessarily individual chapters): Violence, mind whammying/memory altering, curse of obedience related consent issues, references to sex, references to war related injuries/PTSD, references to child abuse/neglect (YMMV on that one but just in case), antagonstic-but-not-exactly villian!Janus, Extremly-moraly-dubious-but-not-exacty-unsympathetic-Remus
Feedback appreciated.
Prologue Chapter 1   Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Roman kept his back straight and his gaze cold and aloof as he watched his proclamation sink in.
It was a simple thing, to be Romulus again.
Virgil and Patton had been sent to fight and die by their Kings. Roman had listened to Logan rant, many times, about his distain of the noble classes and their control over the common men. Whatever affection they had for Roman – it wouldn’t extend to Romulus.
They would leave.
“Well yes,” Logan said, sounding annoyed “I was getting to that.”
“What?!” Roman shrieked.
“Not require our services?” Virgil stared at him incredulously, “Didn’t we hire you?”
“Logan, you knew?” Patton said admiringly, “You’re so smart!”
“Oh, he did not.” Roman grumbled.
“Well.” Logan shuffled his feet, not looking directly at him, “The Marquis de Ornella called you Romulus. And you attempted to call him by his first name, so I assumed you knew each other- a noble connection was not out of the question.”
“Ha!” Roman pointed at him, vindicated “But you didn’t guess I was a prince, did you?”
“Well, no-” Logan looked on the verge of pouting.
“What services are we even providing? In this scenario?”
“-but If I had had time to do more research then- “
“You know what! That’s a great idea.” Patton smiled brightly, “I think we could all use a little cool down time – Logan why don’t you go back to the library and read up on Nothalevaele”.
“Notaleveale.” Logan corrected.
Patton frowned. “It’s not -aleveale? I swear that’s what he said.”
“It’s not Nothalevaele it’s Notaleveale”.
“Then what is it?”
Roman stuffed most of his good hand into his mouth to muffle a scream.
“Seriously.” Virgil smirked at him even as he leant over to adjust Roman’s pillow. “You just can’t get service like this anywhere else.”
Roman glared at him.
“He-” Virgil jerked his head at Logan, utterly unbothered by Roman’s glare – “shouldn’t go to the library alone.”
Patton nodded seriously and gave Vigil a wide smile.
Virgil glared back.
Patton raised both eyebrows.
Virgil folded his arms.
“No one needs to go anywhere – I told you I’m leaving.” Roman complained.
They ignored him.
Eventually whatever silent argument the two men were having ended with Virgil rolling his eyes and throwing his hands up in exasperation.
“Go find your bag.” He told Logan, who nodded jerkily and all but fled the room.
Roman flopped back against the pillows with a thump, too tired to maintain his princely posture any longer. “He can go by himself, can’t he,” he muttered sulkily, “we’re not actually kids.”
Virgil and Patton exchanged another glance before Virgil turned away to the bedside table, fussing with his pots and potions.
“We’re not sure how many guards got a look at our faces before we got out of the bathhouse.” Patton told him, “Better not to risk traveling alone.”
“Oh.” Roman replied, his voice small.
He remembered the bathhouse. The screams from above. Virgil’s panic-stricken face as he glanced between them and the stairs. Logan with a blade at his throat.
He swallowed hard and cast his eyes down, picked idly at a loose thread of the blanket.
“We should be back before the bandages needs changing, but if you smell anything or see any new pus there’s some ointment left in this one.” Virgil held up a blue-green jar for Patton to see, “Just wash it out first with boiled water.”
“Pus!” Roman squeaked, looking up.
“Your hand was pretty screwed up.” Virgil told him gruffly, “The infection’s what gave you the fever. You need to drink more willow tea, at least one cup every hour – we’ll have to pick up some more salve whilst we’re out.” This last part he directed at Patton, who dutifully rummaged in their stack of bags and handed over their coin purse.
It looked worryingly empty. Roman remembered the extra nights they had booked at the inn – nights which they clearly hadn’t even ended up using - and winced.
“We should look for some road food too, Virgil continued “and a map if we’re really going nor – Oh!” He looked at Roman, eyes wide “Er – about the tea, I mean, you need to drink it every hour but only If you -want to? I mean you definitely should but” he waved his hands as if trying to physically shape the instruction into something optional. “You get it.”
Roman bit down hard on the inside of his cheek and tried to ignore the fondness bubbling up inside him. He had hardly even noticed the order.
“How long was I asleep?” He asked.
“Nearly two days.” Patton said softly. “You really scared us for a minute there kiddo.”
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, “And- thank you. For taking care of me.”
“Aw Roman! You don’t have to be sorry for anything!” Patton said, “Or thank us – that’s what family’s for.”
“You’re not my family.” Roman said quietly, thinking of his father’s cool detachment and a castle full of empty rooms.
Virgil snorted. “Yeah whatever. Listen you gotta – you should eat. And sleep some more. And we are going to have to talk about all this when we’re back, okay Ro – er, Romulus?”
He wrinkled his nose. “Jeez do we have to call you that now?”
“I think it’s a nice name.” Patton interjected “It’s very umm. Regal.”
“Surely ‘Princey’ still works as a nickname?" Logan asked, returning to the room. He threw a pale green coat at Virgil, who made a face but obediently shrugged it on, pulling an orange knit cap down over the pointed tips of his ears.
Almost as an afterthought, he licked is thumb and rubbed at the dark kohl under each eye. He smirked down at Roman. “You ran away from being a prince and called yourself ‘Princey’?
“You called me that.” Roman said sulkily, deciding not to tell Virgil that he’d only succeeded in smearing the make-up.
“Umm.” Logan stood at the head of the bed. Roman braced himself for another round of interrogation, twisting the blanket between his hands. “I suspect I should apologise for– I was just trying to test my hypothesis before started making outlandish accusations. Obviously, I didn’t realise how long you have been dealing with- I mean, it’s actually quite impressive you maintained your sanity for this long given that-”
“Okay! Less talking!” Virgil declared, as Romans knuckles started to turn white. The elf slung one arm around Logan’s shoulders, propelling him towards the door.
“I was only trying to-”
The door closed behind them with a resounding thud.
“So” Patton said after a moment, casually reaching out with one thumb to wipe away the tears collecting in the bard’s eyes, “Would you like food first or a nap?”
The library of Steveange was the crowning jewel of the city. A towering hexagonal building that sat upon the cities highest peak, directly across from the gates to the royal palace.
Which meant the journey was almost all uphill.
Virgil huffed, breathing heavily as he stomped his way through the streets, Logan practically trotting to keep up with his long strides.
Prince Romulus of Notaleveale.
Honestly, what the fuck.
At least it explained the whole armed guards thing.
Except actually it explained nothing because if you found a runaway member of the royal family, why in the hell would you then tie them up in a bathhouse basement?
Unless they were traitors working against the royal family – but then why go after a runaway prince at all? Ransom? They hadn’t exactly looked strapped for cash….
And why a bathhouse? Why not one the extremely defensible manor houses that were scattered throughout the upper echelons of the city??
Virgil let out a growl of frustration and came to a stop.
Roman’s injuries had been too systematic to have come from a fight. The northerners had tortured him.
And now he wanted to go back there?
It didn’t make any sense…unless of course the kidnappers had ordered him to go back…
Virgil took a deep breath and dug the heels of his palms into his eyes, trying to banish that thought. If he started thinking about the curse again he was going to lose it; end up in a spiral of what had they done and what had they missed and HOW were they supposed to protect him if-
“Virgil? Do you need me to count for seven?”
He forced his eyes open to meet Logan’s worried face and let out the breath he’d been holding in a rush.
“I’m good.” He told the younger man unconvincingly.
“We could go back-” Logan started, but Virgil shook his head.
As much as he bristled at being managed, he didn’t think Patton had been wrong to split the group.
Roman – or whatever they were calling him now– was barley recovered. He’d looked so small, propped up against the pillows without a lute or sword or smile between himself and the world.
Small and scared. And puffing himself up like a songbird trying to look big for a cat.
The four of them yelling for answers at once was only going to freak him out more. Patton had a much better chance getting information out of him one on one.
“You think we’re going got get anything useful out of this trip?” he asked Logan bluntly.
“The library of Stevenage is one of the greatest collections of written knowledge on the entire continent and in times of uncertainty, knowledge is our greatest weapon... and our greatest defence.” Logan told him, a serious look in his eye.
“Right.” Virgil nodded absently, “Do you think they’ve got a copy of ‘curse breaking for idiots?”
Roman woke up for the second time that day with a throbbing headache on top of his other aches and pains. He spent a few minutes cursing himself for not taking up Patton’s offer of willow tea before he’d gone back to sleep and then swung his legs out of the bed.
He needed to get up. He needed to relieve himself and wash and eat and and-
And figure out what to do next.
He needed to know if Remus was safe. If he was on the throne or locked up somewhere or worse.
Which meant going home.
Which meant getting away from his friends.
No one else was going to get hurt because of him and his petty little problems.
Nodding decisively to himself he sprung to his feet. And then swiftly sat back down as the world tilted alarmingly around him.
“Roman?” There was a polite knock at the door and Patton stuck his head in.
“Hey kiddo!” the big man smiled at him, “Are you hungry?”
Roman felt his heart rate speed up and tried to summon some of Romulus’ cool detachment. Patton knew about his curse.  If anyone learned about his curse, they would try to exploit it. They would use it to hurt his family, to hurt-
Roman bit down hard on the inside of his cheek to stop the flow of anxiety. This was Patton.
Roman was more likely to be a burden to him then an opportunity.
Before he could manage to come up with a suitable greeting his stomach growled, loudly, making him blush and Patton laugh.
“Shall I bring something up? Or do you want to come sit at the table?”
“…Table.” Roman mumbled, keeping his eyes locked somewhere in the vicinity of Patton’s left ear. Even though he knew, in his head and in his heart, that Patton wasn’t going to hurt him - he still felt oddly vulnerable with his secret sitting between them. Attempting eye contact made something inside him twist uncomfortably.
His mother had always said Romulus was shy.
If Patton noticed his odd behaviour he didn’t mention it, nor did he insist on carrying Roman down the stairs or otherwise manhandling him.  Instead he hovered at his elbow as he made his way from the room, keeping up a running commentary of the house as they descended the stairs.
The room that Roman had been staying in was the attic. Immediately outside the door was a set of stairs so steep they may as well have been a ladder. Patton must have been perched out here, Roman thought guilty, giving him space but close enough to hear him get up. At the base of these stairs was a short landing where most of the items normally stored in the attic were now haphazardly stacked.
“That’s Mama’s room.” Patton nodded at a closed door, as he gingerly ducked under a rolled-up carpet which was wedged against the wall. “And that’s the store cupboard”. At the base of the next steep flight was a hallway Roman recognised: kitchen at one end, main door at the other. There was another door opposite the stairs that he hadn’t noticed on his first visit, with a moon and stars motif painted at eye level.
“That’s her work room.” Patton told him, seeing Romans curious glance, “She’s asked us to stay out of there- it’s where she sees customers.”
Customers. Roman filed that thought away. He had almost forgotten they were in a witch’s house.
Patton took him straight through the kitchen, where a back door led into a narrow garden. The herb bed was surprisingly neat, given the haphazard nature of the house, with small labels pinned neatly next to each plant. At the far end were two wooden structures. “Storage shed.” Patton pointed, “Outhouse. Do you need help using it?”
Roman shook his head vehemently - clung to Patton’s arm briefly when the movement made him dizzy – and stomped to the outhouse to relieve himself.
After a few steps though he stopped.
Patton knew about the curse. And Patton wouldn’t hurt him so-
He could ask.
“Yeah?” Patton – or at least his ear – looked concerned.
“I. um. My arm is…”
Virgil had instructed him to keep his arm still in his sling until the herbs had done their work and clearly, they hadn’t happened yet. The thing was still pinned across his chest.
Not that he couldn’t navigate the outhouse one handed if he had too. But his balance wasn’t exactly great at the moment and tripping in there was one humiliation he would have liked to avoid.
But then again, it’s not like his hand was any use. He would really just be freeing up the use of his elbow and why was even bothering Patton with something so stupid and embarrassing an-
“Roman. Hold your… hold your whole body however you like.”
He nodded jerkily as his shoulder relaxed for the first time since waking up, letting his arm drop a little lower.
He didn’t look at Patton as he made his escape to the outhouse.
When he returned Patton had pulled a tin bathtub from who-knows-where onto the slab of paving stone by the kitchen door and was testing the water’s temperature with his elbow.
“Virgil left us some potions.” He told Roman as he approached – “This is another one to help healing and this-” he held up a red tinted bottle “-should give us bubbles!”
Roman stared at the bath almost hungrily. Hot water was a luxury under normal circumstances and between the travel, the bath house and the fever he knew he must reek of sweat and dirt. Surely, he deserved a little pampering before the journey North?
“It’s still too hot.” Patton warned him before he could launch himself into the water. Instead, the other man gestured to a pretty wrought iron table and two chairs set against the left side fence. He produced bread and jam alongside a mug of tea, advising him to eat slowly as went to grab another bucket of water from the cauldron simmering away in Tay’s kitchen.
Although Patton had been careful not to make an order, Roman still made sure he followed his instructions carefully. He had no desire to make himself sick. Or to make more work for the other man.
He pulled his bread apart into small bites and ate them one at a time, watching Patton critically as he limped his way back to the table.
“Did you get hurt…in the bathhouse?”
“…A few bruises.” Patton told him honestly, spreading a thick layer of jam on his own bread, “Nothing too bad”
“I’m sorry.” Roman said again, pulling his remaining bread into smaller and smaller pieces.
“Ro-man!” Patton said cheerfully – “you don’t need to apologise! It was those Ornelly guys that hit me not you!”
“Right. Yeah. Sorry.”
Roman hunched and cursed himself. Sorry sorry sorry. Couldn’t he say anything useful?
“Roman hey – can you look at me please?”
It took more effort than he would have liked, but Roman did. Patton’s eyes were big and blue and very, very kind. Roman jerked his gaze away immediately.
“None of us blame you for what happened. Okay?”
“You got hurt because of me.” Roman blurted. “Logan nearly died- “
“I told you, that was on the Ornellans, not you-“
“Who were there specifically because of me! That excuse doesn’t work Pat I-“
He cut himself off, eyes glued to the floor once more. Hadn’t he just decided he didn’t want to cause any more trouble?
He heard Patton sigh and tried not to flinch, but when the other man spoke his voice was still gentle. “How many bubbles do you want?”
Whenever Virgil got upset, he always wanted space. It was something Patton found difficult, as his instinct was to smother the other man with affection until he smiled again, but experience had given him the patience to wait until his friend was ready.
When Logan got upset, he always claimed he needed space – but what he really wanted was an audience. He needed to talk through the problem, often at length, and know that someone was listening, even if he didn’t always want their advice.
Roman though – Roman liked attention. Roman liked fuss and pampering and his favourite food and to know, demonstrably, that someone was worried about him.
It didn’t mean he was great at asking for it. Patton remembered vividly his insistence on hopping half a mile on a twisted ankle before Patton had all but begged him to accept a piggyback.
He also remembered a time after a poorly received show when Roman had spent the evening sulking, sighing loudly and dramatically and slumping against each of them in turn until Patton had laughingly pulled him into a hug. Oh my god Vigil had snarked were you not hugged enough as a child?
It had been funny. At the time. Sort of.
Not so much now.
Since lying back against the tub’s rim would aggravate the wounds on his back, Roman was hunched forward in the tub, his bandaged arm hanging over the edge.
“Did I ever tell you how Virgil and I met?” Patton asked, settling on his knees next to the tub.
Roman twitched. There was a tactic agreement amongst the four of them not to discuss their pasts. This was more than fine with Patton, who was much more concerned with making new, happy memories then revisiting old ones, but he didn’t blame Roman and Logan for being curious.
Whenever the pair were on watch together, conversation often turned to whispered debate over the southern pair’s origin. Whilst he felt a bit bad for pretending to be asleep, Patton quite enjoyed their speculation.
His favourite was the circus performer theory. Virgil would probably has made a good acrobat.
“It was in the war.” he continued, scooping up some of the water and wetting Roman’s hair.
“I um. I volunteered you know? All the boys in my town did. I think we thought- well I know I thought it was the right thing to do. Finaley’ed was the enemy after all, we had to keep our families safe.”
He chuckled sadly, focusing on making sure every strand of Roman’s hair was damp before gently capturing a handful of bubbles and placing them on the other man’s head.
“Made you a crown.” he giggled.
Roman turned just enough to peak at him incredulously through one eye and Patton winced.
“Right. Sorry.”
Roman turned away again but Patton though he saw him suppressing a smile. Score!
“Um anyway” – he poured a measure of oil from one of Virgil’s bottles and rubbed it between his fingers before leaning over to begin massaging Roman’s scalp – “It was okay at first. I was in a regiment with all my friends, it was a bit of an adventure honestly.”
“And then there was this Major. He came to inspect us before we got done training and he – he said I was good. That I should get a chance to really make a difference in the war.”
He dragged his fingers through Roman’s hair, gently detangling the strands.
“He put me in a new regiment. All big guys. Like me. And they- they gave us this – I’m not even sure what it was. My buddy Micha used to say it was ground up swamp frogs but I don’t know.”
He started scooping up water again, rinsing some of the bubbles and oil from Roman’s hair.
“It made us…strong. Angry. Scary. Berserk well– that was the point. I don’t. um.” Some of the water sloshed over his cupped palms and Patton realised he was shivering.
“I killed a lot of people…. I mean I definitely made a difference to them.” He finished bitterly.
“…s’not your fault.” Patton glanced up to see Roman had twisted to look at him, was doing his best to maintain eye contact despite Patton’s confession. Patton smiled at him. Roman really was a sweet kid.
“It’s what I signed up for kiddo. Just faster.”
He sighed, nudging Roman gently to turn around so that he could finish rinsing his hair. “I’m not. I’m not saying it’s the same as what you’ve gone through. I know it isn’t. Just – I get it. A little. What it’s like not having any control.”
For a moment they sat in silence, the only sound the trickle of water as Patton continued lifting handfuls to Roman’s scalp.
Then the bard let out a shuddering breath and said: “My major’s name was Julius.”
“Oh?” Patton whispered.
“He was my dad’s friend. He was supposed to find a way to break the curse, but he didn’t. Then he just…started helping me figure out how to live with it. He was helping me. He was supposed to be…”
Roman took a deep breath “He’s the reason I-ack.” He broke off, coughing. Patton reached forward to hold him up, alarmed.
“I’m okay.” But he didn’t look it, red faced and scowling. “I-” he gripped Patton’s arm looking right into his eyes. “I can’t tell you.”
Patton nodded slowly, understanding. “You can’t – not because you don’t want to.”
Roman nodded.
Patton frowned. “Can I – could I order you too? I could undo what Virgil said about your arm right?”
Roman sighed shaking his head. “The curse is. It’s fickle. But words are important -if you don’t know what you’re contradicting it’s almost impossible and Julius he – he was very good at giving orders.”
“Right.” Patton frowned. “What if I guess? Like Logan figured out the curse?”
“You can try.” Roman laughed bitterly.
“Hmm okay – was he the reason you left home?”
Roman span around so quickly water splashed over the side of the tub. “Patton! How’d you know?”
“Well gee kiddo! The frog pills didn’t rattle too many cells loose!” Patton laughed tapping the side of his head. Then frowned. “Well, I hope not…”
Roman winced. “Patton I – I’m sorry about what happened to you.”
“Well.” Patton smiled sadly, “Likewise Ro-Romulus.”
The other man sighed, sinking low in the tub again. “I liked being Roman.” he blurted out suddenly, a look of abject misery on his face.
“Then – why stop?” Patton whispered.
“I-” He frowned. “I would like to not be naked for this conversation.”
“That’s fair.” Patton nodded and helped him to his feet.
By the time Roman was up, towelled off and dressed in one of Patton’s old shirts that he had long ago claimed as a sleep shirt, he looked about ready to pass out again. Patton left him sitting at the table to finish drying in the sunshine whilst he dashed upstairs to change the sheets on the attic bed. When he returned with the laundry pile, he found that Mittens had emerged and settled himself on the bard’s– the prince’s – lap.
Roman looked up at him guilty - “Your allergies.”
“It’s easier outside.” Patton waved him off. Mittens had been the key to them finding Roman, as far as Patton on was concerned, the cat’s comfort was worth a few sneezes.
He took a seat at the table and nudged the remaining bread towards Roman, who took it hungrily, eating with much more enthusiasm than before the bath.
“So you were saying...” Patton prompted.
Roman pouted at him, cheeks stuffed with bread.
“’u first.” he swallowed, “You never got to how you met Virgil. Was he in the berserkers – in the special regiment too?”
“Oh, no.” Patton shook his head vehemently. “Virgil wasn’t like me. He was a conscript – for the other side.”
An exceptionally fat bumble bee had found Tay’s herb garden and was repeatedly bouncing off the side of some chives. Patton focused on the bewildered looking insect rather than Roman’s face and his finished the story.
“A small group of us had got separated from the rest. It was quite deep in the forest, away from the main battle. We were meant to find their camp and pick them off there, but we couldn’t find them. And then we couldn’t find the way back.”
The bee, finally free of the chives, crashed headfirst into a Rosemary bush.
“It was like… like my blood was on fire. We hadn’t been so long without it before. And then...”
“And then?”
“We stumbled on a group of them. Of Finaley’ii soldiers. And there was a fight.” Patton closed his eyes. Screams and sobs and blood on his sword and in his eyes and Micha gasping uselessly around the arrow in his throat “I don’t remember it much. But when it was over it was like I…woke up.”
He smiled.
“And there he was. Virgil. Pointing s crossbow right at my face.”
“He what!” Roman yelped and Patton laughed.
“Well, we were on opposite sides kiddo and I had just…well. The thing was, it was only us left then. No one was ordering to kill each other and so we just…didn’t. Neither of us was in any big rush to find our armies again so….”
“Virgil asked me to help him find his mom, so we headed east. We couldn’t find her, so he said he’d help me find my town and we went west. That was gone too.”
“The whole town?” Roman as looking at him with sorrowful eyes.
“That’s the problems with wars kiddo – they don’t stay in one place.”
“What about your family?”
Patton shrugged. Mittens hopped down from Roman’s lap and began to stalk the errant bee.
“Maybe they got away. I hope so.” He glanced at Roman again. “Virgil was the one who suggested we keep going west. Get away entirely, see if we could find any refugees, look for our families.” He smiled fondly. “He’s always been the brave one, not me.”
“And – and did you?” Roman asked. He was bent forward, eyes fixed on Patton’s own.
“No.” Patton sighed. “I like to think they’re safe and sound somewhere. Set up a new house, found new people to care for. Like I did. But… “
He trailed off. But most likely they were dead. Like Patton should be.
“What if…if you knew where they were.” Roman said quietly, “Would you go see them- check on them?”
Patton rubbed his hand over his face, feeling the multitude of scars that littered the right side. “I don’t know.” He told Roman honestly. “I would like to know if they were okay but…I don’t know if they’d want to see me.”
Roman nodded.
On the other side of the garden, there was a sudden yowling from the rosemary bush. Mittens came charging towards them with his tail fluffed up and circled Roman’s chair twice before leaping onto the fence.
Patton giggled – “Well that’s what you get for trying to fight a bee you silly cat!”
“I think my brothers in danger.” Roman said in a rush.
Patton blinked.
“Your brother?”
He was back to staring down. Both fists clenched tightly together. “I left him. Back home. I thought I-” he coughed again. “I thought he would be safe but now I’m not sure.”
“In danger from what kiddo?”
“From Julius.” Roman breathed. “I saw him. Or. Or I think I did.”
Slowly, haltingly, Roman told him about meeting the Marquis. About the bathhouse basement and the northern soldiers and the figure he called the grey man who had slipped in and out of Julius’ face.
Patton did his best to keep his own face clam as Roman casually described being forced to hurt himself, even as his own knuckles turned white from his grip on the chairs’ arm.
“He said he had sent Lucius to the inn after some – some escaped prisoner? And he found me. But Lucius knew about the curse and he never did before so- “
“Roman?” Patton interrupted. “Sorry - can I give you a hug?”
“Oh!” Roman blinked at him, blushing slightly, “If you – if you want to?”
“I really do.” Patton scrambled to his feet, wrapping the younger man in his arms and feeling Roman sag against him. He resisted the urge to squeeze, mindful of his injuries. “You’re safe now.” He whispered. “I gottcha.”
Roman giggled wetly against his chest. “Julius. He said he’d assumed I’d died.” He mumbled.  “But now that he knows I’m around? He’ll try again Pat I know he will. I- “
He drew back, looking up at Patton with tear filled eyes. “I can’t risk you all getting hurt because of me.”
“That’s not your decision to make Roman.” Patton told him softly. “We think you’re worth the risk.”
“But I’m not Roman.” He whimpered. He hadn’t relinquished his grip on Patton, who began to run his hand soothingly up and down the prince’s back.
“Well, if we’re being technical, I’m not Patton.” Patton rested his head on top of Roman’s own. “Me and Vigil picked new names after we left the war and I – I like being Patton.”
There was a pause. Roman squeezed a little tighter.
“I like Patton too.”
Patton laughed; some tension he hadn’t realised he was holding draining away. When Roman drew back this time, he had a shaky smile on his face.
“So.” He stepped back, wiping his eyes with the back of his wrist. “I need to…go back north. Check on my brother. Avoid Julius and Lucius and anyone connected with Romulus. You sure that’s worth the risk?”
“Yep!” Patton said instantly. “And we need to break the curse!”
“I guess.” Roman shrugged. “I really do think it’s impossible Pat’.”
“Eh.” Patton waved a hand dismissively “That’s never stopped Logan before.”
When Roman laughed then, he almost sounded like himself.
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octania · 4 years
Nicolas Brown X Reader HEADCANONS NSFW
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This one will be gender neutral
Warnings: NSFW, rough sex, gagging, spanking, oral sex, anal sex, deep throat
Nicolas Brown is a man that is rough around the edges, but the fact is he is a sweetheart under that armor of pure muscle and deadly abilities. His cares greatly about those close to him, even though he shows it in his own reserved way, and you as his better half are given a golden treatment and God given patience. Although...it is never a good idea to provoke a beast, even a tamed one, and your Twilight teddy bear can turn into a wild sexual predator within minutes..
Nicolas is fully aware of his strength,and that you are fragile as a glass figure comparing to him, so he is always careful, even in sex...well, he tries to be... When his arousal on your teasing becomes unbearable and he thinks he would not be able to control himself once he has his hands on you, he tries to get away and let the steam out with some push-ups, but your tempting ass is right there in seconds, coming in his room wearing your tight yoga pants, asking can you join him, not waiting for an answer, but just sitting a meter in front of him, stretching out with your ass in the air, waving it sensually, feeling his hungry eyes glued on your body at all times. This was the final straw, and what follows tests your limits:
Nicolas would appear behind you like a ghost, you would not even hear a sound of his movement until his deep breathing is not right next to your ear. You would try to turn, but his callused palms would push your head on the floor, pulling your hips towards him, as his strong chest are pressed on your beck. You try to wiggle, being playful, but fun and games are long gone, and once you hear the deep growl like thunder coming from his throat and a sharp slap on your ass , you know he had enough. But one slap is not enough...he would bite his path from your earlobe, to your neck, along your shoulder, to your back, getting closer to your spine. Biting and sucking your tender flesh and each red mark is accompanied with another slap on your ass, to make you remember what you have done. He would mark you all the way to your lower back, here his teeth would grab your thight yoga pants, and with one strong pull, he tears the fabric, exposing your bare flesh to his hungry gaze and burning desire. 
Don’t think for a moment Nicolas is only going to fuck you silly for this, making a rough sex your only punishment. This A/0 ranked Twilight is creative and vengeful, making his next step an answer to your sneaky ways, but raises the stakes, getting on a next level. His thick fingers spread your ass cheeks, sinking into your flesh violently, making sure your heated entrance is nicely exposed for his cock. You squirm and moan, he can feel your voice vibrations, but he ignores it. A few drops of his warm saliva fall from his soft lips right on your gaping whole, while he pushes his hips upwards, pressing his swollen tip on it, rubbing it slowly, almost gently, just to ignite your expectation. And he takes his sweet time...brushing his rock hard cock with two bulging veins along it, pressing your ass cheeks to cover it whole, while he enjoys the friction and you are left painfully empty. Just when he senses your first tortured cries, he grabs his towel and shoves it in your mouth,kissing your cheek and putting your head back on the floor, and decides to become even more evil, by pushing only his pulsating tip in for a second while stroking your hair gently, and just when you think he will fuck you, he pulls out, again making circular motions along your tight hole, teasing himself, but making you insane.
But your tight ass is giving him even more problems, making things even harder, pulling out even more impossible, so he decides to finally push in, feeling how your body tenses when his insanely thick dick spreads your walls, not even giving you the time to get used to the size. And he does not give you the mercy of pulling out, no, he slams into you more, only pushing more in even though there is nowhere else to go. His strong hand grab your wrists, placing them on your back,while he pulls your hips closer, making you sink on that giant cock , until he lifts you fully with one hand with such remarkable ease,  making you bounce on it. His deep gasps turn into a few broken words that make you lose it, when you hear his deep voice shape the words “Do..you..like..it?” - you nod frantically while Nicolas abuses your whole until it is full of his hot sperm.
Nicolas also knows how to tame your bitchy mouth. When you wont stop licking your lips and shaping the filthy words to him to make him go crazy, you find yourself on the table, with your back glued to the wooden surface, your head hanging on the side, while he is right in front of you. This only can end in a few heated ways:
He will make you lick it all around, caressing the velvety skin around his cock, while he hold your jaw to guide you to his most sensitive places.
Squeezing your cheeks and pushing his whole throbbing cock in, filling your tight throat until you are unable to breathe, training you to take a deep breath every time he pulls, because when he slams his dick back in, there is nothing but that heavy meat left inside your mouth.
Holding your hair tightly and forcing you to suck it while he leans and starts sampling your sex with his soft lips, making it nearly impossible to concentrate, but you have no choice. The moment you stop sucking, he is pulling your hair and forcing your head down, fucking your mouth harder to remind you that this is your punishment and you have to obey. 
He would never admit it, but Nicolas loves to see his sperm dripping from your holes, and even more so when you become a little nasty thing and put a little show for him. His favorites are:
When he fills you up and his load drips from your abused whole, but you smear it around with your fingers, collecting some with them and bringing it to your mouth, staring in his eyes while licking it off like a melted ice cream.
When his sperm drips from your lips and you lean, spitting it on your sex, then erotically massage it on it. Watching it glister because of how his juices are combined with yours, his member gets fully erect in no time, and he buries it inside you as a reward for a good show.
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lady-literature · 3 years
So I know there’s a couple of eldritch horror!izuku fics or like, this fic where obsessive love is a whole ass theme (but not in an abusive way? I think, it might just be the mental illness luv) and it definitely has The Vibes (@ that murder scene tho *chef’s kiss*), but has anyone done a fic where the Midoriyas are just like,,, the Addam’s Family?
Cause I thought about it and now I can’t get it out of my head.
Like, can you imagine how chaotic and gleefully creepy Izuku would be if he just,,, grew up as an unkillable Addams? How reckless he would be but almost in that way of, not quite determination but rather just, ‘oh this is insanely dangerous, how exciting!’
Anyway, I don’t have any actual plot for this, but I do have A Vibe and a random scattering of scenes rattling around in my brain:
Izuku is born, pale as death with eyes as green as acid. He nearly kills his mother in the process, blood pooling beneath her and exhaustion clawing at her chest. But when she holds him, her dearest bundle of woe, she trails her fingertips along the blood she hadn’t let the doctors clean him of, and she laughs.
“How delightful,” she says. “Just born and already you’re trying to kill your Mother? Oh, how jealous Cousin Morticia will be when she hears.”
Izuku’s two the first time he sticks a fork in a light socket. His hair stands on end and his fingers blister and the whole block loses electricity. When Inko finds him, he’s pouting as he shoves the fork back into the socket only without the shower of sparks he so enjoyed the first time. Inko laughs as she picks him up, her hands stinging with static electricity for a moment.
Izuku grows up drinking wolfsbane tea and eating such delicious sweets as: chocolate chip, almond cookies (with extra helpings of cyanide for flavor) and cakes with belladonna frosting for special occasions. Inko mixes rat poison into his pancakes and waffles to give it a kick. A kid tried his sandwich once and had to be taken to the hospital. It’d been made with apricot jam, but his mother likes to crush the seeds up and mix them in.
Afterward, Inko has to explain to him that other kids can’t eat the same things he does.
Izuku silently wonders if he should stop sharing his cookies with Kacchan.
(Ultimately, Izuku decides that Kacchan wouldn’t let him stop anyway. And besides, he’s surely built up the resistance to it by now. What harm could it do?)
Inko has a garden in their backyard. Most of the plants are either carnivorous or poisonous. All of them are vaguely sentient. Izuku adores all of them and feeds the carnivores dead animals he finds.
(It’s best not to wonder how or where he found them.)
Inko only takes Izuku to the park when he wants to play with Katsuki.
Otherwise, she packs the picnic basket, and they set off to the cemetery. Inko wanders between gravestones, leaving behind offerings and greeting old friends while Izuku runs amok playing with the younger ghosts.
Sometimes, his new playmates like him so much they never want him to leave.
Izuku’s gotten very good at playing dead. “I just don’t want them to feel bad,” he explains to her as she cleans off all the blood. “It’s not their fault we’re hard to kill after all.”
Inko hums and kisses his forehead. Her lips come away smeared with red. “That’s very kind of you, little viper.”
Izuku grows and grows and grows.
There’s a certain kind of darkness that hangs around him. A frigid air, as cold as a gravestone in winter. It scares away most of the children, and Izuku makes it through life without being bothered for the most part.
Those children who do walk right past the warning sign though, they never last long anyway.
The voices that lovingly whisper secrets into his ears are not as kind to the children who dared try and harm their own. Izuku has an air of madness around him.
And often, it is those around him who succumb to its addictive taste.
Izuku never quite understood his cousin Pugsely’s obsession with explosives. They seemed… flashy, in his opinion. He much preferred a good knife, or the clever little mind games Wednesday liked to employ. Subtle things, bloody things.
But then, when Izuku is hovering around nine years old, he watches Kacchan reduce a tree to nothing more than splinters and ash, screaming obscenities and death threats the whole time.
Izuku has known Kacchan for years, has been around his explosive friend and his explosive quirk for years. But, well. Compared to the things he’s seen Pugsley do, Kacchan hardly seemed to control anything more than sparks.
Izuku isn’t really sure what changes his mind. But all he knows, is that as Kacchan stands there, panting, his palms bleeding from the yet too large explosions and the ricocheting wood, and Izuku finds he has a newfound appreciation for things that go boom.
Izuku decides he wants to become a hero for two reasons.
The first, is that Kacchan wants to be a hero and Izuku figures he may as well join him.
The second, is that his father is already Japan’s most dangerous villain, and while Izuku is nothing if not determined, he thinks the two hundred year head start his father has is a bit unfair. So Izuku’s going to forge a new path instead of trying to outshine his father at what he does best.
Besides, he thinks, isn’t it just a bit poetic of him? The whole, father and son on opposite sides of a conflict thing?
Dad’ll probably be annoyed, but he’ll also find it funny and be more proud about his initiative, so.
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
Firestorm Part 3: Cross Your Heart
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 2021 Liu Kang x Reader
If you would like to be tagged for Firestorm when I post, let me know.
A/N: Almost forgot today was post day. Really enjoyed writing this one. Liu is just aldkjfwljaflj gah. Thank you guys for reading. Love you. Have a good weekend!
The Oncoming Storm Previous Chapter Next Chapter Chapter Index
Laying around and doing nothing would have been torture. Even with the storm raging as it was that day, your mind was too hectic to sit and listen. Too much had happened. The truth was that you were too exhausted to do much else either. Chen had lingered for a few minutes but had ultimately returned to her duties without saying so much as a word about what had so angered her. Deciding to work within your limits, you walked down the hall and to a small, covered balcony near the stairwell. It wasn’t much, just a stone archway leading onto a dusty platform that overlooked the ravine but it would do.
You’d meditate and the change of scenery would be nice. Raiden had told you to wait until you were feeling more yourself, but you decided to get a head start. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to wait, it was just that you no longer had faith that it was going to get better. What if it just kept happening? What if you kept getting sicker and sicker until you became a shell of yourself?
You couldn’t wait for better. You had fought too hard to come this far and fail.
You weren’t allowed to anything else, after all.
Doctor’s orders.
So you closed your eyes and meditated.
Meditation just became fantasizing about Liu Kang guiding you through meditation which may have been the silliest, most benign fantasy you’d ever had. It still helped to ground you but unconsciously the act had become associated with him.
No. No Liu Kang.
Once you got over the mental distraction that was Liu Kang, you managed to ground yourself. Meditation had been something that had brought you peace for years. As a kid you had relied on it heavily after losing Kung Lao. Even as you managed to find calm, your heart was beating still far too hard and too fast but it was world’s better than it’d been before you sat down. You were sure that if it had been a real problem then Chen never would have left you alone. It probably wasn’t even as fast as you thought. Just faster than you were used to.
As you opened your eyes and watched the rain fall, catching in streams over the side of the balcony, you wondered if you could force a vision. It seemed such a simple idea but you had never once tried to have one on purpose. It was kind of funny now that you thought about it. You’d always been afflicted with them. It had never been a gift and it had never been helpful until today. You shook ‘never’ from your mind and decided that you had to try.
It was a bad idea. You knew that. Bad things happened when you had them but if you didn’t try then you wouldn’t get control over them either. And besides, you would rather those bad things happen only to you and not to those you cared about.
You would try.
There was a significant chance that it wouldn’t work anyway considering that you had no idea how to make it happen or how to start. Your arm stung and you rotated your shoulder again. It was such a pain in the ass now. But you had faith that Raiden would find a way to help you get rid of it or at least keep it from getting any worse.
Deep breaths.
The throbbing in your shoulder was a rhythm you could focus on.
Pattering of rain muted to a dull sound, like distant tapping on a kettle. The sound grew quieter and quieter until it was gone.
It was dark and the weightlessness was unsettling. The room in front of you was odd and you couldn’t place it. A warehouse maybe? It was too dark to tell. There was light filtering in from somewhere to your left but it was cold and blue. The moon, probably. Everything was rushing around you, like smeared paint. Then you heard voices but the words were fuzzy.
You could make out an accent at least. An Australian accent, the kind you’d always been fond of. Even without words you could tell the man was confident, probably overly so. It was bordering on arrogant. There were two figures and they were struggling and then darkness spread beneath them.
Blood pooled and spread, far more than should have been in any one human. The figure that had come out victorious was looking right at you but his face was obscured and twisted. But the rest of him you could see and blazing in the darkness, a brilliant light on his neck.
The dragon mark.
He was a cruel man. A cruel man who had murdered in cold blood and it had resulted in him bearing the mark that would destine him to fight. The scene faded like someone had poured a bucket of paint over it. Your head was pounding and pain radiated through the back of it and down your neck. You had to focus.
You were seeing things, you just weren’t sure what they were or what they meant. His voice had seemed familiar. Had you seen this man before? You hadn’t ever met anyone from Australia before. Perhaps it had been from an earlier vision.
The voice called from behind you but you turned and it was like whiplash. Your body fell through the darkness and the sound echoed away into nothingness like the rain. Before you was a crowd of people and they surrounded a cage with two men fighting within it. They were shouting encouragement to the fighters within. An MMA match, maybe? You weren’t sure.
The crowd parted like the angry sea for you. You watched the two men within beat on each other but they were moving too slowly. Their faces, much like the faces of the other men in the warehouse or wherever it had been, were obscured. Hauntingly so. Their features smudged away by unseen hands.
But then there was the light of the dragon mark on the chest of one of the men. He was bloodied up.
You didn’t know why but you knew you were in Chicago. There were no signs that you could make out on the walls and the voices you heard were garbled and strange. It was as though you were underwater and the sound was distorted. Even the movements of the crowd and of the fighters were slowed.
A shadow grew on the other side of the cage. A shadow that spread like roots from a tree. You could hear crackling, like low static from an old radio but it became louder and more like fire.
That was what it was.
Flames burned amidst the shadow and rose brightly within it. Inside the flames was the silhouette of a man. You tried to step back from the intimidating presence but your feet were firmly stuck beneath you. Had you stumbled too far into your vision? Were you getting more than you’d bargained for?
The man looked at you, bathed in shadow, hooded. He stared at you with white eyes. Then he took a step closer and the crowd froze along with the fighters in the ring. Fear left you frozen too.
The voice was calling to you again but you couldn’t place it.
Gasping suddenly for breath you shot upright from where you’d been laying. Your heart was racing and you grasped your chest and tried to take slower breaths than the ones panic was forcing you to take. Where was the balcony? This wasn’t it. Where were you? Oh. Oh wait.
It was your room.
You hiccupped trying to take deep breaths and found Liu Kang seated on your bed next to you, elbows on his knees, watching you. He’d been calling to you. It was unmistakable now. You’d heard his voice through your vision.
“Oh, god, Liu…” You were exasperated at the sight of him. “Did I hurt you again?” This was becoming abuse if you had. You laid back down, feeling your head spinning and Liu helped you do so. Sweat was dripping over your face, trickling down your forehead. Your heart was beating out of your chest. You placed a hand over your heart and swore it was going to leap right through it. What a horrible feeling.
“No, Y/N. Not at all.” He looked surprised that you’d be worried about him right now. He placed his hand on your cheek and then checked your eyes as though you’d struck your head again. “I found you outside, unconscious. You wouldn’t respond to me. I was about to bring you to the infirmary. Were you…” He looked to be filled with both relief and worry. You couldn’t blame him.
“I was having a vision.”
“Are you okay?”
“I think so?” You weren’t sure but you didn’t feel like you’d hurt yourself. Maybe you’d start laying down from now on when you tried. “I saw two men with the dragon mark.” You pinched the bridge of your nose while you tried to hold onto the little details.
“Should we call Raiden?”
“No, no it’s not urgent. I’ll write it down and tell him later. I was just… don’t be mad.” You offered a nervous smile and leaned up on your elbows. “I was just trying to get control over… well, anything.” You laughed. It had worked. You had no idea how you’d done it or what exactly you’d seen but you’d done it. You felt like crap but ink hadn’t exploded from you. You hadn’t hurt anyone but yourself. According to Liu, you weren’t even having a fit. You’d been unconscious.
You’d take that as a win.
It was a huge improvement.
“I thought that maybe if I tried to have a vision instead of being forced into one then maybe it would be less devastating.”
“Y/N…” Liu couldn’t have looked more concerned. He didn’t have to say it. You could just tell. “You should have told me. Or Lao. That’s not something you should do alone. It’s dangerous. You could have gotten seriously hurt and no one would have been there to help you.”
“I considered that, Liu, but I need to be able to handle this on my own. You won’t always be with me and I don’t… what if I hurt someone else? It’s different when it’s you. You’re a tough guy. You can handle it but what if… what if I hurt just… Chen or one of my friends? I’d rather it just be me.” You shivered. He smiled sympathetically; those dark eyes filled with a strange admiration. He seemed to have more to say but he held his tongue. He bowed his head in understanding. You appreciated that he was trying, even if he was worried. You’d lived your whole life without him by your side and you needed your independence. He respected that about you and you were grateful for him.
“You’re freezing, Y/N.” He grasped your hand and brushed his thumb over the side of it You got the shivers, but not because you were cold. He had the gentlest and most thoughtful touch.
“Fever probably. This is the second vision today. I suppose I was sort of playing a dangerous game of chicken without thinking.”
“You were. Living very dangerously lately, Y/N. Dancing in lightning storms, for example.” His eyes sparkled and flickered up to yours before down to the prayer beads wrapped around his wrist. He’d been fiddling with them less. Interesting. “I heard about your vision earlier today.” Liu’s smile was soft, his lips just barely upturned. He leaned a little closer to you. “You saved a lot of people from what I hear.”
“I don’t want to take credit for that, Liu. I just saw. I didn’t do any saving.”
“Not taking credit for it doesn’t make it less true.” Liu was often wise in ways that you could never be.
“I’m assuming that you brought me back to my room?”
“Yes. I didn’t want you to be out in the rain. I was going to bring you to the infirmary but I wanted to give you a chance to wake up if it was a vision. I knew that’s what you would have wanted. I figured it was safe to bring you here. Raiden has a way of knowing when things are going catastrophically. He would have found you before I did if it had been something worse.”
You wondered if that was why he had come to you earlier. Had he sensed you’d seen something important? Or perhaps he had felt your panic and knew you’d been in trouble? You struggled to push yourself into a sitting position so Liu helped you do so. His hands were careful and gentle, strong and secure. It reminded you of when you had first arrived at the temple. He had taken such good care of you. You bowed your thanks and then scooted enough so that you could look out your window and watch the rain.
The storm raged on but the thunder was distant now. Rain and wind were kings. Raiden had told you to get control of your visions and your arcana if you wanted to survive and have a fighting chance. It was your only shot to live through this long enough to figure out your truth. You should tell Liu but that was a conversation for another time. He was worried enough. If it came up then you would tell him. No secrets.
He sat next to you before the window but he faced you, legs folded. You watched the rain and he watched you watching it.
“May I say something?” Liu placed his hand on your forearm. His fingers were stained with soot and the soot stained your arm. He was warm. Dramatically warmer than you and it sent a shiver straight through you. He smiled but it faded quickly. “Confess something, rather.” Oh, you hated the way he worded that. What did that mean? You couldn’t make any assumptions. He’d tell you.
“Of course you can, Liu.” You shivered again. Fuck it. Whatever he wanted to say, you would deal with the fallout afterward. Why were you always afraid of rejection? Liu retracted his hand and you immediately missed his touch. He scooted so he was just next to you and stared out the window like you did. He seemed to struggle to find his words.
“Kung Lao and I made a childish bet over which one of us would win your heart.” The words came out very matter-of-factly, like it was a simple thing. You did a double take. Of all the scenarios you’d been panicking about in your head, this was not one of them.
“Huh?” How were you supposed to process that? A bet? What did that even mean, exactly? How could they bet on something like that? You knew how but you didn’t understand.
“It’s stupid. I know. We called it off. No more bet but I still had to tell you that we did it.”
“So… wait, huh?” You laughed in disbelief, feeling a little dumb for not understanding. “I’m sorry, but you made a bet? On my feelings? Like… some terrible movie-style bet made at my expense? Two macho jerks betting on the feelings of another human?”
“If it makes it any better the stakes were just chores.”
“Wow, my feelings are worth chores.” You gasped in disbelief.
“I never felt good about it, Y/N, but it was… harmless. We figured that you were going to make a choice at some point anyway. I uh…” He was suddenly tongue-tied, a very funny thing to see happen to Liu Kang. Like he knew what he had to say but no matter how he spun it, it would come out wrong. “It wasn’t an excuse to trick you into doing anything like… that.” He was uncomfortable talking about romance. Oh no. It was adorable. Like he could be any cuter. “It was just a stupid bet. I couldn’t get it out of my head. It felt manipulative and… I’m sorry, Y/N.”
This had Kung Lao written all over it in capital letters. You could even hear the proposition in Kung Lao’s voice! You bet that he’d put Liu up to it.
“Kung Lao felt guilty too.” Liu was avoiding your eyes. You could see the guilt weighing on his shoulders. Ah, yes. You recognized it now. They had both appeared guilty as shit in separate circumstances. That explained that.
“And what exactly would I get out of this bet, hmm? Like… is someone going to do my chores? I feel like either way I would have won so… someone should be doing my chores.” You tapped your finger on his knee and he laughed in surprise.
“What, Liu? Am I supposed to be mad?”
“I thought you might be hurt by it and…” Liu drifted off and watching him drenched in guilt made you a little sad. It was sweet but also sad. He’d been so worried about your feelings getting hurt. If you hadn’t known him so well then it would have hurt but you did. He never would have intentionally done something to hurt you like that.
“Well, answer a question for me.” You were going to have a hard time asking it.
“Of course.”
“Has any of what… you’ve done or what’s happened between us… has it been because of this bet?” That came out easier than you’d expected. Good.
“No.” He answered very quickly and then laughed at himself. “I even held myself back a few times because of it.”
“Then why would I be mad?” You turned to face him, resting your arm against the wall next to the window. “I mean, it does give me some clarity. It explains the few times I noticed you both looking guilty without reason and… the hesitating… some weird behaviors.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He picked up your hand and held it close to him. Yeah. He was definitely sorry. “I’m… confused that you aren’t angry. I expected you to be at least a little bit.”
“Did you know that the monks in the infirmary are betting on which one of you that I end up with?” You were immune to people in the temple betting on your feelings these days. Maybe if the stakes had been you fucking them it would have felt different, but that hadn’t been the case. Liu clearly did not know they were betting on you in the infirmary, judging by the wide-eyed stare he gave you. You nodded to confirm that it was true and he looked away in disbelief. “It seemed to me like everyone except for me is making a profit off of my feelings. All I get to do is agonize over said feelings.” He laughed. You looked to him in mock aghast.
“It’s funny, Y/N.”
“Yeah, I guess it is a little funny.” You chuckled. Liu’s laughter faded and so did his smile.
“You’re really not angry?”
Wow, you thought you were the overthinker of the bunch.
“Did you fake any of it?” You nervously listed off the incidents on your fingers. “The touches… the close calls? The uh…” You couldn’t believe that you were talking about this so plainly. “The kisses?”
“I don’t think that can be faked, Y/N.”
“Then yeah, I’m not mad.”
“…I’m surprised. I was nervous to tell you.”
“…do I come off as particularly difficult to deal with? I mean other than the visions and the ink stuff.”
“No, it’s not that but…” Liu’s nervous laugh was quiet and cute. “I suppose that I don’t know you well enough to know how you’d react to something like that. And I felt terrible about it from the very beginning. I think that I built it to be something bigger in my head than it actually was.” Liu adjusted the prayer beads from his palm to his wrist again and you admired him as he did. It was kind of nice to see someone besides you a little nervous for once.
“...would you like me to pretend that I’m mad? Would that help? I can stomp around and huff and throw a fit about it. We can have a little pretend fight before I have a change of heart and understand why you did what you did, etcetera.” You suggested with a smile. Liu considered this and looked away but you could see a smile beneath his serious expression.
“That could be fun.”
“I’m really not mad, Liu.” You chuckled and rested your hand on his forearm. His posture shifted back to his usual confidence. “I might pretend that I’m a little mad until Kung Lao tells me though.”
“Oh, please do. This was his idea. Give him a taste of his own medicine.”
“It stunk of Kung Lao.” You gave his arm a squeeze. “Thank you for being honest with me.”
“It’s a huge weight off of my chest.” Liu beamed. You’d never seen him with such a goofy grin on his face. It was charming. “Are you hungry?”
“Food. Are you hungry? Want to grab a bite to eat with me?”
“I’m not super hungry, but yeah, I should probably eat.”
“I can grab some food and bring it back here. You should be resting after today.”
“I’m fine to go to get food, Liu.” You smiled at his insistence.
“I’m happy to, Y/N. Then it can just be the two of us.” He practically bounced off of your bed and toward the door. You watched him in delight and then rested back against the wall. “I’ll be right back with food. Don’t try to have any more visions, okay?”
“I promise.” You laughed and watched him leave. Then you pulled the blankets around your shoulders, still freezing. Today had been a lot to process. Two visions. One had saved lives; the other was vaguer and more confusing. Either way, you hadn’t exploded with ink or hurt anyone but yourself and that was an improvement. Then there were those little sneaks, Kung Lao and Liu Kang. Making bets behind your back!
You’d been taken off guard but Liu had softened the blow. He had this way about him. Besides, what made their bet so much different from the bet that the monks had in the infirmary? There was no point in being angry about it. It’d only hurt you more. You had enough going on and in the span of things it didn’t seem so important. In fact, it was kind of funny. You were just glad that it had ended before anyone’s feelings had gotten hurt.
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Awaken the World (oneshot)
Pairing: Wayv Ten (Nct Ten) x Reader
Word count: 11k im sorry
Warnings: smutty smut, pure filth, Ten is an alien with two dicks... that’s it, that’s the warning, mention of suicide, (keep in mind, this is a fiction and has nothing to do with real people in real life, also, use protection!!!)
*new Years party*
-You deserve a break from time to time, Y/N, - Trish said while talking to you, - besides, you rarely go out, it feels like you are stuck in that apartment of yours.
-I know, I know, you and Shin always tell me that, give me an hour and I will be ready, ok?
-Yes, we will get a taxi and let’s go!!!
Your friend hung up and you went straight for the bathroom to get ready. It was unusual for you to go out, but you did like it from time to time. What you didn’t like in fact was the “gropers” as you called them. People who randomly grab other people, it did not matter how drunk were they, it’s just one of the things that you disliked, and your body proportions did not help either. Being tall and curvy (can be any other description, remember Y/N has a variety), always gave you peoples glares and staring, which did not pay any compliment at all, it made you more insecure.
What if people stare cause I’m ugly?
That was always there in your head, but your friends reminded you it is not like that, they stare because you are gorgeous.
*La Wanderlust club* two hours prior.
-Jack, I don’t think we can do that, - Michel spoke softly, he was new to the business and this was the first time he was about to do something bad.
-They will pay us near hundred grand for every girl, I ain’t gonna lose that money, if you do not participate you might as well leave.
Michel bit his lip, he knew this was bad, and if ever anyone finds out, they will all go to prison, but money like that did not grow on trees, and despite the fact, that their club was doing great, extra money for themselves for a “tiny” thing like that, would not be so bad.
-Fine, - he finally spoke, - I will do it.
Couple of hours later the club was getting busier, girls, loners and couples kissing in the booths that they provided. Everyone having a drink in their hands, enjoying themselves. Michel checked the pills under the bar, in total just 10 pills. Ten girls.
Tonight he will spike drinks for ten girls, and later send them away, no questions asked, spike the drinks and get the girls in the back on the club until the buyer collects them.
Shin was the first to drag you to the bar.
-Cosmos for the girls!!! – she nearly shouted while Michel prepared your drinks. He was watching you all carefully, thinking about who’s drink to spike. It was a hard decision, he was not yet able to make, so all the pills stayed where they were.
A couple hours later Trish was dancing with a random stranger while you were sipping coke by yourself at the corner, your eyes looking Shin who said will be back after she went for a fag. You felt a light tap on your shoulder.
-Hey, sexy, want a drink? – a stranger asked you, he could barely stand on his feet. Michel was fast to approach you and take you to bar.
-Annoying, huh? – he asked, and you nodded. – Anything to drink at all?
-Yeah, uhm, gin with tonic, please, - you said and gave the bartender bank card, while you turned around to spot your friends, he smoothly put one of the pills I your drink. In fact, that was the last pill. His brothers had already taken the other girls to the back, stripping them from their ID’s and purses, putting them in separate boxes.
Their buyer said they will sort It out themselves, so the guys do not have to worry about anything.
The dizziness hit you like a brick and two minutes later you were dragged away, your friends both busy with their newfound partners (always make sure your friends are not like this, yeah? They should care about your well being as well as their own), not noticing how you go missing, in front of their eyes. You were half asleep, half awake, you felt how you got thrown on the ground, and your beating heart knew nothing good will come out of this, but your body was shutting down faster than you could react.
You were out cold when the buyer got here, paying the bar owners huge money, taking your belongings as well as all ten bodies, putting them in a trunk, driving to a different place. They gave all girls sedative to keep you out for the hours needed. You were being prepared for an exceptionally long drive, far, far away from home.
Noticing lights further down the road, the buyers didn’t waste no more time and drove to where your destiny would start.
Up on the entrance pass code was required, which was sent to one of the buyer’s phones, the gate opened and what looked like some sort of “space station” was waiting for them. A big looking fella greeted them when they got out of the van.
-I assume you did well, - one of them spoke, as he was approaching with a bag full of cash.
-Yes, just like you wanted, there is ten of them, you can check if they are your liking, - buyers face smirked. Truth to be told, the “big man” did not care at all, the girls would probably look a lot different after quite a while, but it was none of his concerns. He had a hand in this business for a very long time and no one had ever suspected a thing.
Traveling from country to country, every five years some girls go missing? Who cares! People go missing every day. Business is running like normal.
Buyers unloaded the package and left with the cash, while “big man” made sure they were far away from sight before the center of the building ground opened, a platform moving higher until a spaceship was spotted. Opening the doors, he entered, taking the girls in one by one, taking of their shoes, putting on something that looked like a onesie of someone who works in a chop shop, smearing their make up with wet wipes so they looked ruined, make up running down like that.
Not that his clients needed their faces to look good anyways.
Walking through the ship towards the controls he noticed that an error had come up.
“ERROR 401, assistance needed, fuel tank”, to what he checked and decided it still would be enough for the journey, and if his clients will require some more of the product transported, they will provide him fuel generously.
-Safe journey, - he whispered before setting the coordinates and walking out, securing all bodies, making sure the spaceship is set for its destination. Walking back and starting the system up he fare welled with a bow and watched how the spaceship disappeared into the sky with a speed of lighting. This would be the last time you would be seen at all, and he had no regrets. A smile formed on his lips and a yawn; it had been a long day preparing. Time to rest.
*10043567901;1102033149001. PLANET DYVLONY*
Detective Ten pulled his spent cock out of his partners mouth, smirking.
-What a good girl you’ve been, - he said, while wiping her smeared lips with his thumb, his sperm glistening on her chin, - but I have one more in need of a touch.
His partners eyes widened noticing that instead of a one graceful phallus, he indeed (as the rumors had said) had been gifted with a second one, which even with one glance was visibly thicker and more veiny than the other.
She licked her lips in anticipation.
-Get on all fours for me, lovely, will you, - she did as Ten told her to, and soon her entrance was filled to the brim with just one thrust. Ten was still wearing all his clothing while his partner was borne down to nothing. She mewled at Ten’s sharp pelvic movements and thanked him for each slap she received. His hands moved to grope her breasts and pinch her nipples, while his thrusts never stopped. Her core was clenching, she was close, but Ten would not have this. He pulled out, grabbing a hold of the ceiling chain and tying her hands, pulling her up in standing position, before she even could comprehend a sentence to somewhat – bastard, how dare you!
His interrogation room, which normally was used to invest in pains of criminals, was now used for the pleasure of sex, and Ten spanked his partners bottom, he swatted away her bare cheeks till they were red in color, and the sounds his partner was making, didn’t make no sense. Ten lifted her leg up, and found her opening with his fingers, two of them making their way inside her body, thrusting as fast as he could manage, finishing her off within a minute, but before riding her orgasm, pushing his cock in her again, till tears were streaming down her face.
-I cccaaa…nntttt… - she was trying to say, but Ten would not stop, she was climaxing again, her core muscles milking Ten for all he’s worth, his hands letting her leg down, and his front pressing against her back.
His cum was leaking down her thighs, together with her essence, both of them breathing heavily. He whispered.
-So, is it true what they say about me? – he smirked against her shoulder. While trying to come up with a proper sentence, his partner turned to face him, she stood 6`1 tall, - taller than him by all means and, bit her lip.
-Ah, you know what, - she whispered, - you are not too bad.
Ten laughed.
-You could not even say anything five minutes ago, so I take that as a lie, - he said, setting her down on the ground, letting the chains rest on the floor, before securing them up again, Ten zipped up his pants.
-There is a shower, you can clean up.
-Well, - his partner spoke up, - you do suck at aftercare.
With that she stood up and left to where Ten had pointed to. Ten was all she wanted in a man, he was fearless, strong, good at what he does, and yes, oh yes, great at sex, but she knew this would be the first and last time they would sleep together, which does not even count as sleeping together, it was just raw fucking, her abused cunt convulsing around nothing imagining how great it was.
Dressing up, she was greeted by Ten, who as a gentleman he was, had opened the car door, where he would put a seatbelt on her, give her a bottle of juice, driving her to the town. His phone went off.
Ten put the phone on speaker.
-Detective Ten, this is Xiao Dejun from the High court, there has been a crash at the GYPE beach, and it has been secured by SWAT teams who have cleared the area, we are waiting for you and your colleagues to arrive, it is an emergency. Sir, are you alone?
-I will be in a couple of minutes, - Ten stopped the car and gave the woman a sympathetic look, before she stepped out of the vehicle and slammed the door, well, at least it was not his face, she slammed. – I am now.
-It is…, - Xiao Dejun stopped before continuing, - it is a spaceship, we are on a high alert now, I am surprised no one had called you.
-I was occupied elsewhere, no one dared to trouble me, but I will be with you ASAP.
-See you soon then.
Couple of minutes later Detective Ten parked his car and was trying to get through the public crowds and reporters, who were trying to catch a glimpse of what is happening. Ten showed his V card as soon as he was approaching the secured area. It was crowded with SWAT teams of all sorts. White, none see through plastic covering all around the area, police teams in full gears and weapons. Ten stepped inside.
It was dusty, the ships landing must have created a sandstorm of some sort, the spaceship itself was covered in dust, the electronics on the other side being ripped apart from the intact with ground, the wires spiking an electric volt from time to time.
-What are we seeing here? – Ten asked, when he was approached by High Court man, Dejun in front.
-We were waiting for you, you have worked with anomalies like this, so we are in need of your assistance with this.
As they talked, they had approached the entrance of the aircraft, as they had assumed. As a detective, Ten had come across various forms of UFO’s that had probably drifted away from their main coordinates, but they had always kept things from public eye, since it was nothing harmful, just something that had proved they are not the only ones in universe.
The fire rescue team were waiting for a signal to cut the door out, the SWAT teams ready to shoot at any point, officers from the station were Ten works, standing next in line after SWAT team. Ten put on a west and secured his weapon. Putting his hand up, two fingers signaling for action, fireman cutting down the metal door, taking it out, putting ladder board to the entrance, he was ready to enter first.
Slowly moving towards the entrance, careful as they could, detective Ten with two swat members went in. Sweeping the aircraft bit by bit (since it was quite small), shouting -CLEAR, after checking every corner they spotted, moving forward until they reached a clearance, where they stopped, eyes widening.
-What the… - Ten spoke, in front of their eyes was bodies of girls/women, dressed in weird clothing, but it didn’t seem like they would be able to operate this aircraft. Ten spotted a movement, approaching straight away, putting his gun down and checking the pulse of the girl. Both SWAT members ready to shoot if she would attack the guy.
-We need ambulance, - he shouted, realizing that they are alive, but not in the “mood to fight” and heard the response teams through microphones, soon the medics were there, untying girl bodies, ushering them in ambulances, sending them away to a secret facility that lies below the High court for special occasions such as this. Teams provided with extreme medical equipment, wearing full gear, in case this was some sort of diversion, or something far more dangerous or poisonous for that matter, were ready to start working as soon as the bodies would arrive.
Once the ship was cleared, detective Ten with some of his teammates, were doing the “detective work”.
-Does not look like they were supposed to crash here, - one of them said, - coordinates are not ours.
-There is a glitch in the system, - Ten said, - but to check what is that this ship is in need of fixing.
-Like hell it is, - other one said, - this is nothing like ours, Ten, it is probably near to impossible changing any parts, this is not as advanced as ours, if we could find a clue to where it comes from, that would be a record.
-I know, but you also know how good I am at my job.
-Detective Ten? – he turned around to see High court man coming in his direction.
-How may I help?
-We will move this aircraft to a different facility, location we will let you know once it will be secured, we need to make this as clean as we can, is that right?
Ten and his teammates nodded.
-Of course, sir, - Ten bowed, and cleared the ship.
-We should be heading back, detective, - his mates said before leaving, Ten’s phone rang at the same time.
-Detective Ten speaking.
-You should come to High court, there will be a member of staff to greet you and take you to us, they are coming to their senses.
Ten nodded and hang up. Soon enough he was going down the elevator with a member of staff, going lower than Ten had imagined of how deep the facility was build. And how?
-Detective, - Xiao Dejun greeted him, taking him though corridors, - so far, we have discovered all of the bodies are female, we are checking their health balance as we speak, they are definitely from another place, even Planet… so we have given them an injection of microchip, and also a vaccine, looks like they have taken them well. Also, since we do not know why they are here, do not think of this being uncivil, when they have not given us any answers either.
Ten ached a brow.
-You’ll see, - Dejun opened the door. On a high platform was ten chairs, all girls seated on them, tied up, all looking scared as ever, - and if you can get a criminal to talk, I assume this will be a piece of cake for you.
Ten smiled and nodded. Oh yes. He would enjoy this.
-Greetings, aliens, - Ten said walking towards the platform, none of the girls said anything back. – I am Detective Ten, and I will ask you some questions, if you do not answer there will be consequences, and I am sure none of you would like the ones I have in my mind.
You were shaking in your chair. You had no idea where you were, why were you tied up, how you came to this, and the detectives look was even more terrifying, especially his smirk.
He stood in front of one girl.
-Who are you? – when she didn’t respond, Ten walked over to the girl next to her and slapped her hard across the face. You jumped in your seat.
-Let me make this clear, if I ask, you answer, if you don’t answer, I make sure the person next to you pays for it, clear?
You and others nodded. A tear slipped from the corner of your eyes. Ten walked over to the girl next to you. Which meant- is she did not answer, he would slap you in return.
-Why are you here? – detective asked again, it looked like she was trying to formulate a sentence but trying to speak was getting difficult. The language felt strange on her tongue, the microchip that was planted, was only now starting to work. The question was understood, but to speak was a difficulty.
Not satisfied with “no answer”, detective was striding towards you with his hand ready, but before he could smack you, you found your voice and shouted loud and clear.
-I WILL TELL YOU ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW, - and then you went quiet, Ten leaned closer, - just don’t hit me, o-o-o-or anyone, p-p-please.
The tears you had felt frozen in place, and the saliva in your throat seemed to dry out too fast. The stare the detective was giving you, sent chills through your body.
-Who are you? – he asked.
Your throat was dry, and you couldn’t speak. Ten took this as a sign for water, he knew this face well after a long session of sinful pleasures, even his mouth was dry at some point. He was handed a glass, that he put to your lips and gave you a small sip. A little bit of water dripping down the corner of your lips. Ten’s cock twitched in his pants. His previous activities coming to mind.
-My name is Y/N, - you stated.
-Who are you, Y/N? – detective continued.
You were thinking to yourself- what do I say? Who am I, really?
-I am a regular girl, - you said, detective eye-level with you.
Ten was pushing you for answers, and you were trying hard, really trying, he walked to the girl before you and smacked her, since you had not given an answer.
One of the girls started sobbing, and Ten went to her.
-Who are you? – she sniffled, and tried to speak, Ten gave her water as well.
-I am Anna, - she spoke softly, trying not to cry, - I c-cannot remember…
Ten turned to Dejun.
-Had they been on drugs?
-Here is a report, - Dejun’s assistant handed Ten a piece of paper, various blood tests showed signs of unknown supplement in their blood. Even their blood was nothing they had ever seen. DNA looked completely anomaly, compared to theirs.
-We were trying to make a sample, but it was too fast to clear from their blood stream.
Ten nodded, thinking to himself. He looked at all girls, eyeing them carefully. They were female. Why would someone send females to attack? He checked photos of the girl naked bodies, curves and a bit of chubby thighs, so they were not sent to war, fighters have fair share of muscles, which none of these girls possessed. Their bodies were free from poison, so they were not sent here… or not meant to land here in the first place.
-I need to see the ship, - detective Ten spoke, - for now, leave them here, I will be back as soon as I can.
With that he left the building together with Dejun’s assistant.
The facility was located a few miles from the GYPE beach, the ship cleared from all the dust, all parts, that had broken apart, next to the ship. Engineers were working to recover any sort of information to help them.
-Detective Ten, this is the engineering team A, specializing in UFO’s, you have worked with them in past, - a man in his fifties shook hands with Ten. -My name is Leon Yah, I am their team leader.
-Yes, I remember, anything yet?
-A little bit, - the man said, taking Ten closer to the team. – This is Jungwoo, one of our best  new mechanical engineers and biochemists, he is helping us with this case, - Leon proudly presented Jungwoo, even putting his hands on the guys shoulder, - tell them what you know.
-So, I found a piece of electrics that I actually can use to pinpoint the location this ship came from, it carries the information, sort of like the black box, if you will. It is trying to get it now, so, then at least we might get a clue, what is the reason for crashing here, or any info at all.
Two beeps later, Jungwoo was the first to run towards his computer.
-Just what I though, - he said and then stopped, - what? How is this possible?
-What’s that? – Ten asked.
-There are fragments similar to CASE 101, 1992… but I have no idea of what that is.
-Whatever do you mean? – Ten asked, seeing Jungwoo’s face expresion, and the team leader Leon came closer.
-A while ago there was similar crash, only partly one, there was a ship that contained 2 people, and at that time we came across a different DNA, using one of the bodies, one of the females died, and the other…
-What’s with the other? – Jungwoo asked surprised, he had not heard of this.
-The other is my mother, - detective Ten spoke.
Jungwoo’s jaw went slack, he could not say a word. How had he not heard of this? This is important information.
-At that time, your mother told us, she was sent as a prostitute, because when she got drugged, she hadn’t used alcohol, so she was half awake when it all happened. And your father as a doctor, made sure she was taken care of. I remember that, as if it was yesterday…
“And fucked her like a prostitute he thought she was,” Ten gritted his teeth thinking about this.
-And a few years later I was born, half human half DYVLONY, - detective Ten never liked this part of the story, first of all, who knew, humans could carry a DYVLONY child, even be able to copulate in the first place, also, that is why he was born different. - Could they all be human females then?
-They might be, there is documents about your mother, that could be used to identify if they indeed are human, also maybe there is still metal research of the previous aircraft, that we could use. They should be with the High court, I will ring Xiao Dejun and let him know.
Jungwoo was checking through the information that he had received and sighed. For him this was indeed the first-time seeing UFO and hearing about different species gave him a weird tingle.
-This ship was not crafted by humans, that’s for sure.
-How can you bee certain? – Ten asked.
-If we do not possess this sort of metal, I do not think there is a possibility that this would come from humans, maybe the older report had more on that.
Yes, humans. Fragile creatures. Ten sighed, his mom was human, but heck she was strong woman, whom he loved dearly, and his father, who might have taken her for the wrong reasons, later fell in love and married her.
Team leader came back a few minutes later, giving the papers of what they had discovered to Ten, so he could get back to High court.
Stepping through the threshold, Ten was greeted by the ten females again, all still sat on the chairs provided, all still looking scared, but a bit more relaxed. After checking the papers about his own mother, Ten came across the idea of these females being sent to a different Planet as whores, the same as his mother once was. He just needed some answers to see if it is true.
-How did you end up in the aircraft? – Ten spoke, this time more softly.
-All I remember is me and my friends on a night out, - one girl spoke. You nodded, you remembered that as well.
-I had a drink, and then… - other one spoke, your memories were there as well, you remembered being dragged to the back.
-They took our identification, - you spoke, - and that is all I remember.
-I cannot even remember that, - another girl said, - I wish I didn’t drink that much.
Ten left together with Xiao Dejun to have a chat about further actions.
-It is clear that they were meant to be sent somewhere else, and they are harmless, - Ten said.
-What do you think we do?
-The same as thirty years ago, - he said, - we take them into our community, make sure they are taken care of, and see where it goes.
-I propose, we put each female together with a person who would take care of them, teach them our culture and see.
-Yeah, true, it’s not like putting them in prison, they are not criminals, - Dejun agreed.
-What about members of society council? There is plenty of men capable, - when Ten said those words he nearly choked, he knew half of the council would have them girls eagle spread on their beds in less then twenty hours, and he would be one of them.
-And you? – Xiao asked, Ten nodded, - let’s ask and see, shall we?
Two days later, all females were dressed in casual clothing, they were cleaned and fed, taught a few things about ownership, since that’s what they would be, OWNED. That meant that the household they would stay in, would have their own rules to follow.
You were anxious. Who are you going home with? Before your parting, all of you had a small chat, just expressing your worries and fears, since this was not exactly a trip to Maldives, or a trip in general. Besides, you were not friends, you were bunch of randomly selected girls for prostitution.
-I hope he will be nice, - Anna spoke, and then the thought of you going away with some random men started to scare you. It could go two ways, either way nice or, he would treat you like shit. All these men want is just one thing, which with your lack of experience would be -nothing. If he even would dare to touch you, you’d probably kick him in the balls, run away and hide.
At that point it didn’t seem like a bad idea, oh boy, how wrong you were.
You were the last one waiting for the person to pick you up. You never got to see who was here to collect other girls, so it was possible, that you would not see any of them again. Not unless, the person who you are going home, could tell you were they are.
Minutes turned to hours, your palms were sweaty, your heart was beating fast until…
-Miss Y/N, - you nearly jumped out of your body upon hearing your name. You stood up and walked through the door. – There is a paperwork to get signed and you should be able to leave as soon as it is done.
Next thing you know, detective Ten walks through the door.
-Ready? – his gaze found yours within seconds. Surely there must be a mistake… no way you are going home with this crazy dude… When he was in front of you, you realized that you must have spaced out, but detectives face looked like he was about to hit you.
-Ah, yes, - you managed to speak. He handed you paper where you had to sign, and after you followed him, no questions asked. When he opened the car for you, you sat down, Ten put a seatbelt on you, got in the drivers seat, started the engine and got going. It was silence. Long silence.
-So… - you wanted to start a conversation, and turned to your new “legal guardian”, he put his hand up and you put your hand on your mouth to shut it, turning your head to the other side, feeling the tears threatening to fall, he was about to smack you. So, he was abusive… oh no.
-Let’s make some things clear, - he started in a low voice, - you do not speak when you are not spoken to, no asking questions, you will not get any answers, make sure not to be in my way, when I leave for work, you do not leave the house at any point. Understood?
You nodded.
-I need words, Y/N, - he said it in clear language, even though normally people struggle with your name pronunciation.
-Yes, - you said quietly.
-Yes what? – he re-asked.
-I do not know, - you said your voice smaller than before.
-Call me Ten, better yet sir, if you wish, that’s more polite, yes?
-Yes, Ten, - you spoke in barely a whisper. Minutes later Ten turned left and you approached his house. Once inside the garage, Ten helped you out of the car, and you took in your surroundings. Everything was neat. Things on shelves, DIY items, you could not spot a dust anywhere. You noticed doors with password access, wondering what could be there, but were cut short with Ten waiting for you at other doors, which were the entrance to the house.
-You can walk through the whole house to see what’s where, but do not disturb me when I work, also since I am a detective, there is a few things you do not need to know or see. I will show you to your room.
You followed behind keeping your mouth shut. You did not want to anger a guy who was abusive, it terrified you to the bone, so you better stayed quiet. Your room was simple, it contained a bed and a nightstand next to it, the bedding was white, like half of the things in his house. There was a wardrobe, which was empty.
-There is a passage to bathroom, I will get you a towel, give me a second, - Ten walked inside, coming back with a towel, putting it on your bed. – how do you sleep?
Ten bit the inside of his cheek. His patience was running thin, the whole idea of a female staying at his house was somewhat disturbing, but also alluring in some way. Maybe soon he could have you tied up in his interrogation room, naked, pussy dripping and ass on display, he licked his lips.
“What is he thinking about? Pervert!” you thought to yourself.
-What do you wear?
If you were on Earth, you would crack a joke how you would sleep naked, but this was not the place or time to do so.
-Pajamas, - you answered, - really, it’s just shirt and trousers, - something more on, god know what this guy could be up to! Duh! Your brain signaled crazy thoughts.
-Ok, I will get you some, - with that he disappeared. You felt like you were in boarding school, not that you had a clue to what that feels like, but hey, imagination. You sat on the bed, your eyes were threatening you with tears that were gathering, but you looked up and thanked the gods for that you were alive. Could have been worse. You could have been sent to another Planet and could have been sold to some asshole as a whore.
Alright, he might not be the nicest guy, but he is providing you with a place to live so you were grateful. For the time being, once you figure out how to get away.
Ten was just about to get his car keys and go to store, when he received a message from Xiao Dejun. They used to be students, going to the same school when they were kids, as hard as it was for Ten, Dejun was always there to protect him, so they became friends.
-A video? – Ten said to himself and transferred the video to his tablet, - I will watch it when I come back.
With that he left. Once you heard the door being locked, you got up from the bed and went to explore. Passing by Ten’s room, you noticed it was not personal, there was no pictures, but at least he had a plant. A very weird looking one, but still a plant. Walking further through the house, you went in the kitchen. There was a tablet left on the table, you didn’t pay much attention to it at first, but walking past it caught your eye. It lit up, a video had been received and you checked if no one was watching you, and pressed “play”.
-??? – what you saw, made you question if the girls that got drugged were actual prostitutes. High court magistrate Xiao Dejun was balls deep in Anna and looked like she was enjoying it as much as he was. But she left only what, like two hours before you?! What the actual fuck was going on? Was this expected of you? To give your body to some alien? Did detective Ten fancy some good old human-alien pussy or what?
-Guess what, he ain’t getting nothing! – you nearly shouted, not noticing how detective Ten was right behind you.
-Getting what?
You jumped, before turning around, not even looking him in the eye.
-Getting what? I asked you a question!
-Uhm, nothing, sir, - you managed. Your back was covering the tabled, the video left on “pause”, as if nothing has happened, you had not seen nothing.
-Were you watching that? – detective Ten asked and you nodded a “no”, did not have to be a detective to see how your eyes darted elsewhere but him to know that you were lying, - I won’t tolerate liars.
Was he about to smack you? You couldn’t really tell, one thing for certain, he was not pleased.
-Let me ask you again, - he warned, - were you watching the video, that is my private property, and you did it without any permission?
You nodded your head. You felt like being scolded by your parents.
-I need words when I ask you question!
-Yes, sir, - you said quietly.
-Turn around, - he ordered, and you looked up at him as to ask “huh?”.
-Was I not clear? – he said again, - turn around, - so you did. – press play and watch the video.
Only then you noticed the length of it. A solid hour… You pressed “play” and closed your eyes. Ten didn’t see that you had closed your eyes. When moans and slapping sounds echoed through the kitchen you were trying not to cringe. Behind you, detective Ten was near enough grabbing his own crotch to relieve some stress, but he needed to punish you first.
-Are you getting wet listening to them? – you thought “what the fuck”, - I bet you are. Dirty girl, cannot wait for me to do that to you, yeah?
You were biting your lips in hopes of him stopping talking. On Earth you would have turned around, smacked the asshole and told him to fuck himself. Here… uhm, you stand and wait. A whoosh reached your bottom cheeks. A smack so loud, louder than the video being played, had reached you. You jumped and opened your eyes.
-How do you like it? – he was so close, you felt his breath on your neck, he smacked you again, groping your ass, - you are a good girl, aren’t you? Letting your hair down, biting your lip, teasing your partner just to see a reaction, well then, baby, I am all yours, besides, I have something others do not possess.
Your eyes were bulging out from your eye sockets. Was he dirty- talking you in sleeping with him? How to politely decline? Yikes.
-I apologize for watching this video, and I won’t do that again, I promise, - you stated, getting out of detectives grasp and running to your room, leaving Ten in the kitchen with growing tent in his trousers, squinting his eyes, trying to figure out what just happened.
His dirty talk always works, so why it had not affected you?
You were no virgin, but your past experiences were not the best either, so might as well count yourself as a reborn virgin. You were not the type of person to sleep with someone just like that, it just was not your thing. Being on a different Planet does not help either. Remembering how magistrate Xiao was even able to fit in Anna’s delicate body, had your body shutting down, ah a migraine was on its way.
You would think about that all night.
Ten didn’t return, at least you didn’t hear him. Only later he came by your door to announce that dinner was ready.
-It’s not much, since I don’t know what you eat, it’s spicy though, - ha warned, you thanked him and sat down, having the first spoonful only small, in case it was something you would not be able to eat. He was studying you, there must be something about you, there was no chance he had lost his charms.
The food was fire.
Your run to the sink was so fast, Ten burst out laughing.
-You eat this? – you cried, pouring cold water on your tongue.
-Too spicy? – he giggled, you would have laughed as well, if it didn’t burn your mouth or lips.
-This is poison!!! – you still kept watering your mouth, while Ten continued eating. When you sat back down, your face red and puffy as if you just had an allergic reaction, Ten looked up at you, standing up and walking towards the cupboards, he opened one up.
-What of this can you eat? – he started a conversation.
You turned around and saw something similar to oats.
-Do you have milk?
Ten opened the fridge. At least a porridge, that will do, nothing much, but hopefully will be edible.
Few moments later you were enjoying a porridge that actually tasted like porridge.
-I bought you clothes, - Ten said, - left them in a bag by your door.
-Thank you, - you stated, and Ten didn’t incline that he was angry with you for not addressing him “sir” like you were meant to. You washed the dishes and went back to your room. Opening the bag detective had left you, surprised laugh left your mouth. He had bought you jumpers and trousers, shirts and even a couple of underwear, at least you though that was an underwear, some holes missing, he must have bought them from somewhat “kinky” section.
From time to time you started to hear screams, loud, so loud, you could not sleep. Turns out, Ten as a detective did quite a lot of methods in catching criminals, that no one knew about. Forbidden methods, the ones, you cannot use, if you work for police task force. He assured you, that it is nothing to worry about, but how can you not?
-It just sounded like someone was about to die, - you stated at the dinner table, chewing on your porridge.
-I did tell you not to ask questions… - Ten warned.
-I don’t, - you talked back, - it’s a statement of the sounds I heard.
-You wanna see how I do business? – Ten offered, - I can take you downstairs and show you how I deal with criminals.
-No, thank you, - you turned around, going to sink and washing your bowl.
-Come on, don’t be scared now, I will show you, - to be true, Ten wanted you to see what happens if you become a perp. Also, that would work as a warning in case you want to do something that Ten would not approve of, like- running away, which, you have thought of every night before going to sleep.
Ten dragged you downstairs, typed the code for the other doors, which you were curious about, and you stepped inside.
Blue colors, chains from the ceilings, a table further down, your eyes had to get used to the lighting, until you spotted a chair, before looking around to see other “interesting” instruments, that gave you creeps. Ten walked further, opening a cupboard, taking out and loading a gun, pointing it at you.
-What the… - you choked on your saliva, - uhm, are you doing?
-You know what this is? – he asked, still pointing a gun at you, you nodded. – this is paralyzer. Guess what it does?
-Paralyzes people? – you asked in a small voice.
Someone coughed, diverting your attention, turning around, you noticed the criminal, who was beat to a pulp, looking closer you noticed sharp pointers in his back from the chair he was sat in.
-Wh-what are those? – you whispered.
-I did an acupuncture, - he stated easily, - tell you what, - he kept a pause, - it works miracles...
You swallowed. The blue light made Ten look especially evil. You watched as Ten pressed a couple of numbers on remote control, and the spikes disappeared. The gun was now pointed at the criminal, and without a single thought, you saw Ten shoot the guy, without remorse, not even a flinch. You jumped. On Ten’s command, the spikes went back through the guys back, he screamed in pain.
You did not want to end up like the guy, your feet moving faster than your brain, out of the room, through the door, through the garage entry, running away, not even knowing where. You ran till you were out of breath, stopping randomly to breath in, catch your breath and get going. You were sure, detective would hunt you down, and if you don’t move faster, he might catch you, and god knows, maybe torture you like that guy.
Lungs on fire, seemed like you had run for hours. Taking in your surroundings you smelled freshness from something close, walking further you found out you had come to beachside. Blue water, clear and see-through greeted you with opened arms. There was something else that caught your attention – police tape, surrounding what looked like a hole in the sand.
-This must be where they found us, - you said to yourself.
-And here I thought you were a good girl, - a voice not much further behind you startled you. You turned around to see detective Ten with a serious expression on his face.
-Why? – you asked, Ten didn’t say a word, - why do you treat me like that, huh?
Not knowing, your body moved closer to Ten’s, your pointer finger poking at his chest.
-What do you want from me? – you shouted, - I am not like Anna or anyone else, I won’t do what they are doing, I should not be here! Why are you abusive? Do you want to hit me? – you breathed in, - I am from another planet, I do not know how to be someone I am not, I do not wish to be owned, and certainly not by someone like you.
You finished your sentence in barely a whisper. Ten got a hold of both your hands.
-I don’t like your tone, - he started, and you laughed in his face.
-So what? – you laughed, - what now? I end up like the guy you tortured?
You got out of his grasp, fleeting towards the see as fast as you could. Ten was after you, as you ran in the water, he chased after you. Your feelings on high alert, there was no turning back if you wanted to go back home.
Not even reaching deep enough you got on your knees without holding your breath and getting under water. Ten’s strong arms pulled you back up.
-No, - he said in warning voice, - this is not how we do things here.
You still were trying to get underwater.
-No, - he said again, grabbing you towards his much stronger body, - STOP!
Tears felt down your cheeks. You really thought that killing yourself was the exit. When you didn’t struggle anymore, Ten started to pull you out from the water. He was completely silent. Bringing you with him to the car, he put the seatbelt on, got in the drivers seat and drove.
Both of your bodies were soaked, and the closest person to help him was his own family. Pulling up in the drive- way, Ten got out of the vehicle first, then helping you out. Soon a knock on the door, they opened with Ten’s fathers face.
-Hmm, what do we see here? – he asked and smiled, opening the doors wider, letting Ten drag you inside, - honey, we have a visitor.
His mother came rushing from the kitchen, when you saw her you had to blink a couple of times, she was a bit shorter than you, near Ten’s height, looking not at all alien- like (if that was even a thing), and you started questioning things.
-Ten! – she greeted with big smile on her face, and then she noticed you, - hello!
She came straight for you.
-Let’s get you all cleaned up, shall we? – with that she took you upstairs, towards the bathroom, opening drawers she took out a bathrobe and a towel, she made sure water was warm in the shower, she helped you undress, not saying a word, she washed your hair, helped you get out of the shower, she took care of you, not even asking questions.
Meanwhile downstairs.
-What did you do? – Ten’s father asked, handing him a change of clothes, that looked like parachute on Ten’s smaller body.
-I did nothing, it’s a new case.
-Case? – his father ached an eyebrow, Ten nodded, - don’t tell me she’s an…
-Human, - Ten sat down, his father handed him a beer, - I’m driving, - Ten stated, declining.
-What happened? – his dad questioned.
-Another ship crashed, with ten females, all alive, we just took them in, I got her..
-What’s her name?
-Y/N, - Ten said sighing.
-She’s beautiful, - his dad stated, - so what’s the problem, she’s not giving you any, or is she bad at it?
Ten looked at his dad with “??” (what the fuck) expression.
-It’s complicated, - Ten said quietly.
-Hey, I know what is complicated, - his father let out a small laugh, - I have lived with that for a while now. But let me give you some advice. You must be clear about your wishes, if you wanted her for sex, I trust you have no issue with that…but ask her first, yeah? I am a doctor after all son, but humans are more than that. They have feelings, they have issues, they have past, if she is here, think about what she was like back on her planet, she is missing what she had, doesn’t matter if that was something special or nothing, heck, she might have not been anyone, but even that she might miss.
Ten nodded. He hadn’t thought about that. His penis was thinking first, by the looks of the situation.
-Never forget that there is trust in any relationship, you do not have to be a couple to have some kind of relation between you, even if she just lives in your house, or you “own” her for now, you got to look deeper, - Ten smirked, his dick would be up to your cervix, cannot go deeper than that, and his father re-phrased, seeing his reaction, - Ten, you know what I mean.
-I can’t help it, - he stated,- that is all I think about, all of them are something I have never seen before, it’s like a desert I didn’t think I needed until I saw… wow!
-I believe so, you know your mom and I, that’s how I feel.
DYVLONY people were all sorts – there was not a single one that Ten would count as somewhat other-worldly, all his sexual partners were gorgeous, taking him the best ways possible, but he had not felt any attachment to any of them. It was sensual acts with no strings attached. But being with you even for a dinner time, his thoughts always travelled elsewhere.
You were sat together on their bed, while Ten’s mother combed your hair.
-He is not a bad guy, - she started a conversation, you looked up, - I don’t know what has happened, but I am sure whatever it is, you can talk it through. But first, do you know anything about me?
You nodded a “no”.
-A while ago I was out, clubbing with my friends, when I saw a girl being dragged out forcefully, she didn’t look like she was moving, and I saw that only because I went to use restroom, so, instead of getting my friends first, I headed straight into something I should not have. Hours later I found myself on spaceship, eyes wide opened, seeing outer space, solar system, until I was knocked out when transferring into another galaxy, and later, naked on a medical table.
You were shook, not knowing what to say.
-Turned out I had landed on a planet, while the other girl I tried to save, had died from the impact when we crashed. I was an alien to them, was taken to the doctor’s home, he was collecting material on me via my DNA. I was so, so shy, while he was doing his job, I had to remain without clothing. When he discovered that my body was similar to his fellow female mates, he wanted to experiment and so…
-I don’t think I want to know more, - you said in low voice, - it’s horrible.
She giggled.
-No, no, I will give you advice, - she smiled and whispered in your ear, - we are much tighter in that area than woman here, so, guess what I did?
You looked surprised. She continued to brush your hair.
-I let him sleep with me and he gave me everything, on top of that, he did not touch me if I said no, and trying for a child, even unexpectedly, was our common decision, until we married before Ten was born. Our bodies are more appealing to them than their women, and we can use that to our advantage from time to time. If you want something from my son, use your sex-appeal and body, he will be at your feet in no time.
She leaned again closer to you and whispered.
-Besides, you are where fantasies come from… - you looked at her and she wiggled her eyebrows, - and my son has been gifted very well… - It was weird listening to his mother speaking those things, but you guessed she was not wrong. Remembering how Ten had eyed you up and down, thinking you don’t notice, it was perfectly clear what his intentions were.
Soon enough you were downstairs eating hot soup together with Ten’s parents. Looking closer you saw similarities between him and his dad, and him and his mom. His charms definitely came from his mom.
What if you did use your body, until you would be ready to give it to Ten?
Later saying farewell’s, you left, going back to Ten’s house. A sudden phone call startled your calm journey, detective Ten picked up.
-Hey, tiger, - a female greeted, and Ten didn’t hesitate to answer.
-What do you want?
-Oh, is that a way to treat someone? I thought we might meet up and have a chat, - she moaned in the speaker, - have that fat cock of yours stuffed deep in…
Ten ended the conversation. You felt your face warm up but didn’t look up. You both had not spoken a word to each other.
-Don’t mind that, - Ten finally said.
-Ok, - you nodded.
Ten opened the doors for you like he usually did, locking them behind both of you.
-I will be down here, so keep upstairs will you? – he said, you nodded and left to your room.
Nothing was heard from downstairs, and you fell asleep.
Ten moved the ceiling chains, washed up, cleared table and disinfected all his toys and torture equipment. He looked at the butt plugs, taking one, he thought of how much time he would need to prep you, till you could be rewarded with one of his cocks. Assorting vibrators by speed, size and use, he also put various lubricant bottles next to them.
Giselle was on speed dial, and he was hesitating.
-Ring, rriiingggg, rrrrringggg!
-I thought you will call me back, tiger, I suppose it was not the best timing?
-No, I needed to speak with you without others listening, - Ten’s words were soft, - whatever we had going on, it’s over. I want you to respect the decision I have made.
-What? – Giselle felt angered, - who is she? Does she suck you off better than I do? Can she squirt like I do? What is it Ten?
-It is nothing like that, Giselle, you were brilliant and we had much fun, but that’s it, I hope you understand.
-No, I don’t, - she was honest, - I cannot believe you are leaving me for some other hoe!!!
-Just let go, - Ten spoke, - we were never together.
He ended the call, deleting Giselle’s number from his contact list. The same time he received a photo from Xiao Dejun. Selfie with him and Anna tangled in bedsheets, text under the picture “she is all I wanted”.
Passing by your bedroom, Ten stopped.
-You are all I want, - he whispered and went to bed himself.
-Ten, I had to show you this, - Xiao Dejuns voice echoed through his earphones, Ten was re-watching the video he had received, one hand down his trousers. Anna walked over to Dejun, while he sat on the edge of the bed. Her hands was massaging Dejuns legs through his sweats, and she continued to bite her lip, while moaning sweet nothings.
Ten rested his head against the headboard, slowly attending to his member, Anna in the video, had just pulled down Dejuns trousers, licking on his penis at no time, her hand wrapped around the base. Her pretty lips wrapped around Dejuns cock, sucking on the head, then licking it up and down.
-She’s a naughty girl, -Xiao spoke to both, Anna and Ten to hear, - aren’t you?
She just nodded and continued to suck. Ten felt the wetness from his cock onto his hand and used it as a lubrication to continue his masturbation. Going up and down, a little harsher each time, stopping in between to see the video.
Anna was wiggling her butt while lying on her stomach, and Dejuns dick was seen in the picture, she got on her knees, spreading her ass cheeks, showing herself of. Seconds later Xiao had his dick spreading Annas lower lips, sliding in her opening a little by little.
-Ugh, it’s gonna be…- Xiao swallowed, - so… so tight…
He couldn’t even formulate a sentence, and Anna continued to tease him, wiggling her booty, allowing Xiao’s member to slide deeper and faster, until it turned into a proper pounding, which Anna gracefully received.
Ten felt his balls tighten, the orgasm was near, through his earphones he heard a noise of something crashing, getting out of the bed straight away, headphones and tablet on the bed, trousers up, he was ready to search for wherever the sound came from. Mentally kicking himself, it was hella hard to put his dick in his trousers when it was like this.
-Fuck, - he swore under his breath, going through the corridor, spotting the light from kitchen. You were on your knees, picking up pieces of smashed glass, until you saw a figure approaching, nearly jumping back.
Seeing it was Ten you quicky apologized.
-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you, - you said, - It’s an accident.
Somehow for whatever reason, your eyes travelled from Ten’s face to his disheveled shirt and trousers, where it was as clear to see outline of his penis as it was to know you were an alien on this planet. It was long and hard, begging for attention. You looked away, continuing to “be looking” for some glass pieces that you could have left behind unnoticed.
Ten was just standing there not saying nothing. You disposed of the glass, he still said nothing. While washing your hands, his mother’s words came back to you – use your sex appeal and he will be at your feet no time.
Harder done than said, but all or nothing, you thought to yourself.
-You need help with that? – you asked, not turning around. Ten looked at you.
-What’s that? – he asked.
-Do you need help with that…? - you turned around to point to his lower body. Ten ached a brow, there must be a catch, were you referring to his dick or were you playing him?
He stepped closer.
-What do you mean? – he asked still moving closer, and the next thing you did, surprised your inner self as much as it surprised Ten.
You grabbed his penis through his trousers. Ten nearly choked, you were kicking yourself mentally. Shit. What now?
Looking him in the eye, you moved your hand on his length a couple of times, only to reach in his pants to stroke his naked member seconds later. Ten was used to his hands doing the job, and he had no problem finding a partner either, so why was this so weird?
-I want… - you started, - I want to make a deal.
-Mmmh? – Ten questioned, your hand stroking him ‘oh so well’, if you would continue, he sure would give you everything. You got down, pushing his trousers down as you went, not far enough to see his other dick.
-You could… - you were about to strike a deal while performing a blow job, this was just ‘no’, if you would see yourself right now. Your lips licked his tip, Ten could have come right there, he waited patiently. Your mouth was wet and warm, Ten groaned from the sight and feeling, how your cave welcomed him, your tongue licking the sides of his dick, and then you started sucking. Pre cum tasted bitter on your tongue, but you managed to deepthroat him in no time, letting Ten control your movements a bit, holding on his hips, now using your mouth only. You stopped to breath in. – you could let me leave the house from time to time… for walks… maybe go to the shop… etc.?
Ten nodded. He definitely was not thinking straight.
You took one of his hands and put it at the back of your head, taking him back into your mouth, letting him finish. Ten’s hand grasped a handful of your hair as he fucked your mouth mercilessly, quiet moans (but still moans) left his mouth, until he stilled, hot liquid filled your throat and mouth, all you could do was swallow. Coming down from his high, Ten noticed how your nipples were pressing though the fabric of your pajama shirt, so you were enjoying it. His charms were working.
Ten didn’t let you say or do anything, pulling you up quickly, just to push you closer to living room where the sofa was. Not saying a word, he pulled your pants down together with your underwear. Staying on the floor, Ten made you sit on the sofa, spreading your legs opened for his hungry gaze. You sat back up to say something.
-Shh, - he whispered, - I won’t do anything to hurt you, let me take care of you, - you nodded. Kissing the inside of your thigh, he let you put your guard down and relax a bit. You hadn’t shaved, but he didn’t seem to care either. To test the waters, Ten slid his tongue through your pussy lips lapping up all the nectar that had gathered there, moaning at the taste, diving back in, grabbing onto your hip, pulling you to him. He watched you through his eyebrows. He looked hungry to say the least.
This was the first time someone performed oral sex on you. Your hand went down to play with Ten’s hair, but he grabbed it before you could reach him. He moved your fingers to your clitoris, pressing onto it, your nerves coming alive, his hand together with yours circling your nerve bundle, his tongue sliding in your vagina, with a couple more thrusts you came, a powerful orgasm (which you were sure had never reached before) making you close your eyes, as Ten still was licking you up and your bound hands continued assault on your clit. All of the sudden there was something else, a new sensation, your eyes shot opened straight away. Ten watched your reaction. One of his fingers was massaging the tight rim of your ass, his lips came back to latch onto your clitoris, the feeling nearly making you lunge forward. His finger was now the first knuckle deep between your butt cheeks.
It was as scary as it was exciting. Your body grew used to it, and then Ten would push his finger deeper, penetrating you slowly and then faster, stretching you out, your legs were near to giving up on you, your sticky substance providing Ten’s fingers with more lubrication. It went from one finger to two. Another orgasm going through you in vibrations, only then Ten let go of your clitoris, licking up last time, you shying away from his touch, as it was too much. His fingers were still in your other entrance moving in and out, your vagina convulsing around nothing.
There was a sound of silence. Only the clock announcing it’s 1AM. You looked at him, and Ten back at you. He smiled.
He freaking smiled!!!
Only then his other hand left your other entrance, now resting on your legs. His other hand was touching your hip tenderly. A long pause of silence in between the silence.
-I want you, - Ten spoke, - I want to do so much to you… and I won’t hide it. I want to fuck you so badly you won’t be able to walk for days…
You silenced him leaning in and smashing your lips onto his. Your hands holding on his shoulders, your tongue tasting yourself on his lips. The kiss was gentle, you were exploring each other’s mouths, Ten was standing up from the floor, taking you with him. Your legs around his lower back, as he carried you to his room.
This would be the first time he would make love to someone on his bed/ in his bedroom.
Once on top of the bed, Ten took of his sweats, revealing his other counterpart, your eyes widened. How was that even possible? Ten pulled up your shirt, throwing it somewhere kissing your chest with chaste kisses, sucking on your nipples for a short period of time, discarding his own shirt next. His body was lean, no abs, but inviting, with a tattoo decorating his chest and you licked it, swirling your tongue around his left nipple.
He laid you down, disposing of whatever was left on his bed, and it landed with a thud, his body finding it’s way between your legs, a trail of kisses left all over your body, your hands in his hair, no restrictions this time.
Ten reached your lips, an eye contact was made, and he whispered.
-Which one? – you didn’t understand at first, but he grabbed your wrist, and you were soon touching his cocks. – this one?
He let you touch it briefly before moving onto his other dick.
-Or perhaps this one? – the same pattern of you touching him happened again, and you were confused. It was clear that one of them was thicker, but the other was longer, and you didn’t know which one to choose. Ten kissed your lips seeing your hesitation. – are you worried?
He asked, and you nodded. The stretch will definitely hurt, you were sure of it, so you chose randomly. Little did you know, that the one you chose was the longer one. Ten fondled with your breasts, while kissing you, slowly moving his hand down, to position himself at your entrance. He was holding his breath when he slid inside an inch, and you gasped at the intrusion, spreading your legs to make more room, he looked down, pushing in a bit more then looking up at your scrunched face.
-Just a bit more, - he said quietly, tenderly stroking your hips and your waist, your sides and back down, sliding in a bit more every time. Kisses reached your lips again, he tasted blood from them, it was clear that he had hurt you a bit, but he would make up to it.
-I am going to move now, - he spoke softly, you nodded. Ten pulled out almost all the way just to thrust back in, earning a whelp from you, shallow thrusts were changed for deeper ones, as he studied your features and body language to what you enjoyed more. Once he discovered that longer/deeper thrusts make you arch your back from the bed, he would suck on your nipples and penetrate you like that just to hear the volume of your moans. Your body was like a violin he enjoyed playing.
Ten felt the pressure coming in slow waves of pleasure, he needs you to come first, your hands leaving scratch marks on his back as a proof, that you needed the orgasm as much as he does. He changed the tempo. Shallow thrusts, faster tempo, quick kisses on your lips, quiet whispers in your ears.
-Will you come for me, - he questioned, you could not answer with words, so you nodded.
-More, - you whispered, - more Ten, give me more…
Wet squelching sounds echoed in the room, your essence dripping on the sheets, thrust after a thrust, Ten was providing you generously, his hand coming between your bodies to give you that one last push, when he circled your clit, your core clenched furiously straight away, and you screamed, reaching your high, grabbing onto Ten.
His thrusts became faster only to go slower when he came after you, your core milking him for all he’s worth, his cum dripping from your entrance. Pulling out he leaned in.
-Hold on for me a bit more, - a quiet whisper reached you. His other cock was being pushed inside of you as you nearly cried out. It stretched you a lot more than the first one. You had never felt fuller of something, like in that moment.
Your muscles kept on clenching around his other member, the sliding in and out was making your head spin, you felt like you were about to burst.
-Ten…. Ten… - his name was the only thing on your lips, - Ten… I can’t….
You begged.
Your erratic moans and pained whispers were edging Ten towards another orgasm of his own. He kissed you as he stilled inside you and came, quickly rushing his thrusts to not to hurt you, when your body started to convulse again, trapping Ten’s cock in a vice like grip, Ten thrusted forcefully a couple more times, and when the pressure felt too much, he pulled out only to witness a clear fluid squirt on his lower abdomen, your body going limp in the process.
He placed you on the pillows carefully, cleaned you up, got a glass of juice, waking you up with soft touches.
-Hey, - he greeted giving you a sip.
-Hi, - you said back.
-How are you feeling? – Ten asked, you reached for him and kissed his lips. – I see.
He giggled, earning a laugh from you, he looked at you again, kissing your lips.
-About your request about going out… - he started, - you think after this you are leaving the bed?
You smacked his shoulder playfully.
-Come here, - he smiled pulling you closer to him. Maybe staying on this planet won’t be as bad as you thought it will be. - DYVLONY is now home… will you stay with me?
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cigsandsegs · 4 years
“That’s the point baby”
You were watching your show on TV, waiting for your boyfriend, Yuuji, to come back from his jog. He has this routine of going on jogs in the afternoon so he can keep his shape.
The show slowly became more boring as you became more and more impatient for him to come home. As you reached for your phone to call him, you heard someone knocking on the door. Quickly you stood up and opened it, seeing Yuuji drenched in sweat in his tight black tank top.
His chest rising up and down as he panted, trying to catch his breath. His hand came up to push the strands of hair that were stuck on his forehead. His biceps flexing slightly that made you uncontrollably clenched into nothing seeing him do that. You’ve seen him like this many time before, but he looked especially hot today. He looked at you with a smile and finally said;
“Sorry babe, i forgot to take my keys with me” he huffed a chuckle and looked you up and down. You were wearing satin pijama shorts with just a bralette, looking beautiful as ever. Your long legs looked smooth and silky in those shorts that made his head dizzy. He looked at your face and saw how you checked him out, realising he was doing the same thing.
He leaned closer to you, placing his hands on your waist which made you snap out of your thoughts. “What are you thinking about baby?” He whispered as he left the softest kisses on your neck. You felt his hands squeeze your waist waiting for an answer.
“How hot you look right now.” You let out a shaky breath trying to control yourself. He chuckled, picking you up by your hips suddenly and making you wrap your legs around his waist. You pulled him into a heated kiss, grabbing his neck and pushing your tongue in his mouth.
He groaned against your mouth, his hands on your ass gripping it and pulling it apart as he guided you inside the house. He kicked a door open, and settled you down in the ground to take your clothes off and you noticed he took you to the bathroom. He took off his clothes too, grabing your neck with his right hand and pulling you into another kiss, his other hand on your hip pulled you even closer.
He guided your body backwards until your back was against the tiles of the shower. He turned the shower head, hot water pouring over your bodies making everything slippery. His lips trailed down your neck, to your collarbones and ended on your nipples, sucking and biting the small numb while his other hand cupped your pussy,stroking your entranced with his fingers.
“So wet already..is it from the water or from me angel?” He laughed, coming up to look at face, seeing your expression. You were biting your lips looking into his eyes.
“All from you” you whisper melting into the fingers that dipped into your hole. He hummed in approval, pleased with your answer. He smirked as he heard you moan when he put two fingers in you, knuckles deep. Your wetness and the water mixing together as the sound your cunt made encouraged him to continue.
He lowered his head so it can be levelled with your pussy. He nibbled on your clit, still ramming his fingers on you making you cry out in pleasure.
“Fuck Yuuji just like that” you threw your head back in the wall moaning his name. You fingers ranked through his now wet hair, making him come closer. You bucked your hips up, trying to get even more friction than you already have.
You felt your pussy being stretched even more and you realised he had added another finger, scissoring and slamming his fingers in you. You sobbed loudly, begging to continue harder. He couldn’t say no to you, so he added another finger, making them four, reaching deep inside you with so much force that the water dripping down to your cunt splattered everywhered.
“YesyesyesyESYESYES-” You whined and chanted over and over again feeling your orgasm being gushed on his fingers that still rammed in you, his mouth still working on your button that was now puffy and red from sensitivity.
He let you come down from your high, pulling out his fingers, sucking two of them in his mouth, sighing from the taste. He took them out of his mouth and licked a long stripe on your cunt tasting even more of your cum on his tongue leaving a puckered kiss on your pussy before coming up to face you.
He brought up his fingers in your mouth, tapping your lips slightly with the tips, asking you to open up silently. He watched your tongue lick his fingers, puckering them and sucking on them tasting yourself. You moaned at the flavour, sweet and addicting. Now you knew why he could never get enough of eating you out.
He watched how you grabbed his wrist and started deepthroating his fingers, your mind in to a euphoria. You moaned and whine around his digits, hitting the back of your throat and making you gag. He pushed them down to your tongue, holding your jaw open.
He turned you around, your nipples touching the cold tiles, his fingers still on your tongue as you felt him slap his cock slightly on your ass cheeks watching them jiggle. You whined on his fingers, pushing your ass back, wanting more.
“Such a greedy girl” he chuckled against your neck as he finally lined himself in your entranced, bucking his hips fast, not letting you have time to adjust, making you sob.
“So fucking tight against me” he groaned biting your neck and continuing to thrust in you with speed. The fingers in your mouth choked you as you cried out at how he abuses your cunt. His hot breath fanning you neck making goosebumps rise in your body.
He pulled his fingers out of your mouth and grabbed your hands with both of his and holded them in your back, shifting his hips slightly and hitting in an angle that reached inside you deeper.
“Oh fuck me Yuuji yES-” You gasped, your nails digging in the palms of your hand leaving marks and throwing your head back hitting his shoulder.
He sadisticly laughed behind you, and whispered in your ear.
“That’s the point baby.” One of his hands came down to rub on your clit in an 8 form, that made your head spin in circles. While the other one grabbed you wet hair pulling your head back even more. Your second orgasm coming through as he went faster and harder making you call out his name.
He slapped your pussy with his hand, making your cunt even more sensitive than it was, now puffy and ready to be beaten by his dick even more.
He pulled out, making your juices ran down your body, dripping from his dick down to the tiles. He turned you around and kissed you deeply as he lifted your self in his arms. You wrapped your legs around his waist for support from the water that made you body slippery and he lined himself in your pussy again making you moan against his mouth.
“You’re even more tight, fuck baby.” He muttered on your lips and bit the bottom of it, pulling it with his teeth.
His hands gripped on to your hips, trying to keep you steady as he picked the pace again. The new angle hitting the spongy spot inside you that made you see stars.
You felt your next orgasm about to come, the coil inside you ready to snap. He panted as he started to go harder and faster once he heard you cry out even more. You threw your hands everywhere on him. Gripping his shoulders, his biceps, digging your nails into his flesh and when he repositioned you a little on the left, you lost it.
“ITADORI YES YES PLEASE FUCK ME OH MY GOD YES” You screamed, your hands now on his back holding and scratching it for your dear life. Red marks where all over Yuuji’s back making him hiss from pleasure. Your third orgasm snapping and sending you over the edge once again.
Your pussy clenched around him, sucking him in and his dick became more and more sensitive by that action.
“Keep clenching around me like that and im gonna cum in you baby” You didn’t waste any time, clenching around him even more, hearing him moan loudly as his tip pushed on you g-spot.
“Y/N I’m cumming fuck” He breathed shakily. His face falling in the crook of you neck, his hot breath on your skin plus the hot water that was still pouring making you lose your mind.
“Do it baby, cum all over me” You moaned to his ear. His moaned once again, his thrusts becoming sloppy and messy as he was on the adge of cumming.
“Get on your knees angel.” He let you on the ground, you legs shaking and wobbling from your orgasm and the intense thrusts he gave you.
You did as he said, getting on your knees, hands on his thighs and mouth slightly open ready to catch his cum. He worked his hand on his member, moaning your name over and over and over like a prayer. Feeling his orgasm finally come, his cum ended on your lips and a bit of your cheeks which dripped down to your boobs.
He sighed in relief, finally looking down on your face, loving how you looked covered in his cum. He smeared the cum that was on your lips with the tip of his cock, humming how good were behaving for him. His good girl.
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Blossom fully (deep in my bones)
(Teacher!JK x College student!Reader) PART ONE
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Warnings: JK has anger management issues, very slight violence, a lot of fluff, don't get a heart attack.
Genre: Fluff.
Word Count: 10.3k
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
I have decided to turn this into a trilogy. This is Part One, enjoy. Let me know if you want to be tagged (you could just comment, or dm me).
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Love. Adoration. Lust. For Jeon Jungkook, his entire life, they had been just words, nothing more – after all, these were just concepts made by society, what if people had not known about the concept of love? Would they still try to find it? Would they still be willing to work for it? Then, you came into his life, and gave meaning to those words.
“Welcome to the annual football championship between Seoul Nation University and Sungkyunkwan University 2020,”
“Break his jaw!” Jungkook heard the other team chant, while looking at him. He just scoffed while adjusting his gloves, as if.
“Really? Think you can do it? Go ahead and try,” Jungkook mocked them across the field, his tongue poking against his left cheek.
Jungkook was never set out for failure, it was never allowed in his life – because he knew for a fact that his father would have his throat if he didn’t turn out to be the best of the best.
At age five, he had a strict workout regime and had less than 10 percent body fat, maintained till present date. He had also learnt that he would rather be loved than feared, he hated the look in the eyes of his classmates when he accidentally punched his seatmate, Byung-chul, just because he had taken his red crayon without asking. Now, no one would sit next to him at lunch. 
He told himself that he didn’t mind it, but he couldn’t help but cry at night because no one wanted to play on the see-saw with him. He knew if he asked them, they would have no choice other than to say yes, after all, they didn’t want to end up like Byung-chul, hospitalized, with a broken arm. But what’s the use, if they don’t actually want to be with him?
Age seven, he had landed his first punch on his butler when he saw him abuse his dog. He didn’t know what to tell to his therapist, how could he explain that all he saw was red when he saw Yeontan being thrown out of the room? How could he explain that he had no control over his body? He couldn’t control the beast in him that had pounced over the man.
Age ten, he landed his position as quarterback on the national “Under 19,” football team. Soon, he had to drop out – not because he couldn’t play well, hell, he was probably the most talented played that they could’ve scouted. But, because he wouldn’t tolerate any thing that would come in the path of him and his success.
Age fifteen, he had graduated high school, gotten a perfect 1600 in his SAT, and been given a full ride to SNU. Throughout his high school career, despite having narrow minded, shallow and mindless classmates, Jungkook still wishes he made more memories, had photos with friends in his camera roll (rather than just pictures of sunsets and tattoo designs),
Age 20. Present Day, and he had earned the title of Doctor, not that he could actually perform in the surgeries because of his “anger issues”. Currently, he was a Grad student, but also taught the first year Undergrads, just because of his immense knowledge that could be on par with the old, wrinkly professors that had been teaching since 30+ years.
There had never been a championship, never an exam, never a game that Jeon Jungkook hadn’t won. He wasn’t going to lose this one either. The chants from hundreds of people across the campus stadium were deaf on his ears when he heard the other team’s captain call him an asshole.
Everyone knew Jungkook had well, anger management issues. And to say they were bad was, well, an understatement. So far, the only thing he’s learnt from 14 years of anger management classes, movies, documentaries and seminars is that – only attack when they punch you enough to make you bleed.
“Jeon! Look out!”  
Without a warning, the other team’s captain had punched him in the face, hard enough to bust his lip.
Jungkook just sighed, shook his head as if he were disappointed (He was, in fact disappointed, did this dumbass not known what he could do to him?), and calmly just brushed his white glove against his lip, internally wishing he could see his red blood smeared across it.
And there it was, a streak of blood. Then, Jungkook punched him back – not stopping until his face was almost disfigured – suits him for even trying to mess with Jeon Jungkook.
Around an hour later, Jungkook already knew he was going to be chewed out by the college dean, so he was already counting down from 100 on his way to seminar room number 3.
“54, 53, 52, 51,” he muttered under his breath, pushing back his – now long (he really ought to cut it now, it was starting to get into his eyes) – hair back with his left hand, and entered the room. He could see he interrupted a lecture, and was almost about to head back when-
“Oh! Jeon Jungkook, what a pleasure!” he heard the college dean speak in his pretentious, and extremely conceited voice, here we go again.
“Everyone! Welcome Doctor Jeon Jungkook, he’s one of our in-house surgeons. Topper of the college, topper of the board, topper of the university. In fact, he’s of the one of the best – if not the best student SNU has ever got the chance to teach. He’s got the most impeccable academic record, of all time, now going to teach biochemistry to first year undergraduates this year,” Jungkook scoffed when he heard the entire class clap their hands at his arrival, after the Dean’s speech that complimented him, but he knew better, he kne-
“But what’s the use of all that? In anger management, he scores a zero. He’s a classic example for all of you, if you can’t hold your anger in, you’re nothing more than a murderer with surgical instruments in an emergency ward. Without compassion, your degree is of no use to me. Even a low score is acceptable to me, but not that behaviour,”
Was he trying to rile Jungkook up on purpose?
“Please continue, sir, I really loved the analysis you’ve done on me, please do continue,” The words flew out of Jungkook’s mouth as he made his way up the stairs to the stage where the dean stood.
“What behaviour is this? I need you to write an apology letter to Sungkyunkwan University, and to the college board as well,” 
It was clear the dean was about to get off the stage, before well, Jungkook spoke again. The dean didn’t really think he was getting off this easily, did he?
“Football is a violent sport, the minute they entered our territory, and tried to abuse the rules, that’s the minute everything and anything is allowed. As far as the apology goes, I’d rather quit the college than write that bullshit,”
The seminar room was so quite that a pin dropped would shatter the silence. Jungkook smirked before he exited, “I won’t lose anything by leaving SNU, any other medical program in the world will be ready to accept me, the only reason I stay in this hellhole is because I enjoy the spring in Seoul. But imagine the loss of pride that SNU will experience once Jeon Jungkook leaves the establishment,”
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Jungkook walked across the campus cafeteria as he tried to find his lighter in his pocket, fiddling with his cigarette in his other hand. “Are you seriously going to leave?” Jimin runned after him, struggling with his lab coat, “what will you get out of this? Just write the goddamn apology,”
Jungkook decided to settle on a table where three rowdy boys sat, flexing their muscles, but as they saw Jungkook approaching, they simply muttered apologies before scattering away, leaving the table.
Jimin-ah,” Jungkook smiled as he puffed his cigarette, “there’s nothing for me here, besides, I was planning to move to the US, anyways,”
“And leave me and Tae here? Wow, you’re such a considerate friend, you know,” Jungkook saw Jimin pout, and smiled.
It was really a miracle that he made his first two friends ever while his second year, here at SNU. Jimin loved pets, and was practicing to become a vet, while Taehyung was – kind of – crazy, and even scared Jungkook the first time he met him. He’s pretty sure Tae would’ve set the lab on fire if Jungkook hadn’t studied chemical properties before his class. At first, he hated it when both of them would tag along, following him to lunch, inviting themselves into his mansion, and forcing him to go to the arcade with them – but soon, he had learned to love being around them.
While looking around for Tae, so he could finally break the news of him leaving, his eyes landed on your figure. Now, Jungkook had never believed in love at first sight. Hell, he didn’t even believe in love, so, love at first sight seemed a little – well, impossible. But here you were, the reason why Jungkook felt like his heart was going to come out of his ribcage, it felt as if Jungkook had been struck by cupid, because the way you looked so adorable in your pink dress had left Jungkook feeling giddy. Seoul had a lot of pretty girls, he saw them every day, some of them even deserved to be on the cover of Vogue – but you, you were different, Something about you, your vibe, your pink cheeks and eyes that curled up when you smiled, something about you was difference.
Jungkook looked down at his letter of quitting, and simply tore it down when saw your figure leave the cafeteria.
“I can’t believe this, you see one of the first years, and suddenly, you want to stay?” Jimin shouts and slams his fat book on the table, muttering curse words.
Intimidating the first years – ragging, as they called it – had always been Jungkook’s favourite thing to do. Every year he’d either make them do ridiculous tasks, like eating a living goldfish, or running around the block naked. However, this time, it was different.
He made sure he entered the class taught by the foreign professor, so he could sneak in a couple of threats without making too much of a scene in front of the directors. As he excused himself in the full class, he couldn’t help but be glad that he looked quite… intimidating today. Everyone was already, well, scared of him, but his leather jacket, motorbike, and bandages on his fingers (which are actually there because he hurt his fingers by writing too much – not from the constant fights that people think he’s immersed into), they just add to his picture.
“There’s a medical camp soon for freshmen, so I would like to make an announcement,” Jungkook smiles, but everyone can sense the chilly aura underneath that smile, “I would also like to speak in Korean, since they’re mostly fluent in it,”
“Yes, Mr. Jeon, you may continue,” the British Professor smiles back – she can’t deny him, he’s her co-worker now, after all.
“Listen to me carefully,” Jungkook lets his tongue poke his inner cheek, as he brushes back his – way too long – hair, “I’m not going to repeat this in English, and that dumbass shouldn’t get a clue of what I’m saying,” he says as he nods politely at the professor on the slightly lifted stage. Once he confirms that she can’t understand a word, he turns her back towards her, and walks across the class, staring at everyone with a predatory look in his dark eyes.
“There’s a new girl, freshman, she’s mine. Other than her, you can woo any girl you like, but if I even so catch anyone staring at her, let alone trying to get on those cute study dates, or pretending to be in the same hobbies as her,” he looks across the stadium, “you’ll end up in bandages. With a failing grade in my class.”
Jungkook can’t help but present a fake smile, “don’t look so scared, idiots, you don’t want her,” he nods off to the professor, “to think I’m saying something wrong,”
“Why does it sound like a threat?” A nameless teenager from the back speaks up, which makes Jungkook’s smile slide off faster than sound travels.
“I’m not threatening you. I’m warning you. Besides, don’t even try to outsmart me, don’t worry new girls come in every year, you’ll have your chances. Now don’t sulk, or look suspicious. Circulate this message around, I don’t have enough time to go to every single unit,” he scans everyone’s face again, making sure they digested his new given information.
Once he’s satisfied, he convert back to English, “Good luck with the camp, guys. Meet you in my class tomorrow,” and with one last threatening smile, he’s gone.
“What did he say? Why did it sound like a threat?” the teacher joked once Jungkook left, and the class couldn’t help but immediately deny the threatening tone. After all, no one wanted to face Jeon Jungkook’s wrath.
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Your nervous jitters were still present, and you don’t want to admit, but you did tear up a little when you saw your parent’s car become smaller and smaller as it continued to drive down the road, till it finally is so far that you can’t even make it out with your eyes.
While most people had roommates of their own year, you were stuck with a sophomore and you didn’t exactly know whether that was a good thing, or a bad one. She had made very clear about what side of room was hers, and why it was hers, and how you’re not even allowed to get onto her side – and that did make you a little annoyed, because how could someone be so pretentious, but throughout the span of three days, the pretentious-ness was definitely wearing out. She’d cook dinner for you every day, because you didn’t have a rice cooker and she did (which, you really needed to invest in a rice cooker because you can pretty much cook anything in that fucker), and she was amazing at giving advice for every single teacher out there. You still had to get used to her high use of curse words, but it’s just what made her, her.
“Oh damn, you got the worst professors out there, bro you better goddamn pull your socks up, otherwise things aren’t gonna look pretty this semester,” you heard her chuckle, as she sits on her bed with one leg on top of the other.
“Why? Who’s so bad?”
Fucking hell. You already had had enough of bad teachers, it’s almost like you were cursed because your high school teachers were literally out to get you – but you guess it was a blessing in disguise because that just made you work even harder (just to spite them, hah), and you somehow ended up here, at SNU, one of the most prestigious colleges in Korea.
“It’s actually not all that bad, you got Mr. Lee for microbiology. He isn’t all that bad, but just don’t sit in the front row unless you want spit on your face every time he talks. I swear it’s like he had a motherfucking fountain in his mouth. Also, he loves it when you submit your papers with a perfect format, so do that whenever you give his weekly assignments,” She says, all while applying on a red blood coloured nail polish.
You study your schedule once again, “What about Mr. Kang?”
“No fucking absolute way! You got Mr. Kang? Bitch, seems like the universe is tryna fuck you over,” she says, and then mumbles a curse when some of the rid pigment ends up on her skin.
“Is he bad? Strict?” you can’t help but already be scared of the semester, and it hasn’t even started yet.
“He’s the most pretentious fucker you’ll ever meet, he just thinks he’s the best professor because he graduated from Oxford. Big woo, motherfucker. Half of his class fails pretty much, the only two people to walk out of his class with an A* grade were this kid named Baek-woo or something, and of course, Jeon Jungkook,”
Jeon Jungkook. You swear you’ve seen that name before. Oh wait, ohhh, he was your biochemistry professor.
“Jeon Jungkook? He’s also a professor?” you look at your perfectly squared schedule, and you have his classes thrice a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
“You got him?”
“Don’t know if I should call you lucky or not, because I have no clue what he teaches like. All I know is he’s fucking crazy good at everything, and that he’s super-hot. Not that he’s really interested in any girls, also I personally think he’s mental or something,” your roommate had finally finished painting her feet, and was now letting them sway in the air, and dry.
She spent the next hour talking about Jungko- Professor Jeon was basically a murder, a thug, a gang member or whatever even. You just laughed at the thought of it all.
First day, and you’re more nervous than you intended to be. It wasn’t going well, at all.  You had decided to look chic today, with your new (way too expensive) designer blazer, and your nude high heels, but here you were, sitting in the fourth row, wearing a red polka dress that made you look like a freshman. A high school freshman, not a college freshman.
You cursed yourself for buying a fake version of the nude heels (also, you could feel a tear forming in your eyes when you saw the heel broken, when you finally unpacked your belongings, but you sucked it right back in), you also wished your roommate was dead, because now you were sitting on your bed with a coffee stain on your blazer (no amounts of sorry could fix this disaster).
Also, you couldn’t help but notice an ungodly amount of stares thrown at you – not from hate, but just from sheer curiosity, and you were just so self-conscious because of it all, that you slipped from the last few stairs down the hostel causing your bare knees to get the nastiest scrape. Fuck, that’s going to hurt.
So when you finally settled in your Biochemistry class, you couldn’t help but well, be scared. There were rumours of Jeon Jungkook, your new teacher to be. Rumours that he used to be in a gang and dealt with drugs, and underground fights. There was a rumour that he once put a room to fire, killing almost 50 people. Also, that one time when he came to school with bandages on his hands – probably because he punched people to death, or hospitalizing them. There are rumours about him running over people on his motorcycle as well, and you can’t help but be extra conscious about this class, in fact you wouldn’t even have opt for it in the first place if you knew that Jeon Jungkook was the one teaching it. But, even since you’ve transferred, you’ve just told yourself that these were just rumours, and not everything is the truth.
Till now. He entered the class, probably not following the teacher’s dress code – you were pretty positive that leather jackets and ripped jeans weren’t exactly allowed, but he just looked so hot good, that you could let it slide. His stare lingered on you for quite a while, and you couldn’t help but fidget in your seat, avoiding eye contact.
“You, in the fourth row,”
You could see him pointing at you, but you just internally wished that it wasn’t actually, well you, that he was calling. Looking around, you see several other people in your row, maybe he was pointing towards the girl on your left that looked way more presentable than you.  Or maybe it was the boy on your left with glasses way too big for his face.
“You, in the red polka dot dress, come here,” Professor Jeon looked at you, and smiled? Why would he smile when he looked at you?
(You also quickly dismissed the thought that he has the cutest bunny smile you’ve ever seen, where his eyes crinkle slightly, and his cheeks bunch up – because that’s just inappropriate, even though the age gap isn’t that big.)
He quickly examines your knees, and you swear you see a flash of surprise (and worry?), and before you can register what is going on, he kneels down in front of you, and clicks his tongue, as if wanting to scold you.
“Sit here, in the front row where I can see you,” he says, after a few seconds of inspecting your new injury, and as you adjust yourself, you can’t help but be uncomfortable from the gazes of your classmates that disappear as soon as Professor Jeon starts teaching. Getting into SNU was a nightmare, and you weren’t going to let yourself fail any classes, but instead of listening to what Jungkook was teaching – which but the way, he taught way better than any of the other staff there. But his stare. His stare was terrifying.
His aura was definitely dangerous, and red sirens were bursting in your head, telling you to keep your distance from him. His deathly stare seemed anything but inviting, and when the boy to your right asked you about the syllabus, you couldn’t help but shiver under Jungkook’s Professor Jeon’s glare. He spent the next ten minutes shouting at the poor boy, who looked as if he was about to faint any second now. Scary.
Ever since, you’ve been avoiding any contact with him, even purposely ignoring him when he asked you what happened to your knee. (You tell yourself that his sad puppy face doesn’t bother you but in reality, it breaks your heart, and every time you try to sleep, it haunts you. (You then remind yourself about the numerous rumours he’s into, and the last thing you want to get in between is drama and romance)).
The first time Jungkook heard your name was through Taehyung (no, he wasn’t jealous that Tae knew your name before him, but he couldn’t help but want to reverse back time, just so he could learn your name before Taehyung did. Why did Tae know your name before he did?), and your name was on his tongue the entire day. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, all he could think about was how your hair would feel when he would brush his fingers through it, how your hand would fit into his, how you would look in his oversized t-shirts. (Occasionally, he would also think how you would look, laying on his bed, underneath him – but the sheer thought of it gets him hot and bothered and what not, and he doesn't have the time to be fooling around, that too, with a student).
So when he saw you sitting with one hand on top of the other, in his class, he couldn’t help the smile when his eyes landed on you, you just looked so, so adorable in your little dress. The thought of you being away from him, just killed him inside so he had to ask you to sit in the front row, where he could look at you as much as he wants to, all while teaching his class. Of course, he saw red in his eyes when he saw your knees tainted with blood, and all he wanted was to wrap a bandage on it, he couldn’t bear to look at you, sitting in pain – but for once in his life, he was considerate and thought that you might not want the uninvited attention.
That consideration came to bite him in the ass, because you left before you could hear him, and as he saw you blend into the crowd, he couldn’t help but curse under his breath and want to punch the next person he sees.
There’s a lot that Jungkook changes throughout the first week of classes, he attaches a second seat to the end of his motorbike (because when you both start dating, he’ll have to take you around), and even cuts his long hair – in case you don’t like it, it could grow back anyways. He always has a packet of your favourite chocolate in the left pocket of his bag (no, he didn’t threaten the guy at the nearest 7/11 to tell him the candy you’ve been buying lately (he also denies the fact that he bought three plushies for you, that are currently sitting on his side table (the white rabbit with red cheeks reminds him a lot of you))). He can’t, but he tries to smoke way less, tries to buy less cigarettes, tries to chew gum instead, or drink more water. And he would never admit it, but he took a photo of your student profile, and set it as his wallpaper. Jimin and Taehyung exchange a couple of looks after discovering this fact, but don't say anything about it - none of their business, right?
Being an undergrad professor also has it’s perks, he can look at all your records, and well, currently, you’re failing Mr. Kang’s class – anatomy 101. Finally, a fucking excuse to talk to you, because the way you basically run after his class ends makes him think you’re avoiding him? But you wouldn’t do that to him… right?
Because of you, Jungkook has been rocking some Massive dark circles (with a capital M, because boy, they are blue and way too dark in comparison to his actual skin tone), the only reason being your existence and all he does is Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, while tossing in his bed at 3AM, thinking of how you smiled when he tried to crack a joke in the class, thinking of your pushing his fingers through your hair, thinking of how you fumbled with your thumbs before mumbling your answer to his sudden question.
“So, Y/N, what do you think out of all these,” he motions towards the options, “does not act as a restriction enzyme?”
He just wanted to coo over how your thumbs fought with each other, as you tried (key word, tried), to answer his really easy question. (It actually wasn’t even that easy, you were just too scared to get anything below a B in Professor Jeon’s class, so you ended up studying two chapters ahead of your syllabus – despite his fast pace). So, you knew the answer was Polydeoxtribonucleotide synthase, but for the love of god, you just couldn’t pronounce that word.  
“It’s, uh, polydetr-,” you swear your breath was knocked out when he started walking towards you, oh God, why was he walking towards you?
“Yes, continue,” he smiles while standing, literally right in front of you. How does he expect you to answer when he’s looking at you as if you have all the answers of the universe. As if you were, I don’t know, Aphrodite or something.
“Uh, it’s the option D,”
“And that is?”
That motherfucker. He knew you couldn’t pronounce it.
“Polydo-“ you were positive that at this point you weren’t even breathing.
“Hey, just take a deep breath and try again,” He said, while taking your left hand in his own, and massaged it. You were positive everyone in the lab was looking at you, but their stares didn’t even compare to your hot teacher’s burning gaze.
“Poly-deo-,” you take a breath in,”x-tribo-nucleotide synthase,”
“That’s right, the answer is Polydeoxtribonucleotide synthase,” Jungkook says without having any trouble with the word, and before he gets away from you, he smiles in your direction, and says, “Good girl,”
You’re left to yourself wondering if this is a dream or if that just happened.
Jungkook’s day was going just terrible. His landlord had to be the cheapest bastard he knows, who just wouldn’t fix the water system, so for a week he was basically stuck with showering with ice cold water. On top of that, he was wearing a bruise on the left side of his face, it was all red and blue because last night he was too drunk to notice his book shelf that he installed last week.
He was supposed to be in the cafeteria right now, because at approximately 1:30 PM, your stupid microbiology class ended, and you headed straight to lunch after that, before your anatomy class. It had been, well give or take, around two weeks since the semester started, and he thought he would get over you soon, but you were just so goddamn adorable, and cute, and all Jungkook ever wanted was to squish your cheeks and press your body closer to his.
He finally reached the bustling cafeteria, ugh, he absolutely hated the noise there – so he never really ate there, preferring the quite café around the corner, but he knew you were on some sort of dumb student meal plan that only profits the university, and not actually you.
He’s expecting to find you sitting with your laptop (with a red smiley star sticker on the top right, which is just goddamn adorable (and no, that definitely isn’t the reason why Jungkook too, has a red smiley star sticker on his laptop now)). But you’re there, with some random ugly boy’s arm sprawled over your shoulder, as you giggle repeatedly at his bad jokes.
He sits on the table on your right and loudly slams his old anatomy book, before taking a seat. Here he was, all prepared with notes on what you were failing, all ready to teach you what you didn’t understand, spending all night making flashcards (he also ripped that one flashcard where on one side he wrote, “Will you go out with me?” and the other side blank, so you could write your response. He argues with himself that it wasn’t because he was shy or scared you’d say no – it was because it’s too cheesy).
His blood just boils when he sees you not removing – he finds out the boy’s name is Kim Seokjin – his ugly hand from your own, and just gets up and walks away after you giggle for the nth time on his not even funny jokes.
(Later that night, Jungkook tells himself he’s way better than that Seokjin bastard, even if Seokjin’s skin is flawless, and even if he has a handsome smile, and even if he can cook, and even if he can make you smile. Jungkook couldn’t have flawless hands because of all the callouses he has from writing too much, and his bruises might take a while to heal (he even puts an icepack on them now), and he could learn how to cook something other than instant noodles, and he could learn some jokes from the internet. He could be better than Seokjin, he would be better than anyone for you).
You love the feeling when things go perfect, and today was just so perfect. You fried an egg, all round a perfect circle and the yolk didn’t even break – which it always does when you flip it. Then, you sharpened a pencil and somehow the nib came out more than perfect, which made you all giggly and what not. Everyone in your friends circle at this point knew that you were the biggest hoe for cute stationery. Then, your anatomy class got cancelled and you were just so happy, and you even made a new friend today, Kim Seokjin.
You were a little uncomfortable when he smoothly glided his right arm over your shoulder, but he was just so funny, and he bought you the special menu items today – so you couldn’t even complain. After all, you really looked at him as a big brother because all he talked about was how his roommate was a complete asshole.
(“I told him to get me some water – which he should, because I’m older than him, and he should totally respect me,” he says, with an exaggerated and exasperated sigh.
“And he did what?”
“He brought a glass full of ice and told me to wait,”)
The one thing that you were, in fact really over thinking was about that one professor of yours. Jeon Jungkook. As you let the water cascade down your body in the tiny (really tiny) cubicle of the washroom that you shared with your roommate, Hye-jin.
“I noticed Kook looking at you in the cafeteria that day, y’know the whole campus is talking about it,”
“Uh, yeah, it’s kind of hard not to notice,”
“I’m guessing you don’t know about the whole speech he gave in that one class at the start of the semester?”
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Jungkook doesn’t really believes in love at first sight, but after stalking you on social media, he knew he was a goner for you. (Especially after that one video of yours where you’re trying to pet a dog, but the dog runs away, and you end up pouting at the camera. (Yes, he screen recorded the video and watched it a billion times before sleeping)). 
He has never had the urge to protect someone other than himself, and maybe his friends. But you, it was different with you – he doesn’t know if it was the small chub in your cheeks, or the way your ears would turn red when he would ask you something, or the way you would walk, or the way you slapped your thigh when you laughed, or the aroma of your citrus shampoo when you would walk past him, or your habit of getting coming down to the convenience store to grab ramen every Thursday night at 10 PM. 
He doesn’t know it, but he knows he’s meant to love you, meant to keep you in his life, meant to be yours, and meant to make you his.  
He has endured, yet another week where he hasn’t talked to you – and not gonna lie, it’s actually driving him crazy. Every day he sees you talking to Seokjin and laughing with others, while he sits and does nothing other than gawk at you.
During class, while he did occasionally glance your way, he still has 73 students to teach, and this being his first year as a teacher, he can’t afford any sort of mishaps at all.
But every man on this Earth has their limits. And Jungkook’s limit was watching Seokjin kiss your cheek. While you did (playfully) punch him on the shoulder, and you did shout out ‘Gross!’, Jungkook was sure that you definitely didn’t mean that punch, and you definitely didn’t think he was gross.
Did you think that Jungkook was gross? Why didn’t you ever visit him during office hours? Because every single girl in his class was sure to meet him for some dumb question, or to ask for extra credit. But you didn’t. Did you like Seokjin? Did you like someone else?
The next time he sees you is on Friday, during his class and he just knows, he knows he can’t go through today without talking to you, and the only way to do that is to-
“Y/N, could you stay after class, please?” he says, without even giving you a glance.
You mutter a silent yes, and keep your head down for the rest of the class, trying your best to ignore the mumbles of the class, talking about you and why you get to be treated different from others.
“You wanted to talk to me?” you say as you walk around the long table, running your fingers along the marble shelf.
“Do you wanna go out with me?”
What. What the heck?
You chuckle, thinking it’s some sort of sick prank he’s playing, you wait for him to say ‘Sike!’ but it never comes. Then you think that maybe, just maybe he does actually want to take you out? No. No way, he probably just wants to get alone with you in an alley, where he would kill you – or even worse, sell you off.
“No, thank you. If that’s all, am I allowed to go?” you say all this, in the smallest, most polite voice possible, after all the last thing you wanted was to piss off your professor. (who might be in a gang, who knows at this point?)
“What? Why?” he says, almost panicked, and you hear a shuffle of items as he makes his way to you, trying to watch you before you leave again. He sees your face morphed into an expression of extreme boredom. Fuck, he had to do something, quick.
“Not to be rude, but Professor, I just don’t think it’s right – or even allowed for us to date,” you say, trying your best not to look at him, shuffling your bag on your shoulder, because fuck, he looked so sad – his eyes almost looked glassy, fuck, fuck, fuck.
“You don’t have to date Professor Jeon, you can just date me as the graduate student here. I’m, still a student here, Y/N,”
“And? You’re also like four years older than me,”
“Three years,” he says, pouting. Ugh, he’s so cute.
“That doesn’t make it any better,”
“It doesn’t?” he sighs.
“No, I’m still your student, and you’re still my teacher,”
“Tell me, Y/N, did you take chemistry in high school?” he asks, while quickly walking to the back and mixing some chemicals that he definitely wasn’t supposed to touch without gloves on.
“Yes, why?”
“Well, I’m currently holding, uh it’s either Acetonitrile or Iodine mixed with Vitamin C,” he says, and you can see both the liquids, which he mixes together without a worry in the world.
“And? Professor Jeon, what are you going to do?” you walk over to him, slower than ever, taking one step at a time.
‘Please, call me Jungkook. Or Kook, if you feel like it,” he gives you one of his signature smiles, that you should be used to by now – but you just get flustered every time.
“Now, will you go out with me?” he asks again, this time in a much more hopeful tone.
“No,” you say, drawing out the ‘o’, when will get the clue?
“Fine, I guess I’ll just drink this,” he looks at the two glass beakers in his hands, and pours the both of them into a much bigger glass container, “and die,”
You scoff, thinking he’s bluffing, “Yeah, yeah, go on,”
Of course, he’s bluffing because there is no absolute way that he’ll be mad enough to drink goddamn Acetonitrile, unless he wants his cardiovascular system, central nervous system, liver and kidneys to, I don’t know, stop working.
“I’ll ask this again, Y/N, just one date, will you go out with me?” he says, while picking up the glass container, closer to his face, and you actually want to play this game till the end. No way is he going to drink this.
“Okay then,” he puts his lips on the container, and by now, you’ve actually started to get a bit scared. What if he does it? What if this crazy idiot actually drinks the fatal formula?
And then it happens. He drinks it. He fucking drinks it.
“What the fuck? Jungkook!”
“I’ll ask you again, will you go out with me?” he says after taking the biggest gulp ever. Is this his way of attempting suicide?
“Yes! Yes, oh god, I’ll go out with you!”
“Don’t say it like you’re doing me a favour,” he says, attempting to take another sip of the deadly liquid.
“No! I- Can you stop doing that? Stop drinking it! I’ll go out with you. In fact, I want to go out with you! Really!” you shout, trying to take the container away from him, scared shitless.
“Fuck, do I call 911?” you say, as you attempt to take your phone out of your 110 pound heavy bag. Then you hear him chuckle and throw away the remaining odourless, colourless solution.
“Relax, it was just water, I was just trying to scare you, but hey! You’ve agreed to a date with me, so it’s a win-win isn’t it?” Jungkook smiles sloppily, perching his elbow up on the table and letting his chin rest in his palm.
You can’t believe him. You really can’t.
You pretend to pick something up from the floor, “Professor, it seems you dropped something on the floor,”
“What?” he tries to look at your hand, to see what’s there, and just as you get his attention, you smack him across the face.
“Your common sense, you moron! What the hell were you thinking? Even if that was water, this could have traces of some really harmful chemicals and you ought to know better because you’re a goddamn teacher how could you be so careless you could have actually died-”
“But I didn’t, and now you’re going out with me,”
You can’t help the smile that creeps on your face, as your eyes glass up. You really had thought that he was going to die, or at the very least – harm himself severely.
“You’re so dumb, Jeon,” you say as you punch him, trying to suck your tears right back in – but they weren’t co-operating at all, and you let them fall down across your cheeks, causing Jungkook’s, breath to hitch up as soon as he sees them.
“Wait, wait, wait, are you crying? No, please don’t cry! Oh no, oh, I didn’t mean to… I was trying to make you laugh…” Jungkook says as his heart runs at 850 BMP a minute, trying to caress your face, trying to stop the tears from filling your eyes.
“What kind of sick-o would laugh at their professor dying? Are you mental?” you choke out, while trying your god-darn best to stop crying, because he was very much alive and right in front of you.
“I’m sorry, oh god, what should I do? What do girls like?” Jungkook was absolutely mortified. The first time he has ever talked to you – and he manages to make you cry. He totally royally fucked up. Big time.
He almost googled, ‘how to stop girl from crying’ and reading the wiki-how page, but decided against it, and hugged you – because that’s what his therapist told him to do when he hurts his loved ones. He would never – it wasn’t in him to physically ever hurt you. He couldn’t even bear the thought of that ever, and so when he did hug you, your sobbing decreased by a lot, and he felt much much better. Also, after holding you in his embrace, he realized how much he needed you to be next to him – to say Jungkook was touch starved is an extreme understatement, he loved the way he could you fit under him, the way your hair had a citrusy aroma, the way your arms hugged him back, it was comfortable. And Jungkook was positive that he could stay like this forever – if needed to.
You didn’t realize when he hugged you, but when he did, you were finally over the shock of thinking your crazy, dumb and hot professor had actually had some water instead of some deadly chemicals – and you weren’t the cause of his death. You wanted to hate him, but how could you? How could you just judge him upon some rumours that were just there to fit in the pieces of his live that he wouldn’t let other people know?
“I- I have a faculty meeting in five minutes,” you hear him speak, the vibration passing through his body – shaking you with it.
You clear your throat before letting go, and can’t help but feel the embarrassment rise out of you, in the form of red cheeks. You keep your head down, as he walks out the door of the lab, leaving you behind – but right before he leaves, he reminds you of your current situation, “Can’t wait for our date, sweets!”
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From Unknown Number
[1:38 AM]
r u sleeping
this is kook btw
To Prof JK
[1:40 AM]
how did u get my num??????
also do u not THINK before assigning all this hw :(
From Prof JK
[1:41 AM]
u should be sleeping rn bby
all i assigned was some reading???? and some worksheets????  
is it too much????
im so sry
To Prof JK
[1:50 AM]
well i do have a life outside of hw yknow
also im a huge procrastinator lmao
From Prof JK
[1:51 AM]
:( why r u taking so long to reply
r u busy
r u sleepy
also what life???? i’ve only ever seen u either at the library or the internet café down the street
whats my name saved in ur conatcts ;)))))
i saved urs as princess <3
To Prof JK
[1:54 AM]
it’s prof jk
From Prof JK
[1:55 AM]
thats boring :( im ur future bf now
also wanted to remind u the date is tomo so be ready
You don’t think before you change his name to Kook ‘Jungkook’.
To Jungkook
[1:57 AM]
oh yea how could i forget the fact that u tried to fake poison urself
also what?? date???
From Jungkook
[1:58 AM]
first of all, im so sry abt that i’ll buy u ur fav chocos
second of all, BRO
To Jungkook
[2:01 AM]
i guess i changed my mind lololol
From Jungkook
[2:02 AM]
look i know its weird some nuts prof asks u to go on a date with him
i know u don’t know me
but i know me
and i know i would do anything 4 u
i’ll be anything u want me to be
i can be smart
i can be funny too
i can try to cook for u maybe???? some pasta???
i could dance 4 u?????
To Jungkook
[2:06 AM]
no offense prof, but u seem so stiff
no way u can dance
From Jungkook
[2:08 AM]
is that a challenge…???
just tell me what u want and i’ll be that for u
To Jungkook
[2:09 AM]
u r dumb
From Jungkook
[2:10 AM]
i could be that
if u want me to be
come on, just ONE date i promise i’ll leave u alone after that if u don’t like it
To Jungkook
[2:13 AM]
mm… sis i guess u should start to figure something out then
bcz this aint good enough
see ya
From Jungkook
[2:14 AM]
ugh i cant force but :( pls?
istg itll be the best day of ur life
To Jungkook
[2:15 AM]
yea ok whatever u say im not going anywhere with u
From Jungkook
[2:16 AM]
Don’t think too mucb about me
To Jungkook
[2:18 AM]
In ur dreams
From Jungkook
[2:32 AM]
oh u do come in my dreams ;))
✓ Seen by princess <3 
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The next couple of days, you get some… gifts from a not so secret admirer. And you definitely didn’t change him name from ‘Prof Jeon’, to ‘Jungkook,’ to ‘Jungkookie <3’ in the span of 11 days. (And you most definitely didn’t feel giddy from inside every time you received a notification that read, ‘One New Message from Jungkookie <3’.
“You’re not very subtle, Professor Jeon,” you stay around after his class, watching him put away his books in is leather back. You can tell he was surprised by your action of staying back, but you had to put a stop to what was happening.
The next morning after he texted you for the first time, you had a Huge – with a capital H – bouquet of red roses, and you’ll admit you teared up a bit after looking at it, after all it was your first time receiving flowers from a boy (or man? (a man that was actual eye candy, but you’ll never admit that)).
Two days later,
From Jungkookie <3
[1:53 AM]
look outside
To Jungkookie <3
[1:54 AM]
dont tell me u r outside dumbass its like 2am
Lo and behold, Jungkook’s standing in the middle of the road, holding a single red rose and smiling. There’s a stark difference between his current self, and his demeanour during class – now the moonlight hits his unmade fluffy hair and cheeks, making him look years younger than he is. You can’t help but shout, ‘You idiot! You’ll catch a cold!’ while probably waking up several angry sleep deprived students in the process, but you can’t help but laugh at the way he dances for you. On this cold, lonely night, he brought you the warmth you didn’t know you needed.
It seemed that after that, Jungkook and you were the talk of the town, people would wait for both of you to get together, place bets on when you would finally say yes to him. On the other hand, you received candies from him, you had access to the teacher’s lounge coffee (which was honestly a huge plus point, now you could save five dollars on watery coffee, and have some actual caffeine), and he had pre-paid the 7/11 dude $500 in cash, so he wouldn’t even accept your payments now. The one thing that you actually appreciated him the most for was that he made you flashcards for Mr. Kang’s class (which you were failing, real bad), and while it wasn’t much, you still bumped you ‘F’ to a ‘D’, that just remained the highlight of your goddamn month.
To Jungkookie <3
[2:08 PM]
From Jungkookie <3
[2:09 PM]
hi baby girl
:( i’ve noticed u r cursing a lot nowadays
To Jungkookie <3
[2:11 PM]
i’ve noticed u calling me baby lately but u don't see me whining so stfu
i mean i still kinda failed but it’s not a F
From Jungkookie <3
[2:13 PM]
im so proud of u, u r so so so smart
:( i wonder if u would let me teach u maybe???? tutor u???
✓ Seen 2:15 PM by princess <3
One of his much, much grander displays of affections was, well, kind of weird, he bought you a penguin. You were a proud, and extremely happy mother of a cute penguin named Otis.
From Jungkook <3
[9:07 AM]
ok but what would u want as a pet
To Jungkook <3
[10:38 AM]
You knew it must’ve cost him a fortune, and his job as a professor must not be enough, but you had always dreamed of being able to hold the certificate of your baby, and be able to monitor it, and be able to be the one to feed it (well, not literally). And he had to pay for his own grad school fees, which must be a total nightmare on its own – here you were, in his class, waiting for him to pack up so you could maybe pay him back a little?
By no means could you afford a $3000 penguin, but you could maybe ask him if there’s something you could do?
“So, Prof, how would you like me to re-pay you?” you honestly half expected a sex joke on his part – maybe because he looks like a fuckboy on steroids and snorts a lot of protein powder before hitting the gym.
“Um, maybe a hug?��
Oh. Ohhhh. Oh. Unexpected. Okay. Calm yourself down.
“A hug?” you tried not to look at his face, because you knew if you did, it would be hard, way too hard to be able to resist him. You knew he was all dangerous, and bad boy and what not – but, this man, the one with the bunny smile and the fluffy hair, and the one who smelled more like freshly baked bread rather than the axe cologne spray you had imagine, he wasn’t a gang member or a delinquent. He was simply asking for love.
“Why a hug?”
“Just… never really hugged anyone properly,” Jungkook knew he wasn’t asking for much. He could’ve asked for a date, or a kiss, or just anything, but all he wanted was to hold you.
It had been a hard week for him. Being a grad student wasn’t easy no matter how many hours of study you pull in, and no matter how much knowledge you attained – while he was way better off than his peers – he knew he couldn’t afford the failure – he was just starting to feel less and less like a human, and more like a robot. Also, it wasn’t easy to be an undergraduate professor – in fact, it was fucking hell. Your peers, and the entire fucking batch was just so hopelessly dumb – he doesn’t want to admit but he even cringes at some of the mistakes you made (who mixes up chemicals! They’re the most difficult to mess up!) and he hated it when he would just have to give you a ‘C,’ instead of the ‘A,’ you actually deserved (because you’re so smart and he can see it! But you’re also so stubborn, sigh).
Lately, it seems like without his therapist, life just seemed more difficult. When he looks at the broken pencils, the pieces of wood sitting on his table, the teared up paper, and the headache he was constantly in – he’s taken back to the 12 year old Jungkook who couldn’t control his hands, who did nothing but hurt those around him. He looks at his hands, he hates them, they hurt people without his permission. 
Sometimes, he would cry, because why couldn’t he simply control himself? Why did his anger, the red in his eyes, the strength of his arm always win over his subconscious and ability to think correct? Why couldn’t he simply re-do a question he got wrong instead of breaking pencils and tearing up everything apart? Why were there numerous holes in the wall covered by posters? Why did this animalistic rage always win over him? Why him?
Jungkook spends the night dreaming of actually being able to help patients, and operating instead of simply… being useless.
So, in that moment, he just wanted comfort. Simple as that. He doesn’t recall anyone ever hugging him in his life, maybe half sided hugs from coaches and professor, or the ones that Tae forces onto him, but other than that, Jungkook has never had an interest in physical contact with people – always thinking it was way showing vulnerability, but with you, he just wanted to be normal.
He didn’t want you to know him as the weird, crazy idiot with anger management issues, or the druggie who smokes weed 24/7, he just wanted you to know him as the real Jungkook he is. The real Jungkook who has iron man socks, and has a fear of microwaves.
So when you do hug him, and feel his arms by your side, and you can’t help but want to stay this way. Surprisingly, it isn’t you who breaks the hug, and you actually want more of it, more of that soft feel of his black shirt against your cheek, more of his hard arms closing you in, more of his warmth.
You clear your throat, and… you don’t know what to do.
“So, um, thanks y’know f-for Otis. You really didn’t have to, I mean I appreciate it I really do, it was more than anything anyone’s every done for me y’know? So like, um, yeah, I uh-“ you mentally curse yourself, just stop speaking already.
“You named it Otis? That’s such a basic penguin name,” Jungkook chuckles, hoping to make you even slightly mad, and the fact that you looked at him with an expression of shock and anger just added to his satisfaction.
Just like that, the awkward layer in the air no longer lingers, and settles to soft banter, something you enjoyed.
“Excuse me? It’s like, the cutest name ever, and whoever thinks against that is a total meathe-“
“I’ve never seen someone be angry and look adorable at the same time,”
“Well, mama didn’t raise no bitch, I will adorably kick your ass, Jungkook,”
“On a first name basis now? Guess I’m making progress,”
“I hate you so much,”
And now twelve minutes and seventeen seconds later, here you both were, sitting on the bench outside the local 7/11, sharing an egg and ham sandwich.
By no means did Jungkook ever mean to have his first lunch with you like this, he had planned it all out, first date, 100 day anniversary, his first ‘I love you,’ speech, the gift for your birthday in January – he didn’t expect to sit on the side of the road at the old, rusty (and really uncomfortable) bench, eating a one dollar sandwich.
You make fun of Jungkook after his high five got rejected by a passing by 5 year old-ish kid with his mom.
“He hates me,” Jungkook pouts and looks at his left hand with such sorrow and anguish that you can’t help but let the laughter bubbling in your throat let out.
“He was like 5,”
“Still, he totally ignored me as if I didn’t exist,”
You don’t even realise three hours pass by, as both, you and Jungkook (two nerds united together), talk about politics, how absolutely terrible Mr. Kang is (you laughed for three solid minutes after Jungkook tried to mimic his sneer), he basically forces you to let him tutor you in anatomy, because he just can’t see you not get an A next time (you scoff and act as if you’re doing him a favour by saying yes, while from inside you screaming happily only because now your grades will be much, much higher – you’re definitely not happy because you’ll have to spend more time with the funny, cute, really nice and just overall hot guy that smells so good).
“Oh my God,” Jungkook says as he extends an arm and feels the light rain on his palm, “it’s probably going to rain soon,”
You don’t pay too much heed until 5 minutes later, it’s turns into an intense round of teardrops on the concrete under you, and you’re left to whine about how you’ll walk till your dorm – and there was no way you were going to get a taxi because you literally lived two streets away from the store.
“Let’s dance in the rain,” Jungkook runs into the narrow street, without a care in the world, and you’re left contemplating whether you should join him or not.
“I thought you were sort of mental, but now I’m fully sure your mom dropped you on the head when you were a baby,” you shout from the bench, hoping he can hear your voice despite the loud splat of each raindrop when it meets the ground.
“Join me,” he says as he tries to pull your hand lightly, hoping you would come on your own, and while you haven’t had fun in the rain since you were a child, you can’t help but want to relive the feeling of the cold water hitting you, not knowing where you end up at.
Jungkook ends up leading you, and you both end up doing a sloppy couple’s dance with his hands on your waist, and yours on his shoulders. You look into his eyes and see a childish charm, you see an affection and a purity in his smile, in the cute not so perfect teeth he possessed, and you can’t help but smile. You had never had things come to you, you were never used to this, never used you things happening to you, for you.
After a good fifteen minutes of fooling around, he ends up walking you back to the dorm – both of you a mess, with clothes clinging to your bodies, webbed fingers, wet hair and sore cheeks from smiling too much. Somehow, you didn’t want to be apart from the boy who waved you goodbye, and you don’t end up closing the door until he goes down the stairs and you can’t see his figure anymore.
To Jungkookie <3
[6:17 PM]
im gonna have to use an entire tub of conditioner to make my hair not feel like hay
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PART TWO WILL COME OUT SOON XO (there will only be 3 parts).
also, just so everyone knows I absolutely adore jin, no bashing towards him, as once @kpopyandere​ said, and I quote: For real the closest I’ve ever been to believing in god is seeing Kim seokjin’s face. Only something divine could’ve created that.
I absolutely loved writing this even though it seems like it’s all over the place kind of lol. Been super insecure of my writing lately 🥺❤️ give me validation 🤩 jk but do let me know if you liked something or if u liked something in particular or idk also lmao sry there's no smut ;))))) wait for part two
taglist: @blkjmn​ @patpus​ @vantedollz​ @letmebeyour-sun​ @zeharilisharaban​ @hpnjrph​ @livewittykid​ @yzkyzkuniverse​ @nochuactivate​ @international-kpopfan​ @gvksp4ce​ @girlontheblock​ @kisskoos​ @jeonkooksgirl​ @hytibm​ @jooniescupcakes​ @teresaisla​ @lurkerarmy​
558 notes · View notes
yandere-daydreams · 4 years
A Yandere!Lucifer/Reader commission for the very lovely, very creative @pyrokittyowo​, with just a couple hints of Yandere!Diavolo. I really do love writing for him, if only because he’s got all the time and resources in the world to make everyone’s life a living *hell*, and nothing better to do than put his heart into it. What else could you ask for in a man?
Word Count: 3.1k
TW: (Minor) Physical Violence, Manipulation, Abusive Relationships, and Dehumanization.
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Diavolo couldn’t say he didn’t enjoy feeling superior.
It was an odd sensation. He was a demon, for all intents and purposes, but it was hard to feel like one, regardless of how often he tried to do so. It was the disorientation that came from being the strongest of your kind but still living so far below the next step, more powerful than those that surrounded you but unable to reach another level, one where he’d certainly be eclipsed by monsters who didn’t carry the same regard demons did for other living, breathing creatures. Diavolo didn’t think of himself as above the average creature, but the idea would arise in his subconscious from time to time, nagging and irritating and refusing to drown until it was acknowledged, even if dismissal always followed his admission. He was strong, and he was powerful and he was capable, but he never let it affect his ego, not when doing so would only push him further away from his subjects, as it had with his father and every ruler before him. Still, he knew the limits of his control, and he was keenly aware of all the many beasts and brutes went about their never-ending lives within those limits.
With this in mind, Diavolo’s annoyance upon seeing one of his most obedient pets start to walk along the edge of that boundary was understandable.
Diavolo had always prided himself on not having to keep Lucifer on a tight leash. The man was loyal to a fault, the reason behind his dedication long-since having become more of an excuse than a binding contract. Lucifer didn’t have to be given orders, anymore, there wasn’t a need for threats of discipline or the poorly veiled warnings that’d dominated the early stages of their relationship, not when he seemed to think of paperwork and politics as a hobby to be enjoyed rather than a responsibility to be dreaded. He was useful, hell, he was one of the few people Diavolo might call an equal, but this wasn’t the time to get sentimental. Not when Lucifer’s attention seemed to wander more and more with each passing day.
Even now, he seemed distracted, his eyes only ever occasionally meeting Diavolo’s. Instead, they darted around the ballroom anxiously, first to the flute of champagne in his hand, then to the tiled floor then a nearby staircase then anything, as long as he didn’t have to linger on it for more than a moment. It wasn’t uncommon for people to be uncomfortable during Diavolo’s parties, his guests and all their many fangs and talons caused more than enough unease for the average visitor, but it was unheard of for Lucifer to fall into a similar discontent. His feathers were beginning to ruffle unconsciously, his secondary wings already curling towards his chest, and his posture was no better, too rigid to mean anything good. If it’d been anyone else, Diavolo might’ve shrugged it off and suffered through a one-sided conversation, but it was Lucifer, his confidante, his willing servant, his friend. If something was bothering him, Diavolo was sure he wanted to know.
So, he glanced in the general direction of Lucifer’s temporary focus, clicked his tongue, and frowned knowingly. “You’d tell me if Mammon got his hands on the key to my vault again, wouldn’t you?” He asked, flatly, aiming to keep his tone as serious as possible. “I’d hate to have to find another of my treasures ‘relocated’ to the House of Lamentation, especially after the fuss it caused.”
Lucifer jumped to alertness, shoulders squaring defensively and his gaze sharpening to a glare as he stuttered out something incomprehensible, stopping to compose himself before giving a coherent response. “We had a talk about that, last time,” Lucifer assured, his fingers flexing around his glass’ neck. “He won’t try anything, this time, I’ve made sure of it. As long as he values having the same number of limbs he had this morning, I mean.”
“And I’m sure your methods were effective, as always.” Diavolo gave Lucifer a minute to flush and fluster, but he pulled his companion out of his stupor with a hearty laugh, Diavolo nudging him gently with his elbow as Lucifer took to sulking. “But something is bothering you,” He confirmed, only pausing for a brief moment to allow Lucifer the courtesy of a nod. “Might as well tell me, Luci’. You know I’m not going to let it go until you do.”
Lucifer let out a long, labored sigh, but didn’t struggle before giving in. Silently, his concentration shifted, turning towards the ballroom’s center, where assorted couples were dancing and talking and doing whatever couples chose to do when music and drinks were in abundance. It took him a second or two to settle, his eyes eventually landing on you, already in the arms of one of Lucifer’s brothers, completely unaware of the agony you were causing him.
Diavolo couldn’t say he saw Lucifer’s reasoning. If he was a pet, you were a bug, something insignificant and defenseless in the grand scheme of things. With all the trouble you got yourself into, you should’ve been caught under someone’s heel and crushed months ago, but Diavolo was never one to refuse entertainment. And yet, if he was to trust the fury suddenly smeared across Lucifer’s expression, he would’ve thought you were the most unignorable pest across the three realms. “The exchange student?” He asked, absentmindedly. “You’re not going to tell me you let a human drive you into such a state, are you?”
“It’s an… unfortunate affliction.” As Lucifer’s eyes followed you, he only seemed to grow more agitated. He twitched when you smiled, flinched when you laughed, and when you pulled away from your partner, curtsying with an unsteady grace, Lucifer’s hold on his glass grew tighter, tighter, tighter, the flute eventually cracking and splintering, shards digging into Lucifer’s gloved hand and the translucent fluid beginning to leak out. If he noticed, though, he didn’t intend to show it, only gritting his teeth and giving an explanation. “It’s… It’s annoying, when she insists on lowering herself to their standards. I love my brothers, I do, but…” He trailed off, shaking his head and scoffing, as if he was still trying to dismiss whatever thoughts were plaguing his mind. “Am I supposed to watch this? It’s disgusting, it’s infuriating, it makes me want to do something unpleasant, My Lord.”
Although Diavolo doubted the sincerity of Lucifer’s declaration, he recognized that tone, that foolish, irrational anger. The awareness of power and the willingness to put it on display, the desire to use it on something smaller and weaker than himself. Diavolo felt his grin broaden, a solution to more than one of his problems arising. He could only chuckle, resting his hand on Lucifer’s shoulder as his open wounds began to drip and bleed.
“I know exactly how you feel, my friend.”
“He’s been acting strange, lately. I was just wondering if you’d noticed.”
You were no more impressive in person. When Diavolo approached you, your reactions had been so pitifully predictable, your demeanor vulnerable and unsuspecting, prey in every sense of the word. You’d been assigned to clean your homeroom after hours, a fortunate coincidence on Diavolo’s part, and he’d sent Lucifer off on some trivial, time-consuming task he wouldn’t be done with any time soon. When he finally addressed his concerns, you were all wide-eyes and parted lips, curling around the broom in your hands whenever he mentioned your companion’s name. But, if you considered Diavolo a threat, you were smart enough not to say it. A wise decision, really. He wanted this to go as smoothly as you did.
“No stranger than usual,” You said, tossing the wooden handle from hand to hand. You didn’t try to hide your anxiety. “I’m probably not the best person to ask. He’s never been normal, to me.”
Diavolo knew what you were talking about. He’d bandaged Lucifer’s hand the night before while being thoroughly educated on just how not normal the relationship between you and Lucifer happened to be. He simply pursed his lips, letting his gaze bore into you as he replied. “What do you mean? You’d tell me if something was wrong, wouldn’t you, (Y/n)?”
You let out a heavy sigh, your shoulders dropping in some personal show of complacency. “I know how close you two are, but he scares me,” You admitted, your reluctance only momentary. “He loses control of himself, sometimes, I get it, but it’s not just when he’s in a rage. Ever since we made our pact, he’s been touching me more often, and saying these... these things. I can’t really explain it, but whenever he looks at me-” You stopped without warning, cutting yourself off. As if the only words you were capable of using were those you’d already convinced yourself not to speak aloud. “He’s controlling. I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s like he gets off on backing me into a corner and making me beg to be left alone.”
You looked towards him when you finished, searching for any traces of sympathy you could get, and Diavolo did his best to indulge you. He was still trying to figure out how he felt about your… dynamic, with Lucifer. He understood the temptation. Even now, alone and standing in front of a man you didn’t trust, you made no effort to protect yourself, exposed to any demonic being that wandered in and helpless, despite how adamantly you insisted you weren’t. With someone as stifling as Lucifer, such negligence must’ve been intolerable. But, he wasn’t Lucifer, and for now, you were more of a distraction than a pastime. Something that needed to be dealt with promptly and played with later on.
“I can take care of that. He goes through a rebellious phase, every now and then, but it’s nothing he can’t be snapped out of.” He smiled, delicately, putting on a grin not unlike the one he’d used with your counterpart.
“But, it’ll be much easier for both of us if you lend me a hand.”
Diavolo was the only one speaking.
The conversation was tense, at first, but existent. In the cramped walls of his office, both you and Lucifer had done your best to give suitable (albeit bland) responses whenever they were called for, more Lucifer than yourself. Your voice had been smothered by Lucifer’s gaze, intense and burning into you until you were rendered quiet, and his own words becoming less and less as more of his focus was dedicated to drumming his fingers against the arm of his chair and biting at his bottom lip and growing more impatient. You’d lied to him, to get here, promised that you were going back to the House of Lamentation and insisted that you’d never think of trying to run around behind his back, which was, evidently, untrue. You weren’t sure which he found more maddening, the violation of his control or your willingness to break out of it. You weren’t sure which he’d you punish you for more violently.
It didn’t matter, honestly.
You’d have scars for both, tomorrow morning.
So consumed by your own demise, you didn’t notice when Diavolo’s voice went quiet, too, leaving the room in a tense, frigid silence, as purposeful as it was terrible. It couldn’t have lasted more than a few seconds, but it might as well’ve been years with the anxiety suddenly racking over your nerves. Luckily, Diavolo didn’t let it go on for very long, breaking the stillness with a crisp, defined knock to his desk, a familiar grin stretching across his lips. You rose, right on cue, suddenly more uncomfortable in your own skin than you’d ever been before. It didn’t feel any better to take your place on his side, separated from Lucifer by a mahogany desk and a small mountain of paperwork, but you were glad to be standing. It was part of a plan, and plans meant security. They meant you knew what was going to happen next.
You couldn’t bring yourself to be surprised when that security was ripped away, as fast and as carelessly as any time before.
Diavolo was supposed to confront Lucifer about his treatment of a valued exchange student. He was supposed to be professional, and strict, and move you into an empty dorm in Purgatory Hall, just to show that he could distance you from Lucifer, if he deemed it necessary. Lucifer was supposed to pout and argue and agree, and that was supposed to be it, that’s all that was supposed to happen. Still, your shock was muted as a strong arm looped around your waist, pulling you effortlessly into Diavolo’s lap, holding you there when the reflex to push yourself away and struggle took over. You threw your elbow into his chest, taking hold of his bicep and attempting to drag yourself away, but your efforts were made in vain, Diavolo only laughing and bringing his free hand up, letting it come to rest on your shoulder. A nail, a talon, really, sharp and pointed and blood-thirsty, tapped twice against your jugular, and you froze, not wanting to find out how easy it would be for him to drive them through your flesh.
Lucifer’s reaction was instantaneous. His mouth opened, something hushed and vile slipping out, and he clambered out of his chair with a shameless desperation, but haulted as soon as he was on his feet. A mix of instinct and common sense fueled him, his anger, his self-restraint. The overwhelming desire to stop someone else from putting their hands on something he so obviously considered his, but the prevailing knowledge that trying to take you back by force would only lead to hands too broken to do so. You couldn’t imagine how many times he’d been through this, with Diavolo. He certainly seemed experienced, when it came to holding himself back.
“Why?” He spat, the question blunt, but dripping with something venomous. He took a step forward, slowly, moving to edge around the obscuring desk. Diavolo didn’t stop him, his grin only turning towards a smirk as he watched Lucifer make his cautious approach. “I’m not going to let your hurt--”
“I won’t have to hurt her.” Your breath hitched in your lungs as the hand on your shoulder slipped downwards, trailing over the shape of your collarbone before trailing its way to your neck, rubbing an apologetic circle into the edge of your jaw before taking your throat in a vice-grip, not choking but ready to. You were suddenly made aware of just how small you were, compared to both men, Diavolo’s palm pressing against the length of your throat and his fingers struggling to fit without forcing your head back. You didn’t doubt a thoughtless movement or jerk too sudden would be enough to crush anything vital. “I don’t want to hurt her, but you’re not giving me a choice.” He paused, pouting, tilting his head to the side and drawing attention to just how badly you’d started to shake. “It’d be a shame if I had to do something drastic to some poor human because of your actions.”
Lucifer locked his jaw into place, his fists clenching at his sides. “I haven’t taken action, yet. If I’ve done something to offend you, I apologize, but my feelings for (Y/n) aren’t…” He bit his own tongue, running a hand through his hair, searching for a distraction that refused to make itself apparent. “She doesn’t have anything to do with us. You understand that, don’t you? (Y/n)  doesn’t have anything to do with any of this.”
“I’d like to believe you.” He let out a ragged exhale, as if the thought had been weighing on him. He wasn’t the one with claws pressed against his skin, though, a thin, red line slowly forming along the side of your neck as Diavolo dragged his thumb lazily over your skin, leaving a muted, stinging pain in its wake. “I worry about you, sometimes, Lucifer. You’re so helpful, and I’d hate to lose you to some uncontrolled obsession. But, I fear you’d come to resent me if I deprived you of your vices completely.” Another squeeze, this one testing, teasing. As if you and him were in on a joke, some parody of a bastardized friendly scheme. “That’s why (Y/n) is going to fall under my protection, from now on. When I’m confident in your loyalty, you can carry on with your little courting ritual. I’ll even give you two a room in my estate, somewhere more private. That’s what you want, isn’t it? Privacy?”
Lucifer only glowered. “And if I don’t agree?”
At this, Diavolo chuckled. He chuckled, then he laughed, then he took you by the throat, lifting you off his lap and letting you sputter and cough and suffocate as he held you in place, ignoring your attempts to loosen his grip. Lucifer moved to lunge forward, to tear you away and take solace in whatever survived, but Diavolo just shook his head, something in your neck cracking as he clenched down. “I don’t take kindly to defiance. You should know that better than anyone, and you should know how little I care for being challenged. Either you get down on your knees and bow, or-” He dropped you, abruptly, but your freedom was short-lived. As soon as you’d gotten a decent breath in, fingers were entangled in your hair, jerking you upward and forcing a meek, pathetic whimper through your lips. You couldn’t tell whether Lucifer was concerned for your wellbeing, or jealous that he hadn’t been the one to elicit such a pitiful sound. “Or, I break your favorite toy and no one gets to play. It’d be a shame to give something so disobedient an easy way out, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make, if it means you step into line.”
He released you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look, to move, to do anything but catch your breath and hide, your face soon buried in his coat. You heard rustling, the thud of something solid hitting the wooden floor, but those noises were distant, drowned out by something dark and dominant, as overpowering as it was oppressing.
You wondered if you’d ever be able to hear something other than Diavolo’s laughter again.
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Shadows and Pills - 2
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Summary: Some people come away from the Battle of New York with scars and broken bones. Some come away with nightmares and years of therapy ahead of them. Some don’t come away at all. Alexa comes away with a shadow.
Warnings: RAPE, Torture, Abuse, Self Harm, Negative Images of Psychological Services/Mental Health Professionals, Hallucinations, Stalking, Supernatural Horror, Prescription Drug Use and Eventual Abuse, Mental Illness, PTSD, Flashbacks of Violence, Flashbacks of Tragedy, Starving Oneself, Isolation, Physical and Mental Exhaustion, Denial, Self Neglect, Gaslighting, Mental Spiraling, Mental and Emotional Abuse
Author’s Note: This is not a happy story in any sense, at any point. I could only write this at my lowest places, emotionally and mentally speaking, and I had a hard time coming back from it. This is dark, and it does not at any point get lighter. I relied heavily on my own experiences with mental struggles and took a few pieces here and there from my own experiences with mental health professionals. MY EXPERIENCES ARE MY OWN AND ARE NOT TYPICAL, NOT EVEN FOR ME. If you need mental help of any kind, please DO NOT HESITATE TO REACH OUT TO GET IT. This story was an exercise in mental exorcism, in a sense.
For all the Loki lovers out there, I do not shine him anything like a good or redeeming light here. He is evil incarnate, more or less. I love Loki, I love good Loki and redeemed Loki and misunderstood Loki and just about every incarnation thereof. I needed a villain, and he fit the story.
Above all, please be kind. This was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever written, and it took me years to work up the courage to post it.
A massive thank you to all my friends for support, especially to @glassjacket and @thoughtslikeaminefield . I say it a lot, but you need to know I love you.
Word Count: 1 - 3785; 2 - 3513; 3 - 1068
In Case You Missed It: Part 1 ItMightHaveBeenIntentional’s Masterlist
Shadows and Pills
Morning Routine: Already woken up. Shut off alarm with a shriek of terror by heaving it across the room with enough force that it shatters against the wall. Breathing exercises for thirty minutes to lower accelerated heart rate. Shower until the hot water is long gone and hypothermia is close to setting in, but she still can’t get clean. The thick, mucus-like sensation won’t leave her skin, glue and ashes spread thick over her flesh in a foul assault to her tactile senses that leaves her dizzy and faint if she considers it for too long. Throw out every scrap of food in the apartment; just the sight of it makes her gag and retch. Choke down the meds (the only thing she can stomach, at this point). Throw on clothes she’s mostly sure are on the correct end of her body. Grab her keys, and…
She always puts her keys in the same spot. Dish on the tiny table by the door. That’s her key dish. She knows she put them there. They are always there. She can remember putting them there; it’s one of the precious few things she knows she can do right these days.
Why aren’t they there?
Thirty minutes turning the entire apartment upside down looking for the keys, ignoring the shadow that follows her from room to room, skittering to a far wall whenever the shadow runs too near, pretending that she is still alone, searching, searching, where the hell are they, I always put them in the dish, I know I dropped them in there, I can hear the clink from when I put them away yesterday where could they possibly have got to it’s not like THEY’D WANDER OFF BY THEMSELVES WHERE ARE MY GODDAMNED KEYS-
A searing, ripping pain tears her from her spiraling thoughts and back to the present where her hands are clenched in her hair, her nails dug into her scalp, and something slick and hot slides between her fingers. She releases her clenched fists, but her fingers come away smeared with blood and clumps of hair, and her shoulders begin to tremble, her mouth quivering and eyes stinging with unshed tears.
“I just...need my keys. I need to breathe. I need my keys. I need-”
Her head whips toward the sound, and there they are. In their dish. In the same dish she knows she left them in last night. Where they absolutely were not sitting seconds ago.
“But. I didn’t. They-“
She snatches her keys and flees, followed closely by her personal nightmare.
The silence stretches out longer than even Alexa is comfortable with. The constant scratching of the doctor’s pen has quieted, and still Alexa sits, unnerved but unwilling to speak without direction. Answering questions is fine, but if she speaks on her own, she’ll start babbling. And there are a few things she needs to not say.
Like how she’s averaging about an hour of sleep a night, according to her clock. The nightmares start every time she falls asleep. She remembers less and less about any of them, to the point where the only way she knows she was even asleep is the inevitable rip back to consciousness.
And she’s not just missing parts of her dreams. Her days are beginning to blur, individual moments bleeding into others until she’s lost whole chunks of time, hours that are a smear in her memory with no real details. The loss, both of her days and nights, shakes her more than the lack of sleep. What else is she losing, along with her memory?
She can’t tell him why she’s wearing a hat or how she has to set reminders on her phone to stop tearing at her hair, how she has to clean her scalp and hold pressure at least once a day to stop the bleeding and try to repair the damage done by digging nails and ripped follicles.
She can’t tell him about how she can’t look in mirrors anymore. Two days ago, she was brushing her hair out into a ponytail with the intention of wrapping it into a skull-aching bun that might help hold everything inside her head and maybe possibly help her keep her fingers out of her hair, and then suddenly the eyes looking back out at her weren’t her own. Brown bled into ice blue then green in a flash; a wicked, cruel smile curved her lips, and she could feel herself smile, but she wasn’t smiling, and-
So, no, she shouldn’t lead the conversation today. Today Alexa needs a little guidance.
She feels the doctor’s gaze, but there’s less scrutiny than usual. His eyes feel a little more sympathetic than she’s used to, but she still won’t look up. He’s good at getting her to talk, and she needs every ounce of self-control just to keep herself held together and not exploding across his polished, pristine desk.
“Alexa, you don’t look like you’re...How have y-”
She must look pretty wretched if even the doctor is at a loss for words. She wouldn’t know. She has actively avoided all reflective surfaces for two days and has no idea of the state of her appearance. She can’ remember the last time she ate. What’s left of her hair is tucked under a knit cap; she’s cold all the time now, anyway, so the cap is a constant accessory. And it helps keep her hands out of her hair. If her looks are anything as bad as the state of her thoughts-
“I’m sorry it’s so bad for you right now.”
The statement is quiet, sincere, and wholly unexpected. Alexa almost drops her guards, almost meets his eyes. Her hands quake with the effort of maintaining her silence, clutching the edges of her chair with aching, creaking fingers. Her control is as brittle as her nerves; she wants to share, wants to not be alone with the shadow that’s her only company these days, but if the doctor knew…
“Are you sleeping anymore at all?”
She nods once, a sharp, staccato gesture that leaves out more than it says. It’s not a lie. One hour, however broken up in however many fragments, is still one hour, and sleep is still sleep.
“Are you following your medication schedule?”
Another single dip of her chin. She gives herself a little credit for not leaving anything out of this answer. She’s even remembering to follow the dosage increases. Maybe even a couple of increases of her own. Anything to numb, to shut out, to keep...it...away.
“Alexa, are you still with me?”
God, she wishes...everything feels muffled and thick, like her existence is coated in petroleum jelly. She's just so tired, and everything is so heavy and...and difficult…
“I can’t help you if you won’t communicate with me. Help me help you. Anything. Just the basic facts.”
Where to even start? Maybe getting locked up would be worth it if he really can help, can really make this...stop…
“I can ease your pain and get you on your feet again.”
She’s pretty sure nothing can help at this point, so really there’s no need to keep anything back. Being hospitalized can’t be any worse than living like this…
“Relax. Can you show Me where it hurts?”
...no...not here, not…
“Your lips are moving, but I can’t hear what you’re saying. Is there something you wish to confess? The good doctor can’t reach you now, but I am ready to receive your prayers. Speak, Alexa. Tell Me everything.”
Get out, get OUT, I have to go, I can’t, you can’t this isn’t - GET OUT!
“ALEXA! Wake up! You’re safe! Come back!”
Fingers, firm in their grip, but warm and clean and so very present, clench around her hand, pulling her out of her mind and back to the office. The rushing noise in her ears fades until she realizes it is the heaving of her own panicked breaths. She clenches her fingers, catching the doctor’s hand before he can pull away.
She hasn’t touched another person since she left the hospital.
“Please...I just need...a minute.”
He sits in the chair closest to her, holding her hand resolutely, despite any personal protocols to the contrary that he has demonstrated in previous sessions.
“As long as you need.” There is no eagerness, no exasperation, only concern and calm, and it soothes her raw nerves in a way nothing else has. She focuses on the warmth, the sheer thereness of his grip, and breathes, squinting her eyes against the afternoon sun filtering through the blinds.
Too bright, too warm, too…
The fingers in her palm chill suddenly, their embrace tightening painfully. Her hand feels slick, not with sweat, and her teeth begin to chatter. Her eyes squeeze shut as her stomach shatters, and a pitiful mewling escapes her lungs.
“Take all the time you need. I possess the patience of millenia.”
Breathe. Breathe slowly, you’re asleep. You’re exhausted, you just fell asleep. Wake yourself up. You can do this. Just...just breathe and wake up.
And then her hand is free of all contact, and the air in her lungs comes easily. The warmth of the filtered sun returns to her frozen limbs, not overly bright in the least.
“I think our session was particularly productive today.”
The therapist's voice comes from farther away, and she opens her eyes to find him back at his desk, pen in hand, legal pad full of fresh notes. She blinks, swallows, and sits up a little straighter.
“You seem to be making excellent progress with your strategies. Go ahead and up your dosage to the next step. Remember, I’ll be out of town on Thursday and Monday, so I’ll see you again in ten days. You have the emergency number if anything goes wrong?”
She nods numbly, unable to process anything beyond the basic requirements of behavior needed at the moment. He eyes her, his forehead wrinkling in sudden concern.
“Don’t hesitate to call that number at any hour,” he finally says, his fingers steepled to show just how serious, how sincere, he is. “Anything at all, whatever you need to talk about, call that number. The nurse will transfer you immediately if it’s an emergency. Will you call if you need to?”
She nods, a little more vaguely than she intends but her throat is paralyzed, her tongue nerveless and useless. He accepts the gesture at face value, though, and dismisses her with wishes for “continued progress and a good weekend.”
Afternoon routine: Stay out as late as possible, put off the inevitable. Stay out all goddamned night if she has to. There’s no point in voluntarily returning home; she knows this with a sense of dread as acute and sharp as the pain in her scalp. So she shuffles on, unseeing and unseen in the city that never sleeps, one of a numberless mass who denies reality for the sanity that fantasy provides, pretending that she isn’t being stalked, that she isn’t haunted by a continuous loop of ghosts and flashbacks of the dead from that day reminding her over and over that she survived while they didn’t, that she must remember them, that she isn't losing her mind, that the shadow isn’t constantly whispering to her, commanding her over and over and over to simply let go.
She pretends that she isn’t blacking out and waking to find herself in bed, night after night, in the midst of torment and debasement that her ragged mind can neither handle nor shut out. The shadow rips at her in a thousand ways, and she feels all of them, every shred of her consciousness pulled apart and examined and manipulated until she can’t remember who she was before this fundamental desecration.
Release yourself. I can break you completely, help you forget the pain and the misery. Let Me shatter you, remake you in My Glory. Only then can you truly be free from pain.
She fights. It’s all she has left, this battle of wills, and she clings to the tattered bits of her remaining self with a tenacity that impresses even the shadow.
How you shine, even in My darkness. Let me turn your burn to an icy one, let Me freeze your pain, let go and drift in My adoration. I shall raise you up; only grant Me entrance, give Me leave, and I will bless you, bring meaning and solace to your piteous existence.
God help her, she’s starting to slip. She just wants everything to end. No one will miss her, no one is depending on her. The only noise her phone has made in weeks are the reminders that she has set. She hasn’t sent in an assignment for nearly a month, and no one has so much as emailed. What is she holding on for, anyway?
You have fought so long and so hard. I can reward your valor, provide you a balm for your suffering. I will keep you safe from pain, from truth, from choice, from other poison devils. I can take the very memories from you, just as I did before, save you from yourself.
And then her mind is flooded with a scene, a memory of the attack, but she sees it from outside herself, as if watching a film with herself as protagonist. She flees as debris falls all around, narrowly missing pipes, concrete, and office furniture as it rains down mindlessly, destroying life after life. By the time she reaches the ground floor of the stairwell, everyone is packed tight and covered with blood, dust, unspeakable filth, and the wretched crowd bursts into the lobby in a blind panic. They reach the street in the same state and turn as one to flee in the direction of least resistance.
Alone in the crowd, Alexa is jerked to a halt, nearly losing her feet as bodies plow around and nearly through her, but she is frozen as if glued to the pavement. There is no safety anywhere. A battle rages around them, monsters everywhere, incomprehensible and terrible, and then the glass lobby doors behind them explode, and Alexa knows the brief but exhilarating sensation of flight.
And then she crashes, and she knows the timeless and terrible sensation of fire. And pain. And crushing weight.
Watching the scene passively, she remembers everything, she feels everything even as her other self does, but now she is also an outside witness to the anguish. She knows the lines of suffering etched on her face and knows that she wears them even now. She feels the words echoing through her mind from that day, a thought, a plea, a silent prayer to someone, anyone who can help, can end her suffering.
How long...minutes...hours...years...just help, please…please, I don't care how anymore, just...end it.
And then a figure drops from the heavens, it seems, falling from one of the monsters’ flying vehicles, and it crosses the street and sidewalk as if drawn straight to her by the waning strength of her silent screams.
An impossibly cold hand grasps hers, pulling her up from the rubble, sliding her from underneath the bits of building as if they aren't present and pressing the life from her, bringing her face to face with darkness. The sun dissolves, shadows descend, and she decides that, as deaths go, hers could be worse.
She is lifted as if she weighs nothing, the fingers pressing into her face. A bitter, gelid frost flows through her veins, and the pain is mercifully dulled, lessened to a mere phantom, and then the god (for surely her savior can be no less to have such power at hand) pulls her into an icy, terrible embrace.
I find Myself in need of a conduit. Grant Me some small space of sanctuary, and in return I shall heal your broken body. Allow Me entrance, now, woman, before you depart this plane entirely. I am your God, your only chance of salvation. Do you accept Me?
His voice is black velvet, midnight shadows slipping across the moon, and she can’t find the will to say no. Giving in is so much easier, hurts so much less, and she feels as if she’s been hurting forever, spent her whole life being crushed to death.
His lips press to her, but there is nothing tender in the kiss. Ice, death, absence rushes into her, infecting a small fraction of every cell, sinking deep into her psyche before erasing all remembrance of its presence.
Alexa thrashes under the weight of the memories, the weight of the phantom debris crushing her down, only to find the man, the god himself lies atop her, pinning her emaciated form to her ruined sheets. His pale skin glows in the night, his ebony hair falling around their faces in an blasphemous mimicry of a halo. His painful beauty rips one last thing loose within her, and she remembers.
I would that you should allow Me leave to heal you once more, to form you into a proper vessel. I shall alleviate your anguish, and you may sink into My worship with euphoric, blissful abandon.
She is tempted, more so than any other time in her existence. She thought her imprisonment under the shattered building was horrible, but now she knows true torment. And yet, she resists.
Why do you continue to battle? You cannot prevail, and submission will bring you such pleasure as you have never known. Am I not your own personal God to worship? Do you not wish to drown in My blessing, to submerge yourself in My oblivion?
But he is the author of her suffering, as well, this would-be god who attacked her city, killed thousands of people for his ambitions and family squabbles. Who is she to tarnish the world’s grief for her own personal relief?
But he knows what is in her heart and her thoughts; it was there he planted the seed that has grown to strangle her sanity and reality, and he sends pressure through the roots of this vine to dig into her very soul. She shivers beneath him with wordless agony.
His face presses against hers, tongue snaking out to trace a tear track up her cheek, back to its source. Frozen lips ghost over her clenched eyelids, and she swallows the miserable moan that rolls up from her stomach.
I saved you once when I could so easily have allowed you to continue your half-life under the rubble until your flame sputtered and died, as it was meant to. And I shall show Myself once more a merciful, benevolent God. For you, My pet, a gift.
And suddenly there is a space in Alexa’s mind, a blank where something, someone, important once lived, someone vital stripped away. She gets a last glimpse of a smiling woman, proudly showing off a photo of a swaddled infant, of a filing cabinet collapsing, of a curling hand, before Brenda is ripped from her mind like so many strands of hair from her scalp. The pain of Brenda’s death, the horror of her last moments, yes, but also every bit of the love between them.
And then the name is gone, too.
Have I pleased you? Do you see now what relief can be had with submission?
“That...wasn’t...she wasn't yours to take-” But even the memory of the violation is fading, leaving only breathless, panicked horror and dull, aching want in its wake.
The shadowed god frowns, displeasure pressed into every line of his face, and his fingers tighten until the bones in Alexa’s wrists shriek in protest.
Must I nail Myself to a cross or rip out My eye to be worthy of your reverence? I grant you one more gift, then, of choice. One day to consider. Embrace My oblivion freely, willingly, joyously, as you know you should, and feel My pleasure. Or suffer in your belief that this pale, pointless realm offers you anything like what I can give. This shall be My last offering. Submission is sweetest when freely given, but so, too, can I revel in seizing what you so stubbornly withhold.
His lips seal over hers, stealing air and screams alike, and she feels him everywhere at once, emphasizing his threat, his promise. Her traitorous flesh, craving any tourniquet to stem the endless flow of pain, cleaves to his frozen form, curving against his body in a mockery of love making that leaves her stomach heaving.
And then he is gone. His presence, his pressure, his shadow, even his laugh lingers, but his form vanishes with her next thought. She falls from the bed, a perspiring, retching, wailing mess. There is nothing left within her to eject, but her digestive tract makes a resounding effort.
It’s hours until the sun comes up, and she counts every second from where she shivers, wedged tight between the bed and the nightstand. ...
3 (end)
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ozarkthedog · 4 years
24 and 33 with any Chris character you choose, if your still doing prompts.
#24 Choking Kink
#33 “If you don’t fuck me, I’ll have to do it myself.”
Warnings: DubCon that merges into NonCon, Dark!Steve Rogers, Dirty Talk, Asphyxiation
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 You needed to get fucked.
You look up as Steve walks through the door to your apartment in the Compound. He’s covered in sweat, muscles bulging from an intense sparring session with Bucky. You can tell he’s agitated; Bucky must’ve gotten the upper hand. You smirk, knowing now would be the right time to get him to unleash his inner beast.
He’s always been so careful with you whenever you have sex. Too careful. Slow thrusts, barely there handfuls, with light loving kisses. He never left you wanting, orgasms were plentiful, but you were tired of gentle Steve and gentle sex. You wanted to be ravaged.
You follow him to the bedroom and watch as he tosses his gear to the floor, “Rough session, huh?”
His blue eyes glance in your direction, annoyance radiates off him, “Yeah, Bucky, he got me a few times today.” As he rips off his shirt in a fury, clenching his jaw. You saunter over to him wiggling your hips, running your hands over his strong shoulders and send him a playful smile, “I can help you ease that tension you’ve got. Make you feel really good, Steve.”
He catches your hands in his, “That’s ok, Doll. Maybe another time, yeah?” he says through a pinched smile.
Biting your lip in frustration, you slide your hands from his, barely trying to contain your displeasure, “Ok.” Guess you’ll take care of yourself today.
Steve catches your hips as you move to turn away, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Your eyes look anywhere but Steve. Grasping your chin, he tilts it so you’re looking at him, “Tell me. You know I don’t like having to ask.”
Sighing out, you breach the subject that’s long been on your mind. “I want you to fuck me.” It feels good to get it off your chest, no longer feeling guilty for wanting.
“Language.” He says playfully but then his voice drops to a serious tone, “I don’t want to be rough with you, Doll.”
Looking him dead in the eyes, “What if I want you to be rough me?” Steve stares you down, “I can’t risk it. I don’t want to lose control.” He goes to brush your cheek, the same way he always does. Usually you love it, but now infuriates you. You needed to release this pent up stress before you went crazy.
Pulling away from him, you mutter, “If you don’t fuck me, I’ll have to do it myself.”
Just as you’re about to step through the door you hear Steve’s demanding voice, “Stop.” Your body stills at his tone, close to the Captain voice you’d only heard once before, but it left a mark on your brain. “Get over here.” You turn and see his finger is pointing to the ground in front of him.
You step before him, his body tall and overbearing. You’ve always loved how big he is, it was a huge turn on knowing how easy he could overpower you. He just never did it.
He gives you a firm stare, “Is that what you really want?”
Eyes never leaving his, showing him how much you truly want this, “Yes. I want you to ravage me.”
You see the tension rising in him, and it makes your pussy clench. A tiny smirk shows before he bares his teeth, “Ok, Doll… so be it.”
You gasp out as he pulls you in for a forceful kiss, his tongue instantly searching for yours. A crude moan leaves your lips as you feel his ripped body press against yours, he’s already starting to grow under his track pants.  
His hands move to your breasts, groping you through the shirt then yanking it over your head. His mouth latches onto the top of your breast and bites down earning him a yelp. His tongue snakes down to tease your nipple as his other hand plucks at the opposite peak. Your hands wind through his hair and give a hard tug. He groans out deeply against your skin, making you push your thighs together.
Your hands start to grip his waist band, desperate to get your hands on him but his strong grip is now pushing you to your knees.
His eyes are dark, lust drips from every word, “You’re going to swallow me down that pretty mouth of yours.” He grits out as he yanks out his fully hard cock from his pants, bouncing up against his stomach. Your mouth waters instantly, your hands grasp around his thick length as he shakes them from his cock.
Your brow raises in question at him. You reach up to grasp him again but he swats your hand away, “You said you’d make me feel really good, right? Well, I think I’ll feel really good if I fuck your face.”
He thrusts suddenly into your awaiting mouth, not giving you time to respond, only receive. You gag as he fills your mouth completely, the engorged head hitting the back of your throat making your eyes water. “Yes, gag around my cock, Doll.” Steady thrusts hit your throat one after the next, never giving you any time to recover. 
His grip is solid around the back of your head, he’s not letting you rethink your words. He can feel his control lacking. Steve pulls his cock out enough for you to suck in a few breaths as he looks you over. Eyes tearing up, cheeks flushed, lips red and wet. It sends him spiraling, wanting to absolutely devour you.
Halfway through a breath he shoves his cock back into your mouth making you gag forcefully around him. His eyes are cold shade of dark blue, as they stare down at your withering form. Tilting your head up to look at him he holds his cock in your mouth feeling your tongue move around his aching member. You try to whimper, but there’s no room for it to escape with your mouth so full.
“You want to be ravaged; well I’m going to ruin you.”
A chill runs up your heated back at his words. Your heart beat quickens from nerves and from wanting to breathe. You try to pull off his cock only to have his large hands hold you in place. Eyes shooting up at him in disbelief, you start smacking his thighs only to have him capture both in one of his.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he demands harshly even though he knows you can’t respond. You shake your head even though it’s pointless. “You’ll breath when I want you to breath.” Your eyes are full of tears now, wide and scared, as your body starts to heave for air.
He pulls out sharply and thrusts back in allowing a gasp of breath. “God, your mouth feels perfect around me.” Forceful thrusts shove your mouth wide open to accommodate him. His balls slap obscenely against your soaked chin as his hand covers the back of your head fucking your face as deep as he can go.
He grunts out loudly, his eyes slam shut as you feel his cock get slightly bigger as he’s just about to cum. His cock feels heavy on your tongue, the harsh thrusts make you gag harder around him. “I’m going to cum and you’re going to hold it in that pretty mouth or else.”
Your eyes close with relief knowing the end is near. His thrusts pick up as he shoves your head harder and harder down on him. Your jaw aches and your lips feel bruised from the abuse. His body tenses up and he grunts out as his hips stutter, then stills as he cums.
You cry is muffled when his cum floods your mouth, willing yourself to not swallow, as you feel some slip down your throat. Your gag reflex kicks back in and you heave as some escapes from your mouth, smearing your lips.
Steve’s chest is pounding as he pulls his cock from your mouth. “Leave that mouth open”, he commands. He stares down at you in awe, eyes brightening as you follow his words. Your jaw aches as you kneel with Steve’s cum in your mouth, anticipating what he’s going to do next. He brushes your tears away as more of his cum slips out of the corners.
“I want you to close your mouth but do not swallow.” You hesitate, but when he cocks an eyebrow at you, you comply. You hold back another gag that wants to surface, groaning out instead.
“Good Girl.” He walks behind you and puts his hands on your shoulders, making you whimper. He kneels behind you, sliding one hand over your arms and torso while the other slides over your face. The large hand covers both your mouth and nose, cutting off your air yet again. You struggle viciously in his grip wanting no more of this, “DO. NOT. SWALLOW.” His voice cuts through your futile attempts at escape.
Your heart pounds harder in your chest as your lungs start to burn. Steve enjoys feeling you struggle for air in his arms. The groans go straight to his cock.  He holds your nose and mouth closed for another few moments, letting you choke on his thick seed. 
He lets you go suddenly sending you crashing to the ground, coughing out his cum onto the carpet. The way his seed coats your mouth makes it difficult to get a full breath in your lungs but your happy with the small amount you can get.
Steve leers over your body as you push yourself up on all fours, swallowing down what’s left of his cum.
“Get up.” He demands of you. You stare up at him with frightened eyes, “Steve, no. I’m done. I don’t want anymore.” You whimper out as he crouches down to your level, eyes cold and hard, “Do I have to remind you, Doll? You wanted to get ravaged, so I’m going to ravage you.”
You cry out as he picks you up and tosses you on the bed. You have a moment of peace, but it’s torn away as you hear him slam the door, shut and lock it.
“Ready to get fucked, Doll?”
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