#unsent love letters
creatinganewwlife · 2 months
I think love makes you do a-lot of things you thought you’d never do. It made me start listening to song i once found stupid, just because you liked it. I try to eat your favourite dish and now, maybe it’s my favourite dish too.
In love, i hoped to become you.
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elmundodeflor · 4 months
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In the span of 10 years, Hanji writes Levi one letter for each birthday they spend together.
"12 Things I Never Told You" pays homage to his and Hanji's bond through space and time, and depicts the loving light in which they saw him.
You can read the full fic and 12 letters here, on AO3.
In the meantime, here's one of the letters for you to check out;
When I gave you the tea-can earlier, the look on your face could have only meant two things:
1) "This must have been expensive as hell."
2) "You're batshit crazy for spending on it."
I told you, though! I wasn't gonna throw you a birthday party, but you had to expect a gift from me, at least. I like going all out!
Anyways, it was a nice surprise that you came down the lab with two mugs instead of one. And that you talked about your mother.
You told me that you had this same tea-can at home, in the Underground. And that your mom had gotten it for trade from one of her clients that lived up here. Your entire face softened when you mentioned her— how graceful she was. It was like seeing sugar melting on the stove.
Of course, I didn't ask— if she's alive, or what happened to her. I didn't mean to be intrusive. But the way you spoke in past-tense... oh, I'm sorry, Levi. I'm so, so sorry. Really. If she was anything quite like you, then I'm sure she was a wonderful woman.
To be honest, I don't know either— whether my mom's alive or not. You see, I never talk about this for a reason. I ran away from home when I was fourteen. My parents were... well, let's just say... not good people. I was mischievous, and rebellious, and asked too many questions. They most definitely did not like that.
My grandpa was the closest thing I ever had to a father, or a friend. He did die, though. He was mischievous, and rebellious, and asked as many questions as I did. I guess, back then, it not only made my parents uncomfortable, but the Military Police as well...
It was the reason I joined the Survey Corps, you know? You may not believe this, but I was once full of rage, too. I'm just lucky I could turn it into something better— passion, purpose. I'm certainly not proud of how it used to be. You should have seen me, all those years ago; shouting down the hallways, kicking titans' heads... I just hope you never get to see it again. If you do, I'm scared you might never look at me the same, and that I never forgive myself for it.
I have no clue how you do it, though— carry yourself through life. Back then, if they'd given me the names of the fuckers who took my grandpa, I'd have killed them on the spot. You, on the other hand, (and I know you'll get mad at me for saying this) are gentle. If you wanted to, you could break necks with a single blow. Or seek revenge towards the world for what it's done to you. But you choose not to. You actively, every day, choose not to.
Yeah, yeah, you probably don't like me reminding you of all this. But you're kind, Levi. You stay in the lab with me while I’m working, and you trust me enough to tell me about your mother. And you share this expensive-ass-tea I bought for you.
You're a good person. Much better than I'll ever be. I know you don’t think that you are, and that you worry others may also think that you’re not. But it’s true— you’re a good man.
See? It doesn't even matter I spent half my budget on this! (You’ve been warned, you won’t ever hear a word about it). You deserve to have nice things, little one. Also, it was pretty neat to hear that tiny hum of satisfaction you made when you drank from your cup. I know not many things surprise you nowadays, either. So, I'll take my pride in knowing I did— HA!
Hope you had a good night. And that you had a great birthday— yeah, that too!
Happy you're with me for another year.
See you around,
Hanji x
P.S: Thank you for the tea. Literally the best one I had!
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thedeadpoetprose · 4 months
I accidentally fell in love with a man. He's awkward and for some reason, guarded. He's incredibly silly yet serious. Dispite it being 2023 he smokes a pipe, dresses on occasion quite impeccabley, and talks of wine so segaciously in a way that makes it taste all the more richer. He's eccentric in a way that is indearing, and I think I'd quite like to be eccentric and strange alongside him.
We don't just drink wine together, he is the wine, warming the blood, flushing my cheeks, adding lustre to an evening, getting me drunk and making me feel.
Truth be told, I am an old romantic. I don't share things I write but here I am. I never had myself down as a damsel in distress, I always do things for myself, but as my world crumbles around me, for the first time in my life I want to be saved and he makes me feel safe. I'd willfully lay myself down for him completely and give myself over to his mercy in any way he wanted. Walk into his sea, succumb to his tide, be washed away in his abyss. It would feel less like a woman drowning, and more like a sinking ship settling in it's destined resting place.
That scares me. It does so because Im allowing myself to be vulnerable. As I pour my entire self into this letter I know no aberrant verbosity will change anything. I wish that one day whomever you do find looks at you with the same adoration and awe at your beauty that I do, you deserve that. And if you ever do feel alone or not good enough, not that it's much, but you are always an immortal, devine veneration to me.
I'll never be ready to hear your indifference, but In doing so maybe it will finally sting enough that I could cry it out and purge everything once and for all, and be at peace whilst I sit amongst the mire. I cling to hopes that it wouldn't be that way, but I know hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have. Damn you, spoilt creature, but just know I do not resent you for it. I never could. Now, tell me, is that not just the worst thing you ever heard?
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bittersweet-t3aya · 2 months
I believe I will always think of the two-hour drive, the nerves sitting in the parking lot waiting for you to come into view, our awkward first words, the chocolate you bought me, how we sat on the floor to watch The Nice Guys before moving onto the bed twenty minutes in, the tea and lemonade I’d brought to share, your roommate coming back in a few times, the call you took from your grandmother, the kisses we shared, walking past the local carnival to go get dinner, the gorgeous sunset that I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to photograph, and our first kiss goodbye.
I will think on all of these things fondly. All of these things I will remember when I hear this song.
You loved this band. You’re how I found it.
I do hope you’re doing better.
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dolores-hazy · 2 years
I hope you are alive, wherever you may be. Not only alive but also the happiest you've ever been, having found whatever it is you were looking for. And I hope you don't think of me. There would be no reason to. Besides I do enough thinking for two, easily. I hope certain songs and foods and movies and shows and phrases aren't ruined for you because of me and any associations they might bring up. Though I hope they don't bring up anything other than what they are meant to be. I hope you can sleep peacefully at night and not see me in your dreams. I hope you can take photos and not recall all those in the past, wish-you-were-here digital picture postcards signed with cute emojis and delivered with glee. I hope you have tried new things and met new people, so much newness that there's no room or time for doubting what you felt had to be done. I hope you meet the one, everything you could ever want and need and they grow alongside you devotedly. I hope you don't read this because I know how it would sound and I mean it in all sincerity. Like I meant everything I said to you; I hope you at least meant some of yours. Though it doesn't matter now either way. I hope it eventually fades, the ache of having someone indelible suddenly and completely wrenched away. I hope forgetting isn't the only hope of this taking place. If it is, then I hope I can forget someday.
Hope (unsent)
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lightyagamismentor · 10 months
I will handle your fragilities with care; replace the seeds of sorrow - and plant a garden full of roses out of you. That is how I plan on loving you.
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I've given you my everything, and it still didn't seem to be enough for you. Your hugs, embraces and kisses are a faint memory, the version of you who geniunely loved me even less. It's all so distant that I sometimes wonder if you ever loved me to begin with.
I know you did, at least at a certain point. Id like to believe that at least at one point, you really loved me and saw a future with me. That for even one moment, you saw and loved me the same way I loved you. Yet, I loved you too much and this is my punishment for it.
While you seem to have moved on (which in my opinion is either false and you're just ignoring your pain, or true and I was so delusional that I thought you geniuenly loved me enough), I am still here, tending to my wounds. You inflicted enough of Them, but they would have never been there if I loved you any less. I loved you so much that I let you do anything with me. I trusted you blindly, my heart and soul fully and utterly yours.
Now I'm picking the pieces of myself together and I'm happy. I'm happy with my own presence and I find myself picking out things I loved but haven't practiced a lot while with you. I find parts of myself I lost when with you, when I thought they were too foolish and stupid, or I was willing to sacrifice and alter them in a way that would please you.
Although I am scared to love for now, I feel whole. I feel more whole than I have felt before our relationship and I feel whole in a way I didn't feel during our relationship. Perhaps that was an issue too; i didn't feel whole on my own and relied too much on you to feel that way. I get why that's bothersome. But you did me great on that matter. I don't feel the need for someone the way I did for you and although I crave intimacy in all ways possible, along with affirmation and just a presence I can rely on for everything, I feel good by myself too. I find pieces of myself I once lost, and meet others that I haven't met yet but enjoy equally as much as the sweet nostalgia of the others.
I have grown and I'm growing even more now, all because of you. So although a bittersweet feeling lies in me regarding you, I am forever grateful for the journey and lesson you gave me. I don't think I'll ever fully get over you and a small piece of me will be softer for you, but I've grown into someone who isn't as needy anymore.
Thank you.
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4s1na · 5 months
"I will love you as we find ourselves farther and farther from one another, where once we were so close... I will love you until your face is fogged by a distant memory. I will love you no matter where you go and who you see, I will love you if you don't marry me. I will love you if you marry someone else--and I will love you if you never marry at all, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all. That is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.”
— Lemony Snicket, The Beatrice Letters
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foxalone · 1 year
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Chara!Blood: ...slaves?
Zephir , Chara!Blood and Blood!Frisk belongs to me
Idd!Frisk by: @nova2cosmos and me
Undertale by Toby Fox
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mrspocksbeard · 1 year
In nine days.
Nine days until you arrive at the airport. It will be dark & cold in the desert but it won't matter, I'll still wear that little black dress and leather. This will be our real first impression & darling I want to knock you out.
I haven't smoked a cigarette since 2016 but the way you make me shake gives me cravings I forgot existed. That low laugh and the sound your voice makes when you say my name turns me into something I never thought possible. The thought of your lips against mine stops time & I can't wait to experience that stasis.
I've typed so many stories detailing the way you electrify every molecule of my body, the way in which my physical being is shaken to it's core at the mere thought of shutting the door where we'll be staying that week. They've long since been discarded but the electricity remains. It travels through me in waves, some days a bearable hum- but most a crushing flow amplified by the sound my phone makes when I know you're sending me a message.
Do I have the same effect? Do you lay awake at night wondering what it would feel like to share the same bed with me, to have my hands trace every part of you, memorizing your shape and learning the way you want to be loved? Do you feel the same cravings for me the way I crave to know every piece of you?
Tell me you do. Even if it isn't true. Because in nine days you arrive at the airport. It will be dark & cold in the desert but it won't matter, I'll still wear that little black dress and leather. This will be our real first impression & darling I want to knock you out.
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ohhoho · 2 years
i thought about you every day since the day we met
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creatinganewwlife · 25 days
It’s been 104 days since i saw you.
104 days since i looked into your eyes.
104 days since i held your hand in mine.
104 days since i touched your face.
104 days since you held me in your arms.
104 days since i cried in your arms.
104 days since you saw me.
104 days since i smiled.
We are far and it’s been long.
I’m afraid i’ll love you forever and we will never be in the same room again.
I miss you.
Every moment.
Excerpts from book i’ll never write (1/04/24)
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macemage · 1 month
I should say
(from my phone's notes, 6 August 2023)
Why do I feel sad? Do you still love me? Did we fall apart? Have we changed so much that things are too different now?
I love you and I want to kiss you, hug you, touch you but I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I always thought that these things weren't for me but when I'm with you I want to do all these things, things that couples do that I hated seeing in others but now I want to be like them.
Are we a couple? Or are we just friends?
Why do I feel so awkward? Why do I want to cry everytime you ignore me?
I know logically that it isn't your intention to do so but it still hurts and I can't speak about these things because they are not important, because I can't deal with these emotions and instead I bury them deep down because I'm not allowed to feel, I'm a machine I grew to be.
But I love you and I want to show you, I need this but for you it's fine as it is so I'll shut up, I'll just smile and keep going but I now I'll be hurt and I won't say anything because I'm weak, I can't deal with my emotions and I know I won't.
I want to cry and scream but since I was little I was programmed not to say anything, that emotions are just useless and unimportant.
It's better to let you go, let you realize you are better off alone, because you're stronger and I won't put you down with my stupid emotions.
I know I'll regret not doing anything, that next time it will be stranger, we'll be more strangers that we are now.
Do I really know you? Do I really love you? You're beautiful as you are, strong and independent. Why are you with me? You could choose anyone but you don't want to, I know you feel better alone.
I'll just fuck things up, I don't have the courage to tell you how I'm feeling because you'll understand but nothing will change. I'm just stupid with my stupid problems and you have enough problems in your life. I'm not going to make more problems for you but I know that someday I'll blow up and you'll realize I'm not anymore the person that you thought you loved. Am I?
I cried beside you. Did you see me? Did you ask yourself why? Or it is better to ignore? since there's no reaction does it mean it is already over?
I don't want to lose you but I think it's better for you. I won't ever again feel these emotions, I don't care about anyone like I care for you.
I feel so stupid, I know people change over the years, I thought that we were soulmates, that everything will be okay if we are together so why do I feel like this? Why do I feel there's no hope, that I'm too far gone to get you, that I can't even say that I love you in front of you, that I have to be drunk or drugged to do it, to reach to you and just taking your hand, just to kiss you and hug you.
Why can't I do that? Why do I feel so hopeless? I found the love of my life and I can't even express myself, I can't even make moments special, I'll be broken inside and I can't even tell you.
It's been years since I thought about it and I decided to wait to see your face before I told you and now that I'm here, I can't. Why?
There's a thing that I have been meaning to tell you for at least two years. I thought that it was better to wait and tell you in person but now that we're here I'm afraid. I stumble over my words and I don't know if I can make myself clear to you. We already talked about it and you said you understood but I still feel the same way and nothing has changed. I don't know if it's just unimportant or useless to you, or it's just not the right moment, maybe my words still won't change anything, if I'm right then you'll just ignore it and I'll try to do the same.
The first time we saw each other I wanted to hug you and kiss you until my breath was no more but instead I felt awkward and I didn't know what to do with myself, with a bit of alchool we could do all these things I wanted. I noticed I acted like a baby boy with his first crush trying to get your attention and when we were drunk i had it but when i was sober i turned back in an awkward nerd.
Then the second time we saw each other we didn't do anything, we didn't go out or party or watch movies or play games or literally anything, I just wanted to touch you, hug you and cuddle, just be near you and let our legs touch themself was fine by me, but you were all the time on the phone and I was feeling sad but kept telling myself not to bother you since you worked a lot and it was basically a holiday for you.
Later you said you were not feeling good and I understood but at the time it still had hurted somehow, I could have said something but I didn't and Iet my nervousness take hold of my brain freezing everything.
That week we spend together we were just in the same room not saying anything, we see each other so rarely that I thought it was a waste, I regretted not doing anything, I felt like the biggest idiot in the world.
Then I decided next time I was going to see you we'll be having this conversation, I wanted to make us both aware of the situation and work throught it, maybe with exercises for building ourselves more comfortable with casual touches and being vulnerable with our feelings (things that we are both not that good at). I wanted to be comfortable around you and not so nervous I have to stop myself to be moody, I want us to be a couple and do what other couples do like holding hands and kissing and be intimate when we feel like it, I know we will not be 100% normal, that's who we are and I accepted it since I was little that I'll be never like others but I wanted this, I wanted to be close and make our relationship stronger.
But I can't even have this conversation with you. I feel awkward just to lean and reach your hand or to kiss you on the cheek, I don't want to be clingy and I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I just want to be your boyfriend, your future husband, the father of our future adoped kids and cats.
Why am I like this? I start to get nervous and then question and doubt myself. Am I being pushy? Do you still love me even if we are not 16 years old anymore?
I don't want to bother you and I don't want to give you more problems since you have enough so I'll just shut up and pretend my mind doesn't drift away with these thoughts, don't worry, you can easily ignore me.
I'm sorry for ranting but I love you
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revereworks · 1 month
A letter to the boy with sea glass eyes ~ 3/17/24
Dear D,
There was this period when I finally got over myself and remembered that you are very much in love with your girlfriend and it isn't just a fake relationship like the books. You actually love that girl.
But that only lasted for a week and then I remembered why I liked you.
I try to come up with reasons that you secretly resent her. To this day.
Her friend played puking noises all throughout class the other day and your girlfriend thought it was the funniest thing in the world; she couldn't stop laughing. I hated it because they had looked at my group and shushed us even though it was partner work and then they pulled something like this.
And I coudl tell that you were less than impressed by it all.
I think that maybe it gave you the ick.
I don't mean this in a negative way, but you are essentially a immature boy. It surprised me to see you frowning, especially at your own girlfriend. It surprised me when you told them off and to grow up a little bit.
I guess that doesn't stop you from sharing your car with her. And it certainly doesn't stop you from bragging about her with any chance that you get.
I want you to sit with me one day or near me. I want you to see me near my friends so you can see the best possible me that there is, the one that is open and smiling and not shy.
I want you to laugh at the words that I say.
I now I'm probably the most obvious girl in the world. I wonder if you can see it in my eyes, if my awkwardness comes off as me being uncomfortable and shy or if you know that I look at you whenever I can.
My friend doesn't like your haircut. And, I'll admit, at first I didn't really like it either. I loved it when your hair was a little longer. But when I got used to it, you didn't look bad at all.
I think you're cute and handsome and funny.
And honestly I wish you would look at me more but also I wish I was invisible to you. I'm self conscious around you. My hair feels ten times more greasy, my skin is a thousand times more oily or dry, my break outs are the sizes of mountains.
More than anything, I want you to look at me and see the person that I am. It would be more than nice if you thought I was beautiful, but I would just like it if you thought I was a cool person to be around.
It's been a long time since I believed in god, but I pray to him. I ask for him to allow you to see me, for me to see you.
At the end of the day, I know nothing about you. I'm just another girl in the school that has a crush on you. If you ever did break up with your girlfriend, I would be last on the list of choices.
You didn't even add me back.
I want to be over you. I want to be able to talk to my friend when I'm in a class with you and stop looking over to see if you can hear me, to see if you think I'm funny. I want to stop feeling anxiety over what I will wear. I want to stop feeling self conscious when you look over and I think you're looking at my friend more than me.
I just want to be a girl who has a strong bond with her friends.
I want to control my emotions and let you go.
Isn't that supposed to be the test of love? If I truly love you, I should let you go.
I'm glad you're happy. I'm glad that you are thinking about college and a life outside of high school. If we never met again but it meant that you never were miserable or regret anything then I am more than willing to watch you go.
Soon I think that I will have to say goodbye forever.
Like I said, I barely interact with you. So I will not be seeing you after you graduate. When may rolls around, I will have to say goodbye for good. But you will not hear those words come from me.
I don't think that bothers you much.
But I don't have to say goodbye now. So this is what I will leave you.
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bittersweet-t3aya · 3 months
The stars stand still in awe of the adoration I hold for you.
The seas envy how deeply I care for you.
The heavens above wish they could soar as high as my heart does when I am with you,
And the strongest warriors pale at the thought of the strength I’ve had to wait for you.
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writingmonster-kavya · 2 months
Somebody to you
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Giving out all my light, still it doesn’t feel bright enough
The echoes of my unreached expectations’ unrest stirs
The urge to close my eyes and just -
But a star’s twinkle catches my eyes
My skies gasp as lightning strikes
“No. Not her.” I say while falling
She feels like uncontrolled shooting stars,
so dizzying, so maddening,
I was sure about the skies but it starts thundering
A million voices in my head scream that I’m blundering
But your melody drowns their voices and I wonder if they are really true
Because is it not right, even for a moment, to want to be somebody to you?
(This poem was inspired by the song "Somebody to you" by The Vamps. The image isn't mine. It's from pinterest.Thanks for reading the poem, hope you have a great day!!!)
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