#this is a true story btw i cracked up so hard
Hinata, reading thirst tweets: how many inches do you like it?
Hinata: is this what I think it means?
Hinata: well, I wanna be at least 5 feet 8inches
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zikkytheblicky · 4 months
Hey I wondered if you could do Angel dust x Angel!male reader like his reaction to see a real angel ?
if you want,you can ignore this <3
this anon is so nice omg :( such a sweetheart i’m gonna call them sweet anon :3
anyway, ya ofc!! this might be a lil short cuz im doing this at 10 pm and im tired but ya!! its gonna be story format + headcannoning cuz why not :3 I MADE READER OBLIVIOUS BTW!!
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angel dust has never seen an angel. not once, not twice. the only thing he’s ever seen closest to an angel was lucifer morning star but he’s technically a fallen angel.
so when he saw you for the first time he was very shocked- especially since you were so beautiful..
you were talking to Charlie and introducing yourself as one of Adams’ body guards. you were there with Charlie to help determine if Charlie’s idea was even possible.
so obviously, for your charlie’s sake, he was on his best behavior.
you brung your hand up to your lips and let out a laugh as angel cracked jokes to you as he told you stories about his life(?) in hell. “and then- then he-“ angel was laughing so hard he could barely continue- ignoring the knowing smirk husk sent his way. the damn cat. he knows everyone too well. maybe angel should stop venting to him while drunk (not like angel chooses to. his drunken, depressed state during those hours are never in his control.).
angel had ended up getting really confused on your anatomy- questioning how you can fly and why you have a halo over your head- keep in mind this man died in 1947 of an overdose and is in his thirties ☠️ he’s been in hell since 1947 and has NEVER learned about angels at all. the only thing close to angel anatomy he learned is how lucifer has yellow hair and has a kinda angelic color scheme (all angels obviously don’t look alike but angel has never seen another one besides vaggie but he doesn’t know she’s one).
“‘m/n’?” angel asked as his eyes followed the way your feathers twitched every millisecond from the uncomfortable stares at them. “yes?” “why do you have a halo over your head?” “ANGEL.”
angel likes you in a week. A WEEK. he fell so hard im telling you bro. like just one look into your eyes and he’d kill all three of the vees for you if you asked him to.
he surprisingly doesn’t act downbad in front of you. i know people like to think angel is bold and flirty but to me i think that’s just his persona and not his true self. he keeps up a persona so he never gets his trust broken again? maybe? idk. but i js believe he’d be shy and not really know how to flirt with you like he does with husk and alastor and sir pentious; so smoothly and easily.
think about how he had tried to flirt with you before but ended up just becoming a stuttering mess when you took his flirting literally.
“hey toots~ did you fall from heaven?” angel dust said in a seductive tone, grabbing your chin and tilting your face up at him. “huh? no.. i’m not a fallen angel..! are you saying i’m like lucifer?” “HUH WHAT- no- no! not like that at all! i was trying to- to..” angel stuttered his words, waving his hands around (bring careful not to accidentally hit you, of course). “to what?” “to.. just joke around! you’re so oblivious ‘m/n’, im going to punch you.” angel said in an affectionate tone, slinging his arm around your shoulder. “why? what did i do?” you asked politely, too politely. now angel felt bad. angel mentally screams.
sometimes you think angel’s mad at you when he’s playing around with you on text.
he ends up getting mad at himself most times
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angel was smashing his head into a table and cursing all the overlords because of this btw.
alr thats enough bye bye!!
this was so rushed omlll. 😨
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thecuriousquest · 7 months
Demon Siblings
Request: Yandere older brother Muzan with prompt D1? (love ur fics btw!!)
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug @palesweetscherryblossom
Prompt Request: “This hurts me more than it hurts you.”
Warnings: Yandere themes, delusions, slapping, Muzan uses his demon powers to punish you, reader tried to escape, blood, injured reader, Reader is a demon
Master List
Yandere Alphabet Prompt List
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Even though he says it hurts him, he doesn’t quite show it. That expression on his face is constantly neutral unless he’s lashing out in anger. It’s unnerving, especially to be on the receiving end of it, to endure his wrath.
Being a demon is one thing. Being the little sister of Muzan Kibutsuji is a whole different story. His punishments are vile, extreme, cruel, and he always tells you the same thing every time he lights your blood of fire with flames so hot they feel white.
“This hurts me more than it hurts you.”
But his tone is ice cold and calm, deadly like the venom dripping from the fangs of a snake. He glares at you with crimson irises, watching you intently as you writhe on the floor in front of him, beneath him.
You reach out for him. “B-Brother!” It’s all you can scream on an exhale. You can barely manage a singular breath.
Gripping the hem of his pants right at his ankle, you clutch his limb like it’s a lifeline. Salty pearls invade your cheeks, clinging to your damp lashes, but you haven’t the ability to cry. The pain is too much to even be able to wail.
You don’t even recall how you were able to shout for him.
The pain stops suddenly. You curl up in a ball on your side, hugging your knees, shaking violently.
Muzan crouches down, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Does my little sister still think she can go outside the castle against my orders?”
Feeling a fresh wave of defiance wash over you, you turn to glare at him instead of revering him with timid eyes.
“You say it hurts you worse, but I don’t think that’s true. I think…I think you don’t care if you hurt me, and you’re only saying that to make me feel guilty.”
“It seems you haven’t learned your lesson yet. It also looks like you’ve forgotten your place.”
An echo sounds throughout the castle, a sharp crack against your cheek, turning your head to the side. Then, you feel that same pain again, focused on your back this time. It’s overwhelming, and you feel whip-like cuts embedded in your skin.
“Muzan, I won’t leave anymore! Stop it! Brother, please?! End this! I’m begging you!”
How you regret being bold enough to say those things to him. You know better, yet for a singular second, you let all of that go to speak to him with a sharp tongue. You wanted him to know how much pain he causes you, but he’ll never know, he’ll never truly understand no matter how hard you try to convey it.
You cross your arms over your chest, hugging yourself as you curl even further into a ball. The sensation in your back is growing even worse. The power your brother wields is unfathomably special, and you know that he won’t stop until his anger is satisfied. That could be minutes, hours, days, weeks from now. You never know with him, as fickle as a cat, as unpredictable as his many disciples.
Lying in a pool of vermillion, your chest heaves with heavy breaths as your glassy eyes scan upwards. You study him, the twitch upon his lips as he considers your broken form, his narrowed orbs casting a look of scrutiny upon you.
You both can’t look away from one another until he finally holds you by your arms, helping you to your feet. You take in your blood-soaked kimono with a suffering sob and wipe your eyes free of the salty rivers welling up and cascading down your cheeks.
“Don’t ever tell me I don’t care about my younger sister.” He places a soft kiss on your forehead. “Otherwise, I’ll have to show you the lengths I’m willing to go to just to prove it. You wouldn’t want that, would you?”
Shaking your head quickly, you know exactly what he’s talking about. More discipline. Muzan equates discipline with love, keeping you in line shows how much he cares about you.
“No, Brother, I do not wish it.”
“Very well, then. Let me see your back.”
You turn to him, and he sees that your back hasn’t started healing yet. He has no worries, knowing that the cuts will be closed within the next few minutes. He traces one large gash through the back of your open kimono with a finger, eliciting a sharp hiss and vocal cry from you.
“You’ll be fine shortly. Go find something to do now, something that won’t anger me.”
“Yes, Brother.”
So you disappear to your room and hide away for the time being.
All of that pain in your body, and he barely even touched you. A slap across your face was the only physical torment from him. It was his true power which tortured you into submission.
You shake your head.
I’ll never be able to escape him.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 6 months
It’s time for another Fic Rec List fellow humans!!!
And boy howdy do I have a LOT this time lmao. A good chunk of them are Kyle-centric, bc I, like my son Stan Marsh, have been fixated on that guy. Also there are multiple from the same authors bc I find something I like and read EVERYTHING by them.
There’s a range of pairings on this list too bc I’ll read pretty much anything (still mostly style they do be my favorite) so hopefully if u see ur favorite ship or an intriguing concept this’ll steer you to somethin u like!
Here ya go!
* (rem)ember by boxwinebaddie. Ok we all knew I was gonna start the list w this one bc I am OBSESSED!!! Style holy shit! Crimson Dawn! Mentally unstable law student Kyle! RAVEN!!! The friendships and group dynamics! Rm lives rent free in my head dude plsplspls check it out!
* Painted In Shrouds by courtanie. Y’all want some Kysterion? This is one of my favorites! And NOBODY does Kenny like this author seriously. We got espionage! We got organized crime! We got overworked cfo Kyle! We got working together to take down the bad guys! We got blood and injuries and falling in love!
* Swansong by OrcaTimes. Fair warning this made me ugly cry. No one writes Craig like OrcaTimes YALL the Cryle destroyed me and doctor Craig always slays!!! It’s a beautiful story about love and grief, just GORGEOUS!!!
* Collector by cement_shoes. WHOLESOME STYLE ONESHOT!!! Them over the years, taking care of each other, Kyle handling bugs for Stan when he’s scared of them, growing up together and the trials of being human, but with someone always on your side. This one is SO sweet and gorgeously written, and a quick read too.
* A Ballad Of True Hearts by luckypoppies. Dude we all know I’m feral about SOT Style and THIS RIGHT HERE EATS!!!!! The history, the betrayal, the FANTASY VIOLENCE AND THERES THIS FIGHT SO FAR THAT SLAYS SO HARD! Being falsely accused of treason and subsequently exiled, tasked with escorting your prince to safety, GOD you just FEEL for the boys in this (plus we got them taking care of each other like yes yes gimme that fantasy whump) the world building is AWESOME I love sot AU’s and how different authors come up w the lore!
* Behind The Wall by Jwink85. Alright this one STARTS OUT nice, and is such an accurate representation of manipulative abusive relationships. Damien man holy shit. There’s so much going on in this, and the STAN PLOT OMG (yes style I love them) Kyle and Stan reconciling, Ike is my DISTRUSTING KING, high school angst, Tweek and Kyle friendship, Kenny being an icon, and I’ve said before but I love when Kyle’s written as generally wanting to see the good in people but still fiery in his own right, this is (a lot of jwinks stuff really that’s why I like their works so much) a great example of that!
* Simply Expandable by Kivea. YO WHO ORDERED THE MOB AU!!! Dude we got private investigator Craig, rival gangs, supernatural elements and mystery, conspiracy, fucking MOB BOSS KYLE?!?!? Kyle’s a bamf in this holy shit and bodyguard Stan, (this is Cryle btw and it’s fantastic) former k2, twenny, underground fighting rings, some KICKASS gang fights and the true antagonists bro the reveal was SICK! And when I say it’s a The Gangs All Here fic, I mean EVERYONE it’s wild and such a fun read it had me on the edge of my seat!
* And The Lightning Cracks The Sky by PastorCraigEnjoyer. Yeah yeah it’s cringe to rec your own shit sue me. But like Druid prince Kyle, Smokejumper Stan, forest fires, little mermaid but in the northern rockies ass plot, OVERLY PERCEPTIVE KENNY, mutual pining, magic, my beloved injury recovery (I gotta fuck Stan up ok) (I’m the worst)(giving Kyle chronic pain who me never) falling in love and saving each other’s lives, EVIL Cartman, I LOVED WRITING THIS ONE SO FUCKING MUCH it’s truly my baby.
* A quiet place (where I can scream how I love you) by sleep2thefr33zing. Coming of age style!!! So much emotional tension dude the pining is so fucking good, the first chapter is Stan’s perspective and the second one is Kyle and it’s BEAUTIFULLY PAINFUL WHEN THEYRE BOTH DOWN BAD BUT THINK THE OTHER ISNT!!! I love them being there for each other through all the bullshit of growing up, how resonant their falling outs are, it’s just so incredibly gorgeous and you really feel their emotions along with them.
* Knives by SparrowGrim. Ok so kyman isn’t my cup of tea but I’m putting it on the list bc some people do like it and this is an OBJECTIVELY FANTASTIC STORY!!! Tbh I only clicked bc I saw that it was Kyle centric (and that injury tag what can I say I eat that shit up) but I was HOOKED! Dark urbania, gangs running the streets, THE CODE NAMES SLAY SO HARD, we also got creek bunny stendy dip, the character relations are all so cool and the plot is WILD! Also Butters Kenny Stan and Craig are so badass jesus. Not even a ship I like but I loved the story.
* Peering Through Windows by Jwink85. C’mon I gotta have another jwink on the list and this one is SO. FUCKING. GOOD. K2 has been one of my favorites lately and THIS!!! We got dark cryle (my beloved) but when I say dark I mean CRAIG IS SO DEPRAVED!!! Like dude. But the story is THRILLING and artist Kenny is so kickass, Stan is a dad I literally cried over that small detail lmfao and I love jwinks Kyles and their idealistic nature (also I’m a sucker for any artist character) this story broke my heart and mended it again it’s incredible.
* Hunger Pains by Bellweather. Ain’t nobody doin Stan like bellweather MY SWEET PRECIOUS BOY UGH!!! The style is so great omg. The main four dynamic in this is wonderful, them trying to help Kyle through his ED (damn I really do read a lot of shit where Kyle’s suffering huh) all the characters are so well fleshed out and IKE I LOVE IKE IN THIS! The chapters have individual content warnings which is a great touch. Craig having prophetic dreams! Kenny dying multiple times! Chaos! Teenage camaraderie! There’s plenty of humor to make up for the dark shit but it DOES get dark. The mystery element in the beginning is really cool too I definitely have read this one multiple times.
* Find Somebody by hypercatt. STYLE!!! Stan-centric and so so so good, I love a platonic stendy team up too. some of the senior class goes “missing” and WHEN I TELL YALL I WAS so nervous that I read it out of order to make sure everything turned out okay lmao seriously this one had me WRITHING! There’s a gorgeous analogy throughout of physical hurts as a metaphor for mental illness and healing that just SPOKE TO MY SOUL!!! And there are so many beautiful moments, especially near the end, and the message of opening up and not running from your problems is beautifully written. Another one that occupies my brain lmao.
* To Have And To Hold by courtanie. Yes this is another one where Craig is SERIOUSLY DEPRAVED but hear me out!!! The plot, like I would DIE to adapt this to the screen, you feel like you’re watching a dark kidnapping race against time when reading this. And THE K2 IN THIS HOLY FUCK!!! Another one of my favorite Kennys ever and it’s so frustrating for the reader and the characters because WE ALL KNOW WHO TOOK KYLE BUT THE COPS ARENT DOING SHIT! The ending is unbelievably satisfying and the rest of the gang teaming up is so awesome STAN AND KENNY GOING FERAL OVERPROTECTIVE I live for that. But god the shit Kyle is subjected to, but he doesn’t lose that fire (Kyle ily sry)
* When The World Shakes, Hold Me by Bellweather & Blinkxs. The world building in this is PHENOMENAL!!! Post apocalyptic stuff, survival, STYLE!!! Some serious dark themes tho this is a heartbreaking read like damn check the tags frfr but the writing is MAGNETIC!
* -South Park- Style Sickfic/ Injury Fic Requests by AlwaysInSTYLE. Alright alright we all know I love my style hurt comfort and this is a request book/ oneshot series that’s JUST Stan and Kyle taking care of each other and I LOVE IT. you’d think it would get old but it DOES NOT. they’re not repetitive at all, and really fun reads! If you check it out, tell her PCE sent you we’re homies.
* Rookie Mistakes by espyonz. I love me some stenny and BRUH STANSTERION!!! Long oneshot that had me hooked. We got gentle hearted detective Stan who truly wants to protect and serve and is out of place in a corrupt police department. KENNY AS MYSTERION we know I love that shit, and he’s so awesome in this!!! The team up of Kenny Stan and Wendy to find missing people and uncover the truth behind their disappearances is AMAZING. We got Wendy as the tech girl which is SO slay (plus she and Heidi are together asjdhdks) and Kenny is hilarious in this, like he’s such a little shit and I adore this adaptation of his superhero persona. This one dropped LAST NIGHT and I’m so glad I didn’t make a red list post until now bc THIS NEEDED TO BE ON IT!!!
* Seven Candles by courtanie. Yep another one I’m tellin u, one of the best Kenny writers out there. So uhh Kyle in a Very Bad Situation again, like some of it was really tough to read. BUT!!! We got a war between heaven and hell!!! KENNY AS A FUCKING ARCHANGEL ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? (I live for courtanie’s overprotective kenny holy shit) this is legitimately my favorite Kenny interpretation IVE EVER READ HES SO FUCKING AWESOME!!! Plus we got satan being Done with Damien’s shit lmao and Kyle making friends with a hellhound which is fun. THE FINAL BATTLE WAS SO COOL TOO I LOST MY MIND!
* Why Remind Me by Kasen. One of the best style oneshots BRUH it’s so good with such a wholesome ending and the FEELINGS CONFESSIONS!!! The boys playing superhero, then later we got high school style and an accident that leads to a reminder of a kiss and UGH ITS SO CUTE!! Just- just read this one I love it sm.
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k-looking-glass-house · 4 months
Please… please help me! 😩
I’m trying to find and like all the individual ghost marriage outfit posts from you and the other person that of course now I am blanking on the name of because now I can’t go and look at their blog name because I’m writing an ask.
I’m liking them now because what I do is I like them and then go through my likes, write up any comment I want to make, add all the tags, and then put them in my queue for my twst reblog sideblog. So I AM planning on reblogging, for the record. I’m just liking for now because it’s easier to go back through and add all the things later. But I can’t find them all! 😭😭😭
I was trying to like them in order of dorm and I’ve managed to find all the outfit designs… until I got to Vil.
I know you/your friend made one because his picture is shown in the overall collage of the outfit edits. And he’s GORGEOUS. But I can’t find his individual post on either your, or your friend’s blog.
I’m going to be sending this ask to both blogs btw - just so you know. Since you both seemed to work on them and one blog posted some of them and another posted some of them as well. So I didn’t know which blog posted Vil’s. 🤷‍♀️
And even though I was trying to go in order of dorms, I went ahead and tried to find the rest, just to see if there were any others I couldn’t find.
And one other has escaped me - Lilia.
So I am missing Lilia and Vil’s ghost marriage groom outfits. :(
Please help!
Hi there! Sorry for the late reply
Ha ha I see, I see, well unfortunately I don't think I could help you on this one, as all outfit edits weren't post!
You can find Vil full outfit here ->
As for Lilia it was a mistake of mine since he already has an official Ghost Wedding suit, but for this special one (the one you're mentioning) you can find the edit here ->
You need to kindly ask my partner in crime @twiwoncrackpopcorn for others~
They definitely could help on this one!
Hope it helps!
Anyhow thank you for your hard work and search, and very kind words!
Take care~
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The winter hiatus~
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court-jobi · 1 year
Can I ask about two things? Blue Mando-Paz Feels and The Touch Barrier? Feel free to only answer one! This is @newpathwrites btw.
Hekk yeah I'll answer both, @newpathwrites!!! Let's goooo~
The Touch Barrier | Ver. 1 under the cut
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Ah my lovely fic headcanons with no real name... The Google Doc I have my drabbles about Paz Viszla are on just a funny sheet called quite literally Blue Mando Paz Feels. We had so little Paz content at the time I began writing these in 2019, but when I tell you my mind went wild...
Big blue boi Mando had my heart from the get go, and I quickly envisioned a nameless little OC (that I have yet to get onto paper). I paired him with a gentle soul who has a heart bigger than her head, and shakes the moment a gun is put into her hands-- but I think that brand of softness may be just what he needed in this harsh lonely world Mandalorians are so used to. He's big, he's blue, and it's cuffing season.. all I gotta say on that.
Now that I've seen more of Viszla in Season 3 I HAVE NEW SOURCE MATERIAL MUAHAHAHA but (ach-hem) I really do think the newest episodes helped me figure out his 'voice' so I might pick these little stories back up!
//psst my favorite of these is one where oc/reader's helping him clean up after a yucky, muggy recon mission, seeing him scrub himself really hard and she fusses over how rough he's being-even with himself. I go into how to care for your beskar, some Din Djarin rivalry-ish backstory, and how SWEET Paz can be when he's treated gently... Perhaps I'll flesh this one out if there's interest?
But also... my beloved:
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I answered a bit on my different directions on The Touch Barrier here... But I imagine you'll be most interested in the first iteration of it, so here's a snippet!!
"Are we ok?"
The helmet straightened up, fixed to you again from its nervous evasion. "What?"
"You look like a caged lothcat right now.." you shared, unable to hold back a smile. "And here I thought we were on hugging terms~"
Inside the beskar suit, Mando’s neck flared with heat. And before he could silence himself,
"..we are?"
You hummed noncommittally- betraying your whole-hearted desire.
"I hoped so. At least I thought we might be, based on how you boarded the other day. Unless you didn't necessarily want me there. After all, I know you were kinda having a hard time staying upright."
Only then did Mando's beskar curves slide more naturally into place. No longer bolted to the wall but angled catty corner to you. 
He recalled the 'hug' referenced, but he also remembered how he'd cupped your head to him after you'd brought him up to the cockpit-- that one was for comfort. Not stability.
"I was. But that's not why I .."
–but before he fully finished his train of thought, the baby in the hold let out a frustrated garble of calls as a rolling ball clinked out of his reach. Each plunk echoed down the rungs until it rolled off to parts unknown. You snorted, wondering what on earth he was getting into up there.
"Gosh, that little guy. Sorry, what were you saying?" you recentered from your distraction.
With a lag in his shoulders, the Mandalorian thought the truth to be the best answer. But still wanting to answer to the Child, he nodded his head on for you to continue down to the hull, and he'd follow,
"I was just going to say," he answered, "I didn't do that because I couldn't stand on my own. i-i mean I couldn't, true, but the thing is, I 'wanted to'..." 
His heart was thundering, some cracks in his words were audible,
"I was bleeding out all over the floor. But really, l I could think of was just how grateful I was that you hadn't been hurt. You were safe, and seeing you? I was relieved."
Now side by side in the open air cargo space you smiled, feeling a bit like the silly girls in the holonovels when they pushed their hair behind their ears.
"Well... For one, I'm glad you're not bleeding all over the floor."
That earned you a breathy laugh, "Thank you."
"And for two, I'm- glad you wanted to. Because I may or may not have been wanting to, myself.." 
Mando paused in his strides. which you matched. Even though you were unable to read his expression, you gave a satisfied little smile with your answer, 
"So… it sounds like we're on the same page."
"Sounds like we are."
The Child whined again, making both tip their head off to the side, perfectly in sync.
"I can go get him-- meet you back up top?"
"Okay." He nodded and they split.
Back in the cockpit, you wrangled the bouncing little potato sack. Mando turned when you came in, hearing you corral the kid trying to jump out of your arms to get a better view from his pram.
"Ok ok kiddo, good grief– your seat's but going anywhere!" You shrilled. Planted into his blankets, he sat back in content, swaying side to side, taking in the stars and clusters they were passing in awe.
"More like tryin'a be a hand-empty, the little wiggle worm." you sassed. His playfighting was all in good fun.
The Mandalorian spun to meet you. First and foremost, you know he'd set the locks on the overhead panels on the side wall, but then he surprised you when he faced fully after you readjusted your clothes the kid had tugged every which way.
"You're good with him. He seems happy to have someone else around." He complimented, stepping into your space. 
Then- finally- meeting your sparkling eyes with all their silent anticipation of his arms, he wrapped around you to pull you in. You locked him in by the waist. 
Then, slightly softer, he nearly whispered, "and.. he's not the only one."
Smushed slightly into his flight suit padding above his chest plate, you smiled. The pats you gave him back passed assurance and as much comfort as you could manage in this relatively tiny hunk of metal in the vast black dust of space. 
"Feeling's mutual, hon."
Hope you liked it!! More of this may come one day...
...dangit.. now I wanna finish this. (le sigh)
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comradekatara · 2 years
Hi, hope you're well.
I was listening to ‘social cues’ by cage the elephant, ‘in cold blood’ by alt-j and the ‘be the cowboy’ album by Mitski and all these songs just reminded me of this one western-ish mai&sokka roadtrip au where they are kind of cowboys, kind of assassins with a mission to kill local rich boy Zuko who can't seem to die, but I digress…
What would you envision for a mai&sokka modern au road trip?
ummmmmm please elaborate on this AU????? cowboy assassins mai and sokka sounds almost as good as bored teen detectives HELLO. also "zuko can't seem to die" is so true lmfao like he's not even trying NOT to get killed (in fact. the opposite) but he's indestructible nonetheless he's just built different. i'm picturing mai and sokka trying to kill him but every time they're about to they see him do smth so pathetic that they are momentarily distracted out of suddenly being overwhelmed with pity/secondhand embarassment for him, and he keeps managing to get away, escaping his fate. they can't tell if he's some kind of master of manipulation or legitimately the saddest guy alive. eventually they reluctantly befriend him upon deciding that he's more trouble than it’s worth.
as for a modern au roadtrip (boy, you sure do love roadtrips huh?) i definitely think mai and sokka would go on a lot of long drives together, especially during their college years (established lore states that they attend princeton together). these roadtrips include...
stopping at a gas station and buying SO MUCH junk food it doesn’t seem possible that only two people could ever get through that much food. but of course, they do.
mai wresting control of the aux cord but sokka likes every song in her music library anyway (some mitski, some kate bush, etc.)
mai talking shit about azula & zuko and sokka having to stop on the side of the road because he’s cracking up so hard he’s near tears, he can barely breathe.
mai really likes when sokka drives fast; she rolls the windows down to feel the wind in her face and yells “RUN OVER THE PEDESTRIAN!!” every time he stops for a red light.
comparing various quick and easy ways to kill yourself and neither of them being concerned that they’ve both clearly contemplated this a lot.
comparing horror stories about the assorted nightmare students they’ve met on campus. people who care about eating clubs, that sort of thing.
sokka banning mai from taking the wheel because she drives way too fast and it’s an actual safety hazard.
getting into a really big argument about objectivity in quantum physics even though they actually mostly agree with each other.
sokka getting a spontaneous call from aang (he just felt like saying hi) so they put him on speakerphone and talk to him for over an hour.
katara joining the call at which point sokka lights up and mai goes dead silent with an irritated look on her face until she leaves. mai’s just like “ugh katara is such a spoiled little princess” and sokka is like “YOU LITERALLY GREW UP IN A MANSION????”
sokka putting on jets soundcloud album at which point it becomes a test of endurance to see who breaks and has to turn it off first.
giving each other math and logic puzzles to solve as a way to pass the time but sokka gets too into it and ends up driving really slowly because he’s too busy concentrating which only serves to extend the length of their journey.
stopping at a diner and eating so many waffles between them that their server is genuinely concerned for them.
mai napping in the backseat and conducting an entire conversation with sokka in her sleep (this is not nearly the first time this has happened btw).
sokka stopping because he saw some cool mushrooms on the side of the road and mai being like “ew. that’s literally fungus. ew” to which sokka’s like “yeah, so cool, right?”
stopping at another gas station to stock up on even more junk food (they ran out an hour ago).
getting into a debate over whether aristotle was an important thinker in his own right or whether he was irreparably nerfed by being a student of that idiot plato.
getting into an extremely heated debate over which pokemon is the most fuckable (the conversation ends when mai says “lickitung”).
sokka noticing that mai is suddenly sweating a lot after having just checked her phone and he’s like “oooooooh did you get a text from ty lee??” and mai’s like “SHUT UP?? SHUT UP AND ALSO. I’LL KILL YOU.”
flawlessly singing all the words to smash mouth’s “all star” without missing a beat.
sokka being like "look!!!!! an animal!!!!!!!!" every time they pass an animal and mai scoffing in disgust because she hates all animals except for lizards.
stopping at yet another gas station because they somehow ran out of snacks again.
prolonging their trip by taking lots of pointless little detours because, ultimately, they enjoy this space they've created for themselves far more than the prospect of actually leaving the car and facing the world in all its brutal vulgarity.
driving slower than necessary and cranking the music up as a sort of last hurrah as they cherish the final moments before they pull up to their destination.
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uroboros-if · 1 year
Okay, okay, okay. So, my theory is that MC is actually the deity of time! This mostly comes from the fact that time is eternal, but still kind of a human construct. You've said before that the second wave of gods are more abt human concepts rather than elements.
Time is how humans measure change; time never stops moving. Things never stop changing. Even if people didn't keep track of time, it still happens. There's nothing you can do to stop it. I hope that makes sense, lol.
hmmm MC could also be the deity of change...
I haven't seen a deity with the domain of time while going through the character spotlights, and that's what sparked this idea. If there is one and I missed it... well shit lmao.
Also, when I hear 'All That Lasts Forever' I think of time first; actually time is the only thing I can think of that's really eternal.... along with change lmao
How MC would be mislabeled is a mystery to me, tho. I'll go scrolling again to see if there's something I've missed which is very likely ;=;
Idk if any of this makes any kind of sense ;-; I have a hard time conveying my thoughts properly through writing so I hope it does. Anyway, that's it so far. I don't have as much evidence as I want, but I'll take whatever my little racoon hands can reach lol.
~Alpha theory anon(Cracking up abt the 'alpha' part btw)
!!! This is a great theory, Anon!
It's interesting you say time is a human concept! It's true that time is real, but it's also not fundamentally real. Reading Slaughterhouse Five, I remember the aliens who experience every moment of a person's life, all at once, and thus death does not scare them; it is just another moment in a person's life. Humans do not perceive in this way. They see time is linear, so for them, they are scared of the passage of time.
You're right, though, there are no deities that I've revealed, or are otherwise not MC, who is the god of time!
As far as how MC was labeled, this is something you'll find out for yourself when the demo comes out, as the prologue will cover exactly that.
Otherwise, I think you have some amazing points, and I think you'll find that as the IF progresses, what you'll find and read will only strengthen your position. I know you said you're uncertain about your theory, but trust me -- it all totally makes sense, and a lot of the ideas you expressed, I'd been hoping to convey as some of the themes and message of the story!
If this is true, MC might actually hold a lot of power that is not immediately known. The only thing I'll confirm is that MC does essentially embody a concept that is timeless and eternal, even transcending human comprehension and thought.
Hopefully you'll gain more evidence as I said, which I think you will. The prologue may be of particular interest to you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to formulate your thoughts. Theory crafting is intimate to the work, which is why I feel blessed you took the time (aha) and effort into investing in putting this together. It means a lot to me alpha theory anon ♥️
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klqrambles · 1 year
This is an opportunity to infodump on whatever you wish
Thank you anon, for letting me infodump about Swag Age because I think it's a musical more people should watch even if you aren't Korean (although that'll also be hard because english translations are hard to come by). So! *cracks knuckles* here we go!
This takes place during the Joseon era of Korea which was when Korea was known as the Nation of Poetry. However, in this nation of poetry, poetry has been banned under threat of death/imprisonment for the past 15 years by the Poetry Minister.
Rebelling against this ban is the revolutionary poetry group Golbindang who wear masks to keep themselves anonymous and are fighting to prevent the complete loss of poetry. But we'll get back to them.
The protagonist of the story is an approximately 18 year old (according to an interview with one of the actors it's never explicitly stated) boy, named Hong Dan, practicing poetry and going around acting like a nobleman. However, this often gets him in hot water with the army (for the poetry) and his fellow townspeople (for the acting like a nobleman). But ultimately, this is also what captures the interest of a girl named Jin. She introduces him (after various shenanigans) to the rest of the Golbindang, which she's a part of! Golbindang is made up of Sibju (the leader), Ho Rosoi (the jokester), Kiseon (the jack of all trades), Sunsu (the guard), and Jin (the tactician). They're following the will of Hong Jamo and fighting for a fair and free world. Sibju then reveals that the Jamo that had raised Dan the past 15 years and died recently was Dan's father and had lied about Dan's orphan status to protect him from Jamo's status as a traitor. With this revelation and a final letter (written on a fan) Dan resolves to follow in his father's footsteps and bring about a fair and just Joseon.
But the Poetry Prime Minister, Song Hongkuk, has other ideas. He has the army threaten anyone who supports Golbindang in an attempt to find and capture the group. But this fails, and eventually the Emperor catches wind and decides to rehost the traditional Joseon Poetry Competition that had been banned 15 years ago. Through this, Golbindang (who took up the alias Suaegu to hide their identity) revealed the stories of the people. The Minister Song found them out really quickly, though, and had them captured. But then Jin's guard Lululala Jono (Jin's Minister Song's daughter btw. Most of Golbindang knew but this is when Dan finds out) frees them.
Dan originally refuses to go with the rest of Golbindang, having felt betrayed for not being told that Jin was actually Minister Song's daughter. But after seeing the atrocities of the army and a talk by Jin about how they aren't as different as they might originally have thought, and that leads to one final stand against Minister Song. With the rest of Golbindang's help he's able to get the Minister captured as a traitor and release the ban.
Summaries aside, there's a lot about this musical that has captured my brain, such as
the message against censorship
the message that people should be allowed to choose their own path in life and not one dictated by those in higher power
the message of equality for all
Hong Dan being a relatable character, often feeling like someone I could easily see myself being friends with
Jin being a strong female character whose arc is just as much about finding her own path in life and sticking to her own decisions as Dan's is.
there being no major plot of romance, and all romance that does exist is either the butt of a joke or someone's backstory
Golbindang being the true definition of found family where no one really falls into the stereotypical family structure: ie this is the dad, this is the mom, etc. Sibju (who is the only person who really fits the "dad" mold) is mostly just the leader due to his age and ties to Jamo (and likely cause he founded the group) and while he also often takes a disciplinary role, he is often just as much the person who needs to be disciplined by the others. If anything, everyone is the child and the only real differentiating factor is the fact some are older than others.
Minister Song feels like a realistic villain who took his perception that the world has gone soft and wants to right it by making Joseon a militaristic country...
the story as a whole just feels really relatable to a modern day audience despite it being set during the Joseon Dynasty because a lot of what the group is facing is what we face today.
So many in-jokes and puns are present, especially during the second half of the musical.
The songs are bangers, mixing the more modern style of hip-hop/pop music with old Korean instruments to create a very interesting soundscape
All of the characters are unique in their own ways and somehow still memorable and not in a way that is confusing
Here're the highlights (each video has 3 songs)
This is a video of the last two songs of the musical performed during a press call/rehersal
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imnotgoinghome · 2 years
Peter Parker
Peter Parker, the famous Spider-Man. While being an Avenger seems cool, he got teased a lot for being a cinnamon roll. He can also be an idiot sometimes, hope someone can put up with him. I know the Avengers can’t, most of the time.
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FYI: They all go to the main pages of the series, you’ll find the chapters there
Alive or Just Breathing? - I would like to warn y’all now; this will be a series, marking my first series ever. Hope y’all enjoy this. Also, this is a sad story with what I hope to make a somewhat happy ending but I haven’t decided yet…
Peter Parker didn’t have an easy job. And after a while, him being gone tended to take a toll on the people he loved . After getting into a fight, he begins to wonder if he can fix your already broken relationship or if it’s coming to an end for good.
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True love - Yes, this is based off the song by Pink (ligit includes lyrics). Not gonna lie, it’s not great but it’s fun, sooo…
Peters way of cheering you up is different then you expected
Time flies when your in love -This one was just wrote in a short amount of time, so it’s not great but I still kinda like
One simple bump in the shoulder can lead to so much more
Peto Burrito - Y’all really liked this one, I’d say fan favorite?
Peters always cute, even when he’s sad
A Sleepover with Secrets - I wrote this one a long time ago and it always cracks me up that I never thought of a summary for it and ligit just made it a quote from the story
“Can I tell you something”
She was wrong - Death is implied. Do with that information what you will. Once again with the quote summary thing, like is it that hard to make a summary?
“I can’t believe she’s really gone”
Crushing - Yes this has a part 2. Are you surprised? The part two wasn’t originally planned, but I’m kinda glad it happened. Third times a charm with the quote.
“You’ve never felt that way about someone?”
The Letters that Meant Nothing - Please just go read the first one (Crushing), then this, makes it easier on me… but I can’t control you so do whatever you want
Brad Davis was determined to get you to go out with him, will letters work?
The Past, the Future, and the Present - Based on a request by oyasumimosura. Also, just FYI, this is more about you then you and Peter. I think Peters mentioned like 5ish times, not 100% sure tho.
The powers you never wanted, caused the things you never wanted to happen
Physically Close - Thank you prompt list. This is definitely a fan favorite. Once AGAIN with the quote. And I’m not kidding when I say the “summary” is what inspired the whole story.
“Y/n, I physically can’t get any closer to you, it’s impossible”
PDA - I’m gonna say it now, if you don’t like PDA, just don’t read it. I mean it’s not bad, but I know some people don’t like it. So if your one of those people and you read this, just keep in mind that I tried to warn you
PDA had never been your thing, but you’ll accept Peters
The Pictures on Your Phone - Btw, in the beginning, I set it up like you were in a place like Main Event or a place like that. But honestly, imagine what you want to.
After finding pictures taken by you on his phone, Peter realizes that his feelings aren’t what he thought they were
Against All Stereotypes - I completely thank my brain (and Pinterest) for this. I hope you guys like it, and I’m well aware that I suck at posting on time but it’s fine
Who would have thought of a Nerd and a Popular Girl being friends?
I Think I Like This Story - For the people wondering, not this I’m not a part of my story ‘Alive or Just Breathing’. Chapter 3 is in the works, trust me but right now I just need a break from thinking about it. It’s not easy for me to write sometimes and I know I just came back from a HUGE writers block, but sometimes we just needs break, ya know? I also have been on vacation so that’s one reason why Chapter 3 Isn’t out yet, but I’ll get working on it soon, trust me. Anyways, hope you guys like this story. It’s just a cute short little blur but I think it’s cute and I hope you guys will too.
With overwhelming stress and anxiety, all you wanted was to get away. But what you failed to realize, was that this get away wasn’t going to end like the rest.
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Holiday Specials:
Christmas but 10 Times Better - I know it’s been awhile, but I’ve been in serious writers block!!! So I hope you guys like it!
Christmas was a special time of year, but you had someone who made it ten times better
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Ok, i think it’s totally fucking wild that my absolutely favorite “crack” (taken seriously) theory is somewhat coming true ??  like the one i feel kinda actually emotional about! Srsly!
aka the SMP multiverse
Like it’s def. not *my* version of the theory ofc, but *a* version!  it’s the various creator’s version.  but like good for them.  and omg o m g.
(It’s the one i wrote a few bad double drabbles and the story “on the origins of lives” on ao3 about)
more rambling about “my version” under the cut
and rambling about why i get emotional about, the idea, at least my version (i don’t want to put any weird pressures on the SMP creators or their version) and why i get emotional about the story too.
and yes, i am thinking of a sequel
the story, https://archiveofourown.org/works/40205097
so, like, the crack idea (LOSAR’s version) is the idea that all the SMP roleplay servers are linked in a multiverse, though quite loosely.  And also wrapped into my thoughts or ideas are some vague stuff about admin powers and mod powers and viewers - (and watcher / listener lore from Evo and 3rd Life being loosely tied to that)
so the main crack idea that’s kinda grown into this emotional thing, at least for me, (and it is Crack), is the whole joke bit video where Grian and Tommyinnit meet up, aka “I Tried to get Grian to Swear”, also known as “the one where they have a building competition” and also get weirdly posessively desirous about Mumbo Jumbo....
Anyway, the idea i had is it actually seems to fit well with other stuff with their HC and Dream SMP roleplay characters, and like they actually play off eachother surprisingly well there.  And it’s a chance for both groups to see how “the other half” lives. and they have fun.
So the background of these people is that, oh boy, Tl:dr the relevant parts here is that HermitCraft SMP where Grian usually plays is.... you could call it upbeat, cheerful, and pranksterish but friendly, but not romantic at all.  Pretty much anything of that aspect has to be Teen rating.  And that includes explicit “straight” stuff too, btw. it’s like a friend molecule.  Whereas the Dream SMP, where Tommy’s from, does have that aspect, many gay, straight, poly, marriages. and a lot of passion and genuine caring.  also to put what you heard about bluntly, it may not be the worst.... Dream SMP is a hellhole.  This is just to set the scene if you know nothing.
So anyway, (in the joke video i referenced, and in my story) this is a time when the two groups meet.   And see how they live, and swap stories, and yes build a pair of cottagecore cottages for winner’s clout.
And (in my story at least)  they see things in eachother.  Grian sees how scarred Tommy is (and how annoying and weird to be around) but also how *passionate* and willing to express how he feels about Grian and Mumbo Jumbo, even if it’s in a little bit of a yandere stan way lol.  (understatement)
While Tommy sees in Grian and Mumbo.... one: how absolutely power hungry they are.  Like they really like to influence things, really.  and that they are inhuman.  And well... on the Dream SMP, neither fares very well really.  If you’re power hungry (like Dream) you become everyone’s enemy.  and there’s so many inhumans/part humans on the DSMP, but g d do they go through some hard times because of it, and can’t even talk to it with anyone. Ranboo is part enderman and has to deal with Follish killing other endermen in front of him and rain and snow burning hi,m.  Philza is winged, but has his ability to fly stripped due to injury almost immediately upon joining the server.  And yet - to Tommyinnit’s wise eyes - Mumbo and Grian are liked and respected on HermitCraft. wtf.
And ofc, the contest ends with Grian winning and taking Tommy’s prized elytra (a pair of minecraft wings) as a prize (this will be important later)
So just like Dream XD is Dream in admin form - a God in the minecraft world.... the two go off into Admin Mode (which side note, in my story is Watcher Mode for Grian)
And they go talk to Mumza.
And For the Third Life/Last Life/Double Life series - Grian institutes a loooot more passion.  and also a LIMITED CANONICAL LIFE SYSTEM like they have in THE DREAM SMP.  And finally gets a chance to cling to Scar and Mumbo (but at what cost? “I don’t feel too good about this”)
And for the ORIGINS SMP - Admin Tommyinnit, Tommy XD, institutes unlimited lives, sure, that dcan’t be understated, but also (maybe more importantly) free use of powers or abilities. yes! Elytras, shulkers, ender pearls, teleportation.  Just like on HermitCraft.  and also * the ability to talk about all this stuff *
(notice any patterns on what species people chose on origins? Tubbo starts as the most highly armed and armored species in the game, Phil has elytra wings, Ranboo is an enderman, Will a ghost, Niki was surrounded by fire, now she’s surrounded by water, Jack had to claw his way out of hell after dying in one of Tommy’s stupid wars on the DSMP and always resented him for it, now he starts in hell on the O SMP and has Tommy come to see him and help him get back.)
Anyway, and Tommy is an Avia, who doesn’t have full elytra and can’t fly but has (cute little) vestigial wings.
And who’s favorite jokingly annoyed phrase is “Phiiiil, i wanna fly like you phil!”
And Tommy’s also said that unlike the Dream SMP the disc thing doesn’t apply here.
(now do you maybe start to see where the elytra comes in?)
On Dream SMP, Tommy gives his music discs away to Dream ( XD ) for everyone’s freedom.  and constantly wants them back.
On ORIGINS SMP, planeswalker Admin Tommyinnit XD Gives his elytra to Grian (Watcher) for the ideas of the Origins SMP.  And is like “I wanna fly like you Phil.”
(because if you notice, i think part of the “Tommy” personality in any universe, besides being selfish, and talking about girls, and talking shit to ppl, is being willing to give up things he cares about for his friends ).... (and oh boy, grian will take anything, anything that isn’t nailed down. )
But deep down I think he’s a little “happy” with both cases.
and i know this is a different multiverse thing. And i just like multiverses and planeswalkers in general.
But this is part of why i’m emotional about it, if i am.
(and why.... forget grian adopting tommy, how about i ship some Tommyinnit and Grian and Mumbo Jumbo) < 3
P S - and its a bit off topic, but let me tell you about Lifesteal SMP and what happens there since they have an airport to the Dream SMP.
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Hi i heard u are opening matchmaker with Kimetsu no Yaiba so i'd like to try
I choose Hana as my character name
Well as a Leo ISFP,im a clingy person,a bit of dreamy,quite honest but sensitive,i like to to comfort people when they're in trouble,shy when starting a conforsation with strangers but very open with people i know,i can be a bit short-tempered and impulsive too
I dont know drawing is a talent or not but its one of my hobbies,or may be watching some videos,eating and sleeping
Im interested in some movies are often depth along with the issues in society and life,or just some cute and funny cartoons,history(idk thats all i know)
Im a girl,and my sexuality is straight
I have a tan skin,fluffy long hair,average height
I Like Sanemi,i think he's really cool athough hes kinda mean and rough(my friends hate him lol)
I also like Iguro,Gyutaro too
U can match me with anybody in kny ^^
Before we get started I’d like to thank you for the submission, it makes me overjoyed to see so many people have taken an interest in my game! Btw you sound really really cool and it’s really awesome to meet you so, thank you! Without further ado,
Let’s play the Game!
These are the results of the Matchmaker’s assessments:
Gyutaro: Sitting solid at 70%, I believe that you are most compatible with Gyutaro. The start of your relationship with him would be strange at first. He might try to pretend he doesn’t like your or wants nothing to do with you but in reality he’s just fighting back his own desire. He would act like this because he was afraid of your rejection, but after spending time with him and assuring him you did in fact enjoy his company, he would become softer. Soon though, because of your loving actions, he would start becoming cocky (in a cute way, ngl with all your attention and love he felt like a true man). It would be difficult at first convincing him and gaining his trust but once you did, baybee this demon ain’t going nowhere. Be prepared to always, and I mean always have him by your side. You drawing? He’s there. Watching videos? Right next to you. Eating? Sitting across from you. SLEEPING?! Literally cuddled so tight around you, you may have trouble breathing. (If you or a loved one have been smothered to death by an extra clingy demon, than you may be entitled to compensation. Jk. But not really). In all seriousness once Gyutaro realizes that you are for real about loving him he’s never going to let you out of his sight again. He’s very protective but loves you more than anything, he falls hard and it scares him how much he truly adores you. What attracted him to you in the first place was your shyness, he took notice of this and soon found how caring you were. He likes the way your mind works and your thoughts on life. He finds you intellectually stimulating. Finds it adorable when you are daydreaming. His mind is constantly filled with your praises. In conclusion Gyutaro loves you more than life itself and would sacrifice himself for you. Has a hard time with his trauma and insecurities but you always help him through.
Giyuu Tomioka: At 30% I think that Giyuu would be another person you are very compatible with. The two of you share several similarities but Giyuu is a bet more reserved. That is of course if he is around other people, with you, it’s a different story. Giyuu is rigid and a bit hard to take (kinda like a cactus) but when he is with you he’s much more comfortable. In fact you are the only person he is comfortable with. He’d quiet and extremely reserved, except when he is spending time alongside you. In those moments he is much more relaxed, calm, and tranquil. He can loosen his muscles and his mind will go silent while he listens to your words. He doesn’t say much but the longer you are together the more he will open up. It isn’t long before you see him crack a smile. (It was terrifying as he had forgotten how to smile). Nevertheless he did, it was all because you ignited something he never thought would be possible for him. True love. He too would have a difficult time accepting love but when he does it isn’t an obsession, instead undying loyalty. Once he accepted that you loved and he loved you, he knew then he would do any and everything in his power to protect you. Since day one he was willing to die for you. As a result of this, he can’t say no to you. It doesn’t matter what you ask him for or what you ask of him, he instantly does it. (Spoils you rotten, tbh). If you ask for a glass of water he will stop what he is doing and run-not walk-but run to go get you some. He loves very very quietly, isn’t huge on verbal stuff but physical and acts of service he has down. (What did you do to him?). Quite literally loved you with his entire being, would do anything for you. You ask him to climb up to the moon and bring it back for you? He’d start building a latter. He’d either get there or die trying.
Honorable mentions: sanemi shinazugawa
Thank you for playing! I hope you enjoy and if you have any requests of any kind please let me know! Thank you and thank you for the opportunity to write for you!
Thank you for playing!
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xplrvibes · 2 years
Not Sam the literal guy who told us not to put so much energy into vacations & time off, crying over his life “feeling like a job” now. Wasnt this the same man who has been posting about expensive meals, and amazing friends, and amazing parties, and woo hoo this and woo hoo that?? So it’s all been for show you say? And he really wasnt or hasnt been “having the time of his life?”. I think instead of buying self help books for dummies, this man needs to take a crash course on sociology, and human behavior/social environment to really understand where most of his followers are coming from because he does not present himself to be relatable at all. Its like me reading one history chapter and calling myself a historian. He works for himself and complains more than someone like myself with a grummy 9-5 would, and not saying he isnt allowed to complain but why write bullshit think piece after bullshit think piece telling fans that vacations and relaxing arent all thats cracked up to be. He goes back and forth. Why not be real and show who you really are rather than pretending shitty music being played by a boombox is making you have the time of your life with “friends” who come and go yet always seem to be the best people ever for 2.5 seconds.
Sorry for ranting but this kid is really getting on my nerves, and i think you always give real raw opinions on them instead of sugar coating everything.
I will say this: for better or worse, his speech on snap yesterday was probably the most real I've ever seen him be. No bullshit, no trying to sell us a bill of goods about how great life is...nope, it was just, "Things are really hard and I'm very stressed about it."
I appreciated hearing that more than some "working all day, everyday, is the only way you'll ever achieve true greatness and happiness," bs.
Sam is hard to figure out and relate to, because he's so damn focused on building a persona of himself instead of just being himself that it just comes across sometimes (to me at least) as someone who is just playing a part in a one-man show that we all didn't know we bought tickets to, and that's the thing that can sometimes be grating about his little "think" pieces. They aren't always genuine, they aren't always true, and I don't think they are truly him- they come off as the him he wants to be perceived as, and not the person he is inside.
I also think a lot of his posts about loving the job and the grind and the "party life" is all part of that- he wants to be perceived as a fun guy with a great life and an internal library of great stories and life lessons because of it, and sometimes he has to alter the perception a bit to make the reality he's presenting fit the narrative he's tryjng to present, you know what I mean? I believe they call it "smoke and mirrors."
Now, does that mean he isn't always having a grand time in life? No, he does have a unique and high adrenaline, fun life and I'd love to hear all about it- but I can never tell with him when he's genuinely having fun and having a good day vs when the smoke and mirrors are out in full force and hes trying to justify a way to continue to live at as fast of a pace as he's living, or trying to sell this made up perception of himself. Whats real and what's a bill of goods? I don't know. I don't even know if he knows anymore, which is a little sad.
The food posts, btw, are them just trying to use payola to their advantage to get a free meal, which I have no issue with- if I had that kind of juice, you'd best believe I'd never pay for food again lol.
Anyway, for once, he wasn't sugar coating shit yesterday. He wasn't trying to sell anyone (at least on snap) on how great life is. He's stressed, his life choices are starting to cost him strain in places he didn't realize he couldn't afford to have strained (primarily relationships) and he's approaching burnout.
And btw- I said they would burn out eventually, if they had to do their own editing. I said this back when their fandom bullied them back into doing their own editing again, and look where we are, right on cue. Sam's crying in the parking lot of the post office, Colby's turned into a self help guru on snapchat as a way to try and avoid his own issues, they've got two mansions and no furniture in either one and that is somehow a great symbolism for how empty their lives are right now.
Let these boys have editors.
Anywho, Sam, if youre out there in tumbrland (please dont be out there in tumblrland): I'd appreciate it greatly if you were more honest and direct, not just with us, but with yourself more often. Not everything needs to be a Ted talk, a teachable moment, or a self-help quote. Sometimes, life is awesome and sometimes it's balls. Be honest and raw and not preachy about it all, and for fucks sake- stop trying to sell that more work = more happiness, cause you, Sam and Colby, are a textbook example of that not always being the case.
Also, please don't ever tell people again that vacations aren't the bomb dot com, as we used to say way back in the 1990s. Downtime is a necessary tool for anyone looking to not burn out completely.
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mythos-writes · 2 years
Hi. I love your work btw. Can I ask for a headcanon of Cillian Murphy x BIPOC reader who is working at the Peaky Blinder set but is secretly an author? She wrote a fantasy story revolving her culture with an enemies to lovers plot and the hot enemy is, subconsciously, inspired by Cillian's Tommy Shelby and her secret is ousted because her novel debuted number 1 at the New York Times Bestseller. Thanks.
There is a part two to this request, but I will put it all together in one :) I hope you like it!!!
Cillian Murphy x BIPOC Reader, Peaky Blinder cast x BIPOC Reader (Platonic)
Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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(Y/N) was one of the artists of Peaky Blinders. She has been with the show since the beginning
She has always gotten along with the cast and had followed the development of the cast and their characters
But what the cast didn’t know, was that (Y/N) was an up and coming author
Every spare moment that she had, she was working on her book. She had been working on this novel for almost 2 years and her environment really influenced her
With her environment being a gangster tv show, all of her characters are inspired by them
Especially Cillian’s portrayal of the headman himself, Thomas Shelby
With her main character, Blanche, trying to find herself in a post-war world, but when she meets a ‘businessman’, Henry, that will anything to get what he wants, she gets thrown into his world and he tries to keep her away, but if life was only that easy...
When she got picked up by Siman & Schuster, she was ecstatic, finally, her dream was coming true
Her book “The Son of the Isle” turned into the most anticipated novel to be released
Book bloggers and tabloids from both Europe and North America were eating it all up
When it came time for the release date, they wanted to get her into London to celebrate it all, but that also meant that she would have to take time away from the set
So she talked to her boss (Idk if it’s the director or not) to get the week off.
And when the news that you were taking some time off, the cast now wanted to know what you were doing
“So I heard that you will be away for a week,” Cillian says while sitting in the makeup chair
“Well, you heard right. It’s only a few days, you guys will survive without me,” she says jokingly.
“So where are you going to take you away from us for a week?” Helen questions. (Y/N) has to think about her answer carefully.
“Well, I’ve been called into London for the week,” she replies, powdering down Cillian’s face.
“What for?” Paul asks while walking into the makeup room.
“A project,” she answers, still not giving them what they want.
“What project?” Cillian asks, now more curious than ever.
“Well it’s a secret, I can’t go tell you lot now can I?” she replies, earning groans from the three. “Don’t worry, you all will find out soon. Now, I think you three have some scenes to film,” (Y/N) states while dusting down her clothes
“Yeah, yeah,” Helen says while getting up.
Cillian was last to leave
“So you won’t even tell your favourite actor,” he says, trying to give her puppy dog eyes
“Wow, you think I know Henry Cavill?” she sassy. Cillian’s face quickly falls, causing her to laugh.
“I’m joking Cillian and no, you don’t get any inside info,” she says.
“Let me guess then,” he pushes
“Ok, take a crack at it.” “Does it have something to do with your writing,” he whispers.
“Maybe,” she whispers back. Before he could get another word in, he was being called to set
“If I see you later, I will press you more,” he says before planting a small kiss on her cheek and running off.
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When it came time to the release date, she was super nervous and excited
She was dressed in her cultural attire, wanting it to show it off to everyone
When it was released, (Y/N) started to cry, all of her hard work has paid off
When she returned back to the set, she was excited to be back, last night she was told that she could come in later, so she didn’t have to make the early call time
She was a little nervous to see if anyone had found out, probably, but there was only one way to find out
When she came around the corner of the location, she was greeted by everyone, from the actors to the camera crew, operators, and directors holding her book open in front of their faces
(Y/N) let out a loud gasp, she almost started to cry
They all put down their books and started to cheer and make their way towards her.
“Bloody hell (Y/N), you are brilliant,” Joe says while hugging her.
“So this is the project that you wanted to hide from us,” Helen says while hugging you tight
“Surprise,” (Y/N) says with a smile
“Well, we are certainly surprised. We had fun trying to get our hands on these. We had to go to about 3 different Waterstones, ” Paul says
“Yeah driving between Liverpool and Leeds was fun,” Sophie says, causing the group to laugh
“Alright you lot, we can celebrate (Y/N)’s book after we are done shooting today,” David says.
(Y/N) gets a few more hugs and congrats from everyone, leaving just her and Cillian left
“So who broke the news?” she asks
“Adya comes in with a few of your books, saying that she saw that your name was trending on Twitter the other day. And then everyone quickly ran to the nearest bookstore to see if they had any copies,” he says.
“In full costume?” “Peaky caps in all,”
He brings her into a hug and kisses the top of her head (If you are shorter than 5’7)
“I’m very proud of you my dear,” she looks up and meets his gaze
“Thanks. I am proud of you too. Now come on I want to see you act,” she says while basically dragging him along.
“But you always see me act.” “Yeah, but I haven’t seen you in a week and I miss the show,” she says with a smirk
“Oh, you will get a show later.”
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ihavenocluedude · 2 years
Hiya, I really like your works and was wondering if you could do a request for me! I was thinking a romantic Scotty x GN reader where the reader is like an alien and working in engineering. Maybe their species has this thing where they find someone they want to be with they sort of take on traits of that person right? So they sort have taken on Scotty's accent and doesn't realize it at first, well Scotty sort of thinks that they are making fun of him (they aren't of course they just really like him) and it ends in Scotty pointing it out and Reader getting flustered over it and trying to explain how they aren't mocking him they just really really like him
Was that too much like details? I'm sorry if it was, have a good day! 💙
Locking onto you
Montgomery "Scotty Scott x Gender-Neutral! + Alien!reader
Link to reading it on Ao3 Link to Main Masterlist
A/N - Ah thank you and I'm so sorry this took so long, I absolutely loved this request so I really worked hard on it... So uhm... here you have an almost 3k word fic :). I hope you like what I did with the request! (btw not at all too many details, it's perfect) And I hope you have a good day too!
(I had a hard time coming up with a title and then I just thought of TØP's song 'Holding onto you'... so yea)
Word Count - 2 853
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You’d seen it with your parents. The way they acted so similarly that you couldn’t even tell the sound pattern of their footsteps apart. The same habits, the same vices, the same tones in their voices.
Both sides of your grandparents had described your parents separately, how they were when they were younger. Shown you what traits were actually their own. What they had brought to that union.
The habit of leaving cupboards and drawers open was the habit your mom had had almost since birth. The singsonginess of their voices was originally found in your dad’s voice, bouncing with his voice as he talked.
His parents had claimed that it had calmed his voice down by mixing your parents' speaking patterns together. Whilst your grandma on your mom’s side complained that your dad ruined the calm patience that was found in your mom’s voice before.
Your species wouldn’t necessarily keep the traits of their partners for forever, especially if falling in love with someone outside of it, but it could be hard to stop once you’d started.
And some traits just locked on forever, one of your uncles stuck with a stutter from a woman that certainly isn’t his wife. And even if he complains about it in front of his wife and the rest of the family, he can’t help but tell you the story of the girl he’d met when he was only 18 years old. A trait that got stuck was never necessarily bad because it stuck, if anything it was a memory worth holding onto.
It hadn’t happened to you yet. Sometimes you thought you had found it, that small lock onto something a person did or how they behaved. The way one of your friends would bite their nails, how another would always play with their hair when stressed or how you’d picked up a word someone used consistently.
But your parents had examined the situation and explained that it wasn’t quite it. It had to be bigger to tell anything truly, the smaller habits came along with it. But for example for your parents, it had been their voices that had been their clue.
On their fifth date, your dad’s voice had gotten calmer, steadier, not as anxious, or as melodic as it had been. Whilst your mother’s voice had been more energetic, almost voice-cracking by the way her voice had bounced around in a way she wasn’t used to. They’d laughed about it and felt their skin thrumming with excitation.
It wasn’t like a soulmate bond that some other species had, and it wasn’t some sort of proof of true love.
You could’ve locked onto several people’s traits and behaviours throughout the years, bringing a mix of both you and your former love interests’ traits to the table. But you hadn’t. Instead, the first time you locked onto someone for real… you didn’t even notice it.
First, it was his clumsiness. Montgomery ‘Scotty’ Scott was a very clumsy man sometimes. Although very competent in his very physical and practical job, he was a klutz.
In your workplace, where you’d most often see him, he’d often not be as clumsy as he often could be but that was mainly because of the focus he kept whilst working. Sure he’d have some accidents from time to time, like every other engineer he’d stumble to the medical bay at least a couple of times a year.
But when you first adopted the clumsy behaviour you hadn’t exactly gotten the work focus as well. Which meant a lot more medical bay visits than usual for you.
Pissing McCoy off was easy, but getting to the med bay way more than before especially exasperated the man. So he’d told Scotty to keep a closer eye on you whilst working.
Thankfully that helped you adopt the work focus as well. The way Scotty could get so lost within his work and the attention he had on it. So much so that you sometimes had to poke his shoulder even after calling his name several times.
So finally you got a bit more focused. Didn’t get as many burns, thankfully. And had McCoy not as irritated at you as before. But as soon as you got out of the engineering station you’d stumble over the first little bump in the floor and feel as if nothing had truly changed.
But then it was his ramblings. You’d always caught onto when he’d start rambling to you, it was sweet. Especially when in the middle of working. The way he’d ramble in nervousness or stress and if you cut him off you’d only see concern or caring in his eyes.
Or… the best thing, when he’d ramble out of passion. Although you already worked within engineering and obviously had an education in it, you’d never say no to Scotty’s ramblings about the ship and the warp core.
And then you started rambling back.
As if a flip switched and you suddenly could think about a hundred things to tell him. For example about the projects you’d started on your own, now that he and McCoy trusted you not to accidentally harm yourself.
Or about the shore leave destinations you’d been to, describing the different habitats and the way you loved the different ways of the different species. Never actually telling him about the ways and habits of your own.
“Have you noticed how…” McCoy once started asking Kirk as the two looked onto your conversation with Scotty, your ramblings coming out in a tone the two of them hadn’t heard out of you before. Kirk nodded with a small smirk. He knew, of course, he knew.
Kirk had always had a curiosity when it came to tendencies of different species. So whenever he could, he’d look up one of the crewmates’ species. Learn about them and perhaps even talk about it in his log.
It had helped immensely so far by getting him closer to the crew of his ship. But it had gotten even better when he, out of pure curiosity, had searched you up because of your newfound social closeness to Scotty.
“Picks up traits of the person they want to be with, very sweet,” Kirk explained as his smirk deepened. McCoy, already knowing of Kirk’s habit nodded and huffed out a breath.
Meanwhile, you and Scotty stood there just some metre away. He had completely zoned out from what you were saying at this point.
Scotty’s brain was going too quickly to really register what was going on in his head anyway. There was only one thing that he was sure of. You were trying to speak in a horrible Scottish accent.
“So I don’ kno’ exactly what t’ do.” You said calmly with a shrug as you wrapped up your ramblings about your current project. Your speaking patterns and the words you’d chosen weren’t different but the tone was rougher for sure.
And Scotty obviously noticed the way you’d cut some of the consonants out of your words or the way your o’s sounded more rounded than pointed. You were clearly doing some sort of accent… But you couldn’t possibly be doing… his?
“You’ve tried t’ find a new way t’ do it?” Scotty asked, not even really knowing if his question made sense in context to what you’ve been telling him. It was often one of the most usual questions Scotty asked and reminded his subordinates about when asked about issues and shortcomings with projects.
There wasn’t always just one straightforward way to solve a project, one could often find new ways to do things and with that also discover new solutions.
“Aye, of course.” Now Scotty couldn’t ignore it.
It bothered him for the rest of the day. Not annoying him, not aggravating him just simply… feeling his own heart sink slightly. The two of you had been getting closer lately, especially since the time McCoy had told him to keep an eye on you. But hearing you do what sounded like a dig at the way he spoke…
He didn’t want to point it out at first. He’d thought you’d stop after the first sentence of you even doing it. But then you had continued throughout that conversation. And the next. And the one after that too.
Scotty could easily be a feisty being. Someone who wasn’t afraid to stand up for himself. But he had to admit that he was hesitating when it came to you.
”Are y’ okay?” You asked him the next day, walking around the ship a little for a break. You’d been working for a few hours now, Scotty staying pretty quiet throughout the whole shift. Although your first instinct was to rant to him and talk as usual, you figured that his silence was a sign that you maybe shouldn’t.
”Yeah, ’m fine.”
”No! ’m not fine!- well… why the accent?” Scotty stopped walking instantly, the two of you stepping to the side of the corridor of the ship to not be in the way of anyone else.
”The accent?”
”Oh, don’t act so shocked!” He snapped out in his usual feisty voice he’d usually use towards Kirk. Whilst you hadn’t heard the tone used towards you before, you weren’t all that caught off guard by it. It was peculiar but with this specific topic, it made you try to inspect the situation closer.
What was he upset about? ’the accent’ he’d said. It was clearly upsetting him. So what was it? Were you actually speaking differently than usual?
”Am I…” Just from the first two words of the sentence you could hear the difference in your voice that you hadn’t heard before he pointed it out. So you clear your throat before trying again. ”Was I-” Not quite there but better. Cleared your throat again. ”Was I speaking differently?” You asked as you felt the normal signs of embarrassment tickle up your spine. A sort of chill at the embarrassment that you clearly had done something strange.
”Y’… You were mimicking me.” His sentence sounded more like a question. As if he was questioning himself at that point because of your reaction.
”Oh.” It sounded more like a squeak than a worded reaction.
Shock, self-consciousness and love all swelled up inside you at the same time.
Shocked by the fact that it had happened. It had happened and you didn’t even notice it. You had locked onto him and not seen any of the signs.
And it suddenly just all clicked when he brought it up. The way you’d picked up on his clumsiness, his work-focus as well as his ramblings.
Traits of his that you had good memories with. The first ones that you had looked upon with fondness.
The clumsiness had been the first trait you’d noticed about him that wasn’t part of his personality. It wasn’t his humour or his kindness but just the way he’d sometimes stumble over nothing and just chuckle it off.
Sure he was sometimes a grumpy, feisty man. He was someone who at times scoffed and huffed at every argument in a discussion. But he was also someone who could so easily laugh at things like his own little stumbles.
Then it had been the focus that you’d admired so. The way his face twisted, showing clearly just how ’in-the-zone’ he was. Whilst he could seem like an easily distracted man, someone who’d turn his head up at every little sound in the engineering station. He could so easily just slip into his focus.
Then it was the ramblings. The ones you’d want to listen to for as long as you could. Especially the passionate ramblings when he’d just go on and on with not a single hint of stress or agitation in his voice. The ones that weren’t out of nervousness or stress, even if you’d listen to those for as long as possible too but they weren’t the same.
And then this.
The first thing your parents had locked onto was each others’ voice patterns. This was almost to be expected but you hadn’t seen it coming at all. You had been looking out for the moment where you would lock on or the person you’d lock onto so much that he’d been able to hide right under your nose.
Of course, you care for Scotty, you’d always look at him with fondness, cherish every moment you’d have with him. Take time to appreciate all the small things about him. And still, you’d managed to not realise that this is the person you’d lock onto.
Scotty called you back to earth by saying your name and then asking ”Are you okay?”
A quick and eager nodding started in response, not really daring to look him in the eyes at this moment.
”I’m fine… I… I wasn’t- I mean, I didn’t mean to… Mimick you, that is.” Although this moment was filled with a slightly overwhelming feeling of embarrassment at needing to explain it to him, you couldn’t help yourself from feeling almost dizzyingly happy.
The feeling of love surging within you as well as the utter relief and happiness of just knowing that you’d locked onto someone. Especially someone like Scotty. You couldn’t have asked for anyone better.
”How d’ya accidentally put on an accent?” His voice still sounded a bit accusing, which was fair. But at least his voice felt a bit softer now that he knew you weren’t making fun of him.
After all, you had probably sounded… god knows how bad your fake Scottish accent had been, at this point you did not want to know that… Though it might be a fun question to ask later on.
”It’s complicated? But it’s- it’s sort of something that my kind might… well we- we sort of pick up the traits, behaviours… sometimes speech patterns of uhm…” How the hell do you just explain to him that you’ve locked on. That your alien brain decided that you want to be with him without even truly knowing it consciously enough that you didn’t notice locking on.
”-someone we want to be with” You rushed the words out but made sure that he still could hear them. You didn’t want to have to say it again but you did want to get the words that felt embarrassing to explain to be said as quickly as possible. No hesitation, just a lot of other terrifying feelings.
There are a lot of different ways a situation like this could go. And the quietness that settled over the both of you after your revelation felt… justifiable?
Scotty is after all not like your species, and he didn’t know about it obviously which means that situations like this are harder. If he had known or if he had been like you he might’ve seen this coming.
You kept your eyes away from his face as much as you could. Not really daring to try and figure out what he would answer by his facial expressions. But at the same time you really just wanted some sort of sign, that you should run away and let this situation slip away or for you to say something more.
”So y’… y’ want to be with me?” Scotty finally asked with a timid voice, before clearing his voice and adding ”What… what does that mean exactly t’ya?” his voice was more assured but at the same time sounded as if he was going to walk across an unstable bridge with a several metre drop beneath it.
Now it felt like your turn to become quiet. What does it mean to want to be with Scotty?
”Yes. And I don’t know yet.” You replied after thinking it over for a little while. Whilst you really like Scotty, to the point of your entire being warming up with the fondness you have for him whenever you think of him, you don’t know what this would exactly mean for the two of you.
After all your parents had already been dating when they locked on. In that situation, they didn’t need to even discuss how to go on with it. It was more just a confirmation that they both really liked each other. And in a way strengthened their start as a couple.
Here it’s just you. No way that Scotty could lock onto you back, no way that you could see your relationship being cemented as… anything more than you really really liking him.
”But would y’- I mean, would you want t’ go out with me sometime?” You ask, nerves making your voice dip back just slightly into Scotty’s pronunciation, into the comfortable space that he took up of your mind.
And before you could even doubt it all, try to retract your question or try and cover up any of the things you’ve told him, he places one of his hands on the lower side of your face. Leaning in very slowly as to give you space to push him away before he gets too close.
And then his lips touch yours.
And so, he locks onto you.
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dourpeep · 3 years
The men of Genshin as romance types:
This just kind popped up in my head after thinking about Xiao's characterization! I might add to this in the future, but for now it's just a small list of headcanons + a short blurb :>
Contains: Lots of fluff, lightly suggestive
Features: Albedo, Venti, Kaeya, Xiao, Zhongli, Childe, and Diluc
Note: you can be soft and still top btw, this is only for how they'd be romantically
Albedo is also shown canonically to do little gestures like give people the sketch he did of them to see them smile, this man might seem kinda standoffish at first, but he's not cold
From his voicelines and story, we also know that Albedo is the type of person to think pretty deeply about everything around him
His brain goes 100 miles an hour with all the possibilities and scenarios he can think of
So with his s/o, the best thing that could happen is that he'll take the time to really slow down and unwind
Being a busy, busy man in pursuit of knowledge beyond anyone's comprehension, Albedo rarely gets time off (his sketches are considered research, in a way, no?)
So once he's finally at home, there will be lots of little shows of affection
Passing behind you, perhaps a light touch on your back or shoulder to let you know he's there
On a particularly rough day, he'll sit facing you with his forehead resting on your chest and just--take your hands and put them in his hair
Not really the type to pamper, but there's no doubt of his love
Probably the type of guy to like sitting close in silence
Maybe on the nights you cook, he'll come and wrap his arms around your waist, head leaning on your shoulder as he watches you work
Quietly, you lay on the couch tangled up in his arms, the soft sound of breathing and the light warmth you feel lulling you to sleep. It seems that, even though Albedo is left half asleep from a long day of research, he still continues to trace mindless little patterns on the back of your hand with his thumb. You shift, and he hums, pulling you closer.
The man’s been through so much, honestly
He's lost his closest friend, helped a rebellion usurp a tyrant, been through a war that lasted centuries, watched as another friend he'd known since birth fall to corruption (but ultimately was saved)
Point being, he's tired and just wants to have his fun
True to his nature, he likes to tease and poke at his s/o, but nothing that can't be undone (after all, a prank isn't funny if it's permanent)
Hand holding, is a must! Venti is a very affectionate person who isn't afraid to express his feelings when it comes to his s/o
Lots of smooches too! (Please smooch him back)
Speaking of hands and smooches, he's the type to bring your hand to his lips and give each your fingertips a little kiss. They've done so much for you and allow him the joy of holding them, so it's the least he can do!
His type of love is free and sweeter than the scent of cecelias, soft as the wind that kisses your skin
Really, he wants to be able to treasure you as much as he can in the time you have together
Today was a picnic date kind of day. A basket filled with fresh, ripe sunsettias and a few dishes you both worked together to make (mostly you, after what happened with Venti's apple cake) sat on top of a sturdy blanket laid on the grass. Head laid in your lap, the wandering bard strummed idly on his lyre, adding a lovely backdrop to an already perfect day.
Of course, the suave Captain doesn't stop with honeyed words
Mysterious as he is, he takes what he does in stride
If he could spend all his life entwined with you, he'd die a happy man
Kaeya is the type of partner to romance with candlelight and nighttime strolls on the beach
A little cheesy, yes, but all the more to sweep you off your feet
Flirty, he likes to take his time with his love and while he similarly treasures his s/o, it's in the way the fairytales are written
Perhaps a little cliche at times
Nevertheless, he's the type of partner to sweep you into a dance despite there being no music and dip you low (whether you both lose balance and fall is up to gravity)
He'll show his affection physically, whether through a quick kiss when you stop by the Favonious Knight's HQ, or pulling you close when you walk through a crowd on a market day
Teasing is also a big thing, if he can make you blush, his mission is accomplished
In privacy, expect his treatment to be the same--it wouldn't do any good if he leaves his dear s/o confused about how he feels
Once again, you take his hand and he sweeps you into a lively waltz, sweeping across the living room floor. Not once do his eyes leave yours. All he ever needs is the feel of you close and the rush of his heart in his chest that bubbles into something fonder when your laugh reaches his ears.
Not the best with words, Xiao shows his love through his actions
Little gifts, helping now and then with commissions and clearing the road, he'll do it all with no expectation of thanks (should you thank him, he'll be extremely grateful for the recognition but also perhaps unsure how to react)
He doesn't tend towards physically showing affection to his s/o, so when he does, expect them to show his utter devotion
Often, Xiao questions what it is that he did to deserve such a love, but as soon as you appear in his view, it no longer matters because as long as you believe him to be worthy, why wouldn't he be?
His love is based deeply in trust. The heart is a fragile thing and to someone who's suffered so much in his lifetime, he guards it fiercely to protect himself
When he finally does allow himself the comfort of a relationship, he'll soak it up entirely
Nights spent stargazing on the top of Wangshu Inn, pinkies intertwined, or bodies held together tightly with the sweet exchange of breath
Every touch that he offers is gentle, reverent, and serves to remind him that what he's experiencing is real
He tried, really, for the thing on the plate to turn out the way that you usually make it. It's a far cry from what he remembers, but you set it down and bring your hands to his face. The sight of your beaming smile warms him deeply and he pulls you in close for a kiss.
Be still, my beating heart-
Just as he's full of information from the flowers of Liyue to the deepest cracks in the soil, he loves fully and unapologetically
He's lived through many eras and seen so much that it's hard to not want to express how he feels as he feels it
Deeply appreciative of whatever his s/o does and does for him
He indulges in every word, touch, feeling, and look- He's not a greedy man, but when it comes to love? There's a deep desire to feel it all
There are many ways that Zhongli expresses that love, a few being through your daily strolls through Liyue Harbor and the daily and nightly rituals the two of you have settled down into
His favorite is probably the mornings
There's something about waking up wrapped up in your lover's arms, head resting on their chest as the sun's warm beams shine through the windows that's utterly satisfying
Zhongli indulges in these little moments, favoring them over all else
Once in a while, he'll take you back to where your first date was to reminisce, perhaps even (jokingly) mention little embarrassing things either of you did
Zhongli watches as you sip at your drink and admires the way the sun compliments your eyes. You're preoccupied by the falling leaves, it seems, mentioning how they're just as brilliant gold as his. Though the feeling he feels is far from the excitement of butterflies, it has settled into a comforting sort of warmth that hopes you feel as well.
This man's love is wild like his personality
Loud, fun, and never quite predictable, he loves like a whirlwind and with an enthusiasm to match no other
Lots of teasing going on here, to make you blush or to mess with you, you'll never know
But it's his unapologetic fire that drew you to him to begin with
When he's not occupied with work, he'll drag you to go sight seeing
Every experience is a new experience, no matter if it's something that seems so everyday or not
His affection is in the form of tightly held hands (he doesn't want to lose you with how quickly he weaves through the crowd), well-placed winks, and kisses to steal your breath away
He also loves in a way that's fiercely protective. His job is a dangerous one and, with the way he's open with your relationship, his affection serves to protect you
But don't forget that despite his passion, he's a man who deeply treasures those close to him and, as his s/o, you'll be showered with only the best he can give you
It was only a quick break in your day, he'd assured, but it quickly became another round of seeing Liyue through his eyes. In the span of only an hour, you've already spotted an untouched patch of glaze lilies, sampled rich Li-style cuisine and fresh Yue-style cuisine, helped a young girl fetch her kite from atop a tree, and now are working your way (or rather, Childe is working your way for you) to a little area behind the busy streets to show you a pack of dogs he'd befriended. Fondly, you smile and watch as he beckons them out of hiding.
Diluc lives for the way that his s/o brings the best out of him and, in return, he does the same back
He exudes the air of a gentleman with the way he shows his affection, but, whether intentionally or not, in an utterly enticing way
Being busy during the day with running the tavern and the winery as well as at night as the Darknight Hero (he insists you stop calling him that as well, but you don't miss the light flush of pride each time), the time he dedicates to you is left in the early morning long before you leave for the day and the evening as he settles just before he sets off
During morning time, he's often fond of running his hands over you, feeling each dip and curve, memorizing the way your hair falls and the way your lips curve when you smile
It's a quiet sort of passion
His love is expressed in the fond murmurs against your shoulder and head, sharing those moments of deep intimacy both physical and not
In the evenings, you both settle in front of the fireplace, sharing a drink or two
There's sometimes a certain look in his eye that sets your heart aflame in the dimly lit room, and sometimes he sets off a little later that night in lieu of a few more stolen moments with you
Diluc slides into your shared bed in the early hours of the morning, a bit later than usual. The shift stirs you just enough to wake up to two arms pulling you to his chest and a deep breath with his nose buried in your hair. He's no doubt exhausted. Eyes bleary, you turn until you're facing him and loosely wrap an arm around his waist. In the moments you're still half-awake, you hear a low murmur of 'love you' and you smile against his skin.
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