#the ex dies and knows yoongi is in hell so they come for him
gimmethatagustd · 1 year
Soooo I was gonna write goth Yoongi as the demon crack fic based on Lilith, but then I saw this… and now I’m thinking things…
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There are so many plot ideas that came to my head over this
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casuallyimagining · 1 year
Fallen (1) | myg
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Min Yoongi x Female Reader
Summary: If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, then where does that leave you? Spurned by your ex-fiance, you seek the one person who can help. But as it turns out, the price of revenge may be a little more than you bargained for.
Genre: Fallen Angel AU, strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, angst
Word Count: 9,208
Warnings: homelessness, abusive ex, manipulation, emotional abuse, forced isolation, major character injury, blood, mentions of critiques of organized western religion, threats of harm, brief mentions of an almost-panic attack, arguing, more to be added later
Notes: Thank you to @daechwitatamic and @madbutgloriouspond for reading through this fic and for listening to me talk about it literally every day. And thanks to @btsmosphere and @toikiii for helping me with the angst.
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Fallen Masterlist | Next Part
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Everything is grey. Or, at least, that’s how it feels. You rarely come this far uptown, where the trains run on elevated tracks instead of under your feet. You follow the tracks along the river. They said he’d be somewhere around here, under the el between the old Radio Shack and the bodega. Above, a train rumbles past, its speed whipping up a wind that blows your hair into your face. 
You pull your jacket closer and step over a puddle.
Honestly, uptown would be nice if it didn’t seem like it died in the 70s. But, at least near the el, everything gives off that decayed vibe. Faded posters still cling to the bricks in alleyways advertising bands that hadn’t toured in decades. Window displays for nameless stores show off mannequins dressed in clothes that would have been long out of fashion by the time you were born. 
Something glowing near one of the track supports draws your attention. It’s a metal trash can, its contents ablaze. Just behind the can, leaning against the steel support, is a man. His clothes are tattered, and as you get closer, you can see he’s sucking on a lollipop.
“Goat?” You’re almost in front of the burning can. The man doesn’t answer you, doesn't acknowledge you, he just continues to stare into the flames. “Are-are you Goat?” you try again, taking a step closer. “I’m looking for someone. I was told he’d be here–uptown under the tracks where no one comes. Some of them called him Goat.”
The man snorts derisively, a small, bitterly amused smirk appears on his lips. “Not to my face they don’t.”
“I’ll call you whatever you want,” you concede. He doesn’t seem to be upset, but you don’t want to push his buttons. “I need to talk to you.”
“No thanks, kid.”
“It’s important.”
The man–Goat, or whatever he’s called–rolls his eyes. “You humans are always so convinced you need my help.” He turns then, tossing the stick of his lollipop into the fire, and starts to walk away. “I’ll give you a piece of advice: you can’t handle it.” He throws the last thought over his shoulder, barely even turning his head.
You walk quickly to catch up. “You don’t know anything about me. I’m stronger than I look.”
As you emerge from the shadows of the el tracks, you’re able to get a better look at him. He’s slight, thin, with barely any visible muscle. His dark hair hangs long into his eyes, which are an intense shade of deep, dark brown. He doesn’t look like much, and for a moment, you think that maybe you have the wrong man. But there’s a quiet power to how he carries himself, as if he could turn into something all-powerful and terrifying in the blink of an eye. You can see it in how he walks, how he carries himself. He’s dressed like just another unhoused person, but there’s a confidence around him that would make it nearly impossible to think he’s anything else than the immovable force that he was.
“You would know a thing about being stronger than you look, I think,” you say quietly. 
He sighs and pauses beside a light pole, leaning against it and allowing you to fully catch up to him. “What do you want.” It’s not a question.
“I need something.”
He laughs, eyebrows raising in surprise. “You want a favor?”
“Not a favor. I’ll pay you.”
“You’ll pay me?”
“Anything you want.”
He shakes his head, pushing off the post and continuing to walk. This time, though, it’s much slower, as if he’s inviting you to keep up. You’re intrigued–he’s intriguing–and you aren’t about to give up yet. So you walk with him, up the street, past the dusty old bodega and into an alley.
“I don’t want anything,” he says, eyes focused ahead.
You shrug. “That’s not what I’ve heard.”
He stops and turns to you, stepping close, so close that you can smell the smoke from the garbage fire on his clothes, in his hair. He inspects you, dark eyes gazing deeply into yours. “Who have you been talking to about me?”
“Your friends.”
“I don’t have friends.”
“The ones who live down here.”
Again, he laughs, stepping away from you. You can still smell the smoke of his clothes. “They’d kill me if they got the chance.” He continues walking, leading you down another side street. This one looks just as Disco Dead as the previous one. “You should watch your step. There are snakes everywhere.”
You sigh. At this rate, you’ll be dead before you convince him to help you. But you press on. “I’ll make it worth your time.”
“You tell me.”
He hums, scrubbing a hand along his chin in thought. He shoves his other hand into the pocket of his oversized, tattered coat. “What do you want, kid?”
“Revenge. On my ex-fiance. He’s…” You shake your head. Your ex-fiance is a lot of things. And you hate all of them. 
“Real winner, eh?” He hums, turning from the alley and onto the avenue. 
The shops here are just as old, the signs just as peeling and time-worn, but some of these are open. Their doors are propped open and music–a strange cacophony of reggae, latin fusion, and jazz–floats out onto the street from old boomboxes. Judging by the advertisements in the windows, these storefronts were stuck somewhere in the 90s. An improvement, but not quite enough.
Finally, he stops just outside of a run down electronics store. The front window still has a CRT tv that’s hooked up to a security camera filming the street. You and the man are reflected back in the screen. He’s standing so close to you that the sleeves of his tattered coat brush against your arm. 
“Sure, okay,” he says finally, the corners of his lips turning up in a smirk. 
For a moment, you’re taken aback. That was… much easier than you had expected it to be. Your shock must be evident on your face, because then he says, “What do you need?”
Carefully, you collect yourself, school your face into something you hope is a neutral expression. “I just want him to suffer.”
He whistles lowly, fluffing his hair. “Doesn’t exactly give me a lot to go off.”
“Can you do it or not?”
Briefly, he looks amused. His smirk turns into a smile. It’s soft, and it’s a little cocky, but it sets your mind at ease a little bit. “Might take a bit to get it right, but I’ll see what I can do.”
“I want him ruined,” you say softly, taking a step closer. “Personally and professionally. Just like he did to me.”
“You’re a curious one, aren’t you?”
“Thank you, Goat.” You smile, and he smiles back. A wide, gummy thing that seems to show off all the teeth in his mouth. “Or, I guess…?”
“Yoongi. Call me Yoongi.”
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It’s amazing how cold it’s gotten in the span of a couple weeks. It hasn’t snowed yet, but you can definitely tell that it’s going to soon. There’s something about the smell of the air, how the wind feels as it whips its way under the el tracks. The puddles under the track from the water and moisture dripping from the trains look frigid. You step around one and approach the man standing at the burning trash can.
He looks cold, too. He’s wearing the same tattered coat as last time, and now you notice the places where you can see his shirt through the holes. You wonder if he has anything else he could wear, any other layers he could put on now that it’s getting cold. You wonder if he has anywhere to go when the temperatures start to dip at night, somewhere other than huddled around a Hooverville fire. 
He smiles as you get closer, much different from the indifferent glare he’d fixed you with the first time, and you warm a little bit. It’s sweet, the half-grin he shoots your way, almost as if he’s excited to see you. You’d tried to keep your distance over the past few weeks, despite the fact that you’d been practically bursting at the seams to know how things were progressing. But that doesn’t mean you hadn’t seen him at all.
He’d wandered past your work a few days ago. You couldn’t be quite sure, but you were pretty sure he’d actually floated past the front windows of the bar. But he’d paused and waved, and you’d waved back only for your coworkers to look at you like you were crazy.
So there was a 50/50 chance that Yoongi was actually just a figment of your revenge-addled imagination. But you know. That’s what happens when you cavort with a fallen angel. C’est la vie. 
“Kid. You came.” He greets you cheerfully, his eyes focusing down on the fire in front of him. He reaches down beside him and grabs a small stack of papers–old posters and some trash, from the looks of it–and drops them into the flames. Sparks fly up, and you watch them glitter in his eyes. “I’m a little surprised, to be honest.”
“Well, it’s hard to ignore a creepy text from an unknown number asking you to meet under the el at nearly sundown.” You shrug. “You really should sign your texts. Or, I don’t know. Give me your number.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes and scoffs, but you could swear his cheeks flush a deeper shade of pink than they already were.
The wind picks up, touseling his hair and chilling you to your core. You push your bag further up onto your shoulder and shove your hands deep into the pockets of your coat. Yoongi steps closer to the fire, visibly shivering, and again, you find yourself concerned for him. But before you can say anything, he clears his throat.
“I think I’m going to need some more details about what he did to you,” he says softly. You bristle at his words. Brown eyes find yours, and you can sense that he hates having to ask. 
You sigh. You’d hoped to be able to get through this without having to tell him about any of it. You’d done a lot of healing in the time since leaving your fiance, but so much of it still stung–and some of it, you were still dealing with the fallout. You’d thought that because of who he was, you wouldn’t have to tell Yoongi anything.
“I thought you could just sense that stuff.”
He frowns. “I can tell when it’s enough to balance out the universe. But I need to know what I’m balancing for.”
“What have you tried so far?”
“Admittedly not much just yet.” Yoongi scratches at the back of his neck. “I started small to test the waters. But between his keys disappearing and his clocks never being the correct time, he’ll never be on-time ever again. I’ve also crashed his computer several times and wiped a few important files. He’ll need them in a few days. He’s currently up for a promotion, but uh… not after his boss finds out that the reports for three of their biggest clients are gone.”
You hum. It’s a start. Your ex-fiance was incredibly dedicated to his job. You’d loved that about him, back when you loved him. So it did give you a sick sense of satisfaction to know that slowly, his job was slipping through his fingertips. But…
“It’s not enough,” you say sharply. “You need to go further.”
“Right. That’s why I was hoping you could give me more information.”
“Well, I…” You sigh. Where the hell do you even start? How the hell do you even start? You look around. The surrounding buildings are still grey, still decaying, still… damp. You can’t see them, but somewhere nearby, someone is rooting around in a dumpster. Suddenly, you’re intimately aware of how cold it is, and how stinging the wind is, and how exposed you are. You rub your arm. “Can we talk somewhere else?”
Yoongi watches you, and some emotion crosses his eyes. But you can’t tell what it is, and it’s gone before you can really even analyze it. Silently, he nods and holds out his hand. You think that maybe he’s going to lead you away again, on a goose chase through the weird eras of this part of uptown. But he doesn’t. 
Brown eyes meet yours for the briefest of seconds, and then a warm wind picks up, blowing Yoongi’s long hair into his eyes. Your stomach lurches and then something soft rises up to meet you. You open your eyes–when did you close them?--and suddenly, you’re no longer under the el.
There’s a clatter off to your left, and the ding of a bell. Distantly, you hear someone ask “You want some more coffee, hun?” The surface under you is soft, but not so soft to be mistaken for comfortable. Yoongi sits across from you, a smug smirk on his lips.
A diner. You’re in a diner. It’s fairly busy, too, and for a moment, you’re worried that someone noticed the two of you just appearing out of nowhere in a booth. But shockingly, no one is even looking in your direction.
Yoongi shrugs. “People see what they want.”
“Oh… okay.” 
You settle into the vinyl seating, resting your hands against the table. The formica surface is sticky and you recoil in disgust. Yoongi watches you, his cat-like eyes following your movements with curiosity. It’s quiet for a moment, save for the clinking of dishes and the noises from the kitchen. 
A waitress flutters back and forth between the tables and the stools at the counter, taking orders and pouring coffee. She either hasn’t noticed you’re there or she doesn’t see you at all. Quite frankly, neither would shock you. Another order appears in the window with a ding and the waitress spins to place the plate in front of a man at the counter. 
After a second, she approaches your table to take your order. You aren’t particularly hungry, but Yoongi orders a plate of fries and a slice of cake to share. She pours Yoongi a cup of coffee and promises to return with a glass of water for you and then she’s gone.
“So.” Yoongi clears his throat and leans on his hand. He studies you curiously. His voice is soft when he next speaks. “I really do need to know what he did to you, kid.”
You sigh. It wasn’t surprising, but that didn’t make it any less difficult to talk about. Your fiance had been terrific at first. Loving. Loyal. Kind. You’d known him since college, had seen him go from gangly, awkward first-year to second in his class in one of the country’s most prestigious law schools. You’d watched him graduate, had been there when he was named partner, celebrated every raise and promotion as he climbed the ladder. But slowly, over time, he’d changed.
“He used to be lovely,” you admit softly, dragging a finger through the condensation on the glass of water the waitress sat in front of you. “But somewhere along the way, he changed. Or maybe he was always like this and I didn’t notice. I don’t know.”
“Sometimes people hide who they are.”
“After a while, I realized that I wasn’t myself anymore. There was nothing about me at that point that didn’t revolve around him. I hadn’t seen my friends in over a year. I was completely dependent on him financially. He’d gotten me a job at his firm, we lived in a nice apartment near the river. But I didn’t want to only be Song Dawoon’s wife for the rest of my life. And when I left, I…” You shrug, hands falling into your lap. “Well, he showed me, I guess.”
“He took it all away?”
You nod. “My whole life, gone in less than 24 hours.”
“Your friends?”
“Turns out he’d been feeding them lies.”
Yoongi hums deeply and frowns. And when the waitress returns at that precise moment with a plate of fries, he jumps slightly at the clatter. When she’s gone, he leans closer, no longer resting on his hand. He picks up a fry and inspects it briefly before popping it into his mouth. He makes a face, though you can’t necessarily tell why. You consider for the first time that maybe he’d never eaten before.
Gently, he pushes the plate toward you. “Eat,” he coaxes softly. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. But now that I know, I can change tactics.” He sighs, his eyes falling to the plate as he traces the edge. “I’ll make sure he gets what’s deserved.”
Things go silent. Yoongi coaxes you to eat again, but other than that, the sounds of the diner take over. Slowly, the fries disappear. You try not to watch him–or, at least, you try not to be too obvious about watching him. He’s warmed up in the diner, his full cheeks no longer bright pink and windbitten, but you worry about when you leave. 
What happens then?
Does he have somewhere to go to get out of the cold? Does he stay in a tent in the encampment under the el? Does he go to a shelter? Or does he huddle by the trash can fire through the night? His clothes are so thin, there’s no way they protect him from the cold. Does he even get cold?  
You barely notice when the waitress comes to take away the plate and replace it with another, this one topped with a slice of cake large enough for two. Again, Yoongi nudges the plate in your direction, but you let him have the first bite. He practically melts when his lips close around his fork, and suddenly you’re struck with a thought. 
You would like to know more about him.
It’s weird, and a little random. But you want to know more about what he likes and what he doesn’t. You’re curious about his past, though you aren’t sure you’d ever be brave enough to ask. But he’s fascinating, you’re fascinated by him, and so you smile gently at him when you stab into your side of the cake. He returns it warmly, and it reflects in his eyes.
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The days pass quickly, and soon enough, it’s almost a week later. For reasons you can’t quite figure out, you’ve seen Yoongi for the majority of the days after your impromptu trip to the diner. Or, perhaps seen isn’t the right word. Anyone else, you would say you’d been hanging out with them. But with Yoongi, that didn’t seem quite right.
He’d shown up at the bar. You’d assumed that he wanted to tell you about his most recent attempts at bringing enough justice to Dawoon to rattle his teeth. But he sat down at the corner of the bar and watched you curiously while you served the customers that were there before him. When you finally made your way toward him, he shot you a warm smile.
You’d only spoken a few words to him when it became abundantly clear that you were the only one that could see him. Your coworkers eyed you warily, and the other patrons sitting at the bar were looking at you like you were the drunk one. You whispered a soft “Stick around. I’m closing,” to him and promptly ignored him for the rest of the night.
Which is how you ended up here. With the bar’s sound system blasting late 90s pop while you pile dishes into the dishwasher. Yoongi perches on the countertop beside you, dark eyes watching you curiously as you place cups into the tray for washing.
“Is there a reason why I’m the only one who can see you?” you finally ask. It’d been bothering you all night, and now seems as good a time as any to ask.
He shrugs, and for a moment, you think he’s going to answer, but he doesn’t. Instead, he watches you hit start on the dishwasher and follows you back out to the bar. “You humans are… complicated,” he says cryptically, as if that’s supposed to answer your question.
You hum. Ain’t that the truth.
He stands behind you as you take stock, checking the bottles behind the bar to see what’s low. Gingerly, he picks up a bottle of bar brand rum and inspects the label. “Why do humans drink this?” he asks, voice quiet.
It’s your turn to shrug. “Celebration. Relaxation. Happiness. Sadness. For fun. To forget.”
“That’s a lot of contradictions.”
“Humans are complicated.”
He grunts and falls silent, putting the rum back behind the bar.
It’s a day later, and Yoongi is following you around once again. It’s weird how comfortable it is. He’s in your apartment, beside you in the kitchen. You’d been right in the diner–he hadn’t tried many human foods. He didn’t really need to eat. But he had a sweet tooth, and that was the extent of his experimentation.
Mercifully, it’s your day off, and you’ve taken the time to expose Yoongi to breakfast foods–waffles, you argue, are among humankind’s greatest creations. You had set him to task cutting up melon, and truthfully, you’re a little worried he’s going to cut his finger off. But it turns out that he’s a natural with a knife, and you aren’t sure whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing. But he chats with you while he cuts into the juicy green flesh, the thwack, thwack, thwack of the knife a nice rhythmic background to the conversation.
“It’s why the trains are always late,” he explains, his voice quiet, but sage. Somehow–you weren’t entirely sure how–he’d gotten on the topic of rail infrastructure. You hadn’t exactly been able to follow his logic, but his voice is nice, the slight gravel to it is soothing, and you think that maybe, you could listen to him talk for hours about nothing. Which is a strange thought because a month ago, you hadn’t even known his name.
The waffle maker beeps, and when you open it, the steam swirls out from a perfectly golden brown waffle. You pour more batter in and shut and lock the plates.
“Why do they call you Goat?” you ask quietly. It’s sudden, and his eyebrows shoot into his hairline. It’s quiet, save for the sounds of Yoongi’s knife and the every-so-often ding! of the waffle maker. Suddenly, you’re struck with the idea that maybe he doesn’t want to talk about it. “I mean, you don’t have to tell me.” You can feel yourself clamming up. “I was just curious. That’s all.”
“No, it’s… it’s okay, kid.” He waves you off with a sigh. “Those snakes will do anything to humiliate me. I’m a joke to them.” Yoongi shrugs, his lips flattening into a line. “Goat. Not good enough for the guys up top. Not bad enough for the ones down below.”
“I’m sorry,” you say quietly. You hadn’t considered that maybe the nickname was mean. “I didn’t know they were making fun of you.”
“How could you?” He shrugs, pushing the sliced melon onto a plate. “They’re assholes, not worthy of my time.”
“Still–I’m sorry you have to go through it. It’s not fair to you.”
The waffle maker beeps again and you pull the last fluffy piece from the plates before unplugging it. You hand Yoongi the syrup and push the slightly cooled waffle in his direction. Warily, he pours some syrup and tears a piece off the waffle. He eats, humming lowly after a second and nodding his head.
“It’s good,” he confirms, flashing you a smile and licking some syrup off his thumb.
You feel yourself stand a little straighter, a small smile spreading across your face. He dives back in, tearing off another piece of waffle.
“Oh!” He finishes chewing before continuing. “I have some updates if you want them?” 
“Oh, uh, sure.”
“I took what you said, and I gave it some thought. So first of all, he’s now only telling his friends and coworkers the truth. Which is fun. His secretary already wants to kill him.” You nod, no longer interested in your own meal. “And I’m working on slowly rearranging his files. Not the public ones. I’m not trying to get a paralegal fired. But his files and notes. Choi, Park, and Park are very annoyed with him.”
“Good. That’s… that’s good.”
“You don’t seem too happy, kid.”
“It’s just…” You sigh. It’s weird. You’re happy that Dawoon is getting what he deserves. So why do you have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach? You shrug. It doesn’t matter. “Humans are complicated.”
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You sigh and flop down onto your couch, throwing your phone down beside you. It’s been nearly a week, and you haven’t heard a single peep from Yoongi. You feel a little dumb for how it’s affecting you, but how else are you supposed to feel? He’d spent three weeks practically glued to your side, visiting you at the bar, following you around the city while you ran errands. You’d introduced him to some of your favorite foods. It’s stupid–after everything, you still only barely knew him–but you considered him a friend.
But now, for the second time in as many years, you find yourself alone and frustrated and feeling like the world’s biggest fool. Yoongi doesn’t have the capacity to hurt you as deeply as Dawoon’s betrayal had, but that doesn't mean that it doesn’t sting.
You’d met Dawoon during your first-year orientation in college. He was assigned to your group for the weekend. He’d been squirrely and awkward, and had followed you like a puppy around campus during the tour and all the first-year activities. But by the time classes started that Monday, you were fond of him. By the end of your first year, you were dating. By the end of his first year of law school, you’d moved in together.
He had been your best friend. He’d brought you coffee for every late night study session. He’d held you while you cried when the stress of your senior thesis got to be too much. He’d helped you relax during spring break the year you managed to burn yourself out so much that you considered dropping out. Dawoon had been there for every up and every down, and you’d loved him for it. 
You aren’t sure when things started to change. Only that, at some point into your nine-year relationship, they had. You woke up one morning, completely alone, and realized that you weren’t happy. It had been a long time since Dawoon had told you he loved you, and an even longer time since you’d felt like more than just arm candy. When you’d brought it up to him–that you felt like you weren’t an equal participant in the relationship, that you felt like he mattered more than you did–he’d gotten angry. So angry, that he’d almost hit you. So you’d left. Broke off the engagement, packed your bags, and left.
24 hours later, your life was gone, burnt down around you. Your boss, your friends, all tricked by Dawoon’s lies. That was almost a year and a half ago. 
You were finally starting to feel like a person again, and Yoongi was a big part of it. And now, he’s gone, too.
At the beginning of the week, you’d been surprised–sad, even–that Yoongi hadn’t popped up sometime throughout the day. But you’d gone to bed that night content in the assumption that perhaps he was busy with your favor or someone else’s, and that the next day, you would see his lopsided smile as he floated into the bar during your shift.
But no such luck. A day passes, and you go from surprised to worried. Where could he possibly be? You hope that he isn’t frozen somewhere, never to be seen again.
Three more days pass, and you find yourself getting angrier–both at Yoongi and yourself. Why hasn’t he even tried to contact you? What could he possibly be doing that he couldn’t answer a single one of your texts? Or one of your calls? Or even just float by the bar when you’re working to let you know he’s alive?
Why hadn’t you offered to buy him a new coat? You knew his was in tatters. You knew the nights were getting colder. You could have offered your couch.
That anger festered, and now you’re pissed. At Yoongi. At yourself. At the world. Thankfully, you don’t have to completely start over again, but there’s something just as crushing about finding yourself alone again. It’s not productive, your anger, so you channel it into something more positive.
You clean. The whole apartment. Top to bottom. Starting with your bedroom and working through the bathroom and the kitchen. You blast the punk music from your early teen years on your phone and set about the living room, dusting your bookshelves and reorganizing the contents. 
You’re almost ready to get out the mop and bucket when you hear a ‘thud’ against your door. Just one, and not very loud. You’ve almost decided to ignore it–it’s late, and your apartment is between enough bars that drunks falling into your door is not uncommon–when the soft knock comes, slow but deliberate. It persists, despite your efforts to get back to your cleaning, and finally, you can’t take it any more.
You march to the door, throwing it open violently. “What?” you snap before even getting a look at the knocker.
The person falls forward, and you catch them easily, grunting under the dead weight of their body. Through slashes in the man’s jacket, you can see what you think is blood–golden and viscous against lightly tanned skin–sticking what’s left of a sweater to a bruised and battered body. You hold him carefully, pushing black hair away from his face. Something inside of you knows already, but you need to be sure. 
“Yoongi?” Your heart sinks. “What happened? Where have you been?”
He splutters a bit and sags in your arms. You struggle to maneuver him further into your apartment, shutting the door behind you. “Snakes,” he manages, wincing as you nudge his arm around your shoulders. 
You frown, helping him slowly hobble out of your doorway and into the living room. Your goal is the bedroom, if you can make it. He would probably be better off on the bed if you can get him there. Snakes. They told you they were his friends. He’d warned you about them. Said they’d kill him if they ever got the chance. You suppose he was right.
Together, you limp halfway through the living room before Yoongi groans. “Gotta lay down, kid.”
“The bed’ll be more comfortable.” He grunts, and you can tell he won’t be able to make it that far. “Couch, then?”
He stumbles, and you almost lose your grip on him, but you manage to keep him upright. “Floor. Please.”
Gently, you ease him to the floor, pushing your ottoman out of the way so he doesn’t have to curl up. You pull the pillows off the couch, kneeling down to lift his head and slip one under so he’s comfortable.
“Do you need a blanket?” you ask softly, rushing out of the room. 
He grunts out a ‘no,’ but you grab him one anyway, and a glass of water–though if you’re honest, you have no idea how he’s going to drink it laying face-down on the floor, but it seems right–and then a straw because that makes more sense and rush back. You sit beside him on the floor and place your collection around you so you can reach any of it should he need.
You reach out, hesitating just slightly before your hand touches his hair. You don’t want to hurt him. But then he groans and curls slightly in on himself from the pain, and you think that maybe you can’t hurt him any more than he already is. So gently, ever so gently, you lower your hand into the inky blackness of his hair. It’s wet from sweat and sticky from blood–there’s a gash on his temple that his long hair can’t help but get stuck in–but you smooth it down anyway, away from his face.
You stand and return moments later with a bowl full of lukewarm water and a rag. “They really kicked the shit out of you, huh?” you ask softly, wringing out the rag and dabbing it against the cut on his temple. Yoongi hisses in pain and recoils. “I know, I’m sorry,” you murmur, using your other hand to smooth his hair down. “Who are they?”
“Demons,” he groans, dark eyes barely opening to look at you. “I was doing a job over by the harbor on Wednesday and they jumped me.”
“Wednesday?” you exclaim, washing out the rag and wringing it again. You move to his left shoulder, where three terribly bruised scratches run from his clavicle across his shoulder blade and down his black. “Yoongi, that was three days ago.”
He flinches when the rag hits his skin and you apologize softly. His sweater and coat fall apart in your fingers as you try to clean his wounds. You finish cleaning his back, wiping the dirt and blood and grime out of the scratches. You can see where they’re already starting to heal, where they’re already scabbing over and the flesh is growing back. You imagine that, among the other special abilities he has, he heals faster than a human. Which is good for him, because you weren’t kidding. He looks like shit.
“You good?” You stroke his hair again, pushing it back away from his eyes. 
He nods ever so slightly, deep brown eyes meeting yours briefly before he winces in pain. “I’ll be okay.”
“Not gonna die?”
Yoongi scoffs, then lets out a low groan. “Looking to get rid of me, kid?”
“Never.” You fluff his hair and stand. “I’ll be right back. Yell if you need me.”
He calls your name before you’re even out of the room and you turn to him. “Thanks.”
“For what?”
He gestures vaguely, barely lifting his arm from the floor, but you get the idea. For taking him in. For taking care of him. For making him feel like a person.
“You’re welcome,” you say softly, and pat the door frame. You disappear into your bedroom before he can say anything else.
You throw open your closet, flicking through the hangers, searching for one in particular. Somewhere in here’s an old sweater, one of the only things you managed to take with you after Dawoon, stuffed into your suitcase. It’s cream colored, you remember, chunky knit. You haven’t seen the sweater in over a year, but it’s got to be in here somewhere.
You tug it off the hanger in triumph just as a thud sounds in the living room. There’s a flapping noise, like a sheet shaken to remove the wrinkles. Confused, you slowly creep back out. There, lying precisely where you’d left him, is Yoongi. Except now, sprawled to either side of him is a pair of feathery black wings.
“Yoongi?” you question softly, stepping into the living room clutching the sweater to your chest.
His head turns away from you. “I couldn’t keep them in any longer. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s… it’s fine. I brought you a sweater. Your clothes are ruined.” He grunts. “If you’re feeling up to it, I can help you into it.” Your eyes widen. There was probably a less weird way to phrase that. “Because of your shoulder. It’s kind of really fucked up.”
He snorts, a light laugh leaving his lips, and then winces. “Thanks.”
You sink to the floor beside him, hand finding his hair once again. “Are you… you’re sure you’re going to be okay?” 
“Yeah.” Yoongi nods, and with a groan, rolls onto his side. He’s facing you now, one wing draped over his body and partially in your lap. “Don’t worry too much about me, kid. I’ve been through worse.”
Something about that breaks your heart. Maybe because you can tell. It’s the tone of his voice, but also it’s how mangled and damaged his wings are, and how you could see scars on his back under the scratches from the demons. He’s seen much worse than this.
Your fingertips brush against his wing gently and the feathers twitch away. “Sorry. Did I hurt you?”
“No.” He sounds tired, his voice husky and ragged. “No one’s ever touched them before.”
“Oh.” His brows furrow. “It’s okay. It didn’t hurt.”
Something about his tone gives you pause. Ever so gently, you run your fingers through the feathers of his wings. It’s purposeful this time, and he doesn’t flinch away. In fact, he practically purrs, a deep exhale leaving him.
You can tell that his wings used to be beautiful. Closer up, the feathers are a dark grey, and most of them are still glossy. It’s just that… there are patches where there are no feathers, and places where you can see the bony protrusions that make up the physical structure of the wing. Some of the feathers are bent and broken, some are crushed, the soft, downy tendrils clumped together.
But despite everything, the feathers are soft and delicate, and they run through your fingers like water. You trace a scar along the ridge of his wing, the tip of your finger dragging through the feathers slowly, and at first, he jumps a little bit, but he quickly relaxes.
“Hey Yoongi?” you ask softly, your focus on the feathers resting against your leg. He hums an acknowledgement. You can feel his eyes on the side of your head. His curiosity is back. He must be starting to feel better. “How’d you…” You sigh and gather some courage. “How’d you fall?”
“It’s just… you said that you weren’t good enough for them, right? But the demons clearly aren’t…”
“Not my biggest fans, no.”
“So, I just…”
When you finally look at him, you’re struck by how beautiful he is. Not just in a ‘you’re pretty’ way–which, admittedly, he’s that, too. But in a ‘you’re fascinating’ sort of way. Everything about him seems contradictory. His eyes–sharp, catlike, ever observant–sit above a soft button nose, round cheeks, pouty lips. His wings are so beautiful, yet so broken. Even his words, which were sharp when you first met him, are now much softer and friendlier. Sharp and soft. It suits him, somehow.
His dark eyes watch you watch him. And though his face says he’s irritated, his eyes glisten with mirth. He enjoys watching you fumble, apparently, and you recognize that you should be more annoyed by that, but truthfully, you’re happy that he’s feeling well enough to even entertain the thought of mischief. A small smile spreads across his lips, and you find yourself smiling back at him.
“Okay,” he grunts, shifting himself closer awkwardly.
“What are you–? Be careful!” you chide gently, confused by his actions. 
He finally seems to settle when he’s laying perpendicular to you. His head lands in your lap and you freeze, arms raised in surprise. Yoongi readjusts slightly to get more comfortable against your thigh. He stretches his wing out–the tips of his feathers brushing against the ceiling–and winces slightly with the movement.
When he’s settled in, he sighs. “I didn’t fall. I was pushed. They don’t really tolerate dissent. Even if you’re right.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s really not that deep of a story, kid. Top brass and I had some disagreements, that’s all.”
“Such as?”
He hums. “Oh you know. Just some minor things.” He rolls slightly so he can look you in the face. “I have these radical ideas where I think people should be kind to everyone and that everyone is worthy of respect.”
You finally drop your hands, and they find the feathers on the ridge of his wing. “I didn’t know I was in the presence of such an extremist.”
“Yeah well.” He grunts, using his arm to push himself upright. He wobbles a little bit when he’s fully vertical, and you reach out a hand to hold him steady. “When the big guy said ‘Love thy neighbor’, he didn’t really leave room for exceptions.”
You hum, your hand falling from Yoongi’s arm when you’re satisfied that he won’t fall over. He stretches, wings folding behind his back with a surprising amount of grace. It strikes you in that moment that he didn’t need to come here, didn’t need you to stitch him up. He could do it all on his own, quicker than you could have ever taken care of him. The scratches on his shoulder are already healed over–they’re still pink and inflamed, sure, but they aren’t bleeding anymore. You wonder how long it took for his pain to go away. So then why…?
“Why’d you come here?” The question is out of your mouth before you can even register it’s a bad idea. 
“I mean, I’m just a human. I haven’t done shit for you.”
“That’s not true.” His brow furrows. “You brought me a sweater.” He reaches forward to grab the forgotten top.
“That’s not a lot. You did most of the work.”
He shrugs the sweater on, the cream material falling loosely over his torso. Somehow, his wings poke out of the back just fine, even though there are no holes for them. You’re curious, but you also aren’t about to ask him about it. The sweater is big on him, oversized in that two-sizes-too-big sort of way. 
“It’s a lot to me,” he says quietly.
Was he always sitting this close? Suddenly, you’re hyper-aware of his knee touching yours and how his fingers are barely brushing your own. Deep brown eyes meet yours, his attention flickering quickly downwards before dragging back up to your eyes, like it took a great effort. And then he’s leaning in. Or maybe you’re leaning in. Both of you? It doesn’t matter. Your heart is pounding in your chest. Can he hear it? He can probably hear it.
He’s millimeters from you, you can feel his breath fanning across your face. “Can I kiss you?” He asks it so softly, it’s barely audible, even from this distance. 
You don’t even think. You just nod.
His lips meet yours, and it’s like all of the air is sucked from your lungs. It’s quick–he breaks it far too soon–and you’re admittedly a little lightheaded. He doesn’t get far, though, before you’re pulling him closer again, hand cradling his jaw. His lips are slightly chapped, and he moves gently against you. Not too fast, not too forceful. It’s almost as if he’s hesitant. But then he adjusts how he’s sitting and pulls you ever so slightly closer.
When you finally pull apart, your face feels warm. Yoongi’s looking at you, dark eyes swimming with some emotion that you can’t really place. But it’s gooey and soft, and the warmth spreads from your face to your whole body. No one had looked at you like that since… well, since Dawoon, and really, it had been a long time for even that. Yoongi offers you a small smile, and you return it, suddenly very nervous. He stretches his legs out in front of him, hand brushing yours once again.
What in the world are you supposed to do now? You didn’t think you were so far over Dawoon’s betrayal that you were ready to kiss… anyone, let alone Yoongi.
“You uh…” You cough, feeling very awkward, and fumble for the right thing to say. “You want to watch a movie?”
When you wake up, you aren’t sure what time it is. It’s weird. You remember the movie–an old Scooby Doo made-for-tv special from your childhood–and sitting beside Yoongi on the floor. You remember the shuffle of his wings as he got comfortable–the couch apparently too rigid for the sensitive appendages. You remember how he tried to hide his laughter behind his hand, but the shaking of his shoulders gave it away.
What you don’t remember is falling asleep.
But it’s now morning, early light streaming through the windows. The tv is off, and there’s a blanket thrown over your shoulders. Your apartment is so quiet you can hear the foot traffic on the sidewalk outside. Where’s Yoongi? You push yourself up off the floor, squinting as you look around. You check your bedroom, and the kitchen, and the bathroom, and he’s nowhere. He’s just… gone.
You sigh and collapse onto the couch, heart and stomach somewhere in your ankles. You feel sick. This is different from when you were angry and worried about him. Now, you’re just angry. 
How dare he? How dare he make you worry about him? How dare he show up on your doorstep without warning like that? How dare he make you care? 
How dare he kiss you like that and leave without a word?
Something stings behind your eyes and you squeeze them shut, letting your head fall to hit the back of the couch. How could you be so stupid? After Dawoon, you’d promised yourself that you wouldn’t let yourself get invested like that again. It only led to this. Sitting alone, a mysterious stinging in your eyes, wondering what you did wrong.
You grit your teeth and give yourself another ten seconds to wallow in self-pity. And then you stand. You promised a coworker you’d cover her lunch shift at the bar today. You can’t afford to miss it. Plus, you do better when you don’t have time to dwell on things.
Unfortunately, the bar is dead. You count the glassware at least a dozen times. You wipe down the bar more times than you can count. You wipe down every bottle in the well and on display, double-check the kegs, restock the bottled beer in the fridge. A few hours into the shift and you’re faced with the fact that it’s not as good a distraction as you had hoped. Thankfully, there are at least a couple patrons, and since there are no servers staffed for the lunch shift, you’re forced to take care of them. 
You’re grateful for the customers, grateful for something to do, for the outlet. But then the door opens, and you throw a quick “Sit anywhere! I’ll be with you in a sec!” over your shoulder as you pop into the kitchen to grab one of the table’s appetizers. When you emerge, you nearly drop the nachos you’re carrying.
At a table in the corner sits a face you’d rather forget. He’s tall, and handsome–a far cry from the spindly first-year you’d met a decade ago. His black hair is a little shaggy, perfectly styled to be out of his face. He wears a suit, no doubt it cost him more than your entire month’s pay, tips included.
Song Dawoon.
You steel yourself, take a second to plaster the customer service smile back on your face, and step out onto the floor. You drop the nachos off at the correct table without spilling a single chip, despite the fact that your hands are shaking like you’re experiencing your own personal earthquake. You promise to refill the man’s Jack and Coke, and then you take a breath and step toward Dawoon’s table.
“What can I get you?” you ask through your best plastered-on smile.
Dawoon looks up at you, a sickly sweet grin on his face. “How have you been? I didn’t know you worked here!”
Sure he didn’t.
“Sit down,” he suggests, kicking out the chair across from him. 
“No thanks.”
“Sit. Let’s talk.” His voice is firm, leaving no room for questions.
Cautiously, you sit. Your leg starts to bounce. Between the anger from this morning and your nerves now, you’re dizzy and nauseated. It’s a big city. You’d hoped that you’d never have the displeasure of seeing Dawoon again.
“The funniest thing has happened to me,” he says, leaning forward, his fingers steepled. “I’ve been having the worst luck lately. My keys disappear. My clocks are all broken. My files are disappearing. And you’ll never believe this, but all of my clients keep forgetting my name.” He hums and shakes his head. “It’s strange. Almost supernatural. Like if someone hired a vengeful spirit. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”
You shrug. “Not at all.”
“See, that’s the thing. I think maybe you do.” He beckons you closer, but you don’t move. His voice is dark. You’d only ever heard him like this once before.
The day he swung at you.
“I think,” he continues, voice low, “you know a lot about it. I’m not quite sure how, but if I figure out how you’re ruining my career, you’ll have to pick up the pieces three states over.”
“You know, that’s really rich coming from you.” You stand, the chair scraping from behind you. You take a deep breath. “I think you should leave now.”
It takes everything in you to walk away with your head held high. Your legs are shaking by the time you get back behind the bar, and as soon as you’re safe in the kitchen, you sink to the floor. The cook eyes you warily but says nothing, simply hands you a glass of water and goes back behind the prep station. 
The room is spinning. Your chest is tight. Your heart is beating so fast, you’re afraid it’ll pop out of your chest and flop around on the floor like a fish. The door to the kitchen swings open and shut, open and shut, a dull throb that barely registers somewhere in the back of your mind. Your hands shake as you take a sip of the water. Someone pats your shoulder as they pass by.
It takes ten minutes for you to breathe normally again, and another five for your blood pressure to return to that of an alive human being. You stand, give the kitchen staff a nervous nod in thanks, and sneak back out into the bar. By now, Amy–the other bartender–has clocked in. A quick glance around the room eases your nerves. Dawoon is gone. The other patrons are still there, but Dawoon is no longer sitting in the corner. 
You lean against the bar and sigh. And then you pull yourself together and finish your shift.
By the time you get home, you’re exhausted. Mentally, physically, emotionally. You’re drained. You want nothing more than to sleep for a week, take a hot bath, and drink an entire bottle of red wine. And not necessarily in that order. You collapse onto the couch, television remote in hand. Despite your exhaustion, you’re still wired. 
In the glow of your tv’s home screen, you see something glossy on the floor at your feet and reach down to pick it up. Something soft brushes your fingertips, and when you finally grab it and inspect it, you’re face-to-face to a single dark grey feather.
Your head falls, hitting the plush back of the couch. You feel your eyes start to sting again. It’s all too much.
A noise to your left startles you–the sound of a blanket being shaken to get the wrinkles out. You squeeze your eyes shut briefly. Of course the universe is forcing you to do this now. 
When he says your name, it’s barely a whisper–deep, gravelly, it matches the early hour. Stubbornly, you ignore him, your eyes squeezed shut. Maybe, if you don’t acknowledge him, he’ll go away. But then you hear him step closer, and you’re jumping to your feet.
“What are you doing here?” you question him sharply.
“I wanted to check on you, I-”
“Song Dawoon, he’s-” Yoongi frowns. “You’re upset.” He takes a step forward. “Why are you upset?”
You scoff. “Don’t talk to me about him.”
He looks confused, dark eyes clouding over with questions. And for a moment, your heart flutters. But then a part of you–the angry part–reminds you that you’d woken up this morning alone. And an even larger part of you reminds you that Dawoon knows somehow, and you grit your teeth.
“You left me alone.” Your eyes sting again, and you try to blink it away. Now is not the time. “You left me alone and I had to deal with him by myself.”
Something akin to worry crosses Yoongi’s face. “I’m sorry,” he says softly. “I didn’t mean-”
“It doesn’t matter!” You’re exasperated, and you can feel your heart rate increasing–you try to take deep breaths despite the fact that your lungs feel like they’re being squeezed. “Don’t you get it? He ruined my life because we weren’t in love any more. He took it personally that I wouldn’t stick around and enjoy our perfect, abusive relationship. He told my boss I was selling information to a rival firm and got me fired. He told my friends that I talked shit behind their backs and made them hate me. He took away my entire support system and kicked me out on my ass and he’s still coming after me.” You take a shaky breath and force yourself to stare Yoongi down. 
“I didn’t know. You didn’t say-”
“Of course I didn’t! Why would I want to relive the worst months of my life? God, I…” You throw up your hands and turn away. “How useless are you? I thought you were supposed to be able to sense this stuff? Maybe not the specifics, but at least the severity, or… or something!”
It’s all too much. Yoongi standing there, looking like a kicked puppy. Him leaving, Dawoon’s threats. You can’t take it anymore. 
“You need to…” You take a deep breath, force your voice to steady, blink away the stinging. “Thank you for your help, but unfortunately, I don’t think this will work.”
You hold up a hand, cutting him off. “I won’t be needing your help anymore. You can go.”
“But I…” Yoongi’s brow furrows, and you watch as he deflates. His shoulders sag, and something changes in how he stands there. “I don’t understand.”
“What’s there not to understand? I don’t need your help anymore. We never have to see each other again.”
“Is that what you want?”
He nods, black hair falling in front of his face. His eyes are downcast, but you think you see a shine in them that wasn’t there before. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly before speaking again. “Okay.” His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows. “Okay. Well… I guess this is it then.”
“Bye, Yoongi.”
He’s gone in a flap of invisible wings, and suddenly, it’s dead quiet in your apartment. You stand there for a moment, silent, unsure what to do next. And then something in you breaks, and you sink to the floor in front of your ottoman. Tears well in your eyes, and it’s barely a second before you’re sobbing into your hands. 
He was still wearing your sweater.
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Fallen Masterlist | Next Part
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thank you for reading. I have no idea when part two will be out--I don't normally do this, but I couldn't wait to get part one out, so I'm still working on the rest. I'd love to hear what you thought about this part! it might even inspire me to finish the fic!
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Check Out my Masterlist
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231 notes · View notes
ratherbefangirling · 3 years
Kim Seokjin x Reader
Episode 11
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Taehyung chewed gum.
He didn't know he'd miss having gum. They didn't provide gum in prison.
Having to spend years in prison for murdering his father.
He thought the world would change but it really was the same.
Atleast his sister had a decent life now. She seemed happier. Even had a boyfriend now.
A college degree. A decent job.
He though didn't have much to offer and after months of being caged in the apartment. He decided to find a job.
But Job offers were not easily found.
Until he heard from a fellow ex convict. About the company that hired security guards.
While Taehyung had had enough violence to last him a life time to last in this one he needed more apparently.
The man in front of him appraised him like cattle.
Taehyung didn't mind he was used to worse stares.
"Fresh meat eh." The man said cigar in his mouth.
It was a dingy office not much light entering crowded with paper a chaos of useful and useless in an old apartment building.
Taehyung stood silent.
"What we're ya in for?" The man asked finally.
"Murdering my father."
"And why did ya do that."
"Does it matter just tell me you have a job or not." Taehyung said firmly.
"It does lad left ya manner in the jail eh."
"He used to hit us me and my sister. I snapped boom was dead infront of me."
The man said nothing opting to open a file.
He gave Taehyung a card.
The Esmeraldo
The card read.
"Go to the address and tell em I sent ya. Its a new resort in a remote area. Ya might hafta be abroad. 10% salary I will keep rest is yours kid."
The man explains.
Taehyung supposes it's not a bad deal.
He is surprised to see the building. Its a skyscraper in an office district.
He loosens his neck tie a bit.
It's been a while since he wore one.
It keeps him on edge.
He goes to the reception. The inside of the building is even more impressive than the outside.
The receptionist talks on her phone for a while before directing him to an elevator informing him about his walk in interview with the HR.
He finds his way in the cool and clean space.
He is met with a man sharp eyed and orderly.
"Take a seat gentleman." He says roughly.
Taehyung does as he is told.
"So you want a job?"
"Yes." Taehyung says stopping himself from grinding his teeth.
Another habit he had picked up in the cells. It was the world of animals. Here the human world wasn't that much different but a lot more complicated for no use.
"Well we don't have the openings in the resort but if you are interested you can apply to be the security at the parking lot."
"How do I apply?"
''Have you done this before Taehyung."
"You can work for a week no pay to get the ropes then if we hire you we can discuss your salary."
Taehyung agrees it's not like he has anything better to do.
He arrives home to find his sister cooking.
"Were you out?" She asks
"Where did you go Taehyungie."
"I'm not getting in trouble don't worry."
"My boyfriend is coming this weekend to meet you.. he doesn't know he thinks you've been in our home town."
"We are from Songju.." he says.
"Yes but he doesn't need to know. Thought I'd warn you just be careful."
Taehyung let out eerie laughter scaring his sister.
"You just don't want to be a criminals sister right who cares that our mother abandoned us and our father tortured us. He was hitting you I should have just run away right but apparently only females inherit that trait in our family."
"Kim Taehyung." His sister says stern.
"Get lost. I'm not taking your pity I can live without you just tell your boyfriend your brother died."
He leaves the house despite his sisters protest.
He goes to the sauna for the night. The cheapest he can find. Tomorrow will be a new day. At least he is not I the hell hole.
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Jung Hoseok got of the subway. Usually Yoongi would drive them. But today Yoon was busy in the studio.
He walked aimlessly. In no hurry to go home.
He had his appointment tomorrow. A half day.
Even Jungkook was busy today.
The thought of the younger always arise concern in his mind.
Jungkook had barely any muscles on his bones when he'd first come. Hoseok had even spotted bruises.
But over the months he'd stayed with them he had gained a lot of muscle. His smile though had been as innocent as it was many years ago.
He always was grateful for yoongi taking them in.
Hoseok watched a family walk past him.
Sometimes he found himself wondering how that felt. His friends were family to him but they weren't family.
He wondered why his mum left.
He had faint recollection of her. He didn't know what her face look liked or how or who his father was either.
Slowly he was loosing consciousness.
Hobi woke up in the ER.
He watched as a Doctor made her rounds. He could here her get closer.
No matter how many times he ended up at the hospital he always disliked explaining his condition.
It was bothersome more than anything.
I need another coffee.
You hate night shifts especially as you shift from morning ones. The first few are painful before your body gets used to it. Even worse are the 24 hour emergency shifts.
Your supervisor has left you without supervision. For which you are grateful. He would only intervene in case of emergency.
It was a rather quiet night. Only a patient who'd broken his leg after falling. He was currently asleep.
How he managed to sleep through the pain You didn't know.
You had done his plaster after receiving the X Ray.
Giving him painkillers via IV.
Groaning alerts you that he has woken up.
You open to reveal Jung Hoseok. As his ID card claimed.
"Are you in pain?"
"No ... I I guess its subtle. "
You nod.
"Do you remember your name?" You ask.
"Yes doctor. I'm Jung Hoseok and I guess I broke my leg. I have narcolepsy." He informs you.
"Are you taking medication for it?"
"Yes Doctor. Infant I have an appointment scheduled tomorrow."
"Alright. Mr. Jung. You had fractured your leg but we patched you up. You can contact your family. They can take you home."
"Thank you doctor."
Yoongi barely hides his frown.
He is quiet as he signs discharge papers. Even through the ride he barely speaks.
Jungkook is busy listening to music. He had been taking a break from his project.
He hears the car in the drive way and goes to see his hyung.
He is surprised to find Hoseok in a plaster.
He silently helps his hyung who passes him a grateful look.
Hoseok winces as he hears yoongi close his bedroom door with a bang.
He knows Yoongi's anger is more self directed.
But when yoongi doesn't come out for dinner the guilt in his chest weighs him down further.
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Jin waits outside your hospital early in the morning.
In your post work haze you miss him.
"Y/n." He calls out.
You snap your head towards him.
Jin is dressed impeccably in a crisp white shirt and formal pants. His coat hanging inside the car.
He takes your doctors coat and stethoscope and guides you to the back seat.
"It's fine I can stay awake." You tell him. Choosing to sit in the front.
He passes you the mango shake fruit cream. He himself had coffee with croissants.
Last time he'd bought you coffee by mistake which had ruined your sleep.
He thought this was a healthier option.
You also ate the deviled eggs the cook had prepared.
You were grateful for Jin for picking and dropping you of despite how tired he was. While you did miss him.
It couldn't be helped due to your work hours.
When you reached the apartment building. You both sat together holding hands for a while.
"I'm so tired but I don't want to leave you." You tell him.
"Just a few more days love. Then we will go on vacation for real." He promises.
"I can't wait."
"Me either. Good night love. As much as I would like to stay I need to go."
You nod supressing your yawn.
You wave at him as he leaves and watch him disappear before you trudge towards your home and collapse on the bed.
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jeonggukingdom · 4 years
splinters of love • day X [myg]
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pairing  ⟶ min yoongi x fem!Reader
summary  ⟶ a collection of drabbles (one for each day of April) based on prompts by an online prompts’ generator site. Specifically  ⟶  • day X ↳ in which you’re both single parents and your kids have turned into best friends in the past few weeks but your child is misbehaving again and Yoongi decides to make a comment on your parenting skills that may or may not break you down to tears. For which, he decides to make it up to you.
genre  ⟶ angst, fluff, parents!AU
rating  ⟶ G
word count ⟶ 1.901 words
warnings  ⟶ a little bit of angst because Yoongi doesn’t know how to phrase stuff, also Yoongi being an absolute heart-melting softie. Mentions of death and cheating.
series masterlist  ⟶ here  (links on mobile may not work, if you’re looking for all the works in this series, you can click on the “!splintersoflove” tag and you’ll find them all there!)
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Suzy’s laugh is crystal clear as she runs after her friend Mina, her little arms outstretched to grab her, capture her and win the game and possibly claim the little toy in the other little girl’s grasp.
A small smile graces your lips as you watch her like this, all happy and carefree under the spring sun, her long raven hair swept away by the gentle breeze.
She looks so much like her father it hurts to look at her most of the times.
The thought of him turns your thoughts bitter, makes bile rise from your stomach up to your throat, almost making you gag onto thin air.
You are barely aware of the mellow voice talking to you, definitely not registering what he is saying but you know he is there, you can sort of feel the warmth of his body even though he is not even remotely close enough to do so.
You haven’t been with a man in four years, ever since he left you. You are touch-starved and the man standing right next to you has a charming smile, a softness to his features that makes your insides twitch every single time.
But you never let your gaze linger for too long. You can’t do relationships anymore, that is what you decided, and especially not with someone that has just as much, if not more, baggage as you do.
Min Yoongi has a soft smile on his lips and you hate how that brings heat to your cheeks as you meet his eyes and he tilts his head a little to the side.
Your kids have become friends pretty quickly and spending time together at the park as become something like a routine for the four of you and you are happy she has finally made a friend and that, well, she happens to be the daughter of a single father that at least can understand the struggles of being a single parent.
Sometimes you see the pain in his eyes, the worry reflected in those dark irises that in some occasions look so much like your own it startles you.
His pain, though, must be thousand times worse than yours. He lost his wife, the love of his life, in a tragic accident and he has been mourning her ever since.
You, on the other hand, have lost your love one to a younger and prettier girl.
You shift your gaze to your tangled fingers as thoughts of him start filling your head in a way that cuts your breath out of your lungs.
You are so engrossed in your own bitterness that you don’t see it happen, you only hear the aftermaths.
Suzy has not only reached Mina, she has pushed her down and stole her toy and sadly, it is not the first time this has happened.
You rush to them, try to pacify Mina while apologizing to Yoongi, your eyes stern on your own daughter.
She cries too in the aftermath of the mess that she created, hitting all your nerves in the right places.
It takes a few minutes to calm both of the kids down but when they are smiling again, it seems like nothing has happened and you watch your daughter grasp Mina’s hand and force her into a little jog that has them both giggle.
A soft sigh leaves your lips as you stand up, Yoongi still standing right next to you with a frown on his features.
“Sometimes I wonder if Suzy is just seeking some attention when she does stuff like this.”
It’s a simple comment yet it sends you reeling because it strikes a nerve, it cuts through an already open wound like a sharp knife and then it twitches and twitches inside of it until you are out of breath and on the verge of tears.
The thing is, when you were younger you used to say you didn’t want kids. Why? Because you didn’t think you’d be a good mother.
And now… now you know you aren’t a good mother, that you aren’t giving your daughter enough, that you are not enough.
Doesn’t matter how much you try, how much you read about being a parent it just doesn’t seem to work, it doesn’t seem to be enough.
You tried to be a stern parent, you tried to be a lenient one and nothing works and maybe Yoongi is right, you do not give your kid enough attention but how are you supposed to when you have a full time job and nobody to help you with her?
The tears break through your control before you can stop them and you hear Yoongi take in a sharp breath and then his feet move, slide across the gravel so that he can stand in front of you, peer inside your eyes.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, did I cross a line? Of course I crossed a line I… I’m sorry I didn’t meant to,” he rambles, his voice soft as he looks at you in utter panic.
“It’s ok, it’s not your fault, it’s me.” The words tremble on the tip of your tongue, they come out as a strangled whisper and he grimaces at the pained expression you offer him, shaking your head as you try to gain some composure back.
“I know I’m not a good mother,” you don’t know why you say it but you do and saying it out loud breaks your heart in thousand of pieces and before you can register what is happening, Yoongi’s hands are tenderly grasping your face so that you have no choice but look inside his eyes.
“No.” He says, firm, “That is not what I meant at all. You are a good mother, _______. But sometimes we are not enough because they only have us and they need both a father and a mother.”
He sighs as you nod your head in agreement because of course, you know this. But you can force your ex-boyfriend to be a father. You can’t if he doesn’t want to because even if you legally could, you don’t want to make Suzy feel like she’s a chore, like she’s unwanted. She deserves better than the hurt that would come from that.
“When Seohyun died I had no idea what to do with Mina, not a single clue. And I seek help. That’s what I wanted to suggest, _____.”
His true intentions sink in then and you ponder over them and you quickly realize that you need it. Hell, you need all the help in the bloody universe and so you nod your head, take the number he gives you almost in a trance and at the same time, you take up his offer of making it up to you over a cup of coffee.
It all happens in an instant and next thing you know, two weeks have passed, you’ve had your first session with the therapist and now you are standing in this Cafe waiting for him to show up.
You don’t know what to expect, you don’t know what this sort of date actually means and nervousness ties your guts into deep and convoluted knots.
But when he shows up and offers you one of his gummy smile, those insides seem to melt and you find yourself smiling for him, relaxing to the point you simply cannot stop talking.
You talk about Suzy, Mina, your therapy session, all the things you’ve learned already thanks to him, you talk about how hard it is to be alone in all of this, you talk about work and so many other things and time absolutely flies. So fast you don’t realize it’s getting dark until your phone chimes with an unread text and you glance towards it and notice how late it is.
“Would it be too out of line for me to walk you home?” Yoongi asks and you should definitely say yes and retreat before your heart starts beating all funny in your chest but you realize a little too late that it is already doing it.
So you say yes, against your better judgment, and he offers you one of those heart-melting smiles that has your lips turning upwards in return.
You walk in silence and it is comfortable, you walk side by side and his shoulder sometimes brushes against yours and even that, is comfortable. Familiar, in a way.
You feel like a teenager all over again and it is both exhilarating and absolutely terrifying because you are afraid of falling in love, of letting go and lose control because what if you get hurt again? What if you let a man inside your life and then he leaves you and Suzy behind as well? What happens then? How do you pick up the pieces of your heart and mend it back together alongside with the one of your daughter?
Your mind is reeling but when you come to a halt in front of your house, your resolve melts away the instant you turn to look at him and you find his soft eyes already fixed on you.
You should tell him goodbye, thank him for everything he has done for you so far and turn around, forget whatever this was but you don’t.
You don’t step back when he leans forward, you don’t stop him when he silently asks you with his eyes if he is going too far or not, you don’t push him off when his hand comes to caress your cheek and you don’t turn your head to the side when his lips come in contact with yours.
It happens so slowly and yet so fast at the same time and then your mind is spinning, spinning so fast you might actually be sick right here, right now.
But you don’t, oh no. You grasp his shirt, you pull him into you with a need that could only come after years of deprivation and he clings onto you just as badly, just as desperately until you are breathless, panting in each other faces with shock reflected in your eyes.
“Wow,” he whispers and you whisper it back, a shy smile on your lips as your eyes drift to the ground.
“I haven’t kissed anyone after Seohyun…” his voice trails off and your heart skips a beat.
“Me neither,” is your meek response and it makes him smile, nod his head a couple of times.
“I’m scared, Yoongi.” You admit after a few seconds and you expect him to laugh at you or maybe try to convince you that you shouldn’t but instead, he nods again and then sighs as if understanding where you’re coming from completely.
“I know,” he bites his bottom lip, his eyes closing for a second, “I feel it too. That and guilt for wanting to move on from her, to build another family without her. Frankly, I am terrified,” he laughs at his words, shakes his head and you instantly know he is talking about his daughter. Of course, your fears are mirrored inside his heart and mind too, how could they not?
“What do we do, then?” You ask in a soft whisper that sounds too hopeful to your own ears but that grants you a soft smile from his part.
“We take it one day at a time.”
And so you do.
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Copyright © 2020 by jeonggukingdom. All rights reserved. Do not repost, do not steal, do not translate without consent.
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hongism · 5 years
not your typical flower shop story chapter two
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Flower Shop Owner!Taehyung, College!Reader, College!Taehyung, Fluff, Angst, Future Smut
Word Count: 6055
Rating: M
Warnings: mild language
Summary: You always goes to the cute boy next door’s flower shop across the street because hi yes he’s the cutest damn person you’ve ever seen, until one day a guy with tattoos and a severe obsession with the color black shows up in the shop asking for the ‘usual’ and you find out that your cute innocent little flower boy has a dirty little secret.
A/N: okay tbh i didn’t write an outline for this so i just wrote whatever to my mind and let the story take me where it wanted to go. I’m hugely overwhelmed by the support you guys have given to the first part! and hahahahahhaahahh yoongi isn’t a bad boy whOOPS, i wanted to kinda break that stereotype and throw you for a loop lol. And I’m super excited to see where it goes! I am bumping the rating up, because i kinda expect it to get more mature as it progresses and possibly have future smut but??? I’m anxious about that bc i’ve never written smut askfskdjf we will see where it goes!! Onto the story~
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"Here's some hot tea. I don't know if you like that kind of thing. Um, it's peppermint flavored." Taehyung passes a steaming mug your way, but you don't reach out to accept it. You refuse to look in his direction in fact and opt to pull the wool blanket draped around your shoulders closer to your body as though it will take the coldness out of your skin. Taehyung sighs and sets the mug on the coffee table before you. "Y/N..." He trails off without finishing whatever train of thought he had, and instead moves to sit on the couch beside the chair where you sit.
Wood squeaks, protesting against movement that does not belong to Taehyung, but rather Yoongi, who occupies the chair directly across from yours. You lift your gaze to look him in the eye. The furrow of his brows shows the evident concern that both him and Taehyung must be feeling, but too much is running through your system at the moment and you can't bring yourself to care all too much.
The events that followed your text are still a blur, and you aren't sure the memories will ever return to you.
That small, supposedly insignificant word remains emblazoned at the forefront of your thoughts. How are you supposed to focus on whatever was happening outside the shock of seeing that word beside your texts after going so long without it? To put it simply: you aren't, and you won't.
You blink at the coffee table, looking past the steaming mug of tea Taehyung set down and towards the identical black objects a bit further down.
"You have a gun," you say at last, eyes fluttering shut as reality slowly settles in.
"Y/N, I can ex—” 
"I must be dreaming. Or losing my mind. Maybe this is all a hallucination, and I've finally lost it."
"I know this is a lot to handle, and I'm truly sorry for putting you in a position where you could have been hurt." Taehyung scoots forward and tries to lessen the distance between the two of you, but you lean away from him in response. "I can explain."
"Explain what? The boy across the street who sells flowers for a living — and is my neighbor — has a gun on his coffee table. Not only that, he brought said gun to dinner with me. Then there was an armed robbery at the diner, and I had to text your "friend" in code." You shake your head as you speak, unable to process the words yourself. "You're a drug dealer. My neighbor is a drug dealer."
"I'm not a drug dealer!" Taehyung protests.
"Part of the mafia? A gang? Nothing else explains why you would carry a gun, talk in code with your supposed friend, and talk about drugs in your texts!"
"That's not—it wasn't—I have an explanation." Taehyung stands up and brings his hands to his face as though pleading you to hear him out.
"I'm gonna die."
"What? No! Why would you think that?"
"You're gonna kill me to keep me quiet," you reason. "I can't do this."
"No—Y/N, no one is going to kill you." Yoongi cuts into the conversation, pulling your attention off Taehyung with his raspy tone. You press your lips together. "Taehyung, let me explain."
"I'm the one who got her into this mess though! I should be the one to explain," Taehyung argues. He falls back onto the couch, arms falling to the cushions, and heaves a deep sigh.
"It's not your fault that robber came into the diner tonight. There is no way you could've known that was going to happen, okay? Listen: you need a breather as much as Y/N does, so let me explain what's going on."
"Okay, okay." Taehyung relents, and his eyes find you again. You look straight ahead though, chin a bit dipped, and stare at the black combat boots that came to the table you were crouched under at the diner and the pale hands that pulled you out from under it to tell you that it was over.
The faint scent of cinnamon touches your nose as you sniffle, and you acknowledge the smell for the first time since coming to Taehyung's apartment. Warm. Cozy. Safe. Except you are anything but safe right now, and nothing about this situation feels comfortable or warm.
"Y/N, Taehyung is not part of the mafia or anything like that. Neither am I. We aren't drug dealers either, and there are no gangs. It's just a concealed handgun—” 
"That's not legal here though," you interrupt. Another surge of panic rushes through you at the idea of being involved in something illegal. That could mean that I won't be able to visit the hospital anymore, even if it is just the front lobby. Maybe they'll kick me out of university too. Fire me from my job. Then what? I can't pay the medical bills if that happens. I'm fucked.
"You really aren't making this easy, Y/N." Yoongi rubs his forehand, exposing the pale skin under his jacket, and you spot more black ink across it.
"Well, I'm sorry but how in the hell is any part of this situation supposed to be easy?"
"Okay. Fine. I am going to give you two options then. The first: drink the tea and regain your strength, then go back to your apartment and act like this never happened. The second—” 
"Done," you say before Yoongi can finishing explaining anything else. You jolt forward and snatch the mug from the table. The liquid burns your tongue and tastes like fire as it goes down your throat, but none of that is important in the moment. You just want to get out of here. Away from Taehyung, away from Yoongi, and away from the guns. The table trembles when you slam the mug back down against the surface. Both Taehyung and Yoongi wear similar expressions of wide eyes and dropped jaws. "Thanks for the tea, and thanks for saving my life I guess. I'll be leaving now." You hop up from the chair, blanket falling off your shoulders as you do, and head for the door without sparing either man another glance.
Then you're out the door and moving towards your own apartment with uncertain steps and weak knees.
I don't want to know, you tell yourself as you fumble with your keys and struggle to get the door unlocked. I don't need to know. Whatever the hell Taehyung is doing does not matter to me. It doesn't involve me. The less I know the better. You burst into your apartment, and the door slams against the wall hard enough to leave another dent in the plaster. It truly is in your best interest to walk away from Taehyung and Yoongi, ignore them and whatever insane life they're living, and focus on yourself. You don't need flowers anymore.
Hifumi is right. I shouldn't be wasting my money on flowers anyways. I should be saving the money for the medical bills. I should focus more on my studies.
The abrupt scream that leaves your lips surprises you. You aren't sure why the noise escapes — maybe the frustration and panic surrounding your situation or the realization that someone is reading your messages now of all times. Why now? I didn't get any calls from the hospital, they didn't give me any updates, so why? Why is this happening? Why tonight?
Knocking interrupts your train of thought, and the force behind it is so strong that you fear whoever is behind is may break the door. Your heart feels like it's beating in time with the rapid knocks. As you stand in the dark, part of you wants the night to be over and for you to wake up to find that it was all a dream. The other part panics because who the hell would be knocking at your door at this hour? Was it the robber from the diner? Did he follow you back here? Or maybe someone else is here to kill you.
"Y/N, open the damn door!" Taehyung, it's Taehyung's voice. Thank goodness. You stumble towards the door, and in your moment of panic, you forget about your intentions of putting Taehyung out of your life. Twisting the handle, you pull the door open to reveal Taehyung's face behind it. He pushes past you and into the apartment, leaving you to look at Yoongi, who stood hidden behind Taehyung.
"Are you alright?" Yoongi inquires. He stretches an arm out to touch your shoulder, but you shy away from his grasp.
"I'm fine. What's the problem?"
Taehyung rushes around your apartment, scouting out every corner and crevice in sight, and once everything is searched to his liking, he stops to look at you.
"Is someone here? Did something happen? Why did you scream?" He interrogates. You glance down at his hand, spotting the black outline of a gun in his grasp. When you turn back to Yoongi, you spot the same object tucked into the waistband of his pants.
"Di-Did you think—” you stop yourself as the lingering contents in your stomach churn. "No one is here. I'm alone." Why did he have to mention that? What if someone really is here? Dammit there's no way in hell I'll be able to sleep tonight.
"We heard you scream. I thought something happened," Taehyung explains. He tucks the gun behind his back, no doubt placing it in his waistband as Yoongi did. "Y/N, I know you would rather put this out of sight and out of mind. That's fine with me. If you really want to do that, then I won't stop you. Please, though, please stay at my apartment tonight. I need the peace of mind. It's the last thing you have to do for me, and after tonight, we don't ever have to talk again." You fold your arms over your chest. The plea sinks into your skin, and you stand in contemplation of the possibilities as Taehyung waits for your answer with bated breath. No. At least, that is what you ought to say. The puppy dog eyes — those damn puppy dog eyes — are present. How can I say no when he's looking at me like that?
"I—look, you're right next door. Isn't that safe enough for you? Even if it's not, why can't you just stay in my living room? Why do I have to go over to your apartment?" Arms fall to your sides, and you blink at Taehyung. He sighs, fingers coming up to tug at his loose hair, then looks behind you.
"My apartment is safer, Y/N."
"What? Do you have iron bars over the bedroom windows or something?" The man stays quiet in the face of your accusation, exchanging a glance with Yoongi.  "Oh my gosh, you have got to be kidding me. Taehyung, is that even allowed here?"
"Can we ignore that for now?"
"Fine, fine! Just let me change clothes, okay?" You sigh and scoot past him to get to your bedroom. Taehyung prevents you from making it to the door, taking quick steps to reach the wood before you do.
"What if someone is in there? Let me go first. I'll check it out." He jiggles the handle to no avail because you locked the door before leaving this afternoon. Without a word, he finds you with his eyes and waits. The sigh that leaves your lips is a long one, and after that, you unlock the door for him and pray that your room is in a decent enough condition to be seen. Then again, if someone really is in your room, then they've already seen the disaster inside so you shouldn't care all too much. Taehyung bursts into your bedroom with gun in hand, and you nearly scream at the suddenness of his action. The ease and fluidity of his actions shows that this is something he has done before, and he's done it enough times to be comfortable with it. If your heart could plummet any further in dread, it would. After everything that has happened this evening though, you think it's safe to say that you've reached your limit for dread and panic for the rest of the month.
"If it makes you feel any better, he's like this all the time." Yoongi appears at your side. You don't hear him approach, and the darkness in your apartment makes him blend in a bit too much for your liking since he's wearing an obscene amount of black. You jump, hand coming to your chest when he speaks. His eyes widen at your reaction, then fall to a relaxed state again after a moment. "Sorry, I do that a lot."
"I don't wanna know," you claim. Yoongi sends an indiscernible look your way, and you have to remind yourself that it's the truth even though there is curiosity in you that truly does want to know what the hell is going on with Taehyung. "I just want to go to bed and wake up tomorrow as though this didn't happen."
"Is that how you handle all your problems?" Yoongi asks as he watches Taehyung analyze every inch of your bedroom.
"It's the best way to handle problems," you counter. Heat rises on your cheeks, and you begin to feel a bit sheepish for acting so dramatic.
"Really? Let me know how that works out for you in the long run."
"I won't because this is the last time we'll be seeing each other." Again, Yoongi looks at you, and this time a smirk plays at his lips.
"Okay, Y/N."
"Hey, the violets look really nice!" Taehyung's voice cuts through your conversation. He grins at you from the doorway of your bedroom, the boxy smile seeming out of place alongside the gun in his hand. He tucks the weapon back into his waistband, then says, "It looks safe though, so you can go ahead and get whatever you need for the night."
"Oh, uh, thanks." You slide past him to get into your room, glad to see that it isn't as much of a mess as you thought it was. "Can you give me a few minutes? To use the bathroom and stuff?" Taehyung nods and hastily steps back into the living room alongside Yoongi. Shutting the door in their faces feels awkward but the moment of privacy makes it worth it. You head for the bathroom but once you get there, you sit on the floor to stare at your phone, the message you sent earlier still bearing the small insignificant word next to the block of text.
It can't be him. There's no way. The hospital would've called. Someone must have stolen the phone.
You force your shaking fingers to type out another message.
from y/n, 10:49 p.m. unread
   - who is reading my messages? why? what do you want? why do you have this phone?
from y/n, 10:49 p.m. unread
   - i know you can't be the actual owner of the phone because i would know if you were. answer me before the morning or i will call the cops.
Breathe, just breathe, Y/N. You place your phone back in your lap. The amount of time you have left before Taehyung starts to panic and think that someone snatched you from the apartment is dwindling, so you pull yourself to your feet and leave the bathroom. It's cold when you step back into your bedroom, but you like it that way typically, so you shouldn't complain. Tonight, however, it doesn't feel right; nothing does. The air filling your lungs, the cold touching your skin, the methodical rhythm of your heart straining against the confines of your rib cage.
You strip down to your undergarments slowly, peeling each layer away one by one, then you remain in the center of your room. Standing. Thinking. Wondering what the hell happened tonight still because you can't wrap your brain around it. The fan above your head is quiet, so quiet that you can hear Taehyung's voice through the wood of your door.
"She's taking too long, Yoongi."
"Leave her be for a few, Tae. I'm sure she's fine."
"What are we gonna tell the others?"
"Nothing for now. Eventually you'll have to say that you screwed up tonight."
"I screwed up? What the hell did I do?"
"You know the rules! You should've kept your ass in that booth and messaged Tower instead." Tower? Who in the hell… 
"I couldn't do that. Y/N looked way too terrified for me to just sit there and wait for Tower to get off his ass for once."
"Hey, keep it down. She might be able to…” Yoongi's voice dies down and even as you press your ear to the door, you can't hear whatever they're saying anymore.
"I knew it," you mutter under your breath. "It's some sort of drug cartel or the mafia or a gang. Oh my gosh, one of my neighbors is a stripper and the other is a criminal. What the hell?" You are vaguely aware of the fact that you are standing in nothing but a bra and underwear while pressed against your door -- and it isn't hot and sexy in any kind of way because you're alone. The main struggle of this whole night is coping with the fact that your messages say "read" and there is no explanation as to why. Until now actually, because your phone buzzes on your bed, a ding resounds through the room, and you lunge for the device without thinking twice.
from y/n, 10:49 p.m. read
   - who is reading my messages? why? what do you want? why do you have this phone?
from y/n, 10:49 p.m. read
   - i know you can't be the actual owner of the phone because i would know if you were. answer me before the morning or i will call the cops.
"Okay, okay, okay. Y/N, don't panic. Just breathe." You let the device fall to the mattress again. Yet there is still a tremble in your hands as you pull a fresh set of clothes out of your dresser. Your knees still feel weak when you press your legs through the holes of the pants, and a distinct pain lingers in your chest. You wish you were numb, or that the cold would sever this feeling from your body.
No buzz emits from your phone again. You leave your bedroom, bearing sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. If the night's events had not occurred maybe you would be more concerned about the way you look in front of the cute innocent flower boy that is Taehyung. Correction — that was Taehyung, because he no longer holds that image in your mind.
He and Yoongi have moved to your kitchen counter, where one stands on either side of the counter and exchange hushed whispers. The sound of your door opening does not divert their attention, so you clear your throat albeit a bit awkwardly because intruding on such a seemingly serious conversation does not feel right.
"I, uh, I'm ready whenever you are." You shift your weight from foot to foot and stretch your arms away from your sides. The image resembles something a young child would do to get the attention of her parents. You feel like at child too, because of the way you are being coddled and protected by Taehyung and Yoongi. The focus doesn't stay on either man for long as your phone buzzes in your hand. Taehyung speaks but the words go in one ear and out the other as you read the message you just received.
from jimin, 11:05 p.m. read
   - now that's not very fair, is it Y/N?
“Now that wasn’t very fair, was it, Y/N? C’mon, you gotta play fair!”
“I am! I haven’t done anything unfair. You’re the one who is supposed to be good at games, aren’t you?”
You stumble on thin air, grabbing hold of the door frame behind you to steady your wavering balance, and Taehyung stops talking at the sight of your blunder. Shit. Dammit. What the hell? There's no way…what the hell is going on?
"Y/N? Y/N! Hey, are you okay?" Taehyung's shouts grow increasingly louder as he gets closer to you.
"I'm fine," you hiss through gritted teeth. Gripping the wood tighter, you steady yourself and hold out your free hand to deter Taehyung from coming any closer. He pauses at the end of your hand, eyes lingering on the tips of your fingers then travelling up to your face. "I'm feeling a bit lightheaded from everything that's happened tonight."
"Come on, you can lay down as soon as we get back to my apartment." Taehyung wraps his fingers around the hand that you have extended. The warmth from his hand almost burns your cold fingers. He tugs you away from the door frame, and you lose your grip on it, knees locking as the support leaves you, but you manage to stay upright.
"I-I need to lock the door, Taehyung," you say when he pulls you into the hallway. You hold your keys out to prove your point, and Taehyung snatches them out of your hand before you can blink. He tosses them to Yoongi as he steps out to join the two of you in the hallway.
"And I need to make sure you're okay, Y/N." His features soften a bit as he looks down at you, a breathy sigh leaving his parted lips. "I feel responsible for what happened tonight. It's my fault for putting you in a position where you could be hurt, and it's my fault for letting you get this involved with things you're too good for. I'm sorry." The warmth of his hand leaves you, and the cold rushes back. You have to stop yourself from chasing the warmth of his touch.
"You couldn't have known that was going to happen," you argue.
"You really think so?" Taehyung's voice holds a melancholy thickness in it, and although he has his back turned to you now, you can picture the puppy dog eyes.
"I could've picked any other place and this wouldn't have happened."
"That can't change anything now, Taehyung. As upset as I am, I still want you to know that I don't blame you for anything that happened. There's no way you could've known."
"That's where you're wrong, Y/N. I should have known, and I should've said no to you when you asked to get dinner because I know how dangerous it is to know a person like me." Taehyung won't look at you as he speaks. You follow him into his apartment again, the warmth scent of cinnamon hitting your nose once more. Yoongi follows close behind, your keys hooked on his index finger and jingling as he twirls them around, and he snaps the door shut. "Yoongi has the right idea. You ought to act like this never happened after tonight, because that's the best way for you to be safe. I promise that I won't bring you into anything ever again. You should avoid coming to the flower shop too. There are other places to get bouquets if you still want them, but I don't think it's smart for you to keep coming to me when you don't trust me and I'm dangerous."
"I know," you mutter. "That's my plan." Taehyung shifts from foot to foot, then turns to face you.
"Good. Yea…that's good."
The clinking sound behind you ceases.
"I'm getting a call," Yoongi announces, clearing his throat before he speaks. "I'll be right back, Char—Tae." He stumbles on the name, the first syllable spilling out awkwardly before he rushes to correct himself. You don't bother looking in Yoongi's direction, instead focusing on the flash of panic that flashes through Taehyung's brown eyes. He notices your stare lingering.
"Uh, come on, I'll show you my room." He motions for you to follow him and leads the way to his room. "I'm sorry if it's a bit messy. I wasn't really expecting…well, never mind." Taehyung opens the door to a dark room, one with blue painted walls and a pale carpet spread across the wood floor. The room illuminates as Taehyung flicks the light switch on. A bit messy, no. It's not that, and you couldn't call it that even if you were being nice. The mess starts near the front door, a pile of clothes beside the entrance, and it continues to the bed where the sheets are pulled back and almost tugged off the mattress. A pile of papers scatter haphazardly on his desk, crumpled up balls of paper fall from the surface to the floor, missing the trash bin only a few feet away. Across the window, sure enough, lie five rows of iron bars, the handiwork obviously belonging to someone who isn't an engineer or architect by any means. You decide not to comment and pass a smile Taehyung's way instead.
"Don't worry about it," you say.
"Do you need anything?"
"O-Oh, okay, well — uh just let me know if you do. I'll be right outside."
Taehyung glances over the mess again, and you see the internal debate etched across his features. He must talk himself out of picking anything up because he spins on his heel and steps out of the room, leaving you to stand alone. The two of you stare at each other. His grip tightens around the door knob. The tension hanging in the air thickens.
You speak at the same time. If the tension didn't exist, maybe both of you would laugh and urge each other to go ahead and speak first. Neither of you say anything though, voices dying in your throats. Taehyung pulls the door shut after a quiet apology, and you blink at the wood in shock.
"Oh." The sigh leaves your lips, a rush of air that feels warm against your cold mouth, and you turn away from the door. Sitting on the bed leaves a strange sensation in your gut, one that tells you that you don't belong here, this isn't your home, and even with the iron bars and Taehyung's promise of safety, you don't feel safe here. You're typing away at your phone in a frenzy now, mind reeling more and more as the night continues.
from y/n, 11:26 p.m. unread
    - i know you aren't really him, because the hospital would've told me if anything happened. so quit playing games and tell me who you really are.
What happened that night...you don't want to relive any of those memories, and perhaps you can use that as your excuse as to why you never visited his room in the hospital. Facing the consequences of your mistakes and decisions would be far too difficult for you to handle. Besides, as you told Yoongi earlier, the best way to deal with your problems is to run away from them. Leaving a vase of flowers in the lobby with instructions on which room to deliver them to was enough. It is enough. You won't change your mind on that decision.
A series of soft knocks touch the door and your ears at the same time, and you look up from your lap. It opens without your permission, and you half expect Taehyung to step through, a rectangular grin on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes. Maybe he would start talking about violets again, or go on about which flowers do best this time of year. But no, you have no such luck, because it's Yoongi who steps in with another steaming mug in his hands.
"More tea from Taehyung. He didn't want to bother you anymore though." Yoongi lifts the mug as he walks closer to the bed. The scent of peppermint mixes with cinnamon, and you wrinkle your nose. If Yoongi notices, he doesn't mention it; instead, he places the mug on Taehyung's bedside table beside a couple balled up pieces of paper. "You know," he says, "I don't blame you for wanting to run away from this situation."
"Who says I'm running away?"
"Oh, my bad. Isn't that how you deal with your problems?"
"It's not running away," you hiss back, glaring up at the leather clad man before you. He tilts his head, a small smile tugging the corners of his mouth up.
"No need to get feisty."
"Don't act like you know me. We met only a few hours ago."
"Don't act like I haven't heard of you before today." Yoongi leans forward, bending at the waist to be eye level with you. "Taehyung is chatty, you know." You bite the tip of your tongue hard enough to draw blood, and Yoongi chuckles.
"What exactly do you want?" You ask.
"Nothing." You frown at the response, disbelief evident in your expression. "Alright kid, scoot over so I can sit."
"Um, kid?"
"You're a university student, so you must be younger than me."
"Aren't you the same year as Taehyung?"
"No, I graduated five years ago."
"W-What? But Taehyung said—” 
"He lied." Yoongi cuts you off, pushing the haphazard bed sheets around to make a spot to sit.
"What else did he lie about?" You mutter the question more to yourself than to Yoongi, but he responds anyways. The mattress creaks under the added weight, and you subconsciously shuffle away from him and move closer to the pillows at the head of the bed.
"He's not a bad person, Y/N. That's probably the only thing he's lied about."
"Except for his profession."
"Has he really lied about that? Think about it, Y/N. What do you know about him?"
"I thought I knew he was a university student who runs a flower shop."
"And both those things are true, aren't they?"
"Have you ever asked if Taehyung does anything else on the side? Any other jobs? Hobbies? Commitments?"
"We-Well, no…” Yoongi lets that information sink in while you refuse to look his way, gnawing on the edge of your lip with a bit too much enthusiasm.
"What are you trying to blame him for?" The question stops you in your tracks.
What am I trying to blame him for? Nothing. I have no reason to blame him. And I'm not blaming him anyways, I'm just upset that he withheld that information, right? Isn't that what I'm upset about? Nearly dying, receiving texts from someone who shouldn't… 
Tears prick the corners of your eyes.
Freezing. Being unable to move. Crawling under the table in the diner. Crying. Puking. I'm upset that I didn't do anything. I'm upset that I couldn't do anything, not once but twice.
"I'm not trying to blame him for anything," you claim. There is a slight tremble in your tone, a quiet shakiness that Yoongi no doubt detects, but again, he does not comment on it. "I'm not."
"I understand that you don't want to know anything about our...profession, but I'll tell you one thing. We don't do the things we do out of enjoyment. It's out of necessity. A need. Whatever that may be: a job, money, help, something to bring home to family, a means of protection for a loved one. We do what we have to."
"I don't understand," you whisper. Glancing out the corner of your eye, you spot the resigned expression across Yoongi's delicate features.
"Take me for example. I don't enjoy the dirty parts of my job. Things like what happened tonight though? I know I helped Taehyung, and that's what is important to me. I know that the money I earn goes to paying for my younger brother's education. It keeps him from ever having to step in the muddy water I live in. Even if one day he learns what I do and calls me evil, I know that I've done what I can to keep him good." Yoongi stands up all the sudden, groaning along with the bed that squeaks in relief from the extra weight. "Take that as food for thought, Y/N, before you put us down for what we do."
The silence after he leaves the room is deafening. The scent of peppermint too strong in your nostrils, and you feel lightheaded.
Yoongi's words bear a striking resemblance to Hifumi's earlier in the day.
“You call me vile now, but you’ll find out soon enough that we can’t always do good things for the people we love. If it means saving someone, there is no line between good and evil."
We do what we have to.
It's a suffocating soliloquy, not a defense but a revelation. However many times you've wondered how Hifumi could have no shame in her work, Yoongi's explanation serves to shed light on her position as well. She does what she has to, just as Yoongi and Taehyung do.
"You just need to stop letting your ego get in the way of what really matters."
“And what would that be?”
“I can’t answer that for you, love.”
What really matters? You could put five people in a room and ask them that same question, and you would receive five completely different answers. What matters to one person is pointless to another. Take buying flowers from a shop across the street for example. To you, an important and crucial part of the day that serves to alleviate the pain from school and classes. To Hifumi, a waste of money and time based on childish hopes and admiration for a cute boy. Whatever Hifumi meant though, you cannot figure out. Your ego is not getting in the way of anything. You just want to get through school, pay off some hospital bills, and not go into debt because of university. Work as a speech and language therapist, doing good work and being a good person.
“Wow…that’s — uh, you’re a really good person. That’s amazing how you want to help people and do good things for others. I...I can’t imagine.”
Perhaps Taehyung's words make more sense now, knowing that he is a part of some less than savory things in his spare time.
“You…you are a person who has seen a lot of terrible and evil things, but you still see the good in the world nonetheless. You want to expect the best from people, and yet you’ve been disappointed so many times that you aren’t sure anymore. That’s why you’re studying linguistics and psychology. So that you can do something good in the future, something with an impact, something meaningful. You’re too good for this world, yea…no doubt about that.”
An impact.
Something meaningful.
Is that not what really matters?
You shift your gaze to the mug on the bedside table, and an unprecedented rage swells in your chest. They raise you to think that doing good and being good is all that matters. That no matter what evil you see or hear, you are supposed to be good. Help others by doing good and meaningful things. What if doing good things doesn't get you far enough? You stretch your hand out, knocking the mug to the floor as a cat would with a glass. The ceramic shatters upon impact. Hot tea splashes your bare feet, burning and scalding the skin. A rush? A feeling as though you've broken some sort of invisible chains? Why does it send a thrill of exhilaration up your spine and through your body?
The door bursts open, Taehyung and Yoongi standing behind it to find the source of the crash no doubt. You get to your feet. A shard of ceramic crunches under your toes, not enough weight put down to break the skin, but it stings nonetheless. Both men glance between the mess on the floor and your stony expression.
"Is everything alright, Y/N?"
Your phone is buzzing again, a series of vibrations against the bed, and a distraction for both Taehyung and Yoongi. You pull their attention back with your next words though.
"You said you would give me two options. I want the second, and I want to know everything."
written by: jungtaeyoongles
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287 notes · View notes
namjoonchronicles · 5 years
million dollar houses | nj, yg
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↳ pairing namjoon, you, yoongi
↳ genre drama, fluff, angst, romance, crime
↳ words 6.5k
↳ warnings strong language, description of murder, mentions of prostitution, findom, eloping
↳ notes this was in the wips for about two years before i muster up all courage to have it finished. to me it was the sexiest story i’ve written of namjoon because he has tattoos and whatnot, but the reason why it took as long as it did, was i lacked faith in my writings. when i find a wimp of confidence, i went on and finished it, so here it is, pls enjoy them
↳ summary weeks before the wedding, lawyer min yoongi, your fiance had met up with a client who was charged with a homicide case. seems bleak and unimportant, until you saw this handsome client whom you recognize as your ex-boyfriend with a non-violent history, namjoon. armed with a messy break-up and lingering feelings, will you choose your past with namjoon or will you go forward with yoongi?
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One look in my eyes and you should know the truth.
Fumbling with his keys, Yoongi was holding the car keys in between his lips, struggling to shove the key into the keyhole of your apartment. It was not even 7AM and he is already suffering. He had at least three paper bags in one arm and coffee in another and it forced out of him a small strange groan as he managed to twist the keys to open.
"Done," he exasperated. As if it were quite the hassle.
Upon the sounds of the door opening, you winced in bed, but not quite wanting to open your eyes though you hear him affectionately call you, "...babe, I'm home!"
A few things dropped while he walked in and the door slammed shut behind him.
"Fuck, crap," he cursed and set the things on the table except one paper bag that he brought to you in your bedroom.
He simply pushed the door and placed the bag on the empty space of your bed and crawled on all fours with a cheeky over-energized grin plastered on his baby face. The bed dips as his weight begins to settle on it, his body heat radiates to you and it makes you frown.
"You didn't sleep well after I told you the confirmation date, did you?"
He lowers himself to kiss your shoulder and trail them along your neck and jawline until finally your lips, where he lingered longer than the others. He giggles low and brush his lips to the helix of your ear, whispering hotly, "Brought you coffee."
Sliding your hand up his shoulder with your eyes closed still, you circled your arm around his neck and pulled him for a peck with a small suggestive moan, "Tell me all the things I want to hear...you know the way to my heart, mister..." you scrunch your face, and let out a question in a feigned manner, "...who are you again?"
Yoongi bit his lips, and hummed, "Oh dearie, you shouldn't be in my bed if you don't remember my name. And I'm pretty sure it was the only name you chanted a few days ago. This is unfair," he pouted.
"What's unfair?" You peeked at him through one eye. "...I know what your name is, but you don't remember mine..." he murmured, "I'm disappointed, Mrs. Min."
You pinched his chin and shaked it lightly, "Soon. Eager are we."
Yoongi handed you your coffee while you're still seated in bed. He took the paper bag earlier and folded one leg underneath him, "Look what I got from Innisfree."
You took a mouthful gulp of coffee and shook your head out to feigned disapproval.
"...a 100 more days set for a bride-to-be!" Yoongi rejoiced.
"I know, I'm the best fiance there is," Yoongi boasted and had to gulp down the drink in a hurry.
"I didn't know they have these..." You gasped, eyes crinkling at the corners in graceful excitement and collected the box in your hand, gingerly, carefully and so appreciatively. Someone would get you something as expensive and as thoughtful as these. Coming from a male perspective, Yoongi is highly unusual. Be it his love towards Holly, the house dog, and children.
"And, the invitation cards are ready. So we are going to the print shop to fetch it. And then we have food tasting next week," Yoongi listed, "I've emptied my schedule for the whole week. So you don't have to worry about that."
You leaned your head on his shoulder, sitting face to face, "Oh thank goodness for your existence. I have Hoseok's birthday to worry about and I'm about to go insane, and then there's yours too...holy fuck."
Piling yourself with a humanly impossible task is never the plan. The wedding had to be around May this year, and you have been planning it for at least a year. The invitation cards are ready and it feels so real now that Yoongi brought you the things you needed to organize the wedding.
Sometimes things get too difficult too handle that you almost give up. Thankfully, Yoongi understood the pressure of a wedding and so he catches everything that falls out of your hand, metaphorically speaking. Yoongi too is as busy as you are, he had just started his own firm and under the guidance of your father, he was able to organize a few things on his own. 
Sometimes, you worry that you're taking up his time by being an emotional wreck especially at the eve of wedding planning, but Yoongi proved to you that it was nothing more than just a mood swing--something he had been effortlessly finding his way about. He was needless to say, impressive in his way of dealing with ordeals that you find meticulous. A God-sent lovable creature who fills your hole in the most enchanting way he could. Although sometimes he struggles with fitting his own time. Like right now, when you sit next to him in the car and he is fumbling on his phone with an unsettling frown on his face. You knew instantly that he was trapped in between something.
"What's wrong honey?" You asked. He hisses before answering, "I forgot that I promised a client to meet today."
"Can't it be postponed until tomorrow?" "The client specifically said today so I don't think he's going to be here tomorrow, what do we do? This case is big, and if I win it, I can give the firm a new recognition and it will be a good start for the firm."
Yoongi chewed his lips. You fished out your phone to call the printing company and tell them that you can't take the printed invitation cards today. The smile on Yoongi's face was indescribable. Although it was brief, you could feel the sincerity.
"What's the case about?" You watched him as he drives. His cream coloured turtle neck covers up until underneath his jaw and his black long coat made his eyes look striking brown. He's breathtakingly beautiful, this lawyer who stole your heart.
"...It's a homicide." He flipped the cars' blinkers to the right and turned the wheel with the heels of his palm, while grumbling low, trying to remember the details of the case.
"My client pleads not guilty to a murder of a man in cement tank...remember that body that came in the news? When you stayed over at my place?"
You blinked a few times, trying to remember.
That night? You had spicy rice cakes and Yoongi's kimchi fried rice. It was extra delicious and he allowed you to stay overnight when he was preparing an argument draft in his legal pad, watching Law & Order Season 8. When he took a phone call and walked to his study room, he left a file open on the dining table. Your fingers were curious about it and so you took time to read what's written on the reports. There were several pictures of gang tattoos and one very disturbing picture of a dead body, found in a hardened cement. And just then, the midnight news covered the story. Your eyes darted to the large screen and you stepped away from the table to watch. Yoongi joined you after a bit.
"A body of a man found in the hardened cement tank a few days ago had been confirmed to be a twenty-two year old young men name, Park Jihoon, who was a Seoul University's dropout. Park was an Advanced Chemistry student who obtained a scholarship from the nation's education bank due to his impressive scores in the last exam held by the International Chemistry Olympiad, it brought pride to the nation."
Your hand dropped to Yoongi's knees as he sat next to you on the couch. "Park's death had been ruled as homicide and investigations are still ongoing. In other news..."
The value of a human is ridiculed nowadays. The strong feeds on the poor down to their dying days. You remembered, feeling repulsive on the thought. Who would want to kill such an aspiring child? He was going to be someone important.
"Yes I remembered that." Yoongi tutted his tongue at your response.
"My client is the one who was accused of killing the boy. He's a gangster." Your eyes bored into Yoongi's unaffected side profile.
Although there was a tinge of guilt in the way his eyes flickered, you knew he wasn't telling you a hundred percent. Yoongi isn't the kind to hide things from you.
"So you're defending this client." Your voice died.
Yoongi puckered his lower lips over the top one and stuck his eyes on the view ahead, "Innocent until proven guilty, remember? If I win this case, my firm will soar."
Blinking away, you stared at the trees on the side of the streets. Things always look different from a moving car. Perceptions. What people choose to see and what is the real truth, Yoongi's job often put him in between good and evil. They say, lawyers have one feet in hell, the other in heaven. And it seemed that he understood your silence.
"I know what you're thinking. But beggars can't be choosers. My clients pay me. And it isn't always about the money, I know. There's always two sides of the story. This case is important to me as how important it is to my firm..." Yoongi persuaded you with his soft tone.
"Ilsan Brotherhood," you shot and Yoongi intercepted, "How did you know?"
You stared at the pavements where people were walking on.
"I read about it, in one of my father's files. They are not to be toyed around with, Yoongi. They are out for blood and most of the time, they will come home with one."
You warned him. "Whatever you have against them, it will not change my mind about taking this case, I'm sure my client is innocent. You haven't heard his side of the story." Yoongi is stubborn. He lets the idea of how winning this case will bring him pride and joy when you feared for his life.
Ilsan Brotherhood was not a stranger to you. They are the most active syndicate since the 2000s up until now. Even your little brother have heard of it.
"Can I come with you?" You unfastened your seatbelt. "Stay in the car." Yoongi shot.
He shut the car door that is parked by the large road, opposed to a bathhouse. You know this bathhouse, it has a Japanese restaurant link to it. Maybe you can't go in the bathhouse, but you can see that the restaurant’s bathroom is connected.. You exited the car and followed after Yoongi's footsteps but instead of entering the bathhouse where he is, you walked into the Japanese restaurant.
"A table for one, in a private room please?" You smiled. And she directed you to the room. They only have a wall made out of bamboo sticks and after the waitress left, you sneaked out of that room and sneak your way through the bathhouse. Until you heard Yoongi's voice coming from the end of the hallway.
"Fuck, he's in the restaurant..." You cursed in your head and scrambled to enter another private room that was thankfully empty but strangely had the lights on.
"...Meticulous, but we can find another loophole in the matter if we look close enough to the witness account," Yoongi commented and is walking in the room where you were.
"So this is the private room of the restaurant that conveniently is connected to the bathhouse?" Yoongi asked and you panic because you hear his footsteps coming nearer and nearer to the sliding door. That's when you crawled into an empty cupboard that was there, fit yourself in the lowest compartment and folded your legs in as small as you can be, leaving a tiny gap open, just large enough for your eyes to see and listen.
"Yoongi is going to kill me..." you thought to yourself but you were honestly not scared. 
You only feared getting caught. 
Yoongi folded his legs underneath and that's when the Japanese sliding door opened to reveal a tattooed young man with the clear words in big blocks of Old English font: Sinner; on his back. You held your breath and widened your eyes. This man, gangster, who was putting on his Japanese robe, had striking blonde hair and undercut on the sides. His brows strong and purposeful in one glimpse, charismatic in another. You knew that this man was a leader with many loyal followers.
Yoongi was incredibly relaxed and you could tell that it was not his first time meeting this man. He was also cautious enough not to let you know.
"I'm sorry I almost forgot about today," Yoongi started to explain himself and next to Yoongi was another men with long earrings, chirpy and far too smiley to be in a gang, but he oozes an aura of loyalty. It's really difficult to see who else was there but you held on to listen more.
"The boss had been enduring several sleepless nights because he had been getting some unwanted calls from the authorities and wondering if there's anyway you could, pardon the harshness of my words, shut them up..." The young man had a high-pitched voice.
"I know, I've been pulling some strings as well, but it will take time. I want to talk to Namjoon...Jimin, alone." Yoongi dropped his gaze on the table and Namjoon eyed Jimin to leave. 
"...I will have to know what happened that night Namjoon," Yoongi explained, "I can't help you if you don't tell me a hundred percent."
Namjoon was visibly obedient by the request. He nodded twice and inhale then exhale, "I will give you all the information needed. I'm not exactly a clean slate to begin with," His voice was an octave lower than Yoongi's. More stories about to be unfold, once Namjoon fixed an appointment to meet Yoongi again, at a later and a more convenient time.
Yoongi excused himself and left Namjoon alone. You watched him sat there, hanging his head low before straightening up in his seat to nip another roll of sushi in his mouth. You were absolutely unafraid.
Yoongi returns to an empty car. He spun around to search for you. "Where the hell did she go?"
Pushing the sliding door open slowly, Namjoon froze in his seat, reaching for a blade underneath his cushion. He softens when he saw a drape of long hair falling on each side of your shoulder. Crawling on all four, you grunted out of your hiding place. And Namjoon began to chew slowly as if it didn't bother him.
"Didn't think I'd meet you this way," he grumbled.
"How much do I need to pay you to not bother Yoongi?" You spat.
And Namjoon answered that with a low chuckle. "...you think you can afford me?" He smiled to his food.
"I'm not playing Namjoon. He's not one of you." You warned, standing up.
"Because he graduates from law school and is from a good family? Congratulations," he was bemused by it.
You rolled your eyes to the side. Namjoon shoved another sheet of dried laver into his mouth. Unaffected by your childish play, he stares back at you like an audience to a performer. He was rather enjoying this.
"You didn't see me here today," you warned him, feet halfway out of the room when you heard Namjoon say, "No reunion kiss?"
Growling inwardly, you left the room undetected at came out of the Japanese Restaurant.
"Where were you?" Yoongi asked from a distance.
"I went to the bathroom, I was about to pee in my pants!" You jogged to him, crossing the empty street. "Hurry, we can still catch up if we go right now. The printing shop is still open."
You sat in the car while Yoongi settled the bills in the printing shop. Your phone dings a message from an unknown number. It said only one thing,
"Pandora, @ 1am."
Of course he'll have your number. Namjoon is capable of anything, including murder. 
The faceless and nameless man is Kim Namjoon. Watching Yoongi walked back into the car with two bags full of printed invitations card, you felt your heart tug. 
You were certain that this meeting needed to be done so he knows where you stand. You have a life now, and you're determined to keep it. That's why you're here in Pandora at 1 AM as instructed.
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Namjoon stood by the handrails, overlooking the night sky, in a grey tuxedo and black dress shirt that compliments his blonde hairdo. His long arm stretch along one side while the other is holding a glass. Musky scent filled the open air on the verandah, in contrast of the hyped clubbing floor just underneath. The smell of cigarettes was still lingering around your nose making you appreciate Namjoon's cologne. Hearing the sound of your sneakers on the wooden surface of the veranda, Namjoon tipped his head up to the night sky, downing a glass of bourbon in his hand.
"Cancer sky's out here tonight to mock me, despicable stars," he rolled his head around, still giving you his back, "Funny how I almost thought you wouldn't come," he added a dry chuckle.
"I came to tell you that it's finally over," you sounded determined. Namjoon hung his head low then throw his head back, in a manner that a broken man should behave.
"He's treating you well?" he paused, smiling at the sky and biting his lips, "...With his expensive Rolex and Gucci ties, his Rolls Royce and wit? You like how he treats you?" He tries to edge you, he turns around to face you, leaning his back to the rails and watch the drink in his swirl with a tut of his tongue, his lips parted a little.
His elbow is on the handrail, as he took another sip, "You've always liked men in high places. Always falling for a fool with great brains," he said in a mocking tone. You marched straight at him and gritting your teeth while he fixes his stance, you growled, "...At least I was not starving."
His personal space was invaded and it was nothing foreign to him, "...I'll give him credit for that." He cocked his eyebrow, gliding his eyes away from you, challenging.
"It's always been about the money isn't it?" You heard him say, pulling his gaze back to you and you stepped back when he took a step forward, downing another painful gulp of strong alcohol into his throat. But the burns he felt in his systems is not as horrific as the wounds you left on him.
You spun around, throwing your hands in your hair before you turn to him and shove him back once, twice.
"I fucking loved you Namjoon. Very much," you growled in his face and stepped away, facing away from him.
"Yeah, but not enough to stay..." Namjoon taunted you while he tailed you.
You faced him one more time. Tears brimming, glassy eyes and pained.
"I would have died for you..." you choked, and, "...I would have fucking died for you."
You pushed banged his chest with your fist and gradually, you weakened as the tears spills.
"You know what we had, it was real..." your lips quivered, your eyes pleading at him to understand.
But his gaze remains hard and unaffected. Those eyes used to be so soft on you. Those hands only held yours and those arms were your home. Those lips belong to you and they say all the things you want to hear. Those intense gaze was yours to take.
Namjoon was yours, all yours.
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In a small apartment in the outskirts of town, not more than five years ago, with broken windows and one bedroom, you were so in love. It was your little paradise where Namjoon is a troubled boy everyone stayed away from. Who gave you a peek of his sentimental side and made you fall for his dimpled smile, Namjoon was stained soul with untainted heart. But his appearance made people stay away from him. He couldn't find a job because people don't want to employ a young adult with a mistake he made in his teens. You were his only support system. With no job that pays enough, you were the one sacrificing your time to work in two places. You tutored in the day and worked in a convenience store at night. He walked you to work and back. And even when he smiles, you know he was upset.
"What's wrong baby?" You asked, curling your arm around his waist as you walked. Some people passes you by.
He dropped his gaze to the floor, "...I know what impressions I gave out. I see them giving me 'the eye'. I know I'm a piece of trash, they don't need to be loud about it. The car wash center fired me today, and no pay..." He chuckled dryly and you stopped in your tracks.
Namjoon continued walking but halted after a bit, turning his side at you.
"Come on, I want to be home," he waved his hand, coaxing you to come to him, "The rent is due this week and I have no idea how to pay that," he mumbled.
You put money into an envelope and slid them in the drawer when Namjoon showered. You were prepared. You always put money aside in case shit happened. He slid into the single bed with you, smelling like soap. The bed is so small, your legs overlapped his just to give him more space. Laying on top of him will provide both of you enough space to wriggle about, so it has been a common practice. You lay your head next to his chest where you could hear his heartbeat while his hand will find their way on the small of your back, rubbing them in meaningless circle, thumbing your flesh to soothe you. His touches are always entrancing, gentle and tender. Unlike anything his tattoos represent. He called your name when you're half awake, in whispers, and,
"Do you ever feel like leaving me?" He asked in a small gritty voice, "...you can have a better life without me, you know..." He blinked at the ceiling and inhaled.
That's when you gaze up to him in a newfound consciousness and gave him a peck on the lips, "...Don't say things like that, you know I would never survive a day without you."
He switches on his side and make you lay on your side as well. You lay face to face, while his arm draped lazily over your thin waist. Nose clashing with each other as he sighed,
"I only want what's best for you. I cannot promise you things I want to give you. I want to give you so much...I don't deserve you," his eyes were frightened so they glided away from you.
You look at him with certainty and affections, "...Hey, look at me."
They trail up to you, slowly, almost hesitantly, "...You will find another job. And they'll pay better. And don't worry about the rent, I got you," You patted his chest gently, twice, and an assured smile. He thumbed your chin and then let his thumb ran along the length of your lower lip. His eyes were fixated on it and slowly, he placed them in between his very own, and began to suckle them softly.
"What are we doing baby?" You sighed when he dove his face in your neck, and you feel his lips on that small patch of skin that's known to drive you over the edge without him doing much.
"...The only way I know now that will make you instantly happy," he grazed his teeth on that same spot, pulling you closer than you already are, his voice already throwing your conscience out the window. You don't have to tell him where to caress. Namjoon knows every little spot that would make you weak, like it was in the back of his hand. Guaranteed to make you a writhing mess underneath him.
Making love in small tight places. The fact that you can't make noises makes it even better and rewarding.
When it's good, it’s going great.
But desperation could drive any sane man to become what he's not. Namjoon was going to make money, and he didn't care how.
He didn't like to see you working two jobs and the household is doing things the other way around. You were earning money and raising him. It scarred his pride. So he resorted to the one place you told him not to go, the club. He was quickly and most frequently booked by many wealthy females.
Most of them were lonely widows and secret mistresses of powerful men, who paid Namjoon a remarkable amount of money for his time and a little fun. All the while he was beginning to create his rapport, he had money stacked in one bank account. No longer were you starving to pay the rent and even though he sometimes disappeared into thin air when you search for him, being able to afford things was becoming more important than the reason behind his frequent absence. He was extremely generous in bed and he got better with his words and brought himself with more confidence than before, it was a very good change.
He brought you out of that shitty apartment to a better one.
You have more space but you felt him drifting away. And you don’t know why. 
Walking home from work, alone is your everyday now. Namjoon traded his casuals to tuxedos and sandals to leather shoes. He began to bring home many colognes and tell you that it was a gift from the marketing team. One night you found a pink vibrant G-string in his black pants, while doing the laundry. Unable to wait for him to leave the tub, you stormed into the bathroom and threw them in his face. Disappointment. Betrayal.
Namjoon grabbed his robe and went after you, chanting, "Baby, I can explain! Its yours. I got it for you..." A stinging slap went across his face.
"You think I didn't know..." you tipped your head to one side, quizzically, grumbling back at him with glassy eyes, "I know you're fucking around with the widows in this city Namjoon. And wealthy women, you like money that much that you sold your dignity?" You cocked your head to one side, your voice clipped. You grabbed his wallet and took out all the cards he had.
"Thank you for tonight. I had a lot of fun after a long time." "Namjoon, I look forward to our next meeting." "I'm all yours Mr. Kim."
You scoffed. "You create quite a stir now ha... tattooed good-looking man with incredible proportions, you loved the attention? How dare you come home and kiss me with those filthy lips of yours."
"You wanted money. We wanted money." "Gained the right way!" You raised your voice at him. "Well the right way is taking too long!" And he roared just as loud.
You turned away from him, "...Unbelievable."
Namjoon shook his head, pinching his temples between two hands, "...Let's talk about it in the morning," he reaches for your arm and you yanked them away at once.
"Get your hands off of me," You grumbled. He clenched his jaws.
You grabbed your jacket and put on your jeans while he sat on the edge of the bed, covering his face and exhaling.
"Where are you going...it's 3AM," He sighed, "You're giving me a hard time right now. I did what I needed to do," he watched you shove some clothes in a backpack.
You added a chuckle, "My ass. If I was selling myself, we would make more than you ever did."
Zipping them up angrily, "Have fun fucking girls while I'm gone. I'm never coming back. You can give them my clothes," You yanked the door open and stormed out.
“I gave you everything you wanted… a better house, pretty clothes, good food, how dare you do this to me…” he growled, holding the door shut as you struggle to leave.
“That was what you wanted!” you roared in his face, and he visibly froze. You softened,
“I only wanted you,” your voice cracked, brittle and hushed.
It was obvious that he didn’t want the same thing. He was blinded by wealth. And he got comfortable standing on the middle ground at the cost of his soul.
Namjoon's performance dwindled down. He began losing clients, one by one. And although he had more than enough to maintain his lifestyle, he can never fill the hole you left. You cut too deep and he didn't intend to have your replacement anytime soon. His heart was a fool for you and only you.
You were gone for weeks. Jumping to one bathhouse to another with some money you saved from having two jobs. Namjoon knew where you worked so you decided to leave that job and find another. You took wages in doing small sewing jobs just to keep up with yourself. And one night, your free-lance job brought you back to Namjoon's place. You wondered from outside his windows why it's still on. Sitting at the curb to watch some more, you had clothes barely enough to keep you warm, gazing up at the level of his apartment. His extravagant penthouse.
"...Are you sleeping well without me?" You whispered to him as if he was there next to you. You fold your arms and rested them on your knees before laying your head on top of it. I’m not sleeping at all, you whispered in your heart.
Namjoon on your side of the bed. His eyes were unforgiving and he didn't allow himself to sleep since you left. He was going insane on his own that he began to speak to you as if you're in the same room.
"I left the door unlocked, and there's keys under the mat," he said. He sets two plates on the table when he eats while even without you. Bought your favourite chocolate bars that you two used to share. He sat in the walk-in wardrobe and took one of your clothes before sniffing them, inhaling your scent because he misses you so much he could barely think.
"Please come back... please." He prayed. It's just not the same without you.
You remember it all. How he stood by the lamp post with his flyers promoting jobs in his worn out shoes and foolish smile to every stranger that passes him by. Those flyers get stepped on, thrown away and torn. You remember how you gave up half of your instant noodles, so he could have more. Money pinching life, but the happiest you had ever been in your entire existence. It didn’t matter if it was raining and he’s drenched, giving out flyers, it didn’t matter if your back is sore from washing dishes in a nearby diner and finger calloused from days on end using detergents, it didn’t matter that it was a hard life to live because Namjoon was there to help you go on. You had Namjoon, 
and that was enough.
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Just weeks to spare until the wedding. Invitation cards stack on the corner of your shared room. You shouldn’t be thinking about another man in the bed you shared with your fiance. You shouldn’t be thinking about his smile, or his laugh, or the way he looked at you. You shouldn’t be able to word every touch and every moment you spent with him. You shouldn’t be able to make of the shape of his face, the sound of his voice when he is angry, when he is happy or when he is sad, or remember with utmost precision where all his birthmarks are and you shouldn’t have remembered where your favorite one is, the one that’s on his upper right thigh. You shouldn’t be able to point the scars on his right knee and how long it was. You remembered him details. You remembered Namjoon in details. And it’s a wretched thing to do for a bride-to-be.
Tears streamed across your nose bridge, as you lay on the side, boring into the view of an opaque translucent curtain, moving softly. You wipe the tears harshly, with the back of your hand, along with the thoughts of Namjoon and that’s when you hear Yoongi coming in.
“Why are you’re up so late?” he crawled into bed, holding the blankets up, simultaneously, pressing his lips on your shoulder, draping his arm around your waist, inhaling your scent. Thunder crackling in the black sky, flickering lightning behind thick puffs of clouds, and then,
The rain pours. Just like that night.
Dusk until dawn, you promised me. 
Not even the rain could stop you two from wanting to dance in the streets. Your skin is wet from sweat and it washed down from the heavy rain. Big smiles on both of your faces, he twirls you around and you go on your tippy toes feeling absolutely safe even when the lightning strikes. Sharing one cup of noodles in the convenient store because that was all you could afford to not go starving for the night. You sewing up his only dress shirt’s button on while he stares down fondly at you, holding up the flashing lights because the room you both rented had the electricity cut off from outstanding bills. You both had nothing, and yet, everything.
You promised that I won’t be alone, and when things go wrong, you’d still be here. You promised. You lied.
You were a fool in love. You gave up your family for that boy. And where else could you have gone, if not back to your family? They built you up from scrap, had you meet the man you’re with today. The wind strikes your face the same way it did with Namjoon, but with feigned calamity. A false security and deceitful smile. Are you convincing yourself that you’re okay with the man you’ve promised to marry? Or are you deceiving yourself into believing that he was right to marry? Especially when you saw his greed to defend someone in the wrong? Just for the sake of his firm?
An unfinished business. A lingering string of thoughts. It buzzes through Namjoon’s mind as he sat in his leather chair, swirling his glass of wine. Scents of Mahogany strikes up his nostril, drilling through his thoughts at the possibility of jail time should he be proven guilty. The boy. Right, the college Chemistry boy.
He threatens the market. It was the only market that feeds Namjoon of his lavish expenses,his uncontrollable urge to possess everything he only dreamt of.
“It was the words that came out of that boy that made me feel he shouldn’t be alive,” Namjoon arched an eyebrow and Yoongi visibly stiffened. Tactless, and merciless--was the way he said it. Namjoon really did sell his soul to the devil. And he proceed to gorily describe how he killed the boy.
“He regurgitates, sputtering blood all over the cord I wrapped around his Adam’s apple, and I dragged his pulsating body through the dirt and put his face into the liquid cement that hasn’t dried. Then I put his entire body inside…” Namjoon’s dark gaze lifts up to meet Yoongi’s and he did the unthinkable,
He smiled.
Without remorse.
“D’you know what he said?” Namjoon rests his elbows on the edge of the table, “Called me a beggar. The nerve of that boy.” He chuckled. But Yoongi didn’t join.
Namjoon downed a mouthful of wine and left his chair. Army of loyal followers waiting for him outside. The police are at the door, with handcuffs. They have him remanded until trials began. Will he remains his stance as not guilty? It is hardly so, now that Yoongi had known the truth. The prosecution's will soon find out what other crimes he did. And he will be in jail for good. While he got remanded, he received a visitor.
“Does your fiance know, you’re here?” he asked, with that boyish grin you were familiar with.
“He won’t, if you don’t tell,” you snapped.
You took one long look to his figure, his face, the features that stood out, the tattoos that boldly peek through his neck hole and syncopate on his skin, his forearms and knuckles.
“Do they make you stronger? Those drawings on your skin?” you asked, through your lashes and your eyes tips up to meet his.
“The pain that comes while I’m getting them, does. It made me feel something after you were gone,” he shrugs his shoulders, sitting slouched in his chair.
“I’m getting married, Namjoon,” not wishing to beat around the bush anymore, you shot, “I’m really getting married…”
Namjoon jutted his chin out, hollowed his cheeks and somberly nodded. His gaze cast down to his lap, “I know…I’ll be in jail.”
You don’t love him, you pitied him. At least, that’s what you told yourself, forcing your eyes stay open and it stings, till tears fall to your cheek.
“Don’t cry,” he whispered, even though he wasn’t even looking at you, he knew, and, “You should be happy, Yoongi’s a great person. You’ll be very happy. Even within this thick walls, I still make you cry…”
“Don’t tell me what to do…” you grumbled. Wiping your tears with the back of your hand, you grab your purse and took out a bank account book he had shipped to your home address, “I can’t accept this.”
Along with the handwritten letters that came with it.
The chair scratched against the concrete floor, and Namjoon stared at the bank account book while you exited the room. His lips hung open and he blew hot air to his forehead as the door slammed shut behind you.
The crowds begin to cheer as you walk into the aisle, hand-in-hand with your father. He had a vibrant smile on, to match your subtle ones. And at the end of the aisle was Min Yoongi, your soon-to-be husband. And with every step approaching him, you leave Namjoon and his words behind.
This bank account I started when we rented a room in that run-down apartment.
Veils covered your face. Forward.
I made a vow that I’ll give them to you once the money inside is enough for a decent wedding.
Heart thumps. You tighten your grip around your father’s arm. Forward.
Of many promises that went unfulfilled,
Your knees feel loose but you held on. Forward. Forward.
At least I could fulfill these.
One last row and Yoongi is within reach. Forward.
I wish you happiness, even without me.
Namjoon basks in the sun in his prison attire, by the monkey bars, pondering about the love he had once received, and now lost. 
The cost of a million dollar house is his soul, his future and his past.
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jinyoungsir · 4 years
rules: go to this website & list 15 of your biases, then fill out the following.
tagged by @tuanyiems & @stargyeom and I swear someone else but I can’t find the tag or post to save my life im sorry :(
1. Mom/Dad: Kim Yugyeom (GOT7) The correct term is ‘Daddy’.
2. Sibling: Sohn Hyunwoo (Monsta X) Hyunwoo would be the softest big brother that I would most definitely take advantage of. 
3. Grandma/Grandpa: Kim Jongin (EXO) Grampa Jongin! Making sure I’m eating and slipping me a twenty every time I leave his house. Hell yeah. 
4. Haunts You: Min Yoongi (BTS) JOkes on you randomizer. Min Yoongi ALREADY haunts me. That’s my sleep paralysis demon.
5. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Chris Bang (Stray Kids) Ultimate Boyfriend material. Chris bang IS late-night drives, soft hoodies that smell like his cologne, park dates, surprise visits at work, random ‘i love you’ texts, and making out at 2a.m.
6. Ex: Kim Hongjoong (ATEEZ) HA fuck. The jealous ex who always looks like sin personified even though he passes me a love note ‘wishing me all the best’ whenever we run into each other. 
7. Best Friend: Park Jinyoung (GOT7) Ah, yes. My partner in crime. My number one bitch who will sip lattes and talk shit with me. Will immediately put me in my place when I come outta pocket.
8. Proposed to you: Lee Hoseok (Monsta X) AND I SAID YES. I’M SORRY CHRIS. I would drop everything to marry this man. 
9. Your Boss: Han Jisung (Stray Kids) Am I Han Jisung’s personal handler? Because I accept. I got snacks and blankies for when he gets tired from working so hard carrying the entire music industry on his back.
10. Random person you met at a bar: Kim Taehyung (BTS) Spoiler alert: We went back to my house so he could pet my dogs and listen to classical music and get even drunker than we were before. We’re now best friends as well. Jinyoung loves him. He sleeps over often just to be held. He feels safe in Wonho’s arms. 
11. Rival: Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ) Better than me at everything but he is super nice so I can’t hate him. Frequently reaches things on the top shelf for me. 
12. First Kiss: Lim Jaebeom (GOT7) By first kiss do you mean: first boy I ever made out with in the back seat of his car when he snuck me out of my house at age 16? We’re in love mom! You can’t tear us apart!
13. Drunk & Singing karaoke with: Park Chanyeol (EXO) OKAY HOLD ON THIS IS LIGHT SAKURA BY @yeoldontknow. SO YES I ACCEPT. ps please go read this story!!!!!!!!!
14: Played seven minutes in heaven with: Seo Changbin (Stray Kids) BUt it was more like thirty minutes before someone came looking for us thinking we died. Fuck oxygen, you know?
15. Gave you your favorite dessert: Jae Park (Day6) Because we would eat constantly together. Food. Games. Music. Movies. Jae Park is bad for my physical health. I do not have tall skinny boy metabolism Jae. 
I’m not sure who has already been tagged in this but @kikyunnie @softhoures @red-exo @orangedrives @dazedaurora @yourdelights
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kandikorne · 5 years
Until The Light || {M.YG}
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Genre: Smut, slight angst
Word Count: 5.6 K
Warnings: Praise kink, slight degradation, pet names, unprotected sex, oral (male and female receiving), mentions of mafia Yoongi, and break ups.
He pouted as he stared closely at his reflection, his eyes holding to his neck where deep purple bruises laid on his flesh, not from  sweet, plush lips, but from an angry boyfriend who had found him screwing around with his baby sister. Sometimes he really hated that girl, he hated how she could so easily manipulate him into coming to bed with her, to him begging for her touch.
He was so weak with that whore of a girl. He needed a lover not an occasional fuck, and Hoseok had made that pretty clear that morning after disposing of the male who dared to even touch Min Yoongi.
“Boss?” Called a deep voiced male who softly rapped his knuckles on the large doors of Yoongi’s bedroom.
“What’s needed Taehyung?” His voice raspy, his eyes hooded into a glare as he growled at his reflection, punching his reflection in the face. His inner turmoil showing in his reckless actions.
“Jungkook sent me with word as to where that slu-Da-eun is.”
“I don’t care where that whore ran to, what I do care for though is how long until she’s silenced?”
“I’ll inform him of your order sir. It shouldn’t take more than half an hour, at most.”
“Good, I’m heading out.”
The breakup stage sucked, your heart yearned and ached for him. Your bed was so empty without him. You missed the morning kisses, the slow hand that would play with your hair before falling asleep.  
Hell you missed him, but fuck, it was over. He was just a chapter in your life, one that could be replaced but you couldn’t leave him in the past. You wanted him back. You hated drowning yourself with alcohol, you hated walking around your house with the ghost of him.
It’d been a week since you left your house, but today was the day you’d clean up your house and remove all signs of him. It’d hurt, you knew it would, but you couldn’t keep living with the ghost of him, no you had to let go like he had three months prior to breaking up with you.
You were so young and naive to believe in love, now you saw where love would get you, it was fake. You would pretend to be alright even when you weren’t you always tried to please him and seem like the perfect girlfriend, but look how far your love had taken you.
Carding a hand through your tangled hair your eyes ghosted over to the mirror, taking in your messy distraught self. you sweatshirt, a size too big, with a big chocolate pudding stain on the right breast. some dried substance besides it. You shook your head at your reflection and climbed out of your bed.
Strutting your way to the shower, turning it to the hottest it could be, you stripped yourself of your clothes as your remembered how he’d come up behind you, kissing the shell of your ear and whispering, all for me. God baby you’re really something, before his large hand would take your breast and began kneading the soft flesh.
“Get. Out. Of. My. Head!” You gritted as you continued to undress only for more memories to wash over you, him helping you undress, slowly tugging your panties down before pressing you against the tile wall, his lips capturing yours. It was all the past, it wasn’t good to keep looking back on. Swinging open the shower door you climbed in, eyes closed as you let the scolding hot water burn the memories away. The tears mixed with the water, disguising the pain. If you stopped to even think about it you could hear his deep voice reverberating off the glass doors, could almost feel his arms wrapping around your middle as his lips would ghost over your neck leaving the softest of kisses.
You wished, just even for a second to have him there with you. To hold you, to kiss you. You needed a way to forget him. So after your shower you moved to the closet, towel wrapped loosely across your frame as you pulled out a nice form fitting tan dress, which showed off your lovely curves.
You could only imagine Namjoon’s words if he were to see you right now, damn baby girl you look so good. Fuck it we’re staying in. As he’d grab your hips leading you back to the bed, undressing your body before marking your flesh with beautiful blooming bruises.
You had to stop thinking about him.
You dropped the towel and laid the dress on the bed as you went to dry your hair off  that way you wouldn’t ruin the dress. You needed someone or something to make you forget about your ex, Namjoon, so why not have a few drinks, and dance with a stranger or two?
Yoongi walked around his club, his eyes  fixated on the dance floor as he searched for any single or lonely women, except almost all that he found exceptionally interesting were with someone. He wondered if he’d ever have a wife or a serious relationship.
His eyes landed onto Hoseok one of his many men, Hoseok was especially good looking and great on the dance floor. He was sure that those hip thrusts would make anyone weak in the knees.
He sighed as he paraded around to the bar, his eyes landed on a young woman, her body leaning against the bar, her hair thrown into a tight bun but then he saw she was with a man, he laughed, his smile revealing his dimples.The male happened to be Kim Namjoon, a rival gang leader. He had some balls being in Yoongi’s club, but then again Namjoon had never harmed his enterprise or even messed with him, they had the same rivals, but him and Namjoon weren’t allies, far from it.
You had just walked into the hottest new club, and honestly it wasn’t even anything special, it was just like every other club you been to, except this time instead of having Namjoon at your side you were all alone, but now you could possibly find someone to replace your love for Namjoon, or at least help you forget him. Maybe even a few drinks would help ease your mind.
God it was so awkward being there all alone, your eyes kept following random individuals as you took in the night club scene. There were so many people dancing upon each other, the bar was full, the club was full of so many good looking males and females that you began questioning if you even fit in and what your sexuality truly was.
Your mind raced as you moved towards the bar, no one there was alone, everyone seemed to have a partner or a group of friends, you pressed your way through the crowd and stood patiently at the counter.  
“Can I get a-” Shit, your mind blanked as a familiar voice spoke, you turned your head to see, him, he was only a few feet away. There he sat with a beautiful brunette, her hair in a tight bun, her body exposed for the most part through the thin material she called a dress.
You prayed he wouldn’t notice you, you just wanted him to stay in the past. You turned your head back to the bartender who offered a sinister grin, suddenly you didn’t want a cocktail, or anything that’d be made by this man. So instead you simply ordered a soda.
With your carbonated beverage you turned away from the bar and walked away only to run into a strong chest, a gasp escaped your lips as your drink fell to the floor, your eyes wide as two hands fell around your middle, holding you steady.
“I am so sorry,” you apologized as you looked at the mess on the floor, then at his face. The male said nothing as he studied your features carefully, he took in your bright wide eyes, the cute curve of your nose and plush lips. The two of you stood like that for another minute, your bodies still pressed against one another and fuck, Yoongi could feel something just by staring at you. It was as if he was back in middle school, crushing on the sweet, shy girl.
Slowly you stepped back and looked closely at him, you felt like you’ knew him. A moment passed and you were still admiring each other. “I’m Y/n.”
“Yoongi.” He responded his eyes not leaving yours. “Would you like me to buy you a drink?”
“It’s fine, I can buy myself one.”
“No, let me I caused you to spill it.” He couldn’t help himself, you were so stunning, he hadn’t meant to collide into you like that, but shit, he’d take what he could get.  He placed his hand on your shoulder and lead you back to the bar.
“Jimin,” he ordered and the bartender turned to him immediately, his creepy smile gone but replaced with a childish one.
“Your usual?”He asked as Yoongi nodded, his eyes turned to you as you simply ordered a soda.
“Not a big fan of alcohol?” He asked in shock.
“I rather be sober when I’m getting to know someone,” you answered sheepishly as you looked at the counter.
“Jimin, cancel my drink, I’ll have a sparkling water.” Jimin nodded and gave you both your drinks. Yoongi and you sat at the counter, neither of you saying anything for a second before he decided to break the ice.
“What brings you here alone?” He hoped you were alone and didn’t have a boyfriend, because that would kill the mood.
“My boyfriend cheated on me for three months and just a week ago I found out and kicked him out of our apartment. Tonight’s the first night I’ve been out since, I just wanna forget about him and his touch. You know?” You asked and god you hoped you hadn’t just made things completely awkward with this man.
“Fuck him,” replied Yoongi who shook his head causing his black locks to fall into his eyes and holy shit was that a look.
“I could care less about him right now, I seriously hope he gets an STD.” You laughed as you took a long sip of your drink, eyes locking with Yoongi’s, he couldn’t help but smile.
“What about you?” You asked ad he looked taken back.
“What about me?”
“Why are you here all alone, or are you here with someone?”
“I’m alone too, except I don’t have a shitty ex to dis like you.”
“Must be nice.”
“Not really, the single life sucks, as do the whores that come with it.”
“Oh should I leave you be so I don’t get killed by your whores?” you joked as his eyes widened.
“Hell no, and if any whore comes at you I’d kill them before they could even touch you.” He gently punched your exposed shoulder earning a laugh from you.
“Spicy,” you teased and he laughed before asking, what? The two of you laughed about nothing, his hand fell to your knee, your eyes widened but you threw it off.
“What do you do as a living?” He asked after your laughter had settled, “I’m a medical student, I’m studying to be an OB-GYN. How about you?”
“I don’t think you wanna know.”
“No I do, tell me please,” you whined like a kid as you leaned forward from your stool grabbing his hands. He laughed at how cute you were.
“I doubt you’d think it’s cool.”
“I dunno you’d be surprised.”
“What was your ex?” He asked pouring salt into the wounds, you pulled away as you looked at your hands, you remembered the lie he told you when the two of you had first met, well baby girl if you must know I’m a bouncer. When in reality he lied to you almost every single day, and it definitely wasn’t for your own good.
“It doesn’t matter,” you brushed off his question and finished your soda, realizing that now without that beverage you wouldn’t have anything to cover the awkward pauses.
“Well I own a small business that’s growing dramatically, and we’re currently sitting in it.”  His club which was gaining noticeable recognition, which wasn’t exactly a lie, and his mafia was growing quite large in size and power. Pretty soon he’d be in control of the capital.
“That’s really cool.” You weren’t sure what else to say but Yoongi smiled at you happily nevertheless.
“Wanna dance?” He looked at you with a raised brow, visibly taken back by your question. “Can you dance?”
“Not really but I bet it’ll be fun,” you beamed as you stood up and took hold of his large hands pulling him towards you, a bright smile on your face as he chuckled and shook his head slowly.
“You’re really something you know that.”
“The only thing that should be moving is your hips.” The teasing words made him smirk as he dragged you closer to him and started to rub his hips against your “Ahh like this?” He asked as he took in your blushing face.
“Almost but,” You pulled away from him and made sure to stand a bit farther from the counter as you turned and grinded your ass against his crotch, quickly his hands fell to your hips as he pulled you closer, a laugh escaped your lips earning a chuckle from him as he spun you around to face him.
“I can’t believe your boyfriend fucking left you,” he groaned as he stared into your eyes, he leaned in and your heart fluttered only for Yoongi to be pushed away from you.
“Maybe keep your hands off of what belongs to me D- Boy.” Yoongi brushed himself off as he glared up at Namjoon who was now standing in front of you.
“Fuck off Namjoon.” It was clear that he was intoxicated, the slurring of his words and staggered stance made that pretty obvious.
“Come on baby les go home.” He grabbed your arm only for you to swat if off. “You and I are broken up because your dumb-ass decided to cheat on me.”
“But baby girl I love you, why would I-?” He paused as he tried to think, he looked at you innocently. You pulled away from him as Yoongi pushed Namjoon’s shoulder.
“I think it’d be in your best interest to go buddy.”
“Not without my Y/n-bear.”
“She’s not yours to claim, or even have, just go home before things get ugly.” Warned Yoongi, his eyes in a deadly glare, his ton cold, his face threatening.
“Should I extract him boss?” Asked a male from behind you, his voice was so deep that it sent shivers down your spine, you turned to look at the rather tall man, he had a small freckle on his nose, his eyes cold, one hand was behind his back as Yoongi nodded.
“Show him the door.” Namjoon began to yell as the younger male reached for him, his shirt rode up his back revealing a gun, a gasp escaped your lips as you were pulled away by Yoongi, who looked thoroughly pissed.
“Don’t kill him!” You begged, you held your feet to the ground as your eyes watered, sure you were heartbroken and hating every ounce of Namjoon, but you did not want him to die.  
“He won’t be killed, Taehyung is part of my security force. Do you actually care for that cheating bastard?” Yoongi sounded incredulous, he wanted to make you forget all about that prick and only think of him. He wanted you to crave his touch more than you had for Namjoon’s, he wanted to see you within his future. He wasn’t exactly sure how’d you fit into his future, maybe girlfriend, occasional fuck?
Hell whatever you were to him later in life wouldn’t matter.  He wanted to live in the moment and he was sure with a few drinks and some dancing he’d get you back to his manor and out of that skin toned dress.
An hour or so passed, your feet ached from being on them for so long, Yoongi still held you by the waist as you continued to dance with him, you were feeling a bit sluggish from all that dancing, all you drank was soda and a water.
“Tired princess?” He kissed the back of your ear earning a nod, “very Yoongi.”
“Wanna sit and rest?”
“I wanna sleep,” you managed to groan as the two of you stopped and began walking off the dance floor.
“Wanna head back to my place and get a drink?”
“How do I know you don’t plan on kidnapping me and selling my organs through the black market?”
“That’s a fair point, but, how do I know you won’t kill and rob me when we leave?”
“Touche Yoongi... But, I’m far too incapable of murder, I can’t harm anything except flies.” His laughter was contagious, he had to pause and lean against a wall before he caught his breath, you weren’t exactly sure as to why he was laughing but man was it a sound and a sight to see.
His face was like a child's, round and his smile was all gums. He was adorable, except you couldn't place your finger on it but you knew he was bad in some manor. He had a fucking security officer, threatened Namjoon to leave who was also a notorious mafia boss.
The two of you left the club and Yoongi had his driver, his very own personal fucking driver take you back to his home. Within the short drive you and Yoongi managed to learn even more about one another. He learned you hated snails, and that he would kill anybody if they stole his lamb skewers, you doubted he was joking.
The SUV pulled to a stop in front of a large gate, then drove through another and another, three gates in total. Was this his house or a prison?
The car pulled to a stop before the front door right in front of a fountain.  “You live here?” You asked eyes wide as he laughed and nodded.
“Well obviously,” he rolled his eyes before climbing out the vehicle and opening your door as he lead you to the mansion, you couldn’t believe he actually lived here.  After walking up some stairs you reached what you were presuming was his bedroom.
“I thought we were gonna get drinks?” You asked as he showed you to his room. He walked over to the closet and walked inside, you followed hesitantly and your jaw practically hit the floor.
Talk about a walk in closet. Inside was a mini fridge and a small counter before going further to where all his clothes were stashed and organized neatly.
“What would you like?”
“Whatever you got in that fridge.”
He looked at you for a moment and pulled out some whiskey, “I doubt you could handle this.”
“I doubt you could handle a drunken me.”
“Oh baby doll, you’d be surprised, I’m pretty good at everything,” he shot you a wink before licking his lips and grabbing some glasses.
A few drinks later you were only slightly intoxicated, your sense were dulled a bit but fuck, Yoongi looked so good sitting across from you on his King sized mattress. Together the two of you had roughly six drinks, him drinking more and laughing at your bitter face after every sip.
“Wanna know what I’m thinking?” You giggled as you slowly finished our drink off earning a laugh.
“Does it involve me and you?” He asked his brows wiggling suggestively as he stared you down, his eyes on your chest for a bit as his tongue ran across his top lip.
“Well not before you mentioned that,” you whispered crawling over to him as you sat on on his lap, legs behind his back. “You don’t know what you’ve started,” he breathed before roughly capturing your lips in a tortuously slow but hard kiss.
A groan escaping from your lips, fingers entangling themselves in his hair, as his cold hands trailed up your thighs and underneath your dress, pushing it higher to where he’d have access to your wet folds, clothed by the sheer thin, lace fabricate.
“You wear these just for me princess?” He muffled against your lips, quickly nipping your bottom lip, your hands leaving his soft black locks, trailing down from his clothed shoulders to his chest to the buckle of his belt, quickly you unfastened his pants and before you could unzip them his hands caught yours, he pushed you back onto the bed. He hovered over you, his eyes hooded as he stared at you completely lost in lust.
“You look so good right now,” he breathed as he started placing kisses along your collarbones, his hands left your hands as he moved one of his hands to your covered slit, slowly tracing over your wet lips, his eyes holding yours as you released a breathy moan.
“So wet already, fuck, you’re such a good kitten. My dicks going o feel so good inside of you won’t it kitten?” You nodded your head eagerly as he smirked, he pushed the fabric to the side and slipped one finger inside of you.
“Yoongi, please don’t tease me like this,” you pleaded and just as quickly as he slipped his finger into you he withdrew it just as quick. A desperate mewl escaped your lips, but your eyes widened as he took that single digit soaked in your wetness into his mouth, his eyes holding yours as he sucked it clean.
You couldn’t say anything to the man hovering above you, fuck you couldn’t even find a tangible thought, instead you sat up and began to unzip the back of the dress until it got caught in the midst of going down. A chuckle fell from his lips as he reached behind your back and skillfully maneuvered the zipper down even after it got stuck.
“So sexy,” he breathed against the base or your neck trailing his kisses up to your ears, definitely leaving blooming bruises along the way to remind you of your lustful actions. Your hands grabbed on his suit shirt, quickly unbuttoning the material and pushing it off his shoulders, you pushed yourself onto your knees, you hands roaming his muscular physique in appreciation, before lowering to his abdomen and to his crotch.
The black pants that he wore was still unfastened, his zipper down, his hard on obvious against the palm of your hand. So many dirty thoughts raced through your mind from you taking hold of his cock and pumping him to you gagging on his girth.
Your fingers found a way into is boxers, his kisses halting as he looked at you through his lashes, waiting for you to make your move. Slowly you pulled his member out, he wasn’t even fully erect but looking at his girth you wished you knew Yoongi a long while before your breakup, because after tonight you knew you’d be forgetting all about Namjoon and his touch, your only focus would be the man before you, whose lips were tantalizing, his touch unearthly. You wanted him to take you right then in that moment, but of course he was gonna be a tease.
“You like what you see baby?” He asked a smile on his face, you couldn’t pull your eyes away from his cock, all you could do was nod your head.
“Eyes up here kitten,” he grabbed your chin gently having you look into his warm eyes, your lips were slightly parted causing erotic thoughts to swarm his mind. He shifted himself as he pulled off his jeans and boxers, throwing them somewhere behind him before reconnecting your lips to his. Your tongue ran across his lower lip before drawing his lower lip between you teeth before sucking on the soft flesh, swelling his bottom lip.
His hand tangled into your hair, tugging lightly as his other hand ran down to your wet heat, his thumb rubbing slow circles on your clit earning a gasp from your lips, his lower lip swollen from your kiss.
“Such a needy kitten aren’t you?” His fingers stopped as another whine escaped your lips. “No need to get upset,” he muttered as he pulled you hips up and to his chest.
“Yoongi what are you doing?” You asked eyes wide as he dipped his head down to your core and ran his tongue over your slit and to your clit to which he ran rapid circles on with his soft, warm muscle.
Your body arching upwards, and you hips shaking in his grip, he wrapped an arm snugly around your abdomen, holding you in place as he slapped your clit with his palm.
“Don’t move,” he ordered, “you understand me slut?” A shaky gasp left you as you nodded your head quickly waiting for him to continue, just his dominance on it’s own made you wet.
“Yes, daddy.” You whispered, the words catching him completely off guard. He wasn’t used to anyone calling him that, he found that kink a bit too much for him, especially if he were to have children, but hearing the words fall from your mouth and seeing your eager expression and blown out pupils, he figured why not entertain you? But he also knew that’s possibly what you called your ex in bed.
He shrugged it off nevertheless and brought his lips down on your clit and began sucking while he brought to fingers to your slick opening, slowly pumping two of his long fingers in and out. the stretch was blissful and your mouth opened as you panted in pleasure. A knot began to form in your stomach and you knew you wouldn't last long if he continued with his tongue.
He sucked harshly on your swollen nub, speeding up his fingers as he did so, his eyes would flick to yours every so often, watching your fucked out expressions.
You walls clenched and unclenched around him as your moans grew louder with each thrust. “I-I,” you panted, the words not coming out as Yoongi withdrew his fingers and lips.
“Not yet kitten,” you wanted to cry out from the loss of contact and the knot that formed in your stomach loosened in emptiness, you were so close to your orgasm only to be denied. Your hips bucked forwards out of desperation.
“Naughty little slut,” he growled pushing your hips down before hovering over your body. “Such a dirty girl, I bet you want my cock don’t you?” You nodded your head and he glared.
“Vocalize it like a good little slut. Tell me how badly you want me to fuck you, come on kitten let’s hear you.” Your core throbbed just by his words, it definitely wouldn’t be hard to beg him, especially since you did want him.
“Daddy, please just fuck me, I’ve been a good kitten.”  
“That’s debatable my little whore, you’ve been a naughty little slut. Why don’t you make it up to me kitten?”
“How would I do that?” You asked innocently, batting your lashes a him.
“You know how,” he whispered, grabbing your chin, his thumb brushing over your swollen lips, his dark eyes full of lust and dominance.
“Okay,” you whispered pushing him out from being above you, he now laid on his back and you pondered how you were going to do this. One of his hands reached out and grabbed your hips pulling you closer to him.
‘Sit on my stomach,” he commanded and you did just that, you leaned forwards grabbing Yoongi’s cock doing so gave him the perfect view of your dripping cunt and ass. Slowly you began to pump him, every so often your thumb would run over his slit gathering his precum and smearing it down his shaft.
A sharp slap rang across your left ass cheek, “stop being a tease you little whore.” He groaned out, spitting on his tip and smearing that you dipped your head and took his tip in your mouth, slowly running your tongue over his tip before sucking. Moving your head further down, taking even more of him.
His hands grabbed your ass, squeezing and massaging the soft skin, your jaw slackened as you bobbed your head up and down his length each time trying to take a bit more.
“Good little slut,” he breathed and to your surprise he slipped two fingers into your soaked cunt an curling them earning a gasp from you as his cock went further in your mouth and to the back of your throat.
“That’s it baby, just like that, throat me.” You moaned around his length, sending vibrations through him, his hips bucked upwards, fucking your throat, as you made sure not to gag on him. “Your throat is so good kitten, I bet your ex loved playing with you, didn’t he?”“
You didn’t respond as you bobbed your head and swirled your tongue around him, he pulled his fingers out of you, much to your dismay, his hands moved to your hips, pulling your ass back, your balance being tested with his movement.
“Come on kitten answer the question,” you moaned around him, pulling your lips away from his cock, his tip was bright pink letting you know you’ve done a good job and the slight twitch.
“No, he was always too busy to even do anything with me.” You muttered as Yoongi pushed you off him and crawled over you once more, his eyes taking in your swollen lips, he couldn’t resist his temptation to kiss you, so he did just that The kiss was rough, his tongue claiming every inch of your mouth, you sucked on his tongue tasting yourself, a grunt escaped his mouth and fell into yours.
He couldn’t wait any longer, he lined himself up with your entrance, with one quick thrust he was engorged by your tight, wet, pussy. He pulled his lips away from yours and moaned at the feeling.
“He was definitely missing out on something, I bet if his ass could see us now he’d be whimpering like a starved puppy just begging to be in you, to have you.” A moan left your lips as he rocked himself in and out slowly, his eyes held yours in satisfaction. He was enjoying the power he had over you.
“You like this kitten?” His lips brushing against your forehead as you nodded your head, hands landing onto his shoulders, as your legs wrapped around him giving him a better angle.
His thrusts quickened, his hips hitting yours as he moved deeper into you, his face was buried in your neck leaving a dark purple bruise in it’s place. He was so engorged by your tight wetness, he could stay there for hours if he could. His balls slapping against your ass the only sounds to be heard was the slapping of skin, heavy breathing and your moans.
His lips left your neck as his hips slowed a bit causing you to move your hips against his, earning a chuckle out of him. “You like this kitten?”
“Very much,” you answered honestly through a moan, his head falling back as he started to move his hips quicker, but made sure to pull out slow, to impale quick once again. Your walls were already pulsating around his length, your eyes began to close, looking at him through your lashes, your lips parted. He looked so good, his skin practically glowing with sweat.
He brought his hand down to your core, his thumb rubbing quick, rough circles to your clit causing you to moan out and arch your back up, bringing your breasts to his chest.
“Fucking hell kitten, so vocal and just for me.” He kissed the tops of your chests and continued to pound into you, his movements were getting sloppy but it felt so good. You were close and he knew it, his thrusts got harder as his pace slowed a bit, you whined from the lack of speed, but even at the slower pace he felt amazing.
He hit all the right spots, and he fit so well in your pussy, it was as if his dick was made especially just for you. Another moan fell from off your lips, his thumb moving erratically, you started to see splashes of colors, something that sounded like his name ripped from your throat as your high hit. He helped you ride it out, you walls enveloping him tightly making it hard for him to move, soon enough his cock twitched as he painted your walls with his sticky, hot  fluids. Your walls continued to pulse around him, milking him for all that he’s worth.
“Fuck,” he groaned as he pulled out, he fell right besides you, his body glistening in sweat, his hair sticking to his forehead. his arm fell around your waist drawing you closer to him. Your fingers ran over his ribs as your head laid against his chest.
“Wanna go get dinner with me later today?”
A laugh escaped your lips and he looked confused, “that sounds nice.”
“What was so funny?”
“Just the fact that we fucked and afterwards you asked me on a date, I’m pretty sure it goes date then you can get into my pants.” He smiled a cute gummy smile as he blushed, “so does that mean I can fuck you after our date?”
“Maybe,” you whispered as you snuggled closer to him. His lips brushed your forehead as you both fell asleep. He definitely replaced Namjoon from your head.
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Edge of Forever [BTS Space!AU]
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BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?
Pairings: BTS X OC (s) Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language
Chapter 13- Battle Born
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"Once upon a time, I swore I had a heart Long before the world I know tore it all apart Once upon a time, there was a part of me I shared Years before they took away the part of me that cared."
Nyala had meant to go to her bedroom but she ended up wandering the hallways of the living area. The fact that she lost control like that bothered her and it bothered her greatly. She was supposed to be the one that kept her head on straight, the voice of reason but Yoongi’s words had gotten to her much more than she cared to admit. It was enough to break through her iron will that she had practiced so much over the decades. Hell, if she were to be fair--it started from when she realized that her path was being obscured from her when she was with the pirates.
It was when she impulsively decided she was going on this crusade against them. Then spiraled out of control when she met the Paths, a name that she’d coined herself when she realized that they had the same goals or the same paths as her. One, in particular, that seemed to fit so perfectly on top of hers. Without knowing, her feet had found themselves in front of his door and her body almost frustrated in a sense to continue their previous conversation. Her hand rose up to touch the chime on the side, to let him know that she was out there. After a moment, the door suddenly whisked open to reveal Jimin shirtless and hair sopping wet. His face had been dark until he realized who it was behind the door.  
Almost immediately, his face brightened as he stepped aside to let her in. Nyala walked in, curious about what all he had set up in the small area. She hadn’t gotten to know much about everyone since getting aboard but was slowly starting to figure things out about each of them. In particular, Jimin. He was usually quiet and helpful but also possessed a playful streak that came out when dealing with Jungkook or Jin. Yoongi was much like a guardian, one who hid behind his tough exterior to protect the others. She realized that but it was taken entirely too far and it was what caused the fracture in their relationship now. Jimin looked a bit tired but hid everything well, too well in fact. She also noticed that underneath the clothes, there were patterns across his body that if not looked at properly--they would have been mistaken for another type of tattoos.
No, they were old scars.
They etched along his body, across his chest. She had to wonder what all happened to him to receive such extensive procedures? She sat down on his bed, eyes watching him as he walked to take a towel from a cabinet to dry his hair off with. It was a comfortable silence between them as they just existed in that space. It wasn’t until he came and sat beside her, allowing himself to just feel in that moment. With all that had been going on, neither one of them had the opportunity to stop for a moment. Even in their supercharged meeting, it was one that surprised the both of them after they had a few moments by themselves.
They had only known each other for a short while but it also felt like forever.
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Yoongi stared out into space, the inky blackness of the void that actually went on forever. The spattering of stars that streaked by as they were in Subspace. It looked no different from actual space but one could see the beautiful colors of the ionized particles as it washed over the ship. It was soft and comforting, along with the gentle hum of the ship as it flew through it. He’d almost missed it all but the thing that he missed the most was the refreshing feeling of not having to worry about the layers between them and the vacuum of space. To be able to breathe the air without thinking about their life support systems. He supposed it was something he took for granted while being planetside, with an atmosphere that was in full effect and not subject to fail should anything drastic happen.
Of course, that could be said of things planetside but that was there. Safe and able to breathe comfortably but there? It was all canned and wrapped in metal waiting to be destroyed.
“Cold be heart and hand and bone. Cold be travelers far from home.”
“Well damn, if you’re cold then get a blanket. I won’t tell.”
Yoongi was surprised when he was answered by the one person that he didn’t want near him right then. Vairuit's voice was light in amusement but still held the gritty undertones that befitted her nature. He could see his reflection in the glass, his eyes narrowing in response to her unwelcome appearance. He said nothing as he just simply tried to ignore her but he already knew that she wouldn’t just go away that easily. Finally, he just turned to her and said nothing--hoping that she would just take the hint.
“Still got your everything in a twist? Jeez, do all of your kind get like this? You’re kinda worse than someone’s clingy ex.”
Yoongi was definitely better than someone’s clingy ex and the remark made him puff up a little. Why was it that every time she spoke to him, it was like nails dragging along his skin? She was suddenly standing beside him, looking out of the window as well with a sigh. He stared at her for a good, long minute as he decided on what he should do. If she was insisting on riling him up, then he would have none of it as he vehemently wished to stay in his own world. One where upon realizing that he was in full control over and not subject to the whims of the universe. He’d been doing that for so long that he had forgotten what it was like to have others around him, other than Jimin.
He should probably apologize to him but once his feelings were done being stepped on, then he would do so.
“You know, you got some amount of willpower to keep up that facade of yours. You clearly want to have that connection with someone like Jimin and Nyala but you’re just a damn child when it comes to that. That family complex again, isn’t it?”
“Look , you have no idea what my past is like. Yeah, I guess I do have a family complex because when you come from a royal family like mine and you practically did everything for them--to please them? Only for shit to go down and you’re tossed away like nothing ever mattered at all? The fact that they never cared at all and even made attempts to kill you when you didn’t fit their needs? How fucked is that, to live decades like that? Our race is known for our psionic abilities but with those abilities, you can really fuck with someone’s head.”
He turned back to the window, his anger simmering but not yet exploding. Maybe it was because he was letting go of some of the crap that had been in his bloodstream for years. Just by speaking it out loud, letting it float away into the void. He wasn’t giving up his guarded stance but without him realizing it, the cracks in his wall were beginning to show to her. And she saw them as clear as day. The want and need to be accepted or loved by someone but afraid to be used like that again.
“You come from a warrior family. Granted, they probably didn’t care for the path you chose but you chose it from your own will. I chose mine out of survival, out of the fact that if I didn’t--I would have died and I’m not about to die now. There’s something out there that’s been calling out to me and I intend to find out what it is.” Yoongi didn’t even look at her but the window forced him to do so in another way. Her reflection showed that she was sporting a grin on her face, triumphant about something.
“Well, there’s something I’d never thought I’d see. Yoongi, you big old softie under those spikes. You’re like a crab and I think I like it.”
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Her fingers traced along the scars, almost white from the years spent healing over. One could have gotten that fixed with the technology those days but for some reason, Jimin chose to keep them. It was almost like someone had tore him apart and placed him back together again but with different parts. His hand reached up and took hers, the big eyes of his shining like he already knew what she was thinking.
“Yes, I wasn’t always like this.”
“Hey mamá! I heard this really cool sound today!”
He held up an old device, one that some spacers called a radio and shook it for her to see. The woman, whose hair fell beyond her waist, reached down and took the device from the child. She held it up to her ear and the static garbled loudly but one could hear the most intricate tone from inside of it. It was almost like music and her little one was able to identify it, a genius in the making.
She smiled at him and ruffled his hair, the clasps of the traditional Mogwai on his ears. She always said that his nose bridge ridges were the cutest of all the land. He grinned up at her, giggling at the affection as he shied away from it. The little boy blushed at his mother praised him for such a feat. He was still so young yet so very bright and colorful for the world, always sensing the needs of others. Yet, it was his nightmares that scared her the most. The way that he would scream and plead for them not to take anyone. She watched him take the old radio and scamper off into the distance, the golden fields on which they lived by. He truly was one of a kind, his ability to secrete the toxin used by his race--it came about so early in him as well as the visions. Some ancients said that because of their unique ability, it connected them to something higher and even times that they could sense.
Their race was one of technology and science but even that peaceful life could change. Her son had already foreseen it.
Jimin turned Nyala around, his hands finding the spots on her back and kneaded ever so slightly. He hummed while he massaged her back, the sound reverberating through his chest. His ability came out through the pads of his fingers, his will allowing it to do so as he put pressure onto the knots that had formed. She sighed, the muscles relaxing under his strength. The type of strength that had been acquired through all the Frankenstein ideology of the people that he had been serving under. He remembered how he lost his temper and nearly broke the table, the feeling of shame washed over him again.
It was everything over the past few days that was finally catching up with him.
“Nyala, I am sorry for the other day. I should have controlled myself better.”
“Do not do that to yourself. I could have said no and we all know it.” She turned around, making him stop what he was doing to look at him. Her own hand reached out to touch his face, to have the cheek fit perfectly into her hand. She didn’t care what had happened to him, just as long as he was fine now. They all had their stories, their woes and their own scars--it would only be a matter of time before they were all comfortable talking about them all.
The Pirates came.
And with them, the raiders attacked. The selfish beings that allowed the raiders to take control and capitalize on their golden lands. They had refused to do business with the Pirates and because of that, things changed. Their peaceful lands were invaded and destroyed on both fronts. They had been so far away from Federation space that they had made due with what they were given. As much as they had helped other species, not a single one came to help them.
Jimin was snatched up, screaming and biting the one that had him. His mother reached out for him, to hold him one last time but a shot sounded and blood poured out of her chest. The little boy’s eyes were round as saucers, watching that unfold before him. He screamed, fighting even more ferociously in return. When he woke up, the fires were gone and he was on a cold ship--dark and silent as he was surrounded by metal. There were others there of his kind but no one talked, they had just given up. They told him that it would be best if he would do the same, a little boy that was now lost in space.
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jeonsdear · 5 years
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⤷ pairing: min yoongi x jeon jungkook ; min yoongi x jung hoseok ⤷ genre: angst with a pinch of fluff and smut ⤷ au: agent!au, hybrid!au ⤷ warnings: character death, implied smut  ⤷ word count: 2.461 ⤷ read it elsewhere: ao3 ⤷ masterlist: (x) * summary:   But what if time did not help? What if he could never let Hoseok go? How long could he go on like that and hurt a good man who deserves so much more? * A/N: it’s not too heavy but it’s heavy for me okay and i’m leaving a lot up to your imagination. also sorry to mingi from ateez i love you i promise 
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Yoongi walked through the empty white halls, blinded by the bright light. The place had something familiar about it. An icy shiver ran down his spine, and for a fraction of a second, he thought he was back.
Had they come to fetch him?
He looked down on himself and was relieved to see that he was no longer the frightened child, one of many in one room. He was an adult and far stronger than he was then. He had his gun in his hand and wore his uniform. He had a mission here. Something important. He just wished he would remember what the important thing was.
Carefully, he kept on walking and concentrated on keeping his breathing under control. At the end of the hall was a double door. White like the rest of the corridor. He did not know what it was, but something felt off. Wrong. Yoongi was about to activate his headset when he heard a gasping breath followed by a voice that stopped him.
“Yoongi...help me. Please…”
“Through the door...please move fast!”
Oh god! Yoongi stormed through the hall, through the door, and stopped abruptly in the huge, empty, grey room.
“Please no”, he shook his head as his heart dropped into his gut and his eyes burned.
Hoseok knelt on the floor, his hands tied behind his back. Next to him, in the same position, was Jeongguk. Behind them, Mingi, a 38 in his hand.
Yoongi wanted to point his weapon at him, but when he raised his arms, his hands were empty. What the hell? What was going on? How had Mingi gotten hold of Hoseok and Jeongguk? Why could Yoongi not remember anything?
“It’s time for you to make your choice.” Mingi released his gun and lifted it to the heads of the men at his feet.
“No! Please.” A tear rolled over Yoongi’s cheek as Mingi stared at him blankly, gun raised to fragile heads of a hybrid and a human. Yoongi’s hands shook as a horrible sense of horror washed over him, as if he knew exactly how that scenario would turn out.
“Whatever you want, but please don’t hurt them.”
A malicious grin appeared on Mingi’s face as he turned the gun to from Hoseok to Jeongguk. Yoongi’s heart almost stopped. “Make your choice.”
“Why are you doing this? Hoseok is your brother!”
“Why? Because I’m obviously a psychopath. And you? You are a coward.”
For five seconds Yoongi looked at Hoseok’s dark tear-filled eyes, the sun having left them long ago. Then at Jeongguk’s round fearful eyes that reminded him of all the times those had rested on Yoongi. Then back again to Mingi.
“How about a trade? Me for them. I’m the one you want, right?”
Mingi cooked his head thoughtfully before his lips twisted into a cruel grin. “And give up the opportunity to let you suffer? No….Five.”
“I love you, Yoongi,” Hoseok said, drawing Yoongi’s attention.
Yoongi looked at Jeongguk and his expression broke his heart. Jeongguk smiled lovingly and nodded. “I understand.”
“I can’t do that,” pleaded Yoongi. “Please, don’t.” How could he? He loved Hoseok, but that did not mean he could let Jeongguk go. Jeongguk was exceptional. Yoongi had never met anyone like him. There was so much Yoongi wanted to learn about him and experience with him. The younger was good to him, for him, always there to pick up the pieces, with a warm smile and a gentle touch.
Mingi waved the weapon back and forth between Hoseok and Jeongguk.
“Please,” Yoongi pleaded, dropping to his knees while his eyes blurred with tears and his heart broke. He had never thought he would one day kneel down and beg a madman like Mingi, but he would do anything for the two men in front of him.
“One,”The gun was aimed at Jeongguk’s head, a shot was fired, and Yoongi gasped and cried out a tortured scream, “Not him!”.
It was dark around him. Where the hell was he? What was going on? Was he still in the research facility?
Yoongi jumped out of bed, so fast he hit his shoulder against the wall. He whirled around, his heart pounding wildly, and his gaze slid frantically through the room before turning toward the man in the middle of the big bed. The moonlight, falling through a narrow slit of curtains met dishevelled dark hair and cast a glow around the man’s head.
The younger slid off the mattress and held his hands before him as he cautiously stepped closer to the leopard hybrid. His face etched with worry. “It’s me, hyung. Jeongguk.”
It had only been a dream. No, a nightmare, a very real and very plastic one that now came back in all intolerable detail. What had he done? “Oh, God.” He slid down the wall hiding his face in his hands. Jeongguk put a hand on his shoulder and Yoongi just could not look at him. He still saw the picture in from of him of, Jeongguk’s lifeless body in a pool of blood, his bright dark eyes unfocused, his blood dribbling down between his lips that still smiled lovingly at him.
“Hey, c’mon, talk to me. Tell me what happened.”
Yoongi shook his head. How could he explain to Jeongguk what he had done? He knew it was just a dream, but what did that say about him? About them both? God, it had all been so real. He grabbed Jeongguk and hugged him so hard that he could hear the younger groaning, but he could not let go of him. He had to be sure that Jeongguk was real, here in his arms and alive, not executed for his words. “I’m sorry,” Yoongi whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
“What?”, Jeongguk gasped, patting Yoongi on the shoulder. “You know, I love a big hug, hyung, but somehow you’re crushing me right now.”
Yoongi relaxed his grip, but he did not let go. He still could not meet Jeongguk’s eyes, so he buried his face in his partner’s neck.
“That bad, huh?” Jeongguk gently stroked Yoongi’s arm. He did not deserve that much tenderness.
“Yes,” Yoongi replied, involuntarily squeezing Jeongguk harder. He felt like a child. But he could not bring himself to tell Jeongguk what he had done. Mingi was right. He was a coward. Since standing in front of Jeongguk’s door last year, telling him that he wanted to see how it could develop between them and that he wanted to look ahead, he found himself unable to do just that. Jeongguk was so patient, the most patient guy Yoongi had ever met, but how long could that go on? He had told him that he only needed time, and that was true. But what if time did not help? What if he could never let Hoseok go? How long could he go on like that and hurt a good man who deserves so much more?
“Hey, look at me.” Jeongguk gently took hold of Yoongi’s face and Yoongi looked up. At the sight of kindness in Jeongguk’s face, he felt a lump in his throat.
“It was a bad dream, okay? Whatever it was, you’re here now, with me. You’re safe, okay? You know I will always protect you. Right? It’s okay!” Yoongi nodded and wished he could believe it. But both of them knew, no matter how capable Jeongguk was, no matter how strong and fast and intelligent, he was just a human. And Yoongi was a hybrid. And so was Mingi. Hoseok had been a hybrid and even he fell victim to Mingi. Yoongi wanted to believe the younger, wanted to believe that he would catch the older when he fell. Wanted to believe that Jeongguk would not turn his back on him.
Despite the bad feeling in his stomach, he let Jeongguk lead him back to bed and tried not to feel guilty about his subconscious decision. He did not want to think about how he had chosen his ex-boyfriend over Jeongguk. Over the man holding him in his arms and who stayed awake a long time after Yoongi had long since fallen asleep. Whenever he woke up throughout the night, he looked around the room wondering what the hell he was doing in Jeongguk’s bedroom - but then he just had to feel or see the younger agent next to him, and a small voice in his head told him he was right where he had to be. He dove into those feelings of comfort to forget the remnants of this terrible dream. It was okay. He was here with Jeongguk. Everything was in order.
Remarkably, he managed to get a few more hours of sleep. He woke up before Jeongguk, which was not unusual. It was always like that. Now that he was thinking about it, it was sort of cheesy because not only was he always up first, he wanted it that way. It had become his routine. He woke up, watched Jeongguk sleep for a moment, grinning like an idiot. The guy always looked like he had done three rounds with the blanket and lost. It was wrapped around his waist, with one leg on top, one arm pressed against the body, the other under the crumpled pillow, hair sticking out in all directions and stubble on the face. He was sexy. Yoongi leaned over and pressed a kiss on Jeongguk’s bare shoulder. The curvature of his back, which led to the plump butt under the blanket, was tempting. God, he loved Jeongguk’s butt. On the other hand, there was not much that you could not love about Jeongguk. Love? He quickly pushed the thought aside. What was wrong with him? He really liked Jeongguk, and he had no problem treating him lovingly or showing him how crazy he made him, but love was something completely different, something he did not want to explore. He had loved Hoseok, and one knew where it had lead to. No, when Hosek died, he had taken with him all the love Yoongi carried. Hoseok had taken with him a part of Yoongi he would never get back. Jeongguk was important to him, and Yoongi was sure that if he let him, he could need and want to be with him. But love? He could not imagine this to ever happen to him again.
Annoyed by the direction of his thoughts, he got out of bed, grabbing boxer shorts and a T-shirt and went about to tackle his morning routine. He had about fifty minutes left before Jeongguk staggered into the kitchen like a zombie looking for banana milk. Yoongi had never met anyone who loved banana milk as much and needed banana milk as much as Jeongguk did. The morning after their first sex together, Jeongguk had been fresh and alert, and his enthusiasm had led to a hot blowjob for Yoongi in the shower. Yoongi quickly figured out that was a one-time thing. The effects of his medication due to his injury at the time, Jeongguk’s excitement to finally being able to work after weeks of recovery, and his eagerness to turn Yoongo on had been the cause of his state. Since then, his partner had not given any signs of life until he had his first cup of banana milk.
A shuffling sound followed by a long groan reached Yoongi’s ear and he turned around and watched amusedly as Jeongguk sat down on the chair. His hair had reached almost the length of man-bun potential and right now it stood up in various places, making him look like the little devil’s cousin. On one flushed cheek there was a cushion print.
“Morning,” Yoongi greeted him cheerfully, his tail swinging behind him and softly thumping against the counter. Jeongguk looked at him without lifting his head. He grunted and Yoongi chuckled. Yoongi put the mug he had been preparing in front of his partner and Jeongguk wrapped his fingers around the mug, shuddering once from head to toe. Weirdo.
“Oh, God,” he groaned, closing his eyes and masking the same face he had during sex. The sight made Yoongi’s blood head straight into his groin. Curious, he decided to ask.
“If you had to choose between banana milk and-” “Banana milk.” “You don’t even know what I wanted to say,” Yoongi laughed but Jeongguk only shook his head. “No matter. Banana milk.” “Me or banana milk?” “Banana milk.” “Wow. Okay, sex or banana milk?” “Banana milk.” “Your brother or….” “Banana milk. I would absolutely trade Seokjin hyung for banana milk.” He took another sip and sighed contentedly. “Okay, maybe I would not trade him for banana milk. Although…” He pursed his lips thoughtfully, then shook his head. “No, you’re right, that would not be right.”
Yoongi did not mind that he came in second after the banana milk, all he had to do was wait for the right moment. At first, the sweet liquid still dominated his lover’s thoughts, but as so Jeongguk had emptied his cup, they ate breakfast and did the dishes. Then they went upstairs, brushing their teeth, and on the way to the chair at the end of the bedroom, where his clothes and toiletry bag lay, Yoongi took his shirt off. As expected, Jeongguk lunged at the older, wrapping his arms around his waist and stroked Yoongi’ chest with one hand as he pushed the other under the elasticated waistband of the boxer shorts. He placed kisses on Yoongi’s shoulders, the tip of the tongue tasting the pale skin, teeth nibbling.
“Still thinking about trading me for banana milk?” Yoongi asked in a smoky tone.
“Maybe I was a little premature. You know, if banana milk siren keeps me in its sweet claws, you can’t trust me. I’m weak, it ashames me.”
Yoongi stifled a moan, tail wrapping around Jeongguk’s arm as the younger took ahold of Yoongi’s hardening cock. Jeongguk slid down on his knees and nibbled on his buttocks while Yoongi pushed himself into Jeongguk’s hand with a deep rumble.
“What can I do to make amends?” Jeongguk stuck out his tongue to lick the spot on Yoongi’s butt where he had just bitten.
“We don’t have much time,” Yoongi objected, trying to steady himself by sinking his fingers in Jeongguk’s long hair.
“How about I blow you in the shower? I know how much you like that.”
Like was an understatement.
When Jeongguk took him by the hand and went with him to the bathroom, Yoongi could only remember how much more fun the morning hours were when Jeongguk was there. And for a little while, he forgot about his inability to love the younger.
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
Time Around Scars Part 2
Warnings: Angst, Tae being a bit of a dick, alcohol as a coping mechanism
Word Count: 1,785
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It had been a week since Taehyung had seen you at the quad, drunk and pathetic, and he'd gone to spend a few days with his sister to get his mind off things.
He knew he wouldn't drink as much there, would have less time to stalk you on social media, panicked every time he got a notification from you, worried it would be a cute selfie of you and your new boyfriend.
So far, you hadn't indicated you were in a relationship, despite what you'd told him. The thought made his stomach roll, that you'd replaced him already, that you might be cuddled in another man's bed while Taehyung last awake, thinking about what went wrong and how he might fix it.
He half hoped that you'd been lying when you said you had moved on.
He arrived back on campus the night of his good friend Min Yoongi's graduation party, and he mentally reminded himself to drink no more than two beers. He'd been feeling better after spending some time away, his head clearer.
He wasn't sure if he was excited or anxious to see that you'd accepted Yoongi's invite on Facebook.
He'd dressed up, too, felt more like himself in a Gucci leather jacket with gold leaves appliqued on the shoulders, a black tshirt and jeans.
Taehyung walked into Yoongi's apartment with confidence and only a bit of anxiety. After all, if you did show up, maybe he'd be able to charm you a little.
He met Namjoon at the door, and his friend's eyes widened at the sight of him.
"Oh shit, Tae- I thought you were still with your noona?"
Taehyung smiled, shaking his head and looking around. Trying to appear casual, he asked Namjoon if you were there.
Namjoon hesitated for a moment, but Taehyung didn't think of being suspicious. He was too busy scanning the small crowd for you.
"Y-yeah. I think she's out on the balcony."
Taehyung barely noticed Namjoon biting his lip or his hand on his arm in a weak attempt to stop him.
He stopped by the keg for a beer to calm his nerves before he headed toward the back of the house.
His mood brightened further when he saw you through the sliding glass door, dressed in a simple, formfitting sundress and stilettos, facing the view with your elbows resting on the railing.
Red Solo cup in hand, he had his hand on the door about to slide it open when his greeting died in his throat.
You had turned to talk to Jimin, laughing at something he'd said, and a tall, dark haired man stepped behind you, sliding an arm around your waist casually.
You leaned backward to give him access to hug you, resting the back of your head on his shoulder, looking comfortable there, and Taehyung felt something pull in his chest, as if something were breaking inside him.
He felt as if he had been punched in the stomach, had the wind knocked out of him. His vision blurred with sudden tears, and from far away he heard someone calling his name.
He looked up and realized he'd crushed the cup of beer in his hand, foam all over his Gucci jacket.
Jungkook's was standing next to him, looking alarmed. "Tae, your jacket!"
Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle, blinking away the tears in his eyes. That would've been something he might have thrown a fit about a few months ago, spilling beer on an expensive jacket, but the blow to his wallet had nothing on how he felt watching you leaned up to kiss the tall man, looking as if it were as natural as breathing to do so.
There's a bitter taste in his mouth as Taehyung tears his eyes away.
A wild smile crosses his face. He claps Jungkook on the shoulder. "Need something stronger than this anyway, pal."
Jungkook had finally realized you were outside and not alone, and his eyes widened.
Taehyung shrugged. "I'm sure I can find someone to drink with me, Kook. Don't worry so much. I'm fine."
Jungkook looked at him warily. "Are you sure? Last week-"
"Last week I got too drunk and maudlin. Remember that time you drunk dialed your first girlfriend when we were at Spring Break?"
Jungkook flushed at the memory, and the distraction allowed him to make his way into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of whiskey with a splash of coke.
Yoongi raised an eyebrow at him, but Taehyung ignored him, raising his glass to toast Yoongi.
"Congrats, hyung!"
Yoongi obliged the toast but kept his eyebrow raised. "She's here, huh?'
Taehyung kept a fake smile plastered on his face. "Yup."
"New boyfriend, too?"
Taeyhyung's smile faded. "Yup," he said, drinking a long swig of his drink, wincing a little at the burn in his throat.
Yoongi clapped him on the shoulder and Taehyung looked down at his whiskey, tears threatening again. Yoongi had been there after the breakup.
Yoongi and Taehyung had roomed together freshman year, in a tiny apartment. Taehyung had answered an ad on Craigslist, and they'd become fast friends, both Music majors. Yoongi ironically had introduced you to Taehyung at a house party, so he'd been there for the beginning and end.
The night of the breakup, you'd left and Taehyung didn't stop you. When he'd gone to the sink for a glass of water, shellshocked, he'd seen your pink skull coffee mug, freshly cleaned and sitting by the sink, and something broke in him, finally. Crying, he'd broken every piece of china in the apartment, the crash of the plates and glasses the only thing that seemed comforting.
Taehyung didn't know how Yoongi had known, but he'd showed up, asked him what the hell he thought he was doing, and when Taehyung hung his head, ashamed of his display of emotion in front of the always stoic Yoongi, he'd heard the tinkling of glass on the floor.
Yoongi had thrown down a wine glass. Without words, he helped Taehyung destroy what was left of the kitchen, and later, to help to clean it up.
"Get drunk if you need to, but don't be mean to her, Taehyung. She is the one that called me that night, you know."
Taehyung looked up at him, shocked.
Yoongi nodded. "She does love you. She always has. She just needs some time."
"Time to fuck around, I guess," Taehyung mumbled, and instantly felt ashamed for saying it.
Yoongi shrugged. "Maybe he helps her heal," he said, and Taeyhyung's chest tightened further.
Before he could speak, heels click on the kitchen tile, and he hears your voice.
"Yoongi, the man of the hour! I wanted to introduce you to-"
Your voice faltered as Taehyung looked up at you, faking another smile.
"Hey, beautiful."
He was surprised at how clear his voice sounded. He took a sip of his drink, hoping it would help fill the void in his chest.
"Oh. Tae, hi-"
You were cut off again by the tall man coming up behind you.
"Jagi, I was wondering where you got off to," he said easily, chuckling, and Taehyung felt as if someone had speared him in the gut at the sound of his pet name for you coming out of someone else's mouth.
He took a long swig and held out his hand, hoping his face was neutral. "I'm Taehyung. You're the lucky guy who's been seeing our y/n, right?
He was trying not to grit his teeth.
For his part, your boyfriend didn't let on that he knew Taehyung was your ex, giving him a firm handshake and a smile.
When Taehyung smiled at you, your face relaxed and you seemed relieved, which made his chest ache.
Maybe you had moved on. Maybe you were happy. The thought made him feel empty and hopeless, and he drained his drink, praying that the alcohol would lessen the feeling.
"I'm Chanyeol," he said, smiling. "And yes, I am very lucky indeed."
Chanyeol slid an arm around your waist and Taehyung forced his eyes away, trying to take a deep breath despite the rock in his gut.
You put your hand on Taeyhyung's arm to get his attention, and when he looked at you, your eyes were achingly soft.
"How's the family?"
"Good. Everyone asked about you."
Now, Taehyung noticed a quizzical look on Chanyeol's face, and he cleared his throat, regretting his words. the last thing he needed was for your new boyfriend to feel sorry for him.
"Ah, that's right, you met his family when you were together, right?"
You flushed and nodded, and Taehyung was a bit shocked.
"I'm so glad you were able to remain friendly," Chanyeol said, seemingly unaffected.
Yoongi, speechless the whole time, thankfully interrupted to introduce himself, and Taehyung was able to sneak away, going by the keg to get a beer.
He took in deep breaths, trying to calm himself, and he met Jungkook out on the balcony.
The whiskey was finally working, relaxing him a bit.
"Hey, Kook." He said easily.
Jungkook nodded toward the kitchen. "You meet him?"
Taehyung nodded, drinking a long swig of his beer. He shrugged. "Seems nice."
"He's really tall," Jungkook commented. "I guess theyve been together a few months now."
Taeyhyung's head jerked at that comment. "Months?"
Realizing his mistake, Jungkook's eyes widened. "Like two months, hyung, I didn't mean-"
But it was too late. Taehyung drained his beer and chucked it off the balcony, heading back inside.
The chaos of seeing you with someone tonight and the alcohol in his blood made him impulsive, and his head was spinning.
He caught you alone for once, standing in the corner with a cup of beer, and you flinched whenever he slammed his hand on the wall behind you, leaning in close.
"Tae, hey..." You said, looking uncomfortable, but he couldn't stop.
"Months?" He hissed. "You've been seeing him for months? That's why you left, isn't it?"
You set your jaw, pushing his chest. He stumbled backward.
"If you could ever think that I cheated on you or left you for another man, you never loved me at all, Kim Taehyung."
Your eyes are flashing and Taehyung regrets everything, but it's too late. You stalk over to Chanyeol, grab his arm, and pull him towards the door.
You're gone before his head stops spinning, and everyone is looking at him.
His chest is heaving, something clawing inside of him, and he roars, "What the fuck are you all looking at?"
Jungkook and Namjoon are heading over, but Taehyung manages to grab the bottle of expensive whiskey and head out the door.
The rest of the night is a blur.
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lixhive · 5 years
the mafia leader pt.1 • myg
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♡ pairing: mafia!yoongi x female!reader ♡ word count: 1.7k ♡ genre: mafia au, urban, modern, angst, fluff ♡ rating: pg16
❝..y/n thought she was your regular girl in Seoul, South Korea. Yet, a series of events led her to be in danger and meets Min Yoongi, the mafia leader. Cold-hearted and stiff but he has a soft spot for her...❞
♡ warnings: weapon use (gun), kidnapping, mafia, blood, assault, 
♡ note: I was inspired by a photo on Pinterest to do this.
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"Where have you been?" I looked up from the phone and saw one of my best friends. "Hoseok, I was at work," I answered. "Don't work too hard. I've said this before." "I know, I know."
Hoseok has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. He helped me with a lot. Recently I moved to an apartment in Daegu, South Korea. It was bigger than the last one I had but I needed to pay the bills, so I had gotten a second job.
The second job I had was a cute one. It was a little café that was near my apartment. The only thing I didn't like about my job was the customers. Most of them were really nice. Others were just straight-up jerks. But the one I hated the most was the one that sat in the café.
I don't know his name. He sits there, in the same spot. Not every day but he stares at me. He always has his drink ordered. But never gives his name.
"Thank you for dropping me off, see you later." I waved bye to Hoseok as he drove off. Walking through the doors, I was welcomed with a warm vanilla scent. I said hi to my fellow coworkers.
Headed to the back to get ready and put on my apron.
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"Good Afternoon, How May I help you?" I asked. The customer in front of me seemed nervous. Well, she seemed stressed. Seeing the bag she had, probably college. "Can I get green tea with sugar and lemon?" "What size would you like?" "May I get a medium." "Name?" "Wheein."
And just like that, the rest of my day went by. Taking orders. Everything was fine until he came.
The bell rang, signaling us that another person walked in. When I looked up, I saw him. We made eye contact for a moment. He took his usual seat by the window.
"You're favorite customer is here," Lisa comments. "He's not my favorite customer." I rolled my eyes. Lisa was one of my coworkers that worked night shifts with me the most. "Well, you seem to be his favorite." "I'm not taking his order until he gets up and comes to the cash register." I huffed while making a different drink.
"A large mocha for Yeri!" I called out. She walked up to receive her drink. "Have a good night." She said while leaving.
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Its been about an hour, and he still hasn't ordered anything. I moved away from the front, took up a notepad and walked over to him. Before he was by himself, now he had a few friends. Two of them. "Are you going to order or you're going to sit here and look pretty?" I asked. The two looked shocked while the man looked unbothered.
The two shocked ones ordered with their names. A Caramel Latte for Jimin and a Strawberry Frappe for Jin. "Do you want anything?" I asked again. "Iced Coffee with milk, Min Yoongi." He said without looking me.
I walked away from the table. "Did you really just say that?" "Yes, I'm not afraid of him." We began making their drinks. And from the looks of it, I was going to have to bring them over.
Picking up the drinks, I walked to the table and placed the drinks in front of them. "A caramel latte for Jimin, strawberry frappe for Jin and an iced coffee with milk for Min Yoongi," I said. "Thank you," beamed Jimin. He looked excited about his drink.
"No problem," I responded.
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It was closing time and Lisa and I was almost done with locking up. "I'll be out in a moment," I said. Quickly, I headed to the back and grabbed my things.
"Goodnight y/n unnie," Lisa waved. "Night!" I waved back. I locked the doors for the café and began walking home.
After a few minutes, I heard a pair of footsteps following me. As I sped up, they sped up. Every turn I made, they made. And I was ready to run.
"What do you want?" I stopped and turned around like the idiot I was. The figure stepped out, I could only see his silhouette. He was definitely taller than me. He was also built. "I need you to come with me." "Ha. Ha. Funny. That's not going to happen."
"Listen, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." "I don't know who you are and you think you're talking to. I'm not going with you." I scoffed. I wasn't stupid to go along with a stranger. Yet alone, following me at night. "Alright then," he walked towards me.
Grabbed my wrist and pulled me. "Let go of me." I fought back. I bit his arm. "You little...." Seconds later, he had his hands around my neck. "You don't listen." I clawed at his hands but I started to see little spots of black.
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Y/n struggled. She was being choked. "Let her go!" A new figure showed up. The dark silhouette let's go off y/n. She falls to the ground, coughing and gasping for air.
"Yoongi, why are you here?" "I was just about to ask you the same thing," he said while playing with his lighter. "What's important about her?" He asked. Glancing at y/n, she was still on the ground.
"That's none of your business, Jaeho," Yoongi said. Jaeho grabs y/n by her collar, "she has to be important."
Pulling out a gun, he points it at y/n and she immediately starts to panic. Tears streaming down her face. "Don't cry princess, just stay quiet." Jaeho shushed.
"You're not very smart Jaeho, you're going to be sorry if you hurt her," Yoongi says. Looking up from his lighter. "What's important about this girl, answer the question." "She's a daughter of a billionaire." Yoongi answers.
He takes a few steps towards the two. "Another step and I shoot her." Yoongi stops where he was. A chuckle comes out of him.
"I might just keep her as a pet. She's cute." "Jaeho, let her go. I'm not going to say it again." "What are you going to do?" Jaeho challenged.
"I hate it when you guys say that. Kook, go." After Yoongi's statement, Jaeho falls to the ground. Y/n stood there in shock. She looks down at him and immediately screams. Through his head.
"Yah, calm down," Yoongi mumbled while walking towards her. She backed away from him. Scared out of her mind. "Just come with me. I won't do anything if you come willingly." "And why would I trust you, you just killed someone."
Y/n glanced around for an escape. But there wasn't any. "C' mon, let's go." Yoongi took hold of her wrist and pulled her along. Y/n tried her best to get away. She scratched him. He let go and she ran away. As fast as her legs could.
However, a different figure caught her and put a rag over her mouth and nose. And everything went dark.
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I woke up in a large bed. My stuff was on a desk. I sat up slowly while holding my head. "Where the hell am I?" I whispered. I heard voices outside the room. There were a lot of them. Two of them sounded familiar. I looked around the room. Seeing two doors.
"Where is she now?" "She's in my room." I heard. I only remembered a man pointing a gun at my head.
The door opens and I see seven men in front of me. "Hoseok?!" Seeing my best friend. He stayed quiet and just looked at me. I also started to recognize the others. Namjoon was a coworker at my day job. Taehyung was April's boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend. Jungkook works at an Art Store. Jimin and Jin were from the café.
Then my eyes landed on him, Min Yoongi.
I stared at each and every one of them. They all were in my life somehow, somewhere. "Why am I here?" "To keep you safe," Hoseok answered. "Safe from what? I've been fine for the past 25 years on Earth." "We can't exactly tell you," Jungkook said. "Of course you can't." I huffed. A pounding in my head started, making me wince. "I'll get the water." Jimin left the room.
"Go, I'll talk to her," Yoongi instructed. Now I was in a room with him alone. He got closer to the bed. Pulling a chair with him to sit down. There was a knock at the door, "Come in." Jimin walked in with a glass of water and a pill. He placed it on the desk near my belongings. Then he quickly exits.
Yoongi's eyes land on me again. "Ask me anything and I'll answer it honestly." "Again, I don't know you. Why would I trust you in any way." I stated while crossing my arms. "Because I saved your life."
Then a quick flash of the man named Jaeho came to mind. He had the gun to my head yet, he fell and a gunshot was in the center of his forehead. "Do you remember?" I nodded my head slowly. "The one thing I'm going to tell you is that you can't leave this place." He said while getting up. "Why not?" "You're in danger, y/n."
"Is it something I did?" I questioned. I watched his steps carefully. "No, I was hired to keep you safe by your father." "My father died before I was born," I said. "Obviously, your mom had to hide things from you." "Yes, please explain to me why my own mother would lie about my father to me." I crossed my arms. "They signed an agreement."
Before I could retaliate, a sharp pain appeared on my arm. "Take it, the pain will go away." Yoongi gave me the glass of water and the pill. After I took it, "Get some rest." He left the room and I was once again by myself.
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This morning, I woke up in the same bed. "Why can't this just be a dream," I mumbled. There was a bag on the floor near the door. Getting up, I walked towards the door and looked through the bag. It had clothes inside. "Get ready, we have to go somewhere." A voice said. "Okay."
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sugagimmesugar · 5 years
Hold me while you wait
Chapter 4 of my Yoongi X Reader Songfic. Chapters 1 2 3 4
Since the whole fic is structured around Lewis Capaldi‘s album „Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent“, the song for this chapter is „Hold me While you Wait“. Give it a listen, it‘s great.
You met only a few days later, neither of you wanting to wait. SO you picked a Café you knew he liked and waited for him in your usual spot.
Seeing the familiar shape of the rapper walk through the door, your heart drops to your stomach. He came. And he looks like shit.
As he looks around the cafe to find you, your whole body freezes up, unable to wave or smile. But his smile as he finds you, it's bright enough to light up the room. And it breaks your heart, shatters it into pieces actually. Because you know it wont hold for long.
Not after what you're about to say to him.
"I've missed you, y/n. So much. I am sorry for this whole mess. How are you? the guys say hi, obviously. But I suspect you've been talking to them, Jungkook asked me to bring him a specific kind of cake from here." Plopping down on the chair across from you, he laughs.
"I've missed you, too, Yoongi. Thank you for meeting me here. It's good to see that you're looking more alive. It was quite the shock to see how tired you looked in that interview. How's everything going, the album is out in like a month, right?"
He laughs again, the look in his eyes so hopeful.
"Yea, I looked dead. I am slowly recovering. I didn't realise how much sleeping next to you helped me sleep. After what happened, my depression, my anxiety, it all hit me again, like a truck. I collapsed. Unfortunately I just buried myself in my flat, by myself. I didn't think of asking the guys for help. Now they're there, aggressively helping. And now we can get back together right? ARMY, they're not against you anymore. They realised how bad what they did was. So it's ok, right?"
"I don't know, honey. I don't know if I can deal with what it means to be Suga's girlfriend. It's so much. I was so relieved when the reporters finally left. I don't know if i can put myself through that again. I want to be with you. I love you so much, but I want to be a person. Not a celebrity. Now I can leave the house without the mess of reporters or fans around, now I can go to work again. Do what I love. You know that that's why I chose to become a chef? Because I want to make people happy, but I can't take the attention or the amount of socialising necessary to be the face of something. I know I can't expect the press people or your fans to back off. It's just hard to be with both Yoongi and Suga. I can only try my best. And I want to try, for you. For us. Let’s just wait? Until the album is out, until the main commotion has died down… Please. I am only just recovering from everything with the broken engagement."
His face drops at your words, and your heart breaks all over again at the sight. Of course, he had hoped to get back together now. And when you break that hope, that hurts like hell. You hate to be the cause of that pain. But your own pain is still too fresh, the hate online, the fans who mobbed you at your workplace, at your home, just to get to know you, understand how you could be good enough for "their" Yoongi. You can't go back to that, not yet. You need a proper break, just living your life here for a bit before you turn it into "BTS Suga's Girlfriend"s life again.
It was after the interview, when you saw the responses online and a glimmer of hope touched your heart, that maybe the two of you could actually get back together. That's when you realised, you had never been your own person in this country. Sure, the relationship had not been public knowledge until a year ago, but you had still enjoyed the comforts of being an Idol's girlfriend. He had shown you the best places, you moved into an apartment he bought for the two of you, he did most of the research for your job, if you were perfectly honest. It had been a thing of necessity, your knowledge of the language still too poor to be able to comfortably converse in it or get the information necessary to work somewhere.
But he doesn't understand that, how could he?
So he is silent,the gears turning in his head almost visible.
"So... You want to take a break?"
"It's not really a break since we are broken up, still. I just want to want to be myself for a while before everything anyone sees is "Suga's Girlfriend" again."
"You're not yourself with me?" The heartbreak is thick on his voice, the look in his eyes almost one of betrayal.
Nothing you say comes out right. Everything just hurts him more. Even though all you want is some time.
"No, my love. I am myself with you, I am better for every second I spend with you next to me. But I am reduced to a role if I am with you. Even though I can be y/n with you, everyone outside sees me as somebody else because of course they do. I can't do my job like I want to simply because every achievement is discredited because I am your girlfriend. I can't go outside in peace because them getting to know me better is more important to them than me having a private life. I just .... I don't know.... I guess, I guess I need to learn how to compartmentalize, how to divide my life into y/n and a separate person, your girlfriend, in public. I am sorry, I just wanna find out who I am. Like, just me. We have been together for so long, I am not sure who I am other than the quiet girl that loves you."
"So.... what you're saying is, you need time? You don't want to be with me now? Even though the fans changed, you're still leaving me?"
"I am not leaving you, Min Yoongi. I will never leave you. You're the love of my life. I moved across the world to be with you and I don't regret any of it. I was overwhelmed by what happened when you told the world we are engaged. It was, it is, too much for me to bear. But I want to learn, I want to be able to bear it so that I can be by your side and love you forever. I just need time. We can see each other, in secret. I just don't want to be your girlfriend in public yet. I want to breathe. To be myself, to be us, like we used to be. Not the stressed out messes we were after we went public."
He just nods, the disappointment still obvious in his eyes.
So you hold his hand, tighter than before and smile at him, only love and hope in your eyes.
The silence between the two of you is sad, yes, but it's also comfortable. You said what you had to say, and he is processing it.
As you sit there, watching him, just looking at the man you love, you see a smile spread on his face. He points up, a small giggle escaping his lips.
"Do you hear this song? It fits too well, don't you think? "Hold me while you wait" it's called, I think."
*This is you, This is me, This is all we need
So won't you stay a while?
And hold me while you wait*
You smile, your heart almost bursting at the sight of him happy.
You missed him, so much more than you thought was possible.
"Can we go home? I just want to be with you. I missed you. Can we just lie next to each other, I felt so lonely since you left."
His face goes blank for a second, the rapper obviously surprised by your request.
"You want to come home with me?" He asks, his voice so soft it's barely audible.
You smile as you answer, squeezing his hand in yours.
"Or you could come with me, You decide."
There's a quiet happiness in how he looks at you after what you say. It makes your heart glow, and reconsider what you said before.
"Okay, I think Jin-hyung is cooking something at my place, the other members are probably also there again, they come over almost every day these days. If you're ok with that we can go and have dinner with them."
"Let's just sit here for a bit longer. I just wanna spend time with you. But yea, we can go eat with the guys later."
So there you sit, hand in hand with your ex, quietly, comfortably, almost back together.
Later that evening, you eat with the other members, and it feels so much like coming back home you almost break down crying.
And that night, you fall asleep back where you belong, in his arms. Holding on to each other while you wait for morning to break.
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dayinseoul · 5 years
~ When Worlds Collide ~
College au | y/n x Yoongi, y/n x Hoseok
PART FIFTY-TWO: The truth untold
// au list | prev, next//
> Here we are,, 3k words and finally up! I have yet to go through and edit/fix it up but for now it’s better to put it up imo, as changes soon made won’t be TOO drastic~ <
At college, you’re either an icon or unidentifiable. What happens when the it group (The Four Way) crosses paths with the dorky kids (Bulletproof Boys) on the other side of campus? Will the bachelorette learn that opposites do attract or will she realise what’s right in front of her eyes?
(Au will contain swearing, alcohol/drugs and sexual themes)
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Just the feeling of emptiness remained after Yoongi’s final message. Blankly, you remained staring at your now black phone screen. That’s it, it’s done.
You dropped your phone onto your crossed lap before looking up and towards the mirror across from where you sat. Your eyes pierced into your own as you took in your disheveled appearance, emotions have been wild in the past few hours so to feel nothing now, is almost an eerie calm. The good part about Hobi leaving was finally not feeling so prisoned, not only physically but mentally. It’s almost as if he has decided how you’re feeling or what you’re thinking, but it all lands back on his “unconditional” and delusional romance. How do you tell the person you love, that you don’t love him? Especially when he last felt heartbroken, he disappeared completely… But now he’s gone, there’s no more distraction, no stimuli to keep you occupied. The only company now was the slow-moving thoughts dragging through your mind.
Reaching up, you tugged at the strings on the over-sized black hoodie you wore, Yoongi’s hoodie. You smirked sadly at the memory, he had given this to you on the New Years camping trip, something about it being out of fashion and totally not to do with how low the temperature got that night. You always loved that about him, the biggest tofu. Acts all tough but in secret, he truly was the sweetest bean to his loved ones. Maybe it wasn’t healthy to keep thinking of him… but maybe it stopped being possible to think of anything else after getting that message back. Shaking your head, you tore your vision from the pitiful figure in your reflection, towards the phone on your lap. Your teeth dug into your bottom lip as you inwardly cursed your naivety. Turns out “K.” was inevitably just code for shut up and not “I want you back too”.
“Why even respond though?” You grunted throwing your head back on the couch, squinting towards the ceiling above you. You wished you could be tough, like how everyone expects you to be, like how you’ve always portrayed yourself. But what good could it possibly do now? How pathetic. But that was never really you…  Just your façade that you had come to believe until… until Yoongi. He made you better, truly. Showed you the truth of who you are, and how to love it, like he does. Did. The noise of your abrupt quickening pulse rushed through your mind forcing your eyes shut. He did love me, you thought. This is my fault, if I was just honest… He would still be here. You clamped your eyes shut, holding in the bitter tears threatening to spill. Your mind fogged over at the events that caused this all to break down. The night Hoseok finally returned, he had come home to where Yoongi and you were awaiting him. In this very spot, Yoongi had you pressed to his chest as you were bubbling over with excitement; just like a child who was told they were receiving a gift. Yoongi had already spoken in disdain for Hoseok due to their, unfortunate fight, and yet he was still supportive of his return… just because it’s what you wanted. As he broke through the door, it was almost like he slammed into a wall at the sight before him, dragging you out of Yoongi’s arms into his own. After a long and lively greeting, things began to go astray. Hoseok spat with scowls towards Yoongi, retelling the past in a twisted fashion and shunning him for apparently using me to get back at me for what I had done. Yoongi’s face, you’d never seen him look so heartbroken. And when he turned his gaze towards you, all you could see was the mix of anger and betrayal in his eyes, as uncharacteristic tears streamed down his face. Then he was gone. He pushed past both you and Hoseok, leaving for good and slamming the door in his departure. That was the last moment you saw him in person. The last moment he loved you. A broken sob tore through your chest as your mind forced itself from the memory.
A sudden loud bang made you jump in surprise as you swung your head towards the direction it came. Through your hazy and tear-filled eyes, you eventually focused on the door that now was repeatedly being bashed on from the outside. Hoseok always had the habit of leaving his keys behind, but you swore he took them this time? Perhaps not… With a deep breath, you pushed yourself up and swiped at your wet face with the long sleeves that passed your hands. You made way towards the door, in a more zombie style fashion. Huffing lowly to yourself, you pushed your chin up to attempt a mask over your outburst and reluctantly pulled the door open, mumbling out loud.
“You really need to tape your keys to yo- “Your breath hitched as you looked up at the man before you… at Yoongi.
You stood in shock, staring aimlessly at him before taking a step backwards, grabbing onto the door to push it closed again.
“Don’t” his voice growled out as he pushed back onto the door stepping into your space.
“W-why? Wha- what do you…” your chest was heaving as your breath quickened, panic setting in your mind at the glassy eyed, seething ex-lover standing over you.
“What a joke. You don’t get to act like that!”
“Like what…?”
“Like I’m some fucking monster, like I’M the one who played YOU!”
“But- “
Yoongi stepped closer to you, pushing the door closed behind him as he continued to glare into your eyes.
“No,” he growled “I trusted you, I-I thought you were different. Fuck, I never even fucking imagined that it was YOU the whole time!”
“Yoon- “
“ALL of us went through hell, and it was because of your shitty friends. Then you used me for what? Another game? Play with my feelings, use me? Just so you and Hoseok can get a laugh from my despair? Hoseok, the one you were truly with this whole fucking time, right?” the clearly tipsy male slurred his grunts at you while pulling his fingers through his now dyed black hair.
You search his eyes aimlessly, they’re as beautiful and almost black as they always were but the remaining upset expressed in them pulled you from your admiration as you acknowledged the extent of his last words.
“Tell me,” you averted your eyes and slowly breathed out your words, “do you really believe that’s true?”
Yoongi stuttered over his words, pulling your attention again. “You’ve already surprised me once.”
Tears again began to roll down your cheeks as you exchanged stares, “W-what do you even know?” You sobbed out, “You know nothing! Just the bullshit that Hoseok spilled to force us apart!”
Yoongi’s mouth fell open as if to retort your statement but fell silent, instead swallowing back his pride and resuming his glare down.
“Just proves that you never really did ever trust me…” you backed away from him, your mind working in circles is only doing work to work you up more but it’s bubbling up now, what can you do?
“I- I di- shut the fuck up, CLEARLY I did trust you. Why the hell would I give a shit if I didn’t?”
“What really happened then?” Your quivering voice squeaked out as you squared up towards him, challenging him back with a hard stare, “last year? This year? What the fuck is it that I really did, huh?”
Yoongi tugged at the sleeves of his own black hoodie and ignoring your words, walked straight past you towards the lounge room. You craned your head back watching as he sat down before raising an eye brow at you before pointing at the seat opposite him. Obediently, you followed his silent command and sat on the ottoman timidly looking up at him.
“Go on” he roughly spat out, “Truth untold then… Trick me again.”
You huffed at him, before straightening up.
“Believe what you want, it doesn’t matter anymore, right?”
He began to speak lowly before you impatiently cut him off.
“Do you remember the day we really met? You had showed up at that party, the one at the frat house near the lake?”
“Of course I do… I always hated frat parties, you can smell the desperation from the street” he rolled his eyes, “I went with that group, one of your minion troupes. My “friends”.”
He ignored you as you shook your head in protest.
“What about it?”
“One of those guys introduced us… I-I never met anyone like you before.”
Yoongi gingerly bit his lip, watching you in earnest.
“I was really surprised when you agreed to drink and hang out with me… but I really was glad you did… I still am.”
A sharp intake of air broke your thought as you watched culprit look everywhere but at you. “Well. Ugh fuck it. When I arrived with them, I saw you and just...”
“Just what?”
“You. It was looking at the human adaption of Spring and Summer… Like you were the sun and if I even tried to get closer, I would burn,” he again shared eye contact, “and I would’ve happily burnt up right there. But when you looked back at me, you were somehow the biggest mystery. Cold and protected but eerily perfect. You were a graveyard and I no longer was afraid to die.”
The air in the room felt at a standstill. You were speechless.
“I met you and shit just fell into place, like my soul went oh there you are, I’ve been waiting for you… I felt honoured to get to spend those few hours with you,” Yoongi scoffed, crossing a leg over his other, “Then, of course, Hoseok did his rounds looking for you and off you went. Back to your keeper, leaving me with barely a word and your chat id scribbled onto my wrist.”
What could you even say? It’s true. After that night, you had your daily messages with Yoongi and when you’d see each other on campus, there was always a brief exchange of a wave or nod. But Hoseok, was always priority number one, he spoke a word and you’d follow suit (granted everyone did but doesn’t that doesn’t change anything). It was only at the weekly parties you attended that you would sneak away from him, almost like a rebellious teen sneaking out of your home, and at those parties you’d meet with the man in front of you now. Like clockwork, every Saturday night after one in the morning, you’d meet and spend the rest of the night talking and/or drinking together. The very last party, that this happened was the night he brought along Namjoon. A sight for sore eyes, in a place surrounded by drunks and horny young adults. Somehow, this college housed an intelligent and brightly beautiful man such as him and you felt blessed that Yoongi had respected you enough to introduce you to his best friend. Next thing you knew, Namjoon’s attention was pulled and he followed behind a set of broad shoulders over to the makeshift bar, leaving you and Yoongi to attend to your routine. For some reason, this night in particular, Hoseok was actively searching for you immediately and being kind of tipsy and very much crushing on Yoongi, you both made retreat and found yourselves on the roof. Something was very much in the air that night, Yoongi had opened up to you more than ever before. He spoke of why music was his passion and how his family despised him for the longest time for it. The day he first met Namjoon and that he was the balance and puzzle piece that he was needing for the longest time. His other two little brothers, who he had never mentioned before, and how they were charmingly childlike. That was the night you fell in love with Min Yoongi, and as his feline eyes peered into your own, you felt sincerely loved like you never had before. And as fortune would have it, that was the last time you saw him for some time.
Messages left unanswered, gone from campus, parties and meet ups unattended. Nobody knew of where he went, and only once was he mentioned again, something about pulling from the Arts Night seminar to apparently focus on his work more intimately. To say you felt heartbroken was an understatement. You didn’t have the slightest idea to what you had done wrong, or what had happened but god you wanted it fixed, you wanted him back and there was nothing you could do about it. Could you even file a missing person’s report from someone who wasn’t missing? Looking back on that month you didn’t know what had happened, nothing was out of the regular… except for one day, the week following that party you last met him. You were at HOTS that day, as it also substitutes as a hang out spot for people who runs with The Four Way. You were the only member there, but your company was not shallow, as you were surrounded by groups such as the IKON frat, Wanna one boys and Twice ladies (to name a few). Suddenly, in came the now notorious group that created the nickname Circle Jerk, carrying trays of coffees and drinks for everyone. You remember the leader catching your eye before striding towards you handing you over your favourite smoothie blend and crouching before where you sat on the bench. The other occupants of the seat dispersed as you quickly began a conversation with the male carrying a wicked smile before you. He disclosed to you about a group that had wronged him and his brothers, and familiarly ask for your permission to teach them a lesson. You saw nothing wrong with it. In fact, who the fuck did this group think they were? Messing with your extended family like they did, stealing their music and claiming it for their own. Pushing them around and treating them like workers. Not on your watch. The green light was given, and you offered everyone’s hands where needed and necessary.
A clearing of the throat pulled back your attention as your wide gaze snapped to Yoongi. You gaped at him wordlessly like a fish.
“It was my fault…”
You cleared your throat and spoke louder, repeating your last words. As he just stared back at you emotionlessly.
“But let me explain, please” lowering your head, you pleaded to Yoongi. He may not ever take you back, but he deserves the truth at least. He leaned back into the seat giving you the go ahead.
“That group lied to me, okay? They twisted the story and made me believe you guys were doing to them, what they did to you. A-and asked me for permission to get revenge… I didn’t know the truth, I didn’t know it was you, I just wanted to protect who I thought was my family.” You paused expecting a reaction, instead you received a wordless nod to continue speaking.
“I swear I didn’t know. That group was actually the one who told Hoseok the story he went with. T-that’s why he said you were using me to get back at them for their vengeance. He believed them and tried to protect me from the truth that he knew.”
“And yet he never asked me if it was true” Yoongi shrugged and rolled his eyes dismissively.
“And yet you never asked if I really played you.” you watched as his shoulders lowered, as if your words were finally making everything make sense to him.
“… Say what you just told me was true. Why did you disappear after that night with Jimin, huh?” 
Breathing a low sigh, you pushed your seat closer towards Yoongi as you continued. Noticing him lean timidly in towards you.
“Because I realized who it was that they were targeting, and I knew it was lies, I trusted you… I was guilty, okay? I fucked up and you guys got tormented on my word. You don’t think I feel awful about that? I did what I could for you guys that night, then when I saw your interactions with Jimin, I knew you deserved better. A-and when I saw the way you looked at me, as you did before your absence, I couldn’t let you love me.”
“Who are you to dictate if I should love you?” Yoongi’s sudden yell shocked you both.
A broken groan left his throat, as he pushed his head onto his perched arms. “O-okay. Okay.” As his defenses and restraint against you dropped, you felt it was necessary to at least repent for the bad you did willingly, now that he’s listening and believing.
“I ignored you from then and I’m sorry, I truly am. I kept those fucks away from you and dismissed them completely. They’re trash. I never wanted you to hate me though-…”
“And that’s why you left that note outside my class.”
“Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love…”
He sadly smirked at the memory, lifting his head from where he was staring at your hands on your lap. “I’ll be honest, I really thought that Hoseok found out, and wanted you away from me.”
“That’s a bit much” you lowly giggled.
“Aish. Is it though?” he chuckled back rolling his head to the side.
The silence that suddenly fell wasn’t in the slightest uncomfortable. Both of you trading subtle glances towards each other while being wrapped in your own thoughts. To be honest, it was actually the most comfortable you’ve felt in some time now, just being by his side even it was silent.
“Did you mean it? About the love?”
“The note or now?” you blinked at him, “…both.”
Yoongi’s heavy sigh echoed throughout the room, “Is it stupid of me, that I believe it? That I knew, looking at you and being with you, I was always going to.”
“I think I may be too biased.”
The sobering man tousled his hair between his fingers, giving you grunt in response. He slowly stood up and you followed suit. His breath fanned over your features as you stood face to face.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve trusted you and talked to you, instead of being so paranoid.”
Your stunned and blushing expression encouraged a small grin to show on his face.
“I really didn’t believe you could purely want me back, to be honest. So, as ridiculous and forward as it may be. I’m done being the victim and running from the truth. If you want me in your life, let me know now.”
“Wait, what?” a wide smile showered in disbelief spread across your skin, “But… I mean. Isn’t that my line? Aren’t I supposed to beg you back?”
A brief laugh fell from his mouth as he searched your eyes, “You got me, I trust you. I think drinking finally got me to man the fuck up and have this conversation with you. The untold truth was coming out today, whether I liked it or not. Just so happens, that I like it… and I never stopped loving you. I just was stuck in my scared state, got triggered, I guess? So, now it’s up to you. What do you think?”
“I think… of no other person since I’ve begun thinking of you.”
Swiftly, you jumped into his arms and against your wishes, as he simultaneously pulled you pressed to him by your waist. You shoved your face into his neck and breathed in his long-lost scent, bringing back memories and feeling of pure love and joy. You felt the press of lips on your own neck, as he whispered through choppy, emotional words.
“I’m home, my angel.”
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behindthestory00 · 5 years
Chapter 30- Summer Chaos
Sleeveless shirts are back in fashion. Shorts are shorter than before. Ponytails have gotten higher. It’s hot but the summer air is fresh. The season has been a long awaited season by many and since school work is not a problem anymore it’s better. The only thing to worry about is the fact that you are going on an overnight trip with the new and old friends. It was Jimin’s idea just like how spring break was his too. Yoongi did help a little bit in this event. They didn’t tell anyone where the overnight will be spent all they said was bring a swimsuit. Nobody knew anything only who was driving with who and it really is the spring break trip all over again. You just hope that Jungkook doesn’t ignore you the whole time and you don’t get drunk. 
“Play the good music not your trashy sex playlist, Jimin!” Taehyung yelled from the back and Jungkook added on, “If the first note is bed creaking I’m throwing Y/n out the car.”
“Please play your sex playlist.”
“You aren’t throwing her out the window!” Yoongi shouted as if he was the dad dealing with his kids. Jimin giggled at his outburst and looked back grinning, “My sex playlist is only for Yoongi.”
“I might just throw myself out the window instead.” Eurwangni beach and a hotel stay was the outcome, which is miles away from home. Everyone in the car and the other cars have been to this beach before some even stayed at the same hotel. It’s nice minus the amount of annoying kids that come with their even worse families. Everyone settled into the beach and Taehyung screamed out, “Last one there is a little bitch.” Surprisingly Yoongi bolted to the water before Jungkook could even put his stuff down. That will probably be the only time you see him run.
“Literal children.” Namjoon chuckled out and Jin taunted him, “Oh looks like Namjoon’s the little bitch.” He looked at us land creatures to see even Hoseok ran right after Jungkook, to try and beat Yoongi.
“Fuck.” He jogged over to the water where the four are already trying to drown the other.    
~“I told your bitchass that I’m sharing a room with Yoongi.”
“Actually you didn’t! Trader!” 
“Y/n, let him get his dick tonight.” Jin waved you off to calm down as he soaked in the sun. You huffed your nose and looked out to the rest of the boys. Namjoon and Yoongi are really the fathers of the group. Or how Jin put it they look like a really old married couple that bought their sons out one last time before they go to war. That was funny and all but god damn it, you can't focus. Seeing a shirtless Jungkook made your blood boil. 
“You should take a picture it will last longer.” You heard Jin smirk.
“It’s too bad Lotte and Miley couldn’t stay that long.” 
“She’s changing the topic again.” 
“I’m not doing anything!”
“And that’s the fucking problem! You two obviously like each other a lot like days ago you ditched Chanyeol to go ‘hangout’ with him.” Jin raised his voice even louder and used air quotes to express the hangout part. 
“Don’t you dare use air quotes on me. Is there a problem with feeling bad that Jungkook really wanted to hangout that day so I ditched Chanyeol.”
“Speaking of that Chanyeol guy, are you two like friends again? Say no so I don’t hit you.” 
“For your information Jin, I was the bigger person and told him off finally.” 
“She can’t have an ex running around if Jungkook’s here.” Jimin said from the ground and you kicked some sand in his direction, “Shut your damn mouth.”
“Being in denial was cute when you first told us about your feelings for him but now I think you are really trying too hard to lie to yourself, Y/n.” You bite the inside of your cheek and looked at the other boys. Lying to yourself? You admit that you have basically found him attractive since the first day you started working at Creamy Sweets. Feelings for him happened a while ago too. So to be fair you aren’t in denial or lying about anything. The fear of him not liking you back is what’s getting you and yes basically everyone has said that he most definitely likes you too. The only word that seems to come out of his mouth are ‘friends’. Later in the day energy was drained from others and everyone entered the hotel. All was well until you figured out who you’re rooming with.  
“You’re leaving me with three idiots?” You whispered to Jimin as Namjoon passed you the room key. Since Miley and Lotte had to go home your roommates had to change to Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook. 
“It’s better than being in the sex rooms.” Hoseok elbowed your shoulder and you sighed grabbing your bookbag off the floor. Everyone went to their respective rooms and after a quick bicker between you and Taehyung about how keys work you finally got in the hotel room. 
“Ah ...only two beds, you know what that means.” Jungkook grinned ear to ear and Hoseok spoke with disgust, “Your horny self is sleeping on the couch.” That brought laughter into the room and it quickly died down when showers were taken. Everyone laid down in the room freshly cleaned with lazy stares at phones or the TV.
“I’m starving!” Taehyung whined from the bed next to you and you quickly turned to him, “Oh thank god I’m not the only one.”
“Get room service then.” Jungkook said from the floor as he stared at the TV screen, “They’ll put it on the billing that Namjoon is paying for.” You and Taehyung shared devilish smiles as you bolted to the phone, “Get the menu.” 
“Oh wait! 15 bucks for some nugs that’s bullshit, let’s just get McDonalds instead.”
“You and Hoseok go while I stay here.” You suggested and Hoseok whined from the bed you were in, “Why do I have to go?” 
“Don’t ask questions! Let’s go bother Namjoon for money.” Taehyung dragged him from the bed and pushed him out the room then turned to you with a wink.
~You woke up in a stage of discomfort as you felt your stomach turn and the taste of metal in your mouth. It was a nightmare. You can’t really recall what it was about all you understand is that it wasn’t a fun experience. You laid there in the darkness next to your cousin wondering if you should wake him to ease the fear building up in your chest. Don’t bother others. It quickly turned into a mental argument with yourself if getting up is the best option. You listened to the reasonable voice in your head but as you got up you saw no sign of Jungkook. Since the TV is still on it gave enough light to prove he wasn’t in the bed with Hoseok. Where did he go? You peeked over the bed into the hall to see if the bathroom light was on. It isn’t. You decided to text him and after minutes of waiting for an answer he finally responded. At the beach was the last thing he sent before you already made it halfway there. The coldness was the only thing you could think of as you opened the doors to the outside. Out on the shore he sat there looking ahead at the sky. You hurried along to sit next to him and as soon as you did he spoke, “Why are you up so late?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking that question first.”
“I couldn’t sleep.” The waves spoke louder than the silence that occurred. Everything in this moment is worth saving, the breeze was the thing that shot you wake once you came outside. 
“How you’ve been?”
“You see me mostly everyday, Jungkook. I think you know the answer to that.” 
“Did Chanyeol bother you after you ditched him that day?” He asked not even looking in your direction and you tried to peek at his expression. Blank… 
“He did actually just on the same day. He wanted to know if his apology was enough.” 
“Was it?” He quickly made eye contact with you and your eyes stayed widen from the jump you did when he turned. 
“Oh sorry…..was it?” He fixed the tension in his shoulders and you shook your head smiling at him.
“Oh that’s good.” He barely whispered. 
“I told you to stop worrying about me and him.” 
“Yeah I know but I don’t have to listen to you.”
“Wow some friend you are.” You had a hiss in your tone that silenced him. Chanyeol is old news. He’s not allowed to be in this new life that you created for yourself. You won’t let him destroy this one too.  
“Hey, Y/n?” You looked at him and realized how much closer he got to you, “Yeah…”
“What can I do to make us not friends…..in a way.”
“If you don’t want to be friends with me anymore you could just say it.”
“No not in that way! Just- forget it.” You tsked at his answer and he turned back to you with some kind of emotion in his eyes. Determination…. 
“It’s easier to say that you hate me. Say something like this, ‘Hey, Y/n you’re an asshole.’” 
“Hey, Y/n you’re amazing.” He kissed you. He’s fucking kissing you. Who the hell does this boy think he is giving you mixed signals. He called you amazing and he is fucking kissing you. Fighting mentally with yourself your body reacted almost instantly to him. The warm feeling is awarding for how long you waited for this moment. You two leaned back still trying to make the makeout session last longer but you looked him in the eyes instead, “That’s not what I said.”
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linyi-is-dreaming · 5 years
One Way Out - Part 11
Part 11 of ?
Story: Hoseok // Y/N // Yoongi // Namjoon // Taehyung // Jin // Jimin // Jungkook
Category: Smut, Mystery, Abusive Relationship, Crime
Summary: After Y/N’s last break up, she tried to get her ex off her mind. Parties, one night stands, nothing helped except only one thing that helped her the most: her now boyfriend Hoseok. They became from friends to friends with benefits and after a while they both confessed their feelings for each other and started dating. But the calculation was made without her ex, Yoongi. Who does not come back on good terms.
Chapter 11: Be a fox
Jungkook closes the door behind him as he sees Jimin is still waiting for him. “I don’t know for how stupid you think I am. But did you seriously think I leave you alone with her without any kind of control?” Jimin gets up from the bed to get closer to Jungkook.
“What are you talking about?” Jungkook moves his arm quickly to take his gun and points it directly at Jimin. He tries to stay as calm as possible.
“I am aware that something is going on between Tae and Y/N, but what is going on between you and her?”
“What should be between me and her?” The sound click was filling the room. Now Jimin realizes the mistrust he is going to face. When Jungkook starts to mistrust someone, that person needs to do a lot to prove him wrong. He does not forgive, he also does not forget.
“Don’t pretend to be stupid. That is already her job.” He moves the gun to point it to the middle of his forehead. “Now tell me, are you back as a member of my crew or are you back as an officer?” Jimin swallows before he touches the wrist of Jungkook.
“If that is why I have a gun on my head, you can lower it now. I am back to be in the crew. Don’t you realize that we have to relax her somehow to keep her trust?”
“Her trust?” Jungkook laughs. “You truly think she needs to trust you guys?”
“Look, if we can be sure about one thing, then it would be that Yoongi told her about us, our way of doing things. If I am not damn wrong, he might as well has told her how to trick us.”
“Why are you so sure about it?”
“How long did you need to break her?” Jimin smiles at Jungkook’s surprised face expression. “Exactly. She must have learnt that from Yoongi or do you truly believe it was Hoseok who taught her that?” Jungkook thinks about his words for a few seconds before he lowers his gun.
“I will not kill you now, just because I still need you to do one more thing for me.”
“Which thing?” Jungkook grins as he pets Jimin’s shoulder.  
“You will see.” He walks out of the bedroom, as he walks towards the bathroom, he sees Tae talking to Y/N. He sees Tae nodding at her words and how he leaves the bathroom right after. She was just about to close the door as she sees Jungkook standing there, watching her. She puts a smile on her face when he started to walk towards her. He pushes her inside the bathroom before he closes the door behind him. “What is going on between you and Tae?”
“Nothing. Why?” He places his hands on her neck and places a peck on her lips. He removes his lips slowly as his eyes searched for hers. She opens her eyes and smiles at him. “You really like to play this game, don’t you?” He pushes his thumbs hard onto her throat.
“Do not think that you can play my game and win. Do not play my game and try to twist it into yours.” His face looked angry and his grip tighten around her throat. “You are worth nothing!”, he screams. “The only good thing you are meant for, is what I will use you for. I only want my revenge. The only revenge I can get is when I use you.” Her breath starts to become uneven. “It is hard to breath when I hold you like that, isn’t it?” The power to inhale becomes less each second which felt like minutes. Her legs are starting to give in, his hands following her move without a chance for her to catch a breath. “Can you imagine what it must feel like if I’d bury you two feet under alive?” No matter how much she would want to react to his, her body does not have the power for it.
“I can’t breathe.”, she says with a weak voice. She tries to wrap her fingers around his wrists.
“What was that?” He starts to mock her. He enjoyed the fear which grows inside her eyes, the look of almost giving up. Her begging became whispers without a breath. Knocks were coming from the door. “Come in.” The door opens and what Tae sees as he walks in, is not what he expected to see. She was lying on the floor with Jungkook hovering above her body with both hands on her neck. He can see that she is struggling to breathe.
“Let go of her!” Jungkook only starts laughing and turns his head towards Tae.
“Only if you tell me, what is going on between you two.”  
“What the hell are you talking about? We need her in a good condition when you want to get Yoongi. Kill her and lose your chance to catch him.” Jungkook let’s go of her throat and stands up. The air which starts to fill her lungs hurt. It hurt to breathe, some violet spots started to show on her neck. She leans on one of her elbows while the other one is touching her chest. Jungkook takes Tae by his collar with a sudden move and starts to punch him with his fist. It looks like he was going mad, as he was in full anger. He punches him nonstop until he starts to bleed above his eyebrow. Tae does not hit him back, he only tries to push him off him, but Jungkook was acting like a Pitbull. Once he had him, he did not let go. No matter how strong his desire was to fight him back, it would only show that he tries to turn against Jungkook. He could not risk it, he still needs the trust of Jungkook.
“Will you now finally talk?”, he says as he takes the collar of Tae’s shirt in both of his hands to raise a bit from the ground. “Speak up!”
“She reminds me of my sister. If you have forgotten, you did not let me help her either.” Jungkook let’s go of his collar and gets up from the floor.
“It was really a shame that I had to do so. She was pretty, damn, when I think about her body though… She was really hot, a shame she had to die. She could have been my toy now, I mean mine and Y/N’s little toy at the end.” Tae clenches his fists. “But you cannot blame me for something I had to do. You didn’t really give me a choice.” Tae got himself up whilst Jungkook did not look, he was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall next to the door. He lowers himself to be on the same height as Tae. “You only had to say yes, but you decided to test me. I would suggest not to test me again, otherwise I will have to try to get Jin again.” Tae’s face looked as he was ready to give Jungkook a beating. Y/N was already back on her knees and has seen enough. She crawls towards Jungkook to avoid a fight.
“You were right, I am sorry.”, she says as she touches Jungkook’s shoulder.
“What are you sorry for?”, he turns over and touches her lips with his fingertips.
“I think you were right. I am ready for you.” Jungkook starts to smile. He tilts his head a little to peck her lips.
“See, I told you.” His fingers go through her hair as he pecks her lips once again. “Clean yourself up a little. I will join you in the bedroom in a few minutes.” Tae looked confused at her. Jungkook winks at Tae and leaves them alone.
“What are you ready for?” Y/N’s smile is leaving her face as her eyes stare to the floor in embarrassment. He moves on his knees towards her, when he is close enough, he puts her face in his palms. “Y/N, what did you mean by that?”
“I am his doll, as long as I am here.” A tear escapes her face. “Don’t worry, I will be alright.” She tries to get up only to have her arm caught by him.  
“Y/N, answer my question!”
“The game of husband and wife.”, she stutters as tears start to fall off her face.
“What? Why would you do that!?” Tae does not understand her at all. He thought, he understands her plan, but it all went down south. His plan was to avoid this kind of situation and he heard him say that he will let her think that she has a saying in anything which is supposed to go down.
“So, you would not have to fight him.” Tae looks at her face but before he could say anything, her index finger was on his lips. “I was able to avoid it from happening a few times, but I guess this is the only way to keep you and Jimin save too.” Tae takes her finger off his lips and takes her hand in his to pull it to his heart.
“What are you talking about? When you are alone with him… Have you got any clue what kind of sick bastard he is?”
“Should that scare me?” She smirks as a tear landed on her shirt. “He is mistrusting both of you. If I do not play his game, he will notice that something is fishy.” Tae lets go of her hand only to look at her neck. “If I do not play along, he will think that I relay on one of your help, wouldn’t he?” Tae nods as he lets her arm go to move his fingers along her neck.
“When did you start to figure that out?”
“I never did. I only thought that it might be the reason why he has been different towards you since Jimin is back. You only confirmed my thought now.” She gets up and turns towards the mirror and looks at her neck.  
“Are you sure you want to go through with this? What about Hos-”
“Do I have a choice?”, she interrupts him. Tae curses at himself for not knowing what to do. She starts to undress herself. “I don’t mind being watched when I do take a shower, but I think Jungkook will have a problem with you being in here.” She says as she wipes the last tears off her face.
“How can you do that? How can you surrender yourself that easily?”, his face showed the pity he felt for her.
“Tae, I died inside a long time ago. I only did what felt right to survive and now, guess what. This is what I have to do now to survive.” By now she was completely naked as she walks towards him. He was frozen at place and did not know what to do. His eyes were still avoiding her body, but he moved his hands forward to hold her away. She takes his hands and put them on her waist. “I want it to be over. No matter what the price is, okay?” He nods before her hands are moving from his chest towards his neck. She pulls him closer to place some kisses from his neck up to his jaw. She places a few kisses on his lips before she leans her forehead against his. “See?” She looks deep into his eyes. “I can do it. I am disgusted when I think that I have to do that to him, but I can turn my mind off just as I did now.”  
“Be careful, okay?” She nods. “If something goes on that should not be happening, scream. I’ll try to help you.”, he says before he leaves the bathroom. Jimin was already standing there, waiting for Tae.
“You truly like to be close to death, huh? You look awful.”, Jimin wonders what might have happened that he looks so beaten up. He thought that this might be the reason why Jungkook was suddenly in such a good mood.
“Just shut up. You look like you something happened while I was-” Tae was looking for a word that could fill this blank. “busy.”, he says without any thought.
“Busy? You look more like you met Mike Tyson.”  
“None of your business. So, what went down?”
“Jungkook just held a short meeting. He already told us about the next house in case we have to move.” Jimin looks at the door when he hears the water starts to run. “Was there somebody with you?”
“She is in there.” Tae winks with his hand in front of Jimin’s face. “Did Jungkook say anything that he has planned for his next move?”
“He said to one of them that he will play with her mentally. He should be ready to join in and eventually he will add some of the other to join in too.”  
“Wait. It is not-”, he stops his talking as he sees Jungkook coming towards them.
“Having a nice meeting in the hall way?”
“Not really. Just told him that he should get his mind started for the upcoming meeting in a few minutes.”, Jimin lies. He knew that he just signed his death. Jungkook nods and looks at the bathroom door.
“She’s still in there?”
“Yes, but I guess she should be finished soon.”, Tae answers. Jungkook sends both of them into the living room. When both of them left, he looks inside the bathroom. He discovers that she let the water run even though she stood in front of the mirror with the towel on already. She seems lost in thoughts as he walks in to turn off the water.
“Do you want to keep me waiting?”, he asks as he touches her upper arms and kisses her shoulder.  
“No. I was just about to be done.”
“You look as you are already done.” He picks her up and takes her to the bedroom. He closes the bedroom door behind him and places her on the ground. He starts to kiss her aggressively. Her hand found their place on his neck as she playfully scratches him. “You want to play rough?” She licks his bottom lip and he opens his mouth a bit more. His hands are opening her towel and he lets it drop to the floor. His hands are moving to her hips as he pulls her closer. He starts to place kisses down her neck. He suddenly stops and sits down on the bed. He admires her body for a few seconds before he changed his mind. “Let’s play, come here.”, he commands her. She walks up to him with her hands on his thighs, her ass up in the air and her lips pressed on his. “The rule of this game; I ask you a question and you answer honestly, alright?” She nods with her head and places another kiss on his lips. “Good.” He pulls her closer by pulling her thighs to him until she sat on his lap. His hands were on her butt. “Question number one, do you trust Tae?” She was surprised that that question had nothing to do with what she told him she would do with him, but she tries to pretend as it was alright.
“I guess I should. You trust him, so will I trust him too.”
“Question number two, do you trust Jimin?”
“I am not sure, if I can trust him.”, she says as she moves her fingers along his chest. “If you do, I will do too.” She puts both of her arms around his neck to peck his lips.
“If I say I do not trust him, will you mistrust him?”
“I think I should do then so.” He slaps her butt hard with his right hand. His slap was painful and her butt starts to become red. The spot felt immediately warm. “Do I get slapped for every wrong answer or only the answers you dislike?”
“You will figure that out by yourself.” He caresses her butt and kisses her collarbone. He places his face on the side of her neck. “Question number three, do you believe Jimin that I have sent the recording and the photos to Yoongi?” her eyes widen and she becomes nervous. He starts to make a lovebite on her neck before his left hand goes up to her neck and he places soft, wet kisses along her neck side. She starts to fake moaning while her hands moved to his upper arms.
“He said Yoongi reacted to your messages, but he said nothing at the end.” His hands wander towards her waist. “Why are you asking me these questions?” His grip on her waist was strong and painful.
“I think he told you more than he should have for your own sake, don’t you think?” She was getting worried about what to answer. If she says a wrong answer, what will he do then. He caresses her breasts with his thumbs carefully. “Next time, when he does not know when to stop, I will make sure you will know each other’s skin.”
“What kind of game are you talking about?” He smiles at her and starts to kiss her.  
“Just relax.” The idea of it made her uncomfortable.
“What kind of game will I have to play with him?”
“Do what I say and I do not try to make me angry.” He moves his arms up and down her thighs. “Put each leg on each side of my right thigh.” When she was sitting in the way he wanted her to, he puts his right arm around her waist with his hand above her butt cheek. The other hand was on her neck to pull her closer for some kisses. “Keep moving your hips, ride my thigh.” Her hands were holding his shirt in her hands to stay in balance. He starts to make out with her. He gives her the sign to open her mouth even more and as soon as she did his tongue was touching hers. Jungkook opens his eyes to check Y/N’s face, it was red. Either she feels uncomfortable or he gets closer to what he wants. He starts to kiss down her neck again as his hand start to rest on her waist. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”, he says as he sees how wet she has become. “Does it make you feel good?”
“Yes, it does.” She hated herself for every move she makes. She hated that her body reacted positively, her mind is screaming at her ‘think about Hoseok!’. She just wanted to cry, but she starts to imagine it would be Hoseok, she thought when she would imagine him, it would not be that bad.
“Well then, time to lie down.” She stops her moving with a confused expression. “What’s wrong? Just lie down.” She gets up from his lap to lie down in the bed. As she looked at Jungkook, she can see that he has a box in his hands. “I will have to blindfold you for that.”, he says as he comes closer with a tie that he had in the box. “Arms above your head, doll.”, he commands. He places the box near her head, but it is not in her sight. She can hear that he takes something else out of the box and puts it around her wrist and she can hear the metal of the headboard before she can feel something else similar to the feeling before, on her other wrist. He pecks her lips before he uses the tie to blindfold her. The sound of his belt, made her nervous. She tells herself that she is stronger than that, she only needs to think about Hoseok. It sounds as clothes were thrown to the ground, then she hears a lock on the door. A key must have been placed at the table near the door according to the sound, after that she can only hear someone walking. “Just relax for me, okay?”, he says as she can feel the bed is moving. He picks her leg up to place kisses along her inner leg slowly, until he was in front of her vagina. “Nicely shaved. I think you need to be awarded for that, don’t you think?” He moves two fingers along her fold. “You are already wet? Makes it even more fun to play with you.” She can feel how his finger go up and down her folds until the fingers were gone and his hands are on her hips. From her belly button to her breast he takes his time to kiss her. His hands were moving along with his body until was completely on top of her. She could feel his boner moving against her body. As he arrived by her neck he starts to smile when he sees the purple spots on her neck. “I am sorry for what I did to you. But I hate to see you with any other man but me. You understand that I had to do what I did, right?”
“Yes, you needed to show me that I am only a player in your game.” His left fingers played with her nipple as he kisses her jawline. Without a warning he pinches her nipple and cuts her breast with one of his nails.  
“You are wrong.” He touches the cut he made on her skin. “You are my doll. You are only here for my needs and for the games that I will let you play.” He moves closer to her vagina again. He starts to play on her clit with his tongue. She only repeated her boyfriend’s name over and over again in her mind. It started to work, she starts to relax under his touches and moans. When he notices that she starts to feel good, he stops and places his dick closer to her womanhood. “Are you ready for me, my beautiful doll?” She only nods. “I will accept that you do not answer now, but therefore I want to hear you say may name clearly.” He pushes into her warm walls and a moan escapes his lips. “Fuck. I knew you were tight, but it was worth all the waiting.” He starts to kiss her passionately and lets her adjust to his seize. When he moved his body closer to her only his hips are starting to move. “God, you feel so good.” She starts to moan and she feels that she is reaching her orgasm soon. “You are easy to please, I like that.” His hands moved under her shoulders, his kisses were passionate but aggressive. “Fuck, I’m so close! Stop clenching.” She moves both of her legs on his hips to pull him closer. “Uh uh. Legs down, doll.”  
“But my award-” He interrupts her with kisses.  
“Your award, huh? I will let you cum, that is your award for today.” She moans as he hits all the right spots. She puts her leg down again. He sits up and takes her thighs to push her knees closer to her chest. Her legs are placed on his shoulder as he starts to nestle his head in her neck. He starts to thrust into her again, not like before, but aggressively fast.
“Fuck yes!” He smiles as he watches her biting her lip.  
“You like it when I play with you, don’t you?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Come for me, doll.” He started to speed up his thrusts even more. “Say my name. Tell me who makes you feel this good.” When the orgasm hit her body, she clenched hard around his dick. Which made him reach his orgasm, he points his face at her chest. He puts his body weight back on her and he kisses her twice on the neck before he went closer to her ear. “You did not say my name. I could feel that I made you feel good, but still you did not say my name.” He places a long kiss on her lips. “Punishment will follow.” He gets up to take a towel to dry himself before he puts his clothes back on. “You are really something else, do you know that?” He pets her head one more time before he presses another kiss on her forehead. She can hear him leaving the room, but he says no word and all she can hear afterwards is that he unlocks the door and that the door closes again. She was sure that she was alone in the room. Panic starts to fill her body, sweat starts to build on her back. What could he possibly want her to do, that he leaves her behind like this. She tries not to think about anything in this moment, but the fear grew stronger as the sound of the door opening was hearable one more time. She can hear that he was not alone, the footsteps did not sound like only one person. The next thing she could hear was the click of the gun, the same click she heard in front of the fisher house. “Keep your legs down. Just relax.”, Jungkook says. She can hear someone walking around the room that stopped when Jungkook sat next to her with his hand on her chin. “We are still playing the honest game, right?”
“Yes.”, she mumbles. The amusement of her fear made Jungkook more than happy.
“Then tell me honestly, who would be more fun to play with. Would it be Jimin or Tae?” He lies the gun on her between her rib cage. “Who will be the other player of our game?”
“I want you to play with me alone, just you.” She does not want to picture Jimin or Tae standing there. She can hear that some steps sounded as they would stand in one line.  
“Too bad.” He sighs as he looks at her face. She moves her lips but no word wants to come out. Her chest starts to move fast. “Did I say, you are allowed to cry during our game?” He watches her cry before he turns to the men standing at the wall. “I guess I will have to choose then.”
“I only want to play with you Jungkook. Please!”, she starts to beg. He leans down to pet her head.
“Nothing happened yet.” He looks at the men and looks at two of them. “You two leave. Do not interrupt me until I am done here.” The men did not say a word, they just left. When they were outside, he walks back to her to move her tie from her eyes to her mouth. She finally could see but she could not speak. Jungkook locks the door and puts the key in his pocket. “Did I not say, do not stare at her body?” Jungkook takes the gun and shoots into the man’s foot. “You did not say my name, now someone has to pay for you. Just because you did not want to play by my rules. I will be nice today, just to show you what would be happening to one of the four.” He sends the man to the other side of the room away from the door as he takes the handcuffs off her. She tries to catch the blanket to cover herself but Jungkook takes it away from her. “You are the last good thing he will see. Let him see what is mine.” His left hand was on her throat while he took the gun into his right hand. “Enjoy the show, my doll.”
Tae and Jimin were waiting in the living room for at least thirty minutes until two men appeared. “Where have you been?” The men look at each other and start to laugh. Before they could pass him, Tae took out a knife of his pocket and pushes it into one of the man’s stomach. The other man only looked and could not believe of what he sees. “I am Jungkook’s right hand. Have you also forgotten that?” The man mumbles a no and looks at his buddy. “Take him to the basement or somewhere else. I hate to watch unworthy people die.”, he commands and the man immediately follows his command. “The rest of you stays here. Rat, you come with me.” When Tae realized they are far away from them, he says quietly. “He will tell her that it was one of us.” He sees the confusion on Jimin’s face. As they walk near the bedroom door, they can hear the lock of the door. “I think he lets him rape her or he gives her a show.”
“Are you sure about it?”
“It has always been either rape or a show for the girl.”
“Do you have a plan? She won’t be able to handle that.”
“Jimin, I trust her. She said she will play along, maybe that can save her some pain.”
“Do you truly think that he will torture her or is it a test for us too?”
“If it would have been for us, he would have let the door unlocked.” Tae sees that one other room was open and it was only two doors away from Jungkook’s room. Jimin looked much more worried than Tae. Then they started to hear screams coming from the bedroom in which Y/N was still in. It sounded like a hushed scream, but it did not sound as it would be her.
“Watch the show I give you!” That screaming which sounded through the hallway, must have been Jungkook’s voice. Jimin immediately jumps up.
“Tae, we should-”
“Not yet.”
“Not yet? Do you have any idea what she will have to go through?”
“I told you that a few minutes ago. If you heard clearly, he said watch the show. Which means he will use this guy as an example for what he will do to Yoongi.”
“But what if-”
“We have to be more careful around her. Otherwise one of us will be next.”
“Say it. I will be next.” Tae only sighs as he plays with his fingers. Jimin starts to walk up and down the room. “Why is he so obsessed with Yoongi?”
“It isn’t Yoongi directly.” Jimin looks up at Tae. “I told you Jungkook always got and still gets what he wants.” Jimin sat down again whilst Tae puts his elbows on his knees to lean forward. “He wanted her since he saw her in that strange Strip club, I told you about.”
“Do not tell me that she is the girl he wanted, which lived under the bridge.”
“That is her, but that isn’t all.”
“What are you talking about?”
“When my sister died, I went through her stuff. I found Y/N’s picture in the year book of hers.”  
“What does it have to do with your sister?”
“I think he saw the letters between her and my sister. When they were little, Y/N’s father died. Her mother could not pay the rent and she moved away with Y/N. I never saw her again until my sister died. When she died I saw her yearbook. Under Y/N’s name, my sister wrote that she would never forget her best friend. When I looked at the picture, I remembered the girl that we saw under the bridge. Jungkook tried to get her away from there to make her his when he found that out. Apparently, the club owner was faster than us. When he figured out that she worked at the bar, he went there every night. He watched her, I heard that they sell the girls. I mentioned it to him once, since then he told the owner, no matter how high the price would be he will pay for her. On that day, he got the call that the club owner puts her on sale, we drove there. But she was running out of the building and that’s when he saw that she ran into Yoongi.”
“He wants revenge because he stole her?”
“No, he wants revenge because Yoongi is always a step ahead of him. He wants him finally gone and if he can play with Yoongi along the way, he will do it.” Tae sighs. “He only got that aggressive when he figured out that he hides her in this women’s center. So, he pretended to make our crews bigger and to put them together if Yoongi cooperates. I had to lie to Jin. I lied to the only person I had left to help Jungkook to get what he wanted.”
“Wait, your cousin Seokjin?” Jimin started to create a picture of the puzzles pieces he had on his mind.  
“Yes. I might be good in hacking, but he knows how to control every single person of his crew. He gets through a system a message on his phone whenever we make a phone call or when we send a text, the phone number appears as a phone message on his phone. The guy who is missing in the living room, he tried to take over a job with no right to do so. Jungkook got informed on his phone that it was him, he will let him pay for that.”
“Even if you wanted to, you would have to tell it personally to Yoongi then…”
“I tried to tell Yoongi about this so many times, but Jungkook always appeared from somewhere. I thankfully managed it to tell it to Jin after a while. When Yoongi heard about it, he flipped out. Jin tried to calm him, but he started to even attack Jin who was standing in front of her to protect her from his rage. That’s when she got a black eye. Jin ducked and Yoongi swung his arm and hit her.” Tae stands up. “Jungkook saw the black eye, he was getting angry, but I do not know what he feels for her. I could never figure it out. He treats her differently than the other girls he played with.” Tae walks towards Jimin. “I told Jin to get her away from there, no matter how. I feared that Jungkook would harm her. I promised Yoongi, if he would get her away, I will promise him to keep him away from her.” A gunshot came from the bedroom in which she was still in, a man starts to scream in pain. Jimin runs towards the room. “Don’t! Jimin!” But his words stayed unheard.  
“I will not let her be in such a situation!”
“What do you want to do, huh?” Tae licks his lips nervously as his eyes wander from the wall up before they are back on Jimin. “Go in there and you will not make it out alive! He locked the door, how do you want to get in anyway?” Jimin storms back into the other room Tae follows him and closes the door. “What are you doing?” Tae can see that Jimin is taking out his phone card and switches it with the one he had in his shoe. Tae locks the door with the key which was already stuck in the lock.  
“Is it locked?” Tae nods.
“What are you doing? If someone knocks on the door, I will pretend that I had to give you a beating.”
“Fine with me.”  
“Fine? Who do you want to call anyway?”
“I call Namjoon.”  
“Why exactly Namjoon?”
“Let’s see it in that way. Jin and Yoongi do want me six feet under. Hoseok wishes me death too and the only one who stays a bit more professional would be Namjoon.” When Namjoon finally picked up, Tae moved closer to Jimin so that they would not have to use the loudspeaker.
“Is everything alright?”, Namjoon asks. In the background you can hear him walking and some male voices stopped their conversation.
“We have a big problem.” The heavy breathing of Namjoon was clear to hear, but you could also hear that he is nervous. “I do not know how strong she is mentally, but he is showing her right now what he will do to Yoongi.” When Yoongi heard it, his eyes filled with water. Not because of what will happen to him, but seeing his queen in front of his eyes with seeing what he will do. This time Tae and Jimin could hear a scream but no gunshot.  
“What was that?”, Hoseok screams through the phone. “Is she alright?”
“She is doing alright. That was the show I was talking about.” Hoseok and Namjoon are sharing looks before Hoseok looks at Yoongi.  
“Bring her to the phone as soon as you have the chance.”
“I can’t. If I do one more strike, I am dead.”, Jimin explains.  
“I do not care if you are dead! Get her to the phone!”, Yoongi starts to yell. “They brought you back in to protect her from him. How come that she is alone with him now?”
“She agreed to play his doll.”, he answers slowly.
“You little shit! I swear to god if he hurts her, just the slightest, I will kill you personally”
“Yoongi, I am trying. But he mistrusts me and Tae. I think-” A knock on the door interrupts his conversation.
“Who’s in there?” It was Jungkook. Tae gazes at Jimin. Jimin only nods.
“You know what I have to do?”, Tae whispers and Jimin nods.
“What’s going on in there?”, Jungkook asks.
“I have to give Jimin a lesson. We are out here soon.”, Tae says as Jimin hangs up and exchanges the phone card.
“Don’t hurt him to bad, we still need him.”, Jungkook says through the door. Jungkook can hear the hits Tae gives Jimin, he can also hear Jimin’s painful groans. He starts to smirk when he looks back to the bedroom door. She was leaning against the doorframe with red eyes and dried lips. Her black skirt showed a lot of leg and the red shirt which looked like a second skin on her. She only looked at the blood stains on his shirt. The dried blood on his arms, some stains were even on his thighs. A monster would be nothing compared to what Jungkook did in front of her. The way he killed him slowly, the painful look on the man’s face. The last breath the man exhaled. Jungkook had nothing human like in him that she could find. No matter how much she would dig, she would not find it. He has a wet towel in his hand with which he tries to clean himself with. “Let’s get you something to drink.” He holds his hand out for her to take but she just passes him. That was enough to make him angry again. He throws to the towel to the floor and pushes her on her shoulder against the wall. “Who do you think you are to avoid me?” She looks behind him to the door.
“Is that Jimin?”
“Why should I tell you?”
“Nevermind.” She tries to get away from him.  
“Did you realize now what I will do to everyone you care for, when you break the rules?” The door behind them unlocked and Tae tried to step forward to see if she was alright. “I don’t know why you care for Tae, I even understand less why you care for Jimin. If you do one more mistake, be it just avoiding me. I will give you a show with one of them!”, he screams at her. Their faces were only inches apart, but still he raised his voice. He looked as he was about to kill her. She never saw someone that scary and never feared someone as much as she does now. He stares into her eyes with so much aggression that she just wanted to cry. Her body was filled with more fear the longer his eyes were clued on her.  “Crying does not work on me, but maybe it does to them.” He turns over to them. “I sent someone to clean the bedroom, therefore she will stay the night with someone else.” He turns towards them as he takes her by her wrist.
“Jungkook.” He stops walking. “I would not trust the others, they already talked trash about her. Either you take her by yourself or I will keep an eye on her.”, Tae suggests.
“What kind of trash?”
“They want a piece of her.” Without thinking he clenches his hands. He did not notice it at the beginning, only when she tried to move her wrist.
“Tell anyone, the only one who will get a piece of her is me.” Jimin wipes the blood off his lip. It caught Jungkook’s attention. “And maybe Jimin.” Jimin starts to look up with a disgust at Jungkook. “Oh, don’t pretend to be disgusted. I will pick some nice clothes for her, I even leave you two alone.” He starts to walk away with her before he stops walking again. Her eyes only went straight forward not even caring where she will go nor about what he will do next. Nothing mattered anymore. It feels as every single thing, every single touch, every so little detail is taking the hope from her. “But Tae, you are right. Make sure our stuff is clean and put it in the other bed room. I think she will need some good sleep.”, he says before he kept walking.
Later that night, Tae and Jimin had to share a room, because Jungkook decide to take Tae’s bedroom until his was clean again. Tae darken the window and turned on his flashlight from his phone.
“I truly hope that no one sees you doing that.”, Tae whispers.
“I have to check if they texted me.”
“Still not very thoughtful.” Tae watches Jimin’s finger move. “Do you still know which side you are on?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you still know who you truly are?”
“I guess. It is not so simple to remember my true me when you have to pretend to be someone else to almost every person around you. Why?”
“I feel lost. I feel like giving up. Have you reached that point? Have you ever felt like that in your life before?” Jimin looks at Tae and stops his movements.  
“Are you alright?”
“No. How could I be alright? Look at me. I have nothing.” He takes a deep breath. “I don’t even know if we are still friends. Are we?” Jimin smiles.
“Why do you think I was able to come back?”
“Tell me, I don’t know.”
“I told my boss what happened to your sister and what he has in his hands against you. My boss told me that a half year before it all happened, he was informed that you, Hoseok, Namjoon and me were planned to be together at his police station. He had even picked you personally, he was disappointed to see you leave with no explanation. He wants to give you a second chance if we can prove to him that everything, I told him is true.”
“Why would you do that for me?”, Tae asks surprised.
“Please, you always wanted to help people. You always wanted that kind of job. You can still decline it though.” Tae nods in understanding. Jimin phone starts to light up.
“Fuck!”, Jimin’s face showed panic.
“What’s wrong?” The face on Jimin’s face made him worry.
“Yoongi is on his way.”
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