#the batfam needs therapy and hugs
undertheredhood · 7 months
a funny (but also very angsty) headcanon that i have for bruce is that he will go to jason's grave (or his memorial case) and talk to it for hours and jason will be like "i'm literally right here!" and is completely offended that bruce would rather communicate with an inanimate object rather than his own son.
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Just A Kid Next Door - Chapter 5
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Bruce is finally back from being stuck in the time stream. Tim managed to save Batman and his loved ones. Now it is time for Tim to go home and rest. But the problem is that, Tim has no home. Or that's what he thinks so.
This will be a multichapter fic on how did Tim reconcile with his family. It will be full of angst, family feels and family shenanigans.
Here in the link to read the story in ao3.
-------------------------------CHAPTER 5---------------------------------
Dick couldn’t help but let his thought wander as he drove through the streets of Gotham, to the Manor. He glanced at Damian who was sitting in the passenger seat of the BatMobile, lost in his own thoughts while sporting a scowl.
Richard Grayson was Seven years old when he had his first nightmare.
That night, he dreamt about gross-looking, purple colored alien, using its power to set Zitka on fire. He screamed and screamed, screamed for help, but the alien only laughed.
When he woke up, all sweaty and tired, his mother was there, hugging him tightly and whispering sweet nothings. She was running her finger through his tangled hair while the other hand was holding his head closely to her chest. Her actions were soothing him.
Then his father came, holding out to him a glass of milk, with an encouraging smile.
That night, he slept peacefully, clinging to his mother and father.
The BatMobile came to a stop having come to the BatCave. Dick got out of the vehicle as fast as he could and made his way to the Med Bay. He saw Alfred standing in near the entrance, his expression a mixture of surprise and relief.
Dick is relived too.
The next morning when he woke up, he was still scared about the previous night's dream. Hence after practicing his first routine for that day, his mother took him to a park and they both sat under a tree.
After few minutes of comfortable silence, his mother took out two colored papers out from her purse and handed one to Dick and kept one for herself.
“Dragă, when I was a child, just like you, I used have many bad dreams too. Then my Papi taught me how to make these beautiful paper crafts as a distraction. My Papi was great at it.
She let out a long sigh, thinking about Dick’s late grandfather.
“So whenever I used to have those dreams, we both would make many beautiful crafts like this together. It helped me to focus on other things and forget about those awful dreams.”
She turned and looked at him, her eyes shining, just like the sequins on their Leotards that they wear for the shows.
“I think it’s time for me to pass on that tradition to you, my copil.
That day, he made his first ever origami with his mother, a ‘Robin’.
From that day, every time Dick had nightmares, he and his mother would make various colourful origami which would ease all of his worries.
“Dr. Leslie Thompkins is checking upon Master Bruce, Master Dick. She forbade anyone from entering. I suggest you to be at ease, until then.” Alfred commented.
Dick couldn’t do anything but nod.
He removed his cowl, letting out a huge sigh as he took a seat in one of the chairs. Damian was carefully noting all of the young Batman’s moves.
Richard Grayson was eight years old when he lost his parents due to a fatal accident, which he later discovered to be a murder.
Richard Grayson was eight years old when he became an orphan.
Richard Grayson was eight years old, when his whole world was ripped away from him.
But Dick was also eight years old, when he was adopted by Bruce Wayne as his legal ward.
Dick’s thoughts were interrupted when Dr. Leslie exiting from the medical room.
“Just some mild cuts and bruises here and there. But all in all, I’d say he is doing great. And I’ve put him under mild pain medication, so it would probably take some time for him to wake up.”  Dr, Leslie said, packing her equipment.
“And by the way, you could see him now.”
Dick slowly made his way to the medical room, and was greeted by the sight of Bruce’s sleeping form. He saw Damian make his way to one side of the bed, taking one of Bruce’s hand in his. Even having spent quite some time with Damian now, he was still unable to read the young boy’s expression.
The room was completely silent.
Dick took small steps towards the other side of the bed, while eyeing Bruce carefully. Bruce looked sickly pale, his body had lost some muscles which made him look gaunt.
But dick also noticed that Bruce’s face was calm. His face looked unusually calm.
Dick took his seat on a small chair next to Bruce and took his other hand in his. He vaguely noticed Alfred wiping his tears.
It took him a minute to realize that he was crying too.
Dick was nine years old when he had his first nightmare in the Manor. He had dreamt about his parents falling off their trapeze, he saw the rope breaking, saw his parent’s smile turning into a scared expression, saw his parents fall. And he wasn’t able to do anything but cry.
It had just been few days since his adoption. But this time, his mother was not there to provide him comfort or his father, to give him a glass of milk. His mother was not there to help him make his origami figurines.
He got up from his bed and made his way to where he kept his school bag. He took out a few colored sheets and made his way to the kitchen.
He switched on the lights and took his seat in the dining area.
He tried to make a Robin origami this time, but all he did was cry and cry, cry until the coloured paper was wet due to his tears.
But he failed to notice a shadowy figure make its way towards him.
Bruce took a seat next to Dick, who was shaking, seemingly have not noticed the older man’s presence.
Bruce took one of his hands in his, which made Dick turn towards the older man, his eyes bloodshot and wide.
Then Dick crashed onto Bruce that night. He cried and cried, cried until he fell to a deep slumber. Bruce did nothing other that hold the shaking kid in his arms, praying that this would pass. Praying that his kid could recover from the trauma. Praying that he would not turn out to be like him.
The next morning when Dick woke up, he was surprised to see himself on his bed.
He did not fail to notice a Bat shaped origami on his night stand.
“Bruce” he called out, his voice trembling.
“Br-Bruce, wake up.”
He took his mentor's hand and brought it to his forehead, bending his head, and he cried.
Ever since that night, it became an unspoken tradition for both to leave origami figures for each other when the other was stressed or feeling down. It became even more frequent when Dick became Robin because of his increasing nightmares.
But every time, Bruce was there for him, providing comfort.
But as Dick grew and entered his teenage years, it became less frequent.
Dick and Bruce started having more and more disagreements and fights. In the beginning, they would use origami to converse with each other, mostly for apologizing. But as days passed, their fights grew more and more frequent, until one day when Dick altogether decided to put an end to it.
Their bonding activity came to an abrupt end, when dick moved out of the Manor.
Dick was silently shedding tears, when he heard a rough voice.
“Chum” Bruce called out, he eyes squinting, trying to adjust to the lights.
“Bruce, you’re back. God, I missed you so much, B”
Dick immediately hugged the old man, his head to Bruce’s chest hearing his heart beat, and cried.
These few months had been one of the hardest days of his entire life. Losing Bruce, he was forced to take up the Mantle of Batman and make the right choices as the next responsible adult.
Becoming Batman, leaving Nightwing, making Damian Robin, letting Tim go was the hardest decisions he’d ever had to take.
But he had to do it. Do it for the sake of his family, do it for the sake of Gotham.
Gotham needs Batman, so he had to make the right choice.
He was hurting. Hell, he was grieving. But he had no one to turn to. Despite having awful nightmares, he had no origami figures on his nightstand anymore. He had no one to provide him comfort.
He had lost his Dad once again.
He hugged Bruce tightly, fearing that he would disappear into thin air if he doesn’t do so.
Bruce closed his eyes and relished the feeling of his firstborn hugging him. He then glanced at Damian, who was watching them closely.
Bruce smiled and motioned him to join the hug. When Damian made no move, Bruce pulled the young boy towards him and hugged him.
Damian went rigid for few seconds, before closing his eyes and returning the hug. The three of them spent the next few moments huddled together, peacefully.
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cosmicfanon89 · 2 years
what's red hood and the outlaws??
It's a Webtoon that just recently premiered on the site. I honestly would recommend reading Wayne Family Adventures over the Outlaws Webtoon though. I'm not a huge fan of canon comics (too messy and most of the time Bruce is a huge asshole to his kids) so I really enjoyed WFA. I was initially excited about the Outlaws Webtoon but after fast passing the latest episode I was sorely disappointed. Nothing against the artists or writer but I don't like that they're going with the whole 'Jason is a petulant toddler who is angry for no valid reason and Bruce is a cold asshole who threatens to throw him in Arkham'. It makes me sad just let them be father and son and have a halfway healthy relationship.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 2 years
Problem with Jason Todd
It's been a while since my last Batman opinion piece and I still have more to say about Jason Todd. Disclaimer: I mainly know Jason Todd through the Red Hood movie and the alternate scenarios that were released that I watched on Youtube, and glimpses of comics and the fanfic/review reactions to them (eg RHATO #25).
I love Jason-centric fanfic. I am an angst addict. From the fanfiction and/or comics I have seen there are certain handling of Jason's relationship with his family:
The problems are swept under the rug. Jason reconciles with his family and everything is peachy after some talking and apologies.
Jason cuts the toxic batfam from his life. He may get married (eg to Artemis), adopt a bunch of stray kids and/or just build a new family away from the Waynes. Very cathartic to read.
Jason and the batfam reconcile properly. They hash things out sincerely and Jason is brought back into the family. Or they hash things out and Jason moves on with his life.
Jason and the batfam do not reconcile properly. The family still does not fully trust him and treats him as the black sheep. Basically, they are civil but Jason is just backup, not a true family member.
All of these can be satisfying stories. It just depends on how you view the batfamily. The comics seem to be the culprit. You have ones where Bruce is a loving father and others where he is severely abusing his robins. Like in RHATO where he nearly beat Jason to death! How do you conciliate these 2 views??
Some actions can be explained. For example, I read a nice headcanon in a fanfic for the "good soldier" inscription on his display case. Basically, Bruce used it as a reminder about how he failed Jason as a son, instead treating him as a soldier. However, no amount of headcanons can reason away Bruce slicing Jason's throat to save the Joker. How can Jason smile and laugh again with the man who did something horrendous like that to him??
As for Jason himself as the character, I hate saying it but he has nowhere to go. He became popular as the anti-hero Red Hood, with all the baggage of his trauma. But all the comics and shows do is just keeping beating him down. What's the end of his character arc?? Let me know because I do not see it from any analyses I have read. He just loses more people and continues to get treated like trash. He's just there for angst, nothing more.
Another problem is Jason has nothing for himself really. He's stuck between Dick and Tim's robin generation. Red Arrow and Starfire were Dick's friends - he has none really of his own (until Bizarro and Artemis). None of his codenames are his. Robin was Dick's and Red Hood was the Joker's I believe (so messed up).
Red Hood is a stagnant character. People (including myself) love him for his trauma but there's little beyond that. The best thing for Jason IMO is for him to leave Gotham, or the batfam at least, and forge his own path. Did the comics do that for a while? Maybe, but not sure. Or Jason stays to help Crime Alley but has rock solid boundaries with them.
I love Jason Todd. He has suffered so much and he deserves a happy life far away from the batfam. My man deserves some peace and quiet so he can heal from all he's been through.
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bibibusinessman · 4 months
Random thoughts about the batfam
Kate can’t stand her hair touching her neck so she has an undercut and always keeps her hair up in a bun. When asked why she doesn’t just shave it she says her girlfriend loves running her fingers through her hair.
Dick can’t cook. Poor guy tries so hard but burns everything. He does make really good baked goods though. He and Bruce experiment in the kitchen whenever Alfred is away and no one eats their cooking.
Jason has nightmares but not always about the joker. He dreams about losing his family. Whenever he wakes up from a dream like that he goes and hugs them all. Bruce tries his best to help heal his broken son only to realize that Jason isn’t broken. He just needs love.
Tim struggles with body dysmorphia. He thinks he looks like a bony twig when he is actually quite muscular. It took Jason finding him crying in the bathroom and having a long talk to finally help him realize he is perfect as is.
Steph worries that if she isn’t the beacon of sunshine she tries to be her family won’t accept her. After all she is the daughter of a enemy. Bruce assured her that she is as much a member of the family as anyone else.
Cass thinks of herself as a killing machine. She was raised by Lady Shiva and wasn’t taught anything but assassin skills. Bruce had to teach her that she is more than just her mother. Bruce helped her get into dancing and saved her from herself.
Damian’s obsession with caring for animals comes from his tough early childhood. Talia tried to be a good parent but Ras had too much power. Damian never wants another living thing to feel the neglect he felt.
Duke struggles with both anxiety and ocd, he needs complete control. Joining the bats has made him realize that not every thing can be controlled. Bruce was the first one to recognize dukes symptoms and put him in therapy.
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toulousewayne · 1 month
Daily Batfam Shenanigans Pt:5
Dick looks over from his spot watching TV and eating Coco Puffs.
Dick:Yes Little Dee?
Damian:You are very aware of my experience with animals.
Dick: Very much so, yes.
Damian:Why does father seem so interested about give me Birds and bees.
Dick laughs for a bit.
Dick: No kiddo, he talking about…the reproductive health.
Damian:…Sex? I know what sex is Grayson Mother gave me this with topic with a diagram and you and the alien are never quiet when I stay at the tower. So I do not see the need for such time constraints.
Jason is in the cave help Tim with his wound care when he notices a large scar on Tim.
Jason: Where’d you get this from Replacement, falling off the handlebars of your bike again?
Tim (Drowsy from medicine ): Oh that, no Ra took my spleen.
Jason:…..The fuck you just say Tim?
Oracle is in the ClockTower and is on Coms with Robin who’s patrolling the East end.
Robin: Oracle?
Oracle: Yes, Robin?
Robin:Father, had the talk with me earlier.
Oracle:And how’d that go?
Robin:I think Father needs to take a course on giving the talk he isn’t very good at it.
Oracle (Chuckling): Why do you think that?
Robin: He kept trying to explain anatomy but he didn’t understand women’s. He said I should ask a woman.
Oracle loosing it on the other line.
Robin:Is it that complex?
Oracle gaining her composure: Oh, kiddo you right your father needs help.
Robin: So will you explain—
Oracle: Absolutely not.
Duke:Is this safe?
Jason:Most likely not.
Duke:Should we tell someone?
Duke:Are you going to?
Jason: Nope
Alfred in the next room: Whatever you two are about to do, save yourselves the trouble.
Kate: And how did you convince him to do it?
Stephanie & Dick: Bribes
Kate: Okay, so what exactly did you two bribe him with?
Dick(Smirking): That’s highly useful and top secret information.
Jason enters the room in a fuzzy red sweater and approaches Bruce who’s reading a book.
Bruce (Confused): Everything okay Jay?
Jason give Bruce a hug and quickly leaves the the room.
Stephanie (Sobbing): You got the tissues?
Dick hands her a box and dries his own tears.
Kate walking away: This family needs therapy.
Tim:Why are you staring at me?
Tim:Did I do something to you,or are you trying out to be one of the twins from the Shining?
Damian:I need you to take me and Jon to see a movie Saturday night.
Tim:You couldn’t have lead with that?!
Barbara: Go Left
Batman & Nightwing go Right
Barbara: No your other left.
Nightwing:That’s the right?
Barbara trying not to scream and rip her hair out.
Barbara: This Family Makes me want to murder people.
Batman: Are we in Pursuit of Riddler Now?
*Oracle Disconnects*
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ruenii · 1 year
'transmigrator' tim drake who's gotten used to suddenly waking up in an alternate dimension similar to his but its just AO3 batman fics he keeps on getting transported to, so now he tries to figure out the plot before looking at the tags as a distraction while trying to find his way back to his original dimension.
"Oh another coffee shop AU? Okay...i wonder what pairing this is-- anddd its superbat, okay, cool."
"Hold the fuck on, why is green lantern making out with batman, WAIT WHY ARE THEY IN GOTHAM ACADEMY—"
"Another angsty fic of me? Okay, FINE, I'll get fucking therapy jfc, and maybe I'll get my life back together no need to tell me twice.
"This is unfair, god hates me, why the hell is Damian taller than me when he's 16. HE'S LITERALLY 16."
"Damnnn, you really just did that Bruce? CPS is gonna have a field day with this."
"Awww this is actually pretty cute, I would never do that though, god that was fucking embarassing, you're embarassing."
Now when he comes back to his original universe he just has all this weird knowledge and habits that he has after being in all those universes, and some of them he doesnt even notice like:
He sleeps literally anywhere in the Manor, kissing Kon on the cheek, holding Duke's hand randomly, being cuddly with Bart and Cassie, patting Jason in the back, ruffling Damians head or even hugging Dick first. And he sometimes just hugs Bruce just because, maybe Bruce is gonna be shocked for the first few times then he gets used to it.
And everyone in the batfam and his friends gets used to Tim being subtly open to affection and reciprocates it back to him, while also being used to him referencing some weird pop culture memes and inside jokes they don't get except for him.
TLDR: Tim gets character development by reading fanfiction.
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yandereorg · 3 months
I would want Jason to 100% cut Bruce off his life tbh. I'm a lover of those who are able and willing to cut toxic people off.
Jason as he is in the comics is stuck in limbo, it makes no sense for him to occasionally work with the bat family. I feel like Jason has kind of black and white view, with that thinking bruce and by a lesser extent the rest of the batfam arent heroes or heroes that got lost along the way, instead of helping gotham they pacify issues at best or at worst are prolonging the pain and suffering of everyday citizens of gotham.
the writers clearly want Jason to be apart of the bat family but in utrh we dont get a resolution and in death of the family Jason doesnt want to stay, in the outlaws we see him give up his most cherished memory (him, bruce and Alfred ) willingly. Jason is dramatic, its in his bones, he had five years of training to find forgiveness, to get perspective, but he didnt.
I think would be better for like Jason's recovery to leave gotham and go to therapy, hopefully not a criminal one. but I can see why this isnt entertaining from a story perspective
but I think Jason needs an utrh part two or like Arkham knight type thing, like he lets them arrest him and taken into Arkham and forms alliances, joker has a lot of enemies after all but he double crosses them, along with corrupt guards and the such, then the next time bruce drops off joker it goes down. Jason will once again probably loss because dc cant let anyone hurt brucie baby.
I really like the idea of the outlaws, though is wasnt done very well, I think the idea of a group of people who were so exploited as children coming together and working it out together, like being a sidekick is really weird its a naive dream that most come to regret, obviously there are some exceptions, but for the human sidekicks its very unethical and leaves life long scars. robin wears bright yellow, red and green, drawing attention away from batman, which is a little weird when your employing literal children. but dick was angry? Jason needed this? Tim wanted this? this is how they saved dami? none of this is real why does it matter? comics having consequences is more interesting, like bruce can treat those around him however he wants and in three issues it'll all be okay. like Jason forgiving him and coming home, playing house while bruce and everyone else treats him like hes crazed, violent and like hes always been like this. Jason is doomed, everything that could of saved him didnt, he was 15 when he die, and he was promptly forgotten, I think he has the shortest robin run after steph. but like roy, kori, and Jason could be deep and meaningful and like a finding peace story, if dc allowed it but they boil these very interesting characters into, emotionally constipated Jason, cringe roy, sexy kori. and these characters are the same at the hug, theres on growth, nothing it feels pointless and empty. Jason as a character feels lost, its so clear dc doesnt know what to do with him
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
Under the Surface
by SomebodyIUsetoKnow The overall aim of Analytical Music Therapy is to encourage expression of unconscious thoughts and feelings one might otherwise not know how to face. Since the Bats are notorious for not talking about their feelings, maybe its time they start listening. Dick finally lays it all out for his family and tells them everything that he has struggled with since becoming Robin. He just doesn't know that they're there. Words: 14523, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Nightwing (Comics), DCU (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dinah Lance, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucifer Morningstar (Vertigo Comics), Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Diana (Wonder Woman), Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Dick Grayson, Joseph Wilson (DCU), Rick Flag, Mark Richards, Cody Driscoll, Koriand'r Relationships: Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson (Past), Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Everyone, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain & Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Roy Harper Additional Tags: Mental Health Issues, References to Depression, Past suicide attempt (mentioned), Past Sexual Assault (mentioned), Songfic, Sort Of, Everyone Needs A Hug, Dick Grayson Gets a Hug, Bruce Wayne Gets a Hug, Hopeful Ending, 100 Percent Self Indulgent Fic, DC Let Dick Grayson Be Happy Damnit!, DC Let the Batfam Be Happy Damnit!, Not Barbara Gordon Friendly, Just never liked her for Dick, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Bats are always Bad at Feelings via https://ift.tt/wThdKDR
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gayfrogs03 · 2 years
A late continuation of my lastest post :)
⚠️⚠️!!TW: Mention of drugs, very brief mention of overdose (Jason's mom), abuse, eating disorders, and character death, and violence!!⚠️⚠️
Tell me if there is any more!!
If you are triggered by any of those please don't read, be cautious if you do read, and stay safe everyone 💜💜💜
Everyone in the batfam has pills (prescribed by a doctor) that they have to take for various reasons, in the morning, at night, and some mid day
So it's not unusual to see everyone in the kitchen taking there pills before breakfast or before dinner (never take pills on an empty stomach!!!!)
They also remind those who wake up late to take theirs, also alarms going off mid day for those who take them then
Jason keeps close tabs on everyones pills, counts them and makes sure that no one is taking more than what they need to
He thinks no one knows about it, but everyone does, and the keep them in places Jason knows about so he doesn't have to search for them
This is why Jason is actually the first person to find out about Tim's missing spleen because he found his antibiotics and questioned him about it
Tim explained how he was stabbed and Ra's men performed an emergency surgery on him and had to remove his spleen
Then had to explain why he was with Ra's in the first place, Jason wasn't a happy camper
The others find out when Tim gets sick and both him and Jason are very worried and cautious (Tim quickly developed a high fever and was bed ridden for like two weeks a little bit after they explained everything)
Bruce cries when he find out all what happened when he was stuck in time
AND Dick, Tim, and Damian all one day have a LONG talk filled with apologies from all sides because they all did things wrong, explanations, what they were thinking, feeling, and going through at the time, crying, hugging (with strict permission), ect
It was basically a huge therapy session between them that actually brings them closer :)
Bruce often checks on all his kids at night, it not rare for him to go room to room just to look in and make sure they are there and safe
Every batfam number has trouble sleeping, so a lot of times they'll be quietly doing something (sitting on their phones or laptops watching movies, playing games, drawing, listening to music or a podcast, working on some sort of craft, ect), they'll look up, wave at Bruce, and go back to what their doing
They are not allowed to be working tho, that is the opposite of relaxing, Bruce will take the work away
It is also not unusual for him to find them hanging out in on of their siblings rooms, or all of them in one room, quietly talking, or not speaking at all, just enjoying each other's company
They did learn to put signs on their doors when this happens tho, so Bruce doesn't go to check on them and panic when they're not there
Dick made everyone their own special signs for it :)
Nightmares are very common for all of them they usually seek out Bruce, one of each other, or even Alfred
Nightmares are often what causes Bruce to go check on everyone
Alfred keeps everyones favorite tea's out on the counters so they can make some to calm down on these occasions
There was one time that Jason had a nightmare that he went all the way and killed Tim, so when he woke up he had to see Tim to make sure it wasn't true, but Tim was staying the night at Bernard's apartment, causing Jason to have a panic attack, and after Dick called to explain what was going on Tim drove all the way to the manor in the rain, barefoot and in his pajamas to assure Jason he was alive and well
They fell asleep on the couch together with Jason clinging to Tim
Bernard by then was told about everything and was very understanding, even sent Jason a book he thought he'd like as in apology for "stealing Tim when you needed him" twas not needed but appreciated anyway
Tim has a scar across his neck from when Jason cut it, and covers it with concealer, high necked clothing makes him feel "Bleh" so concealer is the only way to go
Jason cried when he saw it for the first time
Dick double and triple checks everyones lines every night before they leave to make sure they never fall
Tim and Damian have an agreement to NEVER tell Dick about Damian cutting Tim's line for Dick's peace of mind
Fidget toys (or stim toys whatever you want to call it) are hidden all over the manor, everyones apartments, safe houses, and work spaces so whenever someone needs one they have it
Batman also has a fuck ton in his belt, he can can will give them to other super heroes too if he thinks they need one
Kon, Wally, Roy, and Jon all keep and treasure the first ones they were given as a sign of "Batman doesn't hate me!!! Yay!!!"
Batman becomes a lot more loose about the whole "no meta's in Gotham" thing, and it kinda just becomes "Just let me know if their coming" because all of his kids best friends are meta's
And he also becomes more willing to let them come and help if they need it
This happens when Tim trips and almost falls to his death, they weren't in suits, on some hiking trip and Tim falls of the cliff (another thing not to tell Dick about), Tim panics and calls for Kon, before Bruce can even process what's going on Kon is there gently catching Tim and bringing him back to Bruce
He decides then that sometimes they might just need a meta's help
Also, in my world Tim and Kon did date once but broke up pretty soon because they both realized their love was platonic it was mutual and it surprisenly wasn't awkward after (I love Timkon, but Timbern is so cute tooooo. Or they can all date... Tim has two hands... Something for me to think about)
Speaking of ships in my delusional world, these are the pairings :)
Jason, Roy, and Kori (they think it's a secret but everyone and their goldfish knows)
Dick and Barbara (he used to date Wally, but that ended up being like Timkon)
Cass and Steph
Tim and Bernard (as mentioned)
Bruce and Selena (married, fight me)
Damian is an actual child and still trying to learn to not live as a weapon
I'll add more if I think of it
Like I said Bruce and Selena, married. They didn't have a big wedding at all, it was basically Alfred, the kids, and their closest of friends (this includes Harley and Ivy), and the animals
It was still a stunning wedding and one of the best day of their lives
Selena proposed to Bruce (because fuck gender roles) after calling a meeting with the kids and Alfred and asking them if it was okay, or even a good idea
They all were more than okay with it, and were quick to encourage her it was a great idea
When she proposed, down on one knee with a ring Tim, Dick, and Jason helped her pick out and get, Bruce stood shocked for a solid two minutes, scaring the shit out of her, before finally choking out a yes
Selena is also very protective of her "Kittens" and if very skilled at in such a way that sounds nice to an outsider but will make you cry and regret even breathing in the direction of her or someone she loves
Once Damian had a meltdown at a gala and someone wrote a very ableist article about it, and within that week she quit her job as a reporter, and moved out of Gotham with a fear of cats
Someone once was making Dick uncomfortable at the store by being very creepy and sexualizing him, she left the store shaking and sobbing uncontrollably
At another gala someone told Jason that he was "Nothing but a dirty Street Rat that should have stayed dead" the next night Catwoman payed them a visit, stole most of their valuables and broke an arm and leg (she also stole their cat)
Someone once tried to slip drugs into Tim's drink while he and Selena were eating out and she broke his hand right then and there, and scared him so bad he actually pissed himself
Someone called Cass and Steph ugly Lesbos once, and Selena spent ten minutes pointing out very single beauty flaw this woman had, some of it was just made up but she said it with such confidence that it was believed, that women didn't show her face in public for months
Do not under any circumstances mess with Selena Wayne's Kittens.
Both Jason and Tim have eating disorders, but on opposite ends
When Jason was on the streets food was hard to come by, he would eat as much as he could when he could, because you never knew when your next meal would be
When he got with Bruce he was stash food in his room just in case, and at meal times he would eat so much so fast he would make himself sick, scared that the food would be taken away or he won't be able to eat again
To help him the make him feel safe as possible, at meal times keep him talking so he can eat slower, and only make enough food so he can eat enough to be full but not sick, and more
It helps but when he's under high stress he tends to relapse, they help him every time
Tim's parents had him on a very strict diet his whole life, and tracked his weight, and whenever he would gain even a single pound they would be very disappointed and also mock him for being "fat" when in reality he was very under weight
Tim would begin to eat less and less to lose weight and please his parents (didn't work), he thought he had it under control but it spiraled quickly turned into an eating disorder
The mere thought of eating made him feel sick, he would make himself throw up whenever he did eat, and would count the calories on everything
There is a lot the do to help Tim, whenever they go shopping or give him food that is in a container they tear off the part that say the ingredients, calories, sugars, ect, or scribble it out in sharpie/pen so he can't read them, don't let him weight himself by himself, keep a close watch on him after meals to make sure he doesn't throw it up, every time he eats, no matter how little it is, it's meet with smiles and "Well done, I'm proud!" everytime he gains weight it's celebrated with hugs and movies nights instead of frowned on and punished
Just like Jason he relapses but they once again do everything to help him
Also everyone has their own safe food that are kept in the manor at all times
Cass, Damian, and Tim are the resident clothes thieves, doesn't matter how big it is on them, they will wear it
Can't find your clothes? Look in their rooms
They all have tiktoks, everyones tiktok has one thing in common and that is chaos, just pure chaos
That's all for today, sorry for any grammar or spelling errors, have a beautiful day!!
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ao3feed-birdflash · 1 year
the sound of a piano on the shore
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/i06EflT
by boreasofthesun (augustzephyr)
Dick Grayson gets hit with a magical spell and is cursed to be hidden away in his own mind and in order to retrieve their comrade, the heroes much reach into the unconscious acrobat's mindscape in order to draw said unconscious acrobat back to consciousness. Too bad they didn't expect to meet a version of him that had no idea who they were.
Bruce and Dick prepare to have a difficult conversation.
Words: 2885, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon), Batman - All Media Types, Nightwing (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Zatanna Zatara, M'gann M'orzz, Mentioned Kaldur - Character, mentioned Kon-El | Conner Kent - Character, Mentioned Roy Harper - Character, and his clones!, Mentioned Wally West, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Damian Wayne, mentioned Stephanie Brown - Character, mentioned Cassandra Cain - Character, Barbara Gordon
Relationships: implied Dick Grayson/Wally West, Batfamily Members & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & M'gann Mo'rzz, Dick Grayson & Clark Kent, Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson (HINTED)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, facing your inner child and realising u need to heal the little shit, Fairy Tale Curses, Witch Curses, Magic, that shit is implied, Dick Grayson-centric, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Dick Grayson Gets a Hug, Dick Grayson Needs Therapy, Dick Grayson Gets a Break, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Stephanie Brown, Good Sibling Cassandra Cain, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, its only implied, dont hate him ok he just doesnt know how to face the issue here, Age Regression/De-Aging, De-Aged Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Dick Grayson Has Issues, all of the batfam do tbh, not entire batfam is here btw!, Dick Grayson Has Eldest Daughter Syndrome, Author Is Sleep Deprived, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, no beta we die like batman's robins
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/i06EflT
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intriq · 9 months
Letters - Cassandra
after the reader's death, in a time after part 1 and before part 2, the batfam receives therapy and as part of their therapy, they write grief letters to you, the reader.
Italics are used to represent smudged words due to tears
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Dear Lunar,
It's been a few weeks since your funeral. The silence in the manor feels... Weird. Different.
The air about the manor doesn't feel quite the same, too.
Everyone's trying to focus on their own things, I guess. I have too. But focusing on taking care of vampires is... hard. It's strange, because I used to be able to focus so well.
But now it's almost like trying to do that is such a chore since you've died. Wonder if you'd give me advice like other times, or if you'd tell me to take a break.
We, as in the others and I, were told to write these letters to you. Grief letters, or something like that. Something to allow us to pour out how we feel since you've died. Damian wasn't really wanting to do it, saying he thought it was stupid or something.
I still caught him doing it anyway, though.
We're supposed how we feel since you've died, so...
I don't know. I guess I don't really know how to put into words what I'm feeling. Not used to whatever it is I am feeling, though. I just cry, feels like all I know how to do. Cry and hug a pillow, sometimes pretend its you.
I miss when you'd give me a hug whenever I needed to cry. Probably one of the things I'll definitely miss about your presence.
You'd probably know the word to describe how I'm feeling. You were always good at that, the emotion stuff. Putting things into words.
Your room feels empty, even if all your things are still there, too. No one goes in there much anymore, besides Alfred. I see him come and go from in there sometimes, though I think it's no more necessary to keep dust from collecting on your things.
I managed to buy some of the body spray you used to wear a lot. Took a bit to find, but I did. Didn't want your room to start smelling any differently than it does now.
The only time I seem to actually get good sleep seems to be when I'm in there, too. Don't wanna mess up your bed so I just made myself somewhere to sleep on the floor.
Hope you don't mind that I spend more time in your room than my own, or that I've cleared some space on your desk to do schoolwork and stuff. I focus better in your room.
Planning on stopping by your grave tomorrow, after patrol. I wish I could say "see you then", but I'm not even sure if that would be the right words to say. Or write.
-Cassandra Cain
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ao3feed-jaytim · 1 year
Free Fall
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/45282079 by royal_tadpolc Perhaps, if he weren't so against asking for help, so obsessed with doing everything on his own and with trying to solve everyone else's problems and being the last on his list, he wouldn't be thinking about his finals moments. Or That one time Tim really realized that he wasn't on his own anymore. Words: 1135, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bernard Dowd, Jason Todd Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent/Jason Todd, Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent Additional Tags: mentions of the batfam, should i put a warner for that??? idk, character almost dying, Trans Male Character, Idealization of death, Tim Drake-centric, this doesn't have smut but whatever, Hurt/Comfort, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Tim Drake Gets a Hug, Kon-El | Conner Kent is Superboy, Protective Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Protective Jason Todd, Bernard Dowd Knows Tim Drake is Robin, tim drake has three boyfriends, and also lots of trauma and issues, but his lovers care about him, jason & kon-el & bernard aren't dating but have a platonic relationship, Tim Drake Needs Therapy, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Tim Drake Has a Bad Time, inspired by it's called:freefall of rainbow kitty surprise read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/45282079
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Heroes in crisis anon again
I can definitely see why you like it! I mainly take some issue with how Wally was treated towards the end (with him being arrested instead of getting the help he really needed — there’s nothing that says he doesn’t get help, but there’s also nothing that says he does, so it’s a little iffy for me), but I do love him facing his future self. That panel of future Wally hugging his younger self 🥺
As for it not being a villain, that’s actually not entirely true. It isn’t revealed until a later comic though (don’t remember the name now) but as it turns out, it wasn’t actually Wally’s fault. Which kind of takes away from Heroes in Crisis tbh, but I also get dc not wanting a very popular character being associated with murdering so many people, even if it was an accident
I’m glad you enjoyed it, though! I think there’s some things they could’ve handled better, but I like that they tried to address mental health bc it’s so important
Oh of course DC kind of retconned that. I wouldn't expect anything else LMFAOOO. They did the same thing with Jason Todd and Penguin, I feel. Idk if you've read any of Red Hood and the Outlaws (specifically the rebirth comics) but when Jason shot Penguin it really felt like it came from a deep well of pain, like Jason pulled the trigger because he NEEDED retribution, like in that instant he gave up his identity and his safety in Gotham and his truce with Batman because he couldn't bear to let the Penguin live after what he did. Aaaaaand then Red Hood: Outlaw came along and said oh, no, he shot Penguin with a blank. It was all a plot, haha, you've been fooled!
Like no! That was an incredibly emotionally charged moment! Look at what Penguin did! Look what Jason gave up! You mean to tell me it was all just a means to an end?????
......I have a lot of feelings about Jason shooting Penguin and maybe it's not the same at all, but yeah, I get that whole "later retcon takes away from the poignancy of a comic" thing.
But I guess I can't really complain? That's just kind of the nature of comics. It's like a giant game of 'yes, BUT' and then they have to figure out something super smart and new and interesting to do next. Like I don't really blame them for doing stuff like that, but in my head Jason didn't plan to shoot Penguin with a blank because there's just so much more emotional resonance if he didn't .
Anyway! I don't read outside of Batfam much so it felt really refreshing to get a story like Heroes in Crisis, with such a focus on the therapy part, as well as the side effects of the mask life. Especially when it showed how kindness and healing and resilience and community are tied so tightly together.
Like yeah, I def agree that it was nowhere near perfect, but I feel like it was just very different from a lot of other comics I've read. I'd love to read more stories like that one, but I have no idea where to find them, haha.
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Midnight Swan
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason doesn't die in the explosion in this AU, BUT he does team up with Kate Kane in this.
Chapters: 3/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Kate Kane, Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Jason Todd Survives The Explosion, POV Jason Todd, Angst, Secrets
Chapter Three: Rubble
After spending most of the weekend with Kate, I was ready to go home and lie down, but as soon as I got home, Bruce wanted to go out to brunch. “Can we make it dinner? I’m a little tired,” I mumbled. He solemnly nodded as I went upstairs to shower and tried to go to sleep afterward. Alfred must have changed out my pillows because they seemed softer and fuller than the last time I slept in my bed. It didn’t take me long to nod off. I slept peacefully at first, dreaming of family, but I was no stranger to what happened next. That laugh. It pierced through even the happiest of dreams, leaving me in darkness. I’d end up back underneath the rubble, buried almost entirely. I could feel the rocks shifting as I stared at the last sliver of sunlight peeking through. My ears rang from the blast as I lay there, struggling to stay awake. “Jason,” the voice came through, muffled at first, and still it called. “Jason, can you hear me?” I couldn’t yell. I couldn’t move. All I could do was lie there as I was buried alive. I couldn’t even cry. I lay there, completely still in the dark, and closed my eyes. Usually, by this time, Bruce would come upstairs and wake me up, but he didn’t, and I found myself struggling to catch my breath. The rubble shifted again, and instead of being freed by Bruce, it was my dad. I closed my eyes as I could feel him hit me over and over and over again until Alfred woke me up. “Master Jas—.” I hugged him, and he hugged me back. “Are you alright?” I let go and nodded. “Would you like to come downstairs for dinner?” “I’ll be right down… And Alfred, I’m okay,” I smiled. He flashed me a smile and went on his way. I just hoped he wouldn’t tell Bruce that my nightmares were worse. I cleaned up a little and came downstairs for dinner. Alfred made pot pies, and Bruce smiled and dug right in. “Jason, how was your weekend?” I finished chewing, and at that time, I remembered my lie.
“We were up all weekend, but we went to the beach for a little bit yesterday,” I replied. I tried to keep things as simple as possible, so I wouldn’t forget my lies. I told Bruce I was at a friend's house for the weekend. Bruce seemed like he bought it, but something about him seemed sad. “Jason,” Bruce looked me in the eyes, “To be honest, I was worried about how you were adjusting, but I want to tell you that I’m proud of you.” I felt awful. "How was your weekend?" I asked. Talking about myself hurt too much. All I could do to keep from lying to him. "I got a letter from your English teacher," Bruce whispered. I took a sip of water and glanced up at him. "Jason, are you alright?" "What did she say?" I asked. I was cold when I said it, and I hoped it would deter him from asking. English was one of my best subjects. Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose. "Jason, it's not about what she said. It's about how you feel," Bruce replied. I shrugged. "Can we talk about something else if you're not gonna punish me?" I asked. Bruce chewed his lip. "She said your last few short stories were... Disturbing," Bruce replied. Disturbing. The word made me want to be cruel. "Ouch! I guess twenty-two and a half hours of therapy... Just isn't enough," I sniped. I stood up and forced a smile. "I'll be upstairs if anyone needs me... So, I assume I won't be bothered," I added. Bruce didn't stop me. I hated being cruel to him, but it was all I could do to keep from crying sometimes. My English teacher wasn't exaggerating, though. All my short stories were gory and gruesome. I wrote about things I never wanted Bruce to see, but I had to write them. I had to write what I knew. I knew pain.
I lay in bed, typing another story for class. I received a video call from an unknown person. I put in my headphones and answered. "Hello?" I asked. Kate turned her camera on.
"I'm headed over there—." "No, don't come here. It's a bad time," I replied. "Even better. Act like you didn't expect me," Kate replied before hanging up. "I didn't expect you," I mumbled to myself. I groaned as I mentally prepared to put on an Oscar-winning performance. Bruce came upstairs and stood in my open doorway. "I pushed you," Bruce whispered. I sat up and nodded. "I don't mean to push you... Jason, sometimes I have no idea if you're okay—." "I'm not okay. Did you see the stuff I wrote?" I asked. Bruce nodded. I lay back and covered my face with my pillows. "I don't care that it's gruesome... I care that you felt like you had to hide it from me. It makes me worry that you're hiding other things from me," Bruce explained. I sat up and nodded. "Is there anything you're hiding from me that I should be worried about?" I wanted to confess to everything and get it off my chest, but all I could manage to divulge was one thing. "I don't think therapy is helping right now," I admitted. Bruce nodded. "Do you wanna stop for a while?" Bruce suggested. "Yeah... Can I stop?" I asked. I couldn't cry anymore, but I knew Bruce could tell it was hard for me to ask. Bruce embraced me. "Of course, you can. I only ask that you speak to me if you start feeling like taking risks or hurting yourself... Or others." "I will. I promise," I lied. I lied through my teeth, and it hurt me to do it. Bruce didn't understand what I had to do. Kate did. Kate understood that I couldn't walk away from the life or the risks that came with it. I had nothing else worth losing.
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ao3feed-timkon · 1 year
Free Fall
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/kH2U4e8
by royal_tadpolc
Perhaps, if he weren't so against asking for help, so obsessed with doing everything on his own and with trying to solve everyone else's problems and being the last on his list, he wouldn't be thinking about his finals moments.
That one time Tim really realized that he wasn't on his own anymore.
Words: 1135, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bernard Dowd, Jason Todd
Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent/Jason Todd, Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Additional Tags: mentions of the batfam, should i put a warner for that??? idk, character almost dying, Trans Male Character, Idealization of death, Tim Drake-centric, this doesn't have smut but whatever, Hurt/Comfort, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Tim Drake Gets a Hug, Kon-El | Conner Kent is Superboy, Protective Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Protective Jason Todd, Bernard Dowd Knows Tim Drake is Robin, tim drake has three boyfriends, and also lots of trauma and issues, but his lovers care about him, jason & kon-el & bernard aren't dating but have a platonic relationship, Tim Drake Needs Therapy, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Tim Drake Has a Bad Time, inspired by it's called:freefall of rainbow kitty surprise
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/kH2U4e8
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