#thank you violet for all your service
cordelia-cardale · 15 days
I will jump onto the train of “in this house we thank Violet Bridgerton” because that woman has so much patience and strength. I love the scene where we get Colin completely lost and confused asking her whether friendship is a strong foundation for great love while unable to look away from Pen completely enamoured. Violet sees it immediately, she knows, she understands and there’s not an ounce of surprise on her face just pure happiness for her son because she knows he has found his home and it is just so evident. Yet despite nearly telling him to work up the courage to ask (which I will admit he tried very hard), she will have to see her son pace around, drive himself sick with love, before using reverse psychology on him because it might be the only thing that will get him out of his feelings and spur him into action. And for that I have so much admiration for Violet Bridgerton because if he had been my son I would have shook him, told him to quit moping and go get his girl.
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yeagerfate · 1 year
their love languages.
characters: miles morales (earth-1610), gwen stacy, hobie brown, pavitr prabhakar, miguel o’hara
warnings: none! just fluff <3
notes: thank you guys so much for all the love on my previous posts! i have so much fun when i write these so i will definitely be posting some more soon. enjoy ur food lol
Miles’ love language is QUALITY TIME. He always wants to spend time with you and is definitely an “experience” rather than “materialistic gift” type of person. He gets very shy when expressing his love for you verbally, so he does it through quality time. He’ll draw you during study sessions (Unbeknownst to you, he always finishes before you. He just never says anything because he still wants an excuse to hang out with you.), will ask you to play video games with him, and is constantly going skateboarding with you, even if you’re bad at it. He just wants to see you, and is afraid to ask you to just “hang out” because he doesn’t want you to think he’s weird. In return, Miles would like ACTS OF SERVICE. A lot of people have betrayed him and hurt him, so he would really like someone who goes out of their way to help him. To him, it proves how much you care for him, and that’s really important to Miles.
Although Gwen can be cold to those she doesn’t trust, once you get to know her, she’s always going out of her way to support you. Her love language is ACTS OF SERVICE. She plays songs for you whenever you want, is always taking care of you when you’re sick, and somehow always knows when you’re upset. Before she comes over, she always gets you your favorite snacks and drinks. Gwen tries her best to look out for you the way she couldn’t for her late friend Peter. She just wants you to be safe, and she asks for nothing in return once you gain her trust. However, Gwen’s face would turn 50 shades of red with a significant other whose love language is WORDS OF AFFIRMATION. She loves it when you tell her how proud of her you are, when you tell her you’ll always be there for her… she’s immediately enamored with you. Oh, and when you tell her how pretty you think she is? She’s on cloud 9.
Hobie loves GIFT GIVING. Sometimes, when he returns from another mission, he’ll come back with some strange trinkets. They’re always fun to look at, to wonder what other people from other universes think of them. Hobie always makes sure to pick out the ones that you’ll like; it’s the one time he makes an effort to be consistent. A small smirk always appears on his face when he sees you wearing the earrings that he stole from another universe. When you’re going out of your way to make things easier for him, though, he’s a goner. Hobie would really be smitten for someone whose love language is ACTS OF SERVICE. He never blushes, but you’ll see a light shade of violet emerge on his cheeks when he sees that you ran errands for him while he was gone, or when you help him with his hair on wash day. It’s all very sweet.
Pav’s favorite way to express his adoration for you is PHYSICAL TOUCH. He loves to hold your hand, cuddle with you (he’s a little spoon), and kiss you on the cheek. Your warmth is one of his favorite sensations. He just likes to know that you’re there. It’s really scary for him to imagine a world where you’re not by his side, so he likes to give you as much affection as possible. He always wants you to know that he loves you. Oh, and if he has a mission soon? You won’t be seen walking around with him not right behind you. He gets super clingy right before he has to leave. On another note, Pav loves receiving homemade GIFTS. He’ll always wear anything that you make him, especially if it’s something for his hair. He’ll definitely brag about it when he travels to the Spider Society.
Miguel is very protective of you, so his love language is PHYSICAL TOUCH. Even if it’s subtle, he always is somehow close to you, whether it’s a hand on your back, a hand holding yours, or both. Miguel has lost almost everything, so he is always seeking out your warmth. However, he is not too fond of PDA unless it’s subtle, so he always keeps his affections elusive. It is also very important to him that his enemies do not find out about you, as his worst nightmare would be them coming after you. You are the very last thing Miguel has; he’d rather die than witness anything happen to you. Miguel would absolutely adore someone whose love language is ACTS OF SERVICE. When he comes back from a mission all banged up, and you volunteer to help him clean up? Suddenly his heart is beating 2x faster than usual and his pupils are dilated.
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love letters and second sons | part 3.
Summary: The princess is finally ready to debut in society. But before she does, she decides to disguise herself and see the true faces of the ton.
Warnings for the Series: light sexism in line with the times, light classism in line with the times, mental health stigma, shitty doctor care, smut, suicide attempt (will get it's own warning when the time comes),
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x princess!reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Previous Part | Series Masterlist
A/N: Sorry this part is so short
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You stood in the drawing room of Kew, waiting for your mother and father to arrive in just a few minutes. Instead of a huge breakfast in the dining room, you opted for a light tea in a more casual setting. Honestly, you were mildly annoyed. The only thing you wanted to do after people returned from their church services, that they never attended weekly because no one cared about the priest admonishing them, was go to the Featherington house. You were shocked that Colin was calling Marina. But friends didn’t always fall in love.
It wasn’t like Penelope was upset about it. She didn’t even like Colin. But like your mother you wanted to matchmake someone and figured they would have been the easiest couple to form. But you wanted to spy on Colin and Marina under the guise of aiding in chaperoning with Penelope since Lady Featherington was running around between girls and their callers.  
Your thoughts about who to matchmake were interrupted by your parents arriving. You poured tea for them. Breakfast was a bit awkward in a way it had never been before. George and Charlotte were assessing you intently. You got in two bites of bread when the physician entered. Your parents continued their conversation while you were being checked over. The physician made little comments for the nurse to jot down. Overall, you were fine. That seemed to satisfy your mother and father. There was a glint in Charlotte’s eye. 
“The King an— Everyone, out.” 
The room, aside from Brimsley and Reynolds, cleared out. 
“George and I have decided that we’d like to give you an opportunity. There is an opera coming up. Agatha and her friend Violet will be attending. You may come with. You will meet them before the show starts and then we will stay to watch the entire performance. Afterwards, you must go home. No exceptions.” 
“Thank you! Thank you so much! I wo—” 
“Calm yourself. You know getting excited makes your condition worse.” 
You sat back down, trying not to bounce up and down. She was right after all. Being overly excited made you sweaty or a little hot for some reason and being too warm made you start to see things or think strange things. When your parents left, you ran to your wardrobe. 
The dresses needed to be fancy but not too fancy since it was a sit-down event. You picked a yellow dress with short puff sleeves. It ended just above the bottom of your ankle — very stylish for the times. Pairing it with light blue gloves that went past your elbows, you added a light blue skirt piece that made a small train. 
“You look beautiful, Your Highness,” Brimsley said. 
“I have to agree.” Both Pandora and Reynolds looked at each other, shocked they said the same thing at the same time. 
“Thank you. Shall we go? Reynolds, would you like to be dropped at home to see Father?” 
“That would be nice, Your Highness, thank you.” 
“Then let us leave now.” 
You rolled your eyes in the carriage, setting down your copy of Lady Whistledown’s society papers. 
“It is utterly ridiculous. She is a disgraceful woman. I tolerated the gossip but speculating death, wishing death on my father is something I cannot accept nor tolerate. How dare she?” 
Your confidantes agreed with you and shared their own opinions on society and gossip. 
Whispers started to spread throughout the opera house while people still rolled in and music still played. How could it not? The youngest royal child was actually outside. There was no opening for the mouth on this particular mask which meant this was not your introduction. You might speak to a lucky few but there would be no speeches or announcements tonight. People couldn’t hear you from far away with ceramic blocking your mouth. You stuck close to your mother while everyone tried to look at you or talk to you. 
“Lady Bridgerton!” Lady Danbury yelled from across the room. “Do join us.” 
Violet tried to conceal her wide eyes and smile as she grabbed Daphne’s arm before her daughter could walk away from whoever she was trying to avoid. She made eye contact with you. You watched as she rather frantically waved over someone else. 
Anthony — or should you call him the viscount for the evening — began walking towards you, bowing to the Queen before turning his full attention to you. You let him take your hand and give it a kiss. A kiss that you noted was considerably longer by a minimum of five seconds than when he kissed you as Miss Keaton. So it was definitely Violet trying to set up the princess with her son and not the valet with Colin.    
You let Anthony talk your ear off about his responsibilities as the eldest and his horseback riding hobby, notably leaving out the details of riding through the mud and staying out there for hours. He was considerably more boring when trying to impress a woman. Ignoring the whispers that permeated through the room, you tried to focus on your friend. 
You motioned for him to lean in so you could speak into his ear and actually let him hear you rather than sounding muffled, practically silencing the hall. Anthony laughed at the joke you told which caused both of your mothers to turn around. This was the Anthony you liked better. Violet gasped when you placed a hand on her son’s arm — your mother raised her eyebrows as she and Lady Danbury gave you a slight nod of approval. 
“Will you escort me to our box, Viscount Bridgerton?” 
“Please, call me Anthony.” 
“Lord Bridgerton, that is most forward when we don’t know each other.” 
“I was told royals didn’t obey our rules of upper society.” 
The two of you started up the stairs, away from prying eyes, that led up to the Queen’s box. 
“Now we speak of first names.” 
You rolled your eyes. “I will allow you to call me by mine, just this single occasion. Anthony, where are the other Bridgerton siblings? If I remember correctly, you have seven of them? Miss Bridgerton is here but I do not see the others.” 
“Truthfully, they were very bored by the show being put on tonight. We’ve seen it before. I’m merely here to aid my mother and chaperone my sister. Have you seen this show before?” 
“If I have then it was when I was very little.” 
“Well, then please do not let my words discourage your enjoyment of the performance. Here is your stop.” He extended a hand to help you up the short steps into the box. “Y/N, thank you for the flowers from the other day. Truly, they are appreciated.” 
You studied his face for a moment. He really was handsome. His hair didn’t cover as much of his face this evening as it usually did whenever you visited. The stark colors of his black and white attire made his features stand out. 
“I am glad you liked them. Now is where I leave you for the evening, Lord Bridgerton. I shall hope to see you some more once I formally introduce myself to society.” 
“I will look forward to that day. Goodbye… Y/N.” 
“Goodbye, Anthony.” 
Taking your seat, you waited for your mother and her friends to come to the box. The smile on Charlotte’s face grew wider the closer she got to the box. She was going on about Anthony. Obviously, you were going to have many suitors to entertain but a viscount was certainly a very important suitor and only made your prospects have to be better in their courting. 
“Excuse me, I’m going to the privy,” you told your mother when you felt your throat start to tighten up. 
She just gave you a nod. The shadows of the opera house were closing in on you and you couldn’t calm your mind down. You needed to be in a place with more candlelight. You jumped at the sound of several dogs barking from the shadows. There were big creatures. You had never seen them but you could tell from their bark and — when you got too close — how their breath fanned across the top of your head. Hastening your steps to get away, you ran straight into Violet. 
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry. “I decided to take a walk after going to the privy and wasn’t watching where I was going.” 
The woman in front of you smiled. “Your Highness, if I may be so bold to ask? Would you like to attend a dinner we are hosting? The Duke of Hastings will be there. I understand that you aren’t yet introduced but it woul—” 
“I shall love to come. Just tell me when.” 
“Saturday evening.” 
Saturday evening couldn’t have come any sooner. You were tired of counting the floor titles in the bathroom and needed to leave. For the sake of your valets, you hadn’t snuck out at all that weel.
You turned to your valets. “I will be back in a few hours.” 
“Please be careful,” Pandora said. 
“I always am.” 
“Not really.” You heard someone mutter inside the carriage. 
Marshall escorted you in. You had to stop yourself from smiling, remembering that he had no clue who you were. It was almost alarming when everyone — including the Duke of Hastings — stood when you entered the dining room. You weren’t sure why you didn't expect it. Perhaps you were already too used to your disguise as Miss Keaton. You gave a slight curtsey. 
“I apologize for being late.” 
“No. You aren’t late at all,” Anthony said as he started to gather his plate. 
You shook your head. “Oh, stay where you are.” 
“But, Your Highness.” 
“I can afford to not be the head of a table for a single night.” You looked around. “I shall sit across from Miss Daphne Bridgerton.” 
“She knows your name!” Hyacinth’s voice rose three octaves. You figured you could make her night by having the princess knowledgeable about the Bridgertons. 
Colin and Benedict scrambled to pull their chairs apart so you could sit in between them. You waved Marshall away, plating your own food. You could feel the silence of the dinner table as you did things the normal way you would at Kew or Buckingham House.
They also might have been preoccupied with your disguise rather than the way you dragged your own spoon through the mashed potatoes. It was natural. Your siblings had told you all about how people would scrutinize the different masks you would wear. They'd try their hardest to get a real glimpse of your face.
The eye holes had sheer coverings on them that made it hard to see your true eye color. And when it came to your mouth. Your maids had taken their painstakingly slow time making sure the makeup covered up an unique qualities around your mouth and changed the shape of your lips to a shape unrecognizable to you at all. Hungry mamas with daughters they'd want to be in your court or sons they'd want to court you are able to sniff out something like the tiniest wrinkle by the bottom of your lip and use that to scout the whole ton until they found you without the mask on.
It happened to Edward countless of times and was the reason for all the rules regarding the masks in the first place. You looked up after cutting your chicken. 
“What were you all talking about before I arrived?” 
“Lady Whistledown,” Eloise cut in before anyone could stop her. 
“Really? Tell me more.” 
“You want to know?” 
“Of course I do. I must know her identity. However I must say I will be having a private word with her about not publishing speculation of my father’s death.” 
“How is he?” 
“Oh, he’s perfectly fine. No matter, though, I need to know every thought you have on our mysterious Lady Whistledown?” 
You enjoyed the bickering between everyone. There wasn’t even a firm thought on what class Whistledown belonged to. In your opinion it had to have been an upper class woman. Only someone like that could have enough time on their hands and still survive day to day needs. You dipped your fork into the potatoes. 
“Viscount Bridgerton, I must say that any correspondence between the royals and the Bridgerton House should be sent to Kew. I stay there now.” 
“Correspondence?” Violet asked, trying to suppress the excitement in her voice. 
“Yes. I shall need to understand the ton more than what I have studied. Don’t bother putting them together. I much prefer to read individual letters. Now, I have engagements already arranged for tomorrow so I must be on my way. However, I would love to attend dinner again. Goodnight, Lady Bridgerton, Viscount, Bridgertons, Your Grace.” 
Anthony stood up from the table. “Let me escort you to your carriage.” 
“That would be much appreciated, Lord Bridgerton.” 
My Dearest Ton and Wonderful United Kingdom, 
I implore you all to remember that gossip, particularly baseless gossip, can be a dangerous thing. While we all are very entertained by Lady Whistledown, remember that you must discover the truth for yourself. I would hate to see lives ruined over entertainment. 
Yours Truly, 
Princess Y/N Hanover
Dear Viscount Bridgerton, 
The dinner at your house was very lovely. Your family seems to be a wonderful group of people. I am sorry for keeping my lady’s maid away for so long. She has been in Ireland, procuring plant seeds and fabrics for me. Please fret no more for she will be back soon. But I do have to say our correspondence might be limited to letters for a majority of our current time. Until I am introduced to society, it is not wise for me to constantly be out. I shall look forward to more times spent with the Bridgertons at a later date. 
Yours Truly, 
Princess Y/N Hanover 
You finished signing the letter, handing it to Pandora to take to the press for copies to be made. Moving an entire printing house from Buckingham to Kew wasn’t exactly quick and easy but your staff had managed to do it in no time at all. For the time being, Kew was entirely self-sufficient. 
“Please take the letters for the Bridgertons to their house after you have visited the press.”  
“Yes, Your Highness.” “Brimsley, what is on the schedule after the physician leaves?” 
“You wanted to ride horses and then prepare a bouquet for the ball tomorrow night to be delivered by one of us.” 
“Yes, thank you. And after that?” 
Reynolds looked at you and then his partner. You had just made the schedule no less than an hour ago. It didn’t seem normal for you to not know. Their eye contact didn’t waiver as they silently communicated to not say a word but just answer all your questions. You got up, moving to your wardrobe to get a petticoat for outside. 
“Ah, yes, Brimsley. Are we preparing the bouquet tonight before or after the physici…an…”
Tears started to well up in your eyes as you realized you had asked the question already. Brimsley and Reynolds were a tad too slow. You were already in the wardrobe, trying to calm yourself down. Every time a sob left your mouth or you begged them not to tell your parents caused some pain in their hearts. Reynolds stopped Pandora from leaving, handing the letters to a different lady-in-waiting. 
You looked up in the dark space when you heard the knocking. It was hard to ignore the dogs in the shadows just waiting to snap at you. But the dark stopped the heavens from coming in. It was always a compromise. And since the heavens confused your mind and blocked your memory, the dogs would have to wait. 
“You can open it.” 
Pandora stuck her head in, trying to prevent too much light from coming in. “You’re stronger than whatever you have, you know? It doesn’t matter. None of it does… Maybe you should show the planets and shadow dogs and other shadow creatures that they cannot control a princess. They do not control you.” 
Reynolds sighed as he said a quick prayer to not be fired. “Maybe going to the ball would show the shadows that they cannot control you.” 
You didn’t really have a choice. Pandora practically pulled you out of the closet and started making plans for tomorrow’s ball, including how to enjoy yourself but stay hidden.
(part 4)...
@fredsbetch @cherrylovers-world @chrystinaamanda @grassclippers @flyestvenustrap @spookystitchery @lovelyygirl8 @ben-has-arrived @tragically-hipp
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an-idyllic-novelist · 3 months
Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader headcanons: daily routine
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warnings: tooth-rotting content, vibes of a semi-domestic life, OOC, established relationship.
Special thanks to @witch-of-the-writing desk and @vikkirosko for their help with this project. Enjoy! :)
Reblog to support content creators! ❤️
Alastor knows that he is a perfect gentleman with high expectations. 
He is one of the most feared overlords in Hell and thrives in the throes of chaos; those unfortunate souls who would dare to question him are torn apart, their screams broadcasted for all to hear and to remind them why he is here. Alastor knows he gets bored easily and doesn’t like to invest his time in short-lived entertainment, heavens no~! He’s here for the continuous, unpredictable acts on the stage of the Hazbin Hotel, that’s why he’s offered his services to Charlie as the gracious facility manager in the first place~!
Funnily enough, it was because of Lucifer’s delusional daughter that he met you. Through a colorful ad, you were given a room under the condition that you participated in all of the group activities unless you worked around the clock like the hotel’s other resident, Angel Dust. You admitted with a blank look that you did have a job in Cannibal Town, but your hours were flexible. 
 Oh~ho, someone new to entertain himself with, what a lovely day it is indeed~!
That had been his initial impression of you: never smiling, an excellent work ethic, and always dressed appropriately [unlike some people]. But as the months slowly trickled by, inching ever closer to the new extermination date and working with you on a near constant basis as facility manager and part-time groundskeeper respectively, you became…important to him. You opened to him about your services in both the Great War and as an Automemory Doll. 
You had done many terrible things that you were not proud of. Initially you had thought by writing letters for clients, helping them convey the words they wanted to say to a loved one, would wash away the blood you had spilt on the battlefield. In the end, it was a foolish endeavor. 
Your sins could not be so easily forgotten, and you had no doubt that some of the men you had killed were down here too, perhaps wanting to seek revenge for what you did. Your place is here in Hell, but that did not mean you could help sinners in your own way if they earnestly wished to redeem themselves.  
It had been a sudden, pesky thing. The moments his feelings for you had altered, whenever that was…irritating to say the least though manageable. Alastor had not even realized that something as trivial as his feelings had changed at all until the small affliction upon his heart festered and grew, bubbling up to the surface and overwhelming him with an emotion he hadn’t identified before. He tried to stifle this emotion, pushing it far back down into the chambers of his rotted heart and forgetting all about it. Prioritize his hunger for freedom, to free himself from the leash coiled tightly around his neck. But all of his efforts were all for naught. No matter how painful it was to admit the truth to himself, Alastor knew. He knew that this desire to call you his companion would not stop clawing through his ribcage until he was absolutely sure that you reciprocate his feelings. 
He tried to approach you with the intention of a proper courtship when romance was not his speciality; he helped you around the hotel excluding the greenhouse because of his special relationship with plants, his shadows secretly escorted you to and from work, and he used his magic to levitate heavy objects even when you had told him that you were quite strong physically. But you had somehow mistaken his intentions as a sign of self-improvement, much to his frustration. 
When all hope seemed lost, however, he found a letter underneath his door one dreary Monday morning. He immediately recognized the ruby-red wax seal as yours and wasted no time opening it. 
He read the contents, eyes growing larger and larger with each line and his heart hammering against his chest, suddenly feeling dizzy…dizzy with what? Shock? Joy? He wasn’t sure but those blasted shadows of his were dancing around the room, jazz music echoing from the swamp with besotted grins stretched across their inky faces. Love? Does he…love you as you love him? Well, your letter did not say it outright, you have confessed to him that you feel intense emotions whenever he is around you. You were bewildered and afraid and you do not blame him in any way. You just…needed help. His help in understanding these emotions before it drove you to the brink of madness and uncertainty. 
Understanding what love is, even the concept of it is just as surreal and foreign to him. But if words could reach you far better than his actions, then it would be an insult to his reputation as the Radio Demon to simply improvise on his courting methods. So he wrote a reply to your letter, carefully and meticulously penning one sentence after another until he was satisfied. His shadows had the honor of delivering his letter, and the silence in his room allowed Alastor to focus preparing for tonight’s broadcast. He couldn’t keep the audience waiting~!
Hours later, he had a script. He had energy and more importantly, he was eager to hear Vox’s outraged howling once the fool realized yet another sponsor had been snatched from right underneath his flat-screened chin~! Oh, Alastor the Radio Demon was ready to go on air until a sudden knock interrupted his little spiel. 
Confused, curious, and quite annoyed, he made a beeline towards the door, throwing it open and ready to skewer the miserable soul who would dare to intrude on his domain when he saw it was you, standing there with a silver tray in your hands. But what surprised him more than the sight of his favorite snacks and coffee was seeing a smile on your face. It wasn’t a forced one where you’d slap your cheeks and try to stretch them out, it was…a genuine smile. And it was directed towards him. 
“May I join you?” You asked.
Suffice to say, those four little words told him everything he needed to know as his own grin widened, bowing from the waist. “Of course, my dear~! Please, come in, come in~! The show is just about to start~!”
Once you stepped inside the radio station, still smiling, that's how it began. His romantic relationship with you, that is. 
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Although you had told him more than once to go back to sleep after rising out of your shared bed at five o’clock in the morning, Alastor insisted on waking up with you. It is his choice as it is your habit to prepare for the day ahead much earlier than your colleagues. He will never say it out loud, but he does enjoy these quiet hours when it is just the two of you. 
Alastor is in charge of making breakfast in the hotel’s brand new kitchen, and that is final. He will appreciate your assistance with setting up the table; meticulously placing the silverware and napkins down, changing out the bouquet of shriveled flowers with fresh ones from the greenhouse, and preparing his coffee just how he likes it in his favorite mug. He gladly prepares your usual morning tea and adds just a little more sliced fruit on your already full plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. You needed all of the energy at the emporium today~! Although you did work here at the hotel, Rosie owned your soul and you were her assistant. You made sure everything in Cannibal Town was running smoothly, including the emporium, should its darling overlord be away from her territory for a myriad of reasons. 
Over breakfast, he would share ideas with you for his broadcast before deciding to put the words on paper. Goodness knows that he’s asked for assistance with typing or refining the scripts mere hours before he’s on the air, though at least he does it with more style than a clout-chasing, mediocre podcast who talks too fast and jumps from one fad to another in pursuit of allure. He hears your feedback with a thoughtful hum before asking if you would like another cup of tea.
After helping him clean up the kitchen, the two of you return to your room. He would read the morning newspapers in his comfy chair, sometimes out loud if the articles were interesting to hear over the click-clank-clank of your Remington typewriter as you wrote either scripts for his show or a daily report for Rosie. When the clock on the dresser struck seven, it was time for you to leave for Cannibal Town.
The two of you exchange words, wishing the other to have a good day and remember to smile because you are never fully dressed without one. Then you leave the hotel, suitcase in one hand and a tin lunchbox in the other. Alastor will also make your midday meals, so make sure to enjoy it to your heart's content. He will not be happy if you decide to forgo taking a proper break just so that you can be ahead of your workload. Granted it is a lovely surprise to see you return much earlier than normal, but Rosie shared his sentiments. Bottom line: take your lunch break when you are supposed to or you will face the disappointed wrath of two cannibals. 
He might have seen that you are more than capable of keeping yourself in the Pentagram, but that will not lessen his protective nature. A shadow will always be by your side when you leave the hotel’s premises, keeping him up to date on your movements while he is helping Charlie or Vaggie. 
Ironically, it is his position as the hotel’s facility manager that acts as his coping mechanism. He will keep himself busy for as long as possible, asking trivial questions here and there. He doesn’t want anyone to know that this…. habit developed because he does not like it when you are not home at exactly six o’clock. He knows Rosie would never keep you in Cannibal Town beyond working hours unless it was an emergency but have mercy on him! If you can't help working late, so be it but please come back to him as soon as you can. It would put his mind at ease just a little if you contacted him ahead of time. 
Once you are home, he will immediately sweep you into his arms and do a little dance before escorting you to the dining room, with a hot meal already prepared and waiting for you to enjoy. He will sit with you so that you won’t have to eat by yourself. Once you’ve had your fill of food and drink, it’s time to unwind for the night. He will play soft jazz over the radio as either you read in bed, or he reads, and you do a tiny bit of work on your typewriter before it’s time for sleep. He won’t fall asleep until you have drifted off first. 
Rosie will tease him about you being his support system over tea, but it’s true. You are the reason, the sanity, to his madness. 
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Taglist: @alastor-simp @frompeach @imperfectbloodmoon @lanxianschoenheit @bones4thecats @22carolina08 @tired-of-life-86 @kanroji-san @oucx @navierkalani @anielly-2010 @victheauthor @the-cat-queen-peasants @solandis-does-stuff @ladydoe8 @nunezs-stuff @luthefriendlywitch @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @kameyo-kumo @yourdoorisunlocked @swallowtail-lotus
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zepskies · 9 months
Imagine soldier boy with dating a supe with siren powers 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
Oooh this is different! Thanks for the ask, hun. ❤️ In honor of The Little Mermaid live-action dropping on Disney+ last week...
(Here's one last Soldier Boy imagine before Part 1 of Smoke Eater!)
Pairing: Soldier Boy x F. Supe!Reader Word Count: 800
Imagine: Soldier Boy dating a supe with "siren" abilities. 🧜‍♀️
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When you joined Payback, Ben was ambivalent about you.
You were hot as fuck, sure, but he didn't think the team needed another woman.
Crimson Countess was bitch enough to deal with.
But you were a bit mysterious. You kept to yourself, didn't go out of your way to socialize or train with the others. You were smart.
Though when he heard about your powers, he was skeptical at best. Stan Edgar assured him you were what the team needed right now, in terms of margins and demographics and what-fucking-ever...
Until he hears you singing in the break room, softly to yourself while you make some coffee. Gentle, beautiful dulcet tones that manage to draw his steps into the kitchen.
You eventually notice him with a smile. "Good morning."
He gives you a charming grin, blatantly eying you from head to toe.
"Hey there, sweetheart. Pour me a cup, would ya?" he asks, in a tone that demands.
You do so, and he admires the sweet sound of your voice as you continue to hum to yourself.
"You're a little crooner, aren't you?" he asks, taking the cup of coffee from you. But when your hand brushes his, he feels it. Your power. It threatens to overtake him and draw him into you, where he craves your warmth as well as your body.
He wants you to devour him, body and soul...
Your eyes glow violet along with your knowing smile.
Then you blink. The violet haze is gone, along with your hold on his mind. You go back to sipping your coffee as if nothing had just happened.
Ben visibly falters, having to catch his breath as his mind reels from the loss of connection.
Ben frowns in irritation. What the fuck just fucking happened?
He looks at you harder than before. Secretly, he's annoyed and intrigued at the same time.
He demands to know your name. You tell him with a smile that edges at flirtation. When you ask for his name, despite knowing full well who he is, he smirks.
"Call me Ben."
And from there, he's fucking hooked.
He pursues you relentlessly. You allow it with coyness and flirtation -- push and pull. Hot and cold. You toy with him, which both infuriates him and draws him in even more.
Until you finally allow him to "catch" you. He takes you out for dinner, one of the finest, most expensive restaurants in New York. Bottles of wine, premier service, excellent food and music. You realize then that he's really trying to impress you, and inside you're actually flattered that he's doing all this, when he can have his pick of anyone. (And has had his pick. Several of them.)
You've heard so many stories about him, most of them unpleasant. You see the disgusted looks Crimson Countess gives him when he's not looking.
And you know you haven't yet seen the darker sides of Ben. (You know he's trying his damndest to charm you, draw you in. But your abilities allow you to discern when men are trying to manipulate you. You are the master manipulator, spinning them along with your touch and your voice).
But you're also intrigued by this man. He's more than his bravado would suggest. When the cameras and the press and the rest of the team aren't around, he's not quite so insufferable. You find his arrogance, partnered with his charm, amusing. But it's also become somewhat endearing.
The truth is, he's actually...sort of grown on you. And that's probably the real reason you're here on a date with him.
You lean over and rest your hand over his, frowning when he seems a bit wary of your touch.
The first time you met him, you'd just been teasing him. You'd heard how he'd been talking shit about you to Stan, doubting if you were really powerful enough to be on the team. But now, he's stiff under your hand, prepared to fortify his mind against you.
"I won't compel you again, Ben. I promise," you tell him. Your hand travels up his arm, soothing along his neck, your palm finally resting against his cheek. His green eyes stare into yours.
Soon enough, his wariness bleeds away.
He hooks a foot around the leg of your chair and draws you closer, making you yelp in surprise.
He smirks, finally getting the jump on you for a change as he wraps an arm around your waist and brings you close.
You blink in surprise, looking up at his handsome face with wide eyes. A blush dusts your cheeks, warming your face. His smirk softens around the edges, just a little, and he takes his chance to capture your lips in a searing kiss.
And maybe, you're the one who's caught.
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AN: Aww, this one was really fun! Thanks for the request. 😘
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Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
SB Tag List:
@melancholictearz @katherineann83 @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman
@iprobablyshipit91 @agalliasi @venicesem @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @mimaria420 @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @skyesthebomb @this-is-me19 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore
@agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @emily-winchester @tearsfortheyouth @solo-pitstop-vibes @dope-trope-105 @liuope @beautyvaliant @xxlaynaxx @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @tmb510 @iamsapphine @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @lacilou
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riddles-fiddles · 10 months
hello asdfgsjdldkl this is a half fluffy half spicy request, how would you feel about writing a fem/gn mc who is autistic, but here’s the twist (lol)—their special interest is kink/bdsm? maybe they’re a bit shy about it at first since it’s not exactly something you just TALK about but one day they somehow end up infodumping? with Lilia, Idia, Vil, and Malleus, if that’s okay? (bonus points for mc being a sub ghjkslahsksl) (also if you’re not sure about how to write an autistic mc that’s totally fine, thank you for your service /gen ajshsjskdkl)
I tried to write this based on how my ADHD brain works with my special interests, so I hope this isn't as terrible lol also since you didn't say which kinks you'd like to see, I kept them a little bit more on the generalized side. If you'd like something more specific you can request again. Anyways thank you kindly for this lovely request, I had lots of fun writing it /gen <3
Synopsis: the boys are very intriguided to know about your secret special interest~ Characters: Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge Tags: NSFW, smut with context, bondage play, master/servant, power play, spanking/impact play Notes: gender neutral reader (unspecified body parts), everyone is 18+, excuse any grammatical errors,,,
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Vil looks down on you with an amused expression as you moan and buck your hips up, searching for the friction you so desesperately need from his hands. You were pressed against the couch with your wrists firmly tied up on your back and your legs held apart by the leather belts, your dripping arousal entirely exposed and unable to wiggle too much, keeping you on the edge of your climax as you relied on Vil's painfully slow and light touches. It all started from one of Vil's fashion jobs. Being one of Twisted Wonderland's most beloved supermodels, he was offered to take a catwalk under the name of a high-end brand trying to test a new niche of clothing and creative display: a mix of kinky props and everyday clothing, with emphasis on office attire.
Vil looks absolutely dazzling on his violet blue formal shirt, sleeves rolled up his elbows to expose the shoulder-lenght latex gloves. A black leather chest harness hugs his figure perfectly, highlighting his curves and accentuating his proportions, his clothing, paired with the sensual makeup, gave him a rather imposing, bossy feel - the perfect face of a dangerous temptation, especially for you.
So much you can't help but unload all the little details about harness fashion you know about, about how they can be used to better pick on certain body parts, how they can be used for bondage and how you would love to try some on-
"Hush now, my precious nightingale. I love it when you sing for me like that, but…" He coos softly, his breath tickling against the hot skin of your cheek as his fingers came to press against your lips, gently nudging them open; a taunt and a promise of something more to come. "…I would hate it if the agency's staff came into my dressing room to find you like this."
Your eyes widen, suddenly remebering that anybody could walk in on any second, curious about the amount of noise coming out of Vil's room. As you slowly part your lips to welcome his gloved fingers, you hear a low chuckle of satisfaction coming. "Good puppy," Vil's whisper melts on your ears like dripping honey as his fingers make their way between uour teeth, playing with your tongue. "You deserve a reward for being so well behaved."
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"Y-you feel so g-good, darling…" Idia groans in contentment before slamming his cock deep inside you once more. A shaky, devilish laugh rolls off his tongue as he watches the way you struggle to keep you hand steady, trying your best to pour some tea without allowing even the tiniest drop to stain the sheets.
Idia was the one trying to suggest new things for you two to try out - on his own nerdy, embarrassed ways. He was too scared to openly admit his kinks, thinking that maybe you could find him a weirdo, so he would casually comment about something like he was just talking about the news, or even pointing out something unusual on a character from some anime.
However, Idia soon discovered about the hype of cat maid cafés, and as he 'innocently' showed you some of the recipes and how you could pick your maid's personality, he was surprised to see how it had sparked your interest, his face going alight as you passionately unravel about your love for cute maid outfits and how you do own one. Idia wasn't one to make bold moves, but that was just too good of an opportunity to let it slip away from his fingers, so he lightly suggests to see you with it…
And now you found yourself full-on roleplaying. Taking in the role of a humble, diligent maid to your master, you faced multiple challenges as Idia reveled on your misery, trying to keep yourself composed while serving him.
Idia's fingernails dig on your hips, pulling down on the black skirt as he bucks up against you, low gasps leaving his lips. You need to bite down on your lips to contain a curse, holding onto the teacup between your hands for dear life. "So cute and obedient…" You shiver at his praise, his voice laced with dark desire, pushing you down on his lap.
You are surprised by his hand possessively wrapping around your chin, forcing your face to turn to him. Before you can mouth any sound, he captures your lips, making your grip finally falter, droplets of tea splasing over Idia's legs.
"Oh no, seems like you've made a mess… better clean it up quick if you don't wanna be punished, huh?" He smirks with mischief, his pointy teeth grazing over your shoulder threateningly.
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You shudder in antecipation under Malleus' firm grip around the back of your neck, pushing your face down into the sheets. His throaty growl lingers over your body, leaving goosebumps under your skin. "Mine," Malleus rasps, his teeth sinking down on your back, leaving behind a perfect mark. "And I'll make sure everyone knows who you belong to." Malleus is very curious regarding everything that involves human nature, entertained by even the simplest of things. It wasn't uncommon to find him nose deep inside books, drinking in the particularities of the ones so exquisite for his fae standards.
While spending the afternoon with you in Ramshackle Dorm, quietly fidgeting through your phones and simply enjoying each other's company, he accidentally looked over your smartphone right in time to catch you scrolling down on a Magicam post about 'power play'. His interest is immediately piqued, intrigued by whatever it meant; Malleus points it out, interested to know more about it, and as you eagerly explains what it means, Malleus nods and hums in understanding, his mind working out on this new discovery.
"That's a very exquisite concept. Tell me, Child of Man, would you be willing to give me a practical demonstration on the matter? I'm certain I could understand it better this way."
You tried to keep Malleus pinned down on the bed, your hands firmly wrapping around his wrists to keep him still. Your attempt in dominance only the Fae Prince, who effortlessly turned you to lay on your belly, restraining you by the arms. "Looks like I am the winner of this little dispute. Shall I indulge in my prize now?"
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"Easy now, sugar bat. If you tense up too much, it will hurt even more." A low chuckle rolls off Lilia's tongue, mischief mixed with tenderness etched on his cherry-coloured eyes. The paddle on his hand slowly runs over your warmed thighs, the sensitive skin shivering and squirming under the rough leather feel, teasing and threatening to strike once more.
"Back in my day, those devices were used as torture tools to coax prisoners into talking about their secrets. Now, they are used in intimate rendezvous to give pleasure induced by pain." Lilia giggles, an innocent smile gracing his lips - a very fake one. The glint on his eyes suggesting some sly, hidden interest, like he wasn't just silently reading the fanfiction you were writing on your phone.
"So, you're interested on the complexities of pain and pleasure, huh? Would you like to indulge in a demonstration? I'll be more than happy to lead you into this forbidden experience, my dear." How could you deny such a confident, tantalizing suggestion? You knew a lot about the theoretical thing, having read a lot about fiction or even health-related articles about BDSM and impact play. Despite being shy about it, you knew you could trust Lilia.
"You're doing very well, sweetheart," Lilia's whisper is sweet and reassuring as his fingers gently thread between your locks, a soothing gesture in contrast to the dry impact of the paddle against your buttcheeks, marking the skin with a pinkish colour. The leather leaves a stinging sensation, making you gasp and squirm over Lilia's lap. He leans in to press a soft kiss on your forehead, a sly smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Only ten more to go."
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danikamariewrites · 8 months
Omg can I ask for Xaden Riorson x reader fluff you write him so well!
Xaden x reader Relationship hc
A/n: thank you anon! I thought I’d do a hc for him bc I haven’t done one yet
Warnings: none just fluff ☺️
I think Xaden would be stand offish at first
He would want to ignore his feelings to keep the tough guy facade up
But you broke through his walls and gained his trust
“Fuck y/n, you drive me crazy. I can’t stop thinking about you, when I’m not around you everything just feels wrong.” “Xaden, I feel the same way. I’m stupidly in love with you and want to be with you. Please say you want to be with me too.”
When Xaden finally gave in he grabbed your face and kissed you like he was going to die if his lips weren’t on yours
From then on you two were attached at the hip
His arm was always around you
Xaden is a total gentleman
He worships the ground you walk on, he thinks you’re the most badass woman he’s ever met, and he never hides you away or thinks you can’t stand your ground
Xaden let’s you bejeweled 🤗
While he’s tough in front of the other riders he’s actually a big teddy bear behind closed doors
If it’s just you two or with friends he’s not afraid to cling to your or show affection
You don’t mind the tough guy act, you two have talked about it and it’s best to protect you both that way
But let’s talk about what affection with Xaden looks like
I think the physical stuff is important to him
Knowing you’re always with him and when you lean into his touch Xaden’s heart skips a beat
Our boy is tall! So you have to get on your tiptoes to kiss him so he doesn’t have to lean down too much
Piggyback rides with Xaden are the best! You love hugging him super tight and resting your head on his back
I think he also likes acts of service are one of Xaden’s love languages (the violets in the jar next to Violet’s bed so she didn’t wake up alone like r u kidding me🥺)
Xaden loves zipping up your flight jacket and gives you a kiss on your forehead, “There you go, all warm and snug.”
He also helps you lace up your corset for parties and lacing up your boots
When he laces your boots in the morning he kisses up your shins to your knees, “those feel tight enough?” He asks while rubbing your thighs lightly and smiling at you. “Yup. Thanks babe.” You kiss his cheek and slide off the bed. Xaden’s hand envelops yours as you walk to breakfast together
Xaden sharpens/cleans your daggers for you when he notices they need it
Sleeping together you guys usual switch between your room and his
You both keep extra clothes in each others rooms. Xaden cleared a draw out in his armoire just for you after you got together
You’re a big cuddler
Xaden wasn’t at first, but the first night you spent together you laid your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around him falling right to sleep
Xaden was frozen at the fact that someone could be this close to him. That someone wasn’t afraid of him
The fact that he brought you comfort brought silent tears to his eyes. He let them fall as he smiled down at you, wrapping his arms around you holding you close to him all night
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pathetic-sapphic · 10 months
hello! i was wonder if you could do fluffy headcannons for vi and caitlyn? thanks in advance and have fun writing this : D
Fluffly Vi and Caitlyn HC's
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Vi is actually quite a bookworm! Growing up in the Lanes makes it hard to learn how to read and it wasn't until Vander found her trying to make sense of a novel left behind by a patron at the Last Drop that she started learning. Vander taught her himself, after the rest of her adoptive siblings went to bed, Vi would stay up and have Vander teach her how to read next to the soft glow of candle light. Those are some of her favorite memories with him.
She is a dog person through and through. Will beg for the two of you to adopt a dog once you've been living together for a while and you always seemed unsure. Little did she know, you were actually planning to surprise her with a puppy for her birthday! And when you finally do, oh, she cries so much! There are tears of happiness sliding down her freckled cheeks as she holds the tiny golden retriever puppy in her hands. Your apartment is alive with the sounds of her sobs and the puppy's attempts at barking, your heart clenches with joy at the scene. Vi will forever be grateful to you for such a thoughtful and amazing gift. She knows she can never repay you but she's willing to try through kisses and hugs.
Hates going clothes shopping unless you're the one doing it. If so, she's at your service. She'll carry your bags, point out clothes that she thinks you'll look nice in and compliment you when you try them on. When she's the one buying clothes, she likes for it to be done as quickly as possible. Though she can't say she minds the appreciative looks you give her when she tries on some particularly tight clothes or ones that show off her muscles.
Loves silly pet names. Cutie, honey bee, hot stuff, etc. But most of the time she likes to stick with good ol' 'babe'. Her heart almost jumps out of her chest the first time you call her 'darling'. There's just something about the way that word rolls off of your tongue that makes her stomach erupt with butterflies. First names are only uttered in serious situations.
Her giving love language is physical touch, receiving is words of affirmation. Vi loves being close to you, hugging, kissing and touching you whenever she can. She craves reassurance and affirmation due to her past. Needs to know she's good to you and that you feel loved and protected by her side.
Her favorite season is autumn! It's chilly but not too cold, but at the same time cold enough for her to cozy up inside and enjoy the rainy scenery unfolding outside your shared place. Even better if the two of you cuddle under a blanket and doze off in each other's arms. Violet swears she never slept better.
As much as she adores being the big spoon, she has a secret fondness for being the small spoon too. Especially after a nightmare, Vi needs to be held and feel protected. Her life has been one of hardship and being in your embrace reminds her that that period of her life is over. Now there is only your warmth and smile which protect her from all harm and sadness life brings.
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Has no bias when it comes to dogs or cats, but since she grew up with dogs, she isn't opposed to adopting a cat with you this time around. She had planned to find a more exotic and fancy cat breed but that went out the window one night as she was coming back from work. Coming back to you. It was a rainy night and it was already quite late as she stayed longer in her office than she should've so she was hurrying along. Despite the heavy sounds of rain and her footsteps echoing off the pavement, her ears managed to pick up a tiny, desperate sound. Cautiously following it to a dark alley, she was surprised when she stumbled upon a dirty kitten that was meowing its little heart out. Caitlyn couldn't bear to just leave it so she took it home to you. Your kind soul immediately saw the kitten as a new addition to your little family and it made Caitlyn so happy. The sweet but feisty calico kitten would quickly become an integral part of your everyday lives and the two of you wouldn't have it any other way!
Opposite of Vi when it comes to shopping, Caitlyn loves indulging herself with new fits and it's even better if she gets to do the same for you! Be prepared to never have to use your wallet ever again because your girlfriend has you covered. Loves to spoil you with whatever you desire and buys you stuff weekly, even if you don't ask for it. Whenever she buys you new clothes, Caitlyn likes to make a little show out of it! She'll twirl you around and give advice on how to pair different articles of clothing. However, she understands if it may be a bit too much at first so she'll start off with small and inexpensive but sentimental gifts. Anything to make you happy.
Caitlyn secretly collects antique porcelain figurines. She remembers her mother always having some on display when she was a child but never let her go near them in fear that she'd break them on accident. But she was always so amazed by their graceful yet still forms and the details which adorned their smooth surface. So, when she got older, she started buying them out of pure self-indulgence. When the two of you start dating, she's actually a bit scared that you'll find her obsession silly but, as always, you pleasantly surprise her with a look of awe and compliments on how pretty they are. When a couple of days later you show up with a gift for her, she is so happy! That happiness grows too big for her heart to contain when the gift turns out to be two custom-made porcelain figures with a striking resemblance to the two of you. You may not know it, but this definitely helped heal her inner child.
Besides practicing shooting, Caitlyn also loves fencing! It lets her release tension and stress which piles up from work and it keeps her agile. Puffs out her chest with pride if she ever spots you watching her during practice. Tries extra hard to impress you but at the same time gets really clumsy because she's constantly checking if your eyes are on her and only her. You catch on quickly and find it very endearing.
Soft and sweet pastries are her weakness. Goes to her favorite bakery to pick up her breakfast every morning before work. Once she's with you, she drops by in the afternoon too, during her break, so she can get you your favorite and give it to you when she gets home. At the end of a long day, there is nothing Caitlyn yearns for more than the sweet taste of a flaky pastry and your soft lips.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 10 months
Hi! Hopre youre fine and all! Can you give me som military fics like Squared Away? Where no real countries are involve but they are fighting monsters or something? Thanks <3
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Squared Away by Suaine
(1/1 I 15,809 I Teen I Sterek)
Alpha LT Derek Hale gets a promotion, a pack, and a mission. Stiles is a complication.
We Fight Monsters Together by scarlettletterr
(1/1 I 11,555 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek Hale doesn't trust humans anymore and is determined to pilot his family’s mecha alone. Too bad he doesn't get a choice when he's paired up with the brightest most sarcastic human mind to ever come out of Beacon Hills in the form of Stiles Stilinski.
Second Galaxy to the Right and Straight On Til Morning by spurklie
(1/1 I 16,679 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles is reading reports on his tablet and drinking from a bottle of water in the base mess hall when he realises there is someone standing at his table. Dragging his eyes up from the calculations, he chokes on his water and then spits some all over Derek, who barely flinches.
Ultra Violet by ElisAttack
(3/3 I 16,836 I Teen I Sterek)
"There's no way he's a quarian. Least of all the quarian prince we're supposed to be escorting." Erica whines, and Derek wonders why he named her his staff lieutenant, she has no tact whatsoever.
"I'm sorry, but you must be a level 4 friend to unlock my tragic back-story." The prince jokes. "And call me Stiles, even I can't pronounce my actual name."
Or the one where Derek and his crew are assigned to be the glorified babysitter of an alien prince, and everything is not as it seems.
Triton's Folly by Kaye_Fraser, S3anchaidh
(8/8 I 46,185 I Teen I Sterek)
As an officer in the United Earth Alliance, Major Derek Hale understands the order of things and his place in the world. Yet, a decade of war and a lifetime of dedicated service have taken its toll. The only thing that has kept him sane all these years is the video logs of a scientist he’d found years ago, buried in the rubble of a research station on Callisto. He knows that the man in the videos – Stiles – is long gone, lost to the vastness of space, but to Derek, he’s alive. In fact, he thinks he has fallen half in love with the boundless energy and bright-eyed optimism of the image he sees on his screen. Then, everything changes when a fateful mission strands him on the surface of a desolate moon … and brings him face-to-face with a man he had only ever dreamed of meeting.
Relationships That Start Under Intense Circumstances by seraphina_snape
(1/1 I 59,448 I Explicit I Sterek)
In a world where werewolves are a normal part of life and the Argents have turned from being hunters into leading one of the biggest pro-wolf organizations in the US, Stiles is the newly promoted assistant head of the Argent Weapons International R&D department. When he uncovers a conspiracy and finds evidence of an anti-werewolf movement that spreads into the highest positions at AWI, he knows he must do what he can to stop Kate and Gerard Argent from destroying what the rest of the Argents (and the rest of the world) have worked for so hard.
Things get a little complicated when Kate and Gerard turn the tables on Stiles and accuse him of treason and espionage. On the run and with killers on his tail to shut him up, Stiles has to find a way to stop the release of a dangerous product, prove his innocence and find a way to implicate Kate and Gerard in the conspiracy. With his dad, Scott and Allison in danger from Kate and Gerard, Stiles is incredibly grateful when he meets Derek Hale who promptly saves his life. But it soon becomes clear that Derek is hiding something that could be the undoing of Stiles and everything he's trying to do.
Specialized Technical Intelligence and Logistics for Earth and Space (S.T.I.L.E.S) by Yiichi
(10/10 I 73,419 I Not Rated I Sterek)
“What the hell kind of a name is Stiles?” he asked.
“You know, a series of sounds spoken in a particular sequence that represent my identity, primarily, referring to me?“ the AI – Stiles – answered cheekily, crossing his own arms in front of his chest, mirroring Derek’s position.
“Ooh, this one’s feisty,” Peter smirked.
War Crimes by loserchic
(69/69 I 81,840 I Mature I Sterek)
In a fantastical military state, Stiles, an orphaned nobody, street smart omega was rescued as a child by war hero alpha, Commander Derek Hale. Six years later, Stiles still maintains an obsession with taking care of himself and a blatant mistrust of alphas. Stiles becomes the first omega to be accepted into elite training with the Black Wolves, the military's special operations force. Derek has always intended to mate with Stiles and is furious at the idea of him entering training. However, Stiles' guardians only agree to allow Derek to mate with Stiles if he allows Stiles to attempt Black Wolves' training. Derek becomes Stiles' commanding officer and the war between them begins. Also a lot of fraternization.
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shiny-kaibernyte · 5 months
Yo thanks for doing the fluffy romance hcs they're so fricking cute!!!! May I request err something Arven x M!Reader? (Presumably Florian so we've got the whole Titans and area zero dynamics?) Where Arven gets jealous of Kieran and Carmine's crush on his boyfriend, not to mention hearing Drayton asked him on a date?😩 I'm just starved for gay content lol
I shall quench your gay cravings. Apologies this took so long to get to I love Arven and I'm kicking myself in the teeth for not giving him the spotlight sooner
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet DLC Spoilers ahead!
When you finally returned from the exchange program; Arven was excited to hear about your journey. Your new friends however were an unexpected arrival and a not so welcomed introduction.
Warnings: Fluff, Jealousy, slightly possessive behaviour
SPOILER WARNING: Mild Spoilers for the Main SV game and both DLC Stories and characters.
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Pokémon Headcanons | Arven x M.Reader (Jealousy)
When you first told Arven about the exchange trip and how you’d been selected for it cuz Pokémon plot, he wasn’t too happy. Not because you got the place; he was overjoyed for you in that regard. What upset him was the fact he couldn’t go with you. 
You weren’t able to contact him very much during the trip, service in the terrarium is HORRIBLE. So that only made his longing for you even more demanding. And you felt exactly the same way, missing your boyfriend even more everyday.
But finally after what felt like forever, the two of you were finally reunited. He practically bear hugged you when he saw you, almost crushing your bones in excitement. All you could do was laugh as Arven clung to you like a squirrel to an acorn. 
If it wasn’t for your extra company, he would have held you all the way back to the academy. Carry you if you’d let him. Dude was craving your attention after all this time. But when he saw who was accompanying you, a switch clicked within him. You’d told Arven about Kieran and Carmen during your brief trip to Kitagami, but he’d never met them before. And to say he didn’t like them would be an understatement.
Carmen wasn’t too big on his nerves, he wasn't a huge fan with how often she dragged away your attention, always wanting your opinion on her battling techniques; what to improve on etcetera. She reminded him of Nemona in that sense. But Kieran, that was a different story.
The way he was always standing behind you, looking at your expressions to see how you felt. Arven could see the way Kieran was always wanting your validation and it drove him in the wall. But what really grinded Arven the wrong way, was how often Kieran would grab your hand to show you something he’d spotted.
Whenever Kieran would do this, Arven would grab you by the waist or shoulder and pull you to his side, glaring at Kieran with an almost murderous intent. Grated Arven can’t hurt a Cutiefly, but that isn’t going to stop him from making a point.
“Hands off my boyfriend purple.” or “Don’t try and steal him now” Were the most common phrases you’d hear from Arven when Kieran would drag you away. 
If Carmen was the one taking your attention away, Arven would simply stand there irritated, sending the odd glare towards Carmen till she took the hint, that Arven wasn’t keen on sharing his boyfriend with a stranger.
Don’t try to convince him to like them. Regardless of what you’ve told him about them, he won’t trust them for a while. Hell it took the entire trip to Area Zero to even remotely start to like Nemona, so Carmen and Kieran are going to take a lot of effort to like.
But when Arven finally DOES come around, his clinginess and possessiveness over you lessens dramatically, he is a lot more comfortable around them and even starts to hang out with Kieran away from you and Carmen. 
However, during one of those hangouts. Kieran accidently let slip that Drayton, a kid from his school, asked you out on a date, multiple times actually. Most were jokes and you always turned them down. And that made Arven’s blood boil. 
He trusts you fully and completely, you're his boyfriend and he loves you. But knowing someone was chasing after your heart, the same heart he holds the key for, it drove him crazy. You didn’t sleep alone that night, and you also made it clear to Arven that you love him and only him.
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camels-pen · 3 months
burning love
@sanusoweek Day 1 - Ice Skating / OT3
Roses are red, Violets are nice, These guys are gay, Sanji falls through the ice.
Ao3 Link | sanuso week series | Day 2
Sanji skated a decently sized heart into the iced over lake, a tray of warm drinks in his hand as he called, “Usopp, my darling dearest beloved brightest—”
“We get it, Curly, what the fuck do you want?”
Sanji scowled. “I wasn’t talking to you, Mossy.” He looked around. “I’m looking for our angel of a boyfriend to deliver hot cocoa.”
“He’s busy.” Zoro jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. Sanji looked past him to Chopper in Horn Point, Luffy holding onto his antlers, and Usopp pulling Luffy backwards by his grip on Luffy’s waist. He had a big kissable grin on his face and oh, Sanji must’ve been struck by cupid’s arrow again because the wind blew just right through his curls and—
Zoro gripped his shoulder. “He’s busy.” 
Sanji rolled his eyes. If Luffy and Chopper couldn’t mess him up with all their loud laughter and squirming and Hurry up, Usopp! ‘s, then Sanji’s perfectly polite entrance wouldn’t do a thing.
“Thank you for your services, Mr. guard dog, but they’re no longer needed.”
“Don’t think you have the right to say that when you always look like you’re in fucking heat—”
Sanji slammed one skate into the ice, lifting the other into the air. “Be very careful with your next words.”
Zoro put a hand on his swords. “Or what? You’ll whimper?”
“DON’T YOU FUCKING—” Nami cut herself off with a shriek. “Robin, catch me! And stop them, please!”
Familiar hands grabbed his calf and thigh. He spotted two more gripping Zoro’s arms. “You’ll crack the ice if you fight,” Robin said somewhere behind Sanji. “And the shock of the cold water could make you involuntarily inhale and drown as you start to slowly lose feeling in your limbs.”
Sanji let the tension bleed from his body. “Sorry, Robin dear.” Zoro grunted his own acknowldgement and the hands disappeared.
“No, Diable either Sanji-bro,” Franky added as he skated around, Robin perched on one of his shoulders, a book between her gloved hands. “You’ll melt the ice and it’ll be a hell of a lot worse.”
He waved a hand. “Yeah, yeah, I get it.” He quickly spun around and took off. “Usopp dear! I’ve made you hot cocoa filled to the brim with all my love for you!”
Usopp a noise between a squeak and a shout and he stumbled. His arms pinwheeled, abruptly letting go of Luffy and sending him flying.
“Oh no, Luffy!” Chopper yelled. “Usopp, you said you wouldn’t send him that far!”
“Blame Sanji, not me!” he said, still wobbling back and forth with a beautiful red undertone to his dark skin. “Quick, you and boss Jinbei get after him!”
“Right!” Chopper switched to Walk Point, picked up a confused looking Jinbei by the shore and took off after Luffy.
“Shit—!” Usopp fell with a loud smack and a groan. “Zoro, you were supposed to not let Sanji distract me,” he whined.
“My bad.”
Sanji wasted no time offering a hand and pulling Usopp up. He pressed a kiss to Usopp’s forehead and the bottom of his nose, where it had bent against the ice. “I should’ve listened too, I’m sorry, love.”
Usopp grumbled, then stumbled again. “Ugh, my balance sucks,” he said, accepting the affection—and hot cocoa—with a smile. “How did you pick this up so fast?”
“I can show you.” Sanji pulled him closer by the hand, his arm finding its place at the small of his back. “Let me teach you, give you some private lessons.”
A thick arm suddenly wrapped around Usopp’s shoulders. “Hey, I’m better at skating than you, I’ll teach him.”
“Fuck off, we both know you’d just let him fall flat on his face every time.”
Zoro raised a brow.  “Well yeah, how else is he gonna learn?” 
“Goddamn mossheaded brute,”—he tugged Usopp closer to him—“I’m going to teach Usopp.”
“No, you’re just gonna coddle him.” Zoro pulled Usopp back.
“There’s a difference between coddling and not letting him get hurt, moron,” Sanji growled.
“Not with this there isn’t.”
Sanji slammed his forehead to Zoro’s. “You wanna go, you shitty piece of algae?!”
“Anytime, shit cook,” Zoro said, pushing him back.
“Hey, hey—” Usopp wiggled his way out from between them. “You don’t have to fight!”
“Yes, we do,” they said in unison.
“God, you two.” Sanji couldn’t see what he was doing, but the next thing he knew there was a trail of soft kisses from his cheek to his jaw. He closed his eyes with a hum, a pleasant flush crawling up his neck. He heard another series of kisses and felt Zoro pull away.
Usopp huffed and Sanji blinked his eyes open to look at him. “Honestly, you can both teach me,” he said, arms on his hips and a smile on his face.
Zoro turned away, his ears dusting pink. “Yeah, alright.”
Usopp turned to Sanji. A grin split Sanji’s face.
“Oh, my dearest and most beloved boyfriend, how you bless me so! I, of course, will heed your wishes. Nothing compares to such a thoughtful gift upon my person.” He twirled around a few times. His heart beat rapidly in his chest, his burning love growing hotter and hotter all throughout his body. “In exchange let me regale you with a poem: roses are red, violets are nice—”
There was a crack.
Sanji fell through the ice.
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mochie85 · 1 year
To Have and To Hold - Chapter 8
THaTH Masterlist Complete Masterlist
Summary: Loki and Violet reunite. Violet gives birth. A/N: I wanna give a big thanks to @michelleleewise and @lokisgoodgirl for being my BETA readers and for helping me along with my unhinged ideas. Pairing: Loki x OFC/Reader Word Count: Over 1.8K Tags/Warnings: Pregnancy. Early labor. Pain. Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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The pain was blinding. Your vision was fading around the edges as you tried to focus on something, anything that might relieve the pressure taking over your lower body.  It was as if God himself wrapped his hand around your pelvis and back and squeezed. It came in full force, and He was not giving you any mercy.
You were taken to a brightly lit room. There were many people in black orderly uniforms standing alongside the walls, ready and willing to be of service. Two of them tended to you and took you away from Thor’s embrace. Hands were flying everywhere as they stripped you and placed you in a lightweight silk shift.
“Loki? Where’s Loki?” you cried out.
“Thor, fetch your brother,” Frigga whispered.
“But Father would never allow that,” he answered.
“I’ll deal with your father. You get Loki here any way you can. Do you hear me?”
“Yes, Mother.” Thor nodded as he ran out of the room.
“It’s too early. It’s too early,” you kept repeating to Bruce who was holding onto your hand.
“Vee, it’s gonna be ok.” Bruce squeezed your hand, and rubbed your shoulders, comforting you the only way he knew.
“Why…how, Bruce? It’s too early. Please…” you cried. “My baby.”
“I…I don’t know, Vee. But right now, let’s focus on getting that baby out.” He nodded, his nerves betraying him. “I’m sorry I’m not Loki. But I’ll be here for as long as you need me, ok?” You nodded as you breathed through your mouth.
In. Out. In. Out. The occasional screams of agony tear from your lungs as you try to wrap your head around what’s happening.
“Lady Violet, my name is Gilda. I’ll be your midwife today.” The woman said to you gently. You nodded at her while keeping Bruce right by your side. “We have set up the healer’s bath as a birthing pool for you, milady. The soul forge on top would be able to help us assess the baby and help you along. All right?” You nodded and agreed. “Ok let’s get you in.” Gilda went to your opposite side and helped walk you along to the bath.
“Do Asgardians normally give water births?” you asked, your curiosity winning over your wincing pain.
“Some do, milady. However, it is the preferred method of the Jotunns. And since…” Gilda looked up at you, contrite. “I apologize for being so bold, milady.”
“That’s all right. Since the baby is half Jotunn, you thought it would be significant to honor this method. I appreciate the fore…aaaahhhhhgggg…the forethought,” you screamed.
“Your contractions are getting closer together. Let’s get the soul forge over you and we can begin.”
“No! Wait! Loki. I need Loki. Please,” you begged.
“There isn’t much time, milady.”
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Thor ran down the corridor. Beings of all shapes and sizes hollered and screamed at the sight of the god of thunder. Some were loud and angry for being put in there by the prince himself.
Thor descended one more flight of stairs until he found the one Loki was in privately. His cell was bright and furnished. A contrast to the dark and desperate appearance of Loki wallowing in the corner of the cell.
“Loki…” Thor huffed.
“You’re a tad too late, brother. The sentencing was done hours ago. It was stupendous!” Loki’s crooked smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“I believe, Father tried to sell tickets…”
“LOKI! Will you shut your insufferable mouth for just one moment?!” Thor yelled and suddenly looked around to see if there were any guards in sight. Thor placed his hands on the lock by the door and the electric borders fell.
“What are you doing?” Loki asked confused. He got up, ready to run, not wanting to waste any time.
“I arrived with Bruce and Violet moments ago.”
“Violet is here?!” Loki asked shocked.
“Yes. She is in labor. Come I’ll fill you in on the way.”
“Where? What room?”
“Healer’s temple. The baths.” Thor said only seconds before Loki grabbed his arm and transported both of them into the hallway of the temple. Thor looked around to orient himself and pointed at the door to his left.
Loki didn’t waste any time as he opened the door and searched the vast room for you. Healers and dignitaries crowded around to bear witness to the birth of the next royal line. He heard you first before he saw you. Your screams of pain were loud and heartrending. “Darling.” He said pushing through the crowd. Running over to you. Reaching for you.
“Loki? Loki!” You held your hand out reaching for him too. And as you both crossed your fingers together and finally held each other, a sense of peace entered your body, making you lose your breath and hitch. He was here and he felt like home. Memories of those long nights sneaking behind the compound where his hands, the same hands that caressed your cheek and held your face, were now finally holding you.
Tears fell down your face as you held on to him tighter. You were afraid that if you let go, he would disappear. And you didn’t think you could handle that right now. “My beautiful Violet. I’m here. I’m here,” he whispered, leaning over you and kissing your forehead.  Loki started looking around. “Who the hell are all these people? Did you want them here?”
“I…I don’t know. I just thought…they needed to be here…” you answered.
“Everybody out!” Loki screamed as he pointed to the door.
“All right, you heard him! Anybody who is not necessary, out!” Thor yelled, ushering other bystanders and chambermaids. Frigga hugged both you and Loki tightly before leaving the room. Thor clapped his brother on the shoulder for support and followed his mother out.
“Loki. I watched her as best I could.” Bruce came up to him.
He shook Bruce’s hand, “I am grateful to you, my friend. I can never thank you enough for all that you’ve done for me…and my family.” Loki said holding you tighter. Bruce gave you a small kiss on the cheek as he said goodbye too and left the room. The only people who were left were Gilda and two other nursemaids.
Loki stripped bare down to his tunic. “Are you ready, my heart?” He asked as he picked you up and carried you over to the large tub. You shook your head as more tears fell from your face. You held on to your stomach as he lowered you down into the warm water. You were submerged up to your chest in the shallow tub. The shimmering fabric of your tunic floated around you like a halo making you look ethereal.
Loki stepped in shortly after you, making you pause. He pulled you gently in front of him as he sat behind you and cradled you in between his legs.
“I’m never letting you go again.” He said adamantly in your ear. You relaxed into Loki, his strong hands cradling your hips. His lean frame protecting you, lifting you up and supporting you, reminding you that you didn’t have to do this alone.
“I’m sorry, Loki,” you started to cry. “I’m so sorry.” You repeated the words in between your screams. Over and over. Loki shushed you wiping your tears, a useless endeavor with his wet hands.
Gilda stood at the foot of the tub as the two maidens placed the soul forge above you. She took one look at it and was about to say something, but you had screamed at the top of your lungs. You grabbed Loki’s knees and squeezed. Your fingernails digging into his skin.
“Ok, milady. Push.” Gilda ordered, kneeling down and reaching into the water.
“I’ve got you, Violet,” Loki said into your ear. You nodded, answering his devotion as you screamed out some more. Your head rolled back as he wiped the sweat off your brows. “You’re doing great, my love.”
After what seemed like hours of pushing, and breathing, you felt momentary relief. You felt your life, all the love and knowledge you had acquired since your birth, pushed out of your body. Your breathing came in easier but was still ragged. You sobbed when you saw Gilda pull your babe from the waters and heard the first cries of your newborn child.
Loki held onto your face, kissing you endlessly, sighing soft praises to you. “You did it, my love. You did it. You are radiant, mother goddess.”
You cried, extending your arms out to hold your baby. Gilda handed it to one of the maidens. “Tressa, place this mirakel in one of the smaller soul forges.” Gilda turned to you, seeing your look of anger and disappointment. “Not yet, milady. You still have one more to deliver.”
“One more?!” both you and Loki yelled out instantaneously. As if it were being summoned, you felt another contraction. Gilda pointed to the soul forge atop of you. “I was going to mention it, but there was no time.” You both looked up, and the quantum field generator showed you an image of another small baby, still inside your body.
“Are you ready to push again?” Gilda smiled.
You nodded, as you barred down and held onto Loki’s hands. His nose running alongside your face, whispering nothing but encouraging words to you. “My darling Violet,” he chuckled. “Always giving me more love back than I give you.” He kissed your temple. “Two miracles in one. I will forever be grateful.” With those beautiful words, you felt his love. You pushed one last time and the third love of your life was born.
You were so exhausted. So overwhelmed. Gilda took the baby and handed it to another maiden who wrapped them and placed them lovingly in the soul forge along with their sibling.
“I want to see them,” you cried.
“You will, milady. But let’s clean you up first.” Gilda instructed. In an instant, Loki picked you up and transferred you over to another tub. The clean waters ran over you and Loki as he joined you.
“Gilda, please tend to the babies. I will look after my wife.” He said in a low voice.
“As you wish your highness,” she said smiling. “Shall I inform her majesty, the Queen?”
“Yes, please. But no visitors at this time.”
“Yes, your highness.” Gilda left to tend to the babies, while one of the handmaidens delivered Loki’s announcement.
Loki’s voice was soothing and gentle as he washed your body. He took great care with you and healed what he could. “I’m afraid the rest will have to be looked at by Gilda or perhaps one of the other healers. Do you feel all right, darling?” he asked.
With fatigue creeping its way to you and the events of the last two days overwhelming you, you couldn’t help but give in to the tiredness. You nodded your head and closed your eyes.
“Sleep, then. I’ll watch over you. I’ll watch over our family.”
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⬅️Chapter 7 | Chapter 9➡️
🏷️ @emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @vickie5446 @psychospore @mukagentropy @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallows @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @n3rdybirdee @melsunshine
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trashmouth-richie · 1 year
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the ride 🤎
warnings: NO MINORS, spanking, whipping, overstimulation, face riding, blow jobs. Etc
i have nothing here but filth to offer you on this Wednesday afternoon, pls enjoy
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you’ve been grinding into Steve’s face for over an hour at this point. Sweat is slicked across your arms, dripping down your chest and pooling into the creases of your thighs and hips. The same hips that are now bruised by his long fingers from forcing you put where you’re sitting as “pretty as a kitty” on his face. It’s fitting actually, and matches the swollen hot skin on your ass from the sudden smacks of his leather braided horse whip when you tell him you can’t keep going. Exhausted and hips aching with each gyrating motion against his broad Roman nose. But he only encourages you further.
“come on honey baby, I know you got another one in ya,”
You whimper out as tears flood your eyes when his teasing assault of his tongue laps at your oversensitive clit again and again. Another torturously pleasuring orgasm shoots from you and has you head thrown back in ecstasy.
“So pretty,” Steve moans into your folds, “such a good girl for daddy,”
When Steve asked you to go for a ride with him you figured it was just another trail ride so you packed a picnic basket full of sandwiches made of the softest bread delectable meats and cheeses, grapes and Ol’ man Hopper’s homemade blackberry wine.
But when you drove up to the large farmhouse sitting back on Hare Road, and entered the barn where Steve was saddling up Blue and Lady, the sight of you in a white flowing sundress had Steve’s cock kicking up in his Wranglers (which whenever this happened, they felt more like stranglers) he needed you now.
So here you were, tangled up in the tack room of the Harrington’s barn, walls decorated with bridles, blinders, ropes, leads anything the Harrington’s Rodeo King desired. Your pussy spent and sore, Steve’s mustache ticklish at first but now bore a slight burn at your entrance. Coaxing you through your violent shakes as you came un done for him, he helps you sit on the blanket, his face slick with your sex all over it, sticking to his mustache like he just drank from the trough.
“And here I thought we were gonna go riding today,” you snicker as you push a hand through his pearl snap shirt, unbottoned a few as always, curls on his chest damp with sweat.
“Oh baby,” Steve says, fingering through the picnic basket for the jar of violet colored wine, taking a swig he swipes his tongue over his lips, your sweet arousal mixed with the potent wine creating a heavenly dose of drunk on his breath. “You really gonna pout after the free mustache ride? I usually charge for those special services.”
He thumbs over the smooth leather whip still in his hands, your eyes going wide when he takes another drink.
“But since you’re gonna be an ungrateful brat,” he tsks through his teeth, putting his tan hat back on his head, adjusting the brim with a little flick,“ looks like you can repay me for the good time by being obedient and very thankful.”
Your heart drops to your stomach, your ass was already welted. “Bu-,” you whimper but Steve simply shakes his head, putting his back straight against the wooden wall and tapping his denim clad thighs, spurs tinking as he adjusts his boots.
Hanging your head in a sulk, Steve praises you for being a good girl when you answer him and lay across his lap. Rubbing your ass slowly he thumbs the welt marks on your bare skin.
“How about a lickin’ for every time I let you come hmm?” His voice low and smooth, daunting as he continues, “remind me what that number was again sweetheart will ya?”
Sighing heavily you answer him with the number five, teeth biting into your lip on the first syllable.
Steve purrs as he rubs your ass, heavily calloused hands from working on the farm his whole life riding bronc on the weekends, “you’re gonna thank me after each one pretty baby okay? Can you do that for daddy?”
“Yes,” you pout, tears falling silently from your eyes, exaggerated with a blink as you roll your eyes.
The crack of his whip against your hot flesh makes you yelp loudly. “Excuse me?” Steve asks, voice venomous and rich with anger.
“Yes, daddy! I’m sorry!” You whine, fisting the blankets in tightly.
“That’s better, alright baby, here we go,” one hard smack and your holding in a moan, thanking him sweetly with his title on your lips.
“If you’re good we will see if Eddie wants to come play, I think he’s still with Goldie and they just got back from Wyoming bringing a load of cattle home for Wayne, you liked the last time they came over.” Another hard whipping on your right cheek has you screaming, again you thank him, humming low into the blankets.
Steve’s cock is still hard beneath you, tight and denim led cock spilling a sweet spot of pre cum forming darkly. “Would you like that pretty girl? Hmm?”
“Yes d—“ you manage before he cracks you again, thanking him once more you turn your head and Andre his question.
Finishing your punishment you are laid in Steve’s flannel bed, a fan blowing gently on you and the swollen skin of your ass smeared with creams and other ointments. Steve lays in front of you, legs spread wide to accompany your mouth on his cock as you bob up and down on his length, his hat sitting on your head, throat stuffed full of his snake like length, his pretty moans filling the walls, his warm release painting you thick and creamy.
Pussy still sore from Steve’s mustache ride, free for his one and only baby girl. The promise of a play date with the curly haired, wild best friend of his on the horizon. Smiling while you lick your lips, knowing that the stinging welts were worth it.
Readmore 🍊 hey girl
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fourthwingfan · 3 months
Madness - Chapter 5
Hello there readers. This is the new chapter, I hope you'll like it. It's a tiiny bit long though. I warned you.
Note: Violence, blood, injuries etc.
Ps: I won't be coming with a new chapter for a while because my best friend has a bachelorette party tomorrow, but I start writing the new chapter at Monday. Thanks for your patience.
Knowing I am in direct disagreement with General Melgren’s orders, I am officially objecting to the plan set forth in today’s briefing. It is not this general’s opinion that the children of the rebellion’s leaders should be forced to witness their parents’ executions. No child should watch their parent put to death.
– The Tyrrish Rebellion, an official brief for King Tauri by General Sorrengail
“Welcome to your first Battle Brief” Professor Devera says from the recessed floor of the enermous lecture hall later in the morning, a bright purple Flame Section patch on her shoulder matching her short hair perfectly. This is the only class held in the circular, tiered room that curves the entire end of the academic hall and one of only two rooms in the citadel capable of fitting every cadet. Every creaky wooden seat is full, and the senior third-years are standing against the walls behind us, but we all fit.
It’s a far cry from history last hour, where there were only three squads of first-years, but at least the first-years in our squad are all seated together. Now if I could only remember all their names.
Liam is easy to remember – he was the first who talked to me after Parapet. Somehow we became friends. But if I want to be honest, I don’t mind. He’s really kind and somehow I feel that I can trust him. It’s strange. My father always told me not to trust anyone. And despite my hatred for him, this sentence become one of the pillars which hold my life.
“In the past, riders have seldom been called into service before graduation” Professor Devera continues her mouth tensing as she paces slowly in front of a twenty-foot-high map of the Continent mounted to the back wall that’s intricately labeled with our defensive outposts along our borders. Dozens of mage lights illuminate the space, more than making up for the lack of windows and reflecting off the longsword she keeps strapped to her back.
“And if they were, they were always third-years who’d spent time shadowing forward wings, but we expect you to graduate with the full knowledge of what we’re up against. It’s not about just knowing where every wing is stationed, either.” She takes her time, making eye contact with every first-year she sees. The rank on her shoulder says captain, but I know she’ll be a major before she leaves her rotation teaching here, given the medals pinned on her chest. “You need to understand the politics of our enemies, the strategies of defending our outposts from constant attack, and have a thorough knowledge of both recent and current battles. If you cannot grasp these basic topics, then you have no business on the back of a dragon.” She arches a black brow a few shades darker than her deep-brown skin.
“No pressure” I mutter laughingly to Liam.
“The most powerful general in Navarre is your father. I think you can manage this class somehow.” He snorts.
“Hey. I’m not a genious, you know.” I whisper.
“And even humble.” He openly laughs at me. “You know all the answers in history. But I don’t think it counts if you only told me and not the teacher when he asked questions.”
“I don’t care what they think of me.” I say in a serious tone.
“This is the only class you will have every day, because it’s the only class that will matter if you’re called into service early.” Professor Devera’s gaze sweeps from left to the right and pauses on me. Her eyes flare wide for a heartbeat, but she gives an approving smile and nod before she do the same with Violet. “Because this class is taught every day and relies on the most current information, you will also answer to Professor Markham, who deserves nothing but your utmost respect.”
She waves the scribe forward, and he moves to stand next to her, the cream color of his uniform contrasting with her stark black one. He leans in when she whispers something to him, and his thick eyebrows fly high as he whips his head in my direction then he looks at Violet.
“Shit.” I mutter as I slide lower on the chair. “Why can’t I be invisible?
“You’re stand out a little bit to that.” Liam answer helpfully. “Maybe if you didn’t dye your hair, you didn’t stand out as much. I mean those silver stripes are a little bit flashy.”
“I didn’t dye my hair. It’s been like this since I was born” I answer while staring straight ahead of me. I don’t like to talk about my mother. I didn’t know her but it’s still painful beacuse of the many what ifs. What if I knew her? Would she loved me? If she were alive would I have a normal family? It’s painful.
“Oh, I see.” And he didn’t push the subject any further as if he sensed that I’m not comfortable with it.
“It is the duty of the scribes not only to study and master the past but to relay and record the present” Professor Markham says, rubbing the bridge of his bulbous nose. “Without accurate depictions of our front lines, reliable information with which to make strategic decisions, and - most importantly - veracious details to document our history for the good of future generations, we’re doomed, not only as a kingdom but as a society.”
“First topic of the day,” Professor Devera moves toward the map and flicks her hand, bringing a mage light directly over the eastern border with the Poromiel province of Braevick. “The Eastern Wing experienced an attack last night near the village of Chakir by a drift of Braevi gryphons and riders.”
Oh shit. A murmur rips through the hall.
“Naturally, some information is redacted for security purposes, but what we can tell you is that the wards faltered along the top of the Esben Mountains.” Professor Devera pulls her hands apart and the light expands, illuminating the mountains that form our border with Braevick. “Allowing the drift not only to enter Navarrian territory but for their riders to channel and wield sometime around midnight.”
My stomach sinks as a murmur rises from the cadets, especially the first-years. Dragons aren’t the only animals capable of channeling powers to their riders. Gryphons from Poromiel also share that ability, but dragons are the only ones capable of powering the wards that make all other magic but their own impossible within our borders. They’re the reason Navarre’s borders are somewhat circular - their power radiates from the Vale and can only extend so far, even with squads stationed at every outpost. Without those wards, we’re fucked. It would be open season on Navarrian villages when the raiding parties from Poromiel inevitably descend. Those greedy assholes are never content with the resources they have. They always want ours, too, and until they learn to be content with our trade agreements, we have no chance of ending conscription in Navarre. No chance of experiencing peace.
But if we’re not on high alert, then they must have gotten the wards rewoven, or at least stabilized.
“Thirty-seven civilians were killed in the attack in the hour before the squad from the Eastern Wing could arrive, but the riders and dragons managed to repel the drift.” Professor Devera finishes, folding her arms over her chest. “Based on that information, what questions would you ask?” She holds up a finger. “ I only want answers from first-years to start.”
My initial question would be why the hell the wards faltered, but it’s not like they’re going to answer a question like that in a room full of cadets with zero security clearance.
I study the map. The Esben Mountain Range is the highest along our eastern border with Braevick, making it the least likely place for an attack, especially since gryphons don’t tolerate altitude nearly as well as dragons, probably due to the fact they’re half-lion, half-eagle and can’t handle the thinner air at higher altitudes.
There’s a reason we’ve been able to fend off every major assault on our territory for the last six hundred years, and we’ve successfully defended our land in this never-ending four-hundred-year-long war. Our abilities, both lesser and signet, are superior because our dragons can channel more power than gryphons. So why attack in the mountain range?
“The only logical explanation is that they were looking for something.” I mutter to Liam.
“Are you not going to speak up in this class either?” He asks.
“Come on, first-years, show me you have more than just good balance. Show me you have the critical-thinking skills to be here.” Professor Devera demands. “It’s more important than ever that you’re ready for what’s beyond our borders.”
“Is this the first time the wards have faltered?” a first-year a couple of rows ahead asks.
Professors Devera and Markham share a look before she turns toward the cadet. “No.”
The room falls pin-drop quiet.
It’s not the first time.
Which means they were looking for something for a while? Interesting.
The girl clears her throat. “And how… often are they faltering?”
Professor Markham’s shrewd eyes narrow on her. “That’s above your pay grade, cadet.” He turns his attention to our section. “Next relevant question to the attack we’re discussing?”
“How many casualties did the wing suffer?” A first-year down the row to my right asks.
“One injured dragon. One dead rider.”
Another murmur rises from the hall. Surviving graduation doesn’t mean we’ll survive service. Most riders die before retirement age, especially at the rate riders have been falling over the last two years.
“Why would you ask that particular question?” Professor Devera asks the cadet.
“To know how many reinforcements they’ll need” he answers.
Professor Devera nods, turning toward the meekest first-year in Violet’s squad, who has his hand up, but he lowers it quickly, scrunching his dark eyebrows. “Did you want to ask a question?”
“Yes.” He nods, sending a few locks of black hair into his eyes, then shakes his head. “No. Never mind.”
“So decisive” another first-year in that squad  mocks from next to him, tilting her head as cadets laugh around them. A corner of her mouth tilts up into a smirk, and she flips her long brown hair over her shoulder in a move that’s anything but casual.
“He’s in our squad. Show some loyalty.” A third woman chastises.
“What a friendly squad. They like a big family.” I whisper to Liam.
“You’re not friendlier then them, you know.” He smirks at me.
“Maybe.” I cross my arms and turn my attention back to the class.
“If Fourth Wing is done picking at one another?” Professor Devera asks, lifting a brow.
“What altitude is the village at?” Rhiannon asks. I’m sure it was Violet’s question. She doesn’t like the attention.
Professor Devera’s eyebrows rise as she turns to Rhiannon. “Markham?”
“A little less than ten thousand feet.” he answers. “Why?”
Rhiannon darts a dose of side-eye at Violet and clears her throat. “Just seems a little high for a planned attack with gryphons.”
“It is a little high for a planned attack” Devera says. “Why don’t you tell me why that’s bothersome, Cadet Sorrengail? And maybe you’d like to ask your own questions from here on out.” She levels a stare on her
Every head in the room turns to her direction. If anyone had an inkling of doubt about who is she, it’s long gone now.
Poor Violet.
“Gryphons aren’t as strong at that altitude, and neither is their ability to channel” She says. “ It’s an illogical place for them to attack unless they knew the wards would fail, especially since the village looks to be about what…an hour’s flight from the nearest outpost?” She glances at the map. “That is Chakir right there isn’t it?”
Scribe’s training for the win.
“It is.” A corner of Professor Devera’s mouth lifts into a smirk. “Keep going with that line of thought.”
“Didn’t you say it took an hour for the squad of riders to arrive?” Her gaze narrows.
“I did.”
“Then they were already on their way,” she blurts, immediately recognizing how silly that sounds. Her cheeks heat as a mumble of laughter sounds around her.
“Yeah, because that makes sense.” Jack turns around in his seat from the front row and openly laught at her. “General Melgren knows the outcome of a battle before it happens, but even he doesn’t now when it will happen, dumbass.”
I feel the chuckling of our classmates reverberate in my bones. I can feel my rage rising.
“Fuck off, Barlowe,” Rhiannon snaps.
“I’m not the one who thinks precognition is a thing,” he retorts with a sneer. “Gods help us if that one ever gets on the back of a dragon.” Another round of laughter has her face flaming more.
“You’re so familiar with General Melgren that you know exactly what he’s able to do with his signet Barlowe?” I glare at him. “With you’re level of brain, be thankful if a dragon will choose you at Threshing, if you can make it there. It’s way above your skills to get to know the General.”
“Pff, the same goes for you girl.” Someone shouts behind me.
I glance behind me to look at that stupid man who said that. I found him. He wears a first-year emblem on his jacket, and looks like he’s in Violet’s squad.
“He’s my father, you jackass.” I glare at him.
“He doesn’t have a daughter, you liar.” He retorts.
That’s it. He’s even dumber than I thought. It’s a shame to argue with him.
“And they try to become riders. Without the knowledge what’s going around them. I pray that at least a handful of cadets be smarter than them or Navarre is lost.” I sigh in mock sympathy while I turn back. “Maybe General Melgren’s signet isn’t able to identify the when, but if you can’t understand what Cadet Sorrengail implies, then you won’t make it Threshing. I gurantee that.” I smile at Jack while my implied threat still in the air.
“That’s enough. You should know that listening to other cadet’s questions is just as important as asking.” Professor Devera says to Jack. “And Cadet Melgren you should work out that temper in the gym.”
“Oh I can’t wait the challenges Professor.” I answer while glaring daggers at Jack.
“Why do you think that way, Violet -“ Professor Markham winces. “Cadet Sorrengail?”
Nice distraction.
“Because there’s no logical way they get there within an hour of the attack unless they were already on their way” Go, Violet tell them. “It would take at least half that long to light the beacons in the range and call for help, and no full squad is sitting around just waiting to be needed. More than half those riders would have been asleep, which means they were already on their way.”
“And why would they already be on their way?” Professor Devera prods, and the light in her eyes tells me she’s right.
“Because they somehow knew the wards were breaking.” She lifts her chin
“That’s the most-“ Jack starts.
“She’s right” Professor Devera interrupts, and a hush falls over the room. “One of the dragons in the wing sensed the faltering ward, and the wing flew. Had they not, the casualties would have been far higher and the destruction of the village much worse.”
I snicker at Jack who looks completly baffled.
“Second- and third-years, take over” Professor Devera orders. “Let’s see if you can be a little more respectful to your fellow cadets.” She arches a brow at Jack as questions begin to fire off from the riders behind us.
How many riders were deployed to the site?
What killed the lone fatality?
How long did it take to clear the village of the gryphons?
Were any left alive for questioning?
I write down the important questions and answers, my mind memorizing the facts, organizing into logical sequences.
“How can you make notes when you don’t even look at the paper in front of you?” Liam wonders
“Years of practice.” I cut it short.
“What was the condition of the village?” A deep voice asks from the back of the lecture hall.
The hairs on my neck rise, my body recognizing the imminent threat behind me.
“Riorson?” Markham asks, shielding his eyes from the mage lights as he looks toward the top of the hall.
“The village.” Xaden restates. “Professor Devera said the damage would have been worse, but what was the actual condition? Was it burned? Destroyed? They wouldn’t demolish it if they were trying to establish a foothold, so the condition of the village matters when trying to determine a motive for the attack.”
Professor Devera smiles in approval. “The buildings they’d already gone through were burned, and the rest were being looted when the wing arrived.”
“They were looking for something,” Xaden says with complete conviction. “And it wasn’t riches. That’s not a gem mining district. Which begs the question, what do we have that they want so badly?”
„Wow. You said that they were searching for something too.” Liam stares at me with surprise.
„Yeah, so? It was obvious.” I blink at him.
„No. It was not. You really have a sense for it, haven’t you?” he whispers.
I just shrug, then turn back my attention to the class.
“Exactly. That’s the question.” Professor Devera glances around the room. “And that right there is why Riorson is a wingleader. You need more than strength and courage to be a good rider.”
“So what’s the answer?” a first-year to the left asks.
“We don’t know,” Professor Devera answers with a shrug. “It’s just another piece in the puzzle of why our constant bids for peace are rejected by the kingdom of Poromiel. What were they looking for? Why that village? Were they responsible for the collapse of the ward, or was it already faltering? Tomorrow, next week, next month, there will be another attack, and maybe we’ll get another clue. Go to history if you’re looking for answers. Those wars have already been dissected and examined. Battle Brief is for fluid situations. In this class, we want you to learn which questions to ask so all of you have a chance at coming home alive.” Something in her tone tells me it’s not just third-years who might be called into service this year.
After class the cadets started to flow out from the lecture hall. I packed up my things and when I turned to Liam, Professor Devera said my name.
„Cadet Melgren. For a word.”
„I think you’re in trouble.” Whispres Liam. „I’ll wait for you outside.”
I nod then turn toward the Professor.
„Yes?” I ask.
„General Melgren sent a message that he wants to speak to you after today’s classes are over.” She answers
„Understood. Where?” I ask tensly.
„In his office.”
„Then if there is nothing else, I would like to go. I have gym.”
„Yes, go ahead.” She dismisses me.
Outside of the hall I see Liam talking with Xaden at the corner of the courtyard.
That’s my luck. I have one somewhat of a friend and he’s just coincidentally a big buddy of Xaden it seems.
They must realised that I finished talking with Professor Devera beacuse they make their way to where I stand.
„Is everything all right?” Liam asks worriedly when they aprroached me.
„Yeah, she just wanted to pass on a message.” I shrug.
„A message? From who?” Xaden asks suspiciously.
„It’s not your business Riorson, but is seems that General Melgren wants to see me after classes are over.” I say with a forced smile.
„General Melgren?” He raise an eyebrow.
„You’ve got a problem with that?” I narrow my eyes at him.
„No, it’s just interesting.” He says. „But I think you don’t have time to chat with me. If I remember correctly you have gym class soon, and Professor Emetterio doesn’t like latecomers.”
„Shit. Then we should go Liam. I really don’t want to be late because of Riorson.” I fake a horrified expresson.
„Ah, and I thought we could converse once without your insults.” He smirks.
„In your dream Riorson. If you don’t like my style then you would be doing a favor for the both of us if you would avoid me in the future.” I say while grabbing Liam’s arm and start pulling him in the direction where the gym class will be.
„Then we will definitely see each other later.” He stares at me with an unreadable expression. „I almost forget. Have fun in the gym, Sunshine.” I hear him laughing.
When I try to turn around, this time Liam grabs my arm and pulles away faster.
„We need to hurry if we don’t want to end up late.” He drags me with him.
„You seriosuly knew every answer in histroy and apparently every right question to ask in Battle Brief.” I hear Rhiannon says it to Violet. Coincidentally their squad are standing behind our sparring mat. „You’re not even going to have to study for tests, are you?”
There are already two first-years on the mat from our squad. They’re evenly matched in size. One of them is Ethan whom I have seen talking to Liam. He has a rebellion relic too. I don’t remember his opponent’s name but I’m sure he’s a little less irritating than the others in our squad.
„You seem pretty calm. Are you not worried about who your opponent will be?” Liam watches me with interest shining in his eyes.
„No. I’m sure that I can beat most first-years. Quite a few have developed muscles if you look them closely. You’re one of them so I’m curious how well you can fight.” I look over him.
„Maybe we will be paired up.” He winks at me.
„Yeah. Who knows?” I shrug, and the vest Mira made us shimmers slightly with the movement. Other than the times the scales catch the light under the camouflaging mesh, it fits right in with the tops we’d been given from central issue yesterday. All the women are dressed similarly now, though the cuts of their leathers are chosen by preference.
The guys are mostly shirtless because they think shirts give their opponent something to grab onto. Personally, I’m not arguing with their logic, just enjoying the view…respectfully, of course, which means keeping my eyes on my own squad’s mat and off the other twenty mats in the massive gym that consumes the first floor of the academic wing. One wall is made entirely of windows and doors, all left open to let in the breeze, but it’s still stiflingly hot. Sweat trickles down my spine under my vest.
There are three squads from each wing here this afternoon, and lucky me, First Wing has sent their third squads, which include Jack Barlowe, who’s been glaring at me from two mats over since I walked in.
„Stop circling each other like you’re dance partners and attack!” Professor Emetterio orders from across the mat, where Theo watches Ethan and the other guy’s match – maybe his name is Lucas? Or Luke? Something like that – with our squad executive leader, Zanaya.
Ethan launches toward Lucas – I think I will go with this name until someone tells me his name – but he ducks, sweeping out his leg and tripping Ethan. He staggers but doesn’t go down. He pivots quickly, palming a dagger in his hand.
„No blade today!” Professor Emetterio bellows from beside the mat. He’s only the fourth professor I’ve met, but he’s definitely the most intimidating. „We’re just assessing!”
Ethan grumbles and sheaths his knife just in time to deflect a right hook from Lucas.
„What about you? You don’t seem worried either.” I ask Liam as Ethan lands a jab to Lucas’s ribs.
„Shit!” He shakes his head and backs up a step. „I don’t want to hurt you.”
Lucas holds his ribs but lifts his chin. „Who said you hurt me?”
„Pulling your punches does him a disservice” Theo says, folding his arms. „The Cygnis on the northeast border aren’t going to give him any quarter if he falls from his dragon behind enemy lines, Ethan. They’ll kill him just the same.”
„Let’s go!” Lucas shouts, beckoning Ethan by curling his fingers. It’s obvious he had a proper trainig before entering the quadrant, when he slips a jab from Ethan and twists to land a quick jab to his stomach.
„I’m pretty good on the mat. My foster brother whom I grew up with taught me many things.” He answers while watching the match.
„You have a brother? I didn’t know.” I look at him.
„He’s not my brother by blood, we grew up together after the apostasy and that made us close friends. That’s why I said he’s my brother.” He shrugs. „Now watch the match.”
Apostasy is the Tyrrish term for rebellion. I rarely heard it mentioned this way.
That’s when Ethan charges Lucas taking him to the mat with enough force to make me observe him more. He’s surprisingly strong for his light build.
Lucas hooks his legs around Ethan and somehow leverages him over until he’s the one on top, landing punch after punch to the side of his face. Blood spatters the mat.
A tooth goes flying. Ouch.
„Enough!” Professor Emetterio shouts.
Lucas rolls off Ethan and stands, touching his fingers to his split lip and examining the blood, then offers his hand to help Ethan up.
He takes it.
„Zanaya, take Lucas to the healers. No reason to lose a tooth during assessment” Emetterio orders.
A couple of mats over, someone shrieks, and we all turn to look. Jack Barlowe has another first-year in a headlock. The other guy is smaller, thinner than Jack, but still has a good fifty pounds on me.
Jack yanks his arms, his hands still secure around the other man’s head.
„That guy is such an ass-„ Rhiannon starts behind us.
The sickening crack of bones breaking sounds across the gym, and the first-year goes limp in Jack’s hold.
“Sweet Malek,” I whisper as Jack drops the man to the ground. I’m starting to wonder if the god of death lives here for how often his name must be invoked.
“What did I say?” their instructor shouts as he charges onto the mat. “You broke his damned neck!”
“How was I supposed to know his neck was that weak?” Jack argues.
“Eyes forward,” Emetterio orders, but his tone is kinder than it has been as we all look away from the dead first-year. “You don’t have to get used to it,” he tells us. “But you do have to function through it. You and you.” He points to Liam and another first-year in our squad, a man with a stocky build, black hair, and angular features. Shit, I can’t remember his name. Trevor? Thomas, maybe? There are too many new people to remember who is who at this point.
Liam makes quick work of the first-year, stunning me every time he dodges a punch and lands one of his own. He’s fast, and his hits are powerful, the kind of lethal combination that will set him apart.
„Do you yield?” he asks the first-year guy when he takes him to his back, his hand stopped mid-hit just above his throat.
“No!” he shouts, hooking his legs around Liam’s and slamming him to his back. But he rolls and quickly gains his feet before putting the first-year in the same position again, this time with his boot to his neck.
“I don’t know, Thomas, you might want to yield,” Theo says with a grin. “He’s handing you your ass.”
Ah, that’s right. Thomas.
“Fuck off!” Thomas snaps, but Liam presses his boot into his throat, garbling the last word. He turns a mottled shade of red.
Yeah, Thomas has more ego than common sense.
“He yields,” Emetterio calls out, and Liam steps back, offering his hand.
Thomas takes it.
„You-” Emetterio points to one of the second-years with a rebellion relic. „And you.” His fingers swings to me.
He’s at least a head taller than me, and if the rest of his body is as toned as his arms, then I can’t let him to touch me. I need to be faster.
I nod and step onto the mat.
„You’ve got this.” Liam says, tapping my shoulder as he passes me.
„Melgren.” The man looks me over like I’m something he’s scraped off the side of his boot, narrowing his pale green eyes. „You really should dye your hair if you don’t want to stand out like this. Soon, everybody will know who is your father.”
„Never said I cared if everyone knows who my father is.” I circle the second-year on he mat.
I say while trying to distract him. General Melgren often says the minutes you let emotion enter a fight, you’ve already lost.
„You bitch” he sheethes. „Your father murdered my family.”
He lunges forward and swings wildly, and I quickly sidestep, spinning then landing a hard punch where his kidneys are located.
He grunts then turns around and we start it again. We do this for a few more rounds, and I land a few punches here and there. Always moving faster than him.
After another punch he stumbles and I kick his leg out from under him and I pin his legs down so he can’t move. That’s it when he manages to land a punch.
I can feel my head snapping to the side, my ears ringing, but I don’t move. I’ve endured worse. If I move now then he can use his legs and I will be in trouble.
I punch him in the face. When he raises his hands to protect it, he leaves defensless his neck. I hit the side of his neck causing him to be momentarily unable to breathe and he puts his hand to his neck, then I punch him in his face, and I can feel the bones breaking. I broke his nose. I hit again.
He starts coughing while his blood is dripping from his nose. He can’t do anything in this condition.
„He yields.” Emetterio calls out, and I back off from him. „Hey you” he points to another second-year „Escort him to the healers. We don’t need him bleeding all over the mat.”
I step next to Liam and a new match starts.
„Gods, Aelin. You were really scary on the mat.” Liam says looking at me. „And your face, are you all right? Want me to accompany you to the healers?”
„I won’t go the healers, Liam. I’m fine.” I look at him confused.
„What? No way. You’re bruse is already turning black. That must have hurt.” He looks at my face with concern.
„A little bit. It’s not that bad, really. I have much worse bruises when I started to train.” I try to calm him.
His eyes widen and opens his mouth to further question me when…
„Yield, Violet!” I hear Dain yells.
What? Violet? I turn around quickly and I see Violet and a pink-haired second-year on the mat. With a rebellion relic. Shit.
„She yields.” their instructor says. „That’s enough.” I hear it again – the macabre sound of snapping bone – but this time it’s hers.
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jessamine-rose · 1 year
Yuu Does Not Dream of a Night Bunny College ₍ᐢ⑅ᐢ₎
A long time ago, I wrote Bunny Boy! Leona as a joke. A few months later, I was inspired to write Sea Bunny Boy! Octavinelle and now we have five more bunnified characters....…..welp let’s get this show on the road  ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა
Characters:: Cater, Jamil, Vil, Sebek, Chenya
♡ 1.2k words under the cut ♡
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♡ Not many students are receptive to Crowley’s idea for the Night Bunny College Cafe. Cater, however, is an exception. Bunny boys are a popular trend, and what better way to take advantage of the hype?? If executed well, the event will attract lots of guests and, in his case, more likes on Magicam.
♡ Leave it to Cay-kun to be the perfect bunny boy!! In his costume, he is the ideal combo of cute, classy, and daring. The fluffy bunny ears compliment his bright smile, and the fitted black bodysuit brings out the vivid red of his hair. For added flair, his accessories feature a design of red roses and diamonds. And Cater knows how to strike the best poses from finger hearts to the Playboy bunny dip.
♡ Thanks to him, the NBC Cafe’s Magicam debut is a viral success. He manages the account, thinks of good hashtags, and instructs his classmates on how to pose for the camera. The event also benefits Cater’s personal account, as his photos garner several likes, new followers, and thirsty comments.
♡ His charisma makes him popular with customers. Would you like Cater to cast a magic spell on your carrot cake?? He will serve it with extra sparkles and a special pose just for you!! Oh……...you’d like to feed it to him?? In response to that, he will lightheartedly refuse and point at the price list for premium services. Cay-kun can’t be too sweet on you, after all~
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♡ Being a bunny boy is the last job Jamil wanted to take. The bunny ears draw attention to him, while the deep red bodysuit and sheer stockings are totally impractical. He is initially awkward at the start of his training; but by opening night, he has perfected the cheerful greetings and suggestive poses.
♡ If there is one thing he enjoys, it’s the change in master-servant dynamics. His customers are the ones who lavish him with praise, who act shy in his presence, who get punished if they dare act out of line. Jamil doesn’t even need to use Snake Whisper. All it takes is a mere glance in the client’s direction for them to fall under his spell~
♡ He enjoys playing games as a bunny boy. Under these circumstances, the customers care less about winning or losing; rather, they prefer to admire Jamil’s concentrated expression. He will smugly win round after round, savoring this opportunity to unleash his full potential.
♡ His fun ends when Kalim arrives. The Al-Asim heir would’ve signed up for the event if Jamil hadn’t insisted that such a role was inappropriate for his status. So instead, Kalim buys out Jamil’s slots for games, photos, and promo services!! Look, he even invited Najma who is all too eager to tease her brother. Jamil can only hold back his exasperation and smile for the camera with them.
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♡ It was Crowley and Azul who hounded Vil to participate in the event. Having Vil Schoenheit’s name on the waitstaff is sure to bring in several customers, after all. “Do you know how much I charge for meet-and-greets?!!” “Exactly, Schoenheit-san!! No one would pass up the opportunity to enjoy your services at a discounted price.”
♡ Vil looks drop-dead gorgeous in his costume. The outfit is tailored to his preferences—a violet corset, red heels, embroidered stockings, a stylish updo to suit his bunny ears. He also designs the other costumes according to their respective wearers. Most importantly, he is the demon coach in charge of training his fellow bunny boys!! “The ideal bunny boy should be the epitome of leporine beauty and seduction. I expect all of you to present yourselves with grace.”
♡ He is also strict with the customers. Vil doesn’t accept any requests beyond what is listed in the Bunny Boy Services and Promo Deals. Those who violate the no-touching rule are swiftly reprimanded then kicked out of the establishment. During his slot, Rook can only sing praises for Vil’s beautiful performance.
♡ Admittedly, it is an enjoyable experience. The bunny boy is certainly a new acting role for Vil, and he derives some satisfaction from interacting with his live audience. So long as he is in character, he will perform to the best of his ability.
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♡ Sebek makes for an unconventional bunny boy. His sharp fangs and serious glare are more suitable for a predator, whereas the tight black bodysuit emphasizes his muscles. Much to his chagrin, his hair is styled naturally so as not to compete with his bunny ears. His cute, genuine smiles do offer a striking gap moe and, in Azul’s words, an excellent selling point.
♡ He performs his role with great zest, from waiting tables to entertaining customers. As soon as Malleus arrives, you can count on Sebek to run over to him with a large smile and a passionate greeting. “WELCOME TO THE NIGHT BUNNY COLLEGE CAFE!! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO SELECT A BUNNY BOY OF YOUR CHOICE!!”
♡ Honestly, he doesn’t understand the appeal of the bunny boy. Human culture is perplexing, but the event is a good immersion according to Lilia. His clients make such outlandish requests from photos to board games to……being put in a headlock by Sebek?? Well, so long as they pay for the available services, Sebek will fulfill his duties as a bunny boy.
♡ The customers are just so endeared with him. He makes the cutest expressions whenever they fluster him or feed him carrots, and it’s clear that he takes his role seriously. By the end of the event, Sebek can proudly say that he accomplished his bunny boy training!!
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♡ Upon hearing about the event, Chenya secretly visits NRC and raids the dressing room to join in on the fun!! He goes for a crooked pair of bunny ears, a large poofy tail, colorful stockings, and a harlequin-patterned bodysuit. His nonsensical style is a unique take on the traditional bunny suit.
♡ Using his Unique Magic, he sneaks up on customers and surprises them. After revealing himself, Chenya will flash them a mischievous grin and lead them to his own private table where a tea party has been set up. He will entertain them with riddles and games, including a round of Russian Roulette featuring desserts. Can you guess which Bunny Tart has mustard in it??
♡ Soon enough, he gets caught by Riddle and Trey. By then, however, Chenya has a long line of customers so Crowley just lets him be. The carefree beastman enchants all of his clients with a unique experience contrary to what one would expect from a bunny boy.
♡ On and on, he entertains guests to his heart’s delight. At one point, Chenya loses interest in his costume and removes his fake bunny features. Somehow, this transformation attracts even more attention as customers beg to pet his real cat ears and tail. “Nya, riddle me this:: Why is a bunny boy as mad as a March Hare~”
For those who’d like the services of Leona and Octavinelle, their “Yuu Does Not Dream of a Bunny Boy” installments are linked above!!
Fun fact, this has been in my drafts since mid-2022. Hopefully, this is the last time the Twst characters will be subjected to my Bunny Boy! nonsense. I hope y’all enjoyed the bunnification of these characters ₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎
Tagging some blogs who might enjoy this!! @diodellet @wildnya @mobagehelllocal @zgvlt @zariyen @jangmi-latte @merotwst @twstedbeauty @leonakingscholarship @hanafubukki
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kptssecretsanta · 5 months
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Ho Ho Ho!
It’s time to conclude the second edition of the KPTS Secret Santa :)
Hope you’ve all had a lovely holidays and that you’ve enjoyed all the amazing gifts that were posted!
I’d like to give special thanks to @everyforkedroad, @artfreaksmeout, @mightymightygnomepriest, @nuwildcat, & @tinycharliechoo with helping me out as pinch hitters, making sure no one would be left empty handed! Thank you darlings <333
If you’d like, you can still add your works to the AO3 Collection! Just poke me if you do, and I’ll add the link to the Tumblr gift post as well. I’ve just revealed the archive as well. You can also repost your gift(s) to your own Tumblrs now, of course :)
That’s all from me in terms of service announcements, hope to see you all again next year! 
-x- Leonie (leetje)
Are you all ready to find out who your secret santas were? :D
The list is in alphabetical order:
@angsty-violet made a gift for suzteel - gift here
@artfreaksmeout made a gift for thisautistic - gift here
@artfreaksmeout made a gift for wangxian234writes - gift here
@artpo made a gift for mortimerlatrice - gift here
@asylumwise made a gift for wiccawrites - gift here
@camuizuuki made a gift for benkaaoi - gift here
@crumchycow made a gift for shou-jpeg - gift here
@dr-lemurr made a gift for thestarscanalwayslookatus - gift here
@everyforkedroad made a gift for asylumwise - gift here
@everyforkedroad made a gift for nuwildcat - gift here
@fangirlwithoutafandom made a gift for angsty-violet - gift here
@garsideofthemoon made a gift for artpo - gift here
@haahka made a gift for fangirlwithoutafandom - gift here
@jeffsatyr made a gift for justanothervariant - gift here
@justanothervariant made a gift for haahka - gift here
@lady-guts made a gift for camuizuuki - gift here
@mightymightygnomepriest made a gift for dr-lemurr - gift here
@mightymightygnomepriest made a gift for monochrome-crisis - gift here
@mortimerlatrice made a gift for garsideofthemoon - gift here
@no1petesimp made a gift for artfreaksmeout - gift here
@nuwildcat made a gift for everyforkedroad - gift here
@nuwildcat made a gift for lady-guts - gift here
@pareghostic made a gift for the-water-nixie - gift here
@shou-jpeg made a gift for ayansbff - gift here
@shubaka made a gift for xxatlasxx - gift here
@sunshinesanctuary made a gift for lexluthorswigcap - gift here
@suzteel made a gift for tsttoain - gift here & here
@the-cookie-of-doom made a gift for viva-yas-vegas - gift here
@the-water-nixie made a gift for pareghostic - gift here
@thearvariblues made a gift for tinycharliechoo - gift here
@thestarscanalwayslookatus made a gift for shubaka - gift here
@thisautistic made a gift for mightymightygnomepriest - gift here
@tinycharliechoo made a gift for sunshinesanctuary - gift here
@tinycharliechoo made a gift for thearvariblues - gift here
@tsttoain made a gift for jeffsatyr - gift here
@viva-yas-vegas made a gift for the-cookie-of-doom - gift here
@wangxian234writes made a gift for zelenchai - gift here
@wiccawrites made a gift for punchlove-blog - gift here
@wildelydawn made a gift for crumchycow - gift here
@xxatlasxx made a gift for wildelydawn - gift here
@zelenchai made a gift for no1petesimp - gift here
Go forth and shower your santa in some loving!
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