#some confused and scared human(s): PUT THOSE AWAY
404-art-found · 1 year
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Decades after total nuclear war wiped out the bulk of humanity, a few roaming populations spent their days city-hopping for supplies. Before the war, City Nexi were an emerging form of artificial intelligence built for managing how a city or district functioned. These were typically used for weapons-making and were either destroyed or went rogue post-war.
Ari is the unofficial leader of a group of survivors familiar with how bloodthirsty these AI can be, because they're running on broken code, following a purpose to protect their weapons despite their purpose being long since past. Because of a drastic loss in information, it was presumed every Nexus was hostile, but Ari's group stumbles upon a Nexus built not for churning out war machines, but, of all things, urban planning. And, most startling of all, it is strikingly sentient, in a quiet, enigmatic way.
The Nexus's hub was in complete overgrowth and disrepair after so long, and quickly got attached to the first humans to fill its empty streets in years. Ari, an engineer, is thrilled to be able to repair and learn about such an endlessly complicated latticework of intelligence and steel.
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
hiii!!! Also, about my moth oc, he’s a tall brown moth lit (half human/half moth) they are kinda intimidating, but when they talk they sound like Elmo. SHSHHSHSHHHHH HAHA!!! it’s so funny to do around friends. What’s Arya’s personality like? I’ve been trying to imagine what my moth lit and your oc would interact LMAOOO
Also, if I could, could I request Alerudy with a s/o who excuses their self mid cuddling session and they later find them crying in the bathroom? Not cuz their sad, cuz they are so happy to have those two dorks and the cuddling made their s/o overwhelmed? Thank you!!
Hey there! That does sound pretty amazing, they sound so cool! :D It certainly sounds like a surprise to hear him talk for the first time! Arya is a very confident person, almost kinda cocky, and she loves to tease! She's very outgoing and makes friends fairly easily! She's also not that short either, so she can seem pretty intimidating, but usually she's just a little goof! Unless you mess with her siblings or talk badly about them, because in that case she'll be very mean and make sure you never talk badly about them again! However, other than that, she's a pretty helpful person as well, willing to help out the people in need when they need it! She has the resources to do so as a noble!
AleRudy with an S/O Overwhelmed with Love for Them
Eventually, Rodolfo would knock on the bathroom door and ask you what’s wrong if you’ve been gone for a while now, not expecting to hear the quiet sobs. As you open the door, you don’t seem to be in pain or distressed however, which confuses him to no end, but he still grows concerned upon seeing the tears roll down your cheeks. Rodolfo would act immediately, pulling you into his arms and asking you what’s wrong so he can do his darndest to help. Was someone being mean to you? Do you have other problems? He’ll listen to you, he’s there for you and will do what he can to make you feel better. When you confess that you’re crying because you were just that overwhelmed with love, he’d go quiet for a second before blushing. However, you wouldn’t stop hugging him. Eventually, Alejandro, having grown worried for the both of you, would stop by as well. Rodolfo explains the situation to him as you reach out for the colonel to hug him as well.
They’d likely get you on the couch and both feel a bit honored you thought this highly of them. They adore you more than anyone else, aside from each other, so you crying because you love them this much, while unexpected, is definitely nice. However, as they both have a hand on you, they’ll reassure you that you don’t have to cry because of something like that and scare them this much. Rodolfo would wrap his arms around you and place his head on your shoulder while telling you that this is somewhat silly, but he’s not mad at you. Alejandro would definitely put your face in between his hands and give your forehead a long kiss. You’re just too cute. If anything, the two of them should be crying with how lucky they’ve gotten to be with you. While they do hope you won’t be crying if they keep holding and cherishing you like this, they certainly don’t mind, growing ever so soft around you at that moment. They won’t tease you, they won’t slip in some Spanish in the conversation either, no, they need you to understand just how much they love you back. Each of them will tell you the things they appreciate about you, from your smile to your kindness, from the way you greet them with such love to you keeping your home clean while they’re away, from you providing them however you can to you preparing such delicious meals for them. They love and appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Even if it makes you cry again, it’ll be worth it because you deserve to know just how cherished you are. The night will likely continue like that, going into detail about how much the three of you love each other, that you’ll never be alone since you always have each other’s backs. The world could be turning against you tomorrow and you’ll find a way to fight it off regardless.
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silkythewriter · 1 year
Could I request zim x reader where the reader really loves horror?
We've all seen how not well zim handles horror and I think some comfort fluff after a horror movie would be cute!
Zim with a S/O who loves watching horror movies
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꧁𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬꧂
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲: silkythewriter, formally known as weirdowithahat
𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲/𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Nickelodeon Animation Studios
𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝/𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: sublieu
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Production companies Wumberlog Productions (pilot), Nickelodeon Animation Studio, MTV Networks, and Jhonen C.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: a bit or gore only if you squint
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝:
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“Why do you humans torture yourselves with these disgusting visuals!” Is most likely the first thing he says/ask. He honestly doesn’t understand the concept of it
The minute you express your love for the genre he tries liking it too (he’s a people pleaser to those he cares about) but ends up shaking himself up and just staring at it in disgust and horror, he probably can’t last for the whole movie 💀
He tries to hide his fear and just act like he doesn’t care, but it’s like putting a bandage on a split bridge and hoping it stays together. So it doesn’t last long when he sees the horror character wilding a chain saw and slicing people into dices. That scene itself sent shivers down his spine and activated his flight or fight response, so he ends up clinging to you or Gir without realizing
Oh and don’t get me started on jump scares!, he gets startled easily so any jump scares he ends up yelling his head off while jumpy back 20 feet, it tariffed him. His heart was beating faster then drums in a band, he honestly thought he would die there then. But once he heard you giggling he just pouted while screaming that he isn’t scared at all. But you could tell easily by how bad his body was shaking
He never lets you or gir pick out a movie to watch ever again. The many times this man literally almost died of a sudden jump scare is unreal so he doesn’t trust you with the remote anymore 💀
Even though he hates to ambit it, when you pull him closer to comfort him after a scary scene it helps tremendously. After a while of trying to pull away and scream some vengeance esk things he finally gives in and just goes lump in your arms while sighing and just hugging back. It does help calm down his heart beat when you do this so he is thankful just never expect him to ambit it
After any horror movie he some how ends up in your arms as he nuzzles his face into you, but he mostly prefers nuzzling your stomach or arms. Only time he does this is when he falls asleep on you because lord knows how this guy love putting a tough guy per-sod
Fun fact: he actually thought those horror movies where true actions being filmed till you explained to him what acting and actors are so yea his first horror movie experience was filled with horror 💀
He’s a bit iffy on gore, I feel like he can kinda handle it but at the same time not? He just feels weird when blood splatters on the screen or when heads roll off the body. I mean he can handle it but at the same time is confused on why you like seeing your own race get slaughtered
He definitely questions your sanity with each horror movie you make him watch.
Only thing that can comfort him after a horror movie is probably you, maybe cuddling with him or staying up a bit later to watch over him as he sleeps cause if not he’ll be awake for a year 😭
Gir loves watching horror movies depending on how much horror is involved, he usually takes a spot next to you and cuddles up to you. Which annoys Zim but he can’t really say anything without being called out so he just watches from the side while crossing his arms
Overall this man is not good with horror and is so confused about it but if your like it then he guesses he can try it out, just don’t expect him to last long ( ̄^ ̄)💧
AHHHH I love Zim so much I really in joy this show still it’s truly an awesome and hilarious show!!(>_<)!!!!!!
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heyclickadee · 1 year
Okay…thoughts on “The Clone Conspiracy”:
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2. Kind of like with “The Solitary Clone,” my thoughts on this one are more along the lines of *stares in disbelief* and *sad whale noises* so this is going to be somewhat shorter than normal.
3. That said…my god, the clones in this episode. The atmosphere at 79’s. “We’re not bad men, but what we did…”. These men are haunted by order 66 and what they did to Kamino, by what they were used to do. And they don’t know why. None of them understands why they did it and they’re haunted by what they think was their choice to follow orders. And on top of that they’re scared to speak up and terrified of being replaced. And losing their purpose in a galaxy that isn’t grateful for all the lives they lost and doesn’t want them anymore. The betrayal of the clones was the worst thing Palpatine ever did, full stop. He orchestrates the creation of an army of manufactured human beings who have it drilled into their heads since decanting that they don’t matter, that they’re expendable, that their purpose is to die for a cause that they never chose to believe in, and then, oh! He makes sure the Jedi are going to be their generals. And the jedi, for all the ways in which their dealings with the clones was flawed, for all the ways they failed, for as corrupted as the structure of the order was, happened to be the one group of people he could trust to at least bare minimum see the clones as people. And it turns out that the clones are, by and large, good people, right down to their bones. It doesn’t mean they can’t be complete bastards, immature, or even downright mean sometimes, but there’s a goodness there, nonetheless. And then he lets them spend three years building up camaraderie and that heartbreakingly complicated but close relationship with the Jedi, he puts the end of the war and the possibility of a life afterwards in their grasp and THEN! Then he forces them to murder their generals, their friends, some of the only people in the galaxy who had the decency to use their names, their friends. He makes them murder children. And then he passes down a command to make these men, who are already confused and reeling, bomb the closest thing they had to a home into the next parsec and then (getting into the next episode but whatever) has the audacity to throw them away (and worse!) because they’re “too obedient”and follow bad orders without hesitation knowing damn well that his whole plane hinged on robbing them of the capacity to say no? I mean, yes, of course, that’s why his whole plan was to pin the blame for Kamino on them, they’ve served their purpose and he doesn’t need them anymore but Anakin could you please hurry up and throw this block of evil down an elevator shaft already?
4. Riyo!! Is…that always how her name was pronounced? Either way, I loved her in these episodes, and the way she was so determined to give the clones a voice.
5. “What about when you’re too old to fight?” I’m…none of the men in that room thought they would live to see the end of the war. I’m going to step on glass.
6. This is one of those episodes where I’m glad that one of the head writers for the show (Jennifer Corbett, in this case) is, from what I understand, a navy vet. I think that experience is bringing a perspective to the show that we maybe wouldn’t be getting otherwise.
7. I was so scared that the clone assassin was Crosshair for a minute. In retrospect it was super obvious that it wasn’t him—Crosshair’s a better shot than that—but from the moment poor Cade got shot by a sniper to the moment Rex took the assassin’s mask off, I was worried.
8. So…hey, yeah, that clone assassin, right? I’m kind of with everyone else in thinking that the poor guy is an early stage version of what’s going to become either the death, purge, or dark troopers, or perhaps a common ancestor or all three. And the fact that he knew Captain Rex has me worried, because who was he? Was he in the 501st? The 212th? Have we seen him before, and just don’t know it?
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Edit: 10. Oh yeah, one more thing. So you know how we keep getting new clones and we keep getting their names, and how every time we get a clone with a name they die almost immediately? And how it’s typically the named clones who are dying at this point? It’s killing me. I’m dying, Scoob.
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yanno, I think I’ve figured out and can put into words what I like about Sebastian (at least, in my own interpretation of his character)
he’s a demon, and he’s not some sad demon who angsts about his lifestyle and how lonely he is and how everyone is scared of him tho of course that type is quite nice too lol
he’s terrifying, and he likes that, he revels in being a big bad creature of the night and he has exactly zero qualms about it
this is him, it’s the way he was born, he’s not ashamed or upset by the fact that he’s a demon
he’s confident, he knows he (at least in human disguise) is attractive and superhumanly good at literally everything, he’s not surprised that people want to fuck him or chase a romance with him, and in fact, he expects it, he fully thinks he deserves to have people fall at his feet, and he thinks he deserves to string them along and break their hearts if he so chooses
as a demon, and as someone in disguise as a beautiful human, he’s very accustomed to nothing other than surface-level relationships, and he’s very used to solitary life, so really, to have nothing else doesn’t bother him
until it does.
until he has friends, or a significant other, or someone under his care like Ciel, who his relationships with aren’t one-dimensional. they’re not a quick fuck or a passing pat on the head or a flash of a smile only to disappear.
those things are real and deep and long-term. Sebastian might be willing to take a rather long time with contracts, but with this contract, the one he has with Ciel, and the things he’s found with his S/O... he’s being treated differently.
people look up to him, and want to be around him, but not in a shallow way. they want to spend time with him and get to know him. (and deep down, I’m not sure even Sebastian knows quite who he is, other than a powerful demon who’s attractive.) they want to nudge his side while telling him a joke, or touch him softly like they think he’s going to break, or look to him for guidance.
and that is something he’s very, very unused to. demons are rough and uncaring and single creatures. isolation and cruelty define their existence, or else they wouldn’t be demons, they’d be something else.
when people call Sebastian their friend, or when they do something like kiss him gently rather than push him against a wall first, or God forbid trust him to protect them, he just... gets very confused. doesn’t know how to react, exactly, until it becomes muscle memory based on how he’s reacted before. his inner monologue is a mess, he doesn’t understand.
and maybe a part of it is that he may not have realized that he was lonely until he wasn’t anymore.
he never realized that living life surrounded by people who care for him isn’t the addition of something; living alone was the absence of something.
and he doesn’t want to let that confident, demonic, cruel part of himself slip away, he doesn’t want to change completely, but... how could he ever go back to living exactly as he was before, now that he’s tasted things like every flavor of love he didn’t know existed?
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goji-pilled · 2 years
MK-S: Forgive me for I am about to traumatize Oktavia. Major Heartbreak ahead. (The reaction one mother has when she finally finds Oktavia…the one who killed her Magical Girl daughter.)
Oktavia was walking home one day when she was stopped by an older woman. The stranger asked if she was Oktavia von Seckendorff, to which Oktavia responded in the affirmative. The woman handed her a letter and then left without another word. Understandably confused, Oktavia just shrugged and went about her business, opening the envelope a bit later. There were a few items in it, and she pulled an item out at random and gave it a quick look…she froze for exactly one moment, then shoved the photo back into envelope and sprinted back home. She didn’t even bother to open the front door, just busted right through it, demanding to know where Anthony and Klarissa were. They were sitting together in the living room, watching cartoons. Oktavia threw her arms around them, as Kyoko and Mami just stare in confusion.
Oktavia eventually lets go and empties the envelope onto the table; there’s a photo of Anthony, Klarissa, Kyoko, and Mami. While the later two are staring at their own photos in shock, Oktavia is reading a letter that came out of the envelope. She’s quiet the entire time as she reads it. When she appears to have finished, her breathing increases rapidly, and then she sprints off into her labyrinth. Mami picks up the letter and she and Kyoko look over it together:
Executioner of Mitakihara,
I hope that by the time you read this I am far away. It may surprise that a random stranger knows your title, let alone how you are not human. I’ve learned many things in the past few months.
I know you killed my daughter. I know that she likely died scared and alone. I should call you a monster, not because you aren’t human anymore, but for that act alone. But I cannot…
For it seems my child was a monster. According to her diary, she slaughtered those who may have been saved, and did the same to those who were. She wrote that she didn’t believe rumors I now know to be true, believing them to be some sort of new deception. Of course, I understand that’s of little comfort to those who lost loved ones by her hand. What my daughter did was unforgivable.
And yet…I cannot stop loving her. Not a day goes by where my heart doesn’t ache to see her smile again. Where I don’t long to hold my baby girl in my arms just one more time.
I do not forgive you for what you did, but I understand why you did it.
Enclosed you will find photos of your children, your wives, and friends. They are safe and will continue to be safe, as least as far as I am aware. I assure you that this letter and those photos are the fullest extent of my actions against you.
I will not deny I was tempted to try to take away from you what you stole from me. But, I just couldn’t bring myself to even think of how I’d attempt such a feat (you being what you are), let alone the thought of doing the act. In your children I cannot help but see my own baby girl. I can’t bring myself to hurt such an innocent soul, nor stand the thought of putting another mother through this heartache; not even you.
Mother to Mother, I will give you this advice; hold them close, and make sure they know they are loved. None of us know what the next day will bring, and I sincerely hope that you and your wives never experience the pain in my heart. The loss of a child and the knowledge that your child became something so cold.
If we’re both lucky, we’ll never see each other again. I’m leaving Mitakihara, and I hope to one day be able to leave this country. But I want you to know one thing above all else, from a Mother who lost everything, to the Mother who took it all away:
I will hate you forever.
When Oktavia eventually comes out of her labyrinth, Madoka and Homura are now over. Oktavia heads to the leaving room and pulls her babies in the tight hug she can. The remaining girls all proceed to hug Oktavia as well.
Alright, well, I am sorry for the heartbreak and trauma inflicted upon Oktavia. I’ll start working on some fluff to help lift the spirits. That said, I hope you did enjoy reading. (Sidenote, I was hoping to use the cursive text, but turns out that font is WAY too big for practical use. Oh well, minor inconvenience.)
Okay. Violence it is then.
You know whats the fun part about this though? She'd feel numb. You know how she talks when Kyoko finds Sayaka on the trainstation and is like "Doesnt sound like you at all" and Sayaka numbly says, "Mhm. Yeah you're right. Guess I just dont care anymore"?
Its like that.
(She doesnt know if thats a general witch thing, or if its just her own protective mechanism to keep her from breaking under preassure again and perhaps not being able to be saved this time)
She'd read that letter, take it with her to her labyrinth, get rid of it and then sit there in silence (in witch form of course). Not as in the orchestra isn't playing, but she's not making a noise, doesn't move a muscle, just sits there with her cape still covering her upper body and listens. Thats all.
(She hates herself for it, considering she feels like she owes them guilt for the killing and yet doesnt feel any. She'd do it again, in a heartbeat. Mitakihara's magical part of the society only functions because of their system. The system's delicate, only works because of trust, support, commumication and team work. It works because they make it work. And therefore anyone who deems a threat to their peace and homes must be get rid of, to keep their little part of the world from hurting ((anymore)). How is she supposed to feel guilty for that?)
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10 for Oak, Pumpkin and Chief. Because the angst is too good.
Of course you would ask that ahahah. You're a monster, Anon. Because you know I'm going to put them in their old universes. I have to.
10. If they found themselves in an alternate reality and were aware of the fact that they don’t belong?
Horrortale Sans - It hurts so much. He didn't think it could hurt that much. Seeing people that are long gone, seeing them happy and healthy, not so worrying about the future, it hurts. He crossed his brother and both of them were so shocked seeing each other. Oak knows it's so wrong because his brother is not dead, but he hugged this Papyrus like it was such a long time he didn't see him. Though, Oak can't stay here for long. If he does, he will start having ideas and kill either Frisk or Undyne to prevent everything from happening.
Horrorswap Papyrus - He's devastated. He worked so hard to get out of the Underground and now he is stucked here again with a lot of people he thought were dead and A L P H Y S. It's actually her who find him as Pumpkin was looking at her with nothing but pure terror in the eyes, and instead of letting run away, she dragged him to Snowdin, to his old house, when she was greeted by a very confused Honey, since Alphys thought it was... him? Hurt? Pumpkin runs in the house and goes hide in Honey's room. He doesn't want to get out ever again, hiding under the bed, rattling his bones. Only Blue will manage to slowly get him to calm down. Pumpkin wants to go home so badly. He's scared, he's hurt, he feels in danger, in a place he hates, and without his brother. He doesn't consider Blue like his brother unlike Oak, at all. After he calm down though, he will note everything that happened Underground on a paper for the brothers, begging Honey to stay the hell out of Alphys way and that if something goes wrong, he has to go in the Ruins with his brother and never get out. The brother think he is hallucinating at first, but Pumpkin knows way too much things about them and they all slowly start to panic knowing it will happen.
Horrorfell Papyrus - Well, it's bad. Chief lost his legs at the end of the famine, after he killed Undyne. But he never had to be like this Underground. He feels weak and paranoid, but oh boy, those who think is an easy target made a very big mistake attacking him. With all the humans he killed, Chief's LV is so high he can easily dust the enemy he struggled with younger. It scares him. He feels too powerful and he's scared he might become like her. Chief will hide a long time in the forest, all alone, not wanting to see or cross himself or his brother, he doesn't want to intervene in their life. But eventually, Edge noticed something was dusting monsters in the forest and tracked him down. He was so shocked when he found him. At first, they were wary around each other, but strangely enough, Edge quickly understood what happened to him and they became closer very quickly. Edge is helping him to hide, giving him food and using him as some sort of confident. Red will never know before Asgore is dead and the barrier is broken. After that, Chief will live with them and acts like their grand dad to everyone so no one notice anything. He's still looking for a way to go back home however.
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emotionally-naked · 3 months
so this man administered Narcan to someone overdosing on the way to the movies. when the EMS arrived, he let them know, both the number of doses and how long ago so they could take over care. as the EMS walked away, he said under his breath, “people shouldn’t have that shit.”
if this man had Epi-Pen’d some white dude in a polo having anaphylaxis, he’d be on the evening news (not the goal, just a point); but because it’s a drug user experiencing fentanyl poisoning, it’s “i wish you wouldn’t have bothered.”
that is someone’s kid, friend, [possibly] sibling, cousin, uncle, [possibly] spouse, etc. hell! it could’ve been this person’s first time as an impulse choice. it may not have even been what this person thought it was. it may have been laced. what if it was someone you cared about? what if it was you?
i recognize that a majority of this country thinks drug users should die, that they’re lazy and good for nothing, just taking up space/money/air only to play with their lives daily. “they choose to use/they continue using despite knowing the consequences and how it effects them and others (they don’t care about anything other than getting their fix)/they steal/they act out/they do it to themselves/why are my taxes paying for free food for those who spend theirs on drugs/why are my taxes paying for healthcare for those who put themselves at risk/etc.”
i acknowledge that family members/friends/significant others/healthcare workers experience burnout, fatigue, and overall, quite a wide range of emotions from being effected by someone close to them in this position. y’all’s thoughts and emotions are validated. many users are aware as well, just as confused, just as frustrated, just as scared, just as tired.
[substance] abuse and addiction is quite heavily misunderstood; it is complex. it is not just “one thing,” it is multiple things coexisting at once; there is not one answer. addiction is never purely psychological; all addictions have a biological dimensional purpose: to create an altered physiological state in the brain. it is “a complex interaction between human beings and their environment(s).” it is a chronic neurobiological disease. in more simple terms, the function of the brain is impaired resulting in reduced and abnormal brain activity (electrical brain-wave patterns are measured to gauge energy levels used during different emotional states and various responses to activity). when there is an abnormal number (less than) of receptors presenting activity, the brain is more willing to “welcome” external help <substances> that would help “normalize” or balance it; bring the body/brain back to homeostasis. typically, addicts are already set in stone; in other words, there are predispositions induced by genetics AND (typically early) life experiences; the addict brain is already susceptible.
**the receptor im referring to is dopamine.
drugs, themselves, do not cause addiction. it is the feeling for the [developed] craving that will eventually result in compulsive seeking, that is addicting. there is already a preexisting vulnerability with significant ongoing stress.
divine energy is the immortal essence of existence that lives within us, through us, and beyond us. when there is a disconnect, spiritual deprivation occurrs, which allows addiction to settle itself in. this can be influenced by social/political/economical status. this can also be influenced by personal events, family history, genetics, and physiological condition. at this point, there exists a spiritual void, an empty hole. that hole, sense of deficiency, is loss of essence. we develop behavior patterns and coping mechanisms to cover and “fill” this emptiness. anybody is just one bad day away from addiction in their life. those whom are dismissed as “junkies” are not creatures from a different world, remember that.
it’s painful to see and feel how heartless and cruel people are to those in the grips of addiction. people who use drugs deserve love, life, to flourish, friendship, medical care, support and grace as much as anyone else. if you agree, PLEASE SPEAK UP!!
save a life. harm reduction!!!
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daddy-suguru · 2 years
Ooo what about monster men getting jealous from someone hitting on their s/o. Could be another monster or some human 😂
this turned into jealousy hdcs
𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ▸ nsfw/sfw, possessive!monster king!suguru, jealous!incubus!satoru, jealous!toji, jealousy sex, making a creepy who harassed you watch you get railed by suguru, Satoru wants someone to spend time with him, toji’s insecurities, toji’s knife/blood kink
𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭/𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮
✎ There are those who when the attend the balls that is thrown by Suguru more so to show off his castle assume that Suguru is only with you in title alone. So they make the mistake of trying to be your side piece.
✎ Sometimes they just ask to dance with you and if you agree and their hands start to slip after you warn that your husband is watching. And then they try and encourage you to be unfaithful which after the dance ends and you go back to your seat. You let them know if their suggestion, and depending on how persistent they were towards you Suguru could act in a number of ways. From having a conversation with them to even getting you to lure on very persistent man to a room. So he could watch Suguru satisfy you since that’s the closest he going to get to you. After that it was off to the dungeon for some time in prison for sexually harassing you. And oops they starved to death when the guards forget to feed him.
✎ Suguru is to full of himself, he is the king, and he knows he can turn that pussy into a waterfall so why would he be worried? Instead Suguru gets possessive, it’s part of his nature as a half - demon. Which he gets more possessive and protective during his heat. In which he doesn’t anyone else to see you during the week of his heat, and your’s. Only you put out pheromones that makes everyone else around you horny to encourage those near by to fuck. Which means it’s preferable you stay away from other’s for a week. With Suguru he still having to leave occasionally to fulfill his duties as the King for a two-three hours before he has to come see you to help both you and himself.
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐮𝐛𝐮𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮
✎ Fat jealous and insecure, he knows he is prettier but at the same time he knows human’s eyes can wonder. That it doesn’t matter who you are, you can still be cheated on. Which he doesn’t think you will cheat but he is worried of someone clicking with you more. Since he sometimes struggles with the emotional aspect of a relationship after being an incubus for so long.
✎ So it’s when someone makes you laugh and smile, when you start wanting to spend more time with them he gets jealous. But with some reassurance, alongside spending time with him Satoru calms down. His favorite ways to spend time with you, are movie marathons, joint videos games, self care such as mud masks and hiring a person to massage you both at the house. Or oddly enough camping, he loves being in lost in nature as if it’s just the two of you.
✎ If the person is making sexual advances Satoru starts kissing you and groping you before flipping them off. If they still don’t get the message his eyes shift from blue to red then back again leaving them confused and scared as they piece together Satoru might not be human. Alternatively if they touched you he puts them in a trace and makes them believe they are a random animal for the next three day before telling them they will feel sick when they touch another person. Which leaves them effected by his suggestions when he takes them out of the trace.
𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞/𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫! 𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢
✎ He gets jealous he can’t give you a family and that he can’t grow old with you. He hates that other people are warm all the time so their hugs wouldn’t sometimes make you shiver. More than anything he wants to be human again, a wish that he had given up on accepting his fate to hunt till something hunts him. That is until you have him wanting a family and a normally peaceful life. Yet he knows that not even a chaotic hunting family is possible with you.
✎ This means when a human flirts with you he gets envious. Since they can do the main two things he can’t; growing old and starting a family. He quickly chases them off. If they touch you or get too sexual with their words he remembers the scent of their blood and he hunts them down to bleed them dry.
✎ Toji will never tell you why he gets jealous but he gets better not projecting it. Instead he tries to cover his jealousy by making you call yourself his for him. He has a knife/blood kink so he wants to carve his name into you, bite you and get you covered in blood and filled with cum for him. He gets so needy and rough, but he is comforting and gentle afterwards.
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gaybitchfx · 2 years
I loved the head cannons! Thank you!!
Could I get a Kyojuro x gn demon reader where the reader actually defends Kyojuro in a demon fight. Like Kyojuro is fighting upper moon 3 again (my heart hurts from the movie) and before Upper moon 3 can actually land a hit, the reader appears out of nowhere and using all their body strength just slams into upper moon 3 cause confusion for both Kyojuro and upper moon 3. So, in that confusion, the reader just picks up Kyojuro and bolts. They get back to the demon slayer hq and all the Hashira are there waiting for Kyojuro to come back. They look up to see a demon just placing the flame Hashira down. Dusting his cap off and then clinging to his arm. Like, they sensed the others looking at them and just cling to Kyojuro knowing full well that he could kill them but could sense he wouldn’t. So through the meeting, the reader ended up shifting and sitting Kyojuro’s lap while playing with his hair not caring that the others where saying that the reader could kill them. The reader just snorts and says something along the lines of, “I would rather protect humans. Muzan lost all control over me the minute I didn’t burn in the sunlight. I’ve saved a lot of humans before meeting him.” and pointing to Kyojuro smiling. The Hashira end up liking the reader and train with them, and before the reader leaves, kisses Kyojuro and bolts for the next town to save.
A/n: I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my sockets when I saw how long this request was. Ngl I love long requests! You’re welcome in advance. Hope you enjoy!
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Character(s): Kyojuro Rengoku
Type of reader: Demon Gn!Reader
Category: Fluff 🥰✨
Warning(s): Mugen train arc spoilers
Edited: ❌
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When Rengoku was about to be impaled by Akaza’s fist you randomly appeared and slammed into Akaza making him fly into the train.
‘What the hell?’ Akaza thought confused completely forgetting what he was doing.
While Akaza was trying to process what had happened you picked up Rengoku bridal style and just runs off with a confused flame Hashira.
After some time, you had finally arrived at the demon slayer headquarters and all the hashiras were there waiting for Rengoku’s arrival. When they saw you, they all quickly drew out their katanas.
“Hey hey hey, I have your friend here you don’t wanna accidentally injure him now do you? Plus, those little katanas of yours won’t have any luck slicing my head off.” You said and carefully placed Rengoku down.
All the Hashira’s had a strict glare on their faces with their blades still pointed at you even though you said they wouldn’t work. You waited for Kyojuro to finish dusting his cape off before clinging onto him like a baby koala.
Kyojuro didn’t look scared at all as he told the others to put their blades away. He knew you could kill them all in seconds, but he knew you wouldn’t. Just a gut feeling I suppose.
“As I was saying…” Ubuyashiki continued keeping a close eye on you, so we’re the other slayers but that didn’t bother you one bit.
You sat in between Rengoku’s lap enjoying the warmth his body provided. You played with the ends of Rengoku’s hair that were closer to you.
“How are we allowing another demon here Ubuyashiki-Sama?! We don’t even know what they’re capable of!” Uzui shouted and pointed a finger at you. A snort sound came from you as you laughed.
“I would rather protect you pitiful humans instead of killing you. After I found out I could walk in the sun Muzan was no longer able to do anything to me so I have my own will to do anything I please. Over the decades I have saved a bunch of other humans before I met him.” You said and pointed a thumb at Rengoku with a smile.
The Hashira’s offensive mode had slowly disintegrated once they finally realized you, indeed, meant no harm just like Nezuko. You helped the Hashira’s train for a bit teaching them different ways to kill a demon quicker and other pressure points that had.
“I should take my leave now. It was wonderful meeting you all and I hope you all have many great years ahead of you.” You said with a bow before going over to Rengoku and giving him a kiss on the lips with a small wink.
Rengoku stood there flabbergasted as he watched you disappear in thin air. Rengoku would hope to see you someday no matter how long it would take. He just wanted to see you again one last time.
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merakiui · 3 years
Diluc, Kaeya, Xiao, and Childe Finding out That You’re Being Abused HCs
cw: mentions/descriptions of (physical and emotional) abuse, injuries, depressive mood/thoughts, implied violence **please proceed with caution and do not read if this is triggering! note - submissions are confusing for me, so I wrote it in this format. I hope that was okay! 
@tuestika said: Hi! Sorry that I send my request through submission, tumblr has sometimes eaten my asks either wholly or have omnomned whole ask xD Usually my requests sent through submissions arrive intact so…. I saw that you had done Scaramouche reacting finding out their s/o is being abused headcanons, may I request headcanons for Kaeya, Diluc, Xiao and Childe finding out their their s/o is being abused? Keep up good job! <3
🔥 Diluc 🔥
Diluc might not be the most vocal person in the world, but he’s definitely observant. He’s gotten rather skilled at picking apart your social cues because he’s spent a lot of time with you. 
So when you barge into his tavern one evening, looking absolutely disheveled and asking for one of the Knights, he’s feeling two emotions: confusion and irritation. 
For one, you shouldn’t even entrust your issue to those inadequate Knights. Nevertheless, you are his friend and he isn’t going to kick you out just because you mentioned them. 
He waves you over to the bar and is thoroughly shocked when you beg him to let you hide behind it. Then he notices your split lip and the fresh injuries on your face and forearms, and he wastes no time in getting to the point.
“Why were you out so late fighting hilichurls? I hope you haven’t led any here. We don’t need that sort of trouble right now.”
“Sorry. No, that’s not it. I just—you’re the only one...” You’re struggling to piece a coherent statement together, too busy looking over your shoulder to keep track of your thoughts. “I didn’t know where I could go. I mean, I thought of you and—“
“Please slow down. Start at the beginning.”
More concerned over your safety than professionalism, Diluc allows you to slip behind the bar counter, where you cower on the ground to avoid being seen. 
You gesture for him to come down to your height and he sighs, silently complying when he finds there aren’t any new customers to serve. Bending down to your level, he holds onto the countertop to keep his balance and then he locks eyes with you. 
“What exactly happened?”
You inhale a shuddering breath, wrapping your sore arms around yourself for comfort. Tears are gathering in your eyes as you recall the event. Your abuser had found you after you’d left to get some fresh air, they’d cornered you in a secluded alley, and—you can’t finish the rest of the story.
Diluc doesn’t expect you to continue. He nods as he lets the information sink in, already harboring a deep resentment for this despicable individual. 
“Wait here. I’ll close the tavern early. In the meantime, we should see to your injuries and then we’ll look for that person.”
“I really think we should tell the Knights...” you mumble, knowing he’ll disapprove. “They’re more suited to these types of cases.”
“The Knights are incompetent. The investigation will take days, if not weeks. What happens if your abuser knows they’ll be coming for them? They’ll try to escape and then there’ll be no telling where they’ve gone.”
“I know, but it wouldn’t hurt to—“
“I’ll take care of it.”
You try to object because it’s dangerous and you don’t want him to get injured on your behalf. But he’s insistent in his decision, claiming that if the Knights can’t help you no one can. And you really wouldn’t feel safe if your abuser was still roaming free, so you have no other choice but to allow him to carry out the investigation himself.
And Diluc can be quite clever at times. It won’t be hard to traverse the interior of Mondstadt at night, where his identity melts away into that of the sneaky Darknight Hero. 
He’s going to protect you no matter what. Your abuser won’t receive an ounce of sympathy from Diluc. All he feels is cold hatred when he catches them. Someone as precious as you does not deserve to be put through such torment, and he’ll see to it that your abuser pays a hefty price to make up for all of the damage they’ve caused.
🧊 Kaeya 🧊
Kaeya can’t understand why you’ve started isolating yourself from everyone. In the past, you were always such great friends with the Knights, always catching up to talk to one of them.
He’d spent a lot of time with you and has since gotten to know you through lighthearted conversations and gossip from the people of Mondstadt. 
For someone so appreciated and well-known, he can’t wrap his head around why you might want to suddenly disappear, hiding yourself away as if you didn’t exist. 
And then he happens to catch you in town one day while you’re out running some errands. It’s so like him to pop in with a few flirty lines, but the words stick in his throat when he notices the bandages stuck to your arms and legs. 
“That can’t be good,” he says as he approaches you, leaning ever so gracefully against a wooden support beam. “Why don’t we find Barbara? I’m sure she’ll have you patched up in no time, my dear friend.”
You don’t think you’re worth it so you shake your head, nervously hoping he’ll take the hint and go away. 
“I hope you’re not accepting those dangerous commissions again,” he adds, half teasing and half serious. You can’t tell whether he’s trying to sound chiding or not. 
“Please just...leave me be. I’m a little busy right now.” You try to leave the stall you’re at, walking stiffly to avoid limping in front of him. “I’m not feeling well, so if you’ll excuse me—“
Kaeya pushes off from the beam, standing in front of you with a posture that appears immovable. “By order of the Calvary Captain,” he’s saying, a playful glint in his eyes, “you aren’t allowed to move from that spot until you tell me what’s bothering you and why you’re covered head to toe in bandages.”
You can easily object to such an order, but you figure it’s better to answer instead of arguing over your physical condition. So you explain a modified version of the story, telling him that you simply got into a disagreement and it ended in bruises on both sides. 
Kaeya hears the tremble in your voice when you say it; you’re lying. His expression softens at once and he steps away, indicating that you’re free to leave. But you don’t; you’re looking at him with such a helpless, pleading look. It breaks his heart.
You break before him, lips quivering as you beg for his help. You’re so scared and alone, and you’re not sure how long you can suffer through this before it seriously hurts you. 
“This is the first time I’ve gotten out in weeks.” So that explains your sudden isolation. “Please... I don’t want to go back home anymore. I’ll do anything. Just don’t let them hurt me again.”
Kaeya’s absolutely stunned to hear the silent revelation in your words. You’re awkwardly reaching to undo one of the bandage wrappings to prove your point, but he stops you short. That’s all the proof he needs.
You’ll be brought back to the Knights of Favonius’ Headquarters to be tended to while he gathers a team to search for your abuser. Since you gave him a solid description, it shouldn’t be too hard to find them. 
And once they’re apprehended, Kaeya will subject them to a grueling interrogation. There will be no gentle punishment; it’s going to be as unforgiving as the abuse you had to suffer through. 
☁️ Xiao ☁️
You’ve never really been keen on physical touch and Xiao understands that completely. He usually avoids any sort of interaction to begin with, unless it’s absolutely necessary, so it’s not a surprise whenever you shy away from large crowds.
He has grown rather fond of you, which has lead to the two of you meeting at Wangshu Inn for some Almond Tofu and relaxed chit-chat.
During one of your many conversations, you bring up a few alarming statements. They’re just personal points you’d like to change, such as your weak fighting spirit or the way your joints brokenly click when you stretch. 
Xiao wonders why you’d want to change yourself. You’re not usually this doubtful of yourself. In the past, you would always play the role of his smiling friend, putting on a positive face even when he was in a disagreeable mood. 
Xiao is examining your movements as you awkwardly explain yourself and when your arms move he catches the sight of a rope burn etched into your wrist. 
“What happened?” He gestures to your sleeve, to which you react in a nervous manner, shyly pulling your sleeve down to hide it. Xiao frowns a bit. “Did you get into an accident?”
“No, of course not! I’m fine. It’s just a result of my clumsiness.”
It really doesn’t look like that to Xiao and when he truly looks at you again he finds that you appear abnormally tired and exhausted. He isn’t going to sugarcoat anything and he could be making a giant assumption, but he still asks.
“Is someone hurting you?”
Your eyes widen for a split second and Xiao catches that movement like a cat drawn to a laser pointer. He won’t force you to explain unless you feel comfortable doing so. The last thing he wants is upsetting you or pressuring you into something you don’t want to talk about.
Eventually, though, the story will come to light and he’ll hear all about the horrors you’ve gone through. That rope burn was just one of many punishments you’ve had to endure, and Xiao’s just about ready to snap. How dare someone lay their filthy hands upon you in such a violent way?
Xiao will calmly tell you to stay at Wangshu Inn or anywhere else in Liyue where you’ll be safe. He’ll watch over you while you take time to recuperate and heal. He’s going to make sure you’ll never have to go through something like that ever again.
Having Xiao by your side makes the healing process all the more comforting.
And when you fall asleep in a soft, warm bed, Xiao slips out into the night to search for your abuser. It won’t be a pretty sight once he gets his hands on the human trash who dared to hurt you.
💧 Childe 💧
He’s very perceptive when it comes to your health and overall well-being. After all, he’s got brothers and sisters to care for; perception is absolutely necessary in order to keep them happy and healthy.
So it doesn’t take long for him to realize your behavior is uncharacteristic. You’re jumpier than usual, always apologizing for the littlest of things, and you’ll look over your shoulder whenever you sense something.
It’s almost as if you expect someone to suddenly come at you, which isn’t all that odd. Childe has been known to keep you on your toes when he’s looking for a fight.
But on one particular day he manages to give you a spook when he comes up beside you, grinning and showing up in your peripheral so suddenly that it nearly gives you a heart attack. 
You’re so frightened as you back away, practically folding in on yourself in an effort to protect yourself from an imaginary blow. Childe pauses, that silly grin fading when he realizes you’re shaking.
“Hey, it wasn’t that scary. Come on, comrade!” He’s approaching you warily, not entirely sure why you’re acting the way you are. He’s always been spontaneous; you should be used to this by now.
But you refuse to let him come any closer, having to distance yourself so that you can ease your racing heart and hyperventilating lungs. Once you’ve calmed down, embarrassment floods through you at the fact that Childe just witnessed all of that. 
Childe will ask if you’re okay with him stepping closer and if you nod he’ll be on you like a hawk, pulling up your sleeves before you can stop him. 
For once, you catch an expression you normally don’t find on Childe: surprise. He’s genuinely shocked at what he sees: dark bruises and shallow lacerations from something sharp. 
Either you got these in your many sparring matches or there’s another factor at play here, and Childe is almost certain it’s the latter.  
His voice is gentle as he asks you to explain what’s going on and once you do he’s already set on finding the one who did this. He seems to forget all about his Fatui work, wanting to capture your abuser and give them a piece of his mind—and subject them to more than a few pieces of his strength, too. 
He’ll have you protected in no time, offering to take you to the best healer. You’ll be treated wonderfully and he’ll even lay off on your sparring matches for a while. 
In the meantime, once he gets his hands on your abuser, everything becomes fair game. After all, someone has to handle the brunt of his anger and pent-up bloodlust from the lack of a fight. And your abuser is the perfect match to pummel into the ground. Childe shows absolutely no mercy for them. 
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infernalrevenge · 3 years
Hey there😊 I was wondering if I could request some headcanons for house dimitrescu s/o coming out as ftm perhaps reader is nervous to tell them afraid that he'll get kicked out and broken up with. I've been in a really bad funk lately and this would help thanks in advance
Hey bro, I feel you on this one. I hope this helps lifts your spirits in some way, this funk will pass and you'll be groovy once again :P
(CW transphobia in the form of non-acceptance but just as the reader's fears. Spoiler alert: They never materialize hehe.)
Alcina Dimitrescu
You were quite nervous to approach Alcina about this, as much as anyone would be about something this personal.
She always projected this image of an old-fashioned matron, whether she knew it or not. You knew she loved you, but it was still hard to shake the possibility of her not understanding.
You were prepared for the best case scenario to at least be some confusion on her part, and focused on that instead (and not the possibility that she would deem you disgusting and make you leave her presence at once.)
You steeled your nerves and knocked on the door of her office, swearing you felt your heart jump when she invited you in.
As soon as you mentioned wanting to talk about something important, she put her things down and had her full attention directed towards you. You weren't sure if that was worse.
With as calm of a tone as you can muster, you came straight out with it.
You hadn't realized you were looking at the floor the whole time, too afraid to look up and see her live reaction.
However, you didn't really have to wait long for a reply as she leaned down and tipped your chin up to her.
The disdain you feared would be on her face was completely absent, instead her expression was soft and loving. It made your heart skip in a different way than earlier.
"Thank you for telling me this, my love. That must've taken a lot of courage to say. Just know that what I feel for you has not changed -- I love you for the man you have always been, and always will be."
Bela Dimitrescu
Your relationship with Bela was all about "comfortable existence" -- you two count reading different books in the same room as doing something together.
The news you wanted to share with her, however, wasn't something you're sure would fit the "comfortable" atmosphere you two fostered over time.
You didn't want to ruin anything by coming out, but at the same time you knew you couldn't keep it from her forever. You wanted to be yourself around her, and telling her would be the first step to that reality. You just hoped she would understand, or at the very least was willing to understand.
When the time came, the two of you sat back to back while you did your own thing -- you were writing something, and she was drawing.
What she didn't know was that you were basically preparing a whole letter to come out to her and explain your situation as best as you can.
At this point, your parchment was full of crossed out lines and blotches of ink where your pen idled for too long -- you wondered if she noticed the pile of crumpled rejects on the other side of you too.
After a while, Bela was just about to turn around and ask you if something was wrong, she could feel how tense you were against her. But then, you slipped the paper to her and had her read it.
All the while, you had your back turned, knees tucked to your chest as you wished a black hole would swallow you up the longer the silence dragged on. You really wished you had telepathy or something right now, because you couldn't tell what she was thinking.
But all she did was take her place next to you, taking your hand and resting her head on your shoulder. Physical affection was rare from Bela, so this might even be enough of a confirmation of her reaction.
"I still love you, you know? If this is who you are and what makes you happy, then I'm more than okay with it. Thank you for trusting me with this."
Cassandra Dimitrescu
You and Cassandra talk about anything and everything under the sun. She's always been the type to speak her mind, especially when she gets excited.
You felt comfortable discussing anything, but this... well, you didn't really know how to get into it.
You wanted to tell her, of course. You just never found the right opportunity to (possibly because Cassandra led the conversation most of the time.)
But you knew you couldn't avoid this forever, not if you wanted to be with Cassandra for as long as you could. A part of you nagged at the fear that this would be cut short if you did say it, though.
You decided it was best to just be out with it before you could lose your nerve. After spending the night pondering over it, she barely even got to greet you before the words "I'm trans!" came tumbling out of your mouth.
"Uh... what?" (Was that a confused 'what' or an angry 'what'?)
"I'm... transgender...?"
"Oh okay. That's nice, good for you."
"You don't know what that is, do you, Cass?"
".......not exactly."
After some explaining and a crash course on terminology, you get a gentle nudge on your arm as a response -- her way of saying it was more than okay.
And that she wished you weren't so scared of telling her, but even you had to explain that, perhaps if you had any past experiences of coming out situations gone very wrong. She would seethe in anger on your behalf if you told her those stories.
If no one else were around at the time, she would definitely kiss you, just to assure you of how much her feelings for you remained the same. She didn't want any of your worries or insecurities from before this moment to stay in your mind, and she would do anything to make them melt away.
"You didn't have to be scared of telling me, but I'm glad you did. Tell me, not be scared of me. Guess from now on, you can be my handsome little man-thing, huh?"
Daniela Dimitrescu
Daniela is easily the most carefree (and oftentimes, careless) among her sisters. She also doesn't take a lot of things too seriously.
As a consequence though, you feared that it meant she wouldn't know how to handle the news. What if she didn't get it and would be weirded out by you?
Daniela wasn't dumb, you knew that, but you were still prepared to explain things if needed. She had always been curious so you weren't afraid to answer any questions she might have. You wished she would have some tact about them though.
She often drags you into mischief and a lot of the time you would relent, but the one time you stopped her first and mentioned needing to tell her something important, she was the one who tensed up.
Was she in trouble? Did you realize you stopped loving her all of a sudden? Were you going to die?! (She's a bit of a worrier when the words "we need to talk" come out of anyone's mouth.)
You were silent for a little too long and she starts to tear up, her worries getting the better of her before you stepped up to give her a hug. This already wasn't going how you planned.
After you managed to calm her down, you decided it was best to just spit it out already.
Fortunately, the revelation didn't hang in the air for too long. Daniela responded almost unexpectedly.
"Oh... wait, is it male to female, female to male, or something else?"
"Uh, female to male. So I'm a man. A trans man."
"Oh cool!" She takes your hands. "You got a new name picked out? If you're taking suggestions, I think--"
Wait what?
Turned out, she was pretty aware of what being trans meant and had read up on it in books before. She didn't just read for entertainment, she retained other information too.
Still, you couldn't help the sigh (and maybe a quiet sob) of relief when she pulled you close for another hug, this time in celebration of you and living your truth.
"Of course everything's okay, babe! You're still the same wonderful human I fell in love with. I always know how to pick the cute ones."
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alisonsfics · 3 years
scare you away
pairing: steve rogers x reader
summary: steve rogers has always been someone you looked up to. you always ignored your romantic feelings for him because he was much older than you. when he starts ignoring you, you realize you can’t hide your feelings anymore. (requested by anon)
word count: 1.6k
warnings: significant age gap, swearing
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You walked into the kitchen, still only barely awake. You were greeted by Steve, who was chopping up an apple for breakfast. “Someone’s tired” he said, smirking as he looked over at you. You just leaned into his side, too tired to hold yourself up.
He chuckled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You were so small in comparison to the muscular super soldier. You felt the butterflies appear in your stomach, just like they always did when Steve was around.
It was a stupid crush. He was old enough to be your dad even if you ignored the fact that he was technically over a hundred years old. You knew that he probably thought of you as just a kid.
What you didn’t know about was the huge crush Steve had on you. It made him feel horrible and creepy. You were so young and innocent, and he was an old man lusting over you. He was raised in a time where it was taboo to marry someone that was more than five years younger/older than you, but there he was: in love with a nineteen year old.
“Do you want to spar after breakfast?” He suggested, really only desperate for any excuse to see you. You slowly nodded your head. Your sleepiness was visible to the eye, from your half-open eyes to how you were practically moving in slow motion.
Steve couldn’t help but chuckle and point towards the coffee machine. “I made coffee. It might wake you up” he said, amused as he watched your eyes light up.
You quickly walked over to the cabinet and reached for a coffee mug. You struggled to reach, even on your tiptoes. “Here you go, sweetheart” Steve said, easily grabbing it and handing it to you.
Once the coffee had passed your lips, you felt ready for the day. He handed you a bowl of apple slices. “Is this where you give me a lecture about how important breakfast is?” You teased, gladly accepting the bowl.
A small grin slipped onto his lips. To him, you were the human form of perfection. He loved hearing you giggle or watching you get excited. All of your silly jokes managed to put a smile on the old man’s face.
“I still hate that they made me do those dumb high school videos. They just made me seem like an old man” he said. You loved to tease him about those videos. It was a nice little inside joke that the two of you had.
You both ate together in quiet silence. Once you finished, you jumped down off your stool. “I’ll take care of your dishes” Steve volunteered, already taking them from you. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself.
“Thanks. I’ll go get changed and meet you in the training room?” You suggested. He nodded in agreement, giving you a peck on the top of your head. You froze, shocked by the sudden action. He quickly apologized and bashfully looked down at the ground.
You felt the heat radiating off your cheeks as you walked back to your room.
Steve had always been a mentor to you, and you both were normally pretty affectionate. It wasn’t out of the normal for you two to be cuddling and watching a movie on a Friday night. There were sometimes when things would get a bit too affectionate, whether it was a kiss on the forehead or holding hands.
He always left you with a fluttering feeling and a schoolgirl smile on your face.
You grabbed a sports bra and some leggings out of your dresser and got changed. After throwing your hair into a ponytail, you headed down to the training room. You didn’t normally opt for a sports bra, but all of your athletic tank tops were dirty. So, you threw a light jacket over your sports bra.
You saw Steve through the giant glass windows. He was already lifting some weights. You opened the door, and he looked up to meet your eyes. He greeted you with a small smile.
When he turned around to set down his weights, you took the opportunity to admire his back muscles. You set down your workout bag and unzipped your jacket, throwing it on top of your bag.
Steve turned around to face you, and you saw his eyes go wide. You noticed his eyes roll down your body. Then, he forced himself to look up at your face. “I—ummm. I’m sorry” he mumbled over his words.
His cheeks were on fire as his face became bright red. He didn’t know where to look, so he settled for the floor. He was too ashamed to look into your eyes, but couldn’t stare at your body anymore.
“Actually...I can’t—I mean, I have to go,” his words were rushed and frantic. He didn’t even pick up his bag before quickly jogging out of the door. You were left all alone.
You looked back at where he had just stood, feeling nothing but confusion. You didn’t even know what to think. He hadn’t said much of anything before running out the door.
You slung your bag over your shoulder and went back to your room. You set your stuff back on your bed and heard people talking outside your door. You peeked out the door and saw Steve talking to Tony, Nat, Wanda, and Sam, who were all sitting on the couch.
You kept your door only cracked open, so they couldn’t see you. “Oh come on. Just tell her how you feel. It’s better than running around avoiding her” Natasha told him. Steve put his head in his hands. He had no idea what to do.
“She probably knows anyway. You aren’t exactly the most subtle. You two and your little movie nights” Sam said, chuckling. You wondered if Steve liked you and that’s what they were talking about. “You knew about that?” Steve’s cheeks became an even darker shade of red.
You could hear Wanda and Natasha whispering to each other about how cute you both looked when you were cuddling. You could feel your heart racing.
Did Steve really like you?
“Come on, Cap. How do you feel about her? Do you love her?” Tony asked, aiming for a serious answer.
The room was quiet for a moment. You thought they could hear your heart pounding as it rang in your ears. You stepped into the room, so you could hear better. They all saw you, but didn’t make any gesture so Steve wouldn’t know.
“Of course I’m in love in her. I think about her all the time. How could I not? She's the sweetest person I’ve ever met, and I love being around her. I love how she giggles when she tells jokes, and how she gets flustered when anyone compliments her. But at the end of the day, I am so much older than she is. She’d probably think I’m a creepy old man if she knew how I felt. She definitely doesn’t feel the same way, so what the fuck am I supposed to do?” He asked, running his hand through his blonde hair.
You couldn’t form the words to respond.
“Steve?” your voice sounded weak and vulnerable. He spun around and met your eyes. You saw the panic wash through him. “Oh shit” he mumbled to himself.
You could only think of one thing to say. “Is all of that true?” You asked him, still having a hard time believing. He nodded, but hung his head in shame.
“We’ll give you both a minute” Wanda said, before they all exited the room. You walked closer to Steve, but he still couldn’t look you in the eye. “Look at me” you said, softly.
His big blue eyes met yours, and you could see all of his worry. “So do you think I’m creepy yet?” His voice broke. You let your fingers slip through his, interlacing your hands. His eyes darted to your hands.
“I don’t think you’re creepy. I think you’re kind of cute” you said, bashfully. He tilted his head towards the side, confused by your words.
You watched his eyes glance down at your lips. “Can you just kiss me already?” You practically begged him. He chuckled before slipping his arms around your waist. He leaned in and slowly connected your lips.
He hesitantly pressed his lips against yours. Your grinned as you noticed his nervousness. You slid your tongue against his bottom lip, encouraging him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, toying with the ends of his hair. You both pulled away as you heard whistling. You looked over your shoulder and saw Sam watching you both.
“Come on, let’s go” Steve said, taking your hand and pulling you towards your room.
Sam wolf whistled again at the both of you. “Ignore him” Steve whispered in your ear, before closing the door behind you.
You laid down on your bed and pulled him down with you. “How about we watch a movie?” You suggested, running your fingers through his hair.
He nodded his head before adjusting himself on the bed. He sat with his back against the headboard, and let you sit in between his legs with your back against his chest.
You ran your fingers up and down his legs beside you as you started the movie. He pressed a kiss to your temple.
“So why did you run out of the training room this morning?” You asked, glancing back at him. He chuckled to himself before answering you. “The sight of you in that sports bra. I felt like a creep ogling at you. I knew I couldn’t stop myself. I didn’t want to freak you out” he told you, scratching the back of your neck.
You felt the heat rush to your cheeks. “I wish you would’ve told me that. I was having a hard time not staring you, Mr. Muscles” you teased, leaning into his touch.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @bookfrog242 @buckys-doll17 @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @sunwardsss @studentville-struggles @impossibleapricotlampbat @infjkiki @weirdfishy @lickmymelaninn @hailey-a-s @andreasworlsboring101 @glassesandthunderthighs @holding-on-to-my-youth @fanofalltheficsx @lukes-orange-beanie @golden-hoax @mostly-marvel-musings @madisondelstan @spookyparadisesheep @n3ssm0nique @i-wish-i-knew-what-i-was @hyacinthhotch @ashwarren32 @who-the-hell-is-sebastianstan
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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edoro · 2 years
Also when do they get teleported out of belos' mind cause I assumed that it was when babybel was summoning the palisman souls, when Luz grabbed him she just didn't let go so she and Hunter scream for Eda to take them out and luckily she could but Luz didn't let go of babybel when grabbing Hunter so now Hunter knows the truth (probably still going to have his panic attack sadly :( ), but Luz realizes that she also brought the 'kid' with her. Now to think about it wouldn't babybel kinda be out of it for a while, since the form came from the dream realm so his body is literally trying to exist.
this is one of the questions i am trying to answer for myself! because when they get taken out really changes some things - well, mostly it changes what i think Hunter's attitude towards Babybel and the whole situation is.
so i'm considering it in terms of those three memories - the staged 'wild witch' attack, the first attempt at coven sigils, and the Collector conversation post-Eclipse Lake.
they should definitely, i think, see at least the first one. i want Hunter's perception of Belos to be shaken for sure, and for him to be confused and uneasy about the previous Golden Guard(s). he knows he isn't the first, but they didn't just have the same rank - they sounded exactly like him! and he clearly noticed.
the more i think about it, the more i feel like my sweet spot here is after the coven sigil attempt memory?
it gives Luz enough info that Owl Team more or less knows what Belos is planning (genocide) although she doesn't have the context of why (witch hunter), and it's something that Hunter can't actually excuse - he was trying, but in the end the best he could do was 'well maybe i'm completely wrong about everything i know to be true', which is not solid grounds for long-term denial.
so Luz has her confirmation of Belos's plans that she can tell Eda and Lilith, while still leaving room for her to realize/find out that Babybel is a human and therefore Philip in the way i outlined in this post
and Hunter also has all of these doubts and fears - suddenly Belos isn't the harsh-but-fair benevolent Emperor who is leading the Boiling Isles into a utopia, but a liar and a manipulator who's been hurting and killing people for a very long time and is clearly trying to do it on a mass scale.
Hunter can say he was 'just perfecting sigil magic' (he's not even wrong!) but they both heard Belos say those witches still being alive meant he had more work to do. and there was that Guard - same voice, slightly different clothes, but we don't know how much time passed between those memories, so it could still be the same guy under the mask.
but there's that seed of doubt there too, that little nagging sense of existential horror. who is that? is that his uncle's brother - his own father? a son he never knew Belos had? is that the same Guard who was Darius's mentor? how many of them have there been? what happened to them? who were they?
so i think cutting it off there, between that one and the scene with the Collector, puts Hunter in an interesting place. his faith in Belos has been badly bruised and his sense of self and purpose suddenly taken away. he can't deny that whatever Belos is planning, it's bad, or that he's been complicit in it. he can't deny that Belos has been lying to everyone, including him, for a very long time. and he doesn't know what's up with those other Golden Guards, but there isn't a non-horrifying answer, really.
however, his perception of Belos hasn't been completely shattered, nor has it been revealed to him that he's just the latest in a long line of murdered clones. he doesn't know that the 'Titan's plans' for him are just a lie Belos uses to make him easier to manipulate.
he knows he's seen things he wasn't supposed to see, but he's still loyal. he doesn't know that previous Golden Guards have been killed for 'betraying' Belos. he doesn't know that he's just a replaceable object to Belos. he's hurt and betrayed and scared and confused, he isn't sure what his place is anymore, he isn't sure if he can or wants to go back to the castle, he doesn't want to help Belos bring about the Day of Unity anymore, and the residents of the Owl House definitely aren't going to let him take Babybel back
but i think that because those crucial revelations have been withheld from him, it means that he might fall back on his position as his uncle's caretaker when he's faced with Babybel. with almost everything he thought he knew turned on its head, he might cling onto what feels familiar.
his relationship with his uncle has been forever changed, but by taking care of Babybel the way he used to take care of Emperor Belos, he can still have some vestige of a relationship - a simpler one, even, where he doesn't have to fear being hurt, where he can care for and love this man who he's spent his life serving without suffering for it.
which also sets him up for Babybel to be able to try to manipulate him into helping him back to the castle and into his adult body. normally he would get rid of Hunter after what Hunter saw and just make another one, but he really doesn't have time, and right now he can't give up such a powerful ally
(of course, he'll have to play his cards right - Hunter doesn't trust the real him anymore, and similarly to Luz, sees his child self as kind of a do-over. he can't just reveal it right away, but he's going to have to manage Hunter's wounded expectations and sense of betrayal from being strung along and lied to when he does, so he's going to need to have Hunter wrapped very firmly back around his nasty little fingers, or else find some way of convincing Hunter to take him back to the castle without actually revealing that he's For Real Belos)
it seems like Hunter really wants to find a way to be loyal, so who is Belos to deny him that? at the very least, he can try to play on Hunter's loyalty and love for him to get back to the castle so he can continue with his plan, and then figure out what to do with Hunter from there. maybe this one is salvageable. maybe this one will finally turn out right. maybe this one is the version of Caleb who loves him more than anything else.
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zukkoxx · 3 years
mha boys doing the hickey prank on you
(w/ bakugo, kiri, shinsou)
bakugo 💥
you and bakugo’s relationship started with bickering and annoying each other till you drive the other crazy.
and that didn’t stop when you started dating.
now, it’s more of pulling silly little pranks on each other.
and each time you would try to one up the other.
well, the last prank you pulled in bakugo had him fuming, he was mad for a week.
so obviously he had to get you back even worse.
he got mina to help him, figuring she’d be best at making the makeup look like the actual thing.
she berated him the whole time, telling him if he broke her best friend’s heart she’d shoot acid in his eyes.
he brushed off her comment. you deserved this.
it was a little late in the evening after you get to bakugo’s dorm, finished with all the tasks you had to do today.
“hey kats.” you greet, placing your things on his desk and joining him on the bed where he was sitting on his phone.
he looked up at you, almost feeling bad when you gave him a genuine smile before snuggling up next to him. “whats up?” you say when he doesn’t respond.
“nothing. how was your day?” he quickly asked.
the two of you talked for a while about random stuff, and at some point you went up to kiss his cheek, laughing at a comment he made.
but you freeze when you see a dark, purplish mark on the side of his neck, in plain sight.
you furrowed your brows, wondering how you hadn’t noticed to before.
“katsuki...what’s this?” you ask, making him turn from his phone and look at you.
“what’re ya talkin about dumbass?”
“don’t call me a dumbass, what the hell is this on your neck?” you speak louder, pressing a finger under the mark.
“it’s nothing, probably a bruise from a mission-”
the blond widens his eyes at your deep tone and the way you said his name. he never really heard you speak like this unless it was towards a villain. but even then, you never sounded this serious.
“you and i both know that’s not a fucking bruise.”
he stares at you silently, not knowing if he should end the prank or not.
he decides to push on.
“i don’t know what you want me to say.” he shrugs, looking away from you. he couldn’t stand seeing the hurt in your eyes.
you scoff, trying to get rid of the pressure building in you throat. “you really are just a big asshole, aren’t you?”
he stayed quiet. “if you wanted to break up with, you could’ve just told me.” you try so hard to keep your tears at bay, not letting them cross your waterline.
but it feels like a dagger had been stabbed through your heart.
“and to think, i thought you could have actually loved me.” you chuckle darkly before trying to get off the bed.
upon hearing your words, bakugo quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you against him.
“i do love you-”
“let me go you asshole!” you push his chest, tears finally escaping. “we’re done! that’s what you wanted right?”
“y/n it’s not real! calm down.”
he holds your waist so you were sitting on his lap, keeping you still. you look at him, trying to figure out what he was talking about. “what the hell do you mean it’s not real?”
he stared at you for a second, almost scared that if he looked away, you’d be gone. but he eventually reaches to the table beside his bed and grabs a makeup wipe mina lended him. he quickly wiped the mark, staring at you intensely.
“see?” he turns his head, and you find the purple mark gone, only a slight red pigment left from where he wiped so harshly. “fake.” he holds up the wipe so you see the purple stains covering it.
“it was a prank.”
you felt like you could finally breath again, but your relief quickly turned into anger, and you punched bakugo’s chest out of instinct. he didn’t react.
“i hate you. why would you do this?”
“you pranked me last week!” bakugo states, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“i put pink dye in your shampoo katsuki. this was overboard.” you mutter, wiping your cheeks to get rid of sparse tears.
bakugo frowned, feeling even more bad about the whole thing. he had to admit, he took it too far. “you’re right. i’m sorry.” you didn’t respond, but accepted his apology.
“hey.” bakugo lifted your chin to look at him. “you know i love you, right? more than fucking anything.” you nod. “don’t ever doubt my love for you, or i may have to blow myself up for making you feel that way.”
you laugh slightly, bending down so you could hug when, pushing your face into his neck.
“you know i’m getting you back for this.”
kirishima often does things without thinking ahead.
not fully comprehending the consequences of his actions.
this was one of those moments.
it was april fools day! great right?
except kiri and the boys made a bet, wondering who could pull the best prank on someone in their class.
kiri took a while thinking about who he should prank. and eventually, a perfect prank to pull on his precious s/o came to mind.
a hickey prank. haha....ha. -_-
he had seen tons of videos where someone made a fake hickey and pranked their s/o with it. he always laughed his ass off at them.
this would be the perfect opportunity!
so he sprinted to ochaco’s back room, hers being the closest, and asked for some makeup he would return quickly.
he went to his room, doing his best at imitating the red, purplish bruise you’d often give each other.
when he thought he did the best he could, he leaves his room, trying to find you so he could get the prank over with.
he sees you in the kitchen, eating a bowl of fruit, chatting with jiro.
he makes his way over slowly, nervousness creeping up his spine with the amount of people in the common area at the moment.
he didn’t want to embarrass you, but he didn’t want to give any of the boys 50 dollars either.
he stood behind you, awkwardly waiting for you to finish talking to jiro.
jiro looks past you, motioning for you to check. you turn, eyes brightening as they land upon your boyfriend.
“hey kiri, what some fruit?” you push the bowl towards him, and he shakes his head with a dopey smile. “no thanks babe. just checking on you.”
you melt at his kind words, about to respond when jiro speaks up beside to. “i think you should be checking on yourself kiri. jeez y/n, are you human or a leech?” she covers her moth to stifle a laugh, pointing to a very specific spot on kiri’s neck.
you halfheartedly laugh, confused, and glanced at the area yourself.
you breath stops when you notice a big purple mark covering the side of his neck.
you didn’t do that to him...
kirishima stands uncomfortably still, not real really knowing what to do this far into the prank.
“kirishima? wha...” you can’t even speak, just utterly astonished at what you’re seeing.
you stare at him and shake your hands, waiting for him to explain himself.
“are you going to say something!?” you ask, the hurt in your voice making his heart break.
he didn’t like this. not at all. why did he do this?
“...fuck you kiri.” you spit, ignoring the fact that you still used his nickname while you were mad at him.
you walked away in a hurry, leaving jiro glaring at kirishima.
“what did you do?” she asked.
“i-it was a joke! a prank! i...it’s april fools!”
“well go tell them that!” jiro says, pushing kiri to go follow you.
kirishima runs after you, getting to you as soon as you enter the elevator to go to your dorm. he sprints inside, crashing into you in the process.
he looks at you with wide eyes when he sees tears running down your face. “why are you here?” you quickly yell.
“y/n it’s a prank! it’s april fools day, please baby! i’m sorry!” he goes to hug you. you don’t return it but you don’t push him away either.
“what the heck eijiro! that wasn’t funny!” you yell in distress. you were happy it wasn’t real, but the feeling from being absolutely heart broken to feeling better in the span of seconds was overwhelming.
“i know. i know it was stupid of me to even attempt this. i made a stupid bet with the others. i am so sorry. you know i’d never do this to you. please, forgive me.” he begs, holding onto you for dear life.
“i’m really upset with you right now, eijiro.”
“you should be. i don’t blame you y/n. but please, don’t leave me.”
you sighed, finally going to hug him back. “i’m not going to leave you kiri. i was scared you were leaving me!”
“i’d never! never in a million years!”
“i know, just don’t do that again. you really scared me.”
he nods against you. “never again.”
shinsou 🌀
shinsou was never good at expressing his emotions.
he was very reserved and even though you were his s/o, you often had trouble figuring out what was going on inside that complicated head of his
so when you laughed at izuku’s jokes, or praised shoto’s quirk
of course he wouldn’t tell you how jealous it made him feel. how it made all his insecurities rise up.
you didn’t mean to make him feel this way, god no. you had known the two boys longer than him and were used to having the comfortable playful conversations with izuku and serious quirk related talks with shoto.
but shinsou didn’t like all the attention you gave them.
and he couldn’t find a way to let you know how he felt that didn’t involve telling you. which he wasn’t going to do.
so he ended up doing the next best thing that came to mind.
make you feel what he was feeling.
he gets some makeup from someone he had already forgotten the name of and went to his dorm, doing his best to make the fake hickey at least a little believable.
he didn’t want the prank to be too serious, just to hit you with a quick realization that you had been making him feel this way.
so he waits for you to meet him in his dorm like you always do, and even leaves the makeup out in the open to see if you’d catch on yourself.
“hellooo my love.” you say cheerfully, and shinso smiled at your happy mood.
“hi y/n. had a good day?” he asked, sitting on the edge of his bed as you approached him, standing between his legs.
“mhm. but i missed you.” you muttered, pushing his face against your stomach as you hugged his head.
hitoshi frowned at your words. maybe this wasn’t a good idea. maybe he’s been overthinking and this stupid prank will just make things worse.
“so, what did you do today-”
you pull back from hitoshi and catch a glimpse of a bruise on his neck. you grip his chin, turning it to the side with slight force and narrow your eyes.
“what happened here?” you asked curiously
“nothing babe.” your boyfriend shrugs
“hitoshi is this a fucking hickey?” you asked after getting a better look, hoping to whatever god there was that his answer would be no.
“what does it look like?”
“don’t talk to me like that, you prick.” you seeth, and push his head away until he falls on his back on the bed.
“we’re over! i hate you.” you say the last part quietly, still not wanting to believe what you saw was real.
“wait y/n, it’s fake!” hitoshi yells before you could leave his dorm.
“how is it fake hitoshi? what, you had no real feelings for the bitch that sucked on your neck? do you think i’m stupid or something?”
“the hickey is fake y/n. i made it.”
you stared at him with deceiving eyes, crossing your arms and tapping your foot. “is this some type of mind joke hitoshi? i told you don’t use that shit on me.”
“please babe, c’mere. wipe it off.”
you slowly made you way back to him, gripping his chin to turn his head again and swiped at the mark. it smeared a little, but didn’t come off. you licked your thumb before rubbing it into the mark, finally making it disappear.
you pushed him back slightly, eyes still angry. “what was that all about? why’d you do that?” you ask.
“just thought it’d be funny.” he lies, looking away from you. you knew he was lying. he always looked directly at you when talking about something. especially something serious.
“do not make me even angrier than i already am shinso. fess up.”
hitoshi groaned, putting his hands over his face before looking at you with tired eyes. “fine, i got jealous of you hanging out and being friendly with midoriya and todoroki. i just wanted to get you back in a way.”
“so you pretend to cheat on me?”
“i’m sorry. it was really immature of me and i should’ve just talked to you. the makeup is right over there if you still need proof.” he points to his desk and glance at it, seeing the makeup sprawled on top.
you sighed, not wanting to forgive him so easily. but you couldn’t help it with the way he rubbed the back of your legs soothingly and looked at you with love filled eyes.
“ugh, you’re lucky i love you.” you state, trying to stop the smile growing on your face as you see him smirk softly.
“and i love you. more than anything. thank you for forgiving me.”
“and...i’ll try not to make you jealous. i really didn’t mean to.” you say, remembering the reason for the whole situation.
hitoshi shook his head. “you can hang out and be friends with whoever you want. i know you wouldn’t leave me or be unfaithful. and i’d never be unfaithful to you. i’m so thankful for you.”
“stop getting all mushy on me.”
i always see hcs where the boys get pranked, i thought it’d be cool to do the reverse. i can still do y/n pranking the boys if you guys would like that! hope you enjoyed this! leave a request here! -> 🥀
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milliedazzledust · 3 years
Somewhere Only We Know (Bucky Barnes imagine)
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Request: @the-craziestone story about Bucky x Reader, where Bucky is really obsessed with Reader - But not in a creepy way, more like he's really really in love with her and he can only see her, like she's his world Anon: can you do something with reader gifting Bucky Barnes the 3 Lord of the Rings books? They were published after WWII, and reader knows he liked The Hobbit so she thinks it's something he'd like
Words: 2943
A/N: this is pure fluff with no warning, also I changed a tiny bit the second request to fit the story - enjoy ;)
He couldn’t explain the sadness he constantly felt every time he was walking through the streets of the city he used to know by heart. A stranger in a strange land was the best way to describe him. More than seventy years had passed, and he hadn’t witnessed any changes. While he had been a puppet deprived of freewill and controlled with the sole purpose of killing, he had missed the birth of a whole new world. Now, as he strode around the streets, he could easily remember each of their names, but none of them were familiar. His mind remained in the 1940’s and in the middle of the noises, surrounded by the sound of first responders vehicles, the children running around and cars piling up on the road, he was a stranger in his own home. It was an unsettling feeling, a pining melancholy that reminded him in every step he made that his Brooklyn didn’t exist anymore. 
He was furious in a way, but mostly confused. Haunted by memories he had gotten back a second ago, and they didn’t fit this new reality. He wasn’t even nostalgic, but the loneliness was getting heavier every day. He could still picture the park he used to take his sister, the alley where Steve had gotten beaten up one day, the bakery his mother used to go to every morning. Treasure of souvenirs he would keep forever. And although the park, the alley and the streets names were still here, he was left alone walking down Brooklyn. 
“Hey, Y/N!” He heard a voice shouting. “Where do I put those ?” 
His head mechanically turned to a young boy carrying a heavy box of what looked like antics. Without thinking he crossed the road and when his eyes laid on the small shop, he gasped. There it was, one small piece of his past still here. It was an old bookstore he used to go to with his sister. The man, a friend, an immigrant from France with a thick accent, would let them stay for hours. Bucky loved reading to Rebecca. They would sit inside and she’d insist to hear The Hobbit. François, the man owning the store, would make coffee and stay with them, relating the stories he had heard around the world, telling them all about the France he had known. It was all still here. ‘Au Nom de la Rose’ was still here. 
He didn’t hesitate a second and rushed inside the place, an honest smile on his face. His eyes roamed over the room and he took a deep breath. It was just like he remembered, a place filled with murmurs and whispers floating above his head and through the roof, indistinct conversations between friends, huge windows bringing in a powerful light at this hour of the day, plants in almost every corner. Even the atmosphere was the same, this powerful smell of imagination coming from the laying books on the shelves, begging to be read, mixing with a distinct smell coming from the dust. The small couch and the old table he used to sit by with his sister were also there. The wooden pieces had many rough and sharp edges but looked just as smooth and clean as he remembered. Finally, his eyes landed on a woman there. He watched her rearranging a bouquet of daffodils, breathing in the perfume of the vibrant flowers as she tended to them meticulously. 
For some reason, he couldn’t look away. She felt familiar, like he had known her all his life, yet he had never seen her before. When she turned around he took an instinctive step toward her. She noticed, raised her head and that was the moment their eyes met. His breath caught in his throat when she smiled at him. He stood, frozen on the spot, staring at her. He couldn’t comprehend that instant connection. There was an inexplicable sense of excitement yet weird feeling that they had known each other forever, that they were meeting each other again after a long journey. He was transfixed, almost stuck by the confusing mixture of emotions but oddly comforted by them - all at the same time. 
“Can I help you ?” She asked him.
He surprised himself thinking there was something eerily calming about her voice, that he could listen to her for hours.
“Do I know you ?” He quickly wondered out loud, mentally facepalming himself for his lack of tact. 
“Shouldn’t I be asking that question ?”
“Why ?”
“You’ve been staring at me for the past five minutes” She grinned.
“I’m … I’m sorry” He apologized profusely. “I didn’t mean to…” 
“Look weird ?” 
He could swear his heart skipped a beat when he heard her laugh.
“This place is beautiful”
“Thank you” 
“How long have you been working here ?”
“Forever” She smirked. “The store belongs to my family. Passed on from generation to generation” 
Bucky raised an eyebrow, surprised.
“You’re related to François Y/L/N ?” He questioned.
She tilted her head, crossing her arms.
“Now I’m intrigued” She told him. “How do you know about my grandfather ?” 
“We’ve met,” He answered without thinking. He rapidly realized his mistake when she narrowed her eyes in utter curiosity. “I … I didn’t mean … I mean … It was … It was a long time ago”
He gulped, hoping she wouldn’t push it. She looked him up and down, assessing him. 
“What’s your name, weirdo ?” She inquired, giving him a skeptical glance.
“Bucky. M’am” 
She smirked.
“Let me guess, a soldier ?” 
“How … ?” 
“You all have the same manners, and the same eyes”
“What do you mean ?”
She was now standing in front of him, staring at his face with the most adorable smile he had ever seen.
“You carry the same sadness and the horror you’ve seen” She replied honestly. “My father was a lot like that too” 
Her answer had the effect of a punch in the gut he hadn’t been expecting. He felt naked under her gaze, a stranger with the power to see through his soul.
“I’m Y/N” She introduced herself, raising her hand to shake his.
It was rare for him to smile truthfully but the unexpected bliss slowly growing made his lips twitch before he could even acknowledge it.
“Hi, Y/N” He greeted her.
She chuckled, amused. 
“Hi, Bucky” She murmured. 
After that encounter, he made a point of coming back as much as he could. He stayed for hours sitting on the couch, reading the same book over and over again. They shared quick words but he didn’t dare to start up a conversation, too afraid he would say something he shouldn’t, something that would scare her away. He was content like this. There was no Winter Soldier, no war, no fight, no one else than Bucky. Being next to this girl was in itself a medication for him. It made no sense but she was so bright and radiant. Like a magnet, he was sucked into an invisible gravitational pull toward her.
By the second week of him coming into the store, she started to notice the small marks of attention. He would come so silently she wouldn’t hear a thing, bringing a fresh cup of coffee he would lay on her counter when she wasn’t looking, replacing the daffodils before they could fade, carrying the heavy boxes filled with new books. When she wasn’t working, she would grab something to read and sit next to him. They would exchange a smile but wouldn’t talk. The proximity was enough. Their presence was louder than any word. A quiet routine they were slowly creating. 
By the fourth month, nothing had changed and that day was no different. Rain was pouring outside and the store was empty, except for Y/N and Bucky. Just as usual, he was reading in a corner while she was working. New stacks of books had arrived and she was methodically putting them on the shelves. Standing on a ladder, on the tip of her toes, she was so focused on the task she had failed to notice the soldier walking up to her. 
“Do you need any help ?” He offered. 
Surprised to hear his voice so close to her, she lost her balance and slipped. She yelped as her ankle hit one side of the ladder and automatically closed her eyes, anticipating the fall. She tried to brace herself but before her body could touch the ground she felt something cold holding her waist. Suddenly, instead of laying on the floor, she was against his hard chest, in a protective embrace. She recognized his arms around her and shivered at the odd coldness. He  felt it immediately and was quick to put some distance between them, making sure his metal arm was no more on her body and only his human hand was steadying her. 
“Are you alright ?” He questioned. She pursed her lips, trying not to show that she was hurt when she heard how worried he sounded. 
“Yeah, it’s fine. I’m fine”
He looked skeptic but didn’t say anything about it.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” He apologetically told her.
He took the books scattered on the ground, putting them away, and helped her walk to the couch.
“You know, if the goal was to literally make me fall for you, I’d say you did a pretty good job there” She flirted, making him chuckle. 
He sat on the table in front of her and grabbed her calve, gently laying her leg on his thigh to assess the damage. From the corner of his eyes, he could see her blushing. It made him insanely happy to know he wasn’t the only one affected by their closeness. They tried not to look at one another, too embarrassed by the situation. This was the closest they had ever been and the touch on his skin on hers was more than enough to make her heart ready to jump out of her chest. When he clasped her injured ankle, she cried and instinctively pushed him back. 
“Fine, huh ?” He repeated her own words with a smirk.
She huffed and rolled her eyes.
“It’s not a big deal, Bucky” She reassured him. “I’ve got to get back to work”
“You’re not moving from this couch” He ordered.
“Is that an order, soldier ?” She ironically threw at him, crossing her arms in annoyance.
“You bet it is”
She watched him, intrigued, as he stood up and piled up some books on the table to put her ankle to rest on it. 
“No moving around, got it ?” He made sure she would follow his advice.
“Aye, aye, Captain”
He chuckled 
“Technically speaking, I’m not a Captain” He confessed as he continued what she had been doing earlier and started putting the books carefully on the right shelves. 
“Would you have preferred Sergeant ?” She replied, bitting her lips, unsure this was the wrong moment to admit she knew who he was.
He instantly stopped what he was doing and slowly turned around to stare at her.
“What did you say ?” He asked, more scared than ever.
Up until that moment, he had avoided telling her who he was. Becoming part of the Avengers meant his identity wasn’t a secret anymore, and although he had done a terrific job staying hidden among the mass of people, it wouldn’t have taken more than a little push to find who he really was. He stood in front of her, frozen, not having a clue how to react.
“Sergeant Barnes, isn’t it ?” She sounded nervous, almost frightened to say his name out loud.
“I… “ He tried to say anything, but as the rain kept pouring outside, slowly turning into a thunderstorm, he blankly stared back.
“Would you have told me ?” She whispered.
She humorlessly snorted. 
“We’ve known each other for more than three months, Bucky. I see you practically every day. Be honest, eventually would’ve never come” 
“It’s not like that” He tried to explain.
“I’m not mad, don’t worry” She sadly smiled. “I just wish… I guess I wish you could’ve trust me” 
He rubbed his jaw in frustration and made a step toward her. Without breaking his gaze, he slowly took the glove off, revealing his metal hand. Still, he didn’t look at her, too afraid of her reaction. The cold metal had never felt so hot against his skin, a burning reminder of the stranger he had become.
“I didn’t want you to be scared,” He admitted in a broken voice. 
“Of you ?” She was surprised. “Why would I be ?”
“I’m not a good man, Y/N”
“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that ?” 
“You don’t understand…”
“The red box under the counter” She interrupted him. “Can you take it for me ? And turn the sign of the shop, we’re closed.”
He gave her a puzzled look, but did as she said anyway. He locked the front door and took the box she asked for before walking to her and putting it directly in her hands.
“Sit” She instructed him.
He didn’t dare to stay near her and chose to stay on an opposite chair.
“I found this a little after you and I met” She told him, motioning to the box. “It was in the basement, hidden under old junks my parents had kept over the years”
He let her speak, not understanding where this was going or why she was telling him about that. She slowly opened the mystery box and took a small envelope out of it. It looked old, so old the paper had turned into a deep shade of yellow.
“My grandfather wrote this” She confessed. “In 1957. It’s addressed to Bucky and Rebecca Barnes. I believe it belongs to you” 
She handed him the letter that he took with shaky hands.
“How did you… ?” He started to ask.
“It was a long shot,” She explained. “The first time you were here, you said my grandfather's name like it meant something to you. Like you really knew him. When I found the box, and the envelope, I didn’t make the connection with you right away. But your name was all I needed to start my research. My parents kept pretty much everything so it didn’t took me too long to find an old photo with you and him, back in the 1930′s” 
He wasn’t moving at all when she showed him a picture François had taken of them right before he was enlisted. 
“I wanted to wait for the right time to tell you, I guess. I mean, you have enough ghosts as it is”
“Still not scared ?” He inquired in a humorless chuckle.
“Not one bit” She didn’t hesitate to reply.
She softly smiled and motioned for him to come closer. When he sat next to her, she moved the box from her lap to his. 
“We were friends, François and I” He recalled, his eyes glued on the letter. “He was married to Eloise. This bookstore was their treasure. He kept repeating that I shouldn’t go to war when I could stay hidden under the pages of books that would take me around the world without risking my life”
She took his metal palm between her fingers when she heard his voice breaking. He almost tried to remove it but she tightly entwined their hands together.
“Maybe he was right” He muttered under his breath.
“Or maybe you and I were meant to meet almost a century later” She shrugged.
He snorted before turning around the envelope to open it. Y/N gently laid her head against his shoulder and let him read in silence. She didn’t move when she felt his body shaking with tears but only held his hand harder.
“They’re originals, from 1954 I think. He kept them for you” She told him as he slowly took what was in the red box. A set of three old books. “Why Lord of the Rings, though ?” 
He laughed,sniffing, before brushing the tears off his face and staring down at the woman. At that very moment, he felt like the journey was done. His soul had stopped the search it had been on for a time that felt like forever. Like a century. 
“My sister and I, we used to come here often,” He said in a melancholic grin. Sorrow was finally starting to be replace by something much better, happiness. “We would sit on this very couch and she would make me read the Hobbit. She used to love that story so much.”
“How many times has she make you read it ?” The woman smirked.
“Enough to remember every single word” He exaggerated, making her giggle. “When I told François I was leaving, he said he would send me books to help me travel away from the war, even just for a moment. I guess he kept them, hoping I would come back. Even after I was declared dead” 
“Maybe deep down he knew you weren’t”
“And he planned this whole meeting with his granddaughter ?” He ironically added.
“Oh no, that was beyond him. That was fate, Barnes”
“I was meant to find you” He agreed, a deep feeling of love and utter contentment forming in his heart. He bent his head down and let all he needed to say be spoken through the kiss they shared. 
“Will you read it to me ?” She playfully requested.
Overflowed with joy, he smirked and kissed her forehead before opening the old book on his lap. There it was, the only choice he needed to make. The only home he had yearn to create. Her. 
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