#social anxiety awareness
alphapainter · 2 months
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I’ll admit I have social stress…
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the-0newhosleft0ut · 1 year
Comment On "Komi Can't Communicate "
alr so I just started a show tonight called "Komi Can't Communicate" abt a high school girl with Xtreme social anxiety, and I gotta say, I'm OBSESSED. It's art style is cool, it's funny, it can be sad sometimes, it's just great all together in my opinion, and I've been watching it all night. I'm literally already on episode 10. But it's pretty cute.
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oasis1022 · 1 year
my school had a mental health form. this was my response to the last question.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 month
Autism & Anger Rumination
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Autistic Qualia
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moonlit-positivity · 1 month
You don't need a reason to distance yourself from people. If they give you bad vibes then you deserve to honor that gut feeling and protect yourself. Even if they're not doing anything wrong or bad or even if they haven't done anything to you. You can just straight up not like someone, no context necessary. That's valid af and there's not enough emphasis on intuition and gut feelings. Yes, absolutely. Listen to your instincts.
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theambitiouswoman · 7 months
How To Stop People Pleasing ⭐
Recognize that you have a tendency to do it. Self awareness is the first step towards change.
Try to figure out why you do it. It might be rooted in a desire for approval, fear of rejection, low self-esteem, or past experiences.
Learn to say "no" when necessary without feeling guilty, even if you feel guilty. Understand that setting boundaries is essential for your mental and emotional health.
Practice self care and prioritize your own needs and well being. This means taking time for yourself, setting personal goals, and pursuing your interests.
Figure out your core values and beliefs. Make decisions that align with your values rather than what you think will please others.
Practice assertiveness skills to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and boundaries effectively while respecting others' rights and opinions.
Reframe any negative thoughts or beliefs that drive your people-pleasing behavior. Replace them with more empowering and self-affirming thoughts.
Accept that not everyone will always be pleased with your decisions or actions. It's okay to experience discomfort, and it doesn't make you a bad person.
Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that nobody is perfect. It's okay to make mistakes and learn from them. Mistakes are a way of learning and it is okay to make them.
Start with small steps and gradually build your confidence in asserting your needs.
Write down all your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in these type of situations. This can help you gain insights and track your progress. You need to understand the issue and why you do it in order to get through it.
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fictionalgirlfrend · 2 years
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kiindr · 10 months
stop letting social media and society set the timeline of your life. you're not too old to go back to school. you're not too old to get married. you're not too old to enjoy playing in the park or filling in coloring books.
you're never too old to just be a person.
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queerism1969 · 24 days
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femmefatalevibe · 6 months
How to stop oversharing?
Slow down: Always pause and think before you speak
Consider anything you share with someone who hasn't earned your complete trust or whom you have a transactional relationship with to be a PSA; Don't trust anything to be confidential with someone you don't fully trust
Reflect on why you overshare in the first place: Do you use it as a tool to soothe social anxiety or pauses in a conversation? Are you lonely or feel like it's a struggle to feel heard/seen/appreciated in your everyday life? Start journaling and/or go to a therapist to work through these very valid emotional wounds
Give yourself a "do's" and "don'ts" list on topics you will and won't discuss at work, different social events, with certain acquaintances, family members, etc., and stick to it
When you feel yourself starting to overshare, take a pause and ask the other person about themselves – it makes you show the other person you're interested in connecting and gives you time to think/reflect on what you should or shouldn't say
Hope this helps xx
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support-ponies · 14 hours
Can I have Fluttershy supporting social anxiety? I recently got diagnosed and your blog makes me super happy!
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Having social anxiety doesn't make you a weak person. In fact, it takes a lot of bravery to confront your fears and try to engage in social situations. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a sign of strength and courage, not weakness. I know how it feels to be afraid of socializing with people, but there is times when I was so happy that I faced that fear to socialize with others. It may be scary, but sometimes it is worth it! You never know, they may end up becoming a new important person in your life! 💕✨
~ Mod Faeling
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So i made this lil transparent worm-on-a-string Hiccup a while back
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Im leaving him here for yall to watch while i go do a Thing
Im sure when i get back he wont be in any precarious situations, or unsavory circumstances, or anything of that ilk
Have fun
Ill be back
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selectivechaos · 8 months
Selective mutism awareness month
Here's a masterpost on what is sm: link
🌹 SM is an anxiety disorder characterised by the persistent inability to speak in certain social situations. This could be around certain people, or in certain settings like school, or work, or home.
A major thing with SM is also the marked ability to communicate in situations where the person feels comfortable and less anxious.
SM is closely tied to social anxiety disorder, with high comorbidity rates. But there is no consensus on the causes of SM.
People with SM are likely to have a family member with SM or with another anxiety disorder.
🌹Here is a list of many attributes and symptoms/effects of SM.
🌹 Selective mutism is the official term for the disorder. It was thought to be an improvement on the previous name: 'elective mutism', (check out history of the name) in clarifying that the person is Not choosing not to speak. But many people with sm reject the name 'selective' because it makes it seem like we select to be mute (the name is intended to refer to the selective nature and effects of our anxiety, and how we are mute in select situations). Many prefer the name 'situational mutism' to emphasise that we are not choosing to be mute. But many also don't mind, or even prefer the term 'selective'. I use both!
🌹 SM is not just mutism! It affects all forms of communication. In my opinion, he official dsm definitions of sm merely focus on what is a problem for Other people, rather than focusing on how it affects the selectively mute person.
People with SM may have a blank face and appear frozen, due to the freeze response to anxiety. But some people with SM alternatively display a wide variety of facial expressions, gestures and body language, in order to communicate. We don't always look like your idea of a 'shy person'; despite being anxious and unable to speak, some of us look aggressive, standoffish, bored, blank, tired, happy, etc etc. This leads to underdiagnosis of SM.
Many times parents hide diagnoses or refuse to recognise them, because they think this gives the child an 'excuse' not to speak. or that it will 'get in the child's head'; really this is wrong and people with SM deserve support and access to treatment.
🌹 Traumatic vs selective mutism. SM varies and can be low profile.
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moonlit-positivity · 2 months
Very gentle reminder that no one is watching you. No one is waiting outside to hurt you, mock you, belittle you, or cause you harm. People are walking around in their own heads probably worrying about their own issues and worrying if anyone is noticing them. They're too busy wondering the same things to think any differently about you.
And even if they were, you're a pretty awesome person anyway. They're probably thinking really good things about you. Like how nice your shirt looks, or how cool ur hoodie is. People are actually a lot nicer than you'd think. 🌸
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positivelypositive · 5 months
your mental health...
...might dictate some of the choices that you make but is in no way, a representation of your worth.
you are worthy and deserving just because you exist. there is no other reason needed if you're striving to do better in life.
you're good enough, at all times. you rock ✨
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