#she loves her son a lot. it deserves to be appreciated more
sennqu · 2 years
Revisit chapter 2 here and chapter 1 here.
Temporary title: "Mike IS Going to Live With His Boyfriend, Dammit"
Chapter 3(?): Karen
When Karen's son returned home in the late afternoon, she initially thought nothing of it. In all honesty, she was grateful Mike was sticking to his temporary curfew, a rule she enforced after... well, everything that had gone down in their little town. Mike even went to the kitchen to tell her he was back. How uncharacteristically thoughtful.
She knew he had gone to the Byers' cabin to spend the day with his best friend-and-now-boyfriend. He'd been going there quite often recently. And after his visits he would usually arrive home donning a small smile -- if a bit out of breath -- and a little while later, Karen soon learned that he'd go directly to his room to use the walkie-talkie and immediately call for Will just to tell him he made it home. Karen thought it sweet.
Today though, he detoured to the kitchen and it didn't seem to be for a drink or a snack. Karen couldn't help her curiosity, so she made conversation, "Welcome home, sweetie. Are you ok?"
"Geez, mom. Can't a guy just say hello to his mom without being fussed over?," her son answered. Always a smart reply.
If it had been even a year ago, she'd hear a slight bitter bite in his voice. But today, and like all the other days since Mike started visiting the Byers, his tone with her was more open, maybe even laidback and playful. Like he was my baby boy again. Though this time around, Karen felt like she could actually sense some... shyness? What was going on?
"Actually, mom... um," her son surprisingly stammered. "Tomorrow actually... Joyce asked if she could visit you. Tomorrow. To talk about...stuff."
Oh. Well, Karen supposed it was time for her and Joyce to have a little chat. They hadn't had the chance for one ever since their two boys got together. They were always pretty busy with one thing or another. And with the way things were going, if Mike wasn't outside with his friends, he hung out at the Byers' cabin. It seemed like he spent more time there than he did his own house recently. Maybe Karen could offer her home again as a playdate venue for a change of pace. Get a semblance of the way things used to be.
"Mom?," Mike said, breaking Karen's train of thought. She had begun to plan what snacks she would serve.
"Oh, yes! That's great, honey. I'd be happy to see her."
"Ok, great. I'll be going to their house again tomorrow, and then meandJoyce will come by around 2:30. Oh, and, I'll still be sleeping over there tomorrow too, like I told you the other day? So after you guys talk, I'll be going back there," Mike said in one quick breath.
Karen simply hmmed in acknowledgement and didn't think to wonder why Mike would be coming with Joyce for their mom talk. She had an afternoon to plan. Maybe some old photo albums to bring out too.
The next day was a little cloudy but thankfully no rain; just the usual overcast Hawkins sky.
It was nearing 2:30 in the afternoon and Karen had just finished setting up the plates of snacks next to the two photo albums on the coffee table when she heard the knocking on her front door.
"Hello, Joyce! Come in, come in," Karen said with a smile as she ushered into the living room her house guest and...her son, looking almost sheepish. What was Mike doing back? "Mike, did you forget your sleepover gear?"
Curiously, Karen noticed Joyce lock eyes with her son in apparent surprise. So she didn't know what Mike was doing here either? Or she did and...
"Michael, is there something you're not telling me?"
"Mike, you didn't tell her?," Joyce said almost right after.
"Tell me what?," Karen stoically asked, preparing herself for something terrible. But her face immediately gave way to concern as she saw her son's face visibly tense up and his chest breathe in deep.
"Let's...sit down first," Mike said as he made his way to one of the armchairs and sat down. Karen and Joyce followed his lead on the larger couch. "I...Mom. the Byers. They're moving in a few months. And I want to go with them."
Karen had begun to worry something from the Upside Down -- or whatever her son and his friends called it -- had unexpectedly stirred again. But what Mike was telling her, Karen couldn't help but feel that it was worse.
"You want to leave with them? Leave home?," Karen tried her best at a level voice. She was relieved she succeeded. She turned to Joyce and asked, "And you, Joyce? You think this is a good idea?"
Why else would she come here?
"I.. uh, well it's not that I think it's an especially good idea," Joyce was quick to say. Taking in a breath, she paced her next words carefully, "but the boys seem to think so. And... it might just be what they need to do."
"What they need to do?" How could leaving home so soon be any good for Michael? He couldn't even launder his own clothes. He was just a child.
"Mom..," Michael started to say.
"How is moving away anything you need to do this soon? I know you love him Michael but you've only been with Will for a month," Karen couldn't help but cut him off. It was just too soon.
"It isn't a matter of how long we've been together, mom," Michael firmly responded in a tone taking her by surprise. Then in a much softer voice he continued, "you should know that."
The three of them sat in the silence that followed.
Because Karen did. Karen did know. She was around for the kindergarten playdates, the birthdays and holidays, the countless basement sleepovers. Then she was around for the tears and the acting out, the sullen moods and shutting off, the seemingly endless months Mike closed himself off to the world. And now... Karen had just gotten her son back and now he was thinking of leaving home?
"But what about school, Michael? I know you think you'll be leaving for college soon, but this is high school. You can't just leave in the middle of a school year," Karen understood she was dodging the heart of their conversation, but seeing her son's slight wince, she at least knew she hit upon one of his planned arguments.
"I'll deal with it. Will is going to do the same thing and I'm sure he's going to do fine," Michael retorted. She could see the fire return in his eyes.
"You're not Will though, Michael," Karen swiftly responded before turning her attention back to Joyce. "I know it's been hard for you and your family, Joyce. And I know Will is going to do fine... but Michael, he's just not ready. He doesn't even do chores around the house."
A low blow, but it diffused a little of the tension. Joyce couldn't help but lightly snort at the accusation.
"I can learn!," Mike was indignant now. Both Karen and Joyce turned to look at him. "We don't have to leave for a few more months. I can learn how to do chores. I'm not going to burden Joyce and her family."
"I'm sure you won't, Mike," Joyce assuaged him. In comforting tones, Joyce turned to her, "Karen, I know you're worried how Mike is going to fare so far from home, but I swear my family and I will do our best to take care of him if he lives with us. He's our family too.
We won't be moving until three months from now, so you can take as much time as you need to think about it. And we'll respect whatever your decision will be. Won't we, Mike?"
Mike quickly nodded, "Yeah! ....yeah. I'm sorry I surprised you with this, mom... But, please think it over. Please?"
Karen looked at her teenage son and saw a lifetime of pleading and hope reflected in his face that felt so much older than she could fathom. Karen understood that while she was scared of losing him, her son was scared of losing someone else too. But still... it didn't mean the decision was coming to her easily.
"I'll think about it, Mike. I know how much this means to you," Karen simply promised.
Mike was looking at her with wet eyes. Getting up from his seat, he gave her an awkward -- but not any less welcome -- hug that lasted the duration of three "thank you"s before sitting back down again.
Mentally shaking the tension out of herself, Karen realized with a start that they had all forgotten about the afternoon snacks she had prepared, "All this food in front of us and we forgot to eat, haha.
Mike, I still have some concerns -- and a couple photo albums -- I'd like to go over with with Joyce. And of course I'd have to talk to your father about this too," Mike audibly groaned, "but unless you want to stay around for some sandwiches and cookies, you're free to go back to your sweetheart."
"My-- ok..," with a frown, Mike let the comment slide. Karen could see the hesitancy in his features.
"I promise I'm thinking it over, Mike. I just want the best for you," Karen affirmed. She smiled at her son and she was sure it comforted them both when Mike smiled right back at her.
"Now go on and get, Mike. We have some motherly talks to attend to," Joyce gently joked. She was already reaching for one of the photo albums.
Mike slowly stood up and took one of the cookies (some of which Karen already gave him to bring to the Byers that morning) before departing from the living room. As he opened the front door, he shouted, "You're the best mom in the world!" before taking off.
"My cookies are really that good, huh," Karen joked. Now, onto the photo albums. Maybe looking at them will remind her just how much her son really had grown. And how much he'd grown -- and could continue to -- with the one he loved.
(It took Karen three full days to make her decision. Although she was sure there was really just one she could make in the end. She did say she only wanted the best for her son.
Karen only brought up the issue with Ted once she made up her mind. And as she'd come to expect, he only had one thing to say, "better he live with them than rack us thousands of dollars in phone bills calling his sweetie pie every day.")
Karen broke the news at the end of the dinner she had invited Will to. The boy had been filled to the brim with a nervous anticipation she didn't think Mike could reach the half of even after their afternoon negotiation. Immediately after she gave her solid and warm permission, both of the boys hugged her so tightly and so gratefully she almost felt like she'd been hugged enough for a lifetime.
Their smiles were so dazzling all throughout the evening that Karen now fully understood what Joyce meant when she said that leaving was what they needed to do. Her son was going to do just fine.
(chapter 4 can be found here!)
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henryhas2moms · 2 years
unfortunately i don’t think i have ever felt so passionately defensive about a character as i am about regina. sometimes i’ll read something that is so wrong and incorrect, sometimes even from someone who likes regina, and i will turn into this thing
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#usually they’re from like 2013 even so i have NO REASON so get so worked up#the WORST one i read from someone who LIKED regina said she could’ve appreciated henry and emma as her GRANDKIDS instead of the s2#custody battles with emma and the charmings. which. excuse me… WHAT????? that’s her SON and i’m stealing something from your house#the worst take i saw from someone who did NOT like regina………. y’all don’t even want to hear it.#……… but im still mad so im gonna tell you granted i saw it like several months ago and it was made in like 2014 probably but#it was a gifset with regina’s ‘i don’t know how to love very well’ quote matched with (from what i recall) harmful actions against#henry (what the quote is referencing in context and also they have repaired a lot even before the gif was posted so fine ig)#snow (it’s complicated) cora (regina actually loves her mother far more than she deserves imo) and hold onto your fucking hats everyone#KING ​LEOPOLD!!!!!! (if you need me to explain to you why this is the worst thing i’ve ever heard. no you don’t)#<- needless to say!!! if you don’t watch your mouth i’m putting snakes in YOUR bed!!!#actually i’m not even sure if the first three examples are what was used bc the last one sent me into a rage blackout#and i’m not gonna go looking for that post anyway the others i can roll my eyes and move on the last one turns me into a fire demon#not making this rebloggable but feel free to be outraged in the comments with me xoxo#yes that is specific the flame atronach from skyrim no i didn’t know how to spell that i googled like ‘flame….. anteater skyrim’
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ezziefae · 3 months
My thoughts on The Prisoner's Throne.
(spoilers ahead, and talk about Holly Black's planned book)
ps: I finished this book in one sitting on release day and needed days to process everything, that's why this is a late post. Enjoy!!!!
Heather and Vivi
Where were Heather and Vivi? They were present in the prologue but then they vanished. I was excited to see Vivi become friends with Wren, especially after the rude comments she made towards Wren in TQON. I wonder why Holly excluded them from everything after the prologue, such as the family drama scene at the feast. However, I appreciated how they were mentioned in the story, particularly when we learned that Oak and Heather's mom are close, and that Oak would sleep at their house.
Oak abdicating as heir
So yeah, Jude and Cardan have given Oak permission to resign from the throne as heir, and obviously Oak is taking that opportunity to do just that, just not yet….he has to stay heir for months since Jude and Cardan are going away together. I always knew Jude and Cardan were going to stay as High King and Queen of Elfhame, but only because Oak married Wren and therefore became King of the Ice Needle Citadel, but that didn't happen…Jude is letting him step down because she knows he's grown, and wants him to make his own choices, which is great. If Oak resigns, Jude and Cardan will need to have a child to maintain the royal lineage. So, it's VERY possible that we may see a Jurdan baby in the future.
political problem (Holly Black's next faerie book)
So finally we know what the next book will be about. We know that Jude and Cardan have plans to go to the Undersea. That was the plan Holly Black has been teasing at us for a long time now. This means we’re getting another Elfhame book (Holly didn't say an "Undersea book", she said "Elfhame" even though it's going to be set in the Undersea). In an interview online, Holly Black states that this book will possibly be a stand-alone. Many fans are speculating that this book is going to be a Nicasia POV, but from reading the interviews from Holly I believe it’s going to be either a Jude or Cardan POV (maybe even both). This would make sense since Holly has said many times that she's planning to give us more Jurdan, and that Jude still has a lot of story in her. The Prisoner's Throne leaves us with many unanswered questions, such as what happens to the Ghost, if Oak gets married, news about Wren and her family, and whether Jude and Cardan have children. A standalone book to wrap up these loose ends would be very needed.
Cardan saving and being protective of Jude
Do you guys remember the post I made about Cardan fighting alongside Jude? and how he will not sit on the sidelines to watch her fight? Fans who know Cardan well already knew this to be true, but this book further proved this. This isn’t the first time has Cardan stepped in front of Jude to save her from being impaled. My man sacrificed himself so Jude wouldn't get hurt. Many times during the Stolen Heir duology Cardan has been called a coward, but mannn he's no coward, he will protect those he loves dearly, it was so refreshing to get more of his protective side in this book.
Taryn and The ghost
Since TQON, fans have been speculating that Garrett and Taryn are involved in a romantic relationship. Although it wasn't confirmed in the book, The Prisoner's Throne offered some insight into this. We find out that Heather, Vivi, and Oak have all speculated about it. Furthermore, Oak reveals that even after 10 years, The Ghost has remained close to Taryn and her child Leander. In one chapter of TPT, The Ghost has a serious conversation with Oak, but when Leander interrupts them, Oak notices that The Ghost becomes a different person around Taryn's son. He changes his behavior and has an indulgent smile towards the boy. I personally find it adorable, and after all the hardships The Ghost has been through, I believe he deserves to find happiness, even if it's with Taryn of all people.
The Ghost’s tragedy *sobs into pillow*
I never expected The Ghost to become such a prominent character in the book. It was amazing how I started to develop an emotional attachment to the Ghost throughout the book, only for him to end up turning into a tree by the end. The chapter where the family feasts and Lady Elaine and the Ghost are found dead was pure chaos and full of royal family drama. I had such a good time reading that part, until the Ghost turned into a tree. Also, going back to the topic of the Ghost and Taryn, I feel bad for Taryn even though I know she is a terrible character. It was heartbreaking to see Taryn sob and hold the Ghost while he was slowly dying (We didn't get word from Taryn that they were dating but I think that part was enough comfirmation that they were indeed lovers). As far as we know, Taryn and the Ghost did not get a happy ending in this book :(
ps: This is why I believe holly black's next book will be a Jurdan POV, because the only way we get to know about the ghost is through them. Nicasia is not close to Wren, Oak, the Ghost, or Taryn, we will never get insight on what happens to them if this next book is a Nicasia POV. Also I've been hearing as of 3/12/24 that Holly might possibly write a Jurdan dual POV, so...more reason to believe that it will definitely not be a Nicasia POV.
Taryn Vs Wren
It's funny how Holly decided to create a lot of family issues in the second book of the duology. Many fans believe that this duology should have been a three-part series to resolve these issues. One major problem is that Taryn dislikes Wren and holds her responsible for what happened to The Ghost. Oak's family is also not very fond of Wren. It would have been nice to see a moment in the book where Oak's family and Wren could have worked together and gotten along, but that didn't happen. If Oak and Wren plan to get married, I hope that they can resolve these issues between them all.
Cardan VS Taryn
It shocked me that after 10 years of them being brother and sister in law, that they still don’t get along. I think Taryn was wrong to feel like she had to protect The Ghost from Cardan when he was only trying to help. In fact, it annoyed me a bit. While Cardan was respectful towards Taryn, he had every right to dislike her, unlike Taryn who had no reason to dislike Cardan. Moreover, I would like to mention the moment when they found the ghost almost dead and Cardan ignored Taryn and answered Jude instead, Cardan being petty to Taryn in the most respectful way is hilarious. I think that moment perfectly sums up their relationship.
Wren’s Family
Although I’m happy Wren's sister Bex reunited with Wren, I was very much expecting to get more closure from that, like seeing Wren's entire family together reunite in the book. It feels like that left a huge void at the end of the book.
Wren’s Transformation
Okay, that was absolutely shocking. Holly mentioned in one of her interviews that there would be a transformation in the book, and I guess that was it. Wren now has beautiful wings. Can someone please draw a picture of Wren with wings? Also, can you imagine what Oak and Wren's children would look like if they ever had any? Their child would have blue skin, hooves, and wings. That would be a very interesting looking child.
Wren VS Jurdan
Wren was so wrong for making Jude and Cardan appear weak in front of their court. While reading this part, I remember thinking 'Wren, please stop," I found this chapter fun to read, and seeing Jude and Cardan's reaction to Wren's power. It was interesting to see how Wren exposes Jude's geas and curse to almost the entire court, and how Cardan becomes overprotective of Jude while Wren was removing her curse. I love Cardan.
Where was Queen Annett?
Since the stolen heir, I believed that queen Annett was going to be a problem for Elfhame and Wren. As you may recall, Wren freed her prisoners, and I always believed Queen Annett would've punished Elfhame for it since Wren was with Elfhame's heir Oak. However, she did not appear in The Prisoner Throne at all. I wonder if Holly forgot to bring this issue up or if she has decided to address it in her upcoming faerie book. (Queen Annett is also pregnant, so I think she will definitely be brought up again)
Madoc's Character
I'm a bit disappointed. I was expecting a lot from Madoc in this book, but nothing happened, except the fact that Jude lifted his exile (temporarily?) It bothers me that she lifted his exile easily, does Jude not remember he caused many problems for them? Madoc is the reason why Cardan almost died, why Oak was put in danger, he's the reason why the royal family died, and why Orlagh was weakened. I at least expected that Jude lifting his exile would've caused political problems for her, since Madoc is a political criminal for Elfhame and the Undersea. I thought he would’ve at least made a big heroic or villainous move in The Prisoner's Throne, or found a way to at least redeem himself, but nope.
Oak and Wren's Ending
So…Oak does not become king of anything, which is shocking. Everyone believed that if he didn’t become the King of Elfhame he would at least rule the Ice Needle Citadel, which can still happen, since he did propose to Wren at the end of the book. But still, I find it unnecessary, I think that Wren should step down from being Queen, and run to the mortal world with Oak where they can live away from the royal duties. Oak has expressed many times he does not want to be king, but if he marries Wren he will be king, which doesn't seem satisfying to me. Wren never cared for power in The Stolen Heir, she only ever cared for love and her family, I think the ending felt incomplete and unfinished. A lot of stuff was built up from The Folk Of The Air series, and this duology was supposed to give us results, but it did not. Even Oak and Wren's love story felt rushed. I didn’t see much of a connection. It didn't give me much of what I felt when I read Jude and Cardan's love story (You guys are so welcome to disagree with me)
Jude and Oak
So if you read the book, you know how shocking Jude and Oak's relationship became. Especially that scene where they “duel” (And Jude was an absolute fucking badass in that scene) The way she tricked Hag and even Oak at first that she was going to trade Oak for Cardan. I was very impressed with Jude in this book, especially in this chapter where we see her ordering her archers, and her ripping her dress to be able to fight while she's all wet. Her dialogue was so badass: "What if I give you Oak's head instead of Cardan's" and even this quote "Well, then, what a wonderful opportunity for you to prove your loyalty and die for the High King." Chapter 23 (I was so gay for Jude in this chapter, she was so mommy material) Despite feeling a bit betrayed by Oak and believing that she had failed in protecting him, she still trusted him when it came to Wren.
Oak Vs Taryn
"For a moment, he thinks of going over there and dumping his red clover tea over his sister's head" (Chapter 19)
(Jaw was on the FLOOR when i read this) I think it really sucked that Oak's family never told him about this, and I understand that Oak had every right to feel so raged that his family hid his mother’s true killer from his knowledge. Oak and The Ghost have been close, we did get some insight of The Ghost going to the mortal world and train Oak with Magic. I really hope Oak and The ghost's issue gets resolved, but that can only happen when the ghost gets cured....I love family drama, and it shows.
Jurdan Kids
Going back to the topic at hand, Cardan and Jude have given Oak permission to abdicate, which leads me to believe that they are planning to have kids of their own. So far, there hasn't been any indication from Jurdan that they are against having children. Holly has given us insights into Jurdan taking care of Leander, which is incredibly heartwarming. For example, we find out that Cardan plays with Leander, and there's a part where Jude is in the mortal world with newborn Leander, and Oak remembers Jude playing with baby Leander with a toy, almost like she was playing with a cat. I think these are definite hints from Holly that Jurdan would make great parents. Holly did say that we would get an answer to Jude and Cardan possibly having kids in the Prisoner's Throne, and I believe this was it. I will definitely make a separate post on this.
I'm so happy this man is dead, it was long overdue. This man annoyed the crap out of us since the folk of the air series (it’s crazy that Jude and Cardan never decided to remove him from the living council, he never saw eye to eye with Jude and disrespected them constantly)
Lady Asha apperance
It turns out that Lady Asha is still in the court. She was only mentioned once when Lady Elaine was speaking with her. At that moment, I became suspicious and believed that Lady Asha was also part of the conspirators.
Locke appearance
The dream Oak had with Locke as a fox was fun and interesting. Even though it was a dream, it was cool to hear Locke again and how he acknowledged being murdered by Taryn.
Taryn is aging...but not Jude
FINALLY, we have some information on this topic. Oak describes Jude as looking very young, and Taryn as aging. He offers two possible explanations for this: either Taryn has visited the mortal world too often as her years are catching up to her, or becoming a mother has exhausted her. For a long time since TFOTA series, fans have speculated that since Jude is the Queen of Elfhame, she will never age. And it looks like Holly seems to support this, especially since Oak finally wonders "if Jude is quite as mortal as she once was". I from now on have no doubt about it, i am a "Jude will never age as long as she's Queen of Elfhame" believer.
The Cardan and Oak problem
it turns out that it wasn’t a big deal, Oak had been too much in his head, he was his own enemy when it came to Cardan, and it was amazing to see Cardan and Oak have a brotherly talk by the end of this book. Cardan’s character has really matured, and its amazing how comfortable he's become with his loved ones (i love him so much) I will admit, that when Cardan was talking to Oak about delaying his abdication of heir, I thought he was going to announce Jude’s pregnancy and you can't blame me, the way Holly wrote it made it sound like he was going to do that. (would’ve made me scream) but nope.
The beginning was slow, but I nonetheless enjoyed it. I love Oak and Wren, however, I felt that they could have had a stronger connection in the story. There were too many unanswered questions left in the book, and it did not provide any closure to Oak and Wren's future. I feel that the series should have been a three-part book series instead of a duology. Moreover, many of the main characters seemed to have lost their power, such as Oak's resignation as heir to the throne, Wren losing her godly powers, and Tiernan being fired from his position as Oak's guard. I think many new readers who have never read the Folk of The Air series might not have appreciated that. Despite this, I appreciate that Jurdan was not removed from the Elfhame throne. However, I think that Holly Black set up more problems in this book than solutions, which makes it feel neglectful towards Oak and Wren's story. I am excited about this book, and I am sad that we may not get more news on Elfhame until possibly 2026, as she is currently working on the second book of The Book of Night. Anyways, In other news, I have a virtual event with Holly Black tonight 3/12/24, so I will write anything important down, and I will try to ask good questions!
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bruciemilf · 2 years
" You...Adopted...6 siblings?"
Diana nods, sunstream smile bright and golden on her lips. She proudly shows off pictures, too.
Three boys playing video games, one of them using his crutches to push the others away. " Freddy and Eugene love bothering Billy."
Another is Diana helping an adorable little cherub of a girl with outfits for her doll's world domination meeting. " Darla has such a rich imagination!"
Then there's her, helping a teenager with what looks to be her book report, as another boy serves them snacks. " Mary is a dedicated leader for her projects. Pedro enjoys cooking!"
" But...6?"
" I wasn't going to split them up! Families are strongest together! Billy wouldn't have accepted otherwise. He's a loyal, exceptional big brother. I couldn't ask for a better son."
Shazam blushes, to their confusion.
" And do they know about... You know. Mega hot Goddess guarding Earth thing, or are you just a regular milf?"
" Hal!"
" You all know what I'm about!"
" Not yet! I figure It'll come out at some point. But I enjoy being a parent. They've been a delight to have around. Parenthood is not the beast I expected."
Bruce laughs. Batman laughs. It's like watching something eerie and unnatural. Barry squints. " Am I...High? Did someone buy that brew that makes me spinny again?"
" You, - you think. This will be EASY."
Diana frowns, tilts her head like a confused puppy. " Well, yes. They've been very pleasant thus far. We haven't even argued, and they follow rules well, - "
Batman full on cackles now. Holding onto Superman's cape for support.
" I think they're very special! I'm sure they'll stay like this for longer than we all expect. They're very mature!"
They have to carry Batman away because he physically can't stand up. Diana doesn't particularly appreciate being laughed at, but the man's face deserves some happiness on it, so she'll take it.
Shazam approaches her after. " So, uh... Did you mean it? About - you know, those kids being..Good kids? Or something?"
" Of course! They're all unique and special in their own way. In fact, I have many examples of it. Billy allowed Darla to put him in a sparkly dress for the premiere of her movie and it is the sweetest act-"
" I got it! I got it," Shazam shuffles his fingers, looking younger than his massive height, asking for something that Diana recognizes but can't name,
" And... Just... You know - they're grateful for you. Even if they're going to be brats, or if they'll be angry and break rules and not listen to you...They appreciate you. A lot. I guess I just don't want you to regret them."
" I could never!" Diana is offended by the mere mention. " Children are people, and people will disappoint, and hurt. But they're so much more. I'll make mistakes, too. Hopefully I'll be mother enough to fix them."
" You are," Shazam tries to smile on his wobbly lips, before coughing around the emotion lumping his neck. " You're a great warrior. So you'll be a great mother."
" What's the difference?"
She doesn't know how Shazam figured out her favorite coffee mix, but she's grateful.
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sapphic-agent · 2 months
Rewriting the Gaang in LOK
Basically how I would have written the adult Gaang. Pretend the comics as they are don't exist.
Katara: Breaks up with Aang sometime post-finale to do some soul-searching. Travels the world on her own and sees how people are struggling after the war. After talking (beating) some sense into a few government officials, she realizes that the best way to help people post-war is through politics. She becomes an (unofficial) ambassador, helping and negotiating aid for small villages that tend to get overlooked and does this for a number of years. She joins up with Zuko and Aang after they found the United Republic of Nations and becomes Councilwoman Katara, representative of the Southern Water Tribe. She eventually gets voted chairwoman due to her passion to improve the lives of the citizens (and because her fellow council members are too scared to vote against her). She heals on the side when she needs to, but only out of obligation since she can't stand to see people suffer; she puts much more effort into getting raising funds for a hospital full of healers. A few years later, Haru moves to Republic City and is just as awestruck by her as he was the day they met (the pornstache has been removed by divine intervention). They meet up a couple of times; for drinks after work, walks around the city, and they even attend a few galas together. They eventually start dating and get married two years later. They have their first daughter Kya (who's an earthbender), a son- Tyro (who's a nonbender), and another daughter Suma (who's a waterbender). They live a happy, peaceful (if you could call Katara stopping the occasional criminal before the police peaceful) life together where their children are well-loved and as part of the Southern Water Tribe as they are the Earth Kingdom. Aang's death hits their family hard, but they all come together and support each other. Katara personally mentors Korra, even convincing her family move to Republic City so that the Avatar knows the people she's meant to protect (the White Lotus protests, they fail❤️). She teaches Korra Waterbending, but also teaches her empathy and appreciation for other cultures (and that sometimes, selfish world leaders need a good punch to the face, a lesson Korra took to heart even though she absolutely wasn't supposed to see it).
Aang: Is torn up after Katara breaks up with him. He's hurt and confused and doesn't know what to do with himself. He retreats to Ba Sing Se where he talks with Iroh and learns that he unfairly pushed his feelings onto Katara. Wracked with guilt at hurting someone he cares about so much, Aang realizes that he has a lot of growing up to do. He focuses on his job as the Avatar, working closely with Zuko, Kuei, and the other leaders to heal the world after the war. The first time he sees Katara again is when she arrives to help with the United Republic of Nations. He apologizes to her and Katara forgives him, promising they'll always be best friends. His role in Republic City is more or less the same, though at some point he develops feelings for Toph. But he fears doing to her what he had done to Katara, so he tries to ignore them. But Toph, never one to beat around the bush, point-blank asks him if he's ever gonna man-up and confess to her. They start dating, and Lin comes a few months later as a surprise. They have their hiccups- Aang especially needing to reconcile with the fact that there's a chance she might not be an Airbender- but they manage to resolve them. Lin is an Earthender, of course, but Aang loves his little girl to pieces (which is good, because Toph would kill him if she suspected otherwise). Tenzin is born three years later, an Airbender, and Su Yin is born two years after that as an Earthbender. Lastly there's Bumi, a nonbender. There's always the urge to favor Tenzin, but Aang knows he can't. They're all his children and they deserve to be treated as such. So he teaches them all about their culture, takes them all on trips. The kids fight, but Aang is always quick to help resolve it (as it turns out, getting Lin and Su to stop fighting is a lot harder than getting the four nations to get along, go figure). Aang loves his wife and kids and wouldn't trade any of them for the world. He dies peacefully at age 66, surrounded by his children and the love of his life.
Sokka: Fucking hates politics. He'll leave the negotiating and speeches to his sister, thank you very much. If the room of government officials isn't a war room, he wants no part in it. After the war, he spends most of his time in the Southern Water Tribe. He works with his father to rebuild and relearn their culture, and writes frequent letters to his sister. Though, something about his life in the south is unfulfilling. Maybe he misses Suki, but there's something about inventing that calls to him. He can't do much of that in the south pole, so he leaves for the Earth Kingdom, helping villages struggling with heat, agriculture, transportation, etc. In the United Republic of Nations, he becomes lead engineer of the city, utilizing bending to make quick technological advances. He and Suki reunite in Republic City where Suki becomes the police chief. They get back together and have a daughter, Lian. The three of them live a simple life together, until Suki gets gravely injured in the line of duty when Lian is twenty. They decide to retire to the Southern Water Tribe where Sokka takes over for Hakoda as chief and prepares Lian to take over for him.
Toph: When Toph hears that Twinkle Toes and Sparky finally started that fancy new city, she thinks it's the perfect opportunity to cause a little chaos. Closing her metalbending school, she decides to relive her days as the Blind Bandit by founding pro-bending (thanks @ecoterrorist-katara for the idea!). Zuko's a hater and tries to shut it down because "safety," but finds no help in Aang who really, really loves the idea. He goes to every one of her matches and Toph feels both smug pride and... Something else. But she tells herself it would never happen, Twinkle Toes likes girls like Sugar Queen and she was the furthest thing from that. But she isn't totally oblivious, she can feel his heartbeat pick up when he's around her and how he's started to stutter when he's talking to her. So she bites the bullet and they start happily dating. But the arrival of Lin uncovers issues she didn't even know were there. Lin cries loudly and for Toph who relies heavily on her sense of hearing, it's hell. She was also unprepared for how much her body would change. She finds herself not wanting to be around her daughter. But Aang realizes this and urges her to talk to someone. After some arguing, she does. Aang is attentive, so Toph can take breaks when she needs to and Katara and Suki are always ready to get her out of the house when she's overwhelmed. Things with Lin get better and when Tenzin comes around she doesn't suffer nearly as much. Su Yin is similar. It's hard with Bumi because she's older, but Aang and her friends are there to support her. Toph can be distant with her children- her closely monitored childhood always present in her mind- but sees how Aang can be doting and allow their kids freedom. She follows by his example, trying to find a balance between hovering and absence. Aang's death is the worst day of her life- she was there, she felt his heart stop- and she retreats into the swamp for a while to grieve. But she returns to Republic City when Katara begins to mentor the new Avatar. Not to be outdone by Sugar Queen, she becomes Korra's second teacher. It's hard to be around Korra sometimes, but she likes the girl's spunk and attitude, even if she is a brat.
Zuko: Zuko struggles after the war. The obligations of the Fire Lord are crushing and daunting and the fear of turning into his father feels like it's constantly looming over his head. Mai doesn't understand why he's struggling so much and he can't figure out how to explain it to her, so they break up. She goes to Kyoshi Island to spend time with Ty Lee and figure out what she wants in life. Stressed, burnt-out, and heartbroken, Zuko asks Aang to kill him if he ever starts to act like Ozai, but Aang steadfastly refuses, berating him for even suggesting it. Aang assures him that he'll never turn into his father and that he has his friends to rely on. He follows after Aang to Ba Sing Se, working in his uncle's tea shop as a much needed break. He opens up to Iroh about his fears and Iroh affirms that even having these worries proves that he'll never be Ozai. He spends time in Ba Sing Se working in the tea shop and negotiating with the Earth King when he meets Jin again. She's as carefree as she was back then and Zuko is both envious and in awe of it. But he knows he can't have a relationship with her, he can't burden her with his problems. But Jin is gently persistent, lending an ear when he needs one and assuring him that he isn't burdening her. When she asks him if he wants to be with her, he confesses that he does- more than anything- but also admits that he has no idea how it'll work. She tells him that if they want to be together no one should stop them. A year later, they're married and she's crowned Fire Lady Jin. There are some protests to their relationship from traditionalists, but Ambassador Katara (Zuko is so sure that she was never actually given that title, but he can't prove it) is quick to shut them down citing that the Fire Lord marrying an Earth Kingdom girl is a sign of unity. They have their daughter, Izumi, and she's Zuko's entire world. Zuko's greatest fear is that his children will end up like him and Azula, so he refrains from having more kids. Jin respects this, but urges him to talk to Azula. So he does; his sister curses him out, but seems to enjoy his company in her own way. They'll never have a good relationship, but Zuko doesn't want her to feel alone so he makes time at least once a week. It's shortly after Aang's death that Zuko relinquishes the title of Fire Lord to Izumi, his grief over his lifetime friend far too painful. Eventually, though, Katara and Toph bully him into training the new Avatar. It's not a role for a retired Fire Lord, but Zuko knows that the world needs Korra to be strong and it's his responsibility to make that happen as much as he can. And so, he becomes Avatar Korra's third teacher (if you told him 60 years ago that he'd become the Avatar's most sane instructor, he'd think you were high on cactus juice. But with Katara punching dictators in the face and Toph breaking every rule ever written, someone has to be a good influence).
Occupations if you missed them:
Katara: (Unofficial/Self-proclaimed) Ambassador of the Southern Water Tribe, United Republic of Nations Councilwoman and later Chairwoman, Healer (on the side), Waterbending Master to the Avatar
Aang: Avatar, United Republic of Nations Councilman
Sokka: Engineer and Inventor, Chief of the Southern Water Tribe
Toph: Pro-Bender, Manager of the Pro-Bending Arena, Earthbending Master to the Avatar
Zuko: Fire Lord, Firebending Master to the Avatar
Suki: Police Chief of Republic City (I'm sorry I didn't make a detailed background for her I got lazy, I promise I don't love her any less😭)
Defending my ship choices:
Harutara: Come on, y'all know what I'm about at this point. They're my everything, how could I not have them together? Plus, there's something really poetic about Haru falling for her as an adult the way he did as a teenager: watching her inspire those around her. I headcanon that he's enamoured with the sound of her voice because it's the voice that liberated him and his people and he attends all her speeches
Taang: I actually wasn't sure about this one. I'm not an active Taang shipper, but I do think they'd really balance each other out. Toph is the hard ass Aang needs to challenge him and Aang would bring out the softer side in her. Toph would never let Aang favor one kid over the other and Aang wouldn't let Toph neglect their kids. So looking at it like that, I felt them being together would be best for the story
Sukka: It's not as perfect in canon as people make it out to be, but I still love them. I wouldn't want any different for them
Jinko: This one actually made more sense than I would have thought. Jin is very different from Mai, so I can really see her being what Zuko needs considering where he would be mentally. I like Mai, but I feel Maiko really made her way more one dimensional so her living with Ty Lee and finding herself feels like a better end for her (and if they start dating, that's no one's business). And we've already seen Zuko go out of his way to make Jin happy so it's not like we're getting another Kataang situation. I'm happy with this for them
The Kids:
Yes, I purposely made Kya an Earthbender. And yes, Katara still gives her her mother's necklace. Because that's her firstborn daughter no matter what element she does (or doesn't) bend. One thing I hate is that Bryke made the Kataang kids primarily part of the culture that they bend. That's such a slap in the face to biracial kids, not to mention poor Bumi who doesn't seem to belong to either for some reason until he ends up an Airbender. So yeah, all of the Harutara kids are part of the EK and SWT. Suma is a name I made up because it sounded pretty
I know it's weird to think of Lin and Tenzin as siblings, I felt so odd writing it. But I love them both so I couldn't just not write them. I made Bumi the youngest so he could be spoiled because he deserved better in canon. Su and Lin have a better relationship, but they still butt heads because they feel the need to one-up each other due to them both being Earthbenders (and later Metalbenders). Lin still becomes a cop, but their big fight never happened because Su was never neglected to the point of becoming a criminal. All four kids are taught Air Nomad culture and traditions and taken on trips because Aang is a decent father
I named Lian partly after Yue, since Yuèliàng means moon in Chinese. One of my gripes with LOK is that Katara and Sokka's family are meant to be the leaders of the SWT. Kya or Bumi should be the chief in canon, but Bryke just... Didn't do that for some reason. So fuck it, Sokka's daughter is chief now
Nothing really changes about Izumi, although I'd say she's a little friendlier. I contemplated giving Zuko more kids, but I actually think his decision not to have more kids was one of Bryke's better choices. It makes sense, so I didn't feel the need to change it
Other notes:
The Gaang teaching/helping raise baby Korra is something I live for
The Red Lotus is swiftly dealt with by Katara, Toph, Zuko, Suki, and Sokka when Korra is a kid. They never stood a chance. I was actually going to have Sokka still die during the attack in the SWT and Suki kill Zaheer in revenge, but eh I decided not to off Sokka
The Civil War still happens, but differently. I don't have the patience to go into that, just know that Katara is HEAVILY involved
Welp, that's everything in my brain
98 notes · View notes
hwaslayer · 8 months
project: make you love me (jyh) | six.
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 3.5k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing, sweet yuyu per usual, seonghwa moment (sorry yes he's back briefly lmao), crying & some overthinking, next few chapters will prob feel like lil filler chapters while things progress between oc x yunho <33 we are almost there yall, promise!!
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Yunho parks his car in the driveway, clicking the key fob to make sure his doors are locked after he grabs his things from the trunk. Entering the house, it's a lot quieter than expected— typically, he has family members or close neighbors over even if they're just there to sit in the kitchen and gossip with his aunt and mom.
When he sets his things down and walks further into the house, he realizes why it's so quiet in the house.
"Yunho! Our handsome boy!" His aunt yells from the backyard where she sits with his mom, two neighbors and their two friends. Yunho feels the heat rise to his cheeks because even though this is happens constantly— he's still not used to the praising and babying from his own family members.
"Hi." He gives them a toothless smile and waves, helping himself to a seat right next to his mom. "Miss Universe herself, how are you feeling?" His mom chuckles before playfully hitting his arm.
"I'm doing okay, my love. I missed you."
"I'm here now, right? Did your appointment go okay?" He swings his arm around her chair and focuses all of his attention on her. 
"Yeah, it went perfectly fine. I felt a bit tired and weak afterwards, but nothing some good rest and food couldn't fix." Yunho nods.
"Okay, that's good."
"How about you, tell me all about school? I think your mom is missing some details." She says with a small smirk and Yunho can't help but playfully roll his eyes.
"Didn't you wanna go to the grocery store?" He changes the subject, his aunt immediately catching on to the shift in his body language.
"Yunho has a girlfriend, I think." She says to her neighbors while smirking at him. Yunho's mom laughs it off, standing to save her son from the oncoming comments, teasing, etc etc.
"Suho." His mom says in a scolding manner, slight drip of playfulness to it. "Don't you have a list of things we need to get at the grocery store?"
"Oh shit, you're right." She says, hurrying into the kitchen for her list. Yunho laughs and bids farewell to their friends, following his mom and aunt into the kitchen. His mom grabs the list from her sister, asking if she needs anything else or if she wants food from anywhere before they return. She simply says no and says she'll be heading out with her friends soon— that the both of them should just enjoy shopping and eating wherever they'd like.
And so with that, Yunho carefully helps his mom get settled before hopping into the driver's seat. His music is softly playing in the background, while his mom continues to tell him about how her appointments have been and the people she's encountered. He starts to laugh when she mentions one of the technicians at the dialysis center, and how she's bragged about him to her countless times.
"Okay mom, I appreciate it but you don't have to play cupid." He smiles at her before shifting his attention back to the road.
"I know, but sometimes I worry about you." She gently squeezes his bicep. "I can't help it because I'm your mom. You do a great job taking care of everyone else, sometimes I just want someone to help take care of you."
"I'll be okay."
"I know, I know." She lets out a breath before toothlessly smiling at him. "But, you get where I'm coming from."
"I think so."
"What about your friend?"
"What friend?"
"From school? The one you talked about, you know? Helping with her assignments."
"Oh, right." Yunho chuckles. "What about her?"
"Well, what's her name?"
"You're gonna look for her on Facebook."
"I am not." She playfully hits him, making him laugh. 
"Her name is Y/N."
"Beautiful name. I'm sure she's very pretty." Yunho shrugs.
"Y-yeah she is. But, we're really just friends. We click pretty easily. Surprisingly."
"What do you mean surprisingly? You're the sweetest and the friendliest boy I know. And I'm not saying that because I'm your mother."
"You're definitely saying that because you're my mother." He laughs.
"Why don't you see where it goes?"
"I never said I wouldn't." He laughs a bit. "I'm also not going to force anything."
"That's fair. She seems to be a good friend, though."
"She is. She's sweet."
"Yunho!" You happily head down the steps when you see him standing there, patiently waiting for you. He has his hands dug deep into his pockets, hood on his head. A small, tiny smile tugs at the corner of his lips when you finally come face to face and stand in front of his towering figure. "Hey you." You gently poke at his arm.
"What's up?" He starts to lead the way with slow, steady steps— walking down his usual path around the complex. 
"Kinda just wanted to take a quick walk." 
"Feeling okay?"
"Yeah. Just tired."
"You're telling me. How's practice been?"
"Practice is practice. It's fun to be doing it with friends though." He nods, silently walking alongside of you. "How's Yeosang?" He chuckles.
"Yeosang is Yeosang. Currently still yelling at his screen."
"You guys should game together."
"We do when he decides to play Valorant, but he's more into League." He scratches at his temple. "I must sound very attractive right now." You laugh a bit.
"That sounds very fun. You'll have to teach me one day."
"You sure about that?"
"Yeah, why not. I'd probably have to play on a dummy account or something so I don't ruin your level." You tilt your head in confusion. "Ranks? Whatever they're called." He smiles.
"Fair." You laugh.
"Wow, so you don't believe in my abilities, huh?"
"You said it first."
"Yunho." You whine, making him laugh a little loudly this time.
"I'm kidding. I believe in you. It's really not that bad." You smile, but it quickly fades when you almost bump into Yunho just as he suddenly stops in his tracks. "Look." He looks down at you, then points upwards. "The moon." You stand beside him and look up at the moon. 
"It's beautiful."
"Hm, yeah." He snaps a photo. "Sorry, I didn't mean to stop."
"No, please. I like seeing these parts of you." He smiles.
"Yeah?" You nod. "You don't think it's odd?"
"I could never think that way about you, Yunho." You playfully tap his arm. "Seriously. It's nice to see someone appreciate the moon."
"Someone has to." You giggle as you both continue to slowly walk alongside each other, arm brushing against one another. 
♣︎ END
"Please don't forget to bring her by one day. I'd still like to meet her."
"Meet her?"
"You've been happier lately, and that's all I could ask for. She sounds lovely."
"Okay." Yunho nods and smiles at her just as he pulls into the lot of the market. 
Yunho patiently goes around with his mom, placing every item she needs into the cart while she points out what's needed. They spend a good 45 minutes, close to an hour, just taking their time buying what's needed and other necessities. Afterwards, Yunho takes his mom to her favorite Chinese restaurant. They spend time talking about all things school-related and what his plans might be for the near future. 
And Yunho loves being home, don't get him wrong. He'd always spend time with his family over anything. But, he couldn't help but think of you— especially after his mom brought you up.
He hopes you're okay. Maybe he'll check on you tonight.
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Tonight, you wrap up your homework and waddle over to the couch— joining Seungmin and Chaery in the living room while they watch their show. Soobin is cooking himself some dinner since he just got back not too long ago from the library.
"Any of you guys want some ramen before I shut this off?"
"Nope!" Seungmin yells loudly even though he's just in the living room.
"Same. Thanks Soobinnie." Chaery says in a sing-song tone. You simply look at Soobin with a small smile, shaking your head before returning your attention to your phone. A text comes in and you're [slightly] surprised at who it is— but, you definitely can't say that it doesn't put a smile on your face.
yunho: take a look at the moon if you haven't yet.
But, your smile instantly fades when you can't respond right away. A call cuts through on your screen, and it's probably the last person you want to speak to right now— even though you know you need to.
"Hello?" You answer nonchalantly, not in the mood to speak to Seonghwa.
"Hey. Are you free right now?" You sigh and look at the clock. 10pm.
"Yeah, I am."
"Can you come down? I'm here in my car."
"For what, Seonghwa?" You hear him sigh heavily on the other line before speaking up again.
"I just want to talk. We haven't talked in days and I'm trying to figure out what's going on between us." 
"Y/N, please. That's all I'm asking for." He says in a serious tone. You roll your eyes and purse your lips together, pausing for a moment before responding.
"Fine. I'll be down in a few."
"Alright." And with that, you end the call— sliding your phone into the pocket of your sweats before forcing yourself off of the couch to grab the nearest jacket.
"My jacket?" Soobin watches as you snatch his jacket off of the dining table chair.
"I just need it for a second. Please?" You pout and he nods.
"Where are you going?" Chaery asks while her and Seungmin continue to watch their show, her eyes fixed on the TV.
"Seonghwa wants to talk."
"Oh, jeez." She says. "Goodluck with that, hun. Call if you need anything."
"Yup!" You slip into your crocs, dragging your feet down the steps and to Seonghwa's car. He's parked by the curb, windows slightly rolled down so you're able to catch a peek of him. He's staring down at the phone near his lap, the light illuminating his face. He texts away even as you approach the door, but chucks it into his middle console after he's sent whatever he needed to send. You plop onto the passenger's seat and avoid eye contact, crossing your arms as you look straight ahead at the car in front of his.
"Hi to you, too." He furrows his brows a bit. 
"So, what is it Seonghwa?" You finally turn to him and let out a barely audible sigh.
"Baby, come on." Seonghwa clicks his teeth and pouts a bit. He slips his hand on your thigh and lets it rest there. "I said I was sorry. I know I fucked up majorly, but something just came up and—"
"Something came up? Something always comes up for you. You couldn't even take one second to text me or let me know? It doesn't take much."
"I know, I thought I was going to be able to make it in time."
"Right. I've heard that before."
"I'm sorry." He repeats.
"Heard that before too." You shake your head. "Seonghwa, I think we should just stop doing this, okay? Clearly, you have better things to worry about and I'm just tired."
"W-what?" He looks at you, really looks at you. Almost in disbelief. Probably disbelief. "Baby, I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna lose you."
"It doesn't matter if you do, you always have someone to fall back onto." You shoot back, and he's silent. Of course he is. "I thought so."
"No, you're not giving me time to get my thoughts together." He panics. "Y/N, baby. Please. Hear me out. I don't wanna lose you. I really don't. I know I fucked up time and time again, but I'll do better. It's always been you and—"
"You're only worried about losing the idea of me, someone who will be there as your safety blanket when other shit doesn't pull through for you. You aren't actually worried about me, and you know I'm right." He scoffs and shakes his head, but he doesn't say anything, no. He can't say anything because he knows it's true. He quickly deflects and brings up the one thing that has been running his last nerve lately:
"Why don't you just say that it's Yunho?"
"This has nothing to do with Yunho, Seonghwa! I'm so tired. It's been months of this back and forth bullshit, don't you get it? It's so clear what this means to you, and I don't wanna stick around, waiting for somebody that doesn't even care about me."
"Don't say that I don't care—"
"You don't!" Your tone raises a bit, and this is when it settles that Seonghwa isn't good for you. He will never be good for you, good to you. He will never change, and you will never find an ounce of pure, genuine happiness being stuck here. "You really don't. You can't claim that when I've caught you multiple times doing shit behind my back, let alone left my ass in the cold like I was easily disposable. Multiple times." Tears are pricking your bottom lids and you're not sure if it's because of everything you've been through or if it's because you feel bad for yourself— for settling, for letting him walk over you. You are aware that, however this ends, you'll need to take a moment and say your peace to it. "I'm so done with it, Hwa. I don't need this."
"Wait, Y/N. Please." He says, hand giving your thigh a gentle squeeze so you don't up and leave right away. 
"No. We're just going to go in circles and repeat the cycle. This is done—"
"How can I fix this?" You furrow your brows and shake your head, letting out a scoff.
"You really have to ask? If you really wanted to know, you would've asked that question a long time ago." You remove his hand from your thigh.
"So, that's it?" He asks because he doesn't know how else to respond without sounding even more pathetic. "Y/N." Hwa panics again when he sees you swing the door open, stepping out without saying another word to him. Though, he couldn't really tell you why he panicked— perhaps, yeah, it's the thought of losing you, but mainly his image. How he'd look if people ever found out that you left him first. 
And you know this already.
In plain words, he's just worried about losing another girl on his list. Especially the one that was always there for him, the one that rarely gave him issues. Didn't get strung up too quickly, didn't really press him for shit over the months.
Even though you said it had nothing to do with him, Seonghwa still thinks Yunho played a part in it. And that's fucking annoying.
"Y/N!" You hear him call for you again, even after you've slammed his door and stormed off to your apartment. You feel the tears pricking your lids again, and you're doing your best to hold it in. But eventually, the tears stream down your cheeks; one by one.
This is you saying your peace.
Then, you'll move on. As you should.
"Baby is back!" Chaery cheers but her smile instantly fades when she sees you wiping away at your face. "Aw no, baby. What happened?" You shrug as she comes to you and pulls you into her arms.
"I just ended it with Seonghwa."
"Oh shit, good for you! Finally!" Seungmin is still sitting on the floor, so he flicks her on the leg. "Ow! The heck?"
"What she means to say is that everything's gonna be okay, and that it's okay to cry if you need to." He looks at her and she follows with a slow nod.
"Yes, absolutely." You wipe the remaining stragglers and shake it off, returning Soobin's jacket to the dining chair.
"It's fine, I'll be okay. I needed to do that." You look at them with a reassuring expression. "It's just time to move past this." Chaery rubs your back.
"Do you need anything?" You shake your head. 
"No, but I'm going to head into the room and just chill for the night."
"Okay." Chaery gives you a small smile.
"Get some rest." Soobin adds.
"I will." You head off to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for bed. It's still early but you don't think you'll be sleeping anytime soon with the thoughts that are currently bombarding your head. It does suck to finally part from something that no longer serves you, but you know it's for the best.
You were done.
Suddenly, you remember Seonghwa bringing up Yunho and it begins to irritate you. How dare he? He knows nothing about Yunho, and you hate how he's the first one he tries to blame. Shame that he's grown but can't take full responsibility for his actions. Until this day, Seonghwa has yet to fully acknowledge everything he's done.
He still finds a way to beat around the bush, implying that he did no wrong.
You shut off the lights and lay in bed with the mood lamp on, picking up your phone to finally respond to people. You sent your mom and sister a quick text before switching to Yunho's thread— realizing you still haven't responded to his last text.
you: ugh, that picture is perfect. the moon is sooo pretty tonight. 🥺
you: sorry for the late response, kinda got wrapped up with something super last min. how's your weekend going?
yunho: why the sad face? 😣
you: it'd be nice if we could go on a walk and look at the moon together.
yunho: aw yeah, that does sound nice. but, i hope the picture at least put a smile on your face.
yunho: & you don't have to apologize. but, it's been nice being at home and catching up with my family. what about you? everything okay?
you: i don't know? it's okay, i guess. just kinda tired.
yunho: you sure that's it?
you: no. 😕 but, it's nothing really.
yunho: calling you in a few, is that okay?
you: more than okay!
You continue to scroll through your phone for a couple of more minutes before Yunho's name lights up on the screen. A small smile pulls at your lips just as you pick up the call, Yunho rustling around in the background.
"Hi." You hear a bit more rustling before Yunho is letting out a [content] sigh.
"Hey, sorry. Just got in bed."
"That's okay." You chuckle. "I'm also lying down and just being lazy."
"Good, you should just rest." Yunho clears his throat. "You okay?"
"Mm, I don't know. I guess."
"What's going on?"
"I ended things with Seonghwa tonight." He remains silent for a bit before he responds with a—
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. Again, just moving on." You chuckle a bit. "I did cry a teensy weensy bit, but I needed to let it out in order to let it go."
"Yeah, totally understandable. You sure you're okay? It's okay if you aren't."
"I am okay. It does suck though, we argued and then I just—" You pause. "I don't know. I guess I realized how this wasn't good for me. Everything came crashing down and I was so over it."
"Mhm." He softly answers, letting you continue on.
"I don't wanna keep being like that, you know? I don't say much, but I always feel anxious and stressed. I always end up thinking about what Seonghwa will do to hurt me next. That sounds so bad, but it's the best way to put it." You sigh. "It's just not good."
"I'm sorry, Y/N. It's not. But, it's okay if you aren't okay right now. Take your time."
"Thanks Yunho. Seriously. I'll be good." You let out a small, breathy laugh. "Just a moment of weakness."
"Not weakness." There's a small pause as you let Yunho's response sink.
"Hey, by the way. We're doing a scary movie night thing at our apartment soon. Do you wanna come over and join us?"
"Hm." He hums, thinking about whether or not he should just do it. 
"Come on, it'll be fun."
"Fun for you because I'm sure I'll end up as your punching bag when things get too scary." You chuckle.
"No, not even! Seriously. We'll have lots of food."
"What movie are you planning to put on?"
"Would that be a dealbreaker?" You tease.
"Maybe." He plays along.
"I truly have no idea yet."
"Alright then." He laughs. "Yeah, I'll join." You gasp.
"Yeah." He reiterates.
"Aw, yay! I hope you didn't feel pressured or obligated." Yunho sits on his response for a bit; no, he doesn't feel that way. It might be new hanging out with you and your friends, but he was looking forward to just being in your company.
"Never that." 
"I'll text you all the details later." You yawn.
"Kinda. Just exhausted."
"I can go if you—"
"Stay. You're good. Even though I might fall asleep soon." You giggle.
"That's fine." Yunho answers. The two of you continue to talk a bit about how home has been for Yunho and what you had been up to over the weekend. After the cute giggles and playful teasing, there's a nice, comforting silence that falls between you two. Yunho almost believes you've fallen asleep until you sleepily break the silence by calling his name.
"Yunho?" There you go, calling his name like you always do. It's becoming a weakness for him.
"Thanks for always showing me the moon."
"Course." He matches your tone, and responds close to a whisper. Another silence settles in, but Yunho is positive you've fallen asleep due to the very small and soft snores he hears on the other line. He chuckles to himself before setting his phone aside, keeping the call connected on speaker in case anything went wrong.
He'd be there.
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @marsattacks @mxnsxngie @h-nji @mundayoonimnida @jalapeno-princess @nakiiko @asjkdk @kunikku @idkwgoh @kyeos4ng @agust-d2 [bold = can’t tag 😭]
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violetrainbow412-blog · 8 months
Day 11: meet cute
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
A special one, I really enjoyed writing it. Reblog if you liked it!
Spencer walked through the gallery in silence, paying attention to all the paintings and trying to give them his own interpretation. For some strange reason, being in those places relaxed him greatly and right now it was what he needed most: a well-deserved respite after a long day of work.
“Good night,” he greeted a young woman, who was attentively looking at a painting.
The woman he saw couldn't have been more than thirty years old and her clothing was... how to put it? Something eccentric. All the clothes were vibrant tones and she wore a woven bag with uneven parts, who knows if it was on purpose or not.
“Good night,” you murmured just as kindly, keeping your hands in the pockets of your colorful jacket.
The painting in front of you was, in short, something grotesque. But it wasn't in a bad way, it had a certain special touch that made it… Spencer couldn't even describe it. It was very good, but to some extent uncomfortable to look at. Almost like a ritualistic crime scene that he was so used to: beautiful, but at the same time terrifying.
"Do you like it?"
“Huh?” the man asked, fearing he had misheard the girl next to him. She nodded toward the exhibit and her brain filled in the blanks. “The painting? Yes, I think it's very good. I'm afraid I'm not a great connoisseur of artistic currents, but from a very point of view this could be part of The Black Paintings, Francisco de Goya's collection”
“I know them,” you said happily. “My favorite is that one about Saturn devouring his son. You know, the one where they're eating a…” you started to say, making signs with your hands that he understood immediately.
“I think art is very subjective, like everything in the world. Some people may consider the Mona Lisa a masterpiece and others may appreciate more the style of Van Gogh or the cubism of Picasso and they are all right. Each person enjoys art things that reflect the content of their soul and I think that is the beautiful thing about paintings, don't you think?
“You know a lot for someone who is not knowledgeable about art” you smiled, feeling captivated by the way the stranger next to you expressed himself.
“Actually I say that I am not a connoisseur because I don’t want to offend those who are. I've only read a couple of books on the subject and... well, I love coming to museums, but that's all”
“Honestly, I think it's very ugly,” you said suddenly, turning your head slightly to observe the painting “It looks a little strange on the bottom, whoever did it should improve their technique a little.”
Spencer felt strange hearing such a cruel comment coming from a person who seemed to be sweet, but he figured you would have your reasons for holding that opinion. He considered leaving there but his attempt was interrupted by another presence, this time a man dressed in an elegant suit who approached you.
“Miss Y/L/N” he greeted you cordially, while you shook his hand “I see you came to appreciate our exhibition, do you like the light we put there? Does it help the colors of the work or do you want us to change it to a warmer one?”
“Oh, don't worry Frank. I like that one, it makes it look gloomy” you answered nonchalantly “You just should put it somewhere else, I'm not very proud of this one in particular”
"What are you talking about? Many people liked it. Isn't it good, gentleman?” he asked, turning to Spencer who was watching the two of them curiously.
“It's beautiful,” he confessed. He actually thought that, he wasn't saying it out of commitment or anything, and his response made you smile sheepishly.
"Stop. Everything is perfect here, thank you for giving it a home in your gallery”
“And there will be more spaces in the future, think about it,” the man murmured, squeezing your shoulder warmly and friendly. “Have a good night, excuse me.”
“Goodbye, Frank.”
The two of you watched the man walk down the hallway until he got lost in a turn and then the agent turned his attention to you.
“So you're an artist?”
“I try that” you laughed. He took a look at you and then at the picture in front of you, as if he had a hard time believing that you were the creator, of course due to the difference in styles that both elements had “But I like that people don't know, so I can hear honest opinions. And I appreciate yours, you are very kind.”
"I only say what I see"
“Would it be very bold of me if I asked you to be my model one day?” you asked cautiously, hoping not to scare him with your request.
"A model?"
“I really like your jaw,” you exclaimed, pointing a finger in the air at the line you were talking about. “And the way your hair falls. They are nice to paint”
“Well, I…I would be flattered,” Spencer said, not knowing how to react to what you had just said. Something like that had never been suggested to him and he felt strange, but excited at the same time.
“Do you want to write me your number?”
“I can give you my card,” he stammered, digging in his briefcase so he could give you the piece of paper. When he extended it to you, you analyzed it with curiosity.
“Dr. Spencer Reid. FBI” you read, quite impressed “So we both got a surprise today, huh?”
“I'll call you,” you promised, pocketing the card warily and rewarding him with one of yours. They were simpler with hand-painted details and with fewer titles, but it would be useful for him to contact you “And who knows, maybe the next time you come it will be you who is in the gallery.”
Spencer blushed at the thought and smiled at you, wondering how possible that was. You responded to the smile with pleasure, because unintentionally you had just found the one who would permanently become your muse.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555 @r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl @taygrls @simp4f1 @sdddoobydoobydoo @taintedstranger
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goldennightengale · 1 year
Hello there! Here's my request for the day, could I have the Dorm Leaders hearing their female musician s/o sing a love song dedicated to them at VDC? As an added bonus, everyone (including their families) saw her performance and really liked it.
AAA I loved writing this so much!! I always have songs I assign to the boys going through my head all the time so this was so much fun writing! I hope you enjoy it~ -GN
Warnings: N/A
Fem! MC
A Song for Your Love
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Riddle Rosehearts (Sombody to Hold My Heart - Lindsey Sterling)
When I tell you this man was flustered when you pointed him out in the crowd. Not only was your song full of love and energy, but all of your attention was on him, laser-focused on his face in the roaring crowd as you danced and sang across the stage like a professional. He’s the type to try and show his affection through actions instead of words, so expect a lot of flowers, gifts, and lots of hand-holding!
What made it even worse was he knew this was being broadcasted. Though he felt horrified by the thought of his mother watching you perform, specifically with him in mind, he was quickly reassured that she was more than amused by your eccentric proclaims of affection. She appreciates a confident woman speaking her mind, especially towards her son.
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Leona Kingscholar (Lazy Love - Chloe X Halle)
Smug Bastard x100 He’s making that concert seat look like a throne with how confident he looks, knowing full well that you are talking about him. Nobody else in the thousands seated near him. (Don’t mention how he might have a slight ego about being the second prince, he can’t give you the throne you deserve but he can give himself to you instead. Knowing you return the gesture makes him unreasonably happy)
Forgot it was being broadcasted until he got a facetime call from his brother congratulating him on having a mate of his very own, especially one so talented! Cheka starts begging him to bring you back to the palace and Leona hangs up before he can get the waterworks going. 
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Azul Ashengrotto (Cariño - The Marías)
Stuck between stunned, smug, and highly embarrassed. He has this goofy smile as he watches you strut across the stage, occasionally ducking his face into his hands when you purr the lyrics into the mic and wink at him in the crowd.
His mama went NUTS when she caught her guppy getting serenaded on live broadcast and demanded that he bring you home. She wants to meet the gal who made her baby smile like that!
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Kalim Al-Asim (What is Love? - Jonelle Monáe)
Your hype man. He’s jumping, dancing, screaming your name, and “I love you”s as you perform. Jamil tries to get him to calm down but how could he when you look like the brightest star in the desert sky? His Jewel has talent!
His father was laughing so loudly when he called, delighted with his son’s choice in love. Immediately offered to build you a personal stadium in return for you (marrying his son) performing for the entire Al-Asim family.
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Vil Shoenheit (Only Girl (In the World) - Rihanna)
Smug x100 pt. 2, He is preening under the spotlight of your affections and, while he may be judging your routine (lovingly ofc), he genuinely likes how you make it clear to others that he chose you above everyone else. Though he does question if you have a death sentence announcing your relationship so boisterously.
His father loved your performance! Bold and confident, you really must have what it takes to make his son fall so hard for you. While he may not be at the front of the musical entertainment business, he’d be willing to get you some connections if you ever decide to pursue music in the field.
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Idia Shroud (Icarus - Grant Knoche)
Hates the attention but melts under your loving stare, completely enraptured by your declaration of love and the thought that you did all this for him. Is 100% recording everything so he can rewatch it over and over again late at night and squeal like a fangirl in the privacy of his room.
His parents teased him relentlessly for finally getting a girlfriend, calling you his Pomegranate, and begging him to bring you home so they can meet you properly. Your references to a well-known myth are not lost on them, and the dedication to get close knowing the potential to get hurt is more than enough to get their trust. His hair is pink by the end of the call but you can tell he’s really happy they like you.
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Malleus Draconia (Sunset - Caroline Polachek)
Smug x100 pt. 3, because not only did you invite him to this whole ordeal, but you were performing for him and admitting how much you felt about him in front of such a large crowd. Is not aware of your performance being broadcasted, but knowing that everyone will know who you chose as a mate is more than enough to get him all smug again.
Oh, his grandmother is more than pleased that her grandson found someone so wonderful to rule beside him.  The trust you put in him, the clear admittance that you see him as a safe place, it's all proof to the reigning Queen. She’s heard a lot about you from Lilia so it only makes sense for you to visit Briar Valley to make your engagement official, no?
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I know this was very short but I hope I fulfilled your wish! -GN
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Ai ga Omoi Kishi Koushaku wa, Tsuihou Reijou no Subete wo Ubai Tsukushitai - By Yuta Umibara (8/10)
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I'm happy to report that this is a happy story. Our heroine here gets falsely accused of a crime, and then she gets shipped off to a monastery. It's not like she's being tortured, but picking berries and doing chores is a huge downgrade from life as a princess. Luckily, an eligible man on horseback comes to kidnap her and make her his Duchess.
Lucienne knows politics well. She's pretty and well spoken and smart. She's been engaged to a prince since her youth, and she considers that prince her political partner.
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They were friends. Never really lovers. In this world lucky Saints exist. If your country gets a Saint that country becomes rich. The Saint that appears happens to be a cute young girl.
Alot of dumb things happen fast.
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The country becomes snobby. They no longer need money. Their land is permanently lush and green...so they become more hostile and classist. Lucienne sees this as a huge problem. Her country is becoming known worldwide for rudeness and stupidity. Lucienne gets kicked out though. The Saint fakes a poisoning in order to get rid of the unpopular, practical Lucienne.
The prince wants to live a lazy life, caring about nothing but the abundant wealth the Saint brings. So, he sends Lucienne to a monastery without a real trial.
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Michael comes for her. He's the son of a Duke. Now he's a Duke. He is angry and bitter. The prince did not appreciate the perfect wife he had. As soon as he found out about the drama he rode off to claim Lucienne. Also...Lucienne is in love with him. Their feelings are mutual.
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Michael is going to kill anyone that tries to take Lucienne back. She does not deserve to be punished in the slightest. Killing for her is just defending her honor in his mind.
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He's a very blunt and funny yandere. Lucienne doesn't know he loves her in the beginning. At first she thinks he wants a capable mistress. She's no longer a noble, after all...but no...
Michael wants marriage.
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He has lots of power now, conveniently, and he plans to use it to wed for love.
He's also magical.
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It takes her a while to get used to being treated well. Her former family hated her because she was an obstacle who dared to speak against the Saint. Lucienne experienced alot of verbal and psychological abuse.
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She gets a friendly maid. Michael isn't as rich as the prince, but his servants are kind just like him. There's no nasty gossip in his house. Everybody works. Everybody eats. Assholes get murdered off screen. It's an upstanding noble house.
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Lucienne becomes a real wife, not a political side piece. Michael hates the prince, but I don't think he'll die. Michael seems to think the corrupt Saint will destroy the country all on her own. Michael just wants to focus on his territory and his new bride.
It's such a sweet revenge.
Moving on, and falling back in love is the ultimate way to stick it to a cheater.
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moumouton4 · 10 months
Imagine illumi zoldyck having to marry a female tengen uzui.
Why because she is from the special uzui clan and when she helped the others save killua they let him go if she married him.
Him getting called unflamboyant and he is just standing there 🕴🏻
Imagine Him Having To Marry You || Irumi Zoldyck x Uzui!fem!reader
A/n : Hiiiiii there ! Here is it ! It's my first work on the Hunter x Hunter world so I hope the fandom is going to like it 🍦
A/n 2 : Also yall tell me if there is a real difference between Irumi and Illumi 🤔 Like is it disturbing ?
Warnings : Fluff, quick mention of making love, nothing graphic
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1673
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You’ve always been fascinated in how the most improbable and thrilling adventures happened to you out of all the people. And yes, even today as you were getting ready was no exception
You who were always the master of your destiny, it's as if something happened that day when you met him. Something out of your splendid reach
At this time, you left your village and your family to apply for the Hunter exam ( no joke I wrote Chünin 😂 )
You were peacefully running your first 80km in the first trial when you heard two young voices chuckling. You slightly picks up your pace to join them at their level
Once there you were kinda dumbfounded to see such young boys take part in an exam that is reputed to be so difficult. You watched them for a moment - with no ulterior motive like Hisoka - one dressed in green and carrying a fishing rod, and the other with white hair on a skateboard - ingenious but not flashy enough as running and showing off his stamina in tough times
Then your attention turned to the subject of their laughter. You smiled brightly when you saw your little mice running along. Many disappointing candidates had given up, but they were still as brave as ever
"How do simple smiles manage to run such a distance?" said the boy on the board.
"In any case, they certainly deserve their place" said the cheerful one
"Careful what you say they're not just mice" your voice boomed behind them, making both heads turn while you were still running "They're Shino Buff Mice but you can call them Ninjus" you said proudly. It was Tengen, your brother who insisted that you take the mice who work for him with you, just in case
"It's truly extraordinary !" the black haired boy spoke, sounding fascinated. And you didn't mind, at least someone appreciated the family's magnificence
"And how old are you, anyway ?" spoke to his comrade. You looked at him incredulously before giving him your age, almost equal to your long years of hard training ( let's just say you're an adult because Irumi is 24 😭 )
After that moment, you went on to befriend the two boys and the two others they'd met. You formed a fine team and everyone saw you more or less as a big sister to lean on. Frankly, you really enjoyed showing them what you were capable of and what you could contribute
The two boys were very fond of you, seeing in you a member of their family they hadn't known before
So it was without a second thought that you followed Gon, Leorio and Kurapika towards Kukuroo Mountain to rescue - well it's harsh but it's true - your friend from the clutches of his family
And not to brag, but it was easy enough to accomplish. At first he didn't want to let him go, but when Kirua's mother eventually recognized you, she decided to offer you a deal. It was simple, and from her point of view, it was like being served up to you on a silver platter
The deal was simple we'd let Kirua go with her friends on condition that you sign a promise of marriage with her eldest son, Irumi
Of course, he didn't know about it, and between you and me, he'd seen you during the exam. He liked you, of course, but you were taking up a lot of space with the way you behaved, and well, he was more the discrete type
But his mother was sure he would accept for the greater good of his family. After all, you were an Uzui, descended from a powerful ninja clan. You'd make a wonderful assassin for the Zoldyck family, and you and Irumi's offspring would help keep the family's prestige intact even after your generation
You accepted eagerly, it was a challenge that only the greatest could meet and face. So it was for you and also you found Irumi very handsome, his charm hiding a certain darkness that you enthusiastically wanted to get to know.
Kirua refused but you insisted before slipping into his ear that this way you could really become his big sister, bringing a shy smile on his face as he turned his head on the side "You're just so stupid" he mumbled
So when the big day arrived, you stood there proudly holding your brother's arm as he walked you down the aisle. In front of you stood the man who was to be your future husband. His dark blue suit subtly accentuated his muscular build, while the golden needles finely stitched into his jacket enhanced the look
Looking at you, he couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach. The way your white diamond dress with hints of violet gave you a sophisticated look. Like the way your corset hugged your chest perfectly down to your hips to mark your waist. Gosh you were gorgeous and he just wanted to be tonight. For someone who didn't really want to get married, he seemed very eager now
Your brother's manicured hands tightened on your waist as you both approached Irumi, and he gave him a dark look, meaning that if a disappointment were to happen, he would deeply regret it
Irumi looked unimpressed, at his threat
The ceremony went off without a hitch, despite the Tengen women crying their eyes out
Strangely enough, you both got on very quickly. You have more or less similar views of the world and especially of the fact that you are superior to many people
Though in the beginning you cringe him so much when you’re loud in public. He wants to disappear. He is seriously not used to this kind of display
Otherwise, you suited him. You were beautiful, stylish, classy, strong... His mother was right your descendants will have everything going for them
There was just one thing he still couldn't get used to yet... your exuberance
You are always too much. Even if you don't mean to. But you can't help being loud, laughing aloud, talking any way you like at the risk of hurting people's feelings, nit that you cared anyways. Because yes, you spent your time roasting everyone, even him
"No, for the umpteenth time, I'm not going to paint my nails" he sighed, trying to concentrate on his next target's file
"Seriously ?!? How can my husband be so unflamboyant !" you almost shouted, making him grit his teeth
His body language gave nothing away. He was like 🕴🏻 "Your word doesn't make any sense" he answered dryly. But deep down he was a little offended. Look at his long ebony locks and his unique outfit, he was flamboyant
"Yes, it does, look at me. I'm flamboyant. Look at you, you're not" you sassed
"Can you stop already" he grumbled
You two kept arguing. But as odd as it may seem, that's what keeps you going, unblocks complex situations and shows you that against all odds, one will always be there for the other
Over time, the protectiveness he feels for his brother begins to shift toward you. He starts standing behind you like a shadow when you two are walking around. He gives people murderous looks. And you could almost hear him hiss like a snake if you got too close
But you know how obsessive he can be, you just put the basics right in his face. No, he wasn't going to doesn't like that with you. You don't even need it. People just by knowing you are from the Uzui clan - with your bandhead - clear the way
But there's one thing that will always amaze him, and that's the remarkable way you surprise him, Irumi Zoldyck
One time you came up behind him and spanked him hard... he yelped. You're lucky he loves likes you because he would have wasted no time on killing you. At least you had the cleverness to do this when you too were alone
He should start to get suspicious and feel it coming but every time you go behind him he doesn't know if he should wait to get a spanking. So sometimes he discreetly holds his breath and closes his eyes. he just knows he is going to yelp
He doesn't like pda like at all. Don't try putting an arm around his shoulders, because he is going to pull away. Though if he sees anyone getting too close he is the type to wrap an arm aroud your waist and pull you flush against his chest
Also you’re both doms… So when you’re going at it, it looks like you’re fighting, but naked. You can do whatever with this info
Sometimes you have deep conversations. Like that day when he felt a little vulnerable after making love - yes not fucking, making love- and he asked you if like your brother you were into polygamy
That day you reassured him as best you could, explaining that not all the men on this planet are worth it
"No even Tegen. I swear he always thinks he is the flashiest but gosh he can be so loud and rude sometimes"
Irumi's eyes widened, and once again you'd surprised him. He kissed your forehead and left you to sleep, his body nestled close to yours. He was glad you answered seriously, because you usually laughed more than anything else when talking about serious subject
The subject of children hasn't come up yet, but you're both afraid his mother will put pressure on you. So Irumi decides to say that he's going to set up a base in another place to be closer to his field of action. But the truth is, he wants to get away from his family and closer to you
He's still creepy and bloodthirsty, but with you he feels like he was starting from scratch. And he'd never felt such excitement - well except on your honeymoon
Taglist : @foxxymunson , @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople , @glossy1pearl
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belit0 · 10 months
What if Indra and Madara have a wife that really loves her kids, she also yells at him when he's been too mean and defends her kids with her life😭 I hope Indra doesn't throw hands😭💀
Noooo, Indra may be a terrible yandere, but he knows better than to be a woman-beating coward!🙏🙏🙏
I love all requests involving the Uchiha as fathers, please keep sending me them!! It's beautiful to see them in environments that don't involve war and destruction, and being fatherly love figures😭❣️
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- He loves (Y/N) with all his little heart will allow, but getting involved with the way he handles the upbringing of his children is a big NO. He will use an iron fist to forge kids who know how to stand up for themselves if necessary, and if she has anything to say about it, they will fight. Papa Indra is a great and fearsome figure of respect to whom no argument is countered and orders are obeyed (for his children, (Y/N) fearlessly ignore this).
- His wife will be present at all training, and will try to reduce Otsutsuki's severity altogether. If she expected him to be gentle because it is about his own children, she is wrong. It will drive her crazy when she sees her little ones flying through the air because daddy is too tough, and she scolds him in front of them.
- Indra is deeply insulted by how (Y/N) tries to diminish his authority before the kids, and they engage in a quarrel that lasts for weeks. Eventually, they come to an agreement, where she doesn't mess with his ways, but he is a little less severe. When the infants turn 10, he can treat them as he pleases, but not until that age.
- He focuses on an infant-friendly regimen, which even for (Y/N) is still too demanding, and on many occasions he has to put up with her nagging and watching her drag the children away from him in her arms.
- She is so overprotective, her own kids are the ones who return with him to the training ground after escaping their mother's watchful eye, and ask him to continue with their activities. Indra smiles proudly and restrains himself, as he appreciates his sons also want to spend time with him.
- He's not the best father, but he tries.
- He can't be hard on them, he adores them so much he can't even scold them when they deserve it. In fact, Madara is the permissive father his children ask for everything first because they know he will say yes, afterwards going to confront their mother with daddy's confirmation in advance to argue their case.
- He refuses to be the one training them. He considers himself a very tough and pushy person with the workouts he prefers to give, and could never treat his little ones that way. He ends up asking Izuna to take over, and (Y/N) scolding the young Uchiha when he gets too hard on them.
- The few times he had to scold one of them for making a mess, he did it guiltily. In his children he sees the souls of those brothers he lost as a child, and he can't be mean to them. He lets them do whatever they want, and if Mom comes back to find a mess at home because Dad didn't set limits, Madara will be reprimanded along with his children as if they were all the same age.
- In one special situation, his children made a big disaster while (Y/N) was not at home. At that point he realized he should put his foot down because his children see him more as an accomplice than a figure of respect, and he goes a bit overboard with his scolding. His kids are slightly traumatized, and know not to push their luck when it comes to their father.
- He rarely yells at them, and beyond that particular time, he did so only one other time. In front of (Y/N), he berated his boys vehemently, and it was she who yelled at him at the time for being "too hard on my babies!" (as if she wasn't...). Madara chose to abide by the commander's orders and remain silent.
- Good father, with a lot of effort.
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starshinegarcia · 1 month
Holiday House: Chapter 2, Dinosaurs
1.2k words
"For a moment, I was heavenstruck"
The sky was dimming slowly, a light shade of pink as you pulled your Beetle into the driveway of Aaron Hotchner’s impressive house. It was simple and sleek, like you imagined him to be- chalk splayed out on the front sidewalk, with an overgrown flower bed lining the front door. You smiled to yourself, noting absentmindedly that if you got the job that was something you could easily trim up.
You smoothed your hair down, glancing at your reflection in the rearview mirror. Your outfit was simple, but in no means casual- you had decided to forgo your normal t-shirt and jeans combo for a simple black pencil skirt, with a long sleeved top to match and a slicked-back high ponytail. You had finished the outfit with your own personal flare, in the form of tiny black dinosaur earrings that you planned to show Jack, in hopes that he would like you more. Adrenaline pumped through your body as you approached the front door. You weren’t quite sure which was more nerve-wracking- a job interview, or the fact that it was for the son of an FBI agent. You notice your hands start to shake slightly, taking a final breath before going to knock on the door.
On the other side of the door, Aaron checks himself out quickly in the glass of the door. He was still in his work outfit, just minus the tie and suit jacket, his shirt unbuttoned slightly. He clears his throat as he opens the door, and smiles at you standing there, looking- absolutely beautiful.” Aaron silently curses himself for that thought, reaching out a hand in your direction. “Good to see you, __. I’m Aaron Hotchner.” You flush slightly as you take him in- muscled figure, l a r g e hands, all business but still smiling at you as you reach out to shake hands with him. “T-thank you for having me, Mr Hotchner, it’s an honor.” “I’ve heard a lot about you from Penelope.” Aaron remarks, as he indicates for you to come in. You laugh slightly, walking inside and glancing around as he shuts the door behind you. “I’ve heard pretty much Penelope knows- which is a lot, but mostly stuff she’s deduced over the years.. I hear you’re not much of a talker.” Fuck, why did you say that?
Thankfully, a smile tugs at the corners of Aaron’s lips. “I just like to keep my personal life and my work as separate as possible.” He walks towards the kitchen table, pulling a chair out for you like the gentleman he is. You thank him, sitting down opposite him on the wooden chair. “So, __, tell me about yourself. I would like to know more about you, before we get to the formalities.” “Well.. I’m 29, about to be 30, I have a bachelor’s in child development but I’ve been working odd jobs while looking for something more permanent. I’m originally from the West Coast, I have an older sister but my parents are, uhm, gone, and I love being creative with my hands as well as music.” Your voice trails off slightly, but Aaron just nods, intently listening to you and scribbling down something on a notepad in front of him. Your eyes drift down to it, not able to make out anything but the FBI emblem at the very top, which made you flush as you realized just how important this man was.
“Thank you, and I appreciate you sharing that with me. It must’ve been difficult losing your parents so young.” Aaron meets your gaze, eyes soft as he scans your face, memorizing the peaks and valleys of your cheekbones, the curve of your slight dimples as your lips curled into a grateful smile. “It was. But, enough about me. I’d love to hear about you, and about this job, if that’s okay?”
As Aaron explains his position to you- how much his job requires him to be away, how Jack had been acting out recently and he knew it was because he needed one on one attention, that Jessica deserved to live her own life with her own family, and how losing Haley had been difficult for both of them. Your heart swelled with sorrow and emotion for this poor family, and for Hotch, dealing with being a single dad alongside the difficulty of his profession. You watched his gaze harden as he talked about losing Haley, but soften once again when mentioning Jack. “So, I basically would need someone to live-in, because I feel it’s time that Jessica gets a life of her own. I’m not gone all the time, but my hours are inconsistent, so it would be a full-time position. All costs would be covered- I’m more than happy to give you my card when I’m away, for groceries, outings, what have-you. I trust Garcia, so I believe I can also trust you.” A soft blush creeps up your cheeks as you nod, shifting slightly in your chair as you study his face. “I’m fully prepared to move in, sir, whenever you need, as soon as possible.”
He opens his mouth to speak again, but as he does, the pattering of small feet comes down the hall into the kitchen, stopping right below you as you glance down and see Jack gazing up at you, brown eyes blinking in surprise. He was tall for his age, probably taking after his dad- with a sweet smile and freckles dotting his cheeks. Aaron chuckles, lifting Jack onto his lap and gesturing towards you. “Jack, this is Y/N, the nice friend I told you about. Can you say hi?” Jack waves eagerly, studying you with wide eyes and looking at his father. “Is she your friend, Daddy, or mine?” Aaron smiles slightly, smoothing down Jack’s messy brown hair that looked strikingly similar to his own. “Both. But, she’s mostly here for you.” Jack nods, studying you once again and reaching out towards your ears. “Dinosaurs!” You laugh, nodding and taking one off and placing it in his hand. “I thought you might like those. See, it’s a T-rex!” Jack jumps off his father’s lap, grabbing your hand and tugging you. “Come see my dinosaurs!” You glance at Aaron, looking for approval, and he nods,“Go ahead.” You follow Jack into his room, adorned with dinosaurs galore, gasping dramatically as Jack starts play fighting you with a brontosaurus.
Hotch watches the way you talk with Jack, as you follow him down the hall, your face bright and engaged, with a sweet smile on your face, and there are so many thoughts running through his head. How amazing would it be to come home to your smiling face every day? Taking care of Jack, of course. And that sweet, floral vanilla scent you carried would be permanent.. But you were here for Jack, of course. And that clear, strong sweet voice, ever present,drifting from those beautiful lips.. Aaron clears his throat, standing up and steadying his mind and body as he grabs the folder of paperwork from the kitchen counter, laying it out on the table in front of your chair with a pen. He had already made up his mind- it didn’t take long to know that it was the right thing to do- for Jack, of course. ;)
"For a moment, I had cosmic love"
A/N: AHHH it's here! enjoy my lovelies!! comments and suggestions always open!!
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hiii meii, so this is entirely self-indulgent but it’s my birthday today and I was thinking about maybe a little something with nanny!reader and dbf!hotch and him making reader’s birthday all special because her parents are out town or something like that, any birthday fluff you could think of would be absolutely amazing bdjxn
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
happy birthday my lovely monique!!! you deserve nothing but the best, I'm so glad you're taking the day off and indulging yourself!! i am wishing you the best birthday ever, and dbf!hotch is coming to smooch up on you >:))
(sfw blurb but reader is over 18)
Jack's holding your hand, but Aaron is holding your shoulder. The Hotchners guide you through the parking lot, and Aaron has one of his large, rough hands covering your eyes. You'd parked in an empty stretch of pavement, an unfamiliar location so that you weren't able to see anything to spoil whatever surprise they've planned for you. Jack says it's totally not a surprise birthday party, and Aaron says Jack needs to play the quiet game.
Your feet hit metal and you rear back slightly with a gasp.
"You're fine," Aaron murmurs, his hand tightening on your shoulder, "We're just going inside. It's the doorway."
"Okay," You breathe, lifting your foot up and over the divider. You hear a series of mechanic clicks, then Jack drops your hand to do something that sounds like opening a heavy door.
"Good job, buddy." Aaron congratulates his son, "Super strong."
Jack fits his small hand in yours once more, and Aaron leads you forward through the second doorway. It's colder, now, the air conditioning is working, and you think you're on thin carpet from the feeling of the floor beneath your shoes.
"Turn right," Aaron turns his hand on your shoulder, and twists your head with the other one. You follow his lead, hand tightening around Jack's as the little boy eagerly ushers you through whatever building you're in.
"Okay, now left," Aaron instructs you, "And- stop."
You drag a deep breath in through your nose, anticipation thrumming through your veins. It sounds like there's people in front of you, or one person at least, because Jack drops your hand and his footsteps lead to something that moves.
"Okay," A voice rings out, and it's deep but not Aaron's, "Three, two, one..."
Aaron's hand drops from your face, but not his hand from your shoulder. Light floods into your eyes and you squint slightly, but the sight that you're met with when they adjust makes them widen like happy flowers in the sunlight.
Aaron's entire team is there, faces scattered around a decorated conference room that you've mostly seen in pictures, or the occasional office drop-off. You recognize Dave, closest to Aaron, then Penelope, closest to Jack. She always runs out of her office to say hello to him when you drop him off, and she's met you a handful of times subsequently.
"Aaron," You breathe, seeing all of the smiling faces that love him, and by extension, you, "I- Thank you!"
You melt into his embrace, turning in his hold to throw your arms around his neck in a hug. He chuckles warm and deep in his chest, a sound that nearly makes tears bead at your eyes. He rubs soothing strokes over your back, squeezing you tight and kissing your forehead.
"Let's get introductions out of the way," He releases you from his grip so that you can turn, and you're met with a dark-haired woman smiling sweetly at you.
"I'm Emily," She shakes your hand, using it to pull you into a birthday hug, "Happy birthday!"
"Thank you," You gush, and when you see Spencer Reid on the next person's nametag, you send him a smile instead of initiating physical contact, something he greatly appreciates with the same sentiment as Emily.
"Derek," A taller man greets you, and you recognize his voice from the countdown, "Jack tells us a lot about you, y'know. Hotch too."
You try to ignore the pounding of your heart at his addition, ruffling Jack's hair instead of acknowledging it. The boy wraps himself around your leg, sitting on your foot and grinning up at you gleefully. He's already given you a hand-drawn birthday card, and it's the best present you'll receive, no doubt.
You make a show of lugging him across the room to meet a thin blonde, JJ, and to shake Dave's hand. He giggles all the way, face smushed into your calf, and Penelope pries him off to hug you properly.
"I hope you like the party," She gushes, eyes bright, "Hotch and I worked all day on the decorations, he was so picky!"
You can't imagine Aaron policing the pattern of streamers thrown around the room, or inflating the balloons sticking to the ceiling. It makes you laugh, and you don't see Aaron's smile grow in response.
"Thank you so much," You repeat, said to Penelope but aimed at the group, "This is- so special, this is the best birthday I've ever had."
"It hasn't even started yet," Dave gestures to the table, full of pizza and sweets, "Don't let the paper napkins fool you, I made those pizzas myself."
"We get it," JJ scoffs, "You're Italian. Penelope made the brownies, by the way. And Henry, my son, and Jack helped with the cookies. Spencer and Emily brought the donuts, and-"
"And I brought you," Aaron's voice is suddenly closer to your side than you'd thought, and he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side.
"Thank you," You sound like a broken record but you don't care, eyes shining with emotion as you gaze appreciatively at him. If no one else was in the room, you're sure he would have kissed you, lips close and hearts closer. But he doesn't, he can't, so he squeezes your waist instead, murmuring a soft 'of course'.
"Let's eat," Emily prompts, pulling at a chair around the table. Everyone flocks to their own seats, but Aaron pulls your chair out for you, saving the one beside it for himself. No one notices the way his hand slips into yours beneath the table, no one but you, but it's better that way, and it stays there for the rest of the night.
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tangledinink · 7 months
Heya! First off I’m around halfway through teenage mutant what now and it is the funniest fic I have ever read - Beautifully written and overall brilliant but the jokes get me every time
And second, is it okay if I reference a pose from one of your gemini artworks for my own work? I’ll credit the inspiration if I post it anywhere ^^
whew we're overdue for an ask dump,,, OKAY ALRIGHT.
THANK YOU ; w ; I'm really glad you like it hehehehe. also yeah sure feel free! I don't mind! ^^
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oh he DEFINITELY freaked out at first. there was a lot of panicking and confusion and "how could this even happen?!" ("you think i'd genetically engineer a creature that's not capable of reproducing? all of you should be genetically compatible with practically any yokai," draxum said. "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO, I DUNNO, TELL US THAT?!" donnie said.) but eventually, he did calm down, and he and his partner talked about it (a bunch, multiple times), and eventually some of the panic gave way to... curiosity, first of all... and then maybe kind of excitement? and some fondness? i mean, he was still pretty scared, and sure, he doesn't really consider himself a 'kid' person, but it's not like he never thought about EVENTUALLY having kids, just maybe... not so soon? but. i mean.
well. if they're already cooking...
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THANK YOU ; w ; i'm glad you like them! @kiwi-smug-silvalina
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oh gosh, that's a good question. i'm not entirely sure... uhmmm... i would say perhaps... details about how gemini!donnie's witchcraft looks and acts, VS how venus's witchcraft looks and acts...
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it is very shiny. i like that people call it "the bean" instead of its actual title coz it pisses anish kapoor off.
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ah ; w ; THANK YOU SO MUCH,,, thats so sweet and this made me very happy,,, <3 im glad you liked it!!!! @allegedllama
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HEHEHE thank you. yes im aware that i am deranged.
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omg same hat!!! i was a lifeguard and it was.... uh.... INTERESTING to say the least... (sometimes lovely, sometimes AWFUL...) @datfearlesschick
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if by games you mean 'messed up deals that she can manipulate to her own advantage,' then yes! @frogonamelon
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@beannary @spectralsleuth @heckitall @livsinpjs and the sep council as a whole!!! y'all's support has definitely meant so much and there's no way i'd have gotten as far with any of my projects as i have without them... or without literally ANY of the people who take the time to do things like reblog with tags, leave commentary in the tags, send in asks about my stories, etc etc etc! that's definitely one of my main motivators to create more!!! <3 thank y'all!
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EEEE this made me smile, hehehehe. thank you :3c @thejavavoid
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thank you!!! u w u @fanrulerjynx
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THANK YOU ; w ; I REALLY APPRECIATE THIS,,, it made me very very very happy and HEHEHE IM GLAD YOU LIKE YASSIFIED DRAXUM,,, i just think he DESERVES it, y'know? also thats just my favorite way to draw characters lmao I think it's fun so I decided for this comic I just get to indulge...
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not necessarily-- this was mostly just a coincidence! @breezehurricane
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oh gosh. i'm not sure, but i know it definitely WILL affect their parenting... i think at first donnie will find himself just... deferring to his partner a LOT in almost any situation because he's afraid that he'll fuck it up, because he DOESN'T feel like he understands proper boundaries or what parenting is supposed to look like, etc etc etc, and he's afraid he'll mess up. he probably reads a TON of parenting books as well because RESEARCH and will often try to pull directly from them in any situation he can, and is confused when things don't go exactly the way they were described in the text... leo i think kind of tends to flounder between being overprotective and feeling the desire to protect his son from everything and anything and wanting to overcorrect this tendency by pulling back and trying to give him as much freedom and space as possible, which sometimes leads to some... inconsistencies. there's definitely a learning curve for both of them, but they both get the hang of it eventually. they both have lovely partners and a very loving and supportive family to help them and they'll figure it out with a bit of practice.
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ahhh thank you! :D im so delighted that my silly stories actually inspired something for you!!! hell yeah!!! MAKING THINGS IS GREAT!!! THANK YOU!!! @can-elope
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i like to imagine them all staying very close, especially coz i'm loosely planning on them all going through the kraang-apocalypse together (and then coming through to the other side!) so i can't imagine them ever drifting too far from each other, emotionally or geographically. there's a bit of a rocky start for a lot of them, but all of the siblings end up a very tight-knit bunch.
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fatkish · 1 month
Hi! I'm a big fan of the work you do, and I was hoping that I could make a request! Headcanons for Midnight, Mt Lady, Ryukyu, and the Wild Wild Pussycats (Sorry if this is a lot! Please feel free to take as much time as you need if you choose to do this! Also I think that the Wild Wild Pussycats deserve more love from the MHA community) with their adopted son or daughter who suffered from abuse by their previous family and now has a hard time dealing with their trauma.
I'd really appreciate it! Hope you're having an awesome day!
(Sorry for not including Mt. Lady, Pixie Bob, Tiger or Ragdoll. I tried to look up their character profiles but I just couldn’t come up with anything for them or I just couldn’t picture them actually looking after and taking care of a child, sorry)
Midnight, Ryukyu and Mandalay x Adopted, Abused Child Reader
The story here is that your parents were drug addicts or criminals that basically ignored you. You were 8 when you were saved. Each of these guys have different scenarios on how they found you as well as how your life is with them. (Sorry if it’s a little redundant)
Your parents were drug addicts that cooked meth and barely ever paid you any attention
You had gotten used to constant hunger and had learned to live off of dumpster diving
You’d go to the dumpsters behind stores and collect whatever goods/food you could find
Places you often went to were beauty stores since you learned that there was money to be made by selling the products that the stores dump
You were quirkless which is why you were constantly on your own. You’re parents had no idea where you were half of the time and didn’t care
One day when Nemuri had the day off she saw the dirty and malnourished child walk into the alley behind the makeup store
She followed you and saw you climb into the dumpster and start filling up a small backpack with items from the dumpster such as lotions, lipsticks, foundations, perfumes, etc.
When you had finished, you climbed out only to see Nemuri staring down at you
When she asked what you were doing, you immediately tried to run away but she quickly used her quirk to put you to sleep
After finding out about your situation when she brought you to the hospital, your parents were arrested and charged with child neglect and endangerment
Nemuri noticed that you would rarely ask for things and had a hard time advocating for yourself
If she didn’t bring something up first, then you’d likely ignore it or wouldn’t say anything
You felt immense guilt in simply asking for a snack or a hug or things like that
So she started having you use a journal to help you understand and validate your feelings. She’d leave a notepad with a box for you to write down your thoughts and feelings so that you guys can read them together when she has the time
You had been another child who was used by the Shei Hassaikai. Your quirk allowed for your blood to cure all types of illnesses
Your parents sold you to Chisaki due to them being in debt and needing the money
Chisaki was using you to create vaccines
When the Raid took place, you managed to escape but were terrified of men
Since Ryukyu was one of the few females involved, she decided to adopt you
You originally hated touch but learned to love it after awhile
Your favorite thing is cuddling with Ryukyu
Ryukyu brings you to her agency and has you do your homeschooling there. If you want to go to public school then that’s fine, but while you’re healing, you get to stay with her
She tells people to let you come to them instead of walking up to you
Nejire is like a big sister to you
Wild Wild Pussycats, Mandalay:
In this case, your parents weren’t as bad, but they weren’t the best. They struggled to understand you and how your mind worked which ultimately led them to unintentionally neglecting you
You were a very quiet child and had a hard time with talking, not that you couldn’t talk, it’s just that speaking was very difficult for you
Your parents lived in a cabin in the woods and you loved it, until a forest fire broke out, you see, your quirk is fire manipulation, basically fire bending, you were playing outside at night when you accidentally set fire to the forest
It quickly spread and ended up consuming your home at night, your parents tried to drive away but they realized you weren’t with them which led them to suffocate from the thick smoke whilst they searched for you
You thought your parents abandoned you so you stayed put in your little tent in the woods. Your quirk allowed to keep the fire at bay but the panic and fear caused the flames to out of control
When the Wild Wild Pussycats got the call, Ragdoll reported your location and quirk. Pixie-Bob used her earth manipulation to smother the flames. While Tiger searched the area, Mandalay tried talking to you telepathically
She helped you breathe and calm down, as you breathed, the flames seemed to grow and shrink with your breathes. After you calmed down, Mandalay eventually reached you and brought you to their place in the woods
Originally you were terrified of fire due to the trauma of accidentally killing your parents, even though they ignored you often
Mandalay introduced you to her nephew Kota, Kota saw how terrified of fire you were and showed you his water quirk
Together with therapy and the joined help of Mandalay and Kota, you slowly learned to accept your quirk and lost your fear of it
Kota also helped you with speech therapy and you slowly learned to speak
Every step of progress you made, no matter how small, was celebrated and praised, even when you relapsed your were congratulated for your effort
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susagnon · 3 months
Tenya and Momo: The co-parents of class 1-A, and their favourite children
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Parenting is hard: Trying to keep their stupid impulsive kids from getting themselves killed.
Let's be real, while I can see parents usually loving all of their children equally, most don't like their children equally.
Iida and Yaoyorozu’s mutual favourite child is without question, Asui. She’s the kid who helps out with the other children the most, courtesy of being an older sister within her own family. Iida also listens to Tsu-chan-kun, whenever she tells/signals him smt like: ~Dad, it’s okay. The others aren’t toddlers anymore, they should do/know/learn it by themselves. ~
And Yaoyorozu always worries about her, whenever the weather turns cold - the memory of Asui collapsing in that frozen room during the license exam, remains fresh in her mind.
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Parenting is hard: Both are parents, who would be tearing up themselves, when they see one of their kids being in pain.
Iida has another favorite child: Tokoyami-kun.
Class Dad went from telling his goth son off for sitting on, instead of at, the latter's school desk, to being in awe of him, telling him how he's "so wise" (ty, Michael J. Tatum for the awesome delivery).
Also internally praising him for being the only one out of his boys, who has orderly sleep manners. The light novels have a few stories in which Iida and Tokoyami are hanging out, and mainly interacting with each other within smaller groups (I think Iida might have been vocal with his praise, when Tokoyami “saved” a little girl from getting lost in the amusement park).
I don’t think there are many kids in 1-A (I can only think of two. Guess who?) who wouldn’t be able to hold some kind of at least semi-enjoyable conversation with any of their classmates, at any given time. However, I wouldn’t have expected Iida and Tokoyami to spent quite a bit of their very limited leisure time with each other. I found that dynamic to be a sweet little surprise.
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Parenting is hard: ... but Iida definitely enjoys his role to a certain extent.
Yaoyorozu also has another favourite child. Although I picture it more as a favourite younger brother: Kaminari-san.
I might expand on this some other time.
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Parenting is hard: They totally deserve a vacation away from their children... but then they wouldn't be able to relax, because they would be away from them.
Sometimes, at the end of a long day, choke-full of classes, hero training, and whatever trouble 1-A members have managed to get themselves into, Yaoyorozu makes a large pot of tea to bring over Iida, who has already spread out markers and sheets of paper over the large table in the dorm's common room.
Class rep positions may not mean much in a lot of places in our real-life world, but UA is not a normal environment. Since moving into the dorms, Iida and Yaoyorozu’s (admittedly, many of them self-imposed) responsibilities have only been increasing.
Thankfully, there is a lot of trust, comfort, care and appreciation for each other between 1-A's co-class reps parents.
Which makes it easy to sit down and work out an elaborate plan of action for illnesses in their home, together.
Because having this many kids in such close living quarters, means being guaranteed an in-house germ factory when flu season inevitably arrives.
Where are the class 1-A during COVID quarantine fics? Gimme pls.
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