#on the bright side - everything else is going splendidly
songmingisthighs · 3 years
[14.01] hongjoong × roadie!reader × yunho
⇀ when hongjoong realized you've been spending quite some time with yunho, he felt threatened. you thought he'd appreciate you more than this, but boy did he have to prove you wrong once again.
⇁ tw : joong being an asshole
⇁ part 1 / 2 / 3
Feeling lighter than usual, you walked into Hongjoong's studio with a spring in your steps, obviously showcasing your happiness. Maybe it was the weather that day, maybe it was the favourite shirt you wore. Or maybe it was the fact that you were at a very lovely low-key lunch with Yunho.
Ever since the unfortunate event a couple of weeks ago (i.e. Hongjoong leaving you behind and Yunho rescuing you), you had been spending quite some time with Yunho. When you both went out to get dinner that day, he had somehow convinced you to give him your phone number.
You had your reservations initially, telling him that it wouldn't feel right for someone with your status as a nobody to have an idol's number. But he sweet-talked you by saying that he doesn't have many friends other than his pre-existing group of friends that he formed back when he was still just a trainee. He put on his best puppy eyes and guilt you into promising that you'd be his friend.
Of course, he kept his words even to a stranger. You had even met his friend group.
99z was everything you assumed and even more. You've got tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum, the tsundere who's secretly a nerd, the gentle giant, and of course him, the heartthrob with bad luck in romance.
Surprisingly, you made an immediate connection with them and they dubbed you the honorary member.
Yunho had never missed a day of contacting you. Even with his very busy schedule, he never missed checking up on you. Of course, the simple gesture made you feel all warm and fluttery, you felt appreciated and cared for.
"What took you so long?"
Your train of thought broke when Hongjoong called you, eyebrows furrowing as he stared at you with a weird expression. You smiled at him nevertheless as you put the food you bought him on the side of his desk, "Sorry, I got caught up a bit," you told him vaguely.
Hongjoong kept staring at you as if you had sprouted a second head.
"You were with him, weren't you?" he asked.
You turned your body to him, nervous about what to answer. But you nodded nevertheless, confirming his assumption, "if by him you meant Yunho, then yeah, I was," you said.
Seeing how happy you looked after a short lunch with Yunho somehow struck something in Hongjoong. He felt his left eye twitch as he scoffed, "You've really been neglecting what you promised to do around here," he complained.
Initially, you thought he was just joking or being sarcastic, so you shrugged it off by chuckling. It wasn't until a few moments later that you realized he was being serious.
With furrowed eyebrows, you decided to make sure that you weren't imagining things, "Are you serious? You really think I've been neglecting my duties? The duties I've been doing so splendidly with minimum pay since the beginning of your gig?" you didn't mean to sound harsh, but it just slipped.
Hearing your harsh tone seemed to irk Hongjoong as he stood to size you up with his hands on either side of his waist. If it weren't for the sudden tension, you would've surely broken into a fit of giggles by now.
"Yes, because if you haven't noticed, you've been nowhere around when I needed you to do things for me," he stated so daringly. You sighed in an attempt to remain calm, "Hongjoong, I don't think you realize that I do have my hours. I've always been present during working hours, more than other people in fact. Other than your manager who works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, four weeks a month, and twelve months a year, I work from eight to eight, sometimes twelve if things are crazy, six days a week. But I've never taken a day off because I know you'd need me," you told him.
Maybe it was the heat of the moment, or maybe it was his anxiety talking, but Hongjoong didn't know why he uttered his next words. By God, he could swear that he blacked out momentarily.
"Then maybe I don't need you," he spat. Your eyes widened, unable to believe what he just said to you. But he wasn't even close to being done.
Hongjoong looked at you with such intensity that you could take it as hate. "You said you wanted to be my roadie because you admired me and you wanted to be a part of my crew, but what are you doing now? You're slacking off to cater for a guy who you barely know. Isn't that just pathetic?" he scoffed.
At the mention of being pathetic, something finally snapped in you. You felt your left eye twitch, there was something bubbling in your stomach and you felt like you were going to puke.
Before you could even stop yourself, you slapped Hongjoong across his face.
When he registered the impact, he stared at you with eyes wide as saucers. The expression on your face was one he had never seen before. Around him, you were always bright and smiley, never had you showed him your anger or annoyance.
"Me hanging with Yunho is pathetic? PATHETIC!?" you asked, voice getting louder by the second. Hongjoong so wanted to reply with something snarky, but the slap you delivered seemed to have shocked him more than he would ever care to admit.
"You know what's pathetic, Hongjoong? Me following you around for two years. You had never spared me a glance, never thanked me for anything, and you even belittled me for literally EVERYTHING I do. THAT's pathetic, Hongjoong. I knew Yunho for like what, half a month? And not only had he thanked me even for small things, but he also asked me about my day and my feelings, Joong! I know! What a concept, right?" you told him sarcastically.
The situation was rather foreign to him. None of his staff had ever told him off like this. Or at all for that matter.
Hongjoong opened his mouth to defend himself but you raised a hand to stop him from saying anything else and continued, "I... I have always admired you, Joong. I never stopped. Not even when you humiliated me in the staff meeting by calling me an obsessive delusional fan, not when you called me a tone-deaf lay when I had an opinion about that one song your CEO didn't even let you release, and not when you left me at that broadcast station because YOU were pissy, so don't you question my loyalty when you're supposed to question your manners and actions towards the person who you know cares about you more than just as an idol but also as a person,"
You spoke at such speed that you couldn't even remember what you told him.
But saying all that felt like such a relief. It was such a rush that you never thought you'd be able to feel.
It was exciting, your mind had never been clearer, and your chest never felt lighter. There was a fluttering feeling in your stomach and your heart beat faster than before. Suddenly you felt like you could do anything you want, anything at all. Then a thought popped into your head, an idea that never popped into your mind until that very second, an idea that you know was right for you.
Without thinking twice, you blurted out.
"I quit," you told him.
Hongjoong's eyes widened and his mouth opened and closed like a fish. He never thought that you'd ever quit on him yet there you were, proving him wrong for the second time that day.
As you processed what you had just told him, you exhaled shakily and nodded your head, "I fucking quit, Joong! I-I-I- I'm gonna go out there and do something where I'd be appreciated, where I can make my own mark, you know?" as you spoke, you walked closer to him and when you were toe-to-toe with him, you grabbed his hands and gave him a gentle smile, "thank you so much for everything, Hongjoong. Without you, I don't think I would've gotten here in the first place, take care, okay?" you told him genuinely.
Before he could question how serious you were being, you leaned in and gave him a peck on his cheek. A peck that to you, was a symbol of you finally moving on to the next chapter in your life, whereas to Hongjoong it was a symbol of his screwup.
The peck you left him lingered for a bit before you pulled away. Your lips felt warm and comfortable on his skin, it made him feel fluttery inside. Which was why he was so dejected when you pulled away to give him one last goodbye.
"I hope you'll keep being great and you'd find the perfect people to work with, Joong," you told him as a single tear dropped from one of your eyes without you even realizing it.
As your hand left his, Hongjoong's chest suddenly felt heavy. As you turned your back and walked out, most likely forever, out of his studio and his life, Hongjoong's head suddenly spun. And when the door of his studio slammed shut behind you, Hongjoong felt like something cracked in him.
You left that day with much hope and excitement.
Whereas Hongjoong felt like the sturdy pillar that was supposed to support him was demolished by a wrecking ball and he didn't know what to do with the foreign feeling.
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translytherins · 3 years
The Date With An Intruder
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Pairings: Kageyama Tobio x Male! Quiet! Pansexual! Reader
'Everything's going to be fine... You can do this! You're just going on a date with you're cute classmate... That might hate you if something goes wrong...' Kageyama thought to himself, trying to calm himself down as he stood in front of (M/n)'s front door with a bouquet of flowers he was hiding behind his back.
Kageyama took a deep breath before he ringed the doorbell.
He heard (M/n) shout from inside before the door opened and let me tell you... Kageyama once told Sugawara yes Sugawara that if (M/n) got any cuter than he already is he might die... Well... Looks like he's dying today. (M/n) was wearing a zip up t-shirt and black jeans. There was also a black stripe going down his sleeves.
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(A/n: Here's a picture for reference also this drawing isn't mine so credits to the artist)
"Y-you look very beautiful today (M/n)-kun..." Kageyama muttered, looking at (M/n) with a bright blush on his face which worsened when (M/n) let out his cute giggle. Kageyama can now pass away peacefully.
"Thanks you look good too Kageyama-kun" (M/n) replied with a small smile on his face.
Kageyama, who finally managed to compose himself, took the bouquet of flowers that he was hiding behind his back and held it towards (M/n).
"Are these for me?"
Kageyama rapidly nodded his head which made (M/n) smile slightly before he took it from Kageyama.
"Thank you Kageyama-kun... I have an empty vase right now and was planning to buy some but it looks like I don't have to now... Come on... I wanna put it in right now so I don't accidentally loose it..." (M/n) said as he grabbed Kageyama's hand and brought him inside his house.
(M/n) led Kageyama towards the kitchen where an empty vase stood on the kitchen island. (M/n) let go of Kageyama's hand and carefully placed the bouquet of flowers into the vase.
"What do you think Kageyama-kun?" (M/n) asked while holding up the vase that now has the flower Kageyama gave him.
"Gorgeous..." Kageyama muttered making (M/n) perk up before he placed the vase back on the kitchen island Kageyama wasn't talking about the flowers.
"Let's go now shall we?" (M/n) asked Kageyama who nodded in return before leading (M/n) to a nice cat cafe that he liked going to when his isn't dead set on volleyball and yes I know very cliche but I couldn't think of anything else.
"You have no idea... How much I adore you right now Kageyama-kun..." (M/n) said as he looked at the cat cafe that Kageyama had brought him too.
"So you like it?"
"I absolutely love it! Come on! Come on! Let's go in!" (M/n) shouted, which made Kageyama surprised because (M/n) very rarely talked rather loudly, let alone start shouting so the fact that he got to see this side of (M/n) made him feel all bubbly and giddy inside.
Kageyama smiled at (M/n) slightly as (M/n) dragged him by the hand inside the cafe.
After the bought their food, they decided to sit down on the left side at the cafe and nearby a window. As they sat down, a cat that was kinda similar looking to Kageyama's hair color immediately jumped onto the table and sat right in front of (M/n). (M/n) and the cat stared at each other for a few seconds before (M/n) started scratching the cat's head making it pur as the cat leaned into (M/n)'s touch as Kageyama just watched fondly and was feeling slightly jealous at the attention (M/n) was giving the cat instead of him.
"Look Kageyama-kun... This cat looks like you're hair" (M/n) said as he carefully picked the cat up and held it right next to Kageyama's head as he laughed slightly.
Kageyama glared at the laughing (M/n) playfully before he saw a [hair coloured] cat that looked like (M/n)'s hair and gently picked it up before showing the cat to (M/n).
"Well this one looks like you're hair"
"Touché" (M/n) said as they both bursted out laughing slightly before they agreed to switch cats and started chatting with each other as they ate the food that K̶a̶g̶e̶y̶a̶m̶a̶ they bought, the cats in their laps napping peacefully.
"Hey isn't that the King?"
"You mean Kageyama? Seems like it... Wonder who that chick is... You think their on a date?"
"No idea but I'll go find out right now!"
"Sh*ttykawa get back here!" a male with brown hair shouted towards his "best friend" but he was ignored l̶i̶k̶e̶ a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ by said "best friend" which made him sigh and shake his head as he silently contemplated why he hasn't changed school yet and cut off all contacts with this bimbo.
"Yahoo! Tobio-chan! What are you doing here on this gorgeous day with this stunning person!" the male, Tohru Oikawa, said as he gestured towards (M/n).
"It's none of you're business..." Kageyama grumbled, his happy mood now spoiled because of his annoying ex-upperclassmen interrupting his date with (M/n).
"Oh come on Tobio-chan! Don't be rude!" Oikawa said happily before turning his attention towards the annoyed (M/n) which is never a good sign.
"It's a pleasure to meet you beautiful! My names T-"
"Tohru Oikawa. Volleyball captain of Aoba Johsai. Kageyama-kun's ex-upperclassmen. Aoba Johsai's playboy and "prince". Correct?" (M/n) said nonchalantly as if he didn't just figure out everything about Oikawa with one glance.
Oikawa and Kageyama just looked at him with wide eyes. Oikawa was the first to snap out of it and smiled at (M/n).
"Correct! You must be a fa-"
"No... Kageyama used to complain about you a lot through the letters he gave me... Can you leave now please? You're interrupting mine and Kageyama-kun's date" (M/n) said not giving Oikawa a glance and was just staring at Kageyama with an adoring look on his face making Kageyama flustered.
Oikawa pouted but he left and went back towards his teammates who were either laughing, annoyingly waiting for him to come back or already sitting at a table eating because that's what they came here to do before their captain got sidetracked.
"I'm sorry about him (M/n)-kun..." Kageyama said as he grabbed (M/n)'s hand that was on the table and rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb.
(M/n) smiled slightly at Kageyama before he pecked Kageyama' s lips.
"It's fine Kageyama-kun... Now what were we talking about?"
It's safe to say that the date went splendidly well and they were both smitten for each other.
A/n: I'm not fully back but I promised @i-h4venolife that I would make a sequel like a month ago I think and didn't want to delay anymore... Also @lonsleep wanted it too so... I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day!!
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mommy-imagines · 3 years
Pretty Boy - part. 5
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Content: Mommy Kink. Sugar Mommy. MILF. Age-Play. Headspace. Diapers. Heavy Fluff.
Words: 3.717
“Mommy, gifts?” Atsumu asked her, voice excited and carrying laughter, “Mommy! Wake up, it’s Christmas!” She felt a gentle finger poking her cheek and slowly opened her eyes, immediately coming face to face with Atsumu’s bright eyes, much too alert for - She chanced a look at her phone, god! Much too alert for seven thirty in the morning.
“Baby, it’s very early, why are you up already?” She asked him, voice carrying sleepiness, arms encircling him and pulling him down and under the covers once more, he pouted at her and it made her laugh.
“Mommy, it’s Christmas, we can’t sleep in! What if Santa came?” He asked her very seriously, her eyes widened at his words and she took a moment to study him. His eyes were bright, alight with childish glee. He had clearly slipped much farther into his headspace than ever before. It made her happy to note it and it couldn’t have happened at a better time.
The previous night they had hosted Christmas Eve dinner for Atsumu’s family, so that was how she had met Atsumu’s mother and his grandmother and, thankfully, they had all gotten along splendidly and by the time that the evening was over, Atsumu was practically glowing. Both from happiness and from the single glass of wine that he had consumed. He hadn’t had anything alcoholic to drink ever since they had gotten together, but she figured that being Christmas and all, she could allow him to indulge a little bit; And she didn’t miss the surprised look that crossed his face once he realized her permission nor did she miss the small grimace that he tried very hard to hide every time that he took a sip.
She had to make a valiant effort to contain her amused laughter, it would appear that her baby was not used to those kind of drinks anymore; By the time that they were done with supper and dessert, his glass was still half full and he claimed to had eaten too much and thus couldn’t stomach anything else when Osamu questioned him about it. Well, Mommy wasn’t complaining. As far as she was concerned, it was better that way.
She blinked back to the present. Atsumu had busied himself by quietly talking to Toulouse and was largely ignoring the rest of the world. With his hair pointing at every direction, his flushed cheeks, and the telltale bulge between his legs, the flaps of his diaper peeking through the hem of his pajamas, he looked like the perfect little boy. It made her smile fondly at him.
He had no practice at all until the third week of January, more than enough time for him to enjoy his headspace for as long as he wanted to, she was curious to see how long it would last for.
Her thoughts strayed back to the nicely wrapped gifts downstairs, all but one waiting underneath the Christmas tree. She could barely wait to see his expression as he received it.
For the past three weeks, all that Atsumu could talk about was of how lonely Toulouse would get whenever Atsumu wasn’t home to keep him company and how much Toulouse would complain to Atsumu every night about being left on his own during the “whole entire day, Mommy!”.
“Mommy, I’m hungry,” Her baby complained, looking up at her with large hazel eyes and a cute little pout.
“You are?” She gasped, “Why, baby! Mommy is hungry too! How could you tell?” She exaggerated and he giggled in response. Her heart grew three sizes at the sound.
“It’s ‘cause I’m magic!” He proudly informed her and she gasped dramatically.
“No!” She suddenly lowered her voice, leaning forward, closer to his face, as one would do to share a secret, “What kind of magic, baby?”
“Like Aslan, Mommy!” Was the response and her expression was so fond that she was afraid that her face would be forever stuck that way.
They had watched all of the Chronicles of Narnia movies and Atsumu had been obsessed with Aslan from day one, saying how much of a good friend he would be to Toulouse. Now that she stopped to think about it, her baby definitely had a thing for felines. “Well baby, in that case, I can not possibly allow someone so powerful to go through the day without a nice, yummy breakfast, can I?” She tickled his tummy and he giggled.
Atsumu’s eyes turned mischievous, “What kind of breakfast, Mommy? ‘Cause it’s Christmas and I’m strong like Aslan, so it has to be a very special breakfast.” His voice was very serious and she played the part, pretending to be thinking it over.
“Well, how about some special pancakes then?” She looked at him as if proposing a business deal, “With chocolate chips and lots of strawberries?”
Atsumu seemed to be considering her offer before nodding solemnly, “Okay, Mommy;” He said, then his expression turned shy and his cheeks pinkened, he leaned his head up a little bit until his mouth was hovering over her ear, “Mommy, I had an accident.” He whispered and she hugged him tightly, pressing a big kiss to his cheek that made him giggle happily.
“Well, Mommy will change you right up, then we can brush our teeth and go downstairs so Mommy can make us some breakfast,”
“Can we stay in our jammies, Mommy?” He asked, looking up at her, eyes full of innocence.
She surprised herself with how easily she told him yes. Before Atsumu, she would never even consider the idea of going about her day, even if just staying at home, without being properly dressed. She supposed that it couldn’t hurt, they weren’t meeting anyone for the entire day, in fact, there had been a huge blizzard, so all roads were closed. “Of course we can, little one; It’s Christmas, after all,”
So Mommy got up, groaned playfully as she stood, dragging a gleeful giggle from Atsumu; “Lay back down, baby; So Mommy can change you,” She told him with an amused smile when he stood on his knees, crawling to the end of the bed, “What are you doing, little one?” She asked him with a gentle laugh when he surged forward and wrapped his arms around her middle, “What is it, baby?” She asked, hand cupping the back of his neck and cheek pressed against the top of his messy hair.
“Love you, Mommy,” He said, voice full of innocence, as he looked up at her; She felt her eyes prickling with tears, was surprised to feel it, too; She couldn’t remember the last time that she had felt so at peace. Being on the receiving end of such an intense stare, it tugged at her heartstrings. She smiled down at him and pecked his nose, he wrinkled it as a response and she chuckled at him.
“Mommy loves you too, baby;” She finally responded.
They stayed like that for a couple of moments until Atsumu started to wriggle, complaining about his wet diaper, so she arranged him on the bed and changed him, tickling his tummy to make him laugh when he whined at the cold wipes. Once he was properly dressed again, she guided him to the adjoined bathroom so that they both could brush their teeth and then was guiding him out of the room, “Mommy, wait!” He suddenly stopped by the doorway, eyes wide and looking around frantically, she didn’t have the time to become worried, because then he was running back to the bed, searching the covers and walking back to her side with Toulouse firmly held close to his chest.
“All set, darling?” She asked, a smile as fond as it always was when it came to Atsumu. He nodded at her solemnly.
“I’ve told you, Mommy; Toulouse gets lonely when he’s not with me,”
“Well then, baby;” She ruffled his hair and picked his hand, intertwining their fingers and guiding him along the hallway and down the stairs, “Mommy will just have to figure out a way so Toulouse will have a friend, don’t you think?”
Atsumu hummed, as if considering her words very seriously, walking down the steps carefully, one hand firmly held by Mommy and the other holding his friend, “I think so, Mommy; I don’t like it when he’s sad,” He pouted and she couldn’t resist pinching his cheek and pressing a kiss to it.
They got to the main kitchen and Atsumu promptly sat down on one of the stools by the marble island while she brought out the ingredients.
She kept one eye on him at all times, but mostly left him be; As she mixed the batter and cut the strawberries, Atsumu was in his own little world, he had placed Toulouse on top of the island, in front of him, and was telling him a very detailed story about his last horseback riding lesson, something about how much he liked Leia, because the mare never moved fast enough to scare him and how she always let him feed her, “Alright, little one; Why don’t we sit Toulouse on his own stool so we can eat breakfast? We can eat it here, I think; No need to move everything to the breakfast room.”
“Okay, Mommy!” Atsumu told her easily, smiled as bright as the sun, and carefully placed the stuffed jackal on the stool next to him.
She cut his pancakes in small squares and placed a small bowl with strawberries beside the plate. It was the first time that Atsumu had gone so deep in his headspace, the other times were always right before bedtime, mostly when he was nursing after having a particularly long day; She wasn’t exactly sure about how young he felt, but she surmised that it would be changing during the day.
As she sat down in front of him, nursing her cup of coffee, she watched as he picked the squares with the tip of his long fingers, carefully selecting the ones that had the most chocolate chips to it., “Baby, slow down a bit, your food is not going to run away,” She reprimanded him softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
“I’m sorry, Mommy;” He said, suddenly sheepish, but he was smiling as well, “I’m just excited for the gifts!” He told her, eyes bright but face almost bashful.
“Well, baby,” She started, picking up a cloth napkin and wetting the corner of it and then leaning forward to wipe his chin and the corners of his mouth, “Your gifts aren’t going away either, so there’s no reason to rush, Mommy doesn’t want her baby to choke,”
Atsumu nodded sweetly at her and then his movements turned deliberately slow as he picked the next piece of pancake and she had to stifle a laugh when he missed his mouth, much too busy with telling Toulouse why was it that they were talking about gifts and explaining that today was Christmas day.
They finished breakfast soon after and she was pretty sure that Atsumu had gotten more chocolate sauce on his cheeks and his chin than inside of his mouth, the boy whining and struggling to sit still as she wiped his face and his hands clean.
Once they were done, with the dirty dishes already inside the dishwasher, she extended her hand so that he could grab it and hop down the stool. She grabbed her newly topped coffee cup and guided him to the main living room, where they had placed the biggest Christmas tree.
There was another tree on the entrance hall, delicately decorated with ornate glass baubles, but she liked this one better - If only because the two of them had decorated it together and she smiled fondly at the memory of that day (Atsumu had snuck up behind her and picked her up suddenly, telling her very seriously that Mommy should be the one to place the star).
She looked to the boy at her side and, sure enough, Atsumu was vibrating in place, eyes scanning the truly immense amount of nicely wrapped gifts underneath the Christmas tree. (She was very grateful for the high ceilings of her Estate, because when they went to pick the tree, Atsumu had decided that his favorite tree out of all of the others was a 50ft tree and, honestly, she could never say no to his pleading look, not when he was all bundled up and with his face all pink from the cold, eyes barely peeking through his winter hat.).
She started the fireplace and walked to the corner of the room, coming back with a blanket, which she folded in half and placed on the floor near the tree. The house was warm, thanks to the excellent heating system, and the marble floors were heated as well, but still, she was not allowing her baby to sit directly on the floor.
She sat down on an armchair by his side and pulled her silk robe tighter around her body, “Okay, baby;” She started, smiling down at him. Atsumu’s face was decorated with a bright smile, “Why don’t you start with this one then?” She handed him a rectangular gift with a big purple bow on top.
He nodded happily and reached for the box, she watched as he took his time to unwrap it, carefully undoing the bow and mindful as to not tear the wrapping. Her smile widened as she took in his slack-jawed expression as he saw the contents inside of the box, “Mommy! Thank you!” He jumped forward and gave her a hug, with just enough warning for her to place down her coffee cup on the nearby side table.
Atsumu had been too shy to ask for it, but she had overheard him talking to Bokuto about how cool he thought the new PS5 was, “You are very welcome, baby;” She told him, kissing the top of his blonde hair, “Why don’t you pick the next one?”
So it went, with each unwrapped gift, she found herself with an armful of 6’3’ smiling volleyball setter, she finally gave up on her coffee and just let it be forgotten by her side.
Atsumu gasped with every gift. By the end of it, the large living room was a mess of colorful wrapping and bows and a litany of gifts - the new PS5, a variety of games to go with it (nothing too violent, Atsumu had gone to a boys’ night at Sakusa’s with Bokuto, Osamu and Hinata and they had played something called Resident Evil, the poor boy had had nightmares for almost a month and still couldn’t sleep without a night light); a collection of Nike’s top of the line sneakers that hadn’t been launched yet, but that she had managed to buy because the CEO owed her a couple of favors; a limited edition Rolex; a new laptop and a new phone; some toys and some books.
“Mommy, thank you so much!” He told her, setting his new iPhone to the side and crawling until he was in front of her, he stood on his knees and started playing with her fingers, “Mommy, those were a lot of gifts, didn’t have to buy ‘Tsumu so many gifts,'' His voice was small and his eyes had dimmed a little bit.
That just wouldn’t do, “Baby, Mommy wants to buy you all of the nicest things in the world!” She told him, purposefully making her voice sound over the top so that he would smile at her again.
“But Mommy,” He started and she cut him off. Leaning forward and kissing his forehead, hand smoothing his hair back and away from his face.
“Baby, Mommy will always buy you pretty things, Mommy loves you very much and Mommy loves to spoil you,” She told him, eyes serious and he bit his lower lip, as if pondering her words, before giving a soft sigh and nodding slightly, “Now, little one;” She started once more, “Mommy wants you to sit right there,” She pointed to his previously occupied spot on the dark blue faux-fur blanket on the floor, “And Mommy wants you to close your eyes, no peeking!” She directed and he looked at her questionly before doing as told.
She gave a playful pinch to his padded bottom as he crawled away from her and he squeaked in response, making her laugh, “Mommy will be right back! Eyes closed, remember!”
She laughed at his attempt to contain his enthusiasm and walked out of the room and to her study, quickly retrieving the box that she had set aside and returning to her waiting boy, “Are your eyes closed, little one?”
“Yes, Mommy!” He giggled sweetly.
“Okay then!” She said, placing the large baby blue box in front of him and sitting down once more. “Alright baby, open up,” As soon as she had finished saying the words, his eyes were popping open and instantly zeroed on the box in front of him, he looked up at her in confusion, “Well baby, go on!” She instructed and he tentatively poked the large silver bow on top of the lid.
Atsumu suddenly gasped, “Mommy, it moved!” He looked up at her with wide eyes and she couldn’t contain her laughter at his astonished expression.
“Really?” She gasped right back, voice full of laughter, “Then you better see what’s inside, don’t you think?”
Atsumu bit his lower lip again and hesitantly lifted the lid, as soon as he did, he was gasping wetly and looking up at her with surprised eyes full of tears, his cheeks were flushed pink and his mouth was open slightly in surprise, “Mommy! Is this really for me?” He asked, voice cautiously joyful.
Her tone was gentle as she replied, “Of course it is, baby;”
Atsumu sniffed and then slowly reached his hands inside to pick up the small kitten that was peering up at him with curious eyes, “Pretty!” Atsumu mumbled, the small Ashera kitten almost disappearing where she was being held by his large hands, “Is it a boy or a girl, Mommy?”
“She’s a girl, darling, Mommy was feeling a little bit lonely with so many boys in the house!” She teased him, and Atsumu gave her a cheeky smile, Toulouse placed at his side, “You need to pick a name for her;”
Atsumu tilted his head, studying the small kitten and giggling with delight when she gave him a tiny meow, followed by a small purr as he scratched behind her ears, “I don’t know, Mommy; You choose!” He finally gave up.
“Me, baby?”
“Yes,” He nodded very seriously, “I got to pick Toulouse’s name, ‘cause we’re both boys, now you pick her name, ‘cause you’re both girls!” He rationalized and she indulged him with a fond grin.
“Okay, baby;” She nodded, “I guess that I’ve always liked the name Ophelia,” She said after thinking for a moment, “What do you think?”
Atsumu’s eyes lit up once more, “I love it, Mommy!” He declared and she laughed.
“I’m glad, baby! Mommy will ask the jeweler to put her name on a tag for her collar tomorrow, okay?”
He nodded happily and then promptly ignored her altogether in favor of introducing Ophelia to Toulouse, informing the small kitten that they would be best friends and that she could keep Toulouse company when he was away for practice.
She shook her head in fond amusement, took a sip of her coffee and immediately grimaced at the cold beverage.
“Are you getting tired, baby?” Mommy asked him once Atsumu yawned for the third time, his eyes were fixed to the TV where Winnie the Pooh was playing. They had just finished having lunch and were back in the main living room.
She had made quick work of discarding the wrapping and organizing Atsumu’s gifts in neat piles. She looked down at the boy resting against her, he looked on the verge of dozing off.
She supposed that he could have his nap in the living room; The sofa had been custom made to be on the larger side and Atsumu looked pretty cozy.
Outside the sky was gray, the blizzard had come back in full force, but Mommy and Atsumu were safe inside their warm home. She had dimmed the lights in the hopes of easing the little boy into a nap and it seemed to be working, the warmth of the fireplace helping her endeavour. While she had made a quick trip to the bedroom to change into proper clothes, she had allowed Atsumu to remain on his pajamas and the combination of messy hair with his flushed cheeks, light blue pacifier bobbing softly between his lips and the top of his recently changed diaper just peeking through over the hem of his pants, he looked absolutely precious. “Mommy,” Atsumu whispered, eyes dropping.
She looked down at him. Her baby had his head pillowed by her legs, Toulouse held closely to his own chest, socked feet tucked underneath him; She smiled softly and reached behind her for the plush faux fur white throw blanket that she had bought especially for her baby, she covered him with the blanket and smoothed his hair away from his face, “Yes, baby?”
Atsumu gave her a soft little sigh in response, giggled sleepily when Ophelia snuggled close to his chest, “Hi, kitty,” He whispered, words slurred from sleep and because of the soother between his lips, “Mommy, stay?” He asked her, drowsy eyes staring up at her with unadulterated trust.
One of his hands was clutching Toulouse and the other he had curled into a loose fist as he gripped her shirt, Ophelia nestled herself on the crook of his neck, “Of course, baby,” She answered him, fingers deftly carding through his soft hair, “Mommy will always stay;” She smiled gently at him, his eyes nearly closing, “You can go to sleep now, little one; Mommy’ll watch over you and Mommy will be right here when you wake up.”
Atsumu sighed softly again, his next words were barely comprehensible, “I know that, Mommy; Lov’you.” He slurred and, before she could answer him, he was already fast asleep.
“Mommy loves you, too.” She said, just in case.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Main Story Chapter 2-13: 时间针脚 The Patchwork of Time Translation
“Hold on tight. There’s no need to be afraid.”
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *CG Image used with permission from 蓝咕咕 ☆ *Main story tag will be #For Light and Night
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Evan: Watch out!
The floor of the elevator suddenly tilts, the powerful force of the action knocking us into the wall. Evan raised a hand, bracing it against the wall while he used the other to shield me within his embrace.
The sound of screeching metal against metal rang out in the air as the elevator, which had originally stopped, continued plummeting once more!
The ear-piercing roar intensified, and all I could see were the red digits counting down with tremendous speed. Tears spilt forth from my eyes like a rushing stream.
My entire world spirals as the feeling of weightlessness crashed down upon my being, its clutches iron-clad. I closed my eyes in utter terror, my heart seemingly stopping.
Only one thought was reverberating in my mind: I don’t want to die like this!
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Evan: Hold on tight.
The arm around my waist tightened its grip while the palm at the back of my head patted twice in reassurance.
The elevator was freezing and dark, yet this embrace was all-consuming and so very warm. It gradually calmed my panic-stricken heartbeats.
Evan: There’s no need to be afraid.
Evan kept his gaze firmly on the rapidly changing display panel within the darkness of the lift, a deep crease between his brows. An increasingly vibrant crimson hue flashes past his eyes.
As the crimson fades into nothingness, the elevator jolts thrice more before coming to a standstill.
Ba-thump, ba-thump…
A set of calm and panicked heartbeats resonated, ringing out within the small enclosed space.
Evan: Okay. Everything's fine now.
I didn’t dare to see if the elevator would continue plummeting once more. My body stiffened, tightly coiled and unwilling to relax.
Then, a beam of light shone from a phone to the elevator’s door. It shook slightly from side to side.
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Evan: Does this make it a little better?
MC: Yeah…
I had yet to recover from the shock. I clung tightly onto his sleeves, nodding dazedly.
Evan: Don't be scared. We'll be able to get out soon, trust me.
He placed the phone into my hand. He then reached into his pocket, procuring two pen caps.
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Evan slotted both pen caps onto each of his index fingers and crossed them. The shadow of a little rabbit was cast upon the halo of light shining against the elevator door.
As if frightened, the little rabbit trembled twice. Its two floppy long ears hung close to its body as it huddled against the ground.
MC: This is a frightened rabbit.
Evan: Yes, well… It resembles your earlier self quite a bit.
He looked at me, a mischievous smile surfacing within his eyes.
Not wanting to lose out, I picked up the two pen caps and lifted them. The rabbit shadow cast upon the door suddenly became much more lively.
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MC: As if!
Evan: Then, why do you always seem to be in such a pickle whenever I see you?
I opened and closed my mouth, unable to formulate a response against that. The last time I met him, I was frantically trying to get out of the way of danger. And this time, the elevator broke down, and I even clung onto him so hard that his clothes were all crumpled and wrinkly...
In the end, I still needed him to comfort me.
MC: I definitely won't be in one the next time we meet.
Evan: Oh?
MC: I'm actually pretty brave! Normally… I just never expected an accident like this to befall us so suddenly out of nowhere.
Evan: It doesn't matter whether or not you're brave. You've still fared splendidly earlier.
His smile was filled with firm assurance. It made me subconsciously throw all fear and panic that I’d felt right out the window.
MC: You’ve been stuck here for so long. Wouldn’t it affect your work?
MC: You’re supposed to be preparing for the succession ceremony, aren't you? Yet, you ended up disappearing for so long.
Evan nodded, seemingly troubled.
MC: I can help vouch for you that we were stuck in the elevator if the CEO gets mad at you.
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Evan: Do you… know who's the CEO?
MC: Nope. Although, I’ve heard the others talk about how nice he is; about how he’s a gentleman and about how he’s very easy to approach.
MC: And about how he’s very hardworking. He arrives at the company earlier than everyone else and only leaves in the morning when everyone’s gone...
MC: But these are all rumours, so it’s bound to be a little exaggerated here and there.
The mirth in his eyes only grew.
Evan: Hmm… and?
MC: And I think he’s like Doraemon! Only in my head, of course.
MC: I hear that he can even magic out band-aids and bruises spray from his pocket in the dead of the night!
A warm smile slowly forms on his face. Looks like my words managed to amuse him well.
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The lights above us flashed twice before coming back to life, followed by the “ding” that denoted a floor arrival.
MC: We're saved?
The elevator doors slowly slid open to reveal a well-built man. His eyes widened in surprise upon seeing us.
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??: ……!
Evan: Sorry. I have some business to tend to. Can Zhou Yan send you over instead?
MC: No need. You can just go on ahead, I’ll be fine by myself.
Evan nods and doesn’t say anything more.
I waved at him before running straight to the front desk.
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To prevent the accident with the elevator from happening again, I reported the incident to the administration about how it had broken down earlier.
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Time passed quickly in the afternoon, and soon, it was almost time for the CEO’s succession ceremony to begin. The venue was already filled with people the moment I entered.
The media were all armed to the teeth with their mics and cameras at the ready as they all wanted to be the first ones to catch a glimpse of how the new CEO of the Warson Group looked like.
Hao Shuai: The back row's still empty. Let's move over. No one's gonna find out if we sleep in the back!
Li Man'man: I don't think that's a good idea…
Man With Quiff Hairstyle: When's this going to go on till? It's getting in the way of my work.
Brother Mao: See if anyone's gonna give you their time of the day here, Mr. Oh-I'm-so-serious.
Zheng Lin: We can't do that. The administration has already allocated seats for each Team. We're up front.
Brother Mao: Front seats are a win! I wanna see the true face of this mysterious CEO!
Everyone followed Zheng Lin, seating themselves in the front row.
The ceremony soon began. The announcer fixed up the mic. And after making a simple and brief introduction as an opening remark, the announcer raised his hand in a gesture for the next person to take the stage.
Announcer: Next, let us invite the new CEO of the Warson Group, Evan Lu, to speak!
Evan? I suddenly recalled the signature that had been beneath my offer from Warson.
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Evan: Good afternoon, everyone. I thank you all for taking the time to attend the ceremony today despite your busy schedules.
Evan: I am Evan, and I will be taking over as the new CEO of the Warson Group.
I thought I’d misheard him. I dumbfoundedly raised my head.
It felt as if everything around me had gone out of focus. All I could see was the bright stage with all its brilliant lights and the man who stood in the centre of it.
My saviour from the Café back then; the one who comforted me back in the elevator, and the person currently standing on the stage… They were the one and the same.
I can't believe he's the CEO…
But now that I think about it; it all made sense. It was only logical for him to have been near the show venue of the competition if he was the Warson Group's new CEO. And it would make sense why he'd told me that he was preparing for the succession ceremony earlier as well.
Who would've thought that this was how everything played out to be...
Dumbfounded, I stared up at Evan. Those calm and bright eyes of his cut through the crowd and faced me, as if our minds were one.
It was alight with a warmth akin to the one that had been reflected within his eyes in the darkness of the elevator.
I was still stupefied by the time the succession ceremony came to a close and everyone left.
It was then that a cup of coffee appeared before me.
MC: … This is?
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Zhou Yan: I'm Zhou Yan, Mr. Lu's assistant. We apologize for the scare you had earlier. This is from him.
He slipped the coffee into my grasp without a word before turning and disappearing into the crowd.
There was a familiar logo on the coffee cup. It was from the Café that Evan and I had met.
It was just like an inadvertent reminder that no matter what his identity, that wouldn't change the moments we'd shared before this day.
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MC: Thank you, Doraemon.
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Night⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 2-10) | Next Part: (Chapter 2-15)
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omgrachwrites · 3 years
The Princess and The Duke - Chapter Six
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: As the   Princess of  Spain, you were always supposed to marry King James of   England to make  an alliance between Spain and England. When he marries a  woman at his  court for love, you are married off to his best friend, Sirius Black the  Duke of Bedford to keep the alliance. However, the   court is riddled  with secrets and a rebel in the North starts to rise   against the Throne.  Royal AU.
Warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff! Mentions of sex, little bit of angst
Words: 2458
Disclaimer: This gif does not belong to me and I’m so sorry if this Spanish is wrong!
Translation: espero vivir para ver tu hermoso rostro una vez mas - I hope to live to see your beautiful face once more.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this part, please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx
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Chapter Six - Onwards to England
The first day of summer heralded with a clear blue sky and an almost sweltering heat, it arrived a couple of days before Sirius and his wife had to leave for England. Sirius wanted to make the most of the hot summer’s day before it was too late. The weather in England was temperamental, though it was now summer, the weather in England couldn’t always be guaranteed. That was why he was taking some time away from his work to spend time with Y/N.
Sirius grinned as he put the finishing touches together before he left the garden in search of Y/N. He found her in the grand ballroom speaking with some of the staff about the ball they were throwing on the night before they left for England. When Y/N spotted him she bid goodbye to the servants and wandered up to him with a bright smile on her face.
“Good afternoon,” she cupped his neck and greeted him with a sweet kiss, “I haven’t seen you much today, what have you been doing?”
“Well,” Sirius started, pulling his beautiful wife close, “if you come with me, I’ll show you,” he grinned as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Y/N laughed as she raised an eyebrow, “I’ll go with you, only if it won’t sacrifice my honour,” she teased as she took his arm and they walked from the ballroom.
Sirius smirked as he held in a snorting laugh, “oh Princess, your honour was sacrificed on our wedding night, over and over again.”
“Sirius,” Y/N gasped and giggled as she slapped his arm lightly, a flush forming on her cheeks. Sirius chuckled and kissed her perfumed cheek.
Sirius led her over the beautiful sun kissed grounds, through the water gardens and through the small thicket of trees that were on the edge of his estate. Y/N gave him a quizzical look as he got an old rusty key out of his pocket, lifted the curtain of ivy and unlocked the heavy door.
Y/N gasped as she ventured inside and gazed at the garden and the flowers that were growing all around her, “I didn’t even know that this was here, it’s so beautiful.”
Sirius smiled and wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his head on her shoulder, “I didn’t find it until a couple of years ago, I found the key in one of the cabinets in the chateau. I tend to it but I’ve never brought anyone else here,” he chuckled, suddenly feeling nervous.
Y/N let out a little laugh as she turned to face him and he saw the tears that were sparkling in her eyes, “I love it Sirius, thank you for bringing me here,” Sirius smiled as he pressed a lingering kiss to her lips.
“Come on,” he led her down the stone steps and through the flowers that grew around their feet to the spot beneath the tree where he’d set up the picnic, “I wanted us to make the most of the remaining time we have left here. I made sure to get all of your favourite things together.
Y/N smiled, “you are simply the best husband in the world,” she giggled as she popped one of the ripe strawberries into her mouth as Sirius uncorked the wine.
There weren’t many things that were sweeter than ripe strawberries and summer wine but Y/N’s lips were definitely one of them. Their stomachs were full and they had resorted to kissing in the shade of the tree. When Sirius’ hand dipped beneath Y/N’s skirts she giggled against his lips and placed a hand on his chest, pushing him away gently.
“Where did you find all the time to do this? What about your work for the King?”
Sirius sighed, biting his lip, he wasn’t sure how Y/N would take the news, “I’ve got it all sorted, Regulus is going to Cumbria as a spy. He offered.”
“What?” Y/N sighed, sitting up, “why didn’t you tell me? I’ve sent some of Spain’s best men to investigate the threat,” she narrowed her eyes.
“Look Y/N, if it is rebels then Regulus will be in a much better position to deal with them. Our family were awful; they would have done anything to overthrow the Potters. James and I were tutored together as children and we became best friends. I hated my parents and their ideals. James’ parents took me in as their second son. If it is rebels in Cumbria then they’ll think that Regulus is one of them. He’ll be taking passage to England with us before he rides to Cumbria.”
Y/N sighed as she fiddled with her fingers, “it seems like you’ve got it all figured out, I just wish that you had both spoken to me about it,” she looked so hurt, “we were supposed to be in this together.”
Sirius nodded as he cupped her cheeks, pressing a kiss to her mouth, “we are in this together, I’m sorry Y/N.”
Y/N smiled as she combed her fingers through his hair, “I forgive you, it’s hard not to with that pretty face,” she giggled, tracing his lips with her thumb, “I want another try at making a baby, we may have made one already but if we haven’t then I want another try.”
In that moment where she was lying against the tree she had never looked more beautiful and he had never wanted her more. He was glad that his new wife liked to be intimate with him, “as my Princess wishes,” he hesitated, looking down at her. He wanted to tell her, he needed to tell her, even if she didn’t feel the same, “I love you Y/N.”
Y/N smiled as she gazed up at him, tears sparkling in her eyes again, “I love you too Sirius, truly,” she beamed, leaning up to kiss him.
After their picnic – and their love making – they came across Remus in the corridor and he was looking unusually grim. Before Sirius could ask him about it, he had blurted it all out, “Do you remember that Lord who wanted me to meet his daughter, Mary? Well, I’ve invited him to the ball,” he took a deep breath, “you’re right; sometimes we have to do our duty to the King. Sometimes we have to choose duty over love.”
Sirius was rendered silent. What was Remus doing? Why was he giving up everything?
“What about Sophia? Have you thought about her, My Lord?” Remus just gulped before shaking his head and striding down the corridor without another word.
Y/N heaved a huge sigh as she gave Sirius a worried look, biting her lip, “Sophia will be heartbroken.”
Sirius nodded as he clenched his jaw, “I know my love, I’ll try and talk to him.”
The ball quickly came around the following evening and Y/N looked beautifully ethereal in a dress of golden satin and a crown of bronze leaves in her hair. She looked stunning and it seemed that many of the guests thought so too. Many Lords and noblemen were vying for her attention and Sirius felt an itch of jealousy as he watched stranger’s eyes roam over his wife. Though as soon as Y/N kissed him passionately in the middle of the ballroom his jealousy melted away and all he could focus on was Y/N.
The ball was going splendidly so far, there had been no drunken brawls to speak of and it seemed that everyone was getting along fine; Sirius didn’t want a fight to break out in his home. However, Y/N had been right, Sophia seemed completely heartbroken; she ended up spending most of her time outside in the balmy summer air beneath the setting sun. When she came inside in short intervals to get another drink her eyes were red and bloodshot. It was painfully obvious that she’d been crying her eyes out and she ended up retiring from the party early. What was worse was the fact that Remus had refused to look her way all evening. The Lady Mary was charming and beautiful but it was clear that Remus’ heart just wasn’t in the right place.
Sirius smiled as he danced with his wife while she gazed up at the beautiful artwork of the angels that had been painted on the ceiling, “are you looking forward to going to England Y/N?”
Y/N tore her eyes away from the ceiling and smiled at him beautifully, “well, it will certainly be an adventure,” she grimaced, “onward to England I say.”
Sirius pulled her close, “I’ll be right by your side, I promise, I’m not going to leave you Y/N.”
Y/N beamed at him as she nudged her nose against his and she kissed him long and deep, “I love you Sirius.”
The voyage to England was just as rough and unpleasant as you remembered from when you travelled from Spain. You spent most of the trip with your head in a bucket as Sirius stroked your hair. When you weren’t ill you were reading stories such as the Arthurian legends and tales of pirates and mermaids that dwelled in unknown corners of the world.
Finally, after what felt like forever, the ship docked in Portsmouth and England welcomed you with a blue sky and just the hint of a sea breeze. You smiled as you watched the sun shine on the surface of the sea, making it shimmer like diamonds. It was a beautiful sight to see.
When Regulus parted ways with you to leave for Cumbria you hugged your brother in law, “good luck Regulus and be careful.”
He smiled as he kissed your hand, “espero vivir para ver tu hermoso rostro una vez mas.”
Sirius scoffed at his brother’s words and you fought back a giggle, you were especially glad that Sirius couldn’t understand Regulus; otherwise you doubted that Regulus would be leaving here alive. As you rode through the pretty English countryside you gazed over the rolling hills, spying little chapels and cottages that were nestled among the trees. Sirius told you tales of his childhood with James, how they stole the piping hot bread from the kitchens and they tried to smuggle a peacock out of the menagerie.
You giggled and looked over at Sophia, she was smiling but you could see the sadness in her eyes and you couldn’t blame her, it seemed like Remus would be getting married before the year was out, “it’ll be alright Sophia,” you promised.
“Thank you, Your Highness,” she sniffled, “I just wanted him to love me,” you wished that you could take away her pain but words could only do so much.
As you and Sirius were lead into the throne room there were many chatters and murmurs as you and Sirius approached the King and Queen. You ignored the many jealous filled looks that the ladies of the court awarded you. Queen Lily had a hand resting on her stomach and you hoped it was because she was pregnant.
“Duke and Duchess, welcome. Thank you for coming back to court, it’s an honour,” King James began.
You curtseyed while Sirius sank into a low bow, “the honour is all ours, Your Majesty,” Sirius smiled.
“The two of you must be exhausted after your long trip. Why don’t you get settled in your chambers and we’ll have a feast this evening to welcome you,” Queen Lily radiantly smiled at the two of you.
The chambers that you and Sirius were going to be staying in were very comfortable and spacious, there was a grand fireplace in the middle of the room but hopefully you wouldn’t be getting use out of it this summer. There was a portrait of two beautiful little boys hanging over the fireplace and you frowned as you looked at it, wondering who it was. It was then that you recognised those grey smiling eyes.
“Is this you and James?” you smiled at your husband as he flopped down on the huge bed.
“Yes, these were my chambers when I leaved at court, before I moved to my estate in France. I’ve missed these rooms very much.
You smiled as you wandered over to him and sat next to him on the bed, running your fingers through his long hair as he rested his head in your lap. You leaned down and kissed his forehead, “well, you were a very beautiful child,” you giggled as he flushed and kissed your hand, “I want a portrait like that of our children,” you admitted with a smile.
Sirius gasped and sat up, looking at you with wide eyes, “are you saying that you’re pregnant?” there was so much hope in his eyes and you hated to disappoint him but you didn’t know yet, you hoped that you were. Nothing would make you happier than being the mother of his children.
You shrugged as you cupped his cheek, almost wincing as you saw the disappointment in his eyes, “I can’t be sure, we haven’t been intimate long enough for me to tell. But, as soon as I know, you’ll be the first one I tell,” you promised him with a kiss.
Sirius nodded, pulling you into his arms, “and I’ll anxiously be awaiting the day.”
A few weeks later you and Sophia joined Queen Lily and Lady Mary – the woman that Remus seemed to be courting – for breakfast. It was a warm summer’s morning as you sat on the balcony, the day was so clear that you could see the hills that loomed and blanketed the villages. Sophia had been very quiet all morning, it seemed like she had been shocked into silence, because Queen Lily had announced that Lady Mary would be coming to court as one of her ladies. Mary was very charming and kind but you just couldn’t find it in your heart to like her, not when your best friend’s heart had been shattered.
Lily sighed as she popped a raspberry into her mouth, “do you think it makes me less of a woman, the fact that I can’t conceive a child?”
You sighed as you reached across the table and took her hand, “it will happen Your Majesty, I promise.”
Lily smiled at you prettily as she offered around a plate of strawberry tarts, “I know they’re your favourite Y/N.”
You smiled weakly as you took a tart off the plate and took a little bite; you almost grimaced as the sweet flavours filled your mouth. They usually were your favourite, the strawberries were impossibly sweet and the pastry was wonderfully flaky. However, you had lost your liking for them and you thought you knew why. It was something that you could not tell the Queen. Not yet.
@smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​ @siriuslyjanhvi​ @pregnant-piggy​ @lindatreb​ @mabelle-cherie​ @hxrgreeves​ @britishspidey​ @mads-bri​ @classicrocketqueen​ @sxtansqueen​ @hufflepuffzutara​ @missmulti​ @bruxa0007​ @ourstarsailor​ @fific7​ @galwithbluethoughts​ @2410slb​ @sunles​ @krismeunicornbaobei​
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phoenix-downer · 3 years
The Princess of Light Chapter 4: Heart of the World
~2290 words. Angst, Romance, Fluff, Fairy Tales. For SoKai Week 2021, Day 4.
Summary: Princess Kairi is cursed to be without love when she is a baby. She grows up cold and without a heart to help her understand other people’s feelings, no matter how hard her parents try to help her. One day, however, she meets a mysterious prince from a faraway world, and he just might hold the key to breaking her curse.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
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Prince Sora met with Princess Kairi the next night, and the next, and the next. She thought it was because he liked the light pool too, and he’d also said something about his ship needing repairing. Though all of that played a role, she was blind to the real reason he wanted to see her. This continued for over a month with Kairi none the wiser as to his true intentions, for a girl without a heart cannot understand things the rest of us take for granted.
One pleasant evening in early autumn, the moon shone down on the two of them and the light from the pool shone all around them. Sora thought Kairi looked like an angel as she floated on her back, and she caught him staring at her.
“What is it?” she asked, searching his face. She thought he had a rather pleasant face, all things considered. “I keep catching you staring at me.”
“Don’t you know why?” he replied.
She tilted her head. “Could you explain, please?” 
Sora figured her curse would make any direct confession on his end fall flat. It is also entirely too easy to overdo a romantic confession, resulting in one’s beloved running for the hills, so Sora decided a different approach might be best. Though the thought of Princess Kairi taking off running and creating a miles-long trail of ice behind her after hearing an overplayed, overwrought declaration of passion made him chuckle.
“You’re laughing?” she asked, her face one whole puzzle of perplexion.
“Not at you, at my own silly brain,” he reassured her. “Sometimes I get these really vivid images in my mind, and they make me laugh.”
Kairi gently drifted in the light. “Like stories?” she asked. Not much caught her interest, but stories did. Sora had told her many stories about Destiny Islands, and she always listened quietly and asked him questions afterwards.
“You could call them that, yeah,” he replied. “But I’m getting sidetracked. You asked me why I keep staring at you.” He took a deep breath. “Princess, have you ever… had feelings for someone?”
“Feelings?” She frowned and touched the hole in her chest. “Without a heart, I’m not really sure.” 
“Then let me tell you how it feels.” Sora smiled and rested a hand over his heart. “Like you can’t wait to see that person. Your whole day improves when they’re there. Your heart speeds up when they approach. You feel like you can do anything if you have them by your side. And you would do anything to be with them.” He sighed happily and studied Kairi’s face. “Have you ever felt anything like that at all, Princess?”
“No,” Kairi said after a moment. None of those things sounded like the strange fluttering she sometimes got in her stomach. And none of the rest of it was anything she’d ever experienced.
“Oh,” Sora said, his head drooping. He sank deeper into the light pool. “I’m… sorry to hear that.”
She floated downwards to catch up to him till at last they were both at the bottom of the pool. “Why?” she asked. From here little trickles of light bubbled up from between the rocks, for the pool was some distance above the Heart of the World. 
Sora stared at Kairi, at her face surrounded by light, and despaired over her being so in the dark about what he was trying to tell her.
“Love is the most powerful magic there is,” he finally said, at a loss as to how else to explain it, for it impacted the entire way he experienced the world. “It’s like a light in a dark room that illuminates everything else for me.”
She reached for where her heart should be, but instead the usual empty hole greeted her. Sora’s heart went out to her. She was trying so hard to understand what he meant, but she just couldn’t grasp it. The whole thing reminded him of trying in vain to hold sand in his hand and watching it slip through his fingers.
“I’d like to experience it someday for myself,” she said at last, and he thought he detected a hint of wistfulness in her voice.
“I hope you will,” he replied, his voice breaking on the final word. 
She studied him for a few moments, then said, “Can we fall in again?”
He smiled sadly. This at least was familiar territory. He offered his hand, and she took it. 
“Of course, Princess,” he told her. They fell in several times together, and hearing her laughter, seeing her smile… poor Prince Sora became even more smitten with her. He resolved to help her however he could. It was clear her parents had tried everything they could here on Radiant Garden. But maybe his parents on Destiny Islands could offer their assistance. Maybe there would be some clue or hint as to how to help Princess Kairi. The repairs on his ship had been completed, so he could go back and ask.
When it was time to go home, Sora bowed and said goodbye. Kairi tilted her head, as normally he simply told her goodnight. She looked radiant in the moonlight, with the wind playing with her hair and rippling through the grass beneath her feet, and his heart fluttered in his chest.
“Princess, I’m going home to see if I can find something that might help you,” he said. 
“Oh, okay,” she replied, her voice sounding as if he’d told her he was having a sandwich for lunch tomorrow. He tried not to feel a little stung over her lack of sadness at their parting, but it hurt nonetheless. Still, it drove his resolve to find a way to help her.
“I don’t know when I’ll return,” he said, “but I’ll come back to you, I promise.” His hand curled into an upright fist, a gesture on Destiny Islands that meant you were determined to follow through on your promises. 
Kairi hesitated for a moment, then said, “Okay. Goodnight.” He wondered if she’d understood him at all. What if, in his absence, she thought he’d left her for good and forgot all about him? The truth was that she didn’t have much experience with saying goodbye. The people in her sheltered existence were just always there, and she supposed they always would be.
As she and Sora parted ways, they didn’t notice the strange black bird perched in a nearby tree. Despite what the stories say, spooky black birds can hide in the shadows perfectly well, thank you very much. And this one did its job splendidly and returned to its mistress in her creepy castle and reported what it had seen.
“Diablo, thank you,” Maleficent said, petting its head as it perched on her shoulder. “This is very grave news indeed. You say this foreign prince was flirting with my pathetic excuse for a niece? That he’s searching for a way to help her?” Maleficent shuddered. “That’s not good. That’s not good at all. Suppose she starts to regain her heart. We can’t have that, now can we?” 
Cursing Kairi further would be too obvious. No, Maleficent needed to do something more wicked and depraved than what she’d already done. That’s another problem with being evil. You soon acclimate to lesser evils and need greater and greater ones to give you the same twisted rush of delight.
“You say the princess is always playing in that light pool?” Maleficent said. “And now with that prince too? Well, we’ll have to do something about that, now won’t we?”
She cloaked herself in darkness and used it to travel quickly to the Heart of the World, which was in a cavern deep underground. Now, the Heart of the World is not a heart like you or I have; it is physical, but it is in the shape of a heart that children like to draw on scraps of paper, not the shape of an actual physical heart. At the time of our story, it was not as magnificent as it had been in olden days, but it was still big and red and bright. A single stream of golden light flowed out of it, and from there winded and curved through a series of tunnels and caverns up, up, up to the light pool guarded by the royal family. The whole thing was very beautiful, but to someone like Maleficent, who was twisted by the darkness, it was horrifying. 
Reaching into her cloak, she pulled out a tainted dagger. Tainted objects like this one leave no mark on their victims, who die slowly and in great agony. It was how she had killed her own father, the former king, without getting caught. 
With a cruel glint in her eye, she drew the dagger, strode to her next victim, and plunged her weapon into the Heart of the World. The poor Heart shuddered at the wound, for it is very much a living thing. Maleficent smiled wickedly and yanked the dagger out of the Heart, doing even further damage to it, then tucked it back into her cloak. While she could have used a single curse or spell to completely obliterate the Heart, that would not have satisfied her desire for revenge and petty evil in the slightest. 
No, she wanted the Heart to slowly die and the light pool to slowly dry up. Her smile got bigger as she thought about what would happen next, and that smile turned into a cackle and then into a roaring laugh. 
When Princess Kairi went to the light pool the next evening, she had two surprises. The first was that Prince Sora was not there to greet her like he usually was. She frowned, but the light pool was too enticing to leave alone for long, so she sat next to it and began removing her shoes and socks.
Now, Kairi had been visiting this pool every evening since her thirteenth birthday. She knew it better than anything else in the worlds. So when she was about to step in, she noticed there was slightly less light in it than there should be. She shrieked and raced the short way to the castle barefoot, leaving a trail of frozen grass behind her. 
“Aqua! Mom! Dad!” she cried as soon as she arrived, panting for breath. 
“Kairi?” Aqua called from a window a few floors above. She spotted the trail of frozen grass behind Kairi that was continuing to spread and yelped. “My lady, your feet!” 
Kairi gasped as she realized what she’d done. Aqua was already to the rescue; she grabbed another pair of enchanted shoes and socks for Kairi and tossed them down. Kairi hurriedly put them on, and by the time she was done, Aqua had joined her and sent for Kairi’s parents.
“What’s wrong?” Aqua asked, for she could tell Kairi was very distressed. 
“The light pool is drying up!” Kairi cried, her eyes wild. “It’s drying up! What am I gonna do?” 
Aqua’s heart thudded in her chest, for if Kairi was right about this, then… 
“Are you sure?” she asked, searching Kairi’s face. 
Kairi nodded and fidgeted with a strand of her hair. “There’s less light than there was before. Aqua, what’s gonna happen to me? If it dries up, will I freeze?”
Aqua didn’t know what to say. They needed to investigate the issue further. But if the light pool dried up, then Kairi would very likely freeze to death. Right now it kept her warm and kept the curse in check, but if it was gone… The light enchanting her clothes would stop working too, and—
Before Aqua could say anything else, however, Kairi’s parents and a few guards arrived. After a brief explanation, Aqua went with her father and the guards to investigate the light pool, leaving Kairi with her mother to await the verdict.
This was any mother’s worst nightmare come true: her daughter in imminent danger. Especially because the queen partly blamed herself for the curse. If only she’d taken her husband's concerns about Maleficent seriously instead of insisting he try to reconcile with her, their daughter might not be in this situation. So while she did her best to soothe Kairi and reassure her, she was very scared herself. Especially when Kairi’s breath caught and she clutched her chest.
“Mom, I think the hole’s getting bigger,” she said. All of the queen’s careful composure fled at Kairi’s words, and tears filled her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. What if the hole consumed Kairi? What if it devoured her daughter till there was nothing left? 
This was all her fault. If only she’d protected her daughter better.
Kairi frowned and touched the queen’s face. “Water’s leaking out of your eyes again.”
That just made the queen cry harder. Her poor daughter couldn’t even cry for herself and her fate. All she could do was purse her lips and tilt her head to the side as the queen shed the tears her daughter could not. 
When Aqua, the king, and the guards returned, they confirmed that the light pool did appear to have a little less light in it. The next day, the difference was definitely noticeable. By the third day, the light pool had lost a good foot of depth, and Kairi felt ill. The hole in her chest kept getting bigger, and the enchantments for her clothes had weakened, leaving her colder than usual. 
If the light pool drained completely, everyone feared the worst. While the royal family initially tried to keep what was happening under wraps, word soon spread, and the king and queen knew they would have to take action.
It was time to consult outside help.
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utapriyanderes · 3 years
Yandere Sub AU (Fairytale AU) - Otoya Ittoki ver.
    Otoya was a happy orphan boy in the village he grew up in. Despite the loss of never knowing his parents, he still chose to be happy and shine his smile at people to lighten up their day. He was the town’s special ray of sunlight that they wanted to keep for themselves. So Otoya was never allowed out of the village where he could get hurt or taken away. He was a captive to the people of the village.
    Growing up in the village was pleasant for the boy since he knew he was needed. He helped out when he could and grew a fondness for music from a woman who was like a mother to him. That woman would always bring him to the best spot the village had to offer, the sunflower field. There Otoya was continuously happy. All up until the day the poor lady died. 
    After she died there was continuous rain. So much rain that the fields flooded and damaged the crops the farmers planted. The town’s people grew angry at the boy. They despised him and wanted him gone. The boy with no other choice left the village, all on his own with nothing to protect himself. Now an orphan once again he had to carry his burdens by himself. With no one to help or support him he grew into a man that was constantly gloomy, with dark clouds always following him.
    One day he found another village. He decided to go in to get his necessities as usual then be on his way. As he made his way through the market he noticed the sparsity of crops the farmers had to sell. Then he heard a voice which took him out of his thoughts.
    “It’s horrible. We haven’t had rain in weeks. Crops are dying and there’s nothing we can do about it. If it keeps going like this I’ll have no choice but to sell the farm.” He glimpses up at the person and is amazed by how beautiful they look. He finds it hard that someone like them would be doing such hard work. After debating with himself he decides to go up to their stall.
    “Ah! Hello miser! Is there anything I can offer you?” Their smile is radiant. It’s completely directed at him. He looks back down as soon as he feels heat rising to his face. The boyish man picks out a few things that the farmer gets prepared. He notices them throwing in a few extra vegetables and fruits.
    “Hmm, I didn’t ask for those?” He barely recognizes his own voice. Normally he just points at things or nods and shakes his head. With that it’s no surprise that his voice cracks in saying just those few words. Yet the farmer looks up at him and continues to smile.
    “It’s no problem. I’m giving them to you for free. You look down so it’s good to eat to make you feel better right?” The young man is amazed at how they could treat a total stranger with kindness. He takes the bag from their hands and gives them the required amount of coins. He then continues on his way through the town. Getting everything he needs he stands at the outskirts of the village. He continues to think about that farmer. Which then leads him into an inn that the village offers.
    That night the red headed wanderer replays what the farmer was saying earlier. He thinks to himself.
    If they have no rain, then they’ll have to sell their home…
    Him knowing full well what he can do with the rain clouds above him, starts to think of things he chooses to push away. He forces everything to come back at full force. A thunder bolt could be heard just right outside, following with a downpour of rain. The span of the rainstorm stretches out into the farmer’s fields. The dry ground is now being moistened so the crops can grow once again.
    This continues night after night for a week. The people in the town seem happy for the rain. Especially them. He checks on them every morning when he can. Relief always floods through them with each night of rain.
    “There you are mister!” The gloomy man turns towards the voice. It’s the farmer. He tilts his head to the side.
    “We’re so lucky to have you here! Once you came it seemed like all our drought problems disappeared!” Their smile makes him turn away.
    “You really think it’s because of me?” Heat rises to his face. The farmer nods, “Mhm! You’re like a good luck charm!”
    The man is honored that you think of him so highly. No one has ever thought of him like that in a long time. Maybe the two of you were meant to find each other?
    “U-Umm, if it’s alright… I can help you if you need-”
    “Yes! Even though you’ve already helped out so much… It would be nice to have some farm help!” They continue to beam at him. The young man looks back at the farmer. A hint of a smile reaching his lips.
    From that day he helps them at their farm. It’s just them as most of the farm help left the farm because of the drought.
    “Aah, thank you so much! Let’s work hard again today too!” They give him a firm nod before they go off to do their work. The young man enjoys his position. He can stare at the farmer work and yet he feels as though this distance is still too far away. He wants to be much more closer, but focuses on his task so he doesn’t disappoint.
    At the end of the day, they come over to look at your work.
    “Wow! This is amazing! You did even more than I wanted you to!” They’re amazed expression and praise makes the man feel... happy? Joyful? A feeling he hasn’t felt in such a long time that it’s hard to place it. Yet he knows it makes him feel light as a feather, and he wants more of that praise.
    The next day he works just as hard. Even harder than yesterday. He needs your praise, he craves it. Then that night he gets exactly what he wants.
    “Even better today! You’re really getting the hang of this huh? I should reward you with something I feel like.” Upon hearing of a reward he starts to wonder. Anything will do, but it’s going to be something from you!
    “Oh! I got it! How about one of my apple pies? I just made some today for the market tomorrow, but you can have one!” The man feels something light at trying something they cooked. Yet a small nagging feeling comes to him at the thought of others eating their cooking as well.
    After that day the next few days went by splendidly. The dark clouds above the young man’s head were getting smaller and smaller. He even found himself smiling every so often once again.
    “You know, you really do have a beautiful smile.” The farmer was looking at him as they said so. The smile on the man’s face turned into a look of confusion. The farmer ended up looking away with a small dust of pink on their cheeks once their eyes connected.
    “W-Well, umm, it’s just… your smile, looks bright like the sun.” These words struck the young man. He never thought he would hear someone say that to him again. Suddenly this feeling came over him. He knew what it was, true happiness. The last of the dark clouds went away. Light shining once again.
    The young man felt so many things. Happiness, warmth, love. All this time he knew, but the lingering darkness kept these feelings safely away. All of it was because of this person right in front of him. It was them that made him happy again. Working at the clouds blocking the sun and finally shooing all of them away.
    They were the only one they needed to remain happy. They would never cast them away like the people of his past did. They were his hero, his precious leader. He has to make sure nothing happens to them. That no one or anything could take them away. They were meant to be his.
    So he’ll hide you away from the outside world. Just like he once was. Always being loyal to the one who saved him, and the one he loves.
    You were his sun, and he was the sunflower always looking up and smiling, following you wherever you went.
(Side Note: So I’m going full forward with this AU since I want to expand this AU a little more by having Sub AUs. This is the first one I’m introducing to all of you and will be doing all 18 boys. Originally I was planning on doing three posts (One per group). Though already this one turned out to be long despite me just wanting to do two-three paragraphs per boy, but considering that didn’t happen, I am going to be posting one boy at a time then a master post per group. Then an ultimate master post for all three. When all their basic plots are down. With this you can request for this AU as I go and if you want to see a boy’s plotline sooner than other then feel free to request it, but or else I’ll be going in order.
On another note I’m going to still try to get asks out too, so I won’t be ignoring any asks that come in or are currently in and will continue to get to them! So don’t hesitate to send in a ask if you are thinking about it!)
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evermorehaikyuu · 4 years
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Day 4
Title: The Mirrored Truth
Note: This one’s later than usual, I am sorry about that. I kind of changed the summary a bit because I realized it didn’t quite match with this but anyways, let’s get started.
There was not a lot that could be said. The only thing that could actually be said was that the rumors surrounding Yuji Terushima were lies. Just from his looks, people could deduce that he was not the type of person to settle on one person, but go from girl to girl, leaving the previous one crying in the dust. People could forgive him, he was a pretty boy.
Everyone said he was a heartbreaker.
He wasn’t a heartbreaker though, he didn’t even have a girlfriend that he could “cheat” on. Even if he did have a girlfriend, his eyes would only be on her and no one else. There was no way in his near future that he’d make her cry or look at anyone else the way he would look at her. 
Rumors hurt, especially when assumptions were made that you were only a player, not intelligent at all. Terushima had to deal with this every single day and while it wounded him, he kept his head up high and fulfilled his duty as the captain of the Johzenji volleyball team. 
It was because of all this that he got attached to whoever he thought accepted him wholly. It was one of his flaws. In this world, you weren’t supposed to be attached to someone out of fear that something would happen to them.
But there was someone that stayed by his side all the time, no matter what. They had been together since their first year and never had she once strayed from his side, not even when the rumors started floating around about him.
They had met in their advanced class, him staring out of the window, not paying much attention as he already knew the subject. However, that day was different. On that day, he was introduced to the person he’d grow extremely attached to but would ruin what they had later on.
The day was currently cloudy, a possible chance of rain coming from above. All he could do was stare at the window, daydreaming about anything and everything as he heard the teacher drawl on and on about a subject. It was history, it was something he had read out of his own fun. He didn’t like the subject as much as he liked volleyball. Yet because of the books he had picked up, he was able to answer any questions the teacher asked before resuming back into his original position of staring outside of the window.
It was the same drill everyday. No one in the class really talked to him and he’d like to talk to some of them, but as it was an advanced class and everyone was there only talked when it came to the work, nothing about hobbies or different topics. It was all really dull. 
“...I will now pair you up with someone else. You will explain to me why this all happened by making a presentation and a speech and I expect for the work to be divided evenly amongst both of you.” The teacher started naming who would be paired up with who until Terushima’s name came up. That’s when he looked away from the window and paid attention to the next words.
“Terushima, you will be paired up with Y/N.”
Y/N was extremely bright, albeit quiet. She was the pride and gem of the school, an absolute treasure and incredibly intelligent for her age. They couldn’t move her to a higher class because it would not bring balance to the school, so they settled for the highest class they could put her in. Along with Terushima, they would make an incredible duo.
Only...how in the heavens was he supposed to talk to someone like her? She was the only person that made him nervous, just from her reputation and placid expression.
Y/N walked over to him and placed a piece of paper down in front of him silently before walking out to head to her next class. He opened the tiny white sheet and read what it said:
Here’s my number. Text me, we’ll meet at my place after school. Xxx-xxxx-xxxx
Maybe it was easier than he thought.
“Wait, so you’re telling me all this time I was wrong?” Terushima exclaimed, looking down at their notes.
“I guess you were daydreaming, weren’t you?” Y/N said, untroubled before reaching over to pluck the pen out of his hands and circling something on the paper in between them. “Okay, so here’s the plan, you take the speech, I’ll do the presentation, I’m faster and you’re good at writing speeches and executing them.” She started brainstorming, tapping her pencil on her upper lip.
He turned his face towards her, a little smile on his face. “You’ve noticed?”
“How could I not notice the boy who has a ton of rumors swirling around him but in reality is a massive nerd about certain subjects?” She let out the first grin of the day, turning towards him. “You know, I think we’ll get along splendidly. Let’s get to work.”
Small talk ensued as they worked, comfortable silence falling when they were too focused on their work. The other would usually bring up a question and it wasn’t until Y/N laughed about something that Terushima said that he realized he could actually be himself around her. He did not need to be terrified of her, she was sweet and she was smart, but knew how to take a break and take a joke or two.
Yeah….I think we will get along, he thought, his chest warming at the thought of having a genuine friend that looked past him.
“Did you see our grade?! We got extra credit, you did amazing, Terushima!” Y/N’s eyes were lit up and her usually subdued expression was gone as her lips were upturned, grinning at him for the work that they both did. The project was flawless, executed properly, making them a powerful duo. 
Reciprocating that smile, he rubbed the back of his neck, saying, “You did great too, Y/N, I don’t think we would’ve gotten that grade without you.”
She got so excited she quickly wrapped her arms around him and bounded off, heading to lunch and leaving him shocked.
That was the start of a blooming friendship between them.
From that day on, they confided in each other, sharing inside jokes and slowly, Terushima helped Y/N out of her shyness. It was from that day on that Y/N was seen as Terushima’s best friend and possibly something more.
“Ah, don’t worry about it, you’re my best friend, I’m not going anywhere.” She sneaked one of his chips into her mouth, wiping her lips with a napkin. “They’re just assuming.”
“Yeah. I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t. You promise not to go anywhere?”
“I swear.”
Their second year was a rush. They were now in class 7, the most advanced class they could take and the rigor was still there, but poured on. Yet together and supporting each other, they knew they could take it.
However, something was going on by the time they had hit their second semester. Terushima was a hopeless romantic once he got attached and he did not know that until he got attached to Y/N L/N. 
Every laugh, every smile, every tease, everything about her made him fall further and further for her until he couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted her to be his and him to be hers, but he didn’t know how to go about that. Days turned into weeks until he couldn’t take it anymore.
With the help of Bobata and Futamata, he made a plan to confess to Y/N after school. It was risky and maybe it was too quick, but it was all or nothing.
“And you’re sure this’ll work, Bobata?” Terushima asked nervously.
“Yes it will, girls love flowers. Unless they have allergies. If Y/N has allergies, sorry, can’t help you there.”  Bobata replied, making Futamata laugh. They patted his shoulder when they saw Y/N coming and they left.
“Hey, Terus--why do you have so many flowers?” Y/N asked, eyeing the bouquet in his hands.
“They’re...for you…” Terushima swallowed and pushed them into her hands, his ears glowing pink.
“What’s the occasion? Is it the anniversary of the egg incident?” She joked until she saw his face, frowning. “What’s wrong?”
“They’re not for that. It’s just that I...may have feelings for you and I’ve been having them since this year basically. It’s just that you’re incredible and wonderful and everything about you is literally amazing, I--”
Her heart dropped to her knees. This wasn’t supposed to happen. This time was supposed to be different. There was no way he had fallen for her. This was the reason she stayed quiet and to herself all of those years. She didn’t want the situation to come to this. She only wanted a friend, someone she could confide and laugh with. Not this. She held her hand up, her other hand gripping the stems of the bouquet. “Let me stop you right there. You have feelings for me?”
To Terushima, it seemed like she was in disbelief so he grinned brightly at her. “Yeah! Why wouldn’t I--”
She looked at the floor, the bouquet dropping to her side. “Terushima...this...why? Why would you do something like this?” She stared at him, her arms numb and her brain going haywire. “I never wanted you. I-I trusted you! I thought you were different! All I wanted was a friend, not this again!”
That’s when he knew he messed up. His shoulders dropped as he stared at her. “Wait...you don’t feel the same way?”
Swallowing was a natural thing but she felt like she would choke if she swallowed, trying to hold onto reality. “No. I don’t feel the same way. I just saw you as a friend, nothing else.”
His heart was ice and it had just shattered to pieces. She didn’t feel the same way for him. He had just ruined everything between them. Once there was a confession between a friendship and the feeling wasn’t mutual, everything went downhill. “So...you don’t like me?”
“Not like that! The only thing I wanted was you to be someone I could trust and confide in! You’ve gotta be kidding me. I really thought you were different from what they said.” She chuckled, but it wasn’t amused, it was dark. “Just...take them.” She shoved the flowers back into his arms, staring up at him. 
“Y/N, please…”
“Don’t come after me. I’m not getting hurt again. Not by you, not by anyone. I should have said something that day.” Her eyes were glossed over as she stared at him, making him hurt because he swore that he would never cause her to cry.
The only reason she was crying was because she didn’t want him romantically and now she had no one, no one to trust, no one to go to. She was less than the other girls, but every guy she had become friends with had always wanted something more from her. Growing up alone was her main attribute. And now, when she had given a guy another chance, it backfired on her. 
Turning around, she mumbled, “Give them to a girl you actually like and likes you back.” With that, she left him and walked away.
Terushima’s head hung and the flowers dropped to his side. The bouquet fell to the floor, its contents pooling out as petals started scattering everywhere. Of course. She didn’t want him as something further. It was just him again. He shouldn’t have done something so big.
He lost the person he could share secrets with, all because of his reckless confidence.
The sky overhead turned dark and soon started rumbling as rain started falling down slowly, before steadily turning from a sprinkle to a drizzle.
Terushima started walking back home with heartache. Rejection hurt but it was from someone he trusted with his whole life. He only wanted to say what he actually felt to someone that actually cared for him and he messed up. Once he got home, he got into bed, curling up on his side as he stared at the wall. He closed his eyes, trying to blink the tears away.
They weren’t tears of being abandoned again.
They were tears of loss.
Along with losing his best friend, he lost a piece of his heart. He’d close up again. He wouldn’t let anyone in. His tears started falling freely as he tried to stifle his cries into his pillow, choked sobs rising from his throat as he replayed the scene over and over in his head. 
He lost what he never wanted to lose. He lost a part of himself. He lost her.
Both promises. Now broken.
Taglist: @skyguy-peach​ @jovialnoise​ @versatilewindow​ @tsukiibaka​ @jaegersblogh​ @kodzuken-pie​ @sugusho​ @kara-grayson04​ @erialexerz​ @attixca​ @w-a-t-e-r-m-e-l-o-n-e​
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tomokahiroshi · 4 years
"Sure, I'll get going."
Moving to the exit, he waves.
"See you later then."
"Likewise, dear Captain."
The moment he's a good distance away, the woman snaps her finger and the sound echoes throughout the empty library.
"Coast clear."
And from a corner close by, a girl of green hair with glasses peeks out.
The Assistant Alchemist, Sucrose.
"Th- Thank you, this... this should be sufficient."
Humming, Lisa nods with a smile.
"Yes, dear, it should be."
What a day it is today.
It doesn't take long for the man to spot their Outrider at the entrance of their Headquarters, alongside the Honorary Knight.
Grinning slightly, he raises his hand in greeting.
"What's up?"
"There you are!"
Amber waves in response, while the Traveler by her side wordlessly nods in acknowledgement.
"We spotted something in Windrise today!"
"Oh? Is that so?"
The tanned man hums, folding his arms.
"Do tell me about it."
After a while of explaining, he decides to join the duo in taking a look at the odd "thing" they saw by the Statue of The Seven's side.
A doll-like creature, small and has the ability to levitate.
It's nothing like what they've ever seen before.
To make it more complicated, said creature also seems to have a will of its own and constantly dodges their attempts on getting a hold of it.
Their little game of chase goes on until dusk, only then did they lose track of the poor thing and decide to return to the Headquarters.
Throughout the duration of it, however, the man has to admit that it's rather entertaining.
And nostalgic, since he used to play that kind of game with...
`"Catch me if you can!"
"Challenge accepted!"`
The sound of their laughter in those distant days still ring clearly in his ears, echoes of a pleasant childhood he knows he doesn't deserve.
"Sheesh, it was so fast."
Amber huffs on their way back.
"And small too, which makes grabbing it all the more difficult."
"You can't blame it, really."
Paimon, the Honorary Knight's floating companion, comments.
"When some strangers just suddenly show up and try to get a hold of you, of course you run."
"That's right."
Kaeya hums, holding his chin in thought.
"Besides, I'm sure I at least managed to tell what kind of thing it was."
At this, the brunette turns to him immediately.
"You did? That's fast!"
"Of course."
Smirking, he continues.
"It's an elemental being, a wisp amongst Mondstadt's thousand winds."
And once again, a remark catches him off-guard.
"You're amazing, Sir Kaeya!"
The Outrider did not just-
"I'm glad we have you within the Knights' ranks!"
Oh Barbatos, his face must have looked so ridiculous that it caused both Amber herself and the Traveler to stare when they finally took notice of it.
Paimon waves a hand in front of his eyes.
Maybe his smile literally froze on his face, though.
"He's acting weird..."
Amber mumbles.
"Well, at least we're here now."
Indeed, they're currently standing just before the entrance of the Knights of Favonius' Headquarters.
The sky, painted in fiery orange of the setting sun, reminds the man of someone's eyes.
Orbs that shine with burning passion, an unrelenting desire to protect this land with everything this person has.
A tug on his sleeve brings him back to reality, looking to the side to find their Honorary Knight smiling up at him.
The third thing is...
Why is everyone suddenly so hard to read?
From the ones he met early morning to those he met in the late afternoon, they're all so...
And Amber beams at him, taking his right hand as the Traveler had his left.
Then they lead him inside together.
His heart skips a beat once the large doors open, revealing the rest of Ordo Favonius along with colorful decorations.
As well as a gigantic "Happy Birthday" hanging from the ceiling.
"Happy birthday, big bro Kaeya!!"
Klee comes jumping down from a hovering flower - Albedo's, he notes - and throws various cute-looking things, which he's sure are explosives.
Although when they do blow up, it's all confetti and glitter.
So this is why Jean agreed...
The two by his sides quickly let go of his hands as the small girl falls right into his arms, giggling.
"Yay!! The new formula worked!"
Lisa chuckles, snapping her fingers and the lights go out.
"Time for the cake."
At this, he sees a cart being pushed out by Noelle and candles illuminate the area.
On it lays a cake of three layers, each of a different color.
Ocean blue, ice blue and white, from top to bottom.
"Please make a wish, Sir Kaeya."
Along with the maid's smile, he makes out everyone else's in the dimly lit lobby.
Ah... a birthday wish.
Smiling back at them, he nods.
But what should he wish for, really?
They went through the trouble to organize a party for him right under his nose and it is rather impressive how they've managed, if he were to be honest.
He knows the birth date is always on one's profile when they apply for a job, but he didn't expect them to pay that any mind.
Especially when it's his.
He hadn't celebrated it in years, after that event took place.
He would be lying if he said there was nothing he wanted to wish for, though.
`"Happy birthday!"`
The image of a young boy, smiling brightly as he handed Kaeya a gift.
That had been the first time someone threw a birthday party for him.
Chuckling, the tanned man moves to blow the candles as his wish comes to mind.
A childish dream he still believed in.
The girl in his arms cheer when everybody's applause resounds, light flickering back on with another snap of the librarian's fingers.
"On behalf of every knight within Ordo Favonius, I thank you for your contribution in maintaining the peace of our city."
Jean steps forward, a hand on her heart as she speaks.
"We hope that you enjoy your time here, as well as allowing this place to become your second home."
The warmth in his chest intensifies, a feeling he hadn't felt for so long.
And the woman smiles.
"Everyone, let us say it together."
From the shy Assistant Alchemist to the outgoing Outrider, from the strict Acting Grand Master to the friendly Honorary Knight, from the rarely seen Chief Alchemist to the ever-present Apprentice Knight, from the graceful Librarian to the explosive Spark Knight.
All of them, with bright smiles, go on and-
"Happy birthday, Kaeya!"
Even if his eyes feel a bit like burning right now, the man grins back at them.
"Thank you, all of you."
He doesn't think he deserves it.
Yet as he feels their sincere affection and gratitude, he can't push them away.
Perhaps... for this occasion, he'll allow himself to be honest once more.
When stars fill the night sky and the moon ascends to its peak, the Cavalry Captain leans onto the railing of the small balcony as the party goes on inside the building.
He wonders if... it could have been this way, if none of the horrible events a few years back happened.
Other than throwing a party for him, Sucrose gave him quite a pleasant surprise by being able to make untesils somewhat "alive". Perhaps that was why she needed them this morning, so they could easily move around for everyone to use.
The girl's bio-alchemy skills are getting better and better, as expected of someone working alongside Mondstadt's best alchemist.
Well, she had potential anyway.
That said-
"... Having some time to yourself?"
He pauses upon hearing the voice.
This can't be-
"That is to be expected, you've never been a big fan of parties despite your eccentric nature."
Whipping his head to the source of the voice, he finds a familiar redhead sitting on the railing to the side - a leg on it and one dangling - away from people's view, in a black cloak he hadn't seen for so long.
His voice comes out barely audible, like a faint whisper of utter disbelief.
"I want nothing to do with the Knights of Favonius."
The other sighs, glancing at him.
"But since it is a special day, I'll make an exception."
At that, the tanned man goes silent.
An exception? For...
"Before you even get to that, stop."
Currently masked, the redhead only waves him over.
"Come here."
That mask is different, not the same one he used before.
Considering what it was for, it isn't hard to understand why the other abandoned it along with "that".
Confused but curious, he does as he was told and stops in his tracks upon seeing the offered hand.
"... Diluc?"
At the mention of his name, the other averts his gaze.
"Hurry, we don't have all night."
Smirking, Kaeya finally takes the hand and chuckles quietly.
"Where are you taking me, O Nocturnal Guardian of Mondstadt?"
"... You'll see soon enough."
In quick succession, the redhead pulls the man closer to himself and sweeps him off of his feet using his leg.
The smirk on the Cavalry Captain's face immediately gets replaced by a look of surprise due to the sudden bridal carry and in turn, the Darknight Hero's lips quirk up slightly.
"Mond's Knight of Ice."
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yandere-sins · 4 years
A Father’s Care
Part 1 [ - Part 2  -  Part 3]
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-«« 
Rating: Explicit Characters: Fem!Reader, Endeavor / Enji Todoroki, The rest of the Todoroki-Family, minus Rei Word-Count: 5015
Warnings: Dub-Con, Actions that could be seen as Cheating, Molesting, Lemon, Violence against the Reader
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-«« 
a/n: Okay, I didn’t think this idea would get so out of hand but it ended up being way to many pages so I had to split it in two. Here’s part one and I just... ah, what did I do... Please, read with caution. (Especially part two, this one is still quite harmless...) However! It’s my Christmas present for you guys, so I hope you still can enjoy... it... to some degree, let me know what you think!
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-««
The holiday season was a joy for you. You could not remember a time you didn't like it, even with the hassle and bustle that came with the years that you grew up. Still, you always looked fondly upon the days, planning gifts and presents for your loved ones, wrapping them up nicely, and eventually giving them to your family and friends. Seeing their faces light up and maybe a tear or two when they remembered how much they wanted this or that - what else was there to make your heart swell and generate a little bit of peacefulness in your life?
You loved all the lights and twinkles around your home and the city. To decorate and make everything festive, only to sit back relax with hot cocoa and some Christmas movies, what better way to spend your free time could there be? Some people might be miffed about all the jingles and colors, but for you, the streets never looked better, never shone brighter, and were never more heartfelt than in these few Christmas days.
There had been so many Christmas parties in your life, before Christmas, and the days afterwards. Days, where everyone had been merry and joyful, laughing and singing together. It had never mattered to you what you did on these days. Karaoke, hot pot, going to a fair - everything had always been a joy. And once it was over? You looked forward to the next year. Each year the same, and yet you never got tired of it, no matter how repetitive it was.
But this year, this year would certainly not be repetitive.
This was the first year with Shoto. Gripping his hand a little tighter, you felt him squeeze back through the mittens, your head turning towards him, a bright smile on your lips. "I can't wait to celebrate with your family," you revealed, the excitement vibrating in your voice. And it was true, even with all the tension in your husband's family, you could NOT wait for your first Christmas together. It was a family celebration after all, and it would be the first you two had as husband and wife.
The wedding had only been recent, winter-themed, which was very fitting for you and him as you thought. He was partly your ice-prince after all, even if you did not just marry him for his quirk, and certainly, he did not marry you for yours either. It was way to minor anyway, probably not transferring into a child should you two ever have one. And yes, you were planning on one, maybe even… as a little Christmas wonder.
"Don't get your expectations up, I suppose it will be very mediocre," he stated nonchalantly, pulling the scarf around him a little tighter. "You know my family."
His last words were spoken in a half-amused, half-apologetic smile, and you immediately cupped his cheek, brushing your thumb over the cold skin of his. "Shoto, it will be amazing. Simply because you will be there and your siblings. We will have tons of fun and eat tons of gingerbread, it will be good."
Nodding hesitantly, he took your hand from his face, kissing your knuckles. "I hope so. I want you to have a good Christmas, [Name]."
"It'll be the BEST Christmas," you chuckled, leaning forward to kiss him. Him and hopefully his worries away.
Everything was splendid. You two were greeted warmly by Fuyumi, and even Natsuo showed up briefly for a welcome, before disappearing again. Shrugging, all of you decided to have tea, you, and Fuyumi instantly falling into chatter about how you wanted to decorate the rooms for your Christmas party and what you should cook. Shoto kept mostly quiet while you two brainstormed ideas as if there was no morning, though you always felt his reassuring touch on your back while you noticed him look around quite a few times.
"Is something wrong?" you whispered to him as Fuyumi went to get more tea water, and he sighed shortly before shaking his head, his attention shifting from you to Fuyumi, calling out to her. "Is father not here yet?" Shoto asked, and you felt the heavy tension that immediately fell over the room as the topic of the head of the family was brought up.
"Oh, well, no, he is. But he went out to find a photographer…" Shoto's sister explained, refilling the teacups thoughtfully. "A photographer?" Shoto asked, brows furrowing as the questions arose in his mind. Setting down the cups on the table again, you thanked her for the effort before she tried to explain what she knew, still somewhat vague on the topic herself.
"Yes… I think he saw it on TV that families take pictures of themselves on Christmas for postcards or something. He thought it would be a nice idea now that you and [Name]-" she made a short break to smile at you warmly, making you feel very welcome "-are married and over for Christmas. A memory, so to say."
Smiling back at her, you welcomed the idea as you found it to be quite cute. You knew not everything was okay and dandy, but you appreciated the effort Enji Todoroki tried to put into this. Shoto must have told him on some point that Christmas was your favorite holiday, and you could imagine it was because you were in the family now, that he was trying to make an effort. "That sounds like fun!" you chimed, and Fuyumi had a moment of hesitation before she grinned and nodded, agreeing with you.
From the corner of your eyes, you could see the frown on Shoto's face, but you only brushed over his arm, holding his hand, silently trying to calm him at least a little. It was still tough for him to have a good opinion on his old man, but when he sighed quietly, you knew he was trying - for you.
Admittedly, you had never lived in such a big, fancy house before. Part of you had worried it would look weird to decorate a traditional, japanese home like this, but all the more positively surprised were you that it looked quite so splendid. "[Name]-chan, should we go inside again?" Fuyumi asked, rubbing her hands together. Both of you had been outside decorating for a while now, and your breaths were visible as much as the shivers in your bones.
"Yeah, I think we're done! Sorry, I went a little overboard," you laughed it off, quickly making your way back inside into the warmth. Discarding of your outdoor clothes and shoes, you slipped into your own slippers before marching deeper inside the building with Fuyumi, you two giggling as you passed all the cheesy decoration you had put up. It had taken you the whole day, but even the inside of the house was now decorated in candles and lights, colorful bulbs, and even reindeer statues in the hallways. Everything seemed splendidly like Christmas, and you wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
You found your husband in the living room, together with his brother, under the kotatsu, watching some news program on the television. They both looked up when you entered, Shoto lifting the blanket on his lap to let you crawl into the heated table with him, your body quickly sticking up to his warm side and driving your fingers over his soft pullover. "Done already?" he asked, pulling you closer to him, and you shivered as the warmth enveloped you.
"Yes!" Fuyumi chirped, having brought some new tea for all of you and handing it out to everyone. "How do you like the decorations, Natsuo?" she asked, giving her brother a poke with her foot until he sat up to participate in the conversation. "They're flashy," he grumbled, having a sip from his tea, appreciating the aroma of it for a second before adding, "But otherwise it's quite different from usual."
"That's not bad, right?" you asked carefully, gripping into Shoto's pullover a little tighter. It was a dangerous question, really, something that could turn the mood sour in a matter of a thought. But surprisingly, Natuso smiled, shaking his head. "No, it's actually quite ni-"
"HOME!" it echoed through the halls, a booming, irritating sound. Followed by loud footsteps, you noticed how all the siblings tensed up, especially Shoto, who you leaned against. Out of respect, you sat up, hoping to not look too casually next to him as you felt his fingers this time grip into your side, almost painfully so. Natsuo's relaxed, happy expression faded from his face, a big, serious scowl coming up instead, while Fuyumi tried to keep calm, a wry smile on her lips as she let out nervous giggles.
You could hear some grumbling from outside as the footsteps approached, but it was hard to make out the actual words to the voice. All you could do was hope that it wasn't complains about the decorations when one moment to the other, the sliding door flew open, Enji's bulky figure appearing in the frame. "There you are," he grunted, letting his eyes sway from person to person. Eventually, his view got stuck on you as he noted, "Oh, Shoto, [Name]. You're already here, way earlier than expected."
No one at the table dared to say a word, while Enji's where more of a fact than really a question. So as the uncomfortableness spread, you decided you would be the one to speak up, putting on your best smile before facing him. "Oh, yeah. We actually wanted to come early and help with the preparations… and decorations," you laughed, and he nodded in understanding.
Honestly, you two had never talked much before, you had barely met him before your wedding too, so it was awkward enough talking to him, if not for the three sullen children with you at the table. "Oh… yeah, the decoration. They are…" he took a moment to look back over his shoulder into the hallway, giving it a proper inspection once more. "... quite delightful."
At that, you could barely hold your pride, giving Fuyumi a short, triumphant glance. You two had made it, you actually had decorated the house in a way the great Endeavor would approve of. She looked at you with the same happiness, and you two grinning idiots turned your attention back to Enji as he finally entered the room. Natsuo looked like he was about to jump up and run, but all of you kept your composure as Enji sat down at the table, receiving a cup of tea from Fuyumi too.
"How was it at the photographer, Dad?" she asked, and he grunted instead of a thanks as she gave him the tea, sipping on it. "He's booked for tomorrow morning, everyone should be ready by then."
A wave of agreement went through everyone in the room. However, Natsuo was the first one to break out of the family gathering after receiving the information he needed. "I got to finish up some work on my laptop. I'll go ahead first." For a second, Fuyumi tried to hold him back before releasing him, a wave of good night's falling from everyone's mouth. "We are quite tired too," Shoto noted, brushing off the warming blanket from his legs in an attempt to leave too. "[Name] did a lot of decorating, and we need to settle in."
Giving Fuyumi an apologizing look, she waved you two off, even though you felt bad for leaving her with her dad. Then again, from everyone, she had the probably best relationship with him. "You two do that," Enji mumbled, continuing sipping on his tea. "See you tomorrow then," you chuckled, trying to sound rather joyful still as Shoto led you out of the room by hand, closing the door behind you.
"Are you sure, Fuyumi will be okay?"
"She'll manage," he sighed, feeling the same kind of burden you had felt over leaving her behind.
But what you two did not notice anymore, was the look Enji sent after you two while Fuyumi told him about the decorating process and peeled some tangerines. The way he looked at you was like he seemed to know something you had yet to think about, his glare hotter than anything Shoto could produce. You were to find out soon just how different families were, even when they were celebrating something so lovely as Christmas.
"NATSUO!" it boomed through the hallways as Endeavor called for his son, who was the last one to come down from his room. The photographer, you, and Fuyumi shared empathetic glances over the loudness that shook even through bones, your sister-in-law returning your meek smile apologetic.
"It's fine! I am here!" Natsuo complained as he sprinted down the stairs, binding his tie as he walked. All of you looked formidable. Together with you, Fuyumi had rearranged some decorations to the background of your photograph, and every one of you had suited up to fit the celebration, no matter how heavy the air laid over all of you. The photographer was a sweet, older man who seemed to not be too bothered with your father-in-law's sternness, smiling at him whenever they talked even.
To you, all of this seemed reasonably normal and like a sweet family-thing to do.
But what you had gathered from Shoto last night, he seemed to view it differently, even upset his father would do something like that. Natsuo, too, didn't look too happy, deep bags under his eyes, and his jaw clenched. Fuyumi did her best to hide it, but even on her shoulders, you could see the tension, and beside you, only Enji seemed to be in a fairly good mood.
Adjusting the chair he was supposed to sit on carefully, he looked over his assembled children. Natsuo clicked with his tongue, and Shoto simply looking away as you tried to smile back at him. The photographer took his place behind the set up camera while Enji sat down. He was simply too tall to be in the photograph with all of you otherwise, and all of you squeezed together beside him, two on each side. You were sure, it would look like a great photo nonetheless.
"Ah," the old man exclaimed calmly, though you could see him pucker his mouth behind the camera in thought. "Young Lady…" he mumbled, looking up to make some eye connection with you. "Oh- Yes?" you quickly replied, feeling how the people beside you went from tense to impatient in a matter of seconds.
"You are out of the frame I am afraid… Now where to put you…" he explained, and you gulped, feeling like a burden, especially to Natsuo, who sighed heavily as the photographer thought.
"[Name]," a deep voice said calmly, and you turned to Enji, feeling Shoto's hand that he had on your back, push more into your body reassuringly. "Come sit here," he instructed, patting his leg.
If you had not known it better, you would have described it as hell freezing over. You didn't see any ice crystals coming from Shoto, but you felt the temperature drop quite a few degrees around you as the offer went through to you. "O-Oh, Dad! Maybe I should-" Fuyumi tried to save the situation, but she was quickly interrupted by her father.
"No. This way Shoto can be by her side still, and we will have the numbers even on the photo. Come on."
He patted his leg again - strictly and without a chance of refusal - and all of you siblings shared a surprised and shocked moment of quietly looking to each other. Even Natsuo seemed to have very mixed feelings clearly written in his face. But you gave yourself a push, deciding you would not be the one to ruin the family's Christmas by any means. He was sort of your father, after all, there was nothing weird about sitting on his lap - right?
Pushing the skirt of your dress down, you stepped inside his spread legs, seating yourself very far out on his knee and holding yourself as best as you could so you wouldn't weigh down on him. It was a surprisingly comfortable seat his leg spacious to sit on, even when the situation still seemed strange in your mind. Shoto's hand wandered from your back to your hand farthest from Endeavor, holding it tightly in his. His skin was ice cold, which was nothing new, but you seemed to notice it more now that there was quite such an awkwardness in the air.
When you thought you had settled quite nicely, you looked up again, nodding to the photographer who proceeded to get back to his camera. However, before even the first shot could be made, a large hand came around your hip, roughly yanking you towards your father-in-law. You took it in the best way you could, holding back a squeal. But reflexively, you had reached up your hand to support you, feeling a warm body under the tight dress shirt Enji was wearing. His muscles had never been so prominent to you than in that moment, but you snapped out of it immediately as you felt Shoto's hand restricting around yours tightly.
"Father-" he started, sounding like he was spitting poison rather than talking.
"No reason to be shy. We are family, right?"
With an open mouth, you started to nod, using your hand to pat Shoto's calmingly, shrugging it off to keep the situation calm. "It's fine, it's fine. Was just a surprise!"
He looked at you for a few, meaningful seconds before you could see him relax a little, stepping back and nodding. The photographer went back to his preparations as everyone settled in their position again. Even though you too put on your best smile, your thoughts were rampaging in your mind as you felt Enji's hand not budging from your hips.
While you had always admired Shoto's delicateness, this was so different that you could not help yourself but notice. Even with just one hand, you felt secured in his grip, even ignoring the lingering feeling of his palm against your buttcheek, sometimes massaging a little into your flesh. And though only your shoulder was leaned against him, there was an energetic drumming of a heartbeat running through you. A heartbeat so differently, so wild and overwhelming, it was nothing you had every synched yours too before. It was almost threatening to you and yet, thrilling. Like watching a very good movie, it was hard to focus on anything else.
"Everyone say 'Cheese'!" the photographer instructed, and you momentarily snapped out of your entrancement, blinking and grinning like the Christmas-enthusiastic-idiot you were. The camera shut once, everyone blinking a sigh of relieve. "Halt!" it boomed from the head of the family as you started to sway while Enji adjusted, sitting even more towards you and pressed up to you now. "I would like a few pictures so I can choose properly," he explained calmly, and the photographer smiled at him while you heard Natsuo sigh deeply.
Getting yourself ready again, you very faintly noticed Endeavor's free hand coming down to your knee, the other one still around your body to keep you in place. You fretted not having worn tights that day, but his hand rested calmly over your leg while you wondered if he could feel any stubble from shaving the day before. In fact, it laid warm and heavy on your limb, restricting your movements further and making you slightly turn away from your husband for the sake of accommodating the hand.
That one… was big too. It felt scruff against your skin, but its fingers wrapped nicely around your leg. Only now, you also realized you sat so close, Enji's head was right above yours. You were totally and fully enveloped by him, and you instinctively shifted a little more in his hold until a sudden, small groan caught your intentions. Apologetic, you looked up, ready to apologize for fidgeting so much when you met his sharp blue eyes, which looked down at you in a way you could not quite understand, other than it made you freeze.
Smiling weakly, you turned your attention forward again as best as you could, clearing your throat quietly as to not pull any attention and sat up straight. The pressure on your leg grew as the camera shutter did a few more takes, your legs slowly but surely and unwillingly spreading apart until there was no more room to go. Enji's hand was overtaking most of your lap as he slid it up further. Like you were sitting on his, so he was touching yours.
Until you felt it clearly against your leg.
A resistance.
In between the takes, you took one second to look down, seeing your knee was as far up as his crotch, pushing into it already and held there in position by your father-in-law. There was a creeping feeling on the lower side of your inner thigh as Enji noticed your concern for the position, fingers crawling upwards, soon covered by your skirt.
Nervously, you started to stir in his hold, but what you had previously admired, was now what kept you from going anywhere. 'Oh god,' you thought, biting your lips as the need to just jump up and back into Shoto's arms arose. This was your own family, but surely… to anyone, your position would seem wrong. Latest when you suddenly felt something throb against your leg was when you were ready to bail.
You spared one more glance into the direction of the throbbing. It was like the worst nightmare come true as you could see - even through the black dress pants - a bulge grow beneath the fabric. Every time Enji so much but took a deep breath, it pressed up to you, rubbed against your skin. You were no child, and neither was Endeavor, so you knew what that was, but when you looked up, his eyes were straight ahead, in all seriousness.
Taking a deep, quiet breath, you looked ahead again, too, trying to smile once more. If… he didn't notice, maybe it was all a misunderstanding? Perhaps you were just overreacting and daring to destroy a perfectly lovely family gathering because you were overthinking? So you got a grip on yourself, telling yourself to stop being an idiot and tried to ignore it.
The camera seemed to never stop as you kept your thoughts on positive things. Shoto, the decorations, Christmas! Right, you would not be the one to ruin everyone's holidays because of that little bit of inconvenience from you. Even when his hand crawled a little further up under your skirt, you still ignored it, gulped, and continued to smile. You even ignored the tip of his pointer finger against your sex, poking at it carefully while you tensed. His hand on your hip tensed too, pulling you closer and keeping you immobilized as if he was afraid of you jumping up and go.
The only thing you heard after a while was a grumbling in his throat next to you, resembling a chuckle before he pulled at your leg, pushing it even deeper in his own crotch region. By now, the bulge wasn't just big, it was enormous, fabric spreading all around your leg while you felt the hard inside rub against it. At the same time, he used his finger to swipe over your panties, hitting places he wasn't supposed to, causing you to let out a high-pitched squeal with your closed mouth, clutching Shoto's hand tightly out of reflex.
And then it was all over.
As if nothing had ever happened.
The pulling and squeezing up to his body vanished, and you were let go from his hold. No fingers or fabric against your leg and the camera slowly stopping taking more pictures while the siblings breathed a sigh of relieve. "Alright, folks. I think that's it!" the photographer laughed heartily, and you almost desperately jumped up from Enji's lap, stumbling back to Shoto's side, who gave you a questioning look. Surely, he had noticed the squeeze of your hand before, and your cheeks were colored oddly for a photo shoot after all.
Releasing your lip from your bite, you smiled at him reassuringly, hugging his arm and giving his cheek a kiss. As if you needed to reassure him when in reality, you were reassuring yourself. Even now, you still didn't want to believe what had happened, but it burned into your mind. Though you tried finding reasons such as age and just coincidence, you were still not convinced about Endeavor's real intentions, and you smiled sheepishly at him as he stood up and gave you a spare sideglance. One that, much to your own dismay, made your blood boil.
"I think I need a nap," you conveyed to Shoto, and you gained a confused look form him as he asked if you were okay. It was still early, after all. "Yeah, just… a little weird."
Looking back at your father-in-law, you saw him discuss the further production of the pictures with the old man, Fuyumi eagerly at his side, hoping to see some of them. "Well, that was strange," Natsuo mumbled as he passed you two, sneaking out of the room before any other 'stupid' ideas he would have to be involved in could rise. Nodding to yourself, you agreed with him, ready to leave too. With how complicated you were feeling, you wanted nothing more than go and rest for a while, sorting this mess out.
"Well, if you will excuse me…" the old man mumbled, grabbing his suitcases with the camera and bowing lightly to you. Fuyumi led him outside, and you and Shoto followed to see him off. Behind you, you were terribly aware of Endeavor's presence, and you let go of Shoto so you two could hold up with his chipper sister.
However, the moment Shoto was out of the door, you felt a yank at your shoulder, a familiar, big hand holding you back. "I have some decorations stored in my room. You should come and get them," Enji grumbled from behind you, sounding more like an instruction than a piece of helpful information. "O-Oh, I will do that later, Sir," you mumbled, smiling awkwardly back over your shoulder and meeting his sharp gaze.
"Don't take too much time," he grunted and passed you by. "Y-Yes…" you whispered, feeling incredible meek all of a sudden. His hand left your shoulder, and all of a sudden, you felt freezing without his body heat close to you. As if someone had just robbed you of your own warmth, and also clear thinking, you found yourself seeking the warmth.
Hugging yourself, you took a few deep breaths, feeling the pressure of having to go after Shoto or else he'd be worried, but barely able to walk. And then, you realized something that gave you a slap of shame over your head. You couldn't be surprised, but you felt the wet fabric between your legs, your head giving you short memories of the feeling of Enji's big fingers rubbing and poking right there. His heartbeat was like a metronome in your head, pounding and pounding in your ears, and you wondered if your heart ever could feel like that. You could imagine it clearly still, and it worried you immensely that you could not help but think about that huge, immense bulge against your knee. Even wonder about what was beneath these black dress pants.
Feeling your own body heat return to you, especially in your cheeks and ears, you quickly banished the thoughts, reminding yourself of exactly what you were thinking about. Of course, sometimes, these kinds of thoughts would come up when faced with something very different you were used to. It calmed you as you reminded yourself that you had surely wondered before what other celebrities were packing, it was… instinctual. Yes, instinctual.
"[Name]? Are you okay?" your lover's voice rang out to you, Shoto's frame appearing in the doorway. Immediately, your heart jumped in joy of seeing him, and you were relieved of the change of mind it gave you. You loved him so much. And you loved Christmas! To be together with him was all you wanted, and no little incident - no matter how weird and awkward it was - could stop that. "I'm fine!" you assured, jumping to his side and kissing him.
"I love you so much," you muttered to him, and his forehead wrinkled for a second over the spontaneous confession before his lips quirked upwards into a smile.
"I love you too."
You shared another, long, passionate kiss with him, sinking in his arms that he wrapped around you, knowing this was right where you belonged. This was what made you happy and thankful, and you were eager to show just how amazing Shoto could make you feel. A chuckle was enough to signal him just what you wanted, his body pressing up to yours quickly before he took you by the hand.
No one said anything when you two excused yourselves for a few hours to take a nap. However, you felt Enji's eyes drill into you while you, Shoto, and Fuyumi were conversating about the times you would be eating and needed to be up again to help. With a wave, you two said your farewells, for the time being, shutting the door behind you as you left the living room. It was a freeing feeling of the two orbs that seemed to not have let go of you as you were still in Endeavor's sight, uncomfortable and nerve-wracking for you. But you forced yourself to think about nicer things, like your husband at your side. And as he wrapped an arm around you, you leaned against his shoulder, you sighed blissfully.
Only for a moment, you couldn't help but notice the feeling of something missing. But how could you have ignored it?
Shoto's hand was just so much smaller than his.
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dennou-translations · 4 years
Kagerou Daze VIII: Chapter 8
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Children Record -side No.7-
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If “not forgetting” was the prerequisite for “having memories”, what was a “memory” once forgotten called?
I roamed my thoughts, not telling anyone about the “recollections” that I seemed dangerously close to losing.
The “goodbyes” that seemed to burn our chests, the miraculous “reunions”, the “future” that we’d reached our hands out to while readying ourselves for certain death – no matter how much we cherished them, it’d be a disappointment if we ended up forgetting everything.
“Forgetting” didn’t leave even loneliness behind. As if nothing had ever existed from the very beginning, the forgotten recollection would lose even the name “memory” and be gone without a trace. It was an utterly absurd story. No matter how dear our memories were to us, we couldn’t build a fence around them. We would fail to recall even the reasons to try remembering “memories” that were truly forgotten.
Right, we were there because we’d been “continuously forgetting”. By stepping over the dead bodies of memories that we couldn’t remember, we were moving forward one way or another.
That was the only thing I didn’t want to forget.
“He~y, you awake?” an insensitive voice echoed through the madder-red-dyed classroom.
Sitting in the last row next to the window and having been watching the slowly darkening diorama-like cityscape, I turned toward the owner of the voice. Illuminated by sunset glow, Ayano’s face was openly peeking at me from the seat in front of mine.
For starters, it was all too questionable that the concept of “sleep” would exist in this ambiguous world, where we were both alive and dead, so I wondered if she was joking.
No, that was suspicious. She didn’t seem to be thinking anything.
“There anyone who sleeps with their eyes closed?” as I asked rudely, I turned back to the cityscape out the window.
At the corner of my line of sight, Ayano shrank back a little. Seeing her that way, it looked to me like Ayano had started to get a slight inkling of things. I wasn’t trying to be mean to her or anything, but to be frank, I was irritated.
“C-Could it be... you’re angry at me for not going to you for advice?” Ayano asked with upturned eyes, stirring lightly in dread.
“About what?”
“Erm, like... I came over here by myself without asking for your opinion.” Hanging her head after saying so, Ayano flickeringly peeked at my complexion.
Well, she was mostly right.
At the very least, I didn’t hate her. She’d seemed friendly with me for some reason, and it hadn’t been just one or two times that I’d watched over her studies. Of course, given that we were a guy and a girl, I thought it was appropriate for each of us to keep a secret or two from one another. But even if that much was okay, as friends, I totally thought we had a relationship where one could rely on the other and be relied on whenever we were faced with great distress.
Still, this.
Hn, well~, there sure are things about her that I’ve never heard of from the Mekakushi-dan guys! Why, she went around on her own to investigate Clearing, and dear me, all her younger siblings had superhuman abilities, so she tried to enter Kagerou Daze alone after making up her mind – the more I dig, the more bargain sales I get of stuff I was never told before.
No, it wasn’t like I was vexed that she had kept it all a secret from me, or that I wanted to know Ayano through and through, or anything of the sort. Absolutely not. It’s just that, as her friend, I felt resentment at how she had done things in a reckless way without taking herself into consideration.
When I glanced at her, Ayano reacted to my gaze and her body shrank back uneasily.
Dammit... Acting like a little puppy...!
Trying to take advantage of my conscience would get her nowhere. Who knew how badly my heart had ached because of her during these two years?
Other men might end up easily forgiving you, but Shintarou-san isn’t the kind of skirt chaser who’d yield to that. Shintarou-san’s been severe lately.
“Well, things are the way they are. Even if I judge you at this point of the game, there’s no helping them.”
How regretful. Shintarou-san does wind up easily forgiving a girl when she fidgets at him.
Perhaps thinking that I was going to scold her or something, Ayano stared blankly at me for a bit, and then gave a faint smile, looking apologetic. “You’re as nice as ever. That’s why you ended up here, Shintarou.”
“Shaddap. You’re the same as me, aren’t you?” leaving my inward gags aside, I used rude language to dodge the embarrassing mood.
My bodily sense of time told me that it had been approximately one or two days ever since I was swallowed by Kagerou Daze. Still, in an environment where I could get neither sleepy nor hungry, there was probably not much meaning in relying on body sensations.
According to Haruka-senpai, there was a huge gap between here and outside regarding the flow of time. I had a rough idea of it from listening to Hibiya talk about how “the same day had repeated over and over”, and sure enough, there was no logic or reason to it. It indeed didn’t seem like I had been wrong about this being a world removed from common sense.
“But I was really surprised. To think Shintarou would be fighting together with everyone.”
“I was the last person who could’ve imagined something like that. Working my ass off to read deep into things for someone else’s sake just isn’t like me...”
“Nope, you’re wrong. I don’t know why, but I’ve always felt that it’d turn out like this. That Shintarou would do his best to protect everyone.” Ayano added, “That’s why I couldn’t tell you anything” at the end, shying out.
So she had expected that I’d fight.
Well, it wouldn’t not be inevitable that I’d get myself involved in this as long as Momo was an Ability User, but she shouldn’t know that Momo was an Ability User in the first place. If so, I couldn’t believe right off the bat that she had anticipated things would turn out like this, since I was “someone unrelated” to her in the end.
Hm. Wait a minute. Hahaan, don’t tell me...
“Could this be consolation for a ‘non-Ability-User’ like me?”
By some sort of karma, everyone I’d been involved with in high school had become an Ability User. Yet I was the only one who was still a newborn Bambi until now. I didn’t think hatefully of that, but I wondered if she didn’t think of me as inconvenient, since I was the sole person who hadn’t gotten his hands on an Ability out of our group of four friends.
Regardless, Ayano responded to my sarcasm-mixed words by shaking her head furiously. “I-I’m serious! I saw Shintarou fighting even in my dreams!”
“Hoh, what kinda dream was that?”
“Erm. One where Shintarou was standing coolly in front of everyone and flashily defeating the boss. You were wearing a bright red full-body unitard with the sunset on your back, saying, ‘Sorry for the wait! Here’s the unmatched super hero!’ and swinging an iron ball with a chain...”
“Wait, wait, wait, wait!! What sorta perverted bastard is that?!! That ain’t related to Abilities by a single millimeter, and actually, it didn’t become true at all, did it?!”
Halfway tending to trip, Ayano, who had been imagining me swinging around an iron ball, abruptly returned to reality. “That’s true. Gee, I wonder if it was in a different dream...”
“More like, just how often have you dreamed of me...?”
It was repulsive to think that I played an active role inside her brain clad in a transformation suit of sorts. Nevertheless, Ayano herself said something spine-chilling, like, “M-Might’ve been pretty often...” with her face turning red for some reason.
“B-But y’know, there are many Eye Abilities, so it’s not weird that there’s a power like sharing a future, is it?”
“Well, I wouldn’t be surprised no matter what comes up at this point, but are you the Ability User who can see this future?”
“No way! I’m totally not that!” resolutely denying it, Ayano made an X using her arms with a smack.
“Then isn’t this theory a bust?! Don’t try to justify the version of me that’s haunting your brain. First things first, take off the unitard!”
“Eeh?! If the unitard is off, the cool part is gone...”
“Eh, then wasn’t I unnecessary from the start?”
How tiring.
Aah, I was remembering it. You’d need a huge amount of effort to talk to her; about as much as when talking to Ene. It was a meaningless conversation, almost as if we were speaking just for the sake of “speaking”... Not knowing to settle her tone down even after dying made her a terrifying fellow.
But these aren’t pointless conversations like the ones of back then, I guess.
Precisely because she had died, she had played a major role in the fight of the outside world. As proof of this, she earlier had talked about what had been concerning her for a bit.
Praying that it wouldn’t be a fruitless conversation, I opened my mouth, “Just now, you said your Ability isn’t the power to see the future, right?”
“Ah, yup. I did.”
“Then, what Ability did you get?”
“Aah, that’s right! I had to talk about it!!” Pushing the chair with a clatter, Ayano stood up all of a sudden with vehement vigor.
“Hyan!!” and I, exceptionally surprised by it, fell backward while letting out an uncanny cry. Splendidly hit the back of my head. If this weren’t the inside of Kagerou Daze, it would’ve been an accidental homicide.
“Uwaah! Sorry, sorry! Well, about the Abilities...”
“W-Wait a minute, your tempo is too fast; at least lemme fix up the chair.” I frantically got up from the floor, putting the chair back in place with a rattle.
Just trying to have a proper conversation with her was that exhausting. Most likely, by the time she finished introducing the topic, my soul would have eroded and disappeared.
“Well, then.”
We pulled ourselves together and re-started the conversation.
“I think it’s better for me to begin explaining from the time I came to this world... to Kagerou Daze.”
“Sure. Got any confidence that you can explain it decently?”
“N-Not much, but... I’ll do my best.”
That’s the spirit. Let’s hear it.
“See, it’s about the day... when I did that thing on the rooftop.”
“W-Wait a minute. Can’t you stop talking this way? It’s too lighthearted, kinda like—”
“Geez~, and here I’d finally come up with a good explanation! Be quiet and listen!” Ayano flat and moderately hit the desk.
She was mad at me. I listened in silence.
“Right after I entered Kagerou Daze... I met a girl named Azami.”
“Azami”. The originator who had birthed the Abilities and the first victim of Clearing’s plot.
I used to have no idea about what had happened to Azami herself after she transferred Abilities to people on the outside, but this meant that she had been staying in Kagerou Daze while retaining her consciousness. I couldn’t think that Ayano would lie on purpose. If they had met, then that was probably the case.
“She was really weak. Until that point, she’d been existing as a spiritual body with the power of Stirring, which she gave to Takane-san, but then it was gone too, so it seemed she was at her limit.”
“I... see. So Enomoto became Ene after that.”
“Yep, yep. My, how can I put it...? Takane-san got a-all bright after that, huh?” Ayano seemed to be choosing her words most carefully out of respect for our senior, but as expected, the strain at the edge of her lips didn’t fool anyone.
Rejoice, Enomoto; your dear junior saw it all.
Perhaps having noticed my grin, Ayano said, “L-Let’s leave that aside” and resumed the talk, tending to tumble. “After losing her physical and spiritual body, Azami had only one power left. That was the Ability I received,” saying so, Ayano pointed at the corner of her eye.
“The last one... I also didn’t know about this.”
The “Ten Abilities” cited in Azami’s diary were mostly referenced by name. However, no matter how many times I counted, there were only nine names in it. Those nine Abilities applied to the powers residing in the people outside. In other words, the one residing inside Ayano was the Tenth Ability, which hadn’t been listed in the diary.
Tapping with the finger that was aimed at herself, Ayano spoke with slightly wavering words, “This is a bit of a weird Ability. It’s got a nature that’s a little different from the other Abilities, so to say; it’s an Ability that sprouted from Azami’s ‘heart’, like... Would you understand if I say it’s a power created from the feeling of ‘wanting to convey’?”
“Nope, don’t get it at all.”
“Thought so.” Ayano exhaled a prolonged sigh with a “haah~”.
My, you sure are doing your best for someone so bad at explaining stuff.
“Ah, that’s right. Then wouldn’t it be better if I did it like this?”
One instant.
Almost as if shaded with sunset glow, Ayano’s dark brown hair was pregnant with a dense orange color. That was the activation of an Ability, which I had witnessed countless times. Still, the “sense of pressure” that seemed to be released from Ayano’s two eyes was nearly non-existent.
“Y’see, I think it’ll probably the easiest way for you to understand if I do it like this... Can you accept it?”
Ayano’s words and the movements of her lips incited a natural nod from me.
“Thank you. Then, I’ll ‘convey’ it to you, ‘kay?”
The color that appeared to be swaying inside her irises flared up all the more intensely. Unable even to blink, I simply surrendered my body to the persuasiveness of those orbs.
“Favoring Eyes.”
I was in a dark place. There was no right, left, up or down. It wasn’t cold or hot.
It was that kind of place.
“You’ll disappear, won’t you, Azami?” a voice rang throughout the complete darkness. Even if I chased for the voice’s owner, I couldn’t find her.
And there was one more voice. It came closer as if to nestle with me, word overlapping upon word, “Yeah. I am glad I could talk to someone like you in my last moments. More than anything, I am sorry for not having been able to do a single thing for you all until the very end. Truly, I am sorry...”
“I don’t want you to cry, ‘cause I’m also holding back from doing it.”
“I-I am not crying. It was just snot that came out. Besides... my ‘memory’ has already been delivered to your heart, right?”
“Yep, it has. Azami, I’ve definitely received your ‘memory’. That’s why I’m not lonely anymore.”
“Is that so? Then I am relieved. In the future, this ‘memory’ might be useful for something. The ‘memory’ is not me but the precious ‘feelings’ I had when I was alive.”
“Really, you’re right. I can understand your ‘memory’... as if it were my own. You’ve been doing your best to live on for such a very long time, huh, Azami?”
“Ugh... hic...”
“Aah, sorry. I didn’t say it out of thinking about making you cry.”
“That’s not it; that’s not it at all. It’s just... I’ve never even dreamed that someone would say something like this to me.”
“You’re a real crybaby, Azami. It’s okay; ‘cause I-I... surely won’t forget...
“What, but aren’t you also crying?”
“E-Ehehe. We’re together on this, huh?”
“It is already time. Lastly... I will leave this with you.”
“It is my ‘heart’... the power named ‘Favoring’. It is the power to convey ‘feelings’ and ‘memories’... Surely, if it’s you...”
“Hic... u-ueeh...”
“Welcome back. Did it get properly conveyed?”
“Yeah, it did.”
The color of the classroom dyed in scarlet was unfading, softly enveloping my consciousness as I was pulled back. It wasn’t like I’d been “shown” or “told” anything, yet a memory of Azami and Ayano’s encounter found itself inside my head as if it were logical.
“Shintarou, could it be you’re crying?”
“I ain’t crying. It’s just snot that came out.”
Ayano stared at my face for a bit, and perhaps realizing the meaning of those words, she gave me a shy smile.
I started thinking about Ayano.
The environment encircling her when she was still alive was wretched to the point of making me sick. To think that she had lost her precious mother, that her father – who used to be her only foundation – went through a transformation, and that her siblings and school seniors were taken as hostages. It wasn’t the kind of story that would only go as far as making your insides boil.
And so, Ayano had jumped from the rooftop, entering Kagerou Daze through cutting her own life short. Kano had made guesses about it; that as a result of linking her mother’s notes to Clearing’s plans, she had probably thought she could hinder Clearing’s plot of “gathering Abilities to make a Medusa” if she got her hands on one of the Ten Abilities.
Through my meeting with the Mekakushi-dan guys and connecting the pasts that each of them had talked about, I had arrived to the true motives behind Ayano’s actions. I had been accompanied by inevitable rage. That was why I’d sustained myself on that rage and fought. I’d been beating the hell of out this shitty world, which had been making people like them – who were living in desperation – into fools, pushing ridiculous absurdity onto them, and trying to rob them of even their future.
And the outcome of that fight was as one could see.
There wasn’t a single means of salvation, and neither was any miracle going to happen. The plan I’d come up with through milking my brains out also hadn’t served to save everybody. There was really nothing more worthless than the fact that, if there was just one thing I could do, it was to talk to my dead friends.
Nevertheless, even if I died, even if I rotted, there was one truth that I couldn’t escape from. Outside of Kagerou Daze, the Mekakushi-dan guys were even now fighting against the enemy. Just because I’d died, there was no way I alone could put an end to it on my own accord. And it seemed I wasn’t the only one thinking so.
Ayano and I looked into each other’s eyes, and as if confirming one another’s wills, we exchanged words.
“Must keep it up until the end, huh?”
“Yeah, it ain’t over yet.”
At Ayano’s unfaltering words, I was convinced of one thing. Most likely, she and I were imagining the exact same conclusion for this battle.
In the first place, this fight had pre-existing conditions thrust into it from the beginning. The enemy was an immortal Ability itself, and the only one who could control it – the Medusa – didn’t exist in this world. So long as the enemy was immortal, if Mary didn’t turn into a Medusa and make it powerless, the Ability Users would all be brutally killed, no matter how much they ran or tried to buy time. Still, for Mary to become a Medusa, she had to draw the Abilities out of the Ability Users.
In other words, from the very start, the development where all of us would survive didn’t exist in this battle.
It was a cruel story that nothing could be done about, but it was the “reality” of this struggle. As long as we couldn’t all survive together, we couldn’t puff out our chests and claim that “we won”. And, albeit being aware of these prerequisites, everyone from the Mekakushi-dan had thrown themselves into the fight.
If only we’d managed to figure everything out sooner, faster.
It was too late for being frustrated over that or anything else at this point. Because, right now, everything had come to the moment just before the end.
Still, there was only one thing. It was a mere possibility, but there was something left in our hands. It was liable to turn out as meaningless, but if we hadn’t fought, we would never have been able to get our hands on it. Just as there was no “victory” for us in this battle, as long as we had that thing, there was also no “defeat”.
After all, the goal we carried was not to “win”.
“I left just one thing behind on the other side,” saying so, I took a cellphone out of my jersey’s pocket, put it on the desk and tilted my neck at Ayano.
“A phone? I think it won’t connect with the other side, though...”
“If you think on ordinary terms, that’s how it’d be. Except, there’re guys who ‘ain’t normal’ on the other side.”
It didn’t even serve as an all-or-nothing, and it seemed suspicious that it’d be as much as a one-in-a-million chance; that was the kind of bet it was. And even if it became true, that didn’t mean it could knock down the enemy. Simply for the sake of grasping an “extension”, I’d entrusted one last wish to that girl.
“Even if you thought it out, you normally wouldn’t do something like that.” Perhaps having understood my anticipations, Ayano gave me a strained smile.
“I might’ve stopped being ‘normal’ too.”
Seen from the sidelines, me betting my own life not for the sake of surviving or fighting, but merely for “choosing”, probably came off as an abnormality. And so, I ruminated inside my mind for our clichéd purpose, which we had decided upon in that hideout.
Our child-like objective of “not giving up on the future no matter what”.
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saladejin · 4 years
Call An Uber? | 05
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BTS x Reader | idolverse au, uber driver!Reader, translator!Reader | Fluff, flirting, super slow burn, angst and hurt/comfort, mature themes and eventual smut
Summary: Your normal life with a normal, yet inconsistent job gets drastically changed when your dreams come true. Sounds boring right? What happens when all of this occurs, but you’re still doing something you love AND getting a large sum for it? Now there’s something to think about, and it’s definitely not what you’re thinking.
Warnings: Mild swearing
Word Count: 4k 
< masterpost >
A/N: Hey there tumblr readers! This story might not seem all that angsty or plot-heavy in these first few chapters, but I promise it builds into it. I apologise for all the slow burn, I just can’t help myself ^^;
»»————- <<prev | next >> ————-««
       Getting home after the calming car ride seemed a tad anti-climactic. Weariness from the day piled high onto my shoulders, and as I threw my bag into the corner of my bedroom, I all but flopped onto the bed unceremoniously.
The small apartment wasn’t much, but it was enough to sustain me. The landlord was polite at least, and the rent was luckily just within my budget for now. It consisted of a small kitchen and a cosy living room all in one tiny, yet open space. A door led into the one and only bedroom of the apartment, which was also lacking in spaciousness, but it wasn’t as if anyone else was living here. All in all, it was adequate despite not really being something I was used to.
Laying silently on the bed allowed my thoughts and memories from the day to shroud my mind. I remembered how helpless and overwhelmed I’d been feeling when escaping into the carpark of the building, and how my responsibilities had come crashing through like swelling waves of inky ocean water. 
Feeling lost was one way to describe that moment, but Yoongi had consoled me to a point where I felt stable and supported. Even if he didn’t mean to show it directly, of which I wasn’t so sure, his way of letting me know he cared hadn’t been lost on me. I was usually good at noticing these things, so it was surprising to see that he wanted to show the gentle side of him tonight. I guess I really was finding out how these boys lived. I was seeing their thought processes with my own very eyes, something vital that was missing in my connection with them before.
Things were happening quickly, but I was ready to let them happen with welcoming, open arms. I was going to absolutely thrive in this new lifestyle, so why let stress weigh me down like a pile of bricks? I just wouldn’t let it.
Rolling over to smooth down the pale bedsheets with my fingers, I couldn’t help but let my mind drift to the sharp eyes of Yoongi, the dazzling smile of Jimin, Namjoon’s dimples…and just all seven of them. I needed to let them know how their fans felt, and I needed them to let me know if they had any doubts about their popularity and future. This could be one of my purposes, and a goal combined with many, many ARMYs. If I had the chance to console them, just like Yoongi had with me, then I would jump at the opportunity with no malignant intentions. I only wanted to help them and share with them the happiness they had given me throughout the years. To groove out their misgivings and straying negativity that allowed unnecessary stress and anxiety to build.
This was my purpose.
The days scorched hotter and hotter, meaning another short meeting for us at the firm. Nobody wanted to stay inside a sticky office filled with the sounds of stuttering air conditioners and electric fans, so Bang PD let everyone go home earlier than usual. When I say earlier, I mean mid-afternoon anyway, so it’s not like it’s actually early.
I’d finally started out with my new job, and so far things had gone swimmingly. The staff were continuously friendly, and the workload was nothing too devastating. Since the company had been a little short on multilingual interpreters, the amount of language related jobs had been growing over time. I could have been overwhelmed, but instead it was somehow smooth sailing from the get-go.
Things were going splendidly, but I wondered about what was going to happen with my Uber job. Would I just stop? It wasn’t like I needed the money from it now, so what would even be the point of it? Meeting new people from all cultures and backgrounds wouldn’t even be an issue at all. Maybe, just maybe the idea of giving up my job as a glorified taxi driver was an imminent one.
The office had been bustling today, but I knew it was because everyone was focused on preparing for the upcoming BTS concert. One of the company’s translators held out some papers from where he sat in his wheeling chair. “(Y/n)-ssi, could you please drop these down to the stylists? I translated the articles like they asked, so they’ll want to have a look as soon as possible.”
“Of course. I was about to bring them some coffee anyway. They’ve been working tirelessly,” I smiled at him and grasped the papers. It seemed the marketing management had wanted select articles about their fashion sense, hair styling and makeup to be translated from various languages.
I scurried to the kitchen area where I’d already started on the coffees. Someone had graciously told me how most of the stylists liked their drinks, and I knew they would need it after how much they had been testing makeup supplies and hair products downstairs. I shuddered at the thought of having my fingers sticking together from the amount of hairspray circulating the room.
The basement was pretty much where everything happened. Practices, auditions, coaching etc. You name it.  After dropping off the notes and coffees, I was showered with gratitude from the stylists and was shocked to see just how tired and worn-down they were. The thought that something big was about to happen caused excitement to curl deep within the pit of my stomach.
Maybe there’ll be new hair colours soon?
“No worries, make sure you get some rest!” I reminded them before letting the door to the changing room click shut.
I was right about the hairspray thing, it was seriously suffocating in there. At least they had some air vents open for ventilation, but I felt bad for those kind-hearted men and women. They would most likely be staying there way into the hours of the night too.
I began to walk back towards the elevator, but my eyes were caught by a bright light flooding from one of the main practice areas. One of the doors had been left wide open, and I glanced inside to see a very expansive room enclosed by pure white walls. The floor was made up of tawny brown floorboards, or maybe vinyl, I wasn’t quite sure. I think it had only recently been renovated.
“(Y/n)? Hello!” a clear and high-pitched voice made me jump in my skin. I looked further into the room to spot Jimin resting in one of the black, wheeling chairs of the studio area. His fading blonde locks had been swept back completely, and I could tell he was tired and sweaty from practicing.
To his left was Hoseok, who seemed distracted until Jimin’s exclamation, and the last person in the room was none other than a certain Kim Taehyung. As soon as the youngest of the three found out I was hiding in the doorframe, his eyes blew wide.
“Hey Jimin, Hoseok-ssi and Taehyung-ssi,” I bowed, as was the custom, and made my way into the room. You really had to spin around to take everything in, it was incredibly large for a practice studio.
I turned when I heard footsteps and was greeted by a very bright and bubbly Taehyung.
“(Y/n)? Ah, it’s so great to meet you finally!” He bowed also and I instinctively reached out to shake his hand, smiling once he brought both of his warmer ones together around my own.
They’re so big, what the hell.
Ripping my line of sight away from his long fingers, I glanced behind him to see Hoseok making his way forward too. “Hey there! I’m also glad to meet you (Y/n).”
I exchanged similar greetings with the fiery red-head, but stepped back when Jimin intervened with a low-pitched whine.
“No, no.” He ran forward and grasped his two bandmate's shirts gently to pull them away. “Don’t crowd her, we’re all smelly from practice!”
His disgusted expression made me grin again, and I shook my head. “Don’t worry about that, a little sweat won’t kill me.”
Hoseok laughed while playfully batting away Jimin’s hands. “Sorry about that, we are kind of gross right now.” He started airing out his shirt rapidly while strolling over to where three water bottles rested along the wall. I noticed that they were the only people in the room and puzzled over the thought. they were usually here with a manager or something, weren’t they?
“What were you guys practicing? And where are the others?” I queried, and watched as Taehyung flashed me a boxy grin. Jimin just groaned and ran his fingers through his hair yet again.
“We’re practicing for the concert, but I only came a couple of hours ago, the others are just at home I think,” Taehyung explained, patting Jimin’s back heartily. “Jiminie and Hoseokie-hyung have been here all day. They’re so fit!”
I glanced over at the two dancers as Hoseok jumped over to tickle Tae lovingly, Jimin just smiled at their loud antics. I was beyond surprised, as none of the members even seemed too tired. They were simply out of breath despite the sheer amount of exercise they’d undergone.
“That’s amazing! You all have so much energy to be able to practice so much.” I earned all of their attentive gazes, Hoseok instantly gracing me with his own beaming smile.
“Thanks! We’re just having a little break, but we’ll start again soon. Would you like to watch?”
My heart almost leapt out of my chest at the thought.
“Would I? Of course I’d love to watch you guys dance.” I clapped my hands together in excitement, eyes bright and shining with an uncontrolled delight. This made Taehyung reach forward with both hands to make a 'flower' under my flushing face.
“How cute!” He cooed, and Jimin pulled him away again. An eye-smile was stretching across the shorter boy's face in the most endearing way possible. Hoseok laughed, following with a “very cute, very cute” and ran off to start the music again.
All three of them were in light clothing, but Hoseok was wearing a white short-sleeved t-shirt while the other two adorned button-ups varying in style. All three wore long black Puma pants, most likely because of the ambassadorship they were part of.
“Ah, I don’t want to mess up in front of (Y/n),” Jimin tilted his head and looked at me with a somewhat pained expression. When I raised my eyebrows at him, he pouted and shook his hair out of his downcast eyes. I felt like I needed to step in.
“Jiminie, you’re an amazing dancer, you’d even make messing up look good. Plus, it’s only practice.”
“Yeah Jimin-ah, she won’t mind,” Hoseok helped me out and as the music started blaring from the speakers again, the rapper jogged over to jab Jimin teasingly in the side.
From the words of encouragement, Jimin brightened and smiled in my direction again before joining the others with a serious glint in his eye. I sat against one of the pristinely white walls to watch the action unfold before me, knowing I was about to witness something magnificent. Taehyung started moving his hands and bobbing his body to the beat in that hilarious way he usually did in mock dance practices, and I couldn’t help but snort in amusement.
“Oh, Taehyung is improving! It must be because we have a lady in the room,” Hoseok teased and shook his head, breaking out into chuckles when Tae moved to hit his shoulder in protest. His bashful smile switched focus to me, and I nodded my head in approval.
“I'm loving the skills though.”
Suddenly, the starting track for ‘Fire’ began rumbling loudly through the speakers, and my ears perked in recognition. Was I actually going to see this performed in front of me? I knew this dance all too well from the countless videos I’d seen.
“Are you guys ready?” Hoseok hollered into the open space, and I watched them line up a few metres back from the large mirror. They must’ve been planning to perform this at the upcoming concert, but I wasn’t sure why they needed so much practice seeing as they literally performed it at most live events.
I suddenly threw my cardigan across the room and jump to my feet, rolling up my sleeves in determination. I didn’t even care if they thought I was the strangest person in the world right now, because this was ‘Fire’. “I’m so joining in!”
As the first ‘bultaoruene’ resonated against the pale walls, I ran into the middle of the room and launched straight into the first part of the dance. Despite wanting to come across as serious, I couldn’t keep a cool and collected demeanour and opted instead to laugh loudly. The others were no different, and as my arms started moving wildly, Jimin fell to the floor in a breathless wreck. Hoseok exaggerated his surprise by cupping his hands around his mouth and cheering me onwards while Taehyung mimicked him with his own loud whoops. All three ended up on the ground as I continued to dance, biting my lip to feign seriousness.
I didn’t try to replicate their dancing, as I knew I couldn’t reach their level, but I still shook my hands rapidly and squeezed impassioned eyes to parody something that resembled it. The music stopped, and I fell to the vinyl floor as well, my breathing shortened due to how much I was cackling. Hoseok had stumbled over to pause the track, and I could hear him suffering just as I was.
“Oh my-Oh my God that was great. Did you learn the whole thing?” he gasped out, making his way back over to where I was sitting with my head pressed into the cold floor. My whole body was shaking and erupting with shamed giggles, and when I rolled over, I hid my face in my hands to stop the embarrassment from showing.
“I’ve seen it too many times to not dance to it.”
“I was not expecting that, you have to dance with us, I’m begging you.” Taehyung ran over, his deeply toned sentence breaking up into various airy chuckles. Jimin was the last to get to his feet, but his face was completely reddened and his hair was even messier than before.
“We’ll teach you the rest. I think we’ve practiced the actual dances enough for today, don’t you think hyung?”
Hoseok exhaled loudly, his eyes crinkling with his smile after regaining his composure. 
“Yes, you’re right. And the newest member of the dance line needs some instruction.”
I was still on the floor, but at the agile dancer’s statement I fell over again. Taehyung and Jimin both smiled at the sight of my pained expression.
“Guys, I wouldn’t be able to dance the whole thing properly, let alone with phenomenal dancers like you right there.”
“Thank you for the compliment, but you are going to learn this. No buts.” Taehyung held out a helping hand, and I grasped it to help me get back on my feet. I then turned to Hoseok.
“Okay sonsaeng-nim, where do I start?”
All three boys laughed again, and Hoseok straightened himself, puffing out his chest to seem scholarly. Taehyung pointed towards him with a grin that only widened.
“Hobi-hyung is literally everyone’s dance teacher, he’ll make sure you get it perfect.”
At this, the greyish-brown haired boy rushed to line up beside me and looked sideways expectantly. Jimin , but chose not to line up. I nudged Taehyung into a straighter position with my elbow as Hoseok began pacing in front of us, massaging his chin with two fingers thoughtfully. He lowered his voice to sound gruff and strict, and I had to blow out my cheeks to keep it in.
“First lesson of the day, the chorus choreo.”
“Yes, teacher,” Taehyung and I recited in unison as if being scolded. Jimin nearly fell over again until Hoseok waved his hand dismissively and the whole act was dropped. I fell into the boy beside me, suddenly embarrassed once more, but not being able to contain myself any longer. Taehyung patted my shoulder comfortingly while stifling his own noises.
“Honestly, we weren’t joking about you learning the dance though,” Hoseok started and meandered over to grasp both my forearms, tugging on them to lead me forwards. I groaned and sent a look that screamed ‘help’ towards Jimin and Taehyung, but they both just snorted.
I internally cursed Jimin for betraying me like this. I’d thought he was my friend.
“Jimin-ah, Taehyung-ah, you’re going to help too.” Hoseok beckoned them over, and I could only grumble in more complaint.
“Okay, just get Jimin to show me some steps and I’ll see if I can do it properly.” I straightened my arms, which were still being pulled by Hoseok, and tapped my feet a couple of times to get ready. The red-haired dancer eventually dropped his hold, but looked down at his hands as if he’d touched something strange and foreign.
Jimin nodded at my request, and I paid close attention as he lined up in front of the mirror and ran through the starting choreography to the chorus. As both he and Hoseok showed me a slowed down version, I managed to get it all memorised. Taehyung clapped his hands to congratulate me, but his face fell when the phone in his pocket started buzzing incessantly.
“Sorry guys, it’s my turn to help Jin-hyung with dinner tonight. I have to go,” Taehyung fake sobbed, and I watched as Jimin went along with it to hug him comfortingly. Hoseok pretended to cry as well, and I couldn’t help but think this whole scene looked like he was about to be sacrificed to the Devil or something.
“Bye (Y/n), I hope I’ll see you soon,” The lively boy called as everything returned back to normal, and I couldn’t help but revel in the easy-going atmosphere surrounding me suddenly. I hadn't even met two of these people yet, but somehow I'd managed to skip past all the initial awkwardness of first meetings.
“Of course, definitely soon!” I vowed, and the singer left while grabbing one of the sports bags that rested by the door, continuing to walk backwards and wave rapidly. He was just too cute, and the way his eyes glimmered with hope just before he left was etched deeply into my mind. Even long after he was gone.
“We’re fine to teach you something, before we have to go anyway,” Hoseok turned back to us, and I almost face-palmed at the thought.
“Please don’t waste your time, I don’t even have a dancer’s body,” I spoke, my voice drawling out in protest.
“(Y/n) you do! Even if you were playing around before, you could still dance,” Jimin fought my statement, and I scoffed at his widened eyes. He was seriously against people belittling themselves.
“Plus, everyone gets better with practice,” Hoseok joined in, nodding his head cutely as he slammed his hands onto his hips. Jimin ran through the dance again, and I sewed their teachings together to try and copy him. I was shorter and had a different body shape to both dancers, but it wasn’t too difficult to try and alter the moves to accommodate for that. It was safe to say I actually ended up pretty proud of the outcome.
“I just don’t like how I can’t flow properly when I come up from the first move,” I grunted, trying out the steps again. Jimin hummed considerately before moving to stand behind me.
“Move your hands super quickly, and maybe keep this arm up so it’s easier.” He lightly grasped one of my forearms while I stayed frozen in position, and I actually saw in the mirror how it could help me. I was very much aware of how gentle his touch had been and how close his body was to mine. It didn’t help my racing thoughts when his warm puffs of breath made the hairs on the back of my neck tingle.
“And since you have to move your feet soon after, maybe don’t put so much weight on them beforehand,” Hoseok chipped in, and moved my other arm down so I could focus on my feet this time around. He’d been firmer than Jimin with his touch, but the singular fact that both of them had touched my arms in the span of a minute was enough to leave me breathless. I followed his instruction and gulped when the dancer’s lips quirked up into a knowing smirk.
The fucker knows what he’s doing.
“See, speed it up and try it now!” Hoseok bounced to get on my other side while Jimin stood and watched his partner offer his own extra tips. I found out just how useful a wall-sized mirror was when learning to dance, and when complimented by Hoseok’s timely sound effects, it wasn’t hard to get down the moves.
“Pa, pa and... boom! See, you have it. You’re a natural.” Hoseok reached up to exchange a sharp high-five, and I complied before covering my face again. This was almost too embarrassing. I just knew how badly my cheeks were flaring with flames of blazing pink.
“See hyung, I told you she was cute when she blushed.” One of Jimin’s fingers came to poke my cheek, just like he had done that one time in the car.
I reeled away from him. “Ah, don’t tease me, how rude!”
Hoseok and Jimin chuckled, and I heard the older dancer agree with my words in another fresh bout of mockery. “She’s right Jiminie, don’t embarrass her too much or she might just faint because of you.”
I growled, and they both stifled their laughing.
“As if I would faint, it’s not like I’ve never received a compliment before.”
“Ooh, cocky.” Hoseok tilted his head back and I smiled as both boys shook their heads at each other with crossed arms.
“Hey!” I pushed both of them away using their broad chests, scrunching my face up. Knowing it wasn’t convincing in the slightest, I inwardly cursed my continuous failure to hide emotions.
“But seriously, she has that natural aegyo,” Hoseok pointed out with wide eyes. Jimin’s jaw slackened in surprise before he agreed wholeheartedly.
 “I’m leaving, before my face burns clean off,” I then announced, pointing an accusing finger at the two chuckling dancers who were making their way over to gather their belongings and drink bottles.
 “Remind me to never be alone with you two again.”
“But (Y/n) …” Jimin licked his lips and smiled sweetly. “We’re not making any promises.”
The duality of this man truly scared me.
“Whatever, I should actually get going though,” I noted forlornly, not continuing to joke even though I really wished to do nothing but. The boys both nodded with their spirits also seeming to dampen slightly, but Hoseok lifted his head to smile with that signature sun-like glow of his.
“It was really fun to dance with you, please consider learning with us again (Y/n).”
“It sounds like you’re trying to sell me something, but sure I’ll think about it.”
Jimin erupted into giggles and slapped his elder on the shoulder before curling into him, just like he usually did when he laughed really hard. Hoseok merely pressed his lips together and tilted his head to seem hurt.
“Please do,” he agreed in a broken whisper, but I steeled my throat from letting anything close to laughter escape its clutches. I would be here for way too long if I couldn’t control myself.
“Okay bye!” I shout, listening to their farewells before ducking out into the chilled hallway.
Time had seriously flown by, and I remembered that I would have been home hours ago if I hadn’t been so severely side-tracked. I sighed with weariness as I finally made my way towards the steel doors of the elevator, listlessly passing a trashcan full of several empty coffee cups.
            Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved.  
tagged: @l4life​, @joyful-jimin​
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roseherondale · 4 years
Summary: Jace invites Kit to help him confront a warlock who may be planning to commit necromancy but Kit reveals too much.
Word Count: 3147
Warnings: N/A
Read it on AO3 here
The golden swirls of the portal disappeared around him and he looked around at the familiar library of the New York Institute where he spent more time than he would admit to anyone, curled up on the sofa reading and studying, surrounded by the books on the high shelves around the room. His gaze landed on Clary and Jace, a couple of metres in front of him, smiling widely. He moved forward, hugging Clary tightly. Her red hair was tied back in a ponytail, and she was wearing a band t-shirt for TMI: a band that her parabatai, Simon Lewis, had been in when he had lost his memories to the Greater Demon, Asmodeus. He had since quit, but it seemed that Clary had kept the merchandise; it was worn and frayed at the sleeves.
"Kit! It's so good to see you." He pulled back, grinning, and turned to Jace, who awkwardly squeezed his shoulder.
"It's good to see you too." He replied.
"Hey, Christopher." Despite being cousins, Jace had easily fallen into a big brother role regarding Kit, and his smile was warm and inviting, despite the gauche action. He was wearing a white t-shirt underneath a leather jacket, and jeans, which was his usual style.
"Kit. What did you need?" Jace ignored the remark about his name and gestured to the sofas in the centre of the room.
They sat down, and Clary and Jace exchanged a brief look from where they were sat opposite him when Jace spoke. "We know you don't have much experience in Downworlder politics, so we thought it would be fun for you to come with us whilst we scope out a potentially necromantic warlock."
Kit furrowed his eyebrows. "Potentially necromantic?"
"There have been rumours," Jace confirmed, "so we thought it best to check it out after everything that happened with Malcolm. So, what do you think? Are you in?"
"Sounds fun. When are we leaving?" Kit responded, trying to keep his face even so that they couldn't tell that he was worried about the necromantic part of their mission.
"About fifteen minutes, so we should go gear up." Jace said, and Kit subtly let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding.
When he returned, dressed in black gear, which he had to admit really suited him against his tan skin and golden hair, Clary was applying a rune to Jace's collarbone. He wasn't close enough to see the shape, but he watched as the inky black lines formed on his skin.
Noticing him enter, Clary smiled widely, but Kit didn't know why. "Ready?" He nodded.
She drew the rune for a portal in the air, and it formed once more, sending papers flying from one of the tables, and rustling the pages of open books beside them. Jace headed in first, then Kit, following a gesture from Clary, and she brought up the rear.
"Do you need any runes?" Jace asked when they arrived in a mundane street. Kit shook his head, staring around. On either side, townhouses reached the sky, and casted shadows so that the afternoon sun couldn't reach them. Kit shivered slightly. It didn't seem like a place where someone would commit necromancy; it was too normal.
"Are you sure we're in the right place?" Kit asked.
"We are," another voice confirmed, and Kit spun around to see Magnus Bane, dressed splendidly in a purple velvet jacket. "He has wards up."
Simon appeared from behind him, wearing a t-shirt that said 'may d4s be with you' and Kit couldn't help but chuckle at the pun. Simon winked at him, moving next to Clary and bumping his shoulder against hers, gently.
"Hey Mini-Jace." He waved and Kit pulled a face, but waved back at him, to Clary and Simon's giggles.
"Okay, so Kit and I will go in, scope out the area and call you in if there's any trouble." Jace said, crossing his arms.
"Sure." Clary shrugged, settling down on a wall to wait. Magnus pulled out his phone.
"I was just telling Simon about Max turning into a bat again yesterday. We had to catch him with a net; let me show you the video, biscuit." Despite wanting to see the video of Magnus and Alec catching their warlock son with a net, Kit turned away and followed Jace up the steps. He knocked on the door and stepped back, grinning at Kit, easily.
The door opened slightly, the chain still on, and a face appeared at the side. It was a middle aged man, dark skinned but looking normal for a warlock. Since Kit spent a lot of time with the extravagance of Magnus Bane, the green-skinned and horned Ragnor Shade, and the blue-skinned Catarina Loss, he frowned slightly.
"What do you want, Shadowhunters?" He asked, seeming frazzled.
"You're the warlock, Atlantes?" Jace asked, and he nodded sharply. "We'd like to come in and ask you some questions."
"Fine." He unlocked the chain and stood aside for them to come in. Kit immediately noticed a cat's tail behind him, flicking agitatedly. Well, that answered the unspoken question about his warlock mark. He was dressed casually, in sweatpants and a t-shirt; he clearly hadn't been expecting them.
"Jace Herondale; head of the New York Institute." He introduced himself, and Atlantes reluctantly shook his hand.
"You brought a child." He said, looking at Kit with disdain. Jace moved passed him, heading into the living room.
"Couldn't find a babysitter." Jace said, seriously. "Anyway, he's my sidekick."
"I am not your sidekick." Kit defended. "If anything, you're my sidekick."
Jace raised his eyebrows, then turned back to Atlantes, who had followed them in, and was now hurriedly tidying up the cramped space. "Well anyway, we're here because there have been rumours that you plan to commit necromancy."
He spluttered. "What? That's preposterous. Who's spreading rumours about me? It is Barnabas Hale?"
"It doesn't matter who it is. We just have to come and ask you some questions."
Kit zoned out from the conversation slightly and looked around the room. Atlantes had shuffled the papers into a messy pile, on the coffee table, but it was also littered with various jars filled with ingredients, and though Kit didn't recognise them, they were handily labelled. He turned away to a cabinet on the far side of the room and made his way over. Jace and Atlantes were arguing about the precedent that Shadowhunters had and whether they should be able to deal in warlock politics, so neither of them were paying Kit any attention.
The cabinet was glass, but there was a box inside, with unlit candles on either side, and a photograph of an old woman, also dark skinned with bright eyes and a warm smile. If the man was commiting necromancy, Kit suspected that he wanted to bring that woman back, and that her hair, blood and bone was stored in the box.
"Who's this woman?" Kit asked.
Atlantes smiled for the first time since they entered. "That's my dear mother."
"Is that who you're trying to bring back?" Jace asked.
"No, I'm not trying to bring anyone back and my mother is still with us." He sniffed, "I meet her every week for lunch." In that case, the warlock was very young; Kit had never imagined them as anything but ancient and wise.
He noticed a bag of white powder pushed behind a pile of books on the floor. Pulling it out, he placed it on top of the books.
"Is this chalk?" He asked.
"Yes." Atlantes said, glancing over, distractedly.
"What's it made of?" He questioned, knowing that chalk made from the powdered bones of a murder victim was one of the ingredients for the necromancy spell.
"I don't know; whatever chalk's made of." He turned to Jace. "The child is asking stupid questions." Jace glanced over Atlantes' shoulder and Kit gave him a pointed look.
Jace just shrugged. "He's not my child; I can't tell him what to do." Atlantes huffed, frustratedly.
"Is there anything else you need?" He asked.
"Yes, we need to do a thorough search of your property, but we can have a warlock do it if it's more comfortable for you." Jace said, ever the vision of diplomacy.
"You don't need to. I haven't committed any necromancy." He protested, his tail flicking back and forth.
"I'm sorry; I have to do my job." Kit didn't think that Jace sounded sorry at all; in fact he seemed amused at the annoyance the warlock was facing. The information incriminating him must have been reliable, as Kit had never seen Jace taunt an innocent person before. He supposed that it was Jace's way of telling him that he needed to find more evidence to rattle him.
Kit continued to walk around the room, this time feeling the eyes of the warlock on him. He picked up random items and turned them over in his hands, whilst he desperately searched for something else that could be used for necromancy. Kit would never have admitted out loud that there was something thrilling about the mission; trying to find a rogue necromancer whilst having dabbled in it himself. For once, he felt valuable and needed; he alone knew the ingredients for the spell. Only he could incriminate the man, and if he could stop someone from making the same mistake Ty did, he would.
He picked up a jar of ash and opened it to smell it. The familiar aroma of the incense from the heart of a volcano overcame his senses, and at once he was hit by the memory of being on the lakeside, the faint smell on the breeze.
"This is incense from the heart of a volcano." He said, towards the warlock.
Resembling a deer caught in headlights, he nodded, then quickly recovered. "It's good to make tea. It helps with colds and I've been feeling pretty run down lately."
"I don't know about that." Kit said, "but I know it's an ingredient for a necromancy spell."
Atlantes froze, his eyes fixed on Kit's face. He was convinced of his guilt now, and Kit had one more trick up his sleeve.
"What did you use as your object from another dimension?"
"What do you mean?" Atlantes asked, but his eyes were wide.
"Well, we used something from Thule, but I can't imagine it was easy to find something."
"Don't speak to me of that place." If it was possible, his eyes widened further, and he looked terrified.
Jace intervened. "So, what dimension did you use?"
He sighed. "Diyu."
"What's Diyu?" Kit asked, confused.
"It's a realm of Hell." He faced Atlantes, "I assume you went through when Magnus and Alec were closing the portals in Shanghai."
He sighed. "Yes."
Kit rolled his eyes and pulled out a sphere of blue mist from behind the sofa cushions. "It wouldn't have worked anyway; your catalyst is corrupted." He tossed it back down, avoiding Jace's eyes.
"You're an annoying child, but I'm curious as to how you know so much about necromancy." Atlantes said, surveying him closely.
"I read the list of ingredients from your pile of papers." Kit said and Jace laughed loudly.
"Come on then. It's off to the Silent City for you." Atlantes held his arms out and Jace handcuffed them.
"I can't believe you figured it out." He said, shaking his head, sadly.
"What do you mean? You had all the ingredients and the instructions all around the room." Kit said, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Still..." Atlantes said, trailing off.
Jace strolled over to the table. "Is this from the Black Volume of the Dead? How did you get this?"
"I don't have the book." He defended. "I was holidaying in LA; I like to go diving. I found a phone and I was curious as to who's it was so I could return it, but then I realised that the photo album was full of pictures of the book, so I kept it."
Kit felt the colour drain from his face, and he turned away so that Jace wouldn't notice. He had watched Ty throw it into the ocean and neither of them would have expected for it to end up in the wrong hands.
"That was a good strategy, Christopher." Jace praised, casually, and Kit tried to hide his smile.
"So, it turns out you actually are my sidekick." He joked. Jace glared at him, lightly, rolling his eyes.
"Go get the others." He ordered.
Kit headed to the door and poked his head out.
"Clary?" He called, and immediately the three of them stood and moved into his line of sight.
"You got him?" She asked and he nodded.
"Easy." He gloated. Magnus raised his eyebrows, but Simon looked impressed. They followed him into the living room, which was even more cramped with twice the amount of people.
"Good job." Simon said, taking the warlock from Jace. "Should we get him out of here?"
"Yeah, let's go now." With a brief kiss to Jace's lips, Clary turned and made a portal. "To the Silent City." She gave a little wave and disappeared into the portal, her hair bobbing in the ponytail. Simon shook his head fondly, and made to follow her, Atlantes restrained, though he was going easily, and he gave one last mournful look around his living room.
Right before they went through, Kit called "wait" and headed to the cabinet, taking out the photo of the warlock's mother and handing it to him.
"You should take this with you." He said.
"Thank you. You may have been annoying, but you're kind too." He surveyed him for a moment, as if he was shocked that one person could display more than one emotion, then gestured to Simon that he was ready to go through the portal. "Goodbye Jace Herondale and... Mini-Jace Herondale." They disappeared in one last swirl of gold, Simon's laugh trailing off into nothing.
"That was a nice thing you did." Magnus remarked.
"I felt bad for him." Kit said, shrugging. The truth was, the warlock had been out of his depth, just like he and Ty were, and he was just thankful that he could stop someone else from making the same mistake.
"Come on, Mini-Jace." Jace said, gesturing to the door. "Leave Magnus in peace whilst he collects everything we need." Turning back to Magnus, he lowered his voice and gestured to the table, "he had a copy of the Black Volume of the Dead, so we need to make sure that's the only version."
"Of course." Magnus said, gravely. "Though if he's given it to someone else, there may not be a chance of finding it. Either way, I'll get everything from the house and meet you outside."
Jace gently pushed past Kit and led the way outside, where he sat on the steps. Kit reluctantly followed and perched himself beside him; he knew what was coming next.
"When did you try to commit necromancy?" He asked, calmly, as if it were a simple matter of asking what the weather would be like or what they were having for dinner. For a moment, Kit just stared at him, and then he sighed.
"When I was in LA with Ty. We tried to bring Livvy back." Staring at the ground in front of him, he waited for Jace to respond.
"What went wrong?" Jace asked.
"The catalyst was corrupted; she came back as a ghost and now she's tied to Ty." He bit his lip and looked back up at him, "I tried to stop him. The whole time I didn't want to do it, but I didn't want Ty to do it alone and isolate himself from everyone, so I went along with it. I never thought he would get all the ingredients and then Shade refused to help us anymore and I thought he would give up. But then, he got his own catalyst and at the last second I had to at least try and stop him from doing it, but then we fought, and he did it anyway."
"Is that why you went to live with Tessa and Jem?" Kit nodded.
"I couldn't be there anymore." He didn't elaborate further, but he knew that Jace knew more than he let on.
"Who else knows?" Jace asked, curiously.
"Magnus. I think Jem and Tessa do; I kind of announced to Tessa that I hadn't committed any necromancy when she came to see me in the Silent City so, I think she's a little suspicious." He smiled, sheepishly, and Jace burst into laughter.
"Only you could do something like that." He remarked, between trying to catch his breath. When he recovered, he spoke seriously, "do you want to keep it a secret or can I tell Clary?"
"I don't mind you telling Clary, but can you please keep it between yourselves?" He asked, and Jace immediately nodded.
Before anything else could be said, Magnus appeared in the doorway. "I've collected everything now; let's get back."
There was a box marked 'important evidence' in capitals and glittery green pen, filled with papers, spell ingredients, and the box from the cabinet. With a wave of his hand, it disappeared, and Magnus turned back to them, forming a portal.
"He found Ty's phone." Kit said, and Magnus nodded.
"I know, I found it and I'll deal with it. After you, Mini-Jace." Magnus said, and Kit rolled his eyes, stepping through into the Institute library. Clary and Simon were waiting there, perched on a table beside the evidence and they waved at him. Jace and Magnus came through moments later.
"Well, I'm off to rescue my husband from our two little monsters." He said and headed out the door. Kit assumed he was heading to the office where Alec acted as the Consul. Since Idris had been taken over by the Cohort, he had set up a base in New York instead.
"Taki's for dinner?" Clary asked, wrapping her arms around Jace and he nodded, then pressed a kiss to his head. She pulled away, and she and Simon left, knowing everyone's favourite orders already.
Once the door closed behind them, Jace turned to Kit. "You did well today, Kit."
"What, no Christopher?" He asked, jokingly.
"Don't push it." Jace warned, a smile playing at the corner of his lips.
"Are you really okay with everything? You don't see me any differently?" Looking down at his shoes, he resigned himself for Jace's disapproval, but it never came.
"Of course not. I always knew you were loyal." He ruffled Kit's hair, affectionately, "like a puppy."
"Hey!" He dodged out the way and fixed his hair, smiling back at Jace as they made their way out of the library. Kit laughed, feeling a million times lighter now that he had someone to talk to about everything.
Thank you so much for reading - I hope you enjoyed it. And thank you for all your lovely comments, the likes and reblogs on my last two works. I wish I could reply to you all but I’m on a sideblog.
I came up with the idea, planned, wrote and posted this all in one day and it may be one of my favourite things that I’ve written... I hope you all liked it too xxx
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eujazmine · 3 years
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hall of fame - the script ft. will.i.am / champion - kanye west / just my luck - coco jones / rage - rico nasty / watch me - jaden / don’t stop the music - rihanna / hot girl summer - megan thee stallion ft. ty dolla $ign, nicki minaj / listen before i go - billie eilish / midnight sky - miley cyrus / smack a bitch - rico nasty / wolves - big sean ft. post malone / ordinary life - the weeknd / rise - willow, jahnavi harrison / power is power - sza ft. the weeknd, travis scott / icon - jaden / got it on me - pop smoke / OTHERSIDE - beyonce / until i bleed out - the weeknd / gone too soon - michael jackson / the other side - sza, justin timberlake / ohfr? - rico nasty / lonely - justin bieber, benny blanco / my sanity - thriii, messenger : 1 hr 15 mins
okay so this is basically a soundtrack of her life so far. i’ve included a rundown below including sample lyrics if you’re interested, so you won’t have to listen to get the gist, but fair warning there’s probably HELLA typos since it’s almost 6 am now <3
it starts off with hall of fame, bc as far as she can remember her father was always telling her that she was special and destined for greatness. according to her father, there was nothing she couldn’t do, no limits to how much she could achieve. she carried her godliness with pride, training hard to one day be one of the greatest.
“ yeah, you can be the greatest, you can be the best. you can be the king kong bangin' on your chest. you can beat the world, you can beat the war. you can talk to God, go bangin' on his door. . . you can move a mountain, you can break rocks. you can be a master, don’t wait for luck. dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself. ”
next comes champion, where jazmine is starting to think that her father may not be as great as she thought he was, but her little siblings still view him as such. although there is this slight confusion going on with her father, she doesn’t want it to stop her from achieving greatness, so she keeps working hard.
“ this is the story of a champion. runners on their mark and they pop their guns. stand up, stand up, here he comes. tell me what it takes to be number one. ”
just my luck. at this point, she’s feeling that all the authority figures in her life, especially her dad, see her as a weapon rather than a person. she feels like she’s too under their control, so she begins to retaliate. around this time, she is nearly expelled from school and is then sent away by her father to full-year camp in greece.
“ I don't know where you're leading me to go. pulling me here, pulling me there. can't take no more. what happened to being happy? that's what I ask myself. ”
while the last song described her insecurities and stress, rage gives a glimpse into her anger from the situation. she starts to grow a chip on her shoulder, and she takes it out on the people around her.
“ keep my name out your fucking mouth before you find out what we about. type of shit that you read about. if you talk it, then be about it. ”
she channels her frustrations into her training. watch me represents how she no longer wants to reach the top for the people back home, but rather to spite them. she wants those that hate her to watch her reach the top regardless of their opinions.
“ watch me, watch me, watch me, do this. ”
don’t stop the music and hot girl summer are most relevant during her two years after school, which she spent traveling in europe and taking on quests solely for monetary and extra adrenaline. for the first time in her life, she is really letting loose, and she mostly focuses on chasing pleasures and easing up pressures.
“ I gotta get my body moving, shake the stress away. ”
listen before i go expresses how low her spirits are after her final confrontation with her father. at this point, she’s struggling to see her life’s purpose. midnight sky is when she finally starts relishing in her newfound freedom from completely cutting ties with him.
“ if you need me, wanna see me, better hurry 'cause I'm leavin' soon. ”
“ lotta years went by with my hands tied up in your ropes. forever and ever, no more. . . I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone. I don't need to be loved by you. ”
smack a bitch and wolves describe both her aggressive confidence in her godly lineage. and how her past has shaped her to be more vicious. she may no longer claim her father, but she’ll show people what she can do as a descendant of hecate.
“ since a baby in her tummy, mama knew I was great. they can't play me like a dummy, they know what not to take. ”
“ I was raised by the wolves, ate 'til they full. run through the night, playin' with your life. go against the pack, that's risking your life. ”
ordinary life depicts her acknowledgement that her life isn’t normal, but she doesn’t think she was meant to have an ordinary life. at the same time, she feels desensitized -- like something’s missing.
“ and she said that she'll pray for me. I said, "It's too late for me," ‘cause I think it's safe to say... this ain't ordinary life. ”
in rise, she resolves to start making her actions purposeful again. she commits to more important, high-stake quests. she’s no longer searching for whichever quests will make her the quickest money.
“ don't be nervous; run towards the light. I need to live for higher purpose. ”
she feels empowered again, as heard in power is power, got it on me and icon. she’s started to make a name for herself in the demigod world, with a nearly impeccable completion rate. feeling invincible, she almost pities whomever she has to defeat next. she thinks that the only thing that could slow her down at this point would be forming attachments with others.
“ a knife in my heart couldn't slow me down ‘cause power is power, my fire never goes out. I rise from my scars, nothing hurts me now. ”
“ many men wish death 'pon me. yeah, I don't cry no mo'. I don't look to the sky no mo' 'cause I got it on me. ”
“ I am not a Mayan, I'm a menace. ”
in otherside, she knows that there is a high possibility that this mission in opposition of zeus may be her last. despite herself, she feels bonded to celeste and adelphie, and she feels grateful to have met them regardless of what the consequences may be.
“ if it all ends, and it's over. if the sky falls fire. best believe me, you will see me on the other side. if we wake up, lose our patience, or even lose our lives, oh, I'll feel lucky to say that you've been a friend of mine. ”
until i bleed out encompasses her feelings in the cave. she’s questioning everything she’s done up to this point in her life, which she fears is quickly coming to an end. after she tries to revive the already-deceased adelphie and watches celeste be thrown off the mountain, all she can feel is paralyzing shock and terror.
“ I can’t move. I’m so paralyzed . . . I can’t explain why I’m so terrified. . . well, I don't wanna touch the sky no more. I just wanna feel the ground when I'm coming down. ”
gone too soon - reminiscing of a fallen friend.
“ shiny and sparkly and splendidly bright. here one day; gone one night. like the loss of sunlight on a cloudy afternoon. gone too soon. ” 
in the other side, jazmine starts to consider her new beginning. she’s enrolled at eonia and is studying business, of all things. it’s the closest to normal she’s ever been, and it feels weird.
“ back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it high. you wanna run it back, but you can't turn the time. you start to feel like you're losing your shine, but the grass ain't always greener on the other side. ”
she knows that people at eonia may have varying opinions of her depending on what they’ve heard, but she feels that she doesn’t have to explain or change herself for anybody, which is represented in ohfr?.
“ ... wе reel in any bitches fishin' and seekin' out for attention, geekin' in the mentions. please don't make me have to smack a bitch. ”
the next song is lonely. she’s still proud of the name she’s made for herself, but now that she’s mostly away from all the chaos and mayhem, she realizes how alone she feels.
“ everybody knows my name now but somethin' 'bout it still feels strange, like lookin' in a mirror, tryna steady yourself and seein' somebody else. ”
she’s not quite at my sanity yet, but she’s trying to get there.
“ when I'm feeling like life's really putting up a fight, and I don't know the reasons why. from the front to the back, throw my hair down my back, and I know it's gonna be alright. ”
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milkygcf · 4 years
lights down low;
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//credits to @swugasweet​ for the gif//
Pairing | jjk x myg
Genre | angst, a lot of it, fluff at the end because i’m not that cruel, hyyh inspired because i want that yoonkook happy ending
Warnings | mentions/implied suicide, lots of fire, yoongi curses like once
Word Count | 2,087 
Summary |  ❝ after the fire, they find themselves beside the sea, waltzing under the light of the moon.❞
❝ au where yoonkook are dancing beside the sea to lights down low because they finally got their happy ending.❞
Author’s Note | i wrote this whole thing in a day ... granted it’s not that long, i’ve never typed something so fast in my life lol. if any of you would like, you can also find this fic on ao3, which is attached to this link. i hope you enjoy reading this piece! 
The blaze of an inferno that alights in that damned motel room. And in the very middle of it - a tuft of pink hair. Jungkook knows him - he’s been familiar with him for long now. Fire dances around him, diligently stepping from one side to another, slowly closing in on a man whose fat tears trickle down his distorted face. 
That’s all Jungkook sees when he drifts off into slumber. 
The arduous screams and cries of the very same man he’d met in detention back in school. The very same man whose nimble fingers pranced along the monotonous keys of a brown piano that sent Jungkook into a reverie. 
Ever since that very day, the same day glass shattered and voices rose, nothing has been dandy. 
Jungkook wakes up with wet cheeks each night, his body profoundly aching for the hold of none other than Min Yoongi - his very first love. 
His only leftover of him was the piece of cloth embracing the youth’s trembling shoulders - an old flannel, one Yoongi was quite fond of. It’s all he was able to retrieve from the ferocious wildfire that swallowed the soft tuft of pink locks.
Jungkook could hear the tender notes of a piano playing in the distance, slowly being drowned out by the bustling of the city that leaves him feeling hurtful. It’s the same tune Yoongi taught him at the music shop, on the brown piano comfortably set in the middle. 
The floorboards beneath his feet are cold. They send shivers coursing through his spine and Jungkook whimpers. No longer does he feel that alleviating warmth spread through him at the brush of his first love’s lips against his skin - the only warmth that spread through him was the one caused by the fire. It made him anxious. 
With dread clawing at his legs, a frown etching upon his lips, he visits the rooftop one last time. 
The same rooftop where he counted the stars with Yoongi, the one in which they’d shown each other the authenticity of love. 
The building’s eerily silent. It mocks him for his solitude, leaves him dreading quietly with himself. Jungkook’s skin tingles.
His body takes him up to the barren rooftop, where his eyes meet the dazzling lights of the city before him. It used to be so comforting, akin to the warm embrace his mother used to give him before he strolled off to school. 
He missed those times, where jovial smiles were the only thing decorating his features. It’s silly, how things can change so quickly, too quickly, leaving you to wander in hopes of finding your path. 
Whereas other souls find their lane, Jungkook’s perished. It no longer stood clearly before him, no longer brought him the most beautiful moments in life. 
Instead, it brought him to this very rooftop, where he lets himself reminisce what’s left in his consciousness.   
It’s quite chilly outside - the thin articles of clothing don’t do him justice at all. But Jungkook doesn’t mind, he’s grown used to the cold wrapping itself around his being, down to his very bones. 
A smile braces his lips. 
It’s beautiful - it’s utterly magnificent, how thrilling the world truly is. He wishes that one day, he’ll be able to experience it all, every nook and cranny of it. 
He wishes that he could do that with Yoongi. 
But alas, every beautiful moment in life comes to an end, leaving its victims fruitless. 
His gaze catches the stars then. They shine rather splendidly on this particular night. They offer Jungkook the comfort he craves, the hand he wishes to hold when he’s overcome by those horrendous nightmares that visit him each night.
His feet pad closer to the edge. 
He could see more of the city now, all the energy it emits from the citizens that don’t seem to know how to pause, how to just live in the moment and cherish that around it before it withers away like dead leaves. 
Jungkook wonders if there’s someone that’s lonely out there, just like him. 
If there’s someone whose heart aches incredibly at the loss of a loved one, whose heart can no longer bear the feeling of solitude. He can only wish them the best. 
Right now, at this very moment, it’s him and the starry night.
The starry night and him. 
He edges closer to the rim of the rooftop, lets himself plummet down onto the roughness of the building as a sigh escapes his chapped lips. His mind is cloudy - it's overcome by static. 
That is, until he sees him.
Yoongi, in all his glory, reaching his hand out for Jungkook to take. He hesitates - he doesn't know if he's real or not. It must be a figment of his imagination. But he looks so real, so authentic. The way his brows furrow and his lips quirk in an insincere reassuring smile. 
Although, it makes him think.
Anyone who falls in love with the likes of Yoongi, is an absolute fool. The man was indeed one of a kind, with that impeccable smile of his and those feline eyes. Ah - Yoongi was not a man of words, nor was he one to display his emotions so easily. However, his eyes told Jungkook everything he needed to know. 
Those eyes - they held heaps upon heaps of ciphers within them. They were misty, barely definable, but Jungkook accelerated through. He basked in those secrets, and held them close to his heart.
He was a fool. 
Said man was beyond furious. Jungkook had to go around babbling things he knew were a sensitive topic for Yoongi. Albeit the youth having bright intentions, he wouldn’t hear it. His knuckles turn white at the deathly grip he has around his lighter.   
“Just go. Piss off.” 
Yoongi refused to hear anything else. He was flat out drunk, his breath reeking of alcohol, making Jungkook grimace. His fingers played with the lighter he always brought around with him. The brunet had reprimanded him countless times not to play with such things, but Yoongi was quite hard headed. 
Jungkook hoped this would just be another childish squabble, one that they would easily see through once Yoongi regains his senses.
But that was the very last night Jungkook saw Yoongi. 
There it is - the ache in his heart at the very memory of that dreadful night. Yoongi had gotten himself piss drunk, and Jungkook knew he shouldn’t have, but his tongue was too heavy not to say a word. 
Yoongi had always been hard headed.
However, despite being hard headed, Yoongi was an angel. Beyond his austere exterior, he was a man with many passions, a man whose love for the world goes deeper than the word itself. Jungkook remembers the countless times they’d spent together by the sea, hand in hand, looking at each other as if they were more than just flesh and blood. 
They’d whisper affectionate words, sit by the shore and tell the tides a tale of two. And as the moon shone down on them, they’d bask in each other’s touch.  
Jungkook hoists himself off his seat, stumbling just the slightest bit. The wind seemed to pick up its energy then, and he takes the moment to breathe it all in. His arms spread out. 
Maybe in his next life, he’ll be happy. 
“Jungkook, wake up.” 
He’s immediately jostled out of his sleep by the body lying comfortably beside him, concern written all over his face by the youth’s crys. His eyes are wide, akin to those of a deer caught in headlights. Sweat rolls off Jungkook’s forehead. 
Yoongi shushes him softly, fingers carding through his tousled locks. It tended to calm the brunet down a lot. “It’s alright,” he mumbles, voice sultry yet gentle. “I’m right here. Everything’s alright.” He cradles the latter, his arms wrapping securely around his trembling shoulders.
It’s the reassurance Jungkook needed - the warmth emitting from Yoongi’s body, the skinship, the way he spoke with such gentleness it eased his tense muscles and bubbling anxiety. 
“Yoongi…” Jungkook whispers, voice breaking. 
“I’m here.”
He was. 
There’s no more yelling, no more cursing because certain words shouldn’t have been said. No, they were finally at peace. Jungkook’s nightmares were just that - nightmares. Nothing more than a figment of all his fears combined into one atrocious dream.
Everything was okay now. 
Jungkook buries himself into Yoongi, his arms snaking around the man almost as if he’d wither away and leave nothing behind. He lets his tears stain the fabric of Yoongi’s shirt, painting it in all his sorrows in return of solace. 
Yoongi can only let him, his heart aching at the way Jungkook sobs loudly into his shoulder.  
Perhaps a walk by the sea would calm his nerves down, bring a jovial smile to Jungkook’s lips. He’d always ramble on and on about how utterly fascinating the sea is, never once growing old and recording tales for future generations. 
It was one of the many things he adored about him. 
Once Jungkook pulls himself away, Yoongi takes the opportunity to wipe his tears. A chuckle leaves his lips at how frail the kid was. He desperately wishes that Jungkook will always find happiness whenever a frown seems to find his face. 
“I love you, I love you so much, please don’t leave me, please don’t,” Jungkook’s words are all a jumble - it makes Yoongi laugh as he places a tender kiss atop of the latter’s head. “Promise I won’t kid. You can count on my words.” 
He continues to trail kisses all around his face, leaving no spot unkissed. It’s until he reaches his lips, and he brings Jungkook closer until there’s no space left between their bodies. Yoongi kisses him like it’s his last day on earth, letting every emotion seep into it to make up for all the times he’s done Jungkook wrong. 
Yoongi had always been unaware of what love feels like, what it looks like, but he understands it through Jungkook, through his little habits and the way his eyes sparkle whenever he puts his pearly whites on show. 
He doesn’t deserve Jungkook - he knows he doesn’t. 
The kid was something beyond divine - with a heart made out of pure gold, the pretty moles on his face that are the wonders of the world. With the way his eyes glistened delightedly as this cruel world. 
“What do you say we take a stroll down the beach? Heard it’s really pretty tonight.” 
Yoongi really did know the way to Jungkook’s heart. 
That night, they visited the swaying of the sea. It’s peaceful, the only thing that could be heard being their feet buried into the sand and the gentle dancing of the waves as it kisses the shore. It calms Jungkook’s erratic heart. 
“This is where we had our first date,” Yoongi comments, carding a hand through his raven locks. “You nerded out about the Marvel universe. Granted I didn’t understand a single fucking thing you were saying, but you were cute.”
His words spread red across Jungkook’s cheeks. He giggles quietly to himself, reminiscing the moment clearly. Yoongi’s incessant whining about not being fond of water was the highlight of that day. 
It’s funny how they always find themselves going to the sea, leaving every remnant of them to rock alongside the waves. 
Jungkook lets his arms snake around the elder’s neck as he lets out a satisfied sigh. His cheeks are no longer stained with tears - he no longer fears what his nightmares depict. Jungkook feels at peace. 
Yoongi takes the opportunity to throw a song on, shoving his phone down beside them as he sets his arms upon Jungkook’s waist. The latter was a big sap - something Yoongi adored greatly, even if he thought it was icky. He loved occasions like these, basking in the feeling of being in love. 
As the tune of the song slowly reverberates in the air, Jungkook hums along, melting in Yoongi’s touch around him. 
They’re slow dancing, the moonlight shining onto them wonderfully, stripping them bare for this one night. Normally, it’s them against the world - them against all the wicked things that enslaves them. But on this particular night, there are no villainous hardships to strike tears. They swim in each other’s divinities. 
There are no more fires to wreak havoc, leaving them in isolation. 
And in this very moment, as they silently waltz under the moonlight, hearts beating as one, Jungkook lets a smile brace his lips. 
He feels content.
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aimee-maroux · 4 years
Hermes and Dionysos (M/M)
Dear beautiful reader,
since Hermes is the herald and diplomat of the Greek pantheon, I began to wonder how he would fare in other pantheons and it was fun imagining him at the court of Asgard, with Dionysos by his side.
This story features: drunk flirting, kissing, seduction, butt massage, anal play, incest but it's Greek gods, so... it's alright I guess?
Hermes sat at the place of honour on the dais in the great feasting hall of Asgard. It was a diplomatic visit and he usually enjoyed these, as there was booze and food and it was easy to make conversation. The Aesir were a simple people and Hermes had formed good relationships here. This time, though, things were a little different. Zeus had deemed it a good idea to send along his favourite son and Hermes' younger half-brother Dionysos. It did make sense, in a way, because they were supposed to bring a few barrels of Greek wine as a gift, and it was much easier to get some empty barrels in Asgard and have Dionysos fill them with wine before they had their audience instead of hauling them there all the way from Mount Olympos. Dionysos was usually friendly and easy to get along with, as opposed to most of their brothers. But he was also very inexperienced in diplomacy and easily the most effeminate god of the Olympioi1. Not that Hermes minded that - his own son Hermaphroditos was androgynous2 - but the Aesir were very unforgiving of any behaviour they deemed unmanly. Sorcery, cowardice and taking the passive role during sexual intercourse were all deemed unmanly, as he had learned3. And Dionysos particularly enjoyed the latter. Dressed in a fine purple chiton4 and a splendidly colourful himation5, he stood in front of a table further down the hall, apparently chatting with some of the Norse gods seated there. A crown of vine and ivy sat on his dark, ribboned hair. Their eyes met across the room and Dionysos waved at him overenthusiastically. He staggerd back towards the dais, a horn of mead or wine in his hand that he downed before he was even midway through the hall. He approached their table of honour, unsteady on his feet, and fell down onto his brother's lap. Hermes could smell the wine despite the flowery perfume the younger god liked to use. He sighed.
"You know, we are not supposed to drink all the wine ourselves."
"Pfff. I'm not even halfway through."
Dionysos hugged his brother and kissed him until Hermes broke away because Dionysos started sucking on his lower lip, trying to slip in his tongue.
"You won't believe how horny I am right now!" Dionysos declared with the soft slur in his voice that Hermes knew so well. The shape of his erection showed through the fabric of his purple chiton where his himation had slid down too far. "I'm coming to think the Norsemen are all prudes. None of them are responding to my advances."
Hermes draped some of the luxurious cloth back over his loins.
"This is not acceptable behaviour here," he hissed into his brother's ear. "The Aesir don't approve of eros6 between men."
Dionysos made a face.
"We need to make a good impression. I've worked hard to forge this alliance and they still think we're a bunch of sissies."
"So?" Dionysos grinned. "Maybe they're right. I don't care if they think me a sissy. I need some cock right about now!"
Hermes groaned.
"Right now is not the time. Whatever we do reflects on everyone else on Mount Olympos. Don't ruin everything I've worked for. Pull yourself together for once in your life, please!"
"Fine." Dionysos leaned heavily on Hermes' shoulder and played with his curly hair. "I'll be running around all hard and throbbing until you release me." He giggled.
"This is not a joke."
"No. If you were joking, I'd have you inside me in no time." Dionysos leaned forward, a seductive smile on his face. Their lips met again. Hermes had to admit, Dionysos was a skilful kisser. He even tasted good, of sweet nectar, wild herbs and heavy wine. It was an utterly addictive savour. Dionysos was very gentle, but it was clear as day how much he wanted this, lips on lips, tongue against tongue, tasting the saliva and soft lining of the other's wet, warm mouth. It was harder to break away from him this time.
"You know how much I love you," Hermes said in a low voice, "And I will make it up to you, alright? I promise." He placed both hands on the slender wine god's back, just above his arse. "Do you think you can live without my affection for a couple of hours?"
"I can. But I really don't want to."
Dionysos shifted his weight, pushing his shapely buttocks against his brother's hands as if by accident. His hard cock was rubbing against Hermes' stomach as he moved, a perfectly innocent smile on his face.
"Can we at least cuddle? Express some brotherly love?" he drawled.
"Shall I be offended that you think you can make a fool of me?" Hermes growled into his brother's ear. "I've been faking innocence before you were even born7. Stop trying to seduce me."
Dionysos pouted.
"But I'm really horny!" he whined.
Hermes stole a glance at the table beside them. Thor was giving them a weird look.
"Have another drink," said Hermes aloud, for all to hear. "It will make you feel better in no time."
Dionysos looked disappointed, but he nodded. Hermes signalled to one of the valkyries who were pouring drinks8 and she refilled their horns with a smile. He toasted to their hosts and drank up. It would be a long night.
It was long past midnight when the two Greek gods made their way from the feasting hall back to their quarters. Their breath condensed in the cold night air as they passed the wooden longhouses of Asgard under the star-lit sky. Hermes had to admit, after the little incident his brother had actually made a good impression on the Aesir, who were also hard drinkers. They had laughed and sung and, after the wine was gone, drained several barrels of mead and ale. Hermes was feeling a little drunk himself. He usually stopped before feeling tipsy, but this time it just hadn't been possible. Dionysos was singing loudly, repeating one of the new Norse songs he had learned. Hermes had one arm amiably slung around his shoulders, gently guiding him in the right direction.
When the door swung shut behind them, Hermes yelped when Dionysos jumped him.
"You prom'sed me somethin'..." he slurred.
"You remember that?" Hermes asked, amused.
"'f course."
"I don't know if I should take advantage of your current state. You are so drunk, I could do anything to you..."
"Then do me 'lright!"
Hermes slowly took off his crimson chlamys9 and the bright white chiton he had been wearing all night. When he unfastened his winged sandals, Dionysos was already lying naked on the bed they shared, impatiently drumming his fingers on the wooden frame.
"You're such a tease!" he complained.
"And you have no self-control."
"Dinn' I do what you asked 'f me?"
"Yes. Yes you did. And I am very grateful for that." Hermes sat down on the bed next to his brother.
"You better show your gratitude, then."
Hermes caressed his brother's beautiful buttocks.
"I intend to."
He picked up the flask of olive oil he had brought with him from Olympos. Originally for skin care purposes, but it came in handy now.10 He poured some of the green liquid into his hand and returned his gaze to the wine god. He let the oil warm up in his palm before applying it to the soft flesh of Dionysos' bum cheeks, who made a sound of appreciation at the sensation of the warm, slick touch.
Hermes spread the oil with both hands, not only over his arse but on his thighs and lower back as well, massaging it into the smooth, untanned skin. He had expected Dionysos to ruin the whole mission. He was wrong and his brother deserved a treat for his good behaviour. He watched his face while he pressed and kneaded and caressed the flesh, delighting in the unrestrained pleasure and bliss chasing over his delicate features. There is nobody who can savour a moment quite like Dionysos can. Hermes smiled. He enjoyed their intimacy. Usually, he would be alone right now, maybe masturbating before going to sleep. Not only did he have a warm body next to him in the cold bed this time, he also had someone to talk to, someone to cuddle up to in the night, someone he loved so very much.
He poured some more oil into his hand. Dionysos was warm, despite the low temperature in the room, his skin flushed. Slowly, very slowly, Hermes pushed his index finger against the anus. He knew how much Dionysos appreciated a certain gentleness in love-making. He didn't want him to be disappointed. His finger slid in easily. His brother gave a happy sigh. Hermes rubbed the rectal walls, slickening the entrance and widening it with nimble fingers, facilitating any penetration later on. In case that was still what his brother wanted.
"Are you comfortable?" he asked. Lying on his stomach, with his slender frame, the snowy white skin, the beautiful long hair and his round buttocks, one could easily mistake Dionysos for a girl. But he was not, and Hermes imagined his erection pressing against the coarse straw mattress, as it had pressed against his stomach back in the feasting hall.
"Hm." made Dionysos and turned his head to look at him with half-lidded eyes, the crown of ivy almost slipping off his head, cheeks red with wine.
He's so fucking drunk, thought Hermes. But then again, the God of Wine was rarely sober.
"I doubt you'll remember any of this in the morning. But a promise is a promise."
You can get a copy of "Taken by Greek Gods: Hermes loves Dionysos" on Amazon or Smashwords or directly from my little book shop.
The Olympioi are the 12 major Greek gods who live on Mount Olympos.
Androgynos in ancient Greek means doing both active, male things and passive, female ones, specifically during sexual intercourse. Hermes' son Hermaphroditos is also androgynous because he is, well, a hermaphrodite.
To accuse another man of being unmanly (argr) was a legal reason to challenge the accuser in holmgang, a kind of trial by combat.
A chiton is a piece of clothing akin to a tunic. Men wore it usually at knee-length or shorter.
A himation is a kind of cloak worn by both, women and men. It's essentially a rectangular piece of heavy fabric, either woolen or linen, that is draped diagonally over one shoulder or symmetrically over both shoulders like a stole.
Eros is not only the god of love and sexual lust, it's also a Greek word for passionate love or romantic love.
Hermes famously stole some of his half-brother Apollon's sacred cattle and when he was caught lied to his face, faking innocence until it became clear he couldn't get away with it. He then changed his tactic and charmed his brother instead by gifting him his invention, the lyre.
The valkyries poured the drinks in Valhalla, so I made them serve the drinks during this banquet of the gods as well.
A chlamys is another kind of coat, one travellers used to wear in ancient Greece and Hermes typically wears one unless he's naked.
Olive oil was applied after bathing and used by athletes in ancient Greece to scrape off sweat and dirt with a stlengís but it was also used as a lubricant during anal sex.
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