#like there's very much this feel of 'after'. which is so good and the best kind of thing the spinoffs can offer imo
ldrfanatic · 3 days
one last souvenir from my trip to your shores
thank you so much for 800 followers!!!
here’s a little summer in Italy with theo (from theo’s perspective)
song title is from the manuscript but I promise this is a happy fic
nav slytherin boys
wc - 1.1k
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theo nott was decidedly the happiest 16-year old boy in all of europe right now. hell, maybe in all of the world. here he was, on a pebbly italian beach, sun warming his skin, and his beautiful girlfriend curled up on the beach chair next to him.
he felt his heart begin to swell as he watched the scene in front of him. you’d laid between his legs, your head rested against his abdomen and your soft hair tickling his skin. you were reading some muggle romance novel. he didn’t know the name of it, but he knew it was your favorite.
your new medusa charm sunglasses were perched on top of your forehead. you’d shoved them up there maybe 15 or so minutes ago with a complaint that they made it difficult to read.
the versace glasses had been a gift from theo.
in fact, despite your avid protests, he was very insistent on buying you a whole new summer wardrobe for the trip. theo smiled to himself as he thought on the weeks ahead. after many pleas from you, and heaps of charm from theo, your parents had begrudgingly allowed you to spend half the summer break with theo in italy.
the two of you were staying in the nott family’s summer home there. when he was younger, theo used to visit every summer, but he hadn’t been back since his mother passed. the cliffside home sat empty for so long that the two of you had to scourgify layers of dust off of every surface.
it was going on your second week of a blissful vacation. only one week into a six week trip, theo couldn’t help but feel giddy, even if he’d never admit it out loud.
you held one finger in his direction, an indication for him to hold his piece for a moment. theo felt amusement curl along his lips into a smile.
after a short (agonizing) eternity, you closed the book around your index finger and tilted your head backwards until your eyes met his, your head now completely resting on his stomach.
as your eyes found his, theo felt his mouth go dry. butterflies knocked around in his stomach threatening to crawl up his throat at any given moment. no matter how much time he spent with you, you still turned him into a blushing boy with only a look. it should be a punishable offense to be so beautiful and so very sweet.
theo wasn’t sure how he managed to land a literal angel from heaven itself but he knew one thing for sure: he was never letting you go.
pulling himself from his blissful thoughts, theo allowed a large hand to snake down until his palm rested against the softness of your stomach.
over the course of your relationship, you’d picked up a few words and phrases from theo. when he so often spoke in his mother tongue, it was kind of unavoidable. theo rubbed his hand in smooth small circles. the content smile that graced your lips made theo’s insides feel like they were on the wrong side of gravity.
“i could eat.”
but neither of you moved. finally, you placed the small love note you’d been using as a bookmark in between the pages and closed your novel. then you turned over onto your stomach so as to look at your boyfriend properly.
theo’s arms snaked around you instinctively, pulling you impossibly closer to him. he tried not to look at your the tops of your soft breasts which were now pressed so much against him that they started to spill from the confines of your bathing suit. he may be your boyfriend, but he was also a gentleman. his mammina had taught him to always be a gentleman and always take really really good care of his women.
despite his best attempts, theo felt his eyes water involuntarily. the moment he saw you, he knew you would be his bride. he felt very strongly that you were sent to him by his mother. a parting gift.
the warmth of the sun, the sweetness of your smile. they felt like hugs and kisses from her. when he first met you, theo felt something. a feeling that had left with his mother’s last breath, and had yet to return. until you came along.
“let’s get you food, bambina.”
you didn’t question his teary appearance. you always understood him without a single syllable from his lips and this time was no different.
you packed all of your belongings back into your marc jacobs tote bag (another gift from theo) and picked up your sandal. when you turned to him, hair blowing in the beach breeze, and free hand outstretched to him, theo felt his heart tightening once again.
“i’ll be along soon. there’s something i have to do first.”
with a soft nod of your head, you took off on the path back to the chateau. theo watched you leave, waiting until you were safely inside the house before turning back to the waves. he didn’t smile, or move much at all. he just watched the waves crash and allowed his senses to be overwhelmed with the sweetness of the tyrrhenian sea. his mother’s favorite place on earth. the last place he saw her smile.
theo took a deep breath and allowed the words to flow naturally from his lips. he didn’t fight them or his emotions. he just spoke.
“mamma, i can feel your presence surrounding me. your spirit lives on in every beat of my heart and every breath i take. i want to thank you, mamma, for everything you've given me – for your love, your guidance, and your unwavering support. she's a gift, mammina, a true blessing, and i can't help but believe that you had a hand in bringing her into my life. her laughter echoes yours, and her kindness reflects the warmth of your embrace. thank you for sending her to me. i promise to cherish her, mamma. i miss you so much and one day, we'll be reunited. until then, i carry your love in my heart, knowing that you're always watching over me.”
theo took in another deep breath, the air suddenly feeling tight in his throat. “grazie, mamma, for everything. ti amo, e ci vediamo tra un paio di decenni.”
(i love you, and i’ll see you in a couple of decades)
theo taglist
@moonlightreader649 @thatdammchickennugget @helendeath @fandom-life-12 @bouquetolegoflowers @maryvibess @nighttimemoonlover
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charlieleclerc16 · 11 hours
Lost and Found*
Summary: Charles and Y/N have been best friends since they were little kids but they lost track of each other over time. When Charles is in town for his home race they finally reunite and their meeting is sweeter than ever.
Pairing: Bestie!Charles x You
Word count: 4.4K
Warnings: Smut, fluff, cute. There might be some unprotected action in there, I'm sorry.
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It's been a very long time since you last saw your best friend. It has been years, which is a shame, but there were reasons. The biggest reason was that he was travelling all over the world for the World Drivers' Championship, and that caused his schedule to be incredibly full. There is also the fact that, because he is rarely home to begin with, you don’t get many chances to see him.
Charles always tries to keep in touch, even with the crazy life he leads. But that might mean only brief texts and the occasional phone call. Sometimes not even those. The last time you heard from him was six months ago when he called to ask how your family was doing. He sounded so tired but excited. You talked for an hour, and it was almost like the last years hadn't happened.
With the new season starting up and him being back on the road, you decided to contact Pascale and see if she could get you in for the Monaco GP. This is an amazing opportunity for you to finally see your best friend and to surprise him with your presence.
The excitement about race day has been building up inside of you ever since you decided to do this. You know you can't expect much attention from Charles after the race, but you're looking forward to seeing him and getting to see him drive. You haven't seen him in person in two years.
You take a shower and then put on the black top and red high-waisted jeans that you have planned to wear to the grid, gotta support Ferrari. When you get into the kitchen, you realise that you are too nervous and excited to eat, so you settle for a banana. You check the time and are happy to notice that you still have some time left to spare, so you go into the living room and switch on the television.
There are no good shows on, so you switch to the music channels and find one that is showing a rerun of an interview Charles did a couple of years ago. The whole country, how small it may be, always turns into full mayhem when it’s raceweek. You smile as you watch him talk. Even after all these years, it's still the same Charlie. He's still your Charlie. You feel a pang in your heart when he smiles his cheeky grin at the interviewer, and you realise just how much you miss him.
As if reading your mind, your phone vibrates on the coffee table. You reach for it and see Charles' caller ID on the screen. You pick up and bring the phone to your ear.
"Hi, baby!" He sounds excited. "Did I call at a good time? Are you busy?"
"No, I'm not. I was just watching TV." She decides to not tell him that she is going to see him in a couple of hours.
"Oh, what are you watching?"
"Um, an interview. It's not important. What are you doing? Shouldn't you be getting ready for the race?"
"I have a free half hour, and I'm hiding, so nobody can find me. I really needed to talk to you, and I couldn't wait anymore."
"Why did you need to talk to me? Is something wrong?"
"No, it's nothing like that. You're coming to the track today, aren't you?"
Your eyes grow wide and your stomach somersaults. How did he know? Did his mother give something away?
"How...how did you know?" You finally manage to say.
"I'm not stupid, Y/N. I know how you talk when you're nervous and when you're not. When I talked to you about my home race last week, your voice didn't sound like usual. You sounded nervous, and it was pretty obvious that you were going." He laughs on the phone.
"Wow, I'm not very subtle, am I?" You feel stupid.
"You really aren't." His voice sounds warm and inviting, and you feel a shiver running down your spine.
"So, why did you want to call me, if it wasn't to tell me not to come?"
"Oh, I would never tell you not to come. I really want you to be there today."
"But… Don’t you have a very busy schedule? You probably won't even have time to see me."
"Don't worry, baby. I will definitely see you. If I don't, you should find the backstage area and tell them to let you in. I already told the security team your name. They'll let you in."
"Really? Charles, you're crazy. You have a race to prepare for. You shouldn't let random fans into your private space."
"But you're not a random fan. You're Y/N."
"I'm glad that you still think of me like that, even though we haven't seen each other in a while."
"What do you mean?" Charles sounds confused. "Of course, I still think of you as my best friend. Nothing can change that."
You feel a lump forming in your throat. You don't want to cry, not now. Charles means the world to you, and he will never know. You are not the kind of girl who confesses her love to crushes, not even when they are her best friends.
"Y/N, are you still there?"
"Yeah, I'm still here. I was just thinking about something."
"Well, stop thinking. We're going to see each other in a couple of hours." He is smiling; you can hear it in his voice.
When you enter the city centre, the excitement inside of you is unbearable. The atmosphere is incredible, and the streets are so crowded and so full of life and happiness. Everyone is happy to be here, and so are you.
You find your way to the Paddock Club, which thankfully Pascale got you an access pass to because you would’ve never been able to afford this. As you wait for the race to start, you keep looking around trying to find familiar faces and wondering what Charles is doing right now.
The sun was shining brilliantly over Monte Carlo, its rays dancing off the azure waters of the Mediterranean as one of the most anticipated events of the year, the Monaco Grand Prix, is about to begin. Your heart is racing almost as fast as the cars that would soon tear through the narrow, winding streets.
Charles was starting from P1. Your Charles, the pride of Monaco. His Ferrari sat poised and ready, a crimson beast waiting to be unleashed. As you watch the big screen showing the last preparations for the race, you can’t help but feel a swell of emotion. You are already so proud of him.
Soon the camera pans over the cars lined up at the starting line showing the drivers walking to their vehicles. He climbs into the car, and the mechanics begin their final checks. The roar of the engines filled the air, a symphony of power and precision. The grid is set, and the lights above the starting line begin their countdown.
Red. Red. Red. Green.
The cars surge forward, a blur of colour and sound. Charles holds his position, deftly navigating the treacherous streets with the skill and grace of a dancer. Every corner, every straight, he is in perfect harmony with his car.
From the paddock, you watch every moment with bated breath. Your fingers are crossed, your heart lodged in your throat. Lap after lap, he maintains his lead, his driving a masterclass of control and speed. The crowds roar, the tension palpable as the race unfolds.
As the laps dwindle down, you find yourself almost unable to watch. He is so close, so close to his biggest dream. The pit stops have gone flawlessly, the strategy executed to perfection. But Monaco was a track where anything can happen, and the slightest mistake can spell disaster.
Then, with a grace that seems almost effortless, Charles navigates the final corner and speeds down the straight towards the finish line. The checkered flag waves and the crowd erupts into a frenzy. He has done it. He won the Monaco Grand Prix.
Tears of joy stream down your face as you watch him cross the finish line, arms raised in triumph. The team explodes into celebration around you, but all you can see is Charles. He climbs out of the car, drenched in sweat and triumph, and your eyes meet across the chaos.
His gaze pierces through you, sending a shiver down your spine. And then, he smiles. That dazzling smile that has captured the hearts of millions. And in that moment, you know that your heart belongs to him, forever.
It's been hours since the race ended. After all the interviews, the podium, the celebration, Charles was finally able to get some free time for himself. His eyes are roaming the room, looking for a familiar face, but he can't find you anywhere. Maybe you left without saying goodbye. He feels disappointed. He wanted to see you and to hug you.
The door opens and someone enters the room. Charles doesn't bother to look up. He is too busy feeling sorry for himself. But then your voice is what catches his attention. "Hi, stranger."
He looks up, and there you are, standing in the doorway. He is not dreaming. You are here, in Monaco, and he has just won the race. Life couldn't get any better than this.
"Hi, Y/N." He stands up and walks towards you.
You are speechless. Seeing him winning the race made you so emotional that you had tears in your eyes. Now, standing in front of him, all those feelings come rushing back. "Congratulations on your win. I'm so proud of you." You say as he pulls you in a tight hug. His strong arms wrap around you, pulling you close. You close your eyes and breathe him in, his familiar scent surrounding you.
"Thank you. I'm so happy that you're here." His voice is muffled against your hair.
You pull back slightly, looking up into his warm, brown eyes. There is something in the way he is looking at you that makes your heart race. You have never felt more alive, more connected, than in this moment. You feel as if he can see into your very soul, and the intensity of his gaze takes your breath away.
"Me too." You say softly, your voice barely a whisper. He leans in closer, his lips just a breath away from yours. Your heart is hammering in your chest, and you feel a shiver run down your spine. You close your eyes and allow yourself to fall into the moment.
Just as you're about to kiss him, he pulls back with a chuckle as if he only now realises that you are in a room full of people. You look around and see his family and the Ferrari employees as well as the security guards who are probably watching the two of you like hawks.
"I'm sorry. I didn't realise..." He begins, his cheeks flushed.
"It's okay." You say, taking a step back and running a hand through your hair. "I didn't realise either."
The room falls silent, and you can't help but wonder if everyone heard your exchange. You feel your face flush, and you turn away, avoiding Charles' gaze.
"We should go somewhere more private." He whispers in your ear, making you blush. You nod and follow him out of the room. The security guards let the two of you pass, and Charles leads you down a quiet hallway. You follow him in silence, your mind racing. You can't believe what just happened.
When you reach a secluded area, Charles turns to face you, a sheepish grin on his face. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable back there."
"You didn't. I just...I was surprised."
"Good surprised or bad surprised?" He looks nervous, and it makes you smile.
"Good surprised. Very good."
"I'm glad." He reaches out and takes your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours as you continue to make your way outside. "I've missed you so much, Y/N."
You smile up at him, feeling your heart swell with emotion. "I've missed you too, Charlie. More than you can imagine."
As you step out into the warm Monaco air, you can't help but think how lucky you are to be here, with him. He is the best friend anyone could ever have, and you feel honoured that he considers you his best friend. You squeeze his hand, and he squeezes yours in return. You know that, whatever happens next, you will always have each other.
Charles brings the two of you to a halt next to where his bicycle is stalled. "I totally forgot I came here by bike." He says, shaking his head. "Do you wanna come with me, or do you prefer to take a taxi?"
"No, no. I'll come with you." You don't want to spend a single minute away from him.
He smiles at you and nods. He climbs on the bike and motions for you to sit on the top tube as his bike doesn't have a rear rack. You hop on the top tube and wrap your arms around his handlebar for balance. "Jesus Christ, this feels dangerous."
"Just trust me." He says, a twinkle in his eye as he closes his arms around you to grab a hold of the handlebars.
"You sure we'll both fit on the bike?" You ask nervously.
"Of course, we'll fit. Come on." He starts pedalling and soon the two of you are zipping through the streets of Monaco, the sun setting in the distance.
You lean against him, feeling the warmth of his body, and you close your eyes. For the first time in years, you feel completely and utterly content. As the two of you ride through the streets of Monaco, his arms basically wrapped around you, you can't help but think that this is what happiness feels like.
"Charlie, where are we going?"
"Home." He says it so casually as if it's obvious that you belong there too.
You stay silent for the rest of the journey. You just want to enjoy the moment, savour the feeling of his body against yours. When you finally arrive at his apartment, the sun has almost disappeared from the horizon, leaving behind a pink and orange sky.
"Here we are." Charles says as he helps you off the bike. You can't help but notice how his hand lingers on yours, the contact sending a shiver down your spine. After a brief loss of contact to lock his bike, his fingers intertwine with yours and he guides you inside the apartment complex.
The elevator ride is silent, but it's not awkward. It's a comfortable silence, the kind you only share with your best friend. When the elevator doors open, Charles leads you down the hallway to his apartment, his hand still holding yours.
When he unlocks the door and ushers you inside, the first thing you notice is how big the apartment is. It's luxurious, just like he is, and you can't help but be a little jealous. He leads you into the kitchen, which is modern and well-equipped. "Make yourself at home. Do you want something to drink?"
"Just some water, please." You say, your mouth suddenly dry. He nods and busies himself at the sink. You take the opportunity to look around, taking in the sleek furniture and artwork adorning the walls.
When Charles returns with the glass of water, he can't help but notice the awe on your face. "What is it?"
"It's just...this place is so fancy. It's amazing."
He smiles, clearly pleased with your reaction. "Well, I'm glad you like it. Maybe I could give you a tour later."
"That would be great." You can't hide the excitement in your voice. You take the glass of water from him and sip it slowly, trying to calm your racing heart.
Charles walks over to the living room and you follow him like a lost puppy. It's when your eyes fall on the black grand piano that you gasp. "Wow, you have a grand piano!"
He turns around, a grin on his face. "Yeah, I love to play the piano. It's a good way to relax after a long day."
"Can you play me something?" You ask, unable to hide your excitement.
"Sure. What do you want me to play?"
"Anything. Surprise me." You say, smiling at him.
He walks over to the piano and sits down on the stool before he pats the empty space beside him. "Come, sit next to me."
You make your way over to him and sit down, feeling a little nervous. He begins to play, his fingers dancing across the keys. The melody is beautiful and melancholic, and it sends a shiver down your spine. You're completely mesmerised by him, by the way his fingers move so gracefully, by the look of concentration on his face.
As the music swells around you, you feel a sense of calmness washing over you. This is what you've been missing, what you've needed all this time. You lean your head on his shoulder and close your eyes, allowing yourself to get lost in the music.
"What is this song called?" You ask, your eyes still closed.
"I don't know." He whispers. "I made it up."
"You're so talented, Charles." You say, unable to hide the admiration in your voice.
He turns his head slightly and his lips brush against your forehead. "Thank you."
You open your eyes and look at him, the emotion in his eyes mirroring your own. You can't help but feel as if the world has stopped spinning and that it's only the two of you in the universe, in this moment.
He leans closer, his lips ghosting over yours. "Y/N, can I kiss you?"
You nod, unable to speak, and he closes the distance between you. The world around you fades into nothingness as his lips brush against yours. It's soft at first, tentative as if testing the waters of this new, uncharted territory. The kiss deepens, becoming more passionate, more urgent. His hands move to your waist, pulling you closer, and you respond in kind, your fingers tangling in his hair.
The taste of him is intoxicating, a blend of familiarity and excitement. You can feel the years of friendship and unspoken longing in every touch, every movement. It's as if the floodgates have finally opened, and all the emotions you had both kept hidden come rushing out.
When you finally pull away, both of you are breathless, your foreheads rest against each other’s. The room is silent except for the sound of your rapid breathing and the faint echo of the last note Charles had played.
"That was..." You begin, searching for the right word.
"Yeah." Charles smiles, a blush rising to his cheeks. "That was incredible."
You laugh softly, leaning into him and resting your head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around your waist and holds you close, the warmth of his body soothing you. You sit there in silence for a while, enjoying the feeling of being close to each other.
"Hey, are you tired?" he asks.
"No, just relaxed."
"Okay. Well, I have a question for you."
"Ask away."
"Why didn't you ever tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"That you love me."
Your eyes fly open, and your heart stops. He is looking at you, his expression serious. You swallow hard and try to think of an answer. But your brain doesn't cooperate, and you can't speak.
"W-what are you talking about?" You stutter.
"I'm talking about the fact that you are in love with me."
"No, I'm not. Why would you think that?"
"Because it's obvious."
"You look shocked whenever I flirt with you and after that so happy. It's the same look I have when I'm thinking about you." You can't believe what he is saying. Does he really mean it? Or is he just playing with your emotions? "Why didn't you ever tell me? Because of my job?"
"No, it's not that. I just...I didn't want to ruin our friendship. You're the most important person in my life, and I didn't want to lose you."
"Oh, baby. You will never lose me."
He cups your face with his hands and leans in again. Your eyes flutter closed, and his lips touch yours. The kiss is slow and gentle. His lips are soft and taste like mint. You feel a tingle in your stomach, and you can't help but sigh. His tongue darts out and caresses your lips. You open your mouth, and he slips his tongue inside. Your tongues tangle together, and the kiss becomes more passionate. When you finally pull apart again, you are breathing heavily. He smiles and strokes your cheek.
"You are so beautiful, Y/N. You know that, right?"
"No, it's true. And you deserve to be told how beautiful you are every day."
"Oh, Charles."
He pulls you into his arms and kisses your temple. You lean against his chest and breathe in his scent. It feels so right to be here with him. After all these years, you finally feel like you belong.
"What are you thinking about?" He asks.
"About the fact that I don't wanna go home."
"Who said you have to?"
"What do you mean?"
"Stay with me tonight."
"Yes. Stay the night. I don't want you to leave."
He stands up and takes your hand. You follow him down the hallway and into his bedroom before he sits you down on the bed. He sits down next to you and strokes your cheek. You look into his eyes and see the same desire that you feel. You lean in and kiss him. His lips are warm and soft, and his tongue feels amazing. Your body is tingling, and you can't get enough. You wrap your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. He pulls you closer and kisses you passionately. Your bodies are pressed together, and you can feel his arousal. You moan and rub your body against his. He breaks the kiss and looks at you. His eyes are dark with lust, and his pupils are dilated.
"Mhm, Y/N. You're driving me crazy." He pulls you into his lap and kisses you again. His hands roam your body, and you arch your back. He slips his hand under your shirt and cups your breast. You gasp and close your eyes. He squeezes your breast and rolls your nipple between his fingers.
"Oh God." You moan.
"Do you like that?"
"Yes. It feels so good."
He keeps massaging your breasts while kissing your neck. You grind your hips against him, and he groans. You can feel his erection, and it turns you on even more. He moves his hand to your other breast and starts massaging it.
He pushes you onto the bed and gets on top of you. His hands move under your shirt, and he pulls it off. You arch your back and expose your breasts. He licks his lips and leans down to kiss your nipples. He sucks on one and flicks his tongue over the other. You moan and dig your nails into his back.
He moves his hand down to your pants and starts undoing the button. He pulls them down, along with your panties, and tosses them aside. He looks at your naked body and smiles.
"You're so beautiful."
He leans down and kisses you. His tongue darts out, and he runs it over your lips. You part your lips and let him inside. He explores your mouth and moans.
"Mhm, I want you."
"Then take me." You say.
He pulls his shirt off and throws it aside. He undoes his pants and pushes them down. He kneels between your legs and looks at you. You can see his erection through his boxers. You bite your lip and reach out. You run your hand over his bulge and feel the heat. He groans and closes his eyes.
"I want you so bad."
"Then take me."
He quickly pulls his boxers down before he grabs your hips and pushes you further onto the bed. He lies down on top of you and kisses you. His erection rubs against your core, making you gasp.
"God, you're so wet." He moves his hand between your legs and strokes your clit. You moan and buck your hips. He positions his cock at your entrance and pushes in. You gasp and close your eyes. His cock fills you up completely, and you feel complete.
He starts moving slowly, and you cling to him. He kisses you deeply and groans. He moves faster, and you cry out. You wrap your legs around his waist and arch your back.
"Yes, Charles. Right there. Please."
He pounds into you harder, and you feel yourself approaching the edge. You never had sex that felt this right.
"I'm gonna come."
"Come for me, baby."
You scream his name and climax. Your body trembles, and you shudder. He moans and buries his face in your neck. You feel his release, and he collapses on top of you.
"God, Y/N. That was amazing."
"It was."
He rolls off of you and pulls you into his arms. You snuggle against his chest, and he kisses your forehead.
"So, this is where we've been heading since day one, huh?" You chuckle.
"Well, yeah. I just didn't expect it to take twenty years."
"Yeah, me neither."
"And I also thought we'd be more cautious about it." Charles laughs realising he completely forgot to use a condom.
"I don't know, I just didn't care."
"Yeah, me neither."
You kiss his cheek and rest your head on his chest.
"Will we be able to make this work? I mean, with our lives and everything?"
"We'll figure it out. I'm not letting you go."
You close your eyes and listen to his heartbeat. He is holding you tight, and you can't imagine being anywhere else. You kiss his chest and slowly drift off to sleep in his arms.
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l3viat8an · 2 days
Ro what about random silly headcanon with the bros? Anything you want to share 👁👁
👀 yessss I have so many silly hcs!!- These are all over the place ‘n not in any real order cuz I’m just typing them out as I go :))
Beel will lay in bed for hours at night just watching those cake decorating videos. he gets so mesmerized by them that he doesn’t notice just how much time has passed and suddenly it’s like 5am.
Satan runs a cat meme page on devilgram and a ‘best cat videos’ deviltube.
On the topic of cat memes, Mammon has a ton saved on his DDD that he’ll spam Satan with whenever Satan’s in a bad mood. Mammon knows they’ll make Satan feel a bit better- or at least laugh.
Lucifer sleeps in until noon or later on sundays. His brothers could literally be burning the house down around him and it just….doesn’t matter. He is NOT getting out of bed until he absolutely has to.
Lucifer was a huge MCR fan and even has a few old t-shirts in the very back of his closet.
Lucifer’s ears turn red when he’s really mad. So do Satan’s but don’t tell him.
Satan like scrapbooking. Occasionally he’ll ask Asmo for pictures of everyone (even Lucifer) to add to his scrapbooks, especially after big events because Asmo always has the best picture of everybody having fun!! Asmo’s the only one that knows about this and he thinks it’s adorable to see more of Satan’s ‘soft side’.
Belphie sleeps with one sock on because his feet gets cold, but both socks on make him feel too hot- it’s weird I know- but one sock is perfect for him.
Belphie HATES cold showers, like if there isn’t enough hot water for him to rise off he’ll just get out with soap still in his hair.
Levi is actually a REALLY good driver!!- but other cars on the road and traffic in general terrifies him so he never drives. (unless it’s an emergency.)
Asmo loves sketching landscape / flowers and has a couple sketchbooks full of amazingggg sketches!! But he doesn’t think they’re any good, so he keeps it a secret.
Asmo collets candles.
Levi once lost a bet to Mammon and had to wear his Ruri-Chan cosplay to RAD. (which really backfired because everybody LOVED IT and Levi was the most popular demon at RAD for a day.)
Belphie is lactose intolerant.
Mammon is insanely good at Uno, he once went undefeated for 7 months then Lucifer beat him in 4 turns. LMAOOO
Levi can’t pose for pictures to save his life, his default pose is that NPC stance with his arms just hanging down and his eyes wide in surprise. It looks like you’re holding him at gunpoint. don’t ask him to smile either because that just looks worse….
Beel doesn’t really understand personal space- so he’s always standing just a little too close when he’s talking to somebody. (most people think he’s trying to be intimidating, but he’s really not.)
‘n uhhhhh that’s all for now XD
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The world needs to accept as you are. no ! The world does not owe you anything. People do not owe you anything. We are changing everyday , we are always trying to improve ourselves. No person is the same person as he or she was from the day that they were born. Everything will be okay when you make it okay. Your life is in your hands. Nobody is coming to save you. Not your mom , your dad , your spouse , your children etc. You want your life to change? You have to change.
Beyonce says that whenever she goes on stage she is not Beyonce , she is Sasha Fierce. David Goggins grew up in poverty, gained alot of weight but then he lost weight and ran marathons. They all say to create a new version of yourself.
Liz said that she is lazy , doesn't like attention which comes from social media and stay her in bed all day but all this will get her nowhere so she created a new version. Somebody that is confident , uses her platform , goes after her goals , gets up and goes to gym and somebody with a very hard mindset and tough skin . You need to create a tough skin especially if you are an influencer or a celebrity.
If you start acting like your alter ego , you will become like her. Ask yourself . What does the higher version of yourself look like ? How does she / he look like ? What is she / he wearing ? Who do they date ? What is their career ? How do they spend their time ? What is their hairstyle ?
Before doing anything , ask yourself , will my highest version do this? If you are eating sugary food, ask yourself If your highest version would eat that dessert. If you don't feel like going to the gym , ask yourself If your highest version would skip gym or go to gym.
Find your own passion . No one can tell you what your passion is , you need to find it .
God gives us passion because that's what we are supposed to do.
If you have no idea about your passion , what am I really good at ? Every single person is good at something . It might be as small as cooking, managing team or very much into social media.
You can't be always kind to yourself, sometimes you need a reality check . Also , ask yourself what your best version of yourself would do ? Go for walk. Listen to podcast.
Talk to God as if he is your best friend. Ask God and the universe for the things you want. Don't expect help if you don't ask for help. God puts people in our life to help us , to upgrade us.
Ask once , be specific and practice gratitude before asking. Start assuming like the world is designed for you to succeed .
You walk into a room , you have a meeting or a presentation. You feel nervous. Ask yourself : what would the highest version of myself do ? Shoulders back , walk into the room and start talking. Wherever you go , think that everyone is in love with you , it will make you confident.
You have to tell yourself affirmations . Look into the mirror and say " I am powerful . I am amazing. I am going to kill this day ." Ask God to help you and stand by me .
It takes accountability. Going through the progress of looking at yourself differently.
Know that the bad day is a blessing. How will we appreciate good days if we have no bad days ?
If you want an expensive watch , the watch itself doesn't fulfill you , it's the process towards the watch & the anticipation. If you want to lose weight , going to gym regularly and seeing the scale going down, Feeling healthier and better. That is the process. That is happiness.
Do not tell anyone about your ambitions .Show them what you are doing .
If you tell big dreams to small minded people , they will never support you because they do not understand. They have not done it themselves
The big issue with people is that they want to talk before it happened. Why are you putting evil eye on yourself?
" What people don't know they can't ruin "
Be private. You never know who is praying for your downfall.
Don't talk about things you want to accomplish before you accomplished them.
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sapphicnsh · 3 days
Rot Au Explanation!
(and an introduction to my OCs and stuff!!)
I’m making this little intro post to put most of my rot au thoughts in one place! The tag on my blog is #rot au, but some of the older info is probably outdated at this point. I ALSO LOVE ASKS ABOUT IT!! I like replying to them with little comics sometimes so feel free to send some my way :D
Finally: TW for Manipulation, toxic as fuck relationships, SOOOO much murder, no one in this AU is a good person at all!!
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Becoming increasingly frustrated with his citizens treating him like “Moon but worse”, Pebbles goes to Sig for help—he wants to be able to retaliate, or at least throw them out of his chamber when they’re being especially insulting, but he can’t do that with the taboos placed in his code. These restrictions are physically painful to break, in order to keep their artificial gods in check. Above all hangs one taboo so deeply encoded in them that rumor says if you even think of breaking it for too long, you’ll shut down from how overclocked your systems become from the pain: the altering of one’s own genome.
Much to his chagrin, Sig is the best bioengineer Pebbles knows, and probably the only one crazy smart enough to pull this off. Sig is reluctant at first, knowing how dangerous and nigh impossible such a task will be, but eventually is convinced, agreeing to help give advice and nothing else. Pebbles agrees, and they get to work.
...And it fucking works.
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There are 2 main local groups: 037 (Moon's group), and 1650 (Sliver's group). In descending order of age, they are:
Looks to the Moon - (she/her) Group Senior of local group 037. One of the oldest still functioning iterators, softspoken and kind, despite the fact some other seniors might consider that a weakness. She tries to take care of her citizens and work on the great problem, but she can’t really bring herself to care much about it anymore, after working on it for so long. She is incredibly caring to her group, but she does know when to put her foot down, though she has never found it in her to use her seniority privileges against one of her group members, as she considers them a violation of their autonomy. Sig’s partner.
Seven Red Suns - (he/they) Second oldest of local group 037. Close to Moon in age, which means their emotional AI is not quite as advanced as those younger than him, which can lead to issues when they are trying to understand their own and others’ feelings. He does his best though, and is generally a dedicated and agreeable member of the group, though they’re kind of aloof until Pebbles is constructed. They are active in the politics of their city, mostly as someone to give advice and guidance, rather than a leader.
Sliver of Straw - (she/her) Group Senior of local group 1650. One of the youngest seniors there is, she’s closer in age to Sig than she is to Moon. This makes her highly insecure, and she is determined to “prove” to everyone that she is a capable Senior. This leads to her being very strict with her group, as she wants someone within it, or herself, to find the solution in order to show her worth as a leader.
Once Stagnant Opportunity - (she/her) “Second in Command” of local group 1650, she’s basically Sliver without the inferiority complex. A bioengineering-focused facility, mostly specializing in creating things to make her citizens’ lives easier. She doesn’t give a shit what others think of her, and speaks her mind freely, aside from around Sliver herself, who she pretends to like but is actually insanely jealous of. She thinks she could be a better leader than Sliver ever could be, and resents her for it. (OC)
Echos of Indigo - (he/she/they) Member of local group 1650. Very soft spoken and shy, his self esteem is in rubicon from being bullied by OSO (and Sliver) after being put online. Their facility is a nature reserve, which has some of the very last natural, unpurposed biodiversity left. OSO specifically does not respect her because she thinks preserving such things is a waste of time. He tries his best. Kinda a “mom friend” to ABL, and really wishes he had some friends his age. (OC)
Chasing Wind - (he/him) Member of local group 1650. Rules his city like a dictator, due to being terrified of his own citizens taking advantage of him, so he took initiative with a “hurt them before they hurt you” mentality. He doesn’t trust his group members further than he can throw them, and suffers with some paranoia. Sig is very close to him though, they were put online within 50 cycles of one another. Sliver HAAATES this, because she thinks Sig is a lazy asshole and doesn't want her “distracting” Wind. He doesn’t particularly care, though, because he can actually let himself chill out around Sig.
No Significant Harassment - (she/he/it) “Second in Command” of local group 037. An advanced medical facility with a specialization in bioengineering, and the northernmost iterator in her group, her can is in an extremely cold area. Doesn’t give much care to the great problem, prefers to spend his time goofing off. Is considered the “Second in Command” because Moon trusts her a bit more than Suns, as they’re closer. Has a generally laid back and sarcastic personality. Moon’s partner.
Pleading Intellect - (they/them) Member of local group 1650. Built near EOI, their city has become a tourist destination because of the beautiful climate around them. Their chamber is a glass box in the middle of the city, so visitors can watch them iterate and even ask them questions. They are constantly tired due to this, since they have to be running at 100% around the clock, as they’re always being watched. Their city is the richest in the local group, and their puppet is decorated in gold and jewels to reflect that, and for the delight of tourists. Friends with Sig, Wind, and Pebbles.
Unparalleled Innocence - (she/they) Member of local group 037. While she can be a little bit of a brat, she’s a very dedicated caretaker for her city. She enjoys her citizens’ celebrations and rituals, and is generally content being their iterator. Her can is an industrial facility, and manufactures a lot of machinery for her local group and others. She’s quite popular among the iterator populous, friends/on good terms with most around her. ABL is very close to them.
Alienated by Light - (they/them) Member of local group 1650. The youngest of the group, has yet to be crushed by the futility of the great problem. Loves their citizens, and their city is very religious. They are a bit of a kiss-ass to the older ones of their local group, as they desperately want to be accepted and liked by their peers. Sliver and OSO just find them annoying, though. They consider themself close friends with Indigo (who keeps them at arms length at best), but UI is genuinely close with them, and they have a developing crush on her. (OC)
Five Pebbles - (he/him) Youngest member of local group 037. Built as a support structure for Moon, so her systems wouldn’t have to strain themselves trying to keep up with caring for her citizens. His construction was tumultuous, as there was heavy political opposition and even a couple attempted attacks in order to stop it, though obviously it didn’t work. Cycles later, he still can’t seem to shake being referred to as the “Apostate Superstructure Abomination” in certain political circles. He is deeply frustrated by this, and becomes disillusioned with his purpose rather quickly. He becomes close with Suns when he tries to distance himself from Moon, who he is constantly being compared to.
Once Sig and Pebbles manage to alter their genome, things seem fine for a couple cycles, or well, at least for them. They start distributing the code they created to a small group of friends/iterators they know are frustrated with their situation, unknowingly dooming them to a slow, painful death from the rot. Word gets out eventually about what Sig and Pebbles have done, especially once Pebbles starts “retaliating” (killing) his citizens when they annoy him too much. Cue absolute fucking panic.
Their citizens freak the fuck out. Their iterators, their homes could literally decide to just betray them at the drop of a hat. Political mayhem ensues, among both iterators and their citizens. Some of their citizens immediately go to groveling at their iterator’s feet, begging them not to infect themselves, while some lobby for trying to reason with Sig and Pebbles and the rest of those who have gone rogue, to work out a solution that would satisfy both of them. Some want to shut the entire iterator project down. Meanwhile, on the iterator side of things, workgroups are created, with some wanting to work to reverse/talk Pebbles and Sig down, some secretly gathering in hushed whispers to voice their wishes to go rogue themselves, and some are trying to figure out how to kill the traitors. Sliver is a part of one of those groups:
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This is where Wind comes in. Wind is Sig’s best friend, put online about 50 cycles before her. Wind is part of Sliver’s group, and she absolutely despises their relationship, considering her contempt for Sig. However, this doesn’t stop them from goofing off together, as Wind really only drops his stoic and standoffish personality around her. He is incredibly paranoid, and distrustful of his own group (considering how Sliver continuously tries to prevent Wind from having fucking friends), as well as his citizens. When he realizes his citizens could be planning to shut him down, he tightens the reins on them even further, as he was already basically a strict dictator beforehand. He thinks that because of his treatment of them, his citizens absolutely want him dead, so he locks down his city and turns it into a literal surveillance state.
While this is happening, Sig notices something bad. They’ve got the fucking rot. Since they’ve already created so much chaos, they decide to keep it a secret, as they think they can just cure it as quick as they can and just sweep it under the rug, and no one will be any the wiser. Yeah that doesn’t work. When Moon notices that Pebbles shut the dams between their shared water supply, using more water, and has been acting very strange and distant, she goes to Sig because she knows they’ve been hanging out and Pebbles may have disclosed something to him that she doesn’t know. When Sig is similarly cagey, she asks for a diagnostic sweep of his systems. Sig refuses. Moon uses her seniority privileges, something she has never done before, to force Sig to send her the equipment manifest, and the truth is revealed: Sig and Pebbles are horrifically sick. Sig didn’t even realize the extent, as the rot has begun to hide and warp information they can collect from their structures.
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Upon learning that Sig and Pebbles have given themselves the fucking rot, Suns completely cuts both of them off. He refuses to speak to either of them, because they’re scared that they could become convinced to “join them”, and this hurts Pebbles deeply. At the same time, Sig becomes distracted trying to convince Wind to infect himself (which I’ll come back to in a minute), and Pebbles is left feeling betrayed and alone.
Pebbles, despite his contempt for his citizens, actually really enjoys their culture. He thinks that when they aren’t being led by corrupt and rich assholes, they are a very interesting species and likes documenting and learning about them. He’s always been friendly with Pleading Intellect, who if you remember, is very involved in their citizens’ celebrations and daily life, so they begin to talk, growing closer. PIn eventually even begins to develop a crush on Pebbles, which spoiler alert, does not end well, like most things in this god awful au.
The way that seniority privileges work is that a senior can only use them on their own group. This means that Sliver cannot do jack shit to Sig or Pebbles, but she is going to try her damndest to figure out how to be able to extend her seniority to them. Sig knows this, and comes to the conclusion that he has to kill her before she kills him. This leads to him trying to convince Wind to infect himself so he can alter his own code to basically give himself seniority privileges and brain blast Sliver into oblivion. Sig uses the fact that Wind is already deeply paranoid against him, and he is eventually convinced, and the two end up killing Sliver:
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This is what finally knocks some sense back into Sig. She realizes that HOLY FUCK WIND WE ABSOLUTELY FUCKED UP, and begins to desperately scramble to find a cure. Because Pebbles is still pissed at her, he refuses to help him, and even goes so far as to contact Suns again…who accepts the message. They start talking again, and out of an act driven mostly by the rot’s manipulation of Pebbles, he sends Suns the virus in a compromised message, and now Suns is infected. Sig is fucking PISSED. Why the hell would Pebbles fucking SPREAD THE ROT TO YET ANOTHER GROUP MEMBER, and also LEAVE HER TO DO ALL THE WORK WHILE HER SYSTEMS ARE DETERIORATING RAPIDLY?! Unfortunately, Pebbles has basically completely stopped fighting against the rot’s takeover of his mind and body, and pretty much succumbs to its whims.
This leaves Sig on her own. Moon and Wind try to help, though Wind has become so paranoid due to the rot feeding into that delusion he eventually shuts everyone out. Moon and Sig quickly realize that Sig barely has control of his structure anymore, and any and all attempts to run experiments or simulations of a cure come back with an error message near immediately. Moon knows that while Sig’s systems are very advanced, there’s no way that these errors are being processed this quickly, and the rot is manipulating his systems into not letting her hurt it whatsoever.
Meanwhile, the rot feeds on Suns’ love for Pebbles and twists it into a horrific jealousy/obsession. When they find out about PIn’s crush on Pebbles, he becomes incredibly angered by it, and one night while Pebbles is visiting PIn, they show up, grab Pebbles, and erase his memories of PIn right in front of them. PIn freaks the fuck out, and goes to Moon for help, and this is how Moon learns just how insane Suns and Pebbles have gone. This is getting bad!
PIn eventually goes to Wind and asks for the code to infect themself. They realize that even on the slim chance Sig and Pebbles and everyone else were to be cured, nothing would ever be the same again. They are already worked to the bone by their citizens due to being watched by them nearly 24/7, and they just want some damn sleep. Wind gives it to them.
Sig is also completely losing her grip on reality. The rot knows how hard Sig is trying to fight it, and begins just fucking melting her neurons, giving him what he wants (which are basically just hallucinations of Moon), to pacify him and stop him from focusing on attempting to find a cure.
Upon learning about what Suns has done to her brother, Moon tries to contact them, begging Pebbles to come to his senses, and eventually tries to use her seniority privileges on both of them to get a response, and this is what finally makes Suns snap. Moon comes over to Pebbles’ chamber right in the middle of him erasing Pebbles’ memories of Moon and Sig. Panicking, Moon tries to get Sig to come over, to help, to do ANYTHING, but it’s too late. Pebbles doesn’t even know who they are anymore.
Moon tries to use her privileges again to stop Suns, shut them down, get them to stop feeding Pebbles lies about Sig and Moon, but this just pisses off Suns more. Sig tries to defend Moon from them, but at this point he’s so weak a light breeze could have probably killed her, so Suns is easily able to kill her.
And then kills Moon too.
The end :3
And that's the basic explanation! Horrible, isn't it? :D
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alienoresimagines · 2 days
Honestly, Crank is such a mood and might just be my MOTA spirit animal
Exhibit A : He is just so done, all of the time it's so funny
1) "What I get a passenger?" Sassy Crank who then decided to sleep through the rest of the briefing because if he has Bucky the Yapper on his plane, he will need the extra sleep if they both want to make it alive to Algeria
2) Any sequence where he is flying and Bucky's behind him and/or asking for updates on Buck. The way he just... closes his eyes like he's praying a higher deity to take the Yapper of his plane before answering is so funny. I don't know if it's because of Bucky's poorly hidden attempt at making it look like he's not asking after Buck specifically by saying "the stagglers" and Crank realising exactly why Bucky "couldn't skip this one" or simply because he's just been through hell and the war wife that yapped his way on his plane won't stop asking is he's a war widow yet but it's funny. Reminds me of a parent who just wants some sleep but their kid keeps asking questions.
3) His "Oh that makes me feel better" when the mechanic tells him of the plane's condition ("won't go very far but you won't need it" because Münster isn't far and not because Crank gets shot down not 20 minutes later mind you). I know he was probably still angry and bitter after his altercation with Bucky and the fact that Crank does Not agree with the mission's order but I just love him. He reminds me of a cranky, wet kitten
Exhibit B : He is hella competent
Every pilot is good, that's a fact. There hasn't been much focus on the pilots except for the Buckies (even though we've never seen Bucky in the left seat except that one time he was smoking in it during his war widow era), Rosie and Curt (a bit of Brady and Blakely too) so there isn't much to say about Crank specifically. BUT when Bucky, lead pilot, goes down, Crank immediately takes the lead to avoid formation going into chaos like was the case during the Bremen mission ("There was a lot of confusion when lead (Buck and DeMarco) went down, it was chaos"). And don't forget that he flew through the Regensburg mission, which was absolute hell!
Exhibit C : He is Not Afraid to speak his mind or call people on their bs
1) Him being the one to ask Bucky how he managed to be put on the Regensburg mission while very clearly already having an idea, only confirmed by Bucky's vague answer
2) Famous moment but his confrontation with Bucky (and Brady) about the Münster mission. Nobody mentioned Buck to Bucky, except Ken, but no one really mentioned the fact that the Münster mission was a revenge mission. Everybody knew it but there was that fear that mentioning Buck would set Bucky off so nobody did. But Crank does, because Buck was also his friend and so is Bucky and neither of them would have approved or encouraged the mission if they'd been here/in their right mind.
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Look at the devastation on his face when Bucky tells him that "it's a war and it won't end until they hit them where it hurts". That's the face of someone seeing a friend absolutely drowning in grief turning to revenge to cope.
So Crank says "None of the people we're going to bomb today shot down Buck" and he sees the look in Bucky's eyes and knows that he may have hit the bull's eye, but it was the wrong move. Only accentuated by the fact that Bucky then makes Crank call him "sir" something that he has never done before, clearly separating himself from his friends and Crank understands that this isn't really Bucky, at least not the one he knows. Buck may have been the only one to go down but the truth is, the 100th had already lost the two Buckies
Exhibit D : He loves his people soooo much
1) The hug he gives Dougie when the goblin fort crew comes back from the dead??? Just looking at that hug I could feel how warm and comforting it was. Crank is one of the best huggers of the 100th I bet. Also Dougie being taken aback at the force of the hug that he has to take a few steps back?? Can you imagine how good and relieved Crank must have felt after losing so many friends but, just this time, one crew came back and intel was wrong, they weren't dead!! They came back!!
See Gif below :
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Look at his face when he goes to hug Dougie, he can't believe he gets to see them again 🥺
2) The grief on his face when he comes back from Bremen? Not having the words to say Buck went down because they all thought that no one bailed out and the entire crew was dead? He just shakes his head in defeat. All he can think about is that they lost Buck but someone will have to tell Bucky that he lost Buck. Look at his face and tell me he didn't know it'd destroy Bucky.
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3) Him calling for Bucky at the fence when the latter arrived at the Stalag. The pure joy and relief on his face ("You made it!!!"), so overwhelming that he has to take his beanie off because he arrived at the Stalag and Bucky wasn't there and he didn't arrive even days after Crank. And if Crank arrived before Brady did, then he must have thought that the entire crew was dead because he saw them go down, even took the lead afterwards. But then Brady arrived, and Bucky wasn't there and that couldn't be because if Bucky's dead then the last time Crank had ever seen him it'd been in anger and for all Crank disagreed with the mission, Bucky's his friend. But then Bucky comes and Crank is so relieved because Bucky's alive and the Buckies are back together so everything will be fine and Crank's with his friends again.
In conclusion, I love my cranky but affectionate Crank from New England, he deserves more appreciation, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
P.s.: I haven't seen MOTA post ep 6 so this post might be edited if the last 3 episodes give me Crank content :)
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queenshelby · 2 days
Our Little Secret (Part 48)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap, Triggers, Smut
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Later that night...
After a few drinks and some conversation with Sean, you couldn't help but feel a little bit of a connection. It was impossible not to, as he was telling you all about his life in a way that made you feel like you had known him for years.
You did not have much in common, but he was a good listener, and you liked his company. He was slightly awkward and nerdy , but there was something very endearing about it - a rare, untouched purity that you could sense in him.
"He is cute. You should take him home," your best friend Emma whispered into your ear after she had watched you two from afar, a sly grin spreading across her face. You had initially come to the bar with her and her friends, but as the night wore on, you found yourself drawn to Sean and she picked up on this immediately.
"Shh," you told her before she introduced herself to the stranger you met and were talking to without interfering with your attempts to flirt with him. 
You had always been a little bit shy when it came to conversations with strangers, so you were surprised at how easy it was to talk to Sean. Maybe it was the alcohol that made you more confident, but you didn't think that was the only reason.
"Ask him over, have some fun. You only ever been with Cillian so this might be good for you," Emma told you while Sean was ordering another round of drinks, her eyes sparkling mischievously.
You couldn't help but feel a blush creeping up your cheeks. Emma had a point - you had never really been with anyone else besides Cillian. He had been your first and only and you needed to explore and move on, no matter how daunting it felt. 
But then, there was something about Sean that made you feel at ease. Was it his green eyes or the awkward way he smiled? Either way, you found yourself nodding in agreement and Emma squealed in delight.
"Good for you," she cheered, patting your back. You grinned sheepishly before turning back to Sean. As if sensing your gaze, he looked up from the bar and caught your eye, which is when Emma nudged you forward, urging you to take the next step.
Taking a deep breath, you made your way over to the bar, helping him with the drinks before asking him whether he wanted to go back to your house for a nightcap after you finished your beers.  
"You want me to come to your house?" he asked innocently, and you smiled coyly at him, nodding affirmatively.
"Just for a bit of fun, no promises," you told him casually, catching him of guard. "I am not after a relationship or something, just something casual," you admitted honestly, causing Sean to smile and nod awkwardly. 
"Really? You want to take me home to have some fun?"  Sean asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice as, never before, he had been picked up in a nightclub before and you could see that there was something in his eyes that was weighing him down.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I am not usually that direct," you  said, blushing as you looked at Sean, hoping he wasn't offended.
"No, it's okay, really," he responded, a hint of a smile on his face. "I am just a bit surprised; you know. But, of course, I am not going to reject your proposition," Sean said, his eyes shining with a mix of excitement and nervousness. There was a pause before he asked: "So, uh, where do we go?"
"We will need to get a cab. I don't live in the city centre," you told him as you both quickly finished your drinks and excused yourselves from your respective friends. 
Outside the bar, you hailed a cab and gave the driver your address. The drive was about 20 minutes, and during that time, you could feel the tension building up between you and Sean.
You stole glances at him, observing his hands fidgeting in his lap or how he occasionally looked at you before quickly looking away.
As you paid the cab driver and stepped out of the car, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. You have never done anything like this before, bringing a stranger home for a one-night stand.
But tonight, you wanted to let loose, to experience something new and thrilling. And Sean seemed like the perfect candidate for that.
As you walked up to your front door, you tried to stifle the butterflies in your stomach, the anticipation rising as Sean followed you.
"Holy shit, do you live here by yourself?"  Sean asked, looking at the terrace building in front of him, which was located in one of Dublin's most expensive suburbs. 
"Yes, well, no. My daughter lives here too, obviously, but she is with her father for the night," you told him  , unlocking the door and stepping inside. You glanced back at Sean, who looked impressed by the high-end decor.
"Fuck that's a nice place," he commented, taking in the modern furniture and designer touches scattered throughout the living room. "Didn't you say you were a student?" he asked, looking around the living room.
"Yes, that's right," you responded, slightly amused by his reaction to your house.
"But you live here all by yourself with your daughter?" Sean asked, furrowing his brow.
"Yes," you explained, fighting the urge to feel self-conscious about your arrangement with Cillian, which was something you did not want to delve into.
"Wow," he said, his eyes wide as he took in the opulent surroundings.
"Come on, let's go into the living room," you suggested. As you walked into the room, you motioned for Sean to take a seat on the plush sofa while you poured yourself a glass of wine from the open bottle on the coffee table. "Do you like wine?" you asked, turning to Sean.
"Uhm, not really," he replied, hesitantly. "But I am not really thirsty." 
You chuckled at his response, thinking to yourself that you might have to introduce him to the wonderful world of wine at a later date. But, for now, the only thing on your mind was getting close to him.
You sat down next to him on the sofa, taking a sip of your wine and watching as he nervously fidgeted in his seat.
"So, uhm, should I, uhm, kiss you or something" Sean asked, suddenly biting his bottom lip, as if realizing how forward he was being.
You chuckled at his nerves, reaching out to brush your fingers gently against his cheek before pulling him close to you. 
"Yes, I think that might be a good idea," you whispered, your lips hovering just above his.
Sean hesitated for a moment before he leaned forward the rest of the way, capturing your lips in a soft kiss.
Unlike Cillian though, who was the only man you had ever kissed before now, Sean was not experienced. He was a little clumsy even and shy, as if he was overthinking every little movement he made. But, at the same time, there was a sweetness to his kiss that made you feel special.
"Do you want me to take off my dress?" you asked him, already starting to undo the zipper on the back before standing up and letting it fall to the ground, leaving you in nothing but a black lingerie piece which was conveniently covering the scar on your stomach. 
"Holy shit ," Sean muttered, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw you standing in front of him, completely naked except for the lingerie. "You are hot," he said, a hint of awe in his voice.
You felt yourself blushing slightly, embarrassed by his praise. But, at the same time, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at his reaction. You had put a lot of effort into your appearance, taking extra care with your hair and makeup before leaving the house. It was nice to know that it had paid off.
"Thank you," you smirked before straddling him. You then began to unbutton  his shirt, revealing a muscular physique underneath.
As he laid back against the couch, you started kissing his neck and 
shoulder, tracing patterns with your tongue and fingertips. A faint tremor ran through his body, and a quiet moan escaped Sean's lips.
"You are so hard already," you  whispered, impressed by his response. You guided his hands to your breasts, encouraging him to touch you. He hesitated briefly before his fingers gently cupped your curves.
"Do you like that?" he asked, looking into your eyes, seeking approval.
"Yes, don't stop. Keep touching me," you urged, biting your lower lip as you leaned in to kiss him again. The room was filled with the sound of heavy breathing and soft moans as you moved against each other.
Sean's hands were roaming all over your body, exploring every inch of your skin as he traced his fingers along your curves. His touch was gentle yet passionate.
"Let's go upstairs, to my bedroom," you  whispered in his ear, feeling his heartbeat quicken as you spoke the words.
He nodded, and you stood up, offering your hand to him, pulling him to his feet.
You led him upstairs to your bedroom, which was neatly decorated in soft colors, featuring elegant furniture pieces and a huge king-size bed in the center.
The room was dimly lit, and you immediately pulled Sean towards you for a kiss before unbuckling his belt.
"Let me see you," you told him as you unzipped  his pants, encouraging him to take off the rest of his clothes while you stood there, watching him, admiring his muscular shoulders and slender hips.
As he slid out of his jeans and took off his already open shirt, you couldn't help but feel a little shiver of excitement. He was toned, and there was something very attractive about his physique, even though you weren't particularly drawn to muscly men.
"You are so sculpted," you whispered appreciatively, running your fingers along his defined chest and abs.
"I am trying to be,"  he said, smiling bashfully. "I work out a lot."
You chuckled at his response, leaning in to kiss him again.
"Take off your briefs," you urged him, reaching down to unhook your bra for him. You let it slip off your shoulders and down your arms, your breasts spilling free.
Sean's breathing hitched as he looked at you, taking in the sight of your bare chest. You could sense the anticipation building between both of you, and you felt butterflies in your stomach as Sean tentatively reached out to touch you.
His touch was hesitant at first, but it quickly became more confident as he explored your body with his hands. The feel of his fingers softly brushing against your skin was incredibly arousing, and you moaned softly in response.
Eventually, he pushed down his briefs as you had requested, and you sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of his arousal. 
He was only the second man you had ever seen like this before, but this did not deter you , and somehow, it made the whole experience even more exciting.
Sinking to your knees, you  took him in your hand and then leaned in to place a soft, open-mouthed kiss at the tip of his arousal. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, watching as his mouth dropped open in surprise and a deep groan rumbled from his chest at the contact.
Emboldened, you continued to tease him, licking and sucking at the tip before taking him further into your mouth, your head bobbing up and down in a steady rhythm until, suddenly, he stopped you.
"I can't. I won't last if you keep doing that," Sean gasped, gritting his teeth after as a little as a minute of you teasing him .
You smirked at his response, slowly pulling back and standing up to face him. "I take it you like that?" you asked, raising an eyebrow and biting your lower lip as you took in the sight of him.
He nodded, unable to speak, his breathing heavy and ragged. You could tell that he was close to losing control, and you felt a thrill of excitement at the realization.
Without warning, you pushed him back onto the bed, climbing on top of him as you continued to explore his body with your hands.
You could feel his arousal growing harder under you, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of power at the effect you had on him.
"God, you're so gorgeous," Sean murmured, reaching up to brush a lock of hair away from your face. His fingers lightly traced the curves of your jaw, and you couldn't help but lean into his touch, closing your eyes for a moment as you savored the sensation.
"I want you," you whispered, your lips brushing against his ear and Sean nodded awkwardly.
"Okay, but maybe I should, you know, kiss you first down there ?" he asked nervously, his hands hesitating just above your hips, and you realized that he was struggling to contain himself.
"If you want to, sure," you nodded before wiggling out of your panties, tossing them to the side. As you both lay there, staring at each other, the silence in the room became heavy.
"You seem nervous," you finally broke the silence, your body trembling slightly.
"I am a little, but I want to make this special for you," Sean answered, stroking your thigh gently.
Your eyes locked on his green ones, becoming lost in their depths as he spoke. A faint smile touched your lips as you felt his hand drift lower, finally landing on the wetness between your legs.
"God, you're so wet," he murmured, his voice husky with arousal as his fingers began to explore the slickness and instinctively, you arched your back, urging him to go further.
Sean seemed to understand your unspoken request, and without hesitation, he gently eased a finger inside you. Your inner walls tightened around him, welcoming the intrusion as he began to move his finger in and out with a steady rhythm.
He then trailed kisses down your body until he reached the wetness between your legs with his mouth, teasing you with the tip of his tongue, but somehow missing your clit.
You tried to stifle your disappointment, lifting your hips towards him, encouraging his tongue to find its way but, again, he seemed to be overthinking and, after a frustrating amount of awkward furtive kisses and explorations, he sluggishly pressed his face against your heat.
You tried to adjust your position, trying to gain the friction you needed, but his movements were too slow and deliberate, almost robotic and you knew you had to put an end to this soon.
You had to think about how to fake an orgasm, and so you decided to close your eyes and pretend to arch your back involuntarily, letting out a moan to make it seem like you were getting close to climaxing.
"Oh fuck," you moaned, trying to make it sound believable, giving Sean an Oscar worthy performance of pure ecstasy.
"I am coming, that's it," you whispered, clenching your fists as you faked it - keeping your body tensed and eyes shut tight, while making your breath sound labored. 
Sean seemed relieved and thrilled with himself as he pulled away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand while giving you a proud look and you opened your eyes, smiling at him contently, thinking that, surely, the main act would be much more pleasurable than that. 
"Do you, uhm, have a condom?" he  asked, his eyes wide with a mix of arousal and uncertainty.
You nodded, still reeling from the intensity of your performance as you reached into the bedside table drawer, pulling out a condom.
Sean took it from you, tearing open the package with his teeth before rolling it down over his erection.
He then positioned himself above you, his green eyes meeting yours as he gently pushed inside.
You gasped at the sudden intrusion, but you quickly adapted to the feeling of him inside of you.
"You feel so tight," Sean murmured, his eyes glazing over with pleasure as he began to rock his hips against yours.
You wrapped your legs around Sean's hips, pulling him closer as the sensations built inside of you.
He was different from Cillian, almost too gentle and measured, but you tried your best to enjoy the experience regardless.
"Harder," you urged, arching your hips against him, hoping to get a reaction.
Sean hesitated but, after a brief moment of doubt, he increased his pace, driving deeper into you with every thrust.
"Fuck, you feel incredible," he groaned, his voice low and strained with pleasure.
You closed your eyes, focusing on the feeling of him inside you, trying to forget about the fact that you had to fake an orgasm earlier.
You moaned, encouraging him to keep going, but it felt  like something was missing. The sensations building inside of you were nothing like when you were with Cillian and it was difficult to match the feeling to the one you knew so well.
"Don't stop," you urged, wrapping your legs around Sean's hips, pulling him closer to you, hoping that the friction would be enough to bring you to the edge, but it didn't.
"Let me go on top," you suggested, feeling a rush of disappointment, but unsure of what else to do. "I want to ride you, please," you told him and the sheer mention of it excited him.
He carefully pulled out and moved aside, then you climbed on top of him.
You reached down and guided him back inside of you, letting out a low moan at the feeling of him filling you up once again.
Rocking your hips, you began to move against him, quickly finding a rhythm that was pleasurable but, before you could force yourself to orgasm, he lost control.  An explosion of ecstasy washed over his features as he jerked, gripping your waist tightly before his muscles weakened, collapsing against the bed. You stopped moving and indulged in the sight of him as he spent himself.
"Oh my god, I can't believe that just happened," he managed to stutter between gasps, collapsing against the bed. You giggled indulgently, stroking his damp hair as he lay there in recovery, amused by his reaction after his proclamation of wanting to make the experience special for you.
"Listen, it's fine, really. It was fun," you told him softly, brushing a strand of hair out of his face as you spoke. "Despite, you already made me cum, and I can't usually cum more than once, so it was great, really," you lied  , hoping he wouldn't catch on.
Sean nodded, still panting slightly as he caught his breath. He looked relaxed and contented as he gazed up at you, but there was something in his eyes that made you think he knew the truth, despite your attempt to cover it up.
"You know I could go again in an hour or so, make it up to you," he offered, stroking your thigh lovingly.
"I think that we should get some sleep and revisit this in the morning instead," you suggested, slowly pulling away from him.
You stood up, grabbing your discarded clothes from the floor before walking into the en-suite bathroom to clean yourself up.
When you finally emerged from the room, Sean was already fast asleep, his body sprawled out on top of the bedsheets, looking even more handsome and at peace than he had before.
You couldn't help but smile at the sight of him, feeling a pang of guilt for having to fake your orgasm earlier. You had never done that before, and it had felt like a betrayal. But, at the same time, you had been too embarrassed to say anything, too afraid of hurting Sean's feelings.
Quietly, you made your way to the kitchen, seeking solace in a cup of hot tea. You sat there for what seemed like an eternity, lost in your thoughts as you tried to make sense of what had happened before, eventually, joining Sean in bed.
As the minutes ticked by, your eyelids grew heavy, and you eventually succumbed to the darkness.
When you woke up a few hours later, the gentle sunlight was streaming through the cracks in the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room.
Sean was still fast asleep, but you couldn't stay in bed much longer and made your way to the bathroom to have a shower.
The water felt refreshing on your skin as you stood under the showerhead, letting it wash over you, away from the lingering smell of sex.
As you stepped out of the shower, you wrapped a towel around your body and took a moment to catch your breath. For a fleeting second, you wished that Cillian was here instead of Sean, but quickly suppressed the thoughts and turned your attention to the task at hand.
Stepping out of the bathroom, you walked quietly back into the bedroom but found that Sean had gone, but his pants hadn't. They were still lying on the bedroom floor.
You then heard some voices coming from downstairs and when realized that it was Cillian talking to Sean, you heart sank.
Minutes earlier...
Hearing the doorbell ring, not once, but twice, Sean was woken up from a deep slumber. Rubbing his eyes and yawning, he climbed out of bed, now clad only in his boxers, looking for you. 
"Y/N?" he called out as the doorbell rang again, growing a little more frantic as Sean kept on looking for you upstairs. 
When he realized that you were in the shower, he decided to walk downstairs to answer the door.
When he opened the door slightly so that he could poke his head out without revealing his half-naked body, Seam saw a familiar looking person standing there on the doorstep.
"Holy shit," Sean muttered, rubbing his eyes again, wondering whether he was still dreaming. "You look like the dude from that movie, Oppenheimer," he said tentatively, not realizing that he had already said it aloud while Cillian pulled open the door further, fixing the younger man with a stern look.
"Excuse me?" he asked, his eyebrow arching high up on his forehead as he looked Sean up and down with a critical eye. 
"Uh, yeah, you know, the actor from that movie about the atomic bomb that won a shit ton of Oscars this year?" Sean replied lamely, not quite sure why he had said that.
"Yeah, that is me," Cillian said, his face expressing puzzlement. "But who the fuck are you?"  Cillian asked, his voice clipped and impatient.
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berryhobii · 2 days
this is so LFW couple coded https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2kkbOYo8jj/?igsh=MXZrY3JsNDAwcWVkZA==
Thanks for your request and I’m sorry it took so long!🩵🩵🩵still hope you enjoy
Jungkook emerged from your huge walk in closet carrying a shoe box. Now, your husband loved to spoil you; he’d buy you whatever you wanted and whatever he wanted you to have. You could just glance at something in a store and best believe it would be in your lap days later. You always appreciated whatever he did for you, thanking him immensely and doing anything to reciprocate that love.
You also had a remarkable memory which meant you could look at something and determine if Jungkook had gifted it to you.
But you’ve never seen that shoe box before. Just the color told you they were YSL.
“Where did those come from?” You inquired as he dropped on his knee in front of you, placing the box down next to him.
He sent you a cheeky grin. “I picked them up while I was out earlier. I thought they’d go well with your dress.” He removed the top of the box along with the tissue paper that covered the shoes.
You gasped as he pulled out the pair of pumps; shiny black and open toed with a gold plated YSL as the heel.
“Jungkook, you didn’t have to get me these.” You gasped, still in shock. You personally only owned a few pairs of luxury shoes and Jungkook purchased almost all of them. Name brands didn’t matter that much to you since you prioritized comfort and durability over price. You also loved H&M and Nordstrom Rack because sales were like drugs to you so super expensive shoes never really pulled your attention.
Those gorgeous doe eyes locked with yours, full of adoration and respect for you and you were sure you were looking at him the exact same way.
“You deserve it, baby. I want you to have all the nice things in the world.”
You smiled, reaching out to cup his cheek and running your thumb across his cheekbone as he nuzzled into your touch. “I have you. That’s all I need.”
He lifted your foot, sliding the shoe on and then going about securing it to your foot. After placing a kiss to your leg, he did the same with the other shoe. He stood to his own feet, holding out a hand for you to take so you could stand.
You twisted your leg to get a good look at the new footwear. Then you turned back to him, lifting your arms to wrap around his shoulders and his went to your waist.
“They’re beautiful, Jungkook. Thank you.” He could feel the sincerity rolling off your tongue. Jungkook knew you could be a little bashful and your humble nature meant you weren’t very materialistic but he just couldn’t help himself from spoiling you. He married you, not only because he loved you dearly(which he did) but also because he wanted to give you the life you deserved.
One side of you was a dedicated professional, educated and self sufficient; he knew you could take care of yourself and get the job done.
Then you had that other side of you that he had worked hard to pull out; the side that allowed you to put down your workload and relax into your femininity. When you could be a little ditzy and absentminded because you knew your man had your back. He applied that pressure all throughout your relationship, letting you know that you could depend on him. Not necessarily financial wise even though he could but also emotionally and mentally.
He truly brought out a side in you that you didn’t even think you were capable of expressing and you loved him so much for it.
“Anything for you, my pretty girl. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Tugging him down, you connected your lips in a passionate kiss—intimate and loving.
“Would it be too forward if I asked you to sit on my face right now?” He whispered against your gloss smeared lips, hands wandering down to squeeze at the fat of your ass through your dress.
You breathed out a chuckle. “We’re already late. I promise I’ll sit on it later though, okay?” You pecked his lips one last time, patting him twice on the cheek before strutting away in your new shoes. Jungkook’s eyes followed your hypnotizing backside, dreamily sighing.
He had really hit the jackpot with you and hopefully he’d be able to hit something else later.
“Kookieeeeeeee, my feet hurt!” You whined loudly, your pinky finger barely holding onto Jungkook’s hand as you two walked the 2 blocks to the car but they felt a million miles long at this point.
You trailed slightly behind him as the pain in your feet forced you to slow your ass down.
“You’re the one who wanted bubble tea. I told you we could go to the place closer to home but you insisted on walking up that hill.” He chastised but there was no real heat behind his words, a smile perpetually on his face from the few drinks he had and your antics.
“It was disgusting too! The girls on Instagram make it look so delicious! Why did you let me do that?” You complained, stomping your feet but then regretting it when your toes said no thank you.
“I told you not to get the matcha one. You hate matcha.”
“Stop combating my complaints with facts!”
You slowly came to a stop which made Jungkook stop too. He turned around, an endearing expression crossing his face at the sight of your pout. You had released your natural hair from the cute, curly bun it was wrapped up in earlier. He remembers you pulling about 100 Bobby pins from the tresses as the heat of the club started to get to you. The fullness was now packed into a claw clip that he helped you secure.
You looked adorable.
Sighing and shaking his head, Jungkook took your purse from you and looped it over his arm before bending down and picking you up.
You immediately relaxed in his hold, wrapping your arms around his neck and snuggling closer to him.
Placing a sweet kiss to the side of his neck, you, you murmured, “Mmm, thank you baby. I promise I won’t fall asleep before I get to sit on your face.”
Jungkook snorted. “Whatever you say. Let’s just focus on getting home.”
“I’m serious. I never break a promise.”
“Neither do I.” He soothed, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
He promised he’d always care for you. That he’d always love you.
That he’d be everything you needed and give you everything you deserved.
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thedarks1de · 2 days
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!professor Nanami x !student reader
Ignore the mistakes!
Part 1 is here
2 part
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Дом Кенто был просто потрясающим. Внутри, как и снаружи, он был огромен.
You looked around every corner of the living room, marveling at the modern and stylish interior design. Luxurious furniture, exquisite details and impeccable order created a wonderful harmony. Every item here was thought out to the smallest detail, emphasizing the image of the owner of the house — a person with taste and style.
But the professor did not allow you to examine his home for long and quickly took you to his personal office, which was located on the second floor.
— «Sit down at the table, take out a textbook and notebook.» Nanami said in an orderly tone and you immediately obeyed.
You were quite nervous in front of him. It was hard to believe that you were now at your professor's house. From the person to whom you offered sex for an assessment. Your cheeks turned red from shame and you hoped Nanami didn’t notice.
He sat down opposite you and glanced at the textbook with his tired gaze. Suddenly you were overcome with excitement, you were afraid to even move.
The professor began to explain one problem, his voice sounding calm and confident. You listened to every word he said, trying to imprint the information in your head, but you weren’t doing a good job.
Your hands began to shake as you tried to write something down in your notebook. Every time you looked at the professor, you felt your cheeks turn red. Every movement of his hand, every glance in your direction, caused a physical reaction in your body, causing you to squeeze your thighs together.
Nanami continued to speak, explaining the material. You immersed yourself in the textbook, trying to concentrate, but the words and formulas were confused before your eyes. All your thoughts revolved around Nanami. Perhaps you were blind if you didn't notice how handsome he was all this time. What a gorgeous and sexy voice he has. Oh, and his hands, his fingers... You wanted to feel those fingers deep inside you... Fuck. Why are you thinking about this now?
Every minute you became more and more excited, and you felt like the professor was scanning your every move. You tried your best to focus on the task at hand and forget about your sexual fantasies.
The professor heard your rapid breathing and saw your flushed cheeks. And his voice changed, becoming more seductive and dull.
— «Try to solve this task yourself, and I’ll be back in a few minutes.»
After these words, he left the office.
You remained alone with yourself, mixed feelings filled your head. You looked at your notebook, but the task had long ceased to be interesting. All you could think about was your professor. You imagine yourself on his table, under his skillful touches, and your pussy clenched from this, demanding attention to itself.
Nanami went to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. He stood in front of the mirror and looked at his reflection. What the hell is going on with him? He doesn’t understand why you are so drawn to him. Why does he want to touch your young body. This is wrong, this is not possible. He's your professor. You are his student. You are his junior by several years. He shouldn't want you, but he can't help himself.
Kento regretted inviting you over. He should have studied with you somewhere in the library, not at his home. He doubted he could hold out much longer.
At this very moment, when he is in the bathroom, you are sitting in his room, ready to spread your legs for him at any moment if Nanami wants it. These thoughts made the professor's penis throb in his pants.
And so, Nanami appeared in the doorway. He sat down next to you, never taking his eyes off you.
You looked attentively at the textbook, not paying attention to the sudden change in his behavior. You were even able to at least understand the essence of the task and concentrate, when suddenly you felt the professor’s hand lightly touch your thigh, slowly rising higher.
Your body trembled, all your fantasies came to life right before your eyes. His face was a few centimeters away from you, his hot breath flowed down your neck, and you could barely contain your moan. Your lips became dry and you craved his kiss. Just his touch brought you to the extreme level of arousal, your panties were already soaked through, your pussy needed touch.
— «Don’t get distracted...» — Nanami whispered in your ear.
You felt his warmth on you, his scent.
— «Professor...»
— «What is it, Miss y/n, isn’t this what you wanted?» — he whispered in your ear.
His hand was light on your shoulder and began to slowly slide up, so that you felt his fingers on your neck. Your breathing became even heavier and your heart beat faster. Nanami moved closer to you, and you felt his hot breath on your lips.
Finally, he leaned down and lightly brushed his lips against yours. Your body shook, and you couldn’t help yourself - in response to his kiss, you opened your mouth and ran your tongue along his lower lip. Nanami responded to you with the same passion, deepening the kiss and capturing you with his lips.
At that moment, Kento realized that all previous fears and embarrassments were forgotten. Instead, he indulged in this forbidden pleasure. There was no longer any strength to resist the desire.
Your heart was pounding wildly in your chest, each touch becoming more and more burning. You could hardly resist passionate kisses.
Nanami carefully ran his hand along your thigh, approaching your most intimate parts. Your wet pussy, ready to meet him, demanded his attention. Pushing your panties to the side, he pushed one finger inside of you.
The fiery passion between you struck with renewed vigor when Nanami began to explore your mouth with his tongue. You merged in a passionate kiss. You felt his cock, hot and hard.
You let out muffled moans at each of his touches. His hands undid the buttons on your shirt, releasing your breasts that yearned for his attention. He pulled back a little to enjoy your naked appearance before pressing a kiss to one of your breasts.
You spread your legs for him, exposing your pussy, which was already too wet with desire. Nanami pressed his body against yours, allowing you to feel the thrill of his arousal. He touched your wet pussy, penetrating inside with one finger. You moaned and threw your head back. His fingers moved inside you faster and faster.
— «Do you want to cum from my fingers, darling?» — Nanami asked, adding another finger.
— «Y-yes... please...»
With his other hand, Kento began rubbing your clit, creating even more pleasure. A minute later you were limp on his desk, your eyes rolling back from your powerful orgasm. You were breathing heavily, and Nanami couldn’t take his eyes off you. He took out his dick and slapped it on your wet pussy a couple of times.
You came to your senses and looked at your sensei who was getting ready to fuck you with his beautiful cock. You bit your lip, waiting for him to enter you. He entered with one powerful thrust and immediately began to move. Your moans were getting louder, but now Nanami was moaning along with you. And, God, you so wanted to record his moans on your phone so you could listen to them over and over again.
— «Do you like it, baby?» — Nanami whispered in your ear, moving inside you quickly. His movements were greedy and harsh, as if he had not had sex for several years.
— «Yes... God, yes...» you mumbled, unable to speak. Your voice almost broke due to your moans. His cock stretched you perfectly, making you feel like you were in heaven. — «Professor Nanami, I feel so good!...»
— «Call me Kento... Come on, say my name while you enjoy my cock like a dirty whore.»
— «Ken... Kento...» you shouted. You dug your nails into his shoulders, scratching them. — «Oh, Kento!»
— «Such an obedient girl...» Nanami whispered. His fingers held your hips tightly and you would obviously have bruises afterwards, but you didn’t care much. — «And such a whore for me.»
You felt your release approaching. Tears began to flow from your eyes and you opened your mouth, letting out a moan and screaming Nanami's name. This was your second orgasm today and you went limp. Nanami came after you, filling your pussy with his cum. Pulling his cock out, he watched it leak out of your hole.
When you came to your senses, Nanami had already cleaned himself up and was just looking at you. You were very embarrassed by his gaze and covered your chest with your hands. Nanami was amused by this and grinned.
— «What’s the point of hiding your body from me now?» — He leaned down to kiss your lips.
Nanami suggested you take a shower and you agreed. When you left the bathroom, the professor was sitting at the table and making some notes in the textbook.
— «Are you finished?» He handed you a physics textbook and pointed out all the marks. — «You learn all this, and I will correct your grades.»
— «What?...» you froze in bewilderment. What does you need to learn something mean? Is he laughing at you? — «But professor... we... I slept with you, just so as not to learn anything... I thought...»
— «Did you think that since I fucked you, you don’t have to learn anything? No, my dear, until you learn all this, you won’t get a good grade.»
— « Professor, you are cruel...»
— «You’re stupid, y/n, if you think you can get top marks from me by sleeping with me even once.»
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please know that a relationship with a professor in real life will not lead you anywhere good
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bonknigirlinthehood · 14 hours
I went nuts upon discovering Calcharo cares about his mercenary members so much. Even the game itself said he has a strong fatherly instinct ... .HOW COULD I LIVE knowing this man is such a FAMILY MAN???༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽
As an artist, I realize the power I hold, but as a uni student, I also realize the debuff I have to face that is TIME MANAGEMENT. I haven't drawn anything for a week now because of how busy I am, AND WHEN I TELL YOU I'M STARVING FOR CALCHARO CONTENT.
I had to feed myself using fanfiction as an emergency meal.
Content: basically Calcharo (try) being a father (which he does a good job).
Calcharo has a very strong fatherly instinct, as shown by how he keeps his lads in check before and after a mission. So imagine if one day, by accident, he ended up with a baby…
Part of him wants to take care of it because after all, it's his baby. Yet his other side keeps reality-checking him, saying how dangerous it is for the baby to be raised by someone who keeps venturing into the danger of Tacet Discord everyday, especially in a dangerous environment since he is the leader of a mercenary group.
However, most of his members would support and help him take care of the baby. They encourage their leader to keep it instead of giving it to an orphanage.
“Leader, do you really think the baby will grow happily and well-fed in an orphanage? You do know some of us came from there, right?”
“We'll help you take care of them!, they're our little landlord now!”
Of course, Calcharo couldn't refuse. They even already made a baby crib for the baby, even the medics going as far as to research about baby foods and formulas to help him ease his burden (which he highly appreciated).
This man tried his best to give as much affection as possible to this little bundle of joy, knowing he never received one and always emotionally constipated. He asked Jiyan if he could enroll his child into a preschool in Jinzhou, in which the general happily helped.
It was not easy for a dangerous man like Calcharo to have a dog, let alone a child. But after experiencing it firsthand, he concluded that raising one is not that bad. Sure, he was having a hard time sleeping now, but seeing his baby's face every morning has been worth it.
I'm pretty sure Calcharo is the type of man who makes sure his kiddo is prepped thoroughly for the day before actually starting his own day. He would wake, shower them, brush their hair, and feed his child before work. His room that was always gloomy and smells like iron now filled with toys and smelled like a baby cologne instead.
I knew this man would be good at changing diapers and making milk🍼and his baby probably only wants to drink milk made by him since the measurements are just perfect.
But because of his occupation, Calcharo had no choice but to hide his baby from the world. He does feel bad about it though, keeping them locked in the base with only so much entertainment he and his mercenary members can offer. That's why every once in a while, he would bring them to Jinzhou city, walking around all day and enjoying Lingyang performance. Calcharo even bothers to actually dress like the locals more, he even entertains the pre-school flyers the teachers give out there.
And how surprised Jiyan was when Calcharo offered another deal in exchange he and his members went in and out of Jinzhou city freely. He wanted to enroll his child into Jinzhou’s preschool, and possibly until they graduate high school, that's why he needs to be able to enter the city freely since his mercenary gang itself is located outside the city.
At first, Jiyan offered to give him a house inside the city, but after much consideration, Calcharo told the general he might need more time thinking about it.
All in all, Calcharo is a very responsible man. He loves and adores his little one, and tries his best giving them the best childhood he could offer–despite never having a proper one himself–though there's also some things he couldn't give, he sincerely hopes they would forgive him someday for it.
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ray-winters · 2 days
we just wanna hear any hcs you have for our boy misch
Alright, y’all asked for it, buckle up:
Mischa makes most of his money from an apprenticeship he has at the only tattoo parlor in Uranium City. He gets paid a bit, and on top of that he gets free tattoos (which is where he got all of his from). Plus it keeps him out of the house and also pisses his very traditionally valued adoptive parents off. Win win.
My Mischa only has tattoos on his right arm bc I am left handed so HE is left handed- he does his own tattoos mostly. He was going to start a sleeve on his left arm after he got home from the fall fair.
Speaking of his tattoos; the first tattoo he gave himself was one that says “Bad Egg” w/devil horns and a devil tail. “Bad Egg” was something his adoptive dad would frequently call him, so it was his way of reclaiming the name for himself, and pissing off his adoptive parents bc they were viciously anti-tattoo
He has another tattoo of a crescent moon with a “ - T” next to it bc he asked Talia to draw him something to put on his body. She drew the moon because of the time difference between Kyiv & Uranium, any time she sees the moon she knows she’s going to hear from Mischa soon. So she began to associate Mischa with the moon.
My personal fav tattoo I gave Mischa is that stereotypical “S” where you draw 6 lines and connect them. This is brand fucking new to Mischa, he had never seen it before, and he thought it was dope af, so he tattooed it on himself immediately.
He has a tattoo of a pot leaf, but it’s not very good so everyone always thinks it’s a Canadian maple leaf. Which drives him up the wall.
Mischa has taken in a small black cat that would hang around the tattoo parlor and would occasionally follow him home. It lives with him in the basement, it comes and goes, and it is a well kept hidden secret.
Mischa hangs at Noel’s house…a lot. Noel’s mom lets him stay the night often bc she knows about his home life and thinks it’s disgraceful, so she takes care of him.
Mischa was class clown and relatively popular at his high school in Ukraine- which is the polar opposite of how he’s received at St. Cassian’s. People either are afraid of him, or they try to make fun of him, so either way he has found himself alone most of the time.
He’d never admit it, but Mischa does actually enjoy hanging with the kids in the choir. He gets to hang with his bestie, Noel. He admires Constance’s patience and kindness, he thinks she’s probably the best person in Uranium. While he and Ocean get on each other’s nerves, there’s a small part of him that secretly looks forward to their fights. But only a little bit. He doesn’t notice Ricky is there until after the accident, and then spends a large chunk of his time trying to rectify that by getting to know/encourage Ricky.
He and Noel became friends bc some of the boys who were trying to bully Mischa were also bullying Noel. When Mischa was about to start defending Noel, Noel ended up proving he can defend himself with his quick wit rather than fists. This is a trait that Mischa admires a lot, so they pretty much joined forces that day and they’ve been the dynamic duo of Uranium City ever since.
Mischa has pretty severe abandonment issues and it prone to panic attacks because of it. He’s more of a “suffer in silence” kind of guy, so it takes someone with patience and kindness like Constance to give him some tips on how to calm himself down. I.E. remembering a calming situation like “climbing back into your bed in the morning and feeling the heat left over from your body.”
Mischa had been kicked out of a few schools in Uranium, and his adoptive figures (they’re not really parents, barely guardians) gave him one last chance at St. Cassian’s. When he was caught stealing the communion wine, Father Marcus told him he HAD to join the choir and that he HAD to at the very least sing at the competition. Which is why he doesn’t do any choreo during the opening number.
Addendum- he does ONE move during the opening number. The finger wag on “oh no no” because Noel came up with that move, and after Ocean tried to cut it, Mischa said it was the only move he’d do even if it was cut. So he forced her to keep the move in via malicious compliance.
Over the course of the musical, there isn’t really a moment where he thinks he’s gonna win. His life wasn’t fair, why should his death be any different.
He thinks Jane is THE coolest and THE most metal thing he’s ever seen. After she finishes her number, his heart is effectively broken for her.
When Constance punches Ocean, Mischa doesn’t have the “FUCK YEAH” reaction that you’d expect. It’s actually met with some sadness. He’s always encouraging Constance to stick up for herself, and to not take Ocean’s shit. But, he respects that she has patience and kindness. When Constance punches Ocean, he almost sees it as a failure on his part.
The reason in my head why Mischa and Ocean feud so much is because they remind each other of one another’s parents. Ocean is the poster child of excellence in Uranium, Mischa’s adoptive parents have said more than once that they wish he could “be like that Ocean girl” - on the contrary, Ocean has caught Mischa smoking weed before. His incredibly radically liberal world view reminds her of her hippy parents. They get that anger out at them on each other. But at the end of the show, they both have a deeper respect for one another. Ocean for Mischa because she sees the real him, who is gentle & compassionate. Mischa for Ocean because she does the most selfless thing she could possibly do, which he respects infinitely.
I’m sure I have more but these are the HC’s that immediately came to mind. This is what makes Majestic Rep’s Mischa, Mischa.
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memoriesndew · 2 days
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ways to unwind after school
we all know how stressful and mind-boggling school can be so here are a few ways you can unwind after school before diving into assignments and other academic tasks of the day
a short nap can help you recharge and feel refreshed, as someone who went to boarding school I can speak very highly for this after school was meant for sleeping even though most times I didn’t end up sleeping and just chatted with my roommates or used my laptop, the times I did take a nap after school were the best and it was easier for me to focus on work during prep, and taking a bath before that nap is so lovely.
engage in physical activities like running, swimming, dancing, or yoga to release endorphins and improve your mood. You really don’t need to do a full workout for this you can very simply just take a walk to clear your mind and just really get your thoughts intact while being healthy by moving
dive into a good book and stimulate your imagination. I do love reading, you can learn from it without actually wanting to learn and it's just a really nice way to pass the time and just be a girl y’know
play your favourite songs or discover new music to help you relax and uplift your spirits. Music will always be one of the most therapeutic experiences ever after school you can just play a few tunes while you tidy up your desk for reading later or just lie on your bed and listen to calming sounds
spend time on activities you enjoy, such as drawing, painting, playing an instrument, or crafting. Hobbies are a great way to wind down after school, as most hobbies are therapeutic and likeable
write about your day, your thoughts, or your goals to process your feelings and clear your mind. Journaling is so great it is a two-in-one for me, keeping memories and also practicing mindfulness
watch a movie or catch up on your favourite TV shows for entertainment. when I watch shows I mainly watch sitcoms as it is something I can come back to without like dwelling on it too much because compared to a drama which would keep you at the edge of your seat a good sitcom is less likely to make you want to watch all episodes at once
note - it's ok to feel overwhelmed by school and it is ok to take some time out for self-care. I hope these little things help you to feel better after school.
well then I bid you a dew {adieu} my dew drops temi 🎀
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HEAVEN KNOWS I AIN'T GETTING OVER YOU || Joakim Karlsson x fem!Reader
picture found on pinterest
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PAIRING: ex-husband!Jolly x fem!reader
SUMMARY: When Jolly visits you unannounced on a Tuesday night, you have no idea what it leads to.
WARNINGS: SMUT [oral sex, female receiving; unprotected p in v], possessive!jolly, ANGST, jolly and reader have a daughter together (y/d/n), MDNI, 18+
TAGLIST: @measuredingold @cncohshit @circle-with-me @jilliemiw86 @justeli6 (If you wanna be added to the story's taglist or to my taglist in general, leave a comment or message me privately!)
A/N: i wrote this in one sitting and i'm so proud of it that i can't hide it for one second longer. i hope you like it! also this isn't proofread, im very sorry ._.
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[y/d/n = your daughter’s name]
You thought the hardest thing you had ever done in your entire life was the process of deciding to file for divorce from your ex-husband Jolly, but he had proven you wrong. It was that he had signed the papers without an argument or fight. He had just done it.
It had stung, how he came back from a long tour, saw the papers laying on the kitchen counter and just signed them. It hurt but you also knew it was for the best. That he didn’t fight with you was hard, but it also made it in some ironic way easier.
Since you had a daughter together, he came over only on the weekends when he was home from touring and normally, he’d only pick up your daughter and leave again; not really much conversation going on between you except the necessary small talk. He was a good father and human after all, and you were glad for that.
After some time, routine came back and somewhat everything began to feel normal again. You began to date again, and Jolly seemed to live his life to the fullest. You were happy for him.
That changed when your doorbell rang on a Tuesday evening. You were sitting on the couch watching TV when you heard the sound and for the first couple of seconds you thought about not opening the door. After all, it was almost 8 PM and you were kind of scared there would be someone trying to break in or hurt you, but when it rang again you became curious.
“Joakim?” You asked surprised when you saw him standing there.
“Is it true?” He just asked and looked you dead in the eye.
“What?” You answered him confused. He looked like he hadn’t slept properly since he brought back your daughter two days ago.
“On the weekend, y/d/n said you were seeing someone.” He asked, his tone careful, yet you could sense some sort of hurt in his voice.
“Do you maybe wanna come in before you confront me about stuff that hasn’t got anything to do with you?” You grumbled at him in a sarcastic tone, which he ignored while stepping into the place you once called home together.
He walked into the living room, followed by you. There he crossed his arms in front of your chest and looked at you, disappointed.
“What do you want to here, Joakim? I don’t remember that we agreed to be abstinent for the rest of our lives.” You snarled at him and mirrored is gesture.
“Don’t you think it still hurts that I hear that from our daughter instead of you?” He responded in the same tone.
“I don’t know why you suddenly seemed to care.” You grumbled. “Since you didn’t show any interest in me for… how long is it now? One and a half years?”
“You didn’t even let me explain myself and threw the divorce papers at me. How do you think I feel?” He angrily expressed.
“I don’t even need to tell you this, but there is no other guy. I went on two dates. TWO dates, Jolly.” You answered him while ignoring how his statement stung. You knew it had been egoistic of you, but the months before the divorce, he either wasn’t at home or when he was, he didn’t even look at you. You felt unimportant, unloved, neglected. And now he was throwing around these statements. You wished he had done it earlier. You wished he would have opened up to you. The fact that he only did it because he saw the potential danger of another person in your life, hurt you so much.
Jolly took a deep breath. “I feel like we never even talked about this whole separation.”
“You were the one who didn’t ask when I handed you the papers, Joakim.” You said, your tone a lot calmer than it had been before but you still were angry. You were glad that your daughter was having a sleepover at a friend's house that night, otherwise she would have already been downstairs.
When Jolly didn’t say anything for another solid minute, you sighed.
“Don’t you think it is a bit too late to talk now?” You mumbled defeated and ran a hand through your hair. “I hope you know that I didn’t do that to hurt you. We both know it would have ended way uglier if we dragged it out longer than it already had been.”
You saw how Jolly swallowed hard.
“You know I still love you?” He almost whispered and let his hands fall to his sides. When you looked at him like that, he almost looked broken… defeated. For the first time since what felt like ages, you felt like he let his guard down. Like he wasn’t trying to hide his feelings away.
“I know, Jolly.” You answered him. “And I also know that a part of me still loves you and always will, but we both know that this isn’t going to work. At least not like this.”
He slowly took a step towards you, carefully watching your reaction. When you didn’t look reluctant or took a step back, he reached for your hand and grabbed it.
“I am so sorry that all of this happened. I thought about everything that had happened. Long before the divorce. I know how cruel I was to leave you in the dark. To not talk to you when I needed nothing but your comfort. I thought that I would get through everything by myself.” He told you with honesty in his voice.
“You didn’t have to go through everything alone. That is what a marriage is for, Jolly. I would have been more than happy to help you. I still am if you need me.” You whispered out and looked into the eyes of the man you had and still loved so dearly, and you felt how your heart hurt.
“I always need you, y/n. I need you so bad.” Jolly responded and you saw how his eyes became glossy. Without even thinking you wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him tightly. You felt how tears started to form in your eyes and it broke your heart when you heard him sniffle for a second.
When you leaned back to look at him, there was this foolish hope in your heart. The hope that you would be able to find back to each other. But your brain knew, even if you did eventually manage to do that, now was not the right time for it.
“Can I kiss you?” Jolly asked and you felt warmth form in your stomach. You knew you should have said no. You knew you should have been strong, but you still nodded.
Your lips met with a ferocity born from years of unspoken words and yearning. The taste of his mouth a bittersweet reminder of everything you had lost.
It felt like you kissed for an eternity and still, when you pulled away, it felt like it wasn’t long enough. You missed him. You missed everything about him, from his small jokes to the way it felt when you fell asleep next to him. He was what made this house a home.
“We shouldn’t.” You whispered against his lips, and he nodded. Before he could even think about letting you go, you pressed your lips against his for a second kiss. This one being much more eager than the previous one.
Slowly but surely, you stumbled towards the couch and soon you were laying under him, lips still connected as if life depended on it. His tongue slipped into your mouth, and you couldn’t help but sigh into the kiss.
It didn’t take long until his fingers curled into the waistband of your shorts and panties. For a second, he leaned back to look for consent in your eyes. When you eagerly nodded, he tugged them down your legs.
He kissed you deeply before lowering himself down your body. You shivered when you felt his breath against your core and not even a second later you felt his warm tongue sliding through your folds. He drew skillful circles around your clit. A wave of warmth washed over you as you moaned out his name and it felt so wrong and so right at the same time. You had missed him so much.
Your hand reached for his and he was quick to intertwine your fingers. Your nails pressed into the skin on his hand as your back arched in pleasure.
“Tell me you’re mine.” He pleaded as he raised his head for a second to look at you through his lashed and you felt like you could come on the spot.
“I’m yours, Joakim. I always will be.” You whimpered out and it was all he needed to hear as his head lowered again.
It didn’t take long for you to feel the waves of your orgasm washing over you, as you screamed out his name. Your vision blurred for a second as you came on his tongue. He kissed the inside of your thighs until you slowly came down from your high, before he came up to look at you again.
You grabbed his face and kissed him with such force, he feared to collapsed right on the spot. You could taste yourself on his tongue and the feeling of the fabric of his jeans against your naked cunt made you shiver in overstimulation.
In a swift motion, he turned you on your stomach and you heard how he unzipped his pants. The next thing you felt was hot kisses pressed to the back of your neck and you sighed in need. You needed to feel him, even if it was the last time.
“Do you have a condom?” He groaned into your ear.
“You don’t need one, Joakim. I’m clean and on the pill.” – “Got it.”
You clenched your fists into the fabric of the couch as you felt him enter you. A delicate burn formed inside of you as he stretched your walls. He was gentle but still you let out a small yelp as he bottomed out in one stroke. The small groan that escaped from Jolly’s lips, let you clench around him for a moment.
“God.” He moaned. “I wish I could stay inside of you forever.”
You moaned as a response.
“I’ll make you mine, even if it’s the last time.” He groaned as he slung an arm around your torso, making you slightly sit on him as he thrusted into you.
“I’ll be yours.” You whimpered and reached behind you to grab onto his hair. You moved in a rhythm as you felt the knot tighten in your stomach for a second time. One of Jolly’s hands travelled between your thighs and began to rub small circles on your wet clit.
“God, Jolly. I’m gonna come.” You almost screamed out.
“I’ve got you.” He breathed out as you felt the intense sensation of your second orgasm rolling over you. You felt how your body slowly lost strength, but you held yourself together for him.
You fell forward, leaning on your elbows as his hands grabbed your hips. Shortly after that you felt how he was twitching inside of you and he let out a loud groan as he finished inside of you, his cum filling you up until it began to drip. He grabbed the armrest of the couch in front of you to not let his weight drop on you as he mumbled out small love confessions.
For a couple of moments, neither of you dared to move. He peppered your shoulder with small kisses while you both tried to tame your breaths. Even though, you both didn’t want to, he eventually pulled out of you and got up, as you slowly laid down on your back.
After a minute or so he reappeared with a washcloth and gently cleaned you up, before helping you up from the couch and to the bathroom to go to the toilet.
After you finished and came back to the living room, he handed you your clothes and you both got fully dressed again, before looking at each other in awkward silence.
You knew what he was going to say, before he could even finish.
“Maybe, I should-…” – “Stay.”
He blinked a couple of times as his eyes lit up.
“Y/d/n isn’t coming back until tomorrow after school. You can stay.” You almost whispered and hoped he wouldn’t leave you in that state. “I want you to stay.”
“Okay.” He muttered and nodded slightly. “I will.”
As the two of you sat down on the couch, a wave of guilt washed over you. This was a forbidden taste of the past that only solidified the painful truth. You were bound by a love that could never be, at least not now…
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dividers by @saradika-graphics
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bigfatbimbo · 3 hours
Subtop Vox with a quiet partner. He's doing his absolute best, whining as he desperately tries to make them feel good too but isn't getting the reaction he needs so he starts tearing up because he thinks he's not doing good enough which is not only a hit to his ego but also makes him worry they're gonna leave him or something because he's apparently not good enough for them to be loud. Pathetic men beloved...
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a/n — I don’t think you wanted the reader to be this mean to Vox but um… I dunno. Also if you think this sounds similar to other works i’ve made, your right the writers block is crazy!!
warnings — dom reader, f!reader kinda, mommy is used once, subtop!Vox, NOT PROOFREAD, bimbo needs to sleep so bad.
summary — Vox fucks a quiet reader but gets incredibly insecure and fucking cries
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Being quiet during sex is such a way to fuck with Vox’s head. He’s used to drawing reactions from people, whether they’re on their knees worshipping him, or humiliating him on public television, he’s very good at provoking some kind of emotion.
So when he’s on top fucking into you, and you’re not moaning in pleasure and begging for more, he can’t help but take it to heart. He’d probably try to sweet talk you to get you in the mood, “I bet you like this, huh?” and then turning into “What..do I need to be faster?” “Why don’t you like this??”
To really leave a mark on his ego, you’d give him some sort of condescending response like, “Aw, It’s okay, you’re trying your best. Look if it’s really bothering you, I guess I could always pretend.”
His brows would furrow, trying to grit his teeth so he doesn’t whimper, “Fuck—kk you—“
But he doesn’t want you to pretend for the same reason he doesn’t just hypnotize you: he needs you to actually like it. Not for any moral reasons, don’t get him wrong, but because he needs to feed his ego, make himself feel needed and capable.
But how are you not reacting?? The speed his dick is jolting into you… the feeling on his dick… fuck, it’s getting hard to form a coherent thought. But there is one that stays. His body is almost overtaken by the euphoric feeling his getting from your tightness, if he’s in shambles, why aren’t you? Is he weak, not good enough, both?
Finally, he whines while rutting into you, desperately searching for any trace of validation from you. “W-what do you want? Pleas—zz—se, i’ll do anything— Should I go slower? Ah, I need—“
“You need mommy’s approval? Want me to tell you how good you’re doing?”
He’d whine and nod his head pathetically, chasing his feeling of pleasure despite the growing shame in his stomach.
Finally, you weren’t being so damn quiet, jesus, at least you were going to talk him through it.
”Then do better.”
You say it like it’s so obvious, and so final, to make matters worse you stopped talking after that, going back to your silent persona as you gaze up at him with little to no emotion.
It’d take a moment to sink in but he’d try, and fail, to cut the next whine short, before it dissolves into a choked sob. The only thing that could make this moment more humiliating for Vox is crying, but he can’t stop his eyes from filling with tears.
He was Vox, the Vox. You should be graveling, thanking him for wasting his time on you. But instead, you’ve made it apparent the sex was only good on his end, and fuck it was. Humiliating, yes, but that added so much to it.
He almost wanted to let a tear fall, to bait you out of your silence so you could once again degrade him. Was that too far? Was he just vulnerable and horny? Probably. But god, if the control switch didn’t fuck with his head.
He wondered if you thought he was a failure. Shit, a year rolled down in his screen, that was enough to let the flood gates loose. He didn’t mean for that to actually happen, but he slowed his pace so catch your reaction.
Your gaze, to his surprise, softened. Your thumb came up to his screen and wiped the water to the side, but staying on his cheek area.
“Oh honey, you’re not doing that bad. It does feel good.” Your sudden reassurance came as a surprise to Vox, who only could whine in response. You weren’t even being that nice, but that didn’t stop a bother tear from spilling over, and it certainly didn’t stop Vox’s hips from momentarily ceasing their jolting.
Then, your expression changes, “Did I say you could stop?”
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Mattheo/Theodore x m reader
Straight boy mattheo who's getting with the prettiest girl in his house but he doesn't wanna be a total loser at kissing yk? So what's better than making you, his best bro, practice with him?
Obviously, with some trepidation, you do it and he loves it so much he chases after your lips even after you move away to critique him (imagine sitting on a couch w him and you move away from his lips to talk about what he does wrong but all he does is push you shoulders back until your back is flush with the couch just so he could keep kissing you)
Anyway, this slowly escalates into him getting a boner and rubbing it on your groin, begging you to "help me out bro"
Then after a week of practicing he gets with his dream girl and the kissing was a success, so was the blowjob she gave him! But he accidentally said your name while doing it and he blew it!
(Op you can choose how this ends)
Kissing - M.R. x male!Reader
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A/N: Hehe this was fun to write. Difficult, but so much fun. I really really hope the smut is good 😬 The fix is unedited with no use of Y/N. If the ending seems a little weird, I’m sorry. I was really tired when I wrote it
This is the start of Mattheo’s bi awakening. Why? Because I said so
Fic does contain smut so NO MINORS!!
CW: Smut!!!; begging; Mattheo’s puppy eyes; Reader is in love with Mattheo; mentions of kissing; female oc; kissing; lots of kissing; making out; explicit sexual content; swearing; public sex; grinding; more begging; handjobs; cum; brief sweet moment; somewhat interrupted sex, I guess?; sex jokes; vague descriptions of blowjobs; several uses of the word ‘gay’; Mattheo doesn’t understand his feelings; Matty is a horny boy; mildly ambiguous ending; this takes place in Mattheo and Reader’s seventh year of school, so they’re both of age!!
1853 words
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“C’mon, mate,” Mattheo begs, pulling you yet again from your homework. “It’s for a good cause!”
You look up, mildly annoyed.
The two of you are in the empty Slytherin common room, the last students there for the night. Everyone else is either sleeping or out partying.
It’s just the two of you, and Mattheo is set on annoying you.
He’s your best friend; your other half, so to speak. It’s been this way for almost seven years. He’s the yin to your yang, the fire to your calm.
Which he’s disrupting pretty majorly right now.
You exhale slowly, putting down your quill. “Just ask Pansy. Or Daphne. They’re good kissers, right?”
Mattheo groans and leans into you, giving you his best puppy eyes. The ones you can never say no to. “Please? I don’t trust them like I trust you. You won’t make fun of me or hold it over me like they will.”
He’s getting vulnerable, which means he’s being serious. Damn him.
You sigh and force yourself to look away. “Matty…”
“I’ll make it up to you, I swear! Besides, it’s not like, you know, we’re in love or anything. It’s just a kiss or two.”
And that is the entire problem. Because you are very much in love with him.
You’ve been pining after him since second year. Practically ever since you became friends. You’ve been head over heels for him, utterly and truly in love.
And he has no idea.
Which is why to him, asking you for kissing practice isn’t a big deal.
It’s all Seraphina Selwyn’s fault. She’s undeniably the prettiest Slytherin in your year, if not the whole school.
And out of all the boys she decided she wanted to have, she had to pick yours.
Her and Mattheo have been flirting for months. And she’s finally started to show signs that she’s ready for him to make a move.
He’s been giddy about it since it happened, gushing about it every time he’s alone with you. It just makes you feel sick.
But you can’t let him down, especially not when he’s giving you those oh so sad puppy eyes you can’t resist.
With a sigh, you nod. “Fine. But only a few kisses. Wouldn’t want anyone spreading any rumors about us.”
It hurts to say. But you can’t let him know.
Mattheo grins and scoots closer. “Alright! Teach me how to kiss, oh wise one.”
You can’t help the smile that tugs at your lips. He’s so dorky sometimes. “Just… come here.”
You reach out and gently guide his head to yours. You pause for a moment, mouth right above his.
Are you really going to do this?
To your surprise, it’s Mattheo who leans the rest of the way in. He presses his mouth to yours in a clumsy kiss.
It feels like sparks go down your spine. You shiver, eyes closing.
Mattheo kisses you like he’s hungry, like your mouth is a feast and he’s ravenous for it. He’s clumsy and eager, but has enough common sense to not try and shove his tongue down your throat.
You try to slow the kiss down. To show him how to move his mouth and such. It works… sort of.
After several kisses, you try and pull back. Not far, but just enough so you can give him some advice.
He chases after you. Leaning further into you in order to press his lips to yours again.
He pushes your shoulders back, pressing you back against the arm of the couch. And you?
Your entire body lights up with sparks as he slides partway onto your lap. You can feel your dick twitch underneath him and for a moment you panic. He’s gonna feel you!
But Mattheo only moans softly and continues kissing you. He shifts his position on your lap, resting his hands on your chest for support.
You melt into the kiss, letting your lips part and your body relax. You can’t help it. This could be your only chance ever to kiss Mattheo; and if he’s into it, you’re not gonna complain.
Mattheo’s tongue slips into your mouth and you forget why you ever wanted to pull away in the first place.
The two of you make out for what feels like hours. Just mouth pressed to mouth, tongues gliding together. You pull back a couple times to breathe, and Mattheo always chases your mouth with his.
It’s hot. Painfully so. You’re made aware of your hard-on every time Mattheo shifts in your lap.
You know he can feel it. You brace yourself, preparing for the moment he mentions it. But he seems too caught up in kissing you to care.
He shifts again and makes a small noise. An almost groaning sound. You feel yourself throb when you realize he’s just as hard as you.
His cock, pressed right alongside yours.
He groans again and grinds his dick against yours. “Fuck, you feel so good…!”
You moan, giving a little thrust up against his hips. “Matty…”
He captures your mouth with his, taking the chance to lick against your tongue again. You melt into the kiss once more, unable to help yourself.
The two of you make out with more passion now, grinding against each other.
Mattheo’s movements start to get more desperate. More hungry. He’s practically humping your dick, panting and moaning into your mouth.
“Please,” he finally begs. “I need you.”
You bite down a groan, struggling to think straight. You shouldn’t. You really shouldn’t.
“Please? Just this once, I swear!” He’s giving you his puppy eyes again. “Help me out, just this once?”
You can’t help it. He’s so hot and you’re so weak to his puppy eyes.
“Alright. But only this once.”
You fumble with his belt, clumsily working with one hand to undo it. When you finally manage to slip your hand into his pants, Mattheo whines.
You close your hand around his dick, giving him as good of a stroke as you can within the confines of his clothes. He groans and presses into your touch, his dick twitching and throbbing under your hand.
You shift and squirm a bit until you manage to free him, finally able to stroke him like you’re wanting.
Mattheo moans like a porn star, thrusting into your hand eagerly. Greedily. He’s practically jerking himself off with your hand.
And you love it.
You match his pace, shifting your grip every now and then until you find what makes his hips stutter.
“I can’t—“ He sounds absolutely wrecked. “I’m gonna—“
“Come on,” you groan, your dick a weeping mess at the sight. “Cum for me, Matty.”
Mattheo thrusts into your hand once, twice, and cums. Hot sticky ropes of white paint your shirt and pants.
It’s too hot for you to even be upset.
“Merlin, Matty,” you breathe. “That was hot.”
He drops his forehead against your shoulder and pants out a laugh. For a moment, he just basks in your presence. Nuzzling against your neck like he’s gonna say something soft.
Then the sound of faint laughter breaks the spell. People are coming.
You hastily mutter a cleaning charm while Mattheo frantically tucks himself away. You both know you can’t deal with any rumors about the two of you being together.
By the time the drunken partygoers spill into the common room, the two of you are sitting up on the couch again. No evidence of what transpired at all.
Except for maybe your still hard dick, which you use your notebook to hide. You’ll take care of it later.
As people slowly head off to bed, you start to gather your things. Mattheo grabs your arm before you can leave.
“Can—“ He falters for a moment. “Same time tomorrow? I need more practice still.”
You hesitate. But only for a moment. “Sure. We can meet up in my dorm. It’ll be empty then.”
Mattheo nods, acting for all the world like you two are talking about a homework study session. You can see the gleam in his eyes though. He’s just as excited as you.
You head off to bed with your heart pounding. You and Mattheo. Kissing practice tomorrow.
You have no doubts what it’ll turn into again. And oh Merlin, are you looking forward to it.
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One week later
“I blew it!” Mattheo barges into your room without knocking, startling you.
“Blew what? Who did you blow?” You sit up, curious and confused.
“Not who.” He rolls his eyes, unable to help a tiny smirk, even in his distress. “It. My relationship.”
“Oh.” That makes more sense. “With Selwyn? What did you do?”
He groans and slumps to the floor, sitting at the base of your bed. “So everything’s going great, right? The mood is there, the kissing’s fantastic; we’re getting it on, you know?”
You nod, listening intently.
“And then she goes to blow me, which is, you know, pretty awesome.”
Mattheo covers his face, clearly embarrassed by the next words he says. “And I fuckin’ say your name!”
You blink. Once. Twice. “What?”
“I say your fucking name in the middle of getting a blowjob!” He groans and lowers his head in shame. “It just slipped out. You know, coz of all our practice.”
Ah, yes. You’d given him several enthusiastic blowjobs during your week of ‘kissing practice’.
“Huh.” You lean back on your hands a bit, thinking. “So, did she break up with you?”
“No,” he groans. “But now she’s convinced I’m gay, and I don’t know what to do.”
You try really hard not to laugh. Of course she’d think that. Even when it was obviously not true. Mattheo was whipped for her. You were just an afterthought. Kissing practice.
“Well, is she still willing to date you?”
“Yes,” he grumbles. “But she’s as big of a gossip queen as anyone else. The whole school will soon think I’m in love with you. Which I’m not.”
You pat his shoulder consolingly. It hurts to hear him deny it, but you both know it’s true. Mattheo’s not in love with you, and will never be in love with—
“At least,” He suddenly looks doubtful. “I’m pretty sure I’m not.”
You blink. He’s… only pretty sure…?
“Saying your name during sex doesn’t mean I’m in love with you, right?”
You stare at him. “I think our kissing practice would sooner qualify.”
“Oh.” He relaxes. “Well, that doesn’t count at all. That’s just you helping me out, you know?”
“Yeah.” You nod slowly. “Right.”
“So that settles it then.” Mattheo nods. “I’m not gay. It was just an accident.”
You’re suddenly no longer sure. But you don’t say anything. He has a girlfriend now, for Merlin’s sake. You can’t crush their relationship off of doubt.
“Whatever you say.”
The two of you sit in silence for a while. Then Mattheo gets up. He stretches a bit, and glances down at you.
You can already see the gleam in his eye.
“Just out of curiosity, though…”
You sigh and pat the bed next to you.
Looks like your kissing practice isn’t over yet.
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I think my ego is getting in the way of my writing. It's confusing, because I doubt my ideas and writing, but I still feel competitive in a way. I don't like reading about others' WIPs, I avoid reading the genre I want to write, and I automatically dislike authors who's already published a book similar to any of my WIPs. I quit the ACOTAR series because the themes were too similar, and I'm scared of Priory of the Orange Tree because the worldbuilding has intense good praise. I need an egodeath.
Case of Strong Ego or Low Self-Confidence?
If you're doubting your ideas and writing, I would question whether it's actually your ego getting in the way and maybe not just good old-fashioned low self-confidence. The reason I wonder is because your dislikes and aversions all sound fear-based to me. For example, if your ego were an issue, you probably wouldn't dislike or avoid authors who did something similar... you'd more likely scoff at their relative inferiority and boast that you did it better. You wouldn't be afraid of a book because its world building received good praise... you'd roll your eyes and say you don't know what people are going on about, because your world building is so much better.
Dislike and aversion instead seem to indicate jealousy and self-doubt. The good news, however, is that low self-confidence is actually pretty typical for writers and it's something that gets better with time.
Here are some things I hope will help boost your confidence, or at least give you hope that it will get better:
1 - Writers with big egos probably aren't as great as they think they are. In reality, storytelling is a craft no one can truly master, because reader appetites, story material, and even mechanics to a degree all evolve over time. What makes a good story is also very, very subjective. There are people who consider Jane Austen one of the best writers to ever grace the Earth, and there are people who think she's one of the worst. I think truly good writers can know that they're good without thinking everyone else is beneath them.
2 - You can't doubt your ideas and writing without understanding where you want your ideas and writing to be. In other words, you know what good ideas and good writing sound like to you, which means your taste and style are intact... you just have a little bit further to go to get your own ideas and writing where you want it to be, but that's okay. Going back to #1 a bit, writers don't hit some magical peak early on and level off at greatness. There's a lifelong upward trajectory with each book being a little bit better than the last. And sure, it's not a perfect upward trajectory. You can have periods of leveling out or even dropping off, but most writers will continue to get better over time. So, again, it's okay that your writing isn't quite where you want it to be, because it's that feeling that drives us to get better and better and better. This shows you're on the right track!
3 - Those similarities aren't the big deal you think they are... I've been at this a long time, and I'm going to tell you right now: stop worrying about "similarities" in other books. I've posted about this a lot because it's a common concern, but similarities are a dime a dozen in fiction. For every book about a high school girl who falls in love with a vampire, there are a dozen more. For every book about a woman who quits her big city job after a divorce, moves home to her small town, and falls in love with her childhood nemesis, there are at least twenty others. There are countless stories about young women getting wrapped up with fae princes, sad boys/men whose lives are invigorated by a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, murder mysteries set in quiet fishing villages, horror stories set in dilapidated old mansions someone just inherited from a long lost aunt, kids or adult who learn they've secretly been magic all along and get roped into fighting a Big Magical Bad. There are over 100 million books in existence, and that number increases by hundreds of thousands every year. You're never going to write a book that doesn't have similarities with dozens of other books, so stop worrying about it. Remember, it's not the similarities that matter... it's everything else... all the things that only you can do.
4 - Similarities are actually a good thing. The truth of the matter is, similarities are actually a good thing. That's why you can look back through cinematic history and see major trends... monsters, westerns, musicals, disasters, sci-fi, action, epic adventures, rom coms, superheroes... It's why when a book about a young woman toppling a dystopian regime becomes massively popular, dozens of other dystopian books hit the shelves the following year. It's why we gravitate toward favorite genres and tropes and comfort shows. Its why we go to the same restaurants and stores over and over again instead of going to a brand new one every time. Humans like a bit of repetition, and if your book has similar world building to Priory of the Orange Tree, that's a bunch of readers who are going to gravitate toward your book.
5 - There's only so much material to go around. I was interested in the fact that your concern about ACOTAR was that the "themes were too similar," but I promise you, those themes are in a million other stories. When it comes to tropes and themes and character arcs and magic systems and settings and... all of it... there's only so much material. Themes aren't something that are created from nothing. You can't make up an original theme that no one else has explored. Themes are inherent to human existence. They're truths about humanity that beg to be examined and explored. It's not the themes that matter so much as how they're explored and what you say about them, and even if there were similarities there, odds are there were far more differences.
I hope this resonates and helps. I hope I was right that it's more of a self-confidence issue than an ego issue. And if I was wrong, maybe something here will still resonate. You might spend some time in the "writing-related fears" section of my Motivation master list to see if anything there resonates, too. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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