memoriesndew · 1 month
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things I do as someone who has a short attention span
🩰 — identifying distractions: I try to recognize which distractions are likely to divert my focus away from the activity at hand (when I do home workout videos I get distracted by YouTube shorts - now I put off my internet connection when I’m about to workout).
🩰 — counting on my fingers: personally when I count on my fingers it kind of sends a signal to my brain to lead me back to what I was doing, I think it is a habit that just randomly began and now it has helped me alone
🩰 — when I get distracted while using my phone: for Instance I'm meant to update my notion for the night and go back to bed but I open Pinterest and get distracted what I do is go back to my homepage and just pause and then I scroll through some apps to give my brain the signal that I'm looking for something and it automatically leads me back to what u was doing
🩰— when I have to do a lot: but my mind keeps rambling and I keep getting distracted, what I do is write down whatever is on my mind. I have a small notebook on my bedside table, and when this happens, I pick that note up and write down what is on my mind. You can also just get a rambling journal; it's almost the same, It helps a lot. 
🩰 — minimize distractions: I take active measures to reduce distractions, this could include turning off notifications on my phone or computer, dismissing tabs or applications, or locating a quiet location in which to concentrate. when I get distracted on my phone and I remember I need to do something the best thing to do is just shut my phone down until you're done with your tasks
if you were able to pick up a few things that could help you that’s awesome - something I said here might seem small but they definitely help me a whole lot that’s all for today bye my dew drops !!
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memoriesndew · 2 months
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This is a step-by-step guide to what I do when I'm behind on work. For example, not too long ago, I wasn't feeling like myself and couldn't work, and my work began to pile up, and I started panicking, which just made things more overwhelming. This is what I did to get back on track.
💌 — braindump: anything you have in your mind that you need to do even something simple like put your water bottle in the dishwasher WRITE IT DOWN, writing things down is the easiest way to know ok I’m supposed to do this ok this is next do an intense braindump
💌 — break it down: once you’re done with your brain dump, divide your tasks, for example, assignments divide them by due dates for other tasks just divide them based on how much they’re a priority to you. after dividing it, do physical tasks first, stuff like trying to hit 10k steps, do tasks that are hardest first especially when you’re really motivated and have the energy for it but if you don’t have the energy for it do milder tasks that way at least something gets done.
💌 — create a plan: create a realistic plan or timeline for finishing the activities or assignments. set aside precise blocks of time to focus on each assignment, taking into account your other obligations and deadlines. also if it's not a bunch of work you have to do that particular day, try and add each task to a particular date and remember to take breaks.
💌 — focus and minimize distractions: create a distraction-free workplace to promote productivity. turn off notifications, choose a quiet workstation and avoid multitasking to keep focused on the subject at hand.
💌 — use time management techniques: to increase productivity and efficiency, utilize time management strategies like the Pomodoro Technique (working in short, focused bursts with breaks in between) or time blocking (allocating certain time slots for different tasks). I use the Pomodoro method and it works great for me
💌 — stay positive and keep moving forward: it's natural to feel frustrated or overwhelmed when you're behind on your work, but try to remain positive and focus on making progress one step at a time.
bye, my dew drops that is all for today…
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memoriesndew · 2 months
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studying is green
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memoriesndew · 29 days
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Happy new month loves 🎀
The theme for this month is - CHALLENGES
happy new month to everyone, feels great to be alive, Thank God. its a new month which means a new theme for the month and what I'm going for is "challenges" in the sense that I'll be doing a lot of challenges this month like diets, workout challenges, self-care and so so
goals for april:
1. reach april step goal
2. start posting on my YouTube channel
3. put more effort into writing
4. learn how to edit
5. consistent workout
6. cook healthier meals
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memoriesndew · 2 months
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studying is white
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memoriesndew · 6 days
How to be More Confident
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Set Realistic Goals: Set attainable goals for yourself and strive towards achieving them. Success fosters confidence, so even minor successes can increase your self-esteem.
Be Kind to Yourself: Practice self-love. Recognize your qualities and accomplishments, but avoid dwelling on perceived flaws or failings. Positive Self-Talk: Be mindful of your internal conversation and fight negative self-talk. Replace self-doubt with affirmations and positive reinforcement. Remind yourself of your strengths and successes. Use Affirmations it really helps.
Accept Failure as Learning: Recognise that failure is a normal element of growth and learning. Instead of concentrating on mistakes, consider the lessons they teach and use them as opportunities for growth.
Step out of your comfort zone and attempt something new. Every time you test your limits, you gain vital experience and confidence in your talents.
Practice Confidence-Building Activities: Participate in activities that will enhance your confidence, such as public speaking, performing arts, or sports. The more you practise, the more assured you will feel. I used to be so shy about sports and so self-conscious but then I started to embrace exercising and sports and when I began enjoying them I wasn't so conscious and shy about it anymore. so be consistent in those activities.
Dress the Part: How you dress and groom yourself can have a huge impact on how you feel about yourself. Dress in clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. Dress how you feel or feel how you dress whatever you do affects your confidence and if you dress properly and put in effort you can feel so much better just looking at yourself in the mirror. Seek input and Accept Compliments: Ask for input from others and utilize it constructively to develop yourself. Accept praises and internalize positive comments to boost your self-esteem. Please don't reject all compliments I understand there a some you can be uncomfortable with but sometimes its ok to just say thanks and move on, also don't be dependent on compliments to make you feel good.
By adopting these suggestions into your daily routine, you can establish an affable demeanour and gain the confidence required to succeed in a variety of social and professional situations. Remember, this is a journey, so be patient with yourself and appreciate your accomplishments along the way.
bye for now my dew drops....
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memoriesndew · 24 days
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heyy, i'm temi i sell and commission notion templates that are functional and help you be productive. I also have some free templates. This is a backlog to all my templates so you can easily find what you need. – my blog is mainly about self-improvement and productivity. So enjoy
note: pls do not purchase anything of my gumroad account there is no way for me to collect the money
notion template backlog
glow up planner
student dashboard - this is the pink one just check the shop for the other themes
pink blogger template
daily planner
fitness planner
hobby tracker
good day planner
k-pop tracker
meal planner
language learning notion
enhypen theme hobby tracker
rory gilmore study planner - coming soon
elle woods study planner - coming soon
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memoriesndew · 1 month
what to do when you feel overwhelmed or oversaturated
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As we continue into the year we have a lot of goals and a lot of things we would like to achieve and in the process of achieving them we might feel overwhelmed or oversaturated here are a few things that help me when I feel overwhelmed or oversaturated
💭 take a break (cue take a break from Hamilton) — get away from the circumstance or task that is making you feel overwhelmed. take a quick break to reset your mind and refresh. a few minutes of deep breathing, stretching, watching an episode of your favourite series or going for a stroll can be beneficial. I am someone who, in some ways, overwhelms myself. what I mean by this is that I have work divided by certain days, but I try to do everything at once because I tell myself that if I do it now, I'll have a lot of free time later - I don't end up having free time and I just overwhelm myself to work, and taking a break between everything helps.
💭 practice mindfulness — mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation, can help you calm your mind and relieve stress. Concentrate on the current moment and let go of concerns about the past and future.
💭 set boundaries — If you're already feeling overloaded, learn to say no to new obligations or tasks. Set boundaries to safeguard your time and energy, and don't be hesitant to delegate chores or request assistance when necessary.
💭 prioritize tasks — Identify the most important things that require your immediate attention and work on them first. Break down larger jobs into smaller, more manageable steps and complete them one at a time.
💭 limit stimuli — If you're feeling overwhelmed by information or stimuli, make efforts to reduce your exposure. This could include turning off notifications on your phone or computer, unsubscribing from unneeded emails or newsletters, or taking a brief break from social media or news intake.
💭 practice self-care — Take care of your physical and mental health by participating in activities that nourish and renew you. This could involve getting adequate sleep, eating good meals, exercising frequently, spending time with loved ones, or engaging in enjoyable hobbies and activities.
💭 seek support — Seek encouragement and support from friends, family, or trustworthy colleagues. Sometimes simply talking to someone about how you're feeling will make you feel less overwhelmed.
💭 seek professional help — If feelings of overwhelm continue or have a substantial impact on your daily functioning, consider obtaining help from a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counsellor. They can teach methods and coping mechanisms to assist you to better handle stress and overwhelm.
Remember that it is normal to feel overwhelmed from time to time, especially when dealing with difficult events or hectic seasons in life. Be gentle to yourself, and remember that you can get through challenging situations with resilience and support.
bye bye my dew drops!!
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memoriesndew · 27 days
hobbies that you can start this new year ft hobby tracker notion template pink
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As we dive into the year, now is the ideal moment to discover new interests that bring us joy, creativity, and personal growth. Whether you want to relax, go on an adventure, or simply broaden your horizons, there is a pastime for you. Here are ten intriguing hobbies to consider for the new year:
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Photography: Using a camera lens, capture the beauty of your surroundings. Whether you enjoy landscape, portrait, or macro photography, there are limitless opportunities for creativity and investigation.
Pilates: is an adaptable and efficient fitness regimen that provides a rewarding pastime option that fits into every schedule. Pilates classes, which emphasize strength, flexibility, and mindfulness, can be brief but effective, relieving stress and boosting overall well-being. In my opinion, pilates truly focuses the body in a soothing but powerful way. Overall, I like it.
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Writing: allows you to express yourself creatively. Whether you're into journaling, fiction, poetry, or nonfiction. Writing is something I really enjoy doing. I've written poetry and begun a novel, but I constantly get sidetracked and fall off course, which is why I built the hobby tracker to help me focus on writing, which is one of my goals for the second quarter of the new year. Writing might be as simple as making cute notes, but it is quite fun and relaxing
DIY crafts: allow you to exhibit your creativity while also decorating your space. From knitting and crocheting to woodworking and painting, crafting is such a productive way to spend your time, and I really enjoy the sense of completing a craft; it feels very satisfying.
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Learning a Musical Instrument: To channel your inner rockstar, learn to play a musical instrument. Mastering a musical instrument, whether it's the guitar, piano, or ukulele, can be both tough and incredibly rewarding, and the music itself is simply lovely.
Cooking or Baking: A lot of people see cooking as a chore but it's so relaxing, in the quiet of your kitchen or better yet with your friends just imagine baking, cleaning up, and eating with the people you love; it all sounds so relaxing and it can really help in the future in the instance you get really good and might even pursue it as a career.
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Nature Walks: Walking not only provides wellness but also allows you to explore amazing landscapes and reconnect with nature. Walking is one of the most therapeutic forms of exercise because it allows you to think and connect with yourself, and it is really peaceful.
Vlogging: For me, vlogging is more of a nostalgic activity because I enjoy going back and seeing my development and what I've been up to, but your vlogs can also be shared with the world via YouTube, TikTok, or any other site. It is a very good approach to capture memories.
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Collecting: collecting merch or just anything you find interesting can be considered a hobby. For example, I want to collect Archie comics because I see a lot of people collecting manga and how it fills their shelves is so cool, I want mine to be Archie comics because I just like them and it connects with my childhood self. You can collect anything really, from toys to albums; it just has to be something you love.
Ice skating: is a thrilling and graceful hobby that offers both physical and mental benefits. Whether you're gliding gracefully across the ice or perfecting your spins and jumps, ice skating provides a fun and rewarding way to stay active and express yourself. i think it is fun
A lot of times we lose track of our hobbies and sometimes they seem too much and overwhelming so here is a futional hobby tracker to keep track of your hobbies and also add anyone you might want to dive into in the future.
You can find it through the link below.
Hobby Tracker - the notion nest 's Ko-fi Shop
that’s all for today bye my dew drops..
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memoriesndew · 2 months
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studying is orange
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memoriesndew · 3 months
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studying is pink
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memoriesndew · 2 months
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the events of 27/02/2024 || tuesday
today I changed my wallpaper (feligami has me in a chokehold) and also in my own opinion I got a lot of work done and that means a lot of small wins for me - I also caught up with Iseop's romance (I'm literally iseop's biggest fan - all in all the day was good
I decided to create monthly wallpapers but I'm not completely sure I'll continue with them I have created wallpapers for March so when I do post them pls tell me what you think
☆ today's small wins
● I hit 10k steps today - I hope this streak continues
● completed all Duolingo daily quest
● i worked out
● I drank enough water
● the day went much better than I expected
● did my skincare (only at night time though :(
☆ today's self-care
● watched the office
● listened to music
● continued the Adrinette fic I was reading yesterday - it's a slow burn so it's gonna take a while
● read some manhwa's that had been updated
🎧 wiseman ~ frank ocean
🎬 the office s5 ep13 ~ (I love the fact they roasted micheal I mean he did deserve it 🤷‍♀️but they also felt bad (as usual) - but it was fun
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memoriesndew · 2 months
February Dump
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​ Last month wasn’t the best, and I could have definitely done better, but I’m not going to beat myself up for it — I still achieved a few things last month. Towards the end of the month, I started to sit up in all areas of my life, especially with my steps
☆ last month’s small wins ● I hit an average of 5,337 steps. { This is a big deal for me} ● I completed the February quest on Duolingo ● I worked out for most of the month ● I drank enough water ● I feel more determined now ● did my skincare (only at night, mainly though :(  ● I made a few sales - super grateful ● updated my notion consistently ● I uploaded 3 notion templates
☆ last month's self-care ● watched the office often ● I got back on my miraculous grind ● listened to music ● spent time with friends ● read some manhwa
☆ what I’m looking forward to this month ● easter campout ● studying more ● being productive ● achieving my goals
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It is the beginning of a new month! And this month, I decided to make some new wallpapers! You can use these on your computer, tablet, or phone.
Scroll through the options and select one (or more). Just tap the link below and it will lead you to the wallpapers
march wallpapers
💭 how was the month for you? 💭 which wallpaper did u pick?
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memoriesndew · 2 months
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studying is red
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memoriesndew · 3 months
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studying is blue
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memoriesndew · 2 months
"why you need to stop worrying about others and just live your life"
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Let’s face it most people are very much self-centred and are worried about their appearance and character just as much as you are worried about yours, we all have problems and we are bothered by many things and many people but at the end of the day, you can’t satisfy everyone. so you need to live your life and be happy.
౨ৎ・゚:* — constantly thinking about other people's opinions can lead to a life that is not authentic to you. accepting who you are and living truthfully can lead to a greater sense of self.
౨ৎ・゚:* — relying too much on other people's approval can be harmful to your self-esteem. developing confidence in your own decisions and talents is critical for mental health. it can be tough to not always ask for other people's opinions and sometimes it isn’t bad to put it to the point it is something you need, and that’s when the problem occurs
౨ৎ・゚:* — worrying about others can consume a significant amount of time and mental energy, leaving little room to focus on your own goals and aspirations, this is so true because when you become overwhelmed by the worry you begin to lose focus on your goals and being overwhelmed alone is horrible
౨ৎ・゚:* — people will be people no matter what you do at the very least 1 person will not like it so worrying and trying to please them is just so pointless
౨ৎ・゚:* — there’s nothing to be embarrassed about we live in a time of cringe, everything is cringe until other people like the same thing so just be yourself and do what you love
౨ৎ・゚:* — people's opinions are subjective and change depending on different situations. trying to please everyone is just an unachievable endeavour that can result in anxiety.
౨ৎ・゚:* — focusing on your wants and priorities allows you to set healthy boundaries in your relationship with others. This ensures that your time and resources are divided in ways that are consistent with your goals.
౨ৎ・゚:* — ultimately, the secret to a meaningful life is to prioritize your happiness and fulfilment. By letting go of excessive concern for others, you can concentrate on building a sense of joy and fulfilment that comes from living truthfully and following your passions. your life should be lived for you and you alone because what’s the point if after living for others years later you’re still unhappy? so do what you want and live the life you choose.
That’s all for today goodbye my dew drops… ⋆𐙚 ₊ ° ⊹ ♡
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