#like he didn’t go out in the first round!! that’s a feat I’m proud of him
ilovebeingaturtle · 1 year
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the boy lost :(
Lost is an understatement. My boy was run over by a steamroller ❤️
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pandoa · 1 year
since childhood!!
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you meet as childhood friends
~feat. twst housewardens~ ~twisted wonderland x gender neutral reader~
warnings: reader is not yuu/prefect and is different for each imagine to fit the setting of the boys (ex: reader is fae in malleus', merfolk in azul's, etc.)
if you want more childhood-like fics, i wrote one with ace and jack linked here!
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♡the child you meet at a playground and never see again♡
Riddle Rosehearts couldn’t even remember how or when you had joined him, Trey, and Che’nya in their daily time playing outside the nearby neighborhood. He just knew that once he had stepped outside that day—sneaking out of his home during his study time—you, a strange, new child, had been mindlessly throwing a ball to Trey, giggling in the process. Any outsider passing by could have sworn you‘d already known the young trio for years. Odd, but the boy found himself not objecting to your time spent with him and his friends. You were somehow very comfortable to speak with, and Riddle couldn’t help but find your playfulness intriguing.
“Ha! I win again!” you jumped up and cheered with Trey and Che’nya sitting in a small circle as all three of you held up your hands in exhilaration. 
“Congratulations,” Trey said, returning a proud smile. Resting on a grass-filled hill, the three of you helped yourselves to pass the time with a simple game that lasted longer than expected, if you all were to be honest. Riddle—insisting to only observe for the round—caught sight of the way your competitiveness mixed with Trey’s insightfulness and Che’nya’s natural wit. It was interesting. The way you easily conversed with everyone despite only meeting hours ago, he means.
“Hey, red-head!” you then called out to the young boy watching from afar, “Do you wanna play now? I can teach you the basics; It’s really just a hand game.”
Riddle contemplated for a second until walking closer to join the group, “... I suppose I’ll join.”
“Great!” you beamed, “The game’s called Concentration. Basically, we pick a category and all four of us have to go around taking turns saying a word that matches that specific category. Like if it was, for example, colors, then we all could say things like blue, orange, red—you get the gist of it.”
A nod then came from the red-headed child who was now seated next to you.
“The catch, though,” you continued, “is that you cannot at all hesitate when it’s your turn. So no pausing before speaking. This game’s supposed to be quick and fast. Got it?”
“I’m sure I do—?”
“Good! Let’s start.” With a swift clap of your palms, the game had begun as Riddle was practically pushed into the game with your excitement. Truthfully, he had not the faintest clue as to what he had been doing, but he supposed there was no harm in simply trying, yes? 
“Hmmm, the category for this round, then, would be…” you squinted your eyes, appearing to be deep in thought, “Desserts! Go!”
“Vanilla cake,” Trey began.
“Truffles~” sang Che’nya.
“Strawberry tarts,” Riddle quickly replied.
“All this dessert talk made me remember that my parents wanted me to turn off the oven before ever going out! They’re really gonna kill me this time, I just know it!” you panicked as you suddenly explained your predicament, scrambling from the ground to get back up on your feet, “I gotta go, guys! Bye!”
“And don’t think any of you won just yet! It’s a draw until I say so!” you hollered out to the three boys as you left each of them bewildered and confused. Now only being able to see the back of your running form, Riddle found that, just as you had first met them that day, you had similarly disappeared with a clap of your hands like a ghost of a light at midnight.
Riddle wondered if he’d ever see you again. Sevens, he didn’t even get to catch your name.
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♡the friend you sneak out with♡
“Why are you so slow? Get moving! I’ve seen sloths move faster than you, dumbo.”
The young Leona Kingscholar, having heard the ceaseless comments coming from your also young form, gave you a classic deadpan only he could display so perfectly within the empty gardens of the Kingscholar palace. No soul had been there as the only living creatures that remained were the critters chirping their music into the night and breeze of the gardens speaking back with delicacy. That, and everyone else within the grandiose palace had been rooms away, probably swaying to whatever music the Kingscholars had orchestrated for the ball that would take place that day. 
“Yeah, well why don’t you quiet down a bit, hm? You’re hurting my eardrums,” the boy replied, rubbing his left ear in annoyance. For the amount of times you both had snuck off with each other, Leona had thought you would have caught on to the main rule of sneaking out: remaining as quiet as possible until it was safe to speak. 
You’ve gotta be kidding me, the chocolate-haired boy thought.
Playfully poking at his side, you began an attempt to tease him even just for a little bit, “Aw, does the little kitty not like it when he hears my oh-so-wonderful voice?”
“Yeah. It’s obnoxious.”
“Shhhh!” Leona, albeit quite swiftly, suddenly placed a firm hand against your mouth, causing you both to halt in place behind an unassuming stone wall, “I think the guards are coming…”
Your heart began to race with anticipation. If the palace guards had managed to catch you two escaping a chance to socialize at a royal event, you would never hear the end of it from your families. “... Do you hear them?” a worried whisper mumbled from your nervous figure.
“Mhm, could you keep watch over here?” the boy said as he bent down on his knees, concealing himself whilst facing the other direction, “I’ll go look on the other side.”
Trusting your dear—and sometimes reliable—friend, you peeked your head out from the wall, keeping watch just as Leona said to do. The gardens had been practically deserted; a stillness in the way the gentle wind blew past the branches had almost convinced you that there was, indeed, no one there. 
Was he just… seeing things? you questioned. But your beastman friend would never, right? His senses were probably a thousand times more intuitive than yours. He’d never make such an obvious mistake.
“Uhm, Leona? I don’t think I see any—” you started as your small hand reached out to tap the boy, but not without noticing the way he had been draped against the wall, seemingly knocked-out unconscious as a barely even noticeable drop of drool spilled from his snoring mouth.
“Leona, you lazy wimp!!”
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♡the friend you see at one specific place♡
“Are you done yet?”
“No, (Y/n), I am not,” a young octopus-like boy stated as he simultaneously juggled numerous books and papers on all ten of his limbs, particularly focused on the words written on each page. He sat on his own within a shadow-crested octopus pot and looked as if he had not come out of the pot in ages, you observed. Concerning, but nothing new, you thought. “And I won’t be done until far later,” he said, scrunching his face together, “What do you want?”
You mindlessly began poking at a piece of coral, paying no mind to the boy’s slight sass to his tone. “Nothing~ I just thought I could find you here. Turns out I was right.” You watched as Azul helped himself to another book from his rather tall pile, closing another to add to his collection. “Studying again, I see,” a knowing look then escaped your form as your eyes lit with a teasing shine, “Plotting something against me, Azul?”
“I wouldn’t rule out the possibility,” he replied halfheartedly, “Especially if you keep coming here to disturb me.”
You exclaimed, feigning offense, “Never! I’m simply keeping you company.” The boy then peered up to you as you swam closer to him, reminiscing the earlier days of your friendship. “I still remember the first time I saw you here, crying on your own. The growth you’ve had since that day really is admirable—“
“Enough,” Azul shot you an annoyed glare, “It was already unfortunate for you to first meet me as tears welled from my eyes; there’s no need to sugarcoat the memory.”
Jumping at Azul’s assumptions, you worriedly began to amend any insecurities that struck the young boy beside you. “I’m not sugarcoating anything! And crying in front of me that day was nothing to be ashamed of. If I hadn’t heard your voice coming from the pot, I would’ve never come back here each day, let alone know of your existence in the first place.” You let your palm reach forward to hold his—quite soft—face, allowing your innocent touch to spread to him. “You have grown. But it’s okay to cry too, okay?”
“Alright,” Azul mumbled, face still remaining in your small hands. “Anyway,�� he continued as he pulled away from your arms, “do you plan on returning home soon? Your family may worry.”
“No, it’s fine,” you shrugged as a soft ocean current moved past the locks of your hair, “I’ll stay here.”
“You don’t have to—“
“I want to.”
Azul had gazed back at you, almost stunned. “If that is what you wish, then be my guest,” he complied.
You then gave him a gentle smile, “Of course.”
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♡the friend you find when you are lost♡
“(Y/n)~! Wait for me!” Kalim said, hollering out to your speeding figure under the golden glow of the Scalding Sands as shadows of the plentiful buildings stretched out with the lowering evening sun. What time it exactly was, you did not know. All you had known was that there was still an ample amount of time for you and your new friend, Kalim, to explore the world around you—seeing as the young boy was just as excited as you.
“The town waits for no one, Kalim! It was made for adventure!” you shouted back behind you, almost leaving the white-haired boy for the dust if he had not caught up sooner. “If there’s one thing you should know about this place, it’s that! Or…” a thoughtful pause then cut between your rambles as you stopped in your tracks, “That’s what my grandparents always tell me, at least. Who knows.”
Kalim—who was now standing beside you—then gave you a grin that could send rays of sunshine to shame with its brightness, “Jamil always tells me to never venture to the town, though; maybe he just doesn’t know the kinds of fun that await here!”
“Eh, I know I’ve never met the kid,” warily, your hand began to reach for your other in concern for your newfound companion, “but this Jamil dude doesn’t sound too… fun.”
“Of course he is, he’s my friend!”
“I know he is, but look at us!” you said as you threw your arms up in the air, exclaiming, “We just met today after I saw you wandering off into Sevens knows where, but we still have fun! Jamil, on the other hand, sounds like he stops you from any kind of fun. What kinda friend does that?”
Kalim, still seeming to be unfazed by your concerns as he let out a laugh, shot you his millionth smile of that day, “He means well!”
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you muttered. “Anyway, enough of that! There’s this really cool area in the alleyways I know that’s perfect for—”
“Kalim!” an unknown voice was then heard not too far from the both of you, “Where have you been?!”
“Jamil! There you are!” the young boy to your left called out to the voice as the mysterious figure treaded closer and closer—but not without you tensing up with caution. “This is my new friend—” Kalim started, cheerily pointing towards you.
“I deeply apologize, but there’s just no more time to waste,” the unknown figure, who you now saw had long locks of dark hair, paid no mind to you as he fretted over your giggling friend, “You’re lucky our families haven’t realized you were gone just yet or I’d never hear the end of it. Come, now. We have to get back quickly.”
“Oh, okay!” Kalim swiftly replied as he waved back enthusiastically to you, “I’ll see you again, (Y/n)!”
Yelling your final goodbyes, you saw as the forms of the two children around your age hastily walked back to wherever their home resided, silhouettes following after with the sky setting in front of them. 
Although despite the day concluding on its own, you never could understand why Kalim’s friend, Jamil, was so protective over him. Sure, you thought, the young boy could be a tad oblivious at times—that you could admit—but going so far as to act as a caretaker for the boy as opposed to being a friend? It’s not like Kalim was the son of a very impactful family that needed protection. He’s just a normal kid for Seven’s sake!
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♡childhood rivals♡
Vil Schoenheit had had enough.
Why out of all the students who attended this dance studio, he had to be partnered with you? The young boy had always thought this, what with you two being dance partners despite the clear friction between the both of you since he could remember. The only reason Vil had ever found himself tolerating it was because of the sole fact of your dance instructor’s judgment. You were talented, he reluctantly admitted. And rehearsing with you out of all people would only benefit his own skills in the arts if he ever wished to get anywhere with his strive for perfection.
The pursuit of beauty knows no bounds, Vil thought as he adjusted the strap stabilizing his dance shoes. 
“Vil!” a familiar—but scour inducing—voice then intruded on the boy’s preparation as he turned his face to look at your a-little-too-cheery-for-his-taste form. “It’s so nice to see that you’ve made it to today’s lesson! I remember you were absent last week because of an important commercial shooting, yes? We all missed your…” you halted yourself, unnecessarily emphasizing your words as if to discredit the compliments coming from your mouth, “treasured talent.”
Vil scoffed at your empty sweetness. “I’m sure you did, (Y/n).” The young actor tilted his chin up as if to search for his own thoughts while doing his best to cover the glare he dearly wished to give you at that moment, “Although, you’ll be out next week too, correct? I hear you’ve been casted in a children’s show as a special guest.” The blond-haired child then turned back to the straps of his shoes, mumbling to himself, “... That I also had auditioned for.” 
Feigning ignorance to his bitterness, you continued carrying on the conversation with your precious dance partner—relishing the way he stared at you with envy at your obtained role in the process. “Ah, yes. Well, as you know, showbiz is showbiz, Schoenheit. Not all of us will get what we want,” you gave him a smile he could only read as a way to anger him even more. “Perhaps we’ll both be casted next time. That would be wonderful, would it not?”
A single clap from your instructor was enough for the entire studio to grow quiet, signaling the start of class as students began rushing to their places, “Alright, class, it’s time to begin! Places!”
You gave your partner a final grin as the room was filled with music to go with your warm up, “Don’t trip today, Schoenheit.”
“As if I ever would, (L/n).”
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♡online friends who’ve never met♡
With technology constantly surrounding him, it was only natural for Idia to have met you in the online world. Where else would a shut-in like himself find some sort of social interaction he'd actually be willing to be a part of?
Gloomurai: korie! u wanna hop on midnite l8ter? live event drops tday
korie66: ayooooo korie66: im down. lez do it >:)
Gloomurai: nice Gloomurai: korie and gloomurai back at it again
Although, he supposed he didn't really know you. Sure, he knew the artificially curated version you would introduce yourself as within the chat logs on public servers. But he had never known the "IRL" version of you, let alone your real name. Still—Idia thought as he sat in front of his blue and black gaming set-up, monitor displaying another game he'd binge that night—it was still nice having a buddy to play numerous games with. A kid like him who had the same interests. A kid who also found freedom within the internet.
Gloomurai: wht? y?
korie66: FREE STUFF
Both of your days were spent trading the best items, sharing tips for a new game level, or even just chatting for the fun of it. Each night Idia had even found himself eagerly shuffling to his room, shutting the door behind him, and turning on his PC just to make it in time for your scheduled co-ops.
Eventually, you and Idia had found yourselves much more open with one another as well; a certain kind of trust that could only form with the number of years you had played together. What was the point in finding real-life friends, the young Idia thought as he snagged a bag of chips to eat while playing with you, if he had you to spend time with instead? One friend was all he needed, and you filled that roll perfectly!
Gloomurai: YEAH Gloomurai: FR THE BEST DUO
This was all he needed. Your friendship was all he needed.
Idia—now a third year student and housewarden at Night Raven College—sighed as he closed the latest game he'd been playing, cracking his back as he stretched like cat waking up from a deep sleep. Determining it was far too early for bedtime, however, the young man had decided it was a good hour to clear out his PC's memory. It was about time. It had been a while.
Scrolling and deleting through file and files, memories, and unused downloads, Idia had found nothing of importance to him and trashed everything in his path. That is, until he spotted a familiar chat log that read UNSTOPPABLE DUO hidden deep within his message history.
The Ignihyde housewarden gazed at the chat name he knew all too well. A certain feeling then began to rise within his chest as his hand subconsciously guided his mouse towards the familiar icon of your profile picture, still the same as it was years ago.
This is a really bad idea, Idia voiced in his mind. Yet, despite being against his own actions, Idia watched as his own hand clicked your name—only to spot a sea of red text blaring through the screen as he peered at the pixels of his computer:
korie66: Last Active 10 years ago. . .
Idia slumped over in his chair at the text, dejected, "I don't know why I even tried."
Shutting off his monitor, the blue-haired boy then stood from his chair and begrudgingly marched back to his bed, concluding his late night. He hadn't known what he was even expecting, at that point. He'd long knew of your inactivity; it's not like he didn't know what he'd see.
It really was just a shame you never had a chance to meet each other, Idia thought. He supposed, though, that some people were never meant to truly remain friends, to remain together.
And you were no exception to that.
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♡the friend you meet by accident♡
“Hm?” Malleus, who had been peacefully reading a book during his break from his studies, suddenly peered up from his spot in the palace gardens at the alarming shouts coming from the sky. It had been a relatively clear afternoon; one with few clouds in the atmosphere and very few birds soaring above, which only left the young fae even more curious at the panicking screams he could catch from his place beside the flower beds. Gently placing his now discarded book down to the grass, Malleus then made his way closer to the figure as a blur of (h/c) fell from the sky and into a nearby bush.
“Ugh, I knew trying that spell would be a total fail,” the figure, who Malleus could now make out as a fae child around his age, dwelled as they rubbed a couple bruises on their arms, healing themselves. “I guess this is what happens when I don’t listen to Mother, but—"
“Ahem,” Malleus cleared his throat, finally gaining the child’s attention.
“AAAHHH—” you screamed again, only this time with shock at the sight of another living being around you. “Gosh, don’t scare me like that! What if my magic went all kapooey on you?! What would happen then?” you scolded the rather tall boy as you stood up from your previously injured state—skin now pristine due to your magic.
“Hm…” the dark-haired boy before you contemplated your words, “Then I suppose going ‘kapooey’ wouldn’t be very good for me, correct?”
“Exactly! I’m glad we’re on the same page.” You turned your body away from the boy as you inspected your dirt-stained clothes, wincing at the rips caused from your fall into the bush. “I don’t even want to imagine what Mother would do to me if she found out I’d harmed another fae—another child at that, too! Although,” your eyes then followed up the fae’s face and pointed its attention straight towards the two black horns resting atop his head, “you do look a bit different than me… Where are we right now?” No other fae from where you were from had any such horns like his; you were sure of it! You must’ve landed in another land other than your own, if that were the case.
But where, exactly? You thought.
“Briar Valley,” the horned-boy swiftly replied, “The palace, to be exact.”
“Briar Valley?! I must have traveled further than I thought, then!” a frazzled exclaim escaped your mouth as you struggled with your hands to prepare whatever spell had gotten you there in the first place. “I have to go right away! So sorry for intruding, uh…” a hesitant pause ensued as you held out a hand to the child, signaling an introduction from him.
“Malleus. My name is Malleus,” he softly gave you a smile.
You returned his smile with a grin of your own, shaking his hand, “Right. Thank you, Malleus. I’m (Y/n).”
“It was no issue.”
And with your final goodbyes to the fae you’d just met, Malleus then stood and followed your form as you disappeared to Sevens know where. The only remnants left of your presence were the gold, sparkling specs of magic that remained after you casted your spell, filling the palace garden with dust that resembled stars scattered throughout the greenery. Malleus, at the sight of your magic, had then begun to wonder just where you had come from and why you had landed there that day as quickly as you left. 
The chances of seeing you again were slim. Still, however…
“(Y/n),” Malleus had whispered to himself.
“A lovely name for a fae such as themselves, yes?”
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strandbuckley · 10 months
Pole Position (F1)
Summary: Charles gets on pole at Spa. The boys celebrate the best way they know how (Pairings: Max Verstappen/Daniel Ricciardo/Charles Leclerc/Lando Norris; Oscar Piastri/Logan Sargeant [background])
Read on ao3 here
Daniel barely restrained himself from cheering as he watched Charles cross the finish line and clock the second fastest time in Q3. He knew that standing in the Alpha Tauri garage, shoulder to shoulder with Yuki, was not the time to loudly celebrate his boyfriend’s success, but seeing him bounce back at a track he loved so much made Daniel want to jump around like a lunatic. He knew that due to Max’s grid penalty, Charles would be on pole Sunday. Lando had also managed to qualify P7, which wasn’t quite the achievement he’d had in Silverstone and at Hungaroring, but considering the floor damage done when he’d hit the gravel in Q1 it was an impressive feat. 
He could feel himself itching to get out of there as he made his rounds in the media pen, wanting to be with his boys to celebrate. His phone was buzzing in his pocket, no doubt texts from Max, who wasn’t in the media pen, but instead was waiting to participate in the post-qualifying press conference before he was finally allowed to go home. He could see Lando glancing at him occasionally, which made him think Max was also texting him. Eventually Daniel was able to excuse himself and pull his phone from his pocket as he huddled in a corner away from the media circus. Max had started a group chat with just him and Lando, and it seemed they were on the same wavelength.
Super Max: Come back to my room tonight. We’re celebrating Charles on pole
Muppet: Good. I have ideas
Apparently Lando had also escaped back to the comfort of his driver’s room and was able to text back.
Danny: Ooh do tell
Muppet: Redacted, redacted, redacted
Muppet: Sorry Danny, not safe for work
Danny: Guess I’ll find out myself tonight ;)
Super Max: Stop flirting please, I’m gonna vomit before the press conference
Muppet: Like we didn’t all see you giving Charles heart eyes when you got out of the car
Super Max: You saw nothing
Super Max: Gotta go, press conference is starting. Love you both, see you soon
Muppet: Love you <3
Danny: Love you too Maxy
Daniel waited at the back of the Mclaren motorhome for Lando to come out. He was sure his boyfriend was changing out of his race suit and fireproofs and also talking to Oscar before they went their separate ways. Sure enough, he heard Lando before he saw him, coming around the corner with Oscar not far behind. Their voices echoed back to Daniel as they walked, though they hadn’t seen him yet.
“What are your plans for tonight?” Oscar asked.
“We’re celebrating Charles being on pole,” Lando said, wiggling his eyebrows at his teammate.
“Gross mate. I’m not sure if that’s a euphemism or not but I don’t want to hear about you having sex with all three of your boyfriends.”
“Don’t pretend you aren’t on your way over to Williams. You’ll be in Logan’s room tonight helping him lick his wounds and we both know it. You’re just jealous I get laid three times more than you do.”
“Shut up Lando,” Oscar’s face went bright red at the mention of Logan. “Also how do you know about that?”
“Alex is the one that lets you in. He can’t keep a damn secret to save his life.”
Oscar groaned and looked up, blushing when he met Daniel’s eyes. “Oh hey Daniel.”
Oscar noticed him first, waving awkwardly, assuming Daniel had heard most of their conversation.
“Hi Oscar,” he greeted the younger Aussie. “Congrats on P5 mate, that’s awesome.”
“Oh thanks,” he said. “Shame about your lap time, I’m sorry man.”
“Eh,” Daniel shrugged. “Shit happens. I’m just proud of these guys.”
He pulled Lando into his side and pressed a quick kiss to his curls. Lando bumped his nose against his jaw before turning back to Oscar.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Have fun with Logie bear.”
“I hate you,” Oscar said, flipping Lando the bird.
“Love you too Oscar.”
Max and Charles arrived at the hotel an hour later than Daniel and Lando had. They were tired after the long day they had, but that didn’t stop Max from pushing Charles against the wall of the elevator and kissing him.
“What was that for?” Charles asked, slightly out of breath when Max pulled away.
“I’m just so fucking proud of you.”
“You’re not upset about the penalty?”
Max raised an eyebrow at him, “Schatje, do you really think a five place grid penalty is going to stop me?”
“No, I suppose not,” Charles laughed. “I’ll give you a good fight though.”
“I expect nothing less,” Max pressed a single quick kiss to his lips as the dinging sound signaled they had reached their floor and the doors slid open. Max led him down the hall to his room where Lando and Daniel were waiting for them. Max had said in the car on the way over that they had plans and Charles wasn’t getting his hopes up about what they were but he knew his boys probably had some ideas. 
As soon as the door opened he was all but tackled by Daniel who swung him into his arms and pressed kisses all over his face.
“Daniel,” he laughed, grabbing his face but making no move to push the older man away. “What are you doing?”
“Giving you love,” Daniel settled him back on his feet but didn’t let go. “We’re so proud of you baby. Pole position, that’s fucking incredible!”
Charles felt arms wrapping around his waist from behind and a cheek pressed between his shoulder blades. The curls tickling the back of his neck told him it was Lando.
“You did so well today Charlie.”
Charles reached an arm behind himself to fist in the fabric of the younger man’s hoodie and pull him close. 
“We have plans for you tonight,” Max said, pressing in from the side to get his hands on Charles. “We’re celebrating you schatje, whatever you want, you’ll get it.”
Lando pressed small kisses to the back of his neck and Charles had to take a deep breath to be able to concentrate. Daniel cupped his chin and tilted his face up so he was looking in his deep brown eyes. 
“Tell us what you want, baby.”
“I want You and Max to decide.”
“Yeah?” Max pressed a soft kiss to his jaw. “You want us to decide for you? You trust us to make sure you feel good?”
“Sweet boy,” Daniel praised. “Tell me your colors.���
“Red to stop, yellow to slow down, green to keep going.”
“Good. Get undressed and get on the bed. Lando, you too.”
They both obeyed, pulling away from the other two to take off their clothes and discard them haphazardly around the room. They climbed on the bed together and Charles settled back against the pillows. Lando curled up against his side and kissed his neck softly, biting gently at the skin but taking care not to leave marks that wouldn’t be covered by his clothes. He could almost guarantee that his body would be covered in hidden hickey’s by the time the night was over. As if to prove his thoughts correct, Lando moved his head down to suck a mark on his pec, flicking his tongue against his nipple teasingly. Charles groaned and grabbed the back of Lando’s head, keeping him close.
“Lando baby,” Max called his name, distracting him. “Do you want to suck Charles off?”
“Yes please.”
“Go ahead.”
Lando reached up to give Charles one last kiss before moving down to where his cock was showing an interest in what was going on. Lando moved to take him into his mouth, but was stopped by Daniel.
“Nuh uh,” Daniel made a spinning motion with his finger. “Turn around, let Charles make you feel good too.”
Lando whined, scrambling to turn around and straddle Charles’s chest. He backed up slowly until his ass was at eye level with Charles, who immediately grabbed two handfuls of it, silently thankful for all of the extra training he had been doing lately. Once he was settled, Lando resumed his earlier goal and took Charles into his mouth, sucking lightly on the head and using his hand to hold the rest. He went slowly, almost teasing, knowing exactly how to drive Charles crazy. Daniel joined them on the bed, kneeling by Charles’s head and leaning down to talk quietly in his ear. 
“I want you to get Lando ready. Stretch him out on your tongue and your fingers yeah? Then he’s going to sit on your pretty cock while Max and I fuck you. Does that sound good sweetheart?”
“Yes,” Charles moaned.
“Good boy. Get to it.”
Charles did as he was told, grabbing Lando by his hips and pulling him back so he had better access. One of Daniel’s big hands grabbed one side of Lando’s ass, exposing his hole. Charles licked a wide stripe over it with the flat of his tongue, getting him wet. Lando moaned around his cock and pushed his hips back further.
Daniel tightened his grip,” Stay still Lando. Keep making Charles feel good and he’ll take care of you.”
Lando groaned again, the vibrations sending shivers up Charles’s spine, but otherwise stayed still. Charles continued to lick into him, getting him wet and relaxed before carefully rubbing one finger around his rim, testing the waters. His hand was stopped by Daniel, who produced lube seemingly out of thin air and coated two of his fingers in it. Charles massaged it between his fingers for a few seconds to warm it before slowly pushing on finger in. At the same time, Lando sank further down on his cock, one hand moving to gently cradle his balls as he bobbed his head up and down. 
“Fuck cheri,” Charles moaned, flopping his head back against the pillows. “That feels so good.”
Daniel stayed by his head, running his hands through his hair and whispering dirty things in his ear. 
“Does that feel good baby? Lando gives good head, doesn't he? You’re making him feel so good baby, he’s drooling for it. You’re such a sweet boy Charles, I’m so proud of you. We’re gonna make you feel so good tonight baby.”
His words made Charles whine, biting down on the back of Lando’s thigh, which made the younger boy whimper. 
“Are you getting close, baby?” Daniel asked. Charles nodded his assent and Daniel gave Max a look over Lando’s back. Max was somewhere by Charles hip, presumably making Lando just as turned on as Daniel had made him. Max grabbed Lando’s curls, tugging lightly to make him stop. 
“Charles is getting close schatje. We don’t want him to come before we get to the good part do we?”
“Nuh uh,” Lando wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and turned to look at Charles over his shoulder. “Was it good?”
“So good,” Charles praised, rubbing his hip. “You always do so well.”
Lando preened at the praise and maneuvered himself so that he was no longer straddling Charles, before leaning down to kiss him, obviously not caring about where Charles’s mouth had just been. 
“Lando, do you want to help me prep him?” Max asked. 
“What do I need to do?”
“Come here and I’ll show you.”
Lando joined Max at the end of the bed, eager to learn. Daniel kept his position by Charles's head but moved so that he could see his face and kiss him. 
“First get a pillow so we can prop his hips up,” Charles heard Max say. Daniel reached behind them and handed one to the younger boy, who passed it to Max. “Lift your hips for me liefde.”
Charles followed directions, planting his heels into the mattress and pushing himself up so that Max could slide the pillow beneath him. Daniel passed the lube down to them and Charles could hear Max giving Lando instructions. 
“He likes it when you tease a little,” Max said. “Use one finger without any lube and just rub him gently.”
Lando did as he was told and Charles whined against Daniel, pushing his ships down into the touch.
“Very good baby. Now get some lube and start with just one finger. He can take it.”
Charles heard the sound of the cap opening and closing and Daniel pulled him in for another kiss just as Lando breached him with one thin finger. They continued trading kisses as Max talked Lando through it, working him up to three fingers. 
By then, they weren’t really kissing, more like Charles breathing against Daniel’s mouth as Lando opened him up and praises flowed from Max’s lips. 
“You’re doing so well my loves. Making each other feel good. Such good boys.”
“Is he ready?” Lando asked when three fingers were moving easily and Charles was whining shamelessly. Max reached down, feeling where his hole was stretched around Lando’s fingers, making Charles moan and cum suddenly. It spurted against his belly and Daniel moaned into his hair.
“Fuck baby, look at you.”
“I think he’s ready. Be gentle,” Max told Lando as he helped him pull out. “He’s sensitive right after he cums.”
Lando crawled up Charles’s body, carefully avoiding his now sensitive cock that was still partially hard, to kiss him.
“That was so hot,” he whined, grinding his own leaking dick against Charles’s abs. 
“Do you still want us to fuck you sweetheart?” Daniel asked.
“Yes please. I want it.”
“Okay baby. Do you still want Lando to ride you? It’s okay if you don't, you can still make him feel good while we fuck you.”
“Sit on my face?” he asked Lando.
“Fuck yes.”
“Slow down for a minute,” Max laughed. “Let us get settled before you do that okay? Who do you want first, Charles?”
Daniel and Max traded places, swapping a few dirty kisses along the way. Daniel slicked up his cock, pushing into Charles gently, letting him get used to the stretch. He wasn’t massive, but he was bigger than Lando’s fingers and it burned a bit as he slowly bottomed out. Once Daniel was fully seated, Max helped Lando straddle Charles’s face. Charles grabbed his thighs and pulled him down so that he was seated properly. He began licking him open, his hole still tasted somewhat of the lube he had used on him earlier but he didn’t mind. Under that was a taste of soap and something that was distinctly Lando. Charles was silently grateful that Lando had taken care to wash well when he was in the shower earlier. Something told him they had planned this, all of them knowing how much Lando liked to be eaten out. 
Max had taken up Daniel’s role, laying next to Charles and whispering dirty things in his ear as he gently fisted his cock that was hard once again. 
“You’re so perfect schatje. So good for us, making all of us feel so good. I’m so proud of you Charles. You’re fucking amazing.”
Charles whimpered, before resuming eating Lando out with vigor. He wanted to make him feel good, wanted him to come just from Charles playing with him. 
“Fuck,” Daniel groaned. “Charles, baby, you feel so fucking good. I’m gonna cum baby.”
A few more thrusts and Daniel was cumming, filling Charles up. He continued to fuck him slowly through his orgasm, riding out the aftershocks before pulling out slowly. Charles clenched to keep his cum inside, which was one of the hottest things Daniel had ever seen. He expected Max to follow right behind Daniel and pick up where he left off, but was disappointed when Max stayed where he was.
“Max,” he cried out, pulling away from Lando enough that they could hear his voice. “Please.”
“Make Lando cum first. Don’t be greedy baby, he deserves to feel good too doesn’t he?”
“Yes,” Charles whined.
“Good boy. Take care of Lando then I’ll take care of you.”
That spurred Charles on, and he removed one of his hands from Lando’s tight, wiggling it between his chest and Lando’s ass to get fingers in him. It might have technically been cheating, but neither Max or Daniel said he couldn’t so he continued. It wasn’t the most comfortable and his wrist started to cramp fairly quickly but he didn’t care, working two fingers inside of him and moving them until he found his prostate. It only took a few sharp jabs to the bundle of nerves and a few licks where he was stretched around his fingers for Lando’s legs to shake and him to cum over the pillows behind Charles’s head. 
Daniel helped him off of Charles, holding him close to his chest and whispering praise in his ear as he came down from the high. He settled them down on the other side of the bed, close enough that Charles could still reach him if he stretched his arm out but far enough that they had space for Lando to sprawl out across Daniel’s lap and make himself comfortable. 
Finally, finally, Max positioned himself between Charles’s legs, slicking himself up with the lube and cum that was slowly starting to drip from him. He hooked one of Charles’s legs over his arm and pushed in, not stopping until he bottomed out. Charles came immediately, sensitive and worked up.
“Fuck,” Max groaned, pulling back before fucking back in slowly. “That was so hot. You’ve done so well for us tonight Charles. You’re perfect.”
“Fuck me please,” Charles whined, grabbing at Max’s shoulders to pull him in as closely as he could get him. 
“I will baby. I’m going to make you feel good because you deserve it. You’re done so well, and I’m so proud of you. We all are.”
Charles turned his head to look at Daniel and Lando. Daniel smiled at him and reached out to take his hand.
“I love you sweet boy. You’ve done so well, just a little more. Make Max feel good sweetheart.”
“Je vous aime.”
“I love you more.”
“I love you Charlie,” Lando whispered.
With a few more thrusts, Max was spilling inside him, pressing soft kisses over Charles’s face as he rode out his orgasm. He pulled out carefully, mindful of how sensitive he probably was after taking both of them and having two orgasms himself.
“I’ll take Lando next door to shower in my room,” Daniel said quietly, so as not to disturb the two boys currently feeling very fucked out and floaty. “You take care of Charles here yesh?”
“Of course.”
Daniel leaned over to kiss him and cradled the back of his head gently, “I love you Maxy. You did so well tonight too. You take care of our boys so well. I’m so proud of you.”
“I love you too Daniel.”
Daniel pressed another quick kiss to his lips and pulled away. He gathered Lando up and herded him through the door that attached his room to Max’s, silently praising whatever Red Bull executive thought that it would be a good idea. He stopped briefly to grab clothes for both of them before getting the younger boy into a steaming shower. 
Max gave Charles a few minutes to recover feeling in his legs, taking the time to get the hot water running and pick out comfortable clothes for both of them. Once he was steady enough to walk with minimal assistance, Max got him into the shower, pushing him under the spray so he could wash his hair. They took their time, holding each other in the steam, trading soft kisses back and forth until they got tired of standing. Once they were dressed and had their teeth brushed, they made their way back into the bedroom, where Lando and Daniel were already snuggled up in bed. They had stripped the dirty sheets and replaced them with the ones from Daniel’s room, since they wouldn’t be using them anyway and housekeeping would come to change them in the morning. Daniel was laying on his back, scrolling on his phone with Lando mostly on top of him, the younger man drifting in and out of sleep. Max pushed Charles into the middle, where Lando moved himself partially off of Daniel to snuggle into Charles more. Max hugged him from behind, sliding one hand under his t-shirt to rub gently across his chest and stomach.
“Did you enjoy your night schatje?” he asked quietly so as not to disturb Lando, who was snoring softly now that they were all in bed, and Daniel who was well on his way to being asleep as well. 
“Very much.”
“Good. I am very proud of you Charles.”
“I know Maxy. Thank you for showing me that, but I am tired. Sleep now.”
“Of course. Goodnight Charles.”
“Goodnight cheri.”
Lando woke a few hours later, warm and comfortable in Daniel’s arms with his head on Charles’s chest. He laid there for a while, hoping he would drift back to sleep. However, that was not the case. So he wiggled around, being careful not to wake his partners until he could reach his phone where it had fallen between himself and Daniel.
He scrolled through his chat notifications, responding to an offer from Carlos to play a few rounds of golf when they arrived back in Monaco before leaving on their holidays. As he clicked out of his chat with Carlos, preparing to put his phone down and go to sleep, he noticed the green icon by Oscar’s name, indicating that he was active. He acted on a whim and shot off a quick text.
LN4: Must have been a pretty good night if you’re still awake (wink, wink)
Oscar read it almost immediately and began typing, the gray dots appearing on his screen before disappearing again. Just when he was about to put his phone down, a message appeared from Oscar that made him want to laugh and coo at the same time.
It was a photo of Oscar in a hotel bed that looked very similar to the one Lando was currently occupying. Except Oscar wasn’t alone, instead Logan Sargeant was curled up against his side, hair a mess, sticking his tongue out at the camera while Oscar laughed.
OP81: Pretty damn good
Lando smiled to himself and snapped a quick photo of his own. It was hard to get them all in it at this angle but he managed to catch where Daniel was drooling into the pillow and Max’s face squished against the back of Charles’s neck. He sent it off to Oscar with a short caption underneath.LN4: Yeah us too
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gilbirda · 2 years
Friendly neighborhood vigilante. Chapter 1
Meet Jasmine Fenton: Smart, resourceful, kind and the very proud sister of Amity Park's own undead superhero Danny Phantom. Therapist at your service. Intern at Arkham Asylum. Can kick your ass. Likes tea and long walks at the beach.
Meet Jason Todd: Smart, resourceful, not-that-kind (if you say he's soft you may get knifed) and the very proud vigilante and protector of Crime Alley. Died for a while but got better. Holds grudges. Likes reading a nice book and the sound of the rain against the window.
They are neighbors now.
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
Based on this post by @impyssadobsessions
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“And that’s the last of the boxes!” a booming voice awoke Jason from his post patrol nap that turned into a dreamless sleep.
The vigilante glanced at the windows and yep, it was morning already. Why was it morning? He didn’t want it to be morning, he wanted to sleep a bit more. Lately he didn’t have much time, being in the middle of seizing absolute control over Gotham’s underworld.
“Does my Jazzy-princess need anything else?” said the same voice. It was male, adult, and clearly not from this part of the town or even from Gotham.
Jason rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and his face and stood from the couch. Last night he had the foresight to take off the suit before collapsing, but not enough foresight to put everything away before sleeping. So now he had to shower, clean the suit, clean the weapons and ugh —
There was a loud bang from the apartment next door, followed by a loud “Danny!” and a “I’m fine, I’m fine.”
Oh joy. New neighbors.
Jason was ecstatic. (Not really)
Still, he needed to make sure that this new neighbor, who for some fucked up reason had decided to move in close to the East End and next to the only other one apartment occupied in this floor, was not some kind of criminal going after the Red Hood. Of course there shouldn’t be a single reason one would connect this run down apartment with one of Gotham’s most famous (anti) heroes, but being paranoid paid off.
No, he was not like Bruce. He just took care of wild cards and loose ends.
Before going to the kitchen to make breakfast, he decided to look through the peephole to get a glimpse of the people moving in next to his latest safehouse.
It took a minute or so, but he saw first a woman with short red hair walk past his door. She was wearing a full blue hazmat suit, with heavy boots and everything. In Gotham no one would turn to look with so many capes and people in costume, but it was weird seeing it from someone from out of town.
Next, a big man, about as big as Bruce, walked past his door, this time with an horrendous orange suit. Look, he wasn’t a fashionista or anything, but he had eyes and those suits were a crime against fashion.
It was another few minutes, and he was about to give up and make some breakfast, when a new person walked past his door. Weird. He didn’t hear any footsteps, and with the cheap linoleum of the hallway it was an amazing feat.
The person stopped right in front of his apartment door and turned with a tilted head, as if he were listening to something. It was a kid. Well, not exactly ‘a kid’ but he was younger than him and it was enough for Jason to consider him a kid. Probably twenty or something like that, but he fell on the scrawnier and shorter side. He only guessed his age because his face wasn’t as round as it would be for a younger person.
“Everything okay, Danny?” A voice he recognized as the one that screamed earlier called from outside of Jason’s field of view.
Danny’s eyes zeroed on the man’s, as if he could see him or something. It was impossible he knew he was there — Jason was skilled in stealth and knew how to control his breathing for cases just like these. Why did the kid’s blue eyes burn into his as if he stared right into his soul?
“Danny?” The voice said again, and this time Danny broke the staring contest, walking away from his door and walking back
“Yeah, everything’s fine.” He smiled at the owner of the voice. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay for a few days?”
“It’ll be fine, really!” Said the unnamed voice, female, young, also from out of Gotham. “If I need you I’ll just call.”
“And I’ll fly here right away.”
So they lived far enough from Gotham. Enough to require a flight there.
Whatever. They’ll be gone in a week. A month, tops.
Around the three week mark since his new neighbor moved in, Jason ran into a young woman at the elevator. He didn’t know her, so he just nodded in greeting and ignored her as he waited for her to click the button of her floor in the elevator panel first. It was the same as his. But nobody lived in —
Huh. That’s right. He had new neighbors.
He looked at her from the corner of his eye since this was the first time he had seen this mysterious person up close.
She was young, but older than the kid he saw through the peephole the other day. Older sister, maybe. Redhead, too, like her mother. Thin but strong, she held herself with the confidence of someone that worked out, but not built like his sister.
And she was looking at him.
“So this is my stop.” She said with a smile. When both walked out of the elevator she stopped and blinked. “Oh, you also stop here?”
She didn’t know they were the only ones on that floor?
“Yeah.” Jason tried not to be too friendly or too unfriendly. People remember your face if you are either of those.
They walked in relative silence to their door, the young woman — he needed a name soon at least to call her something less creepy in his head — stopping first at her door and looking at him when he pulled out his keys at the same time.
“You live next door! That’s fun.” Ugh, she smiled just like Dick. Was it an annoying older sibling trait? “I didn’t know someone lived there, it’s always so quiet.”
He used the apartment mainly to sleep, eat and recover from injuries; and he was usually pretty quiet when he was alone. But she didn’t need to know that.
Jason shrugged. “I don’t like the noise.”
“I know right? I also like the quiet — especially while reading. I know some people listen to music but I just can’t concentrate on the words if there’s too much noise.”
To be honest? She struck him as someone that read a lot. She had this librarian vibe. Or maybe a teacher? He wondered what she was doing in Gotham, and why hadn’t she left already.
“Read anything interesting?” He couldn’t stop the words from coming. It was automatic — interrogating and subtly getting information from this mysterious non-Gothamite that had the balls to move to this building.
“Oh, well, just stuff for my work. You’d think it’s boring.” She laughed it off, playing with her keys. Eyes down, biting her lip. Someone she cared about dismissed her passion.
That rubbed Jason the wrong way. “Try me.”
She smiled a little bit. “I’m currently halfway through ‘Into the Mind of the Murderer: Why did I do it?’ by Steven Morrison. It’s riveting! It is written by this dude that killed his abuser then decided to become a serial killer. He was caught, of course, but in his memoirs he explains the reasoning behind why and how. Also the perspective of time and reflection on his part allows for a more complete picture of — And I lost you, right?”
Jason blinked a few times, his mind kicking into overdrive. He was speechless, but not because he was bored by her review of the book. He was aware that true crime was all the rage right now and people read about famous serial killers for fun — but she said it was for her work.
“What did you say you work at?”
“Oh, um. I am a therapist. I mean, a psychiatrist that specializes in therapy. Uh, I focus more in criminals and their reinclusion into society.”
Fun. A fucking shrink lived next door. He hadn’t had good experiences with those.
When he didn’t say anything, she continued rambling. Nervous habit, it looked like. “I’m doing an internship at Arkham, actually. I guess you know what that is, since you are from here.” Then she laughed nervously, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
“And you are still alive?” Jason managed to say, unable to process that this soft looking, smiley cinnamon roll could be a therapist at Arkham. They would devour her in mere days.
And yet, it has been three weeks.
His neighbor giggled. Honest to god girly giggles. “So far so good, Mister neighbor. I can take care of myself, but thanks for worrying.”
“Oh shit, I haven't introduced myself, right?” He hoped his expression was sheepish enough. “I’m Jason.” He extended his hand for her to shake.
“I’m Jasmine, but call me Jazz!” Her grip was firm, brief and professional. She wasn’t afraid of taking the lead.
Jazz smiled again, pulling her hair behind her ear, eyes confidently fixed in his. He didn’t get creepy vibes from her somehow. Instead, he felt like she was analyzing him as much as he was doing her.
His phone decided to ring in that moment, ending the conversation. He looked at who was the caller. It was Dick, so he had to take this, since his brother would throw a fit if he ignored his calls.
And so, the two said goodbye and Jason entered his apartment, preparing himself for the conversation. It could be a friendly call to ‘catch up’ or asking for help with a case with Bruce. Either way it was going to take a while.
Any thought about redhead neighbors that are therapists at Arkham left his mind after the hour and a half long conversation with Dick.
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420pogpills · 3 years
masterpost of random epic dnf moments
i find so much comfort in these posts that just contain links to loads and loads of epic clips so i wanted to make one of my favourite george&dream moments :’)... this took me several days okay.
in no particular order whatsoever
(♥♥♥) “so...dream.” “what?” “um, hello.” “hi”
(♡♡♡) “george!” “yeah?” “HEY 😁”
(♥♥♥) “that is actually george’s fish” “oh what? i will keep it safe” (bonus: giving fish back)
(♡♡♡) “you two and your inside jokes, you guys are such good friends”
(♥♥♥) “i saw an interesting donation on your stream”
(♡♡♡) “trust me. george - i’m handling it.”
(♥♥♥) “i’m not gonna be hurt if dream is next to me”
(♡♡♡) “you’re making me laugh it’s not even fair!”
(♥♥♥) “i shot you once” “no you shot me multiple times”
(♡♡♡) “oh that’s so hot”
(♥♥♥) “what you gonna do, fight me?”
(♡♡♡) “dream has my number because dream needs me sometimes”
(♥♥♥) “stop you’re hurting me” “i’m hurting you?”
(♡♡♡) “i’m very similar to george so i probably won't like it”
(♥♥♥) “i said i’m in the hot tub right now, he said ‘prove it’”
(♡♡♡) “dream stop killing me!”
(♥♥♥) “i’ve always wanted to explore my sexuality”
(♡♡♡) “this is what happens when you fall down my trap”
(♥♥♥) “i’m so used to having your attention 24/7″
(♡♡♡) “why are you so mean dream?”
(♥♥♥) “you know who reminds me of nemo? george”
(♡♡♡) “first thing’s first-” “i’m the realest”
(♥♥♥) “come hide with me”
(♡♡♡) “he looks so handsome, look at him, look at george”
(♥♥♥) “oh george” “oh dream”
(♡♡♡) “you love me?” “yes, i do”
(♥♥♥) “be careful george”
(♡♡♡) “you’re laughing at every different word i say”
(♥♥♥) “can i have the sword dream?” “say that you love me”
(♡♡♡) “just hug me george”
(♥♥♥) “i’m the mememan, my milk is delicious”
(♡♡♡) “george i’m gonna blow up - come with me”
(♥♥♥) “you couldn’t see what dream was doing”
(♡♡♡) “george is easily a top 10 mcc player”
(♥♥♥) “what would you say my weakness is?” “me”
(♡♡♡) “we were getting this computer repair guy - oh my god”
(♥♥♥) “every time you get near me you just get all red”
(♡♡♡) “you would follow me down here”
(♥♥♥) “dream is a simp for me” “yeah”
(♡♡♡) “nice dream!”
(♥♥♥) “smile - you see him everyday”
(♡♡♡) “you deserve punishment george”
(♥♥♥) “what are you doing george?” “i’m on twitter”
(♡♡♡) “george george george you look amazing george”
(♥♥♥) “you don’t have to follow me everywhere”
(♡♡♡) “get away from dream!”
(♥♥♥) “we’re in the stars”
(♡♡♡) thirdwheelboyhalo
(♥♥♥) “dream is so delightful”
(♡♡♡) “DREAM LET’S GO!”
(♥♥♥) “follow me, i’ll follow you actually - just take me”
(♡♡♡) “dream...” “i had to george, i had to”
(♥♥♥) “i trust my dream”
(♡♡♡) “you don’t brag about your looks”
(♥♥♥) “george just tell me you love me”
(♡♡♡) “someone said ‘dream do you think george is cute’?”
(♥♥♥) “kiss george” “that’s a pretty good forfeit”
(♡♡♡) “a plane ticket to dream’s house”
(♥♥♥) “okay that was pretty pog”
(♡♡♡) “i’ve been too focused on george”
(♥♥♥) little compilation
(♡♡♡) “why’d you say it like that?”
(♥♥♥) “dream’s trying to kill me, he’s killing me!”
(♡♡♡) “if you won, what would be your first date with george?”
(♥♥♥) “we do everything together”
(♡♡♡) “answer my question!”
(♥♥♥) “oh. yeah. but george too.”
(♡♡♡) “if you win, you have to kiss dream!”
(♥♥♥) “dream... i’m messing up” “oh are you still streaming?”
(♡♡♡) “be careful”
(♥♥♥) suspicious dancing
(♡♡♡) “don’t be greedy george”
(♥♥♥) just... this whole edit
(♡♡♡) “george is mine, go away”
(♥♥♥) “dreeeaaaaam i know you wanna help”
(♡♡♡) “george you’re a genius, george kiss me!”
(♥♥♥) “he was wearing like an oversized dream smile hoodie”
(♡♡♡) george compilation 10/10
(♥♥♥) “i don’t wanna hear you laugh”
(♡♡♡) “whenever dream tries to get a new speed run record he just disappears for a month”
(♥♥♥) laughing face to face
(♡♡♡) “can i have some stuff?”
(♥♥♥) “geoorrgeeee”
(♡♡♡) “he lives in your head actually rent free”
(♥♥♥) “you know quite often we just know what we’re talking about?”
(♡♡♡) “now it backfired because george knows me”
(♥♥♥) “he’s small it’s different”
(♥♥♥) “you can be my valentine if you want george”
(♡♡♡) “no mom no he broke up with me” (bonus: “george denied me”)
(♥♥♥) “just explain your reasoning for denying me” “you didn't mean it”
(♡♡♡) “goodnight george, goodnight gogy”
(♥♥♥) “dream just saved something from snapchat!”
(♡♡♡) “i’m breaking you out!”
(♥♥♥) “you’ll get punished george"
(♡♡♡) “guys this is like the cutest photo of george ever”
(♥♥♥) “guys i’m opening a new business” “selling george pictures?”
(♡♡♡) “don’t attack the wolf dream i’m not there to save you”
(♥♥♥) “you were like ‘you have to praise me now for 5 minutes’”
(♡♡♡) “why don’t you think i’m here?”
(♥♥♥) “we were playing geoguessr the other day”
(♡♡♡) “i am wheezing and dying and george is dying with me”
(♥♥♥) “you used to get mad at me for placing blocks beneath myself”
(♡♡♡) “you have to clip that” “no”
(♥♥♥) “c’mere”
(♡♡♡) “i almost died, water me!”
(♥♥♥) “me and george”
(♡♡♡) “i wouldn’t want to do it unless he’s here”
(♥♥♥) “me and george were literally holding hands in the hallway”
(♡♡♡) “you should get negative points if you’re an idiot”
(♥♥♥) “kiss”
(♡♡♡) “i thought you might want to confess something”
(♥♥♥) “we’ve been talking to each other for 10 hours?”
(♡♡♡) “i’m not here to disappoint you or anything”
(♥♥♥) “mimic my yawn, that means you love me you know that right?”
(♡♡♡) “i’m not helping you this round” “i need you”
(♥♥♥) “we’re literally on a boat”
(♡♡♡) “you’re so ridiculous”
(♥♥♥) “i fell asleep in a call with george”
(♡♡♡) “wow george you’re great”
(♥♥♥) “dream just went 👉🏻👉🏻”
(♡♡♡) “yessss let’s go” “wait let me pick you up!”
(♥♥♥) “dream sort this out!” “alright wait turn around”
(♡♡♡) “you have pretty privilege”
(♥♥♥) “george i have something that will cheer you up george”
(♡♡♡) “i’ve been by your side since the beginning george”
(♥♥♥) “sitting here forced to drink water, it has absolutely no flavour”
(♡♡♡) “gives back i’ll be good” “no no you won’t”
(♥♥♥) “don’t worry. i’m here george”
(♡♡♡) “dream say hi” “hi”
(♥♥♥) “so george why are you laying in bed while you’re talking to dream?”
(♡♡♡) “where did george go, george is not found”
(♥♥♥) “come over here greg i will save the day” “francis!”
(♡♡♡) “that’s not what you told me last night”
(♥♥♥) “please just swim drive the boat drive the boat”
(♡♡♡) “before i even met you, you had this ginormous impact”
(♥♥♥) “you’re not worthless george we love you”
(♡♡♡) “george is like the biggest idiot”
(♥♥♥) “alright fine i’ll play one more”
(♡♡♡) “you see george everywhere. you see what you wanna see”
(♥♥♥) “guess united kingdom because someone you love lives there”
(♡♡♡) “george don’t leave me”
(♥♥♥) “you say bolivia george?”
(♡♡♡) “why are you so feral?”
(♥♥♥) “you’re an idiot” “you’re the one who’s screaming to do it”
(♡♡♡) “”you’re so oh my god” “you’re so annoying”
(♥♥♥) “i trust you so m-so often”
(♡♡♡) “now i have you right where i want you”
(♥♥♥) “heads” “alright it was heads”
(♡♡♡) “george you’re the hottest piece of ass in dreamhunt”
(♥♥♥) “you said ‘just woke up’ and i said ‘me too, in sync bby’”
(♡♡♡) “dnf arc? yeah maybe”
(♥♥♥) *george shooting dnf into wall on csgo*
(♡♡♡) “george and dream’s brotherly relationship is so iconic”
(♥♥♥) “you can’t 👹LEAVE👹 it’s not allowed”
(♡♡♡) “oh we’re finishing each other’s sentences right now”
(♥♥♥) “you said you were gonna what, kiss me or something like that?”
(♡♡♡) “do you have a song that makes you think of dream?”
(♥♥♥) “here george take this take this george”
(♡♡♡) “hey dream” “hey george”
(♥♥♥) “do you have a crush on dream?” “yes, go on”
(♡♡♡) “i am proud of you” “wow thank you dream”
(♥♥♥) “1 dollar every hour” “for how many hours?”
(♡♡♡) “i clicked skip whoops - wait, where are all my balls?”
(♥♥♥) “get out of here GET OUUUUTTTT”
(♡♡♡) “i’m sleeping for at least 8 hours” “but then we’re gonna be out of sync again”
(♥♥♥) “this is actually disgusting, come to me where are you”
(♡♡♡) “thank you baby... oh no” “WHAT?”
(♥♥♥) “yeah i love dream so much”
(♡♡♡) “yes that is exactly what i was thinking dream”
(♥♥♥) “dream” “hi” “hello i’m streaming” “hi”
(♡♡♡) “mm poor little george”
(♥♥♥) “do you have fifty dollars?”
(♡♡♡) “please please half a heart half a heart!”
(♥♥♥) “that’s okay you wanna be near me, that’s fine”
(♡♡♡) “you would know all about the simp handbook wouldn’t you”
(♥♥♥) “please i need you” “i do need you”
(♡♡♡) “kill him!...or her.. or it..”
(♥♥♥) “cause he’s little gogy”
(♡♡♡) “do your parents know about gream?”
(♥♥♥) just... cuteness
(♡♡♡) “wait george my minecraft’s starting my minecraft’s starting”
(♥♥♥) “te amo sueno”
(♡♡♡) “yeah that was my idea” “yeah just like last night”
(♥♥♥) “you can just say he’s a bottom”
(♡♡♡) this entire video
(♥♥♥) “why are you leaving me?” “alright fine”
(♡♡♡) “george you look good in a suit”
(♥♥♥) “i have a present for george!”
(♡♡♡) “why don’t you want to facetime me?” “i haven’t shaved”
(♥♥♥) “dream’s killing me, why are you killing me?”
(♡♡♡) “george i thought you were going to choose me”
(♥♥♥) “you wanna watch a beautiful sunset? just for you dream”
(♡♡♡) “we don’t text that much” “we text everyday”
(♥♥♥) “georgie poooo come here”
(♡♡♡) “oh beat me dream beat me”
(♥♥♥) “you are so impressive dream”
(♡♡♡) “i just ran for like a million hours”
(♥♥♥) “mydic--kslong has subscribed, thank you..”
(♡♡♡) all of these moments are too funny
(♥♥♥) “dreeaaaam! loooook!” “oh he’s cute”
(♡♡♡) “oh george~” “this is scary”
(♥♥♥) “george do that water drop sound”
(♡♡♡) “why is everyone saying ‘george explain the text?’”
(♥♥♥) “why are you saying it like that?” “that’s how you said it”
(♡♡♡) “i’m going to my secret stash”
(♥♥♥) “it said ‘name a dessert’” “you should’ve put me”
(♡♡♡) “i need to come” “you wanna come?”
(♥♥♥) “i have missed your face!”
(♡♡♡) just.. this entire video
(♥♥♥) more on george sleep talking
(♡♡♡) “that’s the same height difference between me and you george”
(♥♥♥) “you’re doing extremely well george. just calm down.”
(♡♡♡) “george~” “stOP. stop it”
(♥♥♥) “i know dream loves me a lot but unfortunately i don’t love him back”
(♡♡♡) “it’s fun to make him more afraid”
(♥♥♥) “someone said ‘dream do you think george is cute?’”
(♡♡♡) “oh we know george we know how hot you are”
(♥♥♥) “dream has friendship hacks”
(♡♡♡) “let’s watch a movie” feat. sapnap
(♥♥♥) “the only man i’m into is george”
(♡♡♡) “you broke my heart dream by....breaking my heart”
(♥♥♥) “keep lying to him george”
(♡♡♡) dream team not dnf but i love this so watch it plz
(♥♥♥) “you turn your camera off to sneeze? it’s okay we love you”
(♡♡♡) “dance with me dream”
(♥♥♥) “dweaaaam pleaseeee”
(♡♡♡) “it’s fine dream, i’ll stream another day” “waaaaaaah!”
(♥♥♥) “i just wanna talk to you”
(♡♡♡) “you’re just like interesting in general george”
(♥♥♥) “when’s my birthday dream?”
(♡♡♡) “here these are for you 🌹”
(♥♥♥) “i love you george”
(♡♡♡) “i’ll fight you in sumo when you’re in my house”
(♥♥♥) “we’re going together aaaaah”
(♡♡♡) “guess what, i had faith in you”
(♥♥♥) “or OR.. we could... kiss?”
(♡♡♡) “i haven’t had my first kiss” “that's a lie, you kissed me”
(♥♥♥) “hey dream give me an ak.... please”
AND OF COURSE THERE ARE SO MANY MORE BUT... i cannot do this any longer therefore the rest are compilations because i cannot do this any longer
(♥♥♥) every time george has said ‘i love you’ (kind of) to dream
(♡♡♡) dreamnotfound moments
(♥♥♥) gaymest moments
(♡♡♡) rare moments
(♥♥♥) wholesome
(♡♡♡) idiot compilation
(♥♥♥) love languages compilation
BONUS: this soulmate compilation...
SO ORIGINAL POST - links wouldn’t work when reblogged because it went over link limit with everyone tagged, so i will reblog with everyone who’s clips i’ve included!
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deviltoys · 3 years
― this is my first time requesting so let's hope i don't fuck this up [lmao].
taking tobio's [who's the pastor's son] virginity and watching him ask for forgiveness for doing something so inappropriate in the church but then you proceed to degrade him. 🙇
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— ‘𝘂𝗻𝗵𝗼𝗹𝘆 𝘃𝗼𝘄𝘀.’
tobio kageyama x top!male reader. (wc; ?)
#a/n: stop. this is my favorite request, ever. virginity loss ‘n blasphemy??? hello? too fuckin’ good, been cravin’ a good virgin tobio. thank you fer’ this, it was perfect!
warings. NSFW CONTENT, MINORS DNI, virginity loss, sacrilege, taboo acts, incest, age gap (18-30), pastor!reader, exhibitionism, sex in a church, misusage of the bible, religious speak, little to no prep, dumbification, creampie, degrading, manipulation, corruption, belly bulge, daddy k.
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juvenile ministry took up a huge chunk of the church you operated. being the father to tobio kageyama, it was only natural that he was a frequent volunteer for the group of children who'd visit you both to be taught the righteous laws of god.
your boy was so doting with kids, it lay a smile across your lips to see him so devoted as you'd help demonstrate an array of practices to the youth. he was an apprentice of some sort— you two had a closely knit relationship when it came to chruch work.
almost a little too close.
nobody would ever suspect a thing, right? their nurturing pastor and his passionate son; they wouldn't dream of commiting any corrupt acts against the lord they so dearly fawned about.
the children certainly wouldn't know, such mindless followers. that's why during youth hours the two of you would mysteriously ‘disappear’ while everyone else contributed holy related activities to do while father y/n and tobio went to assist the lord.
you had be fighting the urge to take your son aside and tear his tiny body in half right there inside the sacred haven. but poor little tobio was a virgin, nobody would dare attempt to be the one who would strip the priest’s son of his innocence. you and the younger male had only gone as far as sucking on each others lips or caressing one another in sensual ways that would surely be forbidden by the church.
it was unethical practice to do anything under sexual pretense inside the chapel; with your offspring no less. you were already commiting unforgivable acts unbeknownst to your fellow ministers— what was one more? just another sin strewn onto the pile of ones you had been collecting throughout the years.
the line between faith and abandonment finally blurred out when you caught your little kageyama with pants a size to small for his waist. the fabric rode up, perfectly rounding out and drawing scrutiny to his chubby ass. you were well aware of the scandalous gestures he would send your way while he kept his attention on the children. wiggling his ass out every so often was his main form of communicating his intentions.
he was at last ready to make his daddy proud, giving his body to him as though you were christ himself; submitting to you.
all of his coherent brain function was corrupt by you a long time past, the degenerate acts you two would shun from the eye of society had finally caught up to him. he needed the embrace of his dad, his loving, heavenly father that would fill his holes up with the holy spirit.
“tobio, follow me for a second please? i need to speak with you privately for awhile.” a forged grin took reign of your lips, softly signalling for your son as you escorted him through the barren temple halls. after he had finished passing out coloring activities for the group to engross in, he swiftly followed your lead.
“yes father, what is it that-” you barely gave kageyama a warning before slipping your forearms under his thighs, entangling the remainder of his limbs around your lower and upper body. you lifted his smaller from with ease, hot breath tickling the shell of his ear as your tone dropped to a deep whisper.
“are you ready to give your body to our savior, tobio?”
“yes father y/n, yes i am.”
that was all the confirmation you needed to proceed with blessing him. abandoning your clothes at the altar of god, you began to strip the boy attached to your body. steadily yanking down his suit pants, your cock already springing to life as his own came into view.
it was insatiably erect, you forbid your son from even being curious when it came to exploring his hormones. you knew one day keeping him fresh, unexposed to lewd activity would come in handy.
and it did, oh god it did.
his body was sensitive to the touch, you were concerned he was going to cum without you even putting a hand near his bulge. much less before the fun started. it was like caressing a rock, he was so stiff, the tip already dribbling a tiny bit of pre by the time you were able to finish your first stroke to the hilt.
after giving a few more measly flicks to the head of his cock; you guided tobio’s naked body towards the bible you had prepped specifically for this occasion. the oak pulpit stood tall amongst the various rows of seats— at the head of the stand was kageyama; exposed, ass out, and face burried deep inside the open book sprawled out for easy reading.
he could barely squeak out the first few passages as your lube coated fingers spread his cheeks and stretched his virgin hole to a worthy size; able to fit your fat cock.
it burned and ached, the agony of your fingers poking around his walls overthrew any noticable pleasure that may have slipped in unnoticed; it was torture. he thought intimacy was supposed to feel good. he should've listened when you told him it wasn't fun, how it was a crime against god and how he'd be severely punished for doing as such until he was proposed to by the right man.
but you were the right man, at least that's what you would tell him. so why was it so discomforting, so harsh? you weren't purposefully harming him were you? the paranoia was getting to him, it was so overwhelming, the thought of the man he adored so dearly causing him pain. hot, salty tears pricked his eyes, lashes catching any access fluid as they could meanwhile the clear streaks dusted his cheeks with red.
his hole was still barely twitching with anticipation, and would be for awhile; throwing your head back, you painfully fed kageyama’s rim your length. every inch that ventured just as deep as the last forced strained hiccups to seethe from behind his teeth. he was unbearably tight, his guts sucked you in while his walls showed heavy resistance— pushing you in and out of your trembling son.
“fucking hell.. dumb bitch, you’re so tight. ease up, i thought you'd serve me better- maybe i was wrong.”
no no, you were wrong, right? he was great, such an obedient little cocksleeve just for you, all for you. all he ever did was to please you; the man who he chased after for years, claiming he wasn't as nice as he predicted? panick only settle into him more, ruthlessly he began bucking his hips to match your unenthusiastic thrusts. attempting to appease you wasn't an easy feat, but he was so utterly devoted to you that the condition of his vessel meant nothing if it meant you were proud of him.
he attempted to slur out a form of quivering tongue with a few biblical quotes shoved in-between. whatever he was reciting wasn't human, infact you couldn't tell if he was fucked out or just anxious. whatever it was, your words had preformed their purpose; you were far too impatient to fully prepare him for the world of sex. forcing him to mature on the other hand seemed to run it's course— he was the one himself impelling himself onto at the end of the day.
your arms snaked around his tiny waist, hoisting his feet up and off the ground. the entirety of his lower half no longer met with the floor, steamy tears teased eyes while the remainder of his efforts worked into engulfing you whole. the stimulation of being carried off the ground just like that was unimaginable; only to have his pussy pounded mercilessly into the wooden podium.
“ack! ah.. mm. daddy, pl- please i can do better! m’promise, don't hold back- i want to feel every inch of you!” so vulgar, you weren't aware of tobio’s filthy mouth.
angling your hips to perfectly kiss his prostate with every shift in your pace, you plowed repeatedly into the spongy skin until he was no longer babbling on about anything coherent. whatever bible quote he was now listing off was lost within euphoria; his hole was loosening up more and more with each thrust you planted deep inside of his stomach.
he know knew how desperately he craved seeing your cum gush right out of his gaping ass. more than anything in the world.
“hah, what a stupid whore, letting your father fill up your belly like this? no wonder you can't do anything but flatter me.”
“m’not a stupid whore, daddy i promise!”
the way his cunt squelched around you told otherwise, you didn’t let up on the insults; constantly bombarding the male with word after word. his trembling thighs and drool stained expression prompted you to continue the vile humiliation.
“oh-ho yes you are, you're lucky i’m even taking the time to fuck you like this. the lord wouldn't dare touch you, so why should i? you're charity work kageyama, nothing but pity.”
giving his plump rear a deathly tight squeeze, you ramped up the vigor in your movements. aching breaths escape your nose as you send forth more shivers down the length of his spine— as much as he wants to keep you satisfied he can only withstand so much. this is his first time being lost within the rapturous waves of an orgasm. religious words still on the tip of his tongue as your name bounces off the empty church hull.
there's a puddle of semen beneath you at his feet, he's cum far too many times for you to count and he's just now; once again fighting for release. his limp, shaking shaft all swollen as it spurts out the umpteenth load that session.
you swiftly follow behind, using the last bit of strength in your twitching thigh muscles— you sent your hips forward, fully submerging your fat cock down his rectum. he yelps almost violently, but he adores it. the way you use up his spent hole. the amusement in his moans fizzle once he finally comes to his senses, realizing there's no cum sliding down his guts and into his tummy. the expected feeling of warm, sticky fluid staining his intestines was the big prize he was looking forward to.
“don’t you remember, your only use is to please me tobio. and you couldn't even do that, that's why you don't get daddy's cum. understand?” a disappointed glare forms on your face, once he's luckily unable to see.
he implores like you've never heard from anyone before, you've had your fair share of sexual favours under the church’s nose. but the dark haired male in particular was one of a kind, he was begging you for your seed like his life was dependant on whether or not you fufilled his lustful desires. he needed your cum, right there, right now.
even attempting to guide your entirely hard cock right back into his enormous asshole, which you allowed. your composure was iron-willed, you knew you could cum on command if need be. giving into his sinful fantasies, you pistoned yourself balls deep once more— your hands moving his hips for him as he pleaded for the sweet release of your fluids.
“please daddy, m’such a good cum dump! i promise, please just cum inside of me. i need it, i’ll do anything! anything!”
anything indeed, you had just the thing in mind. and you were sure tobio wouldn't refute, how could he? there wasn't any other choice, it was your cum or no cum. simple as that.
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some-kindofgnome · 3 years
you turn me on (i’m a radio)
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bokuto comes over one night midweek while you’ve got the apartment to yourself. after a mishap with his favourite volleyball shorts, you take advantage of the privacy.
c: koutarou bokuto x reader
wc: 5.4k
tags: smut (18+ please!), college au, aged-up characters, oral sex (both receiving), praise kink, begging, soft and sloppy sex feat. bo the horny simp giving u the creampie of ur life, body worship if u squint
notes: bo has a fat ass and I have a praise kink. that is all. oh, wait, i should also mention that this is mostly unedited. so if u see typos feel free to point em out! thx 💕
the song this bit is named after is so sweet and sunny & makes me think of bo all the time, so give it a listen if you’d care to! ☀️
ALSO forgot to mention that this was inspired by a tiktok i saw like a million years ago where this girl was helping her boyfriend get out of his too-small rugby shorts. it has been lost to the ether but you better BELIEVE if i ever find it again i’ll be linking it here
EDIT: @karikarasuno​ the absolute ANGEL has scoured the internet and found the tiktok in question.  p l e a s e go and watch it, u will not regret 😌
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“’Kay, okay, I’m going!”
Bokuto tears himself from the tender press of your mouth in one fell swoop. As he whirls away with a tempted giggle, he combs his fingers through his mussed-and-sweaty hair. Practice was only two hours tonight, but he still doesn’t want to leave your side even long enough to shower.
You’ve only been dating for a few months, still lingering in that phase of every new relationship that feels too good to last. Your emotional involvement in one another deepens by the day, but you never fight. And you have a shamefully difficult time keeping yourself away from him. On a weeknight like this with no big assignments to speak of, you should be catching up on your readings, your chores, or even your sleep. But when you passed Bo in the quad earlier, pausing in your walk to class for a hi and a kiss, you’d invited him over before you could even stop yourself.
He’s nice to be around. Pleasant, unhindering. Even if you wanted to finish some readings or do some laundry while he’s over, he’s happy to be idle in your company. He is infuriatingly patient and understanding sometimes, compared to the slew of demanding, needy boyfriends that came before him.  
You watch him retreat into the safety of your bedroom, grinning like a fool. He’s fresh out of practice and practically dripping in sweat, dried from the walk you shared from the athletic center. Your evening class that night wrapped up around the same time as his practice, and when you passed the gym doors on your way home, he was already loitering on the steps with his teammates. Instead of pretending he didn’t see you or offering you a casual, passing nod like you expected, he practically bounded down the wide concrete steps and introduced you gleefully to the pack of volleyball players behind him who already knew you well.
There was no way you were letting him go all the way home to shower first. Not when he’s never minded smelling like your orange-and-sandalwood shower gel in the first place.
Once he’s disappeared, you give a yawn and a deep stretch and haul ass off the couch, padding into the kitchen to tidy up the snacks you shared on the way in the door.
You’ve barely got the first plates in the sink before a muffled babe? from the bedroom gives you pause.
“Bo?” You call back, setting your handful down and trying to keep your brow from furrowing too deeply. “You okay?”
“Can you… um…” His response starts off strong, louder than before, but it dwindles into a dull, unintelligible mutter that sounds uncertain enough to send you away from the kitchen.
You gently shoulder the bedroom door open, frowning at his broad shape, silhouetted in the shadowy bathroom doorway from the light behind him. “What’s the matter?”
Feeling along the wall for the light switch, you illuminate the pot lights over your bed.
Bokuto’s cheeks are gently flushed as he waddles toward you with his thumbs dug into the waistband of his volleyball shorts. The fabric is tough and certainly seems clingy, but there’s a strain in his neck and shoulders that takes you a minute to pin down.
“I can’t…” he starts to say, trailing off, then pulls his hands out of his shorts and drops them to his side with a heavy, defeated sigh.
“They’re stuck.”
You force the corners of your mouth downward, tightening the line of your mouth to keep the mirth locked firmly in your throat.
“I can see that.”
He’s been hitting the gym hard lately, shoving down the calories to try and bulk up a little for the upcoming tournament season. And while you know he’s been putting on some weight, since he tells you just about everything, it never occurred to you that he might be bulking up quick enough to outgrow his favourite shorts.
Bo lets out a quiet little whine, digging a thumb into the waistband one more time and prompting you to step forward.
“How stuck are you?” You reach for him. He turns sideways, twisting his chin over one shoulder to try and assess the situation from every plausible angle.
Oh. You slap a hand to your mouth.
The waistband is rolled down around his hips and already strained to its absolute limit, stuck on the sharp swell of his butt and already compressing the flesh in a way that looks genuinely painful. He’s wearing a pair of tight white compression shorts underneath the uniform shorts in question, but they’re not doing much to aid the situation, either.
You’re eager to get him out of those shorts for several reasons now.
“Alright.” You try to keep your voice low, stepping up to his front and gently laying your hands on the stiff cotton roll at his hips. “Let me just-“
“I don’t know what happened,” he whines, slotting his hands on top of yours and squirming in between them. “They were hard to get on, but-“
“Don’t worry,” you interrupted softly. “We’ll get them off you one way or another.”
The fearful reflection of your sharpest kitchen scissors in his eyes suggests that he believes you.
Your first two attempts are about as successful as Bokuto’s solo endeavours. First, you wedge your hands into the fabric at his sides while he pushes from the front and back, but you give a hard shove while he lets up on the tension and his elbow very nearly connects with your nose, so you try a different approach.
Coming round to his backside, you dig your hands into the space between his uniform shorts and the tight spandex that holds what’s left of his modesty.
“Okay,” you pant, already a little breathless after dodging Bokuto’s flying elbows. “What if I-“
“Hang on,” he prompts, but it’s too late. You wind up and jump as hard as you can, using the downward force generated to try and shove the confining waistband down over his hips. It slides down another couple of inches, and inspiration flares in your chest as Bokuto turns over one shoulder, sweating.
“It’s working!” Your voice comes shrill with excitement, and before he can stop you you’re jumping again, shoving even harder this time. You meet resistance this time, and before you can clue in to what’s pushing back Bokuto howls in pain and doubles over, clasping his palms between his thighs.
“Oh, fuck, baby, I’m sorry.” You drop to one knee beside him as he descends into pained laughter.
“’S alright,” he promises, “I didn’t want kids that bad, anyway.”
You can’t help the snort that bubbles forward from your chest. Bo straightens slowly as his pain fades, but you stay on your knees, determined to get him undressed without resorting to textile violence.
Determination settles heavy and proud across your shoulders. You look up through your brows at him and when your eyes meet, his cheeks pink softly.
“We got this.”
Bokuto’s throat bobs. He nods shallowly and pulls his lower lip between his teeth.
You slip your hands into his shorts again, rolling them slowly down his thighs. Bokuto averts his eyes, letting out another audible gulp. Just when you’re starting to get somewhere, his hips twitch and he shifts his weight restlessly from one leg to the other.
“Stand still,” you scold, giving his hip a little slap. His breath hitches, hands flinching forward as he dips his torso backward.
“Um,” he pants. When you look up at him again, his neck and ears are bright red and he’s got his eyes trained firmly on the Star Wars poster hanging above your desk.
You level your gaze and realize two things.
1) Bokuto’s not wearing anything under his white compression shorts.
2) Apparently, your little scare wasn’t nearly as painful for him as he let on.
“Babe,” you tease. “I’m flattered, really.”
“C’mon!” He protests, scraping his fingers through the wild strands of his sweat-clumped hair. “What’d you think was gonna happen if you got down there all…”
“All what?” You lean forward without thinking, nuzzling the spandex that sits in the groove between his hip and his thigh. He groans deeply, letting his head fall back. His cock, thickening at the base, is still restrained tightly by the waistband of his shorts. You can practically see it throb into its confines, and his groan pinches tight with discomfort.
“Baby, please.” He’s wound his hands tightly in the front of his t-shirt by now, rucking it up over his belly for some way to dispel the tension. “Get ‘em off. Please.”
“You’re not exactly making it easier.”
A desperate whine from over your head suggests that maybe the time for jokes is passing. You abandon all coyness and tuck your hand under the weight of his balls, gently tugging down on the waistband and freeing all of him from its confining pressure. Bokuto gasps and lets his hips swing forward, but his dick swells quickly to fill its new, spandex restraint and you figure you’d better work quickly.
“God, this is really turning you on, isn’t it?” You can’t help the eagerness in your tone as you attack the swell of his hips one last time. With all his sensitive parts in the clear you don’t have to hold back, wedging and wrenching until the widest part of his pelvis is free and the shorts drop to the floor with a soft little triumphant rustle.
Bokuto groans like he’d just been strapped to a time bomb, stepping out of the fabric and kicking it towards the door. He drops the hem of his shirt and reaches for you, but you’re already leaning in to nose against the crook of his thigh some more, peeling down the stretchy, forgiving top of his compression shorts.
“Wh- babe.” He flushes. “I haven’t showered-“
“Don’t care,” you hum, entranced by the hypnotic length of his shaft, white spandex stretched sheer and dabbed with wet at the tip. “Want to taste you.”
“Are you s- oh, you’re sure.” His hands surge forward, this time soothing lovingly over the crown of your head as you tug the stretchy fabric down to his knees. His cock bobs eagerly against one thigh, unaffected by its confining endeavour, and you lean in and seal your mouth against the seam of his groin, where his shaft meets his body.
He is bulky and broad, thick cords of muscle and fat spanning his thighs and torso. His thighs and pelvis are dusted all over with wiry silver hair, and you bury your nose into the trimmed patch of it over his cock, licking eagerly at his soft skin.
Above you, Bokuto shudders hard enough to buckle his knees while you trace your hand up the stiff length of him. You’re trying your best to hide just how deeply you want to breathe him in, the addicting musk of his sweat filling your brain and sending deep throbs of arousal straight to your pussy.
“So hard,” you groan into his hip, “just from letting me get on my knees for you?”  
He draws a sharp breath through his teeth, squeezing at the back of your head as his eyelashes flutter. His face is beet red from nose to hairline now.
“W-well, what else was I s’posed to- with you lookin’…” He is borderline incoherent, and you haven’t even put your mouth on him yet.
“You smell so good,” you murmur without thinking, flicking your eyes to his quickly when you realize what you’ve said. But it only serves to push his own arousal further, cock throbbing palpably between your fingers as he curses quietly through his teeth.
“Please,” he groans, letting his head roll back. “Don’t tease.”
You can’t deny a request as pleasantly worded as that.
After planting one more teasing kiss along the plane of his shaft, you draw back to his tip and give your tongue an enthusiastic flick, dipping it into his weeping slit. He yelps, and you swallow him down before he can ride out the shock, making him shiver. You can feel the tremor racking all the way down the column of his spine, his toes curling on the floor by your knees.
When you start to bob your head, his jaw goes completely slack. You’re learning to love the way he doesn’t hold back with you, a point made obvious by the expressions crossing his face as you settle into a steady rhythm. You can’t fit his entire length- impressive, not that he knows it- into your throat, but when you grip the base of his shaft with one hand and the spit from your throat drips eagerly between your fingers, he practically goes cross-eyed.
You fight the urge to smile around him, leaning into the way he fusses and grips at your skull.
“Nggh, babe, not gonna last long… when… suckin’ like that.” He’s grabbing your head with both hands, rocking his hips tightly forward in time with your gaudy slurping. You’re drooling all over your hand, spit dripping obscenely down your chin and onto the hardwood, but his whimpers are growing to obscene levels, punctuated by deep, chesty growls and quiet, slurred praise.
There’s no way you’re going to back off now.
You’ve been with Bo long enough to know his tells, so when his thighs start twitching and his voice pitches from his chest into his throat, you re-double your efforts, intensifying his pleasure until he’s howling and panting like a beast, rocking tightly into your mouth with his abs drawn tight as a bow.
“Ohhh, babe, lemme cum on your tits,” he pleads, slurring every syllable together as he looks down at you with unimaginable bliss mounting in his gaze. “Please, please, please, your tits, lemme cum on ‘em.”
With a smirk touching one corner of your mouth, you drop your free hand between his thighs. Until now it had been braced delicately on his hip, gently mitigating the wild bucks and twitches of his body giving into ecstasy. But you’d picked up one little trick that never failed to boost him over the edge- and send him falling that much further as a result.
As you draw your mouth back from his twitching cock, you close your free hand around the heavy sack of his balls- drawn up tight to his thighs in preparation for his orgasm- and give the supple skin a gentle little tug while you arch your back and jerk him off against the swell of your chest.
Bo’s voice shoots up a twelve-tone as his hands slide from your hair to your cheeks. His fingers tremble as he cups your face, throwing his head back with a wild yowl and wildly humping your fist. The first long spurt of his cum hits you square in the throat, dripping down between your collarbones and soaking the neckline of your tank top as he rides out the powerful waves of his climax. By the time it’s over, his thighs are shaking hard, tough lines of muscle standing out against the silver hair while his cock dribbles ripe streams right down your shirt.
He deflates with a heavy, heady sigh, falling to one knee in front of you and keeping your face gathered between his palms.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy,” he moans, leaning in to capture your mouth and dip his tongue sloppily against yours. As soon as he’s found your lips he skates his hands down your shoulders to your breasts, lovingly cupping and thumbing the tightening buds of your nipples where thick shots of his cum are soaking into the white cotton. You can’t help the shaky little sigh that catches at the back of your throat, or the aching way you lean into his touch.
“G’nna-“ he cuts himself off, dipping his face into your throat. He licks into the tender column of your windpipe, bringing one big palm to the back of your neck to hold your head steady while he tucks his chin in and tastes the wet stripes of his cum that paint your décolletage. You’re not exactly sure what to expect, but the long, wet groan he lets into your chest is a pleasant surprise. He slides his hands from your neck to your shoulders to your sides and up the plane of your back, drawing you closer while he laps the mess from your collarbones and neckline.
“C’mon,” he mumbles into the swell of your left breast. “Gotta taste all of you.”
He slips his arms underneath you, lifting you with little more than a quiet grunt of effort as he gets to his feet. He holds you lovingly against his chest, striding slowly across the room and depositing you onto the bed with a smooth little bounce.
You hardly have the space to catch your breath before he braces a knee on the mattress beside you and leans down for another taste of your lips, kissing you slow and loving and skating a palm down your front. He slips his fingers into the waistband of your leggings, slipping his fingertips across your clit and making you yelp. Chuckling into your mouth, he dips his fingers lower and gasps.
“God,” he sighs. “Shoulda known you were holding out on me.” He sinks his middle finger into your clingy depths while he catches your mouth under his one more time. You’ve been unable to form coherent thoughts, let alone words, pinned sensuously under his touch, but as he curls his fingers against the restrictive insides of your leggings, you whine deep and slow into his mouth, arching your back to push your hips into his touch.
He doesn’t linger, drawing his hand from you and curling it in the waistband of your leggings instead. You’re slipping your fingers under the hem of your soiled tank top, pulling it up to expose the bare swell of your breasts.
“Let me?” He poses it like a question, pulling your leggings and underwear down and fluttering a kiss to the newly exposed skin below your belly button.
“Please,” you pant, already planting your feet in the fluffy sheets to lift your hips and help him undress you.
He pulls your leggings and underwear down over your hips in one smooth motion, pulling just a little harder than necessary to make you gasp and giggle. Your ass lands on the mattress all at once, punctuated by another handful of mirth that you can’t keep contained.
Bo’s grinning down at you as he balls up your clothes and tosses them toward the hamper like a mid-court basket shot. He doesn’t wait to find out if they made it, though, settling himself between your knees and gathering your hips into his arms.
“So soft,” he purrs, kissing the velvet skin of your tummy.
“Bo,” you whine. It’s your turn in the hot seat, and now the idea of teasing isn’t half as appealing as it was when you were on your knees.
“What? You don’t want me to take my time with you?”
You groan, letting your head flop back against the pillows as your eyes slip shut. Now that he’s got you bare, with his breath puffing hot and wanting over your tender skin, it’s hard to focus on anything but what you want.
“Don’t be mean,” you whine, but the hot press of his tongue on your inner thigh shuts you up fast. He moans low and rumbly against the damp of your skin, sinking his teeth gently into the fat of your thigh and giving a noisy suck.
“You’re so ready for it,” he muses, eyes darting sideways to admire your weeping slit. The buzz of his voice shoots right down the column of your spine, vibrating pleasantly at the base of your tailbone and sending goosebumps racing up your torso.
“Man,” Bo sighs, planting one hand on each thigh and pushing them apart. “You must really like suckin’ me off, huh?”
“I swear,” you grit. “I’m never touching your dick again if you don’t-“
He doesn’t waste another minute, leaning down and sealing his mouth greedily over your slit. The payoff is there for both of you, if the sound he makes when he dips his tongue between your folds is anything to go by.
The relief comes on swift wings as soon as he lets his tongue wander, stoking the fire that had been burning dangerously low and hot in your gut. Your thighs twitch in toward his ears while he tastes your messy slit, but his palms are as strong as shackles, keeping you open and vulnerable for him.
Bo prods his tongue forward, pressing inward as far as he can with a tiny little strained groan of effort. You cry out and clamp down around his tongue like a vice, a reaction he feels so vividly it makes him whip back from your body with a laugh.
“Don’t stopppp,” you plead, but his face is already disappearing between your thighs again, and you wrap your fingers in the hem of your tank top while he re-focuses his efforts on your swollen clit. He’s pressing his hips forward in a slow tempo that matches the patterns he tongues between your thighs, softly humping the mattress in time with your pleasure.
You’re sensitive and ready for him, stomach tightening smoothly when he settles into a rhythm. His technique is sloppy but he makes up for it in eagerness, pausing only to take deep breaths through his nose. He smiles into your skin and you can feel the way his mouth twitches against you, making you arch your back and slide one hand between your legs to rake through the silvery strands of his mussed hair. He grunts hard against your clit and you jump, giving him the chance to slip his hands under your thighs and hook them over his shoulders.
When he swallows you down this time, there’s something in the changed angle that drives pleasure straight down your back, letting it reverberate all the way into your toes. You flinch hard between his hands, and as he settles back into his messy, enthusiastic rhythm, you feel the telltale twinges of your building climax.
“Bo-“ you choke on his name.
He flicks his gaze to yours and his eyes flash, bright and golden. He knows your tells, too, and he sinks his fingers into the fat of your thighs, re-doubling his efforts and sucking a languid rhythm into your needy clit.
“Fuck,” you sputter. “Fuck, f-fuck, I-ah-“
Your mouth drops open, but the scream dies in your throat as white-hot pleasure bursts through your veins. Bokuto is heartbreakingly persistent, keeping up his ministrations while you claw at his hair and clamp your thighs down around his temples and ride the waves of your orgasm as gracefully as possible. By the time the sharp, burning pleasure���s raked its way through you, all your limbs have gone tense, and when it’s over you collapse, sweat-soaked, to the sheets beneath you.
Bo’s trembling between your legs, and when he surfaces his cheeks and ears are maroon. His cock is still twitching against his belly, bobbing as he gets onto his knees and still weeping long streams of spend.
“Oh.” The word flies from your throat before you can trap it, and he rubs your thighs soothingly with both hands as he takes a shaky, cleansing breath.
“You’re so-“ he starts to say, but you reach for him and he’s got no choice but to dip his cheek into your palm, flushing even deeper at the open way you stare.
“C’mere,” you prompt. Bo takes the bait and flops forward, landing stomach-first on the bed beside you and pillowing his head between your slick breasts. The position ought to be comical, but the weight of him is immensely soothing, rising and falling with the even pulse of your laboured breath.
You lie that way for a long while, staring vacantly past your reflection in the dark window beside your bed. The nighttime chill radiates through the glass, cooling your heated flesh. Your body aches with the fresh sensations of climax, but you’re not ready to put your clothes on yet.
“Hmm?” It never occurred to you that he might be half-asleep until he winds himself upright, blinking weighty silver lashes against his still-blushing cheeks.
Still, you know how to wake him up. The conspiratory grin that touches your mouth is completely involuntary, and it’s enough to have Bokuto cocking a tired brow.
“Can I ride your cock?”
For a moment, he doesn’t say anything at all. His eyes grow slowly bigger, focus drifting away from your face as his jaw drops. Literally.
“Bo? Baby?”
“Y- b- I… h-“ he sputters, blinking hard and shaking out his sweaty hair. He looks up at you again with an expression unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Like a kid at the zoo.
“Right now?”
You can’t hold back a snort, shoulders pitching forward. But he’s not kidding.
Neither are you.
You raise your eyebrows. “Is that a yes?”
By the time he rolls over, his cock’s already half-hard again, swelling against the strong cord of his right thigh. He sits up, scooting himself comfortably back against your bed’s stacked pillows. And when he reaches for you, you’re already rooting through the nightstand for supplies.
Bo’s a big dude, in every conceivable way. And while he’s never exactly been shy about that fact, he’s also painfully aware of the fact that with great power comes great responsibility. So when you start to warm a dollop of chilly water-based lube between your fingers, he doesn’t flinch.
“Mmmf.” He pushes his hips into your hands as you wrap them around his shaft, letting him swell into your palms while you slick him up. He’s still tender from before, and when you shift onto your knees your clit’s still tensing with leftover pleasure, but you’re buzzing with want. It hangs thick and heavy in the air between you. You’re unwilling to let it dissipate until you’re both completely satisfied.
By the time you’ve got the lube spread evenly from his base to his tip, Bo’s fully hard for you again, flushed and panting and grabbing at your hips as you scoot forward to straddle him. His impatience should probably bother you, but at this point it’s just endearing.
“Hmm, you’re so close,” you say, leaning forward to brush your lips against his. His mouth drops open as you bring his tip to your ready sex. Your pussy clamps involuntarily around the swell of his weeping head, and you’re panting into each others’ mouths as your hips sink slowly backward. The fill of him presses up into your belly, and you bottom out with a little flinch of discomfort, settling your thighs over his. He’s long enough that it actually hurts to take him in all the way like this, but you’re willing to put up with it for a minute while you get adjusted.
“Look at you.” Bokuto’s eyes rake up and down your trembling form, keeping time with his strong palms that rub soothing circles into the flesh of your hips. You shift a little, making him twitch and grunt. His thighs strain, struggling to keep from bucking upward against your tender cervix.
He lets out a deep, shaky sigh through pursed lips. “You’re so f-fucking perfect, you know that?”
You’re concentrating on tucking your knees underneath you for proper leverage, but he never fails to make you smile.
“I haven’t even started moving yet,” you breathe, bracing one hand on his shoulder. Once you’re stabilized, you lift your hips slowly forward, letting the thickness of him pull slowly from your slick depths. Bokuto’s head falls back against the pillows, beet red with exertion already.
“God,” he groans, bringing one hand around to your ass. “More, baby.”
You swallow hard, grip his hips tightly between your knees, and swirl your hips in a careful, tight little circle. It’s a subtle movement from the outside, but where you’re joined it rubs the thick ridge of his tip along all your tenderest nerve endings, sending powerful surges of pleasure vibrating into your chest.
Bokuto’s feeling it, too, the hard angles of his jaw standing out as he clenches his teeth. His silvery lashes rest heavily over his flushed cheeks, giving you little more than a bare peek of his dark, tawny eyes with the pupils blown wide in ecstasy.
“Just like that,” he prompts when you angle your hips forward, pinning your abused clit against his pubic bone and continuing to grind greedily over his shaft. He interrupts your rhythm with a sharp little pat to your ass, making your hips jump forward and giving him an opening to lower his chin and seal his mouth in the crook of your shoulder.
“Fu-uck,” you whine, looping both arms under his and clutching tightly at his back as your rhythm grows more urgent. You know how to work yourself to the peak easily, using his powerful body and thick cock to your every advantage.
“You’re close already,” he pants in your ear. “Oh, man, I can feel it. Don’t-“ His hips jerk backward, choking him on a surge of pleasure that washes over both of you.
“Don’t hold back for me, baby. I c’n… take it, yeah, that’s it.”
The low rumble of his voice in your ear reverberates all the way down to the pit of your stomach, cocktailing with the pleasure you’re grinding out yourself, and when he grabs your ass with both hands and rocks his tip against the gooey-sweet spot on your upper wall, you’re lost.
“Bo,” you whimper, grabbing tightly at the muscles in his back as your thighs start to shake. “Fuck, oh, fuck, ohfuck-“
The peak crests quietly between you, but quickly bleeds into every limb. You’re powerless to do anything but cling to him and whine in his ear as your hips stutter and twitch and grind over his stirring cock. Just when you think the wave is subsiding, Bokuto glides his hips beneath yours again and draws it out into a tight, near-painful shudder. Your vision whites out, then flashes black as you squeeze your eyes shut and lose yourself to the pleasure.
“Fuck.” Bo’s cursing as you come back to the surface, humping shallowly into your spent body. The lube you used squelches obscenely with the handfuls of slick your climax brought forth, numbing your used insides to his desperate thrusts. “Fuck, you’re so- you’re so- ohgod, inside, I-“
He goes completely incoherent as he finds his own pleasure, shoving his hips tightly against yours. His balls draw tight beneath you, thighs twitching as thick, heady warmth fills your belly. You’re addicted to the fullness he leaves in you without fail, the mess between you when he goes slack and you draw your hips backward to let his falling erection slide out of you.
Your roommate’ll be back from the library at any second. You should be getting up and dressing yourselves, making some attempt at feigning innocence before she comes in. But the bedroom door is closed and it’s far too easy to tumble back into the haphazard embrace from before, cum collecting sticky and hot between your thighs as Bokuto buries his face between your tits.
“D’you think they’ll stretch?” he mumbles into your skin, once your pulse has finally slowed to its regular pace.
“Hmm?” In your pleasure-addled haze, you don’t follow. Bokuto lifts his face from your flesh, resting his chin gently on your sternum.
“My shorts.”
“Uh-“ You have to purse your lips hard, to keep the dumb smile from showing on them. You take a slow pass of air in through your nose and lift your fingers to comb soothingly through his sweaty hair.
“We’ll make them fit,” you promise. “Somehow.”
Before he buries his face in your chest again, you catch the pure, blissed smile that stretches his cheeks. He slips his eyes shut, nuzzling you tenderly and kissing the swell of one breast.
“Good,” he sighs. And then, bare-assed, sweaty and sticky, he falls asleep.
You spy the shorts, still lying in a crumpled heap by the bathroom door. You make a mental note to check the brand and sizing later, before he leaves.
You’ll make then fit again.
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the-amaranthine · 2 years
begin again.
summary: in which she comes home for Christmas with not one, but two men, two shut her mother up.
genre: fluff, holiday themed, mentions of angst 
wc: 20.3k
tw/cw: really cringy and cutesy holiday events 
prequel: all too well.
notes: hello all! I decided to post everything as one part:) hope you all enjoy this sappy and cliche holiday story. the first bit is kinda the background, so bear with it. hehehe. anyways, happy holidays! 
January (11 months until Christmas)
Megumi Fushiguro had grown up to be a well-rounded intellectual. As they sat in that coffee shop, it was as if nothing had changed, yet everything did. He is no longer the teenager that Y/n has last seen him in. The atmosphere was comfortable and utterly platonic. They laughed at the stories they shared, and Y/n was delighted to hear that Megumi is in his last year of medical school, which in her opinion is a profession she did not expect Megumi to be in. Nevertheless, she is ecstatic towards all of Megumi’s achievements, for she had first-hand experience in what Megumi is going through right as of this moment, and she could only recall her countless sleepless nights, and her endless crying sessions filled with feelings of worthlessness. 
“So, let me get this straight, and please correct me if I’m wrong, but you hid from your father that you pursued medicine?” Disbelief is an understatement to describe what she is feeling right now. If it weren’t for her family’s support and belief, she does not know if she would have survived. 
“Close, I hid it from everyone, except your brother of course,” Megumi adds, nonchalantly, shrugging with a too calm expression on the rustic mahogany chair in a coffee shop five minutes away from Y/n’s workplace. 
“Why the hell would you do that?” What Megumi is accomplishing and accomplished so far, is no easy feat. She remembers her childhood friend and that he was not a fan of bragging, but this? This was on a whole other level. She was impressed. 
“Just didn’t want to disappoint anyone if I failed, s’all.” Y/n narrows her eyes at him, it might have been seven years since she saw the man in front of her, but she could tell when he is holding something back.
 Megumi relents at her glare, “My dad wanted me to pursue business like him, and I tried, just never liked it. It’s not like he’s against this, I just don’t want him disappointed, or worse pity me if it doesn’t work out. Didn’t stop him though, the old man thought I was rebelling or homeless, he constantly sent me a hefty allowance every month.”
Y/n smiled at that, she’s elated that their relationship has improved. She didn’t mention that she saw the two Fushiguro men hugging it out outside the hospital before their coffee date. She knows all too well, how prideful and manly, the two men tried to be. “Seems like your dad found out though. How’d he take it?” She wasn’t worried, recalling back to her memories of how much Toji loves his son, she knows that Toji must be feeling over the moon with just amazing his blessing became. 
“When I was home for the holidays Ieiri saw the shitload of homework I brought and pieced everything together. Then she insisted that they come with me here to make up for all of the years they missed.” Megumi adorably started huffing, “I told them they didn’t have to since she was heavily pregnant, but she insisted, and now here we are.” 
“Your father is so proud of you Megumi, they both are, I’m sure it just clouded their judgment a bit. Everything ended up well, no? Now you have a beautiful baby sister!” Megumi couldn’t help but smile at Y/n’s words. He could tell that Y/n has hardened over the years, her eyes portrayed that perfectly, but he could also tell that she was still the same Y/n. 
It’s not like Megumi is inexperienced, his infamous college years with Yuji and Aoi, attested to that. But something about seeing the girl he pinned during most of his childhood and teenage years is nostalgic, sentimental even. He was not in love with her anymore, in fact, throughout the years, he realized he was only infatuated with her, so he concluded that he was just happy and relieved to be in her life again. 
“You know what ‘Gumi? Let’s go celebrate.” Megumi deserves to be praised for all his accomplishments. Y/n will have to fit it all in one night though, her adult body definitely cannot handle college parties and drinking anymore, but she’ll suck it up for one night, tomorrow is her day-off anyways. Also, Y/n has been yearning for a drink ever since she saw Toji in the trauma room, so two birds, one stone, right? 
“Eh, why not? I’m planning to visit them again tomorrow at lunch, I have time tonight.” Y/n started grinning, but then she remembers to cut it off at three a.m. so she can function well enough to be able to do all her awaiting house chores tomorrow. 
“Great! I know just the place.” 
Sunlight was spilling from the windows like it was made of radioactive material, all types of burns consumed her whole body as she woke up. She must have done some serious dancing last night, since it hurt everywhere, especially her back. After admitting to herself that she did not have the body and tolerance from before, she opened her eyes itching to get ibuprofen in her system. 
Except, she does not remember painting her apartment room a dark navy color. Her lease does not allow her any irreversible changes, so why is it no longer the cream white it used to be? Then she glanced at the warmth enveloping her, she did not change her white and heavy duvet for a measly navy comforter, either. 
And most importantly, Y/n is naked underneath the said comforter. 
A groan reels her back to reality and her utter horror, black hair spilled from the creases of the pillow covering this man’s face. Y/n was praying to any god, hell any higher-being out there, that her drunk self, wooed another man in the bar they went to and that this man, who is slowly and climactically, moving the pillow covering his face is not who she went to the bar with. 
There was no interference from a higher being. 
This man beside her is Megumi Fushiguro, her childhood friend, a man she just reconnected with, and her ex’s damn son. Not to mention, Megumi will be a colleague as he is starting his student rotation in the trauma, and emergency bay at the hospital next week. The same workplace where she is a resident doctor at. She does not know which is worse, working with Megumi with a potential awkwardness and tension wherever she went or handling a certain white-haired idiot. One thing is for sure, those boring nights of charting will be long gone, if her situation does not improve.
Compartmentalization. She chanted a mantra in her head, so she does not spontaneously combust from all the rapid thoughts circling her mind. Glancing at the clock, it read in its digital glory that it was ‘11:00 a.m.’ 
Megumi rose from the other side of the bed, thankfully this cliché moment was not cliché enough that she awoke to Megumi’s arms around her cuddling, the man had his arms to himself on the other side of the queen they are currently sharing. “What the actual fuck?” It seems Megumi has not noticed her shaking figure yet. The girl left him a few more seconds of blissed ignorance before she shattered their reality upon him.
“Um, good morning.” 
“Good morning-wait what?” Megumi grasps his share of the now too small comforter in an attempt to hide his naked self, which in turn left Y/n in her birthday suit, stealing one of his pillows to at least try to keep the little dignity she had left. 
Megumi notices her predicament and threw the comforter over her head as he shuffles, hurriedly putting his boxers on, along with the three-day-old sweats hanging from his dirty hamper, since it was closer than booking it to his closet. 
With Megumi’s current luck, he’ll probably trip on nothing and break his nose, still practically naked, in front of Y/n. So, he settled for the sweats that he is hoping to just be a mayonnaise stain, and not a remnant of the one-night stand he had with a classmate of his, three nights prior.
As Megumi settled his internal debate with the sweatpants, Y/n found a T-shirt underneath the comforter and her underwear, she slipped it on with little to no hesitation, and peeked her eyes out, testing the waters. In her mind, and from the obvious burn of her vagina, she had a wonderful time, but her heart? In her heart, everything felt wrong, she did not care for Toji’s opinion any longer, but being with Megumi was still wrong for her. Everything about last night, up until the obvious sex they shared, was utterly, no painfully, platonic. Her heart wasn’t spinning, her stomach wasn’t skydiving, there were simply no sparks. 
“I’m so sorry.” Megumi finally recollected his thoughts and started with an apology. “I really can’t remember last night, I’m really sorry, I’m such an asshole, you can punch me right now, even report me to the police-”
“Megumi!” She stopped his rambling, Y/n could tell that Megumi had no grasp on sanity or sobriety last night either. “You didn’t take advantage of me, in fact, it’s my fault, I drank way too much, and I should’ve known how much of a lightweight I became, and I’m also the one who invited you to celebrate so I should’ve-”
“It’s both of our faults then, it’s not like you’re the only one who did the work.” She blushed in embarrassment, remnants of her night were starting to flood her mind. She started to curse her exemplary memory, that even when highly inebriated, she does not ever forget what happened prior. “Listen, I just want to apologize, with everything that happened with my dad and the past, I just want you to know this is really not the intention.” 
Of course, she knew that. Megumi has always been considerate. She doesn’t know if he still liked her after all of these years, and was scared that if he did, she would have to break his heart, again. But, all thoughts about her feelings for Megumi were cut off, as the boy himself wanted answers to her unspoken questions.
“Can I kiss you?” Megumi then interrupts her thoughts, and she could only give him a nod in return. From her standpoint, she could tell what he is trying to accomplish, they are both people of science after all. One needs data, to assess what they really feel about the experiment, or rather this predicament in their hands. He leans into her, and although Megumi is attractive as hell and his lips are soft, her initial hypothesis of the lack of sparks was proven correct. In his eyes, it seems Megumi is coming to the same conclusion. 
She did not know if the both of them should have been confined to the psych ward when they simultaneously started laughing. The understanding and agreement between them were physically silent, yet their eyes and sheepish smiles said it all. 
Y/n arrived at her apartment after Megumi insisted he drop her off, since he was on his way out to visit his family anyways. She agreed in the end not really wanting to experience the walk of shame, or rather the ride of shame, where she is sure the Uber driver will incessantly judge her sex tousled hair, and wrinkled clothes. 
She allowed herself a few hours to recuperate and sleep, then forced herself to finish the mundane chores she planned to today. The two adults spoke in the car, and Megumi made it pretty clear, that he no longer saw Y/n in that same romantic light. If it weren’t so amusing to see Megumi being so serious, she would have felt offended to how nonchalantly he was telling her Y/n was not his type. Regardless, there would still be some awkwardness, but she could handle it. 
Her mom’s picture lit up her phone, and she groans, this time out loud, at the impending, ear splitting, sermon her mom has in store for her. Since she could not, or rather refused, to go home for the holidays the second year in a row, her mom had rightfully been mad. 
“Hey mom, how are you?” 
“Y/n Itadori, if you don’t visit us, we’ll come and visit you.” 
June 25th (Six Months Before Christmas)
“Megumi for the last time, you didn’t hurt me! What happened was out of our control and does not affect our relationship. Do the past six months not tell you that I’m fine with you?” She is really frustrated. The only reason Megumi hasn’t made a decision for his residency match, the most important decision of his medical career, is because he thinks that Y/n somehow held a grudge towards what happened to them in January. 
She saw how wonderful of an addition Megumi is to the hospital, in fact many did. Even the nurses are encouraging him to pick this hospital. However unfortunate for him, Megumi enjoyed neurology the most. At first, Y/n thought that the head of neurology was the cause of Megumi’s hesitance, but no, even til this day, almost eight years later, he still considers other people over his own wants. 
“Are you sure? You aren’t uncomfortable or anything?” 
“For someone who is pursuing one of the most difficult residencies, you’re extremely thick in the head, ’Gumi. Did all those constant nudges to Iris just flew over you? I want you to work here. And if you don’t understand that, if you must know, I’m dating again.” Lie. Y/n’s boss Iori Utahime, convinced her to download Tinder, but Y/n hasn’t even opened the app yet. Guess she’ll have to do it tonight, to keep up with her little white lie. 
It might be the mention of Iris, who is a medical student furthering her residency at their hospital or the mention of Y/n dating again, nevertheless, Megumi seemed content with the reasons, and told Y/n that he’ll send in his picks on his lunch break. 
“Tinder is absolute garbage.”
 Y/n is currently ranting to her friend and closest colleague Kento Nanami about her unfortunate start to her dating life. They are currently eating lunch together in the cafeteria, as per usual. She likes these lunch sessions, as the two doctors have little to no time outside the hospital. 
Kento was the head of the cardiology and if it weren’t for the cases they’ve worked on together during her first two years as a resident, Y/n would have never met this man. He is always either with a patient for consultation, or in surgery, little to no in between. If it weren’t for the pictures in his office, she wouldn’t have known he had a child and an ex-wife, which the latter’s pictures still also decorated his office. 
She had to admit that Kento is such an attractive person, but Y/n has had enough of the whole DILF trope for the rest of her lifetime. It still doesn’t stop the nurses and other doctors to think that there was something in between them though. Since Kento has such an unapproachable and professional aura, it was a huge contrast to the rather comical and lively Y/n. 
“The only people you find on dating applications are men who want to fornicate with you, or unhygienic teenagers lying about their age. You should know better than that Y/n.” There was Kento’s charmingly brutal honesty. Her favourite trait about him, really, but only when it is trained towards their neurology friend, not her. 
“I just thought, I’d give it a try y’know? I mean there is a lot of traction about it on Tiktok. And plus, Iori suggested it!” 
“Those are advertisements, Y/n. I didn’t know you were a teenager who was blinded easily by paid ads.” Either Nanami failed his surgery today, which is highly unlikely, or he had been annoyed by a tall white-haired man-child, for Kento is definitely not in a supportive mood today. “Last I heard, Iori is also single, so why would you take her advice, when she herself, has not produced promising results?” 
“Well fuck you too, Mr. Divorcee.” Iori apparently overheard the entire conversation, and as much as she tried to understand her friend’s need for brutal honesty, she was also highly offended at Kento for even mentioning her already pathetic dating life. “Stop using the word fornicate and maybe your dating life will see some action too.” 
Y/n could see that Kento was about to respond, and she deduced that with his current mood, he’ll definitely say something that will escalate things. “Alright everyone! Care to help me build a better Tinder profile, hm?” She attempts to change the subject which fortunately works, as both department heads turned their attention back on her.  
“Like I said before Y/n, online dating websites will get you nowhere. Unless that was actually your goal in the first place,” Kento said, most likely starting another agonizing lecture. 
“Why don’t I set you up with someone, hm? I have a really nice friend, he’s a Financial Analyst, total sweetheart in my opinion.” Iori Utahime, the head of Trauma department, and also Y/n’s boss, suggests, wanting to help her friend and colleague. “Complete gentleman! I just hope you don’t get bored of him.” 
Y/n is flabbergasted. ‘Bored?’ Is she really that picky? “I don’t get bored with men, they just don’t pique my interest, that’s all.” 
“Y/n you just rephrased the word, and yes you find the men you date rather boring. I would know, you rant it to me all the time.”
She could not help but notice Kento’s change in intonation at the last part. Was she really that bad? She ignored Kento, and turned to Iori.
“When’s the date?” 
Awkward was an understatement towards the situation happening right now. Maybe even disastrous? The man Iori set her up with, Kiyotaka Ichiji, is nice. Too nice. If that is possible. It was as if he was too scared to offend her by her opinions that he agrees with everything she says! She could see right through his act and frankly, was bored with it. There was no spark. Hell, there was no conversation. The man just eagerly nodded at her words and she could tell he was nervous by the beads of sweat rolling down his face.
She felt bad. She wanted to be straight up with him, and say that she did not care for his baseless agreements. But who was she to say that? This is their first date, and the last thing this man needs is for her to embarrass him, by telling him she caught his act. So she smiled, and tried to pacify his growing anxiety by sharing funny anecdotes of her workplace. She could see him feeling much more comfortable, and actually found the man pleasant. 
Until he passed out, of course. 
Dr. Y/n emerged out, and the only thing she could see is that there is a patient in front of her. Briskly dialing ‘911,’ in her phone she lays him on the ground and barks order to the people around her to grab what she needs along with clearing the area. What she passed as nervousness, and anxiety, was Kiyotaka slowly experiencing an allergic reaction, it seems. She finished her work with Kiyotaka when the paramedics arrive and they rush to the hospital. 
According to his medical records, Kiyotaka Ichiji is allergic to shrimp, or just shellfish in general. Y/n concludes that the man was too damn polite, nice, stupid(?), to tell that little fact to Y/n, when she offered him some of her Jambalaya Pasta. After making sure that he is now able to breathe, she calls for a cardiology consult, seeing as Kiyotaka’s EEG is not improving. She refused to chalk it up to his nervousness once again, and wanted to cover all her bases this time. 
To her dismay, Kento was apparently with a certain idiot in the cafeteria when he was paged, and at the mention of Y/n’s name made the decision to come with. “Ah, Y/n, I didn’t know we have a new dress code. I’ll make sure to arrive in my Armani this Monday.” She glanced at her little black dress, wanting to dress up for tonight. She rarely had any nights off, and she wanted to make the best of it tonight. “I gotta say, if you were the doctor, patient appreciation sheets will get filled how Yaga wants it.” 
“I wasn’t aware neurology also answered cardiology pages, Satoru.” She asks him, sarcasm dripping in her voice. The last thing she needs in this eventful night is Satoru and his incessant need to get under her skin. 
“Well I wasn’t aware that you started murdering your dates, Y/n.” She only glowers at him, since the other man with them already looks exasperated. “How about we go on a date instead? I promised I’m not allergic to anything.” It was a great thing that Y/n gave Kiyotaka a sedative, she has no idea how the man will take Satoru’s blatant jabs. 
“He’s fine, Y/n. He just needs to recuperate. When he wakes up, I’m assuming you already have some inflammatory pills ordered that he needs,” Kento finished as he finished with the consultation. “Now if you excuse me, I have a surgery.” He starts walking away from Satoru and Y/n when he turns back. “I also have someone in mind, if you are open to another date.” 
Satoru, being the menace that he is, only laughed at Kento’s parting words. 
Yu Haibara is definitely boyfriend material. But apparently not Y/n’s boyfriend. Yu actually had his own opinions which is refreshing as they both had very intellectual conversations. That is until he would tie or reference everything to either his ex, Kento, or another one of Y/n’s colleagues, Geto Suguru. She tried to ignore it at first, chalking it up that he just wants to connect to her since she is close with Kento. 
But when your date suddenly goes on a long anecdote as to how he, his ex, and Geto used to travel, she about had enough. Y/n decided to be a trooper though, and stuck with the date until they finished their desert. Then he insists on walking with her outside and to wait for her Uber. “I had a lot of fun tonight. You’re an even better woman that Kento described. Has anyone ever told you, how great of a listener you are?” Of course, she listened, there was really no leeway for her talking about herself, as Yu describes just how amazing Geto’s hair was. 
“You sure you don’t want to come to our game night?” The game night with his ex? Maybe in her next lifetime.  
“I’m good, but thank you for the invite.” She wanted to end it at that, but she could stop herself. “Listen, I think you’re a great guy, but maybe you should try talking with your ex? She sounds like an incredible girl, and I think you’re really happy with her.” She smiles at him for comfort, seeing as how he started to grow red in embarrassment. 
“You know what? I will thank you. And I’m sorry, Y/n, you’re also an incredible girl, anyone’d be lucky to be with you.” 
Y/n leaves it at that. She is desperate for a glass of wine or maybe two. 
Probably two. 
Satoru’s booming laughter filled the entire cafeteria. Y/n hated what he was laughing about, but she could not help but admit it, the man looked beautiful. Ethereal even. Passerby’s, nurses, patients, and doctors alike, all glanced at him, seemingly enthralled by the light emanating from the table they all shared. 
Around the round table, Y/n sat with Iori to her left and Kento to her right. Across from her sat the ridiculous mess of Satoru Gojo, the head of Neurology, and Geto Suguru, the head of General Surgery. She has no idea how this friend group formed, just one day, they all had lunch together, then the rest was history. 
They were currently discussing Y/n’s two failed attempts at dating, which is why Satoru is cackling and borderline having an asthma attack because of it. 
She hopes Satoru goes on anaphylactic shock soon. 
He soon settles down after a few obvious kicks from his two best friends. Geto and Kento were only shaking their heads, Geto is apologetic because of his idiot of a friend, and Kento was apologetic because he brought forth this situation by setting her up with Yu. To Nanami Kento’s defense, he was really under the impression that Yu has moved on from his beloved ex, but according to Y/n’s recalling of the disastrous date, he assume Yu would be calling Kento about the rekindled relationship soon. 
“Listen, Y/n, your mistakes here is that you’re asking the wrong people for help.” Satoru has fully calmed down now, but not enough to hide his pearly white as he is still beaming at Y/n. At his words, Iori started protesting, while Kento kicked him again, this time it must have been higher since the whole table and their food along with it shook. Satoru doesn’t show that he is affected and continued like nothing happened, “Let me set you up, I know someone who would love to spend the night with you.” 
Before Y/n could inquire further, Geto beats her to it, “I didn’t know you have other friends, Satoru.” The two best friends shared a look, more like a staring fight, and it seems that Satoru has won, when all Geto did was shake his head. 
“Who is it?” Y/n had to at least know who the guy is so she could stalk him later. Satoru is unpredictable, and she really can’t imagine how his other friends would be. She glanced at the dark-long haired man beside Satoru and a flicker of hope flutters in her stomach. Has Satoru noticed that she finds his best friend attractive? Must be. 
“Let’s just say, you both already know each other very well.” Y/n meets Satoru’s grin with one of her own. 
She is definitely going on a date with Geto Suguru.
She is definitely not on a date with Geto Suguru. 
Her first warning sign was that Satoru volunteered to set her up in a blind date. Actually, her very first warning sign was the mischievous glint in his eyes as they discussed this supposed date.
Her second warning was that Satoru insisted he pick her up, and drive her to her date. She should have known better. As Satoru was the one sat in front of her in some fancy French restaurant, not Geto. And while she ordered the steak as a meal, Satoru decided to jump straight to desert, ordering the crème brûlée, and mille-feuille.
“So, when’s my date coming?” She already knew her answer, either this date suddenly bailed, or in his own world Satoru finds this whole thing funny as a prank. Both really embarrassing situations. 
“You don’t get it yet, pretty girl? I’m your date!” She is now convinced Satoru goes to the dentist at least once a week, because teeth cannot be that naturally white physiologically. 
“I’m a joke to you, Satoru? Your pranks have gone too far this time.” As she began to finish her wine, suddenly wanting to leave due to her embarrassment. Satoru grabs her wrist and makes her look him in the eye. 
“You aren’t a joke, Y/n,” he explains this time his tone is softer than usual, endearing even. He looks like he is attempting to stare at her soul when he continues, “You just haven’t been having a stellar time these days right? Just thought I’d actually show you how fantastic a date can be.” 
This time he’s the one under her intense scrutiny as she searches his eyes for deceit. There was none that she could find. ‘Well, what the hell. She’s already dressed to the nines anyways.’
As if Satoru could read her mind, he smiles in relief. “That’s my girl. If you want, I can also show you an even more fantastic time in the bed-”
“Satoru Gojo.” 
“Well, you can’t say I didn’t try.”
She was having fun. She can admit that much. As soon as she finished her steak, Satoru took her hand and booked it out of the fancy restaurant. Afraid they were committing a crime, she tried to run back, before Satoru confessed that the restaurant was part his, and he didn’t need to pay. 
Y/n was aware that Satoru was loaded. She just assumed the salary for the head of the neurology department is hefty, she just didn’t bother to connect that Satoru was old money rich. In her defense, she had little to no care about the board, and the administration of the hospital. She was aware that Satoru had been related to the CEO of Gojo Medical Group, as per the rumours surrounding him, but never connected that he was the heir. 
The man in front of her did not look like an heir. Satoru took her to a beach, and with the current information dumped on her, she thought he would be taking her to yacht or even some luxurious beach house, but no, Satoru took her to the sea side and is currently catching crabs in building sand castles.
Satoru crept up to the woman with his hands behind his body. Knowing just how mischievous her date is, she cautiously rose from her dent on the sand, abruptly taking off as he grew closer. 
“What’s wrong, Y/n? Joe is only here to hug you!” Joe being the crab that he had held by its claws. And as he gradually closed the distance between them, Y/n was given a better idea as to just how massive the sea creature in his possession. 
“Get the fuck away from me Satoru.” He ignored her. “Satoru, I swear on your life, if you get closer, you won’t be able to use your mouth anymore.” 
“Oh? Is that a promise?” Him and his dirty-ass mind quickly retorted. 
“Fuck you!” And the next events seemed to be taken from a a cliché horror movie because Y/n trips on her own two feet, yet she wasn’t hurt. In actuality, she was trying to hold back her laughter. The girl gave up from her escape and just looked at Satoru with hopeless, yet playful eyes. “That crab better be Sebastian, or I’m suing you for my injury.” 
And as Satoru lowered himself to her kneeling level, she did not even notice that he did not have the crab in his possession any longer, she even forgot about that past five minutes. And the reason? Y/n is currently lost inside Satoru’s blue orbs that easily rivaled the ocean beside them. She doesn’t know what scares her more, the possibility of the crab touching her, or the intensity staring at her, caused by this beautiful man. 
Satoru’s pale muscular arm was extending, something that the two adults didn’t notice, or care about, until his hand was caressing her face. Instinctively, she leaned against his touch, and Satoru smiled, in both relief, and satisfaction. Their heads were starting to tip and move, as they stared at each other’s heads and lips, and Y/n closed her eyes in anticipation for their kiss. 
Except it didn’t arrive. 
As if the fates were playing with her, both of their cellphones suddenly rang. In frustration, Satoru lets out a noise, or a groan, that stirred a potion inside her stomach. Still keeping his hands on her face, he answers his call. She did the same. 
Both doctors rushed inside the Emergency room, trying to weave from the several gurneys and patients littered around the trauma bay. They were both called in to help, since there was both a shortage of doctors, and multiple accidents that occurred in the freeway. 
Y/n thanked her Medical School professors for drilling in to her the importance of compartmentalization, and keeping one’s personal feelings in check, for she does not know how to function properly due to the almost kiss the two shared just an hour prior. 
As they split up, because of the many pages for Satoru’s neuro consults, Satoru yells at her, “When’s our second date?” Which caused their various colleagues to turn their attention to the younger ones in interest and amusement.
“Later, asshole.” 
Their second date never came. 
Y/n would never allow a second date, not when some woman named Mei Mei wouldn’t stop blowing up Satoru’s phone with a plethora of messages and calls. 
The fates were already producing and slapping her with the red flags and warnings, so she had to make use of it right? 
So, she played everything off as a joke, thanking Satoru for his aid towards her love life and dodging any and all interactions regarding one of the most enjoyable nights of her life, whenever Satoru initiates it. After a couple of weeks, Satoru was too swamped with his phone calls with this Mei Mei, to even try anymore. 
That made Y/n really annoyed for some reason, but since she made her bed, she ought to lay on it. 
Regardless, Megumi overheard of Y/n’s antics, and was satisfied with it, and was matched into their hospital, in the Neurosurgery program. Y/n could not help but be happy with Megumi’s accomplishments, but since she was aware of Satoru’s personality who will be Megumi’s mentor and boss, and Megumi’s aloof professionalism, she knew Megumi would somehow regret his decision a little. 
Satoru and Y/n never once discuss about their date again. 
November 9 (Forty-seven days until Christmas) 
“Aren’t they just so adorable?” Nanami starts scowling at her words, seemingly reminded again that his precious daughter has now acquired herself a boyfriend in her kindergarten class. 
“It’s inappropriate, right? I can’t believe Mina decided to withhold this piece of very important information from me. Am I not her dad anymore? Plus, a boyfriend at this age? If that kid so much as touch my Sana the wrong way I swea-”
“Kento, first of all, that ‘boy,’ you’re talking about is four years old, and he’s actually a sweetheart. Have you ever thought that the reason Mina didn’t want to tell you is because of how you’re reacting right now? The kids are in kindergarten, whatever you’re thinking, it won’t happen.” She sees Kento start his protesting, and she continues with her lecture. “The most that children their age will do is hold hands in the playground.” Kento was definitely not satisfied, actually he became more livid. The thought of his daughter even touching a significant other repulsing him to the high heavens.
“How the hell do you already know about this? And what makes you so sure that boy is good enough for Sana?” 
“Mina told me about it when we went for coffee last time, even showed pictures of the two. They are absolutely adorable together?” She wanted to say more, but her phone’s ringtone cuts her off. “Hold on a sec. Hey, mom.” 
“Why aren’t you coming home for thanksgiving?” Ah straightforward as always. “And don’t give me the excuse of no one filling your shifts, Kento has told me how respected you are there, I’m sure you could get someone to cover your shifts, Y/n,” her mother is no longer playing around anymore. After two years of Y/n’s avoidance, she misses her little girl. “Your father and Yuji misses you, we were discussing how you would really enjoy the thanksgiving festival, this year, there are plenty of events.” 
The younger Itadori woman sighed, it was not that she was choosing to avoid her parents, she just had to fulfill her ambition during her residency years. Her mother was right though, Y/n accomplished was she sought, to become a well-rounded doctor, and with it she quickly became well-respected in her workplace. In her own twisted logic, she volunteered for the overnight thanksgiving shift, because of her mother. As of late, she has been pushing multiple men her way, all of them were from her hometown, of course, some were even her batch mates. 
It’s not that she was repulsed by the people from her hometown. She grew up with them, even found the charm of a small town life, cute, but she knew how those men are. They are not prone to change, and they will certainly not move their life across the country for a woman. She sure as hell won’t be living in that small town too. Her life is established is here, she is thriving and somewhat successful for a woman her age here. The last thing she needs is to start over again. She loves her family and will enjoy the nostalgic visits in her hometown, but she will be miserable if she gets trapped there once again. 
“Mom, I’m so sorry, I promise next year, I’ll be there.” She was already cringing, both from her mother’s heavy breathing and the scrutiny of Kento’s stare. 
“You better be. Or I’m dragging you here myself. And there will be no rejecting for Christmas. You will come visit understood?” 
“Yes, mom.” 
“I really mean it Y/n, I’m telling you this now, so you can let your boss know. We’ll have to discuss a few things too once you get here.”  
That did not sound ominous, at all. “What are they?” 
“Nothing that you need to know right now. And you are more than welcome to bring someone if you’d like.” She knew what her mother was insinuating, and she chose to extinguish the fire lit in her assuming mind, before the whole situation disintegrates. 
“There is no one, mom. No boyfriend, alright?” 
“Nonsense, I know you’re a grown adult now, but I can tell when my daughter has someone special, you’re glowing sweetie.” Y/n is glowing because of the concoction of red bulls and iced coffees she consumed today. In her mother’s eyes, she took it upon herself to assume that. “Okay Megumi might have accidentally told your brother that you were dating again.” 
She knew Megumi is not one to gossip, so she figured her energetic brother tricked him or maybe even coerced the poor guy. “Anyways, it doesn’t matter how I got to know. You should bring your man over! Your dad would love to meet him. And my friends would also like a glimpse of the man, darling.” Her friends? That must mean that she already shared, or rather bragged to the whole town that her daughter has a handsome city man, one who actually doesn’t exist. “If you aren’t actually seeing someone, there is this young man in your father’s work, I think you’d like him, quite a handsome young man-”
“It’s not that serious mom. I think he’ll get scared of meeting you guys right away, though.” Fucked. She’s absolutely fucked, and she blames her jittery and stupid actions on the caffeine overload residing in her system. “I really like this guy mom, I don’t want to mess things up.” From her peripheral, she could see Kento shaking his head in disappointment. He too is a parent, and would hate for his daughter to lie to him, just how Y/n’s is currently lying at her mother. 
“More the reason! You’ve never once shown interest in men, actually we thought you were a lesbian, not that we won’t accept you! You know we love you so dearly, we don’t care who you bring over, or who you love, sweetheart!” As her mother opens her mouth again, most likely delving to another long ass rant that Y/n could not hear, especially after a painful twenty-two hour shift, she finally relents. 
“Alright, mom! I’ll bring someone.” Y/n sees her mother’s lips rise into a smirk, and she can’t help buit wonder if this was her plan all along: to corner Y/n and make her do her bidding. 
“Amazing sweetheart. I can’t wait to let Mrs. Inumaki know! She’s been asking about you, y’know? I’ll also let your father know. Although if things don’t work out, his co-worker is quite the charmer-”
“I will mom, I love you alright? I’m getting paged, so I’ll call you later about the rest of the details. Love you, bye!” 
Y/n was half-amused, half-defeated, as she sighs when the call is dropped. She did learn from her mom how to get what she wants, and the woman easily showed her that the Itadori matriarch is still levels above her in the manner of stubbornness. She was left with no room to argue. Kento nudges her out of the staff locker room, and they both silently proceed to the hospital cafeteria to grab coffee, since she has two hours left, with no pages. 
“So, when will your friends get to meet this ‘handsome young man?’” 
“Don’t even start the lecture, Papa-bear.” 
“It’s wrong to lie to your parents, Y/n.” She doesn’t even look at him. Too ashamed to do so. Her head was also filled with thoughts, on how to somehow get a boyfriend, and to convince said guy to visit her childhood home. The worst part is that she had a little less than two months to achieve said feat. 
Y/n is a procrastinator, yet she somehow managed to finish all her assignments in time, however she had a feeling this one challenge, is what will finish her bad habit. 
“I’ll go with you.” Y/n whipped her head towards her friend, so quickly that she may need one of the orthopedic residents to check on it, as she stares at him incredulously. “I don’t think I should condone you lying, but how will you find a man willing enough to date you, meet your parents, and sacrifice their holidays to go to your hometown?” Gee. She knows that what he said was true, but that one hurt. 
“What about Sana?” Kento religiously takes time off during the 24th-25th to spend time with his daughter. And she’ll feel awful if this stupid consequence of her equally stupid actions, would prohibit the father from seeing his daughter. 
“Mina requested that she take Sana during Christmas this year. I’ll have to leave before the 26th, though, since I will have custody of her then.” 
“Wait you’ll be alone this year for Christmas?” Kento had not told them about this little information, and she now feels guilty that she didn’t ask him. And just assumed that he would be busy with his daughter. 
“It’s quite alright, Mina’s parents wanted to see their granddaughter for the holidays this year, and I get to be with her during New year’s anyways. So, I’ll go with you.” 
“Go with Y/n where?” Just what her already frustrating situation needed. The head of neurosurgery slides the white plastic vacant beside Y/n. She sighs and chosen to just give up on life altogether and places her forehead on the metal table. “What’s the big problem? Are you pregnant?” 
“You’re pregnant?!?” This time it was Megumi. He must have finished his patients’ charts earlier than Y/n has anticipated. 
Y/n chooses not to answer any of their questions causing the two oblivious men to panic, Megumi because he literally promised Yuji to protect his sister, and Satoru seemed even more distressed than Megumi. Kento decided to end their suffering by explaining the situation around the table. 
“Out of everyone here, you chose Kento, the divorcee, as your fake boyfriend?” Again, a bemused expression graces Satoru’s angelic face, but the only one who notices were the other two men. “Why didn’t you ask me? I’ll have you know, mothers’ always love me. Something about the rich handsome look, I guess.” With a shrug of his shoulders and another one of his smiles greeted Y/n as she whipped her head up. 
“Satoru, the reason you believe mothers’ love you is because you almost always hook up with them.” Kento doesn’t even glance at them to focused with his charting, yet he still felt the need to roast Satoru. The rest blatantly ignored the seemingly vexed head of cardiologist. 
“First of all, he was there as my mother cornered me, and why the hell would I ask you, out of all people? If anything, I would have asked Suguru, but he’s occupied at the moment.” Suguru Geto decided at the very last minute to volunteer all over South America, during his sabbatical. Something about giving back and helping the ones in need. 
“You’ll replace me for my best friend? That’s real cold considering I gave you the best night of your life, Y/n. I see how it goes.” She didn’t miss the sexual insinuation that Satoru dropped. 
“You had sex with Dr. Gojo?” Megumi was the one who seemed disgusted this time. Satoru Gojo maybe his mentor and boss, but he had little respect for him outside their medical practices. 
“No we did not do anything. Satoru don’t make a big deal out of something that wasn’t alright? It was just a pretend date, remember?” Y/n was a terrible liar. However, she does not need anyone in this particular table to know just how much that date meant to her. Especially if her date was the Satoru Gojo, the local playboy, who probably took another girl on the same date, the very next night. 
“I’ll have you know, I cherished our date in the very depths of my poor hopeless romantic heart. I absolutely cannot believe that you would forget us like that! Isn’t she just a despicable player, Kento?” The mentioned man just flips the elder one without glancing from his charts once again. If it weren’t for the exaggerated use of vocabulary, and Satoru’s obvious joking intonation, Y/n would have even let that diminished hope inside her, flourish again. 
“Satoru, please drop it,” is all she managed to say. 
Then Satoru starts beaming his pearly-whites blaring to the world. “Y’know, Suguru, my best friend, will be spending his holidays in Somalia.” 
“Yes, we all know.” 
“Suguru, my bestest friend, my brother from another mother, is spending his Christmas without me.” 
“Is this your way of confessing to us about your feelings for Suguru? I think we have all established this in first-year, though.” Kento this time looked up from his stack of patients’ papers, and looked at Satoru with a raise in his eyebrows. 
“As much as I think my bro is real attractive, I just don’t want swing that way, haven’t I told you just how I love a woman’s-”
Before Satoru can divulge, which knowing him, he was about to talk about a very specific anecdote about women’s anatomy, Y/n cut him off, “Alright! We get it, what’s your point?” 
“I’m coming with you guys!” 
December 20th (5 days until Christmas) 
And that’s how the four doctors ended up in the airport at 1 a.m. They were supposed to have a flight at nine p.m. but their flight was delayed because of the current snow storm. 
“Another reason to take my jet, we wouldn’t be holed up here, if we just took my jet this afternoon.” No one had the energy to protest against him. Y/n thinks the Gojo’s private jet in their arsenal, is also convenient, however, Kento and Megumi were the ones who insisted they fly commercial. Testosterones were bullshit. 
After a 20-hour shift at the hospital, and the caffeine crash she was experiencing right now, Y/n’s body is tethering between the world of the living and the spiritual one. She closes her eyes for a moment, and next thing she knows she is being awoken. By Satoru it seems. And it also seems like she used his broad, muscular, and extremely warm shoulder as a pillow. 
“Good Morning honey! Next time we’re sleeping together, it’ll be on a bed.” 
“Shut up, Satoru.” The boarding assistants finally gives them the all clear, as group of four, along with all the angry passengers, fall in a line. “Thank you.” She mumbles quietly, no matter how mad she is at him, the young woman is still extremely grateful to catch a few minutes of rest. Especially if said was rest, was on an extremely comfortable pillow. 
She’ll never admit that though. 
As they are all seated in their allocated seats, her beside Kento, Megumi and Satoru, beside each other behind them, a shrill cry of a baby echoes through the miniscule airplane aisle. 
“Hey, Y/n I think our Megumi over here is cranky and needs some shut-eye, do you mind switching with him?” She glances at Megumi, the young boy is flustered, however, he doesn’t deny his needs. She sighs, she’s already had some rest anyways, it doesn’t matter if she foregoes several more hours without it. 
Smiling assuringly at Megumi, they both swtich seats. Satoru also got up from his window seat and gestured for Y/n to take it. “Wanna watch a movie? I hear cliché Christmas hallmark movies really put you in the Christmas cheer!” She only smiles at him, as he takes out a dual headphone adapter from his pockets. Which by itself was already comical, since he is a stable(financially, maybe not mentally,) grown man, and this whole thing sounded and looked juvenile. 
She relents to his wishes, and refusing to admit within herself that his idea sounded fun. The two doctors attempted to rush zoom through all of the ‘Home Alone,’ movies, but Y/n quickly succumbed to her exhaustion and fell asleep once again. 
She was awoken by the pilot’s reminder to put their seatbelts on, only this time, she was the first to be awake. As she glances to her left and sees a mop of white hair, that rivaled the snow outside, resting on her shoulders. It seems the two rested on each other. Which was a totally platonic thing for friends, for colleagues to do. 
Gently, coaxing him awake, as his seatbelt was strewn all the way on the other side the closest to the aisle, not secured on his waist, like it should. For some reason, it might have been the busy night they all experienced, Satoru was still deep asleep.
So Y/n took matters in her own hands, seeing as the flight attendants were making their rounds to check on all the passengers’ seatbelts, and she wanted Satoru to have as much rest as he could, she reached over him to grab the seatbelt. Unfortunately for her, the seatbelt was somehow stuck on both the arm rest, and his lap. And she went to work. With hands as steady as a surgeon, because she is in fact one, she gingerly moves his upper thigh aside as she untangles the seatbelt. 
She sends a reassuring nod to the flight attendant, silently letting her know that she will put the seatbelt on her friend. Giving up, she stands up, or as much as the overhead bin allows her, and made the adjustments upright. 
To her Christmas luck, the plane hit some turbulence causing her to shake and fall. Except her hand coordination and reflexes were outstanding. 
It seems this time it was too outstanding. 
Because right now, her hands were directly on top of Satoru’s crotch and she could only stare in disbelief at her pure luck. Judging by the instantaneous hardening of the extremity Y/n was currently on, she knew Satoru was now awake everywhere. 
Due to her embarrassment, she quickly retracted her hand, which further her want to perish because she lost her balance and quite literally face-planted towards Satoru’s chest. With a shriek, she managed to grab the attention of Kento, but not Megumi since he has his air pods on thankfully. The cardiologist only shook his head and turned his head to the front once more. 
 Satoru’s muscles were already very much established, yet his chest, further proved her point that this man in front of her was not real, for how much did his maker adore him to make him both a certified-genius, and acquire pecs like that? Life was truly unfair. 
She believes that life is even more unfair, not only because of the various glorious qualities that Satoru has been honored with, but because she has not gotten up from her position on Satoru’s chest. It must have been at least thirty seconds since her face plant, and all she could hear were the heavy breathing the two shared. 
“Ma’am, there are children present at the moment. Please refrain from showing too much PDA, and please return to your seat, as we are landing. Thank you.” The flight attendant looked very much uncomfortable with the scene in front of her. 
Y/n did not respond. She did not need to be told twice. Y/n was attempting to hide both her embarrassment, and amazement, as it should not have been that enlarged, for fuck’s sake! She returns to her assigned seat, plugs her metal seatbelt, all in the span of two seconds, and refuses to even glance at Gojo’s way, after she mutters an apology. 
However, if the woman mustered the courage to glimpse at the very grown man beside her, she would have not seen the smug smirk that she was expecting him to parade. She would see that Satoru was as flustered, and maybe even more than her. With a clear of his throat, he looks down and puts his seatbelt on, along with the multitask to adjust his not-so-little problem in his slacks. 
Now that Satoru Gojo is very much awake in all terms, he can put his own goddamn seatbelt.
December 21st (four days until Christmas)
“My baby! I’ve missed you so much, we can’t wait to show you what we did to the house!” Y/n’s mother exclaims as she proceeded to squeeze all the oxygen out of her daughter’s winter jacket-clad body. “Your father has insisted we marinate the ingredients for your favourite soup two days ago. Got Yuji to buy all your favourite midnight snack too! That man I swear, he really missed you honey.”
“I’ve missed you so much, mom.” She smiles at her mom, she knows she doesn’t even have to ask, she’ll most likely leave home twenty pounds heavier, after her parents’ spoiling. With the budding guilt inside her, since she avoided her parents for two years, even avoided their family’s favourite holiday. She expresses how much she missed her mom, by squeezing her with as much vigor, and inhales her familiar motherly scent. “I’m really sorry for-”
“You’re here darling, and it’s all in the past.” Her mother was too pre-occupied with her baby girl that she failed to notice the three grown men in her tow. Kento was pulling Y/n’s small suitcase, and Satoru was pushing a whole airport cart, since he brought three full suitcases, not including a carry-on. Megumi, on the other hand only has one small duffel bag, as he hugs her mother along with a kiss in her cheek. After her mother showers Megumi with her motherly love and fretting, she turns her attention towards the other two men. “And who might they be? Is this why you didn’t want to tell me about your relationships sweetheart?”
“Huh? What do you mean?” Y/n could only stare at her mother, as she glances at Satoru and Kento, the former sporting a unique humble smile, and Kento had a small smile.
“I’ve read about these in Facebook, sweetie. Polymammal? Or was it holy-mammal? Either way, if our little girl loves two people we wouldn’t judge you, baby. Your father will definitely get a heart attack, but it really is nothing to worry about-”
“Oh my god, do you mean polyamorous, auntie?” This time it was Megumi who answered as the three older adults could only stare at Y/n’s mother incredulously. Kento with shock and disgust, Satoru, still beaming like an idiot, and Y/n was too stunned to even form a reaction.
“Yes! That’s it! You’re so smart ‘Gumi! You’ve gotten quite handsome too, haven’t you?” As she gushes about Megumi’s appearance, her daughter shouts in denial.
“Mom! We are not in a relationship. Not even with each other! These are just the two men in my life, that’s it.” Her mother sighs, yet she sighs with disappointment. It was as if she so desperately wanted her daughter to be in a relationship, that she was fine with two men. “You already know Kento, and this is Satoru, he’s a neurosurgeon. And also Megumi’s boss.” She needed to divert her mother’s attention, and fast.  
Because with what happened during landing, and with the event that just transpired now, she does not know if she could chance another embarrassing moment, without her immediate reaction to jump in to oncoming traffic.
Apparently, the fates heard her wishes. Yet, they apparently decided that she should jump onto traffic, for another momentous moment occurred.
“Kid!” Here was Toji Fushiguro, her ex, pushing a bright pink stroller, towards their chaotic group, to sprinkle his own chaos.
Y/n was currently searching for a semi-truck, or even a small car, for this is what the fates wanted right? The fates clearly wanted her to perish, she does not know if it is in embarrassment, or physically. But she would happily do so right now.
Standing in front of her, is her ex Toji Fushiguro. Kento Nanami, who, as the former man grew closer, also inched towards Y/n in a protective manner, as he already knew of their history. And Satoru Gojo, an enigmatic unpredictable man, who also happens to know of her past, only gripped the handles of his tacky blue airport cart, tighter.
“Dad, I told you, I would just get a cab home. No need to bring, Mari in the cold.” It looks like Megumi is feeling otherwise though, as he kneels in front Mari, his sister’s level, and proceeds to affectionately ruffle her raven hair. The baby only gurgled in response.
“We’re here now, kid. Now, stop being a brat, and come ‘ere.” She watched the two men, as Megumi’s father reels him in an embrace, which the younger Fushiguro at first protested at, then relents, even releasing a miniscule smile.
Toji finally turns his attention towards Y/n and her mom. An unsettling tension fills the humongous arrival terminal, and she decides that it must be settled once and for all. “Hi Toji, I’m glad your baby is quite healthy and adorable at that.” After years of practicing medicine, Y/n has learnt to muster a brave face when needed to, and this situation calls for that.
“Ah, thank you. Really, thank you for helping deliver her, we are very grateful to you, and what you did that day.” From her peripheral vision, she sees her mother whip her head between the two, obviously annoyed that she did not know of what transpired between them this year. Toji’s scratches the back of his neck, definitely in embarrassment under the eldest Itadori woman’s scrutiny. “Happy holidays, and merry Christmas, to you guys.”
For some fucking reason, Y/n wanted to spread Christmas joy so much, that she was in a jolly fucking mood, because that was the only reason, as to why she did the most idiotic thing.
“How about we have dinner, together? Only if you’re comfortable with it,” the woman offers, and as she is feeling the absolute trainwreck that it will be. She decides there is no going back.
“I don’t know, I would to cause unnecessary tension.”
“Of course, probably not on Christmas Eve as well. How about the 23rd? Just consider it, please?”
Toji only grins, his scarred smile widening, as they both stare at each other in a silent agreement. The easy part is over. Time to tackle the actually difficult, impossible part.
She doesn’t know what to find more surprising, the fact that she managed to talk to Toji and invite him to a family dinner, or that the white-haired man beside her was quiet the whole time. The lack of sarcastic quips, and back-handed compliments were almost eerie, and apparently, Kento was also thinking the same, as he was only staring at his friend in both shock, and a bit terrified.
Regardless, she took Satoru’s quietness to be a small blessing and urged everyone, apart from Megumi who went with his dad, towards the parking lot. When they reached the car, the two males insisted on driving the one hour trek, towards Y/n’s small town.
Ignoring her mother’s obvious swooning, she sees Kento win their silent testosterone fight, and jumps on the back seat with Y/n. Her mother insisted on sitting on the front for she ‘wanted to keep Kento’s company, as he drives through the boring highway.’ Y/n knew what that meant. Her mother wants to talk to Kento, to collect clues, as to who her boyfriend truly was. And assuming what Kento’s answers were, she knew that her mother will finally know that there was no special guy, in her life. She feels relieved at that thought.
The back of their family vehicle somehow fit all of their luggages but with a tight squeeze as Y/n and Satoru were forced to sit right beside each other.
She does not feel relieved at that thought.
After what felt like a two-minute drive, as she slept soundly the whole way through, her mother was the one to shake her awake. The other two men she was with was too busy hauling the luggages out of the car.
The front door bursts open as the rest of the Itadori family clumber out of their two-story home. Yuji, her younger brother was the fastest out of the two, and crushes Y/n in an embrace. Her dad was waiting for her beside him, and this time, she was the one who launched herself at her father. The weight of missing them the past two years, finally settling in. She feels tears in her eyes, but her father quickly shushes her and kisses her forehead.
“I’ve missed you, sweetheart.” As they pull away, his attention waned from her towards the two grown-ass men, in his driveway. Jin Itadori tries to hide his lividness as he just got back his daughter, and now she has two men after her. He could not believe this. “Now who are these two?” Y/n turns at her mother, as her dad is very much clueless as to why she brought people home. “My love, these are Y/n’s, ah-friends. They’re spending the holidays with us!”
Amazing. Just what she needed. Her father, the man who has become extremely protective of her, was not aware of the company she was bringing. And to make matters worse, it seems that Satoru has a limit regarding his quietness. As this was the moment that he chose to break his much-preferred silence.
“Ah, you must be dad! Satoru Gojo, very nice to meet you, sir.” Sir? Is this really Satoru Gojo, the man who made it his life mission to make their legal team’s life a living hell? The man who never once showed an ounce of respect towards his superiors in the hospital, is this really the same man?
“Ah, yes nice to meet you too, and what’re your intention with my daughter, young man?”
“My intentions are clean, sir, I would very much like to make your daughter the happiest she can be, and then some.” What the fuck?
“Dad, please don’t listen to him. They are just my close friends and colleagues at work.” Her dad sighs in relief, and the situation in front should have been solved after the introductions, greetings, and handshakes, but Satoru did not relent.
“I did not lie earlier, sir, I really do want to make your daughter happy. If she would let me.” Y/n ran her thumb across her neck, making the gesture to murder Satoru if he continued.
“We’ll see about that.”
December 22nd (3 days until Christmas)
Satoru and Kento were shovelling snow. To be specific, they were shovelling the sidewalks of Y/n’s entire street.
It all started when Yuji, announced that he would be shovelling their driveway, then somehow roped Satoru in the menial job, and Satoru roped his friend to do the same, because Kento wouldn’t stop sulking at his damn phone.
Naturally, especially when you see three attractive men doing manual labor, the neighborhood’s aunties caught a whiff of the three men, and somehow, offered to shovel everyone’s driveways and sidewalks. The aforementioned aunties then proceeded to fawn at the men, and they definitely ate it up, along with the various pastries and hot drinks they were offered by blushing middle-aged women.
Basically, Satoru, Kento, are now celebrities in Y/n’s street, along with the already popular and bright Yuji, and would most likely be famous amongst the whole town before the day ends. If the rumours had anything to do with it.
Y/n has no idea though. Since she forgot to set her alarm the night before, too strung up and also exhausted from the previous night’s events, that she fell into a dreamless sleep. And, apparently, stayed in it, until noon that is. No one had bothered to wake her up, or might rather say, no one attempted, if her heavy snoring had any say in just how much she needed this rest.
When she finally rose, all the boys have already returned from their charity work, and with them were all of her mom’s friends. Her living room was filled to the brim, and for one second, she felt like an eighteen-year old again, experiencing her Graduation party. Aunties, and some begrudging uncles were seated on the couch, some were also in the kitchen making pastries, and drinks alike.
And at the center of it all, was Satoru Gojo. Satoru is causing the group around him to laugh quite loudly, as he dons an unfamiliar Henley, a massive contrast to the usual pressed button downs and Armani’s,
“Quite the catch there, honey.” She sees Mrs. Inumaki, her mother’s friend, as the older lady sneaks up behind her shoulder and dreamily talks about Satoru’s pecs and impeccable jawline. “I’m telling you, sweetie, men like him,” Y/n definitely heard a little growl from Mrs. Inumaki, “Are once in a lifetime lovers. Don’t let them go. I can’t believe you would hide ‘Toru from us!”
‘Toru?’ What the fuck was going on right now? She is definitely feeling the Earth’s rotation right now. “Excuse me Mrs. Inumaki, I need to speak with Satoru right now.”
“Yes, don’t mind me. Just an avid observer of the passion of young love. Oh, how I missed your age, Mr. Inumaki and I don’t really do any-”
That was definitely the end of that conversation. She made sure of it.
“Y/n! How was your sleep?” Speaking of the devil, Satoru turns her attention to her, with that everyone in his little group does the same.
“May I please speak to you, for a second?”
“It looks like Y/n has been missing me all morning fellas, gotta go.” After patting several shoulders and beaming at them, like a congressman, he follows Y/n up to her room. “Gotta say, never thought, that the elusive and feared Dr. Y/n would have a light pink room. Are these One Direction posters? And BTS ones? Didn’t know you were such a fan of pretty boys.”
“Why the hell are you suddenly acting like a domesticated father of two?”
“Would you like to be their mother?”
She has no patience for his quips. “Satoru.”
“What? I’m just making friends, and trying to get people to like me, is that so bad?”
“Coming from you, yes.” He puts his hand on his chest, and makes a gesture of wiping a fake tear.
“You wound me. Is it really that hard to believe that I like you and would very much like to socialize with the people you grew up with? Speaking of, I heard of your little stint in freshman yea-”
“What’s your ploy here?” He only smiles, neither denying or answering her questions. “You always have an ulterior motive, so what are you really trying to do here?” She continues to read his frustratingly unreadable face. Y/n started to pace around her room, while she contemplates.
“Nothing. Maybe I just want to listen to stories about your childhood that’s all.”
“Stop acting like you’re my husband! You don’t understand how fast rumours evolve in our town. They’re vicious.”
He only smiles as he walks closer, at a snail’s pace, as he continued to narrow the distance between them. Once he is within two inches away, Y/n regrets her decision of challenging him, as his distinguished scent filled all her five senses. Satoru was both everything and nothing. And that definitely confused her overall logic.
“Is that really so bad, pretty girl?” His voice has dropped multiple octaves, she is sure of it. Refusing to back down, she only held his azure gaze, her anger hiding what they were both really feeling inside.
“Sweetheart, is Satoru in here? Your uncle is looking for hi-” The amazing timing of her mom neutralized what seemed to be live sparks in the room. If her mom had never barged in, she was sure the following events would have been catastrophic for her sake. “Oh my goodness, I’m really sorry! I didn’t know you were in the middle of something.”
“It wasn’t like that, mom.” Except it was, it definitely was.
“If you guys are finished, could you maybe let your uncle borrow Satoru for awhile? Something about the basketball tournament tomorrow.” Satoru and basketball were two things that has never been intertwined in a sentence before. Before Satoru could agree, his phone rings, once again, and his face morphs in to a serious one.
“I’d love to talk about our strategy to crush the Fushiguro’s tomorrow, after this quick phone call. I’d be right down, Mrs, Itadori. Thank you.”
And suddenly it all made sense. Satoru wasn’t being buddy buddy with everyone just to share brisket recipes, he was getting friendly to gather intel, intel about Toji. The bastard is planning on joining the annual basketball tournament, a town tradition, to even compete with the like of Toji Fushiguro and his son.
A menace indeed.
After the gruelling events and enlightenment during lunch, Y/n searches for her other friend. He’s been distant since they have arrived the day before and Y/n felt guilty that she dragged him in the middle of nowhere. He must be longing to spend time with his daughter, which is why Y/n doesn’t know if bringing him with was the right idea. On one hand, Kento wouldn’t feel lonely spending Christmas by himself, yet on the other hand, Kento would also be several hours away from the most important people in his life.
Y/n knew that the man still loves his ex-wife, even if he denies it fervently. She also knew of his apprehensions towards trying to get his wife back. The man was extremely guilty from their divorce, as his wife Mina, grew tired of Kento constantly putting work in front of his family. He was simply a workaholic.
She found Kento seated by the desk in their spare bedroom, that he had to share with Satoru. Judging by the neatness of the queen bed, and the rubble of blankets on the floor, Kento occupied the bed.  
“Hey, you.” Only a nod and a smile was thrown her way. But she was not offended, only a handful of people get to witness that smile. “Are you telling me that you brought charting to your vacation? Loosen up a little, Kento!”
“I have done that, yes. I merely needed refuge from the middle-aged very married women offering to cook me dinner before I depart.”  She laughed at that, Y/n knew firsthand just how vicious and intense, the women at this town could be. Especially, when there are two, very attractive, very rich bachelors on the line.
“Sorry about them, they’re kinda like a package deal with this whole small town. But they all left now though, you don’t have to worry about home wrecking a marriage until tomorrow.”
“Ah, yes, I was also roped into this basketball tournament.”
“Sorry about that too. Basketball is like the main thing around here, and since no one really leaves during the winter, the basketball tournament is our main way to celebrate the holidays. It’s kind of a big deal to them, but if you’re not comfortable, you really don’t have to. Just a bunch of dad’s and younger people running around the high school gym court.”
“It’s alright, your dad explained the entire thing to me and I find it interesting. He’s putting me and Satoru in his team. Something about our heights insuring our victory tomorrow.” Of course. Her dad considers this the biggest deal of them all. The competitive Itadori streak also flows in her younger brother, as the two men have been coming up with strategies over the dinner table.
Y/n on the other hand? She is competitive, but her age has caught up to her, and running for twenty minutes straight is not how she wanted to express her Christmas cheer.  “I know how convincing my brother and dad can be, if you really don’t want this, I’ll talk to them for you.”
“Mina is thinking of moving across the country.”
“What?” Kento and Mina had an agreement, they had to tell each other of their living situations as it concerned their little Sana.
“She’s been cut from her job, and is in recession, the only catch is that the job that is being offered to her, is four hours away.” Mina works as an interior designer, in a designing firm. The mere fact that she has been laid off from a popular designing firm, in a city such as theirs? There had to be some tampering with. Y/n made a note to give her close friend a call to see if she could help with anything.
“Y/n I’ve been driving myself mad, I can’t bear the thought of my baby girl being so far away. But it’s not like I’ll stop Mina, I know how important her career is for her. It’s only quite recent though, two days ago, in fact was when she told me.” Two days ago, was when they arrived here. This explains just how distant Kento has been being.
“Listen, everything will work out alright? You guys will have to talk a lot over, but you’re both mature parents, I know you both will do what’s best for Mina. I’ll also contact some of my friends and try to network around for some job opening in her field.”
“What if I want to do something that might not necessarily be good for us?” Kento left it at that. However, Y/n needed no further explanation, she knew what the man desperately longed for.
“You are never sure if the outcome in your head will be the actual outcome. I say do what you think is best, and follow your heart. Maybe that tragic future you’re conjuring won’t be so tragic.” Kento smiled at her with sincerity and even pulls her in for an embrace. “I’m going grocery shopping with my mom in a bit, she was asking if you wanted to come?”
“I think I’ve had my fill with being ogled at. Thank you though, I’ll quickly finish these charts, your father has invited me to a team meeting in two hours.” Her dad makes it seem like they were at the game seven of an NBA Championship, when in reality, it was only a local basketball tournament. One with only seven teams participating at.
“Alright, text me if you need anything, and please feel free to eat anything you like. My mom will literally kill you both, if you aren’t ten pounds heavier by the time we leave.” He waves her along, both to agree and to kick her out of the room. “Alright have fun on your Championship meeting, papa bear.”
Satoru charmed her father of exemption. Or rather her mother scolded her father to the point that he relented and allowed Satoru to miss their basketball team meeting, to go grocery shopping with them. “We need the arm muscles, do you really expect us to carry massive bird and dozens of bags?” Was her mother’s reasoning. So much for feminism, and equality.
Deep down, she knew her mother’s motives. In her eyes, Satoru is an attractive bachelor who expressed interest with Y/n. Her mother will never pass up a chance to cuff her daughter, that’s for sure.
Her mother’s vindictive planning is further proved true, when suddenly the elder woman felt too tired, and urged Satoru and Y/n to continue their planned trip.
Y/n almost wanted to laugh at just how painfully obvious her mother has been being with her matchmaking. However, Satoru ate it up. He even promised to buy her mom some tea from the local coffee shop, to help her apparently ailing body.
Regardless, she showed no signs of the whole thing affecting her, and managed to keep her poker face until they reached the grocery store. Since, she promised her mom to make her traditional Christmas cookies because if she didn’t it would simply ‘ruin Christmas.’ They headed straight to the baking section with her in front of Satoru as he pushes the cart.
When they reached a surprisingly empty baking aisle, Satoru put both of his feet on the cart’s foundation and zoomed through the aisle. “Satoru! You’ll hurt someone!” Her threats and warning were empty though, as she laughs alongside him. “Seriously, you’ll get hurt!” “Are you concerned about me, pretty girl?”
“As if, I’m concerned about the welfare of everyone else. Plus the children around you as you set a bad example.”
“Mhm, sure.” She chose to ignore him. She felt as if they were treading on once again dangerous waters. So, she turned her full attention on grabbing the needed ingredients for her Christmas baking. Satoru excuses himself as his phone rang. From the distance, she could see that whoever he was speaking to would be terrified. He had his menacing and intimidating look. He returns by her side, announcing his presence with a poke to her side.
After a while, Satoru asked, “I didn’t know you were baking cookies for a whole army, we could have had it catered, y’know?”
“Not everyone solves their problems with a swipe of a card and a phone call, Satoru. Plus, these cookies mean a lot to my mom and her friends. I wanna make it up to her from ditching for two years.”
“Ah, the old, yet very effective, guilt trip from your own family. Can’t say I’m not familiar with that one.” There was more meaning in his tone, she could feel it. Y/n knew that asking might be a bad idea, since it might involve being more open and vulnerable to each other, but she couldn’t quite help it.
“Hm, how so?”
“Oh, y’know the usual things. My parents were never really supportive of this whole neurosurgeon thing.”
“What kind of parents aren’t happy with their child’s success? Hell, you make me proud with your achievements. And it’s so weird to think that it didn’t go to your head, too much.” Despite Satoru being a cocky little shit most of the time, she’s seen his humbler side. Even refuses to admit to herself that she grew attracted to both sides of him.
“The old money kind.” He’s tone seems clipped like he wanted their discussion about his parents to end where he left it. “You know I signed up for Medical School to spite them? After graduating high school early, they were pushing me to pursue business, and I would have, if they didn’t shove it down my throat. So, my petty ass majored in Biochemistry, just to spite them, and turns out I was pretty good at that too.” Of course he was, he’s Satoru freaking Gojo, the person who can literally do anything and adapt to everything.
“Honestly? I don’t want to spite anyone who worked their asses off during undergrad and med school, but none of it was really my thing. Nothing caught my eye really, until I started learning about actual eyes. It was fascinating, but I was still bored.” She could not relate to Satoru. The years of struggling with only her dreams and family’s support to fuel her through, highly contrasted with Satoru’s experiences. Yet, nevertheless, she listened to him. There weren’t any sarcastic quips, or jokes, Satoru was merely sharing his life story with her.
And for some reason, she felt special, and even at peace. She expected to grow enraged by how Satoru was almost bragging that medical school was too easy for him, but with the way he said it, it was pure genuine truth.
Satoru’s genuine truth gave her a sense of significance in his life.
“In the end, I picked the neurosurgeon residency, because it had the longest period of residency. And one of the most cutthroat and renowned fields in medicine. That maybe if I achieved a high enough success, my dad will finally be fulfilled. But you know what Y/n? After everything something is still not satisfied within me. After experiencing how corrupt a hospital’s administration can be, I was not satisfied. At all.” He turns the cart as they move on to the aisle filled with cleaning supplies.
“Well? We can’t really do anything about it right? We’re just doctors.” As awful as it may be, the administration, and the board of directors funding the hospital has the final say in basically anything. Doctors like them, albeit accomplished and well-respected, were still the bottom-feeders against the sharks, and those sharks, are extremely vicious.
“Why can’t we?” He was now sporting a mischievous grin. “Tell you what, if I managed to do something about this, will you marry me?” He makes a gesture of proposing by grabbing one of the Lysol wipes, and kneeling to the ground.
Y/n hurriedly stops him, as this aisle is filled with many of the people from her high school. “Ha ha, sure I’ll marry you. A bit of a heads up, I might already be well-retired and sagging with wrinkles, once you get the higher-ups to change their ways.” She retorted to him just as quickly. It was not that she doubted Satoru’s persuasive skills as a doctor, but that was who he was, a doctor. No matter how bright and intelligent he is, there is always a chance he could be let go by some of the higher-ups.
“Is there a problem with that?” God, this man. Y/n turned away from him, and grabbed a milk jug, along with an oat milk carton. Refusing to show just how affected she was with Satoru’s blatant teasing.
“Do you and your parents’ still talk?”
“Eh, when needed. We’ve been talking far too much for my liking these past few months, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“Well for what it’s worth, I think you’re quite amazing, not because of your position or achievements, but because you’re actually a cool guy. Most of the time.”
“Well that was a very motherly speech. But I’d appreciate it, if you saved your motivating words, for our children, instead.” And that’s how she knew that Satoru’s maturity episode has finished. She pinches his side, not bothering to deny, and drags him to the horrendously line to check out.
December 23 (2 days til Christmas)
Y/n could not sleep. Her phone blared in its ever brightness the numbers ‘1:30 a.m.’ and she gives up. She figures she might as well start on her Christmas baking. Gathering all her ingredients needed to make cupcakes, as she might as well cool them overnight before she decorates them.
The so-called disastrous dinner will take place the same day, along with the stupid basketball tournament her town insists on holding a mere two-days before Christmas.
For some reason, the people in her town don’t leave their homes for warmer vacations, since almost everyone either participates, or watches the goddamn event.
Making sure to make more, since her mother insisted on bringing them over to the lunch potluck. Y/n loses herself in Taylor Swift’s voice for the next thirty-minutes. Until another fills the melodic silence in the their spacious kitchen.
“Need help?” Stumbling a little with the batter as she was surprised at the two men filling up the entryway.
“Sure, but you cannot, and I repeat, cannot eat the batter Satoru. It has raw eggs.” The older man merely grins, as he scoots next to her and props his chin on his hand. His icy-blue eyes drilling holes in her every movement, while her brother, Yuji, grabs another cupcake tin, and begins to fill it up accordingly.
“Not even a little taste?” For some reason, she flares up in embarrassment at his words, since her horny mind translated it to something else.
They finish baking at 3:40 a.m.
Y/n was too tired to even ask, just why Yuji and Satoru were together in the middle of the morning.
December 23rd (2 days until Christmas)
Everyone was ogling at Satoru and Kento. Or practically her whole family’s team as it was made up of her brother, who everyone insists is easy on the eyes, some of her dad’s coworkers, and the stars of the show, the two mysterious city men.
It was embarrassing really, just how much she agreed with the rest of the female population. The team was dressed in a black short-sleeved jersey, and since Satoru and Kento’s presence was not prepared for, it both said “Itadori,” in the back.
Like it was some damn claim.
Everyone flocked Y/n and her mother, asking who were the newbies, who most definitely did not play like ones. Kento, with his broad shoulders, just about ripped the jersey he was wearing, his pecs were in full-view of everyone. And whenever he drives himself inside the paint, pushing past opponents? Y/n could practically hear the dreamy sighs released by everyone in the gymnasium.
Satoru, on the other hand, is so damn tall, that the jersey he was given would always ride up whenever he shoots threes. It would let everyone peek just enough, without giving away anything. It was practically a crime, to see these genius intellectual men, also be exemplary at basketball.
Her dad’s team had won five out of the five games they’ve played. And this game would be the game against the Fushiguro’s.
Megumi’s team was made up of all Zenins. His dad, his uncle Naoya, his aunt Maki, and another of his relatives, Nobuaki. To say that their team was stacked would be an understatement.
Y/n remembers Maki, an underclassman of hers from high school. Y/n shared one gym class with her, and the woman was a practically a goddess. Maki is exceptional at all things physically related and her competitive spirit matched that. Naoya, from the confident smirk plastered on his face, was probably also very knowledgeable about basketball, and Nobuaki, was just an overall big guy.
Not to mention, the father-son duo. Y/n’s team would be in for a treat in this game. Their easy wins would probably end at the last game.
Regardless, the Zenin’s aura did not faze anyone in her team. Satoru even had the gall to wave at Megumi, then turned his attention to Toji, and bowed at him. “Need to respect my elders,” followed what was supposed to be a polite gesture.
Toji only smiled in amusement. Naoya, on the other hand, was offended at the blatant disrespect his relative received and proceeded to snarl like a damn dog.
Y/n reminded herself that this was a basketball tournament held in a town of 3000 people, located inside a high school gymnasium, with only a $100 voucher to the local restaurant as the prize. She reminded herself, which hopefully telepathically have reached the players’ minds, that this local tournament was not the Olympics, nor the NBA. Because, god knows, these men are treating this as the seventh game of an NBA championship.
Embarrassing, really.
Nevertheless, no one shared the same reaction to this game as her, as everyone, including her mother proceeded to cheer from the depths of their lungs for their respected teams.
Let the games begin.
82-84. In the fourth quarter, with only two minutes left.
The score was against Y/n’s team, as she watches Satoru pace with the rest of the players’ raggedy breaths. Everyone in the court, including a very grouchy looking Kento had slowed down, either their age, or their competitiveness catching up to them. In the end, it was only Maki, Megumi, Yuji, and Satoru who were shooting and scoring points.
For the next minute and fifty seconds, neither team could score.
Then a miracle happened. As the shot clock, dwindled down, Satoru positioned himself for a three, and proceeded to catch the insanely powerful pass from Yuji. Like it was from a movie, Satoru shoots for a three. Then he turns his back, not bothering to watch the ball, not bothering to check if it will go in, and proceeded to make his way towards Y/n.
Y/n never heard the buzzing of the shot clock, nor the cheer of the crowd as the ball successfully lands inside the hoop. For she could only focus at the man jogging towards her, as he proceeds to wink and send her a flying kiss. The fucker even added heart fingers to further deepen Y/n’s already deep grave.  
What the fuck was she supposed to do now?
Satoru doesn’t make himself known again until they all met up in the school parking lot. Her mother thankfully decided to hold her interrogation until after, to focus on the preparation for the Zenins’ arrival. Her father begrudgingly said yes, after a couple of puppy dog eyes, from both his children.
Y/n chooses not to bother with the confrontation, as she sees another text, from ‘Mei Mei,’ from her seat beside Satoru.
She was then distracted by her mother’s orders, as the Itadori matriarch proceeded to demand everyone jobs and to clean the house. Save from the two guests, of course. However, surprisingly, the guest who actually offered to help was Satoru, as it looked like Kento was in the middle of a very heated discussion, over the phone.
A little past 6 p.m. four Zenins arrive at their front door. She forces her dad to come with her and greet the guests, as they help them with their coats.
Little baby Zenin was sound asleep in her car seat, the one that Toji has in his grasp, and Megumi was supporting Ieiri as she takes off her knee-length boots.
They really are a beautiful family.
Well, time for hell.
It was actually not as hellish, as she expected. Yes, there were some tension, especially from the two fathers, however, after her mom shoved three beers at them, they both started discussing their game against each other. The two fathers seemed to bond over the fact that Naoya, one of the player’s in Toji’s team, is a dirty motherfucker, who can’t shoot for shit.
She can see how much her dad refused to enjoy the fact that him and Toji were agreeing on things, however, she can also see just how much her dad has missed his best friend. Even if the two old men don’t go back to being each other’s best friend, she is content with the tension that seems to be dissipating between them. Finally, after eight whole years.
“Have they found someone to replace you, yet?” At first, Y/n assumed Megumi was talking to Kento, as her closest friend seemed to want to follow his ex-wife, to wherever she is moving, however, this question, was directed at Satoru.
“Have you stepped down?” Was all Y/n could ask. For Satoru just doesn’t step down, or even quit on things.
“They have actually, they start in the New Year.” Satoru answered Megumi’s question, capturing the attention of everyone else on the dining table. Y/n’s piercing gaze the most.
“Oh? Are you starting in a new hospital, dear?” This time her mom was the one who asked.
“Actually, I resigned from being a neurosurgeon.” The statement was too casual. As if the quitting being a neurosurgeon was just grabbing milk from the store. He forks some of his food, “I’ve just had a better opportunity somewhere.”
“That’s it? You’re just quitting?” Y/n couldn’t help herself. She grew frustrated at just how nonchalant the man in front of her was. Everybody else in the dinner table grew silent, as they all awkwardly witnessed what was supposed to be an intimate discussion between the two adults.
Y/n studies Kento’s calm face, then Megumi’s guilty face. Which prompted her to coming to a conclusion that everybody in their workplace knew. Everyone but her.
For some reason, this matter hurt her a lot. She’s trying to justify how her reaction was reasonably platonic, and not at all a reaction from someone of romantic standpoint.
As the people around them dispersed, her dad and Toji were headed to the kitchen to help out Ieiri and her mom, while Yuji, Megumi, and Kento were headed outside.
“My dad needs an heir. And here I am, a perfectly capable one. It was due time, Y/n. And don’t get mad at them, I told Kento to not sya anything to you yet.”
“And why do you need to withhold something from me, as if I’m a child?” If there was anything Y/n hated the most, it was being treated like one. After years of underestimation from her peers and her past relationships, Y/n yearned the respect of an adult.
“It’s not like that. I really was going to tell you. I just wanted the holidays to be spent without anything looming over us.”
Over them. The way Satoru was speaking it was as if there was something more than friendship occurring between them. Y/n couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief that she wasn’t the only going insane these past couple of days.
“So what’ll happen once we return? That’s it?”
“I’ll be out of town indefinitely.” That sounds like a permanent move to her.
“I see.” Y/n refuses to show any more emotions, she was either too tired of expressing them, or she does not want Satoru to have the power to see them, maybe even both. Regardless, it was no use, as Satoru was really the only one to read her.
“Listen, I’m sorry, but I’ll send you a postcard? And I’ll definitely send you the best wine that city has to offer.”
“You do that.”
She admits that her reaction must have been quite dramatic. However, these past couple of days, she was under the notion that there was something developing between them. At least she thought they were close enough for Satoru to confide in her of matters regarding a damn career change. When was she supposed to find out? Was she supposed to just page for a neuro consult from him one day, and then get told by the nurses that he was no longer a doctor there, and in turn became the freaking heir to his family’s empire?  
It looked like Satoru had something he wanted to say, however his phone rang, which has been blowing up with messages for the past fifteen minutes, and all he could offer her was an apologetic look.
“I really have to take this, I promise I’ll answer all your questions, when I get back.”
She would have taken him up on that, if it weren’t for that blaring familiar name on his phone screen. One that starts with ‘M’, and ends it with ‘-ei Mei.’
Off to the wine cabinet she goes.
December 24th 12 a.m. (approx. 24 hours before Christmas)
Kento was in deep shit. He was absolutely fucked. He not only couldn’t handle the absolute childishness his friend embraces, but he has not stopped thinking of his ex-wife, since the minute he landed in this nice dainty town.
For the past few days, he forced himself to swallow the deep envy and longing from Y/n’s family, and the overall vibe of this town. At first, he pacified his thoughts by blaming his deep seed jealousy towards missing his daughter, but he now recalls, that he just doesn’t miss his daughter, he also misses his ex-wife.
And now he’s engulfed in an ocean of regret and self-deprecation as he recalls each mistake he made in his failed marriage. He murders his mind by dwelling over every scenario and every fight between him and Mina which later caused their marriage’s demise.
With his two large hands clutching his forehead and as he was sitting on the very edge of the uniquely purple guest bed, his two friends catch him in the position.
“Satoru not now.” It did not take him long to say those words.
“Kento do you want to talk about it?” Y/n was trying to be a buffer between the two. After just having first-hand experience to just how insufferable Satoru is, she knew that Kento did not have the energy to put with his antics today.
“Gee, I’m in a room with who I consider to be one of the most important people in my life, and you both want to just shun me and my private jet? Okay.” Satoru Gojo’s flexing of his wealth at this situation might not be the right call. “I’m just saying, don’t you want to use the amenities that come as being my bestest friend?”
Kento raises his head along with his eyebrows, “Just get with it.”
“I have a plane and pilot on standby at the airport, ready to fly whenever. Don’t you think you should use that?”
“Why the hell would you do that? We already had our return tickets booked.”
“Y/n, darling, if you think I’m flying commercial, or letting us fly commercial back, then you don’t know me. If I have to hear another child crying, or eat greasy food, I’d rather walk across the country.” Dramatic as always.
“She doesn’t need me to shake her life.” Kento only says with a dejected face.
“Oh, fuck that bullshit. You’re still in love with her, and she’s about to move far far away from you, this is your literal last chance, with the love of your life Kento, so drop your pride, your masculinity or whatever it is stopping you from grovelling at Mina’s feet, and beg for her forgiveness!”
By the end of her rant, Y/n was panting, her eyes ablaze. Satoru looked genuinely concerned for her health as he hovered his hands around her frame, supporting her but not touching. He was expecting her to drop in to his arms, but the woman did not even notice.
“Sweetie, that was a bit dramatic, but I think our Kento understood the message.” Satoru finally touched her as he rubbed her back in both comfort and to ease her breathing.
She did not even notice how Kento was already packing his clothes and other toiletries he brought, way too caught up in her little sermon, that reminded her too much of her mother.
“Are you sure your mother is alright with me leaving?”
  “Of course! It’s not that she didn’t enjoy your company, once I explained the situation, she was more than happy to be part of your ‘great epiphany,’ her words not mine.” Squeezing Kento’s hands as they both watch their friend from the airstrip since with Satoru’s wealth they could just drive straight to a commercial airport’s airstrip.
“Alright. Thank you for this, really. I’ll treat you to dinner when you get back.” Kento could only smile slightly at her, the nervousness must be settling in as the future events of a very long discussion with his ex-wife will be in mere hours.
“And hopefully, Mina will be there too.” All Y/n could give Kento was a sliver of hope, since he badly needs it now. She isn’t one to be giving false hopes, and she has hunch this also isn’t a false hope.
“Make it a double date!” Satoru quipped, and Kento only shook his head.
“Thank you, we’re even now.”
“Hm, not yet.” Whatever the hell these two men were talking about, Y/n was none the wiser. So, she pulls Kento for one last hug, and waits for him to climb the steel stairs leading up to the not-so-small private jet, with the Gojo logo plastered on the side.
“Should we head home, honey?”
10 a.m. December 24th (approx. 14 hours until Christmas)
Last night’s events tired her out. Not only was it a whirlwind of emotions from both the basketball tournament, and the crazy dinner, but it was also from finally helping Kento get to where he’s always longed for these past couple of years.
It was common, yet unspoken, knowledge, amongst their friend group how much Kento was still in love with is ex-wife, and how he deeply regretted his divorce. Everyone just made the observation one day, and while some (Iori and Y/n) tried to persuade him to getting back together with her, the other two boys just supported their friend towards his decision of staying the fuck out of her life, unless it involved Sana.
So, when Y/n received Kento’s text at 8:00 a.m. announcing his arrival at his penthouse, and has already discussed for a meeting with his wife, she couldn’t help but sigh in content.
Even if Mina chooses not to get back together with Kento, Y/n knows that Kento’s regrets would lessen, and at least one of his unending ‘what ifs?’ would be answered.
There was a pressing matter in the back of her head.
Satoru explained most of what will be happening once they return on the 26th. That he would be set to move on the 28th, and would be in the company’s headquarters, indefinitely. She hated the word, ‘indefinitely.’ Too uncertain, everything was way too risky for her. It’s not as if she was scared of long distance, but the matter of the fact is, she doesn’t even know what they were in the first place to even think about how their relationship could flourish with the long-distance.
Damn her overthinking. Making her ponder over things that doesn’t even have a label in the first place. Everything was all uncertain.
Placing a pink silk pillow over her face, she does what she’s been yearning to do since she met Satoru Gojo, scream in frustration to the oblivion. Soon, she promised herself that she would be screaming at him.
Her house was a chaotic, yet organized mess. Jin Itadori along with his son were out shovelling the snow. Her mom was ordering Satoru to not peel the skin of the potatoes too thickly.  
What a sight.
Donning another Henley, this time it was a ribbed white one, and with his sleeves rolled up his forearms as his hands seem to be soaked grasping the bright green peeler and a russet potato on the other.Y/n arrives at the kitchen to see her mother laughing, at what seemed to be one of his hospital anecdotes, one that consisted of her, apparently.
“Morning, baby! Satoru here was just talking about how you gave that attending a sermon. My baby is quite brave isn’t she, Satoru?”
“Yes, ma’am. She gave me several earfuls too, to keep me in line, of course. Probably the reason I stuck to her.”
As Y/n readied her witty retort, towards what she believed to be Satoru’s sarcastic jab, her dad interrupts her. “Do you need anything else from the store? Yuji and I’ll go on a quick liquor run. Satoru, do you want to come with us?”
“Nothing, dear.”
“Sure, sir.” That was the end of the conversation. Satoru almost sprinted towards the other men, like a coward to avoid what looked to be a confrontation brewing between him and Y/n.
Her mom orders her to continue where Satoru left off, and she swallows the wave of emotion overcoming her.
“Isn’t Satoru just the best?” Here it comes, the matchmaking.
Y/n could only plead with her eyes for her mom to drop it. As she also started to cling to a sliver of hope of something more, even if she refuses to admit it.
Several hours later, they were having another feast, at 9:00 p.m.
Everyone around the table were laughing, and Y/n decided to let herself go for once. She let herself enjoy what the situation was, and a part of her even imagined that this was what it was like if she and Satoru were actually together. As Yuji shared some of his college experiences that included Megumi, and get this, Todo Aoi, Y/n’s senior prom date, they all began to burst in laughter because of the trio’s stupidity of streaking.
Everyone but their mom. Safe to say, that she gave Yuji a lecture, about public decency, which made his story even funnier.
After deciding that the opening of gifts will happen tomorrow, her parents retire to their bedroom, along with Yuji to his.
Y/n it seemed made it her Christmas mission to finish an entire bottle of wine, before she goes to bed. Satoru joins her on the three-seater couch, as they both sat on either side, like they were two awkward teenagers who just started dating.
At this point, the two were twitching. In both anticipation and nervousness. They both could tell what each other wished to do, it’s not like they are both that dense. But both are too terrified, mostly Y/n, of what would happen afterwards. So, they continued to watch the movie in front of them, but they are both too caught up in the storm residing in their minds to even understand a Hallmark Christmas movie.
“So, Mom invited me to Thanksgiving next year.”
Y/n whipped her head, narrowing her gaze and finally landing on Satoru, he smiles in victory, as she had finally given him what he wishes.
“Yeah, your mom, our mom. The really nice lady upstairs who made a banging dinner, and daughter?” He scoots closer to her, the closing distance between them, was suffocating her. And the wine was definitely not helping. “Am I lying?”
The wine that she drank must’ve been spiked with something else.
“Do you want to kiss me?” His grin is gone now, in fact, she couldn’t even see what it was replaced with as he grabs her face and kisses her with wanton. The tension between them developed even further, yet it seemed that Satoru did not want to do anything else except make out.
She was sitting on top of him, as he continues to caress her bare thighs, his lips never leaving a part of her body for even a millisecond. Y/n is trying so hard to quieten her moans, as she really did not want to announce to the whole house what they were doing at the moment.
“Let’s go to my room.”
Satoru only grunts in response, his mind to muddled to even process anything. And he didn’t even drink at all tonight. He didn’t need to. This woman’s taste alone could get him dangerously inebriated, and not to mention, extremely addicted.
Y/n awakes to Satoru rummaging around her room. “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” He hovers over her, and places a rather soft kiss on her forehead.
“Oh my god, not again, did we?”
“No, we didn’t, I’ll make sure you actually remember it, Y/n. And pray, come again, I don’t remember sleeping with you, so please elaborate on this ‘again,’ you’re talking about?”
“Merry Christmas, Satoru!” She only answers him with a kiss in his cheek, which would have progressed more, if it weren’t for the ringing in Satoru’s phone. “You have work, on Christmas day?”
Another thing they needed to discuss. Just exactly who this Mei Mei is.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Y/n could only stare at him in confusion, as he swears. His swear vocabulary only consisted of milder words, this must mean that it was serious. “The jet isn’t here, I told the pilot to come back on the 27th. Book me on the fastest flight there.”
Oh god, could this Mei Mei be pregnant?
“Listen, I really have to get back, like in the next hour. I’m sorry to cut this short. I’ll explain everything tomorrow alright?” Y/n was sick and tired of being patronized.
“Are you serious? Is this just one of your ploys? What you get what you want then, you just ditch?”
“What the hell are you talking about-”
“No, just save it.” She then turned to start to leave her room.
“Just let me explain, please.”
“Just stop, alright? I give up. For one second, I really thought you changed Satoru. But here you are, with the exact same bullshit as always. Guess the playboy in you was just dying to actually get laid huh? And to think I was actually letting myself fall for you. Stupid ass mistake, on my part.”
“Alright. Are you finished? If you’ve said what you needed to say, I’m going to go. You clearly need space to think and that won’t happen while I’m in your vicinity. I’m going to handle this as fast as I could, then I’ll explain everything to you. I promise that.”
“Oh, just fuck off.”
Satoru Gojo actually left.
Y/n soaks her pillowcases with tears, that she desperately tried to hide from her mom, as the woman came in. “Come here, baby.”
And so she cries. For a solid hour. During Christmas day.
How depressing.
Once the tears finally ran out, she notices that Yuji and her dad were hovering outside of her room. The younger guy had a plate of leftover lasagna and a box of Kleenex, while her father carried a hamper. Her father then proceeded to hug her, and strip her pillowcases along with her blankets and comforter that cluttered around her bed. Then the two both left, just as quietly as they arrived.
“You’re so lucky, you got to meet dad.”
“I really am. Our love story may not have been sitcom-worty, but we had our shitty moments as well. Yet no matter how angry your father is at me, he still waits for me at our bed before he actually lies down. Sometimes still gives me butterflies actually.”
“I’m really sorry I avoided you guys.” She starts dry sobbing. “Everything was overwhelming, and for some reason, this place just felt like my prison.”
“Shh, we know baby. We understand you, we may have been sad about it, but we moved on. Now look at us, I haven’t seen you smile this much since you were seventeen.” Y/n only sobs harder, as she shoves a forkful of lasagna in her mouth.
“He’s a really good guy. He’s good for you.”
“Please, not this again, mom. I swear whatever Satoru is doing, it’s just his personality. He likes to play these jokes on me.”
Her mom stares at her, “In my experience, men with eyes like his, eyes that are always directed at you, might I add, are rarely joking, baby.”
“Mom, I swear, we even went on a pretend date, and he chalked everything up to be a joke. We never even talked about it. And plus, he’s always on the phone with a Mei Mei. Whatever it is that I thought was happening between us, is only happening on my side.”
“You know when you were young, and your teachers told me how academically gifted you are, I was both elated and scared.”
Where was she going with this? Y/n could only ponder.
“See, people who are book smart, typically tend to be really bad at love.”
“Mom, I love you, but please enough with the sappy lines.”
“Just shut up and listen, would you?” Her mom continued to stir whatever it was she was conjuring inside the huge dutch oven. “You intellectuals, tend to either be extremely naïve and stupid over love, or agonizingly cynical at it. And you, my dear, somehow are both.”
She averts her gaze from her mother’s piercing eyes, back to the dozens of potatoes in front of her. “Baby, as much as I want to suck all that pain and fear out of you, I can’t. Which is why I admire you, so much. I never had as huge of heartache as what you went through, and you are so goddamn strong for overcoming it. Hell, you even became a freaking doctor. I wanna be like you someday, baby.”
Y/n keeps her head down as an onslaught of overdue tears rushes through her once again. She moved on from Toji. She was aware of that. But what she refused to admit these past eight years, was that she could not move past the pain and trauma. She might have overcome missing and loving Toji, but she feels as if the weight that he caused was still there.
And it was not Toji Fushiguro’s fault. Not anymore.
It was her fault.
For if she acknowledged this fear of love and commitment inside of her earlier, she might have had more progressed towards overcoming it, now.
“Now I have that little head of yours memorized by now, and you’re beating yourself up, with not doing something that you weren’t ready for. I’m not trying to scold you because you couldn’t work this fear of yours out before. I’m just telling you to start now.
“And don’t do it for Satoru, don’t do it because you want to fix yourself so you’re good enough to be with him. Do it for yourself. You deserve the peace, baby.”
She cries and cries, until their supply of Kleenex was used up.
She then proceeded to cry once again, as her dad knocks on her door, in his arms a pile of freshly laundered pillowcases and bedsheets.
December 26th (12 months until Christmas)
In life, they say that one experiences three major loves. The first love is the puppy love, the love where one experiments and is still starry-eyed about every little effort. The second love is filled with heartbreak and realizations one’s boundaries is tested multiple times in order for them to build new ones, with better foundation. This love is the most painful of all, that there will be deceit, lies, manipulations, and countless forgiving until it ends. Y/n had both the fortune and misfortune of experiencing this with Toji Fushiguro.
The third love however, is one that nobody sees coming. This one usually surprises the other. This kind of love creeps up on the person, until they realize that they have yet again opened their heart to someone. Satoru’s love, very much like his patient care is unorthodox, creative, spontaneous. It was much too late for Y/n when she realized that this man-child of a colleague had her mangled, and fragile heart in his hands. She did not realize that through all their useless banters and that all her exchanges with Satoru were not as annoying as she thought. It was refreshing.
Y/n only realized her feelings for the man after his flight had descended. In another city, nine hours away, from where she currently is. The possibility of Satoru not being in her life with her everyday shook the girl to her core. She was reverted back in time to her teenage self, drowning in sadness and in guilt.
And so here she is, landing in the said city, in the middle of the night. The fact that she had never even visited this city does not faze her, as Kento had a majority of the addresses where Satoru could be located at the moment. So, she tried the hotel first.
The front desk would not allow her access.
She can circle back to that, she then attempted his family’s estate.
The security wouldn’t even entertain her.
Understandable. Since it was currently, four a.m. in the morning. If some haggard looking lady with two suitcases in tow, was looking for the heir of this estate, she wouldn’t even give them the time of day either.
As she kept trying to contact Satoru, it kept being sent to voicemail. Promptly telling her, that she really offended him with her awful colorful words.
The last possible option would be the company’s building, or rather the headquarters. The Uber ride to there would be about 45 minutes, so she figured that it should be open by the time she gets there.
It was really cold in this stupid city, and Y/n only had a trench coat with a really thin pair of jeans.
She arrives much later than she anticipated due to the surprising amount of traffic.
As the clock on her phone read 6:30 a.m., she finally gets a glimpse of Satoru. He doesn’t seem to actually process that she was there. And even waved the white-haired woman beside him closer as he whispers something to her.
This was definitely a mistake.
Y/n begins to turn around, however, Satoru must have regained his ability to think back as he then yells over at her, “Y/n wait!” Y/n fucking stops. Appalled at the traitorous action of her subconscious to actually listen to this man’s words as he so clearly was occupied with another woman. “Wait! Is it really you? I haven’t slept in thirty-seven hours, is there really a woman in front of me, Mei Mei?” Ah this must be the lovely Mei Mei, of course. Amazing luck.
“Yes, sir, that is Y/n Itadori, and from what I can observe, she needs some assistance.” Mei Mei then proceeds to wave over two bodyguards, and motioned towards Y/n’s two luggages. “I’ll fetch you both some coffee and breakfast, you both can go ahead to the hotel, if you wish.”
What the fuck?
“Is this the part, where we have a threesome with Mei Mei?”
“I may be adventurous, but I’m very possessive. We will not be participating in any threesomes, unless you want to, of course.”
“No, I’m good.”
“Great, now can I just cuddle and sleep for a couple of hours?”
Y/n was a total idiot.
“So, you’re telling me that Mei Mei is your secretary, here?” A nod. “And the reason why you rushed here, is to stop an arranged marriage, because your psycho board members want to tie you down. And the reasons for your constant calls with Mei Mei was because you’re building a new headquarters in our city, so you don’t have to move. And what exactly?” “The reason why they want me to control me through marriage, is because of the previously mentioned building a whole ass building and moving headquarters to a whole new city. But it’s alright, I’m removing them all anyways.”
“Can you do that?”
“Sweetheart, I can do whatever I want. I’m the boss remember? Now as much as I love seeing that cute confused face, I really want to sleep more.” She moves from his grasp and turns his face towards hers.
“I’m sorry. I assumed everything. I was too in over my head, and all I could think about was when you would break my heart. But you really are an asshole for leaving just like that.”
“I’d rather you get mad at me for leaving abruptly, than to get married to somebody else. It’s you and me, sweetheart.”
“Oh yeah? When did we decide this again?”
“Since we met. You were it for me, and leaving that first date the way it had, killed me. But I knew that I needed to prioritize the company for a little bit, just so I could come back to you.”
“You really moved a whole ass company for me, huh?”
“Babygirl, if you were impressed by that, I can’t wait to show you just how powerful I can be.”
Satoru was now on top of her, and she could only stare at his pecs.
“Well why don’t you give me a demonstration?”
He starts grinning. “Hm, let me double check your blood alcohol content first. Can’t have you drun-” She cuts him off with a kiss.
“I really love you, beautiful.”
“I love you too.”
February (10 months until Christmas)
“Damn I leave for a few months, and you’re telling me Satoru finally grew the balls to ask her out?” Suguru Geto, recently back from his sabbatical chimed as the end of their executive meeting ended. The executive meeting that finally established Satoru as the heir and COO.
“It was rather gruelling, actually, Suguru.” Kento adjusts his white coat. “Having to watch a grown man, size up anyone in her town was amusing though, in a pathetic way.”
“That man has been pining for Y/n for five years, I’d assume a little competition would rile him up.” Iori chirps in.
“Ha, wait until he hears about Megumi.” This time it was Kento that jabbed at the brooding Satoru.
“Amazing executive meeting everyone. Really feeling your welcoming energy.” Then Satoru msut have fully processed Kento’s words.
“What the hell happened between Y/n and Megumi?”
Hope you guys enjoyed this! There will be an epilogue to tie everything together, and ofc so we all find out what happened with Kento:) Happy Holidays! 
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dat-town · 3 years
bound to you
Characters: Jeno & you
Genre: exes getting back together feat dreamies playing matchmakers, so humour i guess with slight asngst because of the past break-up
Warnings: alcohol consumption, there is a furry handcuff on scene
Summary: You wake up handcuffed to your ex. Of course, there’s Donghyuck to blame.
Words: 3.7k
Author’s note: congrats on your degree @lily-blue​, i’m super proud of you for surviving this uni despite pondering whether you should give up halfway. i believe (and wish) your efforts will be rewarded one day, you totally deserve it! love you ♥
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You expected a lot of things when you woke up after Mark's 22nd birthday: a hangover, regret over drinking so much and a day of just lying in your bed, watching Netflix. What you certainly didn't expect was to wake up handcuffed to your overachieving ex, Jeno.
But it was, as most things were, Donghyuck's fault.
It had been almost two months since your break up with Jeno (52 days, not that you count) and according to your friends you were miserable but you refused to even think of the boy due to his behaviour the last time you had seen him. Sure, maybe both of you had been a bit childish and hot-headed but nobody had ever made you feel so insignificant in your life as him with that one word that had ended your year long relationship.
So despite your mutual friends who were basically the reason why you had gotten together in the first place, you both seemed to avoid each other avidly ever since. You had missed out on Jisung's every dance show just because Jeno was on the same team. But at least he had the audacity to not go to Chenle's basketball matches anymore, so you could cheer him on. It should have been okay, you thought, but your breakup took its toll on your friends too because whenever Donghyuck was telling an anecdote you could feel the awkwardness lingering whenever Jeno's name came up.
But after 52 days of successfully avoiding each other, it was inevitable for you to meet. Neither of you could skip Mark's annual, American-style birthday slash pool party. So you decided to handle it maturely in order to not make your friends' lives more difficult. (Okay, you might have been a bit petty, dressing extra pretty just to make him regret leaving you but still.)
“Heya, I thought you wouldn’t come!” the birthday boy grinned at you when he opened the front door with a wide smile, confetti already sparkling in his freshly dyed hair.
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” you reassured him and gave him the booze you brought and his gift before mingling in with the mix of friends and strangers splattered around the house with a plastic cup of cheap beer in your hands.
You bumped into Jaemin who told you all about the girl he had met at the library on Friday and while he had managed to score a date, he had missed his assignment deadline, so his professor would kill him. Then Renjun dragged you away and convinced you to play beer pong with him for the sake of competitiveness and it was so much fun and you felt so carefree that you eventually forgot why you were so nervous about coming and having to meet Jeno. Apparently, Mark's parents’ house was big enough for you two to avoid each other or maybe he decided not to come. Either way, you were keen on having fun, slightly tipsy from the game when Donghyuck giddily waved someone over to join you for another round.
“Come here, man, we gotta beat Renjun’s ass,” he hollered and it registered in you all too late whom he was talking to because in a blink you faced Jeno in all his glory looking at you just as warily as you glanced at him and his outrageously sleeveless shirt. The atmosphere turned tense immediately and the silence was awkward until Mark's yell didn't resonate through the entire living room.
"I'm going to kill you, Lee Donghyuck! What the heck is this?" the celebrated 22-year-old held up something that looked very much like a furry handcuff with his face red like a tomato in front of the boy in question but Donghyuck merely shrugged.
"A handcuff," he said, simply but from the way the corner of his mouth twitched he was close to bursting out laughing like a lot of guests did around them already.
"And why was your kinky gadget inside this birthday gift wrapping?"
"Because it's your present, dummy, you're welcome!" Donghyuck grinned, shoving a drink into Mark's hand and that was how the handcuff made a scene.
You didn't remember much of the party afterwards because you made sure to drink enough to forget Jeno's handsome face the moment you would leave the party. You remembered talking with Ningning in the kitchen and catching some people making out in the bathroom on the first floor but it was all dark after that. (Belatedly you realised that you had missed this: joking around carefully, leaning your body towards him, feeling comfortable in your skin around your friends. Sure, alcohol helped, otherwise you would have never admitted that you didn’t only miss the way Jeno’s eyes lingered on you, but the way he cared, grabbing on your arm when you lost your balance or that mischievous smile in the corner of his mouth when he planned something silly, like throwing a plush at you after he lost the game of beer pong. But now it was all awkward, every action followed by uneasiness.)
Then there you were, waking up in an unfamiliar bed next to a familiar body. But the moment you opened your eyes, you almost fell off the mattress. Except you did not because you were tangled with the heavy sleeper boy and even unconsciously he kept you there, kept you safe. For a moment you let yourself stare at how Jeno's eyelashes fluttered with every breath but then you decided you were too hungover to deal with this crap, so you wanted to leave. Only when you pulled your hand out from under the pillow, you realised why it felt weird as if you were wearing a metal bracelet.
"Ouch, what–" Jeno murmured, sleepy, when you yanked on your arm that pulled his with it thanks to the furry handcuff between the two.
"Lee Donghyuck!" you yelled in rage.
To say the air was tense in the living room within the circle of your friends while being handcuffed to your ex would have been an understatement.
"What do you mean you don't have the key?" you shrieked, mindly panicking because no matter how much you tried to pull your hand free, this shitty toy was stronger than it seemed. Jeno with his stupid muscles even offered to break it but forcing it open was more likely to break one of your wrists, so you gave up on that. 
"It's not in its box and the house is a mess as you can see, so I have no idea where it can be," Donghyuck put his hands up defensively but he didn't seem as emphatic as he should have been. You would kick him in the butt once you were uncuffed, you made a mental note about that while keeping the same awkward smile on your face.
"Speaking of mess, I hope you all help clean," Mark looked pointedly at all of you probably because he did not ask for this party (he hadn't even wanted to hold a birthday party for years now but you all treated it as a certain thing as if it was a national holiday, so there was no way you let it pass, you all showed up even without invitation – his family's house pool probably had some weight in the argument too) before his eyes travelled down onto the handcuff. "Except you two, I'm not sure what we can do with you."
"They should clean, too! Who knows they might find the key," Jaemin singsonged very cheerfully despite the headache all of you were fighting with and tried to subside with coffee. You groaned but knew he was right, you would rather not sit around waiting for your hero like a damsel in distress. You wanted to get rid of this handcuff as soon as possible, so you might as well go and look for the key. But now you couldn't do anything alone which was infuriating for someone who liked their independence that much.
"Let's just get to it," you rolled your eyes eventually, standing up and tugging on the metal cuff around your wrist to get Jeno moving too.
He was quiet all morning for which a part of you was grateful because you were pretty sure you would have snapped at him for anything due to how worked up you were but another part of you found it rather annoying. Maybe because it reminded you of how he had always kept stuff to himself while you were in a relationship too.
"You hold it, I throw the stuff," you said, pushing a garbage bag into your ex's hand (could have been a metaphor but even you admitted that Jeno wasn't a bad guy despite not working out).
"Okay," he muttered simply and that word was so triggering you had to bite your tongue before you said something nasty.
Even though you cleaned up the living room table, kitchen counter and other surfaces free of cups and leftover snacks, it still felt like walking on eggshells around each other. You refused to speak up and Jeno seemed to feel too awkward for any kind of conversation. His arm was quite lifeless next to yours despite the tenseness in his shoulders. He must have relaxed it on purpose, you realised, so that you wouldn't be annoyed by having to yank him harder. But even his consideration infuriated you. Argh, you really needed to get out of there before you dumped everything building up inside of you at him.
"Look at you two…" Chenle spoke up in a tone that held mischief when he walked in on you cleaning off the table and you really didn't want him to finish that sentence but he did it anyway despite your disapproving glaring. "Working together nice and… slow. Hurry up, love birds."
Out of your friend group he was the only one who didn't avoid teasing you like fire about your past relationship from time to time and he actually got away with it pretty smoothly.
"Why? Did you already finish with the pool, Zhong?" you retorted and when the younger guy darted his tongue out at you, you were quite surprised to see a dirty wet cloth thrown at his head by none other than Lee Jeno. If you were still together, you would have kissed him for something like this but now you needed to suppress your urge to smile at the Chinese guy's disgusted face.
"Let us work," Jeno grunted out at which Chenle only snickered but he left without another word and you could return to the table to scrub it off from the sticky thing somebody had managed to pour onto it apparently.
You kept working in silence, not speaking and soon the living room looked as good as ever but there was no sign of key at which you let out a desperate sigh, suggesting to look for it directly but before you could have walked up the stairs, Jeno called out your name, soft and tentative as if he was asking for a grave favour. Oh gosh, what did he want now?
“I… I need to use the toilet,” the boy blurted out after a long pause of silence and looking at each other’s eyes. His simple words made you so relieved that he didn’t ask to talk about the past that you only belatedly realised what they actually meant.
“Oh,” you awkwardly pressed your mouth into a firm line before raising an eyebrow at him expectantly. “You really can’t hold it?”
“I have been holding it since we woke up,” Jeno admitted sheepishly, ears red in embarrassment and you let out a huge sigh as you nudged him towards the bathroom. Of course, he would only tell you last minute. Gosh, if he told you earlier you could have just searched for the key instead of actually cleaning up to not leave Mark in trouble but why does he have to be so damn stubborn?
“Just… make it quick,” you muttered once you stood in the bathroom and you turned your back to him, pulling away as much as you could without keeping him too far from the toilet. Oh gosh, you must have been a terrible person in your previous life to suffer through such awkward things and you will definitely kill Donghyuck after this. You try to shut out the sound of Jeno’s zipper, his breathing or the fact that he was peeing like a meter away from you and you contemplating on trying to get even drunker than last night, so you could forget about this whole day ever happened.
You did pretend the bathroom thing had never happened when Jaemin called everyone to the kitchen for late breakfast because bless his soul, he actually prepared something edible out of the few leftover ingredients in Mark’s fridge. You all ate very enthusiastically since cleaning was even more tiring than usual due to your state. It was all very chill and surprisingly quiet since everybody was either aching or exhausted if not both but then Jisung ever so naively made a careless comment that raised tension again.
“See? It’s not that bad, all of us hanging together again,” he muttered into his sandwich out of the blue and the way he looked over at Chenle, you were sure that your duo was a central topic in a recent conversation of theirs.
“They wouldn’t sit near each other if it wasn’t for the handcuff,” Donghyuck added matter-of-factly and he was right, you would have bolted out of the house the moment the possibility of having to eat together with Jeno occurred. But now, you didn’t really have much of a choice. And you hated to agree with your maknae but it really wasn’t that bad.
“But still!” Jisung pouts and as if he remembered an important thing only when he glanced your way, his eyes went comically wide.
“Hyung!” he called and it was amusing how every single head turned to him since it wasn’t obvious whom he was talking to. “We’re supposed to have a dance practice today.”
Ah, so Jeno, you realized and you panicked at the mere thought of leaving the house, not to mention going to a dance practice with Jeno. You two shared two many memories in those practice rooms. You used to like going there and waiting for him to finish only to see the boy dancing in those sleeveless shirts he liked so much (and secretly you did too).
“I guess I have to cancel that today if we don’t find the key soon,” Jeno murmured next to you, already pulling his phone out to let their teammates know that he might not be able to make it that day.
You didn't mean to look. You just happened to reach for the salt to season your omelette while  Jeno was trying to type with only one hand. So when he closed the app, you managed to catch a glimpse of his wallpaper and the sight of it made your heart skip a beat. You assumed he would have a neutral photo by now, since 52… 53 days had passed but the two of you were his background still. It wasn't obvious to just anyone though, since it was a photo of two shadows on the ground next to the Han river but you knew that it was you. You remembered that day vividly. And if you were looking through your pictures, you would have realised that Jeno wasn’t just there for the happiest part of your life but he made it - you - the happiest then. So no, you could have never regretted the time you had with him, it was precious no matter how bitterly it ended.
So what if there were lingering feelings. Weren't there always? You told yourself you would move on, that it would all – the missing, the yearning, the love – disappear one day. You wanted to put yourself first, to focus on independent goals but what if it was him who was the best for you after all? Jeno had always brought the best out of you though. He made you smile, laugh and happy after a tiring day. But you were different in many ways that caused you to clash more than the ideal. You were loud, lively, super friendly while he was more reserved, quieter and someone who liked to stick with his own people. And yet, you made it work.
It was just too painful, how it ended.
You had been fighting, but it hadn’t been the usual -  being annoyed with him for trying too hard, for exhausting himself too much, for being too selfless - type of fight. It was your first real, serious fight. It started out small, talking about how Jeno had been taking too many shifts for you to spend time together properly then it escalated to you calling him a coward for avoiding you and him implying that you were selfish while he was just trying to help out with expenses.
“Then maybe we should break up,” you blurted out on impulse, without much of a consideration and Jeno looked at you, his breath hitching before letting out a long exhale.
The two sentences that ended your relationship, throwing everything you had away in the heat of the moment and it hurt, how easily he agreed as if he was just waiting for you to say those words because he wasn’t able to. So you agreed too and stormed out without looking back. If you did, Jeno would have seen the tears on your cheeks and you would have hated that.
Since you were still handcuffed together, Mark excused you from helping clean the table and doing the dishes, so you could actually look for the keys a bit more before one of you had to go. Eventually you needed to leave one way or another and Chenle, ever so reasonable, had already looked up some services to call if you couldn’t get out of the embarrassing cuffs (he was laughing the whole way, mind you). Neither of you were keen on going back to the store where Donghyuck bought it to get another just for the key. That would have been way too embarrassing. More embarrassing than accompanying Jeno to his practice, so he could at least watch the others and memorise the moves without actually practicing. Because there was no way you would dance next to him while bound to him. Still, you knew how much the dance team and the upcoming competition meant for him.
“We can go to your practice, you know and sit by the sidelines,” you offered once you checked under the coffee table too. Thanks to that stupid handcuff you could feel Jeno freeze next to you and reluctantly you turned to look at him. He seemed surprised but got embarrassed under your direct stare.
“It’s okay. I can just ask for the practice video from Jisung. I’m more worried about my shift on Sunday,” he admitted and that you could agree with. This whole thing wasn’t very convenient.
“You still work at...”
“No, I… I quit,” Jeno cut you off, scratching his nape before you could call him out for staying at a place where the boss treated him like shit. He slowly met your eyes. “You were right. It wasn’t the right place.”
You could have acted all triumphant, reminding him that you told him so but in that moment, you realised that you were glad for his sake. He really deserved a better workplace even if it was for part-time.. So instead of proving your right, you just acknowledged it with a nod and moved to check under the couch as well but the gentle yank kept you back. You furrowed your brows as you looked at your ex-boyfriend.
“Sorry,” he blurted out so suddenly and your breath hitched. One small word, yet it meant the world.
“What are you sorry for?” you asked, just to be sure and held that gaze of soft brown eyes closely, with a hammering heart.
“For letting you walk away that easily. It’s just… you seemed better off without me,” Jeno admitted and you wanted to call him an idiot, as if you could have been better without his nagging. Gosh, the last almost two months prove nothing but that. 
“Look, I know I was stupid, too,” you cleared your throat, not wanting him to think it was all his fault. “I have already gotten an earful from the guys but... I didn’t mean it and I regretted it the moment I said it but you just… you agreed so easily, it felt like you didn’t even want to fight for me.”
The boy seemed surprised at that and he shook his head.
“I just… I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me, I didn’t think before yelling okay at you and then… I guess we both were too proud to apologise,” Jeno muttered and it made so much sense, it was so you and you hated how it took you 53 days (not that you count) to finally come clean about it.
“I’m sorry, too,” you told him and the smile you received in exchange was already forgiving and heartwarming, almost as much as his fingers finding yours. You knew you still had a lot to talk about and it didn’t automatically mean you would get back together but it felt like a new beginning. A hopeful one.
"Fucking finally," Renjun murmured under his nose but loud enough for you to catch on that you have had audience all along. Jaemin even had a bowl of popcorn in front of him  and they were all grinning from ear to ear. Only Mark looked kind of worried.
“Okay, guys, it’s all cool and I’m super happy for you but my parents are gonna be home in like twenty minutes, so could you hurry up?” he asked in a panicky voice but Chenle pulled him away to make sure the yard looked presentable as well.
Ten minutes later when all of you were getting ready to leave, Donghyuck let out a dramatic gasp.
"Oh no… seems like the key has been in my pocket all along," he said in a fake surprised voice as he pulled the small metal out of his pants and you swore you were gonna murder him one day. But not today because without him you wouldn't have made up with Jeno, so you let it pass. Just this once.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
The Vampire's Masquerade PT. 2
A Jason Todd x Vampire!Reader Story
Word Count: 14,090 Warnings: NSFW (Smut), Explicit Language, Violence, Mentions of Past Assault and Abuse
Author's Note: I made a story mixing DC and Skyrim and you're going to like it because that's what I've put on your plate. I've chaptered the story but Tumblrs a bitch and I can't post the entire thing so I'm going to do two parts. But it's still going to take forever to read. Enjoy! :) -Thorne
***Chapter Six***
He was uncomfortable. He was extremely uncomfortable under the scrutiny of his brothers and father, and yet she looked like she was over the moon as she laughed at another dumb joke Dick told. And he didn’t know what he was more unnerved by, the fact that she’d lied straight through her teeth about what she did for a living like it was the easiest thing in the world, or that his family of “Master Detectives” couldn’t figure out that the twenty-eight-year-old freelance artist was actually a ten-thousand-year-old vampire from another dimension—some detectives they were.
Jason watched as she grabbed the silver fork again and took a bite of the cheese souffle appetizer that Alfred had prepared for dinner. He worried about the contact of silver on her skin. None of the jewelry or silverware in her home was silver, in fact, nothing in her home was silver. It was either bronze or gold. She’d mentioned that prolonged exposure to silver would cause a rash and even if she were older than most vampires, and well-weathered against many of the things that would seriously wound younger ones, he knew it had to be causing discomfort to her.
As she chewed silently, he leaned over, turning his head away so his family couldn’t see his lips moving and whispered, “Is your hand, okay?”
She pressed a hand to her mouth as she swallowed and nodded. “I’m alright,” she replied too-cheerfully for his liking. “Thank you for asking.”
“Is something wrong, (Y/N)?” Dick questioned and they both looked at him.
She smiled and shook her head. “Oh no, I’m alright. I just had a bit of a…womanly pain before I came here earlier.” She sipped her wine. “Jason had some ibuprofen in his glove compartment and gave it to me.” Leaning over, she pressed her lips to his cheekbone, leaving a dark, wine red lip print. “He’s just worried about me.”
While his brothers snickered, Jason glared at his plate, incapable of stopping the crimson spreading over his cheeks. “You’re gonna pay for this later,” he muttered under his breath and she merely smiled in return.
“So, Richard—”
“Please, (Y/N),” he grinned. “Call me Dick.”
“Of course. Jason told me you used to work at the Blüdhaven Police Department. I remember the talent you possessed while working for Haly’s Circus.” Her eyes bore into his and Jason was slightly worried they’d see the auburn behind the green contact lenses. “Did you ever consider a career in gymnastics? I’m sure someone as talented as you could’ve been an Olympic gymnast.”
Dick nodded, setting down his glass of water. “I did compete in some tournaments growing up, but I guess I’ve always had the desire to serve the public. Guess BPD was the closest I could get.”
(Y/N) smiled wholeheartedly at him. “A noble desire, indeed, Dick. I’ve no doubt the family around you is proud of your accomplishments.” His cheeks tinted pink, and he looked down at his plate, murmuring a quiet ‘thank you’, and she glanced at Tim.
“Jason’s spoken quite a lot about you as well, Timot—Tim. He says when Bruce isn’t working at Wayne Enterprises, you act as the CEO.”
Tim glanced up from the souffle, cheeks stuffed, and immediately flushed as he swallowed the food in his mouth. “Uh, yes. I do.” He coughed a bit. “It’s, uh, no big deal.”
Her eyes widened and she leaned forward a bit. “No big deal? That company has so many different branches and subsidiaries! You say no big deal but keeping track of every one is a feat all on its own!” (Y/N) shot him a knowing look and winked. “I bet you’re wicked smart though, hmm? Genius level and you could do it with your eyes closed, can’t you?”
He didn’t say anything, but the small curve of his lips told her all she needed to know, and when she turned her gaze on Damian, he simply rolled his eyes. “Is it my turn for the foolish flattery?” he deadpanned, and Jason gripped the edge of the table.
“Be nice,” he warned darkly and (Y/N) inconspicuously rested her hand on his thigh, squeezing gently.
“I guess you saw through me, huh Damian?” she questioned, and he scoffed, slouching enough in his chair to tell her he was bored.
“Richard isn’t a career cop and Timothy works with Lucius who is the actual CEO.” His evergreen eyes narrowed. “Even you would scrape the barrel for those compliments.”
When Jason’s thigh started tensing, she tightened her grip and smirked. “Rapiers or katanas?”
“Katanas,” he glared. “Cutlasses or scimitars?”
“Cutlass,” (Y/N) replied. “Easier to use in close quarters.”
“Hand to hand mastery?”
“I’d like to say I can hold my own but I’m certain you’d wipe the floor with me,” she teased, and he smirked for a split second then it was gone.
“One last question,” he muttered. “Cats or dogs?”
(Y/N) leaned forward and whispered, “Why limit yourself to just the two?”
For a moment they simply stared at each other, then Damian glanced at Jason. “She’s acceptable.”
“Happy to get your approval,” Jason griped, and she patted his thigh quietly.
“Well, Ifor one am happy to have it,” she finalized, and shifted when Alfred pulled the souffle out of her way and placed down the main course. “Thank you, Mister Alfred.”
He smiled warmly at her. “You’re most welcome, Miss (Y/N).” he placed the other dishes around the table, explaining, “Tonight’s dish is grilled pheasant with a juniper berry and rosemary sauce, accompanied by roasted potatoes and brussels sprouts.”
She watched the others pick up their forks and start eating but her hesitance kept her from it. Juniper wasn’t poisonous to her, but it would weaken her considerably to the effects of fire. She could feel her lungs begin to tighten as she stared at the grilled bird drizzled in the burgundy sauce. All she had to do was pick up her fork and put it in her mouth and smile through it, but she couldn’t manage to do it.
“Never had pheasant before, (Y/N)?”
Her head shot up and she gaped at Bruce who had a knowing look as he cut into it with his knife. “What?” she said, just shy of shocked.
He chuckled. “The first time Alfred made this, I wouldn’t eat it because it smelled funny.” Bruce’s steely blue eyes found hers and he smiled. “I promise it tastes better than it smells.”
(Y/N) gave him a tight smile and nodded. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be awkward.”
“No worries, Miss (Y/N),” Alfred replied. “I would be alright with making you something else, if you wish.”
He started reaching for her plate and her eyes widened as she shook her head. “What? No!” the family stared at her and she felt her cheeks warm. She inhaled and cleared her throat. “Please don’t, Mister Alfred, I’ll eat it.”
(Y/N) cut into it quickly and stuck a piece in her mouth, ignoring the burning sensation rolling over her tongue as she chewed, and down her throat as she swallowed.
She let her eyes widen again and she made a show of gaping at the plate then back to him. “Oh wow! That’s fantastic!” she huffed a laugh an embarrassed laugh. “Of course, I’d be worried about something I never tried.”
Alfred chuckled, as did the others, though Jason knew something was wrong by the way she winced with every bite, but he didn’t voice his concern for fear of letting them know her secret.
(Y/N) stifled a yawn behind her hand and he glanced over. “Tired?”
She nodded. “Just a bit, but I’m alright.”
Jason shook his head. “We can go to bed if we want.”
“But the house is—oh you mean stay here?” she questioned, and he nodded. “But I don’t want to put anyone out.”
“You’re more than welcome to stay here, (Y/N),” Bruce said. “I’d be a horrible father and host if I said get out.”
Laughing, she nodded her head and met Jason’s eyes. “Are you?” He nodded and started pushing back his chair.
“We’re gonna go to bed,” he commented, holding out his hand to her.
She took it and stood to her feet, pushing in her chair behind her, then she looked at his family. “Thank you for inviting me for dinner. It and the conversation were wonderful.” The others smiled and waved, watching as Jason led her out of the dining room and down the hall.
When they were far enough away, he spun around and took her face in his hands. “Are you okay?”
(Y/N) shook her head. “I need to get to a bathroom. I’m going to be sick.”
Jason nodded and pulled her up the stairs. “My bedroom is on the farthest end of the manor. No one will hear you.” He shot a worried look back at her. “What was it?”
“The juniper sauce,” she groaned, putting the back of her hand to her mouth as her stomach churned uncomfortably. “It weakens my ability to resist fire.” She suddenly stopped, leaning against the wall, and Jason gaped as her skin flushed with red swirls, all the way from her face to her toes.
He wasted no time, immediately picking her up in his arms as he all but sprinted to his bedroom, shoving the door open with his hip. (Y/N) saw the bathroom in the corner of the room and rolled out of his arms, almost gliding to the bathroom—he barely saw her move, like flash steps—in one place one moment in another the next.
She slammed the door behind her, and he closed his bedroom door as he heard the toilet seat shove open, and she began retching. Jason felt terrible as he locked the door and made his way to the bathroom, listening to her. He also felt very disturbed because he’d never heard such violent convulsing.
“Are you okay, (Y/N)?” he worried. “Can I do anything?”
A low groan followed by another round of vomiting sounded from inside and she grunted, “I’d ask for—ngh—clean blood but…but I just have to—oh Divines—ride out the effect.”
Jason didn’t like that answer. “Give me something to do, doll. I feel horrible.”
“It’s not your—ugh—fault, darling,” she hissed. “Just—just get in bed and wait for me.”
(Y/N) went silent after that and he was still beside himself about her, but at least she wasn’t puking anymore, and Jason heaved a sigh, moving away from the door to sit on the bed, eyes still trained on the bathroom.
It was almost three full hours before the bedroom door opened and he shot up, eyes wide but still hazy from sleep. Jason hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep.
(Y/N) thrust a thumb back towards the bathroom. “I borrowed an extra toothbrush and your mouthwash,” she muttered. “I hope you don’t mind.”
He shook his head, holding out his arms and she walked to him, letting him wrap them around her legs as she rested her hands on his shoulders.
“Are you feeling better now?” he questioned, eyebrows pulled in concern and she offered a smile that looked a lot like a grimace.
“I’d prefer to avoid any flames for the time being, but yes, I’m much better now.”
Jason lowered his head. “I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I didn’t know that juniper was poisonous to you.”
This time she did smile as she crawled into his lap, letting him bury his face in her shoulder. “You didn’t know, Jason.”
“I should’ve,” he mumbled, words muffled against her sweater. “I should know by now what’s going to harm you.”
(Y/N) sighed and pulled back, stifling a giggle when he whined from the loss of contact. “Look at me, Jason,” she murmured, and he did albeit shamefully. “I can be harmed by anything that you can be. Gunshots, stab wounds, physical attacks,” she shrugged. “Food is not so much a touchy subject. The things that make me ill are far, few, and in between.”
She placed a hand on his cheek. “It just so happens that juniper is one of those things, but it’s not your fault and neither is it anyone else’s. Things just happen sometimes.”
He took a moment to absorb her words, then he asked quietly, “…Are you sure you’re feeling better?”
(Y/N) gazed at him, and something in her eyes made his body flush with desire and she suddenly grinned. “I can show you if you’d like?” Rather than waiting for a response, she slipped off his lap and sunk to her knees in front of him and Jason’s legs automatically spread to accommodate her. She giggled. “I guess you know where this is going, darling?”
“I think and I very much hope it is,” he agreed, heart fluttering, watching with enjoyment as she placed her hands on his thighs and shoved them farther.
“Take your pants off,” she commanded lowly, and Jason was scrambling for his belt buckle, then shimmying out of his jeans. (Y/N) gave an amused hum. “I’ve half a mind to make a joke about how obedient you are.”
“You’re a woman worthy of my obedience, (Y/N),” he replied simply before stripping his shirt staring down at her on her knees for him.
She chuckled and biting at his thigh. “I’m worthy of a lot,” she retorted. “Much more when I was back in my homeland.”
“Did you sit on a throne and rule over the people?” he questioned, grunting when she dug her fingers underneath the seam of his boxers.
(Y/N) leaned up, lips brushing his ear as she whispered, “Oh darling, I was the most powerful being alive. There was nothing I didn’t have.” She shoved him back so that he was propped up on his elbows and she pressed kisses to his chest, nipping her way down his body until she got to his groin.
Jason was already hard, and she curled her fingers in his boxers and tugged them down and off when he lifted his hips. She took his length in her hand and gave him a tug, smirking when his hips jumped, a grunt escaping him, then she stilled, and he gaped at her.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, voice straining as he barely kept himself from thrusting into her grip.
“Oh, I’m simply waiting for you to tell me what you want.” (Y/N) responded with a pleasant smile and he scowled.
“Isn’t that a little obvious?” he retorted, inhaling when she nipped at his thigh.
“What? You mean the way your cock is standing at attention for me?” she rolled her eyes “I had no idea.”
Jason growled and cocked a leg up, nudging her behind. “I want your mouth, (Y/N).”
“Say please,” she cooed, shifting her hand so she could run her thumb up the thick vein that ran the length of him.
He groaned and briefly shut his eyes as she applied pressure. “Please, (Y/N).”
“Just a little more, darling,” she murmured, nipping the juncture of his thigh and pelvis.
“(Y/N), please, put those pretty lips on my cock and suck me,” he begged, and Jason’s eyes went wide when she obeyed, taking his head in her mouth. “Fuck,” he cursed, expression contorting with pleasure as she dipped her tongue into his slit, her hand starting to move on his length.
She hummed and his back arched as the vibrations went straight through his cock, then she flattened her tongue and took him into her mouth as far as she could.
“Oh shit, (Y/N),” he breathed, and shifted one of his arms, curling his hand around her head. Jason groaned as her jaw went slack and he tugged her, watching her head bob up and down.
Hollowing her cheeks, she pulled back and kept his head in her mouth while her hand slicked up and down his cock.
“(Y/N),” he purred, and she met his teal eyes. “Touch yourself for me, doll.” He let out a moan when he saw her free hand disappear between her thighs. Jason couldn’t see but when he heard her muffled gasp and felt her knees spread, hitting his ankles, he knew she was.
“Are your fingers inside?” he questioned, and she hummed, bobbing her head as she pushed her digits in herself. “Imagining my cock instead?”
Her eyes found his and he saw the desire clouded with irritation—Jason did get cocky when it came to sex. (Y/N) lifted her head and swirled her tongue around the head of his length, sucking sharply and his hips jerked, as he let out a startled moan.
“Right there, doll. Right there.” Jason moved his hand and cupped her cheek, pressing his thumb against his head when it poked the side of her mouth. “I wanna know what lucky bastard you practiced on to get this good,” he praised. “Fuck, your mouth is talented.” She smirked around his cock and tongued his slit again. “I’m gonna come of you keep doing that, doll.”
He immediately realized that was horrible to tell her because with her track record, she would’ve started teasing him, but evidently, she wasn’t in the mood too because she did it again. And again. And again. Until Jason’s hips were rising off the bed and he was whimpering quiet little, “Yes, yes, yeses.”
And the warmth spread across her tongue, bitter, but she groaned and swallowed him, all the while Jason’s eyes were screwed shut, toes curling as the tightness in his gut suddenly snapped.
(Y/N) pulled away when he moaned lowly and he watched her press her cheek to his thigh, staring up at him with glazed eyes as she panted and he reached down, caressing her cheek.
“You did so well, doll. It’s your turn, please.” He pleaded, thumbing her lip and she took it in her mouth, sucking it. Jason’s gut stirred again, and he begged, “Come on your fingers, (Y/N). All over them. Come for me.”
He watched her go still, then shudder with a pitched whine against his leg before she collapsed against him with a heavy breath. They caught their beath, then she rose and climbed onto the bed, lying beside him.
For a moment, they were silent, then he commented, “That was incredible.”
(Y/N) giggled and turned her head, kissing his shoulder. “Tell me about it.”
She sighed, feeling sleep calling to her and he murmured, “Tired?”
“A bit,” she answered. “I might be more resistant to things because of my age, but I definitely notice that I recover slower.” She shimmied out of her pants and sweater before crawling up to the covers.
Jason followed, slipping underneath with her, and he pulled (Y/N) into his arms, lifting the sheet and comforter over them.
“Sleeping it off can’t hurt, huh?”
She snorted halfheartedly, already feeling her eyelids drooping as she propped her head on his shoulder, nose brushing against his neck. “That’s how I’ve dealt with…a lot of my problems.”
He chuckled. “Same here, doll.” Jason kissed her forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” (Y/N) murmured, and he felt her breathing even out against his throat moments later.
***Chapter Seven***
The werewolf hadn’t shown up in a month, and while the citizens of Gotham had celebrated by returning to the nightlife, like the idiots they were, Jason and his family knew otherwise that it was still out there, waiting for another hunt. At least, that’s what (Y/N) had told him, and he believed her more than anything though even she herself was concerned about how quiet the nights had become, and he’d gotten more than comfortable patrolling with her following close behind in the shadows, usually invisible to avoid detection.
Jason knew she was using him as bait for the Lycan, waiting for it, to see if it would try attacking him. Had it been anyone other than her, he would’ve said hell no, but he knew (Y/N) was always watching him and his surroundings, and there was no one he trusted more to watch his six than her.
That being said, she wasn’t with him that night, a call from one of the council members had finally come and she’d stayed behind to discuss a course of action, leaving Jason to patrol his portion of the city alone. He was fine alone but (Y/N) insisted that Nevermore come with him just in case; he agreed when she shot him that firm glare and he couldn’t help but cave, sighing when the raven pecked at his helmet, sitting atop his shoulder pads.
Jason stood on the ledge of the clocktower, staring out at the large expanse of city before him. Usually, he knew where to start but right now he kept running the “If-I-Were-Blank-Where-Would-I-Hide?” question, wondering where a werewolf would be—it wasn’t in the sewers, they’d checked multiple times.
He sighed just as the sound of boots came behind him and he glanced over his shoulder, seeing Nightwing and Red Robin coming his way. “Hey,” he muttered, going back to the city.
“You’ve been up here for like thirty minutes, Hood. The city isn’t going to patrol itself.” Nightwing commented. “Something on your mind?”
He shrugged. “Trying to think where it’s hiding.”
“The werewolf?” Red Robin questioned, though it sounded rhetorical.
“Yeah,” he replied. “All this city space and one giant beast. You’d think we’d be able to find it.”
“Maybe it got shot with a silver bullet?” Nightwing offered. “Or taken up by animal control?”
Red Robin snickered but Jason merely raised his arm and whistled, waiting while his brothers stared at him like he had three heads.
A low croak sounded above, and they watched as the raven fluttered and perched on his wrist. “Find anything?” he asked it and the bird turned its head and shook it. “Damn,” Jason cursed and fished around in his pocket for a treat. “Keep a lookout would you, bud?” The raven cawed and took off into the night sky once more.
“Was that a crow?” Nightwing asked, blinking in shock and Jason bristled.
“He’s a raven. Name’s Nevermore.”
“Where’d you find a trained raven?” Red Robin quizzed with wonder.
Jason glanced at him. “He’s (Y/N)’s.”
Nightwing’s jaw went slack. “She’s—she’s got a raven?”
“And a wolfdog, two cats, and a Neapolitan Mastiff named Fang.” He looked at his eldest brother. “The little demon-spawn would keel over if he met them.”
“Wait, if Nevermore’s (Y/N)’s raven…and he’s with you…does that mean…?” Red Robin trailed off and Jason nodded.
“Yeah, she figured out pretty quick actually,” he remarked. “She’s a lot more than what she lets on.”
“What? Is she like us?” Nightwing joked, Red Robin cackling along and Jason turned his head.
“(Y/N) outclasses every one of us. Especially Bruce. In every way. And I’m not saying that because I’m her boyfriend. I’m saying it as warrior who knows she’s my better.” It was all he said before diving off the ledge, shouting, “Have fun patrolling your sectors, losers!”
It had come out of nowhere during the evening and knocked him out of mid-grapple before he’d even realized what it was. Jason rolled along the rooftop a couple times before he slammed into the barrier with a pained grunt. Gravel scattered across the roof and he looked up, seeing the werewolf hunched over on all fours, saliva dripping from its jowls as it growled, and he felt his stomach clench in fear.
“Ah crap,” he hissed quietly and slowly got to his feet, all the while the beast started edging towards him.
A sharp cry echoed above and stupidly, he looked up to see Nevermore. It was all the time the creature needed, lurching forward with a snarl.
Jason brought his arm up as the werewolf’s clawed hand came down at him. It tore through his brown leather jacket like it was a wet napkin, and he thanked God that (Y/N) had taken it upon herself to reforge most of his body-armor plates because when the creature’s nails raked across his wrist guard, it sparked viciously, but didn’t shear.
He cocked his leg out and hit the beast in the stomach as hard as he could, shouting, “Nevermore! Go get her!”
Another cry sounded above, and Jason prayed that he had the strength to hold out as the Lycan came back his way.
She rubbed at her temples and resisted the urge to slam her head into the wall for what seemed like the millionth time. “I know, Alexander,” she griped. “I know what the council designations are. I fucking wrote them. What I want to know is when are you imbeciles going to contact the Lycan Alliance Colony in Virginia so we can figure out who the hell is in Gotham.”
The vampire on the line sighed. It’s not that simple, (Y/N), and you know it.
“Not that sim—Alexander, all you have to do is pick up the fucking phone and contact the chambers. Then you meet and acknowledge the problem and contact the LAC in Virginia. How hard is that?”
It’s time consuming, (Y/N). We’ve already got—
I will contact Lady Heady and Lord Bartholomew and see what we can fit into our schedules.
(Y/N) bit her tongue so hard it bled and before she could speak, something flapped against her living room window, frantic squawking following. She put the phone down, ignoring the vampire’s calls and opened the window, gaping at Nevermore who was still cawing wildly.
“Nevermore!” she shouted, trying to calm him. “It’s alright! What’s the matter?”
He hopped repeatedly along the window ledge and croaked, pointing his beak back towards where he’d flown and she bent forward, smelling his feathers—its blunt scent invaded her senses and she recoiled with a hiss.
“Where is it?” (Y/N) demanded, deathly quiet.
Nevermore answered her with a squawk and she grabbed the window ledge, her skin turning that dark gargoyle shade as her fingernails grew, scratching the wooden frame, and her eyes glowed a bright crimson.
Jason’s back hit the edge of the roof, knocking the wind out of him, and he collapsed into the gravel. He pitched forward, catching himself on his hands while he coughed harshly, blood splattering across the rocks. His left arm had already gone numb from blocking every swipe and his right leg was bleeding in three different places; he was sure he’d broken multiple ribs too; maybe his sternum, but in the grand scheme of things, Jason was lucky the werewolf hadn’t disemboweled him yet.
A growl made his head cock up and his breathing stuttered as the beast came around for another swipe. He tried to climb to his feet, but he couldn’t. He’d wasted way too much stamina blocking and waiting the fight out, and now he had nothing left. His body was too tired to keep moving. He was going to get ripped to shreds all the while mentally aware.
Jason’s eyes went wide as it got within striking distance, and a blur of gray overtook his vision and the most vicious snarl he’d ever heard filled his ears. He watched as the blur suddenly expanded and in the light of the city, he saw the full-bodied, gray wings stretched out before him. He thought it was Bruce at first. The points of the wings were sharp and black, and Jason saw the muscled legs beneath them, just as he looked up and saw the white-haired head snarl again, baring its razor-sharp teeth.
His eyes darted to the werewolf who was coming back to strike. The creature let it come, dodging the arm before it struck back, a single slash with its long, black-clawed hand and the beast recoiled with a cry of pain, bright red blood flowing down its face. The clawed hand dropped something, and Jason gaped as one of the werewolf’s yellow eyeballs bounced; it was quickly squashed into mush by the creature who screeched one last time and the Lycan turned tail and fled, outmatched, and wounded.
When it was clear, the winged being turned and Jason shifted back just a hair as he came face to face with the ashen gray creature. His breath caught in his throat as he took in the facial features, gaunt skin pulled taut over high cheekbones, nose flat and pointed with wide nostrils, brow bone full over its eerie crimson eyes. His gaze lowered to the thin-lipped, open mouth and he stared at the pointed teeth and canines.
“Jason,” it boomed, voice like thunder, and knelt, clawed hands reaching out. He wanted to move away but couldn’t, and when the ice-cold palm touched his cheek and its eyes narrowed in what looked like concern, suddenly he realized.
“(Y/N)?” he whispered, and she nodded, placing her other palm to his cheek.
“I got here as soon as Nevermore called,” she replied, then looked down his body. “Divines, Jason. We—I have to get you somewhere safe.” She moved, one arm curling under his legs, the other his back and she lifted him like he weighed nothing.
He let his head rest on the frigid gold metal covering her shoulder, but it was nothing compared to the relief he felt now that he was safe. “Held out as long as I could,” he groaned, and she stepped up onto the ledge before spreading her wings out.
“You did well, darling,” she praised. “I’m proud of you despite my fear.”
Her voice sounded so distorted from its usual one, but Jason wasn’t bothered—this was still (Y/N), just another form. She took off the ledge in the opposite direction of her home and he inhaled sharply when he went weightless, her heavy wings beating around them.
“I have you, Jason. You will not fall,” (Y/N) affirmed. “Rest darling, you will need it.”
Far be it from him to disobey a request like that, especially with how exhausted he was, and the last thing he remembered was comforting beat of her wings, and the soothing timbre of her voice.
The sound of calmly running water woke him and when he came to, Jason felt like he was laying on a bed of stone. When he turned his head and looked beside him, he realized he was laying on a bed of stone. With a groan, he pushed himself up and glanced down at his body as the blanket covering him fell down. He was still in his undergarments, but he had no stiches or scars and he wondered if (Y/N) had used her magic to heal him this time.
At the thought of her he looked around, eyes widening at the amazement surrounding him. He sat on a stone bed surrounded by ankle deep water in the middle of what looked like a natural waterfall. Ivy grew along the walls of the cavern and he saw the moon shining on him from a hole in the ceiling. It felt like one of those ethereal places you only ever dreamed of discovering.
Drawing his eyes down, he saw (Y/N) sitting at the end of the stone bed, no longer in her other form, her legs crossed beneath her, eyes closed. Her hands were resting on her knees, palms up and he watched the purple magic swirl between them, like the northern lights, and Jason took a moment to just gaze at her. She looked beautiful. Peacefully beautiful.
He reached for her. “(Y/N).”
Even though his voice was a whisper, her ember eyes snapped open, and the purple spell faded as she breathed, “You’re awake.”
Jason blinked. “I thought you were meditating or something?”
(Y/N) shook her head and inched forward so she could sit next to him. “I was spellcasting while you recovered.”
“What spell?”
“A life detection spell. I wanted to make sure nothing came here while you slept.” She raised a hand and brushed it through his hair before sighing, “Thank the Divines you’re alright. I—I was so scared when I got you here.” Her hand moved to his face, cupping his cheek.
Jason reached up and cradled her hand to his face. “Did something happen?”
“You had already slipped unconscious, and I was worried you were losing too much blood internally.” Her thumb twitched against his skin. “I pooled all my magic into my Restoration spells and healed you for the better part of two hours.” She gazed at him. “Are you hurting anywhere?”
He shook his head. “Nowhere, (Y/N). I feel great, in fact. Like I’ve lost aches I didn’t know I had.”
She returned his quip with a halfhearted smile. “Yes, that’s the power of Restoration healing.”
“But you don’t seem very happy about that.” He commented and she shook her head.
“You were almost murdered because I wasn’t with you and the werewolf got away.”
Jason wrapped his free arm around her waist and pulled her to him, laying back on the stone bed. She laid her cheek against his bare chest, her hand flat against his heart. “(Y/N), you got there in time. That’s all that matters to me,” he murmured as he rubbed her back.
“But you were hurt.”
“You healed me.”
“The werewolf still got away.”
“Then we’ll find it again,” he countered and propped his arm behind his head, gazing at her. “You scratched it’s eyeball out and it bled. There’s DNA on that rooftop we can use to track it with.” He smiled. “For someone who hasn’t done this in a while, you proved you’ve still got it.”
(Y/N) exhaled through her nose, but she cracked a smile. “Thank you, Jason.”
He hummed. “Always, doll.” He kneaded his fingers into her flesh, asking, “Did you learn anything when you were fighting it?”
“I did,” she said. “I’m falling on intuition here, but I think it’s feral.”
“Feral? Like wild?” Jason made a face. “They are wild werewolves?”
(Y/N) snorted. “Indeed, there are.” She propped her chin on his chest and looked at him. “Vampirism and Lycanthropy are quite different when it comes to actually being the creature you become. Vampires completely transform—we’re no longer humans. But werewolves are still humans, they just have the wolf spirit inside.”
“So what? They call on the spirit to transform?”
“Mhm. When you take on the wolf form for the first time you call on the wolf spirit, but some can’t separate the animal from themselves and eventually go feral. Trapped. Lost forever.”
His eyes narrowed like he was figuring something out. “Sounds like you’re speaking from personal experience.”
(Y/N) nodded. “At the time that I accepted the gift of vampirism, I was a werewolf, but Harkon’s blood purged it from my body.”
“The way you talk about him makes him seem like some overlord who was in power because he was the greatest vampire. Was he like a pureblood or something?”
She shook her head. “No. Harkon wasn’t a pureblood, but he did get his vampirism straight from Molag Bal and not another vampire like the ones in his court.”
Jason’s brows furrowed. “Who the hell is Molag Bal?”
Her mouth opened, then it snapped shut and she tipped her head side to side. “Okay, this won’t make sense unless I explain it completely.” He gestured for her to continue. “So, in my realm there are two types of deities which we worship. The first are called Aedra, which roughly translates to ‘our ancestors’, and they are essentially the Gods that created the lands and everything. In the most common pantheon, there are eight Aedra: Akatosh, Arkay, Dibella, Julianos, Kynareth, Mara, Stendarr, and Zenithar. Each correlate with some type of virtue: beauty, love, time, fortune, fortitude, you get the point.”
(Y/N) took a breath. “The second kind of deity are called Daedra and that translates to ‘not our ancestors’. They’re typically viewed as evil and worshiping them out in public is not a good idea. Daedra worshipers are very secretive about their beliefs for fear of persecution. I have witnessed it firsthand,” She admitted. “There are seventeen Daedric deities and they are: Azura, Boethiah, Clavicus Vile, Hermaeus Mora, Hircine, Jyggalag, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Mephala, Meridia, Molag Bal, Namira, Nocturnal, Peryite, Sanguine, Sheogorath, and Vaermina.”
“Who did you worship out of both?”
“When it came to Aedra, I really only followed one deity and that was Akatosh. I was—am blessed with great power and called, ‘Dragonborn’. My body is normal, but my soul is that of a dragon. I can speak their tongue and do lots of other weird shit I’ll tell you later. But Akatosh divinely gifted me the soul and blood of a dragon so I hold him in reverence.”
“Is that why you always say ‘Divines’?” he questioned, and she nodded. “That explains a lot.”
(Y/N) snorted. “When it came to the Daedra however, it’s hard to exist in my realm and not at some point interact with them. They like messing with people, it’s…their nature to change things.” She tipped her head. “I’ve talked to them all, met four in person. I personally reverenced Azura, Meridia, Nocturnal, Sanguine, and sometimes Sheogorath, but honestly that fucker is balls to the walls crazy.”
Jason chuckled. “Sounds like he’d fit right in with Gotham.”
“Oh, he would, absolutely,” she agreed. “But, to answer your original question, Molag Bal is a Daedric Prince who is revered as the Lord of Domination and Enslavement. He is also the father of all vampires, though the first woman was…not a willing participant of the process.” He fell silent at her words. “He raped her and left her for dead. Legend has it that he shed one drop of blood on her brow and when a tribe found her, they tried to heal her, but she appeared to have died. They made her a funeral pyre and lit it.”
(Y/N) frowned. “She walked out of the flames as the first pureblooded vampire and in a fit of rage, slaughtered the nomads, ripping the women’s throats out, feasting on the children’s eyeballs, and raping the men.” Her voice quieted. “She became known as the first ‘Daughter of Coldharbour’.”
Her eyes found Jason’s and she could see the horror and revulsion within them; she didn’t blame him. “She is where vampirism descends from in my lands, unless Molag Bal grants it instead.”
Jason took a long moment to speak, and when he did, his voice was almost a whisper. “You said she was the first? Were…were there more?”
(Y/N) nodded. “A tradition grew amongst his worshippers where on his invocation day, the females of the cults would be offered to him. The women lucky enough to survive emerge as pureblood vampires and henceforth referred to as ‘Daughters of Coldharbour.” Her eyes darkened. “My friend, Serana, who was Harkon’s daughter…was one. As was her mother. They both were a part of the ceremony.”
“They did so willingly?”
She couldn’t help but shrug. “They were his followers and being selected to participate in the ritual was held in great honor and not something that was rejected lightly. Knowing Harkon…Serana and her mom didn’t have a choice but to accept it. Though Serana told me all I needed to know about the ceremony. It was degrading and agonizing, and she didn’t want to revisit it.”
They fell silent and Jason mulled a question on his tongue that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to ask or not until she whispered, “You can ask me whatever it is you wish to, Jason.”
His hand tightened on her back. “Did you…are you a…”
“A Daughter of Coldharbour?” he nodded, and she shook her head. “No. Even if Molag Bal had ever personally requested my presence I would never accept.” Her eyes darkened with a hatred so cold, Jason almost shivered. “If Daedric Princes could be killed, I’d’ve stomped into his domain and slaughtered him for everyone he’s hurt.”
(Y/N) stared into his eyes. “Are you relieved I’m not one?”
Jason’s expression filled with agony. “No, it’s…the thought that you could’ve endured such an event just…makes me—it makes me—”
She cut him off by leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips. “I know,” she murmured. “I know Jason…and thank you.”
Pulling away enough to gaze at her, he breathed, “I love you, (Y/N). More than you will ever know.”
“I love you most,” she promised, resting her head back on his chest. “Rest, darling. We can both still rest until the morning.”
***Chapter Eight***
Jason hadn’t spoken to Bruce about the incident with the werewolf, knowing that it would also involve (Y/N)’s secret too. Instead, they both started their own tracking of the Lycan in addition to the normal route patrolling. Apparently as well, in her haste to get to him that night, she’d grabbed a bottle of wolfsbane too and applied it to her claws. Its healing capabilities would be slowed down considerably, and she’d assured Jason that the wound she’d given it would take at least a month of healing meaning they’d have some time to do more tracking.
It also happened that the monthlong wait fell in time with Bruce’s annual Wayne Charity Gala, and while Jason had been planning on inviting (Y/N) to it, the continual pestering from his brothers almost made him keep his mouth shut and skip it entirely. They were just as captivated by her as he was—he wasn’t sure how to feel about that, but the night was young, and (Y/N)’d yet to arrive.
He sipped the golden champagne from his chute and ignored the urge to cold cock Dick who was practically stuck to his side.
“C’mon, Jason!” he whined. “Please tell me you invited (Y/N)!”
Following the crowd silently, he waited patiently for her head to pop in the crowd.
“Richard, you are embarrassing yourself and the family,” Damian muttered. “Todd invited her. Relax.”
“Or he didn’t because we scared her off,” Tim remarked, grinning when Jason’s gaze narrowed at the statement.
Of course, that set Dick off again and after the fifth whine, Jason reached over and gripped his eldest brother’s bowtie, crumpling it and his collar in a white-knuckle grab as he hissed, “For the last time, she’s coming. Now quit fucking badgering me and go do something useful with your useless self before I lose my goddamn patience and shove this chute up yours.”
Dick choked slightly, grinning, “Think that’ll fit up my chute?” His brothers snickered and Jason glared and let him go. He straightened out his collar and bowtie. “Just making sure you did, Little-wing.”
“Why?” Jason quizzed, exasperation evident in his tone as he glared at him. “Last time I checked, (Y/N)’s my girlfriend.”
“Well yeah,” Dick started, glancing around the room. “But we’ve only seen her that once and you haven’t brought…her…” he trailed off, jaw slacking, and he slapped the back of his hand against Jason’s chest. “Jason,” Dick breathed. “Look.”
Jason followed his brother’s gaze to the main entrance of the event and suddenly, his brother’s odd mood shift made sense because he too went slack jawed as (Y/N) stepped into the ballroom, head high and shoulders squared like she the main event herself.
(Y/N) wore a strapless gown that looked like she pulled it straight out of Gone With The Wind, red fabric and black laced up to her chest where it split across and around her arms. There were little gold chains dangling from the arm cuffs and she wore elbow length black silk gloves.
He trailed his eyes up her bare collarbones to her face and neck where she had a black velvet choker wrapped tight around her neck, a garnet the size of his pinky resting in a gold plate, dangling off it. Her lips were a deep wine red, and her eyelids were painted elegantly with black and gold eyeshadow, topped off with perfectly drawn eyeliner and dramatic eyelashes.
Everyone in the room was spellbound by her and Jason’s feet were moving before he knew what was happening, heading straight to her. She saw him coming and her dark lips split into a pearly white smile, making his knees go weak and he almost fell at her feet. Not that that seemed like a terrible idea because from the glares of the women and the hot-eyed stares from the men around, he wasn’t the only one who wanted to drop to his knees and worship her. Something tight pooled in his gut at the thought.
(Y/N) held out her hand and watched with amusement as he took it and pressed his lips to her knuckles. “Good boy,” she murmured, and he felt that tightness again as he pulled away.
“(Y/N), you look…” he shook his head, unable to find the words.
“Beautiful?” she offered, and Jason swallowed.
“That and everything more,” he whispered, and she laughed, sending shivers down his spine.
“I’d love to hear them all, darling.” She stepped towards him and grazed his cheek with the back of her hand before sealing his lips in a kiss that had his whole body flushing as gasps echoed around them. But he didn’t give a damn—he was too busy being seduced by the woman in front of him.
(Y/N) pulled away and smirked at the look on his face. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how to speak, Jason.”
He chuckled and held his arm out for her to take. “Not just yet, doll. But something tells me I will tonight.”
“Count on it,” she winked and rested her palm on his wrist, allowing him to escort her around.
“Everyone is staring at you,” he murmured as they walked towards his family. “I think it’s the dress.”
She didn’t make the show of glancing down, but she hummed. “You said formal, and this was as formal as I have.”
“Really? A corset and a period gown?”
“Don’t act like it doesn’t make you want to bend me over a table, darling. I saw your eyes when you gaped at me,” she retorted with a smile and he huffed.
“You saw that?”
“The way you lost all control of your facial features and body? Oh yes. I saw it all.”
Jason grunted though a smile was on his face as they met his family. “Mock my attraction to you at your own peril, (Y/N),” he threatened lowly, and she giggled.
“Oh, I tremblewith fear, darling,” she murmured, then lifted her hand for Bruce to take. “Bruce, it’s a pleasure to see you again. You look wonderful tonight.”
He chuckled and kissed her hand. “And you look radiant, (Y/N). I think you outshine us all.”
Her laugh was like tinkling chimes and she smiled at Dick who took her hand and kissed it too before tugging her forward just a bit. “Would you care to dance, (Y/N)?” he asked. “Someone as elegantly dressed as you must obviously know how to waltz as well.”
She shot a look at Jason who appeared to be fuming and if looks could’ve killed, Dick would’ve been dead and buried. “I’d love to dance, Dick,” she replied, letting him lead her to the dance floor.
“You look absolutely beautiful, (Y/N),” he flirted. “And all I’m really doing right now is seeing how pissed I can make Jason, so if you’d smile or laugh and play along, I’d love you forever and ever.”
(Y/N) giggled and he twirled them. “You are going to get punched in the face, you know that right?”
Dick smirked and leaned close into her ear. “Yeah, but it’s going to be so worth it.” He spun them again, so she was looking over his shoulder. “Look at him. He’s so jealous he’s practically spitting like an angry bull.”
She inconspicuously glanced in her lover’s direction and gave a rather unladylike snort at the sight. Jason stood beside Bruce with his fists clenched, jaw tight and she could see him grinding his teeth as his eyes narrowed on them.
“Hmm…I wonder who he’s going to be more upset with? Me or you?”
They glanced at each other and she said “Me” while Dick said “You”, then they both dissolved into laughter and she pressed her forehead against his shoulder to muffle her giggles.
As the song ended, they separated and Dick bowed while she curtsied and someone came up and said, “Pardon me, may I have this dance?”
Just as (Y/N) turned to excuse herself, a strong arm wrapped around her waist and tugged her backwards and she let out a quiet gasp as her back collided with someone’s equally strong chest. Turning her head, she saw Jason glaring daggers at both Dick and the new dancer.
“Fuck. Off.” he spat, and he watched the two scatter like they’d been shot.
“Darling,” (Y/N) purred, raising her hand to caress his jaw. “Don’t be so green.” Jason’s turquoise eyes lowered to hers and her stomach fluttered from the heated stare.
“I don’t want any other man touching you,” he growled, and she smirked.
“Trying to say I belong to you?”
His arm tightened around her waist. “Like I do to you.”
(Y/N) merely gazed at him before extending her arm across his chest, raising the other beside her breasts, whispering, “Tell me you have a song just for us, darling?”
Jason’s arm shifted to her hip as his free one took her hand in his larger one, giving her a heated stare. “Of course I do, doll. I think you’ll enjoy it.”
The music started and he took the first step, leading her and she barely managed to contain her startled laugh. “The Vampire Masquerade? Really, Jason?”
His lips brushed her ear as he pressed just behind and he murmured, “It’s fitting, don’t you think?” he spun her out and pulled her back, wrapping his arm around her waist as she placed hers on his shoulder.
“Fitting indeed,” she flirted. “But awfully bold to play in front of all these people.”
Jason stepped forwards and her backwards and as they danced, he said, “I like to think I’m bold about the woman I love.”
It felt like hours in just mere moments when the music began to pick up again, signaling the climax of the song and he inhaled deeply as her eyes narrowed in amusement, and suddenly they were twirling, each spin moving them faster and faster across the dancefloor. All eyes were on them, but they simply gazed into each other’s eyes.
“I’ve been thinking about something, (Y/N),” he said lowly.
She nodded. “Go on.”
“It’s about vampirism and…the idea of joining you.”
(Y/N)’s footing failed her, and she stumbled as the song ended on the final note of the cello, her eyes wide. “What?”
Jason glanced at the party then behind him towards the door leading down the steps to the garden. He turned and pulled her along, through the crowd and into the night. They hurried through the maze of bushes and ended up beneath a willow tree in the far corner of the grounds, the moon and stars hanging overhead. She didn’t know where to start and neither did he apparently, but she figured they had to do it somewhere and she stepped just out of reach.
“What you said in there, Jason…at the end?”
He glanced at her, gaze solemn. “Believe me when I say, I know it sounds crazy, but I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, (Y/N).”
She inhaled deeply, taking in his words and she turned away, looking out at the garden. “Have you told your family about me?”
“No. Not just yet. I was waiting until you were ready.”
(Y/N) tipped her head side to side. “While I thank you for doing so, I don’t think this is a decision to make until we’ve revealed everything to them.”
“Why’s that?” Jason questioned, brows furrowing in confusion and she spun slowly.
“Jason, vampirism is a…a lifechanging transformation. Not just for the individual but for the people around them as well.” She shook her head. “No, I don’t think this conversation should be had right now until we tell your family the truth.”
He took her words in stride and reached out for her. She placed her hand in his and he took her into his arms, resting his chin on her head. “Would you want me to join you?”
(Y/N) was silent for a long time, then she murmured, “…More than anything Jason. But you’ve yet to really grasp the concept and all it entails.”
“What do you mean?”
“Vampirism isn’t just extended life and protection from disease and poison, darling. It’s…it’s watching every human in your life grow old and die while you remain young forever. It’s remembering every detail that plagues history while the books get it wrong. It’s watching the world go by while you remain frozen as you are.”
She pulled back to stare into his eyes. “Though I would love to be with you for all of time, I don’t want to witness your despair as you watched your family and friends pass on.”
Jason’s mouth opened then he closed it when he realized he didn’t have a thing to say, and she smiled knowingly. “Darling, we’ve all the time in the world to figure this out.” Raising a hand, she cupped his cheek. “Don’t decide on forever, right now.”
“But I want to be with you,” he insisted quietly, that firm look she loved dearly in his eyes again.
“And I you. But as I said, you still need to discuss this with them first.”
Whatever comeback he had was cut off by a croak and they both turned their heads upwards as a bird circled them.
“Nevermore?” she called, raising her arm and he flew down, perching on her wrist. “What’s a matter boy?” He squawked and (Y/N)’s gaze hardened. “Do you know where?” When he answered her, she lifted her arm. “Take flight and lead me,” she commanded already pulling from Jason’s arm to head for the thickly barred iron gate.
“(Y/N), what is it?” Jason asked and she spun on her heel, still heading to the gate.
“Nevermore saw the werewolf hunting the city.”
He was already moving back to the ballroom. “I’ll get the oth—”
“No.” she commanded, and he stopped, gaping at her as she said, “I will be the one to finish this tonight. And I alone.”
“(Y/N), you can’t be serious,” he argued, and she shot him a sharp stare.
“Jason. You almost died last time.” Her eyes narrowed dangerously. “I need to do this by myself.”
She was gone before he could say another word and he couldn’t help but stomp his foot into the ground and curse, “Shit.”
Finding it didn’t take long this time, less than two hours. Now that she had its scent, she had a straight path to it and even she was surprised at the location it was in—the same rooftop she’d fought it the first time on. She landed behind it and curled her wings around herself, watching as it sniffed around the rooftop.
“You’re not going to find your eye, Lycan,” she said, and it spun around, dropping to all fours as it snarled menacingly. (Y/N) merely gazed at it, taking in the pink scars across its face and the hollowed orbital socket. “Tell me who you are. I know your kind can speak in that form. Or are you feral?”
Again, it growled, and she tipped her chin up. “Couldn’t separate the man from the beast, hmm?” she challenged. “That happens when you’re weak and can’t control your own spirit.”
Something in her words set it off and it charged at her with a snarl. (Y/N) simply sidestepped when it came her way, safely avoiding the snapping jaw and it skidded in the gravel, spinning around to charge again.
“I would feel pity for you had you not murdered so many people.” Her eyes narrowed dangerously. “I bet you got cocky in whatever circle you were in. Thought you could handle the beast before you were trained well enough.”
The werewolf swiped at her, but she dodged each strike and sent back one of her own, slicing into its side like it was paper. Howling, the beast scampered back a bit.
“Who was it that gave you their blood to consume? Your friend? A lover? Or perhaps some younger, more naïve circle member?” She shot forward and shot her wing out, colliding with the wolf. “The worst kind of transformation is the kind where the participant is foolish and inexperienced.”
(Y/N) hissed when it bit at the flesh of her wing and she scratched its leg with the claws on her feet. “How many transformations were you in control? Three? And then you just lost all control as it took over and you couldn’t come back!”
She closed both wings then extended them with a powerful beat, knocking the werewolf back a few feet. Wasting no time, she pushed off with her foot and surged forward, one hand gripping the wolf’s neck, the other flat and pointed.
“Your curse ends tonight, Lycan.” (Y/N) struck out and felt the warmth bleed across her arm as she planted her hand in its chest. “May you find mercy in whatever plane you end up in.”
Yanking her hand back, its snarl died in its mouth and she let go, watching it fall to the ground, gurgling and bleeding before it stilled, going slack in the rocks. (Y/N) cast one last look at it then turned her eyes to the moon high in the night sky. Almost a whole year of chasing and searching for this werewolf and it’d taken less than an hour to end it.
“Such a waste,” she hissed and stepped away. “So many people murdered and—”
Something latched onto her back and she spun to see what it was when she felt it spread out and dig into her skin. She grunted and reached for whatever had pierced her when it shocked her violently.
(Y/N) screeched and spun around, reaching behind her but whatever it was, was too far down. It kept pulsing and each one got stronger after the other and as she stepped forwards, she suddenly tripped and collapsed onto the gravel. Looking down through the pain, she saw her legs tied together with some kind of tri-weave rope.
She reached down to cut it when another pulse split through her body and she bellowed, back arching, wings beating out. (Y/N) knew she had to get away and she crawled along her hands, dragging her tied legs towards the edge. She was almost there when another compressed shot came from behind and she found herself cocooned by her wings, shocks still pulsing her body.
Struggling, she screeched and hissed, hoping to scare off whatever it was when she heard, “I’ve got this.”
It sounded like Dick and before she could say anything, he pressed something against her spine and the worst of the electric shocks passed through her and she descended into darkness.
***Final Chapter***
When (Y/N) didn’t contact Jason within the few hours she had left, he started to worry. He started panicking when Nevermore didn’t come to find him either.
One of the great things about her house is that other than it being a magic house that was bigger on the inside, it was also enchanted, and people didn’t notice it, so she kept the door unlocked.
Jason burst through the door, startling Fang who had been sound asleep on the couch and part of him wanted to apologize but his concern overrode it. He sprinted through the house, shouting her name.
“(Y/N)!” he turned down the hall and ran to the studio. “Where are you!” it was empty and he cursed, checking both bedrooms before entering the study. She wasn’t there either.
The only place she could be was in the basement and he moved back to the hall closet, pulling the door open. Jason yanked the rug away from the hatch and propped it up, getting on his hands and knees to yell down.
“(Y/N)! Are you down there!” he waited, voice echoing down the ladder and through the basement. “(Y/N)!”
A growl sounded beside him and he looked over, seeing White-Fang staring at him.
He reached over and ran a hand through his haunches. “Buddy, where is she?”
The wolfdog merely blinked and turned his snout into Jason’s wrist.
“She went after it, White-Fang. She went after it and I didn’t go with her and now she’s nowhere to be found.” His gazed at him. “What do I do?”
White-Fang bared his teeth in a snarl and Jason looked at them.
“I gotta tell them, don’t I?” he sighed and pulled his hand away, running it through his hair. “Alright. She might’ve wanted to tell them, but if she hasn’t sent Nevermore to relay, something’s wrong.” Jason stood and slammed the hatch shut.
As he ran down the hallway, he paused and looked back at the wolfdog. “Thanks, buddy.”
Bruce was anything if not punctual, and when he said for a party to be over, it was over. Honestly, it was actually Alfred who relayed the message and cleared everyone out—he had a knack for it, but Jason figured the loaded rifle he liked to clean in front of everyone.
That being said, the only people still in the ballroom when Jason got to the manor, were Lucius and Alfred. He sped up to them.
“Alfred. Lucius. Have either of you seen (Y/N)?”
Alfred blinked, shaking his head. “No, Master Jason. The last we saw of her, Miss (Y/N) was with you.”
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out and Lucius asked, “Is something wrong, Mister Todd?”
“I can’t find her,” Jason admitted. “She left the party to find something, and she hasn’t called back or…or sent…” he trailed off and Alfred placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Your brothers are in the cave.”
He offered Alfred a tight smile. “Thanks, Alfred.” Glancing at the other man, he nodded. “Lucius.” They watched as he hurried off to the study.
His feet hit the bottom step and he strode to the Batcomputer where Dick and Damian were crowded around Tim who was typing away at something. “Hey,” he called, and they spun around, eyes widening.
“Little-wing, where’ve you been?” Dick quizzed, then took in his appearance. “You haven’t changed out of your suit.”
Jason’s hands subconsciously went to his tux and he smoothed it. “Yeah, haven’t gotten around to it yet.” He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. Have any of you seen (Y/N)?”
Tim spun around in the chair. “Thought she was with you?”
“No. She left after we went into the gardens.” He reached out and curled his hands around the latches of Dick’s armor. “Dick, this is serious. I need to know if any of you have seen or heard from her.”
They gaped at the seriousness surrounding their brother and before they could respond, footsteps echoed behind him. Spinning around, they saw Bruce walking over. “Talk to me,” he demanded.
“We found the beast while you were dallying with the elite, father,” Damian quipped, then nodded to a medical table on the far side of the room.
Jason finally noticed it and his eyes widened at the werewolf’s dead body. “What?” he whispered.
“You killed it?” Bruce questioned and Dick snorted.
“Oh no, wedidn’t.” he nodded at the opposite side of the room. “That thing did.”
Everyone’s attention turned to a glass case about half the size of the study and what Jason saw made his heart drop into his feet. (Y/N) was in the farthest corner of the cage, her wings curled around her. She was still and silent.
“What is that?” their father asked, and Tim shrugged.
“Dunno. We ran a blood sample, but we have no idea what to make of it.”
“What doyou know about it?”
As they delved into a conversation, Jason made his way over to the cage. A flash of black appeared in his vision and he looked up, seeing Nevermore gliding to sit atop the cage. He tipped his head, staring at him with a beady eye.
“Is she okay?” he whispered and Nevermore nodded, hopping down to Jason’s wrist when he held it up above the cage. He glanced at the keypad and knew it had some type of failsafe to shut down on the first failed attempt.
“What’s the number, pretty boy?” he asked softly. “Four digits.”
Nevermore cocked his head to the keypad then back to Jason. “One-Nine-Eight-Nine.”
Jason punched in the number and the door slid open with a hiss. Nevermore fluttered up to the bars away from the cage and as he stepped inside, he slammed his fist into the keypad, watching as it sparked, and the door slid shut.
He heard his name being shouted behind him, but he moved to her, yanking off his gloves. “(Y/N)?” he whispered, fingertips tracing the ashen gray skin of her wing. “Doll? Are you alright?”
Someone hit the glass door. “Jason! Get away from that thing!” It was Bruce.
“I’m here, (Y/N),” he promised. “I’m right here.”
A single wing curled away, and he breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped into it and it curled around him, darkening his vision, though he could see the faint glow of her crimson eyes.
He felt her arms wrap around his body and he shut his eyes, one cradling the back of his head as she stood to her feet and he grabbed tight to her as she bent her knees and suddenly shot up through the glass ceiling, shattering it into a million pieces.
It felt like an eternity, being weightless in her arms, then the shock of the world came back as they hit the cave floor and she uncurled her wings, exposing them to his family.
Jason opened his eyes as he heard the various weapons unsheathe, charge-up, and extend, and he stared up at (Y/N). “It’s going to be alright, doll.”
“I can hear their hearts, darling,” she whispered lowly. “They are afraid for you.” (Y/N) looked down at him. “Of me.”
He shook his head and smiled, “Let me handle this, okay?”
For a moment she didn’t move, then she slowly uncurled her arms and he turned, but he didn’t step away from her, merely extending his arm out to protect her.
“Guys, you’ve got to relax,” he directed, and Jason saw their eyes dart from her to him.
“Jason, you’ve gotta be joking man,” Tim countered. “That thing killed that thingover there.” He took a step forward. “Put its hand through its chest.”
“I know she did,” he replied and held out his other hand to motion for them to stop. “But she’s not going to hurt anyone here.”
“She?” Dick repeated. “That’s a she?” From the look on his face, he didn’t believe his brother.
Jason looked at Bruce. “She’s not going to hurt us, B.” he inhaled deeply and pleaded, “You’ve gotta trust me on this. Put the weapons down.”
They stared one another down and then Bruce held out a hand, and the weapons lowered. He glanced back at (Y/N) and nodded, though her eyes were still wary, and he murmured, “Everything’s going to be okay, I promise.”
Sighing, she stepped back and cocooned herself with her wings once more, then a swirl of black smoke rose around her and a moment later, (Y/N) stepped forward, her face unreadable and Jason would’ve paid all the money in the world to have a picture framed of the expressions his family gave at her reveal.
“Good evening,” she greeted. “I’m sure this is coming at a surprise.”
No one said a word. Not a single word and Jason was sure this was the first time he’d ever seen his family speechless.
“I have contemplated revealing my true nature to you all since our first meeting, understand though that I didn’t wish for you all to see my…other form.” (Y/N) explained. “But please, do not be afraid of me. I’m not going to harm you.”
Jason reached back and took her hand, pulling so half her body was behind him. “I know this is confusing but (Y/N)’s been doing this a lot longer than we have.”
“Uh…how long exactly?” Dick wondered.
He looked back at her and she sighed. “About ten…thousand years.”
Again, he wished he had a picture of their faces.
Tim blinked. “Is there a term for older milfs that isn’t cougar?”
At that, the cave descended into hysterical laughter and (Y/N) pressed her face into Jason’s shoulder as she cackled, and even he was rubbing at his eyes as tears gathered in them.
“Oh my God, I’m so happy I’m no longer the only one being known to date older women!” Dick shouted and the mood was broken by Bruce who walked up to them.
“How long have you been in Gotham?”
(Y/N)’s laughter faded, and she pulled a solemn expression. “About four centuries. I helped the American soldiers against the British when the war came here.” She looked away. “It’s been a long time since I involved myself in human affairs but…” Jason squeezed her hand and she glanced down at their cojoined grip. “But Jason changed that when he picked a fight with a coven a year or so ago.”
“Okay, technically I didn’t pick the fight, they started attacking me,” he retorted.
“After youwaltzed into their territory like you owned the joint.”
Jason scowled. “Semantics.”
(Y/N) chuckled and met Bruce’s gaze, and something passed between them. “Is there something on your mind, Bruce?”
“What are you?” he asked, and she opened her mouth, flashing her fangs. “Vampire?”
“Yes…but that doesn’t seem to be the problem for you.” her eyes narrowed. “So, what is?” Bruce glanced at Jason and she knew right then. “I haven’t used any powers over Jason to sway his mind.”
“Are you sure?”
(Y/N) reached up and undid the tie from Jason’s neck, then unbuttoned the first two of his shirt and showed his neck to them. “Vampiric seduction only works when a vampire has consumed the blood of someone they enthralled.” She let Jason go. “I haven’t fed on Jason nor any human for ten millennia. This I swear to you.”
Jason nodded. “(Y/N)’s never hurt me, B.”
“She killed that thing,” he said, nodding at the corpse and she turned to it, pulling away from Jason to walk over.
“I did. As was my duty as a vampire.” She examined the werewolf. “But I did confirm my suspicions. It was a feral. But now it’s dead and no more people will be ravaged by it.”
“Feral?” Dick repeated. “Like crazy?”
“Wild,” (Y/N) corrected. “When a human can’t separate the beast from themselves, they lose control over their abilities to shift.” Her fingers trailed delicately over the hole she made in its chest. “They’re lost forever. A mindless beast.”
“You mean this was a human?” Damian questioned. “A person?”
She nodded. “Was. Hasn’t been for some time now.” Shaking her head, she admitted, “Though I’m still unsure of how it got into Gotham City. The nearest werewolf colony is in Virginia. It is…concerning that it got this far, especially with as many vampiric territories between here and there it must’ve passed through.”
“We could’ve saved them,” Bruce grunted, and she gazed at him.
“No. No you couldn’t’ve.”
“You don’t know that,” he shot back, and she cocked a brow.
“With all due respect, Bruce, you’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”
“And you do?”
(Y/N)’s face pinched. “I’m a ten-thousand-year-old vampire that’s battled against Lycans for thousands of years.” Scowling, she griped, “Yeah, I think I know what I’m talking about.”
Bruce took a step forward, but Jason cut him off. “Look, I know how much you love being right, but this time, you’re not, okay? (Y/N) stopped this thing from hurting anyone else.”
“She killed it. We don’t kill in my—”
“Bruce.” She silenced him with a firm call. “I understand your no kill rule, but you need to understand that Gotham City isn’t your city. And even if you think it is, my centuries of being here out way your family’s.” She got in his face, staring him down. “I did what was expected of me by the council and I’m not going to apologize for taking care of my business.”
Pointing back at it, she added, “And this was mine. Not yours.”
They glared at each other and Jason rested a hand on her shoulder, prompting her to soften her eyes when she looked at him. “(Y/N), you’ve expended a lot of energy being in your form for so long. We should get you something to eat and some rest.”
(Y/N) reached up and wiped the fatigue from her eyes. “I need to contact Alexander and tell him I took care of it.”
“Do it tomorrow,” Jason urged, pulling her into his arms. “Doll, you’re exhausted. Even I can tell.”
“I’m fine,” she retorted but his arms tightened around her.
“I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you if I have to,” he threatened, and she hissed.
“I am not a sack of potatoes.”
“So, you’re going to walk willingly?” he asked, blinking those pretty teal eyes expectantly and she scowled at him.
“Fine.” (Y/N) started towards the stairs, him grinning as he followed.
“(Y/N),” Bruce called, and she stopped, glancing back at him.
He didn’t look at her. “Can I expect more of these again? Or any of you? That form specifically?”
“Lycans? Not likely. Vampires? More likely. Me though?” she shook her head. “No, I’m the only one of my kind in this dimension.”
“This dimension?” Tim queried and stuck himself to her side. “Are you from another dimension?”
(Y/N) blinked down at him. “Why do you wanna know?”
“That’s not a no.”
She smirked, ruffling his hair. “Tell you later. How about that?”
His lips pursed, but after a moment he nodded. “Can we test your stamina and any other limits you’ve got?”
“Sure Tim,” she agreed and took Jason’s hand. “Hundred bucks says I can give your dad a run for his money.”
He grinned. “I’ll take that bet.”
(Y/N) waved at the others and leaned on him as they walked up the stairs in silence.
He’d already changed out of his suit and slipped on a pair of boxers when she stepped out of the bathroom and immediately collapsed beside him on the bed, letting out a groan.
“Tired?” he chuckled, rolling over to lay on his stomach, hand caressing her back.
(Y/N) nodded. “It’s odd. I don’t get tired like I used to when I first started out but…”
“But?” Jason encouraged and she turned her face to look at him.
“But I’ve noticed that when I spend long amounts of time in my Vampire Lord form, I revert back and am just overcome with fatigue.” She exhaled deeply and buried her face in the mattress before inching up to lay her face just below the pillow. “I’m tired,” she said, voice muffled against the fabric and Jason snorted, raising up.
He straddled her hips, pressing himself against her and smirked at the curious noise she made when he yanked the towel away leaving her exposed. Jason dug his hands into her skin, kneading every knot she’d gathered the past few months.
(Y/N) groaned into the sheets as he squeezed her shoulders, digging his thumb into the curve of her back muscle and she couldn’t help but shift slightly, the relief almost shy of painful. It was, however, the price to pay for all she’d put her body though recently.
“I think you’re more knotted up than a fishing net,” he murmured, massaging her sides.
She grunted and wiggled her hips, listening to him inhale sharply. “Can’t help it,” she said. “I knot easily.”
Jason smirked and shifted back slightly, hands moving down to knead the flesh of her lower back and haunches. “You must be happy to have me as your personal de-knotter.”
“Could be happier,” she countered, gasping silently when he pinched her rear. “Jason!” she hissed and shot a look over her shoulder. “Don’t do that.”
He blinked innocently. “Do what?”
“I will punch you,” she warned, and he rolled his eyes.
“No, you won’t.”
“Excuse me?” she shot back, eyes widening at the audacity. “I won’t punch you? Who do you think you’re talk—oh wow,” (Y/N) inhaled sharply when he cupped her, fingers sliding between her thighs.
“What was that?” Jason asked and she groaned his name.
He hummed, middle finger twitching enough that it had her arching back. “What do you want?”
“I’d personally rather die than beg you to finger me,” she hissed and placed her hands out away from her and shifted, sliding her legs from underneath him. (Y/N) turned over and propped herself up against the pillows, curling her pointer finger up at him.
Jason started crawling up the bed. “So, what will it take for you to beg?”
“Depends on what you want me to beg for, darling,” she countered, elegantly raising a leg, placing her foot on his shoulder. “But I’m sure you could persuade me to lower myself enough.”
He chuckled and reached up, grabbing the top of her foot as he leaned forward and she bent it, letting her heel rest on his back. Jason pushed her other thigh apart, exposing her and he looked up at her, waiting.
“Want permission?” she queried with a smile and he pressed a kiss to her thigh.
“Can’t come without it…isn’t that how that goes?” he teased and (Y/N) rolled her eyes, reaching down to grab his chin.
She tipped his head up and whispered, “Love me, darling. Like you want to.” Jason’s eyes darkened as he swallowed thickly and she pulled her hand away, resting it on her stomach. “Going shy on me?” (Y/N) murmured and propped her other arm behind her head so she could watch him. “But you look so pretty.”
“You’re a witch, you know that?” he countered and shifted her legs further apart. “You enjoy the power, don’t you?”
(Y/N) hummed. “I’m not called a ‘Lord’ for nothing, darling.” She groaned when he nipped up her thigh to her center. “My power isn’t challenged often.”
“I guess I’m just cocky enough to challenge,” Jason shot back before dragging his tongue up her center, smirking when she gasped, the leg over his shoulder tensing.
She reached down and carded her fingers through his hair. “Or foolish,” she breathed, grip on his tresses tightening when he circled her clit with his tongue. “Jason,” (Y/N) moaned, arching her back in need.
His only response was a groan that had her shivering as it sent shocks throughout her body and then he was sliding his middle finger into her, pumping it quickly.
“More,” she begged, and he obeyed, sliding another finger into her, curling them repeatedly until he found that spot inside her that had (Y/N) writhing, hips lifting with every pump.
Each time he gave her a sharp suck, she tugged his hair, pricking his scalp with points of pain and he returned it with low groan that had her whining and pulling him closer to her. At one point, she’d forgone watching him, tipping her head back, letting out little “Ah-ah-ah’s” and Jason knew the higher pitched she got, the closer the was and all it spurred him to do was make it happen faster.
Her thighs began to close around him and before he knew it, she was grabbing at his shoulders and yanking him up to kiss him. Jason kept curling his fingers and she gripped his wrist, stopping him.
“What’re you doing?” he questioned, pulling away to look into her ember eyes. They were blown wide with desire and she shook her head.
“I want you inside me.”
“I was,” Jason breathed heavily, though he removed his fingers and started shimmying off his underwear.
(Y/N) took his length in her hand and pumped him a few times, smiling breathlessly when he cursed and squeezed the flesh under her thigh still over his shoulder. “Not the part of you I want inside anymore.”
He took his length in his hand, guiding himself until he was up against her core, but he stopped and gazed at her. “Beg me.”
“I hate you,” she hissed, and he smirked.
“Hate sex is fun too, doll. We can do that instead if you want, but you’re still going to beg a little.” Jason leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth, rolling it with his teeth.
“Jason,” she whined. “Please.”
“Little more,” he coaxed when he pulled off, heading for the other one and she cocked her other leg around his hip.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” (Y/N) barked. “Fuck me already, you ass.”
Jason smirked and sheathed himself in one thrust, both of them gasping at the ripple of pleasure; his chest was heaving as he looked down at her. “How do you want it?”
“Fast,” she pleaded. “Fast and hard, please, Jason. Please.”
He grunted and pulled out only to thrust back in, setting a harsh pace that had her shouting, back curving up against him. Jason bent forward, pushing her leg into her chest and she dropped her head back.
“Fuck,” she groaned, feeling him deep inside her and he chuckled, though it sounded strained against her skin.
“Hard enough for you?” he growled, pinching one of her nipples and she nodded rapidly.
“Yes, yes, Jason. Keep going. More.”
He huffed a laugh. “Whatever will it take to please you?” Jason captured her lips in a searing kiss as he felt her slip a hand between them, and then she was tightening around him. “Shit,” he cursed, breaking their kiss and he gazed at her. “Doll…” he panted; his voice was taut, and he could feel it coming faster and faster.
(Y/N) whimpered beneath him and cupped his cheek. “Darling, please,” she begged, and that needy voice was the final push. Jason buried his face in her neck and moaned her name desperately as he spilled himself, hips stuttering and then she was gasping in his ear, clenching, and pulsing around him.
They both laid there panting, trying to catch their breaths for what seemed like an hour, then Jason helped her lower her leg before he eased himself out, collapsing beside her. (Y/N), very slowly, turned over and tucked herself underneath his arm, resting her head on his chest, listening to his heart.
“You know…” he started. “That was supposed to be a slow and gentle lovemaking.”
(Y/N) snorted, wrapping her arm around his waist. “We can do slow in the morning.” She looked at him. “Now was the time we tired ourselves out so we can sleep longer.”
“Oh? Is that what that was?” he asked with a grin and she nodded.
“Indeed, it was,” she answered and laid her head back on his chest, eyes starting to slip shut.
“I want you to know that my decision hasn’t changed.”
Her eyes opened but she didn’t look at him. “Truly?”
“I want to be with you. Now…and forever.”
For a moment, she was quiet, then she said, “I want you to spend one whole year talking to your family. If after one full year, you have gained their approval of this choice…then we’ll start the process and I’ll make you vampire.”
“Really?” he asked. “Just like that.”
“Just like that.”
“You won’t regret doing it?”
(Y/N) turned her head, gazing into his eyes. “I regret many things in my life, Jason. But I would never regret you.”
He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, then murmured, “Nor I you.”
She smiled and reached up, grazing her fingers against his cheek. “Now that that has been settled, it is time to rest.”
“You’ll still be here when I wake up?” he asked, and she hummed.
“Always, darling. Always and forever.”
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professorrw · 3 years
Hi! Okay so first of all I love your fics sm 🤧 and second, could i request a smut fic where reader is giving thor a massage or he's giving her one, and then things heat up ☻ and if you could add a bit of daddy kink in there, that would be awesome 🙈
Thank you so much 😭❤ I hope you like this 👀
marvel masterlist
Pairing: female reader x Thor
Warnings: smut, 18+, fluff, dad!Thor, daddy kink, pet names (baby girl, honey), rough sex, Thor with a man bun 😫
A/N: I've tried asking about this before with just a text post but no one ever answers 😅. When I reach 500 followers would you guys like to do a celebration where I let you send in prompts from prompt lists (I may even add a few of my own of songs, prompts, date ideas, and careers) and then let you send characters for Marvel and Stranger Things that I write for and do some drabbles, blurbs, headcanons, and oneshots? Let me know in the comments, with an ask, or in my messages! Requests open, taglist open, inbox open! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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Parenting is no easy feat. It doesn’t matter if you’re a prince, or a king, or if you’ve conquered whole armies. Having a child and raising it is a job all on its own. But it’s something Thor loves. Being a father is something he didn’t know he wanted, but becoming one and taking care of something so pure, so precious, it just captivated him. You had a beautiful daughter together, Eydis. She was three, and full of energy.
Thor walked into your room, shifting his weight from foot to foot heavily, and fell back onto the monstrous bed. His head was right next to your crossed legs and you stroked the top of his hair until you were met by his man bun. The hairstyle was originally given to him by you. One day he was complaining about his hair getting in his face all the time so you did it up for him, and he had been attached ever since.
He heaved out a loud sigh before he turned over and snuggled his face against your leg.
“What is it?” you asked.
“I’m very worn out. Eydy insisted that I carry her everywhere she wanted to go.”
“... And you did?”
Thor was a sucker for his daughter. She was his little princess. Quite literally his little princess. Whatever she wanted she got. You were aware she was going to be spoiled, and you told Thor, but he said that he’ll tone it down when she’s older. You didn’t see that happening though.
“Of course. I carried her on my back and shoulders for almost four hours before she wanted to come back inside.”
A breath left your nose as you smiled and shook your head. “Do you need a massage?”
He flipped over, beaming at you. You took that as a yes and ushered him off your lap. The bed shifted and dipped from his weight being in front of you. You ran your hands down his athletic shirt, which was his go to when he wasn’t having an audience. Your thumbs kneaded at his shoulder and back muscles, giving them the much needed stress relief they needed. He closed his eyes, fully taken by the release of tension.
“Being- ah- a father is hard,” Thor said.
“You’re a great daddy though.”
“Honey…” he trailed off in a warning tone. You giggled, remembering that he asked you not to call him daddy during the day time. When you called him daddy, which you had first called him while you were pregnant, turned him on. He didn’t know why, it just did. And at night when he was tearing into you and that word came out of your mouth it would set him ablaze.
That day though, as your hands were already on him and he was already in bed with you, you just couldn’t resist. You leaned in closer, whispering into his ear, “Daddy…”
“Y/N,” he warned again. One more time and that would be it. You could turn back… but did you want to?
“Daddy,” you whispered one more time. His jaw clenched and he turned around in the blink of an eye. You were completely pinned to the bed. His hands were holding your wrists at the side of your head and his cock was pressing against your thigh.
“You asked for this,” he spoke with lust blown eyes. Wetness grew and pooled in your underwear, all thanks to your husband. The pressure holding down your wrists disappeared, instead moving to your midsection. He untied your robe and flung it open, showcasing your matching bra and panties.
You bucked your hips up, making sure that your vagina was pressing against his crotch. He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut for a second before they opened again with an intensity unparalleled by anything else.
He sat back on his knees, straddling your lap while you laid there. He didn’t speak, just reached behind you and unclasped your bra and then pulled down your panties. He saw the wetness and held them up, chuckling.
“Darling, you’re already soaking wet. All for your daddy,” he taunted. He threw his shirt off, because he would never miss a chance to show off his impeccable abs, and took his shorts and boxers off too, unsheathing his thick member. It stood tall against his abdomen, something he was extremely proud of.
Unable to wait a minute longer he plunged into you. A strangled moan burst out of your mouth but the pain eased and became pleasant after a few moments of stillness. He started to move, going fast right off the bat. Even though he was thrusting in and out of you at the speed of light he would be able to last a good amount of time. He usually spared you that amount of aching, but he had gone multiple rounds with you before. It was a loud night, filled with many orgasms, positions, and locations.
Thor was above you, fully above you, and ramming into your pussy with inhumane speed and vigor. He was only a little winded and out of breath. Only a teensy weensy bit. Not everything was so perfect though. His hair was falling out of his bun, framing his face in a blonde, messy curtain.
You weren’t going to last long. It was a given fact. The butterflies and thumping of your pussy were already there before he even started. You really weren’t going to last long when he hit your g-spot.
“Ahh Thor!” you moaned.
“Uh uh,” he scolded, “you have to call me daddy since you love to say it so much.”
“Daddy!” you moaned as he hit your g-spot again.
“That’s it baby girl.”
He kept on going, never stalling his ruthless pace. Your orgasm was on the tip of your tongue and you were moments away from reaching it. Thor could tell you were about to cum. You had sex countless times and the tell-tale signs were there. Your moans were louder, your hands were clenched, and your back was arched.
The white liquid squirted out, and was followed not long after by Thor’s deep groan and his own cum spilling inside you. He pulled out and used his abandoned shirt to wipe up the mess. You laid next to Thor with your hand on your forehead. He was lying on his side, smiling at you, just slightly out of breath. He was about to kiss your cheek when there was a knock on the door.
“Dad! Come play with me!” Eydis shouted.
Thor sighed but got up with a smile still on his face. “I’m coming!”
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rouiyan · 4 years
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⧏ hyuck’s installment of the undone at twenty-one collective ⧐
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synopsis: where you and donghyuck realize that falling in love is not just a matter of time but of circumstances, impulsive decisions, and reckless emotions. well, mostly just reckless emotions. or in short, the two times you dumped him and the one time you didn't.
✧ lee donghyuck x (fem.) reader + bestfriend!lee jeno ✧ college au, slight enemies to loverz, fake dating au
✧ genres : angst, fluff, pining ✧ word count : 18.3k ✧ disclaimers : swearing
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✧ author’s note — months in the making and it's finally here. please make yourself a cup of tea and get toasty in the sheets because this bitch is huge.
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it was a valentine's dance, a stupid valentine's day dance, where lovers would go if they truly had nothing else to do. it was where elderly couples would boast of how long they'd been together, clichéd stories and all. you'd only gone because your best friend, jeno, had been in charge of the whole event to begin with. it made no sense to you, jeno was always a sucker for parties but not the sappy, cookies and streamers, no-alcoholic-beverages ones. he had said it was because he needed community service hours, something about how it would look like he genuinely cared for the community on paper, but sometime during the night while watching him excitedly put up the red and pink balloons, you realized that he actually enjoyed this. he enjoyed watching over the dance once it was in full swing and you saw how he'd let the smallest of smiles adorn his face as he refilled an empty pitcher of fruit punch.
but you knew the exact reason he held the dance in such high regards when he slipped from your presence as some slow song started to hum from the speakers and the fluorescent pink lights dimmed. you’ve been friends with jeno’s girlfriend for long enough to know that she was such a sweetheart. jaein was the type of girl that sent her grade reports back home to her parents and always had her location on. she was the type of girl that slept at eleven and declined frat party invites. she was just the girl that'd come to these types of parties and just the girl jeno deserved and loved. to nobody’s shock including your own, the two had started dating a few months back after being so obviously head over heels in love with each other for years. 
while jeno had spent most of his time with you, he now spent an equal half with jaein and you weren’t all too sure what to do with the allotted free time. sure, busying yourself with studies was a good idea, not a very fun one though, so you resorted to attending the valentine’s dance jeno had set up, to support him as well as not to miss out on free food. jeno had tried, really, to get any one of his single (as in, ready to mingle) friends to come and try to woo you, but none had shown up, opting to go to more bustling parties than to babysit his lone best friend. none had shown up, except a specific brown-haired boy, with a shy smile and a lame excuse as to why he would choose to spend such a day here, of all places.
donghyuck. lee donghyuck. your polar opposite. to be fair though, you wouldn’t actually know all too well because you’d never particularly ventured to get to know him. every bit about him struck you as obnoxious and entirely unnecessary. he was this loud, boisterous enigma at your college, always sunshine and smiles and making people laugh at jokes that bordered between funny and offensive. you felt, no, you knew that he was no good. he was never committed in serious relationships, gaining labels such as being a ‘playboy,' and you doubted he ever had a serious conversation with anyone, much less himself. lee donghyuck was the moodmaker of your friend group and while that may rest peachy with others, you found it exhausting to have to always be in the mood to laugh at his jokes or else be deemed undeserving of his attention. truth be told, you thought he felt the exact same way towards you, seeing as how he never attempted to make conversation with you and how he simply acted like you didn't exist when in big groups. how wrong you were.
lee donghyuck was the last person on your mind when jeno had said to you absentmindedly that one of his friends could accompany you that night. jeno was clearly proud of this, with the knowledge of donghyuck's blatant crush on you, the matter being a secret to no one but yourself. donghyuck had really debated coming, not wanting to enforce one-on-one confrontations with you since he knew you disliked him a certain amount. but he also thought of all the things he could say to you, all the questions he'd been dying to ask since day one (all the questions that jeno hadn't begrudgingly answered already). for him, the whole day had been spent staring at jeno's simple text (hey, u should come keep y/n company at the dance) and tossing himself through his sheets, wondering if he should dare be bold and actually show up. 
turns out, even after deciding to go, showing up had been an astonishing feat in itself for donghyuck, having spent the last hour and a half brushing and re-brushing his teeth, styling and restyling his hair, and choosing and rechoosing his outfit. he'd settled for simple black jeans, torn at the knees, a white tee topped with a black denim jacket and white sneakers, his hair split in the middle and almost stabbing at his eyes. he felt his heart speed up while reversing out of the driveway of his house, he felt his heart speed up as he thought of you while driving, and he felt his heart almost stop when he entered the venue, his eyes narrowing in on you and almost doubling over at how gorgeous you looked. leaning on the drinks table, you were donned in a simple satin blue slipdress with chunky sneakers to dress it down, one side of your hair was clipped back with some pearly accessories and your equally pearly bag sat atop the table behind you. 
he took careful, calculated steps, stopping at the candy table to grab a lollipop, so as to seem like he wasn't beelining right towards you. stopping a few feet away from you and gaining your attention, he held out the heart-shaped lollipop, a shy "hi," slipping from his lips. you took the candy with a small thanks before fixating your gaze back on him and questioning his presence, "what brings you here?" though you knew the answer, you really doubted that jeno could convince donghyuck here without any willpower of his own. he bit down on his lower lip before giving out a shrug and untruthfully admitting that he, "had nothing else to do," and, "thought it would be a nice change, considering i really only attend frat parties."
taking the excuse as his word, you nodded slowly before telling him you didn't know if this was a good idea and that maybe you should just go because you didn't see much of a point in staying, completely missing the way his eyes rounded ever so slightly and how his lips twitched into a frown before he quickly fixed his expression. you were just about to turn away from him when his hands found themselves barely grazing your forearm, stopping you in your tracks so that he could voice out his inner worries, "i'm sorry if i'm making you uncomfortable but…i really would like to spend the night with you." 
in his mind, he felt as if time slowed as he watched your hair rustle as you turned back around to face him, as your eyes flashed for a brief moment of consideration, and as you brought your hand up to his, effectively removing it from your arm before looking him straight in the eye to say, "okay."
donghyuck went through all the possible scenarios he'd thought up to come to a conclusion on what to say. he noted the way most people at the event were on the dance floor, slow dancing with a loved one, and thought it was a good place to start. meanwhile, you had traced his line of vision and interpreted his ideas, quickly saying, "no, we're not dancing," and effectively trashing his one and only plan rather abruptly. donghyuck's eyes nearly bulged out of his head and he made a mental note to not be so damn obvious in front of you. he took a quick glance at your lips and decisively tossed out the first thing that came to mind, "then, have you eaten yet?"
you shook your head lightly and he took from this to offer, "then how 'bout we go grab something to eat? my treat." you barely considered the situation upon hearing the last two syllables, replying with a "sounds good," quickly grabbing your bag. exiting the venue, you looked for jeno and saw that he was still busying around his girlfriend. you took it upon yourself to text him whilst on the way to dinner. 
donghyuck felt light on his feet as he walked through the parking lot with you by his side. the cold air felt liberating on his skin but he noticed how you'd caged yourself within your arms, in attempts to ward off the wind. without thinking, he'd already shrugged off his jacket and propped it lightly over your shoulders. his confidence skyrocketed as you clutched the article of clothing tighter to your frame and muttered a small thanks. surprising even himself, he even replied with a, "no problem, you look good in it," his cheeks now flushing a bright red, the same color spreading to his ears. 
not much else was said as he opened up the car door for you, gently pushing it shut after you were seated. you mentally cursed yourself for being so easily persuaded but moreover, the thoughts that filled your head were akin with 'since when was he such a gentleman?' and 'what's with him all of a sudden?' the air in the car smelled like fast food takeout and the cupholders held everything but a cup, miscellaneous items ranging from candy wrappers to spare change occupying the space instead. donghyuck entered beside you and noted your gazes, feeling slightly embarrassed. he put the car in reverse and placed an arm behind the head of your seat, his own head tilting as he backed out of the spot. without meaning to, you glanced over, only to be met with his side profile, jawline and all. it was no question that he was handsome, and though you never thought you would be actively thinking about it, you found yourself at the foot of his beauty, with many other girls by your side.
the whole ride there, you were texting jeno (even though he wasn’t texting back), making small jokes about how you've been kidnapped by the man he hired to accompany you and how he didn't even bother to tell you where the two of you were headed. it's odd because to this day, you still don't know what it was that compelled you to come along with him. perhaps it was really just the food, or maybe his sudden boyish charm, or mayhaps it was even the lollipop he held out to you, a shy smile lighting his face.
fifteen minutes later, the eerily quiet drive came to an end when he pulled into a spot on the side of an empty road, expertly parallel parking in the small space between two moderately sized trucks. before you could process his movements, his hand was on your arm again and he let out a small, "wait here," before he slid out the car and briskly walked to your side, opening up the door for you once again. stepping out, you took a look at the building before you that hosted a fancy restaurant, seemingly halfway empty. you found that odd, especially since it was valentine’s day, but you put into consideration that it was located on the side of town that no one really frequents. 
“wow, when you said we were going to grab something to eat, i didn’t think it’d be fancy.” donghyuck felt a sense of pride in his chest as he opened yet another set of doors for you, replying back with sincerity. “i didn’t want to half-ass this… sorta date.” it felt weird coming out of his mouth, the word ‘date,’ even more so that the date was with you, but he caught the little quirk of your lips and he wondered if he really had to joke around all that much to get you to smile. on any other day where you’d hang out with the rest of the group, he’d never been able to get your still face to lift, no matter how many idiotic jokes he had to crack. 
meandering in, the waiter sat the two of you at the table against the front window and you felt subconscious of the people walking by, peering in at the pair of you like they were window shopping. donghyuck saw the way you shifted, eyes glancing out the window every few seconds and he raised his hand to catch the waiter’s attention. “can we get another table, please?” after moving to a more secluded spot, you eyed donghyuck suspiciously before he bluntly said, “what? i didn’t wanna sit by the window.” the lie slipped easily past his lips and the almost overt hope that lined your irises diminished to a pointed look and eye roll. 
the restaurant was dimly lit, with the only source of light being the candles lining the wall and atop each table, accompanied by a small rose in a clear vase. you’ve never been on a date somewhere this fancy, the boys you’ve dated in the past being utterly incompetent, for lack of a better word. and it’s not like a fancy dinner was what you’d epitomize as a ‘good’ date, you’ve just never been pampered in a way that made it seem like you were of importance. somehow though, the way donghyuck laid his eyes on you, with care and genuine curiosity, you couldn’t help but feel… important to him, for whatever reason he hadn’t graced you with yet.
you didn’t question him as he ordered a pasta and a steak, getting the feeling that this wasn’t the first time he’s been here. “so this is where you take all the girls, i’m assuming?” donghyuck’s eyebrows shot into this hairline, clearly not expecting such a question from you. he cleared his throat before voicing, “only the ones i like a lil' more.” you scrunched your nose in distaste at his dating habits but you didn’t say anything else. he seemed to catch up on this as he fervently picked up the exchange once again, “not that you’re one of them.” this caught you off guard, pursing your lips slightly before disregarding the thought from your mind. donghyuck thought he’d said too much but it looked as if you were already past the topic, moving your hands to unfurl the provided cloth and laying it upon your lap. he did the same as he searched your expression in attempts to make sure you weren’t uncomfortable within his presence. 
donghyuck didn’t think much of the girls he dated. they were fleeting, he knew that much. and he also knew that they simply paled in comparison to you, mere pastimes while he waited out for his chance with his actual love interest. he’d never thought that you’d express dislike towards the way he chose to date around instead of committing but now that his mind was on the matter, he felt ashamed that he didn’t even seem remotely your type. donghyuck saw this in the way you always stuck to jeno, even in a platonic sense, and how your eyes always seemed to gravitate to guys that were more or less just…better than him. he knew relatively little about your love life, though he knew for a fact that you were currently single, and (from jeno) that you had dumped all the guys you’d dated before. even just liking you, he felt immense pressure and the impotent need to impress you whenever and wherever. with that in mind, he took a second to breathe before trying, at the very least, to show you his potential. 
donghyuck initiated casual conversation while the two of you waited on the food to arrive, doing his best not to seem overly enthusiastic or like he was trying to make you laugh. he kept the usual over-the-top jokes out of the air and focused solely on getting closer to you, asking questions like, “how are your classes?” or “when’s your birthday?” and giving minimum effort to reply when you’d ask the same question back. he spent most of his brain power memorizing your answers, subconsciously scheming when he could put the information to use, before popping the question he’d been wanting to ask all night, “then, what’s your type?” 
“mm, like looks-wise or personality-wise?”
“hmm, how ‘bout...both?”
“then, looks-wise, well first off someone that dresses well. i think things like facial features and body build don’t matter all that much but the way someone dresses or like, presents themselves, shows a lot about them.”
“so like, any particular style?”
“nothing particular, but nothing over the top. i think they just have to look put together and just…feel confident in what they wear. if that makes sense.”
donghyuck’s pleased with your answer, and by the way he was nodding at you, you continued your thoughts.
“personality-wise, just someone who knows what they want and someone that’s willing to put in effort to get what they want, i think that’s important.”
his eyes were just about sparkling when you finished and you wanted to ask him if he felt okay but instead shot back the same question he had asked you, not wanting to come off as fussy. “what about you? what’s your type?”
donghyuck didn’t miss a beat when he blurted out, “you.”
the waiter interrupted the moment by placing two plates (or rather platters) of food onto the table, but donghyuck could see, between the waiter’s arms, the way you bit back a smile. you snuck a glance at him, unsure of how to feel at this revelation. his eyes were unwavering on yours and you’d never felt more enticed by just the way someone was looking at you. oh, how confused you had become in such a short period of time. the boy in front of you was your type, a shy but self-assured boy that was smooth, no doubt, but more importantly he made you feel something.
dinner went as fast as it came and donghyuck paid, true to his word, leading you out the restaurant and back to his car. once in, he didn’t take off immediately. sitting in silence, the two of you exchanged a couple of looks before he said with a smirk, “let’s date.”
you were barely caught off guard, nodding minutely, and looking him in the eye. “yeah, let’s date." it was a blessed day for donghyuck, one that would always replay in his mind from that day onward. he thanked whatever higher entity graced him with just the perfect words, just the perfect actions, and just the perfect scenarios to get you from hating him to looking at him with such adoration in your eyes. all in one night.
it was a miracle day, a shared thought by the two of you.
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it had been a wild forty-six hours since donghyuck had dropped you off at your apartment. the sunlit sky was just about to tip into the depths of night and donghyuck had come to pick you up to hang out with the rest of your friends. the only one of the boys who knew of the progression with donghyuck at the moment was jeno, the one boy you could never keep anything from, and he still thought that you were simply playing out a giant prank on him. you felt giddy, with the rush of newfound feelings for a handsome boy you could call your own. 
approaching his and his friend’s house, an unsettling feeling began to gather in the pit of donghyuck’s stomach. around you, he found it rather comfortable to just lay back and speak his thoughts. the last couple days spent with you had shown him that you liked donghyuck the way he was, and even though his fun side was appreciated, it wasn’t needed. but coming up to the front door and bringing out his keys, he thought of how he would act with the boys and you in the same room. 
“wow, who would’ve thought these two would come together?” it was jaemin that spoke, his eyes narrowing at you, coming in tow behind donghyuck. “imagine how awkward the drive must’ve been. y/n hates his guts.” this time, it was renjun that spoke, his lips curling into a smile as he conjured the thought of a silent, glare-filled drive. “actually,” donghyuck began countering, “we’re dating now.” 
the room fell silent as they watched donghyuck wrap his arm around your waist, your head finding a place on his shoulder. suddenly, after seven whole seconds, the room burst into a cacophony of commotion, jeno dragging you to the side to question if you were sane, jaemin and renjun laughing at the absurdity but taking time to spout a few incoherent sentences, and jisung and chenle openly gawking at the unfolding situation.
it was a whole twenty minutes before everyone started to notice how quiet donghyuck was, only talking when he was talked to and even then, replying with straight and not sarcastic answers. all the boys seemed to find it strange and renjun finally voiced, “the hell happened to you, did y/n threaten you or something?”
the world seemed to shrink around him as donghyuck felt his throat constrict, looking between you and the boys as if any of you could give him a clue as to what to say. your eyes were just as curious as the rest but he knew they held some sort of expectation. you’d grown to like the real donghyuck, not the funny, boisterous one. but the boys were all expecting him to burst into giggles and crack jokes like they were all he was made of. his head whirled, not wanting to choose between you or his friends and feeling like the entire situation was unfair. it was unfair that he couldn't rest easy just being himself. that he had to be a certain someone in front of his friends so that he could feel like a friend. but despite the inner rumbling of thoughts, he ended up plastering a wide grin onto his face, quipping back at renjun with a, “‘course she did, she hates my guts.”
the boys all glanced at you expectedly, seeing if you would laugh at what your boyfriend had said. now it was you that felt uncomfortable. squirming under all the stares of your friends, you could only give a small smile, feigning a chuckle, before the boys deemed that enough to move on. it's right then and there that you realized exactly what the fuck you'd gotten yourself into. you felt the teeniest bit disappointed, in him and in yourself. him for having all that damned pride and you, for forgetting that he had all that damned pride. 
it was at the forty-eighth hour of your relationship when you finally had the chance to drag the boy into the silent laundry room off the hall and confront him, dumping him for the first time because what the hell were you thinking? the usual, careful (not carefree) y/n that you'd known all your life had been replaced with this foreign and terribly impulsive persona in the face of a pretty boy. somehow, you’d let feeling of infatuation and desire revert all your cumulative dating experience and deem your rationality useless. all for a boy. a boy who could go on for days about how you weren’t ‘one of them’ when he really meant that he just thought you were prettier than the others. you felt like you were really just another one of his date-and-ditch girls. like he was slapping his dick in your face, and not even in a sexual way.
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the last day of your weekend elapsed quickly and you had already found yourself cornered by donghyuck before your first class. you would have blatantly ignored him, had he not been screaming your name at the top of his lungs, alerting everyone within a mile radius. his face was drawn into a playful grin and you felt yourself cringe internally because you couldn’t piece together how you could’ve possibly dated a boy that would yell at you to get your attention with a goddamned smirk on his face the day after you had dumped him. 
dragging him by the elbow to the nearest bench, you forcibly sat him in the seat, looking down at him like a mother giving her child a scalding glare for misbehaving. his face now donned something you hoped was guilt but edged the line of being shameful. “why are you embarrassing me? it’s nine in the morning.”
indeed, his voice was small and he seemed upset that you used such a reprimanding tone on him. “sorry, i just wanted to get your attention.”
“and now you have it,” you huffed, “what do you want?”
once again, without missing a beat, he blurted out, “to get back together.”
your mind longed to reminisce the feeling of his eyes, sincere, on yours but even then, you felt like a joke to him. “no.”
“but y/n-“
“no, hyuck. i don’t want to be another one of your girls that you think are 'pretty enough' to take to that fancy little restaurant you frequent.”
“you’re not.”
“oh, so all of a sudden i mean so much to you.”
“not all of a sudden, i- i’ve-“
donghyuck’s throat closed up before he could let you divulge in his little secret. he knew he would’ve probably been better off telling you the truth, as embarrassing as it would be for him, but it was too early, he told himself. he wanted to be sure about your feelings for him. he wanted to build a relationship with you, not pressure you with words he knew you weren’t ready for.
“you’ve what? lost your ability to speak?”
oh, how he would’ve loved that snappy attitude of yours had it not been directed at his poor self. he gulped visibly before settling for a half truth that wouldn’t make you freak out and avoid him like the plague, “i’ve started to like you, y/n. and not the way i like the others. you’re different, i swear.”
you bit down harshly at your lip, wondering if you were destined a shitty love with a disloyal boy. shaking your head, you pulled your phone from your tote, more than ever wanting class to start as soon as possible. to donghyuck’s dismay, it was. slipping your phone back, you raised your head to be met with wide eyes and you cursed yourself for almost wanting to ruffle his hair or tug at his cheeks or pull him into a hug… anything to get that little pout off his face. but you digressed, giving him a placid smile and a, “i have class, see you later,” before turning on your heel, thankful that you hadn’t succumbed to such silly urges.
class had been uneventful, a flurry of taking notes that you would later go back to and realize didn’t even make sense. your friend and usual seat partner, dayoung, had decided that today was the day to ditch. you supposed she’d either blacked out from drinking or had an incurable hangover, the cost of her monstrous drinking habits. it was a shame, you thought while packing up, that you would have to go to the cafeteria alone and eat alone. 
exiting the lecture hall, you’re met with donghyuck once again, eyes burrowed into his phone. his brows are drawn together in concentration before he hears the shuffling of feet, courtesy of your fellow classmates, and you saw how he immediately searched the crowd for you, or you're assuming. you wanted to screech at him, what in the name of god was he thinking? picking you up after class? but you turned on your heel, almost getting ready to sprint to the back door of the building. before you could even get two steps in, donghyuck’s fingers were gently tugging at your elbow, forcing you into a spin to face the culprit of your classroom daydreams. his grip tightened as if afraid you’ll shrug him off and you saw the way he nervously shoved his phone into his back jean pocket, fumbling around for a bit until it finally slotted in. he let go of you rather abruptly, seemingly suddenly aware that his hand was there in the first place, and cleared his throat a little louder than he had aimed to.
“do you want to go get lunch with me?” his voice was shy, and it caught you off guard in the slightest because of how collected he seemed. nevertheless, you’re persistent if nothing.
“no, i’m eating with dayoung.” the lie fell past your lips like honey and you’re about to give yourself a mental pat on the back when a small, knowing smile eased onto the boy's face.
“dayoung’s at jaemin’s. she’s got a bad hangover from yesterday’s party.” damn, you would’ve been celebrating two victories, one for successfully lying and another for being right about dayoung’s tendencies, if you hadn’t forgotten that the girl was jaemin’s girlfriend and that jaemin was one of donghyuck's best friends. your lips flattened into a thin line as you grasped at nonexistent excuses to toss at him. his smile had widened, the light in his eyes shining, before he, again, took you by the elbow and led you to his car, admittedly not giving a fuck as to whether you were okay with it or not.
“come on, i didn’t wait a whole hour and a half outside to just let you go off on your own.” his little comment had you stopping in your tracks. he looked back at you, confused, the little frown on your face igniting unease in his mind. “you waited?”
“of course i did, baby.”
“don’t call me that.”
“okay fine, y/n.”
“why would you wait?”
“because i like you,” another smirk, “i said what i said and i meant what i said.”
(it’s not everyday that flustered!y/n enters the chat but when she does, god, hyuck swears he’s never been more in love with just the way someone blushes. he loves it, he lives for it.)
you escaped the gaze of his star struck eyes by stalking to the passenger side of the car, standing by the door and waiting for him to unlock the vehicle. willing himself out of his fanboy trance, he thumbs the key in a hurry and gets into the drivers’ seat with even more enthusiasm. with each progressing second he spends with you, he can't help but want more and more to get to know you. his actions were eager, putting the car in reverse, easing out of the parking spot, fingers nimble on the gear stick. as usual, the drive was dead silent off to a place that donghyuck didn’t bother to mention. you figured out soon enough though, as he parked the car in front of a local thai restaurant. as you gathered your belongings, he took the opportunity to quicken his exit to open the door for yours. “you don’t have to do that, you know. i’m perfectly capable.”
donghyuck didn’t let your statements derail him as he also opened the door to the restaurant for you. you gave him a disapproving frown, even considering to just not go in, before begrudgingly entering. the place had a cozy feel to it, somewhat akin to a rainforest cafe except without the fake exotic animals and random trees. donghyuck rushed, as if it were his life’s duty, to pull out a seat for you, and you willingly let him see your eye roll. “i know you’re capable, y/n, i just want to do it for you, really.”
you scrunched your nose in distaste and ignored his late reply, opting to skim through the thickly binded menus the waitress had set upon the table. you take it upon yourself to order this time, despite having never been to the place, but you figured a pad thai and khao pad were the way to go. his eyes were on you the whole time, watching the way you articulated yourself to the waitress. you knew this but pretended, for the sake of your heart, to be oblivious to his antics.
unsurprisingly, donghyuck slipped back into his usual persona that he seemed to portray whenever he was around you. being in his immediate presence seemed to make your heart quake these days, reminding you of his charming smiles and smooth lines. maybe it was because of this that made you think it was a bit too selfish to assume that dating him would mean that he would willingly change his entire reputation, you doubted he liked you that much. 
by the end of the meal the two of you were sporting matching shy smiles, feet fiddling with each other under the table and silent snickers with flirty cocked eyebrows. the air felt different when you were around him, the him that you adored. he made the worries on your shoulders lift and lightened the tight hold that life had on your heart. donghyuck was good to you, in all the ways that mattered and in all the ways that did not. it was a shame that you didn't let yourself fall for him sooner. 
he took the initiative to end the mini date there, briefly informing you that he would be dropping you off at your apartment before the car ride blanched out into an airy silence. it would have been outright ignorant for you to dismiss the way your heart pressed against your chest and how it beat quicker than whatever pop song that was tuning in the background of your worries. thinking, you felt it was something that you should take upon yourself to right the situation. whatever you were feeling, whatever he had told you about how he was feeling, was something you just couldn't ignore. staring listlessly into the abyss of the creamy satin that laid against your lap, you took deep breaths that shuddered the nerves on your spine. donghyuck was an ex, but you also dated and broke up with him in such a flurry of emotions that there was no way to tell if it was justified or not. 
pulling into a spot outside your building you rushed your mind to do anything, say anything. "hyuck," you began, not even in full comprehension of what you were about to say. his ears perked and his heart lurched at your usage of his nickname, the feeling of closeness boosting his confidence and affection for you. "yes?" 
"what if we- no, i-," grappling at your hair you felt the words come short as they neared being voiced aloud. donghyuck could sense the tension that you incited with your stuttering but he felt drawn to the way your eyes flitted to everything except his own. he wanted them on his own. letting his weight shift onto the middle console of the front seat, you allowed his careful fingers to caress your chin and lift your sights to him. donghyuck's eyes were warm and inviting and instead of feeling a chorus of nerves, your voice found strength in the expression that graced his features.
"yesterday... i think i made a mistake," his eyes narrowed and his fingers moved to cup your cheeks in his hand. "what do you mean by that?"
"i mean, i want to get back together. i'm sorry if it seemed like i was expecting something from you."
donghyuck openly stared at you, wanting to memorize the way your face fell shy and conserved. he wanted to be the one to open up your heart and to be the one to treasure it. he wanted it all. so while you busied yourself with rapid blinking, your mouth opening and closing in attempts to cover up what you thought might have been yet another mistake on your part, he closed the distance between your lips and his, in a fateful crash. there was a certain passion with which he kissed you with that told a tale of longing and thoughtfulness. he was as warm as he looked, his lips showing you more than he had said in words. from a small but heartfelt kiss, you saw him in so many ways you hadn't before. his sincerity leaked through the simple but profound way he subtly sucked on your bottom lip and in your state of realization, you tried your best to form words from the emotions that had dawned upon you. with a hand on his neck, light but rubbing deep circles you leaned back into his space so that your breath would tickle with his, "i don't know how much i like you, hyuck. i can't even give you an estimate but i know that i like you. that, i know for sure."
"and that's all i need to know, baby." donghyuck slid the hand on your cheek to take purchase of the crown of your head and brought your figure into his. your arms fell down to his back, encasing him, as your temple hit the skin above his collarbones. he felt like home more than anything else. years of knowing of him and only days of actually getting to know him were all you needed for your heart to calm with his gaze, goosebumps to smooth over with his touch. donghyuck, you believed, was a good man, a beautiful, sunkissed man with a hearty laugh that would ring in your ears even in the moments after.
hyuck's presence, in so many ways, was already mounting to more than you thought it ever would and it was something that nagged in the back of your mind, ever so slightly, between the waves of adoration that swept through you with every interaction you held with him. it was dangerous territory, you thought, to be left alone without his persona by your side because then you would be utterly alone. alone to all your thoughts that kept you up at night because rationally, none of this made sense. rationally, he should not have been able to penetrate through your defenses, to break down your façade, to see the real you. it was a matter of days, not weeks, not even months, much less years. rationally, liking him was a no go. and being with him in any serious context was out of the question.
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"woah. dragging me into the laundry room. well that can only mean two things, honeybee." his little remark would normally incite a small eye roll but you're too far in your head to really process the lightness of his joke, the lightness of his tone. two deep breaths, keep your hands away from him.
"hyuck, let's call this off." a serious tone.
"wait what?" it's been like barely a day." his gleaming eyes seemed to take it in anything but seriousness.
"i don't think i really thought this through. i just- it's all a little quick don't you think?."
"but babe look-"
"i'm sorry, again, but i really am not looking for something serious with you. that's what you want and i don't want to be the one who drags this on and makes it harder for me and you. whatever this was. let's just preten-"
"y/n, i'm not going to pretend this never happened, okay?" a pause, "because i know something happened. maybe you can't get serious with me but i know, for a fact, that you felt something at one point or another in this… this relationship." donghyuck's eyes are glossed over now with fresh tears. the very eyes that were filled with glee not two minutes ago. despite how wretched he looks, he continues without a hitch.
"you wanna break up? fine. i respect that but don't fucking say that this never happened. don't deny that what you felt, what i saw, never happened. it happened, baby. we happened."
taken aback in humiliation, you blinked back the oncoming wave of tears that were threatening to fall. he was right, you were impulsive, and indecisive, and though it was nowhere in your intentions to be selfish, that's what you were. two times now, that you've fucked yourself over.
and with your leave, donghyuck found himself at square one. or even negative one. he dated you, he dated you and he still found a way to ward you off, again. not even four days in total had he dated you and he felt the knots in his stomach tighten and curl up against his internal organs. he fucked it up, no matter if it was you that broke it off. he couldn't help but think that he was the one that scared you away. that he was the one that pushed you to fall for him so quickly and carelessly with flirty smiles and stupid chivalrous actions. donghyuck felt the tension build in his insides because he was so enamoured with being yours, for catching your eye, you heart, that he forgot to build a relationship with you, to build trust and reliability with you.
now, if you were to even look back on your relationship with him, or to even look at him in any sort of romantic way, you would only see the boy who could win smiles and little flutters of hearts but never any more than that. he found himself in the pits of regret and utter annoyance at his past self because he couldn't take a step back, for even one second, and show you more of how much of a partner he could be. he drowned in the possibility that he would only ever mark as pretty sex appeal and quick playboy fling in your charts. peak devastation.
but you, you will never admit the twist in your heart as you slipped out of the laundry room that day. not to hyuck, not to jeno, not to yourself. whatever games you believed hyuck to be playing on you, whatever games your own mind was playing on yourself, you were through with it. there was no way around that. 
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a headache, in bed. maybe a bedache. uncomfortable no matter how you positioned yourself. the sheets were crisp but cold to the touch and you found yourself drawing your limbs nearer to your torso, your arms encircling them to ensure a warmth. perhaps this bedache had been brought on by how you hadn't left the bed since early last night, how the sun had been up for awhile now, or even by the phone pressed between your left ear and those crisp sheets. radioactive stuff, you figured. jeno was drawling on and on, about what you couldn't put a finger on. if your best friend was any one thing in the world, he was a rambler. never knew when to stop and could never comprehend the general mood of the room. especially when it was just the two of you, you couldn't help but have your mind wander off onto other topics because frankly, you weren't sure if he himself knew what he was saying at this point. maybe if he could pick up on the fact that you were tired, or so so out of it then he would stop. maybe if he was a little more adept in noticing things about you, maybe if he was a little more like… like hyuck. 
hell, you would've totally crushed on jeno if he had just a bit more common sense in social interactions (it's a total wonder how he has such an attentive girlfriend). but no, if anything hyuck was more your type than any of the guys in the group. huh, hyuck. how did he even end up in your train of thought? 
sprawling your back flat upon the mattress, the cold curling up your tendons and rippling a small shiver down your spine, you thought about the events of yesterday morning. breaking up with hyuck--a good choice decidedly--suddenly seemed like a dick move on your part. surely you could've just worked through it right? you liked him, undoubtedly, why was it so hard to stay with him? the possibility of being hurt was relatively low, despite who he was, you figured because of how he acted around you, gentlemanly. the possibility of it ending up more than just a frenzied fling was also very high, with how much you had liked him in consideration. your mind was going on, still to this moment, about how quick it had been, about your secret fears of it being no more than a joke, about how you had seriously fallen for such a joking person. but then again, you couldn't just call him up and tell him, "hi, it's y/n. let's date. again. because i suddenly feel okay with it. again." (though in all honesty, donghyuck would still say yes). 
the best course of action, you decided, was to wait it out. maybe school could keep your mind off of him and before you know it, the sight of him wouldn't make you suddenly self-conscious. and the sound of his voice wouldn't make the hairs stand straight at the nape of your neck. the aftereffects of his boisterous smile would stop, for once, from making your heart disentangle itself from the hold of your ribcage and the butterflies would stop flying all together. to your dismay, monday morning was comparably awful, just godawful.
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your eyes are still wide and you're only slightly panicking when you say with a flat voice, “repeat.” donghyuck heaves another exasperated sigh. “i said,” he gives you a look that either means he thinks you’re annoying or he thinks you’re stupid (or both), “renjun thinks we’re still dating so he made a bet with me that if we stay together for a whole month, he owes me a hundred bucks.” his sneakers are tapping in such a rhythmic fashion that your eyes feel like they’ve been tranced but they’re pulled to his face when you finally process his words. “wha-“
you’re attempted response is cut short when he says, eyes rolling back, “i’ll split it if you fake it with me.” gosh, you wanted to smack him. you weren’t tight on money at the moment but an extra fifty dollars for a new dress, or the pair of heels you’ve been eyeing, or maybe even that one overpriced lipstick…your mouth seemed to work faster than your mind. “fine, a month,” his face lit up at your words, “but nothing extra, like no weird stuff when we’re alone.”
he nodded, a smirk slowly forming alongside his retort, “that is, if you can resist my pretty face.” it was your turn to roll your eyes and shove his frame farther away from yours as you were reminded of every reason you hated this kid. he was annoying, no way around that. you checked your phone and it lit up with a 9:57. you were going to be late for class.
you took brisk steps away from the boy towards your class across campus, not even bothering to bid him a farewell. "hey, wait up," he jogged to your left, trying to match your pace, "where you going? i thought we should drop by my place, renjun should be there with the rest of the boys." you quickened your steps, making sure that donghyuck couldn't distract you further before answering curtly, "i have class in like, less than three minutes." instead of backing off like he should've he only sidled up to you more saying, "oh okay, what class?" you huffed, clearly distressed that he couldn't take the hint and just go. "organic chem." 
at that, his face seemed to grow even more excited, for god knows what reason, and he caught up with your fast-moving frame with a few skips, "at the kinley building? 'cause i could drive you." this time, you stopped in your tracks, weighing your options. if you declined and walked the whole way, there was the possibility you'd be late and donghyuck would probably tag along as well. if you went with him, there was no doubt you'd make it in time. you figured you would have to suffer being in his presence either way so might as well make it to class on time. "sure,” you muttered under your breath, upset that you had agreed to all his inquiries today.
his left hand clasped around your wrist, as if to lead you to his car, but you promptly unhooked it, not even chancing a glance at his face as you followed behind him. skinship had been prominent while you and him were dating, despite the time being short, and you didn't hate it but it freaked you out nonetheless how he could be so touchy without knowing you all that well. 
approaching the parking lot, you could already spot his beat up 1998 honda civic, sporting the signature scratched navy blue paint. sliding into his car, you could recall the very first night he'd taken you to dinner. how his cheeks had been pink the entire drive there, anxious that you would notice the remnant smell of the fried chicken he had the night before. you could remember, with striking detail, how clouded your mind had been and how you'd let donghyuck's childish antics keep you from realizing what exactly you'd done.
shaking your head from the memories, you kept your gaze straight and mouth shut for the rest of the ride; donghyuck seemed to notice this and followed suit. you were struggling to think about anything except the boy next to you but you persisted to fight it because the complications were too much for you, donghyuck was too much for you.
class? uneventful. your mind? bustling. with what? donghyuck, donghyuck, donghyuck, and fucking donghyuck. the end of class signals an expectation you were pondering in class and upon exiting, you find it to be true. donghyuck is leaning up against the wall adjacent to the door to the lecture hall you were just in and he's already smiling at you, kind and sweet. the drive to the boys' house is strikingly quiet in the most uncomfortable way possible but it's immediately the least of your worries when you pull up upon the driveway of the cornflower blue painted house. donghyuck pulls the keys from the car and you don't allow him to open the door up for you, stepping out just as he reaches for the handle. his hand, hovering midair, swoops back to the curls at the foot of his neck, twirling them as if he was originally to make a dramatic gesture out of a simple act.
before donghyuck can turn the key into the keyhole, he sets an arm around your shoulders, without looking you in the eye and clears his throat. "we might wanna at least seem, you know…" his comment is received with your head on his shoulder, the same position the two of you were in while walking into this very house less than a week ago. he chances a glance down at you but regrets because his face is quite literally all up in your space. he can see the little ridges of your eyelids and the individual hairs of your eyebrows, all the miniscule details of the light makeup you adorned and the blush on your cheeks that's far too pink to be solely composed of any powder or swash. he briefly wonders if the causation is of his sudden proximity but is interrupted when the door in front of you splits open, the keys departing from donghyuck's clutches and jangling against the wood. 
his face is still mere centimeters from yours and renjun is looking, delighted and sickened at the same time so you take the liberty to peck a quick kiss upon the bridge of donghyuck's nose before shooting a shy smile at renjun and brushing past him into the house, leading hyuck by the hand. the boy himself is halfway zoned out because of the fact that you had initiated pda first. snapping from his momentary daze, he feels a sudden courage surge through his chest, his flirty sweet attitude fully consuming the doubt and insecurities that were once peeking through his composure.
"so how you guys holding up this time around?" renjun questions as he perches himself at the edge of a one person couch, already occupied by jisung. the younger boy pushes him off playfully and is, in turn, shot a death glare and a muttered curse. jisung merely shrugs which makes the aforementioned boy even more riled up, the whole situation giving you and donghyuck a few moments to give each other looks confirming who's to be answering. his little nudge gets you spitting whatever tumbles out first.
"better than ever actually, we're kinda just ignoring the fact that that first breakup happened. you know, it was just a small fight." donghyuck's eyes nearly bulge out at your slip up but he's already wracking his brain for a backup reason in case renjun catches the mistake.
"first? what do you mean first?" you can already see the smirk growing on renjun's face, preparing for his hundred bucks. thankfully donghyuck, quick-witted as ever, is right on his tail, "yeah we got broke up a few hours after we got back together, a sick joke on y/n's part."
silently, praising hyuck for how skillfully he handled the near-debacle, you follow up with a realistic, "you thought it was funny too though, don't act like you didn't enjoy my acting!" at this, renjun's quirked eyebrow returns to its rightful place and he retrieves his phone from his jacket pocket to get everyone's pizza preferences for delivery. jaemin enters at this moment. his eyes are sparkling with mirth and he's walking backwards, both hands interlaced with a noticeably tipsy dayoung. 
"shit, dayoung. already? it's three in the afternoon," you voice while ambling in her direction. you see the way she barely acknowledges you while burying her face into jaemin's chest, mumbling incoherent sentences but jaemin supplies your question by telling you that, "she had a shit day, forgot to write a whole essay and a half." blinking in somewhat understanding, you then cross the room to where donghyuck is now sitting on the couch and while he pats his lap, you take the spot on the floor in front of him so that his knees peer at the sides of your head. immediately, you feel him sit up to accomodate you by softly raking his fingers through your hair.
dayoung, currently sitting smack in front of the tv and successfully obstructing everyone's viewing experience, now speaks with a slightly more sober tone, "ya, y/n, i can't believe you didn't tell me that you and donghyuck are dating. i had to figure out through jaemin. imagine how shocked i was to hear that! i thought you absolutely despised him…" the room is awfully silent and you hear the beginnings of words come from donghyuck behind you when dayoung finishes up her little spiel, "... i always thought you liked him though, or at least thought you two looked good together." 
the rest of the boys beside donghyuck are absolutely loosing their shit because y/n liked hyuck for how long?! donghyuck is equally loosing his shit though he tries his best to suppress the blush that's sure to be washing over his features. his heart is pumping at a haphazard pace and his fingers have slid down from your hair to your neck, then shoulders. he hopes you can't feel the shakiness and lack of confidence that seeps through his demeanor, making his pupils shake and ever so conscious of how you are stilled in this moment. donghyuck wants to see the look on your face.
your face, unbeknownst to the boy behind you, holds no surprise. dayoung had said that same line to you over and over again, claiming that your dislike towards the boy was all part of a covert operation to mask your true feelings for him. in all honesty, the topic of this had replayed in your head for quite some time as well because although in the forefront of your mind you knew that you genuinely did not like donghyuck's character, you couldn't help but ponder the specifics of why exactly you always sought to be upset with him when really you could have minded your own business. and with that thought, you seldom admitted to yourself that donghyuck did draw some sort of your attention to him, attraction or just wonder in general.
you almost want to rush and clap a hand over her mouth as another of her drunken speeches comes into play but she beats you to the chase. "let's go on a double date! or triple, yes, triple! i wanna see this 'relationship' up close, y'all are suspiciously cute." 
donghyuck's heart speeds and yours drops.
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turns out, drunk dayoung and sober dayoung are pretty alike when thinking, proven by how sober dayoung had no recollection of her drunken triple date proposal but had also suggested the same exact thing in a sober state. the mirrored version of you that you are so carefully inspecting at the moment looks slightly fucked up, you think. sure, your outfit and makeup are on point as usual but it's the way your stomach churns and eyes shift uneasily that give way to how you're really feeling. nervous. 
walking over to where your small array of handbags are perched upon the windowsill above your fair selection of shoes, you slip on a simple pair of square-toed picnic heels to go with your blue and white 'modern-day belle from beauty in the beast' look. your doorbell sounds throughout the apartment just as you're about to pick out a bag and you scuffle over, still trying to get your toes lined up, to the front door so as to not keep donghyuck waiting. upon opening, you give the boy a quick once-over before deciding that his simple outfit of washed blue loose fit jeans and a semi-fitting white shirt matched perfectly to your own.
"am i approved?"
a small smile graces your features before you nod lightly, turning your back to him but leaving the door open at his leisure. "you most certainly are." stepping within the confines of your space, donghyuck's face breaks into a childlike grin when he notes, "look at us, we're even matching."
you give him an absentminded chuckle in agreement, much too focused on whether a wickered crossbody or the pearled mini tote would do your coordination justice. shaking your head in a frenzy you snatch up the pearled item, astounded that you even thought of introducing a whole new color and texture into an already perfect ensemble. donghyuck watches with an amused grin but paid more attention to your actual apartment than the girl that lived in it. suddenly, you're aware that this is his first time being allowed up into the premises and how awkward this would play out in your mind now that you're aware but you do your best to shake the thought and return to loading your bag with your assigned lipstick, keys, and phone before ushering the boy out altogether.
the two of you are the last to arrive of the three couples, unsurprising to him only. donghyuck will never leave this out for discussion but he purposely drives slowly, so as to give himself as much time with you as possible, even if you end up hissing scornfully at his delayed turn and the way the space between the car you're in and the car in front always seems to increase. 
with the drive in consideration, you are slightly annoyed as you exit the car without the assistance of donghyuck and is slightly relieved to see jeno and jaein walking from the parking lot as well. catching up to them, again without donghyuck, you make small talk with jaein while jeno eyes you will curiosity. before you can jump head first into a heated debate about your shared nutrition professor with jaein, donghyuck's arms slots behind your back and you're startled for a split second. noticing the glare you give hyuck, jeno asks good-naturedly, "something happen on the drive here?"
huffing exasperatedly but relieved you get the opportunity to complain, you reply in the most sincere manner given the topic of discussion. "hyuck here, drives so unbelievably slow, i don't know how we got here even remotely on time." said boy is chuckling with an amused face but removes his arm from the small of your back and instead intertwines your fingers. he adores it when you get riled up with insignificant actions. shaking your head, you let donghyuck lead you to the end of the clearing where jaemin and dayoung are at looking across the landscape.
it certainly is the most picturesque spot for a date, the lavender fields sprawling lazily between the two hills. along the view there are several, maybe five or six, couples that seem to have gotten the same idea in coming here but you're pleased that today would be a fairly undisturbed date. your group of six quickens the pace along the trodden dirt path and you're all too aware that wearing heels, albeit low, with a stick heel was a nightmare on soft terrain. you found yourself sinking into the ground with each step of the way and it's only natural that hyuck picks up on this, being only steps behind you, hands still interlocked and now sweaty. 
he switches the hand in which he holds yours and connects his other with your adjacent. taking a large step, you feel his front press against your back as his voice pulses softly into your ears, "want me to carry you, babe?" a chortle crossed with a scoff passes your lips but before you could quip back a line on just how capable you were, the heel of your left shoe caught particularly deep in the soil and upon trying to retrieve it, your balance was replaced with incoordination. hyuck steadies you by moving his left hand around your waist and rights your stance but then slides his other arm beneath the alcove of your inner knees and swiftly removes your weight off the floor. you're not left breathless or starstruck by his smooth actions but his eyes, now matching your gaze, are enough to stop you from retorting to his kind gestures. surely, he meant nothing more of it than a simple solution to a friend's problem and a token of performative pda.
arriving at a particular grassy clearing about half a quarter mile into the field, you see that jaemin and dayoung who were at the head of the group had already spread wide the picnic blanket they had brought, the large wicker basket that jaemin had looped around his arm on the way here was seated atop. donghyuck only lets you down only when he's right at the foot of the blanket and dayoung gives you a playful grin, which you return with a shit-eating one of your own, followed by a giggle that erupts from jaein as a spectator of the scene. the weather is warm but not hot, the rays of the sun light on the skin and far from blinding, and the grass is dewy but dry enough for it to stop from clamping through the thin fabric of the pink blanket. sure, you admit, a triple date on a day like this, with a view like this, was definitely a good idea.
hyuck makes sure to grab a few napkins as soon as the basket is opened and he trods back over to where he had set you down, crouching and lifting your left shoe off your foot so he could clean the soiled heel. he does the same for the other, all whilst you're looking up at him with such sincere and loving eyes. it is far from intentional but donghyuck knows that the easiest way to your heart is found in simple but profoundly touching actions. 
an hour into the brunch, you seem to have grown accustomed to donghyuck feeding you food, refilling your drink, and just being the most attentive you have ever seen him be. you chalk it up to the fact that he's just closer to the platters of food set in the center of the blanket as well as the fact that he needs to make as much of a show as he can out of this. chatter is pleasant, the other two couples equally as enamoured with one another over the whole group in itself, giving perfect leeway for donghyuck to squeeze in some one-on-one time. 
"y/n," his voice causes your head to snap in his direction, eyes wide. "what?"
hyuck licks his lips, eyes glancing down to your own before realizing that now was definitely not the time. you felt like you could see the gears turning in his head when he answered, "let's go take pictures." nodding, you let him help you up and lead you to the nearest path, his hand guiding you slowly so as to not cause another inbalance. the path he chose ended up circling down further into the valley and he walks you down until the terrain flattened and treads back up the slope to get a picture of the flowers fanning out around you on all sides. his breath catches, keeps catching, with each second he stands there, focusing more on the little you on the screen than the picture he was taking of you. a few shots later and jaemin and dayoung had rounded upon the spot as well, jaemin offering to take some photos of the two of you together.
a light smile forms on donghyuck's features as he nears you, eyes glistening at contact with yours. perhaps it’s the way love simply works but he swears that even mother nature kneels before you, outlining your skin with a glow that could only be achieved with true happiness, the rays of light reflecting in your eyes gleam like pools of honey, and the way the flowers fan around you that made your figure seem even more sublime. hyuck blinks his running thoughts away as he makes haste to set an arm around your waist, tugging you closer to him. he can quite literally feel your head turn to look at his side profile, your nose barely dusting the heights of his cheekbones. he sucks in a breath and turns face-to-face with you as well, momentarily slowing time and the whole 'posing for a picture' scheme escaping his mind. 
"okay, i got it. you guys looks so good together, who knew!" jaemin squeals, effectively drawing your attention away from his stare. you pick up on the small, "i knew," that dayoung lets out in a distaste full tone and exchange a funny glance with her. bringing hyuck's arm from behind you and lacing fingers with him instead, you beam up at the other couple as you offered to take a few shots of them as well. 
the six of you only spend an hour longer at that destination, being full-time college students didn't exactly allow full-fledged dates but with the time considered, you had fun. slipping back into the passenger seat of hyuck's car, with the boy closing the door shut behind you, you rummage through your handbag to find the packet of blotting paper you are sure you put in there. just as you see it, your eyes catch onto a bright red, packaged candy lodged in the far corner. donghyuck returns to his side of the car just as you withdraw the stick from the bag, eyes gleaming as you held it out for him to see. 
"the lollipop you gave me, that day, at the valentine's dance." you give a small childlike chuckle before unwrapping the candy. he looks almost distressed, "and you're eating it now?" 
"yeah, why the heck not."
"i mean, i thought that you'd save it for, you know, sentimental value." your eyebrows raise with his comment.
"huh, i never pegged you as one who cared about that kinda stuff." 
"i- well, i guess there's never a better time to learn."donghyuck took a deep breath.
"how 'bout this then?" you position the lollipop up and slightly to the left of his face as your other hand busies around the bag for your phone. swiping to the camera, you take a few shots of donghyuck's confused, enlightened, and then smiling face before withdrawing, "how's that for sentimental value?"
his eyes are in full acknowledgement of your cheeky attitude but he's thrown off guard just a few seconds later when your phone is thrust in his face, your lockscreen the same picture you'd taken moments ago. "cute, right?"
donghyuck's hands are shaking as he reverses the car from the parked spot with feigned ease. "yeah, real cute," he mutters under his breath but just at the right pitch for you to hear. the small smile that graces your snickering expression just shoves it further into his face that any way he tries to rationally run from you, he'd end up right back in your presence, drawn to you in ways even he cannot yet comprehend. he knows that no matter if he tries to avoid the fact that every moment spent with you further solidifies his daydreams into reality or tries to delude himself into thinking that he's in this solely for the fifty bucks, either way, he's fucked. 
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donghyuck's beyond stressed and more than ever wishing that time could work in his favor for once and pick up pace past the worrisome week ahead. he has an inkling that the library is already packed to the brim but he's convinced that if he wishes hard enough for a spot, one will magically clear itself for his studies. with no time to waste, he power walks past the information desk, past several rows of rich literature, and into the open field of desks. his suspicions, as they turned out, were right. each and every seat was occupied by one of many equally stressed out college students, cramming for the first day of finals that marked just under eight hours from now. donghyuck takes a roundabout the whole floor, just to make sure that he wasn't missing out on one of the coveted cushioned seats by the walls if any happened to be free. he's about to exit the premises, regret lining his already deteriorating mindset at the thought of having to  memorize two months of information with chenle's music blasting from above, all three of jeno's cats taking purchase of his lap, and jisung entering every four minutes for entertainment purposes. 
he really is about to exit, that is, until he sees you at the far corner of the establishment, earbuds tucked in securely, a sprawl of two computers, a tablet, three open books, and a whole ass stationary store displayed in front of you. in between two tall shelves and peering through a few books, he knows that if anyone were to comb their eyes about the room, they'd think him to be stalking. weighing his options, he decides to let you study in peace, not wanting to interrupt whatever was going on in that organized mess of yours. 
donghyuck contemplates though, with the consideration that you had to have been at the library for a fairly decent amount of time to have secured such a good spot. the second the idea is brought to mind, he rushes out the building, almost sprinting and earning a few dirty looks thrown in his direction.
he really wishes he had driven his car instead of biking here, something jeno had convinced him was a good idea, but he makes do with what he has and pedals furiously to the convenience store on campus, a good nine minutes away. there, he buys a few bottles of energy drinks, other extremely caffeinated stuff, candy bars, and decides after a good minute, that chips were not the way to go, the loud packaging would give away to the strict eating policies all too easily. a stupid bright smile is plastered across his face, even as he finds himself paying an extra dollar for a bag to hold all the items. again, pedaling back furiously, he manages to make it to the library in only eight minutes this time but it's for naught since he spends the next fifteen with one knee propped on the seat of the bike, using it as a makeshift table to write and rewrite a little note to accompany the goods. 
stuffing the paper bag into his backpack and switching it so that it's strapped on his chest rather than his back, he hurries into the vicinity to find that you're still there. donghyuck waits. he picks up a book on graduate level psychology and attempts to read it with one eye on the text and the other on you, not that that's how it works, both his eyes are really on you. he does this for a total of forty minutes until you finally get up for the restroom and on cue, donghyuck makes sure to be discreet when sliding from between two bookshelves and placing the paper bag upon your seat. he leaves promptly.
donghyuck arrives home with his heart thumping loudly, reminiscent of the feeling after running a whole marathon. his phone dings and his first thought is of you. instead, it's a reminder: religious studies final, 8:00 AM. the time above it reads 1:09 A.M., so much for 'no time to waste,' he thinks.
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you're relieved that your quick restroom break was quick enough that your stuff wasn't cleared out by the snappy librarian or any other crazed undergrad. but to your confusion, your spot has now been replaced with a brown paper bag, medium in size and clandestine in contents. with careful hands, you slit open the bag, keeping your distance in the unlikely case that it was a motion-activated bomb (a valid fear, may i add). surprise lights your face as you see a few of your favorite candies, as well as a bundle of energy drinks that you so desperately need. a post-it is tacked to one of them and you pluck it up with two fingers and bring it to sight. 'hope this helps, don't get in trouble for eating tho. -ldh.' 
you pause, your breath halts. a small hand accompanies your gaping mouth that regresses into a soft smile. this boy, he was really something else. your dedicated studies continued, but were futile given the fact that all you could think about was lee donghyuck, a sweet, sweet boy who waited god knows how long for you to take a restroom break so he didn't interfere with your concentration. lee fucking donghyuck. dissolving your emotions so you could dutifully return to your misery, you let your shoulders sag, letting out a sigh, what a mess you were in. 
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with finals out of the way, you're now facing the second big event of the month. a heavily anticipated move. the apartment you're currently occupying is quaint, but small, cozy, but inconvenient. unfortunately, jeno had already headed back to his hometown, having one less class and therefore one less final than you. none of your other friends were equipped with the abilities to be hauling heavy furniture to and fro so you were left to either pay someone or find someone. much of your conscious had already decided who that someone would be but you lacked the courage to carry the proposition through. 
you pondered the situation while driving to your new place that was closer to campus, larger in size, and with thicker walls so you wouldn't have to hear your neighbor pounding her boyfriend in 8D audio with only a cardboard wall to separate your eyes from the scene. pulling into a parking space you steeled your resolve and dialed the number.
he picked up in one and a half rings, "y/n? hey, what's up?" donghyuck's voice comes out raspy on your end.
"shoot did i wake you up?"
the boy clears his throat, lying he replies, "no i was just packing, do you need anything?"
"uhh, yeah. a favor. if you could, i just need someone to go to ikea with me to help carry furniture and stuff. and since jeno's out of town, i just thought i'd ask you."
"oh," he sits up straight in his bed, "yeah, yeah i can go with you. when?" 
"maybe like...now? sorry, this is so last minute.”
donghyuck is already on the move, unearthing your favorite sweatshirt of his from his already packed suitcase, "no, not at all. i'm basically done here anyways."
"right, cool. i'll text you the address. when will you be here?"
"ten minutes," he blurts out, "i- is that good?"
"okay, see you." you hang up, heart hammering in your chest. 
you wish the mirror in your new bathroom was full-length because you are currently stood atop the rim of the bathtub adjacent to it, the crown of your head unceremoniously shoved against the rail of the shower curtain, trying to get a good look at whether your ensemble is fit for the occasion. a baby blue mini crop top with a pair of loose sweats drapes your figure and you wonder if furniture shopping with the boy you like requires something a little more cohesive. sighing, you figure that all your worrying was in vain, since the moving van you ordered with all your packed up clothes in it isn’t scheduled to arrive until 6 in the evening. 
just as you finish reapplying your gloss, the doorbell sounds, the unfamiliar ring causing you to yelp in surprise. you answer the door, donghyuck's face lit with humor, "i heard that." your cheeks flame a tad bit before you realize with a pout, "oh, guess the walls aren't as thick as i thought then." donghyuck smirks, an expression that you miss but you go on to list to him the things you were planning to buy that you didn't already have moved in yet. a couch, two lamps, a nightstand, and four very specific potted plants. he watches you with sparkles in his eyes, as if they were reflecting your own.
"right let's go, then," nodding, he snatches his keys.
"your car or mine?"
"mine, the trunk's bigger," he reasons and you nod.
minutes later, you stand dumbfounded as you stare at his 'bigger trunk.'
"so you're saying, that you're gonna shove a whole ass couch in here."
"that's right, sweetie." not even thinking to correct his term of endearment, you slam the trunk door shut, nearly decking him in the head. "if it doesn't fit, i'm having you ride the bus back with the couch."
"sure thing, babe." he answers nonchalantly, seeing as you haven't caught on.
"and alone too, i'm not bouta be seen in public with a man carrying a couch on a bus."
"got it, honey." he’s beginning to enjoy this.
"shit, maybe i'll even have you pay for it if that happens."
"fine by me, love." his smile is on the verge of splitting his ears.
shutting the car door of the passenger seat closed, "gosh, what if i just send you to get the stuff by yoursel- wait, what did you just say?"
donghyuck's face shines golden in the afternoon light, "nothing, dear." 
"hyuck, you gotta be kidding me." 
"kidding about what, babygirl?" he looks as if he is to burst of happiness.
"lee donghyuck, i'm being serious." but the little smile that edges on your face gives it all away so he goes on.
"as am i, lovebug."
shaking your head, you turn to look out the window in embarrassment as donghyuck pulls out of the parking spot with the stupidest grin on his face. it isn't until you guys are halfway there that he returns to a normal calm but fails to guard his mouth from saying anymore. "you good, sweetpea?"
"c'mon, say it back, princess, i know you want to." he gives a few quick glances in your direction, eyebrows jutting up playfully.
the smallest of smiles adorn your face as you let out a, "geez, baby," muttered under your breath. the same old stupid smile is back on his face now, his ears are perked, but you can tell he’s nowhere near satisfied yet.
"what'd you say? i couldn't quite hear you."
"y/n, c’mon, what'd you say?"
"... i said...geez, my lil’ bitch."
he breaks out into ripples of harmonious laughter that ring in your ears like the first few chords of your favorite song. you follow him, peals of laughter emitting at just the sight of his joyous face. this marks the first car ride you share with the boy that isn’t bathed in complete silence but instead, smiles and comfort and bouts of flirty tension hanging in the air despite no one spectating. 
the trip to ikea is straightforward in its purpose, you point and donghyuck carries. he masks the fact that he really isn't the one for heavy lifting jobs pretty well by wiping the sweat off his forehead when you're not looking and taking gargantuous swigs of water when you're too busy measuring dimensions and surveying durability. he also makes sure he has a say in the pieces you decide on, wanting something for you to remember him by whenever you look at the extra flower print pillow cases he convinced you to buy. while you're paying at the checkout, he makes it his job to buy two vanilla ice cream cones for you to commemorate hard work. the smile and shy thank you that you give him makes him feel a good deal important. 
donghyuck ends up exerting a lot more energy than he thought he would on this little venture, shoving the gigantic box of unassembled couch half into the trunk and half into the backseat, the rest of your purchases having little to no space to themselves. you notice his fatigued state and offer to drive home in his place. he's hesitant to agree but feels the weight of his arms and complies. as soon as the car doors are shut and the overhead light goes out, the two of you take a few minutes to collect yourselves. 
"thanks for today, hyuck."
he closes his eyes, head leaning back on the headrest, "my pleasure, sweetheart." you start up the car. 
halfway into the drive you notice that donghyuck has started to nod off. feeling a little more courageous at the thought of him being unaware, you slip a hand into his, one still securely on the wheel. you smile to yourself, nodding along to the upbeat song playing on the radio, the volume turned down to the lowest dial. you pride yourself for being able to get away with the action but you only think you do. donghyuck knows the feeling of your skin on his. he knows the unmistakable sparks that ignite in his little belly of butterflies, and even if he is half asleep, he feels you more than anything. he loves you more than anything.
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you convince hyuck to take the guest bedroom for the night, laying newly washed sheets on the bed just seconds before he passes out on top of them. oddly though, you yourself are woken up the following day by a string of curse words that come from the living room. groggy and barely awake, you trudge into the open space to see donghyuck with an instruction manual inches away from his face, his eyebrows drawn in. parts of the couch are sprawled all around him and you wonder when and how he woke up in the first place.
"hyuck, what're you doing?" your voice is still heavily-laden with sleep and you cross the room to the kitchen, reaching for the first water bottle you see. "woke up a bit early and thought i'd do this for you since i have to leave at 10 for my flight and i didn't want you to be doing this alone."
you crouch on the floor beside him and offer him the water which he takes. "that's...very thoughtful of you." he doesn't answer but continues assembling the pieces with a proud smile on his face. meanwhile, you busy yourself by making a small breakfast with what you have in the fridge, a simple egg, cheese, ham english muffin sandwich. he eats it gratefully by shoveling it down hurriedly so he can get back to work, giving you a few feel-good laughs. he's done in about an hour and, not without your help, the couch is up and running (or sitting) and the two of you are reclined upon it, the new-couch smell overwhelming your senses. donghyuck checks the time and mumbles a quiet, "oh shoot," before he stands up abruptly, turning to tell you with sullen eyes that he has a flight to catch. you nod and walk him to the door, standing just across the threshold from him, dolefulness apparent in your expression as well. 
"i guess i'll see you in a few weeks then," he voices as he looks up at you, tying his shoelaces.
"yeah, i guess so," your eyes never leave his, "make sure to tell your little siblings that y/n says hi okay?"
"psh, you've never even met them," donghyuck stands up straight now and you're craning your neck a little at his height.
"oh, so that one time over facetime doesn't count now?"
donghyuck gives a breathy laugh, he goes in for a hug that you reciprocate warmly. reluctance lies in his countenance as he draws back, not wanting to leave you so soon. you notice his lingering stare on you and instead of teasing him, or pointing it out, you urge him on with a hand on either side of him, "just go hyuck, i promise i'll call you later this week."
his stomach does little flips, "oh, okay," he says with a small voice, "i'll get going now then."
"okay, be safe."
"i will, babe." he just stands there looking at you with eyes full of mirth.
"oh my, hyuck, just go!" a small pout begins to form on his lips and you get the sudden urge to kiss it away.
"right, i'll be on my way." he turns away from you to walk to his car, but it's this time that you spin him back around to place a quick kiss to the lips, the smile on your face never leaving. feeling the blush beginning to seep into the skin of your cheeks, you rush back into the confines of your new apartment, leaving donghyuck to his own, flustered, devices. his feels lightheaded the whole flight back and it isn't until he is greeted at the door of his childhood home with the face of his mom, that he is brought back down from the heavens.
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"donghyuck oppa has a girlfriend," his youngest sibling drawls out the last syllable as if to prolong the shock the simple statement has already inflicted upon him. his eyes are rounded and searching for any sign of disapproval in his parents’ demeanors but more so because he never intended for his family to know of your existence, seeing as it would be imminently irrelevant in just a few weeks. not only was it to dodge otherwise unimportant questions but his resolution was also linked to the fact that making you known to his immediate family felt like solidifying the ever-so-fake bond that persisted between you and him. surely, even though your relationship with him was anything but real, though was portrayed in the most real fashion, he couldn't admit to himself that the idea of you as his girlfriend in the eyes of his family brought him joy. 
he watches as his mother claps her hands together in glee, exclaiming with full vindication, "how could you not tell me, hyuck!" she asks for a picture of you, your name, last name, major, how he had come to know you, when did this happen, (did you guys do it yet), and most importantly, if he loved you. he answers a quiet yes to his mother's last question but she seems to have moved on to intently stare into his phone screen that's displaying a picture you posted on your instagram a few weeks prior at the flower field. the first being a solo shot, your hair billowing lightly in the winds that seemed to blow solely for you, the gaze of your eyes fell heavy and serious, a stark contrast to the picture a swipe away, of you and donghyuck gleaming with matching smiles that rivaled the brightness of the sun, the caption reading 'my pooh bear <3.' looking back at the picture now even, he really does understand his mothers coos and 'aws.' you did indeed look ethereal.
he blushes at the thought of you and spends the rest of dinner steering conversation away from you and you-related topics, not wanting to delude himself any further from the truths that were itching in the back of his mind, that no matter how much his mother loved you, or even how much he loved you, it'd be hard for him to say that you held the same intense emotions for him as well. donghyuck retires into the confines of his childhood room as the general buzz of his family lowers into the night and he finds himself staring at pictures of him in high school, before he had met you. he wonders, for the first time, if he liked life better back then. chubby cheeks and a terrible smile, he still remembers looking in the mirror and thinking, handsome, but it's only been a few years in college and he can't remember the last time he looked in the mirror with his first thought being something other than will she think i look okay? donghyuck's string of consciousness derails further into the depths of despair, looking back on the lengths he'd gone to get a girl to getting the girl and loosing her, getting her again and loosing her again, and having to sever his true feelings from his façade just so that he could still claim you as his.
but then he's reminded of you, and how you're so dedicated in your studies but somehow still making time for friends and family. how when you care for people you care and especially of how he feels when he is the subject of your attention. donghyuck brings his little emotional escapade into a full circle when he realizes that he would still do anything to claim you as his because he simply cannot have it any other way. that despite the consistent feeling that he might never be enough for you, he would try to prove himself wrong, time and time again. that despite being dumped twice and a soon-to-be third time, he would still stick by your side, persistent if anything. he didn't just have feelings for you, a part of who he is today is built up by the successes you seemingly made him chase to become a better person in the name of you and for that, he could never see you in a different light and his heart will never fail to fail him at the sight of you.
but tonight, it's the contact name, my love, that lights his phone screen that makes his heart stutter. it's the way that your scratchy voice cracks through the speaker that makes his heart whimper. he gets up in fluid motions to shut the door of his bedroom closed, to allow himself to revel in your attention, undisturbed.
"hey there, i told you i'd call so i called," your think your voice sounds dumb, having rehearsed that same line a few times prior to actually following through with it. donghyuck loves it though, doesn't even acknowledge the rehearsed tone as he takes this as a chance to dive into a piled up vent on how his damned little sister, who shouldn't even know what girlfriends and boyfriends are, had outed his relationship with you in front of his whole family. he's nervous, but for only a split second because your hearty laughter fill his ears and suddenly sets the whole world still and at peace. he sighs in comfort as he listens to how your older brother brought his own boyfriend home and had been received just as warmly. he talks of how his mother's roast duck was slightly undercooked and how right in the middle of dinner he snuck it into the kitchen for an extra minute in the microwave. the two of you laugh at how chenle's proposition for a movie night gets widely left on read by everyone else in the group chat, though you end up feeling bad for the boy (and for laughing) and end up replying and setting up a time for when everyone returns to campus. 
you feel a warm squirm in your heart and for once, you know what caused it. the boy on the other end of the line is so very endearing that you have no space for second guessing anymore. perhaps, perhaps.
talk dwindles down as you both get ready to go to bed at a starking 2:17 a.m. but it seems that sleepy you has more than enough to say. your eyes are on the brightly lit moon that's hanging out your window frame adjacent to your bed. you'd like to think that donghyuck is looking at the same moon, thinking the same things. it's a new but welcomed feeling that enters your heart, blooming into your lungs so that at the occurrence of every breath you take, you are reminded of the warmth he brings you. it's a sappy and deeply rooted feeling that you only now realize has been with you for ages on end and with this realization comes the courage to voice it aloud.
"i love you, hyuck. i fucking love you to bits and pieces."
you think he's already fallen asleep, the quiet that he's offering not doing any good to ease your wavering thoughts. not that you regretted saying what you said, it was truly what you felt for him, whether the relationship was real or not. but you weren't sure if he felt even remotely the same so staying under the umbrella of a fake relationship gave you the opportunity, should the times ever call, to recant your words in the name of performative indication.
the seconds were whizzing by quickly and your anxious mind counted to four minutes. four minutes of dead silence on his part. it's fine, you think as you hang up at the fifth minute, he probably just fell asleep. a weird feeling settles in the pits of your stomach that night. lee donghyuck likes you, that's for sure, but maybe you were the one that was rushing into it this time around. maybe hyuck expected you to bring up the fact that the two of you were still unofficially dating. or maybe he just liked to play around with your feelings while he could during this month. it was a mind boggling mess but you refused to let the boy get the best of you as you drifted off into sleep.
only god and lee donghyuck himself know that he heard you loud and clear that night. the three words he'd been yearning to hear finally and in actuality formed from your lips, for him and him only. but fate tells him it was only a figment of his half-asleep imagination, and only god knows that what he heard wasn't a dream. 
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huang renjun beckons lee donghyuck into the kitchen before the movie marathon begins. today marks one month. donghyuck pulls his phone out to see the hundred dollars even that renjun had transferred, he then transfers fifty of that to you. "so you guys still going strong?"
hyuck feels guilt and worry trickle between his grasps on confidence, "better than ever."
"she actually likes you back, huh, i can't believe i thought y'all would break up." renjun is pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose, his gaze is turned towards the living room where everyone is gathered when donghyuck sees his eyebrows furrow. "shit, i forgot chenle invited mark." donghyuck turns to see his 'girlfriend' being hit on by one of his close upperclassmen. you seem to be oblivious but it's horridly obvious whenever mark attempts to flirt. seeing you smiling at his corny pickup lines, not quite laughing but not quite rejecting him either, donghyuck feels tendrils of unwelcome jealousy and hopeless distress as he traverses on light feet to where you're at, placing a hand on your lower back.
"hi, mark. it's been awhile, how're you these days?" he watches and, in what he knows is sick relief, mark blinks in surprise at the placement of his friend's hand that is plainly indicative of a relationship. "i've been pretty good, you?"
"great actually," donghyuck might've said that a little too enthusiastically, "i saw you were talking to y/n here. i don't think i've introduced you guys yet. mark, this is y/n, my girlfriend, y/n this is mark, a good friend of mine." he sees the pointed look you give him and is suddenly overcome with embarrassment. mark takes a few more minutes of your time before moving on to talk to renjun, the latter noting the tension between you and donghyuck and willing the boy away. 
"donghyuck, what the fuck was that?" you're upset.
"what? he was being weird with you, i couldn't just sit here and pretend he wasn't." hyuck's attitude is snappy right off the bat and you can't help but seethe at how immature he's proving to be.
you retort, with equal force, "yeah, so what if he was flirting with me? what does that have to do with you?"
donghyuck starts to realize that there might be more to the reason you were so defensive in the first place, something having to do with the fact that in the most technical terms, he isn't exactly your boyfriend anymore. "y/n, why are you being like this?"
"like what? i think i'm being pretty rational."
"no. no, y/n, but he was outright flirting with you and you didn't even tell him you had a boyfriend." he knows he's grasping at loose strings but he needs to pry this out of you. to see how you really feel.
"hyuck, we need to talk about it. it's been a month."
as if you had laid it out straight for him, donghyuck feels the desperation crawl beneath his skin, "y/n, please." his tone is all of a sudden soft and you lock your eyes onto his. "let's not talk about it right now, please, not now." he watches as you bite your lower lip in contemplation and then as you nod lightly. "okay."
donghyuck isn't sure if his impulsive decisions have made him feel more relieved or afflicted with current circumstances. as the lights dim and the movie begins to run, he settles into the corner of the sectional that he claimed earlier that evening with his arms open wide. you don't hesitate to curl up on top of him, the warmth of his skin, all too familiar. both of you are ever so aware that this might as well be the last time your bodies are pressed against one another. and both of you are equally tormented by how true that may come to be.
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the clock reads 3:37 a.m. when the movie ends and donghyuck is glad to see that the rest of the boys are quiet in exiting the room to their respective bedrooms. he can still feel the rise and fall of your chest on his and he's oh so careful not to move too abruptly, in the case that you might wake up and realize just where you had fallen asleep. he wishes that he could've spent a few more minutes, at least, admiring the curves of your face in the limited color the dim lights allow to reflect but it all passes too soon as someone (chenle) hits something (a doorframe) with some part of his body (his pinky toe) and wails out in pain (loud shrills), alerting you awake and anyone else that had the pleasure of falling straight asleep. he curses under his breath without realizing that you were right there and awake now, only feeling the embarrassment wash over him as your soft chuckle fills his ears. 
"sorry, 'bout that. go back to sleep." his voice is low and you're so close to slipping back into unconsciousness but you will yourself to prop your chin up on his chest, directly above his quaking heart. "i'm hungry, hyuck."
he almost laughs at the absurdity of your statement. he guesses it's not completely unwarranted though since you have been asleep for the past nearly five hours but he still feels a small part of his subconscious mind tug at just how cute you are. so very cute.
"okay, princess. let's get you something to eat," he says as he dips his hands that were loosely looped around your back underneath your thighs and hoists both your combined weight up. your eyes are gleeful as he pulls you even closer to him, your own arms settling upon his shoulders. crossing the length of the room, he sets you down upon the kitchen counter. allowing himself to bask in your unadulterated attention for a few moments, he realizes the eerie silence that envelops the two of you. he slips his phone out from his sweatpants pocket and thumbs around until he lands upon a random playlist of his on spotify. hitting play, he sets the phone on the counter next to you, lowering the volume just a bit so that it wouldn't disturb the others in the house. 
as donghyuck rummages through the fridge for some food, you fiddle with the zipper of the hooded jacket you're wearing. you're hit with the realization that the jacket isn't even yours to begin with and that it's hyuck's, the garment having been such a staple in your closet for the past month that it barely smells of him anymore, that it really is all yours at this point. looking around the dark room, you find yourself identifying everything you see in relation to hyuck. before you knew it, this little fake dating stunt had become so real that it was hard for you to swallow the feelings. 
attempting to push past the oncoming wave of emotions, you focus your attention on other things. donghyuck's now throwing what looks like a years old hotpocket into the microwave without a plate. his back is turned to you but instead of getting lost in his messy bed hair and broad shoulders you notice the new song that replaces the previous one. it's mellow and soft and it takes you four seconds to realize just what song it is. slow dancing in the dark (by joji). maybe it really is about time to come clean with your feelings, no matter if they could be rejected or reciprocated. it isn't fair to be dragging this on, when it was fated to be ending right now, a reason to which you had broken up with him before anyways. for all you know, donghyuck might even be waiting for you to call it all off, in annoyance since the fifty dollars had already been done deal. looking around, you figure it's now or never as you slide off the counter, landing carefully on sock-clad feet. padding over, you wrap donghyuck in a snug back hug, hoping that he catches on to the situation.
he does, eventually, after you spin him about and lace your hands around his neck, swinging him around in exaggerated and silly motions. he responds with a hushed, "oh!" and continues prancing around with you before finally settling against the steady beat. the song does its job so well in calming your heart that you almost forget the reason you were a jittery mess in the first place. you prep your sappy, truth-laden speech with gruesome effort, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. little do you know, donghyuck is planning the same monologue, equally as gruesome.
the beep of the microwave resounds in the background, alerting you of how you came to this situation in the first place. but with this, his head dips into the crook of your neck as the song comes to a slow and you move your hand from his back to cradle his head. "what's wrong?" the kitchen is now silent, save for the occasional chirp of crickets and your feet shuffling around the tiled floor. donghyuck is silent himself, an inner debate ensuing your question. his chest feels heavy, the burden of a thousand lies resting upon it whilst he can only hold back his tears. he has everything he's ever wanted from you. to rest in your arms, to land a smile upon your lips, to hear an 'i love you' escape those very lips. he feels his emotions bubble up within him, threatening to spill before they really do, in the form of a soft, "i love you, y/n. that's what's wrong, i love you."
he raises his head causing your hands drop down to his back and he instantly misses the way they caressed the locks beneath his ears. he meets your eyes, through the thick haze of blackness that shrouded the room. "and i love you too," you say, voice equally soft but treading carefully; you're still unaware of the problem he's presenting, "what so wrong about that?" you tiptoe so that your foreheads meet and he has to suppress the urge to kiss you right then and there, to evade the hurt he knows will come, and so he simply hugs your body flush against his, as a substitute to his desires. your breaths tickles his nose and he closes his eyes, relishing in the moment before inevitably breaking it by saying, "because i mean it… and you- you don't. not in the way i do." your eyes penetrate his and your mouth parts to voice a response but he cuts you to it. "y/n, my love for you is real. it's always been. and i knew what i was getting into asking you do this with me but, i really wanted a second chance. i wanted it so bad and when renjun brought up the bet, even if it was fake, i just knew i had to take it. and i know this is shitty of me to just drop this on you while we're having this- this moment but i can't keep lying and pretending that my love for you is just- that it's conditional."
donghyuck lets out a breathy sigh as your hands fall from his back, his heart falling with them too. he can't see the expression on your face anymore, his eyes are glossed over with tears that are at the cusp of falling, but he isn't sure that he wants to. he's mad at himself for ruining the most perfect moment, for ruining such a calm night. the tension in the air is almost palpable but it's ripped to shreds as your hands return to cup his cheeks. tilting your head a little, you lean in for a sweet kiss, a small smile lifting the corners of your mouth as you withdraw. "who says i don't love you for real?"
it takes more than two minutes for donghyuck to collect himself, still in doubt of whether he's dreamt up the whole situation or if you are, in fact, being real. you're standing in his arms to remind him that you really are, sneaking small kisses on his cheeks every time he thinks he's finally calmed down. it's a lover's dream to be lee donghyuck, and y/l/n y/n can only fall deeper in love with every blossom of a blush rosing the tips of his ears. 
you thank god, or whoever blessed this boy upon your life, that donghyuck was there that night at that stupid, stupid valentine's dance. and above all, you are endlessly indebted to renjun for his stupid, stupid bet. but mostly, you can't contain the utter awe you hold for donghyuck for simply being the perfect man he is. contrary to everyone's belief (and even your own, up until recently), donghyuck isn't an insufferable person. what they see is just a shell of a man who's too afraid to be the center of attention in any way other than 'the funny guy.' and realistically, it's only with the girl who's stolen his heart that he knows it's more than okay to be vulnerable and that maybe, just maybe, it's the only way to steal her heart back. 
y/n and donghyuck share a love story they know they're lucky to be able to tell their kids and maybe even their grandkids. and if they have anything to learn from it, it's that falling in love is not just a matter of time but of circumstances, impulsive decisions, and reckless emotions. well, mostly just reckless emotions.
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copyright © 2020 rouiyan all rights reserved.
✧ end note — i got my first few likes on this blog a few days back and while i can say with full confidence that i do not write for follows and likes, it made me happy in the small yet extremely gratifying ways that simply writing and posting cannot. so for those few people who interacted with the teaser for this fic as well as anyone else who read up till here, guys, gals, and non-binary pals, i hope each and every one of you enjoyed reading this as much as i did writing this. with love, rouiyan.
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
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Buon Compleanno (Don Giorno x Fem! Reader)
It's as the name says... This fic is close to my heart and I really enjoyed writing it for our Golden king's birthday. Mostly fluff, it does contain mentions of alcohol consumption though. I hope you all enjoy. ❤️🎊🎉😘🐞💭
P. S. Let the fluff ensue 💐
Word count: 2.5k
“So Mista... Fugo, are things ready on your end? I’ve got confirmation from North Island that everything is ready for us on their end. We have to stagger our arrivals so that Giorno doesn’t actually see you guys there until the party. All our villas are ready for our arrival and his presents are being safe guarded there until we arrive,” you beamed as you secretly went over the final checklist for Giorno’s birthday get away with the team and Trish.
Your friends had ever so thoughtfully come over to see you and Giorno off… well more so to iron out the last details of your master plan, but your boyfriend didn’t need to know that. Attempting to keep your plans for his birthday hidden from him was a near impossible feat. Trying to get him to take some time off and just live for himself was an even bigger task, but being who you are, you managed to plan everything down to the finest detail.
Trying to get the entire island to yourselves and plan the party of a century for your closest allies was a mammoth task, but it was what you felt Giorno deserved. In the years that he’s spent running Passione, he had always placed his own needs secondary to the needs of the organization, which is why you resolved to give him the best experience imaginable for his 21st birthday.
“Hi Giorno! We were just talking about you,” piped up Trish in a voice loud enough to alert everyone to the young don’s looming presence. Eyes widening for a split second, you manage to compose yourself without him catching on and flashed him a pleasant smile. You were taken aback by how handsome he looked dressed down in an azure linen Armani suit, hair braided loosely and cascading down his shoulder. He took his place at your side, casually circling his arm around your waist and pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Morning everyone, what’s this about me?”
“Oh, we’re just discussing what we’re going to be doing when you’re away… you know, cats and mice and the like,” joked Fugo, earning him a worried look from Giorno.
“Gosh, relax my love… come on, we have to go, it’s a pretty long flight,”
“Alright, alright, let’s go bella. Well, I’ll see you all in a few days’ time,” leaving to the collective goodbye wishes of your friends you set off to catch the private jet which would take you to the little piece of heaven in the Seychelles.
Upon landing at the airport, you were just one short helicopter flight away from your destination. Giorno’s demeanor was akin to that of a child on Christmas eve, taking in his beautiful surroundings on the helicopter. Stepping onto the helipad, you were greeted by the wonderful fresh scents of the salty sea air, clear blue seas and white sandy beaches for as far as the eye could see. After the welcome, you were lead to the main villa, given your golf cart and allowed yourselves to get settled in for the rest of the night, choosing to spend a quiet night lounging on the balcony overlooking the ocean.
Giorno couldn’t help but stare at your beautiful form. The way the moonlight bounced off the ocean behind you and illuminated your skin mesmerized him. He had known you ever since he had taken over Passione. You served as a valuable ally when it came to weeding out the members who were still unwilling to adopt his ideals. As the years marched on, he started seeking out your company more and more, until it became apparent that he was at his happiest when he was around you… and once the realization had dawned on him, he wasted no time in making you his. You fell hard, and fast, and it was so easy fall into step with each other’s lives, as if you had been created just for each other.
“Bella, this is incredible, I know I put up a bit of a fight but I’m so glad you did this…” he uttered with a dreamy look on his face.
“I’m glad you think so my love, you’re going to love the day I have planned for us tomorrow… Ah! Actually, later on today," you say, glancing at your watch, "it’s just past midnight! Happy birthday my love! I hope you know how much I love you, and I’m incredibly proud of you and all you have managed to accomplish at such a young age… you’re… you’re pretty amazing you know,” the emotions swirled around in Giorno’s eyes while listening to your heartfelt speech.
“(y/n) … I… you’re… I just love you so much tesoro, you’re everything I could ever want,”
“I love you too Gio… come on, it’s late, let’s get some rest,” you say while leading him to bed.
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You rose early, just as the sun made its glorious appearance over the ocean. As early as you had woken up though, Giorno was already awake, nursing a cup of coffee as he stared pensively at the brilliant blue water.
“Good morning handsome, penny for your thoughts?” you greeted your lover, wrapping your arms lovingly around his shoulders and nuzzling into his soft hair.
“Good morning principessa… I’m just thinking about how much I love you…”
“Oh? Is that so, Mr. Giovanna? Well prepare to love me even more, go get ready, we have lots to do today,” you say, a lovely light, lilt coloring your voice.
“Any hints?”
“Wear something comfortable, something that we can walk around in,”
With that, your day had started with a guided hike through the island. Between Giorno’s life-imbuing ability and your affinity for adventure, you were both mesmerized by the flora and fauna you encountered on the hike. Once that was over you looked forward to coming back to a special couple’s massage which eased your sore muscles and relaxed you both into a dreamlike state. Finally, after your last treatments, you could get ready for your “dinner” at the piazza. Feeling a sense of pride as you put on the last of your accessories, you smiled at your reflection in the mirror while inspecting your stunning outfit, and grew even happier when you saw Giorno walking out in a casual charcoal grey Dior suit which matched your dress, but not his expression unfortunately.
“What’s the matter my love? You look great by the way…”
“Thank you tesoro… you’re quite the vision yourself,” standing behind you, sharing the mirror, he raked his fingers through his uncooperative hair, sighing in annoyance.
“Gio, stop- here, sit down, I’ll help you,” you say as you gently brush out the tangles and scrunch the wave back into his lovely golden hair. You carefully braid the length of his mane but leave his signature triad of ringlets out, admiring how beautifully the shorter sections of his hair framed his face.
“There…” you leaned back to admire your efforts, acknowledging the fact that you had a particularly exquisite model as well.
“Are you sure this is fine my love?” there was a hint of doubt in Giorno’s voice, but you made sure to banish any such thoughts.
“Of course, I love your hair like this,”
“Well, that’s good enough for me. Shall we leave my princess?”
“Yes… but can I drive the golf cart?” you ask, extending your arm to him, gesturing for the keys.
Speeding past the rest of the villas, you just wanted to make sure that everyone was already at the piazza ready to surprise the young don.
“Are you sure we’re at the right place my love? Or should we be at a different entrance, this looks like it’s closed,”
“Yes caro, come on, I’m sure the staff are inside… I’ve picked up on your habit of wanting to dine in solitude,” you explain as you walk towards the entrance hand in hand. Stepping into the restaurant, the lights dipped and instantly got brighter revealing your closest friends jumping out of their hiding spots with a collective, rambunctious yell of “surprise”, startling your unsuspecting boyfriend.
“Happy birthday my love,” you softly say once again, as the lively music started to play in the background.
“You… did all of this? For me?”
“Of course bello mio, well, I did have help though” you gestured behind Giorno, pointing out Mista, Trish and Fugo walking towards you both.
“Oi, happy birthday Giogio, haha, you look like you need a drink, I’ll be right back,” said Fugo as he went to order the first round of drinks for your little group. Between flitting amongst your guests, dancing with your handsome beau, and stealing moments away to be alone him, you almost forgot to give him his gifts, which were safely stored in the wine cellar of the establishment.
“Well, what do you think my love?” Giorno’s eyes widened when he saw the glass-encased, white Fender Stratocaster signed by just about every rock star, most importantly, his favorite guitarist, Jeff Beck.
“I’ve been looking for this for the longest time… how did you find it tesoro?”
“I also know some people… that’s not all, look next to it…” you motioned towards 5 Morocco solander boxes that housed a rare first edition of the complete 10 volumes of Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables.
“I thought that might look quite beautiful in your study… adding something especially meaningful to your collection,”
“I’m speechless (y/n) … you’ve gone to such great lengths…” you hush him with a passionate kiss preventing him from gushing about your efforts as you were determined to make this night about him.
“I’m sure we’ve been gone for too long, lets rejoin our guests my love,” you started to walk towards the staircase exiting the wine cellar, but you were pulled back against Giorno’s broad chest, grasping your face in his hand, he kissed you with so much fervor this time, leaving you flustered and battling to calm your racing heart. Noticing the effect, he managed to have on you, he gently coaxed you back upstairs with a wicked smirk.
“Hey, you’re back, we’ve been looking all over for you two. We have one more person who wants to say hello,” with a soft smile, Trish reaches behind her to pull out coco jumbo, which meant only one thing…
“Signore Polnareff! Even you…”
“You know I’ve always had a soft spot for pretty girls Giorno… Joyeux anniversaire! You’re a brave young man with a good head on your shoulders and integrity in your heart, always hold on to that,”
“Thank you signore Polnareff, it means a lot coming from you, considering…” cutting him off before Giorno could complete his sentence, Polnareff attempted to lighten the mood.
“Non non non, no sad thoughts tonight, get this man a drink someone, you’re all slacking here,” he said looking at you as you mouthed a small thank you in his direction.
“(y/n), you’ve really outdone yourself. Giogio, you’re a lucky man,” said Mista as he brought a special bottle of champagne for you all to raise a toast with. “Alright, while we’re all here in the same place, I just want to say that you’re all important to me…”
“Mista’s drunk guys, prepare yourselves,” Trish says with an eye roll resulting in hushed giggles as the gunslinger tried to (unsuccessfully) arrange his sentimental thoughts.
Unable to stand it any longer, Trish takes over and pays homage to Giorno, as well as the special people who had given everything in order for them to live, enabling them to carry on their will.
As the party raged on, you took a small break in a dim corner of the piazza, and took a moment to marvel at the fruits of your labor. Everybody was having the best time, including Giorno. After being called away by one of his associates, it filled your heart with fluttery sensations watching the man you loved finally able to act his age for once.
“May I sit with you, carina?” startled out of your musings, you find an old friend standing over you.
“Lorenzo, of course, please, have a seat,” you offer emphatically.
“So, how is one half of Passione’s power couple doing?” his question earning a loud giggle from you. You continued to make conversation with Lorenzo, until Trish came to inform you that one of the service providers needed to confirm a few details with you, so you politely excused yourself and followed Trish. You were confused as she lead you to a secluded part of the beach, where you find Giorno standing alone, staring broodingly at the ocean for the second time that day. You realized that she just made an excuse draw you away to check on Giorno, being slightly concerned yourself after seeing the expression on his face.
“Gio? My love, what’s the matter? Did you just need some fresh air?” he turned to faced you with the softest smile.
“You know bella, I’ve loved you so deeply for years now… you always know what I need… even before I do. I never really feel complete anymore unless you’re with me… which is strange because I’ve always been content on my own. And then it hit me, you will always hold a part of me, and I’ll always seek you out because of it… You’ve given me probably the best experience of my life tonight, but, there’s just one more thing I would like from you to make the day perfect…” you felt light-headed when you saw Giorno moving to kneel down on one knee, pulling out a little trinket box, opening it to reveal the most beautiful ring.
“(y/n), would you give me the greatest gift and agree to spend the rest of your life with me as my wife?”
Emotions tugged at your pretty features, as you whispered a breathy affirmation, while nodding excitedly. Exhaling sharply with a stunning smile, Giorno got back to his feet and placed the elegant ring on your finger, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss thereafter. You threw your arms around his neck, and held him tightly, before the realization dawned on you.
“Wait! How long have you been planning this, Gio? Your question was met with his soft, exasperated laugh.
“Oh! For the longest time amore, I’ll admit though, your plans had forced me to adapt my own, but I had some help in achieving all of this… Trish is a lifesaver,” explained your new fiancé with a hint of pride in his voice.
“I love you Gio, but you managed to hijack your own celebration… I don’t know what to do with you!” the mock exasperation dripping from your voice drew a small laugh from Giorno.
“That’s your problem now tesoro, you already agreed to marry me, no take backs,” with that, you both decide to return to the festivities. Intertwining your fingers with his as you slowly walked back, you both stole loving glances at each other, communicating your intense affections for each other through your eyes alone… perhaps it was as he said, you mused… that a part of your soul resided with him also, and so you always sought him out to feel complete too, just as he did with you.
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yourneighborbakugou · 4 years
To Love’s End, Part 1
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A/N: I am a simp for medieval love stories. It took so many revisions but I’m so happy to share this first piece with you.  Summary: When love isn’t enough to mold fate together. Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader Warning: angst Word Count: ~2.7k Playlist: Beautiful Japanese Piano Music
Quirkless AU! Feudal Japan AU!
Bakugou Katsuki, a fierce samurai, out to make a name for himself is joined in battle with his comrade of equal footing, Kirishima Eijirou. A fateful encounter of an enemy's supply camp while scouting for shelter in the treacherous mountain terrain changed the tide of their futures, and the war as a whole. Clashes of swords ensue at the enemy supply camp, each side giving their best to claim victory for their Kingdom and their King. With one final blow to enemy General Dabi, Bakugou stands victorious as the rain begins to settle and the sun starts to rise in the horizon. Bakugou’s chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. He wipes the blood dripping from his lips and stands using his sword. In the distance, Kirishima sits on the ground with one leg prompting him to lean on. He chuckles and grins at Bakugou. 
Within minutes, friendly foes begin to fill the camp and soon after, the King himself. Rising through the ranks to be recognized as a great Samurai is no easy feat. After 3 long years for Bakugou and Kirishima, they stood tall and proud at the victory gained at the battle of Wakayama. Kneeling before King Sasaki Mirai, King Sasaki thanks the heroes for what they’ve done for the kingdom. A position in the King’s court as a daimyo (lord) was offered to the Samurai’s but they kindly declined. They were better fit to serve and protect the king with their swords than to hold a political position. King Sasaki nods in respect to the Samurai’s wishes but knows it’d be a loss for him to not have them on his side. A new offer to serve the King at his palace in Yuuei was countered. Serving the King and his court personally was an honor any Samurai can ask for. Bakugou and Kirishima bow to agree to the King’s offer. 
On the day of their arrival, maid Y/N and other servants were ordered to prepare a feast to celebrate their welcoming. Bakugou didn’t like making a fuss about their new positions but the King insisted a large celebration was needed. This was something Bakugou would have to get used to while serving the King. 
Bakugou and Kirishima make their way through the palace to the feast hall. Opening the doors, the smell of delicious food and overlapping chatter flood their senses. Kirishima is amazed at how large the hall is and gawks at all the beautiful court ladies. Finding their seat, Kirishima encourages Bakugou to loosen up with a few drinks of the King’s best brew. Bakugou downs the drinks and huffs in annoyance. He’d rather be in bed resting right now. 
In the nearby kitchen, the palace maids have been gossiping nonstop all day about two Samurai’s making their appearance today. You grab the nearest teapot in the kitchen and gesture to the lead maid, Urakaka you were on your way to the hall. You smile and bow at your fellow maids when you exit the kitchen. Making a turn around the building, you stop to stare at the mirror hanging on the wall. You fix your beige kimono and give yourself an encouraging nod before heading in. The hall is much noisier than you expected. Mentally scouting the room, you search for the samurai’s you’ve heard so much about. In the distance, you spot an unfamiliar blonde hair and a red hair man sitting close to the King’s table. You tiptoe to get a better view as crowds of guests block the way.
“Refill please!” A court lady calls from the nearby table drawing your attention before you get a good look. You quickly make your rounds with the nearby guests and when it was the Samurai’s table next, you inhale a deep breath as you approach.  
“Would you like some tea?” You bow to greet Bakugou. When your eyes meet his, he doesn’t respond. His gaze felt so intense and spellbinding. Heat quickly travels to your cheeks, unsure of what to do under his watch. 
“Leave us, L/N.” court lady Ibara waves as she takes a seat next to Bakugou. 
You bow as you move on to the next table. You exhale harshly, thankful Ibara had interrupted when she did. You begin to refill the guests cup and sneak a glance back at Bakugou and sure enough, those vermilion orbs were still glued to you. You bite your lower lip to hold in the butterflies. 
When you entered the hall, there was a magnetic force that drew in Bakugou. Your kimono sits snug and though plain, complemented you well. Mesmerized, Bakugou leans on his arm, covering his lips as he licks them. His gaze follows you as you walks about the hall, paying no attention to Lady Ibara who was rambling on about who knows what. 
Your encounters with Bakugou after this fateful day were more intoxicating than the last. Each so electrifying you swear it’s nothing you’ve ever experienced before. You don’t get many love interests and oftentimes when you find someone attractive, you know better than to initiate anything. You are after all, only a maid. 
Something about Bakugou draws you in though. Like two magnets attracted to each other, your hearts thump loudly in sync whenever you’re in each other’s presence. Little things were exciting with Bakugou. Whenever you’re serving tea and your hands would accidentally graze one another, a shock, so intoxicating, would send your heart racing and make you crave for more. Vermillion and e/c orbs always searching for one another among the crowds, in passing, and any moment fate would give. Each glance he gives or the smiles he sends pulls you in more and more each time. You can’t get enough. You wonder if it’s the same for him. 
Getting up in the mornings has also gotten easier since Bakugou arrived. Of all the morning duties you had, Bakugou was the reason you enjoyed laundry days the most. See, on laundry days, the likelihood of you finding a particular blonde hair man perched against a wall outside the washing room was very high. He would offer to help and insist he was ‘up early for training and didn’t mind’ whenever you asked. Truth was he liked helping you. Of course, he’d never admit this to you or that he countdown the days til laundry day. 
Bakugou always displayed a tough exterior around the palace and wasn’t a man of many words. You knew now his ‘tough guy’ look was just a facade. Inside was a man who was loving and caring and boy were you falling more and more for him each day.
After a few months of adjusting at the palace, it didn’t take long however before court lady Camie took a liking to Bakugou. With the King’s approval, Camie would accompany Bakugou at all times. Having moments like before became more difficult. 
You stare across the courtyard as Camie pulls Bakugou along with her. 
On the first of every month, Bakugou and Kirishima head to the nearby forest for strength training. The forest offered a different terrain that would be more useful in battle. Shortly after their departure from the palace, an intruder snuck through the front gates disguised as a merchant selling fruits. 
Urakaka guides the merchant and their basket of goods to the kitchen. You watch Urakaka and the merchant enter as you cut veggies. The merchant places the basket at the end of the table as instructed and walks over to Urakaka to collect the money. You study the goods in his basket and sense something wasn’t right. There were several cloth pots under all the fruits. “What’s this?” you point to them.
The merchant immediately push Urakaka to the ground and runs towards the wood-burning stove and pulls a stick with fire still ignited on one end. Ibara enters the kitchen calling for you and you panic, realizing how dangerous the situation was. “My Lady!” You run to cover Ibara as the merchant throws the fire at the wooden basket before dashing out the kitchen. 
Bakugou and Kirishima return to the palace exhausted from their training. The commotion at the front gates catches their attention. The guards inform them an intruder had attacked the palace just moments ago. They both rush to King Sasaki’s corridor’s. After confirming King Sasaki was safe and the intruder had been detained, Bakugou was able to relax alittle. There were no casualties and the doctor was already tending to the court ladies to see if anyone was hurt. Two maids walk past Bakugou and place some fresh towels and a bowl of water at the nearby table.
“Did you hear? If it wasn’t for L/N, Lady Ibara would’ve had some horrible scars.”
“Yeah, I heard she got hurt bad.”
“I feel so sorry for L/N. The doctor refused to help her.”
Bakugou’s heart sank. He rushes out of the building ignoring Kirishima’s calls. In the courtyard, he takes a moment to catch his breath and to decide which direction he should go. 
The night sky is clear and the air is calm despite everything that just happened. You stop to examine how bright the full moon was tonight. As a maid, your job wasn’t only to serve the King but his court as well. You were expected to lay your life down for them if necessary. Your job was to protect Lady Ibara in that moment and you did just that. As careful as you can be, you lowered yourself to sit against a tree. The cut on your cheek sting upon touch. You hiss at the contact before examining your hands. Dirty, bloody, and littered with minor cuts from the shards of pottery that flew your way. Your tears  sting as they travel past the cuts on your cheeks. You sniff as you quietly clean your wounds. 
Where would Y/N be at this moment? Bakugou ran through the courtyard asking folks along the way if they’ve seen you. He then recalled a morning he found you sitting in an unused keep at the far end of the palace, reading. He ran as fast as he could and when he reached the clearing, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
Bakugou’s brows crease and eyes soften when he sees you. Your kimono was burnt in parts of your skirt and apron. The closer he got, the more visible the wounds on your body were. Bakugou knew your status meant the doctor’s didn’t care enough to treat you. 
“I looked everywhere for you, women.”
You're startled when Bakugou finds you. You turn to face away from him. He can’t see you like this. 
Without saying a word, Bakugou takes a seat in front of you. He gently pulls the towel from your hands and motions you to face him. He examines your hands and carefully runs his thumbs over your palm. You bite your bottom lip to suppress the sting.
When Bakugou brings a hand to examine the cut on your cheek, you can’t help but feel safe in his presence. A whimper escapes your lips unknownling. The veil that held you together was falling apart to Bakugou’s touch. 
“I’m proud of you.” Bakugou wipes away your tears and begins to clean your wounds. 
 No other words needed to be said that night. 
A few weeks later, Bakugou and the rest of the Samurai depart for their usual routine mission to the north. They mount their horses and position their weapons on their back. Bakugou moves his mempo (mask) above him and catches a glimpse of you in the distance. You tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, smiling as you motion a farewell to him. The slightest dent creases Bakugou’s lips as he places his mask on. You watch them trot out the palace gates and when the gates close, you turn to leave but realize Camie was watching you. In a panic, you give an awkward smile before excusing yourself back to the kitchen. 
The sun rises in the horizon as your alarm clock. You stretch before rising from bed to get dressed and to clean your wounds. Wrapping a clean cloth on your palms, you make haste to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Bakugou was to return this morning. You smile making breakfast in anticipation. 
Urakaka ushers you to finish up plating the food in the hall. Putting the last plate down, you wipe the sweat on your forehead as you and Urakaka make way to the front gates. A few other servants follow. Standing in front of the gates the butterflies in your stomach wouldn’t stop fluttering. You try your best to hide your happiness and hope you’re doing a good job. Since the incident your relationship with Bakugou has changed. If he was holding back before, he no longer was now. You notice the way he’s more attentive to you, the way he was no longer scared to show he likes you. He’d smile at you across the table as you serve him tea, give you a smile from across the training grounds as walk by with the court ladies, and even helping you hang the sheets to dry on the lines. 
Your smile continues to linger as the butterflies become more intense. Urakaka nudges you to look ahead and when you do, you notice in the distance figures approaching on horses. Your heart thumps at the sight. As the figures get closer and closer, your smile starts to fade. 
“Get the doctor! Get the King!” A soldier screamed as he rode faster ahead of the others. You notice all the blood stains and your heart drops. You take a few steps to the right to see past the soldier and sure enough, you see Bakugou’s horse with the orange harness but it wasn’t Bakugou who was riding his horse. Your eyes widen. The worst fear plague your thoughts and you’re now running to towards the gate before you know it. 
Blood, there’s so much blood. Bakugou and Kirishima were badly injured, Kirishima most of all. As the doctor tended to Kirishima, you were instructed to clean and prepare Bakugou. You make haste to Bakugou’s chambers after grabbing your supplies. When you open the door, he looks up from where he sits and when sees you, a rush of relief leaves his chest. Setting down the bowl of fresh water and towels on the table, you examine his wounds. 
There were deep cuts around his torso, arms and shoulders. His face was bruised and blood was everywhere. You don’t say anything to him as you begin cleaning the blood off his face and arms. Your eyes blur as tears pool at the corner of your eyes and all you can do is sniffle. Red orbs study you with soft eyes, never looking away, nor questioning your silence. 
The water bowl, now a dark red color, needed a refill. You set down the towel in hand and grab the bowl. You turn to walk away but don’t get far before you feel Bakugou’s head lean on your back.
“I thought I would never see you again.”
A tear escapes your eyes as you stiffen to the first words either of you have spoken to each other since you entered his room. Your feet, unable to react fast enough, lose it’s opportunity when you get cut off by the sound of the sliding door.
“I—” Camie rushes in with a doctor not far behind. Bakugou lifts his head and takes a moment to gather himself. 
“Leave us.” Camie commands, taking the bowl from your hands.  
Without another word or glance, you walk out the room. Each step heavier than the next as you leave behind the man you’d come to love. Every evening, since the King ordered mandatory bed rest for Bakugou, Cami paid a visit to Bakugou’s chambers to bring him food and rebandage his wounds. 
You watched from afar each time, half wishing to know if he was okay and half wishing it was you taking care of Bakugou instead of Camie.
To be continued...
Read Part 2 here! 
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alengmae · 3 years
Rabble Drabble #VI: Advances 2.0
Colin fends off advances from his drunken wife.
A/N: This was too good not to write out. Enjoy Colin’s misery. 
Colin checked the clock in his phone, thumbing through Daphne’s text messages. Right after, his eyes lingered on his wife’s gleeful expression on the background picture of his phone before he locked it. They should be close, he mused.
It was girl’s night out. Rare as it is, sometimes his sisters and the other Bridgerton wives get together and do something fun. Usually, it’s a spa day but today was an unusual one. Sophie had connections with a promoter at a new club downtown and invited all the females for lady’s night.
Colin, and the other men in the family, had some reservations about the ladies going by themselves but his complaints dissipated upon seeing Penelope’s excited face. He shut his mouth, difficult as it was, and wished her a good time. She gave him a searing kiss, jumped into the limo that Simon rented for them and waved him goodbye.
He fretted the entire night.
He constantly checked his phone for an errant text message from his wife throughout the night. The smudge marks on his phone screen became more prominent as hours passed by. But he persisted in his test of patience. Penelope deserved a night of fun and time for herself. And he trusted her wholeheartedly.
It was the other men, who might leer at her, he did not trust.
The ring from the doorbell interrupted his thoughts. He dashed to the door and opened it. Penelope stood, swaying dangerously. She looked up, eyes roaming at his body as they traversed upward. She grinned, that breezy smile which he loved to see, brightening up her features as she recognized him. Before he could greet her, she grabbed onto his shirt and pulled with all her might to slouch him down to her level. It was quite a bend since he was a couple of inches taller than her. She easily captured his lips and slipped her tongue in his mouth.
He almost lost his balance from the shock, if not for her pinning him to the door. He was fairly aware of the hoots and hollers from the limousine, Eloise being the loudest, but he paid no heed. Not when Penelope was intent on exploring every crevasse of his mouth.
Colin responded instantly, and even hiked her up, his arms securing her firmly. He was mindful enough to cover her almost exposed bum as her skimpy black dress also hiked up with her movement.  Her legs wrapped themselves around his waist, all the while not even breaking away from his lips--a feat he was absolutely enthralled with. Her hands toyed with his hair, pulling slightly with every flick of her tongue on his.
He twisted and stepped away from the entryway, pushing the door to close with a sound kick. Penelope pulled away, eyes twinkling in mischief.
“Hey, good looking,” she greeted happily.
He preened at her flattery. He prided on the fact that his wife was unconditionally enamoured by his face. He gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Back at you, hot stuff. Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight?”
Her cheeks, pink from inebriation, further blossomed into a pretty reddish hue. The way she shyly peered at him sent a bolt of giddiness to his heart. He loved making her blush.
She rested her head on his shoulder, stealing tiny kisses on his neck.
“Did you have fun?”
She nodded. Her kisses traveled upward to the smooth patch of skin under his ear. He tilted his head to give her a wide berth. He felt her smile against his skin.
“How much did you drink tonight?”
She gave a noncommittal shrug. That usually meant she drank more than she should have, most likely under Eloise’s bidding. He cradled her closer to him. He got a whiff of alcohol from her breath but refrained from commenting on it. She sighed in response, her lips now on the tips of his ears.
He almost wobbled as he walked up the stairs when she gently bit his ear. He had sensitive ears.  
“Ah...my love. Maybe don’t do that when we’re climbing the stairs,” he pleaded. He re-adjusted her on his arms before walking faster toward their bedroom since she did not relent. Even more, her tongue teased his earlobe, making him shiver even more.
He plopped her down the bed as gently as he could. She whimpered at the loss of contact, pouting petulantly at his action. And she just endeared herself more to him.
Colin proceeded to take off the elaborate straps of her heels. “Let’s get these off first, yeah? Then you can go to sleep,” he said while fending off her grabby hands that were aiming for his shirt.
“Did you know that you have a face that’s begging to be sat on?” she whispered seductively at him. Penelope pulled on the pin in her hair keeping her riotous curls together, setting her fiery red hair free flowing as God intended it to be. She pulled her foot from his hands, now on all fours on the bed and giving him ample view of her lovely cleavage.
His eyes bulged as his jaw slacked. His Penelope was no shrinking violet when it comes to carnal affairs but she had never been as aggressive as this. It’s kinda turning him on.  
He stammered her name helplessly. Her seductive smile turned sinful, then she started moving toward him like a lioness going for a kill. He was mesmerized by her lithe movement, or maybe he was just ogling the way her breasts swayed with her every action.
He honestly can’t tell anymore.
She bit her lip. The immediate contact of her red plump lip against her white teeth sent a sharp bolt to his groin. She stopped inches away from him, daring him to touch her willing body. Before he could place a hand on her, she pulled her flimsy black dress off her body.
“Fucking hell,” he muttered under his breath as he gawked at his wife. Her matching brassiere and underwear were not only extremely flattering on her, they were also very see-through. It was times like these that he wished he had Benedict’s talent for painting. The vision of her as a tempting minx would be forever seared into his brain.
His hands itched to touch her pale skin. Maybe he should explore sculpting instead. But Eloise’ words on the concept of consent rang loudly in his head. Penelope was drunk. He should not partake.
He closed his eyes shut and stepped away from her. “I’m going to get you some pajamas,” he squeaked out as he ran away. He ignored her affronted gasp.
When he came back, Penelope was already under the covers. He almost tripped on her high heels scattered on the floor then he noticed the lacy undergarments on the floor. When he let out a loud exhale, she giggled heartily.
“Pen, come on,” he called out as he pushed some clothing in her direction.
What he didn’t calculate was her hand pulling him on the bed and her gloriously naked wife straddling him. Her hands roamed along his chest, one hand purposely dipping past his stomach.
He choked out her name in alarm, which she answered with a wink.
“We are going to have fun tonight,” she promised after she kissed the tip of his nose.
He swallowed nervously. His hands clutched on the cotton beddings desperately in fear of being in contact with her lush body. Sweat beaded his forehead. “Probably not tonight, my love. Maybe when you’re sober?” he hastily asked before she could kiss him again.  
She wriggled her hips in defiance, earning a low groan from him. Her eyebrow lifted up in amusement.
“This is so hard,” he muttered, feverishly praying to the gods of chastity, whoever they may be.
“Oh good, we can start,” she impishly exclaimed. She tried to pull off his shirt but he latched onto it like a drowning man to a lifesaver.
“Pen...Pen, my love,” he cried out in vain as she ignored his shirt in favor of his pants. She was about to successfully take off his sweatpants when he turned her over, pinning her on the bed with his weight.
She smooched his jaw, the touch featherlight to tease him into oblivion. And damn her, it’s working.  
“Let’s take a minute, okay?” he panted. Colin’s breath was haggardly thin from the sheer effort of not jumping his drunken wife. He was so stressed he thought he developed multiple ulcers.
“Okay, but on the next round, I go on top,” she said with a slur, then added, “I want  to ride you.”
His lips pursed into a thin line. Maybe if he pumped her with enough caffeine, she’ll sober up in the next few minutes? No...no, what was he thinking? She needed sleep. He caught her hands pulling at his shirt and plainly commanded her, “Sleep.”
“Are you serious? I’m naked.”
He pulled on the pajama he brought earlier and placed it on her chest. “There you go.”
“But...but,” she looked discombobulated from his refusal. It’s just not done. He never said no to sex. It’s usually her who begs off sex. Colin was a little proud at his exemplary show of restraint.
“Come on, love. I’ll get you some water and aspirin.”
Before he could get off her, she snaked her hands around his torso and buried her face in his chest. He was about to pry her off when he felt a patch of wetness on his shirt.
“Pen?” he asked gently.
She sobbed quietly. He felt her body shudder in time with her hiccups. His heart flopped pathetically. It physically hurt him to see her cry.
“Why are you crying?” he inquired again as he wiped the tears from her face.
“You don’t think I’m attractive anymore,” she accused him through her sobs. “ Are you done with me now? Are we going to divorce?”
“That is not true,” he denied vehemently, “I worship your body. Look at you. You are fucking amazing, and insanely hot and astoundingly gorgeous. I’m a lucky bastard for managing to convince you into marrying me. If you think that you can get rid of me so easily, you have another thing coming. Even in death, I will haunt you from ever marrying again.”  
His words seemed to placate her slightly. “Then why?”
“I’m not taking advantage of you in your inebriated state,” he explained, placing a tender kiss on her temple. “If you’re up to it, definitely a raincheck for tomorrow morning.”
She stared at him before she nodded slightly. “I’m sorry,” she apologized in a small voice.
He kissed the tip of her nose, then her lips. “For what?”
“Acting like a bobcat in heat.”
“I quite like you acting like a bobcat in heat,” he teased her with a laugh. She swatted his arm. She shifted in the bed, draping herself across on his side.
“I love you, Colin,” she murmured as she gave in to the lethargy.
He pulled on the blanket to cover them both. “I love you too, Pen.”
After a few seconds, he heard her soft snores. He sagged even further to the bed in relief. He did really well today. Maybe sober Penelope would give him a reward. In fact, he looked forward to it.
He was about to fall asleep himself when his wife shifted again. This time, her leg sprawled over his leg and on top of his groin. He closed his eyes, willing the southward rush of blood away. He tried pushing Penelope’s leg away but it was as if her legs were welded on his lower body. He tried waking her up but she was dead to the world and to him.
Colin cursed heavily. It was going to be a long night.
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timerainseternal · 4 years
It has occurred to me that Five’s life is basically one big stream of failed successes, which is very interesting since he’s a very competent character overall. We know he is extremely good at physical tasks (best assassin in the timeline and has the ability to manipulate space, yeah I think he has it covered), mental tasks (solved time travel with equations on his own, can consistently come up with pretty solid, if risky, back-up plans), and is resourceful and able to improvise. Sure, his social skills are pretty bad, but he even improves on that in season 2 with his attempts to bring his siblings together instead of being almost solely independent like season 1. This isn’t to call him perfect (he really isn’t) or anything like that, but just to point out that rightfully, he should be more successful in the show than he is. I know his failure is mostly because the writers can’t have him actually succeed, since his goal is basically to stop the conflict in the show, but I’m pretty sure he thinks the universe hates him a whole lot (and it does!). 
To emphasize how constant this is, I’ve gone overboard and made a timeline of Five’s major goals, and how they failed. I’ve counted most of them as failed successes, in that he technically did complete his goal, but not in a way that mattered to his actual goal, or in a way that created new problems to solve. Below a read more, since I am incapable of being concise.
Time Travel:
The first, and biggest, failed success. He did succeed at time travelling! He just was unable to go back and got stuck in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Confirmed failed success.
Time Travel Back: 
Well, it took him forty-five years and he accepted a deal to become a time-travelling assassin, which wasn’t getting out on his own steam. Despite that, it didn’t take him that long to finish his equations while at the Commission, so presumably he was pretty close to getting it at that point. Also, even though he was technically time travelling forwards from 1963, he was able to get all his siblings back in time like a week later without time to work on his equations between, so he probably would have been able to get back. In short, he did get back (though only to 2019 and not 2002, so he didn’t ever get back to when he left), but became an assassin, and also physically thirteen, in the process: failed success.
Prevent the Apocalypse:
This is a big one so I will break it down into steps as well, but it is also a failed success as a whole since he did not, in fact, stop the apocalypse (or he stopped the original one but caused a different one in the process, depending on your point of view), but he did protect his siblings and himself from it as well as give themselves another chance to fix it. Failed success.
Get Information on the Eye:
Did eventually get the information from MeriTech, which told him nothing about who the eye belonged to. Failed success.
Get Information from the Commission:
Found out who they were protecting, did decent damage to the Commission HQ, and managed to hunt Harold down. Success! But Harold was already dead when he found him and had already set the apocalypse in motion, and the Commission was only temporarily damaged and it gave Five a shrapnel wound. He was also lulled into a false sense of security by the apparent end of the apocalypse. Failed success. 
Mental Healing:
Goes to put back Dolores, finally able to let go of her as a coping mechanism and realizing he can find other avenues of self-exploration and development. Wonderful, Five, I’m very proud! His absence from the Vanya situation keeps her trapped (since presumably he would have jumped her out of there?), leading to the apocalypse that is the root of most of his trauma. Whoops. A very failed success, and a very sad one too.
Stop Vanya from Ending the World:
Well, he doesn’t actually really help that much here? He agrees to kill Vanya but doesn’t succeed. This one is mostly on Allison. As a group, though, they succeed in not making her set off a sonic boom or whatever it would have been, but they do blow up the moon, so. This one is just a failure.
Escape the Apocalypse:
As mentioned, Five does manage to get them all out of the apocalypse safely and without bodily changes! He did scatter them across the sixties and landed himself in another apocalypse immediately, so: failed success.
Gather Siblings:
It's like herding cats. Luther says no, Diego breaks out of the asylum, everyone has a love life all of a sudden, etc. This becomes an ongoing goal, and one that has varying levels of success at different points. Success level: oscillating.
Find Reginald:
Well, they do find him. He also stabs Diego and Pogo scratches Five :(. Then they go to the gala, get attacked by the Swedes, but they do get Reginald’s attention which leads him to invite them to a light supper. This one is a successful fail, since they basically get Reginald to find them at a time and place of his choosing.
Get Advice from Reginald:
Well, this meeting leads to everyone getting un-adopted, and the advice Five gets isn’t helpful to his immediate dilemma. He also has to see Reginald again :(. However, the advice is useful later, so: failed success.
Make a Deal with the Handler:
It does technically succeed, this one, in that he is extremely good at murdering the Board, and the Handler does give him a briefcase. It does have a time limit because the Handler is awful, but presuming that it actually did what she said, and if the siblings had all shown up, it would have been a full success! In practice, however, given the actual results: failed success.
Gather Siblings (Speed Round):
He gets 3 (2.5, sorry Ben) of them, so fully half! Only half, though. And the others had planned to come (sometimes with others, you naughty rulebreaker, Vanya), but got attacked/kidnapped/knocked out. So, getting half is kind of successful, but in this case it was all or nothing, so it’s a straight failure.
Get Briefcase from Past Self:
He doesn’t murder himself, so that’s a kind of success! It’s the only one, though, since even though he told other-Five the right equation that doesn’t actually help him any, since he remains thirteen and without a briefcase. He also gets to kick Luther square in the nuts, which is a success of sorts. Still a failure, though, especially because as he deals with that, Vanya’s preparing to end the world accidentally again and he doesn’t even know about that.
Go With Vanya:
Admittedly, it seems like he kind of doesn’t have another goal at this point, but that’s okay, since the apocalypse of ‘63 has been prevented and this is finally granting full success to the goal of Gather Siblings! However, since he is being framed for the murder of the Board (well, I say framed. He did actually do it), the Handler can use that to justify all of the Commission agents showing up, and can use this opportunity to kill the whole Academy and get Harlan too. I mean, she totally would have done the same thing whether or not he killed the Board, but it’s a nice excuse, and Lila also hates Five. In any case, though he has technically completed the goal of going with Vanya and supporting her, now they have to fight a whole lotta people. Failed success, I guess.
Protect His Siblings:
This, really, is the only actual goal he has in the show, and everything else is the steps to get there. And he fails the first time around! Traumatic! Luckily he was able to turn back time in a feat of badassery, and turn the biggest failure--a situation where he watches his siblings die and cannot save them and will never be able to save them and they’re dead forever--into his biggest success--discovering a new and very useful power, saving them all from death, ending remaining threats [the Handler and the Swede, (though the Swede is technically the one to actually kill the Handler, Five did thwart her plan and semi-directly led to her death, and I think he deserves to be the one who killed her, so there)], making a truce with the Commission, and getting them a way back to an apocalypse-free timeline. Failure followed by success.
Go Back to 2019
They did go back to 2019, just not their 2019. They’ve been un-adopted and the Sparrows exist, but there doesn’t seem to be an apocalypse in sight. Failed success. 
Basically what I’m saying here is that despite being one of the most focused, consistent, and results-driven characters on the show, he rarely truly, fully succeeds. The real message here is that Five needs a win, a break, something. I hope in season 3 he gets it, or at the very least gets the chance to go absolutely wild. He deserves it.
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