#kpop mystery ff
enhadiares · 2 months
No one can write a fic on these , these are rightfully my ideas and mine only.
Plot 1: Yn is a detective with some enha members and other enha members are ghost , they all come together to solve a case .
Plot 2: Yn suddenly discovers that she has powers and she has to save the world , but knowing nothing about the powers , she summons the ghosts of the previous heros who have once saved the world , they are enha .
Plot 3: It's about yn collecting enha like one collects Pokemon, I can base them upon their Pokemon or other elements or anything related to fairytale.
Plot 4: Desi fic
Plot 5: Enha get stuck in a game and so does yn , they get together to solve the mystery and get out together.
Plot 6: Something related to dreams and reality.
I have kept the timer for 1 week but I'll check it after 3-4 days since no one really looks at it in the first day 😭☝️
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rinbowaman · 1 year
so do u like enhypen? or kpop? or is hee just some dude that u use a reference for fics lmao? cuz he is like damn smoking hot right?
im being noisy and want to know more about u i guess
lol isnt he though? MGR/MRE/HHP Heeseung is hotter than fire, he's a stud like big time. he's literally the man to everyones dreams and he's got that whole mystery, cool, and suave thing about him, but he's humble and doesn't flaunt it like most men who fit the description would. he's got a very genuine personality and is loving towards those he cares about. wait till i start posting HHP, you'll see alot more smoking hot Heeseung. like...really hot. and it's not just in the bedroom either. I'm curious what you guys find about MGR/MRE heeseung super attractive, because if it's his mannerisms, please let me know because it helps with the future chapters.
I like all music, and I do listen to kpop, i wasnt (still not entirely) familiar with enhypen, my friend actually is a huge fan of them. her favorite is heeseung and whenever i would have her read my drafts when i was really active on fanfiction.net (i was writing ff for anime, tv shows, and kdramas) she asked me if i could re-edit some of the stories to reflect heeseung, and pretty much convinced me to make a tumblr profile for heeseung fics. which i'm glad she did because i love seeing everyone enjoy the story.
MGR/MRE/HHP Heeseung replaced a character i made up in the series named Andiy, and the personality and character was something i just made up entirely on my own. I kind of base all my characters on myself, even male leads (just always ask myself how i would go about the event if i was a male and in this scenario) and that's how i'm able to portray their character. When i changed Andiy into Heeseung, i re-edit some of the content so it had some of the real heeseung in there (like his hobbies with bb, dancing, his appearance, facial expressions) which consist of alot of googling because up until last month i did not know who the guy was lol. but i wanted to include some authenticity in the character so it helped make some sense of certain scenarios, for instance, his strength and agility is all attributed to his dancing and playing bb.
but i will say, the series is so much better with heeseung, because not only do you already have an actual vision of his appearance, i think it made the story better because his expressions, aura, and vibe fits better. so when i re-edited the series, i was getting so hyped and surprised myself because even though the events in the series didnt change, the character connection, the smut scenes, adn everything was 10x better.
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papi-imagines · 4 years
Drowning - Merman!Jooheon X Marine Biologist!Reader: Part 1
Character: Monsta X Merman!Jooheon X Marine Biologist!Reader
Word Count: 1379
Genre: Horror-ish Thriller Mystery
Synopsis: There are many legends surrounding your island village along with the dark water of its shores. When multiple local fishermen go missing, you cannot help but find the circumstances a little… fishy. As a marine biologist who studies the sea on the regular and knows the island like the back of your hand, you make it your mission to find out what happened to these men and why. You soon find out that you really don’t know as much about the mysterious waters as you thought you did, and the secrets of your town soon become deeper than the deep blue of the lagoon. Little do you know that you’ll soon be drowning in more ways than one.
WARNINGS: Mentions of drowning, almost drowning, light cursing, and murder
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  You’ve never been the type of person to buy the local newspaper. Not only is it a terribly slow and antiquated system (you have the Internet after all), but you normally disapprove of the waste of precious paper. However, all personal beliefs aside, you soon find yourself at the local mom & pop book shop purchasing every edition of Mohae Times from the most resent installment to last summer. Johnny, your best friend who also happens to be the 3rd generation Suh kid to run the Wormhole Book Nook, gives you a questioning glance from behind the counter as you struggle to hold the huge pile of flimsy articles you just spent $120 on.
“You know there are copies of all those on the newspaper website, right?” He states while walking behind you to make sure you don’t fall as you go outside to load the newspapers onto your bike.
“For the millionth time, of course I do, Suh, and I really could live without your incessant judgement,” you frustratingly respond to his mansplaining as you plop the rolled up papers into your bike basket and begin to tie them down.
“I wouldn’t judge you if you didn’t do the most random shit like buying outdated newspapers for a link board on a missing fishermen case that you are completely unqualified to even be investigating.”
You turn around aggressively and look intently into the eyes of the man who is towering over you.
“Suh, we’ve been best friends since the womb and probably will be to the tomb, so you should start getting used to my antics and learn not to question my credibility or skills. I’ve grown up here and I’m next in line to be the owner of the Mohae Marine Life Museum and Sanctuary. I graduated valedictorian from Mohae High School and am in the process of receiving my master’s in marine biology from the prestigious and exclusive Mohae Marine University. If anyone is qualified to uncover what happened to those men, it’s me.”
Without giving the male a chance to respond, you flip your hair as you turn to mount your bike. Securing your seashell painted helmet to your head, you give your best friend an ultimatum.
“I will solve this mystery by the end of this summer, and you will either have the most interesting summer of your life with me or spend each day bored to death in the Wormhole without me, your choice.”
You then speed away on your bike and leave the main town and your best friend behind you. As you peddle along the rocky road of the coastline toward the docks, you can’t help but gaze curiously into the dark waves crashing beyond the shoreline. Ever since you could remember, there has always been something about the mysterious waters surrounding your island town that has entranced you. Maybe it was the local legends of your native ancestors being in contact with mythical marine creatures that ignited your desire to engulf yourself in the engagements of the sea, or maybe it was that intense feeling of yearning you felt when you were away from the water along with the surreal sensation of belonging whenever you came back to the beach. Regardless of whatever this was and wherever it came from, you could not deny that there was a part of you that was undeniably and utterly devoted to the ocean.
As you lock your bike onto the post next to the main office of the Mohae Marine Life Museum and Sanctuary, the familiar sense of home comes washing over you like the waves under the pier. You loved your job of being the apprentice to the owner and soul caregiver of the sanctuary, who everyone calls “Rain,” and you are beyond honored to one day follow in his footsteps. After quickly checking in and dropping the newspapers off in your office, you urgently put on your wetsuit and review your chores for the day. You smile as you read the three words on your planner.
“Play with Mingi”
With excitement you rush to the sanctuary where you and your fellow biologists nurse rescued marine animals back to health. This was your favorite part of your job, as you always feel a natural, almost supernatural, connection to these majestic creatures, and all of them seem to trust and adore only you.
Including Mingi, a great white shark.
At first Rain was extremely apprehensive of you taking on being the main caregiver of the massive killer fish, but with your annoying begging and scheming, he soon caved to your wishes. And by scheming, you mean swimming in Mingi’s tank with no protective gear on and playing with him while the rest of the staff just stared in shock. In hindsight, that was an insane move on your part, but you’re the town kooky kid; you gotta keep your image up before people start to catch on that you’re actually just too determined to get what you want that you’re willing to, literally, swim with sharks.
Of course, you always feed Mingi before you get in the tank with him; you’re crazy, not stupid. When he is finished with his high-end halibut dinner freshly fished from the fish hatchery (say that five times fast lol), you slowly lower yourself into the far end of the tank. After Mingi has had a full meal, he has the temperament of a baby dolphin. He kind of reminds you of a cat that acts like a dog; although on the outside he is a monstrous shark that could rip you apart before you could even blink, on the inside he’s a sweet cinnamon roll that just wants to be loved and babied. You couldn’t help but fall in love with him ever since you helped rescue him from a fishing net last summer. Unfortunately, he lost most of his teeth from his mouth being caught in a metal crab cage, so he cannot be reintroduced to the wild even after his external wounds heal. Even though his situation breaks your heart, you can’t help but feel glad you have Mingi. Like your unusual connection to the ocean, you have such a strong bond with Mingi that you really can’t explain, yet you can’t deny it either. Even though he’s a large carnivorous fish and you’re an eccentric, loner human, it seems as though you both understand each other on a spiritual level. He’s helped you deal with your anxiety, oddly enough, and you made a necklace out of his missing teeth to hold when you start to feel your anxiety rise again.
So as you gently rub his muzzle and play with the teeth around your neck, you start to unpack all of the thoughts clouding your mind to the massive being. You tell him about the newspapers and Johnny and how you made it your summer goal to solve the Mohae Missing Fisherman Mystery. He pushes his nose into your hand and gently nuzzles your palm as you start to feel the emotions of what exactly you are investigating start to breed panic inside you. Nine local fishermen have gone missing over the past year. No bodies, no major leads, nothing. And you, the odd ball of the town, have promised to crack the cold case in three months.
What have you gotten yourself into?
A literal and metaphorical shark tank.
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Author’s Note: So I got the idea for this series from Admin M when I was fangirling over Jooheon’s blue hair and she said “he looks like a merman who drowns people for fun, but in the middle of dragging you down he’s like ‘wait, maybe not this one,” so now here we are. I also love this pic of Mingi in the shark hat so I made him a shark 😅. Also Rain has to make an appearance because we appreciate 1st gen Kpop artists here 😤. Stay tuned to see what other idols are incorporated into this mess of a story!
~Admin J🧡
July 26, 2020
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jannartt · 6 years
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the game of death-- THE VEHEMENCE;
This is to bring the spotlight to the fact that the game of purge- is about to begin. Everyone is invited to join this game of death. 50 participants will be chosen randomly. if you get selected, you must play. Participants will be announced shortly so please keep your eyes on the broadcast. Best of luck. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -namjoon- The news published today was shocking. The game of purge used to be pretty famous in the old days. But it has started again after many years. This game was known as the nightmare of many people. A game of death where you win if you're alive. Anything is legal in the game. The game made a very thrilling comeback,exciting the young generation in general. I am also kind of hyped for the game. I think the game has already started as they are selecting the participants now. I wonder if I'll get selected. The bell rings ending the boring class of history. It comes to my mind that it is the break time. I take out my phone after the teacher leaves. I get out of the room heading towards the cafeteria while texting Jin. "have you seen the news?" "Yes, namjoon I did. I'm still freaked out." "You're always freaking out." "No joon just think. what if we get selected? do you think we will come out alive?" "Why do you think out of 51 million people, we 2 will be one of the 50 people? there's like 0.01% chance of us getting selected."  I make an effort to comfort the scared jin and I go to the cafeteria.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   NEWS The game of death : THE VEHEMENCE, is about to start. The participants have been selected and will be announced very soon on this day. Chosen participants must contact xxx-xxxx-xxx. Thank you for staying with us. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: ill link the part 2 here when i update. Thank you <3 
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jesuissuga · 7 years
ok so in my spare time i like to read conspiracy theories (those illuminati shits and all) and a lot from the community agree that k-pop is controlled by illuminati
i can’t agree on that?
(the popular ones were bigbang and 2ne1 lol)
of course we don’t know what’s going on behind the cameras but ffs they spent their youth training to become an entertainer? like they don’t suddenly become big in one night (unless you’re from big companies, but still) with the help of satan or smth
maybe i’m being a delulu and in denial but it’s just... a reach.
and sometimes in MVs, concepts are just concepts whether it be creepy, mysterious, cute, full of tons of theories (looking at u, exo and bts), whatever. they’re idols after all; to perform in different types of persona and concept, showing how versatile they are as an entertainer. nothing serious like a fucking mind control (technically they do control your mind IF you can’t control yourself and being fanatics)
god if kpop is a part of illuminati then what the fuck im going to listen to for fun. at least some of the songs are not about drugs or sex like how american pop sounds like
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So, the first chapter is out! The cover image has not been fixed yet but I am working on it! Please do read the story and tell me about your thoughts on it as I really need some constructive criticism.Have a nice day!
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babysongkids-blog · 5 years
Got7 Members Left Handed
Got7 Members Left Handed
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got7 members left handed. Our site gives you recommendations for downloading music that fits your daily listening habits. You can also share [EM-T] I.M (MONSTA X) – LEFT HANDED/AMBIDEXTROUS KPOP IDOLS PROJECT #2 MP3 songs that you like on your Facebook account, find more fantastic music from your friends and share your ideas with your friends about the songs that interest you.
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enhadiares · 2 years
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masterlist II next
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%...Disclaimer I do not condone this behaviour. This is just imagination and none of the members are like this.
%...Pairing Enhypen x reader
%...Synopsis Y/n is a pyschologist also helps in exorcism. She is a medium. Everything starts to become dark when enhypen members come into the picture.There's something dark lurking within them. Y/N needs to find out what and help them and maybe herself.
%...Status ONGOING
%...TAG-LIST Open!
@nikipedia07 I @kimjiho1 I @axartia I @nicelicious I @enchantedrose I @woonie-muffin | @r3esieeee | @heedeungiesfavorite
%..a/n Here's the fourth part. Well i tried to write something and i really love the plot for this series so I tried 😭😭
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Tae and gyu got to help Mrs sim and pack up everything.
Meanwhile Jake and you are left alone
He asks you what happened and you explain everything.
He then tells you about his experience - with the thing.
You make a mental note and then Mrs sim calls you to eat. 
You eat and then leave with Jake . His mom packed his stuff for him. He gotta be with you until he makes progress and feels like before. 
He seems a bit 'attached' to you.wants you to be with him. Asks to lay on your lap like a child. 
Makes you wonder how it all happened. You think back to what the thing said when it was in control.
You reach the center where you work- your office.
Jake is assigned a room and a psychologist. He got another psychologist named yeji but he refuses to get treated if it wasn't you who was treating him. So you and to be assigned to him.
You tell him his schedule and the rules
Then head out to a park to take fresh air
You re-think about what happened till now.  you feel the air getting colder as you walked around the park. You suddenly feel a tug and see down to see an adorable child. He seemed surprised when you looked down at him. Like a deer caught in headlights. Cute. Your thought.
You asked him what happened and in return he asked you something too
"Can you see me? How?" He asked with big and curious eyes.
Then you realised that he wasn't alive but dead . 
You explained him that you could see him because you were a medium. 
He seemed exited to talk to you
 It made you happy that you could talk to him but sad to know that he does at such a young age.
You asked his name and he told you "sam "
"Ohh a cute name for a cute boy. My name is yn" you said.
He seemed shy and flustered. He asked if he could call you noona and you said yes.
There is a reason why souls are still lingering/lurking on earth. It means that their purpose is incompleted. And they can't go to the afterlife before completing it. 
You remember your father's words
You decided not to ask him alot of questions as it might upset him.you'll ask him about how he died and stuff like that some other day.
For now you talked to him and played with him. You were in an abandoned park so you weren't scared of anyone seeing you. But guess you were wrong . Because someone saw you. His stare was quite intense. He was studying you. And That someone is a guy. Yep A guy amed Jay.
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enhadiares · 2 years
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%...POST ITS / 𝓟𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓲𝓽
Y/n gets home after a long day of work at her office. She reaches her home and finds it empty. She entered the house unknown to the pair of eyes following her. She was hungry and decided to grab a snack . So she goes to the kitchen but then she finds a post it on her counter saying "someone's in the house"
Assuming it's her brother she said "haha that was funny bruh but the prank is over so come out now"
No one answered . She went to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. Then she turned around to see another sticky note on the table which said "you are not going anywhere".
She was getting scared and went to the kitchen to find something to defend herself with like a sharp object. But the drawer was completely empty. Inside was another note saying "you shouldn't play with sharp things :)"
She ran upstairs to her bedroom in panic and locked the door then quickly called the police while explaining them everything and begging them to come there as soon as possible. Then all of a sudden the TV turned on by itself . It made loud and static noise but there was yet another note there . "Now I have you where I want XD" it said .Then y/n started screaming and crying loudly . When the police came they found her at the corner crying in fear . They searched the whole house but found no one. But as soon as the y/n stood up and tried to leave the corner the police found something horrifying and unbelievable . An officer took off a note from her back and handed it to her . It said
"I was this close."
Sunghoon was smirking while watching that.
"wait until next time love - I won't hold back" he muttered to himself.
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%...an Ayo here's the horror drabble that you wanted :) Hope you like it 😁. I wrote this in my break because I wanted to do something fun. Not proof read. Sorry for any mistakes.
[Inspired by : this reel ]
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weuschoiceheart · 4 years
🎶 Three Lives, Two Worlds Playlist 🎶
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All gifs and headers from the Prologue onward are made by @sheng-bae on Wattpad, please do NOT steal
Tags: @hee-jeong-ssi​  @kpop-in-new-albion​ @leedosmoon​ @joong-littlelove​ @angelic-jeonghan1004​ @plutolunas​ @soulangel​
Genre: Fantasy au, soulmate au, magic, romance, violence, angst, fluff, death, mystery, thriller, Kpop ff, Greek mythology with a twist
Warning: Includes violent and death scenes, mentions of blood and gore
Main Groups: Oneus, The Boyz, Stray Kids, Verivery, Ateez
Pairings: Y/N x Bang Chan, Y/N x Joochan, Y/N x Chanhee
✨ Teasers - Dialogue Snippets | Dear No One 
✨ ? - A Peek Behind the Scenes 
🌸  Introduction - Cast & Inspiration        🌺 Part 1 | Part 2
🌸  Inception - The Two Worlds
🌸  Prologue Pt.1
🌸  Prologue Pt.2
And the story begins.... Part 1 - The Immortal World
Part 2 - The Mortal World
Part 3 - The Present
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