#kate's fandom fam
speedforce-zoomies · 4 months
Something I think that’s funny (not in a judgey way) is how a lot of the fandom views Tim’s relationships with the other Batfam members/Gotham heroes
Tim might be the bat fam member/Gotham vigilante with the most positive relationships out of every one but for the angst a lot of people ignore that (again not judging, also love a good angsty fic, just think it’s interesting) and I listed it out below : )
Tim & Alfred - Alfred loves him, that’s one of his boys
Tim & Jim Gordon - as far as I’m aware Gordon has never had anything bad to say about Tim
Lucius Fox - they worked well together to stop Ra’s al Ghul from destroying Wayne enterprises/Industries (whatever its being called now) in Red Robin
Tim & Bruce - that’s his son and most of the time Bruce acts like it
Tim & Selina “He’s a goody two-shoes but I like that kid” (Catwoman #31)
Kate Kane - as of Tim Drake: Robin their relationship hit a rough spot but he was still wanting to do whatever he could to protect her so I think they are/ will be good
(Tim & Luke Fox - genuinely have no idea if they’ve had any significant interactions so I’m gonna assume they’re good but not sure if it counts so I’ll leave that up to individual opinion)
Tim & Barbara - Barbara has said he’s the only batboy with manners lol and she has fallen for his baby brother charms
Tim & Dick - has literally stated in canon that he would do anything for Tim, he’s Dick’s litte brother, Dick is absolutely Tim’s favorite brother
Tim & Jean Paul Valley - JPV hurt him but due to his reaction to hearing Tim got the clench and trying to save him he obviously still cares and they’ve worked together since so I think they’re on good terms
Tim & Helena - she was so genuinely heartbroken when she thought he was killed by killer croc, has also fallen for his little brother charms
Tim & Cassandra - siblings who have each others back no matter what
Tim & Jason - despite their rocky start, as of Knight Terrors: Robin they’ve been shown to have a civil if not a positive relationship
Tim & Stephanie - besties despite being exes
Tim & Harper Row - what I’ve seen of them has been a fun relationship “I should go. Probably some kind of mischief going on.” “Mischief huh?” (Batman Eternal #52 I think)
Tim & Duke Thomas - they alway come through for each other and haven’t had any beef as far as I’m aware
Tim & Darcy Thomas - good relationship
Tim & Damian - as of Tim Drake: Robin, Tim is calling Damian his little brother. They may have hated each other in the beginning but they don’t now
(Am I missing anyone??)
Out of the other characters that are generally considered to have good/positive relationships with everyone else -
From my understanding, Alfred, Gordon, & Barbara have had mostly positive relationships with the others (sometimes they’ve had bumps in the road but usually the relationship recovered from that) but I don’t recall if they have had a relationship with ALL of the above characters
Cass and Jason did have beef due to extremely different ideologies and I’m not aware of that being resolved
Duke Thomas has not been shown to have interactions with all of those listed above
Dick has some on again off again beefs with some of the others
+ other beefs I’m aware of
Jason & Damian last I recall were still getting into tumbles whenever they made the other angry, which is a lot
Bruce has multiple beefs going on at all times it seems : (
I feel like I’m forgetting some unresolved beef involving JPV but maybe I’m wrong
Anyways my point is, unless I’m majorly wrong about any of the above, or forgetting several people, Tim is most likely the canonical Batfam member with the most positive relationships amongst Gotham vigilantes (if I went past that that list would never end lol) even if a lot of his relationships with the others started out rough or had a rough patch at some point
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
how do i tumblr? I'm asking the bat-fam, NOT YOU
Dick: trust the Tumblr veterans. Or maybe don't. We enjoy fucking with people
Jason: understand color theory
Tim: lose Yahoo $1B by being yourself
Damian: make sure you have a camera to look into like The Office for when you read the worst takes you'll ever see
Duke: for the love of god please reblog
Cullen: Supernatural is the simplest and least chaotic fandom to get into
Stephanie: the only profile pic you need is the shitty Picrew representation of yourself
Cassandra: leave your innermost thoughts in the tags and pray no one screenshots them
Barbara: the key to fandom popularity is a blog dedicated to copying and pasting the same 10 overused quotes and slapping different characters' names on them
Harper: if you look like a bot, you'll get treated like a bot
Carrie: piss in the ball pit, I dare you
Kate: not sure about the rest of you, but I assume people here are gay by default
Alfred: sometimes the app or dashboard will do something that makes you wonder what staff is smoking. That's our way of firing a gun to keep property values down
Selina: Madonna is here but literally no one cares
Bruce: if Elon Musk tries to get on this site, we collectively bully him off like we did with Alex Jones
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nightmareinfloral · 1 year
🔥 batfamily
oof…. we’ll i’m not a fan of the amalgamation of every gotham vigilante into a “bat”. i feel it cheapens individual narratives and forces characters into this nuclear family structure that isn’t very interesting.
i don’t consider kate to be part of the batfam for example. she barely interacts with them and tackles a whole different aspect of crime in gotham. just because she’s related to bruce doesn’t mean she is in the “fam”. she became batwoman not even knowing bruce was batman. she became batwoman to serve, and i feel that is much more critical to her story than bloodties.
it also irks me when people say characters like helena or harley are “batfam”. it forces characters that should be off fighting their own battles to be under the authority of batman. bruce shouldn’t have this monopoly on vigilantism in gotham. i have an issue w dc and fandom trying to make harley a hero as well but that’s a different post.
to me the core batfamily is: bruce, alfred, dick, tim, cass, and damian, with steph, babs, and cass as their own subgroup and duke off doing his own thing most of the time.
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kdramamilfs · 11 months
Rules: share some unpopular opinions about 5 different fandoms of your choosing.
tagged by @mistyquigly ty <3
tagging @puntless @wearetheunholyfamily @dykerikki @stoppressuringme if you want to fsdjfdsf
ok please don't hunt me for sport beloved mutuals and followers but here goes
yellowjackets i don't feel like explaining myself here but just know that i think jeff sucks, i didn't like the wilderness baby storyline at all and misty is NOT a sociopath -
the expanse sorry but i could never get behind the 'polyam belter fam' dynamic. compared to drummer's relationship with naomi that was just so boring to me, even if i was very excited to see drummer kiss a woman - that shouldve been naomi !! maybe it's the fact that all that was established off screen between seasons but i did not care for these people and i wanted drummer to keep being miserably in love with naomi instead (i mean she canonically was but still.) until naomi inevitably wouldve come to her senses and dropped james like a hot potato <3 also drummer is simply a lesbian. to me -
line of duty/flemson ok don't kill me for this but kate objectively sucks a bit. she gives me lowkey homophobic vibes (the hair comment....) and the way she treats other people and especially jo at the end of s6 just didnt sit right with me? as much as i LOVE flemson as a ship i think i might just like the fanon version of kate sjkdfhsfjhsf -
killjoys dutch/delle seyah is a way more interesting pairing to me than aneela/delle seyah OOP -
lucifer yes maze ending up with a woman was great but it should've been LINDA. maze/eve didn't do it for me at all like it was all too fast and too sweet and therefore so boring......
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endlesstwanted · 1 year
The Nice Mysterious Intruder
Just posted a new Thunderbolts-fam fic! This is a late birthday gift for @andrea1717, thanks for being pat of my family! 💜 Inspired by the @domaystic day 9 prompt — Mistaken identity and the @marvelrarepairbingo prompt O4 — Found family.
Read on Ao3! ✨
Fandom: Black Widow (Movie 2021), The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Hawkeye (TV 2021), Thunderbolts (Movie 2024) Rating: General Audiences Characters: Yelena Belova, Antonia Dreykov, Bucky Barnes, John Walker, Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson (Alexei, Kate, Melina and Ava are mentioned but don't appear) Tags: 5+1 Things, Domestic Fluff, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Acts of Kindness, Pets, Team as Family, Yelena Belova-centric Summary: The times Yelena thought she was living with a ghost, the times she thought Natasha was sneaking into her place, and the time when she found out who was behind it all. Wordcount: 2,329
You can read similar stories of mine featuring the mcu's Thunderbolts team (and their members) in this Ao3 collection!
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mthofferings · 8 months
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See Sanctuaria’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Discord: sanctuaria Tumblr: aleksandrachaev Email: [email protected]
Preferred organizations: - Center for Reproductive Rights - National Network of Abortion Funds - Native American Rights Fund - Rainbow Railroad - Transgender Law Center (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Canon compliant or AU, friendship, falling in love, established relationship, women in power, POC, LGBTQ+ themes
Will not create works that contain: Shippy content between characters who have a parent/parental figure and child relationship, incest, underage characters in relationships with adults or large age gap relationships (10+ years) for characters under 30, smut/kinks, canonically villainous characters portrayed as heroes or protagonists (i.e. HYDRA), canonically LGBTQ+ characters in relationships that do not align with their queer identity (i.e. aroace Yelena Belova in a romantic relationship with Kate Bishop), depiction of smoking or drugs I also will not do the following AUs: Harry Potter, high school
  -- Art --
Auction ID: 1051
Will create works for the following relationships: Black Widow fandom any gen - MCU Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov - 616, MCU Natasha Romanov-centric - MCU Gamora-centric - MCU Clint Barton/Laura Barton/Natasha Romanov - MCU Daisy Johnson-centric - MCU Gamora/Natasha Romanov - MCU Agents of SHIELD fandom any gen - MCU Captain Marvel fandom any gen - MCU Peggy Carter/Natasha Romanov - What If..?
Work Description: I’m offering a piece of original digital art of at least 2000x2000px for the following tiers: $5 (starting bid): line art for one character OR grayscale portrait for one character (see my Widow Fam portrait series) $10: one character in full color OR line art/grayscale portrait for two characters $15: one character in full color with some shading $20: two characters in full color $25: two characters in full color with some shading You can check out my Tumblr for examples of art I have done, or contact me for examples of what line art or with/without shading would look like. If you have a specific idea in mind such as a scene from a fanfic or something that doesn’t follow the above guidelines, please DM me before bidding so we can discuss! I am also generally open to drawing other women of the MCU (including Agents of SHIELD/Agent Carter/Jessica Jones). I do best when there are reference pictures available for whatever pose/emotion I am attempting to capture. Art in color will come with a simple background if desired. Additional characters or a more complex background can be negotiated beforehand; I just want to make sure I will be able to do it before committing. All art must be SFW (safe for work).
Ratings: Gen, Teen
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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hrhprincesskate · 6 months
Very concerning that the reporter refuses to furnish a picture of the page where the Kate's name was mentioned. Also, the picture looks like it was screenshot of a whatsapp. if he was doing the actual translation, why provide a screenshot??? I sent him a DM but he said that he can't provide one for legal purposes since the book was being recalled.
True; I wonder if he got it from someone else who typed it into a message and never saw it firsthand. This is so confusing and upsetting. I’m just most angry at those beady eyed jealous snakes H&M for opening up this cursed Pandora’s box to begin with. Remember when the royal fandom was such a cute n cozy place to be, fam?
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alrightsnaps · 1 year
what do you think of the queen charlotte show
*deep sigh*
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to state the obvious: i think that no one in the bridgerton fandom would have minded this show if it weren't for the shitty treatment of the bridgerton series by shondaland. some may have loved it, some may have passed on it but in either case there would have been no hard feelings.
the problem is that at this point shonda is using a show that's supposed to be about the bridgerton family for her own OG characters, while screwing over the canonical protagonists.
it's one thing to make a spin-off about an OC. it's been done before. as a matter of fact when i first watched s1 (before i read the books and waaay before the disaster of s2) i remember being intrigued by the charlotte/george scenes. but combined with what's become of the main show? where instead of focusing on the bridgerton fam (spouses included obv) and expanding on them half the screen time is about trashy plotlines of the featheringtons and queen charlotte obsessing over some gossip rag writer? where the most beloved couple received #that treatment in s2 and kate was little better than a supporting character in anthony's story? well.
plus the whole social media thing is just the production provoking fans atp. what spin-off doesn't get its own accounts for promo?! why do they call it a bridgerton story when it has nothing to do with the bridgertons and there's not even a bridgerton character in it?
with that out of the way: my honest opinion after seeing the trailers is that it's gonna be a bingeable show. unlike s3, which i honestly believe is gonna be a snoozefest outside the 5 minutes kathony, frannie and benedict get, QC has a very strong female lead in india, the chemistry with the male lead is there and arsema’s lady d and young violet will probably steal the show too. the story looks compelling enough for it to be a big success.
there's the issue of the shitty plotline of king george marrying a black woman and “uniting two societies” but ig we'll have to wait and see how that plays out. at least im glad that from what we've seen so far it seems that black people have been an established part of the aristocracy way before the george/charlotte marriage (charlotte’s brother makes a comment about them coming from a european aristocratic bloodline or something and lady danbury is a lady) so at least it won't be like. king george marrying a woman from a socially ostracized minority and that magically bringing equality to the realm. then again i may be underestimating shondaland’s ability to fuck up and i’ll be eating my words. it's happened before when it comes to bridgerton predictions and will probably happen again.
but entertainment wise it shows that it'll be good.
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echofades · 1 year
Thank you so much for such beautiful GIF’s! The Kacy fandom seems to be getting smaller since Lucy time away began so I’m extra grateful for this, focusing on the incredible moment between Jane and Kate! Thank you again
Ah thank you for the sweet message! I joined this fandom at a terrible time with it being like one episode before Lucy disappeared, but hopefully we will soon have Kacy content to be excited about again 🤞🤞 until then gotta appreciate Kate being integrated more and more into the fam!!
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ao3feed-kathony · 2 months
Owner of a Lonely Heart
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55221154 by bigstink33 Penelope Featherington shines on a stage, acting being the only thing that makes her feel like herself. Colin Bridgerton is following in the footsteps of his mother, a former actress. When the two of them meet on set for the popular medical drama, Hart to Heart, they become fast friends. When their characters start to get closer, Penelope and Colin find that their real life relationship is starting to reflect that. Will they be able to acknowledge their feelings, or will life get in the way? Words: 3186, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington, Eloise Bridgerton, Marina Thompson, Agatha Danbury Relationships: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington, Colin Bridgerton/Marina Thompson, Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Sophie Beckett/Benedict Bridgerton Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Like it is gonna be pretty slow, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Celebrity, pen and colin are actors on a medical drama, side actors, bridgerton fam are old money new yorkers, nyc baby, established-ish colin and marina, still deciding, I promise it will end on Polin okay!!!, Alternate Universe - Actors read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55221154
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 11 months
The worst game of a thousand
by coolerdazai
Bruce knew it was a bad idea to have a debrief for an almost a month long mission in the cave.
Why there was alcohol on the table?
Birdwatchers 365 challenge 3.07 - deck
Words: 1585, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Barbara Gordon, Kara Zor-El, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Batfamily Members
Relationships: Barbara Gordon/Kara Zor-El, Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Basically the whole fam is here, Except Kate and Tim, BAMF Barbara Gordon, POV Bruce Wayne, Crack Treated Seriously, Card Games
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48325285
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starkovalina · 5 years
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@booksociety’s Books to Screen Event: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Deep in the meadow, hidden far away A cloak of leaves, a moonbeam ray, Forget your woes and let your troubles lay And when again it's morning, they'll wash away
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peach-salinger · 5 years
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the blair witch project (1999)
"i'm sorry to everyone. it was my project and i insisted on everything. i insisted that we weren't lost. i insisted that we keep going. i insisted that we walk south. and it's all because of me that we're here now - hungry, cold, and hunted. i love you mom, dad. i am so sorry. i'm scared to close my eyes, i'm scared to open them. we're gonna die out here.”
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adriata-archive · 5 years
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BOOKS READ IN 2019: Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim
The sun and moon only see each other one day out of the entire year. Even if it’s an hour or a day - I’d rather be with you for that time than not at all. (Review)
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kjyd · 5 years
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@ravencyclenetwork​ search: typography
can you believe i’m only alive because noah died? what a fine sacrifice that was, what a fine contribution to the world i am.
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yanxi · 5 years
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800 celebration: the grisha trilogy or the lunar chronicles for @juneqparis​
“Maybe the princess could save herself.”
“That sounds like a pretty good story too.”
want one? no more please!
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