#incorrect quote bc why not
reineydraws · 7 months
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this is a scene from opla s2, black leg gazpacho told me himself!!!
src by @op-trash-blog-of-hell
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rube-too-many-fandoms · 9 months
[Dick is showing Tim, Duke, Steph and Barbara a video on his phone]
Steph: OH MY GOD-
Tim: I can’t believe he actually—
*Jason walks in*
Jason: What’s everybody laughing about?
Steph: Nothing! So much nothing. No one did anything
Jason: -_- What is it?
Duke: Nothing, like Steph said. Totally nothing.
Jason: …right. Tim, you’re too sleep deprived to lie, what’s going on?
Dick: Tim, nO—
Tim: Dick took a video of you last night drunk at a karaoke bar singing Only the Good Die Young by Billy Joel.
Jason: Oh! I finally did it! I’ve been wanting to do that for a while. Hell yeah, nice job me. *self-five*
Steph: Did he just high-five himself???
Jason: *wandering away for coffee* Damn this hangover is such a bitch.
Barbara: …All of you are idiots.
(edit) bonus:
Jason: *pouring coffee, lazily singing to the tune of Piano Man by Billy Joel* Only the good die piano man…sing us a good die young…
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writeyourdarlings · 2 months
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catws steve
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lupuslikethewolf · 2 months
Top Gun 1986 as my whatsapp chat history part 2: electric boogaloo
once again, unfortunately, featuring my ex as slider in image 3
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part 1
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Barty: due tazze di caffè, per favore
Barty: What?
Evan: Since when do you speak Italian?
Barty: My mom is Italian
Evan: Since when?
Barty: Since her birth
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siriuslygay1981 · 6 months
James who has never seen a mistletoe before - You know what they say... we have to kiss under the mistletoe now little black
Regulus- .....Potter, that's a lettuce leaf
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where-is-vivian · 26 days
Barty, like a cat bringing dead mice: I brought you a surprise!
Evan, knowing his bf killed someone again: *sigh* you did it again
also Evan: ... Fine! Let's bury this one in the garden with all the others...
(basically the plot of the best of you, honey, belongs to me)
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ok-boomerang · 4 months
Azula, after the fall of Ba Sing Se: I almost thought you were going to betray me for the Avatar's little ragtag team. Zuko: No way. I mean, the Avatar is an immature child, the Water Tribe boy is a buffoon, and the little earthbender is a menace. And Katara— Azula: Um. "Katara?" Zuko: Katara's just the worst. The worst! She thinks she's so smart and good at bending. And so pretty. And for a moment there, she made me feel better about the world and my place in it. Ugh! Azula: ...
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Jack, walking into the briefing room: Sorry I'm late... I was... *gestures at nothing* doing paperwork. *little grin*
Daniel: *raises the eyebrows of disbelief*
Sam: *looking puzzled*
Teal’c: *eyebrow*

* Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*

Maybourne, bursts in, out of breath: HE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS!
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MC: There's no way he likes me back.
Charles: Dazai would throw himself in front of a moving car for you.
MC: Dazai would throw himself in front of a moving car for fun.
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lizardpersonyknow · 1 year
Pls someone write a fic ab Damian deciding he's a Drake and bonding with them and then Jack drake is like "you can have any animal you want so long as you take care of it!" And then he tells Damian all about that animals ancient historical significance. Like I just want him to be a feral child who adopts this family and they look at him and say Same Hat!!!!!!
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not-rome · 11 months
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varpusvaras · 4 months
Rex: One of my brothers also has two kids, eight and four, so like, similar enough ages to mine. And every time they come over, I get this wildly different experience. They come in and say "hello, uncle Rex", and I go, hello to you too. They ask, "where should we sit?", and I go, try one of the chairs. They say "we would like to color", and I go please. And then they sit down. And kriffing. Color. An HOUR later, I can go into that room, and they just be coloring like hum-hum-di-hum-hum. And I go like that's nice. Where are my twins? Are they in the house? Are they on the house? Are they under the hou- oh they're on the street, fantastic. I go out like what the kriff are you guys doing? And they're like "we broke all of the crayons and put them in the mailbox"
Rex: I've tried to ask Fox if he wants to exchange the kids but he said he doesn't want that Skywalker nonsense into his household and I'm like. Yeah.
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Rain: I’ve been to Germany many times since I was summoned, and somehow, I am just today learning that this country has a beloved children’s character that is a clinically depressed piece of bread - in space. Why the hell have you people been holding out on me!?
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Wouldn’t it be hilariously though if:
Miriel and finwe: *reunite for the first time in centuries*
Also Miriel and finwe: *proceed to fight .03 seconds after meeting, and it currently looks like they’re trying to rip each other’s throat out*
Finwe’s kids: so….. they’re pissed at each other, ig? Please don’t kill anyone, adA-!
Sm1 who actually knew the couple before miriel died: oh my god, good to see they’re still fucking obsessed with each other i guess, get a room, Eru-
Indis: *jealousy meter off the charts*
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harringroveera · 11 months
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The fandom got forgiveness for every other character but Billy and that’s fucked up
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