#this is completely my au nonsense lmaooo
varpusvaras · 3 months
Rex: One of my brothers also has two kids, eight and four, so like, similar enough ages to mine. And every time they come over, I get this wildly different experience. They come in and say "hello, uncle Rex", and I go, hello to you too. They ask, "where should we sit?", and I go, try one of the chairs. They say "we would like to color", and I go please. And then they sit down. And kriffing. Color. An HOUR later, I can go into that room, and they just be coloring like hum-hum-di-hum-hum. And I go like that's nice. Where are my twins? Are they in the house? Are they on the house? Are they under the hou- oh they're on the street, fantastic. I go out like what the kriff are you guys doing? And they're like "we broke all of the crayons and put them in the mailbox"
Rex: I've tried to ask Fox if he wants to exchange the kids but he said he doesn't want that Skywalker nonsense into his household and I'm like. Yeah.
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sonicenvy · 2 years
tag game: fic roundup!
new tag game i’m inventing for everyone and anyone who writes fanfic! Fic roundup!
how many fic documents do you have/where do they live?
80 in icloud notes
30 in Gdrive
7 in OneDrive
6 on MB Pro HD
30 on MB unibody
we will not speak of the ancient sins of my fic that live on my old windows PC. there are probably more than I’d like to think and all of them are from when I was under 20.
So, a grand total of 153 fic documents. oof. all the unfinished fic is haunting me y’all. granted, there is probably an overlap of ~10 or so items, but generally speaking all of these are unique (or unique but related) items lmaooo.
what fandoms do you have fic for?
doctor who, this is probably number 3 in fic quantity, also my OG
star wars, probably the greatest number of fics i have are from star wars
lois and clark, clocks in for number 4, but most of the fics i have for tnaos are LONG af in comparison to a lot of the others.
lucifer, probably number 2 in fic ideas. sorry again to all 150 tgatd fans for not finishing that fic. love ya!
castle, basically 3 main AUs because i recently got re-obsessed with that stupid show. beckett’s hot okay?
miss fisher’s murder mysteries, but only once because my ability to actually write period stuff is low, but this one idea kinda wouldn’t stop screaming at me until i jotted all 2500 words of it down haha
captain america/agent carter. also probably going nowhere, but ya know. the idea was there.
need (carrie jones) (there are literally TWO whole fics for this criminally underrated trashy paranormal teen romance series from 2009 on AO3. TWO fics y’all. anyways Need should have blown up instead of Twilight. All the same goofy paranormal romance love triangle nonsense without the complete disrespect of native american tribes. + norse mythology.)
prodigal son, but mostly only in my head lmao. me: everyone (except martin) on this show deserves to be happy for once. justice for gil/jessica and brightwell!
percy jackson. me, writing fic that’s just about sally jackson?? its more likely than you think. also me, writing latin teacher percy?? also more likely than you think.
how to train your dragon
the x-files. i remembered how sad i was that mulder and scully never got to raise their kid and then wrote mulder/scully & william on the run together to make me less sad about this.
sleepy hollow (tragically. shhhh i can still be sad over all of the lost potential of this show. #icabbie2022)
once upon a time (shhhh this one’s really old. i still sometimes enjoy my favs from this trashy fairytale soap opera ok?)
tldr; i write too much fic for too many things.
how long is your longest unpublished wip?
~11K words (53 pages). It’s a Lucifer case-fic that I first conceived up in the hiatus post “The Good the Bad and The Crispy” as far as I remember, but I didn’t get back to it again until late 2019 early-mid 2020. The in show context of the fic is still somewhat vague even after FIFTY f**king pages. I am still back and forthing about whether I want it to be an AU post “The Good the Bad and the Crispy” or an AU post “A Devil of My Word”. If it’s an AU post “The Good the Bad and the Crispy” I’ve obviously not had pierce/cain show up as a character thus far, and so I’d have to decided if he even exists in this AU. Maybe not because I wanted to yeet him into the sun when i was watching the show lmaooo. Still incredibly grateful to the wonderful @petrichorishly for their encouragement on this dumb, crazy idea. <3
what fic types are most common in your wips?
I’m a slut for AUs and UAs in my fic unfortunately. Like honestly, 90% of the 153 of these fics are AUs/UAs of some flavor or other.
do you have any ongoing ‘verses/series in your wips, if so, what are they?
Yup. too many.
luke leia switch fic. ft. a real outline (probably split into 5 fics overall: short pre-ANH, ANH, ESB, ROTJ, short post ROTJ epilogue/future fic)
hounds of hell lucifer ‘verse (short, sweet, fluff or h/c one shots in the same ‘verse)
water ‘verse for DW, aka the telepathic Rose Tyler AU. probably split into 1 fic per season, 1 chapter per episode, somewhat like nancy kelley formats her behemoth TMMOT)
witch!chloe AU ‘verse for Lucifer (probably a pre show short, a fic for S1, a fic for S2)
force sensitive!padmé ‘verse(s) (one is basically just a bunch of one-shots in the same-ish universe. lot less organized lmao)
eldritch horror skywalkers fic (probably 1 fic per skywalker or something idk)
long or short fic?
both. both is good. I have a lot of short little introspective semi-AU stuff, but I also have a number of single fics that are long as fuck. for the purposes of this post making me think about writing, I’m going to list those here:
Smallville murder mystery fic. Biggest decision I haven’t made is whether or not this fic is in the continuity of my already published lois is an alien fic “starchild”
Hiccup succeeds in running away from berk with Toothless AU fic
castle witches AU
caskett high school sweethearts AU
Vader survives ROTJ AU, ft. legends solo kids
Leia O swaps universes with Leia S fic
lois and clark future kids fic
divorce attorney beckett fic
single parents caskett AU
lois and clark one night stand AU
tagging @otterandterrier @whopooh @lajulie24 @fantastic-nonsense & @petrichorishly & anyone else who wants to join in chatting about their writing! love y’all 🥰🥰🥰
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bootleg-sara · 3 years
I’m looking at some old doodles of mine and I came across an older one of some of my first Angel!AU ones, and I can’t believe originally Samson was going to be some skinny dude lmaooo
I think if may of more been laziness when I was original drawing it, but it’s so funny looking back at this old sketch and just seeing, skinny white man. It’s honestly kinda weird
I used to make all my old sketches on paper before I moved it all directly to digital. Taking pictures and having to realign them with the canvas got it be annoying after awhile. I did it for the longest time too, it was definitely a lot easier when I used my tablet for drawing and not my laptop. And kinda a necessity because I hated sketching on my tablet.
Another little bit of random trivia for my Angel!AU stuff, I found this old sketch of Isaac. I’m surprised I even have this because this was before I even started the ask blog. And that must of been immediate because that au was created specifically for ask blog nonsense
Tumblr media
Apparently Isaac was originally going to be younger (I think this is meant to be in his teens?) before the decision of making everyone mid 20s minimum. There’s been a few changes, but that trusty knife he keeps with him has always been there. I do think the small lad is kinda cute here so maybe this is the canon Isaac pre-J&E lmao
Also you can see how I used to add that small extra detail to the ears. I might bring that back. Don’t even know why I dropped it in the first place. Probably just because I was lazy one day and then completely forgot about it.
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pocket-void · 3 years
Late night mumbling u///u
It’s currently 3 AM ish and I’ve been kinda thinking about how to feel about stuff. I do that sometimes.
The biggest thing is just what I should do with my time. It always comes back to that, time. There’s never enough hours in the day to do everything, and even when there is it feels like I don’t have the energy to do anything at all. Could be the winter cold, haha. Getting out of bed every morning is something I procrastinate at times, pffft. >\\\<
But I wanna get up. I get up because I wanna do stuff! I haven’t been doing much these days though, mostly because it’s break and I like to be sluggish when it’s break. It’s a good time to rest and all that, and that’s important too! But sometimes it feels a lil too unproductive, y’know? Gets me a lil antsy. I like the feeling of getting work done. u///u I also get really antsy when I feel like I’m disappointing people, as much as I also firmly believe that I’m the only person who needs to be satisfied with what I do at the end of the day. Kind of a natural feeling you know? There’s nothing wrong with it really.
It’s also normal to want people to like the things you do, and worry about the “what if”s if people don’t. It’s something that admittedly bugs me at times, since I like thinking that people like me. (To be fair I doubt there’s anybody who likes being disliked o///o) I get kind of nervous and overthink stuff when it comes to that sometimes. The whole “oh maybe they’ll find me annoying if I do this” or “oh it’s been so long maybe it’ll be awkward if I just go and do this”, that kind of thing. And that kind of concern leaks into the way I go about the things I make at times.
“Should I do this? Will this be ok? Would this be weird?” Sometimes that kind of thing stops me from doing stuff. It’s important to remember to step back and look at the bigger picture. Doing the things that I enjoy should never feel like a responsibility, and I’ve always believed that. At the end of the day, I’m free to just do the things I enjoy, y’know? But I still feel bad sometimes, because I’m really flighty with my interests. I wanna settle down and properly make something; tell a finished story. Even if nobody’s gonna look at it. I just wanna do something and see to it that it’s complete. But I leave behind too many things, and it’s a bit of a bummer no matter what it is really. ú///ù That’s ok though. I can’t do everything, and it’s easier to accept that than attempt to do so anyways. Take it easy.
Not that my mind isn’t always occupied with 3 ideas at once all the time anyways pffft. Currently there are a few topics of interests for me: The game I’ve been playing lately, continuing to draw comics, building a magic system purely for fun, and a whole lotta OC none sense.
I don’t often play games because it feels like a waste of time. But that’s a real bummer way of thinking about it. I don’t regret getting into Fallout New Vegas, but it’s certainly a time consuming endeavor due to the way I’m playing it pffft. And besides, even if I feel a lil bad about investing so much time into it, it’s still fun. As they say, “if it was time you enjoyed wasting, them it wasn’t really a waste of time”.
Believe it or not I still wanna draw the rest of the story for my AU that gets unfortunately interrupted both times I tried to continue it. I’m actually really embarrassed that it keeps happening, but I’ve decided that even if people lose interest in it I’m gonna keep doing it again. I hate to disappoint haha, but I’d say irregular updates are better than none! And either way it started out as a pretty self indulgent idea in the first place, I was really happy people seemed alright with it at the time though. Still makes me happy thinking about it now actually. I don’t regret making it. ^\\\^ (besides it’s actually more complex than its original idea now that I’ve been thinking about it for so long, but that won’t matter until I actually manage to keep going) Knowing me I just need to start, once I have momentum I’m usually pretty good at continuing. o///o
Just for fun I’ve been making up a magic system with a friend! Well it’s mostly me but he decided to shoot some ideas my way and I’m never against that. It’s like a semi Collab now. I started making it because I like magic systems and world building so I decided to make a system that’s basically everything I think is cool, so it’s a loose magic system with a lot of creative possibility and chances to go wild. The world will probably run of fighting game logic so it’s probably going to be really stupid, and that’s good honest fun to me! Seriously though, fighting games have the funniest world building due to fun character design trumping any sort of need for logic. Why do vampires, talking cats, samurais, robots, and whatever else share one world? Because it’s fun, that’s why. Lmaooo- >\\\< (I won’t be that wack since I like having more concrete rules, but just for fun why not just a lil bit...as a treat)
I miss making OCs. I wanna make an actual original story one of these days. I’ve had so many growing up but nowadays not as much. It’s a lot of work! But it makes my heart swell. I love making characters and worlds and watching them come to life. I have a lot of old OCs that make me wonder if I can recycle them all into a proper story, but perhaps that’s a bit ambitious for me right now. I’ve just been having a lot of thoughts because I love my recent OCs and wish to make a story for them. Well, my art could still use a lotta work too, haha. My art journey still has a long road up ahead, but I’m excited to keep going as always. *\\\^
If you’ve actually read all my nonsensical rambling then um, thank you, that’s very sweet that you’d wanna read the odd stuff I say. I never quite know what I’m doing, but I’m honestly just happy if even one person out there likes it. I would rather have people enjoy the stuff I personally enjoy doing than have me try and please others on purpose. You know? I’d like people to like me for me, that’s the greatest blessing I could be given, I’d say.
Anyways, it’s 4 AM now at the time I’ve finished writing this. It feels nice to ramble, even if it’s to nobody in particular. I hope you have a lovely day or night, wherever you are. u///u✨💖
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ravenvsfox · 5 years
ok bitch: 4, 6, 8, 15, 18, 41, & 48 for the fic writers ask meme
oh SHIT look at you go!! thanks babe ✨
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?
man I wish I could say I’m strong and multi-faceted but I actually gotta pass on fantasy and sci-fi
who has the time to build a world?? from scratch?? what the fuck
my wheelhouse tends to be drama and horror, plus the kind of magical realism that lends itself to fanciful description. I have lots of ideas for images and almost no ideas for plot, so I write kind of sad, wistful, circular stories lmao
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
ah ew 
I have a buried fanfiction.net account that is FULL of completely humiliating fic that I would actively chew up and swallow just to be rid of it
My whole hard drive is full of fic so self indulgent and terrible that it never saw the light of day, thank CHRIST
we’re talking criminal minds self insert fic and glee crossovers, man
(also my first couple of prompts for aftg were like mediocre smut that can..... go)
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Like I read a lot a lot a lot, if I’m not reading novels for a few months I genuinely read hundreds of thousands of words of fanfiction
and I often find that I read a phrase in a story or poem and I’m like oh dope!! how can I steal that in a way that makes it totally different and also mine
Sometimes my mind is blank and I try to snap my fingers and make a metaphor, and what comes to me is the last thing I studied in class. So maybe I was reading about Actaeon, ripped apart by his own wolves. And that’s such rich territory to talk about like self doubt or betrayal. Or I learned about the naming system in ancient Rome -- I could talk about how sad it is to be a contortion of your father. 
I was recently listening to the audio book of I’ll give you the sun and I was like ohhh yah this book majorly inspired my style, and so did stief, and so did the way my brother talks, and so did griffin mcelroy, etc, etc
You inhale your culture and you exhale a story that’s how it goes, homie
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
keeping in mind that I’m the worst titler in the world lol
Honestly I usually just wrack my brain for the name that seems to fit the character outline and then I change it like 18 times when they inevitably sound too ebony darkness dementia ravenway
I had this wip where there was a fire-starter named simon, and then he became enzo like lorenzo (which is off the walls), and then I started calling him ren in my head a la footloose
and then sometimes I’m like okay this character is a leader and she’s from japan siri search japanese baby names meaning strong lol
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Yeah dawg im tired
I was writing a doctor/patient au that I scrapped bc I got swept away in so many prompts
I started writing a oneshot where the feds arrest neil for the murder of his mother bc someone digs up her bones and they find his dna everywhere but I was like..... this is not that exciting a premise, so I left it for a rainy day ya know
I also wrote the first few chapters of a webcomic that eventually fizzled when the artist and I got busy, so yeah I feel like it’s usually more of a lack of time than a lack of passion.
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?
um idk if anyone remembers the shopkeeper that I wrote into my story about the twins?? A convenience store employee mistakes Aaron for Andrew and I liked that she was a sort of homely no nonsense person who liked drew better than aaron. like. what a character she would have to be for that to be true
I’ve written lots of tiny OCs that I probably like more, but this was one of my few fanfic characters that I was like. yeah. I could write 50 late night interactions between her and andrew
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?
I really like writing like... drift compatibility?? or its equivalent??? soulmates maybe? I love when two characters are very very in sync, and fiercely protective over one another to the point of self sacrifice
I also dig love confessions it’s my dirty secret as an andreil writer lmaooo I love tender helpless vocal love 
Fanfiction Writer Asks
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GOT 8x01 liveblog below the cut:
--Love the new opening credits!
--Poor Missandei and Grey Worm look so uncomfortable rn
--Jon: “I had a choice: keep my crown or protect the North.” But that’s... not what we saw onscreen?? Not unless some variation of political!Jon is actually true. But knowing D&D, this may simply be their retconned explanation for the nonsensical writing last year. Well, that or Jon is trying to make his stupid decision look better in front of the lords.
--Sansa, I love you, but do you have to smirk when you raise your (very valid) concerns? It’s not helping anything and you have to know it.
--Yessss, mentions of the food shortage!! Now let’s see if they’ll actually do anything with it...
--Show!Dany, I’m still trying to like you, but you’re not exactly making it easy, what with the whole “whatever they like” reply to “What do dragons eat, anyway?”, and smirking when the dragons swooped in and scared the fuck out of everyone in the Winter Town. The Northerners haven’t given you the warmest of receptions and I understand your frustration over that fact, but that’s no reason to think their fear is funny.
--Ah, yes, the oh-so-subtle handholding in front of the entire hall. *sighs at Jon and Dany* [ETA: never mind, they aren’t actually holding hands... Dany is just resting one of her hands on Jon’s arm. Which isn’t all that much more subtle lol.]
--It’s 100% my shipper confirmation bias at work, but the way that they’ve blocked this scene really does make it feel like a Dany/Jon/Sansa love triangle to me. #sorrynotsorry That said, if TPTB choose to go a belligerent sexual tension route w/ Dany/Sansa I wouldn’t turn it down. ;-)
--They’re actually letting Arya show human emotion again? *tosses confetti in celebration*
--Bran and Jon reunion!! My Stark Feelings heart overfloweth.
--Sansa and Tyrion reunion! I like that they’re keeping that hint of tension between them over the way they parted.
--Tyrion: “Many underestimated you. Most of them are dead now.” Subtext: I have no intention of repeating their mistakes.
--Sansa: “I used to think you were the cleverest man alive.” Talk about a burn!
--OK, Bran is looking at Tyrion Significantly(TM) with music playing in the background almost ominously.
--Confirmation that Yara is alive!!! Also, she and Euron are a disturbing but kind of hilarious dynamic at the moment.
--The Arya and Jon reunion was A++. Sweet and heartfelt, but with a hint of underlying tension. And Arya’s comment that Sansa is the smartest person she knows just made my heart an even bigger pile of Stark Family mush.
--Oh, and the “Have you used it?” line re: Needle just hurts because it shows us and Arya how little Jon knows about what Arya has gone through and who she’s become. And Arya’s “once or twice” line just tore out my heart. She doesn’t want to tell Jon what she’s done, both because she’s afraid of how he’ll react and because that will finally make it real to her.
--I feel kind of terrible for Cersei. Yes, she’s made her own bed, but the fact that Euron Greyjoy is lying in it... *shudders* The fact that she’s still forced to resort to sleeping with a man she despises despite ostensibly being the most powerful woman in the realm is incredibly depressing.
--Ahhh, and now we have The Temptation of Bronn(TM)
--The rescue mission! Theon getting to shoot arrows!!
--Greyjoy sibling feelings!!!!
--And Theon is headed to Winterfell! ...He’s going to die there saving a Stark, isn’t he? *braces self for emotional pain*
-- ...you couldn’t have proposed this Jon/Dany marriage, oh, four or so episodes ago, Davos?? The mind still boggles that no one brought this very obvious diplomatic solution up on Dragonstone last season.
--Varys: “Nothing lasts.” 
Camera: *pans to Jon & Dany* 
Me: I n t e r e s t i n g
Also me: Is this foreshadowing, or a red herring to up the dramatic tension?
--Is that... something resembling a smile from Jon around Dany? And he actually looks like he might genuinely enjoy her presence and/or care about her? It’s a miracle! ...A miracle that we really could have used some of last season too, GOT!!
--“She doesn’t need to be my friend. But I am her queen. If she can’t respect me--” *nods* That’s more or less what I figured their initial dynamic would be like. And their attitudes make sense on both ends of the equation! (Note: I can’t decide whether that was a veiled threat from Dany or not; if so, though, she jumped to them pretty darn fast.) I’m curious to see where D&D go with this.
--Oh, only that many goats and sheep. *rolls eyes* I mean, I get it, the dragons are huge; they need a lot of fuel! But on the other hand, that’s an awful lot of food the people don’t get anymore... It’s a no-win situation.
--“They don’t like the North.” Huh, I wonder what it means that the literal breathing symbol of the Targs aren’t fans of being in the North. [/sarcasm]
--Look, I’m glad Dany feels comfortable enough around Jon to be playful, but... would it have been that difficult for her to give him one or two tips before he mounted this incredibly dangerous flying weapon of mass destruction??
--How are these waterfalls not completely frozen over?! It’s the North and it’s winter. I know, I know, I shouldn’t expect anything resembling realism from this show, but still...
--Ah, so Dany is the one who has the line about how they could “stay here a thousand years and no one would find us”, not Jon. But on the flip side, Jon has his eyes closed for the kiss, not open... at least, not until the dragons start to talk lol.
--Emilia Clarke has such a beautiful smile!
--Yeah, I’m still not feeling the J0n3rys ‘chemistry’. Oh well; you can’t win them all. At least they aren’t totally unbelievable as a couple this episode.
--Ugghhh, yet another joke about balls (or the lack thereof) in this episode.
--Arya and Gendry reunion? Arya and Sandor reunion? Yes!
--Wow, Arya/Gendry are so awkward together right now! Sweet, but awkward. And yeah, here come the shippy feelings again... I’m predictable that way lol.
--“As you wish, m’lady.” *squeals delightedly*
--“You don’t know any other rich girls.” The look on their faces!!
--Can I mention again how much I love that they’re letting Arya and Dany emote so far this episode? It makes a world of difference. Now all we need is for Bran to be allowed to show emotions...
--Ooohh, this must be the promised Jon/Sansa argument scene. 
--Good. I’m glad that there are already some consequences from the lords for Jon having bent the knee... the decision would feel incredibly cheap otherwise.
--And already we have more emotion from Jon in this one scene than in all of his scenes with Dany combined. I’m not saying Jon/Sansa is where the show is going, but it still works much better for me than Jon/Dany does. YMMV, of course, and that’s as it should be.
--”Do you have any faith in me at all?” “You know I do.” <3 <3 <3
--*sighs* Jon, it’s all very well and good to say that Dany will be a good queen, but you could, I don’t know, give Sansa some examples to help her understand why you think that instead of just expecting her to go entirely on your word?
--Ah, this must be the scene with Sam and Dany!
--Oh, poor Sam. I’m so glad they’re letting him be upset about it, though. His dad may have been an abusive dick, but his brother wasn’t... and besides, emotions aren’t always that clear-cut.
--“Now’s the time.” OK, but why now? Why now? Also, is it just me or did Bran’s voice sound different there?
--Jon and Sam reunion!!!
--Ouch, poor Jon. This revelation was always going to hit him hard.
--Jon (in a whisper, looking horrified): “That’s treason.” Uh, Jon, that doesn’t seem like the normal reaction of someone in love with another person? Just saying.
--“You gave up the crown to save your people. Would she do the same?” Samwell Tarly, asking the important questions! This question has always been one of--if not the--cruxes of Dany’s arc, IMO. That and her search for home/belonging.
--Ooo, is this the rumored scene with the WW symbols on the walls?
--Hmmm, this actually looks a bit like that clip from the trailers. Is Edd going to show up soon then?
--Hah! Called it.
--“Stay back, he’s got blue eyes!” “I’ve always had blue eyes!” LMAOOO
--Called it. I knew little Ned Umber was going to be the first named character death of the season. (For the record, I have him slated as the first named character death in my AU S8 fic outline, even though the chapter in question hasn’t been written yet.) Also, wow-- talk about a creepy way to display him!
--Still, that’s odd that he’s just dead rather than a wight-- oh, never mind he is a wight after all!
--Hmm, who are you, tall and mysteriously hooded man? (I mean, realistically everyone onscreen in the North should have their hoods up right now when they’re outside, but this is TV.) Could you possibly be... Jaime Lannister?
--Hah! Called it again.
--They’re going to cut to the credits now that Bran & Jaime have locked eyes, aren’t they? Yep, they just cut to the credits.
Additional Thoughts:
--I wonder where Brienne is... we haven’t seen her this episode IIRC. [ETA: Never mind, she is there in the background in several scenes, she just doesn’t say anything.]
--I wish D&D had given Dany more space to react to the news about undead!Viserion. This should be a big deal for her. Also, why is no one freaking out about the Wall coming down?
--Honestly, the pacing and tone of this episode could have used a little polishing IMO.
--I’m delighted that the show is letting characters speak positively about Sansa and her skills, but I wish the writing wasn’t so very heavy-handed about it.
--Ooo, interesting trailer, though still nothing terribly surprising. I’m curious to see what they do next episode... but not nearly as curious as I am to see what happens in 8x03 and beyond. ;-)
Overall, I enjoyed this episode! So many callbacks to earlier seasons. I may have deeper thoughts on a rewatch.
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And so I continue on my epic re-read of that nonsense royalty AU mixed with a teen movie except gayer-- uh, I mean, Misadventures
Chapter 6 here we go
I already remember that when I wrote this chapter I wanted to throw my laptop out of the window because it was impossible, so now I’m scared
Kim actually doing exercise in this fic was me directly calling myself out for lazing around all day
He tries to get out of detention by pulling the “but I’m a prince!” card ashfskdjhkf that won’t work on Lady Mendeleiev!!
Speaking of, I’ve had Ms Bustier called “Lady Caline” in this thing but Mendeleiev’s still referred to by her surname? Can’t remember what I was thinking tbh
Kim you dumb idiot, the nobles aren’t moving out of the way because you’re royalty, they’re moving out of the way because MENDELEIEV IS WITH YOU
Ohhhh my god stop accusing your own classmate of murder, I think Alix would have much more than a detention if she’d fricking killed someone
Sidenote: Alix did not deserve detention. The rules didn’t say anything about rollerskates so she did nothing wrong and this was very unfair
And there’s me showing off how much research on cobras I did lmao
...I’ll be honest, 90% of the reason I wrote this fic was because I wanted Kim to have to walk with a book on his head
goddammit you know when you notice symbolism in your writing that wasn’t there before? this fic is hecking doing it already. striking a BALANCE between being a stupid idiot and being a thoughtful goodbean is legit a running theme in this thing, and,, that’s,, their detention,,,sdskgkjf
I’m the noble who fell off the balancing beam. it’s me
Kim... I’m going to hit you on the head with that book I s2g STOP BEING A JERK
the symbolism gahhh I’m dying, he needs to be more patient and less reckless just like his life skjdhksjd sjdghbsjfhsk laksjflad
How did Mireille end up in detention, you ask? Simple. Aurore framed her. Those two have a real hecked up relationship in this thing and oh boy it’ll take a front seat in the sequel if I ever write it
well dammit now I ship Kim with Mireille I mean they held hands
“If someone doesn’t get over here to help me finish this stupid thing right now, I will throw this book at someone’s face hard enough to send their teeth into the back of their brain.” pls... alix... hit ME with the book I’m begging you
I’m. having an allergic reaction to Kim’s crush on Alix. I know what happens later in the fic and I’m already breaking out in hives
Chapter 7 is called “90% chance of death” which is an accurate statistic to describe the mortality rate of reading it
This reads like a game of Civilization and yet I hadn’t even played it yet at the point when I wrote this part
And Kim stop trying to be tsundere, you’re so bad at it. everyone knows the real tsundere in this fic is Alix,
There’s me showing off about knowledge I learned on wikipedia again
“That would be the coolest way to die. Agonizing death by snake bite. I would love that.” Juleka you can’t just SAY that to Alix oh my god do you even know what happens in chapter 25???
Kim being good at archery is 100% a shoutout to Dark Cupid btw also he’s a sagittarius like me and I’ll fight you on this
Max just got bored and straight-up left the sports day lmaooo that’s the biggest mood
I can’t wait for chapter 60 where the Other sports day happens and it’s like the total inverse of this one
she’s highkey lying. she cannot order someone’s execution, she may be a pharaoh but she really doesn’t have much power lol, she just pretends she does so people will let her do what she wants
only chapter 7 and Kim’s already crying over something dumb (aka the threat of being eaten alive by a venomous cobra)? nice
“I guess me suddenly storming in here and lowkey threatening to kill you may have been overboard” uh yeah, you don’t say?? he kinda deserved it tho lmao
I love how Kim’s all like “ayy there’s plenty of other cute girls at this school for me to fall for!” when the two people at school he falls for next are both BOYS
alright chapter 8 now baby, and yes the title “Chick???” makes perfect sense in context I swear
Oh here’s one of those boys already! Kim’s crush on Adrikins is so damn obvious I love it
The umbrella scene happened except with a parasol
the whole “you four seem to make a good group” thing was me thinking how Marinette/Adrien/Alya/Nino is a god-tier ot4
oh god I want to hug Nath
OKAY OKAY SO. Nath and Alix don’t make friends until like chapter 44 or something, but the reason she knew already that he liked Marinette was because Juleka told her in the snek scene earlier, and then Alix used this knowledge to force people into giving her chocolate
Alya your gaydar is so broken... almost none of the girls in your class are straight
I’m also going to hug Alix, I know what it’s like to be a confused baby aro -- in fact I was at the time I was writing this skdjfhksdjhgkjf
Kim’s homework was just me typing out a bunch of intelligent-sounding words I remember seeing in Crusader Kings II tbh
ohohoho chapter 9 here we go
noooo Alya noooo don’t trust Theo!!! you’ll find out why in like chapter 47 but just!! don’t trust him!!!!!!
Alya I s2g... of course Marinette likes girls, she’s bi af
Chloe and Sabrina are wlw too... please fix your gaydar I’m begging you
same with Rose, good grief, she really does love Juleka omg
I love how I called the kingdom of Couffaine “mysterious” and “distant” because I hadn’t decided where it was yet, because I’ll have you know that for the sequel I’ve decided it’s the non-distant and non-mysterious Orkney Isles
Alya just knocks on Juleka’s door like “YO ARE YOU A LESBIAN?” skdjhkjsdhg I’m sobbing
No Alya, Couffaine isn’t a morbid kingdom, Juleka’s just really goth. Couffaine is just like how Scotland really is lol
Kim wtf you can’t just ditch Max like that good grief...
and there I go teaching the readers about geography, because that’s definitely what normal people talk about in their conversations
Alix’s ringtone is definitely a rickroll by the way
I love that these characters are in fact completely aware that they’re idiots who should not be in charge of a country, what they’re unaware of is all that precious, precious character development heading their way nyehehhehehe >:D
Look... I know I said I was having an allergic reaction but hugs with height differences are Very Important to me so just this once I’ll let it slide
Phew, chapter 10, and then I’ll stop because holy shoot I need time to process the ridiculousness of this mess
oh my god Kim literally burning the letters his parents send him in order to avoid his responsibilities is?? such a mood?? I’m basically doing that myself right now
This is the only time Emperor Gabriel even has any lines until like almost the last chapter lol
btw Chloe’s oracle question was “will I marry Adrien?” and of course the answer was no, so that’s why she was upset lol (idk what Marinette’s question was, I didn’t think of one oops)
more geography lessons!!!
Max being irrationally mad at Alix’s country having a higher GDP than his was inspired by him being mad about losing the gaming tournament to Marinette in the Gamer episode, by the way
Alix... is a reptile scalie I’m gonna regret saying that aren’t I
I love how her oracle question is literally just a stealth “I’m aroace, right?” and that makes the irony of the next bit so much funnier omg, poor Kim lmao I was so so cruel
(also I finally fixed that inconsistency... Fu said he was 186, but technically everyone in this fic is about a year or two older than they are in the show at the beginning, so he should be 187 instead)
Kim has just accepted that he’s going to die young by doing something reckless and stupid, that’s such a gen z mood wow
I’m genuinely losing brain cells because of Kim right now, I’m contracting the bubonic plague as I type, I’ve already lost 3 years off my life and so has Master Fu,,,, ask a sensible question you idiot
No Kim, it won’t be CPR, she really will kiss you, you’ll just know okay... now if you’ll excuse me I need to go bang my head against a brick wall for several hours
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