#im getting a lot of ideas about their family in my own interpretation
theghostshrimp · 5 months
my interpretation of the postal doe is that she's just the younger sister of the postal dude who looked up to him a lot growing up
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joshusten · 5 months
love the sinner (albus york/faith koria, bastard warrior || good boy audios)
Albus York takes a bath and Faithful washes his hair. (angst, slight argument, hurt/comfort)
2.2k+ words [ao3 link] [masterlist] [CW/notes: religious imagery ofc (this fic was basically an excuse to write that), typical albus york language, lots of self-loathing and some suicidal thoughts. albus is just having a bad time but hes also so whipped for faithful. speaking of her, i didnt make faith's physical descriptions vague or made it so that she's a "listener" but rather a character of her own! and i based it off of gba's description of her + my own interpretation hehe.]
once again THANK YOU SO SO MUCH to @slushiepizza for all the AMAZING suggestions and support like omfg i SWEAR i keep on saying this but this fic rlly wouldnt be finished without them!! i appreciate it sm!! and im shaking and kissing my irls that ive also bothered with this fic that will probably not see this THANK U SM!! edit: I FORGOT THE FUCKING READ MORE LMFAO
Albus York steadily sank into the half-filled tub of one of the ship’s quarters—stripped of his clothes, and left bare to no witness.
Gentle waves of the bathwater rippled against hardened, battle-torn skin. He dementedly mused that if he could go down further, he might finally drown. 
He chuckled at the thought, shifted his position, and got to work. It's been a while since he last had an actual bath—way before he even agreed to this suicide mission of an adventure—with warm soapy water and scented products.
The constant near-death experiences and whatnot had interrupted the trio to get any time for themselves, much less to do any sort of basic hygiene. Since the route Devlin had charted for the ship to follow allowed for ample downtime, the Forgemaster had practically shoved his younger half-brother into the common bathroom and forced him to take a much-needed bath (Of course, not without a snobby comment about how his stench matched his personality perfectly well.)
Albus’ inexperience was made clearer with the stiff, awkward motion of his large, calloused hands as he attempted to wash himself. The unpracticed movement made the unfamiliarity of it all fully realized. How long has it been since he felt this safe? Does he even remember how to take care of himself?
Does someone like him even deserve this luxury?
The warrior submerged himself lower, down until his eyes were right above water level. He was thinking again. It was all that he had been doing for the past hour. If the gods wouldn't allow him to drown, then he hoped that the water would at least cleanse the grime and sin embedded into his flesh.
But he knew that filth clung to his skin like how a believer clings to the idea of repentance. No matter how hard—how desperately—he scrubbed (until pale skin turned into blood red, until rough turned rougher), it was all pointless. He had learned long ago that a bastard's prayers were never left answered. 
The mark on his chest was a bleak reminder of that reality. Damnation was basically his birthright. Albus York was dead the moment he came out of his mother’s womb—dead to his family, dead to society. 
Cursed to hell for being sin itself.
Life had a funny way to remind him—that goodness is something he can be in the presence of but never be a part of it.
Speak of the devil, his ever-so-naive angel had arrived.
“Albus? Hello?”
Tender, serene, heavenly.
The voice was melodic—like the somber hymns he used to hear in his youth when his mother would take him into the temple and meet with her fellow brothers and sisters. At that time, he always felt drawn to the choir’s performance, despite not being old enough to understand the words (not that he was any more literate in the present). Back then, he was just a kid, blissfully unaware of the blasphemy he had committed for existing. 
He had grown since then—in every aspect of the word.
"Albus! Are you still in there?"
A deep grunt, muffled slosh of water, and the pitter-patter of droplets on the tiled surface were all that Faith Koria had heard from the other side of the metal door before a familiar, gruff voice answered back.
"Calm ya tits, woman. I knew you were eager to see my dick but I never knew you were this eager!" 
The outside replied with an annoyed groan, a sound Albus was all too familiar with, especially when it came from her. That being said, he couldn't fight the smile forming on his lips as he hastily dried himself up with a nearby towel.
"You've been using the bathroom for more than an hour, just what are you doing in there? Some people want to get cleaned up too, you know!”
The metal door swiftly slid open with a sudden 'woosh!', hot steam dissipating before the runaway nun to reveal Albus’ tall stature, half-naked and slightly dripping wet. Faith frantically averted her eyes on instinct, ears immediately burning with embarrassment. It wasn’t like it was her first time seeing him undressed—for gods’ sake, she treated his wounds like this when they first met! But to have him fresh out of a bath with his toned body exposed and his dampened long hair was—Wait! His hair!
"Alright, alright! I’m out, ya happy? I’m decent too so you don’t have to be a prude about it,” The bastard huffed, a little irritated with how his peaceful bath (or at least, as peaceful as it could be) was abruptly cut short.  
“Albus, your hair!”
The man scrunched up his face in confusion.  He gathered one of his dark locks and examined it with an intense focus. “Huh? Looks fine to me. What, you're not expecting me to be all prim and proper now, are you?”
“No, no, no! It's all matted and uneven!” The woman replied with a horrified concern in her voice that was rare for the warrior to hear directed at him.“It’s probably from all those monster attacks. Some of them must’ve managed to get to your hair! How long has it been like this? Does it hurt? Do you even have shampoo?”
“Uh…what’s that?”
“Ugh, never mind. Just—” Before Albus could process what was happening, Faith grabbed his arm with a surprisingly strong grip for a nun. She dragged him down near the bathtub he just got out of. He can even hear the water still slowly swirling down the drain. 
“Faithful, what are you—” 
“Stay right here. You got that, York? I’m just going to get something and I don't want you to move a muscle.”
A deep chuckle resonated within the man’s scarred chest—he always enjoyed it when she got this bossy. He gave her a mock salute and answered with a hearty “Yes, ma’am!”
The sister paladin made a face, letting out a flustered huff before hurrying to wherever she needed to be. So cute.
Albus had put on his clothes at this point while he waited (lest he risked Faithful suffering from a heart attack). A few minutes had passed by when she returned with a rather large pouch that Albus recognized was packed with the rest of her belongings. He deduced it must've been from her childhood with how worn down the embroidery was. Once vibrant floral patterns dulled from years of usage.
“Lean back by the bathtub,” Faith instructed. “I’m going to start detangling your hair. I might cut off some of the more unsalvageable parts too. If anything hurts or if I snagged on it too hard just let me know, okay?”
“Okay,” The man repeated simply, not really knowing how to react to all of the amount of consideration he was receiving. Abrasiveness was what he was more used to responding to, not the care that she unabashedly gave him.
She beamed brightly at his compliance (and no, his heart did not just skip a beat), soft hands found their way to his head and started brushing away the more manageable tangles before using a wide-tooth comb for the bigger ones. Despite the numerous warnings, her fingers were nowhere near to being rough. She was as gentle as a lamb—her slow brushstrokes eventually formed a rhythm that filled in the silence of the room. Albus decided to break the comfortable atmosphere.
“How are you so good with this shit?” He mumbled, voice heavy with drowsiness. Fuck, he felt like he could sleep until his next life. “Never knew sisters of Cindergorn get to be part-time hairdressers too.”
Even with his sluggish state, Albus could almost sense the nun’s eyes rolling above him, brushing out his hair with a slightly more forceful than usual tug.
“I'm the one usually taking care of the children at the temple. I’m used to seeing this kind of stuff whenever they play too hard. Obviously not on this level but you get the gist.” Faith snipped off the last of a particularly challenging knot. 
“I've also been doing my own hair ever since I was a kid, so really, it's like second nature to me at this point,” she followed up, running her fingers through his hair with a satisfied nod.
Now that Albus thought about it, he had seen Faithful braiding herself earlier on their journey when they had just…tastefully borrowed the flagship meant for his father. He remembered swift, practiced hands twisting sections after sections of dark, coiled hair and had mentioned in passing how it was a hairstyle she often did to withstand the Eastern Faithlands' harsher seasons (Fortunately, it also turned out to be great for going-on-a-quest-to-kill-your-priest-brother-and-save-a-child seasons too.)
Faith’s hands suddenly paused. Before the man could ask if something was wrong, she signaled him to stay still while she rummaged through the pouch to get a small bottle. She squeezed a moderate amount of product into her palm and spread it evenly. As she was about to apply the substance to his head, Albus jerked away, quickly stopping her hand with his own as a furrow formed on his thick brows.
“Faithful,” He chuckled. “Please, I’m a warrior. You don’t need to waste your fancy shit on me. My hair’s going to get fucked up again eventually so what’s the point?” 
Faith struggled to wriggle herself out of his grasp. “Wha–Albus, it’s fine!” 
“No, Faithful, I’m serious. It’s just hair. Hell, it’s my hair. Relax.” The man sat up straighter at this point, the water from his long, damp hair trickling down along the scarred tissue of his back but it was the intensity in those familiar brown eyes that made him feel a chill.
“And I told you it’s fine just let me—”
“Why are you making it a big fuckin’ deal? What do you want from me?” 
“What?” Faith’s voice cracked, appalled and confused. “Albus, what are you even talking about? I’m not asking for anything—”
“I’m just a bastard you hired to kill your brother! I was paid to do the dirty work for you, not to be your fucking toy—”
“Albus, wha—Y–You’re not a toy! Why do you—”
“If I’m not then why are you being like this to me? There’s a catch—there’s always a fucking catch. So what the fuck do you want from me?”
The nun managed to finally yank her hand away from his harsh grip and angrily slammed at the smooth surface of the tub.
“I just want you to stop being stubborn for once and let me do this for you!” 
The silence that followed between them felt suffocating.
Faith’s breath hitched, shocked by her outburst. She immediately straightened up her posture only to look down shamefully at the tiled floor. A shaky sigh left her lips, and Albus was doing everything in his power to stop himself from reaching out to her, seeking salvation he knew she shouldn’t give him because he was not sorry that he was like this. He wasn’t afraid to show his filth to the world because it was all he knew to do—all he was taught to do. There’s no excuse, no justification, no escape. She’s everything good and he’s just scum or worse yet—he’s a bastard. 
Because she’s an angel and he’s far worse than the devil.
“This isn't anything all that fancy…just something to keep it healthy and less stressful on your scalp. I just want you to feel okay. So please…” She trailed off. “Let me.”
“It’s…It’s just hair, Faithful. I’ll be okay, I’m a big boy,” Albus joked, but his words were sincere. He almost found the whole thing amusing—having the ever-so-snappy sister paladin fuss over him—if he didn’t get a feel for how much…his comfort seemed to mean a lot to her.
Faith pursed her lips, her gaze still fixed downward. “I just think…you deserve at least one good hair day.”
It's that word again. Deserve. Does she really think that? That he's worthy of all of this?
The man cleared his throat with a curt nod. Hesitantly, the nun's fingers slowly found their way back to the crown of his head, resuming whatever she was supposed to do. Steady, rhythmic brushstrokes filled the quiet once again. 
After what felt like hours of stillness, the bastard dared himself to shift his head and face her timidly—as if he was afraid he could melt under her piercing gaze.
"Thank you, for…for this," Albus grunted. He hadn't only meant for his hair.
Faith graced him with a dimpled smile—the one that made her eyes squint and showed the tiniest bit of the gap between her front teeth. She proceeded to tuck away a stray lock behind his ear, trailing down to hover over his cheek. Albus can practically feel the nervous tremble on her fingers as if she were hesitating on something. It all came to nothing in the end, closing her hands in a fist before withdrawing to her pouch to start cleaning up.
“Anytime, Albus. Besides, with how you always manage to find yourself in trouble,” the sister murmured, her voice playful (it never failed to leave Albus’ mind racing). Her eyes glinted as they locked into his almost like clockwork. “How can I not?”
Albus York sat by the empty bathtub of the ship’s quarters—fully clothed yet he had felt the most bare that he had ever been in front of someone. 
Faith smiled at him again and he swore he could make out the faintest halo crowning her head under the fluorescent bathroom light. ---- a/n: this is probably my most favorite fic that i wrote and i hope you enjoyed! lemme tell u this fic took way to long and got me so stressed for no reason idk ! i was worrying abt how this would happen in the timeline and all the lil details and then !! its a fic!! and im suppose to be having fun!! i am being self-indulgent!! (although i hope was able to characterize them well) again, feedback and comments r highly appreciated!! :DD have a good day/night and thank you for reading!!
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kiwibongos · 1 month
warning for ab/se & toxic relationships. and sdr2 spoilers duh
im thinking abt the remnants of despair. cause i hate how it just seemed to be like, "theyre suddenly brainwashed and then they turn evilll and they kill because they dont feel anything" like, i hate that. it feels so underdeveloped. it cant just be despair, it has to be deeper than that, i think it'd take personal angles and link with a lot of their own trauma, leaving them really vulnerable and deranged. so heres my own interpretation and headcanons for some of them
contains mikan, nagito, fuyuhiko, peko, akane, kazuichi, and brief analysis of the rest. keep in mind i havent seen the animes yet lol so this is a basic layer of it, but i just rly wanted to let this out cus i dont see it talked about. storing my brainrot here for later moments.
first of all i feel like the brainwashing would be a very slow process bc junko would definitely just manipulate everyone in her way to get what she wants. and by the time the world was plagued basically, all the remnants clearly had really unhealthy feelings related to junko specifically. they all love her, hate her, or praise her, but its all in very different ways that would be bc of their own personal backstories
we all know how mikan and nagito feel. mikan was constantly hurt by other people before junko herself, itd make sense for her to develop a very unhealthy attachment to her. mikan was extremely vulnerable and controllable, she would do anything for anyone and especially junko, just so no one is mad at her, hence why it got so twisted to the point where she wanted to keep a part of her inside forever. she wanted to be loved so badly, she would take whatever form of it she could. thats why it was so easy for junko to get her under her boot. now nagito has an odd love-hate relationship with junko imo (his mind is so messed up man) even if he praises hope in such a grossly obsessed way, the mf still TOOK her arm. i know he did it because he hated her so much and i guess to take power back, but i feel like because nagito had never really been loved, he wanted to try and feel what it could've been like out of some kind of confused desperation and fondness for her in a way, because his mind has no idea what those feelings truly are or what they mean, as hatred and love often get mixed up in his head and form this horrible amalgamation with whoever he meets, which is clear towards the survivors in the nwp anyway
fuyuhiko put junko's own eye into his own socket, and i feel like his relationship with her while in despair would be familial and extremely unhealthy. he is definitely one of the most fucked up to me. id say by my own headcanons though its heavily implied in his fte dialogues, is his parents are very ab/usive right from the start. fuyuhiko is messed up to all hell, he was constantly struck and under pressure but he had to be strong and perfect because he was the head of his clan, hence like his insane tolerance for pain. he had to make his clan, or more importantly his parents proud, or else he was a failure forever. so he clung onto that and did his best trying to be good enough for basically anyone. and even before despair he was in a really bad stubborn, mean, depressive state, leaving him far more vulnerable and more open to violent, impulsive actions as long as junko was smart enough to get him under her finger. fuyuhiko never knew what true love felt like (platonic or not), and when junko took advantage of all of that and he slowly fell into despair, shit hit the fan. he lost morality and he had come so attached to her to the point where junko was like a mother figure to him. he wanted her to notice him and be proud basically, it was moreso the idea of someone-- anyone-- being proud of him, but junko was his main focus of that by now, given his state. to him she was like the mother he never had, who seemed to be on the same terms with everything he had believed, someone who approved of him, so he wanted to make her proud, even if it was hurting him. fuyuhiko would keep digging himself a hole of desperation and self destruction, seeking more and more pain to test his endurance because it's what she wanted, and that became what he wanted, too, because pain is all he's used to. and because of that, makotos guess was right; he wanted to see her despair. it'd make sense he'd want to take a part of her, to see horrors she had witnessed so he could understand it, so she could be proud of him and part of him forever. he felt like if he did that, he would finally succeed, he'd achieve perfection, and he did. he'd done everything junko wanted him to do, while quenching his own thirst for violence itself, all via his own delusions. that was love to him and it felt real
as for peko she was definitely also treated the same in the kuzuryu family but more dehumanized obviously, so i think she'd feel a similar way; always needing to be good enough, but more specifically protecting the ones she cares about at all costs even if it results in bloodshed. i think she'd be a lot colder, forcing to suppress her feelings since she just has to follow fuyuhiko wherever he goes, and she was pretty much as insane as him as well so anything slid. i know peko doesnt want to be a tool, but she'd definitely succumb to the fact that she has to be one when they're under despair at the same time, and if she was going to be his tool, she has to be like a robot and just do what follows, because she didn't see herself as a person, her chance of being her own human was ripped away
as for akane, she grew up very poor, and didn't live a good life at all either (w/ definitely bad parents) but she always tried her very best taking care of her siblings in the past, despite everything. i think there was a lot of twisted familial love with junko whom she started to see as a sister despite being unrelated, just because of being a caretaker all her life, its just kind of instinct to protect anyone, but that just got mixed up as she fell into despair, and she would only protect junko, while chaotically killing anyone else in her way. she'd fight for her endlessly, she was one of the strongest, at least for a while, im thinkin she found her body and wanted to preserve it as much as possible by the end of everything, she still wanted to take care of her and do everything for her even if she had been too late. and with that, and barely any food in an apocalyptic world, the inevitable happens. akane would fall into a very hurtful spiral of self hate, that her starving was a sacrifice to junko so she could prioritize her first instead of herself, while also it being like a punishment to herself for her own failures and how she was failing to preserve junko
kazuichi always hated himself. he was bullied often, didn’t have a lot of friends going into high school, and he was very desperate for attention, especially from women. he’d be very notably attached to junko which would eventually evolve into romantic feelings, similar to mikan. he craved attention and validation so much, it left him very vulnerable, and kazuichi often grows attached to people who show him a sliver of kindness anyway, so junko would likely personally manipulate him and praise him, and they’d grow close, and he’d develop a very strong attachment towards her that derails into love and lust. and once he was influenced by her under despair, he would do anything for her. so, he’d get his hands on a lot of weapons, and go on mindless killing sprees, causing havoc 24/7 just to please her and keep her memory alive through despair. and deep in his mind, he probably truly thought that junko was his soulmate, that they were destined to be together, and he was fulfilling missions just for her, and in the end, they could be together
extra stuff i guess? as anyone would expect, sonia just became a corrupted leader and took advantage of her power under despair. her kingdom would try to keep her above it, but she’d fall into it somehow anyway, and probably had already been plagued by corrupt/unjust views by junko before, so she’d lead her people to worship junko the same way she does, and anyone who stood against it would be punished severely. mahiru falls into morbid curiosity because of junko and gets worse, given what she does with her camera, also both mikan and gundham would try to stitch junko up a little, and try to keep her from falling apart as long as possible. mikan is more likely to do that for her own twisted romantic purposes, but if gundham gets a hold of her before or after mikan, he would take her blood for himself, and most likely start a cult to worship her, all for like weird satanic purposes involving rituals and stuff. he’d also encourage his members or the other remnants to indulge in certain activities for the sake of praising her. gundham would probably even believe she was some demon from the underworld who granted him powers and chose him to carry on her legacy
also teruteru was just a little hungry. boys gotta eat
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seriousbrat · 3 months
quite contrary: mary macdonald + historical context, music
this is my Mary MacDonald playlist and I'd like to talk a little about my interpretation of her and her cultural/historical context! it might not align with fanon, ive no idea but idc frankly haha. I hope to have done my due diligence in terms of research (i'm an absolute research fiend) and in general this is a topic I'm personally highly interested in. because it's highly interesting and (ime) little-discussed. I'll be providing links for further reading. tagging @goldenromione bc she asked me to do this!
so in my fic Mary is a muggle-born girl from a British-Caribbean family in Croydon. Her family owns a Caribbean restaurant in Thornton Heath. She's rebellious and punky and gets a lot of this from her two older brothers, both Muggles; Toby, the eldest, is part of the Race Today Collective in Brixton, dedicated to the publication of a political magazine (Race Today) on race relations in the UK. The middle brother, Lewis (who has a fling with Sirius as a matter of interest lol) is a musician/DJ very active in the Ska Revival/Two-Tone scene of the late 70s-early 80s.
All this is very influential on Mary; she is very outspoken about muggle-born rights at school, and her music taste reflects her background. I do think she would like women-led punk especially x-ray spex, but also in terms of ska a group I think she'd have liked is the selecter, which features pauline black the coolest female vocalist i've ever seen in my entire life. just look at her:
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this will be explored in the upcoming 4th part of my fic, in which we see Sirius in his Brixton flat, and Mary and Lewis both spend a lot of time there. Specifically, he lives on Railton Road, which was a very important street in terms of both Black and LGBT history in Britain. It was the scene of the 1981 Brixton Riot and the location of many collectives at different points like the British Black Panthers, the 121 Centre (one of London’s longest running squats, also housed anarchist groups and other orgs), the aforementioned Race Today Collective, the Pink Fairies/South London Gay Community Centre, among others. It was also the home of many important Black British activists and historical figures like C.L.R. James, Darcus Howe and Leila Hassan. A few links:
A Radical History of 121 Railton Road By the Waters of Babylon; The Battle of Railton Road; International Centres Today in London gay history: the South London Gay Centre evicted, Brixton, 1976 Activist Streets (on history in Thornton Heath, linked above)
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If anyone is interested in this topic I cannot, cannot recommend enough the miniseries Small Axe on Amazon, which covers a few different important moments in Black British history from the 60s to the 80s. It's so incredibly good and the soundtrack is SUPREME. Another good one to get a feel for the period is In the Long Run, created by Idris Elba and set in London in the 80s, loosely based on his own childhood.
Lastly, a few images of how I see Mary under the cut:
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this is simona brown, my mary fancast, though the image I used for my playlist is of brenda sykes who I also think is an absolute Mary vibe.
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pinkandpurple360 · 6 months
Im sorry, but a lot of your fizzarozzie criticism feels like bad faith.
The show hasn't told us why Oz had to make sexbots for Mammon. He clearly doesn't want to, so it's odd to assume he did so by choice. Oz saved Fizz, yes, and Fizz clings to Oz because he's vulnerable and traumatized, but why is your solution that they break up rather than have development that leads to independence? And I'm not entirely convinced Fizz is Oz's "trophy wife" just because he's a performer at his club.
And finally, why insist that Fizz needs Blitz in his life to develop as a character? Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I'm getting a "Fizz needs less Ozzie and more Blitz." vibe and I don't really get it.
Criticism and interpretation of canon events isn’t really qualifying as “bad faith” that implies I’m being dishonest on purpose. But I’m just reading what is in front of me.
Nobody can force you to use your factory to design, manufacture, ship out, advertise in your territory, and profit off of a product for almost ten years straight. It’s odd to assume he could be forced and if he was, then he failed to protect Fizz again and allowed himself to be used as a tool in what is clearly the worst and most traumatising part of his exploitation. And if it really is that bad, why did he wait so many years to say ‘I’m pretty sure you’re uncomfortable with it too’ but Fizz says he just doesn’t think about it.
Fizz clings to him because he has nobody left and was basically thrown into his arms by circumstance. My recommendation is a relationship break, and considering the immortality dilemma, I don’t want it to end with Oz giving up his entire life and leaving the sins, with Fizz dying alone of old age in Ozzies hands, or Fizz becoming a special immortal imp exception when he doesn’t like feeling superior or privileged to begin with.
He’s not performing anymore. So there’s that.
Because after they break the codependency, the on stage performing dynamic, and gratitude aspect, and the sugar daddy aspect is gone. What’s really left?
Your last paragraph is just…not what I said. He needs to reconnect with his past, his family. Blitz was just the one who triggered the character development in him, he was his best friend and performance partner for the most crucial part of his young life. Cash or others’ manipulation caused him to fixate on this person as the source of his trauma, his insecurity, his need to be the best. But it wasn’t the case. He doesn’t know how to deal with that. And Blitz is why he’s running from his past and feels he can’t go back. Of course it’s him he needs to unpack things with. Yeah he does need to talk to him more. They barely get to talk without interruption or Goetia shoe horning.
I’d like for fizz to have his own brand, not Buckzo, not Mammon, not Ozzie, his own security and his own self defence. And I’ve got ideas for both. He needs his ‘i don’t need a man’ arc. He said it’s great not being in the spotlight for once, and he literally sleeps under a spotlight
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This may be hard to hear, but it’s clear that everyone just wants to keep the two separate in case they threaten canon ships
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signedeclipse · 2 years
Hello :) thank you so much for doing my request, I really loved it :) would it be okay if I could request headcanons to what the hashira’s would do when they start to realise they have a crush on a hashira reader. With gyomei, shinobu, mitsuri, uzui and muichiro please :)
He has to be the least oblivious hashira of them all
So the very moment he starts showing signs, he is contemplating those feelings day in and day out
Not panicked, of course, not
But he is crying every time he is near you
If you ask, he starts speaking about the inevitability of death and how it saves no one
" Dear y/n, it saddens me to know that eventually, you will not be with us. "
" I never expected you to want me dead that badly, Gyo! Consider savouring me while im here, then. "
Of course, you laugh it off, but he can't help feeling bashful for not realizing how you'd interpret his words
What he meant to say is that as much as he wants to be with you, he knows it will eventually end
But you were right; why mourn now while you are chipper as ever?
He's a lot less pessimistic as he notices his feelings
Oh, this poor sweet thing
She knows, she knows it all too well, actually
How her entire body heats up the moment you speak or even walk into her field of vision
Good thing she looks good in pink, because around you, that's all she is
But she's so happy that of all people she's fallen for, it's only the strongest hashira they have!
The strongest and the best baker
Mitsuri loves sakura mochi, but it tastes much better when you make it!
" Oh! Misturi, I made this Sakura mochi inspired by you. It's even got the stripes! "
Could have fainted- not only had you been looking for her, but with her favourite treat that you went out of the way to make inspired by her?
She won't stop herself from her feelings now; Mitsuri loves you!
It is really hard to notice any changes in him because either way, he'll be staring off thinking about it
Muichiro knows, though, that he won't even try to deny his feelings
He knows because he'll be remembering things he deems unimportant so long as it's about you
Middle name, how your voice sounds, the shoes you wear
For most, its just one easily identifiable trait, and their name
Muichiro doesn't bother hiding it because really he knows you won't notice
All it would take is one person asking, and he would say yes, with zero hesitation
Of course, that doesn't stop the knot from twisting in his stomach while he anticipates your response
She is much too busy to be thinking about love or getting into relationships
I mean, she's practically a mother of 5, and that's not counting the patients she cares for every day on top of all the missions she is sent on
But she finds herself highly thankful when you offer to do a mission for her when her hands are full
Or how you'll take her place in caring for patients if she really has to be the one to go
Shinobu finds herself not only thankful but extremely happy with you
The butterfly girls know; of course, they do! That's why they always ask you all kinds of things so they can tell Shinobu after
Eventually, she will come to terms with it, yes, but for now, you are already playing family, and that's enough for her
Bonus: If you ever get married, expect to adopt all the butterfly girls as your own! Just two wives and their daughters <3
He knows a thing or two about love; it's just that...
It still takes him very long to understand his feelings
Probably just acts a lot more frustrated with you whenever you are hurt or done something seriously life-threatening
He doesn't know why he cares so much; really, it takes him by surprise
Because you are a hashira, a full-grown adult that can handle themselves
Yet he just can't stomach the idea of you being in pain
Probably never realizes his feelings, just keeps taking care of you and keeping a watchful eye
It'd take someone else telling him or you!
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Authors Note - Thank you for the request dani!! Hope you are well <3 I mean, we spoke so much today so I hope this catches you by surprise haha! Please take care of yourself 😊
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sailorgundam308 · 1 day
hey about that “im yours” thing, i see it as “this girl hasn’t had a single person to call even a FRIEND in ten whole years”. in avernus, all she had was her axe and her armor. she wants to be able to call someone her own like a true partner.
it is definitely not intended as an ownership thing and more of a “i want you to be my partner from now until i die”.
it’s a common relationship thing. it has nothing to do with “ownership”. i’ve called dozens of partners “mine” and vise-versa, same with a lot of my friends and family. ownership seems a touch too far.
I get where you’re coming from, but in my opinion it doesn’t come across like that.
From her intonation and the fact you kinda “have to” say it, it comes across as extremely OOC coming from her.
That’s how I read it every time it happened in the game, even though I did try to contextualize it as meaning something else (like, for example, the way you’ve put it).
It still didn’t make it feel any less weird (and tbh a tad aggressive), and TO ME it comes across as a contradiction - and it could come across like that depending on the understanding of the recipient of that particular phrase even IF she didn’t mean it.
It’s at least a dubious thing to say. The devs could’ve phrased in a million other ways if it was absolutely meaning something else, but the way the interaction is written, it leaves too much room for interpretation - including causing people to feel uncomfortable with the idea of being required to declare they belong to someone.
The phrasing itself at its semantic level implies ownership, that’s not something you can deny. The interpretation one has for it, that’s one’s own.
People are still allowed to perceive this and whatever else how they perceive it. Interpretation is a personal thing. Just because that is my perception and understanding of this particular interaction in the game, doesn’t mean I’m saying it’s EVERYONE’s. The fact that not everyone has the same reaction as me also doesn’t invalidate my point.
PS: check the tags - the original post is clearly tagged with “opinion”, btw
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space-woomy · 2 months
What my agents wear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I decided to talk about what my agents wear for some reason (I was thinking about a fic idea. The kind that I will not post). I'll talk about what their main outfit is composed of, what they like to wear In general, the brands they like, and then some outfits they wear.
Molly (Three)
Molly has autism (as you could probably tell at this point), so they've got sensory issues when it comes to touch. They like loose fitting clothes that don't touch their body too much (like a really baggy hoodie), light clothes in general, and soft clothes.
For their main fit, they wear a few layers; 1st they have on underwear of course, and then they have on thermal clothes. It keeps them warm and stuff, but they also have a set from a brand that uses a kind of soft material. It's also snug on them, so despite touching basically all of thier body, it doesn't really shift that much. It's especially comfy in alterna (This is what I interpret the ragged and ripped clothes they have on under their poncho to be.) Next, they have on a a loose fitting shirt over that, and then they have on the Captain poncho. Then, they have on their big coat. It's slightly weighted (Very slightly…), and they like it for the small amount of pressure it puts on them. 
Here's the main fit:
(It would have the cap of legend but I work below minimum wage at grizzco :’) ((OR IT COULD HAVE THE CAPTAINS GEAR HEADSET IF THEY PUT IT IM THE GA- ))
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The main brands they stick with are Squid Force and Krak-on. They occasionally get an annaki piece. They like S.F and K.O because they're just familier with them, and they generally have good textures on their clothes. They don't really care about what their outfit looks like (nor could they discern what a good outfit looks like) So they only go by texture.
And here's some seasonal outfits!
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Eight is alright with most clothing. She takes fashion and style into account some of the time, but mostly cares about function over form. Sometimes she’ll deliberately choose outfits that are slightly more revealing just to fluster Molly (Crop tops usually get them). THey usually wear stuff from firefin, zekko, and squid force.
Their main outfit is a lot simpler than Three’s. She wears a fishfry bandana, (She would have on the golden toothpick, but it’s not even in splat 3 :’) ) and then an octo-tee underneath an annaki flannel hoodie. And then some punk nights
Here's the main outfit:
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And here’s some seasonal clothes!
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Alex (Four)
Four doesn't care about how clothes feel at all (unless it’s, like, literal sandpaper or something…), and trys to be very fashionable. It’s really for her own sake though, she just likes looking good. Whenever she can afford to Spend a bit more than usual (which is never lol) she’ll get an expensive piece of clothing. Not something that’s like, just a white tee-shirt with a single logo on it, but something actually nice, like something from toni kensa. She usually doesn't care about brands 
She also needs glasses…
Here's the main outfit:
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Here's some seasonal outfits!
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(I don’t have much for these 2 so please ask any questions about them please please please please please please please please please please plea)
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sunshinelore · 11 months
ok here are my very scrambled thoughts (remember this is just silly theorizing based on the lore taylor has given us)
karlie = betty
taylor = james
maybe liz or zoë or someone else = Augustine
in my personal opinion, it’s very apparent in taylors songs that the love of her life was karlie, and in my own interpretation, taylor messed up and karlie left her.
“i lost you, the one i was dancing with”
“when a good (wo)man hurts you, and you know, you hurt [her] too”
“I was dancing when the music stopped”
all of betty taylor apologizes, proving she’s the one who messed up
“I can go anywhere I want just not home”
“I’ll be getting over you my whole”
and more and more and more and more
and as we’ve seen taylor cant stop with the kaylor references on tour, fashion, lyrics, etc. if she had ended things I don’t think she’d be as hung up as she is. I know she has a hard time getting over things/people, but she really is in deep for karlie. Here is my theory I just came up with 5 minutes ago but in my opinion makes sense. disclaimer: im not an lsk i don’t really believe they are in contact but no shame to lsks! I love y’all and again nobody knows what the truth is but them so all love to everybody and I accept all theories🫶
here’s how I think things went
kaylor is dating and they plan their big coming out. circa 2019 lover era. I think she planned the coming out, her and karlie were excited (nervous, but ready to be free) and ready to spent the rest of their lives together (not in a marriedlor way, not yet. I think taylor wanted that regardless, but karlie only wanted it if they came out maybe.) i think karlie wanted a family/kids but clearly they couldn’t have that unless they came out.
“Give you my wild, give you a child.”
I don’t think her and karlie were broken up when she was writing lover. The only song that I think really hints at that is dbatc which I just think Taylor got inspired like I don’t think it was based on current feelings.
maybe taylor got scared or the masters heist stopped it, idk, but coming out fails. I personally believe that taylor got scared because we know how important being liked is to her (I don’t wanna sound too invasive or parasocial 😭) but the sudden switch from colorful to black, the gay pride buildup just for nothing, and miss americana being a…political documentary.
Going from this
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To this
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We could see how anxious she was from The Archer
“I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost, the room is on fire, invisible smoke, and all of my heroes die all alone, help me hold onto you”
“Combat, I’m ready for combat”
ALL of evermore (the song). I think that song is about the failed coming out 100%
“I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone, tryna find the one where I went wrong”
“I rewind that tape but all it does is pause, on the very moment all was lost”
The whole bridge is so failed coming out coded
And when I was shipwrecked I thought of you (the coming out) In the cracks of light I dreamed of you (the coming out) to be certain we'll be tall again (that she’ll get back up) It was real enough (it was gonna happen, it wasn’t just an idea) To get me through (the knowledge that she would one day come out was enough) But I swear You were there. (Maybe she’s talking to karlie, maybe she’s talking to fans, maybe she’s re assuring herself that it was a plan and she didn’t make it up or something)
I think maybe after that taylor fell into a dark spot. I’m trying really hard not to be weird and invasive but based on songs, her graduation speech, and Taylor always having lots of drinks at any gathering, I think she might’ve become too fond of alcohol? I wouldn’t say this if This Is Me Trying didnt exist. And also:
“I’m fine with my spite, and my tears and my beers and my candles”
“I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone”
Again, really don’t wanna get too invasive but I think she might’ve cheated on karlie, as maybe an act if self sabotage, a common theme in her music.
“Why'd I have to break what I love so much?It's on your face, and I'm to blame, I need to say Hey It's all me in my head I'm the one who burned us down But it's not what I meant Sorry that I hurt you”
“I thought you were leading me on I packed my bags, left Cornelia Street Before you even knew I was gone”
“I broke his heart 'cause he was nice He was sunshine, I was midnight rain He wanted it comfortable I wanted that pain”
All themes of self sabotage, so maybe she cheated on karlie.
or the failed plan drove a wedge between them, and that’s when Taylor cheated. I think that’s where the folklore triangle comes from. I think karlie broke up with her after finding out. And then we get folklore and evermore
anyway that’s just my own thoughts lmk urs!
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I hate TikTok so much you have no idea how much I hate it they hear one little thing out of context and then they suddenly say it’s canon hurting like half of there own community because they hate queer black people for some god awful reason I don’t even know about the micro aggressions or the fact that people think HOBIE x miles is a proship I will say this once and I will say this again I will LIGIT clear everything on hobie having a canon age because he does not. And I’m tired of people on TikTok and anywhere else saying the same thing and I might change this into my second acc just for flowerpunk and I’ll actually put my name but I’m not gonna cause I don’t wanna have this turn into a big thing if they do confirm he’s over 18 but anyways I’m going to give all my points cause I think people see something and they automatically think it’s true
To the people saying he's 19/20 that was a director talking about his concept design and could be more based on the comics it's safe to assume that Sense another director said it's up for interpretation and Gwen said he's about her and miles age then he's most likely a teen below 18 and was aged Down for the movie and it's kinda obvious because he hangs around the teen squad don't litsen to the misinformation everyone is sayin as well as the clip that people are talking about is completely out of context and so I need you to all stop it!! I’m not even an adult and I despise pro shipping it’s one of the things that triggers me into things it’s weird and it’s weird your putting a silly ship into this horrible topic so many think it’s ok to put in because the age is unconfirmed half of you people just don’t like queer black people and I am one so for the love of god stop calling people proshippers when they view hobie as a kid!!!
Phil Lord who's also a director said it's up to interpretation/headcanon plus even likened him to Sex pistols who started off young. Alsp like I said the whole Gwen and Hobie implied/jokes about being together thing would be weird as f https://twitter.com/sillyabtspiders/status/1666405777009958913?t=ct4kf0PoYIeUHwsP3tsHDQ&s=19
Of course there’s the other video but again that is concept hobie and prowler hobie not even the hobie we See as well as HOBIE is Most likely aged down and based off teen hobie stop bringing it up because it doesn’t matter!!! I’m literally so upset with being called a proshipper and such and it’s actually really stupid that I have to fight on this because everyone other ship is fine except when there both black and queer it’s weird to how much people care and I’m so tired I’m so very tired of it. I literally cannot take it anymore it’s weird you people are just as weird I’m just so upset right now and by the way I’m writing you probably have already seen me post a bit on my main but it’s embarrassing how you all cling to one thing
I feel great comfurt in this ship I do with a lot of dynamics and I don’t even ship punkflower hard I just think it’s cute but the way you people look at soemthing and think “wow proshipper” is insane because eTHATS NOT WHAT IT IS IM SORRY ITS NOT IT MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED and I can’t tell if it’s cause I’m getting hyper fixated on this or what but I hate when this happens because wir causes so many people stress for no reason but your stupidity
Unless every single director comes out and says that HOBIE is older than 18 and not with Gwen and miles I will delete this and actually admit to it ok I’m not unreasonable I’m angry but that wouldn’t make sense because why would they tease romantic relationship as well as having hobie be with the minor coded charachters all the time
IM SO SORRY IF YOUR STRESSED BY THIS BECAUSE IM THE SAME I JUST FEEL LIKE WE WILL NEVER WIN and it’s so AKWARD I seriously hope that this whole situation gets cleared up and people will be able to ship and have there family dynamics and I’m sorry for anyone who doesn’t wanna see discourse just wanted to finally clear everything up because I know it stresses me out so I can’t imagine how other people feel
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kuiperror · 4 months
1st thank you for indulging me (even tho i asked lol) 2nd.maybe dont open this unless you want to get blasted with useless information + unimportant yet dearly held opinions + offtopic addendums + true sincerity. i tried to hold back guys im sorry. hold onto your hats im getting fucking crazy in here
firstly ill summarize and say that my "version" of the story of aatc [1] is basically just an idealized version of the "lore" the 1960s version gave us (i say "lore" in quotations bc there was. none lol).
now a lot of my ideas concerning the "lore" of story are interconnected to my opinions about the actual application of aatc media in real life . for instance, the story is set, vaguely, around the late 1950s - early to mid 1960s, like the irl "run" of the original chipmunks records. i personally believe that, as a real media franchise, aatc really has no reason to exist within our modern world with the technology we have today [2] so aatc as a fictional story is affected similarly. along with that, when the story is played out in the context of 1960s america it creates a richer thematical experience as the themes are compounded and expanded on. [3] a lot of the themes that i consider Essencial to the story deal with acceptance of differences and familial love and questioning of ones own humanity and sense of belonging, both within oneself and within the family unit and within larger society, and conservative 1960s suburban america is just a rlly good backdrop to place all of that. so basically i believe in the Contextuality of 1960s aatc and i love to allude to those contexts within the story.
another thing about my version is that i allow it to be inconsistent both with itself or with real life, just cuz it doesn't really have to be. for instance, this story has a floating timeline and i consider the chipmunk's ages to range from 8 - 10 years old— theodore is 8, alvin is 9, simon is 10. (simon is the oldest in the 1960s era idc who says what, i will die on this hill) however at the same time i think it would make the most sense for them to come from the same litter, which would make them all the same age. so i consider the chipmunks to be different ages while also considering they were born at the same time. i do have an in-world resolution for this discrepancy [4] but you get what im saying: my version of events is a little fictional story for me and me only so inconsistencies like that can be brushed over . mainly so i don't think too deeply about the logistics of things (cuz i tend to do that to avoid any possible criticism cuz i am Afraid of flaw) . like i'll catch myself being like "but how does the development of a real 8yo match theodore's behavior? 🤨" and i have to tell myself "bro.. this is a fictional cartoon world ur literally talking about a talking chipmunk its Not That Serious it doesn't have to be that realistic dude" so i just say its my own little play place and i get to do what i want :)
my version of the backstory of the chipmunks is not really all there in terms of external and internal consistency, but it mostly resembles the 1980s series' backstory where dave finds the chipmunks on his doorstep. (see [4] for entire story) i think that the months after dave took them in were honestly a p dark period for the family. i don't imagine dave had good support system and i think the mental struggle of suddenly caring for 3 incredibly strange children all the while fearing societal reactions to them (which restricted him from getting the help he needed) [5] definitely aged him. ithink hes like, early 30s when the chipmunks arrive, late 30s when the timeline "starts floating"... not as young as most (?) fans/iterations interpret him to be. i think that, before "the chipmunk song" was created, dave had raised the chipmunks for like.. 3-5ish years. what i'm saying is that dave definitely took in the chipmunks out of the kindness of his own heart and not cuz he wanted to capitalize on their singing prowess (aHEM looking at a certain movie 🤨)
also, i like to accentuate the animal-ness of the boys by taking real world information about chipmunks and applying it to them :) in general its a little bit of a pet peeve of mine when ppl just completely disregard the animal part of funny animal characters... esp with alvin and the chipmunks bc thats like. Their Whole Thing . they are chipmunks ? why do you just ignore that 😭
now i have talked a LOT about angsty stuff but i do want to make it clear that legit all this stuff is the subtext and background for interactions shown within the 1960s chipmunk media. the chipmunks are still happy kids who have fun and goof around and piss off david !! its just that they have fears and their own Issues like any real person.
so yeah! thats my chipmunk lore!! ^^ i have a whole document about my version so im definitely. fucking insane about the chipmunks. if any other aatc fans are reading this please be nice to me 😦 i feel as though i am very much a weirdo in my sandbox all alone soo dont h8 me plz :)
and just to send it off with some silly lore here are some random headcanons for each character that i have taken straight from my lore document ^^
alvin: would 100% be a leash kid . just sayin (as a former leash kid myself)
alvin: takes after david musically— when he writes his own music and makes up little songs to himself it sounds very similar to the songs dave writes. alvin doesn't recognize this but dave definitely does :,)
alvin: insecure about his height and constantly reassures himself that he will have a growth spurt when hes older
simon: loves loves LOVEs non-conventional and instrumental music! especially those set in different modes
simon: astronaut kid he loves space and wants to b an astronaut . born at just the right time B)
simon: knows better than to follow along with alvin's troublemaking + rebelliousness, occasionally tries to push back, but often is just like. fuck it we ball and goes along with it, especially if its fun ^^
theodore: LOVES the technical aspect of music + the recording process . he will tell you all about the science behind how vinyl records work unprompted.
theodore: doesnt like to sing solos as much as his brothers do bc of past childhood asthma at age 3 and also because he can not stop himself from giggling when hes singing hes just so happy :)! (THIS ONE IS CANON 💥💥💥 SOURCE: UP ON THE HOUSETOP CHRISTMAS W THE CHIPMUNKS VOL 1 ‼️)
theodore: although he is the most naive of the bunch, he is not dumb . hes just a little kid who likes being silly !
dave: before taking the chipmunks in in his early 30s he was the world's most regular guy . wrote hits for other people, continues to do that occasionally into the boys's careers
dave: literally has a song for everything . he will do everything to a beat .
dave: embroiders and cross-stitches to regulate his anger + knows how to sew really well since he has 2 make all of the boys' clothes. (CANON ⁉️😍) also it was his decision to color-code and embroider their initials onto everything they wear lmfao
FOOTNOTES (color coded for your convenience!)
[1] - in this post i refer to the media franchise as "aatc" (alvin and the chipmunks) and refer to the actual trio of characters as "the chipmunks" to avoid confusion. i just want it to be said that i personally dont like to call the media franchise "alvin & the chipmunks" on account of the whole "uuu if alvins a chipmunk why is it called alvin & the chipmunks" joke, i personally prefer to call the franchise just "the chipmunks" as it is shorter and includes the 1960s era as for most of it the franchise went by several different iterations (if we lived in a perfect world the franchise would still be called "david seville and the chipmunks" . just saying)
[2] - back in the early 60s, combining pitch-shifted vocals and character-acting was an innovative technique that took real time, effort, knowledge and skill to achieve. but nowadays not only is the concept no longer fresh but literally anyone can create their own "chipmunk" vocals in a matter of minutes. the story & characters (also nostalgia) are really the only thing keeping the aatc franchise going, esp since that's what more modern iterations of aatc focus on rather than the actual music.
[3] - in the media outside of their albums (the alvin show & the dell comics, specifically) there is always an underlying theme of comparison between david and the boys and the 1960s concept of a nuclear american family. its not exactly an "Intentional" theme, it more or less comes with the (irl) time-period the original aatc media was created in. the seville household is, inherently, a subversion of the ideal of the "perfect family" that households were compared against and strived to be, even at the expense of their own comfort, ideals, safety, etc. this subversion can be played into for drama and angst in a richer, more plausible way than it would be if the story were set in a more modern time period, u know? but yeah i believe that, as a fictional story, aatc shouldn't be divorced from the context of the attitudes and values of what mainstream society thought a family should be in the 1960s.
[4] - essentially in my version of events, dave was given no information about the boys and he basically made up their ages. when david found them in his backyard, they were oversized chipmunks as large as your average cat. they all sort of acted like young human children, but they were a lot more... chipmunk than child. they could only babble— but the sounds were recognizable as human speech. dave was obviously freaked out and resolved to keep an eye on them whenever they were in his backyard. he really only resolved to take them in due to the fact that he could literally see them change throughout a single week. how i imagine the chipmunks' biology is that they are a mixture of human and chipmunk (not literally, mind you, more as a physiological, figurative thing) so they have the intelligence and development of a human while still doing certain things like undertaking hibernation, wanting to forage and stockpile and burrow, things like that. however their growth rate is incredibly fucked up, going from the actual size of a newborn baby chipmunk to the size of a human toddler within like, a year. with this rapid growth also comes more human-like intelligence. once they were actually living in his house, dave knew there was something human about them with these creatures so he couldn't just let them return to the wild, especially since they were becoming more and more dependent on him and more and more human-like as days passed... i definitely think there was a moment of pure clarity for dave where he realized like. wow, that's a child. these things are children. and they are relying on me to provide for them. they are absolutely attached to me by now. and i think i might actually be attached to them too. and thats when he decided to name them and truly care for them like any other human child. overtime the chipmunks slowed their growth rate and matched their developing rate with the same as an average human. the chipmunks don't remember much of their early childhood and nothing can really be disputed so davids word of what happened is gospel. And yeah thats their backstory basically. if you want more on dave's view point on the chipmunks and their fucked up growth process, you can read this post here :)
[5] - he overcame this, of course. he did not want the boys to think that he was ashamed of them. public school was a different story, however, and the boys were more-or-less in a state of homeschooling before the release of "the chipmunk song." knowing that most of their peers would actually look up to them rather than down upon them extremely reassured him.
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violet-amphithere · 7 months
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One of them character relationship charts for my interpretations of the slugcats. Except Saint, because I don't know how to write them sorry.
Not all of these descriptions are said "in-character" so to speak because not all of them would ever say how they feel about someone else outright. The white squares in particular are my OOC descriptions of them, not what they think of themself.
Image transcription under the cut
OOC descriptions of how I characterize that character: Monk Curious, somewhat impulsive. Loves their family. Wants to go home.
Survivor Cautious. Loves their family. Values their own freedom.
Hunter Goal-oriented. Loves life; resents the idea that she was not made to experience it.
Gourmand Values the well-being of their colony first of all. Has some trouble with showing vulnerability.
Artificer Angry (grieving), Angry (regular). Stubborn. Values family bonds very, very highly.
Spearmaster Not so sociable with most others, but not unkind. Values freedom, connection.
Rivulet In love with the experience of having a physical body. Largely a loner. Not so good at emotional intelligence.
-- How each character feels about another:
Monk, about Survivor My beloved sibling for whom I would go to the ends of the world to bring back home
Monk, about Hunter Friends, I like to talk and hang out
Monk, about Gourmand Cool. Intimidating. Wants to have a part in the sense of community that Gourmand fosters. Is a little scared of it all.
Monk, about Artificer Deeply sympathetic but frustratingly distant
Monk, about Spearmaster ….jealous????
Monk, about Rivulet would like to befriend (not happening)
Survivor, about Monk I love you but I wish you would let me live my own life. I wish you had not made sacrifices for me and wish you had not made yourself my responsibility.
Survivor, about Hunter Friends, slightly distant
Survivor, about Gourmand Very intimidating. Tries to learn from them, actually learns exactly what they don't want for themself.
Survivor, about Artificer Hey can you just real quick let me believe you are a reasonable person? No? ok.
Survivor, about Spearmaster Envy, admiration, awe? Would like to see the world with them, or a least with the freedom they have to do so.
Survivor, about Rivulet Neutral
Hunter, about Monk Friend. Likes to teach Monk anything they can
Hunter, about Survivor Reminds me of myself. I hope life is kind to them
Hunter, about Gourmand Feeling indebted, which makes for tension. I wish I could do more in return.
Hunter, about Artificer How are you comforting company
Hunter, about Spearmaster Built better than me. Can explore and travel and I can't. Why? More care put into them..? (which changes into) Friendship kinship artist buddies who will reclaim the act of creation together.
Hunter, about Rivulet Confusing? Neutral
Gourmand, about Monk They get along great. No notes.
Gourmand, about Survivor Angsty lil guy. They'll be alright.
Gourmand, about Hunter Cares, but has a lot of difficulty conveying the mutual respect that Hunter needs
Gourmand, about Artificer PLEASE stop throwing bombs and listen to me for 5 seconds. please.
Gourmand, about Spearmaster Acquaintance; always nice to have come by
Gourmand, about Rivulet Good friend. Could almost be second in command, except Rivulet is not interested
Artificer, about Hunter Why do i wish i were you
Artificer, about Gourmand Fucking goodie goodie thinks they're so smart and responsible and experienced and resourceful and happy, Well guess what!!!! You're right [beat] fuck you
Artificer, about Spearmaster Very vocal judgment
Artificer, about Rivulet Fun challenge to spar with. Knows nothing about me. (and thus does not like me, which would be unacceptable) My friend my buddy
Spearmaster, about Monk can i help you
Spearmaster, about Survivor Mentorly, friendly. Likes their company
Spearmaster, about Hunter Why are you mean to me (which changes into) Oh. We can hold hands
Spearmaster, about Gourmand Acquaintance; nice to visit with and trade stories with if I'm in the area
Spearmaster, about Artificer Silent judgment
Spearmaster, about Rivulet Neutral
Rivulet, about Survivor and Monk These two have some sort of contrived interpersonal emotional hardship going on, and frankly, I want no part in it.
Rivulet, about Hunter Neutral
Rivulet, about Gourmand Gets It
Rivulet, about Artificer Yeah I see them every week and we hang out and beat each other up. I don't know their name and they don't know mine. Positive relationship yeah why?
Rivulet, about Spearmaster Neutral
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 1 year
Thoughts on the Wednesday Series Characters Birth Charts?
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Mercury retrograde is testing me and my technology, so idek if my next post will work, but just in case I'm only doing a fun post for Wednesday's Birth Chart Interpretation I will post later today
I binge watched this series, and It's SOO GOOD. My favorite characters are, of course, Wednesday, and especially Enid, she's my absolute fav.
Here are some of my thoughts for the characters' placements except for Wednesday. You can all join in! It would be fun to guess!
Enid - Leo rising + Aries venus - She's very impulsive, so I think she's fire dominant, most likely. Her incredibly protective nature and happy, friendly disposition is Leo like as they're a very playful and passionate sign but crazy protective and jealous over their loved ones. I'd say Aries Venus because she can't keep her crushes a secret lol and puts it on display. She's very passionate in love with her relationship and moves very fast. It's reminiscent of typical Aries Venus behavior imo. I can also see major Gemini & 3rd House placements like a potential Gemini mercury, this girl has networks and chats for days lol.
Bianca - Scorpio moon. Her mommy issues and insecurities pop out with her Scorpio moon as she seeks to protect her reputation at all costs. She's paranoid when anyone threatens to take her power or reputation away. She's very perceptive naturally and can get into people's heads. She figures out people quickly and seeks to gain power over them. Not to mention her mom's relation with the family cult, and obsession over her daughter giving up her own life to devote herself to the cult IS SO SCORPIO MOON. The moon does rule over our relationship with our mom and our behavior. So the Scorpio moon showed there was definitely a power imbalance going on in her family between her mom's obsession with controlling Bianca and wanting to isolate her, which reminds me of moon-puto or Scorpio moon 100%. It wasn't restricting or limiting Bianca but instead exploiting her powers for evil and taking away her morals and independence. The type of psychological abuse in that family had more of a Plutonic theme regarding manipulation, exploitation, and the emphasis on control.
I love Bianca I could go in-depth with her like Wednesday's chart reading later today
Tyler - Gemini moon + Virgo and Aquarius placements. He's giving Aquarius rising for me but im not totally sure about his rising sign. The Gemini moon because he's too good at lying and cold after after pretending he had feelings for Wednesday. Honestly, he's one of the hardest to asses for me but I'm pretty sure he's an earth or air moon.
Ms. Thornhill.- I think Ms. Thornhill is either a Virgo or Pisces Moon, I see a lot of Virgo for her, tho...she's spiteful and thinks her idea and way is the only correct way. Virgos can be super spiteful and forget to listen to reason when they think they're right. It's kinda similar to Aquarius, but when tiny things are screwed up, she loses her shit and makes sure to track + keep her eye on everything. It's more methodical and detailed. I wanted to say Pisces because she's delusional, but Virgos can be just as delusional when they think their plan is right.
Let me know what placements you think any character, including ones not listed have. It will be fun to discuss👀
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i wish i had the energy and eloquence to fully and properly get into the family therapist mikey thing tbh it’s so hard to just. explain what i MEAN. 
(ftr i am an adult who does regularly touch grass. i understand interpretation and ymmv on characterization. i understand the catharsis of vent art and vent fic and projecting issues onto characters to process them. i don’t read through stuff i’ve found issues with and then seethe about it, i keep scrolling or hit the back button and find something else. 
i am still gonna talk about trends i’ve noticed and things that i don’t get or that rub me the wrong way. please don’t come into my posts about my personal thoughts and opinions to, however well-meaning or politely, judge me for expressing them. consider doing what i do and keep scrolling. i won’t engage with that. i would ask that no one else engages with that in replies or comments.
i also legit don’t Get tone indicators just ftr. they elude me.)
bc so much of the draxum moral realignment stuff was mikey being motivated largely by what mikey wanted. he wanted to see barry as family, he wanted barry to become part of the family, he wanted the story of their mutation to be less uh. objectively crummy.
now, mikey’s wants in that area served as a CATALYST for other development, him pursuing that (often very hamfistedly and despite many objections) wound up paving the way, but it was ultimately in the spirit of his personal desire. which ftr im not criticizing that’s very much part of the character.
he brought draxum to the big hidden city day out because it was a Family Event and he personally considered draxum family. splinter and draxum kinda coming to a truce, splinter reconciling that his mutation (despite the horrific trauma and long-lasting impact of it) was still what gave him his sons who he loves more than anything, that was all splinter and draxum. mikey’s action of bringing barry along was a catalyst, he was able to speak to his own feelings about it to splinter when it came up, but he wasn’t sitting there going “tell me how that makes you feel and we’ll talk through it” yknow?
and it’s the same with the dr feelings thing with donnie, which is arguably as close to Playing Therapist as mikey gets on screen. bc that was just a very Extra way of confronting donnie about the shelldon stuff. like. that was mikey inserting himself into the situation so he could give his personal opinion about how donnie was messing up, just with a sweater and a powerpoint. like. an intervention i guess. if donnie hadn’t gotten the picture from the slides he was probably all lined up for a dr delicate touch meeting.
which like, was also not being donnie’s therapist as much as a once again very hamfisted way of addressing something that mikey felt in the right about?
i’m wondering if maybe what i picture when i hear about a child having to play therapist for the family isn’t the same as what modern fandom means by saying it. because i picture like, what steven universe went through. which was practically singlehandedly, as a child, walk a bunch of adults through their own grief and insecurities and shortcomings with unending patience and support, to a point of pushing all his own needs and emotional issues aside.
where steven seemed convinced there were things that he wasn’t allowed to express or outright things he never got to learn to express, mikey is probably the most emotionally open and honest of all the brothers. he feels more outright sheltered. 
especially where his big brothers are concerned. the entire episode about his first solo mission he was chafing about being unnecessarily overprotected by raph. there’s a lot tied up in his relationship to raph if we take what the creators said about them growing apart as they’ve grown up into account. 
so i guess for me, in my understanding of the trauma of playing therapist at a young age, i can’t really reconcile what canon gives us with the idea of any of the other brothers or splinter (who is notably emotionally disconnected from his sons at series start) genuinely dropping their issues on his lap. 
but in that vein, for as much as he’s emotionally open and honest, i’m sure there are also insecurities and issues that mikey doesn’t express. or. that canon for some reason just decided to not dig into in any of the episodes that actually got made.
but ohhhhh that’s a whole separate can of worms.
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cathalbravecog · 9 months
long ramble, haven't had one of these in a while! if you read this, have fun. it's headcanons/thoughts on some stuff. i don't talk about my thoughts on story stuff publicly much anymore especially because 1) i'm shy 2) trust issues 3) bad rsd 4) i forgot the last point
i was writing for oNCE yesterday (some headcanon stuff, for myself, won't be posting that unless i change the wording of some of it to make more sense because i ramble a lot and it's a mess. like i am doing right now. also that turned into being mostly about hr in the end because i am ill. now hopefully this motivation will get me to write my mary and archie stuff.)
and when i went to bed i was thinking about some stuff in toontown, mostly the cogs - and how things work. these are things i ponder on very often and have talked about with my friends many time, throwing ideas back and forth and my headcanons for how things work.
though, there's one thing i really wonder about, and that's where cogs come from in ttcc exactly. in 'that' way though of course to keep things on the same rating as the game is i won't discuss anything explicit so don't worry. (besides they're robots and also are sexless to me, anything related to gender is purely cosmetic to them. you are usually assigned a certain expression when built though, but can change that later on. that's how i explain trans cogs.)
i think about how there are canonical families and children, and that they have "built" dates and places where they've been built. it's obvious as they're robots, they're not born they're built and made.
it's a bit difficult to explore with the limited info we have, which is kind of both an hassle to work with, but also beautiful because you can let your creativity go and make up your own headcanons, without things being set in too much canon. it's also difficult due to how different the suit culture is to us humans and also what we see from the toons which is by nature more familiar to us.
we also do not know much about suitopia, or other possible places where cogs live.
(i, personally, imagine suitopia as essentially a big country where most if not all cogs live. it has it's own regions, cities... all that. where as c.o.g.s. inc has built itself to be essentially it's own small country/community, if that makes sense. though cogs don't always only mention suitopia, at least once 'the whole world' is used. this is irrelevant tho so i won't discuss that but it's still a 'core' headcanon i have - as other things i may hc rely on this personal interpretation / headcanon.
but be aware i do not know everything is canon and can discuss things outside my realm of HCs and interpretations, but if i go deeper into like, let's say, analyzing a cog and imagining their backstory, instantly assume i'm using all these things. sorry for the side ramble, i want to make things clear for possible future reference.)
i wish it will be expanded upon slightly in the future, even a slightest crumb of what it's like out there and i can have a field day with it. i do enjoy the vagueness tho, again, as i've said we do not need to have all the information out there and it's not necessary to the main stories that are being told but MAN my brain itches for MORE. i demand EXPLANATIONS. and so i make up my own lol and i love that i can do that /gen (there's some stuff i do have an issue with that it was not explained better, but again, fixed that with hcs. talking abt atticus but im not getting into that rn)
there also may be things i am missing - i have known of ttcc's existence since it's early days, but i wasn't there for it and missed being there in person for any lore until i started playing for real in early 2023 and became a part of the community. like, there ARE things i have missed AND small details i am missing. that's one criticism i have about some info being more difficult to access now, but the main stuff is on the wiki an all luckily.
anyways that ramble out of the way... how the heck are cogs made? there's a few ways, that seem contradictory in some ways at first but i just see it as different methods.
we know cogs can change their appearances (their shell) and be "upgraded". we know cogs can even choose to be just their skelecogs (Atticus) and i suppose every other skelecog we see.) we know cogs have families and have their own kids. (cathal and bobby jr come to mind, and also belle's own kids and grandkids. not to mention, we have siblings too - thomas and robert. and their whole family drama DOES involve their unseen parents.) we know many cogs, mostly the managers, come into the company as their are - but also new parts are built, at least for the employee cogs in sellbot hq. (recently re-read the dialogue which confirmed this - literally as you're building your sellbot suit.)
we know cogs are more than just some working machines and do have deeper lives and desires and even relationships, though all instances of a parent/child relationship in ttcc have only one parent. makes sense after all they don't reproduce sexually to put it that way, again they're built and they're robots.)
it's easy to conclude, that, cogs are just built. which is true. but it just makes me wonder. we know they age. we have at least 1 cog who is a literal child, and bobby, in human years at least, looks no older than like, 8 years old. (we also don't know how cogs age. we also know cog's don't die like that, due to the whole deal with atticus. i will talk about this one day i have so many thoughts on it)
we know they grow up and even have schools - they're not programmed with everything. they earn experience as they live life and even have?? education systems? like they're more like people than we thought. (ttcc does make cogs more easily sympathized with and gives us INDIVIDUAL cogs and not just... 'The Cogs'. cogs are the focus of ttcc so of course they're developed more and are more 'human' despite being machines.)
so clearly, there's cogs like bobby. who are built young and eventually grow up. we have not seen a cog growing up yet, at least i don't think. but i wonder how that works. through cartoon logic, do they just grow up? their skelecog and perhaps their shell, too? or do they periodically get upgraded to be larger - wouldn't it make sense to built a cog as, well, an adult already? to program all these things? there may be more limits to this than we think, but also just... cultural things possibly.
the only cog CHILD (not just the child of someone - cathal's an adult. also, redd mention, but redd's adopted so he doesn't count) we ever see is bobby and, he is the child of robert, who is known to be very short. we don't know if bobby's going to grow up, or if this height is what he's just going to be like. we have one image where he's way smaller than robert, and other, more recent ones, where they're a similar heights. is that just art inconsistency due to the nature of all the (amazing) artwork being, well, volounteer work and that not everything is (or has to be) perfect? or did bobby really grow up. i'm talking about the wallet picture and the comics featuring bobby, by the way.
though, as things are, i'm sort of assuming that bobby's going to grow up or be upgraded in some way to "grow up"? i don't think we need an clear explanation for that, and in a universe like this 'cartoon logic' would be enough, but it's still something to think about.
like...how do cogs go about having kids, anyways? all instances we see are visually similar as well. cathal has the same gear for his neck as allan's body does, and they have the same head lightbulbs and wires. bobby jr and robert are both furniture.
i've always assumed that it's like in robots (the movie, that i havent watched in years which would be helpful for all this, probably.) if you decide to have a child just for the experience of raising a child, to have a legacy, or due to a bond with a partner - you literally just build one. perhaps not in the same way as in the movie - in here it definitely requires more paperwork and blueprints. but again, it's interesting to think about! hey company i want a CHILD. i look like this build them like me thanks here's some blueprints. (this also explains the amount of single parents. though belle has to have been married/is married as her honorific is listed as mrs. hey fun fact, non native english speaker here. i didnt know 'mrs' means a lady is married until like this year. i've been on this earth for 19 years.)
like the concept of family is possibly just more social there than anything. duh... can't exactly have the same oil and wires inside of you as Robots .
anyways, so that explains kids... but what about the others? some cogs don't have any families mentioned but it's not hard to assume they come from families with parents and siblings as well. what about the employee cogs? who are quite literally very disposable in a way?
we do have to take into account that after all, employee cogs we see just on and about on the streets are mostly a game mechanic, and there are some individual cogs who ARE cogs who would typically be employees cogs. (jennifer comes to mind first, she's a micromanager but also a secretary and counts as a manager. same goes for judy and so forth.)
and y'know, the game won't have a personality and backstory for each random flunky on the streets you fight. but with often they get destroyed and repaired and that there's just... so many of them! of the same model and appearance... makes you think. is that why they were made? are they truly more robotic than the others, more devoid of 'humanity'? or were they different cogs, perhaps more lower class, who's appearances were changed entirely to fit into more easily fixable and replaceable shell forms? something that's less expensive for the company and for them? i swear i am missing some details on this, but that's for me to re read the wiki and cogs ink for on my own later. (i need to have full info n everything and if i dont bring up that i know one small detail i will explode bc someone will bring it up and make me feel dumb and that's the rsd part and it's often physically painful!)
very hard to tell, i'm sort of content with my thoughts on how cogs have kids, but i hope we ever get a bit more clarity on employee cogs - though it is a bit problematic as these are the guys you beat up on the daily who don't have individual personalities.
like i'm just rambling as i go here man, it was gonna be cohesive but i'm just spitting thoughts here now. like, we have 3 seperate skelecog types - all cogs come with a skelecog like we have a skeleton so that also comes into play. it can be adjusted in ways, most notably the head and also in size. though we do have a 4 arm cog. jason please i love you /p we need more jason content. it's wacky, it's tacky - it's toontown!
fun stuff to think about but i just deep fried my brain. tdlr i guess.
how cogs made. how cogs have kids. how cogs work in general. very swag very cool. guzma cathal spades spamtongender goes on 1568854 different tangents while saying they wont aka your swagesty your adhd symptoms are showing
that's it fellas enjoy 2k words of incomprehensible rambles that i am happy to finally get out! you see the way i explain things is precisely why i almost never do it publicly and i need practice shortening things.
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jewishtwig · 1 year
hi, im starting the conversion process and i have 3 concerns about it i was wondering if i could get your opinion on bc i feel like there isn’t a huge online jewish community and especially not for converts (but it’s fine if you don’t have anything to say i get it)
the first is that im struggling to figure out how to tell my family about my want to convert. i was raised atheist and am honestly still pretty atheist/agnostic, just not completely. my father is a climate scientist who is very anti-religion in general (but mostly generalizes all religion as christian, you know, as ppl do), and i’m worried he’ll think it’s a phase, because once when he was around my age he started attending church for a girl he was dating only to abandon it later and regret it totally. i don’t think he’s antisemitic but i don’t think he’ll be super enthused in general about me wanting to be jewish just bc it means i’d be religious
the second one is that i was invited to visit a synagogue near me for shabbat services and i’m really looking forward to it, but i looked on their website and said they want all men who visit to wear a kippah regardless of whether or not they are jewish. do you think it would be inappropriate to buy one of my own instead of using one of the ones they offer at the synagogue if i just wore it while visiting for services?
finally (sorry this is a lot i might just need to get it out of my system tbh), i talked to a rabbi (as mentioned above) and she told me to convert with any synagogue in my state i’d need to take a very specific intro to judaism course that doesn’t start until almost a year from now. is it irrational to be upset i have to wait so long? i was sitting on the idea of reaching out to a rabbi about conversion for almost a year, so to finally do it and be told i just have to wait more, after i get the guts to stop waiting, kinda sucks. but i’m worried if i express my concerns to the rabbi she’ll interpret that as me being too eager and impatient?? i’m not sure
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Hello! No need to apologize! It’s an important thing to consider. I’m glad you found an answer on my blog already 😊
There is actually a surprisingly large online community of converts and converts in progress! (I’ll make a poll about it in a bit because now I’m curious.)
Okay on to your first second question, I don’t think it would necessarily be inappropriate per say but I wouldn’t advise it yet for a couple of reasons.
1. You don’t know what style of kippah you like yet and wearing the ones they provide is a good way to test them out.
2. You’re not going to be wearing it outside of shul and they have them there for you for free.
3. There are many different styles and sizes and this community may have a style they prefer that you aren’t aware of yet. (That’s not to say you can’t wear other styles but it’s something to consider)
4. You don’t need to. They have them there for you to use.
5. A secret fifth thing I can’t quite put my finger on which makes this feel not quite right to me. 
Next question, it’s definitely not irrational to be upset. That’s a very rational feeling to have. However, conversion is a long process. For many people, it takes several years because of things like waiting for classes or a Rabbi to be available. Conversion is a lifetime commitment. If you have to wait one more year and then get to be Jewish for the rest of your life, is it worth it to you?
You can tell the Rabbi if you want, but if that’s the only class and it’s required, then it is what it is.
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