#i might put him in automatically but. idk.
yu-gi-poll · 4 months
Any monsters you’re surprised to see nominated thus far?
(Sorry that I took so long in responding to this ask)
There weren't many that I was surprised by, but I forgot about Outstanding Dog Marron, I got so excited by seeing that guy that I sent a picture of him to someone I know irl who is called Maron and told him he was an outstanding dog.
I was also excited to see Kaibaman. I love Kaibaman...
More surprising, though, was that no one submitted Elemental HERO Neos, Judai's ace from season 2 onward...
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chvoswxtch · 6 months
hi um so this is like my first time making a request, like ever. I’m not even sure if this is where I’m supposed to put a request. So I’m really nervous but this idea has been in my head for weeks and I need it to be brought to life? Idk but can I request Matt Murdock with a sort of shy reader? Where he tells her about his abilities and daredevil and everything (established relationship) and she doesn’t really care as long as he’s safe but she has something in her mind and he notices and keeps asking and basically she has a question about his senses, specifically his taste and idk if you know but Matt can canonically know ALL of the ingredients of anything just from a taste and she basically wants to make him taste a bunch of stuff and tell her the ingredients of it so she can make them? I know this is probably WAY too specific so feel free to completely ignore this, I just wanted to get it out.
hi my darling!
so I actually read this request right before going to the grocery store, and while I was looking through produce, it made me think about how matt would absolutely know which produce was the freshest and which ones to avoid. I kinda mixed that in with your idea about being able to tell exactly what ingredients were in something, and I hope this is close to what you were looking for! <3
warnings: tooth rotting fluff and matt being a lil shit word count: 1.3k
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“Not that one.”
You hand instantly stilled over a lemon that your fingertips had already grazed over. Glancing at Matt over your shoulder, a crease formed between your brows while you looked back down at it.
“What do you mean? This one is perfect-”
“It’s not ripe enough.”
“But…it’s so yellow, like sunshine yellow.”
A faint smile tugged at the corner of Matt’s lips when he felt the way your own pursed into a bit of a confused pout. It was something you always did when you were intensely focused on something, and he found it endearing. Reaching his hand out, he used the pad of his thumb to smooth away the furrow that had creased in the middle of your forehead, and his soft smile curled up into a light smirk catching the flush of heat that immediately coursed through the tops of your cheeks.
“Well, I’m sure it’s a very pretty lemon, but it doesn’t taste ripe.”
Ever since Matt had told you the truth about his vigilante identity and his abilities, you’d had countless questions. You wouldn’t voice them at first, almost as if you were afraid to cross some invisible boundary that Matt might have, but he knew you, and he knew how to dismantle that shy exterior of yours. From the moment the two of you first met, you had been overly polite and accommodating about his disability, but not in a way that made him uncomfortable. You didn’t walk on eggshells around him or call any extra attention to his blindness. In fact, the way you interacted with him was so seamless, it was almost like it came second nature.
If you guys were grabbing coffee with Karen and Foggy, you would automatically place the raw sugar packets within his reach because you knew he preferred it to the artificial sweeteners. If the four of you went to check out a new lunch spot, you always called ahead to check if they had a menu in braille and made sure Matt was given one. There were so many little things you did to make him feel included and normal. It was part of why he fell so hard for you.
You never asked about the origin of his blindness, and even after he opened up and told you about his accident, you were reserved with your questions. He could tell you were curious, and he wanted you to ask. He wanted you to know things about him. You were a bit of a wallflower, and Matt could always feel you silently observing him, but he wanted you to understand him. He quickly realized he would have to flat out grant you permission to be nosey, and so he did.
Out of everyone he had revealed his Daredevil secret to, you had taken it the best. He didn’t know if he would ever get over the surprise of just how well you handled it. You didn’t get angry or yell at him. You didn’t call him a liar or a traitor, or ask him if he was faking his blindness; all reactions he expected. You just sat there in pure confusion, and you were silent for so long, Matt was panicked that he’d sent you into a state of shock. When it finally settled in that it wasn’t a joke, your brows knit together, and Matt could feel the way your face contorted into an expression of irritation when you flat out asked him if he was crazy. The memory of that night never failed to make him smile.
“Um…well, I mean…not in the traditional sense-”
“Matthew, what the hell are you thinking running around on rooftops, going after guys with guns and knives with…sticks? How do you even do that?”
“They’re batons, actually. Look it’s hard to explain, but I have heightened senses that help me-”
“Are those super senses going to keep you out of prison? Because that’s where you’re going if you get caught. What was the point of going hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt for law school if you were just going to wind up a prison cell for doing backflips off buildings in your underwear?”
“Heightened senses. And it’s not underwear. Underwear is comfortable.”
There hadn’t been a hint of anger in your voice. Annoyance, sure, but mainly concern. All you wanted was for Matt to be safe, and he did his best to assure you that he would be. Matt went into as much detail as he could to help you understand his abilities, and the more comfortable you got with asking him things, the more you learned.
Like how he could tell exactly what ingredients were in the lemon bread at the cafe down the street from your apartment that you loved so much, which was currently the reason behind your little trip to the store at the moment. All it took was one bite of the bread, and he knew exactly how to replicate it.
Apparently he could also tell when lemons were at their peak.
Reaching into the pile of lemons, Matt grasped the one that was in perfect condition to him and held it out towards you. Taking the lemon in your hand, you gave it a light squeeze, noticing that it was firm to the touch but easily gave into the gentle force of your fingers testing its density. 
“Feel the rind.”
Following Matt’s instructions, you brushed your thumb along the bright yellow rind. It was smooth to the touch, and somewhat glossy as it nearly reflected the brightness of the overhead lighting in the grocery store. 
“It’s shiny.”
Matt chuckled at your response and lightly nodded his chin in your direction.
“What else?”
“It’s smooth.”
“It’s perfectly ripe. The zest on this one is the freshest. It has the most flavor, and the right amount of juice.”
Arching one of your brows, you stared up at Matt curiously while still faintly squeezing the lemon in your hand.
“You can tell how much juice is in this just by touching it?”
A grin stretched across Matt’s lips, showcasing his dazzling teeth and causing indents to appear in his cheeks. His thick brows rose slightly above the rim of his crimson glasses.
“Are you doubting me, sweetheart?”
“No I’m just…still trying to figure out how you do…what you do.”
A bashful twinge of heat coated your cheeks once again, and Matt thought it was adorable that you diverted your attention back to the lemon shyly to avoid his gaze even though he couldn’t see your reaction. He reached out to tenderly brush his knuckles along the warmth in your cheeks while he smiled in your direction. 
“I’ll try to do better at explaining. Now c’mon, we have more ingredients to get. You know, I think this bread is gonna turn out so well, the one at the cafe might not meet your standards anymore.”
The confidence in Matt’s voice caught your attention, and you couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your lips. Sometimes you forgot that your boyfriend was the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen that everyone was so afraid of. If only they knew that he spent his Saturdays sniffing out ingredients at the grocery store like a bloodhound to help his girlfriend recreate the recipe for her favorite lemon bread.
“You know, if you didn’t love law so much, you could’ve made out like a bandit in a baking competition.”
“Oh I would’ve won with my sob story of being a blind little Catholic orphan alone.”
Matt snickered at the disbelief in your tone, but he could also detect the way the edges of your lips twitched, like you weren’t sure if you should laugh at that or not. Snaking his arm around your waist, he pressed a light kiss to your forehead and gently nudged you in the direction towards the spice aisle.
“Come on, we need flour.”
tags: @yarrystyleeza @little-miss-dilf-lover  @avengerstower-houseplant @mars-rants-a-lot @topperthornton @hailey-murdock @neverlandcity @charmedkim @queenofthenoobs @stilldreaming666 @mattymurdock1021 @bubuslutty @ninejlovebot @purrrfect @pennylovey @firesunflamed @oscarisaacsleftknee @ameliaswife @vane28282 @kmc1989 @messymissy @dark-academia-slut @strawberry1042 @utterlynuts
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ooo-yeah-baby · 10 months
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Yandere Gilbert Blythe x reader
I only write sfw, feel free to make requests. Forced relationship. Kinda Yan if you squinting idk.
"Gilbert Blythe." You could taste the sourness of his name on your tongue as you spit it out. 
"Y/N L/N." He mocked. His usual smirk plastered his face. 
He was one of the top kids in your class at school and one of the most popular boys. Your friends, Ruby and Anne, were obsessed with him. Ruby was more open about it than Anne, but Anne's feelings were obvious.  
If it weren't for them you might have caught something for him too. Of course it'd be difficult to feel anything but guilt if you were to. That doesn't mean you avoided him though. You often talked and joked with him. You weren't best buds but you weren't strangers(it'd be next to impossible to be in a town like Avonlea).
Besides, you were sure your parents would find a partner for you. Your parents have always wanted you to focus on your studies so they had always reassured you that they'd handle your marriage. You didn't mind it that much. You don't think they'll choose someone small minded, or far away, and you know they wouldn't choose someone who'd interfere with you going to college and living your life the way you want to. 
But this bothered you. This made your stomach turn. 
There he was. Standing on your front porch, with a bouquet of random flowers. 
"Oh, Y/N, let the boy in!" Your mother chattered. She pushed you to the side and opened the door wider for him. "Welcome, Gilbert." She chirped. 
"Thank you, Mrs. L/N." Gilbert stepped inside of your home. He removed his coat and hat and started towards you. "These are for you, Y/N." He handed you the flowers. You could see your mother's glare from behind Gilbert's curly head, urging you to be polite. 
"Thank you, Gilbert." You accepted the flowers and moved to the kitchen to find something to put them in, rolling your eyes when you turn away from him. 
When you came back your mother, father, older brother, and Gilbert were all sitting in the foyer. 
"Y/N, stop standing around." Your mother smiled slyly. "Have a seat next to Gilbert." You looked over to the seat next to Gilbert. There were open seats next to both your mother, and brother. She was clearly up to something. 
Of course it'd be rude to not take the seat after being told to do so, so you sat down next to him. 
As you were fixing your dress to free it of small wrinkles in the skirt your father cleared his throat. 
"Ahem, uh-" he awkwardly sat up. "We have something to tell you." He had a weird but proud smile on his face as he looked at your mother, brother, and then finally, you. His hand gestures over to Gilbert. "Would you like to tell her, Gilbert?" He asked. 
Gilbert's face became flushed. He laughed shyly. He looked down at his hands in his lap then turned to you. 
"Well, Y/N." He grabbed your hands, his thumb rubbing the back of your right hand gently. "Recently, I had asked your parents for your hand in marriage." 
Gilbert was looking in your eyes but yours had gone blank. You were puzzled. Perplexed. You knew your parents were looking for someone, and you knew Gilbert would get an automatic yes from them, but why was Gilbert asking you? Why not Ruby? Or Anne? Or literally anyone else. You couldn't marry him. That'd only be a betrayal against your friends. You had only thought that your mother invited him so he might consider you, but you didn't imagine he would. 
You realized you had been silent for too long when Gilbert was waving his hand in front of your face. Before you could properly think you blurted out;
"No!" Slapping his hand out of your face. Gilbert pulled his hand to his chest. You hadnt hurt him but it was a surprise. You turn to your mother. "You didn't tell him I would marry him, did you?" 
Your mother was shocked, mouth agape and all. 
"Well, of course we did." Your father said, still wide eyed from your reaction. 
You could see your brother trying to hold back his laughter. 
"Oh bite your tongue." Your mother spouted at him. 
Without saying anything, you rose from your seat and began walking up to your room. Closing the door behind you, and falling to the ground. 
You can hear your family in the living room. 
"She's just being dramatic, Gilbert." You heard your brother reassure him. 
"We're terribly sorry Gilbert." Your mother continued after. 
"It's no problem." Gilbert said. "We can try again another day." 
"Yes, I'm sure she'll come around." Your dad chimed in. 
Clearly, they had not gotten the hint that you were unhappy with this situation. Each of them took turns throughout the night knocking on your door and trying to get even an ounce of a reaction. Each try was futile. 
The next day you remained silent. You didn't even eat breakfast. You just walked past your family and out the door. 
When you got to school the message board was surrounded. Diana ran to you as you got to the door. 
"Hello, Diana." You said, exasperatedly. 
"Y/N. What's this about? Are you really marrying Gilbert?" She said. She seemed more concerned than upset. She'd support you no matter what but that doesn't mean she could hold back Ruby or Anne from reacting poorly. Luckily they hadn't gotten to school yet. 
"What?" You dropped your books and ran to the message board. 
After pushing past a group of people you reached the board. There it was. The only note on the board. 
"Gilbert and Y/N are engaged to be married." 
You were fuming! You knew exactly who did this. You tore the note from the board and pushed back out of the group of people as you stormed inside. 
"I'm not marrying you!" You threw the crumpled up note at the back of Gilbert's head. The class members inside turned and watched. 
Gilbert's hands shot up in defense as he turned to face you. 
"Who said I wrote the note?" He smirked. Your face turned red with fury.
"You are so smug and inconsiderate!" You scoffed. 
"And you're beautiful when you're angry." Gilbert nodded at you teasingly.
You couldn't even think of a response besides storming away. The rest of class you could feel Gilbert's eyes shooting at you, along with every other girls, besides Rubys, who still had zero idea of the event that occurred before she got to school.
You were thankful that everyone, including Billy and Josie Pye, were quiet about the incident during lunch. You were also thankful to have a peaceful, Gilbert free lunch in the girls corner. 
But of course your peace could not last forever. 
You had hoped to stick close to Diana and Anne on their walks home but the second Gilbert came up it was like they handed you to him on a silver platter. Anne letting him take you was the most confusing part. 
Gilbert made it painfully obvious that he wanted you to hook arms with him as you walked, making a small triangle that stuck out of his side with his arm. Of course you ignored it and stormed ahead. 
"Would you slow down?" Gilbert piped, chasing after you like a lost puppy. 
"Why should I? You've got long legs. You should certainly be able to keep up." You tried to pick up your pace but honestly it was getting tiring and you could feel your own breath getting ragged.
Gilbert's hand reached up and caught yours, clasping his fingers around yours, stopping you in your tracks. 
"Because chasing you makes me seem like some kind of monster and walking together is far more enjoyable." He pulled your hand up and kissed your knuckles. 
"Perhaps it's enjoyable for you, Mr. Blythe, but currently, I do see you as a monster." You pulled your hand from his face but did not break free from the hand hold.
"And what makes me a monster?" He began walking again, at a very slow pace as you followed alongside him. 
"This whole marriage business for one;" You began. "I didn't think you were the type to force a girl to marry you, Mr. Blythe." 
"Would you have said yes if I had asked?" He was nervous for your answer. His jaw clenched and his left brow quirked up.
"No, but I am not saying yes now either." Gilbert looked a little disappointed but shook it off before you could notice. "I think I've made it clear that I don't wish to marry you, Mr. Blythe." 
"You know when we get married you won't be able to call me Mr. Blythe anymore, right?" He teased, trying to change the topic. You just gave him a sour look and no reply. Gilbert cleared his throat then tried again. "I was thinking we could have the ceremony in spring. Would you like that?" 
"Hypothetically, I'd prefer an early fall wedding." You replied, half heartedly. 
"Then that's what we'll have. A nice, fall wedding." Gilbert gently squeezed your hand and stepped closer. 
As the weeks passed you slowly noticed changes in your friends, especially Ruby. Her already dwindling gaze towards Gilbert had shifted in full throttle towards Moody and she repeatedly made small hints at giving you her blessing with the engagement. You tried to tell her that there was nothing between you and Gilbert but she just kept giving you little thumbs up as you would leave with him each day. 
Anne also began acting strangely. Despite your persistent denial she insisted that she supported you. 
It was like all of Avonlea was on Gilbert's side; rooting for him; rooting against you. 
Sure, the guilt would be gone now, seeing as your friends no longer hold feelings for him, but now there was a whole new reason. 
You didn't have a choice. You couldn't oppose the marriage and you couldn't consent. Gilbert was nice but he wasn't nice enough to break off the engagement.
After a while of begging you got an idea. It was a horrible and inconvenient idea. Even the thought of it made you feel like a vixen. But it had to be done. The engagement had been finalized and this was the only way to break it off. 
Your plan wasn't that hard to come up with either. Tell the girls you have feelings for one of the other boys, don't say who, and ruin your own reputation. If you were known to be someone who wishes to be with other while already "taken" then there would be no reason to continue with the marriage. 
Then, during college, once everything blows over and you're free again, you can find someone you truly love. 
When lunch came around you made your grand confession and all of the girls looked at you as if you had just told them the most shocking news ever. By the end of the day most of the girls had told their parents, friends, siblings, etc. 
By the time word had gotten back to Gilbert he was bewildered and, though he would hate to admit it, angry. 
You felt proud walking out of your house the next morning after having been chewed out by your whole family. 
"Now it'll be impossible to find a good Avonlea boy for you."
"You really screwed that one up." 
"Why won't you just accept Gilbert?" 
If gossip was good somewhere, it was Avonlea. 
You felt proud, that is, until you made it down the steps of your porch, seeing Gilbert smelling the flowers that lined the railing. When we noticed you he stood up and snaked his arm around yours. 
"Good morning dear." He's greeted as he started walking. 
"Good morning Mr. Blythe." Why was he here. He should be at school for his morning classes or anywhere but in front of your home. 
"Gilbert." He said. "It's been a while since you called me Gilbert." 
You rolled your eyes at that, although you were still quite nervous. 
"Gilbert, why are you here so early?" You asked. 
"I have no plans of canceling the engagement." This stopped you in your tracks, stopping Gilbert along with you.
"Why not?" 
"I know you made it up." His free hand went to your face, cupping your cheek. "I love you Y/N. I don't care how many people tell me to cancel it. I need you." 
This wouldve been a sweet confession if it all hadn't been forced upon you. Instead, it felt like you had only dug yourself further into the ground. Of course Gilbert would know you lied, he's the smartest in the class, and of course he wouldn't care what others thought of you, that's how he is. 
You felt stupid. 
Stupid and trapped. 
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altair214 · 2 months
I don't think we talk about enough how much it says about Morpheus that the only person he ever called his friend, was someone who didn't even know who Morpheus was for the majority of their acquaintance
Dream needed someone who he could be just enough of himself with, without that person learning too much about him that it would cause problems. With Hob, Morpheus could escape from himself for a precious few hours every century. With Hob, he didn't have to have the baggage of how bad he is at relationships hanging over his head like he would when he interacts with anyone who knows him.
I think this might have had something to do with why Dream reacted so badly to Hob's accusation of loneliness and offer of companionship. Completely putting his pride and how he took being called lonely to mean that he was failing at his function aside, Dream reacted that way because if he were to be more than the acquaintance that Hob sees every century, then Hob would have to get to know Dream. And the moment Hob gets to know Dream, all the relief from having to be himself, would be gone, and things would get more complicated.
Idk what my point is with this beyond pointing out how much Dream wants to escape from himself and the relief he must have felt to talk to someone who doesn't know him and therefore will not automatically see all of his flaws and think poorly of him for it. But I think the relief Dream felt in his anonymity to Hob does not get talked about enough.
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wonuwrites · 3 months
Random things that turn seventeen on (doesn’t have to be sexy or smutty.)
Im curious 🤓
AHHHHH I'm SO excited for this. I absolutely love writing reaction posts like this. Hope it's first of many :D going to do them in a random order bc i'm feeling chaotic as hell rn and I'm not even sorry about it.
Warning: NSFW, Smut *Minors DNI*, also some might be so fluffy that they make your teeth rot.
listening to: (will add what songs I'm listening to while writing each of the guys parts &lt;33)
example "Vernon" will be playing "Tell Me It's A Nightmare by Kim Petras"
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Lee Chan || Dino: Seeing You Wear His Clothes.
It's not that he is possessive of you, but seeing you wear his clothes fills him up with so much pride. Especially if you had taken a selfie and posted it on social media. He'd just be a beaming ray of sunshine and just want to kiss you, hold you, fuck you, and maybe shop for some more clothes that you could potentially borrow.
Wen Junhui || Jun: Reading A Book
Jun knew what it was like to be lost in a good book, so when he saw you were so invested in a book he'd find it so adorable. Especially if you had not noticed him coming in. He'd find it so attractive and adorable. He wouldn't know if he should initiate something or just grab a book he had been reading.
Kwon Soonyoung || Hoshi: Watching You Dance To A Popular Kpop Dance
Soonyoung is one of the best male kpop dancers, if you disagree, argue with a wall and get your eyes checked. anywhore- Soonyoung would find it adorable if you were both just hanging out and you just broke out a dance move that was popular. He would automatically pull you into his arms and kiss your face while giggling. Bonus points if it was one of his songs and you were not one to dance often. He'd want you so bad.
Kim Mingyu || Mingyu: You Eating Food He Cooked For You
Mingyu is so husband material and cooking seems to be a love language of his. So of course, seeing his significant other enjoying what he put together would make him feel so fuzzy and warm inside. Especially if you were enjoying the meal and complimenting him while eating. Like if you were to say, "Oh Mingyu, what could I ever do to repay you for this delicious meal?" He'd take it sexual so quick and you'd be getting dessert a lot sooner than you thought.
Choi Seung Cheol || S. Coups: Seeing Your Competitive Side
This man should be named Choi Seung-competitive-cheol. He loves winning and a good competition. So when he see's you get competitive as well a switch inside him switches. If you are on same team, he will hype you up. However, if you were on opposing sides, he would get even more turned on and competitive. He'd come up to you and would be like "whoever wins is in charge tonight." asdfghjkl; idk im sorry lmao
Yoon Jeonghan || Jeonghan: Doing Dishes
This angel would be coming home from work and would see you doing dishes or whatever and his heart would just warm up. Seeing you do something so casual and domestic would turn him on and he honestly couldn't tell you why. He'd just smile while walking up to give you a back hug. He'd press a kiss behind your ear then giggle when he noticed a brush creep up across your cheeks.
Xu Minghao || The8: Watching You Be Creative
Minghao is such a creative person, so I imagine that if you were also someone who was creative he would really be into that. You could be in your art studio painting something you've been working on forever and his heart would swell up among something else. He just found you in your element so sexy. Might even make him play a more dominant role and ask if you wanted to be creative in another way... together.
Boo Seungkwan || Seungkwan: You Side-Eyeing One Of The Members
Seungkwan is infamous for side-eyeing his members. So when one of his members does a thing and he notices you are also side-eyeing them he would feel so much pride and just want to touch you because there was finally someone who understood what it was like. However, if you were to side eye him, that would be a different story.
Lee Jihoon || Woozi: Bringing Him Food At The Studio
Look, I get this is such a basic bitch answer but hear me out okay? Jihoon would find the gesture so kind and he'd just be so thankful that he would want to return a favor for you. He'd grab the food from you and just be so soft and give you a kiss. If you were both alone in the studio, he'd just lock the door and then spend some much needed and necessary time with you.
Jeon Wonwoo || Wonwoo: You Randomly Saying Something Smart lmao
Wonwoo gets clowned often for saying prestigious or smartass things by the guys but I mean, when you are smart, you are smart. Anyways, you would be hanging out with the guys and all of a sudden you would say something out of the ordinary and smart (not calling you dumb, you just don't use big words like Wonwoo often. ESPECIALLY not in front of him or the guys.) He'd just bite his lip and look at you with such admiration. He'd show you later just how impressed he was if you catch my drift.
Hansol Vernon Chwe || Vernon: TBH Quoting Shrek
First off lmao. Second off, you both would just be hanging out and something would come up that would make you think of the quote. You saying the quote randomly would fluster Vernon and honestly make him fall for you a little more. He always found you precious but this would make him just squish your cheeks and kiss you all over your face. He just was so happy you were his, and he was yours.
Lee Seokmin || DK/Dokyeom: You Animatedly Talking About Something You're Really Into.
It isn't a secret how precious Seokmin thinks you are. Anyone could see it. He wasn't slick. It was really obvious when you would talk about something you were really into. You would get into it and it would just make his already full heart even more full of love for you. Even though he was turned on, he'd wait until you were finished to initiate anything.
Hong Jisoo || Joshua: Your Hair Blowing In The Wind
Oh boy oh boy, Shua would be so embarrassed at how bad he was turned on by something so subtle and innocent. However, it wasn't his fault that you were just so damn hot. You looked like a model the way your hair blew in the wind. It was just so majestic. He just needed to have you as soon as possible.
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sorry these were rough and took awhile. hopefully they don't suck too bad <333
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heehoonieluvs · 6 months
i was on twt and i saw this 😵‍💫😵‍💫 reminded me of hoon ??? idk i feel like he’d have a strength kink teehee
Omg yes I am all for Sunghoon having a strength kink *cough* *cough* PT Hoon 😩 Like during Manifesto era, this man never hesitated to flex his arms whenever he wore sleeveless shirts and I am not complaining about that at ALL because look at the foine ass man 😏
Let’s say that one day, you were teasing him because you loved being a menace to your boyfriend by saying that he wasn’t strong enough to lift you up. He’d be so adamant that he could easily lift you with one arm but you’d argue back whilst pinching his arms. Because he loved making you eat your words, he’d let you carry on taunting him for a bit and make you feel smug before quickly proving you wrong
He’d grab the back of your legs and lift you up so that your legs automatically wrapped around him. Your shocked, blushing face would make him chuckle from how cute you were and he’d take the opportunity to lean in for a kiss whilst getting a cheeky handful of your ass
The both of you would instantly strip down as soon as he put you down but once the last garment hit the floor, he’d instantly lift you back up. He would make sure to never put you back down the entire time, even when he ate you out
Once he slipped inside you, he’d adjust you so that your legs were over his arms. He would adore the sight of your legs bouncing helplessly with each powerful thrust. You just looked so adorable and tiny like his own little doll and he swore he was falling more in love. The way you looked at him with teary eyes made his heart swell but also fed into his ego as he finally proved his point. And of course he was going to rub it in your face by wrapping his arms around your waist and pounding relentlessly into your soaking hole. He’d pound and pound till you screamed bloody murder and he felt steams squirting onto his abs
“So do you believe that I’m strong enough to lift you now baby?”
“Hmm I don’t think so. You might need to try again”
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NSFW Masterlist
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soapywankenopy · 14 days
SDV car headcannons
[this gets pretty specific because i've had way too much time to think about it]
1. Harvey
Harvey drives an old, beat-up red Ford Ranger. It's a standard transmission, and the clutch is super finicky, so when he tries to drive other cars, he has a bad habit of shoving in the clutch too hard (or if it's an automatic, slamming on the break, thinking it's the clutch). It was a gift from his parents when he started med school. It was old when they bought it, but Harvey does his best to maintain it. He's not a "truck guy," but he changes his own oil and keeps it running well. He would like to buy a Subaru because quote, "they're very safe cars," but he doesn't use his truck a lot as it is, so he doesn't see a need to get a new car.
2. Leah
Leah drives a silver Subaru Baja. You can not convince me otherwise. She views cars as a necessary evil. It wasn't really all that useful in the city, but she's glad to have it now that she lives in Pelican town. It's well-loved, and it's pretty beat-up, but Leah says it works fine for what she needs it for.
3. Shane
He drives a 1999 Ford Taurus in that weird pinky-gold color. It smells like pizza and pepper poppers, and there are feathers in the backseat. Sometimes, he'll let Jas sit on his lap in the driver's seat and let her steer while he works the pedals. Mayor Lewis caught them once and was not happy. Shane does it anyway because it makes Jas happy.
4. Sebastian
He drives a motorcycle, lol. I admittedly do not know very much about motorcycles, but it looks like a blue Kawasaki Vulcan to me, but idk. (If you know more about motorcycles, feel free to give your two cents)
5. Sam
Sam does not have his own car, but he frequently borrows the family van. It's a silver 2003 Honda Oddysey. The van lands him with driver duty for the band and their equipment.
6. Elliott
Elliott disagrees with cars ideologically. He had a grey 2004 Mitsubishi Outlander that he inherited from his aunt. He sold it before he moved to Pelican town. He thinks it's more romantic to walk everywhere, but if you ask him why he walks everywhere, he'll say, "Because of the environment."
7. Penny
Penny doesn't drive. Pam tried a million times to teach her, but Penny just doesn't want to. She doesn't trust herself with such heavy machinery.
8. Maru
Maru does not have a car but will borrow Robin's work truck if she needs to. Sebastian definitely taught her how to ride a motorcycle. One of her many ongoing projects is a custom bike for Sebastian. Demetrius was very insistant that she learned to drive stick.
9. Abigail
Abigail does not know how to drive. Pierre was too busy, and Caroline never felt the need to teach her. She's happy to explore by foot, so it doesn't really bother her.
10 & 11. Emily & Haley
Their parents bought them a 2012 light green Toyota Prius to share. Haley thinks it's cute and Emily likes that it's a hybrid. Haley says eventually she might buy a blue Volkswagen Bug.
12. Alex
Alex doesn't drive and it's a sore subject for him. Don't bring it up. He might end up crying. He's always said that he would want a green Dodge Charger as soon as he learns to drive.
I have more headcannons about the other characters, so I may put them in another post
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flwrkisses · 6 months
boyfriend! sunoo.
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idk if you guys know this but i love sunoo with my whole heart so writing this made me so so sooo happy :)
request: sunoo bf canons? 💐 - @smouches !!
genre: fluff. established relationship. headcannon.
warnings: mentions of arguments, skinship and kissing.
❀˖° heeseung jay jake sunghoon sunoo jungwon ni-ki ..
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- sunoo is the definition of friends to lovers. he's so just so out going and he loves to talk to people that, he would automatically become your friend first. even if thst wasn't his original intention.
- he spends so much time with you, accompanying you everywhere. and frankly just loves the fact that you trust him in the way you do. so when he randomly confesses his feelings over coffee. you have no idea how to react.
- at first he was confident but your hesitation to respond made him a bit nervous. he would hate to lose a friend over something like this. however, when you confessed back he couldn't help but smile.
- something he always does, is bring you snacks or sweet treats. he always picks something up before seeing you incase you havent eaten or have a craving.
- he's just so unbelievably caring. he'd always put your comfort over his. and makes an effort to write down things like your favorite foods, colors, flavors, scents. in order to get you things or make sure you're comfortable at all times.
- one thing he loves to do is spoil you, if you go shopping with him he wouldn't let you touch your wallet even once. everything is on him.
- while on the topic of shopping dates, sunoo loves shopping with you because you can both give eachother honest opinions on items. he trusts your judgement 100% just like you trust his.
- even if he says couple items are a little cheesy, he would go out and happily buy matching couple outfits or try to cordinate his outfit with yours before going on dates.
- you guys would 100% have matching earbud cases. and it would be the cutest thing. he might even convince you to get matching phone cases too.
- his love language is sharing his food. he also expects you to share as well. it's a two way street in his eyes. to the point where he probably wouldn't even ask before taking a bite. he argues that you guys are partners and partners share everything.
- sometimes you both go out on snack dates where you go to the local convience store and pick out snacks you've never heard of before and try them together. it always makes him laugh when you make a funny face and he knows the snack isnt good.
- you must praise him. he loves hearing pretty things about himself it makes him feel so loved. bonus points if each compliment is said between kisses. he might get a little shy inbetween but seeing him blush is so worth it.
- he lets you squish his cheeks, something only reserved for you. especially if you're gonna call him cute while doing it. he lives for it.
- sunoo loves nights where you both just stay in and play a cheesy movie in the background just to gossip over each other's friends. he listens to all your tea and even gives his own opinions on it. even if he's never met the people you're talking about he's interested in the story you're telling and their situation.
- sometimes he begs you to let him do your make up, he watched a couple tiktoks and swears he knows what he's doing.
- the same goes for cutting your hair, sunoo actually really likes styling and cutting hair so if you let him he'd cut your bangs for you after they've grown out a bit too much. its one of the ways he shows he loves you, he's not bad at it at all.
- he also takes the best pictures of you, his camera roll is full of cute pictures of you they almost out number his own selfies.
- you share clothes with eachother. just like before he claims "partners share everything." so one day you could be wearing his sweater and another day he's wearing one of your oversized shirts. might as well just share a closet at that point.
- when ever you're upset or not doing well, he makes it his mission to make you feel better. no matter what. bringing you snacks, making cute faces, sending you heartfelt messages, just simply loving you so much he knows you wouldn't be able to resist a smile.
- he gets so cutely clingy and is not ashamed to tell you when he just wants to lay and cuddle with you all day.
- the words "i love you." would slip out of his mouth so easily. he would probably be the first one to say it, however it would somewhat bother him if you didn't say it back.
- he's not exactly extemely jealous or possessive but, he knows how to set proper boundaries. he's okay with most things however, would prefer you have a conversation with him first to see how you both feel about what ever situation you might get into with someone else like a friend or stranger.
- expect sunoo to say things like "would you still love me if i was a worm?" and he would be dramatic if you said no.
- your phone is never safe. sometimes he grabs your phone and downloads the same game he has on your phone just so he can help himself out with your account. because of this he teaches you how to play his mobile games and you guys end up playing together all the time.
- as expected mint choco dates. he says he wants someone who likes mint choco but he also lowkey realized that if you don't like mint choco it means he doesnt have to share his ice cream. so it works either way.
- if anyone were to ask him what the best part of his days are. it's being able to unwind with you at the end of the day. when you both are doing your skin care in the bathroom and wearing cute head bands. just overall relaxing and getting ready for bed. he loves it.
- he would probably beg for you to let him do your skincare sometimes. sunoo would also be so excited to show you the new skin care he bought and wants you to try it right away.
- you'll unforunately be the victim of the sassy man apocalypse. this man is saaaaasssy and he would expect to get his way in the end 100% no matter what.
- fights are rare considering sunoo would prefer to be with someone similar to him. he talks a lot and enjoys having conversations so if theres any disagreements or misunderstandings he would simply talk it out with you.
- he also enjoys laying in bed and talking all night with you. one time you guys talked for a really long time about so many different things. that the sun came up and surprised you both.
- expect texts from him all the time! he loves texting and probably connects with you the most through text. he asks you how your day is, what you're up to. he also sends you lots of selfies.
- while on tour he whines about missing you a lot especially when something doesnt go his way or he's being beyond pouty. it gets to the point where the others call you and tell you that your boyfriend's pouting again.
- surpisingly, you are the only person aloud to play with uis hair. he only lets you put pig tails in it or add clips or even losely braid his short hair. he loves the feeling of your hands in his hair.
- if you're someone who is shyer or just more quiet. he would speak for you in public because he knows you don't like it. like when you're ordering food or asking for something st a store. he does it for you to make sure you're comfortable.
- because of his pre existing lung problems he does fall ill very often and you're always there to help him. he feels like a burden and most times apologizes to you for it however, you always comfort him and tell him not to speak of himself that way. you're a partnership meaning you're there for eachother regardless. and he lives by that.
- you get this warm feeling when ever he's around. even if he's not physically next to you, hearing him in the kitchen singing a random song or hearing his laugh from the living room makes the space so warm.
- both of you value laughing and not being too serious in your relationship. so the vibes are always perfect even if theres slight teasing.
- sunoo would assign you an animal so everytime he sees that animal, or a plush/toy of that animal he thinks of you. it's created a bit of a problem because now he has a collection of that animal in the corner of his room and no one would understand why except for you.
- communication between you guys is so effortlessly well. you both understand eachother and seem to always be on the same level. it's gotten to the point where you guys can communicate with looks. no words needed.
- overall, the relationship is very sweet. sunoo is such a caring and loving boyfriend. don't we all wish to have a sunoo? sigh.
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©flwrkisses ; please do not copy, translate, repost and/or reuse my work without my permission. (2023)
masterlist. — requests are open!
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kimberly-spirits13 · 9 months
Imagine You’re in School with Jason (AP Lit Style)
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You’ve been basic friends for a while
Just the type that can have a good laugh but don’t know everything about each other
He’s probably not the first person you’d go to if you’re upset about something but he’s still considered a friend
That is until you start having all your classes together
I’d imagine that if you’re like me, your both taking the most AP classes that you like
AP Lit is the favorite
He loves Anna Karenina because it’s like a TLC show for the Victorian Russians
Jason is a stationary guy, so in class he’s got washi tape to mark chapter sets, non bleed highlighters, microns, little post its, see through post-its, book marks, nice mechanical pencils and refills, and it’s all in a brown leather pencil case
He likes Socratic seminars because he likes to talk about the books
He likes essays but always have to have a page limit given to him because he will write a full book about his thoughts on the book
In class, he’s always asking you what you think about something and he likes that you two can keep up with each other
I don’t think he’s the boy to be hyper concerned with grades, but because he understands his lessons, he naturally makes pretty good grades
You’re assigned a group project where you and Jason decide to partner up to do a poster of Anna Karenina
When you come over to his house for the English project, he has all the supplies and he suddenly realizes that he’s a bit embarrassed about it
“So Alfred (me) may have gone a bit overboard but we can do something simple if you’d like- or idk make it nice”
Please help this man decorate this stupid poster board
Alfred makes your favorite type of drink or gets it, makes food, you two put on a movie or some music, and get to work
“So what do you think is important about Karenin and Vronsky having the same first names?”
“I think it’s important for theme that Anna was introduced with a train and died by train”
“Betsy is a bitch”
He loves to talk about it with you
Once you’re done with the project, he asks you to come over and do homework together
If you’re a vigilante, you’ll do patrol after because you two connect the dots quickly
If you’re normal, suddenly Jason has to run off and says Alfred will take you home but we’ll talk about that another day
For time purposes, we’ll say that you quickly find out about his patrol life
I mean dude comes bruised, he gets called to the basement a lot, he’s a true crime buff, sometimes he goes missing for hours, and it’s Gotham like come on everyone might as well be a vigilante or smt
Dick teases Jason about you two, especially when you’re over
You can’t help that you get cold watching the 6 hour long Pride and Prejudice movie and Jason is right there like come on Dick
Jason is lokey blushing soooo hard if you cuddle up next to him or even if you’re on the same couch
You two start to become inseparable at school
Not in a pda way but like a “I mean we might as well just hang out all the time” kind of way
Automatically becomes your date to any sort of school function
Even if it’s an unspoken thing that you two will be each other’s date, he still gets you flowers and asks you to go with him
Dick eventually pushes him to ask you out because “for real dude we all know you’re crushing”
Jason is a tall dude, towers over everyone, bulked up, dark hair, dark blue eyes, he’s gorgeous and everyone else are the ones intimidated by him
But when he asks you out he is so nervous
I mean the logical part of him is pretty sure that you’ll like him back, but the irrational part is terrified that he is about to mess up your friendship
He asks you at the end of the school day on a Friday incase you say no, there’s a weekend to get over it and he won’t ruin both of y’all’s days by asking during first period or something
When you say yes he’s like “😱” and a part of him is reborn or smt dramatic like that
He basically speeds home and endures the lecture from Alfred on reckless driving
He’s even more excited that you asked if he wanted to go to the park or the bookstore
You two have enormous text message conversations and he likes to FaceTime
Please I think he’s a hot chocolate junkie
He’s got all sorts of mugs ranging from regular white ones to fandom ones
Sweat pants king and he’ll give you any sweat set you want
Or oversized t shirts
He thinks pda at school it gross (it is) so he keeps it on the down low but he’ll definitely hug you or run his fingers through your hair if one of you needs it
He likes playing with your hair because it’s soothing
Please watch documentaries and period dramas with him
Or book to screen adaptations that are good
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moonshynecybin · 10 days
what would you consider essential marc and rosquez watching? i don’t mean races but the stuff happening around it, there seems to be so much and idk where to start 😭
BIG ass question. i think it depends what you want outta this and how you best interact with content slash consume information. for me (not to brag but. winner of multiple historical essay writing competitions in high school. for context on the kind of freak i am bringing to the table here.) the research is kind of the fun part ! like i just started googling shit! i would go to inactive blogs and just search 'marquez' on them to see what would happen ! a lot of the times that works ! but it also takes a lotttt of time lol so i'll chuck some good resources your way, why not...
okay im not sure how basic we're talkin here but um. background. so the documentaries are, i think. the best place to start. theyre entertaining and offer a good amalgamation of clips to provide context for the actual racing. and like i know you de-emphasized racing (which is fine lol who cares) but it really is like the most important thing in the world to these fools and its a pretty visual sport so i think its at least helpful. like yes sepang IS about the press conference, but its also about the conversation they have ON the race track using their motorcycles. which is also somewhat a conversation that they HAVE been having all year long...
i'd start with hitting the apex (2013), its a GREAT introduction to the "characters" that does a lot of legwork to contextualize everything. lays the scene for where vale is at coming into his relationship with marc (both personally, wrt to marco simoncelli, and career-wise concerning his flop at ducati), and also how insane marc's whole deal is in general. the second half is. materially a study on what him entering the premiere class did to the sport as a whole. the introductory chapter in many respects
marc marquez: all in. MY introduction and blissfully free online. marc comma in his own words, with all the implications of that. a self-produced documentary where he is giving feedback about the edit of said documentary straight to camera and no less vulnerable because of it which is very marc imo. revealing both intentionally AND unintentionally about his whole deal with injury, vale, and his image.
motogp unlimited. im gonna be real kind of boring. like i would still watch it ! but do it kind of later, once you know the major players so youre automatically more invested. it doesnt really give you more than marc says himself in all in tbh, and i get the sense him and vale were NAWWWT interested in doing more than the bare minimum for it.
marc's rookie doc. free and subtitled on the youtubes. the first half of this is deadass just him wanting to fuck vale so bad while every comment from vale has me saying GIRL. out loud because the foreshadowing would be genuinely shocking if this was fiction. anyways the laguna seca of it all....
next i would hit up PODCASTS ! i think it makes sense after the documentaries, because these are all podcasts that arent strictly about rosquez (even if they are in many ways the main characters lmao) and personally it helps to put faces to lesser known names that might pop up before i listen to a purely audio product and get lost in the soup of sounds. the paddock pass podcast has two retrospective episodes about the 2015 season that are really good at context, oxley bom pod has a fun recent episode on valentino that i love, again just poke around a lil
videos. these guys have never filmed a lot of content together tragically. what i wouldnt give for someone to make them do an escape room. anyways ranch visit HERE (post explaining the ranch visit here). sepang presscon (sowwy) here. vale unhinged podcast interview the month after marc's documentary came out here. vale retirement interview where he gets asked about marc here. vale talking about asking marc to the ranch here. vale postrace at argentina 2018 here. UCCIO postrace at argentina 2018 here. theres a lot moreeeee just go on my blog archive and filter for rosquez and vids its easier lol
journalism. hello. okay so you should genuinely spend some time reading through mat oxley's stuff he can write (theres a paywall but you can run that shit through wayback machine). he also loves an insane comparison which i do enjoy.... again this is one that can be solved by googling his name and tacking on 'marquez' or 'rossi' or a specific time period or race it will probably reap some dividends. in terms of specific ass articles this one is kind of load bearing in terms of sepang and some of the interpersonal competitive tensions at play. that being said there are manyyyyyy crazy interviews and snippents of articles from other journos floating around motogp tumblr (like literally too many to link) adn its fun to dig around to find them, but mat oxley gets a shoutout because i was reading this article TODAY !
other content. honestly one of the best resources I'VE found for plotting out the arc of their relationship is @kingofthering's everyrosquezpodium series. you can REALLY see it play out lol. also her tagging system rules she very neatly lays out years and races... so if something jumps out at you, CLICK ITTTT ! also all of @ricciardoes fave presscon moments series. insane.
all this to say a small little rpf fandom like this rewards some digging! i would just recommend following narrative threads that interest you ! its also a small fanbase that is pretty research oriented, so if youre ever confused about somethin, just shoot an ask or run a search on someone's blog (@kwisatzworld has endless vale resources and @batsplat is one of the most thorough researchers ive ever seen, for example) like for real theres so much... i also have a primer that i made forever ago that has some links on it so you can peruse that if you so wish. but frankly a lot of it is just using those research muscles and being sufficiently deranged enough to be screenshotting reddit threads at one am so you can post them to tumblr because they mentioned marc and vale in the same sentence and that lit up some of the neurons in your brain
(and i know you said outside of races but i think theyre good benchmarks as turning points soooo you should do some diggin on laguna seca 2013, jerez 2015, argentina 2015, ASSEN 2015, sepang 2015 obvi, argentina 2018, and misano 2019. those are the big tentpoles of insane rosquez relationship drama imo. i mean theres many more but. im limiting myself.)
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yelspyder · 1 year
˚‧⁺.-"I love you, brother..."
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↳ summary: how the atsv characters would be as your big brother/sister
↳ characters: Miles Morales, Miguel O'Hara, Gwen Stacy
↳ Gn! Reader
↳ notes: idk, i just figured this out during my math class and had to write about it. it was a lot of fun writing this and, if everything goes well, I'm going to do a second part with Pavitr, Hobie and maybe even Peter B. Parker.
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Miles Morales: the funny big bro
I see Miles as the kind of brother who would always be trying to entertain you. Like, he just got home from school and you're just watching some kid's cartoon on TV? Miles already has 'uno' ready to play. He would always be looking to improve the relationship between the two of you, so he always tries to provide as much fun as possible.
Love problems? Need some tips? He will be by your side in a second, just call him. Miles has absolutely no experience in romance, given how confused he feels himself, but he will be rooting for you the entire time. He could help you buy gifts for your crush and even give you some tips (dubious tips, due to his zero experience, but hey! he tried)
Miles is a very smart kid, too. If you get bad grades or ask for help with your homework/exam, he would be happy to help. It's amazing how he could teach you so easily, it's almost like magic. He would manage to make your study sessions fun and relaxed, and very efficient. He really has a way with kids.
Are you frustrated about something, or do you need someone to vent/cry to? He would 100% be your shoulder to lean on. If you are frustrated because you got poor grades, he would offer to help you study. But, if someone hurt you, Miles would automatically wrap you in a blanket, grab your favorite sweets and snacks, and sit next to you on the couch to watch your favorite movies to take your mind off things.
Miguel O'Hara: the overprotective brother
Miguel probably wouldn't be very present in your life, due to his many responsibilities, but he would make sure to keep you safe. He might not be able to spend a lot of time with you, but he would always listen to your complaints over dinner and make mental notes to work it out later.
You would have to beg him to play with you in case you want to spend time with him. And even then, he would be all the time with an expressionless face and would not know how to play. Poor boy, you'd have to explain the whole game to him, or else he'd just stand there. (he would never admit that he doesn't know how to play a child's game).
If you brought a boyfriend/girlfriend to introduce them, he would always have a threatening face. The moment you turned your back, he would pull you to a corner of the house and have a conversation (more like a threat) about your relationship. If it was a family dinner, Miguel wouldn't remove the threat face and would stare at them the whole time.
He might have a tech outfit and all, but he wouldn't know how to play video games. He would ask questions like: "Why invent such a difficult game? What's the fun in spending so much time on just one level?" "Miguel, this is minecraft. The game is not in levels..."
Gwen Stacy: the cool sis
She would never admit it, but to Gwen, you are the best thing that ever happened to her. She may be constantly switching bands, having no friends, but then she remembers you. You're like Gwen's partner in everything. Cooking, playing, and even doing her homework (you don't do anything, just have a relaxed conversation while she does her homework).
She wouldn't put it into words, but seeing your playful smile after coming home from a stressful day at school makes her so happy. She always tries to play with you in her spare time, and if you know how to ask nicely, she might even teach you to play drums like her!
Did you come in with a few scratches and crying because a kid hit you at school? She will be there the next day with you, and you can be sure that she has persuaded the principal to punish this child correctly and has a "talk" with this child's parents. After that, she would teach you the basics of self-defense and how to avoid these situations.
Gwen may have her anger issues, but she always makes sure not to take it out on you. If she got home frustrated she immediately goes to her room and locks herself up to save you from possible mean words. Now, if you were sad, she would be ready to hit someone, but she would also be a great listener if you wanted to blurt out.
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bep1erfics · 1 year
boysplanet trainees - lalala&okokok trend pt. 1
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context 💌
‘lalala’ is the more outgoing, bubbly person while ‘okokok’ is the more laid back and chill one. for example you could even describe them as the talker & the listener!
over me team ❗️
ricky: okokok 💿
- he’s more quiet & self reserved. LOVES SNACKING ISTG ANYWHERE HE GOES HE CARRIES 193837 snacks in his pockets tysm gyuvin
- when people talk, he listens with open ears
- he’s SO shy skdjdjdb, everytime he makes eye contact he looks the other way AND SHIFTS HIS EYES TOWARDS THE FLOOR 😭 protect this boy at all costs
jeonghyeon: lalala 🎀
- literally is ricky’s other half, GENIUS LEE OOPS omg i love leejeong hes so quirky
- the biggest extrovert ever, cries easily
- radiates the biggest babygirl energy, bffs with all the trainees on boys planet which i think is so cute 😭 i would literally die for jeonghyeon
zhanghao: okokok 💿
- this man is literally the smartest guy ever. he might be cute, but in reality he’s literally so self aware. probs has an iq of 394738
- gives off father vibes. YUJIN & OLLIE are literally his children, if you’re younger than him he’s automatically your dad
- he listens to everyone’s opinions and is the calmest person on the show after ricky 😭
kuanjui: okokok 🎀
- the most extroverted of all extroverts
- CAN LITERALLY BLEND IN WITH ANY FRIENDGROUP, lights everything up with his bubbly and courageous personality
- zhanghao’s bff, they’re like the cutest duo (don’t be mad haobin stan’s i think haobin is cute as well)
jay: okokok 💿
- man’s is an introvert as well
- chill but is SO EASY TO PISS OFF like when ricky missed his highfive on purpose? HE WAS PISSED LMAO
- i feel like he’s a good friend to others though, like he would def comfort you if needed
switch team 🍭
kamden: lalala + okokok 🍰
- HE’S THE AWKWARDEST GUY ON EARTH. you talk to him? he doesn’t listen, he literally spaces out like pou
- you would think he’s introverted but he’s an esfp?! kamden is an EXTROVERT?
- socially awkward and an extrovert… the more you know
keita: lalala 🎀
- CUTEST GUY, he literally also blends in with any friendgroup easily
- you could bicker with him and bc he’s so loud, you would automatically lose in a span of 2 mins. this guy would beat you up with his chatter
taerae: okokok 💿
- not with those two toned pants. it screams INTROVERTED
- he’s a grandpa. THE GUITAR???????? THE CLOTHES???????????????? he’s so grandpa coded
phanbin: lalala 🎀
- istg he’s such an outgoing person, so funny and talented I LOVE YOU PHANBIN
- YOU PUT HIM WITH JUNHYEON????? a mistake. YOU PUT HIM WITH WOONGGI????? a fight will break out. YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE? he dances like a literal legend
- gaslight gatekeep girl boss vote for phanbin
jongwoo: no comment i’m so sorry i’m not gonna do him… he needs to leave g group alone. the xenophobia IS NOT IT. 😒 sorry
shuaibo: NEITHER????? LALALA??!?!?
- ITS SO HARD BC mnet didn’t give him enough screentime but he’s a lovely person 😭 evil edits did him DIRTYYYYY, he’s so cute and bubbly but fr he wanted to go home ASAP during episode 11 he was literally sleeping 😅
- #zhangshuaibowewillmissyou
supercharger team 🐥
ollie: lalala 🎀
- cutest person ever (poor guy got e worded)
- loves to tease ricky, always screaming lovelicky (😭)
- he’s a bit introverted, but with the yuehuaz he’s the most cheerful person, chocolate in a human form 🍫
haruto: lalala 🎀
- LOUD, the mood maker of g group, he’s so funny 😭
- honestly has the best humour ever. HIS INSTAGRAM STORIES ARE SO FUNNY ISTG bro even tells us how often he 💩… tmi alert
- haruto is so goofy 😭 but yeah he gets emotional easily, poor guy
woonggi: lalala 🎀
- ANOTHER GOOFBALL. sassiest queen ever like we could be besties
- woonggi, seowon & taerae are literally so sassy i love it
- also can be friends with ANYONE he meets. YOU WALK INTO A ROOM WITH CHA WOONGGI? you walk out of that door twerking, screaming WOONGGI BOYYYY
(ollie was a victim of this.)
seowon: okokok 💿
- seowon is literally the calmer version of woonggi
- looks at everyone so endearingly it makes me sob how he got eliminated
zihao: okokok 💿
- UMMM I HONESTLY DONT KNOW like zihao is all giggles if mnet gave him screentime we could’ve seen his more serious side
- on a side note, zihao seems like the sweetest person ever on boys planet 😭 farewell i’m so mad he got eliminated
takuto: lalala 🎀
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scintillyyy · 25 days
can i say something. sometimes i actually do think that considering dana as tim's mom/his parent actually does immensely flatten the complexity of their relationship and try force it into unnecessary nuclear roles in a way to assume that her importance to him must be that of parent and child when in reality they can have a meaningful relationship and importance to each other without needing to be slotted into neat parent & child roles + it trends toward the tendency to see moms as replaceable beings in a child's life especially in comparison to how fathers are usually considered sacred and irreplaceable.
because dana and tim have a very interesting relationship in canon which they themselves define as explicitly Not parent & child several times (at the start of the jack and dana relationship, at their wedding, and the time tim specifically said that even though dana wasn't his mom, at some point she became more than just his dad's girlfriend, she became family to him). and dana is very supportive & kind to tim. she helps manage his relationship to jack sometimes. but she doesn't have to be his mom to do any of that & that's important!! because they can be family without her having to be his mom! she's not his mom just because she's standing in a woman shaped next to his dad! and the emphasis fandom puts on dana as tim's mom does trend towards this sometimes. dana was jack's girlfriend/wife for 20 years of comics & therefore filled the necessary role of "tim's mother figure" despite thr fact that the comics themselves & their relationship in them always presented as dana is jack's wife, dana is not tim's mom, dana and tim have a positive and important relationship despite that (and, might i say, is an excellent and kind presentation of the experience of gaining a new 20something year old as a stepmother when you're 14, where the stepmother in question is a good addition to the child's life & doesn't push the boundaries of her expected role in it). and when it does get flattened into "dana is tim's" mom, it does take away from the important ultimately chosen family aspect of it. it doesn't need to be defined or clear cut. they can just be dana and tim.
+ there is something in the way that fandom uncritically just accepts & also kind of pushes the status quo of a woman character being created to fill a hole/role left by another woman character with barely a consideration that the initial woman character was may be capable of leaving a potentially unfillable narrative impact on those she left behind after she dies. why does a child have to get a new mother after the old one dies, when there's not the same expectation that his father would need to be replaced in the same situation, that any man near his mother is automatically his dad now. like idk, if it had been janet who lived and she married devlin davenport and he became tim's stepfather, there'd probably be no insistence that he was tim's dad. but because dana is a woman, there's an insistence she has to be tim's mom despite canon saying that's not how they want to define their relationship. hell even compare the replacement of bruce as tim's dad after jack dies...the relationship is paternal and loving but still with the greatest respect to the spectre of the Dead Dad, whose loss will Forever be Enshrined and Bruce will be Tim's parent now out of Respect for Jack with all the Honor of a Man Taking Responsibility for his Friend's Son but despite this he will never be Jack, Jack has an Untouchable Place. (i know this is not always true in fanon, where they can't wait to replace parents with a shiny new dad, however. in canon, compare to the absolute lip service they paid janet before slotting dana into her empty narrative role & then she becomes a non-presence & the way that to fandom that automatically makes dana mom, even as she and tim are explicitly trying to define their relationship as non-paternal because dana still fills the missing mom role by virtue of being there). when you say dana is tim's mom, it doesn't just flatten the complexity, it also diminishes janet's ability to hold a sancrosanct Role from a narrative aspect as women are never allowed to do.
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yn-barnes · 7 months
Exploring Explosions ~
Bucky x reader
: ⚠️ warnings mentions of Sharon, coma, memory loss, and brain stuff ⚠️ :
Summary - While on a mission, something happens to bucky while on the journey to recover, he fines something he wants more than life itself.
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(I know I used this before, but look at him)
(And ik these and short and kinda move fast but other wise imma dragggg this out and ain't noone wants that! 😭)
Part 1
Your heals clicked and clacked as you make your way to the living room, as you entered the room Steve stood up and gave you a look of concern look then sat down when he didn't see any distress on your face. You sat in the armchair, looking at your papers, biting your lip, making sure there was nothing else you could do at this moment.
"Good news first.. bucky should make a full recovery and there's no long term damage, the rush surrounding his face will die done duo to the super serum and cream we can provide him-" you were about to get to the not so good news when a irritated voice pipes up from the back. Sharon. "Can you get on with it, like we get it you 'saved him' just tell me what's wrong with him" She states as everyone just stares at her in disbelief, you blink a few times before ignoring her statement completely.
"As I was saying, the issue is the substance sprayed in Mr Barnes' face - well, uhh - to put it simply, it would affect how and what the brain releases chemically. So far, his brain has produced more dopamine, and we have a fair guess that it could also produce more oxytocin at an alarming rate."
You got some nods of understanding, some blank faces, and some straight out confused about what's going on, you were about to explain more but you got a notification that you were needing back at medical. Excusing yourself you quickly left the room and made your way down the hall to the medical ward and started praying on the way that no one died, you cursed under your breath for being stylish and wearing your heels and not your crocs or boots.
You slip through the Automatic sliding doors and went to Barnes door scanning your card and finger, the door opened and you quickly went inside locking it behind you, confused as to why you were notified that his vitals changed drastically becuase they looked normal. Then it hit you, They shouldn't be this normal. You unhooked, then sleeping soldier and grabbed the front of his bed, pulling him to the door, unlocking it and dragging it out, yelling for help, and to get the MRI machine ready. Once he's in the machine and getting scanned, you whip out your phone to inform cap that his best friend might be a lot worse than thought to be.
Cap entered just when James was being moved from the room and was being put back. He looked for you and saw you at the desk looking puzzled by his results. Before you could even speak, he knew you would have some big words and to give it to him so simply that even thor would understand.
"The stuff he was sprayed with was so old that it took time kicking in, and now it has the body got so almost stressed it thought its best way to survive was to just go black." You said with a straight face, and Steve understood but also knew you left parts out you couldnt dumb down. "Steve.. if worse comes to worse, he could be in a coma for years.. and the best outcome is memory loss, " which hung in the air for quite some time before he just started nodding and walking around, pacing back and forth. He sat on the ground and just looked shocked and in denial.
@unaxv @sapphirebarnes
(Idk if it worked)
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╭════• ೋ•✧๑♡๑✧•ೋ •═══╮
— why so quiet?
╰════• ೋ•✧๑♡๑✧•ೋ •═══╯
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to that anon who gave me the idea of having a threesome with Finnick & Peeta featuring breeding kinks because I’m a whore ♡ Peeta is like 20 rn
also, maybe longer part coming, idk 😭
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How did you get here? Your mind was focused on getting out of the Quarter Quell alive, not pregnant.
You weren’t really sure how you got here, sandwiched between Finnick and Peeta after Finnick had obviously given him an offer he couldn’t refuse, since he was underneath you both all quiet.
“Peeta, you need to let loose a little bit,” Finnick had told him, your fiancé teasing the poor boy. “I think I might have something to help with that.”
Maybe that’s how you ended up here, in one of the areas of the arena that had yet to have something happen. “How much longer do we have, Peeta?”
He grunted as he pressed kisses to the back of your neck, his hands squeezing your thighs as Peeta pulled away from your sensitive nipples. He had been sucking on them the entire time his cock was deep inside of you, hips rutting up into you every time Finnick’s didn’t.
“D-Don’t really know,” he mumbles against your tit, humming as he teased your nipple with his teeth. It had been the only noise he made in a while. “The one a few places away just got hit, I’d say maybe two hours?”
Finnick laughs as your eyes rolled back, his thrusts getting faster as he lets out a soft groan, Peeta whining as his back arches. “You’re close, Peeta? I think my girl had already came three times, it’s about time you get off. Need you to destress.”
You were the first to suggest a threesome to Finnick the night before you were both put into the games, but he immediately took it seriously because you wanted it. “If you want someone baby, tell me,” he had said, smiling at you. “You just tell me who you want and I’ll get them.”
And Peeta was that perfect option — you just didn’t expect him to be so quiet as his cock was balls deep inside of your pussy with Finnick’s. He let out little whines and soft moans every now and then, his hips almost automatically rolling into yours at the same time Finnick’s do.
“Why so quiet? Hm, Peeta?” You lean down, pulling his lips from your tit, cold air sparking against them as you pulled him up to brush your lips softly against yours. “Am I not making you feel good? Hm? I don’t make you feel good?”
He shook his head as Finnick reached down, tugging back on Peeta’s hair. “You need to choose your words wisely, Peeta.”
He quickly shakes his head, letting out a loud whine. “You are, you feel so good,” he says as Finnick sucked hickeys onto your neck and Peeta’s nails dig into your sides as your cunt clenched around him. “I-I just didn’t know… if I w-was allowed, I didn’t know, I’m so sorry…” he continued to babble on making you giggle, leaning down to pull his lips to yours.
“You don’t have to worry about one thing, darling, this is meant for you to destress, you can cum inside me,” you whisper against his lips, pulling his hands closer to your body. “You can cum and do whatever you want to me baby.”
It would be a while until their done with you, until they could hear the things happening in the next section, your cunt filled with mixed cum and a bulge on your lower tummy.
“C’mon honey,” Finnick whispered against your cheek, helping you stand on shaky legs as Peeta’s tongue licked against your cunt, sucking all of the cum from your pussy into his mouth. “Taste good, Peeta?”
He nods from underneath you, using his fingers to scoop out the cum before pulling away. “So fucking good.”
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© asterias-record-shop
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theiyah · 9 months
features I'd like for future bg3 patches:
- manual grouping: [exists!]
sometimes I dont want to move the whole party at once, or split everyone. I would like to have the option to group party members to each other. Like grouping my 2 rogues together because they give each other proximity advantage for sneak attacks, or grouping the melee fighters together, while leading the casters to a save spot where they can attack from above and be save. Something similar is already happening in multiplayer but I would like it for single player aswell (I have been informed this feature already exists and I just didnt know. Very cool)
- scenic spots:
Exactly what it says. I just want spots where I can move the camera more freely and have a good view of something cool or beautiful. It does sound pretty hard to implement though.
- more enemy last words:
I would really like the option to get an additional cutscene or something if I don't kill boss enemies or important npcs in a fight, but instead knock them out in the fight. I was honestly expecting a cutscene after knocking out Gortash or Raphael. Even if it's just them begging for mercy and we have the chance to kill them or to spare them. Banning Raphael from the house of hope and making him aware that you could easily kill him seems more satisfying than just plain killing him and then its over. (Especially because the fight was a bit too easy.) I know this is a lot of effort and the voice actors would have to be up for it aswell so I dont expect much but it would be really cool!
- Zevlor romance.
You heard me.
- illithid memory sharing cutscenes
I'm all for more story cutscenes. We got one for shadowheart and I would absolutely adore seeing other characters backgrounds in visual form. As much as I love the narrators voice I just want to see baby Lae'zel and tiny Wyll. OH young Gale in his mothers kitchen with the bunnies! I have a lot of imagination and visualisation skills, but other people don't and I want them to experience those scenes aswell!
- consequences for using the tadpoles and mindflayer powers
I used the mindflayer tadpole powers ONCE in my entire playthrough. Didn't put any more tadpoles into my head. I was a bit bummed out when I found out there were no consequences for using/not using them. Seems like the final fight should be harder the more tadpoles have made Tav's little pond of a brain their home.
- manual insight and perception checks
This one is not going to happen but I would like to have it anyway. In DnD I'd sometimes ask/get asked "what do I see?/Do I believe them?/Can I use an action to check the room for anything like traps etc before entering?" Some of that is already happening automatically but I would like to have the option to manually trigger it ONCE every scene/location. Not once per character. Just one check, no reroll.
- access companion inventory
this might already be possible but I'd like the option to access the inventory of companions who aren't on my team currently. It would be incredibly helpful for un-/equipping items when a character isnt on your team currently. maybe the solution to this would be items being stored in a chest when the companion isn't in your team. a chest that is bound to their camp, cant be destroyed or moved etc. and once they join your team youll have to reequip them BUT they'll already have all their stuff right there? idk how hard it would be to implement the auto reequip option when you have the companion join your team
- give Karlach a good ending dammit
She deserves to be happy and I know you can go to Avernus with her but you have to leave your love interest behind unless you romances Wyll and that sucks so much ass.
What would you like to see in future patches? What do you think won't ever happen but you'd wish to see anyway?
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