#hi i rarely read fics as yall know
celestie0 · 3 months
MASSIVE gojo x reader fanfic rec (no spoilers)
ok i know a lot of my followers are gojo girlies and i just need to put yall onto this fucking fanfiction because i just read the latest release for it and i’m genuinely tweaking rn🧍🏻‍♀️
@lostfracturess ‘s amazing work called “symptoms & causes” - a medical au
[image pulled from her masterlist]
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let me just…let me just try to even gather the reasons why you need to add this to your tbr lists (weekend is comin up too so perfect time)
characterization of gojo satoru.
gojo in this fic is characterized so fucking well, from chapter one. there are so many distinctive ways miss lostfractures goes about building his aura (word of mouth/reputation, dialogue, expository, primary interactions, secondary interactions, etc.) it reminds me of the show where gojo just has this energy to him that you can't tear yourself away from i picture him in this fic to be unrelenting, unforgiving, morally grey, with an undertone of softness yet still feral through it all,, basically gojo during shibuya arc LOL. i looove reading cute silly boy gojo fics sm (he’s so baby) but THIS fic explores the borderline wicked side of him that is so thrilling, unique, and rare to find i think in this fandom’s collection of works. it’s just so fucking good.
forbidden romance.
UGGHH i love stories w forbidden romance. in this one, it’s med student reader x professor gojo (additional power dynamics in that he’s a senior surgeon in her field and also a research mentor in her study of interest…TRIPLE THREAT DAMN). i love how miss lostfractures doesn’t shy away from reminding the reader that it’s wrong, and that they shouldn’t be doing this. that’s my fave part of forbidden romances like yesss remind me again why this is all so wrong but let’s still do it anyways LOL <333
reader’s voice.
i’ve LOVED reader since the beginning, so relatable, emotionally mature, all her flaws are so believable & her strengths are shown seamlessly. it’s just so much fun to read because i’ll literally have a thought like “hmm…that (something a character said/did) doesn’t sound very convincing” and then the next line will be something like “he didn’t sound very convincing” like!!! me and s&c reader?? we’re locked in like this fr🤞🏼 like gojo’s domain expansion fingers
everything in this story feels so damn real it’s insane. the pacing is stunning, love the utilization of stacks of scenes that are sort of short but so concise, enough to be a smooth read but still descriptive enough to entirely transport you into the world that’s being built. cannot praise the writing in this story enough. also the variety of ways that scenarios are made that pull characters closer to one another?? so creative. as someone who works in a research lab, studied bio in college (some of the fkn biochem stuff that comes up in this fic gives me heart attacks lmfaooo pls im traumatized), and has worked in clinics/hospitals it just itches my brain so damn good. you’ll be convinced you’re a brilliant med student while you read this fic.
the writing is just. so. good. it’s so good. better than most PUBLISHED works i’ve read. i really can't say much other than that, you just have to go see for yourself.
if any of these reasons speak to you, i highly recommend you check the fic out. just a note tho it does have some dark themes but you can find all the tags/warnings on her page!
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
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get this right * aa23
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the thought of proposing to you is one that always comes easy to alex, but what he hadn’t expected is how difficult it is to execute it
pairings: alex albon x fem!reader
warnings: literally nOthing just a buNCH OF CUTE SHIT
notes: YALL i’ve been simping for this man for like weeks but in my head, he’s just such a sweetheart that i can’t imagine him in bad situations and nOW I FINALLY GOT IT
also… i’m really liking these multiple scenario fics… if you guys have any suggestions with stuff you want to see, please feel free to send them in here and this has been in my drafts since october oh my gooooood
(f1 masterlist)
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“you’re telling me you already bought the ring?” max raises an eyebrow at alex, completely baffled at the story his friend has chosen to bestow upon them.
to the question, alex nods. his head snaps to george, who then asks, “and you’ve had it for almost a month?”
again, the thai nods. “and you have yet to propose?” lando says his piece, just as shocked as the rest of the table is.
alex can only nod, dropping his head in disappointment. in the middle of their circular table sat a red velvet box. inside it is the ring that alex had very carefully picked out with his sisters and mother.
yet the diamond ring sits comfortably in the box instead of your finger. and so does he amongst his friends while he faces the million dollar questions as to why he’s had the ring and has yet to propose to you.
“are you having second thoughts?” charles speaks up, tilting his head and biting his lips in curiosity.
if the answer were to be a ‘yes’, that would be worrisome. considering alex is one of the more romantic people they all know.
“no,” alex finally speak, putting a firm hand down on the table. he meets all of their eyes and feels the judgement. he sighs. “i’m not having second thoughts. i want to marry (y/n) just as much as i said before.”
george lifts his hands up and throws alex a questioning shrug. “so what’s holding you back then?”
“well…” alex chews on the inside of his cheek. he glances down at the box and scrunches up his nose, recounting the numerous times he has tried to get on one knee for you.
“i’m afraid it’s really not that simple.”
-> 20 days ago
alex glances at the door of your shared apartment then his eyes jump to the clock hanging just above your decorative plant. you should be home any minute.
the living room has been decorated beautifully with the help of his sisters. there is a singular heart helium balloon tied down to the bouquet of roses that sits on the kitchen island.
he’s even dressed up in his best suit to greet you a warm welcome home.
he sinks further into his couch, shaking his leg in anticipation. he runs his thumb over the velvet material of the box.
alex hadn’t been planning on proposing to you so soon, if he were to be honest. but he woke up that morning to empty half of the bed, with a note in your handwriting reminding him how much you love him and that breakfast is on the table.
his heart felt so full and he just knew today is the day.
so he got up and called his sisters up. they decorated the house together. with their help, he at least has the slightest idea of what to say to you.
it would be embarrassing if he was stuttering every 5 seconds thinking of what to say to you next.
it was 15 minutes later that he started to get worried about you. you usually get home from work around the same time whenever he’s in town — give or take about 5 minutes.
as if you’d read his mind, his phone lights up with a text notification from you.
my car died. can you pick me up please?
without another question, he is already typing a response to let you know that he will be on the way. he adds on the fact that he will call a tow truck for you after you send him your location.
when he gets there, he sighs in relief that you’re safe. he’d already known you were stuck in the parking lot of a mcdonald’s, but how can he really know when he’s rarely home?
you’re sitting on the trunk of your car, eating some ice cream with your phone propped up a box of nuggets. you’re fully occupied by a video you’ve put on to accompany yourself during the wait.
“my love, why didn’t you sit in the car where the seat’s more comfortable?” alex asks as he opens the car door.
you turn your head and open your mouth with an answer, but immediately close it when he comes into view. your eyes scan him up and down, slowly gulping the remaining ice cream in your mouth.
you point at him with the spoon of your mcflurry. “why are you dressed all fancy? you were gonna go out, love?”
alex freezes. he hadn’t even thought of changing out of his outfit before coming to get you. now he has to scrape his brain for an excuse to throw you off, without sabotaging the relationship whole.
it’s like a lightbulb goes off in his head. you’ll totally buy the excuse. “i was giving my clothes a test run,” he giggles sheepishly, but hesitantly from the daggers you were shooting at him. “wanted to see what fit and what didn’t.”
he can almost envision the gears turning in your head as you process his lie. he sighs again when you turn away to lock your phone.
he’s a very bad liar. for two people who have been together for as long as you’ve been, it’s very easy to spot all his telltales.
he tries his best not to lie to you. today is when he’s exerting every single ounce of his ability to do so.
“my car battery died. i saw a screw lose when i’d checked,” you explain, gently climbing off the back of your car. you waddle over to him, lips puckered up as he bends down to meet your lips. “i’m sorry to trouble you, love. i’m sure you were enjoying your fashion show.”
he chuckles, pulling you in for a quick hug. “anything for you, my love.” he walks over to where you are and opens the mcdonald’s paper bag. “oh, you bought us dinner?”
“you dinner,” you correct him. you lean slightly into him with a loud and frustrated huff with your arms hanging around him loosely. “i’ve had such a long day at work today. it could really be deemed as the worst day; i just want to go home and relax.”
alex scrambles in his mind, thinking of several ways he can deviate you from the house a little longer. he makes a mental note to text his sister to do a quick cleanup before you make your way home.
he simply refuses to propose to you when you’re in a bad mood. he doesn’t think your answer would change depending on how you currently feel, but it just doesn’t feel right.
alex hums, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you. “what do you say we go to our spot up in the hills and chill for a little bit?”
he watches you in anticipation. if you didn’t agree, he really wouldn’t know what to do at all. there are only so many excuses he can make. and there's only so much time before his sisters can get to the apartment and get cleaning.
“hm, okay." you lean into him and squeeze him in your hug. “anywhere with you is relaxing.”
-> 18 days ago
so alex shall try again in the planned department. he is once again in your shared apartment. there is a singular rose this time with dinner on the table. this time, decorated by himself.
he’s practised in the mirror. what he should say. everything he had planned out a few days ago is forgotten as the nerves are slightly different this time.
he doesn't get nervous often, but whenever it comes to you, it's inevitable that it bothers him. when it first happened, it was a confusing feeling that he spent days pondering what exactly it is.
when george smacked his head and told him, he looked down shyly at the ground and nodded.
he got the same feeling when he asked you to be his girlfriend and met your parents.
his chosen seat is a bar stool this time, and he plays some games on his phone to remain calm and collected. though still a little bit distracted.
his attention is split between the phone in his hands and the door. occasionally, the footsteps in the hallway make his heart stop as he looks up and waits for a lock to click. it's never the door he wants to open.
his game is briefly interrupted, his mother's picture flashing on the screen while his phone buzzes. it's not unusual that she's calling, but it is a bit of a shock since she knows he's planning to propose tonight.
he picks up the call, an explanation as to why he hasn't texted at the tip of his tongue.
“i’m sorry, sweetie,” his mother’s panicked voice comes through the phone. “can you please come over? it’s an emergency.”
that’s all he needed to hear before he was darting all over the apartment. he’s popped the balloon, as there was clearly no need for it tonight, the rose is hiding behind a bunch of folded shirts in his drawer and the velvet red box goes back into the deepest pit of his underwear drawer.
this time, he remembers to change out of his clothes. it’s slightly less put together than before, but it was still an effort.
“alex, love?” the sound of the door opening makes him perk up. your voice bounces through the apartment, followed by the pitter-patter of the cats’ nails against the hardwood floor. “are you home?”
he stumbles out of your bedroom, pulling up his sweatpants. “i need to go over to mum’s.”
you stop dead in your tracks, the door still held open and the key in your hands. clearly, you notice his panic in the way he’s barely even greeted you. you raise your eyebrows and step aside, leaving a gap for him to go through the door.
“i can drive you if you want,” you offer him, watching him jog towards the car keys.
he’s shaking, and it’s noticeable from the way he’s struggling to find his wallet. his wallet that is very clearly sitting above the shoerack in the entryway.
you grab it swiftly and say his name. it makes him stop briefly, turning to you as he held up the couch’s cushion, still in search of his wallet.
you lift up the leather item and then show him your car keys. you nudge your head towards the hallway. “come on, i’ll drive.”
-> 10 days ago
third time's the charm, right? right?
alex sits in his chair, hands fixing his collar, then his hair, picking at the menu, and then the lace table cover.
"hey, love," you say from behind him, bending down to press a kiss to his forehead. "i'm sorry i'm late. there was traffic in the parking lot at the office."
"don't worry about it. i just arrived not too long ago." alex gets up to his feet, pulling you in for a tight hug. he presses a chaste kiss to your lips before running over to pull your seat back for you.
you thank him with the squeeze of his arm while you take your seat. you grab the menu and get comfortable in your seat. "have you looked at the menu yet?"
"not yet, i was waiting for you."
he feels like a stalker watching you from across the table. his hand is in his jacket's pocket, rubbing circles over the velvety material once more. when exactly is the right time to ask you?
"how was work?" alex starts, taking the menu into his hands, looking at you shyly as he awaits your response.
"it's alright. nothing out of the ordinary from me," you mutter with a shrug, flashing him a small grin before returning your attention to the menu. "the pasta looks good, don't you think?"
"i saw their salmon dish online - that looked good," alex answers. but he's been on the same page of the menu for a hot minute, his eyes have read the same item so many times that he has its description memorised.
all he can think of is how to transition to popping the question.
"it does look delicious... do you want to share a dessert after too?" you inquire, looking up at him with a huge smile. "i really want the lava cake."
"with vanilla ice cream?"
"of course!"
and you make small talk with him. which almost makes him forget the ring that's in the pocket of his jacket. you talk and he thinks and thinks and tries to find the perfect time to pop the question to you.
until your smile drops and your head angles to the side slightly. your lips part as your eyes move from his, over to the door in pure shock.
"love, what's wrong?" alex follows your moving gaze.
and he also freezes in his seat. it's his ex-girlfriend. the same exact person that you'd mentioned you thought you could never live up to.
all because his mother had slipped up and asked about her over casual conversation over dinner, and because you had noticed that his sisters still kept in constant contact with her.
he watches you, from the corner of his eyes, sink into your seat and drop your head. you press your lips together and give him a small smile. "maybe let's cancel dessert? i'm not very hungry."
-> now
"do you get why it's a little complicated now?" alex groans, throwing his head back. "it's not like i haven't tried."
charles presses his lips together, nodding slightly as he tries to assess the situation for himself. he hasn't proposed to anybody in his life, so what advice does he have to give his friend? "maybe you're overthinking it?"
"yeah," george nods. "maybe you just have to... ask her. just ask her."
"you're aware i'm proposing to her. i'm not just asking some random girl to be my prom date to the dance," alex lays out his situation slowly, scanning his friends' faces carefully.
they're not serious about just asking you without a whole get-up, are they? he never would have asked them if he'd known how minuscule this issue was to them. it's never as simple as just asking you to marry him.
it's an important question.
"actually, i think twiddle dee and twiddle dum have got a point," max smiles, pointing at their two other friends now rolling their eyes. "if it all keeps blowing up in your face when you plan your proposal, maybe you just need to do it when you... get the feeling. you know?"
"just do it when you're so overwhelmed at the thought of spending the rest of your life with her," george shrugs, taking a sip from his drink. "would help the nerves, and it makes it more genuine."
alex shakes his head. "i don't know. that doesn't make the moment very special, now, does it?"
"just try it, and then let me know."
-> 5 days later
"love!" your excited voice fills the house, prompting alex to lift his head from the armrest of the couch.
he'd been home all day, claiming a rest day from the gym and other press commitments before he had to do it all over again this weekend for another race.
"yes, love?" alex smiles, opening his arms, watching you walk out of the kitchen and excitedly walk over to him. "what's got you so preppy?"
"love, i was outside coming home from work, and i saw the cutest little snail right outside the apartment building," you giggle, dropping your bag by the foot of the couch. you drop yourself into his arms, adjusting yourself to fit the small space that the couch provides you. "i took a picture, look!"
"you took a picture of a snail?"
"yes!" you nod. "its shell looked so beautiful. and i even moved it to the side so that nobody could step on it unknowingly. just so sad when that happens to them."
and then he knows. it hits him, then and there, while you were rambling on about how beautiful this snail's shell is, that this is the moment. this is the moment that max was talking about.
he props his head up with his hand, nodding as you zoom into the picture you'd taken.
"we should get married," alex blurts, unable to hold himself back. the ring is not even with him - it's somewhere in the back of his closet. but it doesn't even seem like a necessary accessory for him at the moment.
"what?" you tilt your head, slowly dropping your hand into your lap. you sit up and look down at him. "alex, what did you say?"
"i have the ring and everything. hold on." alex scrambles to get off his seat, but you shake your head and put a hand over his chest. you pull him back into the couch, maintaining his position next to you with a puzzled stare.
"did you just say what i thought you just said?"
"yes. and i've been trying to propose to you all month," alex sighs, "something always goes wrong: your car broke down, my mum called, then we saw my ex in the restaurant. i tried setting it up, and of course, i ask you when i don't have the ring with me."
he's flailing his arms in the air as he explains his troubles to you, ultimately throwing his hands towards the direction of your bedroom before he slumps his shoulders and looks at you. "i wanted it to be a picture-perfect moment. i wanted it to be everything you dreamt about growing up. remember?"
"so i heard you right? you're asking me to marry you?" you can barely hide the smile growing on your face, eyes tearing up as you grab his hands. "i don't care about the ring. you're asking me to marry you?"
"do you still want to? i couldn't even propose to you right."
"of course, i want to marry you," you giggle, throwing your arms around him. you pepper his cheek with kisses, alex hesitantly wrapping his arms around your waist as he leans back onto the couch. "i love you, alex. you just had to ask me the question. i don't care how, where or when you'd say it."
"obviously, i didn't know that until now," alex laughs. he buries his face into your hair, making a mental note to thank max next weekend for the helpful tip.
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vermithorn · 1 year
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pairing: cregan stark x targaryen!reader
summary: an unexpected visitor arrives at winterfell, cregan is surprised to say the least.
contains: 18+, fingering, p in v, afab!reader, she/her pronouns, biting(?) marking(?), masturbation, asks about consent all the way becasue thats cregan ok.
author's note: i was horny in class, you cant relate to my struggle as i wrote this. my comeback and its cregan because i dream about this man and i need him carnally... also pls forgive any mistakes yall know my first language its spanish so don't be mean and leave feedback if you liked it !! pls reblog !!! !!!!!!! also totally inspired by mi amor @fairysluna fic about targ!reader x cregan yall pls read it its GOD TIER. ok bye now pls enjoy !
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Winterfell was.. nice.
Your dragon, The Bronze Fury, wasn't fond of the snowy wasteland you commanded him to fly on. He grumbled as he landed near the northern capital, clouds of smoke coming out of his nostrils as he let you dismount him carefully, as much as he hated the north, he couldn't be mad at his rider.
You petted Vemithor’s snout, his red eyes intently watching you and allowing it, because after all, you were his little human. “Obey, stay here.” Vermithor roared, complaining in his own way, you just laughed and waved him off as you made your way to the castle.
“Warden Stark, this is a matter of great urgency…” 
Cregan stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the request of the Umber patriarch, a much older man who was filled with jealousy because Cregan was the Warden of the North and he wasn't, always mentioning it to the great council that was held once a month in the northern capital.
“My lord,” Cregan sighed, “I do not have time for this right now, you had your time for requesting when we were six hours in the council meeting earlier today.”
Lord Umber was about to speak again, smoke coming out his ears but was interrupted by the door of the Great Hall opening, a servant of the castle stepping in and announcing loudly;
“Princess Y/N Targaryen,” Cregan’s head snapped towards the doors, taking in the sight of you entering the Great Hall.
You were bundled up in heavy clothing to protect against the cold weather, wearing a thick fur-lined cloak over a long (but tight?) black dress with red accents, with the three-headed dragon sigil embroidered on your chest.
“Lord Umber, return to this conversation later,” Lord Umber's grumbles could be heard as he walked out quickly after bowing to you, leaving the two of you alone in the Great Hall.
 As you walked towards Cregan, he could feel a blush starting on his cheeks. 
“My lady.”
Cregan noticed a glint of amusement in your eyes as you spoke, it was almost a purr.
“Lord Cregan,” You raised an eyebrow, smirking, “I am not your lady, I am your princess.”
Cregan’s face turned redder, looking down for a second as if ashamed. “You are right, my princess. I have never before seen the princess of the realm and I was momentarily taken aback, forgetting your station,” He gulped, “I ask for your forgiveness, your highness.”
You chuckled, delighted. “Do not worry, my lord, we all make mistakes.” 
He looked at you in awe, he never had seen a woman as beautiful as you, especially in this land of wolves. He felt like he was being pulled towards you as if he was a moth and you were the flame, taking steps towards you.
“Nice meeting you, Warden Stark.” You could tell he was nervous, hiding his shaky hands behind his back, standing straight.
He nodded, almost a bow, “What’s the Princess of Dragonstone doing in Winterfell if I may ask? It is rare to see a noble of the south in this frozen land, even rarer the Crown’s Princess.” 
You chuckled softly, and Cregan couldn't feel more attracted to you now as he continued, “Is this an official visit? or did you just wake up with a desire to see my homeland?”
“A little of both,” Cregan raised an eyebrow at you, “I came on dragon back,”
He looks at you with a mix of awe and fear. Dragons have not been seen in the North for a long time, so the mere mention of one is enough to make him worry slightly. “Did you fly all the way here alone, princess? Or is there an entourage of guards, servants, and courtiers that I need to prepare for? I would not presume to let you see one of the great houses of the North without a proper welcoming, even if you are visiting unannounced.”
This made you giggle, and Cregan’s face kept getting warmer with each second passing. “I am alone, my lord.”
Cregan bowed, trying to hide his warm cheeks and of course, showing respect for your station and your valor for traveling alone in the frozen wastes of the North. 
He straightened his back and looked into your lilac eyes, breathing softly trying to not get lost in them, “What would you wish to do here, my princess? I could arrange a meal, or a bath to warm up from the freezing weather? Or maybe you would like to talk?”
“A bath would be nice, my lord.” You gave him a wolfish grin, looking him up and down and making him gulp at the sight.
“I will have one prepared for you immediately.” Cregan walked towards the doors, calling a servant to get your bath ready as soon as possible in the guest chambers near his own, he turned around to talk to you but found you were walking around the room, intently watching the tapestries and paintings.
He watched you do this for a few minutes until a servant came back to inform him the bath was ready in the guest chambers, he came out of his trance watching you.
“My princess, the bath is ready for you,” You turned around grinning mischievously, “Is there anything else that I can do for you now? Anything at all?”
Cregan would learn a few seconds later that his words would turn against him.
“Perhaps you could join me?”
A wave of crimson washed over Cregan’s face, and you could see how your words were making sense in his head. What were you trying on him? Was the offer even real or just teasing on your part? He watched you with his jaw slightly dropped trying to think of a proper answer for you, the temptation was certainly great… to see a princess like that, to see you all bare, he could feel himself getting harder at the thought of your naked body, but… what will others think? You came to Winterfell alone, what could happen if others find out he was in your chambers all alone? The temptation was too great to resist it.
“Is this something you truly want, your highness?” Cregan swallowed, taking another step toward you, “Or am I being an object of teasing?”
You grinned widely, taking a step to meet him halfway putting a hand on his wide chest, “My lord, you know how stunning you are?”
Cregan couldn't spit the words out, too occupied focusing on the hand on his chest.
“I am very thankful for your hospitality, my lord,” His gaze fell into your wolfish grin and intense stare, “So I am extending an invitation of my own if you want it.”
Cregan found himself in your chambers, mad at himself for his weak resolve against the Targaryen temptress. 
But all those feelings went away the moment you locked the door after entering the room behind him. 
The bathtub in the middle of the room was big enough for two people, that was out of the question and Cregan wondered if the servants did this on purpose. You walked towards the bed near the fireplace, taking your fur cloak off and leaving it carefully on the mattress.
“Is this room to your liking, my princess?” Cregan said, watching you subtly.
“It is,” You nodded, slowly untying your dress, “Could you help me, my lord?” You turned around, watching him over your shoulder with a playful smile. “This dress is hard to take off on my own.”
Of fucking course.
Cregan made his way over you, his rough hands carefully untying the complicated part of your dress on your back. You could feel his fingers tracing your shoulder blade, now exposed to the warm air of the room thanks to the fireplace. “I can never take this off without my lady-in-waiting’s help.” You giggled, still watching him over your shoulder.
Cregan shook his head, amused by the fact you were gonna need help to take this off in any case, thankful it was him this time. He waited for you to move first, removing his hands gently.
He took a step backward, “You may undress as you wish, my princess. It would be rude of me to stare while you are getting in and out of the tub.” You turned around to face him, your dress falling off your shoulders as he spoke, “I will keep my eyes lowered.”
Cregan’s gaze fell to the ground, his hands again behind his back, anxiously playing with his thumb.
“My lord.” You purred, “I don’t mind, you can look if you wish.”
He splutters, his gaze still glued down to the floor, shocked by your words but his traitorous eyes wander back to your figure, he gasps when he sees how your dress is no longer on your shoulders, now hanging low on your waist and your chest bare.
“M-my princess… this is not appropriate…” He exhales shakily, his eyes glued to your chest not able to look away now.
You roll your eyes, chuckling softly, “I don’t mind, my lord, I am not ashamed of my body.”
Cregan’s jaw drops, your words sending shivers to his spine, and his uniform pants getting tighter. You have the confidence of a queen and beauty to match it.
“Then allow me,” He takes a look up and down at your form as you continue to remove your garments. 
“Like what you see, pup?” 
Your words make Cregan freeze on his spot near the bathtub, his eyes roaming crazily over your body, now fully bare to him. You walk towards him, stepping slowly on the hot water until it’s reaching your thighs.
“Words cannot describe what I’m feeling, your highness.” He exhales shakily, “I am merely a northern wolf awed by a dragon’s beauty and power.”
You chuckle, sitting down on the tub, the water reaching your breasts, “You flatter me, pup.”
He looks at you stunned, you seem unbothered by the scalding hot water as you sit looking at him expectantly. He has no words to describe what’s going on inside his head, the Crown’s Princess is bathing in front of the Warden of the North as if there were no one else in the world, he's only able to stare at you in awe, his eyes shining with a glint of lust.
He stumbles on his next words, “W-what should I do now, your highness?”
“Join me.” 
He only can nod and starts to remove his clothes immediately, showing no humility or shame at being naked in front of the princess, your confident self giving him confidence.
He realizes what he's about to do, “You’re not offended by my nakedness?”
You raise an eyebrow at him, amused, “Why would I be offended? You’re beautiful.”
Men are rarely complimented by their beauty, something Cregan doesn't experience as much, and you can tell this by the way his face lits up and blushes hard, turning away from your amused gaze and feeling slightly bashful.
He takes a deep breath and steps into the bathtub, the water is almost too hot for his liking but he seats behind you without any complaints. He is facing your back and he has to stop himself from reaching out and touching you.
“Shall I wash you, my princess? Or shall I merely enjoy the view?” The moments those words left his mouth his face was plagued by a crimson blush, not believing that he could mutter that out loud.
He heard you chuckle, turning your head to the side but not all the way so he could appreciate your side profile as you spoke, “Whatever you want,” 
He scooted closer to you, keeping all his lower body and his not-that-hard (a lie) cock away from your ass. Still half in disbelief, the princess herself telling him to do whatever he wanted? He was an ambitious man, but started on the base of his wants, not wanting to scare you off. He reach out and ran his hands through your white hair, slowly washing it and once in a while touching your neck.
Your skin felt impossibly soft in his rough palms, and your scent was enough to send him far far away. He felt his heart racing, threatening with escaping his rib cage, he couldn’t believe you were there in front of him, a Targaryen princess, naked and inviting.
As he softly caresses your neck, you throw your head back enjoying the feeling of him touching your skin. His hands softly untangle your wet hair, and it surprises him when you let out a low moan when he accidentally pulled your hair.
“Oh,” Cregan could feel the heat rising to his face, and of course, his cock twitching.
Being this close to you was making him lose all his composure, but he did his best as his hands traveled to your shoulders from your hair, massaging them gently as you nudged back, encouraging him to continue.
“Shall… shall I move further down, my princess?” 
He could physically feel your laugh against his hands, sending shivers down his spine. 
His hands moved along your shoulders, past your neck, and down to your upper back softly touching and caressing the path downwards your back. He can hear you sigh quietly, his hands coming back to your shoulder blades and slowly moving to your sides, just below your arms, both of his index fingers just barely brushing your breasts.
He stops, his hands still. “May I, your highness? I would never want to do something without your consent.”
You turn your head over your shoulder, watching him from the corner of your eye. “Go on, pup.”
His hands reach your chest, and he scoots closer, his (now) hard cock a few inches away from your ass. He warily cups your breasts, squeezing them gently as his fingers pinch your nipples, making them pebble.
You let out a whimper, shivering at the touch of his rough and big hands on your tits.
“Does this... please you, your highness? My hands on your perfect skin?” He cannot stop himself now, words spilling out his mouth as they didn’t before, his hands wandering around and playing with your chest.
“Yes, you’re doing such a good job, pup.” He blushes deeply but doesn't stop.
He’s still in disbelief, not entirely believing the situation happening in front of his eyes. The princess of Dragonstone telling him how good he's being for her? It is too much to comprehend, you’re so above him in any situation, but there you are, praising and wanting him to touch you.
“You want me to continue, my princess?” 
You nod, “Go further,”
His heart starts to pound harder in his chest, like a war drum, but he continues to do as you say. One hand stays playing with your breast, stroking your nipple, and the other travels downwards through your belly.
“Like this?” He whispers in your ear, and you can feel his hot breath on the back of your neck.
You surprise him again by scooting back, your ass against his hardened length, he gasps, the plump of your ass touching his cock making him lose his vision for a second, not expecting it at all.
“Just like that,” Your words send chills down his spine, is he really about to do this with a princess? Is he really worthy of that? He swallows deeply, his mouth now dry, but his mind is made up. He wants you, and if you’re allowing him to do this, he won't complain at all.
“As you wish, my princess. How far would you like me to continue?” 
“As far as you wish, pup.”
Your words leave him breathless, but he obliges. 
Cregan’s hand on your belly travels further down, carefully to not overstep your boundaries but decided to resume his wandering on your body as his cock presses against your ass. His eyes are glued to the back of your neck, his touch is hesitant at first but your permission makes him feel bold, so he presses his one hand down further and the other squeezes your breast.
“Go on, pup,” You whisper, leaning your head back and resting it on his shoulder as his mouth grazes your neck towards your throat, breathing heavily, “You know what to do.”
He chuckles, but it comes out as a shaky breath. He knows exactly what to do.
His fingers slowly make their way down to your cunt, two digits slowly reaching your clit hovering over it, and moving down to your folds, feeling how you shiver.
You exhale shakily, leaning even more against his body, “Please.”
Cregan’s resolve breaks, blushing as he continues his ministrations, teasing your clit with his palm and fingers grazing your folds, rubbing them. 
He’s so immersed in his teasing he doesn't notice when your soft hand grabs his, pushing it down towards your pussy hard. “I don’t like being teased, do your work.”
Your words drive him into a frenzy, immediately obeying and pushing two fingers into your cunt, hearing you moan. His hand on your breast leaves to support what the other one is doing, moving his fingers in a circular motion on your clit as the other fingers you.
You throw your head back into his shoulder harshly, groaning. “Don’t stop, pup.”
Cregan grinds himself against your ass as he thrusts into you, fingers deep into your pussy. Your breath starts to get labored and your shoulders begin to shake, he starts going faster, more vigorously as he hears your little whimpers with his name mixed into your chants.
“You’re doing so good for me, pup,” He grins proudly, his cock twitching at the breathy praise that falls from your lips, grinding harder against your ass.
Cregan makes you reach your peak after he pinches your clit and his long rough fingers thrust into you, shaking slightly as he holds you in place.
He’s still rock hard against your ass, and after a few moments to come back to yourself, you turn around to face him, your tits against his chest as you straddle his lap, not caring at all how the water splashes outside the tub.
Cregan’s cock is a sight, long and with a thickness it makes your mouth water. He watches you as you move around him until you grab his shaft making his dick brush your folds as you accommodate, the tip teasing on your hole.
“I want you, do you want me?”
He thinks that’s the dumbest question he's ever heard in his twenty-one years of life.
“Hell yes, my princess.”
You give him a wolfish grin as you sink into his length mercilessly in one go, your tight hole wrapping his cock in a warm embrace he can only answer by groaning loudly, his hands flying to your hips to help you steady yourself.
“You’re so tight, seven hells… my goddess, you’re so beautiful.” Your mouth parted at the sensation of his cock splitting you in two, combined with his praise, it’s enough encouragement to start riding him, water splashing everywhere.
His voice starts coming out as incoherences, between praises and swearing on how tight you are, and how your cunt was made for him, his mouth latching at your breast biting it and marking the sides when he can no longer say coherent words. You ride him hard and roughly, so it’s not a surprise when he spills inside your pussy and you follow him behind quickly with a second orgasm when he moves his hand down to rub your clit.
He hugs you as you both breathe heavily, trying to compose yourselves.
Your hand reaches his face, cupping his cheek as he looks into your lilac eyes like a puppy.
“You did so well, you’re not getting rid of me now.”
He beams at the praise, hugging you tightly, pressing your body against his with him still inside you, getting softer. “It is my pleasure to please you, my princess.”
vermithorn © do not copy, repost or translate my works
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myscenic · 28 days
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Pairing: haunted house actor!park jisung x male!reader
Genre: fluff, strangers to ??
Warnings: bad lol
Word Count: 1.6k+
Synopsis: y/n's friends wanted y/n to rest and stop studying so they took y/n to a haunted house. y/n carelessly got lost in the haunted house alone, he was very afraid of monsters and ghosts, so he didn't know what to do.
☠ Note: it's 2am and i can't sleep so i quickly wrote this to kill time, and its for something for yall to read while you wait for jeno's fic :) this is really short like a drabble, the plot is fast and not that detailed.
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y/n sighed as he looked over his notes one more time. finals were coming up and he wanted to make sure he was as prepared as possible. his friends often told him he studied too much, but school was important to him.
there was a knock at his door, pulling him from his thoughts. "come in," he called. the door burst open to reveal jaemin, mark, and haechan with wide grins on their faces. "we're taking you out today!" jaemin declared.
y/n raised an eyebrow. "out? i need to study-"
"nope, you study wayyyy too much!" haechan cut him off. "we're going to break you out of your bubble for a bit of fun."
"fun? what did you have in mind?" y/n asked warily. he trusted his friends but their ideas of fun rarely aligned with quiet studying.
mark smiled mischievously. "we're going to the haunted house at the amusement park!"
y/n blanched. "the haunted house? but it's supposed to be super scary..." he had never been a big fan of anything too frightening.
"exactly, that's why you need a break. it'll be a good way to take your mind off school for a while." jaemin gave him puppy dog eyes, knowing he'd have a hard time refusing.
y/n hesitated but eventually caved with a sigh. "alright fine, but if i have nightmares i’m blaming you guys." they whooped in victory, pulling him up from his desk.
as they walked up to the entrance of the haunted house, y/n gripped jaemin's shirt so tightly his knuckles turned white. jaemin laughed and pried y/n's fingers away gently.
as they drove to the haunted house, y/n felt his nervousness grow. what if it was too scary? he wasn't really one for jump scares. but he knew his friends meant well, thinking a change of pace could do him some good.
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"relax, it's just people dressed up. none of it is real, you know that," jaemin reassured him. mark rolled his eyes fondly. "and you call yourself a man of science, not believing in ghosts."
they made their way deeper into the haunted house, the rooms getting creepier with each turn. y/n was practically clinging to jaemin by this point, jumping at every small sound.
y/n took a deep breath to steady his nerves. "believing and not being scared are two different things. let's just get this over with." haechan cackled and slapped him on the back. "c'mon let's go!"
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around the next corner, a costumed actor with a chainsaw came roaring towards them. y/n screamed and scrambled behind jaemin, clutching his shirt so tight he worried it might tear. even jaemin seemed a bit startled by this one.
the actor chased them down the hallway for a bit, the chainsaw revving loudly, before disappearing around another corner with an evil laugh. y/n's heart was pounding so hard he thought it might burst out of his chest.
"you okay?" jaemin asked with a sympathetic smile, prying y/n's fingers loose again. he took a few deep breaths to calm down. "y-yeah, let's keep going."
they proceeded into a dark maze area next. eerie lighting and sound effects abounded as they tried to find their way through. but every twist and turn seemed to reveal another ghost or monster jumping out at them from the shadows.
the group continued cautiously making their way through the dark maze-like halls of the haunted house. y/n kept as close to jaemin as possible, not wanting to get separated from the others.
as they turned a corner, a hideous monster creature suddenly dropped down right in front of them from above with a roar. y/n let out a blood curdling scream and instinctively bolted away in fear, losing sight of his friends in the dim lighting.
"hey y/n, wait!" mark shouted after him but it was too late. panicked, y/n ran blindly down some twisting passageways, having no idea where he was going in the disorienting maze like structure.
his heart was racing a million miles an hour as he whipped his head around frantically, searching desperately for any sign of his friends or an exit. but there was nothing but darkness in every direction.
"mark? jaemin? haechan??" he called out, his voice shaking with terror. only his echo answered back mockingly. he began hyperventilating, the utter isolation and uncertainty spiking his fear to an all time high.
y/n stumbled blindly through the darkness, whimpering in terror as every small creak or groan threatened to stop his heart. he just wanted out, more than he'd ever wanted anything in his life.
how could he have let himself get separated? what if he was trapped in here forever, completely alone in the endless maze of horrors? y/n gripped his hair tightly, feeling completely overwhelmed with panic and dread.
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rounding another corner, a ghostly figure suddenly phased right through the wall with an eerie wail. y/n shrieked and fell backwards in terror, scrambling backwards until his back hit a solid surface. shaking violently, he curled up into a ball and broke down sobbing.
the actor paused, taken aback by such an extreme reaction. most people just jumped or screamed, not full on crying. feeling bad, they knelt down and gently touched y/n's shoulder. "h-hey, it's okay, it's not real."
y/n flinched at the touch, eyes squeezed shut. slowly opening them, he was met with a concerned face framed by fluffy black hair, mask in hand. "you're really scared, huh? i'm jisung, i work here. what's your name?"
as jisung led y/n through the remaining haunted areas, every sound and movement had y/n grasping onto jisung's hand even tighter. jisung gave it a reassuring squeeze. "it's okay, i've got you. just stay close to me."
trying to catch his breath, y/n shakily replied "y-y/n...i g-got separated from m-my friends..." jisung nodded in understanding. "well don't worry, we'll get you out of here. deep breaths, you're safe now."
they turned a corner and came face to face with a gruesome corpse prop. y/n yelped and buried his face against jisung's arm with a sob. jisung wrapped an arm comfortingly around his shoulders. "shh, it's okay. i'm right here with you."
he began gently rubbing y/n's arm in soothing strokes. "take some deep breaths. you're safe with me, i promise." his calming voice and tender touch slowly helped y/n's erratic breathing start to steady.
emerging from the darkness of the haunted house, y/n could finally see jisung clearly in the moonlight without his mask. and his breath caught in his throat - jisung was stunning, the most gorgeous face he had ever laid eyes on. plush pink lips, sparkling eyes, soft black hair that looked so touchable...y/n thought he must be dreaming to encounter an angel like this.
as they walked, jisung continued holding y/n protectively against his side, occasionally whispering gentle reassurances. the fear began to melt away under jisung's caring attentions. by the end, y/n was still alert but no longer trembling violently.
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"there, see? we made it through," jisung smiled as they exited. the ordeal had left y/n exhausted but also strangely comforted by this new presence. he felt a connection forming with the black haired boy who had saved him from his panic.
just then, jisung turned to him with a smile, opening his mouth to speak. but before he could get a word out, a familiar voice rang out: "y/n!!"
he turned to see jaemin, mark and haechan running towards them, relief and worry on their faces. "you made it out!" jaemin exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug. "we were so scared when you took off like that."
y/n hugged them back, grateful but also a bit disappointed that the moment with jisung was interrupted. he glanced back to see the black haired boy watching with a shy smile, hands in his pockets.
"i, uh, actually ran into a person in there. he helped me find my way out, his name's jisung," y/n admitted sheepishly as his friends finally released him. jaemin turned to jisung with a grin. "thanks so much for saving our scaredy cat friend here!"
a light blush colored jisung's cheeks at the praise. y/n couldn't help but gaze at him softly, already smitten by this unexpected savior and his kindness.
y/n turned back to jisung, mustering up a shy smile of his own. "thank you...really, for everything. i don't know what i would've done without you in there," he said gratefully.
jisung rubbed the back of his neck, cheeks pinking up again. "it was no problem, really. i'm just glad you're feeling better." y/n was struck again by how kind and beautiful his savior's face was.
an idea came to him then. "at least let me treat you to dinner, to say thank you properly." jisung hesitated, not wanting to impose. but y/n insisted sweetly, "please? i’d really like to."
those soft brown eyes were impossible to say no to. jisung laughed softly. "alright." they shared a smile, something blossoming between them in that moment.
y/n turned back to his friends. "wanna hang out at the park until jisung's shift is over? then we can go get food." they all readily agreed, interested to get to know their new friend as well.
a couple hours passed in a flash of games, rides, dinner and jisung's delightful company. all too soon, it was time for them to go home. but y/n had other plans.
"you guys go on ahead, i’m gonna walk jisung home," he said simply. his friends shared knowing grins and catcalls as they departed, leaving the two boys blushing in the night. could this be the start of something truly special?
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b0nten · 6 months
[SYNOPSIS] ˚⁀➷。 albeit rarely, rindou overthinks, but then he just stops and doesn’t think at all.
[NOTES] ˚⁀➷。 i hope you guys like this!! part 2 for BLUEBELLS, YOURS TRULY. had such a fun time writing this and it’s just a lil goofy fic for lil goofy rindou and my lil goofy rindou enjoyers i love every one of yall!!!!
[MENTIONS] ˚⁀➷。 reader smokes (she lights one cigarette), got inspired by jjk at one point but i’m not spoiling you, just pure chaoticness tbh
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you can’t remember the last time you’ve been so excited. maybe when you got your scholarship? or when rindou asked you to be his girlfriend? who knows, but right now, you feel like you’re about to explode. you try to ignore ran’s messages, acting all offended he didn’t know you had to leave, but even when reading them, you can’t help but giggle and laugh and think about your oh-so-perfect plan.
“what’s taking him so long, though?” you wonder, and light a small candle. it’s grapefruit, and ran gifted you, blabbering on about how citrus makes the kitchen fresher. in boredom, you also slip a cigarette out of the pack, and put it between your lips, gently biting down the filter. the sweet taste of the watermelon spreads across the cellulose and you set the tobacco ablaze. “he better move quickly”.
meanwhile, rindou curses with every small push he’s subjected to. of course roppongi station is packed right when he needs to get somewhere fast. and not only that, but he also fucking lost the last last metro because he had no way to push himself into the wagon. fuck the hibiya line, fuck the salarymen and fuck everyone: now he’s gonna smell like sweat while he pleads with you not to break up with him.
“next station, ebisu. please disembark on the right side.”
one more to stop. next one’s his. he’s so ready for this, so so so ready. he’s got his little speech all planned out in his notes app, and he knows it by heart already. you’re not getting away and he’s gonna make you stay. he feels the adrenaline rushing through his veins. he-
a loud noise, light shake of the train and the lights suddenly shutting startle him from his reverie as he hears some belongings drop. god, he can hear that annoying sound even with stuffy ears.
“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” next, the sentence he’s been hoping not to hear echoes through the speakers.
we are terribly sorry to announce that the hibyia line is currently out of order due to technical difficulties. please stand by while we repair the train.
impossible. no, not today. please, god, let him do this one thing right. he can’t fuck this up today, have mercy on him. this one time only.
rindou exits the wagon, fingertips massaging at his forehead. he thinks positively, thinks wishfully, thinks pink and does calming exercises until, soon enough, he can no longer do so. so, him being him, being the youngest haitani, being impulsive, being the scare of roppongi and being rindou haitani, he just heads straight for the exit. once out, he bolts, and doesn’t look back: faster than in his extreme juvenile days, he runs so fast he makes the first 10-minute stretch in five. he doesn’t care for the people he pushes past, the ones that shoot him disapproving looks from the sidelines — he’s running the olympics — and he’s not about to give up. his medal’s just a little jog across the meguro river, that’s what he keeps repeating to himself.
and slowly, but for what feels like an eternity to him, but surely, he begins to recognize his surroundings — from the family mart around the yamate tunnel to the school support center — he sees them and starts to run faster. he reaches nakameguro in record time, and heads from the station straight to your apartment. he doesn’t care for the sunny weather or the overbearing heat or the nice surroundings that he always walks you home along, his goal is set straight.
he prays his legs won’t pass out on the way to 4-chome, where your apartment building resides, and pushes past everyone yet again. had someone looked at him attentively, they’d think he was some maniac running around to get his long-overdue heroin fix. ah, the duality of tokyo.
when he sees the familiar build, he sighs. “number 32, not really tall, grey, and large balconies full of greenery” he still quotes the text message you sent him, every single time he visits. it almost became a mantra these last years and it didn’t help that it all looks exactly the same, nothing having changed these last three years.
“haitani-kun! are you visiting y/n?” a familiar voice spooks him from behind. “oh, i’m sorry! did i startle you?”
turning around, he recognizes the owner of the voice.
“hasegawa-san! nice to see you!” he bows, and the little old lady just laughs. “yes, i am visiting y/n. how are you?”
smiling proudly at her correct guess, she signals him to the entrance. “i was out on a walk! but here, let me get you in.” scanning the magnet against the receptor, a small light flickers green and a mechanism does its thing behind the white plastic. rindou pushes the door with ease, allowing your neighbor to go in first.
“you don’t have to wait for me, i know that look when i see it.”
chizuru hasegawa. gosh, does he love that woman. she’s been your neighbor ever since you moved to 4-chome from your old apartment after a gas leak forced you out, and she’s been nothing but sweet and caring. she took care of you when rindou couldn’t: taught you how to cook (better), brought you meals during finals when you were not leaving your apartment because you had to study, helped you with commentaries for literature (rindou just sat there and listened, he liked reading soseki with you, but writing essays was too much for him) and overall acted like a sweet grandmother, ready to share advice with you whenever she saw something was bothering you during afternoon tea sessions on her balcony. hasegawa cared and still cares cautiously for the person he loves most, so he can’t help but love her too.
she was also a mistery. the wisest and most well-read person he’d ever come across, and he was sure there’s probably few to no other people that came close to her power of knowledge.
“look at me, rindou.” her voice is the same soft-spoken tune he knew, but it was still somehow threatening. almost like ran’s when he says “i’m not gonna be nice the second time around.”
“yes.” he gulps, and awaits for her next words.
“you look stressed, you think she’s gonna break up with you, don’t you?”he nods, “but you know she loves you too. and there’s no other person on this earth that y/n wants to spend her life with.”
a knot builds up in his stomach, and it’s like the reassurance he needed so badly for the last two weeks finally gives him closure. but still, how did she figure it out in … less than five minutes?!
“rindou, ” chizuru softly speaks again. “let me see the other ring.” once she points to the piece of jewelry, the boy’s eyes widen in disbelief and he clutches his necklace. shortly after, he rummages through his sweatpants’ pockets.
left, right, left, right, left, right.
with every vain grasp he feels his heart-pace quicken and the sweat forming beads everywhere on his forehead.
left, right, left, right, left, right.
“no, no, no way…” he touches every part of his body, trying to make sure he didn’t accidentally put the ring somewhere else, but when he reaches the verdict that yes, he’s probably lost it while he was running over here, his heart shatters and he is disappointed in himself.
head lowering and salt-water lining his waterline, he covers his face in frustration. it’s like the world fell on his back and now it refuses to get off.
“you’ve made this so much easier for me!” she laughs and rindou’s face drops lower than before. hasegawa reaches into her hand-bag and takes out a small, red, velvet box. when she opens it, rindou’s mouth somehow falls agape yet again.
it’s two rings, they’re insanely beautiful, only they seem to be inside out — the inner parts have intricate kanji engraved all upon them, adorned with a few beautiful stones, leveled nicely into the metal, while the outside is simple, brass, still shiny albeit obvious years of not being worn or cared for at all.
“you know, i once had someone like you.” the old woman sighs, “when i was young, i met a very nice boy. and to make a long story short, i lost him due to some unfortunate circumstances.” she pauses before speaking again, “y/n is the daughter i never had, and when i look at her and then look at you, i see us. me and.. the first boy i fell in love with.”
a shiver runs down his spine, hoping she still continues the story.
“you see, rindou… evil spirits are more than evil, they’re malefic, to put it nicely.” the boy tilts his head to the right. “they’re like a pest, only they don’t really die. they’re always gonna be around. tell me, you haven’t been sleeping, right?”
“and for two weeks, wow, that’s a lot.”
he thinks he’s dreaming. what is happening?
“and you feel like your ears are blocked, am i right?” he nods again, “and if i may guess correctly, you either have dreams of someone smashing your head, or y/n’s. and you wake up with a roaring headache. aaaand.. a lot of intrusive thoughts?”
“hasegawa-san, how do you know all that?”
“change out the ring with this one.” she instructs and rindou, though sheepishly, slides his golden ring off the chain and replaces it with the other.
“why.. ” he looks at the woman, “why did my ears unstuff?”
she simply laughs, and swats her palm around in the air. “i’ll tell you when you’re older. now, go.” she puts the box in his right hand and gently folds his left one over it.
he looks at her with eyes full of hope. whatever the hell is up with this woman, he doesn’t know. and frankly, he doesn’t want to. for the first time ever, he feels somewhat scared of a person who has no way of tackling him in a fight.
she nods, and that’s rindou’s signal to sprint up the stairs. luckily the building isn’t tall, so the fifth floor — the one you live on — is just a few skips of stairs away.
when he reaches the door, he knocks. not once, not twice, tens of times, like he’s a broken machine.
“rin!” you greet him, “ho-”
“marry me.” he’s not asking you.
your jaw hits the floor. he’s just as surprised, why should he lie to himself?
“marry me, y/n.” clumsily, he gets down on one knee and opens the box. your hands cover your mouth once you see the ring. “i don’t care if you want to break up with me for the time you’re going back home, i don’t care if you want to break up with me because of some other reason, because i don’t want to. it doesn’t have to be this year, or next or the next three or five. whenever you want is fine. just—”
“of course i’m not breaking up with you, you dumbass!” you exclaim, offended. you look to the side, cheeks flushed and smile begging to rip your cheeks apart, “yes.”
“w-what?” rindou stutters. he couldn’t even comprehend that he’s asked you to marry him, yet alone that you’ve said yes.
“oh my god, get up already!” you pull him up by his shirt, and then down, close to your face. “yes, i’m gonna marry you. i don’t know for sure if this year, or next or in three or in five, but i’ll definitely marry you.” you parrot his little speech, giddy and delighted.
he takes the ring out of the box, and slides it on your finger. then, CRASH. his lips come down on yours mindlessly, and he holds your entire body so close to his, as if you’d fall apart into a million shards and disappear any minute now. and his head feels lighter and he guesses that whatever hasegawa may have done with those rings, they’re also probably gonna make his nightmares go away too.
“you’re coming with me.” you break the kiss to make space for announcement.
“what?” rindou malfunctions, “you weren’t gonna break up with me?”
“no, rin. i just wanted to get you pumped but that took a very wrong turn, apparently. you’re coming home with me, this summer.”
oh, bless his little heart.
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🏷️ taglist @sirachano0dles @idktbhloley thank you for reading <3
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kissitbttr · 5 months
love frat Miguel!! I was reading your fics and it came into my mind reader and Miguel being both drunk at a party. Miguel being so clingy and horny, while reader just wants to dance her ass off
yall love killing me with clingy miguel HUH
miguel has never been the one who’s irresponsible when it comes to drinking. he knows his limits and prefers to stay sober during parties because his frat brothers are usually the ones who always take it to the next level. he hates to admit it but he’s the babysitter.
however, tonight seems to be different.
it’s pretty rare to see him let loose. that’s what glen says to you and it makes you almost want to laugh at how adorable he is,
“miggy come ‘ere” you reach up to cup his cheeks, getting him to look at you. his eyes finding yours with a drunken smile and dilated eyes. hands on your elbows. “are you okay?”
he nods, pulling you close. “mhmm never better” he then leans a bit more to nose the curve of your neck. “look so pretty tonight, baby—me estás volviendo loco”
in the midst of people dancing and drinking, miguel doesn’t even try to keep his hands off of you. always wandering down to your hips and the curves of your ass, while trailing wet kisses on your neck with his mouth. ,
you giggle at his neediness, interlocking your hands in his to keep them off you. “impatient aren’t we?”
“always for you, muñeca “ he responds, giving you a cute pout. “come on.. i need you so bad, mi amor.. i missed you”
“was the 78 hours sleep over at your place wasn’t enough, hm?” you tease, watching him groans like a kid. “plus this is my jam! I can’t believe you put my favorites on the playlist”
“you got me hooked with it… i had to” he shrugs, “sooo—“
“no. nuh uh!” gloria’s voice come to intervene, making you both turn. “she promised a dance with me! go hang with the boys miguel, she’s mine for tonight”
“when did i agree to that?! she’s my girl, gloria! you go get your own!”
“you have her almost every day. she’s my best friend too, you know!”
“shouldn’t you be with beck?” miguel questions while tightening his grip around you
“he’s with the guys. which you should be as well!” gloria rolls her eyes before pulling you off of him making miguel whine. “go!”
“no!” miguel protests. “baby, are you really going to let her take you away from me?!”
you smile at him, looking in despair. “i’ll be back in twenty, miggy— go catch up with the rest” with a small kiss on his lips, he feels himself smile in quite satisfaction.
“okay, fine… and gloria” he points a finger at the dark haired girl. “take care of her and do not let any guy near her or else i’ll—“
“pull their spines off their bodies. yes, yes! i got it! come on, gorgeous” she tugs you away from him as he waves a goodbye to you,
“he’s acting like i will steal you away from him. so dramatic” gloria smiles at you as the song bongos by cardi b and megan thee stallion blasting through the speakers,
“oh hush” you shove her shoulder a bit, “he’s just in love with me”
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autisticlancemcclain · 5 months
fic rec friday 56
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Shiro's Skunk Hair Steals Lance's Boyfriend by @bleusarcellewrites
Lance nods, eyes scanning Keith’s face slowly, “I gotta ask, though, do you come here often?” Keith snorts, fondness for this dumbass making his heart to beat faster. “Charming as always, I see.” “I can show you ‘charming’.” Lance says, eyebrows wiggling in a suggestive manner and while the others groan behind them at the line, Keith just smiles. “But before that, I’m a man of honor and I gotta know: are you single?” Keith blinks at the question and suddenly he's laughing. [Or the one where Lance can't hold his alchohol and Keith gives up a Cuddle Night of his boyfriend to be flirted by said boyfriend just for his boyfriend to forget he was already his boyfriend. It's a mess but Keith wouldn't want it any other way.]
yall remember bleusarcelle...remember 2018.....crazy times. anyway. this fic is fun and sweet and dorky, nice to read when you want to forget how bad vld dropped the ball and ruined everything :))
2. Your Love Keeps Me Warm by crystalklances
Keith is giving him a look, contemplating, eyebrows drawn together. Noticing his gaze, Lance looks up, raising an eyebrow. “Are you cold?” Keith asks after a moment of a silent staring contest. “No,” Lance replies. “You should’ve said something.” “I just said I’m not—” But Keith doesn’t listen. Already, he’s shrugging out of his red varsity jacket, and he leans over to drape it around Lance’s shoulders. ---- Or, 4 times Keith is determined to prevent Lance from getting sick, and the time Lance catches a cold after all.
I MISS CRYSTALKLANCES EVERY DAY, BRO. no one got ridiculously soft modern au keith like he did. fuck. but at least most of his works are still on ao3. i like this one in particularly one because its soft and im a weenie but also because its a 4+1 which is my favourite genre of fic ever actually
3. what makes you beautiful by seventies
MMA fighter Keith Kogane is admitted to the hospital and gets KO'd by blue eyes that rival the seas and a crooked grin that knocks the air out of his lungs. It hasn't even been a minute in the ring. It's a world fucking record.
rare blue eyed lance appreciation moment from me (old bookmark lmfao). but jokes aside i do love this fic. i will always always always every day of my life love whipped on sight keith idc. its so so funny to me. its funnier when lance is like oh! this is my rival. we are going to be ENEMIES FUCK YEAH and keith is like oh my god if i dont marry him right now im literally going to die. also this fic has matt just fyi
4. Lance and Keith's guide for how to cure insomnia by crystalklances
Keith has always had trouble sleeping, but never told anyone. When they fall asleep together after a mission by chance, Lance finds out and offers to share his bed to help Keith fall asleep. However, sleeping together every night has unforeseen side-effects for both of them.
from the iconic INVENTOR of the smitten keith tag. soft klance, in canon. touch starved keith. sharing a bed to stop the nightmares. i bought my ticket on the first word of the summary like
5. love you so bad by seyama [EXPLICIT]
Keith and Lance sneak off from a party to go and fuck. That's it, that's the whole story.
this was bantery and silly and fun. and the little argument over who gets to be the little spoon....shockingly tender and so so them ive read this one a fewww times lol
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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midnight-vixn · 2 years
○accidently summoning them in a dream, summons them both to where you are and the dream ofc, BUT IMAGINE SUMMONING THEM IN A WET DREAM AND THEM WAKING YOU OUT OF IT BY DOING WHAT YALL WERE DOING,
○I've been listening to a ton of the band Ghost, and I can't stop seeing Luci mostly, but also Diavolo saying "you go down just like holy mary" while giving him head in the student council room 👀
I'm actually writing some stuff myself, but GOD DO I LOVE READING THE GOOD SHIT AND BUDDY PAL YOUVE GOT IT
Also I’m absolutely in LOVE with the idea of “accidental” summoning I actually want to write a fic or maybe some HC’s for the brothers with that!!! Them being summoned out of nowhere and confused and ready to question you but then they realize you’re still asleep. They smell your arousal and hear the very soft moans you make while sleeping and they know! Depending on the brother they may debate on waking you up to help you or they may just rip your pants off and get to work. They might feel a little bad but you did summon them and you’re having a wet dream so you must want them and— fuck that’s hot, they need you so bad. You wake to them balls deep and panting from how bad they want you, so desperate to feel you clench around them. You make eye contact and they groan or smirk at you, happy you’re awake so they can enjoy you more.
I absolutely love thinking about going down on Lucifer or Diavolo in the council room/their office at RAD!! They rarely have free time so if you’re willing to please them while they work they will not pass it up!
Dia is such a big puppy about it, he gets needy, he begs for more but you have to tell him no. He bucks his hips into your mouth (gently), he spreads his legs father apart so you have more room, his head falls back against the chair, his eyes roll back as he gasps when your tongue flicks at his swollen tip. He moans your name until it’s slurred because he can’t think straight, you make him so fucking weak, his head spins when you deep throat him. He forgets where he is and gets lost in the way your throat feels, he moans so fucking loud and it’s so lewd, it doesn’t matter how often you do it to him he always moans and cusses like a virgin getting sucked off every damn time.
Lucifer on the other hand, whoo boy, depends on his mood. If you get him on a good day he’s more relaxed about it. Tie undone and shirt unbuttoned partially because his whole body feels hot, he bites down on one gloved hand to stifle his moans, his eyes stay locked on you when they aren’t fluttering shut, his other hand on the back of your head while he gently face fucks you. He praises you softly so no one outside will hear you two and interrupt, he’s so in love with you and wishes he had more time to be alone. Catch him on a bad day when his brothers have pissed him off and…your jaw is gonna be sore. He face fucks you hard! Both hands on the back of your head, eyes trained on the way his cock slides in and out, degrading you and making comments about how badly you must need his cock to be here on the ground like this. He strips you down partially, jacket off and uniform shirt undone completely so he can see your drool drip onto your chest. He loves hearing your strangled moans and whines, he grunts and growls while fucking your mouth and doesn’t care who hears, in fact he hopes one of his brothers walks by and hears you two.
Hang on I need to lay down 😵‍💫🤤
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Happy Fk'n Birthday
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Pairing: Prohero Katsuki x Reader
Rating: 18+ Explicit
Content Warnings: Brat/Brat taming themes, penetration, fingering, hair pulling, use of she/her pronouns, use of the word 'girl' in regards to reader, reader has a vagina, reader also gets dragged across the floor, slight dacryphilla, Dom Katsuki, no use/mentions of protection stay safe yall
This fic is unedited and super self-indulgent, because it's my birthday this week and I just want Katsuki being kind of mean to me, so this is a present to myself! And if you enjoy it, Happy Birthday or Happy Unbirthday to you too! Thanks!
All characters in this work are aged 21 years or older. Be clicking the read more on this post, you are agreeing that you are 18 years of age or older and you consent to reading this.
It was a little bit of a tight fit under the bed, but it was completely worth squeezing yourself under if it meant you'd get at least a few seconds of reprieve from the rage of your short tempered boyfriend who was currently yelling in the hallway, heavy boots trodden against wooden floors.
"You're really gonna hide from me, dumbass?!"
Katsukis voice was loud, booming like an explosive and you heard it clear as day even from under the bed and through the closed door of the guest bedroom. He was down the hall somewhere, if the footsteps being a bit dampened were any indicator. Made sense he would check the bathroom in the master bedroom first, since you had told him you had to go to the restroom before you turned tail and ran. A poor excuse to get away before he found your little mistake of a message of a phone.
You had messed up, maybe. Been a little too petulant perhaps. But it was your birthday - you deserved to act however you wanted for the night, right? Especially when you hadn't heard a word from your boyfriend prohero all day before this- no phone call, no text. And now it was past the time he was supposed to be here with still no inidcator of when he was going to be here. Didn't that give you the right to be a little sulky?
He was late for the better part of the hour, and maybe it shouldn't have been that huge of a deal. Accidents happened and all that. But those sort of accidents didn't happen with your stickler Katsuki. He was brash and rough around the edges, but late? Never without reason. And it was rare he was late without contacting yofiif he left you waiting. But 45 minutes had passed since he had promised to be home. Late and without notice, on your birthday! For 45 minutes you laid in your bed with a phone in your hands, staring at his contact and waiting for something. Desperate for attention from your loved one on your special day.
Only to get radio silence that whole time.
You were sulky about it - bratty. And, sure you could of just called him first, solved your own problems. But it wasn't fair that you had to be the one to reach out when he was the one who was late, right? That's what you told yourself anyway. So if you absolutely had to be the one to initiate contact, you had decided there was only one acceptable way to do it - with an attitude.
And a little threat as an added measure.
"You're the worst. I'm going to ask Kirishima to take me out today, instead. :("
You had hit send without second guessing yourself or really thinking of the consequences. You weren't angry enough to actually hurt him, Katsuki was smart enough to know how wrapped around his finger you were - that you'd never go out with another man when you so desperately craved his attention. You were also aware he wouldn't see his best friend as a threat to steal you out from under him. It wouldn't hit any insecurities or hurt him. But it would light a fire under his ass to get home ASAP. And even if it wasn't the sweet, loving sort of birthday attention you had originally been dreaming of, you would still be getting the attention you were craving so badly after being home alone 45 minutes longer than you wanted to be.
The karma that you got for sending that text hit like a bullet train, because in the mere seconds after it left your phone, the front door banged open and you heard your lover calling out your name sweetly. Made it a little hard to believe the voice he was using to call your name out now that he was playing an imprompto game of hide and seek with you.
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep the scared little squeak you were about to make inside of you as his voice was booming outside the door of the guest room. "Always gotta be so damn difficult," he was drawling as the door to the room banged open next and you felt a shudder run up you spine. Had to do your best not to jump because you only had about a single inch of space above you before and if you moved too much you'd be making noise against the underneath of the bedframe. "Come on, birthday girl, your 'worst' boyfriend has something to say to you." The word that he threw back at you was dripping with sarcasm and vemon as he prowled around the room and you watched from the small crack of the bed as his feet stopped infront of the closet and he tugged it open, examining the inside with what you could only assume was that signature scowl of his.
He had certainly read your text message now - which is why he was hunting you down like a blood hound, fierce and threatening - but when he had first got home, he hadn't seen it. He couldn't possibly of had the time! It was only a fraction of a beat from you sending the text to him barging in. And by that point, he was more determined to get to you than he was about whatever notification his phone was trying to give him. So the text went momentarily ignored as he headed straight into the house for you and the second he had found you, he was scooping you up in his arms and kissing you with a sort of passion that should have been illegal - could kill someone with all the heat it provided. It made you so dizzy you had barely heard his clumsy grumble of 'happy birthday.' You had known that even if he was late, it was unrealistic that he forget your birthday or something- he was far too punctual to forget an important date. You also figured he had to of had a reason for it that would make perfect sense but without knowing what that reason was, your annoyance couldn't be eased, which was why you sent that message. But sure as hell, his kiss was helping soothe you over finally and you almost forgot the spring trap that was now loaded on his screen the next time he opened up his phone. You hadn't forgotten he had been late though and you pestered him about it, having to swat at his chest with a little bit of strength that your weak in the knees body could muster at the time to get him to stop his assault of kisses.
And when you made your comment, told him he was late - wouldn't you know it - the bastard actually apologized to you. You knew that the hero had mellowed out a lot since high school - he had grown. But apologizing could still be sometimes hard for him. And while his apology came out as a annoyed little grumble this time, it had come out immediately as his grip tightened on your hips. He had an explanation for it too - because of course, he did. He was already set out explaining it as he dragged you into the living room and pushed you to sit on the couch before going to a nearby drawer to fish a little box out of it. He told you all about how he was rushing to get everything done at his office today - any undone paperwork, scheduling, planning patrols, and fielding what seemed like thousands of questions from his side kicks - because he needed to make sure it was all finished so he could take the next few days off without any interruptions or any reason to try and call him back into the office. The side kicks especially had him busy enough where getting to his phone wasn't an option and by the time he was done giving everyone oh-so-detailed explanations and answers, he noticed the time and figured it was best just to get home as fast as possible because he knew 'your bratty ass' would be all pouts (he was right).
The reason why he was so determined to get everything squared away for those extra days off - ones that you hadn't known about - became clear when he handed the little ribbon clad box to you and upon opening it, you saw two tickets to a weekend getaway for a hot springs you had been gushing over months ago, along with a little planner book and a map of the nearby area. He had tried his absolute best to get everything done on time at work today, but he had figured an extra 45 minutes today would make up for not having any other distractions for your surprise trip. 45 minutes less of attention today so you could have it undivided for the next three days. It made sense now, sure. But it wasn't something you could have planned for when you decided that you were going to be mouthy on your own.
You melted seeing the tickets, and in your bubbling excitement for the trip, you rushed to hug him, humming your thank yous and kissing him. All the jagged edges you had developed over the prior 45 minutes had been smoothed over with the present, but you still couldn't help the one little jab you jokingly gave him against his lips though as you giggled out, 'you still could have texted.'
And your mistake that would cut the mood short came soon after when he retorted with 'you could've too.'
You were blurting without thinking. 'I did-' You had cut off immediately as you remembered just what exactly you had sent. And how you being the birthday girl wasn't going to stop a punishment from happening if it hit Katsuki's ego enough. Oh, and you knew it would when he read the damn thing.
Katsuki hadn't missed the little flare of panic on your face and he was instantly giving you a look of suspicion- one that you weren't going to respond to because you were already busy hopping off the couch and trying to dart away, even when he grabbed the hood of your sweatshirt to keep you there.
You were thankful it was a zip up because you simply let it slide off your body as you hummed "gotta go to the bathroom! Be right back!" You were hollering as you took two stairs at a time upstairs, and as soon as you weren't in his eye sight anymore, you had ran off to the guest room and hid instead.
Which is why you were now under a bed as Katsuki stomped and stormed about.
All that tenderness was gone now as his boots disappeared from sight and you heard him march back to the doorway instead, but your own paranoia had you fighting the urge to sigh in relief. Besides, any relief you had, you knew wouldn't last long. He was going to find you. Simple as that. Katsuki wasn't the type to let things be and that wasn't going to change just because it was you he was dealing with or because it was your birthday. But you were going to take any bit of time you could get to steel yourself for whatever punishment the blonde deemed necessary. Besides, if you were being completely honest with yourself, him hunting you down sent more than just nervousness through your system. It was excitement. The rough treatment was something you had a tendency to crave. After all if you had liked things to be 'soft' all the time, you wouldn't have fallen for someone as ill tempered and loud as Katsuki was in the first place.
You couldn't admit you liked it during the heat of the moment though - that'd be too easy. Too much of an ego boost. You usually only got that brand of agression when you were being bratty enough for it, like today, and in those moments you were far too stubborn to ever tell him how sweet you thought the punishment was while you were getting it... Not until he could force it out of you, that is. So, even with adrenaline pumping in your veins, you stayed in hiding, trying to figure where his footsteps went off to. Deep breaths to stay calm, because while Katsukis quirk had nothing to do with emotions, you were pretty sure this man could smell fear.
Although your breath hitched when you realized that was the loudest thing you could hear - your breath. It was suddenly far too quiet. No more yelling. No more footsteps. Him giving up simply wasn't possible and you knew this sudden silence did not bode well for you.
You were proven right as suddenly an iron grip was clasped around your ankle and this time you didn't bother holding back your noise - you screamed, the sound somehow louder under the bed as you were being dragged out with a smooth, too quick motion. "Found you." Katsuki's crimson eyes were fitting for his bloodlust as they narrowed in on you while you looked over your shoulder at him. He had dragged you out flat on your stomach, pulling the leg he had gripped between his own two.
"Owwwww!' You whined, trying to scramble away and forward but the firm grip that had now crept further up your leg and onto your thigh refused to let up. Infact, he opted to ditch the crouch he had grabbed you from and was now pinning your leg down with the weight of his body, straddling your thigh after he yanked you in fully.
"If you don't want to get dragged against the floor, maybe don't hide under the bed next time, huh?" He scoffed at you, adjusting his weight off your leg just long enough to flip you onto your back like a ragdoll. And then he was settling that weight back down onto your thigh to keep you locked in place, despite your thrashing about. If you struggling against him hurt his crotch at all with the position, he didn't show it. Instead he seemed much too focused on messing with you as he pushed his knee forward and buried his thigh right between yours, pressing it hard against your clothed heat. Hard enough that the next time your body struggled, you were inadvertenly grinding against his leg and racking yourself with a full body shudder.
Your heart was hammering into your throat with the sudden surprise of his, and you barely noticed that his boots were now gone - he must have kicked them off in the hall somewhere so he could engage his little sneak attack, the asshole. Katsuki was the last to ever engage in any kind of stealth - but figures he'd use it just to get a bigger reaction from you. Well it fucking worked, and you gave a loud whine as he was using a hand to grab his phone out of his pocket and shove the screen right in your face - your little tactic of a text displayed on the bright screen. "Care to explain this, huh?"
"You were late!" You chirped, trying to decide if it was worth it to try and wrestle away anymore - though, did you really have a chance of getting away from him? Not at all. All you were doing was rubbing yourself against him, but it did serve to agitate him more. Another scoff and he tossed the phone onto the guest bed so he could glower straight at you without the phone blocking his view. More easy to strike some fear in you when he locked dead on like that, something about the way his eyes narrowed with such ferocious intent, that crimson peeking out behind the shadow of golden fringe. "And I was lonellllyyyy. Be nice!" You demanded, your hands reaching towards him so you could push on his hip a little, trying to give yourself some wiggle room to no avail.
"Nice? I was gonna be, but apparently I'm the worrrssst," he dragged out as his gaze dropped to your feeble attempt at pushing him, just before his eyes were rolling and his hand that once was holding the phone shot out and collared your neck. He didn't squeeze, didn't put pressure, just used it to intimidate you into staying put as he leaned his body forward over yours, his free hand on the ground so he could put most of the weight into that instead of your throat. "Stop fucking squirming so much." His growl was feral, hanging in the air between you as a warning that sent a throb straight to your core and you couldn't help the way your thighs squeezed around his. "Clearly you must have been lonely if you're threatening to run off with shitty hair."
It was always hard in these moments to decide just how much you wanted to press his buttons. You could break down and apologize right now and probably get off light. He'd still be mean, but he'd ease up a little. Or you could always press a little more and see just how mean he could be. Although, did you really want to push it at this exact moment? His palm stretched over the expanse of your throat was nothing short of a terrifying little promise that didn't have you breaking down completely for him yet, but it did have you choosing a safer answer as your voice came out in a breathy little sentence. "It was a joke. I wouldn't-"
"Oh, I know you wouldn't." Another twisted sneer on his visage as his digits gave a light tap against the column of your neck, his leg gave another push up against your body in a way that made you whimper. "You wouldn't dare." This time his voice was hot breath against your lips as he got in real close to you, hovering above your wide eyed face. And as his snarl twisted into a wicked little grin, that's when your nerves really got you. He clearly was up to no good anyway, but that smile of his knotted your stomach. The anxiety in your gut made you gulp, a motion he could feel under his hand and he responded by flexing his fingers and applying just the faintest of pressure to the sides. "Tell me I'm the worst all you want, but you know I'm the fucking best for you. And your masochistic ass likes it when I'm mean, don't you?" He prompted, and maybe it was more nerves about what was to come than anything, but you were instinctively squeaking out a protest. It was your birthday! He couldn't be too mean, right? You could try to protest further but the way your hips buckled against his leg, the now tiny little motions as you offered yourself a bit of pleasure against his legs while he held you down made your arguments sound pathetic.
"Seriously?" His face pulled back without giving you a kiss and as he looked at the way your lips were quivering, another idea popped into his head, one that made his smile split even further. "You want nice? Fine. Open your mouth."
That certainly didn't seem like it could lead to something you could consider particularly kind. The command rattled in your head a second too long without you obliging and you felt another squeeze that you knew would have you feeling light headed if he held on too long. "I said, open your fucking mouth."
Resisting was clearly not going to get you anything you wanted at this point (except for maybe an even more cruel treatment) so this time you listened, pretending as if your response was of your own accord and not a direct consequence of the way his growls made you feel weak, how they made your cunt throb. Your plush lips came apart, hanging wide open for him as you became compliant. The smile disappeared from him, but only long enough for him to create enough saliva in his own mouth for him to spit it directly into yours, letting it land square on your waiting tongue. The the smile was back, wild, as he watched the way the liquid gather, dripping back closer to your throat. And weren't you being such a good girl, keeping your mouth open so he could stare. You werent sure if you were too keen on seeing what would happen if you didn't. Besides, you'd be lying to yourself if the gesture didn't have you getting wet further down below.
"See? I gave you a present. Nice," he declared, all too smug with himself as his hand once again tightened, with the intent to, not harm, but to feel the way your muscles moved underneath his grasp with his next command said a whole octave lower. "Swallow."
You listened to that command too, eyes fluttering up to him through dark lashes as you swallowed hard. The way he let out a low, subtle groan didn't escape you either and you decided now was the time to gain back some brownie points without having to apologize - not yet. You mimicked his hushed tones, but instead of his grumble your words came out in a precious whisper, "Thank you."
All spread out on the hardwood floor, body completely snared down and you were still telling him thank you? Fucking pathetic, and it did the trick, because after he stared down at you for a beat - a small break in that chaotic smile - he was cursing under his breath and climbing off of you, releasing his hold of your body. But if it was a reprieve, it wasn't long. Him not touching you only lasted as long as it took for him to stand up, and then he was manhandling you again, treating your body like a rag doll as he got you up on your feet. One hand at your waist and the other tangled up at the hair in the nape of your neck, he whirled you around and bent you forward over that bed you were cheeky enough to hide under. Your face landed right next to his phone with your message still clear on it. "After that text you're lucky I'm not just going to fuck you on the floor. Better be grateful," he snapped while his grasp in your hair turned into a full on fist full that he used to push your face against the sheets, while he sent his other hand smacking against your ass and causing you to jolt. Birthday spanking or some shit.
"K-Katsuki- b-b-be gentle," you tried to chide him through the muffle of the sheets as he was already tugging your pants and panties down your ankles with all the grace of a ravenous wolf. You were honestly going to be surprised if you didn't find a rip in them later.
"B-b-bbut I'm the worst." There was that word again and this time he was mocking your little stutter too as he gave you another smack on your ass, this time his palm settling on the swell of flesh and pulling at it to reveal your dripping body. Couldn't hide how much your body enjoyed his cruel ways when you were pulled open like that. The way he sucked in his breath at the sight had you craning your neck to try and see what sort of expression was on his face as he took in your body, but he once again wasn't letting you budge. "You missed your chance for me to be gentle. But if you want to be able to cum at all tonight, you better start apologizing, birthday girl."
To cum? Kats was no stranger to holding out orgasms on you but "-not today! You wouldn't."
"Try me." Blunt and to the point, just before he was spitting again, letting it land between your cheeks this time and watching it drip lower and lower. You didn't need the extra aid with the way your wet was already leaking down your thighs, but he did take pride in marking you in any way he could.
You opened your mouth to protest, but before the first syllable could get past your lips, it turn into a moan because Katsuki was stuffing two thick fingers into your cunt and listening to the delicious squelch, his arm having wrapped around the front of one of your thighs so he could curve his fingers up into you. Harder for you to argue with him when he started stretching you out on his fingers with a harsh pace. He was very purposeful in keeping his palm from grinding against your clit for now. You wanted extra attention, then you had some apologizing to do first.
You moaned out his name instead of a sorry with your hands fisting into the blankets and your hips trying to grind against his touch, but he kept his hips pressed against your behind to keep you steady, and if your hips did manage to move too much, he'd simply move his hand with you to keep the pressure how he wanted. "Katsuki!"
"That's not sorry." He tsk'd at you, sounding mock disappointed. The way he was talking was more like some about to give you a lecture as opposed to someone who was trying get you fucked out into submission. His brat was going to get what she deserved, that was for sure. He was hyperfixated on the way each piston of his touch made you writhe in his grasp, the moans and cries and whines escaping those oh-so pouty lips of yours. And when your knees started to buckle more when he hit a certain spongy spot inside of you, that's where he kept his focus watching you build that pleasure up, up, up. Your whole body was burning under him, like his touches were physically setting off little explosions inside of you - flooded every inch of your body with magma and sparks.
Your little whines and mewlings were absolutely captivating but they weren't turning into sorry quick enough for him and he yanked at your hair, using it as leverage to get your face out of the covers enough so he could hear you clearly. "Too proud to apologize? What a shame. I'll split you apart on my cock either way, but if you want me to be nice, better start fucking groveling." It was almost funny how responsive you were to him - maybe not in attitude, but your body? He played it like a finely tuned instrument, every one of his actions designed to make you sing and crumple to his will. Those words, as harsh as they may be, had your sopping pussy clamping down on him like a vice. Real bold of you to be getting so close to climax without giving him what he wanted. And it was torturous the way that his palm started to grind into your folds and inadvertenly applying pressure to your clit just when your body was drawing closer and closer, only for him to completely yank his hand out and away from you at the last minute, leaving you to wail.
"Katsuki - please," it was halfway between a sob and a growl as your head lifted up so you could glare at him over your shoulder and -oh? Were you crying? Cute.
"If you're looking for sympathy-" he began, ravenous gaze ablaze while he let his tongue run over his teeth in a slow flick - your reactions were making him feel like a man starving. "-You'd have better luck with Kirishima." He went to undo his pants as he finished the sentence and the flick of his wrist had your eyes moving down to where that buldge that had been pushing against your ass had been. Made you even more desperate as his cock sprung up when his pants were far enough out of the way, and it hit up against stomach. "Tell me what I want to hear."
"I'm sorrrrrryyyyy," you finally whimpered, still refusing to take your glassy eyes off him while your hips reared back, trying to get the man to fill you up again. So fucking mean to tease you like that, whether you had an attitude or not. "Im really really sorry." That time it was a sniffle and this jerk fucking laughed at you as he was stepping forward again, grabbing your hip in one hand and his cock in the other. He let the length of it slide between your cheeks, teasing there before slipping it lower, past your eagerly awaiting cunt and instead nudging it between your folds and giving slow, shallow thrusts. He could tell that you were sensitive, every nudge of his tip against a clit drawing another gaspy little sound from you, made your thighs tremble against him, urging him to use one of his legs to kick your feet out just a little wider.His body bent over your, caging you to the mattress as his lips found your ear and bit at it. Could hear you better when he was nice and close like this.
"Speak up. What was that?" For once, his voice was the quiet one, taunting and dark against the shell of your ear as he nipped and blew a gust of air. Every shudder, every shiver sent coursing through your spine had another condescending laugh vibrating through his chest and against you back. And in return, you became the loud one.
"Kats, I'm sorry, I'm really really sor-"
It was a scream when he reared his hips back during your pleading, only to slam his cock into you all at once, making you feel like you were going to shatter. No matter how many times you took him, you still felt like he was going to break you in half in the best way possible. He made you want to break into pieces, and right now he was doing just that. Each slam of his hips was calculated. They weren't slow, but they were steady. Each thrust had enough force to make the bed creak. Hard and heavy on the way in, with an easier withdraw, only so he could knock into you again with a sticky slam and get those addictive reactions out of you.
His back had lifted off your chest just enough so he had more of a range of motion, while one arm was keeping him propped up over you, still close enough you could hear him taunt you even over your own needy cries. "Still think I'm the worst?" He challenged, letting his free arm wrap underneath you, trapping your lower stomach and dragging you up onto your tip toes so you could feel the way he squeezed at your body while he wrecked it with his cock.
It made you sob. The earlier orgasm he had torn away from you just aided in making you more sensitive now, and each time you felt every inch of him sheathed inside, it had you seeing stars, your eyes rolling back into your head. You almost didn't answer his question but of course he wasn't going to let that just slide on by and after he growled a warning - 'it's rude to not fucking answer' - you were doing nothing but babbling out whatever he wanted to hear and getting lost in the ecstacy of it all.
"Good." There was a sick sort of delight he got in making you eat your words, watching you cry and slobber, leaving wet marks on the sheets as you answered him so easily now. At least, as easily as you could through your tears and sniffles. His eyes flicked briefly to the phone that was still on the bed but the screen had now gone dark and he couldn't help but goad you on some more. "And who's the best?"
"You! Y-you're the best, you, you, you!"
Whatever you had to say to get him to keep going at this point because if he stopped right now you were going to tear your hair out. He wasn't acting like he was stopping now though. He picked up the pace just a fraction, only so you could focus more on how his hand was beginning to trail between your legs and he was giving direct attention to your clit now, rubbing in small circles as he groaned and reveled in the way your cunt tried to suck the life right out of him.
"Just like that. Better keep screaming my name." And you did. His name left your lips like a chant, like a prayer. Trying to find salvation from the searing heat throbbing through you. Hearing you stroke his ego while practically choking on your words did a number on him. He supposed he could let you cum.... infact....
The added pressure to your sweet spot with his fingers was enough to send you right off the edge. And just like Katsuki your orgasm was was incendiray, fireworks igniting behind your eyes as you screamed out before dropping you head right into the bed. And while he managed to last long enough to ride you out, he was following behind shortly after and painting the inside of your velvet walls with white. Flooding more heat into your already burning up body and drawing another moan up and out of the both of you.
You were so fucking irresistible when you orgasmed that he decided, instead of being mean and not letting you cum, he was going to be extra nice and let you cum a whole lot. He was the best after all, going off the praises you were just shouting for all the neighbors to hear.
And with that thought in mind, he didn't give you much time to recover. Lucky for him he had a hero's stamina because he still had his strength and wits about him. He was pulling out of you, only to pick you up and toss you over his shoulder while you just let out a breathless little squeak, body jerking against him. "K-katsuki?"
You could ask as many questions as you wanted, but he didn't really care. He had already made his mind up on how he wanted to spoil you on your special day. "Well, since you changed your tune and I'm the best and all," he hummed, another spank to your ass leaving it to blossom in a stinging sensation, as he carried you back to your room - bed had more room to roll around in there - "im going to keep this going until you're begging and crying for me to stop. Happy fucking birthday to you."
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
peer pressure and canned beer
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oh? yet, another fic of my self-indulgent boarding school au
A/N; lilly and I came up with this idea when we were sad so it's very angsty and I'm still very set on it so- do not do what wilbur does, maybe don't pick a fight with a drunk guy, and please for the love of god DO NOT KISS YOUR EX ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP okay that's my disclaimer (also maybe communicate w your partner-) ooooh also!! there will be a part 2!! i just have to write it! also a quiet lil ty to everyone that helped me describe canned beer, yall are lifesavers<33
summary; wilbur gets convinced to hang out with some kids on another team. he gets peer pressured a bit, gets drunk, makes a mistake and when he sees you back in the dorm building, he makes a few more
tw// swearing, underage drinking, peer pressure, kissing, undertones of cheating, may is a bitch, some homophobia if you read between the lines
words; 3k
pairings; cc!wilbur x gn!reader
pronouns; none!
Wilbur rarely ever found himself in situations where he would be pressured by his peers into anything. He was a wanderer who enjoyed his quiet time on the edge of situations, a watcher. A hawk--or at least you called him a hawk. He liked to observe, note everyone's behavior. From their body language, to the tone of voice they would use, to how they use words--he noticed it all, and he noted it all as well.
But when it came to people's intentions, he was alot worse at being as aware as he is with other things. It wouldn't be the first time he'd get peer pressured into something without realizing he was being pressured in the first place. He wouldn't be able to tell someone had malicious intent, especially if they held a smile, like most shit people do.
So all in all, when Wilbur told you a group of boys from another team had asked him to hang out with them, you were a smidge worried. Wilbur didn't clarify who these boys were, but he seemed excited when he told you so you smiled and uttered a small "That's awesome, bee!" and told him to go have fun.
This wasn't fun.
Well, it wouldn't be for you.
But for Wilbur? He was being accepted into another group, he was more a part of his peer group, of his school--or this is what he felt. He wasn't sure.
"Come on, William! Loosen up!" One of the boys, by the name of Dan, smirks as he lifts the beer up and towards Wil's direction. He tries to hide the grimace building up on his face as he looks at the beer and decides to take it in his hand. He pops the tab and takes a sip, groaning after he swallows it. Its disgusting, that's what conclusion Wilbur has come to. He can't tell if it tastes like nasty rust water or stale piss. Either way, it's fucking disgusting.
"That's- god, that's gross," Wilbur shakes his head as he grimaces, nearly gagging at the aftertaste and memory of it.
"Cheap bear is gross," Another student in this group speaks, a girl this time. The one Wilbur noticed you always had a distaste for, the one that made you insecure. He feels like he remembers hearing something about this girl, May. Maybe about her liking him? He wasn't sure what but what he was sure of? This girl couldn't like him. Not a chance.
"That's a fucking understatement," Wilbur giggles slightly before hiccuping.
"So, William-" 
"You can just call me Wil, that's fine."
"Okay, Wil- how's it in the loser group?" Yet another student, there's only about five besides Wilbur, but too many for Wilbur's tipsy mind to make note of at once. The boy's name he seems to remember being Sammy, which he feels doesn't fit him. Chad or Brian would fit the bill and he has to hold back giggles at that thought.
"Loser group?" Wilbur asks almost incredulously, eyebrows knitted in a confused expression. 
"Yeah, what's it called- Team Andromeda?" The one with the teacher's pets, those gay kids- everyone knows Andromeda is where the weirdos get placed, y'know?" Something about Sammy's voice started to grind his gears, but his mind was so muddled he couldn't get very angry, so he sighed.
When Sammy mentioned the "gay" kids, it really rattled him. It made his blood boil, he wanted to yell and punch and scream at this kid. But he had to restrain himself, these other guys weren't so bad. 
"I don't think they're that bad, I'm on Andromeda." Wilbur shrugs, looking down at the can he holds, trying to keep himself composed and for the most part--it works.
"Well, you aren't one of them. You don't fit there." May pipes in, a sickeningly sweet smile on her face. If it wasn't for how.. icky the conversation made Wilbur felt, the smile would be soft and sweet in his eyes. But his nauseated stomach at the words that cross his ears, skews his view of the word with green tinted glasses.
"Come on, let's not dwell on those kids-- just drink, have fun! Let loose!" Another kid, Dean, speaks up. He feels a lot less.. venomous. He seems kinder and as if he doesn't hold the same hurtful opinions as the others do.
"Why don't we do truth or dare?" Sammy smirks from behind his beer can, eyes glistening with mischief and the mere look makes Wilbur want to projectile vomit, but maybe that's because he's nearly finished off his own beer. Stale piss water.
Wilbur shrugged as various confirmations of agreements are muttered, a few 'sure's and a couple 'alright's were scattered between. 
"How about…" Sammy eyes the group and when his attention lands on Wilbur, he smirks, "You, Wil- truth or dare?" 
Something sunk into Wilbur's stomach, it felt like all of his internal organs--but it was probably just his heart. This didn't sit right with him, maybe he was being targeted? But his mind was so fogged and swimmy from the alcohol--his beer can was empty and he'd started on a new one. His logic flew out the window long ago.
"Uhm…" Wilbur takes a moment to think or rather, he pauses and looks down, his mind a blank slate without a scratch written. He lifts his head, tilting it to the side for a moment before he slurs confidently, "Dare."
Sammy nods as he eyes Wilbur up and down before he speaks again, much clearer than any words Wilbur could possibly dream to muster, "I dare you…" He trails off as his eyes glance over at May, who was sitting beside Wilbur, "To kiss May."
Wilbur knew it was coming before the words had even been spoken. God, he wished he could erase the entirety of eighth grade from history right about now. He then turned to face May, her cheeks flush pink as she tugs on his sleeve. Everything in his heart was screaming for him to stop, to run away and get as far from this situation that he could. To find you and wrap you in his arms and kiss all over your face and apologize for everything he could've possibly ever done--but his logic is out the window and god-- his body feels like quicksand and he can barely move.
It happens so quickly he doesn't know how it even starts, or who initiated what. But now his lips are on hers and they're kissing and it's much too deep for his liking. He should be kissing you, under lamplight in the dorm, sighs and giggles muffled between lips and mouths. Hands exploring each other innocently and with that sweet spark of love.
Yet instead, here he is with his hand behind May's head, his lips intertwined with hers and her tongue in his mouth. This is horrible, he's decided. He's vowed to never drink again, and never touch lips with anyone but you. But he doesn't stop, he doesn't pull away. He's enticed, he's enraptured by it. Its new, but old. He's kissed her before, not like this of course. But he has kissed May, years ago. This now feels foreign and exciting and new. 
That guilt crawls up him, makes him sick and he finally pulls away. His lips curled in a grimace, when May's curl into a smile. His face has a green tint, and hers has a pink sheet of color. They mirror each other in completely opposite ways. She kissed him because she wanted to.
He kissed her because he felt trapped.
It wasn't more than an hour longer that he hung out with them, it got late and there were enough sightings of leadership staff to scare all of them back to the dorms. Which by enough, was two. And they were leaving work. Either way, Wilbur found his way to the side door of the dorm building. The front is always open but Wilbur felt that it was too obvious and he was much too drunk to risk getting caught so he walked over to the side door, hunkered down and texted you.
wilb&lt;3 2:45am // by sidef dooorr, pls get me
you 2:46am // wtf are u doing there??
you 2:46am // be down in a sec, hang tight
He shut his phone off and tucked it in his pocket after smiling at his messages. He leaned against the outer wall and slunk down to the ground. His mind felt like sludge, his body felt like bags of rocks were weighing him down and the way his eyelids kept slipping shut wasn't helping either.
A moment later and his shoulder was being shook by you, eyes shooting open only to glance at your worried expression. Concern plastered on your face and all your eyes saw was a mess of the boy you loved. Face tinted green with splotches of red, eyes glazed over and somehow-- lip gloss on his lips? Its messy and it looks like-- 
Your heart sinks. He kissed her. Or maybe, she kissed him, he couldn't hurt you like that. Even drunk, he had a heart and logical thinking.
Words weren't spoken as you help him to his feet, practically dragging him to the elevator that no one actually uses but comes in handy now. Your boyfriend's arm slung over your shoulders and his lips messily kissing the side of your hair as his words slur.
"Love you sooo much, baby-" It hurts to hear it, to hear the promises of love as he's so desperately drunk. The elevator is slow so as you hold him beside you, you keep yourself from snapping. Maybe a little prying won't hurt, will it?
"So, what happened?" Your voice is low and soft, a mere whisper as the elevator dings, signifying being on the second floor. Another two to go.
"Mm- Nothin' jus' truth or dare-" He slurs, leaning against you.
"So you didn't kiss May, then?" 
Something flips in him, some sort of mild regulator switch flips and he clears his throat. Now leaning away from you as he looks around the elevator, somehow a bit more sober as he speaks, "And if I did?"
"I'd worry about you. I am worried about you." 
Ding, third floor. Almost there.
"Its not like it matters, so what if I kissed a girl?" He snips, tone sharp and quick as he fully leans off you, standing on his own almost as if he hadn't a drop of alcohol. You knew that wasn't true, and you hoped he was shit faced drunk when it happened. You knew it happened.
"You'd be cheating if you had. It isn't right, okay?" Your voice is so even, clear and regulated. You keep your composure and his only cracks more.
"Just forget about it, nothing happened. Just leave it the fuck alone." He huffs slightly as the elevator dings and the doors slide open, you both step out and you lead him over to the bathroom to help him clean up just a bit.
It didn't last long when he pulled out of your grasp, "Why don't you just leave me alone and stop prying? Jesus- May was right." He mutters the last part as he stares daggers into you, and you move to walk beside him as he finds his way by your dorm room.
"Can you just tell me what the fuck is wrong?" You're breaking, cracking at the seams more and more as every word of his slips past his lips. Enraging you with every syllable.
And now, with his snarl and angered stare, you felt like an afterthought at that moment, and you wondered if that was his goal. Snapping at you, disregarding your concerns and feelings you were bringing to him. Suits you to argue with a drunk guy.
"You're too fucking obsessed with me anyways-- You're always hanging off me like some desperate lost puppy. I swear- It'd be better if you just left me alone." He rolls his eyes as he stumbles into the dorm, despite his louder than proper reaction, no one stirs or makes any noticeable action.
"I'm obsessed with you and she's not?" Your eyebrows knit in confusion as your lips curl into a frown, frustration boiling up inside you, soon to turn to anger.
He leans against the doorframe, rolling his eyes in a dramatic and drunk way as he huffs, "Yes, yes you are. At least she respects my boundaries," He shrugs as he steps back into the dorm and you feel tears prick at your eyes, frozen in place and boiling with anger, the frustration completely gone. Now you're just hurt.
"She manipulated you and forced you to go out with her and her asshole friends! You want to know something? Those guys you just spent two hours with and had so much fucking fun with? Fucking bullied me since middle school!" You step back, so close to walking away but you need this last word, just something to make him realize, "But you wouldn't know that, would you? You're too in your head to know anything about me!" It seems unrelated, and to him it was. But to you, his words were the last straw. You were done.
"Bullied you? I never took you for the delusional kind."
If it was possible, your jaw would be dislocated and on the floor, but instead you drew your lips into a thin line and let the tears ricochet.
"Fine- Y'know what? Go date May instead- get back with her, see what happens, huh?" Your blood boils as you speak through hot tears and you feel regret surging through you as you shut the door for him, turning on your heel and down the hall. It's a night to sneak into your dad's dorm.
He doesn't wake as you carefully creak the door open, tiptoeing in and finding a spot in the chair in the corner. Not caring or bothering with pillows or blankets, it isn't like you'll be getting much sleep.
Your eyes locked on the walls of the dark room, your mind replaying the last ten minutes like a broken record. You couldn't escape it, the guilt, the fear, the hurt. Your tears were silent but they had no plan of stopping as they fell down your face in clumps of salty water. Your throat felt like it was going to shut, sore and aching as you held back sobs. Your heart felt the same, yet instead of being shut off, it ached like it had been ripped into and at this point, it might as well have been. 
Maybe he was right, maybe you were too clingy and 'obsessed' with him. Maybe you did spend too much time around him or too much of your breath speaking about him. All of the maybes ran through your mind like a pack of ants fleeing from the rain. It wouldn't be long until you were full on sobbing and so you did your best to hide your whimpers and breaths of heartache with the sleeves of your sweater--Wilbur's sweater.
You heard a creaking of a bunk, one of the three levels that were in the dorm, you weren't sure which but you still froze in place as a response. You hoped someone was just readjusting but as the lamp beside the bottom bunk clicked on, you realized someone was awake. You knew it was Andy even before you lifted your head to see him. Out of him, your dad and Evan, he was the lightest sleeper. So he'd most likely have been awake since the fight, you knew this but you only hoped that he would turn the other way and ignore it, let you wallow in your heartache.
"Kiddo?" He spoke softly, voice cracking with sleep as he patted the spot beside him on the edge of the bed. You simply eyed his hand, making no move to sit beside him, to get up out of the hole you've fallen into.
He gave you that look, that look only a dad would give you. The one that says "Tell me what's hurting, kid, please?" It's so unspoken, no words being muttered but every meaning and intention still finding it's way into the air and floating around like dust particles--unseen in darkness but when light shines, it's clear as day.
"Wilbur." You mutter it out, voice breaking at the end as another silent sob breaks through and he moves to stand, walking over to you and kneeling in front of you, hands on either side of your legs.
"What did he do?" Andy tilts his head to the side as he looks up at you with worry and concern splattered all over his face.
"He got drunk with those- with May and her friends," You paused as you sucked in a shallow breath, doing your best to calm yourself.
"And?" He prys, but you don't mind. He's just trying to scrape at the layers you've wrapped around your heart and mind, the layers that hide the truth beneath. He's doing a damn good job too.
"He yelled at me, I know he kissed May and- he's so mad at me, Andy. So mad." You know you sound like a broken child, a kid left behind on the playground. You can't help it, it's how you feel. You love Wilbur, you loved him. You gave him your heart and he discarded it in a ditch.
"I heard- I'll set up the trundle, you sleep in my bed, okay? Tomorrow is Saturday so I want you to take some breaths-" He starts instructing you to breathe in deeply and to let it out. He does this with you for a few more seconds until all the tears you have left have dried and you feel a tingling feeling of peace. As much as you can muster. And he smiles, patting your knee and turning around to do as he said he would, setting up the trundle, and then he ushers you over and you settle into the bottom bunk.
"We'll deal with this tomorrow, okay? We'll talk with your dad and Evan, and Cati too. Just rest now, kiddo." He smiles softly before settling into the trundle below and you let your eyes slip shut, welcoming sleep with open arms.
Your last thought before you drifted off, was hope you didn’t have to see Wilbur the next day.
taglist; @ella-fella-bo-bella @sleepyburs @lillylvjy
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cheesus-doodles · 1 year
Hey Cheesus!! Just wanted to say I loved the South post, I absolutely adore seeing brazilian culture getting more recognition, and Y/N making feijoada???? A dream come true for real (also, maybe she would make him brigadeiros as well? It's soooo good and very easy to make, everyone loves it!)
I'd like to know what are your thoughts on how the boys would react if Y/N started making more brazilian foods for them as well, to settle their jealousy!
(Also, about the translation, "meu pequeno anjo" is correct! But, if you want to, you could also use "anjinho", which is a more informal and affectionate way of saying it! "Meu pequeno anjo" can be a mouthfull, so "anjinho" is usually what we use around here!)
Anonymous asked: As a brazilian this is my time to shine!!! us brazilians love to talk about our country, so I just know south would make Coxinha for you and show you some sertanejo songs <3 btw instead of "pequeno anjo" is better if u use "anjinho", both are right it's just that the second way makes more sense :)
asdhasdaj hello from the other side of the world! its mindblowing to me that we all somehow ended up here even though physically we're so far away! glad to here yall liked that fic, here's a little follow-up, it's been a long time coming :) (and thank you for the language tips!) as usual its 5.30am here so i will edit this tomorrow ;-;
Recommended Reading: A Time Long Past; A Friend In Me Chapter 1
The Dawn that A New Day Brings
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They were a little more misshapen than he had initially thought South had to admit, looking back down at the enormous bento box filled with neat rows of coxinha that once more saw the light of day as you ever so gently pried open the lid with small, fragile hands, the too-large box balanced carefully on your tiny lap. The comforting snack he remembered chowing down on back in a simpler time had turned out a lot flatter than what he had originally envisioned and what they really should be - looking much like burger patties instead of its supposed signature teardrop shape. But you didn't seem to even notice the odd, uneven shapes or the slightly burnt surfaces, your stomach letting out an impatient grumble as you excitedly reached out for one, only to pause right before your fingers made contact, turning those adorable doe eyes back up at him. “Are these really for me?”
The giant of a man could only laugh at your eagerness, reaching up to gingerly grind his knuckles into your hair, which earned him a quick swat of your hand and a giggled ‘stop that!’. How someone as kind, as innocent as you could exist alongside monsters, murderers like him was a question South could only wonder about, though no one would find him complaining - you never did like when he referred to himself as anything but your friend. “If you can finish them all anjinho, then yes.”
You smacked him again, this time on his arm, your bright laughter bursting forth from soft lips. “Cheeky! You know what I meant.”
It was one of those rare afternoons that had been marked as empty on your schedule for one reason or another that South couldn’t care about, and the weather despite it being the middle of summer was surprisingly pleasant - there had been a light drizzle earlier in the afternoon that threatened the lunch he had been eagerly awaiting for the past two weeks, though it had cleared up into a cloudless sky. From just round the corner came floating the sounds of chattering and games, though the rest of your schoolmates knew well to keep clear of the secluded, silent backyard no matter how much the extra space would be welcomed; even before the arrival of your latest pet delinquent or so the rumors went, the school yard had always been the territory of gangs. 
But all he could focus on in the moment was you: watching as you struggled to twist your body with the relatively enormous lunch box still balanced on your lap, his hand stabilizing the box as you did, your tongue sticking out the corner of your mouth in concentration as you attempted to grab your school bag from beside him where it was resting on the bench. How he could easily snap your back in two with one hand, crush your delicate wrist as you reached over him - but it was only you who had ever gotten away with so much, with your songbird voice that twinkled like bells when you laughed and lifted his mood. His little angel indeed. 
Finally managing to haul what looked like a bento box out, the lid to your box was carefully open. The intoxicating smell of seafood and coconut instantly burst forth into the open air, the sheer tantalizing aroma catching even South off guard as you revealed the familiar sight of yellow paste topped with shrimp and contrasted with the bright green of fresh cilantro. “Here! I made vatapá the other day for my friends, so I kept some of the paste for you!”
As if on cue, a loud growl called out from the delinquent’s stomach, as it always did when faced with your cooking, though your friend barely flinched in the face of your suppressed giggles - if it had been anyone else, they would have already found themselves at the business end of his fist. But for you, all that happened was your muffled laughter quickly escalating into full-blown laughter when his finger found your sides in precise jabs, his lip quirking up in amusement. “Is it that funny?”
“A-ah, stop that!” Was all you managed to breathe out between your guffaws. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
“That’s what I thought,” South huffed, though there wasn’t a hint of malice in his voice, finally letting up for you to catch your breaths.
“You’re a big meanie, you know that?” But you still offered him the box anyway, which he gladly accepted, quickly digging in without much encouragement. He couldn’t remember feeling this happy since his childhood days; you filled that hole in his heart that fighting could never. 
So why couldn’t he keep you all to himself? Why did he let you get away? And most importantly, why did he let those Tokyo Manji bastards keep taking you away from him?
Lunch passed in relative peace, South wolfing down every bit of shrimp coconut skew and fragrant rice while you giggled at the vigor, gingerly blowing and nibbling on coxinha, the shade of the old tree keeping the sun out of yours and his eyes. And as your lunch break came into a close much quicker than either of you expected, boxes were reluctantly packed away, with the last of the coxinha that you had begged out of polished off by him, the gears in his head still turning as they had for the past week or two, staring at you unblinkingly with those harsh yellow eyes. “Thanks for the wonderful lunch,” you beamed up at him adorably, unafraid, uncaring maybe of his intense look, the brown paper bag you carried everywhere already clutched between your two hands as you made to turn away. “It was good to see you again Minami.”
This was it. This was the last chance he would have in a long time, if not ever - catching someone like you without laying a finger on your tender flesh wouldn’t be difficult, not in the slightest. You were naive, gullible to a fault. An innocent creature by any stretch, but alas your beloved friends that followed you everywhere were not. “Before you go,” he started, and you paused, cocking your head in confusion.
“What’s up?” Ah, those doe eyes, almost shimmering in the sunlight; he couldn’t wait till they were only his to enjoy.
“Nothing much anjinho, but if you have some time I want to show you my new bike.” There was no lie in that, he really did just get his hands on one; you were the sole individual he never felt comfortable lying to. And watching your face light up, it seemed that was the right decision as you quickly agreed without a second thought; taking his offered hand as he gently led you out towards the front of your school.
Baji sighed again, bronze eyes scanning the flood of students flowing back and dispersing into the various classrooms from where he was leaned against outside yours. It was five minutes till your class started, and you still had yet to return from lunch. A highly unusual occurrence in itself, given you were hardly, if ever, late for class. Not with the emphasis you had on your studies or grades or whatever it was he didn’t.
He had been against this from the start, would be what he reminded the rest when this little experiment goes horribly wrong. Leaving you even one lunch free to do as you please without their supervision; it was supposed to be a simple test if you could obey their explicit instructions to you. Stay away from South Terano.
You knew how your Toman friends felt - you knew how Baji felt - about you talking to people outside of them, let alone your engrossment with someone as dangerous and unhinged as South. They were right: you couldn’t be trusted with your own safety. Mikey and Kazutora had been pissed to hell and back that day, and it wasn’t as if Baji could disagree with their conclusion of killing the delinquent and be done with it despite Draken, Mitsuya and Pah’s vehement opposition. He didn’t want to lose you or a slightest bit of your affection. They should be the only ones in your life, with all that you mean to them and they to you, keeping you safe and protected.
Letting out a second sigh, the black-haired boy’s sharp ears didn’t fail to miss what seemed like interesting mumbles drifting out from the crowd, dangerously narrowed eyes quickly zeroing in on one unlucky boy - he recognised this one. A classmate of yours that Baji vaguely remembered kicking the shit out for once passing a tad too close to your desk for comfort. “Hey.” A quick grab and yank, and the unfortunate soul was face-to-face with a ticked-off and visibly irate Toman’s First Division Captain. “Care to repeat what you were saying?” It wasn’t a question.
But in a surprising twist, your classmate didn’t instantly break down into a mess like so many had before, far from it, instead looking Baji up and down with a critical eye. Seemingly having come to a decision, as if making up his mind that dealing with Toman no matter how painful was somehow the lesser of two evils. And out spilled the repeated rumor: you had been seen walking off campus hand in hand with an impossibly tall guy with tattoos that ran down his face, and you hadn’t been seen since.
South. You failed.
And then his phone went off. Mitsuya’s spotted you, and it wasn’t within the school compound.
Letting out a strong curse that had the whistleblower jumping slightly, Baji raced down the empty school corridor.
It was supposed to be a pleasant afternoon; they could vaguely remember the weatherman's earlier forecast of cloudy skies and cool temperatures from a few days' earlier that you had been extremely excited for. Even the dawn that the new day had brought, which they knew you had watched fondly from your small kitchen window like you always did, nursing a hot cup of tea, had been nothing but promising; the pastel pink sky that emerged out of the dark night together with the streaks of morning sun bursting over the horizon never failed to make their day. Yet here they were.
At the roar of the familiar voice, you stopped in your tracks just a block away from the gates to your school, turning around to look with pinched eyebrows. “Mikey?”
And down the road they came, your six Toman friends screeching to a halt just mere meters away from where you were, your hand still delicately gripped within a treacherous larger hand. “Get away from him,” the Toman President ordered, those haunting abyss eyes fixed on South’s yellow ones, white-knuckled fists clenched tightly by his sides, his face black with rage as Draken stepped forward, as if to gesture for you to return to them despite no further movements from him. An insult, a spit to their faces was what this was - the absolute gull of this scum to make his way into the heart of Toman’s territory to try and steal you away from them. And you playing along like it meant nothing; this sheer audacity couldn’t go unpunished. The world fell silent, still, waiting with bated breath.
You glanced hesitantly between your friends, the confusion and uncertainty clear in those doe eyes. What was going, it was clear you weren’t sure - certainly you knew your friends had always been protective of you, but this? This was a bit extreme, was it not? Yet before you could reply, you were instantly pushed behind a much larger figure, South stepping in front of you to grin down at the group in front of him. “Looking for me?”
“Minami’s just trying to-”
“This is kidnapping,” Baji gritted out through his teeth, and you flinched when those sharpened bronze eyes flickered over to you, though that didn’t stop the thoughts from racing through your head. Kidnapping? “You’re taking her against her will.”
You tried once more to explain. “No Baji, he’s trying to-”
“She’s coming with me freely,” South interrupted, the smirk on his face only seeming to grow as curses were instantly spat out at him. He knew what you meant to them, of course he did, having to watch day in and day out from a distance as you lavished your love on ‘your boys’, as you affectionately termed them. No more - your attention was now his.
But there was no doubt this Tokyo Manji Gang would let you go without a fight.
Turning to look at you straight for the first time, Mikey narrowed his eyes, and you gulped. “Come. Here.” You really were in deep trouble this time.
“Okay Mikey,” you whispered, releasing your hand from South’s, taking a step towards the awaiting arms of Draken. You had hoped they wouldn’t be too angry if you kept just the one friend, but unfortunately that didn’t seem to be the case. But unlike the gentle hold that the giant of a delinquent had gripped your hand just seconds ago, you instead found one that refused to release you, South only tightening his grip more and more as you tried in vain to pull away. You whirled around to look back at him. “Minami, let go!”
“Tell them you’re coming with me.” You were going to be his. South never wanted to hurt you in any way, his little anjinho - the last thing he wanted was for you to be scared of him. But if it took intimidating you a little for you to never leave his side, then it was the way things would be. “Tell them.”
“I have to - ow!” His clutch only grew stronger, and you cried out. “Minami, you’re hurting me!”
In that heartbeat, the tension snapped, a blur of black flying to smash straight into one thick tattooed arm lifted straight in time, a flash of blond your only warning to duck as another smudge of yellow and black quickly followed with a punch aimed straight for South’s head.
Releasing you to protect himself, you were instantly yanked out of the way by two pairs of arms, sending you crashing backwards into a strong chest, your unhurt hand instinctively lifting to cradle your quickly bruising wrist, yellow and green marks in the shape of a hand imprinted into your soft skin. “Does it hurt?” Pah mumbled, one careful finger brushing against the area only to hastily retreat when you winced in response. “You need to go to the doctor.”
But your attention was somewhere else, your gaze fixed on your three friends brawling unrestrained. Baji was fast, arm snapping out to hold you back as you attempted a break from Draken. “No, stop it! Don’t fight!”
“You need a doctor,” the black-haired boy tried to convince you, but you were lost to the fight, the sight of Kazutora and Mikey and South out with the intention to kill too much for you to bear.
“Stop!” You cried out. It was all your fault, this mess you dragged everyone into. “Stop it!”
But all that the two Toman founders could hear was the pounding of unbridled jealousy and anger. This lesser animal, this unforgotten bastard trash; he had the audacity to lay a finger on you. Death. All would be resolved in blood. This was a death sentence.
A moment of distraction, and you slipped from Draken. 
The punches and kicks were coming, too fast, too strong to pull back at such a short notice as you came skidding between Mikey and South. Both fists slammed straight into you at full strength, wide eyes meeting yours for a single breath.
The world breathed. A loud bang, the sound of flesh hitting flesh as you disappeared from their view, and all they could hear was a painful wheeze followed by a thud. Your unmoving body kneeling over from where you had slammed against the crusted wall of an apartment block, falling face down onto the concrete. 
And then chaos, the wail of your name raising the hair on the back of their necks as Kazutora rushed over to you, followed by a stampede of the other Toman’s founders hurtling over to you. What had they done? No, it couldn’t be them - they would never hurt you. What had South done? 
“You- you hit her,” Mikey swallowed, the rage behind those empty eyes that diminished for a moment instantly reigniting, burning stronger than ever. “You hit her.”
“It was you,” South retorted, a similar anger that lit his own pair meeting Mikey’s. “I would never.” But his words fell on deaf ears, and the temperature seemed to drop. A blink, and the behemoth of a delinquent had just barely enough time to catch the roundhouse kick blasted at his neck, though the impact was enough to push him back. 
“I’ll kill you. I’ll fucking kill you.” A threat - no, a promise - whispered, the Tokyo Manji Gang’s president’s shadow seeming to grow with every repeat. 
“She’s still breathing,” Mitsuya let out a shaky breath, those few words somehow breaking through the cacophony of cries as Kazutora had to be wrestled away from shaking you any further, Baji already on the phone with what seemed like emergency services.
Draken turned his gaze to Mikey. "Snap out of it, Mikey! She's unconscious!" This wasn’t the time for a fight, especially not with the piercing screech of police sirens in the near distance. You needed all of them if you were going to pull through.
“Get her to the hospital,” came the order, the other not once turning his back on the visibly enraged South to spare you a glance as both lowered into fighting stances. “I’m finishing this.”
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Yk, I dont like angst, and I so do not like cheating fics. I agree with u, it could be triggering for me as well. (I read it anw still bc I like hurting myself) But i really love how you ended all of it. Never once did the reader forgave and took Bucky back. Love it.
If I may suggest, (solely for my petty ass self’s satisfaction) something for boundaries bucket and Sharon.
Like the group intentionally planned on going somewhere (just overnight) and excluded Bucky (a vacay, a celebration). Thats just the start tho. Bc y/n decided to invite Sharon to accompany bucket while theyre gone. And all of these info were given to bucket right before they left. Something like:
B: hey where are we going tonight?
Y/N: oh well, its (insert event) and WE *literally pointing at the group and excluding bucket* will be gone until tomorrow.
B: bu-
Y/N or nat idk hehe: and since we care sooo much abt you getting lonely here, we decided to invite Sharon over, so she could entertain you, keep you company, yk? You seem to like her presence so much anw.
B: no. I do not want her in anyway at all. I dont need her here. Just send her home.
Steve(?) maybe: oh do you not like the idea of us knowing? You guys would like to interact with the idea that you guys are hiding? You like the thrill?
Y/N(?) maybe: well, easy, maybe just forget and pretend that we dont know!
set it up like this in your head Sergeant Barnes, we told you we would be gone overnight, you decided this is the perfect time to go behind our backs again since yall badly miss and need e/o, so u invited her here, and bam! There ya go. You got the whole scenario set up.
Steve (?): I heard she misses you, you must miss her a lot, no?
B: no. No I do not want anything involving her, never needed nor missed her. If she goes here….
IDK SOMETHING LIKE THAT (it doesnt have to be exactly the way the convo went). I just love the idea of them always excluding bucket out unless necessary to include him, then pushing it in his face that he chose Sharon’s pussy over everything else, so he must live with it. Also Sharon may have liked bucky but all she would get from bucky after that incident is a glare of disgust. She kept throwing herself at bucky but in the end bucket avoided her like plague, even said he hates her more than hydra.
(Idk maybe im petty? Maybe I do not let go easily? Maybe im putting the blame too much on Bucket, but I just want them to suffer sooo much, emotionally.)
But this is just a scene? I think? Its your choice what plot, how it starts or ends, whatsoever, I trust ur creative and beautiful mind 💙
I'm sorry this took for fucking ever to get to, I hope this is sort of how you imagined it.
Months later after the incident:
Bucky looked at the pile of bags by the door, confused since he hadn't been told about any missions and it was rare the group went anywhere together. You sauntered in with a tiny sundress, adding a few last minute items to your bag, ignoring Bucky as he looked at you longingly. He still loved you. So much.
It was one thing to lose you if things simply didn't work out; the way he lost you was so much worse. He clenched his fists, trying to calm himself down before speaking.
"What's with all the bags...?"
You turned around, smiling at him sweetly, the smile he missed so much. The smile you only genuinely gave
"Well, WE are going to Clint's cabin for the weekend"
"Surprised no one told you, after all I even invited Sharon just to keep you company"
You shrugged at his hurt expression, continuing to arrange your bag. Bucky's jaw clenched, he'd ignored Sharon’s mass of calls and texts, surely 50 of them must have been regarding this trip but he never bothered checking.
“I- I don’t even want her, just send her home, or uninvite her, I never even liked her, she-
“She was wrapped around your dick” You snorted while Steve came to start putting things in the Jet. 
“Go easy on him y/n, maybe they just like the excitement of sneaking around and and fucking each other behind peoples backs. Honestly, if that’s what gets you off, we’re more than happy to pretend we don’t see you” 
You nearly cackled while Steve threw a few bags over his shoulder, not bothering to look at Bucky who was most likely about to cry. 
“Just pretend we don’t even know! I’ll even lay it out for you, picture this. We just told you we were taking a quick trip out of state and since you’re star crossed lovers, who just desperately miss and need each other so badly, you decided to take a romantic getaway here while we were all gone. I’m pretty sure Tony made some upgrades to the cabin, the walls are probably sound proof” 
“Y/n, please...” Bucky looked at you with pleading eyes, this was so much worse than any pain he’d experienced before. “I don’t like her, I still love you” 
You ignored him, zipping up your luggage while Nat walked by smirking. 
“Hmmm I heard she misses you” She sassed, rolling her eyes seeing Sharon making her way down the elevator. “You must miss her too, right? You guys had some real chemistry” 
Bucky remained silent, watching you while his heart continued to break. You were supposed to be his girl. It was supposed to be you. The girl he married, the girl he had a family with, the girl who he grew old with. 
He hated it. He hated himself. He had 100 choices he could have made every single time he had slipped up. It was bad enough it happened more than once. He betrayed you. He betrayed Steve. He couldn’t even look at himself in the mirror, feeling pure disgust and guilt with himself.  
Did he fuck up royally? Yes. 
Did he genuinely love you? Also...yes. And he always would. This wasn’t something he was ever going to move on from.
“Baby...” Bucky’s voice cracked as you shook your head, walking away. He’d times as many times as he could, begging and pleading. He knew the damage was done. He knew you’d never come back to him, even though he was going to wait for you for the rest of his life. 
“Bucky!” Sharon smiled, making her way towards him. Bucky felt bile rise in his throat, it didn’t matter how many times he told her he was done, she continued to throw herself at him. “You didn’t reply to my message. Everyone’s going to the cabin”
“Don’t you feel an ounce of guilt?” Bucky growled, staring at her packed bags in disbelief. 
“For what?” She snorted, shrugging nonchalantly, her eyes trailing up and down his body. 
“Sharon, I- never mind.  I can’t make this any clearer, I’m not interested” 
Bucky tried to shove past her to go back to his room while she ran after him, grabbing his arm. 
“But it’ll be so much fun! We’ll even get our own room” She whispered by his ear and Bucky could feel his blood boil. He yanked his arm out of her grasp, nearly knocking her off balance. “Don’t you like me-
“WILL YOU FUCK OFF?! PLEASE?!” Bucky took a few steps back, his patience reaching his limit. “I NEVER FUCKING LIKED YOU” 
Sharon gaped, staring at him like a fish out of water. Nothing pissed her off more than the fact that Bucky still liked you, 
“Why the fuck do you still like her?! Have you seen her? You can do so much better- 
Bucky ran a hand over his face, taking a few deep breaths that did nothing to calm him down but he didn’t want to do something he’d regret. He’d already done enough of that. 
“Fuck off. FUCK OFF I lost my girl because of a stupid fucking choice I made, I’ll deal with those consequences now, but that doesn’t mean I want you. I never wanted you. We fucked. That’s it. I loved her and I STILL love her” 
“You-You can’t do this to me, 
“Sharon, in all fucking honesty, Hydra wasn’t as awful as you” 
Sharon scoffed, tears streaking her face as she threw her bag to the floor before going back to her room. 
“Shall we go, pretty lady?” You squealed as Thor effortlessly swept you off your feet from behind, carrying you to the jet. (Or some other character if Thor isn’t your cup of tea, pick through your roster of choices) 
“You don’t have to carry me” You giggled, throwing your arms around his neck, snuggling into his hold.
“And let my princess walk while carrying these bags all day?” He gasped, before kissing your nose. “Absolutely not” 
Bucky watched you leave in his arms, your eyes twinkling, your laugh echoing down the hall. He broke a hole in the wall. Then another. Even after utterly destroying his room, he felt nothing. No sense of relief. You were gone. You were not coming back. 
The nightmare he brought on himself would never end. 
(and then it was all a dream, and he woke up from the nightmare and you were snuggled by his side and he proposed to you the next day and you got married and Steve was the best man and then you had lots of sex and had lots and lots of babies and grew old together the end im never writing about this godawful au again) 
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Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyes @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchy-whore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale​ @littlemarvelmenfan​ @buggy14​ @whimsyplaty92​ @sergntbarnes​ @inkedaztec​ @pono-pura-vida​ @moonlightreader649​ @brooklynscherry-z​  @elle14-blog1​ @littlelightnings​ @psychomanniac-blog​ @happyt0exist​ @emmabarnes​ @bethyruth​   @matchat3a​ @cjand10​ @getwellsoontana​ @cherryschaos​ @lokisasgardianvampirequeen​   @ashenc-blog​   @buckybarnessimpp​  @potatothots​ @goldylions​   @high-functioning-lokipath​  @morganemorgane​ @peaches1958​ @kingfleury
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oneweirdbookaddict · 8 months
Whumptober day ten!
This one's much less whumpy to apologize for all the angst that yall have read and still have yet to read.
Anyway Wars has a therapy session that's it thats the fic
932 words
No warnings, let me know if that should change!
He’s laying in bed. 
For some reason… that feels odd. Hadn’t he… where…? 
“Link? Are you awake?” 
He rubs his eyes, frowning. “Zelda?” 
A small laugh, a rare sound from her. She sits at the edge of the bed, hand lingering on his arm. 
“Tired, still, Captain?” She teases, and he smiles. She’s in a good mood- a really good mood. 
“Yeah. I guess… things have been rough lately.” 
“Tell me about it.” She offers, her eyes finding him. He sits up. 
“I was- am? Was? On this quest… hunting a shadow with heros from different ages. It injured one of the- one of my friends. Badly.” He says quietly, looking away. 
“Think it through, Captain. Short term?” 
“He’s doing much better now.” 
“Long term?” 
“There’s some sort of… infection. A darkness. A… we don’t even know what. We have no idea what it is, how it will effect him, how to stop it should we need to… we don’t even know what we’re up against, much less how to defeat it, or… or what it’s goal is, or where it came from. We know nothing- it’s frustrating. People I care about are in danger and-” 
He cuts off, looking away. 
“How do you find your answers, Link?” Zelda says softly, her hand brushing his shoulder. 
“I don’t know.” He sighs. 
She laughs. “You’re smarter than that, Link. How do you find the answers you want?” 
He sighs again, closing his eyes. “Start with the things you already know and go from there.” “What’s the easiest thing to find out?” Zelda asks, and he opens his eyes to look at her. 
“Depends on our resources. If we have access to good records… we could probably find out what it wants. Or at least where it came from. But we’d have to be in the right time period, the right town, there’s a lot of things it depends on…” 
“Ok, then don’t focus on that. What do you need to know?” 
“How to defeat it.” 
She gives a small smile. 
He can’t help but to smile, too. 
“We’ll figure it out,” He sighs finally. “I just… have a lot on my mind. Thanks for your help.” 
“Can’t you see you’re lost without me?” She teases, and he laughs. 
Shifts his hand to take hers. “Always have been.” 
She rolls her eyes, but smiles. 
Something in his expression catches. 
“Talk to me, Link.” She says softly. 
He takes a moment to steady himself. 
“I just… feel so paralyzed. Stranded. Like I can’t do anything but watch as my friends get hurt, as we go up against this threat and have no idea what’s coming for us, what the threat is… I need to figure it out. Someone else is going to get hurt. I can stop that from happening if I could just- find the answers, stop this before it starts. Like a game of chess, Zelda, I need to see five moves ahead but I’m seven moves behind and outnumbered and my king is in check.” 
“Link, it’s not all your responsibility. There’s several of you- talk it through with them. The goddess brought you all together as a team for a reason. It’s going to take all of you to figure this out. You don’t have to see five moves ahead- just see the possibilities. As events unfold, you figure out which ones happened and why.” “This isn’t war, Zelda.” 
The princess smiles. “No, Link, it’s not. And that’s why you’re struggling so much.” 
He falters at that, blinking stupidly at her. 
Then groans, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “I’ve been thinking of this like battle strategies.” 
She nods, giving a small, slightly sympathetic smile. 
“We’re not at war… so I can’t think… ugh. I’m a moron.” 
“No, it’s just what you’re used to.” She says. 
“I feel dumb.”
“We don’t just make any fool a military captain, Link.” 
He laughs at that, shaking his head. “Oh, please, I was a complete idiot when I was made a captain at first.” 
“As much as you believe you were, you weren’t. You made mistakes, yes, but that doesn’t make you a fool. We all made our mistakes during the war. We grew and moved past them.” 
He nods, looking away. 
Then- “I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long.” 
She raises an eyebrow. “Feeling particularly guilty tonight, are you?”
He sighs, laying back again. “I don’t know why everything is hitting me so hard right now. I mean… how long have I been gone? After I said I wouldn’t leave again…” 
“I know, I know, I’m being stupid again.” He groans. She gives a small laugh. 
“It’s coming up, isn’t it? The day the war started?” 
She nods. 
Ah. That explains it. 
“Hmm. We’ve tried talking, we’ve tried distracting… you know what I do when I feel this way?” She asks, her fingers lacing through his. 
He opens her eyes to look at her, shaking his head. 
Her hand brushes gently over his cheek. “I try waking up.” 
He snaps awake, sitting up quickly, gaze darting around to find Wind, Sky, Four, Hyrule, Legend, Wild, Twi, Time… 
He shakes his head, rubbing his eyes. 
“You alright, Captain?” The old man asks, voice gentle. 
He nods as he walks over to the fire, fighting back a laugh. 
“I… just had the weirdest dream.” He explains halfheartedly, pulling out his journal.
Dear Zelda, he writes, unable to help the little laugh that escapes him. 
When he starts dreaming about having a therapy session… well, it’s a sure sign he needs one.
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moonystoast1971 · 1 year
so i saw a "hot take" it was the coldest shit ever like girlie my fridge is broken rn pls bring ur opinions this way
basically they were mad that the marauders fandom now has more characters in it (the characters they named: pandora dorcas evan barty) and that it was now less about james sirius and remus but more about "ocs" and want to bring it back to the early 2000s
TW!!!!!!!!!!: talks about racisim, colourism, sexual harrassment, homophobia, fat phobia, lesbophobia, general toxicisity, sexism, shitty beauty standards
lets evaluate ur early 2000s:
-two ships only ever written about and they were both toxic: jily and wolfstar lets talk about that for a second: Jily was only ever written in a way that was litterally sexual harrassment! you had james sexually harrassing lily every five minutes but called it romantic. you had this girl subjected to years of humiliation and sexual harrassment - THAT STARTED AT AGE 11 AND WENT ALL THE WAY TO AGE 17! like u were telling us how cute it was to be pressured into romance. THE LOVELYYYYYY EARLY 2000S <333333333 next we have wolfstar which was litterally gays for straight ppl, remus was ur tortured little broken boy who treated sirius like literal shit- this man treated sirius as if he was an annoying ass burden, he could never do anything good, he was always treated as if his presence was killing remus. but its fine they were aestheticly pleasing and the straight girls loved to read about them. sirius and remus were ur trauma porn gays written for straights. lily and james were ur sexual harrassment turned love affair romance for the toxic love girlies.
-all ur characters were white: james occasionally got to be desi but that was fucking rare, all ur characters were skinny white ppl. if james was written as desi itd be one quick "cholatey skin" (seriously why were you out here describing his skin as food???????? none of the 4385853959 billion white ppl got that treatment) dorcas and mary eventually got thrown in but of course OF FUCKING COURSE ya'll still had mary as miss lily collins miss emily from paris and dorcas as light skin when she was dark skinned (your colourisms showing babes - dark skin girls are beautiful, don't forget that) but no yall had her as miss zoe kravits well knowing she was dark skin
-your over glorification of male characters and complete ignorance to the female characters:
Tell me why james sirius remus and snape (never peter) all got these in depth stories, all got to have feelings that got explained, lives that had meaning but lily evans was a pawn in her own love story? was used as a plot device? as personal growth for not one BUT TWO MEN she wasn't a person to ya'll she was james and snapes character development. mary and dorcas got added in and were given the personality of fucking sticks on the ground. you treated these women as if they were plot points to further the lives of men AND NOW UR COMPLAINING WE'VE GIVEN THEM PROPER PERSONALITIES?????? my brothers in christ ur sexism is showing, better cover up.
-UR TOXIC ASS BODY STANDARDS (oml this one drives me up the fucking wall):
you will be genuinely SHOCKED how many early 2000s marauders fics i've read where the second its revealed peter betrayed them he's being called fat and ugly and horrible names about his weight. james remus and sirius were these perfect little pretty boys who were basically described as gods while peter was described as ugly and surprisingly (no it fucking wasnt surprising in the slightest) fat THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH PLUS SIZE BODIES so why was that how you described him? always just "fat and ugly" what the fuck? STOP DEMONISING PLUS SIZE BODIES
-ur antisemitism: Snape was ur bad guy, so of course your "amazing" writing "talents" had to talk about how ugly he was but snape wasn't plus sized so ya'll couldn't call him fat, OH BUT LOOK GUYS HE STILL HAS A BODY PART WE CAN INSULT TO MAKE THE MARAUDERS LOOK EVEN BETTER THAN HIM!!!!!!! HIS NOSE!!!!!!! sitting here writing fucking paragraphs describing this man and always going back to his "big ugly nose" "ginormous nose" u may not like it but ur an antisemitic. you're talking about a jewish mans nose and describing it in ways to make it sound hideous JUST TO GLORIFY UR BORING ASS WHITE MEN! why was his nose the marauders favourite insult?
-ur general homophobia:
those were ur only queer characters. james was straight, peter was straight (tho some of yall mfs [2000s remadora shippers] were out here making peter the only queer character so it just worked so well when he was ur bad guy) snape was straight, lily was straight (not that it mattered bc the girl barely had a personality) the fandom was just a bunch of overly glorified straight assholes with their two gay friends who hold hands to make the straight girls horny. eventually marlene and dorcas were thrown in to apease the lesbians but all they did was come by holding hands and say hi to ur precious white men and never speak again
female characters are actually treated like important characters NOT JUST PLOT DEVICES (wow who knew that was something we could do 😲😲😲)
queer characters are written properly they aren't just jerk off material for straight girls
the characters arent just fucking white men and when they arent white their culture is actually fucking mentioned it isnt just a throw in to appease ppl
the characters just have more fucking personality tbh
body types are celebrated not demonised
there are so many different ships which allows representation for so many different people
redemption for characters that were literal children in that war (these kids were raised in households brainwashed and abused to fight in a war they were too young to even understand properly)
honestly our stories r just fucking better
now last thing i wanna talk about is the added characters and the redemptions for certain characters: literally all i want to say is if u dont fucking like seeing other characters being given roles in it DONT PRESS THE FANFICS WITH THEIR NAMES TAGGED theres this special button in ao3 which allows u to exclude certain things - exclude their names if ur small brain cant see that these were literal children who were being manipulated into their ways and if ur tiny little brain cant handle so many names
please feel free to agrue with me in the comments babes id love to hear ur shitty ass old ass out dated ass opinions <33333
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flowerflamestars · 4 months
Hey! So I went to check your bookmarks and alas you have none, but what are the chances you would still have Jason Todd fic/author recommendations? Assuming I've read none. Or just any favorite Batman fics?
I'm getting a little overwhelmed with all the different fandom tags and timelines 😅
So, as someone who is also relatively new-ish to the Batman fandom but binged A LOT of content early on, my best advice is going to be to find your own vibe.
I've been on tumblr since 2012 and wandered through a ton of fandoms- and yet? Batman has bowled me over with it's sheer....in fighting? (This is obviously not like. Voltron-level stuff. Do yall remember tumblr when Voltron was raging?) People are SO SURE their thing is The Correct Thing. Despite the fact that there are a near endless amount of canon permutations. SO MUCH ship discourse, babe.
So, of course, I have many recs, mostly from ships people get mad about.
A good Jason character intro: Give Thanks to Broken Bones by thepartyresponsible. a VERY GOOD Jason, but one the other hand, technically an Avengers fic. Highly readable, maybe doesn't 100% land the ending, but an extremely good mix of the two worlds.
My favorite Bruce Wayne: Masking by BombusBombus. As much a loving meditation on neurodivergence as it is a a love story, Superbat at their most husbands. (teen baby Jason running around, being lied to by Bruce about why his dad is just. staring at pictures of Superman's hands.)
Smut: make me (say your name) by Naheka. Dick/Jason, character study wrapped around smut that is just. SO in character. Not wildly explicit, but earning the rating.
Fluff (not vigilantes au): no ordinary by SPQR. Dick/Jason. They're teenagers at boarding school and it so SO perfectly captures that hazy late teen longing AND Jason's bone deep direness about all kinds of love. I'd read 8x more words of this.
Further fluff: a blue curtain is a damn blue curtain by heartslogos. I have no idea if Jason canonically knows the language of flowers, but it pops up a surprising amount? And frankly, feels right. Short, sweet, disaster vibes. Heartslogos has literal hundreds of fics, I haven't shifted through them all, but it seems like a good mix of gen and romance.
Bats being messy as all hell: Strings Attached by FabulaRasa. I love love love what a (justified) bitch Jason is in this one. Primarily a Bruce Wayne/Hal Jordan story, but the background Jason/Dick absolutely got me. Everyone's an adult and everyones being characteristically fucked up. Trigger warning for some messy internalized homophobia stuff being worked through. A lot of stuff about Bruce and Jason just...loving and hating each other.
Casefic that works as a romance with fun Adult elements: do you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby by sister. A rare gem in terms of everyone found familying about while not acting like that's a restrictive container. Jason/Tim. Plot important booty shorts. Easily the most realistic/best Stephanie Brown I've come across. Obsessed with the little snaps of Jason's vulnerability we get in this one.
I'm definitely forgetting or leaving out some fun ones, but this is a start! Happy reading :)
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sugoi-writes · 2 months
FUCK. I WROTE PART NINE AND HAD IT ALL READY TO GO AND THEN MY KID GOT HER HANDS ON MY PHONE AND CLOSED THE APP. THANK LUCIFER I HAD THE FIRST HALF SAVED AS A DRAFT BUT STILL. OTL sending this separate because I was paranoid she'd do it again and I would have to write the second part a third time 😭 also realizing I forgot to put my sig at the bottom of Pt.9
..... Annnnd of course, after pressing send I remember that I forgot to rewrite the part where reader chokes Alastor when they cum. just shoot me holy motherfucking shit
At some point I'mma just make these into a full blown PWP fic. It seems like they get longer with each installment 🤣 (I'm sorry btw, I always feel kinda bad whenever I leave long messages in anyone's inbox 😫
It's a fitting pet name Hunny Pun! You're the queen of puns and you're so so SO sweet like a Honey Bun! is that icing or Alastor's jizz on you??? ... im so sorry i'll see myself out again 😭 CAN'T FIND AND KISS ME IF I FIND AND KISS YOU FIRST BABES~! ❤️❤️❤️
I can't hold on to my anonymity anymore guys so I'mma be making Pt.10 my reveal post~ it's killing me that I can't leave rabid fangirl messages on your works like you all do here for me! I really did wanna wait until I got the Smutmus Holy Trinity complete or at least in the revision stages but just- GAH! I NEED YALL TO KNOW HOW AMAZING I THINK YOU ARE. Beautiful beautiful minds, inside and out i can't even-!
Seriously though, I can't even begin to express how grateful and happy I am to have met any of you! And there are no words in the English dictionary (or any at all really) that I could use to describe what I feel about how accepting and supportive you've been! I could NEVER thank yall enough for helping me to find the joy in writing again. I love all three of you so much and I'm honored to call you friends!! 🥺🥰💋
- ☄️❤️ Smut Santa
False Alarm for the Next Part!! And honestly, thank God, the vibe is still not charged HAH--
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry that happened to you!! I had a similar experience when writing my part 2 to my Nun! Alastor fic. Fun fact: had to re-write it 5 times because I kept forgetting to save it. ;;_;; hhhh my baby fever is so bad I'm crying, but man, KIDS! What a little stinker 🥹❤️
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Also, my ask box is usually super empty? Like, you could LICK the floor with how neat and empty it is? I LOVE messages? Even better if they long like Alastor's girthy fucking co--
We--We were- when we??? ALASTOR GETS--??? MY HANDS AROUND HIS???
*Danny.Exe has experienced an Error*
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☄️❤️Anon... babycakes. At this rate I'm gonna do more than fucking kiss you. I think we're past that now. And if you keep calling me 'Hunny Pun', or similar pet names, I'm just gonna jump your bones--
Hug you!!!! I meant hug you!!!
GUYS CODE TREAT, CODE TREAT, THE ANON VEIL IS DROPPING!!! ITS DROPPING DHDHDJDHDJ-- You will never gain a mutual as fast as you will then I SWEAR
☄️❤️!!! Smut Santaaaaa! 🥹😭❤️ Your mind is a beautiful, smutty, enchanting place!!! Knowing that you've been religiously cranking this out, while also having a kiddo... Seriously, how do you do it??? If anyone deserves the praise rn, 🎵it's you??? It's you, ITS ALWAYS YOU!!🎵 ❤️❤️❤️
Don't push yourself too hard! Please? ❤️ I will treasure these rare, scrumptious little treats for as long as I have brain cells left ❤️ I will call you friend until you tell me to quit or I lose my voice for good. And even then, my lips will keep moving and repeating the same thing until I'm blue in the face. ❤️❤️❤️ you are such a sweet, sweet, soul, and I can feel your vibes, and they are so wholesome! I can't wait to meet the person or sexual fiend behind it all! I feel like I speak for us all, and not just the main 3, but EVERYONE: everyone who has read your posts love you to bits. And they love your work to bits. Best believe when you publish your first work, we'll be there. En masse. And we will be EAGERLY returning the love you surprised us with.
Thank you for all that you do. On this post in particular, you deserve a foot rub, a forehead kiss, and a hug that lifts and spins you off your feet! 💗💗💗
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Have a blissful, best of days you can have, dear! You deserve it! 💗
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