#gymnastics disciplines
zankalony · 1 year
A Dive into Olympic Excitement: My Love for Watching Diving and Other Thrilling Olympic Sports
Discover the captivating world of Olympic sports as we explore the exhilarating experience of watching diving and other captivating competitions. Introduction The Olympics are a global spectacle, bringing people from all walks of life together to celebrate the spirit of competition, athleticism, and international camaraderie. With a vast array of sports to choose from, each person has their own…
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mewtwo24 · 29 days
You know idk if it's just me being oblivious af but mxtx sure does enjoy putting her protags through the trolley problem when it comes to her works huh /j
#mdzs#mxtx#i say this not to be critical but because she really does prove how time and again#people want a scapegoat and an easy target to blame#and so much of her work is abt proving how faulty these philosophical absolutes are--nothing is that simple.#literally the arguments made to put everything on wwx (at least for now) appear to be faulty at best#i mean sure sometimes he puts his foot in his mouth but like ;;;;;;;; the kid is just doing his best wtf#everyone out here like WWX IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU except for lwj and i'm just like#1. hes literally like 16 yrs old or smth#2. whether or not he stepped in during the cave scene was kind of a non-question??????#the wens were so clearly going to engage in egregeious violence regardless of the rationalizations that came after#pointing fingers is legitimately pointless and fallacious logic#if mianmian wasnt targeted theres really no guarantee smth similar wouldnt have happened#furthermore working tg and refusing to play by wens' rules was p much the only feasible option#lwj was young and afraid and had lost so much but he still had enough clarity to insist on working tg#i also really love what he said abt suffering bc its just true.#the way he claps back to his uncle by saying that nobody would be spared violence and atrocity#the only choice they had was to try to band tg and mitigate the dmg--basically 'war is hell'#i find it such a stark and lovely contrast to the common perception of others abt him#that lwj stands alone and thinks of no one else; quite the contrary#he's v self-contained and v disciplined but he's not indifferent to suffering or apathetic#i think so much of the natural love that blooms between wwx and lwj is rooted in their mutual desire to do good#wwx wants to help--he loves to see people smile. he would do anything to protect the ppl he loves#lwj is honestly the same--he's just more abt structure and stability#wwx is more spontaneous and more attuned to the people around him#im a little shocked that people werent able to tell lwj was just as obsessed with him#just bc wwx is loud and mischievous about his interest doesnt really???? to me mask the ways lwj is so responsive. also i ????????#still don't understand the mental gymnastics of madame jiang insisting it was all wwx's fault when she literally targeted wen's mistress ->#in retaliation???????????????? all this 'pick your battles what the fuck is wrong with you wwx' and she goes and instigates their wrath??#i mean idk fellas i was just sitting there like 'you could have handled this so many ways and you picked the TNT option. wat.'
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cilil · 9 months
Since Melkor is a being of extremes, I like to imagine that he's just... generally all over the place sometimes. For example his ego is really fragile and he tries to get constant validation and gets whiny at the slightest inconvenience, but then Mairon is like "you're annoying, go away" and instead of getting mad Melkor is just like "😍😍😍 I love you and yeah I'm awesome"
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gefiltefished · 2 months
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desperatecheesecubes · 8 months
The acrobatic gymnastics European championships are currently happening and it’s making me so sad I can’t draw because every picture is the exact kind of shit Dick would wrangle all the other bat kids into
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I mean tell me this wouldn’t work great as the batboys trying desperately to impress Bruce
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ssaalexblake · 7 months
DMT as a sporting event is Terrifying just to watch and I cannot imagine doing that without dying
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gracefully33 · 4 months
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🛸Mars In Signs/Houses🛸
Mars represents ambition, desire, action, courage, competition, sports/athletics, confidence, and more.
* Can’t include examples for all because there’s a picture limit
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Mars in Aries/1H:
| You could do weight lifting, track, more. You could have a desire to improve yourself and you could practice in a lot of sport competitions. You could be extremely confident in yourself like when it comes to your looks, believing in yourself in general, and more.
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Mars in Taurus/2H:
| You could have the desire to save, store, increase your finances, and more. You could do beauty competitions due to Taurus being ruled by Venus. You could be confident in your beauty, money, and more.
Mars in Gemini/3H:
| People could make you angry by gossiping and talking about you behind your back. You could do k-12 academic, social media, writing competitions, and more. You could very confident in your social media, writing, k-12 education, communication, speaking, your siblings, and more. You could take action by communicating with others and more.
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Mars in Cancer/4H:
| You could do a lot of family, house building, self care competitions, and more. You could have ambition when you have your family backing you, a steady foundation, and more. You could have tons of confidence in your home, family, and more.
Mars in Leo/5H:
| You could have tons of confidence in your creativity like acting, dancing, and more. You could participate in a lot of dancing, acting, and singing competitions. You could take action through your creative abilities, confidence, and more. You could have the desire to improve your artistic abilities, have more fun, date for fun, and more.
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Mars in Virgo/6H:
| You could do a lot of fitness and weight lifting competitions. You can gain ambition by working out, taking care of yourself, staying consistent to your daily routine, and more. Probably have the desire to improve your daily life, consistency, health, and more. People could make you mad by being judgmental, not be humble, unreliable, and more.
Mars in Libra/7H:
| You could have done beauty pageants or other beauty competitions. You probably have a lot of confidence in your beauty, fashions, relationships, and more. You could take action through your partnerships or collaborating with people. You could probably do gymnastics, because gymnastics includes balancing and Libra represents balance, etc.
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Mars in Scorpio/8H:
| You could be lustful because Scorpio represents sex appeal and more. You could have a lot of confidence in your inherited finances, in your witchcraft, sexuality, investments, and more. People could make you mad by messing your investments and interfering with the money others give you. You could have the desire to build generational wealth and more.
Mars in Sagittarius/9H:
| You could probably participate in foreign sports or do sports overseas. You could have the desire to travel, learn about different cultures, expand your philosophy, and more. You could be very competitive, because Sagittarius rules expansions and mars can represent competition. You could become angry when others insult your philosophies, religion, knowledge, and more.
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Mars in Capricorn/10H:
| You could have the desire to achieve your dream career, accomplishments, build your legacy, etc. You could tons of confidence in your career, work ethic, self discipline, public image, and more. You might be very competitive when it comes to your career and you take your career extremely serious, etc.
Mars in Aquarius/11H:
| You and your friends could probably do a lot of competitions. You could be very ambitious when it comes to your humanitarian work, your friend group, hopes and wishes, manifestations, and more. Your friends, your desires, dreams, social group, and more could give you confidence. People could make you angry by taking your ideas, being unoriginal, not being independent, and more.
Mars in Pisces/12H:
| You could participate in swimming competitions, or anything related to water because Pisces is a water sign. You could have the desire to improve your spirituality, glamour, creativity, and more. You could have confidence in your intuition, hypnotic abilities, delusions, and more.
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babygorewhore · 10 days
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Frat!Rafe Cameron x sporty! fem reader!
As Kiara’s older sister, gifted athlete and now college student, you never had time for dating. Or time to acknowledge your secret crush on Rafe Cameron. But when your eighteen year old little sister visits, she pushes you to attend one of his parties.
W.C. 2.4k. I was requested by anon for inexperienced!reader! And size kink! I hope you enjoy!! I lowkey wanna burn this lol
Warnings! I am NOT an athlete by any means so this is very vague lol. Size kink! Inexperienced reader! Manhandling, slapping kink! (Rafe likes to be slapped) degrading, praise, oral! Fem receiving! Unprotected sex! Reader is sporty and frequently works out. Kiara is also OOC but it’s my fic lol. Dividers by @xxbimbobunnyxx
Getting a visit from your parents and little sister motivated you for the performance as you accepted flowers and praise after the competition. Your mother and father finally allowed Kiara to stay the weekend with you on campus, you managed to convince them that your eighteen year old baby sister would be completely safe with you.
You knew they were mostly attempting to keep her away from Pogues back home but with your down to earth nature she felt comfortable to get along with you.
“I don’t know why you’re wasting your time studying something else. Why don’t you go to a fancy art school or some shit? Follow your dreams!” Kiara flopped on your bed in your dorm and you sighed.
“Because. Sports aren’t a long lasting career choice for me. Besides, if you want to live with me, I need to have a good paying job, right?” You countered as you sipped a protein shake.
“You need to stop thinking about everyone else. Think of yourself. You don’t have a life. All you do is study, work and compete. You’ve got to be so bored.” She argues, folding her arms.
“I’m not bored, Kiara. I stay busy and I’m fine with that. And I do have a life! I have a few friends and I have you.” You mumble and she lifts herself up, walking over to you and lightly elbows you.
“You know how much I hate them, they’re a waste of money that could be used for donations but what about parties? Have you gone to any?” Rolling your eyes, you groan at her lecture.
You knew she was jealous of your freedom, considering her relationship with your parents and her full time job. But she also didn’t understand you. The pressure you’d always been under. At a young age, you were in gymnastics. Building your body like a machine while you spent everyday challenging yourself to meet your next goal. And you were good at it.
Your wall was covered in medals, your shelf had a few trophies and photographs of your proud moments.
Dancing was a natural evolution for you. Something you’d discovered when one of your gymnast friends opened their own studio after graduating high school a few years ago. The fluidity of movement, the tempo of the beat and music brought you to life. You were strong, frequently at the gym to keep up with having to flip yourself around in the air with your part time job that was physically demanding.
Your life was fast paced, a competitive streak in your blood motivated you to remain disciplined and focused. Your guilt for being so busy was one of the reasons you wanted Kiara to stay with you this weekend. But she did have a point.
You didn’t have time for dating. You’d never had a boyfriend, guys in the past weren’t exactly pleased that you could fairly put up a physical fight given your athletic lifestyle and razor sharp drive. Men found you…boring. You had an obsession with Halloween and darker things too. It was a nice change from the neon uniforms you were forced to wear.
Her question about parties reminded you of a instagram post you were tagged in yesterday and Kiara must have sensed your train of thought. “Don’t tell me you were invited to one and you’re not gonna go?”
“I’ve been too busy! Plus I wanted to hang out with you-“
“It’s tonight?” She shrieked and started shoving you to your bedroom. “What the hell are we doing? You need to get ready.”
“Kiara, I’m not going to some stupid party. I’m tired from dancing earlier and besides Rafe Cameron isn’t going to notice one person who doesn’t show up.”
“I fucking knew it. You’ve been crushing on that asshole for years. That’s why you were so happy you got into this school.” She accused and you defensively shook your head.
“No I haven’t-“
“Me and Sarah knew you liked him when you shoved him in the pool years ago when he was messing with us when you were life guarding. And that’s why you always offered to babysit during high school. You just wanted to be near him.” Kiara made your jaw drop and you turned away.
“That’s not true! He’s a dick! Why would I like someone like Rafe? That’s why I’m ignoring his invitation.” She extended her hand.
“Let me see the post.” You grumbled something about how your little sister was the one bossing you around and you slapped your phone in her palm.
She read the invite with her mouth parted. “It’s a fucking Halloween themed party? You can dress up and you’re not going? He’s obviously obsessed with you.” You yank your phone back.
“What are you talking about? He’s not!”
“He was there tonight. I saw him watching you dance in the crowd.” You gasped and you felt your cheeks burn. “And now, he’s doing something knowing you like it. Get out of those damn sweatpants and put on something cute. You’re going to that party.”
“No I’m not! I don’t like Rafe Cameron and listen here you little goblin,” Kiara ignored you as she dug through your drawers for another set of clothes.
She tossed you an oversized shirt with skulls on it, knee socks and your converse. “Here. This is good.”
“Why do you want me to go so badly? You hate Rafe!” You complained and she waved her hands.
“Yeah I do. But I want you to have fun. Let loose for one night. Show off what you worked for and finally put yourself first.” You raised an eyebrow.
“You really wanna talk to someone don’t you and you don’t want me hovering?” She was finally silent for a few seconds and you smirked triumphantly. “Fine. I’ll go to this damn party.” You walked away, preparing to change clothes but you gave her a light smack upside the head.
“Ow! The hell was that for?” She whined.
“For telling me what to do.”
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You felt your heart in your throat as you knocked on the door of the house where the party was held. You could hear the sound of music and chatter from behind the door as you shifted your weight from leg to leg.
Your face was covered in makeup and your jewelry dangled from your neck as you waited. The entrance opened and Topper ushered you in. “Hey! Look who it is! The girl of the hour!” His arm slung around your shoulders and the bustling crowd cheered. You awkwardly smiled and waved. Girl of the hour?
“Cmon. Rafe is upstairs.” Just the mention of the males name made you swallow thickly and you followed him. A lot of people were wearing costumes, fake blood and merchandise from scary movies.
You recognized Rafe because of his clothing and body but his face was covered. He was wearing a Ghostface mask. Plain black shirt and jeans. Your eyes widened briefly when he turned, noticing you before you smoothed back your nerves and approached him. He met you half way and looked down at you, mask tilted.
“You did show up after all, princess.”
You give him a smile. “Yeah I did. I heard you were at the dance. Did you like what you saw?” You didn’t know where this confidence was coming from but he seemed to be enjoying it. Rafe stepped a little closer, “Oh I loved it, baby. That’s why I told everyone to dress up. Gotta celebrate my little champion, huh?”
“Champion?” You parrot and he chuckles.
“Of course, Angel. You think I’m stupid or something? I’ve been a big fan of yours for a while. I couldn’t wait to get you here so I could have you all to myself.” He trails off quietly and you feel his big hands settle on your hips, squeezing lightly.
“Well, we’re not alone,” You respond and he tugs you against him, as much as you love the mask, you wanna rip it off.
“Easy fix, baby girl. C‘mon.” Instead of walking, Rafe lifted you off the ground and you squeaked. Throwing you over his shoulder, he walked through a hallway before opening a door.
Rafe easily tossed you onto the bed, the plush covers and pillows bounced. You shakily sat up as he tore off the mask and looked down at you with a dark smolder.
“Oh, princess. You have no fuckin idea how long I’ve wanted you in my bed.” He leaned down and put both hands on either side of you as you looked up at him, doe eyes staring into his.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything? Why would you like me? I’ve never told you-“
“Like you? Baby, I don’t just like you. I think about you all the time. No one else has made me feel like this. You’ve always stood up to me and didn’t put up with my shit. You think it’s a coincidence that I liked to push your buttons when we were kids?”
You’re breathless as he tugs on the end of your shirt with a smirk.
“I like a girl who pushes back. You’re my strong girl, hmm? But not tonight. You’re not in control for once. I am.” He grips your waist, your bare skin from your top pulled up and your core pulses.
You reach up, lightly smacking him in the face. “You think you can earn my submission?” Rafe gives you a chuckle and flash of excitement crosses his eyes.
“Princess, by the time I’m done with you, you’re gonna be my little fuck toy. You just wanna push my buttons so I throw you around.” His words turned you on more and you shudder as goosebumps rise on your skin. “Slap me again. Get a good one in too.”
“You serious?” You whisper and he nods.
“What? You too scared?”
You slap him. Hard. Hard enough that his face turns but Rafe doesn’t look angry. “That was a good one, baby. But I’m gonna make you forget any other fucker. I’m sure all those other dudes are all over you at the studio or some shit.” He grunts and tugs off your shirt. Exposing your torso and bra.
You have the urge to cover yourself but you resist. “I don’t have time for dating.”
Rafe pauses and raises an eyebrow. “You’re telling me you haven’t dated? You a virgin?”
You bristle. “No but…it’s only happened once.”
Rafe cups underneath your arms and manhandles you higher on the bed. You don’t have time to breathe before you find yourself pinned with your arms above your head, his face inches above yours. “Bet you’re soaked right now. Underneath those panties you wear.”
He reaches in between your legs and cups your cunt. “God damn, princess. This what you needed? Me to take care of you? Shut off that overthinking head of yours?” He muses and you cup his face bringing him down to fuse your lips together in a messy kiss.
He moans against your mouth and shoves his tongue inside, you separate your legs and tug him closer.
“Gonna taste more than your mouth, baby girl.” He promises and kisses down your body, peeling off your underwear.
“I’m gonna worship this perfect pussy. I’m gonna take such good care of my girl,” He mutters against your pelvis. Rafe shoves your thighs apart and buried his head in, making you groan and dig your fingers onto the sheets.
His tongue laps hungrily at your clit, sucking in all your wetness as he moans and grinds on the bed. You whimper as he fucks you with his mouth.
“You like that, babydoll?”
“Mhm! I’m gonna cum,” You stammer and he lifts up, his massive body flexing as he rips off his shirt. Exposing his fit body.
“You’re gonna cream on my dick, then you’re gonna clean it up. Are you going to be a good little whore?” He breathes and you whine.
“Mhm, yes. Please, fuck me. I need it so badly. I want you to fill me up,” You beg and he shoves off his pants. His big, thick dick slapping against his thigh.
“How can I say no to such a pretty girl?” He gives your bare ass a slap before he pumps himself a couple of times, his cock in his fist before he presses into you.
You mewl and bury your head in his neck. He growls and thrusts, hard enough that you almost feel like you’re gonna burst from how big he is. But he quickly adds his fingers to rub your clit.
“This fuckin pussy is mine. It’s so tight, splitting you in two, baby girl. Gonna breed this perfect cunt.” He huffs and your eyes squeeze shut as your peak rises.
“That’s it, princess. Cream on my dick.” He praises and your climax overwhelms you.
You cry out and sink your teeth into his naked shoulder and he moans. He moves harder, bringing slight pain but it only adds to your pleasure. He spills in you, “Gonna stuff you so full of cum you’re gonna be a brainless little doll.”
Rafe pulls out, pumping himself again as cum drips onto the bed. “Give me that pretty mouth, princess. I wanna see your eyes roll back. You can fuckin take it. Like a little champion.”
Tagging @marchsfreakshow @xxbimbobunnyxx @drewstarkeyslut @redhead1180 @oceandriveab @starkeysprincess @rafescurtainbangz @rafeinterlude @gri959 @rafesthroatbaby @slvt4jamesmarch
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themedialmercurial · 1 year
❤️‍🔥Mars and how you exercise ❤️‍🔥
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Mars represents energy, passion and exercise. It can hint towards how you structure your workout regiment and what types of physical activities you may gravitate towards. 🩰🏹🧘🏽‍♀️
Release their aggression through their exercise and like a lot of physical stimulation
Boxing, wrestling, weight training, running, martial arts
Elegant, mindful forms of exercise. Much focus on the way in which the body moves and precision. "Grounding" activities
Dance (particularly ballet), yoga, meditation, walking in nature
Exercises requiring mental stimulation and actively engage the mind
Cardio, biking, running, tennis, fitness gaming programs, golf
Activities involving water, exercise as a form of stress alleviation
Swimming, at-home workouts, dancing around their home
Exercises involving a mirror, physically challenging workouts, competitive in nature
Speed skating, strength-training, HIIT, marathon training, soccer
Incorporating exercise into their routine, workouts as a means of improving their physical and mental health
Pilates, gymnastics, nature walks, rock climbing
Light exercise, often lacking the motivation to formally exercise
Dance, skating, leisure walks in nature
Exercises that accentuate the body, sweat-inducing activities, dangerous sports are favoured
Wakeboarding, pole dancing, race car driving, intense martial arts
Sports which allow for new paths to be discovered
Horseback riding, cross-country running, archery, cycling
Creates competition within the self, structured workouts, disciplined
Track and field running, conditioning, heavy lifting
Combining mental and physical stimulation, tendency to want to regularly change their routine, energetic or unusual exercises
Skydiving, acrobatics, crossfit, spin classes
Lower impact activities, exercises that involve natural instincts
Swimming, soccer, basketball, yoga
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tarotwithlove · 4 months
PICK A CARD ⋆ get to know your future child
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reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · BOOK A 2024 YEAR AHEAD READING WITH ME (GENERAL OR NSFW) · LINKTREE · 18+ PATREON · TIPS ♡ tips, bookings, and feedback are highly appreciated!
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cards · two of swords, six of swords (reversed), ace of swords, king of pentacles, knight of wands (reversed), eight of wands. 
channelled songs · in our small way by michael jackson. ttg by kiss of life. demolition man by simon dominic. gucci flip flops by bhad bhabie. 
my dear group one ♡ the child that is coming through for you is likely a boy. this is someone who likes accounting, finances, and investing. they are business-minded -- though you could also say that they are somewhat greedy, obsessed with money, and would do anything to make a quick buck.
your child wants to be rich. they want to be a millionaire. and they know that they will be. 
your child is highly driven and highly proactive. they do not need someone to tell them what to do before they go out and do it. from a very young age, they know who they want to be and what they want out of life, and will do anything to rightfully shape their life as they see fit. they will wake up early in the morning and go for a walk or run, or go to the gym, then come back and work hard at their school work, business, or other responsibilities. 
your child will also, again from a young age, start picking up side jobs and part time jobs. anything so that they have their own flow of income. and not to buy the latest this or the newest that, but to save and invest. to put into their plans. 
you may sometimes look at your child, at how disciplined and focused they are, and wonder how you made a child like this. a child with such a good head on his shoulders, who knows themself and who sees the bigger picture when, at their age, you may have been aimless and lost. 
your child forces you to change your whole lifestyle. you become a more active person. you will rise earlier so that you have breakfast ready for him when he gets home from his morning workout. you will educate yourself on finances, accounting, and other aspects of business, not only so that you can keep up with him but also so that you can be a good business partner to him --- because you may also get wrapped up in his business ideas, and may quit your job to start working as his manager.
your child may be a bit overconfident and arrogant, expecting things to always go his way and difficult to reign in or teach lessons especially about the consequences of his actions, but when it comes to you he loves you and is devoted to you. in fact, it may be why he works so hard; because he wants to give you the best life possible. 
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cards · the devil (reversed), the sun, eight of swords, five of cups (reversed), seven of swords, eight of cups. 
channelled songs · applause by lady gaga. hate it or luv it by central cee. sky by spillage village. howl by florence + the machine. 
my dear group two ♡ the child that is coming through is likely a girl. one who prioritises their physical appearance and physical fitness, over anything else -- to the extent where they may have an eating disorder or disordered eating patterns, something which is caused by and worsened by their sport of choice. 
this child is athletic, either being a runner, cheerleader, or gymnast, and is incredibly devoted to this sport. they want to be the best in this sport, the best in the world, an olympic winner or something similar. 
they want to be recognised and will do everything in their power to make this happen. sacrifice anything. 
they may be a child of divorce, who may find it hard to open up to you about certain struggles they face and certain fears they have. they love you, but feel that you fundamentally do not understand each other. that you don't listen to them. that you love them, but that you do not love them enough. thus, your child will bottle up their emotions and internalise a lot of their anger.
they may have anger issues, often exploding in anger when things don't work out as they expected. or when they lose.
this child hates to lose, but they like to fail and be challenged, because they like to push themselves to grow and get better. they love that feeling of succeeding at something they trained day-in and day-out to; to land that specific trick, to cross that specific line, to achieve a specific goal.
they love the cheers of the crowd -- the applause, the awe -- they do something with their body that no one has seen be done before. 
this child may be very rigid with themselves. they may ignore a lot of their feelings -- especially around your divorce and other issues within the house -- and focus all their attention and brainpower on their sport and their body. this is the only thing they have complete control over, so, of course, they will give it their all. 
and as rigid as they are with themselves, they are as rigid with others. they hate people who lie, even small lies, and may feel like you are often lying to them or keeping things hidden from them. even if you are doing this because you think you are doing what's best for them -- for example, not telling them just how difficult your marriage actually was, but not realising they already know and are just waiting for you to be honest and upfront with them. 
the relationship between you and your child is complex. you will often butt heads and argue, and things you do with well-meaning intent only succeed in driving the wedge deeper and deeper between you two. 
this child teaches you when to walk away. you may have a difficult, painful, marriage, and for the sake of your child alone -- despite how much you love this person, and how much you want to try and make it work -- you decide to leave. you learn when to move out of comfortable environments, so that your child may have better coaches and better access to competitions. you learn when to argue and when to drop the subject entirely. you learn how to breathe and to let go, to love someone when they push you away because you realise that this is when they need it the most. 
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cards · ten of pentacles (reversed), the hierophant, page of wands, ace of cups (reversed), eight of swords, the devil.
channelled songs · planet girl by jooyoung. pansy by taemin. breathe by umi. lost in the citadel by lil nas x. 
my dear group three ♡ the child that is coming through is one who is more expensive to raise than you initially thought or expected. this is likely not your first child, but the circumstances of their birth and their disabilities might make raising this one more demanding than raising your first. and it is likely that this child may have developmental issues, dyslexia, or a brain injury -- may experience a major head injury as a child or may have been deprived of oxygen in the womb or during labour. for some, your child may have a degenerative disorder, with their condition getting worse over time. 
whatever it is, specifically, it is something that makes it difficult for your child to navigate the world as any other person would. 
this child requires more of your time and attention. you may have to home-school your child, or go above and beyond in order to get them into a specialised school that is equipped for their specific needs -- at least, for the beginning of their schooling career. 
your child may feel that they are separated from the rest of humanity. that they cannot connect with others, or that others just do not understand them; as if there is a glass wall between them and everyone else -- even between them and you, their other parent, and their siblings. 
they may feel entirely trapped, and like they will never live the life they want because of their disability -- or disabilities. 
they are a generally clumsy child. though they like to dance, to sing and hum along to music and make up their own songs. they love classical music, and will want to play classical instruments but wonder if they’ll ever be able to because of their body’s limitations. 
your child will get tired easily and, thus, will get frustrated easily. they may feel like they’re behind; like they’re failing at the simplest thing -- being alive. to self soothe, they may often sit in the sun or in nature, and cuddle and play with their pet cat. 
cats and/or lizards may also be their favourite animal(s). 
you may sacrifice a lot for your child, just to give them a leg up in life and ensure that they are not held back by their disabilities. this sacrifice may also include the relationship with your other children and the attention that you can give to them. 
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cards · king of swords (reversed), knight of pentacles, ten of pentacles (reversed), eight of cups, the fool (reversed), the tower. 
channelled songs · break my soul by beyoncé. headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet by fall out boy. understood by mick jenkins. drowning pool by bbymutha. 
my dear group four ♡ the child that is coming through for you may be one born from a loveless relationship or from a one-night stand. from their conception, this child changes your life completely; sending your life in all directions of upheaval.
this person may be significantly wealthy or famous, or they may have a particular image to protect. and will, thus, choose to silence you with money. they will leave you with the child but will send you a large amount of money each month to make sure you are both financially taken care of. you will be set for life.
your child will grow up used to the comforts that you yourself may not have had while growing up. they may be a bit spoiled, but not to the extent where they are selfish or greedy. it may be better to say that, because of the way they are raised, they are a bit sheltered. 
this child will always help others, wherever and whenever and however they can. as you will often have a fully-stocked fridge or pantry, they will often ask you to pack an extra lunch so they can share it with a friend who either never has lunch or never has nutritious lunch. if they can pay for someone else to attend a field trip, they will.
they may feel as if they do not deserve the comforts they have been granted in life, especially because these comforts are given to them by someone who doesn’t even want anything to do with them. someone who thinks that throwing money at a problem makes it go away.
as soon as they can, your child will leave home and try to make a life for themselves; to build wealth of their own -- wealth they feel like they actually earned, instead of wealth that was just handed to them. 
rather than going the traditional route of college or university, they will rather prefer to gain experience in the world itself. if they do decide to go to college or university, it will be later in life. for the most part, they will travel. they will enjoy backpacking and hiking, and what starts as a hobby or as a way to see the world and find themselves will turn into a successful blog and, then, into a career as a travel journalist. 
this child will do anything possible to broaden their horizons, constantly pushing themselves out of their comfort zone. they will dislike people who are willfully naive and ignorant, who are so caught up in dreams and fantasy that they do not see the realities of life. 
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vodrae · 9 months
Batfamily members being fitness influencers
Bruce : 4 hours uncut podcast, can't go two sentences without quoting 12 studies.
Dick : Talking about discipline but most importantly being proud of ourself and having fun.
Barbs : Talking about the difficulties to stay active in a wheelchair without taboo, and how positive it can be to join a club to see we are not alone.
Jason : "Big weitz, big moocles !" *Get lifted by Artemis*
Cass : How to fight and practice swan Lake at the same time, part 1
Tim : Get roast by his family everytime he speaks about the importance of rest. Joke on them, nobody sleeps in this family. Also often filmed with his not at all obvious crush 6'3 best friend from Metropolis with muscles made of steel.
Steph : Get viral dancing when she spots a tripod in the gym. Is in the background watching cass like a pile of waffles.
Harper : Krav Maga tutorial. Is probably responsible of 12 crooks going blind this week.
Duke : How to not touch the bar early even if we know the guy won't get this rep.
Damian : Lightsaber tutorials are less suspicious than katana's one.
Harley and Selina : How to integrate gymnastic moves in professional life.
Talia : Teaching to stepchildren how to dance. Every dance. In every situation. In every country.
Alfred : Unexpected strength compilation.
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blackopals-world · 6 months
Character Profile: Jojo and Koko Trappola
Children of Jester!Yuu and Ace Trappola
Other ocs: Molly Schoenheit, Regent Hunt
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Age: 8
Birthday: April 1 (Aries) Assigned silly at birth
Clubs: Gymnastics(Koko) and Theater (Jojo)
Hobbies: Juggling and acrobatics (Koko)
Comedy and magic tricks (Jojo)
Best Subject: Physical Education
Favorite Food: Gumdrops (Koko)
Lemondrops (Jojo)
Least favorite foods: Lemons(Koko)
Caramel (Jojo)
Pet Peeves: Rainy days, lack of colors (Koko)
Cloudless days, flashy colors (Jojo)
Jojo and Koko are twins with ginger hair.(the orange is stronger than previously thought) They tend to dye the tips of their hair in corresponding pink or blue but are known to change to random colors often.
Koko has blue eyes and usually wears bright colors like yellow and pink. She keeps her hair short to keep it out of the way during Gymnastics. She enjoys festive designs with polkadots. Koko ties ribbons to her wrists to use for later.
Jojo has pink eyes and usually wears muted black and white clothes. He has long hair he keeps tied up with a colorful ribbon given to him by Koko. He prefers clothes that are elegant. He loves ruffled sleeves.
Koko is energetic and bubbly. She loves to play pranks and showing off any trick she learns. This leads to causing a lot of trouble. Koko enjoys doing slapstick with her brother where she pranks him.
Jojo is more reserved, he tries to entertain people but getting pied in the face or popping his balloon animals just makes people laugh. He actually likes this.
The twins are the only children of their family after Ace swore off risking having multiples again.
The twins grew up traveling with their parents. Ace was a celebrity magician and toured around the world for shows and Yuu is still a certified jester who performs in select venues for parties.
The twins naturally took after them. Koko wants to be an acrobat and Jojo wants to be a Pierrot.
If people were to describe them you'd compare them to those happy and sad theater masks.
Koko being the expressive and joyful one with her love for sunshine and rainbow. Jojo being morose and gloomy with his love for all things deary and foggy.
Koko takes after her father more and often tries to sneak into his stage shows. She will sometimes appear under a disappearing trick in place of the missing prop. Jojo is often at Yuu's shows playing the role of the little sad clown where Yuu comedically tries to cheer up their son.
Koko however is firm that her brother isn't actually depressed. He just likes things this way. Koko is extremely supportive of her brother and goes to all his comedy shows. Even when he fails to get a laugh she still cheers the loudest.
The twin enjoy riding goats and having headbutt competitions with them. They loved goats and you will often have one of the baby goats following them around and chewing on their clothes.
Ace and Yuu are both fun parents who raise their children to be free-spirited. Discipline isn't their strong suit. They have a prank war that's been going on for years. Ace thought the pregnancy was also a prank for a solid week. He treasured that first dad joke.
The twins are very clingy. When Ace and Yuu wake up they have two little monsters on top of them.
Yuu calls them their little "Chucklets" and Ace calls them "Two of Kind" like two of a kind.
The twins are likely going NRC but there is a chance they might end up at different schools. They end up befriending Rollo's son (I know I'm surprised too) Quin and they torment him relentlessly. The twins love to tease and prank Quin. Quin isn't the best at knowing if people are joking or being mean but he doesn't have to worry, the twins are protective of their favorite toy.
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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The Gymnasium was a Greek building originally used for athletic activities but which came, over time, to be used also as a place of study and philosophical discussion. In the Hellenistic Period, gymnasia became highly standardized both in architecture and function and continued their important role in a young male's physical and general education. They became a common feature across the Greek world and were adopted and adapted by the later Romans, eventually evolving into the huge multi-purpose complex that was the Roman baths.
Origins of the Gymnasium
The name gymnasium (gymnasion) derives from the Greek word for nudity (gymnos) as all exercise and sports were done by the male only members in the nude. The earliest recorded examples of gymnasia date to the 6th century BCE and were simple affairs consisting of an area of packed earth shaded by trees located somewhere close to a river or spring. They were especially common at sanctuary sites such as Delphi, Olympia, and Nemea.
The gymnasium may have evolved from the necessity for a dedicated space where young Greek men (ephebeia) could train and improve their fitness to make them ready for warfare. In battle they would fight as hoplites and so have to wear heavy bronze armour and carry a large bronze shield. Another view is that gymnasia were reserved only for the aristocracy and so came to be a place where men could demonstrate their physical, as well as their social, superiority to the lower, agricultural class.
The typical sports practised were wrestling, running, boxing, jumping, discus, and gymnastics. Many would have been accompanied by rhythmic music. Sports useful for warfare included archery, javelin, armed combat, and using catapults. Sports were supervised by a trainer or paidotribe, perhaps an older athlete who had gained experience at the great Games of Greece. An aleiptes was responsible for oiling and massaging members. Each year a competition might be held too, the Hermaia, where members of the gymnasium participated in a torch race and competed in three categories of events: vigor (euexia), discipline (eutaxia), and endurance (philoponia).
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eksvaized · 3 months
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Part Three [ Previous 〡 Next ]
Ghost was given an independent assignment. Initially, you were under the impression that your entire squad, yourself included, would be accompanying him. You had grown accustomed to working as a team and the idea of a solo mission was unfamiliar. However, it soon became apparent that Price had a different plan in mind for you. To your surprise, he left you with the responsibility of overseeing and training the new recruits.
This task was a thorn in your side. The young, inexperienced soldiers were like newborn chicks, naïve and full of misplaced confidence. Their audacious belief that you had to earn their respect felt like a slap in the face that left a bitter taste in your mouth. However, you quickly put an end to that mindset. You demonstrated your skills, experience, and the fact that you were not one to be trifled with. This proved to be an effective approach, as it ensured smooth sailing for the remainder of the week, following a somewhat rocky first day. 
Despite the fact that Ghost wasn’t physically present, he was a constant presence in your mind, an unshakeable echo that replayed over and over again. The memory of your last interaction with him played like a movie in your mind, and you chastised yourself for not seizing the moment when you had the chance. You should have been more daring, more assertive, more courageous. Perhaps if you had mustered up the courage to break through your own inhibitions, you would have had an answer to the question that haunted you: were you and he meant to be more than just friends?
As time passed, the seeds of doubt started to sprout in your mind, infesting your thoughts and making you question your own feelings. What if you were making misguided assumptions? What if you were setting your hopes too high, only to be disappointed? What if he didn’t share the same feelings, the same interest in you? The more you thought about it, the more convinced you were that he didn’t. After all, he had ignored all the indications, all the signs you thought were glaringly obvious. You believed that your attraction towards him was so apparent that anyone could notice it. In your quest for another explanation, another reason as to why he continued to overlook you, you could find only one - your attraction was one-sided.
All this relentless overthinking, this mental gymnastics, was not a soothing balm to your mind. It was more of a poison, seeping into your thoughts and spreading doubts like an insidious weed. You found yourself spiraling into a pit of self-doubt and self-criticism. And in this self-created darkness, you painted an image of yourself through Ghost’s eyes, a mere shadow, a friend, and nothing more.
In the solitude of the hideaway that you and Ghost had once shared, you found yourself attempting to light a cigarette. It was a task that Ghost had always done for you, making it a struggle now as the wild winds of the outdoors persistently extinguished the tiny, flickering flame. A sigh escaped your lips as frustration grew. 
You didn’t want to give up your new bad habit just because you felt you needed to give up Ghost.
Your addiction to nicotine had developed in a strikingly similar way to your attachment to Ghost: quick, seamless, and completely blind to its occurrence until you were in too deep.
“Do you need a hand?” Behind you, a voice asked.
At the sound, you dropped your arms, leaving the unlit cigarette hanging from your lips. Spinning around on your heels, you were met with the sight of one of the new recruits. He stood there, hands tucked casually in his pockets and a friendly smile on his face. His name seemed to be just out of memory’s reach, but you distinctly remembered his disciplined behaviour and his adherence to your commands.
There was also no denying his attractiveness. The man in front of you wasn’t Ghost, but there was a certain air of confidence about him that made your interest pique. Tall, lean and muscular, with disheveled black hair that gave him a roguish charm, and eyes that shone with a bright intensity.
In response to his raised brows, an echo of his question hung in the air between you, like a note waiting for its key. You found yourself nodding, causing a flicker of satisfaction to cross his face as he smiled. As if drawn by a magnetic pull, he took a step forward, erasing the already minimal distance separating the two of you. 
From his pocket, he retrieved a cigarette and a small brass lighter. With a swift flick of his thumb, the lighter sparked into life, dancing in the slight breeze before being used to ignite his cigarette. He then held it between the firm grip of his lips, the end glowing red and orange. As you observed him, a sense of curiosity stirred within you, your eyes following his every move. He seemed to sense this, as he moved even closer, his body leaning in towards yours. The air between you filled with a smoky haze as he reached the end of his cigarette towards yours, lighting it with the burning ember of his own.
Unlike when you were with Ghost, where you had always shied away from direct eye contact, an unexplained boldness surged within you when you met eyes with the recruit. From up close, you noticed a small detail about him that you hadn’t seen before; a lip ring that subtly reflected the surrounding light.
You stood still, only a breath away from him, for a few more heartbeats, each second stretching into an eternity. It wasn’t until he finally broke the proximity, taking a step back, that you were released from the trance. The sudden rush of air filled your lungs, and you became aware of the thunderous pounding of your heart. It hammered loud and fast, like the thunderous beating of a war drum, threatening to leap out of your chest.
The swirling smoke and the familiar scent brought back a rush of memories. Everything about this situation reminded you so much of Ghost. His presence seemed to be lingering in the air, making you feel a pang of guilt for standing there with someone else who wasn’t him. Yet, there was a stark contrast between Ghost and this recruit, a difference as distinct as day and night.
Unlike Ghost, who kept you at arm’s length, the guy in front of you took the initiative to strike up a conversation, trying to coax words out of you, making witty remarks that occasionally caught you off guard. He wasn’t merely filling the silence; if your instincts served you right, he was flirting. The situation was new and different, but not necessarily unpleasant.
“You should really consider joining us,” he suggested, his voice filled with anticipation, right after he had elaborately outlined his plans of visiting the local bar along with a few of his friends this weekend.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to decline,” you replied, shaking your head and offering a warm, apologetic smile. You couldn’t shake off the suspicion that this was his subtle yet unmistakable attempt to ask you out on a date.
“Oh, come on. Don’t be like that. I won’t take a no for an answer.” He grinned back at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement. He drew in a long, last puff of his cigarette before casually tossing it to the ground and stamping it out lazily with the tip of his leather boot. “I’ll be expecting you at the bar on Saturday. In exchange for your effort to show up, I promise to buy you your favourite drink. Maybe two, if you ask nicely.”
Before you could even gather your words, let alone a counter-argument, the charming yet persistent recruit waved his hand in a casual farewell and sauntered off. You were left to finish your smoking session alone, your gaze lingering on his retreating figure as it gradually disappeared into the distance.
You were well aware that this was a bad idea, a suggestion that, under normal circumstances, you would dismiss as swiftly as a feather is carried off by the wind. But you were also losing your mind. Ghost, true to his nature, was persisting in his obstinacy, and you came to the stark realization that if you wished to maintain your friendship with him, you needed to evict him from the recesses of your thoughts—you needed to get over him. And what could possibly be a better antidote than to allow yourself a night out, indulge in a few drinks, let loose, and engage in light-hearted banter with someone who showers you with attention?
It dawned on you that this is what you yearned for. You attempted to convince yourself that it would be just an evening brimming with amusement, an intoxicating mix of consuming sweet cocktails, swaying to the rhythm of the music, and perhaps even a sprinkle of harmless flirtation.
You were planning on doing precisely that, right?
Nothing more, nothing less. Just that.
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littlemissmanga · 8 months
Good Morning! I’m making some rounds asking for some of this beautiful fluff with a touch of giggle in this prompt list.
So if you would give this prompt a go- "well i guess that answers my question." With Rex saying it?
Have a wonderful day!
Hello dearie!! Oh, I will always put forth an effort for our dear captain! I am making my way slowly through these but thrilled to say I have finally finished this one.
I hope you enjoy!
A Little Something Sweet for Breakfast
Pairing: Rex x short!Reader
Warnings: None, pure fluff
W/C: 1,218
Dividers by @saradika
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It was quiet in the mess hall and Rex considered that nothing short of a miracle. The 501st was on shore leave and it seemed the boys had their fill of fun the night before considering it was already 0700 and not one of them so much as stirred from the barracks.
Rex strode across the room, datapad in hand and ready to use this rare peace to finally have a quiet, relaxing meal. But as he made his way to grab a ration pack, a shuffle in the next room caught his attention.
The boys rarely went into the kitchens on base. There was never a need. So, as the shuffle grew into a clattering, Rex prepared himself for the inevitable chaos and made his way over. Opening the door, he took in a breath, ready to use his “Captain” voice to startle whichever shiny was making the ruckus … only to choke on his tongue.
“Oh, Captain! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize anyone else was awake.”
You were … well, he honestly wasn’t sure what you were trying to accomplish with one knee on the counter, pulling your body higher so your other leg dangled beneath you, arms out to hold onto the sides of the cabinet. Metal cutlery and plates littered the counter and floor around you.
“I .. you …” It was far too early for these shenanigans, and Rex was thoroughly at a loss to find you at the center of it this time. As a civilian non-combat operative, you weren’t as disciplined as his boys on the field, but you were generally respectful and kept yourself out of trouble … despite the efforts of some of his vode to corral you into their latest shenanigans.
Certainly a respectable feat, at least in Rex’s book. And that’s all he would attribute the swoop in his stomach to anytime he’d see you. Respect.
If that swoop were accompanied by a heat in his cheeks at the sight of your smile — particularly if directed at him — or the racing of his heart at the sound of your laughter — even faster if he caused it — Rex never let himself do more than acknowledge it.
He was your superior officer, after all. Anything else would be unbecoming of his station.
“What are you doing?” he tried again, trying not to sound as confused as he was.
“Making breakfast.” You turned, bringing up your other leg so your entire body was balanced on the narrow ledge as you dug further.
“Huh.” Stepping closer, Rex slid his datapad onto the counter next to your leg and stood just behind you. Unsure arms kept rising to shadow your back before returning to his side as he grew ever more uneasy by the precarious balance you’d achieved. “Didn’t realize cooking required gymnastics.”
Impressively, much of your torso disappeared into the void of the cabinet when you replied, your voice echoing slightly in the confined space. “It does when everything on this ship is built for giants. Here-”
Rex’s reflexes kicked in, catching the item before he could even register that what you had tossed over your shoulder was a half-finished bread roll. But before he could form his next question — and honestly, he had so many he really didn’t even know where to start — you slipped smoothly down from your perch. Unfortunately, for him, Rex misjudged his own spacing, standing too close to give you enough room. As you moved to the floor, the curve of your rear brushed tantalizingly lightly against his stomach before finally gaining a more respectable distance.
The rush of blood pounding in his ears blocked out most of your own next question. Actually, he couldn’t hear you at all. The movement of your lips as you turned to face him was the only clue he could decipher indicating you’d said anything at all.
Your lips curled. Maker, he really did like it when you smiled. It wasn’t just with your lips, though their plush, gentle curve was sweet. No, your smile radiated from your eyes, and he knew if he looked too long, he’d be lost.
“I asked if you wanted some, too. I don’t mind making a second helping for you.”
Rex wasn’t a stupid man. He could hear the tease of your tone. The light-hearted nature of your banter along with the sweet offer was a flirtation even he could pick up on. He would never abuse his station and hit on a subordinate. And like a divine solution, here you were, offering him a way forward.
But in that moment, he couldn’t for the life of him figure out how to get himself to reply with even an ounce of charm he regularly sees his brothers wield.
Never one without a plan of action, Rex was stuck in limbo, struggling to respond with an ounce of the charm he routinely saw his brothers deploy … when he felt his stomach gurgle, the sound radiating out from him to fill the room.
Heat immediately flooded his face, but before he could apologize, your choked laughter rang out.
“I guess that answers my question.”
Stepping into his space again, you took the bread roll from him. But instead of stepping past him, you stayed.
You’d never been that close to him before. So close he could count the lines and imperfections on your face. And he did. He wanted to memorize everything about you.
He was so focused on those details, he missed entirely that you had been closing the distance, standing on your toes to press closer, until your lips pressed lightly against his cheek.
They were cold and chapped and so karking perfect on him. Your warm breath against his skin flooded any remaining rational thought away.
When you pulled back, your eyes didn’t meet his despite Rex being sure you could feel the intensity of his stare. Instead, you looked past him as you fell back onto your heels, a hand coming to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear as you repositioned to move away.
“Right, well, breakfast will be ready in just a —”
He didn’t let you finish. Before you could step away, Rex’s hand slid to gently hold the curve of your jaw, keeping you in place as he tilted your face up to his. You blinked owlishly up at him.
“You missed,” he said, finally getting his brain back online. “I think you should try that again.”
To Rex’ delight, your smile returned as you leaned back in. Only this time, he met you halfway, biting back a satisfied moan at the press of your lips against his. Taking a half step forward, he invaded your space as you had his, encircling you in his arms as he lost himself in the moment.
After what was probably too long, Rex finally let you go. Your eyes stayed closed for a heartbeat more, even as you moved back, shifting your weight to rest more against his hold on you, and Rex greedily took the chance to appreciate everything about your contented expression in the moment, satisfaction coiling inside him knowing he put that look on your face.
When you did open your eyes, there was a twinkle of mischief in them you usually kept well hidden. “Better?” you asked.
He pressed his forehead to yours. “Much.”
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iskratempestmadness · 5 months
If you take request, what would the Baki men do with a significant other that did a different sport? Like ice skating, softball, volleyball, or maybe gymnastics, something like that. (I also really love your work so far❤️)
Okay, let's go
- he's happy for you. I think he would like someone who is as passionate about his business as he is.
- if you study at home (if possible ) One minute he's training, the next he's training with you. He makes the most of it. He learns from you, despite the discipline you practice.
- regarding training outside the home... He won't be present at all (sometimes for good reasons, sometimes he's just too lazy to go), but he will periodically bring you a snack.
- HOWEVER, HE IS PRESENT AT ALL YOUR PERFORMANCES (unless of course he has a fight at this time)
- despite the fact that Baki is quite gentle in nature, however, he will make sure that you are more disciplined. Training at a set time, diet, early risers.
- in case of failure at the competition, he will find the strength to motivate you to give you the strength to continue training (he knows how important it is)
- neutral... Well , like OK , he just took this information into account and that 's it
- but he will buy you gifts related to your hobby. If you play basketball, he'll buy you new sneakers or something... In general, he will express his interest financially
- he will watch programs about your sports, performances at tournaments. In general, this boy will try to ensure that you have something to chat about with him
- from the previous paragraph, it can be concluded that Hana immerses himself in your activities when he has time. He can even practice with you if you want.
- He really supports you, it's just that his support is on another level, it's a little deeper than words
- he may attend training several times, but don't get him wrong, as I said before, he is a busy person, but he really tries to be present
- it's the same story with competitions, he's present at some, but just look at him. He doesn't show himself clearly, but he literally exudes pride when you win.
- he is not the best at comforting you in case of loss, but he definitely feels your emotions and will try to give you a motivational speech, but he will be better able to calm you down with touches
- Oh, he's interested
- he would like your dynamics, like he
- tell him about what you do. Tell him everything from the important things to the little things. (unlike Hanayama, who tries to find out everything himself, Katsumi prefers to find out everything from your mouth)
- and he's super supportive of you. Right at 100%
- he will study with you at home. He will also maintain discipline, as will Baki. (But Katsumi is more forgiving)
- he rarely attends training sessions (he is also a busy person), but he comes to all matches.
- he shouts at you from the stands, he will make a float... It's all about him. Of course it's great, but sometimes... Firstly, it becomes absurd, and secondly, it is sometimes a distraction.
- if you lose, he will do everything so that you do not abandon yourself and continue to train.
- a lot of gifts from knitted with your sport
- he also easily accepted the information
- he thinks it's great that you have a hobby... And that's all, he doesn't attach much importance to it, just because everyone should have a hobby, if that's how you prefer to spend your time, then fine. And there is a benefit and you are passionate about something
-but if you ask him, he'll practice with you. At first, he treats it neutrally, but later he will get used to it. (it will probably become a ritual, you will get up at the same time, then warm up, jog, workout for about an hour and work together
- he also monitors your discipline. Jack should know how important she is.
- he also doesn't come to your training sessions. However, it happens at almost all your competitions.
- he will probably give a little motivational speech before the competition
- look at him after you win. He's proud, he's really proud of you. He won't shout about it, but a look at him will be enough to understand how he feels.
- but if you lose... Then he will give you another motivational speech, and you will have no other option but to continue studying
- he is also interested,
- will he train with you? Naturally. He believes that this way of spending time is more useful.
- HE WILL GIVE YOU A MASSAGE AFTER TRAINING. Trust me, you won't regret it, he was extremely good at it, and it instantly relieves tension from the muscles.
"HE'LL ALSO COOK YOU SOMETHING DELICIOUS AFTER YOUR WORKOUT." Something nutritious and delicious, the very thing after a workout, he knows exactly what you need
- there are also a lot of gifts related to your sport
- he rarely goes to training outside the house, but he is present at ALL competitions.
- and he's super supportive of you, but he's not to the point of absurdity. Perhaps he will shout out something supportive, but no more.
- and he's ABSOLUTELY proud of you.
- (in honor of winning the competition, he will cook you a festive dinner)
- I'm glad for you. Well, it's really great that you're passionate about something.
- he will train with you at home, of course. For him, this is another way to have fun while away the time
- the same will come up with a snack for you after training (probably tea and a sandwich)
- however, unlike others, he demands to repay him (not with money), like he trains with you, repay him the same, he will gladly teach you aiki
- discipline? Well, maybe he's not really watching it, but he'll make sure to put you to sleep or wake you up.
- it rarely happens outside the house during training, you can say it doesn't happen at all.
- but he comes to all competitions (he's super supportive)
- it is also possible to give you a massage after training.
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