#physical prowess
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Non-Human //
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skannar · 10 months
Ascending the Face : Minute Fiction
How many minutes in a year? Take one for yourself and read a minute fiction. MINUTE FICTION Sponsored by: If you enjoy this “Minute Fiction” please follow skannar on the social media platform you followed our link from. skannar is funded by advertising, affiliate marketing sales fueled by visitors like you. Your follow is appreciated. Your fingertips grip the rough surface of the sheer rock…
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trapangeles · 1 year
Unleashing the Web-Slinging Heroes: Exploring the Strongest Spider-Man Across the Multiverse
Introduction: When we think of Spider-Man, Peter Parker immediately comes to mind. However, the vast Marvel Multiverse has introduced us to a myriad of alternate Spider-Men who have embarked on their own heroic journeys. In the upcoming film, "Across the Spiderverse," we catch a glimpse of this expansive Spider-Man universe. Today, we delve into the intriguing question: Which Spider-Man holds the title for being the strongest? Through a deep dive into the diverse Spider-Men who have graced the pages of Marvel Comics over the years, we aim to uncover the answer.
The Multiverse of Spider-Men: Marvel Comics has treated us to a rich tapestry of Spider-Men, each with their unique abilities and stories. From the electrifying Miles Morales to the enigmatic Ben Reilly and the formidable Gwen Stacy, the Spider-Verse is teeming with remarkable variations of our beloved hero. Beyond these familiar faces, the Multiverse has also given birth to some truly unconventional versions of Spider-Man, adding an extra layer of complexity to the question at hand.
Unraveling the Strength: To determine the strongest Spider-Man, we must consider various aspects, including physical prowess, intellectual capabilities, and overall impact on their respective universes. From feats of strength to tactical brilliance, each Spider-Man brings a distinct set of skills and qualities to the table. By exploring their journeys and examining the impact they've made, we inch closer to uncovering the answer.
An Answer Amidst the Web: As we navigate through the web of alternate Spider-Men, certain contenders rise to the surface as potential frontrunners for the title of the strongest. From Peter Parker's unparalleled experience and resourcefulness to Miles Morales' unique blend of abilities and moral compass, each Spider-Man has left an indelible mark on their universe and beyond. However, the debate continues, as there are still wild cards and unexplored iterations that could sway the verdict.
Embracing the Multiverse: The Multiverse concept allows for an ever-expanding roster of Spider-Men, each with their strengths and weaknesses. Instead of seeking a definitive answer, perhaps we should revel in the diversity and richness of this vast Spider-Verse. The strength of Spider-Man lies not in a single champion but in the collective impact of these heroes, united in their unwavering commitment to justice and protecting the innocent.
Conclusion: As we eagerly anticipate the release of "Across the Spiderverse," we find ourselves pondering the question of which Spider-Man stands as the strongest. Marvel Comics has presented us with a diverse array of web-slinging heroes, each with their unique qualities and contributions to the greater Spider-Verse. While the search for the ultimate answer continues, the true strength lies in the collective power and unwavering spirit of these heroes. Regardless of who claims the title of the strongest, the legacy of Spider-Man endures as an inspiration to all, reminding us that true strength comes from within, fueled by determination, compassion, and the belief that we can all make a difference in our own corner of the Multiverse.
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zankalony · 1 year
A Dive into Olympic Excitement: My Love for Watching Diving and Other Thrilling Olympic Sports
Discover the captivating world of Olympic sports as we explore the exhilarating experience of watching diving and other captivating competitions. Introduction The Olympics are a global spectacle, bringing people from all walks of life together to celebrate the spirit of competition, athleticism, and international camaraderie. With a vast array of sports to choose from, each person has their own…
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naffeclipse · 1 month
Okay hear me out.... Journey to west au. Sun being the monkey king from the book and Y/N a traveller. Y/N rescues him from under the mountain and he joins them in their travels. Moon is a demon that's terrorising a town until Y/N and Sun stop him. Moon then joins the two. Finally Eclipse is another demon that kidnaps Y/N in order to eat them but instead is so utterly charmed by them that he joins the party. Shenanigans ensue... Thoughts?
The great monkey king is indebted to a mortal but he has little qualms with escorting you on your travels as a way to give his thanks for rescuing him from underneath the mountain. His magic and strength are at your disposal. Strangely, you prefer traveling peacefully and quietly, avoiding trouble and helping those in need when the two of you come upon them. The monkey king thinks you are vulnerable and too trusting, and he decides to protect you at all costs.
The lunar demon does not take kindly to his mischievousness and destruction being wrought, but when you and the monkey king stop the mayhem he inflicts upon a small town, the lunar demon can't help but become amused and intrigued by a daring, bold mortal who is so calm in the face of dangerous, sharp teeth, red eye demon. He thinks you are naive and foolish, but he follows you and the monkey king because who else will watch over you at night? Who will keep you safe from the other toothy and red-eye demons?
It is not too long down the road of your seemingly endless travels that a problem arises. The monkey king and the lunar demon venture to the river to fetch you food and drink and while you toil, you feel the shadow of a great personage fall upon you before you are snatched away. You struggle and call for your dear, new friends, but the dark being smuggles you into his cave. He ties you up and leaves you on the floor of his home as he prepares to eat you. You, however, remain calm and speak with the great demon and learn he is the eclipse prince. The eclipse prince wants nothing more than to cook and devour you, but you convince him to allow you to serve him tea first. Pleased by the offer, the eclipse prince unties you. You serve him a tea you have used to comfort the monkey king and calm the lunar demon, and speak with the eclipse prince. The conversation continues until the pot of tea is gone and he tells you to prepare another, pot after pot until he is laughing and telling you that he has forgotten his hunger—your charm and allure have sated him. He will let you go and return you to your companions, but you invite him to join your company.
The eclipse prince is pleased to accept. He opens his cave and returns with you to the monkey king and the lunar demon. When you come upon them, they are furious and frantic. They act quickly to take you back and prepare to attack the one who carried you away before you calm them. The eclipse prince stands rather unapologetically as you explain that he is now joining the three of you. The lunar demon does not take kindly to this change and the monkey king hovers close to you, refusing to let you leave his sights while the eclipse prince seamlessly joins the camp and prepares a pot of tea for you to drink.
You continue your travels, glad to have such devoted company.
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feroluce · 2 months
So Sampo is canon described as the only person who can travel between the overworld and underground, but it's never actually revealed HOW he gets around.
I'd like to believe part of the reason he's so secretive really is just because of business. One of the best ways to keep your customers is by being the only one to offer something, and Sampo stands to make a pretty nice profit if he's the only one able to smuggle in supplies. Gotta protect the trade routes ☆
BUT the other part is because he's probably one of the only ones that could SURVIVE it. I'd like to think a lot of his routes enter the overworld either in places like Backwater Pass, where it's technically in the city but is overrun by Fragmentum, or on the frontlines, where it's frigid cold and crawling with Silvermane Guards.
If someone manages to get all the way up, and even if they manage to sneak past all of the Guards/monsters and not freeze to death, there's still the possibility of getting caught in the city proper by regular civilians.
And if Cocolia heard word of someone caught in the overworld, I can't imagine there's any way she would just leave that, she separated the halves for a reason. This person would be interrogated, and then the route sealed off, and then the Undergrounders would lose a vital supply route. Sampo has to be extremely careful to not get caught and not be tailed.
And I'm sure he does a lot of shady trading in Belobog proper, but I think a lot of it also comes from him looting the Fragmentum-corroded areas, too. After all, in the Cyrille the Fool quest line, when the trailblazer sees something strange in the Fragmentum, the first person they think to consult is Sampo.
So I love the thought of Sampo being like extremely disciplined and being able to be out there for like days at a time.
Looting is easier in the beginning, but eventually Sampo has to go farther and farther out for supplies. Sometimes he'll be out there for days, and it's not exactly a safe place to sleep, but he can stay awake and alert for absurd amounts of time if he needs to be. Going for 24+ hours isn't unusual for him on a big supply run; Sampo will be awake for a day or two, he'll bring back everything he finds to Natasha, then sleep for a solid 8-12 hours and be back up again. He takes a couple of low key days where he rests or does easy work, then he's ready to plunge into the fray again!
On the rare occasions he sleeps in the Fragmentum, it's not for very long, less than an hour, and Sampo has traps he sets all around him while he sleeps sitting up with daggers in hand. Caelus finds out about this habit the hard way because he gets restless and decides to go explore (I'd like to think with the Stellaron dwelling within him, he's largely immune to any kind of Fragmentum corrosion), and he sees Sampo curled up in a corner, head down. So of course he approaches to see if he's ok, and-
A trap pops and hisses
There's a bright flash of pink
Caelus blinks
His back hits the wooden wall behind him
There's the sound of reverberating metal-on-metal right next to his ear
Caelus blinks again
...and is shocked to suddenly find that Sampo is looming over him, pinning him to the wall, one dagger sunk into the wood and the other blocked by his metal bat.
And they both just stand there for a beat, until Sampo blinks the bleariness out of his unfocused eyes, and then he yawns obnoxiously right in Caelus' face and tells him he shouldn't interrupt people's beauty sleep! How is Sampo supposed to stay so handsome otherwise!?
Caelus only notices shortly thereafter that there's a thin line of blood on his neck, and he belatedly realizes that Sampo really would have taken his head off by pure instinct if he weren't also incredibly quick with his reflexes. No wonder he's the only undergrounder surviving out in the Fragmentum; anything that approaches in his sleep thinking they have easy prey is almost instantly demolished.
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sanguineterrain · 1 month
save me jason todd competency kink. jason todd competency kink save me. save me ja-
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shepherds-of-haven · 5 months
as an enchanter main i’m a little insulted the villains keep being enchanters thurl was one thing but sibella?? that’s crossing the line (lighthearted)
But think of the parallelism! Your MC can be the light to their darkness!
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heraldofcrow · 3 months
come on you of all people have to make a choice on who is getting the blue ribbon in Malenia vs Sephiroth
they are your stabby children?
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(incoming “angry” rant this is mostly light-hearted and non-serious, so please don’t worry 😅)
I am the QUEEN of not pitting two bad bitches against each other and instead I will gleefully say “fuck you” to all the versus battle shit that fandom loves to drool over and point out how these two would actually be pretty well-matched in most things and why MALENIA AND SEPHIROTH SPECIFICALLY SHOULD STOP BEING PITTED AGAINST OTHER CHARACTERS IN GAMING LORE BECAUSE THAT’S ALL PEOPLE EVER DO WITH THEM FOR FUCKS SAKE—
*throws Vergil’s stupid lawn chair out the window*
I spent hours and hours defending Malenia in the trenches on YouTube and Reddit back when the TRAILERS were just coming out. I STILL GET NOTIFS FROM THIS ONE THREAD OF ESSAY COMMENTS I WROTE ON YOUTUBE WHERE I TRASHED SOME SMUG DUDEBRO THAT WAS HATING ON MALENIA AND ACTUALLY MANAGED TO WIN THE SUPPORT OF 75% OF THE OTHER GAMER KIDS THAT READ MY RETORTS BECAUSE I WAS ON FIRE. (I am bragging a little, yes. I am still proud of that moment. No, I don’t want to ever re-live or re-read that cringe again but it was fun while it lasted).
I fucking think Radahn is pretty badass and a cool character, but the moment he showed up as the rival to Malenia, there were people worshipping the ground his horse walked on. As soon as the game was out, it took a couple of days for everyone to take his side in literally everything from morals to combat prowess, and Malenia just got dragged through the mud. Worst ER fandom era. I’m so tired of it and I left it behind, but dammit, I still stand with my view that Malenia deserved better from the fans.
She deserves to have her story analyzed and treated with care and her boss fight to be treated as a worthy challenge. There I said it.
Also, her strength is incredible. She is disabled and rotting from her core, but she can still do THIS?
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She’s so fucking beautiful, I am gonna cry. That’s her trouncing her own disabilities to keep fighting. That’s her stunning waterfowl dance where she moves like a dancing bird.
And then she has her god-form where she becomes a vessel for an Outer God so powerful that it reshaped an entire part of the continent, and she can BLOOM, absorbing more and more power. She kills players every moment with this these days. Out of the 9 billion deaths that Elden Ring has caused players, Malenia claimed over 300 million of those when the stats were last checked. One of the best bosses in Soulsborne history and almost certainly the toughest.
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She is an absolute powerhouse, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, a well-written, tragic, and morally complex character with an amazing story that I wish I could summon the brainpower to articulate in full.
And Sephiroth is the same if people can set aside all the fucking stereotypes and popular gamer perceptions of his character for five seconds.
This is him as a kid aged somewhere between 13-15:
He has his own “Waterfowl Dance” called the Octaslash:
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…where he moves faster than the eye can see. He cuts through moving bullets, big-ass troop transports, and dozens of soldiers in the blink of an eye. He can also summon fire so aggressively that it completely obliterates the surrounding environment.
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When he has his later powers, he cuts through enormous buildings and metal structures, he can throw….city ruins…at you,
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He can….change the weather???
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He can impale snake gods on giant…woodchips lmao?
He can fly without and with a wing, he can cut through different dimensions of time and space, he can shapeshift with his alien mother’s power, and he has an angelic god-form just like Malenia:
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….with which he has the potential to destroy the Solar System….
And he summons a Meteor that is big enough to destroy an entire planet in the game
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And it….almost does….
But see, Sephiroth CAN still be stopped. Malenia CAN still be stopped. They both have limits, and are beaten by The Protagonist Swordsmen. None of this powerscale shit matters with them because they both end up defeated anyway.
Sephiroth can summon that enormous meteor but Malenia fought the man keeping the stars in check to a stalemate and still left him crippled. Malenia has an Outer God backing her up with power, but Sephiroth has his own alien god mother backing him up with power.
Both of them also have the theme of refusing to just fucking die around them too, and I respect that.
Malenia has an incredible in-depth and tragic story with a strong connection to her brother and the horrors of her own existence.
Sephiroth has a shocking and tragic story with a deep connection to his mother and the horrors of his own existence.
One is a fallen hero turned into a villain, one is a fallen warrior with crumbling and desperate morals.
I only said Sephiroth was more terrifying than Malenia because he is vicious, unlike her. Malenia isn’t trying to burn all of humanity to death. She just wants to defend her brother as his champion. I’m not afraid of her as a villain or anything. I can see that she’s trying her best.
Sephiroth is brutal and cruel after he turns to the dark side and is meant to be terrifying as the enemy. He doesn’t have a cute little Millicent looking for him to restore his dignity. He’s completely isolate and moves like a prowling shark. That’s that.
Ok, I’m done.
Love you, anon—and yes, I love my stabby children and will defend them until I’m fucking dead <33
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I'm a physical therapist, so sometimes I find it fascinating to consider the amount of strength, coordination, endurance, and agility that is required for Star Wars characters (especially non-Force users) to pull off certain stunts/physical feats.
So, in reference to the crouched walking/running we often see Clone Force 99 (and particularly Tech) engage in during missions...
Can we take a moment to admire just how strong their legs are???
That's not even talking about the general balance, coordination, and flexibility necessary to do crouched walking without falling over, not to mention running.
(Special shout out to Echo, who does this on two prosthetic legs - meaning he's essentially performing this feat while balancing on two-jointed stilts and using the muscle power in only his hips/upper thighs.)
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cryptiduni · 1 year
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Being graded in PE was kind of fucked up. If you don't meet these ultra specific fitness requirements then we will fail you is such a wierd take, especially since every person is individual and while some are naturally gifted, others (like myself) simply aren't. It probably doesn't help that as an asthmatic I was forced to push myself way past my physical limit for the sake of a grade and wasn't given any exceptions despite the fact that I...ya know... couldn't breathe. At the very least you would think they would take that into consideration when grading, but no. School system is wild.
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white-weasel · 13 days
The way final 4 fire making sucks is two-fold. The concept as a whole just bleh and takes away a vote for a round in a game all about voting people out. However, fire became an even worse thing after Chris Underwood gave up immunity and put himself in fire and contestants have misunderstood the purpose of the move and decided winning in fire = winning the game ever since
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dranka · 5 months
Friendly reminder that Laurent is being secretly trained wrestling by NIKANDROS
and Damen's concern is that he won't learn properly with his clothes on 😔
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isfjmel-phleg · 6 months
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, the region of Arclis in the nation now known as Corege crowned their first Prince, who happened to be a ten-year-old boy named Elystan. Despite his youth, he grew into quite a capable ruler and has been highly regarded historically. Over time, the title "Prince of Arclis" came to be applied to the eldest son of the monarch of Corege, and although the title is used from birth, it is officially granted at an investiture ceremony. Traditionally, the investiture takes place when the new Prince of Arclis is ten, in memory of the original Prince.
Elystan Liddick, Prince of Arclis, ought to have had his investiture ceremony around October 1905, when he turned ten, but autumn and winter were a difficult time of year for him, hard on his asthma, so the ceremony was put off until March 1906. Then April. Then May (during Book 1).
Everything was in place to happen. Invitations sent out, ceremonial garments made, even a rehearsal played out.
And then the night before the ceremony Elystan had an asthma attack. A particularly bad one. There was no way he could possibly handle a lengthy public outing in the aftermath of that.
And Talfrin, who had to cancel the ceremony and make evasive excuses to everyone, was furious. This had been put off a few too many times for him, and people were starting to talk. Elystan was the only heir Talfrin had, and if he couldn't make it to his own investiture ceremony, what did that say for the future of Talfrin's very new and still tenuous dynasty? This could not be allowed to continue.
So Talfrin did something that he had never before done as a father--stormed into his son's room and gave him a thorough tongue-lashing. It was high time Elystan outgrew this nonsense that his mother's putting into his head about being delicate. A future king of Corege cannot--must not!--be weak. Elystan could be as strong as he made up his mind to be. But clearly he was choosing to wallow in this effeminate laziness. He was not ready to be King of Corege someday, let alone Prince of Arclis, so he could forget about that investiture ceremony. That honor was only for someone worthy of it, and until Elystan could prove that he had what it took to succeed a man like Talfrin, he would have to wait. If he didn't want the Liddicks to be the laughing stock of the Continent, he would need to start putting some effort into building himself into what a Prince of Arclis ought to be. He could conquer the asthma, or let it conquer him. His choice.
Elystan had another attack later that afternoon.
Shortly afterward came the events that led to Talfrin's forced abdication, so Elystan never did get that investiture ceremony.
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sorrygotthesesacks · 5 months
He’s so cute, help.
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