#giving long ass answers as usual lmao
undead-potatoes · 5 months
COUNTERSPELL ASK!!!!!!!!! (unless you already answered this (I couldn't find it) or it's already in your inbox)
If New Year's resolutions were a thing in Faerûn, would Jay or Aurora be the kind to make any? What kinds of resolutions would they make? Would they ever be able to keep any of them? Are there any resolutions they'd keep making over and over again, but always fail?
Bonus, because I kind of answered it in my post: What are their plans post-BG3?
I did get a similar-ish ask, but it also had like 4 other questions baked into it, so I'm answering this particular question here (also hi Nonny, if you're reading this I'm working on your ask too!)
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Jay is totally the kinda guy to make resolutions every year, and then fail horribly at keeping any of them. He'll get better at sticking to his planned schedules, he'll get home earlier so he can sleep more and better, he'll set aside time to work on his hobbies, he'll take a vacation for the first time in his life.
And then he never does any of those things, just keeps going as he always has while telling himself "last time I can be bothered with this, I swear". The resolutions mostly stay the same because his life does, and because he never manages to see any of them through.
I think he likes the idea of new beginnings, a fresh start to do things right, but it's of course a romanticized idea more that anything else.
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Aurora is more pragmatic about it, and while new beginnings is a central theme in her journey, she doesn't see the point of waiting for a particular time of year to do so.
She might say she'll do something just for fun, but it's not serious at all, and she rarely even tries to follow through.
If she did do them, they'd probably be things like "spend more quality time with loved ones" and "be kinder to yourself" (something she really needs to work on).
Cult!Aurora wouldn't do any resolutions either, and thinks it's even more stupid than post-tadpole Aurora. She has shit to do, she doesn't have time to sit around and promise herself she'll do all the things that needs doing like that.
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I think I mentioned this in another ask at some point, but Jay's plans for life post-game is essentially:
1) Finish all business in Baldur's Gate 2) Go to Waterdeep to live with Gale 3) ??? 4) Profit
He doesn't have any concrete plans for his future for the first time in forever, and it does him well to just vibe for a while and have Gale pamper him a bit, a gesture which he eagerly returns in kind. They're holding off on marriage at first, giving both a moment to settle into each other's lives, and just learning to know each other better in a less life-threatening situation.
Jay also needs time to feel like he actually belongs in Gale's life, especially among his wider social and familial circles (which luckily works out in the end, I hc that Gale's mom and wider family are actually pretty nice and welcoming cause I need that W for my guy).
Eventually he starts up his business again, operating out of both Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate with the help of a portal set up between the two cities (that would surly be within Gale's capabilities yeah?) I'm sure the wizards of Waterdeep would love a funky little guy who can get a hold of all sorts of weird stuff that they need.
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Aurora's plans depend largely on Shadowheart's ending. In my first playthrough I let her choose the fate of her parents, which meant they died and Shadowheart was free to live life on her own. But I'm not sure if that is my final canon, now that I know both Jay and Aurora would admit to wanting to save them if they were their own parents.
If her parents die, it's simple: Aurora, Shadowheart, and Astarion travel around Faerûn, seeing all sorts of things and getting into way too much trouble, again. They eventually plan to settle down somewhere, with both Aurora and Shadowheart keen to live a more normal life for once, and Astarion finding his own place in that life I'm sure.
If her parents live, Shadowheart stays behind to make up for lost time, while Aurora and Astarion go to the Underdark to help sort out the hoard of unsupervised vampire spawn they unleashed down there. Maybe Shadowheart eventually joins them, traveling around much like when her parents are dead, or Aurora and Astarion occasionally travel around on their own, while Shadowheart stays behind with her parents.
Either way, she has no real interest in a future where she's separated from either one of them for too long at the time.
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von-karmas-a-bitch · 8 months
you’ve got this!!
girl help i have no context ghskfhskbf thanks for whatever it is you're trying to pep talk me abt
#if i had to guess it's probably abt me rambling in the tags abt how i've been stuck in a mental illness tar pit#that caused me to run out of meds and subsequently get worse and ghost my found family grandparents for like 5 months fhsjhfjsgf#i am indeed on the verge of breaking my failgirl streak so i do got this you're right anon#the plan is to go to the farm and apologise for my disappearing act tomorrow around noon#since i feel like i can finally start volunteering consistently now bc im this close 👌 to getting back on top of shit#i actually did so much today im proud of myself#deep cleaned the degus' cages and gave them fresh bedding and they are very happy now bc making their nests is like their fave activity#especially sam he would honestly rather you give him a piece of toilet paper than a treat one man's trash truly is another man's treasure#and i took my laundry down (will put it away after I've done the other stuff i need to do) and hung my sister's up for her#(she batch cooked a bunch of meals for us and also does the bulk of housework as well as work work bc my ass is unemployed so like#it's older sibling reparations yknow. i gotta do stuff for her sometimes to lighten the load a bit lmao)#and i helped her take the bins out#and bc i have been living in my pajamas for an embarrassingly long while i have no more laundry to do aside from my bedsheets#which i am just abt to change#and THEN im gonna put my laundry away and answer that other ask#then im gonna be all caught up on Stuff I Need To Do and then volunteering at the farm will be the only thing i have to do#which will thus make it doable bc it won't make me too exhausted to do other stuff bc there is no other stuff to do#and then i will resume the usual thing where i don't go in on weekends and get the other stuff done then#i will of course inevitably burn out again but such is life when you have mental illness up the wazoo#honestly if the doctors were open on weekends that would solve a lot of my problems bc i keep forgetting to order my meds#and then i remember on the weekend but then they're closed and im like ok on monday then#and then by the time monday rolls around i forget rinse and repeat#im on the verge of running out again but fuck it we ball#i will figure this out somehow#im on top of literally everything else at least so. here's to hoping i can make it in on monday#apologies to my sister in advance for the 5 million alarms i must set but i am a very heavy sleeper#asks
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starieq · 2 months
“Lovin her seems tiring..” part 1
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Taggies/ warnings; Pro!HeroKats, cheating, fingering, creampie, blowjob, ridding, cumming, squirting, swearing, mention of sex toys, dirty talk, titty fuck, drinking, drunk messaging, dry humping.
a/n: i had a little to much fun with the Taggies/warnings, lmao!: hello! Tysm for all the damn love! I honestly feel really happy I decided to make an account cuz I’d just go on tumblr and read bkg fics. Some of my favorites have liked Stuffie animals and some followed me, which oml🥹 but i’am really just on here to make people’s day and make some new friends:D enjoy my first 18+ fic and tell me what anime characters or characters I should write abt! Love ya! 🤭🫶🏼
part 2!
You’ve been working with Katsuki Bakugo, aka, the more professional word, “Dynamight” for a few months now. As his pretty little assistant, you have to deal with his bull shitting, make meetings for him, make meeting PLANS with other pro heros, schedule trips for him and his little bitch of a girlfriend, Kira. God you fucking hate her. You don’t really wanna admit that you have a big crush on Dynamight, but only your diary knows that information. But, you get why he chose her. She has the perfect long black silk hair that hangs out with her ass, glossy lips, pretty dark green eyes, slim hourglass figure, and perfect pale skin. But, you also don’t know why the fuck he chose her, because all she does on her free time is spend Bakugos money on stuff she wants. You’re also pretty positive she spent some of his money on a fucking boob job. 
You come home to your cute apartment to your cat Loki, stretching on your leg begging to be carried and snuggle up with his favorite human in the world. If you’re feeling in the mood, you’d pick him up and put him on the little bed by the window where he spends most of his time sleeping, when  you two get up, sleeping when you’re getting ready for work, and sleeping when you’re at work. 
Anyways, you’re in the mood to just sit in your bed, legs spread wide, with your box of toys next to you. head propped up on some pillows while your vibration toy is on your puffy sensitive clit thinking of Bakugo pushing his redish pink angry head through your sensitive folds while you’re moaning his name. 
“F-fuck..! C-cant.. f-fucking take i-it! Bak- mh~ Bakugo!” You moan. The white bed sheets turning a light shade of grey. 
You take a look down in between your legs to see what just happened. You’ve never squirted before? Usually your clit would just throb. You swipe off hair from your forehead when you hear your phone ringing. 
You scramble out of the bed to get to your phone which was across the room. 
:caller ID; Dynamight🧡💥:
“Shit!” You whisper yell as you tried to swipe answer.
“Hello? y/n speaking,” you say trying to sound professional and calm since you just fucking squirted.
“Fuckin know who you are.” Bakugo grumbles.
“Sorr-“ Bakugo cuts you off.
“Need ya to schedule a hotel for me and you. Got a fuckin mission in Tokyo and ya need to come with.” He says with an annoyed voice.
“I-“ you get cut off again, but with a girls voice.
“Katsuki! I need more laced bras! Ugh, you’re so cheap! Gimme your card now! And who the fuck are you on call with? Trynna cheat on me while I’m in the same fucking room as you right now?!??” 
You’re guessing that’s Kira. God she’s annoying. She’s obviously a fucking gold digger out for his fame and money. You’d be so much better to him unlike his bratty girlfriend.
“I’m on the fuckin phone with my damn assistant brat! I don’t give two fucks if ya need laced ass bras! Leave me the fuck alone woman!” Bakugo yells. 
“Make the fuckin reservations tonight.” The last sentence he said before hanging up. 
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littlemissfiore · 8 months
Plan Failed!
prompt: your crush starts dating someone else. in a vain attempt to catch their attention, you device a plan with your friend to make them jealous. although, it seems your plan has failed, now it's up to your friends to pick up the pieces.
pairing: monster trio + usopp x gn!reader [modern au] [college au]
note: i was bored lmao (this is unedited)
Monkey D. Luffy:
"Let's just get something to eat! I'm getting hungry!" whined Luffy. You sent a glare his way, hoping he wasn't blowing your cover.
Luffy stared at you unamused, watching you look over at your crush flirt with someone else. He was getting tired of your antics, you were letting him starve just so you can ogle at your crush.
Luffy knew about your plan and was more than willing to help. The plan was simple, right? Make your crush jealous by having them think you're making moves on Luffy. Then, once they realize what they are missing out on, you and your crush date and Luffy gets to go his own way.
If only it was as simple as Luffy made it out to be. This little scheme of yours was lasting a little too long. Your crush never paid attention to you, and when he did, it was half-assed. Only asking for the answers to the homework or if you could help them work out a question on an assignment in class.
You always seemed to take these interactions as a victory, but not even Luffy is this dense. He was well aware your crush did not reciprocate your feelings but you would refuse to listen to him.
"Shut up! You don't know anything about romance!" you yelled at him, your face growing hot with embarrassment.
Luffy? Not knowing about romance? Of course he knew what it was. Two people like each other, go on dates and kiss, it was simple, right?
Luffy sometimes wanted to kiss you, was that romance? You two were already going on-unofficial-dates and hanging around each other more than usual.
The both of you were always together one way or another. You would invite Luffy out for lunch after class. He would stay in campus at night, waiting for you to finish your night classes. You were both in the same friend group. Luffy already knew what you liked and disliked; hell, he's met your family before that bonehead had the chance to.
What did that meathead have that was so special about them? Unlike them, Luffy would do his homework, even if the answers were wrong. He would never ask you for the answers, instead choosing to spend quality time with you teaching him the material outside of class.
Plus, Luffy liked you. You didn't need a convoluted plan to catch his attention, you already had it.
You let out a defeated sigh, "This plan isn't gonna work is it?" you asked, looking for confirmation.
"Nope!" Luffy said bluntly.
Even though his response hurt you, you knew Luffy was just being honest with you. It was a trait you admired in him, it was much better than having him feed into your delusions.
Luffy noticed a shift in your behavior now becoming a sad one. Coming to the realization that your crush did not reciprocate the same feelings you had. You were planning on going home and crying your heart out, it felt like the only thing to do. Although, Luffy had other plans. He grabbed you by the hand, leading you away from campus.
"W-where are you taking me?" you stuttered, tryin to keep up with Luffy's pace.
He only turn to look at you, giving you that wide grin you absolutely adored. "I'm taking you out to eat, my treat!" was the only thing Luffy responded with.
You felt warm inside knowing that Luffy was doing his best to try and make you feel better. Maybe it was for the best your crush didn't reciprocate your feelings. Why?
Because you felt yourself becoming flustered at the realization that Luffy has been holding your hand the entire walk to the restaurant.
Roronoa Zoro:
Zoro watched you mop around in your seat, watching your crush flirt with another person. Even with all the efforts you and Zoro went through to get your crush jealous all ended up in failures. Zoro was not one to shy you away from the truth, he told you in the beginning this plan was not going to work.
Now, here you were, trying to drink your pain away. Zoro was the last person you'd imagine to tell someone to stop drinking. Although, this was different, you looked pathetic being all mopey over some dumbass.
Zoro didn't understand you at all. How can you be sad over that piece of shit? If you asked him, he wasn't even worth your time. Actually, don't ask him that, Zoro would never admit it. He was too stubborn to tell you anything other than "I told you so".
It was a bad idea to come to this party, it was supposed to be fun but you were having an awful time. Zoro could be out enjoying his time drinking with his friends, but he choose to stay by your side instead.
"You know you're not obligated to stay with me, right?" you sniffled, rubbing your nose with the sleeve of your sweater. "You can be with your friends..."
Zoro would've ignored your comment but he was surprised you were crying. Are you seriously crying over your crush? Somebody who could care less about your feelings? That guy didn't even know you were in the same class as him.
"S-stop crying!" exclaimed Zoro. He didn't know how to deal with emotional people, especially when they were crying.
"But it hurts!" you cried, rubbing your tears away.
Zoro felt anger running through his veins, aggravated by the thought of you crying over that jackass. Stop crying, thought Zoro. Why were you crying over your crush when you had Zoro right there.
"You need to get over it!" spat Zoro, his words coming out rather harshly. He didn't mean to make you feel worse, but he was not going to hide you from the truth. "That jackass is over there making out with someone else and you're here moping like if he even knew you!"
You felt crushed but Zoro continued, "Know your worth! Realize just how cool you are, you were willing to let a loser like him be your boyfriend? Toughen up and find someone who will actually give a shit about you like I do!"
Zoro realized the words that had just come out of his mouth. Did he just give you a borderline confession? No, there was no way Zoro had any feelings for his friend.
Zoro saw how you became flustered, "Don't take that in a weird way!" he was quick to add before downing his beer.
Zoro tried his best to ignore the situation that unfolded. Where did that all come from? There was no way those fake dates and hand holding could've made him fall for you. It wasn't real, it was all an attempt to make your crush jealous; but, Zoro couldn't deny that he felt a little warm on the inside when he thought about being official with you.
Vinsmoke Sanji:
You were mindlessly going through Sanji's TV, looking for something to watch and ease your brain. At first, Sanji was surprised when you showed up to his house unannounced with a somber expression. You told him you would be with your crush on a so called "study date". It wasn't a real date but you thought it was a step closer to victory to name it one.
"The study session was cancelled," you muttered, dropping yourself on Sanji's couch. "Said he couldn't make it and then I saw him making out with someone else in another part of campus. Amazing, right?"
You looked miserable, your eyes were red and puffy. You had been crying as you made your way to Sanji's house.
Sanji wasted no time comforting, "Let me make you something to eat, hopefully you'll feel a lot better," he said, heading to the kitchen.
Sanji couldn't understand how someone could do that to you. You were cute, passionate and smart, traits Sanji admired since the first time you two met in class. He wished he got to have half the attention that you gave to your crush.
Sanji was already aware of his growing feelings for you but he choose to keep quiet. Before he had known he grew so fond of you, Sanji had already agreed to your plan. Others would call it a bad decision on his end, you would hold his hand and take him on 'dates'. It didn't make his situation any better, seeing how he fell even harder
Yet, Sanji would refuse to tell you about his feelings. You had your eyes on somebody else and he respected your decision, even if it would hurt him.
"Here you go," Sanji laid the plate in front of you. "Don't cry too much while eating, it'll make it taste saltier."
You have him a tired giggle but it was immediately replaced with a sad expression. Sanji knew what had happened earlier hurt you a lot.
"Sanji..." you started, snapping Sanji out of his daze. "Do you think I'm beautiful?"
"W-what?" Sanji was baffled by your question.
You looked ashamed of yourself but you repeated your question. "Do you think I'm beautiful...?"
What kind of question is that? Does Sanji think you're beautiful? Beautiful is just one of the many words he would use to describe how you look to him. He could spend hours writing letters on your beauty alone, of course you were pretty. How could Sanji explain to you how fast his heart beats every time he sees you? How he wished you looked at him with the same adoration you look at your crush.
Sanji knew he would be crossing his boundaries, but he felt you needed to know. He cupped both of your cheeks, giving you a compassionate look. You felt yourself becoming flustered with how intimate his touch felt.
"You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes upon, darling," said Sanji.
He truly meant it. All those fake dates would pale in comparison to what he could truly offer you. You felt yourself lean in closer to Sanji, closing the gap between your lips and his.
If you let him, Sanji would make you the happiest person on earth.
"What if we egg his house?" suggested Usopp.
Curse him and his mouth, now you were adamant in putting his idea to work. Usopp didn't have this feeling when he was hyping you up and while both of you walked to your crush's house. Now that he was physically there, Usopp could feel his legs shaking, he wanted nothing more than to run to the hills.
"Are you ready!?" you exclaimed with eggs already in your hands. "Here!"
You handed Usopp the eggs so he could join you. Even though it was dark and nobody could see you, Usopp was scared. He felt like the police was watching the both of you, ready to arrest you. He didn't know why he would ever come up with this idea. If he was being honest, Usopp thought you would reject it, opting instead in taking the high road.
"Yes, that's a perfect idea!" you exclaimed, getting your sweater.
Usopp saw how awful you felt after being ditched by your crush who asked you out on a 'date". He felt happy for you that the plan worked but also crushed. It meant you would no longer be able to hang out with him like you used to. You wouldn't be able to hold his hand or invite him out to places. Instead of being 'dating' Usopp, you'd be dating your crush.
When he saw you down in the dumps, Usopp felt rage. You tried so hard to get your crush's attention just so he could blow you off? Usopp would trade places with your crush if he could, he was insane.
What was even more insane was the fact that you were ready to throw the first egg.
"Wait!" whispered Usopp, looking around nervously. "Are you sure about this?"
You frowned, "Usopp, this man ditched me, giving me false hope!" you didn't hesitate to throw the egg which landed on the window. "If you ask me, he deserves it!"
You're right. He does deserve it. He deserves it for making you cry, for giving you false hope, but most importantly, for ruining his chances with you. Usopp could feel his legs shaking but he decided to ignore the nervous feeling pooling inside his stomach. He took a deep breathe and threw the egg and it landed on his roof.
You covered Usopp's mouth to try and not draw attention, but both of you started giggling. The both of you continued to throw eggs, almost finishing the carton of eggs. Before you could throw the last two eggs, the lights inside your crush's house turned on.
"Who is that!" you can hear their yelling from the inside even though it's muffled.
Usopp did not hesitate to grab your hand, sprinting away from the premises. You were stumbling a little, trying to catch up to his speed but you were trying to hold in your laughter. You two were this close to getting caught, but to Usopp it was worth it. You were smiling and having fun, it always made his day when you were happy. If only he would be able to confess to you. He was a coward, constantly needing hype from his friends to even try and think of confessing to you.
But maybe one day, Usopp would gain enough courage to confess to you and ask you out on a proper date instead of a fake one.
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moumouton4 · 1 year
Skinny Dipping Headcanons || MHA characters x reader
A/n : First time writing headcanons about multiple characters 😍🌹🔥
Including : Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, Tamaki Amajiki and Dabi
Warning : skinny dipping ( duh ), nakedness, making out, butt touching, slight NSFW, mention of other chracters... you end up grounded oops 😂
Reference location for Dabi's one : there
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 1874
Izuku Midoriya :
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At first he says no because he is shy ( and probably because it's forbidden to swim in the UA pool at night) but finally he accepts thinking that since he wanted to stay with you forever, one day he will eventually see you like this
If it's in a long time he will think about it a lot and write a plan in his notebook
If not, he'll get towels very quickly and hurry to join you
When you undress he puts his back to you to give you some privacy even if you assure him don't need it
While he has his back to you you compliment his ass and he tells you that he didn't ask you to do that while blushing furiously
He goes from broccoli to tomato lmao
Litterally 🥦 ➡ 🍅
He finally turns around with his hand on his face and his fingers ajar
You laugh at his blush and separate his hands from his face
He gasps when he sees your body but his eyes return directly to yours for fearing to make you uncomfortable
You tell him you don't mind if he wants to watch and his eyes slightly go down to your breasts
You then enter the water of the pool lit by the moonlight
When suddenly you feel something slap your ass. You yelp and turn around seeing Izuku pulling his hand quickly behind his back
"Sorry ! I didn't mean to ! I swear !"
You only laughed at his antics and pushed him into the water following him
He screeched and tried to hold on to something while he had water in his eyes
He grabbed you with his hands and was about to scream again but you stopped him by putting your lips against his so that no one would notice you
"You're in your depth Izuku, we're on the edge of the pool" you chuckled
He released you and used his hands to wipe the water from his eyes before giving you a cute smile at you, pink still decorating his cheeks
You kissed his cheek before taking him in your arms
He relaxed as he felt the warmth of your body against his
You had a great time talking and laughing so much that he forgot you were naked
Well except that when you got close to him he felt your breasts pressed against his chest
Once you got out of the pool he wrapped you in a towel and you both went back to the dorms like this
Maybe you should have put your clothes on even though they were sticking to your skin because of the water
Because as you passed through the common room of the dorms you ran into Denki and Kirishima who gave you guys thumbs up
Which for the nth time of the evening made him become a cute little tomato with green hair
Shoto Todoroki :
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"Yeah why not ?"
In fact you were away on vacation with his family and he was very happy to have an excuse to "escape" from the rental house where his old man was
He didn't know what skinny dipping was
Not even close
His eyes widened when he saw you undress
His left side burned slightly when he saw you naked
"What are you doing ?" his neutral tone a little flustered
I said we were going skinny dipping and not dressed dipping
"Oh" he replied with a surprised look
"Did you change your mind ?"
"No" he answered a little too quickly
You nodded your head which he interpreted as a way to ask him to take off his clothes. which he did quite quickly
When you entered the lake you found it a bit - very - cold for June
He joined you quickly enough, the only trace of fluster on his usually neutral face being the wideness of his eyes at your naked body
When he saw you shiver he reached out and took you under his arm, you clung to him, the warmth from his body warming you
When you got tired of what seems speaking for ages while looking at the sky and trying to guess the sound of the night animals
You got out of the water with his arm still around your shoulders
He left you only long enough to get a towel and dry you off tenderly, then you did the same and you guys got dressed in a peaceful silence
On the way back to the rental place you spoke again
"You're not too disappointed in what it was ?" you asked chuckling
You turned your head towards him when you felt him squeeze your hand
A genuine smile spread across his angelic face
"I really enjoyed the closeness. Will we do that again ?"
Katsuki Bakugo :
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He said no right away
So you told him he couldn't do it
finally he brought you back to the Forest Training Camp lake carrying you on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes
He tried to keep a indefferent look when you undressed but the blush on his cheeks proved otherwise
"Are you blushing-"
"I'm NOT BLUSHIN' you dumbass !"
You were both very afraid that someone heard you with how loud he screamed
Even he regretted it
Finally you went in the water and spoiler alert it was cold
You tried to get close to him but he told you to fuck off
So you went swimming
He finally felt stupid and joined you
One thing led to another and you found yourself clinging to him with your legs around his waist heavily making out
His hands that a few seconds ago were rubbing your back were now firmly holding your ass
Once the storm passed
He's doing his best not to let you see his pink face and flustered look keeping your face burried in his neck
You didn't forget that you weren't supposed to be there in the first place so you hurried to dry off and get dressed
You walked in hand in hand
But when you opened the door of the dormitories you found Aizawa staring at you with his red eyes and his arms crossed on his torso
"You're grounded"
"Fuck !"
Tamaki Amajiki :
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He really wants to say yes but he also wants to say no because he is shy and embarrassed
He only agreed because lately he said no to a lot of activities you proposed to do together and he was afraid you would get tired of him and leave him :'(
Of course you would never do that even though at times it was hard to take his rejection
He tried to reassure himself that you were going to do it at night and that it would be dark so he would have nothing to fear, right ?
Well the full moon that taunted him in the bright sky was not of that opinion
The light it reflected was so clear he could even see the senior dorms from the pool
He waited until you're undressed and in the water to remove his own clothes with trembling hands before he joins you in the pool
He goes directly to where the water is deep enough that only his head comes out of the water, staying at a "safe" distance from you
After to calming his breathing - which he succeeded in doing - he tried to spot you in the pool
He saw you floating, doing the board, letting yourself be carried by the water, you looked so peaceful
This got his attention and he asked
"Y-you're alright ?"
"Yes, it feels good, you should try it"
He shifted off the edge and ended up doing it too and as he was starting to think that you were right he involuntarily bumped you
When he felt your body against his hand he jumped and you both went over
Except that you had weren't in your depth and seeing you struggling he grabbed you to make sure you didn't swallow water
He was all red as you clung to the side of his body
After that you decided to get out of the water and get dressed
On the way back, and maybe because of the late hour he had the courage to wrap an arm around you which surprised you. You took his hand and held it in yours
That little moment at the pool brought you closer and he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it and wasn't looking forward to you offering it to him again
Dabi :
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Lmao he said no so fast. Before you even finished your sentence yet you had taken him aside to ask him
"Hey Dabi would you like to-"
"I didn't even ask-"
"I said no."
You smiled mischievously "Okay I'll go ask Toga then…"
He got up so fast from the chair he was couch on, he was now towering over you
He followed you without even knowing what you wanted to do with him
He arrived in front of a pool that you had entered illegally
He frowned when he saw you undress and enter the water. His eyes following the curves of your ass taking his time to observe you
He ended up following you when you turned to him, a slight blush on his healthy skin
He sighed quietly as the water touched his skin, refreshing and soothing him
You were taking in his chest and muscular arms
When suddenly you screamed feeling something touch your foot
You screamed and that got his attention and he grabbed you in his arms as you jumped towards him
He raised one of his arms and lit his hand to make light for a very brief moment
He chuckled when he saw that it was a pair of diving goggles
He was happy in a way because now you were in his arms and if it had been just him it would have taken much longer
Thanks diving goggles I guess
The way your eyes were dipped in his icy ones made him want to kiss you so badly
And so he did
He ended up pressing you against the edge of the pool gently ginding against you making you make sounds that he thought were so sweet to his ear as your hands clutched at his black locks
When you walked into the League of Villains HQ, everyone else was wondering why Dabi was so relaxed with what - they dared to think - looked like almost a smile on his lips
Now that he had discovered this oh no he wasn't going to be satisfied with just one time
A/n : That was so fun to write 😂 I hope you guys liked it ! 🖋🎧 Again my requests are open 🍩🍪
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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skatingbi · 7 months
Yo we out here with some more Ace lives AU but i'll make them little bullet points so I dont have to write a whole essay. Enjoy my little headcanons!
Warning: Theres. So many. Im not sorry tho lmao
Ace joins the strawhats after the time skip, nobody really minds and theyre happy to spend time with luffy's older brother. He quickly becomes best friends with Nami. I just feel it in my soul that they would gossip together.
Both Ace and Luffy suffer from awful PTSD symptoms after Marineford. With Luffy, his crew eventually learn how to help him. With Ace, though, he only has Luffy to lean on for support until the crew get aquanted with him.
Actually, to add onto that bc im a sucker for acesan, Sanji is the first after Luffy to reach out during one of his bad days when even really small triggers can make Ace spiral into a panic attack.
More acesan sorry lmao. Ace is usually either out on the figure head of the sunny looking at the ocean when Luffy isnt occupying that spot, in the gallery when Sanji is working, or just out on the deck laying on the grass. He especially likes being around sanji in the gallery.
Pre timeskip Ace is extremely different than this AU's Ace because yes he's silly and carries an air of confidence with him still, but he's never shirtless around others anymore. For a long while, Ace doesnt leave the ship or pick fights. His confidence is a facade for a long time.
Depression hits ace like a truck in this AU and its only eased with the help of Luffy and Sanji. Chopper also helps the best he can with what he's got. Ace is grateful for this, and eventually his old self starts to emerge more and more. Luffy is there with him the entire time.
Ace has insomnia, but so does Sanji and Zoro. He'll hang out with them during late night hours either on watch with zoro sharing stories or with Sanji talking to him while he's doing prep work or inventory. He'll probably also fend off luffy when his little brother tries to break into the locked fridge lmao
But more funny headcanons!! Im getting depressing here sorry!! Ace will mess around with Luffy and entertain him before meal times by play fighting. Their asses will be duking it out on the deck and Chopper will be all concerned and Zoro and Nami will be like "Siblings." Like thats the most obvious answer in the world.
Tbh, the crew members with any type of sibling or sibling bond will get it. Luffy will deadass try to steal Ace's food and Ace will smack his hand lightly with haki and Luffy will dramatically exclaim how mean his big brother is.
"Ace is so mean! I'll starve to death!" "Yeah, sure, you little menace"
Ace regaining strength over his devil fruit powers by making little shapes out of fire for chopper, luffy, and usopp. Franky and brook join the group to give ace prompts. It becomes a nightly occurance at this point.
The first time he decides to go shirtless in front of the crew, they realize his old tattoo is replaced by scar tissue that covers nearly his entire back. Nobody says anything, but I think Franky and Nami would be really understanding. Also luffy. Luffy would be like "We match! Ace has a cool scar like I do!" and it reassures him but also breaks his heart simultaneously.
Ace eating nearly as much as luffy and Sanji being like "Are you sure youre not blood related? Because youre both gonna run my kitchen dry"
Ace not really having a defined role in the crew and them not really minding it. Ace floats around basically. It kind of fits him more that way since he knows a bit of everything. He'll look at maps with nami to chart a course to the next island, He'll fight alongside zoro and sanji, he'll tell usopp about different ways to use combustion and heat in weapons or ammo, etc.
Ace and nami using the power of their good looks to scam people lmao and ace being able to swindle men and women. Nami is impressed and also jealous.
Luffy growing his hair out so him and Ace match, but luffy apparently has curlier hair than Ace so its just a fluffy mess until usopp caves and teaches them how to actually take care of their hair (luffy does not absorb a single thing and ace now has to help luffy with his hair when it gets as long as his)
Ace noticing one day how zoro looks at luffy and being like "yikes...you got it bad, man" and zoro just being like "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP-" but ace is fucking cackling and now zoro cant be too mad about that. He's still embaressed as fuck about it though.
Expanding on that actually: Ace actually being supportive because he knows how loyal zoro is. He isnt worried. Plus, Luffy is extremely strong and it takes a lot to actually hurt him. So he's like "dude you gotta just tell him straight up he is dense as hell"
Ace the ultimate wingman for zoro. Not luffy, though. That's what Nami is there for. Him an nami are definitely working together and placing bets on when and who asks who out with robin, usopp, sanji, and franky. I wont say what they chose for their bet but robin definitely wins.
BUT luffy, nami, zoro, robin, usopp and franky place bets on Ace and Sanji. Ace is never subtle. He flirts openly and is proud of it. Sanji is very subtle with ace, though. The crew immediately see past his bullshit of trying to be straight. Its painful to watch. Poor sanji is trying so hard to remain closeted but the closet is literally glass. I wont say who betted what as per my last bullet point, but surprisingly zoro won. Everyone (nami) is outraged by this incident. Luffy is here for a good time.
The crew playing card games except they learn sometimes ace cannot handle flammable objects because he will burn them accidentally. Competitive card games are now banned if ace is playing.
Ace is also banned from using his devil fruit powers while sparring on the deck. The poor grass on there has been burned so many times. Nami has kicked his ass over it.
Ace and zoro get really competitive. Not like zoro and sanji, but they'll spar without weapons and at least one of them will leave with a busted lip or eyebrow and a lecture from chopper. Theyre chill though they just forget to hold back on their punches. Ace one time used haki and had to help franky fix the deck afterwards.
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Lmao I had thoughts after thinking about how modern Vox's voice sounds in Hazbin Hotel and have a hc dump that might be up your alley.
I can't hear any noticeable markers of a 50s accent, as opposed to characters like Alastor or Zestial, who definitely sound like they came from the Era they died in. The idea of Vox changing how he speaks in life based on what's trending in media. Possibly even learning a Transatlantic accent just as it's going out of fashion, then adjusting to the new styles of the 40s and 50s as they rise and fall. In death, it's only natural that he keeps up the habit.
Vox amused the first couple times someone is taken aback at how "modern" he sounds when he's working out deals in the 70s or 80s. A potential business partner / victim mentioning that they expected him to sound more 50s and Vox rolling his eyes because "Obviously you don't understand what we do here, then. The 50s are long gone, motherfucker. Try to keep up." Maybe even pulling out, or making a show of considering pulling out of a deal because Vox doesn't do dated. He didn't get where he is by clinging to old shit.
Sure, he can pull out 'the 50s TV show host' or 'the 50s businessman' for the bit, but he hasn't spoken like that day to day in decades. He's not bent up about it either. He sees it as a strength – adapting with the times. (That's showbusiness, baby.)
And sure, there are things he is nostalgic about from his time on Earth, but he'll fuckin' die again before admitting that. Very occasionally he'll drop some 50s slang while bantering with Velvette or Val, but it's always "ironic" – usually after Vel has called him an old fuck. If there are prints or fashion that he's fond of from Before, he wears their modern "retro" counterparts.
The closest he'll get to admitting nostalgia for "dated shit" is being pleasantly surprised while eating at some place run by sinners who also died in the 50s and making a side comment about how "most of these places doing the 50s diner thing are full of shit but they nailed it."
On VoxVal: The only time any vestiges of his real voice from Before coming out being when he's high or tired out of his mind with Valentino. It's always in private during his most unguarded moments. Vox calling Val dollface or some other 50s ass pet names out of a habit he forgot he had buried deep down somewhere. Val thinks it's funny when it happens, but also kind of digs it. Vox won't specifically request it, but occasionally 50s pin-up is involved when they fuck around. If Vox happens to be real fuckin into it when the pin-up is period accurate, that's his business.
(@tvhostfromhell )
I'm totally subscribing to the idea that Vox's need for relevance and admiration would push him into actively controlling even something as "automatic" as the way he speaks. Reinventing himself every time to adjust to the situations in a way that is the most profitable for him. No wonder he's so evil; if you put so much effort into shaping yourself to others' liking, you eventually grow to resent the people you perform for. God, he's so repressed. If Val realized that nostalgia is Vox's guilty pleasure, he would go out of his way to indulge it, that's for sure.
I always feel stupid giving such a short answer for long asks but honestly there's nothing I could add? You are brilliant, thanks for sharing this!
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lxvvie · 9 months
So as I was writing and getting requests done, I had a thought: how about we take that trend I did with Call of Duty and apply it to your favorite primarchs? This begs the question: How would your dearly beloved primarchs react if you called them by their full name... because of reasons?
Horus - Hits you with one of his most dazzling smiles. It's too dazzling, which lets you know that Horus got into some shit. You question him and he gives you a vague answer while still smiling.
Leman Russ - You and he both know he's been up to no good so he'll either proposition you or make sure he's not in the vicinity to hear you call his name lmao.
Ferrus Manus - Instantly stops whatever it is he's doing; contemplates a response and ultimately decides to make himself scarce somewhere else.
Fulgrim - Is affronted that you'd call his name with such... irreverence. Will actually ignore you. Bastard.
Vulkan - Will also stop what he's doing and answer your call just as fervently as you called him. Has a tendency to resort to hugs to placate you. Those hugs are amazing, though... You can never stay mad at him for too long.
Rogal Dorn - Responds by calling you by your full name. With no intonation. Smart ass.
Roboute Guilliman - Will give some bullshit explanation while multi-tasking that would make Horus proud as to why he got into shit and how said shit has been resolved. May or may not work depending.
Magnus - It becomes a staring contest because you want him to give you an answer and he's trying to figure out why you called him.
Sanguinius - His foresight never prepares him for the way you say his name. Would put on his best saccharine smile that Horus would also be proud of but it's ineffective because his wings usually give him away.
Lion El'Jonson - Gives no fucks. Save for a quick glance will refuse to acknowledge your call. Because of reasons that have nothing to do with the fact that he's in deep shit.
Perturabo - Will pretty much stomp his way to you and get eye-level with you with a sneer. "Why do you call me?" A battle of wills and glares ensues.
Mortarion - Will look down on you, literally and figuratively.
Lorgar - Is the one who puts Horus and Sanguinius to shame because he ALWAYS placates you. ALWAYS. It never fails. But this is after he's winced and bowed his head some, even though he towers over you.
Jaghatai Khan - Gotta catch him first to find out lmao.
Konrad Curze - Results may vary. Might even hear some gremlin screeching... er, do you really wanna know?
Angron - Smirks and chuckles because he most certainly did some shit and he's practically begging you to say something about it.
Corvus Corax - May or may not be repentant, depending on the severity. Also may or may not make himself known but an effort was made, I suppose.
Alpharius - You're better off wondering what it is he didn't do. Whenever he comes, you're left wondering if that's the real Alpharius or if he sent a proxy like the last couple of times.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 10 months
hello hi!!! grfhvhghr i am in love with your artwork so much you cant believe-- i wanna ask if you have any tips on how you lineart and colourpick?? no pressure to answer tho, have a great day/night!! again, love your art <33
hi!! thank you for your kind words!! since i got asked about these a lot, im answering this for all the other ask asking about lineart and colour tips too! You can see some previous post here.
also i could only give out tips that work for my drawing style - which is heavy lineart / colours pop up the line (believe it or not it's American comic book style. ppl cant understand why my art doesnt really look like usual anime/ Asian webtoon style, even though it is still clearly anime / Asian webtoon style, but when i told them it's because im drawing these by studying American comics, no one believes it either lmao.
i do study but i do my own things too, so most of my art inspo is really unexpected to ppl, but they r really where i learn things from, cuz i dont even go to art school TT_TT).
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Changing the brush size will help you achieve thick/thin lines better without having to put pressure on your wrists. Keep your hold relaxed and let bigger brush size give you the thick strokes.
I like messy sketch, to me the sketch is just an outline shape to fill details in when i do the line, it also gives more freedom to wriggle as i draw! cuz i dont really plan out everything from the start, just wing it as i go, so a lot of my work is actually very spontaneous.
that leads to this point: when you do the lineart you should start deciding which colour style you want from it to adjust the details amount. the ink shadow blocks in my art aren't there randomly, i adjust them to best complement the shape language and colours.
for piece where i want the line/shadow to...idk hit (?), the colours are almost flat with textured brush adding depth to them, so the inking is the shading, thus there are more details in the lineart / ink blocks.
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for the video above and piece like this where i want the colours to be clear and pop out, the use of ink blocks are minimized and i do the shading during colouring process. but! the ink blocks can still make some places pop very nicely! just use in moderation!
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when doing the base it's good to keep the colour on the left side of the colour wheel (low saturation), but as you do shading and lighting, try to spread out evenly so it won't look washed out.
toggle around with hue and saturation slider as you go! the key is always adjusting! you're making hundreds of decisions at once, being conscious of your choice in why a line or a colour should be in a certain way will help improve your process a lot! (i think you can tell which art i turned off my brain and just draw for stress relief ........ which is also a valid way to draw and sometimes the result might surprise you! but for more serious stuffs i try to be aware of most of the move i make. it's problem solving, yeah?)
i find that one way to keep your art from appearing too...yellow in the end (which is sth that haunted my ass for a long while) is always aim for cold tone, so if you accidentally make it warm either way in the end it won't be too warm (and yellow :cry:)
well that's all the stuffs i can think on top of my head. sorry i can't give more advice on colour picking cuz it's sth i don't really know how to give advice on???? i think my colours now are still pretty lame haha........ if there are still any questions i'd gladly answer within my ability, though im very slow to answer ask ( i do read and be happy at all of them tho!)
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butch-reidentified · 1 month
if you think agp is a thing(and presumably exclusive to trans women) what do you think of cis women claiming to masturbate in front of mirrors and CIA women who report being aroused by breastfeeding?
literally every single answer to these questions is available on my blog. I'm tired of writing the same posts over and over and over. if you can't find sufficient answers scrolling my blog, searching key words on my blog (or on google citing my blog, which yields better results oftentimes), going through the links in my pinned, or checking the tags referenced in my pinned, then I'd say if it's reeeeally important to you to get answers, your best bet will be to sit tight and occasionally check for updates to my Pinned as I am gradually adding more and more links detailing my views, and/or skim my blog from time to time - it's pretty much guaranteed to cycle through again within a month at most 🤷
I was actually gonna put a partial (that is to say, just not my usual thorough, detailed, and nuanced) answer at the beginning, but honestly I'm getting VERY tired of anonymous strangers who most likely just stumbled across my blog for the first time today thinking they're entitled to a personalized thinkpiece from me when almost every time I get an ask like this (which are distinctly different from good faith curiosities, which I'm more than happy to answer), I've already posted my answer, I've already written about the subject in depth on my blog. so I'll put my answer below instead so you have to read all of the above first, so you at least sort of vaguely kinda earn some response by putting in a miniscule fraction of the work/time I've put into both reading/informing myself about all sorts of different opinions, ideologies, experiences, perspectives, and views (rather than just demanding opinions from strangers on anon, lmao) and writing countless posts (& that's just on here, ignoring the offline side which is where I'm wayyy more active), which are almost always VERY long and detailed and proofread and edited and polished several times over.
btw, kind of a side note -- I have NEVER sent a single anon in my life, and I have NEVER, anonymously or not, demanded someone give me a personalized just-for-me explanation of their opinions (or any at all). the reason I call this entitlement is because you (most likely) aren't asking out of genuine curiosity or good faith. you (most likely) are asking because you dislike what you think my views are (you are most likely misinformed and think I believe things I do not) and you (most likely) think this is some kind of gotcha rather than the same ignorant, unoriginal, boring ass points that I've read countless times as far back as when I was a transactivist and trans-identifying myself. they've been debunked/responded to by a LOT of other women, too, and I'm very confident you could easily find at least one such response. I'm not holding you to a standard I don't also hold myself to; in fact, that I'm going to give you any degree of actual answer at all is demonstrative of my holding myself to a HIGHER standard. because again, nothing I'm about to say on this topic is just now in this post being born into the universe as a novel thought. or even a novel tumblr post; like I said, you could find the radfem answers to this ask yourself with just a tiny bit of effort - and while radfems are far from a monolith, and I am a frequent vocal dissenter on a variety of radblr hot topics, this isn't even really a matter of opinion. read on to find out why.
Part A - Not answering the questions here per se, but a clarification of terminology that may help you (any reader, not necessarily anon) see my perspective:
The word "cis" has different definitions. It used to mean someone who is not trans, whereas trans referred to sex-dysphoric transitioners, a demographic who now often prefer terms like transsexual or transsex or simply "sex-dysphoric" BECAUSE they don't agree with gender identity ideology (GII) and object to the way GII has been actively hostile to them and erased transsexuality (and thus their identities, needs, beliefs, and experiences as well), similarly to the ways in which GII engages with pretty much everything that isn't complete and total blind allegiance. These include but are far from limited to:
1. Obfuscating people's (especially children's/young adults' - as they are the primary consumers of most GII content by far) understanding of biology, particularly as it pertains to the sexes of human beings and sexual dimorphism, and inserting "gender identity" as a direct (but importantly not synonymous or remotely parallel) replacement for the material and biological reality of sex. Sex, absent patriarchy and the gender construct, is simply a neutral and factual categorization of human beings: sex categorizes human body types according to the two developmental pathways that evolved solely for the purpose of producing one gamete type or the other to enable perpetuation of the species via sexual reproduction. What this statement does NOT imply to anyone reading it with even an ounce of integrity/intellectual honesty: "women are defined by having babies," "infertile/childfree adult female humans are not women," "humans with anomalous sexual development of any variety are not male or female, but rather a 3rd sex or even proof sex is a spectrum," or anything along these lines; I refer to these arguments as intellectually dishonest because they are originally intentional (disinformation -> misinformation) misinterpretations & serve to moralize, dogmatize, and essentially theologize facts of nature.
This obfuscation of biology is committed via a variety of tactics that frequently include outright gaslighting; "gender and sex are different" turned into "sex is actually a spectrum" (it's not - read on to learn why not!) and then outright science denial while gaslighting others as being the unscientific, uneducated, "3rd grade understanding of biology" ones (again, this is simply factually not true*).
*Feel free to request to see a peer-reviewed neuroscience journal publication bearing my name and/or my thesis (original research regarding the overlapping genetics + epigenetics of norepinephrine dysregulation in both dysautonomia and attention deficit disorders) if you are skeptical of my credentials regarding biology. alternatively, feel free to cite your sources and I will provide a free-of-charge peer review service :)
2. Building from #1, the erasure of patriarchal sex-based oppression of women & girls (by definition: human beings of the female sex, adults & children respectively) via aforementioned tactics obfuscating sex biology & human biology in favor of an innate, internal "gender identity" which is extremely poorly defined with the individual "gender identities" themselves left utterly non-delineated. Gender identity ideology is to be taken entirely on pure faith, despite the fact that there is absolutely no evidence to support gender identity as a universal component of human beings/universal human experience. In fact, the existence of absolutely any nonzero quantity of human beings who do not experience gender identity firmly disproves it as universal human experience - and we know not all humans have a gender identity. However, every human being experiences sexual development, be it typical, disordered (DSDs, congenital infertility, etc), or otherwise anomalous; the vast majority experience typical sexual development, and one's sex is entirely clear in the vast majority of atypical cases as well. Female humans are oppressed on the basis of our biological reproductive capabilities; patriarchy desires control over the female sex as a direct product of its desire to control reproduction. Patriarchy created the gender construct to instill and enforce a caste system between the sexes upholding the patriarchal dogma of male supremacy and female inferiority. Similarly, patriarchy created father-gods in order to make the creation of life a male act. Erasure of sex in favor of the gender construct serves male supremacy and cannot ever be anti-patriarchal or feminist. Evidence of sex based oppression abounds offline (frankly, you need look no further than menstruation stigma in all its forms up to and including menstrual huts, but there is infinitely more evidence) and right here on my blog as well; I even have some posts tagged to serve as proof of sex based oppression.
3. Erasing homosexuality via working toward erasure of exclusive same-sex attraction (this is particularly targeted at lesbians, and this is VERY well documented. I have many examples of this in my TRA Receipts tag, including a particularly excellent masterpost containing, in total iirc THOUSANDS of screenshots), once again replacing sex with "gender identity" as if one's orientation being defined as attraction to another human's invisible, internal, and highly individual "gender identity," which not all humans even purport to have in the first place, could possibly make any sense. This is uniquely absurd.
As stated in the 2nd link in #1 on my Pinned, I object to the usage of "cis" for non-trans-identifying people. Why? At the core of it, because the most commonplace definition of "cis"/'cisgender" that I see at this point in time is "having a gender identity that aligns with what was assigned at birth." As stated above, gender identity is not universal, rendering "cisgender" equally as personal and internal of an identity label as "transgender" - and these are not a pure dichotomy by any means. Radical feminism does not grant any degree of objective factual legitimacy to the gender construct; thus, no radical feminist is or can be, by definition, transgender or cisgender (this does not carry over to whether or not radfems can have dysphoria or even be medically transitioned). Radfems are not the only humans without "gender identities," and it is dishonest and disrespectful to force the term/label onto everyone else according to an ideology we/they may not share.
Part B - The Long-Awaited Answer! [I changed my mind since this ended up significantly longer than initially planned so here ya go]
Autogynephilia was coined as a term with a specific definition. That definition is still the same one in use today. That definition explicitly states that only males can qualify. That definition is: "a paraphilia that describes when a man experiences sexual arousal from the thought of himself as a woman" per Google, and "a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female" per Blanchard's original stated intention for the term he created. Wikipedia goes on to add "intending for the term to refer to 'the full gamut of erotically arousing cross-gender behaviors and fantasies.'"
I have many criticisms of Blanchard himself and of the quality of his research methodologies. However, the evidence for the existence of the paraphilia itself is abundant and undeniable given that many males outright refer to themselves as autogynephiles and many have openly discussed their experiences as someone with this paraphilia. What I do not believe is that all trans-identifying males are AGPs, that there is proven legitimacy to the HSTS/AGP dichotomy (even Blanchard himself said not all OSA trans-identifying males are AGPs - just a whole lot of them), or that non-trans-identifying males can't be AGPs - actually I think it's likely that most AGPs don't identify as transgender.
The core of the paraphilia, the source of the arousal, is a product of the patriarchal sex caste system; autogynephiles are aroused by the idea of themselves as women - as they themselves have stated - because of the sexual objectification of femaleness and/or because they're aroused by degradation and humiliation (as is blatantly obviously on brilliant display in the existence of and obsession with "forced feminization" and similar female-degrading sexual concepts), and the AGP male views femaleness and the gender that patriarchy has forcibly ascribed to femaleness ("femininity") as inferior and thus sees his engagement in performing femininity as degrading - which in turn sexually excites him.
One reason some women find themselves arousing in their own bodies and natural non-performative states is the same as when men find themselves arousing in their own bodies and natural non-performative states: self-confidence increases libido and associations can be made between A and B. Where women and men inevitably differ, however, is about the arousal surrounding performing femininity and/or sexual self-objectification. It is not at all unreasonable to speculate that some women can be turned on when they "feel hot" for a reason other than just self-confidence; for one speculative example, it's possible that some women may see herself in the mirror all dressed up in hypersexualized clothing and feel that they've succeeded in mirroring the pornified images and sexually-appealing-to-males beauty expectations. Ultimately, this is self-objectification. It's patriarchy and the male gaze that have forced these associations onto all of society, and hypersexual associations have a tendency of causing sexual arousal in people (duh).
Oh and I've never heard of women being aroused by breastfeeding, only complaining about it being painful asf, but like. Nipples are among the most common and well-documented non-genital erogenous areas so? This seems terribly unlikely to be a common phenomenon, but utterly irrelevant to the existence of autogynephilia regardless lol. If this is a thing, like I said I doubt it's commonplace at all, but even just hypothetically, I'd say it would distinctly fall in line with everything else I say in this answer. Patriarchy and its pornographers have indeed sexualized breastfeeding - there are a concerning number of men who ask their partners NOT TO BREASTFEED their babies - his own children! - because it makes him JEALOUS and even resent the baby. I'm dead serious you can look this up, it happens. So... read on for elaboration.
I neither know nor care precisely what you're referencing in this ask, because the answer remains the same: autogynephilia by definition can only affect males, and males who have a fetish for the idea of themselves as female, be that through imagining themselves Fucked (anatomically female, specifically in a sexually objectified - aka Fucked - manner; the anatomical/biological form of autogynephilia fetishizes the male subject imagining himself as the female Fucked object of pornography) or Feminine (as discussed above) fundamentally are not and cannot be the same as women who are turned on by feeling like they look sexually appealing or by their own natural anatomy or biological functions (which have been violently hypersexualized by patriarchy). This is a form of internalized misogyny; when men do it, it's just misogyny. These are not the same.
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blowedtvhead · 4 months
𝒞𝒽𝑜𝓈𝑜'𝓈 ℒ𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒟𝑒𝓈𝒾𝓇𝑒𝓈
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Choso x Fem!Reader
Warnings: backshot mention, hair pulling, cunnilingus, lotus position, praise kink, masturbation, body worship, exhibitionism mention, vaginal sex, cock ring mention, teasing, marking kink, cock description,
NSFW Alphabet!!
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A = Aftercare = Choso is the kind of man to get you anything you need when giving aftercare. You want a bath? He’s already running the warm water. You want sweet cuddles? He’s pulling you into his muscular chest, massaging your body. If you asked him if he had some kind of preference, he would answer, saying he enjoys a warm bath. You sit together, wrapped in each other’s embrace in the warm, scented water.
B = Body Part = If Choso had to choose, he’d say your thighs. Whether it’s in a more innocent scenario like holding your thigh while driving somewhere or being crushed between as he draws orgasm after orgasm from you.
C = Cum = Choso loves backshots. Like LOVES them. He loves being able to see his cum run down your spine to the curve of your ass. It’s almost enough to make him hard again, to be honest.
D = Dirty Secret = Pull this man’s hair. When he’s eating you out or making out with you, he loves it when you grab his scalp. Like he’ll moan into your mouth or pussy when you do so.
E = Experience = Well, Choso isn’t exactly all that experienced. However, he is more than willing to learn. You’ll only have to show/tell him once, and he’ll get the hang of it.
F = Favorite Position = He loves the lotus position. He loves being so close to you - your chests pressed against each other and his arms about you. God, he loves it.
G = Goofy = He’s not very goofy during sex, I’d say, but if you are, he’s not opposed to occasionally laughing at a joke, maybe.
H = Hair = He never paid any mind before getting with you. However, when the two of you began to be intimate, he kept himself groomed - definitely wanting to impress you.
I = Intimacy = He loves the intimacy behind it. He loves holding your hand while pounding into you and setting up a romantic atmosphere. He loves praising you to high heaven like this man is a die-hard romantic. I stand by that.
J = Jack Off = When he’s not with you, he’ll probably indulge in some masturbation. He just can’t help it when his thoughts trail to you (which happens like all the time, ofc).
K = Kink = As I said before, definitely hair-pulling, lmao. But also praise kink - he loves praising you as much as possible. Going in hand with praise, I will also say body worship. He loves both giving and (receiving), although the latter is not something he will ask for lol.
L = Location = He would prefer the privacy of your own home, but he is not entirely opposed to a quickie outside of your privacy (but it would probably take a LOT of convincing).
M = Motivation = He has no specific motivations because he loves everything about you. Therefore, if you were to ask, he’d probably simply say, “Just you.”
N = No = He would never want to hurt you or your feelings. He would say because of his love and respect for you.
O = Oral = Giving for sure. He loves hearing you moan for him as he eats you out. (It’s the best sound he’s ever heard).
P = Pace = It depends on the mood of either of you. However, He prefers a slower and rougher pace because he gets the most beautiful reactions from you.
Q = Quickie = He does prefer to take his sweet time with you, but if he’s pent up enough, he might occasionally indulge in a quickie with you.
R = Risk = I feel like he’d be relatively okay with experimentation. Def a lot of prep for it tbh.
S = Stamina = He can last however long he needs to (basically, how long you want him to lowkey).
T = Toys = He likes using toys on you especially, but not too often for himself. He’s more likely to use them on himself when away from you. I’m thinking he uses a vibrating cock ring, honestly.
U = Unfair = He usually loves giving you what you desire. However, he does enjoy teasing you every now and then just to hear you beg for him and his cock.
V = Volume = At the beginning, he’s more likely to groan and grunt at a reasonable volume. However, when he’s about to cum he moans close to your ear. So, he’s not too loud and prefers only you to hear how good he feels.
W = Wild Card (A Random Headcanon For The Character) = He lowkey likes when you mark him up, whether with hickeys or scratching up his back with your nails.
X = X-Ray = He’s probably packing 7-7.5 with a pale pink tip, which will flush when hard.
Y = Yearning = He does have a decently high sex drive, but nothing too crazy (considering he’s not human). However, he isn’t always in the mood lmao.
Z = Zzz = If he were to fall asleep, he would wait until after you did.
.·゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜·..·゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜·..·゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜·.
© f33blesch0lar 2024, all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, use for ai, copy, translate, or repost my content on any platform. comments, reblogs, and likes are loved
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vasyandii · 3 months
🦋: How long did it take them to get out of the awkward early relationship stage? Have they gotten more confident around each other?
💔: Do they have any previous relationship experience from past partners? How does it reflect on how they handle their current one?
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
For Krueger and Nak!
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Great to see you again One horned beast!!The Ask Game
🦋How long did it take to get out of the awkward early relationship stage? Have they gotten more confident around each other?
Honestly? A week. It would've been shorter if they went official off the bat.
Nak didn't know how to respond to romantic affection. Her confusion with where they stood on their relationship (at the time unlabeled) was also a factor. Krueger is more laid back, he just did whatever felt right, and wanted to prioritize just having her comfortable with him in that way. (Idk if that makes sense)
They're more comfortable around each other now than they are when they started going out.
💔 Do they have any previous relationship experience from past partners? How does it reflect on how they handle their current one?
Nak? None. Krueger's her only relationship experience LMAO what a loser /j . She didn't really have crushes or interest in anyone but herself back in Laos. The couples she saw around during her time in the LPAF gave her insight in how a good and bad relationship is supposed to be (basically living vicariously lol). So when she started being in a relationship with Krueger, she mimicked what she saw in the past before she found her own pace.
Krueger has had a few relationships in the past, but mostly preferred to stay single for longer periods of time. He didn't like how people would change the moment there was romantic feelings involved, and expectations of just having to be "the stoic mysterious lover thats closed off" irked him. With Phayvanh he didn't want that; he wants to be able to be silly around her in the way they usually are, she's one of his best friends. Luckily it came easy with her, their pace was similar in practice :3
🕊️ Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
I already Answered this in the last ask but I'm gonna do it again in more detail >:D !! I Love these!!
If Nak has a broken arm, Krueger ties her hair up for her, sometimes he switches up the ponytail to have it be braids or a half up half down type of thing. (It takes everything in him to not give her the most atrocious hairstyle)
The way they drink tea is so vastly different. Nak drinks hers with nothing while Krueger puts too much sugar in his
Just Admiring each other's tattoos idk they're dumb. Nak is fond of the one on his stomach, but makes fun of the one on his back (the wolf one). Krueger just idly traces the designs of Nak's tattoos on her back with his fingers.
Just??? One randomly smacks the others ass HARD and runs off so the other chases after them?? Weirdos. (Nak is guilty of this)
This interaction:
"Phayvanh it's 8 in the morning."
"What about it."
"Put on a shirt."
"Put on some pants."
"You're flashing me."
"You're flashing me!"
Then they watched TV.
Thank you for reading :D it's been a while since I've done stuff explaining their dynamics so hopefully it's ok ;u;
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tomuras · 5 months
| Better Than None |
Pairing: Yae Miko x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Smut, Fem!Reader, Afab!Reader, Reader and Yae are both sapphic, Oral Sex, Teasing, Yae Miko mocks you at times, She/Her Pronouns for Yae Miko, No pronouns for Reader, Reader is called “Princess”, Crying (Reader), Reader is mentioned to have breasts, Aftercare, Gets sappy towards the end im sorry, op sucks at endings so i’m sorry if it’s ass, 1.2k words. 
Summary: Uhmm this is just a drabble (well it was supposed to be) of Yae Miko and fem reader making love, but i got kinda carried away. This isn’t my best work, buuuuut it was fun to do a little writing exercise regardless, and I figured I’d share it because well.. Why not lmao.
A/n: Yae Miko has had me in a chokehold as of recently </3
Tags: @suyacho @tighnarly @neuvillettes @themovingcastlez
Yae took the pointed part of her nail and dragged it along your body, from your breasts to your shaky knees. You looked up at her eagerly, nervous for what she had planned for you next. There was a glint in her eyes when she looked at you, it was as if she was going to sink her teeth into you at any given second, but instead she sat patiently. Dragging her nails up and down your body until you started to squirm and whimper underneath her longing touch. 
“So impatient.” She whispered mockingly.  
You knew she was teasing you, seeing how far she could take this until you inevitably cracked under the pressure, but you still couldn’t help but squeeze your thighs together at the sound of her voice. She always did have such a pleasant voice. You looked up at her and pleaded, looking deep into her glowing eyes.
“Please, Miko. Please.” You begged. 
Miko took a moment to think before agreeing with a grin. She adjusted her placement so that she was positioned right between your legs, which she had spread nice and wide. With your legs apart she could see in perfect view the way your pussy glistened from all the precum. Not only was your body now fully exposed for her viewing pleasure, but she also took note of how flustered you looked. Wearing an expression of shame and embarrassment you looked away, hoping to all the archons that she wouldn’t tease you now of all times, but unfortunately your prayers went unanswered.
“Aww, is my princess embarrassed?” She mocked in a cold and dark tone. 
Before you could answer her (rhetorical) question she had made the point to lean down and lick your pussy up in one long stripe. Immediately you froze and shivered due to the abrupt pleasure, and then you remained still aside from the obvious quivering. Your hands gripped the sheets and you held your tongue as the many curses known to you threatened to burst past your lips. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt her moan against your pussy, licking it up once again in an attempt to both pleasure and torment you.
You writhed underneath her touch, so much so, that she took both her hands and pinned your thighs against the ground so she’d have better control of you. Without even realizing it you had ultimately rescinded total control to her. Allowing Miko to do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted to do it. Usually this thought would make you nervous and maybe even a little on edge, but when it came to Miko, you’d do anything to give her that control. You weren’t one to do that sort of thing, but there was something about her that made you want to give everything up all in her name.
Maybe it was toxic how tightly she had you wrapped around her finger, but maybe… maybe you simply didn’t care. How could you? She was like a God you so desperately needed to worship. Not wanted, needed to. How would she be anything but heavenly when she could make you see all the stars in the sky with just the touch of her tongue. She was divine in every single way, so of course you grew accustomed to only seeing her as such. 
Suddenly, your empty head was shocked awake by the feeling of her fingers pressing up against your sweet spot. You gasped and arched your back from the intrusive sensation. It was pleasant in a way you’d simply never felt before, and when she looked up to see your lips parted in an O shape, and your eyes squeezed shut with tears trailing down your face, she couldn’t help but grin in satisfaction.
She already knew she had this effect on you, but seeing it in action was always such a sweet gift. Every gasp and moan you breathed into the air became fuel for Yae’s torment upon you. It encouraged her to go further, do more and do it better. Sure, you’d had these things done to you before, but there was something about her handiwork that was the equivalent of eating the forbidden fruit. You know you shouldn’t, but you just couldn’t help yourself. Not when she touched you like she did. Not with how deeply she loved you. 
“I’m..I’m!” You started to yell out, but Yae Miko shushed you. Reassuring you that all would be well and that you need not hurt yourself to express your needs to her, for she already knew what you were about to say.
“Shhh, I know, I know.” She reassured you, stroking your cheek gently. 
Just then you felt an extraordinary feeling pass through you, electrifying all your mortal senses as you came onto her fingers. You didn’t say a single thing, only gasped for air as your hands traveled your body from the extreme ecstasy you felt. It was a feeling like none other, a feeling only Miko could give you. No man had ever made you feel this way before, and perhaps no woman either. That’s the thing about your girlfriend, she knew just where to touch you, when to do it, and how to do it, as well.. 
As you took a few moments to calm yourself, Yae Miko scooped you up in her arms and cradled you close to her chest. She was warm and comforting, almost motherly. She shushed you and rocked you in her arms, stroking your tear stained cheek as you cried yourself into exhaustion. It wasn’t long before your cries subsided and you turned to her with a small smile.. An expression that said “Thank You” was written all over your face. Yae Miko nuzzled her head against yours and held onto your naked form for however long you needed, even if that meant holding you through the night, she would gladly do it. 
She couldn’t remember the last time she really had to hold you as tight and close as she did tonight, but one thing was for sure. S he’d never been closer to you than she had that night. Even as your crying died down, you clung to her like a vines on an old house. Forever stuck to something so beautiful, taking ownership to something you refused to give up on. You two were so different, and maybe even a little unconventional, but you couldn’t think of a life without her. In all fairness, you didn’t really remember your life before her to begin with.
And before Miko coaxed you into the bathtub, urging you to bathe, she watched you with focused and careful eyes. Gazing at what would be her new past, present, and future. The thought may have scared her in the past, but now it brought her nothing but relief and maybe the occasional anxiety.
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vampwritesstuff · 1 year
dating xavier headcanons?Thanks bb
Dating Xavier Thorpe Would Include ~
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Hi anon ! Hope you enjoy these hcs ! I’ll totally be adding more as I think of them, so check back every once in a while to see if I’ve added more!
Warnings : swearing, cause I have a dirty mouth lmao
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Dating Xavier would include…
Long nights spent in his shed, drawing, studying and just generally having fun together.
Xavier is lowkey possessive of you, but not in a bad way, like yeah he doesn’t like you talking to other guys but he knows where to draw the line. So, possessive, but only when he needs to be.
If you’re generally a shy person, then he’ll help you when in public. Like telling someone your order at the weathervane or asking for help when shopping.
Xavier just adores you, literally every aspect about you is his favorite. Your eyes? Favorite part about you. Your lips? Favorite part about you.
He MELTS anytime you say his name or nickname and especially when you smile at him.
Xavier loves to spoil you, he can’t help it. You like a shirt in a store? He buys it for you to wear on your next date. You find a cute stuffed animal at a carnival? You bet your ass he’s playing until he wins it. Obviously you tell him no and he pouts everytime.
“It’s just a shirt, Xav. I don’t need it, I have plenty.” “But I wanna spoil you.”
He can tell when you’re having a rough day, he knows you so well that he can tell when you haven’t slept well or you’re stressed about homework or exams.
When you haven’t slept well, he’ll let you use him as a pillow to rest your head on during lunch or free time.
If you forgot to study for an important test or do the homework, then he’ll go over key points and information with you or give you some of the answers to at least get a decent grade.
He enjoys drawing you, and you love to pose for him. He’s drawn you so many times, he has like 10 sketchbooks full of just drawings of you.
“Could you move your head to the left?” “Of course, babe.”
CUTEST PETNAMES FOR EACH OTHER OMG. He’ll call you things like darling, or his muse. You’d call him something cheesy, like bear or bubba.
If you’re also an outcast at Nevermore, you’re always sneaking into each others dorms, but usually his since he doesn’t have a roommate.
If you’re a normie in Jericho, you both will always meet up after school and on the weekends for a date. Your go to is usually the Weathervane, but if Tyler is working, you’ll just go to the park instead. Since one time you went on a date while he was working and he wouldn’t stop flirting with you, Xavier almost punched the shit out of him.
Ever since, when Tyler is working, you avoid the Weathervane.
Xavier gets so happy when you play with his hair, could literally fall asleep as you massage his scalp. He’s such a softie and will ask if you could braid his hair or help him put it into a bun.
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thatspookyagent · 2 years
Dating Heimdall (Black!GN!Reader) would include...
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Warnings: Typical assholery and bastard behaviour lmao otherwise none
a/n: First time writing for a video game franchise and I hope that y’all enjoy this! Heimdall is easily my favorite GOW character besides Freyr and Angrboda. There’s not much fanfiction out there for GOW: Ragnarok right now, let alone for Heimdall, and like none for a Black!Reader specifically. So this is me PUTTING that content out there in the void for someone to find, read, and share! Side note: I am yet again writing Black!Reader headcanons with a darker skinned!reader and 4 type hair!reader in mind unapologetically. <3
If you want to be tagged in any of my content, don’t be afraid to tell me via my ask box or through messages! Just remember to be clear about what specific kinds of content, characters, and fandoms you want me to tag you in or if you want to be put on my general tag list! I’m always looking to add more people and I’d be more than happy to add you (if you wish)! :3
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If you were to describe Heimdall with just one word it would aggy lmfao
No really, he makes you want to kick both his ass and those grills in his teeth all the way to the Light of Alfheim
But regardless you fell for him because Reasons™
When you reflect upon why and how you did so, you can’t really come up with a definitive singular answer
Maybe it's because he treats you differently especially when it comes to teasing 
It’s more playful than brutal like he is with others and it gives you boy who pulled your hair back in kindergarten cause he secretly likes you vibes
Whenever Heimdall does tease you, his body language is different as well
Less condensing and try me and more goading and trying to vy for your attention kinda thing
That and he smiles relentless while he does it, like a genuine heartwarming smile not I’ll eat your kids and your pets smile
Just imagine him walking backwards slowly on his heels while swinging his arms and bringing them forward occasionally to make a soft clapping sound
He’s poking fun at you tripping earlier and thinking that nobody saw you when he absolutely did
Your comeback is to ask him why he was staring at you in the first place
He replies with “I just liked what I saw.”
You jab back with "If I only liked what I see now back."
That’s another reason why he really likes you, you always have a comeback to his remarks when most don’t
You really don’t take his comments lying down and actively engage in fun spirited banter with him whether you're starting or finishing it
While others shy away from it and avoid that man like the PLAGUE
To be fair his demeanor and vibe with you is MUCH less hostile with others so nobody wanting to be around him is very understandable lmao
Even then when there’s moments were Heimdall steps outta line (and there are), you don’t hesitate to push back and check him
He NEEDS a s/o who can do that cause otherwise Heimdall won’t read, understand, or internalize boundaries and will eventually continue to keep going
Those moments where you check him are usually answered by long periods of silence from Heimdall or curt nods, he knows your limits, and chooses to respect them
Partly because you do the same with him, which for you is mainly out of respect, and cause you like him
On another note, Gulltoppr is y’all’s child I said what I said
You were deathly scared of them at first cause who the hell smuggled a whole ThunderCat into Asgard hELLO???
But after awhile you warmed up to the battle cat since Gulltoppr can see just how much Heimdall cares for you and if you’re good enough for Heimdall, you’re good enough for them
Heimdall often scolds you for feeding Gulltoppr apples and cheese a lot but you also scold Heimdall for not giving enough treats to them cause how else do you remind them that they’re doing a good job protecting Asgard???
When he’s not looking you like to give Gulltoppr head pats and belly rubs cause they do NOT get enough of those in their life
You’ve managed to persuade Heimdall to snuggle with you and Gulltoppr while he reads on his breaks and you bet that there’s even more cheese and apples involved in that
Now onto some stuff that’s more Black!Reader specific-
This man is a bit OBSESSED with your hair don’t @ me !!!
If your hair is longer, especially long enough to be in box braids or have extensions in, he will be in total and complete awe at them
Catch him staring at your hair whenever you’re in the Asgardian mess hall together
At some point the staring gets so frequent that you sorta call him out on it and he’ll just...freeze
Later on when you two are more alone he’ll go “So...how does THAT work?” and motion towards your head
Sure Heimdall braids his own hair from time to time but his braids are different in many ways
Speaking of Heimdall and braids, you bet your ass you braid his hair stop playin !!!
You’re kind of a whizz at it and he doesn’t let ANYONE touch his scalp so you’re fumbling with a gold mine here
Heimdall only trusts you to mess around with his golden locs and will only really allow you to see him with his hair down OR messy
Speaking of hair down, he’s down for you to do or help him in his hair care routine lmao
Washing it, brushing it, putting some kind of good smelling product in it, you name it
Also if you leave your hair care products just lying around he WILL sniff and try them out
SO if you’ve got some expensive stuff that’s really for your hair type usage only, you better hide it better next time
For revenge you can put his hair in cornrows and then watch it fall out the next day sksksk
Now back to your hair, even if you hair is short or you use wigs, he will still be intrigued by it
Imagine Heimdall being dumbfounded at your waves like WHy is the ocean on your head and HOw?
He will return the hair care time favour and learn how to take care of your hair if you wish
Will steal your bonnets, durags, and head scarves BEWARE
He claims that it was just “lying around” and that he needs to protect his hair too <3
You roll your eyes and just make sure to order more protective hair fabric for the both of you
If you ask him if he has any design requests, anything with gold ornate on it will suffice (similar to his outfit that he wears)
That way y’all can tell your stuff from one another’s and he can color coordinate with his own natural hair color
Also he WILL throw at you and or remind you to put on a bonnet, durag, or head scarf if you aren’t wearing one before you go to bed
Something else that he admires about you is definitely how different colors of clothing make your skin tone stand out
Heimdall always stands out honestly due to being albino and having gold teeth like even for an Aesir God
It admittedly is different and a bit unfamiliar for him to see someone with darker skin and textured hair
Though don’t get him wrong, he welcomes it with open arms
Especially whenever the two of you are in bed together, cuddling, and just lying there together
He likes to have the windows open and have you on whatever side of the bed is facing that particular window
Cause it means that when he wakes up before the sun rises, he gets to watch the sun come up, and bounce light off of your melanin <3
He will absodoodley lay with you in bed all day (for as long as he can get away with it) while he brushes his hands against certain parts of your skin that are being lit up by the sun
He’ll only get up to get you some food or shower, basically basic needs until he has no choice but to get up cause he’s The Watcher of Asgard™ n all that
You know that his love for you has to run DEEP if he’s slacking off on watching Asgard cause he’s too busy giving you the attention that he deserves
And his love does indeed run deeper than a Jotunn’s ass crack for you truly if Odin doesn’t really approve of his relationship with you and he still actively decides to continue it anyways knowing this
Regardless of what other people think, he knows where his love lies, with him every morning and night, in front of sunny windows while he caresses and admires them
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nightgoodomens · 3 months
How did you predict that ??! It is awesome but omg . Like honestly he is trying so hard to get her out there I do feel it is abit late tho.
More asks and answers below:
Because they went very basic obvious PR. If something feels forced, on purpose, not organic, not usual; if it stinks, it stinks for a reason.
It started with him making a point to mention her during his BAFTAs interviews to ensure they write her name down.
Constant mentions from a man who always avoided talking about her are always suspicious.
But hey maybe I’m too cynical?
Then with every article underlining she’s an ACTOR. Which was a stretch anyway and frankly no media would care to mention her if he didn’t tell them to.
But hey maybe I’m too cynical?
Then bang we wake up in the morning of BAFTAs with every trash magazine writing articles about her suddenly about some old stuff so they were told to do so because they had zero reason to do that themselves. They had zero reason to care about her when she hasn’t done anything new so they had to bring up really old stories and focus purely on her even though it was David’s day. So they were paid to do so.
But hey maybe I’m too cynical?
But then bang again we are suddenly getting a whole over-acted show. Oh my godddd you look amaaaazing he made such an amazed face right in front of the main camera where they decided to meet. What a coincidence! Click📸. Ohhh time for a huge PDA kiss in front of all these cameras! Click📸. Oh now you give me a long loved look and now I do that in return! Click📸. My goodness like in a perfect movie with actors… oh.
And then ok we are done, where’s Michael?
David has worked his ass off to give her everything he could, even getting Michael to give her a role, now it’s up to her to do something with it. He will probably try to push her wherever possible, but we will need to see if suddenly after all these years she became an actress that people want because of her skills not famous surnames. Surnames only get you so far.
If she’s still the same, he can dance on his head and it won’t work. Sure Neil is his buddy was loves a nepo show, and Michael loves David, so he did it for him (he did make her watch an intimate moment between men though lmao), but how many more people will take her on just because David is pretty?
Oh I wonder what suddenly made him so desperate and motivated to find her a job after years of failures… so he’d be more free… I wonder if it starts with M and ends with L.
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Honestly I was laughing when people were all “this is true love!” no babes this is business. The most blatant of businesses.
I doubt she suddenly became a good actress so I wonder if they will try something else with her. I just wish DT got a break and in result us.
I think things are a little different now and so might be his priories. I hope the agent won’t keep on using him to promote her. Even more than already.
Yeah I cross my fingers for GO to be nepo free but…
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No wonder he’s so tiny, dude is exhausted from everyone hanging on him. He tried so many freaking times with GT, I just hope that agent finds her something that isn’t just hanging on him.
He is a shover 😂
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If she actually wanted a job then she’d have found something she’s actually good at years ago. But she wants the “cool” job and doesn’t want to admit she just isn’t that good. When you are privileged, you can spend 15 years having your man try to make you an actress. Normal people go “damn I’m shit at this and I need to pay bills so let’s find something else”.
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Aw thank you for writing in and don’t worry!
I’m not 100% sure yet.
I could see AL/MS break up but not GT/DT but now I have a slight itching (after seeing that the PR show was indeed to get GT a job) whether… well…
We have such an extreme push to make GT and AL independent or at least slightly less dependent on the dudes and it’s clearly a whole plan that they have put into motion. Why such sudden need? Especially since soft launching MS/DT at the same time?
I definitely won’t say oh yeah sure there is a separation coming. But I’m also not saying “no way!!!” anymore.
If a separation will come then on beautiful (££) terms though.
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