#thank youuu :3c
undead-potatoes · 5 months
COUNTERSPELL ASK!!!!!!!!! (unless you already answered this (I couldn't find it) or it's already in your inbox)
If New Year's resolutions were a thing in Faerûn, would Jay or Aurora be the kind to make any? What kinds of resolutions would they make? Would they ever be able to keep any of them? Are there any resolutions they'd keep making over and over again, but always fail?
Bonus, because I kind of answered it in my post: What are their plans post-BG3?
I did get a similar-ish ask, but it also had like 4 other questions baked into it, so I'm answering this particular question here (also hi Nonny, if you're reading this I'm working on your ask too!)
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Jay is totally the kinda guy to make resolutions every year, and then fail horribly at keeping any of them. He'll get better at sticking to his planned schedules, he'll get home earlier so he can sleep more and better, he'll set aside time to work on his hobbies, he'll take a vacation for the first time in his life.
And then he never does any of those things, just keeps going as he always has while telling himself "last time I can be bothered with this, I swear". The resolutions mostly stay the same because his life does, and because he never manages to see any of them through.
I think he likes the idea of new beginnings, a fresh start to do things right, but it's of course a romanticized idea more that anything else.
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Aurora is more pragmatic about it, and while new beginnings is a central theme in her journey, she doesn't see the point of waiting for a particular time of year to do so.
She might say she'll do something just for fun, but it's not serious at all, and she rarely even tries to follow through.
If she did do them, they'd probably be things like "spend more quality time with loved ones" and "be kinder to yourself" (something she really needs to work on).
Cult!Aurora wouldn't do any resolutions either, and thinks it's even more stupid than post-tadpole Aurora. She has shit to do, she doesn't have time to sit around and promise herself she'll do all the things that needs doing like that.
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I think I mentioned this in another ask at some point, but Jay's plans for life post-game is essentially:
1) Finish all business in Baldur's Gate 2) Go to Waterdeep to live with Gale 3) ??? 4) Profit
He doesn't have any concrete plans for his future for the first time in forever, and it does him well to just vibe for a while and have Gale pamper him a bit, a gesture which he eagerly returns in kind. They're holding off on marriage at first, giving both a moment to settle into each other's lives, and just learning to know each other better in a less life-threatening situation.
Jay also needs time to feel like he actually belongs in Gale's life, especially among his wider social and familial circles (which luckily works out in the end, I hc that Gale's mom and wider family are actually pretty nice and welcoming cause I need that W for my guy).
Eventually he starts up his business again, operating out of both Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate with the help of a portal set up between the two cities (that would surly be within Gale's capabilities yeah?) I'm sure the wizards of Waterdeep would love a funky little guy who can get a hold of all sorts of weird stuff that they need.
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Aurora's plans depend largely on Shadowheart's ending. In my first playthrough I let her choose the fate of her parents, which meant they died and Shadowheart was free to live life on her own. But I'm not sure if that is my final canon, now that I know both Jay and Aurora would admit to wanting to save them if they were their own parents.
If her parents die, it's simple: Aurora, Shadowheart, and Astarion travel around Faerûn, seeing all sorts of things and getting into way too much trouble, again. They eventually plan to settle down somewhere, with both Aurora and Shadowheart keen to live a more normal life for once, and Astarion finding his own place in that life I'm sure.
If her parents live, Shadowheart stays behind to make up for lost time, while Aurora and Astarion go to the Underdark to help sort out the hoard of unsupervised vampire spawn they unleashed down there. Maybe Shadowheart eventually joins them, traveling around much like when her parents are dead, or Aurora and Astarion occasionally travel around on their own, while Shadowheart stays behind with her parents.
Either way, she has no real interest in a future where she's separated from either one of them for too long at the time.
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asmoteeth · 4 months
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jame7t · 9 months
It is seriously hard to overstate how good your streams are. Everyone's so funny: you, your costreamers, even chat, but more than that, there's such a good vibe going on. everything is so nice and happy. keep being awesome <3
LMAO d’awww thank you ❤️& this is an especially funny message to send after the bit of the stream was “hey candy try to annoy mye until I snap then I’ll scream at you as loud as I possibly can about the sanctity of Minecraft”
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sun-ea-sports · 21 days
You might know me (or not...) I just wanted to say YOUR WRITINGS ARE FIRE. I really love reading them...
Aww wait that’s so nice of you whatt,,,/gen
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Ough this was so lovely to wake up to thank youu <33
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mikrokosmcs · 1 year
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El  licántropo  si  estuviese  en  su  forma  animal,  seguramente  movería  la  colita  y  alzaría  las  orejas  apenas  su  nariz  detecta  la  esencia  de  la  vampira,  pero  sus  facciones  muy  humanas  demuestran  su  interés  en  el  brillo  de  sus  ojos  y  la  sonrisa  que  se  forma  en  su  cara.  -  —Te  traje  algo  —  -comenta,  entusiasmado  mientras  de  su  espalda  saca  una  margarita,  con  todos  sus  pétalos  y  un  centro  amarillo.  -  —La  recolecté  de  camino,  es  para  ti.
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catboy-dummy · 1 year
hey dummy you’re posting a lot- you better not cum. rub and rub and rub and rub until your brain melts out of your ears, but you better not cum
I amm posting a lot :3
I won’t cumm
Rub and rub and rub and rubb until my brain melts out of my ears
I won’t cumm
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honeydots · 9 months
anons questions:
if those nohr kids lived would they have second gens too??
and whos kazukis other parent
1. yes, probably! i've thought very briefly about klaus and wilfred having kids of their own (keeping with the trend of only the male characters having children). really the farthest ive gotten is klaus would have a daughter, and wilfred's child would end up a head taller than him and a lot less paranoid
2. i don't have a strict ship with hinoka, so honestly anybody. as many parents as you may please, so long as one of them is hinoka hahaha
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bamsara · 2 months
I believe I have found it (I got curious so I looked for it)
YEAH thats it thank youuu
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rainba · 1 month
Hihihihi!!! How would the sillies respond to a darling who's self destructive (both socially and physically, like self harm and self sabotage)? I love ur OCS btw ur writing is amazing 💘
Aww, thank youuu!! :3c
And thank you for the ask!! It's really made me think....
Huge warning for these responses, they are very… Dark. If these topics make you uncomfortable, please feel free to skip this one!
TWs/tags: self-harm, toxic behaviors from the yans.. Lots of angst (plus comfort)
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For Kairos, it’d be a really unhealthy situation. He, too, engages in really self-destructive behaviors, and if his darling also does it, he’d only end up enabling you even further. In some way, Kairos would see it as “beautiful”, the two of you suffering together at your own hands... He’d be one of those people that would watch you cut yourself and then kiss your scars right after… And then he’d cut himself in the same places, just so you two can “match.”
And if you’re socially self-destructive? Pushing everybody away because you just feel like everyone secretly hates you, or for some other reason? It’s okay– all you need is Kairos, anyway! You can destroy all of your other relationships, so long as you keep Kairos close to you.
He’ll love you forever and ever, you never have to worry about him leaving you. If you push him away, he’ll keep coming back. You could be at your absolute worst, and he’d still view you as a perfect angel. It’s… Not healthy. But he can’t help it.
However– if you were to ever put yourself into any life-threatening situations, or if you genuinely wanted to die, he'd become downright terrified and would try his best to make you stop your self-destructive behaviors. After all, he loves you too much– he doesn’t want you to die. The two of you need to live long, happy lives together! If engaging in all these self-destructive things with you might lead to your death, he’ll do everything in his power to make it stop, and he'll also make sure that the both of you get better. He'll hold your hand every step of the way, recovering alongside you. And he'd never judge you for relapsing.
Basically, it's sort of like this: if you want to get worse, Kairos will also get worse. If you want to get better, Kairos will do everything in his power to help you, and he’d also try to help himself along the way. It’s almost like he’s mirroring you, in some ways.
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As for Luka, he’d have a totally opposite reaction to Kairos. He would be enraged that you actively hurt yourself. He’d handle it pretty badly. If he found out that you actively harm yourself, he would refuse to take his eyes off of you and would be monitoring your every movement... You'd suddenly never get a moment to yourself.
When you’re using the bathroom, he’ll be standing next to you the whole time. When you shower, he’ll be showering with you. When you go to sleep, he'll be caging you in his arms.
If you have a job, he might actually force you to quit, just so he can monitor you even further. Either that, or he’ll make you take a temporary leave from work until he knows that you’ve stopped hurting yourself.
It’s… Absolutely not a good way to go about it, he knows this, but it’s the only thing he can think of doing. It's his gut reaction to it all.
Luka would keep asking you ‘why’ as he holds you tightly in his arms, glaring at you while also having pitiful tears in his eyes. For one of the first times in his life, he feels so deeply hurt and confused. He isn't prepared at all to handle the feelings that are bubbling within himself. Luka would also start losing lots of sleep.
When you’re sleeping peacefully in bed beside him, he’d sit up and bed and just… Stare at you for hours.
Slowly, he'd start kissing your cheeks, stroking your hair, and then holding you close as he tries not to be upset with you. He knows that you’re hurting… And he loathes how helpless he feels. While he’s not the biggest advocate for therapy, he would ask you to go see a therapist. He knows that he alone can’t help you– and that it’s impossible for him to just monitor you every second of every day.
If you refuse to see a therapist, he’ll be upset, but he won't force you to go. All he tells you is that if you need it, he’ll listen to you– even though he’s horrible at giving good advice. But at the very least, he’s really good at just listening to you. He’ll remember everything you tell him. And any time you show signs of improvement, he will be proud of you.
As for socially sabotaging yourself, it’s the same as Kairos. All you really need is Luka, so… He won’t stop you from cutting everyone else off. ^^;;
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undead-potatoes · 6 months
YOUR TURN!!!! What do Jay and Aurora wear to bed? How do they sleep? Do they starfish or sleep like a leetle baby? Do they snore?
Ooooh I've actually been meaning to ask a similar question on one of my ask sprees B)
Jay keeps it relatively simple, he just sleeps in his underwear (braises/breeches + undershirt). He also wears socks when it's cold :^)
Much like a cat, Jay has two modes; either he's balled up somewhere, possibly in a sleeping bag or under a pile of pillow and blankets, OR he somehow manages to take up 3/4 of the bed despite being a short little twink. Sometimes it starts as the former, and ends in the latter.
As for snorting, it might happen occasionally, but it's not a really frequent thing.
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Aurora is old school, and sleeps in a long linen gown. She loves a bit of frill and lace, maybe some nice embroidered embellishments around the sleeves and neck. She'll hold off on the night cap, though.
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She likes to sleep while holding onto something, like a pillow or another person, but her limbs are otherwise kept to themselves.
And she snores, very loudly sometimes. Please don't tease her about it though, it's a bit of a sore spot for her.
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I imagine the sleep outfits are a little more utilitarian when they're out on the road tho. Speaking from experience, it's rarely practical to have separate sleeping outfits, and you may need more layers on when you're sleeping outside.
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archie-sunshine · 3 months
Just discovered you yesterday, all of your contents are good shit that it gives me sunshine on my darkest day (pun intended, cheesy Ik).
can we have Soundwave Holoform?
Also if you don't mind can I save your arts and share them to my friends? (ofc I'll credit you)
GSFgdfsFGDS thank youuu im so glad youve been enjoying it!!!
and yes certainly!! im going off of the only soundwave i am intimately familiar with (cyberverse) so bear with me. but also here he is!
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and yes you absolutely can!! id prefer if you gave a link when you credit as well if youre posting them, so other people can come find my blog :3c
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zaacoy · 1 year
Sire, you have made me want to ship freenoodles even more than i already would have 😭💖 Thank you soo much for your analyses and your art its all precious
The freenoodles army grows stronger everytime I post about them(hopefully), soon we shall rule the world >:3333 !!
On a more serious note, thank youuu!!!! Glad to know my freenoodles art affects people so much! Readings through the rbs has given me some suspicions but hearing it directly from you has further solidified that theory :3c Also good to hear that people are interested in my rambles!! I kinda figured people would just gloss over that post but I'm very happy they didn't, thank you for that! :D !!
Anyway less talking more presents, some freenoodles for you teehee
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2knightt · 4 months
hellooooooo !! i would like to make a request for 🩰 for #8 with steve randall pretty please and thank youuu ^_^
going to assume u meant for prompts and YES I WILL GLADLY DO THIS RAHHH IT’S SAUR CUTE :3c!!!
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you were watching tv on your couch. steve had spent the night over but he always woke up way later than you. he sleeps like he just worked a 12 hour shift at the hospital.
you chuckled at a joke before you seen steve basically stomp into the living room. you were about to greet him before he plopped down beside you, putting a head on your lap.
“left me all by my lonesome.”
he muttered, shifting around to get comfortable. you chuckled at his antics before running a hand through his hair. he had no grease in it this time—steve always made it a point to wash his hair before seeing you.
“yeah, ‘m sorry.”
you apologized with a chuckle before he huffed in response.
“better be.”
after awhile you diverted your attention back to the tv, taking your hand away from his hair. steve, seemingly running thin with his patience, grabbed your wrists gently before putting your hand back on his head.
“don’t stop. …please.”
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irodimww · 11 months
I really love your art style do you think you could do a tutorial on how you do your anatomy?
Thank youuu!! I’m not good with tutorials ;; but I can try :D
(Hope this helps!)
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Head = circle ; Torso = Squares & Rectangles ; Hips = pentagon ; Arm = as big as the torso ; legs = 2x Torso ; Feet = Little hills :3c
Head = big circle ; Torso = Square + Pentagon ; Arms = as big as the torso ; Legs = 1 torso
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zu-is-here · 5 months
Hello Zuz !!!
How are you doing ?
I just finished wrapping my gifts, are you going to see your family for the end of the year's celebrations? (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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Oh hii Blue! (*´∇`*)
Amazzzing, thanks <3 What about you?? ☆
Awww you did such a great work on them! (*゚∀゚*) So beautiful and filled with love ♡ What did you prepare for your family members, if it's not a secret? *^*
I am! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Though I was being lazy this year and just used bags instead ♪ (it's easier for adding many/more gifts heheh)
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("Northern mail; delivered by Santa Claus's reindeers // Urgent gift delivery; hand over to the recipient at midnight")
It'll be a challenge to deliver them all (7) at once to the Christmas tree at my parents' house, so I'll have to act in parts, secretly... >:3c
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@bluepallilworld That's good to hear it! (*´꒳`*)
Awww such cute presents! (〃ω〃) Omg I've prepared chocolate balls for my lil siblings as well >:D The limited edition sounds so cool *^* So thoughtful! ☆
I've prepared candles+soap+bath bombs in the shape of tangerines for everyone, and separately: a chef's knife for dad, a care set for mom, a board game for the 1st sis, a set for dyeing clothes for the 2nd sis, and a coloring book for my bro ♪
Heheh thank youuu! <3
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Oh right XD He does <3 Thank youuu ☆
Such a lucky chance! *w*
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pastel-medic · 17 days
Hey so uhh I fucking love your content, I love the way you draw and how silly and goofy your make the tf2 mercs look 😆❤️‼️
WAA thank youuu!!! 🫣🩷🤍❤️ I'm humbled that you like my art style! 🍰💖 Silly and goofy seems to be the majority of the way I draw them :3c
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