#find something believable enough looking and also sci fi-y
exculis · 6 months
I need to update RE's design soon. Thinking about how his prosthetic should work
0 notes
s1ater · 2 years
promise me nothing.
pairings. steve harrington x fem!reader
about. steve and you cross paths, only for him to find out some bad news about you.
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warnings. foul language, s4 spoilers sorta
ricky rocks. anotha one 😼🙌 also part two or nah?
“long time, no see, harrington,” you nod as you pass him before looking up and unintentionally connecting eyes with five other people at once. “and children…”
you nod again in acknowledgement, getting a good look at them all before making a move to walk away from the car they were all huddled around, but steve grabs your arm, “hey, what’s going on?”
“i don’t know what you mean.”
he rolls his eyes, still holding your bicep firmly. he tips his head toward the swarm of law enforcement in the front of a house before raising a brow, “you’re telling me this is nothing?”
“just about.”
“i think we need to talk.”
you and steve go back; way back since pre-school days, and although neither of you were ever truly close, there was a mutual understanding that you both had each other’s backs.
you both came from similar backgrounds; life set up since day one, given nice cars, lived in nice houses, and grew up in the hawkins country club aspect for loser adults trying to relive high school popularity by flaunting money.
and you were only tied more together by the strange and abnormal encounters and fights for life against the sci-fi creatures that had no faces and were covered from head to toe in slime—that eventually turned into something way bigger than the mind could fathom.
ever since the mall fire during the summer after senior year, you hadn’t seen steve or any of his nerd posse—till now.
you almost thought you were seeing things, but then again, you should have guessed that when anything remotely strange or out of the normal happened in hawkins, they’d always turn up, immediately on the case.
just never this fast.
“i think i’m dying.”
you stood in front of steve, nancy, robin, and three of his freshman friends. their presence made you suddenly anxious and you couldn’t help but begin to talk out of your ass as you slightly paced back and forth in your parents living room.
how steve coaxed you into talking to them—you weren’t sure—but it didn’t take long and it seemed you were almost more than willing to allow them into your home by the way you so easily opened your front door and offered snacks and refreshments.
yep, you were definitely dying.
they watched you with sudden concerned and confused looks, not knowing what to say and not expecting you to throw them this type of curve ball.
“brandon,” you mumbled, your hands shaking out in front of you. “jesus, i can’t even think straight…” you place your hand on your forehead, thinking over whether or not you should ever be speaking right then. “he’s dead.”
“who’s brandon?” dustin glances around to everyone but you, afraid to make eye contact almost.
“her boyfriend,” steve whispers, speaking as if you can’t hear them. and you almost couldn’t.
“i can’t even-i don’t even know-“
“hey, hey,” steve stops you in your tracks of speaking, sitting up from the chair he previously sat in. “you don’t have to say anything right now, just breathe. sit down.”
steve liked you, a lot. like, since day one, even as kids, he couldn’t get you out of his mind.
there was just something about you. you had a good head on your shoulders, you knew what you wanted, you didn’t let anything or anyone knock you off your feet, and you didn’t need anyone to save you. he hated that fact—the fact that you didn’t need him and he hated that sometimes it seemed you weren’t anything more than acquaintance.
“sit down,” he pulled you by the arm till you were close enough for him to place a hand on your waist, carefully guiding you to the chair he was previously in, giving you a soft look. “just breathe for a moment, alright?”
everyone glanced to each other at the gesture, almost not believing it. they looked to steve now where he stood in your place, his hand stroking his chin in thought, “i think it’s time we call in your pal eddie.”
it seemed you were in and out of sensibility as you thought over the past 24 hours, not believing it was real. you felt crazy, not being able to keep a stable thought in your head for more than a minute before turning into an emotional mess.
steve knew you weren’t in your right mind, especially after you let eddie into your home without a second thought. he didn’t think you even processed that moment or even realized what you were doing until—
“who are you?”
something you asked twenty minutes after he had been in your home.
“i’m eddie.”
“i think i know you.”
“well i hope so since we’ve been in school together since middle school before you graduated.”
“right,” you narrowed your brows, but didn’t say anything else, not knowing what to even make of him.
you knew eddie, but he was never someone you had ever talked to or had any interactions with. you didn’t care for him; you found him obnoxious and practically repulsing when you were still in school together—but right now, by the way he was looking at you—you didn’t mind him at all.
his expression was soft and full of sympathy, like he understood what was going through your mind and why you seemed so…bipolar in emotions.
“y/n, eddie’s here to talk.”
“because what happened to you, is exactly what happened to him.”
you still had narrowed brows as you stared at him, not knowing what to say. there was a small proportion of recognition that struck you when you stared at eddie, not nearly enough for you to trust him, nor enough for you to spill your guts out to him about how your boyfriend was practically castrated right in front of your eyes.
“you’re afraid?”
you slowly nodded your head, eyes wide, not understanding the willingness that has suddenly taken over you, “yes.”
he nods and you feel the need to continue to explain yourself.
“i can’t get that image out of my head. god, i don’t even know if it was…”
he nods again.
“you said you think you’re dying, why?” he sat right across from you on your carpeted floor, now eyeing you carefully with the same cautiousness you had in your own pupils.
“because… the things that were happening to brandon before he was fucking possessed… are happening to me.”
“what do you mean,” he starred at you strangely now, his head slightly tipping, watching you carefully just as the rest of them did.
“the bloodied noses, the nightmares, the headaches, that noise…” you cringed as you spoke, almost shying away from saying more.
“what noise?” robin was leaned forward on her knees, her eyes wide with curiosity.
“a clock.”
it seemed right as you said it, the sound echoed through the room and the lights begun to flicker till there was no light at all and the only breathing body was you.
“you’re fucking kidding me,” your head lifted toward the hallway that opened up to your living room; exactly where the noise was coming from.
this had only happened once before; the first day you had come back from college while you were throwing up in your childhood bathroom. you couldn’t figure it out, you had never been sick before—not like that, but then suddenly your world turned dark and the sound of that damned clock was one of the only things you could hear.
you got to your feet slowly, continuing to stare into the dark as the sound echoed throughout your now empty home. the sound was jarring and something about it made you want to follow it like the last time. you were losing your mind, you had to get out of there.
you turned, only for your body to match right up against an unintelligible one. one much larger than your own.
your eyes went wide immediately, feeling a scream rip through your throat as fear set in fast and your head tipped to see such a haunting face you had never seen before.
“hello, y/n,” it looked like it smiled, examining your frightened state, taking pleasure in it, as you stared back in a paralyzed state. “your time is running thin,” it took a step forward, closer and closer. “you will soon be mine.”
you back peddle, fast, not thinking, not processing, but soon landing on your ass and back into the light where you sat in the same place before but with a pair of hands on your face, with voices yelling and screaming you back to conscious.
you were in shock, your limbs were numb and you could barely keep yourself up in a sitting position. you were breathing hard like you had been holding your breath for the past minute, practically dry heaving, feeling your stomach fold up into itself in terror.
“what happened?” steve’s face was the only thing your could see as his hands clasped your face hard, his nose practically touching yours as he stared at you wide-eyed, dipped in fear.
you stared back, feeling every nerve slowly come back to life within your body—drawing out into a painful process. your body begun to shake, tears flooding into the corners of your eyes as you couldn’t even begin to process the switch between realities.
“steve, get out of her face, she’s going to throw up!” robin was yanking at his shoulder despite his constant persistence, clinging to your body.
“are you okay?”
everyone stood around you, wide eyes, wide with fear, wide with concern.
“are you okay?”
“what happened?”
“i was here, and then i wasn’t, but it’s like nothing changed other than you all being gone,” you stood now, guiding them all through the process of your episode, now that you could finally process what had just happened. “it was that sound, that fucking clock sound, and i turned and it was something, like something you’d see out of a fucking movie, like the weird alien-monster things we’ve seen before. i don’t know—”
“she saw vecna,” dustin looks between everyone who all have seemed to agree with this consolation.
“will someone please translate what he just said?”
“vecna,” steve repeated, glancing up to you from the sudden heavy gloom laid upon him. “he’s the reason everyone’s been dying lately, you see him, you’re in an automatic death sentence… but you already knew that…”
you starred at him in disbelief, your eyes switching between each teen that sat on your couch, as if asking whether that was true or not, but they all avoided eye contact--which spoke louder than words.
“you’re fucking with me,” you scoffed, turning on your heal and beginning to pace. “of fucking course.”
“you don’t seemed so… terrified about this anymore,” max is quick to elbow lucas in the ribs who winces.
you ignore it, suddenly annoyed at the swift depressive mood change, “how do we kill this motherfucker?”
“you’re not giving up on me, are you steve?”
“of course not.”
the two of you stood on your back porch after steve had lightly pulled you by the elbow, recommending catching some fresh air.
you don’t believe his words. he seemed tired with almost the look of sadness in his eyes. this observation causes you to frown as you tip your head, slightly coming closer to steve to look at him better, “then why does it look like you’re the one dying and not me?”
he scoffs, “y/n.” he gets taller, straightening his posture from where he was previously leaned on your railing. he turns even more serious and it makes you frown. “why didn’t you tell me?”
“what difference would it have made?”
“we could have caught it earlier.”
“and be in the same position as we are in now?”
he doesn’t say anything, but still stares at you with a look that makes your chest tighten and your skin begin to flare up in heat.
and then, “i’m sorry about brandon.”
he wasn’t. he never liked him.
“i’m sorry you had to go through that,” he takes a step closer to you, his hand now clasping your arm. “we’re going to figure this out, i promise.”
“don’t promise me anything, stevie,” your hand softly caressed his cheek, giving him a thinned lip smile before walking inside, leaving him to himself outside.
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Forever Composed of Nows
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Summary: Spencer continues a tradition and asks an important question.
Word Count: 2.6K
CW: Kissing, marriage
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem Reader )
Author's Note: This is for @spenceyre fic challenge! Love you to the moon and to Saturn, Rose!! I hope you enjoy this little fic! I really appreciate any and all reblogs, likes, and comments. I WANT to know what you think!!
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Forever Composed of Nows
Spencer runs his fingers along the spines of the books, searching for the perfect book. His eyes race past the titles; non-fiction, fiction, romance, horror, self-help, and sci-fi collect on the walls. Hundreds of titles stick out in his mind, yet none of them are perfect enough for him to bring home. He knows that he’s being picky, but he also knows that he has to be picky. It’s become a ritual of sorts, each time that Spencer goes away, he comes home with a book for Y/N. He’ll fill the pages with the ideas that float around in his head as he reads on the plane. Between the lines of pages, Spencer can be as brave and as brazen as he always desires to be.
“Come on, Reid,” Derek says, getting annoyed at Spencer’s excursion to the used bookstore, “I really can’t believe that I let you drag me out of a club to go book shopping,” he says, leaning against the shelves of biographies.
“Almost done, Morgan,” Spencer answers, not really paying attention to Derek. The books, all different sizes and conditions, line the walls with their histories and stories. The last book he brought home was Age of Innocence, which, he’ll admit, wasn’t the best book to make sweet notes in the margins, “I just need to find the perfect book,” he mumbles.
“I don’t know why you do this every time. Shouldn't you like to be able to just memorize the book?” Derek asks, flipping through a battered copy of Breakfast of Champions, “This is a good one,” he suggests, tossing the book Spencer’s way. Spencer clumsily attempts to catch the book, but it falls to the ground with a flop.
“I was thinking something a little more, uh, romantic than Vonnegut, Derek, but thanks,” Spencer says, replying with a straight faced smile as he turns around to look for his book. But before he can even turn around, Spencer feels Derek’s hand on his shoulder.
“Romantic?” he asks, a stunned expression on his face. Perpetually the “baby” of the team, Spencer has grown frustrated at the team’s constant teasing about his lack of romantic partners. Which was part of the reason he decided that he didn’t want his co-workers knowing about his relationship. The other part just wanted to have his personal life and work separated. He’s seen what it did to Hotch and that’s the last thing that he wants to happen to Y/N.
“Yeah, uh,” Spencer says, trying to sound nonchalant, “I have a girlfriend,” he confesses, the term still feeling strange on his lips even though loving Y/N is the most natural thing in the world, “Her name’s Y/N and each time we go on a case, I get her a book,” Spencer explains, feeling his face burn as he speaks so fondly of his person.
“That’s very sweet, Reid,” Derek says softly, smirking at the unsure look Spencer gives him, “come on, dude, you don’t think I can be romantic,” he scoffs, “you have a lot to learn, Pretty Boy,”
“I have to say, I think I’m doing very well for myself,” Spencer answers cockily, drawing his attention back to the stacks of books, “Y/N thinks so at least,” he says, more to himself than to Derek.
“When can we meet her?” Derek asks, “I mean the way you’re talking and this whole book thing, it doesn’t seem like a hookup or anything that’s going to end anytime soon. Don’t you think it’s time that I meet someone who’s got you unable to find a book?” he teases, “I got to make sure she’s good enough for my baby brother,” he says, putting a comforting hand on Spencer’s shoulder.
“How’s tomorrow,” Spencer asks, tucking a book under his arm as he and Derek walk towards the counter to pay, “and I’ll set it to you straight, she’s perfect for me,”
Each time he pulls into her driveway, he’s more and more grateful that he made it home to her in one piece. It also has the reverse effect, each time he pulls out of her driveaway, Spencer is even more terrified that he won’t make it home to her in one piece. He knows that she can say one word and he’ll leave this world behind forever if it means that he’ll get to spend it by her side in one piece.
He shuts off the engine, sitting in the car quietly, focusing on his breathing. No matter how many times he comes home, it doesn’t get any easier to stop himself from practically running to the door. Spencer, shoving his satchel over his shoulder, slams his car door. He bounces up the steps to Y/N’s small house, despite not sleeping for days he has the energy of an Olympian. Before he can even unlock the door with his key, the wind is knocked out of him.
Spencer closes his eyes, nestling his head into Y/N’s neck. His arms are tightly around her upper body, but he’s not able to get close enough to her. Their hearts beat so fast and so hard it’s impossible to tell whose is whose. But that doesn’t matter, because as far as Spencer’s concerned only one is beating. His heart, afterall, belongs to Y/N. He separates from her, despite every fiber in his body yelling at him to keep holding her close to his chest. It’s really an involuntary movement for him when his hands go to her face, cupping her cheek in his palms.
“Spencer,” Y/N says, and in that one word she says everything, “I missed you,” she says quietly, twisting to kiss his palm.
They stand there in the doorway, his hand on her cheek and her lips on his palm. He forgets the deep fears that take hold him, fears of never doing this again, fears of becoming a stranger to the only person he’s sure knows every part of him.
“Did you?” He says, walking forward and dropping his hand from her cheek. Like an impressive dance move, his arms wrap around her waist. Y/N shuts the door behind him, pressing him up against the door before he can even realize it, “because I don’t think you really did,” he teases. Spencer smiles cheekily, when the hallway light darkens on her face. It’s eclipsed as Y/N’s face nears his.
He’s laughing too much for the kiss to be perfect, but that’s okay. If everything goes right tonight is just one night of the ‘nows’ that adds up to forever. Y/N nearly misses his face, but saves herself by firmly grabbing Spencer’s collar. Their noses bump against each other clumsily in an uncoordinated dance in which only they know the choreography. Each time he breathes out, Y/N giggles. Her breath against his cheek doesn’t just tickle, it electrifies him. He’s shaking with anticipation, and doesn’t complain when she finally breaches the gap between them.
In Spencer’s mind, kissing is a science. It’s a chain reaction that produces chemicals in the brain. He’s willing to be a test subject for the effects of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin on the brain, but he knows that the true test is what it does to the heart. No matter who many times they’ve carried out this little experiment, Spencer still finds himself shy and nervous. Sweaty palms and chattery teeth are akin to dirty beakers and finicky flames. She must realize that he’s grown shy because Spencer feels her hand tug the back of his head, pulling him into her.
“See,” she says, with him still firmly backed up against the door, “I did miss you,” Y/N beams, panting Spencer on the cheek suggestively.
“I really missed you,” Spencer says, following her into the living room, “So much,” he mumbles, tugging off his sneakers and tossing them before he plops down on the floor. His back rests against the front of the couch and he leans his head back to rest it in Y/N’s lap. She sits behind, running her hands through her hair, silently knowing that he can’t just yet talk about the case. But it’s more than enough, she’s more than enough, and she makes him feel like more than enough a thousand times over.
Spencer, realizing that he left his bag in the hallway, attempts to stand up, but is pushed down by a stubborn Y/N, who hardly lets him lift a finger the night he gets home from long cases.
“Sit back down, what do you need?” She asks, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning over his shoulder, “I’ll grab it, Spence,”
“My satchel,” he answers, “and don’t look in the bag because I have something in there for you,” he remembers her, even though she probably knows by now that he’ll have a book for her. Passing him, Y/N ruffles through his hair and Spencer can’t help but smile. He catches his reflection in the mirror. It’s always interested him, the word reflection, he looks at himself smiling, happy, loved. His reflection reflects what he feels, loved and happy and so content that it hurts his heart and cheeks to keep smiling.
Y/N comes back, but this time she sits down next to him on the floor. With the bag between them, Spencer reaches out with a glimmer in his eye. He’s grown to love this little ritual between the two of them. It’s made the constant distance and traveling easier on both of them.
“Ready?” Spencer asks, failing to wiggle his eyebrows, but succeeding with a self-satisfied smirk that still makes Y/N leave over and kiss him, “I guess I’ll take that as a yes,” he says, brushing his lips against hers as he speaks.
“You’re something else, baby,” Y/N says, nodding for him to continue. He hands her the book, this time a battered copy of famous sonnets. The front cover is a peaceful looking field with bushes and flowers that lazily grow and grow. She runs her fingers over the cover, looking up at Spencer.
“Read to me?” she asks, a whisper above the hum of her refrigerator, “please, I miss your voice so much when you’re gone, Spence. I wish I could just bottle it up like perfume and have you with me all the time,” she says, not waiting for him to answer. She pushes the book of collected poems into his hands and situates herself so her back rests against his chest.
Sitting on the floor with his long legs extended out, Spencer kisses the back of her head. He opens the page to the particular poem he wrote all over on the plane ride home. Just as Y/N knows him better than anyone else in the world, he knows her better. He doesn’t have to be a profiler to know that though, he just has to love her.
Kissing her shoulder, Spencer starts to read:
Forever — is composed of Nows —
‘Tis not a different time —
Except for Infiniteness —
And Latitude of Home —
From this — experienced Here —
Remove the Dates — to These —
Let Months dissolve in further Months —
And Years — exhale in Years —
Without Debate — or Pause —
Or Celebrated Days —
No different Our Years would be
From Anno Domini’s —
He can smell her hair as he reads and recognizes himself in scent. Spencer remembers Y/N asking what kind of shampoo he uses. She says that she likes it, but maybe she likes it because it reminds her of him. Their hands touch as he holds the book open and her legs rest against his. He’s so aware of her body against his, not in a desirable way, but in a way that makes him think she was made to sit here against his chest.
“So, tell me what you thought,” Y/N says, turning her head against Spencer’s chest, “this is always my favorite part, Spence,” she says as she wraps her arms around his waist tightly. The pressure comforts him, grounding him as he starts to talk.
“Is it cheesy to say all I could think of is you, Y/N,” Spencer says, mumbling into her hair, “All these small moments I get with you, mornings where you sneak out of bed to make coffee, kisses before I leave for cases, right now,” Spencer say, rubbing his hands up and down Y/N’s arm, “all these ‘nows’ they add up to forever, our forever,”
“Forever with you will never be enough,” she says, her voice muffled as she talks into his chest. Spencer lays the book down on the floor by their knees. Soon it will find a home among the others, a soundtrack to their shared life and filled with the memories they haven’t yet made, “but it will have to do,” she tells him, meeting his eyes in warm, yellow light.
“There’s another poem in here,” Spencer says, chasing the sliver of bravery that he feels, “in the book, I mean,” he clarifies, grabbing the book and placing it in her lap. Spencer flips to the very last page of the book, his sloppy scrawl is hardly legible, but it doesn’t matter because he has every word memorized.
She knows, because of course she does.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, Y/N. I love you so much and it shocks me- it’s overwhelming how much you love me. I always thought that I was too much. Too much for my mom to handle, too much to have friends, too much for my team. But you,” Spencer says, stuttering on the words he had ingrained in his mind, “with you, you’ve changed me,”
He’s crying now, but he knew that there was no way that he’d make it through asking her this without crying. Y/N turns around so she’s on her knees holding Spencer’s tear stained face in her hands. Tenderly she wipes away the tears that stream down his face. Her eyes search his face, looking at him so intensely that Spencer blushes.
“You’ve changed me,” he repeats, “You make me feel like I’m worthy—”
“I love you, Spencer, but you can’t put my favorite person down like that. Not when you’re asking me the only question I’ve ever needed to hear,” she says, “So ask me, ask me again, but don’t say anything bad about the man I’m going to marry,”
“Will you spend forever with me, Y/N?” he asks, grabbing her hand with his shaking one. He takes out the little velvet box, revealing a ring, one that’s been in his pocket for 683 days. Spencer’s shaking so much that Y/N has to steady him to put the ring on her finger.
She rests her head under his chin and their extended legs touch. He twists around her, sitting up on his elbows, to kiss her. Their kisses are hardly ever perfect. Usually it’s too much time spent apart to contain themselves. But this time, Spencer kisses her without hesitation. Every single fiber in his body moves as one as his right hand rests on her cheek and his left hand on her waist.
He catches himself in the reflection from the fireplace. Their bodies are distorted in the golden mirror, but in Spencer’s eyes they look perfect. Y/N sighs contently, grabbing his hand with her hand that wears the ring. It twinkles in the reflection.
“Till forever falls apart,” Y/N says, holding his hand steady, “and then some,”
Spencer doesn’t need a mirror to recognize his reflection and to know that he’ll watch these hundreds of imperfect nows add up to a perfect forever. In her arms, they’re painted golden, glimmering forever and then some.
@idonotexiste @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @shemarmooresfedora @fandomfriend33 @folkreid @just-another-persona123 @the-chaotic-cow @muffin-cup @reidslibrarybook @jswessie187 @fbivestreid @doctorspenceryeet @alexrosex99 @alexlovescriminalminds @spenceyre @cncos-baby @reidslovely @strawberryspence @drayshadow
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incomingalbatross · 3 years
Positivity for the Twin Pines McFly family, because I want to.
Lorraine: loves her family!
She got a cake to celebrate her baby brother getting out of jail before they even knew if he was getting out of jail.
She wants her kids to write to him since he didn’t make parole.
She made a sit-down dinner for them all, and everything in that scene suggests that this is the norm for them.
Called Dave back so she could kiss him goodbye.
Tells her kids the story of her and George’s romance enough that Linda knows it by heart.
Marty calls for her every time he wakes up disoriented and hurt from a “nightmare,” implying that he’s used to turning to his Mom when he actually has nightmares or is sick/injured.
In general, Lorraine clearly wants her family to be healthy and happy, and puts in work to that end, even if she doesn’t know how to get there from here.
I only have a few points each for everyone else, but I still have them.
George: does everything ineffectually, but he does try to make Marty feel better with peanut brittle and poorly-constructed consolation.
Is also aware enough to know what Marty’s thinking after the scene with Biff, and while he does make excuses, he doesn’t get defensive or angry about Marty’s criticisms
(And Marty feels secure enough to express his upset feelings openly, which could go in the “doormat” section of George’s personality but I feel still requires a certain level of genuine trust, given it’s a kid talking to his dad)
Dave: Has a job, and makes an effort to get there on time.
ALSO, though, doesn’t use the night shift as a reason to miss family dinner.
Comes back to let his Mom kiss him goodbye when she calls him, even if he grumbles.
Kisses his Dad goodbye after that without being prompted.
Linda: ...Okay, we have very little information on Twin Pines Linda, except that she’s grumpy the one time we see her and she wants a chance at a social life. However, we also have no reason to believe the worst of her. I choose to believe she’s a nerd who inherited her dad’s taste for sci-fi, because why not?
And finally, Marty!
Marty: loves his family. (And not in a sad, kicked-puppy sort of way, but in a normal teenager-y way.)
He carries a photo of himself and his siblings in his wallet. That’s adorable.
He derails his established plan to find Doc in 1955 to go chasing after his Dad instead—even though he doesn’t seem to have had much of a reason, his impulse is to stick to George, and I think that says something.
Again, every time he wakes up hurt and confused, his first instinct is to call out to his Mom! This implies that he wants her comfort and that he’s used to her being there to provide it when he’s hurting. Yes, I’m including it twice, because it’s important.
Look at most of his reactions to Teen George, honestly. Aside from the imminent-nonexistence frustration, he likes him. He wants him to do well for himself, not just for Marty. Especially, look at his genuine delight when he finds out his Dad is a writer! He’s so happy to be getting to know him better!
His rage at seeing Biff hurt his Mom in 1985A
Similarly, his utter distress once Biff is gone, both at his Mom’s situation and at the idea of a reality where his parents aren’t together.
How just...shattered he is by the discovery of his Dad’s death. How much he Cannot Deal with it, and how that pushes him through the rest of the second movie’s plot.
When he burns the Almanac and looks at the newspaper again. “Doc! DOC! MY FATHER’S ALIVE!”
In short, Marty McFly's family means a whole lot to him, thank you for listening.
In conclusion: Do the Twin Pines McFlys have their familial issues and dysfunctions? Indubitably. Is that all there is to them? I certainly don’t think so.
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january31st · 3 years
I show up to the party just to leave (Venable x reader)
Summary: After a long time of not seeing each other, your brother invites you to his birthday party.
A/N: Title from Amoeba by Clairo. Her new album is like salt on an open wound, but in the softest way possible, and I love it :'). This has been in the drafts for a month and it was supposed to be a quick one to get me out of a slump :/ oops i guess (also i have no idea what this is or how we got here)
The reader doesn’t know about the whole selling their souls to the devil thing
Warnings: Drug addiction, overdose and hospital mentions. 
~1800 words
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The brightness inside Kineros was somehow even worse than outside in the California heat. Its whiteness and clean, modern look took you by surprise, given that your brother’s room back home used to be a mountain of unwashed dishes and dirty clothes, his PC setup the only thing you could look at without getting a headache. 
“This.... is insane Jeff” you said as you took your sunglasses off, squinting very hard.
“I told you! I don’t know what’s so hard to believe about it. The whole multi-million company thing wasn’t convincing enough to make you believe this place is nice?” He said as he led you around to his office.
“Well, I’m just saying that coming from you I expected more of a nerd bunker than a sci-fi spaceship”
“Are your standards really that low Y/N?” he said with his hand on his chest, pretending to be deeply offended.
“Yeah, in the beginning you bragged for months about your Van”
“Oh but you can’t say that a company on the move isn’t cool”
“Sure” you said, shifting your attention to the woman in purple sitting behind the desk.
“Hi, you must be Ms.Venable! I’m Y/N, Jeff’s sister.” You said with your hand stretched out in front of you.
She looked from you to Jeff, and then at your hand, considering whether she should take it or not. Slowly, with the help of her cane, she stood up and shook it.
“And I hear you would be joining us to prepare for tomorrow, although I’ve told Mr. Pfister I have it handled.” She said, shooting your brother a menacing look, but you were too distracted by the feeling of her gloved hand still in yours. Had someone turned off the AC?
“I know Ms. Venable, I just had to show her the place before the party so she would believe it is nice. And by having her help get things ready she would know we didn’t mess things around to make it look better than it is” He said, and when you managed to shift your gaze away from her you noticed how Jeff looked. Someone finally taught him respect?
“If I had met Ms.Venable before, maybe I wouldn’t doubt how nice it is.”
“If you hadn’t left home for so long, maybe you would know more about the company”
“If you didn’t have so much blow up your nose all the time back then, maybe I wouldn’t feel the need to run away!” 
“Awww family reunions are so cute” You turned to the circle door on the left side of the room to see your brother’s work partner leaning against it and looking at you two with a pout.
“Oh… hey Mutt” 
“How is my favourite Pfister doing? I can’t believe how long it has been since I’ve seen you bro!” He said giving you a hug you did not expect.
“Hey! What the hell? Your favourite Pfister? Really? Stop flirting with my sister, asshole” said Jeff.
“I’m not! But it’s true, your sister is the best. Back then before we even dreamt of Kineros, the three of us would have so much fun!” Mutt answered, his arm still around your shoulders.
“Yeah I guess, before you two started your bullshit in between the lines” you said, scratching at your nose.
“Oh, speaking of flirting, how is that girlfriend of yours doing?” Jeff asked.
“Girlfriend? What… Ah. Yeah, well- she..” You laughed “ I swear I can’t make this shit up. Has it been that long since we spoke really?” The topic was making you even more uncomfortable, and you noticed that Ms. Venable was looking at you with an almost curious look? Was it? She was hard to read.
“Well, would you believe it, she fell in love with your dear coke instead.” Jeff looked at you as if he had just broken your favourite toy.
“Yea she just dumped me a while back and hit the streets. I tried to look for her, but she was just gone. I have no clue if she’s even alive.”
“Shit Y/N I’m sorry” Jeff said.
“Are you? Or are you still sniffing lines like a mad man?” 
“Technically not lines no.” He said, smiling at Mutt knowingly.
You took his arm from your shoulders. “So you’re telling me that if I punch your ass right now it wouldn’t be snowing in here?”
When he didn’t answer with anything other than laughter you went on “It’s not funny! None of this is funny Jeff! Not now, and not that time I had to take your ODing ass to the ER! And not on all those times you were in withdrawal!”
He only laughed more, and said “It would be hell if that happened again!”
“Jeff! Have you-”
“I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, but the last of the decorations for tomorrow are just arriving.” said Ms. Venable. And despite her low voice, all three of you went silent.
“You worry too much”
“What?” You asked through the pen you were chewing at, with your back still turned to her from the top of the chair, as you exchanged the regular lightbulb with a colorful one from the box you were holding.
She didn’t repeat herself for a while, as if she regretted saying anything in the first place. The past hour or so you had barely exchanged more than a couple words, her impassive looks making you assume she just didn’t like you.
“You worry too much about him.” She said, her voice loud and clear this time.
You stepped down from the chair placing the white bulb on the box she was holding with one hand. Thinking about your brother now made something clench on your stomach. To hide how hard it was to find an answer for her, you went to write a check on the lighting part of your to-do list.
“How could I not?” You asked.
“I must admit his lifestyle is… interesting. But it seems to have worked to bring this company to where it is today.” She said.
“I know he’s your boss, but you don’t have to doll-up how things are around here. And don’t give him more credit than he deserves, he is cocky enough about it.” after a pause you added “I know that if it were up to him, he would still be assembling robots amidst his dirty socks. It doesn’t take much to realise who’s behind everything that isn’t necessarily robots here.”
You reached for the box she was holding to go put it away, and noticed she was standing as still as a statue. Grabbing it from her with the ghost of a friendly smile on your face you went on, since she didn’t seem to know how to answer you this time.
“He used to say it helped him think and work better. And maybe it does but as his sister I can’t just ignore it and pretend I’m okay with it. He never takes things that matter seriously.”
“Before we got here I- for some stupid reason- actually thought he stopped it. He isn’t like he was before. Something has changed about him.”
“It has.” She said. “I think his dedication to the job put him in his tracks somewhat. Whatever his tracks are” She added with a smirk.
Giggling at that, you said, holding the checklist for her to see “Now that we´re done, how about we go get a snack and talk about something that doesn’t involve dumb and dumber or their tragic hairstyles?”
Fighting back a smile, she guided you somewhere you could eat, and said “I’m glad you don’t have a bowl cut too.”
For the first hour or so Jeff introduced you to random people at the party, none of them getting much of your attention at all. Fancy and famous people, and though it was hard to believe seeing your brother around them- their nice suits next to his striped shirt, jeans and hoodie- you didn’t feel astonished at all. You felt crushed by everyone around you and took every opportunity to avoid dull conversation.
Some of them were surprised to meet you, to see how his casualty wasn’t a trait you shared, and given that you knew this would be a somewhat big party you did, in fact, dress up to the occasion. You decided to wear a nice blazer over a silk lingerie type shirt, straight legged pants and heels, hair slicked back and makeup dark and bold. Anywhere else you would look out of place, but here you managed to melt into the rest of the well dressed crowd. Thankfully that worked to your advantage so you could be away from the center of attention.
On the quick calls you did have, your brother never failed to gloat about his life and how great things were, and a part of you hoped blindlessly that it would mean he left his bad habits behind. Though now as you stood under the coloured lights it was more than obvious that he wouldn’t change, and all the bad memories from his addiction came back to you at once. Overwhelmed by your thoughts and the ambient itself, you made your way to the outside of the building unaware of the tic-toc of a cane following you.
“Where are you going?” her voice pulled you back to reality.
“I don’t know. Just away from this” you said, hand waving in the air. Then you took a second to look at her, as formally dressed as the day before, lilac suit and all, only her expression had changed. Though you knew she would never admit it, her face was contorted in a plea, almost begging for you to stay.
“I thought he changed. I really did. Like a foolish fucking child.”You blurted out.
“You don’t have to leave like this.” She stated, sounding disinterested despite herself.
“I do. I really do.”
“I never come to these events… I hate these people just as much as you do.” You narrowed your eyes at her, waiting for the rest of it, and when it didn’t come you asked “What made you come this time?”
After a long pause she said “I was surprised to meet you. I would never believe your brother had someone as… prudent and sensible in his life.” Another pause. “I’m trying to say don’t leave m-” She stopped herself.
“Then take me somewhere” You said without thinking, looking straight into those brown eyes as they seemed to soften. And for the first time her face twisted into what was definitely, unmistakably, a smile, and all you could do was smile right back.
“Come along then”
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tttinytrash · 3 years
A prompt from the legendary Shy! I decided to go with this one first because the most ideas to fill in the framework they so kindly provided sprung to mind immediately, but expect the other two they sent along at some point soon. I took the liberty of picking Classic and Underfell Sans for the cast, but the nicknames will probably have made that clear anyhow. I tried to change it up and made the prey brave rather than the nervous wreck I often default to, so hopefully that pans out. Enjoy!
Nerds really do have more fun.
You’re not entirely sure how your socially inept self had made friends as good as these two, but your life had definitely improved exponentially after their addition to it. Red and Classic were both skeletons, but that was immaterial to your friendship with the two.
For the moment you three were tinkering away in the lab the university provided for your research. You were attempting to make a version of the monsters’ inventories that was more accessible for humans, or a TARDIS pocket as Classic had taken to calling the project. You couldn’t argue the accuracy of the comparison, though the name would sadly have to change for copyright purposes at some point. The idea was to make a pocket that was larger on the inside, thereby vastly increasing storage capabilities for the denizens of the world without magical capabilities.
Classic was at the far workbench, going over the calculations yet again while you and Red were closer to the machine actually intended to form the dimensional pockets. The burned scraps of a grocery tote bag, the cremated remains of your latest failed attempt, hung in place in the machine for now despite the machine not being active. Red was shoulders deep in the thing, checking that the soldering on the wires were holding after another failed test. You were busy removing the latest scorches from the machine’s plating when you heard the dull hum start. 
You glanced over at saw the machine had started trying to form another rift, without any kind of vessel and without any of you having activated it. Worse, two thirds of the team was not even remotely beyond the safety perimeter! You didn’t even think, you just grabbed Red by the pelvis and dragged him out of the machine. You didn’t even process what he was saying, nor his angry tone as you bundled him up bridal style and bolted from the danger zone. 
You were almost in the clear when you heard the explosion behind you and felt the searing heat on your back. Well, as least you’d gotten your more sturdy human body between your 1HP monster companion and the blast, you had time to think. 
The pain ebbed as quickly as it came and you felt like you were in freefall...
Red really didn’t know what the hell had just happened. 
He’d felt the human yank him out of the maintenance hatch, and the glow and crackling of building energy he could get from over their shoulder as they ran clued him in roughly and mollified his annoyance in favor of concern. Then there was heat and he felt his body fall to the floor like a puppet with its strings cut. Classic had been far enough away from the blast to be unharmed, and therefore was free to rush over to where Red lay. 
He groaned as the unharmed skeleton arrived, not missing the other’s visual sweep of his body for injury or dust. 
“are you ok? where’s y/n?” Classic asked.
Red’s skull whipped back, not finding the human on the floor with him as he’d expected. “i-i dunno! y/n?!”
“Here...” came the weak reply. 
Both skeletons homed in on the source quickly, which was oddly Red’s chest.
A tiny human lay on Red’s sternum sprawled as if having fallen. Y/n was severely reduced in size and dazed, but awake an aware much to both skeletons’ visible relief. Red scooped the sluggish human into his hands and did a Check on them. Their HP had definitely taken a hit, but they weren’t in the red. (Heh, nickname pun.)
The trio was collectively baffled, but the relief that everyone was ok for the most part was palpable. They now had the fun task of figuring out how to reverse this change. Oh. And the machine was smoldering, so that probably should be addressed too. This to do list was quickly looking very not fun.
It was agreed upon (more like accepted, really) that a shrunken human really couldn’t live on their own in a house without any adaptations for such a small person. In the long term (Delta forbid this persisted long enough to need a long term solution) adjustments to your house could be arranged. In the short term, the skeleton pair would take turns hosting their human friend at their houses. 
Classic took the first night, as he and Vanilla (his brother) had a place closer than Red and his bro, Edge. At the moment, Vanilla was out of the house at a sleepover (arranged before the incident) with Undyne. This left Classic and the human alone, and eventually watching TV together. 
You had been set up with a fluffy hand towel for a blanket and set atop a pillow. Your pillow was on the couch cushion besides Classic, who sprawled with the grace of a sack of potatoes on his corner of the couch as he watched the cheesy sci-fi flick on screen. You were both making jokes throughout the movie, but as the night drew on and the ambient temperature dropped, you found your towel wasn’t quite warm enough. 
You were waiting for a break in dialogue to ask for another towel, but Classic beat you to it. He looked over as if he were about to crack a joke at the expense of the movie again, noticed your huddled posture, and paused the movie. “you cold, kiddo?”
“Yeah, a bit. Are there any more towels I could pile on, maybe?”
“i’ll do ya one better, c’mere.” He offered a flat palm, waiting patiently for you to board.
You didn’t really have to hesitate, trusting the guy already and curiosity spurred you on as well. He gently lifted you and your towel, dumped the pillow on the floor absently, and moved to sprawl flat over the whole couch instead. This left his chest as a flat plane, on which you were gently deposited.
You sat there, surprised at the new level of contact. Sure, you three nerds had crammed yourselves onto the loveseat at your place to watch TV or game together and ended up with hips mildly wedged against each other and shoulders bumping, but that was the closest you’d ever been. To now be seated on Classic’s sternum was new territory. 
“go ahead, get comfy and lay down. i don’t mind.” he encouraged. 
You took his advice, curling on your side facing the TV, towel still tented around you. Classic increased the warmth his body offered even more by taking the liberty to partially zip his ever-present blue jacket up to the point that your body was zipped in, but your head was outside the confines of the giant garment.
“better?” he asked.
“Yeah, much warmer.” You could easily affirm. 
While this was new territory, his casual attitude towards the whole thing dissipated the awkwardness you were feeling. Without that feeling, you really found you couldn’t complain. You liked cuddling anyhow, so finding a friend was also up for that was a boon in your book. 
The movie resumed without further incident, though you may or may not have totally fallen asleep on your friend. Eh, he didn’t seem to mind.
It’d been a couple of weeks since the incident at the lab, and today was Red’s day for hosting y/n. Red was playing a campaign in a very story based game, with the human watching from their perch on his shoulder while Classic lounged on the other side of the couch. Playthroughs of games like this were common with their group, and the three would usually switch off who had the controller each session with the other two chipping in and offering advice. 
The biggest difference now was that y/n couldn’t take their turn with the controller, but they seemed content to snuggle into the fluff of Red’s hood, relishing in the warmth of their position by his cervical vertebrae. Ever since becoming small, they hadn’t been able to maintain their heat as well once the sun went down.
“I think I saw something on your left.” they offered. 
Red panned the camera that way to find an enemy, which was swiftly dealt with.
“thanks, pipsqueak.” Red said as he collected the dropped loot.
“No problem. Hey, do you think you could get the bathroom door for me?”
“oh, sure.” he paused the game and crossed over to the bathroom. He gently cupped the human into his hands and gingerly set them on the floor just before the threshold. Inside there was a bathroom setup of bitty furniture, an investment that had been made early on for each of the skeletons’ houses. Once they went inside, he closed the door without catching the latch so they could push it open once they were done. 
In the meantime, he approached the couch again where he saw Classic grinning at him.
“the hell you looking at?” Red groused.
Classic chuckled “a softy.”
Red felt the light blush on his face, much to his chagrin “shut the hell up. s’not like you aint doing the same damn thing.”
“well yeah, but i don’t try to claim i’m not a softy.”
Red groaned as he flopped petulantly onto the couch. “can’t help it, they’re just so small. plus, this is all my fault anyhow.”
“woah, what?” Classic sat up straighter, humor gone from his voice. “what do you mean, your fault?”
“i was fucking with the wiring when the machine started up. it had to be something i did that caused it to go haywire and blast them. least i can do is help em out when they need it.”
Classic was about to address the mountain of guilt Red had built upon himself, but was cut off by a growl from Red’s stomach.
“you hungry?” Classic asked, though Red knew he already had the answer to that question based on the tone. 
Red buried his face in his hands, responding “no, and the human aint gonna believe the ‘i just need a snack’ lie forever. i just wanna protect them so damn bad.”
“yeah, they’re too smart for us. plus, i’ve been using the same lie.”
Red unburied his face, asking “instinct is cropping up for you too, eh?”
“yeah. especially since they get so cold at night. it went downhill fast as soon as i realized we had an easy fix.”
“tell me about it. they were so uncomfortable when they first changed, i didn’t wanna add to the discomfort by asking them about it.”
“well, the machine is back in one piece now so we can start working to reverse this mess come monday when the university lets us back in.”
“yeah, thank delta for that.”
Neither one realized that the human had heard some of their conversation from the bathroom, nor that they refused to accept their friends were apparently hiding something from them. 
The human became determined to confront this issue that very night.
Classic had gone home by now and you were settled in your bed, more of a nest of towels and an electric heated blanket than a real bed. Nest was probably a better term. 
Red hadn’t come into the room yet (you slept in the same room as him so he could help you off the desk and to the bathroom if you needed to make a trip in the middle of the night) so you instead thought about what you’d overheard and what you were going to say. You’d caught only snippets due to distance, knowing something about an instinct they were both trying to hide from you, and you’d also heard “all my fault” and desperately wanted to address that if it was regarding you, which the conversation had seemed to.
Your planning was cut short when he entered, in a loose black muscle tank and flannel PJ bottoms pattered with jolly roger flags flying over a grey background. He flopped onto the bed without ceremony amongst his tangled blankets and immediately started scrolling on his phone. 
You steeled yourself a moment before calling for his attention, leaving your nest behind on the beside table to approach the skeleton closer. “Hey, Red?”
He put down his phone, looking at you with a questioning grunt.
“I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but I heard you and Classic earlier...”
Red looked mildly alarmed “what exactly did you hear?”
“Enough to know you guys are hiding things from me, and it sounded like it was about me. And something about this being ‘all your fault’?”
Red sat up leaving his face a little higher than you, and only a foot of distance from your perch to his shoulder. “yeah, well it is my fault. since i was the one tinkering, the machine had to have been fucked up by me. and now...” he gestured limply at you. “i’m gonna do my damndest to fix it, but i hate that i did this at all.”
“Cut the crap.”
Red looked as if he’d been slapped. He instantly went from hunched and quiet, reluctant to open up to you at all (probably only caving so early knowing you would keep badgering), to sitting straight up, eyes locked on you in obvious shock.
“This was an accident. No one is at fault.” you stated emphatically.
He looked ready to protest, eyebrows tilting down almost as if angry.
You cut him off again. “You never intended for this to happen. I don’t hold you responsible, or anyone else for that matter. But that doesn’t even matter. You just said you were going to fix it. That matters way more than fretting over the past we can’t change. No more self pity. Not allowed. Got it, mister?” You wagged a finger at him, refusing to be the one to break eye contact.
Red’s expression had mollified during your response, and he was the one who lost the game of eye contact chicken when he changed focus onto his folded hands in his lap. “forgot how much spunk you have, looks like the size change didn’t touch that.” he laughed a little.
“You mean you forgot what made us become friends in the first place? I’m hurt, Red.” You feigned pain, placing your hands over your heart.
His laugh was stronger this time “sorry, pipsqueak. won’t make that mistake again.” He ruffled your hair with a two fingers, which got you laughing too as you batted his invading phalanges away.
“you win. i’ll try to focus on fixing, not shitting on myself. fair deal?”
“Sounds good to me, bud.”
You two lapsed into silence.
You felt accomplished, but only half of your mystery had been solved. you decided to risk it and push farther. You’d back off if he resisted though, as you knew opening up at all was asking a lot of your somewhat emotionally constipated friend. “So... what was the instinct you two kept referring to?”
“damn, you’re relentless tonight!” he laughed again, flopping back onto his pillow.
“Well it’s got my two best friends in a twist over it, I wanna know what the hell is going on!” you defend, happy to keep up the more teasing tone.
“fine, fine. but you asked for it.”
“Yeah, yeah, lay it on me!”
He barked a laugh, “alright, pipsqueak. there’s a protective instinct that can rear up among monsters who’re less flesh based. it’s been triggered by your small size and our desire to help, but basically we wanna take you in.”
“Ya lost me right at the end, there.”
“figured i would. skeletons, and some other races of monsters, have the ability to take other creatures inside their own body harmlessly. more specifically, it’d be me and classic fighting the urge to eat you, but safely.”
“Safely.... eat?” The humor left your tone completely.
The humor was gone in his too, saying “yeah, that’s why we didn’t say anything. that reaction right there. but yes, basically eat minus the chewing bit. it’s safe and you’d be let out later, but the idea is to put us between you and danger. pretty damn literally. but a fleshbag like you wouldn’t be a fan and we both knew that going in. now ya know.” he looked away again, not so much looking at anything but apparently not wanting to look at you.
You thought back to all the times you’d caught either of them trying to sneak stomach growls past you or how oddly often they’d been claiming they’d needed a snack, or even that one time Red had tried (and failed) to play off getting caught wiping drool away. It all clicked into place and made so much more sense. But far more importantly, you didn’t like the resigned tone in his voice. 
You took a moment to process the new information in stifling silence, then asked “So... you thought I wouldn’t trust you?”
“what?” Red’s skull whipped around to fix you with a baffled look. “that’s not even close to what i said. i just meant it’d be pretty fuckin’ weird to you.”
“Yeah, well I went and made friends with two monsters after having shit luck with humans. I’d say I’m pretty open to new and weird.”
Red just blinked at you.
“If you want to, I’m unopposed. Go for it. You said it was triggered by a desire to help, and that it was safe. I trust you.”
Red’s brows were knit, sockets squinted a bit at you as he sat up. He stared you down like that, feeling like he was looking for the “gotcha” or any fear. You stared right back with nothing to hide, you weren’t afraid and didn’t want to take back what you’d said.
“yer sure?” he asked, sounding suspicious. 
“Yep.” You popped the P for emphasis.
“alright. i’ll let you out when you change your mind.” he shrugged, holding a hand out for you to board. 
You took that comment as a challenge and sat on his metacarpals confidently.
He brought you up toward his face while his free hand reached up from behind you, wrapping around your ribs under the arms. Using the new grip, he lifted you over his upturned face with your bare feet dangling in thin air over his opening mouth.
Ok, maybe your confidence had left a little. Your legs tucked up a bit in instinct, but you didn’t struggle when he guided your lower limbs into his mouth. You fought the urge to cringe away at the odd slick feeling of your feet sliding along his thick red tongue, or even more so at the feeling of his throat around your lower legs. 
You still trusted Red, that wasn’t the issue, so you decided to fight your instincts just as your friends had been fighting theirs and refused to show any fear. 
You pulled your arms in close to your chest when his grasping fingers left, and looked upwards as the world was sealed off by a wall of sharp teeth. Thankfully Red didn’t leave you waiting long, as a wet gulping sound drew your upper legs down with a surprisingly strong force. You clenched your teeth at that, barely keeping in the yelp of surprise. Another two gulps followed in quick succession, drawing your whole body into his waiting throat. The tissue around you pressed in, pushing you ever downward. 
For a brief moment during your decent, you felt a warm tingling sensation akin to the light buzz you felt the few times you’d come into contact with a magical construct (Red had lobbed a bone attack at you when you’d be particularly snarky a time or two, usually blue so you didn’t get hurt.) This tingle was much stronger, and you couldn’t describe it any better than saying it felt like Red. ...was that his soul? 
Your musing was cut off shortly after the buzz of magic left and you found yourself kicking a little in surprise when your legs had room to move. The rest of you spilled into the open space a moment later. 
You felt a bit dazed as you just sat there a moment. You were somewhat pulled back down to earth as you felt a pressure coming from outside. It was immediately obvious the pressure was his hand pressing in at you, and the hand started moving, rubbing you from outside in soothing circles, slowly moving up and down your back. Even if you were out of it, you had the wherewithal to realize that was incredibly cute. 
“alright, buyer’s remorse set in?” he asked.
“No...” you breathed, not quite done processing your current situation.
“you ok in there?” his tone was more concerned, the rubbing stopped but the pressure of his hand remained.
“Y-yeah!” You shook your head as if that would help clear the fog, clicking back into reality. “I’m ok. Wow, this is just... a lot.”
“sure you don’t want out?”
“Do you want me out?”
“...didn’t say that...” he mumbled.
You laughed, which earned you a half hearted growl.
“Hey, is it ok if I move around a little? I really want to, uh, check the place out now that I’m here if that’s cool.”
“oh, sure. i don’t care.”
He removed his hand, which left you free to experiment. Call it childish if you wanted, but you really wanted to feel out your new surroundings in an exceedingly literal sense.
Holy shit this went so much better than he’d ever thought it’d go. The human was inside, no panic, and their soul had settled from the anxiety he’d been feeling during their decent. Guess they’d gone and proven him and Classic wrong. Again. Maybe he should expect that by now.
For now he laid back, feeling them slide back to the new lowest point as he got comfortable. He also very much heard their tiny squeak when they startled at the movement, which brought out a smile on him. He felt them quickly readjust, then felt a small point of pressure pushing outwards. A tiny moving bump raised in his shirt, showing where their small hands were pushing out. He didn’t protest, finding this all quite amusing.
On a whim, he used two fingers to push at that little raised bump. He heard them laugh, and then the bump showed up on a new spot, disappeared, and showed up again in yet another. This was a bizarre version of whack a mole, but he did play along until they ended the game with a breathy giggle. 
They were moving again, probably trying to stand given the two distinct points of pressure. They slowly wobbled a few steps before he distinctly felt the impact of them falling over. 
He laughed aloud at the “I’m good!” they called out.
Their movements inside were calm, but distinctly curious. It was all highly endearing on top of feeling good. The quieting of the protective instinct at last was also a welcome absence, leaving him feeling comfortable and secure. He didn’t really try all that hard to stifle his subsequent yawn. 
The responding, smaller yawn from inside was a bit of a surprise.
“We were getting ready for bed, dingus.”
“fair point. we turning this into a sleepover or you going back to your own bed?”
There was a pause, then “Fuck it, sleepover.”
“fine by me, pipsqueak. g’night.”
“Goodnight, bonehead.”
He felt their weight settle, then relax as they slipped into sleep. He decided to follow them, hands folded over his stomach to protect the precious cargo inside.
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dreamieofu · 4 years
Finding You
pairing; superhuman!mark x reader word count; 4.5k genre; strangers to lovers!au, soulmate!au, small angst, fluff, sci-fi(?)  summary; Mark falls in love, but it’s not the real him who meets you for the first time. It’s his clone. And although he can’t really remember everything, he’s desperate to find you again. 
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( prologue. )  please read this to understand the following ♡ 
You remember the first time you saw him. 
Guitar on his back, beaming eyes and a polite smile. You were standing behind the till taking orders at your campus cafe, your part-time job on most weekdays. You gleam at him, as he smiles up at the drinks menu. He adjusts his guitar strap on his shoulder when you finally meet eyes. 
“What do you recommend?” His voice was a little deeper than you initially thought, it was nice. 
You watch him for a few seconds, briefly chewing on the inside of your bottom lip, before looking at the drinks menu behind you as well. You already knew your answer, but you wanted the moments in front of him to last a little longer. And why not? There wasn’t a line being held up, so you turned to him with a smile, “How about a caramel macchiato?”. 
He nodded at your answer, his hand already digging into his front pocket to retrieve his wallet. You punched in his order, asking him for the size of his drink and if he had any special requests for his milk and so forth. He still held that infectious smile on his face, shaking his head at your questions and handing you his money. Before he could walk away, your fingers are quick to reach the black marker next to the cashier. 
“Your name?” You say, a bit breathless, with fluttering eyes and the tip of the marker on the side of the paper cup. 
“I hope you enjoy your drink, Mark.” You say his name as a little whisper, while writing his name. 
He offers an eye smile, as he looks into your eyes. A small moment connected you both before his gaze left yours to walk away. You mindlessly watch him walk further away from your view, to wait for his order. Your hand places his paper cup on the side for your colleagues to make, as the next customer comes forward, pulling you out of your trance. Something about that moment made you feel a bit lightheaded yet so grounded, you couldn’t help but think about him for the rest of your nightshift. 
The second time you saw Mark was a few days later. Sporting a comfy tee and jeans with his hair a little messy, as he walked around the campus. He was walking with a couple of guys, all equally as handsome. But Mark stood out to you the most though and this time his laugh grabbed your attention. He held himself a bit different, shoulders weren’t as tight. Almost relaxed, as you see the group settle onto the grass between the classroom/lecture halls where people hung out. If this didn’t confirm you were both attending the same school, you didn’t know what did. Yet, you never approached him. Maybe a bit shy that he wasn’t alone, but a part of you wanted to know if he did end up liking the drink you recommended. Mark was then pushed to the back of your mind as you put your books into your bag from where you were sitting, to leave the table. It was almost a week or so since the last time you saw him, and you were beginning to forget the small infatuation you managed to develop on Mark. That is, when he walks through the cafe doors. His head low and his eyes on his phone. The cafe was kinda empty considering the late hour. As he slowly approaches you whilst you were behind the till, your body posture gets less sluggish. Standing up right when you see Mark as places his phone in his back trouser pocket. “Hey,” He speaks with the same beaming smile you couldn’t get out of your head. “I’ll have a caramel macchiato,”. Your eyebrows raise at this, “So I’m guessing you enjoyed the drink?” Your hand reaching out to get his paper cup, writing his order before tapping it into the system. “Yeah, I did actually. It wasn’t bad, thanks for that,” He takes out his phone from his pocket to pay for the drink contactlessly. You write his name as he pays, and you notice he looks at you as you do so. “You remember my name?”. 
You feel a little embarrassed, flushed as you timidly nod. Mark chuckles at you, “Cute… What’s your name?”. A part of you doesn’t really process much, because this is the longest conversation you’ve had yet. “Y/N,”. 
“Cool, nice to properly meet you, Y/N,”. 
You could only blink at him, liking the sound of your name on his tongue. Offering him a small smile you answer, “Nice to meet you too,”. 
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After a few days, you noticed Mark became a regular at the cafe. He came by the place for most of your shifts, around the same time. He mixed up his choice in drinks, but each time he walked through that door, you felt more connected, more familiar. You begun having small conversations when he’d stay on late nights studying, when the store was empty. He often sat near the till, on the outer bend. 
From what you gathered, he was hardworking, he was into a lot of creative things. Overall he seemed like a really nice person, and a part of you really wanted to get to know him closer… without the barrier of the till and wood separating you both. And today, you decided to do just that. 
You waited. For Mark to walk through the doors. Your eyes peering over to your watch every half an hour. But he never showed up. You’d be lying to yourself to say you weren’t the smallest bit bummed out he never came to study tonight. You locked up that same night, pushing back questions of where he was… what he was doing. Ultimately, deciding to take the long way home. Walking through the campus, you passed a few students who were probably making their way to the library or doing the same as you. Making their way home.  As you walked alongside the street lights towards home,  a certain laugh caught your ears, and you turn towards it. An unexpected smile reaches your lips unknowingly to you. When you see the figure coming your way from behind you, you realise it’s Mark with a duffle bag in hand and wearing a tracksuit. 
He wasn’t alone though, but it didn’t stop you from mindlessly reaching out your hand to wave hello as he came towards you. His friend talking beside him as Mark briefly catches your eye. Before walking straight passed you. Without question. 
It did kinda hurt you, and maybe by now you were making excuses for him all day. But you had no reason to, if you were being truthful. 
You slowly lower your hand, completely embarrassed that he didn’t recognise you. Slapping your face lightly a few times, you then cover your eyes with your hands trying to erase the image of him away from your mind. The way he side glanced at you, and how your eyes were literally looking at each other. You weren’t sure if his friend noticed you there also but you just shook the thoughts away. You readjust your bag on your shoulder, and pout the whole way home never once looking away from your feet until you just about reached your front door. 
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“Hey, what’s the long face?” Mark’s back with that same goddamned smile. You childishly huff at him, motioning your head away from him. “I don’t like you right now.” He chuckles in response, and moves to the other side of the table that you were wiping down to clean.
“Hey, don’t be like that. What did I even do?” Humour laced in his tone, as he stands in front of you. 
Mark pulls out the chair on the table and peers up at you, sitting down. Big eyed, and eyebrows knitted in concern; because he feels like he genuinely made you upset at something. You stopped cleaning the table to look down at his puppy eyed face, sighing at his unintentional cuteness. 
“You walked straight passed me when I saw you the other day,” You confess, shrugging. Your grip on the cloth tightens a bit whilst he says silent. 
“I did?” His voice was so soft, and he seemed confused even. “I don’t think so,” Mark’s direct with his words, and he feels like he genuinely believes so. You narrow your eyes at his expression. Maybe he forgot, maybe he really didn’t recognise you. You could’t tell, but the way he looks up at you, made all your petty sadness disappear. You laugh at him, a few moments after he slips in his silence trying to decipher his thoughts of said meeting. “If you say so, anyway… You want the usual?”. 
Mark nods up at this, perking up with happiness taking over his expressions, smiling with a “No more long face.” As you both giggle to each other. 
When you told you colleagues about his order, you turn your head over your shoulder to see if Mark was still sat on the table. He had his head in his hands whilst in deep thought. It concerned you that maybe something really was troubling him, but you ignore it. 
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[Mark’s POV] 
Lately he’s been getting dreams about a reoccurring girl. The way she smiles, the sound of her laugh. But it was always blurred out. More often than not, they were nice dreams and whenever he saw, said girl in his dreams; he would have a good day after he woke up. Through the weeks of seeing her in his dreams, he’s developed her into his good luck charm. He would find himself smiling in his sleep whenever he heard the melody of her laughter. The dreams gave him inspiration to write about love songs, about a mystery girl. “Yo, I swear she’s an actual dream girl,” Mark’s waving his hands in front of him, laughter in his eyes as his friends goggle at him. Johnny slaps an arm over Mark’s shoulder, shaking his head. “Yeah, yeah. Same girl in your dreams last night I’m guessing,”. Mark just chuckles alongside them, and pushes Johnny’s embrace away playfully. “But don’t you think it’s strange you’re seeing and hearing the same girl?” Jaehyun nods over to Mark on his left, arms leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. Hands clasped together and against his lips with curiosity. Mark thought about Jaehyun’s words for a moment, slightly agreeing. He knows in his heart, it’s the same girl. Strangely enough not putting the pieces of his dreams and memories together. “I guess, but I’ve never seen anything like her.” You plagued Mark’s thoughts continuously as he went through his days. But he never seemed to click on anything. And in some sense almost feeling magnetic to the small cafe, furthest away from his dorm. 
That’s where they were currently. 
Mark stands up, with a hand out in generosity, “You guys want a drink?” He suggests to Johnny and Jaehyun at the table. They both shake their head ‘no,' their conversation fading out behind Mark as he walks over to the till. 
That’s when he met you, girl of his dreams unknowingly for the first time. “Hey, a… hot chocolate, please?” Mark smiles at the cashier girl, his hands reaching out to pay. He looks up to you, a small smile entranced him as he sees you. The way you stood there, your aura. And then you connect eyes. He’s stood in place as the world blurs out, focal on you as you mouth his name. “Excuse me?” 
“Mark, haha… I asked about your day.” You giggle at him, and he watches you put in his order though the machine before glancing behind you. Mark was a little confused about how you knew his name. But still played along, especially since he’s heard your laugh. The way warmth hugged his soul, as you laughed made him glue to your presence. “I had a ,yeah, a good day,” He slightly coughs up his words almost stuttering, as you raise your eyebrows questionably at him. He quirks his lips, a bit timid under your gaze. “Listen, I’m free later tonight, if you wanna catch up and talk a small while. I feel like I haven’t seen you around,” you suggest at him, and in Mark’s knowledge he knew better to decline. He liked the idea, even if you were a stranger. “Sounds good,”. Mark waited at a nearby table, in a not so creepy way, watched you ever so often as you interacted with other customers. It was like he was in disbelief that you were there. That you were real. He melody of your voice playing like the dreams he’d have. Mark felt like the universe was playing a tiny game with his reality. But the thought that you were a stranger never seemed to leave the back of his thoughts, regardless of how intrigued he was with you. Johnny and Jaehyun left Mark alone after an hour. And throughout the time they were there, Mark didn’t mention you. Maybe too scared to speak you out into the universe and cause you to slip away from his reality. Messed up with his own thoughts, and the lingering time confusing him, he walks out. Too scared to face you, and be in right in his tiny theories he’s made up while waiting for your shift to end. Mark knew it was wrong to agree with you then result in leaving. He just, felt overwhelmed by you. And he doesn’t understand why. 
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[Back to You] 
You were confused, stopping midway in your conversation as you watched Mark leave. Maybe an emergency? But, your heart sunk a little watching him leave. His facial features unreadable as he pushes the door open and walk out. 
When you locked up that night, and made your way home, the thoughts of Mark still replayed in your mind. He felt a bit different earlier, a bit distance yet still as you remember him to be. You were happy with these little interactions you’d have with him, wishing on stars on your night walks back home that something would bring you closer. You wish you could have had his number, so you could message him. Ask if he’s okay. But you couldn’t, and being fair, by now you’ve developed a little more than a small infatuation on him. Deciding to yourself, that you do like him. And that next time you see him, you promise to yourself that you’ll tell him. No more hiding away from it. And you do see him, next day. Around campus, alone with that same guitar strap on his shoulder. “Mark!!!” You shout, jogging up toward him. Courage pumping your heart, as you approach him. 
He stands there with a welcoming smile. The same distant feeling, but you ignore it. Pushing all your luck to gleam up to him, “Mark,” you whisper. “Yes? Can I help you?” Mark’s eyes lowered to your figure, and each passing second you start to feel more nervous. “You left yesterday… before I could talk with you,” You start to fumble with your fingers seeing Mark’s facial features become more and more unreadable. “I know, so crazy… But I really like seeing you come by the cafe. And I don’t know… Spending time with you is really fun and I want to get to know you more. I think maybe I like you, I don’t know, crazy! I know,” You’re starting to ramble because he seems a bit put off, and confused. 
“You like me?” Mark’s gathered, that in some sort, being in a band and being friends with some popular guys would mean a few girls here and there would approach him. But seeing your flustered self, and the mention of spending time together, rings a little bell. Realisation settling in when he finally connects a few dots that, maybe it’s not the current him that you’ve taken an interest to. And as complicated as it seems, he’s still hopes that you’ll not feel in any way bad when he says, “I think maybe, you’ve got the wrong person,”. 
His heart breaks a little watching you step back. You felt a bit defeated and confused by his words. Technically you haven’t got the wrong person, he knows that. You know that. But what he says is true. He knows, somewhere along his dreams and you. He understands you’ve been with his clone. 
This part unknown to you.
Yet, he feels something connecting himself with your aura and presence as you stand there speechless. He still has those wavering feelings from the day before when he first saw you. “I- “ Before he could explain further, you’ve already started to walk off embarrassed. He walks behind you, “Hey,- Urm…” He tries to find memories of your name, to call you, but he doesn’t know your name. “Hey…” He calls out again, his hand reaching your elbow to stop you from walking away. To face him. `
He’s taken aback at the glazed tears brimming at your eyes, and he feels bad having to tell you. Trying to find the best way to explain to you, especially since he doesn’t know how to. He’s only ever told his best friend, Donghyuck and obviously his dad knows. But somewhere along the way of finding you, he didn’t think he’d need to tell anyone else. Mark feels it by the way his fingertips graze the skin of your elbow, you don’t feel like just anyone and he really wants to know you, he feels it. And maybe by the way you look up to him, he understands also why his clone was drawn to you. The way your eyes flutter up to him, waiting for answers. He gets why his clone kept coming back to you. He feels it, feels the way your presence wraps around his mind, and makes him feel grounded. Even if you were a stranger. 
“I’m sorry,” You say, in the softest tone that it makes Mark let go. Already tangled with the million thoughts that ran 100 miles repeatedly. Mark curses at himself for having a complicated life, for having met you as his clone. “Don’t be,” He reassures you, his hands mindlessly grabbing hold of yours. There was a lingering silence holding your connected gaze. And you don’t find it in your strength to walk away. 
Even stood at the campus, with people minding their business and surrounding you both. The tension between you both holds you still. “Listen to me,” Mark pleads a little, his eyes quickly casting over your surroundings before he takes hold of your wrist in hast. All of a sudden, your body has a mind of its own and it’s effortlessly following Mark. His fast steps towards a classroom. You watch him in silence as he finally reaches away from people. Mark looks into the small viewing window to check in the lecture room was in use. Seeing the lights off, and empty seats, he opens the door with his free hand. He guides you into the room, with a bit of strength, making your bag strap fall off your shoulder. You whip your wrist away from his grip, fixing your bag strap. “Sorry!” Mark’s quick to apologise, a small pout on his lips, one that you’ve grown familiar with. All the tension from before rolls away from your shoulders, “Why did you bring me here?” You ask, turning around to turn on the lights before hearing his sigh. “I-“ Mark is lost for words again. “I-, I want to explain to you, something, about me, and-“ He tries to start again, but pauses a few times to gather his thoughts. A part of him is thankful you’re so patient with him.  You just watch him, with an awkward encouraging smile. One that he feels comfortable returning. That same from you aura calming him, as he finds his words to attempt to explain to you again. “I’m a clone.” He spills out. Mark’s own eyes widening as you knit your eyebrows in disbelief and humour. “A clone?” You repeat after him, laughing a bit. Even he was taken aback at the way he tried to fend and explain himself.  
“Yeah?” He replies. 
You scoff at him, rolling your eyes at his words. “If you wanted to make some lame excuse about rejecting me, you didn’t have to do it in here. It was fine out there,” You reason with him, turning your back at him to leave the room. 
“Wait- No, I’m serious…” Mark sounds a bit defeated, and you turn to look over your shoulder to see him with that same deep in thought look. 
“Okay… I’m listening.” You cave into him, just like that. 
He looks up to you hopeful, a small smile gracing his features. “I really am a clone though…” He tries once more. “It’s hard to explain… but, I think maybe you’ve been talking to my clone and… not well. Me.” There’s silence after that, before he sighs. “I usually use my clone for little things, and obviously I can’t do it all the time… but, I can… show you,”. 
This peaks up your interest, seeing the way his nervous demeanour might be because he was somehow telling the truth. And you stay silent even more, hesitantly nodding your head at his suggestion. Mark saw it coming, but he didn’t really want to accept that you’d actually say yes. He kind of chuckles aloud, that your reaction was somehow similar to what he predicted. “Okay… Then can you close your eyes for a small moment?” Mark asks, still evidently a bit timid, but you whisper a small “Okay,”. Mark knows, he’s done it for years. But the feeling of turning into a clone always feels new to him. The way he feels his limbs stretch out, but feel contained all together is something he’ll never get used to. Thing is, he can make his clone for however long he wants, but his body’s always reconnect and he’s back to normal after 24 hours. He figured, a small show and tell to the girl of his dreams, wouldn’t hurt. And with that, you feel his hands… Soft, gentle over yours which covered your eyes. He pulls them down slowly, revealing your then shut eyes. He smiles to himself at how cute you were before he whispers, “You can open them now.” You peel your eyes open, catching his eyes. A few centimetres away from your face, a small glint of sparkle in his eyes as he looks into yours with a little concern. Mostly for his behalf. You stay like that a few moments before you catch a figure behind him. Your gaze diverted, and all of a sudden its like your vision expanded too fast as Mark steps back to reveal, just as he said he would, his clone. 
You squeak out a small noise before clapping your mouth shut with your hand. Eyes widened as you watch them both, same facial feature; an awkward smile. Mark was telling the truth, he’s a clone. You shake your head at the thoughts, slowly walking towards them to use both your hands to poke each one of his cheeks. “No way, this is real,” You exclaim, looking at his clone and then back at Mark. “There’s no way,”. You repeat your words, and his clone takes the back of your palm into his hand. Leaving Mark with his cheeks poked. His clone smiles at you, as your other hand returns to your side, anticipating what’ll happen next. “Y/N… It’s me,” His clone smiles. The same smile from when you first saw him… “So your name is Y/N,” Mark interrupts, a small chuckle falling from his lips. “Cute,” He then follows after his words. You really became speechless, eyes continuing to look between the both. Mark really was a clone. You fell in love with a clone. “How…?” You whisper more or less to yourself. Mark takes both your hands, separating both his clone’s and yours touch. Guilt eating at him a bit since your gaze went to look back at his clone. “I told you, ‘You’ve got the wrong person,’," you chuckle at his words, shaking your head again to find your own theories of ‘How?’ “Listen, even though it was my clone… That you originally met. If I’m honest, I’ve been having dreams about you.” Mark leads on, but you get distracted seeing his clone start to fade into nothing. Another inaudible noise from you as your hand escapes Mark’s to point at his disappearing clone, Mark lets out an airy laugh at your reaction, “I’m making him disappear… Making him return to me,” He explains, and there’s genuine disbelief in your eyes, but you telepathically tell him to continue what he was saying. Somehow he understands, “I think the dreams I’ve been getting about you are from, well, him.” Mark smiles. “I mean, usually as a clone he writes little notes in my phone about what he does, but he never mentioned anything about you.” Again, finding things hard to comprehend, you still stay silent. Trying to understand. “And maybe, somehow we’re meant to be… I remembered you. Your laugh, your voice. I knew it was you the first time I saw you. I felt it,” It was Mark’s turn to stay silent. A part of you wondered if this was all real, trying to understand that maybe this was all true. That destiny was real, maybe even soulmates, as Mark stands there with you. Both your hands interlocked, and all that makes sense to you is how he made you feel. Regardless of his clone, it seemed that everything about him, made you feel like the world was okay. You’re reminded of the night shifts you spent waiting for him to come through the doors. You’re reminded of his smile, and his laugh. Even the tiny things, like how he’d look out the window when he say at the cafe. The way he sat so effortlessly handsome, reeling you in with each drink he bought at the cafe. Making you fall deeper into him, each time you wrote his name on a paper cup. His whole presence bringing happiness to you. “I felt it too,” You confess. 
You accepted him, just like that. 
Mark felt the upmost relief wash over him, every inch of anxiety he felt left his body as you smile at him. Especially when you let go of his hands to bring him into a hug. He melts into your embrace, thankful that you were so understanding. “You know, even though it wasn’t really me that spent time with you. I’d like the opportunity. Please stay with me,” He whispers into your embrace. A smile reaches you lips as you tighten your grip around him, liking the way he was being so endearing. You thank all the stars you wished on for granting your wish. You reply to him with clarity in your heart and with him in your mind, “Nothing that happens is ever forgotten, even if you can’t remember it.” 
Mark smiles to know he finally found you.
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a/n: i finally finished... let me know what you think. this is the first time i’ve written something a little out of my comfort zone. i know close to nothing about clones lmao, but still this was fun to write! let me know if you want anything more from this... idk, i’m shy haha... anywho, thank you for reading!! ♡♡ 
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vanaera · 4 years
𝐌𝐲 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 | 𝟎𝟑 | 𝐣𝐣𝐤
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Synopsis: A future technology allows cops to jump in the past and future to investigate crimes that have happened and prepare for those that are about to happen. A simple hit-and-run turns into something more when Captain Jeon Jungkook finds himself as the victim of a culprit who cannot be identified by the system. Especially when the culprit seems to be the same person behind the new case that’s threatening the order in the justice organization. All goes haywire when Jungkook gets involved with Y/N L/N, the clairvoyant sketch artist who may be his only help to solve the case.
Characters: Jungkook x Female Reader
Genre/AU: Sci-fi, romance, angst, mystery, action, fluff (in this chapter!)  (cop!JK x artist!you), based on the movie Minority Report
Wordcount: 7.8k
Warnings: Dark themes and implied smut (in future chapters); mentions of blood (PG-16 Rating)
A/N: I busted my brain cells writing the action scenes for this so please feel free to tell me what you think about this chapter!
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
              Jungkook steps away from Yoongi and races out of the Murder Sector and into the Left Wing. “Captain Jeon!” Yoongi hollers behind him, but Jungkook doesn’t turn an inch towards his way.  His mind is set. There’s no time for this. Jungkook runs to the main building’s hallway, eyes set on the closing elevators. He could hear Yoongi and even Jimin and Taehyung close behind. Jungkook sprints. He reaches the elevator just in time and slides himself into the sliver of space left by the closing doors.
              By the time Taehyung shouts “Captain!” the doors of the metal lift have already shut close.
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              Jungkook raps his knuckles on the gray door in hurried beats. It takes six more knocks until it bursts open.
              “Why are you here?” Y/N pointedly looks at him, forehead creased.
              Jungkook doesn’t say anything and makes his way inside the studio. He scrutinizes the room. The buckets of paint are still a mess, the owl painting still unfinished. Jungkook turns around and finally looks at the girl. “What do you mean with your text? That you saw a ‘Sooah Kim?’”
              Y/N closes the door shut and shakes her head. Jungkook only notices she’s wearing a black, sleeveless, turtleneck cropped top. Black, baggy cargo pants cinch at the top of her black combat boots. She has her hair tied in a low ponytail, stray strands framing her face. She looks like a different person once again. 
              Y/N pulls the stool and sits, clasping her hands together on the table. A black dragon tattoo spirals from her upper arm to her elbow. Jungkook has never seen it before. Nor the monochrome hornet bee tattoo peeking from the center of her abdomen, its translucent wings spread wide. From the size of the insect’s abdomen, Jungkook thinks it could be a queen. He’s seen one of them in his trip to Vietnam with Namjoon last year.
              Y/N tilts her head. Jungkook’s eyes dart back towards hers. Y/N chuckles. “So, that’s why you rushed here?” she raises a brow, “to know if I indeed saw a Sooah Kim?”
              Jungkook walks to the table. “This is not a time for joking, Y/N,” he grits, slamming his hands on the table. 
              Y/N stares blankly at him. She leans back in her seat and crosses her arms. Her top rides up. The hornet shows in complete view. It is indeed a queen. “If that is your question, then, yes, I saw a Sooah Kim. Though I don’t know why you have to come here right now without any schedule—”
              “I need answers, Y/N. Right now.” Jungkook’s brows meet together. “The red file we saw yesterday—a blank turned up earlier containing the same Winston file and—”
              “So you believe me now?”
              Jungkook takes a step back, “When did I tell you I didn’t?”
              Y/N scoffs, “You don’t have to tell me, Jungkook. I know you didn’t. And now that one of my visions matched with your current reality, you’re suddenly open to trusting me with answers you so seek.”
              “It’s okay, I understand.” Y/N waves a hand. “I already expected it. Actually, I’ve already seen this day coming. You with that funny face,” Y/N points at him, chuckling, “God, I’ve never seen such a conflicted face in a while.” Y/N sits back up, “Anyway, I have to give you leeway in my judgment. After all, it’s not easy for anyone in an established system to believe in something that doesn’t belong in their paradigm. So now that you want your answers,” Y/N kicks back the stool in front of her, “Sit.”
              Jungkook slowly makes his way around the stool and sits. It feels oddly nostalgic to be in the same place again. Even if this time he’s sitting in Y/N’s initial position, Y/N in his—their social position remains the same. He still has the shorter end of the stick.
              “Let’s start now.” Y/N bends down to retrieve a small, black canvas bag from the stack of boxes and papers on her side. She produces a white folder and pushes it to the man.
            Jungkook looks at Y/N. The girl only smiles. Jungkook’s eyes drop to the stationery in front of him. He flips it open. It’s a composite sketch of a woman in her late twenties. She has a small, square face with a rounded chin, short button nose, and small but wide, mono-lidded eyes. Her ears are quite big for her petite face, her shoulders are short, and her neck, elegantly long like a swan. Her hair is parted to the left, chopped at shoulder-length, dark strands softly framing her face. For lack of any better word, she is beautiful.
              “That’s Sooah Kim.” Jungkook’s eyes dart back to Y/N. The girl explains, “I tried to do a read in the future based on what we found at Somerset Road. What I only got are short clipped frames. A white lobby of a hospital, dark metal bookshelves, a tipped hourglass, a picture of this woman, and a label at its bottom that said ‘Sooah Kim.’  Y/N cups her jaw, “there’s also a frame that showed Winston’s red file.”
              Jungkook’s brows bunch up together.
              Y/N continues, “So I figured the two of them must be connected. I drew a composite sketch of Sooah just in case we chance upon her someday. Though I’m not sure she will look this young. The vision looked kinda grainy so it must be memories.  I’ve experienced seeing these kinds of things before and most often than not, they’re remnants of the past that will separately appear in the future. Like a prophecy.” Y/N looks at Jungkook, “I can’t put this into better words, so if you’d like, do you want to see them?”
              “What will I see?”
              “My vision,” Y/N smiles. “I could say you coming here as soon as I finished my read is actually a good thing. For you, that is. Not for me. You disturbed me from my work.” Y/N rolls her shoulders back, “The vision won’t be as vivid as I first saw it but the memory of it is still fresh in my mind. Good for you, you could do a little peek-in.”
              “But how will I do that?”
              Y/N leans forward and opens her left palm, “Hold my hand.” Jungkook looks at her confused. Y/N rolls her eyes, “Just hold my hand, goddamn it.”
              Jungkook clears his throat. He raises his hand and ghosts it above Y/N’s. He closes his eyes and he fills every slot between her fingers with his own. 
              And then, Jungkook feels it—the fall. He feels like falling in a still body of water, the sound of the splash violent like the shot of a rifle. A gush of water soon fills his lungs, vanquishing the oxygen in each fiber of his muscles. Jungkook claws at his throat but no matter how hard he pulls at his skin, no matter how hard he coughs, no water spills out. He’s drowning in frigid nothingness.
              The fall seems to go on forever. Jungkook stretches out his limbs but it’s useless. There’s nothing in his way that could tether him to the above. He falls deeper into the waters until he suddenly feels a ripple beneath his head. The world tips over and his head shoots out from the surface, setting off a spray of water from the movement. 
              There’s something cold beside his face but there’s no longer water filling his lungs. He’s breathing fine again. The fall has stopped. Jungkook’s eyes shoot open and he gasps.  He’s floating on water. It’s cold and there’s nothing but darkness in front of him. 
              That is until the blackness filling his eyes flickers and all he could see now is light. Bright light. Natural like the ones that pass through the windows in the early morning. The light dims and it fades into the view as a brightly-lit white hallway replaces it. There are people in white coats walking. Some are running with assistants behind their steps. It looked like a hospital but devoid of any patients. The whiteness of the hallway faints into black and soon, there are no more hallways nor people dressed in white coats. Just metal shelves lined next to each other, foreboding as they stand under a dingy light that paints everything in murky dark green. Before Jungkook’s perspective could see more of the shelves, the view changes completely, and frames flash before his eyes in quick successions. 
              A tipped-over hourglass, wilted flowers falling down its hollow neck instead of sand. Black blood-like liquid running down a mountain of lackluster coins. A black eagle against a golden wall, its bloody wings severed, pinned next to its body, burning. And then, Jonathan Winston’s red file flat on a wooden desk. A phantom hand turns it open and instead of Jungkook’s crime record and thick documents of paper, it contains a picture of a woman with mahogany hair, long neck, and small, wide eyes staring right into Jungkook’s eyes. Inked letters smudge the white edges of the picture black, forming the words “Sooah Kim.”
              Jungkook’s eyes widen. It’s exactly like the woman Y/N sketched. Before he could ponder more, he is pulled back into the waters. His lungs squeeze tight and he’s falling once again. When he gasps, he’s no longer in the murky water, but slump over a wooden table, dry and warm. Jungkook flinches back and he feels a strong tug on his left arm. He raises his head and he meets a pair of dark eyes.
              “So, did you see enough?”
              Jungkook’s brows raise and he realizes he’s still holding Y/N’s hand. He immediately lets go as if he was burned. His eyes roam around. Buckets of paint lay on the floor. Newspapers are messily strewn around. The huge gap of a window letting sunlight inside. So much it completely fills the room with the golden hue of the afternoon. He’s back in Y/N’s studio and it’s ironically warm. 
              “You look so shocked.”
              Jungkook whips his head to the girl. His eyes stretch wide as he wraps his hand around his throat. It doesn’t feel sore and he doesn’t feel out of breath.
              “Your throat is fine, don’t worry,” Y/N snickers. “The water and the fall, they’re all just mental projections.”
              “B-but the black blood, the hallway, the shelves, and the burning eagle—”
              “That is my vision.”
              Jungkook looks at her. Y/N tilts her head, “Did you see Sooah Kim?”
              Jungkook’s eyes glance at the sketch composite in front of him. He nods, “y-yeah.” He turns to Y/N, “But I don’t understand, how did I see your vision?”
              “Simple,” Y/N leans back in her chair, “Time jump to a memory.”
              Jungkook brows shoot up, “I ju-jumped in your m-memory?”
              “You didn’t make the jump. I let you jump into my memory.” Y/N crosses her arms, “I want you to see my vision. I couldn’t make sense of the hourglass, the coins, the bird, and their connection with the white hallway and dark shelves. I could only connect Sooah Kim and Winston. The driver of the Jaguar has a Winston file in his car. Of course, he’s interested in it. And Sooah appears to be involved with Winston’s case. So, I guess we could say she may be a key to solve your unidentifiable suspect.” Y/N flashes him an apologetic smile, “Sorry you had to suffer the waters. They’re boundaries of the memory map I set on myself.”
              Jungkook’s forehead crease. “You set a memory map on yourself?”
              “Of course. My business revolves around memories, I don’t want any of my memories messing with the ones I need for a case. Nor do I want my clients invading them, especially those who have access to time-traveling technology.”
              “Why? What’s with people who can time travel?”
              Y/N sighs, “In case you didn’t know yet from your job, memories mark passed time. Time is made sense by people’s memories in them. So, every travel you make, you’re jumping into memories. Your organization has eyes on almost everywhere to see and have the same memories the people have.” Y/N looks into his eyes, “With your kind of technology, you can easily get into anyone’s head.”
              Jungkook presses his lips together.
              “I think our meeting is done for today,” Y/N stands up and smiles, “I’ll send you off.”
              Jungkook climbs down the steps of Mini-Palais, Y/N following behind. He doesn’t know why she suddenly wanted to see him off but he’s not against it. In fact, he feels relieved she’s being kind to him even after he doubted her skills. Maybe it’s because of the large sum of money he’s gonna wire to her at the end of the week. But Jungkook feels it’s more than that. At least, that’s what he wants to think.
              Once they make it to the street, Jungkook turns around. “I’ll contact you as soon as I get something on Sooah Kim.”
              Y/N doesn’t seem to focus on him because she’s eyeing the surroundings. Jungkook clears his throat.
              Y/N darts her eyes back to his, “Where’s your car? You didn’t bring it?”
              “Um, yeah. Its coding is today.” Jungkook shrugs.
              Y/N smirks, “So you ran all the way here from your work just because you wanna get your answers?”
              “Well, I didn’t run all the way,” Jungkook chuckles, “I took a cab.” The mirth in his eyes soon dies down when his phone rings in his bomber jacket. “One second,” he says to Y/N. He swipes the call to answer it.
              “Yeah, Namjoon?”
              “Jungkook, yeah, hi,” Namjoon says, his voice hesitant. “I don’t think I can make it. The Bureau wants us to do overtime for the backlog of files in the archives. I know you don’t have your car with you. I’m sorry I won’t be able to drive you to the hospital.”
              “Hey, it’s alright,” Jungkook says, “I can commute on my own. Don’t worry.”
              “Namjoon, just focus on your job and come home safely, okay?”
              Namjoon sighs, “Okay.”
              “Bye,” Jungkook ends the call, slipping his phone back into his breast pocket. Turning back to Y/N, he sees the curious tilt of her head so he explains, “It’s Namjoon. He’s supposed to, um, drive me to the hospital.”
              Y/N’s eyes widen, “Why? What happened?”
              “Nothing serious. Just have to get my stitches off,” Jungkook raises his right arm.
              “Oh, from the crash.”
              “Yeah.” Jungkook shrugs, “It’s alright. Nothing big. Namjoon made it sound serious. He tends to over-worry.”
              “Yeah,” Y/N nods. She looks down, sighing, and looks at Jungkook, “Well, if you want, I can drive you to the hospital instead.”
              Jungkook’s forehead furrows.
              “I have a ride,” Y/N answers, turning around in her heel, “Wait for me, I’ll get my keys.”
              Y/N disappears back into the staircase, leaving Jungkook alone in the street. Well, this is something he didn’t expect from her. He smiles to himself. He looks around the neighborhood. There’s a woman carrying her groceries in a flimsy newspaper bag. At the end of the street is a mother holding the hand of her daughter, probably just fetched her from school. Drunkards start early in their alcohol indulgence at a convenience store by the corner. And a senile man standing in front of his porch is staring intently at him. Jungkook looks down at himself. He’s still wearing FJO’s ID. Jungkook zips up his jacket, tucking away his ID.  When he looks back at the man, he has already shifted his attention to the drunkards. Jungkook presses his lips together. This may be just a boundary between Middle Town and Down Hill but it’s still the other side of the town. 
              Jungkook turns around and sees Y/N walking towards him, pushing a mechanical panther by her side. Jungkook thinks it’s a 1981 Kawasaki KZ400. It looks similar to the bike Taehyung has been fantasizing from his vintage magazines. Although the engine’s rust starkly contrasts the bike’s shiny black coat, it’s still a wonder to behold. It looks so old and new at the same time.
              Y/N thrusts a white helmet in his hands, “Where’s your hospital?” 
              “Uh, Metropolis Medical City.”
               Y/N hums as she shrugs on her leather jacket. She slips on her own black helmet and swings her leg onto the bike. She kickstarts the motor, the engine immediately revving alive. Y/N  looks at him and cocks her head, “What are you waiting for? Hop on.” 
              Jungkook slips on his helmet and hesitantly rides behind her. Once he adjusts in his seat, he secures his hands on the back handle. “I-I’m okay now.”
              Y/N starts and the sudden speed throws Jungkook off balance. His hands scramble on air until he frantically loops his arms around the driver’s waist. 
              Y/N looks back at him, “We’re gonna go pretty fast to keep up with the cars in Middle Town. So if you don’t wanna die before we even solve your case, you have to hold onto me like this.”
              Even with her helmet on, Jungkook can see her smirking. With his heart still beating loud in his ears, Jungkook grumbles a begrudging “Fine” at her back.
              The trip to the hospital is supposed to take forty minutes. However, Jungkook felt only fifteen minutes have passed. Exposure to movement makes it feel like everything is going in fast motion. Jungkook is so used to the isolation of his car as he speeds through the highways of Metropolis. He doesn’t need to constantly shift lanes to keep up with the other vehicles because inside his car, his pace is fine. 
              And now, he’s out in the open air and the wind is continuously beating against his jacket and the adrenaline from avoiding and overtaking speeding vehicles is nipping at his nerves. The concrete overarching flyovers twist and turn above him as it bridges Middle Town to Metropolis. The metallic kingdom of Metropolis shines in silver and polished glass and metal from afar. The rest of Middle Town lay on his side. It pales to Metropolis in the mediocrity of their old buildings and cheap cracking paint. 
              Y/N lowers herself onto her bike, climbing up her speedometer. Consequently, Jungkook leans further into her. Everything then seems to go much faster. So fast they warp into each other, producing a convoluting mass of moving streaks of colors. It’s dizzying but it’s beautiful. For once, Jungkook thinks feeling everything goes fast is liberating. 
              However, things are bound to return to the way they used to be. Jungkook finds reality sinking back too fast for his liking when they pull up to the huge parking lot of Metropolis Medical Center.
              Y/N turns the key off and Jungkook hops down, taking off his helmet. He hands it to Y/N, “Thank you for this.”
              Y/N pushes it back to him, “No, hold onto it. I’ll drive you to your home when you’re done.”
              Jungkook scratches his nape, “You don’t have to.”
              “Well, I want to. After all,” Y/N smirks, “it seems like you want to ride my bike for longer.”
              Jungkook doesn’t need to reply. The small smile forming on his face says it all.
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              “Clean it as usual and make sure to still put on a bandage on it.” The doctor points to his closed wound, “With your job, it’s likely to swell or split open again if you don’t protect it well.”
              “Yes, doc, thank you” Jungkook smiles at the woman as he pulls down the sleeve of his jacket. He picks up the doctor’s prescription, thanks the woman once again, and pushes the door open. When he steps outside, he sees Y/N sitting on the metal benches across, legs crossed, their helmets by her side. Jungkook makes his way and plops down on the seat next to her.
              “Everything okay?” Y/N asks, pointing to his arm.
              “Yeah,” Jungkook leans his back on the wall.
              “Do you want to go now?” Y/N starts to picks up her helmet but Jungkook stops her with a firm hold her hand.
              “No. Let’s stay for a while. I don’t feel like coming home yet.”
              “You’re acting like a petulant eight-year-old.”
              “It’s actually funny,” Y/N snorts, “you remind me of how I hid from my service driver in middle school.” Y/N relaxes back in her seat, “The service ended up leaving me and I had to walk my way back home. My mom scolded the hell out of me all night ‘til next morning.” Y/N looks at him, “Have you ever done that before?”
              “Um, no,” Jungkook looks down at his hands, “my school is actually near my home so I just walk from home to school and vice versa.”
              “Lucky bastard,” Y/N sighs as she puts her arms behind her neck, “I had to commute for long ass hours for 17 years of my life.”
              Jungkook’s phone rings and he opens the notification. 
              Sir Andrews: I covered you for today. Let’s talk about this tomorrow. Take care, son (4:37 P.M.)
              A fond smile makes its way to Jungkook’s face as he types, “Okay, sir. Thank you.”
              Y/N leans forward and bumps Jungkook’s shoulder, “Your girlfriend?”
              “Nah. It’s Sir Andrews.”
              “The Chief General of FJO?”
              “Yup,” Jungkook slips his phone back into his pocket.
              Y/N raises a brow, “You seem very close to him.”
              “Well…yeah,” Jungkook purses his lips. His eyes wander to the passing hospital staff. He internally shakes his head. Jungkook’s eyes dart back to the girl, “Actually…he’s my benefactor. He, um, provided for me for years until I’m able to start providing for myself. So, of course, I’m close to him. He's like a father figure in my life.”
              “Oh,” Y/N’s brows raise.
              “Yeah, well, I’m lucky I got someone like him to finance my education. It’s not easy for a foster kid to make it out on their own without sufficient financial help.”
              Y/N’s eyes dart to her own interlocked hands, “I’m sorry…I…I don’t know what to say to that.”
              “You don’t have to say anything. It’s a past memory I long got over.”
              Silence fills the air once again. Jungkook shifts in his seat to face the girl, “Say…Namjoon said you used to work for FJO ‘bout 10 years ago. I’m already in FJO around the same time. How come I didn’t see you around before?”
              “I’m in the visual information sector. Under the Intelligence,” Y/N quirks a small smile, “We’re not exactly known to run around for everyone to see.” 
              “Well, you’re right in that.”
              Y/N sighs, “It’s a shame it’s no longer in the current system. Forecrime was enough to cover their scope.”
              “Yeah. It was kinda shocking at first because we’re used to sending in witnesses to the Intelligence and just wait for the finished composite sketch. The first time we tried the system with Forecrime, I was actually shocked. I didn’t expect the suspect’s face will be already clearly recorded as soon as the case was filed in.”
              “But they work faster than our traditional papers and pencils so it’s a good upgrade,” Y/N muses.
              Jungkook nods. He clears his throat. “So…have you been sketching composite drawings ever since you got in, or you got to work in other departments, too?”
              “I just did composite sketches. I don’t know what else to do,” Y/N shrugs. “I graduated a bachelor’s in Forensic Science. I actually don’t want to join the police. I wanted to do fine arts. But my mother was the one financing my education so I followed what she said. Said it matches my wit and I’ll make plenty money out of it,” Y/N shakes her head, chuckling. “She doesn’t know how money works here. Look at me, I got a job from it but I’m not rich.”
              “But did you like your work,” Jungkook looks at her, “even just a bit?”
              “Hell yeah,” Y/N smiles. “Aside from feeling accomplished whenever my drawing helps the police catch the criminal, it feels good to be able to comfort witnesses and victims from their trauma. Whenever I interview them to gather descriptions, or let them pick distinct features they’ve seen from the catalog book, I see this gleam in their eyes. The one that that says, ‘I’m taking back the integrity and power this motherfucker took from me.’ It’s hella satisfying seeing them feel avenged in some way. And that, I helped them feel this way.”
              Jungkook smiles, “Seems like you love your work. Not just a bit of it.”
              “Of course,” Y/N tuts, “I wouldn’t stay so long and get over 400 criminals caught just because of my drawings.”
              “If you don’t mind me asking…what made you resign?”
              Y/N whips her head towards him.
              Jungkook gulps. “Namjoon said you didn’t get dismissed because of the turnover of Intelligence to Forecrime.  He said you…resigned.”
              “Well, he isn’t wrong,” Y/N stands up, grabbing her helmet, “I did resign. As for the reason why,” Y/N looks at his eyes, “I have my own boundaries like you, captain.” She turns around and starts for the exit, “It’s getting late. I think it’s time to go home now.”
              Jungkook follows behind, face conflicted. 
              The ride to his home felt completely different from earlier. Jungkook felt her stiff in his hold. The tension between them, undeniably thick. Jungkook feels if he says a word, he’ll set off a bomb. Y/N’s speed is faster than their trip to the hospital, reaching Jungkook’s condominium in record time. Whether it’s to go home earlier or to get away from him as soon as she can, Jungkook can’t tell.  When she dropped him off, Jungkook said his thanks and bid her goodbye. Y/N didn’t say anything. She just waved goodbye and sped away.
              Pushing himself off the table, Jungkook pulls up his phone.
              Jungkook: I’m sorry I ticked you off. I didn’t mean to. (6:36 P.M.)
              His reply came a second later.
              Y/N L/N: It’s okay. You didn’t tick me off. (6:36 P.M.)
              His phone rings one more time.
              Y/N L/N: Good night. (6:37 P.M.)
              Jungkook puts his phone down. He glances back at his computer.
              “Error 401: The name you’re searching, ‘Sooah Kim,’ doesn’t exist.”
              A loud thud resounds. Jungkook springs up and whips around his back.
              Namjoon stands by the hall, frozen. The door pushed open wide, the doorknob recoiling from the wall. 
              Jungkook’s stiff shoulders immediately loosen. “God, don’t startle me like that.”
              “Sorry,” Namjoon squeaks as he turns to kick the door close. Jungkook sees two huge gray briefcases by his friend’s feet.
              He stands up and walks to the analyst. “What are these?”
              Namjoon hangs his coat on one of the hooks behind the door. “Work from the Bureau. We still got loads of unprocessed transactions,” Namjoon goes to the table and grabs a cracker. “The chief was furious.”
              Jungkook follows his friend, “Natasha Ryde?”
              “Yeah,” Namjoon says, “We got a huge backlog from DOJ freezing our coordinating processes just to check if each one of us is clean. Now, they’re rushing us to let them see all the recent files of the Bureau. Natasha wants us to clean our shelves before DOJ can catch wind of the backlog and suspect something unnecessary again.” 
              Jungkook tongues his cheek. If Natasha is busy cleaning up the Bureau, that means his favor to Chief Spencer will not be processed soon. And with DOJ sniffing on the backs of the Bureau, Namjoon won’t be able to help him. He has to find an alternative fast. Jungkook tilts his head, “The DOJ is still not finished with their conspiracy theory against the Bureau?”
              Namjoon shrugs off his blazer, “Yup. Well, we practically hold more information than Precrime and Forecrime combined. Of course, they’re gonna sort us out first. And it’s only ‘bout time ‘til they go for the Basement Archives.”
              Jungkook’s forehead furrows, “Why? I thought the Basement Archives just store outdated files of the previous system’s Bureau?”
              “Old. Not outdated. Those are two different things. Even if some files there are deemed scraps from the past after the technology turnover, they still contain valuable information. Our computers there may look archaic but it doesn’t change the fact they’re made by the Bureau. No matter how slow they are, they still have access to the master system.” Namjoon chuckles, “But of course, you wouldn’t know that. The Basement is exclusive to the Bureau after all."
              “Why are you telling me this?”
              Namjoon shrugs, “Just wanna dispel the myth around it before it goes. DOJ may take it away as soon as they’re done with us.” Namjoon takes off his ID and chucks it on the cabinet by the hallway that leads to their bedrooms. Jungkook’s eyes immediately dart to the article.
              “Enough about me. How are you?”
              Jungkook whips his head towards his friend.
              “What did the doctor say?” Namjoon points to his arm. 
              “It’s fine,” Jungkook assures. “It healed well. Though I still have to wear bandages to prevent it from splitting open.”
              “That’s good then,” Namjoon nods in understanding. He purses his lips. He looks back at Jungkook. “I heard about what happened earlier.”
              “Oh that?”
              “Hoseok told me on my way out. Jungkook,” Namjoon sighs, “If you called me you needed to leave for an emergency, I would have driven you to the hospital.”
              Keeping his face straight, Jungkook claps Namjoon’s shoulder. “Hey, don’t fret too much about it. I got to the hospital early and I’m fine.”
              “How did you get there early?”
              “Well, uh,” Jungkook darts his eyes away, “Y/N drove me.”
              Namjoon’s forehead furrows, “She drove you?”
              Jungkook nods, “Yeah. She met me on my way and offered me a ride.”
              “Didn’t know you two are being chummy now,” Namjoon hums, “It took us a month just to get her to talk openly with us.” He tilts his head and turns around, heading to his room.
              As soon as Namjoon disappears in his room, Jungkook bounds to the cabinet. He grabs the analyst’s ID and dashes to his office. Pressing the buttons of his flat digital copier on his desk, he hurriedly slides the ID into the bottom slot. The machine starts with a soft whirr and in a second, its mechanical hands start to 3D print a duplicate of the ID.
              However, Jungkook’s luck is short-lived. He hears two knocks sound against his door and Namjoon’s muffled voice in the hallway, “Hey can I come in?”
              Jungkook bites his lip. His copier has just finished replicating one edge of Namjoon’s ID. It’s nowhere near done and he can’t let Namjoon see this.
              Namjoon calls once again, “Nevermind, I’ll be quick anyway.”
              Immediately, Jungkook grabs his jacket slung on his chair and drapes it messily over his desk, haphazardly covering his keyboard and copier.
              In the same second, the office’s door swings open and Namjoon stands inside, wearing sweats and a faded blue shirt. The man smiles, “Sorry, I forgot something.”
              “It’s alright,” Jungkook rounds his desk and walks to the rectangular table in the center of the room. He leans his hip against it, the pressure from the edge softened by the table cloth running on its laterals. Jungkook chuckles, “I don’t know if you forgot, but this is also your office.”
              “I didn’t forget,” Namjoon chuckles. He sits on his own desk on the left corner and places a water bottle by his side, “I felt like making an apology beforehand because I think my search will take a while.” He glances at Jungkook, “Even if we share this room, it feels like I’m intruding your space. With the amount of time you’ve spent in here, you practically live in this room.” 
              Jungkook presses his lips together.
              Namjoon turns back to his desk and pulls drawer after drawer, fingers continuously searching what he intends to find. After another minute of fumbling, he pushes the last drawer close in a forceful shut, “Yep, it will definitely take a while.”
              Jungkook raises a brow, “Why? What are you looking for?”
              Namjoon stands up and nears the center table, uncapping the water bottle, “Keys. Bureau-issued. To open the briefcases I brought.” He tips the bottle to his lip and drinks. After a couple of gulps, he places the uncapped bottle on the table, “You mind if I go to your table?”
              Panic sets off in Jungkook’s chest. His copier is just an inch away from his keyboard. Even if it has a soft mechanical whirr, it’s impossible for anyone who’ll sit in the chair not to know the copier is processing something. And with his jacket laying on it, it’s sure Namjoon will become suspicious. Jungkook tries to keep his voice stable, “I don’t mind. But can I ask why?”
              “I used your copier to duplicate the key before I went to work. Seokjin called the second I was done and I had to use one of your memo pads so I pulled all your drawers ‘til I find them. I think they fell in one of the drawers.” Namjoon sends him an apologetic smile, “Sorry.” 
              Namjoon starts to make a move toward Jungkook’s desk. Before the analyst could move his hand away from the table, Jungkook tugs the table cloth. It sends the bottle off-balance and it topples to the edge, spilling its contents everywhere.
              Namjoon whirls around and sees the wet mess. He immediately crouches down to flip up the bottle again. “Oh shucks, I’m sorry! I didn’t know I left it uncapped.”
              Jungkook nears his friend, “It’s fine. I can clean it up.”
              “No, I’ll clean up,” Namjoon insists. “It’s my mess. I have to clean it up.” He stands up and disappears into the hallway.
              Jungkook steps back and takes a seat on his chair. Namjoon comes back with a mop in his hands. With Namjoon busy clearing the water spill, Jungkook opens his drawers and starts his search for the keys. His top drawer is devoid of anything but pens and other office supplies. His middle drawers only contain folders and papers. He feels like he has to restart his search again until his hands land in the last compartment in the bottom drawer. His eyes catch a metallic glint in the dark. He leans forward and sees the falcon insignia of the Investigation Bureau. Jungkook grins. 
              He sits back up in his chair just in time Namjoon returns in the office, the mop nowhere in sight.
              Jungkook stands up, waving the two keys in the air, “Found them.”
              “Oh god, thank you so much,” Namjoon sighs, retrieving the keys.
               “Anytime,” Jungkook smiles.
              “Sorry again ‘bout the water.”
              “Hey, it’s just a spill,” Jungkook snorts, waving dismissively.
              Namjoon sends him a timid smile. He turns around and pulls the door open.
              “Hey, Namjoon. What time is your lunch tomorrow?”
              Namjoon stops. “At 12. Why?”
              “Gonna see if I can join you,” Jungkook grins.
              Namjoon breaks into a grin as well, “That will be great then.” He closes the door behind him.
              When Jungkook hears faint footsteps lead to the living room, he heads back to his desk and rips his jacket away. Two identification cards gleam under the light, unmistakably identical.
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              When Jungkook reaches the fifth floor, he goes to the leftmost door. He doesn’t knock. He pushes the thick wooden door and lets himself in.
              “Oh, you’re here,” Matthew glances from his work. He motions to the leather chair in front of him. “Come, sit, son.”
              “Thank you, sir,” Jungkook smiles.
              Matthew piles his papers in a neat stack and pushes it aside. “How’s your arm?”
              “Just got the stitches out yesterday,” Jungkook says.
              Matthew nods, “That’s good then. You won’t have an injury hindering you anymore.” Matthew chuckles, “I missed seeing you run around the building doing god knows what. You’ve always been a busy bee.”
              Jungkook smiles, “Well, I would have been like that if it weren’t for DOJ.”
              “Right,” Matthew nods, his smile immediately slipping off his face. He clasps his hands together and sighs, “So, yesterday, you went off work so suddenly.”
              Jungkook sits up straight. “Yes, sir, I’m sorry you have to cover for me. I just—”
              Matthew holds up a hand, smiling, “You don’t have to explain yourself, son. I know you’re dealing with a lot of stuff. After all, you just survived a car accident. It must still be weighing down on you.”
              “It’s alright,” Jungkook shrugs.
              Matthew darts his eyes to his desk. He sighs as he turns back to the captain. “Jungkook, you mustn’t allow Yoongi to see any gap.”
              Jungkook’s forehead furrows, “Sir?”
              “Everyone is talking about how you rushed out of FJO with your team and Yoongi chasing after you. They don’t know where you went and surely, a captain being chased by his subordinates and the auditor is an unforgettable spectacle. I had Jimin relay an emergency excuse about your arm and luckily, that immediately quelled your sector.” Matthew’s smile falls, “But it seems it wasn’t enough for the auditor.”
              Jungkook stills in his seat.
              Matthew sighs, “I heard from Hoseok that Yoongi suspects you have some source—external or internal, whatever—to the blank that dropped yesterday. And he’s suspicious of that.”
              Jungkook keeps his face indifferent.
              “Look,” Matthew leans forward, “I don’t mind whether you consult external help or not. Desperate measures call for all the help you need. We do whatever we have to do and I respect whatever decision you’ll make. All I ask, son, is,” Matthew looks at him in the eyes, “be careful. Your sector is hot in DOJ’s eyes and I don’t want to see you get placed in a position where I can no longer help you. I can’t see you lose everything you’ve worked so hard for. You didn’t spend 15 years climbing the hierarchy just to get prematurely dismissed from your job.”
              Jungkook nods, “Yes, sir, I understand. I’ll take extra care from now on.”
              “Okay,” Matthew turns back to his documents and Jungkook takes it as a signal to leave. He salutes at the Chief General and makes his way towards the door only to be halted by a call of his name.
              “Jungkook, do you still take those…medications?”
              The captain doesn’t reply.
              Matthew sighs, “Make sure Yoongi won’t know about that.”
              “Of course, sir,” Jungkook pulls the door open, “Thank you, once again.”
              Stepping out of the Chief General’s office, Jungkook heads to the elevator and pushes the button for the archives. It’s time to work now.
              Jungkook has searched for Sooah Kim in Precrime, Forecrime’s systems. He even checked in Freedom Security’s system. But nothing has turned up. He even looked into Jonathan Winston’s history of associations and not one Sooah Kim appeared. He tried searching through hospitals, laboratories, and research centers for an employee or associate named Sooah Kim. But still, nothing. He’s already exhausted every search engine and system of both the general public and the government and yet he’s made zero progress. Holding onto the duplicated ID of his friend, Jungkook’s only choice left is FJO’s Basement Archives. 
              Jungkook looks at his watch. 12:10. He pulls up his phone.
              Jungkook: Namjoon, I think I’ll do a raincheck on our lunch (12:10 P.M.).
              The elevators open on the third floor. 
              “Captain Jeon,” Sally salutes at him. Jungkook returns the salute and pushes past the heavy glass doors of the Archives. He heads to the left aisle and walks to the 5th row shelf. He ghosts his fingers over the line of files until it lands on a particular red file—the recent attempted assassination of James Kim. He opens it and slowly flips page after page.
              From his peripheral, Jungkook looks at his right. The walkway is devoid of any people. There’s just metal shelves and files. The hallway it connects to, the center aisle, is devoid of people as well. Jungkook looks up. Only about 4 cameras are installed above the aisle.
              Jungkook spends another minute flipping through the file before he closes it shut and inserts it back in its place. With his alibi set, Jungkook walks along the 5th row until he reaches its corner where he disappears from the vicinity of the cameras. 
               Jungkook turns around and starts on the center aisle. To anyone who’s looking at the surveillance cameras, it will look like Jungkook’s just viewing a file in the 5th row’s corner, which just happened to be a blind spot in surveillance. With the general security disregard on the old and faded Archives and its basement level, Jungkook takes advantage of the system’s blind spots as he threads along the aisle, guided with the knowledge of the general scopes of standard surveillance cameras.
              But just when he’s about three feet away from the end of the aisle, two staff members stroll across, pushing a huge cart of files. Jungkook swerves to the nearby shelf and hides. When he glances up, a CCTV camera is staring right at him. Jungkook holds his breath.
              Nothing. No alarm has been set off. No red lights are sweeping across the room. Just nothing.
              Sweat runs down Jungkook’s temple.
              The chatters and footsteps fade away and still, nothing.
              A couple of seconds pass by in silence.
              Jungkook slowly stands up. The silence remains unbroken. No one must be watching.
              Jungkook looks at his watch. 12: 20. He only has 10 minutes left of leeway from his lunch.
              Jungkook comes out of hiding and continues forward, making it to the end of the aisle. He arrives at a plain wall coated in navy paint. Old and faded. Just like the rest of the Archives. Jungkook spots the rectangular metallic plaque on his left. He scans Namjoon’s duplicated ID under it. A second later, a faint shadow outlines a figure of a door onto the wall. It pops open and the door slides to the right, revealing an escalator that leads downward. Jungkook steps inside and the door immediately shuts behind him.
              The Basement Archives is dark, its walls painted in olive green. Several dim hanging lamps light up the room. Jungkook knows the Basement Archives is connected to the second floor of FJO’s main building, behind the hallway that bridges Precrime and Forecrime. But he didn’t expect it to be this extensive. The Basement Archives is about the same height as the main floor. Its area, a half of its upper floor. What makes it a seeming replica of the main floor though are its metal shelves. Unlike the main floor’s circular labyrinth, the Archive Basement’s shelves are aligned in straight horizontals, like a snake coiling on itself. And far ahead, Jungkook could see 2010s computers lining the room’s perimeter. 
              Only when Jungkook steps away from the escalator does he only see the similarities between the basement and the main floor. The metal shelves are rusting in their edges. The files and books they hold, covered in dust. Even the small indents on its metal flooring are worn thin. Some are even already busted. The Basement Archives is old and faded. Jungkook only hopes what Namjoon said is right.
              Jungkook walks past the rows of shelves and heads to computers. Grabbing a seat, he sets off to work.
              The monitor alights to FJO’s coat of arms. And then, it displays the FJO standard wallpaper. The keys of the keyboard instantly crunch under Jungkook’s fingers as he hits on the shortcuts for FJO’s system. The processing of the command takes a while and when it opens, the elements are scattered and labeled in unfamiliar names. Nevertheless, Jungkook manages to get inside the Surveillance system after a couple of minutes of fumbling. He deletes the footage of him hiding behind the shelves and stretches the clip of him just walking through the hallway. Satisfied, he confirms the command and watches the new CCTV footage play. Only his back is shown to the camera from his entry inside the Archives to his walk towards the Basement Archives. He looks just like any Bureau analyst entering the Basement.
              With his identity secured, Jungkook goes to the general system and starts his search for Sooah Kim.
              Only to arrive at— 
              “Error 141: The name “Sooah Kim” doesn’t exist in the system.”
              Jungkook squints at the monitor. He refreshes the computer again and again. He tries to search for additional keywords: “hospital,” “research center,” “laboratory,” and “Jonathan Winston.” But he arrives at the same result:
              “Error 141: The name “Sooah Kim” doesn’t exist in the system.”
              Jungkook sighs frustratedly. He clicks again and again and the computer produces the same result again and again. Jungkook pushes himself off the desk. There’s got to be a way to find this Sooah Kim. If she’s related to Winston’s assassination, she must be inside the system. Jungkook glances around the room. Just then, his eyes land on a door on his far right.
              The door is made of metal and it’s almost invisible in the dark save for the black and yellow hazard tape under a note that says, “Restricted. Authorized Personnel Only.”
              Jungkook dashes to the door. He spots the metal plaque beside it and scans the ID.
              A red light glows from the plaque’s sensor. The plaque’s small screen lights up and flashes in red: “Access denied.”
              Jungkook scans it again.
              Red light. “Access denied.”
              Jungkook bites his cheek.
              Red light. “Access denied.”
              Grunting, Jungkook picks up his phone.
              Jungkook: Sir, do you have any updates on last time’s work?” (12:25 P.M.)
              Jungkook’s personal phone rings. Seeing the familiar set of numbers, Jungkook picks it up.
              “Chief Spencer.”
              Nathan sighs, “Look, I’m afraid the authorization of your unrestricted access to the Archives may get delayed. I already applied for the authorization of access but the Bureau hasn’t responded yet. I heard from one of the lieutenants there DOJ is keeping a hard eye on the Bureau. Natasha refused my calls, too. I think she will not be accommodating anytime soon. As for the Memory Temple…the answer is obvious.”
              Jungkook pinches his nose bridge. He already expected this will go against his plans but he didn’t know it will be at this dragging extent. He heaves a sigh, “I understand, sir.
              “Okay. I’ll try on my end to get through the Chief.”
              “Thank you, sir.”
              “Thank you, too. Please extend my gratefulness to Chief General Andrews as well. My wife loved the necklace.”
              “I’m glad she did, sir.”
              “Yeah,” Nathan says. A beat. Nathan clears his throat, “I’ll end the call now.”
              “Goodbye, sir,” Jungkook replies. The line goes dead.
              Jungkook leans his back against the wall and closes his eyes. His heartbeat rings in his ears. Loud. Just like when he almost had Leigh Anderson in his hands. Jungkook releases a frustrated sigh. He’s come all this way just to have nothing. Again.
              His personal phone vibrates in his hands, jolting his eyes open. His eyes widen at the screen.
              Y/N L/N
              He immediately swipes to answer. “Y/N, hi—”
              “Jungkook. A red file will drop about—now. Listen to me. Take the stairs, okay?”
              Jungkook walks away from the door, forehead furrowed. “What do you mean?”
              “If you follow the crime record you won’t catch the killer.”
              Jungkook shuts the computer and jogs to the escalator, “What killer?”
              “Look, you don’t have much time. So listen to me. Just take the stairs.”
              The call abruptly ends. Jungkook looks at his phone, bewildered. Right at the moment, his work phone vibrates with another incoming call. 
              Jungkook whips it out from his pocket and presses it to his ear, “Taehyung.”
              “Captain Jeon, come to the Murder Sector, quick. It’s a red file.”
              Jungkook halts.
              “The time of the crime is in 10 minutes. Hurry.”
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Note: This story is based on Steven Spielberg’s film adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s short story, Minority Report (2002). That being said, this series may contain spoilers for the movie so if you want to watch the movie, please do so first before reading!
A/N pt. 2: Heya Hons! Thank you for reading! This chapter is quite short compared to the first two. The next chapter will be much longer though hehe. Writing this chapter is probably the most I have ever re-written so many scenes again and again. Especially the action scenes, they gave me a headache. Nevertheless, I’m happy how they turned out! What do you think about them? Feel free to talk with me! I actually love talking with my readers!
I think the next update will come two weeks from now. So far, I’m noticing I’m able to post for this series bi-weekly. Although this week, I’ll focus on the Chapter 3 of my yoongi office au series, The Heart Holiday. I promised my hons the THH!couple is coming this June but my finals two weeks ago fucked up my schedule and now I’m quite behind my supposed posting date. Anyway, I’ll make it up to you hons! Your wait is gonna be worth it because a lot is going to happen in THH Act 3!
As usual, if you guys wanna get notified as soon as I post the next chapter, I’m gonna add you all to my taglist! Just hit me up down the comments of this series’ masterlist so I can better track you all! The search function of Tumblr is messing with me and my notifs in my inbox usually come late so it’s highly probably your asks and DMs may get lost ☹
Once again, thank you for reading My Time! :”)
Note pt.2: As you know, this is a mystery fic so it will be most appreciated if any theories pertaining to the story be kept down the comments so I can entertain them all without spoiling our future readers! Once again, thank you so much for reading this!
All Rights Reserved 2020 © Vanaera. Reposts, modifications, and translations of content are not allowed without direct permission.
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starktonyx · 5 years
The inevitable - Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
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Word count: 3.6k
Description: Five years had passed since the blip, yet you recalled the events like it was yesterday. Depressed and still mourning, you beg your father to help with the time heist plan to the point of breaking down in front of him for the first time. You’re willing to do anything to save Peter and protect your loved ones, even if it meant sacrificing yourself for the greater good.
Warnings: ANGST. Mentions of anxiety, depression, and attempted suicide.
Even after five years had passed, you still remembered that day so clearly. The day hell began. The day your father and your boyfriend had left the earth on an alien ship and went missing. You were terrified for them, and hell, you were pissed off at Friday who shut down your suit so you couldn’t follow them.
That same day you had fought alongside your friends in the battle of Wakanda, you put up a pretty good fight against Thanos, you even managed to get a drop of blood from him until he decided to play dirty to distract you.
“You know, your father also managed to make me bleed” He said and wiped the blood off his forehead, and you stopped right on your tracks at the mention of your dad. “You Starks keep surprising with your little toys” he chuckled and grabbed you by the neck, taking advantage of your sudden distraction.
“At least we c-create our own w-weapons” You argued having a hard time to breathe, your Stark attitude showing up. “I don’t r-rely on l-little stones”
He just tightened his grip and left you struggling as you tried to blast him with the reactor on your chest, but in a matter of seconds he ripped it off with his power stone, causing your nano suit to vanish and leaving you in your civilian clothes.
“These little stones defeated your father you ignorant creature”
“What d-did you do to h-him?” You asked, fear was evident on your eyes and your face turned red as the oxygen barely got to your lungs.
“The same as that spider kid, such a shame, I’m sure they were good people”
That damn day you had believed they were both dead, and when everyone else started to vanish from the snap you felt yourself dying on the inside. The avengers were torn, devastated at the loss, yet you all went back to the compound to somehow find some comfort. You were lucky you still had Pepper with you, even if she wasn’t your biological mother she tried to be there for you, but you spent days locked in your room crying and denying what had happened. The pain was overwhelming, and you just wished you would’ve been part of the dusted ones.
21 days passed until Captain Danvers brought your father home and you realized how Thanos lied to you about killing him, and you couldn’t feel more defeated. When your dad informed you about Peter you had one of the most severe anxiety attacks you’ve ever experienced, since your body was going through a lot of emotions from just welcoming your father to confirming the love of your life’s death.
Peter had been there for you since day one, always stumbling on his own words when being around you. He was the light of your life, always making you laugh and helping you with your mental issues. He loved how he could be himself around you, being nerds in the lab and talking about sci-fi movies all day. You both felt as the other was your soulmate, that it was meant to be. All of the avengers were admired by you, you taught them how strong young love could be. So how come the universe was so mean to break both of you apart?
You didn’t know how but you managed to sneak out in the mission to retreat the stones from Thanos, hoping you would be the one to kill his pathetic ass. The others noticed you when you were already on the planet, so there was no option but bringing you with them.
When Thanos admitted to have destroyed the stones you were fuming, yet the others scared implied that he might be lying.
“My father is many things, but he’s not a liar” Nebula stated and you just bitterly chuckled.
Everyone looked at you expectantly as you walked directly in front on him, Thor put a hand in front of you to stop you from getting too close, but you just kept focused on your target.
“Not a liar? That’s a pretty fun one” you barked at Thanos, who just looked at you amused, he knew exactly what you meant. “You lied about my father, I’ve got no reasons to believe any word you said” you spat as you refused to acknowledge how he lied about Peter as well, you weren’t capable of saying his name out loud.
“And I’ve got no reasons to care about that. The stones are gone, it was necessary, so get over it” He tried to get up but Thor stopped him with the stormbreaker so he turned to talk to you again. “My casualties are never personal, but you Starks are a disease, even if I didn’t end his life I wish he was d-“
He was interrupted when you suddenly grabbed the stormbreaker from Thor’s hand and swung it across Thanos’s head with a scream leaving your lips. Everyone gasped as you just stood there breathing heavily, realizing what you had done. Everything happened so fast, that you didn’t even notice the burn the weapon was leaving in your hand.
“What did you do?” Rocket asked astounded, the tiny Y/N Stark had just murdered the universe’s worst enemy.
“I’m sorry Nebula” You apologized, not for killing Thanos, but because she had to deal with that monster her entire life. With that said you turned around to look at Thor and just let the axe fall to the ground with a thud.
“That’s how you go for the head”
“What’s on your mind kid?”
You were pulled out of your thoughts as your dad noticed how you drifted off and weren’t paying attention to the movie you were watching anymore.
“Not much, I was thinking about visiting Nat today” You sighed and looked down at the floor, you knew he didn’t like you going back to the city, yet you did it quite often. And you couldn’t exactly lie about your whereabouts when Friday practically stalked you.
You also didn’t want to tell him that you were thinking once again about the two days that had marked your life. You knew you should be grateful for having your family together, but not when that family wasn’t complete. You knew you should be happy, but since the blip that emotion never found you again, and depression became your only friend. Pepper and Tony were too caught up in their farm life and raising Morgan that they didn’t notice how you kept falling apart every day.
“Honey if you need someone to talk to, you have us” He implored and put one hand on your shoulder. “You know how much I hate the city and you going out there makes me think you just want to be away from us” you could feel the pain in his words, and you hated yourself for making him feel that way.
“Dad I don’t do it to get away from you, it’s just-“ you took a deep breath as you tried to explain yourself. “It’s just that they are my family too, and I can’t allow myself to loose them, not after … not after …“ You suddenly cut your speech and your heart started beating faster, you couldn’t bring yourself to say his name or the names of the ones that had been dusted. You saw how his posture stiffened as well, and he avoided your eyes.
“Alright, Pep says lunch is in 5” He got up and left you, you supposed he went outside to call Morgan.
And that’s why you never mentioned anything to him. He just avoided the subject as if that would change the fact that half of the universe is gone. ‘You can talk to us’ your ass.
“I’m not hungry” you informed to Pepper as you got up from the couch and walked towards your room and locked yourself in there.
After ten minutes had passed you heard a car park in front of your house and peeked at the window. When you saw Nat and Steve you felt confused, you figured it was better to hear the conversation from the inside since they never visited your father and something serious must’ve happened.
You heard everything about the time heist plan and you were all in for it, but when your father denied to help you were fuming, and you were determined to help them as much as your knowledge allowed it. You were smart, not as much as your dad, but you would be dammed if you didn’t try your best.
The next day you went to the city and spent the whole day working alongside Dr. Banner and Scott Lang. You had managed to somehow progress, but since you ended up turning Scott a baby you realized this was going to take a while. You went back home that day late at night, and you felt your anxiety creeping in when you saw your father sitting on the porch waiting for you.
“So you are helping them with their absurd ‘back to the future’ plan” He theorized as soon as you got out of the car. “And by the looks of it it didn’t go well, did you turn Slang into a baby?” He continued taunting you and you had enough of his attitude.
“Do you want to know what’s absurd? The fact that you refuse to accept that half of the world is gone” You claimed as you got right in front on him. “And the fact that you refuse to do anything about it, not even when - not even when Peter is one of them, do you even think about him? Did you ever mourn him? Do you like Morgan living in a world that hates being alive because their loved ones aren’t? Or the farm life has affected you that much that the only thing you care about is your damn alpaca?” You yelled pointing a finger at him accusingly and couldn’t help the tears falling from your eyes. You saw his eyes getting glossy with every word you said.
“Of course I mourned him” he admitted as he spoke in the same rough tone you did. “Of course I think about him but there’s nothing I can do kid, he’s gone” his voice broke and his tone softened. “And I hate that one day I’ll have to explain to Morgan what happened but I’ll just wait for the right moment. Because for now when I look around I have everything I’ve ever wanted, I’ve got Pep, you and Morgan, I can’t risk loosing this, not when we got so lucky”
“Lucky?” You bitterly let a laugh. “Do you even notice what’s going on around you? Do you know how I can’t breath, I can’t sleep, I can’t fucking live everyday with the guilt I feel?” You didn’t know it was possible to feel more pain that you did everyday, but breaking down to your father for the first time was truly taking a toll on you that you didn’t have control over what you said anymore. “Did you know that I tried to-“
“To jump from the compound? Yes I very much know” he blurted out and you looked down to the scar on your hand, from where you had held the stormbreaker, not being able to look him in the eyes.
“Did Steve tell you?” You questioned, Cap had been the one who grabbed your hand when you jumped, you never thought he was the snitch type.
“No, that guy knows how to keep a secret” He ranted, remembering his fight with the supersoldier. “I made a protocol in case someone fell from the roof, one of my suits would catch them. Imagine my surprise when Friday told me you activated the protocol”
“I’m sorry” You cried as he just took you in his arms and hugged you tight. “I just wanted a way out, it was unfair how I got to live while billions of people had to die. And with Peter gone, it was too much to take” you admitted between sobs “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I didn’t want to force you to give me an explanation so I just waited for you to tell me. I’ve had anxiety for the last decade and I don’t know how to deal with it myself, much less how to help you with that. Also, that’s why Friday reports me every movement you make, so I know you won’t do it again”
He separated from your hug and wiped the tears from your face, he felt wrong for having ignored the way you felt all those years. Even if you put on a fake façade of happiness, he should’ve known better.
“I’m so sorry kid, so sorry”
“It’s okay” you whispered and hugged him again. “Dad please, you said there’s nothing you could do about him being gone, but you know there is a way” you begged and he just caressed your hair. “You’re the only one who can do it.
That same night, after you mentioned Peter’s name for the first time in 5 years, it only took Tony a glance at a photograph of him to literally invent time travel. God, even Pepper told him he would never feel in peace if he didn’t help bring back all those people.
So you were finally there, in the final battle, illuminated by portals that brought together the universe’s mightiest heroes. The fight had been going for a while and you frantically looked for Peter in the battlefield. You finally spotted him in the distance hugging your father and it didn’t take long for you to get to them.
This was it. This was the moment it’s all been leading up to, having your Peter back, safe in your arms.
“Peter?” His name rolled over your tongue with fear and hesitation.
Your father stepped away and Peter turned around to see you, he was surprised, you had surely grown up and looked more like an adult now. Even with cuts all over your face you looked beautiful as ever. Your eyes already started cascading with tears and for the first time in a while you genuinely smiled.
“Oh my god, my love” he exclaimed and jumped in your arms. You both let out laughs of relief as you felt each other in your arms.
Even though, for Peter there was only a day he hadn’t seen you, but for you it was like a lifetime. He separated enough to kiss you passionately, and your heart jumped in joy when you felt his lips again. Your kisses always meant so much, and this time, it was better than anything.
Your father looked standing next to you as he cried tears of joy as well, he hadn’t seen your eyes shine that way or heard you laugh in a long time. And that’s when he knew, everything they went through was worth it.
Peter broke the kiss to analyze your face, as he caressed your cheek with his thumb, trailing behind the tears that kept falling.
“You don’t know how much I’ve been waiting for this moment” you blurted out, in that moment only you both existed. “God, I missed you so much, after all these years, I-“ He interrupted you before you could break down once more.
“Shhh darling it’s alright, I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that” Peter’s heart ached, he couldn’t imagine the kind of pain you went through that whole time. “But I’m here now okay? And I’m not leaving anytime soon” he reassured you and kissed you again.
“Alright alright kids, you’ll have plenty of time left for that” Your dad joked, you knew it was because he felt like he was third wheeling so you just poked your tongue out for him.
After your little family reunion you all kept fighting to keep the stones away from Thanos. You had to admit, seeing him standing there made you want to cut his head off again. After Captain Danvers brought down the spaceships, the fight only got more intense, you could see everything from the front line as a missile sent you flying just feet away from Thanos. You saw how he put the gauntlet on again, and fear flooded your entire body. You tried to focus on what to do and your eyes set on Dr. Strange making a sign for your father, and after seeing your fathers thoughtful expression, you knew exactly what was going to happen.
And you had to stop it.
Without even thinking about it you blasted your dad away from Thanos just when he was about touch the gauntlet, so you grabbed it instead as he went flying to the side. You heard your father scream through the comm but it was too late, you had already taken the stones.
“I am inevitable” Thanos claimed as he snapped his fingers, and then he just stared confusingly when the only sound he heard was a clasp of metal.
A smirk adorned your face but it was soon wiped off as your whole body shook in pain with the energy of the six infinity stones coursing through your veins. A tear fell from your eye as you noticed your father seeing you, waiting for the actual inevitable.
“And… I… am … a Stark” you struggled to say as you finally snapped your fingers, wishing for Thanos entire army to be wiped off the universe.
The next thing you felt was how your organism was shutting down, you fell as you weren’t able to stand up anymore and rested your back on a piece of debris from the fight. The first person to reach to you was your dad, who asked Friday about your state even though he knew there was no way you could survive this.
“W-why did you do it, oh my god my baby” he cried as he grabbed your hand. You knew why. You did it for him and only for him. You wished you could say something, but the pain was too intense to even form a sentence. “It’s okay, you’ll be just fine kid”
Denial is the first stage of grief they say. You hadn’t even died yet and your father was already in it.
Peter didn’t take long to reach you and start bawling like a baby, and even in that state he tried to reassure you.
“P-Pete” you managed to blurt out, and tasted the blood in your mouth.
“It’s okay baby, we won you did it” he cried and all you could do was stare at him. “You did it, I love you so much, please don’t-“ he couldn’t continue talking as he broke down.
Your eyes. He would never forget how your eyes stared at him so empty, no emotion in them. Rhodey caught him in his arms and placed him next to you.
That’s when Pepper kneeled in front on you, with your father on one side and Peter on the other. You looked at her and tried to make an effort to speak but all she could see were your pleading eyes, and you hoped she got the message.
“I’ll take care of them honey, you can rest now” She assured you and she could’ve sworn the upper corner of your mouth tried to smile.
You couldn’t feel any pain now, you knew you would be gone in a few moments. You squeezed your fathers hand and he just hugged you, along with Peter and Pepper. In that moment you wished Morgan could’ve hugged her sister as well.
You took your final breath and finally closed your eyes, your reactor slowly shutting down. Your last memory was a kiss on the cheek from your father as you were showed respects by the other heroes, who kneeled before the girl who killed Thanos twice.
Silence and sobs were the only things that could be heard in that battlefield. You did what was necessary and you didn’t regret it, as you left a message for them in case on an imminent death.
“Umm, Hi I Guess” Peter was startled by your voice, when the hologram started playing in your funeral. “If you’re seeing this it means I’m dead. My bad, I’m sorry, it sounds better in the movies. Uh, anyways, I promised myself that if something goes wrong in the mission I will do anything possible to prevent any casualties, even if it meant putting myself on the line” you explained and Tony just buried his face on his hands. You were so much like him to the point where he actually lost you because of it.
“In any case that happened, I’m sorry. We always want a happy ending, that just doesn’t mean we’ll get it. But hey, if the mission was successful it means we brought everyone back, and that also means you’re here Peter” you smiled and at the sound of his name he stiffened in his seat, Tony put a hand on his shoulder. “I just gotta say you are my whole world, thank you for always being there to make me happy. I love you so much I can’t even begin to describe it. I’m sorry I’m not there to hug you, I waited 5 years for you, I’m sure I can wait more until we meet again in heaven”
The room was filled with Peter’s sobs and everyone was trying to calm him, but he just got up and left the room, with Rhodey trailing behind him.
“Dad, Pep, Morgan” you called as if you knew Peter wouldn’t be there anymore. “You guys deserve more than happiness in this farm we call home, please carry on, for me” you begged as a tear threatened to fall from your eye but you stopped as you turned around. “I’m sure Morgan will grow up to be a wonderful woman just as I did thanks to my father. Everything I am is because of you dad” You turned around to face them once again and warmly smiled.
“I love you 3000”
And with that, the hologram vanished. Y/N Stark was finally gone.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #223: of Robin Hoods and Roustabouts
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September, 1982
Apparently a “roustabout” is an unskilled or casual labor.
And lets admit the obvious that if Hawkeye is either of the two things, he’s a robin hood. And its not inaccurate but be nicer to Scott Lang.
Even if he manages to be even more hapless in this issue then in modern takes that leans into him being a fuck-up.
As for the cover? Pretty striking cover. I’ve been waiting for Hawkeye to shoot Ant-Man at someone. Its apparently an Iconic Avengers moment and to think it first happens in a filler.
Because I’m pretty sure this is a filler. Its written by David Michelinie alone instead of Jim Shooter getting a plotter or co-writer credit. It doesn’t really have anything from the dangling plot threads of Hank Pym or the Masters of Evil.
Between this and and the filler with the immortal child who badly wanted to die and all of the plotter or co-writer credits, you just really get a sense that Jim Shooter did not have time to devote to Avengers anymore.
So what kind of filler will this be? Weird? Impactless? Good Actually? Let’s see!
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Well, apparently Hawkeye is going to the carnival so at this point, it could go either way.
I like that Hawkeye has a H belt buckle because that’s the kind of thing that he would do and that I can make fun of him for.
I know that it’s been a while since he’s mentioned kewpie dolls but Hawkeye came from the circus. He and his brother ran away to one when they were little and the Swordsman taught Hawkeye archery. The point being, “he’s come home.”
As in, this is specifically the carnival he used to work before he became very briefly a superhero, and then for slightly longer a supervillain, and then for much much longer a superhero for real.
Point is, he’s been away for a while. But he received a flyer in the mail and decided he just had to come.
Because someone wrote HELP! on the back.
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Hawkeye figures that the previous owner’s daughter and current owner Marcy Carson sent it as a goof but heck if she’s going to go to that trouble, he’ll be happy to visit.
So he breezes past the workers outside the owner’s trailer and-
Actually they beat the shit out of him for trying to breeze past them. Goes to show.
When Hawkeye threatens to beat them up for this rude treatment, they get ruder and call him a rube. Can you believe! Him, a former employee himself being called a rube! Also they pull a fancy sci-fi gun on him.
So Hawkeye does buzz off. So he can change into his hawking eye duds and buzz right back on.
Roustabouts carrying laser pistols is very suspicious. And I guess Ant-Man isn’t the roustabout of the title. He’s moving up in the world.
MEANWHILE, Perfectly Ordinary electronics technician, ex-con, and Ant-Man Scott Lang is having a night out with his daughter Cassie. And they’re having a bit of a disagreement.
See, Cassie, future superhero, wants to ride the really cool roller coaster the Spin-’n-Heave. Scott Lang, dad with dumb views on gender apparently, insists that a roller coaster just isn’t ladylike enough and she should ride something more refined like the pony ride or ring toss.
Also, Scott is carrying the Ant-Man suit with him, loose in his pocket. And the helmet just drops out of his pocket and the damn fool would have lost it if Cassie hadn’t spotted it and mistaken it for a marble.
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Geez, Scott! I stood up for you!
Scott’s attempts to dad by restricting what his daughter can and can’t do based on his own views on what is ladylike get dropped when he spots Hawkeye hauling ass across the carnival and decides that This Cannot Stand!
Scott Lang Ant-Man may not be an Avenger but dangit he can’t leave a fellow hero in the lurch! He must offer unsolicited aid!
So he caves on the Spin-’n-Heave issue because its a way to keep Cassie occupied for the length of exactly this issue.
Scott gives the operator a bunch of money and tells the operator to let Cassie ride until it runs out and then takes off.
Cassie is thrilled.
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Meanwhile, Hawkeye has returned to the owner’s trailer but Marcy is gone and so are the two goons that were guarding the door. But he spots them marching Marcy through the crowd.
The goons are complimenting Marcy on being so cooperative but also say that if she’s not cooperative, her star acts are gonna get fed to the lions. And that might happen anyway once everything is said and done because their boss be like that.
Anyway, that’s when the two get hit by a KRAK THUBB arrow. Punch arrow? It looks nerf-y.
Hawkeye grabs Marcy and runs off with her into a tent so she can explain it all.
But first: he has to notice that she is beautiful. He has been gone a while so, y’know. People grow up or whatever.
Hawkeye: “There, that’s better! Now maybe I can get to the bottom of -- hey! You’re beautiful!”
Marcy: “I’ve waited a long time for you to notice that, ol’ buddy.”
Hawkeye: “Yeah, well, it’s hard noticin’ anything when you’re bein’ tripped into a pile of elephant dirt -- which, as I recall, used to be your favorite pastime!”
Marcy: “People change, Clint.”
Young Marcy sounds like a really interesting person. She certainly gave Hawkeye the business.
Anyway, she explains that it was pure luck that she was able to sneak that message out to him. And that the carnival has been taken over by some freak with powers.
Marcy: “Why, if he even suspected I was in touch with you he’d kill me deader than a Monday night in Des Moines!”
Off-screen Villain: “Nicely put, dumplin’! Should make you a dandy little epitaph!”
Scott Lang has ducked behind some circus carts to change into Ant-Man.
Except he still has the whole shrunken costume piecemeal in his pockets so the process is one of slapstick. Scott goes digging in his pockets for the suit and accidentally drops it all in the straw.
Then he has to go digging around for the incredibly teeny pieces of gear while realizing that this was a stupid plan.
Maybe he should keep the suit in a tin. Like a mint tin or something.
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But he finally gets all the pieces together and uses a safety pin to trigger the enlarging gas to full-size the outfit so he can put it on.
Huh! Enlarging gas! Early days in Avengers, they were all about the logistics of the shrinking and growing for Ant-Giant and the Wasp but it hasn’t been talked about in a long while. Wasp just changes size without the how being discussed.
But if it is Pym Particles, then I guess Scott isn’t at the point yet where his body naturally produces them so he has to use the gas canisters on the belt.
Scott does get dressed in his ant duds and uses the helmet to command some ants to find Hawkeye. And this is a carnival with a lot of dropped funnel cake and cotton candy so you know that there’s plenty of ants available.
SCENE CHANGE because we can only preserve suspense so far.
The mysterious off-screen villain hits the lights in the tent that Hawkeye and Marcy were talking in. Which reveals a bunch of gym and training equipment. It’d be nice if carnivals could provide such robust gym benefits to their workers but I feel that this is actually suspicious, finding this here.
Especially the combat flight simulator.
Hawkeye: “This place looks like a training ground for World War III!”
Off-screen villain, about to be onscreen: “And what better setting for the world’s greatest trainer? Namely... the TASKMASTER!”
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Heyyy its the Taskmaster!
I forgot that he was a loose thread. He got away after the THREE-PARTER that introduced him. Then again, I guess since he’s the explanation for where villains get their armies of mooks, he didn’t really need to be tied up because that would defeat the purpose.
Anyway, Hawkeye wasn’t on the team for that three-parter but thankfully, the Avengers take thorough records.
Hawkeye: “Yeah, I remember readin’ about you in the Avengers’ files! You’re some sorta goon peddler!”
Taskmaster: “Watch yer mouth, bow-bender! What I am is a teacher!”
And then he recaps his goon, mook, henchman training business for the audience. He even clarifies that his series of secret academies are going great, thanks, but he’s trying to branch out with a mobile recruiting center.
Aka, this circus. And heck, according to Taskmaster, carnies already come off unscrupulous so having a bunch of goons hanging around won’t stand out.
Actually. I don’t know if this is a crime? It’s not illegal to do combat training or learn how to fly a plane, probably. Then again, when 100% of your alumni wind up arrested for helping steal the Statue of Liberty, a legal goon school would get a lot of unwanted scrutiny. So best keep it secret.
And of course, extorting the owner and workers of a circus is definitely a crime. Pretty sure.
Anyway, the mobile recruiting center scheme is helped by Marcy telling anyone who asks that the new people hanging around are a new act that isn’t ready to open yet.
Hawkeye is sick of Taskmaster’s smarmy smarm and tries to shoot a grabber arrow? at Taskmaster.
Who just blocks it with his shield.
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And takes the opportunity to brag about his photographic reflexes, where he only needs to see a sweet move once and he can do it perfectly.
He shows off by doing some Cap moves and then doing a Spider-Man move. Which he seems to do just to do.
And by Spider-Man move I mean hanging upside down from a line. Which, yes, Spider-Man does do that but it doesn’t really seem that necessary or helpful here and you’re totally doing it just to show off but really you look a little ridiculous.
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Taskmaster even shows off some Tigra moves by kicking Hawkeye in the face. Its fun to me that he shows off Tigra specifically. Its for some acrobatics like flippy kick but there’s gotta be other acrobatic heroes. Like Spider-Man.
But Tigra was on the Avengers recently and briefly and dammit, he’s gonna show off what he learned!
Anyway, Taskmaster beats up Hawkeye until he gets bored of it and then just takes Marcy hostage to get Hawkeye to surrender.
He just really wanted to show off some of his sweet moves. And as soon as he ran through five different hero movesets (Cap, Spider-Man, Tigra, Daredevil, and Iron Fist) he’s just like ‘k I’m done’.
Meanwhile, back to Ant-Man ant-again.
He’s lurking around a corner trying to be inconspicuous while children are pointing and asking if he’s a clown. Perhaps realizing that he didn’t need to put on the full costume to use the helmet and that he’s just made himself look foolish.
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But some of his ants report in that they’ve found Hawkeye so Ant-Man shrinks down to ride an ant into action.
Wait. Yeah. You could have just shrunken down and perched somewhere to wait for ant reports. You’ve made yourself look a fool and you fully had the power to avoid that in so many ways.
Meanwhile back to Hawkeye yet again, Taskmaster knows that killing an Avenger would attract notice so he’s going to make it look like an accident.
So he’s locked Hawkeye in an electrified cage with a lion, a normal situation that can accidentally happen to anyone. So now when Hawkeye gets mauled to death by the lion, nobody will suspect it was anything but an accident.
Taskmaster walks away because its villain tradition that you don’t watch the heroes you lock in the death traps. That’d just be gauche.
The lion sizes up Hawkeye and decides that he’s food and leaps for the kill!
And Ant-Man grows out from under the lion and throws it into the electrified bars, knocking him out.
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Pretty good timing Scott! And that poor attempted man-eater lion! That poor five hundred pound lion! WOW SCOTT, do you work out?
I also feel that Republic Serial has aged poorly for more than just lion tossing.
Ant-Man and Hawkeye get each other on the same page. As it happens, Ant-Man actually has more experience with Taskmaster since he was actually in that three-parter. That’ll give them a tiny, tiny, tiny edge.
They’re still stuck in a locked cage and Hawkeye is like ‘gee whiz shrinking hero guy how can we possibly get out?’
Would you be surprised that Ant-Man just shrinks Hawkeye? Scott does muse that he could probably have picked the lock if he had the tools for it but shrinking just saves time.
Hawkeye does not care for it though.
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I don’t know what he’s complaining about. Big sleepy cat even bigger now. You could live in the mane at that size.
You could be a tiny man living in a lion’s mane. Imagine.
Over in Taskmaster’s private tent, he’s telling Marcy she done fucked up calling for Hawkeye and she’s going to wish she was getting mauled to death by a lion in an electrified cage like Hawkeye was.
And Hawkeye does the equivalent of clearing his throat and saying ‘hey dingus, not dead’
Taskmaster reaches for a magnesium flare like he used against the Avengers but Ant-Man’s expert knowledge of meeting Taskmaster one time lets him warn Hawkeye who shoots it out of Taskmaster’s hand.
Taskmaster just questions why they didn’t go for a killshot when they had him surprised and then calls a goon squad on the heroes.
Of course, goon squads being called on heroes is just a setup to make heroes look really cool showing their stuff on some expendable targets.
“While the Taskmaster’s troops have been well-trained for normal combat, they fare woefully poor against these super-normal foes!”
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And show their stuff they do. Like Hawkeye leaping around firing net and bola arrows!
And Ant-Man... shrinking down really small to punch a guy’s earlobe.
Look. He’s trying.
Also, Marcy is braining people with a juggling pin like some manner of alien clown because she is exceptionally irate at Taskmaster and his goons.
While the three beat up this crowd of goons, Taskmaster runs off to set up his “escape insurance.”
Ant-Man and Hawkeye chase him into the big top where there’s already a crowd watching the show. And waiting for the human cannonball act.
BUT! Taskmaster is apparently a cartoon villain because he’s replaced the human cannonball with a dummy full of explosives and he’s going to shoot it and blow up the grandstand, killing a couple hundred innocent lives.
Taskmaster tells them they can capture him or they can stop his ridiculous scheme.
Taskmaster: “Have fun decidin’, chumps!”
And then presumably he runs off giggling.
Hawkeye wants to go after Taskmaster and have Ant-Man take care of the nothuman cannonball bomb.
Ant-Man: “No, Hawkeye! There are too many lives at stake! And it may take both of us to stop that cannon!”
Hawkeye: “But we can’t just let that psycho walk! We can’t -- .”
Ant-Man: “Hawkeye! Think about it! Think! Please... !”
Hawkeye: “Yeah, I guess you’re right... blast it.”
Scott Lang has his heart in the right place to be a hero even if he is a bit of a goofus about it. I like you, Scott Lang.
Hawkeye runs back into the tent and shoots the goon manning the cannon with a bola arrow. he gets the goon but the goon falls on the button.
Fortunately, its the elevation control, not the fire button.
Unfortunately, there is no firing button, so the firing cycle is automatic.
Fortunately, hitting the elevation control accidentally made the cannon point up instead of at the grandstand. So the bomb is still going to fall and blow everything up but they have time and Ant-Man has an idea.
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He has Hawkeye nock his fastest arrow and jumps on it.
Hawkeye shoots the arrow and hits the explosive filled mannequin in the neck right as it reached the top of its trajectory and hung very briefly in the air.
As the bomb starts to plummet, Ant-Man crawls up the arrow onto the bomb-man and to the detonator.
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All too soon the bomb hits the ring
but doesn’t detonate.
Ant-Man managed to defuse the bomb!
And he also managed to survive the fall because of course! He’s not destined to die for a long while and only then in a really dumb way.
Thanks to Scott’s experience of watching Raiders of the Lost Ark twenty-seven times he’s a real expert on jumping from one speeding object to another.
Aka, from the falling bomb to a flying ant. Sure.
The heroes see that Taskmaster has escaped while all this was going on but Hawkeye decides he’ll get him next time.
Also? The audience has thought that this was part of the show the whole time so they’ve loved every second of this.
Soon the other Avengers arrive, too late to take part in the plot but in time to help clean up the goon operation.
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Also, She-Hulk is in her tattered white dress outfit again. I really think there was some miscommunication here. Like with having her dressed like that on the previous cover and having her dressed like that here in this filler issue.
She doesn’t wear that anymore but its the Iconic outfit for her so if an artist needs a ref to draw her, they’re probably looking at a picture from her Savage She-Hulk series.
And Scott Lang gets the last page because whoops, he left his daughter on a roller coaster the whole time and forgot her in the heat of the adventure. DAD OF THE YEAR!
Scott runs to find her sitting outside the Spin-’n-Heave looking down, head in hands. Scott is worried that something is wrong with her but
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Cassie Lang: “I’m a little tired right now, daddy *yawn* but can we come back an’ ride the ‘Spin-’n-Heave’ again t’morrow?”
Scott Lang: “Tomorrow? Again? *sigh* Kids.”
Hah, she tuckered herself out riding the roller coast over and over again but is game to keep doing it again tomorrow. That’s the Cassie Lang that will grow up to join the Young Avengers!
So, Avengers filler but it wasn’t weird or inconsequential. It doesn’t do anything with the ongoing plots but it feels like it does since Scott Lang has come back into the books recently because of the Hank Pym plot. And it follows up on Taskmaster who has gone unaddressed since his introductory stories.
Its just a nice story and by focusing on a guest star and one of the Avengers doing an impromptu team-up it has some fun energy.
Good times.
Hey. Follow @essential-avengers​ maybe? Its better than the Spin-’n-Heave! ... I can’t actually prove that. But also like and reblog this post because I’m a cool person. ... I can’t actually prove that either...
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Stolen - 5
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson &/x fem!gifted!reader Content: Angst, threats, creepiness. A/N: Have some hugs!
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5. The Beautiful People
...  Reader   ...
Loki hadn’t lied when he had foreshadowed a turn in events within days.
“Put this on.” He tosses a bundle of mixed fabrics at your face.
It’s a struggle to figure out what goes where as you untangle the silk and organza before you can see that it’s a dress fit for Lord of the Rings LARPing. “You gotta be -”
“I’m not. Now put. It. On.”
An awkward silence follows where both of you wait for the other to do something, but eventually the god groans in annoyance and points to the bathroom door as if you could trust having a minimum of privacy even there as long as he remains in the room. Still, you oblige.
Stripping down to your underwear, you slide your arms into the cascading sleeves, already loving the smooth feeling of the white inner layer. It tickles as you pull the dress over your head and allow it to fall into place, but the lovely feeling evaporates when you look in the mirror. A white tent with soft green mosquito net over it, your mind objects sarcastically. Perhaps it would pretty on someone else? The wide cut barely holds on to the shoulders, making you feel naked even if the dress covers decently otherwise. Add a lack of makeup or elf-like hair and it’s obvious that this must be Loki’s way of grinding you further into the dust of self-loathing. No amount of silvery embellishment at the seams can change your mind.
Speaking off the captor, his voice cuts through the door at that moment. “If you do not hasten, you’ll regret it.”
I already regret everything. Opening the door, you shuffle out to him with your head held low.
...  Loki   ...
Though not unpleasant, the sensation of a tiny warm spark in his chest startles the former prince of Asgard when he lays eyes upon his prisoner. Intriguing, as she has been since he first learned of her existence, [Y/N] is not supposed to be anything else than a tool in his plan yet her countenance has appeared unbidden in his mind at the most inconvenient of times lately and now...now a softness towards the woman is taking hold within Loki.
Displeased with himself, he refocuses. “Lift your arms.”
She does, granting him access to tie a silver sash around her waist. As he finishes the knot, he lingers to enjoy [Y/N]’s fragrance and the sound of her speeding breathing, a tempo which he involuntarily adopts and follows as cold fingers play with her hair. One more detail. With a twist of hand, the Jotun reaches into a pocket realm to pluck out a thin, silver tiara – nothing more than a circlet, really, fashioned to the likeness of a snake with emerald eyes. Once in place, Loki hums in approval.
“One might even think you weren’t simply a mortal.” Of course, she doesn’t seem to believe him but merely keeps her gaze on their feet. “Ah, yes...you must go barefoot. Your instructions are simple, my pet, you shall -” he continues, calmly circling her –”do exactly as I say: speak only when spoken to, pretend your presence and task is of your own free will while letting any and all decisions fall to me who must remain at your side throughout this quest. Furthermore, you will heal the priestess. Failing to do any of these things will result not only in your own punishment but also in the death of those you care about. I have sent Arox to Midgard, your Earth, with instructions to kill in two days from now unless I personally retract the order. Do not test me. You will fail.”
[Y/N] is fighting to keep her poise, eyes brimming with tears she is too stubborn to allow to fall – a willpower Loki finds echoed in the set of her jaw and the teeth biting into that perfect bottom lip. A single sniffle escapes before she dries her eyes with the back of her hands.
“Let’s get it over with, then.” There isn’t even a hint of a tremble in her voice.
Deciding not to say a word at risk of betraying how impressed he is, Loki reaches once more into the other realm and retrieves the priceless cube he escaped from New York with. Even after all the pain and trouble, he knows the importance of keeping it out of reach of his former “master” - it is as vital to his plans as [Y/N] is.
Bending his will to resonate with the Tessaract, a shimmering bauble of indigo swallows them and spits them out a second later. Loki is familiar with this way of travelling whereas the woman stumbles slightly. Grabbing her by the upper arm, the Jotun straightens her and locks her in place next to him.
“Smile,” he orders with a whisper, and right on time too. From all sides the sound of running feet hails the arrival of the temple guards.
...  Reader   ...
Survival instinct dictates paying attention to people with weapons aimed at you but honestly, your eyes would be glued to these people either way. Woah. They are... Your brain wriggles to find a proper label only to come up empty and dazed by the view.
Every single person is different from the next while still being the epitome of perfection: godly toned bodies, ideal skin, lustrous hair. There is even a sort of glow that you thought strictly belonged to anime characters rather than actual flesh and blood humans. Humanoids. On second look, you do notice features fit for fantasy novels. My life has turned into a sci-fi-fantasy! Too bad the cold presence of Loki standing next to you is a strong reminder this isn’t a pretty story waiting to be enjoyed.
Words are shouted. Loki replies calmly, a soothing balm which seeps into the voices as a conversation carries on while you stand there lost, waiting for a cue.
“Sweet [Y/N].” Loki finally turns to you. “Explain to the kind people of Alfheim what you hope to accomplish.”
His eyes hold a warning only you can see. Cold, hard, like precious stones cutting through your soul easily because they have been sharpened with knowledge that he, this so-called god, is mad enough to do exactly as he has threatened.
So of course you readjust your lips into a sweet smile. “I am here to lend my skills and heal the Priestess.”
The chorus of sing-song voices is the only proof that your announcement has been well received until they signal for you and Loki to follow them.
For the first time, the surroundings begin to stand out as if the place didn’t even exist before. Fresh lines and curves shape arches reaching for the heavens – without the dark weight from the Gothic architecture of Earth – with wide windows and doors giving every wall an airy aesthetic. Marching along the hallways of the building, its grandeur is evident in the glittery stones it seems carved from, cool under your bare feet. Crystals are hung from the ceilings, catching the natural light and amplifying it...but not fracturing it into the shards of rainbows you would expect at home. Passing niches, you catch glimpses of golden statues of serene men and women, the metal somehow softened by potted plants that are leaning in as if to hug the figures.
“Do not gawk.” Loki’s voice is enough to bring your spirits down just as they were beginning to take flight at the wonders around you.
You had expected to be brought directly to the priestess and for the agonizing wait before Loki’s verdict of your cooperation to be over as soon as possible. Instead, you’re brought to a grand room with chaise-lounges and poufs scattered over a mix-match of soft carpets where you are told to wait. Servants come and go with fresh fruits and golden wine which you can’t stomach any of despite your abductor’s gleeful enjoyment of it all – all you can do is to walk about in a daze for the fear that you will fail.
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pucking-insane · 4 years
Nothin’ Like You - Cale Makar
Player: Cale Makar Word Count: 1544 Warnings: Vegetables
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Mmm I remember when I first met you Sipping coffee in a corner booth You were twirling your hair And I just had to stare For a minute or two I was laughing at your stack of books Then you shot me that smile Hey beautiful girl, in your own little world And me in it
In a way, you could call Barnes and Noble your home. You loved to read. You read practically anything, from mystery to sci-fi, from fantasy to romance, non-fiction to adventure. 
Today, you were on the hunt for a book for your psych class. You were talking about mindsets in class and you were interested in the topic so you came to find the book your professor recommended.
When you located the book on the shelf, it was in the worst possible location. The top shelf. It was just out of your reach and of course there were no step stools around to help you get your book.
“Need a little help?” 
You turned around to see a young guy, no older than 25. He had blonde hair and rosy cheeks. He stood tall, maybe 6 feet.
“Yes please.” A blush creeped onto your face.
“Which one?” He asked you as he looked at the shelf.
“The one with the purple spine, paperback.”
He pulled the book off the shelf with ease, inspected the cover and handed it to you.
“I really enjoyed this one. I’m Cale, by the way.”
“Well, Cale, you into psychology?”
“With my job I kind of needed to know about the different kinds of mindsets. And you’re into psychology?”
“I’m studying at DU to become a child psychologist. I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“You wanna maybe grab a cup of coffee sometime?”
You were taken aback by Cale’s question. Sure he was attractive. And he had this sort of mystery about him. Something that made you want to know more about him.
“I’ll go pay for this and we can grab something from the café?”
“Sounds wonderful.” He gave a smile, stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans and walked towards the café.
You got all of my attention And you ain't even trying Yeah, you're my kind of different And I never seen nothin'
“So, Cale,” you said as you both sat down at a table in the cafe. “What do you do for a living?”
He sighed heavily. 
“Don’t laugh.” A blush spread across his already rosy cheeks.
“Why would I laugh?”
“I play professional hockey.” He bit his lower lip, awaiting your response.
“Oh my god.” You covered your face with your hands.
“I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you!” You whisper-shouted. “You’re Cale Makar!”
“Hockey fan, eh?” Cale smiled.
“Huge.” It was now your turn to blush. “I grew up in Minnesota so I spent my life on the ice. And I actually played for my high school, leading them to a state championship as a captain senior year.”
“Oh wow.” Cale took a sip of his coffee. “So you don’t play anymore?”
“No. I wasn’t good enough to commit, but I still love the sport. The Avs are my favorite team actually.” A blush spread across your face.
“You should come to a game sometime.” Cale smiled.
“I would love to.” You returned the smile.
Nothin' like you Shades on spinning in a summer rain Dancing in the rain no music Just the right kind of crazy, baby Something about you Rocking that rock 'n roll t-shirt We're at a party dressed up But you just doing your thing Ain't nobody ever seen nothin' like you
Over the next few weeks, you and Cale began to hang out more and more. He took you all over Denver, trying new restaurants, catching movies, or checking out the local museums. You also took Cale to a Broncos game, where you both donned the blue and orange of the football team. 
You had come to have sort of a crush on Cale. His rosy cheeks and killer smile were your downfall. He wasn’t like the hockey players you had known in high school. He was an intellectual. The two of you could have discussions about psychology and how the brain works. Cale would also help you study for your exams, quizzing you on terms and asking you study questions. How hot is a smart guy?
Your friends at school chirped you for the amount of time you spent with Cale.
“Y/N, your ‘I can’t, I have to study’ excuse has turned into ‘I can’t, Cale and I made plans.’” They would tell you. You would just blush and deny it.
One October afternoon, you were relaxing on Cale’s couch. He had just gotten home from morning skate when he invited you over. His hair was still wet and he was wearing a fresh set of sweats and a t-shirt. You were both reading books as you sat in silence. Your head was resting in Cale’s lap, glasses perched on your nose. You held your latest psych book find above your head, brows furrowed in concentration. Cale was reading a book you had recommended to him, and he found his fingers tangling in your hair as he played with it.
To be honest, Cale also had a huge crush on you. His teammates would chirp him for it, but he didn’t care. He wanted to take his time with you, make sure you knew that he cared (of course you did know that he cared about you). 
“Hey, Y/N?” Cale asked, breaking the silence.
“Tonight’s the home opener, and it would mean the world to me if you came.” Cale said softly, a blush spreading to his cheeks.
“I would love to.” You looked up at Cale with a smile.
When you're wearing them worn out jeans Purple untied shoe strings You're a light in the dark And you're stealing my heart like a gypsy
That night, you found yourself at the will-call ticket office to pick up the ticket Cale had left for you.
“I’m here to pick up a ticket for Y/N.” You said when you got to the window.
“Alright.” You were given your ticket. “I was told to also give you this.”
“Thank you!”
It was an Avalanche jersey. You ran your fingers over the material. Unfolding the jersey, you realized it was Cale’s jersey. He had pinned a note to the material.
Thought you might want a jersey for tonight. I can’t wait to see you after the game. Cale PS come to the glass for warmups
You entered the lower bowl to go to the glass for warmups. Players were hitting the ice with introductions. Soon, they were whizzing around the ice. As soon as Cale caught your eye, he started to wave. He skated over to you.
“I like your jersey.” He mouthed to you with a blush.
“Thanks.” You smiled. “Someone very special gave it to me.”
He blushed again and sent a puck your way.
After warmups, you found your seat, which to your surprise was in one of the boxes. 
“You must be Y/N!” A blonde woman said as you entered the box. “Cale’s girl! I’m Mel by the way.”
You shook Mel’s hand and she introduced you to the other women and families. 
“Landeskog, 92, is my husband. He’s said that Cale never shuts up about you.” Mel explained.
“Oh, um,” You blushed. “Cale and I aren’t together.”
“Oh! I’m sorry!” Mel apologized. “He does like you though.”
“You think?”
“Oh I know. Gabe says he just blushes every time you’re mentioned by a teammate.”
You watched the game intently, eyes always on the lookout for number eight. You cheered so loudly when Mikko scored off of Cale’s assist. Soon enough the game was over and you were going with all the other WAGs down to the dressing room.
“Y/N!” Cale smiled as he saw you when he came out of the dressing room.
“Great game!” You smiled as you hugged him.
“Thank you! You look great in my jersey by the way.” He whispered in your ear.
“Oh really?”
“Of course.” He pulled away from the hug and looked into your eyes. “And I wanted you to be wearing it when I asked you this question.” He took a deep breath. “Will you, Y/F/N Y/L/N, be my girlfriend?”
“I would love to.”
I love the way that you kiss me In front of everybody So baby come and kiss me They ain't ever seen nothin' Nothin like you...
Cale leaned down to kiss you. It was cautious and gentle. Your lips fit together with Cale’s perfectly and they moved in sync. 
The guys all whistled when they saw what was happening between you and your new boyfriend.
The ladies, of course, telling their significant others to shut up and let you have your moment, were also happy for the two of you.
“I’ll tell you what.” Cale said as he pulled away from the kiss.
“I have never met anyone like you.” He placed one last kiss on your lips before taking your hand and leading you to his car.
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meditationnearme · 3 years
Is This Crazy New Treatment The Cure To Your Insomnia? - how do you reduce stress
NuCalm promotes itself as neuroscience-backed tension and sleep technology. In practice, though, it simply helped me nap. I recently awakened from a delightful 20-minute nap. Really, it was more of a 10-minute half-nap half-trance, preceded by ideas of what I required to accomplish today that slowly liquified into the types of non-sequitur visions that take place because earliest phase of sleep.
In some way, this was rejuvenating. For the last week, I have actually been checking out the NuCalm system. According to its website, NuCalm is "the world's only trademarked neuroscience innovation clinically shown to deal with stress and improve sleep quality without drugs." It includes a neuroacoustic software application app utilized for 20- to 120-minute increments, an eye mask and the abovementioned processing discs, and in practice includes listening to ambient, cinematic sounds (comparable to this) with your eyes closed and a sticker label stuck to your inner arm.
Each of the elements are designed to set off the body's parasympathetic nervous system, which aids with recovery and relaxation. The disc is created to launch gamma-aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter that inhibits cortisol and adrenaline. With this and the app, NuCalm halts your body's tension action and therefore the mental and physical toll tension can handle the body.
military, 49 sports teams and in over a million surgical treatments. Some dental offices even utilize it for clients who hesitate of the dental expert. NuCalm's 'bio-signal processing disc' Although the product is touted as a way of possibly healing the body from injury, addiction and physical concerns, it appears predominately useful for relaxation and anxiety.
By this procedure, my use of NuCalm was a success: After my 20-minute session this afternoon, I certainly felt far more refreshed and awake. While a few of my sessions kept me conscious the whole time, I at least felt a bit more relaxed than previously. At the start, I 'd believed I was supposed to treat the session like a meditation, preventing letting my ideas roam.
Why I was so focused upon events of this age during my session is a secret to me, but regardless, I think I still dropped off to sleep for about five minutes. Unusually enough, a FAQ section of the app states that memory recollection is a typical characteristic of "theta brainwave variety," and that recalling memories in this phase allows you to dissociate negative feelings from them.
Overall, NuCalm did enable me to take best little afternoon naps in a structured method. I am decent at sleeping as it is, but I do believe something about NuCalm, whether it be the discs or the noises or the timer, made those naps more effective than usual. One glaring problem with NuCalm, nevertheless, is its rate.
Perhaps as I keep utilizing it, I'll find that this is a totally reasonable expense for the advantage of much better relaxation, health and sleep. At this moment, however, I 'd pay possibly $10 a month. The app likewise requires some major upgrading, as it presently only uses 3 various session types (recharge, reboot and rescue) at differing lengths and with a rather cumbersome layout.
Instead, it feels rudimentary, with lesser parts of the app like the post-session debriefing FAQ totally nonfunctional. I have actually taken some fantastic naps this last week, and I'll keep utilizing NuCalm for this function. It's a nearly simple and easy way of fitting 20 minutes of pure relaxation into my day. Whether those bio-signalling dics do anything, I'm still suspicious in addition to a cleaner app, I 'd need to get a bit more trust in the science to pay $60 a month.
Magdalene Taylor is a junior staff writer at MEL, where she began working two weeks after finishing college. Her work is a mix of cultural analysis and service, covering whatever from reconsiderations of low-brow hits like Joe Dirt and Nickelback to modern disability issues, OnlyFans and the kinds of small concerns about life like why baby carrots are so wet.
According to the company, thirty minutes of NuCalm is equal to 2 to 3 hours of corrective sleep. The NuCalm website boasts that the de-stressing treatment takes simply 2 minutes to administer and less than 5 minutes to accomplish its effects, making it the extremely meaning of a quick repair.
With its sleek website and claims of high-tech, borderline-magic outcomes, I half expected my NuCalm experience to occur in the literal future or, at really least, a center that reeked of sci-fi vibes. I believe I was imagining a workplace that looked like the ship from Passengers and a large set-up reminiscent of the memory-implanting tech from Total Remember or possibly even a coffin-like pod directly out of The Fifth Component.
My NuCalm treatment was not administered on the set of a motion picture, but it also wasn't administered in a dental expert's workplace. On the early morning of my visit, I drove across Los Angeles to Santa Monica to the workplaces of an authentic medical professional to the stars, whose Hollywood customers includes starlets, authors and motivational masters, and who boasts know-how in energy medication, integrative medication and bioidentical hormone replacement treatment.
Rather, my NuCalm experience began in a (actively) dimly lit waiting room that looked more like the living-room of an eccentric, well-traveled college professor than a medical center. The doctor was fashionably late not with another patient, simply in getting to the office. While the tardiness might usually have actually frustrated me, here, it appeared like part of the experience, almost like a sneak peek of the outcomes of the high-tech treatment that awaited me.
Throughout a quick consultation, the physician discussed the NuCalm procedure and summarized the science behind it (more on that later). The gist of the system, I learned, was this: I would chew a tablet of gamma-Aminobutyric acid, or -aminobutyric acid (or GABA, for short), a repressive neurotransmitter suggested to decrease activity in my nerve system.
I would listen, through headphones, to binaural beat music music with two various balanced pulses that activates Alpha and Theta brain waves, which are connected with the very first stage of deep sleep and meditation. Likewise, I would be blindfolded. And, in Doc Hollywood's workplace, I would do all of this while lying on a waterbed although the waterbed, I learned, is not a standard or needed element of the treatment.
I was led to a small exam space (or, possibly, a large closet), where I was offered a big GABA tablet and told to chew but not swallow it while the medical professional marked time the binaural beats and connected the Biosignal Processing Disc to my wrist. Lastly, after what seemed like a much longer duration of time than it possibly could have been, I was informed to swallow the GABA vitamin sludge, which had the artificially sweet, fruity taste and distinctly milky taste and texture of Flinstones vitamins that are a couple of months past their expiration date.
The NuCalm treatment itself was completely pleasant. The music was calming but interesting (I've since registered for a binaural beats playlist on Spotify bless the web). The milky, orange-adjacent taste of the GABA tablet didn't remain in a particularly noticeable way. And the waterbed was warmed, that made for a relaxing place to lie down and rest.
What am I doing incorrect? Why don't I feel calm? If science can't make me chill TF out, am I just a lost cause? Perhaps if I do a body scan, I'll be able to feel the results. That's a good concept. I'm going to do a body scan. This will resemble mindfulness on steroids orange-flavored, healthy steroids.
I am broken. I was wrong. It was not practically over. Maybe it's the kind of thing you can't feel in the moment, however I'll observe a substantial distinction when it's over. I have a lot work to do. Stop thinking of work and being stressed. That beats the entire purpose.
I asked how typically he advised that individuals come in for NuCalm treatments and he stated that it differs, but that some individuals "need it daily." I couldn't help however think, based on my experience and the lack of concrete outcomes, that that appeared excessive. He handed me some research study further discussing the science behind NuCalm prior to rushing off to his next appointment, and I left sensation disappointed and a little anxious about my failure to feel less distressed through the treatment.
For the record, it's not. I discovered the experience to be a little New Age-y in practice, however the system really is based in science. Drawing from neuroscience research into the patterns the brain goes through throughout natural periods of relaxation, every component of NuCalm is created to simulate that process and prompt a stressed brain to switch gears to a more relaxed state.
NuCalm works specifically on the body's inhibitory system, the GABAergic system. This gadget is bio-mimetic in that it resets the naturally taking place negative feedback loop of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which when properly functioning is expected to shut down and stop releasing cortisol from the adrenal glands after the end of a stressful occasion.
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Individuals in this state are physically not able to have a distressed reaction. Within moments of application, users will start to feel remedy for the 'fight-or-flight' considerate nervous system action and their tension hormonal agent (cortisol) levels will start to decline as the HPA axis is hindered." Here's a quick breakdown of the science behind each phase of the NuCalm process.
It's really the primary repressive neurotransmitter system in brain circuits. Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid is a relaxation neurotransmitter that the body produces naturally when we're preparing yourself to sleep, so the strategy of utilizing GABA supplements to signify the brain that it's time to relax makes good sense. What's not completely clear, nevertheless, is how effective oral GABA supplements remain in triggering those advantages.
While some studies have actually revealed that GABA can cross the blood-brain barrier, others have shown the opposite, suggesting a possible placebo result behind perceived benefits of the supplements. Researchers agree that more research is needed to figure out how useful GABA supplements really are. According to NuCalm's website, the disc "simplifies the process of triggering the parasympathetic worried system, by tapping into the body's Pericardium Meridian with specific electromagnetic (EM) frequencies." The disc (which, again, was a round sticker, about the size of a quarter, that was used to the within of my wrist) was, undoubtedly, my greatest source of apprehension at the same time, and NuCalm's official explanation of the science behind it highlights the most Brand-new Age-y vibes of the company.
It is hypothesized that if you can restore the frequencies that take a trip through the Meridians you can reinstate ideal physiology. Each NuCalm disc holds the EM frequency patterns of GABA and its precursors to provide a pure biological signal to your body. When put on the within your left wrist, at your Pericardium-6 acupuncture point, the disc sends a signal to the pericardium of your heart to trigger regional parasympathetic nerve fibers, which then transfer the signal to your brain telling it to increase vagal nerve output and start the process of decreasing the body.
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In 2017, Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP promoted a $120 brand name of bio-frequency stickers, leading to a short-lived viral moment for the tech. Sadly for proponents of the devices, the action wasn't fantastic, with Mark Shelhamer, previous chief scientist at NASA's human research division, significantly decrying the GOOP-endorsed product as "snake oil." Although the NuCalm site describes that "each disc holds the electromagnetic frequency patterns of GABA and its precursors to provide a pure biosignal to your body," it's unclear exactly how putting the sticker on your wrist sets off that shipment.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Dump His Ass (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)
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Summary: You’re used to your boyfriend’s insults but when he crosses the line, you make him pay for it.
I love Stranger Things! XD I have that to thank for this title, seriously that’s the best advice if you have someone a partner, girl or boy, if they disrespect you too much or do something that betrays your trust or anything of the sort, dump their ass. :3
Featuring a Chubby!Reader
So that’ll be fun~. I can relate as a chubby person myself~.
Warning: Angst, swearing, and Stranger Things 3 Spoilers are in here so... read at your own risk...
Featuring: Lord Explosion Murder!!
You were everything, everything that I wanted... We were meant to be, supposed to be but we lost it... All of the memories so close to me, just fade away... All this time you were pretending, So much for my happy ending.
-My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne
You put your hands in your head in frustration, fed up with all the work you had to do since despite the fact that it was summer, you still had work to do before you actually got that blessed summer break. The first thing you wanted to do once that break comes? Watch the new season of Stranger Things!!
It didn’t embarrass you when you said that you were dodging spoilers faster than any attacks you got during sparring matches with your classmates. You were so excited, even though you probably should have focused more on schoolwork and all that, you really just wanted to see the new season to one of your favorite shows.
And who knows? Maybe you can even convince your explosive-happy boyfriend to binge-watch it with you. You believed in miracles after all.
After all, Katsuki Bakugou was dating you; he was actually dating you. Yes, you two have been friends since childhood, along with your sweet dear friend Izuku Midoriya, but you were still hella surprised. Considering that your quirk wasn’t at it’s strongest and then compared to the other girls, you considered yourself rather… not pretty, given your weight, skin and overall appearance. 
Bakugou would hold you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world, and was even sometimes gentle with you every time the two of you hugged, but his kisses were a little rough and passionate as he would press you against the wall and caress your thick form and plump curves. Your face flushed every time you remembered how his strong hands felt when he held you close, and touched you in places that only you gave him permission to touch. He made you feel beautiful, and you loved every bit of it because that was enough to make you think that maybe you were beautiful.
No, you weren’t really that proud or that confident, but you liked to think you were enthusiastic enough and quirky, so that made up for it right?
You thought so.
Your friends certainly thought so every time you got excited about things you loved, such as Stranger Things, as you had been for the past couple of days. However, you weren’t so sure your boyfriend was…
He’d been even grouchier than normal, and it was probably because he was so hung-up on his results with training. Bakugou was such a perfectionist that even slight improvement just wasn’t enough for him, and you had tried to reassure him but he just scoffed you off.
“Kick some ass Katsuki! No one trains as hard as you do after all!” You gave him a thumbs-up as soon as he was called to join Izuku, Todoroki and Iida in the endurance training. “You don’t think I know that?!” He exclaimed, irked by your support but not exactly ungrateful. Bakugou was a sucker for praise, and as annoying as you were, he liked how you praised him. But he hated how you weren’t serious at all…
With how distracted you were about that damn show you love so much and the non-stop music you listened to he didn’t see you doing well when it was your turn.
He wasn’t wrong, because even right now you were kind of distracted as you watched him go out with the other guys. It looked like they were trying to see who was the fastest and whose reflexes had improved when obstacles were tossed at them.
You were excited but also awaiting the action for Stranger Things. Were Mike and Eleven still a couple going on strong? Was the Mind Flayer coming back? You didn’t know, but you couldn’t wait to find out as you started humming (F/S), one of your favorite songs.
But you gasped in glee when Bakugou and the others were done, except Bakugou didn’t look too happy. Apparently Izuku and Iida had gotten quicker, Todoroki’s reflexes also got better, and Bakugou’s speed and reflexes also improved, but hearing that his rivals (sans Iida) had gotten better and nearly caught up to him was enough to piss him off.
You clapped your hands though when you saw how angry he looked, but your smiles did nothing to quell the vexation. If anything, it just annoyed him even more, “WHOO-HOO! You. Were. AWESOME!” Even when you punctuated your words, Bakugou didn’t even give you a smirk.
“Tch…” He gave you his typical scoff as he walked past you in a huff, and you were left turning to watch him leave in concern. Honestly, you thought he was way too hard on himself sometimes. He needed to relax, you thought.
Tonight would be perfect, after all he’s seen Stranger Things and Stranger Things 2 with you and he knew the story pretty well despite claiming that it was dumb and unoriginal.
Yes, tonight was going to be great and you were excited, which was actually helping you and your quirk. Since your Aura Creation quirk relied on your emotions for you to generate aura and use it to blast people or construct it into whatever you wanted. For the most part at least, you could blast people with aura just fine, but you had been practicing constructing things with it. So far, all you could make was a ball and wings…
So when it was your turn with Kirishima, Sero and Jirou, you tried to be fast by constructing your (F/C) aura wings and you grinned widely with glee when it worked! It was working! “AHAHAHAHA~!!” You laughed cheerfully as you flew a little bit faster and passed a smiling Kirishima and Sero, even though you were kind of beating them in the speed department…
But then you screamed with widened eyes when a sudden chunk of debris came flying at you and you had to dodge it fast, only to be sent crashing down to the ground, much to the concern of your classmates.
“I’m okay.” Raising your shaking hand, you were able to clumsily stand back up as Kirishima, Sero and Jirou each laughed nervously before you all returned to your tasks. You had no idea that Bakugou bothered to watch, and you had no idea just how infuriated he was seeing your performance…
The wings were a great new skill, but you were such a fucking klutz and everything distracted you just as he thought it would. And when you didn’t even beat freaking Sero in terms of speed or reflexes, he was starting to feel a little embarrassed…
You took nothing seriously, except for all the damn music and TV shows you never EVER shut up about. All the references and dumb jokes you made were so annoying sometimes…
He couldn’t deal with that, not when he had his own training to think of. Fooling around with you and watching fucking Netflix was a huge waste of time and he wasn’t going to beat stupid Deku or IcyHot if he decided to binge-watch nine fucking hours of that damn Stranger Things with you.
Nine Hours. He could do so much in nine hours other than watch a stupid show…
Bakugou wasn’t there…
Kirishima had sent you the text that he was training with Bakugou and Sero after class, and admittedly you were kind of bummed that your boyfriend was training AGAIN instead of spending time with you, but you had learned to expect that often.
You guessed you didn’t mind, because you had other friends to binge-watch it with. Hell, you even elaborately set up the 2nd floor with a bunch of snacks and some Christmas lights out of spirit for the show.
“Okay Mina… Denki… are you guys ready for it…?” You asked your two, excitable friends with a faux, serious voice.
“Yes, yes, YES!! I’m SO freaking ready for that Stranger Things love!!” Mina excitedly said as she practically bounced on the couch, sitting besides Kaminari, “It’s been a whole year! Time to see what they’re gonna do this time… now that the Mind Flayer is gone… or is he?” He asked you, kinda winking at you on purpose as you snickered and rolled your eyes. Kaminari obviously knew you were taken, he was just playing with you…
Surprisingly he enjoyed Stranger Things, as he called it a Guilty Pleasure of his because he liked the Sci-Fi stuff, while Mina was a little more unashamed of her fondness for the show, she was one of the BIGGEST Mileven shippers you’ve ever met.
“I doubt it. Shadows never disappear, they are always lingering in the darkness.” Tokoyami was as poetic as ever, even about a TV show that he was unsurprisingly into.
“Well you saw the Mind Flayer in the last episode of the 2nd season… there’s no way it’s gone…” You pointed out with a giggle, “Precisely.” He replied rather seriously, just as intrigued as you were. Tokoyami really enjoyed the 80’s horror that the show provided and the concept of an Upside Down.
“Oui, but where there is darkness, there is light~! As shown in the last two seasons~. I can’t wait to see how they pull through this season.” Aoyama was there to contradict him, and you were pleasantly surprised that he liked the show just as much as you did. He said that it was because he connected with Will, and rather liked the themes of maturity and friendship, something that you could strongly agree on.
“You said it Yuuga-bro! Oh! I’m so excited~!” You smiled wide at the blonde boy, taking a seat on the middle couch with a bar of chocolate in your hand. Not before the last member of your ‘Stranger Things Party’.
An amused chuckle made you smile and turn to face your good friend, “You’re really passionate about this show.” Shinsou was smiling at you, something not many of the others saw aside from his roguish smirks and grins.
“Yeah man! I’ve been hooked since 2016! And I’ve seen the trailers for the past couple of months and I’m just waiting to be gagged~!” You said cheerfully and patted your seat, gesturing for him to sit next to you, which he did comply.
“It’s a good show… I heard that it’s supposed to be seven in a half hours.” He noted to you as your eyes widened and you grinned widely, “Wow… okay that is high-key awesome but… seven in a half hour is almost not long as he nodded in amusement. You liked him, he was kind to you, well, you were kind to him first, but you were happy that he seemed to actually talk to you and was nice to you.
And this was despite the fact that your boyfriend didn’t like him at all, and Shinsou returned the feelings.
“C’mon (Y/N) let’s start it already I wanna see if Mileven is still going strong!!” Mina clasped her hands together, begging you to start as you laughed and smiled, “Okay, okay ya pink dork… I got it…” You said as you pressed play on the first episode to the third season you’ve all been waiting for…
You were already three episodes in and you, Shinsou Mina, Kaminari, Tokoyami and Aoyama all looked much too enthralled to even think about stopping the momentum.  
“Dude… I’m actually worried about Billy.” You said, unable to believe that you’d feel sympathetic for a more villainous character. “But he’s such a jerk… a typical male alpha dog…” Shinsou had pointed that out for you as you pouted, “I know that Hitoshi but the Mind Flayer is so much worse… he’d better learn a lesson after this. Learn to not be such an asshole...” You expressed your hope for the character’s fate.
“I feel so bad for Will…” Aoyama felt sympathetic for Will though, and everyone could actually agree with them on that. “He was so cute in his costume the poor thing!” Mina agreed with a dramatically sad expression, “I KNOW! The boys aren’t being nice to him…”
“Such is the curse of growing up… adulthood is when the heart begins to wither.” Tokoyami knew the themes well, and he spoke exactly what everyone was thinking as you nodded, flashing him the peace sign with a sad nod.
“Well they DO have girlfriends… I’d be a bit distracted too…” Kaminari spoke in defense for Mike and Lucas though, “That is true Denki, you do have a point there… but I’ve got a boyfriend and I still make time for you guys.” You pointed that out, which did make him smile, “Hmm… you know what? That’s a valid point…” He seemed to get it better now, and hoped the same for himself when he got a girlfriend to also have time for his buddies.
“And we learned an important lesson here after watching Max and El together… if a boyfriend lies to you or mistreats you…” Mina had exchanged smirks with you as you giggled, “DUMP HIS ASS!” The two of you exclaimed in unison, laughing together as the boys just watched you in amusement, “Same for you boys, if your boyfriend, girlfriend or partner mistreats you, dump their ass.” But you made sure to remind the boys as they all nodded with little smiles.
“Okay… next episode~.” You then sang-songed and let the TV play as you pressed ‘yes’ when the TV asked if you were still watching it. However, after about 20 minutes in, a door loudly slammed open and you couldn’t help but grin. You and everyone else knew exactly who that was.
Shinsou rolled his eyes though, and Aoyama looked a little frightened; they were the two of your ‘party’ that weren’t as close to Bakugou, and didn’t really like him that much. Well, Shinsou disliked Bakugou, while Aoyama was more terrified of him, and he kinda squealed and ducked his head when he saw the surly glare from the angry-looking ash-blonde.
You could tell he wasn’t happy, but it didn’t stop you from trying to cheer him up, “Katsuki~!” And you greeted him with a big hug, that he didn’t return and only growled at you when you got so close, “You’re just in time! We’re watching Stranger Things 3~. I mean yeah we’re kinda already three episodes in but we-.” Bakugou quickly cut you off though.
“I don’t want to watch that dumb show… if you’re going to suggest re-watching the other three forget it, it’s just more time to waste.” He lowly grumbled, trying to push you aside so he can just go to his room to go to bed early and wake up even earlier.
“Aww c’mon… this is the first time in a long time that we got a big break! You need to relax a little bit Atomic Blonde.” You said a little bit playfully but Bakugou wasn’t amused in the slightest, “Don’t tell me what to do Shitty Girl!”
“But we got a bunch of snacks and everything! And chocolate! I mean if you don’t want to watch then it’s okay but it’s exciting~. I can always rewatch it with you another time, but I can’t lie a LOT of cool stuff is happening with Eleven and Will and Steve and…”
Your voice was trailing off in his mind as he didn’t even really listen to you. The carefree ignorance in your tone making the rage bubble in him as he trembled and grunted lightly, gritting his teeth when you just kept on smiling with a single care in the world just talking about that fucking show and the fucking snacks…
Why the hell couldn’t you just leave him alone and get that he had a lot more important things to do?
Bakugou couldn’t take it anymore, he was so irritated and annoyed with you and you couldn’t even tell as you just kept going on and on…
“So yeah, if you want we can just see it together again another time. OH I’m so excited though, we’re on the fourth episode and I think we’re gonna see more of Max and-“
“I don’t CARE about Max! Or Eleven! Or Will! Or Steve! Or any of the goddamn demogorgons and the fucking Mind Flayer!”
He finally snapped, well, he’s always snapped but this time he sounded even angrier than normal, which you did notice and your smile slowly fell. “Okay… jeez… don’t have a barn…” You kind of pouted a little bit, crossing your arms. “I was just offering…”
“Yeah, yeah you always offer for me to waste time watching stupid shit.” He replied curtly, his tone sharp and piercing a little hole in your heart like a Needle sword. You weren’t going to just take that.
“Hey… there’s no need to insult the things I like. It’s not stupid!”
“It’s a show with literally just one kid who has superpowers and a bunch of other quirkless losers! It’s a fucking cliché!”
“It’s still a good show! AND you’re forgetting about the interdimensional monsters and evil humans!”
The atmosphere went from fun to extremely tense as Mina watched in concern and wasn’t sure if she should try to break up the fight since you and Bakugou looked really angry. Kaminari on the other hand, was just staring at his feet and trying to block out the loud shouting, glancing every now and then at the others. Tokoyami sighed and closed his eyes, waiting patiently and hoping that the two of you would stop fighting because it was making him a LITTLE uncomfortable.
Aoyama was very scared now, slowly getting up and entrenching himself in a little cushion fort he made on the couch to try and ignore the screaming from you and Bakugou. Shinsou saw this, and he shook his head in frustration as glared at Bakugou in annoyance.
It was kind of his first party ever and Bakugou was ruining it…
“UGH! You work too much Katsuki! I’m fine if you don’t want to watch Stranger Things I mean it’s fine if you don’t like it but you really should relax some more! And I can be with you! Wouldn’t that be fun?” You tried distilling the argument though, especially when you saw that it was making your friends uncomfortable. You could feel their auras and there was fear, discomfort and anger; you didn’t want to feel that anymore, you wanted to make them happy…
“I don’t need you to tell me to fucking relax! What do you even know about fun?! All you ever do for ‘fun’ is sit on your fatass shoving those godawful sweets in your mouth and watching shitty TV you pig!
Your mouth hung open the second he said the real F word, but it wasn’t you who gasped in horror. It was Kaminari, Mina and Aoyama each gasping with their mouths agape. Kaminari looked a mix of shocked (pun intended) and horrified as did Mina, but she was also extremely appalled with her friend, and Aoyama’s eyes went wide and he covered his mouth at such an insult…
Even the more stoic Tokoyami and Shinsou couldn’t hide their shock, although Tokoyami was silent he did cross his arms and give Bakugou a very disappointed look along with Shinsou, who was shaking his head with a tranquil, but furious glower. He knew how self-conscious you were about your figure and weight so, and although he knew that Bakugou was by nature, an asshole, this was pretty low…
You felt like you were going in shock. Just that one single word attacked you, straight into the chest and piercing your heart with a burst of hurt. Bakugou’s called you many things, usually empty insults, but he never commented on your weight (much) and never attacked you about it either.  
This time though, you felt very attacked as you slowly closed your mouth into a frown, lowering your head as you averted your eyes from your boyfriend.
Bakugou seemed to notice, and he just registered what he just said to his girlfriend. The things that assholes from school always called you and defended you from, the things he swore that he would never, EVER call you. He knew he fucked up this time as soon as he saw your lip quivering and your (E/C) eyes watering, and he could literally feel the anger radiating from you as your (H/C) started flowing in response with your quirk.
Before he could say something, you picked up your head to glare right at him, inhaling and exhaling deeply through your nose. Fury and hurt swirled in your eyes that Bakugou could very clearly see and it honestly shocked him.
Were you going to smack him? Or kick him where it hurts?
“I dump your ass!”
You took a hint from Eleven, and right then and there you decided to break it off with your boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend. Whose eyes instantly widened the second he heard that, confusion and shock evident in his features.
He shouted even louder than before, his eyes narrowing in anger again as you turned away, vexed and very upset. “You heard me. I. DUMP. YOUR. ASS!” You enunciated the words slowly and deliberately to annoy him and he was extremely indignant and appalled that you were… seriously breaking up with him?! HIM?!
“You’re dumping me?!”
“What the fuck do you think I said it two fucking times!!” Trembling with vexed distress you didn���t even realize that you were raising your voice and swearing now that your emotions had been triggered and they just came pouring out.
“You’re not seriously breaking up with me over a fucking insult?!” Bakugou’s pride started talking for him though, because he refused to let you bruise his ego by dumping HIM. 
“Yes I am Katsuki, and that’s not the only reason... It’s because you’re also selfish and mean! You’re the worst boyfriend ever and I’ve put up with your shit plenty of times but this is just WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH! What you said is just too fucking much for me to even put up with, you’ve completely broken me down I feel like shit and I’ve HAD it and I’m dumping your ass!” You were full-on shouting, not letting Bakugou get a single word in as the tears started to stream down your face, and all you could do was try to wipe them away as fast as possible as you held back the cries itching in your throat.
While Bakugou was conflicted, he was extremely pissed off and still horrified that you were breaking up with him and his pride was seriously suffering, but seeing you so upset and knowing that HE caused it was making him feel so guilty on top of all the ire and selfish pride.
“I didn’t even mean it (Y/N)! Don’t be so damn sensitive!”
“I’d like to leave now… you ruined my party and I’d just really, really like to fucking leave now…” You didn’t listen to him, you weren’t going to anymore. Bakugou’s said and done a lot of things, but this was the last straw and there was nothing that could heal the hurt crushing you from the inside out. You thought he loved you, because he never once said anything about your weight. Bakugou held you as if he liked your chubby form, but today just that insult alone opened your eyes to how he must have actually felt about you, and now you felt even uglier than you already felt before.
So you turned away to leave the common room, but Bakugou wasn’t going to let you go without a talk, and he grabbed your hand in an attempt to make you stop, “(Y/N) don’t just fucking leave like that!” You harshly yanked your hand back though with a tearful glare. “Leave me alone Katsuki!” You took off running the second you were freed, crying the whole run to your dorm room and ignoring Bakugou calling out for you as he followed you.
“(Y/N) DAMMIT!!”
You shut your door and locked it the second you got inside, sniffling and starting to sob at the realization that you broke up with your boyfriend, but for good reason. He banged on your door but you weren’t going to let him in at all, and you didn’t even want to see his face. Bakugou was so damn persistent that you quickly figured out that he wouldn’t leave you alone so you had another idea…
“Open this damn door or I’ll break it down myself!”
He didn’t want to admit it, but he felt horrible, and his threats were completely empty because now he just panicking. This couldn’t be over, he wouldn’t let it end like this. But when you weren’t answering or opening the door, he was actually getting pretty concerned, “(Y/N) I’m serious! Open the door!!” He sounded angry, but he was more worried than anything. And when you didn’t answer for another 5 minutes, he reacted fast by using all of his strength and ramming into the door and forced it open.
There you were with your window open, spreading your aura wings that were now radiating with a cloudy shade of red that Bakugou could tell was because of your anger. Your auras changed color depending on your mood, and you were furious, but hurt…
“What are you doing?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!” He screamed, taking the first step to try and grab your hand but you already made the leap, falling downwards fast before your wings took flight and you glided past the windows with tears in your eyes as you took a turn to be out of your ex’s sight.
Bakugou watched you fly away with wide eyes full of disbelief, awe and regret. He didn’t even see his disappointed classmates still there and just watching with unhappy and slightly angry looks as Shinsou turned off the TV. “Party’s cancelled.” He said to the others lowly, but neither of them really complained. The whole thing was ruined…
“Good. We can’t watch the rest without (Y/N).” Tokoyami sighed in agreement as he headed off to his own dorm-room, really hoping that you were okay because he saw how hurt you were and felt so bad for you, “I hope she’s okay…” Aoyama quietly mumbled, for all that he’s seen you, he had never seen you so upset like that.
“She will be…” Kaminari sounded oddly serious, fully aware that you weren’t okay, but had a feeling that you’ll eventually be okay. “I know…” Mina was really sad, but she didn’t follow the guys, she was going to secretly go outside and see if you were still out there so she can comfort you somehow.
When they walked past him, Bakugou didn’t even care because he was still too much in shock over the shambles that was now his relationship with you, but he felt someone’s eyes coldly leering at him.
“You really did it now Bakugou.”
Shinsou knew Bakugou was stronger, but wasn’t exactly afraid of him right now after what he just did to you. “You’ve always been a jerk, but after all the shitty things you’ve done, you finally crossed the line.” His voice was chilly as the ash-blonde’s eyes simmered with such fury that would have terrified anyone, “This is none of your fucking business Eye-Bags!!” He raised one sparkling hand, growling as he prepared to blast this asshole away, but Shinsou paid him no mind and instead just walked ahead of him to go to his new dorm-room.
“Don’t fucking walk away from me! You want to pick a fight with me you brainwashing bastard?! Then fight!” He was itching for a fight, and ready to take out his new hurricane of anger, frustration, denial and guilt that was raging inside on this condescending prick. 
“No.” Shinsou replied neutrally and calmly despite his own distilled anger as he left the pissed off blonde alone to have his meltdown by himself.
Bakugou wanted to provoke him, punch him in the face and beat him to a bloody pulp but the regret clutching onto his heart with it’s claws rooted him to the spot as he could only grunt and snarl angrily.
“Dammit! Dammit, Dammit, DAMMIT!!” He screamed as he stormed out of the building in vain to look for you, shouting and calling your name over and over again, “(Y/N)! (Y/N)!! (Y/N)!!”
Part of him knew that he was just kidding himself, because he heard your words clearly and knew that your answer was final, but his fucking pride got in the way and just wouldn’t let him acknowledge that it was over. And that you dumped his ass, because of something he did, and that this time you weren’t going to forgive him. God he really, really hoped you would but he knew that you weren’t going to do that so easily this time.
Grabbing his hair he let out another infuriated scream, unable to believe that he said those things to his own girlfriend. He loved how weird you were, and your figure, why the fuck did he call you fat and a pig? Why...?
He didn’t know why, but he knew one thing that was for sure…
He fucked up. Big time. 
PART 2: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/186833600249/thank-you-all-might
PART 3: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/188898319229/i-needed-to-lose-you-to-love-me-bakugou-katsuki-x
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cutetinyartist · 4 years
tiny person sentence starters - 18, if you wanna write anything around that? :D
Thanks for the prompt! Sorry it took me so long to finish ^^’ Also because I’m a dumbass I didn’t think to put the prompt sentence at the start of the fic and not just in the middle of it?? So I might write another fic using this prompt soon so I can get it right >w<
Anyway tho, I wrote Scientist!Danny Sexbang inventing a Shrink Ray in this one cus I thought it’d be fun! Hope you like it ^^
Word Count: 2000 (I got a biiiit carried away while writing this ^^’)
It was a casual Saturday afternoon and Danny had invited you over to help out with one of his science projects. You were both excited and slightly nervous to see what he'd made this time, as his experiments were always very adventurous, to say the least...
As you entered his lab, you noticed that it was in its usual disorganized state and that Danny was trying to untangle a complete clusterfuck of wires that were connected to the huge device in the corner of the room. He glanced up from his work and his look of annoyance at the wires turned into a bright smile when he saw you.
He immediately stood up and speedily walked over, almost tripping over the wires in his enthusiasm.
Instead of his usual Spandex and cape, he was wearing the scientist outfit that you'd only seen him wear a few times in the past. His labcoat was long and swayed behind him as he approached you and, although he was wearing safety goggles, you could see the twinkle in his eyes. He was just wearing a Rush t-shirt and jeans under his labcoat, and you also noticed that he had blue vinyl gloves on. His curly hair was tightly tied up in a ponytail, however a few wild hairs were sticking out and some hung in front of his face.
"Hey, (Y/N)! I'm so glad you came! I can't wait to show you what I've been working on!"
He grabbed your hand and lead you towards the huge machine. It was shaped like a giant tube and looked like something out of a Sci-Fi movie you'd seen ages ago. The tube had glass walls and a silver metal base, and looked just about big enough to stand in. There were several wires connected to it and they lead to a panel with a few brightly coloured buttons and screens on it.
"What is this?" You asked curiously.
"It's a shrink ray! I saw one in a TV Show last week and thought it'd be fun to try making my own."
"No way!" You gasped, "Does it work?"
"Well... That's kinda why you're here. Could you help me do the final tests, please? I'm 99% sure that it'll work but Ninja Brian won't let me test it on him for some reason."
You stifled a giggle at the thought of the murderous Ninja being only a few inches tall, before answering Danny's question, "Sure, I'd love to. What exactly do you need me to do?"
You'd helped Danny quite a few times in the past with his experiments, so you weren't too hesitant about helping with this one. Plus, (although you were way too shy to admit it) you really wanted to be tiny, so him inventing a shrink-ray was like a dream come true. When he'd asked you to help test out the invention you'd almost squealed with excitement!
"I knew I could count on you, (Y/N)!"
He beamed, "Just step into the machine and I'll handle the rest. Oh, and DON'T touch the glass or look at the ray!"
You walked into the tube and your heart began beating faster. Although it was big enough to stand in it still felt slightly claustrophobic and now that you were about to have it tested on you, you couldn't stop trembling anxiously. The glass had a blue tinge to it and made everything outside of the tube look blurred.
"Are you okay in there?" Danny's muffled voice came from outside the glass.
"Yeah!" You shouted back.
"Are you ready for me to push the button?"
"Yeah, I'm ready!"
"Okay, good! I'll press it in three... two... one..."
Danny finished counting down and you were instantly engulfed by a blinding white flash. It felt like you were being tightly squeezed and spun around by an unseen force, and it was a sensation that made you dizzier than you'd ever been before.
Although the light disappeared almost as soon as it appeared, it took a moment longer for the dizziness to fade away.
The sound of the door sliding back open and booming footsteps coming towards you made you quickly open your eyes, and the first thing you saw was Danny. This normally wouldn't shock you too much, however he was now absolutely gigantic to you! He was looking at you with a huge smile on his face as he swiftly approached you.
"Holy shit! I can't believe it worked!" Were the first words out of his mouth as he crouched down. Even in that position he still completely towered over you, and the sight of his huge hand reaching towards you made you nervously stumble backwards.
Danny stopped moving his hand and softly smiled, "Relax, (Y/N), I won't hurt you. I do need to pick you up so I can take you out of the machine but don't worry, okay?"
You gulped, “Just remember that I’m a lot smaller than you. Be careful."
"Of course I'll be careful," He said with a smirk as he wrapped his fingers around you and lifted you up. Despite the fact that he was wearing vinyl gloves, you could still feel the warmth radiating from his skin. His fingers were like tree-trunks and the way that they enveloped you made you realise how tiny you truly were.
He walked over to his desk and adjusted his grip on you so that you were now sat in the palm of his hand. He reached towards you with his other hand, and although you were still slightly nervous you didn't flinch. The tip of his index finger was almost the same size as your chest now, and as he softly touched your tiny body you couldn't stop yourself from blushing. He was definitely trying to be gentle, but you could tell that he was far too excited about the fact that his device had worked. It was like nothing you'd ever experienced before and you were adoring every second of it. He stroked the top of your head before slowly rubbing the tip of his finger down your arm. When he reached your hand he gently held it between his thumb and forefinger.
"Wow..." He whispered, "How do you feel? What's it like, being so tiny?"
It took you a minute to find your voice because of how flustered you were, but after a moment you cleared your throat and spoke, "I- I don't really know how to describe it but being this tiny and seeing everything from this perspective is kind of daunting, but also really cool!"
Your answer made him smile and he continued to massage your hand between his fingers as he thought of his next question, "And how did it feel to be shrunk? Was being in the machine okay? I wanted to make it more of a portable ray-gun but I almost blew up the place when I was trying to do that..." He chuckled as he trailed off.
"It made me feel REALLY dizzy at first but- but it all happened so fast. One minute I was being spun around and surrounded by a bright light, the next I was standing there like nothing even happened."
"I'll have to try it later- provided that getting you back to your normal size works-" He mumbled before immediately bursting into laughter when he saw the shocked look on your face, "I'm kidding! I'm sure it'll work."
You began laughing with him too; his laughter was always so contagious!
"God, (Y/N), you're so adorable," He said softly, grinning when he saw how much that made you blush. The fact that his deep brown eyes were entirely focused on you made your heart flutter, and you were in love with his perfect smile.
After an hour or two (you always tended to lose track of time when you were with Danny) of hanging out and admiring how huge everything was to you now, you yawned sleepily.
"Shit, I didn't realise how late it was getting-" Danny mumbled to himself before saying to you, "Do you want me to get you back to your normal size now?"
You really wanted to say no, but instead you said yes because you knew that you should probably go home soon. Besides, you could always ask him to shrink you again in the future!
He steadily walked over to the machine and gently placed you inside before going back over to the buttons that controlled it. The gigantic door closed in what felt like slow-motion and you braced yourself for the blinding flash and dizziness...
The bright light did come, however it didn't feel like anything else was happening. You suddenly heard a loud crackling sound from high above you, and when the light faded away you screamed when you saw that the machine was filling with smoke! The door slid open and Danny quickly pulled you out of it, cupping his hands around you and swiftly moving away from the device.
"Oh god, (Y/N), are you okay?" His voice was laced with concern as he moved his hand and held you closer to his twinkling brown eyes. He stared intently at you, wanting to make sure that you hadn't been injured.
"I'm fine- what happened?" You asked.
Danny let out a sigh of relief, "Well I pushed the button and- and smoke started coming out of the machine... Sorry about picking you up so suddenly, I just panicked!"
"It's okay, I don't mind-" You bit your lip nervously. If the machine was broken then who knows how long you'd be stuck at such a tiny size...
Although you'd wanted to be tiny, you did want to at least be able to get back to normal size when you needed to!
Danny absentmindedly stroked the top of your head with his thumb as he tried to think of what to do, "I'm just gonna put you on the desk for a minute, I need to see if I can fix this..."
When he placed you on the vast surface of the desk, you immediately began to walk around and look at everything towering over you. A stack of books looked like an uneven wall that you could probably climb, and a simple water bottle was the size of a building. You looked over at Danny and the machine. The smoke had thankfully stopped coming out of it (and luckily the lab had a good ventilation system so it was pretty much gone) but it didn't seem like Danny knew how to fix the machine.
He turned to face you with a sheepish look on his face, "I- um- I'm not sure how to fix this- I might need Ninja Brian to do it... But I don't actually know where he is-"
Danny was interrupted by Ninja Brian literally appearing from nowhere.
"Oh, there he is-"
Ninja Brian took one look at you, then one look at the machine and immediately knew what to do. He moved so fast that you could hardly even see him and before you knew it, it looked like he'd fixed the shrink ray! Before you or Danny could say anything else, Brian had already disappeared.
Danny approached you and scooped you into his palm, "So, shall we get you back to normal now that it's fixed?"
You hesitantly fidgeted, as you actually wanted to stay tiny for a little while longer. You knew that it was fixed, but after everything that had just happened you were a bit apprehensive about going back into the tube.
After a brief awkward silence you asked, "Can I maybe stay like this for a bit longer?"
Danny smiled softly and nodded, "Of course you can," He began to stroke your back, "I'm actually kinda relieved that you asked that because I don't wanna stop holding you just yet."
His remark made your heart flutter, and the two of you relaxed together for the rest of the evening. You eventually fell asleep in his palm, and he decided that he could always return you to normal when you woke up the next day.
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littlesliceofmarvel · 4 years
Manipulating a God | chpt. five
Synopsis: Trying to break the information out of Loki during the attack of 2012 wasn’t exactly the easiest task, but it was a challenge you were willing to take head on. So, what happened when a master manipulator tried to get information from the God of Mischief?
Series warnings: Swearing, mentions of violence, blood, and gore
Pairings: Stark!Reader x Loki
A/N: I am so happy to be back writing on here. I apologize for the unannounced hiatus, I was dealing with personal issues and couldn’t find the motivation to write, but I am back and stronger than ever! I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and may all of your 2020 wishes come true! Much love. xoxox
PS. There is a major storyline/timeline change here but don’t worry, it’ll match up with the movie timeline soon enough!
I know this chapter is shorter, but the next one will be a lot of fun!
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For the millionth time that morning, Fury repeated the same question, “What did Loki say again? Give me the quote.”
Groaning and throwing your head back (also for the millionth time) you replied the same way you had all morning, “He said ‘the power I could find here on Earth is beyond anything your human brain can comprehend.’ Word for word - ish.” 
Fury placed the pencil under his chin as if he were contemplating the meaning of life and all existence, looking down at the notepad in front of him which only had that one exact quote written, no other details or clues or even doodles scribbled anywhere else on the small lined paper. For about half an hour, the two of you had been sitting here discussing what the God of Mischief had said, but nowhere nearer to deciphering anything. Thor, who was currently your best hope in this grand old mystery, was off paying his dear brother a visit in the meantime but hadn’t actually spoken to you all day so he was of no help thus far. 
In the half an hour you had been meeting with Fury, you had downed about eight coffees and your mind was having trouble staying focused on just the one quote, the meaning of it practically lost to you with the amount of caffeine flowing through your bloodstream. Your hands slightly shaking, eyes feeling fuzzy, you tried your best to keep focused and find any ideas flowing around your imaginative mind that could help out. But, in all honesty, you were blank.
Of course, you barely had any knowledge of ‘Outer Space’ in the first place, having only recently come in contact with your first-ever ‘aliens’ this week - and they were both nothing like you had expected from reading sci-fi and watching Star Trek. And that right there was the extent of your knowledge. 
“What if he’s looking for someone powerful? Instead of something,” Fury thought out loud, mumbling to himself as he started tapping the pencil to his chin. Mumbling a silent agreement, you let out a dramatic sigh as you continued sinking into your chair, bored of the endless circle of conversation that continued feeling pointless to you. No point had been proven and nothing could be confirmed or denied since Fury’s space knowledge didn’t seem to exceed your own.
“God, pick yourself up a little bit, Stark,” Fury spoke in disappointment at your slouched figure, “You’re worse than a seven-year old child after you’ve had your coffee.”
Chuckling at his comment, you sat properly in your chair, straightening your back like a stiff board and intertwining your fingers on the glass table like a posture-perfect model, “Is this better, Corporal Fury?”
“Y/N, I’m not messing around here, the fate of our planet is kind of resting in your hands.” 
Joking around was kind of your thing — you were a Stark after all. You knew that sometimes it got in the way when trying to hold a serious conversation (like right now), but there was nothing that could stop you from blurting out sarcastic or witty comments when people were relying on you for important answers.
You leaned towards him, a gentle smile on your lips, “I know, Fury, I’m just trying to bring some light to this dark situation.”
Fury nodded slowly, pointing down to the empty notepad in front of him, “Then try to shed some light on this.”
Dropping your smile, you pulled the notepad in front of you, staring blankly at the meaningless quote in front of you, “Have we ever considered that maybe Loki’s just messing with our minds? After all, that’s what he’s known for. This could just be an empty threat.”
“It’s not.”
Thor decided to make his entrance at the right time, arms crossed and a frown etched upon his bearded face — clearly, he had just come back from meeting Loki. He sauntered slowly over to the table and my eyes didn’t leave his figure. Something about the way he was standing gave me a feeling he was about to give us some information regarding what we’d been sitting in here discussing.
“Care to spill the beans, Thor?” 
“Sorry? Spill beans? I do not under—” 
“You don’t understand, yeah, I know. Just tell us what you think Loki means,” your patience was starting to wear thin with the Gods and their mysterious way of speaking. Still leaning over the table to direct your full attention to the blond hunk, you tensed your shoulders as you prepared for any kind of answer. 
“There’s this belief on Asgard, and most of the universe, really, that there are these things called the Infinity Stones,” Thor spoke, treading carefully as if detonating a bomb. The words meant nothing to you, and he seemed to notice this as he began to elaborate.
“There are six Infinity Stones, and they’re the most powerful things in existence. One is in Loki’s sceptre, and as you see, it’s been able to turn a few of your best men into what you have called ‘flying monkeys.’ They are dangerous and if in the wrong hands, can create catastrophic events throughout our knowable universe.”
Letting the knowledge sink in as if you were listening to science fiction theories, you pressed Thor to go on, “What’s that got to do with us?”
Thor grimaced, as if the answer tasted bitter rolling off his tongue, “He believes that they are here on Earth. If these stones got into Loki’s hands, it would be the end of your life here on this planet.”
You processed this sudden turn of events, sitting silently as you plotted a way to prevent Loki from getting these so-called Infinity Stones, even though you strongly doubted something so powerful would be casually sitting on your planet without your knowledge, “On Earth? Seriously? Out of all the planets and solar systems and shit, why would they be here? Don’t you think we’d know about them?”
“You only just found out about them, and you’re not a regular person. So, no, you wouldn’t know about them. Especially if they’re safe.” Although you had just met the rock-solid God, you could sniff the honesty coming off of him as if you’d known him for years.
Sitting back in your chair as if hit by a literal brick wall of information, you turned to Fury, “What the fuckin’ hell do we do now?”
Fury raised his eyebrow, thinking over the scenarios in his head, “We plan a meeting and discuss. I’m going to gather the team. We meet in fifteen minutes.”
And without another word, Fury left you in deafening silence with Thor.
- - -
Within fifteen minutes, Fury stuck true to his word, and the rest of the Avengers had groggily piled into the room. Thor explained the Infinity Stone situation and how they worked, even talking once more about Loki’s sceptre — which apparently homed the ‘Mind Stone.’ That explains the mind control.
“Has he mentioned the Infinity Stones to you, Y/N?” Tony asked, sarcasm laced in his voice almost in disbelief of the turn of events.
“Nope,” I replied casually, popping the P, “I haven’t really spoken to him much, so maybe next time I’ll try to bring it up, I dunno.”
“No — no, we can’t let Loki know that we know,” Thor’s eyes widened as if a lightbulb went off in his head, “If he finds out we’re onto him, he can very easily cause irreversible damage. I mean, I’ve never seen Loki willingly sit in a cage like this, it’s probably a part of his plan. So, we keep our mouths closed and let events unfold, I’d say.”
“Let events unfold?” Fury spoke up, “We are not letting that psychopath sit back and live his little life in that cage as if it were freakin’ Disneyland. Y/N, you’re going back in there for conversation. Find out the location of the Infinity Stones and his plan with them.”
I ran a hand through my hair, sitting upright with a tight smile, “Fury, I hate to disagree with you, but... I disagree with you. Look, Thor’s right, we can’t let him know we’re onto him about this because he can easily just... get out of here, or call his little backup boys or something. I’ll go talk to him and try my best to get everything that I can from him, but I doubt he’ll give in that easily,” I let out a sigh, trying my best to ignore the looks that everyone was giving me, “Just, give me a few days.”
And that’s exactly what Fury did.
Sitting face to face with Loki got less intimidating every time I did it. Probably because he looked sicker every time I saw him. Not that he was any less captivating — his blue eyes held numerous mysterious emotions and the smirk on his lips proved that he had secrets I wanted to know, but the fact that he looked as if his entire life was crumbling before his eyes made me feel like my job might just get a little easier.
“You’re back,” Loki smirked at me as I walked into the room. For the first time in about three days, I wasn’t wearing a tactical suit — meaning I didn’t feel as on edge, my body finally getting to experience comfort. My y/h/c hair flowed loosely down my shoulders and rested on my plain white t-shirt which was tucked into a tight pair of jeans.
“Yeah, hi,” I smiled, my mind replaying what Nat and I discussed this morning. 
Be kind to him. Understand him. Relate to him. 
Relating to Loki might be the toughest challenge out of the three, but my mind was witty enough to come up with something that made sense.
“I’ve persuaded them to let you eat if you want,” I smiled, looking down at the brown paper bag in my hand and held it out, “I’ve got a bagel and a hashbrown. I don’t know if you even eat, but this is good shit in my opinion.”
“I do not want it, but I appreciate the effort, Y/N.”
The way my name rolled off his tongue sent shivers down my spine, and I mentally smacked myself for focusing on it. He sat in the corner of the cell, leaning against the glass wall with his green cloak wrapped around him. His eyes looked more sunken in than last time I saw him and a part of me felt bad knowing he was probably losing his mind in here.
“If ever you do need anything, though, you can ask me — I know how to get my way with these people,” I smiled at him as kindly as I could, sitting down in the small chair in front of the glass.
He chuckled, eyes raking over my body quickly before locking back with mine, “Change of heart from our last conversation, wouldn’t you say?”
Now it was my turn to laugh slightly, remembering the last time I spoke to him and how different the encounter was, “Doesn’t change the fact that you will do as I say, but, I am human and I do have feelings. I’m not too good at the ‘being mean’ part. Even though I act like it.” That was totally a lie — I could slam and call out people in an instant — but I needed to play the role of a sweetheart if I wanted to get him to believe I had good intentions. 
“You don’t seem like someone who has trouble being mean,” Loki scoffed, shrugging his shoulders backwards.
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” I raised an eyebrow at him, glaring him down as best as I could.
“Decipher it however you want,” he leaned his head backwards and gave me a weak smile. Something about him looked incredibly off and as much as it seemed like he was faking it for help, a tiny sliver of my mind told me he was being genuine and he needed help.
“Uh, so, how have you been?” I tried to strike up a casual conversation, still trying to figure out a way to pop the Infinity Stones in. 
He gave me a quizzical look, “Just peachy. What do you think? I’m bored.”
I smiled down at the ground, an idea popping into my head, “Well, what if we played a game? To get to know each other? Like, Never Have I Ever or 20 questions?” 
Loki rolled his eyes, “No, thank you. You seem incredibly boring.”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” I scoffed, flicking a strand of my hair over my shoulder, “I’m bored too, this will give me something to do.”
Loki’s eyes flickered with an idea, and as he opened his mouth I knew I’d regret giving him the option to play.
“What do I get out of this?” He smirked coyly, crossing his arms over his chest.
Rolling my eyes, I pointed to the brown bag on the floor, “Food, duh.” There was nothing else I could possibly offer Loki — nothing that was good, anyways. I knew he’d ask to set him free, but that was not an option in anyone’s books.
“Not good enough, princess,” he shook his eyes, eyes playfully tracing my figure.
“Well,” I began, “You also get me as a friend!” 
The playful smile disappeared from his face, “Oh, yeah, that’s totally what I want.”
“Stop being a bitch, Loki, and just ask me a question.”
He placed his fingers on his chin as if pondering the situation for a moment before his eyes lit up and he shot me a toothy grin, the dark ideas swirling around his mind ready to break free from their cages. Was I going to regret this? Yeah, probably. Was I going to back down? No.
“Fine, let’s play.”
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