#dick Grayson and Tim Drake
audhd-nightwing · 9 months
DC had to take Robin away from Tim Drake because him and Dick as Robin and Batman simply would’ve been too powerful
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nibordereht · 10 months
The good brother | Tim Drake & Dick Grayson
Tim gets into a fight and then pierces his own ears. For some reason, that leads him to come out of the closet with his older brother.
Tim banged the spoon against the kitchen island and exhaled in exasperation.
"You're kidding," he suggested.
"Tim, listen to me, all I'm saying is that there is no need for you to engage in this behavior. I understand that it's Bruce's duty to talk about this with you, but I'm just trying to help you and save you an argument when he gets back...", Dick explained, with all the patience in the world and fiddling with the cereal on his plate. "We know you don't want to go to school, but it's only a few months, you've been through worse than having to study a little after so many years. You don't have to look to get expelled..."
"You're kidding," Tim sentenced. His own cereal no longer looked as appetizing as it had minutes before. He suddenly felt nauseous. "Dick, I'm not trying to get myself expelled. Agh, I don't know what they told you, but it's a misunderstanding... Shit, I wish Jason had gone in your place."
That seemed to stir something in Dick, who frowned and let his spoon slip from his hand.
"Oh, yeah? Right, because Jason would be very condescending if your principal called to say you beat up a student. Or since when are you guys that close?"
"For God's sake, Dick, that's not what this is about!" exclaimed Tim, bewildered. What the hell was wrong with his brother to be being so jealously childish? "Aren't you the one who keeps talking about family bonding? Shouldn't you be glad I'm getting along with Jason?"
Dick sighed and took a seat on the stool across from Tim.
"I-, yes, Tim, I'm glad. I just wish you didn't need to get away from one person to get along with another."
Tim felt his stomach contract as he came close to retching, luckily he managed to disguise it. He patted his chest once and then turned away from his breakfast, unable to continue eating. He wanted to tell his brother he was projecting, like when you walked away from me to get along with Damian, he wished he could add.
Instead, he said:
"That's not the point, Dick. What the hell, seriously, what's the matter with you today?"
"I'm sorry, Timmy, but you can't blame me for being appalled. Not after having to go to a meeting with your principal because you beat up a defenseless civilian for no reason or you telling me that you would have preferred Jason, of all people, to show up as your proxy, as if you didn't care if he went and made a fuss."
Tim pursed his lips and stared at the floor, he pushed himself away from the table and made the first move to stand up.
"First of all, I know how Jay is, but maybe you should stop and think for a second about how he would feel if he heard you have so little faith in him over something so trivial. Secondly, you could at least ask me why I hit him before you assume I didn't have a reason, don't you think?"
"Tim, I'm just trying to save you a hard time, better tell Bruce we talked this over already before he scolds you himself and decides to, I don't know, bench you. Your principal said you didn't want to explain yourself, what do you want me to believe if you won't even stand up for yourself? I know how good you are at self-punishment, little brother. I wouldn't be surprised if you felt you deserved your principal's scolding for what you did without even trying to defend yourself, but keeping secrets from us? If you did something I'd like to find out from you rather than, from your school, I thought you trusted me?"
Without standing and still staring at his shoes, his head between his outstretched arms, Tim bit his lower lip until it ached and he was sure he had broken the thinnest of skin. He squeezed his eyelids tightly shut and rocked his head.
"Do you listen to yourself? Maybe I have a reason for not wanting to justify myself in front of that decrepit old man, can't I?" he snorted, and soon felt his cereal want to slip down his throat again. "If you want... if you want me to trust you like the old days, maybe you have to earn it... again...", his voice wilted at last and he rose quickly from his chair. "I have nothing more to say."
He ran up to her room and into the bathroom to the side of her, stamping his knees hard on the floor and hugging the toilet to vomit.
His breakfast escaped with ease. Leaving all the anger he felt to be replaced by exhaustion.
He repeated to himself that it would be okay, after all it wasn't the first time Dick didn't want to hear it.
There was a time when Tim felt miserable. Everything around him seemed to fall apart. His family, his team; his whole life. The love of his life was gone, dead; his father was dead, gone. No one believed in him except an obsessive megalomaniac and the older brother he most admired had turned his back on him.
Tim hated his life. If he was honest with himself, he had hated it since he was a little boy, when he became accustomed to material things as tokens of affection, to a cold and lifeless house and later to a mentor who often reminded him that he was unwanted.
Tim hated himself. From the moment he convinced himself that he was selfish because there was hot food on his table, albeit in a boarding school; a mother who looked at him with love, even if she was not by his side every day; a teacher who became his replacement father who taught him to defend himself against the worst adversities in the world, even if against his will at first.
However, there was a light in his path. Something he had never had before: a big brother. A guide in adolescence, a backup in the world of heroes, a friend to hang out with and unconditional love along with great loyalty. He had a net to catch him when he fell. Literally.
Then that vanished. It was just words, a few actions, wrong choices and determined eyes, that drove him away. Strong choices he couldn't deal with.
Dick Grayson had not chosen him over others as he had always believed he would. As he had once chosen him over the orders of his own father and mentor. Dick Grayson had made the decision to protect another younger brother even when Tim was at his worst. And Tim still couldn't get over it.
He couldn't understand. What had he done wrong? Where had he gone wrong? Why did no one ever choose him?
Tim wanted to hate Dick Grayson.
Tim could not.
Dick had screwed up many times. Especially with Tim. Well, actually he had screwed things up many times with his friends, his father and his girlfriend, but mostly with his brothers. He'd once failed Jason by turning him down, then he'd failed Tim by passing him along, taking away everything he cared about at the worst time while convincing himself that you always had to choose the greater good over any one person. He believed that by choosing Damian he was saving lives without wanting to accept the collateral damage that would be Tim.
He was not at all remorseful. He loved his three brothers equally. He made tough decisions that only the man behind the dark knight's cowl could make. Now however, he was no longer Batman. He was just Dick Grayson again, the man behind the Nightwing mask. Big brother, not surrogate father. Not mentor, but friend. And he had to get his little brother back.
"Tim?" he knocked on his brother's bedroom door. No one answered. "Little brother? I know you're mad at me, but it'll be worse if we avoid the problem..."
It was strange that they did not go around the problem and instead confronted it when it came to family. Bats had bad habits stemming from the man who had raised them. Luckily, Dick's best friend had been raised as a bat herself and had a father who had taught her a different way than the Waynes.
Barbara counseled him on the phone and through communications during the patrol. And by counseling, Dick meant she yelled at him a little and scolded him. He deserved it, he had to admit. Barbara had learned the hard way the difficulties of mentoring after making blunders with Cassandra and less bad ones with Stephanie, but never so bad as to take them on a trip around the world believing themselves rejected and helpless. So Dick had decided to listen to her.
He and Tim needed to talk, urgently.
"Tim, come on, do it for me...please?" No answer again, but he heard a loud hissing sound from the other side of the door. "Tim?"
This time, Dick couldn't stand it any longer and decided to trespass on his little brother's privacy, ready to take the consequences.
"Shit, it's bleeding...", Tim's voice sounded from the bedroom bathroom.
Before, when he had just moved into the manor, Tim used to sleep in Dick's old room, which he himself had given to his younger brother. However, over the years, when Damian had just joined the family, Tim had opted for a larger one, one of the few that included an indoor bathroom, usually used by visitors in the older Wayne family days. Dick hadn't been affected, he too would have made that choice growing up, but he left home before deciding he needed more space in his own home rather than out of town.
"Tim, what's going on, why are you bleeding?" asked Dick, striding to the bathroom. His eyes met Tim's, who was looking at him in fright as he held a cotton ball to his ear.
"Dick? Why did you come in?"
"I wanted to talk to you... What's going on, why did you cut off your ear?"
His lip pulled upward, tempted to make a joke about Van Gogh. His concern won out.
"I didn't cut myself, I..." Dick watched as his brother swallowed spittle. "Nothing...?"
"Tim, I'm looking at you, what happened to you?"
Tim clicked his tongue. His older brother's brow furrowed and he folded his arms. Now somewhat annoyed.
"What happened, Timothy."
"What are you, Janet Drake?" scoffed the younger boy.
"No. I'm your older brother and I'm worried about you, can you explain to me what you were doing?"
"Now you're interested in listening to me? You're a hypocrite," Tim mumbled.
Dick ignored him when he noticed a glint in the boy's non-bleeding ear. The silver earring glowed in the lamplight and reflected in the mirror. Oh, by the gods. Dick groaned.
"Did you pierce your ear?" Tim frowned.
"You pierced both your ears," Dick corrected himself.
He wanted to die. This was going to be a disaster, worse than when he himself had tried to make a single earring to be fashionable next to his mullet. Bad times. Bruce was going to kill Tim and somehow the blame was going to fall on Dick because his younger brothers somehow always managed to make that happen.
Rule number four hundred and fifty-three, or something like that, no recognizable markings, no accessories. Nothing that could be held against you. Mullet, long hair? Despite what the girls thought, it was easy to grab during a fight. Same with earrings, if they didn't fall out they could still slit your ear with a simple tug. Tattoos? Visible or not, in a kidnapping they could help reveal their secret identities. That among other things.
All that according to Batman, of course.
Jason didn't give a shit, so said the tattoo on his arm. Dick had his rebellious age and his hair grew long enough to allow him to put it in a ponytail. Stephanie had a cape that covered her hair and used it as an excuse. And they all really liked to get in Batman's face.
Except Tim. He was the good guy in the story. The obedient boy.
The boy had finally entered his rebellious age and it was probably Dick's fault. No, it definitely was. He had encouraged him with his bad decisions to run away from home and travel the world, albeit for good reason. If he was getting horned after their little fight, just for scolding him a little, did that mean it was his fault too? On the other hand, Tim was acting weird, it wasn't like him to beat up kids at school and not want to explain himself to the authorities. Maybe he was just entering late adolescence.
Jeez, he should have let Bruce tell him off directly even though he would have ended up benching him. All for wanting to help his little brother. He was just being nosy.
"T? Are you still there?" Dick recognized Conner's voice from Tim's phone on the side of the sink.
"I'll call you back, Kon," and he quickly cut off, holding the absorbent cotton with one hand and putting the phone away with the other. His ear was no longer bleeding, so he threw the cotton in the trash and folded his arms. Now two earrings glistened in the artificial light in the bathroom.
Dick inhaled deeply.
"Listen, Tim, I don't want to keep butting in, but I want you to understand that I'm trying to help you. What do you think Bruce will say about all this? First you hit your partner, you refuse to talk to your principal, and then you put earrings in your ears, which I'm sure will be a problem at school and..."
"I don't even want to go to fucking school, what do I care what they think!" shouted Tim, his jaw clenched and his brow furiously furrowed.
Dick grimaced. He'd heard that one before, more times than he could count.
"Tim," he sighed.
"No, Tim nothing. Stop patronizing me, Dick! I'm practically an adult, even though they'd have me believe otherwise. I've done and seen more than anyone my age, I've saved your life, by the gods, and Bruce's too! I've seen people die in my arms! I'm not going to let them keep treating me like a baby off the field, I'm doing everything they ask me to do, damn it, then why won't anyone listen to me!"
"Tim, if this is about the school..."
"No, Dick, it's not! It's because you don't want to listen, because you keep accusing me of not knowing, not understanding and not wanting to listen when it's all of you who ignore me! I hate school, I hate being here! And sometimes I feel like I hate you!"
Before Dick could add anything above the initial shock, Tim had already left his room. It was the first time Dick had ever heard Tim talk as much as someone his own age. It was too shocking to even react. Gods, how he wished he had his dad here instead of with the stupid Justice League.
"Good talk," Dick muttered. "Shit, I'm an idiot." But he didn't know where he'd gone wrong.
Was it just Tim's rebellious age or was Dick still screwing him up as a big brother?
Tim's principal had called again. Luckily, Tim's earrings were not involved. As bad luck would have it, Dick was the only one available for the meeting and he acted as Tim's proxy most of the time anyway. Nevertheless, he didn't feel like going to listen to a decrepit old man complain about teenagers or fight with his younger brother without resolving their earlier conflict.
"Mr. Wayne," the older man greeted. Dick gave him a gala smile and shook his hand. Tim was sitting next to him with his arms crossed and his lip swollen and slightly purple. He, too, had a cut on his eyebrow and a slightly scratched cheek.
"Grayson-Wayne, please. I respect my origins and my upbringing at the same time," he explained charismatically. He was so tired, though. First he was going through meetings about Damian's bad behavior, albeit at another school, while Bruce was supposedly dead, and now he had to deal with his other younger brother who was apparently going through his rebellious age. One part of him was saying "finally!" but the other was sulking that his father should be dealing with this and not him.
"Of course. Mr. Grayson-Wayne, then, it's a pity we have to meet again under these circumstances, but your... pupil, he keeps getting into trouble. This time he hit one of our most outstanding athletes. The poor boy sprained his ankle due to a bad fall during his fight and now he won't be able to participate in the interscholastic basketball tournament," he said raising an eyebrow in disgust. "He will understand that his actions must be punished."
Dick sighed.
"I understand, sir, however, I would like to understand why this happened."
"Sure, we have Nathan's version of events, but Timothy still refuses to explain why he hit him in the first place..."
"I didn't hit him first!" exploded Tim. Dick was amazed, it was rare for his brother to reply in exasperation or be so quick to get carried away with his emotions. He was the analytical one, Jason the emotional one; Dick was both. The principal and Dick watched him waiting for the rest of his argument, but Tim sank back in his seat. "He... I was just talking to Conner and he... plus Jason said I had to defend myself!"
Dick snorted.
"Jason again? What, were the earrings his idea too or is it just you drawing attention to yourself, Timmy? Please, just explain..."
"Jason, your brother? What about Connor? Who is Connor and what does he have to do with any of this, Mr. Wayne? I don't remember any Connor at the school..." Spoke the older man over Dick.
The noise was annoying and Tim bit his injured lip making it bleed.
"Conner," Tim muttered, but did not respond.
"And if this is a fight on behalf of your friend, I'd like a better explanation, young man, or is this a matter of more than friends?" the director added in a serious tone.
Tim gritted his teeth. Dick looked at the director in amazement. How and why on earth did he come to that conclusion.
"Excuse me, but I don't think that...", Dick tried to accentuate.
"Forgive me, Mr. Grayson-Wayne, but I can't help but feel that this is all suspicious. I can't allow Mr. Drake-Wayne to maintain this aggressive behavior, plus with all these rumors circulating, I can't help but think this has to do with more than mere bravado..."
Tim turned white, Dick shared the nausea he saw coming in his brother.
"What rumors are you referring to?"
The director ignored Dick's question and stared at Timothy.
"Timothy, are you planning on giving us an answer? Did you get into a fight just because or are you being harassed? Because if this is about your sexuality, we can..."
But Tim ran off.
Dick's mind went blank.
No. Tim was so cheerful and perceptive, he was good-natured and made friends with everyone. No. Tim was so cheerful and perceptive, he was good-natured and made friends with everyone. Why would anyone harass him? And what did his sexuality have to do with anything? It all came at once, but Dick was a detective.
Oh, shit.
Tim ran.
Shit, that's why he wanted Jason to go to his appointments with the director. He understood, he would help him. He already knew his secret, he wouldn't judge. He needed to talk to him, to Conner, to whoever. He just needed to get away. Get out of school, out of Gotham, anywhere but with that damn old man who analyzed him and was too aware of what was going on in his school, up to date with every rumor, including the ones that said Tim was gay and he was being bullied for it, until he couldn't stand it anymore and fought back, like his older brother had suggested months before, like his boyfriend had offered to do for him. Away from Dick, who would no longer listen to him. Who would no longer understand him. From whom he wanted attention, but wasn't getting it as he wished.
Tim refused to cry. He felt ridiculous, behaving like a child, back to yelling at Dick as if he was to blame for everything, interjecting his body so that his brother would finally pay attention to him like in the old days.
He missed his big brother. Jason was cool, but maybe too cool. He wanted the brother who coddled him and made him feel warm, the one he could tell his most embarrassing secrets to and knew he wouldn't use them as blackmail. He wanted Dick Grayson back in his life, but he was only succeeding in pushing him away.
"Oh, Drake," someone spat behind him, just as he rested from his flight to the side of the gym, where he was sure Dick wouldn't find him quickly, at least the principal would slow him down with some stupid unnecessary chatter. Or who knows, maybe he'd bring him out of the closet with his older brother. Although he had practically just suggested it in front of a detective, which was the same thing. "You dared to show up, you piece of shit. Have you been expelled yet for what you did to me?"
Tim held his breath for three seconds to calm down and then turned to look at Nathan.
"You fell down, asshole. How it's my fault."
Nathan snorted.
"I can sue you for assault, you son of a bitch."
That was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard said. And his classmate loved to say idiotic things, especially about Tim.
"Give it a try. I'll be waiting for you."
Luckily for him, the boy's foot was bandaged with a thousand wraps of gauze and his body as sore as Tim's. He couldn't hit him, and Tim was already fighting back. He was holding back a lot, but he was no longer letting himself look like the poor gay nerd who was bullied at school.
"You fucking faggot!" snarled Nathan, clearly helpless at not being in a position to physically counterattack. "I'll make you sorry!"
"I've heard that so many times," snorted Dick Grayson in all his glory, crossing his arms from beside Tim and Nathan.
Tim's heart pounded hard in his chest. He wanted to cry with relief.
Nathan bit his lip and panicked, he seemed to think it for a moment, then walked silently back to the gym. Two against one and him injured, he wasn't that dumb apparently.
"Whew, that was too easy," Dick sighed. "I didn't want to hit a fifteen-year-old."
"Eighteen, bro. He's eighteen."
Dick dismissed it with his hand.
"It's all the same, you're still twelve."
Tim smiled and in a second was in Dick's arms. He sobbed a little without shedding tears.
"Sorry," he murmured against his older brother's chest. "And thank you."
"No," Dick sighed again for the umpteenth time and squeezed the boy in his arms. "You forgive me. I should have asked you to explain before I assumed." They broke the embrace, but were still close to each other. "Are they really bullying you, Tim? I'm sorry, but I heard what he said to you and... you know, I can put two and two together."
This was not how Tim wanted to come out of the closet. Or reveal that he was being bullied at school. Like, ever.
Tim wiped his wet eyes.
"Kon and I...," he slurped the snot out of his mouth.
"You don't need to tell me, little brother," Dick whispered.
"But I want to, Dick! I wanted, and I want, to tell you, but you weren't listening to me again."
Dick's heart shrank. It was true, he had gotten himself into this trust problem. He had shown Tim that he had other priorities, he hadn't let his little brother talk and had raised his voice to him without letting him answer. He loved Damian, but he had acted so much like a father to him that he had almost forgotten to be a big brother.
He was there to listen to his brother and support him, not to judge his decisions and try to guide him. They were to make mistakes together and let Bruce scold them. Laugh at their mistakes, repeat them because they were young and should learn from them. They had to have fun together, not tense the room every time they got together, avoid their stares and fighting when they tried to converse.
Dick should have been the one to suggest piercing his ears (because he looked great with rings!) instead of freaking out about it because it wasn't like his brother. They should joke about getting matching tattoos and helping him run away from home to party with his, apparently, boyfriend. Listen to him complain about school instead of scolding him for how he behaved in school.
Dick failed as a big brother since he tried to behave like a father, but his father had returned and it was time to get back on par with his little brothers.
"It's okay, Tim. Talk. I'll listen to you."
Tim felt like it had been a thousand years since he last drank a milkshake together with Dick. He was nothing short of exploding with excitement to spend time with his brother again, just the two of them as civilians, pretending they were normal brothers and spending time together while gossiping about their friends, i.e., other superheroes.
"Chocolate and marshmallows is not a milkshake, it's like, cold hot chocolate or something," Dick explained as he set Tim's glass in front of him and took a sip of his own milkshake.
"Yours has popcorn on it, Dick, you can't judge me."
"I guess."
Tim didn't know where to start, there was so much he wanted to vent to his big brother about that he didn't know where to begin. He wanted to yell at him, he wanted to hug him, cry and hit him, apologize and thank him.
Dick wins him.
"Can you let me get started?" quietly asked Dick, after downing his milkshake by half.
Tim nodded, trying to concentrate on his drink instead of the person in front of him.
"Look, I want to start by apologizing. I've been doing a lot of thinking and I never apologized for everything I implied while Bruce was, well, missing. I want to make something clear, Timmy. You should never let people pressure you to do things you don't want to do; not to confess to liking someone, not to accomplish missions you don't agree with, not to grow up when you're not ready and leave a stage you haven't outgrown," Tim felt his eyes getting wet, but he took a long sip of his milkshake and popped a marshmallow in his mouth, swallowing the urge to cry with that. "I shouldn't have taken Robin away from you like I did, Tim. I should have talked to you... You're my equal, gods, you're my brother, and even the stupid cowl didn't have to change that. I wanted you to be like Nightwing and Batgirl are to Batman, independent allies who don't dance to his tune; I wanted you to be more than my sidekick, but I did everything wrong. I'm sorry for that. I'm really sorry about that. And I don't think you did everything you did out of spite, I'm grateful you brought our dad back. I never thanked you either. I'm proud of you, little brother, and that you trusted me to catch you despite how badly I failed you."
Tim sniffled through his snot and let a tear fall, wiped it away quickly and laughed a watery laugh.
"I love you, Dick," he sobbed.
"Aw, I love you too, little brother. You're part of the best part of my life."
"Sorry for being a spoiled brat," Tim insisted.
"If I have to, I forgive you. Anyway, the earrings look great on you," he laughed. "And, if you'd told me you were being picked on, I'd have gone to bully those guys a lot sooner. Nightwing may be a hero first, but Dick Grayson is a loving brother before anything else."
Tim wiped the remnants of mucus on his lip with his sleeve and laughed again. Gods, he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so light next to Dick, not afraid of Damian coming along and hogging him or feeling angry at his brother's condescension. He was happy.
"I was so mad at you, I swear," Tim admitted. "I thought you wrote me off as a brat in his rebellious age and nothing more, unhappy with everything and everyone. I guess we just had to communicate, but gods, that's so hard in this family."
"It's okay, I guess I'm a little hard-headed too. Kori says it all the time, also that I'm a bit dramatic."
"A little? Sometimes I think you didn't tell me about Damian taking Robin just to make it more shocking on purpose."
Dick grimaced uncomfortably and finished drinking his milkshake.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that too. I think it was great for Damian to be Robin, but I forgot that it gave life to you as well. I should have planned it better. Although I think, now more than ever, little brother, maybe the time has come for you to find your own hero, hasn't it?"
"Mm," Tim sighed. "Yes. Anyway, I couldn't be Robin forever. Who I am is already a problem for another day. Maybe by the time I graduate. If I do graduate this time..."
"Don't talk nonsense," Dick rolled his eyes. "Third time's the charm."
There was something Tim didn't know how to bring up. It was easy with Jason, he manipulated the situation and confessed before Tim, but everything was different with Dick. Despite what the rumors said, he was sure that Dick was straight enough that he didn't quite understand Tim, after all, he had seen him talk to Kori and he was either too much in love or too straight; unlike Jason, who was very gay, especially after coming out to his younger brother; he was the tough guy but soft on the inside, very different from the outgoing lover that Dick was.
He did not know the extent of his older brother's good perception and intuition. "So...," Dick began. He snapped Tim out of his own thoughts. "Connor."
"Ugh, I hate that old man," Tim growled. Somehow, he felt more comfortable now. "I..." He knew Dick had told him he shouldn't tell him if he didn't want to, but he really wanted to. He just didn't know how. Dick's hopeful look encouraged him without pressuring him. "Conner is my best friend, like Wally and you," his brother nodded and waited. "But I love him like you love Kori," Tim said in a whisper. He swallowed audibly and exhaled all the air he'd been holding during his statement.
Gods, was that so hard?
"Then you must love him very much." Dick smiled so much that his eyes disappeared and his face flushed.
Tim smiled back and began swinging his feet under the reserved seat.
"Yes... Yes. I love Kon very much."
"And you are...?"
"Am I?" asked Tim curiously.
"Uhm, are you bi or...? I mean, you dated Steph and Ariana, but..."
Good. Tim had thought about it a lot actually. He loved Ariana so much, she was his first love, she was sweet, very pretty and she was fucking in love with him. He wasn't in love with her though. He loved her, he just didn't love her back enough to call it a mutual romance. Similar with Stephanie, just a little hotter... He loved her a ton, loved her as a best friend, however, he wasn't sexually attracted to her. And he tried so hard to convince himself that he was attracted to her, even though she was the one who forced the relationship a bit at first, because he grew to love her and wanted to have her around in almost every way. He just didn't... He couldn't reciprocate her in everything she wanted. In the end, not in love either.
But Conner was a lifeline he wanted to hold on to. He wanted to touch him, kiss him, love him, laugh with him, hold his hand and never let go. He wanted a future together, a forever.
"I... I think I'm gay, Dickie."
Then he began to laugh. Dick followed him.
"Point for Jay, I guess," he snorted. "He...?"
"Well, yeah. He knows, I'm sorry."
"No wonder they were so close, conspiring against me," Dick snorted.
"Wait, he told you?"
"Tell me what, that he's gay? No, no. It's more my gut... and his obvious crush on Roy when we were young, before the Joker and all that, you know. Unless he's bisexual or something else and I'm not aware of it. I doubt he's aroace, if you ask me: too much of a crush and romantic."
"Gods, let's not discuss their sexuality, please, ew." Dick's smile widened maniacally.
Oh. So Dick didn't know Roy and Jason were together. Interesting.
"By the way, are you as straight as you look?" Tim asked, raising an eyebrow and topping off his chocolate milkshake.
"Well, I had a stage of questioning whether I liked Wally, but I think it was because we got along too well and he reminded me a bit of Barbara. Of course, then there was Kori and my world was turned upside down by one girl," he admitted proudly. "Sorry, little brother, but Richard Grayson-Wayne is straight and cis. Don't be grossed out by me, please. Heterophobia and all that," he joked.
"You were already grossing me out anyway," Tim guffawed. He hoped no one, who didn't understand the sarcasm, heard them, besides the waitress who had just passed them and let out a small chuckle.
Finally Tim could breathe in peace. No more nausea, no more tears, no more frustration and helplessness. He could now talk to his brother like in the old days. At least for now.
"By the way, Dick, have you actually tried weed?"
Uh. Dick was in trouble.
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miles2g0 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Red Robin (Comics), Nightwing (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tim Drake & Dick Grayson Characters: Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth Additional Tags: Whumptober 2022, Hurt Tim Drake, Hurt Dick Grayson, Protective Dick Grayson, Good Older Sibling Dick Grayson, Whump, Monsters, Demons Series: Part 5 of Whumptober 2022 Summary:
Another wave of nausea hit him hard and he felt weakness overtaking him, his legs turning to jelly. “Dick,” he warned. Dick’s attention snapped to him. “Dick I don’t think—I can’t—I ca—” His vision was blackening at the edges and he felt Dick grab a hold of his shoulders to keep him standing. He could hear him speaking, but it sounded like he was underwater. Dammit, Dick needed to go, he shouldn’t be wasting time with Tim’s useless dead weight. “Dick. Dick, go—you—”
 ---- Dick and Tim are at a gala when a demon attacks.
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arunneronthird · 2 months
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he will use every chance he gets to be a drama queen and if he doesnt have one he will create one
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ahfrickenfrick · 1 month
nightwing being hurt in the field, and over comms he can’t get out what was wrong, nearly in shock, and jason puts on his best batman™️ voice and says “robin, report.”
and it snaps dick out of it enough to say concussion, possible broken ribs, and a gash in his side.
no one talks about it, and then a year later, damian does the same thing to tim
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randoparody · 2 months
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bianc0re · 2 months
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arcade night 🕹️🦇
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vodrae · 5 months
Rich pregnant socialite: So we went to this clinic and let them manipulate our genes so we're 100% sure our child won't have any disease, he will have my hair and his father eyes and so much things we did for him! And you Bruce ?
Brucie: Found em in the trash. Except Tim, he found me in the trash.
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fact-dogsarehappiness · 2 months
Another reason why I’m a firm believer in letting Bruce get old is because the idea of him looking and his dark haired children without his glasses on and genuinely not being able to tell them apart is unparalleled
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audhd-nightwing · 9 months
batboys au
i don’t have an official title for this au yet so for now i’m calling it “tim and his immortal zombie brothers”
dick is taken by the court of owls after his parents die. he helps batman when bruce destroys the court, and afterwards he disappears. bruce looks but can’t find him.
dick sets base in an abandoned building and basically decides to watch over crime alley like batman does with the rest of gotham. he hunts for food (mostly bugs, rodents and birds) cuz he can’t get sick, but needs to eat a lot.
he spends most days in the library reading and learning stuff (new languages, science, history, etc). he meets jason while investigating Ma Gunn’s and they work together to take her down. jason decides to stay with dick instead of go with bruce but forces dick to get an actual apartment (he does).
jason convinces dick to train him, though he already has some experience and his own skills. dick adopts the name Robin and jason goes by Shrike. they become legit vigilantes of crime alley.
jason finds out dick is a talon a bit after he starts out as Shrike. they are in the middle of a fight and dick is fatally shot- jason loses it and almost beats the shooter to death (it’s just one guy left at this point). dick gets up and pulls jason off, hugs him, and promises to explain when they get home. afterwards, jason punches dick for not telling him until he literally had no other choice.
jason’s death
the joker escapes arkham and kidnaps jason (14) while he’s on solo patrol (they split the area to cover more ground). joker beats jason with a crowbar when dick (16) realizes he’s missing and races to find him. he arrives just in time to see the warehouse explode. dick brings jason’s body back to their apartment and then goes out and kills the joker (bruce is on a JL mission when all this happens, so he isn’t there to stop him).
jason comes back to life (superboy prime alternate dimension stuff idk), but is not fully healed and goes temporarily comatose.
dick knows about the LoA from the court and info he’s gathered over the years, and is able to contact talia. she agrees to let jason use the lazarus pit in exchange for a favor from dick, and they go meet her in nanda parbat. dick stays there with him during his recovery, so there are no drastic changes in his personality (aside from the trauma of fucking dying). they train together there for about 6 months before returning to gotham.
(his favor to talia is, later on, taking damian from her father and bringing him to bruce)
introducing tim
once they return to gotham, they appear to gain a stalker. they decide to leave the kid alone at first, but eventually get concerned because a kid really should not be out at night alone in crime alley.
dick (17) and jason (15) finally confront their stalker when they save him from getting mugged. the kid introduces himself as tim (12) and explains that he was curious about the young vigilantes in crime alley and decided to follow and photograph them. also he figured out Robin’s real name- dick grayson (who tim had theorized wasn’t dead despite the boy having been missing for years).
the boys are actually really impressed, but they try to dissuade tim from following them (which obviously fails). they then decide to teach him basic self defense and make sure he’s always within shouting distance/view of one of them while out at night.
tim, being the genius he is, figures out they aren’t fully human anymore. he doesn’t judge them for it, but he brings it up to them because he’s curious, so they explain talons and the lazarus pit.
once tim gets older they start to actually train him, and he becomes another vigilante (Magpie). also, because his parents leave him home alone for months at a time, he pretty much lives with dick and jason (but sometimes, when it’s really cold/hot or heavily raining/snowing, they all stay at drake manor instead of the apartment).
a bit after dick turns 18, talia contacts him and tells him it’s time to uphold his part of their deal. leaving jason in charge of the Alley, he goes to nanda parbat, steals baby damian (he’s four), gets him to gotham and brings him to bruce.
basically, instead of adopting dick & jason, bruce just gets damian way earlier.
(p.s. dick knows bruce wayne is batman because of the Court, but jason and tim don’t know. when he explains the situation jason is like ‘how tf did bruce wayne meet talia and have a kid with her’ and dick is like ‘oh yeah, he’s batman’ and jason & tim explode)
bruce’s kids
bruce is about 30 when damian (quite literally) drops into his life. a year or two later, he finds cassandra and subsequently adopts her.
steph (spoiler, 15) has been working alongside him for about a year or so already, and babs (batgirl, 20) has been working with him for four-ish years. both forced him to let them work alongside him and he gave up trying to stop them
i have a lot more stuff but this is the basic storyline
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sumpter · 2 months
ALSO the fact that tim drake canonically watches bruce get stabbed, spies on the titans tower, knows all of the titans schedules, spies on dick’s apartment with kori, breaks into dick’s old apartment, follows him to the circus, has kept newspaper clippings of batman and robin since he was able to read, knows what art bruce wayne collects, had dreams about being saved by batman and robin and y’all REDUCE his stalker tendencies to just he followed them and took pictures….. no. no, we need him crazier.
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pichichu-studio · 21 days
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Family tradition 🥰🥰🥰
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redactedrem · 16 days
Headcanon where after so many arguments between the batkids and Bruce over his paranoia and complete disregard for his kids privacy, the entire family had compromised with (in the healthiest way possible) downloading life360 on their phones and that's how they all keep track of each other.
Now Bruce knew that this is mostly for his benefit and is supposed to be a healthy alternative for his unhealthy paranoia and helicopter parenting, but what he wasn't expecting was for his kids to start keeping track of him.
He's putting gas in his car and Dick calls him because apparently Dick has been watching him drive around on the app? And Bruce is currently at a gas station thats right around the corner from a Taco Bell and now Dick wants him to get food for everyone since he's already there.
He's driving home from a meeting and Steph calls him because her and Duke were shopping in the area and wants to know if he can pick them up, when he asks how she knew he was on the same street, he gets a "Oh I just like to stalk everyone on the app for funsies." as an answer.
Jason calls him and he can barely get out a hello before Jason cuts him off, "Bruce why the fuck is your phone battery on 5%, charge your damn phone" which completely stuns him because why does he know that. He clears his throat before answering. "Jason, what?"
"Everyone can see each others phone batteries on '360, now charge your phone." Is all he gets before Jason hangs up on him.
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redsray · 2 months
the funniest part of any Robin meeting the JL is that every Robin is so distinctly different from the previous one in terms of personality and vibes that the league literally gets backlash. and like, I don't blame them. not to mention that they are non-meta children that dress as a traffic light and fight crime alongside batman in gotham on a nightly basis. i'd also be a bit concerned. Batman, literally The Night of Gotham personified in the League's eyes, coming into a JL meeting: This is Robin, my crime-fighting partner. 11-year-old Dick Grayson, dressed in the brightest primary colours possible, vaguely hidden murder behind those eyes, never stops moving even for a moment: Hi! Superman: That's a child. That's-- Bats that is a child. You let a child--? Batman, deadpan: You try to stop him. Would you rather he try and murder a grown man with a wire?
Batman: This is Robin. 12-year-old Jason Todd, with the biggest grin on his face, about 3 books in his hand, stars in his eyes and a distinct street-kid drawl: Hey!!! Green Lantern: That's ... that's a different child. What?? Jason: I stole his tires :) Batman: Tried to. Jason, stage whispering to the League: basically did. Green Lantern: that is a different kid, right?? I'm not seeing shit??
Batman: This is Robin. 14-year-old Tim Drake, bo staff clutched in his hand, a wary and tired expression on his face, more on the quiet side, the literal walking definition of don't judge a book by it's cover: hello Flash: Where do you even find these-- Tim: I found myself.
Batman: This is Robin. 17-year-old Stephanie Brown, literally blonde, with a shit-eating grin, eyes full of nothing but mischief and the most explosive personality you've ever seen: hiya!! Superman: I give up. Stephanie: I know, I have that amazing effect on people.
Batman: This is Robin. 13-year-old Damian Wayne, a literal wet cat that will hiss at you, has a sword, the most judgemental stare you'll get from a teenager, ready to jump anyone there: Green Lantern: WHY DOES HE HAVE A SWORD?! Batman: ... he came with the sword.
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randoparody · 10 days
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malenjoyer · 24 days
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