#demonization of mental illness
alostlittleriverlotus · 4 months
not in a good mood cause my friend's boyfriend is dealing with his abusive mom. And after a recent issue they had of her verbally abusing him, he found out about narcissistic abuse and ow. Ow. Thing is, he's autistic/adhd and has BPD and DID. I just. I fucking hate how easy it is. He repeated that "autistic and adhd people attract narcissists."
NO!!!!! Luckily he's very open minded and chill and is trying to understand when my friend tells him. But still. The fact that someone with equally demonized disorders and BPD which can be very commonly comorbid with NPD and then demonizes narcissists cause of how widely available that information is hurts. Just...no. Just no.
That is how easily accessible the information on "narcissists" is. He learned about it that easily when that ableism stems from the same place as the rest of hatred of mental health. There are people that believe you can't be in a relationship with someone with ADHD without it being emotionally abusive. People think meltdowns from autistic people are intentional emotional abuse. There are people that still believe that stuff.
It is so important for the rest of the mentally ill to not fall into this hole of demonizing narcissists. That ableism stems from the same place that ableism against autistic people and depression and anxiety and all stem from.
Narcissism doesn't make someone more likely to abuse. They do not have unique patterns of abuse. It is just abuse. It is emotional abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse. Just because someone that may have NPD is abusive does not make it narcissistic abuse. And also: if your abuser, especially if you are genetically related to them, has NPD then that raises the chance YOU would have NPD. It doesn't guarantee it, but personality disorders are a mix of trauma and genetics.
Anyone with any disorder can be abusive. People without disorders can be abusive. The majority of abusive people most likely don't have a personality disorder. It's the same as assuming that "all serial killers are schizophrenic" which is something my brother said to me recently. It's the same as believing all criminals are "psychopaths" when that just isn't true.
Anyone with or without disorder or neurodivergency has the ability to abuse and hurt others. A lot of the time, abusers may be just neurotypical. Narcissists aren't more likely to abuse than anyone else. Their disorder does not make them abusive. Any disorder can affect their treatment of someone.
I have dealt with many people who used their depression as a way to abuse me. It does not make it depression or depressive abuse. The disorder is irrelevant, the abuse is not.
If you lump in narcissists with abusers, you are lumping in other people that have been abused and traumatized with their abusers. I have been compared to a rapist, to a child sex offender, to a serial killer for being a narcissist. I have seen people saying to kill every narcissist since it would be better for people. I have been told I am lying about my abuse and actually my abusive ex boyfriend didn't abuse me, *I* abused *HIM.*
Narcissistic abuse does not exist. It is not a different or unique pattern. It is not "different than NPD cause the word narcissist existed before NPD" (when it is heavily associated with NPD and many resources say it is about NPD.) It is not a special type of abuse done by people with NPD. It is bullshit. You don't need "narcissistic abuse" to be able to understand your own abuse. Narcissists are not everywhere and looking to harm you. It keeps you scared and traumatized. It is not healing, it is not helping.
I'm just so upset cause my friend's BF is such a cool dude and I have faith he will learn over time, but it was so triggering. I split so fucking bad. So yes. Here's my rant and the reminder that: Narcissistic abuse is bullshit and just demonizes people with NPD and the mentally ill and people they often claim are narcissists aren't and are just privileged and entitled and shitty people and often have to do with more systemic problems that are normalized and accepted by society rather than, you know, icky mentally ill person.
Oh and btw. If you're gonna fight at all on this, just block me. Either you can listen and learn or not. If you're in the "not" section, just leave. You'll just be blocked anyway. Because I'm not here to have it justified why it's okay to say narcissists are abusive when I am literally a narcissist and this shit has literally worsened me to the point of wanting to die. Fuck off. We are mentally ill people. Some people with NPD being abusive does not make us all abusive. You would never say the same for any other disorder so why say it for us? If you wouldn't say it about autism, depression, OCD, or any other literal mental illness then do NOT say it about us. There are people out there who DO still say that about those disorders. Who DO believe that a disorder makes you inherently abusive. Is that who you want to side with? Cause it's the same fucking logic. Narcissistic abuse is purely pop psychology and popularized by the mainstream rather than even being a real term. Yes, psychologists and other professionals can be wrong and can be ableist too.
I've said my piece. Narcissists and anyone else demonized whether your disorder is widely demonized or not, I love you. A lot of disorders have become more infantilized rather than demonized these days, but there are people out there that still see every mentally ill person as evil. No matter what kind of ableism you face for your disorder, you deserve love and care and support, not to be treated more like an object than a person. And no matter what, no matter how good or bad, You. Deserve. Help. You deserve to be able to have access to help without any bullshit.
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st-ivangeline · 2 years
since halloween is in a few days i just want to remind the world that using psych hospitals/asylums and mentally ill people as haunted trails/horror movies/ etc. is shitty cause mentally ill people are actively demonized by these things ,
media in general exploiting and demonizing and spreading misinformation about schizophrenia , paranoia , DID , and cluster b disorders, shouldn’t be a thing
asylums were real places that were used to harm mentally ill people or literally anyone who showed any kind of difference than what was expected in society
i’m so sick of seeing my very real medical problems be used as scare tactics around this time of year
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uchidachi · 10 months
Did I just see a 200,000 note post that used “mentally unstable” as another word for “abusive”? On my dash? Disgusting. 200,000 people are waaay too comfortable with reinforcing dangerous false beliefs about people with mental illnesses. But at least I’m following one less of them now.
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as much as it might be cool to see clips of tom holland dancing in 'the crowded room' please keep in mind this serie is actively fucking harmful to people with DID (and DID variants). don't make it a queer icon, don't encourage anything about this serie. i can't stress how fucking terrifying the existence of this movie is. we don't need a second (2nd) 'Split'.
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abodywithnosoul · 9 months
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Why is everything so heavy? 😖
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lazycranberrydoodles · 9 months
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getting back into the untamed and i had a thought. / follow for more yllz babygirlism
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betweenmee · 1 year
You don’t get it, this pain never goes away
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ilovelosermen69 · 8 months
My emotional attachment to fictional men that kill people is insane.
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no-oneknowsmyname · 6 months
he can't keep getting away with this
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medicalunprofessional · 2 months
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angellic-critique · 4 months
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Yeah Viv is going to super hell lol
I want to be shocked so badly but to the point of having most of the angels being vague black women whereas velvette/alastor are loose caricatures of mishandled lost potential I don't know what to tell this fandom anymore.
It's ridiculous how much this fandom chooses to speak actively over black voices instead of lifting to encourage the fact that vivs writing is sooooo racist as HELL<3
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whereserpentswalk · 6 months
Imagine after a few months of dating your girlfriend tells you she's a demon. You laugh a bit at first, but she takes you back to her apartment and shows you her true form, something horrific and inhuman, but stunningly beautiful. You think she's going to kill you, but she doesn't.
She tells you that demons like her, who are sent to earth, have more autonomy then those who live in the underworld. As long as she sends a letter back to her demon lord every night, and doesn't invite the ire of any gods, she's basically safe. You ask if she needs you to leave, she begs you to stay.
You don't sleep together that night. You're both to afraid.
You go throughout the city the next day asking people who you think might be able to help. Scientists, scholars, priests of every faith, warlocks and witches of every school. They all tell you the same thing, they tell you it's impossible for a creature like her to feel something for a human, that she's just going to use you, even if she tries to do good. They tell you that you only love her human mask, that you'd run away from her true form, but you've seen her true form, and it was terrifying and inhuman, but it was beautiful.
When you next come to her you keep things you'd need to protect yourself from her. A cross, passages from the Torah, a pendent of Thor's hammer, a small statue of the Buddha, any holy force you could think to keep her at bay. When you lay eyes on her again you feel like you're betraying her just by taking such protective measures.
She seems afraid. Humans have tried to hurt her before. You hold her for a momment, pet her head, tell her that everything is going to be ok.
When you sleep with her that she doesn't need to wear her human disguise. She only needs it when other people can see her now, you're safe. It would prevent her from feeling anything anyway.
When you embrace her true form it's like nothing else on earth. Something you can't describe. Something terrifying, and inhuman, and beautiful.
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schizopositivity · 1 year
Can people please stop comparing the stigma of their widely recognized mental illnesses to psychosis/schizophrenia? I understand there is stigma of other mental illnesses too, but that's a lot more talked about and debunked. When I make posts about my illness and community specifically I don't appreciate you derailing it to include your illness that doesn't face the same stigma.
People looking at you weird isn't the same as people filming you and posting it for laughs, people attacking you because they see you existing as a threat, and calling the police for showing symptoms you can't control. You can't convince me that the stigma around psychosis and schizophrenia doesn't exist or is the same as the stigma of every other mental illness. I see it every day, I've experienced it myself, I don't share my illness publicly because I fear for my own physical safety and humanity.
Here are some examples I have naturally come across on YouTube comments recently, people don't usually fight against these and they are the norm: [TW: sanism, serial killer mention, demonic possession mention, forced medication, forced hospitalization]
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We don't commit most violent crimes in the world. We are not inherently violent. But society's belief that this is true and that we should all be locked up for the rest of our life is still believed widely today. This is what I am advocating against. This is what I want changed in the world and at the very least in the neurodiversity community. We just want to be seen as humans, please do not make this about other mental illnesses.
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madame-mongoose · 8 months
You! Random youtuber!! Are you normal about people with personality disorders? Answer quickly
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rooolt · 8 months
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You don’t understand the extent to which I’m insane about them. Absolutely nuts dynamic we should explore more often
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blushinmoon · 18 days
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˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ 𝓛𝓮𝓽’𝓼 𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓲𝓷 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 ꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
Btw their ship name is ✨𝓢𝓮𝔁𝓸𝓭𝓾𝓼✨ (Selene x Exodus)
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